VOL. XVII. No. 39 Sept. 26, 1962 JWT Paris Ralph Habas to Publishes Teach CCNY Publicity Class Typography Book Ralph Habas, Magazine Group Head in NYO Public Relations- Publicity Department, has been ap­ Early this year, a type hand­ pointed a lecturer in the evening book, titled Note on Advertising Dramatic Test session of City College of New Typography, was published by York's Baruch School of Business JWT Paris. The frame of a Ford truck, weld­ and Public Administration, to give Dealing with the problem of ed to a Sherman tank, crashes a course on "Essentials of Pub­ achieving readability, one basic through a solid brick wall — licity. principle of typography, the 32- undamaged. This is part of a The 12-member magazine group page handbook presents a concise, new television demonstration of of which Mr. Habas is the head, re­ comprehensive study of the per­ the strength and endurance of presents over 20 PR accounts in tinent factors. the 1963 Ford trucks. See page its contacts with leading consumer Styles of type are discussed 2 for complete story. magazines. along with a brief history of the development of the more signifi­ cant faces. This is followed by a On the Other Side of the Camera universal definition of the point Philippe deLacy, JWT Holly­ The first show, "Second Time system of measuring the size of wood TV program supervisor, Around," airs on ten NBC sta­ type faces. and his wife Marion, are the tions October 2 and covers Switz­ In the extremely thorough sec­ stars and subject of two seg­ erland and Italy. The second tion on "choosing the type face," ments of the Jack Douglas color "Second Time was Best," to be the booklet deals with several tv series, "Across the Seven seen October 9, visits France, important factors: Seas." England and Ireland. Please turn to p. 2, col. 3 • Interpreting the spirit of the layout and using the type face to suggest a particular atmo­ sphere; News from Manila • Process of reproduction, includ­ ing the type of medium in which Manuel Escudero, JWT Manila, the advertisement appears; was recently elected a member • Size of type; of the Board of Governors of the • Length of line and leading newly-formed Philippine Media which will insure the most con- Research Foundation. fortable, correct reading. At the same time, Rosario Henares, head of JWT Manila The Paris Office's handbook, Research Department, was e- A JAUNTING CART trip through which occasionally approaches the lected to the group's Technical Ireland was one of the highlights Committee. tone of an essay, makes interest­ of the deLacy's European trip ing and valuable reading. this summer. Ford Demonstrates the Strength and Endurance of the 1963 Trucks

How does the Ford Truck tv group Ford truck frames are built to out­ meet a challenge to out-dramatize last the roughest punishment pos­ the dramatic--and out-perform a sible. Spice this proof with a dash competitive tv commercial on a of professional kudos from such comparatively low budget? people as Lee Iacoca, General Manager of Ford Division, and you find that Ford trucks need not prove their stability by walking on IN FULL COSTUME, two football eggs (as did some other brand) players for the traditional St. Excellent footage. When shown John's game in Florence, Italy, are shown with Philippe and in Detroit, three commercials from Marion deLacy. this Ford package received spon­ taneous applause from 300 Ford dealers from all over the country. deLacys' Tour They and other Ford truck commer­ cials can be seen on Sunday tv cont. from p. 1 pro football games. Two years ago the deLacy's After the mission had been ac­ toured Europe and liked it so much SHERMAN TANK, 33 tons of complished, there arose the prob­ steel, rolls over Ford truck they decided to repeat their trip. frames. They supported it, dem­ lem of disposing of 33 tons of tank. onstrating the strength and resili­ As appreciation for the use of New concept. Last spring deLacy ency of Ford trucks. Camp Greyling, Ford gave it to the happened to mention his vacation Michigan National Guard —to use plans to his long-time friend, Jack as a target for other tanks. Douglas, who persuaded Phillipe The group set out — way out —to to permit a cameraman to record tackle and solve these problems... Pictured below is a unique pro­ his trip. Originally set up as a with the most exciting use of a motion piece that was inspited by half-hour segment, the footage the truck commercial. It was sent Ford truck frame they could visua­ proved to be so good that Douglas out to 500 Ford