Till? WATKItrOltl ) NKWS SHIPPING. The Rev. J. RUCIIR, P.P., says—" I strongly recommciui AMMARMANN , EEXD , & CO., SALES PRINTING Published rcerii Friday Evening at 49 King street , Mr. J OHN II INTOX to those who uny require tlic services OP I Opposite the Ptovinfi-.il Bunk.] of an Emigration Agent." WINTE R ARRANGEMENTS—1SG0 -C1 MILITARY AND MERCHANT CLOTHIERS , AUCTION OP HORSES, EVERY DESCRIPTION PRICE THRI-. K P UXCK ; Y K .VUI .Y ( IN ADVANCE; 13S . Travelling Machines, Farming Implements, Slodt, SrAMi-cn, -Id. ; Y EARLY, 17S. 4tl. EMIGRATION DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH NEW YORK , 4c C , SUFFOLK-STREET , DUBLIN. c}n,, iyc. FOR l£5?" Partii-s residing out of tlic United Kingdom wishing ..a-k O TE AM ERS WKEKL Y to MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horaes, PUBLIC BODIES OBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OP IRELAND,—Accept our gratoful thank3 for your valued Pat ronagc, Travelling Vehicles, i&o , &c, •will take place , to get The Xctcs.cm have it forwarded every work , to any nOf E ANCHOR LINE' ii^KT^ NKW YORK , QUKUEC. WON- , •i3s2k TJL. " Steam-Packet * ^ N •of which we truStUo tncrit a coutinuauce. address, on tlic same terms as those living within tho United Otr*»nf5^ ABE First-class Ship V&jLJSp-TKKAL, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA , ON MONDAY, 7TH OF JANUARY, l8Gi. PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS , BAIL ^it^^LcsStCsr In Kiue to Ten Days, for ,1'GO's. OUR PUIiGIIASliS for tli o present and approaching Season are now fully complete, and will be found on INTENDED TO REOVI.ARI.Y R LAURENCE UOBBYN'S VETERINARY MERCHANTS , AND Kingdom, viz., 17s. Id. yearly. ^J Sj ij ^ PACKI - T SniPa every Monday to Nuw York ; 12lh every inspection to contain EVERY' NOVELTY to bo fouud in the Home .ind Continental Markets. At M Tho law of newspapers is such, that all snbseiilicrs who do BETWEEN GLASGOW AND NEW YORK, Month to Philadelphia ; Ut :tnd 15th to Boston ; twico a In COATlNfiS wo aro prepared with a New Production iu Woollen Manufacture—THE P ATENT DIA- Establishment, Beresfurd-slrect, Walerford, TRADERS IN EVERY WARE ORDER OP SALB : not give express notice to tho contrary, arc considered as AS UXDKK :— Month to Mclbouruo nnd New Zealand; occasionally to GONAL VELVET I'ILK—embracing tho two-fold advantages of warmth aud lightness ; also, beautifully- F.XECUTEn WITH other Ports. Full Provisions supplied to nil Paascnrcra. finished ENGLISH aud FRENCH BEAVERS, and tho UNDRESSED UEPELLANT COATING, which will Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, &e., al uishiiijj to continue thei r subscriptions, and niHst pay accovd- POnTLAXl) VOYAOE: TASTE , FROM PORTLAND, Tho Moijul Vessels of these, "tho Favourite Lines," from be appreciated. , rvfelve o'clock precisely. HASTE , iigly. No paper can be discontinued until all arrearages are FROMStotes GLASGOW Sat, Fob., 10 United Statcs..Tues, Mar. 10 1,500 to 3,oOO tons, couiprchcud some ot the most celebrated and Family Horses 'Clock. United Wo also call attention to a New Make of Cloth, called tho TREBLE-MILLED ALLIED BEAVER for Hunters, Riding , at One o AND paid. FROM GLASGOW. FROM NKW YORK. nilo-nr, nud all persons who wish a cheap, quick, safe specially suited for exposed travelling. This ij the finest article produced in the UuitcJ Kingdom. Colts, Draught ond Farm Horses immediately after. their bevhs with Outer Coats, John Nell Sat, Feb. 23 John 1M1 Tnes, Mar 20 and comfortable passago should secure Our TROUSElUNdS consist of 'a SplendU and Beautiful Assoitment of .RI JHMOSD STRIPE'*, B3f" Persons intending property for this sialo will bo PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, United Kingdom.Tuos, Apr 10 JOHN HINTON. 63?" To B USINESS M EN , tve offer a single copy of United Kingdom, Sat. Mar. 16 ANGOLAS, the BRIGHTON CHEUK3, and tho BOWATElt ELASTIC STftlPEi, such as are now worn by required to have it entered at Mr. D ODBTN 'S, or at Mr. (The Quality of the Work Considered), Jolin Hell Sat. Aprl 27 John Hell Tucs, May 28 (n23-tf our Paper fur £2 5s. a year, which will entitle each Offices in Wexford and Enniscorthy. the Elite at London and Pans. Thow Fabrics, from thei r novelty of design, peculiar softnoss, elasticity, and WALSH 'S Office , 10" Custom-house Quay, on or bcfor« AT United States Sat. June 8 United States....Tues, July 0 'Clock the morning of :Sale (Jd. person so subscribing to publish an announcement of his Guineas and 15 Guineas ; Inter- colour, form the most Splondid Collection of Goods yet introduced. Ninco . Fee forestry, 2s- FAKKS.—Saloon Cabin, 13 WEEKLY S T E A M COMMUNICATION Auctioneer's Fees of Five per Cent. The News Book and Job Printing-. own business, not exceeding Six LINES, in every publi- mediate 7 Gairiens; Steerage, 6 Guineas. In VESTINGS, wo invite attention to a groat variety in Patterns and Fabrics, amongst which the BERLIN Purchasers to pay , TO NEW YORK DIRECT. THOMAS WALSH Auctioneer. MACHINE RULING , cation for one year. FREIGHT.—Fine Gocd>,, 40s. per Ton Measurement, with WOOLS are pronounced to bo tho Beau Ideal of a Gentlemanly Vest.. , Advertisements of Public Bodies, <$ <;., the usual 6 per cent, primage. English and Dundco Goods for- Weekly to New York Direct in 11 to 13 days for £C Ga. WATERPROOF UEl'ELLANT SCARLET HUNTING CLOTH—without exception one of the most Auction3 attended in any pnit of Cpuntry or Town. AND nOOK-IMNDING ESTAHLISIIMEN 'I pment, 30s. per Ton Measure- Elegant Productions in Woollen Manufacture ever submitted to the notice of Geutlemcn—warranted to resist auy 100 Custom-house Quay, Waterford, 1880. tf charge of 6d. p er line f or first insertion, and 3d. per warded to Glasgow for shi T-aC^Sa?rpHK* Liverpool , New York , ment and 6 percent, primage. Coarse Goods and Dead / amouut of rain or ill-usage. BS" Nos. 49 .y 5 Kiwi Street, Waterford. line f or every subsequent insertion. Servantsand other Parcels Ss. each nud upwards. s^7N\?\kr~7> \ k. JL and Philadelphia Steam Ship Weigh t per agreement. inten d despatching their HUNTING BREEC H ES Material will be found more varied and cxtensivo than in any pwt season j also, THE AUCTION ROOM, persons seeking employment can have their advertise- 1^" de Dues payable by the Shipper. 'S^gag) Sj ^jy.y^ Company EDWARD WALL, Cly mtB&Btt£mBSBO9£SFull-poweredto Clyde-built Iron Screw some Beimtiful Dcsignsand Styles in HUNTING! VliSTS. NO. 101 QUAY, is now fitted up for the reception ments published for Is. each insertion. Goods for shipment by these Steamers must bo alongside at New Styles in Waterproof Garments—Til Ii QUEEN'S PATTERN RIDING IIABIT. of Furniture, &c. for Sale. 5 UM Al E It IU LL , Tit A M O It E , sent for previous to date. Steamships, TEIIMS : Inva riably Cash. Advertisements least two days From our lengthened experience and justly-earned reputation ns FIRST-CLASS CUTTERS in the distinct Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on ON SALK , as iihmc, or from liumlod in writing as to Apply to FHASCIS M ACDONALD & Co., New York ; J AMES From QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK , HAS publi cation without specific directions Branches of our Buaiaes, we are enabled to product) a PERFECT FIT, and pleaso tho most fastidious taste. their own" Premises will find it their interest to make use Wanhniises, Walerford, Wholisal.: and Ri-tuil , LITTLE & Co., Greenock ; HAHDYSIDES & H ESDKKSOS ns follow : We the number of insertions, will be continued till ordered • . are, Noblemen and Gentlemen, of this Establishment, as (he Room is both spacious and Snpcriur OLD WINES of all tlcs G1 CITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, 31st Jan., „ ^ >:¦ out, and charged f or accordingly. KANGAROO Thnrsdav, 7th February Respectfully yours, lofty, and admirably ailaflWS'for Furniture Sales. RottU-. KHAEL DOWNEY , Choice Brnnds of FRENCH BRANDIES Watcrford. EDINBURG H Thursday, Uth Fob THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor. , Old and New. Agent, Quay, AMMAEMAR N, REID, & CO- HOLLANDS GIN, JAMAICA RUJI. Moderate Through- And every Thursday. 101 Custom-house Quay, Waterford, Aug . 3, 18C0. "THE WATEUFORD NEWS- Goods and Passengers forwarded at P.S.—For the hotter guidance of Gentlemen, Styles of all the Leading garments that will bo worn during JOHN .IA.MIESON & SONS' OLD .MALT mid otlixr PASSAGE M OSIST.—Cnbin, 15 17 nnd 21 Guineas. , Sates to all the Friueipal Towus iu Cauada and tho United , , the Season on view. ( i:il8-tf) WHISKIES. „ „ Forward 0 Guineas. GENERAL PRINTIN G , PUBLISHING, States. [nilO-tf.] , GINGER WINE in Worn! and Ii-itllo. Including an unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions, BUTLER'S CATECHISM , BOOKBINDING , MACUINE-liUUNG, TEAS, in l!.iud, ur Daly P.M . Wholwdc only. served out by tho Coinpauy's Stewards. COOKSXLLERS AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY, WATERFORD AND MILFOHD HAVEN For further particulai 8 apply in Belfast to J Oil N MclCE K, THE PUBLIC TO CATHOLIC CLERGY &c $*ii° A numbi-r of Empty Port and Claivt JIutfs, l(.i:ri- On Sale al Tic News Office , heads, and CJiiarter Caaks for Sale. full 11-1 40 & 50 KING STREET. MAIL STEAMERS nt the Company's Ollices, 103 Victoria-street ; in Qiiccnstown, ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE ROYAL to C. & VV. D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; and in lAvcrjm ol to (With the liCcommendatinn of the liishnp of Waterford and TI1E EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Lismore, the Kight Kev. Dr. O'ISBIKN,) EAST INDIA HOUSE, COMMUNICATION WILLIAM 1NMAX, 02 & C3 Tower Unildinjjs South, 2 THE Proprietor of THE DAILY Water-street ; or to UEORC E FET1IERSTOX , Clonmcl ; ft. Catechism for the Instruction of Children, M A I N-ST It E ET DUNG A R V A N X. JV£II'£'baring made ef- (Sundays Excepted,) [nllo-tf.T A. JACKSON & Co., Kiug-st., Watcrford. 1ST TIIK fectivc arrangements in his CHINA ,And GLASSFOREIGN ORNAMENTS, EARTHENWARE consisting of r Proprietors having fitted BETWEEN THE SOUTH OF IRELAND, 855$" P.issengcrs eiiKaging in Watcrford are conveyed to MOST Rev Dr. JAMES UUTLKR , Archbishop of pilE up the above EstM>- Printing Concerns, by tho Cork nt ptrnatly reduced rates. Cashcl and Kmty. J. lislinient for the purpose of a larcennd cxtcn-k->l WALES AND ENGLAND WAX AND SHELL FLOWERS AND FRUIT CHINA AND ALABASTER VASES ; addition of the Latest and SOUTH Printed ou good Paper, and in largo clear Type. Trade, respi'ctfiill y|invite the attention of I-'amilie.i li EW connection with PAPIER MACIIEK TABLES AND TRAYS &c. ; most approved Style of N Km Woterford and Milford Haven, in HALL LAMPS ; , HF.COMMLNDATIIIN. their Selected Stock of TEAS, COt'KEICS, SPli 'KS , MPROVED RESSES South Wales TrPE and I P Express Trains on the Great Western, , WATERFORD AND LIMKIUCK RAILWAi Of the Newest Designs, and in great variety, al " I approve of i)m KOiiiou of ibo Ri ht Rev. Dr. PltlUTS, &c, all ot which they git.irantcu havi:ij b^o^ and the Extension of his Esta- W t k n ^ Waterford and Limoriek, a erford and Kil en y, TIME TAHLE PltOM DBCKMI1EK 1 , 18U0. J AMHS liuTLER 's Cntcchisui , and rccommcud it to the purchased in the best Markets. blishment at King street,— and other Tvains in the South of Ireland. Vp Trains from Waterford. WALPOLE'S WATERFORD CHINA HALL , And being direct Importers of WIXKS from O porto , Steam- Faithful of these Dioceses. now equal IO any in the Pro- EI ,, npiJHSEX. Fast nud Well-appointed WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Cadiz, nnd the other ports, nrc cmibic-l to ?.:curo I I is ox WI :KK DAYS . fsrxn.ws " >5«. D. O'BlcIEN, U.C.B. t t vinces—is prepared to execute «j3LjJt"4 era,, carrying Her Majesty's M ails, Sail TiiM . secure to such Purchasers as favour them with Or.h-r.H ^ WATF.RFORD , , o« ~J j J~ gif N o. 60 QUAY, " Waterford, June 2, lfo'J." species of Vffj3j\E§3.Daily (Sudavs excepted), ..... 