In conversation at a meeting of the (left to right) H. Schmid German Physical Society (President of the Austrian Academy of Science), M. Kersten (President of the DPG from 1966- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) 1968), and H. Hanle (Giessen).

President : M. Kersten Secretary : K.-H. Riewe D-33 Braunschweig, D - 645 Hanau, Bundesallee 100 Heraeusstr. 12-14 (Address of the Society) The German Physical Society had tions for membership must be sup­ An Association Relationship exists its origin in Berlin. On 14 January ported by a person who is already between DPG and the German Geo­ 1845 a “Physical Society of Berlin” a member of DPG and have to be physical Society (Deutsche Geophy­ (Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin) sent to the Secretary. There are sikalische Gesellschaft), the German was founded by six young . also honorary members. Society for Biophysics (Deutsche The oldest of them, E. du Bois- In 1967 the number of members Gesellschaft für Biophysik), the Ger­ Reymond, was only 27 years old was about 5600 including about 900 man Society for Applied Optics — he later became Chairman of students, 320 physics teachers, and (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ange­ the Society and, in 1888, its first 200 industrial companies, scientific wandte Optik), the Union of German Honorary President. The young phy­ institutes, etc. About 450 members Meteorological Societies (Verband sicists were co-workers of the Assis­ reside outside . Nearly half Deutscher Meteorologischer Gesell­ tant Professor (Privatdozent) Gustav of the personal members with at least schaften), and Societies of physics Magnus, “already 43 years old’”, who a “Diplom-Physiker” degree are work­ teachers. The aims of this relation­ became a member of the Society only ing in industry. The membership fee ship are : coordination of meetings, some time later. It sounds rather for students is DM 6, for those exchange of teaching experience in modern that the young colleagues members in normal employment DM schools and universities, collaboration founded an association without the 42, for industrial companies not less in all questions concerning high co-operation of their established than DM 150 per year. These fees school reform, regulations for acade­ teacher ! include charges for the affiliation of mic examinations, etc. By the parti­ Only one week after the foundation, the DPG to the EPS. cipation of the mentioned represen­ the first scientific session was held. Until October 1969 the Board (Vor- tatives in the sessions of the Execu­ One year later, there were already 53 stand) is tive Council of DPG and of DPG names on the membership list, includ­ representatives in the councils of the ing those of Hermann Helmholtz and President : M. Kersten, other Societies, everyone is aware of the “Lieutenant” Werner Siemens. Braunschweig problems concerning all Societies and At a session of the Society in 1866, Vice President : A. Scharmann, activities can be coordinated. Siemens demonstrated his dynamo- Giessen Special Divisions or Professional electrical principle for the first time. Treasurer : A. Lompe, Groups (Fachausschüsse) deal with As the number of members resid­ Munich (Osram) the following topics : Nuclear Phy­ ing outside Berlin grew, the Society Board Members : E. Lüscher, Munich sics and Cosmic Rays (including Ele­ became a “German Physical Society” K. Räntsch, mentary Particles), High-Frequency (DPG) in 1899. During sessions of Oberkochen Physics, Acoustics, Low Temperat­ the DPG, reported on (Carl Zeiss) ures, High-Polymer Physics, Plasma his radiation law in 1899 and Max von E. Richter, and Gas Discharge Physics, Semi con­ Laue on interference in crystals in Frankfort ductor Physics, Vacuum Physics, Phy­ 1912. In 1920 a “German Society (AEG-Tele- sics of a Ultra-rapid Phenomena, Ther­ for Technical Physics” (Deutsche funken) modynamics and Statistical Mecha­ Gesellschaft für Technische Physik) P. Stähelin, nics, Electronics in Physical Experi­ was founded. Both Societies existed Hamburg. ments, Molecular Physics. until the end of World War II in 1945. To avoid establishing societies for After the war, several Physical Socie­ The President Designate for 1969 each field partially or fully covered ties, one for each occupied zone in to 1971 is K. Ganzhorn, Böblingen by the existing Societies, the DPG Germany, were founded by members (IBM Deutschland). The DPG consti­ sponsors in collaboration with other of both former Societies. The Socie­ tution prescribes that each alternate Societies, the following Common ties in the Western part of Germany President shall be a working Working Groups (Arbeitsgemeinschaf­ and West-Berlin became united in in industry ; the present Board Mem­ ten) : 1951, and in 1963 they accepted the bers from industry are indicated Extra-terrestrial Physics (in collabora­ old name “German Physical Society”. above. tion with the Societies of geophysi­ The regional Societies founded first, There is also an Executive Council cists, meteorologists, and astrono­ became five Regional Branches (Re­ (Vorstandsrat) which consists of the mers) gionalverbände) of the DPG. Board Members, the five Chairmen Metal Physics (with metallurgists and of the Regional Branches, three steelmakers) Any person or firm residing inside Chairmen of Professional (or Special) Magnetism (with electrical engineers, or outside Germany and seriously Groups, the past Presidents, and re­ metallurgists, and steelmakers) interested in physics may become an presentatives of Associated Socie­ Vacuum (with engineers, chemists, ordinary member of DPG. Applica- ties. and communications engineers) 4 European Molecular Biology Conference

