'ir V- MARY CHENEY LIBRARY^ WEDNE8DAX, OleTUBEB f, IM f £ iU U T fi£ l« flianrhpstpr tmiting ypraib DbOt OrcBlstlsB r. ISdS T h s W sbUm t I af O. a. Waolha AvlaH'Vi ______Chrt W 'i op*'’ Friday wnh a pot Personal Shower 9,109 Farrla, who aae ocm iim ii a - 1 Dr. Story CongratuUites Colleague two weeaa’ leave with hia at 13 m 1 enter Mri rrtSaTteU aS About Town church haama Mre. Herrr ytmv For Miss Larson Mr and Mre. K. J. rertia Sr .^ Rev. Earl C. Btavy. D.D., rlefti 2M Eaat Mid ton atreet, woa pleasantly aurpria- a.iperintendeat of each of the thre. H) •t *:h0 In chorfe of the «eciitl*e The ti*t annual baatneaa meet- whe am leu af th*ir oaperte' r ee at ed lost night with a penonal show­ V0L.LXVI.,N0.9 MANCHESTBR, OQltfL, THUMDAY. OCTOBER 10, lOM (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS coaiBiIttee, Mr. and Mro. Hoyt diatricta of the Mew England int '>f rewly fr.imed Aircraft *'Qmir Stale” teat June, at the er at the home of Mm. Robart Stilaon. pi^denta; Mr. and Mre Alua^i aaeoclathm will be beM la Uaivaralty ef Coawsctierii who' ithrrn OomtaHoia of the Morria Bennett, etce preeldenU. the Hbrarv of tbe Boat Hartford that atbawded thraush the ro- Methodiat rnurch. dangratiilatra Pearson of Farmington avanuo, Mr. and Mre. RuaecU Weinbold. Hi«h arh<-»l. Friday evretnf. Gala- opmmtlaa mt the AmerKae L ^ ->~ c:-e of hla collaasuan. Rev Percy Hartford. Twenty frlanda. offloa Unemployed Itslians S to m Govenunent Sent aeoretariee and Mr. and Mre. Hall her II. at * «•' The aaeorieiicfl la AuaflUry and the Cuemn|M>.itan M .spurrier (rtghtl of Middleboro. aaaociatea and ralatlvas from thla Stewart, treaeurcre. Motion plr- to hold a aem formal fell daaoa Club M^==i who on Oct. 13 will leave town, Hartfrrd pnd WatharoSald Cardinals Leading Slavs Urged Remove tunw wUI be eliown after the meal for meinbera and frtenda at the the aiiperlntendancy of the New I-A and new membet* will he welcom­ attended. The brir .story’i diatrtet. Rev. O. Albm Barrier at Danube; a color scl^eme of pink and green, 11^4 (uaet. Mre. Reberka Brlchann of Gotebors, Sweden. She arrived In A of the FelPr.. rail chib ihemM call Bart Rutler of Pheipe DahlqiiMt I cooler 1 ef Baal Green- and a profuaion of garden fle e r s New York on September 3 and of Manriweler Uehte .>f Maenata ai' peiintendent. Theaa change, waie Mias Laraon. the daughter of Al­ a elater of Mre. Aronaon. ! pie Board of Direetora of the S*v anr> meed by Blahop Wewla (> bert Larson of^Clinton atreet, will Slaughter Raps Out Seen Indispensible Booh af Manrhcter wtll he held at Hartman of the Bbalon Area at a be married on Saturday, October Meat Offered The Paot Chiefa' Club of Memo­ i Janwa Trlvlyno of Jaroee'a the hanh tomofrow evening at 7 l.'> i. et.i apectal aaealon of the New 13. to Charles Daniels, of Hart­ Homer Off Hughson; rial Temple Pythian Sietera will Beaut V Sak-i wh- l» »rrt,d»ng aev- F* a’and Southern Coafereme ford. . m JWtHAMcm* meet tomorrow evenin* at the 'eral day* In .Nr - Vork Oiy. .om- •fh^ re|i’'*r meeting of the laiimhing the denomlnallon'e Year Two More Runs Fob United States and Brit­ home of Mre. laabel Perkham. ^ Mning lni«lne*' and pl*a»«ra, la of Stewardahip. To Americans leaperleo home inmorro- Board of Tmvleea of the Mam low on Two Bagger, Waohln^on atreet, GUatonbury. ter Meaaorial hoeptlal will he held I>r Story waa auparintendent of juM krt and Middletown, R. I., and Present Solid Front ain Join Forces in at ^ hcriipiUI neat Tueedas (he New Bedford Dbrtrtct. 192ft- .Vi Hull. .Masn. Error and Single; Bag- Mr. Dahlquist haa baan paator By Argentina Calling for PositiTC araniag at 7 ^ I lie Norarlrh. Conn., Dtatrict. <1- ’ by Takes Relief Role i.i. and lha Provtdanre Dtatil't *t Kaat Greenwich for S yaara and On Russian Demands Action on Opening ha* *rrved as aaaistant at Oentrql Burnua hting Waned b^ St • nc# IPt.i . Ha alao haa aerved ** Signs Multiply Govern­ JaaMO'a ( ‘h'lrrh Corporation in paator In Boat Weymouth. Mh*< li.iiih. Brockton, Maaa., and Fenway Park, Boston, Oct. R if«r to Free Com­ traaoBorl chtldrea ia St Jam*** Mam heater, Uona., and WaahinK- P*sinr at North Groovenordale, ('onn. 10.—-—The St. Louis Car­ ment May Welcome United Statae, Britain merce; YugoslaT Dep­ aehaM are not hrtng oparated b< ton Park (Yiurch In Provlden. Ma»a. 3 yrara aa apaoriatr in .Hired expects to enter the New Red Sox pitchers hard, to U d Off Reds’ Report of Majority thwa. entirely aeparate from the Mathrwaon Street rhuich. I’ n.yi.rnyi, Haven hospital this week for an lead by the score of 6 to 1 at Dardanelles* Control buMiiiaa at lha tanl Srm. I denca, and aa paator in W minlrTfperatlon. y the end ofr the fourth inning BidlcUa! BaDuUii! in the fourth World Series Waehlogtoo, OoL IS—(O — The beef Imtaatvy petMoMd*^’ Waahiiigton, Oct. 10.—(^P) National Ties Paris. Oct. lO^^AV-Bsst game today. Tex Hughson Secretory of Agiteonsio Aod- aa6 wsst dsslMd s i ^ tsdsjr was hit bard In the second in- —The United Statea, Britain erooo todoy to remove price and Turkey are presenting a sa tha Puses csoferaoes ks> ling. cootrolo from oottle oad ootvee United States Chamber Slaughter hit a homer, Kurow- ood tbelr moot prodocte. The solid front of reaistance to gaa coasMsrstka sf Um Rs> akl followed with a two-bagger, pettthtB, Sled by the lodnstr)'o Ruasia’a renewed demands on O f Commerce Wants ■ a alas trsstj* witk Ssvlst a s ln ^ by Walker and a squeeze OPA Advieory eoomiltt^ the Dardanelles, while leav­ rorsiga Mlateter Msisisv HALE’S play by ^ariOD resulted In three Congress to End Party coot ended there lo oo eoarclty ing the way open to full dis­ arglaff Britala emi ths runs. Two^imre runs were aoored of tbeoe cotnmodltteo wtthlo Power and Influeaee off Tex in the third and Manager cussion of rsviaed Soviet U n lt^ Siatss wHk MulilBg ts ^'v-J tbe deSnltloo of U n new prim Joe Cronin of the Bosox rushed in rights in the straits. *■ fartlMr *1aipwiiilistic” aaibl- oootral low, ood thot Aoder- Washington, OcL 10—(S>—Tha Mi'* Jim Bagley, Jr!>\^nith a man on Boo haa m aHeraaltve to -C N d n Allswsd Oraaea tisas ts ths Klksas. second. \ grantiog tba petttlew. Aides Dtplomattc authoiiUas dlacloaad Unltod Btatoe Chamber of Oem- The Red Sox plckra up a run in aoM Aoderoan had praodaed this today aa tha Stats denart- mereo demanded today that con- Faria, Oct 10.;—< A — T h s the last of the third. - With one to glvo the pefUttoo "top” eoo- ment anaouaosd a 135,000,000 rip the Ud off the CommiiAtet Unitad Statss ______out Williams was waikpd and aiderotlao. He hao IS doyo and Britsia cradlt to Graaea—anoUwr trou- party to aad Ito power and tnfto- scored on Rudy York’s long dou­ to which to act. Mad Madttorranaan country—for Jolnad totem today In ssUlaa ble. Rome bad Its worst riot since liberation yoeterdayoa 30,000 nnetoployed atonned Ylmlnfito Palace, m eace In labor’a raaka and within of the government. Two persons were killed and J.41 more Injurad when srised OpraMnim opened fi tha purchase of surplus Army upon tbs Soviot Uaioii aiM first Inning Cardinals Washington, Oct 10—(O —Signs on the mob. Here Roman police shoot from behind liholter at danenatratorp nttafllUng aM mnlativ proMTty tha government ItaeK. the Slav statso to rsmoro a Tba first pitch to Schoendlenst multiplied todoy thot the govern­ Thatt IonnouBcaownt la In Una Oaclaring that Oonununlsta atlll barrier between the east aad waa caUed strlka. Schoendlenst ment might welcome Argentine with informal concluoiona roaohad are operatl^ under aa Intarnatlon- the weat with poaitiva Pises then proceeded to bounce out to by tbs BriUota and American gov al comlntam bent upon arocM een- beef to Ameiico’a meotleao dinner amiBfnta during the Greek elvU confsrenes aetioa on opsninf MUSKRATS York, unaaaistad. Moore ran tbe Ublea.os o lever to pry home-bred quaat, tha orgonlMUon added that count to three and two, then cattle off western ranges. Wage-Price war erMa about throa waaks ago becatwa the party *nhi1vas upon th^D^ubsto frascofiMwea. OUTSTANDING IN FASHION and QUAUH — HALEYS popped to Doerr who went back^on With'the meat controversy boil­ Power and Ship])ing that tha Unltod Statas would back daostt" and Is loyal to a "hoitlla’’ the grass to soake the catch. Mu- ing at peak Intensity—and amid the preecnt Greek government tortign power. It riiould ha “ftaroad V. 8. Saaator £«hurTlL*V^ sial boiinced out, Doerr to York. with subetanUal economic aeelet- \ forecasts of "amergency** action Curbs Face hy law” to rsvaal Ito BMmbarahIm dmbarg (IL, MleK), led ma tha No runs, no bltA no errors, none by Prezldant Tftunan within a few sQuroas of money and aU its actlri- ptonary awMoa’a dsSberaUomi as le ft days—the Argentine ambosaador, Strikes ]\ot SetRed H m Greek credit raiaea to $48.* tlaa. tha Roamataa Maes tiuaty S n ft Headquarters For Fine First Inning Bed Sox Oacar Ivanisaevich, said he is ready Going Soon QS0.M0 tha total amount of flaan- UMad on Tear by daotartag a *trmm Daeuba to te- Moses hit the first pitch and filed to offer Argentina’s help to com­ etat aid grantod that country hy Tbe chamheFa raport. tnspanaahla to the acunotnle haalth to Moore in canter,. Paaky swung bat tbe Miortage. a h Om United States (or surptoa boaad en a and peace of esstoal Burop«” aai at a two and one pitch and then Marine EngiiMm Hold j Ilf ^fA^aea C A BMMtty purchaaaa. Two aarltor by a apaetol eommlitoa tbatjraUufe to esan nuropa’s a o it Hied to Walker in left, ^ tigh ter H«i*n*lion. by T»o fa. ToDeiuMidst Fedorid. llTSSBMnta, aach for 910j)00,000, lam and Oosununtsm, aaoartad that Impceiaat tolond waterway wuuM raced over to the right field foul been prcdilhlted fratn shipping .dustry Members of wata authorlaed In May and Ssp- Commoalato have miifiinlsi to ba a “tragle, luaeOeeery aOa* line to make a nice running-cotoh meat to the United States on the Negotfalor* Se* Sel. ACTOSS MoSt driving “many faithful pubUe taka.” of DiMagglo'a drive. No yuns, no ground that hoof and mouth dis- Stabilixatiod Board tlement of Power Row Key Oawitrtaa vaata from the aovanunma.