3 5 ^j J all the advantages, us to Genuineness of Qu.ility anil every Auclpui TO lika 1&2 l-Ji3I2i312.t:tl -2k3 lain \lJ ' - OrdcFs from any part of the Diocese, sent in, 7jL z>«3xaw FROM WATEEFORD—From the U5T Tins will he found one of the cheapest and best assorted Establishments in the Trade. [J17] Modurntion cf Price, lo be dcriveJ from a direct corres - LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, = tho arrival of the Limerick Train LIMERICK Class Class. Cluss Class Olass Class Class mil ilirccU-d to C. H P. OMOND , Printer and Publislver , Wharf immediately after A.M. A.M. P.M. T..M. r.Sl. A.M. A..M. pondence with the first Houses, as well as from a luiu PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL, , reaching Milford Haven W'uterf urtl News Oftce , 40 King-street , promptly at- at Three o'clock in tho Aflernoon and thorough kn-iwlcil gc u( tlie 'IVaWc. permitting) in time to enable Passengers h m li 111 h m h in h 111 h m li 111 temlcd to. The Trade supplied ou uwuVrate terms. in a mac-.ier that will not, he feels confident, fail to (wind and weather They nlso solicit aitcntiou to liioir Stock of PIIRIO to proceed by the 2 45 a.ui. Express Train to London, reach- Waterf..rd...D<7! C 0 10 0 2 30 5 15 — 10 20 — THE CRITIC: (i OLD DUP.LIN JISI.AY , and UUSH.MILLS' M \LT give satisfaction, ing I'addington at 11 0 a.m Third CInss Passengers will Carnck I! -til 10 -I" 3 8 I) — II 0 — WEEKLY JOURXAL OF TII E LITERARY WORLD, BOOKS, EDUCATION, SCIENCE, MUSIC & PAINTING . Large Importation of Staves. , EXPEDITIOUSLY, AND ELEGANTLY. Through 7 -W a.m. train to London.— Clunmcl 7 IS It 10 8 is U SO — II 10 — WHISKEY ; tiUINNESS & Vu't XX PORIEK ; CHEAPLY, ho forwarded by the Junction Sib 'liri 5 25 i 40 — 1 3(1 — used in WORKHOUSES and D1SPEN- Milford Haven on Sunday mornings r ESTABLISHED SEVENTEE N YEARS. TO TIMBER MERCHANTS AND COOPERS . UASS' EAST INDIA iindDROCIIEDA ALES. All the FORMS Passengers arriving at l.iincrlck.../IWrl !' 45 1 4 i| fl 3U 0 « — 3 3" — a-iu. Train. Genuine Cuba und I'artiffin Oils, It 'icls, iyc. SAUIES, at Pricesin Tho 2\cics Printed List, which may will leave per the 0 15 . JOSKPil O'llWYKi: From AI UFOUD H AVES, from tho Railway Pier D.iily, at Down Trains from Limerick' 0 O N '1 NTS: be had on application. 1 to cal l the attention of all Persons iu his Hals Dm] ANTHONY & Cu. 7 15 p.ui, Sundays exrciitcd, after the arrival of the 9 30 a.m. TH.U SS Its \Vl:i: K ».\YS. | SUNI'AVS. 1. Savings and Dning ! of the Literary World, and 3. Criticisms on Music , the Drama, Art , &c BEGS PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, and all other BOOK- London reaching I ~ Trade to hii Large Arrivals of Prime OAK Kxpress Train from l'uddington Station, , LIMERICK ! I ¦> Jf ' m TT~^ Leading Articles upon Literary, Artistic, and Scien- i. Tlic Gossip of the Studios. HERR FALKE iu a manner equal to auy house. Specimens may Watcvfonl (wind and weather permitting) so as to secure the > .v3 LOOS. WINE, PIPE, n:id IIOG6HKA1 ) STAVES, , WORK, TO liitaua 1 &-i is&3ts&3is&3r. tific Subjects. 0. The Progress of Science. 1 ME1IUER UNIVERSITY , liON'N PROCESSOR UV departure of the 0 a.m. Train to Limerick, Cork, and the .. Cl.iss'Class. Cl.iss. Cl.iss ' Class Class Class which h» has just receive'!, ex Ship, at his Stores in , be s*cn at the Office. ,..,Tr1 pnnn 2. Reviews of all the New Books. 0. The Discoveries of the Antiquarians. FOREIGN LANGUAGES South of Ireland ; and the 11 45 a.m. Train to Kilkenny and '" . ' A.M . A.M. A.M. P .M. '. I'.M. r.H. AM. M AUY -STUKKT, which he intends to dispose of at very , FORMS. 7. The BOOKSELLERS'- RECORD, a complete Collection or the News relating to Hunks and Authors , Pub several Years Forei I I I RENTALS, LEASER anil all kinds of LAW Dublin. Passengers by the 0 a.m. Third CliKs Train from Moderate- Prices. FOR gn .Master at tln> A : : ? I h m li m li in h 111 ' h in b in u m Iishiii!? and I'llblishers from all parts of the WorM , the Trade Sales, Book Sales, Hooks wanted to Purchase POSTING and HAND-HILLS, in Black or Colored Iuts. Paddingion will also bo conveyed by these Steamer* at Re- , lie also keeps on hand a large supply of English and G'liA.MM.ut Sciniuf., TII'P/vliARV , bcg.-i leitvu t>i t.imcrick Dip 0 0 7 0 II 3D 4 0 ! 0 0 12 10 — List of New Publications &c. Separate Histories of the Great Publishing Houses are also occasional ly given. FARLS. , inform the (ientry, Princi pals of Schr.ol.-i :iu-l lnh.-ibi- and Address Cards ; Delivery and Receipt Rooks ; duced Rates. Junction 7 (I 8 4) 12 Wl 5 231715 1 ill — Kilu. Irish Firkin and Keg Hnops and Twigs, which he "ill business 1st Class and 2nd Class (i 8. The KDUOATIOXAL DEI A ttTMENT comprises N.itices nf . tlic New School Books aud App-.ir.iws. Mnis of Waterfowl arri ils Vicinity, tliu ho i.-i ii'i.iiu I D and Invoices ; Books nnd Forms for Railway Clonmcl S 20 10 5 I 57 50 ! — 2 4U — likewise dispose of at Wholesale Prices to suit the Trade Circulars Cabin. and Saloon Carnck 9 0 10 40 2 i'J 7 30 . — 3S — cational News, Correspondence, and a REGISTRY of KDUCATIO.VAL WANTS and VACANCIES, of which setilc in this City, and that he will bo hippy to irivu Custoin-House Forms ; and Steamship Companies ; igy" Prime W IIITB and IJLAck OATS always on hands 50s. 40s. Wateif..rd... -/rW 0 li II 15 3D S III - 10 — as many as One Hundred frequently appear in a week. LESSONS in l'rerch, German, Italian , anil .Vus'n: Note, and Account Freight and Shipping Notes ; Waterford to Paddington •• for Seed and Feeding purposes. Letter, COa. 47s. 9. PORTRAITS of DISTINGUISHED LITERARY PERSONS, of whom the following have already appeared Headings; Insurance & Mercantile Forms Limerick to do. •» Mail Trains maiked thus * All (.'ommuiiications respecting same will be attended (Vocal oud Instrumental}. For Terms ami othci pir- 44s. FAR » S :—First Class Siiv-'le Ticket , 14s 2il ; Second do., 10s f d ; Charles Dickens, Samml Lover, Sidney Liuly Morgan , Alexandre Duiuns, I-' ' Weekly Circulars; Forms and Notices for Spirit Kilkenny to do. ••• 553. WTER'S Watcrford. (ol2-tf ticulars, Hi'.nr. ALKF, will be happy to coinuiimii'ntc Brokers Third do, 6s Sd ; Ucluiu—l'ir»t &312&:3 of any Bookseller, , tfubseiiption for Unstamped Cop , r PO LET the Vli.LIEK STOWX MILL CInss Class. Clo^s Class. CUas. Class. Cl;iss (id. b l'ost-Olficc Order or otherwise to iK'li glitcd with the astonishing saving of time, trimlili'. laliour , nei hboring towus attended to with punctu- Cabin to the Saloon on payment of 2s. Ud. each. Cs. per Quarter , payable in advance, y , X PliK.Ml.-Ks , muMt ile-irably situate mi ;i br.uo.i Orders from g A.M . A.M. P. M. P..M A.?l. I\.M P.M. money, firm;:, soap, " tongue and tcniper." The fmnily wash Passensors to break the journey, [c)28-tt] JOHN CROCKKOKD , 10 Wellington-street , Strand , W.C. of the River Guusli l-j nlity and accuracy. Z Tltrough Tickets allowing no longer m.-ikc-s everyhody rross, w>r |'iit.i ell' the husbnnil.s , :v!j iccut thu lilackwaiur , in ;i Railway Station, and at the Viist- m h in li in may bo had nt Paddington li iu li in li in li m li cold shuiildcr," lor it IIIBJ- all lie done in a few hours good Corn Country, near the towns of Aglis.h , C:i|.|>i- |t ZPACCOUNT BOOKS, with or without printed, head- Great Western and South Wales, Wutcr - 4 13 — — with " Class Stations of the Watcrtiril...Drji 3 O II 43 4 M — GREAT REDUCTION without the family knowing' what is going on. A IVnny quin , Dungarvan , ami Yoiighal. Tho Waurr-pow. -r i-i ings, made in a superior manner, strongly bound. fonl and Limerick, ami Waterford and Kilkenny Railways ; Kilkenny....Ari l 0 II) 1 21) 0 10 — 0 15 — — HOTELS « 4.1 2 33 7 :)0 — 7 1) — — IN Tin; I'.ickit is ciual to Ten Pennyworth of Snap! It saves filly ample and capable uf Cuinmaiidiii!; a Wheel "ii) l-"c..-i in at the Oifiocs or Messrs. FORD & JACKSOS, 30 Cannon- Carlow itSKWii: I'lucE o? All orders with which the Proprietor may bo favored shall also, ll IS 4 S3 10 111 — !) 30 — — c(-ut. in its use, I K SI'I IKS :ill the wear aii'I tear from tlie W.niii.'ier. 'i'lit-Slc.iiijei on tlio IJ/.ick»- -r Haven KiiiKvay Station ; or of l)iili lin(C^W).V. GLASS, CHIN/I , AS' I) EARTHENWARE, per ' .it- |ns-f.s ci»i\! with the utmost NE.vrxrss, ACCUUACY , and street, London, and Milford " THE EUE0PEAN," uaiinl iiictliu>l of hand rulihini. , scrubbing nud brushing, aud be performed hi Wharf, Watcrford. IN ALL THE NKWEST PATTERN'S. ' to the Concern. Thu Dwullin^-housi!, with ai.oul i!:l Mr. 31. DOWSEY, Quay and Adclp Doicn Trains fro m Kilkenny. FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL is less injiiriiius to the fabric and skin than the best towy i. ' DESPATC H , and at prices exceedingly moderate, the quality nt a Fare and a Acrisof prime I.ainl-itt.-whcd , it ris^iiiul , w.mlil ids-» R KTUSN Tickets, avaibblo for 30 day s, "Londonderry ") Scvi-ml thiiusnud Heads of Families have testified that Tlt.MNS IIS Wr.KK DAYS. SUNO.V Y Tlt.WXfi. (Late At OWEN POWER'S, bciel fi-i>in the 'iillh SqiiCMibcruuxt. of tin work considered, at the half to.- the Double Journey, me issued at Waterford, Liiuc- ' • 1, 5, & 0 1JOLTON STREET, DUBLIN. :5;! G ' II AKI'KU TWI-:I.VKTI :I-:I-:S Suap Pottler is vrry fur superior l-' RAILWAY rick, Tippcrary, Kilkenny, &c. 1« 2f I -'I I 4 1 -! 1 a Nos. 8 iy i reat Gcorge s-slrcet , Walcrford, ui- lustliii r parliciitar- :ii);)tv to I. AOUKXCK I 'US \'CUT . POOR-LAW, LEfiAL, COMMERCIAL, , 2 !l S&3 12&3 1-2«! 3 I2& 3 J. MOLON Y , (successur to WAI.BII & Gosscx,) to any other article cvrr intniiimid fur wiwhinsr. All that 1500K-H1NDING , STATIOSS. 12&3 1 &'JU & ; (Within Four Doors of the Dank of Ireland). ?olicilur, 71 D:uuc Street , llubliu; or to Mr. T IIUM .IS AND GENERAL PRINTING , The Sea I'oyage is only Seventy Miles. Class. Clajs.lClu^.jClass. Cl.nss. Class Cluss. Proprietor is ni.-ce.vs.uy is tn I'-iil tlio i .'lothes '20 miimlcs au.l liair^- '' KEANK , Rcntl'li siiO , l>l-Oill:iil:l llll'i-lf. l A.M. A.M. P.M. I P.M. A.M. A. M. P.M. T JSBV ODRRATB tlirui up tu dry. MO Ub'lililXG n.imirud, however dirty AND MACHINE-RULING ESTABLISHMENT Cattle and Live Stock of all kinds sent by these Vessels K5?