¦ • IRE LAND. ^ / te * ' . ' r^*; *• ' ' MmUMngg the middlemenSystem, but he though t by four or five childre n oh the same land as the father ,', OF MALCO LM M'GREGOR. they would introdu ce worst feature of thatt SiBBA-n*E j the very ' SO. TI. •system. He would use the words of ' the *late Mr. . for J "Gobbet, and 'tell- not legislate 6h.it myself a short timej or them that they could .r nntr amm el ,] ¦the ' ' ' the fathers ^ j subject , the refore he said let ,, not desire entire or even long re- ' of the *- \ \ sav, I do thei natural protec tors , ' be the guardia ns propose d by • tbe witch ing influence that I feel Kathleen children. If they passed the resolution from iVIr. M'Grath , not a father in England would tako ) ^ affrises over n,v er<-17 thouSbt> 1 wil* f - up a share for his child. ' ... the unado rned narrative of " THE Mr: Shaw O'Conno rs motion. -f lhe reader would support Mr. Mr -'Cu O'Connor 's i ¦" -SE-X/' for such " mine host" turned out to FFAYji aid he would support Mr * •fv motio n; " - * " read er must picture to himself a stranger AND . Mr. , that any NATION Ui-koiy fhe I said wrong AL he thought it was 1 . . -**' . stomed to all the comforts of a happy '^^^^f^Mi, man should obtain the of twenty acres of .{ acCO ~ tee-simple io***'- - . i.:„i, i\.a. f.«.«. * land , but the mora which the best hotelsi.n«Aic. canaov. furnishr..«. <.i., more he considered the case the or th ose ____OJ,77. LONDON . ]*ATUtoAY, DEC E^^ «». ^^2%tZ~ he was lost in it. society from the Tanks of the qm,ur ^l the fbosen gay, Mr. M'Grath said they inust not forg et that the *-* and Bbe never would tell me th e would always of th 'e .-grtinc an (- we^ "*forined , as Ms companions , reasonof her laving, ballot took place, it happened to turn up a prize ; Mr. Iwsb said , 'he represented. Borne fourte en tbe motion of Messrs. O'Connor and Ross declared to pr operty remain the property _ ' ' but I believe she tould " the person to whom it was transfer red held other allbpposed to the selling of the Land , Company, until such time as they had . bought it- wtcd wiiu all the dissipation that courts and her mother. , towns , under be carried . . share B at the time he thought fathers were bound to suppor t their chil- " , but immediately transferred any ciroiiibstancet . His constituents +in France The next portion of the programme was introduced '" *f iri of lively fashion afford, sitting in the " Yes, said Ph elim, " The villain, and I'll hav e tbem ; this question had been dren on their allotments. • ' * . - tf0I submitte d to the board , would J uttdeitake f to deposit some seven hundred by Mr. O'CoRnor relative to his life. decided on its merit s - Mr. Burrell said he believed it was quite consis- - ncv corner of an Irish cabin, with au aged and and to be a strictly legal tra ns- pounds.-^ .... action. PLACING ONE FAMILY ON THB SAME ALLOTMENT. tent with the laws of the country , that minor sshould peasa nt, and his two peasant children , as "What , then ," said 1, no longer able to Mr. Cotfay saU he had receivejl ho instruction s i tiered restrain Mr. Smyth thought thecountr y He submit ted the following motion :— hold. He thomrht it would be the father 's part to ' was of opinion that ns regards the Baijk, but he was instructed to oppose companions. Yet, stran ge as it may my indignation , " did he insult you ?" no man could legal l ' would likewise be the host and y transfer his share after having the »ale of the;li ind , and henco he would support That in order to locate members of the same family look to his children, but it the property and and cloyed as I supposed my appetite for Kathleen wept ; and with a deep, deep sigh, obtained his allotment by ballot. the motion,, and trusted great caution would be upon the fame estate , tbe ballet in future shall be taken duty of the Trustees to see thnt ^ar. Mr. T. M. Wheeler said such thin gs were of daily observed. ^.* :• -.- , V . tha t is to say, suppose the riehts of the Com pahv were duly secured. enjoy ment to be, I found a chord answered " No, sir, I'de kill myself first , but he as follows:—In such cases, i mra ble o-currence. A man held sha res , Mr. SjiTTH' one ballot Mr. Holloway sai d he thoug ht it Mr. Clark pro- he became depressed ^ a hstructions was to support the members wishing to hazard their shares on f till now had remained mut e caught me and asked me to—" in circumstances from . : . '. ' • ' • " ' would crea te diaaatid tnc- afned. ffbich and slackness of wor k or other mbX- mot ion.. j . _ :...... ,, ; shall amount to four snares , and suppose the number to poatt ion was not adopte d, it " Enou g " ' fortunes , and thus was compelled tion amon g were favourable to ama lga- within me; 1 felt a mixture of honest delight h, enough, I ejaculated hastil y, " He s a to dispose of them ; Mf- T. M. W-gsi-LER would support the establish- be ballot ted for be fifty, in such case when forty-six shall all those who tel such was the case with found Mr. O Con- villain." Mr. Mills. ment ot a bank of deposit , but he thought branch be drawn , all chances of such members then resting their mation. And again , if fathe rs astonishment , mingled with no small share of j would imme- d Mr. O'Connor thought there was no cause for banks would be to anweildy for them to manage at chance upon one ballot f hall cease in that ballot. nor 's proposit ion was adopted , they jr , for having spent so many years of the O'Donnell resumed his narrative. alarm ; he had offered ei present. He diately tra nsfer their shares to other persons . _ .ienmac h ghty pounds for a four acre thought a redemption fund was an ab- Mr. Buook seconded the motion . t " 1'* al lotmen t at Herrin gsgate de- solute necessity, r Mr. said if Mr. O'Connor ' s prop osition my We in search of what is termed polite lite- Well, sir, he Continued , "I ax you, is not it , and his offer was ' Mr. Donovan thoug ht the resolution would he un- Donovan jgttof clined. Mr. to the inte rests O'Co nnor vfeuld be sorry to see any lar ge and called upon a family to make too many was adopted , it would be detrim ental piareand a knowled ge of the world , while I left un- a hard case to be in dr ead of being sent to the road just / rfe' ' ital waspaid Mr. G. Cavil moved that this Conference agrees capit alist or meneimonger deriving benefits from sacrifices. It was an intricate question ; they had ofthe Company, thr .ught when cap " that ited and was ignorant of the sphere and circle in my ould age, risin g slowly from the bench and , with the decision made in this case by the Directors , the results of his labou rs. As to the slims to be paid y in by one person , and ci rcumstances compelled discussed it much in Manchester , and t he more the whom knowledge with great care believing it to be strictly legal. m, he w«uld say any sura , as they had threepenny person to tran -fcr it to ano ther , the person to t(| lffC valuable may he acquired and pure , pullin g an old leather bag from discussed itthe moredifficulttheyfoun d it. He thou ght The Mr. Gilbertson seconded the motion , which , after instalments he cdj ld not " see why they should not it was transferred could not feel tha t interest in it, enjoye d. O'Donnell , a muscular looking his breeches pocket , " look there , your honour " he " it would be beneficial to locate families together ; a^jjht , a few words from Messrs . Cuffay and Donovan , was pay threepenuy de/osits to the' Redem ption :Fund , they would be better calculated to work together than and the paying up of shares would decline in pro - it would enab l? aa a of nea ily four-score years , -with his -white continued , taking a roll of old papers ont of several carried. and the members to place the money strangers. portion . ' old banda ges of leather and Mr. O'Cohxor in earrying out the programme of in banks instead; bf the publ ieatils store. He was Mr. VVnBELBR thought Mr. O'Connor 's proposition AFTERNOON SITTING. •Otis stre aming upon his brawn y shoulders , with linen , " look ther e, them business, brought forward the question ofa decidedly opposed to loans . If they mortgaged , tbey was decidedly unjust as it would do away with nine Mr. Cuffa y prese nted a petiti on from Glasgow blue eye that seemed to read my inmost is the papers ofthe lands of Crief and O'Donnell 's , ^erri ng HANK 0F DEP081T AND I88UB. 8acr ificed,-?nd if they sold, they must do it in a way chances out of thirty. against the return of Mr .Walker , signed by William freshness that fru gality aud content - Town, that was in onr famil for hundreds tha t wouldjiDsure a, profit. TAere.tra s no mortgag e Noughts, and a y of years , and said it was an important question—it would ob- Mr. Smyth approved of the resolution submitted by McMurray and William McDonald , and moved that on a tittlelrf 'the ir property. - Hehad been offered Mr. O'Connor , and could see no injustice in it; the it be received ; at the same time protesting against ment alone can give, sat in the chimney cor ner , and the Crowley 's, and Bryan 's, and Moore 's and viate the necessit y of either sale or mort gage of the seven thoUBahd aamortsage on the Redmarl eyestate , ' pray ing ' form. Father O'Farrd , all has there 's." Land . Mortgage would to a certain extent crippl e sacrifice , if sacrifice it was, wis entirely voluntary . its . forward npon his staff, with the prop of the but had OfM ned-tke offer ,*; determined to leave the !* leaning their exertions , as for twelve thousa nd pounds Mr. Rouse proposed the following :— ; Mr. O'Chnno h seconded the motion . his left hand , while I " And how did yon lose them ?" said I. worth bBSKe, young Phelim, upon of property, they could not expect to get more than of ha T* ' •' TMt &''«nBble;j(eft Carried unanimously. "be encei' Afftr/ the qnwHon ^ nig*t he;&ank ;>epar - ' " T 'dohatn ' ied the opposite niche , witir Kathleen upo n " Lose them -replied ; " why, when William eight thousand by mortga ge. He thought .their bank partment s be'di rided 'In' pr oportion . to the number *« ? The ofi"Famil y Compact; aaftegards-ta l¦lofr " ^senp ate, it was impossible , for where would be the secu- - . •. - - . - English come giving three per cent. , would be far better , and much acres (maki ng the'famil y allotment to consist of a gifim ing for allocation , was resumed. jiy righ t, busily employed in airin g sheets , pHlow- and tbe over here , the ould Lord 's rity. Separate and distinct directions , Smyth more secure than the existing banks. He had re- , would of number of acres) the given number to be decided by, a Mr: said if the parent got the share the stockings , not great-gra ndfather was a cor poral ; and I often hear course , be necessar y. As to branch banks c8ses and a night-ca p, and mendin g ceived many votes from trade societies, requesting , they subsequent resolution. child should go witb, and vice versa. my grandfather —Go d were impossible; they must have but one centra l re- Mr. J. R. Smakt had arrived at the conclusion to inattentive to her father 's oft-told tale, nor much rest his sowl!—telling how he him to establiBh- ' ibank .'ahd -promising to withdraw servoir forthe receipt of cash. He hoped they would Mr. Cuf fay seconded the amendment. vote with Mr. O'Connor. heard his father say, that Cor poral their deposits , and deposit their cash in the People's pat out of the way by the presence of a strange r. Butt ermiik come to ah unanimous vote on the qu estion. He had Mr. M'Gkatii thought Mr. O'Connor 's a just and Bank as soon as'established , and there 's would not be Mr. Bradlbt had arrived at a similar conclusion supper , and at watched Father O'Farrell 's great- grandfath er never charged a shilling for his travelli ng equitable proposition . He tho ught it was necessary The little circle thus arranged after , night like many others , mere bubble securit y, but the good expenses with Mr. Smart. to view estates , although it had cost him fifteen that the family wishing to be located together , (he orig inal motion. req uest , the O'Donnell gave roe the followin g and day, till he found out his cave in the mountain. and substantial one of land . Thia would afford the Mr. Gilbbrtson woul I support my pounds in . a week , but henceforth as tiiey were a should belon g to one class, and all the names of the Mr. Brown said looking to the fourth rule, any- riest , company time to wait , and not force on a sale ; , jnjiorv of his times and family- He was a p and was obliged to hide wealthy society, he should consider them better able family should be put on one ticket. out whereby thoy might , if they determined to sell, body was eligible to becom e members who took himself there ; and he and my ances tor realise to piy than he was. (Loud cheering. ) After some remarks from Messrs. Clark Bradley, yAKRATIYE OF THE O'DONNELL. »sed to be sixteen thousand pounds for their Herrin gsgate pro- Again he , cards and rules , and paid one shilling and fourpence ; -* trusted they would come to an unanimous decision. Holloway , Walker , Wheeler , and Dixon , and the ctH had therefore commenced witb the •¦ " I' in it together and he'd come out to celebr ate mass perty ; which, it would be seen, the amount of rent , , Veil, said the patriarch , " m running on to Mr. Brook thoug ht the best way would bo to sub- Mr , intimated a desire to make an ad- , move :— realised would justify a capitalist giving, O'Connor origin of the company. He would , therefore to God in the hills ; and snre , Buttermilk , the ould Lord 's and mit a distinct proposition , he would , and said he thought his motion foursco re years , and, thanks be , I never had thus would they be enabled to carry on the operations therefore pro- dition to his motion " That henceforth no person , he admitted into the ancestor , nabbed them both pose the following :— instead of being an injustice , was the very con- age of fourteen 's sickness. I' m living in this townsland , and , and they murdered ofthe society much quicker , and locate one thousand j Chartist Land Company under the a day trary. The addition he wished to make was " them for being papists and saying mass—the Lord where now they could only locat e one hundred . The Tha t it will be more conducive to th* interest of tlie years , ay ancestors before me, over FIVE HUNDRED That no name should be placed on thc ticket , but the Mr. Cuffat seconded the moti on. people had how begun to see the value of Land , and Lp.nd Company, both collectively nnd individuall y, that that save us!— and he got all the lauds of the names of such as were of sufficient age to occupy, and ' TEAKS, but we have no SURE account before the Star of last week exhibited at one view the mind funds requisi te for the carrying out the objei-t of the Mr. Siiaw opposed Mr. Cuffay s motion . O'Farrells ' , the O'Donnell' s, the Moore ' s, the company be raised by tbe establishment of a bank of that only five names should be placed on one ticket. Mr. Ross moved ,— rime , only in them days, and till "William come with of the working men of England , Ireland , and Scot- de- mor tgage, He thoug ht this necessary to give security that the " That the Finance Committee be allowed to make Crowley 's, and the Bryan' s. Musha , Phelim, land , all co-operatin g for one object. The people posit of either sale or the English, it belonged to ourselves, but now we' re houses should be kept in proper order and repair . their report . were anxious to obtain immediate possession of land, Mr. BoBRBLi *m oved .;-— • 1 show his honour the blessed cave ; I'll en- Mr . Buruhll was of opinion that a scale should be Seconded by Mr. Wild , and carried unanimou sly. dad , God be praised , to rent a bit of it, I had a and hence the necessity of taking some effectual step but not a child in the count y That a committee of five persons be app ointed to draw drawn out , on which members wishing to be located Mr. John SnAW said , they had thoroughly sifted of over 100 acres from the ould Lord , gage but knows it, and to secure that object. J arge spot up a code of rules , on which the bank shall be established , together should be required to act. Mr. O'Connor 's accounts and found them correct to blesses it when he passes . It' s on tbe way to Father , God rest his sowl, hut I gave it up to Jack and Mr. Burrell rose with great pleasure to second Mr. Walker seconded the motion . Mr. Cuffa y moved that the Conference resolve a halfpenny. O'Farrell 's. And now," he continued , still standin g, the motion , he believed a bank of deposit and loan itself into Comm ittee to con sider the question'. received . >*edeen, when they got married , and I come to •-- Mr . J. Shaw proposed as an amendment— Mr. Wild moved , that the repo rt be was the best thin g that could be adopted . A pro- Mr. Wild seconded the motion . and with great energy, " I ax you—is it any wonder Tha t the directors shall submit tbe details of a plan Mr. Smar t seconded the motion. tbis place with the Gossoon here , and Kathleen. I vident bank had been established in Scotland , and The questio n was put , and an equality of votes were received, that my ould blood should boil, when 1 think of an for the establish ment of a bank of deposit , and report the Mr. Smyth wished to kno w thc total sum Lad two boys and two irls be my first partner ,' God the security offered was the dock s and harbours of declared , whereupon the Chairman gave his casting and was informed i t amounted to £18.250. is. H id. g same to-morrow . * upstart spladdereen living on the spot where my Greenock , which no one was likely to purchase , and vote in favour of going into committee. Mr. 0 Connor related the immense sums it, cust rest her sowl, as good childer as ever a poor man ' fore fathers owned ; for , indeed , that child th ere, our national Bank of England offered no bette r [Mr. Shaw s amendment was not seconded.] Mr. Ross thoug ht the number of acres should be him in travelling to see esta tes, which were not , nor ¦was blesse d with, and all, thanks be to God, well to security than eight hundred millions of debt. He Mr. Donovan moved the following amendment — limited to four for one of those family or co-operating would they be, entered. He had vouchers for ail ; (pointin g to Kathleen ), could show you where the thought the proposed bank should be managed as a do. Well, sure when they all got married , I used Tha t Mr. Burrell , and all persons who have any infor. parties. and never were men better satisfied than were the ould house stood; and to think th at she, a real separate and distinct concern , apart from the Land , give, do convey the same Mr , Page was decidedly of opinion that minors seven the Conference had ap pointed as a committ' e, to act as herdsmen to the ould Lord , and but I Company , althou gh in aid of its objects mation to by letter to tlie O'Donnell—for her mother was a cousin of ray own, , and he should be excluded. And all he required was that they should refute with the dair ymaid that used to milk the directors. picked up would like it to be placed und er the direction of the Mr. T. M. Whkeleb said , in some places in Scot- and put down the rascals that went about the coun- and she has the eyes, and nose, and hair of the Mr. Brook seconded the amendment. cows, as comely a girl as you'd see in a day' s walk, British Guarantee Society, which had the sanction of land nearly the whole of a town was desirous of co- try stating that he was spen ding the money of the The mover and seconder having expressed a wish O'Donnell 's—should he a scullion in his kitchen ; government , and he thought its directors should be operating together. people in support oftlie Northern Star. and the ould Lord and my Lady was very fond of the motion , it was accordingly with- and that the thief shnnlrl dsrA tn offend her. " paid as well as the directors of any other banks . He to withdr aw Donovan said , the more they discussed the The report was unanimously adopted. w* Mr . us both , and when the young Lord was born , Phelim cordiall y seconded the motion. drawn , and the amendment is unanimou sly agreed more complicated the affair became , he could not see on Here the old man seized his staff with both hands Mr. John Sh aw moved the following resolution :— the same , Mr. Clark said many members of the company to. O'Connor ' just , lie thought it lae, too, "was ^born day, and the that Mr. s plan was Resolved ,—That we, the undersigned Dalegates, winding it round his head , aud looking at Kathleen desired that their allotment? should become freehold Mr. O'Cohnor next submitted the next question was almost impossible to decide this question before woman that ' b sick in there now with the rheu - , , having been appointed to scrutinize the Accounts of poor the motion su bmitted would have the effect of ac- on the prog ramme:*— had discussed the rules. He would move " That said,— they Fear gus O'Connor , Esq.. as Sub-Treasurer to the mati cs, lwing so clean in hersel f, they took her to Wha t sort of cottages shall be erected for the allottees complishing this. He believed, if the Bank could this question stand adjourned until the rules be " Chartist Co-operative Lam! Company, " have now " My child , why didn 't you tell me the reason of give three per cent. , gentleman 's servants and other for the futur e, aud how much money shall ba expende d discussed. " the castle and gave her the nursing of the present ¦• to report , that , upon the mo 1- *; minute examination of , , but I'd have the vil- small capitalists wenld be happy to bank with them , in tbeir erect ion. Mr. Wheeler read some instructions forwarded lor d, and they'd let her have Phelim there to see your laving ? and ould as I am such Accounts , we find that every Farthing which taking their Chartist Land as their security, 's life. Now, your honour ," be concluded; ¦' is and he He thou ght the cottages should be as ixuch alike as to Mr. Wilkinson , from the Exeter district , who -* has been received by him is duly accounted for . The iirn on Sundays , and he and the young Lord was lain believed tho allottees, in six years , would be able to possible, and four rooms the greatest number of un fortunately detained at home by severe indisposi- Vouchers have been produced for every item of ex- it any wonder that we should hate the Saxon laws, neat playfellows together , being they were fos- possess their allotments as freeholds. He did not rooms He thought such cottages would not cost tion. The instructions were in favour of the bank penditure , however trifling, mid that from the Bank and that we should love our priests that sheltered us agree with Mr. Burrell , that it should be separate seventy pounds in their erectio n. of deposits , &c. &c. terers (foster-brothers), and we went on that way more than Indeed Book , which has beeu submitted to our inspection , and distinct from the society. Mr. Cu ffay seconded Mr. Donovan 's amendment , when the enemy come, and that lost their all rather he thought three rooms sufficient , giving the occu- it appears , that the various sums which he has re- lill Fhelimeen and tbe youn g Lord vra s about 16 Mr. W. Dixos said his constituents were much in pant the privilege of adding at his own pleasure and which was, however , subsequently withdrawn. ceived have been faithfully deposite d in the hamls o£ nor forsake us -, for sure , if they'd only turn Pro- favour of this object , and a trades ' body, with whom 'then After some remarks from Messrs. Doyle, , rears, always takin g Phelim with him shootin g and expense , and , these cottages would not cost Wild the Company 's Banker , in conformit y with rule , est ants, they might keep their estates and be gen- he was well acquainted , were read y to withdraw their more than sixty pounds each. It was of all things and Brook , the amendment was put and lost, and and that upon comparing the dat e of the Receipts tonrsing, and bird catching ; and sure there was no money from the savings bank and deposit it in the O'Connor ' s motion was declared to be carried. necessary that a plan of cottages should be decided Mr. with the Bank Deposits , they equally correspond 'd tlemen : and now, in my ould age, I suppose I shall 's bank. one like Phelim with him . When he come from people on. Mr, O'Connor moved , with pnnh be turned on the road. God hel p us!! 1" other . school it was, ' where s Phelim ? and what he done Mr. Donovan said he thought the proposition was Mr. Siuw thou ght it an importan t question for That no person make part of the aggregate of shares , "T hat in consequence of the infamoM calumnies " I do not wonder , O'Donnell , I replied ; " and calculated to put the people in possession of the land the considerat ion of this Conference , he would there * constituting the famil y or co-operative party, under the which have been circulated with the malicious intent was always sure to be right. Well, my dear sir, much speedier than they otherwise could. He be- I join full in your hate , and hate myself for having fore propose— age of eighteen years , of injuring the reputation of Mr , 0' Connor ; we y lieved the plea was well calculated to make the this went on till the young Lord went to College, That a committee persons be appeinted hereb y declare the unbounded satisfaction wbich the lived so long in ignorance of the history of such a company what it was intended to be, the regenera- of five ,CQn8i5 t- Mr , Sh aw seconded the motion . inspection of his accounts with the Society has and wishin g to settle Phelim first , he got the ould " tion ofthe working classes. ingof tbe following person s, Messrs . Ross, Smart , Wild , Mr. Cuffa y supported the mction as being well race ; but you shall never be turned npon the road. afforded us, and at the same time to express in the ive him a raise of this spot , for all our own Mr. Wild said the question had been discussed Dixon , and Burrell ,to carry out the object contemplated. calculated to keep the land in tbe hands of working Lord to g name of our numerous constituents the gratitude (To be continued.) amongst his constituents , and he thought if* the Mr. -(/iviHyseconded the motion; --i*^*-* *'' - • ' "-¦ men. , years, and he helped us, and madegreat Mr. Clark objected to the proposition on the which is duo to him for his long and faithful services Eves and 31 trades put their funds in their hands , there might be Mr. ' Smtth moved— ;, ,. - and Phelimeen is always putting ground that nny person who had paid their shares , in the cause of the working classes. improvements hy circumstances occur that would compel those so- That three room cotta ges on one floor be adopted . had a right to the benefits resulting therefrom , and (Signed) for Kathleen , in case she might get married. " cieties to draw out their deposits , at the rate of Seconded by Mr. Pa ge. thousands per week. Now he thought if a capital the lease should be made out in the name of the John Suaw , whole frame trembled ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE Mr. Burrell moved— God for give me I but my of £50,000 was raised there could be no difficult in minors . William Uonn , Jun. , •ffheu I heard the last sentence. " And ," I observed , CHARTIST LAND COMPANY. Th at each allottee shall hare his choice as to the size Mr. O'Conn or explained that in law they could Henr y Pagb, keeping a capital of £15,000 in hand to meet such ' of the houst ; he may wish to occupy, always pr ovided , not make the lease to a minor , the father orguardian William Hrook , , , is Miss O'Don- The delegates assembled at the People ' , emergencies. His district was desirous of becoming i-astily, " what then , is Kath that is s Hall he dots not exceed the sum appropriated for thr.tpurpose, would take it. Robbr t Burrell ,' Loreday-street , Birmin gham , on Monday, Decem- freeh olders, and he thought this was the only course nell going to be married : '' Mr. Clahk persevered and moved :—• Archibald Walker. ber 7th. calculated to give the directors the power to hold the Mr. Bra dley seconded this amendmen t. ¦• Mr. Wild thought the rule had better remain as That minors liars the same right as maj ors . Damei, Donotam , Chairman. " ' • No. sir," replied Kathleen , I hare no notion The following is the land Hntil such times as the allottees could purchase their own allotments. it was. Mr. Hollowa y seconded the amendment. Mr. Smyth (Bradford ), seconded the motion . yet." This assurance gave me relief, and the LIST OF DELEGATES. oi it Mr. Smttii , Bradford , thought a vast number of Mr. Clark thought the several class of houses Mr. Donovan opposed the motion, as unjust and When , after a tew words trom Messrs. Burrell , O Donnell continued , " Well, the young lord would Mr. James Sweet, Nottingham and district. freeholders would be the depositors , and conse- should be uniform , making the largest four rooms , impracticable. Ross, and Dixon, Mr. William Hamer , Oldham and district. and that no larger be allowed unless After some remark s from Mr. O'Connor and Cuf- Mr. Brook said he thou ght come over to see us, and send us help, and would quently, no danger to be apprehended from preci pi- the allottee , the gentlemen who Mr. £. Rons H. Reading and district , and the sere - tate withdrawal of capital. Many thousand pounds shall be prepared ta deposit the cash requisite for fay, the Conference adjourned forthe night. mads calumnious statements did not think them- have Phelim down to the cast le shooting and fishing ral districts in France. from his district only waited the establishment of that purpose. WEDNESDAY. selves ignorant ; therefore , he was anxious to be on the when he came home from College, and Kathleen Mr. William Brook , Leeds and district. the people' s Bank and would be immediately de- Mr. Coffat was opposed to the motion for a com- committee: and , havin g been , he could now return to The Conference resume d its sittin g at the usual Mr. Geor ge Cavil, Barnsley and district . posited. mittee. He wished faith to be kept with the present Leeds, and say the assertions that had been made should go to help in the dair y. But sure , as bad J. S treet in the chair. Mr. Johs Gilbertson. Carlisle and district. Mr. J. R. Smart said his district was unanimousl members , ho would wish them to have all that had time, Mr. were falsp, and that Mr . O'Connor was In every y Mr. Gilbertson reported from the Halifax Dis- hick would have it, when the youn g lord had done Mr. Joh .v Smvth , Bradford and district . in favour of a bank of deposit and loan. been promised. Although as a democrat he admired way worthy to be trusted with the working men' s trict Election Committee , " That the election of with college, the ould lord died , and then the young Mr. William Ceffat , Metropolitan districts . Mr. Pa ge said , he was acquainted with persons equality and uniformity, he could not forget that the money ; and heshould now call tor implicit confidence Mr. Charles Smith eras wull and void, in consequence AncmnALD Walker , and Robert Burrell , Scot- who were read y to deposit five hundred pounds in present system was founded on a rule adopted by the in Mr. O'Connor. He thou ght it was their duty to one wtnt on his travels, and indeed lie brough t of gross irrogularitiG g." tish districts. such a bank immedia tely it was opened , he wished it late Conference ,, and on which promise the shares say to Mr. O'Connor , " You have served us faith- Mr. Broo k moved , and Mr. Sxiyth (Bradford ) Lome an English wife, and ever since the ould place Daniel Donovan and William Dixon, Manches- to be in connexion with the movement , and should had been taken up. fully and well ; and we will not allow you any longer seconded , that the report be received. Received lias been turned out of the windows, and all the ter and districts. support it. to go about the country at your own expense. " He - AFTERN OON SITTING . according ly. Mr. William Conn *, jun., Pershore and district. Mr. Shaw said , he was instructed to support the thought they ouyht to express their thanks in even ould ]»eonle have been sent upon the world. Nothin g Mr. Smith entered into an explanation , and stated Mr. Hisrt Ross, Metropolitan districts. preposi tion , and not to part with the land under any Resumption of .the debate on the a more substantial way, and phtce Mr. O'Connor in was lish sarvants plan of cot- that if any blame was attached to him , it must be good enough for her; and all Eng Mr J. Shaw, do. circumstances whatever , the company was formed to tages. such a position as to he out of the way of all his Mr. Rober t Wild, Ashton-nnder-Lyne , and dis- get the land for the people. He knew there were imputed to ignorance on his part , and should another opponents. 