B’Lev Ari ...... See Page 28 Acu-Zen ...... See Page 41 Gurwin ...... See Page 42 Our Place ...... See Page 49 Yaffa Wigs ...... See Page 53 I-4 Tours ...... See Page 63 See Page 23

See Pages 3-5 Serving Nassau County, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, and Staten Island JANUARY 3, 2014 פרשת בא WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 14 NO. 17 2 SHEVAT 5774 $1.00 White House: No On Pollard FROM THE EDITOR

See Page 71 BY LARRY GORDON Values And Justice From here it looks like offi- cial has gone mad. The release of 26 more convicted See Page 39 Arab terrorists this week has reopened wounds, which had never really closed, for

Haim Tzah, GPO GPO Tzah, Haim Tzah, bereaved families who live with the awful pain of their MKs Nachman Shai, Ayelet Shaked, and Efi Lahav presented President Shimon Peres with a petition signed by 106 members of calling on President Obama to release Jonathan Pollard. See Page 22 Continued on Page 14 See Page 14 Tekhelet Conference: HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE A Royal Blue Event With BY LARRY GORDON A New Discovery The Protest

That Wasn’t Segal Eli Segal See Page 9 BY TOBY KLEIN Frankly I don’t get it. Plane- GREENWALD loads of chareidim who reside mostly in planned on The exploration to fi nd the arriving in New York this week genuine hilazon—the snail to demonstrate against the gov- that produces the tekhelet ernment of Israel for wanting to that was worn by the Kohen institute some drastic changes. and that we are com- Amongst those changes are See Page 6 manded to wear on tzitziot— has triggered the imaginations Continued on Page 16 Continued on Page 9 MK Meir Porush A CELEBRATION OF ACCOMPLISHMENT A LESSON TO CORRECT OR FROM LIMMUD NOT TO CORRECT BY RABBI AVI Halachic Musings See Page 2 SHAFRAN BY RABBI YAIR HOFFMAN Even now that the recent much-celebrated Limmud “Er zogt!” gathering in the historic cathe- “No he didn’t. I was listen- Tsemach Glenn Glenn Tsemach dral town of Coventry, West ing!” Midlands, England has con- “Whaddya talking about? It’s cluded, the celebration con- fi ne.” tinues, at least in many Jewish “It’s not fi ne. Why are con- Darchei Torah held its 41st anniversary dinner on Sunday, media. stantly sticking your nose in?” December 29. (L–R): R’ Shlomo Avigdor Altusky, Menachem Marx, R’ Yaakov Bender, Lloyd Keilson, and R’ Moshe Bender. See Page 24 Continued on Page 6 Continued on Page 19

January 3 – 4:22 PM January 10 – 4:29 PM See Luach, Page 10

Features Index, See Page 8 2 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 3 4 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 5 A LESSON FROM LIMMUD gesting it was acceptable for observant inational” panels, rosters, and such, “fully respected the decision,” he said, Continued from Front Cover Jews to associate with less or non-obser- derives from their feeling that being although, he contended, “it would have vant Jews.” part of such events perforce promotes brought great value to the event if par- The popular Jewish event, which After being called to task for not real- the notion that all “rabbis are rab- ticipants were given the choice to learn attracts people from all segments of izing the absurdity of the notion that bis,” equals in belief and scholarship, and debate with us.” the Jewish universe (and some—like charedim—with their innumerable (and and that all self-defi ned “Judaisms” are Another reaction reported in the the Reverend Patrick Morrow, who rabbinically-endorsed) outreach orga- legitimate forms of the Judaism of our newspaper was that of London-born, led a Limmud session this year—from nizations and efforts, personal friend- ancestors. Many Jews may believe those now Denver-based, Rabbi Levi Brack- the non-Jewish one), is always loudly ships, and study-partnerships with “less things, but, in the eyes of charedi lead- man. He accused Limmud of having lauded as an opportunity to access a or non-observant Jews”—somehow con- ers, not only are those Jews wrong but “caved in” to pressure and, with its broad gamut of theologies and practices sider it unacceptable to associate with it is wrong to do anything that could declining to allow those attending the that have Jewish devotees. Jews different from them, the news be construed as an endorsement of the event to hear Mr. Weston’s views, being But this year’s Limmud conference, agency, to its credit, quickly changed error. “unfaithful to its own mission.” at least to the media, was particularly That mission does in fact include the exultation-worthy, as one of the attend- conviction that “‘arguments for the sake ees was Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, the cur- of heaven’ can make a positive contri- rent chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, “Everyone can be a teacher and bution to furthering our education and the fi rst person holding that position understanding,” and that “everyone can to grace the proceedings with his pres- everyone should be a student.” be a teacher and everyone should be a ence. student.” Limmud, further, according Much, unsurprisingly, was made of to its literature, “does not participate in that fi rst. Rabbi Mirvis was warmly wel- legitimising or de-legitimising any reli- comed by those in attendance, and his the version of its report and notifi ed What’s interesting is something that gious or political position found in the speech was parsed by the press with its clients of the change (for what that somehow wasn’t widely reported about worldwide Jewish community.” the determination of high-school teach- was worth; the amendment was largely this year’s Limmud event. It seems Apparently, though, Limmud’s leader- ers seeking puns in Shakespeare, in a ignored). that its organizers has originally sched- ship felt that a particular brand of Jew- quest to fi nd hints of disdain on the rab- The replacement line read: “The crit- uled two talks by one Marcus Weston, ish expression had misled Jews and, if bi’s part for the religious leaders of the ics had said the conference, which a trustee of the London branch of the granted legitimacy by being included in more traditional Orthodox British com- draws thousands of participants from Kabbalah Center, the Los Angeles-based the event program, would be empow- munity, who made it clear that the rab- all walks of Jewish life, represented a purveyor of what it claims is a form of ered to further do so. bi’s attendance at Limmud was ill-ad- danger to British Jewry because of its Jewish mysticism. However, after objec- An entirely defensible—indeed, vised. inclusion of non-Orthodox religious tions were raised—the Kabbalah Cen- proper and principled—position. In Aside from celebrating and parsing, perspectives.” ter has been accused of using mystical fact, although Limmud may draw its however, the media also grossly misrep- Closer but also misleading, as the claims and promises to mislead peo- lines in a different place, it is the very resented the reasons for the charedi rab- charedi rabbis hadn’t issued any blanket ple into supporting the group—Mr. position of the much-maligned charedi binic leadership’s opposition to Rabbi condemnation of Limmud, but rather Weston’s addresses were summarily leadership.  Mirvis’s participation. simply disapproved of a chief rabbi’s cancelled. One news service initially attributed participation in it. According to the British newspaper © 2013 Rabbi Avi Shafran. the charedi objection to the belief that Those religious leaders’ longstanding The Jewish Chronicle, after the cancel- “It’s All in the Angle” (Torah Temimah the chief rabbi’s appearance “repre- and principled opposition to Orthodox lations, the Kabbalah Center represen- Publications), a collection of selected essays by sented a danger to British Jewry by sug- rabbis participating in “multi-denom- tative was impressively sanguine. He Rabbi Shafran, is available from Judaica Press.

6 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 7 FEATURES Auto Section 31 Business Halacha R’ Meir Orlian 46 Classified Ads 72 A Clever Title Goes Here Mordechai Schmutter 33 Community News Around The Five Towns 54 Around The World 63 Insights R’ Avrohom Sebrow 62 Dating Forum Baila Sebrow 35 Dieting Tips Dr. Bo Rosenblat 43 Insights on the Torah Five Towns Marriage Initiative 30 R’ Yitzchok D. Frankel 42 The Job Hunter R’ Mordechai Kruger 37 Letters to the Editor 20 Luach/Calendar 10 Machberes R’ Gershon Tannenbaum 49 Middle East News Samuel Sokol 76 MindBiz Esther Mann, LCSW 38 Mother’s Musings Phyllis J. Lubin 48 News from the Hills Chanita Teitz 26 Other Side of the Bench David J. Seidemann, Esq. 57 Photo Prose Gary Rabenko 31 Puzzle Yoni Glatt 40 Real Estate Anessa V. Cohen 51 That’s The Way It Is! Hannah Reich Berman 28 Travel Section 59

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8 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES BAGEL STORE the close proximity to the Brooklyn per month; that’s $2,142 per week by the Continued from Front Cover event and the ease with which I could American standard. These are just their have had access to the site. I can tell salaries; most of their offi ce expenses, introducing the teaching of English and you with certainty that I was not going cars, phones, and so on are also paid for P.O. BOX 690 • LAWRENCE, NY 11559 math in their yeshivos, thereby educat- to spend the day traveling to Edison, by the government. But they insist that [email protected] [email protected] ing the population, which will allow though it is a beautiful and wonderful it is a right of the yeshiva community 516-569-0502 them to become employable. And then Jewish community. in Israel to live poor. Are you okay with there is the much more sensitive matter Before the event was fi nally canceled that? LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor of young chareidim being conscripted earlier this week, I was asking around into the Israel Defense Forces or, as an whether it is sanctioned by Jewish law A New Mayor In NYC YOSSY GORDON • YOCHANAN GORDON • DOVI GORDON Sales Managers alternative, performing some version of to desecrate G-d’s name in order to Bill de Blasio is the new mayor of national service. effectuate what you may believe is an New York City. Whether he can do all CHANA ROCHEL ROSS These are great minds and great lead- effort to sanctify Him and His ways. I he has promised in turning the city Assistant Editor ers at work here and we have noth- am certain that—from the perspective into a refl ection of his own political SIDI BARON • DAVID FOX • YAAKOV SERLE ing but maximum respect for them of the chareidi communities in Israel image remains to be seen. After twelve Sales Representatives and their decisions. But what was this and that of their leaders—the situation years of the pragmatism of Mayor SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC about? The last idea was to set up a was not seen that way at the outset, Michael Bloomberg, which were pre- Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor larger-than-life tent in Edison, New Jer- but then very quickly the thinking was ceded by eight years of the indomita- CONTRIBUTING EDITORS sey in which the masses were to gather. reversed and the plan scrapped and we ble Rudy Giuliani, New Yorkers appar- Hannah Reich Berman • Anessa V. Cohen That idea came to fruition after the idea are all better off for that. ently believed it was not just time for Rabbi Yitzchok D. Frankel • Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg was nixed to set up the rally, demonstra- Perhaps the greatest irony present in a change but for fl ipping things over on Yoni Glatt • Rabbi Yossy Goldman • Toby Klein Greenwald Rabbi Yair Hoff man • Ron Jager • Doni Joszef tion, or protest at the mostly unused this new chareidi-versus-the-Israel-es- their heads. Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky • Dr. Bernie Kastner Floyd Bennett Field at the end of Flat- tablishment equation is that just about Why would New Yorkers do such a Shmuel Katz • Rabbi Mordechai Kruger • Phyllis J. Lubin bush Avenue, just a few hundred yards all of those advocating for the rights of reverse, suddenly shifting in the direc- Esther Mann • Rochelle M. Miller • Rabbi Meir Orlian from the Marine Parkway Bridge, better chareidim to live in Israel in the throes tion of hopeless and senseless Obama- Elke Probkevitz • Dr. Rachael Schindler known for its Aviator ice rink, gym, and of dire poverty are, for the most part, like liberalism? Well, one explanation Mordechai Schmutter • Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow giant gaming arcade. very comfortable. The chareidi Knesset may be that a great deal of the city’s Baila Sebrow • David J. Seidemann • Rabbi Avi Shafran Samuel Sokol • Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum • Chanita Teitz Frankly, though, I could not under- members like Meir Porush, , stand the plan. I had been excited about and others are all earning 30,000 Shekel Continued on Page 12 ELISHEVA ELEFANT IVAN NORMAN Graphic Artist IRA THOMAS Photographers Design by DESIGN2PRO.COM Design & Production MICHAEL KUROV  Art Director 5TJT.com site by DAVID HAIRONSON of NDH Web Design © 2013 by the The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly newspaper. Opinions expressed by other writers in these pages are not necessarily those of the publisher. The 5TJT is not responsible for the kashrus of any advertised or featured product or establishment. All submissions become the property of the 5TJT and may be edited for publication. Pictures may be modifi ed (such as by cropping or fi lling) at our discretion to conform to standards of modesty in dress. RREADEAD THISTHIS WWEEK’SEEK’S ISSUEISSUE OONLINENLINE ATAT 55TJT.COM!TJT.COM!

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 9 January 2–January 11

1 Shevat Thursday, January 2 Rosh Chodesh Shevat 2 Shevat – Erev Shabbos Friday, January 3 Daf yomi: Yoma 56 Z’manim*: Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:20 am Sunrise: 7:19 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:03 am Gr’a 9:39 am P’lag ha’minchah: 3:41 pm Candle Lighting 4:22 pm 3 Shevat – Shabbos Saturday, January 4 Parashas Bo Shabbos ends**: 5:32 pm 72 min. 5:59 pm 9 Shevat – Erev Shabbos Friday, January 10 Daf yomi: Yoma 63 Earliest tallis/tefillin: 6:20 am Sunrise: 7:19 am Latest Shema: M. Av. 9:04 am Gr’a 9:40 am P’lag ha’minchah: 3:47 pm Candle Lighting 4:29 pm 10 Shevat – Shabbos Saturday, January 11 Parashas Beshallach Shabbos Shirah Shabbos ends**: 5:38 pm 72 min. 6:06 pm * All times from MyZmanim.com ** includes 5 minutes for tosefes Shabbos LLookook fforor thethe nextnext iissuessue ooff tthehe 55TJTTJT oonn newsstandsnewsstands TThursday,hursday, JJanuaryanuary 9

10 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 11 BAGEL STORE plain old, “give me the money.” I think Shirat Devorah shopped for, her family and friends are Continued from Page 9 that it has been proven in the past On Tuesday evening, hundreds gath- there to make it happen. not to be a workable or effective pro- ered at Congregation Beth Sholom in It is an uphill climb and a debilitat- voters just do not know any better. It’s cess and Mr. Obama has demonstrated Lawrence to demonstrate support for ing challenge, and the community is ris- been 20-plus years since David Dinkins much the same over the last fi ve years. Devorah Schochet of Woodmere who ing to the occasion, whether it is raising wreaked havoc in the city. That’s two Sure, it may be cynical, but this is the is in the throes of a battle with ALS— money for medical treatments that may decades since the last time that over political reality. This Democratic phi- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis—a pro- work or doing simple everyday things. 2,200 people were murdered over one losophy is rooted in the theory of gressive neurodegenerative disease that Unfortunately, the family is all too well 12-month period on the streets of New vote getting. If you are responsible for affects nerve cells. ALS is also known as aware of what is involved in this battle, as York. Either people don’t remember or redistributing enough income to a few Lou Gehrig’s disease. Devorah’s mother also suffered from ALS. they just miss those good old days. million people, those very same peo- The event was an outpouring of sup- In the meantime, the community is So, if you prefer, you can call it ple are going to vote for you again and port on multiple levels for Devorah mobilized in a most magnifi cent way, retro, vintage, or a political version of again. and her family. The medical industry is beseeching the Heavens for mercy and antiquing, but that is exactly what we a refuah sheleimah for Devorah Rochel seem to be dealing with here. On the bas Miriam Chava. May she receive the one hand, Mr. de Blasio has reached That’s two decades since miracle cure that she needs.  back and selected a successful police commissioner from Giuliani’s term— Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at William Bratton. Yet in many other the last time that over 2,200 people [email protected]. ways, this new mayor can’t wait to erase whatever New York City accom- were murdered over one plished over the last 20 years through the Bloomberg and Giuliani years. On New Year’s Day, De Blasio was sworn 12-month period. into offi ce on the steps of City Hall by former President Bill Clinton, and you can rest assured that Mayor Dinkins It makes political, but not eco- still searching or a cure for ALS, which was there beaming at the spectacle he nomic, sense. As we enter 2014, Dem- slowly paralyzes its victims. Her friends was observing. ocrats in Congress are preparing and neighbors organized an outstand- So what does the new mayor want? to distance themselves and run for ing event that showed, on many levels, Well, he seems to echo the same senti- reelection as far away from Barack the extent of the care and concern for ments as President Obama. Give every- Obama as possible. And it’s not the Schochet family and their needs. one a fair chance and bring some bal- because of his wonderful progressive One of the organizers told me that a ance into the economy by exacting new programs or policies. It is because schedule has been drawn up amongst taxes—or call them “fees,” “charges,” or, of his lack of integrity and straight- her friends, neighbors, and family if you have to, “insurance premiums”— ahead deception on so many issues. that has everything she needs covered so that the money that gets earned in Right now, Bill de Blasio believes he around the clock. Devorah is never inordinate amounts at the top fi nds its has a mandate from New Yorkers to alone or never has to search around way fl owing down. return the city to the Dinkins era of for someone to help with this or that We are not talking about opportu- the 1990s. Time for another lesson chore or need. Whether it is something nity or academic advancement, just learned the hard way. at home or something that needs to be

12 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 13 FROM THE EDITOR of indicating that there was some Nations and the world says she is—a that was an interesting and even star- Continued from Front Cover justice in the violent acts they com- brutal oppressor and occupier of tling comment from someone who mitted to begin with. And that is a another people. Israel consistently deals with these issues daily from an loss of loved ones. That Israel had horrible attitude to live with. Instead and vociferously objects to being almost exclusively political perspec- her arm twisted, and that she takes of accepting this as a fact of life, it characterized in this fashion but tive. But there he was pondering and her commitments seriously and now should have long ago been rejected. seems to embolden those who make wondering where G-d’s will was in has to follow through with them, But it was not. that characterization by acting in a this most convoluted of steps taken is one thing. That there is no quid What solace is there in know- way that conforms with their claims. by Israel. Sure, it is a Jewish value to pro quo or even a minimal amount ing that the murderers released this Fortunately, areas like the Golan be kind and just. But these prisoner of sense to these hurtful promises, week have served sentences of 20 to Heights and East Jerusalem were law- releases are way off the charts. leaves families with a strange empti- 30 years? The families of the victims fully annexed to the state of Israel The case in point is twofold. The ness that is difficult to recover from. have not had the opportunity to have in the early 1980s by Prime Minister first is the matter of Jonathan Pollard What is it about the modern state that we addressed here last week. The of Israel—and today’s Jews—that second is the refusal of the Israeli requires us to rationalize our exis- government to release the half-dozen tence? It is as if the accepted, even Where did this crazy idea come or so Jewish prisoners being held for natural position of the Israeli gov- many years because they murdered ernment is to acknowledge that, from and why was it accepted as a Arabs. Israel’s kindness and sense of considering the events of the past, justice, it seems, goes only so far and there should not have been a Jewish no further. state . . . and perhaps an argument way of functioning? But that was a good question that can be presented that there should is not asked often enough. What does not have been a Jewish people. Being G-d want? These Middle East negotia- that the state and people do exist, tions are backward and upside-down. however, we understand that we are the death sentences of their loved Menachem Begin. Begin had a clear Last week and this week we are read- communally obligated to pay a pen- ones reversed. It is understood that vision and an understanding of right ing about and studying the ancient alty, perhaps as a condition of our this wild and irresponsible measure and wrong that was informed by his- drama that took place around the right to be. is simply another way for Israel to torical context, despite what the miracle-filled events of the Jewish Why in the world does Israel have express the extent to which it is will- international community had to say. exodus from Egypt. to release convicted murderers of its ing to go in order to achieve a gen- He, too, eventually lost his way and One of the oddities was Moshe’s own people as a concession, or in a uine peace with her neighbors. But since then, Israel—while continu- concern about his inability to effec- corrupted good-faith gesture, so that that sentiment could certainly be ing to be militarily strong—too often tively communicate G-d’s message to the losing Arab side should be moti- expressed in many other ways with- demonstrates a moral weakness that the Jewish people or to Pharaoh. He vated to negotiate their own dig- out forgetting, or rendering mean- victimizes its own people. apparently suffered from a speech nity and survival? Where did this ingless, the loss of so many in such There is no greater illustration of impediment that he felt would ham- crazy idea come from and why was a cruel fashion, in the hope of gar- that sad circumstance than Israel per his ability to do the job he was it accepted as a way of functioning? nering some affection from a hostile allowing herself to be bamboozled charged with. While he performed We have to face the facts. Releasing international community. into releasing murderers as some his mission flawlessly, there are also murderers to be free and enjoy free- These moves are seen as a mani- kind of twisted way of exhibiting great lessons from these events for dom—as well as having the chance festation of Israel’s guilt and discom- good faith in negotiations with her us to learn these few thousand years to murder Jews again—is just a way fort for being everything the United Arab neighbors. The late Prime Min- later. ister Yitzchak Shamir said it most Today, Israel is led by one of its poignantly more than 20 years ago greatest orators—Bibi Netanyahu. when he said that he saw no rea- He is both eloquent and intelligent. son why Israel was required to trade He has lived the evolutionary Israel “land for peace.” He said at the time experience. He knows the objective that he saw nothing off-kilter or of the outside pressure is to weaken imbalanced about an agreement the Jewish state for a variety of rea- being forged that featured “peace for sons. But as beautifully as he speaks, peace.” somehow he is having great diffi- What is it about history’s most per- culty communicating the important secuted people, the Jews and Israel, message about Israel’s rights and her that requires us to offer an extra position vis-à-vis her avowed ene- measure beyond what is expected of mies. anyone else anywhere in the world Therefore, despite his eloquence, so as to be able to live a normal and he has had to articulate the need natural existence? for an unworkable two-state solu- On Monday, Prime Minister Net- tion, and talk about the inexplica- anyahu said that he was not elected ble requirement for Israel to make to make easy decisions but rather to “painful concessions.” And, time and confront difficult issues and make again, he has had to relent and back hard decisions. It is a hard decision down when it comes to the injustice to release the murderers of your own being dealt to Jonathan Pollard. And people. But just because a decision is perhaps the pièce de résistance of a difficult one to make does not nec- all the crazy things Israel has had to essarily mean that it is a right deci- do in order to be granted temporary sion—it can be difficult, damaging, acceptance is to release those who and wrong. murdered of their own men, women, Also on Monday, the Supreme and children. Court of Israel rejected a petition Why are Jewish values and jus- to stay the release of the murderers, tice thrown out the window when it saying that the court did not want to comes to our own people, but strictly get involved in political decisions. administered and adhered to when It is both disturbing and awful how it comes to others? Does that make Israel’s Supreme Court is so hypocrit- us better people, more liked, better ical, favoring those who seek to do loved? Apparently not. damage to the state while presenting So, are we stuck in this conun- a tough and stubborn policy to their drum? Well, in a sense, the answer is own countrymen. yes. But on the other hand, we put An American Jewish organizational ourselves here and we are the only leader said to me the other day in ones who can extricate ourselves.  discussing this situation that he was wondering what it was that G-d wants Comments for Larry Gordon are welcome at from the Jewish people. I thought [email protected]. 14 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 15 TEKHELET CONFERENCE ing of Purple in Ancient Israel.” Writ- Continued from Front Cover ten for the University of London, inves- tigating what he called “porphyrology,” of Jews throughout the ages. The secret it was the quintessential scholarly and was believed to have been lost after the groundbreaking work on the topic, destruction of the Beit Hamikdash by completed when he was only 25. the Romans. So it is no surprise that the One of the chosen who have delved atmosphere was both electric and eclec- into the mystery is Dr. Baruch Sterman, tic as more than 350 scholars, scientists, who created the nonprofi t organiza- and academics from throughout the tion Ptil Tekhelet in 1991, together with

