S PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Egg 1900. PRK.E THREE CBNT8. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—V9L. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, TOE8PAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, tlo only ooa adopted la >M that will be LETTER FRO* *R. STEAD. BRIAN 1.1 RHODE ISLAND. ismomboxpd lor all I late. “I hare a higher ambition thaa to ta H< AdSrnm lp»k» of lions* nf Com- PreeMeat," aaM ba. "Thai la to do mon*. something to make the govern man t bat- ter. 1 hay* a* daabt that tha lima will TEN THOUSAND MEN London, January W—Owing to tho the Pre- Addressed Three Meet- oame whoa tha prlaolpla* of tha Chicago nan at death of Lady Ballsbiuy, platform will be a part at the law tf the mier did not glia tte oootoiaury parlia- This was There Called Sutss. I bailer* la It* animate mentary dinner this evening. ings Monday. triumph. Tha paapla today know mot* given on his behalf by the llnka of De- thaa they did la 1W8. They hay* ax pool- vonshire, lord president of tbe eoanoll. •noad aamathlng line* thaa. I hay* aaa- J Mr. Ballonr, tbe Karl of Kimberley and d SB sad that proverb of Solomon's to ‘tht The British Losses in South Africa Sir Henry CamptelMJanaerman, also wlae man gets aa Idea lata hla head) tha entertained their respective supporters Cones on £»e of Gubernatorial faollsh man get* It la tha aaok.' Tha Mr. William T. Bleed naa addressed an RapobMaan party la legislating against open letter to the speaker of tbe Hones Campaign. tbs rights of tha paapla. Nearly That. of Commons, Mr. William Cean (Jolly, Mr. Bryan was the only speaker and asking him t] bring It to tbe notlee of tha os rati a g brake op qalekly ta anabl* tbe boose. Tbe writer says: him ta oatoh a train far Weoaaooket. Ha "Jhe ojnsrqueaoe of going to war * bald a abort raoaptloa la the railw ay with a He In oor rlgbt band Is now man- Received With Usual atatloa and bad# farewell to a volley of ifest, even to the dullest understanding. ohaar* from a large crowd. A Fourth of These Have Been Tbe responsibility for tbe He wblob Is now Its natural cones- Enthusiasm. COL. BHYAN AT WOONSOCKET. working oat * quseless la Booth Africa, originally lay Wooaaookat, January A groat upon the ooloaial secretary alone; but, crowd greeted Col. Bryan aa ka eteppod Killed. I y a conspiracy of falsehoods^ tbe select (ram tha train at 4.07 aa kla arrival from committee of ltW7 was hooassd Into re- I’awtuoket. Mr. Bryaa and Mayor Groan Reiterates Determination Not turning a false verdict wblob, being af- of thla ally wara aa aknltl e-cocks and blotches, blackheads, red, rough, oily, terward nceepted by tbe House of Com- COMPLEXIONS, pimples, wara paahad and Jammed a bo a I In tka hair with Irritated and dan- To Desert Silver. mons, Involved Parliament Itself In tba BADmothy skin, dry, thin, and falling scalps frantle andaavor of tba antbnalaata to and responsibility for a fatal fraud.“ drufl, red, rough hands, with Itching, burning palms, shapeless nails shako tko band of tba prospaotlva Dsno- Invasion of The Free State Will Mr. Btead then avssrts that “tbs war and blemishes, prevented by Cuticura Soap. oratla osmdldata. On tha to tha boqia painful Anger ends, baby way was undertaken to oonoeal the truth and removes cause of loss of hair, and blem- wf Han. Both Gatohall for Col. It the disfiguring eruptions, baby lnnoh. to whitewash the colonial secretary," or condition of tho Providence, H. January 8fc— Ool. Bryan stopped at tha offloa of Tha Call Next. ishes, vis.: the clogged, Irritated, inflamed, sluggish I., Come and be appeals to the Huoae to Insist up- be with William J. a waek’s lour of and was protected to tha At Pores. No other medicated soap ever compounded Is to compared Bryan began antlrejataff. on the production of the oorretpeudenoe for the of dimm- flva o'alook bo bald a reception at tba It for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and New England purpose between tbe colonial offloe aad Mr. tbs of tba day. today spank- Moanment boose, and at 6 IS entered tbs hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap, however expensive, Is to ing questions Uawksley, solicitor to tbe obartered oom- ing three times, at Pawtuokst and Weon- opera bourn where a big m*»8 meeting be with it for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. psny, “In order to ascertain the trutb compared sooket In tba nftsrnoon, nnd this oily In waa bald. Soap at One Price — 25 Cents — the respecting the Jameson raid and to purge Thus it combines fu One namely, of Kbode W. Green llnller Wid Be tbe evening. As tks btats