tlo only ooa adopted la >M that will be LETTER FRO* *R. STEAD. BRIAN 1.1 RHODE ISLAND. ismomboxpd lor all I late. “I hare a higher ambition thaa to ta H< AdSrnm lp»k» of lions* nf Com- PreeMeat," aaM ba. "Thai la to do mon*. something to make the govern man t bat- ter. 1 hay* a* daabt that tha lima will TEN THOUSAND MEN London, January W—Owing to tho the Pre- Addressed Three Meet- oame whoa tha prlaolpla* of tha Chicago nan at death of Lady Ballsbiuy, platform will be a part at the law tf the mier did not glia tte oootoiaury parlia- This was There Called Sutss. I bailer* la It* animate mentary dinner this evening. ings Monday. triumph. Tha paapla today know mot* given on his behalf by the llnka of De- thaa they did la 1W8. They hay* ax pool- vonshire, lord president of tbe eoanoll. •noad aamathlng line* thaa. I hay* aaa- J Mr. Ballonr, tbe Karl of Kimberley and d SB sad that proverb of Solomon's to ‘tht The British Losses in South Africa Sir Henry CamptelMJanaerman, also wlae man gets aa Idea lata hla head) tha entertained their respective supporters Cones on £»e of Gubernatorial faollsh man get* It la tha aaok.' Tha Mr. William T. Bleed naa addressed an RapobMaan party la legislating against open letter to the speaker of tbe Hones Campaign. tbs rights of tha paapla. Nearly That. of Commons, Mr. William Cean (Jolly, Mr. Bryan was the only speaker and asking him t] bring It to tbe notlee of tha os rati a g brake op qalekly ta anabl* tbe boose. Tbe writer says: him ta oatoh a train far Weoaaooket. Ha "Jhe ojnsrqueaoe of going to war * bald a abort raoaptloa la the railw ay with a He In oor rlgbt band Is now man- Received With Usual atatloa and bad# farewell to a volley of ifest, even to the dullest understanding. ohaar* from a large crowd. A Fourth of These Have Been Tbe responsibility for tbe He wblob Is now Its natural cones- Enthusiasm. COL. BHYAN AT WOONSOCKET. working oat * quseless la Booth Africa, originally lay Wooaaookat, January A groat upon the ooloaial secretary alone; but, crowd greeted Col. Bryan aa ka eteppod Killed. I y a conspiracy of falsehoods^ tbe select (ram tha train at 4.07 aa kla arrival from committee of ltW7 was hooassd Into re- I’awtuoket. Mr. Bryaa and Mayor Groan Reiterates Determination Not turning a false verdict wblob, being af- of thla ally wara aa aknltl e-cocks and blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, terward nceepted by tbe House of Com- COMPLEXIONS, pimples, wara paahad and Jammed a bo a I In tka hair with Irritated and dan- To Desert Silver. mons, Involved Parliament Itself In tba BADmothy skin, dry, thin, and falling scalps frantle andaavor of tba antbnalaata to and responsibility for a fatal fraud.“ drufl, red, rough hands, with Itching, burning palms, shapeless nails shako tko band of tba prospaotlva Dsno- Invasion of The Free State Will Mr. Btead then avssrts that “tbs war and blemishes, prevented by Cuticura Soap. oratla osmdldata. On tha to tha boqia painful Anger ends, baby way was undertaken to oonoeal the truth and removes cause of loss of hair, and blem- wf Han. Both Gatohall for Col. It the disfiguring eruptions, baby lnnoh. to whitewash the colonial secretary," or condition of tho Providence, H. January 8fc— Ool. Bryan stopped at tha offloa of Tha Call Next. ishes, vis.: the clogged, Irritated, inflamed, sluggish I., Come and be appeals to the Huoae to Insist up- be with William J. a waek’s lour of and was protected to tha At Pores. No other medicated soap ever compounded Is to compared Bryan began antlrejataff. on the production of the oorretpeudenoe for the of dimm- flva o'alook bo bald a reception at tba It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and New England purpose between tbe colonial offloe aad Mr. tbs of tba day. today spank- Moanment boose, and at 6 IS entered tbs hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, Is to ing questions Uawksley, solicitor to tbe obartered oom- ing three times, at Pawtuokst and Weon- opera bourn where a big m*»8 meeting be with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. psny, “In order to ascertain the trutb compared sooket In tba nftsrnoon, nnd this oily In waa bald. Soap at One Price — 25 Cents — the respecting the Jameson raid and to purge Thus it combines fu One namely, of Kbode W. Green llnller Wid Be tbe evening. As tks btats Mayor Gaorge preaided \ot Known Whether the Houee of this dishonor." and and the best toilet and the best soap In best skin complexion coap baby la on the svs of n and ho Introduoed Mr. Bryan Island just guberna- ‘The leaders hive deoldsd op- Drug and Chem. Solo opposition the world. Sold everywhere. Potter Corp., torial wbloh will oloss with nn without formality and tba latter oatnpalgn Given Another Chance. on Lord Kdmund Fltimaurtoe, member U. S. A. IIow to and the Skin,” free. election la Is for an hoar. Ur. llryan de- Props., Boston, Purify Beautify April, Mr. Bryan's oomlng •poke Just for tbe Crtokelado dlelsion of Wilts, to tbs Bis clared tbat Ibe of tba Boat timely for Demooratlo party. nawapapere more the amendment to the addrem chief address In la wore net fair to tba ba rep- Infantry ball, tonight, entirely party involving tbe vote of oensure. External and Internal Treatment of Every Humor. (IreI n asrlss of rallies reeanta and referred In terma of to Complete considered the of pralaa will ba a Conaiatina of CPTicrtA 8oap (*.*.). to cImdh tho akin of cruoto aad or ales and aoffea The amendment of oempre- /MiT.riinA com- vlett the thickened cuticle,Ctmci a* O.ntment (40e.). to Inatantly allay itchin* and Irritation and arranged by the Demooratlo state hie to tba offloa of tba paper In tbla wue SETecv r. GR THE 91.40 and Ci'ticoha RtBOLensT to cool and cleanae tho blood. A ainglo a. in.— Boers who also oocupled a heavy spur tooth*and heal, (We.), mittee m Its effort to oarry tbs state. oity, wblob la willing to represent tha London, January 30 —4.—15 ttdl often auffieiant to cute tho aevertat humor whan all tlM fail*. parallel with the kop, where the enemy Moreover as tbe leglslstuns will meet to- prlnolplaa of Demooraoy. lilitory pause* for* tlnia In South Africa. was oonoenled In no fewer than Ua declared tbat tba of tba He- thlity* morrow, tbs gathering brought together policy those unsatisfactory pauss* It U on* of Uve rifle end was thus enabled to men of both from waa not but pit# FOLK BOILERS EXPLODED. prominent big parties pablloan party argument nerve# that arc nearly as trying to Urltlib to bear uponfoor raeii a damaging WHAT THE BOERS WIST. all over tbe state, to bear tbs doetrlnas of •oerolon, and this wee particularly bring of and crossfire, the possible point for a Jeffersonian Democracy expounded by a noticeable In 1890 Pa rtlea most exist, as a sequence reverses; apparently. only IMttuliurs (tolling Mill Wrrckrd aud British attack the southern side national Demooratlo leader. IbsJ speech however, bnt It la for tba voter to be free It will terminate only when Lord Hotcrte beln? .Mail)' with sheer on toe left Injured. to oboore between them and his free virtually preulploe* of this evening, tbs third delivered by will, the word for the forward movement gives and A narrow foot the not at of an Ur. right. path admitting the Colonel within six hours, like the dictation employer. to Into the Free State, wblob, according men in single file only to the summit Dr. Outlines Their two previously given was listened to by llyran then argued upon tbe suhjeot of Leyds department of Philipps, Mmick ami Co., th* most cheerful view he will be unable opens to a perfect table land probably an audlenoe that taxed lbs capacity of taxation and apoke In favor of aa oqnall rolling mill, was wreoked today and ,• he will of three hundred square yards area upon Demands. the hall to tbs utmost. Thera was plenty zetlon of lte burdens, declaring tbat the to do for a fortnight. Whether dozen men lojured by the explosion of which the Boers hid hastily commenced of music and enthusiasm. Congressman Hepnblloan party It paying more atten- General Boiler to make another hJ,made a of four permit Quality battery large boilers. 1 be loss to make a transverse trench. Our men Is a member of Col. tion to of wealth than to tbe Dentx, who Bryan's aggregation relieve le quite them the in will be enormous. All tbe Injured men attempt to Ladysmith were able to the fur ther end of leading Cigar a at the of tbe Ur. at occupy were remorel from the party also made ringing apeeoh rlgbte people. Biyan apoke quickly rutoe. outside th# knowledge even of those close- this table laud where the ridge descended Klee were mutlliated almost beyond meeting here. some length on tbe aubjeot of bi- NEW ENGLAND. office. With to another which was suc- reoounltlon. One man died and more metallism and eald be was not to connected with the war flat, again willing ly A favorite in Want Pack Territories Stolen l!s death may result. A rescuing party be- THE PAWTUCKET MEETING. he ceeded by a round, stony eminence held every home, club, drop the sliver question as long as a th* troops due to arrive next month gun searching tne wreckage, wbicb It Is by the Boers in great fctrengtb. or office. of choice Providence, January 3d.—William J. bandful of Kngllsh financiers dominated to Every judge snpposed entombs other workmen. may think himself strong enough try Be touched The ridge held by our men was faotd has England. Bryan and Congressman Dints of Ohio tbe policy of tbla nation. the cigars two large operation!, oomblnlng by a number of strong little kopjis at ail THIHX’V MKN UKOWNKD. arrived In this city from New York at briefly upon tbe subject of trusts and PERFECT CONFIDENCE in under Generals Methuen, Frenoh angles, whence the Boers sent a ooncea- Hamburg, January SO— The British DOS p. m and want Immediately to said tbat tbe Btpublleao party bad force# I New of “Thou to them the ar- trated tire from their rifles, supported by Waltt A Houa defined I range gun. Xhrity were drowned. Mayor subject lnapattailsi for the Invasion of the Free 70,0011 men machine and the the suxn- rommtttaa from tbs Demooratlo state as a government thirteen Inches In diam- | guns big gun, with to guarding com- I mlt was converted Into a hell. Mozambique. THE WEATHER. central oommtttee of Rhode Island an/ eter, round, and llred out of a cannon. Bute 40,000 50,000 perfect Ueloforusraents wore harried escorted to this olty. Mr. Bryan closed by saying: "Xba Re- munications and 40,050 trying to rescue up by Gen. Warreo, but they had to oross a Col. Bryan was well pleased with tbe publicans believe tbat It la tbe deatlny of Ladysmith. stretch of flat which was ■-•suit of his flrst In the stats of thla to enter Into tha Interna- ground literally epeeoh country burns with that The public Impatlenoe torn the lead of the 1 Rhode Island. The auditorium was tional land trust and Imitate up by flying enemy. large grabbing le The Doctor the Hero of the something be done; but there nothing The unfinished trench on the snuuult pecked end there was muob enthusiasm. tbe Kuropean nations to oarry on a war on the gave at th e Mr. Bryan(aald afterwards that It was of conquest. to do but welt preparation*. very questionable shelter, Hour at Berlin. machine guns were so accurately one of the test of bis series. Tbere were "The Democrats believe tbat It la the Uotona of Ink ore poured In advice. enemy’s that often sixteen oheere tbe of this nation to stand erect and ranged upon the place many Interspersed during mission Orators are at work In the pravlnoe# till- shells fail In the trench In a min- and ths Colonel one ■bow tbe of self- single meeting kept ersry by lte example blessing has “»*t her ing the people that Ungland ute. Mortal men oohid not in good humor by applying Blblloal say- permanently government." It In determination to see hold such a Oar gallant fellows legs to hla subject. Mr. Bryan declared A hurried exit was mads In order to teeth grim position. Berlin, January 29 —To the oomspon- tbit tbs stands held It tenaciously twenty-four hours and dent of tbe Associated Press, vrto inter- Chloago platform today take tbe train at 7.S8 o’olook for Prnvl- through.” licston, January 29 —Forecast far Tues- In then taking advantage of the, darkness, viewed him today, Dr. Leyds muue the The government's declarations parli- day Fair weather; warmer In the after- abandoned It to the enemy." following statement: AT PKOVIDENUK. the oonnter euggestlone of thcee noon and night; fresh to brisk west to ament, The Times has the following heliograph ‘'I know nothing about the reported and the conse- southwest winds. Provldenoe, January 2B.—Mr. Bryan outside the government message via Mo Ider river from Kimber- missions of either Mr. Macrum or Mr. STUNTED Washington, January 39.—Forecast for arrived here from Woonsocket at 8.06 and dleousslona In the press and on the ley, dated January 20th: Webster Davis. Nor, to the best of m.v quent where an continues. Is Tnerdsy anil Wednesday for Maine: Fair was driven to Infantry ball, enthrall "The bombardment It Mamma me knowledge Is either the bearer cf a mes- your hair platform will Immediately pub- My gives Tuesday with cold ware In eastarn por- Immense crowd bad gathered. At the hall now directed toward the Inhabited por BROWN’S INSTANT RELIEF, sage ot peace. There are nc increment, at llo Interest. The thing on whloh every- tion; diminishing westerly winds; split be was Introduced to the members of the tlons of the town rather than the fortill For Coughs, Colds, Colic, Chciera. under way on our part to Induce Presi- is that more men must Tuesday night and Wednesday. the end? •tatc committee of Kbode Island and to a body seems agreed oatlons. Between midnight and 4 p. in., Morbus, Dysentery, Croup, Sorts dent McKinley to intervene between from Boston. Ex-Uovernor 15 shells were fired. seem Throat, Diphtheria, eto. mm delegation go. yesterday They Ureat Britain and the Transvaal. As 1 Can you I THINK IT IS REAL NICE TO TAKE. LOCAL WEATHER REPORT. John W. Davis presided. of the war oflloe to have been of Transvaal make, not do not at present have direct communica- The further purpose* out a ft was child was killed M». Congressman Lentz of Ohio, who In the bursting widely. One Prepared by N'dBWAY MnHOm 'H, Norway, tion with Pretoria, I do not know what Portland, Jan. 39, ICO)—Ths looal are supposed to ambraoe somewhat Eullandful J first Introduced, was given s great reoep- and four people injured." Mr. Montague White's mission Is, exospt weather bureau records the of more men. A* the following: He hlr belief that the neighborhood 60,000 run* tlon. expressed THE SPION KOP CASUALTIES. to establish diplomatic relations with 8 a. m.—Barometer, 29,374; thermome- by candidates will be 1 people before him were in sympathy Indication Is that 39.—General Duller ADAMS & CO., the United states ter, 44: dew point, 42; rel. humidity, HAIQ London, January ANDERSON, direction of wind veloc- I 1#^ V R ning your ,1 with tbe little republic In South Africa, rather soaroe, the war oflloe will Issue or- wires from January “All this talk about peace Is sadly 92; wind, SE; Spearman's Camp, ty, state of weather, it. rain. it? I saying that onoe in every generation who wer* found that ths casualties among the oltioers Fire Insurance premature. Ureat Britain surely will 38; fi fingers through der* for those reservists 89, Agency 8 p. m. Barometer, 29.429: thermome- cornet a great ruesllcn to the human of the Fifth dltlslon and mounted - not eucoumb now, neither will we. While Docs it seem dry and i unfit at th* previous mobilization exami- SI Excliiiiise tercet. ter, 22; dew point, 18; rel. humanity, | mini, ilke the question before the people, ade at were: we are it be that a de- 1 Splon Kop, January 81, talking here, may direction of lifeless? nations to for further examination. 89; wind, W; wind velocity, today, and history repeats Itself. In report Killed—Staff M. H. t- Irst Class American and Foreign Companies cisive battle U for Captain Virtue, being fought there, 6; stato of has ooet 913 ItOKACK ANDKHSON. CHAR. C. AGASIS, weather, cloudy. Give hair a ltGO Abraham Lloouln was before tbe General Bullsr’s operation S M. Lieutenants F. 1 preen me Lord itoberts has withdrawn your Captain Stewart, decis Thou, J. Little. ip eoUtl Max. temp.. 46; min. temp., 22; mean Amerloan with the saore people question, men so far as olliolally reported within it. Mallock and E. Fraser, seoond Lan- the ps from around Ladysmith and max. wind 42 : chance. Feed it. II temp., 34; velocity, SE; the same that would be tekiog subject to the cashire fusiliers; Captain C. Muriel, la ura-slng them for a formidable ooup,” precipitation—24 hours 1.83. ; The roots are not 1.1 ten days. Applying Splon kop presented a little later on by William Lltutenante W. Lawlsy and U. A. Wil- BE N S 01C S^CH R G OAL Dr. Leyds repeated bis former deolara casualties today the rule of pro- are weak Brysn (applause), and us long reported The necessity of ev-ry well regula’eil lion the when dead; they Jennings son, seoond Middlesex; Major A. J. Rose, thnf Boers, oonoluding WEATHER OBSERVATIONS. || of ollioers Indloato its the American repnUlo Oan nase meet- portion, the losses Kirk and Lisut. A. household. For kindling lire,, purify- would want buck at least of because are el Captain M. W, H. peace, part they water, removing odors, u.e the beet, The agricultural department weather ings and audiences, It will matter little probably 690 casualties yet to come. The Wade, second Lancaster regiment; Lieut. ing the territories which England “stole starved—that’s all. that is HENSON’S UUAKCOAL. bureau for Jail. 29. taken at 8 yj even If the newspapers are disposed to seoond Scottish from the Boers." yesterday, total casualties of the war oomplled from Plpe-Wolfsrstan, wing 10c., at All Grocer*. The Big llai;* p. m., meridian time, the observation for snppreas the foots. speaker deolorsd C. O. lllroh and He rather expects also that a harbor ofllolal reports are 9,333, nearly a division. Uorderssr; Captain each section bat free speeoh and free pr«.« are not tlrst South Lan- south of will to the being given in this order: Lieut. P. M. Uaohael, N'o. 103.) Mozambique go Of tbese 9485 are killed 4811 wounded and (TALK direction of protected in tbit country as they should Lisut. U. W. lirst Mur- Transvaal, “for our legitimate exten- Temperature, wind, state of osacers; Carrey, weather. be, "and we are independent upon au- the real prisoner*. the Honorable W. U. NERVOUSNESS. hs added, “We need tree aoceas to derers; Captains sion,1’ i&mn are of oases of ner- diences like this.” (Applause.) There hundreds the sea." Boston. 22, W. clear; New York. 18, The aggregate British home troop* In Petre and C. S. N. Knox-Core, and arm arm with vousness that are oausod by a defect Senator Hoar stood In U. P. F. He asserted that one con- XW, clear; Philadelphia, 18, NW, clear; South Afrioa number 116,093^ the Natal Lleuts. C. Creofell, Newman, emphatically on one the of the The constant effort neces- 16, W, clear; Albany, 12, Abraham JLinooln of greatest P. S. and UlU-T'reror, eyvs. dition cf peace would be the recognition Washington, Indians 7138 and the Gape Colonials, 91,- MoCorquedale NW, clear; Buffalo, 12, SW, snow; De- qustilont that ever came before humani- Lleuts. sary In seeing distinctly U Irritating of tbe absolute independence of tbe Ihornyorofts, mounted Infantry; troit, 34, SW, cldy; Chicago, 20, W, ty. 000. and confusing. Keeping it up day Transvaal. j Randal and Knoohsohand, Imperial c!oar;St. Paul, 2, XIV, clear;St. Vincent, after will make the best natored ! I do not credit the Preel lent of the day Ivigori light Infantry. Berlin Is muoh excited Bis- h certainly very J —,—, —;Huron, Dak., 8, XTtV, clear; person In Ihe world nervous and fret- United States with being anything more SPION KOP. Wounded—Cul.Ulomlleld (taken prison- over Dr. Leyds. He is overwhelmed with marck, 12, NW, clear; Jacksonville, 38, J If you don’t want l1 DRIVEN FROM Is too much to contend F. Waller and Lleuts. K. ful. There Invitations. Bis NW. clear. tbun human, notwithstanding the faot er); Major W. apartments at the to I1 with. There Is either a dull tired your hair die use to tbe S. and seoond Lan- Pal tst where the that be may undertake have Wilson, Leoharton, hotel, Transvaal Hag | lu the head or else there Is ao- a he lr in cashire K. W. Soott-Mon- feeling Is are and Hair Vigor I people te'lsve that partnership fusiliers; Major Hying, besieged day night by Ayer’s tual headache. Heading, writing o with the Diety on this questi>n of im- urlutf and Captains U. W. Sarllle. R orowda, including contractir* and min- \ once a It makes I seems a burden. little I' day. Poured Terrible Fire Onto U. seoond Mid- working Every perialism. I onnnot believe that Deity Dorrs Deh Hurton, W. llently, ing speculators, as well as Uae ladles, Is so tnuoh the hair W. Sanbuoh and Lleuta thing that goes wrong just of tbe grow, stops f; wblrh takes notes of tbe fall or the spar- dlesex; Captain gentlemen court und army clHoers, added to tbs rest to make the Mountain. A. J. A. Nixon and Ce R. patient who wish to ite ana cures dan- row and numbers the very halre of your Dykes, oongratul him upon the ’J falling, \ oross and Irritable. You have no closer onion to second Lancashlres; Uen. Wood- successes or to offer head, lr In any your Stephens, Boer their services. druff. I Idea what a relief glasses are In these I'reiident than he is with a jnsliae of the gate (dangerously; Captain F. M. Carlton LEXDS NOT AN INVITED oases. If they are correctly adjusted QUEST. i' It always restores and Lleuts. A. W. Forster and J. W. psaoe. (Laughter.) da- over- 29. —An official wj London, January 30.—A apodal they take off all the strain and Berlin, January agency color to or faded fl Ccngresiman Lrnti then derotsd his Hnldwln of the stall; Captain K. A. Uet- gray sontoh frjin i'rere Camp, dated r'rlday, work. They make work a pleasure has oomraanioated the following to the ittenllon to.the porl'lon of the admin- tlngton and Lisut. Howard, of Thorny- i hair: it never fails. 0.10 soya; Instead of a dread. The eyes feel cool press: "In ot unofficial [J Phi January 6, p. in., erofts mounted Cole- spite statement*, $1.00 • bottle. All druggists. Dtra'lon toward* the lpplnes, assail- Infantry; Captain \¥ “1 bare just ridden In here, baring left and refreshed, the dull feeling In the that Dr. LByds, the diplomatic represrp- "One bottle of Ayer's liuir Vigor At ing it in vigorous terms. man, Imperial light infantry. hair from fulling out, II den. Uuller’e foroea In tbe new poeltlona betd disappears. If you have any of tatlve of the Transvaal, la here by official stopped my The andlence roes en masse as Uol. Missing—Captains W. F. Elmalie, Hloks ! ami started It to again nicely." Ml to wblob retired * troubles see me about It. Cor- Ula visit Is hla grow aouth of tbe Tnitela they Lancashire these Invitation. entirely by JOUCI Witt, // Bryan was ushered upon the platform ana C. D Frenoh, second Canovu, S. Dak. I In ooneeqnenoe of tbe reyerae nt bplon rectly titled glasses Is my spealalty. own initiative and though hs has noticed and lntroduoed. futillers; Major U. A. Carlon,. seoond both before and after ordinary oourtesy his presence Is snttrely >'igor completely J kop. l’b* lighting, Lancashlres; Lieut. Power-Ellis, Thorny- w 1 |IV that he had listened tu unich Mr. Bryan said to of tbe mountain waa nf a without polltloal slgnllloano*." The of tho occupation erofta mounted Infantry »d, growth tbe applause and was glad to feal that »e has been some- Al deapeyate obaranter. On tha weatein aide, A. M. WENTWORTH, were In Providence who did USUAL FROM WAR OFFICE. LOTS OP SNOW IN VERMONT. than persons tbe of Warren’* O.Osrrsr, A] oppoalta right ontpoate WJ not endures tbe Hepnhlloan party. Tbe until tbe London, January 80.—18.45 a. m.—The 99 —The snow York, N.Y. foroea, it la inaeeeaalbly ateep Practical Chester, Vt., Jannsry _New with our In the East Is no farther Optician, aln all tbs benefits trouble people neek tbe to tbe war offioe announces that storm was tbs hoariest ot the win- f £ point where tbe Joins kop today the use of the Hair I are not as well with At- 540 1-1 St. ^ that Ibsy supplied Then there la a news has been reoslrsd from South Congress twelv* inohs* on a lsvel the re- main range. gentle slope ter, b*ing the whloh deal with Roberta newspapers rightly aooeaa summit. rloa, except a report from Lord " talk The high wind caused It to drift wbloh allows away tojthe held tbe that the situation Is onohnngsd. Office Hours- -S3 £ £ £ badly. Coutluatd ou Pceoud Page. The neek waa strongly by I