** Vaadeebeis'e i>ia tountia 'a BLANKETS hits, no errors, nonq left. aaae la prevalent among Argentine Opaaca, Turiiey and Iran all are It doelarad, too, that Red tafll- ■ T.“ fiecawd loalng Dawlloale cattle. May Force Showdown aaaaMarad key countrtaa In t‘ tratton Into tha gorewusant With a full count on him, Slaugh­ Meat Boaeleee A a i Oassed By Th« Aatitoialed Press •aattol of tba Mlddla Bast a been partleulerly moikad to both AH these beautiful blankets arc made by famous blanket mills whose ter connected with a foot ban and However, on aide to the ambas- Bulletin t PittfiburyVs 'cofitly powsr aaatom ' Modltarranaaii, around the Traaoury and Labor dspiut< aant It on concentration camp In------a he termed a double murder, but was strung across all streets lead­ Those seen on the earth ware those Imnlie- Letter Forgery ■ 'a . ' \ Nanking, Oct. 10—(Pi^-Dlscord- ing to the palace and dawn found .Washington. Oct. —TTia niates and other persons would be that a search of the besch had position of the Treasury Oct. 8: caught by the earth’s gravitation­ Lisbon, OcL 10 —4jp> Extra­ Vatican City, Oct. 10.—iAh—A brought no clue to light ant China. In the throes of civil tanks and mounted “ ’’^llcemen grouped together In the first of s conflict, observed the 83th anni­ Receipts, 8263.046.563.83; ex­ al pull and consumed for the most aeries of six trials, the second ordinary precautlona were Invoked Vatican conimnnlque Uaned today SILYERBLUE DYED MUSKRAT The bodies of 24-year-old Elaine posted at strategic points. ' - Imnlird that a letter nupposedlv 72” X 90" KENWOOD versary of the birth of the repub­ penditures; 8260,015,773.44; baJ- group, they said, would Include here today and informed suiircca Eldrldge, daughter of a South 18 Arreats Reported ance. 87,ftS'J.ftiS,206.32. written in the llolv Mee hy Arch­ lic today, aith Gen.eraliaaimo A government communique (Continued fin Page Tea) Nazi Peoplea court judges who Is­ aald they believed the move waa Chatham, Maaa., contractor, and sued summary death sentences, bishop Alnizljc Mteptnac. Intro­ Lawrence O. Hogan, her 23-year- Chiang Kai-Shek restoring mili­ meanwhile announced that two caused by government suspicion of duced In evidence hv the prnnrco- tary conscription. persons had been killed and 141 often without even hearing defense MINK BLENDED MUSKflAT “Arondac” old boy friend, were found oith a testimony. an incipient uprising against the tlon at the prelate’s trial In Za­ slMla bullet wound in each. The unexpected annopneement injured In yesterday's riot#, dur­ greb. was a forgery. The rniu- 100**c Virgin Wool. Ro*sp.' 72” X 90" KENWOOD Clark oaid both apparently had that the draft was back waa in ing which a crowd of (0,500 to Smoking While Relaxing . A t LeMt Doxen To Be Tried regime of Premier Antonio dc Oll- A t least a dozen doctora engaged vera Salazar. mimlqur -aid a search of the file* Blue. Gi'cen, Rosebeige. $10-95 been shot with a .S2 caliber plstoL keeping with the mood of* the day. 30,000 persons battled )>olice and of the Vatican sccrefarint dl*cl«-cd troops for three and one-half In eo-called medical experiments SABLE BLENDED MUSKRAT HoMlng Four Men There was gloom, no gaiety, on for the 88 have been brought here All private telephone communl- “nnlv some sheeta bearing the data “Chevron” Acting on an arrest order is- this anniversary of the republic hours outside the Vlmlnale. Eigh­ cationa between Lisbon and the of .May 18. 1948 (date of the let- teen arrests were reported. In Bed Top Fire Hazard for trial and an entire corridof of suad by the Dade county sheriff a Dr. Sun Yat-Sen founded with the Nuernberg courthouse has been provinces both to the north and I ter...... Introduced...... by...... the Zagreb...... pfos- 100% virgin Wool. Rose- office In MiamL Police Capt. Vir­ Another announcement said the 72” X 90” KEmvoOD tan. Peach, Maiae,- Rose, euch high hopes. roped off for weeks for the Inter- the yhjth were cut off by govern-1 the rontentn of which cor- $ gil Stuart of St. Augustine said Chinese fought Chinese in the government u’as planning to a ^ Cffiicsgo, Oct. 10—

J;. MAMCMe^lCK tv tM N U HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 194« ___ c , —_ — - ___ MANCHESTER EVENING H ^ A L D , HAN^LHESl'ER, CONN, TITORSDAT* OCTOBER 10,1949 1------T PAGE THREI laM «ni adiriaw. l U fW rt Matralf; thcmaalves in favor o f UUavnaUon-1 and returned home at 10:90 p. ol. ' Uiird wfTi«or. A lfr«« Turklngton. Blamefl si control of atomic energy Plans Ready to find his Wife and daughter new­ re Elect* Tte kfeoir* offtcM* «UI k* in- Beldwin eald ha favored the I ly arrived from Hamburg. p ' l u iM *t • pubiie iM««a«UOTi w «d- Bsnich plan for control o f atomic ' No official BUtenent was la- Y.M.C.A. ifs v r i fleer*' N a r ^ b e ^ io . fcy On Democrat* power, and anid that America I fo r Contests siMd regarding von Papan. It waa Tnstalling Oeputr Mrs. CUsabcth must retain the aaerat "until a, oaaumed here he Is still waiting Ofsy of Hartford. responsible international ooaimls- for Ehitisb. authorities to allow Manchtsfer him to enter the Rrltlah aone. ¥ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■ Ralflwin Amrrta Kvi* ainn” was created. Ton# said he ^ AniwPiir EntprtainerB I Mn. Elirn WilKon I« favmed "international eontroP' Soturday and would like to aaa the atomic I Arr Wanted by tbe FKATCMNO To Hcod Douffaten of Firrni€*ii*« Setback dencM of ‘ Failure'd- Secrery ContinueM bomb "wiped out aa far aa war Is' BETTY LAINE L'x Can B « Soeu in Slorra concerned." Oak G rill Managem On Clemency Plea» Night i \ U b«rfj Onee Morr licapie Remimes WARREN STEPHAN S o rt/ * " Both Baldwin .and Tone also Benin. Oct. 10 iF)—The Al- AND Hartford, Oct 10.- Gover­ went on record aa favoring In-1 ft was aanouncgd by the man- bed Control council met today 'n 8-12 P. ,M. V n . b u m WUm h w m Mknchestcr's Own nor BaMwln baa laid upon Wash­ creased Jewish Immigration to Pal­ Sgement of the Oak Grill, SO Oak It* third necrct iwfaslor to conaider Adm. 75c, tax incL to m r f M WMrthy alatfow for • Tb» Manrhn^er Flrsnjen's llet- estine. the plea* for clemency from 19 RAY DONAHUE ington the Maine for What He call­ street, today that ita plana for ■oeonil jroor ot Ute oiuiuol m rrtlnf hork I>eagve. whhh proved so holding an amateur contest an convlctM Naxi war criminal*. of tiM Dottflitoro of Ubrrty No popular among setback players in ed “the mesa" the country la In, going ahead and the event win la yaaterdiay'* aeaslona, it wa* learned, half of the appeals were r i r t e " * in . U O. E In Oronfto holt. Manchenter befort the war was and Ma Democratic opponent, Jo- take place In tbe very near future. disposed of, some Coughlins ... 202 signed up Immediately aa an en­ Both tbe voters assembly and failure'* could be seen "In your .Mr* Lillian O. Bowaia was again 0l McNoin; first tnistro, Mrs. Mm> August Lumber ...... 1 »4 trant by merely applying at the tha Giolr will meet tomorrow eve­ TINE dry goods sUire. In yoyr hardware j named chairman. MIm Halsn Esta*. ■ a i* Bve.t Orcb. X9.99, 92.49, 9IJ9; 1st BoL gS.99. ttA9 . 9IJ9i nir Brown; second trustee, Mrs. |roee No. 1 ...... 194 Oak Street OrlU. Only quallBca- ning at 7:30 at Zion Laitheran tio o ...190 atore and In your buUther shop .secretary * and Loon A. Thorp, tad BoL 9t.t9, 90cs Hat. Mat.: Orek. 92.49. 91JR g lJ 9 i lot BoL ' Rm M Bok; third trustee, M rs.' Twin Farb Restaurant treaaurer. tion limited is that the entrant bo church, the choir rehearsing In the Margaret Donnelly: color bearer, ...179 "N o amount'of polltidal spenh- 99A9, glJM. 91.20; 2ad Bal. 99e, 99r. (InrI. Tax). W rite ar trio- Oak Grove ...... ' MIm Emily Cheney and Lton A. 21 year* of age or ovar^ choir'loft. Choir members are Mrs. Dolly Wylie; pianist. Mrs. An* Mers Barbers ...... lf l» ea by spellbinders,'' he said, "esn urged to be preaent to practice, phMM Bax (NBm Hartford M IT I. ...1.1« wipe out tlie fact that the a«lmln- Thorp, were rrappolntad to the The contest Will be a matter of nir Johnston. Moiiarty*a ...... |i)««rd for terms of three year* ‘ anything goea," since all types especially for mission festlvaL First advisor, Willis in Brennsn; Bon Ami ...... istratlon in Washington is direct­ Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. ly and solely resprsudhle for the. • by the selectman, Tuesday, of acta will be permitted, aura oa plight In which we And oiiraelves. singers, dancers, mlmlca, Imltatora Herbert Hausmann. organist "The brasen attempts being anil those who can play muglcal and choir olreclor of Christ Lu­ made by the Ilemocrata In Con­ inatniments. The contaSt wlU gat theran church, Hartford, also di­ necticut to disHsaoclata themselves I Wage-Price under way just aa soon aa anough rector of the Watther League Club from the Dennocrata In WaHhing- talent is signed up. U m entire choral union, will be guest organ­ ton Is understandable. It is politi­ show will have a duration of ist and director for the mission R A N G E cally smart. But tha respon.albiIl­ Curbs Face about one month since the contest­ featival aervice. Min* Marion Er- Chianti dln who servts regularly at Zion ly and the blame are right there ants will be presentod la relays Presents Just the aame." will be abeent as orgsnlM and and F U E L OIL with winners pairing off for a choir director. She asks for addi­ tfaeaMsaa "Force af Cbararicr" Going Soon grand winner in the final phase of tional volunteers to sing for the Tone questions whether Bald­ the contest. DANNY DANIELS win "has the force of character mission featival service, for which 0 P £ N 2 4 h o u r s DIAL .H.'Ui (CaMtasad from Page Oae) tbe Rev. Walter O. Bninn, Protes­ AND HIS ENCHANTINO MUSIC and fearleaaneas to walk Into the fr IN THE "ROSE ROOM * OF THR room Into which Republican fresh­ tant chaplain of the largest gen­ man senators are ber Rudy Eachemann received the SNOW WKcbming tha Nuambarg trial." should be scrapped, that it would "Webloa" honor the highest rank CAVEY’S GRILL Ha assarted that "tha preoadant continue In existence. In cubbing, which bridge* cubbing .13 EAST CEN’TER ST. PHONE 3801 aatabUsbed at Uila triaP la a Agree Conlrols Mimild Go *nd HcouUng. Patrol leader Bill “THE HOUSE OF QUALI’TY” wholesale and, banaftclal pracadant Kloppenberg , repre senting Troop . fif for the future.") A member of the OWMR told a t - I reporter that Uiduatry, labor, agri­ 27, welcomed the W e b I n s into ' Kitchen Open From 11 a. ra. to 12 p. m. Favor 'Bteraatloual Coatrsl Scouting. I SUITS Karller, at a forum sponsored culture and public members of the by tha Hartford section. National panel are in agreement that all controla ^ v e r wages, prices and Siggg S*7*8 Council of Jewlhb Woman, Um two NOW PLAYING YOU'LL ENJOY EATING A DELICIOUS MEAL eenatortsi candidates deplored I scarce materials-"should go as Nazi Doctors Elegance . •. In Fur Trim Ir- (piickly as possible." AMID PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS AND But he added, that there is ng To Face Trial j FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE. YOU’Ll. AUSO Elegance is the keynote tit winter’s fashion such agreement "as to whan and FIND'THAT OUR'MENU VARIETY IS TEMPTING how thsy .should be removed. trend, and our handsomely furred coats set $ 9 * 8 * Husbands! "I think the consensus is," the (OmUnned from Page Oae) | the tempo for your new-scason wardrobe board member said, "that you with a lavish hand! Slim silhouettes... m WantneifPepaadVin? can't throw controls out tbe win­ In bed with naked women. The la t-; T balloon sleeves.. .charming colors.. .silky ThstiMada af enuplM am■ weak,I nsniaal,e»- dow light sway and all at once." ter method, doctor* reported, was i I'F ^ Thetw warn, hturdy Siiow*8uits are baevla<^ ken. }•'■» LATE STAGE S H O W S SAT. L SU9i.at IQL furs.. .lovely wools.. .all add up to fash- aew vim, viiahiy. omn*U«r«i 'Tuaie— I'abiri, Krmihdcd that suliatantlally not very successful. fuRy lined, with tipper lec cuffs and (•day. TobuIb iron ynii. tno. may aaea iar s*f i Reproductive Organs Oentroyed [ ion-at-suitable prices on our THIRD akaynainlB Bi. He iWt«k««l -ar masay hack, that course had been advocated fie aala at all I publicly by two of his colleagues The Btsrilizatinn of women and j DAV FLOOR OF FASHIONS! * attached hood. the castration of men at Oswiectm e X A T P on the OWMR board - A F L Presi­ | 9 m A R T r O K u B v .WSUN. dent Eiic Johnston ~ the panel in Poland, in the course of which I PIuh: “The Inner Circle" i n , , . ths reproductivs organa of 1.3 to member said he did not believe 19-y*ar-old girls ware destroyed BUY NOW... While They Lost! they actually are In favor of mov­ F-cc DemonsnaMo" by X-ray or other methods, trans­ ing so rapidly. forming them Into hobbling crea-; - Johniton has stated that to tures appearing to be 70 years i » ' ‘I P ‘ • , continue the "Diction of controla” old. Square and Round. A - M OUTON LAMB FUR over wages and prices "Is an opsn The use of inmate* at Bueben-, KniTTini nuns Invitation to more black markets Wald oa subjects for typhus ex-.' and moral bankruptcy." pertmeuta In which at least 000; TRIMMED COAT MANi.HfSIfR (iRnn CONN Wants No Wage Coatmls prlaonera were Inoculated with the! DANCING llu J ^ dlseiiae by the Germans In order Sapar-Fwearsd M«M A*S«R ^50 Green. In hi* opening addreu to FRIDAY NIGHT — 8:.30 of ekiance. New and important, the deep i 1 ■ • . I * / to maintain 12 strains of the dis­ ^taaJerd Bafel 9-2-9 i...... *4§ the A F L convention in Chicago, ease. armholes, the fitted waistline with button trim. A y e o m a n s H A L L •aaa CsadatNse Medal ■•I-9 •. ^50 demanded elimination of all wage The subjection of Buctaenwatd' new fur treatment In the box and fitted model. yontrols and also of all price lids Columbia .1— j : Inmates to phosphorous,burns to! New winter shades. ^ m except those on rents and some (>ermlt .dtK'tors to tent remedlon| .loscph Kurrinik'n (N.T«) $69.95 WELDON other necessities. they Imped to use In the w ake of j In commenting on the resigna­ Allied bombings. | Orchentra DRIlft COMPANY tions of Industry Wags hoarti The use of concentration camp ( PrvscrlpHiMi Pharmsrlaia members Earl Cannon and A. inmates to test poison gases. | Irving Andert, Prompter it-;. ?- DODGE and PLY|«01JTH OWNERS Coleman Barrett, Green told the 901 .MAI.N ST. TRI,. U 'tl .\KL delegates yesterday: "We hope that it will mean not r«M Papen Remain* only their elimination from public ‘(fuent' in Jail life, hut that It will mean the end NuernlierK. Oct. 10.—(>P)— While B - THREE-QUARTER of the Wage StablllMtIon board Fisnx von Papen remained a Attention! Itself." "guest" lu the Palace of Justice •V!i The Nt’hite Hmiee acknowledged Jail, liana Kritzsche waa told this LENGTH COAT I\ that the resignatlona had been re­ morning lie had complete freedom | I BELTED ALL WOOL GaragM and ceived hy Mr. Truman, but de­ of movement in Nuernberg but j E- clined to comment.. FRI. - JSAT. - SUN. irith the dMp cuff and deep border of mouton lamb. thilt he was not to leave the city | ***"•****!**<* coat distinctively fur-trimmed. Service Sfafions! I .\n Explanation Given under threat of arrest.. i CLOTH COATS Tliore was no explanation from German Police Chief Leo Stahl f ir st SHOWING Quilted wtin rayon lining. ' Hunter green and brown. Misses’ sizes. .J, We Do the Pnllnwing the Wage board or from Cannon ha.a detailed German ptHlcemen to I that fits to a T. The elegant look in the elotb coat of or Barrett as to why they decided shallow e'rlfzache and keep guard | IN MANCHESTER 0 6 -M F E Machine'Hhnp Work: (NoTax)_r $ 9 5 . 0 0 around hla'home. Fiitsschc last: (OAK GRILL ~ MEANS FINE ENTERTAINMENT!) 100% wool. The fit of the shoulders and waistline to <|ult. HE HAD Valvn Refaced The bosrd aa constituted now night attendci a dinner party at | show off to perfeclion. 'This ci^t will start off with liah aix members- -^wo repi'eaent- the home of hi* defMuw Counsel I . HANOINO O V n assurance for a new season. 4f* 4^ 0 Hlocha Reaeated vT/ HIS HEADI Ing labor, two for Induatry snd Grey. Water Pumpa RrluiiU two for the public. A R T I E J $ 5 5 .0 0 Whether Mr. Truman could readily replace the Induatry mem- PaMtengar Car'and I'rnrk bei'H is problematical for these rea­ • ouble Brake Dnimi* Turned sons; ^ AI Gvntiltf’M OrdMStra C* A WOOL DRESSMAKER (Trucka a Specially) 1. Industry might be reluctant / ^ to supply new ropreaentatlves in K\rry Wed. and Fri. Nights GUStER F - DRESSMAKER COATS I View of the anti-control stand of K. ore. Ballroom. Hartford COAT Brake Shnea Relined i.lohnaton, a recogniasd spokesman J Popular Brake Shoe .Sels Adm. 75c, Tax Inctoded. Protectione for hiiatneai. ' And OreheMtra coUbt tmw. An aDuriiig fitted BELTED AND FUR TRIMMED in Stock 2. The president's long-standing and acknowledged difficulty in ob­ w OWW silhimtte model in soft, draped wool ^ t h the WKiie you’re waiting for that handhome new Umige for xawrt wlgter fashion. A coet that you will wear •r Plymouth, don’t let your present cat; down. King Pina Fitted taining what he terms " g o « l men ^ t t y pushup sleeves and slim waistline. White for government poets. TONIGHT rox dyed Lynx collar on silver gray, wine red year after year. The fine fur trimmed coat is the drees Double ProfecHon means (1) Driving Mfdty for Pi.ston Pins Filled • D A N C E • Ttiere has bean some spocuia- DANCING FR6 m 9:00 TO 1:00 or green. Misses’ sixes. coat for *46 and; *47. Beautifully fur trimmed .collar yourself and family; (t) PreKcrvatioii of your car's tton that Mr. Truman may revamp AT l .M.r.A,— 79 Na. M fki St. and cuffs of mouton lamb. One of a |h "T A A C ■ Armaluroa Turned the iHtard and make it an all-publie Every Friday — 8:99 F. M. f i g ; “ It’s Thai Popufar Band W ith Persom illty'* at Plus Tax $ 1 5 2 .0 0 CB*h value. Drive in and lei us check it over. Our group. Misses* sIm s . (No Tax) $ / 9 . 9 5 and llndercut panel of poaSlblUty three member.s .Al*«i R«wst Popvoni at Fireplace interest in it b the same at yours. Well tell you The OWMR Advisory board what needs attention—if anything. Whatever ^oii plana to resume It* study of the .tdmisalnai Oaljr 99r. THE NEW spend on it today will n^t he lost. (ieneralorw and Starters wage-price problem next Mcmda>, Everyone Invited! 7 '; Rebuilt but a member oald ha dovibts it -"I Wa’ve got the manpower, equipment and parts w ill be ready to submit any recom- / for quick, dopendablo aervice. FUR KENT mendationa to Mr. TVuinan at that ------2ND BIG HIT! ------OAK GRILL time. The lilt With All Tke HIM: G - NEW FLEECE COAT WITH Ridge Reamer and 9 Top-Notch Hongs! 30 OAK ST. PHONE .3894 D- UNTRIMMED COAT WITH s e e Wheel Puller •Abrupt End Put To Stroll TWO TOP BANDS! A CONTOUR WAISTLINE Cumr In and Consult Our New York—(Ah—The Bronx r.oo s Louhv Jordan ~ Will Osborne l in e s t a i l o r e d t o f a s h io n Doctor of Motors— tapir decided yesterday that afin “ PARADE WE ARE MIGHTY PROUD ' precision tailored, with its new sleeve and tic belt that Solimene & Flagg, Inc. three years of confinement it wa.v FouTl love for its wariath without bulk. Tailored to 6.Y4 CENTER ST. ■ John D'.Yddario O F 1 9 4 6 '' OF OUR MENU VARIETY! cinchae ia your Httle waiatline. Fling this wrap arooad 101 time he wa* oit the outside looking ; HAVE A SANDWICH yring youthfully from rounded shoulders . . . It’s a % Service Entrance: Olcott Street in. Finding the two doors leading i With CXlNNIE BOSW'ELL c w u y womm can wear with complete suecess. AH fleece coat about your shoulders and ^ < 9 A O C from hla fia ge unlocked, the nh)- OK A DINNER! 1 gather praise. Grey. Mbscs’ sizes. CAMPBELL pound anfiBili puahad them open , GALE STOR.il - PHIL REGAN 65c LUNCHEONS DAILY wool, interlined, la dark brown and 4P 4 E* with hla long noaa and for a half j KITCHEN OPEN ’TIL 1:00 A. 8L ffceen. Women'a sixt^ $ 5 5 .0 0 AUTO SUPPLY hour ambled In tha aunllght. get- j I? — ENDS TONIGHT — DODGE’ PLVmOUTH 29 Rinaell Street ting acquainted with the Bronx. WINES - LIQUORS - BEERS DODGF TRUCKS * Telephone 2-11 " ‘I Keepers put an abrupt emi to hi.v | F.A.'^TWOOD in : h a v i l l a n d Job Rated stroll, however, using laa.


