Exclusive Interview With Gen. Foster

SEESTORYBELOW Sunny, Warm Bunny and warm today, to- morrow and again on Sunday. Hed Bank, Freehold FINAL Fair and quite warm tonight I Long Branch EDITION Monmonth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL 93 NO. 247 ^ RED BAM, NJ.,FRTOAY, JUNE 18,1971 TEN CENTS New Fort Commander Sees Added Research By DORIS KULMAN Southeast Asia anyway, Gen. Foster pointed out, but about the future of its largest tenant activity, the is designed for the longer span, now "looking into Army Signal School. FT. MONMOUTH - The winding down of the thel980'sand'90's...- •Well Get Saare' war in Vietnam might trigger more research and de- "We still have the basic research problem-how "I don't know what to expect," Gen. Foster said velopment work here, according to the affable, 53- to make our equipment smaller, lighter/cheaper and of the possibility of another RIF, "The mandate of year-old two-star general who has just assumed more reliable," he said, "Some of our night vision the Congress is clear; reduce the size of the Army. command of the Army Electronics Command. devices, for instance, are incredibly heavy,.." But how you do that is a very involved question. If There's always need for research and devel- Gen. Foster, who served two previous tours of there are HIF's, we'll get our share..." opment, Maj. Gen. Hugh P. Foster Jr., emphasized duty here, the last time from 1967-69 as commanding He doesn't share the fears voiced by at least one • in an exclusive interview with The Daily Begister. general of the Army Communications Systems of his predecessors who worried aloud that ECOM's "If the Army's size were .to be.halved, it Agency, a tenant activity, directs a command with a civilian workforce, recruited in large part during wouldn't affect the need for a better mouse trap,"- ?1 billion budget and a world-wide force of 10,436 ci- World War II, was growing old in years and in- Gen. Foster said. "It would just alter the number of vilians and 1,811 military. He is commandant of a novative, spirit. mouse traps we'd buy." post which includes 7,906 civilians and 9,658 military. "We do have a work force where a rather high And, as the Army concentrates less on hard- He has been assigned to head ECOM at a time percentage is elderly in age or years of service, but ware for the Southeast Asia conflict, it's not unlikely when the wounds of a controversial, year-old reduc- whether that's beneficial or detrimental is an indi- it will concentrate more-both in mission and" mon- tion-in-forco are still raw, when a federal court has vidual thing," he said, "Older employes have a ey-on the research area that was cut hack because ordered the command into court to answer a federal wealth of experience and those who keep op-to4ate . Regiiltr Staff Photo of the need for bullets and beans; ECOM's topma n union's complaint about KIF procedures, and when are an invaluable asset..." ON BOARD — Maj. Gen. Hugh F. Foster Jr., who recently assumed com- suggested. the civilian employes are fearful of another work- As the Signal School's landlord, be expects it to mand of the Army Electronics Command headquartered at Ft. Monmouth, Most "R&D" isn't aimed at finding quick solu- force cutback. stay here, if only because he doesn't have reason not where he also is post commandant, chalks up ECOM's duties for a visitor. tions for the immediate problems engendered by He takes over as commandant of a post anxious See General, Page 2 Times Case Due In Court Today NEW YORK (AP) - The The documents sought by most stringent protection of -r Daniel Ellsberg, an MIT •New York Times has given Asst. U.S. Atty. Michael D. free speech would not protect researcher, was named by a the Justice Department a list Hess were a 47-voIume secret a man in falsely shouting former Times newsman, -Sid- of the secret Pentagon docu- Pentagon study entitled "His- 'fire' in a theater and causing ney Zion, as the man who ments upon which it based its tory of U.S. Decision-Majdng apanic..." ....•:. gave the documents to the "Process on Vietnam Policy" There were also these de- newspaper. Zion did not dis- (Related Story, Page IS) : anfta;suminaiy'of "The Com- velopments in the case; close the source of his infor- mand anlr Control Study of - The chairman oi the mation and Ellsberg was not suspended Vietnam war series tn&Tonkin Golf Incident." House government informa- available for comment as both sides prepared for a The Times suspended publi- tion subcommittee, Rep. Wil- — Former Secretary of court bearing today on the cation of the controversial liam S. Moorhead, D-Pa., said State Dean Busk said in Deca- government's motion for an series after Gurfein issued a the case has spurred plans for tur, Ga., that he had "never injunction against further a reappraisal, of the heard" of the secret study be- publication of the papers, temporary restraining order Tuesday and scheduled government's secrecy policy fore reading of it in the Times '••''. : ',..•• • Reslster Staff Plwto The Times acted volun- today's full dress injunction and possible over- and "did not know why" the 1971 UNDER THE SUN—Warm sunshine and smiles were hallmarks of last night's graduation of tarily yesterday at the urging hearing for 10 a.m. classification or mis- Pentagon would prepare such of U.S. Disi Court Judge more than 700 Middletown Township High School seniors on the school athletic field in weather that In a brief filed late yes- classification of some docu- an analysis without consulting couldn't have been better. The evening sun cast long shadows as diplomas were handed out and a cool Murray I. Giirfein who with- ments. him. held any immediate action on terday for today's hearing, breeze kept the temperature pleasant. . the government's demand to the government said it would - Sen. Edward M. Ken- — Former President Lyn- inspect the Times' documents. argue that while the First nedy, D-Mass., called for full don B. Johnson said in a state- Amendment guarantees the disclosure of secret govern- ment that the manuscript of a Gurfein ruled out a govern- freedom of^speech and press ment data on Vietnam policies forthcoming book on his White ment request to see all classi- "it is equally dear that these during the administration of House years was complete fied material in the Times'- freedoms are not absolute."' and would not be changed. files, saying, "I'm not toler- .President John F, Kennedy, ating any fishing expedition The brief cited the dictum saying "The public ought to into the files of any news- of U.S. Supreme Court Justice be the final judge of the whole paper." Oliver Wendell Holmes who period of the 1960s, and be- wrote in a 1918 decision: "The fore, in Vietnam." Gets Help From Nature To Name ByBOBBRAMLEY mg uv 4:ai» p.m. Thursday, where parents and guests out of diplomas and the reces- June 18, graduation day for crowded bleachers on each : sional, when the Class -of 1971 MIDDLETOWN - Acting >the Class of; 1970. Paul F. side of the football field and marched away to become School Superintendent .'James Lefever, then school superin- spilled over onto the running part 'of the- high school's: his- For Laura Harding- Manager W. Davidheiser hurried by the I tendent,made his decision: track. • ' • , tory. , . ; By ED WALSH bleachers on the high school the ceremonies would take Parents poked at their It was, indeed, a. little bit athletic field on his way to his place outdoors on the football youngsters as they waited in different from last year. KEANSBURG - Borough post near the podium where field. line. Council will meet at 5:30 diplomas would be given more But alas for the Class of "But, Mom, you embarrass A Career of Service tonight and appoint James T. than 700 graduates of Middle- 1970. At 6:15, only a quarter me. Look at everybody else," Press Group O'Neill of Middletown, as town Township High School's hour before the outdoor grad- protested a tall blonde whose ByJANEFODEItABO says. "But the MCOSS. (Mon- Her activies are not con- borough manager, The Daily Class of 197L uation was to begin, the heav- mother insisted on adjusting Is Meeting See Editorial, Page 6 mouth County Organization - fined to Monmouth County ^al- Register has teamed. Related Story Page 16 ens loosed a downpour. The her mortarboard. for Social Service) responded one, for she also "escapes" to Mr. O'Neill who resides on A wide grin split his face as cloudburst led Mr. Lefever "Hey. There's my son," a HOLMDEL- A young so quickly, with such purpose her New York apartment sev- Conover Lane will fill the va- someone called to him, "It's a later to make what may have proud father, middle-aged and In County woman one day was riding that I said 'This I want to« eral days a week to visit with cancy created by the resigna- little bit different from last been the'leading under- plump, told a friend, trying to SPRING LAKE - The New her favorite horse on W. Front bepartof..." her "artist friends," or go to tion of C. Bernard Blum who year, isn't it?" statement of 1970: look as if he saw his son in a Jersey Press Association will St., far out from Red Bank in And so Miss Harding did be- the opera or wander through stepped down June 1 after "Boy, it sure is," Mr. Da- "Some parents were incon- graduation procession every bold its second annual sum; 'the Holmdel Countryside. come part of the organization See Laura, Page 2 serving 13 years in the man- vidheiser declared. He contin- venienced, and a few didn't day. mer conference at the Essex While cantering along the agerial capacity. ued toward the podium, his get to see their kids gradu- The sun shone bright in the and Sussex Hotel here today narrow road, she saw an old The new borough manager elongated shadow trailing be- ate." west as the Class of 1971 through Sunday. man sitting under a tree. He will also replace borough en- .hind him in the bright evening Nature Smiles marched to their seats on the An address by Gov. William was crying. The yonng wom- gineer Robert Greenberg who sunshine. Last night, though, Mother field, and the heavens contin- T. Cahill will highlight an'pulled up beside Mm. has temporarily filled the post Nature smiled all the way ued to smile through the in- tonight's awards dinner, at 1 the past several weeks. vocation, the flag salute, the The old man was dirty and Last year the sun was shin- through. The sun shone warm- which six $500 cash scholar- flies swarmed around his Mr. O'Neill, former director ly as the graduates, girls in national anthem, the ships and plaques will be pre- head. He told her he was left of public works of the city of white, boys in maroon, lined speeches, the musical selec- sented to journalism students there all day by relatives who Long Branch, is presently em- up to enter the stadium, tions, the awards, the handing from four New Jersey col- had to work in the potato ployed by the Charles J. Knp- Urge Heavy leges and universities. The fields. He said he was sup- per Co. of Piscataway, con- governor will also make the cosed to take care of a small sulting engineers to the Mid- Turnout For S^Wfe^ /^AtVrftf presentations. child. "Every time I get up, I dletown Township com- Tomorrow night two speak- fall down," he said. prehensive sewerage project ers mark the after-dinner The young woman was Other municipal changes Meeting The Inside Story agenda-U.S. Sen. Clifford P. shocked. She rode to her expected shortly are the ap- MIDDLETOWN - The In- Case and Maj. General Wi- dustrial Development Task Arson slayer sentenced to life terra... Page 3 brother's farm in Holmdel pointment of Jerry Freda to a Page 8 nant Sidle, chief of Informa- and reported the old man's Board of Health post to re- Force today urged residents Clubwomen end a busy season tion U.S. Army. to turn out in force for the Candy Stripers In Neptune cited Page 9 condition. A public health place board president Frank Harris' 67 leads U.S. Open Page 14 Other features of the con-: nurse, Miss Ruth Williams, P/iug. public meeting on the pro- posed industrial park next Orioles Unload on Yankees Page M fcrence, to be attended by was notified. Other board members publishers, editors and staff Wednesday night in the high Cartoon by Lev: Jim Vosk Page 15 The next day, the old man whose terms are expiring, Ar- school. executives of member news- was admitted to Marlboro thur Robinson and Dr. Ralph ENJOYMENT, YOUR papers as well as associate "We would like an in- WEEKEND MAGAZINE State Hospital. The multiple Berman will be reappointed. dication of public concern for members, includes the'an- diagnosis was tuberculosis, SeeTuniont, Page 2 Television Listings .Main Office 741-0016 nual NJPA Golf Tournament. severe cardiac problems and Sickles Farm Dad's Not So Bad -,.«•• M'M • *• • _- LeClflSSlIlCalMvu AuS 74HMS emotional disorders. He died Strawberries (Adv.) Father's Day tennis needs. 741-0816 Ladies'-Men's Tennis- Clinic, the following week. The Sports Spot, 801 Broad S2KE?"' «- e - 741-M10 10 sessions $20. 531-9874 (Adv.) Today,. 30 years later, Youth Fare Europe. From St., Shrewsbury. ' (Adv.) murcn news...... 10 nisniav Adv 741-3I38 Laura Harding, who was the *190. AUways Travel, 741-3535 Classified 17-22 circulation Dent. 7414817 Oysters "II" in'Season. Bay- young woman on horseback, or842-l«2. (Adv.) My sincere thanks to all" Comics™. ZJ sports Dept 741-M16 shore Fishery, Red Bank. TO BE HONORED — Laura Harding, Holmdel, who attended and worked to Crossword Puzzle „ 3X Women's News 741-M1I recalls how the incident af- will be honored at dinner Monday for her years of N (Adv.) fected her. Mom - Marvelous Sport make my testimonial supper EdlUrtab 6 Accounts Payable 741-Mtt service to MCOSS Family Health and Nursing Ser- on June 14,1071, so successful. Horoscope 23 Aect's Receivable Melina - Meet me by the dol* "The old man had been doc- vice. Picture above was taken by close friend, Shirts and Greek shirts (Ex- toring in Bed Bank," she clusively ours) for Dad's Day. Your thoughtiulness will al- ...4 NMdletowa Bureau 442-2121 mas, st International Pantry,, -Katharine Hepburn. Rumson Roulette, 7 W. River* ways be remembered. Since- 14-16 FrtdioM Bureau SIMM Red Bank Mall. Your loving Rd., Rumson. (Adv.), rely, P. Young.. (Adv.) WemSifs News 8,» Lwg Bnueli Bmreaa Aristotle. • ' Harding Devotes Her Life to dwindle," she says. of trout stream, still used by "Those were the dim she hopes to devote more time Miss Harding-had gathered- (Otftanri) del). Then Kate: asked me to the board of MCOSS for the and energy to the whole area her up 13.years ago as a come to Hollywood... past 17 years; she is president She recalls" that, when sne Ms descendants, now in tke years," she says. "My life,, fcer favorite store, Blooming- first started working on remo- seventh generation. really picked up yihm I met of humane treatment to ani- stray. Now she's paralyzed. "I stayed in Hollywood for of the board of managers of mals. (She also serves on tha So Miss Harding place^the. three years. Oh, I had some the N.J. Diagnostic Center; a deling a little MCOSS health Miss Harding has a~£een all these toonfierful people In reality, Miss Harding or- center in Hotadel, she wanted' sense of the past. She recalls ...like Kate'and Granny SPCAboard.) screen tests. But I went out board member of 38 years and "The animals have given off they ga -> Miss Harding chestrates her life, following and bought horses and dogs' vice president of Riverview to limit the size of donations how, during World War II, Thompsoni." : several predominate, though and aim primarily at collec- each Fourth, of July was cele- She admits that she has giv- me so much pleasure," she and her dogs- for a walk in and mostly rode through the Hospital; and she serves on says. While seven or eight the woods. contrasting, themes. Three bills..." nine-member committee of ting small amoifts from every brated by everybody in the en up much of her private life people. She says, have been person in the community. Village of Holmdel. for social work "but not reluc- long-haired Weimaraners "Sometimes! just sit in a (Only last December, Miss, the Monmouth Park Charity mill around her in her kitch- field," she says,,,"and I;can mainly responsible for the di- Harding and Miss Hepburn Fund.) "But times have changed," •'I found my father's cav- tantly." rection and dimension of her She sighs. en, she goes over to a corner feel the vitality.of the visited together at the Har- Designs Thoughtfully alry uniform from the crack Difficulty Found where a small, bright-eyed ground." , •- fulfillment ding mountain retreat, Ogontz Her services have required Miss Harding says of ber Philadelphia City Troop," she "In the main, the private ; One «f them is her close Lodge in Pennsylvania, great-grandfather: "We all mongrel is lying. On Monday, Miss Hanbng's attention fo planning, admin- says. "I spent almost a year side finds it hard to compete friends and admirers will hon- friend, apereUr Katberine where, 40 years earlier, they istration and fund raising. thought he was famous, but shining buckles and getting it with: the public... bee»use g , _ # _ or her. Kate Hepburn won't Hepburn, whom she has had gone together with their "Jim Parkes (who guides Riv- few people seem to have ready^to wear"in the village it's so exhilarating. Besides I Urge Heavy known since girlhood and still beaus for a house party. be there - she's in Hollywood, ewview's continuing ex- heard of him." He was fa- parade." am not a dinner-party person jnjier last week of "Coco" seesirequently. Moreover, they each maintain pansion) gave me the job'of mous. Dressed Mounted at aD*" she says. "i net Kate one summer New York residences in the Lincoln's Frfend Turnout (though she already sent a working with architects in "It was so heavy, I couldn't She: says also that, despite generous check to the scholar- when me were just starting Beekman Place area that are planning the building," she A financier and head of a mount. I had to get dressed on sweeping changes in social at- (Continued) out as young actresses at he only two blocks apart.) private banking house, Jay the foture of our town," said* ship fund). And tos.Thomp- says. "In selecting colors, I the horse," she says. . titudes and the advent df gov- son won't be there. Nor her Berkshire Playhouse," Miss When Miss Harding left looked for those quiet re- Cooke was a friend of Presi- The July 4th effort was no ernment agencies, she finds B.G. Tipton, task force chair-. Harding says. dent Lincoln. He floated a mas:- "beloved and understanding" Hollywood, she went back to strained colors with enough theatrical high jinx. Miss Har- that private-agency work is brother, Wilfiam. 'New World'Opened Europe, this time with the ac- cheer — but not so bright that war loan of $3 million for the ding was determined to resur- just as foirqwwl'qg as it ever Mr. Tipton noted that the But Miss Harding, who "She opened a whole new tress whom she sometimes they were distracting." She state of Pennsylvania in ML rect the ornate uniform as a was. task force intends to "give as 1 world to me. Ske didn't think calls, Simply, "Hepburn." also worked with architects The following year he was en- creditable part of the coun- "The. value can't possibly complete an explanation of gives these people so much like anybody else," she con- Worked Together on two MCOSS health centers gaged by the U.S. Treasury to try's history... and her own. change whea you're: working plans for the proposed indus- credit for her own direction tinues. But ner younger brother, and one state building for the sell $500 million in bonds. He In another vein, she recalls withs human: beings," she says. trial park in the Red Hill sec- and achievement, wul be tbe (Sat was~to become one of the William B. Harding, who died Diagnostic Center. appointed 2,500 agents and be- how an official at NAD Earle "They, don't change. Their tion of the township as pos- focus for those who know largest private public health four years ago, was urging "I should have been an ar- fore the machinery he set in once called her "a rock ribbed needs doaft change. It's a sibfe." from experience what she has agencies in the United States. her to "settle down," to buy chitect, some kind of a design- motion could be stopped, he county spinster." She laughs challenge to keep abreast. He pointed out tbat moni- done and how much she has SheJBB.II fact, one of the the place next to his in Holm- er*" she says. "But when I had sold $11 million more than and says, "I don't know about And,, withi MCOSS, you have tors wffl collect written ques- given of ber own. moving fumcm that made it del. Her brother, she says, was coming along, people bad been ordered, an excess the rock ribbed part..." the freedom to tiy new things tkus from members of the ao- grow. was another strong influence didn't do that sort of thing." that Congress immediately Then she becomes thought- and to lead - the freedom dienee at the meeting, slated 671636 Whs On Monday njght, Mfcc Har- in her life. Together, they Miss Harding also talks sanctioned. ful when asked why shebasn't that the government cannot to start at 8 p.m., and all ding will be honored at a din- came to love Holmdel and about fund raising, bow her Hia great-granddaughter re- married. -1 tMnk I'll quote have. I just wish we couM put questions will be answered af- PABAMUS - The waning ner Jn the WoBy Kfcber Mo- worked together on state grandfather. Jay Cooke, fi- ports that Mr. Cooke bad a Mrs. Thompson," she says. more empaasis on those ter a presentation, including a number in this week's New tor Inn, Bed Bank, for her boards,'specifically in the nanced the Civil War for the great friend, an Indian named "It is simply iMs: Never the things that do not change — display of slides, by tbe task Jersey tottery is 6716ML yens nf service. The dinner field of social work, she says. North, and how different it is Ogontz, "Wherever Grandpa" time and the place and the force members. Holders of tickets with an will launch the Laura Harding And so, in 1935, she came today. Cooke went," she says, "ie loved one altogether." Screes Atonic Mr. Tipton said members of ax numbers in the correct or» Scholarship Stand to imple- back to Moumouth County "Grandpa Cooke said that If named places Ogontz." One of Miss Harding brushes off Today, she says, sae is prac- tke Township Committee and der win *50,000; with the last ment farther education for and, instead of returning to you get a dollar out of every them was a 55-room mansion questions about her earjy ticing "the ait of letting go1'' tl^Hanning Board also will five numbers HOW; the last four m; and the last three those wte choose the field of j fiumson where she had been man, yon will never ran oat of in PlniadelpMa, later a girls' days in Rnmsan, her prirate because new people must .be on hand to help answer public health, fittingly. Miss raised, she chose the farm money. But, if you rely on tha fichooLAnotherwasthePenO' education at Miss Ctapin's come into tbe picture. Now, questions-. Wflflams, tbe muse who re* next to William's. big fortunes, the money win .sylvania lodge, with 10 miles and Miss Porter's schools. m sponded 30 years ago, will be "There seemed to be wider atthedmner. horizons that what I had. Who is ianta Harding? In known," she says with a sug- Weather: Sunny, Warm many ways she is still tie girl gestion of humor. on toe horse, endowed with At that point, Miss Harding Marlboro Hearing Sunny and warm today, funnel cloud touched down west. beauty and wealth, who is assembled a group of friends high 85-90 except near 80 early today In central Nebr- Temperatures before naWB, horrified by human misery. from New York and, for the. along the shore. Fair, warm aska. Winds up to 60 miles an ranged from 94 at Blythe and. Her life today lings of both next four years, they.remo- tonight,'low 65-70. Tomorrow hour battered Burwell, but no Needles, Calif., to O at Cat the OH World and the new. In deled and expanded a two- fair, continued quite warm, injuries or damage were re- Bank, Mont. some respects, her liffrstylo room farmhouse that dated high around 90 except near 89 ported. ' . . •• TIDES cones from the pages of Jane* Lasts Eight Hours along the shor^. Sunday sunny back in 1789. They found a A tornado watch was out Sandy Hot! Austen... ferine lives on a bayonet in the chimney and andhoL . ' for parts of South Dakota, Today - High 4:54 p.m. and hill-top farm in Holmdel she promptly called the place ByJBIMcCOBMICK oetsfteu fifty 1^*11 filst ft"f" pre- cess is slowed... commercial In Long Branch, yes- Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, low 11:24 p.m. when she can roam alone Bayonet Farm. liminary approval (vested in- xatables (differentiated from terday's high was 74 and the Wisconsin and Michigan. Tomorrow - High 5:18 a.m. over fields and through woods MARLBORO - The) pro. terest) is obtained. Under tho industrial ratables) will come low was 54. It was 70 at 6 p.m. . Showers and thunderstorms It was during that period old ordinance^ vested interest and 5:48 p.m. and low 11:30 with her 10 beloved dogs. that Miss Harding met the posed new subdivision ordi- when enough people are The overnight low was* S3 and spattered the South Atlantic a.m. and midnight. At the farm, the gentility of nance was praised and cast!* can be obtained prior to the bare," he said. the-tenrperature at 7 this .late Geraldlne Thompson, the* submission of detailed plans. states and the western Gulf Sunday - High 6:13 a.m. 1Mb century England is ev- person who was to represent gated during over eight boms "I think that industrialists morning was 56. Coast. Other storms-were re- and 6:48 p.m. and low 12:18 erywhere - with fountains •of two public hearings before In addition, the council now coming here want a strict Spring's final weekend ported in tbe upper tier of still another dominant theme) tes final approval of aUsnbdi- a.m. and 12; 18 p.m. bubbling in a rustic setting, in her life. the Township Council, by a 3 code, so that fliey won't lose brought fan* and warm weath- states across the Midwest, the For Red Bank and Rumson- with cattle and horses grazing. to 2 vote, cut off debate last ikL Currentlyy,, Cbe council tbe value of their planfs," he er in much of the nation today Plains and the northern Rock- Anrt "Granny Thompson, j bdii -bridge, add two hours; Sea in pastures. in the farm vas very much like Hep- night only approves major subdivi- added. and a scattering of tornadoes ies. Bright/deduct 19 minutes; bouse, more of a country Last night's public fieaiv sions, with the Planning and thunderstorms in the mid- bum," she says. 1 EndEeqmsied Clear, warm conditions pre- Long Branch, deduct IS min- manor, are antiques and ; "She bad the same magnet- ing,adjourned from a three Soaro firHHltircfT yninpp subdivi* continent and fie South. vailed in the Northeast and utes; Highlands bridge, add 49 paintings and fresh flowers- hour public hearing held June siona. After the bearing bad lasted! ism. You never knew what over five hours, Council Presi- Summer arrives Monday. A much of the South and South- minutes. and jasmine" tea served at she was going to say," Miss 11, lasted over five hours. The Under (bis setup, tbe Plan- four. • " :.' . -•• two major objections to tha fling Board is considered dent McLaughlin called foe an Harding says. "She had the end while declining to state. But, also in the boose, are ability to make everything ordinance were discussed dur- •'weak," in that it-does not signs of today. Papers and re* ing both hearings: tbe sttfr •have final .approval of all ap- when the council would vide fun. It's neaven to be serious on tne ordinance. Voting to ports and correspondence, if it can be fan, too. . ngent regulations of tbe ordi- plications submitted., The stacked on tables and desks, nance which may inhibit in* mart otuy refers opinions and end the fiear|ng were GOP "When you were, working final decisions to the conndl. Council members Juditn are all part of Miss Harding's with her, you knew you we- dustry from locating here, life, which is as uptodate and which may result in a deter- Need Stability Czeray, Klefiard Herman, and ren't wasting your time. She McLaughlin. Republican immediate as the social prob- could make it more serious rent to the lowering of the tax , Herbert Schlesrager, W&-. lems she tackles — whether rate; and the perpetuation of tier Oaks East, said that the Councilman Williams, and and more fun than anyone Democratic Councilman law* ifs therapy for tbe mentally else I knew," Miss Harding tha current "yiBak" or refer* new ordisanco would prevent disturbed or computers for ral Planning Board, as op- industry front locating here. rence Grossma-- •n — vote ••d to con- MCOSS or radiation equip, posed to one with more pow- Hesaidtliatlietninksttettha tone tie hearings, ment for Riverview Hospital Meeting Recalled er. ordinance has "good intent- Severai membersof theaxt- JnSedBank. She joyfully recalls the day The major change in the for people who wDl move here flience vocally condemned the r "I knew then thaf, iTyou that Hepburn met Mrs. new ordinance is that a future in 10 years from now, but we> vote, and Township Attorney needed what Kate had to be- Thompson in the vast halls of developer must submit a de- need stability now." Minogue advised Mr. come an actress, tbat it Brookdale, the Thompson's tailed sketch plan to the Plan- Tbe tax rate here is car* McLatjghfin that be had tne wasn't for me. She had Lincroft estate. It was Gcr- ning Board prior to obtaining rmtly$M0 per $100 valuation, Tower to conclude the bear- .enormous energy and single- aldine Thompson who recited vested interest under state and Mayor Morton Salkind es- ing, wMch he did a? 1:15 this ness of purpose," she says. a scene from "Richard IF' for law. Vested interest means timates that it win go up to morning. "But we remained friends. Hepburn. that preliminary approval has $6.45 next year. Even though she was mar- And so it was that Hiss been given by the Planning Council President John J. The'cornea presfflent said ried, to Ludlow Smith of Harding, with Mrs. Thomp- Board, and that it is valid up McLaughlin said tbat be that Hie suggestions of the au- Philadelphia, she didn't give son, beame more and more to three years after the ap- would "like to have economic dience would be considered, up on me. deeply involved in social prob- proval is given. stability now, but tie high tax and tbat amendments would "I had left Romson to go to lems at the local, county and Critics of the ordinance sub- rates were created by the sins be made to the ordinance pri-. England - to stay with state levels, mit that developers wul not of the past." or to a council vote. Tbe next friends (including the late (Miss Harding has been be willing to expend (he large "In tne> past; homes wero council meeting Is Jane 21 at8 Mrs. William Purdy of Holm* president, then chairman of amount of funds needed for a bnHt in a rush, now tte pro* pjn.in toe Genital School General Eyes Future . (Continued) American people were paying me for 35 years to be they're interested and we won't be throning their • to. And he is, he says, "reasonabjjy confident" that ready for that assignment..." trainingoutof the window every two years..." the TRI-TAC project, a multi-service commu- First Signal Brigade units spread all over Viet- The Fosters are an Army family. The middle nications project "will go someplace, or they would nam-one unit was in Thailand-at 217 different sites: son, Harry, 21, a graduate of frentwortii Military have told us to turn it off. There seems to be a valid Just providing communications was complex and Academy, Lexington, Mo., will join his parents at Ft. need for it..." challenging, Gen. Foster said. Monmouth and complete his education in this area. Admittedly hesitant "to count my chickens be- Morale Held High Robert, 18, has just finished his freshman year at fore the eggs are laid, much less hatched," Gen. "And the morale, capability and dedication of Wentworth and, after six weeks of ROTC summer Foster said be is nonetheless "assuming" that tbe the men was tremendous," he declared. camp, will bead for Ft Benning, Ga, for summer ISAGREATWAYOFLIFE General Services Administration will proceed with A motto one of his sons "found somewhere" has air force training. Mrs. Foster is a former Army plans for a proposed ? 12 million office building to be been adopted by Gen. Foster as bis personal philoso- nurse. GET IN ON IT! constructed by a private investor for lease to. ECOM. phy: "He who cannot lead and will not follow should For relaxation, Gen. Foster enjoys model trains Bids are due this month. get out of the way." ("the problems are simple, and you can walk around FOB ONLY The building would move 3,000 ECOM employes It's in large letters on his office desk. all sides of them"), photography, wood working Condominium apartment Irving' Is tomor- out of 102 "temporary" World War II barracks and "I used it in my remarks when I assumed com- ("book shelves, radio cabinets") and his coin and "should result in appreciable savings to the tax- mand of the First Signal Brigade in Vietnam and it stamp collections; row's way of life... here for yon today payers because the maintenance costs of those old spread quickly. Soon it was appearing everywhere in "I also help the post engineer occasionally, ... private dob, swimming pool, your own barracks are so high," the general eaid. the brigade. It has tremendous significance..." much to his dismay when he finds I've put in an ex- private balcony or terrace ., . plus the 'Grave Housing' Condition Drug Poses Problem tension outlet he didn't know I needed," Gen. Foster, luxury of elegant apartment home living' per month The Brooklyn-born officer has been spending Gen. Foster acknowledged the seriousness of a graduate power engineer, admitted. (He has done equal YOUR BEST INVESTMENT .... (me afternoon a week touring the physical facilities the heroin problem among U.S. soldiers in Vietnam. graduate work at Harvard and Massachussetts In- "to get a good handle on the problems" and notes "a "It's readily available and cheap. But a lot of stitute of Technology.) Invest In the fun AND In the sayings... grave bousing situation. It's obvious Ft Monmouth the users were users before they got to Vietnam. We Lots of homes on this past Uave lighting by the is still suffering from a number of years of austere pushed rehabilitation, but it's so hard to establish • commanding general.' 314 &41fe room 'funding..." . rapport with an addict... When the Fosters were here In 1962, they had of Ocean County's playland! Only % 15,990 Apartment Homes from In his previous tours here "I used to wonder "I know it's impractical, but it occurred tq me three small sons and an unfloored attic. So the then buys you the High Point way of life ... $15,990 to $21,240. why the commanding general, didn't correct condi- that one solution might be to send the troops home Lt. CoL Foster put in a floor-and, then, of course, 91600 down... and from then on yon build tions 1 could see needed correcting," Gea Foster by boat instead of plane... 30 days on a boat with had to Install lights ("but I called the post engineer equity in your own home! A gr«at buy... confessed witti a wry grin, "and now I'm finding no drugs around would dry the addicts out... but I to connect it to the powersqnrce...") out;.." wouldn't want to be on that ship..." lie offered to help his neighbor do tbe same, and for all ages. . . Gen. Foster commanded tbe 15,000-man First Sig- Naturally, he is troubled by the anti-military soon, thanks to the man who is now commandant nal Brigade in Vietnam for lt'/2 months before what feelings he sees, reads and hears..."so impas- and what he fondly remembers as 112.30 worth of •You need only 1OS down. ' Term: dih price of 1 bedroom I uUreiwit- he describes as his reassignment here. sioned they have left the realm of reason... materials per house, a half-dozen or more homes on meat 115,990. Ouh down Myuwot He left Vietnam, where his oldest son, 24-year- "1 am mystified at some of the things I see and Megill Drive had lights burning in the attic. . morion of J14,m 360 cqod | 3TLAKEW00D Old Hugh V. 3rd, an infantry captain, is caving his hear. National defense Is something we have to With promotion to full colonel came a move to Jire«» omr 30 mm t intent, ptai Erf. »W7l second volunteer tour, with mixed emotions. have. A capable, competent, technically sophis- bigger quarters. This time; he installed lights in the TM ind all common malm wt20lT_. "1 W«H pleased to be reunited with my family, ticated Army is the essential elementof bur national basement of his home-and several others. dally 10 to if* Wee to be back in the U.S., and I'm happy to get structure... I don't think we'll betfnle to contract- The Fosters lived on Russel Ave. here when the •ptBk of Ote war ame in one piece. out the next war..." \ general returned from service in Korea. It was back • ; «$tUL there it a personal satisfaction a profes- he enthusiastically supports the idea of a volun- to installing lighting in the attic again... St CM Kfatall KospiUJ), ^m ri(ht to Pfopwtr. OH: 6wd«4l SUIe P.rimiy to fcit 123 MtolUS teer army. Whoever said a soldier wouldn't buy tbe self- SDOCMwtittIS tbOVK '" . '. > . . . - • ::•! • i the J* he was trained. The "Then well get people in tbe Army because l d utilities programT • r , J,

(AP) — Cahill administration officials said Bindhammer Given Life Term today they did not know how any different screening proce- dures could have prevented the appointment of Robert DUts as ByHALLIESCHBAEGEB downstairs escaped the fire, as did Miss Rogers, who kicked was of incendiary origin, no evidence of even where the fire Bergen County prosecutor. out a second floor window and jumped to the ground. started. He noted that County Medical Examiner C. Malcolm : outs and a Little Ferry used car dealer were indicted by B. Gilman had listed the death of both victimajs-l^c^den- FREEHOLD - Six women and six tnen deliberated for The state's contentions, were based on confessions alle- A - a state grand jury yesterday on charges of conspiring to take just over two hours yesterday before finding Edward J. Bind- gedly made to law enforcement officers by Bindhammer, who tal." ' / bribes to fix the prosecution and sentences of five men. hammer guilty of the arson-murder of his wife and a neighbor disclaimed them in a bitter and somewhat incoherent state- Mr. Smith said the personality attributed to Bindhammer * Dilts was confirmed as prosecutor in March, 1970, three in a rooming hquse fire in Ocean Grove last Dec. 5. ment to tbe court just before he was sentenced. Bindhammer would lead one to believe he could commit such a crime. He months after Republican Gov. William T. Cahill took office . "I'd like to tell you to send my mail to hell," the defend- said prosecution witnesses were lying. said the defendant knew who was in the house, bad some with a pledge to wipe out organized crime and official corrup- ant told the court just after he was sentenced to a mandatory "I tried to talk to my lawyer before this was over," said deodorant left in a broken bottle, and had made phone calls to tion) . term of life imprisonment Bindhammer. He said the way he understood it, Dr. John P. Ocean Grove police aboutthe fire, according to witnesses. On May 18,1971, CahUl ordered Atty. George F. Kugter The verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree was the Mohair, the psychiatrist who was the only defense witness, He said it was obvious where the fire was started, be- Jr. to supercede Dilts and investigate his conduct in office. only alternative the jury had to a verdict of innocent, since Su- "would testify on everything.'including my capability while I cause the screen door was charred and so were the stairs just • Dilts had been confirmed only after Cahill and GOP Sen- perior Court Judge M. Raymond McGowan told the panel was under the, influence of a drug and without sleep for 48 inside the front door. •• ; ate leaders agreed on a new screening procedure for judicial there were only two possible verdicts in the case. The state hours and without food for almost the same amount of time.. "You may not return a verdict" based on uncorroborated and prosecutorial nominees. was not seeking the death penalty. "I thought there would be other testimony other than just statements," Judge McGowan instructed the jury. He said tbe The nominees are given a thorough check by the state po- No Appeal Decision that to prove that what Jo Ann Rogers said was a lie, because jury had to find that supporting evidence bolstered Bind- lice and by representatives of the county and state bar associ- Deputy Public Defender William J. Gearty, who consulted I was in the house earlier that evening until about 12:30 that hammer's confessions. ations. In addition, the U.S. attorney general is notified so that with Bindhammer's relatives after the trial, said a decision on night, and when I left, we all left... In order to consider the confessions, said the judge, the* presumably the FBI Is also brought into the screening proce- an appeal had not yet been reached. Lawyer Rapped jury must be convinced that the defendant was advised of his dure. Bindhammer was transported immediately to state pris- "I could prove there was no argument that night, and this constitutional rights, waived them intelligently and knowingly, on. ; is what I expected my lawyer to do at the time I waived my and voluntarily gave statements. The 28-year-old Bindhammer, described during the trial rights, which wasn't carried out by him." The judge said the jury could convict on circumstantial 6 Indicted in Hudson Case as a "hysterical personality" with a long history of con- The Only Choice evidence, but it should be "carefully scrutinized." finement to mental institutions, was convicted of setting the The judge told him the life sentence was mandatory, and JERSEY CITY - Six months after the State Investigation- fire at 28 Surf Ave., Ocean Grove, which claimed the lives of since the jury had found Bindhammer guilty, he had no choice Arson Defined Commission heard testimony from contractors who said they! bis wife, Clara, 23, and the 21-year-old neighbor who lived at in the matter of sentencing. He said that if any person committing arson kills another, were forced to turn over kickbacks to the Hudson County Mos- the rooming house, Glen William Walton. Dr. Mohair testified Wednesday that Bindhammer's per- it is murder to the first degree, even if tbe killing is not in- quito Commission, the former director of the defunct agency Bindhammer lived with his wife two doors away at the sonality disorder is characterized by "wide emotional fluctua- tentionali and five other persons have- been indicted. Whitfield Hotel, 20 Surf Ave. tions, emotional ovcrreactions. . . extreme excitability, self- The jury filed back into the courtroom near the end of its C. Harry Callari, the former director, and the others were The state contended that Bindhammer, thinking bis wife dramatization and attention-seeking-type behavior." deliberations to hear testimony read back from three wit- charged yesterday with extortion from contractors and em- was having an affair with Mr. Walton, filled a plastic contain- He said this type of personality is immature, self-cen- nesses: Miss Rogers; Thomas R. Kuechle, the cab driver who bezzlement from the county totalling $280,000. er with a spray deodorant, wrapped it in paper, placed it be- tered, egocentric, vain and has a marked dependency on oth- drove Bindhammer from Asbury Park to Monmouth Medical The five were indicted by a Hudson County grand jury,, ers. However, he said, in his opinion Bindhammer could dis- Center, Long Branch, after the fire (stopping along the way tween the inner and outer front doors of the rooming house 1 which returned an 81-count indictment after investigating the and set it on fire. tinguish right from wrong and was capable of cooperating in for Bindhamnier to make a telephone call at the same time commission since January. ' Assistant Prosecutor Thomas J. Smith Jr. said in his his own defense. one was received by Ocean Grove police); and Mrs. Josephine In addition to Callari, the Indictment names the former The psychiatrist's testimony was used in arguments by at- Anthony, the nurse who interviewed Bindhammer in the emer- summation the deodorant in question is labeled S3 per cent al- 1 director's sons Ronald and Benjamin Callari, Vito Cestone and cohol. tomeys for both sides. gency room at the hospital Genevieve Hill, commission employes, and Ralph. Grasso, an Argument Held Mr. Gearty argued that the jury should consider the. need Mrs. Anthony had testified that Bindhammer, asked if he engineer who once worked for Hudson County. Testimony revealed that the Bindhammers had an argu- for self-dramatization and attention-seeking when it weighed was married, said "Not now" or "Not any more." She quoted ment early in the evening of Dec 4 and that Mrs. Bindhammer the reliability of Bindhammer's confessions. Mm as saying he had set fire to the house, usjng "hair condi- Cable TV, Tax Bills Signed and her friend and co-worker, Miss Jo Ann Rogers, later went Evidence Lacking tioner or some spray," and saying he wanted to kill his wife, together to Walton's apartment Two elderly women living He said there was no independent evidence that the fire but "didn't mean to." TRENTON - Gov. •William T. Cahill signed into law yes- terday a bill that will impose a one-year moratorium on the IKQ^MIWBI**^*^WIM^**^**—*^ ' ..—... —.^^|. ••••••p. «*_i^..._.i ipilBIB •.. II. ••>•*•••• • I— <—<--- •-•••• rmmtmrm ••• • » nn w-~ - --**.*•• - m • • - award of local cable television franchises and a measure that will permit the state to tax the income of Pennsylvanians who work in New Jersey. Scores Perfect in College Boards - 6 Times • ' The governor placed bis signature on the bills at a public ceremony in which he also signed legislation to broaden pen- alumna, always have encour- Shrewsbury which he attend- chess-"I wouldn't call myself sion benefits for state employes. By MABY V.GORDON good," and horticul- The tax bill means that beginning Aug. 1 all New Jersey aged him in his studies. ed for 10 years. Greek and "He taught himself to read Latin, for instance, are taught • ture-whicb he likes best. employers will be compelled to withhold income tax payments EATONTOWN (AP) - A He grows flowers outside for workers who live In Pennsylvania. tousled-hairled 17-year-old at a very early age-2%," Mrs. first in the seventh grade in- The rate will be 3.5 per cent, the same level as Pennsylva- who wants "to know a lot Cataldo said. "He was espe- stead of the ninth grade. and inside including glo- nia's new income tax which affects about 90,000 New Jer- about everything," has raised cially interested in the alpha- Nicky took the Lathi test xinias-a plant related to the seyans who work in Pennsylvania. academic eyebrows by receiv- bet and the dictionary." and a math test in tbe ninth African violet "which re- ing six perfect scores in the Nicky, a bespectacled only grade, scoring 80Q's, and two quires fluorescent lights, spe- tough College Board Exam- child, plans to attend Harvard more math tests, in the tenth cial temperatures and special Interpol Raps Plainfield Cops inations. in the falL IDs scores on a se- grade, scoring 800s. High everything." ries of advanced placement school students generally take "It's easy to grow them," "It's a fantastic record," the tests in the senior year PLAINFIELD - An international police organization has marveled John P. Smith, a tests qualify him to start as a he says, "but hard to make blamed the Plainfield police force in part for the racial riot junior, but he'll probably be- and the average score is in them bloom." spokesman for the Education- the high 400s. that shook the city in 1967. al Testing Service in Prince- gin as a sophomore. Look Forward • The International Association of Chiefs of police, in a re- ton, which administers the "If you start late yon have Nicky is looking forward to port filed with the city administration Thursday, said the po- exams. "It happens, but only to specialize early," be ex- Chemistry Favorite Harvard, which he chose over lice department and the city,, "had hot adequately kept abreast occasionally." plained today. "And I want to Nicky- says chemistry has Oberlin, Brown, MIT and been bis favorite subject, but with the social changes in the city since World War II." Nicholas Cataldo chalked take a lot of everything and Swarthmore, and says he is The report cited a considerable "lack of understanding up 800 scores in three math- not too limited. I want to lately he likes humanities especially anxious to take and communications as the single most important factor in the ematics tests, in Latin and know a lot about everything." more'and more. • Russian. "I looked, at Har- lntracity problems." chemistry tests and an Russell G. Ranney, princi- vard's catalogue and it just Major Criterion pal of the school, says, "Nicky The 1967 riot raged from July 14 to 20 and polarized the equivalent A-plus in Tbe College Boards, a ma- completely amazes me. They city's 50,000 residents, about half of them black, to a point Greek-and he achieved four Nicholas CataMo is really a Renaissance man." have such crazy things and a jor critenra by. which college "It's unusual for 3 student where city schools were closed in later years because of racial of them before most.other admissions officers judge vast range of courses." disturbances. During the riot, one patrolman was stomped to high school students in the na- American history, and ad- with such an interest in sci- Ranney expects Nicky to do prospective students, are tak- vanced chemistry, biology ence and math to go and read death by a mob, 49 persons" injured'and $600,000 in damage tion even tackled .their first en by 1.5 million students an- well at Harvard. done. . • "- test.! and physics-and took the .Archimedes in the original nually. tests without any special Greek to find out clues about "He's not going to fall apart Was Encouraged Many students prep for the or set.fire to any buildings," * Nicky's father, Nicholas preparation. the science and math," Ran- exams by taking practice ney adds. the principal insists. "Hell do Calls Bagnian'Cute With Cash' Cataldo Sr., is a "director of tests in workbooks, but Nicky What may have helped him a bangup job. I never gradu- b education at the Signal School though is the academically ac- Nicky's interests outside NEWARK - A "getting, cute with the cash" pro- stuck to the school's normal ated a boy whom I had less at Ft. Monmouth, and his curricula-including Greek celerated program at the pri- the classroom extend to ten- doubt about" voked a Mutation in which Hudson County Democratic boss mother, Barnard College vate Ranney School in New niss-"I sort of play," John V. Kenny "chewed the. pants off" Jersey City Mayor and Latin, European and Thomas Whelan, a prosecution witness has testified at the ex- tortion-conspiracy trial here of Hudson leaders. m Former Hudson County.Engineer Frank G. Manning testi- fied in federal court yesterday of a struggle for thousands of doUars in extortion money in 1964 between Kenny and Whelan. Parties Confident as Conventions Open Manning, alleged top bagman in the scheme, was one of the trial defendants until he agreed to testify for the prose- ByCARLZEITZ charged .the state faces a meets again in two weeks. situation had "no mandate to Cahill also said lie would sup- be-I think yon see people cution under a grant of immunity. Presently in the dock are budget deficit of at least $200 .The Republican platform get the job of honest tax re-, port its recommendations standing a little straighter, eight Hudson County and Jersey City politicians including TRENTON (AP) - If the million next year. Crabiel also committee is headed by Sen. form done quickly so we can even if they included a call for standing a little taller because Whelan. Kenny was severed from the trial last week because state party conventions are a charged that Gov. William T. Alfred N. Beadleston, R-Mon- help our property owners." an income tax. But the gover- they're getting honest govern- of illness. He is to be tried later. guide to this year's legislative Cahill has "absolutely no plan mouth. The 150 delegates to Method Assailed nor made no mention of taxes ment," as he cited his adminj The fight between the politicians took place in October, campaign, the Democrats will for relieving the taxpayers of the GOP convention set July Crabiel said statewide the in his talk to tbe convention. istration's efforts in law en- 1964, Manning said. The witness said he was ordered by Kenny bard at the Republican this state." 1 as the date they will property tax bill in New Jer- Cabill told the delegates forcement. to "take over" the collections going to Whelan because Whe- legislative record while ' Cahill was the chief speaker reconvene to adopt their sey rose by $250 million in tbe that for the first time the Re- lan's bagman, Jersey City Purchasing Agent Bernard Murphy, focusing on the tax: issue at the GOP gathering. He said platform. past year.* He repeated the publican Party "has truly Firm Promotes was "getting cute with the cash." while the GOP will point the Republican Party had The Democratic Party charges by Democratic legis- opened the door for all people, proudly to the record and been responsive everywhere- platform committee will have lators that a series of fee in- of all ages, all colors, all Brennan, Katz wbat it views as the party's around tbe state. the report of the party's creeds, all backgrounds." Penn Central Seeks Injunction widening role in the state. creases requested by CahilH LONG BRANCH - Ray- "We have excellent relat- policy council to work with. and approved by the legisla> Under his administration, mond T. Brennan and Harvey Both the Democratic and ionships with labor and The report, a massive ture this year represented "a the governor said he knew of PHILADELPHIA - The trustees of the Penn Central GOP conventions got under' Katz were elected vice presi- management, the young and document distilled from nickel and dime effort to no major area "that has not dents of Thomson &' Transportation Co. yesterday petitioned a federal judge for an way yesterday with keynote the old, and the minority hearings and studies con- scrape up revenue." shown improvement." addresses and the approval of groups too," Cahill said. McKennon Auchindoss Inc. injunction barring the trustees of the former New Haven Rail- ducted during the past year, Crabiel charged that the Cahill pointed to the imple- Frederick L. Well, regional road from placing a lien on Penn Central properties in Man- permanent committees, To Draw Platforms makes recommendations on a including the platform com- budget for fiscal year 1971 mentation of the state lottery, vice president of the in- hattan including the Grand Central Terminal. The Democrats approved a wide range of topics. would result in increased a $25 million state urban aid vestment firm, and Mr. Bren- The liens are for $132 million which is owed the New mittees assigned to draw up six-man resolution committee the party's position papers for In his address, Crabiel said taxes next year. program, and a Green Acres nan and Mr. Katz are co-man- Haven from a merger agreement, when the Pennsylvania headed by Robert H. Weber, that Cahill's balanced $1.78 But the Middlesex senator land conservation program the campaign. Cumberland County agers of the newly consoli- Railroad, the New York Central and the New Haven Railroad million budget for the new did not mention an income tax among the specific attain- dated county office here. merged to form the Penn Central four years ago. The Democrats heard a Democratic chairman, to fiscal year starting July 1 was keynote speech in which draw -up a platform to be which has been at the center ments of his administration. A resident of Deal'Park, Judge John P. Fullam, who is supervising the reorganiza- a political move "so the of speculation about what The governor also cited leg- Mr. Katz is a graduate of tion of the Penn Central under federal bankruptcy laws, set a Senate Minority Leader Ed- presented to the full 193- governor and his legislature / ward Crablei, D-Middlesex, delegate convention when it course the state will take on islation on narcotics control, Monmouth College. He en- hearing date for June 21. could tell you they produced tax reform. the 18-year-old vote and mi- tered the investment business a 'no-new-tax' budget this ? 1 Cahill said Wednesday he grant labor as among the ad- in 1961 with Cohen and Co. election year.' hoped the state would not ministration's accom- and served as manager of the Western Union Talks Resumed of Crabiel charged that the need an income tax next year. plishments. Asbury Park office until its i Governor's Tax Policy Com- The tax study commission is He said, "I think whereever consolidation with the office NEW YORK - Western Union representatives and two mission which has been look- expected to report in Novem- you look-wherever it may here early last month. unions representing 20,100 employes will resume' negotiations ing into the New Jersey tax ber after the election and today in an effort to end a 17-day strike. Area Is Tomorrow Larry Mancino, vice president of Local 1177 of the Com- SANDY HOOK - In con- ters for an over-all look of the munications Workers of America, representing 3,100 clerks in junction with Congressional area to be included in the Dig they must... the metropolitan area, said his local will meet with company hearings on the proposed Ga- park. CATV Probe Future officials at 9 a.m. teway National Park, mem- Expected to accompany Mancino said the AFL-CIO United Telegraph Workers, bers of the Senate Interior Af- Sen. Williams are Sen. Alan. fay we will! representing 17,000 employes nationwide, would also meet with fairs Committee and Congres- Bible of Nevada, chairman of Is Not Yet Certain the company officials in Washington, D.C., on Friday. sional leaders from New Jer- the subcommittee; Sen. Jacob FREEHOLD -s County no date was set for the contin- Mancino said the company called tbe union yesterday and sey and New York will tour Javitts of New York; Sen. Prosecutor Vincent P. Keuper uation of the investigation by asked for the meeting. "We can only assume that they will the site tomorrow.. Clifford P. Hanseri of Wyom- said yesterday he has not yet the grand jury. make an offer,": be said. Sen. Harrison A. Williams ing; Sen. Frank Moss of Utah determined if more witnesses So far, the grand jury heard Jr., D-N.J., sponsor of leglsla'- and Staten Island Congress- will be called in the county ; testimony from Mr. and Mrs. tion to create tbe national man John M. Murphy. Grand Jury's probe of alleged Theodore Hall and Joseph Eit- park which includes Sandy The visual tour proceeds municipal corruption in the man of Asbury Park, a former Hook here and Breezy Point formal public hearings .at awarding of cable television financial adviser of Commu- REGL in New York, will join the air Pace Collegia in New Ydrk •franchises. nity Broadcast Commu- , . • Mom Office; and land tour which begins at next Saturday, when resi- The grand jury yesterday Clmtnvt SI.. Red Bonn, N.J. 97701 nications (CBC-TV) of Red SrenOi omen: 9 a.m. at Floyd Bennett Field, dents, naturalists and other heard testimony from Acting Bank. I)* Rl. as. MltMldowti, N.I. It Bail Main si., FreinMd, N.J. Brooklyn. interested persons may City Manager of Asbury Park in iroomiar. LOT« Brancti. N.J. Walter Ramsey, an aide to present their views to the con- Samuel W. Siciliano. Mr. Sici- The grand jury in- Itlatlliiieil la mmy Jem H. iceon mil HmrytW Sen. Williams said the tour gressional team on the pro- liano also brought some city vestigation began after Mrs. Hall, president of CBC-TV, Pgtjllihed by TIM Red Bank Regisler will Include a two-hour car posed park land.. records for the panel, said the 06 WI86... Flnaneo your sewer system Mtrnbir oo>f the Associated PreM—The Associated prei!. Is entitled «*• and walking segment at Thursday, Middletown.offi- prosecutor. Mr. Siciliano testi- told a state Assembly com- datively toll* ui-e lor repubtlcailon of all tin local news printed lIin tnls newspaper hookup cost* througrj us PnewsdiHMkhM Breezy Point before the group cials will be briefed dl the fied for about 30 minutes. mittee April 20 that officials Sicond class poi'age paid ol Red Oonk. N.J. O77U1 and at additional moiling leaves by boat for Sandy Hook project, which calls for Bel- Mr. Keuper said he will re- of two unspecified Monmouth on our special low terma offices, published dally. Monday Ihroiigji Friday, wall subscriptions payable In ad-' at 12:30 p.m. ford to become a key access view the case to determine if communities had tried to ex- IMonlti 4 Months tort a total of $8,500. from her HIM- Here, tbe men will take a point, with visitors to the park additional witnesses will be leaving cars there for a ferry called. in return for cable television "CENTRAL HOme Delivery By Carrier -Jo Cents a « 1%-hour walking tour of the mutt! or r, a.i.e. Sli>«ltco»y at counter., HCenhv hook and thai board helicop- boat ride to the book. \ . The prosecutor added that. franchises; Samuel E. Danzig Mrs. Laura Rubley LONG BRANCH -"Samuel WEST Driver Fined, Loses License E. Danzig, 74, of 675 Ocean HIGHLANDS - Mrs! Laura John Rogan, S3, of 72 HOLHDEL - Municipal 'of speeding and delinquent re- j. Blakeslee, Paflte, careteM H. Rubley, 80, of 120 Miller Ave., died yesterday in Hud- Place, died yesterday in Riv- •turn of summons. driving charge; Lloyd Ber~ • • Obituaries son County. Court Judge Seymour R. St., died Wednesday in Riv- eniew Hospital, lied Bank. Fined $50 on charges of fail- nard, 51 S. Fifth Aye., .'Long > He was born in, Russia and Heinberg has fined Clifford erview Hospital, Red Bank,. He was born in Jersey City Quinn, Atlantic City, $220 and ing to keep to the right and •Branch, charge of driving* ' She had been a lifelong resi- came to this country at age 8. and had lived in this area 20 .delinquent return of summon^ without a registration in pos- Barbara Branch Mr. Danzig had lived in As- revoked Ms driver license for ; dent here. She was the widow years. - • two years on charges of driv- was Gerald A. Gassman, session, and Arthur J, Powell, - auDDLEJTOWN.- Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Byron Coats of of Harry Rubley. bury Park, Deal and Red Mr. Rogan was a commu- ing while under the influence North Hanmmdale. 78 Lincoln Court, Keansburg, .. h, 3, of 336 BuUedge Albequerque, N.JL, and her Mrs; Rubley was a member Bank before moving here two nicant of St. Ann's Catholic of alcohol and driving without Jay H. Miller, 13 Oakwood charges of driving with im- Drive, died yesterday in Biv- paternal grandparents, Mr. of the Highlands United Meth- years ago. Church, Keansburg, and was alicense. Lane, Rumson, was assessed proper headlights and' , ^tfrtew Hospital, Bed Bank. and Mrs. Raymond! Branch ol odist Church, the Golden In 1963, he retired as owner, a member of the Monmouth $50 on a speeding charge. . delinquent return of sum-. - of the Asbury Youth Center, County Fire Police Associ- Nelson Ortez, Perth Amboy, " -She was bom in Annadale, Detroit Circle, the Highlands Fire De- was assessed $65 on charges Fined $25 each were Robert Vau Arrangements are under partment Auxiliary and the Asbury Park, and was a for-' ation. - Surviving are her parents, the direction of the William S. Federation of Republican mer president of the Asbmy He was retired from the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Branch; Anderson Funeral Home, Red Women. She also was past Park Chamber of Commerce Jersey Central Railroad •ier maternal grandparents, Bank. president of "VFW auxiliary and former president of the where he had been employed post 6902, here. chamber's Retail Trades Divi- as a bridge engineer. Both are fine win- sion. Surviving are his widow, clows that sell for FOR ANY OCCASION Surviving are a son, Harry S. Rubley of Rumson; a An army veteran of World Mrs. Grace Prongay Rogan; dollars loss at daughter, Mrs. Esther Tom- three daughters, Mrs. Grace Prown'i. Both HONEYBKFIOWERS War I, Mr. 'Danzig had com- pkins, here; two brothers, manded Post 125, Jewish War Carcione of Keansburg, Mrs. will giva you Kay and Wallace Parker, both Veterans, Asbury Park, and Marianne Kirschner of Haz- yaara and years 464BROADST. here; two sisters, Mrs. Ruth had been Monmouth County let, and Miss Ellen Rogan at of top notch O'Neil and Mrs. Esther commander of the organiza- home; a brother, Michael Ro- service. We in- SHREWSBURY McCann, also here; six grand- tion. gan of Jersey City) three sis-' vite you to 741-4020 children, and three great- Surviving are a son, Dr. ters, Mrs.' Mary Branscombe come and sea grandchildren. of Rochester, N.H., Sister El- Reliable Since 1927 Leonard S. Danzig of Little both windows Arrangements are under Silver; two daughters, Mrs. len Rogan of St, Michael's ^ BY WIRE ANYWHERE the direction of the Posten Fu- Church, Union City, and Mrs. and judge for your- Sidney Scorben of Deal, and self which are best Robot R. Hodgkiu neral Home, Atlantic High- Mrs. Hugh Brower of Mun- Ann Fogler of Lakewood, and lands. ster, Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Abra- 10 grandchildren. for your needs. ham Fischbine of Wana- Arrangements are under Albert R. McCully massa, and nine grand- the direction of the Laurel Fu- HIGHLANDS - Albert K. children. neral Home, here. The Richard C. Hoidal Fu- 'McCully, 66, of 88 Highland Frank Luccarelli JohnVanKirk&Son Ave. died yesterday at Riv- neral Home, Oakhurst, is in erview Hospital, Red Bank. charge of arrangements. HOLMDEL - Frank Lucca- He was retired from the relli, -84, past director of the MONUMENTS Fanners and Gardeners Asso- Pabst Brewery in Newark. r JohnCupsie 85. COOPER RD., MIDDLETOWN Mr. McCully was a member ciation of New Jersey, died Made to Soil for $3 To $4 more elsewhere (off Rt. 35 otHeodon's Comer) of the Highlands Yacht Club. UNION BEACH - John Wednesday in Riverview Hos- He was born in Newark and Cupsie, 66, of 318 Bay view pital, Red Bank. He lived at 741-0319 747-2543 31 CentervOle Road. BARREGUILD MONUMENTS lived here seven years. Ave. died yesterday in Paul He is survived by his wid- Kimball Hospital, Lakewood. Bom in Crispiano, Italy, he ow, Mrs. Anne £. Martin Born in Hungary, he was a was a resident here 43 years McCully; three daughters, resident of this area most of and formerly lived in Brook- PECIAL! Mrs. Margaret Schwartz and his life. lyn. FUNERAL Mrs. Arlene Iarossi, both of He was a member of St. Jo- A retired farmer, he was a Newark, and Mrs. Dolores seph's Catholic Church, Key- member of St. Benedict's SAMSON HEAVY DUTY V HOME Muncy of Quantico, Va.; three port. Catholic Church, Hazlet. brothers, Charles McCully of Surviving are his widow, Surviving are his widow, WHITE ALUMINUM John Allen Childs III New Brunswick, John Mrs. Julia Fisbher Cupsie; Mrs. Grace Lucia DeFelice McCully of Matawan and Har- three sons, James Cupsie of 'Luccarelli; two sons, Peter A. Combination Window Owner and Operator old McCully of Union; two sis- Vincentown, Joltn Cupsie of and Dominick J. Luccarelli, ters, Mrs. Helen Pras of Men- Carteret and Ernest Cupsie of both here; seven daughters, Dignified-InexpensivoConfidential dham and Mrs. Mildred Buck- Belford; three daughters, Mrs. Grace Morello of West worth of Cedar Grove, and Mrs. Helen Mester of Carte- Heiripstead, L.I., Mrs. Angel- 4fo,$72. DayorNfchl-741.3505 four grandchildren. ret, Mrs. Irene Lamano, here, ina DellaPietro and Mrs.' Arrangements are under and Mrs. Patricia Saucier of Frances FoH, both of Hazlet, 364 SHREWSBURY AVE. RED BANK the direction of the John P. Gallipolis, Ohio; a brother, Mrs. Esther LaStella, Mrs. INSTALLED Condon Funeral Home, Atlan- Michael Cupsie of Union; two Sylvia Rossi and Mrs. Mary LOOK WHAT YOU GET! sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Marion Hem, all here, and Mrs. An- • Stabilizer Bar • Sturdy Screen Frame • Alodixed tic Highlands. Aluminum Screen Wire • 16-Year Paint Guarantee • of Roebling and Mrs. Mary toinette Van Pelt of Marlboro; Fully Weatherstripped • Track • Clean* Clark of Carteret, and 17 22 grandchildren, and two from inside. James W. Mitson grandchildren. great-grandchildren. The Adams Memorial Home FORT LAUDERDALE, Arrangements are under di- Arrangements are under di- Fla. - James W. Mitson, 82, rection of the Day Funeral rection of the Day Funeral WIUIAMJ.CONNELLY, died here June 10. He for- Home, Keyport. Home, Keyport, IUILY WEATHER-STRIPPED merly resided in Rumson and Otcner-Managcr Arlington, N.J. Mr. Mitson was employed" Standard White 747-0226 all his life by Prudential. Life Insurance Co. ALUMINUM COMBINATION FUNERAIDIREQORS He is survived bytwd (fJeaidlfui , daughters, Mrs. Robert Rfiati- STORM & SCREEN SINCE 1865 ; can, here, and Mrs. Elise Sim- etirement mons of Oceanpbrt, N.J.; a 310 BROAD STREET RED BANK. brother, Herbert Mitson of St. WINDOW Petersburg, \FJa.; 12 grand- chjldreD, and lV great-grand- S children. ''• ENJOY ANEXaUSMSECnONOFTHE Arrangements were under BERKEUY-ORTEMTHOm 6 for 96IN5TAUED the direction of the Richard * SUPERB DECOR * HEALTH 8PJU QOIF • Funeral Home, here. .IELEGANTFIREPROOFBUILOINO Win. S. Anderson JllSDOOnHEATEDSEAWATIBPOOL I Minimum Purchase - 6 Windows - I OUTDOOR POOL ANDCABANACLUB DEATH NOTICE JCONGENIALCOMPANIONSHIP BELICOSE — Ralph J.. oae S3, of 287 LeonardvlllB Rd., Belford; on June 16, {NEAROCEANAMDAUCONVENIENCES .„._„»„ Funeral Home 1W1, at Red Bank, NJ. Beloved husband Ttiaourttfff.clftSiWE * TEA ROOM CHARGE U! oti Lillian KIltoVDevoteKilter.:" d wilier ol Ralph' £ T."" . ~Raymon ondM.d M.<, Robort.A., Remold J., m HOTEL BERKELEY CARTERET Mrs. J«armmetf 'e "Scalio, Mrs. Jacqueline "1 Free Delivery 741-7500 272BR0AD$TREET RID BANK ilss Joanne ond the late Sgt, k RESERVATIONS •FIREPROOF. Rlthard J.DeVr6fotherotJolmrMri; •Anna Ruso, and Mrs. Maria Trubla. Fu- ASBURY PARK SandForDmOttOnOur- TEUPHONE747-550O neral will be held on Sat., 9 am., from the (201)775-500 FreaGuartForADay John F. Pfleger Funeral Home, 115 Tln- fPMS 32 BROAD ST. tiall Rdi, New Monmouth. Mass of Resur- StocK Markot Office in Hotel Program . ^WltBM rection at St. Mary's R.c. Church, New imtlJtam Daily and Saturday) Monmouth, at 9:30 a.m. Interment In Mt. .O«jITHE BOARDWALK, ASBURY PARMU.. Daily and Saturday 8-5:30 Wed. and Frl.-til 9 pTm? Owned and Managed 6/ Olivet Cemetery, Allddletown. Visiting 24 ond 7-10 Thurs.,Frl. WM. S.ANDERSON