* aidruff, ■ "' —— 1 ■■ --— |--!—= ■' hi’Hln charaotfr, alitaally oon.lctlog GERMAN PAPERS PLEASED. CAFTAN m TWO BOYS BRYAN Id RHODE ISLAND. tba (omaaMI of want of knowltdc*. Ill'll '(Ml DOLLAR BILLS SEC’Y QIGE’S REPLY DYSPEPSIA loml|bl and Judgment In tba naanaga- ( amntrul. I'pn the SHaallea la Hanlh aral rt South Afrlma affair* ala*. m* IM| A frIr a. and In Iba paaparatlont for war. It la CAN NOT EXIST bar* < ontlnnrd (Tam First Page. aurpoitad by aeaaial promlaant mem Barilo, January as.—Tha latest uawa of tbo ld*attf.*d with lord On Board Lost To oppoalUon Plentiful in Montana from Booth Afrloa l« unfavorably com- tba people aa oar opponent* are, and Questions Asked By drbat. la ax- Koaabrrr/’a rlrwa and tba mented upon the Qerroaa Thu are tbe time Where the New is used by paper*. Nausett. oar opponents all talking Remedy to ooonpjr a weak. National 0 one Senate. pectad Last Winter. Zdtuag *ayot as If there wee bnt aide to this quee- “Tbo British position around Lady- and that there was oomplote CA MPA ION A FA ILL’R E. tlon, UNLIKE ANY OTHER •raltb le now unteusblo. either Lord aoqnleeoenoe on tbo part of tba people Kobrrm must await relnforeemaaU or to tbe Kepoblloan polloy. Men differ KnglUh Coninirnt on Turn of remove ble etrateglo centre elsewhere, as to tbo relative Importaoae of two ques- Care Treats the D(s» Affair* at Month Africa. ItyooKl Dyspepsia abandoning Ladysmith. Oik Sailor Aha Lout When Ship tion* new before Use people. Lincoln In There Was ft# to Reply Btpbirn ease itself Tba Loltal Anselger aaya: “Tbs defeat 1868, warned bla countrymen agalnct tbe London, January 20—0.17 p. m. —Tba at Sploa Kop la likely to become of cle- Went Down. approaoh of n inooarotlenl ay atom wbleb Letters. qhuaI airy attempts to mlmlmtss tba Conniltee. nitive Importance for the whole war." frightened him. He said It waa an at- NOT THE SY.YIPTOrtS •Miiotopst ot tba situation In South Tbe Knot Z-ltuag aaye: "It require# tempt to pot oapltal upon on equal foot- Africa are entirely larking this after- a of Brlthib eonoslt ettll to with labor tn the oonstruotlon of gov- good plane ing WkM an Cm- noon, and it la frankly acknowledged Flatakacy. Saw Slaasch. liSitnitM, believe In an appvezlmately favorable arnment. Lincoln represented tbo Repub- that the most serious effort of tbe pres- Irene of the war; bat whom tba Uoda Was Joseph licans of bla day j Hanna that of today. ent war hrn dismally failed. Captain in Denial of Men on Stand Who Got would destroy they Unit make mad." And tba gnlf between l.tooolnlam and Emphatic There Is no sign of a wish on the part Since it was found that Dyspepsia Tbo Vlaatebe /.iltong aaya: "Tbe Marks of Dighton. Hannelem le ae wide aa the gulf thnt of tbe leaders of public opinion to dis* Collusion, waa a germ disease, that food was not Rich beet prepare 1 and moat carefully planned asperated Laser us In Abrabam’a bosom tbe bat on tbe Quickly. digested in the stomach at all, that guise ugly facts, contrary war hat British operation during the from tbe Dives In tormant. Do you oall tba soar to faoo tbe flatulency, stomach, indigestion, there Is every disposition What le now ended In complete flneco. last election a viotory for the gold stand- nervousness, are hut fall dlllionltles and discover tba best way Constipation, etc., there now to prop the sinking prestige ard! I deny that It waa. Tbs HvpnbH- the symptoms of the disease, and not out. In shoit the polloy voiced every- " of ‘world powerV Schooner Probnblj Was Bound oan party did not rots for tba gold stand- the disease itself, rapid progress has where Is the gathering up of forces for Sole lo Protect Public I lere One Bunk Pnid Ont 07 Thousand ard, because In its platform It said that Purpose been made in treating dyspeptics. more effective blows. toforc all cures have lieen THFFITiH BIUU LEASE. For New York. It would do wbat It aunld to restore bi- dyspepsia All for the speedy relief of Moneys. oat with the idea of assisting the hopes Dollar Notes. metallism Inlaraatloual agreement. gotten and by to the or to cure Ladysmith have been abandoned from Ik. stomach digest food, Oppoeltlou Dvvrlope Ontral mada do Tbs It promisee. Kepoblleaue no wonder failed tbe oonrensue of expert ot inton urges the symptoms, they Man, always said that we have enough of to afford but tba Immediate shifting of tbe theatre of anything temporary relief, money In lb* treasury and Dow tbalr cry aud even this relief due to some cathar- war from tbe rooky kopjes of Natal to 29.—The 20.—The Uloba will Fall Hirer, Mam., January le ws bare too nanoh. Seotalary off the in almost Boston, January that ?9. —Tha tic which carried germs large tbe open veldt of tbe Ifree State. Washington, January 83.-—After schooner Nausatt which war wreokad Washington,January secretary My tomorrow: oornmun lost loo to tbe Boosts, leaving the stomach and certain. Another tbs committee on Uage’a of tb* treasury transmitted to the quantities, Ore thing appears a week's respite Senate HU1 ela- today a or 2 "To tho existing oompllettlone regard- three ml lee northerner of Watch letter* from the national banks bowels partially free for few days, tbe Doers elections resumed Its giving Hsnate hie to tha resolution or Jaa- long pause Is inevitable noless privileges and today had oa board F. reply until the left had in ing the big ptojeoted railroad leasee In tion, Joceph Mark*, cap- and tbs Unsocial bill now before Cun- germs multiplied assume the offensive, because even in the investigation of the oharges filed against oary ill, for farther Information sufficient to the same whioh all Naw Is now la- tain aad ownar of High tan, Maaa., two abow tbs Idea quantities produce Kngland ]nat grass clearly predominant as to his with the offiolele of event of Uen. Duller farther attempting W. A. Clark cf Montana In oonneotlon William and 12 and dsallngs old symptoms. teieetpd. bae bean added a new feature. sons, Kdward, aged of tbe Hrpubltoan administration. Tbe to reach Ladysmith tbs planotng ot a with his ofeotlon to the United States the National Uliy bank of New York. The threat wbteh oertaln Massachusetts 10 yattre, and Tbomae Mallea, who was sebem* le favoritism. HYOMEt DYSPEPSIA CURE new move will necessarily occupy time. Seuate. At the beginning ol today's ses- Secretary Uage takes up tb* reeolutlou of Central lntsreste have rvoently been the only aeeletint the oaplaln bad on In regard tn trusts, Ur. Bryan said: are for the 13 His la brief la as Is the one a The afternoon papers discussing sion Mr. Campbell, counsel pro- board and all of whom wan lust. Tbe January rjply only containing germicide waking agalnet tha Boston and liaise '■Homo Republican papers declare that kills the bacilli the dis- are to ourae the for a testants made a brief statement exonerat- follows: which causing whence troops pro- lease Nausett left laet for art | In connection with the proposed by Dighton Tuesday tbs trust la a good thing. Ur. Uaona ease and as this is accom- tracted campaign. It Is becoming gen- ing ex-Uovernor J. K. Toole from having "One—That the secretary of tb* treas- ; germicide the latter of the Fitchburg, toik material unknown destination, but probably baa declared that than are no trusts; with remedies to relieve the that some form of com- as a consideration for ury la directed lo treoamlt innied erally recognized accepted money bound for Now York with a of tbo be,sod hereby form yesterday In the forwarding to Uov. oargo that there are no bad trusts and thnt It (each being given separately), service Is more imimnent than from the senatorial raoe in to the toennte oopte* of all lotttre and tbe symptoms pulsory withdrawing of tbe and cure does cure The Crape of a letter pretesting against Ihe tlnlebod product Dighton they nr* bad we ana take ear. of them. this completely. and on this aooount. substance of conversation or previously thought of. Mr. Clark's interest, The Naueett wee M any agree- fact that it is the one ever guaran- lease on the ground that, If oarrltd oat. Somersat potteries. Tbe people bad not begun to feel la only The tit. James Onset te, however, sug- Mr. Campbell expressed the desire that ment he may ban written or bed with teed. should he sufficient of its It will bs likely to adversely affect the feet long and of SO tone burden. 1816 tba affect* of tbe but I think proof ex trusts, A. Hi treatment. gests that the solution of pouring more any reference to Mr. Toole should be tbe U. pburn of tb* National City over every other Interest* of tba Central Maeeachuaette Capt. Marke Is remembered as do now. If oondlttona oootlnne tbe superiority Into Sooth Africa record of the commit- they bank of New la to a Your refunded if it fails. and more troops punged from the who cult York, reply letter money stockholders It Is expected that Uov. Hortugueee brought against time Is not far distant when one corpo- of the action la 8 Mr. for tbs from Mr. to him dated Jnoe ail or sent mail. savors Spanish Cuba, tee proceedings. Faulkner, Count Valle de tbe aealetant oon llepburn 5. Sold by druggists by Crant on receipt ot the letter will refer Costal, ration will own all tbs ootton mills, tbe adding that the solution of making let- deftnss, ooncnrred In this wish. The first 1897. Price 50c. It to tbe attorney general for euoh action ml at Uoatoa,for Poitogal, for damages Iron mills and the woolen mills. use of the thousands there witness of the was ltd. V. Moore, a “A eareful eeareb of and send for free ter already [ day In tbe alienation of bis wife’s tba department Oive symptoms as he may see tit to take. alleged Tbe tendency of tbs Republican party has never sugge-t?i itself. Fusion representative in the Montana treatment. j President Tuttle of tbu Boston and ^Sections. Tbe silt has osier been la towards tbe of tbaae Gazette this encouragement the letter of A. U. written I Tbe St. James {afternoon, to Marks aad Hepburn, a. T. BOOTH COMPANY, Ithaca, N. Y. Maine has formally renewed bla propo- brought ttlal, although great or weaitn. THE returns to criticism of the lan- In business at Dose man. aggregations 07 him to me dated Jane nor do soathlng present engaged hie wife bare been eser sine# b, 1897, sition to tbe dlreotors ot the Fitchburg to separated Mr. then stated as be bad done of Geo. Dulleri It says: Mr. In ble to Bryan 1 believe that answer ever was made guage reports. Campbell questions sought the of tbe some two aaj lease tbe road for 1KI years, but no date beginning oolt, years twice previously daring the day, what la “Gen. Duller’« reileotlou on the torror •bow that Mr. Moore had suddenly oome to said letter. Neither do 1 recall any PORTLANDPOST OFFICE. ba* yet been set for a meeting of tbe ago. his mind Is tbs remedy for the continued into considerable money store tbe ad- conversation had with A. II. Hepburn In Fitchburg directors to aet upon tbe prop- growth of trusts. The limiting of trusts we have heard about Chinese mandarins. journment of the legislature. Mr. Moore CHILDREN ON BOARD. reply to such letter. Nor was there at osition. TO licenses by the federal government and The St. James Gazett further says: admitted that he had deposited consider- that time or now any agreement made or tfJ.—A to the the confinement of to one Boston, January special their operation (OHRKCTKD TO JAX. 1, 1900. The meaning of the retreat Is obvl able money at the bank since adjourn- POSTMASTER GREEN GOODS MAN. expectation of an agreement to be made Evening Globe from Fall River says: particular state and also the absolute oub. We have had to recognize that we ment but he said had received $.501) by the secretary of tbe treasury or any of orricu nouns. New York, January 29. —The trial of The schooner Nausett wrecked yesterday elimination of water. cannot force our way through the ene- from his partner .1 Kh^ades and over tbe ofiioera of the treasury depar.meot John the poet matter and railroad off Watch Bill was owned his attention to Poe master's 0.09 the Reedy, by Joeeph 'turning Imperialism, Office, (Sunday* excepted my's lines to Lad>smith. Whr.’we don't $300 from his brother. He bad eold with any person or persons with reference a. in. to 5 p. m. utatlon agent at Pocantloo Hills, N. Y., Marks of Dlgbtoo. She left that port on Mr. liryan stated that President McKin- know. If the Boer (osltlon Is impregna- latter a half Interest In a ranch for $700) to tbe subject matter of said letter of A. (ashler’s Office. (Sunday* excepted.) R.00 a. been of alleged to have the confederate Tuesday last having aboard Marks, his ley said at that he bad no m. to 6.00 p. in.: order '.».oo ble It ought m ver to have been attacked and this money bad been in part pay- Minneapolis Li. Hepburn. Money department, Uourgs Morris, In the groen goods busi- two children, Willie and Eddie, aged doubt that Congress would supply to the a. ni. to 6.00 p. m.: Itegistry depuitinent, o.ooa. If It Is ca(iahle of being taken we were ment ot this obligation. He had also “The record transmitted with my com- m. to 6.00 p. tn. was resumed In the United States ness, twelve ami ten respectively, and Thomas Philippines a government that would Uenerai repulsed b cause the leadership was bad borrowed money at the First National munication of January 10, 1810, con tains hthverv. (Sunday* excepted.) 7.30 Circuit court here ibe first wit* an sailor. The Nausett them a. in. to 7.00 p. ui. buudaj * v.OJ to lo.'A) a. iu., It Is to to conceal that today. Meldlo. elderly bring blessings. all Is over and Idle Attempt hank at Bozeman. Mr. Moote stated that there or wav, no far a* I know, 1.00 to 2.00 p. ill. ness was J. L. Dexter, a resident of was a small and not very seaworthy craft “If we prosecute a war of conquest we the latter Is far from Incredible. To he had not voted for Mr. Clark until ooiioerntng the said letter of A. H. Hen- ( arricrR /*liveries, (Sunday* excepted.)—In Athol, Maas. He was about about years and has been em- will not teach the to write lest ImsiBe** section of the city between Hi^li and out thers must no qce.tloned torty old, Filipino start declaring be the 11th or 12th ballot, having previously turn. India street* at7.oo. 0.00 aud ll.oo a. m.. L30 and addressed to him In and brick for the of inde- “green goods" olrcolare, ployed carrying clay they should read the declaration 5 In other section* at s.oo a. turning ba?k Is eminently foolish. When voted for Mr. Bartman for senator. He “Two—Also copies of any letters, 00m- p. in.; in., 1.36 p. in. and which, by order, he direoted the and tile works aboot Somerset for themselves. As we settle Sunday delivery at Office window, y.n0 to 10.00 and rant there com- potteries pendence swagger prevail is said In reply to Mr. Faulkner that he had munloations,agret)ments. paper* and doc- а. in 1.00 to 2.00 p. m. Collection* from .street at that plaoe to turn over to and tne thus shall we de- postmaster Dlghton. Philippine question In»xc* at 7.oo and ll.oo a. 4.00 aud m. monly a plentiful lack of judgn*""* red no offer for for his vote for uments between the in., 8.U0 p. pay uee treasury dtpirtrnent T> Anthony Comstock for In the admin termine whether tble nation ehall stand Sundays. 6.00 p. in. only. true resolution no consideration wae and tbe National bank of Mr. lark and given 'Jity New AM* mr.MJTfltr or Rtratlon ot justloe. The admission of the FRIENDS CONVENTION AT LEWIS- before the world aa an exponent of this AltltlVAI. MAILS. v: t:< •»> or that vote As betwesn Clark and York within the p*rlod embraced between Horton, Southern and H estern, inter mediate telegraph and written correspondence TON. broad principle of the doctrine of life the office* amt connection* via. Bostou & Maine lukK-eWol and morn! «• *» were June 1897 and Ootobsr 1897. •V,% fche he people of Magaha county 5, -7, railroad (Eastern Division.) Arrive at was objeoted to by oounael for both Reedy The session of the Falmouth scrap lee and blessings of self government. 12.15, .. ■:' »«i.' ";''i liftVi .1*1 »'w regular “It not 10.45 close 8.o» an 1 n fit ,. ,> irtendly to Clark do.'*! appear from Any record 0.00 and p. m.; a. in.. and Morris. at the Friends oburoh “1 want to warn yon that If we enter a 6.00 and o.oo p. in.; Sunday*, arrive 12 45 xml .' i. a iy words. fane- George L*. Kaiusey, cashier of the Union Qjarterly meeting of tbe trC ml. II 4(1, M.N. a mansion house will bn ■ } SI, Porlluuil. Wilmington, Dal., fooghi twenty ^ ^ fund probably on the usual commission. Guliunxc 7b Cwnmerciii & 70 to a draw. a^a-^e^a^as^a^a^a-^a started. )aat3.iuou,wed,tat oct30 Telephone No. lH-i. COtlt Eiehgg^ts. Notional that they will not throw op the inanximioro. nucimwow. j of the Pint Relgment now M< thought __. | ^ __mibceixaneoc*._ ! contact without making a hot light (or ATTACKED ELECT A MAJOR. Unard offleen ben want anotbm on# of GAGE AGAM. TO U tha Held offleen of the regimen I aad an tbolr favorite. Uent. James Mortarty has eerved In the ■aid to be pretty well united upon thle of Lewlitoa, who long of that whloh la oom- point and will gin to Capt. Hogan their oraok company oily • candi- / etnngth. mandad ty Ml Mother, la another who* a the enndldntee fiom out date who haa aoma ("oport and Sulzer Officers of the First ; Of prominent Resolution Causes PALMER SHOE CO. Reg- of tfce olty Capt. Jnhn Bird who oom- ohanoaa are thought to bo good. eav- of maude U, Company ot Knchland, baa tba It la believed that It will require Scrimmage. iment Infantry j teat aa a ma- support of eoma of the Kaetern eompanlea eral ballota to decide thla eon of tble nglmennt. Capt. Bird hae eereed jority of the votee la neoaaearr to oleot of a with hie regiment for tom yean and la and It wonld be very mush euxprlee aaoursd a •aid to ba a eery efflolent oOloer. Anotn- If any one oaodldata majority ilrat onllot. er one of the oflioen of tble regiment oa the We have BUT ONE Clearance Sale in the This For eohool of the Vint Made Teit of Speeches Riehardson Will Meet in City Tonight whom name le frequently mentioned out- the offleara' Regi- by on side of the elty of Portland le Capt. ment will be held nt tne Falmouth That of thla weak and Sulzer. Purpose. William C. Goodwin of Brnnewlok. Wednesday and Iburaday Year, and that Time is at Hand. one of Lieut Charlie K. Jeffnye of Blddeford le and it la arpeowd that It will be lnatroetlve aohoola the offleara aleo an aaplrant for tble poeltlon. Be bee the moat have ever atteadeo. many frlende In the mglineat and It le of thla regiment No Pensions to Weather MONDAY Capt. Hogan a Promi- Bureau nent Candidate. Employes. We started tin Low Shoes, Slippers and Oxfords for LADIES, to continue TODAY and WEDNESDAY.]