Joel Guberman and Dr. Ari Greenspan Dr. Tzvi Hirsch Weinreb covered. Ptil Tekhelet cosponsored the Rav Dr. Meir Soloveichik, Rabbi of conference together with the Azrieli Congregation Shearith Israel, NY, and Foundation, Yad Harav Herzog, Yeshiva Director of ’s Straus University, and Yeshiva University Israel Center for Torah and Western Thought, Alumni. brought the conference to a close with Crossing religious and political lines, an analysis of the symbolism of the the conference was opened by MK contrasting white- and tekhelet-colored Isaac Herzog, head of the opposition fringes of tzitzit. in the Knesset and Rabbi Dr. Herzog’s “While the white strings represent grandson, who said that his grandfa- that which we can simply understand, ther’s combining of Torah and scientifi c the tekhelet represents the mysterious research remained a source of pride to and the limits of human understand- his family. ing. For centuries, Jews wore purely Dr. Baruch Sterman welcomes MK Isaac Herzog Lectures, presentations, and round- white tzitzit. A Jew can fulfi ll the mitz- table discussions were held on topics vah with only white fringes, but only Jewish world gathered at the Begin Her- Rabbi Eliyahu Tevger, Dr. Ari Greenspan, including “The Relationship Between when the concrete and the mysterious itage Center in Jerusalem, on December and Joel Guberman. In 2012, Sterman, Science and Torah in the Writings of are on display side-by-side are Torah 30, for the Tekhelet Conference, honor- together with his wife, Judy Taubes Rav Herzog,” “Innovation in Halacha,” and Judaism truly represented,” said ing the 100th year anniversary since the Sterman, published the book The Rar- “The Future of Tekhelet R&D,” and more. Rav Soloveichik. doctoral dissertation of the late Chief est Blue: The Remarkable Story of an But by far the most exciting announce- “Additionally, the union of blue and Rabbi Dr. Isaac Halevi Herzog, “The Dye- Ancient Color Lost to History and Redis- ment of the day was made by Dr. Naama white fulfi lls a commandment as well Sukenik, a researcher at the Israel Antiq- as the dream of Zionism itself. Israel is uities Authority, who revealed that the simultaneously a modern democratic fi rst ancient tekhelet-dyed fragment of marvel and a symbol of the Jewish peo- fabric originating in Israel was recently ple as the Chosen People. This confer- discovered in the stockpile of artifacts ence is not only a celebration of a sci- recovered from the Wadi Murbaat exca- entifi c discovery and the furthering of vation over 60 years ago. Jewish Law, but an opportunity to pon- “Until now, our most important dis- der the symbolism of this combination covery had been the piles and piles of and recognize our place in the enduring Murex trunculus (hillazon snail) shells Jewish story.” from the area, which served as a silent testimony to the presence of an ancient The Process Of Discovery dyeing industry in Israel,” Dr. Sukenik In a pre-conference Hebrew inter- explained. But this newest fi nding from view with Arutz 7, Sterman said that the times of Bar Kokhba, “sky blue fab- Herzog had arrived at the conclusion ric from the Dead Sea region,“ is defi n- that there was one snail that was the itive proof of both a colored fabrics correct one, Murex trunculus, but he trade and strict adherence to the bib- thought tekhelet should be the color lical commandment of tekhelet in of the sky, and the Murex didn’t give ancient Israel. the right color. He died in 1959 without “Tekhelet and Life’s Temptations,” a solving the problem, said Sterman, so psychoanalytic interpretation of the no one used the color from that snail, resistance to tekhelet, was presented by even though, scientifi cally, it seemed to Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hirsch Weinreb, who said, be correct. “There is a power of resistance within On Herzog’s erudition in his doctor- us. We repress the evil within us, but ate, Sterman writes in his book: we also repress the sublime, the power “Herzog’s doctoral dissertation dis- of good within us. We do not want to plays a mastery of such diverse subjects be all that we could be or should be. It as archaeology, Greek and Roman litera- is too challenging, too diffi cult. But we ture, chemistry, Talmudic and Midrashic live in a time of the redemption, and our texts, and philology, and it includes reaction to it should be to elevate our- references to Semitic languages, San- selves to the most angelic and sublime skrit, and Chinese. According to his son form. We should see the fulfi llment of Chaim Herzog, the rabbi had a good the commandment of tekhelet, the mitz- knowledge of some 12 languages. vah that is at the root of our being, as an “He read Aristotle and Pliny (in the integral part of that process.” original Greek and Latin) and recog- Other presenters included Profes- nized their descriptions of the pur- sor Rabbi Avraham Steinberg (an Israel ple-producing snails as the Murex. He Prize laureate), Supreme Court Justice had familiarized himself, too, with the Neal Hendel, Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin, work of Lacaze-Duthiers, and knew full and Rabbi Menachem Burshtein (direc- well that the scientifi c community had tor of Machon Puah). declared the case closed and the puzzle 16 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES “Because of the unavoidable rancid knew how to do it, but it only grew in “G-d wanted for 1,300 years that smell that accompanies dyeing with value. It was also in Babylon and else- there not be tekhelet in the world snails, Elsner conducted his exper- where; Nevuchadnetzer kept tekhelet, but, just as He wanted that, so He can iments near an open window. That it was around during the Persians, want that now there will be tekhelet seemingly insignifi cant choice of loca- the Greeks, and the Romans. It was so in the world,” said Sterman. “The Ari tion led to a groundbreaking obser- important during the Roman times that Hakadosh . . . said that until Mashi- vation. Elsner gathered the snails, the Roman emperors decreed that any- ach comes, there will be no tekhelet. extracted the glands, and collected the one who held on to tekhelet and arga- On the other hand, there are poskim dark purple dye. He applied the stan- man was worthy of death, so it was who paskened that there are halachot dard techniques used in woad dyeing, hard for the Jews to keep it. that can be observed only when there adding the necessary chemicals to put “We have found clothing here in is tekhelet, and when people asked the dye into solution. He immersed the Israel that was colored during the times them, ‘So we don’t have to keep those wool, and after removing it he watched of Bar Kochba and you can still see the halachot?’ ‘No,’ they said, ‘you have to it turn from greenish yellow to its fi nal, color. The Rambam says that tekhelet keep them, because maybe tomorrow permanent color. As expected—and as keeps its beauty, and it’s been 2,000 someone will discover it.’ Rabbi Nach- all scholars and chemists had claimed years . . .” man of said a tefi llah every for a hundred years—the wool indeed Sterman said that Rav Tevger day that the hilazon should be discov- took on a purple hue. showed the Ptil Tekhelet people how ered so we will be able to do the mitz- “On cloudy days, that is. to make tekhelet. “Today we think vah of tekhelet in tzitzit, that it is a Dr. Meir Soloveichik “But when working in bright sun- there are 200,000 sets of tekhelet sign that the geulah, the redemption, of ancient shellfi sh dyeing solved. Tyr- shine, Elsner saw something quite dif- in the world. 150 years ago Rav Ger- is near. ian purple came from Murex brandaris ferent: The trunculus dye produced shon Henokh Leiner of Radzyn went “Once I met a deeply religious per- and fais haemastoma (a reddish purple), a beautiful sky-blue color. Further- on a journey from Poland to Italy to son who said, ‘I see your tekhelet, and tekhelet came from the Murex trun- more, the azure color of the wool that look for the hilazon and he thought and when I die, G-d will say, “Why culus (a blue purple). emerged from the brackish liquid was he found it, but it was a fi sh that didn’t you wear tekhelet?” and I’ll say, “In 1985, in Machon Shenkar, a fast and lasting; it didn’t fade, nor did it sprouted dark brown ink, and he used “There wasn’t masoret.”’ And I said researcher named Otto Elsner, whose change color . . . it. Rav Herzog decided it could not be to him,” said Sterman, “maybe, but interest was historical, found a phe- “Otto Elsner had solved the riddle. tekhelet and all the researchers agree, what about if G-d says, ‘Why did you nomenon that Herzog didn’t know “Ancient dyers, doing their work out- but those Hasidim, and some others, wear tekhelet?’ and you say, ‘I wore it about—that on cloudy days, when they of-doors in the bright Mediterranean still wear it.” because I love you and want to keep made the color from that hilazon, it sun, surely discovered the role that day- Yes, he says, there are some rabbis your Torah and mitzvot in spite of all came out purple, but on sunny days, light played in achieving the fi nal color who, even if you prove it scientifi cally, the dangers.’ So I asked, ‘With which it came out blue, as described in our of the dye.” will say that there was a break in the answer will G-d be happier?’ And he sources.” “Those who knew about this, thou- masoret and you can’t change it, but couldn’t answer me.”  Sterman writes about the fascinating sands of years ago, kept the secret and he’s not afraid to discuss both opin- process of this discovery: made a fortune from their knowledge,” ions. He wanted to give rabbanim at Ptil Tekhelet (www.tekhelet.com) promotes and “Elsner was particularly well suited said Sterman. “Tekhelet was worth 20 the conference “a chance to see all the produces educational resources about tekhelet as the basis for fulfi lling the commandment of for the task since as a young chemist times its weight in gold.” He said the scientifi c evidence and they can decide tzitzit. It also produces authentic tekhelet, and he had worked with woad dyeing in word “tekhelet” was found before the what to do.” He said that Yitzhak Her- views the rediscovered tekhelet as symbolizing his native Poland before immigrating Torah was given, in the times of Avra- zog has—and his father, Chaim Herzog, the common thread linking the Jewish people’s to Israel. ham Avinu, “so 4,000 years ago they had—a talit with tekhelet on it. past to its present and future.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 17 18 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES HALACHIC MUSINGS Pnina acted for the sake of Heaven Continued from Front Cover when she made Chana cry about her lack of children. How so? Pnina was Most of us have heard this conver- well aware of Chana’s lofty spiritual sta- sation countless times in shuls across tus and knew quite well that the reason the country. The conversation deals Hashem was holding back from grant- with the Shabbos morning reading of ing her children was because she was the Torah and addresses the issue of not as close as she could be to Hashem. whether it is necessary to correct the Hashem wanted Chana’s prayers and reader of the Torah or not. wanted that she should come ever closer The (Orech Chaim to Hashem. Pnina saw this; Chana did 142:1) writes, “If he read and erred, we not. Pnina took it upon herself to assist make him go back.” The Ramah adds the Chana in coming closer to Hashem. qualifi cation that it is only if it changes Rav Chaim Shmulevitz writes that we the meaning of the matter. If there is no see here the power of middah k’neged change in meaning, however, we do not middah—measure for measure. It is like make the correction. a law of nature: no matter how inno- What is an example of changing the cent Shimon is, if Reuvein was pained meaning? If the error was changing on account of Shimon, Shimon will get yaaseh to ye-awe-she, or vice versa, we punished. do correct it. Rav Henoch Leibowitz disagreed. He reasoned that Hashem would not In Trop Marks punish a completely innocent person. What about if the error was in the There must have been a tiny infi nites- trop—the cantillation marks? Believe imal degree of antipathy on the part of it or not, quite often the cantillation Pnina toward Chana. It would be unde- marks do convey meaning and—when tectable by today’s standards, or by the one word is connected to the next word standards by which anyone else would and the reader stops, improperly dis- be judged, but nonetheless it was there. connecting the words—the error must It was this subtle negative thought be corrected, according to the Mishnah which brought such consequences Berurah (142:4), who cites the Sefer Atzei upon the tzadeikes that Pnina was. Shittim. The Kaf HaChaim concurs with Getting back to our issue of correct- this ruling (142:8). ing the reader, we should be able to learn from the views of both of these Shabbos Morning great Gedolim. From Rav Henoch Lei- vs. Weekday bowitz, we should learn to try to com- What is not generally known is that pletely purify the intent behind our the issue of correcting may be vastly dif- action. Why are we correcting the ferent when the reading of the Torah is reader? Should we really be doing during a weekday or on a Shabbos Min- so? If so, shouldn’t we leave it to the chah. In such cases, the author of the appointed gabbai? in his Biur Halacha From the words of Rav Chaim Shmu- (142 “Machzirin Oso”) seems to indicate levitz, we should be thinking, “It may that we do not correct him, even if the not be such a good idea for the reader error actually changes the meaning. He to receive pain and embarrassment does add the qualifi cation that this is because of me, even if the halacha does only if the reader had read ten verses warrant it. Let someone else do it.” from the Torah otherwise. If it is a Shabbos morning and it is a The careful reader will have noted bar mitzvah bachur who is reading, the that we used the term “seems to indi- shul should make every effort that only cate.” Well, does he or doesn’t he? This the gabbaim in the front, standing next is a good question. In the beginning to the bar mitzvah bachur, should be of the piece, the clearly correcting. Young men are usually quite writes that the correction is not made. embarrassed when they are the recipi- Let us note that the rationale for leni- ents of corrections. ency is predicated upon the idea that So what should we do during week- these “extra” verses did not actually days? The issue should be presented to have to be read, since one fulfi lls the the rav of each respective minyan. How- obligation by reading ten verses. There- ever, here are some suggested guide- fore, if one erred in reading them it lines: If the reader is a person who will makes sense to say that there is no not be embarrassed—and he is not just need to correct it. However, toward the saying this, but really means it—then end of the piece, the Chofetz Chaim is he should be corrected, in order to ful- unsure as to whether a mistaken read- fi ll the latter part of the Biur Halacha. If ing of the verse may be worse than no there is any question whatsoever about reading of the verse. All this leaves us that, then we should not do so. If there with a question as to what we should are not ten verses otherwise, then we do if the reader makes an error during should make the correction. the weekday. Now, while we are on the subject of It would seem that we have to weigh correct pronunciation (all have nothing both sides carefully. Correcting the to do with leining), three quick points: reader can often be rather embarrassing 1. The correct pronunciation of the to the reader, and it should not be done fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is unless halacha expressly requires it of “dalet.” It is not “daled.” us. When Chazal tell us that embarrass- 2. The correct pronunciation for BMG ing a human being is likened to killing is Beis Midrash Gavoah—not Beis Mid- him, a very deep message is conveyed rash Gavoha. by their words. 3. The correct pronunciation of a shva All this is reminiscent of a fascinating nah is like the fi rst “e” in between and debate between my , Rav not like the “i” in bitter.  Henoch Leibowitz, zt’l, and Rav Chaim Shmulevitz, zt’l, in regard to Pnina. The The author can be reached at Gemara in Bava Basra 16a states that [email protected]. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 19 richment programs designed for us tions, and sign up to volunteer for as well. Additionally, it was wise of other organizations. letters to Achiezer to have Mrs. Sara Glaz come It’s not about “selling” your organi- and offer a fi nancial-planning course. zation. It’s about helping those who Budgeting was not something that need help. The End. THE EDITOR we were taught in high school, but I guess it was a “had to be there it was defi nitely a critical lesson and moment,” but it was really special and perhaps even a survival skill that we I defi nitely took a lesson from it. need for life. So thank you, Achiezer, as well as all But all this aside, there was some- of the organizations that presented, Finding A Place of the various organizations and thing even more powerful (for me for opening our eyes and showing In The Community thought we knew what they were at least) that I witnessed. The repre- us that we aren’t just “fl oating” or “in Dear Editor, about, but now we understand it on sentatives from the various organiza- limbo,” but have the ability to greatly Last Sunday, Achiezer hosted a phe- another level. tions in our community are not doing contribute to our wonderful commu- nomenal chesed awareness event. As It was brilliant to have people from what they do for the glory. They do nity. a post-seminary attendee, it was so “post-seminary organizations” such it because they genuinely care about Shulamith Twersky nice to hear from local organizations as Sh’eefa and Machon Basya Rochel other people in Klal Yisrael. They are about their individual goals and the come and speak. Personally, when my not people who think to themselves An Alternative For Pollard: ways in which we, as local post-high- shul sends out e-mails about shiurim, “What I do is enough.” In fact, from Deportation school girls, can get involved. Our I always felt . . . awkward. Most peo- the entire event, what left the biggest Dear Editor, community has so much to offer, and ple who attend are twice my age and impression on me was watching the As an experienced immigration-law until now, we just never knew the married with teens (or beyond). It was representatives from the various orga- attorney, I believe that Jonathan Pol- extent of it. Of course we’ve heard nice to see that there are spiritual-en- nizations take pamphlets, ask ques- lard may have a valid basis for legal action as a removable (deportable) alien being held in detention far lon- ger than the time necessary to effec- tuate his physical removal from the United States. Jonathan Pollard received full Israeli citizenship in 1994, and it can be argued that his act of requesting asylum from the Israeli embassy, as well as his admitted spying for Israel, constituted an offi cial renunciation of his United States citizenship. There would be precedent for stripping Jon- athan Pollard of his U.S. citizenship. Recall the case of famed chess cham- pion Robert James “Bobby” Fischer, who lost his U.S. citizenship after playing in a tournament in Yugoslavia despite U.S. Department of State sanc- tions. Pollard’s actions against this country were far more consequential than Fischer’s. In 2001, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in Zadvydas v. Davis that deportable criminal aliens could not be kept indefi nitely in jail while awaiting deportation. Those aliens who have been held longer than six months may bring an action for a writ of habeas corpus under the provisions of 28 USC § 2241 to chal- lenge their indefi nite detention. Even if a writ of habeas corpus can no lon- ger be brought regarding Pollard’s criminal conviction, under a differ- ent section of the law, 28 USC § 2255, he may still (in accordance with the Zadvydas decision) petition for a writ of habeas corpus under Section 2241 to challenge his continued detention. Unlike other jailed noncitizens, Jon- athan Pollard would be fi ghting not to stop his deportation from the U.S., but to have it happen as soon as pos- sible. He would be trying to lose, not to win. Having Jonathan Pollard deported from the United States as a criminal alien would also resonate better with the American people than commuting his sentence to time served. Stripping him of U.S. citizenship, and forcing him to leave the United States forever, never to return, would seem an appro- priate end for treason. While commu- tation of sentence might appear to be undeserved mercy, permanent exile as a traitor would relieve the burden on the taxpayers of his incarceration, while continuing the punishment for the rest of Pollard’s life. The average 20 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES man in the street would far This chodesh (new moon, month) shall be to rather see Pollard kicked out in disgrace than awarded a you the head of months; it shall be for you pardon. the first of the months of the year I agree wholeheartedly (Sh’mos 12:2) that Jonathan Pollard has the fi nest lawyers, who have G-d showed Moshe the new moon at its moment of rebirth, and done their utmost to have said to him: “When the moon is reborn, mark the beginning of a him released. However, I new month.” also believe that Pollard may (Mechilta) have certain legal options as a criminal alien and deport- There was a large courtyard in Jerusalem called Beis Ya’azek, able noncitizen that his legal where all the witnesses (who had seen the appearance of the new team might not have consid- moon) used to assemble, and the beis din (rabbinical court) used ered. Getting Pollard phys- to examine them. They used to entertain them lavishly there, so ically deported from the that they should have an inducement to come . . . United States as fast as pos- sible, even in chains, would The pair of witnesses who arrived first were cross-examined first. open the door to his jail cell The senior of them was brought in and they said to him: “Tell us just like clemency, but would how you saw the moon—in front of the sun or behind the sun? be much more acceptable to To the north of it or the south? How big was it, and in which the American public. direction was it inclined? And how broad was it?” . . . Rabban Sincerely, Gamliel used to have diagrams of the phases of the moon on a Judy Resnick tablet on the wall of his upper chamber, and he used to show The Agunah Problem them to the unlearned and ask, “Did it look like this or this?” . . . Dear Editor, After that they would bring in the second witness and question I would like to thank the him. If their accounts tallied, their evidence was accepted. The 5TJT for running the article other pairs were questioned briefly—not because they were “The Get Obsession” (Decem- required at all, but so that they should not be disappointed and ber 6) and letters to the edi- discouraged from coming (the next time). tor supporting agunot. The agunah problem is a very The head of the beis din would then proclaim: “Sanctified!” and all important issue facing the the people would repeat after him, “Sanctified! Sanctified!” Jewish community. Some (, Rosh Hashanah Ch. 2) of the letters to the editor espouse the idea that the community should force the intransigent husband to give the get. We’ve also been read- ing in the news where rab- bis are beating intransigent husbands into giving their wives a get. Unfortunately, this solution may cause more problems than it solves. Many people, including some rabbis even at beis dins, do not know that within the get, it says that it is being “given of free will.” If the beis din knows that it is being lied to, is the get really kosher? Also, if a beis din knows about it— or, even worse, forces some- one to lie in front of it—can we trust this beis din? If the get is not kosher, we’ve cre- ated a bigger problem than having an agunah: we have created mamzerim. We have also created beis dins that accept lying. If they accept lying for a get, who knows what else they will accept? Be careful what you wish for; the solution may be worse than the problem. Hal Hoffman WHAT’S YOUR OPINION? E-MAIL US AT [email protected] 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 21 U.S. Officials: ‘No Chance’ Pollard Will Be ter made this plea unique. He said he intended to get the letter to the Ameri- can president. Freed In Exchange For Arabs Efi Lahav, the head of the Council for Pollard, said that “as someone who has U.S. administration offi cials clari- gesture to break an impasse which the Israel to aid peace talks, will not be visited Pollard in the U.S. jail, in the fi ed to their Israeli counterparts that U.S. created, not as a quid pro quo.” released because the issue “has served reality I’ve seen, I can say that Pollard’s there is “no chance” that U.S. President Israeli offi cials said there was a pos- its purpose.” health is deteriorating and the clock Barack Obama would be willing to free has begun to tick . . . it might have run Israeli agent Jonathan Pollard in return out already. I appreciate all you have for the release of Israeli-Arab prison- done and what you are doing . . . and ers, Israel Radio reported on Wednes- “This is simply posturing,” the Knesset members and Israel for the day. support.” (JPost.com)  However, a knowledgeable source the source said. “Pollard is needed who has been briefed on the discus- Gil Hoffman contributed to this report. sions with Washington downplayed as a confi dence-building gesture.” the importance of the White House announcement claiming that Pol- lard will not be released. “This is sim- ply posturing,” the source said, “to be sibility the fourth and fi nal group of Also on Wednesday, Labor MK Nach- expected as part of the process. Pol- prisoners, whose releases are seen as man Shai and Bayit Yehudi MK Ayelet Catch up lard is needed as a confi dence-building a gesture to Palestinians on behalf of Shaked, who head the lobby for Pol- lard’s release in the Knesset, appealed to President Shimon Peres to push for the release of the Israeli agent. on the Together, 106 MKs from the coalition and the opposition, Jews as well as Arabs, submitted a letter to President Peres, written to President Obama, latest pleading for Pollard’s release. Shaked stressed that Pollard’s release “is a national issue, all MKs, including Arab ones, agree on this . . . It’s the one breaking issue that there is general consensus about.” Peres received the letter and said he sees it as his right and his duty to bring news at the letter to President Obama, and that he has made attempts to push Obama and previous presidents to release Pol- www.5TJT.com lard, but the Knesset members’ let-

22 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 23 A Joyous And Inspiriational YDT Dinner BY BENZION KAPLAN this nature. The evening began with a beautiful Some people attend organizational buffet dinner, continued with a pro- dinners out of a sense of obligation; gram, and ended with a dessert recep- they don’t necessarily enjoy it. Judging tion. from the crowd that attended Yeshiva At the program, emceed by Elisha Darchei Torah’s 41st Anniversary dinner Brecher, a cochairman of the yeshi- on Sunday and the torrent of accolades va’s board of directors, addresses were that poured into the yeshiva afterward, delivered by Rav Shlomo Avigdor it appears that the guests at this din- Altusky, rosh yeshiva of Darchei Torah’s ner thoroughly enjoyed being there and Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid; Ronald came away inspired. Lowinger, president of the yeshiva; For the second year in a row, the and Rav Yaakov Bender, rosh hayeshiva. yeshiva hosted the dinner on its cam- Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder, an alum- pus in Far Rockaway, with the catering nus, delivered brief remarks. directed by its own kitchen and admin- The fi rst of the awards was presented istrative staff. Tasteful decoration trans- to the Pioneer Class of Chaim formed an already beautiful facility into Shlomo, whose members will this year one appropriate for holding an event of be marking 15 years since graduation.

L–R: Elisha Brecher, Rav Shlomo A. Altusky, Ronald Lowinger (at lectern), and Rabbi Yaakov Bender

Rav Eytan Feiner

The Pioneer Class of Mesivta Chaim Shlomo 24 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Rav Avrohom Nusbaum sentations about the honorees and the theme of the dinner, “Preparing a Child for Life” were screened throughout the are praiseworthy.” Taking in the sweep members of the greater Jewish commu- program. of the estimated 1,400 guests who hap- nity that appreciates the illustrious bas- In one of the choir videos, the boys pily graced the dinner and are were still tion of chinuch and chesed in its midst. sang a beautiful rendition of pesukim raving about it days later, it is apparent To receive selected recordings of the that include the following words (trans- that Yeshiva Darchei Torah indeed pos- dinner program, contact the yeshiva lated): “[The Torah] is a tree of life to sesses such praiseworthy supporters, be offi ce at 718-868-2300 or news@darchei. those who grasp it, and its supporters they parents, grandparents, alumni, or org. 

Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder

The Pioneers, most of whom have gone on to build families and careers in Torah education and various professions, laid the foundation for what has become one of the greatest mesivtos in America. The Excellence in Chinuch Award was presented to Rabbi and Mrs. Avro- hom Nusbaum. Rabbi Nusbaum is a dynamic rebbi and menahel in Mesivta Chaim Shlomo and his wife is a vet- eran educator as well. Rabbi Nusbaum described himself as a “shliach tzibur” who was representing the entire YDT family in his public expression of grati- tude to the yeshiva’s leadership. The Harbotzas Torah Award was pre- sented to Rabbi and Mrs. Eytan Feiner, the rav and rebbetzin who have revi- talized Far Rockaway’s Congregation Kneseth Israel, the White Shul. Reb- betzin Feiner is also the founder of the Machon Basya Rochel Seminary in Law- rence, and the Feiners are proud YDT parents as well. In accepting his award, an emotional Rabbi Feiner was ini- tially at a loss for words but proceeded to offer a heartfelt and deeply moving response. Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Marx were the evening’s guests of honor. The Marxes, parents of four talmidim and alumni, are known for their steadfast commitment to and chesed. Mr. Marx is an active member of the yeshiva’s board and played an early and critical role in ensuring that the recent construction project of the yeshiva’s complex would succeed. Mr. Marx’s response was at once deeply moving, humorous, and inspiring. In a fi rst, the Yeshiva Darchei Torah fi fth-grade choir prerecorded two stun- ning musical performances on video. These videos, as well as riveting pre- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 25 News From The Hills BY CHANITA TEITZ to spend time learning with their chil- dren. We just got home from a lovely fam- We understand that the mesorah of ily sheva berachos in honor of our great- father to son is the basis of our religion, nephew and his kallah, Eli and Esther and it is imperative that children spend Press (Swerdlik). Mazal tov to the entire time learning with their fathers. One of Press, Teitz, and Swerdlik families. May the best ways of dealing with this issue we continue to celebrate “only sim- is the Motzaei Shabbos Father and Son chas”! Learning Program. Here at Astor Brokerage, my daughter- The advent of the learning program in-law has joined our sales staff. All of is one of great fulfi llment for both you young Chofetz Chaim couples—or participants. Many fathers confi de anyone else looking to buy something that they have not enjoyed learning in Kew Gardens Hills, Kew Gardens, or in a long time as much as they do in anywhere else in Queens—call and ask these programs. It is no wonder that for Chaya Teitz. this is the way that the Torah was sup- As mentioned previously, a kosher posed to be taught, generation to gen- Dunkin’ Donuts has opened in the shop- eration to generation. It gives fathers ping center on Main Street and Union a tremendous pride to be actively Turnpike. involved in their sons’ chinuch, and As 2013 ends, there are reviews every- it warms the hearts of the mothers where of what seems to be one of the when they see their husbands and nation’s most disappointing years. Cli- children coming home, smiling from mate disasters, the struggling economy, ear to ear. the government shutdown, Obamacare, The Avos U’Bonim program also and international relations have most makes sure to accommodate all chil- people disillusioned with our govern- dren and pairs up children whose ment. fathers cannot come to learn with them Right now, what hurts me is the with “older brothers.” This way, nobody release of more terrorists from Israeli has to feel left out of this incredible jails. Whatever is going on behind the learning experience because of per- scenes that we don’t understand, it still sonal considerations. In these “older appears as if Israel has lost its back- brother, younger brother” relationships, bone. Why does Israel have to make children can develop a connection to these concessions for a peace process an older individual who will infl uence that is a fraud to begin with? them positively. Those of us who start the New Year Learning is shorter for the younger at Rosh Hashanah know that what- participants than for the older chil- ever is in store for us was decided then, dren. The younger ones have around and whatever happens throughout the a half-hour of learning, followed by world really centers on what is best for gym time and fresh hot pizza, along Klal Yisrael. We should just continue to with raffles and great prizes. The be deserving of Hashem’s love and pro- older group leaves after an hour of tection. learning and they get their playing Ohr Hachaim of Queens time and a melaveh malkah. The fun Avos U’Bonim. schedule serves to ingrain in the chil-

Mr. David Weiss learning with his sons

The program coordinator is Rabbi dren that learning is not a chore, but Reuven Kesherim. The founders are rather an exciting enjoyable experi- Dr. Ari Walfi sh and Mr. Elisha Hisiger, ence. and the assistants are Shloimie Pol- Last Motzaei Shabbos, despite the four lack, Mordechai Polinsky, and Mor- inches of snow we had, over 100 boys dechai Weiss. The program is ded- that came with their fathers to learn at icated by Mrs. Toby Moskovits in Avos U’Bonim! These Motzaei Shabbos memory of her father, Reb Avrohom learning programs stand in good stead Yitzchak ben Reb Shmuel Uziel (Mr. for the children down the line and, as Abe Schwarzman). mentioned before, strengthen the par- In current times, it has become diffi - ents’ commitment to their sons’ chi- cult for parents to earn a living and sup- nuch. port their families. When many fathers come home, they don’t have the energy Continued on Page 79 26 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 27 shopping with her is not a lot better. It is earlier in the day, when this kid was in exhausting and fruitless. school. She had asked the salesgirl to hold that’s the So it happened! My wish came true. the items for a few hours and my assign- PAYBACK! My daughter gets to experi- ment was simply to take this child to the WAY IT IS ence, with Elisheva, all that I experienced store and sit, wait, and watch while she with her. viewed the selections and tried on what- By Hannah Reich Berman But now that it has happened, I’m ever appealed to her. All I had to do was to getting very little satisfaction out of it, let her decide which items she wanted to because I take no pleasure in seeing how buy. And that was just what happened. It A Daughter’s Payback hard it is for my daughter. After a day of went smoothly and we walked out of the Some things don’t work out quite colors unsuitable, and she had neither a shopping with this child, when my daugh- store with a few pieces. the way we expect that they will. I have pale nor a sallow complexion. To sum it ter comes home, empty handed, she will My daughter would never have asked recently discovered that “payback” is one up, she could wear just about any color or sometimes call me to vent. That is, she me to do any such thing with Elisheva. of them. style and everything looked great on her. will call if she has the energy to lift the Once in a lifetime is enough. And my life- When my children were youngsters, The problem was that she never liked any- receiver. But often she’s so exhausted that time supply of patience is gone. All used one of my daughters was a horror to thing, so I would end up schlepping with she does not. up! Maybe my daughter fi gures that, if I shop for. She never liked a single gift that her from store to store. When we do speak, however, her fi rst had to go through it at my age, it might she received if the gift was an article of Shopping was a nightmare. I could have words are usually, “Ma, now I know what cause me to have an anxiety attack and clothes. And she never liked a single thing outfi tted all of my other children com- you went through with me! If you think I then she could be stuck having to care for that I brought home for her. Actually, it bined for an entire school year in less was a picky kid, you should take Elisheva me. Even worse, I might become catatonic wasn’t only shopping for her that was dif- time than it took to fi nd one dress, skirt, with you! Finding anything she likes is and begin to drool. fi cult; it was just as impossible to shop or blouse that satisfi ed this pachech. (For impossible!” Then my daughter goes on While I have the utmost sympathy for with her. Even when I took her along, she those unfamiliar with the word pachech, to groan some more about how Elisheva my daughter, I must confess that I am never liked what the stores had to offer. It I am unable to offer a suitable translation has so little to wear, etc., etc. thrilled that it isn’t me who has to deal used to drive me crazy. On countless shop- except to say that it is not a fl attering term. The diatribe brings back less-than-fond with it. As they say, been there and done ping excursions, I said, “Just wait until It isn’t an English word but, although it memories for me. I remember how I that! Although I sincerely sympathize, I you’re a mother. I hope you get a daughter may sound like Yiddish, strictly speak- dreaded shopping with this same daugh- served my time and now it may just be just like yourself. Then you’ll know what ing it is not. The closest I can come to ter. But, although I may have meant it at her turn to serve hers. It appears that this this is like for me.” enlightening you is to let you know that the time, I now regret wishing this on her. is payback and it doesn’t matter that I When I shopped with or for my other a pachech is inevitably a female and it is Nobody—not even a mother who was changed my mind about that. That’s just children I would try to stay within my a word used to describe one who is diffi - once like that herself—should have to go the way it is. budget, but not with this kid. With her, all cult to please. In short, someone who is a through it. Nobody! Author’s Note: Please do not call or bets were off. Price was never a consider- pachech is a piece of work!) On one occasion, when my daughter send me e-mails with criticism regarding ation. For this beauty, I was willing to pay Fast-forward 40 years and this same had a late-afternoon scheduling confl ict, the above masterpiece. I am not putting any amount of money if it meant fi nding daughter of mine has children of her she asked me to go shopping for clothes down my granddaughter, nor am I embar- something she would even agree to try on. own. And, sure enough, one of her with one of her children. Hearing the hes- rassing her. She approved this piece and She was a child of average stature and daughters is just like she was. This little itation in my voice, she explained that the use of her name.  size; not overly tall for her age and not girl is Elisheva. She likes absolutely noth- it was not Elisheva. I was being asked to short. She was neither overweight nor ing. My daughter now has the exact same take another of her daughters and there Hannah Berman lives in Woodmere and is a licensed real-estate broker associated with underweight. She didn’t have fl aming red deal that I once had with her! Shopping would be very little for me to do, because Marjorie Hausman Realty. She can be reached hair, which might have rendered certain for Elisheva is out of the question and my daughter had selected the clothing at [email protected] or 516-902-3733.

