IN A-SHROUD. ohMgo B-BOinol her, ontored Mr. Har-" 0 caii covci' aa much ground aa tbo pM'« offloo in company with hor.™- 5^5 MISSING MAN MURDERED CAPE NOME GOLD FIELD. X-SLAVES DEFRAUDED THE ' NEWS - EPITOMIZED. Olys who bow at Mammon'* nbrlno, dor olork, oho found tho. caohiur nnd .'Orago uaddlo-horao, nud a man Bhoulo •Whose hearts.with greed.are, gr 0 suro that ho has n pood mount be- tho floorwalkor -viyth Mr. Harper Waslilaaroo It«ma« ' '/' " -' Who turn your hacks en lhln» dhtat , «Mi88 Falrohil.1," said Mr. Harper ro ho tricii to get out of tho way ol Body ol Georgo B. Eyre Found In Information Givon by tho Amerioan 'onsion Swindle is How Reaching. Officers of ths Stato ot Washington an ' And worship but th*«od at goJi» -., TALES OF PLUCK I no which 13 angry. My brother was accused ot bnvlnp: been'Instrumental.En .- •'yon aro aoonnod of purloining a yahi- Icneral Buller's Advance on the iho Dolawaro River. Consul at Viotoria. Great Proportions. Wbat will It profit jrott when soatb . sbjopicooof laoo from tho counter ut in tho mountains of tho Territory, tbo kidnaping by British GolamMon of- • lays, low tbs head ao kingly prond ; -jong tbo snoop ranchca, ono da} flolals of an American named Everett,' and and robs Iho wasted form ot breath? Havo yon anything to nay?" ABU ADVENTUBE. Boers' Entrenched Positions, ths Slate Department will In-zoatlguto. . - ?hon ho naw, about 250 yarda ahead Htavv Maab Eipecteil lo tho S|irlna:-Th« 1 . : Taors are no la a throua.... Mary wao otunnod for a momont.but. Ho nml llten Shot, anil ma llodf. W«lgtit- :n*nrta to Sump It Uat—In Spite of OraV jTbo Navy Depanmtst bu prepared a .ut. if him, o.bigi awkwnrd ailver-tip. Mj ,-< Colt of Uvlnx—8S0O Will Hint » cl»t Warnlnjrs Manj SfBro.i Are- Jpur thouBhta~by. day; your dreams Py nuciouB of her iunooonco, Boon ril llorora lldtiK Tut Into 1ti> tariff ror Ouam baooil on lbslobudnlcii now irothcr had a tifloi but ho Wan not Binall Uouse. * In uso for Cuba and Puortp-.Bfco. O: found voico to ne.y, with simplil o ddigni- Uotr lbs Itlnnra Btcurcil c W«l«r-UallT« Far Held. P«jlnt Moo»r lo Ibe Troinoten. jrlaitt* that ho would kill tho bear II MEETS STUBBORN RESISTANCE. Tbe HOUBS passed ths Senate mnaxuro to*, ly", that thoro must bo oomo mir,. HE departure from Helena, g taio." - io ohot, and ho did not know how a bnllrttbs Leitgus blanA and Mara Iilaad ng la your brtln.' *- Montnnn, of Ai J. Soligtnan ace would turn ont. Ho was mounted 1 WAanmoTos, B. 0. (apoclnl).-Abrahntn Wisomoion,' D! C. (Bpeclnl).—Tho on-, dry docks of atono Instead of tlmbdr. ^ -.. .' *ln« Ililllili nrxlutlljr Fiirc.a (ho Bo«» . DniDutronr, N. J. (Special).—Tba Cor- 1 u »!m3 hoblnd "This young Womau hiiosod Iho and wifo for Ntow York to ro- >n ono of tho best burden ill tho coun £. Bmlt^ Unltod States Conml at Vlotorln,. nvo pouslon twlndlo tins taken deopor TUQ Senate resolveil to males an..Inquiry . v ^SeruMio aa a mfldQfcSprowd ldco and callod Mr. Bray, who found Uack-Oeittrj Alllllir/ Plro Cnvsrtid onor hold nn'. Inquut lato tbo dc&tb ot U. O,, la a report to tbo Stato Dopartra-.-ut, as-to polygamy fntho' United Slates.'. 0 , ' ; _ oido permanently rccnlln ono ty, [or a man needed ono in thoRt >ot and sproad lunborthan. had boen sup- B. Eyrit,-tbo Clitalor clubman and - Colonel Oeorco SI. Handallr Eighth XQ- . . XooTutca tnldollnrB, but you'lnlnd—--'- lUn-your magazino portfolio. Hon Tof tbo most thrilling kidnapping casos lli< Inf.nirr^lluinhcrt u,. predicts n ([rent rash to tho Capo Norao losed oven bj.OoTcramont onlclali. Tho •.'• '""•". Thoro »«no pockets In a saiond. ~ layo. Ho know ttiat tho bear wonlc ntblclo, wlioao body woa foundInthoDola- gold Hold In Abiska'tbls sprlnR. ThedlB- fajiiry, and Colonel Jaaioa H. BeU, Ttteu-' did it get there?" nskod Mr. Harper. of Bocky Monntnin region. Bclig- eii Thslr Polltlom'TVIlli Counci lelaslou Ibat the UnUoJ Stales Uovora- r lot tight unless wounded orcornerod, wnro nivcr, near boro, Bauday. At tho la- tnnesfrom Vlutorls to Cnpo Nomo Is S500 ty-SRvontb Infautry, worc''nomlnatod''by . c .' Vx'o.rflurora who grind tho poor •. • .' . - "I am saro I do uot know," replied raan, who is a well-known bnnkcr and ml ho thought ho would liko to cee sMInc IMblM All ll it to ponsloa all tbo persons ths.Frealdont for.bTlgadtor.eonerala. SR/. •-"- . Bmeath a cold, rolontlcas boo!» Miry, with a great sinking of heart. quret Dr. OoorKe O. Laws told of tbo dls* mllea, entirely by water; anil ths transpor- "• V'r-;fe'S>£W5oo»or«tjnaowmany a door,. mining raau, WOB lurorl td a mountain IOW ho would run ngaiunt his horoe. covorlua bo made at bis aatnpay on Eyro'a tation nirenolos havo n'rjady booked nl| ho were la slavery b«fo» tbo ClvllWar A delegation of Tanrto Itlcaas appeare-i- •:«A'rtV?.'-' TVMnsIondof misery, nndfeel It Bsomed as U a dark nbjBB yawned cabin in 1888 by tho miners employed Ho wns pretty certain that the bosi Lo.-uos (By C«blo).-aoiiornl Bollot bo- body. Tboy proro Iba crime to havo boeil the passenRora that tan bo -carried on the n fixed bollef throughout tno fjoutborn boforo Sooretary Root tourgo tQeasarosfc^ ' beforo bor. tho rollef of tbo pooplo of tbs Inland. . * j •-•'"-• So sympathy to BOO tbem Ho. " ," ill tbo Gregory mini", ucur Wickco, ould rim from him if ho could once Kiln III! final movo for tbo -rollel or LAOJ-- cent brutal, tbo murderer most dolor- flnt trlpa on nil tho veMOls tbnt can bo ob- Itnten' thanks lo the Ingenuity with whioh . ' Esacoth too hand ot sorrow coired, • "You do uot know, Miss Faiiehild, and bold liiui'forSIO.OOi) in wagon duo, umltb mveral OD aa poaslbls. iaa been rflten to tbs rnically cbnraolor ol done by ths Public Frlntor. ' " ',--•: . TTbatls tbs profit to tbo mia . young laoo dork, nternly, guarded in a cabin for Ihrco ilnyc. Oenetol Eullst'i rorcci luen advanc«d, and dood. ' . ' bs sxmdlo. poor nil serrroea- nro paylng- • ItdpreaentatLva- Junta*. 8. 8berman, of -.',,- WnoBS^lfoto Mammon liaa bean given? ihuffliug off towards tbo mountain, Thspnvalllng fnro from 8eattl» orYlf- RotrYorlt, boj-rtSm-llomt la «ccopt.tbo-aii*, '-': £'l«ldg*.Dt gold can nsrerspan "Evon if I did not know thnt jon Beligmnn was one nf tho largest ibout a- niilo and a half away. My all roporla «liow«a tlmt ttio nrmlca ot llio Cyro dlapppoared on Decomber 91 lait, nonbr regolarly la the expectation or^ret- •>' :Ths gulf between tho earth and hoavenl were - innocont, I would never bavi Mocklioldcra iu tho Orcgory pilvcr roptibllci made n flcrco nnd dotermlnoil wbllo he WIIB uuunlng on tbo Delaware. lorla to Caps Nomo Ii »I0O for flmt-olnas inn a big windfall from the Government; cretaryablp of tbo Daltod BtatosBeaat«^-:: . >rothor spurred his horso and lit oui Dr. liaws'ouoa tlmtn<9ttarRo.ot abot bad md now reports from all oror tbo South .'• ' What will It be to blm to dad believed yon guilty. But, fortunnto mipo, which nt that timo nbowoil dofotis* of t.belr flatrenoliod poiltlona. nnd 880 for socond-clais pasiags. Tho Postmasters bavs been notlfled tbat. lbs — l.Ttj» wealth with which ho I> cndowoil ftor" tho grizzly, at tho unmo timo beou Ilred from tnliloil'Into tbo nnrorto* rots for tbo transportation of frrlgut 19 bow that ths dotnslon- Is spreading every- poBtage on lotters to tbo Fhtllpptnos- baa - AtTaoth'* gate moot bo lolt boblnd? ,ly, I walkoii hone a fow nightn ago Bignn of deterioration, and on account Looping up tho pierciog 4Yeop-yoep' On Buudn'y ln» War Offlco rocolved tljo nato mnn's beai!. And It Itad boen flrod at •Waton.- ' , ', where fastnr than tho Oovornment expo- been reduced to two conta. .,- ^ -Taororao no poctota inn abroad, . behind two of ray employes, and over of a detlcit, it is said, tho regular pay fullowlng dlspstcli from Qoneml Bullor: •ucb closo rnatco tbat a boltt two tnouoa In "Ths roporU that had boen clroulntea mrcs can follow, In tbs Senato Mr: PcUlcrow'a Pbltlpplas ' f tbo cowboy. Tho bear soon got dlnmctor bad bocn mado la tbo akall. Eomn A discovery madn by tho&enato Commit- hoard them plotting U«'s thing tt day paused without tho !!0'J or 300 nto Iho running, nud tho way ho gol ".Spoarman'a Oamp.-aooiral Warrsa bna ot tbo abot and two gon-wada remained last season In regard to ths gold dlicov- resolution was tnbtod and an.nmenqmont'- ThlsllijtAataspan; to-day •• bring 'disgrace upon yon. " Mr. Mul omployeD- receiving their wngefl. been oDRnmiil nil dny, clilefly on bis lott oiJM'at Capo Noms wero qulte'e«n«rally. in on Tenslona^hOwa what n lnoratlva to ths resolution ot Senator Hoar, cnllln-j vor that ground was a caution. My Imboddod In tbo brolo. dhpatod hore." writes tbo Consul, "thn 2hemo tbls must bo. to tbo men who* ars on thr> President to rumba copies ot Ifto .Wn'roTiore; to-morrow wo oro gone, - Ion/' ho said, turning tu the cashior Beligman went to Wickcs several days whloU ho lim SWOUB torirnrd aboat 1 No man could btive llvod an imtant nf- roylog nntbe iRnoruacouf anunfortunato -.;.'•.HHYO faded from tho enrth nway ' irotber raw that tho bruto waa got- counlo ot miles. opinion Doing that the Atlln and Kionklko !nstruotlon« to tha Poaco Oommlailoflcra, "and you, Miss Clark," speaking tc afterward lo mako a personal s*- tcr rocclvlOK ao torrlblo n wound. Yet countries wen moro promising and also lass. .The commutes bas two "member- was defeatod. Tbo voto on tbe latter wa» ,' .' latootaralty'sstrnngb dawnt' ing away from him, and ho urged bis "Tho ground Is Tory dlHIeuli, ^Bird.~iis ErorErro'ainrtigJMlOllsnt lt t raised blow oiler blp cortlOcntos" In Ibsso-ealled "assorla- ';?etta the hungry grood for Katos ," tho frightened laoo clerk, "aro non nmination of (ho mine, when in somo Ji%. lt? n'"'« '• »» tho Ooo up bill, it Is oaslor ofacceta. Luttbolnittwoatearners it to 30. - - '•-(.' lorno to tlm utmost, but ho did not i blob w on blblB uoadTsoaablnuoadTsoaablnb g bU aUuiU l IIntn o from tbs North effectually dlapellai nil un- Ion" to wblch tbo former slaves are In- >Too-many ot ins gold ahrlno bowed, dismissed from my employ." manner minor gained currency among dinicult to «ay oxactly how muoh w» bavo thirthi y plecoal . TTbon tbo murdorardo r tietid a laood tobeloofr. It costs twenty-five conts The War DopartmenfroporU to. ', ) Forget that whoa theSlhyaparc wanes nin ten yards in tho wholo milo and Knlnod, bnt I Iblnk no on mnklor aab- certaintlea, tbo passengers bringing wltp ports from tho port of Hollo daring 1 ' They walked ont in silenco foHowoc- tho miuern thr.t Soligman intended to welftbt to bis Tlctlm'a legs nnd. dropped them Indhipntablo ovlilonee tbnt all along OROt ouo ot tliose oortlnontei, and tho ,' -Tnoro ere BO pockets in a abroad. half. That bear lumbered along Btnotlal progrefta." blai overboard. But, bnpplly, tbs welgbt lues nrs teu cents a month. ~ montba ot Tobrunr-r. Uarca'anil April, '•• — '•• • - , —DcnvorPost. by" the' floorwalkor, and Mary anc order tho mini) abut down ami that A pcesa dlapatoli from B[iMrman-«Camn, tho'beach In th» vicinity of Capo Nome ' J83», aggrated 8549,437. , • ••. they juigbt not got their pay. A rilli leaps equal to n greyhound, and beeamo dotacbed and tbo rtvor gavo up Its gold In paying qaantltloa can bo bad lor BosldOBtbat. Ueforoa-local branphof ths Mr. Harper woro loft alone. ia pursuer did not havo a chance to dntud lato Banday OTODIDR. siiyi: aoflret. tbo digging. 