Those Whose Names Hate Been Bill for Thin Purpose Probably Mentioned Outside Portland. Side Tracked. ON THURSDAY start our BOOTS of all kinds (or LADIES, MISSES and CHILDREN, Tonight at the Falmouth hotel the January 29.—Tbs bill for SATURDAY and MONDAY. officers of the hirst Keglmeot or Inrantry Washington, to continue FRIDAY, tbs nod of will assemble to choose a major to suc- r»-organization Improvement weather wbiob Includes a ceed K. R. Ulmer of Rookland, who died the bnreao, pro- vision for disabled end aged from a fever which ha contraotad at pensioning of tbs esrvlos, reoslved a blaek ON TUESDAY-tAk-FEB. Chlckamauga, while aarvlug With his employes 6th, tbs Hones lbs bill was regiment In the service of tha United eye In today, the of olvll States At this election, Col. Lucius H. Utterly foaght by opponents We start our SHOES (or GENTLEMEN, BOYS and YOUTHS, and then our rolls nn eooount of tbs Ilfs ten- Kendall, who oommanda the regiment, pmelon oontalned and It was will preside, and It la expected that the ors provision It on all will continue for One a 2 Weeks' Sale. on a test vole of 67 to 73. Sale Week, making 80 Une^offioera who are entitled to vole side-tracked Roods the ruled that It at this election, will be precant or at Although speaker nnflolabed business when Ithe least a greater part of them. Thera la a remain In committee of the gieat deal of Interest manifested In this House was again measure te- election In National Guard circles, and whole, the opponents of tbs notion kills It. Tbs there Is more than the usual amount of ller# the today ear’j OUR CALENDAR FOR DAYS: Interest manifested In Portland beoanse portion of tba day was devoted to a lively over tee Hnlaer resolution ons of the most prominent candidates for scrimmage & this posltljn Is a Portland man and to Investigate Secretary Uage whloh the Monday and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Tuesday, February 6th, has teen long Identified with the Na- oammlttee on roles reeonimended should Jan. 20 and 30, Feb. 2 and tional Guard companies of this city. ba sent to the ways and means commit- I, 3, Capt. Thomas J. Hogan, who commands tee as the Utter oommlttee baa tbs re- Our sale will be Co. K, Is said to have more than an even sponse of tbs secretary lo.tte possession. Men’s, Boys’ and chance of scouring the ooTeted position. Thais was no opposition to tbs pro- of of & He hae long been nn efficient officer posed action, bnt Mr. KloborJson Ladies’ Misses’ t'le guard and Is very popular In the regi- Tennessee and Mr. Sulser of New York Oxfords and Youths’ Boots ment. Although Portland has one major used It as a test for renewing tbslr at- tacks on the secretary. Mr. Uage was of every description. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo defended by Mr. Hopkins of Illinois, Mr. Children’s Boots

— — Hill of Connecticut and Mr. Dalsell of u r e H a r m 1 e a a E c o n o m i c a 1 6 Slippers AFTER FEB. OTH, the sale Pennevlvsnla. at about One of all kinds. 1) Grade Goods will continue for Ten Days on bill to end officers of in all styles, „'h CAI’T. WILLIAM C. GOODWIN OF BKFNSWICIi. A require pilot* ■team vessels to make oath to tbelr ap- Half Price and Less. at about One-Half Price. all goods. Swift’s plications for Uoeueas was passed. this will be our ad. Just look in our Window for ^Jr. Dalaell of Pennsylvania, from tbe Our Window year display tbe | oommlttee on rules, reported baok Styles and Prices where you will see a few of our many Bargains. Suiter resolution for the appointment Washing of a special oommlttee to Investigate the deposit of public funde by Secretary Cage In New York tanks, and all tbe transac- Powder tions relative to the sale of the New York I ouatom house, with the recommendation SHOE Swift’s X PALMER For Washing and cleaning, Washing that It be referred to the ways and COMPANY, Powder does the work at half the cost of V meant oommlttee. After a spirited de- and in half the time. Your X soap, grocer bate the reoommendatlon was adopted 541 Congress Street. will sell you a 16-ounce package for 9 without dlvlsloo. ■BMsnb’ jaaBwanarMOBar- Ur. Klohardton of Tennessee, leader of Five Cents the mlnorl ty, said he was not opposed Inter- waa the of de- on tht bill be | to the reference of the resolution to tbe people of the country were deeply that It done for purpose limited to fop.: t, He char- the olty York of taxes. Muob developed, bL jo- Swift and X ways and meant oommlttee, but he was ested In ascertaining the truth. frauding of.New opposition Company, Makers, Chicago tlon dually prevailed. 9 of the secretary of "It now becomes him," said Ur. 11111, decidedly of the opinion that an Investi- acterized the oonduot The opposition then dlreotv ener- and 1tla con- "to the of gation should be made. the treasury as infajnous Indignantly, charge secretary gies to preventing the House from going which the with fraudulent Intent. back Into committee of the and A few ago, he he had Insist- nection with tbe Kookefeller bank treasury whole, days said, ■noct^ded in so on a if he had into doing test vote by a that there must be tome reason had been he said, to manipulate Furthermore, gone deeper A State Convention ed why used, vote of 57 to 73 In respon*e to a parli- Inter- the be would have ascer- Repub'ican the National City bank of Ntw York had the stock market against adverse Inrestigatlon, amentary Inquiry, the Hpeaker laid the tained that the olty oould not lose the bill would remain the undntshed busl- IP —WILL BE IIELD 1N- so oompleted 1M title to the custom bouse ests as scandalous. neee. from tbe Ever sluoe the present secretary hod taxes upon the property." property purchased government. A hen at 8.35 p.in.,the House adjourned. Bulrer sold he had been X'bsrefore,the disreputable oharges that City Hall, Lewiston, Tbe government hail taken a paper credit been In offloe Mi. bank at the the of the did for £i,vlfi,000, which left the pitiful sura aiding the National City scoretary treasury any- SA MOAN THKATl ST A N DS. banka. It had thing fraudulently falls to the ground, Wed., 11th, 1900 of I50.0J0 still due th* government. Why expenee of other national April millions and go- said he. (Applause on the Hepublloan oould the oredlt not have been for tbe Men making "oomlng Sruatr lu Kircutlvr ftraslou Vote* \ot At 11 O'clock, A. M. the There must be some rea- Ha declared that the people of side.) full amount! ing." to ltrcouslder. candi- that the secretary of Ur. Klohardson replied In a two min- for Ihe purpose of selecting six son, aald Ur. Klohardaon. "It has been country recognized nor Ur. dates for electors of President and Vice- of the of the tbe was unlit and Incompetent ute speeoh. Neither Ur. Hopktns the Intention secretary treasury Senate and four to Washington, January 39.—lha President of the United States, be to relieve tbs bank ol to hold the puree strings The United Hill, he said, had made any answer to treasury, said, In executive session deolded n at and four alternates as to the of today by delegates large tax to tbs state and Btates treasury was raads the Instru- bis questions wby secretary Conven- Its obligation olty vote of 31 to 38 not to reoonslder the vote attend the National Republican ba>' not taken credit of New York tba title In ment of the Standard Oil trust. Ayj, the treasury paper tion to be held at Philadelphia, Pennsyl- by retaining by wbloh the Samoan treaty was ratliied. and Tbe bad he said, the people believed they for (3,365.000 Instead of (a.315.0O0. vania, on Tuesday, June 19, 11*00, tbe government. government more, The of tbs was af- failure to answer Injunction seoraoy other business that may rent for tbe should be He Insisted that the transacting any agraed to pay property, yet Impeached. terwards removed from the vote. as to taxation. come before it. beak was not to taxes it. In sold: left open the question properly tba pay upon Mr. Hopkins of Illinois, reply, The vote In detail on The basis of will be as also the of the Na- SsBatorfJonei's representation oalted attention to tbe letter of tbe to the un- He questioned right and Planta- Hs "I simply rise protest against motion to reoonalder was aa follows: follows: Each City, Town with a of of the to and untrue tional City bank capital (7,000.- tion will be entitled to one and secretary treasury asking appro- founded, unwarranted Cut- uelogate, 000 real eitate to the amount of Yeaa—Allen, Uaoun, Cate, Barry, votes cast for the for the property sold In made made the gentleman to buy for each seventy-five priate 1100,010 charges by er, Chilton, Clark of Montana, Clay, for Governor in bad desorlbed to What balf of its capital. Republican candidate the manner he prevent from Tennessee (Klobordson.) Daniel, Heltfeld, Jonee of Arkacaas.Ken- an and for a In closing the debate Ur. DaDall of 1806, additional delegate, the bank from being liable for taxes. right has be to Impute false and fraudu- fraction of votes in excess of sev- said the whole ney, Lindsay, MoKnery, Martin, Money, forty "If tbat waa tbs secretary's motive," lent motives to tbe secretary of the Psnnsylranla, question votes, an additional delegate. whole to the Pettigrew, Rawlins, T'alilferro, Tillman, enty-live OF "I am bare to oon- of the of referring the subject of LlEETENAVr C. E. JEFFItEV BIDDEFOKD. mid Mr. Klobardson, treasury! When tbe secretary Turner.—21. Vacancies In the delegation any City, and means committee had been and to Insist tbnt It 111 beoomee called for facts, he ways Town or Plantation can only bo filled by dsmn It treasury was upon Allison, used to renew that hud been Naya—Aldrloh, Coker,^Bev- in tho of tbs to Into a charges a resident of the county which tbe staretary treasury go presented fnl) response." Carter, Chandler. Cullom, Davis, answered oyer and oyer again by none eridge, vacancy exists. with a private corporation." Proceeding, be said Mr. Hlehardson parInsrshlp ; Democrats In Fairbanks, Foraker, Frye, Calllnger, The State committee will be in session of Now had en- better than by prominent Tbs National City bank York, bad charged that tbe secretory Kean, in the room of the hall at nine the House and Hanna, Uanabrough, Hawley, reception bas been able to Into a fraudulent contract. "I country. of the conven- Mr. Klobardson mid, ured MoComna, Molt Il- o’clock, on the morning "Wbo are cried aeyeral Demo- Kyle, Lodge, McBride, tba It bad sold there Is no support they?" tion. for the purpose of receiving the cre- earn Interest upon 13,210,000 affirm," be,"that ian, Nelson, Penrose, Perkins, Platt of Interest The custom crats. dentials of delegates. Delegates in order nominally paid tba government. whatever far the oharge. Uonneotlout, Prltobard,Proctor, Queries, to be to in the con- It had to retala was sold to tbe National Ur. Dalzell paid no beed to these cries. eligible participate upon tbe bonds deposited house property Rose, Soott, Sowell, Shoup, Stewart, vention, must bo elected subsequent to to tbs It took and made So far as the rlgbt of the bank to pur- this money and change govern- City bank. possession Teller, Thurston, Warren, Wellington, the date of the call for this convention; was Ur. Dal- ment rental to 4 per oent of 4be pur- a lease. I claim that the otty and eUU chase property oenosrned, and delegates, uuder this call, should not Wetmora. —38. otber he this can to the collec- sell said Its purchase had been autho- be elected to the State convention to be chase price In words, said, of New Tork proceed Senator Davis, ohalrtnan of the foreign the title tbe aot that authorized tbe sale. hereafter called for the purpose of nomi juggling bas enabled tbs bank to maka tion of taxes just as If paper rised by telatlona oornmlttee during the exrcutlve was tben with- Informed the Senate that tomor- uatlog a candidate for governor. *357,000 op to data. had passed. Tbe resolution adopted session, All electors of Maine without to division. row he would ask to take up the Hague regard Mr. Klobardson mid bs was surprised “Under the lew, the aeeretary of the out who aro In to pesos treaty. past political differences, that tbe secretary of tbe treasury bad to tho Tbe bill was passed appropriate 90.- with the sontimenta treaaury aokl the pro pony hlgheet sympathy expressed asked to bo allowed to make 000 for a military hospital at Fort Leav- in the call of the National not already bidder. What le the next offeneef That Republican Kaa. Committee for the Republican National an explanation. the purohaee prloe wae depoelted with the enworth, New author of the The House tben prooeeded to lha call Convention, are cordially luvltod touuito Mr. Sulzu of York, National City beak. Waa there anyth lag Hair= the of the state In elec- Mr. Hlobaidson. Ua ot committees. with Republicans resolution, followed wrong in that? That bank la a govern- to this Convention. dared not A bill from tbs committee on merchaut ting delegates mid tbe Rspnblloan party maat dapoeltoiy eeleoled by the admlaia- Per order Republican State Committee. Xbe and fisheries to officers smother or Ignoro tbe resolution. tratlon became of lta doanolal ataadlag, marine require JOSEPH H. MANLEY, Chairman to make tea bank waa the tame and pilots of steam vessels Health BYRON BOYD, Secretary. aad a depoalt In oath to their applications for licensee Augusta, Maine, Thursday, Jau. 4,1900. aa If It had beea la the eub-treaeury or Most people are gray HIs Life Was Saved. and for perjury, —or worse—their nair __ In the treaaury lteelf. I aak then la the providing penalties breaks or falls out before it should. J. K a prominent cltlaen la oat o.nslderubie opposition from fades, off, Presidential Electors Must All Be Mr. Lilly, name of deoeney and Juetloe, where brought matron of sees the frost ef Hannibal. Mo., lately bed a wonderful eonstltnrntr In tbe river The young forty dona tea who members having into her hair, or else it is losing Its Chosen in Slate Convention. deliverance from a frightful death. la the wrong by gentleman stealing traffic on tbe Oblo, Tennessee and Uls- fresh look—or worse, Is growing thin or of It be says: “1 was taken with with anoh dlgn tty and ability telling preeldaa Ur. Wheeler of off—and she is showing signs of Headquarters ) Fever, that ran Into Pneumonia, slsstppl rivers. Pennsyl- breaking Typhoid over the treaanry department!" her time. This should not bo. Republican State became bardsnsd. I waa so moved to reoommlt the bill. Tbe ageing before Committee, J hiy lunge Mr. Mill of Connecticut declared that vania, Jan 4. 1900. weak 1 couldn’t oven alt up In bod. Augusta, Maine, ) wee motion failed and tbe bill passed without ul me. I to aoon the reeulntlon for an lnreetlgetlon To tlio Republicans Maine:—Prior Nothing helped expeoted went Into oom- when 1 beard of Or. division. Tbe House then to 189:1 two Presidential electors at die of Consumption, pure bunoo and Intended for polltloal Hair-Health large, One bottle whole to ooaalder the bill two New Oisoovsty. gave aa a almllar reeolutlon mltlee ot the to the United States King's juai Is a hair and nourishing ths / corresponding relief. I oonllnued to urn II, end purpoeea and food, feeding senators, were nominated in State con- great tea Demooratle eeore- for the re-organisation Improvement new growth, restoring now am wall and ettong. I oan't say too directed agalast roots, forcing fresly' and the cor- the United States weather tureen. ness and and turning tie vention, remaining electors, In Its This marvellons of the treaaury la the laat admlnla- of beauty, positively mnob praise." tary hair back to Its color. Is to the members of the United cure Wadsworth of New York, In charge gray -Jit responding medicine Is tbs sorest and quickset waa. Ur. youthful of were tratlen not a It will not toJTor dis- States House Representatives In tbe world for all Throat and Lung ot tbe Its objects, saying dye. positively “I aaked tea gentleman from Illlnole, bill, explained color the hands or clothing ,'lt ia not nominated by the several congressional Trouble. Regular slam 50 oeots and *1.00 tbe weather bu- scalp, Rloh- It would Inaugurate In or nor does It off. district conventions. Trial bottles ft* aj H. P. & 577 (Hopklne)," again Interpoaad Mr. greasy sticky, pib Ooold, Ideal merit Ur. Brown lb. contrary, Halr-HeaHta led ref rath In*. dourly The nassage of the Australian Ballot street; end B. Q. Htarr, Cum- tea 160,000 had bean held reau an system. On Congiem ardaon, “why dcUcttoly perfumed, umurr adjunct to the careful law the Un- berland Mill*. of opposed tbe feature of the bill entirely changed procedure. baek. Be did not aaewor It. I now pro- Ohio, toilet nnd its use coonot bv detected by your friends. der the all Conventions are a por- for withholding 9 per sent of the women. law, Iron Nerve tho aamc Interrogatory to yon.” provided Equally rood for rttm and tion of our election and this Bismarck’s pound SOAP eoescelled for washing the hair system, low under salaries of snob employe for the creation HARFINA je to be Mr. Hill replied that the Stikea. disease fenni In ballot act requires that candidates He was Makes it toft and Destroys the fund. opposed u.i. and voted for the Voters throughout the which the property waa told, compelled of pension ,lawds of she teal, sad body. Curas freckles by list In branch of stores. whole State must be in nomina- tho re- to n civil pension any ■ankwa. tic. drat at laadrns dm* placed tee pay meat of only PT0.000 eaah, every- --- is sold by no less — He was also opposed to Hair-Health leadlnf dragftau tion a convention Kidneys— from time. The aaarotery waa Ike government. or teat npw by representing want them and tba soeoem mainder Wurf Price, fee. lor lar*. battle, by a than the whole State. yon qnallitm offloe. After tbs discussion of 6oc. by constituency nm Dr. Naw Life oom to tooeiro any eoeh pay meal life tsnarspn ynpaU, ia pltk tuld paduftt recaipt a for they bring, King’s palled Hence, all the oandldatee of party of brain for cease Uses, tbs Usus< N. Pills. Tbsy develop mesy |»wm la axaaao of $7M,00a Bo oonld net help had proceeded LONDON SUmY CO., SU BrtUwiy. Y. Presidential electois must be nominated CAPT. JOHN BIRD OF ROCKLAND. at mss and Only Mots, H. P. *fi in oommlMee of tbs whale, ns *\WstrjitshkV *4 nod have there- body. hlmaelf. The from Tennaaeea t-i-f Mtmtmbtr tks mi, Vy In State Convention, 1 677 stress and H. 3 gentleman JH*nty r^muUd if ti dmi /«» Goold’s. Congress and Ur. Wadsworth moved that debate gmtttniff fore included In the oall six electors. Starr's, Cum bar land Mills drag storn. (RiohardaaaX ma«a tho apootfc charge J. H. MANLEY, Chairman. 1 / AHviRiam tloally Impossible. Tha British Hoops THE PETERS BANQUET. rnfAjrciAi._| _mtAwciAu _tnnni«m THE PRESS. aro brave enough, hut Uosh and blood oanaot endure tbe terrible rain of tint Molt Ketable Kv#al of Kind Kver Held 1000. tbe Boer* ara abla to TRUST COMPANY 30, and ibell (bat la Malar. PORTLAND - - TUESDAY, JANUARY Burton Holmes’ Illustrated - Lectures. poor upon them from tha oommendlng AND hare emlneneoe on whloh they planted Bangor, January 80 — Tbeoomaaltte* of DAILY PRK8S- modern artillery. If Lord Roberta can arvangementa for tbe banquet la honor of or at the end ol mem Into oaa army DEPOSIT By the year, *0 In advance *7 all the British troop* Boa. John A. Peters, whlob will be SAFE VAULTS, the and straight toward the Orange Bouse, Thursday yeer. prootel glrea at tbe Bangor STREET. I'eb. 1st. tha Born to 87 AND 80 EXCHANGE Thursdny Evening, By the month. 50 cents. Free state ho may eon)pel evening bare about Qnlabed tbelr work. withdraw from th# toglon around Lady- This banquet will bo tbo moat notable EVE.NINR TICKETS 7Jr—will go on sale at Cressey, Jones A Allen's, Is delivered at these rales •m th and take a naw line of defeneo. In end The DAILY PRESS up areal of the kind over bald Maine, In ..... #200,000 Wednesday Kvoning, January 31st ol Capital Paid In Cash, lo subscribers In all parts It be that thte naw lloa will prove Inter oat every n.nrnlug may It la sxolttng great throughout ... 800.000 COI'RSE TICKETS nnd to loontlon of and Soutn Port- Mlockholder*' Additional Liability. (HI, 91,10 $2, according Neats. and In Westbrook aa aa that whloh for Portland, Impregnable against the state. here applied .... Many people Surplus and Cndlrided Pr»llt, 103,0(10 land. tbe British hate thrown themselves for who could not bo aeoommodotod tickets .«.«•■ 1,300,000 MAINE STATE PURRS (Weeklr- la Deposit*, several week* past in vain, but there account of tbo role whloh was made or *1.26 at the on JEFFERSON lly the year, *1 in advance, and that THEATRE ""WSL a ehanoe that It mny not, at tbe atart tnat only a few gusata should end ol the year. W edni ehanoe Is worth Indaed, It la ooun- sdii) nnd Tlitirodny Nlghn, Jntinsiry 31, February I, 00 cental lor tnree months, taking. bo Invited onto Ido of tbe Penoteoot For all nioaihs, for Holder* of Trust I'mids, Assignees, Lx- 'Jin* Eminent Bomantle Actor, tbe ooorae that affords any hope of It Is Legal Depository SO only ty bar. One Bangor man, said, cents____ ecutors. Administrator., tlunrdlan* and Banks. anocoaa Id tbe near future. Eventually, offered to pay $A0 for a tlckst to tbe ban- ROBERT I*. MAWTELL noi delivered out PuhsiTlhers v boss papers are no doubt, they oould wear the Boers but be wss not aooomraodated. Tbe quet, And a select company under the management of M. W. lianley in a new play, to notlly the office ol at their promptly are requested by continuing to pound away lorltatl one eent out last week were beau- No. «7 Exchange sireeL AMI Till: CRONS. the DAILY PRESS, positions around Ladysmith, for the tltfully engraved and were received by Till: DAUOER Portland Me. OH DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK Hatton', famous novel. Dramatized by W. A. Tremayns. Elaborate sconery. Superb Boors have no reserve of men to draw on, men In thle etate INTEREST PHD Joseph ninety-six distinguished JanMdtt costumes. Powerful company. Prices #1.00, 75c. soc and‘iftc. while the Brltleh have plenty. Bat n sad others. Of tbls nurabsr sixty accept- who are leaving town Patrons olthe PRESS do llttlo Friday end Saturday Matinee and F.s rnlna, February l-J, of Ihelr triumph won In that way wonld ances have thus far been reoelvsd, and temporarily may have tlie editresses Am-rtea's Created Author Actor, JAMKS A. IIKItgK, under the dire non ol I.lehler A To., In the way ot restoring British prestige, members of tbs bar In tbls county In in Ain sto changed as olten as they may desire by seventy In the Overwhelming .Sensational Dramatic Success tna prevent year rica, papers ol 4 solid months In Boston, with the whloh baa been sadly damaged. To get here tbelr Intention of attend- ESSEX N.J. H AM Holt, rttreci Irnm ns enormous triumph original the office signified COUNTY, no .r nottlvlng Tli re Is other Itarh has Cleat ast. Scenery ami Produetlou throughout "Sag Company. back its old ttanding England got tbe BONDS. M amt at The Cicat st ot tho ing baoqaet. ft. IIKItN K positively appear* ho e. every performance. flay some Who Cold t'l due 1638. Finest In Amei lea. effort to administer to abow that It Oaa general* No Invitation* were Inued to tbo mem- year. The ton.psnv General Bullet's N. B.—This Is positively the only time Ml! HP.RNK will appear In this city In Sat Harbor." are masters of To win only by thj host*. The consolation In his retreat noross the strategy. bers of the bar as they are Interval Payable February and Angnel. and ve- out that he bad ehrer eoperlurlty of number* after dinner speeches will bo mad* by T'ugela by pointing 2 Ter Cent, of tax val- PORTLAND TII ecoureeo will rt store none of her lost stand- Total debt only ot 1923 8 CATRi:, “r.rV.K*.,.’' the Boors to respect the prowess many well knowa men. Senator Uogeoe Coutty WasMngtoa, Me., 4’*, taught A uation. over Tax aa a flrrt claw military power. ooma from for the Newark, population 200,000, Exempt. of the English troips. sceme to have ing Bate will Washington ttlompb won In that way would ooma sole of attending the banquet, is located In this county. tean waited. It appear* to be the opinion purpose MaHta Central Railroal. 