85 Riverside-Avenue Red Bank

C. SIDUN, Director 747-0332

Worden Funeral Home 60 E. FRONT ST. RED BANK

Day and Night Phone, 747-0557 OarkFasler,Mgr. * ACME MONUMENTS BARCLAY HENDERSON PROP

DISTINCTIVE MEMORIALS Don't be an audience of one for an obscene caller. Hang up. CEMETERY Nole: New LETTERING The phone rings. You pick it up. Don't! Hanging up will usually discourage him from *"** *»*» provldo up to When whoever it is doesn't say anything, or does ailing again. /~~~- t>Zy^mm^P^M,wiM*- say something obscene, or ddesn't identify himself— Should the calls persist, however, please let your tow. indecent, or dhgimWg remtri« just hang up. Telephone Business Office know. We have specially ?•} [747-48871 This kind of person would like you to talk to him. trained personnel to deal with obscene callers. New Jersey Bel State JC Post For JWney LOCAL SECURITIES The Diiiy H*gi«ter, UM foakMmi*n*v}i> U VMtcf, Jta» 1*. Wl 5 ATLANTIC CITY - 'ica Assistance Program. In , Representatives inter-dealer quotations at approximately Thomas G, Tierney of Oak- this capacity, he is respon- £00 p.m. yesterday from NASD. Prices do not include retail hurst, supervisory electronics sible for establishing local mark-up, mark-down or commission. engineer *t the Procurement Jaycee programs to benefit Merrell-Lynch Offering and Production Directorate of Boys' Clubs. He attended the BANKS the IKS, Army Electronics National Boys' Cliibs of Amer- Mr. Bid Astal By ROGER E.SPEAB ' tatives in 202 offices. Command, Ft. Monmouth, ica Convention in Atlanta, Belmar-Wall National (split 2 for 1). 1.00 60 In spite of its wide range of was elected state vice presi- Ga., where his efforts on be- Central Jersey Bank (x) (xx)..... M% 15% Q - I have just found out Successful financial activities, ML's busi- dent of the New Jersey half of the Boys' Clubs were Farmers & Merchants (x) (xx) .18 12% W that Merrill Lynch is planning ness is directly affected by Jaycees. - recognized by the national First Merchants Na« Bank (x) (xx)..:. U% 12 a public offering of its shares. Investing economic conditions and its Mr. Tierney is .immediate board of directors. First Nat'l Bank of Toms River (x) (xx) 43 «% Is this the first brokerage income is closely tied to the past president of the Ocean First State Ocean County (x) (xx) 18 19% firm to do so? Do you think ; volume of trading in secu- will probably be warmly re- rities. Trading volume began Township jaycees and was se- Keansburg-Middletown ...... 1-29 55 others will? Can you give me "turning"point for what ceived by the public, earnings lected as the outstanding local Beef Prices Doubles 2 s any information on Merrill probably be an industry trend. increasing in late 1970 and so have traced a rather erratic BankofManalapan... ; * 2 far this year has been running chapter president for the BUENOS AIBES (AP) - Lynch?-G.E. The need for permanent capi- record and despite the com- Middletown Banking Co. (10% Stock Dry.).... 15 17 at virtually record levels on Monmouth County Area. The price of beef in Argentina A - While not an industry tal has been amply demon- pany's size, shares will not be Monmouth County Nat'l (x) (xx) (xxx) 6% 7% an annual basis. The gain is He also serves as a national first, the proposed ML public strated, by the approximately immune to market declines. .has more than doubled in the N.J. National Bank (x) 33% 34% reflected in ML's 1970 earn- chairman of the United States past 18 months. It's $LfJ5 a Ocean County National (x) (xx) 2.00 75 offering is of major impor- 50 brok rage failures and at tance because of the com- least as many shotgun mar- ings recovery and in the first Jaycees Boys' Clubs of Amer- pound for filet. Peoples Nat'l Bank, Lakewood (x) (xx)...... 6.00 150 quarter results for this year. pany's leading position in the riages. Trust Co. of Ocean County (x) (xx) 50 47 Interim earnings were 90 industry, Donaldson, Lufkin, Proceeds from only half the United Jersey Banks of N.J 43 cents a share with 31 cents a (X) Dividend (xx) Plus Stock (xxx) Declared or Paid Jenrette in its 1969 filing ac- shares being offered will ac- year earlier on 3 million fewer 135 Fiat A\«nue tually paved the way for oth- crue to Merrill Lynch, the re- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Ready Cash is Now Available INDUSTRIAL shares. • • New Jaraey • ers interested in public own- mainder going to selling T«l.29!-O477 Did Asked ership to follow. Some 13 over- shareholders. Maximum filing Although this new offering for Sewer Installation & Hookup Aerological Research 314 3% the-counter firms are publicly price is $35 for the shares and Alkon Industries «... owned and a number of others Big Board listing will be Atlantic Appliance Co., Inc. . 1% 1% have been acquired by pub- sought. A* broadly diversified Brocjcway ;. „ 31% 31% licly-held companies in other financial entity, Merrill has •Buck Engineering 17 18 fields. . 1,500,000 individual and in- Electronic Associates. 7% 8 ' There is little doubt that the stitutional customers served Electronic Assistance 5% 5% Merrill Lynch offering is a by 5,000 registered represen- 'Foodarama.. 18 18% Interdata ...: „ 10% 11 International Components Corp...... 1% Vk King James Extended Care.. .'. v& 1% Porsche, Aiidi Laird ...... '...... «, T-A 814 Metallurgical International...... 5% 6% Monmouth Airlines. % 1% Monmouth Capital 8% 9% Agency to Open Monmouth Industries .....: % % COMPLETE .Monmouth Park ...... '13 13% OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Con- head of the"J. F. Kiely Con- N.J. Natural Gas..... - struction has started here on struction Co. "'' ASPHALT Rowan Controller ...... Precision Porsche-Audi, Inc., The building will have a new Porsche and Audi sales, PAVING Servomation...... nearly 6,500 square feet for service and parts facility Southern Container Corp display, service and storage Spiral Metal..... '. , 4% 5% which win occupy a 2.5-acre space. It is being designed by U.S. Homes site on Rt 35-two miles south 61% 61% F. A. Amodio, a Red Bank ar- United Telecontrol Electronics. of the Monmouth Shopping 2% 3% chitect. , PARKING IO1S The Walter Reade Organization, Inc. Center. 2% 2% , Aside from selling and ser- Window Tel.;. •1% 1% Heading the new deal- vicing the full line of track- DRIVEWAYS ership-which will cost nearly bred Porsche sports and $200,000 to crect-is Louis L. TENNIS COURTS grand-touring cars and front- AND Amateur Broadcaster Lerner Jr., automobile execu- wheel drive Audi luxury se- tive with 10 years of ex- dans and station wagons, the SEAIC0A1ING Use either plan to borrow quickly and easily—the choice Is perience in selling and servic- new firm will also carry a yours Wins 'Foreign' Award ing cars in Monmouth County. wide variety of 100 per cent • Mr. Lerner previously was guaranteed domestic and im- FREEHOLD -Twenty-five letter was sent from the town 1. Existing mortgage holders may now borrow the cost president of Bayshore Chrys- ported used cars and a large CALL 542-8606 of sewer installation and hookup with no increase in existing Monmouth County amateur of Faro on May 29, addressed ler-Plymouth, a dealership he inventory of genuine Porsche 'FOR ' interest rate or monthly payment. radio operators have a friend himself to the awards man- HHOAHMRCAll founded in Atlantic Highlands and Audi parts and acces- ESTIMATES in Portugal. ager, and said: in 1962. His partners are Rob- sories. • He is Paulo Vieira, the first "I have the big pleasure to ert E. Perri of Oceanport and 291-2727 OR A native of New Jersey, foreign "ham" operator to apply for Monmouth County John F. Kiely of Long Branch, 2. A low cost property improvement loan can take care Mr. Lerner and his wife, the submit his list of 25 radio con- Awards whose rules I have of all sewer installation costs and is payable in up to 84 former Pat Carroll, have tacts within the county and seen in the Directory of Cer- monthly installments tailored to meet your budget. three children, ranging in age qualify for the unique certifi- tificates and Awards. John Nappi OniNGER & SON from six to 11. They reside in Stop in or call today for complete details. cate awarded by the Board of "Here the stations I have Long Branch where both Mr. Freeholders. worked in your county:" P.O. BOX 154 RED BANK Reelected and Mrs. Lerner were born The freeholders last year Broadcasting the call let- and raised. became the first in New Jer- ters CT1LN, he has talked to sey to offer county operators operators in Matawan, Mid- By Truckers a free confirmation 'QSL" dletown, Vest AUenhurst, ATLANTIC CITY - John card to send to their contacts. Hazlet, West Long Branch, W. Nappi, president of Rollo This was followed by crea- Sea Girt, Shrewsbury, Free- Trucking Corp., Keyport, has tion of the certificate, which hold, West Belmar, Neptune, been reelected to a second was announced in the press Long Branch, Eatontown, term as president of the New MIDD'LEtOWN I ATL. HIGHLANDS I LINCROFT Brielle, Colts Neck, Red Jersey Motor Truck Associ- 671-2400 I 291-blOD; | 842-4400, and through amateur radio publications. Bank, Ft Hancock, Little Sil- ation. BECKER'S Mr. Vieira, whose air mail. ver, Wall, Spring Lake and He is a past president and Farrningdale. director of N.J. Tank Truck His contacts, with a max- Carriers Inc. and a director of RESTAURANT- imum of three in Red Bank, American Trucking Associ- the CLAM HUT COCKTAIL LOUNGE are attested by another Portu- ations Inc., and the National guese operators Tank Truck Carriers Inc. Mr. Vieira concludes with Mr. Nappi also is a trustee SUNDAY SEA fOOD LOVERS... the proud statement that of Christian Brothers Aca- "CTTLN holds 271 awards, all demy, Lincroft, and president different." of the Parents Council of YES! WE'RE OPEN 7 DAYS It win soon be 272. Fairfield University, Bridge- port, Conn. v (OPEN FRIDAY FOR LUNCH) The directors also named Named Firm's as their chairman Lawrence Large Lobsters Available This Weekend Vice President H. Stern, chief executive offi- cer of Stern's Transport Inc., MONDAY ...... 4-10 HAZLET - Francis J. Bradley Beach, who pre- O'Brien, 196 Middle Road, lias viously served as chairman TUESDAY, 12-10 been appointed vice president from 1968-1970. Stern also is of Red Star Towing and slate vice president of Ameri- Transportation Co., New York can Trucking Associations, WEDNESDAY..OPEN 12-10 City. . the national federation of the Mr. O'Brien joined the eora- trucking industry. THURSDAY...OPEN 12-10 •pany as paymaster-cashier in January, 1354, advanced to of- FWDAY....OPEN 12-10:30 fice manager and head ac- PLAYPEN KIT countant and then was trans- Just the thing to safely enclose a ferred to the sales division, children's play area. The kit contains SATURDAYOPHM2-1&30 the department for which he BO Ft. of absolutely non-climbabls presently is responsible. 36" Heavy galvanized fenco wire. SUNDAY^OPBi 12-16 The wire is a strong 14 gauge and is Active for many years in a tiny 2ttl inch mesh. Kit also in- •••••k^\ ttWt the Hazlet-Holmdel Youth cludes 4 Ft posts. There is enough ••••••« til! Athletic League, Mr. O'Brien wire and posts.to enclose a 12 Ft. by 12 Ft area. 16 Adjacent to HIshlindi Lobttar Pound is a former member of the ••••••in mi1 IM toot of Atlantic St. off Buy Avion* Recreation Commission and REG. 24.95 served as its chairman in Illl "111 HIM HIGHLANDS - 872-9753 1968. He is a member of the Ushers Society of St Ben- SWIMMING POOL WIRE »/un\\nm\n nuumtm 'iiii/ji'/ mi nnr/!!!*•• edict's Catholic Church. (."»''.•/. . * IV: Hill'- r. 48" high-4x2 mesh 12'/. gouge :-•,•. 7«'.tiir ;i itni'"i u.rart 100'roORtg. 29.95 T»'i' " l iJ l|l» M Price is effective Sunday, June 20 only SUPPLY IS LIMITED WUliamMetcalf Jr. Named Officer OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Of Ocean Firm OPEN SUNDAYS 8:30 - 4:00 - CLOSED TUESDAYS Surnmer is a Special Time LAKEWOOD - William Metcalf Jr., 554 Garfield Ave., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8:30-6:00 Belford, has been named vice 7.00-12.00 Little Girls' Raywear president of Ben Johnson, Typewriter and Adding Ma- chine Co., County line Road, 1 3.50 here. "helping people with lawn problems for over 70 years ' Mr. Metcalf has been asso- Summer'is all directions for the mini crowd ciated for the past 22 years with Serpico's Office Equip- we have a large assortment of active, free and ment in Red Bank. The company here is an au- easy styles, including romper sets, short sets, thorized Royal typewriter dealer and specializes in the prairie skirts and more in durable, permanent sales and service of all por- table, standard and electric \BECKER\ press fabrics that every little girl will love. typewriters as well as adding machines and accessories. Toddler sizes 2 to 4; girls 4 to 6X. Mr. Metcalf is a graduate of W HARDWARE K? Middletown High ScbooJ and attended Newark state. Col- lege and Roy<4 training schools. Red Bank 197 . He and his wife, the former Shrewsbury Ave. Steinbach Claire Coyen, are parents pf Phone 747-0465 •hop • «»buty park, 775-4000, • rod tttnk, 741-4OOQ, 104:30 daily, *•*, ftt to 0 pjn. • brtek torn, 477-4000,1M

By SYLVIA PORTER vidual manufacturers and cant protection by these retailers. moves, but in many cases the "We are now having our an- YOUR MONEY'S As of this past May 22, all protections are months away. nual tire sale, offering a free U.S. tire manufacturers are In the meantime, avoid: tire to anybody who buys the required to launch a massive Unmarked factory rejects other three,.." "A free tire? WORTH tire identification system un- Which do not meet federal Reaily? How free?" "Well, der which the name and ad- safety standards. A new regu- it's not really free. It's a pro- I dress of every tire purchaser lation requires manufacturers- motion by the tire manufac- pnndmately $5 billion a year and the serial number of ev- of defective tires intended turer." "How much wouWT for tires, making fires one of ery tire-new or ret- only for back road driving to really save at your sale?" our nation's truly major in- readed-will henceforth be label such tires "unsafe for "Not much, honestly. We set a dustries. Yet, there are un- kept The aim of the program, highway use." Meanwhile, if high enough price for the doubtedly some tire sales which the tire industry esti- you spot a buffed area on the examine the tire for possible three tires you do buy so that which continue to "feature" mates will cost $7 million a side of a factory reject tire, differences in the appearance the 'free1 one is just about misleading ads, fanciful bar- year, is to facilitate recalls of Beware! of the tread rubber and the paid for." . gains and the like. tires which may later be dis- Retreaded tires are widely old casing. If you can detect a '• covered to be defective. available at* bargain prices boundary, mark the tire well add you can consider them as This is an actual real con- In Washington, the Trans- maybe a retread. good as new if the retreading versation with a young tire portation Department is re- As of this coming January, If you see a tire advertised job has been performed by a salesman working for a wide- ported to be working on a new under another federal ruling, as "safety tested at 130 miles reputable company which ap- ly respected tire chain who system of uniform grading de- retreaded tires will be re- per hour," ask yourself "so plies the strict safety stan- 1 did not know his remarks signed to eliminate the wide- quired to meet the same what? -' Such claims tell you dards which cover new tires. would be the launching pad spread problem of puffed up safety standards which new nothing unless they are back- But as one protection against for this column. tire grades (e.g., "first line,", tires now must meet. ' ed by details on the tests per- a retread being sold as new, We are now spending ap- "premium,") devised by indi- You will be provided signifi- formed. True Meanings of Romance and leave the change on a By JIM BISHOP occurred to you, romance is something you see only in the small rubber mat. Shiny Dress, Eye Sometimes, when I think of movies. Long before I was romance, I think that we have THE born, a man I never knew The cashier wore the same lost the art somewhere in the proved himself to be the true shiny dress every day, sat The Harding Tradijtftpn face of the sordid question: REPORTER romantic. It was a cold night. with one foot off the high "Okay. Yes or no?" There He was walking his girl home stool, and stared into empti- from a dance in Bayonne, ness when she wasn't making For as many years as most of us in our growing population. < was a time when women were aroused slowly and gently, cheap, violent and selfish so- N. J. Heir heel was caught in a change. She had a face which ,l(onmonth County can remember, the It is most appropriate that MCOSS like a fresh flame on an altar ciety. Our gods are money tight switch on the Jersey could be forgotten with ease. | Harding family name has been syno- should schedule a dinner next Monday candle. It is not my function and sex. They should be our Central Railroad at West If she had a figure, it was in a i Bymous withphilanthrophy, humanitarian- night in Molly Motor Inn, Hed .to judge the world, nor its be- ' slaves. Today, if you are not a Eighth Street. Around the bank account. Looking at her cut my appetite, Ian, generosity, and civic and cultural ac- Bank, in her honor, using the occasion to havior pattern, but love is one swinger, you're nobody. Ironi- bend they could see the big cally, a nobody is writing this. pay after day and year af- BISHOP initiate a Laura Harding Scholarship hell of a lot more than sex. yellow light of an "oncoming tivities* ' . ter year, the black-jacketed I firmly believe that there Ask yourself truly: how much locomotive. Miss Laura Harding of Holmdel is a dis- Fund. waiters brought their checks is no more sex going on now real romance do you have? The girl wore high button and cash to her, and most of tinguished member of that family. In The fund will provide educational than when I was a kid-or' Ever sit on a beach at shoes. There was no'way to would tell me about the black the time she did not even look keeping with the tradition established by grants and loans for training in the field of even when my grandfather twilight, holding hands, free the foot quickly. "Go!" eye. He said nothing. watching the white tops of up at them. So far as anyone her parents and continued by her brothers, public health nursing, with special provi- was scraping his first shave. she begged. "Save yourself, I waited, watching her at knew, she had never been No, my feeling is that the waves turn to violet and green please!" He stood on the work. That was one beautiful she has energetically and enthusiastically sion for MCOSS staff nurses who wish to married, and never had a amounts remain the same, as they tumble? Ever feel track with her, folded both' eye. The food was 'served. I worked for and with innumerable worthy, obtain additional training. fiance. So far as I knew, she but the quality has degene- that extra thump of the heart, arms around her neck so that ate, still watching. When I never smiled either. causes. The bridge between MCOSS head- rated. Our moral structure is when you answer the phone she could not see the .onrush- could stand it no longer, I ' One morning I came down- One of them, the MCOSS Family quarters in the Geraldine L. Thompson cheap. If we have fewer and that special voice says: ing train, and held her tight as called the waiter and asked stairs for late breakfast. Ev- Building, Red Bank, to the many individ- houses of prostitution, it's be- "Hello?" they died. Romance? Stupi- him how the cashier got the Health and Nursing Service, particularly erything was the same - the cause we have more amateur Ever see an old beaten-up' dity? Judge for yourself whit black eye. He gave me a Gal* impressed her, and she has given many uals and families who need help is heavily swirl of waiters around white competitors; man sit beside the bed of a she said and what he did. lie shrug. "No one knows, years to the agency. She is now its chair- traveled. The scholarship fund will enable tables, the creamy desserts If romance becomes super- wife dying of cancer waiting In Paris, the Crillon Hotel monsieur. No one asked." man of the board, a post she accepted af- dedicated purses and workers to make for her to wake up and ask for has a restaurant facing the under the glass counter, and ficial, then, as in ancient the middle-aged cashier be- ter 16 years as president. those trips better prepared, and in increas- Rome, so will our industry a sip of water? Ever see a U.S. Embassy. Jt's an L- I couldn't believe it. So I burnt orange look at it- hind the cash register. I took In that tour as president, MCOSS' ing numbers. > » and our civilization. The Co- shaped room with a long glass called the maitre d\ "We did self in a mirror lake? Ever counter exposing fluffy des- a second look. The cashier not ask," he said, "and we • doubled its size - in staff and services ren- We are* happy, and so must she be, losseum and Parthenon to be had a black'eye. It was a good unearthed 2,000 years after we feel your throat constrict serts. Behind it sat a middle- will not. She may have fallen dered - to compassionately meet the de- that the Harding name once again is being four-color'job. The waiter have passed away will be a when, on a crowded street, aged woman. She was the in her apartment. But if we do mands for social services brought on by used so beautifully. yon suddenly see that one per- cahsier. Every day the wai- took my order for two fried not ask, then she knows that computer. It is our contribu- eggs, sunny-side up, an order tion to'genius without'thM. son in the whole world? ters brought the restaurant we suspect that the black eye ing. ne Romantic checks to her, watched her- °* toast with no butter, and a Is the result of a r Educating 4-Year-Olds We are, In my estimation, a If none of these things has aid them, ring the register,' P°t of coffee. I thoiight he agreement."... . William V. Setaro, president of the It is quite obvious that children today Bed Bank Board of Education, has wisely are amenable to the educational processes decided to reconsider a proposal - twice at a much earlier age than was true when Middletown's Industrial Rezoning refused - that would start elementary their parents started, in kindergarten. It 66'Seaview Ter. troduction of industry'will ac- the economy, the hourly rated poses the construction of the school education for youngsters at the age also is equally clear that some families, Monmouth Hills, N.J. 07732 tually cause the opposite to workers will be without jobs, Tocks Island Dam by the U.S. To the Editor: happen for the following rea- and will then go on the wel- Army Corps of Engineers, of four. because of adequate social, economic and FROM OUR Attached is my letter to the son. fare rolls. Not only will taxes primarily because of the high The program has considerable merit, educational backgrounds, are able to sup- Industrial Development Task "The influx of'industry will go up for greater needed and still rapidly escalating particularly in eliminating future educa- ply what amounts to an informal in- Force. I for one hope there READERS be followed by the influx of classroom space, but they cost, and because of the vast tional problems for the children, which, in troduction to education for their pre- will be a good turnout at the low paid hourly rated work- also will go up to pay welfare irreparable ecological dam- turn, will reduce their problems in earning schoolers. June 23 meeting at'the local ers. Their presence will loose costs. Such costs are bringing age which would result to 1 a demand for low cost, high New York and other once .this, a superb, unspoiled, free- a living once they have completed their high school. to any industrial rezoning in Very truly yours, our township. This opposition density housing. A huge in- great cities to their knees; do flowing river. schooling. J Mrs. C. W. Fafrovfr is occasioned by the speci- crease in the number of we need to invite this possi- It is for the small fry who are depr- bility here? Even-thotfzh funds for a class for "As a 10-year resident nt ousness of the argument-that school age children would re- Interested canoeists (with ived of such opportunities that the "four- sult immediately, swamping "I am confident that the black aifd white\young$ters who need the Middletown, I.would like to industry will cause the tax their own canoes, food, and year-old" program has been advanced. If the school system so that new Task Force only wants what special (training were cut from the school express my strong opposition rate to go down, since in- cooicing and sleeping gear) the board considers the social implica- school facilities would have to is best for the township. They will meet at 10 a.m. at Kitta- budget when the voters rejected the tions, along with its educational and fiscal be built to such a degree that might therefore look at those tinny Beach (N.J.) near the spending proposals, it is possible that suf- the increased taxes collected responsibilities, Red Bankers will have who are in tavor of this National Park Service Infor- ficient money can be obtained through fed- from industry would not cover scheme to see if any among mation Building on Interstate more reason to be proud of its improving eral channels and from the board's sur- the costs. Thus taxes would go them are just interested in 80 at the Delaware Water school system. up at an even greater rate. making a fast buck while pre- Gap.-Canoe's will bo launched plus. Only the speculator in land tending to protect our pocket- in the area near BushldD, then and building would profit books, and who will leave us they will proceed downstream handsomely. with all of the problems," to Tocks or the adjoining is- "If we are interested in lands for overnight camping, Summer Jobs for the Young stabilizing the tax rate, why Sunday morning the canoeists don't we follow the example will proceed downstream to The employment picture in New Jer- need young people, and we hope that small of a township like Colts Neck, Canoe Trip the vicinity of Columbia, N.J. sey is not too encouraging as the summer businesses in the area will devise methods they have no industry that I know of, but do have a two to 104 Poricy Lane 'season begins, but Ronald M. Heymann, of hiring them, too, because of the mutual All are welcome. Corfflj&nd five-acre zoning requirement. 4) Middletown, N.J. see what will be lost forever if State commissioner of the Department of benefits that accrue. . Again as fat as I know, their To the Editor: the Corps of Engineers Is per- • Labor and Industry, is at least a bit opti- Many teen-agers would be wise to in- tax rate is one of the few to The Save the Delaware mitted to drown Uils valley. mistic about the chances young people will vestigate the possibilities of earning mon- have gone down in the past 10 Coalition's fourth event of the year, a canoe trip down the have in finding employers. ey in the "service" area, which, even In a year?. It seems to me that the Thanking you for your in- lesson to be learned from this Delaware River will be con- Mr. Heymann says many employers, sluggish economy, continues to grow at an terest in, the wise use of our is that rezoning should not be ducted this weekend (June 19 natural resources, and for . «s they do each year, are simply waiting alarming rate. With many families having downgraded to accept in- and 20). your most valued cooperation, for applicants to come to them. The op- both the husband and wife in the business dustry; but upgraded to big- The coalition is comprised I remain ..?. '"' portunities may be different from those world, assistance in routine household ger building lots. Let .us keep of 38 conservation, sports- men's, civic, and historical ^iyears when industry; welcomed part- chores and lawn care often becomes a ne- some green open spaces rath- Yours in conservation, er than cover our township in member organizations from ; to fill' in for vacationing employes, AdolphJ. Marcus cessity. concrete. New Jersey, the neighboring \ apparently there is work for those who The advice for school and college-age "There is another social states, and oq the national Regional Representative, a toJse whatever is available. job seekers, it seems, is "Make yourseU evil inherent in bringing in in- level, which represent S mil- Lenni Lcn»pa League. - ' "'•'•', of course, will available." dustry. If there is any. dip in lion persons. The coalition op- •.. Member* Men* (Sub.* Middletown Group TU Uiily RefUter, .^Frian/i June 18,1971 7

M&nrnouth Beach PPlans HM 1 ' Ion on Bulkhead ing high water mark in clear vio- and don't need, nor will seek pal in the adjoining Shrews-, reclaimed land, with atBgk- ByBENVANVUET lation of state regulations. riparian rights. ' bury Harbor Estates, a nous- family homes selling from ._ I-The Con- commission and other con- 2. Attempting to build on Mr. Shackleton said that ing development, also built on $45,000 to <75,000. Conyalssion and minded groups have con- cerned bodies will meet sistently opposed such bulk- MONMOUTH BEACH - property which properly falls the residents he represents othe- -s , - ^~ oups are Tuesday. ' »• heading, maintaining tflBt it The lawyer representing a into the "wetland" category are "thinking about" hiring group of residents opposing an conridetiag carwWly a pro- "We'll make a public state- upsets ecological balances by* as defined by a recent state an expert planning consultant apartment complex on Rac- law and is thus state-owned post$3tas New Shrewsbury ment after that meeting," he destroying natural breeding to point out to the borough coon Island said yesterday contraetofcMlchael J. Stavola promised. places and habitats of fish, property. what a fiasco this project MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP that tbe builders are seeking to cOTStnWt a bulkhead on the Dr. Kibler recalled that a fowl and other will life in es- 3. That the construction of would be, particularly, in permission to build on state- east tank of McClees Creek charge of encroachment on tuarine areas. apartments in this area would terms of the traffic congestion owned property. '" Board of Health and place fill behind it. State riparian lands against Mr. Stavola's proposed raise havoc with already it would generate. Dr. Iiynden U. Kibler, com- Mr. Stavola is now before the bulkhead would extend 1,384 "The land stffl belongs to existing traffic problems. The complex would consist mission chairttian, said he state. The action rose from feet along tbe east side of the state," said attorney Rich- Frank Kelly of the state Bu- of 100 units, divided between OPEN FOR BUSINESS couia make no statement the contractor's dumping of McClees Creek south from ard J. Shackleton of Ship Bot- reau of Navigation has told one and two-bedroom apart- about Mr. Stavola's appli- fill in Blossom Cove. Navesink River Road. It tom,, "the borough has no both the Daily Register and ments, and would include a cation to the Army Corps of The commission chairman would extend a maximum of right to grant them (tbe buil- Mr. Shackleton that a prelimi- swimming pool, cabana, and June 14,1971 Engineers for the bulkhead also said the American Littor- 110 feet below mean high wa- ders) site plan approval." nary inspection indicates that tennis courts, plus parking for In The Former project, tat he added that the al Society, with headquarters ter mark and would be backed Mr. Shackleton, who has the land is being fined in ille- 200 cars on the 10-acre site. on Sandy Rook, is seeking a by 30,000 cubic yards of bank been retained by the com- gally in that the fin extends Bents would range from $295 federal grant for a thorough fill. •. bined civic associations of beyond the high water mark. to |365 a month. Monmoutn Beach, said he "LIBRARY" BUILDING ecological survey of the Na- Criticisms or protests con- Survey Sought List Principals would press the point at a con- Kiftge Highway and Hartshorn* Place vesink River. cerning the work must be He has instructed the proj- Principals in the corpo- tinued hearing of tbe Planning "The survey would prob- mailed so as to reach the New ect engineer, Thomas Santry, ration besides Mr. Bonello are Board Monday night ably start in McClees Creek," York District, U.S. Army of Ruroson, to file a new sur- George Daley of Lincroft; Hours 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. 200 Torti Out vey of the property using Dr. Kibler stated. .Corps of Engineers, 25 Feder- Mario Latella of Mountain- Monday Thru Friday The commission and the al Plaza, New York, N.Y. More than 200 residents of Coast and Geodectic monu- side; Peter DeNigris of Red American Littoral Society un-' 10007, before July 15, this small borough have . ments,to accurately locate tbe Bank; Richard Bohnert of successfully opposed a much turned out at two meetings to high water mark. Long Branch, and. James TELEPHONE 671-3100 smaller bulkheading project oppose the plans of Pirate's This survey, Mr. Kelly said, West of Long Branch. proposed by Eugene Milten- Cove Inc., to construct-100 is to be delivered to hjs office, Architect for the project is RESIDENTS MUST PAY SEWER berger.Rumson builder, on Test Borings townhonse styled apartments by noon Monday. ' James Witte of Atlantic High- CONNECTION FEES IN PLUMBING the north side of the Navesink on filled in land off Meadow Mr. Shackleton said that if • lands. DEPT. AT NEW LOCATION 1 River east of the Oceanic Planned At • Ave. ; • the survey isn't available by Mr. Daley also is a. princi- Bridge nearly three years The first meeting was held the meeting Monday night, he ago. Mr. Miltenberger's proj- School Site June 3 when the Planning may ask for a postponement. ect; was held up a year by the Board held a public hearing Mr. Kelly said he has re- OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Test then state Department of Con- on the project After nearly ceived assurances from both ADD DORMERS borings to determine the fea- servation and Economic De- four hours of debate the board Mr. Santry and Richard Bo- sibility of using an 80-acre velopment, but the builder adjourned the hearing until nelld, a Long Branch lawyer,' for Extra Rooms tract as a site for a planned was eventually allowed to fin- Monday. and principal in Pirate's new high school will be made Dormers will brighten your at- ish it. On Tuesday, 225 residents Cove, that if the survey shows tic and allow you to use all at a cost of about $3,400. turned out for a meeting any violations, the fill will be The case resulted in a mo- Dr. Alex Maron, Board of that attic space for extra ratorium an sale of all ripa- called by the combined civic removed. rooms. Education president, has said associations to map plans for As far as the wetlands issue rian rights by the state, how- the property is a school-owned ever. • continued opposition to the is concerned, that appears to tract between Deal Road and project '.,••,. The Conservation Commis- be a matter of interpretation. Asbury Ave,, west of Rt. 18. They circulated petitions Asks Inspection sion and other conservation- The board president said asking for rezoning to ban Mayor Sidney B.Johnson, a The coat Is surprisingly the borings will determine apartments from an areas ex- member of the Planning low and you.get top notch whether the site, one of sev- cept Ocean Ave., which is now' Board, asked for a state in- .workmanship and materiel*. eral being considered for the LOWER PRICES zoned for high-rise apart* spection of the property fol- - Free estimates, of course. school expansion plan, can be ments, and calling for a three- lowing the June 3 meeting to i •AIL TYPES because... used for the program. year moratorium on an apart- determine the question. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Dr. Maron said last month ment construction. . A survey was made, he • GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 1. No Salesman's Commissions. that finalized plans cannot be . ROOM ADDITIONS List Problems said, "but the borough hasn't aired until late this month at • ATTIC ROOMS 2. No Concessionaire's profits. , The residents claim that the received the results." • BASEMENT ROOMS the earliest, or possibly in builders are: • BATHROOMS 3. Volume Business. July. Mr. Shackleton, who was • KITCHENS 1. Filling lit land below the retained by the residents be- • HOOFING. SIDING 4. Easy Financing. He said the public will be cause of his experience in a • PORCH ENCLOSURES • made aware of the projected similar matter in Ocean Coun- program before a referendum Art Work ty, said that it appears the. date is set, possibly in Sep- builders of the project don't MODERN KITCHEN tember. On Display have a clear title to the prop- . Tired of B drab old kitchen? Get our low pries for a new one. Contracts were renewed for erty. 13 -teachers and five pacts MIDDLETOWN'S "They admit that they don't were approved for new teach- At College own riparian rights, and that: NEW BATHROOM ers in the school system. WEST LONG BRANCH-A Ok) fashioned—out-dated bathroom? NEWEST UNISEX they don't have a permit. Mods mil o at-)owest prices. Resignations were also ac- collection of art work pro- They want to build on red- - cepted from five teachers. vided by the Guild of Creative aimed land which they don't BOUTIQUE Dr. John Malta and Dr. Hel- Art, Shrewsbury, is on display own. It still belongs to the No Money Dpwn - Terms Arranged on Any Improvement en Jones were renamed, in the Murry and Leonie Gug- state," he said. school physicians at $3,000 an- genheim Memorial Library, Mr. BoneHo, who is the at- nual salaries. NEWEST MOD Monmduth College. torney for the corporation, School lunch costs will be It includes primarily oil and says that they don't need a MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. STYLES" hiked from 35 to 40 cents for watercolor paintings by Guild permit to fill hi the land above students next September and members. Artists and their the nigh water mark, and that HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDONS CORNER, MIDDLETOWN "Wp-IT" from SO to 65 cents for adults. works on display are, Yvonne they have title to the property 741-5060 - 776-6600 ' fashions Aubert, "Shimmering Gold;" 5 Divorces Helen Bachner, "Shanty Town;" Nick Caivano, "Res- Featuring Such ting;" Anne R. Cantor, Are Granted "Night Town;" Lucille Chayt, Famous Names "Away." By Court Ida Ubby Dengrove, "The as: Gardener;" Jany Geayer, •V W *• FREEHOLD - These di- "Pisces;" Ceil Grayer, "High little cars with • Live-ins vorces have Keen granted in Dune;" Frances Mcllvain, Superior Court here: "Tree Forms;" Diane Nolan, • Outer Limits Patricia C. Homlak, Center "Winter Beach;" Regone St., Sea Bright, from Andrew Pierrakos, "Persimmon Tree • U.F.O. Homiak, 73 Park Ave., Bel- in November." cute little figures. ford, for desertion. Warren Setter, "Street;" Josephine C. Mayo, Grant Sebastian, "Salinas, Major- • India Imports Court, Long Branch, from ca;" Mary Sheean, "Fan- Frederick Mayo, 304 Willow tasy;" C. G. K. Stamaty, "Out • GAMA Ave., Long Branch, for of tbe Dusk a Spark;" Stanley - desertion. Stamaty, "3-D Perspective," • Get It On Lois Pedersen, Garden and Sally Asa, "Jerusalem." Drive, Ocean Township, from The Guild, a non-profit or- • Funky - Willy Pedersen, 3661 Belmar ganization, is "to stlmntate an Blvd., Wall Township, for ex- interest in art in Monmonth treme cruelty. County and its surroundings; Groovey Linda A. Turner, Rustic to establish art classes; to en- Drive, Ocean Township, from gage in educational projects, • Bad Leather^ .Harry W. Turner, W. Park lectures, seminars and exhibi- Ave., Ocean'Township, for ex- tion, and to promote an Inter- treme cruelty. est in original works of art by Betty Westcott, Thompson Its members." Ave., East Keansburg, from The display is open in rep- Gerald P. Westcott, St. Mar- lar library hours. BROTHER, SISTER tlnvllle, La., for extreme cruelty. Ocean Man BOUTIQUE BLUE-GOLD DINNER NEW MONMOUTH - Cub Sues to Get 1334 Highway 35 Scout Pack 144, sponsored by St. Mary's Catholic Church, MIDDLETOWN will have its annual Blue and Project OK Maverick 2-Ooor6tdsn 671-4927 Gold Dinner Sunday at 4 p.m. FREEHOLD - Michael D. in Buck Smith's, East Keans- Ercolino of Wickapecko burg. The pack will attend Drive, Ocean Township, has 8:15 a.m. Mass in the church. filed a Superior Court com- t plaint to get Ocean Township- PintoiW Maverkk 2175* to approve his major subdivi- M sion off Wickapecko Drive. *66 te»thanVW113 fliOTejslhariNowidoor DOWN-SEA SWIM CLUB Named defendants were the Ocean Township mayor and council and Planning Board. Th« little carefree car, Pinto is sized small, like The Simple Machine, Maverick's price makes OLYMPIC SIZE POOL the economy import, but it's bigger on value. OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT Mr. Ercolino said the Plan- It simpler to own than Nova. But that's not the flint Mirth of HfgHsml* Brfdfl«-on the Srwwtbury River) ning Board denied the appli- And price is only the beginning. For. example, only reason we call It the Simple Machine. 201-2375-842-9807 cation Feb. 8 and council af- Pinto calls for only half as many oil changes Maverick's simple to drive and park because firmed the decision May 17 on as VW. One-sixth the chassis lubes. So easy to of its shorter wheelbase and smaller turning t FEATURING an appeal. service that you can do most routine mainte- • Olympic alie pool • kiddie pool • snack bar circle. Simple to service because Ifs been de- The complaint alleges that nance yourself. And ftnto Is bigger on perfor- signed that way. And whether you choose the • Motel • cocktail lounge • boat slips the denial was arbitrary,. • sundecks • parking for 200 car*... mance. It has a 75-hp engine that has averaged two door, four door or sporty Grabber, Six orV-8 capricious and done to require' over 25 mp& In simulated city/suburban driv- power, you get all the simple virtues that make FAMILY Mr. Ercolino to improve prop- erty not owned by him and ing. Sports-car type rack-end-plnlon steering. Maverick the most popu- OF FOUR 150 which Is situated a great dis- Wider stance and lower silhouette. lar compact In America. FORD • FAMILY $ tance from his property. FAMILY 125 James J). Carton 3rd of Ma- 'Ford's suggested retail price for Pinto and Maverick. However, the models shown are equipped with OF THREE nasquan represents Mr. Erco- accent group (Pinto $60; Maverick 152) and whllo sldewall tires ($29). Destination oharass, FAMILY lino. dealer preparation charges (If any), state and local taxes are extra. Red Soldiers Defect * 'Comparison bated on manufacturers' suggested retail prices lor cloeest comparable OF TWO 1OO body styles o» lowest prloed models, comparably equipped • , MUNICH (AP)-Border of- ficials report tha( Communist military defectors to West DOREMUS FORD OPEN DAILY Germany between 1860 and .... ,. , .

Mrs. John Bambrick was named Outstanding Member of Announced the Year of the Matawan Junior Woman's Club and received RUMSON - Installation of an inscribed silver bowl. The presentation was made at a din- officers Qf the Woman's Club ner for members, their mothers and guests in the Don Quixote of Middletown took place here Inn, Matawan. Mrs. Leon Stab was named Outstanding Rookie in the River House Inn. of the Year for showing most initiative as a new member. Seated were Mrs. Louis H. Hill Jr., president; Mrs. Hugh Three new officers of the Village Woman's Club of Mid- Porter,'first vice president; ' dletown were installed at a dinner in- Lock. Stock and Barrel, Mrs. Robert J. Andrews, sec- Fair Haven. Installed for two-year terms by Mrs. Irving Po- ond vice president, and, Mrs. dell, club president, were Mrs. Anthony Adams, treasurer; Robert Rickner, retiring pres- Mrs. John Preziosi, recording secretary, and Mrs. Charles ident,- federation secretary. Guentner, corresponding secretary. Mrs. Rickner was appointed Sunday, June 27th Fifth District social services chairman by the New Jersey 2:30 P.M. ;W PRESIDENT. Mrs. Podell, Middlelown, won first place watercolor prize State Federation of Women's Middletown Township [Mrs. Joseph J. in the federation's statewide competition. Her painting Mas ti- High School Vashnak, 64 Thayer tled "Fishing iikhe Bayshore." Ciubs. Tindall Road, Middlelown New Shrews- , The club presented seven $50 U.S. Savings Bonds to Jy, is the new presi- The Rumson Woman's Club department and committee TICKETS AT BOX OFFICE it of the Junior chairmen for the coming year will include Mrs. Jere Smith graduating seniors: Kathleen OR STUpiO: Iman's Club of Little and Mrs. John Vallis, American home and garden; Mrs. Louis Lawless, art, and William 201 E. Bergon Place Cunnion, music, of MaterJ3ei 741-2208 High'School. ' New Slate 493-4022 TO AIL CONSUMERS OF THE Installed . RegWer Staff Photo 2113 Rt. 35, OAKHURST GORDON'S CORNER WATER CO. SHREWSBURY - The Ju- HAPPY SENIORS — Graduating students "Mary , Middletown, - FREE - nior Woman's Club of Little center, of Middletown Township High School, ana Lynda Stevens, Middle- ESTIMATES • DESIGN AND THE VILLAGE WATER CO. Silver installed its new slate town, of Mater Dei High School, smile happily at the presentation of DRAWINGS VISIT FFACTORY & SHOWROOM of officers at its annual Moth- scholarship awards by Mrs. Robert Rickner, president of the Woman's »-5 Doll/ , er-Daughter Banquet in Rod's Club of Middletown. / »«-5» Wed'Doll/ * Frt. >i- - ,iM$i», ie to the extraordinary amount of "lawn Shadowbrook.. Seated were watering" and because we wish to insure Mrs. Joseph Kwashnak, presi- AID GIVEN dent; Mrs. Robert Finnegan, .you an adequate supply of yvater for home- MIDDLETOWN -The first vice president; Mrs. Woman's- Club of Middletown gse, if is necessary to institute the following Raymond Clark, recording has donated to the Camp- hedule for the outside use of water: secretary; Mrs. Thomas Shea, ership Fund of Community • GAS mCHBISffl Bitm AT KM. corresponding secretary, and Services of Middletown, to Here are 3 Reasons... : •• Odd numbered houses will water Mrs. James Gibbons, treasur- • Cajved Solid Wood Core r: Camp Hope and social service on odd numbered days. er. work of the club. The bridge Daaply Sculptured Deafen > • Hand Rubbed Oil Finishes j| Even numbered houses will water department contributed its Bring Out Grain's Natural Baauty * . on even numbered days. Drug Addiction Problem? proceeds toward purchase of • All-Vinyl Interiors Inc. Shelves Call 988-8333 For Help Day or magazine subscriptions for Proucta Againat Duat Stalna - Wlpaa Clain Night. the Hartshome Health Center. • GaaAppllanna on Display

Mrs. James W. Orem Mrs. Thomas Golladay

IN OFFICE — Mrs. NEW OFFICER James W. Orem, Lin- — Mrs. Thomas M. croft, was installed, as Golladay, 167 Deepdale president of the Lin- Drive, Middletown, was croft Woman's Club at elected trustee and the annual dinner in state chairman, youth Bamm Hollow Country conservation depart- Club, Middletown. Also ment by the New Jer- taking office were.Mrs. sey State Federation of David Rife, first vice Women's Clubs. A president; Mrs. How- member of the Wom- IDEAL SILVER GIFT FOR ard DePol, second vice an's Club of Red Bank, president; Mrs. Donald she was named director '16 A PAIR Whittom, treasurer; of the Girls Citizenship Mrs. Howard Koch- Institute at Douglass Regular $24.00 mond, recording secre- College. tary. '13 A PAIR Regular $20.00 GRAND '11 A PAIR OPENING Regular $17.00 of SILVERPLATED OVAL or ROUPJD SHOE FOR CHILDREN WIRE BASKET TRIDERITE PRICED £99 FLORIST* GIFTS DISCONTINUED STYLES SAYRE WOODS, RT. 9 s ONLY ACCORDING TO SIZE SATURDAY JUNE 19th • BOUQUETS • ARRANGEMENTS .MIDDLETOWN, RT. 35 ALL SALES FINAL SPECIALIZING IN WEDDING .BRICK TOWN, RT.70 NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES - NOT ALL SIZES IN ALL STYLES & FUNERAL DESIGNS SATURDAY Lazare's f hoes FREE GIFTS JUNE 19 2H-1939 37 BELLVIEW AVE. , • Com.rotHwy.M 291-4247 , LEONARDO !>•* fT • • •;>" 1 Love Is Not Automatic