28 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 29 Oftentimes in marriage there are cer- And it came to pass at insights on tain spots in which a person feels stuck midnight, that G-d smote and thinks things will never change. Even all the firstborn in the couples that have a great overall relation- THE TORAH ship and have been married for years land of Egypt will acknowledge that there are some (Sh’mos 12:29) areas that they have just accepted as “the way things are.” A person might feel that The Jews in Egypt had sunk to the no discussion of fi nances with his or “49 gates of impurity” so that, morally A Fresh Start her spouse will end without hard feel- and spiritually, they were virtually ings, or that they will never get through indistinguishable from the Egyptians. BY FIVE TOWNS MARRIAGE INITIATIVE an erev Shabbos in which harsh words Thus, when G-d passed over the aren’t exchanged. If we can tap into this “Hachodesh hazeh lachem rosh cha- the Jews to sanctify the new month at power of renewal then we can truly make Jewish firstborn to kill the Egyptian dashim” This month shall be for you the this juncture of Jewish history in order to changes to our relationships. firstborn, the Divine Attribute of beginning of the months . . . (Sh’mos 12:2). stress to the nation that it possessed this Let us try this week to remember the Justice argued: “How are these any Sanctifying the new month was the fi rst ability to achieve renewal. lesson of sanctifying the new month. different from these? These are commandment given to the Jewish nation. We all possess this ability of renewal. Let us recognize in ourselves and in our idol-worshippers, and these are idol- Commentators question why, at this aus- We need to recognize our shortcomings, spouses the spark of renewal that exists worshippers!” Nevertheless, G-d picious moment, the Jews were given the chose to extract the Children of commandment of setting a calendar and Israel from “the bowels of Egypt” and not a commandment to trust in Hashem or something else that would seem loftier. Holding a grudge in marriage keeps acquire them as His chosen people. The answer lies in understanding the sig- This is why the plague of the firstborn nifi cance of sanctifying the new month. occurred precisely at midnight. The Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the us “stuck in the past.” first half of the night embodies the Jewish month, symbolizes renewal. “Cho- desh,” the Hebrew word for month, comes divine attribute of gevurah (justice), from the Hebrew root of “chadash,” new- face up to our mistakes, and then use the within us as members of the Jewish and its second half, the divine attribute ness. Just as the moon reappears and strength of renewal to begin again. In nation. Let us try in one small way to use of chesed (benevolence). Midnight is grows to completion each month, so too marriage, this is a particularly important that power to change our relationships the juncture that fuses and supersedes the Jewish nation has the ability to renew trait. Not only do we need to be able to for the better.  them both, since the power to join and restore itself to past greatness. acknowledge our own shortcomings and two opposites can only come from a Five Towns Marriage Initiative provides While in Egypt, the Jews had fallen to begin again, but also we have to be able point that transcends their differences. the forty-ninth level of impurity. As they to forgive our spouses for their shortcom- educational programs, workshops, and referrals to top marriage therapists. FTMI will help “Midnight” is thus an expression of were poised to leave Egypt, they received ings and allow them to begin again. We offset counseling costs when necessary and also a divine involvement in creation that this commandment to sanctify the new need to really believe that renewal is pos- runs an anonymous shalom bayis hotline for month. Only seven short weeks later, they sible. Holding a grudge in marriage keeps the entire community Sunday, Tuesday, and transcends all standard criteria for had “renewed” themselves to such an us “stuck in the past” and keeps us from Thursday evenings, 10:00–11:00 p.m. For the punishment or reward. extent that they were able to receive the accessing the trait of renewal that is so hotline or for more information, call 516-430- 5280 or e-mail [email protected]. (Ohr HaTorah) Torah. Hashem specifi cally commanded vital to any relationship.

30 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES rels. I get responses in three catego- fear is usually suggested if one has a Fears Or Friends ries: fear, apathy, and compassion. fear of the water, of heights, or even The more people know about squir- of relationships. Could a museum or Photo Prose ant things to think about. But, so too, rels, the more fascinated and respect- program like this possibly provide an one might say that nothing is beneath ful they are of these interesting crea- immersive experience to get people BY GARY RABENKO consideration. Sometimes a sentence tures. Yet hunters, for example, insist over their fears of animals? can be taken out of context. So read- on defending the indefensible. They In speaking to people who visit my Man’s best friend? My parents ers should not assume me to be sid- insist that it is fair and right to hunt studio and ask questions about my taught me compassion. If someone ing with pigs, whatever that means. for sport. I do not understand how squirrel photographs, there is always was ill or needed help, I was not to just I have never eaten any part of a pig. blasting a baby or mother squirrel something in the person’s past to stand by apathetically, but I was to try And unlike some people—who, I’ve high in the trees, who is either trying have triggered their fear of squirrels. to help, get involved, make it better. read, have pigs as pets, and boast of to survive in this terribly cold world Discussion reveals a desire to recog- This was not just limited to people. As their fastidiousness in grooming—I or trying to enjoy a beautiful day nize the cause, and the irrationality of a small child, I heard from various rel- must admit I am prejudiced against without hunger, is any type of sport continuing to live in that fear. atives that my grandfather’s grandfa- them. But does that make me a bet- for anyone. I used to fear bees. Then I learned ther in old age was quite frail, with a ter person? Maybe you would enjoy visiting stinging is their last resort. It is sui- heart condition. He would bend down I do not think maintaining a fear of Torah Animal World. Education could cide on their part. They die. Their and pass out. His doctor warned him dogs is better than learning to appre- be good. Will children leave knowing stinging is usually only done when in that bending down could be fatal. On ciate them or to understand them. that animals have feelings too or only fear. So when others go crazy over a a cold January day, he saw a starv- Some religious people have pets and that some are cute, scary, different, bee in in the yard, I calmly stand still. ing kitten, bent down to feed it, and love those pets. Some don’t relate. dumb, kosher, or nonkosher? Maybe, No problem. A person with a deep- passed out permanently. And some hate and loathe animals. just like people, there are good and seated fear of dogs might wish to get I read in Sunday’s New York Post, Because I am a NY State-licensed bad individuals in the animal world? over it and feel better in the process “The city’s weirdest museum will wildlife rehabber interested in help- Maybe each is a product of its experi- by being a friend too.  soon be closing . . . Brooklyn Torah ing injured and orphaned squirrels, ences in life? Maybe we could feel bet- Animal World is fl at broke and will I often engage visitors to my stu- ter at times knowing that we are help- Gary Rabenko can be reached at gary@rabenko. shut its doors soon if no one helps.” I dio and website about their feelings ing, rather than not knowing how we com. Rabenko Photography & Video Artists is located at 1001 Broadway in Woodmere. wonder what a visitor might get from toward and their knowledge of squir- are causing pain. Getting over one’s the exhibit, which claims to have taxidermied versions of all the ani- mals in the Chumash, except a pig. It explains the omission of the pig in owner Rabbi Deutsch’s own words: “You know, a bakery sells not what the baker likes, but what the custom- ers want to eat . . . you have to be sen- sitive to what people want to see or not want to see.” I am not an “animal lover.” Some stop and fawn over this cute puppy or that baby possum, but I do not just pour my heart out over any animal that I see. But if an animal is in pain, trapped, or lost, then at least I ques- tion what might be done to help it. I do not just cross the street, look the other way, or ignore it. Perhaps it is because I am sensitive. Or maybe it is how I would want to be treated if I were cold and hungry. Recently a religious man asked me why I was not afraid of getting bitten by a squirrel (I am not afraid, though I do take caution). He said I could get rabies from squirrels. He did not know they do not carry rabies. We got into a conversation about his upbringing and how Shoah survivors could easily have a fear of dogs. That is powerful imagery. Yes, I can imagine that such terror has lasting effects. But is that how it should be? I do not particularly like dogs, and am aller- gic to them. But each dog is different. Some do wonderful things for people. Sometimes we rely on them for their amazing talents as rescuers, detec- tives, and guides. Is it fair to them, or good to ourselves to carry such nega- tive feelings, for an innocent animal that we do not even know? Is it fair to the pig that it should suffer more than any other kosher or non-kosher animal because the museum does not even show it? At least keep the stuffed animal in a separate room—isolated but available to those who may want to see it? An artist’s job is to ask questions, to care, and to raise consciousness and awareness. I think we are better peo- ple for thinking about things rather than ignoring them. Certainly, one could argue there are more import- AUTO SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 31 Touro News And Events A native of Los Angeles, Lowy stressed the importance of attracting women to Alumna Shuli Lowy Named Mobile Mobile before she was promoted to her the mobile marketing industry. “Each of Marketing “Woman to Watch.” Shuli current position. According to a Ping us needs to make an effort to market this Lowy, a 2010 graduate of Touro College Mobile press release, Lowy, 23, works fi eld to women who are in the midst of Los Angeles (TCLA), was named a Mobile closely with senior executives at For- making their career choices,” she said. Marketing Woman to Watch for 2014 by tune 500 brands to plan and launch their “Get involved in your local universities MobileMarketer.com. Lowy, who served mobile marketing activities, and helps and enlighten women about the pros- as president of the student council at shape the company’s focus on provid- pects available within mobile.” TCLA and valedictorian of her class, is ing industry-progressing marketing lead- the marketing director for the marketing ership. She is responsible for the place- group Ping Mobile. ment of hundreds of millions of mobile “Congratulations to Shuli on this ads and for full-circle SMS activity for well-deserved honor,” said Samira Miller, key brands, and has remained at the fore- director of admissions at TCLA. “While front of mobile innovation by introduc- a student, Shuli excelled academically ing new interactive mobile technologies and displayed leadership in her role as to the market. Shuli Lowy student council president. Based on her Her experience at TCLA empowered accomplishments, we expect to see much her to excel professionally, she said. engagement which has served as a pow- more from her in the years to come.” “The small classroom setting of TCLA, erful guiding force for me ever since.” In an interview with Mobile Marketer, combined with the exceedingly qual- Ping Mobile singled out the proac- Lowy called her job “an adventure,” as ifi ed and accessible faculty, allowed tive role Lowy has taken as an educa- she is always marketing several differ- me to study key entrepreneurial sub- tor and a builder in the mobile market- ent products at once. “Over the past year jects, including marketing, economics, ing community, something Lowy said alone, I have worked with marketing per- fi nance, accounting, and business ethics, she planned to do more of in the com- sonnel of movie production companies, as well as hone important professional ing year. She added that she would also auto brands, hospitality chains, banks, skills. work to ingrain an awareness of legal apparel lines, and musicians,” she said. “More importantly, it sparked my pas- and social regulations related to mobile Lowy worked as an intern at Ping sion for the creative energy of consumer marketing.

Dr. Jennifer R. Zelnick

White House Briefi ng. Approximately 160 leaders in social work education gathered recently in the nation’s capital for a White House briefi ng from senior executives in the Obama administration to discuss the future of health care and identify a path forward for social work education in the new era. Dr. Jennifer R. Zelnick, associate pro- fessor and social welfare policy sequence chair at the Touro College Graduate School of Social Work, represented Touro at the event. The occasion was hosted by the White House Offi ce of Public Engage- ment in the Dwight D. Eisenhower exec- utive offi ce building and organized and sponsored by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the national accredit- ing body for social work education. “As we enter a new era with the Afford- able Care Act, it is important that social work be at the table,” said Dr. Zelnick. “Given our experience working with those who bear the brunt of social prob- lems, and our rich understanding of how social circumstances shape health and well-being, social workers are natural leaders in integrated health care teams.” Titled “Addressing the Social Determi- nants of Health in a New Era: The Role of Social Work Education,” the briefi ng was conducted by representatives from a vari- ety of federal agencies within the Depart- ment of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health. The speakers touched on emerging needs in behavioral health in the United States, new expectations under the Affordable Care Act, and social work’s role in build- ing capacity to meet U.S. needs for men- tal health, substance abuse, aging, and disability in an increasingly diverse con- text. “We organized this event with two goals” said Darla Spence Coffey, presi- dent and CEO of CSWE. “We wanted to both inform social work educators of the historic changes and opportunities, but we also wanted to provide an opportu- nity for agency leaders to get a fi rsthand experience of the resources that social work brings in terms of understanding 32 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES AUTO SECTION and addressing the social determinants topic of health care quality and the vari- of health.” ous roles we play,” said Nathan Boucher, It’s Unlocked Participants, including deans, direc- director of graduate education, assistant tors, and social work faculty from across professor in the Physician Assistant Pro- BY MORDECHAI SCHMUTTER the country, learned about federal cam- gram, and moderator of the panel discus- paigns to reduce stigma in mental health sion. “IPE is a Touro College priority area I’m glad to announce that we fi nally what do I do if I go out without my tie? and increase the quality of long term and is a national movement,” said Mr. got our Shabbos lock fi xed. Should I just wear the clip? Or should care and disability services. Attendees Boucher, who will be chairing the new Okay, so it wasn’t broken for that I wear a belt with a key on it, where also heard about less-discussed portions Interprofessional Education Committee long. Just a couple of weeks. But when you take off your belt, and your pants of the new federal health care bill that for the School. the lock on your front door is broken, slowly fall down while you’re fi ddling make substantial investments in public “The primary goal was to bring vari- you’re sure that everyone passing your with the door? health, and fund integrated health care ous health professions together to foster house notices, like someone took out a Anyway, the Shabbos lock gets a lot of teams that include social workers. collaboration,” added Jill Horbacewicz, billboard on the roof that says, “Lock is use, and occasionally, we have to fi x it. Symposium on Healthcare Quality chair of the Physical Therapy Depart- broken.” The way to fi x it is you have to take the Improvement. They came from physi- ment and a member of the multidisci- We actually have a sign, but it says, whole thing apart. There are 14 springs cal therapy, occupational therapy, nurs- plinary planning committee that orga- “Doorbell is broken. Please knock.” So if in it. You open that up, the springs go in ing, physician assistant, and speech and nized the event. anyone tries to break in, at least they’ll 14 different directions. And they specifi - language pathology programs—about At the panel discussion, the group knock fi rst. cally make the springs the same color as 75 Touro College School of Health Sci- talked about what quality improve- It doesn’t help that one of the but- most fl oors. And smaller than the but- ences students and faculty in all—to ment meant to them and gave exam- tons on the lock was actually miss- tons. Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhat- ples of the quality improvement process ing, which, in our minds, was notice- We’ve taken it apart a couple of times tan recently, to engage in a panel discus- at work. In the four breakout sessions able from across the street. Sure, there’s before, and we’ve always managed to sion and breakout groups on the topic of that followed, students and faculty rep- another lock on the door. But it’s not a fi x whatever was wrong. But a couple “Quality Improvement (‘QI’)” and how it resenting each of the health science pro- question of whether people can break of weeks ago, it stopped working, so my is used by healthcare teams in a variety grams were divided into separate rooms in, it’s whether they’re willing to try. wife took it apart when I wasn’t home, of settings. and presented with a case study of a fi c- We have one of those 14-button Shab- just as all the kids were getting home The occasion was the fi rst annual tional patient in one of four practice set- bos locks. A “Shabbos lock” is a lock that from school and doing homework and “Interprofessional Education (IPE) Sym- tings: the emergency department, the is specifi cally made for Shabbos, in that asking for food, and one of the springs posium” on healthcare quality, and the acute care setting, inpatient rehabili- you don’t have to carry a key. Instead, disappeared. panelists were Touro faculty members tation, and an outpatient facility. Each you have to carry a little piece of paper We hope no one ate it. Amanda Foglia, MS, CCC/SLP; Scott group then discussed patient care and that says the combination, unless it’s a So my wife’s main priority was to fi x Gould, PA-C, MS; Elliot Katz, MA, OTR/L; quality improvement challenges in their combination you can easily remember, the situation before her parents come Ted Marks, DPT, CCS; and, from Beth assigned setting. like taryag. Or you carve it into the bot- to visit. My in-laws have spent the last Israel Medical Center, Marie Moss, RN, “Quality improvement, it has been tom of your shoe. 35 years living out in the sticks, where MPH, CIC, a nurse and infection control shown, improves outcomes for patients We got the lock when we fi rst moved a lot of their safety comes from the fact specialist; and Kathleen Kearney, NP, a and healthcare workers, reduces errors, in, because I didn’t want to have to get that there isn’t another human being nurse practitioner for intervention car- and improves effi ciency and communi- a tie clip with a key on the back. Who out there besides them, and no one’s diology. cation between patients, providers and wears a tie clip? Where are you going going to drive four hours to rob their “The school saw this event as an third party payers,” Mr. Boucher said. “It that your tie is constantly blowing up house, no offense. So when they come opportunity to engage a multidisci- can and should take place in all health and in your face? “Let’s clip it down, so plinary audience around the important care settings.”  it doesn’t put someone’s eye out!” And Continued on Page 34

AUTO SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 33 It’s Unlocked we put a motion-sensitive light over the (Don’t worry about what the kid wore. convince myself to get up just so some Continued from Page 33 back door while we’re at it? He’d already lost the other one.) robber can defeat me with a fl ashlight. So my wife called the locksmith who We were really hoping that the lock- Like if the guy breaks into my house, over, they don’t even leave anything in put the lock in (8 years ago), and he said smith would get to fi nish our project I’ll be the most imposing person he the car. They leave it all in our front that for way less money than a new that day, because of our gaping hole, could come across. Isn’t the most entranceway, which is now the part lock, we could bring our old lock to his and because if he didn’t give the lock imposing person in the house the one of the house that’s unlocked. (Though house, and he’d fi x it with spare parts. back, and we had to leave it that way who made me sleep on the couch? technically, I guess, the whole house He wasn’t home, but he said we could overnight, I’m pretty sure my wife was Maybe if I arrange some extra pil- is unlocked. But the robbers won’t get leave it near his front door. going to make me sleep on the couch lows under my blankets, he’ll think I’m in any further than that, because of all So we took the lock out of our door, with a baseball bat. more muscular than I actually am. On their stuff.) the other hand, if I do have to spring up, The point is that my wife was afraid and he sees that the pillows don’t come that they wouldn’t come if our door with me, he’ll fall over laughing, and I’ll doesn’t lock. I wanted to say, “Fine,” but Maybe we should get be able to subdue him. With my son’s on the other hand, we have an unlocked Wiffl e-ball bat, because I’m pretty sure front door. Would I rather have robbers a digital Shabbos lock. that’s the only bat we have in the house. or in-laws? So I thought about it long But, baruch Hashem, the locksmith and hard, and I came to the conclusion called that evening to say he was done. that I should probably say “my in-laws.” I went to his house to pick up the lock, I don’t know that the robbers read this and at that point we were really wor- I don’t know how this would help. and he told me that he was kind of wor- column. ried, because now there was a big hole Trust me, even if I have a baseball bat ried, because he’d accidentally left his We looked into getting a new lock, that you could defi nitely see from across and the robber has a fl ashlight, he’ll still house unlocked that morning, and it’s and it turns out that you have to be very the street and, we were pretty sure, win. All he has to do is shine the light a good thing my wife was the only one careful, because most “Shabbos locks” from way down the block. Also, there in my eyes. And anyway, I’m not going who came by, because anyone could these days are digital. Maybe we should was a draft coming in. So we put some to wake up if anyone breaks in, because have come right in and cleaned him out. get a digital Shabbos lock. That sounds tape over the hole that was the same I’m a pretty heavy sleeper. And even if I I guess no one wanted 500 door locks. like a great idea. We won’t be able to get basic color as the door, and I stuffed did, I have problems getting out of bed It also turns out that the locksmith into the house all Shabbos. Why don’t one of my kids’ mittens into the hole. to face a regular day. I’m never going to had decided to make up a new combina- tion for our door, and we’re afraid to take the lock apart and change it, because we’re going to lose all the springs again. He picked random numbers that we think were probably important to him somehow. That doesn’t mean we can’t remember them, but I still type in my old combination and wonder why it’s not working. On the one hand, I should be nervous that my locksmith now knows our com- bination better than we do. Sure, you’re saying that he fi xes a hundred locks a week. But on the other hand, for all we know, he gives everyone the same combination, so he can remember all of them. But on the other hand, he’s a locksmith. If he wanted to break into a house, he would just do it. He doesn’t have to know the code. That would be like getting a key lock and wondering if he made himself a copy of the key. And anyway, a locksmith who doesn’t lock his own doors is not going to come in and clean us out. He probably locks his key in his van once a week, too. I’ve done that once or twice. Hey, you know what would be a great idea for my van? A Shabbos lock! But not digital, of course. That’s muktzah. 

Mordechai Schmutter is a weekly humor columnist for Hamodia and is the author of four books, published by Israel Book Shop. He also does freelance writing for hire. You can send any questions, comments, or ideas to [email protected]. Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @ www.5TJT.com

34 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Question excuse that there are better restaurants How can I get a guy to come and see where he is. me for dates after I’ve been travelling My parents told me to drop him and back and forth to see him? This is not that he is selfi sh. But I fi nd that all New the fi rst time such a thing has happened York guys have such attitudes. What can to me. Living in Canada is making it I do to change him? hard for me when I have a relationship with a boy from New York. Response When I dated boys from other areas, By Baila Sebrow they fl ew in to see me. But New York Being a native New Yorker myself, I guys, who don’t even have to spend am not unwilling to admit that you are the money for fl ying, because they right. You describe a rampant problem could easily drive here, all tell me that I that has prevailed in the mainstream should be the one to make the effort. Is shidduch world of dating for many it my fault that I don’t live in New York? years, which affects mainly those who Is it my fault that my parents want to do not live in New York. live in Canada? Guys will often tell a shadchan If it weren’t for the fact that I get that a girl from out of town—usually along best with guys from New York, I meaning outside the New York area— would not even bother with them. And is “geographically undesirable.” Even now I am involved with a guy from the shidduch websites are placed in the New York area. We share many similari- position of providing the option where ties and have many things in common. singles can reject shidduchim based But he refuses to come and see me for on zip codes. This is not to blame dates. the administrators of the sites; they One time, my parents fl ew with me are offering the consumers what they to meet this boy when I told them want. The shocking reality is that if an that we were getting serious. Would astute shadchan feels strongly about a you believe that he didn’t even want particular girl who lives out of town, to make the effort to drive where we and will deliberately ignore the geo- were staying? He made my parents drive to his neighborhood, using the Continued on Page 36

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 35 DATING FORUM With all the histrionics and drama of decency to people in general. already seriously involved with him, Continued from Page 35 surrounding this issue, there are still, Most parents would insist that the boy no excuses of travel diffi culties should baruch Hashem, quite a few marriages at least travel to meet them. In this case, be accepted. graphic desires of the single boy or girl happening all around us where the the boy expects you to travel to New Oftentimes, Hashem places us in cir- by suggesting the shidduch anyway, the boy is from New York, while the girl York for all dates, and felt no responsi- cumstances so we can get an inkling of reaction will usually be hostile. lives even further away than Canada, bility in initiating a meeting with the the future. In this case, had you been To be fair, there are also some New such as on another continent. parents of the girl he has gotten serious living in New York, you would not York girls who insist that the guys live While I believe that you feel com- with. Worse, when your parents came in have had the opportunity to see this in New York, but that is usually due to patible with this boy, I wonder why to New York, he shamelessly felt no obli- boy’s true colors. Consider this experi- practical reasons, rather than the arro- you state that it is only New York guys gation to meet them where they were ence as a blessing to you. gance displayed by many boys who with whom you feel that you share staying. This boy has chutzpah! Baila Sebrow is president of Neshoma refuse a girl because she happens to common interests. Forgive me, but it The answer to what you can do to Advocates, communications and recruit- live in another state or, as in your case, almost sounds like you are stereotyp- get a boy to come out and see you ment liaison for Sovri-Beth Israel, exec- a neighboring country. ing. Are you actually rejecting boys after you have been doing all the trav- utive director of Teach Our Children, What you are complaining about goes from states other than New York based eling is the same as what you can do to and a shadchanis. She can be reached even further than shidduchim. There at [email protected].  are friends and even family members of ba’alei simcha who refuse to take Questions and comments can be submitted to the trip outside of New York for a wed- This boy showed a lack [email protected]. ding, bar or bas mitzvah, or any other important gathering. The general excuse of decency in general. used is that it is too diffi cult for them to make the trip. Meanwhile, the out- of-town people usually have no qualms about the New York event’s distance, trip on a generalized notion that you get change him—nothing. and hotel expenses, or time away from along best with guys from New York? This boy sounds like a self-centered work. Sadly, it is a one-way street, and it Nonetheless, you are currently person. He has proven that he cares appears to be an egotistical demonstra- involved with a boy whom you seem nothing about the mutual satisfaction tion of double standards on this topic. to care about, and although your par- of the give-and-take in a relationship. On the other hand, dating can be ents want you to end this relationship, Based on his record, in which he never costly. Adding long-distance travel to you do not. I believe your parents were made any offer to travel out to see the equation, even if by car, may make turned off by his refusal to meet them you even once, and based on the way it too exorbitant for some people. The where they were staying and not just he has treated your parents, his needs rejections you speak of may be based by your one-way relationship, where will always be fi rst and foremost in his on the fact that some guys simply can- you do all the traveling. life. And that will never change. not afford to date girls who live too far I understand that it is hard to be I agree that you have fewer dating away. I have even been told by guys who objective when you care about some- options because of your location, but live in nearby New Jersey that—even one, but you need to look at that inci- do not blame your parents for living before the coffee shop or lounge—a dent from their perspective. This boy in Canada as the reason dating is diffi - date can cost them more than $50 in gas not only showed a complete lack of cult for you. They are correct in advis- and tolls just to get to the girl’s home. respect for potential in-laws, but a lack ing you to drop this guy. Since you are

36 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES before been done without special Who Is A Salesman? equipment and training. Jobs sold the dream of changing the world (remem- The Job Hunter ber the 1984 commercial?). So when Beryl asks, “What do you Catch up BY RABBI MORDECHAI KRUGER sell?” he needs to ask, “Besides what it says on your sign or your business Our intrepid job hunter, Beryl Klein, membership cards. card, what do you really sell?” He is using a tool called “informational Much has been written about the needs to know what it is that con- interviews” to learn about the dif- contrast between the two greatest vinces people to make the exchange, on the ferent kinds of jobs that are found salesmen of modern times, Bill Gates to trade what they have for something in the fi eld of sales. When he is able to describe the job that best fi ts his skills, background, and goals, he will focus his search on fi nding that job. You probably didn’t think latest When he fi nds it, he’ll have the best chance of being hired, and the best of your doctor as a salesman. chance to succeed. Beryl wants to fi nd people who breaking work in sales and ask them a few spe- cifi c questions, beginning with, “What and Steve Jobs. Neither of them really even better. When he understands do you sell?” Which leads us to ask sold computers, software, or anything what people are really buying, he’ll (especially after reading Daniel Pink’s else you could hold in your hands. know what it is that he should sell.  To Sell Is Human, as I recommended They sold their visions, their dreams, news at last week), “Who is a salesman?” The their sense of how things could be Rabbi Mordechai Kruger is the founder answer is, “a lot more people than you different. Gates sold the concept that and director of Pathways to Parnassa, an organization providing job-search and career think.” Because every time you agree individuals could be empowered to coaching to our community. He can be reached www.5TJT.com to give up something you value in accomplish things that had never at [email protected]. order to access something of greater value, a sale has taken place. And the person who led you to conclude that you should make that exchange is a salesman. When your doctor tells you that those extra pounds need to come off, you will probably nod with appropri- ate respect, and stop for pizza on the way home. Even if your doctor has done a really good job of explaining the health risks of being overweight, your resolve will probably wane in a few days. In order to get you to start a diet, and stay on it, you need to be “sold.” Does the doctor need to “sell” you the idea of being thin? Proba- bly not. You know all about it. What will really make the difference is feel- ing that with each food choice you make, you can do something that makes a real difference in your over- all health and well-being. A difference that is worth more than the momen- tary enjoyment of the brownie. You probably didn’t think of your doctor as a salesman. But if he’s a good doc- tor, that’s exactly what he is. Let’s think of a more conventional salesman and the comparison will become clear. You go to a car show- room and come home owning a Mus- tang convertible. Clearly a sale has taken place—but what was sold? If just a car was sold, then you could have paid much less. You paid many extra dollars for the feeling of free- dom, power, and youthful vigor that a Mustang represents. Exchanging dollars for feeling youthful is no dif- ferent than exchanging brownies for feeling healthy. But if car guys and doctors are both salesmen, and feel- ings are what they want us to buy, then we really need to ask, what is it that salesmen sell? When you are out during the day and you decide on pizza for lunch, you aren’t really buying food. What you really want is convenience and variety. Your insurance agent? He’s selling the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you’ve done the best you can to protect what’s import- ant to you. Clothing stores, and cer- tainly men’s hat stores? They sell 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 37 MINDBIZ By Esther Mann, LCSW