'ossoolntlon" la tormedlts membors bavs The House Committee on tho Judlolnrr ' Mary had bcrno herself with st hurried coufercn'co of tho minors wan "Artor ton hours ot oontlnuoua and torrl- From tbe cliaraoter'of ths gunshot wound "Anamborof theasmen bnvs calloa at o pay 42.50 for a oharter. One of tbo cur- fixed. February IS as ths dato (or a«oaoral gsaosoooaooooooooaooooofloa called, with tho result that Keligmau it him out from bin retreat. Mlnflro Saturday Oonorals n»rt sad Clerr and tho dlrootlon of tbo abot Dr. Law* ia llflcntoj irliloh tis fatten Into tbo bnnds of Sealing upon ths proposed constitutional ranch, dignity tbrongh tho trial tha' "I wont over Iho courso tho neil niiraocou oDotuousaad yards. Tbo Boon certain tbnt tbo gun waa Ilred by a maa tho Consulate, exhibiting ipoolmess of Ibf amendment granting woman suffrage.. . r tho president oould not conceal hii was seized ami carried four or tivo gold, snylngtboy dug It on tbo boacb neat hs Soonto eommlttoe Is datoil July 6,1897, milen distant into a lonely part of tho lay to verify the story, for it eouudco the water's udse; that men with only band ind Is numbered 1307. The other Is dated l\jLfter,j2iouds, Sunshine, admiration. Ho asked himself if sbi laky to mo. I found that the boal shovels and tbe slmplost nnd rudest 01 Iprll 17/1890, and Is nqmoerod 85,710. This Oar ai*loDt«-l Islnmla, . '; wcro not tho woman to install ar Bocky Mountains, wucro ho wna [ndlcatoatho momentum witb wbloh tbo Cobat Bawnll aqd Puerto Rloo wllljhavo md mado jumps from ilftecnto twentj pans cleand from CEO to 6100 and evon 1 IOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOMODOOO mistress of his bandnomo home, am' placod under guard in a miner's cabin C30O per day. while oometlmm a clean-up leluslon Is aproadloc;. lly tbo time tbo American exklblti, under "Old Qlorj,- ' at bet in length, and that tho ground of from 01000 to 81500 baa been rcportod. second certlQcato'.iras lssuod—nlns months cbs Paris Exposition. ^. * - /;- ^f ' ^ 'AT clear' diseour- it-did not toko him long to mako liii and givou to understand that ho could ago—thsheadaof tbe "assoolatlon" must, aecuro his liberty only upon liquidat- md been cut up by hia olawa so thai Nuggota wortb from C300 to 3100 woto Oenordl Uaxlmo Gomez vlsitodtas Bpan-, agod.mothor," eaid decuion. Mary, for her part, s-id found near Anvil Croak, nnd It ia belloved hnvo gatborod In over 660,000. with no ex- ing tho miners' claim*. looked as if a burrow had been run penses oxoupt tho cost of printing and mall- lab Olub at Kcmodloj, Onba,'ani] askodtfas Mary Fohrohtld, deadenly realised that Mr. Harpep r waas as vcrit. For tbnt«eaaon I would ad- 8300,000 to 8100,000 was taken out nt Snon members to-bolst tbo Spanlsb flag over tbs - throwing down her ThTho next cloy n courier was dis- Guloh lost fluramor: oao man. It Is said, Ina; flednetlfs clroalars. dab, whioh was lmtnealatolydono. bachelor, good-looking and still ot iso no man to try a foot race with s took out 8100,000, while nnotber claim* Ths circulars ars onougu to convince agent's outfit and the tunny eido of life, and a blush ol pntchod ovcrlaud to Holeuu, whero ho poopio moro Intelligent and bettor edu- Oeaerol llacSrtbtlr's troops nropunulng ;rizzly."—Washington Post. itlll more." • many small bands, kllllDg numbers of tbs sinkinginloaehsir. nrrived that oveniug, bearing two ira- Oonanl Smith niports that tbero are now cated than theareravs ex-slave. -Tbeynro ombarrnsan-.ent roao to' her checkn profasoly Illustrated, and ulto hlstorlos Filipinos and accurlnggans. - . ';. :• .Tho books slippod porlant telegrams, one to his wifo A Ilt.rulCallBr(l. between B0OO and 6000 peop'ln ot Komu When it was timo for Minn Faircbild if tbe proitress of tbs "movement."- Tup General Otis nt Manila roounred n, idols- • out of tlio shiny Ulin h Near Ma|ilo Oily, in Cowloy Cnun- City, Anvil City, Capo Kork, Port Ol»r- t„.»».,o mako, -he. r noxt -wacmi-aunun- ...^-l E o>ull " 8 }» predicamout aud ono to eneo,- and otbor plnces In tho vicinity, dissemination ot tbts Ilterainrorectlvenyh gallon of Filipinos who Mured ths United waterproof satchal trip oho wont, not ao tho Inco pur ' 'ho. Into Schgumu (IUB fathor), ', Farmer John Stovonson nud his boused In baltdlngs of tbo most tompornry severo set-back wbon Assistant reat- States would forco tho frlazs oathe poople. and fell noisily to ohasor, but as tho wifo of Mr. Har of tho boukiug linn of ,T. Jt W. Solig ircd mau went down into a well to character. There two newspaper* mastsr-aeaeral Heath, on tbs recom- L Nlas Americans are bellovod to.b» prla- prlntotl Is Iho district, from which no ex- msndatlon of Feaslon Gommbnloner tho floor, revealing per, who accompanied her. And tht man, Now York City, requesting that :loan it ont. Both wcro overcome by Evnas, barred It fron tho malls, -Never. ^nors ot Philippine losnrgeata In Tajanas . some pages of sliito Iho money bo forwarded by wiro im- EraoU'ths market quotations current lost provlnco. - - . , • '- .'-_,'' first request that Mary, who could nol onl air and were stone dead when fall. Boot and buttor woro 81 eacb a pound. tbelesB, tboogh badly uampBrod, tha' pr>> of Washington., anil mediately. :akon from tho well. On tho same rooters of ths scboms'oontlnae to push The total oustoms recotpta at tho port of bear to think of any ono being un Hoar 810 a hundred, wood from 835 to 860 EXavana. Cubn, lor the year ended fiecom- _ somo pioiarca ia Tho nows tbat Scligmau was held ay, at tho little villago of Catharine, a cord, tomatoes 83 a oan, coal 879 a ton, tbelcplan with'anabatsd visor. r happy on hor account, mado of hei Unfortunately; It Is easy enough to Ret Dei 81; 1890, waa •M.Vn.Uf.TO. -. ' > . _ . ;. another jolamo, entitled Tho House- for ransom Byroad liko wildliro in Ellis County, a similar catastrophe and lumber 8250 a thousand feet. Restau- husband, was that ho take back tut rant prlcea wcro on ths aamo scale. Tbe some unthinking. Congressman to Intro- BAfael' Bnl5ado,ibo Cqbaa patrtotjnnd-' laoa clerk and Iho cashior into hit Helena nnd created oxtonBo excite- osultcd in bringing forth a hero cbargs for a ateak was from 81.60 to 83. duce," by request." a bill to pension ox- ths lint Mayor of BantlaRo-uo Uaba nodol • Tho employ. And it being her first re ment. Bescuo parties wero proposed, hoso unmo is nortby of enrollment For aa order of ham and egg* ortbrseoggJ slave;,anl Ibis has been doas In moro American tulo, la deni). - ; .-• one had to pay 83. For 8I.S0 tns hungry than ons Congress. Ot coarse, the Intro- truest, Mr. Harpor could not rofusc, but tho nttor futility of such vonturos mong tho best and the greatest. duction of the bill la tbe ond of It; It ' cauBod their abandonment. Howovar, ! Mcis went dov;n into hisfathor's miner couldregaleblraialrwith porkeuopf, --; ', .UomeUfe. " - :. , lonwaM'iher^nsban^'sTdenlVahalaho aud Mary's cup of happiness was full mutton ohopa, balled mnckerAl, n barnbur- .Two daughters ot ths Bor. 0. K.Da? '-.. _. • oaaot3ere3 hersolf about as\good a n committeo took Iho mnttcr in Imnd well after n failon bucket. Ho was ner steak, or an oyatoratow. If he desired sere droirnol In. 8ha(fer'« fork nt Cheat -^ .: (jaide for.houselcoepers as tho woman and proceeded to the lolegrnph oflico, vcrcoibo by Iho gan and becamo nn- to spend only 81 be could have n obolee ol (liver, W. Ta. -They wore croulaR..>itis - • SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL. corned boot huh, plotted pigs' feet, n bos will IKT introduced, that mouoy Is needed river oa faorsebnclt/, Tbe notis fell

e> Boy while yon can get them eheap at "iii.'B Post- The Ladles of the Mlto Soolety of the FLORIDA. , ' MARRIED Voorhew! a coat for youreeH or your easant Hill Sunday School, are ar- :?• • hild Two WcekH' Tour via Pennsyl- Even a'. Calf ___ •anging for a "Shoo Social" at tbo resi- •so? Applegnto, vania Railroad. S.FJU1AIH0., OONOVEIi-n\U8BER-On tlm 18th I [n't. nt lience of Mr. Reuben Reynolds on *—Inquirer is That tho used in our Showfeomejs iiom'.- •'- . Bev. and Mrs. A. H. Young, of Mn- The flrat Pennsylvania Railroad tanr tlio reeldunqo of tho brldo'i* father. Dutch rouary SOtb. striving for. In an Impressive editor- Nook, N. ]., by ttaa nend ft pleasant evening. If stormy he appointment will bo given to him tickets, Including \/\rt, "V shoes wear so well. As .for- stylo,-a- glance' at".' tmnsportationion, Pultaan m& LOST. W«»re pleased to acknowledge the be has ever been a loyal supporter : ill be held next evening. A Fountain Pen. Return to this Stock Taking Sale our windows will toll the story of tho styles^'!.. itEAVE CBANBTJBSr. receipt, through the kindness of Con- f the Republican cause, both, by per- Ofllou und get reward. of Dress Goods. and prices too. - ;"..-' • ' • . .-, '"••' For Philadelphia, "W8, 11.03 a-m., gressman Howell, packages of garden A Good Investment. onal effort and through the columns 12.88, 7.00, p. aw, week days.' .;.. seeds of several verities. The Mutual Life Insurance Company f bis paper. Certain it is that an editor FOB RENT. Only just a little way off is stock- For New York, 7.16,; O-SOU. »., '&2fl Phi., Harrisburg,BaUlmore, 'and Wa7 - f New York, through their local agent ?ho sticks by hls^ party through fall- h A desirable house of 7 rooms, pleas- taking day- Meantime thousands -p. m., weekdays.'. , •'. , -•• TheWonon's Home Missionary so- ington, $48; Plttsburg, WsW and »t, i and success, clouds as well as sun- antly located on Main Street, formerly -For Trenton,"viantooVvto.. fcortentown,fc, 7.58 7.68, ciet, y of the First Presbyterian Church leo. B. Mershon, have recently paid proport onate rates from other polnto of yarda of dress goods will be of- is tho named 'shoe'for the ladies, in;BoVcaif,- occupied by M. 8. Fdrr. *.m., 12.83,7.00, week Will meet In chapel on Saturday after- He Administrator of the estate of iblue has a claim upon political prefer- For ticketsP, itinerariesyto lh r,t and other in- fered at a price that in some in- extensio'n sples.'heovy and .duroWe', price $100 -•', \iagBi Ihristophcr C. Beekman tl3.448.O0 In nent tbat is not tob o galoBayed, and - Inquire of P. R. Bergen. : noon of next week, Feb. 3rd at 8 Hf? " ^ * stances represent half the original - '.' For Trenton, via. JSonmooth Junction, tlement for polioy on life of Mr.there Is muoh more danger that he : o'clock. price; in others more, of course. '. ' Home Phbiie, No." 845.' ' : V- .""'' '• • •' - ' ..7.15,;8.29p.B. ' teekman. Tbe original polioy called will be unappreciated than that be will FOB SALE. .:". -.For; Freehold nodLong Branch,9.S0 , • ? —. -"-.Miiaentler COTTA PIPE by And they are not remnants and There was a cave-In on the side- or #10,000.00 but Mr. Beekman allow- receive more than OIB just dues. In Jr. Passenger Agent Baltimore District D. C. Linns. :.:'"' -,a;',. _,;.,_ ' .; walk .by the mill dam on Saturday bis dividends to accumulate and the brotherly kindness we express the hope Baltimore, Md.; Colin Studds, Pas- odds and ends, but parts of pieces senger Agent Southeastern District BL. . • BEO7BNHM£ . , the rain having undermined the large ilicy was worth above amount at the ,hat Mr. Applegnte may be successful. Notice to Creditors. and full pieces;enough forab'own i ger;, -^ Leave Philadelphia fto» Ha>ket St. Washington, D. C. ; Thos. E. Watt Abliab ApDlcKiUe. Administrator or John : pipes as it rushed from the overflowing me of bis death. »*^— Passenger Agent Western District or a number of gowns in any and 22 NORTJT BROAD STREET; • • ••'.TOENT.6N;.N..J,' ." .'..;' .,- .