Enliven Your Seder with These New Haggadahs! Tue CHAZON Lsh J{Aggadah

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Enliven Your Seder with These New Haggadahs! Tue CHAZON Lsh J{Aggadah Enliven your Seder with these new Haggadahs! TuE CHAZON lsH J{aggadah ur era was blessed to have the Chazon !sh ?">1 as one of the Oprimary leaders of Torah Jewry throughout the world. In addition to citing many of the Chazon lsh's halachic rulings and practices related to Pesach, this Haggadah presents stories about this Torah giant as well as selection of his insights and hash­ kafos, culled from many sources, and applied to the Haggadah. The Chazon /sh Haggadah is one you will treasure for many years to come. Rl\V SH.IOMO ffeMAN }-JAGGADAH ecome acquainted with the beloved, revered Rav Shlomo BZalman Auerbach ?">i through this outstanding Haggadah! ··~~~~Iii This masterful blending of the notes and recollections of ' Rav Shlomo Zalman's family and close disciples brings his seder table and beis midrash to your own home, illuminating your Pesach with his customs, halachic rulings, and insightful discussions. This volume details his approach to the season in law and custom from thirty days before Pesach through the last day of the festival. The legacy of this gad of will come alive in your home, year after year, as you gain insight into Pesach through his teachings. THE REVOWTIONARY APPROACH THAT HAS ADDED MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING TO YOUR PRAYERS IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR SEDER! The sc!JOTTENSTEIN EOIT!ON THE INTERLINEAR HAGGADAH It's easy to recite the Haggadah with meaning in Hebrew using the new interlinear format developed by ArtScroll to give you maximum comprehension With minimum effort. ~~~~~·~ How can this new format help you? See for yourself! 1"'i3"T '1 ,"'°"1 ;.. -~, ~­ • Your eyes never stray from the Hebrew word. ~--- ...•;.· .,..::_ ,~~~~ ·-- •You view Hebrew and English simultaneously. ~.~~-~·t!\!l:l")'l'I" ~,:!!?,'.i'~--~.,::e~~ •Your concentration is unbroken. "".,, •You focus on the meaning of the Haggadah, because you see the ;=""-""':;:;:"".;:;:~=::: translation as you recite the Haggadah; ~~.:?.:' ni<J_;'¥ro ~~ "" ~Rlll!~~*lY'IN''iii""~'~'!i?CHOL HAM_OED An old classic has now become a new classier A uthored. by .Rabbi Dovid Zucker and Rabbi Moshe Francis, this ftsefer has been an invaluable aid since its first publication in 1981. The original sefer contained important piskei halachah from HaGaon Harav Moshe Feinstein?·~•. HaGaon Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky >·~•. and the Debreciner Rav '"ltl. Numerous revisions and additions en­ hance this new edition, including many important p'sakim from .HaGa.on Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach >·~·, and """"'~' HaGaon Rav Yosef Shalom Eliyashiv ....,,,.,, This is a sefer that belongs in your home this Chol Hamoed! ;ewish IN THIS ISSUE .•• /BSEINE.R THE ELEVENTH SIYUM HASHAS OF OAF YOMI THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 IS PU!\USl!ED MON!"flLY EXCJ~PT h1u· & AlJGUSr UY l!llC AGUDc\'11! hHAEL OF AMUllCA 42 HIHIADW,\Y, N1cw Yora:. NY 10004, RaL-ibi i\Jisson PuuODICA!.S POSTAGE l'!