2nd all English people, and all come to the castle ; Mr. Henr y Ross, said he did not agree with Mr. election occur , and he be returning officer , he would tric ts. many persons who were ready to deposit their Mr. Conn said , prejudices had prevailed to a grea t aid them that was good enough to drive the ould O'Connor , that the cottages were too large , at the act differently. Mr. Charles Smith , Halifax and districts. superfluous cash with them. extent in the agricultural districts ; and hence same time a feur room 'd house was larg e enough for Mr. Conn moved that Mr. Charles Smith be ho ffli»K , God rest bev sowl , was' nt fit to drive the Mr. James Brown , Preston and districts. was happy to have formed a member of the Finance Mr. O'Connor wished to be permitted to 9ay a few moderate families. He thought that the members allowed to take his seat. Mr. James Bootel , Wigan and districts. words more before they adjourned. He meant by Committee. He could now return , and say, that he sew one; and who ever heard of a lady being should be allowed to exercise their tast e, and if there Mr. Shaw seconded the motion. Mr. Henr y Pa ge, Plymouth and districts. his projected **.lan , three departments , first , deposit ; was a little diversity, it would only be in had seen those accounts , and that they were perfectly dre- xed b Mulligan—that was the one tha t accordance After some discussion , this motion was withdra wn , y Molly Mr. Geor ge Hollowa y, Birmingham and districts. second , redemption ; third , sinking fund. As re- ' satisfactory. with nature s Jaws. He was desirous of seeing some and Mr . Smith retired from the Conference . istd to dress the ould lady—and think of axing ' withdrawa ls timely notice would be given Mr. Wal ker said , ho was equally satisfied with the At eleven o clock , Mr: James Sweet was unani- gards the , , regulation made by which shareholde rs could build The adjourned debate on the " Family ballot" and other members of the committee , and should havo lead; for a plate at dinner , or calling to Murtoug b, mously elected president of the Conference. the redemption fund too, would be security for more their own houses, he knew many members that would alloca tions was then resumed. Wh eeler wa8 unanimously appointe d than any sum likely to be withdrawn. He hoped this pleasure in returning to Scotland and statin g the die footman the coachman , to stop. Mr. T. M. like to do so. Mr. Ross said he had received no particula r in- , to tell Curlv , , ge same. Secretary. Conference before it pirated , would put its veto, Mr. Gilber tson , said he was instructed to vote far structions on the subject ; it was anythin g but clear ; 0, says she, upon my honour , it's enough to frighte n STANDING ORDERS. altogether. The great ob ect Mr. Pac k (Bath) reiterated the like sentiments . on selling the land , two, three , and four rooms , according to the severa l but he thought the best way was to fall back on the *¦ Mr. Shaw said , he was much obliged to Daniel lady out of her wits :—so nothing would do, there On the motion of Messrs. Brook and Smyth , was to get the land and keep it. If a run was made , classes. motion of Mr. O'Connor. it O'Connell for making us a present of the " niad- ** which he did not antici pate , a mortgage could be Mr. Smyth, thought three room 'd house would <»5 no company good enough for her , so *pon my was resolved :— Mr. Burrell said neither the motion nor the " readily obtained to meet it; establish this bank of be deemed a paradise by the poor woolcomher s. brained Fear sus, and he was sure the people of w That the Confer ence assembles! balf-past nine o'clock amendment came up to his views, he would there- ord , they say she took the sulks, and said she'de deposit and the locating ofthe people would be easy i , thought four rooms quite sufficient Engl an d would make the most of the present. in the mor ning, sit until one, and then adjourn for din- Mr. D xGn , fore move— Hop —as easy to locate a thousand as it was now a hun- and as many as would be kept comfortable when ob- The motion was carried unanimously, amid gveat at home and never go out till she routed the ner until half-pas t two, then resume tbeir sittings , and Tha t in the event of minors having allotments dred ; he had credit himself to raise a capital suf- tained. &* as- applause. "whole house, and made the young lord sell up bag conclude for the day at six o'clock. signed to them ou the same estate with their parents , ficient to meet any run that might be made. (Loud Mr. M'GRAin could not agree with any of the pro - Mr. O'Coxson said he could only thank them for and of Messrs. Donovan and Smith the directors rhall appoint two trustees to act in con- baggage, and go off to .England; and as they On the motion , it cheers.) positions now before the Conference. He thought the attention they had paid to the subject. He junction with the parents , whose du ty it shall be to em- ladn ' Cap tain Squeeze tenant , was resolved :— The question was then adjourned , after which , provision should be made to suit the condition and thanked them sincerely for the appointment of the t much spare money, ploy a sufficient amount of labour , an d expend the re- That the directors be allowed to submit motions , but the Conference , likewise, adjourned until the follow- circumstanc es of all parties. He would move the committee , and the committee for the resolution they •iat was alwavs fri htenin g the English woman out quisitc quan tity of manure upon thc minor ' g not to vote thereon. ing morning following resolution :— s estate , in had adopted. M her wits about the dange r of stopping here in the order that the rights of the minors may be secured , the Mr. Smyth moved that the resolution just adop ted On the motion of Messrs. M'G rath and Cavill, it TUESDAY. Tha t there shall be but two classes of houses compri- , rent guaranteed , and the value of the estate preserved , be printed in the shape of a circular , aud distributed "in ter, and telling her lies about the Irish , he comes was resolved ;— The Conference resumed its sitting this morning sing respectively three and four rooms , of not less than and further that the whole proceeds of the allotment , in all the districts . and all the lau-.es bein g out That each delegate on making a motion be allowed to at the time appointed. Mr. Sweet in the chair. twelve feet squa re , and that it shall be optional with the down with the money, after the labour and other necessary expenses are paid , Mr. Dixon seconded the motion , speak for ten minu tes, and each other speaker five Mr. Gilber tson reported from the committee on allotee s as to which of tbem they shall huve, allotees then ould lord died, he takes all , castle and all , be invested in thc redemption fund to the credit of the Mr. Clark had been through the country, and was the minutes. the Oldham District election , that the election was however to have houses of larger dimensions pro- ' minors. sure Mr. O'Connor never stood higher in publi c ad they make s him a magistrate , and sure he came On the motion of Messrs. Dixon and Cuffay, Mr. informal , nnd that Mr. Hamer s election was conse- vided they advanc e the requisite capital for that purpose. quently null and void. Mr. O'Connor said he should be sorry to have to opinion , and thoug ht the motion unnecessar y . gossoon abou t forty years ago with his William Lees was appointed room door keeper , and iiere a raw Mr. ' BunftELL moved that Messrs. Hamer and Mr. Dotle would second the motion. becora *- the step-father of all tho minors ; it would Mr , Sh aw supported the motion for printing. occasional messenger ; his salary to be 3s. per day. Mr. Baoox, suggested a sli ta ter without shoes or stockings , but the father Mar tin Ireland be allowed to sit as representa tives ght amendme nt to Mr. be a dilhcu.lt and complicated affair. This business Mr. Ross also sup ported tho motion. , The Conferenc e then adjourned until two o' clock. ' s proposition. M Grath' was found a cumbrous affair even to the Lord Chan- Messrs. Smart and Cu ffay supported the motion , «a a great man abo ut elections , and was made of the Oldham district. Mr. - M'Grat u, AFTERNO ON SITTING. Mr. Henr y Ross seconded the motion . had no objectio n to adopt Mr. cellor , and he thought it could not be carried out. which was carried with the condition that the reso- the cheap farms over Brook' s suggestion. •SUES', and would whip up all At two o' clock the Conference resumed. Mr . Brook: moved as an amendment that the re- He appealed to fathers , would they like to live in the lution should be advertised in two Irish papers , a Mr. O Connor said the object of this •At Lead s of the ten ants , when the laises would he A prote st was presented from Bury against the port just presented be received. discussion castle while trustees mana ged their funds ? If it Scotch pape r , and iwo or three English pro vincial was to ensure economy in the cotta ges combined with pa rish to himself, election of Mr. Hamer , and declaring that Mr. Ire- Mr. Rouse seconded the amendment. was carried , he should move that Mr. Wh eeler be papers. naming out , and now he has the comforts , lie agreed with those who said land had the greatest numbe r of votes— The original resolution was carried. , the the father ; he had hoped it was a crotchet of Mr. The Debate on ramily Parties for purposes of bal- ' members of the company had " ¦«- - - . . . -a \ ^. . THE NORT HE RN STAR. / December 12. i*4« ¦ ¦ m ; ; — **-,_ «f * ¦ : ' merchants in Aughnacloj, and the different country overture , and send back the flag of ¦ EXTRAORDINARY CURES •«e» matr anray, and who, avar , n *d; UivS'^iatirt ^ perfect heulihin an inconceivably short space ot tim ! §. •'• '• '&',,,.. , IRELAND/® . '%: ¦/¦> • ' truce even *w *.. < their M»r e ~ They are equall y speedyja nd certain in lumbago, sclatlcft i towns about .Jftvre , never was heard y 'of in any countr y, contumely. So the Whigs no bmeer possesa jn 3 *ur jouKaf ulday s 'J b be affeet^ ^^ewj ' ' HOLLOWAT'S 01HTMENT. ' ^J orm af " th is me~dic"nc pains in the head orf ace, and indeed of go on The^ocounts and , almost ** without .exception , the;purchaser s are of O'Connell that potent ally on whom th ese disease-', a pyious course «f any rhsumatic or ^Matters from "bad to worse, theyTn?eca l-*S1 - 7 is highly esfiaatud, aad ot ihe greatest iH^rtance a« gouty affection ; in fact,' such has been the rapidity, perfect from the provinces grow and more gloomy, and one per sunsion. I saw one of the cases;: which Would con- later! so very much. * wond erful Care tf Ireadfal Ulnrtus S»res in the Face more contents. - -ire serieus afievtioas are visited up»» a» faiao*"' * yxf' e sase, aud complete safety of t his medicine, that it has the prospects most disheartening. The followinj- tain about 100* stand , and examined some , of its On Monday (the day after the above was writtoni and Leg, iu Frinc t Edwai d Island . They are Birming ham an d London moke—(I suppose the usual weekly (**- Tike Truth qf&is Statement was dul sad •HspriBg , fren i a want •/ tasse simple remoaa as i astonished all who have taken it, and there Is scarcely a extracts will give an idea of meeting of the Repeal Associa fon y mttcsttd before a only-tampe d 'London. ') They aro of quite -jood enough took Dlace, and th e MngUbrate. taa* perh aps half the world i *¦ aware ot; far, it must b city, town , or village in the king dom, but contains many result proved the correctn ess nf ' the statr or Tna country. manufacture to do mischief, and range in price from £1 Post' or HoeH Maod omald , nf Lot 5S ia King remem bered, where the fotwtaia is pelluted.the stream grateful evidences of its benign infl uence. Tippbrar y.—The Tippera ry the s information . I, , 's Ceanty , do Anoth er Murder . i.v for single to £4 for double barr- Is. Pistol s from 7s. fid. The att«nd -ince was hereby declare, tnat a aast won-^-nful preservati on «f my tkat Haw Sram it cannot be pure. Sciii by Thomas Prout , , 329, Strand , Londom ; and outrages in that greater than it had been far 1 Vindicator contains a long list of a.p iece upwards . A Ronvtn Catholi c ironmon ger , fi' i'tn some time ife has beem effected by tbe use «f Holloway ' PURIFYIN G SPECIFIC PILLS , by his appbiaiment by. BTeetoa, Hay, Allen, Land , account ofa most past. It was fully expected that the "L i s Pills and PE R RY'S county, at ihe head of which is an a neighbouring - town, is gone f rom hom o to brin » £50 r " " fintraent; and I farthermori * declare , that 1 was very Price 28.9d., 4b. 6d., aad lis. per box, Hai gh, Smith, Bell, Townsend , Baines ' and New- inhuman and unpr ovoked murder on Wedne sday berato , writhing unde r the ca sfcigation inflated worth of arms , and a quantity of gunpowder . How will upon him by the several speakers at mneh afflicted with Dscerou s Sores in ' my Pa se aud L> g" Witk oxplidt dir ections, rendered perfectly intelligible t» some, Smeeton, Reinhardt , T arbottom , and Horn er , night , on the person of a poor man of .ho name of the Young lie. * this end. land demonstration ¦O severe was my complaint , that tbe grea ter part of my every capacity, are well known thr oughout Eur ope te be Leeds ; Brooke , Dewsbury ; Dennis and Son , Burde- Ilnnly , who , ita ppoared , sold a pii» th at day in Bor- , would return the compliment UBSe and the ro<*f of my mouth was eatc-n the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for kia, Moxon , Little, Hardman , Linney, and Hargro ve, ris , for the price of which , it would appear , his dia- A reported outbreak in Kilkenny is thus noticed in with interes t from his own foru m. Jud ^e, theref ore away, and my the surprise Bad thres 1-srge ulcers on and -hat lied to goHorrho sa, both ia its mild and aggravated for ns, by im- York ; Brooke aad Co., Walker and Co., Stafford , Faulk- bolical assailants attacked him. IIin houso was en thc Freeman of Monday :— of the unini tiated, when , instead of %, I app hurling thunder bolts S;veral Medical geitirraen bit I mediately allay ing inflasas taiion and arrestin g further taw, Doncaster ; Judson , Harrison , Linney , Ripon ', Fog- tered soon after nightfall. He had lodged the price Yfc have heiird that private letters reached town yes. at his youthful anta conists hp ' .. ! who*»rescribed forme actually struck his found no relief. M everj pr ogress. - gitt, Coates Thompson Thirsk Wiley, Easingwol d; of his pig in Borri s. and thn monsters being defeated terday. stntine that an outbreak of rather a serious na- colours , and laid th e basis o{ i y strength was ra pidl y failing , , ; a reconciliation day and the malady on th-increa se; when I was inluced Gleets, strictures , irritatio n of tho bladder , pains ef the England , Fell, Spivey, Huddersfield ; Ward , Richmond ; in their object , fell upon the defenceless victim o! ture took place in Kilkenny city on Saturday. The ac- , by pro posing a conferen ce between "* ' the heads of the two parties ^ a try Hollof-aj's McfHv'uit-B. Alter taking t«o or three loins aud kidaeys, gravel , and other disorders of the "urin- Sweeting, Xnare sborough ; Pease, Oliver; Darlington : their hellish malice, and literall y beat his head to a counts which reache d us are rather vague , but , from , with a view of an-arT"- g th« ehmi n ,e« *¦ treaty for ooxes. T experienced so much and found the pro- ary passages , in either sex, are permanentl y cured in a Dixon, Metcalfe , Langdale , Northallerton ; Rhodes , jelly! We have not, words to express our horro r and what we could lenrn of the rumou r , it appe ars that a " •• P;. ,«>•; the suspension relief, ot hostilities.i Mrf . O'Connell' ' gress of tbe disease was so much arreste d that I was shor' space of time, without eonnaement or the least ex- Snaith ; Goldthorpe , Tadca ster ; Ilogrrson , Cooper , indi gnation at such atrocious offences as these, very lar ge number of people collected in the town , and s suprem acy as the posure. leader of the aaitntion , is, ther efore /\•nab led t*resume my ordinary labours in the field. The Newby, Kay, Bradford ; Brice, Pricstlej, Ponfefract ; which ak not perpetrate d by the starving poor , but attacked some flour-mills and bakers ' shops . The mili- , virtuall y at ' rcp ulsivn to bebt ild The above medicines are prepar ed only by Messr s. R. Cordwel l, Gill, Lawton , Dawson , Smita , Wakefield ; villains who libel tbe form of man , and Who pos- the people with a na g lre -and '8 victor y has be ia«es which wer * so disagrc -able and by , tary were called out , and after chargin g iete ' en com- ar e now nearly all n -alcd Havi ng receired snch truly and L. PERRY and Co., Surgeons , 19, Berners -street , Berr y, Denton ; Suter , Leyland , Hartley, Parker , Dunn , sess the reckless spiri t; of demons. Hungry men fixed bayonets , order was In some measu re restored , expre ss my grati tude Oxford-street , London. Halifax ; Booth , Rochdale ; Lambert , Jforoughbridge would not prey upon a poor crea ture barely re- were fired on from Here is tho nortio n of M beneficial aid , I fe«l ravself bound to ' The accounts state tha t tbe people r 0'fin... ,.»ii». 3pCBChv. • have thu- been restored Dalby, Wetherb y; Waite , Harrogate : Y/all, Barnsley moved fr om the pressure of want by the price of a repo rted that any which he confesses himself to th- pers sn by whose means I Messrs. PERR T expect, when consulted by letter ; mills nnd bak ers' houses , but it is not beater >¦ - '" miser able state I was in ; and for , the usual and all respectable medicine venders throughout the p with which , perha ps, he was anxious to pur - , but dis- " Dissension had bro ken from the pitiable and fee of One Pound, without which ne ig, pirson was killed . The military did not fire out anions them. It was known my ca»e, that others notice whatever ean kingdom , Pric e ls. lid. and 2s. 9d. per tox. cha se a few weeks' provisions or food. Whilst of- without doing any of old a sad chara cteris tic fcesake of immunity make *•<• taken of the comnum 'cotton persed the people with the bayonet , of the Iri sh Hee did •imilarly sitoat»d might be relieved. * fences of this nature cry aloud for vengeance on inj u ry, Mr. Carter , a gentleman connected with the not wish to embitter the quarrel ?.iw. (Sigaed) Hu gh Macdosalb . Patients are requested te be as hi . Jfi minate as possible in their perpetra tor *, it is the duty and the interest of Board of Works , escap.d fby the fleetness of his horse) heal the breach . He had looked over a report of ' e before me at Bay Fortune , the he detail of their cases This declara tion nw , , as to theduration of the com. AGENTS WANTED. . all men in terested in the welfare of the country to from an attack made on him by tbe peopl e. The state the debate at the Rotunda ; be found himself toler- day of Septem ber, 1815. laiat , tke symptoms, age, habits of living, and general endeavour to cheek their tatal progress. This poor it i» said abl y well abused ; but he felt no Std DRUGGISTS , die—WANTED b-'Dr. Powell 16, of feeling in the town and districts abou t resentment . Hi JosEr a CoFFi! *, Justiceof the Peace. ecupation. Medicines caa be forwarded to any TO , resisted the r obbi-rs with all his might . He occurre nce n ow saw that tbey m a greafc part of Blessirigton Street , Dublin , AGEN fS man to be mry excited , in consequence of the measur e disclaim ed the of Hugh Macdonald , of Lot 55. came h« world; ao diatculty caa occar, as they will be in the princU handle on the head of one of the vil- physical force principle . The above ease . securel y pal Towns throug hout the Kingdom , f»r the Sale of , his br oke a Bpade alluded to. If thej went a little fur - under my observation ; and when be first ap- packed , and carefully protected from obserrncio a. who was carri ed off, it is supposed dead , in the thi r , they would be as welcome perso nally Specific, for Scald Head , Ringworm , and all Cutaneous lains, back to tbe associa- Itb uugbtllis of his comrades. An inquest was on Mnnday Roscrba. — A. sale of art icles seised for rent due to tion as the flower s of May . plied to me ta gat some of tbe medicinM. N.B.—Countr y Druggists , Bookseller s. Pa tent Medicine Diseases. A Liberal Commission alkuv ld. arm s , He pro posed then a case utterl y hopeless, nnd told bim that his malad y had Venders , and every other shopkeeper , can be supplied with held , and a verdict of wilful murder was returned. Mr. O'Gradv . of Dublin , was advertised for Friday jmvat econference. (Vehement cheerins ) He named got inch hold that it was *>nly thro wing his money away any quantity of the Cordial Balm of Syriacum , the Con- Two men of the name of Gaynor and lleffernan , the 27th of November last, at Graf -fin, between Ros- Sir Colman 0 Louehlm and Mr. O' lLu-an as two to use them. He, how-rYer , persisted iu trying tbem, and ceutrated Detersive Essence, and Perry 's Purif ying Spe- IMPORTANT TO THE PUI'LIC. hav e been arrested and lodged in the count ry jail on crea and Templemore , where a very large mob as- referees , along with himself, Mr. "W cific PUls, with the nsual allo wance to the Tr ade by them were armed and fired ' S 6'Bripn' to mr astonishment , I fina* .-.hat he hag aforesai d stated the charge. sembled. Several of Mr Dillon , and Mr. O' llea. lie wild be ebar ed most of the pri acipsiWholesale Pate nt Medicine Houses SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM , AND ALI C UT ANEOUS The house of ft man of the name of Brien was shots: the sale was subsequently relinquished , as tho j to be perfectl y cot-rest, and consider tbe case U be a most in London, of wham mav bp bad be "Silen t Frie nd." mth oorapromwiiyf but he would make nny noru Tonderfolctu -e. DISEASES. attacked at Barbaha, on Thursday night. One of country people are determined to resist the payment tice for the good of the D« William Powell , country. (Cheers ) (Signed) If iixiah Undsbhi t. Bay F<« tune. . , 16, BlesslngtonStreet , Dublin the assailants was entering through a window , when of rent in any shape, and thme small farmers who Mr. J. O'Connkia said he begs to inform the Public , th at his SPECIFIC for the wished to sav th at he A Cure of Ringworm af Four Tears Stauding. Bri en , who was waiting inside, took up a scythe , are well able le pay are the principals in those pro - was the cause of the division amongst the Reoeal COUGHS , HOARSENE SS, AND ALL AST HMAT above Diseases may now be bad in Packages, price Copy of a Letterfro mMrs, Grace Mora, 6, He-dock Court, and making a detperate utroke with it, across the ceedings. Arms and ammu nition are now so easily part y, and to express his satisfactio n that there was AND PULMO NARY COMPLAINTS. 2s. 6d., 6s., and 10s. 6(1 each , with full direction s for their of Carey Street, London, 6th November, 1345. head of the person entering, almost severed, it is pr ocured , that all the lawless ruffians in this part a prospect of a reconcilia tion. ( JJear , hear. ) Srr SCTCALL T CUBED Bt use. The half-guinea package contains eight times tbe To Professor Holloway. thought, his head from his body. Biood was traced the country arc we'l supp lied.;— Leinster Express. The rent was announc ed to be £116 3s. 5d. four yeur s ago my little girl caught tbe quantity of the half-crown. on Monday near the river. Purchas k of Fl jk-Arsis. -—The Tippera ry Free Si*.—About KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. 's, Count t ABMAon. — The Newry Tehgraph gives the Ringworm, and although I have ever since had advice On receipt ofa post-office order er pottage stamp di- On Wednesday night, the house of John Ilogan Press of this dai says " The purchase of fire-arms recte d as above'; the medicine will be forwarded by re- . :— following particulars of a shocking murder in this f rommany doctors, and tried every means to get rid ei it, of near Anna gbbeg , was attacke d by some armed men , in this town by the country people, who manifest tbe Upwards thirty years experience bas proved th * in- tur n of post, until agents aro appoin ted iu ihe diffennt wea - county :— yet I was unable to de so About three weeks ago I was fallibility of these Lozenges in the cure of "Winter who fired two shots into the house , and served IIo- greatest avidity to possess themselves of these r,! pa!ned tr ) find tha t once Cough , counties. unabated . The mania, it appears , J'^e again human induced to try same vi yonr Pills and Ointment , and 1 am Hoars eness Shortness of Breath gan with a threatening notice if a line of road in pons , continues life. has ?been wantonl y , , and other Pulmonar y has exrended to ths north , and in Cavan and Ferma- sacrifice d -in th<*- county of StOEt happy to say tlie result bas been a perfe ctenure. Mala dies, that district were not changed he would suffer ! Ar magh The. following sides in his house. nagh the sal e of guns and pistol* WilS MTUf SO great particular, of thin 01136 we (Signed) Gbace ilono, The patronage of his Majesty, the King of Prussia The steward of the line re have collected from the , S G A BH the immense amount of emp loy- as at pres '-nt. " commun ications of severa l **f sisted every kind of tr. atment , but which w<*re afterwards (Signed) Mabt Cooke. ure at home. A small fund had empl oyed at an average Glasgow.—Like most, men when defeated , it seerr. a where you were going i priv ations they end , This is the most moderate calcu- effectual ly cured by its use. In the treatm ent of Bad Penera is, July 16th , 18*5 h the benev olence of the doctors £2 652,900 per annum. our friends senerall y in this now " second city in Prosecutor—Some person in the Chequers said , " It been created , throu g lation , and is estimated from the returns furnishe d by the Breasts I have also found your Ointment ofthe greatest To Mr. Keating, St. Paul' s Church Yard , London. and the apothecary of the workhouse giving up the tbe empire ," felt dispo ed to silence as regard s the is a fine night ; where are you off to, Jarvis !" I re- Board of Works of the expenditure for the months of result of our late municipal election. This , I con- gervice. Indeed , from my practical knowledge, I conceive Cheetham Uill near Manchester , plied, I hare gold , 10 pr oceeds of their vaccination contract , to enable invaluable remedy. " all my guodB and am now going October and November , when out of a population of sider , has been an error In aa much as the result , It ta be a mast AuguRt 2lst, 1845. Datchworth ." It was between four and five o'clock, some poor creature s to go out of the o-untry. Last (Signed) Richabd Bright, M.D. i 4.000 000, heretofore wholly or in a great measure de- thoug h not go favourable as we shall wish, is any- Sin..—T am clad I have taken your aivice in tr ying Mr. then left tbe house. When I arrived at Fish wood, I felt week 101 of them were shi-iped from the town , at le article of food, Holloway's Ointmeat will cure any cases of Bad Legs, pending upon the potato as their stap thing but di sheartening. Mr. Moir , in conc ert with K EATING 'S CO UG H LOZENGES , as I have for a long what I consider two stones thrown at me. One struck Baltimore , on board acollier to Newport— the owner. provide d with a Bad Breasts , Sore J fipples, Cancer6 , out little more than MGth have b"en Gilmour and Shaw , polled 103. One of Iiis oppo. Ulcerous Sore3, time been troubled vrith shortness of breath and a bad ray hat. It was dark , and I could nor See any person. Mr . Swanton , having gi ven them a free passages , That this enormous Tumours , Swellings, Contracte d er Stiff Joints , Gout * temporary m?ans of subsist ence nents votes Ross—sing le-handed and alone-polled cough , and have tried a great variety of medicines, but I cried out, " Hollo! what ar e you at V I dM not hear while Dr. Donovan provided thera "fit out , " by winter ad- ' Bbeum atism Lumba go, Burns , Sca lds, Chilblains , Chap- outlay will go on stsadily increasing as the 106. and had thc Irish repealers supported Mr. R-ws , derived very little benefit from them : but since I have auy person gp°ak , and almost immediately after I re- releasin g some few of their -m' -st indi spensable ar ti- y this Bunions , Sott Coras , Piles, tbe Bite vances there can be no doubt , and , perhaps , b as was exnected , Ross would have been successful. ped Han ds and Up*. ma.ie trial of K-.atij !c'9 Coucn l.OZENCES , I have ceived a dreadful blow on the left side of my head , and clcs of clothing out of pawn , and givin g them a small San d-flies, Chiego-foot, Yaws, Cocoa-bay, time twelvemonths landed property —already sumciently John O'Keal, repealer, was only six below, and this of Meschettoes , breathed better , an d the cough is quite <;one. before I had time to speak , I received another ou the top bag of biscuit for " sea store ." I had an oppor- and all Skin Diseases common to Europe , or to the East encumbered —«ill be further saddled with a debt of will explain why the repealers, a considerable num- I am, Sir, your 's truly, of my head , which caused the blood to run out of my tunity oi seeing another batch prepa ring to start on and West Indies , or other trop ical climes. by the screw steamer £6 000.000, with the gloomy prospect of the succeedin g ber of whom are in that ward, did not vote for Mr. Sar4U Fletcher , caw, eyes, nose, and mouth , to such an cxt-nt tbat I was the cars for Cork , to proceed iiead when all the consequence! of Holloway's Pills should be taken in most instances Some of them wer e year hanuin g over , Ross. In the second wars! , a complete wreck wag To Mr, Croft, nearly choked, I then felt that two persons had by some for London , on Wednesd ay neglected tilla ge, misap plication of (he public money, and when using tbe Ointment , in order to purify the blood , work there , and whose made of the old dominant clique , and I have no he- Saffron Walden , means got *nto my curt from behind . As tin y still con- tradesmen , who expected the fatal reliance upon Government support throu gh the aad invigorate tbe system. how reduced was sitation in saying that had Moir been put forward in Julv llth , 1814. tinued beating me, I said , "For God' s sake don' t mur. miser able . appear ances showed dereloped. The to this Imperial Treasury, shall have been fully that ward , he would have been successful. In proof Sold at the establishment of Professor Holloway, I have wed KEATING'S COUGII LOZENGES these der me ; what do you want J" One of the prisoners said , their condition when they had recourse fully aware of their dangerous half clad la- lan.llords are , tobe sure , of tbis. I may state that our costive list of friends SU, Strand , near Temple Bar , London , and by most last twenty years , and bare always derived benefit from " Damn you, jour money or your life." 1 re plied I hud al ternative . Th ere were also some concert among th e -there is e.hildvft t\ who expected position ; but there is no m— wore this day returned to the Parochial board , or aa sH respectable Druj rgists and Dealers in .Medicines tbem . About twenty-two years ago I was exceedingly not got any money. They then thre w me in the bottom bourers , and *omo worn -.*/* and forward upon which there would be a ' or other relative s, to no dsfinit: * plan put they are known in Eng land , appointed Poor-law throu ghout tis civilized world, at the following ill with a COUGH , ar.d could getno relief from anj medi- of my cart , and one still continued str iking - we' about the to lind their husban ds , lathers , An-i unless this is metro polis. I proceeded in chnnee of mutual agreement. , guardians , Messrs. Moir , Gilmou r , and Henderson prices -—ls.ljo ., 2s. 9d., is. 64., Us., 22s., and 33s. cine I tried ; a gentleman recommended me to try these head , whilst the other was searching my pockets ; but , aid thera in the grea t speedi ly done , it is easy to foresee that the " beginnin c , to a suburb ca llo in the first ward , and Messrs. Ross and Cochran in eaehboi. There is a considerab le saving by taking the LOZENGE S, which I did, and found immediate relief: and not succeeding in finding my money, one said , Lrt 's company with Dr. Donovan of tho end" cannot be long deferred. An illustration of " large number of sick the third . Hen der son and Cochran , tho ugh not larger sizes. I think two Boxes effected a COMPLETE CUBE , I had murder tli" , and then we can Sfarcfi him better ;" Brid getown , whore he hid a t he working of fhepresent system, and ofits effects at no ' least thirty . of thc connected with the movement , I believe, are more guidance of paticats 'in every already hai l the advice of an eminent physicia n, and two an J the ot her rep lied, " So we will, he's got nion-y, be- calls to answer. We entered at v. is t!ius funiishvd by thc Westnuath Guar- H.B.—Directions for the of disease , hunge r , - ry distant day, Chart ist than Whig, and will alway s be found on the surceons , but nothing they ordered for me did me any cause he said be had sold all his goods ;" aad they imme- hut s, and such an aggre gation dian of Saturday. disorder are affixed to each box. the question to de- side ofthe people. A few days after the election , a good. diate ly commenced beating me abou t the head in a most nakedness , and col*' , it is oiit of In the adjoining county (Roscommon) the daily ex- house we entered , men lay ' numbor of our democratic friends who supported I remain , dear Sir, your 's truly, unmerciful mauner. By this time I was nearl y choked , scribe . In ncii'l v every penses of Ubour alone amount to £2.500, and in Mayo Messrs. Shaw, Moir, and Gilmour , entertained those OX THE CONCEAL ED CAUSE OF COXSTITUTIO XAI J. MlLL EB . aB I fel t my throat was filling with blood , sick and moaning in the wre tched beds they had , or and feel- straw on the amount is nearly the same, and amidst all this ex- aentlemen to a splendid supper in the Routine Hotel , OB ACQUIRED DEBILITIES OF THE GENERATIVE To Mr. K' .'ati sg. ing assured that I should be murdered if assistance did more genera lly on a small bundle of dirty ask the oft-repeated question , , than swine are usually travagant outlay we again Seventy-one, including the guests, sat down to sup- SYSTEM. P.S.