China, Glass, Earthenware
Till? WATKItrOltl ) NKWS SHIPPING. The Rev. J. RUCIIR, P.P., says—" I strongly recommciui AMMARMANN , EEXD , & CO., SALES PRINTING Published rcerii Friday Evening at 49 King street , Mr. J OHN II INTOX to those who uny require tlic services OP I Opposite the Bunk.] of an Emigration Agent." WINTE R ARRANGEMENTS—1SG0 -C1 MILITARY AND MERCHANT CLOTHIERS , AUCTION OP HORSES, EVERY DESCRIPTION PRICE THRI-. K P UXCK ; Y K .VUI .Y ( IN ADVANCE; 13S . Travelling Machines, Farming Implements, Slodt, SrAMi-cn, -Id. ; Y EARLY, 17S. 4tl. EMIGRATION DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH NEW YORK , 4c C , SUFFOLK-STREET , DUBLIN. c}n,, iyc. FOR l£5?" Partii-s residing out of tlic United Kingdom wishing ..a-k O TE AM ERS WKEKL Y to MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horaes, PUBLIC BODIES OBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OP IRELAND,—Accept our gratoful thank3 for your valued Pat ronagc, Travelling Vehicles, i&o , &c, •will take place , to get The have it forwarded every work , to any nOf E ANCHOR LINE' ii^KT^ NKW YORK , QUKUEC. WON- , •i3s2k TJL. " Steam-Packet * ^ N •of which we truStUo tncrit a coutinuauce. address, on tlic same terms as those living within tho United Otr*»nf5^ ABE First-class Ship V&jLJSp-TKKAL, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA , ON MONDAY, 7TH OF JANUARY, l8Gi. PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS , BAIL ^it^^LcsStCsr In Kiue to Ten Days, for ,1'GO's. OUR PUIiGIIASliS for tli o present and approaching Season are now fully complete, and will be found on INTENDED TO REOVI.ARI.Y R LAURENCE UOBBYN'S VETERINARY MERCHANTS , AND Kingdom, viz., 17s.
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