\ID IN Niow YorlK. NY. Sunscnrl'-r10N s2s.oo/YFA1~; 14 THE LAST OFTHE l\llC!HH:ANS, Rabbi Yechief 2 YL'\HS. S48.00;;} YL\llS. S69.oo. OUTSIDE CH' THE \JNJ n:n STAn·.s {!JS FUNDS DRAWN 0"1 ,, \!5 !lANK 16 l\lly Sarah ONLY) Srs.oo S\IROIARGL PER ncAK S!NG!.E COl'Y S:;.50; 0PTSIDE NY ,\fib\ S:;.95; FOHEIGN S4.50. 18 FROM THE S!DEUNES ... To THE FRONT E.T Rubin POSTMASTER: SEND ADDHFSS CHANGES TO: fur: JEWISH OBSERVER 42. BROADWAY, NY. NY 10004 fl·:L 212-797-9000. FAX 64H-254-1600 31 THE !JAY Robbi l'JONTJ·:D IN THE USA RAfHH N!SSON WOLP11'. fditor 36 iNTRODUC!NG THE E!GHTH Fdilorinl Hoard Shiorno Gottesrnan and Gcdofiah vv·e111bi1ff''" RABl\l JO.~!TI! ELIAS. U1mrma11 RAflBl A!HlA BIHJDNY JOSEl'H F!llEDENSON RAIHU YISROEI. Mun KJRZNEn RAJH~l NOSSON Scuu~MJ\N l'RO!'. AARON Tw1·:w,;t;.1 ON THE AGENDA hnmdcrs l)H. ERNST L. BODl:NllEJMEft Z""J. RABBI Mo~;in: SHERE[~ Z""L 38 liURTllNG llOWN Tf!E SLIPPERY M1111oycmc11/ /Jmm/ .A.VI FISJIOF, NAFrOT.! Hrnsc11 Yonoson Rosenblurn IS1\t\C KH~ZNER, RABBI SHI.OMO LL~IN, NAC!ll'M STEIN Mrmuging !:ditor RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING PESACH JOTTINGS Pl!BJ.ISl!!\D BY •\(;1 i])A r!! Js1vuc1. OF f\MEIHCA U.S. TRADF DIS'lRl!lUTOR l'El.ll!lEIM l'lil,l.ISMEHS 41 l!OIJ Airpor/ /.\r•cu/il'C H11h Nanuct. IV}' 10.'Vi4 Sirncha Leib Grossbard BHlrJSH RF.PHESl-;Nf1\Tl\.T H11n:1.MAN M.T 7 Gmwrnor \\'or/is 44 "PRA!SE' \iVORTHY Rina ·\1011111 l'fcomnl Ifill /,mid1m r::i «JN/:~ /'~/liG/.Al\ln 47 ... AND RASHA MAKES Rabbi Av.I HU.NC/I !U:PRt-:SENTATIVE RAllUJ BAMUERGi'.11 21 IJ011/r•1 ..ord Ftuxlwus 57000 Mell. FRAlVCF !Sl~Al:,U llFl'llFSENTATIVE 50 TAX f1usc; SEASON -As IN rNI.. Mt-:OlA 1'!.ACEMEN I POIJ 71.9!J I 97.fajfi1 Rom/ .fcrnwlcm _94340, /SRA/:'/. Ari Z. Zi·votof:;ky BEi.GiAN HE!'Hl\Sl·.NTA"JIVE Mn. E. APTER l.onqc Kin11.>lr. 2.<J 201/i 1111/ii'crp. /JU.Gii iM SOUTH AFRICAN RJ:PIH:SENTATIVI·: !"HE JE\VISH OHSERVER DOES NO I ASSUMF SIYUM PHOTO CREDITS M!I. \'.TABACK l'O Box S15.')2. R!-:SPON.'il!llU !"Y FOn TH1' KASH!Hrs OF ·\NY PHO])!rcr. Rm·rlcnc . .f,1hon11r'shurq P{llll.!C1\TION, 0!{ 'iEHVICE ADVJ·~RTISEIJ IN ITS !'AGF.S ~124 SOI '!If At-mc:1 BACK Covui: CONT!1'FNT.''d. Allll.INICS AHENA BY Mosi-11: )';\HMISl-l ·\1;~ I <l'\l !,'\N REl'!l!-:Sl':NTATJ\IE © (OPYR!GHl 2005 CENTJ·:R Sl'HEAD: CONTINl\NTAI. AlRLJNES ARENA fH Y!Sl~OI-:!. (;OLDING DR. A. D!Nl'iEN 77 flirriya Rood ELSE\VHT-;ru' PHOIOGRAP!IE!{.~ MF.l'iTIONED AlU)VE. 1•1.us /Jl'flcnic ffil/. NS\V 2rn:;. A( 'S-!R;\UA APRIL 2005 I VOLUME XXXV!II /NO. 4 SHIMON GO!.DIN(; ~~-----·---~---------._ .... ------ -·---~·-- _J . then cariie the taxihgsch~dul~, tbe ,,;gistlc~f pl~n~ ·J.·.. hE! ··.p. repa.ra.ti.. o... n. for this ·l.or.ah.