6 s. 1912 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, COMMENCING MONDAY, JAN. JOIIi, near being a demonstration that In Thomas B. Heed of Mew Vcrk has of the London press that 11 anybody has pretty lion. Al price offered bonds nel Daily Matinees, Cominpiiring Tuesday, an snoonoter with a ctrong nation aha Invltatlin to be and been teeohlng prowess It la the Boers nnil aooepted an preeent 3.SO Per Ceui. Brngor & Aroostook Ra lrord- 5 s. 1943 wonld bo easily whipped. bla business will not the British. nopea that engagements be suoh that be wlU be able to be one of Baogor 4 Plscatrqo's Ols. 5's, 1943 Senator Honr'e point that the United ABOUT A QUEEN. the Urge party that will honor Maine's Circulars on other securities on appli- RICE’S COMEDIANS ae medi- West Ta'nel. 5’s. 1209 Staten would hardly be aocett id sx-eblef jurtlce. cation. Chicago Record.) fn repertoire. Opening Monday night in the strong melodrama, “Kaglo's Vest.” ator between the British and the Boers (Chicago Thv after dinner exerolse* will be pre- Rai'road Co.- 5's. 1918 to date ami All the latest All tho continued to make attaokc Perhaps th* moat remarkable feature la Hon. Franklin A. Wilson Quincy Up specialties, singing dancing. moving pictures. If the Senate sided orer by PHILIP H. FARLEY, east. New and skill most popular illustrated songs. A remarkably strong popular either of the bllllgerent#, woe well Queen Victoria's career ha* been the and tbe apeakers In tbelr order will be upon 4 Excliiinge Si Portland, IWeM Portland & Yaraonth Railroad 4's. 1919 plays. An entim change of plays and specialties at every performance. Xhe of mediation i» with which she bus contrived to main- Peters, Chief Justice Wlswell, taken. aecoptanoe Judge Prices—IO. 20 nnd 30r. Jlulluee Prices—IO mid 20c. an old Night Improbable In any event, bat tain tbe oharm and simplicity of liov. Power*. Senator Hale, Judge Wra. REPRESENT IXO Oakland Me.. extremely Wats: Co.. 5's, 1908-18 Neats now on sale. certainly mediation will never be aooept- fashioned English homo life, notwith- C. Putnam, Judge Thomas U. Haskell, which a whose official repre- tbe pump and oeremony William P. Whltshouss, Hon. & Me Water Co 4 s. ed from oonntry standing Judge WILSON STEPHENS, Neeport , 1929 UNDERWOOD SPRINC. a court. This is ee itullvea have shown partiality for eitb- necessarily belong to Knoob Foster, Bon. Orrlll 11. Baker aod THE ANNUAL CONCERT 41 Wall New York- Spacious Dining Hall always Music ..I txx to her The minute SI, Anj Other Choice loeestments open. —nr tiik— largely due early training. Col. John F. Lynob. Five JanSSdtf Card and Smoklnc Hoorn*, all with op*u fires of the of a of brilliantly ligated bv electricity and ho A ted by daughter duke Kent, prlno* will also be made by other gen- Circular sent oo Bow Join Col ego Gl.e and VjiMtGuil.r Cl. 1)3 F. qleeches special Dcacrlpttta appllca- decorated with and evergreen. A few days ago Prof,Walter Soheele, Uou. steam, palms —WILL BK Gil AT — limited Income, the vonng Princes* Vlo- At each will be a souvenir to order, with tlemen. plate Ati excellent menu from which a who has been connected which Is dlnrers a T. M- O. H AIjIj chemist, toria saw little of the luxury oard hearing an engraving of Judge (lame and fish specialty. conceited the Idea Arrangement* nude for IHnner, Dancing or the Mcllneaux case, to abound in royal list tbe RATES. Will nod ay Evening, January 31. commonly supposed Pstere and containing the of LOW TELEPHONE Card parties with or without special cars at when mixed Both Cll**e and Mandolin Clubs art* that cyanide of mercury circles. Strict economy was the rule In office of Portland A Yarmoutn Electric Rall- exception- speakers. ally good ibh year, and concert With hromo selUer urderwent »omc mercantile trust co„ w ty Co., office 440 Congress street. Telephone avciy enjoyable her early home, and the lesson has never dinner will be the most elaborate nov.’3dtf can be anticipated. The repcrtt iru Is In keening noieonous The 9ia_3. change that deprived It of Its the flp. with college lib* and spirit, full of sn »|> and jest, been forgotten. Amid costly mag- ever served In Maine. It will oouslst of Portland. h» Portland, Me., Exchange. and hugel* entertaining to all lovers of the rol- pri pertlee. To demonetrate hie theory the state ,an2tdtf niflenoa which characterizes a dozen cuurses and during tbe serving of licking college >ongs as snug by college men. some to witness ex- to___— ! Mr. Welch as violin soloist needs no introduction Invited repotters the Queen's private rooms of fifteen musicians apartments, It l’nllsn's orchestra A YEAR. to the public of Portland, while Mr. on pigs, and when ONLY $25.00 Appleton, periments guinea are always notable (or their comfort and will furnish ruuslo. as voc.il soloist and leader, and Mr. .Iordan, as had assembled he astonished them by maiulol soloist, meet with a well mer- they en- LOAN. always homellkeness. have been made for MONEY TO It himself. He Arrangements ited appreciation. The management respectfully m xlng a dost and taking ejn Victoria Metallic Circuit, un- In matters of dress, too, Q tertaining a large number of newspaper O-Purty so i it the cooperation of every P.owdoin alum- as Mrs Adams did not die Immediately, a or small, to suit the bor- nus In making the com eit a success both so- Is far more economical than many of her a from limited gervlcc for Telephone Any amount, large men, Including representative Or- ami Tickets now on sale at but at last aooounts he was sick In rower. on Household Furniture, Pianos, cially financially. did, middle-class subjects. This may best bs and at your Itcshlencr. bonds Jones \ Allen s. esoh of tbe oltjr papers, correspond- and also Farming Stock. Cressey. Jau2*.*-3t for mercurial gans. Stock Fixtures, bed and was being treated wblob has the &c.. the same to remain illustrated by a good stcry ents of ths Hoston papers and also repre- Horses. Carriages, even We will oft furniture and ha may not escape true. Some with the owner. pay P'UouIng, advantage of being perfectly of in tbe western of at rates as low a* sentatives papers part Can afford to be without leases ami advance money with his life. was you All loans he paid tune ago a newly appointed equerry the stilts. Tbe committee on Invitation* CITY OF •an b had In tho Slate. may 2nd Grand SPARRING Exhibition II! WESTBROOK, ME., installments, each payment reducing both the stables when be saw a _ by going through consists of Hon. I. A. Gen. estate At the room* of tlic Cnnro Athletic ( no doubt that the Key. W‘. F. Wilson, principal and Interest. Keal mortgages lull. We hate and parson In a shabby black dress Hamlin and H. refundinc negotiated. UuNluess strictly coufideiilial. No. I no Middle Street, Feb. ‘4. has bit the real basin reason Charles Hugh Chaplin; fours, Friday, Berry upan at horses. will furnish all mushroom nat looking the Ueaars. Woodward and Mutineer par- s the liquor law la not on dinner, Chap- Due IOIO. Jimmy Conno and Fddle Joyce, 4 Hounds. way prohibitory more zeal than he and Pocahontas S Hounds Possessing discretion, on for exer- ticulars. Ilarry Paige enforced In thla stale, that lin; general arrangement* Prof. Joe Hobtuson and John hulbvan vigorously out: Twin) at once called “My good woman, Messrs. Hamlin, Koblneon and J J Hounds. the people ore Indifferent, that Is, do rot olsss; SHAWMUT LOAN CO., you mu"t go away at onne. strangers assistant recaption committee, Music by Nickerson and Johnson. cn *■ much whether It ie enfuioed or not. Laugblln; NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE Admbskui ana no. the U In CITY OF 6N nnrkrl St.. Porilnnd, Tip. &<)c, 75c $: Jan25dtd* are nut allowed here when queen Merara. Unnn of and BELFAST, MAINE, While this condition remains true as to Orono, Hutchins, Jama dtt residence." A« she did not seem inclined Towle and Nason of the of the people, and there ex- Clifford, Pieros, GO. REFUNDINC I majority to leave he went on to threaten to have AND TELEGRAPH FOURS, ists a minority very Insistent that It Clangor. nov27 dtf ARTISTS’ RECITAL, her escort* d to ths gates. Judge of bis Dim* loan. not be enforced, we shall liot/scliiiinr II II, I vo- ahsll probably the dressed old Tuesday feeling when shabbily A MAINE LOilblEU COHN EH. I’cln »iil. no better enforcement than we are PREOr^T TWO MILLIONS A iiirg, get turned and the stood SALKS, laly around, queen Fulton mar- FOR BY under the of the cow. Mr. Berry Is trying to New York, January £8.—A SALE auspices getting revealed. This Is but one of many amus- i*o a t land a ONsm c 1.1 a. and Lack from n to roues sentiment to demand that have arltnn ket tlsh dealer just trip public ing incidents through MU AliTIIPR WHITING. Pianist. enforce- of In dress he ran across a Usherman In Tnsiet upon rigid and continuous the sovereign's love simplicity Maine say* Hundreds of Children and adults have worms gg MB. MYIION W WHI l N1. V. Jr.. Basso. work the sre for other disease*. Th** > and In this he is working along After the busy morning's that state who Is runntag a oorner Id but treated njinp- ge Tickets w ith reserved seats. 7 -. (hi sale at ment, art with a variable go fazes a frugal lunch. Notwith- toias indigestion, *p- Pressey, Jones & a Ileus, queen the n.*t breat h.nrd and JauJoiyih&F the line that promises any perma- lobster*, The Maine man anticipated SWAN & BARRETT it# font tongue offensive li. JK only the kitch- standing the resources of royal RiPANS full belly with occasional gripiufc* and pain* g- that her now felt, bought all tbe AND NERVOUS DISORDERS alxxit th* navel. heat and sensation in nent Improvement. t ens and the well-laden table shortage being FOR BILIOUS Stehiag 9| AUCTION SALES. the rectum ami about t be anus ••*•- h> avy and 9 likes to s?e before her, he oonld wbsn ths oatob was at as the majesty always lobsters such wind and Pain In Btomach, Banker*, dull; itching «f the noae; short, dry cough, eg she seta an of strlot moderation, of about Giddiness, Fullness after xnealB, Headache, grinding of the teeth, starting during sleep. 3f wide dlSerenoe between tbe Brit- example its best and managed to bold 1 The get and often *n convulsions. her own tavt** In food being of the simp- Drowsiness, Flushing* of Heat, alow fever, children, of the abandonment of These hs has in amb of Blotches on F. O. BAILEY & CO. ish aooount riplon lest The Is a great stickler for £5,000. Impounded Jiizzinees,Appetite, Costivencss, MAINE. queen the Bkin, Cold Chills, Disturbed Bleep. PORTLAND, acd that of tbe Boers, has probably old-fashioned observances at the royal "oars" bolding them for toe demand in Jabildu Kop Frightful Dreams aud all nervous and she Insist# a AEctioncers and Commission Merchant not escaped general obaervatlon. Buller table. In particular upon the New York market In the spring. He Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST ONE TRUE’S of cold viands on the WILL Cite RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. 4t! It to be Inferred that tbe Brltleb plentiful supply will no on bis stock now, pre- PIN WORM 'Ip,routn t.x'-bange Street. leaves though she rarelv takes plaoe prlos Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be sideboard, very the abandoned the mountain bvuanae water anything cold. The servants at Balmoral ferring to oarry his speculation to O. RAILiSX. C. tv. ILLKi man > tf wa> deficient and tho men were too much will never forget an oocaston when only end. chicken the side- WONDERFUL ELIXIR ths half of a cold giaced exposed to tbe Boer artillery. There Is jm la the beet worm remedy made. board. The royal mistress noticed the bWKUKN. It has been in ttar 47 year** ~-7 Intimation that he was HUbblAN BFIKb IN and effectual- net the sllgbteBt Affairs on the room. is purely vegetable, hsrtulr** state of entering National Bank t* a MEDICINE Casco it are act* Tonic, —The news- §\ Where no worm* present cat tbe Boer Infantry. De- Soon a bint to Princess blookholm, January C9 muc<>o* in,m- CHOOL of DRAWING and' PAINTING driven by she oonveyed .OF. aud correct* the condition of the ^ Thoy promptly aurmStok Mmmdmohm bowels. A 4 Boer Beatrice and Lady Kly to both ask for sre In tbelr 3 brane of the stomach and positiv* under tlio auspices of the spatches from the oarup. however, paper* becoming persistent and aval- and asked for the same For a Weak Btomach, Impaired Diges- f3 wireforConaSlpationalidBUIooanea*, BOCIRTY of ART, to cold chicken, from ths in all the common of PORTLAND cielm that the British were made demands for explanation gov Disordered Liver in Men, Women or MAINE. 7g cable remedy complaint* g herself. Li eat was the consternation, tion, PORTLAND, *■» children Price 8Sc. Ask your druggist for it. fs A LG KH V. ClKKlKU. Instructor. It la Children Tabulcs are without a surrender tbe hill by precisely tbe same the ernment in regard to tbe steps pur- Hlpans Ia l>r. 1. r. TUTU A Askar*. Me. life In char and the scene, g from cast, still-life and queen secretly enjoyed rival and they now have the largest sale of S* r**eW»r«s Wrtufor frer psmphl-' H Drawing cervants did not to Hnsslan 1824. RpseUltrminwnlfsr coal, oi and Ink. from still- tactics that were so auocessfnlly employed though the certainly suing relative the alleged any patent medicine In the a orld. Incorporated crayon pen painting re- g———g—aapaaacaamatnS life and life lu oil. water colors or pastel; figure Boer enioy the lecture they subeequenily wbo for eeveral week* are re- AMD S1KPLU9 at Mtjubn Hill, sharpshooters grad- spies past CAPITAL and every front ceived from the master of the household. composition comp-thlons day and been seen Indifferent *.» a. to IV.30 in. Pritlcisms Tuesd.ivs and na lr working their way up picking her life ported to have parts in., p. U'.’oen Victoria attributes long Terms mouth In advance. Tbrre would In the Fridays. $10 per oil tbe English defenders. and exoallent health largely to her prac- of Sweden, especially neighborhood A WOMAN’S FRIKND. 307 1-4 COXUHKM ST. jamUdll as time as was WANTED be little hesitation In bettering tbe tice of spending much of fortified plaoe*. The papers declare in the open air every day. In b«r A mee of bad Smith that RIP-A'NS win not bene- A BLKHSIXU I.OSG LOOKKU FOR. British account were It not for the fact poeelLle that If the report! are true, the govern- fit. U ) PA N'S. 10 for ft cents. ONE MILLION was her favorite reoreivtlon, are A\l) RKI.lt III. K. youth rtdlng may be h#u1 of *11 drtiggiato who willing MAFIC 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■— as made must address an lntl a »■ ‘A that Bnller’a despatch pub- and In hootland she has almost £livad on ment unequivocal to Mil a low priced ra«diciDo at moderate proOt- Throw oil all tear and anxiety. from any Tbi-T banlab naln and prolong life. lack refereDOe to his losses, an Now, of course, carriage matlon to Kuesla that such proceeding* eau»» whatavor. by min* one box only. By lic, any pony-back. One gives relief. Accept no substitute. rontlaoi.tUl. taken Its Rote the word R I P A'*** «>n the mail *2.00. All business strh'tly which rise to exercise has plaoa hvery must oeaee. There will probably be an packet. omleslon gives suspicion Bend ft cento to < h.-n.lcal Co.. No. 10 Bprooe DOLURS. TI1K GERMAN SIKDU AI. CO. Berlin. Oer- out In her Klpann morning her majesty goes 10 Box was oeneored the war office. In the on the enb- ft.. Hew York, for mouieuand i.OOu totlmoniala Aildiess. FORD. AND AGKNC Y. t at It by little often the farm Interpellation KILsdag nmny. pony chair, visiting K», rortlaud. Mo. janJdlm’ The Knack If the loeass were ont out what more and stables in the course of her drive. ject. Interest Paid on natural than to cut out reference to the kur nhnlr la ilrann h*f the beautiful donkey whioh w.ta purchased IlKxT AM) IIKAUMi 13 THK SOI Til lighting that cause 1 tbe loesvs. TIME DEPOSITS. Good is In ths south of France ty hie royal mis- In tlxo Pluo Belt. Of Printing tress to save him from lll-traatmenl. Could the artistic into the HCLLEH'K HKTHEAT. This In the name of v. gustix-mackib, m. d.. oi insight donkey rejnloee Draft* drawn on National Provluetal Jacko, and on holiday ocoaalons wears a The Attleboro Uouse Sanliariaui. prono»es “ art of all arts.” With Bailer’s (allure to relieve Lady- flank of Loudon, tu large or Laura southern preservative curious harness adorned with belle and Euglnud, to spend February ami Mar' ll in • mall amount*, for sale at current rates. •rnlth sad bis retreat aeross tbe Tugela Pines. N. C and In addition lo a parry ot her With us is not with two foxes' blushes hanging over the t hi rent Account* received on favor- printing own will lane cbar*e ot a lluilled l.um ends ble In the r of the fore- patient* probably prominence blinkers The great part able terms. of others who desire the benefits of this treat as an solicited from Indi- her mechanical—we it African He may con- noon of raob weekday Is devoted to busi- Correspondence t>eautlful climate under th* mmattal conditions South campaign. Around Bank* and ness, for no woinao lo the land gets | vidual*, Corporations, of renulue home life, experienced medical cate, art should be treated. tinue to command tbe army lb Natal, oilier* to accounts as well through more actual work In tbe coarse

~ I / ■ / t t ^ •HMOPf -XJL.SLI 1JL- CASE OF T w>f«u.>»ioPfc ifncMuinmmm. irii'oru.A'vror*, SUICIDE _ _mgcgixmoCT. WESTBROOK. SOUTHPORTLAND. PROBABLY _ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS OF Hn. Amelia Welch Took Her Owe High Tide Played Havoc With Life,

Things Yesterday. 83.—After a Whioh Maohlasport, Jaauvr Ladies’ Circles week's werk on theolreamitaaoeeattead- Ing tbe death of Mrs. Amelia A. WeJeB Are To Entertain. Ukci Wrrt Formed la Csatre of City of this town, tbe aatborltlee bake decided LIEBIG .ad Crll.ri Wtre Flooded. worn a a aa tbe M.iy •bat the oommltted suicide rranll of an attack of temporary la*aalty. k Tbe aololde theory, at first, waa do# o* COMPANY’S EXTRACT booth Portland taw ysstnrday on# held sod some bellorei that It wee a case of t|ia blgbait tide* for many a day and Excelsior Club To Give a Gentleman's of fonl play and tbat the woman wee ^ OF BEF,F. The has It playsd hovco with things right and Jp J* genuine strangled with a veil wblob aha wolf, blit c* Wt. If such tide* wan of frequent oo- ^ vCV been known 'round the world the Investigation bae shown that probably Night. we should have to eet to work ourrsnoq. to have beeo 03 the tbe veil, wblob le believed for over thirty years to obange oomplettly'onrsewhruge system saturated wttb chloroform wae need by Why hesitate if you are suffering from any of standard for It is or make up oqr minds that by the eter- quality. pure the woman bareall In oarrylng out a *03' nal Atneas of things tbe coming man and the following troubles? beef, free from all adulterations, rot plan for self dootruotlon. woman roost be born web-footcil. bcbool fat or It has Tide the It bee developed, moveover, that while without gelatine. High Along street from hist High on to Broadway, It wee generally understood that Mrs. THEY POSITIVELY CURE been selected the In fact this whole square, was a laka of recently by Welch waa In health she bad oom- Couchs Catarrh Shore. ta good Kidney Trouble use in Cape fair dimensions averaging In depth qul English government for plalned at times of not fooling well and Colas Astlima Liver Coinplaint 2 feet, while In soma of tba gutters water lihHxi Poison the field of the Brit- on several oooaelone had ei proceed tbe Crippn Worms hospitals oolleoted to the depth of nearly elx feet. Soro Throat I>iurrh‘ will regret to learn of the doth of hla gat Its work In In good shape. It carried with valuable information and household receipts baa been learned, wae one formerly need of Tlirnt. eldest C. Couaoae.who died loe straight evar the car trank and sub- 8ent FREE to son,John yes- by Mrs. Welch's mother and tbe member* any address. terday a. a resalt of margins Railway wbarf almost raaohed appeadloltl*. of tbe family had not seen It for soma Those who visit the Paris 1 be alarm for no school sounded the steps of the bontb Portland bonse. Exposition yes- years. SOVEREIGN REMEDY 00., K&SiMffiK:' will ilod in the of social lo this Peters brothers bad their oataiuaran department terday oily. xnsse racts laati lo id* wui mat id* in the United Mat?s a 'Jilt Lmllet' Circle of the Methodlat nioely blocked np for the winter along eecnciry. exhibit, ooat and vail had boon hidden by Ur*. of work that will tell of the ehuroh la to be entertained Wedneadajr tba short and it waa washed away and piece savings Woleh to b* use at bar oonranleno*. 1'h# banks of the frt .t; of Maine. The Urst evening by tbe following ladles: lira. rescued from being dashed to pieces position of tb* body and tbs veil Indicated -» > show Mrs.H lilas the breakwater by the hard- DIO YOU EVER glance at the work will the excel- Mary llezelton, H.MeLelloa, ■gainst only that the latter article had been Baturat> d lent handiwork of the State of Maine Adelaide P. lilaa Nettle De- est kind of work. Two of Mr.BlaledeU'a J (Iowan, with on month chloroform and plaoed tb* stop to compare tho present of the machine and Ml is Lillian lilea Sallle ecowg were sent floating down by the bl- operators typewriting beck, Parsons, to cans* death. double benefit liberal accident the oloser examination will tell of the Tba la oyole factory and the bridge near tbe old Springer. following programme Ccnoernlng tbe health of Urs. Welob II policies of today, with the history of the banks of Maine, to be rendered: Vocal eolo, Thomae F. dry dook was oavered with wa«*r. The old-time limited benefit savings appears that In one conversation with their conditions and the laws re- Smith; eolo, Mlaa Hlepeh Spear; akin bridge near the draw of tbe Port- technical forms before tho present piano friend* she bad oomplalned of fasting 111. Htlcu to them. vocal duet, Mlzsea Ida Lendlda Max- land bridge waa completely submerged PREFERRED In a letter written her sister, Mrs. O. This of work wbloh the Uuaile and we think bae been nd- piece banking well; piano aolo, Burgh; piano enough proof H. Neill of North lierwlok, Ms., about sent out on the and Mine Annie MoLellan and duoed to oonrlnoe every one that the entered the field. department Pullman, mandolin. Christmas, Mrs Welob stated that sb* la one of the J. H. Jr. bridge tender waa absolutely correct Saturday night, probably Hezslton, did not to live through tbe winter expeot It li Heller now mi neatest and mod attractive Mr. Cbnrlea Binkley of Gorham played when he eald yesterday, "This la tbe i pamphlets and requested Urs. Nelli, In oaae any- WE DID IT. of the sort ever sent out of the State. It tha at tha Westbrook Congrega- highest tide w* have aeon around heie organ thing should happen to take her young Is In to a oall William F. tional chureh Tha congrega- for years, response by Sunday. son to North Berwick aod exerolse a Vow Nearly all the other companies have the of the edu- tional elnglng was led Mr. been forced by the Pur k.rkkd com- Willoughby, speeial agent by Temple HIUU WAVES AS WELL. mother’s oar* over him. Friends of Ur*. The Kind Yon Have and which lias been petition to followltho leader—The PREFERRED, cation and social economy department H. Snow. Always Bought, —but it sl.inds iu to If the tide was high en tbe Cape aide Welob living here state that at time* she the insurin public hand of the Statse Tbe Ladlaa’ Circle of the Westbrook in use for over 30 has homo the of patronize tho company—'/'Ac j'ltFFF/tRFf>— United commission, asking a feared If years, signature so were waves as well. Quite delega- had been heard to aay that she that niatlc the other companies [lice the Mr. Tlmterlake to furnish of ehuroh will be enter- has been made under his something Congregational tion from lha olty went to tbe Cape Col- she should live longer she would become and per- public double benefits and liberal con tracts, the sort in regard to the Maine tained Wednesday evening by tbe follow- Savings age to wateb tbe breakers whloh were Insane. sonal supervision since its infancy. banks. He asked that all be for ing ladles: Mra. Frederick W. Freeman, ready klokad up by tbe heavy southeast wind, Allow no one to deceive you in this. the commission by February as Mr. Tlm- Mrs. Daniel Holmes. Mrs. Allan T Ski!- nnd were well repaid for the eight waa OBITUARY. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- berlake explained that by the returns re- ]lngi,Mre. J.Clark Soatae and Mlaa Clara a grand one. The early visitors were periments that trifle with nnd endanger the health of C. F. DUNLAP, ceived, he could not give full lnforma Slnipaon. Supper will be served at 6 tho most favored ones as the surf was at JUDGE A. FRYE. Infants and tlon earlier. o'clock to be followed an entertain- HICHAHD Children—Experience against Experiment. State any by Its best about U o'olock In tho morning Agent, Th* of the Maine ment. Klehard A. purnosss savings as later oo the wind veered around to Bethel, January a#.