DnLaog By DB. JAMES M. LONG lation. First each individual his demands becomes the key should ask himself if the later person in his world. Later, Love is one of the most en- knowledge of his biological tie when he learns to speak he compassing words to the Eng- * Family to his mother formed the will identify this person by the lish language. Individuals de- basis for the love relation be- name Mother. The name in it- scribe and explain their per- Counselor tween the two. self is not significant; what is sonal feelings and taste by re- It is hard for anyone of us important is what it repre-' ferring to pnppy love, mater- to feel that our closeness was sents to the child. nal love, brotherly love or ral mother and those who based on the reality fact of Love Develops . even to loving food or a home. identify with the plight of the our birth. The infant has no The love that a mother de- One universal myth is. re- adoptive couple. One of the preception or awareness of velops for her child is bated' lated to motherhood and love. common denominators of both the means of bis existences on her nuturing of the infant. It is felt that there is some- arguments is the Word love. nor is he interested. It has The assumption of a doing thing automatic that is set off Those infavor of the natural been widely accepted that the and giving role along with the when a woman is expecting mother's claim refer to mar new-bora infant is for approxi- responsibility for the care of the birth of a child. It is as- ternal love in terms that deify mately three months unaware the infant fosters a warm lov- ..••-.• ' Knitter Staff Photo sumed that the expectant the relationship mother and of an external world. The ing emotion within the moth- NEWCOMERS PARTY — Completing plons for the cocktail party which mother loves the unborn child. child. Those proponents for gradual awareness that his er. Since her child came into will close the season's activities of the Newcomers Club of Rumson/ Fair A mother cannot maturely the adoptive couple cite a needs are being met from out- the world ready to accept love Haven, Little Silver and Shrewsbury are, left to right, Mrs. Paul J. Giles love a child before its birth. stronger form of love, based side is the initial step in the with care and time, he is able and Mrs. Rod J. Pierce of Little Silver, and Mrs. Richard R. Havens, Fair Her pregnancy can arouse on the couple's decision to development of the child-* to return that love. The biolo- Haven, chairmen of the event set for July 17 from' 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the many feelings ranging from a adopt a child. Unlike some mother relationship. gical relationship is a physical Old Orchard Inn, Eatontown. desire for motherhood to neu- children born to natural par* ' At first," the infant per- attachment, the real thing is rotic unmet needs. ents, the adoptive child Is ceives the outside person as the togetherness which breeds The recent development of sought and desired by bis par- part of himself. In time after love. . the "Lenore" adoption case in ents.. ' a satisfying, experience the Dr. Long will be happy to New York State- has aroused child acquires identity as an answer any questions. Letters 44 Candy stripers the empathy and interest of . Basle Question individual separate from the can be mailed to him in care the public. Sides have been The basic question which mother. For fee child the per- of The Daily Register, Chest- chosen involving those who must be resolved is which is son who has supplied the in-, nut Street, Red Bank, N.J., To Receive Awards support the cause of the natu- the basis for a mature love re- gradients necessary to meet 07701. NEPTUNE - Sue Smith of tary, board of trustees; Mrs* liams, (she will receive also a Asbury Park will receive an Anthony Hifid, junior volun- 100-hour pin), and Andrea Wil- award for having earned the teer co-chairman; Mrs. lud- son; from Neptune City, Ka«. most number of hours, 600, as wig, and Miss Janice Mitchell, ren Burdge, (she will receive a candy striper at Jersey director of community rela- also a 100-hour pin); from Shore Medical Center-Htkin tions and development, who Spring Lake, Rosemary Daughter's Act Is Weird Study Hospital, Neptune, at the an- will also give the words of Amoscato and'Joanne Bedell. nual Junior Volunteer Awards welcome. Mrs. Joseph A. S. One hundred hour pin; from Dear Ann Landers: I was give her, but I want more pear Rope: Hand "Motor am friendly with Molly she is Ceremony and Tea to be held Millar, volunteer chairman, Asbury Park, Debbie Cooper, married young and we had than anything in the world to Mouth" this column. Tell her through with me. What should in Ford Auditorium of the Me- will close the ceremony. Catherine Lunz, Bridget Mob- two daughters within 14 Ann be there. Unless I promise to that on occasion you see your- I do? - Between The Devil dical Center Saturday at 2:30 The following girls will re- -ley, GenevieveBiiiciandMig- months. Soon after the second stay away from the church self in the letters (everyone And The Deep. Blue Sea p.m. Forty-four girls will be ceive awards: 500-hour pin,* dolia Soto; /from Bradley girlwasborn.myhusbantr be- her father will withdraw his does) and ask if she saw her- Dear B: Polly sounds as if ionored for their dedication from Asbury Park, Sue Smith, Beach, Alicia. Cancel and Su- came involved with other Landers offer. What do you think of a self today. she is the "Devil'' so my ad- and devotion to the hospital. (she will receive also a 100- san Facttfr; from: Freehold, women. I stayed with him for i man like that? - Grieving Dear Ann Landers: I am an vice is take the deep blue sea. Mrs. Julio T. Noguera, hour pin); from Belmar, Joan .Margaret Mandel and Mar* five years -• blaming myself, managed. My daughters nev- Mom 11-year-old girl.. Please don't No friend has the'right, to im- chairman) will give the in- Morse; from Spring Lake, •jorie Marshall; from Neptune, thinking if1 were a good wife er knew why I divorced their Dear Mom: Never mind throw this letter away just be- pose such a choice. Such a de- troduction. Besume of a can- Barbara Scott. Two bars (200 Allison Coburji, Peggy Cora* he would not be running father. I always spoke well of about him. What's with your cause it is a kid problem. I mand, should, in my opinion, dy'striper will be presented hours), from Farmingdale, ran, Linda Crafton, Debra around. One day I returned him and let him take them for daughter that she would agree have two girl friends. I like eliminate the person who by Mrs. Charles Ludwig, ju- Donna Versacio, (she will re- Falcone, Debbie Fritz, Karen early from an out-of-town trip vacations whenever he asked. to such outrageous terms? them both but they don't like makes it. nior volunteer chairman. ceive also a 100-hour pin); Lehman, Nadine Fierce, and caught him in our very Now, the shocker; The old- Any girl who attaches more each other. When I am with Incidentally, this is not a Guest speaker is Mrs. Judith from Freehold, Patricia Theresa Sibole and Linda \Vil- own bedroom with another est, girl is being married in a importance to a fancy wed- Polly (made up name), she "kid", problem. Many adults Mayhew, Barbizori Modeling Young; from Neptune, Sharon son; from Neptune City, woman. 1 decided he was rot- few months. Her father is giv- ding than to having1 her moth- talks about Molly (also made are victimized in the same School. ' Drew and Muriel Soden. One Joanne Francese and Linda ten to the core and I filed for ing her a beautiful church er present is a mighty weird up name.) It makes rne feel manner. This advice is for Presenting the awards will bar (100 hours), from Avon, Long; from Oakhurst, Robin divorce the following week. wedding. I am not allowed to • study. two-faced when I Men. Both them, too. be Mrs. John T. Rosa, secre- Geri Cross, (she will receive Pembleton, Wendy Pembleton (Our daughters were then six be present Those are his or- Dear Ann Landers: My sec- Polly and Molly have asked Do you feel ill at ease... also a 100-hour pin); from and Kathy Stiles; from Spring and seven.) ders. I am so hurt I cannot de- retary has a nickname which me to be their best friend. out of it? Is everybody having HOST104M Neptune, Anne Brown, Denise Lake Heights, Arlene Slowey; I went to work and raised scribe the agony. Of course I her colleagues use behind her (Polly wants me to put it in a good time but you? Write The Citizenship Institute for Durant, Susan Me Gann, Ka- from Wall, Annette Wilson the girls with no financial could never give her the kind back. It fits her to a "T". She writing, like a pledge.) When for Ann Landers' booklet, Girls played host to 400 high ren Roell, (she will receive and from Wanamassa, Carol help. It wasn't easy but we of wedding her father ean is called "Motor Mouth." This I refused to do it she got mad. "The Key To Popularity," en- schoolgirls, completing their also a 100-hour pin), Jane Wit- Rtei and Patty Vetter. woman chews gum at the rate I've tried to get them to like closing with your request 35' junior year, who represent pf5,O0Or.p.m. each other but it's no use. in coin and a long, self-ad- virtually every community in The crackling and popping Yesterday Polly told me if I dressed, stamped.envelope. the state.- is bad enough but; when she Mrs.AMryCited It's a Date talks and chews, it drives me 1 wild. Occasionally she laughs BRIGHTEN THE i women named this year to the with her month wide open and BYRNE TRAVEL SERVICE Ronald G. Albury of North Honor Roll of the Junior ARTS CENTER BENEFIT CHURCH LUNCH I can see that huge wad of 144 BROAD $t. RED BANK • • ' ' "of Membership Department of MARLBORO - The United RED BANK - A benefit gum - it's got to be three ShrewsbMrv'/tyasioiie- of five the New Jersey State'Feder- Cerebral Palsy Women's Aux- luncheon will be held tomor- sticks, a most unappetizing ation of Women's Clubs. The iliary of Marlboro is sponsor- row at 1 p.m. here in Calvary sight. 741-5080 ing its second annual evening Honor Roll designation was • Baptist Church, Bridge Are. Kthere a way to'let "Motor at the Garden State Arts Cen- GROUPS-TOURS-CRUISES made here at the Junior Mem-' Sponsored by the Women's MoUth" know that her gum ter, Holmdel, July 5, for a per- WITH A bership convention. Day committee, the event will chewing bothers me - without HONEYMOONS-*AIR RESERVATIONS formance by Harry Belafonte. • Mrs. Albury, wife of the feature a fashion show by- the telling her? I don't -.want to Tickets should be reserved by RfPRfSEHTATIVEOF BEDSPREAD or Rev. Mr. Albury, former rec- pre-teen and teen-age sewing get that personal. Thank you. Monday by contacting Mrs. tor of Christ Church, Shrews- class of the. church. Mrs. -Rope's End AMERICAN EXPRESS STUDIO COVER bury, moved with her family Jerome Perelson, 13 Girard' Emerson Williams is luncheon fttm our i»l»etlen of plilj, itripii St. s *i*wu4i.. . AIID Hollywood last December to North chairman.:' »r»idi «nd hl-rlur cevuri. Wtdji Plainfield, where her husband CHILDBIRTH MEETING Mlttr cavin to mttch. Pirfact is rector of the Church of the NEEDLEWORKERS' lit «lmt reomi rii dtitt, too. LAKEWOOD - The Mon- Holy Cross. Mrs. Albury re- mouth-Ocean Chapter of the EVENT tained her active membership American Society for Psycho- MDDLETOWN - The Nee- in the'Little Silver Club, but prophylaxis in Obstetrics will dlework Guild of MMdtetown has transferred to the Wom- meet here July 8 at 8 p.m. sat will have a garden luncheon an's.Club'of North Plainfield, the Laurel Brook Apartments. Monday at noon at the home upon her graduation from ju- Anyone interested in receiv- of Mrs. Lee Gambal, 18 niors. ing information about the La- Ataboy Court, Former mem- Her name was placed in maze method pf natural child* bers are; welcome. This is the nomination by the Junior birth is invited to attend. closing meeting until Sept. 13. SHREWSBURY Woman's Club of both Little 469 BROAD ST. {•---V Silver and South Amboy, an Call 747-4422 earlier affiliation. Dance, Show to Benefit -tiMrst . Ronala d•'*" G. ?Albury The award was presented by Mrs. Joseph Kwashnak', ProposedDayCareCenter president of the Junior Wom- LONG BRANCH-.A ben- Entertainment will be pro- SPECIAL an's Club of Little Silver. efit show and dance sponsored vided by the- Merrimakers Mrs. Alb/ury has been a by Gean W. Hamilton, presi- Steel Orchestra of Trinidad, SUMMER DANCE WORKSHOP member of Junior Woman's dent of Doreena Productions, B.W.I. clubs for 15 years and has 290 Long Branch Ave., will be VHJZrill served as chairman of depart- presented for the benefit of Make your child's summer worthwhile. Give your child the proposed community day ments, on local, district and FOUNDER OF INSTITUTE the opportunity to 'discover her potentialities by care center in Long Branch. signing up for this fine program. state levels; She was also cor- responding secretary for the The event is slated for June The former Gov. Alfred E. TIItD•••• TUESDAYS - 9 A.m. To 12 Noon Ages 3 To 7 Red Bank Junior Woman's 25 at 9 p.m. in Major's Driscoll originated in 1946 the Club and was vice president Lounge, Atlantic and Hurley first Citizenship Institute for WEDNESDAYS - 9 A.M. To 12 Noon Ages 8 To 16 and president of South Amboy Sts., Keyport. Girls, which marked its 25th Juniors. She was program The center has been feder- anniversary on the campus of WORKSHOP INCLUDES INSTRUCTION IN: chairman of the recent Moth- ally funded so the objective of Douglass College, New • Ballet • Tap • Acrobatics • Baton Twirling • Modern • the benefit event is to raise Brunswick, this week. It origi- Jaiz« Microphone Technique •Personality Singing er-Daughter banquet of the • Good grooming and modeling Included for older girls. Little Silver junior member- .money from private groups nally was a two-day confer- A mid-morning snack will be served. Please Call; ship at Hod's Shadowbrook. and through donations. ence. LEAH MAUER SCHOOL OF DANCE 'Rev. and.Mrs. Albury have • five children and reside at 103 37 E. FRONT ST 747-9552 RED BANK Grove St., North Plainfield. Takeaload off FREE Be Q Model your Engraving (or...justlook like one) 3 Initial* Since 1939, The Barbizon School of Modeling on Fifth Put your valuables, Avenue in New York has graduated thousands of girls important papers Into modeling pareers and helped countless others in a M.C.N.B. 1 achieve "thelook ! that helps any career.. - .;. Safe Deposit Box Now, Barbizon has a local school right here with the and worry no more. same teaching techniques as the New York School. Costs so little. . SAYRE WOODS, RT. 9 Girls 14 and older1: send for our: free, 32 page, . • . MIDDLETOWN, RT. 35 Illustrated book to fcelp decide if youi qualify; , . BRICK TOWI, RT. 70 No obligation, of course. Just fill out ancf • mail this coupon or .'PHONE: 842-4161 Member P.D.I.C. School of Madtline/ IN E. B«rfl«n PI., RED BANK, N.J. 07701 RB«/ii ' Nttm "; -• -, '. —*«• -_Pbone_ ! IVTONWOUTH COUIYIT NATIONAL RAM CICf •'. ThobankUiallookaouHoryou . U F*U* Common Sense and the World's Holiest Gty 1 By LESTER KINSOLVING Sabe youwaiom and Neman' ! the idea that these dwellings' bishops that Jesus, God's Arab governments' rejection L'Osservatore Romano is not" Simaan (of Amman, Jordan) '' will confine Christians and word to all men, was a Jew, of the UN vote for an indepen- official Vatican policy. There are few, if any; of the as containing "various«false- Moslems in 'a suffocating not a Jordanian." dent Jewish state and their Israel has repeatedly of- world's monsignori who would hoods." RELIGION ghetto surrounded by a Hebr- Then, in reaction to a re- war on it." Moreover he asks: fered to turn over jurisdiction care to take on three of their The bishops had written a ew Belt' must suffer from an cent speech in which Pope' "Where was the Christian of Christian holy places to re- ing the possibility, of creating church's bishops' as well as strongly wonted letter of pro- TODAY imagination; gone wild. What Paul spoke of "the recognition protest against the destruc- sponsible Christian bodies, - an Arab-governed borough the Vatican's daily news- test concerning a new Israeli I interest could Israel have In of the extraordinary require- tion of alt Jerusalem's syna- provided they are able to (tike Brooklyn or the Bronx in paper-all at once. housing development on the' drying up so formidable a ments of the Holy Places," gogues while Jordan ruled? .. come to some agreement New York) in East Jerusa- But Mser. John Osterreich outskirts of Jerusalem. Noting the Soviet army of occupation source of income as pilgri- Msgr. Osterreich noted: "He . Rome is a universal city among themselves. (There is lem. of New Jersey's Seton Hall that "I do not know how this in Czechoslovakia is a tradi- mages?" did not, as alleged, call for its even though - or rather "be- fierce rivalry, for instance, Better the Holy Father arid University is a doughty and obviously private letter was tion as well." The bishops also Had writ- internationalization . . ..it cause. - she is very Italian. I concerning denominational L.'Osservatore should show Intrepid individual, particu- made public," Msgr. Os- Or Arlington ten Pope Paul: would be insulting his in- doubt if any Catholics would claims to sections of buildings some concern for the Arabs larly when, as director of the terreich replied that the bish- "I cannot see how a housing "As Jerusalem is entirely telligence to assume that he prefer her to be like Noah's such as the Church "of the outright expropriation of a Institute of Judeo-Cbristian ops' claim of "Jerusalem's project on the outskirts of Je- and actually occupied by Is- favors a Jerusalem governed Ark!" Holy Sepulchur in Jerusalem Catholic cathedral in Libya Studies, he feels bound to con-* being traditionally united with rusalem, desirable or not, can rael, we feel we are obliged - or supervised by a body in Pope Paul's Apostolic Dele- and the Church of The Nati- (now renamed the Nasser tend for desperately needed Jordan" overlooks its having change the sacred character before God, before history which Messers Mao and gate in Jerusalem, Msgr. Pio vity, Bethlehem.). Mosque) - or the Arabs' mas- common sense regarding the been annexed by Trans Jor-' of the Old City," he observed, and before our conscience - Brezhnev have vote and Laghi, has stated that an edi- The Pontiff's unfortunate sive slaughter of hundreds of world's holiest city, Jerusa- dan's King Abdullah, only in "Does an Arlington Va., hous- to raise the voice of Christ." veto." ' torial reference to "the Judai- (but.typically arcane) refer- thousands of black Catholics lem. 1949. "If the brief possession ing project threaten the his- This familiar drafting of Noah's Ark zation of Jerusalem at the ex- ence, together-With the in Southern Sudan (which gen- Msgr. Osterreich even went of the Old City of Jerusalem toric character of the White Jesus was dealt with crisply He also noted that the 194$ pense of the non-Jewish popu- L'Osservatore editorial came ocide also seems,to have so far as to describe a letter by Jordan can be called a tra- House?" by the monsignor: "May I be UN resolution to inter- lation," which appeared in the just as Jerusalem's- Mayor largely escaped the attention to Pope Paul.from Bishops dition, then the stationing of VWhoever sold the bishops so bold as to remind these nationalize "was voided by Vatican daily newspaper Teddy Kolleck began explor- of America's black press). 43TrentonDiocese Battle of Monmouth Priests Reassigned Service Set June 27 the rammer stafffrdm tils TRENTON - Bishop The Rev. Donald J. Keilly, FREEHOLD - In com- met on the fields of battle. liands and manned his gunt George W. Ahr this week an- from Our Lady of Lourdes, memoration of the Battle of There are two major high- Monmouth which, was fought lights of the famous 'battle. :Paintings of these twoliistoric nounced the rcassignments of Milltown, to Holy Spirit, As- «vents and others are in the some 43 priests of the Catholic bury Park. June 28,1778, The Monmouth One was when George Wash- ington, commander in chief of •Monmouth County Historical .Diocese of Trenton, 12 of The Rev, Louis A. Leyh Battlefield Association will hold a memorial service at the American forces, rallied Association Museum in Free- them involving pastoral, from Holy Spirit, Asbury his troops after a retreat hold. . changes, all effective today. ' Park, to Guardian Angels, the Tcnnent Church,- Manala- •pan, Sunday, June 27, at 2 many historians blamed on The Monmouth Battlefield The announcement followed' Nixon. p.m. Maj. Gen, Charles Lee. The Association has been working consultation with the Rev. Jo- The Rev. Francis J. DiAn- other was the efforts of Molly for the past 22-years to. have seph J. Proccaccini, director tonio from St. Barnabas, Bay-- A bi^s tour of the famous battlefield and of historic Hayes, who became known as the battlefield developed into of priest personnel and former ville, to St. Agnes, Atlantic Molly Pitcher. During the a park. It now is urging the assistant at Holy Cross Highlands. houses in the area will follow the services. The bus will battle that scorching day, she governor to appoint a com- Church, Rumson. The Rev. Leon Kasprzyk leave the Market Yard park- (brought of water mission so that the park will The new area pastors are: from Sacred Heart, South Am- ing lot, behind the American iront a nearly spring to the be ready for the 200th anni- The Rev. John A. Dzama, boy, to St Mary's, New Mon- Hotel, at 3:30 p.m. The public parched troops. After her hus- versary of the battle on June from administrator to pastor mouth. is invited to participate. band fell wounded, she took 28,1978. at St Joseph's, Keyport, suc- The Rev, James J. Roche ceeduig the Rev. Cornelius J.; from St. Mary's, New Mon- The memorial service will Kane, retired. , mouth, to residence at St. Jo- be conducted by the associ- The Rev. Thomas F.Den- seph's, Trenton, devoting full ation and by the Jersey Blues. tici, director of the Family time as associate diocesan di- Freehold earned a page in Life Bureau, to the pastorate rector of vocations. American history by the fa-All Saints Church of the newly-established St. The Rev. Leo J. Kelty from. PRESENTING THE PROFITS'from their backyard carnival to RIvervlew mous Battle of Monmouth, the Robert Bellarmine parish, Corpup s Christisi,, Soutth River, Hospital's assistant administrator, James B. Berg, are, left to right, Na- last major battle, in the north West Freehold, Ms first pas- •to residence at St. Charles Be- dlne Maser, 12, Michele Maser, 11, and Glgi Schaefer, 10, all of Rumson. and the last time that high The youngsters raised $2Sat the carnivbl which took place on Allencrest ranking officers on each side Fair, Supper Set torate. Father Dentici will lannine, West Freehold, de- continue as family life direc- voting full time as associate Road, Rumson and offered a variety of games, refreshments and a pony NAVElSINK-The All Committee chairmen are tor. diocesan life director. ride. Saints Church annual fair will Marti Huber, white elephants; The Rev. John C. Petri Set Summer be held Friday, June-25, with the Rev. Harry R. Sorensen, from the pastorate of Our 1 booths and games open from books; Mary Conrad, bou- Lady of Mercy, Englishtown, PariskC 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the tique; Mary Lou Strong, to the pastorate of the newly- Elects Minogue Celebrities at church supper from 5:30 to games; Randolph Beardsley, founded St Thomas More par- 8:30 p.m. auction; Linda Ellis, baked ish, Manalapan Township, NEW MONMOUTH - Local Mater Dei attorney James R. Minogue NEW MONMOUTH - Ma- Available at the fair will be goods; Harold Hughes, mov- heretofore a mission of Eng- ies. * Hsbtown. .has been elected president of ter Del High School will con- games of all sorts for chil- dren, pony rides, booths of dif- Also, Midge Matthews and The Rev. Charles R. Valen- the St. Mary's Catholic Just Part of Routine duct summer school Monday, Church Parish Council. June 28, through Friday, Aug. ferent types as well as home- Eleanor Conover, jewelry; tine from associate pastor of ; made foods. Old-time movies Mr. Minogue served as RED BANK-A spokesman" den', State Arts Center, Holm- 6. s Adair Cans and Ginny Rus- Guardian Angels, Nixon, to "and Mr. Skelton comes to with W.C. Fields, Laurel and sell, flowers; Jean Meichel -his first pastorate at our chairman of the council's for Riverview Hospital said del, though Saturday, was ad- see her at least twice a day." Repeat courses will be glvn en in English I, II, III and IV,. Hardy and others also will' be and Linda Stanger, toys, and Lady of Mercy, Englishtown. community relations com- yesterday that the presence of mitted t9 the hospital at 10 Because of the furor his ap- United States history I and II, available. The day will close Nancy Lloyd, Shirley L^nz The Sev. Joseph F. Shee- • mittee during the past year. Mrs. Red Skelton as a patient a.m. Monday with a fractured pearanced created among vis- • World history, Spanish I and. with the All Saints buffet. and Jean Noeka, dinner, j han, retired from the Army Also elected were Edward "wasn't unusual. We're used clavicle. She was brought itors and other patients, the II,. French I and II, Earth sci- Feb. 28 after 20 years in the P. Daley, vice president; Ber- to celebrities and are protect- there from the Molly Pitcher comic is now escorted in and ence, algebra I and II, geo- service, to the pastorate of St. "nard Yemc, second vice presi- ing her health and privacy, as Motor Inn by the Red.Bank out through a private side en- metry and biology. Philip and St. James, Phillips- dent; Mrs. Ann Begley, well as those of other First Aid squad, the spokes- trance. . WHY FIGHT TRAF.,. Offered as non-credit en- burg, succeeding the late •recording secretary; Mrs. Ir- patients, as best we can." man continimcl. . Mr. Skelton was described AIL COACHES EXPRESS FROM AIRPORT PLAZA richment courses will be com- VIA PARKWAY AND TURNPIKE , Msgr. Joseph V. Kozak. ;ene Orsini, corresponding sec- Mrs. Skelton, whose hus- "She has a private room as being "gracious and polite, munication arts - A (reading, 50 MINUTES TO NEW YORK CITY retary; Willard A. Thompson, band is appearing at the Gar- and private nurses," she said, and giving many auto- Local associate pastors re- vocabulary; grammar and -THEjpNLY.BUS COMPANY IN THE 1 assigned are: 'community relations chair- graphs." man; Thomas J. Gannon, ecu- composition), for students en- __SHOREAREA WITH ALL BUSES EXPRESS . The Rev. J. Nevin Kennedy His wife, a "celebrity by ViA THE PARKWAY AND tTiRNPfKTATATC TlllJES menism chairman; Donald tering eighth grade; commu-' from Our Lady Star of the marriage," is under the care nication arts-B, for those go- Sea, Long Branch, to St Mat- Lynch, education chairman; Discussion Sunday of Dr. Leo Rocco, Maple Ave., NEW YORK-KEANSBURG Richard Goullet, finance ing into ninth grade; in- a member of the active staff 1 Chairman; Patrick Gaynor, troduction to algebra, for pti- LONG BRANCH BUS CO. at Riverview. pils entering ninth grade; re- HELPING AND planning chairman;' Douglas On Funeral Homes Security Guards Posted Banting, spirituality chair- medial arithmetic, for those HEALING - AS LINCROFT - "The Funer- Ocean Counties in the First "We expect she'll be here going into eighth grade, and FREE man; Thomas Griffin, mainte- the rest of the week;" the nance chairman; Gerald Mur- al Home Industry: Saint or Unitarian Church, 1475 W. driver education. YOUNG Sinner?" will be the subject of Front St. spokesman said. "Yes, we've Parking phy, youth activities chair- had to station security guards Also featured will be a one- PEOPLE SEE IT man, and Thomas Boyd, Mrs. a talk by Gerald J. Kissel Sun- Mr. Kissel is a systems ana- credit advanced course in per-. day at 11 a.m. at the annual lyst with the Kearfott Division on her floor, as she was be- College age people tell how Elizabeth Costigan and John sei ea sonal typing for students in they were effective in help- Pfleger, members-at-large., meeting of The Memorial As- of the Singer Corporation. He . « *»* onlookers and our grades 7 through 12. Rt.36 'sociation of Monmouth and has an MBA from the Whar- J°° is to make her better." Rt.36 ing and healing others. This Officers will be installed Registration will be Mon- special program has .wide ton School, University of Mrs. Skelton, when asked AIRPORT Sunday. day, Wednesday and Satur- youth appeal. _ Pennsylvania, where he pub-, by hospital'authorities if'any. day, June 21,23 and 26, from 9 LEONARDO PLAZA: Ireadaitt HiiJ wttk over many. Sunday School lished a thesis entitled: "An thing further could be done a.m. to noon and Tuesday, station mduding: Analysis of the Market Per- for her, replied, "I'm being June 22, from 1 to 4 p.m. in PARK and RIDE Staff Honored very well treated; every- formance of the Funeral the school library. • .. DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN RED BANK - A tribute to Home Industry in Phila- thing's perfect, just perfect." .•Now Yortc'City (Port Aulh. Terminal) HkjhlaiKfi ftOOAJI.WiU107.lMC all the Sunday School teach- delphia." Other well-known persons • Newark (Public Service Terminal) • Atlantic Highland* ers at Holy Trinity Evangeli- who've been treated at the • Long Branch • Leonardo . • ft45JUfLWMJ620KC The association was orga- • Monmouth Beach • Bellord-Port Monrpoulh cal Lutheran Church was held nized in 1962 to assist mem- hospital from time to time in- Nativity CCD • Sea Bright • KoBnsburg recently in Fellowship Hall.- clude Carol Lawrence, who TL??-'!.'!? Hook Slato Park FREE Airt Pl the TRUTH bers in obtaining simple fu- PARKING Robert A. Gerhold, chair- came in last summer during MIDDLETOWN THE UNITED nerals or memorial services. Board Elected Stmo Hvwy. 36 8tat« Hwv. 38 that HEALS METHODIST man of the Christian .educa- It is nonsectarian, non-prof- her engagement at the Arts FAIR HAVEN - The Nati- - _ .tion committee, and John G., Center for x-rays, accom- AIRPORT PLAZA TERMINAL - State Hwy. 36, Hazier A Qrfafran Idtint radio »rin CHURCH it and open to all. It serves as vity Catholic Church's Con- Olving, superintendent of the panied by Robert Goulet, her fraternity of Christian Doc- COACHES FOR CHARTER - FOR ALL 0CCA8I0N3 an information source on the FOR INFORMATION CALL MAIN OFFICE FIRST CHURCH 217 Broad Street Sunday School, lauded the well-known singing husband. trine board has been elected. Kcfl Hank. .New Jersey willing of anatomical gifts to teachers for their efforts with medical schools and to New York Giants football It consists of the Rev. Rich- Oft! 101 10Ah STATE HIGHWAY 36 O ID I "VJ I - I JUU LEONARDO. N.J. CHR1ST, SCIENHST WELCOME! the children. patients. player Tornmy Longo was a ard A. Behl, director; Jay C. Holy Communion 11:30 u.m, Miss Elizabeth Widerspahn patient there last winter, and 211 IronlSt. Red Bank RembertR.' Stokes, Middle- Harbeck, president; Ralph W. MOnn.1 11a.m. of Shrewsbury was specially , town, is president of the asso- two years ago Cheryl Carter Wyndrum Jr., vice president^ . Welcomes You Sorviccs of Worship honored because of her forth- ciation, which is affiliated of Matawan, then Miss New Mrs. John McClunn, secre- "Sunday Service (July & Aug.) Rev. Hollo A. Michael ADULT rs held at 9:30 A.M. coming marriage. She 're-"with the Continental Associ- Jersey, was under treatment. tary; Mrs.( Daniel Mullane, Sunday School 9:30 AM. 9::i0aii[!ll a.m. ceived a Bible from the chil- treasurer, and'Mrs. John Kel- Wednesday Evening Service 8:15 P.M. ation of Funeral and Me- SUMMER Reading Room Loceied at Ttifl Mall Church School • dren in her class and a silver ly, coordinating supervisor. Broad & Monmoulh Sts. Red Bank morial Societies. * Nursery Provided serving tray from other mem- Vacation Bible This year's activities will bers of the teaching staff. The SCHOOL Drug Addiction Problem? School Dates Set be expanded over last year's, congregation provided a deco- and will include a preschool rated cake. Call 088-8333 For Help Day or NEW SHREWSBURY-Va- Night. educational program Sundays Red Bank Regional Adult School THE cation Bible School at Luther 'as well as an adult program. Memorial Evangelical Luther- FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH ,an Church, 818 Tinton Ave. SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM will be held June 28 through CLASSES START THURSDAY JULY 1 OF MONMOUTH COUNTY July 9. Old Cemetery Found 1475 West Front St. Lincroft • Reading, Writing, Computing — FREE First Presbyterian Church All children from age'4 MONKTON; • England".(AP) - ATOP TOWER HILL RED BANK through eighth grade are in- Workmen laying a pipeline in e English as a Second Language — FREE We cordially invite you to attend the vited to attend. this Kent town have dis- • High School Equivalency Certificate — »1O once-a*year Informational Meeting of • •• • Fun, games, arts, crafts, covered ah Anglo-Saxon cem- ' 'l Engff«h& rVfatfismstlcs Review|nprep- We Cordially Invite You To learning and fellowship will etery dating back to the 7th aration for Stete test* THE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION be featured, .century. ATTEND SUMMER WORSHIP • Occupational Skills in Drafting OF MONMOUTH COUNTY at 10:00 A.M. & Surveying — FREE AT 11 :OO A.M. 30-Sesiion, 90-hour course for out-of- : Dr. Charley S. Webster Will preach on the theme:. JESUS CHRIST •eljool, out-of-work youths end adults. SUNDAY, JUNE 20th (. 4lOW TO LIVE AT YOUR BEST" THE SAME YESTERDAY, REGISTER - 7:30 - 9 P.M. Featuring Mr. Gerald J. Kissel Anthems by Tower Hill Choir and Calvin Handbell Red Bank Regional High School — Spooking on Rintjors ANDTODAY,AND FOREVER June 21 8.22 ,; ... "THE FUNERAL HQME INDUSTRY: under direction of Mr. Robert J«ey HEBREWS 13:B or Long Branch High School - June 16,17,22,5?4

CHURCH SCHOOL FOR CHILDRENVnursery through • ..•• . ••{• ••;. ' £ Also providing latest information on simple, dignified 3rd grade) during worship. Nursery .Caro also pro- THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, KEYPORT INFORMATION - CALL MONMOUTK and inexpensive funeralB and provisions for the dona- vided. ' MAIN »ndW. THIRD STREETS . REV. E. GREGORY, PASTOR tion of anatomical gifts. SUNDAYJCHOOL 8:3O'A.M./WdRSHIP 10:46 A.M. ADULT EDUCATION COMMISSION i FHAYER SERVICE* BAPTIST YOUTH FELLOWSHIP 7 P.M. 542-3439 , City High Graduates 332 T tONCrBSANq»-B«OTlof' -Ej,n0r Mar»ha|J,^f^ada •nice M. miran/vmcBM I. t-erroro, oaney u. KM, itosen A: trna.tr.- ueimts rtratt. Billet'• ElluittlM. FKrre. Writer L: Hemlne, Education member presentp - MeCabe, Earl Miller, Leslie Deborah A. Florl k. FolS- Sherry Kiel, Morris, Renee Nitzberg, An- enlllk<,. IKenneth J. f*x, Ftmcn J. Ann ed .332 diploma* to Long Franco._ _„, Rit a S. FrMman..„ , Shjnoyno o A. Donna L. RIcVi. Edward A. Ring, thony Pedone, Karen Ann Friedman, Robert A. Fuoarzl, Tnomot James M. Rlnw, Paul A. ROM, Thema* Branch High School students G. Gasklll, Undo J. Senile, Oouaioi W. Rubin. RalaM J. Sacco, AnneM. Vow, Lisa'M7Vtrnci' and 58 honor graduates Peppers, John Perri, Samuel. MocArthur Gibson ond Jeistca Mae Somueli, Oebro P. Santantlll, Samuel Vloyonetef, Paula J. Wajner, Kenneth Gltoon. L. Sopp.Lynda J. " ' P. Walker, Paul V. WaHwaM Wft. reaped 1B2 awards and schol- Sapp, Stephen ScMbell, Fer- Jayca M. Glllls, Etfword j. Gllmort, erltm,WcnordAv .. EllMh /I.. GeurtoyGeurUy , SarSdoa JonJ* * E. GroOn . pafl and Frank C. Scerleto Jr. Linda ((.Welter, Tamv M. VMMnf- arships. nando Segui, Mark Stove, Ja- zlano, Claire L. Grleco, Suzanne F. Gur* Victoria B. Sdioefer. Carol A. ton, Teresa Aim Wo»li», Lorraine A. nine Smith, George Trim, Iky, SremfcCli l I, MOTIf, Ptfcre Ann Har- Evelyn F. fcMJrit^oiitaiTJ Welch, londro R. Welch7Moi^reen Miss Theodora Apostolacus, ris, Chorles J. Karris. Michael P. Defpdlne A, Schworfc, FermnoY. Glenn Tomer, Barbara Vast, Hovel, Robert M. Haves. MeHon Hay Johnny E. Sells, Jeel C. teltier, mt- While, HarrHarry J. Wlddi*, Cornell WM- the school's guidance direc- tnon and Janet A. Honnum. choet P. SlmpKjnSimpson,, MorlIMorla A. StartSkerl,, MorlMories .Il4m>, JuonJuonlfl a D. Williams an4 Robert Lorraine Welch, Robert Wil- Etfwrd J. Hlnkel, Potn S. Hoest, El- E. Skove, Timm P, SHovIn, Mm V. :6;; wlillonuwlillonu.. tor, announced, the value of feeil A. Holttway, Herbert J. Hollomiy, SmlSmlitwinm and HeUn^HelmC. SmithSmith. ° RoberRobertt J. Wllwn, ThorooJ the scholarships totaled more liams, Robert Wilson, Thomas .-~ ^ nfclln'Delano Herton, Mar-._..c A.. Janlnjanina Ee. 3mimImllh., NooerRobert M.. Smithsrniin, MbryOo C?WoOII A. PwmhY, KaDlltn R. peaone. jbnn j. Peril. Cotnerlns A. DHlSIly 3. DllUba and Barbara Pento, Garry A. Pento, Karen-Ann Pep- 600 Grand Avenue, Asbury Park son, Thomas Jones, Eugene pers, Harold A. Pfotf, Donna R. Pierce, Joseph, Marie Keimig, Do- Paul J. Eaton, John J. Eldrldgsv Ca- Linda M. Pierce, Kathlee_ n _L. PlngjloreInallore, Frtehold Red Bank Point Pfeasan' role A. enunens. Shell! Encelnardt, Grlmek J. PllmoH, Djboroh V. Pino,, County Government rothy King and David Levin. Ktnnelh A. Epstein, Shirley J. Evans, David L-Pfeosant and Philip O. Pools. , Kathy L. Evlchln. Maria Fallvene, Shirley A. Poore. William A. Popo, 1 and four mothers ("our chil- . Also Patricia Lyons, Patri- Audrey P. Fdjio. VWcait rary, A. Rich-' Ethel H. Proctor, Jill F. Puterman, Jel- • . FREEHOLD - "Good Mrs.. Eraa Wexler, recep- ard Fosooo, Anne e. Fetney and Harry trey A. Raymond, Esther J. A. Reid, morning, young people; We tionist and tour guide to more dren volunteered us") would cia Mahon, Charles Manfredi, are very happy to have you than 1,000 scttool-age visitors see a court room in,session visit us this morning and I so far this year. and be given an adult-level know you will enjoy your tour Mrs. Wexler is guided in all talk. of this beautiful building." matters of tours and informa- Several jschools, however, The 44 Marlboro High, tion by Freeholder Axel B, have sent students one" step WEN ' School freshmen assembled in Carlson Jr., through bis secre- above the Sesame Street set, the lobby of the county court tary, George yi, Conway. and for these, there js a look SUNDAY -house shuffled their feet ex- From them, she has learned at an empty courtroom, and a pectantly. about county government, short description of what a 9-5 "If you will follow me into which she transmits to the judge does. for your Mrs. Weder introduced her- .the lawyers' lounge, I will tell public i '.you what is in this building be- The Marlboro freshmen, ac- self to the Marlboro group and sides the court rooms," said companied'by one teacher told them that the building they were In, built in 1968, was attached by corridors on each FATHER'S DAY floor to the older courthouse, erected in 1955. "There are 13 working courtrooms in this building," MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR DAD! she said, including two juve- nile courts which allow no vis- itors. She added that she COOL DELIGHT... FOR THE would try to have them sit in an a court case in session. MAN Her description of the of- fices covered quickly the SHADE TREE WHO HAS • court department of the coun- EVERYTHING ty clerk's office,, the county > superintendent-of. schools, vocational schools, the board SPECIAL of elections, the prosecutor^ WEEDS. CHINCH BUGS, POORGRASS sheriff and county detecttv^fc^ for this weekend only. The office of superintendent Any shade tree purchased at Turner Bros. Nursery will be of elections and commissioner planted by our qualified tree experts at no charge. (Normally of registration, she said, cori- CONTROL THEM WITH THIS. • tains "The big tooks yonr j a 40-50% surcharge). So give Dad a cooling shade tree to sit LAWNA-MAT SPECIAL folks sign their names in when under and let Turner Bros, do the work. they go to vote - and you will Offer good for this week end only. ONLY be able to do it soon." • LAWIM-A-MAGIC*— She explained the process j Limit one per Dad. tURFUASTER PRILLS PLUS. W.4O by which the jury commission WEED AWAr PIU5 9.00 sends questionnaires from FESMA-KRL .' JXO Forujto4.COOso.lt.MlW. "which juries are provided to RETAIL VALUE JbVC EKh Mttl tOOOsft. It- M. the courts, stressing that, "It OEUVIKD ANO APCIIIO mi is an honor and a privilege to serve as a juror." 'mi ASK ABOUT OUR ANNUAL GREENS-KEEPER CARE PROGRAM Sitting on chairs and tables among their coats and lunch CALL ANYTIME bags, her audience learned FOR FREE ESTIMATE that they, as future jurors, would be paid $5 a day and \ two cents a mile traveling ex- penses, would serve Monday 842-2519 through Thursday or Friday, and would wait in the jury as- Lawn-a-mar.clAWNCO H7I sembly room until their panel > of 30 or 35 prospects was called to a courtroom. There, she 6aid, 12 or 14 of their num- ber would be drawn by lot LETDADHAVEASNOOZE... FENCING SPECIALS from a barrel and would-be impaneled to serve. RECLIMNGCHAISEL0IM6E t Preparing to walk' them wnLt. Give him a loungge chair for under his tree! through the building, Mrs. Lri if hi hdi Wexler cautioned, "No talk- Luxurious, poiyfoam cushions; hardwearing . . ing, no gum chewing. There are people working in all t°° 8995 these offices, and we must not disturb them. I am very glad you are dressed so nicely this morning, because we do ask ELECTRIC CHAR-B-QUE people coming into our court- rooms to be dressed proper- Charcoal flavor without charcoal mess! In- J ly." door/outdoor grill, great for roasting & bakingJ The group was then divided i too! Self-cleaning, economical. in half, and she set out with i the first section, destined to \ hear an accident case. orange, Mrs. Wexler has Introduced black or 195 to court government this year high school students, from avocado Bayshore Junior High," Mori- mouth Regional, Neptune, Freehold, Red Bank and j Basket WeaveO95 Ocean Township. The grade school -visitors, FENCING T usually from the fifth grade • S FOOT SECTION - • F«ot High up, have come from Holmiel, Ocean Grove, Freehold, Ocean Township, Neptune and Mil others. " Cadettc Girl Scouts from New Shrewsbury and Mata- wan, Cub Scouts from Free- LITTLE SILVER hold, a contingent from Grookdale Community; Col- * lege and an occasional group I of really small children have provided the whole gamut of •II ages. She says, with some awe, it srcAMOM *tiN«i, Mm* ntyw * that In the first three months •of this year she had over 800 •visitors, but In Mayalono she HHUI *» M*» 7tll- la hashadaaother/sOO. W ) 12 ^ Monmouth llegional Graduates Stolen, Honfard S' • oirDT>u7rniti>ir «idy«ldy,, LesliLeiine EE.. CnoproonCnopman. LLeomn A. Totrlcto A. Frttttfte, Hlchoks A. Gor- teach, Brton G. Lefk*,OnrtB U U»v DeWa S. Remljger, Ju« RiaiartLf,!»- . NEW SHREWSBURY - -Chum, Frank T. Clor«^ TMddotn A. SHREWSBURY— -OHMCknc Owrl.. Frank. TIUM. Clore-Tboooeu. cfi». NanJ« A. aullo Jr.. Yuan Gatiuwan. Bruce C. .don. Patrice A. Lmekln. Lisa E. Lowry. vld rf BhJrile, Roberta J, RleWrnon, To- . The 10th senior class, 281 Cook, Deboroh L. . Cooper, Dion* E. Co»- Greene. Robert 8. Rober R. Maoa, Jomes W. MocMutt. Juantto Rogen, R Code Is Introduced .strong, was graduated by tantlnl, John N. Creetonon, Mlchod D. Nina M. MansttUco, Samuel M. Mark- trey T. Rohrer, N«_ ._.... Monmouth Regional High Cutler. Barbara A. Hall. Alon B. Horolz, man, Christine M. Martin, Diane D. betb L. Rawett, Oarlnw L. UNION BEACH-The for the keeping of chickens, Greo A. Hardman, Linda E. Haw, Rob- Martin, Mary E. Martin, Sylvia V. Mor- bkJ M. Sanchel, John J. S~ School last night at ceremo- ert 3. Hayes, Robert w. Hayes, JoArai tln, Jose V. Martinez, Carol A. Mas- Sanannah, Lawrence Board of Health has in- .pigeons, ducks and other fowl Barbara S. Oenegar, Karen A. Deptula. Herbert, Denlse A. Herring, Alexander toslo, Martin R. McCall. Brian J. nies in the school's football Robert D. Devon, Paula L. Dobbins, Bt- L. Hill 3rd, Henry W. HIM, Mark C. McCarthy, Jamey T. WcClure, Kothryn .troduced a revised ordinance The requirement was reduced verly Dofrionvllle, Gwendolyn M. Dres- Hoffman, John T. P. Home, Georoe R. McDonald. Patricia C. Mllbauer, field, with Miss Charlotte M. Ing. Richard J. Duhoit, Denlse G. Ou« Horner, Gerald A. Hotrtkln, Thomas A. -Borbara 1- Miller, Steven J. Montgom- on toe keeping of animals. from 40,000 square feet for 10 Mont, John Dunay, Lynette M. Ounn. Hovls, Oebra A. Hughes, James J. ery, Ray Moosa, Sarah M. MorcomTTe- Hohenstein, vice principal, as John C. Epos, Valeria kma. Corlyn A. Hughes. Kim L. Hull". Kurt J. Hull!, resa A. Morgan, Kenneth L. Morris, Ko- Councilman Robert Keat- animals to 4,000 square feet Ewald, William s. Fedor, Marilyn L. David B. Hull, Robert R. Hurling, Mo- ran R. MoseEy, Sharon M. Murphy, Su- ing, representing Mayor Al- master of ceremonies. Fish* victor Follenvdlder, Susan Ti. nica M. Icongelo, Tomoko Irliarry. san M, MurtM, Elolrw C Nelton, Gary The square footage for the Ford, Karen F. Fox, Eileen Frangeln, Cynthia S. Jocelon, Debra A. James, A. Newman, Urnj^.,Remrck, table the ordinance, but it satisfaction. salutatorian. Karan Mosley School Unit RED BANK STUDENTS delivered the valedictory ad- died for lack of a second. , The original ordinance was WEST LONG BEANCH - Mr. Stoppiello explained the tabled to give the board time dress. Invocation and ben- ediction were offered by Rab- The local Board of'Education For Father's Day Give Him main problem lies in the sec- to reevaluate the proposals. lias welcomed its first woman The Red Bank Board of Education is sponsor- tions of the ordinance govern- Wednesday night's meeting bi Harry Sherer of Monmouth ing the following five-week programs, tuition Reform Temple. member with the appointment THE TOP OF THE LINE: ing smaller animals and par- also was opened to the public of Mrs. Rosemarie Faccone of free^ for any child residing in Red Bank. All Graduating were: ticularly fowL for questioning but no one ap- 52 Hilltop Road. THE AMAZING HONEYWELL classes begin Monday, June 28th and extend "These areas have been Oebra J. Adams, Diane R. Adams, peared to represent the citi- Nathan Albert, Keith Allgayer, Alicia Mrs. Faccone was named to through Friday, July 30th. amended," he stated, "and zenry. A meeting dated for Lu Anderson, Andelynn L. Anderson, Gory A. Anderson, Mary J, Andrade, replace William Larrow, who PENTAX SPOTOM ATIC appear in our revised ordi- July 28 will be devoted enti- Jay P. Andrae, Byron L. Anthony, Dan- iel J. Applegote, Peter E. Arkenau, resigned the board post last 'Enrichment Clause-for highly motivated, in- nance," he said. ' rely to public opinion on the Daniel w. Aten, Douglas P. Atkinson. David A. Babel, Elizabeth A. Baer, month for business reasons. terested and talented students in Mathematics, The new ordinance reduces ordinance. Rolph E. Balestrlerl, Linda K. Banks, Deborah M. Barr, Daniel L. Barto, Cllt- Board President John Tetii Fine Arts, Creative Communication, Speed Read- the size of the land required Because of the problem of. f ora K. Bebout 3rd, Christopher R. welcomed the new member' Bechtle, William C. Bennett 3rd, Gash- ing and Field Science (a student may enroll in two insufficient space encountered, aw T. Berihun, Helena D. Berry, Oebra with the observation that her E. Beyer, Thomas H. Blen, Deborah u areas). at the last public meeting, the Blake, Marcla S. Bloom, Lillian T. status as a woman and a Bonds, David L. Bowers, Valerie M. next meeting is scheduled in- Bradley, Jay S. Brooks. Gregory M. mother will give a beneficial 'Summer School - for educationally dis- Brown, Johnny M. Brown, Robert M. the Union Hose firehouse. Brown, sheila A. Burke, Bruce H. Bur- point of view to the paneL advantaged students in need of special help in. khord, Jacquelyn A. Burns, Dennis E. Bullerwel, Gory W. Butterwel, John W. Mrs. Faccone and her hus- Reading and Math. A breakfast program is in- Carlson, Alon P. Carpenter. Enid M. DECORATING Carruth, Felslce Y. Carter, James w. band have lived here 16 years. cluded (full morning program for each student). Kanter Heads Carter Jr.. Maria T. Carter. Robert E. They have four children. PROBLEMS? Carter, Joy.D._Cass, Kathleen A. Cos- GOP Campaign The new board member has 'Enrichment in the Arts - for educationally dis- been active in the local Par-. advantaged students in grades 3, 4, & 5 who MARLBORO - Gary Kan- ent-Teachers Association six ShgleUns Reflex have interests, motivations, and latent aptitudes ter, 14 Amherst Road,' has' Red Bank's years. Sopw-Takumor 1:2 lens com IN for creative experiences- in music, art and drama been appointed campaign Contracts were approved 55M/M _ FOR OUR expression (full. morning program for each stu- manager for the Republican for three new teachers for the Joint PTA • ShutterSpwdTo l/1000t«t! SPECIAL dent). candidates seeking office in- next school session. Each will. • hferctangwbhlMS • the November election. receive a ?7,600 annual salary.' FATHER'S DAY Organizes •. AflomiiicPiaphragm with Cds Light Meter Registration - Interested students may request Mr. Kanter will coordinate They are Mrs. Mary Duke, • Other Famous Honey wel Features • PRIM application blanks from the school principal. All, the campaign efforts of may- BED BANK - A formal or- here; Miss Irene Tinios of KD BAHK'S HMtST OMlM JHOP students must be recommended by their teacher • • oralty candidate George E. ganization meeting was held Deal, and Miss Nancy Coo- Leraberger, and council can-1 gan, Albany, N.Y. and approved by the principal. All registration' at Mechanic Street School for blanks must be in the Office of the Superinten- didates Councilwoman Judith the new Bed Bank Public The board also hired six SO HO CAMERA D. Czerny,' Councilman Bich- Schools PTA, which will rep- men as janitors and mainte- . ANDECO BUILDING dent, Administration Building,.76 Branch Ave., ard A. Herman, and James F. .resent Ked Bank Primary, nance personnel at salaries of 74 SHREWSBURY AVE. RED BANK not later than Wednesday, June 23rd. Byrne. Mechanic Street and River $5,150 to $6,900 pe. r -year. Their OPPOSITE MONMOUTH ST. 842-7777 Mr. Kanter, an insurance Street Schools. The unifica-' salaries will total'138,500. Avrhorized full Um Honeywell Photo Denier consultant, has been a resi- tion eliminates the need for USE WARDS CUSTOM SERVICE dent here since 1968. He is a ;three individual PTA's. FREE ESTIMATES IN YOUR HOME. OPEN MONL thru FRL10 AM to 9 PM • SAT. 10 AM to 6 PM • SUNDAY 10 AM to 5 PM. iiniiBiiiBiiint member of the local Republi- The nominating committee, Something a little Call 542-2150 Today can Club and is a past presi- different from selected from the floor, of- [•RANCH IROOK BONUS COUPON.! UM all of Ward? Custom dent of the Monmouth Heights fered the following slate Branch Brook Co. BRANCH BROOK'S GREATEST POOL SALE EVER! Civic Association. Thmpoob war* daiignx! by Get 'em whil* Services " which was elected to serve for •ranch Irook Co. after many NO NONSENSE-NO IF S AND S or BUT S-JUSI PIAIN STRAIGHT TAilt, BACKED Br if* hot... • bedspreads *• shades •'draperies In accepting the appoint- the coming year. months of rewardi antf <)•- 3 5 rtAaSOKNOWltDCt ANOIXPtSIINCt SUB! OUH POOLS ARE SIT UP. EVEN ^ • slipcovers • reupholstery ment, Mr. Kanter said that he vtfepfiunt.Thty ar» manufac- •• WITH WATER AND RUNNING FIITIRS. ON DISPlAr IN OUR [NLADCED SHOWROOM , "^ Robert D. Scott, president; tured by *• famous Hnor !2'x36" anticipates a "spirited cam- Mrs. Henry Stravic, first vice Corp. to our «*ortma spodfi- FIND OUT fORYOURSElF- couons. nouMiy nof oven Wards Monmouth paign" and is "looking for- president; Mrs. Chester Bea- ommiltri.. . tnit luxury in *^ "IT PAYS TO TRAVEL TO BRANCH BROOK CO." . Shopping Canter ward to helping guide the Re- man, second vice president; nvy swuv* Custom crafteQ POOL to provide jfwn of • Stetl wall . Eetont&mCir. 10 AM till 9:30 PM publican candidates to vie- Mrs. Milton Simms, third vice pmnur*. • Vinyl Liner •tory." president; Mrs. Benjamin •••••• MUNCH HOOK lOMK COVPON !•••• I Biegelman, recording secre- 1 MOTHER BRANCH BROOK EXCLUSIVE • tary; Mrs. Nicholas Romano, Spcttol 99 corresponding secretary, and romoui '" ——— "•^-»- Sole 34 Paul Carter, treasurer. IDEAL , or WITH THIS COUPON Mrs. Robert Schunneman of kTREO Good thru June 19 or while the Monmouth County Council quanllllKlost. . of PTAs conducted the in- stallation. - ALUMINUM POOLS •••••»••••! At the meeting, bylaws at pricei jol) never thought pojilWe. AND 12' 4a" t*dOL PACKAGE were approved and many at- The NINETTE ROUND The NINETTE OVAL io ttfoiiTS • USH t unr O«T K •I ntfMMD TO TAIl IT NOME TODJUT! • 20 CAUGE LINER • tending became charter mem- A kneuriou. 6" (uBr catrMted deddna covers Htrt'i an bvol pool YOfi'K 1)«/|>roud *tV;ipwrt., • Pie doted eraHfereoii^:« » - bers. the enlke pool fbn a 23 It wction of U" Lortgcr, widtr iwim otcd with o luxurious &" PATIO COVERS carpeted dacMng for lourrg* «rrd rdoxatton. fully carpeted dtcking around the entire pool. • Your choice of pointed or Aluminum bottom roih that won't rust or Ldlirt • 20 fougv winteriitd vinyl (ncr, you corrode. hlNlUl ' * printed detign Ord£r now before summer. Complete selection 6f • Built like the "Rock of Gibralter" styles and color combinations. All work guaranteed. • 20 GAUGE WINTERIZID VINYL LINER, THIS POOL CAN BE LEFT UP ALl YEAR. SpeHtot iMttirci, <* ot Irerxh Iroolt. Catholic *Cw»*tletl*r>leette- «.' • Maintenance free aluminum wall, painted in luxurious sky blue You gel: • Wall is factory pre-closed for fast easier installation School Has POOL • FILTER CAIL 741-5688 fOR FREE ESTIMATES • Locked wall top and bottom for added strength and rigidity Remember no il**1 poftt Io nut or caned*. and LADDER POOL 6 mia with 'A HP MOTOR POOL & IILTER with >/i HP MOTOR S S & BACKWASH lot EASIER CUAMIHC. AL HOWELL ALUMINUM SALES 19 Graduates & BACKWASH FOR EASIER ClEAHING. 229 ,, 229 ' HIGHLANDS - Nineteen'- 15'i48" 1S'i4S" 21'«48" $ $ Sale RED BANK. POOL & PO01 & PO01 4 24'Long. 12'Wide 279 „ 279 169 eighth grade students at Our FILTIR FILTER Lady of Perpetual Help Cath- S J and 4' Deep '559. S olic School received diplomas '289 399 459 ,, 339 • 12'x42" POOL PACKAGE at Sunday's commencement. 31' Long, 16' Wide S $ 24'i48" PO01 27'«48" POOL 449 « 389 You gel: P00lA _ _ .^ Awards were given Jack and FILTH and HUES and 4' Deep ..... 699. SWIMMING POOLS WITH THIS COUPON . FILTER and $11Q •Black, All-Star basketball, S 5 1st come, 1st served. Good thru June 1° or • LADDEADER . . . II jf .team trophy; Anne Guiney 539 599 . while quantities last. , --• • .-. • ||IM GROUND) |ABOVEGROUNDI '•••••••••••••••••••••••••••eleaaeeeeaeaeeeea certificate for "Young Ameri- Branch Brook tells it like it is'on.. - WE PUDGE A PROPERLY INSTALLED POOLVmH ca Sings" anthology; Jayne NEW for 1971 • THE "SIX and TWELVE" POOL QUALITY EQUIPMENT- AT A FAIR AND HONEST PRICE! Bremekamp, Kim Black and Here's a pool ruggedly constructed of steel with a massive 6" sit on deck Three CELEBRITY OVAL POOLS Michelle Smith, essays for sections of 12" decking provide a place to lounge and relax in complete comfort. Sure you've seen these pool* advertised etiewhcr* 1B'x12'x4' S179. Comparing Workmanship and Material -. "Young America Speaks" an- Big value at moderate cost , 24 i12')i4' S269. and 25'x12'x4' S349. You might get a 12 or 16 gouge • Calvanaed steel wait is factory prccloied for jir.. e who knows... what about the woH ... thology; Kim Black, fire pre- fotteosyouernbtv.NpnutsorboHx - vention poster contest, and • The wall kxfcs Into both the top and bottom BUT at BRANCH BROOK We will never be undersold!! Francis GooiJe, Denlse Ttyan raib f or edaed ttrencth and rigiditr ' you oil: ALUMINUM WAIL and • 20 GAUGE WINTERIZED VINYL UNER .' . . 20 GAUGE VINYL UNER (Thebist) 3 DAY imWAVOH ON ALlPQOtt!. "and Charles O'Neil, spelling. YOU CAN LEAVETHISPOOLUP ALL YEAR! PACKAGES INCLUDE V, HP FILTER WITH BACKWASH. and we combine our pooli with a quality The graduating class: . 'A HP Filter with BACKWASH VALVE COMPLETE P001 STORE - VISIT OUR DISPIAY ir.u-pooi $ inn-root • Work Abaln, Joseph Anthony., Jock dmrid • Chemicals • Supplies Block, Susan Black. Anne Bolgerj. JJoyne Bremtkamp, Pott I Brcnnan, Me/lerrller e 259 MOI mi nmi'439 • Accessories • Filters • Replacement Liners Dempjty. Janli Elchorn. Fri GobcTeVAhrGoode, Anni GuineyGoFney.," Thomas Gumi - •oJIIUU brtcht. Karen Maiia, Michael rOOl axl rilTER *399 rooi.nj limit'534 McMohon, Charles O'Nell, Wayne Os- termlller, Denlse Ryan, Michelle Smith ADD-ON POOLS and Kevin Tauro. THE NARROW OVAL POOLS 1400 H IVY. 35, MIDDLETOWN CBA Chemistry > 20 CAUCE PRIMCESS WINTtllZED VINYL UNER. 150ft. joirtholSEARS 671-0808 Teams Ranked OVAL CAM IE LEFT !, FESTIVAL LINCROFF- Under tho> POOLS guidance of Brother John" ROUND with 12" REDWOOD POOLS Penna, the Christian Brothers SIT-ON DICK AROUND ENTIRE POOL with 12" REDWOOD Academy New* Jersey Chem- lfa.r c«b.b>l m OH >«or. istry League teams have been • Fottonr prt-dottd wol lor t«i« mitoBatien, SIT-ON DICK AROUND ENTIRE POOL awarded cumulative final • Td.KOfm>g top and bottom raih for .Mtra tbtnalh. • 20 aw*. Wlntirli.a' »WIfirm tan fco kt l up oH ytor. $ • factory pr*-du*dwiiRlor*MtwinilollatM>n. 219 399 rankings of third in the state $ • TfffeMoptnato* end bottom ra9« for tllio itrtngth. on the first-year level, and 24'x12'x4'N0L«FILnR.. .. 455 4' HAND Termites? eighth in the state on the sec- J SKIMMER ond-year level. 3l'xl6'x4' TOOL & HITER...-. 299 Call Individual awards were ' Podo^ include % HP film with lotkwai59h9 presented to Roland Zita and Lawrence Du Buske for fin- ovnsomms •SIS 7-OAT S10W SLOW DISSOIVMC REPIACEMEMT C Terminix .ishing in the top 10 per cent of M MSHAT MSSOlVttC TABLETS WITH VACUUM HOSE SA«99 IOMAIT. DOUUOOY cuomt TUUTS CONDinONn Homeowners, call, for your tree termite inspection. If your don't the state. FUTU-riOW have a termite problem, we'll gladly tell you so. If you do have In addition, awards were paat bom J».9» Ktdbett your cost of pool 3'x3'POOL DECK Frte Standing. termites, Terminix can give your home safe, sure, quick treat- MTMMniT lUTtt •rat*. cMorinatton. 5«W to presented by the American hondk. ku a«.|>uUr''M ment. Either way—whether your house Is new or old or under Chemical Society to Paul Ulk POOISUDE construction—you get our tow-cost protection. MM* M 44*. NCMCf 12FT. .'.3.00 • Fiberflonleei •.- • You get peace of mind, too, because our plan guarantees Maudra and Lawrence Du tout • Folding Ladder CO1T ton ml ht IT ooil * >» *n . your house and its contents against termite damage up to Buske for their work in ex- ONt*. : l «' ! <« 18-FT...4.5O $25,000 on qualified buildings. This exclusive guarantee Is pcrimentation, and the sci- »«r <*rl hr If pal >h •» In : Tour <«t W 24'pal

