

Governors Present: Julia Carter Chair Paul Quirk Head Teacher Donald Pries Margaret Jones Gill Jaundrell-Thompson Hazel Hindle Beryl Axcel Jo Lancaster Sophie Harvey

Also in attendance: Maria Wilson Clerk to the Governors


The meeting opened with a prayer led by Reverend Margaret Jones.

1. APOLOGIES AND ADDITIONAL OTHER BUSINESS No apologies were received in advance of the meeting or at the meeting.

An email apology was received on Tuesday 19th June from Joanne Coward.

There was no additional business raised for discussion at the end of the meeting.

2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Conflicts of interest were noted at the Autumn FGB meeting. There are no conflicts of interest with the business to be discussed.

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3. MEMBERSHIP a) There are no changes to the membership of the Board of Governors. b) The school currently has a vacancy for a Foundation Governor. c) The following terms of office are due to expire on 31st August 2018: Beryl Axcel; Gill Jaundrell-Thompson and Donald Pries and Julia Carter’s term of office expires on 30th November 2018. All are Foundation Governors. All agreed to continue in their role. Margaret Jones advised that there is a PCC meeting in July when the four applications could be ratified. Action: To start the process of renewing the terms of office for Beryl Axcell; Gill Jaundrell-Thompson, Donald Pries and Julia Carter with the Diocese (Margaret Jones)

4. PART ONE MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING The Part One minutes and Action Log from the 26th March 2018 meeting were circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting. Action: To send all embedded documents separately in future (Clerk) The minutes were accepted as a correct record of the discussion held with one minor amendment, were signed by the Chair and retained in school.

The following matters arising were discussed:  The minutes should read that the school has not been closed due to inclement weather as often. Action: To amend (Clerk)

 Question: Is Kettleshulme providing lunches for ? Response: No, they do not want them.

The Action Log was reviewed and the following discussion held:  The Governance Statement for 2017-2018 is complete and will be lodged on the school website when Anne Thomas returns to work. Action: To circulate to Governors for approval (Julia Carter)  The deadline to apply for a Tesco token box was missed. The PTA is assuming responsibility for the application. Governors were advised that the school had lost its National Lottery Fund bid for the play equipment. If the PTA is successful in obtaining a token box the money could be used to fund some of the equipment. The bid was unsuccessful as it needed a greater emphasis on community use. Jo Lancaster agreed that she would help the school to reword the bid for resubmission. Governors were informed that some play equipment was still going to be purchased but it would be scaled down. There was a discussion of community use with the proviso that it was acceptable within the school’s insurance policy.  There is a meeting on 27th June regarding the Breakfast Club.  Gold NGA members have to pay an additional £75 per annum to use the Learning Link.  Paul Quirk is still reviewing an inclement weather text messaging service.

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Action: To review an inclement weather text messaging service (Paul Quirk)  The leaflet drop has not happened yet.


There has been no Chair’s Action since the Autumn Term FGB meeting.


Reports from the Achievement and Standards, Pupil Welfare and Environment Committee meetings were circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting. The Strategic Leadership and Management report was tabled during the meeting. Strategic leadership and Management: Jo Lancaster apologised for the delay in receipt of the Strategic Leadership and Management Report. She informed Governors that:  There had been no change to the non staff Pay Policy  The Staff Pay Policy had been amended and would be approved at the Autumn Term meeting.  There was an ALF/LGBT/Equality update.  The Critical Incident Policy was up-to-date. Governors approved this Policy.  The question of continuing to use David Bell to complete the HT PM was discussed.

Question: Is there any reason to change? Response: No. Governors hold the discussion on a regular basis to ensure that the situation does not become too comfortable. David Bell has an excellent knowledge of working with small schools. He does also provide challenge. Governors agreed to use David Bell for a further year to assist with HT PM.

 Paul Quirk advised that he would like to discuss the role of School Improvement Partner with a view to changing the system. Currently the external SIP costs between £4k and £5k p.a. The proposal would be to move the process in-house: having 2/3 governors reviewing the process using the questions historically asked. It would provide challenge and empower a number of Governors. It could be trialled for one year and evaluated. Paul Quirk would like a decision to be made early in the Autumn Term.  Anne Thomas is working with School to look at GDPR. The school has a model GDPR Policy. Members of staff and parents have received and signed a Privacy Policy.  Item 6: Options Appraisal. Jo Coward, Julia Carter and Don Pries met to discuss the evidence behind setting a deficit budget and how it could be justified. There is no budget leeway. Governors need to be able to look at the added value of being

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a small school. The money available needs to be maximised and income increased. Part 2 of the Options Appraisal was sent to members of staff to complete individually. It was stated that members of staff would prefer to meet with Governors informally to discuss what they currently contribute to the school. Action: To arrange an informal meeting between members of staff and Governors to share what staff already do (Julia Carter)  Question: Has the numbers of flexi-school pupils increased? Response: The invitation was sent to all neighbouring Local Authorities. requested the school policy and further information. I additional child is coming from and 2 from Gatley. It was discussed that the latter is a distance away but flexi- schooling is not offered by the majority of schools as it impacts on attendance data. Action: To email the SLM minutes to the Clerk (Jo Lancaster) Action: To share Dominic Medway’s email addresses with the Clerk (Jo Lancaster) Sophie Harvey left the meeting for a couple of minutes. Achievement and Standards There was a discussion of the Daily Mile campaign. Parents do not like it because children’s uniforms get dirty; the children run around at break and lunchtime though.