Senior Scout Troop 1 announcad fSay, with n east of very 8»s n ^ > af Ode JeinUy i additional new mombor* of the Racial Amity ora. Aa their productions usually gram. Mrs# K o SSK #. ij^p.troop; Barbara K16pp«ibtrc.Kl6m a b # # t, JMar- a rt available only at regular boa^ Parent* of new HoUleter Sekcel Sp99ch Training Army Trying to Learn r? . T n I tha Galnea and Jackk Ub^ office rates, the audience may well pupUs who were unable to attend Troop 16 haa a aaw aaalataiit. feel aaeurad of excellent entertain­ the geptembet meeting nre cor- r scout Leader Mi "8.<( Betty Watte. Mrs. audya _ To Be Topic m ent The Maaquars ere now enter­ dlally Invited, and all membere are Meyer la leader and Mrs. Helen ing their fourteenth eeasoo aa Con- aaaurad of aa Interaatlng evaaiag. Handling of Personnel Pratt la another aaBatant *Ihe nacUcuVa leading theatrical orgaa- . 4 4 ' llcsfls PrOffTStn Com* tro<^) iro<,p willwm havenave am Hallowa’annuiow e'en partypai Exlrnsive Prognim on Inatlon, and their enviabla repuU- The ftrat oU well la the United 1 . » A I : on TueBday, Oct. 23 a t the home tlcn# baaed on good direction, ex- Stetea waa aunh la 18M In OU Clossas American industry is givjng full Monday Evening Ar> creek. Pa. About 125 Carefully Se> n ilttee It In A n n o illirfd of Mr« Mtyer.'Tha troopip hibMirijirt- eallent piny aelectlona, aad apon- ga A___ cooperation In thia training of ed on liHdge work for this year. taaaouB anthuslasm of tha mam- r w UVM TM officers to handla personnot. At C ouncil ScAnion rangeil by Local Man lected Regular Offi- Troop 9 is s tu d y lu «iHM care bers, deaarvea support from the Some Army apeclaliats — the and drawing and piuaipainting, Mlaa public. They are now raacrvlng 'V cert to Take Inten* men trained In the univenitlea — largely responsible for tke as- Mrs. Mildred Koaaick will auc- Emily Kiaaman .hi . laadw _ With ■ubecriptlons for the current aaa- WASHING MACHINE Jeuie M. Hewitt win go out Into the big Indiutiial c*ad Mrs. Mary Saniuetson aa three aaaistante; Mrs. ------Mugaret tenaive program to be p rsoented ■on. In which they will present » i9&ll thre One-Year Courtet ptanU to learn at Arat hand the SE j y iCE ifi.ti Sd chairman of the program <^m it-1 8oo«f a ptiMlcly on Monday evening at tba Sva plays. . methods they hava been taught In Their schedule this yaar at tha PRINTED DISH TOWMSI Beg. 18.71, Vox b e . tee on the Manchester OIrl ^out I teach child care, Mrs. Bcott Hollister St. Scho, at the HoUister Streat ' ANNOUNCES ct^ln ^ a rk whose son la In the hos­ girls better Scout work, and to the year, elect patrol laadera. Intensive graduate study la 8 0 ^ Tahlag One from Baalnoee And consultants on •paclallxcd tiir Bchool. It’e a long-range program, pital. Case Work, and before coming to THE OPENING OF HIS subl^ not within the «imrlcnce ; told a*55l ^ Connertirut he w as SuperviaoT ot Mambers of the HoUlatcr Par- stretching yean Into the future, Miss Louise Wood, uccompMiled ant-Taacher association o n ra- w OFFICE AT r - - but It BtarU thU jrear. In doing by Mr. and Mra. Eugene Finance Home Service for the American Bed Cross In Trenton, N. J. mladad that the October meeting 10 DEPOT SQUARE vttae Van ‘Pe • ’-I this the Army la taking a cue and Mrs. Bernard A. Kelley have will be held In the Hollister school AbMt TIm n . A V. r-?kix=* Slegmar F. Blainberg, dr- from American bualneea. rotumed from their vacation spent • A ‘y;L.k“'au ;“p:rr^ ^ o y i d t ; ^ < I auditorium at 8 o'clock Monday PHONE 6058 7481. MeHtofi Neat year home offlcera arlll In tha northern New England candle and lantern ll^t at picnic and new glrlTtold^whr The National Conferenao of avanlng, October 14, Instead of FOR THE Fenrta Twain follow thia year’a group Into tha atates. tables aurr.,un>— This program, sponsored by the AH Work Ganranteedl ing oaqiMyeo. section of town. Miss Hewitt is Parent-Teacher Aaeoelatloa and of the church will be on sale at the chstmian for the northeast sec­ "Slight but definite" Improvement ' “1 ! 1 ; Ualveraitles are going douraea chicken pla supper, aa a table will In the condition of Former Secre­ many other local mrganlMtlons, Henry Purent THOs. J. McKin n e y OB tha aahJecL Thajr'ra teaching tion. Other leadera will accompany Telcphoae 8-0188 t b l b p h o n b f-8iM . t ■ alaaod officers gradoa now. tee. 595 MAIN ST. TEL. 54H v 'l . . loaBo hicky oaaa may gat that The choir rehearsal will be held SIX LESSONS 8 HAPLB nnuccr \ n a d at braak. B ut probably It will Saturday night at 8 o'clock at the CENTER CHURCH n o . SB87 a ba a long tlmo boforo tha Army home of Mrs. Milo E. Hayes. HOUSE Special Prices On Recapping thinks of making ehangaa In Its aaniortty ayateai wbareby oommis* Starting Oct. 17. 8 P. M. Snow Tires for the Next 30 Days PUWFY COnON PLANNIl Baby Chained fa Dark Room PIANO INSTRUCTION WARDS SIAU DURA sloaad officom gat promoted ac* AVSPICBS OROITP B. Some 6.00x16 Used Tires. One Truck Tire 8J5x20 K' NOW ONLY ^ llf oordiag to ago and langth of aerv* Frederick, Md.. O ct 1 ^ ( P |— Mra. H. B. DeWolfe, Instructor. PANTIIS 49C> lea. For bab/* wrappers on# ggww, Mrs. Nellie Stonabumar, 26, today For Information Call 6 New Gasoline Heaters M A jicm am —M-DAY OO- •riofs, cuffs er floret ef knit ray­ 4. Ineioaaa a addler’a abUlty to faced three years In the Maryland Miss Gertrude Herrmann Mra. R. B. Wadsworth, 8078 fer' doiem af biutcheld met, da batter amrk In bla assigned Job CVPA.NCY — S-Boam ff on. Tearose. Small, Mod., large. Reformatory for Women after her Who Is Now Teaching All Day, Will Instruct $29.75 each modem tbrongbont. wttb I I luy et Words new. 27*~wida> by giving him the necessary train- conviction on a charge of aasault porrb. bardwood Boom, IXTIA MSI FlARMti. 59c for tbs Job.. and battery against her 18-montha CHILDREN OVER THREE YEARS AND OVER . . . f"; 1 Train a man in hla Job and 6 New Range Oil Burners old boy whom a probation officer AND ADULTS eatod in of tbe than nso him In that Job, not on had found chained In a dark room. ttoaa la Me aama noa-aaantlal work Juat to Can Accept About Seven More Pupils! $32.50 each 814.888. koop him busy. Kllrey Geta Trumpet WANTED — 50 GOOD AUTOMOBILES! Otvteg rafl Ceoperatlea WRITE, Care of 32 ST. JOHN STREET Want a Job?6 W'E HANDLE RANGE AND FUEL OIL Tha War department aaya MAMOm -DAY O O VAUfU NiAVYW IiaHT W ARD WEEK SPECIAL • • • NYLONS e e • NYLONS Seattle—

—Waa Kltroy an If You Are a First O ast CUPAMCY -A- S-l Army bugler? Harry Grimiund, C . BARLOW with aU modem Lake City grade school principal, Mechanic, We Need I08X WAKDOUUM RUGf 5.45 SHININO ALUMINliMWARE 1.45 ■SAUtlFUL NYLONSI :.;o P r i n c e s s reportedcpoi that aonwono entered the 178, large t-oar garago. school, made off with a trumpet CARPENTERS Imt e.atWttea Horry la hnyl Extra low price for heavy, long-wearing enameled W ards made a special purchase of this smart, modem aluminum- * Yet, wo hova tham, ladiasi Raoutlful shear nylons th i' s mil and case and left this atgn of the ware for W ard W eek selling . . . so be sure to come early to get o g-l-a-m-o-r fer any pair of lovaly legtl You'll won/ them fer fabuloua Army character on the felt boM rvgil Surface is thick, glouy, baked-on . . . absolutely For In.side Finish Work I w on't be c aught w ithout h eat NEXT] Mg ^ ^l blackboard: ''Kllroy’a been hero. " The Boulevard Diner wotarproof and doinproef and so eosy to wipe sparkling dean in a complete set! Mirror-finish outside, and sunray finish indde; quick to their misty beauty . . . for the morvelout woy they weqr • . . for. Brickloyerf etalreaae, eepper heat, and easy to clean. Make your kitchen shinal the economical way thfy're priced at W ordil W e've the new WINTER, I'M BUYIN6 MY l^eneb deore. Unen etoeet. on |Hfy1 Fnh boin is strong . . . rugs lin flat without posting; edges PrcBents 4-c|t. Sidp-handia Pot...... 99c 6-qt. Sida-handla Pol. 1.16 \ R o m a n c e ! Plasterers bno Uno, near Minppbig center, never curil Shop aorly . . . new shipment indudes colorful patterns Foil shades that go so beautifully with new Fall costume cok)rtl nehoola. aad cbnrrbeo. Brim 1,2 and 3-qt. Soucapon Sat.1.34 l-. rouM mallv he n'twteri.ed. Oe- ■ y (Dancing Kvery Night) rnnaney witbto 88 dav*. Ben- Truck - Trailers Moably priced tor qnleh mie! LOW PRICED! BEST CUT SHAGS SAVE EXTRA ON SPAR VARNISH! COTTON DRESSES FOR WARD WEEK! School Buses AMHTON—Bennttfnl Id-noom Pra4;tl<»I, washable, printed percale* eo nicely T O R THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. lliime. oil mavmleeeeo—IMME- No cut eade to shed! l»op. noa't puU out! .411 Cut-Prlred for Ward Week! Durable . weather- am eaafari. p m h ra n k : r»e In any rooiisl txM’. 3 .2 9 renlHtant outdoor vanilxh. DricH in 1 hours! Quart made. Limited to Two to a Cmtomer. Size* 18-44. O H \( K, JR., 1987 ~ IH-Tra Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint lllATi; tKTI'rWCY—todteblo 1.24 % Uhii.ssis and Cab, 160” wbMl- 336 NO. MAIN ST. TEL. 4118 MANCHESTER for tonriat bamo and mawy Albo in Sizes 46 to 52 ig) ...... 3 .4 0 J baao, heavy duty tlTM, me- other po-mIbIMtIeo. I^m ted on ■!k- J clianiiMlIy A-1. main hlelin'a.v. nitblo 8 o»te- WANTED iiten' WalMng d u toaeo of a alee OOIMiK. 1944 — m -T o n , 3H - SOLD ONLY BY AUTHORIZfD blue COal 0 I A L 1 R S l-ke. Priee it Jit. Torma LADIES* RAYON GOWNS ELECTRIC RECORD CHANGER s a l e : b a l l p r e s e r v e j a r s yard durnp body, 3 gpMd axle, Arranged. WOMEN OR MEN TO WORK ;ilx7 heavy duty tiras. In *x- nti e* 43 te 67. Figured myoa gown*, lace Fully automatfc, plays 10 or, 17 record*. Imme­ n n t sice Ball canning Jata, radneed tor tM* t a lc ! __ __ cellent mechanical condition. Beg. 4.98! SALE diate delivery! 7 Beg. 69c doMi^! NOW ttOZ. 57c MF.RRON—188-Aem Fann hav­ 2 6 .7 5 IV f o r d IN MANCHESTER , 1035 — m -T o n 187” Here's a **Home Modernization" Idea You ing 17-mofii home wttb 4 Sro- wheelbaae. good UrM, runs placea. larae bam for 88 bead Y good. Gin Do Something About Right Away. of Rtoek. olio a i^ t j t a peoeb Wrapping Roses, Shrubs and TRAILERS — 16-foot atml-van trim . Loented an nwin Wgb- trailer*. Ideal for olty pickup., Enjoy '^Luxurious Oimfort”— n-ay. Snio Prfeo 88,788. Temm Fruitbearing Plants lumber aad building mate­ Arranged. 3 M | " X rial.. 9.00x30 tlrw , air Install a Blue G>al HI-M cRadcM r ■raMToH* Lamp I By (Mm Burnett For Fall Shipment brake*, Timken axle. Advt*. Are SabJeCt To Clwagn. Prlnceee frock* do wonders for Ohms dean, heoHhful heot Rool eomfort In thh good Comporo tbo Vohw at every dgore—they're graceful allm- 5095# St IIOOL BVSB8—3 to chooee at low cost. Holds 100 lb*, 4 4 9 5 old fashioned reckerl Stur­ 19.951 FoSibod brai* . . . | T 4 4 nUng and ao ea*y',to make. A from. 36 and 44 paawnger ADDITIONAL USTINUS of coel . i . heat* 3 to 4 dy hardwood construction 1 6 4 5 teletype sbodolwgunmoto' | ^ Good Pay bu.ea, equipped as required . AutiMiiatic Heat Regulator handsome version U shown here AT OUB OmCB. rooim comfortably. i . . Walnut finish. coter. . . refiecter bowtt arith sweetheart neckUhe, scallop- _ By Mr*, .time t'abol by state law. All are In good ad clooiag aad ric rac from sboul* The little romance of the two Good Working Conditions mechanical condltloa and •Automatically runs fujrnace from upstairs MIN’S RAND OVIRALLS 1.90 CRIPI SUPS ^ dor to ham. amusing Kittens embroidered on a have good tiree. Pattern No. 8026 U for sizes 84. sat of tea towels will provide much •Stops over*heating— Saves Fuel FOR WIAR . . . SAVINOSI WARD-WIIK PRICID AT ’ ^ 8S, 40, 42, 44. 