, DECEMBER 28, 2019 - 30, 5780 PARSHAT MIKEITZ (Pgs. 222, 890 & 768) ROSH CHODESH CHANUKAH


So the men took that gift, and they took with them double the money, as well as Benjamin. They made their way down to Egypt, where they presented themselves to Joseph. When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to his house steward, “Take the men into the house; slaughter and prepare an ani- mal, for the men will dine with me at noon.” The man did as Joseph said, and he brought the men into Joseph’s house. But the men were frightened at being brought into Joseph’s house. “It must be,” they thought, “because of the money replaced in our bags the first time that we have been brought inside, as a pretext to attack us and seize us as slaves, with our pack of animals.” (Miketz 43:15-18)

Upon returning to Egypt a second time, the brothers were taken into the palace to dine with Yosef. As it was highly unusual for common visitors to be invited to dine with the viceroy himself, the brothers suspected that Yosef’s invitation was a pretext to imprison them. Many of the commentaries associated this episode with a prior incident that occurred in last week’s parsha. After throwing Yosef into the pit, the noted, “…and [they] took him and cast him into the pit. The pit was empty; there was no water in it. Then they sat down to a meal…” The Sforno explained the brothers were so confident they committed no wrong by throwing Yosef into the pit, they subsequently sat down for a lavish meal. The Tzror Hamor commented the meal was a celebratory meal, in which the brothers rejoiced in the “nullification” of Yosef’s dreams of future greatness.

Although the brothers felt the truth was on their side, their overt display of callousness, by sitting down for an extravagant meal while their brother suffered in the depths of a pit, was considered unseemly behavior for which they would be held accountable. The Chofetz Chaim explained that the fear the brothers now felt when called to dine with Yosef was a punishment, midah keneged midah (measure for measure), for feasting earlier while Yosef suffered in the pit. Furthermore, the Midrash extended this thought and stated that the in- sensitivity displayed by the brothers would be replayed in a future distress experienced by the Jewish nation on Purim. The Midrash noted, “You sold your brother, cried out a voice from Heaven, and you sit down to feast?! The time will come when your descendents will be sold in the midst of a feast.” This refers to Purim, when King Achashverosh and Haman sat down to dine and issued the decree to eradicate the Jewish people. From here we learn the sensitivity one must have for someone suffering, even for one considered an oppo- nent. As written in Proverbs, “If your enemy falls, do not exult; if he trips, let your heart not rejoice.

ELI BABICH, RABBI JOSEPH MALOVANY, CANTOR 5 East 62nd Street ●Tel: 212.838.2122 ●www.5as.org


Cantor Joseph Malovany will be leading all services this Shabbat Chanukah.


Wednesday, January 1st, 2020, 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Our Fifth Avenue Group will be joining over 100,000 Jews from across the world for the 13th Siyum HaShas, celebrating the completion of the entire , a seven and a half years’ cycle of learning the Oral Torah and its commentaries, in which each of the 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud are covered in sequence.

If anyone from Fifth Avenue Synagogue wants to attend the Siyum and purchase VIP tickets with indoor access and food, please contact President Jacob Gold at [email protected] or (212) 980-0140. Tickets are tax deductible. All proceeds from this massive event go directly towards the organizers.

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov to Laurel Grass on the birth of a grandson, born to Judith and Samuel Grass. Mazal tov also to big sister, Alexandra Grass.

Happy Birthday!

Miles Oshan, 9

YAHRZEITS December 28 - January 3, 2019; Kislev 30 - 6, 5780


29 1 Mr. Fred Frenkel, Brother 2 5 Mrs. Ruth Dimenstein, Husband 29 1 Ms. Sonia Jaye, Father 3 6 Mrs. Claire Dienstag, 29 1 Mrs. Edith Levite, Sister-In-Law Mother-In-Law 30 2 Mrs. Laura Rabinowitz, Father 30 2 Mrs. Ruth Dimenstein, Granddaughter 31 3 Mr. Ira Leon Rennert, Father 31 3 Mr. Andrew Lowinger, Brother 31 3 Mrs. Evelyn Sommer, Father-In-law 31 3 Mrs. Bernice Schwartz, Husband

FOR ERUV STATUS: 212-838-2122 x 5. For questions or comments about the Eruv please contact Rabbi Tauber at Mechon L’Hoyroa: (845) 659-8777.


Would you like to brush up on your Hebrew reading skills, and/or have a deeper understanding of Jewish prayer? Whether you are a total beginner or just need a refresher, we have the class for you!

Rabbi Eli Babich will be teaching a warm and intimate Hebrew reading class for adults in January and February. This 6-part class will also include davening instruction and explanations of the various prayers. The class will meet at Fifth Avenue Synagogue on Wednesday evenings, beginning on Wednesday, January 15 at 6:00 pm. The cost for the course is $36, which will cover all textbooks and materials. Please register at www.5as.org or email [email protected].