Mayor Gaorge preaided \ot Known Whether the Houee of this dishonor." and and the best toilet and the best soap In best skin complexion coap baby la on the svs of n and ho Introduoed Mr. Bryan Island just guberna- ‘The leaders hive deoldsd op- Drug and Chem. Solo opposition the world. Sold everywhere. Potter Corp., torial wbloh will oloss with nn without formality and tba latter oatnpalgn Given Another Chance. on Lord Kdmund Fltimaurtoe, member U. S. A. IIow to and the Skin,” free. election la Is for an hoar. Ur. llryan de- Props., Boston, Purify Beautify April, Mr. Bryan's oomlng •poke Just for tbe Crtokelado dlelsion of Wilts, to tbs Bis clared tbat Ibe of tba Boat timely for Demooratlo party. nawapapere more the amendment to the addrem chief address In la wore net fair to tba ba rep- Infantry ball, tonight, entirely party involving tbe vote of oensure. External and Internal Treatment of Every Humor. (IreI n asrlss of rallies reeanta and referred In terma of to Complete considered the of pralaa will ba a Conaiatina of CPTicrtA 8oap (*.*.). to cImdh tho akin of cruoto aad or ales and aoffea The amendment of oempre- /MiT.riinA com- vlett the thickened cuticle,Ctmci a* O.ntment (40e.). to Inatantly allay itchin* and Irritation and arranged by the Demooratlo state hie to tba offloa of tba paper In tbla wue SETecv r. GR THE 91.40 and Ci'ticoha RtBOLensT to cool and cleanae tho blood. A ainglo a. in.— Boers who also oocupled a heavy spur tooth*and heal, (We.), mittee m Its effort to oarry tbs state. oity, wblob la willing to represent tha London, January 30 —4.—15 ttdl often auffieiant to cute tho aevertat humor whan all tlM fail*. parallel with the kop, where the enemy Moreover as tbe leglslstuns will meet to- prlnolplaa of Demooraoy. lilitory pause* for* tlnia In South Africa. was oonoenled In no fewer than Ua declared tbat tba of tba He- thlity* morrow, tbs gathering brought together policy those unsatisfactory pauss* It U on* of Uve rifle end was thus enabled to men of both from waa not but pit# FOLK BOILERS EXPLODED. prominent big parties pablloan party argument nerve# that arc nearly as trying to Urltlib to bear uponfoor raeii a damaging WHAT THE BOERS WIST. all over tbe state, to bear tbs doetrlnas of •oerolon, and this wee particularly bring of and crossfire, the possible point for a Jeffersonian Democracy expounded by a noticeable In 1890 Pa rtlea most exist, as a sequence reverses; apparently. only IMttuliurs (tolling Mill Wrrckrd aud British attack the southern side national Demooratlo leader. IbsJ speech however, bnt It la for tba voter to be free It will terminate only when Lord Hotcrte beln? .Mail)' with sheer on toe left Injured. to oboore between them and his free virtually preulploe* of this evening, tbs third delivered by will, the word for the forward movement gives and A narrow foot the not at of an Ur. right. path admitting the Colonel within six hours, like the dictation employer. to Into the Free State, wblob, according men in single file only to the summit Dr. Outlines Their two previously given was listened to by llyran then argued upon tbe suhjeot of Leyds department of Philipps, Mmick ami Co., th* most cheerful view he will be unable opens to a perfect table land probably an audlenoe that taxed lbs capacity of taxation and apoke In favor of aa oqnall rolling mill, was wreoked today and ,• he will of three hundred square yards area upon Demands. the hall to tbs utmost. Thera was plenty zetlon of lte burdens, declaring tbat the to do for a fortnight. Whether dozen men lojured by the explosion of which the Boers hid hastily commenced of music and enthusiasm. Congressman Hepnblloan party It paying more atten- General Boiler to make another hJ,made a of four permit Quality battery large boilers. 1 be loss to make a transverse trench. Our men Is a member of Col. tion to of wealth than to tbe Dentx, who Bryan's aggregation relieve le quite them the in will be enormous. All tbe Injured men attempt to Ladysmith were able to the fur ther end of leading Cigar a at the of tbe Ur. at occupy were remorel from the party also made ringing apeeoh rlgbte people. Biyan apoke quickly rutoe. outside th# knowledge even of those close- this table laud where the ridge descended Klee were mutlliated almost beyond meeting here. some length on tbe aubjeot of bi- NEW ENGLAND. office. With to another which was suc- reoounltlon. One man died and more metallism and eald be was not to connected with the war flat, again willing ly A favorite in Want Pack Territories Stolen l!s death may result.
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