arris 67 Leads in (JpeiMng Rbii 41 '«A J 41DM0EE, Pa».. (APfAPi) -- KtoufeveWRIIBeverama- GoalbyGoalbv., a niggerneeed veteran onff _M. *—•' -• •' - -- losgsfeftt Labron Harris, a jor title. 15 years on the tour who said Mfritaaer in seven years on Larry Hinson, the person- he had a premonition he was tine fro toe, fired an early 67, able young man who con- going to win this tournament, Om sat back and watched it quered the disability of a was under par bite in the day stud op as the first-round polio-withered left arm to - then took a double-bogey lead to the United States Open forge a place for himself on five on the 17th, where he put Golf Championship yesterday. the pro circuit, and Goalby' his tee shot behind a tree, was Player after {flayer made a made the biggest challenges. stymied by the tree and move at the Moot-4 former But the tricky and trea- missed tbc £1660 with his SGC* National Amateur champ, but cherous Merion Golf Club ond. each one faded back in the course, a tiny terror of only Jack Nicklaus, a heavy fa- grinding pressure of this most 6,544 yards but featuring vorite to make this his third prestigious of afl the world's knee-deep rough and scores of National Open crown, Jim golf tournaments. distinctive white-sand traps, Colbert, a one-time football "Heir collapses left the 29- caught up with both of them. player at Kansas State, and year-old Harris with a one- Hinson had it five under par former PGA Bobby Stroke lead over 40-year-old —two strokes in fcont of Har- Nichols, were tied at 69. Bob Goalby, a former Masters ris - at one stage. But he fin- "I felt like I played a beck champion, brash young Lanny ished with a string of five con- of a lot better than 69," Nick- Wadkins, the current National secutive fives, four bogeys laus said. "From where I hit Amateur titleholder from and a double-bogey, and post- it, it could have been a lot bet- Richmond Va., and veteran ed a 71, one over par on the ter - 66 or 67. But 69 Is not a pro Dong Sanders, winner of 36-34-70 course. bad score for the first round oftheU.S.Open. "I can't argue with it. From my position in tie field, and considering everything, Rough Day I'd have to say I'm pleased. But my short potting was Just atrocious," Nicklaus ob- served. Lee Trevino, a two-time At Merion winner this season and second to Nicklaus on the money-win- • ARDMORE, Pa. (AP) - their shots allowed only 17 of ning list, knocked in a 30-foot FEEL LOW BUT FINISH HIGH — Doug Sanders, left, hits from as he blasts from the depths of a trap on the secoricTfioJe; Quote and unquote from the 150 scores under par. putt on the final hole for a 70. the sand near the 18th green In yesterday's first round of the1 Desplie their predicaments, both finished among the leaders, 71st U.S. Open Golf Cham- "The longest putt I made He headed a big group tied U.S. Open, and thenjiolds his head as the ball fust misses going Sanders at 68, one stroke behind pacesetter Labron Harris* and pionship where Jack Nteklans was five feet," said Tony at that figure, among them Into the cup. Right: Jack Nicklaus Is feeling pretty low himself Nicklaus at 6?, talked condescendingly about jacldin of Britain, the defend- Masters champion Charles a 69, Gary Player said he Ing ^haranfoyfiy dCDfCSSCd flftPT* Coody, Tom Weiskopf and played awful, Larry Hinson sking to a 75 over the tight,. rookie pro Ralph Johnston, •was almost speechless, Bob telephonebootb Merion Club the first man off flie tee who Goalby was thankful for a Course. had a ""WrtwMft round of donbte-bogey and the first- Orioles Soar Over Yanks How They "I took 36 putts. You cant romd leader, Labron Harris putt like that on this coarse' Byn&dEwcfefalEnss fonrtb danbte-and tho next time," Hendricks Jr., said luck had a lot to do and expect to score. I tried a StoraBmeWoea BAI/FDIOBE (APHft was touched it, but he appeared then scored on consecutive said, "he asked me if I was right fleH fly outs by Brooks getting faster as I got older." Stand witbit new pntter. I may be using Some of the great 6tars of a surprising night for center to bo a few feet in front of ! Mcklaus shot 3435, one un- something else Friday." the game bad their problems fielder Bobby Mnrcer of the tie barrier. Robinson and Dave Johnson. * in'iasfnTpVs other Amerf- . can league games, Jthe pet- der par for the tough Merion Arnold Palmer registered on the warm and sonny day, New York Yankees. Over Ite Peace Golf dub course, then lamen- an up-and-down 73 and was however, and South African First* he was somewhat When be reached down to "I got dirt to my eyes about roit Tigers beat the Cleveland ted: Gary Flayer was toe vMm of abashed when catcher Ellie retrieve the ball, Murcer talfway to second," Elite Indians 4-3; the Baltimore PIHlburBh « 34 /li - far from happy. said, explaining his hard slide 34 SJ SIS «4 "I felt like I shot a heck of "I let five or six iron shots a couple of hecklers on the Hendricks of the Orioles found it on the other side of 6rioles trimmed the New St. LOUl!.™. 34 M 4« 5 Into the bag, "and I couldn't, York Yankees 3-1 and the Chfcoao.iHnt.i>» • 32 332 *5lw 9 a lot better than 69. It's not a get away," he lamented. "The 161a and 17th holes. hustled into second base the fence. He then took off his MoSrVol' ...."..... 2SS 3322 .Will* see the base." Kansas City Royals thumped Philadelphia 25 36 good scare for where I put the coarse played_abont as easy ahead of his throw on a fourth glove and almost gave that a wnt t DDlvUkm inning hit which led to Bal- A Happy Find the California Angels 5-0. SFlK timore's first run. lifted tuY average to .262 in Using shortstop Gene Mi- Only two games were Homlofu...... 31 3333 .484 9 «7-not that 69 is a bad score. I very poorly-I missed five or Atlanta 39 3/ M» ll'llA was atrocious from 15 feet I Then, with the score tied 1-1 recent weeks, is off to his best chael as a reference point, played in the National OMjmiati....: .4343»» 11 six inside 15 feet" Knudson 1st SonDtMO...... 35'" .never got the fed of my put- Tom Shaw of Milwaokle, in the sixth, Marcer failed to start in tie majors with 22 Hendircks slid and made con> League. The ,..,.,, hold another drive by tact with the bag. "I hit it ting." '' Ore., had a bizare round that runs batted in on 33 bits. bounced the St. Louis Cardin- YMMnMy0 RMVW In Canada Hendricks and the ban landed hard," Ellie said, "but I was Chicago 7, St. Louli 1.10 hnlngi Hinson was five under par saw him take 41 on tie out- Never known for his als 7-6 in 10 and the Cincinnati 5,, AtlantAtlanta 11 through 13 holes and appeared going nine and corns back in TOfiOftTO (AP) - Ca- on the other side of the fence speed, Hendricks literally just happy to find it" Cincinnati Reds- stopped the Twtay's Oflmtv nada's top-touring profes- for a two-run homer and a 3-1 went on a bHod dash for his "When Murcer came to bat Atlanta Braves 5-1. St. LOUlS (Reu(I u M) at Chicago 2 0 " pointed toe finger squarely at tention of resigning because "I'm not going to get In an IQue., John Jacobs, a big 6- MnsnC 3 0 0 Blflgru 3 0 rough oat there?" And'when 2 0 0 DWnp 3 0 left fielder Alex Johnson as things are in such a state. argument with John Hall" his ball stopped Inches from "I thought I wouldn't be foot-3 swinger from La Costa, 10 0 the cause of reported internal "I'm not going to quit," Phillips said. "I'm not. going the cup on 18, he commented, nervous," Johnston said, "but Calif., and Wayne VoBmer, 25, strife on the cjnb. Phillips said. "I never quit to say that everything is not of Vancouver. Totals 29 3 6 "This is a par four, not a as I went along the fairways . OJO OBO MO—1 Baseball's been my life. You all right. ' The field of 138 players in.' "Everything hinges around five." suddenly looked narrower, the ki: DP - N.Y. l,°B01flm«9 that left fielder.-There's no get annoyed at things that "I think the man got the traps bigger and the greens vying for $16,000 in prize mon-, NY2 Baltimore*. 2B — story from an exaggerated S&Bw?" Player complained of the t HR — Hendr- - way he wants to play base- transpire. Nobody likes to MMlatCltvtlond worst round he has played faster." ey, including $3,000 to the win- ball He doesn't give you his lose." source-several sources. since the British Open last ner. best effort," Fbillips said be- There are no knives and no The Los Angeles Times said n.. > ... • *-*i54|'«i Kan-/'. year. fore tho Angels took on the Wednesday that three Califor- guns in th& clubhouse. If "When I play badly I can't Kansas City Boyals in a night nia players bave been car- somebody gets a gun from 'MMIHvgMcM make excuses," said the game. rying guns and knives. Colum- somebody maybe on a pre- M) oi AUitnwota South African. "I played, Bass, Fluke, Kings Bring "When a gny keeps calling nist John Hall described the game show, sure the gun like-oh, make that junk. I somebody Asceae names for state of the club as winds up in the clubhouse." bad poor concentration." three or fcur'months, it's go- Excuses, excuses, gripes Fishermen to Hook Area ing to have its reaction." and alibis-all of the stars had' Bass, fluke, and now even [ where they enjoy a 12month However, Phillips denied them as the little course most Mug fish are luring fishermen feeding season. Bass Id north- flatly that there is a morale thought would crumble under to the surf, rivers and bay in em lakes will hibernate - or problem generally among the HOW SAFE the Sandy Hook area. The re- Surf,Field at least become scmMormant Angela ports on large bass north of - during cold weather. "As far as this dob is con- the Golf Ball are staggering. cerned, 24 gnys on the ball And Stream Smalfonoutinjass are con* Jim O'Donnell of Hazlet is • club are and have been giving sidered a Yankee fish, rang- their best efforts. They've . leading the weekly contest' ing as far south as the Ozarks. sponsored by Julian's Sport been aggressive," he said. N.Y.&LB. Their southern extension has Shop in Atlantic Highlands. Blood worms are a good bet. "It's that left fielder. I A bass is a bass, isn't it? been enhanced by man, since O'Donnell caught 50 %-pound these fisb were originally can't overlook the way be bass, along with a 24-pounder. Not really. For what most RAILROAD found only in the more north- He is in line to win a Perm people call bass - largenuatb ern states. They prefer cold GOLF reel. and smallmouth bass - are streams and lakes, particu- Len Palner, Holmdel, actually sunfisb. larly those with gravel bot- ROBERT TRACKS? Twin Brook Golf hooked a 29-pound bass at The pnly real bass in inland toms. Swift water is preferred Center on Sandy Hook, while Mel Martin to sluggish streams. of Leonardo caught a 34- waters are white and yellow MOLED Jumping Brook Road pounder north of the Golf bass, botb members of the sea Largemonth bass can be Ball. bass family which includes distinguished from their Httle- APPOINTED the prized striper. George Brown, Fair Haven, monthed brothers by com- GENERAL SALES hauled in three bass ranging If that's the case, what are paring three points. The lower ENJOY from 29% to 33^ pounds in the most anglers talking about jaw of a largemootb bass ex- MANAGER of surf, while little Silver's Rob- when they speak of bass? Lar- tends beyond the eye when GOOD GOLF ert Branton caught a 36- gemoutb and smallmouth closed, while smallmoutb DOREMUS FORD poander by the Highlands bass, of course. Being ably to bass* month does not.'The AT A MODERN readily identify largemonth spiny part of a largemonth's Bridge. dorsal fin is almost separated Another Fair Haven fish- and smanmoottt bass is im- PAR 3 COURSE portant because seasons and from the soft rear section. Some 12,000 commuters a day ride the 17 trains on the erman, George Chandler, The Iargemoutb bass has no Bob. a great promoter of brought in a 25&flound bass limits are usually different for motivation and enthusiasm, New York and Long Branch Railroad tracks in Monmoutfi and ALSO these two spedes. scales overlapping the base of while two Red Bank doctors, the soft dorsal fin, while at 33 years old fs already a Ocean counties. The wfdth of several Iftdies of steefis all that DRIVING RANGE Al Thompson and Frank Largemoutb bass, found legend in the Automotive separates them from the possible tragedy of a derailment as caught seven bass throughout the country, are -smaumouthbassdo. Management Field. Bob, as their passenger cars ride a ribbon of rail. PITCH&PUTT a salesman for Ford for 12 up to 32 pounds. not too particular about These tips should help you Are the rails,'the ties, the spikes... in short the roadbed- PUTTING GREEN Fluke are running from whether they live in streams keep largemonth and years excelled to top-notch or lakes. The largest speci- smaUmoutb bass separated. tales level. Highly respected itself, safe for such a responsibility? There have been signs of ALL FACILITIES Long Branch to the Sandy among bis co-workers and doubt,andtheypromptedaninspectionbytheAsburyPark OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT Hook Point Spearing anil mens of thb spede, though, But what can yon do about other managers throughout sotiid are being used for bait. are found in lakes. And the Kentucky, white, yellow, sil- Press. What that survey turned up,; in way of facts and photos, SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS New Jersey, his goal in trie makes up a special two-part series. AND BUSINESS LEAGUES They're beginning to bring biggest bass are generally ver and spotted bass? Well coming year will bo to mako «O SHOT • P.GJL in the king fish from the surf. taken in southern waters save that for another time. Doremus Ford of fled Bank the largest volume dMtor in Contra* Jersey. His motto Is Good Service and Fair Trad- ing to the public. , Plu* hi* wH-mcrtivation MIDDIETOWN LANES ami omtiutiaatio personality, fi» attribute* mucty of hl» STARTSMONDAY ANHOUHONG succeta to hi* wife, jQolores, who rocontly entered into TUESDAY NIGHT Real Estata Sales for Spen- cer Agency in Hail»t. H» has hopes for his wife to fUBF itfdcft' lop tsforf perforrhanxd Msmstmnm ititrwcorrtngyeay.' Mr. and Mrs. Moleti hay* two dsughtorj. Donna and BUY IT AT YOUR LOCAL NEWSSTAND OR CALL 774 -7000 FOR HOME OELIVtKY 671-1541 fyilDDtnOWW Roberta. s- The J>«% Ktglste, . /., YrUkf, lame U, Vftl Longfellow Handicap Lures Weekend Bettors to Track OCEANPORT - A crow! in thony Bonuomo's Tudor Re- soning as invitees to the 11/8- purse before 12,302 yesterday. Paddock Clubtomorrow. excess of 20.000 is expected at ward and Cragwood Stable's mile race. „ Now riding regularly in Monmouth Park, tomorrow, Red Reality. Good Behaving dominated Four lengths further back New York, Iannelli won last was Proof Set. Fleet Honey, year's rich Sorority here with with the $35,O0O-added Long- Both are definite starters 3-year-old racing in New York with Carlos H. Marquez up, Aisco Stable's Forward Gal. fellow Handicap the featured for tim 1 l/g-mile turf-feature. last spring, winning'the Swift, paid $17, $7.20 and $3.80. Royal attraction. NeU'Hellman's Good Be- Gotham and Wood Memorial The Post and Paddock Club Crisis returned $6 and $3.60 convenes at 12:45 p.m. behind . . Honmouth's attendance and having and Frank J. Cald- in succession. Meanwhile, Jim and the show price on Proof the paddock. A question and mutuel handle are running be- well's Jim French, two 3-year- French traveled from coast to Set was M. answer session follows. hind last year's figures, pot coast, winning the Dade Met-' olds trained'by John P. ; Jockey Fernando Valdizan,- entirely unexpected in view of , ropolitan Handicap. Bahamas Campo, hpve been invited to The winner, a 4-year-old a regular at Monmouth Park, today's economic conditions. the 1100,000 Monmouth Handi- Stakes and Santa Anita Der- filly by Fleet Marine, had will fly to Detroit to be aboard However, cooperation from cap. - by, while finishing second in high weight of 118 pounds in T.A. and.J.E. Grissom's Rio the weatherman tomorrow Anderson Fowler, chairman the Kentucky Derby and Bel- the field of six and posted l;09 Bravo in the $100,000-added should rally the bettors. of the. invitation committee, mont and third in the Pre- 4-5 on a fast track for the six- Michigan Mile and One- The Longfellow, with pros- issued the invitations. The akness. furlongs. Eighth. pects of a split field running Monmouth will be run on Sat- » Fleet Honey Scores Dewey Smith will saddle out of two division, could ex-' urday, Aug. 7. B.H. Ford's Fleet Honey Jockey Frank Iannelli, who Rio Bravo. cite the horse players inter- Good Behaving and Jimbattled Royal Crisis down the naes Kea Keality in tne Another Monmouth Park est. But it also could knock backstretch and around the $35,00Q-added Longfellow French join Edgar Caibett's regular riding out of town Sat- out a potential showdown be- Handicap, will be the guest of Canonero II, October House turn, then drew away to a 2%- urday is Phil Grimm. He goes tween the winners of the split Farm's Pass Catcher and length victory in the $10,000. Jim Williams and Jack Will at Oceanport Handicap - An- to Ak-Sar-Ben to ride Great Kosgrove Stable's Bold Rea- Fort Hamilton Athletic Club. Monmouth Park's Post and Mystery in the $50,000-added Comhusker Handicap. •ai - rfw, ^ •» m mjt Abercom (Thornburo)... 15.20 7.40 5.20 Astorloo* (Cuslmono)...... 5.M AM Secret Adiilior (Nocerlno) 10.40 2nd - ISMH ami 1 * 4 y« mdns; 11. HcrcBjoot (Astorao)...... 19.J0 9,10 5.8!) Purple Grouts (CMorqu«z)....5jS0 *M MKs Winner (Borraro) ...... 6.20 Monmouth Bark Today Dolly DOOM* (1 -U) MM JO) Persian Coot io.id .4.20 4.40 Hyedeh Jon (B'clale).... 5.60 3.40 Cedor Square (Mlcell) 5.60 lE«act«<7-lA)M7.M) «ti - MJM; dmw 4 4 vp <« m; 1 m » yds. Entries Amanda E (Terrlll) 31.401U0 5.00 Selections BeltyG. (Valdlxan) 5.20 3.40 ByBEGGIESTEB Turned Spy (Cuilmono) 3.00 Sltl-U,Mejelmjj3*upf*m; (117) No Boy „ 10-1 BSftStf W88E 3-Tropical Pilot, Lady Foxcroft, Cosh or Carry OM) Rlvtra Square Generation Coco Loco (C BnakorMafedlS) Frtmln .W .«i-$M*;*W»r»fllll«1.m.lBrl 4-MagicaI Trip, Our Loom, - Tomoy (Blurti)....._...», HEH0PEST0 Reunion OH) No Boy™.-.—.».~—-..M Guitar Player (Lovara).. CiODHfO UMtati Gol 012) No Boy...... H Charlie's Clipper Mh - tUMti ohm; 4 • up; I a m;«I. • Fleet Honey (CMerquei) M6HTCIAIR j 5-Song from die Moon, Beanery, ...... ,._...... „..,...... -17.00 7.20 3.(0 IwHcfir (112) Lovalo Royol Crisis (Mlcell)_...._...... 4.00 3M > BostGo (114) No Boy KM Seaweed Proof Set (B'clale) J.oo UQTV 111*1 MIC*II nwn»nmnt>Hi»' ( 1\,m rtlili if* Jl UADAU MWnloht Oillaht Borr«ro...... ™...10.1 It B-Indlcter, Sweet Kiss, Our Dish m - tJJMi elms; 1 yo; 11/M m. ttirf. Sllm'iTPrido 007) Morohi...... 12-1 SSSfiSfi.'Jl'JiSn BS' it? Assignation (Blum) ..17.00 7.00 *M Cllnaha (107) Zwirntr 15-1 wnuture Aunt (IMI Tnomourg... iz-1 7-ContinaoDS Count, No Back Arthur's Knight (Mlcell) 4.«0 2.80 Crimson Saber (Borrero) AM Eaojo's Poiture (113) KolloT t-1 Talk, Courageous Times WMlolMMlWIUtaVBw .•••••••••« 20-1 Gun ' sehowwn Princes. (117) TltomDurs JO-l 0Mn R Lln-D Stor (117) Thombvrg 1M 0V<«ty <"»> No Boy- „....«-! BEST BEST: Brazen Brother Elimint ol Stylt (117) Grimm 10-1 (8th) Emotlonol Scene (117) Fromln...... U-l 7 Track Records Smashed Yesterday's Winner: Finest Deb ROM Buntlnj (117) No Boy...... in PISiE? 828 £„ •<£' tl 'SEATTLE, Wash (AP) - than any qualifying times I' , also was timed in 4:00.7. Fast- Liquori's teammate, Chris Pelleon Lone (117) Crump... 6-1 l 0 ($7.00). ^r*AMrtlnn 11171 MlrBll lUl iiS?oIJi?i Mi brh»Si"' "ti Villanova's Marty Liquori ran ever saw in a United States est previous^mile race run Mason, qualified in the mile in JOeil WVf 111*1 UNmrn...... 0*1 Brawn Brother (US) Hole.. J-l a swift mile in 4:00.7 yes- meet," he said. "Frankly, I over this aE-weather track at 4:00.8. . « 1 Ho* It Up (11511 Grimm „., 12-1 Scratches terday as seven track records Cloneorr (125) Cuslmono 6-1 do not like to see the quali- the Univeristy of Washington Defending 100-yard dash Pomp£2Z a ?.SGreSy 'ur(117n) ISiSStonTe ' . M Sonostes Choice (UJ) No Boy 12-1 l-Biscnit Baker^ fell in succession at the open- fying times run this fast." p'l"» Sl«na (112) Grimm..- J-l was 4:01.4 by Keith Munson of champion Eddie Hart of Cali- 1 Three Mortlnl* (117) Bracclolo ,4-1 3-Pellcan Lane, Lady Carraella, ing session of the NCAA Greg Carlberg of Nebraska . Oregon State in the 1971 Pacif- fornia lowered the ti&ck ' n nil-'JMMi etaw» 4 * w; i l/llm. • Shipboard Romance, Lemon championships. in the same heat with Liquori, record to 9.3 seconds but still rOlia UICIIU {II Ij DrOCCIOt••••>•»••• •"• Cvnllr> nirrlHUI Atttirtwt • 1.1 ic Conference Championships. Molor Porklnolon (11!) Hole 4-1 W- Drfip Liquori, seeking a third must face tough competition nS?L»Si mil H'OI, "" t\ ?fflj iiii KM •' ii wOn UOfll 11 M) MOI6 •• •«• i.t.n 9-1 5-Llttle Nassau straight title in this collegiate in Friday's semifinals and fi- 8^it%^(iW7ss:r.:.rdl';" " 1^2 Spring Practice (115) Stone 6-1 title meet, wasn't particularly Moglcol TrlpTlW) CMorquez 5-2 PrlnceJoker (118) Blum 4-1 8-Old Line nals. Southern California's RoVal Blmlno (lie) Hole. ....«-l 'liisf HSP. " "" s'l happy about running so fast Willie Deckard and four oth- Our Loom (111) No Boy *1 NoBc Track-Clear and fast It's Batter Up, > V ' « even though bis time might ers qualified in 9.4. have been less if he hadn't eased up near the finish. "The qualifying times in Up, Up, Up...... the meet today were faster Net Tourney OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Twenty-five youths have volun- teered to serve as the primary team for a.marathon softbalt Makon Guides game on the grounds of the Monmouth YM-YWHA, 100 Grant At Rrookdale NFL Bosses, Players Agree Ave., here, beginning Sunday at 6 a.m. LINCROFT - The N.J. Pirates Ftosh Arthur Schlossbach'and Allan Levine will coordinate the Shore Tennis Association will MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. ferent interpretation of the of unfair labor practices." They filed the unfair labor SOUTH ORANGE - Horace game. sponsor the Brookdaie Junior (AP) - National Football February settlement. We took The players contended own- charge, which was upheld by "Hoddy" Matron of Madison ' Designed to exceed the current world's record of 131 Championships at the college League club owners and the. the case to the National Labor ers had changed the wording theNLRBMay26. Township has been named hours, the contest will be played 24 hours each day through campus courts July 4 week- NFL Players' Association Relations Board on a charge of the February agreement. "The players have in- freshman basketball coach at Friday, June 25, at 6 p.m. - rain or shine. end. jointly announced yesterday dicated that they will with- Seton Hall University. It is expected some 200 other adults and youths will par- The event is the first,of final agreement has been draw the unfair labor practice Mabon, who coached the ticipate in the game throughout the week. three major NJSTA junior reached on a four-year "col- charge now pending before Fordbam University freshmen This mammoth undertaking also serves as the keynote events this season. lective bargaining contract." the NLRB" Lindquist said. to a 154 record two years ago, program for a most complete and fantastic summer for mem- Wildcats Unbeaten Singles and doubles for girls • The agreement was an- He did not divulge the exact has been a successful high bers of the new Monmouth "Y", which will include daily and and boys in five age groups nounced at 5 p.m., EDT, after area of the wordage dispute, school head coach at Orange overnight trips, classes, groups, concerts, lounges and athlet- will be held. Ten and under, representatives from both but it reportedly dealt with in- and Essex Catholic for seven ics on a regular, weekly basis for members of the entire family 12,14,16 and 18 tourneys will sides met all night and most. In Carleton Circuit jury grievance procedures. years. from age three through those in their senior years. be held. Players cannot have . of yesterday to iron out a out 12 batters, Asked the final agree- Last winter he guided Es- Persons wishing to play in the game, or be spectators, are Middletown Township re- reached the maximum age of wordage disagreement on a The Wildcats won the game ment on the differing opinions sex Catholic of Newark to an urged to call the "Y" office for additional information. mained undefeated in the Ed each event before Jan. 1,1971. contract agreed upon Feb. 28. in the second extra inning on that part of the contract, 18-6 season and the North Jer- Youth from Jewish Community Centers and YMHA's Carleton Memorial League's Entries close Monday, June The owners were represent- when Brian Smith delivered Lindquist said: sey Parochial "A" champion- throughout the state, including Perth Amboy, Bayonne, Tren- American West Division yes- 28. A nominal fee and the ed at the secret meeting by one of his three hits with two "There were clarifications ship. The Eagles lost to Chris- ton and Eastern Union County will also participate. terday by defeating Matawan, price of a can of balls will be Ted Khell, Marshal Leahy men on base. of position accepted by both tian Brothers Academy in the Supervising the program is the "Y's" youth activities di- 4-3. • assessed. and Richard Messina, NFL at- Steffer went two for five in sides." state finals. rector Rich Levin. Freehold stayed right be- To enter contact Neil John- torneys, and John Thompson the game' including a run-pro- hind the Wildcats in the loop son, 3 Wood Ridge Ave., New of the NFL staff. ducing double. by knocking off Shrewsbury, Monmouth. Leonard Lindquist, NFLPA 8-0. . Mike Robertson's pitching attorney, and Ed Garvey, In National North encoun- performance and 11 Freehold newly named executive direc- ters, Long Branch and Mon- hits finished off Shrewsbury. Fort Gals Play Flights* tor of the NFLPA spoke for mouth Beach played to a 2-2 Robertson gave up two hits Be part of the FUN and ACTION the players. deadlock, and Rumson beat in leading the club to its third FT. MONMOUTH - The Ft stroked 44 low net. Second in low net were Mrs.. 1 The original dispute began, Red Bank, 6-3. straight American West vic- Monmouth gals played a lov Mrs. J: W. Oliver's 17 putts Robert Lehman and Mrs. Lindquist said, after "the Mike Steffer won on the tory. gross, low net tourney, and were low. John Palumbo, while Mrs. Ed- owners apparently had a dif- mound for the Wildcats. He Babe Warrington, Steve Mrs. W. Preston Corderman The ladies of Hill mund Sullivan and Mrs. Doug gave up eight hits an* struck Guinter and Dennis Walling shot a 95 for low gross in "A" Country Club played a mem- Hoyt were third. They cap- all punched two hits each for and "B" Flights, while Mrs. ber-guest better ball event tured the third spot on a draw the winners. Richard Linhart had a 77 low here yesterday. ' over Mrs. Charles Paterno Long Branch tied Mon- net. Mrs. Ira Miller and Mrs. and Mrs. William Whitman. In "C" competition, Mrs. mouth Beach with two runs in John Thatcher teamed to win Mrs. Sullivan was the mem- the sixth inning. John Perrl Frank Thomas carded a low low gross at 81, while Mrs. ber closest to the pin and with MonmoOCEANPORT NJ uDAfilMP UftWIL m « new walked and Kevin Bova then gross 98, and Mrs. Thomas Thomas Peck and Mrs. Clay Gore fired a 7^3 low net. the longest drive while Mrs. 2 „„„ ZlZ™J2i.m ,05 RACING NOW thnAUg. 9 blasted a 410-foot ground rule Barnes won low net with 64. 4 1 l I S double, and Keith Watters sin- Mrs. Ray Shadow's 118 was ™" " ' •••™ "•" "'""- EXACTA WAGERING! CHUH"N*N'B?*IHS» S!TV first in low gross for "D" gled in both runners. drive awards among the POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 PM Both pitchers went the dis- players, while Mrs. Evelyn Hell Drivers guests. tance before the game was Conrad took low net at 89. called after the seventh Low putts was won by Mrs. frame. Long Branch's Jim Charles Arthur at 28. At Raceway Wllkins gave up two hits and In the nine-hole action, Mrs. FREEHOLD - Dan Flee- Announcing fanned seven, while Mon- Swam Johnson took low gross nor's nationally-known Hurri- You can do it...with new mouth Beach's Mickey Wai- for "A" competitors at 60. cane Hell Drivers will be one Campbell top'n bond* drop allowed five hits and Mrs. Edward Jacobsen's 42 of the entertainment spec- fanned 10. was low net. taculars at the Great Mon- the ALT GYMNASTIC SCHOOL Resurface weathered and worn Rumson came up with four Mrs. Howard Kingsley won mouth Fair at Freehold Race- concrete walks and drives... repair runs in the sixth inning to "B" Division low gross honors way, June 28-July 4. RT. 34-COLTS NECK, chipped steps, patios... help with a 69, and Maj. Ret. Joan moisture-proof basement walls... do take the lead over Red Bank. Fleenor's thrill-packed, (2 Miles South of Rt. 520) any Job that requires a thin coat of Red Bank led throughout the Ellis shot a 44 low net. two-hour show will be present- strong concrete. The secret Is the contest up until that inning. Mrs. Jatn&TNewkirk took ed twice dally on July 1 and 2 blond of special polymers and sands Rick Karinja was the win- "C" low gross honors at 66, at 4 and 8 p.m. Grand Opening - Open House that give top "n bond 8 to 10 times ning pitcher in relief. while Mrs. Arnonntatliley Highlights of the Hurricane the bonding power of regular Hell Driver Show include two- cemont mixes. It even featheredges. . wheel balancing and driving, TOMORROW-1 to 5 P.M. Just add water... the rest Is In the crash-roll contests, T-Bone bag. Available at hardware, garden and building supply crashing and tho exciting ae- Featuring: gymnastics demonstrations by national medal stores everywhere. rial divebomber crash. winners throughout the afternoon, and open workout for all The climax of this daring * The gymnasts who wish to try out our completely equipped' Campbell.Products . performance is a ramp to H»Mr T. CAMPBEU tONl' COMPANY ramp jump of a new Dodge gymnasium Dlvttltn M THI CMNTKOra COMMNV. TOWiON, MANVUNO *«O* convertible through a hoop of Lawn fire over another convertible driven* underneath simulta- EVERYONE WELCOME Build «nd repair with these quality SAKRETE* products Auto-Lawn • •»n« Mi> • Mwtat Mix neously. There is no increase in ad- • •Itifc Tap • PlMtar Mix Call: 946-8603 or 382-9726 741-2325 mission prices.for Den'Flee- nktffAKKTMM. nor's Hurricane HeU Drivers. «.-«;'Itt&im* '.J., Friday, JfweM, 1971 omas ilmkl, Careen Lafalre, Barbara R- La- • Elizabeth Scttwager. Marianne Scbo- Hodnovich, Waller Hodnovldt, Craig Sprenger, Bausch and Fove, Deborah A. DelVecchlo and Bar- oarra, eilfflStti R. Looson, Bonnie B. mann. Lais M. Scnwortz. A. Seen. Hoslle, Kennetenneth R. Holiowoy. bara DesBiens. Cane, MoryF»Lalky7lCoren p. Ley. Mlchele P. Scellard, Jonet K. Scott, Ca- F. Heaver III,, JanuJ s a. Hpran, mas were presented to 773 se- Lomb Award, and William Melonle Owtsch, Joanne deWIt, Re- tham. Patricia A. Loiur, Borbora A. rol L. Sefcifc, Swanne M. Serfait, Patri- -,.„• les A , HubkaHubka ,, ThomaTh s J . HunHunt. gino M. Dlngledlne, Sharon A. Dolan, Ledgerwsod, Susan LellUr, Amy R. cia A. Sueffert, Diane Shaw. Patricia E. Richard T. Imlrjy. FranFra k Intermewll, niors at Middletown Township Maier, Robin Sahner, Cindy Dentse F, Donate Linda Donate Cath- Uhrer, Ronnl Ellen Ulbawltt, Pepoy Shlbla, Betty L. Shumway, Patricia A.- mine Co-parate, Richard C. Cgrtw, John C. Irwln, Kenneth G. Jansan, Phil- erine M. Dorla. Charlene P. Doyle, G. Lelnonen, Phyllis G, Levy, Jo-Ann Slmek, Stephanie Sims, Coil N. James O. Carroll Jr., Michael Casey, li H Jhnen Ralto B Jehmoo High School last night at grad- Butterfield, Ronni Leibowitz, Diane M< Dufty, Cynthia M. Dunn, Lewis, Roiolyn Lewis, Cynthia Love- Skleczlus, Kathleen A. Smart, Con- Ralph Cash, Robert A. Centrella, Ga- Cathy J. Ourrett, Carol A. Eaton. Che- lace, Beverly E. Luker, Robya J. stance E. Smith, Mellnda D. Smith, briel Cercfello. Barry w. Cberneyy uation ceremonies on the Craig Sprenger, Annette Phil- ryl L. Eby. Renee K. Eckert, Ann B. Lh Lynn M Maarberj Barbara Nancy R. Smith, Stephanie L. smith, Thomas J, Cooles III, Dove Cohen, Edmonston, Oebra L. Edwards, Koth- Lynch, Lynn M. Maaraera, Barbara school atbeltic field. MacOonold, Cecelia J. MocOanold, Lor- Grace A. Snow, Jeanne L. Sorby, |u- Merit Cornell, Harold R Cemtlley Jr., lips, Rochelle Horsfall, Linda ryff t, eiflenraocn, Florence E. Elmer, zette M. Jovie/o and Carolyn E. so- Robert J. Conroy, JanJanww t TVConstantine Mary Engelbach, Joyce £. Engelmann, raine 15. Macintosh. Barbara Maaglo, The invocation was given Kough, Joanna Colodin and Lois J. Mahoney, Mary L. Mohoney, wers. . . , . IIIIII , Tamilhy CowlCowelll . HHaywood d CCosby, Vickl Engler, jDy K. Erlcson, Pamela Barbara A. Spotford, Sharon B. Spor^ Ronald J. coslello, HowarHo d T. Crown M. shkotn, Barbara Evens, Susan A. Morion, A. Malnes, Marlon M. Marine- by the Rev. William C. Cov- Paul Hanson, top 20 students. Ill, June A. ttarkvh Judith Martin, tock. Unto M/Spratt, Angela Squitlerl, Jr., Robert M. Cutola, Daniel A. Cutro, Falconettl, Andrea Flsehette, Linda C. Estelle A. Stoats, Karenv. Stetanski, Thomai O. Cyntmer. Robert F. Flther, Pemela J. Flihir, Rosemary J. Diane C. Matthews, Margaret A, Maun, Thomi O Ct entiy, pastor of the Middle- The Class of .1971: Peggy j. McCatidleM, Mary L. Betty M. Stein, Deborih A. Stickle Ka- D'Adddrlo, George W. Daley, David W. Flihir, Suian J. Fisher, Dorothy Filler, ren Stonestreet, Rebecca E. Strobel. Dolton. Gepllrey G. Dates. Robert H, Karen Flynn, Susan Elizabeth Ford, AlcForlln end Deborah M. town Reformed. Church. Ltta A. Abruzia, Bernlce M. Acker, McGawon. Linda S. Mclntyre, Mary A. Noreen A. Subowlci. JooV Suaormon, Oavls Jr.. Rodger A. Own* Norman J. Robert T. Kurynka, David R. Kutscti- Linda M. Frendock, Pamela Frey, Ann Mary A, Suhr, Linda A. Sullivan, vir- Dear! BruceWTbe Court; Sfllvatore R. David Weingarten, class Patricia C AcKtrmon, Donna J. Aker- Frusclone, Michelle Fuchs, Patricia A. McKay. Jill McUovghllii, Maraartr E.. matj Drue man, Patrick J. LaceyLac , William R. lund, Susan E. Albonl, LlniJa J. Albert. Furlafo, Christine J. Fyer, Lenore M. McNalr, DianeMeade, Kathleen D. nla L. Swan. Linda Swonek. JoAnn De Dormo,. 'Thomas A. belery. uerara LalrdiRobtrLldRbtt t J . LahmLh , TobTb y LamberLbrt president, delivered the wel- Unoa t_. Allan, Barbara A. Allen, Debra Gobrlile, Mary H. Galio, Mlchele A. Meeban, Ellen S, Melonson, Deboroh A. aba. Beverly Tallan, Mary Tamee. .R_. Dell- , Alilchaell " DeLBda, Frank P. Timothy E. Lantler, Gory S. Larilk, Dn J. Allen, Sandra B. Amalong, Julleann Gollo, Judith b. Gambit, Denlse M. Merker, Virginia G. Meyers, JoAnn* tnryann Thompson, Joyce E, Tlmm. DeMolo, Peter F. Denlgrls Jr., John coming address, Other stu- Aquino, Vinccnette C. Arcara, Undo A. Gass and Gail J. Gelatr. Miller. Sandra E. Mlntz, Nancy S. Mln- Elizabeth C. Tlpton. Bonnie L. Truox, Dennis, Charles l_ Dlckerson, Richard Auouite, Reqlna A. Ayers, Cafnv J. Ba- ugh, Pamela A. Mlsso, Linda A. Mon- Alice TneszkmnM, Sara M. Tyler, Jud- L. Dillon. Kevin Donovan, Earl J. die Jr.,'Ettword ATOmefiki, David s. dent speakers included Mary clgalupi, Patricia E. Baldau, Mary E. Judith A. Gibson, Carol J. Gllbertson, ner, Kqren L. Moore, Lenore P. Moron, ith A. Uhl, Lisa J. Van Doren, Robyn L. Dressier, Curtis R. Dunzello, James M. Lohr. Albert J. Lovecky Jr., Harriion Baldwin, Jonet M. Barker, V«ra A. Goll B. Glllan, Margaret E. Gllsey, Lynn A. Morasch, Mary J.-Morgan, Von Ness, Vyette Van Pell. Jeanne L. Dwyer, James K. Easter and Richard L. Baldwin, "Preparation"; Su- Bal«, Nancy J. Bourn, Donna J. 8«dtt, Cathy L. Cleoion, Louan Goette, Lor- Jan E. Myers, Dorothy Mylet. Den lie Verity, Undo 5. Vawter, Lena Verange, Eckhott. Hororn E. Maier, Charles F. Moire Jr., H, san Blakeley, "Examination," Sown M. Beck, Slgrld M. Bender, Gall raine Golda, Meiortle S. Golublnski, Nelson, Deborah J. Nelson,. Jeanne E. Linda M. Vltallo, Lisa von Gerlchten, Thomos M. Edele, George D. Ela, RlRalphh MondevllleModvlll , gchrchrl topher H . MaMarr- Btrordo, Carol A. Berkefttld, Joonne Laura L. Gorsegner, Johanna P. Gov- William J. Ertle Jr., Andrew H. Evans 11 Ich, Kathryn A. Gramando, Joan R. Nelson, Betty A. Nero, Patricia E. Nu- ulas, Ralph Marino Jr., Bruce Martin, and Steven Hobson, "Com- Berry, Maryonne Berry, Beth R. Blnd- gent, Nancy E. O'Connor, Nancy J. Jr., James A. Agon Jr., Robert R. Fol- idword *. Moil, Philip A. Mateno. tr. Beverly R. BUctioff, Sujon B. Blo- Gray, Erna V. Gross, Joanne S. Grosse, Ion, Arthur" Fnrrell/wiTllani A. Fearon f Mary Guordlna, Sheila E. Gutlomuen, O'Hara, Carol A. Olvlng. Adrlone ~ Jh A Mt Jh C Monte. Robert mitment." ktley, Undo Blomqulst, Cynthia S. Bo- O'Neill, Patricia M. O'Neill, Virginia .. III, Mark I. Feldman, Dougkn J. Fer- Bld James ot™, Kafharlne T. Boots, Marilyn E. Jocquellnt A. Guide, Staron E. Halvor- Owens, MaryLou Polmer. Mary A. rari. Anaeio C. Ferraro, Lawrence V. Honors and awards were Border, Donna A. Bonelllno, Patricia sen, Virginia M. Hammond, Jean T. M, Williams, Dorothy Williams, Audrey FertltM^RobertPleider, Thomas c. Fin- A. oattlno, Jacqueline 0, Bouldln, Holly Hanhart, Debra L. Haskell, Beth-Ann Parkinson, Jo-Ann Paserchla, Eileen P. Patterson, Marilyn J. Patterson. Tere- A. Witko, Nancy C wondrasch, Pamela cli XJ Fisher, Gary R. Flt- vTd McCwSfclCli'l chord SVMcCoV; Wil- • etcher, Donn carlo Te: distributed by Nicholas A. Bowdoln, Deborah J. Brash, Jacqueline Helter, Margaret Henley, Carol A. Hen- S. Wuchter. Moraoret A. Yaaer. Laura Bretschnelder, wary F. BrlttalnV Goie- ry, Gall Marie Hermanns, Deborah L. clta Patterson, Jean M. Perns, June E. jhen K Fitzgerald, ThottKW liam N, McCoe, Doyld L. McCurdy, Gory G. Thacker, Gregory R. Tibbies, Penas, Almee L. Perkins, Deborah J. A. vpnlbjlll, Lisa Yarascnuk, Eflzotnth .. Flatley'Leonoro Fforlo, Mlcliael Rovmond Tlelke, John Ulman, Erik H. Campanile, principal, and marle Brooks, Diana L. Brownr ond Herr, Judith R. Herter, Monde J. Hes- A. Yetter ond Noncy J. Young. Call c. Brown.^ ter, Diane Christine Hock, Cheryl L. Persico, Debra J. Peterson, Annette Y. .lorio, William D. Foote, Jome F. Vagen, Donald J. Valda, Wlllard E James W. Davidheiser, acting Hoheruee, Pamela F. Holster, Patricia Phmipi_PomeJa L. Phillips. Linda C. Charles E. AlexonaerV Charles J. Al- Fouhy, Kim Fox, Howard E. Foxworth Edward P. McKenno, Alan Messlnger, Vorcntlnl Jr., Wlnfleld H, Vanderzeel Naricv L. Brown, Joan R. Bryant, Honroth, Donna M, Hopfansperger, llcr, Edward Al|lan, Edmund w. Jr., Guy D. Froley. Wayne Fraley, Richard O. Mlkula,'Mlke Mitchell and Jomes F. Van Natten, Jaitjes A. Forlon school superintendent Barbara L. Buckley, Sheran L. But- Rachelle A. Horsfall, Bonnie R. Hotch- Amorskl Jr., Steven J. Anderson, ThmK Duane S. Freshnock, Richard Freund, Carl G. Mofller. Gerard T. Velders, MIchaM J. Venezla faloe, Llrida Bukowczyk, Maryloulse klii, Mary B. Hughes. Maureen A. dare R. Anderson, Jetlrey J. Angeluccl^' Brent A. Glsrhart, James R, GUI Jr., Jomes J. Vein, Steven e. Vleser Conferring diplomas'were Bullers, Diane T. Buimer, Leslie Bur- Hughes, Barbara A. Hull, Ellen L. Is- Thomas E, Aquino, David L. Arnold Jr:, Neal E. Clll, Conrad Gillette, Richard Charles F. Vogt 3nd, Janies M. Voik pess, Clnudld M. Bums, Cynthia L. But- Alfred J. Augusto, William C. Bacmels- H. Glover, Robert Godord, Thomos F. Ralph H. Wolron Jr.. Thomas J. John R. Wpldmonn 3rd, William G. Woli rael, Donna J. Jacoby, Arlene, Jetlrey, W'vvy. Warren C. DeBrown, Board of fertleld, Anastotia Cahlll, Geraldlne M. Ruthlyn Jennings, Melissa M, Jeremey, ter, Fred W. Bohr. Roaer 8. Baker. Gormon..Terry C. Gravatt. David Monohan, Jomes P. Monprode, Henry Jr., Robroy Wollace, Jetfrey Walling, Callahan, Patricia A. Cantrell,' Linda Sheryl P. Rash Karen A. Read, Jeon Philip N. Baitiera. JohnR. Barberl, Eu- Greenstein, Harold D. Greenwaid III,- 'J. More, Richard O. Mortord, Edward John A. Waltz, ThodSeus J VValllewlc? Education president, and Rue-Ann Jobln, Undo M. Johnson; Ca- A, Relnholit. Susan C Renlon, Leslie A. Card, Charlene R. Carhulf, Marlene J, rol A. Jones, Patricia L. Jones, Wendy gene W. Barradale Jr., Brian J. Barton, Robert R. Griffin, Greg A. Grotyohonn, D. Mueller, James J. Mueller, Wllllom John L. Webb, oavia J. wtliiqarien, Da- Coshes, Lisa B, Caltellano, Jonis S. Rhodes, Cheryl A. RIchardvllle, Debo- Le lie S..BelUTroy E. Bmnage. Lance Robert P.. Gurgo, Dennis F. Hagon, J. Mullen, Jomes A. Mtutdy, Stephen J. vid J. West; Lawrence «.Wes7brotTk Richard K. Anderson, board M. Kaplan, Marie M. Karomus, Nancy rah Rlckner, Darleht T. Robinson, Mau- Chalmers. Eileen Cherry, Gale E. Cic- A. Kaslen, and Oebra Kay. Bennett, Lee J. Bergmann, Bruce K. James R. Holey" Joy H. Hall ond Gary Murphy, Robert V. Mutlachlo, Charlis , James R. Wharton, Charles j. wia- vice president. chlno. Lou Ann cocuno, carol A. Cof- reen Roche, Abigail J. Roessler. Linda Beyer, Timothy R. Bloncnl, Tbomoi I. N. Hammell. A. Nijtoll, Martin J. Nothan, Leslie J. maler, Andrew R. Wlhelm, Roosevelt fey, Sally C. Collins, Joanna M. Colodin, Cynthlg J. Kelly, Judith M. Kelly, L. Rogers, Mlndy Rosewltz, Goll R.. Bldgood Jr., Jeffrey R. Blebel.^ovld J. Nelnrnn, Curt NeuhauiT Paul R. Nich- Williams R., Gerold R. Wllmoth, Pat- < Rutso, Geraldlne Russo. Pamela Ruth- Poul S. Hansen, Gary R. Harrington, Among the award winners Roxanne A. Connolly, Linda C. Cook, Linda A. Kempson, Kathleen D. Ken- Binder. Steven A. Blals, Charles L. Joseph Harrison, Patrick O. Hartman. ols, Mitchell Novalls. John R. Oberllfl. rick R. Wilson, John J. Wilton, Shu - Deborah M. Cooper, Carol U Copeland, nedy, Jaan M. Kenney, JoAnn Ken- enbeck, Robin A. Sahner, Linda T. St. Bld II Robt W Bluh Jh Bl Terrance E.O'Brien.Thomos M. • O. Wiltshire, Uroy Wlnn. - • -' John, Call O. Solaflne, Carol* A. Sol- Blood, II. Robert W. Bluhm, John Bol- Gory P. Hoys, Mark W. Hebler, William were Mary Baldwin and Da- Trurese A. Coyl«, Berrlin M. Crowell, worthy, Gwendolyn A, Kerlan, Lynn J. g«r, Alvert A. Bonaduce, Thomas M. E. Heb|er, James D. Hefternan Jr., Oches, Donald J. Olesko, John G. 01- Wlnterlleld, Edward R. We Kathryn C. Dnrnm, Karen Donowskl, Keyes, Deborah A. King, Keren J. King, .steoo. Loura E. Sanderson, Nancy C. vlng, Bruce F, O'Neill. Derek G. Os- D. Wozencrolt, Geoi Sontalla, Linda R. sopolo., Margaret c. Bost,Michoerc. Bradshaw, l»eter L. Dale w. Helnze, John R. Helm, Robert vid Weingarten, Osborn Schol- Dawn M. Oavldson, Joatw Z. Dawson, Susan M. K!s«r, Noncy ATKItzlioMe" Brezo, Roy F. Briit Jr.# Timothy E. Helwig, Michael Hcmhcuser, Fred- borne, Joseph R. Pace, Gary D. Pa- Melanle Dtdeeker. Lynn Deaenhardt* Beth U Klein, Undo A. Kough, Susan A. Sayre, Deborah A. Scamorjo,^ynfhla J. •- lewskl, David K. Polmalfer, Robert H. Gregory A. Wydcoff, _ Schanctc Mary M. Schlnk. .Cynthia L. Brolley, Richard l_ Brooks, Robert p. crick S. Heyer. Benlamln Hicks, arships; Cindy Butterfield, Mary H. OeGeorgc. Jeanlne M. DeGr- Krack. Maryonne Kuebler. Joyce L. Brous, John J. Brown, James E. Bryan, Douglas M. Hlrd, Steven J. Hobson, Fouler, John R. Patrouch II, Jomei c, Frank R. Young and Joel A. National Merit Scholarship; ay, Judllh OeSray, Roiemarle Delta Kuiuh, Noncy E. Kull, Frances N. Lad- Schmidt, Gerrf A. Schulmon, Kathleen Shore Regional 157 Receive Diplomas