-i.nspired even. t began, in its way, over.eighty years ago;. when Rabbi ning, setting ~p communi~ations centers and (Oailings, Meir Shapiro introduced the idea of learning leasing of arenas, r;ieeting halls and auditoriums,. set­ throu~h the entirety of Shas- one page atatime-Daf tingup satellite networks.making and 5onfir(Oing seat Yomi - at the Knessia. Gedo/ah of Agudath Israel in reservations, and .the ..countdown to. the end of Vienna, !twas advanced when.the Gerrer Rebbe ,.,, ush­ Masechta Nidda • .. · ered in the New Year 5684 by learning the first folio \~e long:awai~E!d day came~ and highways, skyways, of Shas, 8erachos. daf Beis, and tens of thousands of trains, buses - all w!'Jre crowped with mesyemim (Shas com­ Chassidim followed his example, The more immediate pleters). and fell\)Wcelebrapts. The coqfluence of Yid den preparation for this Siyum began on September 29, '97127 outside Madison .Square Garden and the Javits Center in Elul 5757, when Jews on .six. continents began the Eleventh Manhattan, Continental AirHnesArena .in New Jersey, W<ilt Cycle of DafYomi, which hasjustcome to a close. Disney Coqc~~t fiaU in Los Angeles, Rosemont Tf\eatre in The arduous task ahead was approached with trep­ Chicago, Ricoh Center in Toronto ... the streams of joyful idation ... and enthusiasm, explaining one phrase at a people conyerging outside of the en~rances of these gath­ time, exploring meanings and)mplications, analyzing ering place~,pulsati.rig,"Yith love for \orah, dedication .to disputes, absorbing sugya 4tter sugya, paving one'sway limud Ha Torah, ambition for growth in Torah. All enter­ through 4Perek, completing an entire Masechta. "Hadran ing for a defining sort ofcelebration, declaring, in effect: alach. Masechte. Berachos, ... and.on for 2, 711 pages, for I am a Torah Jew, and nothing could be more fulfilling than this e\(eQt, o a . t ore excitin uture. , ' ,' ' .~r.~e~un.dte(f thop&irrr~plµs~eo­ foS~!l tinli)i:Yeshivastudenrs,~~diln, ~Iz w~.c> par~&ipat~din.th~ .~o/µry ~ephardiln~Jews -0f Polish, 1'{ll11!J@ian, ffM'f15.()f 1.l\e Uth Cy~leof Daflomi ~af!,~,Mol'OO:a!J,Sytiananti r<xic and around tt;ewotld, 1Jler~1Vas ~.~~a!J1~11;!C~ericanextta.dion ... men, ' Iywid~ rang~of o;:<J~"Whel,l!li~~' · wo1nen,chll1ten ... Ra])bis, Rashei Yeshiva, ~<>tnet1-~~-~:'J~_::~-is;:-';vri~~r;s: vie~) Chassiffid~?~rs, 1necnan~him,tead1ers •.. ~~r~c~g one r~s tJie Cr)~ngout · ·ll)~nnracttt;~s, ptofessi()nals, entrepre- (srp~suk.of She111a during Maariy; 11eurs,clerJ<S,la]:,ote~s, full"time~at-hol!le ·p.!5\.91tl1 !hewotd ~Edi qt!!''Ye,s,111.e 111others: ~ all were one in their apprecia­ ibo!ISlllt(fsin the :New Yod<Gitymea ti()n ?fTorall ~tudyas the lifcfoj'ceofKlal 111··111e1f1erma111 01 the liJom J'bk.N J'#n'f;~uf1NT~.'\fdRDS.THA!JZ~HICli .. Wf!:JUST ~:x.rEtt!J;;)'.ICED;.fR?MJ;.Hf:MOMEN'l;'\fE WALKEOIN; /;t•}~tOO'(JRAMA2;IJ'..10SEATS, To•THJ!;:~~STKADJ)JSJ1. ···•· ;•, FRol\( RAss1W~9Hs~~N'.s"WE):V,'\cNT M:oRE" to .· RABIJI MATISYAau's "WEMtJS'.f po~.MIT ouRSELVEs," WE LEFT A FEW FEET TALLEk AND Fl<:Ii:LING ti KE RA.·········.·.~11f:Aat£H F!ltGENBAUM . 'J?~-.:·ofGvugregation.·phr Ha:Toralt :ef.nd}~tµlfr Of,tllt }.Q~__17fe1&~.er_,tJ,allas ·.de~9gatio.n ~·(>'t.~,e Siyu'nl. '<!.~t ovet seventy other locations across Yisroel: its croWning glory iJ1 the icl~alset­ e~~a; andyetmore in fur-flrmg settings ting, i)'s saviI)g g!'l!Ce t.111der pr~sure,i15key )~\11.,,d&ysatellite, all tJiese peoplecovered to survival in the worst ofcirc:tnnstances .
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