Learning Hebrew and understanding the prayers is one of the best ways to enhance your connection to Judaism. Please join us for this special opportunity.


Rabbi Rosensweig’s Talmud class continues next Tuesday night, December 31, at 7:30 PM at FAS. Rabbi Rosensweig is teaching Tractate Chulin.


Please join us for a 3-class series with Rebbetzin Lisa Babich: “LIVING JEWISH”

The first class takes place on Thursday, January 9 at FAS: “The Revitalizing Power of Shabbat”

The next two classes to follow: Wednesday, February 12 (Location TBD): “Parenting the Jewish Way: A perspective on how to raise children in a meaningful way” and Wednesday, March 18 (Location TBD): “Sticks and Stones AND WORDS Can Hurt You: The Torah perspective and laws of proper speech.”

Sushi will be provided. Please RSVP to [email protected]. *These classes are being jointly sponsored by Fifth Avenue Synagogue Young Leadership and The Creative Playschool. CHANUKAH NOTES

This year, Chanukah begins on Sunday evening, December 22, at which time we light the first candle. Chanukah is our thanksgiving festival. We express our gratitude Therefore, on Friday afternoon, those for the victory of our people, led by who would typically use small the Maccabees, over the Syrian Chanukah candles should place Greeks, who were determined to Shabbat candles in the menorah. Of eradicate Judaism and Jewish life, course, Shabbat candles should also be and we celebrate the rededication lit in the usual manner, immediately of the Temple. Chanukah is, after the lighting of the menorah. We accordingly, a time for rededication recommend that you arrive at the for all of us. It is appropriate that we Synagogue earlier than usual on Friday recommit ourselves to Torah and afternoon, December 27, to be present Jewish life during this season. when the Chanukah candles are lit in the main sanctuary just prior to LIGHTING OF THE CHANUKAH Mincha. On Saturday night, December CANDLES 28, in the Synagogue we first light the Please note the procedure in which Chanukah candles and then recite the candles are lit. As we face the Havdalah. At home, the order is menorah, the candles are placed reversed: first we recite Havdalah and from right to left, each night adding then we light the menorah. On the first one to those kindled the night night of Chanukah, we recite three before. Though the incremental blessings upon the menorah (l’hadlik candles of each day are added from ner, she’asa nissim, and right to left, the procedure in she’hecheyanu). Thereafter, we recite lighting the candles is to begin on two blessings (l’hadlik ner and she’asa the left and move to the right. It is nissim), on each subsequent night. At desirable that the menorah be lit at Shacharit services, we recite Hallel and nightfall. In order to fulfill the read the Torah each morning of mitzvah, one must use enough oil Chanukah. Additionally, on Shabbat (or, for those who use them, candles and Sunday, December 28 and 29, we that are large enough) so that the observe Rosh Chodesh. Please be sure lights will burn for at least thirty to join us. Chanukah concludes on minutes. Monday, December 30.


-Youth Groups Ages 5+ led by Yosef Itzkowitz; 4th Floor - 9:30 AM

- Junior Congregation Ages 1-4 led by Rivkah Halpert; 5th Floor - 10:30 AM FAS Welcomes MORTON A. KLEIN



Mr. Klein will be introduced by Mrs. Inge Rennert, and he will speak on the topic: “The Orwellian Lies Against Israel”

Members: $80/Adult, $40/Child; Non-Members: $100/Adult, $50 Child. Kids program during the speech.

Please RSVP: www.5as.org, email [email protected] or call 212-838-2122.

Morton A. Klein is National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel group in the U.S., founded in 1897. Mr. Klein is widely regarded as one of the leading Jewish activists in the United States. He is a child of Holocaust survivors, born in a displaced persons camp in Gunzberg, Germany. Klein is a published academic, having served as a lecturer at Temple University and as a biostatistician at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and the Linus Pauling Institute.


We are exploring the possibility of a Fifth Avenue Synagogue delegation to the AIPAC Policy Conference* in 2020 and/or 2021. The 2020 AIPAC conference will take place in Washington, D.C. from March 1 - March 3. The dates of the 2021 conference are March 7 - March 9. Please contact Rabbi Babich or Rachel Akrongold if you are interested in attending or learning more. Thank you!

*The American Israel Public Affairs Commitee (AIPAC) is a bipartisan organization of U.S. citizens committed solely to strengthening, protecting and promoting the U.S.-Israel relation- ship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel. The AIPAC Policy Conference is the largest gathering of America’s pro-Israel community.


THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2020, 7:00 PM at FAS.

Mr. Anthony will speak on the following topic: “The Battle for The Jewish Future: Europe, America, Israel.”