KEYPORT -< One-hundred Anne McKittrick, ond Edward Menges. ffloVlffl%asP¥KniaSdol)it; Donna Mlkula. Malcolm H. Masher. Joseph Peter, Granoto III, Dorma Ga We Shirley Mulholland, Denlse Murphy, fifty-seven seniors were grad- Grebla, Charlotte Greguti Josephine Thomas Georae Nodler, Daniet Coyne Graduates 258 uated from Keyport High Grlgoll, Diana Marie Gublk,, and Laura Net!, Jomes Michael Negro. Kevin Gu- Ellen Hollam. . . gene Newmoii, William Gem Newman William Jacobsen^ Robert lamella, Al- School last night. ' Jr., Anthony Nlola, Richard Charles WEST LONG BRANCH - •salutatorian. who spoke on len Jones. Linda Johnson, Peter Ju- Nixon, Suson Barbara Noe, David Earl llano, Brian Kaye. Atorle Kelly. Charles Nuss, Thomas Jeffrey O'Brien, Mory Thomos G. oarntners, Corlsnon R. Stae • James N. Ryerson, president "Youth-Hope of the Future," King, Gary Klrmon, Kenan Knlerlem, Katherine DeAngelo and cobs. Warren Jacobs, Gall Lee Jones, Lee Ochlnegro, Frances L. O'Connell, aer, Michael John Took) Jr., Raymond Thomas Koch, Bobyn KonschaK, Steven Linda Ann o'Keefe. Luke Pallante, Thomas Tombs, Keith Foster fonks, of Shore Regional High School and by Marcy E. Mencher, Kronhelm, Gay Lachenauer, Ralta Lah- Dlmltrlos Kalogrldls, Alan Barry Kot- William Newman were vale- cher, Deborah Mory Klrnm, Harold w. Christian Anthony Parella, Wade Joseph Mary Elizabeth Tooker, George Arthur Board of Education, last night valedictorian, who spoke on teenoya, Diane Lanoo, Cheryl Levalley, Pedersen, Pedro Antonla Pino, Joorm TrompT»r Jr Richard Fronds VoCulo, Sharon Lltchlleld, Jill Utlk, Margaret dictorian and salutatorian, re- Koch, Patricia Ann Kechy. Elaine Christine Koenlg, johnxseorge Kruegel, Pllkethley. Mark St»hen Pol no, Davd ter stloan Van Leevwen, Suzanhe presented diplomas to 258 "Political Intolerance and Little, Vickl Livingston, Willldm Loe- Reyd Porclello, Victor John Porcltllo Varca, Ddrlene F. Vigil, Ned Edmund ber, LVnda Lorenzo, Anne Lucassen, spectively. Georganne Edna LeBedzi Roxanne M. LeBedz, Melvln Edward LeckelI, Debo- Jr. Ill, Oolores Ann Jackson Ramou Vigil Jr Theeto yugglo Pbh members of the graduating Rights of Minofity Groups." Jane Luther, Bruce MacCloud, Anthony Martin George Rankln, Aline Morle Anne W Manclnl. rah Cherle Lehman, Joanne Dorthea class. . . The graduates were: Awards were presented by Llndsoy, Sylvia Ann Llllentha, James Redmond, anaEcHa Esther Rivera. Cynthia Alartfn, Aldo Mayra, Oamin- Also, Eugenia Rodrlauer. Jr., Morla ; The graduation ceremonies Ick Moua, Karen Mctaleb, Patrick School Superintendent George Rosato, Mary Ann Rasalo, Carolyn • Alayne Abrahams, Noroh Abrahams, McConvllle, Barbaro AAcNamara, Jea- Ellzabelh Rosseter, Frederick William \vere held at 7 p.m. on the Linda Aeerra, Marlene Acerra, Mark nette McRae, Linda Atead, Shirley D. Search. : Rudolph III, Lucy Solvotorlello, Christ. Ackerman, Leonard Adler, Arthur As- Meaney, AAarcy Mencher, Joyce MIc- KICHARD A. McCUMBEK , school athletic field. nelllna, John Ahlen, Camlllt Amron, Su- clulla, Gary Miller, Judith Miller, Rob- san Anderson, David Anechlarlca, N!- ert Mlller.MsryAtlskewltz, Richard Jay Demarest, vice presi- The class was presented by coloas Area, Robert Asoy, Angela 'Au- Mitchell, Maureen. Muldoon, Lucanne dent of the Keyport Board of rlllo, W. Campbell Axclsen, Michael Muico, Richard Nageli John Notale, Elbert M. Hoppenstedt, school Beauduy, Thomas fieauduy, Suzanne Diane Nettls. Kirk Nielsen, Dennis Nil- Name Aide Education, and James Bedell, James Betz, Stephen Blese> Pa- sen, John Nllsen, Karen Nllson. William superintendent. Principal mela Bllotta, John Bolond, Anthony Bo- Nolan Jr., Anthony Norda, Gall Nordln, McKittrick, president of the John J. Kolibas assisted in nlello, Maria Bossl, Reglna Bradley. Steven O'Horo, Edward Okupskl Jr.. Assignments Denlse Brand, Cheryl Grewster, Gerald Patrick Orellce, Kristin Ostergaard, , For YMCA Union Beach Board of Educa- awarding the diplomas. Brlsclone. Robert Oswald, Joanne palumbo, Allen tion, conferred diplomas. And Deborah Brltton. John Brown, Parker. Douglas Parker, Timothy Pear- FREEHOLD - Richard A, Principal speeches were Deborah Bryan, Kenneth Bryan, Edgar sail, MlchaefPeluso, Bruce Perchlk. McCumber has been appoint- Coltyn Jr., Carolyn Cameron, Joseph And Joseph Petlllo, Jill Phlnney, Graduates are: given by Sharon E. Litchfield, Costaldo, Sharon Caitellano, Kathy Janies PIscopo, Peter Plontamuro, ed assistant director of the Christiansen, Nicholas Ctttadlno Jr.. 'Alicia Ponfecorvo, Susan poole, John Edward Clayton, Elolne Clayton, Gre- Joseph Barbara; Genevfeve Barrett, Powers, Praet, Rosemary YMCA Family Center. Deborah Barry, Elizabeth Becklund, At Methodist gory Coben, Candy Conover, Michael Pusaterl, Anne Qulaley, Dean Racloppl. Conte, Bruce Contl. Marcla Cooper- Mr., McCumber will be di- Victoria BerlgrawlR, Richard Bel- Anna Reagor, Patricia Rego, Christ- monte, Rosemarte Bendokas, Joseph A. Reports 10 stein, Sidney Coqpersteln, Kathleen Co- opher Rlker, Michael Rodriguez, Mau- OCEAN CITY - More than A report was issued listing rectly responsible for the pool. Bennett Ir., Richard W. Beraen III.Clll- post, and the Rev. Stacy D. sentino, Patrick cosentlno, James Cous- reen Ronan, AAlchael ftonon, Patricia 800 United Methodists met Int. Glenn Craig, Virginia Craig, An- Ronan, Kim Rvane. Barry Rublno, Ar- operation, teen-age program present pastors and ap- Myers will remain as associ- drew Crawford, Eric Crawley, Fred- thur RussODtano. Roxanne Russomano. here this week for the 135th erick Crisp, Lawrence D'Amello, James Ryerson, Jack Sabo, Laurence) and the snack bar, and will Brennan/Jessica Brlnser, Nlckl Jean pointees for the new year. ate. Transactions Joanne D'Apolllo. Elizabeth Denn, Schauer, Jo Anne Schlovone, Deborah Bucclno, Ctiarles Wllllom Burlew, Be- session of the Southern New Cla(jdla_Darby. Ginger Daughtry. assist Mrs. Dulcie Dyche, the verly. Jean Butko, Joseph A. Colomorl, Area clergymen include: Atlantic Highlands and Na- RED BANK - The Joseph Gerrlanne Ostnon, Douaias Allen Car- Jersey Annual Conference. Ann Davis. Anthony DeCotls. Paul director of the entire oper- ter, Wllford Edward Clarke. Louise vesink-the Rev. Harvey Var. C. McCue agency of Rumson, DePflippo, James Oeanan 111, {Catherine aicKier, Virginia amacK, ^.nristic Bishop Prince A. Taylor Asbury Park-Ballard. member of Red'Bank Area Delehanty; Maria DeMorco, Eucene.. smidowicz. Undo smith, vici smith. ation. Sciver will remain as pastor. Dente Jr., Brian DeNuccI, .Patricia De. Martin salaas, Robert Somers, Linda 1 greeted ministers granted re- United Methodist Church, the V(lo, Denlse Dllaer, Kevin Dononoe, Southard, Mary Splh, Russell Sprlggs. A graduate of the State Uni- g Eatontown-the Rev. Mr Multiple Listing Service, has Sandra Stapleton, Thomos stothard Jr., Rev. Warren s, uayton, Patrick Dwyer. James Ellegood, Bar- versity of New York, Mr. Courtney, Sharon Lynn Crcfrj, Kathr tirement, who received a rAy W. Neumeyer remamsa reported 10 residentialsales . bora Esposllo, Ethel FaamSo, Michael Sharon Straub. John^ummonte, vvflllam Ann DeAngelo, Catherine, Ann Devifo. present pastor and. the Bev. ( Farina, Rlcliord Farra Jr., Patricia Taylor III, Victor Terwilllger III, Mar. JacquellneJWarle Diamond, Harry Per- standing ovation. pastor. /-•• -i rvj, Fendelandsr, Laura Florentinl, Keren gpref Thompson, Janet Ttiamsort, Lynna McCumber received BA and,, rltie Olsbrovir lid Aitn Jane Glenn/ Oob- Mr. and Mrs. L.. Christen- Thorne, Donald TIet|en, Carol Tllley, ; They included the Hev. George W. Starsmeare, new Fischer, Robert Fischer, Jacqueline MA degrees. He is formerly a "er« Gerqjg.Vyf Parr, Lynne Dun- Fair HaVen'i-the Rev son sold their home at 11 Mit- Fish, Jan FonSellus, Linda Fornablo, David Timpy, Margaret Topp, Susan Glenn R^'Coiiinond, JuoJth Lillian appointee; First United Meth- James Forsman, Denlse Foster, Joy > Smith, Rebecca Town, Kenard Tuzeneu, teacher in the Freehold Re- Brian Patrick Englfih, Tnerrnt Paul A. Friedrich (40 years) Charles G. Hankins will be re- chell Place, Little Silver, to Fulton, Mary Gallo, William Gately Jr., Gary Tvrdik, Raymond Valerlo, Daniel EAnn Everson. Maryanne C. Flschler. and the Bev. Donald T. Phil- odist Church, the Bev. Wall- Karl Geary, Thomos Glgllo. James Gil. Van Brunt, Wendy Van Winkle, Barbara gional High School. Paul Fisher. John Francis Garatone, , placed by the Rev. Richard L. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins, Patricia Godbee; Glenda Goldberg, Verbosn. Janet Wallace. Clolre Ward, Judith Ann Garrison, Sarah Jane Garrl- lips Sr., (41 years). ace G. Sorenson will retain his Amy Golemblewskl, Joseph Grasso, Jill Weiss, Richard Wells, Catherine Mr. McCumber resides in Wilson. formerly of Rumson. Mr. and Stephen Graves, Jean Grove, Brian Ha- West, Kathleen West. Patricia West, Mrs. Christenson have moved germdn, Judltn Honiscn, Dennis Harri- Ruth Wuion. Jan White. Jackson Township.with his Farmingdale-the Rev. son. William Hayes. . Marsha Wl [bonks, Judllh Woods, Bar- wife and two children. He has Ronald Dyson will continue, as to North Carolina. Trevonian. Also Molly Heath, Marline Hedges. bara Nvoolley, Michael Woolley, Bar- Renifa Herrmann, Kevin Hlgatns, Janet bara Worles. Paul Wright. William been active in the Freehold pastor. B. Crawford handled negotia- rllembo, William Hoaglanrf, Lee Hofl- Wright, Palma Yackel, Bruce Yankow, Martin Yenesel, Michael Yurechko. Brookdale Renews Pact tions. man, Kathleen Hopkins, Davlnd Iskowe, Township Republican Club. Highlands and Sea Also reported by Mr. Craw- Bright-the Bev. Lloyd Apple- ford was the sale of 28 Ralph gate will replace the Rev. Mr. St., Highlands, former home With First President Starsmeare. of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kos- 400 Get Diplomas LIKCEOFT - The Brook- an annual salary of $22,500. facilities 12 months of the. Little Sllver-the present ky, purchased by Mr. and dale Community College In all, contract appoint- year and not just 10 months. pastor,' the Bev. Sanford M. Mrs. John F, Smith, formerly Board of Trustees yesterday ments were approved for 14 We are taking fewer holidays Haney, will be replaced by of Cooperstown, N.Y, renewed the three-year con- returning administrators and and vacations so we can get in the Rev. fi. Melvin Stillwell. Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Ber- • tract of the county college's faculty members, 36 new ad- moreiijstruction..." Long Branch-the-Rev. nard Rich have moved from At Ocean Township first president, Dr. Ervin L. ministrators and faculty The"* calendar recognizes Harry D. Teat Jr. will remain Cape May to 102 Sunnybank Harlacher, at an annual sala- members, and two part-time Jan. IS as Martin Luther King at Asbury United Methodist; OCEAN TOWNSHIP - ceived by Sharon Wizansky, Stephen Gouoh. Wendy Gould. Steven the Rev. E. Ollie Megill will Drive, Shrewsbury, former Grant, Frank Greb Jr.. Pottl Green, ry of $30,000, effective July 1. instructors. Day and a holiday. Twenty scholarships and 23 Judith Slover, Caroje Beard- uerald Gflttln, John Groel. Pamela remain at St. Luke's and the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Gross, Carol Gublfosa/fflory Haas. Mi- Dr. Harlacher's salary now The part-time instructors awards went to Ocean Town- sley, Barbara Arm, James chael Haren, Arthur Hotter. Steven Lodged with the board for Rev. William C. Howard will • A- Happel, who moved to New Hammorbera, RrJblnHortno, CarorXor- is «29,000. are Benjamin M. Schaffer, of Besunder; Donald Van Brunt, disucssion at next month's York. Mrs. Bessie Barbieri ship High School graduates rls, Diane Harris, Guy Harris. Kevin In addition, the college will 112 Marvin Road, Middletown, remain at Simpson. Robin Rose, Linda Leitstein, Hartnett, Barbara Hecker> Lyn Hedder- meeting was a policy proposal handled this sale;' last night when 408 senior stu- IcK, Jaan Heltrnan, Jonl Haleatls. Alan pick up the $1,500 annual bill where he is superintendent of Mlddletown-the Bev. Don- Edward Kasky, Thomas' Hemphlll, Kendra Herberj, Jettrey on outside speakers that de- dents received diplomas. Herbert.' Steven Hern. Howard Hess, for the president's contribu- parks and recreation, and ald T. Phillips Jr. will replace Mr.and Mrs.EliasB. Bak- Acerra, William Fink, Charles Mark Kessleln, Mark Hlatky, John clares "The college may per- Four of the 400 graduates Holmes, Ol[o HOIK, Barry Holznagla tion to his retirement fund. Miss Karen A. Collins,' of Kt. the Rev. William A. Abrams. er have movedfrom Sea Brown, George Anders, Cyn- and Patricia Horter. mit speakers representative are National Merit Scholar- Thomas H. Auch, executive 70, Marlboro, a Middletown Neptune-the Rev. Sherman Bright to 436 Point Boad, thia Kiefer, Richard Broza Michael Ince, Apnes tgnlls. Beverly of diverse points of view to ship finalists. Jacques, Gregory Jones, Richard Jones, dean of administration, was Township High School teacher S. Robinson will remain at Little Silver, former home of and William Nichols. Klmberly Joyce, Robin Kaplon, Edward address the college and-or They are Rcgina B. Fin- Kasky, Robert Kaulman, Kevin Kelley, named vice president and and former township recrea- Hamilton and the Rev. John Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Lynn Kennedy, Cynthia Kiefer, Richard community audience, while nerty, Eugenie M. Scott, Pa- Award winners are Linda Kiefer. Patricia Klndlg. John Klaer. treasurer at an annual salary tional director, who will teach B. Kirby Jr. will stay at West Ziegler. Mrs. Ann Doran nego- Thomas Kaler, Marc Kranz, Alan Krlnz- reserving the right to impose tiated the sale. tricia E. Sergent and Douglas Leitstein, Michael Ince, Nina man, Jamie Kroil, Luann KurpV, David of $26,000. His salary has been physical education. Grove. R. Wirthlin. Garner, Timothy Satterly, Loltman, Brian Lambert, Darrelarrelll specific conditions." Two additional sales by LomeoLomeo, BryaBry n LampnerLr , TnomTh a L 123,700. The part-time instructors Neptune City-The Rev. Scholarships were also re- Cathleen Comar, Jack Adler, "—larefLcvlgne.Tertljjyne "' Long. A policy proposal that Mrs. Doran include 75 Ridge Linda Leitstein, Oavlc Dean Promoted . will be paid 910 per hour or Thomas B". ftaglee will re- Road, Itumson, purchased by Barbara Stem, Nina Ramella, Frank Weinheimer, execu- $225 per course credit hour. ivould grant faculty tenure af- place the Bev. Robert W. LUtle, Rlcttard Long and Barbara Lyon. :er three years also was held Mr. arid Mrs. William D. .Terrene* Mncksoy, Thoroos Moaner, tive dean of educational ser- A salary schedule granting Sapp. 5C1100I Donlel Mohoney, Gloria Malkln, MariI o aver for discussion next Ross, who moved here from Brady, Steven Schaefer, Mann, Jomts Manning, William Mans- vices, was named executive a 7% per cent raise to non- Brenda Barthelemy, Sharon field, Frank Marro, Modelyn Marshall, month. Oakhuret-the Rev. John D. Mount Laurel. The former Tonl-Lynn Martini, Gene Masco 3rd., dean, at an annual salary of academic personnel was ap- Blair will remain with the Simmons and Frank Bordo- Francis McAllon, Gtrord McAullfle, $26,000. His salary had been A $105,000 student activities , owners, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jack McClow, James Mcconnell, Judl proved. The regular in- Rev. Robert O'Donnell as as- nali. Mclnerney, Tonl McKeon. Jeanne $23,700. crement accounts for 5 per fund budget was approved for Weisleder, moved to Florida. MCtleon, Robert M'cManon) RoMrt'Me- sistant and the Bev. August Also, William Mansfield, deflnat, Harold Milter, Lisa Witched, the Associated Students of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. James Moore Jr., Scott Moore", Susan Gershom Tomlinson, dean cent of the increase and an in- Reid have moved from Ward Michael O'Donnell, Michael Morrlson.CerardMulcohy, Deldre Mur- • of instructional services, was crease in the wage scale for Brookdale for 1971-72. The SPRING LAKE - Seven phy, John Murphy, William Nichols, Da- Oceanport-the Rev. W. Ave., Rumson, to 158 Newman area police officers will grad- Softcheck, Susan Stockfish, vid Nielsen, Michael O'Donnell, Marilyn named associate executive the other 2% per cent, budget anticipates revenues Eugenie Scott, Helen Don- O'Keefe, Florence Otto, Greg Porlsl. of $104,000 in student activities Winfiekl West will continue as Springs Road, Red Bank, pur- uate today with the 127tli Joyce Phillips, Mariette Ploncone, Lau- dean at an annual salary of A college calendar estab- pastor. . nelly, James Besunder, De- ren Pier, Linda Pleshko, Dole Pownoll, fees- and $1,500 in interest on chased from Abram Sanborn municipal police class in ex- Karen provan, Jeffrey Pullen, JoAnn $19,850. His salary had been lishing five terms, including Red Bank-the Rev. Rollo nise Van Sant, Cynthia Kiefer,- Pullen ond Michael Pyrdso. investments. Jr, ercises to be held at the $17,685. two long semesters and three Michael will continue as pas- David Laitman and Kathleen Michael Oulgley, Colleen Qulnn, Nina Charles Morgan, West Long Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Spring Lake Community Ramella, Catharine Real. Deborah Jean L. Badgley, who bad short terms, for a total of 219 tor with the Bev. James Har- Brady.- Real, Denlse Rellly, Marilyn Rellly, Branch, was. reappointed col- Wells have moved from House at 2 p.m. olio Richter, Margaret Richards, Soul been acting director of the days ol instruction during the ris as associate and the Rev. Rlgberg, Eileen Robb, Scott Robertson, lege counsel at an annual, Chamblee, Ga., to 86 Clover- The six-week resident class, Graduates were: Diane Reaerj, RoWn Rose, Hell Rosen, Applied Humanities Institute academic year, was ap- Mr. Sapp will replace the Harriet Kosensteln, Sharon Rosenthal, retainer of $2,500 plus $39 an dale Circle, New Shrewsbury, the only one of its kind in the Lynn Abraham, Thomas Acerro, Holly Elizabeth Ross, Steven Ross, Nadla was named, director of the proved. Rev. Leonard Rowell as asso- Adenajer, Jack Adler, Marlann Aarestl, Rulmy, Elizabeth Salomon, Dan Sallz- hour for any additional legal former home of Mr. and airs. state, was offered at the N.J. Kathleen Allison, Robert Altmon, man, Jeamtetfe Somalia, Kathertne San- Common College, a pilot pro- For Full Year's Use ciate'. George Anders 3rd, Joanne Arczynskl, selgne, Patricia Sargent, Alice Sosso, gram which will include all services. Armour S. Hulsart 0. Edward Pollock, who State Police Training Center Barbara Arm, Joseph Avallone. Elisa- Timothy Salterly, Steven Schaefer. Wil- Dr. Harlacher said the new West Long Branch-tb' beth Body, Brenda Bartnelemy, Robert liam Scnalble. Cynthia Scharer, Robert the basic required courses, at and Co., Avon, was reap- moved to Dayton, Ohio. This ,, in Sea Girt. Bates, Carol Beardsley, Robert Benner, Schechter, David Schleilnger, Harriet calendar is part of Brook- Bev. John DuBois will remai Kathleen Benson, Susan Berkowltr, Jen- Schned, Michelle Schodowski, Nancy dale's endeavor "to use our pointed auditor. sale was by Mrs. Jane Drake. Diplomas will be received nller Berman, James Besunder, Laura Schulli, Donlel Sdiur, Debra Schwartz, as pastor of Old First Unlti Two additional sales by Beulell, Thomas Bird, Eileen Blank, •Richard Schwartz, Robert Schworfz, by the following patrolmen: Craig Bogor, Ronald Bonforte Jr., Sal- Leonard Schwelghordt, Thomos Scoble Methodist Church. »* ' Mrs. Drake include 1016 Syca- vatore Bordonall, Constance Bowne, ond Eugenie Scolt. Robert B. Breuning, Tracy Kathleen,0rady. Nancy Brand, Barbara Probe Entries la Red Bank Belford-the Bev. Ralph I more Ave., New Shrewsbury, East, Atlantic Highlands; Ro- Brasscrd, Barbe Brennan, Robert Bren- Randall Scott, Fronclne Selakoff, Jef- nan, Julie Brodle, Mark Brodsky. frey Severs, Cathy Seymour, Kevin RED BANK-Police Chief pened between' 7:45 a.m. and Reed will continue as pastor. purchased by Mr. and Mrs. ger A. Fenton, 1521 Garden Charfes Brown 3rd, Jonet Crown, Rich- Sheridan, Margaret Sherman, Loris Sll- ard Brora, Lindsay Bruhln, Carol Ann va, ShanK&lmmons, Elliabelh Skoczy- George H. Clayton Jr. reports 30:45 p,m. Englishtown and Morga William J. Crudge, from Po- Drive, Ocean, (Asbury Park fcrumetf..Warren etuetiler, Kothryn* pec, JSHpSlovtr, Donna Smith, Rick Burns and Catherine Copplello. ard 5mTfn, Jan Smock, Wendy SneiQl two breakings, entries and The glass in the rear kitch- . vllle-a supply pastor will n mona, N.Y. The former own- police); Ronald F. Hcinzi- Dfona Snyder, Gail $nydert John So- place the Rev. Harlan N Noncy Carter, Diane Cotalano, Bcir- bleskl, Linda Solleld. Michael Salt- larcenies in the borough en door was broken, the chief ers, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ronald nger, 143 Fifth Ave, Neptune check, Llia Solden.Marsha Solawey, baro Chayt, Herman Chlu, Ktillierlna Wednesday. said, and determined missing Baxter. Gardella, have moved out of City; Robert J. Kcycs Jr., 7 Clark, Corol Clerlcuzlo, Linda Cohen, Francis Sprague, Christina Stalker, Bar- Nancy Collins, Colhleen Comar, Jeffrey bara Stem, debra Stern, Debro Stevens, The ftat occurred between so far are two diamond rings Hazlet-the Rev. Norman F the state, Lerty PJace,-South Betaiar, Conover, Miles Cook, Shirley Coplen, Earl Stevenson, Edith Stevenson, Wil- Jomrt Correlo, Ailchele Corrubta, Sho- liam Stevenson, Susan Stocktlsn, Alan 7:15 a.m. and 5 p.m. in a valued at $175 and three blank Eiley will remain as pastor o (Brielle police); Robert A. ron Crobtree, Lynda Cramer, Patricia Subarsky, Cory Summerfleld. Laurence Mr. and Mr6. Dennis W. Crlssmon, Diane D'AmbrosI, Kevin Sussmon and Clifford Sweltzer. rooming house at-22 River St. checkbooks. SUJolin's. :'.::!-, Kochan, formerly of Mon- Piantanida, 262 Grant Ave.,; Oantels, Richard OanteJson, Mfchoel Mary Torrent, Ranald Taylor, Bruce The victim, the chief said, Eatonfown, (West Long! DaPron, BeVerly DeCarlo, Cynthia Teutel, Cynthia Teufel, Steven Throll, The investigation Is being Keansburg-the Rey.'lSew . tdair, purchased the home of Decry, Thomas DeGlrolamo. Linda Del- Joseph Tomolno, Mlchoel Topol, Robert was Ray Osborne who report- ton W. Greiner will remain a.' Branch police); Arthur S.- Jo, lacono Dello, V'rolnta Delonardo, Tralko, Thomos Treacy. Tod Tucker- beaded by patrolman Peter Mr. and Mrs. William H. Arls Oeipo, Helen Donnelly, Thomos man, Nancy Tulls, Pofrlcla Voccaro, - ed approximately (200 in cash pastor. Pierce, 28 Kremer Ave., Ea- Dwonak, Hlgei Oyche, Lenore Edels- Pronk Vocchlono, Wllllom Volenll, Don- R.Knight. ; • '••'•••'.-. - ye on Tan Vat Road in leln, Bruce Edwordl, Luclle Eliele, ald Van Brunt Jr.. Irving Van Brurtt, missing; ' Keyport-the Rev. Donalc tontpwn, and Charles A. Pin- Margaret Elker, Patricia Elker, Ed- Denlse Van Son), Bruny Vozquei, Wil- «ee Hives Kept Aloft Uetown. Mr, and Mrs. .mutvil.Fahoury^ Jojw fa|ra, Jill I" liam Vecchione, George V Entry was gained by forc- A. Marks will remain as pas- to, 401 W. Sylvanja Ave., Kep- Georglne TOKYO {AP)-Maro5MH}. i have moved to Califor- Barbarr " ing the door to the room, too tor with the Rev, Frank San- tune City, (South Beliw po- Pinkbor, a Fight, Russell Fink, William s&tsune keeps aSwut a million c, Reglna Flnnerly, Garbora Fon- Walers, Dlonne Wongerlen. Judith chief said. flel in charge ofthe Spanish- lice). Secai, Charlenvmrivne rFrankrunK,, janiJanlee rronnFrank*, Warm, Fern Wnss, Elisa Waters, honey bees lit hives on the 'MMti-^H Mrs; 0avW W. Crai_ alg Frankel, Frederick FratcrrtgoFratcrriao., Ofaityi tVehU. Christina Welch. Sylvia Sgt. Vernon Patterson is in- Mark Frledlond, EllzabelElliabelh Friedman, Wellncr, Barry Werner, Lawrence We- roof of a four story building y|fbnnij have moved from Bay ser, Kolhrjn^eitist,, KqreKoren WhiteWhits, DeptsDenlse Rbbert Friedman and Christine Fvr- vestigating. opposite the emperor's palace . Matawan-the JjiaiW,Bbhert When Arkansas seceded from cron...... Wlldridr. Jemes ivlnren 3rd., Douglos Wirthlin. Ann Wlihort, Toe second was at the H. Heulitt will replace the the Union on May 6, 1B6I. the Pettr Gamroth, Garnir, Siuart grounds in downtown Tokyo. trechalfV Robert Gllmpre/Mlchoet Sharyn mskyy . -pp i U WoiolsSjlplskyy. home of Quiiuna Donato, 340 Rev. Mrs Phillips Sr. , action was approved by a vote of glaser, RWwrd Glfliln, Afqnjr Paulo VI.. iy , Kare, ..n. -Jley, Smart He says he has had no com- Michael Goldrnan, David Goldfarb. Worrell, Tl .i Ywc. uschakh , Cynthia Za- Dr. Ervia L. Hsriseher locandAnf Shrewsbury Ave. and hap- plaints from neighbor^. htlRV 69 to I. Deborah Gorman, Laura Goltdenker, ZI2OSI . Franklin H. Bird will remain as pastor of United Mfthodtxt. S^fe MMm ANMOUNCEMiHTS AUTOS FOR SALE AUTO FOE SALE Hfctf.SUBARU _ UsJiHW DATiUH mil WjLH.HHt.atH AUTOS FOR 8AJL-E AUTOS FOE SALE 0 5 WASHU«OTOK'SA.U,TO SERVICE ' One gwr>er. UKe ram, HIM, AUTOSFMt SALE i"."!?'.? /'.'* ' ?ances, Bor 'Mltivolui SCENIC CAR 5AL6S __Hwy35.HijMan*«B-DZtt 371) Brood St. iU-im Keyport Call 2t4-7«S» I9U FORD OALAXiE »T3'tfantt«e7 LARGE REWARD s. We'll Four-door, eight cylinder outomutlc Ex-j XTITKIT. p make your event o Kroll Motors Inc. ' ; CH6VROLET5-BRAND NEW :i9U FAIRUNE WAGON - Sin cylinder, cellent condifton. S1500. 671-5615 otter ? mrmemscer ttc ort — MlnloHir* «*nwMr;.ma)e, 3 2 otter a p.m. ooci oik slick shin. Low mileage. Good condition. Idoor, slx-cyllnaer outomstlc good condi- $25 or SloiV. VI BreotWay - ' tong Brancti, : p.m. , ' _^ tion. JIM. <7M4«. "^ 2i23-0»7. DOREMUSWRO ^B . NINEACRESolNewondUsedCors : Coll 7414561 otier 5p.m.41»». ; Choose from over 150 new iwyM JM-4CO0 Keypar" f MMOOO • • . ' ^ j»70 TOYOTA CORONA - Deluxe, ston-l and used cars. Ready for Im- , dard shift. J1400 firm, or take over pay-i AUTOMOTIVE 542-KK* CORVETTE 327 — 1964. 300 tl.p. ' I-YMOUTH - 1949 Fury III. 4 mediate deliver/. This ad CIRCLE CHEVROLET speed. Clean. nients. Phone,»42-7.W atttr 5 p.m. , AUTOS TORSAt E . Fft H Motors Inc. ! M5 Maple Avi. Red Bonk MUST BE presenfed at time Atnhorlirt oeoiers • 741-31W Via NEWPORT CHRYSLER - Excellent 1970 PtVMoqTK- Rboargnner; FouW condition. Full power. H50.-Coli 581-2507 f purchase. Offer good June tpeeif, stlc* sNIM, 11,000 miles. V«ry Dodge and OodjetruOa . : t 1941 STUDEBAK6R - Good condition. 'M44 COMET CALIENTE - Cylinder,: after 6 p.m.- • ' 16 through June 19,1971. ; c]»ni I21J5. BAIU.Y BROS. INC., 7<7- Hwy35 Eatontovm, N J, SWtaDsMtt. IPS. ovtomotlc, power steering, power brakes, "WMm ' ' 7874JW3 all new tires. Very iood running condl-. FOR SALE — 1967 Volkswagen stdan. Save now! Ion. MM. Call 2644) l«i OLOSMOBIUS - lorgc MlSiiwv BUICK ELECTRA CONVERTIBLE 19S5 1M3 FORD GALAXIE — TwoKloor sedan. tfter o p.m. -$1100. Coll anytime between « and I pjr. RASSAS PONTIAC inirnjdjiite (ipiluery, STEVEN OUpSMO- :— Low mileage, excellent'condition. All la^^JredYorsfcreo topivspMloiVliW Good condition. Radio and heot«r. Must 3W Broad St. 741-5II8 . Rod BBana k I Seolpoltit, no collar. Area Sycamore powtr. Asking MM. call iffler 3 or wetk- lcludiHl.-yws orbMt »n«r^ IW»!tooppreagte»lI}?tMi!t3 Call 1MJ CHEVROLET - 2-door Blscayne, V-' I W»l. Reword, piiwn S42-»23». Eves, until 9, AJ2J'H AMERICA - Two-door, tour :1W1 PINTO - 3 monttrs OW, (MOD out- CHEVROLET 1970 - Two-door custom «o«d, »U72. P.O.E. slightly higher wit 1914 FORD GALAXIE •*• Convertible. .right, or take over monthly ptnymenti ta Impola. Air conditioned, power gllse, DATSUN SEDAN - 1969. AM-FM radlW 1966 VOLKSWAGEN oirtomatlc. Also Sprite." Mr • — ' New clutcii, tires, brakes. Best oner over qualified buyer. Na down payment. 22?- power steering ond power disc brakes. 1955 VOLKSWAGEN - "As Is", 195. Bahama Blue; $795. - MHO. m-OSU otter.6p.m. •9084 after 8 pm. , ••.- ; . ' Uw mllooge. 12175. Coll 747-9343 otter 5 Phone 2»l<3044or741-7oM. I72-I4W wUICIANS ~ To do 1»M rgclc 'n roll. i»;o OLDSMOBILE - Four-door seddn, I96< VOLKSWAGEN "sftSXfT- Radiof 1970 FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE WAGON 1971 DATSUN - Sedan, two-door. Reo Syltorj, tax, plcmo, drumi, ixus, vocol- olr conditioning, power steewnj ond new tlrei', tuneHip, 1575, 1»4» Chevrolet SEE A "RUSSELL MAN' - For the best - Air condllloniM, power steering, pow- MUSTANG 1«6» - Hordtop, V-8, power I with black vinyl Interior. Asking (1700. uti, bockgroumj, leod, tic. 11 you dig old 1942 PLYMOUTH FURY —'Eiaht-cylln- brakes, cutomatlc transmission^ whliewall Mollbu convertible, standard trans- ,ov Buys. RUSSELL Oldsmoblle CADIL-. er brakes, snow tires with studs arid less steerW outomoHc coKsple. Bashl MBl^ 7174113. r«k,ond know whir. miMlc'l rt todoy, der. outomatlc. Radio. Needs miner frenf tires, vinyl top, power seals, odluitaple mission, power steering, «7i- Call 244- LAC Co., 100 Newman Springs Rd., Red than 13,000 miles. S1300. Call 741-7030 after (Oil W1-4H8 ollw t p.m. end repairs, tin). 842-HI7. , ; iWhlte/blue Interior, radfa, heoter, wffllt- MUSTANG I960 — Convertible, SW, V-«, steering. K7M. Call 671-5D73. 008S otter 6 p.m. • • BGtW*-'4.1*0910* * ' > 7 p.m. .wdlls. 11875. Soroged. Prlvote. I7Z-O3O3. 3-speedi'lck, power top, power Use rakes, Mlchtlln tires. 949-MS2 or 5U- 2412, AUTOS FQ« SALE AUTOS FOR SALE. AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 9(7 CADILLAC — Hardtop sedan. Pe- nile, leather Interior, vinyl roof. Stern, llx-way seat. Excellent condition. Mutt iell. Make otter. 2M-91O0, Mr>. Cmildy, 9- Atter.t and weekends, 222-3SW. 970 MONTE CARLO — 12.000 miles. V-J Automatic, olr conditioned, stereo tape* power steering. Best offer over HMO. «71. Dodge 4452. IABRIOLA AUTHORIZED DEALERS More Classified GET A MOTORS, INC on Next Page' AUTOS FOB SALE Newman Springs Rood. FREE Red Bank, NJ. The Renault 10 goes farther oh % gallon AUTOMATIC than most cars goon TRANSMISSION a full gallon. Most cars are doing great if $191 OFF*. We're repeatin' New Jersey's original sellout TOWN ttey get 17 miles a gallon. The Renault 10 does twice of the Dart Swinger Automatic. It's like having $191* & COUNTRY that: up to 35 miles. knocked off the sticker price of this Dodge Dart hardtop It also has twice as many doors as some cars: t. specially equipped with: DODGE Twice as many disc brakes as • Automatic transmission (no charge) some cars: 4. / • Vinyl roof 60 Main St. All this and more without being twice the price. • Whitcwall tires Matawan, N J« • Deluxe wheel covers • "Rim Blow" steering wheel • Light package • Remote-control outside mirror • Bumper guards • Belt mouldings « Vinyl body side mouldings. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price lor TorqueFlite automatic transmission on V8 models— $190.60,6-cylincler models-$182.S5. MONMOUTH NEW DODGE COLT! t?1924 is Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price for MOTORS DODGE AUTHORIZED START •.Dodge Colt 2-door coupe with all standard equipment. RENAULT DEALER NOW! AT 'Not included are state and local taxes, destination PRICES $1924 charges, or other Dealer-established charges, If any, for 542-2414 Dealer-installed equipment or services. HWY.35,EATONTOWN

50 MUST FLY NOW! 15 rOURUR ACTING 5PO0KV? Cars can act pretty spooky when they've been around' a long time. If your car is giving you the fits, why not TRADE. ON BRAND NEW UP to a real performer. The 1971 MERCURY OF YOUR CHOICE. We're not out to spook you by GOBLIN up your hard earned money. Stop in today and take advantage of our UNUSUAL buys. WITCH ONE OF THESE 1971MERCURYS CARS IS FOR YOU? 144 CARS IN STOCK . WE'LL DO ANYTHING TO HELP YOU SAVE DEMAND m BEST I YOU'LL GET IT HERE .WE'VE DONE IT AGAIN STOCK CAR SALE • ALL BRAND NEW • MANY MORE AT SIMILAR SAVINGS

1971 MONTEGO -WAS $4213 1971 COUGAR WAS $4m MX, 2-door hardtqp, V-8, gray gold, black vinyl Maroon, 2-door hardtop, select shift, trans- roof, select shift transmission, power steering, air MA I/If 1971 MONTEGO ...... WAS $3221 mission, power steering, powor front disc brakes, IIAII; 'conditioner. ' Ill/ir uniu oir conditioner, AM radio. .IWWf Six cylinder, automatic, radio. IWif $2799 1971 MONTEREY WAS $4858 1971 COLONY PARK....1V4J $5630 1971 MONTEREY WAS $4915 2-door hardtop, dark green, dark green vinyl Station wagon, maroon metallic, a/r conditioner. if/||/(# 4-door hordtop, whits vinyl roof, deluxe all vinyl t M AAA roof, select shift transmission, power steering, air AM radio, tinted glass-complete. NUW $ interior, select shift transmission, power steoring, MO 111 .fcll •'» '» conditioner. <• now *4099 AM radio, air conditioner. llUlr TV I M 1971 MARQUIS WAS $6199 4699 1971 MARQUIS WAS $5464 tJirAA Brougham 4-door hardtop, medium brown, vinyl 1971 MARQUIS ..WAS 2-door hardtop, dark green metallic, dark green MAM/ *1 •'W W roof, air conditioner, rear window defoggor, AM- 4-door sedan, AM radio. vinyl roof, air conditioner. WwVf ~»# # # FM steroo radio. NOW 1971 COUGAR MIS $501J 1971 MARQUIS. ...WAS $5369 1971 MONTEGO WAS $4060 XR.7, 2-dodr hardtop, black, uniquo Vt vinyl &A AAA Sedan, 4-door sedan, medium blue, dark blue vi- iil/Vr MX, 4-door sedan, V-8. whito, select shift trans- $3499 rool,' select shift transmission, power steering, air MA11/ T£1 M W *# nyl roof, sir conditioner. AM radio. mission, air conditioned. AM radio. conditioner. AM-FM stereo radio. liUlHf T^Jh # # NOW 1971 MONTEREY WAS $4782 1971 COLONY PARK....VWS $6040 1971 MONTEGO WAS $4(65 4-door hardtop, white, white vinyl roof, doluxe Station wagon, medium blue, luggage carrier, air $4999 Mk 4-door sodan, V-8, Light Pewter, black vinyl , * O IT O ft vinyl interior, select shift transmission, power conditioner, AM radio. roof,.select shill transmission, power steering, air MAM/ J J Tf Tf steering, air conditioner. NOW •3999 NOW conditioner. HVn *#«### 1971 MONTEREY WAS $4913 1971 MARQUIS WAS $5637 Custom 4-door hardtop, dark green, dark green 4-door hardtop, speed control, AM-FM stereo, $ 1971 MARQUIS. VMS $5655 power seals, power door locks, medium blue, '.Station wa(jorv moroorr, black vinyl roof; luggaga• IIAIU vinyl roof, doluxo all vinyl .interior, select shift -' ' • transmission, power steering and brakes, air con- jtiAlif white vinyl roof. ••• • NOW• 4599 carrier, air conditioner. AM radio. nUIW ditioncr. NUW USED CARS NEEDED - TOP f RADES - LIMITED TIME ONLY! SHOPPING ITSBUYMG WALL SHREWSBURY, NJ. MEAT SHREWSBURY AVE. AT SYCAMORE -5400 18 Tfc Ditty Repsier, J., Friday, June IJM97I MTtmrmtux AUTOS TOZSALB ME r-rwnn««?r AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOB SALE Coupe wtfel.Jite* car. Mutt >e)l tau. > lf« BUiCK RIVIERA - While, blockVi- l«t PONTIAC — Cotallno notion wagon. fer. C CdUTP-WMoflertpjn, I nvl top, air conditioning, all power, buck- Power steering and pralas* Radio, heater, l»» CHEVROLET vrtSO^I - Rura oood.! 1M1 JAOUAR- 3J utsr Mdan. Hutt GET the BEST et Matt. Exctll.nl condition. 171-514], n«w tires. VK. Coll offer S, 741-4403. porfcOKf (ransmllllon wotk. Hum* >47- »U»5. Evti. 671-33U. 19H PLYMOUTH - CenvtrtlM*. «pt«l- 1967 SIMCAJOM- Stondora'snirt, fogr- Call.«540SO Ite, 3«3 OJ. In* sower trains, lop, sh«r- IngiwIrKlows. Great running condition. IM4 GTO - Convertible with oir. Ooor sedan, Very flood condition. HM or TVs! VOLKSWAGEN - Wltfl sunroof. lJMPEUOOT-teO00. Gowtsoottuil for handy for less at Aiklnp (700. best offer, WeHdoys 4:30-9:33 p.m. 944- $330. man. Htea) same work. 747-2400" . 9 to i. ?-3I« otters p.m. -978!. • 842-4791 IM7 TEMPEST - UMans, 4-cyllnder, flotown. Mon. thru l=rl., 747- automatic, powtr iteer'ng; broktt, Ex- : Wt MUST — Macft I. Power sliei CHEVROLET IMPALA - IM6. Vtry AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE Iros. Good conation. ttvA »)-WII> aflcr Ing, power olr. Must sell. SWK Kitson pfaieratJ good condition. 3M tvi. In. 3-sptid outo- inotlc. Asking HIM- Coll W&U> after S n.p. 4 3D) p.m. ^ akewood banI, EErMT magimoos.. ' . .it-rear. Power steering, \1M0 mile - - -41-flTl* Beit offer. Caff after i p-mVlcSiMi. I960 METROPOLITAN CONVERTIBLES Chevrolet Call 741-0T1* • - (2), Orw tor ports only. Both for,Hi. AUfOSFOBSALE "As Is." You ton cnioy. SfHXI. l«5CdNVESTIBI.E RAMBLER -V-» ITS YOUR MOVE Good condition. PhoneW-MM 1969CAMAR0 IM4 AWBASSADOR - Wur-poer, stick. Hardtop, V-S, eutom.tic trens- Beautiful condition. Excellent trans- BETTER TO A BETTER USED CAR ttlttaii7M«8 irtoon, powtr steering, radio. HttJ NOW 100% WARRANTY PONTIAC CATALINA - W«. Two^MT sedoh. Pow«r stterlna.AUtttnotlc. Asklnp $2595 $2395 Most cars listed here are "Svensk J795.741«rfi otter 4 p.rrv, ' Testad" used cars (used cars tasted 19U CHEVROLET - SIX Cyllndjr, outo- ... aid we've got the BEST! matlci $», -.. » the Swedish way.) if necessary, re-, Coll !M-70ta- . _^ 1968 CHEVY II 1969 DODGE 1968 DODGE' 1»« CHEVROLET tMPALA 2-ftioor sed«n, standard trans- 1970 FIAT paired by our "Svensk Testad" me- MONACO 4-poor. Maroon, V-S Chsroer, V-8. automatic trsns- Good condition. mission, radio. • ••j24S". 4-door sedan, 4-speed chanics and qualify for our 100% PtWUW transmission, AM-FU radio. Blue. automatip transmission, power steer- i mission, power steering, Beautiful WAS NOW Mil CADILLAC - Flestwood broualMm. 15,000 original miles. '"' ing, power brakes, air condition and Blue. warranty. Which'you can inspect matching vinyl roof Musi be sold, new cor arriving. 747-O73? $ when you cooio by. ;• b»for«5:30. $1395 $1695 $1950 19MT15WSETJGER FORD - Country $2475 seaan station wagon, power stserinaand 1970 PLYMOUTH 1968 PLYMOUTH beokei. Black vinyl Inferior. In good con- 1968 CHEVROLET 1969 VOLKSWAGEN dition. Needs repair. BOO or best offer. Fury III sedan, Turquoise, V-B, auto- Sport Satellite, 2-door hardtop, V-8, FOREIGN Impalt, V-8. hardtop, automatic Square back, automatic transmission, DOMESTIC matic transmission, power steering, automatic console/bucket seats, transmission, power steering, radio, radio. Ten. ]9U VOLKSWAGEN - White stdan, sun WAS NOW factory air conditioning. power steering, vinyl roof. Green. roof, excellent condition: Coll otler 5 p.m. $2175 TWO VOtVO ..$2895 1969 dffVEUE $1995 S2»-mi or 7M7604 BEST $1695 $3150 4-door, factory air, AM-FM radio, 2-door hardtop, one owner, auto- IMS PLYMOUTH — Nlrw-posssnaer «lo- |l ttmllor $1495 $1795 automatic, 19,000 miles.: 1968 PLYMOUTH 5te yel > II on wagon. Factory olr oncTloodtd. S1195. warranty. Rest Cadillac WAS NOW $1695 new, 17,000 miles. $2450 firm. 1970 Pantloc $1395 1969 VOIKJWAG!N...... _...$I 795 Mt-4UDOr4*2-0r». 1968 Cadillac $3250 Squarebacfc, A-l condition, one own- lNOOIasmobll* $2095 $1995 1968 CHRYSLER 1967 BUICK er. , 1*68 CIO»-....«-™.^.J1695 PONTIAC CATALINA — 1»». Faur^feor 19» Pantloc s«dan. Excelunl condition. Coll after e:30, 19W Pantloc "300", Convertible, Gold, eutomat- Skylark, "GS 400", 2-door hardtop, 2-dpor hardtop, automatic, full pow- er, one owner. * • 741-8110. 1969 CHEVELLE Ic transmission, power steering and V-8, automatic transmission, power 1968 CHEVROLET 1968 VOIVO $1995 1947 CHRYSLER - "W fully equipped, power brakes. steering. V-8, Impsta custom coupe, automat- Maltou. 2-door hardtop, V-8, Auto- 1225 wagon, factory air, 4-speed, Including factory air conditioning. S1495. Ic transmission, power steering, ra- matic transmission, power steering, roof rack. One owner. M. SCHWARTZ, 141 W. Front St. and Hwy 1967P0N1WC...... $1695 35, Red BonK. 747-0717. dio. ' yellow with black vinyl top. $2175 $1795 Grand Prix, double power, factory WAS NOW oir, 2-doaf hardtop, one owrjer. 1947 TR-4A — New top. AM-FM radio, and $2775 1967 VOLKSWAGEN... .$1195 $1895 1968 CHRYSLER 1966 PONTIAC 2;d°°r' AM-FM radio, one owner, """'• Coll 244-55S2 $1595 1969SIMCA 23,000 original miles, .' "300", 4-door hardtop, Fully pow- Catslina, station wagon, V-8, euto- mtnmoiim „...,$159.5 1947 DODGE - Monaco, wMfe wild clock 4-door sedan, automatic, trans- vinyl top, V-«, automatic transmission, iMcFADDIN ered Including factory air condition. matic transmission, power steering,., Sport Fury, 2-door hardtop, factory powir steering, J1695. M. SCHWARTZ, 141 1968 CHEVEUE mission, Economical with rear load- Blue. One owner. An exceptionally brakes end windows. Air condi- air, double power, automatic, one CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILI 1966 HAT...... --~M.. W. Front St. ond Hwy 35, Red Bank, 747- ?" ^iwwav «»41b Ayera»' V-8 convertible, automatic, trans- clean car. tioned. White. ' owner. 1100 0,4-dopr wagon. 4 LMnBrandl mission, power steering, radio. $1475 - AUSTIN HEALEYSPRITE 1945 PLYMOUTH WAS NOW $2675 $1575 1966. Good condition. 1967 D0DH...... M.....,.»...$l 795 . • Coll 264-7298 2-door, stick shift. *350. DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING 1962 TR-3 ...... 41995 Monaco, 9 passenger wogon, double Co" M4-97M $1995 Two tops Concourse condition. One $1795 r power, factory air, one Owner. Mint 1970 CADILLAC - Black. Sedan De Vllle. 1964 CHEVROLET - irnpala, 2-door owner* condition. 21,000 milts. Loaded. hardtop, $1495. W..SCHWARTzi 141 w • 244-4444 Front St. owl Hwy. M, Red Bank.. 747-0787. 1967 CHEVROLET 1966 VOLKSWAGEN — Beetle. «re«n. MUSTANG —1945. Must sill. Automatic, BelAIr toden, automatic trans- Snow tires. Excellent condition. 1750. Call bucket setts, tape deck, two speakers, 244-4263 after S. • ' radio. studded snow tires, two extras. Good can- 1970AUSTIN AMERICA -Automatic, ra- dlllon. «57i. 741-MM days, 741-8511 eves. WAS NOW dio, heater, enow tires. Under 6000 miles. Excellent condition. Price 11500 firm. 741- «4 CHEVROUBT, IMPALA - Convert- $1195 Buhler & Bitter 3863 or 373-8016. Ible. Power stewing, aotomattc SO,otM original miles. 1500 or bill offer. Call 344. $1095 IV83 CHEVEILfc SS 374,4-spent, buckets, moos. 1967 CHEVEUE CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH Call 49S-1449 fully equip; i Includji V-8, Malibu, 2«loor hardtop, BU(O- 1963 VOLKSWAGEN - Good engine. 1300. llonlrtlonlnar , I" 5 M matlctrarumission, power steering, AUTO IMPORTS Front MG Cal.a..,r7Pm radio. . AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITe -194». 13«0 miles. Jim fop shape, motor and body. I AUSTIN W£ t&l LAND ROVER I Authorized Dealer RENAULT - 10.1949. MIclKlIn X. 35 n WAS rtfbw MPG. 30,000 miles; AM/FM. Excellent Must sell. 741-3OM otter 4:30 p.m. ' Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank condltlcn/$950. Call 5M-2339. . FORD FAIRLANE - 1960. Two-door automatic. Radio. Fair condition. J100. $1595 $1395 Established 1925 SERVICE: 264-9090 DODGE — Convertible. KM. Yellow with Call 747-3371 alter 7'p.m. n SALES: 264-0198 741-5886 block top. Beautiful condition. Automatic 1967 CHEVROLET Power steering and brakes. Radio and 1967 PONTIAC — Firebird. Blue. tISM. 3290HWY.35.HAZLET heater. New belted tires, plus snow tires. V-S, Bel Air wagon, automatic trans- Firm J10O0. Colt 741-S404. mission, pewsr stealing, radio. WAS NOW 1970 BARRACUDA — V-8, OAJtomot c transmission, power steering, red wllh block vinyl root..S26?S, M. SSHWARTZ, Mare Classified $1695 141 w. Front St. and Hwy 35, Red Bonk. $1395 747-07!?. on Next Page 1967 CHEVEUE Super Sport hardtop, air condi- tioned, automatic transmission, ra- dio, power steering WAS NOW $1795 $1695 We've cooked up some One guarantee* 1967 CHEVROLET V-8, Bel Air 4-door sedan, automatic is worth tnnsmrjsion. power steering, radio. WAS NOW $1395 $1195 real summer values a thousand words. 1966 CHEVROLET V-8, Impala, 2-door hardtop, air conditioned, automatic transmission, power steering, radio. •Tin ctealar guarant«u 100% to r«palr or replara (ha WAS NOW engine, transmission, rear axle, front axis assemblies, brakft system and electrical system for 30 days of 1000 $1395 $1295 miles, whichever conies first. Only those cars that pass 1965 CHEVROLET cur Jo-point inspection get this guarantee. V-8, Super Sport, automatic trans- mission, bucket seats, power steer- we re passing ing, radio.' WAS NOW $1195 $995 the savings on to you! 1963 VOLKSWAGEN.... ,...... $895 1966 CHEVEUE Red,sedan. Mallbu, V-8, 4-door hardtop, auto- 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 matic transmission, power steering, BRAND Nf IV, FACTORY fRiSH radio. Green sedan. , WAS NOW 1966 VOLKSWAGEN ...$ 1195 $995 $795 i.. Green,sedan. y 1971 1965 CHEVEUE 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $1495 V-8 Convertible, 4-speed trans- Yellow convertible mission, radio. WAS NOW OLDSMOBILES 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1895 $895 $695 tight blue, squareback. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN ...„ $1695 i—TRUCKS—i • • \ While, sun ropf. • 9 PASSENGER BUS 1969 CHEVROLET 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $2395 Pickup Green end white. Deluxe bus $1995 1969 VOLKSWAGEN .$2195 Blue, Kombi 1965 CHEVROLET $995 1969 FORD OVER 30 CARS Impala, 4-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, air condi- Pickup V-8. tioned. $1995 IN STOCK 1965 CHRYSLER.. $995 Newport, 2-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, vinyl top, All MODUS-MC010RS \ power steering. 1967 FORD 1966 CHEVEUE ,...... $1395 Pickup • Malibu, station wagon, radio, heater, automatic,' ' $1695 V-8, potoor steering. * TOP TRADE AT SIZZLING 1967 FORD ?.,,!,.!.;!..?.?.....,...f...$l250 . Galaxie "500", convertible, radioTrieatar, automatic. 1965 GMC ALLOWANCES power steering. Pickup SUMMER SAVINGS! 1968 OPEL ...... $1095 $1095 Fastback, radio, heater, 4-epeed.. 1969 FIAT ....$1395 1970 CHEVROLET IMMEDIATE 124 station wagon, radio, heater, 4-tpeed, ' Pickup, V-8, automatic BIG BUYS OH 1970 PONTIAC $2595 transmission, chrome wheels Custom Tempest, 2-door hardtop, radio; heater, automatic), V-8, DELIVERY power ataering. $2495 ALl'71 DEMOS 100!

WE WILL TAKE YOUR TRADE AND 1964 VOLKSWAGEN Jan, red, car #U1-S8. N.J. Stote Inspect ARRANGE FINANCING arantee, FINANCING KITSON ARRANGED^ Mima $799, for a "SIZZLING DM" see a "RMSHL MAN" today! OLDSMOBILE-CADIUAC CO. SHREWSBURY Fred Koeser • Tom Kegelman 100 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank Bill Hilsinger • Alan Holsey MOTORS, INC HIGHWAY 36 Art Hill • Tony Marhan AvlhoriudYolkswttiDh EATONTOWN Shrewsbury Aw. Nfvjr Shrmbury. t H 5421126 741-8500"^ • AUTOS FOR SALE SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOSFOBS ALE COUGAR — JMVWock vinyl 1»P, fltttfeertja. .Console. Wire wheels. Moke Ix cylinder tlici. "Ar*« i «,-.»»... - . _.Coll ««. •don, top condition, S3J5. .JMATBMW uxmoum offer. MHOl?. ' ; 5371 alter 4 weekdays, all Ooy Sol. and "A6 eMCY •, 1943 CADILLAC - Hiefirood. Air, all Brood & I0B Red Bank »»«1OALAX1E — Blue. 1«J FALCOM^«0 mil*. • SAUES -_ -Now, «m M. SCHWARTZ, - - Eandttton. Best offer. Call LIN-MAR Coll74Kmsefter3p.nl. ojn. 1967 TRIUMPH-450 cc.at». en »g.m,'U noon. W^Front». and Hwy 33, Red Bai*. nreeVdaySi«o.m.— 6 p.m. !«•& BARRACUDA - Light blu«, V-s, 195? CHEVROLET — Impalo hardtop. onJ Holidays, 9 a.m,—11p.m p. . BUILDERS 1M4-8ALAXIES Power brak*j,,pow«r steering, WO. Call ExtWftftenf buifttert hi Moitmoufh County Good condition. J2 for over 15 VRJTJ. W* d» oddftiwn. dor. CII244«D4 nwrs. ltdtne. roofing, masonry' kltcheni* 1«TO BLUE MSB CONVERTIBLE — Ex- bathrooms bfttt hew construction on your1 I'M CHEVROLET - station wo'son. celltnf cwrfrtlon. Best offer. Call offer 1«71 HONDA 70 - Excellent condition. ..3 )fC j» ^in^ ^jo or best offer. :iilpjv.4>5-i9H. RUISER-Sleep* ^ 787-08T6 umunm oainttn«. MafctoR !?ft:ffiSB ~ SBfiW"* «*• <*** ™- IMS PLYMOOTH_-Sport. fury, two YAMAHA 250 — 1W. lost toned, uoa J^ftOS BOB, SALE AUTOS FOB SALE door. Bucket aeon otw console. Power ******&$&»attirS. '— A stool at Panetlna, i- *Jandi)MrIng.»Son.74W492. CHEVROLET SUPER5P0RT — 1MJ. loti. Freei New tires and carboreator, moa wheels. VERY tOW MILEAGE -1771 Honda C8- Desperate. »M»42 - AI»JolHn9 InilMon. 702. •: iB7or5 .— Free estimates. ^23o »*7VSILVERLINE - v InbonroVoot- GIRL I DAY — For parts deportment, 1966WERCURY $1150 m* PLYMOUTH — Valiant, "A" Real 1917 HONDA — 160 scrambler. Tiogrd, 120 h.p.Ca!! after « p.m. m Some tag, full-time. Ask forMr. Mor- J..$99S •;; Park lane, 4rdpor car, M95. M. SCHWARTZ, 141 W. Front 4 CHEVROLET AERIAL 3T LADDER Good coMtHj^ FURNITURE MOVING - Attics onS eel. ford. St. and Hwy 35, Red Bank. 747-O7I7. tlOC Ron«j5oodHre».7«ak» otter.. lars cleaned, Free estimates. . COII747-MM . ! 1966 FORD .$875 CAMARO — INI. Power steering and -1944. JI50. 27' OWENS - Express Cruiser. Com-. Mowwiwrrf mnsultont seeks experftneed 1967 OffVROl£T...... $l 150 brakes. 3-speed automatic transmission. CHEVRI PANEL VAN -' 1963. Mo- pletely rebuilt engine, new canvaues, ei- Custom 4-dpor, air conditioning." alleiii condltkin.%OM. uUMSr^ Impel!, _eolivirtitj», «utomatic trans- Snow tires. o,OM miles. UK* new. W-, t Askfor FumlHira. _ond« 1966 MUSTANG .$995 44». . ' ', • IN CRUISHR - reflnl Sot cylinder, automatic, tnmsmlBiion. PONTIAC BONNEVILLE — 19/ WRECKER AND EQUIPMENT _ - )P5twoorlour,5torO_wltO r ,. DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS - Fur- • radix heater " Ml owner. Power steering, rodl and lesbox. Boat and motor c nlshed and Installed for only S44.95. To or. Good mechanical condition. water reaoV to po. W0743. 717-4958 after 7 p.m. -•- 1967 Oral «»».»,...«.$925 1965CHEVROtET...... $750 MriTOODSKIPP- W»hdeck.-In water. 34" ELCO — Good hull. Chryiler Crown LASOCK MOVING COMPANY — Nallon< Station Wenon, 44(Mtl transmission Super Sport. euiqmBtlc. Jnjnsmisslon. TfSS CHEVROLET PICKUP — One ton. engine needs a little work. J?tH or best ot- 1945 CHEVROLET — V-8, OUtomotlC, Needs door gglassl . Oood rubber. J100. ter. 291-1335. 1966M0NZA._...... $725 1965 OPEL...... $595 power steering, olr conditioned. WS. 741- PPhonh e 3M-1M3M1M&& ' SECRETARY — New poaHsMng paslneu IWENS SPORT FISHERMAN — .^SY - Flberol over wood, TYPING AND 6lCTAPHONE~S~eRVICES needs responsKle secretary wha eon worK 4-tpesd transmission. Station wagon. "It 185 dfeenolne. Sleeps two. Excellent day sallr- -"' to oo. Moke InirarSently. VV. Long Branch location. 1965 FUCON .,...,....4750 on otter. 747-2876. Call 229-9420. ' . 1966 OlD5M0B!li....$l 350 35, Red Bonk. 74J-0787. 747-0787.' DINGHY —Newly M87 W SEABREBZE - SS h^>. Chrytter VIM station wagon,'9 passenger, sir Convertible, eutomatlc transmission, re ll l l Boo ln dio, heater. 19J6 INTERNATIONAL - Stake, body SSS*l .J 3J J&. » water. Asking conditioning. 1M0 JAGUAR 34 SEDAN. dump truck. Needs work on engine. Let go W7S.Call4>S-H28. 1 1965 DART "CT"._..$795 reasonable-. 2M-1062. .^____ IB WOO BIN BOAT - 50 U6HT_HAUI.ING. Fornffure moMng, 1966BWCK... $1295 LPN WANTED — 3 to 11:30 ehltf. Sport ,w»gon,B passenger. Standard transmission MOBILE HOMES imt attics, cellars ond f wax II KING JAMES NURSINO HOME ' 1940 CADILLAC- Runs good. «12i 271 LUXURY MOTOR HOME — For rent 291-34M , 291V OUEN SKIFF-Billy equipped. In SEMI-PROFESSIONAL PAINTER to responsible partto. OS) per week plus' water. Ready to m. SJMO. ' ' " 8LB NeEDUE 0P- /8» 19S7FM0 FORD DUMP mlleoae. 542-1207, Phone 787-4W8 tetween 5-7 p.m. t0 1970 BUICK - RMero. Factory olr. AM- &ffSSSSSt R* stereo, vfroi topandmotf other ex- TRACTORS 16'SKIFF — 40 lip. electric start Evtn- SCENIC CAR SALES "•mar ^^eojglltea Aw reosonbla or. OVERGROWN LAWNS AND FIELDS tras. Must McrlfWoTI-gm - Model B tractor, front DENTAL 1962 FORD GALAXIE - Good mechar* HWY 36 & SCENIC DRIVE, HIGHLANDS WPODPUSSYFORSALB ! WORK - Sidewalks, i, etc. Free estimates; 872-0221 HOTOBCYCUSS _Call747.»lM ffAVTED AUTOMOTIVE ! 32/ COLONIAL SPORT FISHERMAN - AUTOS FOB SALE HONDA—19» Scrambler 300 cc New Flying bridge, deptn finder, sWp-to-slioro CARPET .TILE-LINOLEUM INFECTIOUSCONTROL NURSS engine. Blkt and tlm Hijdoodjshros. $275. •GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN radio. 542-0679 ntt»r 3 p.m. ..Installation service MontnouthMedfeol Center,^ ~ " Coll evenings cr wettends, 747-isfr/ , AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH Free estimates, M2-0261 P.m.,i MendeWondmy thratjgh Prldi 121 ViOObEN SKIFF-140. heolth * 19<» 350 HONDA — Scrombler. 6,000 ; MOTORS INC H«y 35. Eotonlewn • ' PAINTING— Interior, exterior. Ex- ond/oTi pub 1c lOKp. outboard. Ilka newT' perienced co»ejr» students. Free eitK requlred.Cairm«00,E There is only one way to JUNK CARS 7899. PICKEOUP ' . PAINTING -jWDontbla colleoo conflOoo* SM fltTwlhbfObk Auto Wrecking! - — - —noble. EatontowB 542-205 prove that the new 6-cylin- 'ANTES — WE PAY TOP S F AUTOS FOftSALE USED CARS. CAUL MR. V EMPLOYMENT der BMW is the best sedan DELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED SPECIAL SEWING MACHINE in the world. OPERATORS __pluson,erDene(rrj PURCHASE CAR-TOPPER - With _5PORTSWEA Drive it. d l. $100. 247 iv». Reted Bonka * PL, Send resume 1 747-1373 end.. fo8oxWltl,The 1971 FAST STIFF M SLOOP Dolly emit. BOOKKEEPER SALES -; Tjaner, Jphn-- DODGE ready to go. Asking SECRETARY BMW For «ctlve real estate office. S da'yi a Bavarian Motor Work* «• CUSTOM 6P0CT BOAT - With week. Call for appointment. PLEASE CAU. FOR APPOINTMENT CORONET APTO RENTALS Ifyou rove oood $ TOM'S FORD S4' TR6JAN 1957 CRUISER -i7S ant phone y Ib, two Head, ao . Rumson 2788 RENTACAR Extras. Good condition. Must ten. Sorj 842-2760 needs braces. Best offer. Call 747-4554 Automatic V-8, powsr otBarinn, eves, and weekends.. radio, wihKswnlb, wheel covars, fectoty eSf condhionod. - Secretar anadd ststenno skills for rnorkettnt BOATS AND atflce. uturol frlnse benefit! ACCESSORIES nOVINO TO CALIFORNIA — Can't take TOWN& ler with in. 23* Owens Cabin Cruiser, VDIO MARINE CORP. lest offer. UgeAve. . Red Bank An Equal Opportunity Employer 14' THREE STRAKE BOAT — For use NEED VACATION MONEY? I COUNTRY 4 motor. Anchor and oars In- earn It now In your own netah , witeludedh outboar. B4WB07d . DENTAL ASSISTANT Call and learn how easy It Is t Experience preferred. No evenings. Ex- storied as an Avon r " oijKit eolory. Please send resume to Box BJrOBll.741.uo, ,4 DODGE BOATS FOE CHARTER 6-141,The Dally Register, Red Bonfc. 1 COOKmoUSEKEEPER - for Ooy Care SI F1BERGLAS HOUSEBOATS - .1 — Experienced only. CMiter. Must be enerlenccd and IUted5i- 60 Main St., dl aYen. Call 741-4313 mornings, .. -..-, • 'CUTTER — Machine operaTdr oni Matawan,NJ. Top wages, ILGWU shop. All DB)-, RNORIPN-7 a.m. to 3:30 pjn. two 1 Weekdays 9 a.m.-9 p.m. 842-5353 100 Oceanport Aye., LHtla Silver days per week, alternate weekends. Pleas- ;ents. Apply Wall Street Fashions, Corner Wed. til 6 p.m. Sat. til 5 p.m. BUSINESS NOTICES ant working conditions. Congenial staff. iWest andWall Sts., Red Bank. 1 quarter mile South of Little Snvar train station Monmouth Convalescent center, 229 G " LADIES — jeirkoscordametlcs. *V 566-6100 Ave., Long Bronch. 22M300. . itrolnht protltjfiiill or part-time. Three., todies needed. HtJsa. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - If you have excellent skills In typing and shorthand, S9H9I are personable, end would like to work n SUSPENDED CEILINGS - Ponellna. o cnol lenolno ond vfbronf otrnosptiere, are Spring It HERE! Fllt tl tti WAITRESSES WANTED — Nil No. perfenced and responsible, we have the Sheet roddng dhd totjnp. experience necessc * " * > for you. Excellent pension ond profit and we need too Used Cars THE PUB, 163 Hwy - .Jrtna plan. Hours v-JTiUon. ttinl Frl. LAWN MAINTENANCE -WOMAN WANTED — For general Solary open. Call 671-2300, ask for Mrs. Powers. Hvry.ss U4-KW K«yporl cleaning, two days a week. Must have Even Says. own transportation. 543-14to efrer 6 p.m. LEGAL SECRETARY — Legal ex- Wewllltroxfearbuyout1 EFW6ERATIOH AND AIR' pirlence preferred, but net necesury.' UNO — Commercial and resl- CASHIER WANTED — PorMlrnVBrahcrT Write to Box B-Ui, The Dally Register, right—Call or eomo In end used restaurant equip- Brook Co^ 370 Hwy 36, Hotel. Apply In dryers, and i person* no phons colls* *. Red Bank. Ivered. Any op- BTCTAPHoMEnYPlST -In insurance TOM'S FORD office. Good skills required. Five-day Red Bank week, 9-5. Write to P.O. Box «M, Red