° BBMS V M fallC-lyl TIIK PROPRIETOR bess to diniv particular attention are at Shipper's Risk. Goods and Cattle, Parcels, Fish, &c, to his present will-:issoikd Stock of every di-si-ii|ition the clothes. KING-STREET, WATERFORD. h in h in h in h in h in h in h in TWI:I .VV.TIIV.KS TO BE SOLD, these Stiamrrs at Low plates, which cm (,'hin.i and I-' of the Newest Patterns PateiiUe: IlARrrr. , Rroinly-by.iW, Lon- will be convoyed by DuWin(G SW)Z)/ — S 30 1-J 3>) 5 M — troct ; R. CuTtAit , il.ino JL . l i e-iii- WEXFORD INDEPENDENT Messrs. Kouui J ACKSON , 3U Cannon street , London, aud Kilkenny ....Jl.;> 8 0 11 43 I 3il — — II 3u — N.U.— Having iiu'lc cunsiilernlilv iiltcr.itiiMi.-i ir. his liit.-i l)- The 2ii — 1 II — »tr:iuil-stivct ; .1. M'd'iMTll Orcat G'coigu's-sticet , and - tnins Ivght lliionjjj nilh i Shop, Kitc.'ifii , Yunl &c , MICHAEL DOWNEY, Wuieriurd.....lr/ il 4n 1 cm— li*limciit. to make room fur his New and Si-loct M OI 'K , he rpiIIS HOTEL is now fitted up with every attention nil (iroi-cTsand l)riiigi-.ts. »uU-diji IM .V . "y and :i Uack Enlrsncp. It is licl-1 iiii-d-r :i L. -.i.-.o for :m PURLlSIIEDcvory WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY and 30 Merchants' Quav, Watcrford. Goods cunvryed by Trains inurkutl * ; Mail Trains l now call* Public ntti 'iitinn to his (il:iss ,l .'liin:i, anil Slnni'Wiiiv , |. 231 Adolphi Wharf , and accommodation. Travellers an" lincxpircd term of !):)!l yeus. 11 cm at pn-sout be set jr, MAIN-STREET NORTH , \V oxford. Yearly FAIIS To lJunu."> :—pint Class Sin.lo Ticket, 21s. ; Second JL to comfort consistuia of 11UKAKFAST SKUVICKS, D1XXKR I)..., at ' - .aas (U all - , £1 ISs. j single copy, 5d. ; un- do , l.'is W ; Third do, fla 3d ; llcturu—I'l.ut C' , 3is ; He- Commercial Gcntleuioii will find the Daglea central DIXSKliT Do., TEA Do. TOlLliT SKTS IN tiiilCAT Instant Itetiif Jrvm Pain, ami a Certain Cuivjor al S,. per Weuk , which leaves .. IVoli: of £!¦) ji >r An- subscription, stamped WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY (ill. I ; single copy, -Id. eoud do, 2'li _ desirable place to st:iy at. VAR1KTV. Cumpttiints. num, the Annual Rent boin^ £i>o.-:. Etatnped, £ H's. FIRM TO KtLKr.ssv :—Virst Class Sinple Ticket, Cs ; Second 1 ' - fisilil Charges moderate. Drinks of all kinds of tho very A Very Splendid Assortment of Cut Glass, Tumblers, (Sub- A ppliunlion to b'. maiii! to M-. I. IIKK I- KN'-.-IVS-S T . Tho WEXFORD INDEPENDENT commands the INTENDED ORDER OF SAILIXG-~JAK., 1801. iln. 4s 4d i Thinl ili'. 2« "d : llcnirn ~ First Class. Un : .M d'> . MEASAM'S MEDICATED CREAM best quality. lets j l>.cauter.-i in groat Ynridy ; a lar^e Stuck (it , Kiliii:itciiinii a, ('oun ty Wati-rfurd or lu Air. I' .v run s most naturally favorfd and prosperous county in Ireland, "VTOTICE —The WaterfordGoods Steamship n>ERSONS alHicte1SJ5. d Enniscorthy, Gorcy, and Ta^hmon ; and in lhe Terms only:—They revive Tallow, l.ismoiT, CIuiiuivl , Traiuorc, &c,, & Ross, c^Of\ £^%.nn the following ll'cck Buy Trains. ev(!i-y rlay. [m'Jii-tf.] liuhciiiiau (ilass Va.-i.-s, with au unlk-.« variety of other with Rhcti- TO BE LET, of Carl-jw Kildaro, Kilkenny. Waterford , nnd 1 rijilit to cany ly tt»t/, not by particular door . ^^^^ P ^S couu'icw , -ixzzttFsSzr^ Articles iu the above line. Luinliago S'ill And Iniuu-tliatL- Possi-ssion (liven considered amongst the first to Tow Sliips mid cull at other Ports, 1. i 2 | 3 4I5 C i 7 a ; 0 An «f is tS^^^^iy^ JL niatisni , CImit , . , , Wicklow, and may be fairly \ easels, witn libert y | f^J" Inspection tho above respectfully sc'icitcJ . - Sc-.ilils Cliil- losses arising from *'""" n m | a in n in 1' in | p m p in | p in I p m I p in Joints , I'.iins in the Linilis, lSingworm, I!III II >, , THE VALI'AL'J.K L1.MK-STOXK 'jL'AURfE.-i nl advertising mediums in the kingdom. It is Liberal in and will not be accountable for injuries or | P, FITZGERALD, • * lirnkeii (ilass alluwcil fur. Krit|>t!im.s- 's Ki:c- h m i h in h m h in li in It m I ii I" | li in I h in » hlaius. Chaps, Jjiiugs uf Insects, duns, Wmiiuls, UALLYKE- ifillAN , with two l.im- Kilns MI i-x- politics, and a warm advocate of the literary, ngricnlturnl , delay, accidents of the Seas, Rivers, Kire, the Queen EAOLE HOTEL, DUNOARVAN , heps leave to [d9-2Gtl Glass, China, and Jiurthcnmtrclent on hire. , or accidents from nny other cause, W'f «S 311 10 311 li U »2 15 4 0 3 3u I 8 W | — — and all External Di.soasrs of the Skin, will find certain ami celleul order, immediately adjoining the ivilmacow ,'ila- and commercial advancement of Ireland. It has been mies, defective Xavixation (I M3J 0 0 ! 1) li — — inform the Public that he is now able to oiler fur the pro- not for nny loss which might hnvo |>ecn covered by Insurance, T'on '3 15 ill oil 3IJ I immediate relief from UMiig this valuable curative, of tion of the Watn-fo'd anil Kilkruuy Railway. the decided und uncompromising foe of all sectarian and ^alc D.WIS .* ST|{AX«MAN'S SUPERIOR XXX perties of which are truly surprisiu-j; and not liciii^' a nor for Leakage, Breakage, Condition, Quality, or contents of Sunday Trains A pply to S. T. (j uiiiii! , Esi( . Kilhi-spy Il.iusc ; or t i rel i ious rancour, and the strenuous advocate for the ex- ALE and DOUBLE STOUT PORTER, at the Deduced IMPORTANT TO FARMERS p-oasy compound , is as pleasant iu its use as Eau do Cologne. g any Pnreels or Packages, uuless specially entered mid ad va- 1 3 4 5 0 7 B I II | 10 AYI Guor.uK S SME --, Es([., Waliil'oid. In-JMI of party. * | Price of Is. "il . per Du/.en, and SINGLE POUTER-, M; . tinction of the Jarring elements lorem Freight paij. tioods not removed to be Stol id at the a iu a in | p m p m p in p m p m p in I p in pm Ri-ad TiMiiiiniiials , to 1 had (;rati>' the agricultural and cora- (i;ill»iis, at \!,s. CONDI HEALT H RESTORATIVE AND; The nobility nnd gentry, risk and expense of the Consignees. li m li in h m h in li in li m li in li in h in h m cuniuining 18 ^r^f n nirnTTx .OR - Als.., MEASAM 'S U . 11 V A M ' S , fau2-J-tf) T ^ 'I.ATINCi for thocureof IJilions Cuiii|iI:iiiils, mercicl classes of the several counties through which All Goods will bo considered ns subjeci to a general lien, *0 U 12 15 1 3(1 2 3) 4 30 8 30 - — — — Uuiigarvan , August 2i , I8C0. J- TlON liALLS . in RElil. PILLS, AM^Hi U1& Sv 1 Liver Discuses nnd all Leading Sty it circulates, bestow upon the WEXFORD INDEPEND- and held not only for Ficight of the same, hut for all Arrears U 80 13 IS ! M II 5 II 9 IU — — — — f &fr' fea Packets, Six Balls, »s : L'olii , Ileadnclir, Female Ailment?, , les for tho Present Senson 'Qw \ G^*i I \ ht on by derangement of the Stomach measure of patronage. As a well-esta- of Freight, Storage or other charges due by the Iioj>orter, Mail Trains marked tints * VICTORIA HOTEL, ^T)ircc s ls (Jl1 inward disorders broug ENT a large , ¦ I5:il' > - and for restoring the ironeral health fJMlE following nrc spcciallv ivcviinitMiil cil : and for the fulness anil accu- PA RKS :—First Class Single Ticket , lOd. ; Return Ticket, Is. DEVONSHIRE SQUARE , DUNCJAKVA N h-'* 'Sl' ^oEiS^flll Unequalled for worms i:ud Digestive Organs, blished family newspapers Owner , or Consignees to the Company. f^^jg^giyjj y ^iTr , Tlmy are JL THE C'LKAVEI.A.VIJ CUV I', local ooourenocs, it enjjys, a Second Class Simile TicUt, 7d.; Return Ticket , 3d. ^ mid cnnstitutioii to a tone and vigor unsurpassed. racy of its reports of all WATERFORD AND BRISTOL. ^ ivarranti I'nru from morciiry or any other mineral, purely An pxtvlli-ut OvcivKit iiilrui!iiiv.l In ii. Ifvi M; excellent medium for rpHE Public nrc informed, that Mr. JA.MKS LYNCH ^^ ^ paired appi-lito, coughs , 'd in high reputation. It is tbui an Mars and Juoerna, —^. ^LlLj - ^r ' ^- ^^ ri^etublu their Liiinpusiliou, and -ii!;; iircparwl uniliir Ihc caii be ivnru with ur ivillmnt aii"ih.-r I 'aii ; :rJ- . insti- SOUTH- WALES RAILWAY. _ | has fitted up the above Hotel in n most supericr from all l* advertising schools philanthropic and benevolent mOM VATEIIFOUD DIUKCT : PEOM nRISTOt , 18C0. colds, inflanu-d eyes, Arc. Sec Testimonials Kiiiction of the hyhest umlical authority of the laud, arc 42s, \b*. anil fijs. TIME TA1ILE I- RO>^_^1"CJ!MDl^K,_ wishes , nnd T T r tutions life and fire assurauccs, notices, shipping and Mars, Tuesdays ; Juvcrna, Mars direct : and accommodating style, to suit the views, the l-'irst l'luiuers in the Kingdom, enclosed in each most strongly recmnnicnilitl. TIIK NEW I.\\'KRN E .S CAPE-A , rUiy, , .. 10 , Morn' g t 1V I.FK DAYS—UP TRAINS. lists of new books, tradesmen's Fridays ll' Jan. 4 s comfort of the l'til'lic nud Commorciul Gentlemen who Packet. AND CO., Catherine street novel graceful :uul tv>rll-fi iii-»Tif rs , M.EASAM , , uun-iil , in dur- Tuesday, Jan. 1, ... 8! Morn 's "^> b - J?, ". may fitour him with their |i:iti'ou:i£C. TAYLOR'S RED OILS in Bottles, Half Pints, Is ; sold Whulesali -Jos announcements, sates of property, &c. iY--riiay, " J?, ... 9j Morn j. S \ ) k-> c\a\s class 1 A;2 class 1 ic '1 cbsa. to ho is , Slratid , London, W.C, by whom they are , able and fashionable malcri.i's, , ;!.i>, :j-J< an-l Fi idB)-, " 4 , ... Ill Alorn 'i! ~ leave stntc th.it personally • (id. A sale and effectual remed with full directions, at ls. Mil, The WEXFORD INDEPENDENT, winch lwsbeen TuraJny, " e, 3.) Aftn'n l'">lay, •• 23. ... 4J AtViio STls Sturtiny I a m a in a iu a in a in p in p n!j Mr. Lr.vcu be^'s Pints, 2s ; Quarts, :!•> y .niid Ililail , in Puts ami lio.xre, ¦l'Js. ... 4!) King-street , Watcrford established upwards of half a. century, is, early no. the Friuny, " II , ... i .Morn'B Juetrna, c.-illing ut Peui- ll New Milford 2 45 — 8 2.1 S 23 11 0 4 20 0 3d known to all Commercial (jcutlumen who heretofore iur stake wounds, lauu'iu-ss, iivc-rcaches, kicks, saddle 2< . !M., 'Is. Ud., and 1 Is., and at , THE CAMBRID GE WRAPPER , in a despatched throughout the Tuesday, " 15, ... 8J Morn'y brokt Dock : 00 l.lanclly — 7 2 10 50 10 30 li 50 (i 44 ('¦ 33 have visited thu " Di.voNsiuui', AnMS HuriiL ;" and fjalls, thrushes, broken knees, injuries (if i-vriy di'scri p- also by all .Medicine Vendors throughout thu Kingdom. variety of the Nun-esl Materials , iii)< -Ji!,, ;M< au 1 mornings of publication , M-xn' ' li .-iwunsea 4 45 7 25 II •"13 11 la 2 9 7 0 U 3U mcuiioned. yiiday, " IS, ... 10 z Tuesday, Jan. 1 , ... PJ Morn R us he has now separated himself from ihut establish- tion, manyc, rini^wnrni , Arc. in Horses ; foul in the tVet (mvltl-cow) 4-'s. tewns nud counties above Tuesday, " •», ... 1 Aft'non TuesJay, " 8, ... 3 All'uon 111J Cariliil". 0 « 9 o-.i 12 3i 12 40 i 37 S 40 — according to the ment, and has established one of his own, under the of cattle and cues during the lambing s>casou maggots, WALKING mill I.OUNOH COATS, Average ci rculation for three years, Vrldnv, " 25, ... 7 Morn'E Tuesitny, " 15, ... 8 Morn'g lftijINewpnil 0 28 111 30 1 26 1 20 5 14 9 13 — , , LEA & P E RUINS ' considerablj Tuesday, " 20 Slom' Aftnun. 