
Kettleshulme St James CE (VA) Primary School

Induction 2020

Covid-19 restrictions mean that we cannot invite you into school at the moment. This document provides a visual introduction to the school. Additional information can be obtained from:- admin@kettleshulmestjames..sch.uk

Welcome to our school. Each child arrives as an individual, and the school's heart and soul goes into developing that individuality together with a sense of social and moral responsibility and a love of learning, encouraging children to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10)

By providing new opportunities and challenges throughout their time in the school, we aim to teach our children how to learn and to think about the possibilities in their intellectual, physical and social surroundings. Team working, problem-solving, self-expression, confidence in front of an audience - these and other skills needed by the next generation are embedded in the day's lessons and activities.

The school works because of the commitment from the team of people who run it. We have a clear, shared vision - personalisation through inclusion: all children are valued for who they are and what they bring. We are a school with a sense of fun. Children enjoy coming here - and we know they do because they tell us they do. We actively encourage aspects such as wonder, curiosity, adventure, bravery and resilience. We ask our children to take responsibility and take decisions that make a difference.

Our collaborative approach means that, through networks of schools, our children are able to work with their peers in other settings giving them the experience of working in larger groups while maintaining our own small cohorts. We are open to new ideas and keen to do things with, and not to, our learners.

As a Church of school we uphold Christian values and develop our living relationship with God, through Jesus.

I trust that this visual introduction, along with the detail in our prospectus and website will serve to provide you with a sense of what it means to be a member of our school. We look forward to seeing and working with you.

Paul Quirk

Paul Quirk: Headteacher - taken by Ava in Class 2


Mrs James – Teacher Mrs Hindle – Teacher Mrs Price – Teacher

Mrs Blood – Administrator

Mrs Ford – Cook/Caretaker Mrs Connick – TA/ MDA Mrs Hodgson - MDA


The school foyer

The Library


Our prayer tree

Class 1 5

Class 1 outdoor area


Pictures of Class 1


Pictures of Class 2

Class 3


The school hall

Outside areas


The front entrance


Our ceramic cross Children from 1916

Pictures from across the generations


Our mosaic fox

Examples of work produced by the children


We end with a few words from the Chair of the Governing Body:

In these unusual times where we can’t be together we hope this this booklet provides a good introduction to the school. We are all proud of the life at Kettleshulme St James, the positive learning environment in which the children work, the quality teaching from dedicated staff, the achievement of our sports teams, extra-curricular activities that we offer, our musical skills, the good behaviour of our children - it is quite a list. We aim to help every child achieve their full potential during their time at Kettleshulme, encouraging them to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10)

Parental involvement in all aspects of school life is greatly encouraged at Kettleshulme St JamesPrimary School, whether it is volunteering (or helping if you prefer) – when extra pairs of hands and eyes are needed for practical or extra-curricular activities, and to help out at our fabulous PTA events or in running the PTA as a registered charity, and to stand when there is an election to our board of governors.

We have always enjoyed very close links with all the high schools children attend when they leave us. We are a feeder school for Tytherington School and our children have also gone on to attend High School, Chapel-en-le-Frith High School, Hope Valley College, Community School, New Mills School, All Hallows Catholic College, The Kings’ School and Beech Hall in , and the grammar schools in Stockport and . It is our aim to ensure a smooth transition for all our pupils when they move to the next phase of their education.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Kettleshulme St James Primary CE School.

Sophie Harvey

Chair of Governors