At'TOS FOB SALE SALESPERSON WANTED.- Full time,' l«r rounciuurd ,eniap ffM I CM.** run Tims, night weemdl employment. Five-day, one- Woolwemeekv . Apply In person, t>. W. Hi, 52 Broad St., Red Bonk.. Father's Day Specials. ELECTRONICS MOTHER'S HELPER — You rig girl Iff live In for sunnier and help wrtft core of 9 ACRES > Great buys to delight Dad! three children. Call ICS2O2. ALl USED CARS COMfi WITH 1969 BUICK EXPERIEMCEO HOSTESS ' Must apply In person I Skylark, 2-door hardtop, V-8, iTawn t, Surf Diner. Hwy 35, MlddMoim. ENGINE automstlo transmission, power 1AA0/ steering and fao- frnrftC HOSTESS — Experlenosd. Apply In per- torynir condition. ^X3YD 1970 MUSTANG SHORE POINT INN Hwy », Hutlet "Grande" Sport coupo, factory _ ^ WOMEN - Unique c I IIIJ% TRANSMISSIOREAR-END NGUARANTEE en In management o air, vlrryl roof,full power,custom COQQC Immediate trakung, eami 1970 PONTIAC interior, 6,000 mis car Vt We are looking forr toulour QUIDHIOUambitiousI menm . mission, vinyl roof, X 7 7 •# Station wegon. 1969IMPAIA $2395 1967 MUSTANG ^ Earn 1300 to ffoo a month part-tune. Col Quality Service ...... $1195 for rnlervlew, WHAT). - ' •; '69 OPEL M495 1969 MAUBil SIW, cup. $2395 1965IMPALA, sr«t ««i» {« ™$1095 EXPERIENCED CARPENTEtt Relieve Phone '• 1969 OLDS 1969 PLYMOUTH $2195 1966 BUICK coupe. 747-2(62 ! Toransdo, V-8 sutomatlo trans- •69 OPEL "GT"'2095 Sport $1095 RECEIVINO CLERK — Experienced, to mission, power ateerihrj, powor ' 1900 engino, 44seod transmission, I 1969 CAPRICE span ^, handle olHvpes of receiving. Apply fcf It- brakes, vinyl roof' _ _ _ ' radio. $2195 1966 PONTIAC $1095 t 45 CAR SHIPPING CLERK -r Experienced, IS 1969 BOAR 4^ e^,™ .handle Sbtpplna Dept. In ladles apparel. •68 OPEL M095 $1995 1965 BUKX i_.$!095 Apply for Interview? HW30O. Devon Ap parel Inc., 3?5 Warburton St., Long SHOWROOM Sport Coupe 1969 'JAVHIM' $1895 1965 "GRAND PRIX" Sport coupsw_.$9y5 Branch. •• . $ PORTER — For FootHown of Port Morv 1969 CADILLAC all at '68 OPEL 1095| $1695 moulh. Oood startlnq salary, tlospi- DaVille, V-8, automatic trans- Sport Coupe 1965 BUICK $895 lalUallon. Contacn Louis Scaduto. Food mlMfon, power stoaring. power 1968 BOAR w* ^$1695 FULL OR PART-TIME — Mature ''ion brakee, vinyl root, . '68 AUSTIN '8951 4795 needed for supervisory position In modern factory olr condi- automatic car wash In Matawan. MJJJI t» tioning. Only 1968 NOVA sp« oo^. $1495 1968 AMERICAN^ .$795 reliable and responsible. Coll 566-7271. 1 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - 1968 PlYWOWH $1395 1965 "BARRACUDA ' Sport ooupe.. Part-time nights and weekends. MM ionic $79$ wonted. Steady work, full time. C4 »l- 1967IMPA1A $1395 M2». ™ Sthrtitlr 1965"lll«ANS»cOT«w. $795 BE AN ICe CREAM MAN — ExcefiTnt BUICK-OPEL oppartwilty for summer empfoynent.. roulec Mint be II or over, nil 4*S4nilt CIRCLE am.tolpjtu.ondiatpjn.to»;lo»jn. ' . 35 264-4000 KEYPORT LUBE MAN - All fringe bene celled? working condnlons, 4^.hou Apply In person, Oowr*s Ponllae, "TWO NAMES YOU CAN TRUSI" r Main St.* Matowan. 325 MAPI! AVL 741-3130 RED BANK More Classltled '. J., Frfd.v, JIUM U>, 1971 AUTOS rOft SALE AUTOS FOR SALE MERCEDES »ENZ MOSL W* AUTOS FOB SALE Mora. S5.2M or bast of IMSSUIGICK RIVIERA -.While.Whie, block vii l lit* PONTIAC — Cotollna station wagon. 1 top, air conditioning, on power, bucfc- Power steering and (yokes. Rodie, healer, •l»» CHEVROLErWAGON - Runs good.1 GET the BEST , -. Matt. Excellent condition. 671-5143, new tires, tns. Call o«er 5,741-MM. IW PLYMOUTH - Convertible. *rl»l. arjlt4M.Ewes.<7i-3HlR . $100. 1*67 SIMCA J0M- standard shin, tour- cou/notm He, JO a. In^ power CrokH, fte-ft** Ing, windows. Great running cmdinw, IM4 GTO - Convertible with olr. ooor sedan. Very good condition. S4M or 1961 VOLKSWAGEN.— With sunroof. tttt VOLKMiMEN - tie* or tout of. l«4PEUT-,f». __ for Less at Asking iroO. best otter, weekdays e:3O-V:K) p.m. 9<4- , 1330. aJ-0283. ftr. On UtMn at W Palmer Ave- Ml* man. Nt*as sonw work. 84i-3»a Otter 5 p.m. 842-47OT 1967 TEMPEST — LeMans. »-cyllrK>e+, vmotm, ^__ Mon. thru Frl., 747,5274 putomotlc, power steering; bfetfes.ex- AUTOS FOR SALE tras. Good condition. 1)150. WI-WO otter vm MUSTANB - Much I. Power steer- CHEVhOLET IMPALA- lt«. Very. AUTOS FOBSALE AUTOS FOR SALE 6:30 p.m. ' Ol|r am oowJ condition. 3M a. In; 3-jpwd outo» Kitson pSfSSyS?"'' ' *"** **"' ' motic. Asking tltSO. Coll »C-O!I6 after S; W> CAMARO - 3M-375 h*. 4:M Port, p.rn. • • • j dt 1H0 METROPOLITAN CONVERTIBLES Chevrolet *"" rfcSiTfflift — (2); One lor ports only. Beth lor.JU. AirrOSTOSSALE "As h." You towowa/. $&£». 1_ IMS CONVERTIBLE RAMBLER — V« ITS YOUR MOVE rjood condition. PnaAefMUM 1969 CAM ARO 19M AMBASSAOOR - Four-door, stick. Hardtop, V-B, eutometic trans- Beautiful condition. Excfllml trans- mission, pgvyir steering, radio. TO A BETTER USED CAR portation; iw.m-ma. i_^ Ouarmtettfiworronty checked compMtty WAS NOW 100% WARRANTY PONTIAC CATALINA - I'M. Two-door Most'cars listed here are "Svensk $2595 1945 CoSlilac $2395 Testad" ussd pars' (used cars tested IM3 CHEVROLET - SIK cylinder, auto- ... and we've got the BEST! matic, 119. M ]W5t "•" 1968 CHEVY II the Swedish way.) if necessary, re- 1970 FIAT 1969 DODGE 1968 DODGE paired by our "Svensk. Testad" me- IMS CHE VROLET WIPALA 2-door sedan, standard trans- Charger, y-8, automatic trans- Good condition. mission, redio. "124S", 4-door sedan, 4-speed MONACO 4-0oor, Maroon, V-8 chanics and qualify for our 100% Phone 187-4450 •WAS transmission, AM-FM radio. Blue, automatic transmission, power steer- mission, power itwring. Beautiful ! NOW 15,000 original miles. ing, power brakes, air condition and Blue. warranty. Which you can inspect IW CADILLAC - Fleerwood brcuahom. matching vinyl roof Must be sold, new cor arriving. 747-073? $1595 $1395 $1950 when you come by. r before 5:30. $1695 1946 IS-PASSIfigtR FORD — Country $247§ seion station wagon, power steerlna and 1970 PLYMOUTH 1968 PLYMOUTH brakes. Block vinyl Inferior^ In good con- 1968 CHEVROLET 1969 VOLKSWAGEN dition. Needs repair, nog or best otter. Impala, V-8, haidlop. automatic Fury III sedan. Turquoise, V-B, auto- Sport Satellite, 2-door hardtop, V-8; FOREIGN DOMESTIC transmission, power steering, radio. matic transmission, power steering, Square back, automatic transmission, automatic console1/ bucket seatt, VOLKSWAGEN — While sedan, sun WAS NOW factory air condhioni;onditioningi , radio. Tan. power steering, vinyl roof. Green. lWOVWVO..;. -..4W5 1969OSVB1E. $.995 "^d""C"""5m BEST $3150 $2175 $1795 4-door, factory olr, AM-FM radio, 2-door hardtop, one owner* outo- UMJULL can stand out atav» oil stmllrr $1695 $1495 automatic* 19,000 miles.: * -maiicr power steering* yellow, models, Most have balance ot factory 1970 DODGE 1968 PLYMOUTH 1968 VALIANT 23,000 miles* ranty. Rest carry out o 1»% FURY III. Cohvortiblo. Red. 1968CAMARO Polara, 2-door hardtop, Brown, V-B, V-100. 4-door sedan, 6-cylind«r, • 1969 VOIVO . $M95 1956 THUNDERBIRD — Excellent condi- ' automatic transmission, power steer- 318 V-8 automatic 2-dobr sedan, 4-speed, factory air, tion. Two topi. Call V*8, hardtop, automatic trans* nnd powor steering* automatic transmission, Green. AM-FM radio. 1969 FIRCBIRD.. 41995 74I mission, power steering, radio. ing, power brakes. Factory ajr condi- 2-door hardtop, double power vinyl tion, top. LAND ROVER - 1969 Model ti. Like WAS NOW $1695 $1395 new. 17,009 miles. 52450 llrm. 1969 VOlKSWAGIN....~.....$ira 944-4110 or 462-OWJ. 1941 Cadillac $3250 Squareback, A-l condition) png own- ]96»Oldsmobll» $2095 $1995 1968 CHRYSLER 1967BUICK er. •, 1968 GTO~. PONTIAC CATALINA'— 1«8». Feur-door 19MPorillac Skylark, "GS 400", 2*fobr hardtop, 2-#>or hardtop, automatic, ful(uil po«pow.- sedan. Excellent condition. Coll after 6:30, 1949 Pontlac 1969 CHEVELLE "300", Convertible, Gold, automat- 1»6» Pontlac V-8, automatic transmission, power er, one owner. t 1968 CHEVROLET Malibu. 2-door hardtop, V-8, Auto- ic transmission, power Bleering and IMIBuIck power brakes. steering. 968 0,..-.M.^.»$J9S IW7 CHRYSLER - "300" fully .,.,„„ V-8, Impala custom coupe, automat- matic transmission, power steering, 122S wagon, factory air, 4-speed, Inc udlna factory air conditioning. S1495. 1941 Pontlac ic transmission, power steering, ra- ' yellow with black vinyl top. Hi. SCHWARTZ, 141 W. Front St. end Hwy $1795 roof rack. One owner. 1967P0NHHC...- $169$ 35, Red Bank, 7470787. 1941 Pontlac ,,...... tij dio. $2175 Grand frit, double power, factory IMIPontlacc UMoniJdoor. J air, 2-door hardtop, one owqer. 1W7 TR-4A - New top. AM-FM radio, end 1W7 OldsmobllOldmo * VIstaCruSer™"™:!!!.. WAS NOW 1968 Dodge Coronet, J-dr,...,™.si»s 1968 CHRYSLER 1966 PONTIAC 1967 VOIKSWAGIN..»...,,M.$1195 more. Catelina, station wagon, V-8, auto- 2;door, AM-FM radio, one owner, Coll lU-SSSt 95 $1595 1969 SIMCA "300", 4-door hardtop. Fully pow- 23,000 original miles. ;\ ered including factory air condition. matic transmission, power steering,., 1968mM0lIlH .$1595 1947 DODGE — Monaco, while with block 4-door sedan, eutoniallc trans- Blue. One owner. An exceptionally brakes and windows. Air condi* Sport Fury, 2-door hardtop, factory vinyl top, V-g, oulomotlc transmission, AAcFADDIN mission, Economical with rear load- tioned, White. ' air, aouole power, automatic, ont power steering, Jl«5. M. SCHWARTZ, 141 CAD ILLAC-OLDSMOBILE 1968CHEVEUE clean car. ' 1966HAT...:« owner. W. Front St. and Hwy IS, R«d Bank. 747- 251 Broadway at 4th Avenue V-JB convertible/ autoroaiic, trans- 0787. !2212M__ _:_ ___ , Long Branch mission, power steering, radio. $1575 1100 0,4-dopr wagon. *"""• $1475 $2675 - AUSTIN H6ALEY SPRITE ' IW PLYMOUTH WAS NOW 1«M. Good condition. 1967 DODGE...... $1795 CUiUmi DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING 1962 TR-3 _...... «..4W5 Monaco. 9 passenger wagon, double $1995 $1795 Two tops, Concourse condition. One power, factory air, one owner. Mint 1970 CADILLAC - Black. Sedan De Vllle. 1966 CHEVROLE"wrasai"T - Impolo* , 2-door owner. • , condition. 21,000 miles. Loaded. •hardl "i - »l«5. M. SCHWARTZ^ 141 W. 244-6464 Front and Hwy. 35, Red Banfc.,747-0717. 1967 CHEVROLET 1966 VOLKSWAGEN - Beetle. Green. MUSTANG - 1M5. Must Mil. Avtom BalAlr sedan, automatic trans- Snow tires. Excellent carrimon. 1730, Call bucKet sedts, tape deck, two speal mission, radio. JM-42U atl.r 5. ' studded inow tires, two extras. Good 1970 AUSTIN AMERICA - Automatic, ra- ! dltlon. S575,741-4350 doyi, 74l45llev< WAS NOW dio, heater, snow tires. Under 6000 miles.' Excellent condition. Price tlSOO firm. 741- 1944 CHEVROLET IMPALA - Convert- Buhler & Bitter 3863 or 273-8016. Ible. Power stewing, automatic. SDXM $1)95 $1095 REP BANK original miles. IMC or best otter. Coil 244- IV68 CHEVELLt 3330. 1967 CHEVELLE CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH 1944 CADILLAC - S V-8, Malibu, 2-door hardtop, aulo* 1963 VOLKSWAGEN — Good engine. U00. matte transmission, power steering, AUTO IMPORTS Call otter 7 p.m. radio. . 741-3592 AUSTIN HJALEY SPRITE - IW. 13M0 WAS NOW [AUSTIN J1J|1V1G[&1 LAND ROVER \ Authorized Dealer RENAULT — 10. 1969. Mlchelln X. 35 MPG. 20,000 mllesj AM/FM. Excellent $1595 $1395 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank COndltlOn.'S950. Coll 564-2339. FORD FAIRLANE - 1940. Two-door SALES: 264-0198 Established 1925 SERVICE: 264-0090 DODGE — Convertible. 1966. Yellow with 741-5886 black top. Beautiful condition. Automatic. 1967 CHEVROLET 3290HWY.35,HAZLET Power steering and brakes. Radio and 1947 PONTIAC ~- Firebird. Blue. 11595. V-8, Bel Aft wagon, automatic trans- heater. New belled tires, plus snow tires. M. SCHWARTZ, 141 w. Front St. and Hwy mission, power steering, radio. Firm J1000. Call 741-2404. 35, Red BariK. 747-0787. - 1070 BARRACUDA — V-8, automatic WAS NOW transmission, power steering, rttt with block vinyl rool. .12695. AA. SCHWARTZ, More Classified $1695 141 w. Front SI. and Hwy 35, Red Bank, $1395 747-9747. on Next Page 1967 CHEVELLE Super Sport hardtop, air condi- tioned, automatic transmission, ra- dio, power steering WAS NOW $1795 $1695 We've cooked up some One guarantee 1967 CHEVROLET V-B, Bel Air 4-door wdan, automatic is worth transmission, power steering, radio. WAS NOW $1395 $1195 real summer values a thousand words. 1966 CHEVROLET V-8, Impala, 2-door hardtop, air conditioned, automatic transmission. power steering, radio. *The dealer guaranltu 100% to repair or replaca th» WAS NOW angina, Iranunlulon, laar axle, front ml* osssmbllei, brake jyilem and elddrlcal tyitttn for 3D days of 1000 $1395 $1295 miles, whichever comas flrir. Only fho» cart that pa» ourU-polntinsp«cilongollh!icjUaronr«e. : 1965 CHEVROLET V-8, Super Sport, automatic trans- we re passing mission, bucket seats, power steer- ing, radio. WAS NOW $im $995 the savings on to you! 1963 VOLKSWAGEN ...... $895 1966 CHEVELLE Red, s&dah. ' Mslibu. V-8, 4-door hardtop, auto- matic transmission, power steering, BRAND NEW, FACTORY fRESH 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 radio. Greenaeden. , WAS NOW. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN ...$119$ $995 $795 Green, sedan. 1965 CHEVELLE 1971 1967 VOLKSWAGEN .....$1495 V-8 Convertible, 4-speed trans- Yellow convertible mission, radio. WAS NOW OLDSMOBILES 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $1895 $895 $695 Light blue, squareback. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $1695 -TRUCKS—i White, sun ropf. 9 PASSENGER BUS 1969 CHEVROLET 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $2395 Pickup Green end white. Deluxe bus $1995 1969 VOLKSWAGEN .$2195 Blue, Kombi 1965 CHEVROLET 1995 1969 FORD OVER 30 CARS Impale, 4-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, air condi- Pickup V-8. tioned. $1995 IN STOCK I VOJ CHRYSLER ••••..••«•.••••..•••...••$995 Newport, 2-door hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, V-8, vinyl top. All MODUS- All COLORS ^ power steering. 1967 FORD 1966 CHEVELLE ,...... $1395 Pickup • Malibu, station wagon, radio, heater, automatic,' $1695 V-8, power steering. it TOP TRADE AT SIZZLING 1967 FORD...,.,...,...... $1250 . Galaxie "500", cbnverti'bte, radio, heater, automatic, power steering. 1965 GMC ALLOWANCES 17OO V/rCLa•••••••••••••>•••«•»».»•«••• «s, poii.tr ur.4 »,.SCHW*or/., Ul FrMfi SI, (ntf Hw^ iS, •J» r.IOBlec»T — Also ShrewibwY SaHlmiK MlW.Fr tros. Will dicker. CollSftv f p.m. 787 tun. 747-O7W. ecsthnotetc F. Fru wtlnwtos. cal BIwT 7S7-45W. 16'EVINRUDE —OMCIntMOffl-OutbomJ »Office. 1959 CHEVROLET - Station wagon. 197B 2» II — Suzuki HtKttar. A-l. Engine 1966BU1CK 51195 »M CHEVRaLET- - El Comtnb. f din TO h.p. cwlom trailer InciudM. S16S0. BU-LIGH, T CLEAN CELLARS, |<&|O/ lipMd, mils, heater need! some work. Bert offer over $400. t USabre, 2-doot. sir conditioning.' over payments. Colt otter 5 p.nu Call 842*0702. lt]7or7il Street !Scrambler. orMr. «or- »« CHEVROLET AERIAL 32- LADDER lioarcl, 120 h.p. Call otter « pjn. FURNITURE MOVING — Attics aM ah , Park tana, 4-dpor cor, S»W. M. 5CHWARTZ714I W. Front Oood co/iilHon. AJWra Wi. »l, lepttd, odio, heater St. ond Hwy 35;Red Bonk. 747-W87. TRUCK. Runs. Good tire!. Make 0tier. > Coll7»r-7D» ; 5JJ-24W . j ' Ian cleaned. Free estumtes. , 1 , . • Coll 747-J0O2 . : 1967 1965 BUKR..;. ;$1295 1965 DART "&"..~. "TO • IB' WOOD CABIN BOAT — SO lip. Mer- 1141 LIGHT HAULING — ^urhifure moving. Sport wagon, 9 passenger. Standard tnmsmhalon cury outward motor with controls. Mutt d«n,yar[lJ BorpsM, cttlcs, cellars and LPN WANTED — 3 to 1130 shift. IM2GMC- _ MOBILE HOMES sell. J450.741-9077. L KINO JAMES NURSING HOWE S3M. J1295. U. S...... wax floors. ' 1 WO CADILLAC- W LUXURY MOTOR HOME - For rer 291-3400 i St. end Hw. 35, Red Bar*. W/i OUEN SKIFF—Fully emdpped. In SEMI-PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS lo responsiblejMrtlet . SJ50 per week plu water. Readytoao.S!0OO. ' EXPERIENCED- SINGLE NEEDLE OP- 1957 DUMP Interior. Exterior. Reasonable rates. r 3 Phone 787-4973 between 5-7 p.m. Coll for free estimate. HUiXL • ERATORS — On adles eoats.^Unlon - "-iMoe* W— BUICK — olr. AM- li'.SKIFF - 40 tip. electric start Evln- SCENIC CAR SALES TBACIORS ~ ' idltlon. Any reasonabls oft IT1QNAL — OVERGROWN LAWNS AND FIELDS

1942 FORD _ IB — Good mocrnnJ- WOODPUSSY FOR SALE HWY 36 & SCENIC DRIVE, HIGHLANDS col condition. •724)215 CollW-9164 872-0221 MOTORCYCLES WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 32" COLONIAL SPORT FISH AUTOS FOR SALE HONDA — 1»M Scrambler Wocx. Flying bridge, depth finds ' CARPET-TILE-LINOLEUM INFECTIOUS CONTROL NURSE ...Installation service Monmouth Medtcot Center, 9 aJm. ta 1 GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN -J lo. HZ-Offy after 5 p.m. FraeMtlmatei,B42-02il AND SPORTS CARS AT WONMOUTK p.m., Monday throuah Ffldft 19U 350 HONDA — Scrombler. 4,000 MOTORS INC. H*y 35. Eatontown " PAINTING — Interior, exterior. Ex- UesM5llor^- — There is only one way to JUNK CARS ^ r" " ; PICKED UP HOUSEPATMTINO - Responttteeolleos Twlnbrook Auto Wrecking •todents. Good work and reosonoBTq EotontowB 542-2O5 raits. Call 741-8587 or 747-M19. prove that the new 6-cylin- CARS WANTED - WE PAY TOP S3 FOR ' RLFRIDAY—.Shorthand,t 1£FIBERGLAS BOAT — Klux. electric -•ephone. Perm AUTOS FOB SALE CLEAN USED CARS. CALL MR. VIN start Johnson and trailer. 1800. CaH after' 5 tun. 747-3496. , EMPLOYMENT der BMW is the best sedan HELP WANTED FEMALE BB AN ICE CREAM LADLAIY — Excellent, EXPERIENCED >loymeirt.- SPECIAL SEWING MACHINE in the world. saoR- :30 _ OPERATORS..^ or StBOdy work# three) weelcs JKSQ VQcanonv aim. to I P-Ave. 1971 FAST STIFF 14? SLOOP 747-T373 BOOKKEEPER SECRETARY DODGE CtlC BMW Far active rent estate office, S days a \m Vf, CUSTOM SPORT BOAT - With week. Call for appointment. Bavarian Motor Work* '•SSOQ. CORONET AUTO RENTALS 35 n.pp» JJOnttOn* In TOM'S FORD Rumson , ^2788 RENTACAR 842-3760 HW»35 Keynw I Automatic V-3, power steering, eves, end weekends. I radio, whKowalts, wheel covas, L — Motors, Seeretorlal drtles wllh excellent typing and steno skills for marketing and sales I fcctory air conditioned. BOATS AND office, liberal fringe benefits. Apply In person. .. ACCESSORIES 3TO CALIFORNIA-- Can't take ™ vs. 23* owens cabin cruiser. RADIO MARINE CORP. TOWN& •JgeAve. . Red Bank ,n Ecuol OpportunHy Employer 14' THREE STRAKE BOAT - For use NEED VACATION «ON_ «*»»<» COUNTRY with outboard motor. Anchor and oars In- earn It now In your own r cluded.B4M807. DENTAL ASSISTANT Call ojld learn how easy I Experience preferred. No evetitnas. Ex- started as on Avon r DODGE cellent salary. Please send resume ta Box BlrchOll,741-4J43,>" 20' MORGAN SI FP — Good run- BOATS FOB CHARTER E-141, The Pally Register, Red Bank. — ©poy warfti» eo. COUN HOUSEKEEPER —I . . 60 Main St., tystem. Asking (309. RENT 3V FIBERGLAS HOUSEBOATS — •i-. Mint M nratrfenced ond IM c m ' On Oiesapeokeor Bameaot Bay. Special u Coll 741-O13momlnas. weekly or weekend rates. Brochure. 747- Matawoii/ M J. ^ 9178. RN OR LPN - 7 a.m. to 3:30 pjn. two Weekdays 9 a,m.-9 p.m. 842-53S3 100 Oceanport Aye., Little Silver BUSINESS NOTICES days per week, alternate weekends. Pleas- ^w& Wed. til 6 p.m. Sat. til 5 D.ro. 1 quarter mils South of Little Silver train station 566-6100 ant working conditions. Conaental staff. Monmouth convalescent Center, 229 Bath LADIES - K5coVcotb«tlcs.-«V OUR PRICE Ave., Long Branch. 229-4300. • . wrt-tlme. Three. WANTED AUTOMOTIVE SECRETARY-To ofDIsployAdvertlsh..- EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - If you hove working conditions. Stc excellent skills In typing and shorthorn), 29H9BR ore personable, ant would lite fc work In SUSPENDED CEILINGS — Paneling. a chollenolno ond Wbront atmospnerv, or* SpringUHEREI Finished recreation rooms ond ottlci. WAITRESSES WANTED — erlenced and responsible, we have the Sheet roddnn and toplno, 842-4218. experience necessai ... for you. Excellent pension and profit and we need 100 Used Cars THE PUB. 1M Hwy sharing plan. Hours 7-5, Mon. thru Frl. LAWN MAINTENANCE. Salary open. Coll 671-2300, ask for Mrs, Gross cutttng, sod, and (eHiilzIna WOMAN WANTED - For genera Powers. L/2UJ Hwy. 35 2M-HM EsHn3atesfl|yen.741«41. . cleaning, two days a week. Must have Even Soys own transportation. 542-1460 ofter 6 p.m. LEGAL SECRETARY-LegaU l ex-, J6RSEV REFRIGERATION AND AIR' perlence preferred, but not iecessary.IH 1 We will trade or buy our ilTIONINO—Commercial and resl- CASHIER WANTED — ParMlme.^rancfT Brook Co., 370 Hwy 26, Holet. Apply In Wrtle to Box B-Ul, The Dally Register, right—Call or eomotn 1. Hewraidmod restaurant «silp- RedBank. % ai l person, no phone calls. S"ffiiJSr ^- A »*»y!«?f!K.5r WAITRESSES - Apply InV fficfXpHoMgjypiST- in liu TOM'S FORD REX DINER, 117 W. Front St. of/Ice. Good skills required. F JwediS Red ~ week, 9-5. write ta P.O. Box II BonbNJ. . WOW AUTOSFOBSALE. AUTOS FOB SALE ELECTRONICS MANUFACTURER — Father's Day Specials. Has resulremeji.ls for assemblers, r " MOTHER'S HELPER - YoUM Qtrl to ' live In for summer and help wttli can of 9 ACRES Great bays to delight Dad! three children. Call 1" ™ EXPERIENCED HOSTESS ' ALL USED CARS COME WITH 1969 BUICK Must opoly In person I Skylirk. 2-do'or hardtop. V-8, (Town «. Surf Diner, Hwy 35, Mlddletown.. TRANSMISSI0N automatlo transmission, powsr HOSTESS - Experienced. Apply In per- steering and fao- IHORE POINT INW HwyM.Hoilet UU 7c toryeir condition. 1970 MUSTANG REAR-END "Grande" SporS t cocfpo, ffactory WOMEN — Unique opportunity for wom- GUARANTEE .air, vinyl roof, full power, custom en In management of a youna company. imedlotetralnlnceamfnopofeniiaTnOO Interior, 6,000 mite car _ $1000 plus per montn part or full time, 1970 P0NT1AC commissions and bonuses. Call for Inter- LATE MODEL "OVER 500 CARS IH S10CK' Gnmd PnVr Vo« sutomsuO ti vlnw 363-3W. mission, pownr steering, powsr SPECIALS 1970 DODGE WANTED — Gin to work In submarine windows, vinyl "Coronet" Sport coupe, fectory sandwich shop. Must be aver 18. Call 872- roof, factory air. 9777. Only air, vinyl roof, taps deck, full power, many extras OENTAL ASSISTANT - Red Bank area. 1970 PLYMOUTH Experience preferred-but not absolutely Satollits, eutomatlc transmission, 1970 OLDSMOBILE power steering, $01 OC Vista Cruissr, 9 passenger stBtioflj 1970 FORD radio, heater. All? wagon. V-8, automat In trans- "Maverick" coupo, six cylinder. -^ _ WAITRESS - 5 p.m. to 2 am shift. Ex- mission, power steering .and •3-spoed, economy car, timed ClCQC perienced, Over 21. Apply In person, ONLY AT brakes, wood - ihore Point Inn, Hwy 35, Waflet. STRAUB docal and factory glass, AM-FM radio, etc V 1093 1970 Chevy Nova air conditioning. 1970 RAMBLER HELP WANTEb MALE . Automatic trons- "Homet" coupo, basic economic _ — _ REAL ESTATE mission, radio; $IOOK 1969 CHEVROLET 1970 CHRYSLER al six cylinder, 3-speod, mini car CI/IQK heater. 177J Impnla, V-8, automatic trans- 30O hardtop. V-8, automatlo with max) mileage) V I'*V9w SALES mission snd powor stooring. Fact> transmission, power steering, If you believe fn your own ability and would like to earn more than s2Q,000 a ry air condition. power brakes, vi- year, then we want to talk to "YOU." Ex- 1970 RIVIERA lerlenos helpful, but not necessary. We "GS". Fully oquippod including otter a company paid In-depth training 1970 OffiYSUR $3595 1966 CAPRICE. ^.^ $1395 program, substantial drawing accounts, factory air condi- . *s, m ind the best sales Inceittlv*-program in tion, power win- >AA0K llfC* le Real Estate Business. "THAT'S WHY' dowseni seats. It Mi* • • 1970 $3495 1967 BELAJR w^ _ $1395 WE'RE THE LARGEST REAL ESTATE. Foreign & Sport AND INSURANCEFIRM IN MON. MOUTH COUNTY." We have one opening. SPECIALS 1970IMPALA «. ^^ ^^$3095 1968 PlYWOWH spon r«y™ $1395 o why not give us a call for a coatldenilot 1969CHEVELLE $ 700Pa"CT" 2495 1970 MUSTANG spx a»p.^ $2895 1968BEAlR4^cr $1295 Malibu, 2-door hardtop, V-8. '1900 enrjlne, 4-spoed transmission THE KIRWAN CO. automatic trans- d mission, power j.---^- 1970 DODGE •»***.m~ .$2695 1968 NOVA CUP.._ $1295 HAZLET etooring end vinyl 50 10% '69 AUSTIN HEALEY CALL 264-7200 1969 CAPRICE c^ooupsw $2695 1967 IMPALA «*. .*» $1295 M495 MEN Convertlbte, 4«paed transmraion, ra- 1969 IfflPAU n^w $2695 1967 BUKK ^ ••™P...... „ $1295 Thr» eventnos," No experience 1970 DODGE dio. necessary. Car. --'-lent. Over 40 Years 1967C0RVmicm««Me _. $2595 1967 MUSTANG coup, $1295 Chargor, RT, V-8, - '69 OPEL McH * 1 4-spoed trans- $OOOC d condition. iM-WM. SALVAGE CORP See our wed orgon selection Including - Mm Oeere fcacUwe and , SENIOR rmux Lf> Mereo albums. Unbelievable —.2 late model Spinets. Chords, and tansoles. MACHINERY Brand new, perfect, original sealed pack- chain saw. TRACTOR - TRAILER ages. Country and Western, Rock and Price* start ot S450. All Instrumentssold • 717-cjlT . . . •DRAFTSMAN SECRETARY Popular. Well known artists. ,with p guaranty. * •* i tm Exptrlwce Required 'Special savings on Knabe, Sohmer, Ever- STRAIGHT TRUCK I track stereo tapes SI .50. ett, Moson4 MERCHANDISE WANTED onoi. . uUrowoltytireiBlv*; DRIVERS havave googood typing sCllls, flight stem) « Just arrived. Large vanload ot slightly WANTED ! ~ SIM WWV t&KmsfM MDBMeprelerredl damoged HomtTmprovement Hems. 775-9300 ; Fastens, old envjtoggittmpj, etc.. Experience in household Screen doors, dividers, faucets, sinks, out- MO Main St., Asoury Pork ; MMMlttf Income protection, vtv We otter small eompow friendliness, door dryers, hibachls. Many other Items. Open dally '111 V Sat. 'HI 5:30 MCk Itovt ond hiftlen payment goods moving necessary growth polemic), excellent salary and 60% oil original store prices and less! Benefit plon, oil In our modem clr condi- Mostly less! ll»r other items lust os low PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES - APPLY IN PERSON tioned plant. priced. Come down and browse. English- Jerry's Brook Farm, 3460 Hwy 35, Hazlet. COLLEC • nqutres minimum domestic w- Fown Rd., Engtishtown. V* mile north of< ter Ave. 35* quart, minimum 8 quarts. No children ATLANT'ICH'VGH'IANDS, H J. • *f 4_wn M MglHan. streets Pfeose apply to person Auction, 6 miles south of Rt. IB. Open under 10 allowed in fields. IGHLAN k dreinoee, tutaylslem, *ur- Anderson Bros., dally except Monday. Sundoy I to 5. •t*. tfrwiufct or Mated oro PANASONIC — AM/FM stereo foDle ra- , Hours Noon-EKM a perform feotte arofflage, Inc. dio, J75. Call 1 vertical ollonmeat 9143 Mechanic iU Red Bonk INTERDAtA REDWdOD-2*x4 COLLECTOR PAYS TOP CASH FOR —tUraqMrad. Genuine Wcsttrn Redwood on spedq* OLD TRAINS or will troeo HP. 027, O or Genuine Wcsttrn Redwood on BARBER POLE — Electric revolving; standard gouges. 274 3710. /* 2"4"62"x4"-6'' r 99** eo . 2"x42"4"" - 6',S).46'S)49 ea. Other TOOtMAKER . redwood in stock. more man 6' high Coll 7M-04V4 NAN JOHNSON SALESMEN RED BANK LUMBER GE STEREO — Beaulllul console, good BUYS AND BUYS ATEVftlC Full-time or port-time (Wall St. Red Bank 741-5500 sound. Must sell. S75. from an entire household lo o single Item, J Municipal Engineers man who can accept a challenge. Over' Licensed or unlicensed Call 717-OS50 furniture, antlaues, iewelry; silver. Imme- time and mony benefits. Near North Jer- Salesmen, ore you unsatisfied with vour diate cosn. You get top dollar (or your nTowrstrtp sey Shore. Engineered Precision Casting comings In 1970? Think you are copobie of ANTIQUES ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - Wllh Jhlngs.7(1-5331. , ;•/". . , . Co., MIAJKtown. NJ.«7I-M34. earning 112,000 yearly? (Liberal draw Two Unlaue Steps at)20 Folr Haven Rd, the exception ot accousflcol suitors, 50% available) Want to be your own boss? Fair Haven. off list. Anderson's Musk, 30 Broad St., WANTED MECHANIC — Propone Corboretlon. To* with us immedlolely. Our business Is TWO CADILLAC SNOW TIRES Red Bonk. Used Oriental Rugs .Conrwerrfld Must beignlllon and carburelton special- booming. We are N J.'s largest Real Es- And rims, 915. best otler. Chinese and Persian . ist. Only the best ond most amWhous ne« tate agency, and we are stlif growing. We Call 214-9785 PANASONIC — (-track stereo, cartridge Also Wall Tapestries apply at propone Equipment Corp., 1 need g«od men end women ta grow with lope deck. 575. FREIDMAN GALLERIES 774-3143 [MENCED BUTCHfcK —"Mill ei Apple St., New Shrewsbury, next to Red us. VTe'tl have you licensed, trained, con- BEDROOM SUITE - Five-piece goldorl. J42-5J4* • - rttonmoulh Meats.): BonfcAlrport. lidenf ond ready to moke money within ental, S12S. Outside door lock 55, choir COIN COLLECTIONS - Gold ond silver weeks. Call Boyd Mason, THE BERG with pallet $4.741-7748 evenings. FIELD GAS GENERATOR — Mlnlblke, coins, war nickels. Will pay top.current SUPERINTENDENT — Porf-flm*. Seek- AGENCY, )W Hwy 35, Herder, H-r. !U- High riser, AM/FM Grundig Stereo set, market. Exomple:.sllver Dollars 12 oiio" . MCAV BACKGROUND ing middle-aged experienced courts for IHO. IT ALL GOES — China, glassware, silver, tires, S.tO x 15 and 7.15 x 14, snow fires. up. Mr, Rpmeo. 7»7.5951 . n with experlenc* In Marine trv garden opartment In Red Bank. Must hove linens, figurines, many tine antique Old steel executive desk, RCA whirlpool SaZM own WofiTTwo-oedroom oportroenli plus CHAMBERMAID, CLERK, WAIT pieces. June 26 and 27. J. Babeuf, 33^ dlshwosrier, plonter, Coroniai spinning CASH f AID — For entire contents of Mlory. Must be bondoOle. Coll 354W7. RESSE5, BARTENDER — Full and port Crone Ct- OOK Hill, Mlddlelown. wheel, French Provincial mirror, small fiomes or single pieces. Highest prices; LERK — For tattle store. Pref time positions available. Apply Holmde Magnus organ, dresser, homldllier, small pold. Cail 681-1165 or 481-5722. .. • AUTOMOTIVE PARTS JOBBER - Motor Inn, Hwy 35, Holmdel. • 4 PARTIES ARE EXTRA FUN - When you refrigerator, bumper pool fable, console Needs on experienced rood salesman for rely oh A to Z Renlol Center, 181 Newman sewing machine, color television, 23", ond ANTIQUE jgWEQ^-Wcqsh irald established Monmouth County territory. tOOK WANTED — For Institutional type Springs Rd., Shrewsbury. 741-O040. Bar- commercial vacuum cleaner for indoor LES DEUX & RON PONS, 79> River Rd." L-T1ME BARTENDER - For cock- Send resume to Box F-117.TI* OoJV Reg- cooking. Modern nursing home. Full lime "I planted peas, carrots, corn, squash, tomatoes, row almost anything — chairs, tables, um- ond outdoor use. Call 264-5962. !Falr Haven. M2-6257 or 741-4B37. '. Steady, year-round work. For ister. Red Bonk. position. Pleasant working conditions. brella sets, dance floors, china, silver- n can lain*. Coed salary with benefit] Included. Call — *— lettuce, string beans, pumpkins ware, linens, etc. Reasonable rotes. We GAS STOVE FOR SALE CONTENTS - dfliomerporxjiaseii Cash YOUNG MAN — At leost one vf or col- deliver. paid for unusual items and clean, used. MAN — For MlabDjhMl route tor lege. Steady work In a Red Bank store. CALL SSM 264-6B59 furniture. 329-8933 or 22°-5782. ami laundry. Must b» familiar Coll Mr.,B. between 4:10 • 9:30 p.m PART-TIME - Evenings. Matrons, por- and watermelons." MINI BIKE-Sim Hi shore area. Musf b* mature, neat. Ptione747-04«i. ters. Good starling salory. Work In one SURFBOARD- 530"" SIDEWALK BIKE — S7, Floor humldlller, ANTIQUES — Paintings, NJ.'Allds Es-i • rtonatit. Awl/ unit silver cieo building. Coll 747-5610. 842.4943 after 6 p.m. Brand) Avenue. Little Silver MAINTENANCE MAH - Bill I me, J o INSTBUCTION FOR SALE S10. Seven plastic panels, SID. Four dining tales purchased and appraised. 747-2003.' 10 shllt. Cood salory plus meals. Apply chairs, JI5.471-5W3. The Hudson Shop, Inc., ill Brood St.,: 'TUTORING — Individual attention. If In- GUN SPECIAL — New and used. Some BUNK*EDS - One set. 4" posts. Almost Chief Engineer. Molly Pltdier Inn. Red new. S85. . Shrewsbury^ '• . Experienced. Top SITUATIONS WANTED terested, call after 5 p.m. are from Ructions and Special closeouts. BOY'S RALEIGH CHOPPER BICYCLE FEMALE 787-""- Call 495-0425. — Blue. In good condition. S35. Coll alter OLD FURNITURE '— Antloues, chlno, PAINTE RS - Most have experience. Winchester Model 70, 6 p.m. 747-J335. glasswareare, , art ob[ects and krlc-a-bracBric-a-brac. TUTORING — i-or all subjects at your 222 cal.vormlnt_.... ^_..__..JI49.S0 SEWER PIPE Immediatlate cascashh, tator anythinganything , anand.e.veryd every-. i. Hwy W. Holmde'. Teachers or college students. Call after 6 TWO HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES — m 4", exlra heavy duty, used. Mtvtas» Energetic, efficient, congenial team. house. Very reoionoble rales. Call 741- Mauser M CujlDra, 7 mm Moo.__.._s!7s BOY'S STINGRAY BIKE, S20, fireploce thing. Ruscll's, 25 East Front St. 741-1693. Serving, droning up, before and after par- 0273. Mauser 9S Custom* 7 mm W/SCDMHM.)!^ Call 671-9261 andirons, screen, 525. Lounge choir, 325, MECHANIC-PIPEFITTER window fan, S15, Zenith black ond white EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY — _. lies, luncheons, etc Reasonobl* rates, Wouser •» Oatom, 3M» ._.Z™.__5135 RED BANK GARAGE - Sot., June 19,12 h wWiTHJin of 5 ycors cxpvtffiof MlifrocMiig eomMiry iMjopBilJBfor 747-5024 betw«n5p.m>'» pjm. Stevens 12 ocvge doutle „_.-__—._„.»» 21" console,. $40, Singer sewing tnachlne* to S, also Mon. thru Frl., 9 to 5. Years col- »5. Roto-broll, IIP. 7«-4»5. PETS AND LIVESTOCK nter and maHiMnonce and npslr working supervHw. to supervise and work MERCHANDISE Stevens 12 gouge double ....HM..H.W...... S75 EMPORARY SECRETARY — Katie lections. Vx6 clean green rug, $10. Planls, BASS6T HOUND — 8 mqnms oia. Spayed f, iroSnly pumps, motors, and with mant crew. Must be able to drive WtalhertTy-iOmog...... S295 books, troys, frames, chairs, stools, suit- CASTRO CONVERTIBLE - With two .„.> for permanent position li straWleb and tractor trailer. Salary Glbbs groduate. 2 years experience. Ex- FOR SALE . Stevens 16 gauge double „.....,.- S75 female. A good home wanted for thlslov- cellent stem and typing. To Sept. 15.291- coses, postcards, forks, spoons, knives, chairs, good condition, S35. Call before 7 able net. AKC Registered, Reasonable: wage Treatment Plant. Sotary open. Coll 431-H33. Stevens 16 gouge double..... :. us dishes, tinware, 25 to S10. 55 Peters PI. p.m. 264-5577 _idI resume to Walter J. ZMk, Ex- 0259. . Vulcan 12 gouge double,..-. .5135 29I-28M after J p.m. 1__ i Director, Mlddletown Sewerage "CARPET MECHANICS — Or helpers; RACTICAL NURSE — Would like to ITEMS YOU NO LONGERMossburo 12 oouoc pump • •• ••• ..S59 CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING — Out- POOL — IS'xT. Lodder, niter, vacuum. GOOD HOMES FOUND FCTR OLDER ' y. Ml Hlobway V, Mlddietswa, good storting saloir. steMyemWoyiMnt. care for an elderly or III person. Refer- NE£D OR USE WILL,.. Vlnctiester Model 127«lra barrel .....J200 sjde compressor unit ond controls, never Liner olmosl new. HO. DOGS — Cosh paid tor pedigreed litters.. Must to experienced. Coll 2B4I99. nee. Mall renuts to Box F-Ilo. The Dally Winchester Model 12.16 gauge __.__S125 used, $50. Lawn roller, water filled, $40. .Phone 747-1180 All breed dog grooming. CANINE COL-. lealster, RedBonk. . Winchester Model SO. lloauge J150 747-4028. i LEGE INC. 229-8933 or 229-5782. I (JMH R - All frlnoe ten- temlngtsBModel TOO.« mm...._..-...^5145 UNIQUE CHOPPING BLOCK TABLE EACH BABYSITTER — College Junior, Rernlnoton Model JW8, BABY THINGS — Net playpen it. crib . . S40' MINIATURE — French peddle puppjes. rgte3 river's license. ExperlenceaTcoll U42- SELL extra bairel_™_.._.._»...»_.... J135 $15, dressing table $15, stroller 110, ham- Coll 747-2697 Black, females, AKC reg!steredl»8S each. 3334 offer 5 p.m. SrrinontW 3Mo S50 per $2. Call 741-0175. • Call 5(6-3560, a.m.-itun. SMALL MAPLE HUTCH — J30. Kllchen fhoca 16 oouflooufl e double»..»w.».Hw,»..o»..»w ,»..f 125 set, 125. Moplo twin beds, 135. Oak desk, SIAMESE KITTENS- Four Blue Point SHORT ORDER COOK WAHTOT^- Sovoge outorootic 12 oaugo.oaugo795. .579.50 41" ELECTRIC RANGE $50. 60 gal. elec- ;W — Far dietary food service. Full lUloy- tric water heater, S5o. Coll otter 7 p.m. sis. Bookcase, $6. Pump and motor, S12. females. High quality CFF registered.' 94D FAST Morlin3535!MHm....»^ H..!«^. «..««.M.....iciSS «7*Dply Jersey Shore Medical Center. 842-2604. 747-4021. each. Coll 946-403). pfoHies Ave.' Heptune, to Personne Remington Model HOD, 12 gouot._.....sl«5 intent, weekdays between 9 and J ACCOUNTANT - Bookkeeper. Kill CHILD CARE — In my home, farworklng WITH A QUICK ACTION" Remington Model 1100.20 gauge_...Slc5 MOTOROLA TAPE PLAYER — Com- SPEAKERS —Two 12" speakers BOSTON TERRIER PUPS - AKC regis- An •gsol opportunity employe mother. Ha MECHANIC - E*pert>need only, ondioiory retfitrtmem to But F-HII. The1 WILL GIVE LOVING CARE — To your llngworth. regularly J169.9S... Special SINGLE BED — Complete, $20. Cherry HENOON TROPICAL POOL - 16x3' P6ODLE PUPS-STANDARD . e teels. Company owned station, Ootly Register, Red Bonk. child In my home. Infmts accepted, ex- nit • • ' dining room set, $75. stereo recorder. En- overall slie, from 4' to IV*' deep, origi- AKC chomplon Bel Tor bloodline, , good ftonuio salary. Call to- perienced mother. 741-1255. FAMILY AD MANNY'S SPORT SHOP cyclopedce set. 747-4366 otters p.m. nally S3000. now S1000. Fisher nool.toblc lack or chocofole. Shots. 842-2854, 6pm '' BROILER MAM - Experienced-Top RI.34, East Keansburo 4'xj', has W stale wllh boll return. J600. woges. Year round JoJ. Ar-'- - —-• ENJOY SUMMER AT THE BEACH -r I'll 3 LINES-5 DAYS Pfwne7«7-OJ(» , SEARS MINI BIKE — With two-speed 787-8385. EIGHT-AAONTH-OLD CHIMP To learn oulo class and general 10 rj.rn.-12 noon j PLE automatic transmission. Good condition. Slob tailed. watch baby. Excellent care. Shrewsbury. $125.787-8184. Fvtlr paid Blue Cross and Blue INN. Hwy 34, Holmdel. 741-4944. . . > WARD'S DEHUMIDIFIER Call 566-7452 .'eralon Fund, Ufe Insurance, vo- FOR SWIMMING POOLS 560 . and holldovi' Apply ATLANTIC ••MAN FRIDAY" — Mature, personable, SIX-PIECE BEDROOM SET — Sectional FREE KITTENS — Four female, one WOMAH — wishes to babysit In my JUST $2.00 couch and corner table. black, three black and white, one black fe- i, it Maple Ave., Red Ban*.. for assorted chores and sales work In lux- tome. Fenced-ln yard. sUtttbCHiP^E^Af^aBaerbocT ury retell iiore. Apply with references to A-vattcfble for Merchandise For Sale only. In-ground swlmmlno pool kits Coll 291-3916 belore 4 p.m. chairs. Oark walnut. Execellent condition. male cat. 946-9473. .CENTER FOREMAN -And cornerc Box p-123. The Dolly Register, Red Bank. Article must originate from a ftOBMjwW complete, Including galvanized steel S20 each. Lorge piece of polished white „' Experienced on alterations. Call of- SURFBOARD — And wel suit. 9'S" Hoble, LOVABLE — Miniature silver poodles. . BABYSITTINS k and may not exceed a sole prlca of SSQXO walls, vinyl liner, m-rate sand filter, $100. Parkway men's medium, with feet, marble, 16" x 5', 325. Gold acrylon oval GENERAL AND FLOOR HELfi -InLcut- By mature woman, experienced. per' crllcle. pump and motor, automatic skimmerrln- Coblncrcfl fringed rug, 6'xlO', SSO. Almost One. female; two males. AKC reglstered,- $45. 872-1574. shots.264-V117. Ing room; Apply (or Interview, 220-7.100. Coil747-»M >rlce MUST tie advertised EachaoaWon- et flHInos. all hardware, outs, bolts, etc new plold.Herculon solo, 7', S200. Call 741- •ANY REPRESENTATIVES Devon Apparel. 395 Worburton Place, 6627. avmiable now tor manogemen ol line SI.00. No copy changes may be WE MUST MOVE THESE GUITAR — 4 pick-up, electric, with case COLLIES — AKC, white ond sable. Ready ings ovoliaDie now Tor mono; Long Branch. - • ond 40 watt amplifier, SI25. Microphone, lUier positions neede-' —d "tnro• Tughotri t made and no discounts or returns will be POOLS NOW! SCHOOL ROOM DESK - S15, West- In two weeks, ' .• nvde II ad Is canceled before expiration. $15. Coll 568-0543 oiler 2:30. Jersey. Port ond full lime. lmme> BARBER - Experienced hair stylist. FINANCIAL 16 X 32 Ktt.m...... „„_....„._._.....1UTO fngtiouse electric clothes dryer, J75. • Coll 747-0638.' To Place Your Dally Register I training. tSUO to J20O0 pe_. rmonth 16 X 38 Ktl..«HHM»n...»».mM»».. -..$1336 TV PEAVEY AMPLIFIER TOP Maple drop-leal table, S75. Leather-lop %^CUlSMOdlSOTT0WMh'P BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FAMILY AD, CALL... 18 X 34 Kit ZT^ .. ™J!!™., 513J8 bridge table and folding choirs, S75. the AKC REGISTERED GERMAN SHEf*- . - plos bowse*. Coll for Utter- 150 wall RMS, 5110. HERD PUPPIES - Black and silver. 20 X 40 K(t..M....»nM JI560 Call 542-4841 set. westinghause dehumldlfler, S45. Wal- R These are brand new 1971 models ond they ton cabinet double humldlller, 1125. All In good temperament. SSO. 671-2439. i COIN LAUNDROMAT excellent condition. Coll 741-9421. K .IrrW^«j: carry the Good Housekeeping guarantee G6 DRYER - Three months old. Moving, SCOTTISH TERRIER PUPPIES — AKC EjfabHshHJ In busy center wtfti good lease 741-6900 seal. Call Mr. Leeds, collect,721-1644; or must sell. $125 Tneotre, Atlontlc HlgMonds. champion line. Six weeks old. Shots. ..TOMOBILE MECHANIC — Must be and renewal. Unattended — doing good 736-26(2 eves, only. 8427732 GARAGE SALE — June 18, 19, 21, 10-4 Phone 747-1248. volume. Out of area owner priced pack- 24-Hour Service p.m. Antiques, classical records, ploy full fledged with tools and experience, MEDITERRANEAN — Dining table ond FATHER'S DAY GIFT — "Mr, Chair" MEN'S CLOTHING refeiably wild Chrysler products. Full- age for a fast sole* asta only $10,000 wild pen, books, linens, games, household. 33 HOMES NEEDED — For mother cof and Ime year-roundjoo. All benetlts. Apply in onty $6000 down and terms on balance. six chairs, S225. Traditional sofa and Black leather swivel chair and ottoman, 9 Rosslyn Ct. IOII Prospectl, Little Silver. three kittens, all litter trained.'Free. 291- SALESMAN BEST TOP SOIL chair. $225. Bookcase-bed with mattress, mos. old, like new. Paid $350, Asking 5175. I ef our senior clothing man lerson, WL SCHWARTZ. Chrysler- 741J493 •lymoulh, 141 wl Front St.. Red Bcwk. iiO. Melal study desk with swivel choir Norltoke China, e-place, extras. Pold $95. SURFBOARD - 7? Phillips. Good condi- •»« a career opportunity selling men's tion. One ding, repaired. Call alter 6 p.m. .1, sport coals CM slacks. Apply Hi per. BUY-RITE REALTY TYPEWRITER. ADDING machines* All, ond lamp, S75. Must sell* moving out of Asking S35. 842-613$. state June 25.671-4362. 741-0312. . SHETLAND SHEEP DOG PUPPIES • , • •. - LiceniedBrokor, mokes, new or wed. Guaranteed. Low as] SWIMMING POOL - 20 x 20, 4' deep. AKC registered. Excellent with children. S25. Serplco's. 101 Mcnmoulh St. Next to, NATELSOIfS 'WlOIQ Just like new. Also anligues, garden trac- SURFBOARDS - 6'2" Weber Australia, Call 4623042. J. Front sts« or ram 74MW tor ftMAZING MONBY.-MAKING HOME IhtWtr. 747-O4B5. ••• WAACKAACK ARMS . tor. Reasonable. 787-1897 between 5 and 7 585. /J" Weber Round Tall, U0. Both ex. p.m. _^^ cellent condition. 741-0909. FREE PUPPIES - Mixed Dobermdn and • LAN. PAYS to 530 day. Full or part- FHANOS-ORGANS Sporting goods* fishing tackle* guns* 199 Shepherd. Coll before 3 p.m. .• ime. Free details. CALL NOW. 747-9Z4S, Jsed spinets from S195. unlimited rentals Main St., Keonsbura, 7J7-6333. J — Clroilor delivery. Opeplnos In- 747M» STEREO TAPE DECK - Excellent con- MINI BIKE 583-3173 .Mitt) and Ocean Counlles. Weekends from J7.5O. Warehouse' for Yomolta-Conn- • SOD dition. 575. RUPP 3 h.p., 9 months old Wort rlotif (ii your own nolahljor. Klrm>all-Wurlltzer-Chlcitering. FREE- For sole or we will Install. 741-3360 74I-597J AKC DACHSHUNDS - Ond red, two ,'No selling or collecllM. Must be at BUTCHER SHOP HOtO MUSIC CENTER. IJ Tnrockmor- The Brlnht Acre, 747-5555 black ond Ion. Call otter 4 p.m, EXPERIENCED CARPENTER'S HELP- ton SI. 462-473D. i PATIO GLASS SLIDING DOORS GARAGE SALE - June 26, 9 a.m. to 5 ',•/- Ut yeorsol age. Coll J3I-UI1 tor ATTENTION— Our Lady of Perpetual: 787-9736 infonfifltfon. 575 p.m. 16 Bedle Rd>, Hailet. Household ond AND DELI DE5KS J15 up. FILES, lobpes,cholrs; ad- Help School parents: Place your orders 787-8298 otler 5 p.m. garden Items, ' , Business and equipment. Atlantic High* GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTER - NSED REAL ESTATE SALESMEN ding machines, typewriters, otllce equip- ^iow far school uniforms. Sam Sliberbtatt, ELECTRICIAN - Mechanic Must be ex- snds. Low reni:«iou. Bowtell Real Es- ment, etc., at bargain prices. New or Highlands. , GARAGE SALE - Sal., 10 to 6 p.m., Din- DINING ROOM SET - Daybcd, living One year old. Ready to break. S100. Also potcnf/ol and draw far ambitious,' perienced In Induslrlol end commercial ole,2»l-2100. Ing room set, canopy bed, other household room set, and Phllco radio. Lamps ana two year old pointer, excellent.hunter. slve salesmen. 2M4300, ask tor Mr. usw). AAC DE5K OUTLET, Rl. 35, Oak-. work. Call S«-6a7» after op-rn hurst, 531-3V90. • GUNS — New and used. Buy, sell or goodies. 21 Hedge Dr., Oceanporr. rugs. Coll oiler 12, 741-439a. Has three months schooling, $300. Guaron-' lla. __' WE HAVE OPENINGS — In Union Coun- trade. MANNY AND MARY'S SPORTS teed satisfaction. Manny's sport Shop, 787- ', Somerset County ond Middlesex Coun- SHOP Rl. 34, East Keansburg. 787-05011. GE ELECTRIC RANGE - White, 40", FOR SALE — Early American mople 0508. MAINTENANCE MAN '• HELP WANTED '. Low Investment, nigh Income. 7a7-2il0. ROOF SHINGLE SALE double oven, large oven self-deans. Ex- crib, dresser and rocker. Like new, id Mednnlc especiallp y on com-1 Rubberold, while, 235 ID.. $9.95 per 3 cellent condltlon/im 741-7132. . RIVATre LOCAL INVESTOR -Inter: Call 229-1131 anytime. ••' >" GERMAN SHEPHERD-AKC pups. clol oil burnersers, , anandallpa allphoseh s ot HALE OR FEMALE lundle sq. The genuine Item In absolute TYPEWRITERS , Looking for the perfect puppy? Don 1 look " j renovationsns. . Full frtnjfringe bbenefits.' ested In Monmouth or Ocean County non- llrsls — on first come, first served basis. YARD SALE SURFBOARDS •*- Two 6' Weber Austra- tnanufacturlng businesses tor sole. All re- IBM electric Excellent condition. Special any lurtherl To find out all obout this Manalapm-Englllsntown student rates on. rental with option to Duy. June 22 and 23, lo a.m. to 3 p.m. lias. Excellent condition. - ' magnificent titter, call 787-2055 up to 8 illes acknowfedged. Write Box F-11S, The 872-0327 after 6. • 24 Swan Ave., Navesink Coll 741-7833 alter 5 p.m. •' • lolly Register, Red Bonk. RED BANK LUMBER p.m. . ^- . WE NEED I Woll St. Red Bank 741-5500 KUftNITURE AND APPLIANCES THREE LIVING ROOM TABLES ONE PAIR MAHOGANY —Commode , with refer- IELICATESSEN BUSINESS — In Pisco- Chair and hassock. tortoljlulles >'CoreStrlnoer», LUGGAGE — Three pieces, 5100. Type- Welfare and people with credit problems. cabinets, s2S. single bed, blond bookcase FREE TflcG.OOD HOMES,-Litter ; may. Gross 5150,000 lost year. Reason writer, $40. Hairdryer and movie camera. Immediate deliveries. Instant credit. Call , Call 787-9368 headboard, tjoxsprlng, mattress, matching • 13 noon to 6 p.m. 'Assemblers lor selling, moving out of stole. Coll M5- trained kittens. 'i^i\' ' "r'' •Solderers Call 842-2704. Mr. Oron, 3734611 desk, chest, $30 complete. Clemson hona . Red Sank. S!87 or 885-11*7. Ask for BUI or Evelyn. SURFBOARD — «'«" Honsen, less than mower, S5. GE Rotflserie broiler, SI5,' iMinsMctort s BEAUTIFUL HAMMOND ORGAN- one year old, perfect condition, 5100 or > REPRESENTATIVE — Full er. WROUGHT IRON — Seven-piece table Callo71-1B20. FREE PUPPIES -Rorl Sheepdog ond >Cornputer.T«ctmlcl«t(Ex«Klenc<. 291-3749. t, call 229-3950.2 p.m.-7 p.m. Ions and benefit package. Apply In person tEPAIR BUSINESS - In well established tom mantle piece, wheelbarrow, and odds able.. Housebrokcn, Mole and female. 0140 anytime. cartridge, deluxe bose. 741-1201 AKC. Champion sired. »2O0. 264-2394. Ml am. and l:jf4:30p.m.dally. ocotion. Complete shop with test tank, and ends. 118 Park Lane, Folr Haven, GUITAR — Grelsch Astro Jet electric, USEER OPPORTUNITY- Jolivane oV fools and testing equipment. Write to Box Thurs, through Sol. 747-3446. LEAN — Wool rug ond pad, brown REFRIGERATOR — 535. Roygl blue rug, and case, 6 months old, must sell. Call GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIEST-AKC JHonmouth and Ocean Counties fastest, •W, The Polly Register, Red Bonk. veed, 8'Axlo, 520. Hall carpet runner, lV/ixl5, $95. Green antique chair, $150. 67I-57J3. registered. Bred for temperament, • ^-swlng real estate agencies: We will train! 17'/]', gold, $10. Storage trunk with troy, End tables, odd chairs. $5 ea. 842-4435. GARAGE SALE Call 747-5692 d areoare far iicensf rw. tJirougn wr INTERDATA TREMENDOUS PQTENTIAL 15.5425971. Fireplace set, Electro Voice organ, three yyw i^-spe- SHOE STORE CLOSING — All trade llx- "Smiiony school auoiir --— Crescent PI./ oceanpori. N J. RESTAURANT- And small hotel. For. high choirs, crib, accordion, man's suit- tures for sale Including shelving,! choirs, ... •poUII4ftslnc.rK.o. jf'tooaV's''mosTlucrf to< . (Directly behlrafHolldoy innBldg.) rent Or sale. Call after 6 p.m. HOBART SLIC6R — Refrigerator blower . TOMATO STAKES case, fans, six lauvered doors, 30"x8030x80", window fixtures, etc. Contact Mr. Du8r- GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - (2) AKC 1 An Equal Opporlunlty Employer . coll lor walk-In box. 1 h.p. 3-phose circu- registered, three months, line Imported atlvtf pr&ressloos. If you ore Interested In . < 741-1144 V long, 12"eachor20-plecebundleforS2. twt o medicindii e cabinetsbit , 13"xl8"13"l8" , eighiht flu- Ino at (Ml) 741-98(4 on June 24, 1971. Or gUxFyear earnings ot $12AX» with iioUntlt- lar pump. Restaurant dishes, sliverware, orescent lights, three sinks—pink, yellow, come to store ot 48 Brood St., Red Bank. bloodline. Female, long black and brown mcorae potential, call M|\ (SJx> pots ond pens. 591-1191. beige—all wllh hardware, clocks, hurri- hair, 5100. Male, short hair, mostly black, W-SKio SALES CAREER RED BANK LUMBER cane lampslamps , childre'children's toytoyss , ladlsladles'', coatscots, TAKE ADVANTAGE of our mlstoke. We J125. Inoculated. Loves children. 591-9547. INSTRUCTION FLAGSTONE — Build a beautiful cotio... 9 Wall St. Red Bonk ,741-5500 clothing, aluminum screen door and other are new In the orca and we overbought. FREE KITTENS — Two malei, two fe- MECHANIC — Full or port-time, twc. For the right Individual, we offer a mar- FOR THE MODERN APPROACH reasonable. Alter i call 747-9S71 or all •ESSTHSUSE' ANf IQUES — H«vy 36;.... Items. 8 Blnohom Hill Circle, Rumson. Pro-only golf clubs... Irons, retails S225, "—i «xt>erlence «n general cn/lo repair. velous challenge. No.celllng on eventual doy weekends. lantlc Highlands. New Sole Hours dally 4 males, Litter trained. TO TEACHING Frl. ond Sat., 9 to 5 p.m., June IB and 19. how S157.50; *oods S140, now S9S. Pro- 431-3B75 f include front end alignment and Income. Excellent storting salary,'plus Roberts School of Music 'to 6 p.m. Sat. and Sun. 9 to 5 p.m. Or call only. .. golf bags S1O0, now S70; S75, now ' ~e brake, drum and disc Including commissions while completing, our 3 year . "The Complete Studio" AMPLIFIER — Oanelectro two-channel foi appointment. 291-2147. SALE — 32" riding mower and sweeper, S5J.5O. Ladles' sporrswsar 50% oil. Coll sales training progrom. Liberal fringe piggyback. Reverb, 12" speaker. $90. Call SIAMESE KITTENS — 5calpofnr. Eight Hues. Apply J. M. FIELDS, AU- 60 White St.. Red'Bonk S424560 v gorden tools. Never worn summer clothes bolls per doi.< reta.ll at S15, now $11.25. t Department, Hwy 35. Hazlet. benefits ond future management opportu- om, 542-0227. PIZZA R6TARDER —-Marjile top. Imm weeks old. Litter trained. Sweet and ador- at half-price. Assortment tor ages 4 For Intormallon coll 741-4774. able. Call 842-5314. nities. Lei 1971 be your year of opportu- IWIMMING TAUGHT — Privately, at 'dlate delivery. through 12. 28 pt. dehumidlHer, electric _..AUSTSY4TEM INSTALLERS nity. Coll 549-7587. eves. 741-7436. An equal your pool. Beginner through llfesavlng. LAMP SHADE MATERIAL — 1/2 price. Call747-91«Sor774.2BM- rotlss'ere. 100' welded wire fence, 5' high, CAMERA — Minolta 35 mm, SR-1 wllh Antique tafteta, shantung, crepe, linen, FREE — Two bunnies with hutcti. pa-cut young men. Automotive and opportunity employer mil. t MUFFLER sfirP-, 4M Hw ment. Apply In person, THE PUB, 1(0 utorlng In French ond English com IER MIRROR — 550. Oak toble. S20. Da- MorgonvllletWWO?;- GARAGE SALE — June 19th, 10 to 5 p.m. SIAMESE KITTENS - SealpolnLTWO fe. Hwy J5, Mlddletown. DOSltlan. Phone 747-2740. • Mony household Hems. One day only. 17 BEDROOM SET — Avocado green, In- males, one mole. S15 each.- guerreotype coses, 51.50. Pressed end car- nersprtng, holr matlress, double bed, UTORING — Grade school teacher nil STRAWBERRIES — Fresh picked dolly Aberdeen Terrace (off Wilson Ave.I New 787-JfMP fiKrp'BOCY MECHANIC - Ex- nival gloss,^lup.W6-84J7. from our farm. Dearborn Fruit Farm, Monmouth. dresser, two nlghl tables, S1C0. Please coll .H^ced. Excellent opportunity for ex- tutor grades 1 through 6, In your home or. BEAUTICIAN mine. Any subiecr. 15 per hr. Red Eank- '0LAROID LAND CAMERA — With cose Hwy 35. Holmdel. Closes Tuesdays. 741-0382 otter 6 p.m. rluiced man.-All benefits, paid no- Full or part-time. Opporlunlty for ad- GARAGE SALE - June 19, 20. Every. More Classified • sick leave, vacation. 49-tiour week. Mlddletown area. U2-7°83. and flash, electric eye. 540. Accordion COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY — Salic thing from power tools, to pre-hlstorlc BRONSON Foodmatlc Center, wllh cobl- voncement.Cq|lo71-oi5& with case, stock cars with controls. 264- "I F. Stein, Inc. Cadlllac-Pontloc SUMMER COURSES IN MORSE vinyl siding .doesn't dent like obsolete sharks teelbteeth, ta china. 2BS MilteMiller Ave.A , net and all attachments. Never Used. S250 CAN YOU DEAL WITH THE PUBLIC? - 0768. metal siding. Coll lor free estimate, D.W on Next Page r, 775-2100, ask for Bob Jackson. If so, you con earn S1Q per hour or more. MANSHIP — 2 and 3 week courses. Mon. Hcalet. (Oil Rt. 35, behind Holiday Inn) 10 plus tax. Call 842-1500. through Frl., June 21 to July 2, July 5 to Borr Home Improvements. 842-2053. a.m. to 4 p.m. LUMBER WANTED - Experienced. Unusuol soles opportunity dealing "with MOVING — Inside TV anlcnna 525. Ken- PIANO — Used. Winter Splnll. Mahogany. copper gifts ot all Kinds. You will make July Ulh. July lvth to July 30th. August' more dryer S40. Child's roll-top desk, 55. CHAIN "LINK PENCING -. Due to popu- SUflrs. Not needed for sewer work. Col 2nd to Aug. 13tft. Learn Basic Equlfoffon, GARAGE SALE — Reducing contents ol Excellent condition S375. HELP WANTED ^eronoe. 741-7217. money, earn prixes, trovel to far.otf Dresser, 110. Douole bed, 510. Call 583- lar demand v/e have extended our sole on four-bedroom house to apartment sire. All 1 471-5215. ' " places free. A division of West Bend Corp. Jumping, Introduction to Showing and 4952. Installation and/or materials. MON- MALE OK FEMALE Hunting, Basic Dressage, Stable manoge- kinds ot household, garden, ond workshop ) GLASS MAN — Experienced. Per- First quality products. Call ond see what MOUTH FENCE, 739-1033. ilems. Frl. and Sal., June 18 and 19, 10 to GARAGE SALE — Frl., Sot., Sun., 10-6 nt position. Fully paid Blue Cross It's an about. No obligation. 341-3967. Mln- menf and horse core. Essentials of First FRAMES — $1. Wicker chest, 57. Bisque, Aid ond veterinary medicine. Ask obout 5. Nested tobies, 515. Sola-bed, 520. 946-"DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAffiS" Hjr- 4 p.m. 22 Homestead Parkway, E., New .m. Hwy 34 (Hall block south ot Pleosont iSI(W Shield, Pension Fund, Lite Insur- ImumcgeJl with cor. Shrewsbury (oil Sycamore Ave.) .alley Inn & Rt. 520) Come see what a ;e,~vor.o!ion ond holidays. Apply AT- our adult evening classes. Call Angela nlshed and Installed lor only S44.95. To or- dollar will buyl 946-8142 SUMMER Moloney. 54?-»7»7 or 741-W4. der. Call 3490863. NTIC GLASS, 2) Maple Ave., Red NOTICE GARAGE SALE — Moving, must sell fur- lease take notice Ihot the Housing Au- SIMMONS — Firm double mottrrcs, 515. POSITIONS EXPERIENCED FOLKSINGER - Wll Brass bird cage wllri accessories, 55. Both GARAGE SALE — Many usefuT (terns. niture, tires, sporting equipment, games, College Students - Teachers thority ol the Borough ot Freehold intends clothing, household Irems, lawn sweeper. MACHINERY FOB SALK IrlERICAL CONTROL MACHINE OP to hire on,executive director. All inter I give guitar lessons and entertain for your excellent. C71-3061. Sat., June 19. Sat. June 26,10 Alston Ct., Exceptional 1971 Red Bonk. 9:30J:30 p.m. etc. Frl., 1-5 p.m.. Sat., 10-5 p.m. 10 Blue- A'TOR — Experienced preferred. Must ested and quolilled persons who wish I lartles. Coll Mary, 842-0523. MACHINERY — One Toledo bandsaw. • HIGH SCHOOL GRADS FRIGIDAIRE DRYER — In perfect con. loy Court, Oak Hill, Mlddlelown. One hand shears. One portable spot wel- _aWe to Interpret Blueprints ond copobie be Interviewed for this position shoul dllian, 540. Surfboard and rack, 520. Call CASH REGISTER - Brass antique. Ideal GUARANTEED SALARIES Pjnaklnp; own stt-ups. Should hove pre- moke application in writing outlining theli B-HIVE — Oilers Instruction In needle- 946-4793 oiler 6 p.m. for country store atmosphere. 1125.946- GARAGE SALE — Misses', lunlor, men's der. Coll Monmouih Metal Products, 291- 5500 CA5H SCHOLARSHIPS I machine shop background. Must be qualifications. The applications should bt croft. Join our Interesllnq group antf feorn 2223. B57I. and college man's clothing. Toys, a'oltSi Phone Sal., 6/19,10 a.m.-S p.m. only sg to learn all functions ot our Cintl- mailed to the office of the Housing A-j lo create in yarns. Complete line ot male- MOVING — Cheap, but good condition. dishes, shoes, prom gowns and much c single spindle verticle miller. Small thorlly, located ol 34 South St., Freeholc rlols available. Fill vour summer hours Dry sink, bassinels, crib, nigh chair, etc HANIMOND ORGAN — Professional more. Sat., June 19,10 a.m. 157 New Mon- HELP WANTED MALE 671-0008 ..Jlty runs. Small electronics company, N.J., and a mutually ogreeoble appoint with fun. Adult and children's classes oF- Coll 747-1892 evenings ond weekends. model. Excellent condition. Must sell. mouth Rd., Middletown.'tFor information, |l Mr. Rivera, 842-3535. ment will be fixed. lered. 172-0114.291-0149. moke offer. Call 842-3100. Ask far Steve. call 671-3868.) CUT GLASS — $10 UD. sterling compote. SUMMER ACTING CLASSES — Training B. Royal Doulton Tobys, 58. Godey SWIMMING POOLS —Above ground GARAGE SALE — Old trunks, battles, iOATS AND ACCESSORIES BOATS AND ACCESSORIES lor a career in theater or for personol de- riots. 57. Nulling prints, 55 up. V46-8437. -lumtnum and redwood pools. Pick them furniture, antique military Items, ofher PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES velopment-poise. Children, teens, young p at warehouse. Cast obout $500. Call miscellaneous. Frl., 10-5, and Sat,, 10-2. 40 adults, and odult dosses. Ooy ortveninc *r. Joy. 2*9-0258. Taber St., Little Silver, Weneed men to work rotating shifts. . - FABULOUS I2lh year. N.J. Academy ol Dramatic An, HELP WANTED MALE , - We offer: • • . -. BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY 722 River Rd., Fair Hoven. 842-0132. HTCH FUR COAT — Full'length, dork DINING ROOM SET - Nine piece Chip- AT INVENTORY 100 boots must be sold Imme- dyed. Must see. • pendale with upholstered seals, 5350. One • Steady employment close to home diately. Merchandise Is new but GUARDS 741-5092 • American oriental rug, needs fringe. Onci • Excellent wdges Including shllt differential payments sold as is." First come—first HELP WANTED FEMALE VANGUARD SECURITY INC. rose rug. Coll 671-4580. _^__ • Hospltallzatlon Seeks neot, alert Individuals for full FILL DIRT • Life Insurance CLOSEOUT SALE! d! Top soil. Stone; Free delivery. lime unltorm guard work In the Perth GARAGE SALE — Baby furniture, house- • Disability and sick benefits V Fiberglass Prams 175 to SI 00 Amboy area. Also temporary positions Coll 741-302? hold items, china. Lots of miscellaneous. • Retirement plan 14' to 15' Aluminum Canoes .5135 to MOO t and up. Saturday 10 to i, 30 Birch Dr., , W* Outboard Rubber Rafts ovolloble in the Newark area. e Opportunity for advancement 15'ta 17'Fiber 1.0 Trl-hull Runabouts FACTORY JOBS • Highest-starling rales ANTIQUE TOYS AND TRAINS Shrewsbury. " Wood floor Ilia to 1150 1 BUY, SELL OR TRADE 1 Fiberglass Sollboots S22£toS30u 22^ Fiberglass i.o with 130 HP or 155 • Uniforms ond equipment provided • Guarantees overtime COLLECTORS CORNER GARAGE SALE —Frl., Sot.. 10-4 p.m. Applyaf ' to 15' Fiber Fishing A few openings 6 Center Ave. Crib, vanity, storm door, toys, twin mot- •oats ....J28J to WOO • All shifts available' available in our Apply 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Atlantic Highlands, NJ. tress, etc. 38 Pork Drive, (Cor. of Twin- '.ta 18' Fiber V Hull 291-4511 or 5M-3S27 picss departmenl lot Friday, B TlnOall Rd. (Roberts Build. brook) Mlddletown. Outboard Runot>outs_.v.W75 to S1500 'Also. One mo Chris Croft Con- Hours Noon-8:00 •ACTUWNG CORPORATION ) )7' Fiber Trl-hull inspector-packets. Ing) Mlddletown or call 671-5011 for op. stellation, twin engine, sleeps six. MODERN 5ECTIONAL - Four-piece, PACKAGING PRODUCTS DIVISION utboord rtunobouts W>5 to JI2OT Beautifulcondltlon. Completely Openings on 8 a.m. two end fables, two lamps, leather reel- HELP WANTED MALE Beers ond Francis Sti. Keyport II* Aluminum equipped. Navigation Instrumentation. lo 4 p.m. shift but Iner choir. 5200. A-l. 741-8847 oiler 6 p.m. •d.».».—M.UM..S135 to sroo Davits and dory. J7J0O. An equal opportunity employer must be able to work GARAGE SALE — Humidifier, head- 4 p.m. to 12 mid- {board, mattress, light lixtures, clothes, night on temporary etc. 129 Heights Terrace, Mlddletown. basts. hospi- MACH NISTS , Frl,. Sol. 9-0 p.m. 671-0621. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OrPOHTUNITIE8 tali ran on. paid ho- ALUED BOAT DISTRIBUTORS, INC. II POOL TABLE — 8' reguloRun. complete lidays and other like the steady, Hwlth solid tolhe bolls and eaulpmenl, ex- 1206 Wghwoy 36 at Pool, Ayenw, Hadtr, N h benefits. Apply f Hunt condition, $125. Ttiree.piece sec- permanent work at S. S. White" „ i°.W! sola J3S. Round cocklolrtdbleSlS. 201.7394212 ' II Maple desk ond swivel chair, S45. Wcbcor BUILD YOUR FUTURE Hwy 35 264-8000 Keyporf Hportable stereo with extension speaker Exit 117Qerden Stet.P«rltw.y Hand stand, S35. Two screen and storm ESCOMATIC Set-up Man I doors, one aluminum, one wood, S5 each. II797-8879. Experience desired on D-2's or D-6R's. Here's II GARAGE SALE —Frl. and Sat,, 10 lo 6 WITH ESSO your chance to get a key lob tied In with our Hp.m. 103 Central'Ave., W. Keansburg. plans tor the future at our new plant In Holm- R \ (house end of olh St., oil Lourel Ave.) CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY •del. HELP WAITED JBALE SERVICE STATION V\ HANDY GIJIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR S. S. White is a malor manufacturer of dental equipment—non-defense oriented and fn a STATIONARY DJEALERS ''•: MANY NEEDS! steady-demand, growing Industry. ENGINEER {\s • result ol retirement we have an imme- INDEPENDENCE AND THE OP- jtlng Machines-Typewriters Cemnd CcuttmSom Paning and Decorating diate, opening tor a Ucoreed Stationary En- WPORrANT COMPANY PAID BfNtHIS. gineer PORTUNITY TO OPERATE YOUR IING MACHINES - Typewriters MASON AND BUILDER — Complete CARL B. JONES— Pol -ling ond wollpo-M OWN RETAIL BUSINESS WITH perina Fully Insured. For free tstimoles, I Including Pension Plan. Group Life EXaUEMT tented, repaired. Serptca's. 101 Moth home Improvement*. Ktosowble. Fre* AMERICA'S LEADING ENERGY b SI., Red Bonk. 7I7-O4IS. estimates. Call 8724122. coll 229-3838. Insurance, Health and Dental Plans STARING SAURY COMPANY. PAID TRAINING & Vlamonds Bought or Odd Jobs Pearl and Bead Bestringlng Please call Employment Office for appoint- AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE S Hld LIGHT HAULING - Otllors. gorones Enpertly on braided mlon. $1.50a stroM. ments. 946-8000, ext. 251 APPLY IN PERSON AVAILABLE FOR OUAUFIEO AP- ' cleaned up- Free esllmotes. 7414149 dler Sterling clajos from 75c REUSSILLC'S. 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON PLICANTS. FOR INFORMATION I buy ttie diornend» you don't wor 3prrL•-• 36 Broad St.. Red Bor*. i > resiylt them >or you personally. AND APPOINTMENT CALL- e't, H Broad 51, Painting and Decorating - Plumbing awl Heating GENERAL MR. FLYNN, 486 7000, EXT. 223 Contractors KARl KRAMEH- Bolnroom, Hither- . MONDAV THROUGH FRIDAy John Woodward & remodeling and repairs. Call (42431? oi BEIWEEN 8 A.M. end t P.M. nTRrull.DeH CABLE CORP ome Improvements, altero- Sons 747-sna lout Rooting, • ding. Painting. Po'ttrnonginrr. Ponelfog. ' 26 WASHINGTON ST. Interior Remodeling , South St., Holmdel, N.J. Remodeling, paneling, Movon Contracting OLSON CO. - ROOFING ANO SIDING PERTH AMBOY,NJ. Coll oiler 6 p.m. HUMBliOlU REFINING CO. ad |ob». Reasonable, •installed ont) guaranteed tor 10 years. 775 An' Equal Opportunity Employer A. few) o.jwfe.lfy fa^terer r.o. IOXM U«O«I,I«.J. 74W61 070S -W-UJ4P. RIAL iSTATf HKCTA18 JVANTKP jHI Kri&y,J«*liU«ri2l FOR RENT S^oom apart- room, fenced patio with gas grill. Onl cation! Bring your imagi- trolfed Heot - ment. Red Bank area. Rental (13S top. $27,900 ' j $42,900. , • WolMoWaU Carpeting J41-»345 otter o. nation ana your paint 54 Broad Street Red Ban! YOUNG COUPLE — Looking for apart- Look Now 842-0004 brush and you .can wind "KEANSBURO^^SgiBmJFor pit year Call lor appointment fo Inspect ment in Red Bank-Rumson-LHtle Sllver- up with a very good four- round rentals. Mod«rn,.furril»h«lor untur- Folr Haven area. For August 1st. Call 741 Buy Now ELLA WILTSHIRE »2M. nlsMdlMd . Suitobl. to thantha; oor couptM. Ntor 7474100 ; Yes, this Is a beauty. Three-bedroom ranch with full base- bedroom Colonial home . transportationtti . PorHlna^rivotPorHln t t • AfR-CONOITIONEO OFFICES AGENCY Reasonable rent, Imrireblote occupancy. SMALL. FAMILY — Wishes to rent small ment, formal dining room, huge living room, eat-In kitch- Broktr Open 7 Days Multiple Listings .. well built... On Rum- tranCM, «5-MK. „,., horn* In Haslet oreo. Apply Strplco'l, 101 Monmoulh St., Red en, tiled bath, goroge. Air conditioned. Many extras. Call SUMMefe RfNTAUjStofigli Bonk, next tor Cornell Thtaler. . Phone 7J7-O1S3 SUMMERTIME SPECIAL son Road. Price... modtrn tour-room raid berth ooo today for appointment. Convenient Fair Haven location close 1< OFFICE SUITE-RED BANK -734sq.ft. WANTED -House or small bungalow. rtver. Three bedrooms, lvi boths. In. $59,500 Oceon front. Prtvoto btoch. Call • Mlddletown-Keontburg. area. Need des ALL BUYERS VA AND FHA TERMS 53 ' 'IneKceitent location. Desirable for any ground swlmmlna pool. Screened porch, prolestlon. Coll 747-1730 between 9 and I. Patio. Coll soon on this. Only S12,000. ELLEN S. WEST END - FiirnUhtd jvimojvimomm t $34,500 'MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE! Kitchen, tiled boinbin , Hrr««H , *!! t corjuui - Renonoble. 30 Linden PI.. Red Bank. FURNISHED ROOMS Honing, pool. From S17S month. 333<2». Phone 747-J4M Just For You HAZELTON NICE ROOM - In private.home. Suitable VAN HORN ' SUMMER RBNTAtT STORBS - (J) l«r rent, opproiiimotel for gentleman. Call 747-1977 between « Realtor TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT - Effi- 700 la. ft. each, centre! Rea Bank 10a c.m.-l p.m. " ' •• Value Galore Open 7 dovs. Call 24 hours a day. 842-3200 ciencies — Weekly, monthly or season. tlonrCallJ47-1W. , ,, i , • . Give your family the happiness they deserve. Four-bed^ Oceon bathing. Indoor-outdoor pools* EATONTOWN AREA 747-4100 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE steam room, eocktalHpjgge, dancing. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE - Ap. CALL room split with formal dlnfng room,spacious living room, tin River Rd. - Fair Havei Realtor H2-1837*. ' • p/o. HOLMDEL ing. Our buy of the week at 532,000. Realtor HOLMDEL Rumson, Small two-bedroom home, con- 301 Maple Ave., Red Bank ENGLISH TUDOR RED BANK — 1 • 2-bedroom opartments, Professional Lovely landscaped grounds overlooking available now. All utilities included. venient to bus and park. June 23 through Custom built three-bedroom ranch located 3 Bedrooms, VA Baths September 6, «0». - 741-9100 MONMOUTH golf course. Many beautiful features In- Adults preferred. No nets. 842-4097., on l'/j acre corner lot. Ideal home and cluding beamed-eel lings, wide plank Excellent Condition business for doctor, lawyer, etc. Asking Evenings: 747-3799 BEACH floorsi.casement windows. Five bed- ALFRED J. HASSINGER AGENCY !5B,500. CARL F. ZELLERS, Realtor. 946- MAKES IT RUMSON — Choice rustic residential $23,500 rooms, 3'/a baths. Large living room, din- . Marshall P. Whitfield COMMERCIAL RENTALS 4443. OPEN 7 C Ing room and den. 559,000. Realtors Member MLS 105 E. River Rd? Rumson 842-5M0 area. Modern Colonial. Fireplace fn living 9it-U75 'BRIGADOON PROFESSIONAL BUILD" Reaitors-lnsurors room, formal dining room> electric kitch- Five bedrooms, two baths, living room S. Holmjel Rd., Holrrotel ING - 565 HWV 35, Mlddletown, N, J. RANCH HOME — Two todroonu. llvlni We Hate to. Rave But Member of Multiple Listing Service en, dinette, den. Four bedrooms* 2Vi dining room, plus huge kitchen, mako thl: ALLAIRE FARROW baths. Hot air oil heat. Attached two-car year-round home an exceptional buy More Classified 3,000 sq. ft, of office space. Will subdivide.: room with fireplace, J250 per month Seldom found In a ranch, four-bedrooms 24 Riverside Ave. Agenc/ .All utilities Included. Ample parking. Col SCHANCK AGENCY, Realtor, • Llndet and family room. This home-. In "mint" 747-9300 garage. One acre plot. Now $67,750. Close to the beach. 1471-021* days, 2?)-0530 evenlnns. PI.>ledBoiili.74Z-inW. condition, has all this and more. Two full !!4 Broad St., Red lSmf* 741-3450 on Next Page baths, fireplace, central air conditioning, UTTLE SILVER — Fox Hill. Ranch In se- RUMSON — Desirable living locale. Colo- OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Industrial Pork cluded area. 25' living roam with fire-' 5 Corners! Mlddletown 671-2590 RED BANK — Six rooms. July 1st oca* dining room, 12x10 kitchen with breakfast r *ilal.. Living room has a fireplace, formal >.' HICKEY New, luxury building. Single luxurious of- pncy. References and lease required, area. Patio and Iwo-cor attached gorage. placet IS' kitchen. 30 den. three large dining roam, electric kitchen. Three bed. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE fice, J75 a month. Custom otflces, avail- i per month, call alter 8 p.m. M2-TO3. Beautiful private grounds. Owner trans- bedrooms, two baths, double garage, uh/ rooms, Vh baths, Enclosed porch. Full REAL ESTATE able trom 600 to 3000 sq, ft., M per tt. per ferre*. Excellent buy at 558,000. Call for usual property. S4«,5W. —_ basement. Steam oil heat. Attached one- year. The J. R. H. Building, 3430 Sunse AGENCY . MARLBORO - Four-bedroom ranch, IV appointment. car jjaroge. Formal grounds. 345,000, .Ave.. Wanamossa. «22-)70o. RED BANK — Two-story. Just listed, troths, recreation room, garage. S35 Four bedrooms, living room* dining room* REALTORS LINCROFT - Store 750 sq. It. Prime lo- month plus utilities. Sterling McCann Rr RUMSON - Inviting rustic vicinity. Cape Home's Don't Grow kitchen, basement. Barn. Nice area. Cod Living room, large L-shoped kitchen cation, suitable gift shop, ladles' wear. Estate Broker. SU-HM. 124,500. , Call 222-4087 anytime. etc. E. H. MARTIN, Broker, M-tOXl. But Families Do with dining area. Two bedrooms, one MIDDLETOWN — Two bedroom Ranch, Now this charming Colonial Is too large bath. Full basement. Hot water oil heat, How to A'R CONDITIONED PRIVATE OFFICE Completely furnished. Lots of privacy, •'or one person. Seven lovely rooms, fire- SCHANCK AGENCY Breezeway; One-car attached garage, TREMENDOUS — Furnished. Prime Rumson location. Immediate occupancy. Couple preferra place, sreakfajt room, full basement aid Nlco lot. $29,900. • POSSIBILITIES Reasonable rent. ALFRED HASSINGER, •Coll 471-2378ottorop.m. garage. Excellent location. Asking 134,500. .Linden*. REALTOR. RedBmk Realtor. 842-58M. Delightful location on dead end street WATERBURY AGENCY 747-0397 Bv»s. 5UO. 747-40M Realtor ' 45 Years of Se/vlca Insurer Woodsy with running brook. Home with lose 1,500 OCEANPORT - Wi room ranch horn Dennis K. Byrne five bedrooms, three baths. Idea lor grow- 62 Maple Ave. 747-350O Red Bank OFFICE — Two rooms, nearly 300'. Suit Lorge lot. Convenient location. July 1: REALTOR-INSUROR ing family or mother-in-law apartment oble any business. Air conditioned. East occupancy. References, lease require! . Use "Holly, The Home Finder" RUMSON Huge family, room/ full basement. Trans Front St., Red Bank. Reasonable Rent. »250 per month. Coll otter 6 p.m. 842-1773. Custom built brick ranch. Three bed- 8 West River Road, Rumson ferred owner asking $57,000. McALISTER 741-9500. MONMOUTH BEACH rooms, two baths. Spaclousllvlng room Phone 842-1150* AGENCY, Realtor, 109 E. River Rd. with fireplace, dining room, den plus fam- Rumson. 842-1694. improving 1175 to «S0 Per Month ily room, screened porch with flagstone MEMBER MULTIPLE THE BERG AGENCY NEW HOME-$44,900 floor, flagstone patio. Lovely trees. D«5lr- HOUSES FOR SALE Rl. .35' Mlddletowi How woiitd you like to have built for you uble location. Asking 554,000. LISTING 671-1000 o four-b«drpom, 2'/i-bath home off a prl- COLTS NECK .vat* lane surrounded by many trees? RUSSELL M. BORUS . Five bedrooms Very large living room, formal dining Expanded ranch w))l) largo living room your home. FURNISHED RANCH HOUSE - Avail room, spacious eoMn kitchen, paneled MONMOUTH tormol dining room,'family room with able tor summer months. Quiet neighbor REALTORS fireplace, eat-In kitchen, three full baths Rood. Coll 741-03W otter 5 p.nv. den wllh.fireplace, two-car garage. Your BEACH QUAU1Y SPECIALS choice of color and Interior selection, 600 River Rd. Fair Haven I mmedfate occupancy. Great value. WATER AREA AND • • 1b help your home sell faster, you get a' PAULBRAGAR 747-4532 555.000. Carl F. Zellers, Realtor, 946-M43. FOUR-BEDROOM HOUSE — 40 Wallace MILLSTONE TWP. RIGHTS great idea. Build a gazebo, a great place to MIDD1ET0WN TOWNSHIP St., Red Bank. For Information call after REALTOR HORSE FARM - BEAUTY 6:30 p.m. 741-M31 794 Brood St. Shrewsbury Seven Acres -169.500 747-0221 FRESH AIR Picture a very attractive home set back serve tea. You can bet you probably won't get Five-bedroom bonanza. Modern on superb grounds enclosed by a white Operating gentleman's horse farm Colonial, 2Vi baths, large living SUMMER RENTAL - Furnished one-bed SPECIALIZING —In small and largo " ROOM TO ROAM split-rail fence< Brand new kitchen, with Three bedrooms, 2 baths, large rooms your money back. . room bungalow with all utilities furnished .farm j, acreage and Income properties. Ten acres of wooded property with 0 Paddocks ... Barn ... Fencing room, cozy brsezeway. Oversize walnut cabinets, adlolnlng family room STYNES, Realtor .946-9666 Close to swimming and fishing, but stll stream. Excellent frontage. il7,000. which overlooks garden. Two full tiled • Instead of guessing, go to your Realtor. lot. Excellent location, Only private. SIOS o week or 1J0O fo end of Av bains, spacious living room, full dining gust. Coll 291-W40. • MEYER MORRILL He's not just anyone in real estate. He's the $34,000. Exclusive Broker room, master bedroom suite, plus two EXCEPTIONAL BUY 56 Church Sr: Little Silver 842-4B7& DENISE nice bedrooms on second flour. May be rhls home Ideal for summer or winter en- professional who is pledged to a strict Code VACATION ON THE ST. LAWRENCI ^^IreelloiJcTr?!. purchased wilh additional grounds If de- tertaining for all the family. Well planned .ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS RIVER - Five-bedroom house, all fad LINCROFT — Three-bedroom ranch on Vi PO. Box 956 Freehold, N.J. sired. Please call lor appointment to see ranch with three bedrooms, two baths. On of Ethics as a member of the local and state Itles, PrlvohHock. CT1-WI4. . ocre wooded lot. Prime residential, within this A-l home. . an acre of ground. Two game rooms. Heated, lalousled porch. Two patios. Custom four-bedroom, modern walking distance of Parochial and public 462-1444 boards and of the National Association of HOUSE FOR RENT - Unfurnished. Ir schools, church, and shopping orea. Pan- Lovely eoMn klfchen. Central air condi- ranch. City sewers. Fine schools. best section of Red Bonk. Two bedrooms, eled den, and oversized garage. Asking RARE HICKEY tioning plus many other extras. $49,900. Real Estate Boards. -..-..' kitchen, tile both, living room, and fin- 535,500.747-9447. Principals only. McAUSTER-AGENpY, Realtor, 109 E. Low taxen. Urge living room, den ished basement. Gorage and many othei • COUNTRY SETTING REAL ESTATE River Rd., Rumson. 842-1894. , So when you're looking through these with fireplace, pegged oak floors. features. S250 a month. For rent Sept. lsl CENTRAL RED BANK You'd think youwere In Vermont. The Many extras. $33,500. on. Melstrlch Agency. 741-5888. Suitable for residence, professional office landscaping Is a gardener's delight — wa- AGENCY RED BANK — Beautiful Colonial type classified pages, search first for a Realtor. or some commercial use. Sntn rooms terfowl sanctuary nsorby. Beautiful ap- nome with seven rooms, V/i baths, central NAVESINK - Nice two-bedroom home, ond both. Two-story born. Excellent con- proach to this centrally air conditioned % air conditioning. On. 50x145 plot with Someone who can tell you what to do to make overlooking nursery. Immediate occu- REALTORS dition, immediate occupancy. Principals :hree-bedroom, two-bath ranch home. Call 222-4087 anytime many, many extras. Only $36,000. QUALITY pancy. S20D per month. Call Sterlln only. 128,900. 741-4223. Two fireplaces, slate floor In den, brick your home more salable. Meantime, stop by Thompson & Assoc. Reoltor. 747-5600. patio. JoSooo. Kowltski Realty Co. a Realtor's office, the one that displays the. REALTY ASSOC. OCEANPORT — Port-au-Peck section. Member Multiple Listing GEORGE A. DeLpRME RED BANK - Chormlna Dutch Colonial All brick. Four bedrooms, two baths, liv- RUSSELL M. BORUS COLTS NECK : furnished. Three or four bedrooms for l to July 1st, 1BJ. Coll now, tral air. 150x165- WQQdedlot. 537,950. Af- Model Open Dally ..:.. . we have Ihe ijy. Mtlitrlch Aocncy, 70- ter 5p.m.,2W-231U- ..•. .,.-.„•; •• ....«0 River Rd. .Fair Haven HOUSES KOK SALK Pastor... At The Right Price." It's free at his ,, 747-4532 Colonials and Ranches Evenings LITTLE SILVER — Three-bedroom, two- office or that of the Board of Eealtors. bath CODD Cod. Fireplace, full basement, HOLMDEL ': From $57,900 FOR REAL SERVICE HOUSES FOR SALE' goroge. Extra large Tot. Near schools and ,Lt Immediate occuponcy transportation. Just decorated. Asking Five Bedrooms • RI.14 %-mlle south of Rl. 520, right on IN REAL ESTATE Monmouth County Board of Realtors, Inc. 534,900. Principals only. 747-9141 after 5 Clover Hill Rd., Left en Tulip Lane. p.m. - FIRST OFFERING... Country farm Co< 1 Main Street ' onlal. Centrally air conditioned. 2ft Model HomeMHSM Eves. 5KHM9 Consult a RUMSON — Four-bedroom Dutch Colo- FLORIDA CALLING!; Member of Eatontbwn, New Jersey 07724 nial. 1V> baths, kitchen with nook, living Now Is the time to buy that home, apart- Red Bank Area room with fireplace, separate dining NORTH PALM BEACH - Two-bedroom -mant, duplex or income property. Act Your Realtor® room, den, wall-to-wall carpet. Full base- urnlshed. In mint condition. DEEP WA- .nowI ED. CONWAY, Reolty Inc., 2731 MLS mL ment. By owner. 542,500. 741-0850 alter 6 TER DOCK. Low taxes. 119,600. 2M-6333. Oakland PK. Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. Somebody good to have working for you. VICTORIAN WITH INCOME $32,100 p.m. _^_^_ Or244-3454. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE In Atlantic Highlands is this beautiful home for the large family or one who needs in-lavv apartment. Good condition. Very spacious, near churches, shopping, transportation, and schools.