Dear Esther, I am an 83-year-old fan of your column. I read it reli- giously, as I do many other col- umns, books, magazines, etc. Though I am no youngster, thank G-d my mind is sharp and I consider myself young at heart and in my way of think- ing. I am grateful to have, as they say, “all my marbles.” Unfortu- nately, my body isn’t as youth- ful as my mind. Over the past few years, I’ve developed many different sources of pain, and sometimes I think there isn’t an inch of me that doesn’t cause me to cringe at least once a day. The pain is often excruciating, and standing up becomes a major ordeal for me. It takes tremendous effort and can wipe me out. It’s not easy and, because of all my pain, my activities are limited. Though I am grateful to still be driving, I can’t do as much in a day as I would like to. The physical pain of put- ting pressure on my legs is sometimes unbearable, and so I choose to stay in for most of the day, keeping my legs up so that I can limit my painful suf- fering at least a little bit. I go to many, many doctors and physical therapists, have had every type of test, tried every possible painkiller and injection, but nothing seems to work. More than anything, I would like to feel better and be more active. I never complain, despite how diffi cult this is for me. I always try to sound cheery over the phone, whenever any- one calls me, including my chil- dren. I don’t want to sound like a kvetch and I also don’t want anyone to worry about me. I try to stay fulfi lled by keeping up with lots of peo- ple by phone and by reading and watching TV. I’m not com- plaining. Things could be a lot worse. But the reason I’m writing in is that I don’t know how to han- dle two of my children, who I know care about me deeply. They are constantly trying to convince me to get out and do more. I’m constantly hearing from them, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” I’m sure they are correct, but I think I lost it already! Though I haven’t given up and will continue to go to doctors in the hope that some- thing new can be found to alle- viate my pain, the fact of the matter is that the only time I am not in excruciating pain is when I’m sitting in my com- fortable recliner chair with my legs up, not putting pressure on them. 38 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES My son and daughter don’t seem to hard and scary for them to transition intentions no doubt come from a lov- it’s sometimes best to remember where understand this. They call me almost their view of you. ing place, they nevertheless feel abra- their “know-it-all” attitude comes from, daily, telling me about things that are Sometimes it’s just a matter of people, sive to you. All you can really do is feel the love, and just take it all in stride. going on in the neighborhood that I like your son and daughter, having their stick to your story, perhaps in a more As far as I can see, you’re doing a great should be taking advantage of. Whether own agenda and being unable to see forceful manner, and not allow them job! it’s a program at the JCC or a class some- past their own ideas of what is best for to make you feel as though you aren’t Esther where, they always have a plan for me. you; as a result, they are unable to truly making the best choices for yourself It sounds interesting and I’m grateful “hear” what you are trying to tell them. and doing the best that you can do. You Esther Mann, LCSW, is a psychotherapist for their concern, but they just can’t in Lawrence. Esther works with individuals and couples. She can be reached at seem to accept the fact that, plain and [email protected] or 516-314-2295. simple, it hurts too much! I often feel as though they are badger- Not everyone has to run around ing me. They don’t want to take no for an answer and actually make me feel to have a meaningful day. Remember guilty for staying home! They seem to forget that I was once an active woman, involved and busy with all sorts of that article? things. Now they make me feel like a Finally, sometimes grown children look sound like you know exactly what you lazy good-for-nothing. That’s not what toward their parents and imagine what need to be doing to take care of your- Visit our archive section they say, but it’s how they make me feel. they will be like in 20 or 30 years. Some- self, so don’t allow anyone to make you How can I get them to back off? To times they are frightened by what they feel as though you aren’t perfectly capa- and find any issue of the accept my limitations and be grateful see and don’t want to believe that some- ble of structuring your day in the best that I’m not complaining to them or day they too may be unable to get around way possible, considering your present 5 Towns Jewish Times anyone about my limitations? That I’m and live an active life. This can cause a cer- strengths and weaknesses. doing the best that I can? tain degree of denial about their own pos- When children are not capable of online @ Again, I don’t want to sound ungrate- sible future and your reality. empathizing with their parents—not ful for their concern. I’m sure there are Whatever the reason or reasons, I because they don’t want to but because www.5TJT.com many mothers who would like to be in think that we can agree that while their they can’t, due to their own issues— my shoes in terms of having children that care so much about them. But often their caring becomes a burden for me. Any suggestions? A Senior Reader

Dear Senior Reader, You sound like such an amazing woman and truly an inspiration for one and all. You’ve captured in your behavior and attitude qualities that we should all aspire to. You possess gratitude, intelli- gence, an ability to adapt to certain hard- ships, and yet you don’t complain. What a wonderful combination of attributes. So let’s try to fi rst understand what might be going on here with your chil- dren. First off, because you are such a brave woman, rarely if ever com- plaining, I’m wondering if your chil- dren understand to what degree you feel incapacitated. Perhaps they just believe (or want to believe) that you have some pain but that you don’t nec- essarily have to give in to the pain, and they would like to see you more active and fulfi lled. If that’s the case, clearly they don’t truly understand the nature of your pain and how overwhelming it usually is. What they also don’t seem to understand, based on what you wrote, is that you are not unhappy staying home so much of the time, since you are still connected to people through your phone calls. One doesn’t neces- sarily need a “face-to-face” to feel con- nected. There are many ways to “visit” with friends and loved ones. Your read- ing, watching the news, movies, etc., are also interesting and fun ways to spend time. Not everyone has to run around to have a meaningful day. You’ve learned how to adapt as you try to make the best of things, but your children don’t quite get it. It’s also possible that your children are having a hard time seeing you age. No doubt they adore you and want to believe you’ll stay young and vibrant forever. They hear your voice and enjoy their stimulating conversations with you and can easily allow themselves to believe that you are still middle aged and raring to go! Hearing that you are unable to get out negates what they want to believe about you. It may be 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 39 5TJT Puzzle: Generic Jews BY YONI GLATT 62. Common Jewish last name Across 65. Schneider or Schraeder in classic 1. Cayman kin fi lms 5. Box 66. “Tomorrow” musical 10. Common Jewish last name 67. Samoan money 14. Medal recipient 68. ______your pardon 15. Common Jewish last name 69. Miss Hawkins of Dogpatch 16. Fashion magazine 70. Looking down from 17. Hebrew for “made” 71. Hoopster Archibald 18. Beside 72. Common Jewish last name 19. Afternoon socials 73. Common Jewish last name 20. Common Jewish last name 22. Common Jewish last name Down 23. Strong string 1. Navigational aid 24. Notable monster 2. Seed once more 26. “Mangia!” 3. “. . . ______I like to call it . . .” 29. Old French coin 4. Common Jewish last name 30. Spielberg MacGuffi n 5. Kvetch 33. Common Jewish last name 6. Be a monarch 38. Housekeeper who’s better at cook- 7. Halt ing 8. Hints 40. Donkey’s years 9. Famous twin 32. Common Jewish last name 53. Monitoring device in nature 41. Blow up 10. Allow through 33. Own (up) 55. Perfume 43. Host 11. Zeno’s home 34. Romp 56. “Keen!” 44. Common Jewish last name 12. Dracula, to friends 35. A fan of 57. Alt. to pounds 46. Common Jewish last name 13. ______can! (self-encouragement) 36. Best guess: abbr. 58. Loses it 48. Where you can play in Roddenber- 21. Welfare state? 37. Greek letters 59. Common Jewish last names, or at ry’s world, for short 22. Grad 39. Baseball stat least a start to many 49. Nearly bygone music medium 25. Despise 42. Mac rivals 60. Site of Napoleon’s exile 51. “Get it?” 27. Recompense 45. Wood sorrels 61. “______Fire to the Rain” 52. Sanctuary 28. Besmirch 47. Soaks 63. Year Trajan was born 54. Heavy rollers 30. Banned apple spray 50. Ear pulling, e.g. 64. Paula who had a bad year 59. Common Jewish last name 31. Split 52. Kind of orange 66. Put it to

40 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Solution To Previous 5TJT Puzzle: High And Mighty

Puzzle appeared on Page 50 of the December 27 issue.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 41 for time to exist, light needs to exist. This ability was granted to us at Yetzias insights on The faster an object moves, up until the Mitzrayim. Throughout the ten makos, speed of light, the slower time passes Hashem progressively demonstrated for it. Theoretically, one can actually how nature meant nothing when it per- THE TORAH stop time when one travels at the speed tained to Klal Yisrael. Water could be of light. Time is thus inextricably linked both blood and water at the same time. to light. So in order for there to be a fi rst There could be separations of time; day, in order for the chronology of Cre- there could be separations of light and ation to unfold, there needed to be light. dark. There were no absolute rules. One Bo: Who’s First The fact is that all of nature, mankind reality existed for the Mitzri’im while a included, is limited and defi ned by the different one simultaneously existed for BY RABBI YITZCHOK D. FRANKEL natural order that was set up at the time the Jews. Although they were contradic- AGUDATH ISRAEL OF THE FIVE TOWNS of Creation. Up until Yetzias Mitzrayim, tory, they existed side by side. all human beings were completely sub- In order to show that Klal Yisrael is This month will be for you the head of rael needed to partake of before leav- ject to the laws of nature. Even after lema’alah min hateva, the fi rst mitz- months. It is the fi rst for you among the ing Mitzrayim. Would Yetzias Mitz- Matan Torah, it is known and accepted vah we were given was one that grants months of the year. (Sh’mos 12:2) rayim have been held back if some that the mazalos, the constellations of us control over a most profound and “In the beginning”—said Rabbi Yitz- other month had been the fi rst month? the Zodiac, have a profound infl uence innate aspect of the natural world: the chok: “The Torah should have begun Was it important to fi nd out exactly on the world (see Shabbos 129b) and all phenomenon of time. with ‘This month will be for you,’ which how the Sanhedrin declares a new people born into this world are under The verse cited at the start of this arti- is the fi rst mitzvah that Israel was com- month before Yetzias Mitzrayim took their infl uence. cle seems repetitive. First it says, “Head manded . . .” (, Bereishis 1:1) place? There is one exception to this grand, of months,” and then it says, “It is the The very fi rst mitzvah we received as a In the beginning, G-d created the heav- Divinely ordained system of natural fi rst.” What is the message? Placing the people is the one in our pasuk: the mitz- ens and the earth . . . G-d said: “Let there law. That is Klal Yisrael. renewal of the month in the hands of vah of Kiddush HaChodesh. This mitz- be light,” and there was light. (Bereishis Said Rav Yehudah, said Rav: Avraham the Jewish people implies that con- vah was performed by the Sanhedrin in 1:1, 3) said, “Ribbono shel Olam, I examined my trol over time itself is in the hands of ancient times. Based on the sighting of There is a logic and a rationale to mazal, and I am not fi t to father a son.” Israel. It is Jew over nature. The “head the new moon, it entails declaring that the order of Creation. The fi rst thing He replied, “Leave your astrology behind. of months” represents that “it is the the new month has begun and thereby Hashem created was light, on the fi rst There is no mazal for Israel.” (Nedarim 32a) fi rst” of all the beginnings. It is the fi rst “sanctifying” it. Included in the mitzvah day. Why was it necessary for light to be Klal Yisrael is not limited by these of all the mitzvos to come, and is their is that Nissan is the fi rst month that created fi rst? Why did Hashem not wait natural laws, nor subject to astrologi- key. Time belongs to the Jews—granting should be sanctifi ed. until day four, when the sun, moon, and cal powers and constraints. Although them the level of lema’alah min hateva. Why, of all the mitzvos in the Torah, stars were created? Why did Hashem we live in the natural world, we have In this way, the mitzvah of Kiddush was this one chosen to be fi rst? What create light in an independent fashion, the ability to transcend these limita- HaChodesh contains the force that was so overwhelmingly special about several days before the creation of the tions and leap beyond the natural order allows us to succeed in our Torah obser- it? In addition, this mitzvah appears luminaries that were supposed to pro- of the universe, beyond what is natu- vance. We are no longer shackled by to have been superfl uous at the time vide it? rally “possible.” As a nation, and often our physical nature and our behavior is it was given. In contrast, Korban Pesach One simple answer is that without as individuals, we have overcome our not constrained by the infl uence of the was indeed a timely mitzvah, with its light, there is no time. According to the physical barriers and elevated ourselves stars above. matzah and marror, all of which were laws of physics and the discoveries of to what is called lema’alah min hateva, The decision of when Rosh Chodesh part of the special Seder that Klal Yis- Einstein, it is quite evident that in order to a level that is above nature. will be is not just a matter of which day

42 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES to call “one.” It determines such cru- determining the date of Rosh Hasha- How Knowing Your Personality cial issues as when Pesach will fall. We nah. And so it is regarding the date of can even decide, for instance, that the Pesach. When will the Korban Pesach Type Can Lead To Weight-Loss fi rst day of Pesach will never fall on a be offered? From which date will the Wednesday! severe prohibition of chometz apply? BY DR. BO ROSENBLAT “This month will be for you.” The min- Klal Yisrael controls these decisions. CHIEF PHYSICIAN FOR DR. BO’S DIET istering angels said to Hashem, “O Mas- This power makes us partners with ter of the World, when are You making Hakadosh Boruch Hu in Creation, and Taking a long hard look at your- the holidays?” For it says, “Regarding the elevates us above all that is created. self in the mirror may just be the best decree of the angels, there was a word” Only with this power may a human thing you can do if you’re trying to lose (Daniel, ch. 4). Hashem replied, “You and I being fulfi ll the rest of Torah. Thus, the weight, but what you’re looking for shall agree to what Israel decides regard- mitzvah of Kiddush HaChodesh is a sine may surprise you. Getting started with ing the leap year.” For it says, “I will call qua non, an indispensable prerequisite a weight-loss plan can be a daunting to G-d on high, to G-d who fulfi lls for me” to the rest of the Torah. task, but fi guring out the fi rst steps to (Tehillim, ch. 57). And it says, “These are Said Rava: When a person is brought take may be more about understanding the holidays of Hashem, the holy con- in to be judged, he is asked, “. . . Did you yourself emotionally rather than phys- vocations, which you shall call in their fi x times for Torah?” (Shabbos 31a) ically. time.” (Vayikra, ch. 23). “‘You,’ [Israel, will Rav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch notes It’s easy to assess where you need to decide them, and so it shall be.] Whether that this famous question should have lose inches and pounds, what you’d like they are in their proper time or not, I been worded differently. If the question to fi rm up and where you want to trim Bo’s Tip: Look back at any pre- have no holidays other than these.” was whether we fi xed a regular time in down; but getting to the root of your vious attempts you’ve made at los- Hashem said to Israel: “In the past, it our daily schedule for Torah study, it weight-gain is often the biggest chal- ing weight. Try to understand what was in My hand.” For it says, “He made should have been worded: “kavata Torah lenge. You may realize that you have worked for you and what didn’t. the moon for holidays” (Tehillim, ch. 104). l’itim”? Why does it rather say, “kavata made similar choices over and over Make a list of things you liked as well “But from now on, it is placed in your itim l’Torah”? Rav Hirsch explains that with results that don’t seem to stick. So as things you didn’t, and try to pin- hands. The decision is yours. If you say it is conveying the idea that the Jew instead of beating yourself up over your point what caused you to give up or ‘yes,’ it is yes. If you say ‘no,’ it is no. In has the ability to establish the times of lackluster performance in the last few slip back into old habits. This is infor- every case, ‘this month will be for you.’ the Torah itself: “Did you fi x times for attempts, try understanding where you mation that you can use before get- Furthermore, if you wish to make it a Torah?” This is because Torah is not sub- lost steam. ting started, so that you choose a path leap year, I accept your decision.” Thus servient to anything material, anything To Thine Own Self Be True. While I that’s right for you. it says, “This month will be for you.” of this world. It is not ruled by Green- doubt that William Shakespeare had Find Your Dieting Personality. Get- (Sh’mos Rabbah 15:2) wich Mean Time. On the contrary, this dieting on his mind when he wrote ting to the core of what you’re all This Midrash underscores the con- world is subservient to the Torah. That that, nothing could be more applicable about will help you fi gure out what trol the Jewish people have over the is why the Jewish people have the abil- to making successful and meaningful type of dieter you are. Maybe you running of the world. The angels come ity to establish the times for the Torah. lifestyle changes. Being honest about have an intense personality, diving to Hashem and ask when Rosh Hasha- Hachodesh hazeh lachem. This power what makes dieting hard for you will into new projects or hobbies head- nah will be, as they also shake in fear of over time, over nature, is ours.  help you to tackle the issues head-on. fi rst (like the time you bought all that the Divine judgment. But Hashem tells Don’t assume that poor habits will mag- snowboarding equipment before your them that it is not in His hands when He Rabbi Frankel can be reached at ically change simply because you are fi rst lesson)? Maybe you need a part- will judge the universe. The Jews decide [email protected]. At local stores: Machat shel on a diet. If you’ve been down this road Yad Bereishis, Sh’mos, and Vayikra. how many days Elul will have, thus before and failed, ask yourself why. Continued on Page 44

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 43 Weight Loss keep you motivated. Focus on meet- the next, assuming nothing will ever others, making fl exibility key. Work Continued from Page 43 ing your personality needs; ignoring work for you, but when you share on the things you can fi x about your- them will only leave you feeling frus- some of the responsibility, you might self and fi nd ways to work around the ner in crime (you can’t seem to make trated and defeated. fi nd where things went south. Did too things you can’t. Knowing the differ- it to any gym class without your best It Takes Two to Tango. If you look much fl exibility leave you falling into ence between the two will be crucial friend)? Or maybe you’re more of a back at your struggle with weight old habits? Did boredom set in caus- to your success. For example, if your student and less of a teacher (given career requires a lot of traveling and a set of instructions you can pretty you therefore eat at restaurants often, much do anything)? Be honest with that’s something you can’t change. yourself. It’s understandable to feel Being honest about what makes Instead, learning what to look out for like you can do a complete lifestyle on a menu, and learning how the dif- overhaul because you feel motivated dieting hard for you will help you ferent options impact your short-term at this moment, but that feeling won’t and long-term goals, is something you be enough to carry you through as it to tackle the issues head-on. can practically achieve. becomes challenging. Log Your Food . . . and Your Feelings. Bo’s Tip: Look at other areas of your I’ve written before on the benefi ts of life and determine the areas in which keeping a food journal, especially you excel both at home and at work. only to see which diets or programs ing you to reach for junk food? Did early on in your weight-loss endeavor. If you fi nd the need for structure, simply didn’t work for you, you are you get too comfortable in the pro- Keeping a running tally of your food joining a formal program will keep missing the critical connection. Try gram and go on auto-pilot? types, portions, preparation meth- you accountable. If you feed off the asking what about you didn’t work for Bo’s Tip: No diet will change you, at ods, and eating schedule can be an energy of a group dynamic, try attend- that diet. It’s easy to play the blame least not entirely. Some concepts and extremely important and eye-open- ing group-counseling sessions to game, jumping from one program to tools may work better for you than ing tool when fi rst starting out. An important component that most peo- ple don’t record in their food jour- nals is their emotional state. Keeping track of your emotions can help you to determine patterns of overeating, stress, and frustrations. Bo’s Tip: Understanding the “why” and not just the “what” in our actions is paramount in helping us spot potential emotional triggers and learn new coping mechanisms around food. Journal not only calo- ries but also your emotional states in real time (don’t wait until the end of the day . . . you never really remember everything) for at least one week. You may see certain patterns emerge that you didn’t realize existed. 

Dr. Bo Rosenblat is a board-certifi ed medical doctor and chief physician of Dr. Bo’s Diet Center with offi ce locations in Hewlett and Manhasset. For more information about Dr. Bo’s Diet program, please call 516-284-8248 or visit www.DrBosDiet.com.

44 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 45 difference?” him; once the soldiers have already “Before I get involved with this,” arrived, he cannot do this so as to BUSINESS replied Bernie, “I need to consult have them transferred to another with Rabbi Dayan.” house (Nimukei Yosef, B.B. 5a-b; WEEKLY “If you need to . . . okay,” said Mr. Shach 163:18).” Simon. “I gather that the same rationale By Rabbi Meir Orlian Bernie called Rabbi Dayan. “My applies here,” said Bernie. nephew’s wife is facing layoff from “Correct,” concluded Rabbi Dayan. her school,” he said. “Can I try to “Until a final decision is made, each Firing Line influence the board to keep her on, teacher can use whatever influence if it will cause them to fire someone or connections she has to avoid Mrs. Simon had taught for seven “You’re right!” said Mrs. Simon. “He else?” being fired. years at Bnos Sarah elementary has also dealt a lot with the princi- “Is the issue still under discus- “However, once a final decision school. However, a competing school pal. Perhaps he can convince them to sion,” asked Rabbi Dayan, “or was a was made to lay off Mrs. Simon, she had opened two years ago, drawing release a different teacher.” final decision made to release her?” cannot protect her own financial away many students. Rumors of cut- Mr. Simon called his uncle. “My “She was already given notice,” position by transferring the damage backs began spreading through the wife was just given notice that she’s replied Bernie. “What difference to another teacher (see Pischei Chos- teachers’ room. Within two months, being fired from Bnos Sarah for next does that make?” hen, Nezikin 12:25-27).” official word came from the board year. They need to fire a teacher in “A person is allowed to ward off that “streamlining” was needed. each grade.” potential, future damage, even if it From The BHI Hotline: Each grade would be consolidated “Is there any way I can help?” will thereby fall on someone else,” A Particular Pledge into two classes, instead of three, so asked Bernie. explained Rabbi Dayan. “However, Q: Someone came to my door col- one teacher from each grade would “I was hoping,” said Mr. Simon, once the damage is already present, lecting money for a charity. I went to be let go. “that you might be able to use your a person cannot shift it to someone get some money, but when I returned Shortly afterwards, Mrs. Simon influence to convince them not to else (Rema, C.M. 388:2).” to the door, he was gone. Am I obli- was summoned to the principal’s release her.” “Interesting,” commented Bernie. gated to search for the collector to office for a meeting. “Is there a chance they would keep “What is that based on?” give him the money? “We appreciate your teaching,” her without firing someone else?” “The Talmud Yerushalmi (B.K. A: There is a debate whether some- began the principal. “However, the asked Bernie. 3:1) rules that if a person sees an one who pledges to give money to a school needs to streamline for the “I don’t think so,” replied Mr. approaching flood threatening his particular poor person may change coming year and we are hereby giv- Simon. “They need to release a field, he can fence it in, even though his mind and give that money to ing you notice.” teacher from each grade, but it could the water will swamp his neighbor another poor person. It is certain that When Mrs. Simon returned home, be someone else, not her.” instead,” replied Rabbi Dayan. “How- he must give that amount of money she shared the difficult news with “I’d like to help you, but I’m not ever, once the water already entered to tzedakah, since a pledge to give to her husband. “Do you think there’s sure that this is allowed,” replied his field, he may not divert it to his the poor is comparable to a vow (Y.D. any way we can convince the school Bernie. “You’re in a tough situation, neighbor. 258:12). But must he give it to the orig- to keep me on?” but if they keep your wife, another “Similarly, if soldiers need to inal person, or will giving it to some- “Isn’t my Uncle Bernie one of the teacher will suffer from your gain.” be quartered in people’s houses, one else fulfill his obligation? school’s major supporters?” sug- “And if they fire my wife, another before they arrive, a person can uti- One understanding of the Gemara gested her husband. “Perhaps he teacher will gain from our suffer- lize his influence or pay officials to (Arachin 6a) is that one who pledges could put pressure on the board.” ing!” replied Mr. Simon. “What’s the avoid having them quartered with money to tzedakah may “change it,” i.e.

46 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES give elsewhere, as long as the money Money Matters: this money is likely to be picked up Aveidah 3:[35]; Hashavas Aveidah did not yet reach the possession of Lost And Found #24 by someone else before the stor- K’halachah 8:6,8).  the tzedakah administrator (see Tosa- Q: To whom does money found in eowner finds it. Therefore, if the fos Arachin 6b, d”h ad; Maharit 1:39). a store belong? What about other money has no siman or if the cus- This article is intended for learning purposes Others contend that the Gemara is items left in a store? tomers are mostly non-Jews, the and not to be relied upon halacha l’maaseh. There are also issues of dina d’malchusa to merely permitting an exchange of A: Money found behind the check- finder can keep it (Shach 260:17-18). consider in actual cases. one set of coins for another or bor- out counter belongs to the store- As to items left in the store by cus- rowing the pledged funds, but does owner. Since customers do not go tomers: if most of the customers are Rabbi Meir Orlian is a faculty member of not allow one to redirect the money the Business Halacha Institute, which is to another poor person (see Tosafos headed by HaRav Chaim Kohn, shlita, a noted dayan. For questions regarding business ibid. and Ketzos 87:22). She cannot protect her own halacha issues, or to bring a BHI lecturer The point of dispute is whether the to your business or shul, please call the principle amirah l’gavo’ah k’mesirah confi dential hotline at 877-845-8455 or e-mail l’hedyot (just as an act of acquisition fi nancial position by transferring [email protected]. To receive BHI’s free transfers ownership of an object newsletter, Business Weekly, send an e-mail to [email protected]. between private people, so too a dec- the damage to another teacher. laration to consecrate something to the Beis Hamikdash transfers own- ership of that object) applies to a WHAT’S pledge of tzedakah. there, any money found there must Jewish and the items have a siman, Many authorities maintain that have been dropped by the owner or there is an obligation of hashavas the principle does not apply to tze- the cashier (C.M. 260:5). aveidah, to publicize and return. YOUR dakah pledges (Ketzos 66:2, 255:2 and Money that is found in the store It is advisable that the storeowner 257:1). Others maintain that the prin- itself, or even on the checkout post a prominent sign that manage- OPINION? ciple does apply to tzedakah pledges, counter, is not presumed to be the ment is not responsible for items left and once one pledged to give tzeda- owner’s. The storeowner also does in the store beyond a certain time. E-MAIL US AT kah to a particular needy person, he not acquire the money through Afterward, he can keep or give them is not permitted to give that money chatzer (being left in his yard), since away as he wishes (Pischei Choshen, [email protected] to someone else (Machaneh Ephraim, Tzedakah 7; Shach, C.M. 87:51; Ketzos 87:21; and Chasam Sofer, Y.D. 237). Some authorities contend that this is true only when someone pledged a particular object to a particular recipient, which, when the pledge was made, transferred ownership of that object to the intended recipi- ent. However, if he pledged money, he may give that amount of money to someone else, since there is no object for the recipient to acquire (Tumim 87:21). Others disagree with this and maintain that the pledge to give money to a particular person gen- erates a shibud (lien) on the donor’s possessions that cannot be taken away from the recipient and given to someone else (Ketzos, ibid.; see Ket- zos 212:4 and Pischei Teshuvah 212:9). In your case, since you actually took out money for the collector, the halacha is subject to the above question of amirah l’gavo’ah k’me- sirah l’hedyot. Even according to the lenient opinion, you must give that money to tzedakah. However, two considerations may permit you to keep the money for yourself. In cases of necessity, one may fol- low those authorities who rule that one may rely on the declaration of intent that we make before Rosh Hashanah, indicating that our vows should not be binding. Although one who makes a vow may not rely on that, in a case where one’s pledge is treated by Chazal as a vow, it may be relied upon (Salmas Chaim 2:38; Minchas Shlomo 1:91:20). However, one should generally adopt a strin- gent position concerning this matter (Halichos Shlomo, Tishrei, pp. 7, 387). Accordingly, l’chat’chilah one should avoid making a definitive decision to give a particular person tzedakah but rather intend that the money not be transferred to that person until it physically reaches him. Also, Kesef HaKodashim (125:5) sug- gests that it is understood that the donor only intends for the pledge to be binding once he finds the poor person. 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 47 nals who do not follow the rules of the most of my clients seek one thing: Another Mother’s road. Your eyes have to be open and no or minimal points. In our insur- your refl exes must be ready to “stop ance-based lives, points affect people Musings on a dime” if need be. more than actual fi nes. The request is Whenever I am there, I remind usually the same—a willingness to pay By Phyllis J. Lubin myself how entertaining traffi c court higher fi nes for lower points. I wish I can be. Sitting in the front row desig- could say that my clients are all inno- nated for attorneys, I get to hear every cent. Sadly, I’m sure that is not always Sitting In Traffic sob story imaginable. Each time the the case and, even if it were, it will

I’m sitting in traffi c court again. The barely avoided, while other times we thing about traffi c court is that you get to watch the unfortunate moments Life keeps repeating, can never predict how long things will when the accident does occur. take. It’s all based on where you are in “Accident” implies that this was and you pray that the result the pile of cases and how many defen- an unfortunate happenstance that dants are in the courtroom. I was hop- couldn’t be avoided. Actually, when ing that it would be a light crowd—but someone runs a red light they are pur- will be different this time. no such luck. posely putting themselves at risk for a While sitting and waiting to meet terrible “accident.” The true accident— with the prosecutor, we all have the unpredictable occurrence—happens prosecutor has to remind the defen- usually be cheaper for them to come opportunity to watch the big screen. to the diligent driver who follows all dant that he can’t listen to possible to a plea agreement than to face the No, not the usual talk shows or medi- the traffi c control devices, and sadly defenses, since this is a pretrial con- cost and risk of going to trial. cal commercials that you get to watch cannot avoid a collision because of the ference; he can merely offer a possi- Once in a while I meet clients who while waiting in a doctor’s offi ce— negligence of another driver. I always ble plea bargain based on the defen- are frustrated at the injustice of the here we get to watch accidents as they try to remind my kids that they have dant’s driving record coupled with the situation, but I usually encourage occur because a driver doesn’t stop at to be on alert at every moment for court’s guidelines. them to take the deal. If an offi cer a red light! Sometimes the accident is these nonobservant drivers and crimi- Although every story is different, clocks you at 20 above the speed limit, chances are you were probably speed- ing—it’s hard for an offi cer to be off by that much! • • • I’ve been in the courtroom now for about an hour. I have already met with the prosecutor and I am waiting to offi cially resolve the matter before the judge. I just looked up to see—on the big screen—a car run a light, crash, and actually land under a huge FedEx truck! Obviously, the same video has repeated several times before, and it’s sort of like that movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray—life keeps repeating, and you pray that the result will be dif- ferent this time. In the movie, Bill is ultimately able to change his destiny, but on this big screen, no matter how much I pray the outcome will change, the result is the same. I am happy to announce that since I started in this business, I have become a much more careful driver. And much to my relatives’ and friends’ dismay, I have become an even worse back- seat driver (who happens to sit in the front). • • • Oh my! My name has just been called. I must sign off for now so I can greet the judge. Drive safely, and keep warm! 