—Judge banka are tlrst of all given, then the past The various committees of tbe Kxcelal- Fry* ot Bethel, died Sunday moralsg at 86 EXCHANGE and prerent conditions of the banks are the northeast after whloh aot quite so STREET, or club are making extensive prepara- about 12.30 o’cluok. What is CASTORIA reviewed. In this are given the table* ■nook snsrgy was expended on our Imme- Forlliiutl, He. much the earns Information tions far "gentlemen's night." whloh Is containing diate ooast. Castorla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops dec2l podtr and in the same form that Mr to ha observed 14. Tha elub la Hon. Hlobard A. was born In arranged February Fry* Pleasant. It limberlake has them or his annual re- WHAT DID THEY MEAN. and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and to meet February I with Mra. Creaaay, liethel, July 22, 1820. He was tbe eldest ANMAI. STUEMtNT port. Tables may contain much Infor- contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic State street. "Women’s No one is disposed to question the hon- son of Hon. Frye and Lola mation, but unlese the man making Subject, Organ- William of and Herbert substance. Its is Its It destroys Worms them.makos compilations showing plain- izations." esty Mr. Ferguson Cole, I'wltcbell Frys. Uls father waa tb* first age guarantee. AETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, are no us Diarrluea and Wind ly these facts thsy of whatever but If tome peoplr had allowed the milk lawyer who osma to Bethel with a view and allays Feverishness. It cures to the public. Mr. limberlake HARTFORD, CONN. general and cream from MoClatn’s pnng to be of settling here Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation has set forth all these tigurts and faots On the 31 at day of December. 1«99, made to WOODFORDS. the on the oor- of was eo that everyone can understand ami find dumped right by hydrant Uls son, tbe subjeot this sketch, and Flatulency. It assimilates the food, regulates the tho State ot at a inf:. what he desires to know about the ner of High nod Sawyer streets, where eduoatoa In the common eohools of Bo'.hel Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ami natural sleep. I ucorporutnl I Hilt. laine banks of the and t. Commenced llnstnesn I h |*». iust past preseo there la a perpetual flow of water, the and at (Jould academy where he fitted for The Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. 'Ihe laws governing savings banks in F. and A. No. 183, Children's \YM. B. CLARK. I’rcs. W H. KING, Secy Deerlng lodge, M., olroumstance would have been He studied law lo the otlioe of Maine are with • index. certainly oollege. given marginal held a ooramnnloa of Woodfords apaclal some fact A more comprehensive and oomplet? viewed with snsplolen Tbe hts father and wae admitted to tb* Ox- CAPITAL PAID t P IX CASH, *1.000,000 tton on Saturday at 7 30 o’clock work could not be Imugined to be placed evening remains, bowevsr, that on Saturday af- ford bar In 1866. Uls father lo GENUINE dying December l»90. in the spaoe of about 40 sheets of at lonlo hall to work tha M. M. CASTORIA ASSETS. 31, large degree ternoon uear MlesUattle Uutoblna' house succeeded to hie lbo4, Judge Frye practice Estate owned the typbwrltten copy. one candidate. Refreshments were Real by Company, upon on oollleloa with some As for the meohanloal work, it took the Dyer, street, by and at once foond hlmeslf In the midst of unincumbered. $230,000.00 and visitors from tbe and skilled and hands of Assistant served present oity, wbo were Messrs. Fergu- Loans on Bond .Mortgage (first practiced boys coasting, a large business. \ o Examiner W. li. Kills and Mi*£ the South Pot Hand and Yar- liens). liowe, Westbrook, son and Cole were tipped out uf the pung In 1831 he was nominated for United Mocks and Bonus owned by tho stenographer ol the department, to do mouth. the month of February Market During and tbe horse dashed on and oontlnued on States senator tbe Democrats and re Company. Value.11,420,613.83 the work used a c!ul machine by Loans secured Collaterals. ll.toouo They sp< after tbe annual communication on Mon- by on some parts of it. Everything is per- bla mad career until brought to a stand- oel ted the full support of bis party but ash in tlm Lo.np.iii>'* principal the lilth Inst a ladles' will be ortlee and in bank,.. I fect in its design and oonstruotlon. The day night still on the oorner tne was Bon. Wm. F. 70?,9l«; Jest mentioned, defsatsd by Fry*. 723.38 n-Md is 13 by eight Inches in size, In of the uaaal in- Interest due aud accrued.. given pluoe publlo oontents of tbe pung being eoattered to Premiums lu due course ot collec- CperIng out eipt dally for the work by stallation of others. A entertain- MAINE PENSIONS. 635,466.53 dinner, tbe four winds as Indloated. tion,. Lorlng, short & Hannon. It is of a very previously ment and whist are being arranged bv 89.— The follow- beavv texture, resembling parchment. No other damages resulted. Washington, January Aggregate or all the admitted Assets All enclosed lu a at the end of tbe committee. from tb* Issue of ot tne a their actual binding CUD WUHTH-VANCE. ing ohanges, resulting Company tied a red Kind You Have value.$1.1,019,411.20 black with The The Westbrook Klectrlo and Pow- rnorocoo, neatly Light January 15, are anaooncedi Always Bought' silk cord. On the front cover the iu Mr John who has been board- LIABILITIES. December 31, 1800. er company la replacing He four pin orose Vanoe, sorlpt’on: Savings b unke of the State OXIOIHAL. Net amount of Looses and Railroad ing wltb Mrs. Shannlng, Kolghtvllle, In Use For Over 30 Years. Unpaid of U. S. A." arms on tha Portland oompany'a Claims. $411,633.33 Maine, John F. Arnold, National Home, TT MURRAY NIW for tbs past two years, was married last ▼ HP COMPANY. STRUT, YORK CITY. to re insure With this handsome piece of work was poles on Forest avenue between Deerlng 60. Amount required safely of 'l’ogus, ail outstanding risks 3,278,854.82 sent the reports of the departiusnt from PoiDt and Woodfords with six pin arms Wednesday to Mist Leila E. Culwortb 1KCRKASX. All other demands against tne Com- lbfcO to date In complete form. The was to give room for mure wires. Portland. oeremony performed pany, viz; Commissions, etc. 171,307,98 January 17, Lorln McKean, British Vice Consulate John B. Keat- by Ksv. Smith Baker, D. D. Tbe groom Bpeolal, FRENCH LECTURES AT HARVARD. East StoDsbam, !8< to 530. SpeoJal Janu- Total Liabilities, except Capital Is in the ollice of the Uerlin ing baa been suffering from a severe at- employed ary 117, James Crookett, Norway Lakr, / Stock ail-1 Net 8u> pill*. 3,861.793.11 The Frenoh writer chosen a9 the third actually pud up in cash,— i.ouo.ouo.mi tack of at hie home on Mills Co,, as a stenographer. Mr. and 510 to 617. Capital annual lecturer of the Cercle Franoals lumbago Highland surplusbeyondLapIt.il, 5,157.613.07 Vanoe will reside on Cedar street, Woodfords highlands. Mrs. street, ORIGINAL, WIDOWS. *TO. de 1'Unlverslte Harvard'2 to speak before amount of Liabilities, Mrs. William H. Maumau of Bath has Portland, after their return from a wed- Aggregate Harvard University, in 1100, is the poet Adeline O. Webber, Belfast, )S. includiug Net .Surplus,.$13,019,411.20 been bar brother Rarry B. ding trip. Monsieur Henri de Kegnler. M. de Keg- visiting Woodfords LOSS HALF MILLION. nler Petere, Linooin street, High DOW & will deliver eight lectures on Charles Wilson an of Cole PINKHAM, Agents, lands. employs New York, January 29.—Tbe seven “Frenoh Modern Poetry," beginning who has been elok for several Uaw3wTu_ and Mrs. Fred of Dear Bros., days, In Cherry street, campled March 1st. Dr. Huntington story building eras able lo be at work yesterday Wakelleld log avenue have been recant visitors In by tbe Ueywood Brothers and Second Term Feb. 1st. Mr. iienri de Kegnier was born at Miss Florence Merrlman hae again en- Begins Boston. » Manufacturing oompany as a ohalr fac- Hontleur, near Havre, Francs, on Decem- tered tbe employ of Cresssy, Jones & Tbe annual roll oall of tbe Woodfords tory, was destroyed by fire today, during ber 28, 1861. His first verses were pub- In Portland. cbutob will be held this Allen, tbe of a lleroe gals whlid made lished in November, 1885, under tbe title Congregational L. R. Cobb, former superintendent at prevalence evening In the vestrjr of tbe ohuroh. Hup tbe work of tbe Uremeu extremely diffi- of "Lee Lend,-mains." This was fol- tbe bloyele feotory bas been spending s per la to be served followed by a social cult. lowed, the year after, by another ^work, day or so 1a Boston. evening. The burst!ag of a tank on the roof of UNIVERSITY “Apaisem ent." This debut was not un- 'Tbe alormy weather of yeeterrtuy pre- TANGIN Polloe (Ulioer K. it. Brown of the tbe building whlob precipitated lb.OOO noticed, but k was only In 1887, with tbe vented the ueual work on the government Woodfords station Is suffering with a of water upon tbs Ure raging be publication of a collection of sonnets en- fcrtltinatlona. gallons lame caused a fall on the loe, re- neath It generated so much steam that PREPARATORY titled “dices," that he attracted tbo at- leg by Mre. Blake has been entertaining her ceived last Haturday while walking along the walls burst. tention of tbe literary world. U. de sister on B street. Lawn street. Tbe loss on tbe building and Its oon- Kegnler belonged to the group of young , Mr. llelman recently slipped on tbe OAKDALE. tsnts which were ooiupletaly destroyed, le SCHOOL. pcets that received tha name of “Decad- loe and was pretty thoroughly shaken up estimated at t&cO.OcO. ents' or this name stunned. “Symbolists," last Dlrlgo Literary club met with Alles and cotnenbat A School for Boys, attached to those Ward of Dlddoford ton being permanently Uawos Friday afternoon. After n very Harry spent Jay TUHJ.K DWELL1NUB BUHNKD, who reoognizdd Paul Verlaine and lessen In tbe of Maine with his family here. for Har- Mallarmn as leaders. Interesting bietory Eaatport, January 2*9.—Three dwellings l’upila successfully prepared £tephane Resolutions have keen of rasper t other classical M. de Kegnlar ie a versatile writer. adjourned to meet with Mrs. H. K. John- patted were burned during tbe heavy gale title vard, Vale, llowdoin and In to his lie in to the of tbe late Ueorge C. addition pot-ms published, son In two weeke. memory morning, the oooupanta esoaplng In their and scientific courses. 1895, a series of stories “La Canne de Masoinomo I. O. Mrs. E. W. Morol'y and; Mrs. Georgia Mountfort by Tribe, olotbes. One bonee waa owned .School ‘.ISO State St. Jasp," and another one In 169.*, “L night rooms, tbe H. of KnlgbtvUle. Trefle Diane," He contributed, both in Harris of Portland have been guests M., and oooupled by Mrs Edward hump, Apply to the Priucipal, Mrs Jennie Barnet le having her verses and prose, to tbe uioit Important of Miss Hawes tbs past week. Mrs. Her Pope another by U. E. Capon aad occupied by ItCV. T. E. CALVERT, HI. 4., or reviews of the avaut-^ards altered on the outside. magazines rls Is a wall koovva hamorous writer. house considerably Lorlng Crots and tbe third owned and :t<> State St. or new movement. He contributes to been L. Falmouth street, Mr. Harry Reague of D street has Turner. Tbe Ion tbs "Kevue de Deux blondes," and to Mr. Kulpu Merrill, oooupled by Alneley Tel. »St!-5. jan2;itoddw elok for a few tbe "Kevue de Pails," and also t» several who Lit the (list of the week for a busi- days. on the buildings and contents Is 13,030; are o important papers literary articles over ness trip to jTroy, Albany, Syracuse, Tbe Cape farmers banting large insuranoe $11.00. his which are signature highly appreciat- Buffalo and New York arrived home amount of bay through Knlghtvllle. This ed. olty, oocaslonsd ths Inorease In prloe. MANHATTAN PUT'S IN. The Frenoh Academy awarded him thib Haturday evening. Mrs. Italpb L. Merrill Is by 89.—The JUST year tbe Prlx Vitet, for his works. and little daughter Helen have epeut the Provlnoatown, Mass., January TO MRS. STEVENS. bound from Portland past week with her parents, ex-Mayer RECEPTION steamer Manhattan A LARUE HEATING CONTRACT. this Wm. W. Merilll, Veranda street. East Boston, January 29.—In honor of Mrs. for New Yoik, put In here morning Tbe firm of Oren Dons is outside Hooper's Deerlng. L. li. N. Stevens of Portland and Miss for harbor. Tbe rough weather RIGHT to the front in tbe heat* rapidly comlug Mr. Balden A. Sterling, Fessenden Anna A. Cordon president and vloo presl • ntinued all tbe forenoon. aod lines. have t lollies log plumbing They just has been quite ill with one of the dent at of the national W. O. T. ~ in every particular—tlio street, large akkival of m. CAM BON." been awarded, in competition with num- There no Haws dlsagieeable oolds so prevalent. U., a reception wm held In the vestry of we make. are erous Doit^n and Portland the New January 89.— Among tbe conoerns, the Park street ohuroh this afternoon. York, here and there, same as you find in eontraot to install the steam who arrived tonight on the heating ap- All the lower door of the church was paesengers tho “ready-made.” If you buy MOKRILLS. from was paratus for the new sixty room betel ut A short or steamer La Normandl Havre, thronged with guests. addroee woolens, you Ret Woolens. Tho Brldgton. We understand that the price Katherine M. Juice Cemhon, French ambassador to weloome was given by Mre. la. ElninB* are Perfect and every was la tbe neighborhood of $1 500.09. a was the United Staten Mtavenson and response _ graoeful The seat of Nervoui Diseases Is at base of brain. seam and button is sewed to stay. are to be held over the remelue Prayers Stevens. When the uerve cells at this point waste, atcrribln made by Mre. BODIES FKOM PHILIPPINES. to show tho mate- BUBONIC PLAGUE BREAKS OUT. of the late James D. Chenery, at 3.8J decline of the system occurs. Nervous Debility, Pleased you Shelter Varicocele,Failing Memory, Pain in Bade 2D.—The o’clock from hie late Waverly ELECTION CASE. Washington. January 29.—Ueu. Atrophy, rials. Washington, January Secretary realdenoe, CONTESTED Dyspepsia, Insomnia. Ktc., are symptom* of thin has the war department n it of the Navy has received tha following street. The burial Is to occur at Lowell, January 99.—Tho Honse telegraphed condition. Neglected, resulUiuParesis, CHp Washington, of 165 soldiers or Palmo Tablets from Admiral com- Mass, oomplete llat of remalne lusanity, Consumption. IJUva cablegram Schley, j election oommlltee number two, today ills the Starred from the cure these by renewing; ._ Atlantic station: Amass Gobb who has been brought to Han FranoMco CUrlS weaknesn manding the South Mr. quite an In tbe cells, all drains ana replacing renobed Informal agreement on ttao tranilHiet Oily ol F«- checking a Phtlipplnwi ess. "Puerto 28.—Bu 111 at his home North with bad W, L. Enssnda, January Deerlng contested eleotlon oats uf bodies that are not card7 Whlta-Boorlng kin. All of there ie to be cold le now to be with or friends far 4« FREE STREET. bonlo plague officially reported reported suffering Kenkuoky, favorable to Mr. Boaring, Re- elalmad bylralatlvaa private jtlWUS-MIILITY. con- will be hnrled In the National epidemic at Rosario at a distance of 190 Hrights disease. Hla condition is publican, the eitting member and a re- Interment ME. TTAS jtntfeodti the Presidio at Ban Fmnolaoo. C.U. QUPPV A CO., AGENTS, PORTLAND, ■lies, Squadron, Montevideo." sidered quits erltioal. port to tho street wdo ordered. oemetery nt i [ WWW AOTIWTHMUin. Mr. Hoar of Makutiirta regardn tba One performance of Hoailot to recant MUSIC AND DKAMA. at tatenae cf the Brltlah esatul aa my Is well rsmsaebared, bat tbs poltUs CRITICIZED $11. JIASOS. years “aa attaek la fast odob the romance. serious bob s to prefer klo lo oifm BURTON HOLMSS IN MANILA. oharactar of a United State* Senator and Bearing, seetons rotas and personality l»l»» •» the eerie* to be upon tba Amertean people." listened to The opening lrrerocably mark him as o romantic In- ♦ him that aa tba mtttar had teea brought Inflammation. by Mr. Horton Holme* at City and Sle prodostlon la out of trtrf hundred arePains enured by, or accompanied with, given terpreter, present 90 of thi* week. ofTiolally to tha attaatloa of tba Banats It Tha relief and cure of Inflammation Is glean by JOHNHON'I* Mali on Thomday oomlng said to ba Ike aeoet aacoeaeful of kla en- quickest British Vice Consul referred to tbe oa or as tha care no vlalted ought to te committee ANODYNE LINIMENT, rllhrr internal!y rrternaVy raqnlras. Win be on ’’Manila,” reoeotly tire career. Wltboot any deetre to la- foreign relaMone an that committee might It la pleasant to takr, dropped on eager, and tha relief It glees when rubbed by him. do I In wholeeale eulogy. one most go Called to Account. to the attention of tba President on tha surface 1e sure and swift. At any time of year It cures ooltc, cramp, While be will not enter Into any dle- bring It Ur. Uantell lo onqnallllsd terms bruises, burns, In fall prates It te a diarrheas, cholera anorbua, bltae, stings, chafing. of tbe or wrongs of expan- Ha thought might proper ground enralone rights for the he has brought to bear upon and winter It cores colds, coughs, croup, ratarrh, bronchitis, la grippe, good for tbe mvaoeMoa of tbs British eoasul'a sion, bl* leitjre will graphically plotnr* of He takes a manly lamensas, muscle soreness and pain and Inflammation. JOHNHON'I* tba stage today. It life In tbla ezquatur and perhaps might properly and for tie fights anil erenen of dally view of ble art and baa never faltered la ANODYNE LINIMENT haa bren In constant ore, day night, a of to naw be made enbjeot representations meat dlstsoaied all our potfevalona the maintenance of Its dignity. This of Urlttln tbe surrounding Took to in the tba gevernmeat Great While In Manila and •ssaon he le under tbe able management Exerptions Speech Bobr then moved tbat tba matter ba took lanamerable photo- Mr. ooontry, of U. W. Hanley, one of the most ax- wblob Senate. be referred to the oommlttee on foralg a graph! and many motion plotnroa perlsnoed of amusement caterers. them end relatione. are the only one* a* yet token KICK’S COHKDIANS. Cont orting Mr. lioai azpraaaad his re- which will add Immensely to the realism Department this week that Mr. Mason bad mads bla Im- and on a remedy that has been handed down from of tb# Illustrative feature of the lecture. The Portland theatre offers gret 90You oen trust depend Years households that are: wbo their In- attack upon a friendly natlor. mother to danghUr and to great grandchildren In the The of these motion plotoiea Hlce’a Comedians, gave passioned Portland. an, taoo. subject New men ami women. Taouary It waa natural tbat Mr. Maaoa'a bays tha magnificent race of England end Stewards at 11m quarters on itial last ovenlng present- Hoar It a quits produced Crew performance Mr. Regards Un before Maine was entitled kindly sympathies should ts strongly In the Hints of Mains where It was originated years the ''Kmpress of China",—Cooling the ing a Western drama "Kagle’e 11Y risk a said the brave Beers admitted to tbs Union, It la to-day tbs most popular household remedy In Nasaakl lieibor, This which was written •tlrrad be by strug- "Krvpress of China” Nest.'’ play, Serious Matter. and Its salsa are Increasing. Now nssd every where. la cli- gling against a great umpire but tha Sen- —lb* Olympia In liong Kong Hailor by KJwlu Arden, abonnde strong wetting a of tbs on the which are relieved by momenta ate waa part diplomatic power of from a moving lnucoh.-Unn drill maxes when umbrel- a this and If stash utternnoes Balt lx ore,—Panorama of tbe l’aalg River of light comedy, affording throughout government and were mads hart, ha doubted tha efOsnoy so Manila,— s-treet tro sings and oanala, well balenoed pleasing performance. las cost little? Aside work of the oast Is oer- on Great of any offers of mediation tbat might be Manila,—Ninth U. S. Infantry crossing The average Depreciates Attacks from the immediate dis- we above tbe made by tha United States. the fcr dgo of Spain,—The Carahao,—Cera tulnly no to, and think, " Manila lire ns a repertoire liritian in Senate. “It does seem to m«," said Mr. Hoar, Write fbr our took on Treatment fbr Diseases.r Eras by mall. van of Carabao oart*,—The average usually given et-paga comfort there’s positive 1 bo a to amuma. 1 MASS. department,—A cook ligtt —A military companies. As a whole, ws oommen “to logical position I. g, JOHNSON A CO., S2 Custom House •«., BOSTON, note the Imper- base hoped tbat tba time would coma in train, nnd De’endlog an enithwork, tbe the notion and especially danger damp clothing when either mediation between lilt at latter plotures all having teen taken in sonation of Charlec P. Hloe In the loading and he who ventures eome of the Britain and the Transvaal should ha Manila and tbe sorroundleg country. role of Jack TatlL I He kaa at Cree- a romantic Jana 29.—Senator Ma- n tiered by tbe government or tbat tba abroad in a rain Icon re ycur oouiee tickets now traltc of the wild Wicterner.lc Washington, ary pouring would be ticket* actor and makes think that you are of Illinois, arose lodey, position of tbe Amsrloan paopla sey. Jones & Allen’s. Kvenlng you son, Hepublloan undefended and unpro- brush. to a node so dear as to about pesos. I now on eels. In the atmosphere of the cage soon after the Senate convened ques- bring U excellent Id hie oonredy and attacked tbs suppose tbs attitude of tha paopla of tbe tected the that JAN 11 j A. HKKNK. Ur. Hlegelts tion of privilege sharply by safety United States toward those of Great parte, and Mien Clara Langley lo the British government and the British vloe James A. Heine, beft known by tbs attaobment and an umbrella is un- role of Knee Milford, wac Indeed swe«t consnl at New Orleans because of an In- nrltaln la one almost of gives as eotor and playwright. Is, among public and The minor characteri- terview In which the vloe consul had as- love.” wise. One of our show bis own synrpathetio. t,be members of profession, a said tbat If Great Britain zation were In competent hands and sailed Mr. Mason for the position be had Mr. lloar as a director, and filled moat admired stage of tba were In tbe contest aha windows is large audlenoe were apnreoletlre taken In he hall of the Transvaal republic wrong present fairly InstiLO o- lu dramatic ert and aotlng. many good points In the performance. In lie war with Orest, Britain. Mr. Ma- waa regarded by pairlotlo people preolaely with them a hint A ll9t of the celebrated discov- today, players a list of aa woald their own Tbe company glvee us good son attacked not only ths consul hot ths they regard govern- ered nnd developed by Mr. Uarne would of what the um- Last night Mr. Hlcketts of Orent Britain In levying war mttni If they were wrong. He did net be- great If all the names specialties. policy be Interesting Indeed, tha dootrlns was applauded In his oomedy, an Inferior nation. lieve, be eald, la “my the reader. warmly upon brella here could we spread before and did not department songs and monologue and the sketches of Massachusetts, ooantry, right or wrong," laroons anil Mr.Boar, Hepublloan Many are the ooropanle* " to It an of Frey and Kvane were oatohy features. thought the consul's purported remarks think tha people believed la It. has offer. presents numerous are tte anocesses that great a Mr. said tbat The boy eoprano, Measier Willie Foster, so serious that the matter ought to be In- In brief epeeob Lodge have beeD moulded nnd polished to IDs array of umbrella novelty to excellent adyentage In Illus- the but at the about three years ago tbe Spanish minis- this ubls master of tbe appeartd vestigated by government, winning point by Rico's Come- resident In bad made an is to astonish trated songs, and altogether same time, he deprecated any attaok up- ter, Washington, that likely stage. last on Senators. "I that at- dians scored a success evening. on Oreat Brltalo, with toe people of oattack regarded Mr. Herne’s last oontract.ln this branch you, and when the actual This afternoon "For Old Love's Sake,” which the Amerloun people ought not art was In Israel /.ang- of bis staging be attention of tbo and "His Frleno’a Wife," will pro- to live In peace, but as loving and proper and I oalled the values are wlU s “Children of tbe Cheito,” for ooly compared duced, to be followed tonight by "Tbe devoted friends. Senate to It. Lie bier Ac Co. (his own managers by tbe with the at which Phoenix." Mr. Lodge, Kepublloan ot aiassaonu- "Spain was then engaged la pressing prices wey, row.) et the Hereld tSq. Theatre, AUTISTS KKCITAL. arralgaed the British oon- tbe life oat of Cuba, but tbat was not tbe umbrellas are New York, just before coming to Uoeton setts, sharply really good reason I 1 tbe attention Ar.ont the Artists recital which will aul for bis atteraooea against a United spoke. thought 10 prouuce Uia U«U kjan-um SOIC1 me vvuuuer Port- believed It not of tbe Senate ought to be oalled to tbe giuwa, of the artiat Will to giren under the ausploes of the States Senator and ought II la lateav play great believe tbe the to be subject beoause I did not half a hun- be seen here on tbe of Friday and land iloislnl olub, Friday evualng, lightly passed. for night* bad a example, aamsnanav Anmmutltfl um Drift 1 Democrat of Bonth Caro- diplomatic cr ooneular olllnlale and Saturday matinee at the Mr. Xtllmnn, EatJrday In a man- dred sorts at delivered a foroefnl and char- rlgbt to attaok Senators such $i.oo. Jefferson. cent: lina, quite W. lit naw acter! silo ou the Philippine ques- ner. I bave not ohanged my opinion, GLEE CLUB Mr. Myron Whitney. Jr., speech Good cloth for the cover- BOWDOIN COLLEGE a of whlob we to In thle tile lyrlo voloe In tion In whlob he maintained that this ibis Is matter ought CONCERT. singer city. the Flll- take It Is no Letter oomli g steel frame, steel hie singing lest evening has given all government ought to extend to cognizance. ings. The Bowdoin College Glee, Mandolin the from a Urttlsh consul than from a who hoard him a lasting impression. tie rluos the right to govern themaelvea, handsome handle, and Guitar clubs, will give a conceit In the minister." rod, le a great singer.