Directly across from sandy .beach and fishing at end of street. 1st floor consists of large kitchen, living room with dining area, bedroom, screened-in back porch, plus jalou- RUMSON CHARMER sied Florida-type room. 2nd floor is one large room, 30 x $41,265 24 and could bs converted into 2 or 3 bedrooms. Located in an Bxclusi^qtJiqt neighborhood is this 4 bedroom colonial. Entry hall, living room, elegant din- ing room, eat-in-kitchen with beamed ceiling. Base- ment. Two car garage. Call us now.

DON'T DELAY! CAU US TODAY! Now open 9 to 5, seven day* a week. LITTLE SILVER GOOD TO THE LAST NAIL Four bedroom, 2% bath colonial just 11 months old FOR THE PICKING! in a convenient location. Spacious living room, formal dining room, eat-in-kitchen, fireplace in den. Base- REALTORS . ment. Wall to wall carpeting included. Transferred NEW LISTING OUR NEW CROP liriclr) opfMiti Mil limn Htnkt lint oWner asking $59,900. Completely remodeled three bed- Hillandale Specials. Three new 500 Hwy 36 872-0001 Highlands H01MDH RANCH rooms, two full tiled baths, Hugo homes set on 2V4 acra lots MEMBER OF 2 MULTIPLE LISTINGS family room. Beautifully land- among bridle trails, tree, lined- Four bedrooms, two baths, base- .RED BANK arid NORTHERN MONMOUTH 636 RIVER ROAD FAIR HAVEN scaped lot. Close to schools and lane and wild rhododendron. ment, fireplace, two-car garage. 741-4477 shopping. $34,900. Call 671- Many extras. $39!9OO Call 566- 2300. 7600. Five-bedroom Colonial with 24' AIMOSTNEW square living room, two fire- UNCROFT places, family room,\ library, Raised ranch with four bod- Parkliko setting, Beautiful four- kitchen with large dining area, rooms, 2V4 baths, large trees, bedroom, three-bath home. Fire- separate laundryroom. $92,500 wall-to-wall carpeting, two-car place. Two-car garage. In-ground Call 842-2900. garage and many extras. pool. $47,500. Call 566-7600. $38,900. Call Q71-230O. Four bedrooms, three baths, two HOIMDEL RANCH powder rooms in a cedar shake OAK Hill Four bedrooms, 2Vi baths. Fire- Colonial. A very secluded set- REALTORS Threo bedrooms, 2Vi baths, place, central air conditioning. ting. $92,500. Call 842-2900. .game room, patio, porch and Fully finished basement. Trees. basement. Groat yard with $48,900. Call 566-7600. shrubs, troos and bordered by a A Three-bedroom brick and brook. $45,900. Call 671- framo glamour ranch. Futuristic 2300. kitchen, family room with cath- WELL DESIGNED RANCHER PICTURESQUE edral coiling, garden room. Car- has three bedrooms, two baths, 30 foot living-dining roam, larfla Neat, four bedroom home. Full dining room and large family room. peting and drapes included. kitchon with breakfast room, full collar wilh bright recreation room, Scionco kitchon and covered 20' patio. Two-car garage. Many ex- $82,500. Call 842-29O0. two car garego. Largo lot - idoal (or an active family - $34,900. tras, including wall to wall carpeting in living room, dining room and ono bedroom. Near transportation and shopping. Excellent loca- REMODELED CARRIAGE HOUSE tion in Middletown. Listed at $38,000. among West Ends linost, six exceptionally largo bodrooms, formal dining room, kitchen with breakfast area; panelled living room has FENCED-IN RANCH , massive firoplaco, fjamo room, acroonod porch, dotachod two car Throe bedrooms, dining room, attached gnrago. Located on nicoly oversized garage, garden shod. Property is approximately 200' x landscaped grounds. Modem kitchen, clothes washer and dryer. pplebrook Agency 400' and can be subdivided into three plots, each wilh lovely shado This four year young ranch is available within 30 days, Asking 'treo». Asking $58,000. . . , $26,900. CUSTOM DESIGNED MIDDLETOWN ARISTOCRAT HOME 950 Hwy. 35 112 Ave. of 2 Rivers 23AHwy.34 lovely four bedroom homo, handsomely carpeted, thrno completely Largo, four bedroom home with dining room and family room, en- MitWIefown Rum ton Matawan ceramic baths, wet bar conveniently localod between tastefully pan- closed 29' porch, basement, and two car garage. Many, many ex- 671-2300 elled family room and a teenago activity room, screened rear porch fas. Exquisitely landscaped grounds. Close to transportation and 842-2900 566-7600 for summer dining, good opplioncoB, collar, two cur garage - '4 shopping. Listed at 441,500. J acre. Cull to see at this surprising prlco. $48,600. ,l«fu»ft«ffl you plcfr your nsw home. REALTORS Member of Four Multiple Listing Service!


