Action Plan for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Madhya Pradesh
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l3J MADHYA PRAI)ESII POLLTJ'I'ION CONTIIOL BoARI) -462016 # PatyqworaspaMaL E:5-4!9ra lE'o lonl Uhopal \l7t (0755)246,1428. 24661 9l lrax: (0755)2'161742 E-mailiit'mppcb'rlrcdillinail'com l6aj Bhopcl. Ddlcd 17,08 /lli l8 No i II()/MSWi N4PPCI}/]OI X lo. l'hc Membcr Secrelxn'. (-cntral Pollulion Conlrol Board. Parivash Bhawan. CBD curr oltice Cornplex' llast Ariun Nagar..l)clhi Ll00l2 ol'Solid Wasle Managomcnl Rrrlo\' ]0 I ()' Subi /\nnual liepofl 1br )car 20 I 7- I 8 on Implementrlion Sir. Managcrncnt Rulcs l0l6' ,\s per the provision of thc rulc 24 (ll) ol'Solid Wastc year 2017-18 on Solid Wa\lu Mltna':ctrcnr in PI,-'0sc find cnclosed herc\\ith the Annual lleport Ibr liom (\') tbr your inlbrmation & neccssary action plcase' subrrission ol Anrlual llenons- l he d'iir 'l hc report is dcla)'cd as TJADD is nol regular in O{llccs ol'M l']'lL( prcsenlsd irr the report have bccn galhered through Regional 'll' lrncl i As abole i\h ral S((rrlx r t tl7Y Bh,'Fal. l)atcd l7 /U8 'l(rl 8 I)rdl.No. n ro/MSW/MPPClli 2018 Cop\ to :- Itousing & Dcptl- C(}vl. {l1' \1 l' t. Prir(ipcl \((r.lar\. I rhdn D(\LIrplnurll \tintraldlc. Bh,\pll lbr inll'rmallon plca'(' 1br upload thc sanrc on Wch Si{c ()1. 2. tl M.P. PollLrtion Conlrol Board llhopal M PPf] B. |nc| | r\s ahovc olc \9( Form - V lsco rulc 2,1(.3)l Annurl rcport ol Municipal Solicl Wdste i\lxnaiacmcnt oflladhla I,radcsh PART - A l'o, The Chairman Central Pollution Control Bo{rd Parivesh Bhawan, llast Arjun Nagar Dr.].HI- I100032 . t. ,.lnn'",rf tt,. S,atc I'rion lcrrit,,r\ \lJ,llr\j, l' 2. Namr & addrcss ol.thc Sli ( . , V J, l,otlutt,,ll ( ,n)tr,,l fli,rrd. I Pollrrrion ( o||lrul Board I Lr|r;r*:rrun Prriser I -i n,r'rr ( ,'1,'r\ lrhon.,l Pin' -rbzoro I ] -1. Nurnbcr ot lo.:al horli.. , I'rh rrr I r^ rl ll,'Jir. .l7X ('rnl.rrnrulll I J,.n'rhl. tor mcna8cntc|lr ,,1' llu.lrLl \ s,,lict {l.isl [:n(los(d rl.\nn(rurc - l, I "n.rc ir th. Slatc [ndcr , rtr.*c trtc. ] ' I ,1. No. ot aurhorizarion applicariorr ul Rcccircd {A '/ lrrlr,rstrr.rtrrrr. lnJ.,r.., i, 5. A Srrnrnra,l \ralcnre i t on lhu \(lio[ pli|| ,,t \4a,jlr\:r l,ra,l..,lr nrorjrc\\progress rnadcrnade bvhl local hodrbody iDirr Drcparrdpr.cparrd brb} llrhanl lrhan l)c\l)crclirorucnr clopDrcnt & i rcsNclrc\pLcl i,l \olid\oltd wa\lc lllluu.irrr u\ rr llcpirftnrcntIlcpirftnrcnt tnptlltApril lulX)ar r, tl-managenrcnlrlrAnalr(rrr('nl r'nL'l,,ir'Llcnclosccl rsas Annc\urc-llAnnex! re-l I o. I A Surnmary Starrmenr un I As pcr Anncrurc-lll progrcss made by local hodie. in rcsp(rl ] ol \ astc collection- ] | segrc!alion. I transponatioll rnJ 1.,'*l Z. ,t slalcmEnl on pr.,gr"*r , p. r rtnnexurc I "umrnary i , n. - ll I madc hy local bodies in respecr ol imflenenration ol Schcdulc ll li l I D.te: 27rh Augusl 2018 Place: Bhopal Mc r Secrclalr N4edh sh pollulion irntr-ol lloerd lil PAIII . B 'fotal number of towns/cilies I -i83 L 'l olal number of ll I -Bs Urban l,oeal llo.lics --l?ll Crn lon mcn I ll.t,rrl -ll5 i Nunrber olclass I & class II i Class I Citirs --35 citics/towns I ( la\s Il Cirie\ 211 Towns - !l5 Can uthorizrtion status (names/number) Number of application rcceived 0t t N llmhcr of aulhori..xlions granl|ld ln, I Authorizalions under scrutinv Solid Wasfc Ceneration Status Solid waste 1212 generation in M.P. (TPD) Collected (TPl)) 'rrcated (TPD) Total Wastc Trcaled - 2212.5 Utilize for Compost Making - 1202 Utilize for Vermi Composl Making - 68.5 Utilize for RDI- / M RF - 525 Waste to lrnergy - 462 Utilize for Rio (las - l5 4261-S \93 Compliance to Schedulc-l of SW Rulcs (Numbcr/names of towns/capacily) Aclivities (iootl practices in citics/towns House-to- house collcction Scgrcgation (l) lhc lulr.r\ & r'cnrinJr|r,!irrn t,, I IAI)l) arr L:nclscd ar Annoxxrc - V Slornge 2t'7 Covcrcd 24q 'Irans rtation Processing of SW (Number/names of towns/capncity) Solkl Wasfe processing facilitics setup: st- Composting Vermi-composl Biogas Rl)F/l'ellelirAlir) No. No. ofTowns) (No. of Towns) (Ng. of'Iowns) riiain I owns Bhopal RI)1r 0l l _r5 I t,t) II l5 liuns 0l .lPI)) (r 00 1'PD) (71 IPI)) ( l5 MRI - 0l Indori'- 50( ) I PI) Processing facility operational: Composting Vermi-composting RI)l'/l'cllctization No. ofTowns No. ofTowns I I Towns 15 Towns RDI - 0l Lrii;i,r- I lt'l) ( 1202 lPl)) (68.5 TPD) Proccssing facility under in\tallation/planncd: Composting Vermi-compostin lliog:rs ) ll I)!-/Pcllcti\rri{,n i Latest status of various projecls di i'ferenl cLrsiers- recei\ cd I i,\ I)l) is cncloscll al Annexure -VI r39 Power gencration Waslc-lo-llncrgy l'lrnts: (Number/names of towns/capacity) I sL l lr"r t-*.- i trn- i I I .tah^lp"a L Note - Li.\t o/ ( ompo.\t. yermi ('omPost. Birtgtts. RI)l MRF Wuste to Lncrgt plonts are enck).'ed a/ Anncxure - Vll Disposal of solid waste (number/names of towns/capacity): Remark Activities lNo.o f Cities / To'nns li6 Lanr!!l\[ex idorr i ligd ( I )tlADI) is not rcgular I r.e!4!ll!!'Ftr!st!d in subnrission of Annual ] : Rcports. 'Ihc data bcing stquct l6 g[ llunder con ion prcscntcd har'e bcen ;n oP..u,ion {)6 gathered through licld l L!aa!tl I I andllllexhausted olliccs of M.P.P.(1.B. are encloscd al (l) Nagar NiSam Jabalpur I t"ro ,,*o .,*r* Annexure - Vll I (2) Nagda Solid Waste f)umpsites (number/names of towns/capacity): of I9I!! Rem:rrk. Iotal number of exisling 7't7 List Enclosed at Annerure - lX d!mpli!1s I)ump siles rcclainred/cappcd 0t Nagar NigAm .lrhalpur is utilizing MSW o{ old capped dump sitc thcrefore reopencd thc c.pping of old site Dumpsiles convened to sanilary landfill Monitoring at waste processing/Landfi lls sites sl. Name of No. of No. of l,eachate Compost VOCs No. {rcilities Ambicnt Air CrouDdwater quality q uality Quality Quality Monitorin Monitorin l List flnelosed at 219 452 Annexurc - X I Slatus of Aclion Plan prcpared by Municipalities l'otal number of nunicipalities: i78 Ul-Bs I 5 (CB) Number ofAction Plan submitted: Pleasc refer Anncxure - II Status of ULBs in M.P. R.O. ULBs Dist. Nagar Nagar Nagar Palika Palika Parishad Nigam Parishad 1 Bhopal Ashta Sehore 