40 and 48. Bise gay laughter at a kitchen shower. Must Be 16 Years of Age INTERNATIONAL. IN I—Mod­ ALLEN M, abort sleeve. 4 1-4 yards of SB- Tha alx-lnch kittens are embroid­ el K-7 heavy duto 3 yard •Maintains even, healthful temperature Inch. ered In gay colors in outline and dump b<^y, 8.38n0 13 ply USE YOllR CREDIT I Buy on Wards Monthly Payment Plan! 1.66 >1.68 1^ thte pattern, send 2fi cente. darning stitch. Designs are equally C all At Office...Or tiree. In excellent condition. •Cuts needless trips to the basement R EA LT Y CO : la Oolna, your name, addreas, a lu attractive when embroidered on a INTERN A'noNAli. — S t a n d 188 OKNTBB 8TBRBT Word Wook vahiel Husky blue ffoyen crepo luxuriously bknmid dtsirod. aad tha Pattern Number kitchen breakfast cloth. You might a This work-aaring, etep-oavlog autonutlc regulator I. raally an TZLCrnO N B 8I8S Phone Mr. Reeks, Man. 4161 new Model K-8 $ yard dump "aleetric bmln” tknt eontml* your furaoca while yen relax. Opeaa denkm wMh motel rivets at strain with natural lorn. Thsjy'ro boouli- to Sue ihimett; The Bvenlng Her- also Use them on the squares of a tody, 8xp, 8.36x30 Urea. 1180 Avo., Amerlcaa, New gay little crib quilt. and eloaes fumaea damper* Just the right amnuat at the right AU Uaoo of laanmora. polnh, 6 roomy ppckf ts. Thoy'ro tutty cut, carefully made to give York M, N. Y. Umea. ruef aavlaga eooa pay for It. It'a the aaey toexpeaelve way laetadlna Uto- To obtain 6 transfer patterns, Cash or E-Z Paymtnta tooferizod . ; . won't shrink mere ' good service. Get severed Tho PaU aad Winter Issue of color chart for embroidering the to modemlae your heating plant, and bring year borne up te data. Martgagoa Arrpaged. than 1 %. Sipes 30 te 40. Teerese only. 3(r40. Faakhm la brim full at smart Ideas Kitten Romance Towels (Pattern DIroet Wtfoo to r ovan r woman who piles a No. 8095) send 15 cents In coin plus Y tyt’, S to IS ...... IJO iiaadla. Eaay-to-make atylaa . . . Capitol MotorSy From NartfoK 8-74M I cent postage, your name, addresu burr Fw series THE W, G. GLENNEY CO. From WUMmaatte I8S dal daaigne by Aioertca'a top and pattern number to Anne Ca­ COAL, LUMBER. MASON’S SUPPLIES. PAINT / It daaignars . . . lots of idear bot, The Manchester Evening Her­ ^ Inc. Open Dally. SUM to S*J8. ...Ji aeoaaaoiies . . . free printed ald. 1160 Ave. America, New York 119 Oakland Street, Manchester 888 Mate SL, HaHtoed 7-si44 336 NO. MAIN STREET TEU 4148 Cloead Sntnrdayo aad Bnndayn USE YOUR CREDIT! Buy now on Wards Monthly aattero la book. Price 38 cents. 19. N. Y. Payment Plan and Save! Pay later out'of ineoiit' •24-828 MAIN STREET MANGHESTER for the merchandise von want to use! )r ■ ‘ - ( f ' i t • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1940 * ^ f P A G E S E V E N MANCHESTEK EVENINO HERALD, ,HANCHESlfcK, CONN., I M O ND AY, OCTOBER 10, 194® Uw argument It punctiiatrd had Adopt Budget Reports Stilwell Osgood Heads Civic Association Held in Death been sbouL ment. tf not exactly a civil war” Ths pair, according to Brown, FRESH SEA FOOD MARKET Motors Firm ' Meat Offered S400 Is Ready can ba cxpactad. one » thpaa In- Charily Costs* Is CriUcfilly 111 Re^jlecls President hgd been drinking together for fomanta aalrt / Marine League O f His Friend ■sveral hour* before the shooting. 139 NO. MAIN ,ST. (Naxt lo Y.M.C.A.) PHONE 2-1546 Young Legionnaires . Tha Britlah Fore^ Office LECLERC At SL Mary’s .Mlley, who died Wednrodsy at I apokeaman aald ha hdd no com* Drop Slightly PoRorsl Hosit Sen FrsnctocoJF Oct 10—Ofh- The Ptne Civic Assoctatlon met Norwalk hospital of an abdominal Daring this meat shortsgs wc shall try to carry a larger Formed Here To Americans For Hallowe’en maat on raporta fnata Uaboo that wound, to survived by his widow, Oen. Joseph W. BtllwMI, Sixth Ar­ Elected Commandant of at the "T ” last night with fl ls rf« atock in order to help balance your food diet. Sea Pood I tha Portugiiaa^ govemmaat had Sa Male MrO*! Vestpy; Approves of my commander, to crittesUy ID in Norwalk Man Booked two daughters and a ton. Tell of Convention takan maasurwi To pravant a poap ffmup in sttendsnes. It waa voted contains practically all vitamins! So, for Quality and By Argentina Selectnien Vote to Aa> Monthljr Report Filed PlMiiM Its ® Lettorman Osnersl hospltsL Ths Local Detachment— On Murdrr Charge in Funeral arrangements are tn- Variety, Visit Sea Food Market! To Sell and Service In^ I alMa oprtainy. PortugiMaa anbaaay $17,940 Account; 6S-yeaur-otd AalsUc wsr veteran to to hold monthly mssUnga In ths complata. siat l,eglon in Enter*' aaJd they had "no liifor. Local Department; Buffering from s liver condition be­ Other Officers Chosen future on tha drat Wsdnssdsy of Fatal Shooting n trio th*y Mid that they w«r# By- temational Trucks;; (toatlaMad Cr ^iCa One) By CauTaps in November XI m NUU F e r g u s o n a n n P ^ ^ay through rain. lieved to have been eoatioctod in each month snd with this change Doddarto lasugursted Mayor T H IS WEEK taining Children |" Ona Informed aource, pk>aa to the Last Year's Fifvrcs AIMW OOmAR the Burma Jungles. Harold A. Osgood. Sr., was Norwalk, Oct. lo—(P )_ Under ff-rljifti M anninc De* Thty wm full of pralaa for the Take Over Garage ' broke up the Argentina ambaaaa- foreign office. Mid It was known Utawwa A* On a ASaar Ths Vsstry of St Mary’s Epto- Frank Gray consented to remain STEAK COD FRESH MACKEREL H a r t e t ll r a a n m ^ . wonderful m.al. Mrved on the "Vlnegsr Joe," s wiry man tohoss elected Commandant of the •rrsst on • murder charge, John Middletown. Oct. 10—OPi-EmlHo I dor announced his intention to rail Thr firet official_____ act___ o(____ tha naw | “• BHUah offiaal circiM that Pra- Aaventb Itonabtaf nI a Mrventb Ana oopsl church sprovsd lest evening IndefsUgsble energy dsrricd him Frank J. Mansfield DeUchment, In the office of presldsflL g. Daddario, former Wesleyan STEAK RLUE frf:s h r u t t e r f ik h •eribe Flying Trip to p„„M and Papara autbortUng the corpora- Tha Charity Oosta tai Manehaatar Anderwm today to volunteer rtaei;^;nen after O ia lr'^ -! ««“ •»■ Antonio Da OUvetr* Salaxar for Saptarabar amounted to 33.- • mtu iVHb a Va« sa "ssklng" hudgst of 316,310 for through three years of strenuous Marine Corps League at the sn- 77)* various committee chair* Maiorano. 48, today a waited • football star who led Democrat* SCALLOPS FII.LET FLOUNDER thought that It wa* the only com-; ^ Union Motors, Inc., were! hi* country * K.in help, noatu Tuaaday_ aftamoati tired roe" “ **'• Rendtaga IbtHv laalaSlwa Aundajr. personal leadership of American to their first city election victory TTie Pacific Coast forUble way to travel long die-1 ^ Sacratary of State 330.33 rapraaentlng 46 caaaa and 31 local support, plus 31.780 for mto- nuM meeting for election of offi­ tnanihtps were announesd sa fol­ hssring before Otroner Thsodor* SALMON FII.I.ET PERCH Thoae In a poaltlon to know Mid J.^^otmg of MOO for^tha AaMtl-1 hla rule wae parsons. Thla Is taro caaaa laaa aAMtotPMfHlly Appiilnt- end Chinese troops In the wUds of cers last night th the Army snd low*: Improvement Committee; E, ateiber in the fatal shooting of in sight years on Monday, waa in­ tancea. . . . . srtth TW n dark Bannitl J. Turk- ...... had diacuaaed imenl Ir the Aervto* •** the Pn^ sloas. for the year 1947. This mskss SWORDFISH FILLET HADDOCK I can Legion lA.be uaed for apewaoi- "o* expected to remain anS aavan paraona leas than In Burma, underwent ‘ sn opersUon Navy clubi Albert Sheffield; Membership com­ his long-time friend. WUlstd M. augurated last night a* Mlddle- ^ r o mambara c( tha local Amrrl- Manning wa* a Marine nghler ington today. The naw corporetUm least theae >1a atepa: me Hallowe>n partica. 'Thla men-! much- longer. ,jlle f**i as Vewra a toUl of 317.940 In sU. The "ssk- Oct 3 snd was believed progress­ Commandant Osgood succeeds tdwn'a 64th—and youngest—may­ HAURUT s H r iiv ip pilot during the war. and l*prgu- hns laaaod the garage at 137 ] i;*« of the praatdent'a extra August and the coat was 365.01 Ing” iMidgst represents ths smount mittee: Mrs. Frank Bramicy: Mlley, 6l, *n ex-hatter. caa Lsfion Peat rrtumed laat 1 cy wa* voted on the request ot I -----~ ~ leaa. In August thara ware OS a riN IT I'A I MRIMl'M ing asttofsetorily unUl Ute yester- Everett J. Oole who waa elected or. Daddario. 28 years old, a Uw. CHERRYSTONE AND UTTLENECK ri]AM.S son wa* a radio operator on heavy Spruce atraet known as the B^tta ordinary powers to and tha short* lOa t 'bareb HtrvH. Harttnrt. CkMrn. to bs ssked for on the Every Mem­ ^ibllclty: Mrs. Doris Hanson: Maiorano waa booked on a Blgat by pinna from CaUfomia, ( '/immander ChariM NorrU and la ‘ caaaa and 90 parsons glvan aid for day. State Vice Commandant (East) Welfare committee: Mrs. Harold yar and veteran of World war 11, CHOWDER AND FRYING CL.YMS bombera in the Army Air Forcea, gnraga from John DtSalvo. thp How was naftaexplalnad. Pbana A09M ber Csnvsss, end to not necesssrily murder charxe. Detective Cispt. waa aworr tn by hi* rival tn the wbtia tbay attandsd tha 2Sth Con- the *ame amount given last year a total coat of I3.90S.9S. Physicians Issued only s brief of ths , Connecticut Department, Keaeier: Program committae: Oil* Harry Brown said, aftar hs ad­ and that may explain their taeU proprietor. The incorporator* are! 2 Relaxation or^niilng of OPA ths flnsl 1947 budget The letter snnounceotent saying his condition Marine‘ corps League. dunpalgn, Retiring Mayor Selva- Closed 51onday: Every Night 6 P. M; ThurKday 9 P. M. awtten of the American Legion (or the partle*. All Taxes Due In Saptambar 1946 there ware M wUI be voted upon Inter in the bert Saegaert; refreshment com­ mitted that he "took the gun from for air travel. I Attorney Harold F. Oarrlty, John ' prirp rnntrola. The Selectmen felt that the mon­ was ••critlcsL” Officers elected last night were: tore Cubeta, Republican. in g «« fYandsco and viaited friend* i F. OaiTlty and Rarl T, Oarrlty. for the Imihcdiata present. It eaaea and 04 peraona and the coat yssr, when returns from the esn- mittee: Mrs. Doris Kuryls; Trsns- a drawer of a desk in th* front qf ey I* well *pent as tha youth of that month was S3.