171 |Olollc'ter(dp) S 0 li 40 3 50 2 43 \iii' 12 40 — above name, he tUtiers himself that he will give the y-blown 1!. II VAM 'S in'n-i -l ; tin: Tliirly-Euhl Shillin - Hnii; nal in the West of Ireland. Its long TAYLORS OKXHRAL COW DRINK, Is. each, 'E . tka&ZA "'at their SAlit . is 1 _ TI.HHIT- circulation, and the hit-U estimation in which it is held BROWNLOW , ADVERTISING 5 0 , QUAY, theTrni lilliu ' , rut "a i.n|iruvid princi- WATERFORD AND LIVERPOOL.Weekly. WALLACE has no equal fur stoppage or maw-bound milk fiver, or ANU Arri.ic.vuLK TO JijSj^n highlyi-sti-i'iiicd iii India , amongst all classes, render it the best medium fur ad- Gipsy, und Vesta. Three Sailings AN'D COMMISSION AGENT, 10 Clnrcmont- pli- s, Ills. 13.1. ; Vests lo in.ilcli , y^. 131. —uiaJo to HIOM WATEUFOit u: H:OM i.lvturuoi. : OrrOSITETOTUE MARKET-HOUSE , WATERKORD. dropping after calving, gargi-t , nr lcnit; slouijh, lilain , \c. I^=s2rs3r| and if , iu my opinion , vertising purposes. plrtci", liucld-slrcct , Limdun, W.O., trill l« liappy to insert ¦i'AYLuli'i CLKANS1NG DRINK for Cuws, "Jd. EVERY VARIETY OK RSggM the most paUlalilcasw.li "" Mondays, Wednesdays, and\Mondays, Wednesdays, and Advertisements iu Town and Country Xuwspauers , collect SPORTING ATTIRE.-Shnotiiip C()r,l< The scale of charges for Advertismcnls is now, and -i OK TUB 1'il KSS. :> S l 1sL wholesome , Fridays. Fridays. Accounts, procuro Situations, or transact any coimnciciiil C.ich oriNION. HBJSM Sauce''° that "" iu in-w il,-.^u>, mailu in Snitch Twinls ami M.\- will henceforward be as follows :— Wodne< to si-kvl IVuiu where parties wish their advertisement to ap Fri.luy „ 1? 2 Afln'n. 1-V d,iv „ 18. ... 2 Anni ii X these choice ees ; their Z/c'//'j Life in London. In cases , ... uttcuded to. Ackiioivlnlscd (or this r.iiici'. [sill \a respectfull y and earnestly u-miestcd to see Hint tin- LU L- I* Afinuti. Tuts.lay „ »2, ... 7 Mwn'g Agent been kuowu aud appreciated throughout (lie " il nvctL-valile to have them mail.: tu I . wid'.h of a double column, by .Monday „ 21 , ... 3 have Ioii£ " Try 1'uylor's CunJition Balls, they arc very good. — The KA ERHI VS upiiii the WRAl'PliU pear conspicuous, or the ¦>$ «. pence per insertion. Cabin Kare, 15s. ; Servants and Children, iih. ; Duck, 7s. , Sold by Ciiossu & IS LACKWI ',1.1., London ; ami all and el.ihurali-ly got up, Si's 'JUs and lUOs. of the Mediud Kacully on the Oontinciit for several years being otlerod to Consumers, livery Canister and Pack? t "StV-—I hare used, nud am still tisinir, j-uiir (.'uinlilii>u , , UBLIC A DVERTISEMENTS at the rates Cd. ; Children. -Is. Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. , respectable Druggists, Grocers, ami Italian LECAL AND P with givat success, nud has been found u certain remedy fur CASSELL'S COFFEE bears a copy Halls fur lhi> hoi-iW uudrr my euro, ami my opiuinii is they the Incumbe'ed Estates Court, viz.—4s . Goods received at Clarence Dock. of the real JUILV Warehousemen throughout the World. |ja --() l SERVANTS' CLOTHIN (5 . fixed upon by i-ll'eclunlly restoring the Nervous nnd Debilitated to a slate of his Signature. arc invaluttble. 1 can ccutidi-iitly ici-otiiuieiid tliL*m. y four linos, and J<1 f or each additional line. WATKRF ORD AND LONDON'. All kinds of l.ivt-rii-s for Full Div»< or l'i»li -<>< i for the first of vigorous Health und .Muuliood, when the Neirous System There necil ue no difficulty in obtaininj; Ihis COFFEE " I am, sir, yours oWdiunt Iv , per line AflerthctUrdinscrtionof a Com- Tcmora, Alahina, Aurora, Ranger, Citizen, or othor " Jon^ SCOTT ivi\ir, can I JP |n'ocuuil in my I' t-aily-maile 1 Ji-ii:n t ¦ Tabular work GJ has been weakened by the Knors of Youtli, or from any as it is sold by at least one Agent in most Towns ts from , Mai'blo Works, Beresford Street, mercial Advertisement, or one having reference to the eligible Vessels. other c.iusc. All Impediments to Marriaec arc speedil " Mr. Taylor, Vi'lmiuary Surgeon." uiLMil, or made to uiilt-r al must rraso.ia'.ili: priiis. rnou ¦WATEttj-onu y Is. 4d., and U 8d. pcrlb iu Canisters urPackc \V A T E U V O R U . lands (not in any of tho Law Courts) : pitosr IOSPOS : removed by this wonderful discovery. Full particulars for- , " (Jvioindon ICeiinHs, near Lmighhoro', Jan. 30th, IS')!). Belling or letting of Tuesday Jan. 1, ... )•_> \, , Wednesday, Jan. 2, ... H Morn. KENNEDY begs to reduced as per agreement. 001 warded eratuitotuly to any nddross, with every iiistiuctioii 2oi. to 21bs. '* Si IC—1 have found your Medicines suprrior to anylliiu^ 1 HENRY THE 15ESPOKE DEPARTMENT ii the charge will be Friday „ H ,\.. l> ^•OllI1. Wedmsduy „ B ... a Mom. DISTRICT : h« INDICATOR free of stamped directed envelope AGENT3 IN THIS have ever met with , having used them to the holies belong- iuform the Public thai kept coiisl.nilly .M;ii|.!iivl uilli all llu- l.ilrs: noii-l- " A copy of T HE GALWAY V I utsday „ P, ... jo K OOI 1 Wcdne.duy „ \C ... 8 Mnrn. for Self Cure, on recei pt of a , by lor Ka Watcrford J. BAKTON , 10 Little Ccorge'sslrcct. ' has a lurgc supply of Oil 1MN EY (.'oatint's Vi>liiius ai-jl 'L'l'ou^-rin^s thnrge to Contract Advertisers. Friday ,,.. 11, ... 1> Nion. Wediusdaj „ 2:J ... 3 Morn. .Mons. I) UV.\ L, Patent Medicine Agent, Ilirininshaui. ing to thu Karl of Stamford, during thu whule timu his ti.'S, iu , , «-|. , •I ur*l.iy „ 15, Mom. CloHiittl J ACOBS & Co., Ton Dealers. limited the Quoin Country. Thu Halls are i'.ivalu V.ll-X'ES ma le of Irish , Italian , eition, previous to makhu up ; and in tin- i-vi-ut ot • All communications to be addrrsscd to JOIlf r ... 1J Neon. Wednesday „ 30 ... 6 LonUliiii ** Friday „ t is, ... 12 Noon, l'HANTOM OF THE STREET—A LAY Wexford...... Joiix Couren, Grocer. ablu in a hunting stable. Vuuis, oliuJii-nlly, nnd Egyptian Marbles, aud of the a Gaininit ii"l lining', or |il.-a>iiiL', ivhrii fnnMn! or weak feet , 1 tiuil , . Als-> , he has now a Large As- toiiKr. THE ORGAN OF IRISH KATI0XALIT1 the i-UVct woiidtriTul. " t'nbiu Rue, 20s. ; Deck, 10a. Woman , wonderful'y quaint ond eccentrio in humour, Clonnti\us Do. by apply ing your rwl oils once a day, sortment of MONUMENTS , HEAD STONES, and "SlU—Having upiviinls of 3lW cuus, I am ba|>|iy to JUVENILE IJELT DIUiSSES, ,l t.s. LOADING BERTHS :—London—British and Foreign Steam hilosophical iu satire, deeply affecting in pathos, far Diinyarvnn ... Do. Tu .MH STONES, all KV.idy Made, in his Establish- " THE IRISHMAN. p spenk of the UOCM I illVcts of jour Cow Drinks. l'\ir till i:4iicil ami mailt! in m-w and improve! stv!. - ;:;;,] " Wharf, Ijower Enst Sinitbrield, nnd West Kent Wharf, in terror tho wild , reckless deuth dirge of Kilmacthomni. Do1 I' S I ONKS for Buildings at the ehortcst ^ Journal, the Cheapest Original Weekl y News- surpassing obstructions of the lmwcls, maw-l>ouiul, &c., 1 uevel- usul ment, and CU varioui fabrics, 1«» (kl 1;U 01, li:s U-i , ami -JU. THIS Soutbwark. Parcels received at 137 Lendeuhall-strect, E.C. " Uam Hall," though teeming with broad c imicality, is Carrich Do. paper in Ireland , Publi.Oitd tvery SATURDAY , anytbiug to equal them. Workmanship, nnd WATKRFOR D AND PL V MOUTH. certain to create an extraordinary sensation at convivial Knnchtupher... Do. sir yours oliedirntly, Moderate Prices, best of ht the Office, 33 Lower Abbey-street, Dublin. As the ."1 urn, , HZP Estab- LITTLE UOY'S CAPES .—The most Temora, Aurora Mu l uina or bachelor's parties. A limited number of copies Thomastuion... Do. .I. 1'. LAUBKT." I'unctiiali arc the chni-ueleristics of the above ' independent otRari ot the undying principles of Irish Dublin, Citisun, ltanger, , , or " y, hi'autiliil li uhiuus of the d.iv , 1U-, Gil, 13s Ud l«Js dtlipr eli ible Vessels. Stamps each. Address, by Letter Callu n Do. (Member ill fJK -2-J-tf.] Nationality, THE IRISHMAN 1 appeals for support g post-free. Thirty Treparpd only by THOMAS TAYLOR lishment. lid, and 20d. " ' W.VTKBPO Kll: FKOM PLTMOUTn : 30 Urunswick Place, Charles Square, V ALUABLE A GUSCT .—AgcntR wanted in every town to every lover of Old Ireland and her freedom. The FROM ou'y. A UTHOR , the Royal College of Vctctiiwry burgtons), Burlon-on- ON NKl'.VOUS AND G EN'K- Fnil ly, Jan. 4, ... 12 iVuon. Thursday, Jan. J' , ... 3 Aftn 'n , London. [d 14-fim. ami district for the sale of JOHN l.'AsSKI.L'n COt' - •V MEDICAL ESSAY National Independence of our Country, the free right of Nuon. Thursday, „ 10, ... :t Afin 'n City Koad Trent. IJATIVK DISEASES. BOYS' and YOUTHS' OVERCOATS — Friday „ 11 , ... 12 FEES (where there is not one already). Full particu- Diseases in Horses Peasant to work Frilay , .. 12 Noon. Thursday, .. 17 , ... 3 Afin 'n YOUNG MEN. A Pamphlet on the Treatment of Just piililisbwl , with IHIMM-I-OHS Plates, in a scaled envelope, nn inuiu'iisi! variety to bL-lecl from—13.-, t;d , lti» Gil , • he Irish , and live, and enjoy all the 1^ ' WARNING VOICE TO on application lo Juii.s CASSKLL Si Fnday „ 25, ... 12 N"on. Tlmrsdny, „ 24, ... 3 Alln n lars sent free by post and C'atile to ho h;id gratis of all the agents. 1 Is. ; 1 1 v A .V .V , 3D Cornliill, an.l J. A I. I. K .V, L'U 'Jus, and 30d. fruits of his labour upon hisnativc toil, and the overthrow 3 31, .. SAU'nun A A Physician, wlio has devoted fifteen years to the study price s" ' ''. A' 'l'liiir»nti>r.ili. m to Ili-allh nnd Vigour. Ry Dr. J. Imy41 Atjent for Waterford, lVciliie»day Jan. t. - in r\MlV. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILI/S. Saturday, Jan. 5, ... 12 .V«o.i. may obtain a cure. Address J. S. KSIJ ., Wilford Jlome, li. CrnTis, 1"), AlliiTiiiarl^-stnvt , Piccadilly, I.'union. R(".YS' & YOUTHS' ENTIRE Wcilnctday „ 0, ... ^»«» »¦ X of IDA ., and COUNTY KILKENNY , arc strictly VKOtTABCE PH.L-J im- SUITS— Mr. F. DAWSON , Customhouse Quay. Salu.day „ 19, ... 12 Noon. , W.C. (jel8-13») KAYE'S U'OPvSDBLL'S •JoSTKSTS:— Intrmlurtorii Chapter on thu Pliysiolngical I'lie .m,] " Weilucsday „ 10, ... 2 Al"'n Uurton-CretKUit , Kuiton snuare, Loudon preserved -.— Elnii , II.mow, Riii;liy, intlieiicivi-s l lalnus oI n pnvt n Healthy and vigorous tono to the entire Slviiclmc anil Vunctinns of tho Reproductive Organ?..— h : MKftwMtay ,. ^3/ - 0 y , urkstmvn. FnliJ' fur this sras.in, HU , ^iis , 3 )s, :r.ul USs. M. D A It G A N , 30, ... 2 Al'n n SUFFERERS 1' . System. 'I hcy are compounded of tilu choicest injire- l!hti)itct //.—Causi'.i of Spcriu,iturrh(BC and Iuipeteiirr ; W«loe»dny „ BOON TO NEIIVOUS .— Atatci'innrc, Moanroc , ' " Is. W. diciits, nnd iirr perfccily I rco Irom uiii>rr.il , |oisonuut . Early Vii:iuii.-i Iiiduluc-iiM'S ; und Dangers of Kegk-ct. 7 PERFUMER Cabin Fare, 15s. Deck, A Oiren away Twenty Thuusani Copies ot i\MoV\n\\ Tinv.incoocli ISnnyWirmcV, LITTLE HOYS HELT DRESS /CHEMISToo AND , , injurious substances, 'l'lic'ir inoi\c uV cnvc ia s«»en\M\a riiiijiti i- Jll. — <\ Rnits «5 U>c vavxous VV.?c\v\a\U\c-.vUotts ut V^ TMTBLIN. ' NE W ROSS. Uook torthchcnelitotNervous Sufferers. JIKNJIY S.M IT 11, or VsV;Y VS, tor Y>»-\iiio\, \lomr, ov \>itsa NVvar, \\)j \1.