•• Wharf, 7.80 n,J5s-lacpn>M 400p.m. Powero. docatiRod. by direction of tba Surro- : ditches. It Is certainly the duty of every man Tbe State Military Board has made Pltwburg, Pa.; or to Geo. W. Boyd «iitii ot tho Count? ol lliddlosox, hereby Hew York, 8^S6Jta.j&B5, «.68 g, ; r toGeo . Boyd all pieces. •••• laving a family depending upon him new departure, and the entire Na- Assistant GGeneraeral l PassengePasseP n rr AAgeng t glvos notice to tho creditors ot tho Bald John . George Swinger who has been em- Bd St Si nra to bring ID their dobts, donmndB and ) do what he can to provide for tbelr lonal Guard of the State will be order- Broad Street Station, Philadelphiai:: tJ0i* Me tuno* ployed in the store of Brown & Gibson claims [uculDfit tho ontfltn of the natd do- Black Crepons. lpport. Life Insurance has been a ed into camp this year at Sea Oirt. cudunt, uodor oath or afllrmatloo. within bf'Cranbury Station has accepted a OLD POINT COMFOBT.HICH- •leasing to million*. Every man who This will be the first time since the nlao months trom this ditto, or thoy will bo Many of the crepons for this position with the Smyrna Rug Co. of MOND AND WASHINGTON. forovar burred oHlny action thorofor (mnln 'J. B;;fftrjlCBtN6OK, Oen'l ESaooger. ; las not already made such provision establishment of the permanent Stato tho said ntfinlnlfttrator. sale were bought within thirty Hightelown. ABIJAH APPLEOATE. days, and besides that, there is the ir his family should attend to it at once, camp that tho whole division will be on Six-Day Tour via Pennnylvanla AdmlDlrttriitor. The form of the late W. A. Apple- 'he Mutual Life IB now issuing a very duty. Ballroad. Dated. Octobof 30th. 1899. " regular stock added. OeorgoPnetsohner sptntTnesday In In the Legislature. The first of the present serifs of per- gate, near Cranbury Station was sold iruble policy, for further particulars MIDDLESEX COUNTY ORPHAN* Black eilk-nnd-wool crepous' that ;ewYoYkr : '! insult Mr. Mershon who will be glad An act creating a borough of Metuch- sonally-conducted toure to Old Point 1 list week at private sale to Jacob Hl- Comfort, Richmond, and Washington count . were $1.76 are marked f 1. ••>"";'. t^- Mra.Ezeklel'.Bia'gpB»y fa-reeovoring n was igtroduced by Assemblyman dlnger for $8,500. The personal proper- explain the eamc to you. via the Pennsylvania-Railroad will On tho Application o() Black Blllc -crepons that were $2.60 Graceful Palms, •';-. •: /'•: C;':,v^r.'; fromaBBvereattackofthegrip. - Jnimw E. 1}cnoott nriminln-1 nnm ty was sold on Tuesday at publlo sale. jyoo of Middlesex in tbe Legislature leave New York and Philadelphia on iruioi- of Samunl Bonnolt. rnnr>w decooMiit.tor MIIO or Iuncl8lomj" are marked tl.GO. . • JUtss,EloIse Beed has been oonflned Tcraplo Male Quartet. in Tuesday. He also Introduced a Saturday,February 8. to pay dputs. J Tickets, Including transportation, meals Black silk crepons that were $4 ore " •.. •-."_•"_• Feathery to the,house with rheomatlsm. .The'Woman's Foreign Missionary Remember that Saturday evening,- bill authorizing Perth Amboy to issue JarueH £. Beaaott. ndrolnlstmtor of Samuel society of the Second Presbyterian en route In both directions, transfers of Itonnelt. doceasnd, bnvloe exhibited to this $2.00. little daughter has arrived at the in. 27th, IB tbe date of the concert, to bonds to raise funds to replace the passengers and baggage, hotel accom- Court anilHr oath n jant nod truo account, of . AND ALL DESIRABLE KIHD3 OF Church will bold their monthly meet- tbo pnrtioDiil GstHto tiod dohts of Btild doceaB- $1 wool crepons are 59c. r. and Mrs. James O'Nell. given by the Temple Quartet of loney lost in tbe bank wrecked by modations at Old Point Comfort, Rich- ed wboreby It appnars that tho pHrsntml ing next Friday afternoon, Feb. 2, at aston in the Baptist church, Hlgbto- Cashier Valentine. mond, and Washington,' and carriage ORtttoot gatd StiDa'jnl XlennettiR lonufflc-ient >v, /'.; " ""Bev.- ft^A." DeHarls has returned ride about Richmond—in fact, every to par hi** riehtA. tind roauestod thu aid of 39c and 69c Colored 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John S. >wn. The announcement should be th'fi Court In th» promises. pork at,Camclen. Edgar Bros. Consolidate. necessary expense for a period of six- It Is on this tbirtftootb day of December interest to every lover of music with' ... D. ulRhtrmn bun 'rod and nlnotT-nli Dress Stuffs. Hlsa poUa C.TsoSoNsJnJs visiting Articles of incorporation of tbe Ed- days—will be sold at rate of $84.00 ordurod that all perKonu Interested In |L.. reach of Hlghtstown, as, unquestlon- from New York, BrookJyu7aWNew» lands, ttmfimi.nts uad real estato of said Included in this lot are a half i. Bits Anna fibckwell, at Franklin In Grand Centra) Palace next Au- gar Brothers Company have been filed tijtmfe'4.J3oiinett. deciinved. appear hofom >ly, this organization stands at the ark; 132.00 from Trenton; $81,00 from chlR OourTUTrhw Court Houso In thn City of CUT FLOWERS of Every Variety, Park. . gust the sixteenth annual meeting and at tbe office of County Clerk John Philadelphia, and proportionate rates hundred styles and thousands of sad of male quartets the world over, Now Brunswick on tho twentieth day of exhibit of the Society of American Conger. Milton A. Edgar, South from other stations. ! February noxt at ton o'clock in tbe forenoon yards of dress stuffs that will be •^-MrTVuid Mrs. Charles Mason have id it is indeed an exceedingly rare oc- of that tlay to nhow causo why so much at Reasonable Prices, at , -'•' Florists will be held. It Is expected River, with 799 shares, Charles S. Ed- of tho said lands, tonoments, herodltu- just right for spring wear. Per- . . moved Into theirnew house near Sootts irance that a town of tho size of High' OLD POINT COMFORT ONLY. irionts and roal estate of tho said Sumuul that 2000 florists from all parta of tho Metucben, with 200 pharos and ftonUPtC. deceasorf. should not bo sold an will Corner. town Is honored by the presence of Tickets to Old Point Comfort only, be suffMent to pity his debts nr the residue haps if spring goods which are country will attend. Emerald T. Wilson, South Rivei, with Including luncheon on going trip, one thereof nt* tho case may require. V : Mlsa Annie Former, of ^Jeans, has ich famous talent. The concert they And It Is further ordereJ that this ordor bo to arrive in a few days were spread share, comprise the firm. 1*he office and three-fourths days' board' "nt that act imnid'llatelr up In thrne of thi* most . been the guest this week of Mre. Ieaao The February Ladies Home Journal 111 render will be equal in every re- place, and good to return direct by puhllo places In tho said County of Mlddlewx before you with these, you would is at Metuchen and the capital stock ie for Blx weeks successively and bo published Everett. ject to those they give in the large regular trains within six days, will' be r be just as likely to select these as % comes to us in very attractive form. (100,000 witb (1,000 paid io. The a IraBt nnco In nacn week for tho Htttflo tluin Misses Mand and Stella Bowland of ities. sold in connection witb this tour at a In TQE CIUNBUBT POESS a nowspiinor of Broad and Front-Sts'., Trenton,, The cover 1B neat and aesthetic while ew firm will continue the Edgar clay rat") of $16.00 from New York; $18.6thlt0 tttnto published at Cranbury In said the ones that are to come. These Princeton visited relatives In Cranbury inside It Is full of interesting stories Tbe enjoyment of the evening will be from Trenton; $12.60 from Philadel- County. id brick business. By the Court— 39 and CO-centers are in silk and ilsweek. and articles of variona sizes and kinds ibanced by tbe part to be taken by phia, and proportionate rates from WOODBIUDGE BTBONG. other points. wool and all-wool novelties: many N. F. Clayton has been con- with more than usually taking Illustra- iss Burnett, tbe accomplished clocu For Girls' School Investigation. Attest: JurxiE. of them just right for the very tions. inlst who accompanies (he quartet. Mr. Abbett submitted a resolution, For itineraries and full information LBOHABD Funu&K. Surrogate, .PHTOIClANANDSOBOEpN-'' . .. the house by • sickness for a dn-flt. Pra. foe Tickets on sale at Cunninghams, apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, popular tailormade costumes. hlch was referred to the Joint Com- 1198 Broadway, New York; 4 Court 0. CBlauvelt '" '. ',. • " CRAHBtlkv, K.'J. •• > ••/•* ,: Edward Williams, the negro, has BO the diagram of the church may bo They have sold variously up to ,.;_.;', -Al&ed Bennett has purchased o hand- mittee on Industrial School for Girls, Street Brooklyn ; 789 Broad Street, f7to8^0tt.m. been indicted for the murder of Minnie n there. All seats are reserved, and Newark,- N. J.; or Geo. W. Boyd, As- 75a ''.."'c'j . .Bome'teamrof horses from Samuel For- providing for tbe appointment by the Si-j'l.toSp.m. '.'• Eialey on Thanksgiving night at le price of admission is 35c. Let all Speaker of a special committee of five sistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Mttle Folks' Wonderful Success - (C to 7 p.m. . ,r man of Freehold. Street Station, Philadelphia. William White's, near Tordville, and le musical pimple of Cranbury and to inquire into "tbe truth of charge of Remnants of Dress "•'•."..•.» • A uumber ofCronbury men witness. Stamps the i>. son'just chosed it is sold Insanity will be tbe plea set riclnity avail themselves of this rare charge of mismanagment against those OLD MEXICO. WMte Dresses X-.-oi'o production of "The Tattle" in Goods and . up in his defence. ;reat. charge of the State Industrial School nd we prepan for still lm-gei BDVIOUB '.Trenton Saturday. ' .——' Twenty-three Days' Totir^ via are in—the prettiest lot of little for Girls, and also other charges, as $1 dress stutfa, 50c. usiness, with the most complete Willie Gordon Surprised. Pennsylvania Railroad. dresses you ever laid your eyes t)f Cranbury In the Monmouth County Court on may be preferred, as well into .the liOc. dress stufit), 26c. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com- tocks it has ever been our privi- ... Station has been suffering from a severe Thursday morning the jury in the case About forty of the friends of Willie actions of tbe various officials and em- on. • $1 dress silks, 50c. of William Bullock, the negro who shot pany has arranged for a special person- - - attack of gastritis. ordon attended a masquerade surprise ployes of said institution; said commit- ally conducted tour through Old Mex- . They contuiu oil -the expert 60c. dress silks, 25c, >ge to prepare, at this time of the =''_.' ' Mr. Bntton of Plainsboro will move nnd killed former Chief ot Police arty tendered to him on Tuesday tee to have power to subpoena and ico by special Pullman train of parlor- home-made goodness without the •ear. . . "'*'•;• " - -. • Walsh, of Bed Bank, returned with a ' • to the form of the late Joseph P. Dey evening. Tbe number included bisswear witnesses, take testimony and smoking, dining, sleeping, compart- time or trouble taken to make John and James An- verdict of murder in the first degree. schoolmates and1 some of their parents, ment, and observation cars, to leave We bought so largely' because ;'-:-'on the 6rst of April. Bend for persons and papers; the com- New York and Philadelphia February derson's Dress Gingr- also the school teachers. A delightful them. e knew goods would': be much '-•"\JI1EB Carrie Brohm of Spring .lake If you bave not secured seats for tbe ilttee to report to the House on or be- 12, visiting all tbe principal points of time was spent and refreshments of interest in the " Land of Montezuma," -And prices usually run about hams, 25c ;: was the goest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward entertainment to-morrow night do bre February 28,1900." igher in cost. '"",..' smonade, cake and fruit were served. and spending five days in the city of the same as the materials would To those best posted little could _Newmah on Sabbath. co at onoe. They are on sale at Those present were: Addle Cole, John P. Stockton Deitd. Mexico. cost Every advantage we-havegairi- omoatloOIO 1 Clayton's drag Btore at 25 cents for be said aside from the fact that 'Isaac Everett and son Theodore; idle Applegate, Belle Applegate, Bes- John P. Stockton, who was for about Round-trip tickets, covering all d goes to'you. '.' • /'-. odnlta and 20 cents for children. It necessary expenses, $800 from all points there are over a hundred styles in ,have purchased a car load of western Dey, Annie Dey, Annie Voorhees, wenty years Attorney General of the We Describe a Few: promises to be good and all who enjoy on tbe Pennsylvania Railroad. , these old world famous . We are selling many kinds of .. horses for the Spring trade. ella Bergen, Viola Bergen, Emma State of New Jersey and who had held At BOc—4 styles, One, softunished entertainments of each a nature will do For further information apply, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chamberlin iwls, Gertie Thompson, Rhoda Dor- various publlo offices, died suddenly at ticket agents;.'Tourist Agent, 1196 , front and back of clus- pods for less than we can buy well to go. Broadway, New York ; 4 Court Street, ter tucks and Nainsook inserting. .' gave o dinner part; on Wednesday to •anee, Julia Petty, Reno Bradley, Min New York on Monday. Ginghams to day. . , -" .