Till? WATKItrOltl ) NKWS SHIPPING. The Rev. J. RUCIIR, P.P., says—" I strongly recommciui AMMARMANN , EEXD , & CO., SALES PRINTING Published rcerii Friday Evening at 49 King street , Mr. J OHN II INTOX to those who uny require tlic services OP I Opposite the Ptovinfi-.il Bunk.] of an Emigration Agent." WINTE R ARRANGEMENTS—1SG0 -C1 MILITARY AND MERCHANT CLOTHIERS , AUCTION OP HORSES, EVERY DESCRIPTION PRICE THRI-. K P UXCK ; Y K .VUI .Y ( IN ADVANCE; 13S . Travelling Machines, Farming Implements, Slodt, SrAMi-cn, -Id. ; Y EARLY, 17S. 4tl. EMIGRATION DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH NEW YORK , 4c C , SUFFOLK-STREET , DUBLIN. c}n,, iyc. FOR l£5?" Partii-s residing out of tlic United Kingdom wishing ..a-k O TE AM ERS WKEKL Y to MR. THOMAS WALSH'S next Auction of Horaes, PUBLIC BODIES OBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OP IRELAND,—Accept our gratoful thank3 for your valued Pat ronagc, Travelling Vehicles, i&o , &c, •will take place , to get The Xctcs.cm have it forwarded every work , to any nOf E ANCHOR LINE' ii^KT^ NKW YORK , QUKUEC. WON- , •i3s2k TJL. " Steam-Packet * ^ N •of which we truStUo tncrit a coutinuauce. address, on tlic same terms as those living within tho United Otr*»nf5^ ABE First-class Ship V&jLJSp-TKKAL, BOSTON, PHILADELPHIA , ON MONDAY, 7TH OF JANUARY, l8Gi. PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS , BAIL ^it^^LcsStCsr In Kiue to Ten Days, for ,1'GO's. OUR PUIiGIIASliS for tli o present and approaching Season are now fully complete, and will be found on INTENDED TO REOVI.ARI.Y R LAURENCE UOBBYN'S VETERINARY MERCHANTS , AND Kingdom, viz., 17s. Id. yearly. ^J Sj ij ^ PACKI - T SniPa every Monday to Nuw York ; 12lh every inspection to contain EVERY' NOVELTY to bo fouud in the Home .ind Continental Markets. At M Tho law of newspapers is such, that all snbseiilicrs who do BETWEEN GLASGOW AND NEW YORK, Month to Philadelphia ; Ut :tnd 15th to Boston ; twico a In COATlNfiS wo aro prepared with a New Production iu Woollen Manufacture—THE P ATENT DIA- Establishment, Beresfurd-slrect, Walerford, TRADERS IN EVERY WARE ORDER OP SALB : not give express notice to tho contrary, arc considered as AS UXDKK :— Month to Mclbouruo nnd New Zealand; occasionally to GONAL VELVET I'ILK—embracing tho two-fold advantages of warmth aud lightness ; also, beautifully- F.XECUTEn WITH other Ports. Full Provisions supplied to nil Paascnrcra. finished ENGLISH aud FRENCH BEAVERS, and tho UNDRESSED UEPELLANT COATING, which will Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, &e., al uishiiijj to continue thei r subscriptions, and niHst pay accovd- POnTLAXl) VOYAOE: TASTE , FROM PORTLAND, Tho Moijul Vessels of these, "tho Favourite Lines," from be appreciated. , rvfelve o'clock precisely. HASTE , iigly. No paper can be discontinued until all arrearages are FROMStotes GLASGOW Sat, Fob., 10 United Statcs..Tues, Mar. 10 1,500 to 3,oOO tons, couiprchcud some ot the most celebrated and Family Horses 'Clock. United Wo also call attention to a New Make of Cloth, called tho TREBLE-MILLED ALLIED BEAVER for Hunters, Riding , at One o AND paid. FROM GLASGOW. FROM NKW YORK. Clippers nilo-nr, nud all persons who wish a cheap, quick, safe specially suited for exposed travelling. This ij the finest article produced in the UuitcJ Kingdom. Colts, Draught ond Farm Horses immediately after. their bevhs with Outer Coats, John Nell Sat, Feb. 23 John 1M1 Tnes, Mar 20 and comfortable passago should secure Our TROUSElUNdS consist of 'a SplendU and Beautiful Assoitment of .RI JHMOSD STRIPE'*, B3f" Persons intending property for this sialo will bo PRICES ASTONISHINGLY LOW, United Kingdom.Tuos, Apr 10 JOHN HINTON. 