—Uallimore| American, United State! guarding thsm against Spanish the Y. M. O. A. hall, Wednesday even- Mr. Mason bat so vehe- and in Feb. 3, 1891). aggression of other nations. replied briefly close rolling ap- January 31. to the made by Mr. Uoar, ing, Mr. Whimsy has a delightful fresh, mently points almost the This olnb Is one of tbe beat that tbat Mr. Platt of said I year's remnant voloe. tile straightforward, After some routine business today Mr. Connecticut, pearance ever the college and stands "I do not want to let thle ooeas'on represented u'indicted style ef singing Impresses the Pettigrew presented a resolution calling pass equal of the average amon< the first In New England, liefch without agalast the btarer at onos that the singer Is an artist upon the Prealdent If not Incompatible entering my protest the vocal and Instrumental music iu ahum of tree In the United Stales five dollar kind, strong wfth untomtded powers, lie has a grset with publlo Interest to Inform the Senate speech Cure E a very manner, 'fho" solos are pleasing before him. tioltlmore If or Samoa bad been consulted Senatu,” _ Constipation! a earner News, the people to withstand gcoX enough exooptionally Feb. 3, 1899. with reference to the recent treaty regard- The matter was then referred to the -If have i sour stomach, coated tongue, Frofesaor William R. Chapman of New you of wind and ing the Samoan Islands. Xhe resolution oommlttee on foreign relations. || gale imper- Fes- Green York, director of tbe Maine Musical Portland, Jan 2, 1103. resolution ot of foul breath- you need went over. The Mr. Pettigrew dizziness, headache, j|| vious to the most in areoent said: are per- tival, interview, "Speak- To my fellowmen and all those who Xbe Senate then an order South Dakota, declaring food produote ■ adopted pre- Mountain Pearls. are a purgative^ T ing vC college glee clubs, 1 want to tell 1 take this of In- They gei'.’'e. slok end suffering way sented by Mr. Alllaon of Iowa deciding not to be contraband of war, wsa then re- sistenl uuur: that 1 never listened to a more pleas- an old and will cure~Uis- pwiw—aH> yon forming you of my niarvslous restoration to to the election of a secretary ferred to the committee on foreign rela- physician’s prescription, the proceed || ing entertainment than that given by have beau a fearful euflerer for The same to health. I and sergeant -at-arms of the Senate. tions, after a brief epeech by Mr. Petti- orders of the liver, stomach and bowels. These $i.co. Bowdoin Glee, Mandolin and Gnitir all If for the pest ten years, whloh you Mr. Allison then In succession pre- grew. to all Clubs the other night. Both the Glee called Little Pills are in their action ■ description applies know, with that terrible dleeaes sented resolutions, first, that Charles U. Mr. Carter presented a oonferenoe re- Pearly thorough and the Mandolin Clubs are exceptionally been treated and that Xlo Douloureux. I have Bennett of New York bs sleeted secretary post on the oenene administration bill and will not the others, except but 1 that I never heard positively gripe. got d, think on tome of onr beet pbyelolnoe, f| operattd by of the Senate and saoond, that Uanlel M. and It was agreed to. the cost ones are such delicacy of shading and finish In for me U cable higher and there was no help Uansdell of Indiana be elected sergeant- A joint resolution granting permission AU druggists hare them, ms cents, or mmlled bjr of instruments. any similar combination eat or or do any cosiness; never In of a finer have to sleep, at -arms. for the erection Waahlugton t ST. ALBANS REMEDY CO.. St. Albans. Vt. of material, 1 did rot befoie realizs that there was ip or I was b»- free from pain, day night, After an agreement was reached that monument In honor of Samuel Hshno- much real music in mandoJiiiB and more elaborate handles yond all medloal ala or aaeletanov, given tbs ollloers would net take their places mann, wee passed. Culture." last and up to die. As ray only chance, until February 1, the resolutions were At 1.68 p. m., Mr. Tillman took the or excel in some other 8. It. ROBERT MANTELL. I called on Paul Castor, a, spec- adopted without dlvLlon. floor and made a speech on the Philippine W. PERKINS & CO. all obronlc diteaaea at his Wholesale Agent-JOHN fairweather virtue, In his new play, "The Dagger and the ialist in olUoe, Mr. Mason of Illinois, rose to a question question. It was a vigorous deuunolatlon quite and In three Cro a,” which Robert B. Mantell will No. €22 Congress street, of personal privilege. He bad read a of the administration's Philippine polloy. unimportant in a rain- and Thurs- months 1 found myself In better boalth the British Ue denied that tbe blood of the soldiers 1 .. present here next Wednesday newspaper Interview with ■ have been for 20 and 1 know I storm, but one, day nigbta at the Jefferson theatre, Mr. than 1 years, ecnsul at Nsw Orleans. In the Philippine* was upon the heads ot adding ■ ■ • • ■ own In the past up to OUR Mantell has onoe again proved hie claim by my expelience Xhe oodsuI was quoted aa saying that those who opposed Imperialism. The two, three or four dollars he Is the man to rank the exponents of the present time, that only the British waa disgusted with President of the United States by negoti- I emeng greatest publlo met thul did me to the Umbrellas romantic drama that the stage lias that 1 ever give any per- the position taken by the Amerloan peo- ating the treaty of pesos and “baying the price. au manent relief and, what I aaw him do as- known. Mr. Mantell la essentially ple nod some of the Senators lo Congress Philippines" and tbore Senators wbo for men and women and disease dur- FIRE INSURANCE In the treatment of chronlo actor of e'ataio and romantic drama. Ills on the subject of the Brltleta-Xransvsai sist In ratification of the treaty were re- the three months that I was under and ing war. X'het position was assumed, the con- sponsible for tbe present war. IS THE boys girls. bis that I know that be doea care, posi- sul was quoted as saying, simply because Mr. Tillman said that the Uultsd cure all ao oalled Inourable disease* tively the Amerloan people were meroenary. States cannot govern any territory that 1 have seen them to him In am- brought Xoday they were favorable to tbe Boers does not belong to the United States and KIND. THIS WOMAN and after a few RELIABLE bulances and on beds, because they had achieved a little anooesa; where our flag floats tbe constitution and MOORE & CO. from this wonderful OWEN, w eeks treatment tomorrow they would be just as favorable the prlnclpales of tbe declaration of Inde- was restored to health YOU. and mighty bealer, to the British whan they bad aohlsved pendence most be In form. LET US DO THE RUNNING FOR And 1 would to all those again. say victory. Xhe oonsul considered aa partic- Mr. Tillman said that heretofore, tbe who aie elok and suffering, to go to him ularly bombastic the utteranoea of certain South had enjoyed the monopoly of shoot- A POSTAL CARD WILL BRING US. heal as ha and be healed. He will yon Senators and declared that when Senator ing and hanging men of the oolored raoe. T1IE (• BEAT n INTER word for it. Ue asked If tbe Northern had has me Take nobody's Mason the rots of a mountebank people adopted and wanted see and talk with grown envlons to emulate I shall be plaaaad to tbe “half olvlllsed" pec- and encourage their eiampla. If Otis' reports were oor- all those who are sick and suffering, by pie, ne Ulu so miupiy tor IUUS auu tur reot, we had already done to death fifty calling on me at my house, Ci2 Congress or sixty thousand and In three St. II rotes.1' Filipinos E. G. JONES & CO “a hundred years did not half ,13 Exchange Mr. Muon said tha oonsDl's utterance Spain spill that muoh blood. In contequence Mr. TELEPHONE jap2.-,codtf PIANO Yours respectfully, was scarcely worth attention exoept that T'Ulmin against “the oontlnu- 957-3._ JAMES H. GILSON. protested he was ons of tbs accredited representa- auoe of this unholy war." OF THE A«E«, IS THE Tbe Senate at S 04 went Into exeoutlve _ tive# of e great nation to this oountry. BTORM SEVERE AT HALIFAX. session. nrst deolared Mr. “It !■ not tbs tlms," oonoluslon of tbs exeoutlve ses- I Halifax, January A).—One of the heavi- At tbs Mason, “that a British diplomat hu at- sion, whlob was brief, the Senate re- est southeast wind aatl rain storms la CHICKERING. to run this oountry. So far u turned legislative business. After tbe here at this morn- tempted years ttrunk daylight * paeeage of two minor measures, the Sen- bis personal attacks upon ms aro con- Its strength of construction. ing. Tha gale lasted until this evening. ate devoted twenty minutes to nnobjeoted 1 have no oonosra. They do ms bills Its breadth and beauty of tone. aae work- cerned, pension bills. Twenty-three pension for a and Telephone and telegraph; wince of Applied divorce got it. honor. The more vsnomoos the attacks were passed sad then at 6 p. m., ths Sen- Ita delicacy and strength action. ing badly end reports have been received The reason for so would be the British ms and thorn who ate adjourned. Its majestic orchestral powers, doing was by upon from few places to far. There All combine to make It Uie strange us, but the Turk- think like me, the more wo are mads the thought by plenty warning of tha storm and It If not ish courts of her time considered her snbjeot* of British stupidity and absurdi- * thought that muoh lose tt shipping oo- and valid. ty, the sooner will aU the Amertaan peo- COMFORT. Pianos. grounds ample mrred en the coast. King Among get on the right olds of the controver- | What were owned ple ODr.Bulls It has taken more first medals than any they? The ne'w sohooner Olive Lonlae, gold sy- UklFCOUGH SYRUP other plant) in the world. Her husband refused to In Lunenborg, X. S., whloh sailed from supply oome *• th# ©•■“*»© I Every nook will be "Cheap men who to this oountry » COME AND SEE IT. her with coffee. here on Sunday for her horn# port, with Substitutes are a xnen- jp good In or oonsuJsr and pVv/ dlplomotlo capacity ace to the We do not think these a part general cargo, was driven sshore jr\/ public. They warm if have an 5: gounds mls-quote the utterances of Senators only are as os bats you nBlHff j Dear bar destination and went to please. plentiful sufficient for but if one finds at but are JONES & divorce, aooentuate the arrogance and cowardice I they A| CRESSEY, ALLEN. The crew were saved. The storm has ■M ■ driven off the re- chicory and other adulterations in of those by ATLANTIC now abated and steamers oan got to sea. people.” Downed Dr. Bull's ifHHl | Baxter Block. the coffee grounds at home, it will Mr. Maaon laid, that, aooordlog to the IljS- A ■ »^1~' Cough Syrup. gen- |»B3Bd«t_ often be found to be the LORD PAUNCEtOTK TO REIIRS. but Information obtainable the people of Alt ] ^ nine, honest remedy. ^^Aj - - primary Dr. Bull’s FURNACE I cause of term of tboee of Ireland and 86 cures domestic disaster. Washington, January At—Tha Scotland, per — Vi7l a \N coughs there s no the British ambassador oent of the of Amertoa were In Ig^Rt Good coffee is enjoyable, and Lord Panncafote, people Ml guesswork about No troubleto heat on CITY OF PORTLAND. la the Mr. Mason that. 1 tcuros them S; what is more, healtliful. to this oountry, will expire April, and sympathy with Boars. lMiK\ quick- -flSSSHP^ cured. It as no official Intimation has been received stated that he naked for no special defence WmM \ *-v' tt^dthey stay Good coffee can be had by any- VII I has cured coughs, large the coldest days. here of a further It Is supposed from the state department la this matter. Poller Examining Board. one who will Chase & Sanborn’s extension, HI \and small, for over fifty), g buy ser- of the ar- to have, he will retire niter nnother month's He Inquired what had beoorae l|fl years, and will keep right Easy to buy and pleasant FI1HK regular meeting of the Police F.xamln- Coffees. Their Seal Brand is used in held ou Janu- vice. The date of the ambaseatlor'e de- bitration that wu submitted to VM on curing them for years |s 1 lug Board will be Tuesday. treaty Build- the best families in the and to come. It’s a doctor’s our ary 30, 1900, at 7 Jo p. IB., at Room 8, City country, for will depend rntlrely the Senate. Be bad bun told that the V^H | Make an with parture England 1 a appointment jp ing. their coffees which come j^A prescription—not pat-1 8. C. PERRY, Secretary. high-grade on bis own wishes and oomfort His re- United States government could not lent medicine. j^A Why not Port land. January 20,1900. Jan.Jdtd packed in parchment-lined imported tirement 1*111 rusks llaron Kara, the mediate In tala war until that treaty had mi I get it today 7 Bo sura heating expert. §; A Dr. bags are unequalled in excellence, Italian ambassador, the daaa of the dip- been ratified. Be wanted tbat treaty |9H; you got Bull’s. medi- 1 Substitutes.4 Pure, perfect, carefully selected lomatic corps. ratlfled to that that barrier against Refuse ation should bs removed. IKi I A.C. Meyer &Ce„ NOTICE. and prepared, and what is more, it 1 Baltimore. kid. UEXEROUS UIKT. to the raeoln- is all in it in the "Mr. Mason than adverted ^>>■51 l Dr. Bulfi MU care coffee; nothing way New i».— At a meeting ■ST 1 TjuaritU'i* . £ thiadate. Dated January 22nd, A. D., MORTON. contributed fV 01 towards the fond of not be the ooinmlttee to make lUOa ELISHA E. fair, nrged 1M® Chase & Sanborn's Coffees. loO.OOO whloh he Is raising far tha ooilege. It fair.

1 MlUnCl.I.AlUKOUS. TOUT. chief to lb* Sim. Tha third, fourth aad ALCOHOL AS FOOD. _POKIALB._ SACRIFICES MADE. log. ertdsntlp on of in price*. HUMAN victims wars ot w ord. Having and* tba aeoent, ho etntahad Mh similarly disposed Forty words Inserted voder this head Forty lawrlMl nndrr this head drama omti week for 43 cm ‘hate waa "The lest eosoe of Ibo bloody ovs week for *4A cosh Iv advance. Is, cash 1st advance forth hi* hand. instantly Bftrt T» ('o«B(rr«rl Prof* Atwater** PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD revts, Remote Where gee end n hninan was aew at haad. The young girl ft o I. Village alienee.—the silence of hundred p k n 8 A L I TAI IDO BALK—Fir forth without Invitation or «ml st- V»BClll*|. I.KT—House. Very low for the winter. pillows, ready made, some- or* Offered to Heethen Oode. one abort moment before napped (uiDigrKu I UUKO thing new and wttat Women being* who bnt TO deta bod single brick house, 11 rooms and F>R Just every lady wants; ance of kind from the The I send us $ Lon and get one of these to-late bad been a horde of demons. Tba any priests. bath, hot and toM wat»r. extra toilet In base- up rolling ax- nov Hies by return des- whole seemed Hartford Conn., January *9.— The On 2. March 1. *10 and ment; furnace bra’» whole house In con- express; pnrticti ars. of tha torohea enabled oe ts are the assemblage spellbound, February 30, April good criptive circular, etc., free. Address FIR FIL- Held In hit Inlereet light aloohol is. 27 and May It, a series or tours, under ! dition. Apply at once. L. M. LEIGHTON. 63 William Jameson aad It was more than olvlllied manhood p< rlmenta ns to tb* food vain* of I.OW CO., Box 618, Hal.oweil, Me. prleet who had mounted the platform. personal escort, will leave Bosioa for Exchange M. 29 1 aS Milo of a which are made la tb* respiration Ing work, "Unexplored Asa,” Individual. Over- ooukl withstand. I grasprd Horton's being Ue waa a tall, gaunt LET--3000 hooks, at the Teoidee Circu- I?OR SALK—moo r.sphc-ry plants If strongs people be rlelted and a thrilling while the other sought oalorlmater at Wesleyan ualrenlly by cheap hla thin visage, and hanging hand, tnstlaotively TO lating Library, 247 Congress St. New books X ordered at once. Write for prlc- s. st*tl g which la topplog o( are experience he eneounterrd tor revolver. We tried to sell Prof. Atwater] hare been tbe eeeaalon con«t*ntly being added. About twenty re- quantity wauled. F. M. DOLLOF4, North nvev hla shoulder* and down hla baek niy io rise, WASHINGTON of ceived within a week. tickets Yarmouth. Me. 30.1 aoaroaly In modern hooka murdeioui moch comment In temperance oliele* and at en route, and visit- Monthly coupon paralleled below the In wlten-llke leeks, out, to fling ourselves on the Stopping Philadelphia 2AcenMu 26-1 SJ middle, ing tli* priori! nl build lugs of Washington. BA a travel. At Uharikan (latitude degrees rabble there la silent before thla afternoon a oonfarano* of repraaenta- I.F—Two story and hxlf house on fall a of enn-eoorehed hair, In lying [apathy Covering All >xpen«es t»k'T — rooms one of the best corner# In where 30 male oorerlog tb* Dnfa COR Large, sunny with board, at FOR center of city, on the Djlohu rlvor,) nearly but our nerve* wees tlTM of different aoeletle* throughout ndlt) Except Supper Returning 'VL J 31*? now thick, greatr mas***. HI* *7** were oar eyes, pnralynd 1'0 Cumberland, corner El*n street. I occupied b> two famine paying $.i„* per oaravnn roads oenverge, Intersecting the •tat* was bald at Memarlal ball uoder Jacksonville Tours, have Just Opened this bouse; new month. also good for boanling house, small wn Into Inaotlon I we ware powerless, held AH ID A everything burning (.right. All hi* right tide »■'<» weeks and dead. Please call and examine. MRS. amount down, $2500. W. P. CAltR. Room and a moans to# of th* Women’s Christian M IIK Hill price country, affording practical odor and fasolastod, as e serpent nuapleas 1 fc»wllll#D in will leave IXAWKTl. 24-1 4. Oxford Building. 30-1 * naked, and of the brown psrohmeot speechless Florida, to Thibet waa ft and and of communication from China sortie Irmslstlble Union. Tbe oonferenee Boston 19 March ft. of hla nod a* covered holds Its ptey, by sfell. Temperasoe February fan, quite meager, of Kite, covering all expenses eo ruulg-Bos- t'OR BALK—opposite Lincoln Park. 2 family aad to the other reglono of oeotral Asia, time frail of oalled tb* lastrumentality r of from lor a brief spaos of the body through ton. |6ts New Yolk. house. 12 room, and bath. In re- with gaping rent* knife-woand*, B. perfect ke baltea tor a fortnight’s journey to the on the floor before Mra. 0. B. Pot baa wlfs of Hay. C. Itineraries of 1). N, BEl.f., Tourist Agent, Inside and out, good tenants r.ow in whloh the blood trickled. A garment of the girl lay prostrate CLOCK WON’T 60. pair. pay- moun- ob- 20ft Washington Btreet, Boston. ing |32 per month; must sell. Prlro $1750, a northwestward through the Ding and a Far bee of thla olty. Ib* announced tb* ouarsest doth covered hi* bodr below the grotesque atony Image bote,— J. R. WOOD, UKO. W. BOYD, Rend postal or bring It to us. We do only the choice Investment. W. M. WALDRON A CO., tains to the Chita elty of Tiuchau, In the whole- ject of tb* meeting waa to oonalder tb* (ien'l Pass. Agout. Ass't Uen’l Pats. Agt. best of work, and have ma ?e a of It iso Middle numerous a spectacle of blind oonfldenee, specialty street_2M the waist, adorned with plaoe* bt- L*r All work warranted. McKBNNKY heretofore unknown and untrodden north would a best way *f aounternoting Prof, ^^^^^^jsnjweoduu^nrn^^ years. of bona and fetish boxes The torebe* eoulsd devotion, whloh pat THE JEWELER, Monument Square. Jnn2Cdtf HALF—Anew house, with all modern to Chin- to tbs ua* FOR sltun ed In a east corner et Thibet. Aooordlng Christian martyr to shams; and then, be- wntor’a statements with regard conveniences, desirable loca- oot an unwonted Oioker, and peer- tion In Woodford.*, near electrics, etc., the gave Jem** of Hoakylllo LET.—Low priced upper and lower rent schools, see historians many oenturiee ago fore we eoold raallzs’tbe foil Import of of alcohol. Hey. Mr. WANTED-MALE IfKLP. has to rooms, baih, heat, Heetrlc moo ing the gloom, we could aee that TO ►7 Wiimot street. Also three rents corner lights, oa- through MOlbty feet of land, terms and a trade for some Chltee, then n highly etvlllxed and the movement, she bed deliberately agonl of tb* Stat* Tmaparnnoe Portland and Grove streets; lu good order. In- easy live other* of elmllar appearanoe had fd- active. about one who wants a rice residence. FRANK. B. the moat fanatloal wm aotlon was taken at to- Intelligent , quire at RISES it LOTH ERR. 24-1 UgbMned race, but lata the waiting flames. One present. Mo WANTKD-Anic of In office. WM. HlIKl’HEKD&CO., Real Estate Office. 45 Ex- lowed hlia on to tha of raised jumped years age. job printing from tbelr platform farther than to a M MAKKS.29-1 change street i»| and of Duddbists, shriek and nil wee day's masting appoint _ bigoted ttlllnen long, despairing 6 rooms at 22 Chatham St.; earth. The same deathlike per- leeelultoa* rpKNF.MENTof tnrtulent and proselytising spirit becom- over." committee who will pr**ent X PERIKNCKI) salesman wanted wholesale K price $s per month. Inquire of J. C. BALK or LKASE— Queen Alin Cottage, vaded the awe-etrloken multitude. * WOODMAN, 9’i street. 24-1 FORnear Bramhall Square, West it ing obnoxtons to tbe government were to b* ooaildered at th* next meeting. If groceries. Address BOX 464, City. 27 1 Exchange End, the farther end of the cave, rooms, hath, furnace, extra closet room, in ex- Heretofore BAW KOOKESEELEK. C. T. UfANTED-A man from 14 to if. drivoD from their homee near Shanghai The ua*utira sommltlee of tb* W. young years LET. —Four or five rooms furnished for cellent repair, convenient and sunny, had been vv of not very where the platform waa erected, of age. afraid of won*, who wishes to light Also furnished house win be sol low or leas#* for reasonable price after ytan of wandering, up the Washington, January Si.