-.'-'.'.' paper iHlanglngr and • '^••'••:..'_' a number of congenial friends. Mr. Stockton bad served In thBrooklye n ; 789 Broad Stree', Newark, Nainsook edging at neckband wrists. Two Easter solos of exceptional lie Brown, Clarence Clayton, Raymond N. J.; B. Courlaender, Jr., Passen 121-2c. Why pay the advanced prices United States Senate as had his father Deep bom wound botto'm. ,;..."' .".©arp0tl..aylngr\.'-; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stjjnaker are beauty i&ve been secured by TheHckofT, Warren Forr, Warren John- Agent, Baltimore District, lialtiuAre, and grandfather before him. At 7fic—3 styles. One, softflnish- Sheer fine cloths, with the most ilsewhere? . . • ' .•'"-:'.' ',. ill %s latest styles pi Wall Papor unO*! ,' talking of goinjt. to live with Mr. and Ladles Home Journal for publication son, Frank Davis, Charles Thompson, Md.,; Colin Studds, Passenger Agunt, Picture Slonldlng (arslahod. nt nhort noti* i '.' Born la Princeton, N. J., on Augnst Southeastern District, Washington. ed Nainsook, yok'e back and front o'f sightly woven effects in plaids Mrs. Ivinal at Burlington. in the Starch Issue. The date of giving Ralph Thompson, Alex. Applegate, dUJ«d~' ~ Harold Applegate, Russel Johnson, 1826, Mr. Stockton was graduated D. C.; Thos. E. Watt, Passenger cluster tucliB and hemstitching, and stripes: Unless all signs . Mrs. C.i Lewjs,,of Ferth^mboy, them toth e publlo is timed BO as admit Agent, Western District, Pitteburg, Pa.; R&re Bargains fiufisel 81IvAi Cbester 8now rom the present nnlverslty there in around yoke witb ruffle hemstitched. by her little daughter is six weeks rehearsal beforelhelr first" . . or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant fail, such qualities in ginghams fig Mr: and Mrs. D. C. Lewis. rendition on Easter Day. D orranee, FranFkk PerrinePi , DaviDid Pettyd , 1843. He was admitted to tbe bar in General Passenger Agent, Phllad" Ohed ruffles at neck and wrists.. will bo 'way above 12Jc a' yard Will be found' in Dress Silks, ft';? J_?' Mfta>and Mrs. Harvey Hart and Willie Esibley, Miss Kate Perrine, 840, and began the practice of hisphia. C.-—4 styles. Same material. -when spring thoroughly opens. lack mid Coloted Dress-.:. Goods, irofessioD three yean) later. He early '-"-•-" child, of Trenton, were guests this Tbe Beading Circle Ilss Mayme Gulick, Miss Elaenor CALIFORNIA. 'ue, yoke front nnd back of alternate Will meet next Wednesday, January ntered into public life, tbe first post- Table Linens,, Tmeeh, r:Napki-ns, week of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart. •avis, Miss Florence Bergen, Miss nobs' and hemstitching. 3-in Naln- Then Follow Other' 81st at the home of Mrs. G. B. Mer- lura Scudder, Mrs. William Johnson, ion be held being tbat of a commission- Thirty-One Days' Tour via Pi 30k ruffle around yoke. Narrow Nain- Counterpanes, Bed Blankets • Flan- ~-ok edging around neck and wrists. efe? Mvslvu,- Calicoes and ding- give up (arming ae he expects a position Boll Call—Quotations from TennyBon. >bn Davison, Mr. and Mrs. William hlch he was appointed by tbe State Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Com- rics. pauy has arranged fora special person- 'lannelette Dresses. ,am». as motormon with the Trenton Tree* ' Beading of selections from Tenny- ilvere, Mrs. J. C. Holmes. Legislature. ally-conducted tour through California, Imported novelty percales, 19c. and tion Co. in pink and blue pin stripes—some son's "In Memoripm" by Mrs. Ella He was BIBO lor several yearn the to leave New York and Philadelphia 25c on February 27th, by special Pullman ith ruffles all around yokes, others Eev. J. E. Curry and Symmes Per- Stolta, Mrs. J.B.Perrlne, Mrs. Whit- Wives and Mothers. State reporter of the Court of.Chancery French mercerized , 39c. ••• Underwear. V drawing-room Bleeping car and connect- ive ruffles to tbe shoulders. Lined .rine attended the meeting of the Btate Ing, Miss Bachel Slivers, MIBS Ella Tbe time is coming when an exalted and. several volumes of reports bearing Mercerized Oxfords, beautiful- print- .CT^ANBPRT," N/'J. ing ut El Paso with the "Mexico and okes. Ruffle at neck and sleeves. Every thing you need a-nd- not Sunday School Association In Trenton Groves. inception of motherhood will, prevail, his name was published. In 18G8 heCalifornia Special," composed exclu- ings, looks like china or india silks, "Se. Very desirable home dresses. Friday. the most important and sacred of all was appointed by President Buchanan sively of Pullman parlor-smoking, ond $1. penny of the 20 per cent ad tfatlteBeef-FbrterHonseCporlb.i"-$> We hear from Mrs. Joseph P. Dey he functions given to woman. En- Minister Resident at Romp. On the dining, drawing-room sleeping, com- 25c each. airt Ber. Nathaniel Beeves preached a partment, and observation cars, for 6c and 8c fancy outing flannel, 4c ance. -' .•; and family that two weeks ago they ghtened motherhood will be comple election of Mr. Lincoln ho was recalled very eloquent and helpful eermon in tour through California, returning by 10c and 12c fancy outing flannel, 8c. arrived at Paeblo, where they were nented by enlightened fatherhood, and at his own request and resumed the March 29. 3 -Methodist Church last Swansdown flannel, cotton of course, Remnauts. * cordially wheloomed by Mr. Johnson iclence will come to their aid with all practice of law. He was appointed At- (.6. morning. Round-trip tickets, covering all but they look like French goods at Svo P. Dey and family, and are getting ac- torney General of New Jersey In 1884, necessary expenses, J375 from all points I'D . . hat it has learned concerning prenatal times the price, 12* and 16c. This is housecleaning time and <-» -.'• Hiss Mary Stogmlller, of Newark customed to their new surroundings. eing. Invention will bave simplified and was reappointed three times his on Pennsylvania Railroad. -_ - ,.. IO:. ; {rour opportunity to secare goods 1 and Mrs. Ieaao Hey, of Prineaton Junc- The atmosphere Is clear and bright and ousehold as it has agricultural labor, last term expiring in 1897. For further information apply to •BaftPork".'/.'.'."..".'.'.; '""\; s-w while some things are strange and dif- ticket agents; TouriBt Agent, 1196 ,t about half |>rico. Boloiraa, A. ; - - io tion, friends of Mrs. Bose Wolkerj visit- co-operation will have extended to Broadway, New York; 4 Court Street, HmoKod Beef Toogaes lfl-3*> ed her .on Tuesday. ferent, they Bod macs that is pleasant Public Sales. Half Price And Lees WE HAKB OUB OWN GOODS EIGHT Corned Boer... '. _ i-io ousekeepiog as It bos to business, and On Thursday, February 1st, at 11Brooklyn ; 789 Broad Street, Newark, BmoKod Haiss...... ~...-*..'' :io and promising for the future. N. J.; B. Courlaender, Jr., Passenger or coats Smoked Snonlders ..»:"•" M '. • ^ Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Barclay have be home will then become a sanctuary •'clock Auctioneer Wm. H. Johnson Opon Evenings until 8. limb.. ;....; IMG . >r the young child, whose surround Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore, o close out the balance of our- New White Goods. klatton *'• * 6-**. - been visiting Mr. and lira. Albert A. JndsonBue, of Trenton, died on ill sell for Patrick Miley, at public Md.; Colin 8tudds, Passenger Agent Josh Prices for Prime Calves >... 'clock, Auctioneer Johnson will soil fibs* tenderness and divinenees of Godhood All $8, $10 nnd $13.00 kiudx at Embroideries and Assemblyman and for the past six years for Cornelius S. Stults at his residence AND ~ John Bennett and his bride will move And then will tbe children born into Forty-six Duyit'Toiir via Penn- A. $7.5O nud $8.U7. . has been Deputy Keeper of the New at Stults' Corner tbe homestead farm, sylvania Rnllroa Jackets for Women and Livermore, in Frank Leslie*' Popular Philadelphia on February 12 (1'ills- Tailored Our selections for this season Key' Dey, the proprietor of the to be Beleased. ilitwcs. many of them silk lined. Is in Cranbury on MONDAY of fonlhly for December. Feb. 8th at 11 o'clock the farm, stock burg February 13) by speciul Pullman Winter Suits are unusually fine. is again able to be oat. Daring At the close of tho service in the and machinery of Mrs. Annie Dory at train, covers a largCand intensely-in* r—- $5.00 Each and Fine Overcoats each- week. ' ''.' [Iness with the Thomas Dutch Neck Presbyterian Church on teresting portion of-North America. than can be done Early Rising. her residence on the Friendship road. Mexico, California, and Colorado are a For your choice of our $10, $8.50 runthe bakery route. but Sabbath morning Bev. A. L. Arm There is a lot of desirable Btock to be anywhere else In an addrets on early rising, Rev mighty trio in all that appeals to urn ,nd $7.50 Jacket* for Women and Ready Made Sheets AH work guaranteed to give strong asked tob e released from tbe sold. In that Mr. Ales. 8. Mason '. DeWitt Talmage says : fuueiuates the tourist. lisses, lifted with Uifletas and palin. And Pillow Cases at cost of the satisfaction. , rap" farming and that Mr. pastorateand . On Tuesday he was united Stops will he made at San Antonio, Such Satisfactory Early tobe d and early to rise Van Dyke Perrine will move on In marriage toMis s Annie Bue, daugh Volcanic Eruptions Tampico, Guanajuatn, Guadalajara, $7.50 Each . Teeth extracted by the latest ter of Eiwood Roe. The ceremonj lakes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Are grand, but Skin Eruptionu rob tjuerctnro, City of Mexico (fivo days), Pricings. his farm and take charge of It from For your choice of our $18.50, $12 painless methods. Strictly first- was preformed at Trenton by Rev. Dr. la not only illogical and unwise, life of joy. Buckleu's Arnica Salve, Cuernavuca, Aguoscalii'iites, LosAnge- April 1st. cures them, also Old, Running and les, San Diego, RiveiMde, Pasadena, nd $11 Jackets for Women and class work at moderate prices. . . Madge, of Princeton and the honey- ut has beeu the source of many C. C. BLAUVELT Fever Roros, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Santa Barbara, San Jose (Sit Humilton), Mi.ises. SECURES A. was a deep impression made moon is being enjoyed in Florida. Us to which flesh Is heir. A manCorns, Warts, Cute, Bruises, Burns, Del monte, San Francisco (live days), Office in the American Hotel. • -sermons of Bev. Thoa. ihould go to bed when he is Hleepy, Sealdfl, Chapped Hnmla, ChilhliiliiB. Salt Lake City, Colorado Spring, Den- $10.00 Each ; Strictly All-Wool Men's Suit Hientstown, H. yton, on Tuesday and Church Dedicated at Mon- ind not before. Ho Bhould get up Best cure on earth Drives out ver, Chicago, and other points of Inter- For your choice of nil of our llnest Inquire of Miss Lena Thompson." iy nights In the Methodist mouth Junction. hen he is obligerl Io, and not before. Pains and Aches. Only 2flcts. a box. cut. Fourteen days will lie spent in OVERCOATS, Cure guaranteed. Sold by N. F. Clay Mexico, and nineteen in California. Ooutu thul forrnery Hold ul $25, 22.50 St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Moa. S'o specified time can bo set for uny ton Brugge Tile "Mexico nnd California Special, 20, A8.97, 18, 17.50, lUSO»udJ£ir>. SEE OUR 8IO SPECIAL. [pClure, mother of Mrs. F. A. month Junction was dedicated with me. CircuinHtiinceB must govern cimes. mi rxrlusively Pullman train of l'urlor- Plenty Other Prices. The Largest and Finest*Line of has been stopping at the appropriate ceremonies on Wednesday .Vhen a porsou wakes up for good an Story of u Slave. SinokinR, Dinning, ' Drawing room Children's Gretchens sleeping, and Observation earn, will lie . parsonage for about two night. It is a pretty commodious in no longer Bleep is the natural tinu To be bound hand and foot for years All $8, $3.50 and $4 kinds at $2 and building, finished in bard wood. Thi o get up. If he wakes up and Und. by the chains of disease in thu worst UM'd over the entire route. and ota Sabbath Mr. McClure form of slavery. George D. William's, Round-trip rnte, including, all IWVH $2. US. I UUIUUIUU Vb \JU*| committee who had charge of thehimself irreslHtibly inclined to turn ovei , All $5, $ii tind $8 kinds nt $3.!)S and a guest there. of Manchester, Mich, tells how such a nary expenses during the entire trip . Mnmilactiiriiifr Clothiers, building of tbe church was E. B. Mc- and take another ho is doin slavl e was madde free. He suyB. "My' $,ri50 (rum all points on tho I'ennsyl J5. TnVl party at. Peter Dey's at Union Corty, Wm. Suydam, Luther Brecse, violence to nature if he does not ylel wife has been so helpless for live yenrs! vnnia Railrond System eust of l'itlfl 39 E. State Stroot, TEEKTON, N. T. Valley'-on Wednesday night was a Wm. Colllna, and Rov. T. A. Conover. to tho desire, provided all other thingstbat she could not turn over" in bed: burg; J545 from Hushurg. For itiuer veryjpleosant affair. A large number^ .