Progressive Research – An International Journal Society for Scientific Development Volume 13 (1) : 47-51, (2018) in Agriculture and Technology Print ISSN : 0973-6417, Online ISSN : 2454-6003 Meerut (U.P.) INDIA SUR VEY OF PIGEONPEA WILT IN CI DENCE AT MALWA RE GION OF MADHYA PRADESH S.K. Arsia1, Moly saxena2, D.R. Saxena2 and S.P. Mishra3 1RVSKVV-B.M. Col lege of Agriculture Khandwa, 450001 (M.P.) 2RVSKVV-RAK Col lege of Ag ri cul ture, Sehore (M.P.)2 3De partment of Crop Science, MGCGVV Satna (M.P.)3 E-mail :
[email protected] ABSTRACT An intensive roving survey was conducted in major pigeonpea pockets of Malwa Plateau (Madhya Pradesh) to record the occurrence and distribution of wilt of pigeonpea in major pigeonpea growing districts viz. Sehore, Rajgarh, Sajapur, Dewas , Agar, Indore, Ujjain, Ratlam, Mandsaur, Neemuch, Dhar and Jhabua during kharif 2011. The disease incidence per cent ranges between 7. 80 - 15. 27 and in three districts viz., Sehore, Sajapur and Agar found partial and complete wilting whereas rest of the district shows the complete wilting. The maximum disease incidence favors with the reddish and light black soil. Eleven districts of Malwa Plateau (Madhya Pradesh) along with Sehore district viz., Dewas Rajgarh, Sajapur Agar, Indore, Ujjain, Mandsoure, Neemuch, Ratlam, Dhar and Jhabua ranged from 7.8-15.27 per cent. In Rajgarh showed the highest incidence of 16.30 per cent followed by Sajapur (15.27%), Ratlam (14.76%), Jhabua (14.6%), and Sehore (15.27%), Dewas (10.52%) while least incidence was recorded in Dhar (7.8%).