\, MERCHANTS' QUAY, WATERFORD AKD ttatliudntana, H.iiwiinge)ogi', ' the root iff disease IIK) M.ir».ige; \r)iv\livr nMillin«r fvoni Yimlliful Almsc 1 rtM'.s. DocAov of MVAUVAUC of tlic, Rojal Univcvsity ot Jena, will ¦ and ruiioniif ; llicy stiikcut , , by , Hit )0i M i'/.V :mi) JD' s. FROM WATKKPOUD—Daily, Sundays exccp\wl, UaWmvttUct Melville, lln- Flii-cts ol Cliniatp , , .Manufacturer of all descriptions of Oils, Scents for .it 8.J0 A.M. send, post free, secure from observation on receipt of ft stamped , ile»U"o/ingU ic wfae , Tcn\«vc Uic vft'ects. For tomyliviuis Killu-s of Maturity, , or lufi-ctinii. Fuox Nuw Uoss—Daily, Sundays esceiitct), , Itahillakecn , Hsj&dkercUiefs, and every Article necessary \) directed envelope, the " WAKXINU VOICE," n iieiv medi- Cli.iilf.stiiHii arising f ront Wisiknrss of Digestion, iu-pedcil circiilnlion Chapter IV.— Tiealmi'iit , Mcdual and Mural , Wing tin- 1 \5^CANNON. BalUuamorahan , pi.niiic p.xt-.riJiii^-ovi-r ;i ' Tin " M iicli-uclniircd" nml " Novel" for the Toilet . "WATEUVOUtt A^V> cal woik on Hie most effectual euro uf Noyvous lMiWity,Loss UuUvuunvuUin, of vUc IfUAiU l«n>uvity of tliu liluod , &o , they an; un result of n sur< c-.>liil (M-i.-xl ut J- - i PBOM excepted, nt J.O r.M. KMCKEIM Ml'. -KER SUITS for BOYS, 25s 3-J« WATcnroBD—Dail y, Sunthyt Diuiniw of Si ht Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike Smart's Uistlc, Ually ki'OgUan , invalunblu jfiiis. CL'i'lers y. ig\iont 3S«, awd los. M ailu \o Ori« from rUWale Ma- DUKC.VKNOK —Daily, Sundays &c, which, if neglected, result in Consumption, M ulliiiiihro', Ballykillaboy, !)¦! Gcilioniirc.i uiu\ Sypbilis. M. DAROAN'S TRANSPARENT SHAVING to Society, the icnifiire , i» 'x'Xes , at Is. I.Jil.. '-'.•> ., nud -1^ fid. trriiiis, i-spriti.ill y ,ul.i|it«d for these Lccuuiing - Berlin secured and crery information given by tlic Agents Jiis.ulily, nnd premature Death, will) pluiil directions for per- Cl'tnne. Bishop's Hull , and Tlur Hook i:i>iuliul.-s «U!i mim<-rous vavii-il nnd interesting SOAP imparts & f reshness and softness to tho Skin, Liverpool— Wholesale Ucjiot , tl, \\\i EAU-bTUKKT, Lomloii. (j I-St ' bood Suits. Britlol— The General Steam Pactet Office. fect restora t ion (o health ami vigour. Address Dr. H. Kilaspy, ,;/ilto\vn. cases, and the Author s n ccijil ul ii prrvpiitivu Lotion. gives a lather that softens tho Beard, tenders the action , Wutertovd Steam Ship Company, 23, Uinnswick-stieet SMIT H , 8 liurtou-cresceut . Tavistock-squ.ue, London, W .C A'to, ihc following Lands in. tho Tarish of Kilculli- IthVIKH d OP THE WuliK. very pleafant, close, smooth, and ea»y. This R OBISBOS TROUSERS ami V ESTS for BOYS& of the Razor Washington Buildings. London—A STHONV. O. , und County of Wutcrford : ROOM-PAPER WAREHOUSE. " Curtis nn M.\iiUm»l.— 'Ibis is a truly valuable wnvk , -.mil not the slightest irritation , tut yields an 20 Mark Lnnc U'liiirf Lowei GRATITUDE. —A Gentleman heen, " YOUTHS, iu every kind of Material Soap cause* ; British nud Foreign Steam , N ACT 01' Cromwell's Ruck, I Annemount, m, CUSTOiM-IIOUSK QUAY. should hi! in the hands ot young aud old. —Sunday Time*. , SlylivPrice, tgreetble flavour, and a most ptasing sensation N , East Smithfiehl, and West Kent Wharf, Southwark ; Par- having lieen cured of Nervous Debility, Loss of and DAW'jON Is now supplied with n. lar^e Assm'l ¦>inl March, IS J O. HIHI Size. eels received ymoulh- Indi Christendom, Upper Ncwtawn , DARCAW 's are all free from noxious admixtures. nt 137 Lcadeuhall Street , E.C. Fl Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, gestion, Dislike ' Kcwrath. F meut of Komr. tinil ll;ill Pnpvrs, in gveaivariety " The author bus I'.oiifnicil a Rreat boon by iinllishing this ' EJJBT ABINC and Lower , on of • S 2 2 MERCHANTS ' QUAY. H J. W , theWliarf, Milbny. f iclfost-ll.tlts- to Society, Impediments to Marriage, &c., will forward to All any these which ho oilers for Sale nt Low Price". liltli! work , in which is ilosciiln'il the source of IIIOKC ilisoasrs I . II Y A M , ' B B^* persons Trespassing Lands ' II. DARO AN also manufactures the best Writing Ink DK SO.T & Soss, Donegal Qnnv. Limerick—$. C.J ELICO, any uddresH tlio means by which ho ivas cured, on the receipt uliiith prcHliMC ili'i:liu Loiidjn prosecution. [auIJ tf executed with neatucss, uud at .Moderate Charges. IU tili 3 ; '^ A trial Trill suffice. (my2j-3m [ie29.tn JOSIAII WILLIAMS. Wilfurd House, Uurtoa-crcsccut, , W.C. Luu!7tf.J liable to legal J Coiihultatimis daily, fi'iiii , aud 0 lo 8. . (ul8-ly 30, DAME STKEET, ay^UWr : ; crushing and obnoxious taxa- "TO OUR FRIENDS. augurcUcd with n • I). ;. TrO IV A' // A I. I., //" A T R 11 F 0 Jt J) a Urge nnmlirr of A. M. < MONEY on DEPOSIT or MORTGAGE ADDRESS t\\)z /Siarftcts Sinrc the rommenccinciit of the ye.ir, tion to support tho costly government of Vidon OP TIIR PAlMSHtOXimS OF KILL A NEWTOWN. each mnall in ib BAPTISM in CASE of NECESSITY, Recounts h.Ke been sent out from this office, opened the eyes of the people to OK TUB 1TATF.RF0RD lu i:rr.—T.> imi!> all t'lsrt-t.an i-liilihvn ili a linnd nf Surrey, Chairman ; Thomas William Hill, lifij., Clifton ^-* of tho good L'eoplo of Kill and Newtown , County tlio Exports preltj libers) tills ireclc. spcclily us possible. In ting to lioly l.ivn troiil'i! flit * Intuit J- M s, M tinier I li.it l>v innttithi!; I'.-irk Uristol, Dc|inty-Oh;\ivman. Charles Oiuuvimi , S IG S OK P.UUDlNr, I FUANC1KCO REKtiEll, vcmcm!>erea tint at present we have to AIUBALDIAXS , Waterford to their Inte excellent and res WHEAT.—Supplies from Farmers moderate, yet Hie Taluc his tine, it should be them by the marauding bands of G , Him thry w:iy il.-vmc tlu-nxilvi s from llirii¦ wirlirat triiild- lCsq., Daily- TWO EVENING CONCEIM'S on , prescntod . V.t<\ , l-ongliclds, Ciishel ; Michnel Cnhilll W1LL Give , per Barrel. Foreign quiet at late rates. " sinews of war" to tlie " gentlemen of the long the OHN HASAIIAV ihe follon'ini; receded Cl. to 9J. supply the with no better objects in view lit xv.1 t 0 (l !;1 | WD.U wliit'li III! runic on i| , Watevi'ord ; Ifetn y Davis, l>q., )>li-nlieim , W .t- and 13th , IS(> 1 , commoncing at Eight o'Clock. Address, nccouipunied "illi a Parse, can'aining Seventy BARLEY , 1 and change, no matter wha llr.'i'c me :i-.)in% s-» iit!.-il y ii.-^i.vi i-t :-.< tWc of I'liim. sieii.i of the Court of Quoen's IVnclu than " plunder ' " " terlord ; Wil "urn Malcolma-jn , I'.sq., Maylield Factory, A Orand MOUSING CON'CKHT, on TUESDAY, removal to Cioghoen, OATS in moderate request at birclj list week's pricM.; In tliri t rmiiitry ivluii ilinv nip III . ML" tli.m liiv Imrti in ono Sovereigns, on the occasion of his 1'ortlaw, Ireland ; I'dinond l'owcr, Ksi]., Tramoro. ' the result. The Koman correspondent of the family tin" iv>t ;nv put til dn.ith , l>y Mug I'tpn-wl in the the 13th, commrncing at Two o clock. ns a ma i k of their esteem an-1 regard tor that zealous FLOUtl.—Tho turn in (atour of Ibo buyer. MONKTARV ANU COMMBUCIAIi. Wnti-ifni-d ; Oeor^e lliclwrdHin, Ks-q., I , New liroa.il- t-Uivt-Uo k- .l.-v.nuv.l liy il.i .smul other MIUIM IS of prey. Kesmvcd ft-ats Siujrle Tickets £0 ft*. Oil. aro iinususllj -TI« Fu.nl.-. to-iby sre writing on the 12th, gives an ac- , Clcrgymim ," nnd the pervicoa he has rendered o them INDrAN COny.-Tlia stocks of this nrticlc LOSDO , TIHIRIPAT Kv«w«». Morning Poet, The lidlv lli>lio;i nt Nnn.y, Mtiiisciitiiem- (!«• Fuil.iii J.III «HI , stri-i-t , I/ondim; IMmond Sinilhwick, Ksf|.. Kilkenny ; l'uur 1 Hi. Oil. ^ taken phrc. In l.ri- of Kamilv Ticket*, to Admit ^ light for this perio.1 of tlio yenr, yet the dealer.-* t ake very firmer. A recovery of > per cent lt.w movements, which if Ixtttuil :ui as^w-ialiim l'i>r tin- piu ^ose i:i:i^«Muin^ tliri»L- .lanns Tidniiir.-ili , Ksi'i-, Kilkenny ; CharUs Whctliaiu , Ita.-li Seats 0 3s. fid. and Iho Catliolic ChurcIi whilst stationcl nmongst them a.lvj.nc« of from J to i por count of the reactionary , siiarin(;1y t and only a limited btuincss rcsullctl tlita week , at an tisli IWlivay Sfoets there is an < I'il.licli , ulio »• I,nil i>i" >i -HIIM l'i' ]ul to iVntli . lie spout Ksip, iH , (imdon Siiu-.uc, London. Family Tickets, to Admit Four 0 12s. (M. with the reply of ami Yorkshire St.K* aro in The Wlowiug is the Address, together . y;r liarml. cent. Midlan.l, ami Lancashire it were bereft of its prejudices, would tell of n I. -.-1 l;;r;-n lor'.ir.ic in it muling r.ml ri.il.Hvitiji rouvcr.1% in r Cfallory 0 2<. Od. a-Jvauco of about aJ Uho, ocannchi and Co.., to g"MIK DIIIKCTOUS of this Company nre prepared to ( the Rev. Gentleman : — , Corn Factor. chic request. The firm «r L.:on ('liiu:i v\ li. lv lni>o i-l.i!-Ir. n an' l.inivht tip and itl.stlUflL'll 'I iekets and rrogninmcs to he had nt H OWAHD 'S JOir^ KENSY iNnw* » Lmuton, REPANI which would be , £ receive nmnici to n limited extent on dc|io.sit; to 1)0 1*5" he u,, u,l up. The liabilities of Imr result under Count T *»r invii- livclilio.nl. vKRRSP ASP DEAU SIB—Tho Parishinnora oC Kill l«(> an the till ill.1 ; n..;i , li So i)iii.'ii:v Iti > lor which will pay Muj-ie Warehouse, (13 Quay, Waterford, where a Plan I'r. PRI CKS CURR ENT. and in the" Kast amount to ilOH, . s. illlil I.C.lif* of lh(-=o repaid upon one month's notice, 1'iey cannot su/fer the cireumsliiiieaof. your sepa- Liverpool, dul hut blazoned into a victory were it the work of a •Ml..»N?. —Ill nlilrr to <.I\V till' 'Ui * of the Room may he seen, and Places secured for the nnd Nettt.mu ' IrVctimalttl »t ^133,000. Co.nol, opend iif tliit Association an' Intenst at il.c r»lo of .4 per cent, per annum. No at availing themselves Its |»»-r t 'hiii.w I'liilili'i'ti , lie i.-lijii't.'i , deserved Scats Money taken the Doors. riitinu IVo:ii them to p.ij* by without New. Did. tn 01}, buyer,, a... r.l.«.ng 01 11-10 AHIBALDI They arc also fnrllicr propircd to receive Money on . c^T feeliujjiof a univer- 1BIKII. soon rallied, advaiicing G . He says :— Is', lit j'lct lire l !:i-, en very firm nil day ami prices - Mortgage liondj for n term of yturs, bearing Interest cxpnasimis of esteem to l3-lC. SharM " The Count of Tr.-paui lins been openly nt tho Iie.id ol '.'i:!. t" liisy lli.w tin! mi I;,- >:i> is! ; ;tnl , t> nluoilu llieni sal and sini'crc regret , and tender tliuso improve.!, ami closed nbnnt the Inghert j Debenture lJonds, U'ATEIU'ORD ASSEMBLY ROOMS a clergyman and «v. sra.lu.Hy tlicso protTPilinj^. Yi-slorilny )n"s royal Ili liiiMs lull Itomn in i xi^in- s, [,. <.(-< mill coini-uli. ; I ill. lo luiiml lieu- ones. at per Cent, or upon their New and atliiehn-.i-ii t , which your conduct as \VHI5AT p-rbnrrolofi^Hllis. «. d. ». 1I1 . il. B . d. honi lnnite.1. Csiwdwui aro ^ , ' quolattons. Uusines* lias f.ir n ni arer inspection of the theatre of liis mirations on tlw A* »:«i'»n .is nn infant Ul».ip'i-£.il lie in.i.YlH-cimica member, beaiing luloivst nt li per Cent, until September, 1 80J, gentleman elicits! IVom the hearts of all. IH a strange l.nul, — \VhitC - - - :W 6 I" -'II li iM 0 In IHI 0 French prices como Iho Hume aa quiet without change. province of Sor.i. A corrrspondins IIIOTO - lint iiniii' aip n-ludttrd :ifler lim :is:r if Iwruly-nnr. ami afterwards o \vr Gent in perpetuity. THE SECOND SOIREE where the fust y.vus of your yrually CJircer wi re spent, mid _ Rod - - • i'J 0 3'> 0 i:(1 0 01 0 roiifiiii'? of Hie hnrrel ol Sillbt I yesterdcy . niiiit w;i* likew i se made by liis Holiness's troops, fivecou- Oui.it: M IONS .