1 2 Bhopal Berasia Bhopal 1 3 Bhopal Bhopal Bhopal 1 4 Bhopal Ichhawar Sehore 1 5 Bhopal Kothri Sehore 1 6 Bhopal Mandideep Raisen 1 7 Bhopal Obedullaganj Raisen 1 8 Bhopal Sehore Sehore 1 9 Bhopal Jawar Sehore 1 10 Bhopal Babai Hoshangabad 1 11 Bhopal Budni Sehore 1 12 Bhopal Harda Harda 1 13 Bhopal Hoshangabad Hoshangabad 1 14 Bhopal Itarsi Hoshangabad 1 15 Bhopal Khirkiya Harda 1 16 Bhopal Nasrullaganj Sehore 1 17 Bhopal Pipariya Hoshangabad 1 18 Bhopal Rehti Sehore 1 19 Bhopal Seoni-Malwa Hoshangabad 1 20 Bhopal Shahganj Sehore 1 21 Bhopal Sohagpur Hoshangabad 1 22 Bhopal Timarni Harda 1 23 Bhopal Bankhedi Hoshangabad 1 24 Bhopal Badi Raisen 1 25 Bhopal Baraily Raisen 1 26 Bhopal Ganj Basoda Vidisha 1 27 Bhopal Begamganj Raisen 1 28 Bhopal Gairatganj Raisen 1 29 Bhopal Kurwai Vidisha 1 30 Bhopal Lateri Vidisha 1 31 Bhopal Raisen Raisen 1 32 Bhopal Sanchi Raisen 1 33 Bhopal Shamshabad Vidisha 1 34 Bhopal Silwani Raisen 1 35 Bhopal Sironj Vidisha 1 36 Bhopal Sultanpur Raisen 1 R.O. ULBs Dist. Nagar Nagar Nagar Palika Palika Parishad Nigam Parishad 37 Bhopal Udaipura Raisen 1 38 Bhopal Vidisha Vidisha 1 39 Bhopal Amla Betul 1 40 Bhopal Athner Betul 1 41 Bhopal Betul Betul 1 42 Bhopal Betul-Bazar Betul 1 43 Bhopal Bhainsdehi Betul 1 44 Bhopal Chicholi Betul 1 45 Bhopal Multai Betul 1 46 Bhopal Sarni Betul 1 Total 1 18 27 1 Chhindwara Amarwara Chhindwara 1 2 Chhindwara Badkuhi Chhindwara 1 3 Chhindwara Bichua Chhindwara 1 4 Chhindwara Chand Chhindwara 1 5 Chhindwara Chandameta-Butaria Chhindwara 1 6 Chhindwara Chaurai Khas Chhindwara 1 7 Chhindwara Chhindwara Chhindwara 1 8 Chhindwara Damua Chhindwara 1 9 Chhindwara Donger Parasia Chhindwara 1 10 Chhindwara Harrai Chhindwara 1 11 Chhindwara Junnardev Jamai Chhindwara 1 12 Chhindwara Lodhikheda Chhindwara 1 13 Chhindwara Mohgaon Chhindwara 1 14 Chhindwara Neuton Chikhli Kalan Chhindwara 1 15 Chhindwara Pandhurna Chhindwara 1 16 Chhindwara Piplanarayannwar Chhindwara 1 17 Chhindwara Sausar Chhindwara 1 Total 1 7 9 1 Dewas Bagli Dewas 1 2 Dewas Bhaurasa Dewas 1 3 Dewas Dewas Dewas 1 4 Dewas Hatpiplya Dewas 1 5 Dewas Kannod Dewas 1 R.O. ULBs Dist. Nagar Nagar Nagar Palika Palika Parishad Nigam Parishad 6 Dewas Kantaphod Dewas 1 7 Dewas Karnawad Dewas 1 8 Dewas Khategaon Dewas 1 9 Dewas Loharda Dewas 1 10 Dewas Maksi shajapur 1 11 Dewas Nemawar Dewas 1 12 Dewas Pipalrawan Dewas 1 13 Dewas Satwas Dewas 1 14 Dewas Sonkatch Dewas 1 15 Dewas Tonk Khurd Dewas 1 16 Dewas Akodia Shajapur 1 17 Dewas Pankhedi(Kalapipal) Shajapur 1 18 Dewas Polaykalan Shajapur 1 19 Dewas Shajapur Shajapur 1 20 Dewas Shujalpur Shajapur 1 Total 1 2 17 1 Dhar Alirajpur Alirajpur 1 2 Dhar Bhawra Alirajpur 1 3 Dhar Dahi Dhar 1 4 Dhar Dhamnod (Dhar) Dhar 1 5 Dhar Dharampuri Dhar 1 6 Dhar Jobat Alirajpur 1 7 Dhar Kukshi Dhar 1 8 Dhar Manawar Dhar 1 9 Dhar Mandav Dhar 1 10 Dhar Jhabua Jhabua 1 11 Dhar Meghnagar Jhabua 1 12 Dhar Petlawad Jhabua 1 13 Dhar Ranapur Jhabua 1 14 Dhar Thandla Jhabua 1 15 Dhar Dhar Dhar 1 16 Dhar Rajgarh Dhar 1 17 Dhar Sadarpur Dhar 1 18 Dhar Badnawar Dhar 1 Total 4 14 R.O.