Phyllis Joy Lubin is an attorney with Maidenbaum & Sternberg, LLP, who resides in Cedarhurst with her husband, Leonard. They have six children—Naftali, Shoshana, Rivka, Rochel, Yosef, and Lea—and a daughter-in-law, Nina. The author welcomes your questions and comments at [email protected]. Remember that article? Visit our archive section and find any issue of the 5 Towns Jewish Times online @ www.5TJT.com

48 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Jewish Kidney Transplants Yitzchak Yaakov Weiss, zt’l (1902-1989), approve, but stop short of encourag- Av Beis Din of the Jerusalem Eidah ing donation, declaring such donation Machberes: Inside The Chassidish And Yeshivish World Hacharedis and author of Minchas Yitz- to be an exceptional mitzvah. chok, prohibited one to be a living kid- Renewal’s recent advertising cam- BY RABBI GERSHON discussions about living kidney trans- ney donor due to the high level of risk paign showed pictures of smiling recip- TANNENBAUM plants shortly thereafter. then involved for the donor. ients and glowing pictures of donors. Unfolding halacha focused on the Amongst the many chesed organiza- extent of risk involved for the donor, tions serving the observant commu- and of course, to a smaller degree, the nity, a singular place is occupied by recipient. “Do not stand idly by as the The procedure is now well Renewal, the organization dedicated to blood of your brother is shed” (Vay- helping kidney donors and recipients. ikra 19:16) obligates one to save the within a halachically accepted The towering work of Hatzolah, Mis- life of another in danger. The ques- askim, etc. are not to be ignored. Words tion arises as to how much risk one risk tolerance. cannot describe and praise enough the may—or should—undergo in order holy services of Renewal in its literally to save another. In our discussion of giving life to those that would perish kidney donation, both the immediate without the gift of a kidney. risk of the surgical procedure and the As with all medical halachic mat- The recipients had been granted the The history of successful kidney long-term risk of living with only one ters, however, updated developments gift of life. The donors have performed transplants began with Ruth Tucker, a remaining kidney need to be consid- are basic factors in halachic decisions. the absolute greatest gift possible, that 49-year-old lady in Illinois in 1950. The ered. Living organ donation is now rela- of giving life. They prevent wives from donated kidney was rejected by her The reviews of poskim evaluated the tively commonplace; the donor risk becoming widows, husbands from immune system ten months after the associated dangers of transplant pro- has been well studied and quantifi ed, becoming widowers, and children operation. Nevertheless, the original cedures. In the very early days of kid- and the success rate has signifi cantly from becoming orphans. kidney recovered during its ten months ney transplants, a number of halachic improved. The procedure is now well The giving of a kidney is not sim- of recuperation. Heaven granted her an authorities, including Rabbi Eliezer within a halachically accepted risk ply lying back and telling surgeons to additional fi ve years of life. Yehuda Waldenberg, zt’l, (1915-2006), tolerance. Virtually, no today The fi rst living donor kidney trans- author of Tzitz Eliezer and Rabbi prohibits live kidney donation. They Continued on Page 51 plant was performed in Boston in 1954. The donor and the recipient were twins. The operation enabled the recipient to live another eight years. The operation was performed by Dr. John P. Merrill. Since the development of medica- tion to prevent organ rejection has achieved a high degree of effective- ness, donors do not need to be simi- lar to their recipient. Initially, donors were closely related to recipients, such as twins or siblings. With the signifi - cant improvement in medication, the donor base opportunity for someone in need has expanded considerably. Most donated kidneys come from deceased donors; however, the utili- zation of living donors in the United States is on the rise. In 2006, 47% of donated kidneys worldwide came from living donors. Currently, approx- imately a third of all kidney donations in the United States, England, and Israel are from live donors. Within the expanded potential pool of donors, donations usually come from emotionally related donors, such as spouses, neighbors, and friends. Other donors include acquaintances and even strangers, labeled as “altru- istic donors.” When the original intended recipient does not match, the larger pool enables a chain sequence that ultimately comes back to the intended recipient. In our greater Torah-observant com- munity, halachic issues of living kidney donation are continuously reviewed and updated. Extrapolating the many opinions, the consensus is that kidney donation is permitted today, though not obligatory. While this summary is technically correct, nevertheless— as with every aspect of evolving hala- cha—historical and halachic con- text must be reviewed to understand the halachic permissibility of surgi- cally removing a vital organ from one human being and transplanting it into another. Halachic permissibility par- allels the evolution of kidney-failure treatment: the fi rst artifi cial kidney (dialysis) machine was invented in the 1940s and the fi rst kidney transplant took place in 1950, and poskim began 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 49 Dirshu In London Leaves Powerful Impact

BY CHAIM GOLD He concluded with the berachah that the entire Mishnah Berurah’s siyum on A crowd of nearly a thousand cele- completing chelek vav will be in Eretz brated at Dirshu’s European daf hay- Yisrael with Mashiach. omi b’halacha siyum on Mishnah Ber- The siyum was made by Rav Biny- urah Chelek Hei at London’s Finchley omin Eckstein, shlita, Belzer Dayan, Synagogue. The European siyum came who oversees Dirshu’s European opera- shortly after Dirshu’s major North tions. He noted that the last se’if is the American Shabbos Kinnus Olam HaTo- imperative to ensure that simchas yom rah, celebrating accomplishments of tov not lead to aveirah, but be com- many hundreds of members. The Lon- pletely holy. don siyum featured delegations from Rabbi Paysach Krohn had the crowd Manchester and Gateshead, as well spellbound with his divrei Torah and as France, Belgium, and Switzerland. inimitable stories. He told a vort in the While the London siyum was the most name of Rav Chanoch Eherentrau, shl- prominent, siyumim took place in ita. “When Rachel bore Yosef, Yaakov Brooklyn, Lakewood, and Chicago, and told Lavan he wanted to return home. throughout Eretz Yisrael. Why was Yosef the impetus to feel he Rav Meir Rapaport, rav of Kehal Imrei could face the world? Rachel named Shefer in Golders Green, noted the tre- Yosef, saying ‘May Hashem add— mendous increase of daf hayomi b’hala- Rav Shmuel Akiva Schlessinger addressing the siyum yosef—for me another son.’ Yosef, add- cha shiurim in various London neigh- ing, means never being satisfi ed, con- borhoods, as Dirshu’s ability to unite “Throughout Chazal,” he said, “we deemed, for his exalted level, a tiny defi - stantly striving, to strive higher and do disparate groups through Torah is a spe- fi nd reasons why Bnei Yisrael was ciency in emunah, for which Egyptian better. That is Dirshu! cial zechus. redeemed from Mitzrayim: they didn’t slavery was decreed. The Gemara offers “Tonight, all of us who have not Rav Shmuel Akiva Schlessinger change their names, language, or cloth- another reason, that Yosef’s brothers joined daf hayomi b’halacha must recounted how the Chofetz Chaim ing. Or because they did not transgress sold him into slavery. Jealousy, lack of become bnei Yosef. We must not be sat- praised Rav Meir Shapiro, zt’l, after he arayos. Or because they never stopped achdus on their exalted level, resulted isfi ed but seek more. We must begin instituted the daf hayomi. “In the celes- learning Torah and always had yeshi- in Egyptian slavery. chelek vav to connect to this phenom- tial world every masechta has a chair. Tragically, until daf hayomi, there were many empty chairs, representing masechtos that virtually no one learned. Now all are full.” “Here too,” thundered Rav Schlessinger, “so many areas of halacha had empty chairs. As Dirshu embarks on Mishnah Berurah’s last volume, they fi ll all the empty halacha chairs!” He cited Berachos 8, “Since the day the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, Hashem has nothing in His universe beyond the four amos of halacha,” and continued, “There is so much in Hashem’s world, so beautiful, rich, massive. But all Hashem cares about is the four amos of halacha. Can we understand its magnitude?” Dirshu has added tens of thousands of learners around the world who learn Mishnah Berurah, attend daily daf hay- omi b’halacha shiurim, and review and take tests on halacha. Can we begin to understand the Divine simcha that per- meates the entire world for this? “We beg Hashem, ‘Avinu Av Haracha- man, our merciful Father . . . instill in our hearts to understand, listen, learn, teach, safeguard, perform, and fulfi ll all the words of Torah . . .’ What is the dif- ference between perform and fulfi ll?” asked Rav Schlessinger. “It’s possible Dirshu lomdim dancing at the siyum to perform a mitzvah such as tefi llin, but not fulfi ll it properly because one vos. Or it was the merit of pious women “We see the issues of emunah and ach- enal daily learning and chazarah pro- doesn’t know its many halachos. When who raised children despite Pharaoh’s dus are those requiring tikun, corrected gram to begin our own journey through one learns halacha, he performs mitz- gezeiros of killing their children and in the blood of the Korban Pesach and the Mishnah Berurah!” vos and fulfi lls them! The Mishnah Ber- enslaving their husbands. Nevertheless, bris milah, which identify Jews as Jews Rabbi Krohn concluded with a story. urah’s introduction to Hilchos Shabbos Chazal say Bnei Yisrael had no merits, in inclusionary achdus, while the oppo- “The Chofetz Chaim once said the cites Rav Yonasan Eibischutz: if a per- no mitzvos, to achieve freedom until site, chalilah, results in kareis, complete turning point in his life was when, as son doesn’t learn hilchos Shabbos, no Hashem gave the mitzvos of the blood severance from the Jewish Nation.” a young bachur he ran away from the Shabbos goes by without inadvertent of the Korban Pesach and bris milah. “Final redemption will come through beis medrash because of a maskil trying transgression of an issur d’Oraysah or Why weren’t their many zechusim suf- emunah in the face of adversity and the to cause him to stray from Torah. ‘Yesh d’rabanan. Daf hayomi b’halacha’s goal fi cient? achdus to rectify disunity,” said Rav Hof- koneh olamo b’shaah achas—one can is that we perform daily mitzvos and ful- “Conversely, in our galus, we have stedter. “When Klal Yisrael learns hala- acquire his [entire] world as a result of fi ll them as well!” been through so much! We suffered cha l’ma’aseh together as one, when one momentous decision,’ the Chofetz Dirshu Nasi Rav Dovid Hofstedter through a Holocaust. With mesirus we come with achdus and learn what Chaim said. explored the concept that the galus and nefesh, the survivors rebuilt from noth- Hashem wants us to do, we combine “That decision gave us the Chofetz geulah in these weeks’ parshiyos are the ing. Why was that not suffi cient for geu- emunah and achdus. When we unite, Chaim! Tonight, every one of us can paradigm for all galus and geulah. These lah? all Eisav and Yishmael’s forces do not acquire our olam with one decision, to are keys to the redemption from today’s “The Gemara says Avraham Avinu’s stand a chance! There is nothing Klal join daf hayomi b’halacha and change long galus. question, ‘How will I know?’ was Yisrael as a tzibbur cannot overcome!” our lives.” 

50 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Machberes medical procedures and for the recov- Continued from Page 49 ery of both donor and recipient. real estate & The recipient and the donor do not go ahead. Nor is it the simple inser- always meet. Many donors do enjoy mortgage financing tion of one’s hand deep into a pocket meeting those whose lives they saved. to extract $1, or $10,000, for tzeda- So too, recipients often wish to person- By Anessa V. Cohen kah. If one is inclined to donate a kid- ally thank those who gave them contin- ney, he is presented with a long list of ued life. However, some are uncomfort- patients in extreme need. The poten- able with such meetings and decline. tial donor can make a selection. How- When the recipient and the donor do Kudos To Ed ever, depending on test results, the ini- meet, usually together with their fam- tial selection may not be suitable. ilies, emotions run high. Some have Back in July 2013, I published an efi t homeowners who were victims Potential donors must go through a compared it to celebrating a childbirth. article bemoaning the “Nassau County of the fl ooding in this area. Those series of medical tests to ensure that Thereafter, families usually invite each Clean and Seed Program” that had affected need to get evaluated prior to they are healthy and physically fi t, other to simchas, which are exception- been announced as the latest in the the crews starting work on the prop- and the giving of a kidney will not ally enjoyed by both sides. One donor S.T.E.P. and Nassau Environmental erty. Anyone who has not done so yet adversely affect their health, neither at was invited to a recipient’s son’s bar Cleanup programs available to assist should e-mail nassauclean@gmail. the present nor in the future. In addi- mitzvah. Knowing that the father was victims affected by Superstorm Sandy. com or call 516-535-5730 to arrange an tion, potential donors must undergo a able to be with his wife and enjoy the At that time, residents of the Five appointment ASAP. series of psychological tests to ascer- bar mitzvah of their son, and that the Towns were calling Nassau County The other program run by New York tain their mental wellbeing and their bar mitzvah boy had a father, gave the offi ces trying to sign up for the pro- State, which also got off to a slug- mental resilience. donor deeply felt unlimited joy.  gram, only to fi nd out that the pro- gish start but now seems to be pick- Needless to say, no donors are paid gram was limited to Bay Park area ing up speed, is New York Rising. The Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum is the Rav of for their organs. In addition to being B’nai Israel of Linden Heights in Boro Park residents alone—I guess we did not New York Rising Community Recon- improper and indecent, such a prac- and Director of the Rabbinical Alliance of suffer as much as they did! struction Program was established tice is illegal. All monies donated to America. Rabbi Tannenbaum can be contacted I am happy to report that Ed Man- to provide additional rebuilding and Renewal are used solely to pay for at [email protected]. gano agreed with us and has success- revitalization assistance to communi- fully tweaked the program to include ties severely damaged by Hurricanes Cedarhurst and Lawrence homeown- Sandy and Irene and Tropical Storm And G-d turned a very strong west wind, which took ers who suffered fl ooding from Sandy. Lee. This program will help our com- away the locusts, and cast them into the Sea of Reeds; This program will clean exterior fl at munity both on the community level there remained not one locust in all the borders surfaces such as driveways, walkways, and on the individual homeowner of Egypt and patios; remove the fi rst three level. (Sh’mos 10:19) inches of topsoil from affected yards On the community level, the state and replace it with new soil; and has established the New York Rising When the locusts first came, the Egyptians rejoiced and said: “Let us gather them and fill barrels with them.” Then did G-d say: “Wretches! Will you rejoice with the reseed the new soil with fresh grass Community Reconstruction Program plagues I have brought upon you?” Immediately, “G-d turned a very strong west wind seed. and allocated $25 million for planning . . . there remained not one locust in all the borders of Egypt”—even those that had Best of all: these services are being in the most affected areas of our com- been pickled in their pots and barrels took wing and fled. offered at no cost to the homeowner! munity. The NYRCR Program will help (Midrash Rabbah) This is one of the nicest programs to be incorporated recently that ben- Continued on Page 52

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 51 REAL ESTATE tation network that elevates evacua- Continued from Page 51 tion routes out of the fl ood zone and Trust In Leadership improves traffi c fl ow, and creating a to create a safer relationship with the more resilient power grid that limits BY YOCHANAN GORDON waterfront in order to improve quality widespread outages and implements of life and reduce risk from extreme district energy solutions. The Torah is explicit regarding the weather. This will set Five Towns on On an individual level, applica- importance of sound leadership within course to realize this vision by identi- tions are being taken from homeown- Klal Yisrael. We constantly invoke the fying short-, medium-, and long-term ers affected by Sandy that are geared merit of our forefathers, Moshe Rab- strategies that do the following: toward those residents who were not beinu, and other selfl ess leaders who Increase the resilience of high risk able to get fi nancial assistance to acted as a conduit between G-d and areas by providing greater protections rebuild and repair what they lost from the Jewish people. Following the nar- from fl ooding and storm water for res- insurance, FEMA, or SBA. rative of the Egyptian exile and Moshe Rabbeinu’s role in ultimately redeem- ing us, we come to see just how reliant Rabbi Chanina Herzberg we are on our leaders. with Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita Best of all: these services The Gemara admonishes “those fools who stand before the Sefer Torah were staggering and could cause any- are being offered at no cost but don’t stand up when a tzaddik is one who holds dear the words of our in their midst.” When the Torah tells sages to fear for the spiritual safety of to the homeowner! us to “cleave to G-d,” the Gemara asks, themselves and their families. “Is it possible to cleave to G-d, Who Many are aware that the names is a consuming fi re?” The Gemara of Rav Chaim and other gedolim— interprets the verse: “Cleave to talmi- both those who are among us and idential neighborhoods and commer- It is in the interest of every home- dei chachamim and it’s as if you have those recently departed—have been cial districts, and restoring natural owner affected to go online and fi ll out become one with me.” hijacked by people who look to per- resources—including parks and wet- an application for New York Rising, to The Baal Shem Tov once witnessed suade them into supporting their per- lands—to increase their capacity in apply for more fi nancial assistance in a Jew desecrating Shabbos. It affected sonal agendas. This has caused a mass absorbing fl ood and rainwater. rebuilding whatever one lost in Sandy. him so deeply that he ran to his room disregard for psakim and proclama- Increase emergency response capac- To apply for New York Rising, visit and began sobbing. After he had set- tions emanating forth from many of ity by creating a coordinated disas- https://apply.nysandyhelp.ny.gov.  tled down, he began thinking through these leaders, out of skepticism that ter-response plan that responds to the his entire life to see if he had ever they are genuine. needs of vulnerable populations, and Anessa Cohen lives in Cedarhurst and is a been remotely lax in his observance Indeed, the Five Towns Jewish Times strengthening community-based orga- licensed real-estate broker and a licensed of Shabbos—which he had no rec- spoke with Rav Mattisyahu Less- N.Y.S. mortgage originator with over 20 nizations such as community centers, years of experience, offering full-service ollection of. Knowing full well that man, Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s neigh- houses of worship, schools, and youth residential, commercial, and management real- everything in this world is divinely bor, and confi rmed that although Rav groups, in order to expand services estate services (Anessa V Cohen Realty) and ordained, he could not rest until he Kanievsky has spoken out about the and enhance recovery efforts after mortgaging services (First Meridian Mortgage). discovered what had caused him to dangers of using these devices, the storms. She can be reached at 516-569-5007 or via her see such blatant disregard for the holy general tone and substance of the let- website, www.AVCrealty.com. Readers are Improve access to and from high-risk encouraged to send questions or comments to day. It then dawned upon him that ter has been fabricated by the signee, areas by creating a stronger transpor- [email protected]. he had once seen someone denigrate Aryeh Feinhandler, who—Rav Less- the honor of a Torah scholar and he man also said—is notorious for taking had not stood up for the honor of the communal matters into his own hands talmid chacham. Based on the fact that and attributing such rulings to Rav the Zohar calls talmidei chachamim by Chaim, after manipulating the sage to the term “Shabbos,” he concluded that get the ruling out of him. he had thus desecrated the honor of While we might breathe a collec- Shabbos. tive sigh of relief regarding the inva- Unfortunately, wherever we turn, lidity of the letter, we at the same time we see blatant disregard for the lead- might mourn and lament the fact that ers that G-d, in his mercy, has put in people have the audacity to abuse the our midst. The Gemara in Bava Basra greatest sages of our day and bring says, “G-d saw that the righteous are about a situation where we no lon- scarce, so he stood up and planted ger have anyone to rely upon to lead them in every generation.” The most us along the path of Jewish life in the unfortunate part of this is that the twenty-fi rst century. greatest disregard for our leaders is A chassid once entered a private audi- coming from people who view them- ence with the late Lubavitcher Rebbe selves as being closest to them and and excused himself when asking the most reverent of them. Rebbe if he could say over a vort in the Many of you are aware of the letter name of the late Satmar Rebbe, Reb that circulated last week which orig- Yoel Teitelbaum. The Rebbe replied inated in the holy city of Bnei Brak. that he did not understand the reason Supposedly someone from within the for wanting to be excused and insisted inner circle of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, that the chassid tell him the vort. The shlita, approached the sage with a chassid replied, “They say that the Reb- question regarding the halachic sta- bes are somewhat at odds.” The Reb- tus of people who go against the rul- be’s countenance became quite seri- ing of the gedolei Yisrael and pos- ous and he replied, “There is nothing sess a smartphone. The letter states between me and the Satmar Rebbe. As in part that anyone who possesses for what is said out there in the world, an iPhone is, according to Rav Chaim Dassan and Aviram tzumished in mit- Kanievsky, invalid to bear testimony. tin [are caught up in the middle].” Consequently, if someone was mar- Knowing the scarcity of true leaders ried or divorced through witnesses and genuine servants of G-d who are who use Internet-accessible devices, capable of holding us on their shoul- they should get remarried or have ders, we have to pray that G-d silence another get. Furthermore, if a woman these wicked people who have caused immersed in a mikveh which had been thousands to have to question the cleared for halachic use by someone authenticity of many of these state- who uses these devices, she could not ments and give our leaders the cour- rely on that immersion and would age to stand up and lead us directly have to immerse again to become with their own counsel to greet Mashi- pure. The consequences of this psak ach soon in our days.  52 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Excitement Mounts Ahead cha and hashkafah. Rabbi Feitman It will certainly be most fi tting for is also a valuable resource when it Torah Academy for Girls to present the comes to preparing for any number of Rabbi Moshe Weitman, z’l, Memorial Of TAG Dinner “y’mei iyun” that the school presents Award to Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, shl- Excitement is mounting as the date school director. Wendy, who has since during the year. ita. Rav Feitman not only shares the for the annual Torah Academy for Girls earned her doctorate, has instilled a When asked what impressed Rabbi Torah knowledge and hashkafos that dinner—January 21—draws closer. love of Torah and middos tovos and is Feitman most about Rabbi Weitman, Rabbi Weitman, z’l, worked his whole The journal chairmen, Menachem a most popular and beloved preschool z’l, he shared the following thoughts: life to instill in his talmidos, but is Kagan and Yehudah Biber, are looking director. The Gerson boys, Yossi and “Although there are numerous aspects carrying them forward to ensure the forward to having a record crowd of Aharon, were talmidim of the yeshiva. of Rav Moshe Weitman’s greatness continuity of Rabbi Weitman’s legacy. attendees join the TAG family at the Yossi currently is in his fourth year at which made a profound impression Torah Academy for Girls looks for- Sands. There is indeed much to cele- Einstein Medical School, and Aharon upon me, the one most outstand- ward to building on its success in chi- brate, including the start of the fi nal and his wife Adina recently celebrated ing middah was his incredible mesi- nuch ha’banos as it enters its 51st year phase of TAG’s ambitious expansion the birth of their son Shua. rus nefesh for chinuch, mesorah, and of serving the entire community. TAG program, which will include 14 new looks forward to greeting you at the classrooms, offi ces, and the remod- Sands on Tuesday evening, January eling of the auditorium. TAG is cer- 21, to help the school “embark on the tainly grateful to all those who have Mentioning TAG always brings fi nal bricks.”  contributed to ensure that this dream become a reality, and especially to a smile to Wendy’s face. For I have hardened his the dinner’s honorees. The Guests of heart and the heart Honor are to be Mr. Avrumi and Mrs. of his servants Ronit Schwartz, and Rabbi Yechezkel and Mrs. Anat Hartman are to accept The Gersons are members of Congre- his beloved talmidos. Like many, I (Sh’mos 10:1) the Kesser Torah Award; those couples gation Heichal Dovid and are known will never forget his last parashah When Pharaoh would soften, his were the focus of last week’s article. for their hachnasas orchim and out- talks and other shmuessen to the servants and ministers would harden This week, we highlight the accom- reach. Their home truly refl ects their high-school students, when he uti- themselves; when they would soften, plishments of Mr. Alan and Dr. Wendy Torah hashkafos and both young and lized every bit of strength and breath Devorah Gerson, scheduled recipients old feel comfortable and welcome at he had, to share his Torah thoughts Pharaoh would harden; when both of the Generations Award, as well all times. with them. The incredible effort was would soften, G-d would harden their as Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, scheduled Mentioning TAG always brings a not lost upon them. Besides the usual hearts. recipient of the Rabbi Moshe Weit- smile to Wendy’s face. As she recalls, eloquent words, profound thoughts, (Midrash HaGadol) man, z’l, Memorial Award. “I became a teacher because of the humor, mussar, and immortal guid- Moshe was distressed to see Generations Awardees: Mr. Alan amazing moros and teachers I had at ance, that last year he also shared and Dr. Wendy Devorah Gerson. To TAG. I was thrilled to be able to send his lifeblood and very essence with the forces of evil capable of such see that Alan and Wendy Gerson are my two daughters to TAG and look the TAG girls privileged to absorb resolution and determination. So G-d involved and committed, one only forward to sharing nachas when my the inspiring scene. He was their said to him: they, on their own, do not has to look at their lives and the roles granddaughters will attend.” It is obvi- and our Moshe Rabbeinu, giving his possess such power. It is only because they play in fostering Yiddishkeit, ous that the yesodos that the Gersons last berachos and Torah. This mesirus I have hardened their hearts . . . strengthening Torah institutions, and have instilled in their family span nefesh remains indelible on my own (The Chassidic Masters) supporting local mosdos. generations. neshamah forever.” Wendy Devorah Gerson is a devoted Rabbi Moshe Weitman, z’l, Memo- daughter of Neil and Judy Reisman rial Award: Rabbi Yaakov Feitman. and feels fortunate to have such won- Accepting the Rabbi Moshe Weit- derful role models in her life. Wendy man, z’l, Memorial Award holds spe- grew up in Woodmere, attended cial meaning for Rabbi Yaakov Feit- TAG, and feels a deep kesher with man. Their paths crossed many years the school, as well as with her fel- ago when, as a young principal, Rabbi low alumnae. She is playing an active Yaakov Feitman, yibadel l’chaim, was role in establishing a vibrant Alum- paired with the venerable Rabbi nae Association. Both the Gerson girls Moshe Weitman, z’l, to chair a Torah attended and graduated from TAG. Umesorah convention. Little did Esti, now married to Mordechai Helm- either of these special mechanchim reich, looks forward to expanding the expect to one day work together to generations of TAG by registering her imbue Torah and hashkafos into the daughter Ahuva for next year’s kinder- talmidos of TAG High School. garten class. Daughter Rikki is mar- Rabbi Feitman has spent many ried to Eli Jakubovic and presently years working for the klal and in chi- lives in Lawrence. nuch. He was the founding mena- Wendy obtained her master’s hel of a number of yeshivos, includ- degree in early childhood education ing Yeshivah Rabbi Yaakov Yosef in from Queens College. During her col- Staten Island. A prolifi c and popular lege years, she worked together with author, he has written extensively on a certain young man named Alan Ger- topics of hashkafah, Churban Europa, son and was active in the Center for halacha, and biographies of gedo- Return, an organization that helps lim. Currently, the rav writes a pop- Jewish college-aged students redis- ular column in Magazine, cover their Judaism. Alan grew up “Blueprints,” which provides a Torah in Queens and earned a BA in polit- perspective on the modern world. ical science and communications at Rabbi Feitman lectures internation- Queens College. He earned his law ally and serves as rav of Kehillas Bais degree from Hofstra Law School and Yehudah Tzvi in Cedarhurst. is currently a partner in the law fi rm Six years ago, Rabbi Moshe Weit- of Bruce Montague & Partners in man hired Rabbi Feitman to share Queens. his vast knowledge and Torah hash- The Gersons originally lived in kafos with the talmidos of TAG High Kew Gardens Hills and their boys School. Halacha, Pirkei Avos, Kohe- attended Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel, and les, Navi, and Kuzari are among the Wendy served as the director of the subjects that Rabbi Feitman teaches Gan Eden Preschool for many years. to the tenth-, eleventh-, and twelfth- After Wendy moved to Lawrence, the grade talmidos. In addition, the entire youngest members of Yeshiva Darchei high school benefi ts from the compre- Torah have been the benefi ciaries ever hensive that he presents prior to since 1987, when she became the pre- any yom tov, which focuses on hala- 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 53 mentioned how often they were learn- The program began with an address AROUND THE ing something that they remembered from Mr. Phil Rosen, a successful from their shiurim in Shalhevet. They corporate partner at Weils, Gotshal, spoke gratefully about Shalhevet and & Manges, and a well-known com- FIVE TOWNS said they look forward to the day that munity activist in the Five Towns. they can come back and join the staff! Mr. Rosen spoke about his “rules “It was truly gratifying to hear how and guidelines” for being success- well prepared the girls felt they were ful, and about what it is like to be a and the extent that they felt they bene- Jew working in a secular workplace, Rabbi Friedman’s joined together to hear wonderful divrei fi ted and grew from being in Shalhevet. and stressed the importance of mak- Reunion In Israel Torah and Torah perspectives from From the informal discussion we had at ing a Kiddush Hashem whenever pos- As the snow covered the streets of Rabbi Friedman. Due to the road clo- the table it became obvious to me how sible. Following the address, Rabbi Yerushalayim, there was a rush of excite- sures, some of the girls were not able to much the girls loved the teachers and Kaminetsky delivered a short shiur ment streaming from Café Rimon, as venture out to Yerushalayim, so Rabbi warm environment of Shalhevet,” said on the Torah’s perspective on earning the Shalhevet graduates in Israel were Friedman traveled to Beit Shemesh to Rabbi Friedman. a parnassah. treated to another reunion with Rabbi treat them to dinner at the local Café The evening ended with group pic- Finally, students split up into dif- tures, shared memories, and lots of ferent rooms to hear about specific parting warmth, refl ecting Shalhevet’s professions of their choice. Present- theme of “feel the warmth.”  ers spoke about how they reached where they are today and about the DRS Seniors Receive positive aspects and difficulties of College Scholarships their fields. The various presenters, DRS wishes a tremendous mazal mostly consisting of DRS parents, tov to a number of seniors who have included professionals who have received large college scholarships, achieved much success in the fields and have been accepted to various of medicine, dentistry, law, finance,

