2019 IEEE 60th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS) Radio Network Coding Requires Logarithmic Overhead Klim Efremenko Gillat Kol Raghuvansh R. Saxena Ben-Gurion University Princeton University Princeton University
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract—We consider the celebrated radio network then, a neighbor u of the node v receives v’s transmission model for abstracting communication in wireless networks. if and only if u decides to receive at time t and v is the In this model, in any round, each node in the network may only neighbor of u that transmits at time t. broadcast a message to all its neighbors. However, a node is able to hear a message broadcast by a neighbor only if no The (noiseless) radio network model received a lot collision occurred, meaning that it was the only neighbor of attention over the last few decades, and has an ever broadcasting. growing number of wireless and distributed applications. While the (noiseless) radio network model received a On the other hand, the effect of noise on radio networks lot of attention over the last few decades, the effect is not well understood, although wireless communication of noise on radio networks is still not well understood. In this paper, we take a step forward and show that errors are extremely common in practice. In our previous making radio network protocols resilient to noise may paper [EKS18], we took a step forward and initiated the require a substantial performance overhead. Specifically, study of interactive coding for the single-hop (clique) we construct a multi-hop network and a communication network, following the great work of [Gam87], [Gal88], protocol over this network that works in T rounds when [GKS08].