^ihadedlcatlon service were inter alone. After using two bottles oi nry und full information upply ti are equal. The early rising habit la Electric Bitters, sho is wonderfully im- ticket UKCilt ; Tourist A^ent, ll!)l including well known yojKJg" ladies 11 estlng. ~~R"eV.-T-h_omaB Conover, who Buperstitiou which should bi> abandoned proved and able tod o her own work. Brondwuy, New York ; 4 Court Street That has been displayed in Cranbury for a long time is now to be and gentlemen from has preached for thlsV&ople and work- ith the beginning of the new century This supreme remedy for female dis- Brooklyn ; 78U Broad Street, Newark 1O» EAST STATE STREET, present. ,-—-^ ed hard for the success of the church, at midnight December 81, 1900, if noteases quietly cures nervousness, sleep- N. J.; K. Courlaender, Jr., I'lmseuger seen on our floor. . ' - presided. Bishop Scarborough, o: lessness, melancholy, headache, hack Agent Baltimoru District, Baltimore, The measels are spreading, tbe latest Booner. It has never made a man ache, fainting and dizzy opells. This j Md.; Colin Studds, Passenger Agen Trenton, N. <1. Ck>mc early and choose ye by whom your homes will be heated casrsheing James O'Nell, Harvey Petty Trenton, and Dean Batter, of Princeton, altbler, wealthier or wiser. There miracle working medicino is a godsend Southeastern District, Washington, 1). Erank Megill, Lizzie Beed and Roland were present and tooMjort In the ser- is another senseless adage tbat the to weak, sickly, run down people. I (\ ; Thos. E. \Vntt, Passenger Agenl I have laid in a ver this winter. * " ' .- vices. An hour was devoted to prayer Dey. Though quite sick those who early bird catches the worm. But Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 Western ~District , I'iltsburg' ' , Pu.; o lurge and fine stock We also linve tin- bpst Sewing Machines in the world and can have had- them have suffered no and praise and toth e iwjtlam of onethe worm had not been out early h cenU. Sold by N. F. Clayton Druggist. address Cjeo. W. Boyd, Asxistant Gen new style and the confirmation of Qur qandldatcs. ernl t'usscuger Agent, Broud Slrcv I Have on Hand prove it. ... serious complications. Would not have been caught. A FrlelitT'ul Blunder Station, Philudelphiu. Tbe singing was led by Mr^i. Augus- RPPIMT'S (irain, Chopped Oula, Johnnie Mount was surprised by a tus Stout, Miss Grant anil Miss Plum- Will often cauue n horrible Burn, Spain's Greatest Need. A large line of Agateware, Tinware,etc., hnsjjst been placed on BnriraiiiH in Lap Robex Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buckleu'n Arni- Oil Meul, Jersey Outs, Cob .Meal, W M I* la arty of his young friends at his home ley, with Miss Ella Suvdom at the and BlnnkctH! ca Salve, the best in tho world, will Mr. 1*. Olivia, of Burcnlunu. Spain our shelves. a' Cranbury Neck Monday night, organ and violin accompaniment b; r W lcIlt llia Vllatm al AlU u s c w nl1 Cotton Sw wb ved. E. B. McCarty, and held preaching That ThrobiuK Headache. Corn, .Shumacher's Brat Flour. can be bought in tlie some time yet. You con buy them al h iH c u tr n e ds ma k Tho funeral of Spencer Gullck, of and Sabbath School services. The ii reduced prices to close out the wintoi Would quickly leave you, if you ui>ed , » " y 1 .'' - ¥^? t "?V city. Plumbing,-Tinning and General Job Work Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands tl.->t it cures iver and kidney troubl (iive me a .share of your l'utrou- Engllsbtown, took place on Monday. terest has Increased greatly an (be yea: stock at Goodwin's. of sufferer* bave proved their mutch- punileH the blood, tonw up the stoma. Promptly Attended To. Mr. Gulick was widely known and have passed and little by little fun age and you will find the- Price less merit for Sick and Nervous Head- "trenpthen•»* H the nerves, puts vim, vig have been collected, untill now thi Wanted! i^-jt. — . . " _ nn.l min.' Iifrt mist nv

Ikil THREE BANK ROBBERIES. A Dutch Colony In costs many THE MARKETS. Strauge ae it may seem, there'is io ti »iiif rtnllnra eooli year, al- EBIE CANAL WBEfflE England a Dutch colony three hun- flougb. it is all done tinder contract About $10,000 in Cash Stolen in Late/ Wholesale Prloss of Couotrj dred Btroag. Two years since these eorewed down to the lowest Bgure. Produce Quoted in New York. mon were imported from HoUand in Most of the towels aro manufactured Thirteen Men Accused ot Destroying Raids in Indiana. Lnre:e Re'irorcements Continue to Unusual Incidents Occurring in connection with the peat iartaetry at on purpose, too, at an exceedingly ft DUITEB. State Property. Sail For South Africa. Uronmory—West. ulru. .» 24)j(9t 25 Various Places, Ihorne, in West Biding. - ' At., first .cheap price. They are rod-bordered, iarp FlgM Betneen Cltlzem ami liob- Firsts 23 @ 24 their arrival gave rieo to eomo trouble, and- have the letters "U. S." in the Thirds to Eocondn 31 © 23 and extra police -were necessitated; centre of eaoh. A large supply io benf lint the' Latter Escaped an Strte—Thirds to firsts .... 21 g> 23H but they*have since become natural- kept on hand in a fair sized ware- a Band Car. VALUE OFCOLONIALS RECOGNIZED 3lnto Dnlty tubs, extrin. .. - @ 24 MURDERS LAID TO CONSPIRATORS Imltntlou Croomory 18 @ 23 TRAMP RAN DISTRICT SCHOOL ized, and now live on quite amicable house. . Fnotory, froBli tlrsta.. .. — @> 19 terms with their English neighbors. ISDIAWIPOLIS. Ind. (Special).—Bam: rob- Low (trades. lo @ 17X Many of the newcomers are known to Puerto Eioo is purely an agricul- Tronpa From Knaland, Canada anil Now rii« Canar- Feeder at Foreatpnrt, N. Y., bet-t) have made un uouyual rooord in tuls C11EESB. Oe Cooltc a Fowl, UlunliKil Teacher have subscribed to the Soldiers' Wid- tural island—its manufactures being ZcuJftfnl Ktithuflfnstlcally Cheered at Ulonn Up to Give Men Employment State, Three country banks wero forcud, Slato—Fullcrocim, fnn'oy.... 12 ffl 12)) nnd Efe rrf LeiBoiis While* He Ate—A ?<78* and Orphans' Fond.—London practically confined to matohes. the safe3 blown opon and booty eocured to Tlipy l.envo For the Front—Duke or Small 12%® 13 —Deteetlvca Invoitlsate and Unearth Far *) Find In the Hollow of a Chronicle. the aggregate umount ot about $10,000 In Stills For Qnutfi Alrlca— Port Bklins, good to prlmo. 8!^i n Iteuiarfcable Conspiracy—Evidence Fullsfclms 4 <9 S Tree—One lUon'c Qucei Uclu«lu«— ono night. Tbe sconoot one ot tbe robber- pdtt* utitl KmU of Newi, ii»t.-'j lifcbncss. Collected la or a Malt Foiltlve Mature. caoa. llurj;Iiiti* Singular Uuutj. les was enlivened by a fight between oltlzens Nearby—Fnnoy — (Bi 23 Horso Rich ness is a complaint "take Time h and the robborj, In which ono policeman IJIINEON (Dy Cnblo),—The departure ot ALBANY, N. Y. (Special).—Prnotfcally all Wostorn—Oholoe - @> 20 RornE'-iEB, N.Y. (dpoclnl).*-O(ncers nn;l known only in certain p'arts of South was wounded and one ot the robbers aliot, Jotittaern 18 @ 19 tbe civil power of tbe State bos been used tboprconj detachment ot London volun- CUIZ9U3 of tbe town of Grove, Allo^.iay Africa, but science has. so far. been how dungerously Is not known, as ho was The Forelock." to detect, pursue and lndlat a reraatkabls toi^.ra for Houtn Africa Siiturdny led to a EEAHB AKD TEAH. CouQty, urn senroUtuj? for a tr-imp plvlng baffled as to its causes, although its takon awty by his compnnlons. Ihn't ivait anil sickness overtakes you. band ot oonsplrators and lawbtoakers who repetition ol tho scenes of ontbuslusm ot Benos—Morrow, cbolco, 18011 — #2 20 his name ns Thonma G. Roosevelt, R0030- effects are only too patent. When tho Tbe Commerolal Bank at Silver I.tike, tlio previous Saturday tilong tbo wholo Medium, 1809 - @> 2 10 • When thai tired feeling, the first rhev- bovo Just beon brouRht to book In Onelda Eosclusko County, was broken Into, .it 1.3J Poo, choice, 1809 2 07Jf @> 2 10 vclt broke lato tlio district solioolUouso oa first frost comes it seems to disappear twite pain, the first -warnings of impure County, o'clock. It requUoil two otiargos-of dyna- row to from Wellington Barracks to Nlo~o IterHldnoy, eliotoe, 1899.. 2 20 gl 2 22if Bunday nuri camped tlioro for tho nlglif. as if by magio, but immediately -the The coneptmoy consletod In blowing'up mite to torce the safe. The Ilrst explosion Elms Station. At the latter point theDuko Wlllto kldner. (tiioluo, 1899 a CO (3 2 65 Ibo flrst sctiolara ontorlDR on Monday hot weather Bets in then this ravaging bbx&an manifest, take Hoofs Sarsapa- was beard bv Nlfflit Watchman Burl, who tbn bank ot the Forestport focdor of the of Conmtugbt, tho Lord Mayor, tbo Sheriffs Yellow oyo, 1890 225 <8>227)< morning discovered tbe tr.imp la tbo net ot complaint makes its reappearance. , rWaJittdyou 'wSt rescue your health and wakened William Prlue aml^fcey went to- Limn, CQI — (a 8 45 Erie Canal In order tlmt tho" community ward the bunk. Tito Booond explosion oc- 3reon peas, bags 1 22J£@> 125 jooltluR a fowl oa tbo stove. Tuoy wuro But if the British authorities .are protaMy save a serious sickness. 'Sesuri ahoald prosper tntfonsequonce of the work curred before they reached tho building toll by tlietr.imp to taUo tholr seati auJ ignorant as to the cause of the trouble rauiTS AND nEoniEB—rnEanfl . to get Hood's, because ot ropalrs. The oommuDtty was awaro of and a moment lator they wore mot by' live etuJy their lessous uutit sobool opoaeJ. experience is teaching them how to man, whom they aonimnnded to halt. tpplosi, Spy, ilhljl 175 @ 225 what was going on, but the ohnractor of The robbers opened IIro upon them and Unldwln. ? bbl 200 £5)2 75 By twos aad tbroei tho scliolnrs enmo ia guard against it. The correspondent the men engaged _ In the enterprise was aomo thirty shots wore oxohanged, Fricn BoaDavls. V bbl 200 @ 3 GO and woro dlrectod to spend tlio tlrao in of the Globe who signed himself anob tbnt they were Afraid to tell the au- haviDK his hand aud arm wounded and 3rupes, Oatawba.V basket. 6 (3 10 3tudy iiutll their nnw tencber ua>l ilaishoJ "Transvaaler" may rest assured that Concord, 9 basket 5 7 thorities. the bones In each crushed and splintered. bis broiiUfnst. Just boforo tbo IImo for the military authorities aro taking Cranberries, Capo Cod, ¥ Bbl 5 BO @ 800 sohool to opoo, tbe teitelier, a protty miss. In the courflfi ot the Investigation several OQO ot too robberd wa3 seen to Btagger andkearrl to exclaim that he was shot, LITE rOULTH?. arrived. 