Zev and Rebbetzin Renee Friedman. Rimon. Rebbetzin Friedman remarked, Just a few weeks prior, the alumnae had “The girls were great; they were so caught up with menahelet Mrs. Esther happy to get together as a group and are Eisenman during her visit to various clearly growing and gaining from their seminaries. seminary experience.” The girls from Sha’alvim, Tomer The girls spoke eagerly about how Devorah, MMY, and Midreshet Harova much they love their seminaries and

DRS Scholarship Winners

honors programs. Six seniors have accounting, rabbanus, computers, received a maximum scholarship to politics, real estate, Jewish commu- Yeshiva University. YU has awarded nal work, psychology, and catering.  Yitzie Scheinman, Moshe Spirn, Ariel Axelrod, Uri Himmelstein, Moshe Agudah Shul Hurricane Lonner, and Aryeh Kaminetsky this Sandy Picture Featured scholarship due to their academic In NYC Museum Exhibit excellence, their hard work, and the A photograph showing the after- determination that they have shown math of the heart-breaking devastation throughout their high school careers. wreaked by Hurricane Sandy on a Far DRS would also like to congratulate Rockaway synagogue last year was cho- senior Adam Mann on his early-de- sen for inclusion in a current exhibition cision acceptance to Columbia Uni- at the Museum of the City of New York. versity. In addition, Ariel Sacknovitz, Far Rockaway photographer Laura Azriel Teitelbaum, and Matty Rinde- Deckelman’s photo “Agudas Yisroel of now have been accepted to YU’s hon- Bayswater: Nothing Can Be Saved” was ors program. Noam Katz received included in an addition to the museum’s a presidential scholarship to SUNY ongoing storm-themed “Rising Waters: Albany, and Tzachi Gordon received Photographs From Sandy” exhibit. The a presidential scholarship to Hofstra exhibit consists of hundreds of pho- University and was admitted to the tographs taken by news, professional, honors program.  and amateur photographers ahead of, during, and in the aftermath of Hurri- DRS Holds First Career cane Sandy. Fair For Juniors Among the hardest-hit areas was And Seniors the vulnerable Rockaway Peninsula in DRS is not only interested in the Queens, exposed as it was to the raging education of its students during high waves of the nearby Atlantic Ocean, as school, but also cares greatly about well as the rising tides of both Jamaica its students’ futures. To that end, Bay and Reynolds Channel. DRS held an exciting career fair for There was fl ooding and sewage all eleventh- and twelfth-graders. The backup in some parts of Mrs. Deckel- goal of the program was to present man’s own Bayswater neighborhood in an array of career options to DRS stu- Far Rockaway, and much damage was dents in an organized and informa- tive way. Continued on Page 56 54 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 55 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS and fi xtures. (Thankfully, all of the sifrei Continued from Page 54 Torah had been evacuated.) Once the storm had passed and the done to a number of homes and other water and debris had fi nally been

buildings, including the Agudah shul on pumped out of the shul, the giant n a m l

Bayswater Avenue near Bay 25th Street. clean-up task lay ahead. Mrs. Deckel- e k c The synagogue—whose unusual below- man, who spent many days after the e D

a r

street-level front entrance is architectur- hurricane using her camera to help u a ally handsome but vulnerable to fl ood- fl ooded-out neighbors document Deckelman L Laura n a m l e k

c Pre-Sandy photo of Agudah e D

a r

u see what this new storm had done to quently selected for an expanded “Ris- a Laura Deckelman L Laura this lovely shul. More importantly, I ing Waters 2.0” exhibit that opened was deeply moved by the dedication on Thursday, December 26, and which shown by Agudah members and other is currently scheduled to run through volunteers from the community who Sunday, January 5. Agudas Yisroel of Bayswater: Nothing Can Be Saved were hauling out the ruined sefarim The Museum of the City of New York and furniture that day and cleaning is located at 1220 Fifth Avenue in Man- ing—had just fi nished repairing damage their damage and losses, happened the mess up.” hattan between East 103rd and East caused by the previous year’s Hurricane by the wrecked shul on November 4 Her picture was one of several dozen 104th Streets. For further information Irene. Now it was struck again, this and produced the heart-rending pic- shots she took around the Rockaways about “Rising Waters” or other exhibits, time even more severely, inundated by ture of ruined prayer books and furni- showing the terrible carnage left in please contact the Museum at 212-534- a surge strong enough to smash in one ture being carried out of the devastated the storm’s wake and the intense local 1672, or at www.mcny.org.  of its heavy wooden front doors and building. efforts to bounce back from the disas- fi ll the low-lying building, including its “I had been to Agudah just a lit- ter that she submitted to the museum. A Melodious Night beis medrash, with as much as six feet of tle more than a week before the hur- While her Agudah picture was not For CAHAL water. Many hundreds of siddurim, chu- ricane, for a much more joyful occa- among those initially selected from CAHAL, the community-wide spe- mashim, and other sefarim were utterly sion—a bar mitzvah—and I was the thousands of photographs submit- cial-education program, held its fifth destroyed, and the bimah and the Aron impressed by how good it looked ted for the main “Rising Waters” exhi- annual fundraising concert on Mot- Kodesh were ruined, along with all of after the repairs from Irene,” she said. bition, which opened in late October, the tables, chairs, and other furniture “So I was understandably shocked to it was among several hundred subse- Continued on Page 58

56 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES “Speak softly and leave the stick behind.” What a waste of effort. Did the orga- Speaking Softly (David Seidemann, 2014). It is not for mor- nizers think for one moment that Bibi tal man to presume to speak for G-d. It is would care how the U.S. media would From The Other Side Of The Bench not our place to be judge, jury, and execu- cover it? And does anyone in their right tioner. We cannot judge our fellow man mind, chassidish or Litvish, think for one BY DAVID J. SEIDEMANN, A cursory review of the ten plagues more harshly than G-d would judge him. moment that the response of the secu- ESQ. reveals that Moses and Aaron utilized And we certainly can’t pretend to know lar community would be sympathetic to the staff with G-d’s name inscribed on it how G-d judges him. One has to have their point of view? If you happened to have been at only for the fi rst three plagues. After the pretty big shoulders to believe he can do Did any of them think that anyone in the Minnesota State Fair on Septem- third plague, one which the Egyptian sor- G-d’s bidding and even bigger shoulders America would say, “Yes, it’s OK to take ber 2, 1901, you would be at least 112 cerers could not duplicate, it was no lon- to assume he speaks for G-d. from your country but not give back?” years old now. But you also might have ger necessary to use the staff with G-d’s And one has to be almost deliri- So who was the planned demonstration heard Theodore Roosevelt intone his name on it to impress the Egyptian king. ous to believe he can say whatever for? American Jews? famous quip, “Speak softly and carry a Once Pharaoh realized that his magi- he wants, wherever he wants, with- No one I know would have been big stick.” Some sources have Roosevelt cians could not produce lice, he was con- out deep introspection prior to speak- swayed. Net result: The world would saying it in 1903, but in either event you vinced that the fi nger of G-d was at play. ing in terms of assessing how the mes- have laughed at them, and whatever sup- would still be pretty old. Some sources The next seven plagues were to display sage will be received. Yes, we need to be port they might have previously enjoyed record the quote as “Walk softly and G-d’s might and not his actual existence. concerned how our opinions of what would have dissipated. Thank G-d, at carry a big stick.” While I was not there The fact that G-d existed and was in con- happens in Israel, and how we express least as of the time of my typing this arti- (although my kids think I was), I can trol of the events was no longer in dis- them, are interpreted by the nations of cle, the plans have been scrapped. The assure you that the correct quote is pute. It was a lesson that no longer had the world. We should never articulate a Agudah of America got it right this time “speak softly.” to be taught. Anything more would have position against Israel, no matter what by refusing to be sucked into this not- That remark was Roosevelt’s advice been overkill. the issue is, if the end result will be that very-well-thought-out plan. for dealing with foreign governments So G-d instructed Moses and Aaron to the nations of the world react by saying, As for those in Israel who wanted to whose philosophies were at odds with leave the rod of G-d behind because at “They deserve what they get.” protest the proposed changes? I do not our nation’s interests. His prescrip- that point it would have been “The Levi I do not mean to suggest that a healthy suggest for one moment that they are tion was to always keep an open ear to doth protest too much, methinks” (Ham- debate of policy is not warranted. What insincere or that their thinking is entirely another country’s demands while simul- let, William Shakespeare, 1599—and no I I am suggesting is that speaking softly is without merit from their viewpoint. taneously leaving open the option of was not alive to see the original either). speaking wisely. I do not for one moment mean to triv- military force to protect what we hold Bottom line? One has to know when I shuddered, therefore, when I fi rst ialize the importance of Torah learning dear. Speak softly—tell the enemy in a enough is enough; one has to know learned of the plans of the great rabbinic to Israel’s continued existence. What nice way what you want—but be pre- when to put the stick down and move leaders in Israel to come to the United occurs in the halls of learning is just as pared to back it up with force. Teddy on. One has to be cognizant of how the States to protest against the Israeli gov- important as what transpires on the bat- Roosevelt would never leave the stick message will be received. If the message ernment’s movement to have charei- tlefi eld. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s bet- behind. will be lost in the hoopla, if the sideshow dim involve themselves in some sort of ter to speak softly and leave the stick at Moses and his brother Aaron also had is in danger of becoming the main event, national service. What a colossal waste home where it belongs.  a stick—three, to be sure, but only one of let it go, “let it be” (Paul McCartney, 1970). of time and money that would have those sticks had G-d’s name inscribed on Even when we are speaking to our been. Here is an idea: Take all that money David Seidemann is a partner with the law it. And there came a time when the deliv- own, we need to know when we are car- and give it to the chareidi families whose fi rm of Seidemann and Mermelstein and serves as a professor of business law at Touro erers of Israel, unlike Mr. Roosevelt, left rying too big a stick. When we encoun- fathers are not working! That would be a College. He can be reached at 718-692-1013 or the stick behind. ter a man who has veered off the path, much better use of those sums. ds@lawoffi cesm.com.

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 57 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS Jewish performers in the world today, Continued from Page 56 Avraham Fried; a young new sensation, Benny Friedman; and the always-pop- zaei Shabbos, December 21 at Law- ular Shloime Dachs. The Zemiros rence High School. The concert fea- Choir and Shloime Dachs Orchestra tured one of the most outstanding accompanied the performers. The con-

cert, CAHAL’s largest fundraising event The New York Boys Choir, led by of the year, sold out days before, with Yitzy Bald, opened the show with a Avrohom Fried, Shloime Dachs, and the Zemiros Choir more than 800 people in attendance. surprise guest appearance. The boys amazed everyone with their poise, sweet voices, and choreography. The exciting young Benny Friedman fol- lowed. His beautiful and power- ful voice set the tone for what was going to be a series of outstanding performances. Shloime Dachs, who also coordinated the entertainment for the evening, sang some beauti- ful ballads, and gave an emotional tribute to one of his biggest fans, Moishe Reisman, son of Rabbi Yaa- kov Reisman, who passed away this past year. Richard Altabe, founder and vice president of CAHAL, spoke about how the program has helped hun- dreds of Jewish neshamos receive a yeshiva education in self-contained small classes with individualized attention. He proudly proclaimed how CAHAL began, inspired by Dr. Norman Blumenthal and the princi- pals of the founding yeshivas. Mr. Alt- abe boasted about how CAHAL has been able to mainstream a large per- centage of children from the program back into the yeshivas their siblings and friends attend. The sold-out crowd came alive when Avraham Fried began perform- ing. His sensational voice and sweet character electrified his fans. After a 45-minute performance, he was joined by Benny Friedman and Shlo- ime Dachs for one big finale. The Zemiros Choir, who accompanied all the performers the entire night, backed up the three stars and helped turn the last song into a most beau- tiful finish to a magical evening of entertainment. The event proved to be a huge success and raised much- needed money for CAHAL’s scholar- ship fund. CAHAL is a special-education pro- gram for children with various learn- ing disabilities from kindergarten through high school in 12 participat- ing local yeshivas. Since 1992, CAHAL has educated hundreds of local Jew- ish children in the Five Towns, Far Rockaway, West Hempstead, greater Nassau County, and Queens. This year, CAHAL is educating more than 100 children in 12 classes.  58 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES HALB Kickoff Breakfast athon, running with Team Yachad. In The Hebrew Academy of Long order to raise money for the team, all Beach—including the Stella K. Abra- proceeds for Pinny’s babkas are going ham High School for Girls and the towards helping Yachad. If you are inter- Davis Renov Stahler Yeshiva High ested in contributing to Pinny’s cause— and want a delicious Shabbos treat— you can contact Pinny at BabkaBoy13@ gmail.com.  Achiezer & Aaron’s Way Dig In With Snow-Removal Initiative This year’s snow-removal program to 50. This past Chanukah, Pinny baked is being done in partnership with the 1,000 mini-babka muffi ns for his friends newly formed “Aaron’s Way” organi- in DRS. zation. Aaron’s Way is a new commu- BabkaBoy babkas have become nity initiative that promotes and high- extremely popular around the Five lights unique chesed opportunities Towns and are sold in various sizes and for the youth of our community. The fl avors, including chocolate and cinna- organization has been founded by the Esther and Baruch Weinstein mon. This February, Pinny plans to par- ticipate in the Annual ING Miami Mar- Continued on Page 60 need. For more information, please call Jeffrey Stein at 516-791-8200, ext. 112 or e-mail [email protected].  BabkaBoy Bakes Charity Freda and Scott Englander Into Every Bite Pinny Kwestel is an eleventh-grade School for Boys—recently hosted its DRS High School student from Law- 59th Annual Kickoff Breakfast for the rence. When he was in seventh grade, Annual Dinner to be held on Saturday his aunt showed him a recipe for bab- evening, March 8, 2014. HALB is proud kas. After Pinny tweaked it to his lik- to honor Esther and Baruch Weinstein ing, his secret babka recipe was a huge as Guests of Honor and Freda and Scott hit with his family. On advice from a Englander as Rabbi Dr. Armin H. Fried- neighbor, Pinny launched the “Bab- man Young Leadership Awardees. It kaBoy” brand and began selling his was the most successful breakfast in babkas. Eventually, Pinny was selling HALB history. between 20 and 30 babkas each Shab- The annual dinner raises funds to pro- bos for neighbors, families, and friends. vide tuition scholarships for families in For one Rosh Hashanah, the batch grew

TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 59 AROUND THE FIVE TOWNS ers, or adults in our community who Continued from Page 59 can possibly help with this initiative. Volunteers will be shoveling snow and Tepfer family. This initiative, as well clearing ice for homeowners who can- as future programs, will be carried not do it themselves, and each neigh- out to perpetuate the memory of the borhood in the Far Rockaway/Five very beloved Aaron Shalom ben Naftali Towns area will have an organized list Hertzka Yisroel Tepfer, a’h. for this wonderful and easy chesed The arrival of snowstorms and ice opportunity. Please e-mail eweiss@ poses a particularly diffi cult and dan- achiezer.org if you or someone you gerous issue for the elderly and handi- know can be a part of this. If anyone capped of our community. Aaron’s Way requires assistance from this initiative, is reaching out to any children, teenag- please call 516-791-4444. 

We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters (Sh’mos 10:9) Pharaoh was willing to let the menfolk go, as long as the children remain behind; for as long as the younger generation remains “in Egypt,” there would be no future for the People of Israel. The “Pharaohs” of our day have the same attitude. If the older folk wish to cling to Jewish tradition, that is perfectly acceptable; but the youth should be raised in “the spirit of the times” . . . (Maayanei shel Torah) And [Pharaoh] said to them: “. . . See, there is evil before you” (Sh’mos 10:10) Pharaoh said to them; “By my astrological art I see the star ‘evil’ rising towards you in the wilderness; it is a sign of blood and slaughter.” Consequently, when Israel sinned by worshipping the Golden Calf and G-d said to slay them, Moshe said in his prayer (Sh’mos 32:12), “Why should the Egyptians speak and say: He brought them forth in evil.” The Egyptians will say: “Indeed, we have already said, ‘See, there is evil before you.’ “ Hence, “G-d bethought Himself concerning the evil” (ibid., v. 14). G-d then changed the blood of which this star was an emblem to the blood of the circumcision. Thus, when Yehoshua circumcised the people of Israel in the desert (before they entered the Holy Land), he said (Yehoshua 5:9): “This day have I rolled away from you the disgrace of the Egyptians”—that which the Egyptian said to you, “We see blood impending over you in the wilderness.” (Rashi)

60 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION On Becoming A Chayal From Cedarhurst BY GAVI NELSON

So here I am at 3:52 a.m., going through my Facebook news feed and looking at posts from September, when I took the jump and made ali- yah, after spending a year in Yeshi- vat Hakotel and a summer in Camp Stone. I didn’t grow up going to Israel on family vacations; before my year in Israel, I went once, for my bar mitz- vah in 2006. So much has happened since then! My life is not as I envi- sioned it two years ago. I am not an art major in a secular college. I didn’t join some collegiate a cappella group. I don’t currently find myself study- ing for upcoming finals. Rather, I am acclimating to a country—a country that seems so foreign, yet still it is mine. This place is my homeland. Today, I called an American custom- er-service company to help out with an order I was trying to place. They were nice, kind, and helpful. In the same day, I dealt with Israeli bureau- cracy, which was essentially the oppo- site of the American customer-service experience I had. Yet this annoying bureaucracy is mine. It’s my mess, my people. I am signing up for the army. My tzav rishon (initial testing) is on Sun- day. No English 101 final for me, but rather a test that allows me to serve my country, to defend my people. This is something that my grandpar- ents could have only dreamed of. Yet my grandmother asks how I could leave my family. Her parents had to leave their families in Europe against their wills, for fear of persecution, but here I am leaving mine on my own free will. But is it really as simple as that? I am not just here for fun, for some “chavaya” (experience). I am here to answer a call, one that many others have heard, and taken. I am follow- ing in the footsteps of all those ahead of me. Israel is here. It is ours. Yes, I choose to be a part of it, but could I really choose otherwise? Could I really choose to live somewhere else? This is a country for our people, Am Yisrael. How can I not defend our peo- ple, when just decades ago we were defenseless? Can I ignore that call? This is not just some civic duty that you do by rote. This is not something I am being forced to do, yet I am no volunteer. I think most olim would agree that their aliyah was not based on a ratio- nal understanding that Israel will be better for them. Sometimes, practi- cally, it is quite worse. But this is no sacrifice. We came here because of our beliefs, because of what we stand for. We may have made that choice based on our own free will, yet it goes so much deeper than that. It goes down to our very core as a people, as a nation. Just a thought from the occasional insomniac. 

Gavi Nelson grew up in Cedarhurst and is a graduate of DRS High School (class of 2012). TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 61 Kodesh. He permitted it even if the Aron If a bar mitzvah bachur was look- Kodesh was open. This was due to the ing for an excuse for not delivering his DAF YOMI fact that the sifrei Torah were raised pshetl in shul, he may argue that he does more than 10 tefachim from the ground. not want to turn his back on the Aron INSIGHTS That itself is a sign of respect and dig- Kodesh. The bar mitzvah boy can say nity. It is a widespread minhag that that his intentions are not to increase By Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow Kohanim recite Birkas Kohanim with Kavod Shamayim and therefore, accord- their backs to the Aron Kodesh. ing to the Shaarei Efraim, he should not The Taz likewise permits rabbanim to turn his back on the Aron Kodesh. Men In Back deliver their sermons with their backs The Chelkas Yaakov does entertain to the Aron Kodesh. The basis for the this argument as perhaps being reason- About 20 years ago, there was a shul If the rabbi does not really want to leniency is the same. The Torah scrolls able, but concludes that we hope that outside of the New York Metropolitan speak and is just speaking solely to earn are generally kept over ten tefachim the experience of giving the derashah area that was looking for a rabbi. There a paycheck, perhaps, in certain circum- from the ground. This sign of great will be seared in the young boy’s mem- were many candidates for the one posi- stances, he is not even allowed to speak. respect for the Torah is not negated by ory and encourage him to follow the tion. According to a source, the eventual The Mishnah in Yoma (52b) describes having a rav facing away from it. How- proper path in life. This is so important winner distinguished himself by start- the path that the Kohen Gadol used to ever, the Shaarei Efraim cautions one that the bar mitzvah boy may deliver ing his Shabbos-day sermon with the enter the Holy of Holies on Yom Kip- not to view this leniency as a carte the derashah with his back to the Aron. following anecdote: pur. When he emerged from the sec- blanche. The boy will instead have to feign sick- A congregation organized a trip to ond curtain that actually opened up to He writes (translated loosely): “It is ness if he wants to get out of delivering Israel. They all booked tickets on the the Kodesh HaKedoshim, he walked fac- permitted to deliver a derashah with his pshetl.  same fl ight. Unfortunately, their plane ing the south toward the Aron Kodesh one’s back to the Aron, as was explained, was hijacked. The hijackers chose two (or its designated place). After he per- and so is the custom of many Gedolim, Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow leads a daf yomi people at random to be their fi rst vic- formed the Avodah, he walked back- and the custom of the Jewish nation chaburah at Eitz Chayim of Dogwood Park in West Hempstead and is a rebbi at Mesivta tims. The two chosen were the rabbi wards out of the Kodesh HaKedoshim is considered Torah. Nevertheless . . . Kesser Yisroel of Willowbrook. He can be and a congregant. The hijacker asked with his face still facing the south. The someone whose intention is only for contacted at [email protected]. the rabbi for his last request. “Please Kohen Gadol was not supposed to turn self-glorifi cation, by displaying his keen let me address my congregation for the his back on the Aron. The Gemara says intellect and vast erudition, or whose fi nal time,” the rabbi said. The hijacker the source for this conduct is derived intention is solely to receive compensa- turned to the congregant and asked, from the departure of Shlomo HaMel- tion for his lectures, there is no doubt WHAT’S “And what is your last request?” The ech from the Mishkan in Givon. He did that he will surely be punished for congregant replied, “Kill me fi rst.” not simply turn his back on the Mish- behaving light-headedly toward some- Apparently, back in the pre-9/11 days, kan; rather, he distanced himself some- thing holy. Anyone who guards his soul YOUR that joke resonated so well with the what while walking backwards, and will distance himself from such con- crowd that the speaker was chosen as only afterwards turned himself around. duct.” the new rabbi. Along those lines, I once The Shulchan Aruch rules that this Thankfully, our rabbanim have the OPINION? heard the following quip: The last thing halacha applies to a sefer Torah as well. proper intentions in their derashos to that a rabbi wants to do is speak and One should not turn his back on a sefer increase mitzvah observance and to the last thing a congregation wants is to Torah. The Rambam was asked if it was impart Hashem’s holy words to those E-MAIL US AT hear their rabbi speak, yet for some rea- permitted for Kohanim to bless the con- assembled. Therefore, they may speak son they both go through the motions. gregation with their backs to the Aron with their backs to the Aron Kodesh. [email protected]

62 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION the necessary stress relief and time out. forum, “Domestic Abuse: Identifying Community News The symposium will feature a distin- Telltale Signs and Responding Effec- guished roster of presenters including tively,” cosponsored by Shalom Task From Around The World Jed A. Levine, M.A., executive vice pres- Force and the Young Israel Council of ident and director of programs and ser- Rabbis. The program, which was intro- Cuppa J’s New Dairy-Free please contact Quality Frozen Foods at vices of the Alzheimer’s Association, duced by Shalom Task Force executive Hot Cocoa Mix: Redefining 718-256-9100.  NYC Chapter; Jane C. Bardavid, LCSW, director Dr. Alan Singer, took place at Exotic Chocolate director of the Community Advisory the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills Hot chocolate has always seemed to Special Dementia Program for Elderly (CAPE) at Samuel and featured presentations by therapist fall into the category of “if it’s not dairy, Symposium For Providers Field YM & YWHA; and Joan Serrano Mrs. Lisa Twerski and Rabbi Kenneth it’s not worth it.” Changing that notion And Caregivers, Laufer, LMSW, executive director of the Auman, of the Young Israel of Flatbush. is Cuppa J, a new premium brand of hot January 22 Queensboro Council on Social Welfare. The session on domestic abuse is one chocolate mix with a twist—it’s com- Margaret Tietz Center in conjunction If you are interested in attending, of 15 evenings that the Young Israel Rab- pletely dairy-free. Cuppa J is available with Samuel Field Y and the Queens- please RSVP to Linda Spiegel at 718-298- binic Training Program features on top- in three unique fl avors: Double Dark, boro Council for Social Welfare is 7838. For your convenience, valet park- ics such as halacha and infertility and Mayan Spice, and Mystic Mint. This pleased to present “Dementia: Research, ing will be available.  contemporary halachic issues. The pro- product is truly one you need to taste Treatment, and Caregiver Support,” a gram is coordinated by Rabbi Binyamin to believe. Just one sip of exotic Mayan vital symposium for providers and care- Shalom Task Force Hammer and Rabbi Perry Tirschwell, Spice or rich Double Dark will convince givers of individuals dealing with Alz- Educates Rabbis In executive director of the National Coun- you that you don’t need milk to make a heimer’s and other forms of dementia. Domestic-Abuse Issues cil of Young Israel. premium, delicious hot cocoa. In addi- This event will take place on Wednes- Forty recently ordained rabbis and tion to being dairy-free, Cuppa J mixes day, January 22, at Margaret Tietz Nurs- six rebbetzins attended an educational Continued on Page 66 are made with all-natural ingredients, ing and Rehabilitation Center at 164- with no expense spared to create the 11 Chapin Parkway, Jamaica Hills, NY. highest-quality, best-tasting cocoa. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. with registra- Jay Hill, owner and creator of Cuppa tion and breakfast. Keynote speakers J, has spent the last 40 years developing are scheduled from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. recipes. “I always wanted an alternative With a growing population of seniors to my morning cuppa joe,” says Mr. Hill. dealing with the onset of dementia and “And as a chocolate lover, I wanted to cre- all its ensuing challenges, it is crucial for ate a hot chocolate that I can enjoy morn- caregivers to be as educated as possible ing, afternoon, and evening after din- in order to provide their loved ones with ner.” Unlike some lower-quality brands, the support and care they desperately Cuppa J’s mixes are all about the fl avor— need. An estimated 5.2 million Amer- not just sweetness. Each mix has com- icans of all ages have Alzheimer’s dis- plex tastes blended together to create the ease, and 80% of their care is provided perfect cup of cocoa. Cuppa J is certifi ed by unpaid caregivers, usually family OU Kosher, pareve, and gluten-free. members. The emotional and physical For more information, visit www. toll of caregiving is very high, and care- CuppaJHotChocolate.com or e-mail Jay@ givers need to learn what resources are CuppaJHotChocolate.com. Retailers, available to them so that they receive

TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 63 64 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION And G-d spoke to Moshe . . . “Please, speak into the ears of the people, that every man ask of his neighbor, and every woman of her neighbor, articles of silver and articles of gold . . .” (Sh’mos 11:2) To what is this comparable? To a man who is locked up in prison and is told: “Tomorrow you shall be freed from prison and given a lot of money.” Says he: “I beg you, free me today, and I ask for nothing more . . .” [But G-d had said to Avraham at the Covenant Between the Pieces: “Know thee that your children shall be strangers in a foreign land, [where] they will be enslaved and afflicted . . . and afterwards they will go out with great wealth” (Bereishis 15:23).] So G-d had to plead with them: “Please! Ask the Egyptians for gold and silver, so that the Righteous One should not say: ‘They will be enslaved and afflicted’ He fulfilled, but He did not fulfill ‘and afterwards they will go out with great wealth.’” (Talmud, Berachos 9b)

TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 65 Community News ture. Combine that with the quality of Continued from Page 63 the homes and the ideal location—we believe that this community will be At the conclusion of the informative truly special.” program and lively discussion, Rabbi The project sits just minutes away Tirschwell commented to Dr. Singer, from top-quality schools, transporta- “Without a doubt, Shalom Task Force tion, supermarkets, and shopping cen- saved some lives tonight by educating ters. “Greater Bet Shemesh is already these bright young rabbis.” one of Israel’s top communities for To learn more, visit www. young American and Anglo families,” shalomtaskforce.org.  said Shelly Levine, whose Tivuch Shelly, Ltd. has been a long-term mar- Rabbi Gottlieb Of RBS keter of the area. “I am certain that Development Coming Ganei Ha’Ela will take Bet Shemesh to To NY the next level of most desired neigh- Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb, founder of borhoods in Israel.” Ganei Ha’Ela (www.ganeihaela.com), Homes range in size from 237 square the newest planned neighborhood in meters (2,536 square feet) to 345 square Ramat Beit Shemesh, will be speaking meters (3,688 square feet) and are in to the New York and New Jersey com- seven different model designs. Apart- munities in January about the vision ments range from 117 square meters behind the new development. The (1,252 square feet) to 151 square meters dynamic and well respected rabbi, who (1,616 square feet). The fi rst families to served Baltimore’s Congregation Shom- join are largely professionals, includ- rei Emunah before moving to Israel ing doctors, accountants, educators, with his family in 2010, will be speak- and fi nancial analysts. The project ing in Woodmere at the Schiowitz expects that fi fty families will be join- home, 959 Allen Lane, on January 13; in ing the group in the next few months Kew Gardens Hills at the Sasson home, as development and construction 144-19 73rd Avenue, on January 14; and work begins. in Teaneck at the Rothberg home, 350 Levine added that a variety of spa- Warwick Avenue, on January 15. cious housing options are being “We are fi lling a need for a warm offered, from apartments to sin- community where families value the gle-family houses, all within a metic- central role that a shul can provide,” ulously cultivated community. “Need- said Rabbi Gottlieb. “We believe that less to say, the prices will never be this communal structure is important, lower than they are today to acquire a especially for olim who are familiar home in Ganei Ha’Ela.” with this focus from their home com- For more information about the com- munities and who will face common munity and the events, please e-mail challenges in a new country and cul- [email protected]. 