|41.01. CommsndsnL Harold A. Os­ in Lba Angeles. Thoma* Ferguson, Union Motors ha* the Mle* and mm* emphaalaed, Mr. Truman ha* Are Collected vssB In November sr* known, end good, Sr.; Senior Vice Comman­ portstlon committee: Frank Grey, the store, end began shooting" a* .Mamheater will be well entartaln- , the probsbie support of the people Albert Sheffield. Leo Barrett hs snd Mlley argued Tuesday of 167 Hast Canter atraet, and Har- service franchiae on International ^ „o mtrntion of aummoalng Cong- rd at vartnua parties to be hold at. Harvest Suoper dant, James E!. Chace: Junior V|ce trucks for the town of Manchester , rraa Into a * pec lei Msston to And « during the yesr to come esn be By-law changes were discussed night in Maiorsno's Wall street lath H. Manning, of SIS Hartford Urges Ripping th* recreation centers and dtffarent WEDNESPAV. OCT |6 — St36 Service Pin commandant, James T. King, Jr.; reed, laft Bralnard flold In Hart- and nil of Tolland County. Cxten- aolutlon, and tha govammant ha* •ecurstely esUmstod. A yesr sgo, Judge Advocste, Raymond B. •nd the executive board to to second hand store. haH* throughout town. Unusual Record Is Made T**®®P®* COMMUNITT HOUSE 11 following sn excellent csnvsss, bring in a revised set at the next Brown said police found only fort tba avaning of Saptamber 33 Mva rapntra are being made on the not the allghtaat intention of aeiz- Donald* Hemtnway has bean Brown; Chaplain, Roland R. Wil­ r tioa A^elaa aboard tha newly gamgo building and Interior and Ing rattle from famta and ranchr* C'nviatry Fragment Snelaty. I« several items In the "ssklng" bud­ meeting for dlacussion. Mlley and Maiorano In the store for : Lid Off Reds’ named by the lo« al poat as chair­ By Joseph Chartier for get were sllottcd Incressed funds For Local Man son; Sergeant-st-Arms, Gerald G. laaugnrttad United Atrilnaa fw r _ _ , -m rw^a the naw firm expacta to be ready The prediction that Mr. Truman Guard Palace ReeervaMeaa By fluadny, Young; Historian, Vernon E. P'an* were also started for a when they investigated the report FIRST NATIONAL STORES man In charge of the partlaa and angina oroaa country Alghta to the will take declaiva a tm came from Fifth Year 5-M W3. Wllllmantlet upon flnsl Bdoption of the budget Fall Dance to be held oh Nov. 30, of a bus driver that he had heard he ha* added another center for The locsl opersUng budget hss Smith; Tnutees, Carl Lindstrom, vngt conat. The next morning at National T les: gjaaj”'”'"" Senator Mead# (D -N T), who talk- (CMUnurt from Paga One) Mnoebeeter 3668. Everett J. Cole, Wilbur J. Mes­ and it was announced that a card a number of shot* fired in the He haa secured from been rstoed oy more then 31.000 A. L. Black Awards parly would be held after the No­ place. 10:30 they were In the fabtiloua ed with WhIU House, OPA and «*** H,ht .... «h. Josaph Chartier, collector of Menu: Corort Bwf. Potatoea, over lest yesr”#, owing Isrgely to sier. SUPER MARKEIS dty of Los Angelea. I Agricultural dap^tmast o01clal*. workers ware masaing.jlhroughout Aides Are Appointed vember P meeting. Brown quoted .Maiorano as say­ HM.1IIMM > > .» i- w < )- » ), i P r e a e i i t S o l i d and afterwards tcM newsman! ; Community House in tha Orford taxea for the Eighth School and Squash. Carrot*. Cauliflower, the desire of th* building and 20 Year Emblem by -L. A.- Grant O tr th* dty and asked "Who gave tha Onion*. CkMMgc. Ron*. Batter, grounds committee to install sn After the Instsllstion Comman­ Refreshments were served after ing that although he remembered Horn** section where the children Utility District, la now coliacting dant Osgood appointed the follow­ the meeting adjourned. While In Loa Angelea they vlelt- Ylnoad tha Information ta "both ac- ■ —. - ^ 1 "I am extramaly hopeful that an ------«i order to shoot ?” Pie and Coffee. oil burner in the boiler room; while • Pratt and Wbllney ehooting he could not recall wliflt F r o n t o n emergency decision will be forth- tha tax dua aa of October 1. ha ing members to help him during ad many frlanda and . curate and dependable. 1 r r u i u o n Dcmailfls A - F C m u m i vw y ehortly which win help ' ^er Une hornea development wUl During the htlghU of yastor- Adnlta...... ll.M ths mtoslonsry budget has increas- whom they had mat while in the | -obvloualy." Matthew* replleu i haa again comptated hla unuaual dair** riots scores of dsmonatra- about five hundred dollars due to Albert L. Black of SI M Garden the year; to relieve the-- meat ' ...... ahortage.” b« entertained this year. record for tha Ofth year in sue- Childrea Under I S ...... 99* Chief-of-Staff, James T. King, GREAT aarvlca, and made a tour or the ^ queatlona kept coming, "we | The other place* will be used aa tora Invaded the Vtminal* palace the increased missionary program Drive, Manchester, shipping room more Intareatlng apot* of the city. | can't. In luatice to our informant*. 1 (renUniiad from Page Oael Meade suggested cattle Import* cession of having collected all of and got as far as de Oasperi’a of- of tbs Eptocopsl church adopted Sr.; AdJutanL Vernon E. Smith; and presidential action under war­ In previous year*, and a much tha taxes dua In the district ba- foreman at Pratt snd Whitney Air- Paymaster, Richard W. Hodge; TiMy aald that there la one thing o§i comparad . _____ ^ __ plicai_ control with the To Munlers for the last four years. lieve that by occupying tha Vlm- Uons ere that this smount will department of the aircraft en­ When the Connecticut La gion j patriotic" fact-gathering plan to *ny Russian military ex- Tha total tax beLig collectad cheiitcr. Rniton. Vernon or sgsin be exceeded In 1946. Like­ gine company slqce the summer King, Sr.; Entertainment. Conrad waning days of prohibition, and tnala they can aolve Italy's prob­ Kowalski; Sports ana Paper col­ traln reached Loa Angelea throw light on Communlat party panelon------Into tha ^ Dardanalle*. . . . Bitt­. Mid in a-* ttptamant: *tf public thla yaar which he haa now atart- lems?” the premier remarked. Sooth Windaor. No delay. wise, it must be remembered that of 1936, when he started as a de­ It was mat at th# station by Fer­ activUlas. am la raportad to hava taken a •- a»inv to aumiort ad to collect, amounts to 331,861.73 the 34,(^ contributed this year partmental clerk. He received hto lection, James T. King. Jr., chair­ (Cantlaued from PageJhM) • ■ ------f — man; Lee E. Darling, Sr<. co- Rna aew crap beflM sapartly UsMlMi guson and Manning. Aboard the 2. Encouragamantof "labor ad-; .imilarly flat eUnd although •" X c U v # prlca M^uol a1J!d^^ which la the amount of tax ralaad ilowHrd R. H «atin« to the Reconstruction and Advance present title shortly thereafter. train from kCanebaster were Fran- uca^n'* to ^ v a tha ••Bon-Commu- exactly whet mannar waa nol <»'•• 1 (-ontreas la not going to support I lived In nearby Fort Lauderdaleon the grand list of 38.743J180. Fund over snd shove the regular Mr. Black is s World Wsr I chairman; Marine Hand Concert and rsaitsd sMke K Y M C O m ia f w Married Couples Real Rotate Spoeiaiist committee, Everett J. Cole.. da MliMr, paat commander of the niat majoiitlaa the training need- clngerl. ' miaht lust aa well not try ‘ and had laft a night club there budget will not need to be raised veteran, having serveo in the Navy OflCP iWW 1 H ad to fight their disciplined oppo- ‘Turkey'# Indlcatad wllUngneM 11/* ^ ^ 1 about two hours before Uialr bodlea in S t Mery’s again next year; so for 18 months. He held the rank The Frank J. Mansfield Detach­ local post, Mr. and Mrs. Marcel ment, Marine Corpa League, was H. Donac, Mr. and Mrs. Cheater nants.” to talk ulraetly with Moarow ^ Senator Cordon (R , Oce.l. were found. ' Club Meeting 101 Phalpa Road sn Incressrt locsl budget to con- of gunner's mate at the time of apres II crs'I be MNdtod Is# mm aaf* 8. OraaUr educaUon'of the Am- about tha etralta la u n d era ^ to , ^ ^ j Both had excellant reputation* Fine Floor Shows I sidered s loglccj step. his discharge. He to s member of first Issued s charter on February WOsen. and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Phonaa 4842 or 2-1107 2, 1944, with 81 charter membera Im fhvar at 3odi • thrifty prhs. Lavaaqua. crtcan bualnaMman "to make car- have been agreed upon by tha An-1 , ^ ^ r t a r that OPA controU are'and thair money and other per- Inaoranct Mortgagaa Xlnited Aircraft Post No. 2096, tain that he iMm to datact Com-: kara government only on aasur At Biick^s Comers The Married Ck>uplM club of ■Veterans of Foreign Wars. Tile post now has risen to 130 mm iM ■art Cairdra completely reaponaible’’ for the aonal belongl^a were untouched members. ONE While the train was stopping muniat Influence in hla labor rela-1 nncea from Britain an«* Vhrguson. Mr. tiona. hla busineM, and other eon- > that In any such negotiations the ftllrfj wlUi flit rang€-f^ cRttIr/’ I * ita saason'a program last night ed for the Underwood Typewriter tacts.” - 'Turk* would have lontinuing Arm high school athlete, waa Many Mancheaterites are fM t with a well attended supper meet­ Company, Hartford, later taking ment to sponsoring the appearance and 3fra. Donao, and Mr. and Mrs. he Mid. fo of the United States Marins Band l A O WOsen mado n visit to Hollywood's .4. A congreMlonal appropria-! support from the two western If apprentice plumber and served j learning that they can And a won- ing. Chow Mein, Mlads, dooWea, For Old Age Tax a position with the United Paper­ 3. In New York, the city coun­ Ice cream and coffee were served —•The President’s Own"—sched­ mast pubHelaad night spot. Karl ' Udn of "adequate funds for a power*. cil called upon the Federal gov­ tnl the merchant marine in the derful evening'# enjoyment at board Company at Denton Falls, ' atringent but fair loyalty tegt" to The United State* and Britain ’ Buck's Corners Restaurant. Good by the executive committee. The Maine. He returned to Hartford uled to play Hartford at the Bush- Oantdi'a. They found that the club ernment to aelr.c n>eat, atating Charles M. Murphey named to nell Memorial on November 15, UwM tm to tta raputation In many carry out the policy at ascluding I have ling rince Inform^ boto -herlff Jimmy SulUvan of Dade 1 food. refreahmenU and a gaU floor tables were attractive in harvest to work two years with'flle Hart WE ARE MOVING THIS MONTH Conrounlsta from government aer-1 Ruaala ami Turkey of a denlie to in a resolution that thr meat in­ county said Burgess waa wanted | ahow, plua the enjoyable vocato o# decorations and the napkins and Bupervtoe the old age enrollment and Hegeman Company before 1946. COPLEY wasrs. tha club is tha moat alabo- dustry to "depriving all of the peo­ has six saelfftsnts. They will do rata thaatar night club on the vlcf. I see Soviet rights of passage In ^ Miami on a grand larceny , Bill Norton. candles were in orange. Joining the' aircraft company In Would Enforce BarinTerltT I through the Dardanelles increased ple of the United Stntra of a : charge, and that Nall alao was B»l Norton, who is the featured During the brief busineM meet­ the csnvasatkg. He hss named 1926. TO 332-334 CHARTER OAK ST. INSTANT COPPII oosat Tha door ahowa praaentad much-needed food, thereby endun- Bklward WsUCtt, Fred Behrend, thara ara on a par with many of 6. Federal aoUon to^hforca | tor both merchant and war ve^ ! wanted there. ' vocalist in the pleasant Cedar ing plana for the aeason's pro­ He and Mrs. Black have lived TMPgRTEO ’•‘itF'nt:;' HOT A comt "etrict reclpi^ty with tha Soviet *''’® gove'uroents and gering our hfAlth*" ____ ‘ Room of Buck’s Comers Restau­ grams were presented. .To round Charles Kennedy, Ruth Mahoney. in Manchester for about two years. StBSTITUn. 