8tie was Informed thut bur Bur- every precaution against what he de- BABY'S BATH. . t mysterious disappearances buve developed vloe3 wore not required, nod tbo tramp, scribes as * 'another enemy besidos Into murders, anil tho trails ot nom&of tun but a companion supported him nnrl he Powls.SIb , — (is 10H was oarrled to the Big Fourtraoks) where aiilnliens, VI ll> tii® 9 taking his pi net) on tbe plntfortn, called tlio the Boer." And the precautions Nothing is more easily affected' by irritation <; offenders have led dotootlves ult over the school to order. Urlted 8tates. the party boardod a band car. By this Roosters, ? Ib — @ . eU adopted are on the lines he has sug- As a roBiilt ot a systematic effort by tho time stwarat citizens bnd appnjirod on tbe rarkeyi, Vm 7 ffl 8 Ia tbo ineaatlme the real tenobor la gested, although, as has been pointed than the dainty, delicate skin of a young child. _> Public * Works Department, Attoraey- scene and lltty shots were Ilred at tlio es- Dnoks, V pair 40 @ 60 formed n number ol farmers of tbo stato General Duvlss; District Attorney Tlmntby caping thieves. • 3eeBe, V pnlr 1 00 (J? 1 25 of affairs, and they burst in, flJIed with out, it is impossible when an army is The robbers went to Nortb Uanohestor Pigeons, * ralr .-.. 20 @ 25 Iro. Itoosovolt pulled aa old pistol froai on tho march to adopt the only safe Ivory Soap is cleansing and refreshing. It is wholly CurMn, Jr., ot Onelda County, and Emer- 1 son Willis, his nsslstaut, thirteen persons on the haudcar and there boarded u Wabnsh SSEISED f ODLTDI. bis , at sleht of which tho raea scat- course, and stable animals every have been Implicated In tbe series ot out- freight train, but left It at Columbia City tered. After soartlng a number of scholars For !t9A=ai:Qe (whether elck or nervous), 18 <5> n weakness In the back, splno or kidneys, pain nre under Indictment.. . daybreak two ot them wore supporting tbo problems nud flolsblog bin repast, tbu aroan.dt-the liver, pleurisy, swelling ot the Joint! wounded ratio, who seemed to bo very Capons, Phlla., 9 I1< 12 © 18 - tramp told tbo flcbolars that ho waB re- The persous arrested are William Olark, ftrals, State .1 Pcnn., nil*.. — @ 9« • Lord (Volieley's Steps. leaves the tenderest skin unharmed. and pains of all kind*, tho application of Badway't Walter Buyaor. Rloimrtl MonOiiau, John weak. Tho bank contnluid something latod to Governor Roonovclt, aad thoy hud Bead; Belief will afford immediate ease, and 1ti over $G0OO, and the robbers secured all the Ducts, Woslorn, Vfo 7 @ 10 been honored by his projeaao In tho contlnQeanmforafAW dayB effeoja a permanent Conluy. Joun Fordett, John Hoot, Frank loese, Nearby, V\b 0 (S) QJ4 No other living British soldier has IT FLOATS. euro.-. - school. He then dopnrted. nnU has not •» TK. .won" • <*"«• oo.oi«a««it doz '.. . 160 @ 300 been captured yot. gained promotion more rapidly than . __ CUBES AND PBJEVENTS Lord WolBeley. The following aro Colds, Coughs, nors. VAN HE EM EN'S Jtato—1833, obolce, 1Mb 19%<3 14 CAi/aiiT JJ:LEVKN COONS NAPPING. his various steps,with dates: Ensign. sore Throat, Hoarseness PAS* Stif7:Neok, Bronchitis, 183!),lnlr — O 9 ' Blalne Farmer Fouatl AnluaaU In n Dem' 1852;' captain, 1855; major. 1858; Catarrh, Headache, Piioiqa-ljoaatl1899, oholoo.. 13.^® 14 Tr«e Trunk. lieutenant-colonel, 1859; colonel. 1865; Toothache Rheumatism . eommonTo ISIr, 6 <& 9 deputy quartermaster-general. 1867; Neuralgia, Asthma Did odds 2 ® S BANOOII, Mo. (Special).—Farmer GeorRO Bruises,. Sprains, Drown, ol Ohestervllle, wont Into the assistant adjutant-general, 1871; ma- HAT AUD BTOAW. woods the other dny to get dry fuel, nnd jor-general, 1873; quartermaster-gen; Quloker Than fny Known Romoily. Sav—Prlrao, 9100 l» — @ 8% ho got a better load than bo oxpected. Ho ^o'm&tter how violent or excruciating th« fiaiu Clover mixed 75 @> 77%saw a glaut pine stub, or dead trunk, on eral, 1880; adjutant-general, 1882- the Bhttunattc, Bedridden, In ^rm: Crippled, Her general, 1883. He received twenty- VOQB,'Nenralglc or prostrated with diseases ma» Clover 70 (ffl 72« the edgo of an tcy marsh, cut It down, and tuner,"' Jttaw—Long rye 70 @ SO bogan to chop It luto luuftthf). 80011 be five thousand pounds for his services TEOXTADtiEB, fe«t lil9 into Btrlkt) something soft un It iu Ashanti, and twenty thousand R AD>«V AY'S READY RELIEF PUKE OF UA11LBOQODOH. broke through tho shell of tbo stub. Think- (Ho goes to Soutli Africa as t volunteer la Potatoes, L. I., 5? bM 150 1 00 blhoumja.ud other fevrrs. aided hy lUUWJY'J crowds met the volunteers at Southampton while in tbe trunk was u Iirty-pouudor—tho 1 0 !IO Ooin Paul's i'oninanet.ip. BlJt" '" " *" BAI»W*Y'8 HEAD* aud gave them a ringing send off as they biggest and fattost of tlte lot. Drowu thus romBtoo9,Fra.,ii! currier ..100 @ 1 75 got, besides a cord of dry wood, over 203 Ooni Paul oau handle a rifle much embarked 011 tho transports Arlosto, Klu- string beans, V crate 160 (3.100 fauns Castlttnnit Gaul. pounds of coon ment nnd ulevon coon skins. better than he can a pen. His signa- Poppors, V /arrlor 1C0 (3> 2fiO find pvur ulnco that dtiy ho luii quite all Jacanibors, «i crate 2E0 600 turo is cramped and scarcely legible. About 11 o'clock the Duke and Duchess other work and goos nbout In the wood?, He signa liinmself "3. J. F. Kruger." FOB LADIES, of Marl borough drovo to tho Wnterloo 5gl{ plant, tl box.., 160 ©2 60 looking for more hollow stubs with coons BOYS or QIRLS. railroad ututlon und made their way 3elery. 9do< 15 01 Ml In thorn. Ilia full numo being Stephanus Johan- &XO to SBS a. WooK. through n crowd ot Ichakl clad ofticors und- 3aullHowcr, V bbl 100 O 5 01) Tbo best llaio to Ilnd these suug hurbors nes Fauhis Kruger. Easily mado by Mlllng to your frteudu onr Fa. Red CrosB nurses nud a lubyrluth of bag- Brussels sproutB, ? 1 25 tarlia, the fines! COFFBK the world rrodncti the warm brentIi of the coons melts bare rluge, wbero Captain and Lady Grentall, ietluoo, 11 baskot 1i (3)2 00 spots In tho snow 00 tho tree trunks, thus What-Do HIP Children Drink J Write no for particulars. The Java Coll oe Imp iplnaob.flbbl '5 (5)175 Dim't Rive them toa ur coffeo. Havo Uo.) 130 Water Hlreet, New fork City. Murray and Blank Rudolph. Murray and money oxcept nbout $30 in smnll obanKO. L fid 103 Blanford, Dudloy uud Essex nnd betraying their prosecco. Aboaf tho same liour tbe bunk at Ellettu- Mrs. Arthur Fagot wero eontod. Crowds lalo.VDbl CO (S) 75 vou tried tho uew food drink called Rudolph hnvo beqn released on ball. All OPAIN-O? It Is delicious uad nourishing, the others are in Jail In Utloa. vllle, Monroe County, was forced open and cheorod tbo Duko when tho train departed. allAIN, ETO. MtrilI»EfEEK'S SPIRIT IN BIS 1IODY. the vault door blown open with a chargo ot TU'» Duko Is much ploosed at tbo expres- uud takes tho place of coffee. The moro The flrst break on the Forostport feoder floar-Wlntor Potonts n (10 @ 3 75 UnAiii-O you Kive the children tho more ooourred on Jalv 21,1697. tbo second on dynamite. Tbe oiploslon aroused tbe sions of friendship for Great Britain ema- Spring Patents 316 (3>395 hlnctilnr Heller or it Mnn of Whom a cltlzans, but before they could reach tbe nating from tho United States, and Is health you distribute through their &ys- September 18,1603. and the third In the *be»t-Ho. 1 N. Dulutli - (5> 1tX Queer Clnliii Is Blade. tem>j. ORAIN'O is mado of pure praius, L'he best. summer of 1899. The breaks alt occurred scene the robbora bai left tho bank nnd flerlouBly nuxiouii to learn if mien feelings No. 9 nod - @ 13H bonrded H-btindcar.on tho Moaon Railroad ropreaoQtod tlio major My of American BniiWKPoin-.Conu. (Special).—Mrs. Rich- und whuu properly prepared tastes Ilkn Consumption. In practically the samo place, where the 3oru-No. 2 Wi<& •" ard H. \V. OnlTlQ nvHTB that ttie spirit of the choice pr/ules of cofleo, but costs about Cough feeder runs along n hillside, a heavy bank and mado their escape. Tho loss of the opinion. Jurigfo;; from all uppenruuci's Coughs, CoIds.Grippe, bnuk is tiotwefn SI50O nml $2000. Tbe )ats-No. 2 Wlilto - © -U Cbiirk'H Bolnny. wlio wns Imnced a yonr U "* much. All Kroct-rs sell it. IBc. audliSc. .fis, Hoarse- of onrth supported by piles forming the nud from the fiankn».iH ot h(» eohversn- Traoli mlxoil !»«® ®*Yi baulc bolongs to Eduioud Palmur, of Chi- tlon. tbo descendant ot England's great ngo for tbo mtirdor of Miinm H'cboli, but ness. Asthma, Wlioopiog. cnnnl. • lye-Western '... ™"46> <"X tn&on up tta abode In thoiorm of Edwin 1 The trip liy motor L-HT from Cairo in the p. Smalldoses; qliiclE.sureresult,. Word reaobod Colonel Fartrldgo last oaffo. warrior hns dropped his rank and is juut nu onlinurv Captain of Yeomanry, honestly Stato 65 (S) 6H Luther, who lives with bis wife and four 1 |ijrjunltl8 in mado In fotirtuen minutes. UcureConstipation 7rialnfar£c Bummorthat n man in Buffalo had told a Tbe banli nt Akron was also tobbed chlldreu In Ibo house where Bolnny WHS strange story about tbe canal having beon aboat tho same tlmo and tbo same motbods rmslous to servo bis country aud to emu- ^ard-Clty - @ 5.70J. Into, as fur us In him lies, his ramous au- capturud. Sim. Orlfflu 13 a spiritualist, IIOW'H Tlilo t Care of Goatly China. blown up In 1697 and 1898 for tbe purpose were employed as nt tho othor banks, tlie I,IVR GTOOE. und aho and Mrp. Luther are fa9t friends. robbers using dynamlto aud csoupiag oa cestoi. WeoftvrOho HtiDtlrnl Dollnrn Itonnrd for Waahing tbo co3tly china which of bringing money Into tho town of Forest- leoves, city ilrossed 1 <3> "Jf nnv rnsc of Cntarrb th»i ennuot be cured by a bandcar before efTtiotlve pursuit could be A special dispatch from Naples says that Fjtitlior and his wife aru bellevor.i lit wealthy peoplo uoo at grand dinners port. Tbo cost of repairs was practically ;«lvo3, city ilrossed 0 (5> 12 spfrltualhm. L'ltfior hns been vary 111. Hall> OntArrh (Jure. all profit for tbe town. Every man who organized.' Thoreports dinar as to amount Mr. Mnorum, former United 8tnte3 Consul Country dressod 7 ®> 10 K..!. CHKNKV & Co.. Toledo, O. is almost a fine art. Sack ahina is of- owned a horse and wagou found employ- sonared, but It is kuown tbat tbo loss will nt Pretoria, is reported to bo the boaror of Mo died. Mm. GrliHn OIUIIDB, and tbu spirit W«\ ihountlcrsiencd, hnvcknownF. J.Che- reach •1030. lbeep.V100!b 3 60 @ 4 (i.'i of CUorlos lioluiiyouterod hH bo'ly. IIP\ for ,Lhn limt 15 swim, and bollovo him por- tea band-painted by celebrated or- ment. The lumbermen sold piling. The n lotter to President McKlnley from Prosl- MoAa. "fl 1001b 560 (S CflO ,8'iloon nnd boarding house keepers reaped dent Kruger In which the latter proposes ffctly horornitlf In nil bnpluc^ trnnsactlonB tiBts, aud a single piece' not infre- poaco torms b.i.sod upon the statue quo. IORS-LIVO,'? 101) It) 4 75 «« 1,O VK LKTTRK8 HOtlTV. nnd llnnnrliilly nh\v tn curry out any ubliga- quently costs from $25 to 3100 or A golden harvest from tho money left there KILLS HIS ENTIRE FAMILY. Couutrv litosaed U<® "'i (Inn miulti bv their Hi m. by tho laborers, wlio cashed their pay with complete Independence and u seven- lfufllea Uiirclars Uct Sat Ii fact Ion iu Kcail- WEST A: TmiAX, Wholfsale UrugRifils.Toleda more. checks overy day and spent all their mouey Martin Borsfln, DoitoQ'l Catcher, a Mar' year franchtue. TOBACCO. Western leaf Is qulot but prloos aro fairly IIIR Kplille* or Ilysonn Pay*. Oliio. nt night. dorcr and Bnldde. Advices from Cape Town say that Field WAMiiNn, KI.NNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale The contents of tho china closets of lrm. Domestic olgar leat is active and GREENWICH, Conn. (Special).