—The follow- U. also Informally dlaouaaad plana lear.i the retail business. Address TO housekeeping. and, a from drug for table board of two If for soon to GKO. F. .It* N KINS, 270 somewhat obeonred; but at signal imrUtllST. this persons, Congress applied valley of the Yantse Klang and the ing has been reoelved at the war depart- aotlon In regard to tb* work against Office._24-1 street. One cottage, furnished Middle street, near Monument Square, 27-1 one of the private a dosen natlvei stepped or unfurnished. they located In this wild ment! Prof. Atwator's teachings. ’ANTED— An experienced farmer to take House, Washington SALK—First class brick and Ktnsba, Anally and. avenue, next Tukey’s bridge. House. R *uth grarlte forward with lighted torohea, In this n charge of the farm on Cushings Island; FORhouse, 20 rooms, now. monctslD of northeaetern Thibet. Manila, January 88—Adjutant General, Prof. Atwatar'a tire* experiment Portland. Rents $4 to 8. L. CaKLKTON. complete repair, region Will rent the same or pay solary. Address $16. steam heat, hot and cold water, with all modern mounting the derated epaoo, arranged re- Congress and 8t. 24-2 Hers bare bold aloof from their Washington: Hesoned Spanish major lln* waa made la*t May and ateeral dnya Wiih references, ERAKt'lB CCSHINO, Port* Lawrence, conveniences, fine location for and they on either boarding then»t-'vta In a drooler group land, «n Cumberland 2 minutes from ■tore civilized Cblneze and are ported that ha saw Major Rockefeller In ago be started tb* aeeoad experiment Maine._23-1 TO LET—At 2«7 street lodging, street. neighbors, Congress Ap- Hall. W. U. WALDRON aide The glaring beaoone penetrating for acceptable ideas Rtate If 81ORP.ply to J A M KS CU N N1N Oil A 277 City & CO., 1«0 for the meet ssml-tlvlllzed, many of northern Zambelee, December I. Another when Harry Walla am la tent In oh amt* try patented. M, Con- Middle street, part dlrooremd n hugs CASHAddress the PATENT RECORD, Balti- gress dec23dtf _1 tha surrounding gloom southern Laron states In tbe street._ them b> oarages of tbe woret order, Bpanlsh ofllonr In at Wealayan took op bla maideno* more, Ml. deeUdtf lng the rear of which 'IM7 LET—Four elegant rents in Dcerlng, hi recess In tbs wall, at short tlm* nine and and even oannlballsm is said to be that be saw him there a ago. box He will remain them days t beat residential section, steam heat, lights, preva- form of n ojuld te seen the distorted or hells, architects between two car numbers of tbm. ac- Mo satisfactory oc Delusion oan be bla food will be mixed with alcohol plans lines, lent among They asslve everything u_ to date and houses aro WE TEST EVES gigantic Image—a stoop, lm| flgure alcohol for tb# wbota new, no to the reached. largely oompoaed of never Will rent low If taken at knowledge alleglanoe emperor, with all occupied. Free of We have the of sunn grotesque nglloefs that, for tbrea OLD GOLD noce. Look at them before you settle any- charge. larges' stock of bold no com- (Signed) OHS. term. Wells will be In tb* box Glass#** and defy the mandarins, end where. DaLTon, r..t Exchange St. .'6 tl Lye Spectacle* In the city. Solid of their barbarous and fanatloal natures, each Remo leled, exchanged or bought for cash. We (•old, Gobi Filled. Aluminum and Ntckle munication with the outside world. perloda of nlao day* alternating how THE HAWAIIAN DILL. imv the highest cash price as we use It In our RENT-House 144 Pine street. Posses- Frames Wo guarantee a fit Our one eould not help wondering enp ontsldt tha aam* number of perfect Orer mountains and rivers and sandy wltb being factory. We can make article you wish 1,V>Rsion given Immediately. Enquire at PORT- are tie our classes the best, howerer unenlightened, Hawaiian you any prices lowest, raoe of people, Washington,Jenaary 89.—Tbs Wella neysr used aloohol In front old gold. MoKKNNKY, Manufac- LAND SAVINGS BANK, S3 Exchange street. McKKNNEY TI1E Monument wastes our trarelsrs with a days. nay your OPTICIAN, Intrepid an Monument JanJfldtf could bring themselves to worship hill was practically completed tolsv by for tb* turing Jeweler, Squire. __Ilf_ Square. Jun2t>Utf ■elected of their breve followers and form and offers a splendid aubjael body on and TO LET—Summer visitors take notice the object of such repulelveueie, the House oommlttae territories, 1 6A and native (Jbarlkances made their way for Paine House is located 69 Spring I.K-Magnificent cottage lots am the centrally new ( “Suddenly there waa a st,lr blit Chairman Knox, with a enb-oommlt'ee. trial._ street, cor. OAK, rooms and hoard. Price $1.00 FOR cottages at Ottawa Park, ((liff ot- fire days, until, halting on the edge of THE DAILY PRESS u-tf lage Property.i on ( ape electric line, near of on the und from Is tbs draft of tbs revised WANTSPBOTEOIION. per «lay. group priests pletorm, preparing bill, LEAGUE Cape Casino, home o! the au vantages are good the forest, they saw lo a ehellow plain RENT—House No. tbe dark cranny. In whloh the luring wltb ths intention of presenting It to SJ*i.—President N. 63Gray street. Nine streets, excelieut car service, Beluga water, below them the of their queet, the Washington, January FORrooms beside halls, bath and store rooms; electric light-#, fine beach, up to date restaurant object a man of ad- House week. at o Image stool, a uswoomer, tbs this (Several Important has reoelved for Can alwnji be founii ttr, penol hot and cold water, set tuba, furnace heat; •»n] the Chits of Tzuohau. The author eon- E. Young applications grounds, only desirable parties, no city with yard mom. All In $rsi class order. first mirable proportions, oot eo tall as power- ehnagaa hava been mads In the measure. and under the store, of: good cheap cottages, everything strictly class. tic use as follows: "It hod been our Inten- protection membership Enquire at 44 DKEilING SI., mornlug, noon or Prices am! plans at our office. DALTON A ( O.. ful and looking, descended. The ohlef of these !■ the striking out the American asso- E. W.HobertA 100 street sepMf 53 Kxclia street. tion to etaal Into the tinder cover of palrlarobal national agreement of degress night. gc Jan.‘t;dtf d’y for A B. Merrill. 347 Us advanced loosening of ell property quantisations eleotora * VV1r K WILL BIJY household or store of vent- rapidly forward, ciation from olubi located In Chicago goods ARY GOODS und MILLINERY Imalnesa tbe nleht, but from onr cosltlon N. O. FetSendea, 634 v? fixtures of or win re- f as be oame, until he for the Sonata. Another ohenge ellmln- any description, A" for sale.—Will sell entire business or his ragged garments and St Louie la the West and Philadel- W. 11. Jewett 604 same for we could sae that some dem- * ceive the at our auction rooine the or age religious doth atta tha supervision to the 1. A. Ubbev. 670 Millinery Dry Goods aod Fixtures sepa- waa naked, safe a small girdled given supreme and Boston In the East, an I for two 406 sale on commDalon. GOSS & WILROM, rate. W. J. N. phia horaeue, Si MeKIm, Congress street. Silver SANBORN, Concord. If. M I Hawaii over elections In the Auctioneers, 164 Middle street, corner around thr lotos. As he turned toward court of ether oluba located In eaoh section to be F. A. Jelllson, U.'IB Congres street ■ot dsro to move. One of the Ubarlkaut- street. Iefc»-tf his hand the Senate and Uouae and makes each honae Cbas Aslitoa.. MU Cougress street tU‘R BALE—Furniture and good will of a tbe stone Image end raised (elected In the Immediate future. ■ sea, accompanied by one oi tbe Klangsls, B. I,, lroimell 136 Congress street. large rooming home. In one of trio best of erased their tnrmoll tha judge of Its own elaettoaa. The oluba bare no N. E. narcu. 3 hxetiAuge street. locations In I'oi Hand; all rooms now full, rent oross the and groep worshipper* asking protection volunt’ereil to open apace 410 Commercial street _mgCELLAXKOPI._ of rooms double the amount of house rent. W. 1 1 — W. .1. PennU, UUU toil |)IVJ»V1UUW *V* tun -“I oonnectlon with the proposed new base- Oxford P. Room Uxfor I •nter tbe city In search of food. CAHPENTKKS WIN. C. H. Cole. Cor. Bovd anil street Forty word* Inserted under this head CARR, 4. Building. 24-1 while keeping up en “Incessant groaning. ball association. The Am erleua associa- J. W.yetersou, 177 Middle street. “W1 h fearful hearts we saw them de- one wech for ‘4ft caalt In advaur*. 4<> 2 In- Paris, January 39.— Tha strike of car- K. T. ItarwHrd, 76 Exctutnge street, ceali, C*OR SALE—Farm of acres, at North Dcer- Toward this grotesque, lnoongruocs, mentioned In the announcement la ■ new 2 storied * half dsad with oold and ex- tion W West mail 06 Coinn..i 01.1 street log. house. rooms finished part, and, tbe penter,. engaged on tba axpoellion build- animate pleoe of carved stone eyes apparently a new designation of wbat Joi n H. Allen, saivt congress street. hare a positive cure for posure, waited In silence for two lmg Mine to an end In i» mitrv lions**, hlgn elevation, in view of Port- adoration. For a ings today oonaaquenoe Dee net A Co, 046 Congress stresc RHEUMATISM-Ithis disease. It has beeu used wl.h suc- of all were turned In has been popularly known aa the Nation- Cortland land. WesbrcoK, South Portland, Yarmouth and hours, wbeii we breathed a of Invol- a decision the arbitration ooramlt- G. 8. llodgson. tHJVs street. cess for years aud is recommended by leading tlgh the of ty electric cars \V. time tbe boras lay bowed to al It Is believed that there will F. L. Brackett. Peaks Island. physicians. law vers, ministers and many others Cumberland, near. $4500. II. relief as with prostrate league. untary they reappeared tee. An Inoreaae of tan eontlmae per hour A. W. Hill. 45oCotigre>s M. who have been benefited It. Address K, WALDKON & CO., lKO Middle street. Uoor In prayer, until a quickly discerni- be three teams In each of the cities named by _24-1 several loaves of bread and two large on or more H. M. Butler. 08 Pine street. Box 1016. 3 >1 evi- for work buildings 16 metres PORTABLE steam *av mill equipments for ble stir and show of Interest gave If the new baa ball association oarvles out J. H. Vickery. 221 Spring street. \ of whlob had been ** sale, for immediate No. 1, plrcei yak mrut, they In height, waa raoognliad aa a Juat de- II. D. McKenzie.. cor. Spring and Clark of ready delivery. dence tn&t some moment of extraordi- Its or anothsr base- WABLE board given to a limited number 46 If. P. iwrtalde engine wbh Lane saw mill, able to secure from a desait )d but. The project establishing A. J. Harter, 60 Portland Pier. ft | mand such work baing considered danger- persons living l>elwcen I.ongfellow Square chisel saw. edger, rotary bed Interest was at hand. and and that the old will O. A. Kastman. 8 Custom House Whan. point , nary Quietly ball league, league ami Vaughan 8t; Uble flr-t class; private planer, cut of! saw and reports whlon they brought from tbe ous. John Cox. 28 Monument square, , belling shafting a dozen men had been carry- teams now In the eastern and the family. Address “MARSH," Press office. complete. No. 2. t)0 II. P. portable boiler, fto town were far ihe unobserved, place J. K. Hutchinson. 12 kirn street. from reassuring, 27 1 H. P. engine, l.ane saw mill, gang e-lg« r. slab ing Immense armfuls of wood on to the KENTUCKY HOUSE ADJOURNED. western In Philadelphia J. j. Thus*. 61 India street nnU ves were In a week’s leagues Bislon, saw. belting, etc. No. 3. 75 II. P. portable engaged relig- C. 11. Stowell, 39 PreMe street GOODS—The new end them before the and and bt» Louis to operate aa Whltely-llen- I boiler, *vo II P. engine, new Lane No. 2 rope we platform plaolng 39 —Whan tba Chicago C. i*. Almonds. 87 India street ATHLETICdrlckson wrist machine and llfemlrickson ious ergy; should dare to ent)r the l’rankfort, January 6 e t mill, Dl'Ston saw, eut-ofT blower to the new association's oluba. A. GrlfTm. ibl Brackett street. Indian rigging, stone Image. House met today, many memters were rivals exerciser. clubs, dumb-bells, boxing and belling No. 4. Mounted 40 Tl. P. Ames city our presence would be Immediately Also at the news stands in the Falmouth. sticks aud balls, foils, “Soon the full this move- gloves, polo fencing hol er, with II. P. Lane mill, Impart af. absent and ao many paired that no at- TO BE ORGANIZED TODAY. Preble. Congress Square. Cm ted States and snow shoes and Arctic detected, and, with their fleros and vin- skates, moccasins, KrtaoleItlng ami saws. No 3. Mounted Ame* 25 ment was Hera before out West t nrt hotels, and Grand Trunk and Union rubber ice also salety guard for fed apparent. waa made to tranaaot business aad creepers II. P. portable engine, I.anu saw mill. Iloe chis- dictive natures on the Urea of relig- tempt Philadelphia, January 99.—Baseball It can also be obtained ot Cnlsholm common razor. G. L. Ha 1 263 Middle St. one of those bar- Depots. LEY, el tooth saw. cut-ofl saw and eyes was to taks plaoe tba House on all trains of the Maine Cen- rigging beltliiK ious frenzy our Instant fate would be adjoaroed. men from various sections of the country Bros., Agents W ill name either outfit deliv- of wblob we had tral, Grand Trunk and Portland A Rochester compete, price barous human sacrllloes ered railroad station as details assured. For another half hour our In the new Amerlean on of the on desired. All did not who are Interested railroads and of agents any boston TO LOAN—Mortgages negotiated heard rumors at Uhnrlaku. It! MONEYfirst class real estate cltv and suburban upon application. DREW MACHINERY guides crawled out on to the plain, and association whloh Is to meet here tomor- Trains. AGENCY, Manchester, N. 11. 20 1 take long to oonllrm our eneplclons, fqi The Pmess oan also ds.found at tha following property at 5 and « per cent; for sale, bouses return* ! with tbe Information that they row for the purpose of organising and to placesi aud house lots in City ami in Peering addition and without „f SALE—2 1-3 storr house, lo- quietly raurme; any A. Polllster. at desirable bai gains. Timber lands in M.tln* I^OK pleasantly fca l dU'overed a considerable cave In tha lay out a circuit, began to arrive today. Auburn—8 ir rated. No. 214 New High, corner of Sher- a rooun1.- F. ami New Hampshire. N. 8. GARDINER. 53 dozen neworjoere had Augusta—J Plerca man street, has 13 rooms aud batn. cemented hillside t) the left -tr-i frir^g ftslf M. Akers. Exchange of. Alfred—J. street.__26-2 combination heater. For further absolutely naked MO HE HOPE YOB MB. PHELPS. P. SounetL cellar, par- edtbeeie^STed'spaoe, Bailey’s Island—D. ticulars of A. C. LIBBY & 42 13 would screen us from observation, and vlotlina Bath—John. G. Shaw. AKUAL BMMtiQ treauuent, palm- inquire CO., and bound with oorda,—Intended a Homer s 89 — Dr. Gilbert MADAMist and reader. l>o not fail to call and Exchange time us to watoh tbs New Haven, January Falls, K. H.—C. A. Clark. street._23-2 st tbs sums permit The Berlin learn what gifts and what are of tbe carnival that waa to follow. ■y ^ is to nee to It that her the eondltlon of Prof. Blddslord—A. M. Burnham. you possess, you movements of those inside tbe walls. stated tonight that fitted for; if you are in trouble she can SALE—The only drug store in thriving touched to the ■ I || ■ II children legin early Brldgton—A W. Ingalls. help wlih surround- lire had been ulraady Edward J. of the Yale Law you;nervous headache cured almost immedi- FORmanufacturirg village large we crawled on our ■ Hill II life to shampoo Phelps Brunswick—F. P. Shaw. to draw fixtures, Cautiously along llrat falut Bicker had been ately ; fees within the reach of all. 5 W1LMOT ing country iron, good small, wood; the mm II I || licuds regularly once a formerly mlolater to England, Bangor—J. D. Glynn. clean stock, low Aduress DRUG STORE, bellies for what seemed to be ages of time m school, Harbor—C. F. Kennlstoa. NT., right hand bell. prlc* Into an and In a min- Tl week. In each in- Boothbav _25-1 Box fanned open Bams, was more than at any time elsoe L. Frmk. J557.__PQV27-tf until one of our guides pointed to a nar- stance, after the hair hopeful Brownfield—Jay TO LOAN-On first and second whole mass was a roar- A Jose. ute the earthing, is some mild, he bad bei n taken 111. 'Jhe crisis will tape Elizabeth-Dyer MONEY on Real life Insurance VOR SALE—Magnificent double house, nU.n —.Kill kn.l. “At lest the fearful moment arrived. iWaterboro—J. H. Chase. no one week for 23 cents, cash In advance. Portland. Maine. 31-4 of tbe old men waa seized and So Haven-C. 8. Staples. took up the wild refrain until One Ml.—J. Htttohln following Noith Stratford C & Wilson, auctioneers, re- on a sort of stone raised a of Owner eao hare the din «u Indescribable. If we stretohed altar, pair glavsa«. moved to 154 to ICO Middle 8L. corner of simply KmD.ll. at this office and NOTICE—Goss above the Uoor of the NOrW"-wim*“'’i‘ fjiOUND-Asame by calling paying Silver SL had entertained that were few feet platform, Omega Moves hopes they Oil A- O. for this advsrtlicmeut. j28-1_ ne realized that hie last hour had II. Whitaker. bound we were doomed to dis- fully N. Conway—C. Bernard about six mouths elsiwhere, Fogg. St. pup. for hie stololsm had nnd Old Grcnard—Chav old. be rewarded return- for were now oome, vanished, LOST—AKinder will by appointment, they roaroely Oxford-C. F. fitarbird. to DR. PUDOK. 134 Free St. 27-1 WANTED. be In Impotent fear nnd fury to ing CO away and approaohlng the oare struggled Philippe- W. A. D. cragtn. yards L. Preoie. from the grasp of his oaptors, giv- Rtcnmond—A. friend! and customer* to entranoe. We had just time to tellre escape J. Rolfe. FKMALK HELP WANTED. HZ’ANTED—My Kumlord Falls—F. i have located lu bushesi for ing vent tc shriek after shriek, until, A Carr. v y know that from our position and olamber up a etsep Rockland—Dunn at 3X8 Congress street, opposite City he a Art A w all Paper Co In a myself weak and exhausted, fell Into etupor experienced lady fancy 1 am now to do all kind* asoeat at one side of the care to a plaoe of •• J. Huston. lla:l, where prepared A. goods ilore. Address A, P. O. box 877. lu a first efforts attempting Bros. WANTED—An of watch, clock and Jewelry repairing when the leaders of the with only spasmodic Sanford—Tr at ton 30 1 GEO. oonoealmeut, pro- Graves. class manner. All work guaranteed. o ott tbe restraining hands of the Bko w began—H..C. the oerslon entered the narrow or 1 and throw K. Merrinuua W. BARBOUR. formerly with Todd, floe, wSouth Portland—J. NT P.D —A waitress. MRS. J. P. 30*1 Four of the minor prlrste held •• H. Ricker A Son W A nod leweler. while torohes were lit to priests. If SL halted being •• W. H. Moirtsou. BAXTER, ol Decrlug 29-1 the faintly-straggling body down, while their patsage through the gathering Couth Windham—J. W. Read. am now ready to buy all kind* golds stalked forth the maker on oxfords. from the gloomy nlohe South Paris—A. D. Sturtevant WANTED— I.lnlng Ap WANTED—Iof cast off ladles’, geuts’ and children’* gloom. A. tlefl A Co. »f ply at once, A. F. COX A BON. 23-1 In the oblef eacrlliolal priest, hie hand holding South Paris—F. Shut clothing I pay more thin any purchaser “For half an hour the far-torturing South Water boro—G. C. Down* Send letters to MIL or MRS. DkGKOOT, mm, oiietenine n young to attend a book city. knife hnvlna broad. Saco -W. L. Streeter. lady 30-1 strife of dlroord wexed louder at every WANTED—A•tore, one with some experience pre- 76 Middle street. blade six Inches Saoo- H. VC Kendricks A Go. paddle-shap»l newly M L. fer moment, until a hundred devil* to human K. Preble. red^TCKXCHANGKST.23-1 beef, wine wide. twloe, thrloe he sbased South Bristol—N. W. ANTED—Burnham’s jellycon, beneath the Once, Gamaga beef extract form fluted sepulobral glare I homes to d—R. \V. Walsh. Hr aud iron and Liebig process; himself to ths before the unre- aud Burnhams a ground B. VlnaL WANTED SITUATIONS. for sale by grocers druggists; Of flickering torohes, ltks weird and Vlnal Ilaven—A. at wholesale and then turning aroand Bliss. clam houillion in stock druggists. epouelve image, Waldoboro—Geo. wine aud Iron at Melcher supernatural picture of another world. T. White. Bsrgai case* beef, like a beast ready to leap on Its sleeping WesqParls—s. Forty words Inserted under this head aud Patrick & Co. 20-1 A frenzied enthusiast would leap Into the Wtseassett—Gibbs A Rundlett. Co’* t'ouant, bis small rat eyes one week fur 23 cents, cash In advance. prey, with gllslealng Waterytlle—W. D. Spalding. to board at North Deer- air, frothing at the mouth, carried away B. |I' aNTBD—Tlorses with fasolnatlon, be rnsbed Westbrook-W. Boothby. !! jug, in a good warm stable near the elec- and fanatical of overpowering A Wyman. a Scandinavian by the sanguinary spirit A flash of Woodtords—Chapman W ANTKD-A position by tric cars. Apply to L. J. SMITH, 23J Middle toward the prostrate form. YarmoulhvlUe—A. J B. MltcUelL II to do ; small hi in self with a woman, housework family street. the moment; lsoeratlng and tbe at 143 CUMBERLAND ST., __26-1 light, as of a falling meteor, preferred. Inquire knife, grasping the gory strip of flesh, flesh left hauii bell. a drug *tore In or keen blade sank to tbe hilt In the _)*n27dt( VVANTED—To purchase It under his or taunt- yy arouud Portland that will give the owuer and grinding basl, young woman educated, refined, with ex- victim with a soft, soothing purr a over and above expense*. Ad- of tbe A and satisfactory recommen ia- good living ing a neighbor late the spirit of emula- perieuee dress DRUGGIST. Box 1W.25-1 like Arm steel over velvet, while would like to nurse, take care of an aged before his the gilding tions, tion by flaunting eyes or be a companion; references exchanged. tbe blooa forth Id little foantelne lady ANTED—'To a house of 0 or 10 of flesh. spurted A. J. K-, Press 28-1 IV purchase ghastly pleoe aud drip- NEW DESIGNS office._ ?I room*, modern lu Its construction, of spray. Again tbe glumlng Portr “tiuddenly from out the compact mass druggist, to years experience, situated in the western part of the city of blade flashed in the air; again It .OF. within neat two week* to aod ping REGISTEREDfirst class reference, would like permaneut land. Maine. Apply rose a howl of mingled anguish fury. Box 1887. AUSTIN At SHERMAN, 240 Steveus Ave., descended In a murderous sweep; yet position. Address PHARMACIST, At the farther end of the amphitheater nov'23-tl 1 >eerlng again, and again, five ttmea In all, until Centre._26-1 was a sort of raised platform, upon and air reeked with tbe odor of blood, Wanted.—Very pleasant the very CHECKS or which a solitary Individual was mount- BOARDERSlarge orner rooms, furnished unfurn- l'hree times did the worshippers on tbe also first clae* .OS ALL. ished. with or without board; floor relee and abaea themselves, and tben table board, at 807 Cumbeiland 9t., opruer pf Neuralgia Kim. Kefereuces required. HU, Established flssh the mi- 1848. as quickly as a lightning's lifeless and will doubt WM. M. nor priests seized Uhe oorpee The way to get relief from Neuralgia pain. Plenty of people this, BANKS MARKS, PORTLAND wlshtne board In beld It In the air. Far a moment It sil- aged lady is to rub Oil into the where but their does not the a country home, would like on a of the Omega spot doubting change WANTED—Angood Palmer’sLotion houetted against tbe fltful glare With New Date, 1900. farm. V. A. 1L 1’. O. address Box 74, Old Orch- and the cures all Tire great BEAUT1F1ER and flra In a long, ghastly shadow, then, the trouble lies. First bathe part facts. Omega Oil bodily Card ard. _841 shot the red flames through spnoe, Book, T. H. TOMPSON, Con- with hot water to the aches and and that’s all there is WHITING, In to receive open up pores. pains, AND- Var- leaped forward eager eostaoy CA.• tractor., Ilouto and Store Painting. to Your has or can ACCOUNT BOOKS Staining. Tinting. White, their prey. Then give it a good, thorough rubbing say. druggist get nishing, Graining. Surer washing. All work doue to satlslaetfou of All Skin a moment's and all “With hardly intermission if for of wholesale nartles concerned, office, D3 Exchange street, For Pimples, Tetter, Eciema, with Oil. The oil will be taken you any druggist. in variety. ^t* was hurried forward. Omega great JOB Portland, Me. Tel. WW. Mem- tbe next vlotlm Mlu wot at PRINTER, Diseases of ths Skin and Mucous Law FalrUr, Buihrlllt, Indiana, PRINTERS* KXCHANGK, either eased of the fall and to the flietad tinea with neuit Noth- be reached an outward Ha was poe op by the flesh, penetrate childhood neuralgia. le'ANTBD— Everyone who wesM e new branes that can by until * friond uni nor o or else re- ing oror did lior oar good 07 1*2 RIm Ponlaod v? house lu Portland or Ita suburb! to mo os •mount of native etololake, Lor other ExcbasgR s nerves. It will bottlo ofOuogo Oil, which curod pain oneo: wo bwe severs! new booses whleh we application. far with- aching give gratifying tbo et duced to an nnknowlng etuper; completely. who nood only pertof bottlo. wtu Ml) low on easy lerius. or will exchange PRINTING A SPECIALTY. collateral: no lair offer refused; this la Lotion Soap out a tremor or tbe faintest attempt el relief. It will and com- Boo to It that tba OIL Norte FINE JOB for good soften, soothe, you gat foal Omega « iu Ut u mail or prompil tout chance. UALTO'. Bseheojffi Prevents and assists in coring all inch struggling be wee stretched an tbe eeerl- Uha aomethlng aloe aotd toba" Juel goad." LORING. SHORT & HARMON. An erdweby talephooe JuueOdB fort. It will overcome and banish tho ^ iK27 «oClf HtaM «. W odtxel; ,UMl pill III At Druggists only. floe alter, slabbed to tbe heart end tossed HA. best*? eiuurts CHATHAM—Passed tttto. soft ft P Blackburn AT RANK (AILROAM. Perk. M««r. Lord and P< I.«», steam- 00 -3ft (1IM*.. ■ ■ ..• Vi#T* Pork—Henry. TsSacro. at Jh*4c; No h at kSVbe: No 2 while 3t»H :Noj er M^nha ia**. Portland for New York. COIMERCIAL —Medium.....01) Jf W HMH'UL AAD Pork while mixed Western at SOHe: DAI AI8—Ar *8ti>, sou Native American, fm I W B«rtbr*n*».HOM47 »ug%cjjinto* Brel—heaw.12 white We«i«ni at :il #86e. *1*0 ! Mmiiua. ■•"*** traca m Beef—light.11 Beef steady; 12 •<»«»I3; mPis 10 60; KAwTPORT—Ar 29tb. seb then H King, fm half hhls. <«• 6 80 Comm 4k.Ro«.U. family Boneless, beef hems *2«$-2 6«»; city extra null» mess Boston. Lard—u*s ana nan hld.mirs.... 7 Yfc«t? *4 Natural.80*70 #21* 2 ». KALI. Riven-Ar 28th. sch Fannie L child*, Lard—tes and half bbl.com.... #6 *4 lilt meats Arm; pickled bellies —; shoul- Charleston. laird —Pails .. 