Maryland Gazette and Political Intelligencer 10-1816
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»»,..«! ND AND POLITICAL INTELLIGENCER' ' ; •» ...».,•,•'..•-!» itiiSSi ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER i . * •"''. JL s«td tq,be the opinion of It \g r* 4 vs«t oaentity oj glat* w»t , dy obliged totgive them all sorts of -, Capt. Howard, master of the Steam centime* <m*---j- - - hail tone* were a* unwhoUiome fodder. near'tri' StriiS,!^ H Boatj-iand w» have conversed wUh ., ___ . the ——— ... .,, .KV.^. .... and extremely The FretKh g^operjl Amiel, who state it of April on ujrge as pigeon egg*, some .passenger*/'who alse «r»ln imported, may check importa Hard. ..;.... i* included Irftlxf.OrdiBance of thf SrSlV^* above'ac a* their opinion^ that the tion, which from present circum (^ The minister of w»rhM author- 3ith of Julv, IBW.fDd'who wa*ari ' cident w*s occasioned b.y lightning. stance* ou^bt to be wuiotuaged, <*.ed the commanders of the- corps rested in ihe Hanoverian territory; is, btwcver; on1 the other hind exempts from, import duti^ all which ate ie garrison in the towns is still kept bbnf)oe44hM one of our vfctfthai on account of salt wa k>d* of grain and sea biscuit bro'i of Brittany, to receive young men o«>s, at ILldeirlrim. It' ter being .used for creating the mio any of ih« Roci^of France. - of this province for these. corpsv «rho is said that the option has br«n left' steavn,\he explosion of iheTWiler, 1 he Leyden Gaeette ol the 6th -t him, either to be given up to Francs^ . lain. voluntar'rly enlist themjelyea,, Which waj iron, instead of copper, mst. contains ».he following state- Ltporie, condemned to. death foY or to remain confined for lv(e, and was an inevitable result. e ment-.>«Th» King of Sweden is in s ihe assassination of ihe Abbe d* that he has chooen the litter. We are not prep*tfed,"V) R'IVC any lang»ur, which gives rise * . • ' i ^ stale of F.scrignyj was executed on the- 1st .. , London, Attgutt 3. opinion upon this point, but most life. Hi* ma)esiy's lo fear» for his of Aug. at the village of Mafnejols, IRELAND. A. tew nigKts ago, i i nee rely regret the recurrent*)*, of the return malady ha* hastened the piece of the crime. the house^of a farmer, situate'd be* accident*, by which so rtrt'ny who I* arrived these «f th> Prince Royal, Madrid, July 29. ' tween Anirrm andr L»utbanrnor«f lives have been lost, and a very na- at Stockholm." The news from Cadiz, Barcelona, was beset by a baaditli having their ntlMndice raised against a great the la. tura.1 It is to be observed that and the coast from' Petrol to Fon- face* blackened. They sdtoh ferted anrt useful invention. Berlin and Ham- test'papei^from terabia, are not very satisfactory. an entrance, and demanded hi* he* just arrived. of this illnes», Dutch hare a. The Steam Doit burg do not speak The agitartrd stat« of America is money, which they said the^knew Gaieite v?ri Southern Patriot, and that the Norwegian felt through the whole peninsula. A he possessed. He assured them he of the prince to give notj to join them tale* the journey new levy of mariners is forming, in had none, for ctfcrVhe had, on the , Stockholm crilw, of y n end making Fosjarojv. royal from Christiana to tended for arming another .expedi previous day, paid his rent with it. the sudden rise in connection to be occasioned by tion to America. They reiteraicdiheir,demand with of the Swedish paper money. - »«• of Couel, (/Tirm,) Jt*%. 3. dreadful threatening*^to which the character Letters-from Madrid of the llih Mystification. misunderstanding has poor man could only reply by'»gain ' pM* of July mention, that Gm Casta- A slight lV,d h, as they Two moral maladies have of 1st* between our court & that assuring them he had paid his rent roe.h.bitth. fa :-ot has resigned the cqmnund of jnt arisen become manifest. One is an in M. de Haenlin, the with it. The barbadians would not tht army of Catalonia* and had of Prassta. triguing spirit which instigates Prussian Minister at our court, hav believe him, snd, imputing his denial , b<cen succeeded by Gen. Lacy. In i Uy Uw r certain persons unconnected with ing been appointed the Plenipoten to obstinacy, thqn proceeded to r»'d (fat. Cirn, « ' the above province and in Andalu- whlph administration to *ub*titOt*e them tiary from that monarch to the Diet, break the tables and chairs irk hie *- lll&- si ^-Considerable levies are .forming selves for the competent authorities M. de Zustrow was nominated* his house,.and with these they kindled erjuip a new expedition against to lo intermeddle with the business of successor here. The Eler.tor, for a large fire on the hearth. They America, a* -lihe govern IB BXCBLsaKNtl .GibralurU« completegarrison. Spanish the police, to denounce and defanv.