— Burglars DniKKlhtu, TolMo. Ohio. Mr. Partridge consulted with Attorney- Nonin BROOKriF.LU, Mass. (— Marshal Lord Roberts has appointed Lcrd >rlccj uro ifady. Sni™ nro as. (ollons: eoaja of oar majti-millionaires are Stanley, Momborof Parllamnnt for South- vblted Kound Bcaoh, broke luto Palraor'n IIHII'H Oatarrli Cure is taken internallj*, act- * General Buries, who advised him to follow Mnrtla Bcrgon, one ol tlio boat-Known bull iOOcoies 1803 Zlmtncrs, 9(ST99*o; lOSOcasoi blacksmith shop nnd thuro piueurutl tools Inn directly upon the blood and mucoun eur- -worth a moderate fortune, aud their tbo matter up, and tho story wasi'@iao; 200 with which they forced their way Into the I urea ol tho system. Tostlmoniftln sent free. care ia intrnBted only to experts, who vestlgutoa when tbe Foreatport feoder tho Grenadier Guards, to bo press conBor. •uses 1809 Gobhart, 13c, and 200 ousos 1893 Price. 7fic. pcrirattlp. Hold by all DnigglBts, ton's Club's catchers last saason, killed bis Lord Itohorts has fssuod a general or- l>otstoffice. AU tho stamps and niouey 'charge'high prioeB for their services. wont up lor tbe third time. Incidentally. IVIscousln Havana, 11^12^0. Foreign wero In the postmaster's houflo, 'so tlm Hall's Family PHln are tho beat. It may be remarked that tbe total cost of wife and twoolnldron wltUnn axe and then . dor forbidding looting. Some of tbe dishwashers employed by pat ctgady wltb sales ot 400 bales Havana burglars coDteuted themselves with opun- Iu Sendal, Japan, Bibles arc on oalo 1a repairing these three breaks amounted to cut his own throat with u rnzor, nt his Largo reinforcements have been received it 60@fca Jn bond, nnd 100 bales Sumatra lug letters. fnahipnnblo caterers reoeivo salaries 0129,615. at Cape Town. Tbo American hospital shir live of tho leading booti stores. borne, In the unstoro portion ot Nortu it SOc'tatl.CO In bond. Next thoy went to tlin rnilroad Hlntioa whioii'-f or exceed those of the average Colonol Fartrldgo employed detectives Maine ban also arrived. Brookflold. I Trinls for dlsloynlty nre in progress at and got n bunrilo of tickets aud opened a 11 mi recommend PiBo'RCuro far Confiump. boojilreeper or clerk. who went to Forest port to'llvo. Intlmo Ue cnuRht for the Huston Club last year, tin box In which tho station agent kepi a tlon tohufftirprafrom Asthma.-E. D. TOWN tho detective* wove a net of lucrlmtaatlng* (Juoeustcwn as well us nt Capo Town. - " DAIRY UNION WORK. In" tlie first plaoo, tbe pieoes are playing with tbo nlno up to tbe oloso of Tbo Modder Illvor uows (alight, butfrnm puckage of lovu letters of bygone il.iys. hKND, Ft. Howard, Win.. Mny 1.1KM. evidence about practically ol^the persons tho season. At times during the sumraoi They oponcd and reail all those letters annlled, cermlueil, tbcroforo, tc havo tho tax BO evMenae ttgulast tbe band was of tne mo?t on tho traueporl Warren. clean". '• After whiob it is as tenderly Chalk Mark* Showed Tlmt no LITCC llAi.iiAi, N. H. (Bpeclal).--Tho first flec- til^h ou tbo Imitation butter, whether dried.~^ith old, soft lined or with an positive obariictor. He did not think one tion of the second routlURont which the •iiboliuil or not, tbnt It will uot bo ablo to of them could-escape. Under tbe law the Tliree Day* on OU From Loinii, Govcrnmunt of Canada 19 sending to South jiMurtioll tliocenulMo artlclu Indiap'silk handkerchief. maximum penalty for en oh offeuco Is seven FOTTSTILIIBV Fenu. (Spoclal).—Tbo bod) Africa to tuko part in tlm war embnrked on years' Imprisonment and $1000 line. Tbu Dairy Union luis what are kuown as Leo?'expensive ohina, which is still of William Galloway, tiro boss of the Knaki | tho stnumer Lnurontaio, whlah had boon Tbe enormity o( the crime Is Increased ahnitereil for ttie purpose Hnturday. The 'natloual orgfiulzora," who ffo Into tbo "too:costly for working days," is kept bv tbe fact that tbo Foredtport feeder pro- William Mine of tbe Dodson Coal Com Hection consists of artillery, und lain com- districts aud Rot tlm Informatlou doMrcii. in with either tissue paper or vides tuo laiger Dortlou of Lhewntor supply putty, who was entombed on December 18 uiund of Major tlurdrauu, •> Tlioy work amoug the fbruierd nod dairy- doubla-faced canton flauriel between for tbe «lty of Borne. Iu consuquenoe of was recovered n Tew days ago. Tht1 sceue along the streets as tho soldiers men, oxplnluluK tbe character ot tbo IURIS- There are hun- tbe plates, to prevent any possible tbe break In tlio canul lust summer. miirPhtul lo tlio pier was one of great cn- jfttlon utiedeil, aud •tiotrlag tiiem bow to Borne, during the period of drought, was While he lived Gulloway kept a'dlnry ou thusIuBiu. Thuusandfl assembled along the DrluK pressure to bQLr on their Ropreseu- rubbing of the hand-paintings, whiob, praotlonlly without water, and tbe engines sheet Iron with u piece of chalk, aud sub- .line of uinroll nnd choored almost roubtau- tatlvoti to socuro It. dreds of cough medi- thonjJb,uQBigned, are artistic and beaU' of tbe Fire Department had to be used to slsterl on the oil In hfs lamp uatll It UMS tly, waving flags nud ban d k ore ftlets . Viful.-—Philadelphia Press. pump eaoti duy's supply from the Erie exhausted. . j OUR COMMERCE FOR 1899. Cunul Into tlio reservoir. If a big nro had Oallowuy wroto oa a plnnk on tbe side ; Ne» ZvnUiul Troopi Sail. cines which relieve occurred In curtain sections of the city of the cbuto on which tbe fall occurred ; • WM.LisftTON, N. Z. (By Cable'). Tbeao(»- Che Iterord ur Expurts Beaton. aml'That Carious Facia About Calendar!. Home would probably bnvo been utterly the follotvlnii words: I on<) New Zoulaml contlnstmt Balled foi of Imports AIimiBt Kqntillnft. There are some enrious facts about destroyed. "I am In the cbuto No. \\%. Wlllfacc KoutU Africa Saturday. The Premier, lu a coughs, all coughs, Galloiruy. WAOUINOTON, D. *\ (eipeclal).—Tho ex- onr calendars. No century can begin i>pt)Bch to tho troops, said that, If uccss- porin of morchaudlso from tbo Uoltud . RELIEF FOR PUERTO RICO, Beforo tbe body was found these worJt Bury, he know taut every man capable of on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday. were discovered wrlttea ou Bheet Iroa oc bearing arms would volunteer. By helping states Jtirlof; tho your 1809 woro valued ut except bad ones! The same calendars can beusad over; a brattfeo door. Thoy woro addressnd t( the Empire, thoy woro scouring New Zeu- Sl.275.iSG.6il. aud oxcoudod by $lVJ41,'i75 twenty years. October always begin* The Time For tbe Foreclosure of Dlort- his Wife: laud, nnd upholding tlm Queen, the coun- those of tho previous year, which went tuo The medicine which The Itching and burning I safiered in my icet ana UmDs tor three yeatf casea Extended For Six filoutlii. "I think I am ffoue. Gootlby, Junto. D« try uud the constitution. lurwest up to tlmt tlmo for uny tivulvo on,tho same day of tho week as Janu- good boys. Guy unit WUllo. I tlou't tlilub - were terrible. At night they were worse and would keep me awake s WASHINGTON, D. O. (Spoolal).—Secretary mouths In tbo history of tlio country. ary, April or July; September as Do Boot hns Issued an order extending the you will eeo your fattier any more. I tblub Colonlnls Co lie Knllitetl. has been curing the greater part of tho night. I consulted doctor alter doctor, as I was travel- - cember. February,. March and No this Is Wednesday." Tbo valuo of tLo ujoroliamllKo Imported time for the foreclosure of mortguges on Xt Is believe l«lie lived but tbreo days CArr. TOWN (By Cable).—llocopnlzing tho luriuc tbo your was 6799,834,020, which Is ling on the road most of my time, also one of our city doctors. None of the vember begin on the same days. May, property In Puerto Rlao six months, on tbo His body lay prostrate In the ouutu. Importunco of colonial troops, Lord Rob- fin Increase of $16,409,131 ovurtbo previous doctors knew what the trouble was. I got a lot of the different samples of erta has authorized iho formation of a year and only 81,821,727 loss tliuu tb« Im- worst of bad coughs June anil August always begin on condition, bowever, that such extension the medicines I had been using. I found them of so many different kinds shall not apply If contrary to legislation Severe Defeat For Filipino.*, complete dl\ talon of colonial? un.ler Uon- ports of the yenr WJ5, whon tbo highest different days from each otber, and ernl Brnhaut. It Is Intended to raise lu record on lmporta wtifl bcorud. that I concluded I would have to go to n Cincinnati hospital before I would every other month in tho year. The euaated by Congress In the Interval. The First LleutomiDt Moltuo with a compiin) Cape Colony additional mounted Irrogu- for 60 years is Ayer's time for the payment of mortgages under Tbe bnlaucu of trudo lu fnvor of tho pet relief. I had frcqueDtly been urged to try CUTICURA REMEDIES, first and last days of the year are al- of the Third Infantry bas sovorely defeated Ian?. AH a furlhei mark of favor. Lord llnttni Htuttvifor the twolvo monthn was Tin* Wnrrpn will fi«ll hy way of (»unm tbe previous orders of tbe War Department ltouertfl, it la nald, iuteudt to select h\s ways the same. These rules do not General Hlzon audtUeremoaot of his com ei7:.,(;5l!,021, Voiuparod with tti20,5Sl,818 nud Honolulu, but will uot stop at tho lut- Cherry Pectoral. but I had no faith in them. My wife finally prevailed upon me to try them. expire J Friday. uwn bodytrunrd from thu oolonlah, 'or tlio yoar 1898. 1 apply to leap year, when comparison mand neur Mubalnuiit, P. I. •er pliici 1'resto! What a change! I itm uow cored, and it fs a permanent cure. I Here is evidence: feel like kicking some doctor cr myself for suffering three years when I is made between days boforo and aftei Wcbater Hiatus Uiivellllsli 1. of bow Aycr's Cherry FectoraJ tlio burrjickfl aud detotiilo-a lioipltiiN. the ^lugo of Ludysmtlb. wool huts noVL'iity-llvo oonts per (lozoii on learned that the first Slierifl', Joshua lirouzd stntuo of Duulel Wobstur executed mhblun in Hilton K>iik'" fr'i:n whl''h ml^- vavt-d the life of my siMer after Consists of CUTICURA SOAP (26C), to cleanse tbe skin of crusts and scales and Many of tho^e dutuluod uro Hbuolutoly ilu» cheap grado.H, ami on bf^bur 'iualt.03 lu ulotiurieft ^(U Ini rtxnt out to nil [>tirtri ot Iho thickened cuticle, CUTICURA Ointment (AOc.), to instantly allay f tching, lrrital Wells, of Southold, was appointed in by tho Ituliaa senlptor Trentaaovo and tltute. I'ToportJou. ihc doctors had all given to presented to tho United Stntns Dy Slilson fit* rrlflttnvrd An. Ii4MilHlaim Hinl Mliyin^lppi to win .'onw>rl?. and inflammation, and soothe and boal, and CDTICURA BESOLVEHT (60C.), to cool 1698, daring tho reign of William anil ihr So I purcLa.scd two bottles, rlennso the blood. A SINGLE SET II often sufficient to enro the most torturing, Hutotilns, of WusbluRton. Tlie stntuo oc- Many Cuban Ptlduiiem llnlonsrd. Tho Kuuias Peulteutfury is r{tir.rantlnoi Dliininiitl huppljr blmrt. Mary of England. The present flurried Foi V«»IP, IH01I uu thi> Nmti^lti.) u re inond Rupply, owinp to tbu uuttluR off ol town, and his Under Sheriff is J. S. yefirh Cluirlct WtiKht, ii^od snipntv ilirt'o •sister So you sec that three bot A.\D CHBM. CORP., Solo Props, Boston. " How to Cure Itching Humon," free. Cleufiie«OB* CaatouiB Uecelptt. boon bold for au time, nn*nit- colved. Smallpox eclats in *tt>voral looul tlm Kimberlov output, four largo l.ipitlary Woflo; bit Sayville.