Question: Do we need to formalise the Daily Mile? Response: It can be discussed by Pupil Voice.

Pupil Welfare Question: Has the brochure been updated? Response: This needs to be checked. It was agreed that it needs to contain information about flexi-schooling and to have a link to the website. Sophie Harvey agreed to do this.

Action: To email marketing information to Sophie Harvey (Paul Quirk)

Environment Question: Could the committee recruit a replacement for Anne Thomas? Response: Julia Carter volunteered: if the meetings can be scheduled for 9am. This was agreed.

Question: Will the Sports Grant be used to pay for the large play equipment? Response: It will be paid for by the Sport Grant and any forthcoming Lottery Funding.

Question: Can what we buy be added to? Response: It can. One unit has been removed following the failed Lottery Funding bid.

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Safeguarding Gill Jaundrell-Thompson updated Governors on Safeguarding:  Paul Quirk has attended the Stonewall LGBT training. The school’s script is in progress.  Gill Jaundrell-Thompson will pass the Barnardo’s resources to Paul Quirk.  The school scored highly on a self esteem questionnaire - 85%.

SEND Sophie Harvey is the SEND Link Governor. Paul Quirk and Sophie Harvey are scheduled to review the School Information document in the Autumn Term. The SEND Report is included in the Head Teacher’s Report. Moving forward Governors would like to receive a report showing numbers/retention/provision and data for SEN students.

Action: To book Sophie Harvey on the CE SEND course (Clerk)


A ‘Kettleshulme Summer Term Budget Papers –PRE Meeting – 3 Yr Plan – 29.5.18’ document was tabled in the meeting.

The projected carry forward totals were amended: Y1: £18,256; Y2: £88,780 and Y3 £183,000.

The following was discussed:  A fundamental restructure will be needed to address the budget deficit.  The school needs to maintain the three class structure but will explore touchpoints where, following registration, classes can be combined.  The school is in a vulnerable position because if numbers are too small, it can deter prospective parents.  There will be an increase of children when the new houses are established but that does not solve the immediate problem.  There was discussion of inviting local nursery and play groups to attend the school but it is difficult not to appear ‘pushy’. Information has been taken to all local groups in the past but the decision of where to send their child lies exclusively with the parents.  Paul Quirk advised Governors that moving forward Kettleshulme’s lump sum is likely to decrease.  Whilst it was acknowledged that this is a problem for small schools and a CE problem, it does not help Kettleshulme’s position.

Governors approved the budget.

Staffing Structure This will be discussed in September.

Contracts These are reviewed on an ongoing basis.

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The Head Teacher’s Report had been circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting.

The following points were made:  Item 1.3: School Development Plan. The current plan is coming to a close and progress against objectives has been noted.  Item 1.4: Christian Distinctiveness. Paul Quirk has emailed Governors the new SIAMS document which comes in to effect in September. Kettleshulme will be one of the first schools to be reviewed under the new framework. Paul Quirk has received training. He will meet with Margaret Jones to discuss the inspection.  Item 1.5: Collaborative Working. Moderation of KS1 Writing occurred week commencing 11th June 2018. The outcomes were good. The EYFS moderation outlined good provision and pupils at GLD.  Item 4.1: Safeguarding and PREVENT. Catherine Hill from the SCiES team has reviewed the school’s Flexi-School Policy. Some changes were made which were referred to the Teaching and Learning Committee for approval.  Item 4.2: GDPR. As previously noted the school has provision in place. There is further work to do regarding the post of Data Protection Officer: Mark Bayley at CE has offered options; School has offered the services of a DPO at a cost of £1,400p.a.

Action: To investigate the West GDPR package and email to Paul Quirk (Clerk)

The Pupil Voice Report was circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting. The following points were made:  This is the second year of working with students in this way.  Next year there may be changes to the s chosen.  Students have contributed well.

Question: Has the Body Bench been done? Response: It has but Paul Quirk is exploring the purchase of Perspex signs.

Question: With reference to Item 1.2 does the school have one or two Pupil Premium students? Response: The school receives funding for two but currently has one PP student on account of the funding lag. From September there will be funding for one student only.

Question: Has the school asked parents to provide books for the library? Response: The school investigating buying in to the Library Service: Derbyshire cost £1k and CE more. Paul Quirk will action a list of books required: both fiction and non- fiction. There was discussion that books could be dedicated in memory of someone: alive or dead. This could be the programme’s unique selling point.