3UT 4 ^ 01 ^ JAR Naw tork'a biggest musical com- 4, Thfi JuBtlM dfipArtmont *aid Doris Murphey and E31a Qiilsh. adlM. It also lives up to ita repu­ union In regard to the number and Turkey are aald to racogniM that rant. manages to give patron's out the evening motion pictures Before that they' resided In ,Esst GRAFISMAN ROASTED I HAL COmt IN # ^ tation of being one of the biggest the old Treaty of Montreux ahouW thair favorite aongs the way that were shown including "Wild Game The canvass was started Octo­ Hartford, for almost five years. coNONTflATto M. freedom of movement of nationals ber 1. the workers going to the tonrlat "robberiae" in the country. of either country within the other.” ba revised promptly In favor. 63 they want to hear them sung. He Hunting in Africa," "New England They have one n>srried daughter iFKSTNknOWU KMM. 1 MR MAKIS A Tha poor unsuapcctlng aightaeer Ruaato. Preaidantlal Pram .‘Secretary la backed up by that popular mu- Holiday," "Skiing” and a scenic outskirts of town and working to­ and three grandchildren. WOOFS. ■ 6. A policy by this government In Portugal alcal group. "The Four Barona.” wards the center. Having had Brat must pay an admiHion to "of franknau with Ita citlsena in Tha American State de|>artinaBt Charles Q. Ross said last night's travelogue. Compounded AUTO BODY SHOP gat in. If he la going to Mt dinner la known to feel, however, that prolonged White House confer­ At present shows are being run ‘ good weather they had turned in ragard to the major facts which any real Riwalan >'.>1111*17 expan­ ence wa* “ not an emergency only on Friday and Saturctoy eve- 4,000 names up to yesterday and ba pays for It at the entrance or antcr Into the making of our for­ (('ontlBoed from Pag* One) DUKETT BROTHERS aa ha HUnks When he walks in sion Into Turkey for tha sake of meeting” but waa merely "part of nlnga of each week, but plana are enrollment of about 19,000 is ex­ Cliristmail Fair eign policy." defending the stralui w»uld meon Mr. Tniman'a meana of keeping . „ ,______, 0 ______I luider way for running shows every Accurately pected this year. The names of tha Scot a ccraaga to immediately On other phases of foreign ptanad aa Ms eorapanion, and then tha passage of Tuckey under So­ himaelf informed.” vember, i^elvlng more tjian 58 per wedneaday, Friday, Saturday and THE - all persona between 21 and 60 are Experl* Painting and Color BROCCOLI policy, the reportspoke of "grave cent of the vote. Sunday nights. These will include Of Center Church he U aaksd whether he wtohea her viet domination and probably the While conaumera set up an in­ being taken. TABU Tt6TM> or *W mm iM im iE iin doubt upon the raallty" of Marshal rapid expansion of the Soviet ^ e r s of the DemjKraUc oppo- B,„ ^^rt6n. the "Four Barona ” to hava It for an exorbitant price. creasing howl from coast to coast. alUon who had aought unaucces^ I .^ow. When your doctor aeca Blending. Complete Refinisking. A t that point ha haglna to realixe Stalin's action In 1943 In diaaolv- Bone through kty countrtM of the Democrats and Republicana alike BOX The Christmas Fair committee HONOR BRAND « - O I t o C ^ ^ r fully to have the electlone 1^®1' ■. The Buck's Comers Restaurant our name on a bottlo of All Types of Wrecks Completely Repaired Like Newl lust what he haa gottan himself ing tha Comintern, the governing Middle East. Weighed political repercuaainn* In West Hflrtfnrd Center North End of Center Congregational church In for. When he Is shown to hU brty of tha Obmmunlat Interna­ the forthcoming November elec­ poned on the grounds that no time located in Glastonbury and medidne, he knows you haa voted to hold the Fair on WcMinr“ eMf TOKAY GRAPES 2 ‘“29'* tahla ho to handad a manu on tional party. It also txprasaed be- tion*. waa allowed for campaigning, reger\-ationa can be obtained by Thursday, Deo. 12. The origlRSl CHERRIES llaf that aome of the Comintern's pledged at the Ume to "continue calling Glastonbury, 633. **FlNlfi SHOES have prcdflcly what h* Are Drawing Well 127 SPRUCE ST. TEL. MS48 wMeh the boot meals ara 3 to 5 Chinese Draft Mtoa Marion E. Martin. U. O. P our struggle, actively aiming to re-' ______plan to hold the Fair over for the ■TAR dhd flARniTT ai BOBC dellnrs over tha price he haa al- sctlvlttoa hava been ahtfted to Malstant national rhairnian< orderetL PEARS 2 -2 9 FROM FINE SOURCES” second day has been abandoned bs- Z-OZHCO 4 9 < raody paid for hla mMl at the door. Paris aa "a batter communication lashed back at Democ'atic Inatall freedoms.______’ | Copper from Cyprus cause of the continuing food short­ TBAORWBR) I f ha wtohas drinks tbay coat him center for the purpoae of reaching Soldiers Again charges that anti-OPA Repub'ie- , , , The dances presented by the North End Athletic Club continue ages. APPIJES*^^**^ RATMM MCBBTOW>3 i n 29* paiiharw a dollar aplsco. Ha ataya vraatem Etiropc and the Amer­ ana caused the whole shorUge by OpiH>$ttU>lt U evelop U tg Copper gets Its name from the Open Every Night Several entertaining featursa and. votchas ona or two of the icas." voting against price controls. laland of Cyprus, where it firat to attract many young people. (Leotlnoad from Faga Ona) T il 9 Featured at theae dances are the are planned to run concurrenUy LUM A B E A N S Soar Miowa and then gets ready Then, of RumIs Itoelf, the docu- This, Mid Miaa Martin In a To Salaxar Regime waa found and called cyprium. with the Fair. Among Uiese are a HONEYDEW * * - ■ * » " “II- to go thinking that ho to all paid CENTER Isteat fox-trots and waltxea aa well mant daclarad: Rede had removed thair regular ■tateraent, la an Insult to the in­ London, Oct. 10—(VPi—Authorita­ Later, It waa called cuprium, and, Kiddies party fOr ths younger chil­ TOPOVA, TARU TtSTID ^•ozrKC •a the . 3 9 upi Faolad ania. Befora he can force* from the city, leaving only telligence of women "who arc now tive diplomatic sources Mid today finally, copper. laava ha must pay a service charge *Thama t'amnllUag Hoetlllty” The music as played by Ray dren of the church In charge of GRAPEFRUIT 3-19- mllltia to continue the aelgc. The standing In lines all over the co\in- reporta reaching the British gov­ PHARMACY MUs Gertrude Carrier, snd sn POPOVER MIX of 31.16 per person. Once out of 'The Soviet union has pro- ernment for some time auggeated Henry and his orchestra is delight­ olalmad Its intention to become Nationals then struck out from try trying to buy meat*. Mugar, ful and rhythmic. evening concert in the Sanctuary, tha night club the usual touriat opposition waa developing to the Professional Phsnnactoti PRECISION-MIXED • agraes that It was at leaat an ex- .the greatest military power on wiped out Communtoto closing In ■oap and other household neccaal- Vm s Is as pro\’ided by Ed Kosak directed by Mrs. Henry Janssen. SPINACH « ”° 2 9 LETTUCE 2»‘23* on the walla, and retreated to tlea" Salacar regime In Portugal. to turn out right! Hist’s parlanea. aa did tha party from earth . . . the Comintern la med­ "Deep rumblinga of discontent- E. W. Brown, Phsrmseist of this town add to the entertain- Several noted artlsta will appear their own defense Une*. menL snd the public is cordially invited. lbpova..the new popover,' * b o o m bunch RCH y j e ^ Maacboatar. dling in nnost of the rest of the 487 MAIN ST. TEL. 4383 CELERY Oa to 25 tlon committee, tha report said Ida M. Llndberg to Rockwell K. LEARN! of the Ooldan Oats. "tha direct national attect of Com­ its goal at capture of Kalgan by 1 Central Location. Priced for Quick Sale! more preciiion- 4-4 U AVO Tbo ccnvontlon. axpactod to be Oct. 15. One battl* in that cam­ Richmond, property on Myrtle —How We Can Prevent An­ mixet— u 4 5 munist infiltration in thr PAC atreet. Only Amoeo Station In Town. ONIONS 5 “ > 15 tha Wggam on record, prove31- poorest that has been held tn of Chengteh, the provincial capi­ ica Free!! The clt^ o f San Frtncla^’o 1 '« Guitclalm Deed FIAKO ALL flZIS tal ) . . . candldataa In accord with r.cne Girard to Aurora M. Glr- Our gniiluatr* tell us that this ixr-- “ 5 5 ' iK te*M m le*fiir*^ im t Sava and **'* that* who control the nrd. property on High Street. I* the only course hi Economica FIE CRUST MIX For Planting only i £ ^ half of them showed ''®**- 4*y *>y ‘>'‘V running that Irll* the truth about what tin Am n iwmiilt fnr th# first I 0OV€Hlfl8#ilt. RdnHniitrRtori; I* wrong with our present eco­ SLICED BEETS "».» . « i u > l 4 t Wapping nomic arl-up nnd how enpital- CHICKENS l-m ran rrully he made to work. FOR SALE 2-8 C U T B EE TS RICHMONO 2IOZ TIN 14< botel room* in the city, ' Prl»*l at th# polla. Cievedore and Company of Tnlr** ur can make our system TO H Y 08 ItpIL l-B Q work, our children fai>e disaster l-KOOM CAPE COD. Fireplace. Steam He»t. Screens The extra police and military ' ------Wethersfield will present their va-1 SPRINGS, CONN. and Storm Windows. Doors W'ealherstripped. Cfln Fin­ ASPARAGUS ! rlety show at th# Wapping Com­ In thr .Vtonilc .Age, Every think­ TULIPS--- A patrols along the street looked,—., — . . DRY tiOODH NTORE. Well ing riil/rii owes a dnly to his ish Two .More On Second Floor .\» Family Grows, House C L U B S O D A RUtlBROOU •eonU 2 4 < atlly. They were not needed, for : J tq'O h l U f l l l r IT t’ S munity church houaa, tomorrow, ' evening at eight o’clock, under the ' ■locked. .Main atraet laentlon, family anil hi* country to learn Iteinff Repainted Outside snd Decorated Inside. Now We Work—Suvlnglv J HALIBUT the crow da along the street were the nnvwrr*. f * - Direct From Holland not much larger than normal, and Huaptcea of Wapping Grange. The 1 low rent. Owner gotag Into V.’U'unt, l.oculcd 89 Benton Street. SPAG H EH I DINNER vtooc. MAID .7o zt.n 16< uholraale line. lb the Lagtonnalrea were far from In the North Kiid I program will Include wealei n mo-1 There Is altkolulely no charge, The thing to «to stoiot Ueoer- ■ ..y‘' Afterglow — Bartigon — City of Haarlem — Clara Butt FRESHLY SUCED 5 9 - lion picture*, also Ice Follies In, GARAGE AND GAH flTATlON. stiii iroiihls Is—-oims to as and R A V I O L I MGYN MIAT . VINICfl A8A » 10^-02 TIN being unruly. a* the school I* Kuppnrtcd by Its —King Harold — P r i n ^ Elizabeth — Yellow G ian t- Oravention official* stated that ’ technicolor, acrobatic dunn-a, I New building aboat 90% ixHn- end tl! Ws bnv# the hn«*wl. The Manchester Fire Depart­ song* and Clavador# in hla my l>iihlie-s|)lrllrd alumni. Rouod- edge. t(Mito parts tor qub h HADDOCK (N O P SUEY ^'*^'^'*^*'’ ‘ ***'**KIN0 19-02 TIN 31< tbay expected a large tuniout of * -1 plele. A nwjor oil eeoipany wl(l tahle dlM'U**lon throughout. No STUART j. WASLEY de- GAPITOL MOTORS William Pitt — Th^/Bishop and Farencombe Sandera. ment had two Area yesterday af­ tcry acta. Ganeral dancing will complete and equip tor the right pendshls Oenefslnl Retstirs r: World War 3 Legionnaires. Fer­ ternoon. The Aret call waa ut 3k ll'^•tll^e<«. T.