—New York Tele- log trial, htivw boon ielo:i3«J. On oinor^- Itlos, and it Is SOUKUI to piotcct tlio uu \«)iirs, nnd his wtf*' (':illioiliu». iijro.l 4lU\- tlrs (one dollar each) saved tuo The receipts at the custom house In Clen* coiiforna of Huutiu, rrUHsfa, bavo closed gram. Ing from prison they were greet oil liy many lliousuuU prisoners. sit yunrtf, dh>d wllliln st\ IIOUM ul virnh lues We all bend you our heart- (uegos, Cuba, during 18'J[) wero $1,159,000. frleudf., uud an affecting so DUO uiieuod. down. trillions of Women Use Cuticura Soap ntln'1 ut thuir IUMIH! In IMiilatlnlplihi. fell thanks for what you have done Exclusively fur preserving, purifying, and beautifying tho eklo. forclcanslDg the a ' " Ituer-IIritlah Wur Not(>«. Fhianrp, Trndn ntnl Ius high are i.nkn llrlo poiln llml it tillllcult to muki —. tl IH, nnd (.'hfttlngphl , or tto o ffre o or offefielvffl o pcreplratlonitin, , ILn tho form of ir&fihei The Grand Jury ofPottuwuttuwIe County, hlb'dU DIgna. who has been reported to havoboon not ttullf-tad lu tin* Brltisli cu\ulry volun- Hlilimioutt*. Gonnrni Lonl Kllchciior «ny<* tl 0 South utci'rutWc wenkuuflH.'fi, nud for tunny eanatlvo antlecptlo purpoaca whlcb'readlly a _ Iowa, returned two indlctmonU ugnlast Afrlonn \v lr will lust ut len^t ouo /cur. thctDBbl^cfl to wuincn.nuU eBpeclally motliurs. nntl for nil tlio purposes of tbe toilet, t killed soores of times iu the pnst decade, tbe Ruv-. B. J. Jnrne*, of HoutU Omaha, » teers. It Is anuouucril in nmntifncturluK clrcl«<- lu Ilcrllu that tlm (Ionium NOIMIIO Hyudl- Srniilnr Coi'l.n»llt of MIIH.HU1.I-. known and mirccry No umount ol pcrstiftHluQ ran Induce those who have once used It to use a , has at length been captured In the neigh- Christian Hcleneo bonier, aud ono aj(<.tiist General Itullor Is uiing anumlmr t>f tra<>~ marr, t'Ht>vrinlly for preserving and purifying tho nkln, scalp, and hair of Infants an lion tMitiliiL'3 lo liaul .supplies at <'hlt'V<'k'y, tins boon r(^\i\(nt. UP unu 0MI10 nio.t |ii workT-i borhood ol Tokar und sent to Suuklin, Mrs. YntoH for tbnlr part tu tbo Martinoau, tlm f;ii)iriu-> Now, for lie first tine you lowii. It l» paid tlm &t\ dfoi] of iippou- I.oniio.oniion military II'Tpcrln privately l T Ing of flower otlors. No otbor lncdli'Jitcd or toilet eoap ever compounded Is to lx) comptred ^ y y 735,000 builii'lb of whuut unil-J.lOH.OOO Inifib KIIKNHII l nitiirluii tlicolo^ldii, h ilcml al Britisi h ili'feiils f» tlil'' 1 with It for preserving, purify I up, and beautifying tho Bkln, scalp, hair, and htndfl. No To Appraise lketvey'* Capture. illuUIs wblle tbo heulor wni pr»ylu« ovor ot I ho uluof corn. tlio iitft. of 1111101 \-IIvt*. can get a trial bottle of Cherry tier. goliyruK cllior foreign or tlomrHtle toilet noap, however expensive, In to bo compared with It for•H—-^ Tho Bupromo Court of the D (strict of Co- It Iq fin hi tbn Ar^iMitlno bas KOII! II ^urnl Tlio Prlm'd or Wales him i>nu>ioi)tni. lo hn tlio purpoecB of Hie toilet, hath, nnd mirflcry. Thus It combines In ONE SOA* »t^O«H ' lumbia bus ordered an apprnlsomunt by tlio '1'iio Baptist I'huioli^^ lu rioulli Afrli-a Pectoral for 25 cents. Ask v t Ileal of wheat for February and Maieli tbo colonel in <'li|of of Iho Iiiipi-tful Vo.>- Piuci:, vl/,., TWENTV FIVE CENT.?, tbo BKST skin and oomploxlon Boap, anil tbo BEST feoun Navy Dopiirltnojit of tho property captured Aliierlciin llefflatrv for l*nni,y » Slilp. namber twenty-two, wllh it inemburshlp of nearly I7!W. Hblpinuiit, and ln-ncn Europe Is not an un\ inimrv (^iiifliitid' i ro^linont ot i-'U^h and BEST baby eoap in the world- x**£ > by Admiral Dewey at Muuila. Itif.q Is it Among tlio bills Introduced In Congress rlJiMt*. yoar druggist. ft 11 inn! lli'K MKMIIOS-S of tho UUOIM in IOUH lmynrfn thb cuiiutry. purt of tbo proueediugs broucclit for tins is oootoglvu JIU AmnrlLMii ro^ljtry lo th.j Mllfd olnoo tho bogliiiiliiK of tln> vtai is Iho TraUr>ntluntl(; ^loainihlp IItins hav< noiKiralJ.'iilior;. tin- enimnui.dfu <>( tli-> salzer'i Bap» Hiinotu.L'eil IncreiiBOii mil's lot ^prluK HIM) lie-1'1 Armv.ln liii .sl»^otnctli-t ln'fuic T/idv- STOPPED FREE HTM" - nwnrd of prlzomonoy to Admiral Dotvoy, iincr Wlmltrard, I'olotiRlnj,' to Liuutou 4000. ThciM) llKiire.x. honevur, lire not r«- NEW • First—the mediolne that Hiiiumrr, cxpouiitiK >> K^'ut rush o[ tour- Hiiiilli, lias shown bltnsoif an apt pupil of DISCOVERY:^™. Poromoeotly Cared i nnt* his officers and men. nut Peary, or Arctic oxpJor.nlou luine. gardeil i\- aulheatlt*. UKUBta 1 mucch r«H«f»ndcnr.iwon r«H«f»nd » holds tho record tor the idtB to tbn TIU-IH Exposition. Mnltki'Vldi-n-*. * lOdB" ln» It 1^ ^tatt'd In London thai tho BrHHi Cuban f.u^ar planter* liavti sulTnr^il H(> Ar.'liblibnp l':itiick '. 1-Vvbnti. of Clil- Fi".. DTB. faatui'B «OM.B.»B.Aimi..r4 n fad of tint tMiltlt.itfou o[ largest number of abso- L'HV of Leo-Met ford curtridgoi. A cfroular Man beon Issue J by the Ynqiii Tho Balmou cnuncrs of British Columbia liaiM-oiithuit'il many week-,. -„ MOWIT-*. In 1ln< t>- ipurti tiin" lu Ms private puriicn, iLtt aud nnnounslug tlinl thoy nro attempting toents to combine later<"jts lo moot tlm !I'Cdii sent to tlio Ilrlllsh in Sonlli Afncu 11 1 tolllH plllllt". Is -Lydla E. Plnkham's Irom tho port of New Orleano, I-1. itll of Ilio t'oppnr cnnipunii ) ot tbe Unlttn to form a civil government In ttio Htitto of [*URCt Sound fliilmou ('uinblnt'. Tiin plan . States laHt your wns *'^:i,l5!'.iyt. hountor I'M ward <». (' rid Vegetable Compound. Souora. Mexico. TIIM oi'unlar u[>|mul8 to 'nitud. It Is now predict".! Unit tint Untl^li IL 1H .in nun need t Nat Iho lioypiljiU :it Tho nveniK0 n'lviun'o In tho price ol O\MH au automobile, in wlilcli 1m rl>l tlio people of tho Uuitud HtuteH, ami in- Coluniblu'Industry. wlik'h upcut tJ,03:),0T) Jiluoil n fonft t fluI , Or.uiKO " lFnu" i Mate, mil rirltish I'oinmoiliMo* In l^'.i1) um ui>ail> liiu'k and forth botwrcn HIM Cu.itol anil BOOK AGENTS Tf ANTED FOR Second—Mrs. Plnkham vites Amurloaus to etithL lu tlioir caiiuo, yearly, and «avo tmi'loyiiif>iit to a lt:on- nUuivlivrt) nro iniokivl with woumlnil nn»i. twiMvupprcont. Tlili IIK-I.HII". nil ••! tb« hh IIOIISO In WiiHhliict'Mi. II" hit h-'jo u<' NOUQ'S COUGH can show by her letter uuder promise tlial if naooesiilul uo for- iaud lliihuiiuuii, will coltuc^j in tliron 1 A Hrlthib iinny onloi just itstioil pro\ir n Voluntcot V.n^w i I'tilUp 1> Armoiii. .if Chl-MCf, hn-> Kmin VrcTonls Con*prion. files In &ynn that a mil- r Tlilil>-M'\(>u rhlnii MMiimfiiiMiinMs luivt lu Houora for ton yHaif Cnr|i- "T . il)(l iniiu I[vlcu In Smuh Al- on I eiri I into un uun'ciurtit to [ tin to r.niHlcnu, t'.il , t 1 tin* winti-i. ll.< lion women have been l'rlfOM of Ilmltirv A(Ivitlic«>tI. I'.'.i. "«>llhiK prlci". J'hti pin-'-s will bn r.ii-i'i IIO|M»H tho ('iillfntiii.i I'ltnuiti* will ]»\ li..ii»'- PuSpit Echoes on nu «v«niK«' of aliout forly per t'i'iit llfial Lu him. Uo iv a.- ipniih*.! hy Hn>. »H I.1VINO Tltl'TIIB Fl»!t HEAD AND IIRA1IT. restored to health by her Mr. Hay JtWi'hoti Cups Town. Tho Soutliorn A-no^iation of ll.>-,iory . L will cointniiiii'i tlm At inoiu mid Ills [i!i\ xlcliin i'tnmaniy ilUlsioii ptoi'.irlnic (•> U',i\(« | n^. A Krciit ."fiirnity of "ti'i'luinl iron mlli I' >Ianufu<>tiiror> met in Atlunta. Cl.i., utnJ Itli'hnr.l llitidiiiL: Diivh with hln nif» !i.^ medicine and advice*- Ad«lt)«rt U. Hav, tlio nuw Uuitt'il States j l:itnl fin Siinlli Afrl.-ii, is 1. 1M1 ^nii-hi-1 ,W. rt'portcil In Nmy hnt. Tills i.^ it, .-in) lirotlici-lti I iw <>i tlin Into Diiku ul salhMt Tot SDIIUI AfrU'.i. vrlier" ln< will n ,-[ By I). L. Moody < lal authorities iiro iiuxlmis to m!onr«rall; 1 Third-All letters to Mrs. total ittlvjumo of twiHity pm ( tit. iu throo i Wi-Mnilli'Uui. .Hid aro uunslik'ilaK urdt^r-t from thl: im \\\\r cnn' sji'nnit>nt for a innnlu'i 01 *n*Jf. with .romrl'C M.torynfhlillfthj KrT.CIIAR. P. Ho sturtoj liuiiiodU'toly for tlio Transviial- IllOUtllH. iuaKn/ln*«t iiml tu'wtpapi'ii. IIH wlf*' tv 111 mil Rn lDtTtMurtiun hj Itrv. I.YUAN U. Plnkham are received, "i*n••* ''IIUILIIIHH Govi'rnnifMil li.i'i aivcpio I uouutry. iifcoiiipuuy him to tlm CIIJM. Ir.nVl new. IMIOjin.ta«* I»««I>T;;,I CTJ-LOOO mor. Mnrrled Seventy \>iin. Itiipltl TnuiBlt TDI New V.irlt VUy, ! lt:itl-.liC()liiii)tila\ .ifT.-r '•! n .-.mipaiis nt Spirits of (iirpoutllKMvii^ ijuoteil ou tin j inmcnie-• lurvrtl time (or Afcnti Mud tit termi to opened, read and an- ', 'llh'HI.tfil MVIIl'l fOrMHllli WlliNHl *"•! Vli-i'. EVERYBODY" needs Bomo kind of a reference book— Mi. and Mri. Abraham Wt>tn>, of flatlle Itounl of Trmlf at Iniviuumli, (!a , ut Ilfty j {'liiirl««s Ilroiih\u\ ISOIIH*. tlm Mln-I in-1 £ U. WOKTUIM1TOJI A CO., •Inlflnd^U.a. J Uy inianlmous v'otit tun I [up id Tiuu-11 ! lurnilin ,,t Nmv ^ 01 \ t'ltj, h IUI III'II I one which enn bo rot erred tocaeily—aadbcralsjuit Jwared by women only, Creek, Mich , liavo jtiit colnbnitoil iholr Coininlbslomu t of Kvw \ ork City >U'i'lduil i t:.'u-inal.l VyiiUf, filler nr Urn Vi>n niini v ono eenle. Thin 1.^ a new prlfi>, uot oulj iiutletli nrcddlnt; aiiDlvorsury. Mr. I VllllllllL,' .-HI,-,, hi l-OUt].Ml, -Jl\-* ||(1 ||,IS |'ll'- 1 plflllNt 1111,1 S|l(-llds illl llOlll Jit Ills a> -»»--*». -«v«k<) tho book that In needed. It Is a handy Condensed nisfaotis certified to by t.> iiwnrd tlHK'oiitiiii-l foi t!iec'>iistiii<'|[iiu, |iiiinn i-vi>r\ cioiiiui: or his life. Encyclopedia of (>n>ve»al Knowledge* and Is Wood IH ninety-four v»nr* old. Hi I£.jj>t• 1 M>Ntiuil iiiiiiiiiii ntliiri "f -i-iii'-i' init'l- Tlm lumlifiliiK nnMi of North Curolluf. I'V Ani«>rl< iiri". «•• only JUilisli ..ui,,,., jH ,ir)| overflow inn with information upon nearly every conceiv- the mayor and postmas- la flK'hty-ulno, nud thoy urn tli» oldo-it' Transit K.illr»ad tv Join. It. McDonald foi nbo control tlm yollrtw pine linlustry hri\i. ' Iloti Wnltvi lEotliM'lnl.l. M 1' iil^l ;gs..2o^ ltllroGunti<(i In a very Interesting maajier. married couple In Mli*hi(rau Uotli iv^rt* HIM sum ...f ^;]J,(^).W)0 'Iho miri'o^ftil orilontil mi utliiiui'iM.f litly ronls per 1001 >aBbl.$ ter of Lynn and others of i" t,-,l fot -.TM.^in Nontli Afri^ii »ltli • ati-r-i •srr.ll'OI %1« Groiif r« la Amrrlrn J IthBaacomplotu inCcx, making It an caRy book to use. born lu Coutiectiout, tlio hutbnni] ut Darluu hliidor WIIH glvon ten \\,i\h in whlt-li to vx hii> by .lav tli.> IIO.MI <-f r,.U.-|mi. ,,r tln> Ict-t, tbui inuktii^ an Inrie.LMi of *2 ,*i0 fni ) I'rl. r.yi.tiiauii.I nviinoiiHMachaiiniraM. B 1 1 "lit Koui.iim >iih.t>ii< »• roii tni -i: m-, \w'ij,*ljl, ami t>»e wlfosit Hliurou. .Thuy movtiil to t'^utotliM coulr.iL-L, uml U» must Ui'Klu IU Prl'lsli Win 11HIi r< II-. IIIIIIIIUIHN film llit, pasi >0iii. „ f |n« rr«.i,l I- mrn S>>. ds. Mrnd thl« nnllrr Had • Write for free book oon- Mlclilffiiuat tli^ulodonttlm Civil War uud tuul woik on tti» liiuiiol wlthlu thirty days |M«Miy, imuntliiii tu ii|ipnhitini>nti .tu 1 Tho tlmbur'o i ,)0.')00 a-rus i>l hurJwvntl nlilvli v. :i- iilioiil J01) polling. have llvoil theru uvur siiice thcroiirter. liy tliouuMo:i or tlio iluur.l tint •<<•••.ibM.ui".>! In n-ftiihi- 11 Hi.i i ,»r \ohiti nt Alltoum, W I'u. I-* tiouiil to Uvi cut at M(- M>-Kltilny\ Imiili'i h h.i poor thi^ talamgthese certificates. IOIIK IlKlit of tlio i>|tl.:oiiH or Now Yorl. City n. liiitb lionio ,ui>l .iiul I-'JIDIHIII, Is Iti thu rate ol ;}."),Ulu foot per •lny It is eati «Mil«.| Him II,-- hff,|.|taltcv «t tin* W iitt» •H'lislll^. mateil that lUoyouib will ho spent tu fin- lliiilM. uill lui\n I., ho Ilinitnd to otll".ltl .. ,.Viui uiuiiytduvn iiiu niunu BUUI Hurclnr Cltloroform* n Kmnlly. (or iiutUTKroutHl mpiil tianslt ondnd, iin-1 charged for it. Sent postpaid upon re- Every ailing woman Is iHlinf from tin) prt'HHiit irjiuleqimtu; lii conrnvtlon with harboil win«, whl.-li ibhliiK ilio tract. runrliiMM mill M iili>rtii(iinnMim nf tlm A burgl'ir eutorml tbo UO:DH of Cbnrlei £ moinLx'r-4 nf*iii| un AintTicmi li.inlt foi Ciiptiiln Itli'h'iiil V I.i'iirv. (lovornnr «f 'pSkham and get hpr ad- /I pi In 1...-I.I..II mm. Imoi, i<>nv• >r 1' >l four olillilrun II» ntn a Itir.clioon in th.> Vciu^u'-hi 'lliu Initltnil'Mi will liy inoatui i ^oe free ot charge. •ul linn [in- >ti.-ni-ii ruciitrn^ jn« win:,' .it (Urii'Mis, null briUM'lu's in ntln't i-itlfs j Hi it til'* on» .»r \w 'i • L t'i hi- p.i-iii-i t n 134 LEONARD ST.. NEW YORK. ittziiuK room nrj-i utolo tovoral huudroil dol- Iu all tlio Viibt extent of AluiUau const t },'b.inl lu imtkti in'iv mil'-* nu.I tiyliiKl-J 1 ho bunk will liu\t) a uuiktiiL; Liipltaf n( I I'i, it IL I- tlioonh |il.i,.. < n Wild «\ 'vyi 1 1 ijiru* rtUta of plunder. there In uvi u sluiflu lltl kuep puco ivitb tbu lur^w tlmuaod v SlimOU, Wllitjll lt<3 llllj OVLI liulil WllOL** lit could uot got his dully uewsuuDui*.