63?" To B USINESS M EN , tve offer a single copy of United Kingdom, Sat. Mar. 16 ANGOLAS, the BRIGHTON CHEUK3, and tho BOWATElt ELASTIC STftlPEi, such as are now worn by required to have it entered at Mr. D ODBTN 'S, or at Mr. (The Quality of the Work Considered), Jolin Hell Sat. Aprl 27 John Hell Tucs, May 28 (n23-tf our Paper fur £2 5s. a year, which will entitle each Offices in Wexford and Enniscorthy. the Elite at London and Pans. Thow Fabrics, from thei r novelty of design, peculiar softnoss, elasticity, and WALSH 'S Office , 10" Custom-house Quay, on or bcfor« AT United States Sat. June 8 United States....Tues, July 0 'Clock the morning of :Sale (Jd. person so subscribing to publish an announcement of his Guineas and 15 Guineas ; Inter- colour, form the most Splondid Collection of Goods yet introduced. Ninco . Fee forestry, 2s- FAKKS.—Saloon Cabin, 13 WEEKLY S T E A M COMMUNICATION Auctioneer's Fees of Five per Cent. The News Book and Job Printing-. own business, not exceeding Six LINES, in every publi- mediate 7 Gairiens; Steerage, 6 Guineas. In VESTINGS, wo invite attention to a groat variety in Patterns and Fabrics, amongst which the BERLIN Purchasers to pay , TO NEW YORK DIRECT. THOMAS WALSH Auctioneer. MACHINE RULING , cation for one year. FREIGHT.—Fine Gocd>,, 40s. per Ton Measurement, with WOOLS are pronounced to bo tho Beau Ideal of a Gentlemanly Vest.. , Advertisements of Public Bodies, <$ <;., the usual 6 per cent, primage. English and Dundco Goods for- Weekly to New York Direct in 11 to 13 days for £C Ga. WATERPROOF UEl'ELLANT SCARLET HUNTING CLOTH—without exception one of the most Auction3 attended in any pnit of Cpuntry or Town. AND nOOK-IMNDING ESTAHLISIIMEN 'I pment, 30s. per Ton Measure- Elegant Productions in Woollen Manufacture ever submitted to the notice of Geutlemcn—warranted to resist auy 100 Custom-house Quay, Waterford, 1880. tf charge of 6d. p er line f or first insertion, and 3d. per warded to Glasgow for shi T-aC^Sa?rpHK* Liverpool , New York , ment and 6 percent, primage. Coarse Goods and Dead / amouut of rain or ill-usage. BS" Nos. 49 .y 5 Kiwi Street, Waterford. line f or every subsequent insertion. Servantsand other Parcels Ss. each nud upwards. s^7N\?\kr~7> \ k. JL and Philadelphia Steam Ship Weigh t per agreement. inten d despatching their HUNTING BREEC H ES Material will be found more varied and cxtensivo than in any pwt season j also, THE AUCTION ROOM, persons seeking employment can have their advertise- 1^" de Dues payable by the Shipper. 