Action: To compile a list of books required for the Library to be sent to parents (Paul Quirk)

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Question: In Item 2.1 what amounts of money are needed to fund Science projects? From hundreds of pounds to potentially £1k. Governors stated that they would help the school to find funding if they were made aware of what was required. It was discussed that local businesses might be prepared to match fund for specific projects.

Action: To email Governors for their practical assistance with specific projects: such as Science equipment (Paul Quirk)


There ensued a discussion of the use of school email addresses by Governors: can they be used on multiple machines; can passwords be reset. It was agreed that if Governors were encountering problems they could go in to school to have the problem addressed.

There followed a discussion regarding historical governance documents and emails sent to personal addresses. It was agreed that Governors would dispose of these as they felt appropriate: deleting or secure shredding.

Action: To cleanse historical governance documents and emails sent to person email addresses as appropriate (Governors)


It was agreed that this takes place in November. It was further agreed that David Bell would be appointed as the external advisor.


The Governance Statement for 2017-2018 is almost complete. It will be emailed to Governors to check. It will be lodged on the school website when Anne Thomas returns to work.


Items from the Summer Term Director’s Report had been signposted to the Committees for discussion in their meetings.


Sophie Harvey advised the meeting that:  No electronic updates had been made to the Governor training report since the Spring Term meeting.  No-one had undertaken any training since the Spring Term meeting.  Beryl Axcel and Gill Jaundrell-Thompson were asked to update the hard copy of the training log and to review their skills matrix scores before the end of the meeting.

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 Gill Jaundrell-Thompson reported that the Keeping Children Safe in Education document will change in September 2018. A key part of the changes is the emphasis on reporting ‘Everyone and all have responsibility to share information.’ Staff will need to read Part One and this will be included in the Code of Conduct and Disqualification by Association. There has been an amendment to the Data Protection Bill regarding Safeguarding. Basically it empowers organisations to process personal data for safeguarding purposes lawfully and without consent where appropriate. The Section 175 Safeguarding Audit has been completed.


The following policies had been circulated to Governors in advance of the meeting:  Charging 2018-2019  Equality Objectives  Critical Incident  PSHE  Private Fostering  British Values  Charities  Pay Policy: Teachers  Pay Policy: Other Staff  Dignity at Work

Paul Quirk advised Governors that there had been no change to any of the policies: they had just been updated. The Equality Objectives and both Pay Policies require the approval of the FGB. All other policies had been approved at committee level.


The EVOLVE procedure has been completed for the visit to Conway. Its return is awaited. Letters have been sent out to parents.

Question: Has the majority of the payment been received? Response: About half of it has been received. An email reminder will be sent out. Payments could either be paid in two instalments or one. There have been problems with the online payment system.


Nominations were requested. None were forthcoming. Julia Carter was asked if she would consider continuing in post for another year. She stated that she was.

The Clerk advised that further nominations could be received up to the Autumn Term FGB.


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Margaret Jones, current Vice-Chair, requested that someone volunteer. Sophie Harvey stated that she was prepared to support the Chair.

The Clerk advised that further nominations could be received up to the Autumn Term FGB.

17. CONFIRM TERM DATES 2018-2019

Paul Quirk confirmed that Kettleshulme will follow the CE term dates. He further confirmed that the INSET days had been calendared.

There ensued a discussion regarding the term dates for Derbyshire, which are often different, and the problem it could cause with families having children in different Local Authorities. Standardising national holidays is the solution.


The FGB meetings for 2018-2019 were agreed as: Autumn Term: Tuesday 20th November 2018 at 7pm Spring Term: Tuesday 26th March 2019 at 7pm Summer Term: Tuesday 18th June 2019 at 4pm.


Sophie Harvey would like to introduce an Annual Governor Planner.

Action: To forward examples of Governor Planners to Sophie Harvey (Clerk)

Question: What do numbers for September look like? Response: the information is on the budget document: Reception 3; KS1 11: Y1-3; Y2-9(+1); Y3-4(+1); Y4-7(+1); Y5-7(-5); Y6-7(//). Total numbers will be down 7 on September 2017. Thirteen students have left the school and 6 entered this year.

Question: When is Science Week? Response: Next week. It was discussed that the school try some STEM style days during Science week and invite the Nursery schools in to participate.

Question: What is the latest news from CDAT ( Diocesan Academy Trust)? Response: Paul Quirk has had a meeting with Sue Noakes: another 3 or 4 schools are joining; they are all distant from Kettleshulme; a Church MAT will be preferable; it is difficult for Voluntary Aided Schools to join a mixed MAT. There is no benefit to joining a MAT unless things can be shared: Head Teachers/teachers etc. Kettleshulme will continue to work with St John’s regarding moderation and staff/student collaboration. Paul Quirk has the concern that small schools can easily be closed down once they join a much larger MAT.

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Governors have completed an options appraisal of the school. Governors have scrutinised the budget before approval. Governors have volunteered to look at revenue options for the school moving forward. Governors have agreed a framework for SEND moving forward.

The meeting moved to Part Two.

……………………………………….. Chair

……………………………………. Date

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