dealers to drama­ lize. made two shows of their journey. tize Ford truck's complete tv sche­ By exploring a menagerie of ideas dule. The series is described as a evolving from a rhinoceros to an One dealer went to a construc­ "new concept in travel films" by elephant to a bulldozer, they final­ tion site, took a Polaroid picture pioneer tv travel film producer, ly came up with the solution (pic­ of a totally demolished building, Douglas, because 80 per cent of tured above): a 33-ton Sherman and sent it to Ford with a note: the film contains on-the-scene re­ tank. "We've heard of powerful promo­ corded dialogue. Two days' work. For $500 they tion pieces, but this is ridiculous." Intriguing tour. Some of the high­ bought themselves a surplus tank, lights of the trip were; dining with welded a Ford pickup frame to the the Duke and Dutchess of Bedford front of it, and with the permission in their castle at Woburn Abbey; of the Michigan National Guard, interviews with Mario Russo, the roared up to Camp Greyling. Then widely known Italian painter; con­ began the actual work of making versations with Leonardo Ricci, the most effective, the most vivid the architect-philosopher in Flo- use of Sherman tank and Ford frame. ence; a visit to Pinconi, one of It was touch and go all the way Italy's new couturiers; fighting a as they smashed, crashed, and bull in Provence, France; seeing bashed the truck frame through the the Trooping of the Colots in Lon­ toughest possible tests—through don and the St. John's Day football a brick wall three bricks solid, game in Florence. over towering saplings, and even over a bridge constructed of truck Because much of his work is on ZAP! Promotion piece sent to frames (see above). Eastmen Kodak, deLacy made sure 500 Ford dealers all over the U.S. that Kodak cameras are prominent­ It even has a reverse gear. The results clearly show that ly seen throughout. in color (April 21, 1954); first Perrq Como Returns to TV/ weekly drama series to go on a regular weekly color schedule. The with "Kraft Music Hall" latter occured in the summer of 1956, and Kraft Foods underscored Fourth Season Together Whiteman at the helm to be followed its faith in this new TV dimension shortly thereafter by . by sponsoring its shows in color 's "Kraft Music Hall" week-in, week-out ever since, with Kraft secured its leadership in will return for its Fourth color the exception of three summer per­ broadcasting for all time when it season on NBC-TV, Oct. 3 at 9p.m. iods. No other company has such a became the sponsor of the first to mark another milestone in the consistent record in color TV. commercial network TV show, unique and unbroken record of "Kraft Television Theatre" on May sponsorship achieved by Kraft 7, 1947, a record breaking hour-long Foods in TV and radio. dramatic show that was to run near­ Already signed to appear during ly 12 continuous years. the coming season are such stars as Lena Home; Thomas Mitchell; Pace setter. This show, which Kukla, Fran and Ollie; Lorin Hol­ made Kraft and its imaginatively lander; and Carl Balantine. produced recipe commercials (still among the most outstanding in TV) For the premiere, Mr. C. will familiar wherever television was present three of the world's great­ seen, set an enviable list of never- est golfers as his guests: Arnold to-be-broken records. It is the first Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and Gary sponsored show sent on the coaxial Player. A segment of the show will cable to the Mid-west (Jan. 12, Como with producer Nick Vanhoff be filmed at Como's own golf work out a complicated stage 1949); first full-hour dramatic show movement for the "Kraft Music course at Sands Point, Long Island, Hall" premiere on Oct. 4. Guests where a "clinic" for golfers, a- will include Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle, and Buddy Hackett. Visitors to the NYO