— K. To nviie daily one " Hail Mary !" The Original nnd Preference Share Capital of the WILL TAKE 1'I.ACF. where social invjiidiccs and luijgiiideil ideas present umny R AKI.KY, per . Criiidiii^' - - - in 0 in O'TO n on 0 lmviiip: man-hi d for Frosinoiii", wliwico it ivilli tin- tiillmvin ^ prayi'i* :— the Directors urc FElitWAllY. obstacles lo friendship, even there your name is revered uud — ION DON STOCK EXCHANl'.E—Y BSTRRTUY. 1W1UP.-I of Zouaves Company is i:4O0,OI)0 , upon which On Fit WAY, Ul _ Mnllinv - - - 18 0 20 I ;oO n 0.1 (1 ' be Jesp-itdicd arro^ Iho fionticr to 'liihl -nsj Ug anda)] other poor children, your memory treasured by sincere nnd constant friend*, who RICKS —Consols f»r .Money, i)lji; Consols is wild that they will O i.'Mni- L .li' *avo nuihorised to raise Loans not exceeding £Hi),00il. (from whom Tickets may he had):— OA'I'S, per barrel , nf liMillw . -, I Orrxi sa I' . % ' ., 1 STEAVAItDS remember you with ;il!Vclion. Is it then a mutter of sur- 3 per Centsi , !>iy. innVe .-> coup de main upon tlie {tioii.Iriiii 1'apnl principality i sp.vi:..!y tl. . ; Sir Deujamiu C.C. wus sonio six - li''»> » M 0 tho mild sway of tho Cliurdi, n feat alri>»d y perfarmwi a * 2nd. Kvrry Associate to pay uno h;:ll.ptm;y » mou'.h , or Pariah (to which your appointment us — Grry - - a13 9 M for Account, 01 \\ New 3 pnr cents, 91^. instalments of i.bniit ,00ll a year. Estnnnile, M.P ; of i?0!l« I • not dumbly, t,y tlio l'uii- six | I .-IIIV n year. by £3 Mnnis , U.lj. ; the Hi AU Sheriff ; Ciipt. j-Kiirs ai;o hailed «illi the Inippiejt fi!eliiiK«, liy meinbcis of PLOl.'B , nor S.irt, couple of months n^o, .ilthonsli a similar " 0 4.-i dim 0 n;i (l This has been regularly done by raisins . Power, Esq., Henry Uriscoe, Ks<|., Alfred uuu'iliecoinc a sourca of sorrow nnd nfllic- r- Sun-'i-nncs - - <•• ESTEHI AY tifirnl Minor, tie Mnrlillet. Three companies ofSiciso li.i»o A I -VA > TAin:".—1st , Two Xlswsis a month iv'll bo <=nIil for Patrick J every cl.iss), should " (1 II Of) II DUBLIN STOCK KXC1IANGK—Y > (* amount from the I'ublic, aj that the Debt of the Com- 7(ith Keg inient ; li. ran grieve with Irish hearts? There were — liir.-rinrn - - - .111 35 0 ,'HI also left K.iioe, and slnmg dtit:iuliineut.s of Imrie nnd foot nil ili<> *- - tiii-ioU-is wlio ha\en.»l yi-t inailu their Kiist om* Pnwi-r, Esq.; Lieut.-Col. Dennis, tiou to those who OATMKAI. , pcr Saelf . ol'S.cl>ll. 0 T. n;ni) II 11O (I I'd. Cash. Acct. iu our connection with 3* -iriueire li-.ivo been BMI ! in linitto to occupy tlio mountain tnuuiiiu ; ai'itthe M:i>s nf the lli-l v 1'ifancy during Iho oc- pany now stands thus : W*. Morris, Ksi|., (!npt. Armstroiij;, Lieut.-Col. KobeiU , BOine peculiar facts (rare to bo sure) lll'.AN 'liairel .il' fl'!.K. - 3 0 S f.,liO 0 Oil 0 01J — geml. a young priest , pcr , 3 per Cent Consols diipirtion of Snliinrcn Nor is tlio attempt tave of '.be Kpiphaiiy. 2ml, One Mass in !li« s--cond \vt ck l'uMic Win-Its Law Commissioners ... £77,177 0 0 Ca|it. Dland, 7filh ltoijinient ; Capt. Glubb, W. A. j D, you, Iiev. rfir : Iu your early days as , you Kow :! pnr Cent Stock Oilji OUSS positions in tlio . " ignorance error and to the Neapolitan territory, for sani{uiu»iy iif!i-r 1'a-lir lor all di.-caftil n-rinl-i 'rs. 3ul, With every Morliraw liomls ii:'.lwl» <•' 0 A l3. l'rauer , Esq , 7lilh KeKinicnt ; George Morrin , chose to minister to lliusu who were iu , , Hank of Ireland 2-U!j — at reaction limited <¦ the shadow uf death thus le.niiij? bonii! nnd friends, and scenes have recently ln-on witnessed at tlie town of Ascoli, tiiitf -notYU st-ut to China , "tic lr.laut mjy be l-ougbl. Uc ]'cr|)Ctujl Debenture lionus WW ' " Esq., John Wal l, EMI ., Capt. Meaghci-, W. A. ; Henry , F0ni-:i(;.V. I Free. Ililx-rtiimt Hank 25 SH — ginui; in lo understand thnt your lifo wnulil nut bo spent iu the province of Marca, which is nopnratcil by the rim- L-r she i*i then I'.iiu-atai a ('livistian. Sargent , Ksq. to l'mvincial- Hank 2S x.l & h — throuKhnnt 177 0 0 nuion^st us. lint Providence decreed your return your Tronto from the Neapolitan province of Aciuiila. Tlie moat .\ sn-at i!.\:iii- ot sympathy l.a* ly account*of will.- exit-lit In niul .usil Hiipport Miv-i-'iuis, who coaler llaii- II n 0 (jencral Ga-- 8 22 V — politan have further to add that the uett earnings of ASSEM1JLY KOOMS, TOWN HALL, WATEKFOUl) . Hut it is nut ours at present to refer — Sn.iiii.-ili ami Anoona - • - "" " United liaiul in which li-ii.i«i tl.i*.! .U-M-I I IH I i -liiliiii -ii , mill s.H'iiie to them tlio enjoy, They Christian lieiievulcuce — Ohirka - - '31 0 X> 0 RAILWAYS. nlinl(-«;iln military cxrrutions on one , Years, Inive been CI7, ">37 it if i',i:i:il lifi-. T!:e'.v i> intuh reason lo believe tb::l the Liui', lor the last Two to thosn estimable — Cnlntz .ind Kniafni- - . . ill" " IK> 0 Great Sontliern and Western 100 1115 112 numerous bands nl reactionists wore mntiil.iitc MI i-jt.dl IIIMIV llii.UKiiiil sou.s an- •.ut-.mally 1".M, thringti the i ^nor U's. O.I., whilst tin; Interest on their whole debt for tho CITIZENS* BALL. uorthy family, whieh, alter .nil , much to tN'tllAN COK.V , Veil""-, nul.-itx. ,V O.lessa , ;24 0 54 C ">D 22J — I'ie.linontcso ; whilst, aeconliui lo oilier ncccmnti, tbo ro- ' nlrniiiije of thu lii^lit Worshipful I' livKSR Cox, _ WiitiM-lcird nnd Limerick ' SMI -S uf ||IIW, Oiy IOs. Bd., leaving a Sur- Un'lei- tho l' the position of the. M inister if God amongst any people. — Fnxniiinn & Ibralia - - m n 24 0 nc-ti"tii vicl»riiiu< anil ruthlessly misted iil tevti :i!irc »r i':iri I.- . > »!:o slmiilil eonler l!.i;itism in same period his been £lD, and other to Wiili'i'furd & Lim. 5 j:cr cl. nl 10 — — , ' " ' ,ili> K.IJ., M.iym-; Sir IS KNJAUIN Aloiinia, D.L , We :ue 'a^eil convey our M-iUitncnts of your own per- American, 21 0 21 * ' I'irdinniifcso Uersaiilieri on I lie public piazza. The re.ic- I IIM-S nt Xuvssiiy, tvliirh ncv.r i;ail liiiosi-ll nnlorioiM by ilo un:rli tu iliu.iiiUh llii- . »> The Management onrt Direction of the l.ailivay being lSrtl of _ - Daii.aced --- |1S 0 21 11 Wstiv.ford anil Tiatnore 10 4J — , on MONDAY, the -.'ill of FKJiKUAllY , . iiiislalicu jud^i'S lh«ll..i. - ;•«> 'HI 0 n similar crusmle agaii.st tbo Hi'imlilican Government 1 «•):« j»ri>lj uiiliiiiJii) theai 1 of vour djiily |>elitions, A first-Class Quadrillo I5AND is fciijja^cd. Dancing paternal 1 tieat.inont of the siaiier, whoso bruised spiiits you . l-'ri-m-li , per snrk , ol -J--iilbs. - - "" » I'll 0 1810. Having snrceoilcil in collecting nnd nrniini; A band pi rivalun* ;n in . of tors iia per sack , of . > ^cto« asKiile-l tlie town of Ascoli then unproviili d with « rejcnlar ;:s \iu li'.iy i-oiiliil tile to sau , so many inlcrccssors will you - « «« , SeCUI'U. ' do. U. y.uu' removal has m'iilrd, und whilst they sli.dl evi-r pinscut RVB MF.AT., " " <"' " " -irri-ion , niul for n br'u-f moment of triumph snlistiluteil tbo have in !iiave:i. Direc- Ladies " nn JUST, ANH rr.Ait NOT. R. Mrs. l.i.si.K 1'nu.i.irrs, of Orvo Dien Mnnnr. Ashby 0. Further information can be obtained from the lli l rcs'iments inehidcd. theinselvea to us IH fond leineinbiunceH ol that Mai, piely, nnttr.ird nml visible siq-ns of l'.i p.i) dominion for thoso ol .Messrs. Doonv.v ."t TA.vur, to be haj from Mr. ALTER ISIIOP " uviit out In sow tho la Z-iiieh , has neiivc.l for the aforcsuul Association from tors oi the Company ; tuc ^3" Tickets W H , nnd seiillenpss with which yon alivsys of Imports am! Exports fu r thu Week ending T!tursrs' SPI UKI J at all times that those yooil nw-:ls 111:13' not perish iu our- hnwuvof lace of hoiini- to the cro-u i.f in. lu.li-s tit 1 Is. Ctil. from tlio Cliristia n I . Lieiiei-il M:inagert Kilkenny. , ^aqnin yirldnl tlie p Company's ulliec, Kilkenny, T0IVN II ALL , IV AT ERF OU I). KC I VI-S, but crow uimiiil onwards to lClerual Life, us the fruits IMPORTS. I-IXI'OP.TS Savoy on the appeal ance nf a coinpan}' ot 1'iL-dmontPso rillo- WOOL ! "WOOL ! WOOL ! January 4th, 1801. [jll-3 m of youv leaching and example. \V\! can say no more ; but Whnnt - - 310 'lunrtf-ra. Wheat - Hnrrels DEFENCE FUND in.», ulio vig/irciiislj' iittaiknl nml dispci-scd the re.ietioiii>t*, O N MONDAY EVENING , J AN . 2S, let us utl,l our conscimisnesj that gifts seldom JJIIMSUTL- trui' l11d1.111 C1.rn. 61) Oo. Onl« , - - lo:i0 1 i\n killing n niiinlilr ol them, and amongst other* the prient WANTED, a SLUBBKK a-iil MUI.TJ SPINNER. gratitude, und theiefoiewe cmld hesitate, in asking you to D.iri, - . do. liarlr-y - do. IN TUB himsuir who fell as behoved him fi litiiijf in tbo van." lilll'ORD AND LIMEUICK RAILWAY do. Iii.liunCoru ¦ dn. , , , y Men of Family will be preferable. WAT receive this Purse as a test of our attachment and affection. Harley, - - , BROWN V. REDMOND SELECT FASHIONABLE PERFORMANCE, . , « . 7? Kinks. I-'Inur, - - 12-2 Saelci CASE OF Whilst thus the noble priesthood die in defence lication to be ma.ilo to Mr. 1' EIRSE I ATTFRT We to present it as such ollerings am usual on similar r1-loli r App S . , the Paironafje ami Presence of Lieut.-Col. hi% , J Bnrrcla. " Oaluii-ni - ilo. Cunick ou-^uir. jIrt- t ] MONEY ON DEPOSIT. UNDE1J occasions, not hivnusc we coiiMrter it 11 contirinutni-y M-al of 1 Di:.\'s i3 and the UITICKRS of the 7Ulh lie^imeut , leasing to all lovers and for the restoration of plundered rights in 'T*IIK l/iitiersigticd arc prejwrcd to g ive full our feelings towards you. Allow us, in conclusion, to \vi>h Butter Market. In this case, it will be p when the Sjilendid UANDof the Kegiment will attend. WINE !-REDUCTION OF DUTY X inl'oiinatioii respecting the UATKS OV INTKKKST you 11110 other lung farewell, iiud hope that tlm people of Kill Numb-mil' firkins; uviehnl nt ili« 1'nlilie Uulter .Market for Ilic it DEFENCE FUND the Southern end of that sunny but distracted UKD 'S Novel and Beautiful Pelformaiiec of justice to know that nl) >wnl by the Waierfurd and Limerick Railway Company Professor U A TM niul Xcwtovvn, so long the objects of your holy prayers, may Wtck rniling l-'ri.lav, Ilic 2.*.lh insl . 1 or 1 WO HOUUS of ILLU 73 \Vi-.1nc«tay H2 land darkened by the foulest deeds of injury, BKG to iu'orm the Public, that on mid iftcr the on Money lent that Compuuy on Deposit, either by the Year f NATUIiAL MACK , still cbiui some share, iu your daily devotions ; and »houtd Satunliy has boon already subscribed to by a number of , and in a sty le JIoiul iv I Thursday 20 ur f.ir a shorter period. SIONS , without Apparatus or Confederacy, wo never again mcit hero below as l'astur nnd People, may matters 1 1st niMANUAKY, I sliall KUUIHIK the l'HICES Tue*t:iy 0 Vri.lay 29 sriii-ituil awl mlluenlial citizens and residents in insult, and injustice, in Northern Italy .S'TI .TIIK VS Duiic-mnoii, county W'cxforil ; TitOJi.t s S. ealirrly new and ijuitc dillcreut frym those previously we ineut liin-ecftcr where there is no separation , and where the jwr civ t of all my WINKS (except OIiI TOUT, OI.l CLAHET, anil A. . , ' Pricofi-jin 110;. to llili. I'd . RUUH CV.nick-on. Public. tircat High Piiest himself will receive the l.iithl u! ll.ick 11s are little better. Affairs tln.