—I shall always feel tbe greatest confidence not arrive , I therefore by some means , managed to jerk the earthen floor , far worse what benefit is contemplated to accrue from the unpro duc- per, anil spent one of the happiest evenings ever thej and pleasure in rrcommending them. supplied with in ordinary farm-yards. The only Just Published, mjself out of my cart. The persons followed me, and y them at tive works which are prose suted with such rage 1 It is had the pleasure of enjoying. Amonest those pre- A new audi mportant Edition of the SUer-i y-riend on Sik, ~-I shall feel extr emely obliged to you if redoubled their efforts to murder me, and finding mys-.-lf covering they had was the clothes worn not employment alone tliat the people require , but they * you work ; and the same total absence of food, tiring, sent were our old friends Mr. Pirkethly. and Mr. tJumar , FraiU .v. would tend me a Tin of your most excellent Lozenges, qui te overpowe red, and completel y saturated with blood , want food. If we extend our thoughts beyond the limits Parker, late of London , now of Manches.er. Mr. Pri ce 2«. 6rL, aad sent free to any part ot the United I gaye mysel f up for lost, when the persona who were as- and clothing, prevailed in each of the wretched oftlie prese nt crisis , an d take a prospective glance into for havinjs trie d th.-m, I find they are the best remed y for left, the local ity after a visit of about Moir proposed the healths of the two strnnacrs to Kingdom oa the receipt of a Post Offee Order for Cough that can possibly be had ; tbis I can testify from saulting me, hearing some persons coming, ran off. cabins. We tlie pages which six months hence will unfold to our whom he paid well-merited compliments^ ; the toast 3b. Sd. By the Bench—Did you know the voice of the person three hours, dur ing which wc witnessed the most, apprehension s experience , for I have been troubled wiih a most violent individual view, we are filled with just awl gloomy was drank with the greatest enthusiasm, and Mr. MEDICAL TVOI tK on the INFIRMITIES of the GE- who said , *•' Your money or your life V distressing and painful illustrations of that the work of famine and destitution will then presen t in both sexes Cough for many years , and have tried many th 'ngs, but have existed Gilmour in his usual happy style, gave them the A NERATIVE SYSTEM , ; being an en- Pr osecutor—Yes ; I immediate ly recogn ised tbe voicd and general sutferins: that probabl y even mora .ippalling terrors than at the present time. quiry into tbe concealed cause that destroys physical with out any benefit , until I met with your Lozenges , and anywhere within the knowledge of the present ge- '• Baker 's fire. " Messrs. Pitlietlily and Parker ac- energy, asd the ability of munhood , ere vigour has esta- they afforded me instant relief. to be Smith' s; and the party who said , " let us murder What will avail then the levelled hills and new made kn owledged the toast amidst the repeated plaudits of him lirst , was the prisoner Peir.se. ner ation. roads. What advantage then the thousands of tons of blished her empire:—wifi i Observations aa the baneful I remain , Sir, yours tr uly, " , the increase. the assembly. INDULGENCE and INFECTION By the Bench—What did they rob you of? In the north of Irelan d outrage is on bro ken 3ton!>s, helped up in store -houses , or spread upon effects of SOLITARY ; Henr y Woodebson. , are a ll local and -constitutionai WEAKNESS. NEltVOUS IRRI - Prosecutor—Twopence , a comb , and a knife. Doneg al , Lond i-ndcrr y , Tyr on. and Cayan the se satisfy the cravings of hunger , Funerai. of Oamon Miouel dkl Rieoo —On Sun- 1, North Fel th am Place, near Hounslow. Sunday ni ht u larse the highways ? Will TATION , CONSUMPTION, aud on the partial or total Bench—Was that all the money you had ? more or less disturbed . On g overflowing and starv- da y the remains of the late Canon Miguel did Riego Feb. 12, 1S45. belong ing to or fill tlie famished mouth s of au EXTINCTION of tbe REPRODUCTIVE PO WEttS ; witl Pro secutor— No; I had between four and fire pounds quantity of meal was stolen off carts ing population ? No. The soil of this given isle, from (brother of the illustrious General .) were dep osited means of restoration : ibe destructive effect; of Gonorrhoea , To Mb, Keatiso , St. Paul' s. forthe nit-he at a house a in one of my pockets but the prisoners did not senieii poor men who had halted which all , from peer to peasant , derive support and rai- in the vaults of the Cath olic Chapel , M orn- fields, Sleet, Stricture , and Secondary Symptoms are explained Dear Sib,—Having been for a considerable time during , w|*} had been pur- that pocket. shor t distance from this town , ch ment is left to wither and choke with weeds," while The corpse was accompanied to its restin g p lace by in a familiar manner ; the W»rk is Embellished wit™ Ten the winter afflicted with a violent cough , particularl y at pr eceedins* day. , " Sae coloured Engr*mng s, representing the deleterious in. William Hyde said , on Sunday, the 22»d, he found the chased at-unr? market the the hands that should be engaged in cultivating and many friends of tlie deceased , among whom were laying down in bed , which continued for several hours in- farmer ' s cow- Suenceof Mercury «n the skin, by eruptions on the head , Btick which he now produced , lay ing near the spot where Lust week , some persons entered a (under the blessing of Pr ovidence) improving eople. Fever is alarmingly on the increase. 11 Published by the Authors , and may be had at their Re- , , DISTt iESS IN DONEGAL. is not an unusual sight to witness fifteen or twenty of his country, and his zeal for his country ' s liberty Feb. 17, 1845. sidence, 19, Berners-street , Oxford-street , London ; sold The Ballyshannon Herald stales •— cor pses bsinff interred in one day out of a population and ha ppiness wer e displayed on all occasions. His Strange 21 Paternoster-row ; Han nay 63 To Mb. Keatin g. warm and strong, his manners by , , and Co., , That there is a great deal of destitution in Donegal , of 17, 000. We had a baronial sessions on Friday th c attachments were Oxford- street ; Gordon , MG, Leadenha ll-street ; Powell, London , C8. Cheapside. A Bur glar 's Account of 17isi-klf.—At th e Bel- 4th inst., nnd thanks to the exposure ofthe apathetic simple and attractive , and his name will be p reserved _ Dec. 3, 1845. not a parish is exempt from it , and were it not for tli*- 1^ Westmor land-sweet, Dublin; Lindsay, 11, Elm-Tow, fast Quarter Sessions last week , J ohn Sloan . Peter (rich) in the Star ef the 7th ult., a meeting was in the list of unconupted and incorrup tible patriots . Deab Sib Having for some time past , as the winter charitabl e disposition of the more wealthy classes dentin "BSinbur gli; D. Campbsll , 156, Argyle.«.treet , Glasgow ; ,— Trainer , Fr ederick M'Can n , and Patrick Magee held on Tuesday ihe 8th instant when subscri ptions would bo more numerous. In this bar m/ th * poor are , Extraordinar y Robber v.—Latel y a lime-burnet Ingham , Market-street , Manchester ; Hewton, Church - approached , been subject to a severe Cough , my attention were indic ted for having, on the 30th of August were commenced for the relief of the destitute. A was latel in an awful stat tf ; wretched creatures daily infest our as is customary at the end of the liming itr aet, Liverpool; Guest, Bull-street , Birmingham. y called to yeur Cough Lozenges, and afte r last, br oken into the house of Ca therine M'Oulloch , liberal sum has bfien subcibed. receiv ed, liking two small boxes in the cours e town in .sear ih of food or emp loyment , who have more season , the value of the article supplied in this in- OPI NIONS Or TBE PRESS. of the last three at Belfast, and stolen th er efrom and carrie d away a Our mark -it on Saturday the oth instant was thinly weeks, I have no hesitation in saying, that in my opinion the appearance of corpses than living beings. Lsrge stance to Mr. Thomas , of Derll ys, a very respect- '" "ffe regard the work before us, the "Silent Friend ," , large amoun t of proper ty, consisting of silver spoons , attended with sellers ' prices advanced on wheat , SB a work embracing most clear and practical views of a ( and havo g sums arti contribntid towards their relief in giving meal , able farmer. The ni oni-y altogetln r amonnt -ed to hey are thc best remedy, iven me more ease gold rings , brooches , silver pickle forks , a p istol, from 2s. to 2s. C I. per barrel of 20 stones. Potatoes paes of complaints hitherto little understood , and than anything I have ever met wiih. nt a reduced price. That is quite rigot , bit what suc- £ Ii, - being in two £5 Bank of England notes and dag ger , and other articles. Thc case having been arc 25s. per barrel of 20 stones. These are exorbi tant werad over by the majorit y of the medical profession , for I am, dear Sir , yours truly, cour is that to thousand * of starving crea tures who are four soverei gns. The money—precious treasure- asst reason ws are at a l»ss to know. Wc must, bow satisfactorily proved , the prisoners were found guilty, unable to pay anything for food , be it ever so clmap ? prices , wben we take into consideration the wages (signed) Willi am White. s t e oa w ' im- aver age was safely deposited in a drawer , well , secured in ha, confess 'J iat a perusal of this work has left such a and the court en enc d Sl n to t elve months Somethin g more must be done to prevent famine, which ofithe people. Weavers are not earning on an faverable impression oa our minds, tbat we not only re- To Ma. T. Keatiso , 70, St. Paul' s Church Yard. prisonment in ths Ilouse ol Correction , and each ot ' -0 at least , brown paper, and all was placed under lock and key. Und oubtedly will be followed by outra ge, plajiue, and m ir than 4' . G i . par week each , bavin s, - commend, but cordially wish every one who is the victim Medical Warehouse ,—Halifax , Novo Scotia , t he*' others to bej transported for a term of fifteen himself and another to support. The consequen ces Some few days after he again went t. . the dnuvei' for f y -^t folly, or suffering from indiscretion , to pr ofit by August 15, 184G pestilence. The promise of lic work is now con- the purpose of withdrawin g the cash to app ly it to in its pages. —Age and Argus . years—the heaviest punishment the court had in its for the Bo.ird does not stem dis- of this state of things are , our inhabitants have com- advice contai ned " To tbe Proprietor of Keatinng 's Cough L-nzenges, sidered as mocker y, the payment of an account , when lo ! the bank notes particular ly addressed to those power to award. The pris oner Mas ;ee then asked land ed proprietors are ready pletely lo3t the appearance of beings who have any- Parti , of tbis work is 79, St. Paul' s Church Yard L d ( posed to grant any. Tlie had disappeared , but the soverei gns remain ed undis- prevented from forming a Matrimonial Alliance , on on. permission to address the court. This man Sloan). money, yet no work is given, and these poor thing like a sufficiency of food to eat. This does who are , Sib,—In mentioning the receip t of your last letter with their turbed. Search was instantly made thr oughout the will be foand a-.i available introduction to the means he said, had been with him four times in gaol for rob* ar. : famishing. Our peasantry have hitherto conducted not arise from a scat-city of pr ovi-ions, for on Jook- and with second consignment of Lozenges by th e " Racer ," beries. Sloan was not his proper name—his ri ght d wellimr , the neighbours were ealled in to assist , and perfect and secret restoration to manhood. themselves in the most praiseworthy manner , but really inir ov<;r the exports of the week we find the follow- of we are gratifie d in being able to inform you that they name was Hugh Boyle, iiis brother had been at after some hours ot weary an ! thankless labour , the Par t If. treats per spicuous ly upo n those forms of Wtf OMiinot expect them to continue pence ib'c much Ion in g :—810 qr *. of wheat ; oats , 100 - qrs. ; flour , 1700 have given very general satisfaction here, (havin g proved the bar before , and had been in the boroug h jail in search , which at one time appear ed never ending, isea es either in their prim ary or secondary state , ger unless they get employmen t ewt .; meat , V210 : pins, 4120 ; cows, 1522 ; sheep, d s , singularl y efficacious in the removal of COUGHS AND Liverpool. lie (Mag ee) had come from America , was given up. Then came the question , wha t had from infection , showing how numbers , throug h , county 1931 ; eggs, G30 .O001! Is not this a sad picture to arising COLDS) of which the increasing demand is a sufficient and bad taken up with another pick pocket. Sloan The Anglo Get, published in the nortliern become ofth e money ? and the conclusion was imme- neglect to obtain competent medical aid , entail upon of Caviui, contains the following :— see ail this food leaving our quays , whilst th e people evid-.- nce. We shall pr obab ly require for the winter a had taken him away with him when he was in pine in hunger ? This state of things cannot last , dia tely and simultaneously formed , tha t tho**c fright- themse lves years of misery and iuffering. day we heard that a tradesman wns abont " " had further supply of FORTY OR FIFTY DOZEN , which America , where he had been tr ying to earn an honest This very th e peop le are beginning to call the right of the ful creatures , robbe rs, been at work ; but debateablc point THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYMACUM you can forward at first convenience by one of the Cunanl living, and wanted to give up his old associa tes, to open a shop in the town of Cavan for the purpose of rich oppressors in question and once on that track this was a very , as how h ad they with the hope of realisin g , entrance ? the drawer . Is intended to reBeve those persons, who by an immo- Steamers , via Liverpool , for and had induced him to begin to thieve again. selling Birming ham muskets , leave it until they make the gained an continued locked , , they will not easily till more inexp indulgence of their passions , have ruined their Yours respectfully, Sloan said to him, what is the use of labouring as fortune by the trade , altho ugh he expects to Hud his vampires who fatten on their misery disgorge their and what was s licable , the soverei gns derate licants lor relief ticke ts remained , the easiest part ofthe property that could constitutions , or in their way to the consummation of thit Mobtom & Co. you do when you can make more by robbing . At the chief customers amongs t the app unju st monopol y of the land . , , having nothing to defend , be disposed of. So the whole affair was unanimously * lorable state , are affected with any of those previous To prevent spurious imitations please to .Maze Course Sloan said to him , about another pal, —mun be it remembered , who Our municipal elections have terminated , tho town lep N-B observo instrum ents of death for aggres- voted a mystery . Some few days after th e good ymptom s that betray its approach , as tbe various affec- thatthe words " KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES " " that man is a good thief." Sban and he (Ma gee) can only purchase these , is divided into three wards , for two of which honest , are to .t>ns of the nervous system, obstinate gleets, excesses, ir- engraven on the GSvernmeut Stamp of each Box. had robbed fifty or sixty houses this year or two, sive purposes. radi cals, " whole hog " men , have been returned . wife had occasion to no to marke t, and , wishing •gularity, obstructions of certain evacuatiom s, weakness , and that man was the captain of the gaiig. lie had MOUiY MAOUI HEHM IN CAVAN. This is more awful than the famine—to think that be dressed in her best attire , went to her drawer , and took out her extra su per gown , of the most approved jj tal impateucy, barrenness , 6 c. now rei gned fifteen years—he had been that long in The Warder contains the following :— the Liberator ' s influence could not keep the corpora- to e BLAIR'S GOUT AMD RHEUMATIC PILLS. the same school , lie was a Liverpool materials and fashion , and , when putting her arm This medicine is particular ly recommended b taken man , and Caviui correspondent writes that on the 23rd ult. , tion free from any but slaves of his own. His day is in A severe case of Rheumat ism, communicated by Mr. served his time with Charles Lawrence the mayor , A. into the sleeve, felt some resistance, her fingers feefore pers ans enter into the matrimonial state , lest, , being the fair day of Biillymagauran Thomas Br.iwn , over in Drog heda ; he is despised by all parties ; he the innocent offspring Allen, Proprietor ofthe JVo'tinp/ianJiT erctn*. " , has little chance of catching the Drogheda corpora- touchi ng some substance not generall y found in me event of pr ecreation occurring, irom whom he could get a recommendation. His o:iu of tlie constabu lary, seeing a, man Hauled M'Avuril J , name was not Magee, but was known. ing resolutions of last week in gowns. The sleeve wns turned inside out (or outside jhould bear ens-tamped upou it he physical characters J ft rcury Office , Notting ham , March 17, 1845. " lam Not- and other suspicious char acters hovering about during tion hy his humbu gg Sib tingham Charlie ; that is my name. s y in), and there, to the astonishment of all , was found derivablefrom parental debility. ,—I have the pleasure of forwarding you the par- " " I know," th.* day , deemed it prudent to take them into custody, th« Dublin corporation . Peter Hoey, of Burn le , Price lis., or the quantity of four at lis. in one bottle ticulars of a case in which BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEU - he continued, " that ;.l am a thief and a robber—I may now rejoice that his visit to Drogheda , in 1841, a nest, formed by those industrious little creatures and with the assistance of constable Thomas Clark and oh ! 33s., by which lis. is saved ; the J55 eases may be had MATIC PILLS have proved eminently successful. acknowledge 'all my robberies—but Sloan was with was not without beneficial result s to Chartism. yclept mice. An examination was made, for brought them to the barrack. On smirching them , they joytul discovery ! there were the long lost bank notes s usual , which is a saving *f £1 12s. A young woman , named Mary Wain me forty or fifty times in offices in Liverpool , and , accompanied by carried a double-barrelled pistol in LivcrpooJ to shoot found on the person of M'Averny the following threate n- OLD IRELAND V. tOUHG IRELAND. cut up iuto innumerable pieces by those unwitting THE CONCENTR ATED DETERSIVE her parents , who reside at Wataa ll, near this town, called ing notices :— " any one who weuld binder him. Ay, and Sloan is The Dublin corespondent of the Morning Post had offenders. The pieces were carefully collected, and ESSENCE, upon me on -Saturday last, being desir ous of making her Take notice—Any per son dealin g with Franeis Hen- the following statement in bis dispatch of the 6th. joy reigned supreme. The neighbours were called in yng case known for the benent of the public . wanted now for a robbery in North John Street. An anti- syptulitie remedy fer searching out and purlf There was another robbery in Bclfinst, but itis not derson for anything that Peter il'Cu-ker hag, that ha The demons-trati n of the Young Irelanders at tlie to participate in the rejoicings, and happiness was the diseased haaours of the blood ; conveying its active It appears that Mary Wain had for some years past worth talking about. It was Sloan will get the same death of Booth Bell, who is in the depth Rotunda, has caused much uHeusincss in the camp the order of the day. it ooly remains to bo said, princ iples throughout the body, even penetrati ng the been a great sufferer from Rheumat ism, bnt that in did that: and , there is another too that has not come to light. I of hell—Death —and if tnis does not make he yeald of the ancient party. that the pieces were pasted together, sent up to th« minutest vessels, removing all corruptions , aontamina- October last she was more than ordinaril y afflicted so , am transported now at last , and I have a poor old powde r and bal l will. The whole matter was solemnly and earnestly can- Batik of England , with a narrative of the circum- tions, and impurities from the vital stre am ; eradica ting much so that her father fetched ber from her place ol Take notice—Any forestaller that distresses any man vassed in the committee of the old association yes- stance ; and in due time ten soverei gns arri ved, the m#rbl& virus , and radicall y expelling it through the service, in order that she mother who has been broken-hearted by my infamous who is mi*lit have the attention of her life ; but it was that man Sloan who took mo from for money will get the same death of M ClouS, terday. The Liberator had a special convocation of winch were hand -.il over io the fortunate limebur uiT. skis mother at home ; at that time—to make use of the my honest employment , and made me stand here. surely in hell for parti ality. Death , death , death hero all his counsellors, and asked their opinions. Cambrian. Pri ce lis., or four bottles in one for 33s., by which Us. mother 's description , " she could not lift her hand to her follows Molly M'Guiro feared a ball. I escaped the police in England for many years , and who never The majority, I understand, advised that no notice is saved, also in £» cases, which saves -£1 12s. mout h, or her foot the height of sixpence from the en-ell, wanin g Gaol Breakinc - .*—A priso ner , named Mackenzie, I am caught at last and sent away, and nil by that M'Aveniey it now in B.illycoiiiiell, bri whatever should be taken of the seceders, that they Venereal contamm arian, if not at n'rst eradicated , will floor. " Having heard of Blair 's Pills, the father made his escape from Elgin gaol in a very bold pur- Sloan, lie continued for some time to talk in this the decision of the law officers ofthe crown. Mr. Hen- were not yet of sufficient importance, and that it ten remain seeretly lar king in the system for years , and , chased a box at my shop about the second week in derson is a respectable trader residing at Rosehill , and manner. The door of his cell was left open by the coherent strain admitt ing a course o' crime almost , would be making too much of them to advert to their kfei-fghfor a while undiscovered , at length break »ut October ; the Pills took immediate effect for lam assured , y tlie well-disposed. doctor 's orders , the prisoner having been ill and vo- , having scarcel y a parallel. The prisoners were the n much esteemed b prnceediags at all atthemeeting in Conciliation Hall the ut*!>«apyindividual in its most dreadful forms by the parents and the girl herself, that on the mitting blood, Taking advantage the prisoner pon following removed. Sloan by ord er of the Court remaining in A ClnnniL'l jjuipenthus refers to thc state of the gun to-morrow. else, unseen , *** rnall y endang er the very vital organs day she could not only lift her hand up to , , *' the passage door with one of the #r * feed herself, the dock , as it was pre t ty evident , from Meagee ' g tr ade iu Tipperary; ;;-- forced tfie lock o existence. To those suffering from tiie consequences but she could also move about on crutches . * The more experienced and further seeing old gen- iron-l.iooks hammock," and having taken some •f Since that feel'-ncB that violence would have been used had an tleman, however, took a dif ferent of his which tills disease may hav e left benj ud in tiie form of time she has had five mere boxes of tlie , No less than seventy-one gunB were sold in our view of the mat- lire, from the stove, broke open a small door leading Pills, and , if I opportunity offered. toc, anil aeemeil to consider tlie mowraent and pro- th£ •MOH dary symptoms, eruptions ofthe skin, blotches om the may judge from appearances , is as well as she ever was town the last fair day. This is bad Work. TllU Go- to the garret . There the prisoner aefc fire t0 ) vernment gress of the speeders as so very important, that it head and fece, ulcerations aad enlargement of the throat in her life, and has been so for some months past. The Floweus of the EAnrii.—Doctor P , who should look to it in timo. Tbey have had roo f, and burned a hole through which he clambered Hie nose, pa late, You are at liberty to make use of my warnin g enough. A. labourer entered our town a few was his opinion and decree that a f lag of truce should to the gi(«nf, aud threatened destruction «f name if you think is attached to a Parisian theatre in quality of a phy- The e —and fixing another hook of the hammock nodes en fhe shin bones , or any »f thase painful it will add to tbe weight of this testimonial. days ago seeking for hire . He presented rather a fo'.- . be sent to thera. xcuse for this great condo . swung himself on to the inclosing wall— ots., sician , expressed his astonishment tho other day that scension is to be, that he, water pipe, aafetttons arisin g atom the dangerous efftcte of tiicindis- lam, Sir,- yours trul y, woman were not created afc the midablo appeara nce ; for , in addi tion to a spade aud a the Liberator, has ob- thus escaping unobserved. lie has not yet been re- man and same time, ili-.il served that the Young Irelanders now all repi' criBsaate use of mercury, or ths evils ef an irap arfect To Mr. Prout , 229,Strand. Uichabb Allen. instead of tlie latter springing from a rib of our lirst , ha bad a handy gun strapped across hia back. .diate taken. Every man physical force, and have therefore so purgPM them- ear *,the Coaaaaarat sDetersived Essence willbe found to The never-failing effects of BLAIR 'S GOUT AND parent. A young actress standing by, remark able has his gun. Where this will end God only Wkstminstkk.—Mv. Charles ba attended with the most astonishing efibcss,ia eheekin -^ AHEUMATIC PILLS in curing every descr iption of for the graceful turn which sheerer knows . selves of heresy in his eyes, that he is >Y'.'jing again llurKKSENT.vr iON of gives to tlie ex- to receive them into his corps. This svmptr.ni, it Cochrane, chair man of the Poor Mai*.'* Guardta? hemvsges of ihe (Ksorder , remaving all SMrbutic com - Gout and Rheumatism , have secured to them a celebrity pression of her ideas, immediately said, " Was ifc Subjoined is an extract of a letter fron- agitator, is a c...ub laint s, aad eSeetraaU -rr a-estabK ehingthe lwaUfa of the unequalled by any medicine of past or ' thc county fully deyolopud , will unquestionably prove extreme Society, and ** open the ports '^ ; f pr esent times. not natural, sir, thai the fluwor should come after of Tyrone :— representation ot ttisiminster at m CamttMioa . 1* persons •nteriog open fee rasnea sHxH They not only give relief in a few hours , but reatore to * debility in the patient : but what i<», even more, I am date for the tho stera ?" _ 4 . ,.. „_; g &&£-- Anything like the sale of flre-w ms by the hardware informed that the Young Ivelwuders will reject th next election. ¦ 1846 Pgr * "¦*- ' ¦ ,_ __.¦ E NO R-TriEK' tw*- —TH K STAR ¦ ¦ •^^ "' M _ * - - - K,. .. ~ - ** M| u M W| Hlpia, | ¦¦¦¦ mlH -rr- , — - _ _ _ _ _ 3 ^ - ' —— " Mllll-Mlll ¦nilli i iMii The want of free Irate could not account " soetr p for this . for but her trade on the Continent h mow, 'out-e nsemole the picture of neatness . She had a T Re ! rest ricted than ithas av«¦ r . ASONEK-P«tb V.-Vl. London : J. tined as a present for-hia . godson , the t' Prince of been witb us. , Testam ent in oae hand , while tbe other held an umbrella , w*Watson , 3, Queen' Btm with which she sheltered herself s Head-passage, Paternoster- agOTiipttr Wales , is now _ almost completed , and will be soon THE SPIRIT OF KONARSEX al0 -on8hit "-rillgreatly . from the heat of the row. *. ^^ ' ¦£! % wiUnotpei- sun . At tbe time of my visit to forwarded to its destination. The design is after a nanenrlg benefit the ma» of the labouri ng her house she was bath How io obtain Sira p at Win.—The following is popula tiC; ing her swollen chin with rum. 1 These two parts, containing much valuable mat- dra wing of Cornelius ; the model was made by the .<¦> following is an English poem read by Captain because the supply of labour will spee asked her if she dran k the grand secret which has been prescribed at a ,. dHy e-Lod the t ter, close the first volume of the Reasoner. " sculptor Fischer ; and the whole has been chiselled , (at the request of tbe Poel* increased demand, whatever i ; she said no, she did not, but that it relieved the pain to each patient :—You are to shut -A.jw Stolxman ,) atthe that may be assumed to be, A new series commenced guinea your eyes, with great ski'l by M.- Mertens. ®* and reduce wages of her chin, though she much disliked the smell of it. on the 2nd inst. On the L„tb Anniversary ofthe Polish Revolution or 1830. in proportio n to the reduction of the new plan , the Reasoner is to and endeavour to fancy a column of imoke rising Diabolical Attempt to Blow up a House ,— "" Novembe r, 1846, yanou , articles of consist ol one careful ly atte ntion being the 29th of at the Bedford Arms s,hsistPnce . We, however, conceive Stran ee it is tbat althou gh the writer tells us manv written art icle each week ; each number will aim at from the nostril. The diverted to About five o' clock on Sunday morning last , a most Cha rlotte Street , tt to he a K reat tlnns -8 breaks off the current of - thoug ht , and you are ? rem, 21, Bedford Square. ] - boon to the wenlt by classes, and capabl e of what Heki said and did , he gives not a exhaustin g its particular subject , thus presentin g a this, diabo lical attem pt was mnde to blow up with gun- of becoming one to word asleep .—Library of Secrets and Wrinkles. the whole nation , if connec ted with descr ibing this formidable chief—the Wallace weekly series of essays which may be consulted Jong powder the hom-e of Mr. Thomas Bortwistle , car- who ruleth earth, andby thi s a distrib ution of Righ —Mrs. Acton , the (German ) yo**bv God earth of his , landed prope rty, which would inevi- of Ins countr y ; with whom we unhesitating ly express after their publication. The last leaf of each num- ts of Women. penter and heuse builder. Boltun-street , Bury, and f -uty, b tahly follow from a Berlin , and whu tlK hi* ' aw o y -deed and sacrifice, repeal of the lawg relating to enta il. our sympathy, althou gh we must deplore the sacri- ber is to be devoted , like the " Annals of Industry, " wife of an Englishman resident at also a cottage at the back. It appears , that a lew 's martjrdom Population , was lately has jus t pubih hed flbv our natio n , our exiled hopes and under the most favoura ble circums tances , fice of life in what must prove a vain struggle for tbe in the.People' s Journal , to the proceedi ncs of Com- expelled from that city, minutes previous to the explosion , Mrs . Bertwistle , l Expulsion woes, will doubtl ess pre ** upon the means of subsisten ce; but natives, and which, while it lasts, inflicts much suf- munist and other societies, and may be separated a work, enti tled ''M y Emanci pation and hearin g some persons under the window, awoke her the operatio n " Polan d yet shall rise again and tr ample down her of this law of nature may be ameliorated ferin g en our own country men. Mr. Hooten con- when the volume is to be bound. Tbe first number from Berlin. hu sband , who immediatel y got out of bed , and throw- 0^ lectur- fins- by provident -irran gements. To in ' uce habits of fore- cluaes in this number his very interesting " Rides , of the new scries is a neat , eight-pa ged pamphlet , Aob of thh Earth —Tho Rev. Dr. Burto n ing np the slide, saw three men run from near tLa thou ghtand a hi Ram bles, ing at Leedm, on " The wonderful Antiquity ot window ; in ti 'ski's belmeu crown , by Kosciusko' gh standing of living amongst tb<*pi-ople, and Sketches in Texas. " The great object the appeara nce of which prepossesses us with the a short time afterwards the explosion Br obi- s sword , the Earth ." of Slavonian glory, is. we maintain , the only mode of permanentl y securing of Mr . II.'s articles has been "by the detail of belief that the new series will he more successful stated, that lit first the revelati ons took p lace. On Monday , the magistrates went j *o the oW and by onr pro ud rec»i d geology were Bv their temporal iiappine ts and well-being, abunda nt facts, gafc'iercd from a woful experience in than the old. The subje ct is *' The Society of The- considered to be inconsistent with the view the premise s,. -which are in a dreadfull y shat- wart >r- *t*roes - by the cross, the death we endure , as it is the nf only practical meth od of checking their too the persons of tbe dyine; , tbe dead the shattered in ological Utilitarians ;" the princi p les, , and con- Mosaic account of the creatio n , but it should be re- tere d condition , the back nnd front windows hems: ffjj a;h tyra nny may seal the tomb, th e resurrection's ra pid in- , aims 0 crease. constitu tion , the ruined , and the disapp ointed ," to stituion of which are set before the publi c. We membered that the first verse of Genesis contained blown out ; the parlou r floor and flags in the lobby sure. an independen t It is a great and vulgar err or to confound nationa l war n thc English people against bein g misled by *hall not meddle with tbis society beyond extra cting proposition , having no relation to were also blown up, together with all the furniture. avid by Wilna Bv Wars aw , by tbe dun geon and the prosperity and national happiness shameless writ ers and unprinci pled agents into leav- the following para grap h fr om the account time, but merely asserting that God was the creator Providentially no lives were lost, although there were ' . The distribution ra- before us, stake. ther than the amount of wealth amon g a people, contri - ing their native country for that " burning wild ," which treats in a common-sense liko manner a sub- of all things. He observ ed that we must believe that , fift een persons in tho two houses. A reward of £100 tre ason, rsiie, , •gT tortu re, onr spii its cannot quake ; butes principall y to genea nl happiness . There can be no that den oi" lurki ng savages , reckl ess outcasts , and 'cct on which, of late, many conceited men have talked before the creati on of Adam millions of ages had has been offered by tho inhabitants of Bury for the sha ll be free , be one «jT folsnd ; her triumph is not far, doubt that our country has added to its riches during the fell diseases"—Texas. Mr. Ilooten has well proved and written a frightful amount of nonsense:-— elapsed. apprehensi on of the offenders. •r mother * teach their babes to pray to God against hi*, case, and for tho si Thk Comman d of the Armv in India .