1 " 741*5212 •.;- ••; ' i;''';';; •.-... 971.-3311 i. j., frM*}, law HOUSES JCOHKAJ.E LEGAL NOTICE HOUSES FOB hALE HOUSES ro» SAMS Hones TO tirjttn Set Session HOUSES FOR SA1E HOUSES FOE SALE RIVER FRONT Tolt«ii<«lt« tturt J«*l« Trtoc/, KttHUW 71* Ktd tsar* Board of Education will MATAWAN BORO - Beautifully ireed lot 200 YEAR OLD COLO- as The Willow Oetlarlemm IIM u»ll«J In receive sealed BIDS for oolntina cor, on prestigious street. Three-bedroom -me Mayor and Council of Little silver*. tractsforthescnoolyeor 1J71-72until 3:011 _ 1O Oil KhOtlS. t«O-Story ranch. 30" livinp room, ottoched .aoroge, NIAL WITH GOR- Mtw Jersey, tor a Plenary Retail License P.M. on June 2t, 1971 ond will Immediat- front. Four bedrooms, two No. MOBL. I for premises situated at 390 ely proceed fo unseal the*same in the On full cellar. Two tlreploces. U4,O0O. NEW SHREWSBURY. . erttor, itaSQ cathedral GEOUS VIEW OF NA- Willow Drive, Little Silver. New Jersey. presence of the parties bidding or their rally «ir conditioned. MATAWAN TWP. —-Four bedrooms, ?h Objections, If any, should be made Im- agents. If such parties choose to be then ..--.to. All downstairs cqr- baths. Colonlol. Seven opplionces, Two. Be the proud owner of this newly listed gem . .. Beoutlfu VESINK RIVER. mediately in writing to Stephen G. Green- and there present. In the office of the Sec- cor ottoched garage. Nicely shrubbed lot, wood, Clerk «f the Borough of Utlle Sil- retary, 76 Branch Avenue, Red Bank, New „ __i also, draperies In dinins U9.500. " deslan . . . Four bedrooms, roomv comfort, basement, HIGH TIDE DOCK. Park Plan 4SIR. living room and den. Owner. Many customized extras. Excellent schools. Quiet street, gMM*»8 tor appoint merit. CHARM AND PRI-! ** " J6SSI6TREACY, "pointing Mechanic Street School Inte- MIDDLETOWN - Cdm PAUL T.CAHILL Be practical Be quick ... Call now Low Forties. SI Carpenter Street, rior. ROUSES FOR SALE REALTOR VACY. THREE FIRE- River Plaza All bids must be occomponled by a cer- mitteeman Edward P. Makily Rt, 3S Cjlttwoad Seodl 'S6MKK\ Middletown Township tified check for i% of the total bid. Speci- WHY BUY AND SELL PLACES, SIX BED- New Jersey fications may be obtained at the office- of has announced a meeting; of the Secretary, 76 Branch Avenue, Red IF YOU CAN SWAP? ROOMS, FOUR Bonk, New Jersey. municipal, state and federal You may have good reason 1o move. Btii E. A. HANLON NOTICE . The Board reserves the.right fo relect selling your house* and buying another, Is BATHS. BIG, MOD- MOHMOUTH COUNTY any ond all elds, award bids in whale or officials on the impact of the . time consuming ond costly. We may save REALTOR ERN KITCHEN. EX- SURROGATE'S COURT in part and waive Immaterial Informal- proposed national gateway COZENS you lots of hours and Hundreds of dollars ESTATE OF CATHERINE HATHAWAY, ities If deemed to the Board's advantage by arranging an exchange! Come see us CELLENT CONDI- Deceased. to do so. park on Middletown. !-•-! ALL WEATHER HOME! .obout It; no oblloctfon whatever. 842-0110 Pursuant to the order of S. Thomas Goa* EVERETT W. MONK 5WANKEY REALTORS, "THE REAL TION. BEST llano. Surrogate of the County of Mon- * • Secretary This vumrnor enjoy being just 124 Hwy 35, Mid ; The Township Committee, TOR THAT TRADES, moulh, Iliis day made, en the application Dated June U, 1971 twb blocks to the river and boat dletown. M2-45S0. 504 Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury SCHOOLS, RUMSON of the undersigned, Catherine V. Sponler, Dr. Lynden U. Kibler and basin. All year, enjoy being just HIGH SCHOOL. Sole Executrix of the estate of the said June 18 M.75 two blocks from top Fair Haven RUMSON HIDEAWAY Catherine Hathaway deceased, notice Is Richard C. Coje of the Con- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE $89,900. hereby given to the creditors of said de- NOTICE TO BIDDERS school;, stores, and busline. If ranches suit your taste, check this one ceased fo present to the said Sole ExecUr The Red Bank Board of Education will servation Commission, |the out. Unsurpassed location. Lush land- frfx their claims under oath wlrnlrt six receive sealed BIDS for transportation Living room with fireplace. Din- scaping. Gameroom ond patio for your MIDDLETOWN ALLAIRE FARROW months from this dote. township. engineer and 'the ATLANTIC Agency contracts for the school year 1971-72 until ing room. Three bedrooms. leisure hours, S62,ooo. Doted: June 10th, 1971 a 3:M P.M. on June 28,1971 am) will Imme- RAY OAK HILL AREA. Realtors business administrator Will Basement. Screened porch. Ga- HIGHLANDS One ocre treed lot. Thre*bedrwm home, Xi Broad St. Red Bur* 741-3450 CATHERINE V. SPANJER, diately proceed to unseal the same In the clr conditioned. Offered at 114,500. 5 Corners. Middletown 671-2590 18 Clinton Avenue, presence of the parties bidding or their meet Thursday, June 24, at 11 rage with shop space. Swim- Eaiontown, New Jersey 07724 agents. If such parties choose to be then ming pool. No more rent Executrix and there present. In the office of the.Sec- a.m. in private session with a VAN HORN SPECTACULAR PAUL P. BOVA Messrs. Parsons, Carrara, retary* 76 Branch Avenue* Red Bank* New receipts. Colonial design. Ask- Realtor HOLMDEL . REALTOR THREE ACRES - Gorgeous tall frets Blair & Warren, .' Jersey. representation of the U.S. JDe- ing $32,000. Call now. Open 7 days. Call 24 hours a day. VIEW IB Wallace Street, v ond setting. Lovely small home. Secluded. 1. School Bus Routes, #1,2,3,4,5,6,7, partment of the Interior and 671-2544 Stynes Realtor, 9ii-K66. Red Bank, New Jersey 07701 8,9,10, 747-4100 Solid brick hillside Ranch. Five bed- Attorneys All bids must be accompanied by a cer- rooms, three baths. Oversized living VA and FHA Buyers Welcome OAK HILL RANCH Alfred T. Guido of the-date 804 River Rd. Fair Haven Three bedrooms, Jivlnp room* dining June 18,2S S)3.00 tified check tor 5% of the total bid. Speci- roomr two fireplaces, two-car garage. COLTS NECK COMPACT RANCH Terraced garden. Reduced for quick sa!e. room, kitchen and dinette or den. Two fications may be obtained of 1he office of Department of Environmental Lovely landscaped lot. Conveniently lo- if you enioy privacy, this Is the house for boths. Full basement. Attached over-size NOTICE the Secretary, 76 Branch Avenue, Red cated to schools, shop, bus ond rail rood. you. Four-bedroom, 2'A both Colonial on gorage. Large polio enclosed with brick TAKE NOTICE That Hailet Beverage Bank, New Jersey. Protection to discuss the pjroj- asm. an acre wooded lot. Living room, dining planters Brick barbecue grill. Large tot. Co., Inc. has applied to the Director of Al- Three bedrooms, two baths. Living room room, kltfhen, two fireplaces, full tiase- ' The Board reserves the right to re|ect COZENS with fireplace, dining room* study, large Dead-end street, won't last of only coholic Beverage Control for a State any and all bids, award bids In whole or ectasit affects Sandy Hook. ment, game room, attached oarage. In- screensa porch (or summer living, fin- HANDY-AAAN S&SOO. Coll 787-4600. THE KIRWAH CO., iBeveroge Distributor's License for prem- In port and Waive Immaterial informal- PRIVACY, IN TOWN! ished flame room, two-car garage. Little ground swlmmlna pooI.*S64,yno Realtors, HSO Hwy 36. Wesf Kegratwg. ises situated of 1000 state HIsDwoy 36, Mr. Makely sjiid the closed McALISTER AGENCY, Realtor, 109 £ Hailet, N J. ities If deemed to the Board's advantage Silver?!142,000. McALISTEfc AGENCY, SPECIAL River Rd., Rumson. I42-M94. to do so. .Every room is an invitation Realtor, 109 E. River Rd.. Rumson. 842- FAIR HAVEN — River Oaks. Three-bed- OFFICERS EVERETT W. MONK. , session is in preparatioij|or a to good living! Entrance 1B4. _ room ranch. Full basement with game Joseph R. Wolklewlcz. President-Direc- Secretary 1 FAIR HAVEN — $34,950. Mint condition. room. Principals only. Asking J3S,900.741- tor, 1S6 Sunset Ave.. Newark, N J. "conference with CoDgraSson- Sfx bedrooms, I /? bofhs. House needs Move right Into this elegant, four-bed- Dated June 18.1971 hall. Large living room with 1 532). Edward C. Walklewla, Secretary,Trea- Junell M.75 RUMSON RANCH • work. Lot 175' x Ml . Can be subdivided. room, two-bath. Cape Cod. Centrally air surer, Director. 22 Hlllcrest Rd., Martins- al representatives on the-proj- fireplace. 30' country dining Bargain at 515,000. conditioned. Dark-like setting. Call far /MATAWAN 80R0 — Beautiful brick. vllle, N,J. ect June 26 in New York pity. $56,500 particulars, Melstrlch Agcncy/Ml-WM. Treed; landscaped lot. J34.900. sterling STOCKHOLDERS OWNING MORE NOTICE room, family room. Three Four bedrooms, two baths. living room McCann Real Estate Broker, SM-96M. MONMOUTH COUNTY" BROOK AGENCY GRACIOUS — -Four bedroom, 2VS bath) THAN 10% OF STOCK bedrooms. Mint condition. with fireplace* formal dining room, Joseph R.WalklewIcz—50 Shares, 1SS beamed family room with fireplace, two- Ann E. McCully, Realtor i Colonial amidst tall trees in Fox Hill, RENT. BUY.'SELL.'— A horhe In the „. ,„„„>.,. ^. ,ic, DE- W First Ave. • Atlantic Highlands ['Little Silver. Fireplace In living room. Sunset Ave., Newark, NJ. nn Ranch style design for easy car garage and screened porch. Best Edward C. Walklewla-50 Shares, 22 CEASED area. Carl F. Zelters, Realtor, 94MM3 291-1717 Dining room, kitchen with breakfast area, Pursuant to thevrder ot S. THOMAS BirildingatPark j living in the heart of Fair den, and finished aamerootn. Transferred Realtors. Hlllcrest Rd., iVtartlnsvllle. N J. RUMSON RD. (Little Silver). Ranch. Objections, if any, should be made Im- GAGLIANO, Surrogate of the County of Haven. Just listed at Three bedrooms, two baths. Large living owner can offer eorly possession and good Monmoutti* this day made, on the appli. WATERFRONT assumable mortgage to qualified tHiverv THREE-BEDROOM RANCH _ With de- mediately In writing ta the Director of the To Be Closed . • ;j room with fireplace, dining room, family tached garage. Newly decorated. Imme- Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, cation of the undersigned, Blanch IE. $48,500 asking. Move in 4(0' of fishing and boating from your room, kitchen and laundry. Two-car oa-,| Asking 347*000. Alfred J. Hassluaer, 1« I" , Kane, Sole Executrix of the estate of the dock. Magnificent view. Four huge bed- River Rd., Rumson. 842-SMO. . diate occupancy. As little cs 31650 down to 1100 Raymond Blvd., Newark 2, N.J. tscld Francis J. Kone* deceased, notice Is LINCKOFT - Thompson before school starts. Dial us Acre plus. $49,000. Ho brokers. Call | 'qualified buyer. Owner will pay closing (Signed) room Colonial. Three baths. $7?#50o, CRO- 1 hereby given to tne creditors of sold de- today. WE LL AGENCY, 741*4030. LINCRQFT- See Hits new brick front costs. Call 071-128?. sa5,90O. ,, HAZLET BEVERAGE CO., INC. ceased to present to the said Sole Execu- Park Visitors Center, Jlie Colonial. Four bedrooms, Vft baths/ den, 10OO STATE HIGHWAY 34 trix their claims under oath within six HOUSES FOR SALE fireplace. Eat-In kitchen. 555,000, E.H FAIR HAVE71 —Hew tame on River Rd.- HAZLET, N.J. months from this date. ' . main public building of ;the HOUSES FOE SALE' MARTI N, Broker. 84M220, i Contemporary split. Convenient fa school.; Doled: June 2,1971 Three fireplaces. Four bedrooms, mold's June 18,25 . $14.00 county park system, will be MIDDLETOWN SMALL ESTATE — Toom, den. 2» baths, «lr conditioned, full BOARD OF EDUCATION BLANCH E. KANE Charming brick and stone Colonial. Th •basement. Mortgage available. Reduced 54 Grand Avenue, closed the weekends of June acres, beautifully landscaped* 7 6ed» iPrice.741-Q51». UNION BEACH Atlantic ...... lands, NJ. rooms, 5 baths, 3 fireplaces. Apartment BOARD OF EDUCATION 26-27 and July 3-4, when floor COZENS , MEMORIAL SCHOOL Sole Executrix for caretaker. Immediate occupancy. Call [OME — L-arae Ronald t_ Koran, Esq. areas will be resurfaced, j • RIVERFRONT! for appointment. The Dowstro Agency, pool. S24.O00. , ' UNION BEACH, N.J. 1 Ravine Drive, Navesink Associates Realtors, 74M70Oor291-oaS». *" Matawan, N J. Regularly scheduled Satur- .Moor your yacht at your ADVERTISEMENT RELATINOTO PRO Attorney 1008 Hwy. 35 Realtors HOL/HDEL — Ctiormlnc, restored six RED BANK —31 Central Ave. Five POSALS FOR FURNItHINO CERTAIN day nature walks will contin- own deep water dock. This room Colonial. 135 years. Almost two rooms, full tanVonple closet space, oil- SUPPLIES AND/OR EQUIPMENT FOR Jime'lUB ...»»J» Ranch style home on nearly acres. One full bath, tw6 halfs. Ljarge fired hot water heat, peanut sfons post ue to convene in the parking MIDDLETOWN 671-0600 flagstone porch. Barn, cottage, workshop. light In front yard, New dndnr block ga- UNION BEACH two acres offets the good Taws, S45J. immediate occupancy, ASK. rage, overhead doorv cement floor, elec- BOARD OF EDUCATION MONMOUTHCOUNTY area at 10 a.m. ; lng_ """ ~ tricliy. Small utility/fool house. Waiker & SURROGATE'S COURT life. Living room with fire- Walker 741-5212 or William Webster 741- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ESTATE OF ELLEN F. BYRON, DE- place. Dining room. Den. DAD'S DELIGHT — Natural free shaded, 2751. CEASED three-bedroom home In Little Silver, Separate Sealed Proposals will be re- Pursuant to the order of S. THOMAS Rock Concert Barred Three large bedrooms. Riv- Large rooms throughout. Entry foyer,, ceived by the Boom of Education of the GAGLIANO, Surrogate ot the County of erside porch. Just offered at front to rear living room, family size din- WEST LQNO BRANCH — "OLDE DEAL Borough) of Union Beach at Memorial Monmouth, this day made, on the appli- ing room. Colonial kitchen, fireplace. Full HOMES?' Palmer Ave.. west of Mots School, Morningslde Avenue* Union cation of the undersigned, Theodore Duda, BEIRUT (AP) - Lebanese basement, screened-ln porch; 100x175 Beach, N.J., on 12:00 NOON Tuesday, Sole Executor of the estate ol the said El- $73,500. Call today. grounds, double poroge. Offered In the rnoutn Rd. New 2-slory Colonials end Ban. Prime Minster Saeb Salam ches from 542.300. century Builders, £!• June 29, 1971, tor the furnishing ot Milk, len F. Byron, deceased, notice Is hereby mid $3O's. Call today ... E.A. ARM-. Janitorial Supplies, Floor Reflnlshlng. Au- given fo the creditors of said deceased to STRONG AGENCY. Reoltor.SSPTOSpecJ ditorium Draperies, for the Union Beacti present to the said Sole Executor their: prohibited a rock music con- Ave., Little Sliver. 741-45W. ^^ FOX HIU. ESTATES—Custom Ranch on Public Schools, Union Beach, New Jer- ctolms under, oalh .within six months from ceit - the Beirut Woodstock Perfect for a large family Isecluded acre off main bus line. 5 minutes . upon Forms of Proposals which may this dale. HAZLET - Spacious bl-level. Excellent from railroad. 2ZV15' living room, 2O'xl&' hod upon application to the Office of Doted: June 14,1971. Festival - after religious and condition. Four bedrooms, living; room, den. Air conditioners. Asking u?,voa. Call Secretory. AH bids ore to be In accor- THEODORE DUDA, COZENS dining room, eat-In kitchen, huge paneled Edance with said forms. Form of proposal 19 Sycamore Avenue," community groups opposed it recreation room. V3 acre lot. Fenced yard! and specifications may be obtained from East Keansburg, N.J. COMMUTERS RETREAT! ... and ready to be lived in! Extras. S37.500. PMnclpolsonlY. 739-2668. WEST LONGBRANCH - New five-bed- the Office of the Secretory located at Me- ... ' ' 'Sole Executor morial School, Wlornlngslde Avenue, Messrs. Drailn, Warshow, Give your family the best in Located in Middletown and designed with the whota Union Beach, N J. between the hours ot 9 Auerbach & Rudnlck, LEGAL NOTICE A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through location and top schools. family in mind. Only 9 years old. Four bedrooms with grounds. Walk to school. Bus ta Red Bank 25 Reckless Place, FAIR HAVEN —Adorable Cape Cod. Ex- Friday, excepflijo lepai holidays. Red Bank, N.J. This new listing offers pri- den,, usable as fifth bedroom. Game room, living In front of door. Voluo packed at S32300, cellent condition. Three bedrooms, one Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids COUNTRY SQUIRE Real Estate, Inc. 291' The Boora ot Education reserves the Attorneys . roopi, dining and kitchen. 214 baths. MANY, MANY den or four bedrooms. Close to schools. right to relect any or all bids and to waive will be received In the Reception Room ol vacy and five bedrooms. 3336. Evenings 291-1734, Screened porch. Beautiful deep lot with any defect or Informality of any bid June 18,25 S13.00 the Division ol Purchase ond Property, ' GOODIES: Built-in Range, dishwasher (all new), wall- pordens. Will not lost, «M00,741-4751 af- 4th floor, State House* Trenton, New Jer- Center Hall design Colonial- BACKYARD FULL OF WATER — Call should it be deemed lor the best interest jey 0U25, on June It, 1971 at 2:00 P.M. now to see this spacious, centrally air otthe Board of Education to do so. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT with central air conditioning. to-wall carpeting in living room, dining room, hall and OF ACCOUNTS and vill be opened and read Immediately conditioned, d-year-old ftome overlooking DEAL — ocean Twp., w. Lena Branch. All proposals are to be presented to the thereofler, forthe following: 4th bedroom. Completely redecorated within lha'past McCarter's Pond. This natural cedar Board of Education at the above stated ESTATE OF CORYDON F. TAYLOR, Panelled den with fireplace. 'New luxury homes, or will build to suit. DECEASED. Soap, Uncut In Frames .year. Quiet area. Walking distance to schools, bus and shingled home Included tour bedrooms, Century Builders, Bl-0505 or 222-22SS. time ond place. In SEALED ENVE- Family room. Go where the two bains and two foyers, 20' family room LOPES, PLAINLY MARKED BID FORI Notice Is hereby given that the accounts Specifications ond tho form ol bid, con- only minutes to railroad. Central air conditioning for' and separate dining room. Investigate COLTS NECK Particular item. I.e., "Milk, Janitorial ot the subscribers, EXECUTORS at the tract and bond for the proposed work ore good life is. Asking today. Offered In The mid MO's. E.A. supplies. Floor Reflnishlng, Draperies.11 estate of said Deceased will be audited on file In the Office of the Director and hot summer days and humidity. OWNER TRANS- Would you feellfve o charming may be secured by prospective bidders $74,500. ' ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 By order of the Board of Education of and stated by the surrogate of the county FERRED! DONT BE SORRY NEXT YEAR . . . THIS Prospect Ave., Ultle Silver. 741-450O. or Monmoutn bnd reported for settlement durhg office hours. Bias must be (1) fhe Borough of Union Beach, Union made on a standard proposal fpnty, 01 en- YEAR IT'S 60ING FOR ONLY... Beach, Monmouth County, New Jersey. to The Monmouth County Court* probate HAZLET — S34*50O. Three bedrooms, Vh Division, on Friday, the 30th day of JULY closed In the special addressed' envelope, ROGER F. dlnlng rooms, modem eat-In kitchen* fam- M. L. Ackerman A.D., 1971, at 9:30 o'clock a.m., at the (3) accompanied by a certified check bathsaths. Split. Large corner property,, ily room with fireplace, two lull baths, at- Secretary to the Board of Education drawn to the order of the Treasueecot the Prlvo'rlvotelt y fenced-I* ' n yard. Walkr..... to train.* tached 2Vt-car garage ond full basement. County Court House, Monument and Court June IS SJ2.75 Streets, Freehold, New Jersey, at which Stale of New Jersey, or a bid bond, pny of schoolchoolLs and stores. Call SM-75W. Prlncl- All this on a high wooded lot. Please calf time Application will be made for the al- which shall not be. less than 10% pi the $41,500 pols only. diaries Van Over, broker* to.Inspect. 431 vlOO. ADVERTISEMENTFOR BIDS lowance of Commissions and Counsel amount of the old, and U) delivered^ the fees. above place on or before the hour iomed APPLEBROOK RANCH — Three bed- Prolect No. and Location as no bid will be accepted otter the hour COZENS rooms, large paneled den. Beautltuliy A-l LOCATION 7507 •< Dated June 10th A.D. 1571. specified. Bids not so submmeo.wlll be landscaped lot. Owner, 671-2723. Lovely Tower Hill section of Uttle Silver. Enclose Existing Portico, Power Trans- FRANCIS LOBDELL, considered Informal and will be reacted. MEMBER OF TWO MUU1PLE LUTINGS Two story Colonial. Spacious brick patio. portation Laboratory, Trenton Stole Col- 169 Cooper Road, The Director reserves the right to jreiect AGENCY THE BIROS AND BEES ENJOY A Four bedrooms, 314 baths. Den. Flnlshec lege, Trenton, New Jersey. Red Bonk, NJ. any ond all bids and to award cohtaoct In HOME ... Why not you? Call today to basement with Slh bedroom. Fully alrcort Owner: Slate of New Jersey FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK part or wholeilf deemed to the tfcstjlnter see this spacious seven-room Cape Cod In dltloned and landscaped. 170,000 firm Separate sealed bids (a) for each of list-, (Successor to First National Inter- 813 River Rd.,Foir Haven Olde Shrewsbury. Three large bedrooms* Principal* only. Call 74T-87J4. ed branches of work and a separate over- City Trust Company), estts off the State to do soso. Thee sucsuc< lessfuq ' two baths, paneled family room plus LITTEE~SILVER — Cape Cod. Two bed- all single contract bid (b) covering all the By: Henry McKenile, bidder will be required to turnlsh luretv workshop for dad. Tree shaded grounds, rooms, living room, dining room. En- branches of work and material required to Trust Otflcer, bond In the full amount of the conti 741-7686 split rail fence. Act now ... This Is a closed porch may be used as den. Garage. complete the prolect will be received In 399 Park Avenue, a company authorized to do buslnj sound family Investment. Offered af Fully carpeted.(Many extras. Walk to the Reception Room of the Division of New York City, N.Y. the Stole ofNew Jersey. $31,000. E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, train and bus. S27,?00.7414848. Building and Construction, 8th floor of the EXECUTORS. STATE I Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., Uttle Silver, Taxation Building, West State and Willow Messrs. McCarter & English, DEPARTMENT OF CUR- 741-4500. • . Streets, Trenton, New Jersey O862S, until Attorneys at Low, Division of Purchase and Pr mal dining room, full basement, new heat, LOTS AND ACREAGE No bid will be accepted after the hour June ID. 21 - vi |sio.5- attached garage. On 1V& wooded acres. specified. Bids will be received on the fol- I June 18,25 117.00 Low 30's. &1-3M5. • WATERFRONT COT — On South Shrews- lowing branches of work: ILLMENSEE otjry River. 130' new bulkheodlng. Splen- , General MIDDLETOWN — Beiacon Hill orea. afd location for boatman. Asking $18,000. Two-year-old spacious bl-level, custom try 115,000. Tire Information for Bidders, Form of Pretty and Easy! AGENCY built by owner. Four bedrooms*two Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Speclllca- Baby's Best GHt baths* living room* dlntna room, eat-In Ray Stfllman/ Realtor tlons and Forms of Bid Bond, Perform- kitchen plus snackbar. 20x21 family room ance-Payment Bond, ond other contract 742 OLDEST REAL ESTATE FIRM with 10" fireplace. TV ond stereo system. "Our 53rd Year" documents may be examined ot the fol- Two-car oarage. Separate laundry room. o4BHwy35 Shrewsbury 741-8600 lowing: IN COLTS NECK Two-ione heat. Patio, plus many extras. FIVE ACRES — Prime residential proper- Division of Building and Construction Printed Pattern U8.0OO. 872J315. ty. Write President, Monmouth Reform West State and Willow Streets Temple, 332 Hancc Ave., New Shrewr Trenton, New Jersey 08625 COLTS NECK, MIDDLETOWN — Five bedrooms, 214 liury. N.J-. 07724. • • Copies may be obtained at the Division COLTS NECK baths* eat-In kitchen* separate dining of Building and Construction, located at Once in a lifetime find. Charming room* 22'xiS' living room* 34*14' recrea- West State and Willow Streets, Trenton, Charming fouF*bedroom, 21/2-bath New Jersey upon payment of S25.O0 for four-bedroom Colonial in excellent tion room, wall-to-wall carpeting*city Colonial. Formal dining roOm, den, sewers, partial basement, Principals only, KEAL ESTATE WANTED each set. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon condition. Raised sun deck Bnd returning such set' promptly and In good two fireplaces. Beautiful 2% aero 537,000. Call 787-4896. beautiful in-ground pool. Tsko full condition, will be retundea his payment, wooded lot with wide, running and any non-bidders upon so returning Bdvantago of complete privacy, of- Colts Neck — Holmdel brook at rear property line. Our We have ready qualified buyers, so fol such a set will be refunded S25.00. fered by beautiful shade trees Bnd HOUSES FOB SALE best buy at 559,900. fast efficient service, call J. D. Roche! The Stale reserves the right to relect professional landscaping. A most Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts Neck. 462-2741 any or all bids. appealing listing at... $65,000. Member Multiple Listing Service. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, RSNOIDtUM security In the amount, form and sublect LISTfNGS OFBETTEft HOMES - In. fa the conditions provided In the Instruc- HEATED POOL Keansburg-Mlddletown-Hazlet-Holmtlel. tions for Bidders. COLTS NECK The smdlko Agency. 787-0123. Attention of bidders Is porllculorly Four-bedroom completely remo- ALLENTOWN 3 ACRES called to the requirements as to condi- (Our Branch Office) WE BUY HOUSES FOR TOP DUULAR tions of employment to be observed and deled ranch. New electrical service Live the good life In this In any condition, minimum wage rates to be paid under the and plumbing and heating sys- . 235 acres with good farm bouse six-bedroom Beauty. 26' . P.hpne 257-7828 contract. tems. Also new dishwasher, dryer, ' -and barn, vary fertile soil, $950 dining room. FIREPLACE, TALK TO THE PROS — List your home No bidder may withdraw his bid wllhln clothes washer, wall oven, range, per acre. with us! We're an investment, not an ex- sixty (60) days after the actual date oMho 21 • FAMILY ROOM, three- opening thereof. refrigerator and freezer Included. 20-Acr& horso farm. Four-bed- pensel Roger F. Cozens Agency. 741*7686. car GARAGE, TREES, Member of Multiple Listing Service. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Over two acres with outbuildings. 100m, 2'A-bath farm house. 22 BROOK, in Manalapan. Division of Building and Construction low faxes, good schools. Presently box stalls. Fencing. Brook, Very ALL THIS FOR ONLY BUILDING LOTS WANTED DONALD A. SULLIVAN, used, as nursery, located in horse mco location. 586,000. $53,900. Monmouth County area. Director •farm area. $47,900. Call 291-2046 or 291-0577. June 11,13 SS9.00 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS EARLY AMERICAN LEGAL NOTICE Prolect No. ond Location MEMBER 3 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES 1Vi ACRES 7349 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT Celling Grilles, N.J. Diagnostic Cenler, 300' of beautiful front OF ACCOUNT Menlo Park, New Jersey ROUTE34 462-3172 COLTS NECK LAWN is the setting for ESTATE OF MARIE H. KOESER, DE Owner: state of New Jersey CEASED. Separate sealed blds(a) for each of list- this gracious four-bedroom Notice Is hereby alven that the accounts .ed branches of work and a separate over- COLONIAL with extra two- of the subscrlber-EXECUTOR of the es- all single contract bid (fi) covering all the room and bath apartment tate of said DECEASED will be audited branches of work andmarerial required to and stated by the Surrogate of the County complete the protect will be received In for the large family or In- of Monmouth and reported for settlement the Reception Room of the Dlvislai of laws. Brick wall FIRE- to The Monmouth County Court, Probate Building and Construction, Bth floor of the Division, on Friday, the 30th day of JULY Taxation Building, West State and Willow PLACE, Huge modern Eat- A.D., 1971, at 9:30 o'clock a.m., at the Streets, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, until In kltcnen, two-car GA* County Court House, Monument and Court 2:00 o'clock p.m. D.5.T. on June 24,1971 RAGE. Near town, shop- Streets, Freehold, New Jersey, at which and then publicly opened and read aloud. time Application will be made for the al- Na bid will be accepted after the hour -plng and transportation. lowance of Commissions ond Counsel specified, aids wilt be received on the fol- Land can be subdivided. fees. lowing branches of work: Worth much more tham Dated June lOlhA.D. 1971. , . Celling Grilles FREDRICK R. KOESER ThB Information for Bidders, Form of $38,000. See this now. Bid, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifica- East and Simpson Avenues, tions and .Forms of Bid Bond, Pertorm- Atlantic Highlands, N.J. ance.payment Bond, and other contract f LEWINGER AGENCY . EXECUTOR. documents may be examined at the fol- Messrs. Doremus Rusiell, lowing: ' Tell children that you cher- MULTIPLE LISTINGS Fasano & Nicosia, 30 E. A/loln St. • Freehold Attorneys at Law, Division of Building and Construction ish them with this panel. <' West State and Willow Streets 73 Broad Street Trenton, New Jersey 08625 Charming sketches-lnjstit- 462-3535 Red Bank, NJ. 07701 Copies may be obtained at the Division Sundays U-4 Eves. 3&WI77 :jJunel8,2S SU.Oo of Building and Construction, located at chery of tots, flowers, sun, ASKfORCAmOG West State and Willow Streets, Trenton, HOUSES FOR SAIE New Jersey upon payment of S2S.O0 for moon, stars accompany lovely each set. Any unsuccessful bidder, upon returning such set promptly and In good prayer wall hanging; Beau- condition, will be refunded his payment, and any non-bidders upon so returning tiful baby gift! Pattern] 742: such a set will be refunded S25.00, transfer 12%" x 16%". (jlrec- The Stale reserves the right to relect any or all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, oi security In the amount, form and sublect pattern - add 15 cents for ta the conditions provided In the Instruc- PRETJTY EASY - this tions for Bidders. 'each pattern for firstplasr BUY FOR DAD Attention of bidders Is particularly lightly skimming shape wins called to the requirements as to condi- mailing and special hahtjlinp tions of employment to be observed and on both counts! Check the dia- minimum wage rates to be paid under the Send to Laura Wheeler/ n contract. gram, then whip it up in a Daily Register, 61 Needlacra No bidder may withdraw Ms bid within day. Note flattering scallops. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 49,900 sixty (60) days otter lite actual dgtB of the .Dept., Box 161, Old Cttelsi opening thereof. Printed Pattern 9159: NEW y BOATING DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASU RY Station, New York, \i. 86-88 Oceanporf Avenue West Long Branch Division of Building and Construction Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12,14, 16, DONALD A. SULLIVAN, i 10011. Print PATTERN. NU' Director 18. Size 12 (bust 34) takes 2^ |BER, NAME, ADDRbs BUILDINGS June 11.11 , . : M9.O0 yards 39-inch fabric. ... & ZIP i • 1. Quonset steel bldg...... 1200 sq. ft. SEVENTY-FIVE 'CENTS i NEW 1871NEEDLECIJA) SAILING for each pattern -add 15 CATALOG - what's h'app< 2. Metal storage shed open front ...775 sq.ft. .cents for each pattern for 1 ing in knits, crochet, .quilt first-class mailing and special' j fashions, embroidery.k Frt 3. Two-car garage 500 sq. ft. i* ON JHE SHREWSBURY RIVER .handling. Send to Marian (patterns. 50c.; --; Martin, 420 The Red Bank NEW! COMPLETE' IK 4. Main bldg. (First floor) Would .you liko Dad to have a now home on Register, Pattern EAEPT., "• JStANT GIFT BOOK,fr iovcr the water and a mooring for his boat at tho West 18th St., New York,' ,100 gifts! All occasions, iiges, 2nd floor, eight room apt..... 1600 sq. ft. door? All the family can enjoy tho luxurios of ,N.Y., 10011. Print NAME, AD- this new Colonial plus all water activities for Xrochet, pattjt.tle djtC de- IDRESS, ZIP, STYLE NUM- 5. Property size 100' (Frontage) x 160' (depth) only $57,900. coupage, knit, sew; riauilt, iBER and SIZE: weave, more! flM 4$f NEW Fall-Winter Pattern! Complete Afgnan;Book£??1.00 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Catalog. 114 dynamic designs.; |"X6 Jilfy J^uga" BO0k. «l$ 'Free Pattern Coupon. SOc. ."50 Instant Gifts" BooK-tOc Paul Brnya.r Agency INSTANT SEWING BOOK 'Book of ,12 Prize Afghans 50c PAUL BRAGAR AGENCY i _ REALT0R sew*, today, wear tomorrow. iQuilt Book 1-18 patterns; 50c $1. "INSTANT FASHION j Museum QuiU.Book M pat- mMOAD ST. •SHREWSBURY. M.J. r "I saw his Dally Realster REALTOR Classified Ad Just In tlme-for ;BOOK - What-to-wear an-, terns for ,12 superb quiljii 794 BROAD ST. 747-0221 SHREWSBURY^ your folks' golden wedding an- swers, accessory, figure tips!, Book 3, "Guilts for Tway's niversary!" X{ Only|l, yfajf\lf|pjttBoiT th* IMy R girter, f J, FrkUV, June 18,1971 i^-- Detrais the Menace Puzzle vqp&~u By Ifn. & Cmnfaffani 25HtnrtIe. 471 UdRM 6lRL FRIEND (?AN OFF 26 Piebald 49 Female WITH AN EARLY ft ACROSS 51 Highlander. 1 Pack with '52 Canker- 27 Quechuani 511 soil, weed. 28 Palms. 52 Headstrong. 5 Not suitable. 60 Sheltered. 29F«ncy. 53WiBgUke 10 Strike. 61 Sprightly. 30 Vagrant part* 14Sandarac G2Cygnus. 31 Roman 54 Crew, tree. 63 European official. 53 Killed. 15 Water wheel river. 32 Considers. 56 Ball club. 16 Knot 64 Spanish 35 Man's 17 Present title. 58 Anglo-Indian IS Drunkards. 65 Sand hill. nickname. 19 Sweet spire, w Borders. 39 Shirkers. HEEHEE/ 20 Flowerlew 67 Pitchers, S0BB1SHT plant. 68 Cloy. • 23 Ireland. DOWN SoluUon of XuAetlxft Fuaia 24 One who 1 Wild goal does: sufl". 2 Territory. 25 Piano. 3 Emporium HUCia H&1DUBI UfcJllt'J 28 Snickered, 4 Feign. nianni ramrann wxan 33 Coil. 5 Inter- tlUaU C1UUHU 34 Minced oath. lopated. 31) Rust. GLoop. 37 Business TTEdomite term: abbr. duke. r

W mm* •Man MB ••MB WMMI MMM MMl | IP 1 1 1 InM 1 1 • • I Hi 3 31 • •MM " 1 11 •l"l"l 1 II "MM !3 M32M,


S2 S3 M t» t> •MM «M MM MM """••«" MM MM M*M MMM

1 •M MMM MMM 16 ••••1 •MM 5 •MM MMM it Your Horoscope, Birthday

FRIDAY, JUNE lg~ Born others then* bidden strengths, 'the friends of friends. In this 20) - A Saturday for leaving 'today, you are prone to seeing always manage to bring out way, you can increase the your troubles behind. Work ..the world and the people in it, the best qualities in co-work- support, in your corner many out some system of eoplng " as being "all of a piece," As a ere or those under your super- times over, i with many notions as to how result, it is often difficult for vision. For this you are much VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - to spend leisure time, The Virgo who is game for ad- AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. IP you to think of other people as admired. IM BB5T POOP, THg being different from yourself; venture is in for an exciting 19) - Join with others lit a COUUP JU0T To find what is in store for day today. Direct your own 'Saturday outing. This is a I M05T KPASONA0UB AFPORP AN you are inclined, rather, to ex* you tomorrow, select your RATES... pect others to share your future; .only you kiiow the good time for demonstrating birthday and read the corre- best advantages. . your ability to let down yotir Ideas, your standards and sponding paragraph. Let your principles, your methods of LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23) - •hair. birthday star be your daily •Allow other people to conduct PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) doing things, and so on. It guide. .,; sometimes comes as a gen- their own affairs - without - Show your willingness to co- uine surprise to you to find any outside interference from operate by suggesting a com- Saturday, June 19 you. Speak your mind later, promise. Your own plans tor jieople in disagreement with 1 you, particularly on issues GEMINI (May 22-June 21) SCOBPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) the day may be forgotten .. which you consider important - Take your pleasure today - The wise Scorpio will wipe ARIES (March 22-Aprfl 29) -and they do not. from, other people's enjoy- the slate clean as far as the - Time your activities with . You possess a thoroughly ment of things. Try to make past Is concerned. Seek solu- some thought for what tonjor* dominant nature and, if a activities suitable for all. tions to present problem, not row promises. You don't want woman, will be as insistent CANCER (June 22-July 23) old ones. to exhaust yourself by eve- upon running your own house- - Indulge yourself in the ex- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- ning. : hold as your male counterpart ercise of your creative im- •Dec. 22) - Put in a good word TAURUS (April 21-May 21) is about running his own ca- pulses. The development of ;for yourself should you find - Make popularity gains with- •.reer. Although you will never vour artistic -talent is impor- yourself in the company of in your own domestic circle. be an easy person to work tant at this time. those who can serve you - if There is no need for you to with or under, you are fair- . LEO (July 24-Aug. 23) - they would. stand on ceremony with fami- minded and, exacting from Make it a point to cultivate CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. ly members. Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SHE1NWOLD West returned the queen of failure to act suggested that Register, Box 3318, Grand Some players think that clubs, hoping South would his length was in the minor Central Station, New York, ithey can ask for a new deal if misplace the king ia West's suits. West should therefore • N.Y. 10017.) they get a hand like West's in hand. open a club, hoping to strike today's diagram. They're •South took the ace of clubs, 'his partner's length. •right: they can ask for the ran his spades and hearts, and South would win an early South dealer new deafe But the opponents then led the- queen of dia- club trick and would try the Both sides vulnerable .don't have to give them any- monds. "East could take the heart finesse. East would then NORTH I KNEW VOUt> R6MEM3ER •thing but a hoarse laugh. In « QJ92 YOUREMEMBERER ace of diamonds, but be be in position to defeat the B008HT J- OUR ANNIVERSARY TOPAYJ real life, West would wind up contract with one heart, one 9 AQ107 ROSES IN HOW SWEET couldn't continue the attack OQ8 'iUONG TIME- OF YOU.' ;with a healthy minus score on on clubs. Game and rubber diamond and three clubs. •such a hand. Today, we see for South. DAILY QUESTION • m that West canmake a profit if Better Choice As dealer, you hold: S-10 4 3 WEST EAST . he thinks instead of just • 765 + 1043 West chose the wrong black' H-K 8 6 D-A J 6 C-K Q 10 8. 0 432 0K86 groaning about his terrible .seyen as bis opening lead. He What do you say? ' luck. 0 9532 OAI6 should have known thai nei- Answer: Bid one club. With • 765 +KQ10S When the hand was actually ther opponent had a really 'only 13 points you have a bor- SOUTH played, West was too busy good hand, which meant that derline opening bid, but the

WH/? JOB tAN£> IN A COPTER-SIAY l« K3UR incollc Itailey OBIN-WOUtPN'T TW AS 5AM1TATION SAV THAT'S UHU5UAL? Th* {tafy Segfattx, R«t Bwtfc-MiAiileWWflJt J, Frid*)., June 18, 1971 granges Seminar On Drugs Despite Problems

J^tQgBHAMLEV Middletown Township High M. McCarthy put it yesterday, scheduled next Wednesday at again urging student partici- Dennis Jackson, assistant Board of Education, depr- "There certainly is a prob-.- School, is a young man who "We're willing, but the school' 8 p.m. will take place in pation in drug seminars. principal in charge of student ecated the administration's lem. It is a serious problem, . IWN - Larry doesn't like to take "No" for isn't." Township Han rather than in Once again there was no re- affairs. alleged failure to permit the and the'students are looking' of 120 Leedsville an answer. Young Loigman explained the high school because school sponse from the school admin- This time be got a response, drug seminar in the high for haW information. What' Littcroft, student in Or, as Police Chief Joseph that a drug abuse seminar authorities refused to let him istrators, he reported. the young man reported. "He school in a statement Monday should you do, for instance, if and members of the science Official Approached said there was not nearly to fellow board members and tyou go to a parly and you're, faculty stage it in the school. Finally, two weeks ago, enough time left, and added the public. His remarks drew offered a marijuana clga-? Ponee Happy having arranged with teach- that he didn't want to disrupt no response. rette? The only Information- The police, on the other ers in the high school science people's schedules," young Emanuel Katell, another they get now is from other * hand, were happy to cooper- department for support and Loigman said. board member, said the ques- •kids?. They want the answer," • ate with the young man, and help in putting on a seminar, Detective Sgt. William J. tion of young Loigman's pro- the young man said. are helping him organize the .young Loigman approached Halliday, a member of the posed seminar has never He urged a good turnout', affair, which is to featnre 'come before the board for next Wednesday in Township young Loigman's father, Dr. Military Justice Talk Scheduled consideration. Hall, when, following the . Bernard Loigman, a psy- "For myself, I would have speakers and a film on drug - chologist; Municipal Court welcomed it in midsemester," problems, students will be en-. Judge Jerry J. Massell; a. FT. MONMOUTH - Qpl. ress Clubs. Council Four com- couraged to ask questions and;, prises 13 clubs of the New Mr. Katell added. *' physician yet. to be selected;, •Robert J. DeMund, staff, present their views. .-I judge advocate of the Army York, New Jersey and Long Asked why, in his opinion, police officers trained in nar- Both high school and col- Electronics Command, will Island area. • permission to stage the semi- cotics work and perhaps a for- nar in the school was denied, lege students are invited to at-1 mer addict. discuss "Military Justice" at In addition to the luncheon, a luncheon at Gibbs Hall on young Loigman surmised, "It tend. .' ? ' The young man explained there will be workshops, a Saturday, sponsored by The could be that since the last 'he first had the idea of such a business meeting and in- NURSING HOME Molly Pitcher Toastmistress stallation of officers for the board election (when a second seminar for students when • 24-HowCan Club. 1971-72 season. policeman, Patrolman Leon- teachers were attending a ard J. Moon, won a seat) the • RNonduty«Utfoi»» state-ordered program of The luncheon will be part of • MMUcmAnmMd an all-day meeting of Council Miss Florence Adair of authorities have been trying drug abuse seminars early in NAVESINK HOUSE Four of the Colonial Region of Highlands is in charge of ar- to sayrthere's no drug prob-. this school year. Last Decem- lem in the schools. 44 RIVERSIDE AVE RED BANK ber, he said, he-approached the International Toastmist- rangements for the meeting. 842-3400 Nicholas Campanile, high school principal, seeking per- mission for students to attend FAIR HAVEN EVENT — Fair Haven Mayor Robert A. Matthews, right, : similar sessions to get the HARD-TO-GET cuts opening-day ribbon held by Harold B. Mlllward, president of the Red benefit of the views of outside Bank Savings and Loan Association, at ceremonies celebrating opening of professionals on drug use. 2nd '.; the association's new branch office In Fair Haven Shopping Center. "I got no response," young MORTGAGES Loigman declared. The high school student for Summer Workshop OK'd then wrote an article for the Homw and Builnwt •. Appwwg OTtr Phont high school newspaper, once Monmoiith County Investment Corp. Drug Addiction Problem? PHONE /'»l-buol .,.....,-.,,...... For School in Holmdel Call 988-8333 For Help Day or i. Natefsons knows fathers, best,., .: = NiEht •»iVi Hi V**i Vi MVi fi Ir'tf ki k-4H H *M k J ki *i I.* \,ikt HOLMDEL-The Board of Education has Arthur Gibbs, clerk of the worss on the ^^_«»uBiimnniiin!iiiiiiniiiiiii>iiiinniiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i>iumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiliul ; approved a ?l,500'summer workshop program Village School 10-room addition site, reported ' for township students. that despite a slowep-than-expected delivery of At the board's regular meeting, funds steel, the addition will be fully functional when " were voted after Holmdel High School Princi- school begins again in September. pal Richard H. White submitted a proposal Board member John K. Landers com- which win involve 84 students who have in- mended the lay advisory committee on con- - dicated they are interested in working on struction of the Village School addition for make-up units or in enrichment programs. their ''impressive" work in helping the archi- ,'• -*'I think it is Tare to have so many chil- tects and construction planners. : dren want to spend a portion of their summer A request was heard from the Holmdel '•'doing school work, whether for the make-up Township Drug Abuse Committee for school ;• reason or the enrichment," Mr. White said. "I gymnasium facilities and the Intermediate ;, think it should be encouraged." School all-purpose room to be used by older : The board agreed, so from July 19 through teen-agers as basketball courts and dramatics i Aug. 20, from 8:.3O. a.m. until noon, the Inter- programs. Dr. Crespy said the administration l mediate School library will be bumming with would favor such a program if maintenance ;; scholastic activities. could be properly scheduled and supervision ; \ Administrative salaries for the 1971-72 provided. \ year were- agreed upon. Mr. White, as high : school principal, will receive $22,700. John A.' The program, planned to begin in July and • Nolan, intermediate principal; Paul J. Evans, continue through the summer, would involve Village School principal;.and Ralph Robinson, evening basketball and a dramatics club for .-Indian Hill School principal, will draw $19,050 boys 16 years and older who are not involved Ueacb; and Guy C. Vander Vliet, board secre- in the Holmdel Youth Activities Association t'tary, will be paid $19,000. program. The request will be studied. Mr. Vander Vliet is also assistant to the Staff personnel appointments are: Jean superintendent for business and auxiliary, ser- W. Kennedy of Philadelphia, science and vices. , mathematics; Michael Reilly, Bayonne, guid- Dr. H. Victor Crespy, attending his last ance; Lois Steeneck, Colts Neck, physical edu- meeting as superintendent of schools, an- cation; Louise Russell, Bloomington, Ind., nounced that the plans for the high school are English; Mrs. Mary Spollen, Red Bank, busi- being reviewed by the office of the state Com- ness; and James. Farrell Jr., Montclair, Eng? missioner of Education and that a decision on lish and social studies. state approval can be expected next week. At that point, the board can advertise for bids on Thomas Mahoney was reappointed school construction. • • psychologist at a salary of $17,500. Extended Tavern Hours Plan Tabled in Keansburg KEANSBURG - An ordi- Upon introducing the ordi- in a business zone off Main St. nance designed to give local nance earlier this month, The road will be used for in- taverns an extra open hour on Mayor Harry S. Graham re- gress and egress to four one- weekends has been tabled by marked the new closing hour family houses proposed by Mi- Borough Council on advice of is in line with that in other re- chael J. Carlo Jr., provided a its attorney. sort areas. He mentioned spe- variance is granted by the The measure as introduced cifically Asbury Park and Sea Zoning Board of Adjustment. provides for taverns to re- Bright. The board would not act on main open un^il 3 a.m. on Since '1953, voters have Mr. Carlo's application until Friday and Saturday nights tuned down four ballot ques- council made known its intent from July 1 through Labor tions which would have ex- concerning the narrow Day. The present closing hour tended the legal hours of sale. roadway. is 2 a.m. In 1953, it was asked that Council unanimously re- Howard A. Roberts, the hours be extended to 3 newed 33 retail liquor con- borough attorney, told council a.m. all year; in 1958 until 3 sumption licenses, five club li- that after checking with the a.m. weekdays and 4 a.m. on censes and one package store state Division of Alcoholic holidays; in 1960 until 3:30 license. Beverage Control, adoption of a.m. during the summer William Jacques Jr., the ordinance might leave the months; and in 1962 until 5 Thomas It. Beatty, Edward door open for a law suit. Be- a.m. New Year's Eve. E. Burton, Alton J. Bennett cause of past history, the ABC Council by a 2-1 majority and Martin C. Lohsen were in its opinion feels the mea- with Mayor Graham dis- appointed special police offi- sure should be put to a refer- senting adopted a resolution cers. endum. to accept a 24-foot wide road Council authorized a $250,000 tax anticipation note payable to the Keansburg- Middletown National Bank at Rid Your Lawn of Dandelions an annual interest rate of 4.5 and Other Unsightly Weeds percent. • Maybe you hate having a car with go, Council adjourned until 5:30 CALL this evening at which time it room and a ride that's all love and peace. will name a new borough Maybe you're for cramped quarters, eyen if GREEN ACRE manager to succeed C. Ber- nard Blum who retired earlier you have to pay more to get'em. LAWN SERVICE this month. But if you're a midget' master only because Swim Program you haven't noticed how smaller car prices 747-2183 have been edging up, then you may welcome Starts Monday the news that,today, you can buy NEW SHREWSBURY - The recreation- committee re- a big Chevy for less money ports that the 1971 YMCA than dozens of smaller cars. - LAWN SEEDS "Learn to Swim" program will commence next Monday. If you think this is too FERTILIZERS The program, in coordina- good to be true, come quick • AORICO PRODUCTS • BONE MEAL tion with the Arrowhead fam- >>" • i. . MILORQANITE ily Center, Marlboro, is de- and bring your checkbook. • PEATMOSS • SALT HAY signed to give children who You'll be needing it, • ROSE FOOD are residents of Shrewsbury tilt * WEED and CRAB GRASS CONTROL and non-swimmers a concen- trated series of swimming les- •Ml ; sons. • ; Enrollment is limited to the FREDD.WIKOFFCO. first 50 children who are now A .- in glades K through 5. A su- pervised bus will pick up the amour, $»# M* sm*t hm^utt: 236 MAPLE AVENUE children at the Shrewsbury >'•'»' Boro School and transport VMHAlHMT» rAttOWKWT, IMI M*ft,,AitoiyMt them to the pool and return on kffifckb HEDBAIUK 741-0554 q regularly scheduled barfs. + Television • Books f Movies •Theater • Dining Out •Comment Your Weekend Magazine • Hobbies •Music

Show' By CAROL JACOBSON OCEAN TOWNSHIP - It was a potpourri of actors and actresses that put on the Cen- ter Drama Workshop's Pro- ' ductlon of "A Fun Thing Hap- pened on the Way to the Fo- rum" last weekend. And that's what made the evening worthwile. That and Vince Hartnett, Abe Vogel, Ed Kronisth and Don Bren* ran, a variety of funny men .who galavanted around the new Y stage dressed in togas and such and made me laugh. It's not a polished- Broad- way.production but for a re- gional musical with local tal- ent directing, acting and pro- ducing, it was a fun show. It will be performed again tomorrow at 8:30 and Sunday evening at 8 p.m. at the YM- YWHA, 100 Grant Ave. Director Lauren Woods used good judgment in clump* ing the major portion of this musical comedy into the first Register Staff Photo hatt.so-that by the time the In- BACKSTAGE AT THE Y— Four of the funny men enacting the song "Everybody Ought to. Hove a termission ended, only four Maid" In the Center Drama Workshop production, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Fo- songs and a finale wound lip rum/' left to right, Ed Kronisch/ as Lycus; Vince Hartnett/ as Hysterium; Abe Vogef, as Senex, and the performance at 10:30. Don Brennan as Pseudolus. They will perform the musical Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8 p.m. Zippy Songs, Dances at the YM-YWHA, 100 Grant Ave,, West Deal. He kept the show bouncing with ft zippy army of songs and dances. cold all week so perhaps this role in this play is unfortuna- Knowing the performers courtesans. James Brooks, Mark Ellen- weekend his voice will project tely a minor one and difficult Then there was Jack Kapl- tuck and Jim Norwood, as the made ft even more ticklish. more. to play because the male roles Hysterium, the master an, as Erronius, the old man three Proteans, ran .'round - As for young Mr. Di- carry all the comedy. But who searched the seven hills stage in short smocks playing slave to the household of £>e- mestria's voice, it is a good Mrs. Epstein makes you know nex, (Abe Vogel) and Domlna of Rome for his son and at comedy quite successfully. one. He was a bit anxious in she's there. Her timing is su- daughter only to find them on And even if the 11-piece (Zlpporah Epstein) was up- the role of a young romantic, preme. held masterfully by Hartnett, stage as Miles Glorlosus, and band, led by the show's musi- trying too hard to be good, but Bikinis, Too Phylia, All three performers, cal director Nancy Blu- whose wild-eyed, hair-raising his tenor notes lifted the Dressed in bikinis and ha- performance topped the show. Mr. Leask and Miss Martin merikrantz, were not always songs, "Love I Hear," "Love- rem dresses, Barbara Sotnick, and Mr. Kaplan, added to the in key, they somehow sounded , And Mr. Vogel, an original ly," and "Pretty Little Pic- Louise Kinsey, twins Lucille, CDW performer in his first total production, Mr. Leask in like a big band. * ture" into a happy range. and Lucinda Saunders, Jan his funny, red shotted toga and It was a" concerted effort by musical appearance, held that Zlpporah Epstein as Do- Edelstein and Sally Brown put Harpo Marx wide-eyed ex- .Miss Martin as the not-too- all to put on a fun show. Pro- mlna the wife, creates a domi- over Gloria and Jaro York's smart young woman wlv> fi- ducers Judy and Joan Epstein pression just long enough to nant presence on stage. The dances very well as the exotic win audience approval. nally gives her hSart to Hero. executed their chores well. Kronisch, as Lycus, burst out on the stage with blad ' head and glasses, wearing a blue satin toga. He bought and sold the beautiful courte- Middletown Beaches to Open sans and lived next door to Se- nex, whose son, Hero (Victor MibDLETOwN - The two A director and. assistant di- are featured at Ideal Beach, Dlmestria) had fallen in love beaches operated by the Rec- rector have been assigned- to which has been expanded to with a young woman (Ellen reation Commission will open, each playground to coordinate three times its former size as I Martin) who had been already while activities at the com- a program of events, In- the result of a Hurricane sold to Capt, Miles Glorlosus mission's 15 playgrounds will cluding athletics,- arts and Project conducted by the (Art Leask). get under way next Tuesday* crafts, quiet games, special Army Corps of Engineers. 4: The plot begins to unfold as Joseph Pacelli, assistant su- activities, science projects, Two-week learn-to-swlm . Pseudolus, played by Don' perintendent of recreation,.re- drama and social functions, programs for boys and girls 7 Brennan, is willing to get the ports the playgrounds will be Youngsters 12 through 16 in- to 12 will start at the beaches girl for his master, Hero, in open from 9 a.m. to noon and terested in becoming 'coun- according to the following return for his freedom. from 6 to 8 p.m., Monday selors-in-training are asked to schedule: June 28, July 12 and - Comic Presence through Friday. The play- see the playground director 26, and Aug. 9, Ideal, and July Mr. Brennan has a wonder- grounds are Naveslnk, Hill- on opening day. 12 and 26, Leonardo. ful comic presence. His move* side, Leonardo, Gordon Court, Ideal Beach and Leonardo Further information con- ifient&r faces,.- and stago. abUi* Belford, East Keansburg, Beach will be staffed by cerning the swimming les- ty are all apparent. Only his Waloo, Harmony, Bayview, , lifeguards and beach boys, un- sons, offered free of charge to voice was hard to hear and Chancevtlle, Evergreen, Wj^ der supervision of a beach, tow.nship residents, may be many lines went by unlaughed mort, Bodman'j Middletown manager. A food concession, obtained at %*$deal BeacP «t I was told he had[battleda Thompson and Crestvlew. showers and a dressing area of flee beginning next Monday. i .. i . , TV*' "' *•' ''' y 5 World Brought Together Over By CYNTHIA LOWI*Y copies of the agreement United Nations audience of tractive, talented children can which, aljer 27 years, will re- children and the viewers at fail to appeal and no program NEW YORK (AP) - As turn Okinawa to Japan. home saw orphaned students so well-intentioned could fail things worked out, yesterday In the early afternoon, from TELEVISION of Spain's "City of Boys" put to be moving. As Kaye noted a was hands across the sea day, the United Nations General on some circus acts. From in his final appeal for UNI- IS live, on television, and a busy Assembly hall, Danny Kaye Rio de Janiero came a prac- CEF, it was happy, time for the communications acted as {tieipiper and host COMMENT tice soccer session. children of the world asking satellites. of a progmn) celebrating the Most interesting, perhaps, help for the unhappy, un- It started early on NBC's 25th anniversary of the United were young dancers working healthy ones. "Today Show'^as Secretary Nations Children's Emer- been the unofficial ambassa- out at the National Ballet of State William P. Rogers in gency Fund. This focused on School in Toronto, Canada, groups of children all over the dor of UNICEF for almost 15 and the students of the youth MIDDLETOWN Washington and his opposite years-his first tour for the or- FOLK FESTIVAL 1 number in Tokyo signed world. The taped program ganization was the basis of a experimental opera workshop was repeated on the educa- moving television report in in Atlanta, Ga., injin exerpt FBI.-JUNE 25 tional stations" in the early 1957".' When he is able to move from a work they had written, SAT.-JUNE 26 For your ENTERTAINMENT evening. . .; ;. informally among children,^ produced and enacted. BODMANPARK •8 A Ringside Seat the Kaye charm and Innocent' No program loaded with at- For your ENJOYMENT Viewed against the back-, clowning transcends language ground of comrnercial tele-' barriers, This time, alas, INTRODUCING... Our New Seafood Take-Out Service vision's frequent use of the For your PLEASURE Kaye was forced to operate PATIO DINING OVERLOOKING THE SHREWSBURY • satellite for everything from alone on the floor of the hall, MOBY fHCKU SKOAL space splashdowns to funeral separated from a large au- DINNERS services of foreign digni- dience of seated children. Dis- • RUT TWW LOBSTER DINNER "JACKIE HILL" taries, neither effort was a tance seemed to hamper Kaye • SHRIMP MIUDU: particularly novel electronic and dampen the enthusiasm • RUED CLAMS 50 TWHOKttR* at the Piano feat. But the stunt of bringing of the young ones. • SCAUOPS 1 Buffer & Lemon 3" together by television the two WEEKENDS signators who were actually, • Unity Created ~ I SHRIMP DINNERS .1.751 separated by thousands of. miles was interesting and The idea was to unite chil- gave the viewer a feeling her- dren all over the world MOBY DICK II 291-4430 HARRY'S was occupying a ringside seat through the medium. The 2 South Bay Ave. - Under The Bridge - Highlands on history in the making. IOBSTER HOUSE "Children of the World" Sea Bright was not Danny Kaye's hap- piest hour. The comedian has r

LOCK STOCK & BARREL Hofle Restaurant And Cocktail lounge Swimming Pool PRISMS OCEAN VIEW DINING TIM McLOON Piano - Gtiilur Every Wed., Tliur., Sat. Nite 9:30 Till 2 A.M. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK LUNCH-SANDWICHES 11:30 Till?'. Dinner - Sandwiches 5:30-1 A.M. PRIME RIBS 4.25 121 Fair Haven Rd\ 741-9776 Fair Haven

Featuring Sea Food At Its Very Best and Sizzliiig Steaks Ml BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER nn

1j Hazlet THE WOULD * | DANCING .jUj^r ' Highway 35 ^ 264-2400 BANQUET FACILITIES for all occasions from 25 to 600

•Featuring- IN OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE the "CHUCKLES" TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY SOCIAL HOUR Hors d'Oeuvres 872-1174 [n ,!,,. [OUNCE 4 30 lo 6:30 ilNl K>Of; i^HVED t*'ESY NITE TIL 10 other souvenirs from, the two loaned the exhibit, "having col- countries. Jeffrey and Gre- lected the articles on their Program Set gory L'ega of Middletownhave trip to Europe last summer. . HED BANK - "Galaxies of met the summer, and a star end of summer for dub mem- Books'.1 is the theme of the or planet paper cut-out with berg. Bummer reading diifc for chil- his name will be mounted on Storytime will be held ev* dren at tfce Red Book Public the large window of the Chil- eiyTuesday morning at 10:30. Library. Each child who en- dren's Room to show how Stories and films will make up rolls will receive a folder to many books he has read. SAL'S this program for 4-to-8-y and tnwt yourwlf Serving Fine Italian Children will also be asked to • plateful of Buccul«nt Food at Family Prices to vote for their favorite 4 different place . , . spe- books and characters to make cializing in Fine Italian Food a reading list of books too CLAMS ON and Pizza. A targe wins list, good to miss. art shoyvs and an atmos- Highlights of Germany and phere that matches New SHELL York's Village. Switzerland are on display in the Children's Boom including ENTERTAINMENT stamps, coins, postcards and TAVERN tvny R, fat. & Sun. Eyef. RESTAURANT Shrewsbury at Herbert St. Red Bank CALL 842-4417 CLUBBENET 11$*Br]dga Av©*, Red Bank OPEN 7 NIGHTS A WEEK DENNER THEATRE 5 PM to 2 AM Advertise in The Register Mon, tfciuFri.il AM to 2 PM BROAD WAY PLAYS 1 ALPINE MANOR ONSTAGE! Ails C "Best in Food and Musk4' NOW THRU JUNE 20 A Salad Appetizer a TCINIGHT & TOMORROW REDSKELTON Bar Featuring One starring wifh of the Most Fan-: n i LYNN ANDERSON DOLLY (Hit Record - "Rose Garden") t&stfc Selections and the BURGUNDY STREET SINGERS To Please the Pal- mm NEW! TUESDAY, JUNE 22 ate * mm ROBERTA FLACK JUIttNCANNONBAUADDEUEY LESMcCANN DOKNY HA1HAWAY Gourmet "UNSINKABLE WED. JUNE 23 thru SAT. JUNE 26 Buffet MOLLY BROWN" AlVlNAIlfY NEW! 727-3000 ''The mott tpoctaculaHy hsndsoms end giorlout danco ordsnuation in t this coumryl" A SUNDAY SPECIAL! •BjTOn Bdt, Newark Star Ledger served from 3 to 9:30 Evgs. Won. thru Thure. 6:30PM; Frl. & Bt\. 9PM Dinner * Show ntlCESi |7, 5.75, 4.50, 3.50. Box Stata 7^0. Uwn ««llnit tMti MM out on wfenrlptron for all wrtorminctt ft 5.75 ENTERTAINMENT an taitf out en swbtcriptloa for Wed. * Sil nlKhtf. ~ DANCING Ifiym natlita for Jun«.22, -, »2.60 Wed., Fri., Sat. and Sun. FOR INFORMATION CAU (201) 264-9200 FRI.ndSAL 1 C^Hir>t»dbytheN»wJ«rtdyHtohwayAiilhorHy DANCING - FRIDAY and SAT. OPEN EVERY EVENING 1 JOE'S KOZY BAR I I WE'VE MOVED! HWY. 36 872-1773 HIGHLANDS SMORGASBORD I TO OUR ...

Directly Across Serving NEW .from, from Delicious Orchanto Xlo7 LOCATION 325 HIGHWAY 35 MIDDUTOWN TEE 671-167 1 ME NORTH OF M Happy Apple COOPERS BRIDGt ROUTE 34 COMS JVECfe WE CAN NOWDtUVtR TO OUR FRIENDS IN: MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW I OR A HAPPY • RED BANK • FAIR HAVEN • RUNISON • UTTlf SILVER FATHER'S DAY • Chicken •fbh •Shrimp •Salad Serriag From (hit* Regular Dinner Meira •• OUR SPECIALTY: PLUS OUR OPEN SALAD BAR fmwrimgf Shrimp • TosstA S«lfti • Potato W# Odwr To Parties from One fp One Thousand &tit£« uummbera & Qnkna • Harvard Beets • Ottvte • Chefcy Peppers • Cottate Cheese • WHY NOT ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS CHICKEN AT Cote Slow - Your choice of Dressing -French* OUR NEW "EAT-IN" LOCATIONI —In, Italian, Roquefort. OPiHV BREADBOARD •rid DINPfER

i'*.. , «X._|» *• * O (C) 0 TALES OF WELLS FARGO Interviewer Elixabeth Drew «Tforeat of Death" , 10:45 0 KINER'S KORNER (C) 0L1KEITIS(C) eviston BWN8&WEATHER, SPORTSto ?The Charlie Mingus Quintet" © ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS 2tlO0 BASEBALL • :_; 10:00 0 "He Walked By Night" of one of their pupils. • <0 CHANNEL II FILM FESTIVAL 3:00 0 BLACK LETTERS (C) 12:30 ffl "Million Dollar Legs" "Seven Sinners" (1940) starring Marlene Dietrich, "Blues and Bitterness" (R) 1:00 0 "You Were Meant for Me" John Wayne. A navy lieutenant has to choose be- ©CELEBRITY BOWLING (C) O "Once Upon A Time" tween two loves — a beautiful honky-tonk singer Stephen Young, James Farentino vs. BOD Newhart, 4:30 © "Escape to Mindinao" or the Navy. Robert Lansing. © THE MERV GRIFFIN SHOW (C) © MOVIE AT THREE O "Monster From a Prehistoric Planet" 11:30 0 THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) "This is My Affair" (1937) starring Barbara Stan, ©"Lightning Bolt" Host: Joey Bishop wyck, Robert Taylor, A secret service agent joins 0 11:30 MOVIE a gang of bank robbers on orders from the presi- EVENING "The Red Danube" (1949) Starring Peter Lawfoidi dent • •:-••• 6:00 OOONEWS(C) Janet Leigh. A british Army officer helps a ballet 3:30 © CAYEAT VENDITOR (C) © THE MOTHERS-IN-LAW (C) dancer escape Soviet police. "Ckmsumera Union" (R) 0 THE DICK CAVETT SHOW (C) 0 DAKTARI (C) ''Kids Move Out" "Predator of Wameru" Q I SPY (C) Host: Zero Mostel • 12:30 ffl NIGHT FINAL (C) O ONE TO ONE (C) SPECIAL "There Was a little Girl" with Roy Whitfield • This film Shows one child to one home relattonsbtp ffl PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES

formerly the Beau Rivage Warren Avenue NEPTUNE Spring Lake Hts.,NJ. CIRCLE- ON FATHER'S DAY Lawrence of Arabia 2:00; 8:15 SAT.—Lawrence of Arablo 2:00; 5:45; ENTERTAINMENT & DANCING NIGHTLY 9:00 We'lf treat him royally COCKTAIL LOUNGE - RESTAURANT SUN.-Lowrence of Arabia 2:00; S:)5 with good hearty por- CLOSED MONDAY NEPTUNE CITY tions of our fine Italian NEPTUNE CITY- Specialties Pretty Mold! All In a Row 8:00; Mad Dogs and Englishmen *:00; 9:50 SAT,—Candy Bonia & Auction 1:30; Originate Cucina Italiana Dr. Doollttle 2:00: Pretty Maids Alt In a Row 8:00; Mad Dogs and Englishmen 6:00; 9:50 SOFT SHELL CRABS • CLAMS on Vt SHELL SUN.-Drv Doollttle 2:00; Pretty Some Exotic Dinners • Maids All In a Row 7:45; Mod Dogs and Englishmen 5:45; 9:35 PLUS OUR REGULAR SUNDAY MENU Veal SORRENTINO MANASQUAN •' ALGONQUIN- -• Little Murders 2:00; 9:15; Out of Tow- ners 7:30 TAVERN Chicken _SAT.-Lttfl« Murders 8:30; Out of Towners 2:00; 4:45; 10:30 Neronc SUN.—LitHe Murders 3:40; 7:45; Out RESTAURANT • of Townm 2:00; 5:35; 9:20 SAL'S * "• • m ' FcHnchuic DANCING AUJUMMEft Restaurant aud Carbonara SHREWSBURY & HERBERT ST. RED BANK Cocktail lounge , andmauy EVERY SAT. (ttlicrs EVERY WED. Enjoy the ftneat in Continental Dining tn a warm relaxing alnios- HIGHTSTOWN COUNTRY aUB phcre. Posillipo is truly the place wlieic your memories of ex- Every Sat. Two Bands Continuous WAYS.OF WOMEN... Mellors 10 Pc. Band and Joe Mucha cellence are not soon forgotten. Whore waiters are ready to cater Band, Every Wed. tha Friendship to your every desire. . ' Dance. For Folks 25 & over • Mm, their many ways of 1.50 ••.- - Second Aye & Main St. Asbury Pork * 7713819. Always Fun Whether Alone or Couples love... laughter... lust... _, 3 ACnES POLICED PARKING.

If you thought "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF1 FOR ww faanyr- DOOft-JO-DOOR SiRVKE to AH "GUHTIQHTER"win kill yout AIRPORTS & PIERS Women EAS1MANC0L0R-Released by Allied Artists. CAU 774-1756 "SUPPORT FOR RESERVATIONS CARRIE-ALL YOUR IDOL LIMOUSINE INC. JLiyJNSrR SAFE, AIR CONDITIONED CARS CUNriGHTEE WHITE STREET ' United 747-0333 RED BANK Artists You. truly haven't tasted SEA WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. PLAZA BRICK PLAZA FOOD at its very best until MALL #1 you have eaten a BROILED SCANDALOUS ADVENTURES OF ROUTE 35 D.|. SOB Food Platter at DORIS TOWN •tf'ED'S. "Our Secret? Sure,* we'll tell you. We are the Chefs I Does that make the dif- BURAIKAIN ference? You bet it does! CINEMASCOPE - COLOR LOBSTER LOVERS STRAND ART TRY US!" An Exciting, F«t-Moving Jap«neie Thriller. KEYPORT, N.J. tfCome and - get *em alive** Adapfecf from \h* NOW PLAYING F«moui Kabukt Pity.

A True and SUN MON. TUES, < f the ""--**^ Graphic Itarriflg TOSIUROMIFDNBl


Pick Your Own Lobster Out tod i browning's Demonstration ol Our Lobslor in love Making DORIS 'N' ED'S SEAFOODRE8TAURANT •H?', I "•HOUSEO^WftMTW) m •ifir •.'•'• j 36 Shof« I : Thcblackwidow spider gets; Bike Rally Set her name from a nervous habit of At the Movies LINCROFT - A bike rally, sometimes eating her spouse. free and open to the public, (Continued) will be held tomorrow spon- g MIDDLETOWN RT.35DRIVE-IN- sored by the Monmouth Coun- ISLAND HEIGHTS TOWN- Support Yowr Local Gunflghter (:45; Waterloo 7:30; 9:40 l:is; it's a Mad, Mod, Mod, Mai World ty Park System. £ BAY DRIVE-IN- SAT.-Namu, Killer Whale 2:00; Wa- 10:32 FRI. SAT. & SUN.-Whalever Hap- terloo 5:50; 8:00; Johnny Cash 10:00 The group will depart from pened to Aunt AUco 1:55; Home That SUN.—Namu, Killer whale, 2:00; Wa- KEYPORT Thompson Park at 9 a.m. and Dripped Blood 10:50; Nlpht of the Liv- terloo 5:50; B:00; 10:00 ing Dead 12;4O STRAND ART- tour back roads of the county, NORTH OF RED BANK IIAZLET The Undergraduate 7:00; 8:30; 10:00 with a stop for lunch at Tur- KEANSBURG key Swamp Park/ Freehold PLAZA- COLONIAL- Township. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Sopport Your Local Gunflghter 7:25; FRI. & SAT.-Flve Eos/ Meet* 7:00; FREEHOLD MALL "SAT.—Support Your Local Gunflahter 10:10; I Never SanaTor My Foiher 8:35 ATLAjmC- 2:00; 7:55; 15:00 SUN.-Beaulled 7;00; 10:30; Raid on 7:00; SUN.—Support Your Local Gunflghter Rommel 8:45 2:00; 4:00; 7:25; 9:25 PERTH AMBOY AMBOYS DRIVEIN- FRI., SAT. & SUN.-Three In The Cel- COLONIAL BOX ornci OPENS 7- 30 lar 8:45; 12:07; Three In The Attic 10:32 KEANSBURG 787-0300 GIANT tfttt PLAYGROUND 7£.35 CHUDRIN uNDCR 12 FRt-f Free Smokinq Section DRIVE-IN Sailing Clinic 2nii.SMlHICTMC.3St« K The story of a man NOW THRU SAT. 1 WBET 264-2200 who took the law Is Scheduled NOW SHOWING into his own LINCROFT - Basic skills JAMES GARNER finger! of sailing will be taught June JACKNIGHQUSQN SUZANNE PLESHETTE i20 on the lake at Turkey EEnsy I SUPPORT jSwamp Park, Freehold Town- ship, in a clinic sponsored by pieces "SUPPORT YOUR t the Monmouth County Park AUO LOCAL YOUR LOCAL System. GUNHGHTER" JAMES GARNER Sailboats and rigging will INeverSang/ be available at the lake, be- For My Father GUNF1CHTEE SUZANNE PLESHETTE ginning at 1 p.m. and • The free clinic will include REEHOLD MALL actual sailing practice, taught STARTS SUNDAY "ITS A MAD, mm conn, IWTCJJJMSM A by an experienced instructor. GBntl if IIIVW • Mile High City in Denver has COUNTRY MAD WORLD an elevation of 5,280 feet, amp 9, uxEmos mm m-m J I 1 •AND- NOW SHOWING I SAT. NITE 8 P.M. j Richapd A Walter Reade Theatre ROD STErGER BeImar ALONE! DfllVflH' M2-420O RED BANK • "GUAME SHELTER" • •nut- 10 BIG SHOWS FOR $2.00 • "ENDLESS SUMMER" Mail Orders Accepted • Tickets now on Safe at the Box Office /r UNANIMOUSLY, {/ ACCLAIMED AS : • Parents' Series Tickets 1 Lyriy c ' "ONE OF THE ALL TIME ty P«ri< 7»10Ba Same Price as Children GREAT FILMSI" WINNER OF 7 • "SUMMERTREE" ACADEMY AWARDS Wed., JmeM..-..^.,^.,..., ....."CHITTVcmTTYBANG BAtfGv' Wed., Jwe »..-.„.«.. -"Daring Young Men in fbclr" Jaunty Jallopiesr" mmmwuiiu'jot BWI nwl"nlil St. James i A Wed.•foil , Jnty7Itnat . ..."Fl)RtHEHL'llDTliL'nR ncniPERILi SK AI.VOF LAURE; iI«^; L •* .• „HARDV' i «««-.? Albutv P«rti 77B-8W | W Wed,,Jalyi4 ."MY SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN" I OMAR SHAFliF Wed July 21 »». ."DOCTOR DOOLITTLE" flftfl Wed., .."THOSE FANTASTIC FLYING FOOLS" 1EC GUINNESS ANTHONY QUIMN JACK HAWKINS-JOSE FERRER-ANTHONY DU8TIN Wed., Ang. 4...... , "YOURS, MINE ftOURS " Wed., A«g. ll....,,.... fciAUOE RAINS-ARTHUR KENNEDY-*. OMAR SHARIF,,•« mu.iuci.aPEIER OTOOJIJ Wed., Aog. 18 „„ „ _.^'MAGIC WEAVER" mpii, t>, ROBERT BOLT Pmductd bf SMI SPIEGEL Oinctri t>, DAVID LEAH f "UTTLE BIG MAN"f Wed, Aag. 25.... "RELUCTANT ASTRONAUT"

\\i » - r l^