-re, although tho M AHKIKA ) in nciord:uicc with the Reduction of the H AIIVKY , Quay, Watcrfonl ; JonN U , introduced to the the neighbourhood , so as to indemnify, in every Suir; 1*. It. ItASFir.i.u, Climmel ; SAMUUI, J KLLICH , CAI IOI- J 1 [is " lilcVsciV' inid reward lor ever the piml l'riist , who, like Duly, and in inuuy cases, even more than that. PK0UUAMME: II the Walcrford News. questions are dissimilar, present an aspect not UZUCUALD OX, you, will have discharged his saKtt.nl dulius hui-i! below so Corrected this D ;/ f nr way, tho intended victim of a. foul conspiracy. DAVID COLBMAS, Tippcrary ; DAVIU V & S ART —The Wand ; the Wizard's Shawl, or Mysterious H. U. SARGENT. P I. (iod and so profitably to His people. Limerick. (n'.l-tfj Productions; the Wuriior's Plume; the Carnival, or the lailhfnlly to rPvOvrsroxs. loss tranquil. A war with Austria is tlie SFnll, U'diorfor-l. Pccmhcr, lbf.n » -Ot] COM crti 0-1 to ft l .t 0.1 H Ij - uf Wonder ; tho I'Vat ol Sjiguvd , Oil behalf of the Parishioners of Kill and Ncwtown. IU Pics, per cwt Mysterious S/ui°ciiir ; tlie Uli'bi. Oi i-.ii. do .".Is 0-1 „ •»•>¦« 0.1 NEWS dnsign of tlio numerous band of anarchists who MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES U r.itity ; tho Dove of Mag ic Power; the End ol Time; the 1-'KI :T do I In 6.1 „ 12< 0.1 LATEST ELECTION AUDITOR Produc- It K P I. Y . 32s 0.1 SU «d ? Shower of Hold ; Strange Subtraction ; .Mysterious Ihr\n3 ilo „ 1 have grown up under the fostering care of IS ATIONAL DISCOUNT LOAN FUND and For tin; 1-Vsi Time iu JIv DEAR ASB lisTiiu.MKu Fr.iuNn.s—I receive with tlm T.U.1.11W ilo His M „ Cls Cd OAETA. CIUJSTY OF WATKRFORD tions, or Suim-thing from Nothing. THE SIKCiK Ob AVHI -XJOTICR HEREBY l-U'OSIT 'J Adam-Street Adel pli, Strand , warmest feelings of grntiludi!, tilt- hiMlitilul uud ilaltcriug L.MIII (chandlers) 5Ca 0.1 „ 67.-. 0.1 C .'U, whose policy for them is now too slow. ^ N D HANK , , Europe, the famed Feat , entitled Indian Child Slaying, us N.wt.r.s, J AN . 22.—The batteries of (iaetn opened TO »n i\ j-JlVE.V, that the —Loans from Ao' to .£200 ivithuut sureties, iit extra Address wlii. li you do me tin: honor of pi chilling me, on Ihe r.HTiMIKIt!" MKAT. have learned from him and now march \ London. Perfunned by Uiu Niilive Cunjurura of India. 1 morning—the lattnr They , O'S L Irom the FtKKr, j.iinll ... 4].| In- 7i-l I V I:AI, do ... T-l to « fi r.; n»niiist llie S:nilininii3 this lii h Mienll , N ICHOLAS 1'owitn HUA , Eftj., ofGar- risk premium. Loans from .€5 to .JUO with sureties. Hill* PART IL—The Kepeater ; the M..ter tie Dance ; tl- u Elec- oecasi.in i.f my removal iiti'lst of a people iv/uun I ' ^ ' M UTTON dj ... cd to 81 | T. VMI I , per e.r ... D.s to 0 the tieiv batterios. The past him. In the depths of that man s mischie- iliiiiiiorris, Ji .-is n|i|iointpd 1'iKntE N KWI > ORT II ARRO .V , discounted at 5 per cent. Money advanced on Hills of Sale, tric Messenger ; .Mysterious Orange ; the Cliinesj Wonder have loved fruni my CI I I I IH IOIK I. And yon will kindly excuse , nro nclivel y working at ell' POTATOPA idly carried out. vous heart and detractive policy, there is K«|., of Grange l.iuhe, ELECTION AUDITOR , or Money advanced in full, without deduction for -nlenst oi Feat; thu- Illack is While ; invulnerable. Handkerchief ; me, if I yield tui« uiui.li lo those uatuial usions that - ironic blockade of tlie bay is being rap yet N'iriv , per st. ... 0-t to Od | OM>, jier ston o M to 8d AUHITOIt of laKCIU'N KXPENSKS , for the expenses. Forms on application, 2d., or by post. Oftict Stran^o Disajipeaiancc ; the Lost Strangely I-V.uud ; the over me, at the renieinbrancoof my separation from the peo- The bombardment of G.iet.i rc-commenced to-day. some prudence. Venetia and Koine, cry the ' lace nn.l the scours of my e.u ly days nilEAD. IV IIH I V of Wnl.-rford and Uorougli of Dungarran hours from Ten till l-our. Kloatiu>; Child ; thu Womlerlul Indian Fe.it, eulilli:.! the ple of my native p , which .. 7d Fourteen vessels are stationed (it G.ieta. . for To IIITK, pcr ^lb I[iiu£iiUi,pr 41b Cil to Cjd progressionists of his school, must be oura. [jl8-2t»] G. LAURKSCK, Manager. Mau^o Tree. conclude with several IlUitsti.itiuiH of have fnvii doubly eiide.uiil to tuo liy tlio c-xpi'iiciicc of tlie W I taken tin; t-nsltini; Year. - •WIIISKKY. N AI'LCS, J.I .V . li).—Numerous arrests nave to lete our (.'LAlllVOYANl.'E. Doors open iit half-past Suvuii, Per- past Sij Ye.ir.-. Von have measured iny meiits (whatever " They are Avnntcd , ho answer.", comp Datnl Jnuuary 2-ith . 18^1. (It) Drnt.is, per K M ... l»s Od I 1)1.11 , gal , ... ICs SJ Kny.diat officers have been dismisscil. 1 formance to coiiimciice at liight o'clock. they may be iu reality) by t he standard of-your own goodness, place. Aiatiy unification ;" but to attempt to get them now Woods Trade Protection Association L'OKI;, puncheon ... 15.-* Cd j lwvo been despatched " Jt U Y.lL DUUIJM S0CJKT1 Front Scats, 2s. ; Hack Seats, la. yum own virtues, your own greatness uf heart. You do me N.\r;.E3, J AN . 1'A.—Troops a justice at all events upon one puinl , and that is: that I waa l-'ISII The rcActinnnry move- would he sure '. ;> provoke a war in which we OFFICES : LONDON ontl DUBLIN ; Cairinged may bo ordered at Ten o'Clock. (j'23.11) civt 15s to 17.i 1 S M.MON , pcrlb... 1^ -id to the Abruzzi and Calabria. HEAD capable of making friends nud cementing :i f riemUhi even N'i->'ni.M» , pr would lose all we have giined. O , ltUANCH OKKICKS : COUK , nnd 18, lllCXHY- q, llKKiiiNos, pr brl 2O.s to 20^ | S01.K, ilo ... 0> 8.1 ment has been everywhere suppressed. Tho batteries pposed EXHIBITION OF THE FINE ARTS with IKo nlii n and btrnnger, that neither tiinn or distaii'.-e STltKKT, WATKUl'OliD.' --The Undersigned lespectfully ... )irey same. (Pupil of the ix-lebi-.ite.l J AMBS Ilr.RVET D'EOVILLK , , TIMRKR. yesterday by the Emperor, to whom he presented a to nuioiyst the people, where. 1 was born, li.) nssurcil, (l.-ntlo- (Id I IY\ TIIS , ... M\ nl in Northern Italy a war with Austria or France, l.loyd, D.D. , S.i'.T.C.D. GKORGli J. BRISCOE, Resident Agent. nf Unnovcr Squaro I!.wins, London), he^s cull thu atten- Jlvn Pisn, r*r tnn, C.ii letter from the King of Prussia, announcing the nicn,. thnt thu ll.iUciing allusions by which your Address YKI.L0W , do ... COd 0.1 J S'fAVKS, ... 6",.S 0-1 Y ICB rr.uslDf.s r.:, R.D.3. :—J- V. Waller, l.I-.IJ., 21-lf.l IS, Henry-street , Manor, Watrrford tion of the Nobility and lieiitry to luij t'u-ihiou.iMe D.mce. death of his brother and liis own accession lo the pledged to protect Rome, will not be forced on , [ag ut compliments my family, ar« very ncccptablo to 1110; and as no f'OAr-S. , 31.U.I.A. llonorabl c (Icor;:e Ilandcck SS©"Those ih^iroiis tiikiii j; Lessons, plea^o apply nt his ; , Secretaries one ought tu tcel so puistMiilly aa the Catholic Priest, tho Cvr.mpr, per Inn ... 17s | IS'r.wi'OiiT, per ton ... 17s throne. whilst in the South the reactionary movement It. I > ,S. Ami the Committee of Management appointed itesideiici>, No. IU , M A N UK. (j-'J--t) New Posting & Livery Establishment,Wexford faults nnd dcfi-cts (whether public or private) with which any FODDER AM) flilKKN (JISOPS. A letter from Rome, of the ICtli , ?ias the M- will continue to gain ground , and much lost by the Society member of liis.tauiily may bo reproacheil , «o, on the contrary, liiv, per Inn , ... r.Oito C3< M ASCIU. II ?, ... 16.-I „ IPi Wing :—" The Queen Dowager of Naplrs, Maria territory m:iy be rrg lined by tho rightful own- llESiti MACMANHS, U.U.A., An Superintendent ; I'ITT has the honour to announce to the DESIRABLE INVESTMENT no member ol society is more privileged lo rejoice in the STKMV . iviicalcil 2i>s „ 32i V>:Ti-lli:y , l^i ,, If''' , JOHN 'ins Smi., (12 bundls) 4.1 Cd Theresa of Austria, has paid a visit to the Pope UASCIS AsDKiiw Cor.iufiA.v, Storekeeper. Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitant* generally of the honor and good name of hit flesh and blond, thr.11 that same Dn. f.ul.:n) ... 2fi „ . „ ers. The f.te of F II , and the disposal riiO niv SOLI) BY PUBLIC AUCTION , ot Do. ihail.-j ) ... 2l:i „ Ms accompanied by her three younger sons, who reside rpiIE Uoyal Dublin Society, nn the recommendation County AVexford, that he has taken the Commodious and Inuulilo Catholic C'l^rgyiiiiiu. In your expression.-) of ii-sret 1 ofhis 16,000 or 20,000 tioops becomes hourly 1 Twelve o'clock, on THURSDAY, 31st J.vsfAiiv , " that wu should be several " you reci procate the feeling* willi fier, (lie eldest, Count ile Fivini, having gone X of many Owner.-,- and iiroilucers ol" Works of Well-ventilated Stables, lately occupied by J A >IK .I , of the deepest interest.. Should they be forced lyoi , nt .Mr. DOiil'.YN'S HOTEL, this MALL , Watcilor.l , that has filled my heart and soul to overflowing. It is onl y to Abruz/.i. She presented them to the Pope as Art , have resolved to holil on their Premises in KtiNsULAl t , ESIJ ., in Abbey-street, where ho intends 33t'vtf\S, if txwix W** ® 3cattw. . Kililarc- a PKOl-'IT HUNT of i;31 a year aii.->iug out of a li'iuse and natural that I would feel a pang of bitterest pain at leaving devoted soldiers. They wore the uniform of the to abandon Gaeta, nnd that they ITC scattered htreel, May ami tho three following inonlh.s carrying on the business of 1'o.sting in all its depart- ilu'iu^ of Premises within a short distance of the City of Wateiluid , tho society of all with whom 1 have been so loug associated ; r, i it T II s. the first as nti otliccr, the second aa over the Abruzzi amongst tho reactionary bands 1S0I , an Kxiiil.ition of the 1'iue Arts ami of ments, and also Livery Stables. held by TlliiMAd Kom.Vsu.v W'IIITK Esq., fur a term ol At Windsor fVilla -. Diincanasii, the wifn of EJ-vir.l J. Palatine Guard , Druanu-n- , and .lpart 1V0111 those nciisalinns, geneivdly evoked by Ihe dis- .', private. Pius IX. t.i! Art , coniprisiii!; Pictures of flip Ancient and Modern In openin!» this new -branch of business, J. P ITT Sixty-two years and Six Months, from -illi .U.irch next.— •Slot'lli-ns, l->i|., of in in sons. n so)«eant, nnd the third aa a who h.ivfi proved already so formidable an op- solution of tho imliunry ties of Iricu.lshi p, I should be v.iid tho wifo of Maurice .I.ir.ie.i Nehoi.U, Scu .p!*iro , Drawings, Kncrravinys entirely disavows any feeling of hostility towards other For further pailictilars apply to Piuusu K ULLV, Solicilor , January l a, at Lal;rvi'-\r , Kilbrncy, was much moved in seeing those juvenile princes . l'hutni;rnplis, of those idc.is that make the Priest's life " a sweet yoke nnd r s ponent of the Sardinians , an important change Establishments and hopes for success on the broad •2, Little licurgc's-strect , Waterfuid ; or to I It] O'l.'oiinoll , «|.> -P. '"'• "f * '"• his person." Medals , Oliji-cts of Vcrtu, Decorated I'latc. and \\ ork- , a li -hl burden," if I could leave behind, without sorrow, n Jan. 17, at Tallow-' , tlio wifo of tiic R-jr. Iitch.ir.l Ltn^ileM, of .i thus devoted to the protection of in the aflYu's of tint p:irt of Ituly may t;ifco ili^s itt the 1'rccioiis .Metals and tljeir iuiitntion.s grounds nf the growing requirements of the age, as it is SAMUEL l-'liZUliNUY , ^ iely, ; J'or- p.