—It is un- —The relaying of rjos e present century; but it is very clear ttiat t':c well-being gnal service he has dono bv The parts of Wat Tyler , of Tell, and of the Ameri onn Westmin sti-r Brid ge the foot the Tsar. exposing the tru th where so derstood that Lieutcuan t-General Sir Willia m and the wooden i" -!-!!! of the bulk of tlie community has not iner.-ased in a cor- much falsehood prevf- Revoluti on, under similar circumstances may be played pavement on this bn.I ge ! ^ . ouslj abound ed, we thank ¦ Gomme, Governor and Comniander-in chie f at, expected that Bv our deep memories of wrong .by all we hope or dare> responding ratio. The returns of the Income Tax him. again. This much must be premised to anticipate the thc proceedin g very rap idly, and itis the Mauritius , will succeed to * "Rr fait'1 in God incarnated in action everywhere , prove an immense advance in the national wealth since charge of want of manlinos s and si-lf reppect which must the command of the Army l-ridge will be re-opened to the public in a fort nigh . hts and ni the condition lie at the in India , on the retirement of Lord Gough . has been rag ing in Bagdad sirce tbe pj daily thoug , ghtly dreams, by lifelong reso- the conclusion of the war. Nevertheless , dpor of all Ethics wi:hout such provision. It The Cholera is clearl First English Nk-vspapbr. — The Morning It brok e out with lute will, of the labourer has deteriorated ; while that of the capi- TnE ALMANACK OF THE y under stood that no intellectual progress can commencement of the Ramaz an. MONTII-Nos. Chronicle mentions a recent discovery by Mr. Watts ever-tired endeavour —God' s vengean ce to fulfil. talist has improved. Between capital and labour there 11 and 12. London come of force—that mm are not improved by the , creat violence at the very outset , and the popular And n : Punc h Office , 85, Fleet - sword , of the British Museum is a great gulf fixed, an d while the one ascends in the street . ana that the sole advanta ge to be gained b , tha t the celebrated English festivals caused it t o spread in such a manner that in jythe holy bond of peoples, by the many 'g-dnst tha y this course Mercuric, social scale, the coarse of the other is one continued is the " removal of an " of 1538, is a forgery, and that consequen tly less tha n a fortni ght LfSOO persons had fallen victims, , We are sorr y to announce the tbis obstruction to the oper ation of fe* conclusion of reason, and the origin of newspapers in this country is still in- thou gh a third inhabitants had fled . progress descen t. publ ication. The then it must , have this absolut e justification part of the Br humanity and , by our trust in God—the true , reason assigned is, that the editor —the u volved in ob-curity . mark this :—Luxury and misery are in- tter self-evident impossibility of removing the Atrocious Act of Cruelt y.— An act of the most Bv the thorny wreath , the shame, the scourge , by the Reader , (G- A. aBecket ) is con nected with as many other Pouckman ' s Hkl igion.— An official inquiry has ' obstruction by moral means. In some countries of /liabolical cruelty was perpetrated on the niab t of hope tha t unde rstands , creasing day by day, -as manufactures are developed wor ks as he can devote time to. The editor adds , been made to amoBgstjthe- police force of Liver pool as " " " Europe , where tyrants rule aud espionage prevails, it is Friday or Saturday moriiins: list , in a stable belong- th e giant ofthe future , the misgovern ^ of all lauds , and small farms ama lgamate le*-etlier. Ths The pain of par ti n tr is considerabl y alleviated by By as fatal to libert y to avow it, as in Great Brh nin the religious tenets held by each member of it re- ing to Mr. White, of the Anchor Inn , Combeh ay, want of Free Trade could not account for this. " the kuowled ge, that if we do not meet our readers in it is to By tbe scoundrel Courts of .Europe, diplomatising draw the sword for it. Under »ome spectively. by which a valuable horse was destroyed , under hor - " Free Trade alone , although it will greatly , will not this shape, we do in some two or three others ; and . circumstances right, moral force is as suicida l of liberty as Good.—The directors of the Eastern Counties rible suffering. The malicious per petrator of the permanently benefit the most of the labourin g popu- we may, perha ps, have more time to spend with physical force the Austrian Assassin— aye b the Muscovite; und er others. , Railways bave issued an order, that all shipwrecked deed inflicted a wound on the animal 's head with an Bt J y lation ; because the supply of labour will speedily ex- them altogether b mariners (duly France and England' s "jugte-mUieu," and in famy of , y not having to run away, as it identified as such) shall have a free instrument supposed to be a pickaxe , of which the By ceed the demand, and reduce waue s in proportion to were, to change our two The 'title of the essay in the second number , is- pass along the line. trade; dress so frequently." the animal died. On beina dissect ed , a spike-nail , seven, the reduction of tlie various articles of subsistence. " numbers before us are as full of sued this week , is, " Communities without cost." Ragged Schools. —The number of Ra gged "We have sworn onr Poland shaU be free, i t cannot be fun as "an egg's full Schools inches in lensth , was found in it* stomach. A large Very true friend Tait ; as Southey says '* these are of meat." in the metrop olis is rapidly increasing. Another unsaid. " reward is annou nced for information leading to a dis- troths and weighty ones ; but why. wiien for seven establishment has just been added in King Edward- covery of the barbarous offender. By Pra gm, and by Spielberg, and the far Siberia n years the Chart ists advanced snch ar guments Street , Mile-end , New Town. Qar Cana da. — Lieute nant • General Sir Benjamin graves DOUGLAS JERROLD 'S SHILLING MAGA- ittfc. . against the f.tllsciesof the free-traders , why had tbey Earl x LuAnNiRs. —A numb er of young men in D'Urhan has received the appointment of Com- By tiie execrable doom " on foot " to the agony that ZINE, November , December, London : Par .eh Glasgow meet at an early hour in the not then the sup port of Tait ? Why did Tait then morning, foi man ner of the Forc es in Canada , and proceeds there craves " Office, 85, FJeet Street. Rka l Tautan Todd y.—The Highlanders the purpose of impr oving their minds. Those lati month after month denounce ihe Chartists as im- , from with his excellency the Earl of Elgin, the Governor- habi t, a fine Some mitigation , by the flames pourM in the knou ted practicab les," "' public disturbers ." and " Tory As Gilbert a Beckett confesses it has been with invariabl y mix their todd y twice aa stron g as pay , which goes to the purchase of books. General . back * " the Lowlnndere. I wasouce sittingon the box of the Mornin g Post" Criticism. —Dombk i . tools V The writer in rati says In producing the him, so we fear it is with Douglas Jerrold, he hai- I' and Son. Schools of Design.—It is stated that schools of By tbe fierce mental spasms and the corporeal rack. **¦ " Aberdeen and Banff coach one very cold morning , —Three par ts of Mr. Charl es ' present state of tilings, we, without hesitation , de- too many irons in the fire ; and hence is not fully , Dickens s new work design will probably be established at Dublin and when wc By our Aposblate of Pain, by the Ashes of tbe Dead, clare the law of Primogen iture to be the princ ipal aware of the contents of his magazine previous to its stopped at a small inn to chan ge horses , have appeared. As yet there is nothing in it either Relfast. By Poland, and by Sod,—the arrowy doom is sped; asent." He contends for its repeal and predi cts the publication. Surel y the Editor would not have and Charley informed me we could get a " drap o' novel or interesting. It is a reclmffk o: some of hi- Greek Cvruas '•cal gude whiskey there, tb —The crop of currants grown Aye l Sooner shall the shadow on the d'al trave l back, COid th at must follow; in support of his argumen t allowed the article , " Time versus Labour ," in th * " wishing to knew whether former garbage, and has neitner salt nor pepper to this year in the Morea and Ionian Islands, is said to Than Fate retrace her prophecy of Poland 's glory- he r.-fer a to the past and present condition of November number to have'disgrace d his magazine , I would prefer it " heeland or lowland fashion ;" make palatable. What has as yet been doled out is he the largest ever known. " for ye ken , •• stale aud insipid. track I France :— had he seen it in manuscri pt. The thing pretenns t. ," continued tbe smiling Jehu the Life ,—It appears , th at amone 3,125 person s de- be an argument against the Ten Hours , theagi . Icelander says, a glass o' whisky and a glass o' Overf lowing of tue Nile.—Info rmation has just And TVilna was bis altar; even Russian gaolers Look at France , at the period of the Revolution , and ' Bill ceased , an avera ge of only one is found to attain the water been received from E there at the presen t day. In 178? France was rotten to tbe tation for which is represented as enmity against tlie makes very good lawland toddy—but a glass gypt, by a respectable mercan- age of 100 years. " o' whisky and a jlass o' whisky dings a' for making tile house in Belfast, tbat the overflowin g of the Cors'd the barbari an epaulettes:—O God! fu!61 our core. Governed by the creatures of an imbecile mo- ministry and manufacturers. The miserable argu - Jenn y Li.vd is said to have been engaged at *' i t real tartan toddy. " Nile has carried 93 villages in Lower E prayer; narch, the na tion groaned under the despotism , without ment " is that we must first have cheap bread am i gypt , with all Vienna for four months , at the salary of 100,0001'r. commerc e free ; tbe market , of the world for our Wood fok Coffins.—Old maids should be buried the produce they contained , including a large quan- 0 Godl to tby mart yr's memory upbuild the only the glory, of former reign. The ari siocratic al princi ple (£1000) in crab tree ; old bachelors tity of flax. tunb— of primo genitm e was in full force , and the land was con- woollens and our cottons, and then Ac , s. " " feren ce. cultie s ofa Theory of Husband -catching, is a plea- a foray : he of the countin g-house positions very much. She was such a bitter old lady, Rou gh and Read y. direct and immedia te advanta ge. has dealings —In speaking of General Tay- Gossip in " High Life ." —It is said that the sant ar ticle directed against the ambition for display, with of er counting-houses— he of the castle had that one was tempted to believe there had been si.me lor's cognomen The following shonld be read and reite rated where- of " Rough and Ready, " the Mor validity of the marriage of the Marquis of Tweedald , and the desire of luxury, which so lamcl J enters into dealings ' with other castles mistake in the application of the Peruv ian ma- ning Advertiser says that while the ever the people assemble in workshops , or public i but they were confined General very lath er of the Marchioness of Douro nnd tbe Countess the c-•m-io-'itBm of the modern En-.l 'ish • o:iety. The in most cases to tbe illaging line of business. The chinery, and tha t all her waters of gladness and milk sufficien tly bears out the first epithet meetings :— p , he seem** to of Dalhousie , is disputed by a lady who claims to concluding Yolnmes of " Lord Nelson's Letters and man of the ledger collects his debts—the man of the of human kindness had beeti puiuped out dry, instead find some difficulty iu justifying the second. systems h ave been previously married to tlie MaH J UiS by the Despatches " are reviewed at great leng th. The re- Our pres en t agricultural and manufactu ring lance gathered in his ol' the mines. The cas tle of this ogress and chiid- Punkv Omnibusi-s black mail." All this is mighty and a Cheap Parcel Delivery law of Scotland . Should this claim be estab lished , viewer trnly describes Nelson as " the greatest of are Tapidly driving all competence , or, in other words , fine queller was in a steep bye-street- in Bri ghton in tlie process of , but the difference between the two is more ; where Company are about to bo established in Liverpool . title would EHiilaniTs naval commanders , and the only one ofthe all small capitals Dot of tbe field ; and , seeming than real . A. Reach app rovingl the soil was more than usuall y chalk y, fli nty, and X ho latter companv it is understood that the succession of the quotes y the states in its prospectus that it lie altered , as the legitimacy of an elder brother number in whom were united tbe bold, chivalrous time, we shall have no middle class, prope rly so called , profit-monger's motto, "Buy in the cheapest mar- sterile, and the houses were more than usually brit - willjdeliver parcels weighing from 31bs. to IStUa any irit of the -northern sea-kin ?,with the consummate nothing bnt lords and serfs , grea t capitalists and pau- tle and would be established. sp ket, sell in the dearest ;" but *' buy in the cheapest thin ; where the small front -gardens had the where within four miles of their offices for from Id. y ' his wor- " pers. This is an evil that seems to belong to th e manu- A Ma or s Tithb Pig.—In Bridgewater , skill ofthe modern tactician. market," means ro6 the producer of his wages ; " sell unaccountable property of producing nothin g but ma- t n 4il. f " " appear to be num - facturin g system, and for that reason we should guard shi p the mayor has nothing but the tithe " o all Tbe daysof political economy in the dearest market ," means cheat the consume r of rigolds, whatever was sown in them ; and where Victory op Factob y Girls. —Most of the factory a;.;inst becoming mere manufactu rers—the journeymen the pigs born within the borough. " This impost is bered. The defection of the Jform no* Chronicle , the his money. Really it appear s to us' that it may be snails wer e constantly discovered holding on to the ladies as Sam Slick calls them , at Nostau , U.S., Eur ope. With all our love of free trade , we canno t paid in kind. now great champ ion-of the small farm , or rather , of truly said of both classes— " tanta-ra-rara , rogues street doors , and other public places they were not have objected to work by candle light. The agent -*. b-en fallowed by disguise from ourselves tbe conviction , that society, iu ' The Quakers. —The society of friends has entered small landed propr ietar y system , has all !" expected to ornament , with the tenacit y of cupping - ret U: ed to let them out ofthe yard till bell-time , b ui on the side «.f au exclusively manufacturing people, is liable to sub- into a subscription of £2.000 in Dublin to relieve the the desertion of Tait, now range d In .these numbers we have continuations of the ulasses. In the winter time the air could 'nt be got the girls eventuall y triumphed. , cotton lords and wimts of the poor , and the same body in Engla nd common sense, and common justiee. Three remark- division into masters and woikmen Editor' s story of " St. Giles and St. James ," con- out of the castle, and in the summer time it could 'nt A Whalb, —A very lar ge whale ran ashore near perati ves. We cannot easily reach tbe seat of this so- have also subscribed £20,000 for the like purpo se. able articles are contained in this number well de- o taining many Jerrold gems. " The advance of the be not in. There was such a continual reverberation l'uolewe.gu' ue) days ago, aud fell an easy prey to the rich man , who can afford to wait Vienna , Nov. 19.—The assassin Reinell , who for servin g the atten tion of <*ur readers , who we hope cial evil ; because tbe Masses;" " Social Barbarisms ;" "Ni ght Fair in of wind in it, that it sounded like a great shell , villagers. It was upwards of sixty feet in length must always overcome the competition of , iiis att empt to murder the Emp eror , was sentenced will make it their business to peruse them. The first for his profi ts , Alexandria ;" and some other articles are worth y ot which the inhabitants were obli ged to hold to tbeir aud yielded several tons of oil.—Inverness Courier. • * capitalists whose wants are ur- to . twenty years ' imprisonment in the celebrated of tbe articles we allude to is ent itled Letters from the compara tively smill , commendation. On the other hand , there arc some ears night and day, whether they liked it or not. It Funs I'uAOk in Dl-.vmark —The King of Denmark * und admit of no delay. But , in agriculture , the 'brtress of Munkats , in Hungary, died there a month the West of Irel and ,** in which the writer admirably gent, srjecimi ns of philanthropic twaddle , of which " Divi- was not, naturally, a fresh-smelling -house ; and in has publi sbod un edict , decla rin g the trade between different. The small landed proprietor ngo. sh-vws np some ofthe acts of besotted tyranny which ca=e is widely nity ."from Rags " .may be taken as a samp le, not the window of the front parlour , which was never iiis duniiniun s .-.nd China to be free. This abolishes world- wide can successfully compete with the capitalis t, because his Increase of the Armv.— On dit, and very confi- have procure d for the Irish landlords a worth the room tbey occupy. We give the fol- opened , Mrs . Pipchin kept a collection of plants in uie monopoly of the Danish Asiatic Company, whic h ar e immediate. Neither in Franc ? nor in Tus- dently too , in certain military circles , and there is to infamy. The mi**erable poverty too of many of the return s low ing lines from the December number , not very pots , winch imparted an earthy flavour of tneir own has hithert o paid large sums to the King privi- do we find lar *e farmers for the he a very considerable increase in the Army Esti- Iri.*.b landlords is a curse on tbe land witb wbich cany, Switzerland , or Belgium, confident that tbey will be found readable in the to the estab lishment. However choi ce examples ol lege. they ll ones out of the mar ket. By a sys.'em of mates—fif teen regiments it is said , or twelve thou- they are connecte d. Their estates mortgaged , drivin g sma. sou th, although they cannot fail to be appreciated in their kind , too, these plants were of a kind peculi- Verv Pao wsa.—The Duke of Lucc a has sup- absen tee usu rers , who cooperation , the humble proprietors of land can pur- san d men . are mere receivers of rent for the far north :— arly ada pted to the empowerment of Mrs. Pipchin . pressed all games of hazard in his dukedom ; and hire any expensive machinery for the proper Gratuitous Marriages at St. John s, Clt-rki-n- reside in London or on the contine nt. These Shy- chase or There were half-a-dozen specimens of the cactus , has directed tha t the casino erected at tbe baths ot theii- dra ining of tbeir farms In Tuscany one- JUSTICE. —A REVERIE. well.—On Monday morning, pursuant to a notice , locks (the mort i-agees, die.) intent ouly on culture and . writhing round bits of lath , like hairy serpents ; Lucca , for the convenience of stran gers eonveitt . ¦ of landed BT WlttlAH THOM. , be «ome weeks since issued by the Rev. Hugh Hughes , plundcr, will abate not one jot of their demand , and half of the popu lation consists of the families another specimen shootin g out broad claws, like a into a readin g-room &(* ' ricultural produce. ., as well as that at Viaicg the rector of St. Joh n's, Clerkenwell . that marriages consequently the unhappy tenantry ar e subjected to prop rietors , living on their own ag preen lobster ; several creeping vegetables , posse-scl gio. The consequence is Tn France two-third» of the nation are employed on the Ance wild in woods wi" brither brute , of sticky and adhesive leaves ; would be celebra ted by him gratuitously between ihe most grin ding oppression . and one uncomforta- Genera l Tom Thumb is about to visit Halifax • have not soil : and the owners and cultivators of land being .Men hunted day by day : •artios who were too poor to pay the marriage fees, that " The rights of proper ty in Ireland ble flower-pot bamiing to the ceiling, which appear ed He his ann ounced his in tention of holding t»o tbis mo- nearly equal in social position, and frequentl y identical , An' reive , wi" fell and fierce dispute , r he Rev. Gentleman attended to perform the cere- been io gr eater jeopardy than they are at ro b ave boiled over , and tickling peop le underneath levees in the New Assembly Room, Ilarri son-road . confiscati on." Some- the necessary result is, that society presents no immense The wolf's half-worried prey. with its long green ends , mony, Only two coup les availed thems.-lves of the ment , since the great Crom well reminded them of spider s— To Smokers. —A Kni ght of tbe plough , not fif ty the writer in Tait ). chasms as In England. Tou rarely see there, or in any Then roughes t ruggers ruled the fra y, ' enefit thus offered. thin " mnst be done at once (says iu which Mrs. Pipchin s dwelling was uncomm only miles from the farm of lugliston , after receiving hi* a humour to see all country where the land is subdivi ded by the equal suc- Fouk awn'd nae ither micht ; DKATH OF TnE WIF E OF THE LATE THOMAS HOOD. — " for the people are not just in prolific, though perha ps it challenged competition " dear won penny fee" at last term , resolved on hav- country and cession of children to the properly of their par ents , one An' Justice daur 'd nocbt word to say, We regret that we have to announce the decease of the corn and the cattle taken oat ofthe " Tenures re , who have noth ing but their daily bread , and An ' sleepit syne. humourist and poet. The public are aware that Mr. The second of these artic les is on Celtic labou rs The Lkiter W.—A cockney philologist says that discover ed that he had lighted his ipe with a £5- gentleman is a rarity in France p Hood' s life was closed in the midst of much physical and Highland Clearings ;" the princL al object of little of that. An estated Bauld man grew bigger and got breeks, the letter w enters into the composition of a woman noK ban d deep, degrading sufferin g and much mental anxiety ; and there is which is to show that, whereas the Highlanders of or Switzerland , but , on tbe other , An'ha ul d their hut s thegither ; in all the relations of her life,—e. g., wife, widow, The Floods in Fbak cb. —No fewer than 1,500 little doubl that the unwearied exertions of Mrs, Scotland are as distinct a race from the Lowlanders , poverty is still more rare. Syne cultiva ted hail and leeks, wirgin. and u/ixen. ca-ks of wine have been picked up Vlong the bani *** Hood , her unceasing attendance on her husband 's as thc Japane se from theDotcb, and posses s customs Here is an answer to the knaves and fools, who An' ate nae ane anither. of the Suane, WILLIAM COBBETT AND SIR WALTER which had been carried away by the •'eath bed , and the grief and trial which preceded and having with them all the foree of Jaw , tbey hare , not- point ing to Irelan d , confound the small tena nt with The hear t leant brither-Iike to brither— RALEIGH. lace inundi tiei.s in Fra nce. followed her b reavement . have been the immediate withstanding, been subjected to Lowland law, for the the small prop riet or—two very different classes :— Love ruled wi' little fjke ; Electri c Tbli-gbapiis Mcemb— The other World, —It is snid tha t Govern- cause of the disease which has thus prematurely ter- purpose of plunde ring them of their landed rights, and small proprie- An' lassea ' auchiu ', tauld their mtther ment will pro bably The positions of tbe small tenant , (From Punch.) cause the exten-ion of the elec- minated her existence. She expired on thc mornin g for the advant age of their merciless and infamous it has been much That thev " be't do the like ," ' tric telegra ph tor , are totally different ; and yet too Cobbe tt. Oh! There you are , Sir Walter. Come , communication to the royal palace of Friday, the 4.th of December. wr iter shows that feudalism and classes. The unhappy - An' buckl ed syne. ' and government landlords. The the custom to confoun d these two shake hands. My crow s plucked at last. I will offices. Catchino a Tartar. —Weha ve heard the following danism were two widely different systems , under referred to the sub- condition of tbe Irish people is often Aye, lighter , aye—ilk glimmer threw speak to you, now. PoLicu.--ln London there are 3,000 policemen, iieeount as current in Bradford . A Methodist local the former system the Lowland and Eng lish tiller s of for political and other purposes * Raleigh. And right welcome or 110 constables division of farms , which, A britcher gleam heyon it; , Master Cobbett. to one magistrate : in Liverpool ••readier , residing in or near Horton . on returning the soil were mere serfs or slaves, who were merely the truth is, that in Ireland 700 has taken place here. Now Frae holes to huts , h uts houses grew, You have been wont hitherto to use scurvy language policemen to one magistrate, home one night during tho week -ftas attacked by a permi tted to cultivate the ground as a privilege thou sand landed proprietors in a po- ' of me; why,. Use of Tob acco. th ere are only nine Han shav ed an wore a bonne t; I know not ; and civilities have been — 1 find that a sure mode ol uiief, when , after a despera te struggle , tbe thief rifled ; under the system of ascen- drivm -i all animals out of a bole is to granted to them bv the baron pulation exceeding eight millions, Frotes tant The gudewife wi' sic power entnronat , scant between u.**. I rejoice to think they shall be smoke tobacco his pockets of some pence. The preacher , in the not as the proprie- of primog eni- into it. They danism, the chief was regarded dency bas there co-operated with tbe law An' biirnie on ber knee ; frequent henceforth . appear quite unab le to stand the stru ggle, tore away thc coai-lap of the highwayman , land, but merely as the leader of the peo- tiie land into the han ds of, compara - Wliilk she could cither Beau ', Cobbktt. Yes, yes. To tell you the lain truth smell, and bolt out immediatel y tor ofthe ture , in throwing or scone it, p , in the face of dog or and , taking it h ome, found on inspection that ther e ple. The Highl and chief might be a tyrant , despotic a few individuals. man, rather tively speaking, Jus t as the case micht be, I could not bear the sight of you. Don't look so than put up with it. Tobacco smoke was in the pocket a purse with £3 10s. in it. but he could not drive will also bri ng and cruel to his followers, * over-population *' An' daut it syne. black ; but it was you who colonised Virg inia, and a ferret out of a rab bit hole, when The Prussian Police.—A Brussels journal pub- fifty years , how- Here is a ••silencer" for the them off the land. Within the last Ane hunder years ' introduced into Ireland that vile, watery, rotgut everything else fails to do so.-St,John ' s Wild Sports ,, fro m mouthers:— , an mair than that; lishes a letter from Coblentz . dated the 29th ult an- ever, the Highl and people have been dri ven thing, the potato. ofthe Highlands. told, tbat one source of our distress Had drouey Justice snor 'd; nouncing that the Prussian police , not being dis- their homes by fire and sword, backed by " the Jaw , We are grave ly Raieigh Nay, Inpamt ScnooL8. —At a public meeting in Bir- over-population. No doubt the peop le ar e too Till fouk in very peace grew fat , these be strange reasons for sulky posed to allow Mr. d'ltzstein , an opposition member and depri ved of the land- which them selves and arise s from looks. Did 1 not , by the one act , add to our empire mingham , on Frida y last , steps were taken towards the present feudal system ; but how In very easdom sraor 'd. of the Chamber of Deputies in Baden , to travel in their ancestors had held for centur ies ,' and which nusero us under a fair territor y, fertile in all manner of grain , well establishi ng thirty infant schools in the borough. if by the abolition of the law ol At last an ' lang , wi' ae accord , the territorie s of Prussia , has given orders to al not onlv in every sense which justice wonld the case stand , , watered , and as Master Uariot doth still rich Par liamentary Expenses The Parliamentary were theirs, country was gra dually Upon a summer night, opine, ex- keepers of inns and other houses of public entertainl theirs in r' ght of law—the primoge niture , the land of the in precious metals ; and by penses alone in can admit of, but also we not a right They loudly on the lady roar *d, the other , bring into our establi shing the Loudon and Birming- ment, to announce immediately his arrival , whether centuries , the cus- subdivi ded into small properties ? Have Britain a delicate fruit ham Railway law which had govern ed them for *W ha wauken 'd in a fright, , ri ght rlavourous and whole- were ;£650 per mile ; th ose of the hy night or by day . Every contravention of this at Suth er- to conclud e that here , as in Fran ce, the soil, by more Great tom of their country and race . The gre An Some for confections and sweetmeats ? Western , £1, 000 per mile. husbandry , and more general culture , would pro- ' wonnert rfyne. "rdcr will cause the keeper the loss of his licence. land dearin os are cited as a signal examp le ot the careful Cobbktt. Fiddle-de -diddle ! Kai-lwat Noiicbs.—A daily issue of the London maintain a popu lation far more num e- Thu dosen 'd goddess e'ed the fouk , Shocking Accidtcst.**- Last week by the bursting outrages to wbich the Highland ers bare bej-n sub- duce sufficient to R ALEion. Truly you trouble me much , Master Gazette was ucceasary, in order to enable taiiway than ours is at present ? If France now suppor ts in An' fuirlied at their fury ; of a cannon at Runcorn a boy named J ohn Jieaton jected. Tbis article in many respects excellent , is rous Cohbe t. But why your wrath against that whole- companies to comply with the terms ofthe stand iuj- and plenty, a popu lation exceeding by one-third Glour 'd wi' a face as braid' s our clock had his head nearly severed from his bedy. The in otbe **svery faulty ; for instan ce, the write r asserts , comfort some root, tho openawk, as the savages called it , but oi ders dire cting the public ation of their respective ' people in 1789, by means of the equal At bonnie Inverury. cannon was fired on the occasiou of his emp loyer s -'the sheep-farmi n g system has been advan- the numb er of her which we named after the Spaniard , ' potato ' ? parliamentary notices therein. that not our country be ren- What would ye n«o, ye son? o' nu ptials. large well as a division of the land , why should " muck Corbbt t. Wholesome root ! Don't put me in a Improvement op —¦ ta geous to the comtunuity at , as numerical French Sheep. Some sheep The Enc losure in St. JamrVs Parr. —On Satur - lan dlords " The direct dered capab le of maintain ing a similar ratio of Wha reive me o' my sle«pi»'! passion. Do you know that • have been great gain to tbe Hichl and . this re- your precious whole- purchased in Monmouth shire for ship- day, in consequence of repeated complaints to the by the increase ! Until wehave imitate d the French in May na' f the warl 's unhol y luck some root ' has become the ment to Fra nce reverse of this has been pro ved beyond dispute food of two-thirds of Eng- , where attem pts are being made to Commissioners of Woods and Forests and the colli- somewha t premature to talk of emigra tion on Fast haud ye in its keepin', , "Times Comnii "Sioner ," Uis comparisiou of the spect, itis land, Ireland , and Scotland ? It ia piga ' meat , and improve the native bre eds by crossin g; with the Eiw- our people by thousands to An' rotye syne ! ' sions* between individon! *' and the gatekee pers ofthe of Caithness and Sutherla nd must be a large scale, of sending has made pins of the poor people who use it. litsh long-woolled oliecp . two counties ther e is a I did ornamental pleasure grounds in St. Jnmes ' H Park , readers , who will re- Canada or Kew Zealand. Lei them go when A stark auld man , toom, dour, an' thin, all I could, I told all sensible Mal t Tax. —If all the taxes on fresh in the reco llection of our time. Englishmen, those who beer were repealed , respectin g the richt of admission , instructions were superiority of real necessity, not a factit ious one, as at the presen t Stood tal esman by the vote," took in my Register what it would ' tbe snme ale member that he proved tbe immense " , come to. It s now purchased for Cd. per quart wnuxt aiven them that they were only to prevent persons the Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. Bis banes stare d 'neath his withet 'd skin true I didn 't use the be 2d .; and porter the former over the latter , not only as regards , gallipot phrases that these Ox- , now id. per quart would be lid. in a vagj -ed or very dirty condition from enterin g, or but also ir ' time bad bored his coat. ford and Cambridge doctors in their black Mr. W. B. Snee on tlie number and cond ition of the popnlatio i, Of course Chartism is noticed :— An , gowns , Repeal of the Malt Tax. who ar e not decent in sppearan ce or behaviour ; they , that Sutherlan d was ** Our kirk ," quoth he, endures a spot and conjuring caps , have dosed peop le with till their To Make a Cheap every other resp. et, save one The disturbances in the manufacturing districts in " Stew of Soles and Eels. — are also not to all ow beggars, or persons with loads the two ; in spite ol Upon her fair repute, stomachs mi»Iit have turned at the gibberish if not Some of our secrets ibr cheap cookery naturally the riche st county of 1842 may be trac ed, in a great degree , to the general sen- having met on their heads , or with parcels or packa ges of an in- system, it had ' water winna wash the blot at tbe thing itself—your precious potato I mean . I witb unboun ded app lause, we add to them which, thank s to tbe sheep-farm ing timent than prevalent ,—tba t the labour of the working An , tbe follow- convenient size, such as would obstruct the publie side of the better Nor Gospel wring it out , didn ' t write such nonsensica l words as your ing : — Take an old misera bly degenerated by th e man is not sufficiently remunerated , ia a system which solatium * pair of boots, and put them in walks , to enter the enclosure. ofthe article in Tait italists. Its sickar sjne. " and tubors , and al6umen, and protein , f ibrine but a fry iug-pan witK lard manag ed coun ty. The writer labour has accumu lated for the b.