'S^gag) Sj ^jy.y^ Company EDWARD WALL, Cly mtB&Btt£mBSBO9£SFull-poweredto Clyde-built Iron Screw some Beimtiful Dcsignsand Styles in HUNTING! VliSTS. NO. 101 QUAY, is now fitted up for the reception ments published for Is. each insertion. Goods for shipment by these Steamers must bo alongside at New Styles in Waterproof Garments—Til Ii QUEEN'S PATTERN RIDING IIABIT. of Furniture, &c. for Sale. 5 UM Al E It IU LL , Tit A M O It E , sent for previous to sailing date. Steamships, TEIIMS : Inva riably Cash. Advertisements least two days From our lengthened experience and justly-earned reputation ns FIRST-CLASS CUTTERS in the distinct Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of on ON SALK , as iihmc, or from liumlod in writing as to Apply to FHASCIS M ACDONALD & Co., New York ; J AMES From QUEENSTOWN (CORK) to NEW YORK , HAS publi cation without specific directions Branches of our Buaiaes, we are enabled to product) a PERFECT FIT, and pleaso tho most fastidious taste. their own" Premises will find it their interest to make use Wanhniises, Walerford, Wholisal.: and Ri-tuil , LITTLE & Co., Greenock ; HAHDYSIDES & H ESDKKSOS ns follow : We the number of insertions, will be continued till ordered • . are, Noblemen and Gentlemen, of this Establishment, as (he Room is both spacious and Snpcriur OLD WINES of all tlcs<rri[itf-jiis, iu W..n.l or W Uni0U-StrCtt> G1 CITY OF BALTIMORE Thursday, 31st Jan., „ ^ >:¦ out, and charged f or accordingly. KANGAROO Thnrsdav, 7th February Respectfully yours, lofty, and admirably ailaflWS'for Furniture Sales. RottU-. KHAEL DOWNEY , Choice Brnnds of FRENCH BRANDIES Watcrford. EDINBURG H Thursday, Uth Fob THOMAS WALSH , Proprietor. , Old and New. Agent, Quay, AMMAEMAR N, REID, & CO- HOLLANDS GIN, JAMAICA RUJI. Moderate Through- And every Thursday. 101 Custom-house Quay, Waterford, Aug . 3, 18C0. "THE WATEUFORD NEWS- Goods and Passengers forwarded at P.S.—For the hotter guidance of Gentlemen, Styles of all the Leading garments that will bo worn during JOHN .IA.MIESON & SONS' OLD .MALT mid otlixr PASSAGE M OSIST.—Cnbin, 15 17 nnd 21 Guineas. , Sates to all the Friueipal Towus iu Cauada and tho United , , the Season on view. ( i:il8-tf) WHISKIES. „ „ Forward 0 Guineas. GENERAL PRINTIN G , PUBLISHING, States. [nilO-tf.] , GINGER WINE in Worn! and Ii-itllo. Including an unlimited supply of Cooked Provisions, BUTLER'S CATECHISM , BOOKBINDING , MACUINE-liUUNG, TEAS, in l!.iud, ur Daly P.M . Wholwdc only. served out by tho Coinpauy's Stewards. COOKSXLLERS AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTORY, WATERFORD AND MILFOHD HAVEN For further particulai 8 apply in Belfast to J Oil N MclCE K, THE PUBLIC TO CATHOLIC CLERGY &c $*ii° A numbi-r of Empty Port and Claivt JIutfs, l(.i:ri- On Sale al Tic News Office , heads, and CJiiarter Caaks for Sale. full 11-1 40 & 50 KING STREET. MAIL STEAMERS nt the Company's Ollices, 103 Victoria-street ; in Qiiccnstown, ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO CALL AND EXAMINE ROYAL to C. & VV. D. SEYMOUR & Co. ; and in lAvcrjm ol to (With the liCcommendatinn of the liishnp of Waterford and TI1E EXTENSIVE STOCK OF Lismore, the Kight Kev. Dr. O'ISBIKN,) EAST INDIA HOUSE, COMMUNICATION WILLIAM 1NMAX, 02 & C3 Tower Unildinjjs South, 2 THE Proprietor of THE DAILY Water-street ; or to UEORC E FET1IERSTOX , Clonmcl ; ft. Catechism for the Instruction of Children, M A I N-ST It E ET DUNG A R V A N X.
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