66 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION Our Place To Hold Ultimate hattan’s famed Prime Grill. Inspired To Inspire: Project simple acts, kind words, and Shabbos VIP Reception, January 8 The event is sponsored by Quinn Inspire’s Fifth Annual invitations, thousands of people have A unique event to benefi t Our Place, Emanuel Trial Lawyers, with addi- Convention been brought closer to Yiddishkeit. which provides services—including tional sponsors including Manhattan By Gavriel Horan Last year’s convention was the big- counseling, rehabilitation, and guid- Motorcars, Arca Funding, Goldmont This February, over 1,000 frum Jews gest yet and was fully sold out three ance—to troubled teens, will combine Realty, Central Park South Dental, FPS from across North America—from all weeks in advance. Despite the fact that sophistication and elegance with an Contracting, Eden Wok, and Salva- throughout the tri-state area, the United it was held during one of the worst opportunity to share in its work. Tak- tore Campisi and Sons. It is chaired by States, and even around the world—will blizzards in decades, there were only ing place at the Manhattan Motorcars Benjy Berger, aided by co-chairs Chaim join together for Project Inspire’s Fifth six last-minute cancelations due to the Grand Showroom, the gala reception Abramson, Brendan Berger, Josh Ber- Annual Convention. Project Inspire’s weather. “It was the ultimate getaway will feature exotic cars, live music, a fi ve- kowits, Ben Diamond, Zvi Gluck, Ari Annual Convention has often been for both body and soul,” one partici- star catered dinner, and blackjack and Kahn, and Jac Jeter. referred to as the “most inspiring week- pant recalled. “We not only felt inspired Texas hold ’em charity tournaments. With close to 1,000 teens taking end of a lifetime!” about Yiddishkeit but wanted to share it While Our Place may be based in advantage of Our Place’s services annu- It’s not just the all-star lineup of ged- with everyone!” The achdus that came Brooklyn, the ever-growing problem of ally from all over the metropolitan New olei Torah and world-renowned inspi- from almost 1,000 frum Yidden from at-risk youth is, unfortunately, readily York City area, the need for Our Place rational speakers, the luxury accom- across the Orthodox spectrum uniting apparent throughout the New York City continues to escalate. modations and gourmet food, or the for a Shabbos with the common goal area. It affects teens from all socioeco- “As the ‘In Risk’ adolescent problem spiritually uplifting tefi llos. What brings of impacting Klal Yisrael was unparal- nomic backgrounds across the religious continues to grow in record numbers hundreds of frum families to the con- leled. Throughout the convention, peo- spectrum. in towns such as Lakewood, Brook- vention year after year is that it’s more ple kept looking at each other and say- “I am elated to have an event that lyn, Monsey, and the Five Towns, Our than just an inspirational retreat; it’s a ing, “Maybe this is what it will be like will expose Our Place and its incredible Place and its family of locations and mission. “I came for myself,” one former when Moshiach comes.” work to Jewish communities outside programs are more and more import- participant recalled. “But what I got was This year’s convention is expected to of Brooklyn,” said Benjy Berger, chair- ant than ever,” said Eli Verschleiser, for Klal Yisrael!” be even bigger and will feature inspi- man of the event. “From Westchester cofounder and president of Our Place. Project Inspire, a project of Aish Inter- rational world-renowned rabbanim, to Long Island to Manhattan to Queens Our Place offers its clients a safe national, was founded to fulfi ll the mechanchim, and lecturers such as Rav and beyond, this is an issue that touches haven as well as a host of services dream of Rav Noach Weinberg, zt’l, of Yitzchok Dovid Grossman, known as us all and, with its monumental lifesav- including freshly cooked meals; a inspiring frum Jews across North Amer- the “Disco Rabbi” and the “Father of ing efforts, Our Place has made a differ- 24-hour hotline; a variety of trips; rec- ica to share the beauty of Judaism with Kiruv” in Israel; Rav Noach Isaac Oel- ence in the lives of thousands.” reational resources including a gym, their less-affi liated neighbors, family baum, mara d’asra of Kahal Nachlas Participants in the VIP event will a pool, ping-pong tables, an entertain- members, and coworkers. Their mission Yitzchok in Queens; Rabbi Eytan Feiner, have the opportunity to enjoy the opu- ment center, and a music room; coun- statement: You don’t need to be a “kiruv mara d’asra of the White Shul of Far lent interiors of super-luxury vehi- seling and placement in yeshivas; voca- professional” to reach out to non-frum Rockaway; Rav Hillel Weinberg, the cles by renowned automakers Ferrari, tional programs; and jobs. Yidden—you just have to care. rosh hayeshiva of Aish HaTorah Yerusha- Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Lotus, and The VIP event will take place at 6:30 Project Inspire’s goal is to create a layim; Charlie Harary; Rabbanit Yemima Porsche. The gala will feature an array p.m. on January 8, at 270 11th Avenue grassroots movement within the frum Mizrachi; and many others. It will also of exclusive prizes including a dream in Manhattan. Advance online regis- community to reach out and ultimately feature the heartfelt and uplifting dav- getaway to Miami, a luxury car for a tration and a minimum $250 donation change the Jewish world. In just a few ening of the Traveling Chassidim, as day, an evening of sports in New York are required. For more information, short years, Project Inspire has inspired well as a unique melaveh malkah con- City including tickets to a Knicks versus visit OurPlaceNY.org/VIP or contact Our thousands of frum Jews to impact the Heat game, and dinner for two at Man- Place at 212-248-4141.  lives of countless others, and through Continued on Page 68

TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 67 Community News Coach Halpert, explains that is the comment I hear most launch, Are You Still Coaching? Continued from Page 67 the volume really tells the often from former players and will be available for purchase story of the fi rst “Torah-spon- fans. As one year has turned in hardcover or e-book for- cert with special guests Abie sored basketball team of an into forty-one, I have come mat via Amazon.com, BN.com, Rotenberg and Baruch Levine. Orthodox school of higher to understand that coaching AuthorHouse.com, or Coach Hosted at the luxurious learning.” not only allows me to pursue Halpert’s offi cial website, Stamford Plaza Hotel in Con- Rabbi Krauss continues: my own personal dreams, but www.jonathanhalpert.com.  necticut, the Fifth Annual Proj- “When Dr. Halpert scours the more importantly, it enables ect Inspire Convention will globe for good player-athletes me to give young men the New York Girl take place February 28-March who will lead the team to same opportunity,” said Coach Teaches Israeli 2, and will be a delight for both victory, he looks for athletic Halpert. Victims Of Terror body and soul! Register now at promise. But in searching for “At some moment and at The Art Of Cake www.kiruv.com/convention to the best, he is cognizant that, some place, a player’s dream Decorating reserve your place while space in the fi nal analysis, his team is realized. But the time and By Anav Silverman remains!  will be the YU team. He knows place are irrelevant. All that Sara Katsoff is not the typi- that the players must be the matters is that I have enabled cal seminary girl spending her Sara Katsoff teaches Israeli victims YU Coach Jonathan best but also informed by val- another young man to believe gap year studying in Jerusalem. of terror how to decorate cakes. Halpert To Publish ues—Jewish values, universal that everything is possible. Back in New York, the 18-year- Memoir About 41- values, and values touched by Everyone needs and deserves old from Monsey owns Sara’s Katsoff said. “When the moms Year Career the breath of Torah.” one of those moments.” Sweets, a custom cake and saw me—this 18-year-old girl Jonathan Halpert, the lon- Coach Halpert, who took In 2012, Yeshiva University’s design business, where she ready to teach—they didn’t gest-tenured men’s basketball over the Yeshiva University alumni offi ce honored Coach sells specialty cakes, cupcakes, know what to expect and were coach in New York City his- Maccabees roster in 1972, was Halpert by adding his signa- and cookies. The talented teen kind of surprised.” tory, will be self-publishing named coach of the year in ture to the men’s basketball decided to bring her cake-bak- “Before I opened my cake a memoir about his storied the NCAA’s Skyline Conference court at the Max Stern Athletic ing talents to Israel as well, but business in New York, I spent 41-year career at Yeshiva Uni- twice, and at one point com- Center at YU’s Wilf Campus in she is putting them to use in a several years teaching myself versity. The aptly titled Are You piled a streak of 15 winning Manhattan and by launching different way here. how to professionally deco- Still Coaching? is scheduled for seasons. Most importantly, the Coach Jonathan Halpert Katsoff got in touch with rate cakes,” explains Katsoff. release by AuthorHouse on Jan- Coach Halpert has served as Scholarship Fund, an endow- OneFamily Fund, Israel’s only “It was a special and import- uary 2, 2014. a role model for core Jewish ment that is awarded annually national organization dedi- ant experience for me to teach In the book’s preface, Rabbi values to three generations of to children of YU alumni liv- cated to the rehabilitation of what I know to people who Simcha Krauss, rabbi emer- Yeshiva University students. ing in Israel wishing to study victims of terror attacks and have gone through such tragic itus of Young Israel of Hill- “I chose Are You Still Coach- at the university. their families. Together, One- experiences.” crest and a longtime friend of ing? as my title because it Following its January 2 Family and Sarah decided to Katsoff says that the smiles coordinate a cake-decorat- at the end of the cake-deco- ing class for 25 Israeli victims rating session were worth the of terror and bereaved moth- experience. “At the end, every- ers, who lost children in terror one was happy with the cakes attacks. they created,” she said. Over the course of three According to OneFamily, the hours, Sarah taught the group victims of terror and bereaved the basics of working with fon- mothers had an empower- dant, and assisted them in cre- ing experience, where they ating individual cake master- enjoyed creating items that pieces. impressed their friends and “It was my fi rst time teach- family. The participants took ing a cake-decorating class,” the cakes home in time for

68 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION Chanukah. Katsoff is committed to returning to OneFamily for additional classes. “I can’t wait to do this again,” she says. (Tazpit News Agency)  The Diet Fantasy: Healthy Meals Right At Your Front Door Weight loss is ranked the #1 New Year’s resolution in America, with an estimated 40% of our nation’s adults vowing to drop the pounds and hit the gym each January. Not surprisingly, it’s also the least-kept resolution in the country as well. Most people truly do want to lose the weight, but they sim- ply don’t have the time it takes to pre- pare food that keeps them full, satisfi es their cravings, and isn’t loaded with junk. Sound familiar? The Diet Fantasy has the answers you seek to your weight-loss conundrum. And this solution makes getting fi t and staying healthy easy and delicious. The concept is simple: once every day, the company will deliver breakfast, lunch, dinner, two snacks, and a soup straight to your door—just heat and eat. All menus are custom-created to your food preferences. Imagine enjoying a roasted red pepper, basil, and feta souf- fl é, a grilled chicken pesto wrap, and Chilean sea bass with roasted tomato Vinaigrette, all while shedding pounds and keeping your body healthy. The Diet Fantasy is the brainchild of Orit Fried, a certifi ed nutritional consul- tant, who has been helping people lose weight and get fi t. “I see weight loss as the path towards a healthier mind and body, not just a way to fi t into a smaller size,” says Orit. “When beginning a plan with someone new to the Diet Fantasy, we work together to create a personal- ized menu that fi ts with their lifestyle and will keep them full and satisfi ed.” Diet Fantasy is so sure you will love the program, the fi rst day is on them! Call or click now to qualify for a free full day of delicious meals. You have nothing to lose—except the weight. The Diet Fantasy is certifi ed kosher under the strict supervision of Rav Zishe Blech. For more information, visit www.TheDietFantasy.com or call 1-855- 995-DIET(3438).  14th Annual Agudah Yarchei Kallah In Yerushalayim For four unforgettable days, some 250 bnei Torah will escape the shackles of cell phones, e-mails, and day-to-day work and enter the avirah of Toras Eretz Yisrael at this year’s Agudas Yisroel of America’s Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah, to be held at the Ramada Hotel com- mencing Monday, 19 Shevat (January 20). The yarchei kallah will effectively transform the main ballroom at the hotel into a full-fl edged yeshiva gedolah from early morning until late at night, as participants delve into the sugya of birchos nehenin. “It’s striking, sometimes,” comments a past participant, “when in the middle of explaining something to your , you look up and see, to your surprise, that the people around you generating this loud and leibedik learning atmo- sphere aren’t current yeshiva bachurim

Continued on Page 70 TRAVEL SECTION 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 69 Community News roel of America’s Torah Projects Divi- Continued from Page 69 sion at 212-797-9000, ext. 267 or e-mail [email protected]. but men who for the most part are well At a previous year’s Yerushalayim beyond their yeshiva years.” yarchei kallah, Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Fin- “When you close your eyes,” adds his kel, zt’l, noted how the world is expe- chavrusa, “you really feel as though you riencing extraordinary trials and diffi - were sitting in the beis medrash of a culties, and he praised the ba’alei batim world-renowned yeshiva.” for meriting to be marbeh shalom in Indeed gedolei Yisrael have highly rec- the world through their limud HaTo- ommended that dedicated ba’alei batim rah. That observation, says Rabbi Perl, is make every effort to join this weeklong even more appropriate today.  expression of where their hearts truly lie—in the dalet amos of halacha. HASC Sunday Program The registration for this year’s yarchei For Autistic Children: A kallah has reached record levels, with Parent’s Dream participants joining from communities Parents of children with autism have across the United States, Canada, Mex- various options during the course of ico, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, their weekdays. They send their chil- and Eretz Yisrael. Many newcomers to dren to school, to other specialized pro- the program are especially excited with grams, or to therapies, or they receive the revival of an English track, which in-home rehabilitation services from will parallel the Yiddish program. a counselor that comes to their home. one-to-one supervision, and a host of they left. Between the roller coaster, As always, shiurim will be delivered Weekends, however, are the most dif- activities especially designed to meet the train, and the ball pits, every child by the foremost roshei yeshiva and fi cult time, especially for parents of the unique needs of this population. found something that he could enjoy. poskim of our generation. Rabbi Avro- younger children, as there are few What do you do with a bunch of The counselors jumped in as well, with hom Nisan Perl, director of Torah Proj- opportunities available that can engage kids with special needs on a cold Sun- some generously sponsored tokens ects for Agudas Yisroel of America, their children in a safe and therapeuti- day winter day? Stay indoors? No, not for the kids. Watching the children’s notes that shiurim at past Agudas Yis- cally sound manner. After a long Shab- for this group! Sunday of last week rep- excited reaction to the lights and spin- roel yarchei kallah have been lively and bos, these children are generally in resented just one example of a Sun- ning wheels was amazing. animated, with participants eagerly get- need of some stimulation and a venue ting involved into the very depths of that will allow them to release some of the sugya: “Baruch Hashem, word has their excess pent-up energies. spread far and wide about the unique- It was to this end that HASC Center ness of this special ma’amad.” established a Sunday program at its East To register, call 212-797-7380 or e-mail 14th Street facility in Brooklyn for chil- [email protected]. Those dren ages 5–10 with a primary diagno- interested in receiving more informa- sis of autism. Parents have described tion on this year’s Yerushalayim yarchei this service as a lifesaver. The program kallah program can contact Agudas Yis- provides transportation, lunch, snacks,

day-morning activity. With a snack to The children benefi ted tremendously warm their insides and coats to warm from the open-air space that featured their outsides, the group took off for many childproof activities. Although Kids-N-Action. Arriving out of the bit- all the children were supervised at all ter cold, the group had their spirits times by their counselors, they didn’t warmed by the accommodating own- feel restricted in any way in this child- ers. The owners’ fi rst reaction was to friendly environment. They remained say, “I would never refuse anyone from entertained throughout the day, with HASC! What they do for children in our so many stimulating options in which community is so extremely special!” He they could participate. Don’t get the then warmed the administrator’s heart idea that this was a place just for spe- by charging the group rate of $8 per cial-needs kids. Not at all! The HASC child instead of the regular Sunday rate kids had a chance to interact and play of $15. with non-disabled youngsters. The place was still relatively empty So, on a cold winter day, HASC found and the kids had the place pretty much a way to give everyone, including the to themselves. They really enjoyed feel- counselors, a day full of fun and laugh- ing the freedom. As they warmed to the ter. They discovered warmth from new environment, they began to feel each other, from the owner of Kids-N- more comfortable. Those who were Action, from other participants, and reluctant to go on the rides when they from just being involved in the many arrived were veteran riders by the time activities.  70 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES TRAVEL SECTION YYOUROUR ADAD COULDCOULD BBEE HERE!HERE! 5516-569-050216 -569-0502


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Residential cleaning, home, apartments, and offi ces. to others in the implementation of behavior support plans. Free estimate. Saenz Cleaning Corp. Contact Liran Maccabi at [email protected] Call Maria 516-448-8796 Direct Support Professionals needed to work Experienced Rebbe available to learn any limudei with adults with special needs in day programs and group kodesh subject with you or your son. References available. residences located in Brooklyn. F/T Competitive salary + 917-842-2587, [email protected] benefi ts. 718-535-1937, [email protected] Gemach special for simcha. We provide for you Direct Support Professionals to work with autistic boys in a residential home located in Brooklyn. F/T excellent speaker plus MP3 full of Jewish music, plus excellent Competitive salary + benefi ts. 718-535-1937, mike system. Call 718-600-4559 [email protected] Beautiful business-size cards with Kiruv websites, Maintenance with hands on skills in electrical, plumbing are available for free (to give to not-yet-Frum people). and carpentry to service multiple Brooklyn based Group Please text or call 718-501-2110 Homes & facilities. F/T. Excellent benefi ts “Used or Abused” Before you buy a used car, come in Call: 718-535-1989, [email protected] for a free frame (structural) check. Precision Auto Body 691 Community Hab — P/T Late afternoon/Evening shifts Burnside Ave, Lawrence. 516-371-1137. & full day Sunday hours for M/F working 1-on-1 w/ children Friends don’t let friends drive junk! & adults w/ developmental disabilities. Car a +. Excellent pay. Boro Park Ladies & Children Coat Gemach accepting Please contact Penina 718-535-1987, gently used coats in excellent condition. Woodmere drop-off . [email protected] 718-972-3699 Simchas Naava Share your simcha fl owers! Be m’sameach other simchas! Donate your fresh fl ower REAL ESTATE arrangements! We will match your simcha date with simchas following yours or deliver them to nursing home residents. To FOR SALE donate or obtain fl ower arrangements call 516-239-6066 5 Towns Jan Kalman Rlty In memory of a special friend, Naava Wassner Katlowitz Open Houses, Jan.5th Lawr Excl! 4BR, 2.5Bth Splnch. Ideal prof’l. Prkg for 5 cars Small beginners Siddurim, and Shabbos ...... $599K guidebooks, both in Russian, are available for you to N.Wdm 4BR, 2.5Bth Col. Quiet str. Spac EIK, Lg FDR. Den, fi n distribute. bsmt ...... Hi $7s Please call Tashbar Publications Wdm 921 Midway (12-1) Lvly 5BR, 2.5Bth Spl. Den. Updates. at 718-438-9025 (leave message with address, IY”H we Sys ...... $529K will mail them to you for free.) Wdm 1074 Roselle Pl. (1:30-3) Pristine 3BR Col. 1.5Bth. FDR, EIK, Den ...... $465K New Table and Chair Gemach for shortterm Wdm 977 E. B’way (12-1:30) 3BR, 2.5Bth C/H Col Updt EIK, simchas. 740 Mador Ct., Far Rockaway. 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This is a project of Tiferes Young and spacious S/H col. 5BR, 1 level, oversized property Avos. Call 718- 316-3874 ...... $849K or call Rabbi Dov Bressler 718- 327-8903. (Payments are Mint 5BR Tudor, new kitchen, new bths, den, basement, tax deductible.) Location! ...... $1.2M Retired public school teacher available to tutor men For Rent. New construction 3BR, 2bth apts, immediate and boys in Hebrew, English, and/or Yiddish in the 5 Towns. occupancy Recession buster. Call 718-552-5525 Woodmere/Hewlett Split col. 4MBR, + 1 level, lg EIK, den ...... $500’s Study with Steve. One-on-one tutoring. SAT Math prep, Split on quiet country st. 4BR ...... $500’s regents, high school and elementary math, high school physics. Lawrence Call 516-371-5522 Mint Contemporary c/h col. with pond views ...... $1M+ 12-1 PM SBG Moving — Prompt, professional, and reliable Magnifi cent contemporary col. 10BR, 1.3 acre park-like moving service available for local & long distance property, in front Lawrence ...... POR moves. Lowest rates between NY and Lakewood. Small jobs Milky Forst Properties 516-239-0306 welcome! We are insured! 347-276-7422 Hewlett. Hew/Wdmr border 5BR, 3bth, granite kitchen, Menadvim — Furniture and Appliances. Like new to large offi ce separate entrance. Large property. Quiet block. Donate and Receive. Call 718-MEN-ADVIm Great location. Sandy dry ...... $749K (718-636-2384) We deliver. Owner 516-359-6470 72 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE

Woodmere — 2BR, 2 Bath Co-op, Elevator Bldg, 9ft Cedarhurst — 2BR, 2 Bath Co-op Mint, Terrace, Close To Ceilings, Many Closets, Close To All ...... $169K All, Expanded Kitchen, Updated Bathrooms ...... $245K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] North Woodmere — 4BR, 3 Bath Expanded Splanch — 5BR, 3 Bath CH Colonial, All Bedrooms On One On Quiet Residential St, Many Built-Ins, 4BR On One Level Hewlett ...... $679K Level, 2 Zone CAC, 4 Zone Heat, Fin Bsmt, 2 Car Garage Open House 1/5/14 By Appt. 750 Daniel St...... $859K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Open House 1/5/14 By Appt. 319 Mill Rd. Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Cedarhurst — 4BR, 4 Bath Split Level, New Fridge, Dishwasher, Garage Door, Lg Bedrm On Top Flr Leading Out To Lawrence — 1BR, 1.5 Bath CONDO, Doorman, Elevator Deck, Close To All ...... $399K Bldg, Washer/Dryer In Apt ...... $279K Open House 1/5/14 By Appt. 563 Albemarle Pl. Or Rent ...... $2150/mo Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Cedarhurst — 4BR, 3 Bath Splanch, Quiet St, IGP, Large Hewlett — Mint 1BR, 1 Bath, High Ceilings, Elevator, CAC, Bedrooms, CAC, MBR W/Jacuzzi Tub ...... $619K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch One Parking Spot ...... $110K Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Hewlett — 4 BR, 2 Bath Cape with Full Bsmt, Updated Bathrooms + Kitchen ...... $475K Lawrence — 1BR, 2 Full Baths, Elevator Bldg, 24Hr Rent ...... $3200/mo Doorman, Terrace, Renovated Kitchen & Bathrooms Open House 1/5/14 By Appt. 1614 Hewlett Ave...... $329K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Lawrence — Exp-Ranch, Prime Location, MBR Suite On Lawrence — Co-op 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, Updated Kitchen 1st Floor, Gourmet Kitchen, Totally Renovated, Lot Size 70x150 & Bathroom ...... $199K ...... $859K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Open House 1/5/14 12-1:30pm 78 Margaret Ave. Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Far Rockaway — Just Listed! 3BR Ranch With Full Woodmere — 4BR Charming Home, Very Well Basement, CAC, Large Property, Prime Location . . . . .$POR Maintained, New Kitchen, Cabinets + Appliances, Lr W/Fpl, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Full Fin Bsmt, Great Backyard, Close To All ...... $429K Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Open House 1/5/14 By Appt. 227 Hickox Ave. Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Woodmere — Just Listed! 3BR Ranch With Full Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Basement On Cul-De-Sac, CAC, Best Buy ...... $499K Open House 1/5/14 By Appt. 12 South End Ct. Woodmere — 2BR, 1 Bath Co-op, Elevator Bldg, Eik, W/D Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch In Apt, 10ft Ceilings, Beautiful & Spacious ...... $279K Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Continued on Page 74