-nefit of cap and , , and stew them till the Birmin gham Musical Festival. —We understa nd a system of adjust- discontent I said in plain Ham pshire English , that potatoes " uppers" come off ; add says, " that th ough we thin k Chartism is but the expres sion of the growing Our fa'en guides bae rackt an' rung pepper and salt , and you that the net proceeds of the late Musical Festival been adopted before the enter tained by the were rubbis h , that living on them would turn our will have some fine sole and (h) eel ment of rig hts ought to have among tbe masses, .it the indifference An' pouch' .i the sln ve-won pluck ; soup. —Library amount to tlie sum of £5,508 5s. lid., a result most think it would now be lower . apple-cheeked , big-boned, farming men and women of Secrets and Wrinkles, clearings commen ced, we higher classes for the welfare ofthe In very kernal Conscience flung, gratifying as regards the interests ofa valuabl e in- than never; the into windy, herrihg-gutt'd, lantern-jawed Iaisu Lord Mayoh.—Sir George too late. " We don' t, better late higher manifest ation of the mind of An' wail'J , "Fi e! send it back " sneaks .' Carroll, thc new stitution. better . The Char tism is a I said it, Lord Mayor of L-ndon " adju stment " begins, the **¦ the writer in Tait imagines ; We'll gie on earth our wealth—our wrack , aud it has come to pass. , is by birth an Irishman. Mr. Macr.ea.d y sooner the the million " than RALEion. But I looked not on them J kwish|Sheriff. has been performin g some of bin think s that the only remedy for the whole is ex- We'll gar our bai rns gang duddy ; save as a — Baron Meyer de Rothschild most writer 10 Tait chat pass. The article on the thin g has been popular characters at Plymouth to crowded lication ofthe Poor Law ; but let " Ere wo connive wi' heathen Bluck good for confections , to be baked in pics, as appointed High Sheriff for Buckin gham- evil now is *' a stringent app Repri nted as a tract , with a few 'J notes ,2 audiences. provi de for the cellent . quinces and such fruit ; and tho' you speak but scur- shire. <*/imru>llino Hit-bland proprietor s to the arti cle in Tait might be God send ilk wight a wuddy 1 Improvements in tub Post-Office. —In the course froma Chartut pen, vily of them , let me tell you that they be marvellous , Jo sfcPH Ady.—" " We thin k a much hetter we are confident , An' han g 'im syne. Thine respectfull y" still con- of a few days surplus popula tion. circulat ed amonu st the people, and, refreshing tinues considerable alterations will take plase resto re to the people the results. For and pleasant , eaten sopped in wine, which to send his epistles into Otley and tha t neigh- remedv wouid be to would be productive of tbe best possible Nov/ merry Justi ce held her sides doth ta ke bourhood in St. Martin's-le-Grand , and which , though chiefly ' and «e ar e. per- •* off a coldness belonging to them when raw. , purpor ting to j-ive information " to your land plunde red from them ; ti-Primogeniture article we will wish Ta it a To keep ljer ribs frae rackin ' ; preliminary, will tend materially to facilitate the- P assemWes in St. this an Nay, they may, to give them .a better grace, be advantage, on the receipt of 20s." The Otley t-anted tl*t as soon as a Parliam ent " She leucli until her e'en ran tides, ilaily duty. the people, such a happy new year. stewed with prunes. " calves" however are wide awake, and Joseph will Stephen 's, faithfu lly represe nting Her very saul was ahakin '. receive no DlSTRKSS OF MB La bOUBING ClASSES AT BERLI N.— Sutherlan d and his Cobbkt t. What is the man talking of? I spoke orders on " Whitecha pel." Finding this restoration will be enforc ed, and Sae funny were tbe thou ghts that wauken The Aix-la-ChapeUe Gazette ,.of the 30th ult., states about potatoes , and not apples. I tell you, peop le to be the ease with some whom he has several times fell..w robbers will be compelle d to disgorg e. . To hear the dudd y cre w— that so great is the distress of the labouring classes STMMON D'S COLONIAL MACAZINE. Dbceu- h ave sunk and sunk since potatoes were first planted addressed , he has taken up a new style, and says, it to the thi rd , and by far th e most "What slave," quo' sbe; " tholes ha'fsic at Berlin , that they are compelled to pawn almost We now come London ; Simmends and War d, Barge Yard , in Lanca shire in 1720. And now, instead of food he does hot receive the twenty shillings he fur - •' th ree articles," the one on Ihe beb. whackin * , will everything they possess to procure bread. remarkable of the wheaten bread and wholesome streaky bacon , they nish information to their " disadvantage .'' req uest the attention Bucklers bury. . , L. . ., ,. A Steamer on Fins.—Plymouth , Dec. 5.—A Law Of Prhnoi -eniture. " We sever al articles worthy the As whacks dealt down on vou, taste noth ing ' For biun Bricks . very ' This number conta ins but your cursed root from year s end to —A parcel of 30,000 bricks has disast rous fire occurred this to the following ext-act:— ot the Aye silent syne 1" morning in Catwa fer, of our readers perusal , and serieu s considerati on year 's end. But the uiischief's done, and at an end. arrived by a vessel from Hamburgh, aud another ol ty in Eng- attent ive Plymouth , on board the fine steamer Shannon . Com- Th. firs t glance at tbe composition of socie mer chan t, and the emigrant . Amongst " 0 seek nae sair for siller 's birth , The potat oes are ruined , stock and seed ! I won't 40,000, by the Catalina, from Antwerp, The statesm an, the both cargoes mander I. Moffatt ,!be!onging to the British and Irish land discovers a f. aTfn l inequality of condit ions. article s are "On the necessity for Aye pouch—but binnr. speerin ' ; tell you in the outlandish gallimaufry what has done being destined for re-exportation. miswy 22 prin cipal and City of Dublin Steam Company. The steamer mort tuous luxury and the most squa lid between the West Indies and There' s nae ae bodle tracks the earth it; but it's done, and my corn, Cobbett 'scorn, Indian Goethe.—The German diet pro poses purchasing sump kttzm communicat ion was great ly damaged , and a large quan tity ot the in our great cities. In no Wh ale Fisheri esof Great That has nae brought a tear in— the house of Goethe at Weimar miet the eve at every step S! n ^ d States -" " The corn— , that it may be pic- goods on board was destro yed. Russ ia, ia there to be seen ' " " Posi.ion a«d ' ' served for the The vessel had tp be Eur. pian countrv , MCepting ^he Unit ed States ; Think ye yon holy house ye r rearin Raleigh, I know it well. Lane brought me sun- gratification of p osterity. scuttled to wretched poverty MtSn and Scolds put out the flames . w r.!0cb wealth in the vicinity of such the Cape Colony ;" " Notes for Em,- Will spotless pennies pay it !j dry plants thereof from the colony, which I planted Beware !—The ducking stool , a relic of that led Pros pec t Lor d Ddndox ald 's War It was this alarmi ng aspect of our society Bru nswick ;" and a "Visit to the When some are sawin ' —some are shearin '— side by side with my first potatoes , in my garden at by-gone times, and dread of all shrews , has, by di- Plan .—We understand «r Srt ^toNew tha t the f utur edestimes of England. Wh ,ch Some are makin ' hay yet, Youghall , in I reland. rection of tiie mayor of Ipswich , Scientific Commission , appointed to Ani..w to despair of the SzeSa nd chiefs Heki and ** % **> been painte d, reno- by day, as manufac Held :- To sell it syne 1" Cobbett, Did you ? Well then , I almost forgive vated , and suspended over examine and decide on the merits of his Lordship'fl It is an tril that » increasing day the following notice of Mrs. the stair case of th e Town far ms ama lgamat ed to- we give you the potatoes. But my corn is coming over by Hall of tha t town. discovery, is occupied with the investigation of its tur « are developed and small Harr iet, his wife, and her brot her - she ney is often a I went to see p-loads to drive the beggarly, • Decisive Verdict rinciple ; whieh neither trenches on Captain War- gtOicr. Cap italis ts are nume rous, aud mo operatio n of having htr chin tat- shi , watery, waxy potato against thb Arch-duke. — In and the -.. .mdpreoine thc ••ut of the fields 'll acknow ledging ner, uor on the ingenious invention termed gun dru g in the market ; yet pa uperi sm -bounds tor. He is weening .kilful , where, please the pigs, they ne- receipt of the unan imous report of in SmSC withe opera PUNCH—Parts LXIV. LXV. London : Punch the ctton, but is, , laWe .n obtain th e necessaries of Me. excellent propor tions , ver be seen again ; or , if seen , it will be only to please institute of Architects , against placing tbe Wel- in regard to the latter of atotally dif- rc- bar elv way. She to a woman of Fleet-street. ferent nature. or occupa tion , there is an over. nVhis mann ers exceedingly Office, 85, ihe pigs—for the labourers won't touch 'em when lington statue on the triumphal arc h, Lord Mor peth Cotton explodes instantaneouBly, «-ry prof usion , trade , or thre e aud twenty ; her like whereas his ' The supply of labour, afcou two expres sion •• The Snobs of England ," the '* Spani sh Ballads ," they learn what' s good for them . So, here's my exPressed his gratification in findin g that the the galvanic spark , Lordship s dis- wUluiii' g pressure of competition . t pleasing smile in the opinion is grea ter than S eeable . wi.h a qui, of the instit ute agreed covery effects a continuous evolution of intensely -flHliw menial or phytical , man ifestly tooth ont o**, upper jaw and an immense variety of satirical hits at til offend- hand, Sir William Raleigh , and I forg ive you the with that enterta ined by the of her lips. She has lost one governme nt. powerful elastic products—like the unremittinff gene- the fli-mand. pr int with a nat ive mat ers, from Loui*. Philippe down to Grantlef* Berke- potatoes . her clothing was ^glish ration of steam from boilinu water, to point out the sources of and girl she is ley, combine to fill these parts with matter rich and Tu b Irishman and me Sun-dial. —A gentleman , The Robbh ry or Cracow .—It is asserted the effect of iV-liti.a l tcon oajists profes s loosely over her shoulder s. When a that which has been rendered familiar to of which is th eir test aroir * for the laughter-loving public. In the; illustra- indisposed and confined to his bed , sent his servant yount Kollowrath, one of tho Austrian minister s the public by •-"'vi-al *e«ltb , the accumula tion racy , tbe steam gun (or tube of the ingenious h-ess of * people, ,aid to bave ben wry *-^" S " figuros largel to see what hour it was b a sun-dial which was fas- was so strongly opposed Mr. Per- of "h e l rcfperitv ofa nation. The Imi-p iitrr elat.'"" cn..^ A- .SO^*"U" ** tions, the " King ofthe Barricaden y y to the recen t incor poration capta in ofa merchant offered of L kin*-)i from which a stream of shot , followed each, well-being , ent ers not into thur been well educated and beautifully ! R< ally, we tremble for lunch lest tened in his garden. The servant was an Irishman , racow with the Austrian dominions , that he h;*--* WiM ivg frun their social allowed .« marr y her. f he has other in close succession, pass through the atmos- cowtui forme r stan dard , Ei gland tobe s secr etary , the artful dodger of the Tuilleries shoule, in hit- and being at a loss how to Und the time, carried the tender ed his resi gnation in consequence of the ad oy- piation. Tried by the tlie mi;S.on..rit g, she is her husband' phere with less opposition , and consequently trans the latt< r, she rank * be- £ be no wrath, inflict upon our hump-backed frfend that *un-dial to his master , saying. " Here , sir, now look uon of that measure. * •lands pre-eminent ; but if by bishuers-in foct she is, there can port their overwhelming effect to a greate r dis- ] HiS thv writea all decoration of the " Legion at it yourself , it is a perfect mystery to me all A Shikld you °***- nwnj of the continental slate*. If happin e a native. I met hi-r re- worst punishment—the the Prikok of Walbb.—Tho mu- tance than shells, or shot propelled nuestioB, a superior woman for " singly from ar- "im and as it ia of individoa ls, then dress was plain, of Honour. over. nificent shield which the King of Prussia has des^ olject of nations , E Som church on a Sunday, .her tillery. «w sjtt enu are the best adapte d to obtain that resu lt. ¦ , • ' ' - ,4,¦ ' ' ' '¦ -:-¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ TH E Ntf" RTH' ' " JS 'AN' ST R* ¦ ¦ :^ - -i^ff-ll . - . -¦ - - ' *P iBM*TOB.- .i"^ :iAj^-v Jlll A . - . . ¦ » . . . ¦ - ¦ • ¦ - - - _^___^____^_—_—______^.j———— tmjmm——_—t ¦ i ¦ i«¦ i n ' ' " ' i * '' ' ' ** - — L ' *" "*"*¦ •' " — ' lMMMa —¦ ______*^ ^ ' ' ' treaty M6»jC4«' ail]i»g SEIZURE OF CRACOwf • its tendency is to Convert the country in which it beyond all calculation—consolidating and giving first violation of the treaty of Vienna. In that Association ; after his abuse of the »„„„ ^ How ready , « " E»m»» e i , tha t— " k THB SKC»«» *F x sts into a " pauper warren," Switzerland oug legal sanction to those peaceful and * mora- efforts it was set forth . men of the Phalanz 5" his d„tardly A PUBLIC MEHTOW ' ht in" fn £' MT LIFE, OR OUR- SOCIAL STATE, P«r I. to be overrun with a swarm of idle, impoverished, which have distinguished present ra ce oi working The Polish subjects of Austria, Russia, and Prussia about their infidelity, and his Will be held in the National Hall , 242, High Holb ern , the shall obtain a represen tation and national institutions rascally > % Y0BM, clock and thriftless beggars. "What have in- about the bugaboo D3 On Wednesday, December 16th, at Eight o' , are the facts ? Let men'from their predecessors—efforts which regulated according to the mode of political existence " physical force," and 1° " bj BRNEST JO XBS, " imaginary « Law. Da, Bowbino , M.P. in the Chair, Mr. Inglis reply. troduced a character of quietness, solidity, and growth, Which each of ihe governments lo which they belong ««,*¦ which he Barrister at *** conjured np to To expren the abhorrence of the English public at this In walking anywhere in the neighbourhood of cope shall judge useful and fitting to grant them. men s souls, withal - tt fanci es and grace ful which wealth finds itself utterly unable to .after recanting hi, fo !? ' Full of wild dre ams , stran ge la»t proof of the determination of the Three Despotic Zurich, in looking to the right or to the left, one is hour the Poles have obtained neither mer with many bright and beau tiful the Up to thiS o Smith O'Brien, and images, inter spersed ' extermin ate the heroic Polish People. struck with the extraordinary industry of the inha- with, and is therefore determined to crush. But if confession of havi its chief defect is its bre ritT. The autho r s in. Powers to •¦ representation'" nor " national institutions" from 2^ thoug hts, from Hippo- bitants ; and if we learn that a proprietor present opportunity judgment hna ; after having declared spiration sseem to gash fresh and spar kling here has should be lost, if the he ''did ^ *? nor admirers — Mom . a return of ten per cent., l * either of the " three powers." Violation of the Crenc He -mil want neither readers On the 1st of January will be published. we are inc ined to say He of the Warrington magistrates should be suffered to peuce''-n ot even " three half deserves it.' I speak at present of country , pence," for Yout ing Post. more bursts of .labour be said that a treaty No. 1. - reland: he finds J t conta ini roare pregnant thou ghts , No. 1, (price fid.) of though I believe that, in every kind of trade also, pass unquestioned —then, indeed, it may , that so completely has he power, more, in fine, of the tru ly gra nd and beauti- ofthe In transferring the Duchy of Warsaw to* Russia, caIcu 2 lyric made its appear- the people of Zurich are remarkahle for. their assi- death blow has been given to all the exertions ated his forces-so ful than anypeetical work , which has THE labourer; ¦ thoroughly is his powZ , more dramati- duity but in the industry they show in the cultiva- i- the treaty set forth that delusion ' ance for y«ar s. W* know of few things A Monthly Majjaz ine of Politics, Literat ure , Poetry, uSC, working classes for their advancement and happ destroyed, that he must scenes betweer PMlip p, Warren tion of their land 1 may safely say they are un- patch up a relof cally inte nse than the Edited by ness. The Duchy of Warsaw, with the exception of the and Clare. —Nero Quarterly Review. ' rivalled." he very parli es Feabous O'Connor , Esq., and EatiEsi provinces and districts which have been otherwise dis- he used s c Mr. Newby, 72, Mo*, timer- street , Caven- Jones, Esq., But it is time that we should briefly narrate the Iou frly by rfirst, ithrusting them °-*--*»e : Published by posed of in the following articles, is* re-united to the out of the ° ¦ ¦¦ (Barristers- at-Law He proceeds to justify this statement by detail:— Associat""¦"•> UUe uihs -square. .) * on which these remarks are founded. empire of Russia. It shall be irrevocably bound andund thenthon continuallnnn >;n ..„ ll_ -i_. • . , booksellers. circumstances to y abusing, calumniating, Orders received by all With contributions by several able coadju tors. " When I used to open my casement between four it by its constitution, and bo possessed by his Majesty and and five in the morning to lookout upon the lake and The grievance out of which the present case has misrepresenting .' This is a the Emperor of all the Russia--, bis heirs and succes- great triumph. It will - By the same Author The above the distant Alps, I saw the labourer in the fields ; that for thelastyearandmoreMessrs. break the magazine is intended to supp ly a vacuum arisen is, mainly, , sors in perpetuity. His Imperial Majesty reserves chain of invincibility and of that hag long been fel t in' and when I returned from an evening's walk, long uninterrupted THE W OOD SPIRIT: the popular liter ature of the day, Jones and Potts have been in the habit of employing to himself to give ihis stale, enjoying a distinct ad- victory, which he has Vols. by establishin g a monthl y per iodical after sunset, as late, perhaps, ashalf-pasteight, there had the craft to instil into An Historical Romance, in Two , devoted to the at their Engineers and Iron Foundry, labourers and ministration , the territorial extension which he shall the mind An une quivocall y strang e and ereutfu l history—Ossianic cause of the working classes, ao*J placed by lowness of was the labourer, mowing his grass, or tying up his of the Irish people. It will ip; deem fit; he will take with his other titles that of weaken their in its quality. —Morning Herald, price within their reac h, at the same time that , in em- vines. But there are other and better evidences of others who have served no previous apprenticesh Czar, King of Poland , faith in him ; and, therefore us may be discovered some fresh , according to the customary , SO far prevent him, in In erery page before bracin g tbe lea-ling features of its more expen« '*e com. the industry of the Zurichers than merely seeing gradually introducing them to a knowledge of the formula used for his other vigorous an«! poetical conception. The fearful breaking possessions. fuifire, from misleading them. It has into tbe mind' s petitors , it will combin e, with these, subjects of popular them late and early at work. It is impossible to also taken down of the dykes is brau tifully broug ht look at a field, a garden, a hedging, scarcel business, and then using them to supersede the Alexander gave the kingdom of Poland a " consti- away from the Whi Post. interest peculiar to itself. y even a gs the one prop on which they eye.—Morn ing tree, a flower, or a vegetable, without perceiving labour of men who had served a regular apprentice- tution," which constitution, he declared to the relied In readi ng •• The Wood Spirit ," we would , were it pos Tbe present democratic movement in England , and the Polish for governing Ireland. The shameless alii, ladly seize the author 's pen to paint its merits world at larg e w proofs of the extreme care and industry that are injustice sible, g , ill, therefore , receive a prominent con- ship- The general evils of this, and its gross Diet in 1818, was defended by " solemn treaties ;" ance between O'Connell a«d the and shado w forth its excellences im bis own poetic sideration , nnd , above all, the progress , position , and bestowed upon the cultivation of the soil. If, for ex- party will result turn to such a work as " The Wood to those who made the pecuniary and other sacrifices yet in a few years afterwards he abrogated one afi in nothing languag e "W* tendencies of the Chartist Co-operative Land Company ample, a path leads through, or by the side of, a field er but mutual infamy and conjoint with sensations somewhat similar to those of the failure. Spirit" will befoll discoursed of grain , the corn is not , as in England , permi tted to of a regular apprenticeship, are too plain to need ex- another of the provisions of that constitution until V» hat coarse e weary tr avellers hi the desert , when they approach those y on. But this Magazine will not con. . he th Young Irel and party will pUme fine itself to the hang over the path , exposed to be pulled or trodden or comment ; it threatened a gradual dete- Springs from which they draw renovated life and rigour present state of society and to the means posure had reduced it to a mere shadow. Still there was with reference to the proffered olmr tinue their course. -—Bury and Suffolk Herald. for its reform —it will down by every passer by ; it is everywhere bounded branch, we are to con also draw back the veil of the rioration in the character of the men employed, and enough to swear by, and Nicholas when he not informed at the past , and, in tracing the early history of the working by a fence, stakes are n laced at intervals of about a ascended time of writing these remarks yard, and about two and four feet from the ground, a concurrent lessening of their wages ; and this, of But ' classes, of this and other countries , down to the present the throne did swear to observe it. His words whether they receive it in a friendly spirit time, point boughs of trees are passed longitudinally along. If course, as it was the principal object of the masters CHARTIST POEMS, out the errors by which they hava fallen , and , were "Ipromise and swear before God, that or the reverse, the result is certain to be th ' expose the arts by whieh they ha»e been subjugated " that you look into a field towards erening, where there e same. .BY ERNEST JOSES.i , so the men determined to give it tlieir most energetic I will observe the constitution and that I Any truce that may these may be avoided and frustr ate d in the future. are large beds of cauliflower or cabbage, you will find , will use be agreed upon between the two Price Three Pence. opposition. The ordinary course in A Parliamentar y analysis will be given, comprising nn that every single plant has been watered. In the these cases was all my efforts ti> maintain the due observance of it." belligerent partiej must be a temporary one. THISD I DITIOX, REVISED AND COBSECTKD. large, The outline of all important measures passed by the legiala * gardens, which around Zurich are extremely pursued—a " steady Picquet" was placed on the This miscreant very peace ' be hollow * Beplete with tlie fire of genius, and poetic powers of thft the most punctilious care is evinced in every produc- soon , however, set what re- >ill ; the friendship—a name ; tur « and examinin g whether they merit tbe support or works, and graduall very highest order , for eloquen ce and destructive power , tion that grows. The vegetables are planted with y, as they became con- mained of the constitution at defiance, and com- the co-operation—a mockery. They have done and they appear , to u«, almost unrivalled. We say " destruc- opposition of thc people. Nor will tbis magazine be le weed vinced of " devoid of roman tic and poetic interest as an ex. seemingly mathematical accuracy ; not a sing the evils they were bringing on them- mitted the unhappy Poles to the ferocious govern- said too much to create mutual exasperation tive," for their tendency is " worse than Democratic. — , since, Plants are not , ever to NewQuarterly Reticle.—f Tory.) pon ent of the intelligence of the "day, it frill embrace is to be seen, not a; single stone. selves and their fellows, the men at work gave be cor earthed planted in a small ment of his brutal, butcher brother, Constantine ; dially reconciled again '; and, above all, These poems bave earned for their author the admira- equally these features of educational progression. up as with us, but are notice to Young tion of thousands. They may be classsed together as hollow, into each of which a little manure is put, ana quit, and left ; and others who had finally, in 1831, he by ukase formally abolished the Ireland has stripped off the tinsel from too many The Labourer will consist of 48 pages of matter, it will are sown stirrin g and trul y poetical appeals , which must command each plant is watered daily. Where seeds , been sent for, evinced their sense of the de- constitution. Here was violation of tbe treaty of professin g patriots , exposed the dark deform ity the response of the mighty multitude. —Northern Star. be printed in a superior stylo on fine paper , and brough t broken into . the finest of out , in all respec ts, equal to any magazine of the day. the earth directly above is . gradation intended for them by departing at even a No. 2. many a fair show, These poems may very appropriately be styled tlie out- every flower is tied to a stake, Vienna, and rudely disclosed too many pouring* of a soul inspired by a devout love for labour 's powder ; every shrub, speedier No. 1, will contain a " Chbistma s Cabo J .," in verse , by and where there is wall-fruit a trellice is erected rate than they came. This is the founda- We come now to the case of Cracow. We ex- secrets of the prison-house ever to be forgiven, cause, and intent on the achievement of tbe emancipa- Mr. Ernes t Jones. or tion of industry. The poetry will come borne with ag inst the wall, to which the boughs are fastened, tion , and indeed the whole of the charge—that the tract the following articles from the Treaty of the facts to be forgotten. Besides this twig that has not its appro- , they are power to many a careworn heart , produce an influence and there is not a single men at work were induced to leave by the persua- pledged to a straightforward ya the mind of millions, and do its part towards keeping Fur ther particulars will be given in future adver- " Vienna :— and uncompromising oriate resting place. sions —The city of Cracow, with its territory, alive fhe flame of hope in the souls of tbe toiling.—Sot- tisements - p could induce of the picquet, " the conspirators ;" and that Article 6. course. They dare not desert it, and O'Connell ham Review. Nothing but a feeling of ownershi in perpetuity a free independent, dare Hng by similar persuasion others, who would have entered is declared , and not follow them. Orders received by the author and Mr. Wheeler , at such unwearied assiduity as is here described, or strictly neutral city, under tho protection of Russia, the office of the *"ation: .l Charter Association 83, Dean on Messrs. Jones and Potts employment, were in- and Austria. There is one peculiarity * , create what may almost be called an affectionate Prussia, attending this projected Street, Soho, London , or to M 'Gowan & Co., Printers , ME NORTHERN STA K. duced to alter their minds- No violence is charged Article 9.—The Courts of Russia, Austria, and reconciliation wbich deserves a W Great Windmill Street , Haymarket , London , which distinguishes the agricul- .'passing remark, it , , where SATURDAY DECEMBER 12, 1846. interest in the land Prussia engage to respect, and cause to be respected ' •opies may be procured. , —some idle expressions are sworn to have been is, according to O'Connell, the only ture of the peasant proprietor. Still more emphatic for ever, the neutrality of the free city of Cracow preliminary re- uttered by three or four of the " conspirators," but and of its entire territory. No armed force can quired in order to procure a sura o 30 testimony to -working powers of this f £ ,000,000 of SMALL FARMS. with regard to the larger number of them no act is ever be introduced into it, under any pretence what- money from England to DOMESTIC MONIT OR. presented in the instance of a more re- provide for the distress principle is o soever. of the THE PEOPLE THEIR OWN LANDLORDS. sworn t , except that they " looked at the works, country, and provide for the future crop On Saturday, December the 12ih, and every succeeding mote and Alpine district. No words can be plainer than the above, yet, from and walked up and down and spoke to people " and This bagatelle of THIRTY MILLIONS Saturday, will be published , price One Penny. The old adage " when I have a pig and a cov> *' country in Europe will be found so few is, it apl In no many of them, indeed, were never heard to speak at the first day of its institution as a "f ree state," pears, only to be THE DOMESTI C MONITOR , the Engadine. In the village of Suss, which a payment of 10s. in the pound everybody bids me good morrow" has been capitally poor as Cracow has been terrorised over by the three contains about GOO inhabitants, there is not a single all, but then they " walked up and down." " on a debt of SIXTY MILLIONS which Or Literary, Scientific, Legal, and Medical Adviser . illustrated this week by the respectful way in which " The treaty declares England individual who has not wherewithal to live comfort- And this, in the year 1846, is called Conspi- powers. that " no armed owes to Ireland, and as soon Edited by Hermes. have noticed the Land le individual who is indebted to others as D, O'Connell, W the papers, daily and weekly, ably, not a sing ract. The worthy Magistrates admitted, that one force shall be introduced into Craeow under any ' Contents of No. I.—1. The Past and Pre sent. 2. Dan morsel that he eats. . . . In the whole S. OvBrien and J. G. Duffy have shaken hands movement. Two estates bought and paid for, for one preten ce whatsoever ;" yet, in deiance and Bodrigo, from tb e Italian of Mangoni—Chapter 1. 