In a field of research which has become one of the major growth points of science, and in which physics is intimately involved, a new step in European co-operation has been Computers (with mathematicians, elec­ The Conferences of Physicists con­ agreed. On 13 February 1969 at a trical engineers, etc.) sist of Plenary Lectures which aim to ceremony held at the Meyrin Labora­ Cybernetics (with ten other Societies) cover, in the course of several years, tory of the European Organization Mass Spectroscopy (with chemists all branches of physics and neigh­ for Nuclear Research (CERN) near and physical chemists) bouring fields of science. These lec­ Geneva, twelve nations signed the Irradiation Effects and Protection tures are intended to be understood agreement to set up a “European (with biophysicists) by most physicists. They are published Molecular Biology Conference” — Physics of Ceramics and Glass (with in a special book series “Plenar- Austria, Denmark, Federal Republic of two societies dealing with ceramics vorträge”, sent to all members of the Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Ne­ and glass) DPG. Smaller Sessions deal with therlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Physical Optics (with the German special topics and include lectures Switzerland, United Kingdom. Society for Applied Optics). presented by invited speakers as well The agreement, which is initially DPG Committees deal with special as a limited number of contributed for 5 years, will come into force when matters such as symbols, units and papers. An Evening Meeting is dedi­ it has been ratified by that number of nomenclature, education, documen­ cated to an informal conversation States which represents at least 70 % tation, publications, problems of the between students and elder physi­ of the total contributions according profession and different employments cists. to an agreed scale. The scale is of physicists (with the exception of On the last day of the Conferences based upon the net national revenues salaries and related problems handled of Physicists and the Spring Meetings of the thirteen nations that make up by different trade unions), circle of special Lectures for Physics Teachers the membership of CERN. leading or managing physicists in in­ are held. Such lectures are organized The signatures are the fruit of more dustry (Gesprächskreis der Industrie- also at the Spring Meetings of the than two years of discussion and physiker), etc. Regional Branches. negotiation stimulated particularly by The DPG also sponsors common the Swiss Federal Government. The The Regional Branches organize meetings with other societies. An Conference will be generally known yearly Spring Sessions in which one or example of this is the European Meet­ by its French initials (Conférence more Professional Groups participate. ing “Semiconductor Device Research” Européenne de Biologie Moléculaire). Thus the five Spring Sessions are taking place in Munich, 24-27 March It will provide for the pooling of finan­ more or less specialized. Every year 1969. It is organized in co-operation cial resources contributed by member the DPG arranges a large Conference with Region 8 of the Institute of Elec­ governments using as principal agent of Physicists of five days. The 34th trical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, the European Molecular Biology Conference of Physicists will be held USA) and two German Societies : Organization (EMBO). from 29 September to 4 October 1969 the Society of Electrical Engineers EMBO was set up in 1963 by a at Salzburg (Austria) together with (VDE, Verband Deutscher Elektro­ number of leading European mole­ the Austrian Physical Society, the techniker) and the Society of Commu­ cular biologists. It has been support­ German Geophysical Society, and the nication Engineers (NTG, Nachrichten­ ed up to now by a number of private German Society for Applied Optics. technische Gesellschaft). Summer sources, notably the Volkswagen The aims of these Conferences are : Schools are also sponsored, but these Foundation and Interphama and by the to demonstrate the importance and are organized by the Professional Government of Israel. fundamental role of physics and Groups or Special Divisions. A centre CEBM will continue and extend the natural sciences to the public, for such courses is planned. collaborative work begun by EMBO, governmental authorities, etc. the principal objectives being ex­ The DPG owns two journals : the “Ver­ pressed in the Convention of the to bring together physicists of all handlungen der DPG”, an informative Conference as follows : professional branches (industry, uni­ bulletin for the members of the So­ a) provision for training, teaching and versities, research institutes) and of ciety, and the “Physikalische Be­ research scholarships ; all fields of physics (fundamental richte”, the German abstract journal. b) assistance to universities and or applied research in electro-tech­ Every year the DPG awards the other institutions of higher learn­ nology, chemistry, steelmaking, etc.) Max-Planck Medal to a theoretical ing that wish to receive visiting to demonstrate the unity of physics, physicist. In 1968 the medal was professors ; from theoretical physics on one hand awarded to , Zurich. c) the establishment of programmes to the applications in industries The yearly Prize of the DPG (Phy­ of courses and the organization of on the other, and to show that all sikerpreis), which includes a gift of study meetings, co-ordinated with physicists can speak the same money, is intended to draw public the programmes of universities language and understand each attention to an excellent young phy­ and other institutions of higher other. sicist. learning and research. 5