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 73 CLASSIFIED ADS Continued from Page 73 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Lawrence/Far Rockaway — 833 Central Ave. Spacious 1 Lawrence — Open House 1/5 1-2:30. Key here. Old Woodmere — Open House by REAL ESTATE appointment Classic 3BR CH col. on huge country-like BR, light and bright, doorman/elevator building, walk all. Price reduced 92 Meadow Lane property. Exquisite custom kitchen, oversized den. Great ...... $179K FOR SALE 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 3-story Manor home. 9BR, Banquet LR, DR, den. Guesthouse, open fl ow. Walk to all. Must see. present all off ers! No fl ood! .5 acre. Key here ...... $1,299M Reduced to ...... $599K Woodmere — Ours Alone! 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bath Ranch, Far Rockaway — 2 Family. All NU, 3 over 1 Bdrm, 3 full baths. Old Woodmere — Grand 5 bedroom expanded ranch Totally Renovated, CAC, Vaulted Ceilings In Bedrooms, Den Woodmere — Mayfair. BOM For Rent Beautiful, big 2BR Great Location ...... $599K Call 516-322-3555 With Fireplace ...... $549K apt, granite EIK, large foyer. on cul-de-sac with huge basement. Oversized double lot, must see ...... $800’s Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Esther Walfi sh, Jessica Silver Realty Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Woodmere — Open House by appointment 516-476-7764 Traditional all brick CH col. 4BR on 1 level. LR with Fpl.Formal Woodmere — 4 Bedrooms, 3 Full Bath, Exp-Ranch, DR. Large EIK. Full fi nished basement. Across the street from FOR RENT Bright & Spacious, All Updated, Master BR Suite, Den, Room To Lawrence — New To Mkt., Exclusive Area, Fully Aish. No fl ood! ...... $649K Expand ...... $559K Renovated, 5BR, 4Bths, 2 Dens, 2 Decks. all systems, large Woodmere —Walk To Irving Place Minyan Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Prop., Playrm. Mint, Call: 516-322-4360 New Construction. Walk to all. Classic custom built CH col. Lawrence — 1BR, 1 Bath, Renovated Apt, 1st Floor, Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Grand two-story entry foyer. 5BR, 4.5Bths. 9’ ceilings. Huge No Fee ...... $1500/mo Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Woodmere— Open House open fl ow. Full Basement. Too much to mention. See Lawrence — 1BR, 1 Bath, Oversized Rooms, Elevator Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Bldg, HW Floors, 1st Flr ...... $109K By appointment. Ours alone, split level, LR, FDR, EIK the plans & specifi cations. If you are dreaming of the perfect Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch with skylights, 4BR, den, SD#14, prime location. Walk all home, call Susan for all the possibilities. Woodmere — 3BR, 2 Baths, Move Right In, Freshly Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] ...... $479K Academy area, Woodmere — New Construction. Painted ...... $3500/mo Classic 7BR, 4.5Bth. CH col. Fabulous entry foyer. 9’ ceilings. LR Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Lawrence — Condo 1BR, 1.5 Bath, Elev Bldg, Doorman, 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 or call Joan with fi replace. Large FDR. Huge Kosher EIK. Top-of-the-line. Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Terrace ...... $379K 516-319-4482 2-car garage. Huge oversized property. Walk to Young Israel Lawrence — 1BR, 1 Bath, 1st Floor, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch and Aish. Come view the plans and specifi cations. Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] Lawrence — Co-op. First fl oor. Beautiful, spacious, light No Fee ...... $1350/mo South Shore Estates 516-569-4980 Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch and bright 2BR, 2bth (1 Jacuzzi), new kosher granite kitchen, Cedarhurst — 2BR, 2 Bath, Terrace, Elevator Bldg Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] FDR, sunken LR, high ceilings, in prestigious elevator building. Far Rockaway: Coop, 3Br, 1Bth Lr/Dr, Walk to All ...... $179K ...... $289K Call 516-322-3555 Low maintenance, walk all ...... $379K Cedarhurst — 3BR, 2.5 Bath, EIK ...... $3000/mo Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Cedarhurst Co-op — Open House Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] By Appointment. Call Joan 516-319-4482. Co-op. Lawrence — 2BR, 1 Bath Freshly Painted, New Carpeting Flatbush in the mid 30s— 1-family, semi-attached, Gorgeous. Totally renovated, pristine condition, spacious, 2BR, Woodmere — Ours alone, new to market, prime location ...... $159K 2 new bths, custom granite kitchen, terrace, just move right in, on quiet street, LR, FDR, kosher EIK, large den, bedroom and Or Rent ...... $1800/mo 3BR, 1.5bths, large EIK, FDR, fi nished basement, private drive/ great location, walk all. Price reduced! ...... $285K bath on main level, 3+BR upstairs, full fi nished basement, Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch garage, large nice backyard, price reduced! Call Yehuda 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 walk all shuls (between West Broadway and Peninsula) Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] 718-501-4003 ...... $3,500 Call Joan 516-319-4482, 5 Towns Homes Realty Lawrence — 1BR, 1.5 Bath, The Plaza ...... $249K Cedarhurst — New construction. First show. Col. 9’ Cedarhurst — New construction. First show. Col. 9’ 516-569-5710 Or Rent ...... $2000/mo ceilings, 5BR, 2.5bths, full basement, on quiet tree-lined street. Call ceilings, 5BR, 2.5bths, full basement, on quiet tree-lined street. Call for details ...... $950K Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch Far Rockaway — New to market, 4BR (1 level), 2bths, Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] for details ...... $950K 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 totally renovated in 2-family house. 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Woodmere/Cedarhurst Oppty! 12,000 sq. ft. approx. Call Joan 516-319-4482, 5 Towns Homes Realty Cedarhurst — New listing, fi rst time on market. Spacious 516-569-5710 2BR co-op, updated EIK, large LR & DR, light and bright, great Lawrence/Far Rockaway — Co-op Freshly painted large 90’x150’, Colonial, 17 rooms, full bsmt. with hi ceilings, clean 2 car garage location, walk all, low maintenance. Priced for quick deal plus storage, 6 space parking, 2 family, professional use, accountant, 2BR, 2bth, kosher kitchen, LR, FDR, terrace, 24-hour doorman, Shabbos Far Rockaway — New to market, spacious 4BR duplex, ...... $179K Esq., medical and/or educational and religious uses. Grand colonial with all new, 2.5bths, call for details. Call Joan 516-319-4482, 5 Towns Homes Realty 516- elevator. Walk all...... $329K charm and great possibilities. Available at once . $875K Negotiable. Call Joan 516-319-4482, 5 Towns Homes Realty 569-5710 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Owner 516-322-3555 516-569-5710

74 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES FOR RENT VACATION RENTAL Deadline for Your Real Estate, Hewlett — First show, split level LR, FDR, EIK, 3BR, 2bths, Beit Shemesh — Short term townhouse rental. 2 Service, or CA/C, basement, , SD#14, walk all ...... $2850 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, L.R, D.R. and fully equipped kitchen. Call Joan 516-319-4482, 5 Towns Homes Realty BS: [email protected] or 516-569-5710 050-240-5332. NY: [email protected] or Help Wanted 516-384-3068 Classified Hewlett — First show, spacious 2BR apt, LR with fi replace, EIK/DR, in private house, separate entrance, SD#14. $1800 Shaarei Chessed, Jerusalem — huge Villa in Ad Here Every Call Joan 516-319-4482, 5 Towns Homes Realty Wolfson Towers short-term rental. 4BR, 3.5bths, overlooking Knesset. EIK, large DR, LR, and Sukkah porch. Central location. 516-569-5710 Contact: yhsokoloff @aol.com, 516-204-1982 Advertising Thursday Lawrence — Freshly painted. Large 1BR, garden apt on Alexander Hotel, Miami Beach — Recently fi rst fl oor, new kitchen, bth, LR/ DR, parking, heat & storage updated. 2BR apt. Breathtaking views, 2bths, southern 100,000 readers look included. Prime location, walk all ...... $1450 exposure, 10th fl oor. 516-581-2058, 5 Towns Homes 516-569-5710 516-374-4001 forward to what’s Kew Gardens — Furnished apt. 2.5 rooms in private in the next issue happening in the 5 Towns house, private entrance. E & F trains & LIRR, Suitable for single, references required ...... $1100 w/utilities. COMMERCIAL REAL by reading The Five Towns 718-846-2957 ESTATE FOR SALE Jewish Times. Far Rockaway — Newly renovated apts in 2-family houses, 2BR & 3BR apts. Call for details. is Monday, Commercial – Professional Space: 1 Week ...... $35 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 or call Joan Lawrence — The Plaza, Medical Suite On 1st Flr, 900 Sq 516-319-4482 Ft., 3 Exam Rooms, Consult Rm, Reception Area & Waiting Rm ...... $329K 2 Weeks ...... $60 Lawrence — Renovated 2BR for rent. Central Ave. location. Call Mark Lipner Direct 516-298-8457 Pugatch New kitchen, terrace. Realty Corp. E-mail: [email protected] January 6, Call Sherri @ Weissman Realty 516-297-7995 Lynbrook — New To Market! 6,000SF Warehouse, 4 Weeks ...... $100 Far Rockaway — Lg. Hse Rental: 4br, 2bth, bsmt., hi- 3 OH Doors ...... $899K ceilings, NU bths, W\D. Call 516-322-3555 516-295-3000, [email protected] Weekly Ads of up to 25 words Cedarhurst — House for rent. LR, FDR, kosher kitchen, Valley Stream — Free Standing Offi ce Bldg For Sale, at 5:00 PM den, 4+BR, basement. On quiet street...... $3,400 Corner Lot, 2000SF, Only ...... $245K 5 Towns Homes Realty 516-569-5710 Call For Details. Randy Green 516-295-3000, Call: 516-569-0502 [email protected] Belle Harbor — Beach 136th Street— 4BR, 2bth, Fax: 516-977-0608 Sept.-June. Unfurnished or furnished. Ideal for family that goes Lynbrook — Full Equipped Deli/Bagel, Great Exposure & to Mountains for summer. $2,000 plus utilities, negotiable. Location & Parking, High Traffi c, Call For More Details. Call 917-749-9060 516-295-3000, [email protected] Or E-mail ads to: Lawrence/FR border — Large 3BR Apt available for The best Location in town!!! Central Ave, Cedarhurst [email protected] rent, 1st FL Private entrance in 2Fam house, Separate large LR Corner 1900SF 516-295-3000, [email protected] and DR, Prime location, Excellent condition. Include payment info. Please call 516-322-3555 516-569-0502 Continued on Page 76

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 75 CLASSIFIED ADS A Fundamental Misunderstanding Continued from Page 75 VACATION REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Of Religious Freedom BY SAM SOKOL community of the United States to Income Producing Shopping Center for Sale in Sullivan COMMERCIAL REAL County generate diplomatic pressure on this ESTATE FOR RENT 100% Leased with Long Term Leases In Place & Additional Air What I am about to write is harsh wicked government.” Rights Available and may strike some as intensely dis- “If the government continues with $1,900,000- 9.7% CAP Contact Yosef Katz @ agreeable; however, I believe that it these decrees, international human- Store for rent— Boro Park — 2 stores together ideal for 212-837-4629 or ykatz@gfi cap.com bank or nail salon. 4406 and 4408 16th Ave. Long lease. can and must be honestly stated: Isra- rights [groups] will be required to inves- ...... $4000 el’s ultra-Orthodox Jews, uneducated tigate the discrimination and to ask Call owner 917-806-2206 VACATION REAL ESTATE in Western thought, or indeed in any how a prospering state creates 800,000 Valley Stream — Professional Space, Various Size core secular subjects, have a funda- poor children,” he added. Suites, Ample Parking Call For Details — Alan Hartstein FOR SALE mental misapprehension regarding The assertion that no government has 516-295-3000 x 123, [email protected] the nature of religious freedom in the the right to make decisions regarding Vacation Village 2 fl , 4 BR, LR, 3 new bth, playrm, WD, Cedarhurst — 3,000SF beautiful offi ce space only Western enlightenment tradition. the status of yeshiva students—as well beautiful view. 516-967-8370 ...... $18 psf I base this remark on comments as related statements contending that Call For Details. Randy Green 516-295-3000, made by chareidi rabbis and legisla- only the deans of said students’ yeshi- [email protected] tors which show their ignorance, on vas retain such a right and Eichler’s 2000SF Storage Warehouse Lynbrook $2750 Per Mo. O’h’ MISCELLANEOUS a most basic level, of the functioning implication that a draft constitutes a New Bath 1 Block To Sunrise Hwy 516-295-3000, of the democracy in which they live. human-rights violation—implies that [email protected] “The place of Torah students is in the ultra-Orthodox community believes 380SF offi ce in nice offi ce bldg. Broadway, Lynbrook Yeshiva of South Shore has some membership openings the tents of Torah, and no one had that religious freedom means throwing by Sunrise Hwy ...... $800 includes all in its burial society. By purchasing an individual, couple the right to uproot them or harm the off the yoke of submission to duly con- 516-295-3000, [email protected] or family membership, you will be ensured of select plots in one of several New York area cemeteries of your choosing. For more essence of the right to our existence stituted state sovereignty in any matter Valley Stream — Former dental offi ce all plumbed information on burial society membership, call the Yeshiva at in the Holy Land, and for sure there in which their rabbis choose to disagree great location Central Ave ...... $3700 per mo. 516-374-7363 x12 or [email protected] is no right to draft them and force with the law. 516-295-3000, [email protected] them into the army, where the very That is not to say that they do not Lawrence — Rockaway Tpke former pizzeria $3500 mo fact of them being there is a spiri- actually retain the right to fi ght for great location great parking no key money tual danger to their way of life and their principles through democratic 516-295-3000, [email protected] Remember their faith,” said a recent joint state- processes or that they do not have Inwood — 12,000SF Warehouse W/O’h’ Door & Offi ces. ment by the Councils of Torah Sages recourse to civil disobedience, a tra- Minutes To JFK very reasonable 516-295-3000, that article? of the Degel HaTorah and Agudat Yis- ditional means in a democracy of dis- [email protected] Visit our archive section rael parties. obeying what one sees as an unjust Cedarhurst—Professional Offi ce Space for Rent. Prime This statement was reinforced law. However, the statements of the Location 125 Cedarhurst Ave, Public Parking Lot, Next To HSBC and find any issue of the by a recent declaration by MK Yis- ultra-Orthodox leadership betray their Bank, Best Location in Town. Fully Air Conditioned. Open 5 Towns Jewish Times rael Eichler, who announced, ahead intent and elucidate the outlines of Layout. Plenty of Sunlight 325 Sq. Ft. $1200 Per Month of a recently canceled U.S. tour by a position which takes religious free- Call Diana 718-762-2233 online @ ultra-Orthodox politicians and sev- dom to an extreme, absolving them of Rockville Centre — 3,500 sq. ft., fully wired for Web, www.5TJT.com eral chassidic rebbes, that the trip partitioned, will divide. Call 516-322-3555 was intended to “enlist the Jewish Continued on Page 78

76 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 77 Religious Freedom If the Council of Torah Sages salem Post, Eichler also com- “If we are involved in rab- in Manhattan, in which both Continued from Page 76 propounded the theory that plained that the government is binic scandal, fi nancial mis- the draft and the state of Israel one need not pay taxes, no seeking to require secular aca- deeds, abusive physical and were demonized. Maybe the any duties or obligations to the one in their right mind would demic accomplishment as a sexual behavior, violence leaders of the Israeli chareidi state, as any law with which believe that it is an infringe- prerequisite for working. This against police, corrupt elec- world suddenly understood they disagree—they seem to ment of the religious rights strikes me to be symptom- tions (and those elected that many local Jews who contend—would rightly fall of the ultra-Orthodox to make atic of what Rabbi Berel Wein thereby), and are caught by would otherwise support their under the heading of religious them pay. However, this is the described in a recent column the authorities for so doing, political views would look coercion. same argument made regard- as the ultra-Orthodox commu- the immediate knee-jerk reac- askance at an effort to go to Religious freedom cannot be ing the draft. nity’s “complete disconnect tion is that we are being perse- gentiles with a request to put extended so far as to remove Call it right, call it wrong, with reality.” cuted because of our religious pressure upon Jews. They may the compulsory power of state just don’t call it a violation Wein writes: “We have practices, different dress, tra- even have seen it, dare I say it, laws. If they are merely speak- of the chareidi community’s grown so comfortable over the ditional lifestyle, and distinct as mesirah. ing about Judaism, which has human or religious rights. past centuries of Jewish life societal mores.” The average American gen- no analogous concept of reli- The draft, by imposing an as being the persecuted vic- At the end of the day, a deci- tile—and especially those who gious diversity and freedom, equal burden on all, is the tim, that we are frightened to sion was made by the politi- support the state of Israel, of then they may be correct. But highest expression of demo- shuck off that protective man- cal and rabbinic class in Israel whom there are many in Amer- as soon as they run to outside cratic values . . . but that is nei- tle. We see the world in black to cancel the planned anti- ica—certainly would have parties and state that their free- ther here nor there. and white . . . the good guys draft tour, probably upon real- apprehended such a tour with doms are being infringed by The arguments of the cha- and the villains. There is no izing that, to American eyes, scant sympathy. This approach the standards of the West, their reidi camp go even further, room for nuance or modera- it would appear identical to a is alien to the American mind- arguments lose credibility. however. According to the Jeru- tion in such a worldview. rally held this year by Satmar set. According to a recent article in the Harvard Political Review entitled “Limits of Religious Freedom,” Zak Lutz wrote that “existing precedence has gen- erally held federal law superior to religious practice.” Citing Reynolds v. United States (1878), in which the Mor- mon Church objected to a fed- eral law banning polygamy, Lutz wrote that “the majority opinion declared that the law was constitutional since it nei- ther interfered with religious belief nor selectively outlawed religious practice.” “To permit this would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land,” Chief Jus- tice Morrison Waite explained. However, a community that has long held a strong antip- athy to Zionism and even to other streams of Orthodoxy probably cannot be expected to share this view nor, if one takes into account their educa- tion system, to even know that it exists. Someone must have told Eichler and the Council of Torah Sages, though, because in a statement issued on Mon- day, Eichler’s offi ce explained that they worried that the “gathering will not be under- stood properly, and that it might stir up anti-Semitism.” As observant Jews, we gen- erally believe that one is required to follow the laws of a nation in which we reside unless those laws actively ban our rites. However, nobody is banning Torah study in Israel and nobody is banning cir- cumcision or ritual slaugh- ter, as in Europe. The truth is, like it or not, the draft is not analogous to the decrees of the Greeks or the Romans, or even the draft under the Rus- sian Czars. The ultra-Orthodox com- munity’s efforts would be bet- ter directed towards ensur- ing proper conditions for the yeshiva students than in engaging in a fruitless battle to prevent their enlistment.  78 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES News From The Hills the theme of the Shabbos—“Ki Lecha Continued from Page 26 Levad Eineinu Teluyos”—as seen through Parashas Sh’mos. She explained that the of Queens, in a League of turning point of the slavery in Mitzrayim Its Own! was when Bnei Yisrael looked heaven- BYQ’s eighth-grade sports league got off ward and cried out to Hakodosh Baruch to a great start this Tuesday! Mrs. Sarah Hu. At that moment, a moment of tefi l- Bergman initiated the program to pro- lah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu responded and mote an experience that lends itself to “paid attention” to their suffering. collaborative teamwork. Thanks to the Rebbetzin Hirtz included a beautiful sponsorship of the Parent Association, insight brought down by Rav Shimshon they are able to offer the girls an invigo- Pincus, zt’l, who comments that when one rating, fun, and meaningful program. cries out in pain, even if it is in response to Morah Pfeiffer, the league coach, began a physical discomfort, he should use that the day with expectations of what it opportunity to channel the cry toward means to be part of a team. She empha- Hakadosh Baruch Hu. Therefore, when sized that one’s true middos are evident Bnei Yisrael cried because of the intense on the court. Envisioning oneself as part physical labor, it was then that Hakadosh of a larger unit is a valuable lesson for life. Baruch Hu responded and set in motion The entire eighth grade formed into the stages for the geulah. Rebbetzin Hirtz four league teams and competed against concluded by expressing the hope that one another in machanayim and bas- the Shabbos would prove to be an oppor- ketball. The captains did an outstand- tunity for growth in the area of tefi llah ing job leading their teams, keeping the and connection to Hakadosh Baruch Hu. games competitive and fun at the same Rabbi Paysach Krohn, noted author, lec- time. The girls displayed the beauti- turer, and mohel, addressed the students ful middos one expects of a Bais Yaakov after Kabbolas Shabbos. In his inimita- role model. Everyone shared the spot- ble fashion, he defi ned the theme of “Ki light and cheered for each other and dis- Lecha Levad Eineinu Teluos,” taken from played derech eretz, complying with the the Yom Kippur davening. He spoke of rules of the game and respecting the ref- emunah even amidst challenges. Stu- eree’s calls. dents were moved to reconnect, through Shevach High School Annual Shabba- tefi llah, to Hashem. Since we daven ton at the Hudson Valley Resort. more than 1,000 times a year, said Rabbi For the Shabbos of December 21, Para- Krohn, it is no wonder that tefi llah needs Sh’mos, Shevach High School stu- strengthening. He offered suggestions on dents were treated to a special Shabbaton how to do this. Recognizing hashgachah with the faculty and their families. Reb- pratis in our daily lives goes a long way betzin Rochelle Hirtz, principal of She- in solidifying one’s emunah. Rabbi Krohn vach High School, welcomed the girls before Kabbolas Shabbos. She introduced Continued on Page 80

5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES January 3, 2014 79 News From The Hills on the topic of tears. He related that in and were amazed to fi nd they originally school-age boys. Learn relevant and Continued from Page 79 Tehillim 39 we ask Hashem “to my tears do came from countries such as Poland, Rus- exciting topics. There will be chulent, Car- not be mute.” The Gemara (Berachos 32b) sia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, France, Ukraine, los and Gabby’s, and more. Program will ended with a moving story connecting says that from the day that the Beis HaMik- Israel, Hungary, and many more. They start this Thursday night, 9:30 p.m., at the the Holocaust to our times. dash was destroyed, the heavenly gates of were intrigued and began to inquire into Jewish Heritage Center, 68-29 Main Street. Rabbi Akiva Grunblatt, rosh hayeshiva tefi llah were locked but the gates of tears their family history and ancestry. The stu- For more information, e-mail jhcteens@ of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, and hus- have not been locked. Rav Dessler, in his dents took the initiative and began con- theJHC.org or call 718-575-3100. band of Rebbitzen Chani Grunblatt, assis- Michtav M’Eliyahu, teaches that tefi llah tacting numerous family members and Business professionals and owners, tant principal of Shevach High School, that comes from the depths of one’s heart, researching their personal histories. join the Jewish Business Development spoke Shabbos morning after Mussaf. a tefi llah that leads to tears, is indeed a Fueled by the students’ interests, the and Networking Group for a network- He opened his address with a touching powerful tool through which Hakadosh project has become a much larger entity. ing breakfast, Wednesday, January 8, 7:45 vignette of hashgachah pratis in which Baruch Hu hears us and responds. Eighth-grade teacher and genealogist a.m. Arrive as early as 7:30 a.m. to start net- a chance encounter on an airplane, com- Rabbi Hirtz concluded with a beauti- enthusiast, Mrs. Julie Faska, was delighted working at a new Kew Gardens Hills loca- bined with a rabbi’s fi rm adherence to his ful p’shat on the famous words “Rochel to hear that the school has received a tion. Meet a group of Jewish professionals principles, were the catalysts in the rab- Mevacah Al Baneheh.” The grammatically grant from Ancestry.com, which will looking to make connections with other bi’s receiving a $2 million donation from correct translation of “mevakah” is to provide the students with free access to Jewish professionals, to help grow your a Jew who had always refused to contrib- cause someone else to cry. Rochel Imeinu their large database. The girls are able to business and enhance your professional ute to any Orthodox cause. is crying because we are not crying and use the computer lab and continue their “contact” database. Professions include Rabbi Grunblatt then connected the she is trying to cause us to cry. Hashem research. Due to the wealth of primary lawyers, computer professionals, IT spe- parashah to the challenge many people has put us through the pain and suffer- and secondary sources available to them, cialists, designers, accountants, printers, face of focusing too much on their indi- ing of galus so that we should cry out to they have been able to create a much dentists, funeral directors, brokers, pho- vidual weaknesses, bringing them to Him and beg Him to redeem us. When more complete picture of their origins tographers, and many more. E-mail Jen- despair, which renders them incapable Hashem will hear our cries, He will tell and ancestors. [email protected] to RSVP and get of accomplishing their goals. Even Moshe Rochel Imeinu “minee koleich m’bechee Bnos Malka’s executive director, the exact location of the meeting. This Rabbeinu hesitated at fi rst in accepting v’einayich m’dimah”—Rochel, you can Michael Salzbank, who began research meeting is not intended for those seeking Hashem’s mission, because of his speech stop crying, because Bnei Yisrael will now on his own family tree 11 years ago, gave employment opportunities. Looking for- impediment. If we realize, though, how be returned to their boundaries. It was a brief demonstration to the girls and ward to networking with you! much Hashem loves us, and that He alone a truly inspiring message that the girls explained how quickly they can iden- Family Caregiver Breakfast. Plan for determines success, our fears would be absorbed as Shabbos drew to a close. tify “lost” relatives. “My tree began with a now and the future in conjunction with replaced with a sense of security. Focus- Bnos Malka Academy Receives Ances- handful of known names and today has Connect to Care. Sunday, January 12 ing on our bitachon gives us hope under try.com Grant. over 2,500 relatives.” 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Young Israel all circumstances. And this sense of secu- The eighth-grade students of Bnos In order to further understand their of Queens Valley, 141-55 77th Avenue, Kew rity opens our mind to creative ideas and Malka Academy have been exploring history, the students have “experienced” Garden Hills. RSVP to Raizy Mushell, solutions to any obstacle that may arise. the history of immigration within the immigration themselves. They visited LMSW at 718-225-6750, ext. 212 or rmush- Through Rabbi Grunblatt’s clear and United States and have come to appreci- Ellis Island earlier in the year, and in their [email protected]. insightful thoughts, the Shevach students ate what a beautiful mosaic we truly are. social studies class they completed a vir- The panel and topics will include: internalized the fact that emunah truly is Their exploration of the historical topic tual stimulation of the journey to Ellis “How To Talk To Your Family About Plan- the key to a successful life. has developed into their own investiga- Island and entering America. They were ning For The Future,” Jane C. Bardavid, For Shalosh Seudos, Rabbi Yonoson Hirtz, tions into their family backgrounds and given an immigrant profi le and, while LCSW, director of the CAPE mental health rav of Utopia Jewish Center, mechanech, cultures. going through the steps of immigration, clinic at the Samuel Field Y; “Understand- and husband of Shevach’s principal Reb- The students were introduced to the they jotted down their thoughts and emo- ing The Legal Aspect Of A Caregiver,” Ron- betzin Rochelle Hirtz, addressed the girls topic by tracking their countries of origin tions in their journals. The end results ald A. Fatoullah, Esq., attorney of Ron- were beautiful and moving diary entries ald Fatoullah & Associates; “Planning For in which they refl ect upon their arrival, The Future For Individuals With Demen- hopes, and dreams. tia,” Martha Wolf, director of commu- The project crosses a number of dis- nity dementia care at Parker Jewish Insti- ciplines: it brings to life the history of tution; “Maintaining A Safe Home As immigration, it develops research and You Age,” Dr. Rosario Accardi, of Action analytical skills, and it culminates in a Motion Physical Therapy; and “Don’t For- narrative depicting both the unique story get About You, a Tribute and Appreciation of each family and, in a strange way, the To Caregivers,” Megan Isenberg, LMSW, commonality that all of us share. director of caregiver program at SNAP. The United States is a beautiful Space is limited. Advance registration mosaic—rich in culture and history. As required. the students of Bnos Malka continue their Annual Tu B’Shvat Yahrtzeit shiur for research, they have come to understand women on Wednesday, January 15, 7:30 that their own families’ beliefs, yearnings, p.m. at Congregation Degel Israel, Main St. hopes, and bravery have enabled them to and 68th Drive in Kew Gardens Hills. The pursue their dreams and ambitions. guest speaker will be the noted Rebbetzin Yael Marcus of Kehillas Ishei Yisrael. Her Upcoming Events topic will be “Tu B’Shvat: Appreciating Sunday, January 5, CHAZAQ in con- the Process.” The shiur is sponsored by junction with Beth Gavriel presents Char- Rivkie Leiman, Pearl Markovitz, and Eve- lie Harary in “The Secrets to Getting your lyn Ocken in memory of their mothers Prayers Answered!” Refreshments will be Sarah bas Harav Avraham, a’h, Tzivia bas served at 8:00 p.m. Lecture scheduled for Eliezer, a’h, and Devorah bas Mordechai, 8:30 p.m. Men and women are welcome. a’h. If you would like to cosponsor this Admission is free. Location: Beth Gavriel event in memory of your mother, grand- Community Center, 66-35 108th St. Forest mother, or any female relative, please Hills For more information, call or text call Evelyn Ocken at 718-268-0439 or Pearl 917-617-3636, e-mail [email protected], or Markovitz at 201-836-4309 or Rivkie Lei- visit www.CHAZAQ.org. man at 718-793-4644, or e-mail ocken@ The Jewish Heritage Center is proud to columbia.edu or pearlmarkovitz@gmail. announce the start of a Kew Gardens min- com. All proceeds will go to the Keren yan for high-school-age boys. The minyan Hachesed fund of Cong. Degel Israel/Ohel will take place in the basement of Yeshiva Rachel which provides for needy fami- Shaar HaTorah 117-06 84th Ave. at 9:00 a.m. lies in Israel. Please make checks payable There will be a hot Kiddush with chulent to Cong. Ohel Rachel with a note for the and sushi. For more information, or any Keren Hachesed.  questions, call Avraham Portnoy at 646- 409-8196 or e-mail [email protected]. Chanita Teitz is a real-estate broker at Astor Brokerage in Kew Gardens Hills, serving the The Jewish Heritage Center Teen Divi- entire Queens vicinity. For all your real-estate sion is launching a Thursday night chu- needs, call her at 718-263-4500 or e-mail lent and learning program for high- [email protected]. 80 January 3, 2014 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Perlstein - Tzedakah full new

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