3. The Engadine the land belongs to the peasantry, man might persuade another to leave work, but of this ex- made up their commodious of the quarrel, John Bull is forthwith to Nosegay. Poetry, Anecdotes , Maxims , and Miscellanies. houses and school-rooms of a tasteful, who like the inhabitants of every other place where press declaration, a body of Russian troops, in 1831, , their worships considered that if two did it the pay on demand. In short, the cool, glib and 4. The People's Corn er—food for the many. 5. Corre- and elegant description erected , and 'an Exchequer this state of things exists, vary greatly in the extent the city for the purpose of off- offence amounted to a Con spiracy. A cat, their invaded disarming and hand way in which the spondence , Literary, Scienti fic, Legal, &c. 6. Medical into which upwards of THIRTEEN HUNDRED of their possessions. If a peasant owns from eight plan was propounded, the Address to tbe Readers , New Prac tical Obser- and land sufficient for their support worships admitted , mi ht look at a king—but if two destroying the wreck of the Polish army which had Advisser, are facts which to fifteen cows, , g certainty with which it was assumed that it would vations on Consum ption. 7. Letters to Jurym_ was a gener al buz tbat it was a petiti on for the ment. • j The usual weekly meeting ltw*ili be , that at the Con- ; ?here mittee of this body was held on Saturday evening, resolution was adopt ed - " 1st.—Wi th reference 'td the case of MrrJrC of Frost, Williams, and Jones. On its real fourTcres. Mr. Brookagreed to withdraw the word " su-plus,' ference the, following .— '. ifc dease e in the Crown and Anchor Tavern , Bethnal-green . delegates composing this Confer ence, ad- does not appear to the Centra l Committe e that itisa aiscovered , 1 Samuel Rothero y, n>m bis resolution. ., . !- That the case upon which they can interfere. You will tnre bang the learned Judges, Mr. Dewsbury r. John Shaw moved an amendment whiih was Mr. Sberrard said that the question for discussion the noble Strug gle now being made by the work - please 2 WjUiam ^ argument should be mirin g to refer to the preamble ih'the book of rules ns it re- njron Bolfe and Mr. Justi ce Wiglitman , evinced Smith, Carlisle Becon-uj. j tbat evening was what lino of men in the Building and other Trades in oppo»j nB the On tK - the motim taken inthe statementit was proposed to lay before Go- spects the mana gement of Local UnionB ; they think consi*J*-8*hle anxiety, calculating, no doubt , 3 Pat rick O'Leary, Kidderminster nues ;ion be;ng pu^ original wan infamous Documen t, hereby recomm ended the Centr al ¦" :> ¦ ' verv adopted by ma 0Pity. vernment with reference to tbe state and prospects ef to collect a levy, the present a case in point . •;>,- . Jarvi s ^iarg e j j Committee immediately to proceed in They must know the partic ular of; ether there was any prob ability of tbeir bring at * Kendall , London Ihe next qu,,tion pro gramme was aubnitte d, their trade. Two years ago he had received instruc- support the same. "2nd. -— act op- wh of accordance with rule , in order to pre ssion to which you allude , before they can eat their Christmas dinner. As soon how- 5 Michael Connellj Bradford J respectin g *- the v.,yin? and selliBgofestates. f tions from the trade to draw up a memorial in its give home to , _ It was not until the 15th of Ju ne, (ten days afUr their opinion respecting it." , 6 Mrs. Hoe Mr. O'Connor moil*: j behalf , based upon certain princip les. He. had been any steps ever, a*tne intention of the defendants to trav erse Nottingham That the directors have i.,y* the breaking up of the Conference ,) that Now the very unsatisfactory nature of these an- power to hny andiell es- more or leas at work upon that document ever the Central next Assizes -was intimated 7 Thom as Hollan d, Manche ster tates with the Society 's funds , since which was a lengthy 'one, and consisted of were ta ken by the London Mem bers of swers must be obvious. No support in this case was, t, ibe to tbe lear ned and to sell thepame if , resolution . pr ofit can be made before any two of them , which trea ted of the gene- Committee to carry out the above actually sought; bnt tbe Society was desirous of ob- "•* -$& ey resu med their usual cheerful- 8 John Smart, London , expense has been icurred thr ee parts ; the ju dges- ' ' * by the directors. t ral question of political economy, and the rela tive On Monday, the 15th of June , a deputation of tain ing the op inion -of the Commit ti e, in ord er that 6 4 weight was evidently 9 Abra ham Lockwood, Wakefiel d ^g} London Central Committee ' consisting of Messrs . tbey might know , if a future Et5S—a IF * removed from Mr. Smart seconded the motion . \ positions of capital and labour , were now prepared ; t any similar case of minds. 10 Geo. John son , which had more especial reference to Bush and Robson , arrived in Manchester , to effect, aggressio n they would be ju stified by th e Society $# , Mottram Mr. Sweet said it was in accordan ce with lis in- but the third structions. \ thuir own trade , wa3 not yet fini shed. In the mean- if possible, a reconciliation between tlie master in resisting the same. The answer of the Cen- — —^fc— — H Henry Lester, Reading builder s and their hands. Failing in this attempt , to the first questio n Mr. O'Connor said he could have made a largesura titie, however , many chan ges had taken place in tra l Committee rai jesa doubt in 12 John Gathard , Lam beth they returned to London ; and on the 22nd oi June the minds of the member .- as to the utility of the hy the sale of estates , had he been permitte d. \ fh\ legislature affecting their tra de , and the ques- As- p-atafctrs & CorosuonTitr.t& 13 Thos. Piclers gill t t Mr. CuSay said his instructions were of a tioi was whether the views agieed to be submit ted th e following circulars were agreed on and i*sued :— sociation to them , seeing that the- most gross in- , Wes mins er conlict * , thei r ing nat mre , and therefore he must be neutral. ¦ tothe Government two yeaw ago should be carried National Aisociation of United Trades for the Protection fringemen t on the Jaws of Society, sanction ed 14 James Shawcross , Manchester custom and Usaue „f yiSi»0« ISSTITCTIOn , G oswell Rom. Sib, Mr. Shaw said , his instructions also were of a con- ou, or another aud more moderate course be of Industry ; Office, 10, Hyde-street , Bleomsbury, by the univers al the trade , At a 15 J as. a , sympat hy from the meeting of the committee held December the itb, it C mpbell Manchester flicting nature ; but he thought when an explanation acTpted ? It had been stated in the Ilouse of Colu- June , 22nd, 184G. meets with so little Centr al Com - answer to the second questio n wjiu-iawn-i n-iy agreed ,—" Tha t a Tote of thahk t be 16 John Benson, Manchester took place they would be satisfied. mns by Mr. H'ime, Mr. Bri ght , and others , that Sir,—I am instructed to request the favour of your mittee. The is merely the Editor of the Mr. Page said immediate transmission to this ofiice ofthe Three Weeks ' a quibble , to avoid giving a dir ect and plain answer award ed to Northi m Star for hU 17 James Pri ce, Pershore , he should vote for the motion. tbjweaver s did not understand the principles of piw badness and liberality in inserting the advertisem ent Mr. Gilbertson said , his instructions were , that es- lilbal economy, nor the polioy which was best cal- Levy, due on Friday next, of 2d. in the pound , on the to a plain question. relativ e to the benefit at Sadler 's Wells on 18 John Littlewood . Leeds tates should not be bought and sold for mere profit. cipted to promote the interests of their own trade. avera ge weekly ea rnin gs of your Society, pur.-uunt tu From all the facts which we have stated , the Wednesday, ar e forced feceaiber 2nd, as alto subse quentl y noticin g 19 Benjamin Jackson , Oldham Mr. Rouse said , his constituents differed on the Niw, what tbey intended to do when the general the resolution of Conference , in support of the builders Mancheste r District Committee lo tlie the same) tha t an immediate change must be 1 fleeted and other matters connecte d with th e Imtituti on question. swemen t was resolved upon , was.to show that they now on strike , and that you will con tinue to do so conclusion ,^ 20 Robert Goodwill, Leeds and conduct of the Centra l Committee ^th pleasnre , therefore , I execute their commands , Mr. Donovan said , his instructions were to more d under stand these matters , and even if it was not weekly. in the policy , beg you will her ewith accept tbe iame RESERV ED LIST. tbat Mr. O' Connor be a trustee , and that the mat- M-mitted to the Government , it might be laid bee I have further to intimate , tha t it is absolutely neccs which must be in fact , what it is in theo ry , the and .—1am , Sir) ft e the protectors of each individual member your obedient Servant , Sahd kl JJuj u 21 Thos. Davis (the 2nd) Bilston ter be left in Mr. O'Connor 's hands independen t of public, in order to call attention to the snry that the Levy sVould be remitted in sufficient time guar dians and , Secretary. « ole( subjec t jrxi.Jos'Es.—In rsply to the quest ion asked by several the trustees. Mr. O'Connor would not like to stan d ,—(Dear , hear.) An opinion was here for the workmen to receive the amount in Manchester of the Association. 22 Samuel Taylor , Bradford b some that on Saturday next. to thc mor e immediatel y pressin g correspondents , why tbe letter of Mrs. Jones was with - apart from his brother directors , and would not ac- a short er statement would be better With referen ce 23 Samuel Binks, Staleybridge , your g ' strike , the Distri ct Committe e held from our columns from March 3rd to November cept power unless they partici pated in it. Tl1 - Gover '*n*ent ; but nothing had yet been done , I am, Sir respectfully caso oi the builders a il he thought , theref ore Thomas Babbatt , Secretary. the following tacts are fully established , 3gih. wehave to observe that the err or in the dates was 24 Wm. Ashwor th , Bacup Mr. Dixon said, he and Mr. Donovan represented , tbe ti me had come when submit that ex- 11 nras necessary they should resolve on one course or P.S.—At the dose of the presen t quarter is nigh at rn estly solici t the opinion of the delegates mad * by the compositor , and not observed until tbe 25 Geo. Pox, two districts in which some differenc e of opinion and they ea London a other. -fllear , hear . hand , it is hoped tlmt the statistics of each trade , re- upon the questions proposed ; tr ust- ¦jrho le of onr impression was worked off. Publicity isted in the matter. ) Mr. Sberrard then at con- of the Conferen ce 26 John Tier, Manchester s lerable length , stal ed his views quired by rule for insertion in tha Bilauce Sheet Committee will ladly avail ¦was firen to tha litter at soon at received. Since then Mr. Brook would support Mr. O'Connor 's propo- on the general , will be ins that the Central g rtest ion ol political economy, and drew a vivid ic- forwarded as earl y as con venient. restoring hav » waited npon her 27 John Branna gan, Hamilton sition. p themselves of an opportun ity of confidence tva , wben she directed our at ten lire of the sufferings indurcd by the wearers under Association , when discover tion to the blunder , and thank ed uf for onr prompt Messrs. Walker and Bradly said they should vote At this date there were 582 men out of employ ;it ami harmony to the they^ . 28 J. Johns ton , Manchester in favour of Mr. O'Connor 's motion. he present system. Under the present state of differ with tliem. tten tion to ber case. bein g the sixteenth week of the struggle , and of tha t a majority Of the Conference a 29 J. Leacb, Ashton jarties he advised a moderate course and to ask import ance. This Sevxbal Coiccunications will ba inserted or answered The motion was then put , and carried with only course all -thei r means being exhausted , and most of on points of such essential Dis- one dissentient. inly for a moderate protection , and local boards of it is clearly in our next. 30 Thos. Hardam Manchester the men deepl y involved in debt, thus they had no trict Committee do consider that esta - SCHOOL -HOUSES ON ALL0IMBNT8. rade. That was the only way to remedy their condi- other reliance for support tha n the assista nce blish ! d:— W. Xewtos. —-We bave received a letter from tbi a gen- THREE ACRES. on, They did not wan t charit y, pro- ii —(Hear , hear. ) mised them by the resolutio n of Conferenc e before lst—That the Central Committee evinced a grea t tleman stating tbat a meeting of Engineers will be Mr. Philip M'Grath moved " That upon every Hospital s, benevolent societies, ragged schools, and in carrying out the Evening, the 13th instant , iu the 1 Thomas Kirk , Hull estate of one hundred acres and upwards , a school , alluded to. want of energy and promptitude held on Saturday lectures , were all very well in their way, and no However resolution of the Conferenc e, in relatio n to the "" large room of the Pht snix Inn , Ratcliff Crost, bnt be 2 Mark Dynn , Ashton with residenc e for schoolmaster , be erected , to which , on the 20th , we were enabled , by a re doubt kindly meant , but they were poor substitutes mittance from the Central Committee, and by loans building - trades. does not ttate the boor. Mr. Stallwood is at present 3 J. Townsend , Oldham shall be attached two acres of land , which land , &c. for. j ustice. They shall be let upon the same principle which regulates never could supply the placo of a effected in Manchester , to commence a partial sup- 2nd—That there -has been gross impropriety in the in Birmingham attendin g the Land Conference. fair remuneratin g price for labour. —(Hear , hear .) Committee , in with- Si-BHsisr >* 4 Charles Arnold Leicester the rental of other allotments. " port , which was continued until Jul y the 18th (four London members ofthe Central Weavers .— • ro»m for the placard tbis That was the only true and sound foundati on of thc Buildin g trades , without the week. 5 J. Bowers, Birmingham Mr. Shaw seconded the motion. weeks) ; the whole of which , together with certain holding support to the social system , and until it was so based , it nould ai. monies paid in by the Trade s to the District Com- kn owledge and sanction of , or any communicatio n .CasLSEA. **— The letters are in the bands of Mr. O'Con- 6 Charles P. Graham , Hull Mr. Rouse meved, as an amendment,— I ways be insecure . nor. " That on every estate a school-hou se be erected mittee to the credit of the Central Committee , with , the District Committee , which, accordin g to RESERVED LIST. Messrs. Ferdinand o, Berry, Moles, Poynter , De- amounted to £32B 19s. 31 which onl rule , they were bound to receive. fflwBT Plosd. — Jfo room this week. to be regulated according to circum stances , at th laforce and other s ., y gav e an be to us ,*took part in the discussion , which avera ge weekl y of 2s. 2J d. per man , from the ac- 3rd—That the Manchester District Committee •^HeHAS SitF saj i sent a fortnight ago, an ac 7 John Isles, Ovenden di.-cretion of the directo rs. was ultimatel y aJj ourned till next Saturday ni ght. cii2nt of the Sewport Chartists eighth anniversary. We M r. Cuffav seconded the amen dmen t. knowled gment of the stri ke by the Centra l Com- consi der that the reao lwti'-n of Conference meant l 8 Charles Weeden , Salford Ill the course of the evening Mr. Moles expected some full and comp lete support to the building trades on did not receive ir. Amongst the toasts were, tbe SITTING. mittee to its actual terminati on, instead of thc sums 9 Thomas Swinfield , Notting ham AFTERNOON cases of gross oppression on the silk power loom according to rule strike in resisting ihe odious " Document ," and heafc b. of Mr , O'Connor ; and the restoration of the weavers of Manchester and that d istrict , by means of ' ' 10 John Clap ton . Northampton The debate on school bouses was resumed. No further remittances were received from Lon- that any other constru ct wa put upon the same by Welsb Exiles. Mr. Burrell moved an amendmen t, seconded fines ( abatements , and other cunningly contrived don , although the the Central Committ ee erroneous and unjutit. J. CAtt£s -oN.—£5 4s. Od. > strugg le was not terminat ed until is* TWO ACRES. Mr. Walker , machinery, by which as was stated , the weaver was the 5th of August , at which time , according to the 4th.—That great ne^Iect -wid much unnecessary de- }. Gaskett Keighley. —Impossible to find room this l-house in effest not only made to do thc masters ' work for nedc 1 J. B. Barker , Westminster "That there shall be a schoo erected oi letter and spirit of the resolution of Confere nce, the lay liasarisenonthepa rtofthe -London portionof the each location , and a place of residence for the [school nothing, bnt to pay for being allowed to doit. claims on the Association Central Committeo , in an8*-verin g cases of ex- 2 Henry E. Grimsh aw Ashton-under-Ly ne . amounted to £1 .386, or , master and schoolmistress, having ample accoromo These cases will be brought before the Govern- thereabouts , with- 134 men then out , and ju stly en- treme urgency and importance , and that in no in- 3 William H oy, Stockport dation for three persons to each family on the estate; ment, titled to the stanc e since their election has the Provincial Mem- RECEIPTS OF THE CHARTIST CO-OPERATI VE continued support ol the Association. and that there shall be two acres of land attac feel The Distri ct Committee bers of the said Committee been consulted , or tlieir LASD COMPANY. 4 Henry Gorse, Derby A meeting of the Spitalfields broad silk-weavers , through its Secretary , to each school ; the cost of schools, and all expense! branch of the Unfaed Trades ' Association was held repeatedly sought for an espJanation from the Sen- presence at any meetings of the Committee , thus- 5 Michael Stockley, Lamherhead Green appertaining thereto , to be divided into as mam tra l Committee for the sto-fpage of the remittance iffcctuaSl y counteracting the chief object of their ap- PER MR. O'CONNOR. on Wednesda y nigM , at the White Horse Inn . Hare . , 6 Thomas Bankell, Radcliffe equal shares as there are families located , and tb) Btreet , Brick-lane , Bethnal-green , Mr. ¦J liomas which they'at all times avoided. The District Com- pointmen t—to prevent tbe " siwiopoty of power " by SECTION So. 1. rental thereof to be added to the rental of the several mittee, at length the London Members. d. 7 John Asham, Dudley Macken in the chain Mr. Sully, one of the deputa- finding all their endeavours fririt- SHAKES . £ *. allotments ; the schools, and all attached , to be coi- tion appointed to wait uipon the General Com-mittee iess in obtain ing satisfactory reasons or explanations On behalf * of the Manchester District Com- Veils, near Frome, per J. Smith .. 4 11 6 8 Richard Butterfie ld, Bradford for this unacc ountable mittee. Colne (Xo. 1 Branch) , per R. Hey .. 3 4 6 aidered the propert y of the wholefinhabitants . of the body at the (frown and Anchor Tavern , to stoppage of the remittances , "Liverpool, per J. Arnold .. .. 1 o 0 9 Samuel Ashworth, Rochdale Af ter some discussion, the question was put, and discuss the propri ety of a junction with the Notional resol ved to memorial late the President of the Society, Gavi n Thomsox , riaHmr , President. Blackburn , per W. Suteliffe .. ..144 10 James Smith, Newcastle-upon-T yne Mr. Rouse's amendm ent declared to be carrie d . Trades ' Association , re ported the result of the confe- T. S. Duncombe, Esq*., on the subject ; which me- J.tt HKS GouLDiN, Makep vp, Seere tary. Stockport , per J. Woodhouse .. ~ 4 0 o The Finance Committee brought up their report. rence. They found tfcufc strong objections existed morial , dated July 29th ,.was- immediately laid before sagrThe Manchestsr District Committeere - Alva, per J. Robertson .. .. 020 11 Othaniel Hornby, Manchester Mr. Donovan , as chairman reported tha t the Central Committee* the- spectl'uliv request your opinion in>writing. 232 , they in the general committee' to free trade , and that by President for their Oheltenbain, per W. leach ~ — 12 Richard Jones , Bilston bad examined Mr. Wheeler 's accounts, and that conaicterati en. But any 'acknowledgment of the re- lliiilway Inn , Deansgate , Manchester . Skegby.per J. Didsmiry ~ .. 1 9 0 there- was an endeavour to eonnect the National ' per W. Crabtree .. ..086 13 Abraham Brierly, Leeds they had found them strictly corre ct. Association with free trade doctrines This the ceipt et such letter , or any allusion to its contents , Septem ber SOtb , 18*10. Derby, Motion made, and carried "Leicester, per Z. Astill .. .. 550 14 James Davies, Pershore unanimously, that the deputation had contradicted. An attack had been were never received by the District! Committee. Mr. Peel entered into a , per Farrand .. .. 0 5 S report be adopted . Letters lor Which having been read , Wake field W. made on Mr. Duncombe. the President of the Asso- information; which iavolved various lengthy statement , showing the reasons of thc Dis- -Cri eniperJ. M-ieoa .. - 0 3 0 15 Thomas Homes, Norwich Mr. Cuffa y said he felt it only justice to him- '¦quest ionsnot connected with the Builtler-,' Strike , Mitch ell .. . 110 0 ciation, for being a free tradte r, because he had voted trict Committee for having issue:) that circular Todmo rden , per J. 16 Dnke Denton , Huddersfield self to say that he had thou ght there was no neces- in favoar of corn law repeal. But the reasons why jhu t of d*ep importance to other Trades and to the Ma nchester, per J. Murray .. ..469 sity for the appointment of ; Associatfi»n generally, the question then , turned upon the eTnstruction tobe Ashto n-under-Lyne, per E. Hobso n «, 6 15 6 such a committee , as the he did so were , that these laws-benefited a (.'articular ware repeatedly sent by the put upon the resolution of Conference respecting the aud itors had done their duty . /District Committee ; few of which- were answered , A complete list of all, with tha number of certi - class at tbe expense of the entire* community. That builders strike , Mr. Peel coutendeiUhe resolution £36 8 11 Mr. Burrell moved tbat tbe vote just tome to be appeared tohim (Mr. Sully) to be- a fact. At the *and those- only in a formal-and unsati sfactory man- of Conference me.i»t full support accordin g to scale, cates, wiU appear in the Star of Saturday next. printed with the one resolved on on the prese ntation same time Mr. Duncombe *"s exertions in fa- ner.: But at length a letter was- reoeived , dated enn-eqnently- th» builders havin g received only SECTION No. 2. of Mr. O'Connor 's accounts. vour of legislative protection for labour by means August 5tS-, assigning the reasons* of the Central , -, i'32C *-10s. 3?l. durfng the continuance- of the strike , ¦HME8. Seconded by Mr. Dixon, and carried unanimously. of the franchise , the Ten Hours '' Bill, and similar Committee' for terminating the Stri fe which ex- the Association-o nel.t now to pay them tbe balance Ijverpool, per J. Arnold •¦ •• W 16 10 The Conference adjourn ed at five o'clock in conse- measures, showed that he was not a mere free trader. planation consisted of a pnVfl/e-cororouni uation, con- amoun ting to ,£l'!3>fr3. Metrpo rt, Monmou thshir e .. ..136ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE CHARTIST quence ofthe ballot taking place veyed in-a- letter from the Secretary ofthe Joiners to for the allocation of Mr. Ccitkb said that thoug h tlie resolution came The Central ' Comm ittee replied , 21wt they, the Stockport , per 1. Woodhouse .. .. 5 0 0 LAND COMPANY. members. Mr. Bush ', acod something which passed i-ii a private -. Old ShUdon, per J. Holmes «. 4 11 6 ~ to by the General Committee was adverse to a junc- Central 'Committee -; carried out the rst -»»unen x levy nntili the* document altogether withdrawn , and order that Mr. Wheeler might prepare for the ballot. 4fmi!)finning jj-ffleetrn g*. The motion was carried unanimously. The the purpose of explaining and removing the difference! it* that each delegate do-recommend to their constitu ents to CEHERAL SECRETA RY. The discussion ofthe programme was resumed ; meeting then adjourned till Wednesday, , tbe 30th which have unha ppily existed lor somu timu betweeruthe PER muko a voluntary subscri ption in escli Society, and send SECTION No. 1. ths immedia te question being how shall the officers- instant. Committee and the Central Committee.- . Tlie-n-hola sub- CHEtsBA.-—A meeting of all the the same to the Central Gifcnmittee , to f ot-mtsd to their XBASES. salaries be paid. members of the ject having been. most patientl y invest "gated and d'» Land Company residing in ' ¦• ¦ p*8- brethren on-str tke aj rain st the document. £ s. d. £ s. d. Mr. M'Grath , in opening the subject, said he did Chelsea will be held at si»»atel y discussed; this committee, aft s-rttt uture ^elibura- , Pimlico ¦Calais - - - 1 0 0 Burnle -*- « -080 not like the levy;ofa halfpenny per month , when the , ou Tuesday evening tiou, find tbe following, facts most cl?arly and unques- Tbat tbis meeting.pledg es itself in beli a 'f of the men "Neir Mills - - 0 5 0 Whittington and next, at half-past seven. UNITED TRADES ASSOCIATION tionably establ ished :-— in the building trades to raiae a voluntary- contribution 011 0 Cat - • - 0 7 6 extensive operations ofthe company were considered ; Westminster- - Stockport ,—A delegate from the Confer ence will FOR THE PROTECTION OF IN- 1st —That'for -some time past the (Kta tral Ctlmraittee for their 3ttpp ort , and strongly recommenr ).to*thp Central G. P. - - - •> 0 6 it looked contemptible , besides its collection caused , great labour to the district secretaries , he would lecture here on Sunday evening. A meeting of tbe DUSTRY. has refused oriw glected to return answers to communi - Comuiitt se to take immediate steps for ths- carrying out £212 therefore move the fallowing resolution :— members of the Chartist Association will he held at cation * which t his Committee , in discb ar ge of their duty, of this object.- . J half-past two o'clock, on Sunday afternoo n. to That ih» Central Committee do proceed.10 collect the " That each member of the Company , pay an an- arran gement , a fall eom- bare from tf^na- to- time-addressed fthetn ; .and in-.v-ii-- Notti ngham.—Dr. M 'Douall will lecture Pursuant to previous levy uccoi'diDg.to rule , MMt support the building trades SECTION No. 2. nual share chargeofo aeshillih g upon each share , to here (it mittce of the above association assembled - at their ticu lar they ha ve- neglected to rep ly to, .ona cknow-ladge .026 Mr. Gfllingham - 0 10 0 is expected ) in the Town Hall on strik s.aguinHt the infnraous document. Jessie Earl - form a fund , ont of wbichtbe expenses of the annual , on Saturd ay (this] Hyde-street Bloomsbury, on Tuesday, a letter whieh the President of the- Society - plucsd »in 115 10 H. Aston - - 0 2 6 g, t o' office , 30, , That -Si* delf gates .cotaapsing this Con?Krence , admir- O. Marshall - - , the wages of directors , and agitati ng erenin a seven clock. The next meeting of the Es q., M.F., in the th eir hands fon-that- purpose , -050 Burnley- - - 2 12 0 Conference Testimonial Committee will be held December 1st, T. S. Duncombe , ing the soble strug gle.now being made by. the workmen Stafford- - p , shall be paid. The'Iiability of all present at. the Seven Messrs. Bosh, Allen , Green , Wil- ind. —That- upon privat e anil expaute commcnicB. Ettin* nirgh - - 4 14 9 Belper - - - 2 lo 0 ex enses Stars , in Barker Gate , on Sunday chair , present , in the btaWinj j.andotbcr.teo des, in opposing the inl'»mou& .029an f ut ofthe Company, to commence eveningTr exfc, at , Cln*aghan , Jaco bs-, Blythe . tions , totall y unauthorised by this Committee , to thu ef- WalsaU- - - «13 0 S.Levith - d ure members six o'clock precisely. liamson , Mayne Robson , documaaJ , hereby recommend tli o Ccntnil Committee -020 Selby - - .500 on the 21st ot December, 1846. The payment of the ynn Mr. TV. ' Peel attended as an fect * That tha strike , in this district had terminatet! i*£nd C. J. Harney- A Public Meetis g of the inhabitants Lenegan , and L , imined-ntely ta make. , a. ls-vy upon the trades that form Westminste r - - 1 4 0 Bermondsey- -040 share charge to be made quarterly, accordin g to in- of the honorary member of the Central Committee , he which statement -was contrary to the £ict,< tho Gsntral gh ot Mary lebone , will be ' the Association HgreeabUlo rule , in oidor to support tho Do. E. Tilly - 0 2 6 Lambeth - - 514 0 structions to be issued by the corresponding secre- borou held at the Temper- being secretary of the district committee of Man- Committee , without any .f lirtber enquiri es febm tht a-Gcmi*- Bo. Do.- - 0 10 0 Whittington and ance H all, Great Carlisle-stree t, Portraan -market , mittee , withheld the usual remittance:without noifcie -or .; sarin.'. - 0 9 4 tary one fortnight previous to the day for collect- chester , in place of Mr. Gottldin who unfortunatel y GeorseMartin - 0 1 4 Cat - - Membe rs having paid up their shares, and on Tuesday, December 15th , for thc purpos e of taking , (without risk ing tho loss reason assigned , .to the great inconvuaience and io' ijry Th-i* Centra l Committee there for e** submit they Brass Founder 's "Nuneaton - - 0 9 4 ing it. into consideration the propriety of adopti ng was unable to be present being in arre ar for one quarter 's share , shall not be the Na- of his situation ,) to explain the differences that had of many deserving men . who -were legall y cutis Tad to. wouUiihave been justified, in acting upon any of the Arms- - - 516 0 Shiney How- - 11410 0 tional Petition in favour of the Peoples' alter a very lengthened william 0 2 C Howsell- - - 0 8 eligible for the ballot. Membera paying for their Char ter , arisen between the district committee of M anchester , tlie same,—a.pnoceedin iovh'ch appear ^repu <,' nan ^,t9the four resolution s tlius passed, ^J. G - - and for the pur pose of electing a local registration country members- having taken Oeo.Bishop . - 0 1 0 Chorley - - - 5 7 6 shares, and being one quarter in arr ear, shall be lia- and the Central Committee respecting the-builders letter and spirit of the laws of tho Association. '" Fro - discussion all the Cha s. Moore - - 4 5 6 Birmingham , per ble to have such arrears deducted from the sum of and election committee. The following advocates of strike. posed and seconded, ' Thaa Mr. Bush do receive &a?e*-e