Benjamin Anthony is the founder and director of Our Soldiers Speak (www.oursoldiersspeak.org). This U.S. based, 501(c)(3), non-for-profit organization is the sole vehicle globally through which the IDF, the Isra- el National Police and the Israeli Ministry of Jus- tice dispatch senior ranked, active officials to select graduate schools throughout the English speaking world.

Benjamin is the lead lecturer for the organization which has reached diverse audiences at more than 450 campuses across several continents. He has lectured before students and academics at every Ivy League college and has been the keynote speaker for Israel Bonds, CAMERA, CUFI, and numerous Jewish Federations. Benjamin has also spoken at some of the most prestigious around the world. In 2013 he spoke at the plenary session of the AIPAC Convention in Washington DC. Benjamin also ar- ranges and oversees high level briefings by senior members of the Israel defense es- tablishment for elected officials, including within the US Administration, the US Senate and the USCongress, on matters relating to the state of Israel and her strategic relationship and position in the international community.

Of particular note is his service to key members of the U.S. Administration as an advi- sor on the Israel-Palestinian conflict and potential avenues toward its resolution. A Sergeant in the I.D.F. combat reserves, Benjamin is a veteran of service in: ▪ The Second Lebanon War, 2006 ▪ Operation Pillar of Defense, 2012 ▪ Operation Protective Edge, 2014.

He has served in Judea and Samaria/The West Bank and along Israel’s northern border. Benjamin is a graduate of the University of , UK.

RSVP: www.5as.org or email [email protected].

You are cordially invited to the Fifth Avenue Synagogue New Members Shabbat Dinner Friday, January 31, 2020.

Join us as we welcome renowned speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson, acclaimed for his humor and inspiration.

Shabbat service at 5:00 PM. Dinner promptly at 6:00 PM. Great Kids Program!

Fifth Avenue Synagogue 5 East 62nd Street, NY, NY 10065 Kindly RSVP by Friday, January 24, 2020. For more information please email [email protected], call 212-838-2122, or register at www.5as.org.


One of America’s premier Jewish scholars in Torah and Jewish mys- ticism, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak (YY) Jacobson is one of the most sought after speakers in the Jewish world today, lecturing to Jewish and non -Jewish audiences on six continents and in forty states, and serving as teacher and mentor to thousands across the globe. He is considered to be one of the most successful, passionate and mesmerizing com- municators of Judaism today, culling his ideas from the entire spec- trum of Jewish thought and making them relevant to contemporary audiences. Rabbi YY Jacobson was the first rabbi ever to be invited by the Pentagon to deliver the religious keynote to the US military Chief of Chaplains and to the National Security Agency. At the con- ference he was hailed “The Jewish Billy Graham.” Rabbi Jacobson founded and serves as dean of TheYeshiva.net, teaching, via the web, one of the largest Torah classes in the world today, with thousands of students globally. Former- ly, he served as editor-in-chief of the largest English newspaper existing today, The , and as spiritual leader of Congregation Bais Shmuel in New York. HIGHLIGHTS FROM OUR FAS KIDS CHANUKAH PARTY ON DECEMBER 18 !


Friday, December 27 - Chanukah Day 5

Candle Lighting…………………………….…………..4:17 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat ……………………………..4:25 PM *Light six Chanukah candles before Shabbat

Shabbat, December 28 - Rosh Chodesh Tevet, Chanukah Day 6

Daf Yomi in the Library.…………………...…..……...8:00 AM Parsha Class with Rabbi Babich……………………….8:30 AM Shacharit/Hallel...…………………….…….……….....9:00 AM K’riat HaTorah………………………….…………....10:00 AM Mussaf………………………………………………..10:45 AM Sermon/Announcements…...…...... …………………11:20 AM Adon Olam….…………………...……………...……11:35 AM

Shabbat Afternoon Schedule

Daf Yomi Group in the Library.………………….……3:00 PM Mincha/Seudah Shlishit………………………………..4:00 PM Shabbat Ends…………………………………………...5:22 PM *Light seven Chanukah candles after Shabbat

Sunday, December 29 - Rosh Chodesh Tevet - Chanukah Day 7

Daf Yomi………………………….…………….……..7:15 AM Shacharit………..………………….…..……………....8:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv………...………….…………………..4:25 PM *Light eight Chanukah candles after sunset

Monday, December 30 (Chanukah Day 8) - Thursday, January 2

Daf Yomi………………………….…………….……..6:30 AM Shacharit……………………………………………….7:30 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv………...………….…………………...4:25 PM *Talmud Class with Rabbi Rosensweig on Tuesday, December 31 at 7:30 PM *Shacharit on Wednesday, January 1 - New Year’s Day...... 8:30 AM

Friday, January 3

Daf Yomi…………………………….………….…….6:30 AM Shacharit……...……………………….….….………..7:30 AM Candle Lighting…………………………….………….4:22 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat………….………………….4:30 PM