8 .aH‘4 Orel* UutMBtin*. the ders —. IIY A NN 18 H d 28th, tchs Madugsscar, for of Products in Lard—Palls, romoound. 6 * 7*4 Quotations Staple CHICAGO BOAKIl *»K i'EAlH Lard oule-; Western steamed —; .Ian A 17 llnnrifnrd; Henry, for Boston. Ill Effect December 4. 1809. laird—Purs. leaf.. 0Vk*i0l4 • noflWaal; ref.ueo s cady ; canitncui at—; S A r*«MHi 2 mi to. sch break ot Day. from Now Hams. # Batur lav's quotation*. jOvfc * —; compound -v Y «rk for Itockl tnd. Trams leave Union Station, Railway Square, Leadiug Markets. CBiekeaa. 18# 16 WHKAT. fork Urn*; mesa at $1 I ; short clear at $11 60 NI WPOhTNKWH Sli 27tli. Mb Agnes K lor stations named and Intermediate stations at Fowl. nfi* ontnlnc. CMnc. 60: taml y $13 1 MX Manwrot, Bos'on. follow* For Bangor 7.00 and 10.» a. m., Turkeys 13*15 i W|12 Mar.«8‘n 68% Huurrts Hteadyi Watiera creamery at 21 4 M VPLON lK)N- ftl(J 28tb. scha Jaa Young. ♦12.35. 1.20 and *11.00 p. m. For Belfast 7.00 a. Prodnea. July.... 69*4 «9«4 26c; do factory Afl Oe; June creamery at 2*>v*r Thomaston f«»r Now York: Margaret. Anilmy The superb. new, steel. screw steamship m., t.20 and 11.0 t p. m. Fot Brunsw ick, •»* Uralw for Fall I >INI. Cent. and Watervlllr T.oO and auw l«Ak Mock, Money Feans. Tea. 2 40*2 4ft Cork. 29ct Itncrm AWiJHe; state dairy 10«24c; River. "OOVKUJKOK f.PY," John Thomp- Augusta 10.25a. II Bar- in Beans. California Pea.2 «nfe* 80 do erm 21 a**6c. PENSACOLA—Ar 27th, sell Hattie son, end the staunch and elegant steamer *12 35, 1.20, 5.10 and Mt 00 p. ni. For Bath SB 83 ani Lewiston Market Review. Beans Yellow hyes...0 0***2 60 May.•* Clicesenrm; fall made fa- cy small atl2"«'«t hour. hrskire. Havana. '•BAY «TA1 F.," *’ant. ». C, Dennison, slier via Brunswick ..00 and 10.2.'> SB**-* I'll ILa DKLPH I A—Ar sen C K leave Franklin a and *11.00 m. For Rockland Beans, lied kidney.,2 0042 70 July.33*4 13c: fall made large at KH " 13^ late 28th, Burke, nntelv Wharf, Portland, and m.,*12.33,15.10 p. fancy Savannah. 7.00 a. 12.36 ail I 5 10 For MUowhe- onions, bbl..«»«1 5u*l 75 OATA made small i2.qiSH; lame late nude IiHiR Town send. India Wharf. Boston, at 7.00 p. m. daily, ex- m., p m. Potatoes » 60 *05 li I2« 2' «c. At Island 28th. Antioch. Sou cept Sunday. gan 7.00 «, m.. 1.10 and ll.oo p m. For Fot- boa. May....23*% 12c; am Reedy croft Sweet Potatoes, Norfolk. al 50 steady; Mate and Penn at 17c;Westcrn tbard. for Boston. These steamers meet every demand of andiUreenv life 1.20 and H.00 p.m. For direct wire to Louis S. FORK. KlP Deor- service In Hu It (By private Sweets, V inland.*4 25 ungraded aim rk 13a16; Western—. A r at Delaware Break witter 28tl>, sch modern steamship safety, speed, sport 7.oo a. m.. 12.35 and ll.oo p. m. For » 86 tie L Sko Pcrnandtna. comfort and of traveling. Bar Harbor 12.33 and 11.on hi. For tureen of Prior, McCormick Kggs.iKastern fresh...* m 2 January.. 10 »uaar raw Arm; fair refining at 3 16-1644c; Drake, fled. luxury p. Colwell, manager sch Rel>ecea M tickets for Providence. Dowell, vllle and lloultnn Kegs. Western fresn. oOB 30 10 80 Centrifugal 96 lest 4 7-16 bid; Molasses sugar PERTH AMIIOY Bid 27th, Through via Oldlowu and B. * Co.’s branoh omoe. 216 Middle street, May.^ Walls. New York. Worcester, New York. etc., etc. A A. R. K. 12.36 and 11.00 p m For W ash- Eggs, held. id a 14 CARD. —; refined firmer. — In 28th. s earner J. r. MACOMB. <}en. Mauaget Ington C o. It. R. 12 35 and *11.00 m. For Butter, fancy creamer. •* 27 PKOYINCKTOWN port p. Portland.) I 8 00 CHICAGO—Cash auotattci**. ir.ni I’ortfand tor New storm THOMAS M BARTLETT, Age.iL 7,1)0 a. Ill 1 20 Slid m. .... 2 ft May. Manhatiaii. York, Outtawamkeag 11.00 p. morn- Butter. Vermont. 38# New 39.—This RIBA Flour Arm. declOdtf For Vanrehoro. Mt. Houlton. York. January ( her so, N. York and Ver’mt.lS'-v* 14 bound. __ Stephen. •meat—No 2 spring—; No 3 do M4 aA61*c: schs Honors. W noilatork an«l Mt. Johu 7.00 a. in. and from houtb Afrloa was of auon Oheeee.8aae. May. 6 80 POHTftMOtTTIt -ftallod 27th, ing's news No 2 Ked Ai>e70c. Corn—No 2 at 31 v%c;No 2 lor New York: Boston for 11.00 m. For Ashland, Isle, Cranberries 8 60®< 00 | Rockiand Oregon, p. Prrs«|iie »• to oauee the ali- Monday's quotation*. yellow Oats—No 2 at 22** « 28; for New Fort Fairfield and Caribou via H. a in.. 1.10 p. m. frem Oils Turpentine 33*4 33*4 steam-barge Eastoor4 May. short clear sides 6 AU jcfi 90. to Carbonero TthIuh leaving Portland ll.oo p in, like three-fourths per cent I igonia and Centennial oil., bbl., 160tst 1214 York lor Portland, loadstone; tug and all part* of New Brunswick. Nov* Beotia, something July...33>* 83% Butter stead.—ermery 11*4240; dairies 18£ with three from Portland for Phila- Ba'iirday, ones not oonnoct to Belfast, Dover Hetineutst Petroleum, 130 .... 121* barges Prince hdward Island mid Capo Breton. I he a fall conse- • ».4T 22c. and Foxcroft or beyond Bangor, to Klis- and console declined polut Pratt’s Astral... 14V3 delphia. favorite route to Campobello aud «L Andrews, except steady -fresh 15c. worth and Washington Co. It R.. and leaving dm the first fifteen minutes Half bids lc extra. May.23* • 23*4 Kggs 2 SAVANNAH—Ar 27th. seb La v In la M Snow, N. Ik quently lag Cheese Arm—1 Aral2c. New York. n "0 p. m. .Sunday uoct not connect to HKow- Raw Linseed: ok... 63868 PORK. Hinckley. Winter not was London a fairly large sellvr, Flour—receli>ta 32.000 bblt; wheat 36.000; Ar vciih loca Tuunell, Philadel- Arrangement. began. only 55*60 10 28tb. Tuuoell. Hotted Linseed on. May. ft bneh; com 146,ooo btrsh; oats 241,ooo bush; New York. but the rofess:onal element was notably 10 phia: Alice Archer. Dlbbs, On and after Monday. .Ian. 22. Steamer wPl | luritentine.60*60 July.J 8**4 3.000 hush; 76.000 hush. schs Andrew WHITK MOUNTAIN DIVISION. 6 rye barley SALEM—Sid 27th, Peters,Calais leave Railroad Wharf. Portland, on Monday active on the bear tide. However, It soon Cumberland. eoe» 00 *5 26 I. ARIA 29.000 bbis; wheat 73.000 for Bhlpmenta—Flour for Providence: Orizltnbo, do New Haven; at 6m p. in. Returning, leave 8L John. For Bartlett 8.50 a m., 1.00 and 5.30 p. ni. Stove and furnace coai. retail.. 0 60 corn oats bush that the was oon- 8 9*1 bosli; 161 ,(XH)j bush; 700,000 D M Porter, do fur do, Modoc, MacUlas for Kastport and Labe* Thursdavonly. For and Harrison h60 a. in and became apparent selling KrankltU. 3 50 My. bush. Brtdgton SOB *4 rye 3,000 bush; barley 21.000 New York. ticket* Issued and baggage checked 6.60 D. in. For flarlln, iirovrton, Island and com- Pea coal, retail. 6 00 July Through lined to these two emotions that HAVEN—Ar 28tl). schs John received to 4.00 No. RIBS. DETROIT—Wheat nnoted 71 He for cash VINEYARD to destination. gjr-hrelght up Pond, Lancaster, Mtratford and lit- cash Red at at I3Hc; Francis, South Amboy for Boston; WmH Ito- tn. Beecher Falls 8.60 a. m. and m. For mission nouses, although doing very Corrta|e-b.iik. 8 76 White; ilHc; May July p. I.OOp. May. veni-ort, Now York fordo; Deo Bird, Now York For itekets and staterooms at the Pine Mt. a Cordage- at 72 HO. apply Lunenhnrg, Montreal, Chicago, changed their opinion end American lb.10211 for Rook Modoc, Mar bias for Now York; Tlckrt Mounmcnt or for Lime tle, quickly t* TOLEDO—Wheat Bull—oath at load; Tree office, square, Pant* Kldgr and Qnehrr 8 50 a. m. Stock 71H«; May for and 0 M ent»ued. The total Lon- .Manilla.10 *17 Portland Dally Press (laotatloot Sarah Eaton. Calais do; OrozImU), other Information at Company's Office, Railroad MURRAYS. fairly good rally at 73Hc; July 72Hc. Andrew do Manilla bolt rope. 1*181 Cor r so ted 8waa k Barr sit. Umnters, 166 Porter, do fur New Haven; Fetor*, Wharf, foot of Bute street. don sales did not exoeed 10,000 By for For Lewiston yla Water*!!le probably Sisal. <|» loVte Mid ills street. for Pawtucket; Madagascar, do Uiaudford, J. F. I ISCOMB. Bunt. Brunswick, is. Providence. and Bangor 7.20 a. ni. and 143» m For at ■hares and this was In spile of tig faot 1 Buck— STOCKS. Cettoa Murks Ada O Shortland, lor novAdtf H. >. c. HFRAKY. Agent p. Nnl.32 Description. rtur Vmills Bid. Asked 1 VINKYARD-HaVRN — Sailed ?8tb, schs points east, via Augusta, except Skowbegau that difference between hare tBy Telegraph.) 11.00 m. tho prices No .28 Canal National Sauk....108 100 102 JAN. 29. Senator Drtines, from South Atuboy for Boston; p. ..20 to Mattie A Franklin. Port Reading for do; Maud, and there ranged from three -eighths to No lasoo National Bank.loo 10? 1 NEW YORK—The Cotton market U>day was ARRIVALS. lOoz.13 Cumt>srlaud National Bank.100 100 102 New York for Beverly; Flyaway, Raritan for oent. The Is steady .1 middling uplaudt 8c; do gull Sc; sales NEW YORK DIRECT I.INE, 8.23 a. m.from No. ( ouwar asd five-eighths per explanation 8 ..11 National Bank.100 100 101 Portland; Break of Day. Amboy for Rockland. Bartlett* Chapman 444 bales. Cornish, 8.39 a. m. Lewiston and Mr- the nar- and Dyes. Pli st National Bank.loo 100 102 Passed by 28th. scha ft P Blackburn, New- that London market Jsextremely Drags Cottou market rhanlr 8.4 3 a. in. Waterrille, Au- Arid Carbolic.•*'6 Jb«0 CHARLESTON—The to-day port News tor Portland; O M Marrett, and Wil- Maine Steamship Co. Falls; nervousness Merchants' National Bank.... 76 J01 102 gnsta and Rockland ; 11.5.1 a. in. Beecher row and such a feeling cf Acid Oxalic.12 closed firm; middlings 7 9-lCc. lie McKay. Rockland for New York: .»** Roll* l.oDg Island Awnnd By DsyP^hL National Tradsrs'Bauk.lin# 98 loo Falla. Lancaster, Fabyaus, No. C onway has bean created over there Acid tart.3i*«» 48 UALV KSTON—The Lotion matfcot closed Boston for Philadelphia; R D lUhber. do and anxiety Portland National Bank.100 209 110 well, TRIPS PER WEEK. and Harrison; 12.15 p.m. llangor, Au- Ammonia.16 « 20 7 9 10c. for do; Natbau Lawrence, from do lor Newport 3 of the ieaent British re- Portland Trust Co.100 148 160 firm; middlings gusta and Rockland; 12.20 in. by ooneequenoe Ashes, not.0^4 4 0 News. Reduced Fares $8.00 Ouc p. King- Portland Gas Oomnany. 60 8a 90 MEM PH 18—The Cotton market to-day closed Way. Farmington, llenils. the nor the BlcIiu Leaves.66*70 Ar 29th. tchs Stony Brook, fnt Chllmark for field* Phillips. veries that neither public jot Portland Water Co.100 108 106 The Horatio Hall and Man- It it in ford Lais 5 It. on a story that the details for the relief Cocaine. o7..G 05*4t Europe* St John. NIL Halifax. Mt. liar W'ater- surmised that a gcod deal of the recent Glvcenne. 20«75 Bath 4s. 1911. Ksfnndiag.101 103 J. F. LISOOMB.Ueoeral Agent John, Harbor, SI J fm 28th. steamer Lucanla, ocudtf « III. and .15 a 25 Belfast 4a 104 (By Telegraph.) Queenstown TH0S. M. BARTLKTT. A«L Augusta. ■riling has been by people who expected A Iocs cape Municipal.108 from lor New York. «.59Mi t'alals 4s 1901*^1911 Refunding....luO 10* 1899—Consols cloaed at Liverpool •Dally. Camphor...... 6« LONDON. Jan. 29. Ar at Hallfaz 28th. .steamer Dominion. Port to hare tin ss offered to them. .—62 a 65 1901. MuniOlDRl.103 106 GKO. F. KVA V. F. A 0. M. options Myirit lAwlstooOA* ;>9H for money and for account. land for and I NS, 86(0.4 85 Liverpool, proceeded; Cambrnman, F. K. BOOTH BY. ti. I*. A T. A. and Manhattan were Opium.3 Lewistca4«. 1913, Municipal.106 107 Cotton sailed foi AtbaJti, Metropolitan notably LIVERPOOL, Jen. 2 1900.—The Ltverdool, and Portland; dec2dtf Indigo.86c m|1 Naco 4s. 1901. 109 sales N H. rumors to the effeot Municipal.lOO market closed steady; spot 421-82d; 8,- Liverpool for St John, strong on perslsltent Iodine .3 46.a 3 CO K 137 MauieCeutral K7Al912.conaratgl35 —» LINE * 000 bales. ALLAN that Mr. Mao Donald would not be able Ipecac. 4 4(>«6

Portland, JIr„ Jannstry $0, 1900. ]IIK R E CA It PE KTKR Bouton IIVas9« Allure* of Drnr Nlr:-We have* decided to accept yonr SPOT CASH offer of SO cent* on the dollar for tbe clock and oar store at USS Middle afreet, Portland, Maine, reserving tbe name lo lake Standard Clothing Company as our own, and NOT to be used by anyone else. We shall expect yon here Insniedlniely possession. Respectfully yours. (Signed) W. C. WAKE. STANDARD CLOTHING COMPANY.

$40,000 OF HIGH GRADE CLOTHING TO BE SOLD AT 55 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR IN THIRTY DAYS. The Standard nothing Co. carried an enormous slock of Heady-Made Clothing—in fact the largest In the State. Take adrantage of the rapidly udraucing prices in Woolen Clothing and buy at this Sale. Purchase a Two Years' Outfit. (let tbe benefit of this Tremendous Stock. TAKE A PEEP AT THE PRICES. DON’T SPEND A DOLLAR UNTIL OUR OPENING.

I flea's Pants, 73c (o 1.15 (Half Prices.) Roys' I,onx Punts, tines l<> to l!>, MEN’S OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS. MEN’S SUITS. BOYS’ OVERCOATS AND ULSTERS. 83c Standard Clothing Our Our Prlct ___ s’ Knee Pant*. l ie Price. Price. Roy __Co.'i Ulsters and KecfcrS, ages 5. fl, 7 and 8, 3.50 to 0.50 .51* t anvas I > Standard Clothing Oar Hoys’ regular garments, Jf< Coals, 50c, $1.05, $ Co/s Blue and Black Cheviot Suits, *10.00 #4.9* 40 Hoyt’ Overcoats and Keefers, ages 10 to 14, regular price 0.50, IB* Overfills, 10 to :t8c _ Price._Pries. Nobby Men's Suits, 12.00 9.4* 27 all wool Blue Frieze Keefers & Overcoats, reg. 3.45 ale Black, Blue or Brown Beavers, $ 8dio $ 3.9l( young Heavy price anywhere $8, Jumpers latest d. b. Vests. 10.00 8.45 Keefer and 10 to 5 d.M5 Black, Blue or Brown 0.50 5.95 Striped Worsteds, Hoys' listers, Top Coats, ages 10, styles, rog. price 0.50, Roys' Jumpers, IOc Beavers, 16.00 9.85 Coverts, winter 12.00 7.4ft Gray Worsteds, very desirable, Light weight, Cassimeros and 22.00 11.85 Tlioiisanils of oilier Blue and Black and 14.60 9.4ft Fancy Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds, *18.00, 20.00, Rnritaliis, Kerseys, Hcriing-bono light nobby Coverts, bat we hnve no time or space to Brown, Black and Oxford Frieze, 18.00 9.4ft CHILDREN’S are all In the most artistic finish and ROYS’ AND SLITS. mention them. Our store is a Flue all 20.00 11.9ft Thoso Men’s Suits cu^ antTmade style, Meltons, colors, and finished effects. little out ot the but It the 9ft among them being a lot of Dark Oxford Brown Vicuna Kneo Pant 5 to 15, $1. .55 way puys All $22.00, 25.00, 28.00, 3a00 Overcoats, 14 Boy.’ Suits, ages regular price •VJ, $ to walk. Pant 8 to Men's Ulsters, 8 00 3.9ft MEN’S COATS AND VESTS. Boys' Knee Suits, agos 10, regular price 3.00, 1,15 Black Frieze Ulsters, 0.00 4.9ft 200 two piece Boys' Stilts, regular price 4.BO, tf.15 Kean mlier this Is IIIUII to to B’ue Chinchillas, 12.00 0.4ft We have JO Men’s Odd Coats and Vests. Standard Clothing Co.’s price *0 345 best style Bovs’ Suits, ages 4 10, regular price 0.00, 5.45 (ilttllt CLOTHING. An im- Black and Oxford Frieze, 15.00 7.9ft 18.00 Our price $2.45 to 4.95 Tbo Standard Clothing Co. carried a very largo stock of Boy.’ and Children’. mense stoek replete Willi thu Black and Oxford Frieze, 20.00 9.9ft Black Clay Diagonal Suits at One llnlf usual price. Suits. They have got to go. mutt stylish kouUs.

STORE CLOSED TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. OPEN FRIDAY, FEB. 2, 1900, 8 A. M. R* E. CARPENTER, 255 MIDDLE STREET, I pi)... "* More,_| Spot Cash Buyers of Clothing Stocks, Formerly the Ipl> s,urf~_


Owing to tbe storm tbe meeting of tbe ELEGANT LUNCH. HALL L. DAVIS ASSIGNS. CHESTER I. ORR. HKill TIDES. hearing on the liukl. THE PBEF3. Methodist Social Union announced for a Candidate If Itnu Over the last evening, has been postponed. Failure or the Well Known Riehangr Prohibitionist Nominate Wharves In Rome The M«ry A. Troop's Case Mtlll la AKW AUYKUl lsKAlEMU TODAY* Olveu bjr lion. Fred B. Illvhard* at Fal- News has reached here that Frank Nor- Street Stationer. for Mayor. Flares. Court. mouth HoUl ton, a Grand Trunk brakeman, fell be- Yesterday, Orta Sons. Hooper tween oars at N. The tide wai Owen. Moore & Co. Percy, H., Saturday Hall L. Davis, tbe well-known Ex- A temperance rally And prohibition ?er/ high on tho water The cases of the sal bra of tbo British ltlnf* Broi.—2 and had his out off below the front it right leg noon change street stationer, made an assign- caucus w&s held In hall last yoscerday, reaching Its extreme bark Mary A. Troop were again re- Cressey, Jones & Allen. At the Falmouth hotel yesterday Reception knee. ment last to Levi and point during the while the hearsed Commercial Milling Co. Mr. Fred E. Richards entertained a few Saturday night Turner, evening. The hall wav well tilled morning, yesterday afternoon when a hear- Standard Clothing Co. The Fraternity olub was entertained for the benefit of bis creditors. for storm was at Us worst. It was far on the libel for frlnds at an elegant lunch which was Jr., much enthusiasm was manifested by ing the wages of the AMUSEMENTS. Dr. 8. O. Gordon last event nor. The was seen but the highest tide that has boen known salbre was by in honor of Mr. Hamilton of The assignee yesterday, a better enforcement of the Prohibitory I heard before U. to. Commis- Artis is' ltecltaL given paper was by W. G. Chapman, Esq. could make no statement of the Arm's during the present season. At sioner Bra 1 It Chicago. Besides the host and his guest law. Kav. ti. F. Pearson was chosen ,winter by. will be remembered Fred Harvey, tbe night clerk at 8chlot- assets and as the ac- the wharf of the International .Stcam- that the of New Wants, To Let, For Sale, lx>st. Found of honor were to be seen Ex-Gov. «. liabilities, taking chairman and H. F. Dexter, secretary. hearing Saturday was on th similar advertisements will be found under terbeck and Foss’s drug store, met with been ooni- «h!p company the water swell over snd B. Ex-Gov. Koble, Hon. G. P. count of the stook has not yet An able address dealing with the pres- j *d|up charge of desertion made against the b*ir beads on page 8. Cleaves, appropriate a painful aooldent early yesterday morn- ! the caps of the piers and the steamers saibrs. fc'eren of the men Wescott, Judge Uaske'.l Geo. F. Evans, pletad. ent oundttions of the temperance question appeared yes- ing while washing a soda glass. Mr. It was said that the Immediate cause were drawn up to soon a surface and Frank vice president Maine Central, Bon J. U. In our olty was delivered ty Hev. K. K. high terday Fhermau and James BKIEF Harvey hod b?en oleiniog up around ot th» was the fact that that thslr names colli be ie)D K. board JOTTINGS. Drummond, William K. Wood, president assignment J. Mo A Ulster. The sentiments of the easily Urllachsr, lug house keepers, the sod a and ua he bore down was dut at from the of the sheds. At o fountain, Portland electric railroad. oansiderable paper coming address were frequently applauded. Mr. tops T'refeth- al testified. Dennis A. Meaher, Ksq., with a glass on the machine used for the brst of next month and the assets : ef's ship stores on Coin mere! cl as the counsel for the sailors A suite of four rooms has been engaged The menu was daintily gotten up and Chester I. Orr was nominated for mayor. wharf, appeared purposes, tbe glues broke and were not eutlicient to meet the demands. the water went as as the flcors and at the Falmouth hotel for the accommo- qleanlng Mr. Nunns almost exoelled himself In It was decided that one member from | up high Consul Keating represented the made a deep out In tbe left thumb. uavis bus besn Hi for the two and for a time It feared that com* the dation of Col. Bryan and party. his careful preparation of the oholoo Mr. past each ward he appointed to nominate ;wos owners of bark. The wound bled freely and Mr. llarvey and Is still oonAned to his house. serious might result. 5 The Bates Alumni will hold a ban- viands. The lunch card follows: week ward ottUers. that these members be damage AtWUl- At o'clock the hearing was adjourned was fast losing consciousness when Pa- lie has been In business at bis Kory’s wharf the at the lower to 8 this when It will be re- quet at tbe Falmouth on the evening of present called together by the secretary of the | plinklng afternoon, trolman Smith happened into the store. on street for St> end was the February 2dnd and tbe Loyal Legion will stand Exchange years, committee and that they he empowered ! damaged by big onslaughts sumed. The latter rendered all the assUtanoe when a of 1J old. I of the streams. the forenoon of at the same hotel on the Dej*nner. going there boy years to till all vacancies. The committee is During In the course the hearing yesterday banquet evening Donne Par In bis power, binding up the Injured He has been at the head of the present Franklin the water rushed into the sheds of the Meaher stated that of February 15th. M. Fr«d E. Richardf, composed as follows: Want 1, afternoon, Attorney member and then going for a physician, Arm for over SO Blaine on and A meeting of the Congress Square nnlon Lundl. Du ii'Jth Janvier. years. skillings; Ward 2, Francis M. hurst; Steamship company Franklin Ualbgher young Cohinnls, both of hut the patrolman hod done such effici- New Falmouth Hotel, I. Ward D. P. wharf so that the work of unloading the whom had testlbed at hear- will be held in the ohuroh parlors at 2.80 THE CIVIC (JLUii. Ward 3, Chester Orr; 4, Saturday's ent work that his services were unuoous- Portland, Maine. from on# of the o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Parker; Ward 5, Win. O. Hunt; Ward 6, cargo steamers had to ing, were arrested at the beginning of The Clvio cl ib of Portland voted at It he Down at The Chestnut street Auiilary of the W. srry. Mr. Chick; Ward 7, E. T. liurrowee; ! suspended. the ilrand0 tons. There shoes, hi i pers and oxfords will contin- keop- Mias adaquatoly ably be In the vlolnlty later when be Plano Solo, Best are also aboard a number of cattlemen. ue today aud Wednesday, and people In I ing up with the Ueoltatlon—Bow he saved St. ooul'i he secured for a lecture In Port Michaels, It is the of the of this need of In this line should needs of a grow- Miss Brackett plan managers anything Small land on “Chil Iren’s Playgrounds." line to have everything In raadiuess so net miss tLU eel) as It means dollars ing library. Z After the entertainment, which was books. It consists of that the Meiuu-n osn sail for her return saved, lit ad their advertisement for enough for 10, large enough for 10,000 CASCO ATHLETIC CLUB. much enjoyed, a delightful lunch was on csl-nder of various sul^s. a system of which may bo built up like a lot of blocks, served. Saturday. days units, As the time draws nsar for tbs spar- one Fish is in in or broad or to fit the You buy coming good quantities high low, narrow, space. sxblbltlon on Feb- ring Friday evening, now and no or of aro dust PERSONAL. complaints scarcity any P unit at a lime, as you want them. They absolutely Interest continues on the tn- ruary bd, of the different kinds is hoard. Yester- i All and We are sole Ask for a DON’T RUN proof. styles sizes. agents. oreaae. The contestants la the opening day's arrivals were the Eva and Mildred catalogue. boat, Jimmy Connors of Bangor and ^ Mr. A. F. Lewis of Fryebnrg was In with 1090 pounds, the Robert and Carr, Eddie of Portland, have Joyce many the city yesterday oalllng upon friends with 7000 pounds, the Nettle May with friends who will torn out In force to prior to his depsrtnra for Cubs. 20C0 pounds, and the Cherokee, with »0J0 AWAY see them. are matched and AAAAAAAA AAA AAA AA A AAAAAAA jitiillf 44444444 They evenly M. tbs WWWWWWWW WWWWWWWW WWWWWWWW WWWW-w-w Capt. L. Uersey of t>th Infantry, pounds. will a exhibition. T'lokete put up good D. S. A-. la on his way to the * can be obtained at Smith's hotel and at Philip- with the Idea that because r.u articlo of clothing been a is laded it is worthless. the olub room. It'd Middle street. pines, having passing long leave Have it and up in good of abseaowat Mass. dyed pressed shape Melrose, and tee what a lot o! wear there is in tk STILL ALAHM. A ploture of Ki-Major Charles J. Chap- Hl£ Non-Irritating Chemical No. 8, was called laet night man has reoeatly been added to the rn^TrniO Forest City Dye House to Flok'e oobbler shop at 1U7 Congraat Maine room at the Falmouth hotel. Cathartic 4 rn \ Slid Steam Carpet C'lcans- IHI U J I LI I U street. The Ore was oaueed by an over- Mr. Walter T. Camp, who was reoeatly ,llg w©rke, Easy to take, easy to operate— heated stove. The damage was slight, appointed assistant paymaster la the 13 Preble St., opp. Preble Home. sb at .!». navy, la In ths el t~w~ K hi j lores C'ieomaJ trery Day. ly. __ Hood’s Pills ’ * X ..

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