FOE seen ''one ," I suppose itis meant have I seen one of these The I rish people are sometimes-at fault in iause.) The beat way serve them " COMMITTAL OF SEVENTEEN WORK MEN being too to requite it, and picqucti turn ing men gratef ul to pretended benefactors , Cr tfua' fltobtroe iust *••;selves, was to extend paper as CONSPIRACY AT NEWTON. away ; I have seen it happen several em&mf ttmtt and the clergy i>at e the sale of tbat excellent times duri ng- fallen into this error widel the last month ; less than a month ago as regards the question of Catri br y 06 possible. (Loud cheers.) He thanked thom Francis Dawson (From the Jfaii«7ie«t«r Courie r.) was the picque t, and had two men whom TO FEARGDS O'C ONNOR ESQ. Emanci pa tion. They unfairl y attribute to Hr . O' Conn TO THE WOOLCOMBERS OF THE WEST OF for their attenti on and determination , and he had much he was takin g , u wm. away ; there was no one but the two men tho sole honour of h aving- achieved this impor tant Pleasu re in statin g that tin y, on this night fortni ght, On Saturday last , Mr. Thomas Lyon and Mr. wUh him Respected Sir. —I have seen in your address to thc ENGLAND. when they passed me; " they were coff S victor y, and thus con3equentl y rely upon bis njaert io would hold a meeting in the suburban district of •Stubbs , two count y magistrates , sat at the Court-ho use, sociabl mb*d oppressed and cruelly per secuted Irish people , an allu- n " y and comfortabl y together ;" I can' t call *•* and give him credit , for so much political integrity, Tcllow Workmen,—In introducing to your notice a Clapha m. (Loud cheers.) After the enrolment of u 'Warrin g ton , to examine into a chnrgo of conspiracy, whether I t DaW8 0n sion made to an article in the Times in regard to the ' as to have seen any one of the prisoners 'N* induce tbe belief that they suppose him to be inc subj ect uf the very highest importance to our interest. , v*tt num ber of members , we believe four huudrcd , thki fewer than sevent- en individua ls, Irish finding a home in t he Highla nds of Scotland. apabl preferred again st no taking men away ; I cannot positively say H-*11 have Betn of error . You we're grateful! but mark how your a su'jvct involving our Yi-ry existence as si Cuum. enthus iastic meeting dissolved. fthe Viaduct Foundry . Whether this ha*, come from any of V.is Gra ce gra«» hy Mes srs. J . nos and Potts , o Dawson take any mm smp !e in the shattered remnant ofa once great Katir ioal unnecessary. Submitting to you our views on thi s sub- TO TnE MEM 3ERS OF TnE JOURNEYMAN BASKET br nueht before the mag i strates were—H enry Sclby, cannot call to nions were true Highlander would give such iniquitou s advice, a« it mind exactl y when. His compa Morem ent , slandering each otherin "Conciliat ' on llaii H ject , witn propositions for your approval , we most ear - MAKERS' SOCIETY OF ENGLA3SD, SCOTLAND , , (chief secretary to tho Mech anics' and ties of per- is well known , or st ould be, that ther. - has been atroci- of Mancheste r par the picquet . W ln-n 1 speak of preve nting Look at Ireland as she was—as she IS—-STARV l-* nestl y ••••licit your favour and attention . The distrust AND IRELA ND. mcld, Alfred Cluesebo- sons prevent ties committed on the poor Highlanders unparall eled in ot Engineers ' Union), Joh n Hou- , I can' t say what the picquet were to do to Look at the an d ¦iisaftVni.in at pre sent prevailin g in many of our Fra ncis the history of any country by the Highland Lairds Liberator (t) at ono lime swallowing Repe»{ rou gh , (chairman of the committte of union), them ; I can ' t say that it was to prevent by force. , and in mc.uthful s Bocwtie-, tugeth- r with our exhausted want Fellow Workmen. especially by t he Sutherland family. of Tory venison fattened on Ph omix Par k * tr easury, cur —I hav e seen a paragra ph in the Dawson , John Dumbell , Gilbert Gray , Peter Grun dy, Joseph Sha twell : I am an engine fi tter and have been Let nny person , read Mr. D, M' be od' at anot her gulping down the accumulated subscripti on^ of prot cti-in, and our utter helpbss condition , demand Star of November 14th , h.-nded «' FeisecuMon of Basket Samuel Mills , Wm Murgatroy d , Josep h Piatt , Jam es regularl y-brou ght up to that trade; on thelCth of Novem- s pamphlet on the cruelt y of the . Sutherl an d famil of his wr etched victims, and NOW drivellimr and into*;, tbat speedy and efficient ineasur. s ba adopted , to enable Makers ." which aft er repeatin g a string of resolutions , William Reed , Jos eph ber , I came and at y, or Mr. Cobbett , or Mr. D. Miller , of Quarry, Ma tthew Ramsda le to Newton in search of employment , mated with .the fumes of a " " ns t « renin the remnant of that which we once h eld past at a meetinc of Mas t, and ThO S. h g t e , and then they will be satisfied mes8 of Whig " pottage " r Basket Makers at Birming - Smith , Robert Wastewa ter , T homas Wilson , tlmt time I had not heard anything of a dispute at t e Edinbur h Wi n ss slops I; Look and sabred , relent less tafk- ham , conclude.! them in re gard to the happy Paradise that awaits the at these things and ask yourselv es wheth er and to show our merctiary an.l with recomm ending tlie journeymen to Wri ght • and tbe forma l charg e made against Jo nes & Potts * works. 1 appli ed there on Monday night, op- your um-ouqu *-red and woik for pressed Irish in the H' ghl antls of Scotlan d energies and patriot ism "t.ave not been misappli ed mnstrr s that though disjointed , we are themselves ; but as Mr. Wileman has neither was thatupon certain days nam ed, they did ' unlawf ully but did not get work and between seven and eight on . The The para- , a nd learn from the fact that a man may get credi t invinci ble in the cause i«f 'ruth and ju s'ice. laid bare the rui nous effects of the Masters tyranny, nor confederate , and a gree to oppress John Jonefl Tuesday mornin g near the Highlanders of Nova Scotia have not forgotten the. mon- for consp ire, I applied igain. When I got sincerity r. s a patriot , without being a patriot in mount obj :*ct «.f Trades ' Unions is, or should be, the pro- explained how or on what princip les the journe y men are workmen in their employ had strous cruelty perpetrated on their fath ers on that me- realit y an d Arihur Potts , to persuad e work I met two men , , Joseph PI' 1 "*l Wi th the kind permission ' tection of wage* : wc*have lonj? h«-ld this position , al- to work for th. msi-lves ; 1 consid er it of imp..rt:mce to workm en from enteri ng one of whom morable ni pht , when four hundred families were of the Editor ofthe Norther n to leave it . Bud to prevent oth er worke d with; hu is a fitter , and is now in the dock ; I Star . I will continue this thottth tho principle has never been n-cognisrd iu the go- lay before you the following rem arks • , ejected from t heir houses and lands by a bru tal military subject , and endeav our to con- — it. Mr. Marsh , solicitor , ofth e firm of Wagstaff , Marsh f ee tlie other man ther e too (Thomas Wilson) : they vince you that if vernment ofthe Union Tliefuiier alfund .an d the walking In the Birmingh am resoluti ons , requested by the force; th eir dwellings burnt to ashes in their si|*ht , and you wish to set Ireland free , you must it is an d Barrett , appeared for the prosecu tion ; Mr. W. P. came up to me, and Wilson asked me where I was go- obtain political sysUm benevoleut and pra ise-worth y objects , Masters , that the Men go back of 1830. Now d and infirm left a pray to the ' de vourin g flames power for the people, and direct their at. , are highly to the pric es Roberts for the defence—Just so much of the case was ing : I said to sock a job; they said there was a dii- the age j tention institu tions depend entirely on our I consider tl.is an who to the cultivatio n of her internal resourc es but as these laudable - unreason able request , inasmuch as heard as to warrant the ma gistrates in adjournin g, and lurba nco at J wnes's foundr y nnd all nt the command of a tenant bas no more latter should be the primary , and I had bat ter not go; amon gst which as the chief, is thu laud , upon which •Wjg&i. it is evident that the every workin g man 's labour heing his own pr- perry , his then the case was remanded to Wednesday, pi- did not say wha t ri ght to an inch of that soil than the Emperor of China they all the t hey the disturb ance was about , but are at pres.-nt but " Hewers of wood and object of union . The most superficial observer must be only pro perty "hereb y he. can live, deprived of which he drawer s of ties except Selsby and Cheeseborou sh being admitted to that it was between the master and men ; I said I was has. wate r ," stiang ers and awa re, that the obj ect ef Machinery, anil a vaiiety of can n-> longer exist withou t being a burden on society. i- br ave men , althoug h subj ected , a re yearly in " aliens" in the land of* their bail , Mr. Rob erts being bound for them. Thc case orig out of a job , and I would like to get a job somewhere ; Those birt h , other causes bave entirely changed our circumstances , The ' who d price lit with their frien ds in Britain , waiting for man , tbere l«r *?. ictates to another the nated in a dispute between tho masters and the men , the I was not aware there wns imy disiurbiuioc : Piatt said enmmun ication and onr social relations , tbe laws that mice governed us money the world that they I am Ri ght Rev. and Rev. Sirs, which he shall sell him his labour , is a base soulless for ner determining to carry out a system of adult ap- if I was bard up they would give me somethin g a favoura ble oppo r tunity of showing will go.ern no longer, and it is to this altered stat e of lo Your most obedient Servant , we nrasping n-ntch. But more than that , he w':o dictates pr entices, to which th o men objected. eat and drink ; one of them also said ir I vent tiiere I have not fontotte n'their oppressors. lliin ^s tli3.£ ixrast adapt: -jur eelves, our laws, and our trie on what he and his endea vours to cemr-nt W . H. Cl-IFTO K . prire of another 's labour , dictates On Wednesday, the case came on for hearing again. shouldu 't stop long, and I should be told of it when I Go on. then , Noble Sir, in your Union. It is *°r this pur| *ose that we have for some and rest fiimilyshall live, in what sort of a dwelling he shal l abide , befor e Mr. Lyon (chairman) , Mr . Stubbs , and Mr . Gil- went to another shop, and be called a " knobsti ck ;" that union , which has been so long wished for . time watched withi niense interest the progrtss Of " THE of every true what education his children shall receive , at what aire bert Grcenall. Mr. Pollock-was retai ned by Mr. Mar sh I consider a " k nobstick" one who goes and takes anoth er assured you will ha ve the hearty suppo rt NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNITED TRADE -* " REPEAL. . th ey shall commence tn l.ihour. Inn word , it is onenian to conduct the prosecution. Mr. Roberts again appeared man 's place and works under price. 1 went to the work e Highlander . andnroongtlie numer ous iustlmiionsnow in progre ssion, , fixing the destinies o1 his fellow man. for the prisoners , who came up at the pro per time. but did not 9ee the mas ter , and oad to return after brea k- I am , respected Sir , having avowedl y for their olj.-ct the moral and physical TO TnE EDITOR OF TBIJ NOB THEBt * STAR. Before the Union , there were not two shops in one town The greatest excitement prevailed among certain por - .astjas l wont after breakfast , I sawPlatt , ever grateful smant , adranc-ment of the working classes, we kn«w none so , about300 or Your that paid alikf . On e master would have his article made tions oftlie working classes in the town , and when Mr. 4(10 yards from the worku , walkin g A. M'Leod . Sin,—I beg to forward you (requestin g its puhlic ation admirabl y adapted to our immediate necessities. Its ob- backward an.l for- ) half a size lamer than another for the same price ; or , Roberts went to court , be was loudly cheered by u very , in the same way as a soldivr UIgham , December 5th , 1846. the copy of a letter addressed by me last week - to ject *, its advantage s, the high, character of its leader - , in ward on guard. When I the -. some instanc ps. less. Som<* woul d have more stakes put large crowd , who had assembled in front of the' Court came back before breakfast Piatt E'litor -of the iVatton here. This letter was 6ent pro bab lv the lib.-ralitv ofits government , the equity of its laws nus bv himself, and , s< gome ' too late for insertion , certainly not for notice. I and its moderate contributions , Set forth irresistible in , me one thimr extra , nnd another , nnd t he man House. As soon ns the door s leadin g: to the spectntor s guid if 1 went to work theie I should repent it before the cann ot had to comply or go on tramp , greatly to his injury. e c t e pca , th e crowd rushed in with winter was over. I went to a T say wha t course the Editor ofthe Nation may take with <*1t iins on u-*, and on every body of working men in tbe ar a in th cour wer o ed public-house near the TO THE ROMAN CA HOLIC HIERARCHY OP Now independ ent as to commence busin ess for ever distant in time and place, were the acts ofa co- W 's been in th the man you call a Liberator his "ULTER IOR MEA- the poople of the enl y panncca for their miserie s the object in Tiew, let us then lose sight of past differences , him he said , hat y h-ad Jack , to com** here , , •henrelvi-s, especiall y after servin g a seven years app ren- conspirator , even though they migh t be performed hi- measures pr eviously introduced were Charter ; which can alone raise them from serfness and unite iu one indissoluble bond , which shall say to and I said , Where mus t I wor '< ! He raid I had done a SURE !" all Other to ticeshi p. for e be became a conspirator , and were evidence againtt pioneers to this last and greatest of freedom , aud from wretchedness unparallel ed to tyranny and oppression in unmistaken language , "Th us bad job for myself in coming, and he said I could no t gtt intend ed to be only that I think the establishment of a hive amon sst the Union him , if he could prove single acts against each for tbe 's achieveme nts , and to the cre-lituf the Irish itafrus of social comfort in which eternal justic e require ! far , but no lartht -r." We furnish every society with a made into the society now ; be said , Art thou going to y our -nation master s of Birmin gham or Leicester , or anywhere else, j t, he had made out his charge. > nobly supported tlieir leaders , und constituted that the industrious classes of these countries should bt copy of rules and regulations , and other documents for same ob ec sleep here i and I said yes ; hu sat.l , We ean raise thee people th ey on the plan I am about to submi t, is much needed , and Mr. Joseph Jones , deputy corn -table of Warriugtoii , deed nil that the mnst enthusiastic patriotism found. To hasten the auspiciou s moment when the work , tbeir information , by which it will be seen that if ten 4s. or 5s. to get tbee on thu road , and thou "U get work at in word and would be the means of enabling the members of our tra de deposed to the apprehension of Murgatroy d , Cheesebr- y require. The monster meetings of Ire- ing classes oftlie two countries shall me dourl y to unde r, j lillinggis the rate of wages set down , which we propose , the Vulcan as they were wanting hands there. He said could possib' to carry out theprinciples of " a fair day 's wage for a roug h , Wilson . Bontfield , Was tewater , Dumbell , anil and the monster sums of money contributed tand their own interests , and ri gh tly estimate their own our contributions can in no case exceed f ive peuce per they would give me a note, to certif y that I had come out land' s sons, fair day 's work. " Henry Selsby. the Inst named at Manchester, I asked y p t g i t power -liould be t'ie object of our uncea iing exert ions month, and will sometimes be no more than one p enny. when they wanted me ; I left them , and went to my din- hy the ver oores class of bein s in ex s ence, were ; In the Stat of the 21st November , it is stated that the Selsby if he was secretary to the executive council to the proofs that Irishmen loved their country, and it is because I believe no man too humble to contri. 3K«iw brethren , what is our true position ! are we not ner. On the Saturday following, as I was going to my convincin g nnd London Soci-ty hive eiven £20 tn assist in the present trade 's union. He said he was, the chief secretary ; lie free her from bondage. TIiub far bute to this good work , that I set many interests aside without funds , without protection of any kind , without work , I met Dawson , Bousficld , Mills , and Piatt , and were determined to strug gle. Lst us put £100 to it by private subscr iption. said everything they had done was open , and he woulj butlet us examine whether all to occasionall y devote a part ) of my time to the brit -fl union ! Her e then we have an association exactly suit- several other * whom I don ' t recognise ; abou t a dozen in the agitation was perfect ; j selected , show mc all the public address es they hao issusd j I pro! layin g my thoughts before my countrymen. ing our ciicunistances; au association to which neither Let a qualified person to overlook tbe business be all ; tiiey were opposite Foster 's dnor , between 30(1 aud this enerj ry, patriotism and expenditure have been well and after paying for raw matersil rent of premises , duccd some addresses he gave mo, which had been isguei I am Sir, the religionist, the moralist , or tbe politician can object ; , 400 yards from thc works ; I asked Dawson whether or ill ap plied ; let us see what repeal really meau s, and . wares, and inter est of money advanced , let the profi ts by himself ; I then produced an address and asked him millions who echo the cry of Tour obedient Ser vant , an association having no individual interest , or sinister , Grumly had none to Preston , and he came to me nnd what it woul d do for the be divided in the following manner :— if he had another similar to it, and he gave me one: he said , W. II. DlOTT. motive lurking in the back ground , hut an association told me he had gone , an d then said—What 's ta'en in thy " Ireland for the Iri sh ," and who althoug h starving, lst. An equal for advanced hehad Issued it, and bis name was a ttached to it; it ' estab lished ou purely benevolent principles , having no per centage to the Society head to come here I and then one of the men called out , con tribute their pence to thc Repeal Exchequer. Let purpor ts to come from Henry Si lsby, MATERIALS FOR AN ENGLISH REPEAL PARTY other object but your elevation in the scale of society. money. for the exocutive Fr ank , come away, what 's the use of talkin g to such a us examine whether the existence of a parliament in , 2d. To the mana ger according , council ; I then showed him a letter "What say you then , will you join th is association ! We to his wage s and found in a book thing as that ? Dawson said , Thou sevst they are uli Coll ege Green would promote the interests of the nation , taken from Checseb croug h, TO THE EDITOR OF THE NATIOW. leave this subject to your most serious consideration , and 3d. To every man and boy employed In the establish- and he admitted the hand- vexed at me for talking to thee. Dawson said , An or whet her it would be ns stated the panacea for Irish ment , according to their rate of earnings by icce writing of the envel ope and the letter was his. Sir ,—In your last number you have invited attention that we may ail go hand in baud in tbis glorious union i He said thou for stopping htr ? and I said I don 't know ; he grievances ; but , above all , let us examine whether your work it had contained a post-office order , and was sent to k> the above subject , a most Important one. for self-preservation , is the prayer of jour breihreu at saw me on Saturday night , and he said , If thou 'Il come mode "of agitation is likely to prove cfi" ctual ; whether Only set one of those hives of indep endent industry to Cheeseborough , at Newton. He said In rep ly to your invitation I beg to assert tbat an Sout h Molten. two persons had ou t tlmu'll get a job at the Vulcan , and a cer tificate to it is based upon sinceri ty, m-irked by consistency '; or with the understanding that it is to be permanont , been with iiim that day from Newton Ennlish repeal party does exist,; there a-.e th ree and a South Molton , December 2nd. work , , who had stated say thou canm out when we wanted thee ; I have seen whether it will bear the test of honest politic.-il criticism. that a number of men tialf millions of British men pledged to that measure ind ro t to be broken up when the masters find out that had been taken into custody, and Dawion standing near the works at meal times when the The first great principle of a reform movement requires ; ' later - 'I o Tne Ishahitasis of Leicester.—The r rame- they csnnnt make thc men submit to tbeir terms , and be had sent th em back to get the parti culars of tho hand * were passing. that the party ngitatin i; should he well acquain ted with they are af that " workin ? class" whom you have d enominated " brave " and expressed |a hope at " work Knitt ers in the straight down branch , are the death knell of Ba«ket-making tyranny will begin to charge on which they wero app rehended , as he could do Cross-examined : I have been in gaol for selling stolen he nature of the gri-. vance to be remedied or removed ; . some nothing without the p irticulars. I afterwards futute time to be better acquainted with ;" th ey love nuani compelled to solicit your aid and assistance to toll. went to goods , not knowing they were stolen ; I was tried for it the seem 1, that th ey should use only such means as ave the place wh ere Quarry lived. In a liber ty; they are attached to the princi ples of Cartwri ght withstand the encroachment of ILipkins , whose men Let in hare a general subscrip tion thro ughout Eng- box in the house I in lS12jund pleaded guilty, though I was not 'U ilty. best calculated to produce the speediest and most per- foun d gome i- and Cobbe tt; they read your journal and admire its have now been out for thxve weeks aua nst a reduc- land . Scotland , and Ireland , to take place on one day to papers which I now produ ce. Elijah Bow- Josep h Hill : I have been in the emp loy of Jones and manent results. I will admit , for brevity, that the leader "-J * man lives in the same house , integrity and spirit ; they have on many occasions given tion , and the firm of Corah , who ar e reducing the be fixed 1-y the Central Committee. I would suggest ew ne was not there , nor was Potts since the lOrl i November ; on the Ctli I engaged to who assumed the guidance of your agitation for repeal wages his name in the warrant. In a box proof of their utter unselfishness us regar ds their Irish of their work peop le irom ls. Cd. to 2t. per Year 's Day, which was pointed go into tucir employ, and on that day Bousfield ami John wis wel l informed on the subject, tha t lie was conversant out to be his. I found certain brethren; they have petitioned for Repe:il ; remonstrated hand a week , (we say nothing of the Messrs. Corah , In conclusion , let us remember , that if we allow the papers which I also pro- Frith came to me, opposi te Jones 's new buildings , close with tho nature of every evil with which his country was retiti .-iiig the wr-ug ht hands from Cd. to ls. 6-1. per men now on strike to be sacrificed , we must not com- duce. They both lodge in Crow-lane , Newton , about -.« possessed transcendent abilities against the monster indictment , and the subsequent im- ' to the works ; lioustield ask< d me to have a glass of ale bnrt hened, and th at he -week, which he has done , further than this , wc hope plain when it comes to our turn to suftvr , as it most as- quart i r of a mile from Mcs'r*. Jones and Pot ts' prisonment of its victims ; they armed the ungratef ul works; with him ; I told him I would not g> , and then he called to conduct it to a successful termination. The third re- ihey will publicly expose their reductions as wall as to I got the copy Of the bill I produced to Selsb hands of Mr. O'C onnell with hosts of Eng lish signa tures snredl y will. Resting assur ed- that Ihe Irade will fly y from Mr. ine a d—d ras cal , who deserved my throat cutting; they qu isite in an agitation is to create publie opinion , first their advances ,) which wil! make a total reducti on in « herewith to Marsh. again9t the Irish Coercion Bill: in the H»use of Com- the rescue as one man , and raise a fund wanted me to come out , and they said I should not be concerning the nature of the grievance , and , secondl y, . Cross- examined. mons their acknowledged chiei'tain is one of the most a year uf £3 5s. each from the scan ty earnin gs of this e=faM*sh a hive that shall stand as a monument of our —Selsby made no opposition to me thure above a month before I should be kicked out. concerning the best means of removing it. Unity is class of workmen. Messrs. Corah are determined when I arr ested him. I did not know distingui shed denunciators of every governmental fraud , r esistance against unjust and oppressive employers. him person ally John Oatcs , Joseph Baker , Peter Tay lor , Thomas strength , is a favourite the urism with Repealers , ami so as usua l, to be.the forerunners in tbe work of de- before. I have not seen Svlsby in and minis terial , tyranny ; he at all times upholds the T rem ain. Warrington before. I Terry and Thomas Davies, who had all been working nt it is, provided it is based upon honest princi ples; but ' have , 'Ireland ; his name is Thomas Dun combe , and struc tion, by reduci ng t lcir workmen as follows :— Your bro ther operative , durin g the last three month s, seen several men a t Jones and Po.ts 's, gave simila r evidence to that of the unity may be weakness in a political movement when it cause of Newton , wh o were appointed out as his political supporters have adopted as their proper they must m ike round feet for ihe same priec as long, Richard Grassby. picqucts , nenr the prec eding witnesses. has to contend with migh t for the victory , and has onl y which is a reduction of 3d. railway. I saw five or six desi gnation their nickname—they are called Chart ists, a dozen in this case. The Leith , December 7th , 1846. of them there nbout a week in announcin g the close said he thou ght broken reeds and har mless missiles to oppose the enemy. ago . Attbe.time Mr. Pollock , , sir th:it unless in the ju nction of this men remonstrated agains t it and appealed t*> the I have seen th "«n there has not been hehad established a strong casc andhe now applied that It may be very well for a peopl e to say we are aggriev ed ; I must confess, ,. MKRcn -isr Seamen —The Commissioner of the any . , I can see no committee of t' ie branch for protection against this violence or threatening language , or threatenin g these men should be committed tor trial at the assizes ou but that is not attempted to be denied even by those who party, and the Irish residents in England Customs department hav e received acomnui n catinn materials for forming a powerful repeal confederacy in infritig '.-metit—plenty of work was offered at thes-e gestures. T think I have read the book ta k. n from the charge laid against them. aggrieve them , and it may seem an act of heroism to rise -dted from Mr. Parlc«r , Secretor y to fhe IiT 'ls Commis- Cheeseboroug h all that country. That such a c-nfederae y wouid be power , prices. The committee w. on Mr. Corah , when throu gh. I don ' t see anything war - Mr. llolierts then rose to address the court for the de- up to declare their determination to defeat the oppressor , he sta ted '* be did not want the work. " The men sioners of her Majosty's Treasury, st ating that witb like in it; it is all ofa busin ess character. I did not fu l—nay, all-po werful , we have the testimony of Rich ar S , but it would , if I may use nn exam ple, be ridiculous to iuiinet 'iately watted up-a: him and solicited him to r-efrren pe to tht?i -- repo rts relative to the Merehant •live it to Mr. Jr )ncs, or let bim look at fence when Lalor Shiel when pleading for Mr , O'Connell on occasion it; I gave it to Mr. Stubbs remarked tLat we cannot refuse to commit; see a donkey, with his teeth draw and his hind er hoofs , ive theni a note Seamen 's Act, he has been commanded bv their Lord- Mr. Ma rsh last Sunda y of the state trials to prove. On that memorab l e occasion g , to pass the Board of Guardians , morning and he retained it til) "it is iinpossiul..* notwiths tanding what you may say." unshod , rise u p to encounter a lion. Such a battle would bat he. refused giving them any, say ing, " they ships, to acquaint them that their Lordships approv e Monday mornine;, and then he gave It up to me ; I'am not he put *t to the gratitude of the Queen 's government that , Mr . Hober'.e, in auuhsing the evidence as against tlie be like D -n Quixotte 's encounter with the windmill , the might take two leads cut and make half an inch of the successions therein contained " for notpr - personall y acquainted with nny of the prisoners ; when Mr. O'Connell h ad stood between the English and Irish (• dill' rent prisoner -', said tlure evidence against ull, •peir of the one an d the ear s of the other are synony- shorter " saying at thesame time that , '* tbat would cilina asrninst , parties who hnve omitcd to require I look possession of Quarr y's papers , I got a small memo- was wor king classes, the lat ter of whom, lie a*:s.;rtecl, were as . perhaps , connec ting tliem wilh this affair. There had mous. I t maybe asked. Why make such an ana logy ? be in equivalen t to making long feet. " This is not the n ame of tbe seamen to bs sinned at full lensth , randum book and a trade card. eager to hold forth the hand of politica l amity to th eir been maiiy loolish things sa id, bu t they were only coui - My reply is simply and plainly this , I consider them to bo . and for pivini: full publicit y to the same :" and that , Mr. Roberts : I apply that that card fellows.of the sister country, as the English operatives the case, round feet are a! ways 3 J. a dozen more than and memorandum mou observations , capable of being used for a prosicu- perfectl y alike in every sense of the word , except thnt in long—and thc biking out of two leads and half an pendin g the re-ndjus .tment of the law, their Lordshi ps book may be put in. The parlies I represent are anxious were ardentl y anxious to clutch that hand with faithful tiwn , but capable 11U0 of a different signification , they one ease wehad but one Quixot te and one SanchoPancha. dozi-n de- desire that Mr . Field, the Collector of tbe Customs to have the whole case brou gh t nut an d determined gr.isp. Mr. Sliiel declured that Mr. inch shorter , is only Id per , leaving a real , nnd are willing were the mere ebullition of passion , and not the result but in the other we have a host of " Kni ght Erra uts" duction of 2d. per dozen. At a meeting of ihe trade at the Cane of Good ITnpe (as well as the other col to take all risk of tliosi documents. O'Connell had prevented this union , r e t of any couap irucy whatever . Th.: charge resolved usulf and a whole nation of Sancho 's bestriddled on eaeli and affi m d hat held at the Barkby Anns , it was agreed to pay 3d. lectors in tbe colonies) may be apprised , that the Mr. Pollock said he should have them. had thi s junction taken place, no adminis tration could into one of intimidation , and as such , perhaps , it might other '* backs , bray ing most lustil y without knowing per fram e for the support of the men on strike ; fai l 1 w does not impose npon the collectors of customs Crosa-examiriati .in continued ; When I went to Qu arr y have withs tood its collected power; and he pie ded that be treitcd under the Intimidation Act, bu t it was not oue wlp ther all the uproar would cv. r bring them a grain no. in your subscri ption .-- or it may be your tuui the duty nf pror -oedin o- hy information b>-fore lier and Bowman 's lod inrs I had not a sear ch warrant Mr. O'Connell , because he had prevented this junction , , ^ , or of consp irac y. Conspiracy was a combination to do cer- of corn or a a potato more than they were accustomed tions to the Majesty 's Justices of the Peace , and that it forms any warrant against Bowman checked th e fraternising impulses of genero us men , and next. Please forward your subscrip ; I had an ordinary war - tain acts illega l in themselves , or do a legal act by illegal to. I would not be misunderstood , I am not oppnsi d to between lour and ten no part of hi* duty tns 'ie in tbe character of an in- rant agaiust Quarry ; Mr. Johnson retarded the advent of a nation 's enfranchisement , was, Barkby Arms , on Saturday, , Jones and Potts ' means. But it was not an offence at law to persuade a aRe penl of the Union , if accom panied with proper gua- o' clock. Signed , M. iluut , J. Murby, S. Holmes, former for th e penalties imposed by the. Merchant cashier , was with me; he assisted me; Bowmmi 's box therefore , entitl ed to a graf iful considera tion and ac. 111:111 not to work for a muster , the here. He rantees for national good ; bu t, according to the Rep eal Br-.wn , Secretary. Seamen 's Act (7 and 5 Victori a, cap. 112.) wa s open , Quarry 's was locked I tried some kej as was cue quittal from the government he had served and saved , •J. Xing, J . , Commit tee ; D. Lucas ; s to it , ittlmitti'd that the old view of the law held that it was, system , every man possessing a sound »nd thinking Commi ttee Room December but they did not open it ; M r. Johnson then tried a key for any un-guarded escapade in the moment of oratoric al , Upper George Street , ; but Bar«u Kolfe hud declared ' in the case of O'Connor mind , and who loves his eountry, must feel dissatisfied. I am not aware that Mr. Johnson was deputed to effervescence. 2id2 id. l84G.1846 - assist und the Chartists who were tried at Lancaster , an opinion , Gentlemen , as you are conversant with the doctrine of me as constable. Is not this fact extant , and written in very choice MOVEMENT OF THE OPERATIVE BAKERS FOR which from the fact of the then universal ugita tion ot tbe cause and effect, it will be only necessary to ask you, The Chairman : You know he had n ri ght (o charge Eng lish In the book of the Irish State trials ? SHORTESISG TUB HOOKS **OF LABOUR ASD i-Har fcet frit elltgimu. question of conspiracy all over the kingdom , was entitled whit the cause was which led to the existence of the him to assist , havi ng a warrant , Mr. Roberts. Mr. Shift' s opinion I fully concur in: Lthink thc union ABOLISHING NIGHT WORK. to more attention , because the judge must have givin union bet wixt Ireland and Great Britian t I need not Cross examination continu ed : Mr. Johnson broke open of the " brave " work ing classes of the two countries it in a peculiarl y deliberate manner , and aftir the calm- to be told that it was the corruption of one party who CORN EXCHANGE . Decembe r 5. the box with a hammer , which was furnished by a young; would soon repea l the union for this , and achieve the Another great meeting was held in the large room of est and most searching inquiry . Baron Rolfe at that trial bribed , or the treachery or treason of another who sold Durin g tlie past week our arrivals of English wheat woman , dau ghter of thc person who lives in the house franchise for both countries. It is no t the tones who will lhr Xing and Queen Paiidington Gr een on Saturda y fittid . tliutto de teriuiuejoui ' s'-lf not to buy of a trades- you into slavery. Tese are answers daily and hmirlv ¦ , , were very large , and th«-rc was a good show of samples at I took the papers I produce out of a box and Johmoh form a repeal [party, thou gh they may frank ly .urrender Decern fer the 5th for the above worth this day man was a legal act , and to combine to persuade others given to the people of Ireland , and with which they and evening. , y ol-j.cis, 's market. With so large a supply, the trade was took sometliinirour , but lam not able to speak what; I to one when it becomes sufficiently powerfu l. 1* is not M'Laren well supported , although prices w-.