- reasons not generally known, did then seiz.'d him, and stretched the despairs of any good con blazing iHIlWKLYofH.^^. ... nearly r'Khic'ght thousand ment now citizens, and to embarrass in a thou not approve of his choice, and re wretched victim on the from that of 'NOR Of MA»Vt» KD Vn Italian*"1 there, sequences resuming sand ways the operations of the ma* quired that Prussia should appoint wood, where they held him, regard- impossible »j fellows lever - . Morillq. They find it gisirates. The olher is a faial cre another minister to reside here. But lets* of his screams and writhings, >CLAMATIOI all by peop*'6f to pacify, and that it is only dulity, which with some individuals the King insisted that M. de Z.*- until he was severely scorched in ha. Iwcn rtmwentrt a I «w tome main force that the royalists retaip stifles reafon, and induces them to different parts of ihe body: and 1 Simon S om. among them »trcw should remain; the Elector of most frightful those points they have been, able to put faith in tlie must absurd calum his recalled his minister from Ber one of hi* side* I* to dreadfully conquer, Propositions have been nies. The result would soon be lin, and we arc on the eve of seeing burnt, is thought he cannot ,,l bun. u items like a fair. made to several Guerilla chiefs who the want of any thing like security the cessation of the diplomatic re recover. Whin ihe unhappy suf the expiring in. the n inVm lo eonun'u a ran distinguished themselves during in sociely, were not persons in au lations between the two states. ferer was seemingly or GrVgt, .n infa-H Utbteiirsordinaryfortres*. A- late war against the French ; some thority conslanily to repress with midst of the (lames, ihe wretche* ativehundred f.-et perpendicular have accepted active service ; but a vigorous hand the usurpations of flnu.wU. Aug. 3, drew him oui an the floor, wnere c4Hn No. I. It is a in the mid«t of all these hostile pre power, which excite terror in the Some days ago they wrote from i hey left him and retreated from [ the solid rocks, parations and threats of revenge a- minds of the best citizens, and France, that several old generals the houae, not supposing that any e^ and eight feet high, gainst the Spanish American In threaten to lake possession of llu; who hsd served through all the re eye had witnessed this tragic scene. _Jte«di nearly ihr^ quarters of a surgents, money is wanting, the administration. volutionary wars, having been con But providence hasordcred it other respecting the best means of who wa* cf Lie ,n length, no'light entering ex. treasury of the P«nin*ula is empty, A Madam B , born at W -, sulted wise j for a young woman *igt,| tw*, w Lt thiounh ihe potl-hole*, which no credit or trade exists, so that it affords an example of this unfortu reviving the war-like spirit in the in the house,'snd who had hid her- . und do. \if «nd I * • • appc*ranot. No is a problem among the most clear nate disposition otinterfering with- army, have recommended as the best selt when they first entered, saw the >f ibt council. oa expedition or other, as distinctly ' { without seeing it, can form any sighted, whether Spain is able to ut any mission in ihe affairs of go means some whole transaction, and 10 an> person o» and tof such an Herculean labour. fit out another expcd'uion of 5 OOO vernment. Though acting on her for example; to St. Domingo, knew iwo or the party, who rcsi cd those generals ', the wid Robert r Fkre are levenl other gallerie. men against her u tr* marine pro- own account, it appears that Ma- to give the troops in the neighbourhood. Next day n in whom they have for so many information against them > some remarkable cave*,, no end vinces, "<>w fa*i spproadiing the Mam B. had some connexion with she lodged firtt chrtifJoljM years placed their confidence. We a magisiraie, and they have on* thuuTafel eight I Line of which ha* yet been djs- attammeni of•< the great object tor Madam G, the sympathetic ink la before learn from Lisle, that besides and com The top of the rock is w.h'uh thej luvg bten fighting dur dy. But be this as it may, ii is cer- now both bten apprehended the recruiting for the standing ar- mitted to ihe gaol of Carrickferjrue* hundred and eighty feet ing a period of ieven^ears.