-nplo whose snlid unostentatious p whose nuble-heartto - son. TI1K CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. Celain, Silk , Velvet 'I' very well known that there is not at present sufficient January, 2oth, 1S01. Auctiuuwr, Waterford. .-.hicss and li.mii llrs-i ^eiinusily .shall ever cutillo Ilirin :i place. , apestrv, Lace, Embroidery , Needle .ii .\ i; R i A <; us. The last dates are from New Yurk to the 15tli M' accommodation in either 1'OSTINU or L1V1-JUV periiiaiicut home iu my ulll-cliuiis. I do most (?rat.-fully re- orU , and nil the .Vanufartures in wiuch Art forms, a At C'hi-llonh.vn, nn tlm 3'lrl in.it., liy Iho Her. "W . 1". ltandc"ck inst. It is staled that a combination is funning ut prineijiel or material element. STAULKS iu WI-.XI-'OKO. TO BS SOLD BY AUCTION, ceive your brilliant and laslo^illy-wrou^lit l'ursi?, ami I r.uk.:' P.ivid eldest sun nf the latg Juu-|.li Incniiilienl nf lit. s. , the soulli lo lake forcible possession of Washington " THE CONSPIRATORS. It is unnriessary, bearini? ill mind the great suet-ess To insure that success at which J. P. aims, lie begs IN TI1K DUC K.-Y A 11 1) , W K X !• O 11» i-L-cgnisc iu its iiiuiiill. <:iit contents, a picture of your perpe- .Malcunsiin, Ks.i , Ar.iyficM, I'unia-.r, to N'.lnnio. rl-lest d.iu^-hlerol " tuat kindness to your Priest ; and when I shall havn dealt &1HIUI -I Kin;. K-Ki,, .11* , Mount l'l.-afai.l , Waterfonl. on or holure the -llh of Match , to prevent the inau- ? of the previous Dublin lOxlu'liitions , as woll as of that ol to state thut all his Cars and otlu r vehicles will be On TH UHSUAi; Ut FKURUARY, ljiCl , with this trnisuiy iu tlie manner which 1 lit.pc would lit In tho I'.ilhcdrnl, Barr.iii'traii l-strcnt , Mr. IiA'.ir-ck , Telcr of Mr. Lincoln, lint the exact time is nol In the Queen's Iiencli, on Monday, bofore tlio Mamhostcr in !SCi", to dwell upon the many I.eiiclicial turned out in modern sty le, and with a degree of com- to .Mary, relict of thn late .Mr. William Sieuiiiiiu guration NEW SCllOONliU, now Built in Wcxfora must pleasing to you this Purse shall he preserved by 1110 as slr.'el, CT results wliitli a C' fort not always to be had in Wex'ord. , At St. M.-try'i (Jltureli , Diitilin , Courts Uarr.nt I'.Lirt. S.I. o( yet determined. General Scott, I IOUCI- , is ac- the extraordinary nnd unprecedented oltt'Clioii «f smrli oiijccts, fimn time to A Dock Yard . ft. in. a constant memento of thu claims which you shall ever lmhl futt Court , time submitted to the public, is cnlculatcdto produec as His llorr.es will be all found good and well equipped ; liuiiRth ul Keel for Measurement cnuiilabnLiry, lo Jane Keliccea, daughter uf Dr. Abraham Croiiyn , tivel y engaged in counter movements, and it i> , , 75 I •m my gratefulness. I beg to esprrss .1 mutual, heartfelt uf I'al'.an , cnuttty Kilkenny. case of Iirotenc v. ltcdmond, being nn njtion foi IMMII and pains will be taken to have his drivers clean, sober, lotters will be circumvented. £ not only attiaclive uti-1 instruct:vo , but QI SO as huiiKth over all { 77 0 larewill , nml an assurance that 1 part willi you in srjr- On Sunday last, in Iho f.'alholic fJlmrcli of Kilinacoir, by the likel y the plans of llie p 60 that his several turns-out shall , alleged " bribery " tit the Into Munici pal Election diieetl y tending, in no Email Ucgic, to rromole and and well conducted, Extrcniit JJiv.j.ilh 11) fj ran-, Imt with fe.-lings of rrsisnatinn, to whioli I trust you Ui:v. Uaniol linmnan, V.V., Mr. Vkilip Tlevereii J , of Tinteni The South Carolina commissioners had left Wash- tiieouraiie a hi her tafti- and love fur art be up to the improved and improving taste of the limes D-'pth 0 11 coutily Wc-« f. .Bl , tn Jam', only daughter of Mr. U.ivid Ilruce, ol g will also leiiru to hoir ; nnd helieve me, thut each d.iy of my ¦ ington, displeased with tlie conduct of President for the South Ward in tbis city, came up, on appli- A Guarantee I'ur,:I, tu cover the we live in. Is I."l3 Tons Carpenti-rs' iMeasiiiciiii-nt ; will carry 17U ti wheii I present my hunihle to Heaven l'laconlia, Newfoundland. expenses in the lile , inaycis , iu union at tho Catholic Chapol , in ¦\Varwick-Btrf-pt , T/in.lon , hy Buchanan. On tlio 11 ill iiist. the Slate Convention cation of the defendant's counsel to stay proceeding] I'ASSENGER OUTSIDE 175 Tons ou 10 l-'eet Water. Her frame is all l>iili>h oak Jati. ir*. event (if a diliiiency in the recei pts , which «as or:^iu- COM MUTABLE FOUR with thu Holy Saeiifici *, pelilioniiu for my own itMcessitu-s Ihe Very lter. L'annn Ifi arn , V.d'., ami -it St. .lames'., church, I'loridn, passed the free Irom fl.ip, nud extra size ! keel and lot turn plauku of M ississi pp i , Alabama , and ally fixed at fj,00O, lias alrea -y groivit tu tipuatds and CUVKRKI) CARS are now ready for orders, and , Ame- ninl! th.iso of others, thu good people nl Kill and Nevvtowii Piccadilly, by tlio ltjv. William Vreeiiianil- , uncle of iho bri.lc- until security for costs be given by the nominal of ricail elm; planning, pitch pino; ileeks,yellow pine-; k.elsMii ordinances of secession from the United Stales. i'.i.OUO . other vehicles will be announced as they arrive. shall not he forgotten by your gialelully altached friend, croom, Getar.l Uichard l''il/4;eraM, l!sil., l-ccoinl son of Iho lain laintiff. The proceedings having been very fully damps, an.I ceiling, jiiich pine, thoroug hly iiou-kuceil ; ljvi Sir James l-"iUi;crald , Hart , to Ajjin ficarciiia, second iliu^-hter The ordinance of Alabama is simil.tr to that passed p The Roval lluldin Society have eutrnsti-d the Country gentlemen driving in their own conveyances JOHN' SIIANAIIAN niann^e- p.iir lake llonr h-.tils ; trcnnuils of liritish Oak ; has [mteut , C.C. Df licorgo ^Yi^dcs, I-Nq , 1-Uiii llank , Manchester. with an additional clause invi- reported iu the Freeman nml the other Dublin iiu-nt »f the details of the Kxhiliition to n will find their horses properly attended to by .sending Thomas I.mlcr' ICAI., son of Sir T. by South Carolina, Conunit lee windlass and double wiuch ; mahogany wheel un.l slceiin^ •Ian. 15, at Paddintton, , to meet in Convention consisting nf the Committres of l-'ine Arts and Manu- them to I' nVs Livery sjtablcs, and many gentlemen who lete; hi-iid-kucc and feiiiak- li Duller, Hart., of Uallin Temple, county f'arlow. tu IJniioa Jvliza- ting nil the Southern Statc3 papers, they have been ahe.tdy reatl very generally gear comp ^urc-hcad ; Iliuli di ck , Wateri'ord and Limerick Railway (,'alor. f«ctures, mid certain cidu r Mcinherd of the have favoured PITT'S ilotel willi their patronage will Hud belli liertic, datisliter of Vicc-Admiral I'ertic for the purpose of forming a new government at Society. round stern ; bo.il and oars ; cabin and liuecastle, lilted up j Dec. M in Xe>» York , Jamo3 ./."Praynnr, of New York , to iu this city, where they evoked the utmost interest; It U |imposeil to oprn tin- " this development of its business a convenience they have lutistH , Alabama on the lth of February. The ordinance Exhibition rarly in May ; hull, , .mil spurs, liuished and fully ringed j will U ALTEItATIOM OV TRAINS, on and after FIU Annio Alicu Maude McDowell, of Dublin, (relau.l. but no now subjoin n more extended repor t than ninl S.itiui!:iy, the 20th of April long looked for. A 1 uiuu years at Lluyds. lias a l.mg ll.it lluur Mary'n Catholic Church , jrishnwn, Olnnmrl, a vote of (il to 37 ; that of J'lorida , will be the latest day , and sharp DAY, 1st KHI'.ltUAUY , 1801 . On Sunday, at St. was adopted by fi.r receiving the coiitriliutiims of Exhibitors. i'lTT's Hotel , Wcxford, Oct., 130O. (<>19-3t L-mls ; will require hut little ballast ; will sail last , and i» Mr. Michael Savage, of Mary-.urecl , to Maryanue , itauuhter of liy a vote of G2 to 7. Ims yet uppenrcil. We deem it entirely snperfiuom UP TUAINS l-'KOM WATKIU'OItl): eirco Uullcr, of that lown. passed I'lirtlu-r p.mtienlais on :dl loattrrs connected with the rc-uiarkubly strung built ; tit lor tiiu oiv or any heavy trade ; :ho l.\te Mr. I' ied by the Soutli ' The Train which now leaves at IU AM , will be dis- Tho Charleston batteries, occup for us to make comment on the matter, well know- Kxhiliitiun can be obtained nit BEST COALS-POTATOES. mil will be under 1D0 tons Customs .Meaiureuii.-nl , a great U K A T II S . application at the 1 loyal patched at !) -1 0 A M . Carolinians fired inlo tlie Stnr of the ll 'cst, willi belbro k-aviug WcxKml en- ulvuutagc as a coaster. on the 17th inst., .Mr, lMmund ll.irtry, aqod 3- , ing that anything we could sav would only lessen DuMin Society ' s House, to 1I E*:: V L' AHKIXSOS A.H< ( MAJOR O'RUI LLY , , AtKilbarry, the , S.ite to commence at One o'Clock. The Train which now leaves at 2 3J PJI, will lc caw reinforcements for I'ort Sumtcr, which retired to ytcretary lo the General Committee or to quired f or Mr II1NT0N, or the KKD HOU<1-:. 3 . the powerful arguments of the full court—of tlw : Apply to 1!. Sr.utitow, Untldcr , or dispatched at 2 'ij r «. Jan. 21st. nt Hijrh-s'roet , Mrs. Marjarot Knox , ascl 05 years. lower harbour to await the arrival of the steam-shi p At the Haiiiju-.i his Potatoes were in " every otio's aged four yc.-ir.* ,-in.l W. K. STKKLK , M.D., JOHN WALSH Ik SON, Auctioneers. I;()\V N TUAINS FI50M HMKlUCIi:- A U.isinoiv, on Sat-.tnby, the iatli inst, A great batlle waa threatened if tin. four learned Judges. We believe it will be ad- mout h," whilst his Coals gave heat and coiuturt to all. cicht nionllts, Iticliaid, tho bcluved child of Mr. S. J. Murray, Brooklyn. Assistaut-Sccrctary, Wexford ylst The Train which now leaves nt C A M will be dis- Koyal Dublin Soeictj TI.'V THEM. , January, 1801. [It] , uiiii-lernf I In; workhouse. latter entered , but, on the recei pt of news from mitted thnt no man ever read a more unanimous 21st I'eeember, IMO O . patched nt •> \l> A M. Kingston, Jamaica, (he Jlon. Richard jall-3t The To\ii , ton had considerably abated. The Federal ttoopa \V A K I) li 1' A It T M K NT CO N T R A C 1" S , continued. Jan. I'.', at l-'ort William, r.l»in tro, Annie, »vif« of Lieutenant- that expressed from the judgment teat of tbi I. AWK 'S StTuni-iiosi'itATK for this year. It will be Outfitters, and Others. Cul.' It. ncaufoy llaivloy, COIh rtiflcf. had abandoned nil the forts in Pensacola harbour, 1 ne 1 lain which nov leaves nt 11 30 AM will be NOTICE TO BUILDERS. ob.crveil Hint tho exclusive Sale of tliis invaluable WEDNESDAY, the Ulllh Instant , commencing , January 7, at Tnniuay, Winifred licrntrs, wife of the Rev. Pickins where they are Queen's Bench on Monday. It is a Bourco of (!« ON dispatrh"d or ISannow House, county Wexford. with the exception of Fort , has been coded to punctually at TWKLVI: o'clock , at the lirokcr':: at 11 0 A M. Richard Hoys.", Mmiire for the C.unty Wesford, Jan. 12 al her rihidcnco Suplostoun-ioail Callow, Sir.) concentrated and 300 had arrived from Mobile to utmost satisfaction