-re rather the turn in uot to buy of him was not an illegal act , but it was not you, gentlemen , seem satisfied ; bu twhich will not satisf y Hr. was amidst considerable applause , called to bave not broug ht here to-day all I took out; I toek out a th« Whi gs—pledged to resist repeal to the death—it is thech.iir. favour of buyers. th e less a conspiracy. Conspirac y iu itself was no crime , me, as I consider their is a cause far above this perfidy numberof letters and some papers ; the letters arc at the not - that pestilential and perfidious faction whose Mr. Geokge Read , author of the Practical Biscuit the very meaning of thu word settled the question. It nf that baseness; these iniquit ous transactions wero but police-office. treachery and cor/uption are" only equalled by iheir im- Baker, who w as-rece ived with much cheerin g, vai l, t his was to breathe together , to think together, and so far the effect of a causp. and that cause still exi-ts, and n-.t PROVINCIAL MARKET S. Mr. Roberts : Perhaps you will send for them , Mr. becility and incapacity ; it is not those dribbling states- metropolitan movement had beeo commenced by a few these meu certainl y had gone. In a club , if an obnoxious a man amongst the Repea lers, from the " Libe rator " to Pollock. , men; petifogg ing economists , and namby- pamby orator s, working men, who desired to see tbe condition of their Ricuhond (Yorkshire) Corn Marki:t Satpiidat. member gut in and could uot be removed easily, did not the humblest associate , or even amongst the clergy, has , — The Chairman : I t is quit ; a matter of choice whether who will for « or foster a repeal party in Eng land. fellow men improved. The movement had originated in We had a tolerable supp ly of grain in our marke t to-day. all the other members act in concert to drive him out. as yet the courage or political honesty to recognise it , V?AKEFiF.tn Cobs Mark et. he gives them or not. Nei ther is it to the profit-mongering middle clnsses, who {Scotland , and -Scotia sons had been eminently succe.-s —The arri vals of wheat That wns a conspiracy of thc rich ; and were they to although It is ohrious to thr meanest capacity , Let me are fair: the demand tolembl y good, a mi in snme cases Mr. Pollock : I believe the letters are very numerous , gorge upon the spoil wru ng from this plsiidt-red land fill, and now only worked twelve hours per day, without have their conspiracies with impunity and not the poor ask. upon what kind of suffrage the Parliament whieh ls in advance ; inferior samples without change. and don 't belong to the case ; I have no instructions that tha t you may look for sympat hy or assistance ; it is not Any detriment to their wages. (Hear , also. Why ihere wus a conspiracy within a very, short contracted the Union was elected ! Did it repre sent hear.) Iu Eliza- Manchester Corn Market. —At our market this morn- they do. to the church-ridden Exeter Hall clique , nor yet to the beth' s reign, baker * were notailowed to commence wor k distance of th at place ; there had been a very large the whole peopl e ora class of thtm , or did it not rather ing there were but few samples of wheat offering, and for Mr. Roberts : Then , sir, I beg to make an application , ignorant and bigotted bores you must appeal. No; it il nntil niue o'clock in the mornin g, , which holders generall y required enhanced rates. "Both meetin g of mas ters from nil part- ol the liingdom ; they represent itself? Itis quite certain thatt he people wu-e and where allowed which Ido wllh alUolt-mnUy, that tliOA C lell.'l'S b.* pro- to the justice and generosity resident io the bosoms 61 three hours out ofthe day fur refreshment , recr eation , s-ick and barrel flour met an improved sale, the former came to combine and conspire together not to employ not fully and fairl y represe nted , and it is equally cer tain at full duced , and not that we be kept in ifr norauee of the con- the •' brave " and intelli gent artisans and qperatives of &c, but now they were f o degraded that th.-y had to y the previous currency, and the latter on higher any individual who belonged to a union. They entered if they had been they would have possessed a po wer terms. tents , and then th.-y be brou ght down upon us at the England that you must have recou rse if you desire to find into a consp iracy, and whoe ver thou ght of indicting them capable of compelliiij* - the legislature tobe honest. Thus slave from eighteen to twenty hours without intermis - Warri sgtos Corn* Market. —There -was a fair at- tri al. materials for a repeal par ty in Saxon land Sir , you sion. (Loud cheers .} He would put it to them where for it. the want of pout icai. rowBB, or a voice in makin g the tendance of farmers at the market , and a moderate show Mr. Marsh said he had seen those letters , and he se- must unteach the Irish people much tbat has been sedu- they of less value than bricklayers labourti s, , which sold at 2d per bushel advan ce. Mr , Pollock : It is quite possible some one has thought laws by which they are governed , was the cause which —true it of new wheat lected those from them which bore on thc case, those of a lously inculcated on them ; you must show then * that it , they were worked as hard , and for a much longer Hull Coun Mauket. —The corn tra de has been verv of it. led to the Act of Union. was private nature he abstained from reading. is unjust , as well as absurd , to charge upon a body of period , aud in many cases for a less remuneration. dull during the weak. At this day 's market we had a Mr. Roberts continued to speak at some length for the Now in order to remed y tho effect, would it not be ad- middlin g supply of wheat from the farmers Mr . Rober ts said he was instructed that there were men the acts of individuals , or declare that principles are {Great cheering .) lie thougl.t if journe ymen baker * con- , for which the defence. visable to remove the cause , seeing that by doing so the millers were free buyers at last week's ra tes ; no trans.ic amon g those letters documents very material for the de- vitiated because some of those who hold tbem may, under stitutions werectipahleofEUStainingei -'ht-'eahours labour The mag istrates , when he hud concluded , announced effect would assured ly cease ; for if repeal were to be ob tion in foreign , either free or nnder lock. fence ; sho wing the natui v. of their connection with the strong excitement , act imprudentl y. You mus t show per day, they at least ought to ban six of them fer the rmin gham their determination to commit all the prisoners for trial tained by your pres en t mode of seeking it, it would still Bi Corn Exciiavck. — During the present society. that much of what Emmet died for has been improvement of themselves mentally, week there has been only a moderate sale of wheat at a t the Liverpool assizes 011 the char ge of compiracy . Mr. be objectionable , whilst the cause was permitted to exist! them , sir , morall y, am! physi- Mr. Pollock said he would be happy to produce any far fr om turning us trom former rates. Itoberts then app lied that they should be admitted to Would it not be more patriotic to remove the cause , and achieved , and that his dea th , cally. (Vehement cheering.) How did this overwork- one letter on which Mr. Roberts relied. heighten *! Newcastle Corv Market. —We had a very fair supply grant to every man of sound mind , 21 years of age , and the nationality for which he died, shoul d rather ing system affect their pecuniary interest Why, every Mr. Rober ts said he and asked for bail ou Monday, when tho assizes commence ; the ap- . of wheat at this day's market from thc growers as well relied on tbem nil , unconvicted of crime , a voice in choosing hia representa - oue enthusiasm in the cause to which he fell a self-de- third man was employed—(hear,- hear) —consequentl y as coastwise, hut the attendance of buyers being unusu- them all. They were most plicatio n was granted , the amount fixed, £30 each for important to his defence Uiat tives—to give him the CHARTER— which the Liberator serted sacrifice. Sir , you mus t go further , you must dis- one third of the jouru-yroan , bakers were reduced to the ally small , the trade ruled dull throug hout , and to effect day. Selsby and Cheeseborou g h, and two sureties iu £40 declared to be his right to protect bim , and without pel the delusion that men are unfit to serve their country necessity of living, or rather existing on tiie benevolence sales a decline of fully ls per qr. on last Saturday 's rates Eventuall y it was decided that the be each ; end £40 for each of the others , and two sureties papers should whieh Repeal would be wonbless—nay. worse , it would because in rel igion they msy believe less, or in politics go of their brother operatives. (Loud cheers.) Aud compe- must have been submi tted to. , in £20 each. This it was understood was only one half brou ght into court an d a gentleman on account of the for more than the their countrymen : even , tition for work , and a reduction of wages was the natural Liver pool Corn Market. — Wheat has been in good of what was origiuully intended. Mr. John David iinyd be injurious ? Can th ere be any danger to the country , majority of demand 'throughout the past week. Extensive purchases pro secution , and Mr. Blake . Mr. Robert 's cb.rk , should sir , should some of the points in men 's re ligious or politi- conse.iu.-nce. {IIear , hear.) Mr. Head concluded by and Samuel Fletcher , of Manchester , gave bail for Selsby, from the fact that the peopl e would have nn interest and have occurred dail y fur shipment to Ireland , and our own examine and determine on the private papers , and re- cal principle s justif y, in yonr estimation , the. use of the moving a resolution denunciatory of the present syBt«m, the others were bail ed out mostly by men employed ut a power to promote I ts prosp erity ? Assuredly not , aud millers and de.tlers have also supp lied themselves pretty serve the rest. This was done in the course of the betwixt slavery and non re- strong phrase '« abominable ," you should , even if yon and resume! his seat amid great applause. liberally. All descri ptions of whea t have advanced 4d to thu Vulcan Foun 'lay. as we now see the connexion sitting. be assumed that unless your declined to point out where the abominati on lay, yet Mr. William? , m seconding the motion , said the 6d per bushel , aud flour Gd to ls per barrel , and sack over Before the court broke up Mr. Marsh aiked Mr , presentation , it may fairly Cross examination con fonued: I went to thc Quarry 's le of equal , full , and fair honestl y admit , that where there , was no moral taint , and system required serious consideration , he hud been iu the quotations of last Tuesday. Rober ts if he intended to traverse at the assizes; to agitation embodied the pri ncip about ten o'clock in the forenoon of Friday ; I gave the it could be an honest where ther e was perfect willingness, nay, unxiety, to the baking business since he was eight years of age, and which Mr. Robirts replied , he should net on the instruc- representation for the entire peop le, papers to Sir Marsh , the whole of th- m, on Sunday morn- energy, patriotism , assist in workin g out the measure on which Irishmen had felt tbat thu hours of labour was far too lung, it not only tions of counsel. It was probable the casa will be tra- agitation , and consequen tly all the ing, and got them back on Monday morning; I got them towa rdsit have been nothing set their souls, such auxiliar aid , instead of being—to affected the journeymen , bu t the masters their wives *nd STATE OF TRADE. versed. Thecase was not over until nine o'clock at uight , and expenditure contributed back in two bundles ; " I was directed to produce one vapou ring, and arrant swind- serve some poor tad paltry pur pose of the hour—dis- families , as they had to rise and admit the men, and (he having been on from a lit tle before twelve . Mr. Rober t! less than time lost, useless bundle here to-day, but had no particular directions us s hard earned pence. What man in dainfull y and contumeliously spurned , in common justi ce wives of th e journeymen was als > injured as they had t« Leeds. —On Saturday the market at the Cloth Halls was loudly cheered on retiring. linr of the people ' to the other ;" when I received them I did not make any assert that Daniel to the generosity of the parties offering it, be courteously sat np to call their husbands to go to work. (Hear , hear.) were of tho same dull character as of late, but Tuesday 's Ireland will have the hardihood to inven tory of them ; I did not read them all myself, but O'Connell ever intended to extend the franc hise to his received ; while refusing to turn it to the account of the He though t a: clay of hands better than the entire aboli market was still worse. There has scarcel y been so little business done on any market day this year. I read most of them ; there was nothing else but papers Dbbadfu l OcccitRKKCE. —Last week the body of coun trymen , to protect them against the class interests country and the cause , coul d only—if Mr. Shiel's asser - tion of night work , and he wished them to act with such that I took from the box ; I can 't say that Johnson took Mancuiste i'.—We have had a most depressed week for a man wns found , in a liter ally roasted state , or class legislature , or who will venture to affirm that in tion be wor th anything —be considered the act of madmen caution aud prudeuce as to ensure a certain and speedy cloth. The advance on the staple has caused manufac - anything ; from Bowman 's box I took in the a quantity of hot ashes , at Mr. Dixon' s works , Gavan. It appears the absence of such protection Ireland would not be, or of traitors. success to the movement. (Hear , hear.) Au Act of turers to ask higher rates , which, in no instance , we think pa pers , but nothing else; I tied them in a handkerchief has been complied with. tha t the ashes, as they fall from the furnace , s even witb Repeal , a nation of slaves as she is now ? It Sir , you like brevi ty and favor boldness *. 1 have the Parliament aad beea passed to emancipate the bakers and kept them ; they are not here to-day ; I gave them to ink BaADPon n.—There is some improvemen t in the de- intev a bed in successive layer.*:, formin g a ninsa, is to be ruiM 'attad that the people have been so long de- audacity tO address you these lines not exactl y expecting dogs, whilst the poor miserable baker was still left un- Mr. Marsh also; I did not make an inventor y of them ; mand for wool, as the spinners are in general out of which is const antly in a heated , if not smoulderin g luded with false hopes and expectation , but it is more that you will publish them. I have no "miserable heeded in degraded slavery and bondage—(g reat ap- I read some of them ; Mr. Marsh gave them me back on stock. The spinners are very generally contracting their stat e, and emitting noxious gases. The deceased deeply to be regretted that you, most Rev. Sirs , should vanit y " to gratif y : but I am a poor and humble man , plause)—but he was most happy to see so many of his Monday morning, but he did not give me any instruc- working hours. For moreens and heavy goods there is poor , houseless creature linvo lent thc weigh t of your influence to a movement con- though an arden t worshi pper trade come forward with the firm resolve to emancipate much inquiry. tions as to producing them. was a , supposed to be a of truth and of my country, ibieyuer and of whose name or connections notlvng ducted so inju dicioue , nnd bearin g the impress of th e most who thinks that it is thc duty of thems elves. (Loud cheers.) IIno DEi8Fia.D.—There ha g been a slight impro vement Jobn Richard Marsh ; I received the pa pers And books , every mail to take a known, lie had , however been frequently seen reckless poli tical profligacy . I would be sorry to imagine part in those public proceedings The resoluti on was then put and * car ried unanimousl y. in the market to day for heavy goods, which may partly mentioned , from Mr. Jonee , and they remained at my is , which so considerably be attributed to the inclemency of the season . about the works , aud it appears was in the habir. of you have acted throughout the agitat ion otherwise than affect the private relations of society. Mr. Ives rosa much applauded , to move a resolution house until I returned them iu the same state as when Give me a living Halifax. —We have again had ra ther more business making the aah-heap his bed , as you believed to be consistent wi th just principles , or reason tha t the principles of Chartism , which you sneer- in favour of abrid ging the hours of labour , and said he t hear ofa corres- I got them. having no place of ' " doing in the piece market , but do not ye shutter , nnd finding comfort in its warmth . It were guided by other motives save your desire to render ingly say ar e-' good enough for En land are unsound , bad no doubt that the operatives -would succeed in tbeir , fhepriees Enoch Marks: I am time keeper to Messrs . Jonos nnd g ," ponding improvemen t in tho demand for yarn seems probable that on the occasion in question , he your coun try all the service in your power. I am of uncons titutional present struggle , and he thou ght it would be then neces- of which are extremely low compared with the current Pot ts; at the latter end of August or the early part of , , or uusuited to the people of Ire land; p , perhaps suffocated by the gas opinion you felt convinced you were pursuing the best and tell me why the sary to obtain an Act of Parliament teprevent a relapse. rates of combing wools. September , for the first time, I say a picquet on Messrs . had been over owered , " bra ve " men who bore and forbore —There is no improve- irom the rubbish af ter laying himself down , and course to render Ireland independent , and her people un der all O' Connell' (Loud cheers ) The success of their movement must Rochdale Flann el Market. Jones 's establishment ; by a pieque t I mean a number of , s rancorous abuse an d transparent ment in the demand for flannells to-day, while in a state of stu pefaction , or rather , it is to he ha ppy ; and I am willing o admi t you are sincerely de- misrepresentat ion the bave a natural tendency to create a demand lor labour , and business people standing together day after day to prev ent any one * , are not worth y t o coalesce with still continues languid and flat. , after life had totall the burn- sirous to raise to that position in the scal e of nations , Iri sh who and the increased demand would, as a matter of course , coming in search of employment ; "I hav e never s»er. hoped y ceased to exist, live amongst them , as well as with the great Noitikoium. —There is a shade of improvement in the to which she is so cntit.ed ; but , notwith- tend to advance its value. cotton glove trade , but every department of the cotton any violenoe used to such persons :" I produce memo- ing of the body had gone on by a slow process , until pre-eminently bulk of the deluded people of this ill.trea red island. The resolution standing the respect I enttr tain for vour motives , I deem was seconded , and carried unani hosiery manuf acture remains stagnant. The lace trade randums of names taken down by ma as I passed the found in its partially consumed state , with the iu- I am , Sir, a suben-fu ue of the pepper , ran out after the thief, awarded by acclamati on to the chairman. medicalinstitutions , were afterwards soundl castle-upon-Tyne , confectioner — O. Evans I.iverpou l „ and vanish ed. None of the proper ly y healed by work , bu t non« that I have seen them talk to have come , , to screen them from political criticism . Iheir education down the ba> * , Mr . M'Laveb, iu responding, announced that the Holloway 's Ointmen t and Pills. This fact has induced in nkeeper anil victua.Vler— J. J. Ja ckson , Liverpool and to work ; I have seen people that have shou ld hare tau ght them to distinguish the relations be- was lost , The thief escaped. j \orthti-nStar of several Infirmaries to purchase , by weight , from the Pr o- been coming; to. Birkenhead , wine merc.'iaut—J. II . It odway, Birmin gham that day, contained a report of a co- wards the foundry, , twixt ciiusn mid effect , Tuesday rrince prietor , Holloway, Ointment for Hospital use, for tbe pur. and they have been stopped by soma commission , agent — W. Barker , Notting ham , hosier— and .Mv influence and position Puikok Louis NAPOLKOK. -On lumn and a half of their late meetin g. He thought they | ¦ Marqm s 01 pose of curing this class of patients . All such patients of these parties , and after tha t they have gone away * I W. Thomas , Trefores t, .iear Cardiff , Glamorganshire , in society. should have restrained them from renileriug a Lo uis Nap »!eon , accompanied by tiie c eld not be too grateful to the reporter editor , and btar nowi, , would, therefore , do well to havo recourse to those famed have seen one during the last month , but not to my drape r—M. Burton aud IT. ghaen , Mauchister , cotton blind support to an agitat ion iu which their example must g s, arrivod from Arr au at the propri etor ef that Journal. (Gre at and reiterated ap- necebUitril Dou la : remedies when suffering from similar ailments. recollection in the last week . By being asked If J, har e spinners. > y be prod uctive of evil conse quences, (M'Donald 'a), Geor tj-J- squnw, Glasgow. 13, Ifr ^ ! I TiECEgBER /T ELE , NORTHERN: STAR. 7 PUBL IC J lEETING 'foF TIIE FRATE ^hmtim. X *- RNAL** . *L> mem DEMOCRATS. ^rei^t Dbplouablh Case of Scicro s.—On Tuesday , an child, all of whom prf seated the niost deplorable spp ^r*- $iitellif|erite. ^ifiw^^nffis;* $ii iue *pin i oi reoeu ion posed. , y he ceased expired at nine o clock the same night. The regiment and other documents , in pro of of his story. uaotX In gets liging him to prosecute them , tiiey would seemed compar atively unhurt , but on a medical exa- it trongera ndmoreiriesistible. this all be forth- busines s of witness 's father had been very precarious After pi-rusinj sr which , Mr . Bingham pointed out to him ^ s patri otic Ji-ixuc Ha bxey reported thnt the resolutions with ordered out of France. mination , it was proved : This threat of prosecu- that he had received severe during the last two years, which caused a consider- had adop ted to ameliorate t the women are foremost . Emulatin g with adopted by the Democrati c Committee for Poland' s ting the editors was internal injurie s. the illegality of the means he men subsequentl y carried into effect. He lingered until Saturday even- able state of despondency ' ed "O^" " T£nt(mic wives who formerl y ani mated their hus- Regeneration had been forwarded to Lord ing last in her mother s mind , and his-distres s, and ordered him tobe remam i , to enable Palmer- The events of Cracow , however, have excited a , when death put a period to his suffer- *¦? iheeoinbat aiid 'm ixed in tbeir delibe rati ons ston , and io the ings. she was compelled to take a place of servitude , at the officer to make inquiries in tho proper qua rter as to t0 . : tbe leadin g public jou rnals . Tho strong fe< ling in favour of the Poles, the prosecution now-a-day keep '* -' Brixton Hill, in eonsequence. The remaining evi- tbe truth of his statement. [This is a f ine specimen of •*~of rila na up the sacred fire if Northern Star ," Murning Advertiser ," and of the edi tors has within the last few days been MEMNCiio hY dence was unimportant , and the Jury, on the Coro- the real our " brave soldiers ** ^ ,, 1 enthu siasm. " Sun ," had publi shed the resolutions ; the * Globe ," suspended Suicioh of a FKMAws.-Mr. Cart er , value of that gratitude to ¦ lor the pre sent. This cessation of perse- on Monday held 's summing up, returned a verdict of " Tempo- "" Austri an govern ment Is much alarmed at tbis pa- and "' Douglas Jerrold 's New.-paper ," had merely an inquest , at West , Moulsey , on ner of which so much is said in Parliament after a " glorious fte cution is. however , merely temporary. While the body ot Mar y " 11 iiartial Ann Watford , aged 24, the wife of rary Insanity. victor y," Poor men t behold your re ward I The rich , - fnthus**** -- law, which, durin g the noticed them ; and the " Times," " Chronicle ," Nicholas contin ues cold to c Louis-Phillippe the Polish a ballast gathe rer. On the 7 yon the empty praise , fLttteiOB of Febru ar y was extended only ot« three " Daily News." and " Weekly Dispatch ," had not journals may evening of Fri 'ay last , Death jj rom Want. —On Tuesday , an inquest was officers carr y oft the solid pudding, be permitte d to exist ; bat should the a. part y m whose hon 8e s now 70 *18 1116 in twelve. even notic. d them . ( Hear , hear.) autocrat she lodged, was astonished at held Mr. Wak ley, on the bod of Tho mas Wells wounds and huggnrs. l j Srt' . * P * * ^ exhibit friend ship] their term ol life is hearin g screams of , by y , Carl Schatper repor ted tbat an account of the childr en proceeding from the de- an infan t deceased ' «j Eeforme says :— closed. ceased apartment. , aged four mon ths. The s father WEDNESDA Y. e meeting of the Poland ' After searching round the room , t* s Regeneration Committee , GuizoT S " protest " against the confiscation of the unfortunate woman is a gold and silver chaser , but having been out of MAB£«©nOU&H -*-T REET. _Francis Olifiere was «,e whole of th e German periodica lpress , witb three had been was discovered han ging to published in the Reforme. (Cheers. ) Cracow was despatched to the three Northern Courts the bed-p ost. The employment some time, he contrived to obtain a brou ght before Mr . Long, charged with having obtained pri0'tt8, prot *-st *' equa lly with the French and Eng lish deceased was cut down, and a tf Subsequently a vote ot thanks to those journals the latter end of last week. No copy of the " pro- r was miserable pittance by writi ng window hills and fancy one thousand pounds wor th of jewellery by fraud ulent ** aga inst tbe act of spoliation , committed by the messeng. sent to Ham pton Court for medical jyr*. which had published 'he democratic resolutions , was test " has been publ ished labels for drapers' prices , but latterly that species of an extensive^ jeweller , nort hern despots. The exceptions are the . , but of course the thing assistance , but by the time tbe surgeon arrive d pretences , from Mr. John Linne tt , ^j Augsburg unanimousl y adop ted. is a regular sham. , life work failed , and for the last live weeks he was The beFrene h Journal was found to be extinct . It un- formerly of Argyle -atreet , Begent-street. partic ular * gff Cttt, t of Frankfort , and one of the Jm.uk Haknet , after reading the address of the was proved that the de- able to earn more than would PORTUGAL. ceased had been for some time in get a meal , and that of the alleged offence appear to be these ;—The prisone r- ngmbatfh papers. Tbe language in which the journals French Democracy to a low and despond- a wret ched one a day the Democracy of Europe , ing state of mind , ar ising , , passing the nights chiefly in is a workcr in hair , and as such becam e known to Mr. jj,e other side of the Rhin e express (he indignation , -is The Citil Wait ;—Accounts have recentl y been re- from ill.heakh . Verdict the str eets. which w. loudly cheered , proceeded to read the ad- " That the deceased On Satu rday, having obtained a littk Llrmelt. Tn January , 1*845, tha pri« f»ner called on Mr. tted as tbey are to the yoke of censorship, is but an ceived in tbis countr y of a great defeat that the — destroyed her life whilst of nhsii dress of the Fraternal DemoiTats . given below. The " employment , the wife got a temporary lodging, and tinnett , and stating tha t employed by Her M»" and feeble interpreter of the feeling prevailing popular party in Port ugal , under Sa da Ban dcira unsound mind. he was •gnirf ett address was warmly app lauded. J. II. pr oceeded to , on awaking in the mor ning the infant was found muttor s of are alleged to have received at the hands of the jesty, and had shor tly to «ee Her M ijesty on jmnnc tbe people of Ger many ia general. speak at some length <>n the Polish question, and Fatal Affra y at Ciirlsea —On Tuesday evening, dead by her side. The medical officer gave it as rings and 's troops ; the fact s business , reques t, d to have some- diamond concluded by moving the adop tion of the address. Queen of the case are briefly an inquest was held by ' his opinion that the deceased died from want of Until now the j lupsburg Gazette was onr leading these :-— Mr. Bedford, at St. Gcora -e s brooches to exhibi t , as there was a probability th at Her commanding the most extensive circu lation in Gam. Schaffek , in an energetic speech , which was Hospital , on the body of William Woodhans , « nourishme nt , and the jury returned a veidict of prison er, on thia jjner, There was a force stationed at Chave s, under the a ed ** Majes ty might becom e a purchaser. The loudly cheered , seconded tbe motion . thirt y-one years , lately rcsidin n nt No. 9. Ellis- Died from want. " (jerraauy. It was and is, also, the only German command of the ViBconilc de Vinhaes and the Baron represent ation; succeeded in obtaining diamon d jewel- The addre ss was then unanimou sly adopted. street, Sloane street , Chelsea . The deceased was a lery property so p-fcr whose Introduction into the Austrian empire de Caiia . the latter a renegade from the popular of the value of upwards of £500'. The The meeting then adjourned until Monday even- painter. On Tuesda y night , the 24th ult ., ho and lawion pawn * j not pat under any restraint. It was under this cause. Sa da Bandeira , the commander of the popu- obtained was pri ncipally pledged with Mr . , that tho Attgsburgh Gazette ing, December 21st when Chris topher Doyle will several companions were drinking at the Hans Town ^ff alone, amongst the . lar forces , who with his division had taken up broker, Green.«tF«et , Leicealer.squiirc, After the pri- papers deliver an address oa " The state and prospects of Tap, Lower George Stre et, when the deceased had German , endeavoured first to] defend Austria position within twt> miles of Chaves , was induce to •Polto intelligence* sonar got tha property from Mr. Linnett nothin g more Democrac y in Scotland. " some words with a man named George Mitchell , res- was seen or heard' Mr. Linne tt. jo ibe atrocious transaction s of Gal- ' icia. and now believe that the fidelity ofthe 3rd and 15th regimen ts of him. . Subs' -quently ' for the annexa tion cf Cracow peetin L'the payment of a pint of beer , and they ulti- became bankru pt and as this transac tion came und er jrsn . But the. im- was not to be depended on, he determined , therefore JMONDAV . , Germany respecting thescjtwo mately commenced fighting in the street. They both the notice of the assignees th ey instituted an inqu iry into Bre ssion|in cecum nees to retire to Val de Passe s, about ten miles from that «¦ of fell heavily to the ground , the deceased being under- SOUTHWARK. —A. FRKE "NiooER. _Sarabo the situa ,05 so strong, that the circulation the Augsburg THE FRATERNA L DEMOCRATS (AS- town. While performing this movemen t, on Monday Brown , tion of the property, and finding th» grea ter por- neath . Th»y Eot up aud resumed the fi ght, and the an African , upwards of six feet in height , nnd tion in the hands of fcj; of centro to attack the enemy, who were driven back OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Poland has been consummated —the last shred the wound was dressed , ad he somewhat rallied . the dry dock to repair her. The defendant and six other have been fraudulen tly obtained was ready to be PLE " iree into Chaves. Sa da Bandeira retreated with the re- pro- Polish nationality bas ceased to exist—the The police afterward s removed him to the above hos- of his countrymen were , consequently, taken out of the duced , and Mr . Linnett replied that the property was in " mainder of bis forces , and reached Oporto on the They wno permi t oppression , share the crime, eity of Cracow has become an Austrian out-post , pital. Mr. C. Hyde, the house surgeon , said the vessel wl.ile in dock , and , hy th e. ouners , pl aced under the hands of the assi gnees. Mr. Lon g was of opinion * night of the 20th of November , his men in a com- the pirate flap of the Kaisers , floats deceased was admitted with a scal p wound at the the care of the landlord of a public-house , ealled the that the offence was one of felony rather than one of ob« Bbeihkes ,—We have already informed vou of of Vienna plete state of disorder. The pular party lost about _ over the tombs of Sobieski . and Koskiusco. po base of tlie skull. The deceased remained until Admiral Till , in Bermondsey. On Saturday evening taining goods under false pr etences—he shoul i therefore (mr sentiment s in relation to the confiscation of 10 killed and 20 wounded. The numerical loss by The Poiisii exiles, wherever scattered , hive, in the ten o' clock on the following day, when he left the last the defendant , with his countrymen , had been en- remand the prisoner till Saturday, to Hive time for the Cr . throu gh the medium of tbe ** Resolutions " tbis treacherous desertion was about 500 men. Such " name of their bleedin g country, prot ested against this institution, although witness begged of him to re- joy inir, themselves , danc ing and sink ing in their country production of Mr. Linnett' s goods, and other necessary ado pted at the public meeting On the 30th of No- crowlm : wron g; in the name ol the' gngeed millions we believe to be the real account of this notable de- main . Ho returned , and was readmitted and fash ion , in the tap-room , and at twelve o'clock they were evidence. Tfrub er. o h Q e 's troops. within Poland , in the name of the living martyr s feat f t e ue n ward ed , when erysipelus in the head supervened , ordere d to leave off, anr