Andre Anstett, Director-treasurer of JWT Paris, arrived Sept. 7 for about three weeks. In addition to New Business his financial role, Mr. Anstett acts as management supervisor on sev­ Two clients of JWT London re­ eral accounts in Paris. He is con­ cently assigned new accounts to sulting with people in New York in the Company. They are John both capacities. Player & Sons and The Alcan Perry Como and Lena Home Group of Companies. Loy Baxter, Manager of JWT Mexi­ JWT has handled advertising long with golf tricks and comic a- co, spent September 17 in the NYO. for Bachelor cigarettes (produced by John Player & Sons) for some sides will be held with the help of Lorraine Davidovici, JWT Paris, the "Kraft Music Hall Players" time. Now, beginning November visited from Sept. 17 to 18. 1, the Company will also serve and announcer Frank Gallop. four other products: Player's An­ Michael Dicks, JWT London, was chor Tipped cigarettes, Perfectos "We at Kraft," says Robert A. in New York Sept. 3-5 and 12-15. Davis, general advertising manager Finos, Perfectos No. 2, and Play­ ers "No Name" tobacco. of Kraft Foods, "are delighted with Paco Fernandez,JWT Mexico, spent JWT has been working for Al­ the response to Perry Como's September 23-25 in the NYO. can (U.K.) Ltd, who sell alumi­ "Kraft Music Hall"; we feel the Andrew MacLean-Watt, JWT Lon­ num ore, since January, I960. show's family appeal is a credit to don was here on September 17. Now the London office will han­ the broadcasting industry, to Perry dle advertising for Alcan Indus­ Como and to our company." E. J. Moloney, JWT Sydney, will tries Ltd. This associated com­ visit the NYO from October 1-19. pany produces aluminum sheet, Kraft Foods, through JWT, has extrusions, tubes, forgings, and the longest record of continuous, Tom McAskin, until July in the castings. The firm operates the hour-long sponsorship in broad­ Kansas City JWT field office, spent largest aluminum rolling mill in casting, beginning with the fondly- August in New York and left mid- Europe at Rogerstone, South remembered "Kraft Music Hall" on September for a new assignment in Wales. radio starting in 1934 with Paul Buenos Aires. The Darndest Continental's New Low Fares Things Happened Make Headlines at Jet Speed

In the "good old days," the When the client is a jet airline, During 1961 Continental peti­ claim: "I've worked hard for every an agency sometimes has to move tioned the Civil Aeronautics Board nickel I ever earned" had real at almost jet speed after big news to introduce lower fares for domes­ meaning! you'd like to know just breaks. tic jet travel. The CAB rejected how much meaning, consider the When Continental Airlines' new this proposal. But Continental was following office rules, posted in lower jet fares were approved by convinced that more people would this country in 1872 by Zachery U. the Civil Aeronautics Board on fly if prices were more attractive. Geiger, sole proprietor of the Mount Thursday, August 16, an announce­ So on July 25, they proposed a Cory Carriage and Wagon Works. ment advertisement was plated the market experiment to test economy same day, rushed to Time on Friday coach fares, plus a new "Business afternoon, and appeared on the Class" service on certain flights 1. Office employees will daily newsstands the following Monday! between Chicago, Kansas City, sweep the floors, dust the furni­ Denver and Los Angeles. ture, shelves and showcases. Continental Airlines leads the way again! Continental offered a price for 2. Each clerk will bring in a bucket New low jet fares every travel need: Economy Coach of water and a scuttle of coal approved for Continental at 20 per cent below regular jet for the day's business. BY first class: and Deluxe First Class Civil Aeronautics Board! at regular jet first class. 3. Clerks will each day fill lamps, clean chimneys, trim wicks. Wash the windows once a week. Hopefully anticipating approval of the new plans, JWT prepared and We originated it! We championed it! Now it's yours to enjoy! shipped full-page announcement 4. Make your pens carefully. You IT'S OFFICIAL! The new low Jet Tares which COD- COI srely believes that more people will tinental has long advocated and eagerly sought are By if the price is tight. We hive said » repeatedly now assured. Civil Aeronauli™ Board approval has to the CAB, And now. starling next Friday, we ads to newspapers in Chicago, Los may whittle nibs to your indivi­ been granted. August 24th, America's first three- shall get Ihe chance to demonstrate tlie point. fare j«l service faegins-on Continental Airlinea. Your enthusiastic response- has indicated that you dual taste. Thia is a triumph for you and for us. As you may agree with us. We believe that you approve of our Angeles, Kansas City, and Denver- supported it for some time. And now we offer it to you'll let us further prove that you can o/anjjcounl -plus a series of radio jingles

Jt pries for iw) trlRt nettt os Iks same Golden let heralding the news and campaign 5. This office will open at 7 a.m. theme, "1-2-3 Go Continental." and close at 8 p.m. daily, ex­ Then the "Big Wait" began. cept on the Sabbath, on which day it will remain closed. V°g°W