*).*> MALN ST. t e l . 6648 B E A N S P R O U T S CNUNXmO 19-02 TIN 2 2 < guson and Manning stated that the follow. ■•arty. Ideal for O X meehanl- (lome In us iiorr sad vna'Il «*■ Always Give nU H WHOU 2 3 < Hudson street from a fire started Various ktnda of refreshment. turn tot sn« needed Ante Elec largest part of the email turnout colly IncUned. KpoHMired by Your Choice 90c, doz. FINAST SLICED PEACHES 7902t.n 2 9 « from any overflowing oil heater, will be offered for m Ic. Ad.litioriHl '■ Irli-al aervlcc ’ Dnee to* sfl i ."r fi., High Cash Prices of WW3 men were from ne.irby a i .ho a r e s t a u r a n t a .\d ^ lIFNUY <;e o r g e CaUfomia posts and the other Are we* at Roliert-> information wlU be found in the leiirn *hsl liip gmde a«»»h s*m , .jCOD FILLET BEECHNUT BABY FOOD 4 4MOZJARS 35- •on Park at the rear of the YMCA committee's advertisement els>' DINER, both doing n Mg busl- SCHOOL OF Fnmde UtoappolBting ne**, for sale, oa Main Btreel. mate rial* pravs lotNrt-pttoaB, : ^ f 4 < flcil US your ear ,now and we Mifscari - Heavenly Blue, 55c doz* building, where the burning of ruli- where In today's Herald Mr* .SOC In the end! . ■ . .>■ -> Will, in many coaes, pay yop T R E E S W E E T ORAMPRUT JMCf 46-02 TIN 3 9 - Th# world renowned American REAl TIFUL 46-ACBE FARM. IAL SCIENCE ,i> 3 5 ' bieh set Are to the Inside and out­ Hannah WUllame heads the com- i t h:>rlere«t bv I ’nlvarslty of New more than you «rill have to pay Loglon convention parade was side of a dead tree. 8-room house. t-«ar ganiK". Scilla 65c doz. auppoaed to laat 18 houra as it mitUe of arrangement*. | Vork Hartford Extension for seme oew 184« medeie. PANCAKE FLOUR largo barn, milk room, chicken “ NOTED FDR ' • . »>^'»I 6 < Inulur and farm Implement*; "The Free Ctiura* In Henry •V party mt to the right of the re­ tirorge Is worth $100 to nny- OR TRUCK on Mein Rood. .A bargain .it rxsas-iar EI.EtTKICAL Chmoodoxa - Lucilea 55c doz. RISH 2 1 < OCEAN SPRAY CRANR8RRV 3AUC8 16-02 TIN 2 4 * viewing stand and that the parade »n,650.00 iine." — Robert Hutchlna, Begartleee of Fear, Make, lasted 4 1-2 hours. It waa one I’re*., I'niv. of Chicago. EXt ELLE.NT WI.NES — UQUORS AND BEER INSTRUMENT Model or Cendltlon ALSO Two Single Modem Galanthus - Nirahs 75c doz. NOODU SOUP of the shortest parade* on record Stage Door R^taurant House*. Building Lots. Arrengc. Act Qoickly — Before New Cor I for a Legion convention. The COMPANY BETTY CROCKER MIXe 34-02PKGs2 7 < EVANGELINE and Shore Freperty Ltotlng*. DAIKV HA.M b e e f GOULASH Preduetlou Forces local party stated that the beat 68 MORG.\N ST. HARTFORD The Seinevter Beg^o* Tuesday, CALV KS* UVER AND ONIONS 71 Hilliard St! Ttl. 4060 Used Prices Down Narcissi - K ing Alfred $1.40 doz. part of the convention waa the .V. R. FRAS8IWELI.I till. I.V Clans Meets At 9.1S KLY.MANDLR'.S DELICIOUS BROILERS We Will Pay As High As AM ER KAN CHEESE KRAflT H LB 9KG 3 4 * winning of the national honors for Convenient for You On Your Shopping Daj a Main SI., Manchester, Room It. DA.NCE TO THE TUNES OF THE “SWINGSTERS” Narcissi - Emperor 90c doz. EVAP. M IL K Drum and Bugle Corps by the Real Estate — Inaurance t ome To the First Meatlng or 1936 C A R S ...... 8400 CHEESE SPREAD MiviTnMtHTe S-02 MR 2 4 - G8ANO FOfl 8AtY Stratfofd. Connecticut, poat of the In Hartford. 68 GR.ANTAVE. TEL.StMi PERMANENTS I'hone t-1061. S5-S1 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 3933 1937 C A R S ...... 8300 Hyacinths Legion. STAFFORD SFRINGa, CONN. Read Herald Advs. $2.00 doz. BAKED BEANS •*« <><»•« 1 5 . ^ AND COOKING TOO Th* local party took a boat trip 1938 C A R S ...... 8700 King of the Blues around the famous bay at San The Food Is Excellent ARE 3 CURL TKTED . . . 1939 C A R S ...... 81,000 R I T Z C R A C K E R S NARISCO i-LIPKO 2 7 ' Franciaco. The trip'^was operated ■ 3 TAUTINS Wining Him Up! LANK LBONAKO Ta briiM yom • panwawaot tlwt lash long- 1940 C A R S ...... 81.400 Hyacinths by tha armed forces on a boat run -\nd Ik Prepjired By “ NINO.” MICKEY FINN •41.’42 C A R S ...... 82.000 $2.00 doz. E D U C A T O R CHOC. KR8MOX COONNB CEUO PKG 2 2 - by tha U. S. Coast Guard. The ''^Well-Known In Manchaater. Krg. t > {••t or looh lovsllsr that Is assy to mswsga. l4i Victorire RtodKsto |or BECAUSE 1 THOSB GUTS ON J military guMaa on the tour point­ THE TRAIN W IR f NT O. Hsrvoy SchuHt orlgtaslad flw 1w«a DRIVE IN K E C R E A M SIfTACHIO - OLD MUNORiO #7 PKG 2 3 < ed .cut the various military In- W-WHV GOT A SCORE WRITE IN JUST TRYM*T06BT fast curl moflied to propwly Jatofwias flia BLU-WHITE atollatlona about the bay, and ex- MPT NOW, I DON'T.' 4R® Y W . . TO SETTLE PHONE IN 7-8144 Hyacinths ' $2.00 doz. -WITH MR. ME AMAV FROM lotion best auitod tor your hsk. That's D A I N T Y D O T VANMLIA IXTRACT 2-OZ ITl 2 9 - BLinS WHHJ YOU WASN plalnrt the Interesting points and HBRE'S VOUg GAT.' why • Schuhs Psrmanunt, uudsr ths lUKul We Win Buy Tear Oar Queen of the Pinks htotoric locations about tha abore- C’MON-we'RE THIS? *SHA0y " WOODS YOU-— Over the Pbooe Uos. WhUa on the trip Mr. Donu GPTTIN' INTO THE hands uf a SchuHs trsbwd opurstor, grows ^ D A I N T Y D O T UMON IXTRACT 2-OZ ITL 2 5 < took oalorad motion pictures of CAR.' lovut er ovory day. Psrmsuurits from 8.18. Crocuses 55c doz. PACKAGE FRIED OYSTERS* CLAMS M I I K E M E A T ORANOMOTHiTS 2-UJAR 4 6 c th* boy. Ha olao took pictures of flora, look poor SPECUL OFFER Blue, striped. White and Yellow maat of the colorful bands In the nSH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIAI.ATOK! r i panda. BeB yenr ear to us oew aod «R IN a MACARONI H.3 PKG |4< JUNKET A t tba.cjose of tbs convention Our new Banliary pmeess gives you s delicious, crisp, yea eoa oee year cor for th* two lodal Aton flew back to golden brown food — Seale in the flavor! Com# in and the aext 86 days wlthoot Manchester PRINCE SPACHETfl H I PKG 1 4 * Lea AhsMsa. where they ataysd for try them! FRIED UYSTEKS ANU CLAMS PACKED ehorgo. RENNET TABLETS -foor days bafor* ratujming boros KIRKM AN'S CLEANSER 3 CTNsf4 « bv i»hMi*. Whan asked about th* 10 TAKE HUME. CALL 380!!. Plumbing & Supply Co. #000 trip they aUtod that the Capitol Motors I f It's Hardware W* Have It!" KW IK LIQUID STARCH OTITl 1 9 * package waathar eras pfrfaet on all of 877 MAIN ST. TEL. 4425 C O M M U N IT Y r e s t a u r a n t 98S MAIN ST. TEL, 8951 188 UfAlN ST. m thatr Sishts awtopt the bop from HARTFORD WE ItSEtVt THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIU ptica $tmjE^TT?oSMl«^!!^^55S!ft^Su5r Ctovalond to Itortfort on thair ro- 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER lima^/pBSBSSs^es^sagsf ,,, ,; tom Joumsy.y. On that leg of the r A' y . V

m a m ;h £;s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , m a n c h k s t e r . c o n n , t h u m d a t , O c t o b e r lo . PAGE N IN B MANCMfcSI EK KV EMNe pi*, t Lantiif. aecretary: Mra. H e ik e il. ed In a fall on a eidewalk aad the the aeene esrlt— •" « >'■> ( > . . . Hie NUMBER la 4166 . . . Mancheettr Mt i‘Ma of living. . : kla own diviatve propoMl harlt Coamunicatmiia tot puMieatiOM in the Open Forum wW not To Rmunir Effort* to w Porter, treaaurer. A aoclal 1 A aurpriae bridal ahower waa case of. Arthur W . Whitmsrsh Bttter fivc-r-i Taxi Compaiijr ... ml your Hcrvic* 24 houni At-n ritlWTIHII UO. tNU ..go for In our hWoiy/' c o n j ,n IMS. W . hope hla .h.ngr J ® M guaranteed pubusatMti il they cooUio more thaa SOU words C o . C E n d s By tddle Ottnwr* some place Invariably gets caught eu*. hour over wi^the teacup# waa wii-,en -! given for Mtaa Mae Carrigan at O f against WUIlam F. Johnaon wrhlch by smne 1 x n ,rn, ,-i tr* her home. M Menton atreet, Tuea- The HaraM raaarvaa the rtgbt to decline to publish any mattot in thia iwedlsh bottfeneefc. Srtllr Walkout bjr a 4ay. Unued Ml. !•••«:. kav* nojm lndjnav do aa much gowl ae h'.*.matne. elghi to ten poaoanger am- loved The next meeting Will he were echcduled for trial went off (Fer Hal Beyle) tb u m S? nHuuauN day evanint; by _Mlaa l^arlm Sher. that may ha iihaioue or which la in had usto. Free aeprogMoa Relatively large numbera ot more than aklmmed the aiirface of • i m s propoaal mav have don.* |,hi»)tan. la now In production »t it the home of Mra. Raymond - the calendar, both being reported Stockholm— — Th# capital of Foundn orkrr* Idan and Mias Betty Carrtgan of poiiuca' views is da«re« by oontribuuona of this character Americana at Ftanlah idrUi or an­ OWNER-OPERATED r—»*»< u m t the grcateat potential market the harm bv helping to aet the paf- the flnimman Alreraft Rngtne< gmith. N'lv. 7 NBtionBl GuBrd Unit to liy **S0ttl€d ** Sweden, like *o many other ptacee BY JOSEPH M- ORPITELLI me I'omoratlon plant In "Beth- f{,publl. I. The only plane of ite cui at the Hebron tvwn hall thia Be DeBctivated Tonight ogalhat Richard Hanley and Btoal •M H<4i«ajfa. OmIMM *1 tiM a war. with Ita forced eUmulatlon I Uae In the world. It la poweied evening, opening at 8. Nomlnatlona twenty-hve friend* who attandad. tMilng brought Into focus for atten* it has piac* to put them. seen since before Finland'* firot •UtltTs r-f labor and aaoMigs- Lass lb*n too r-*re *| M *1 IU m Mw Ui . Omi*. •• Among thciae preaent was the IHp mag Bepart In Rotekville E. U w la agaliut D. C. Ftek, exec­ war with Ruaala. The Oilpe paotenge-t pixe«*»' « »• tb- i itant.e1^^.« iM'Sai w H*n*r. of maas prodikctlon and full em-1 hv ftOO-horaepower Pratt A Whit- ,,1 . andldatea to the Oetieral Aa- Uon by tba town's psopis. utor of the eetate of Allda I. lAWda, This Is perticulsrly true of ho­ •nt *-rra srheeuisd today ta re- grandmothar of the brtd«f-to-ba, To the editor: Finland are Jammed and In eeder, . , ar«'rate«>l Nrd tn -<» Worcester. The Annuual Report of the Be* RockvlUe. Oct. 10— (Special )— to arrommodate the many trovri- ( — In tk e late epe, ..- < I (I « i t « V t . J a (11 r \ C b ij r - ti with Hamilton Standard fidl- the peace. already bssn answarsd, ao that of toe ootirt. tranaatlantic alrplanss. iMW rear he Man ...... } *..«•' a’hat helghia conaumptlon can Masa lectmen and Town Offlcera dla- you can aat me straight by means era ship offlcera regularly give up ClIWilHUili *-w- 1 1 P-H I 1*14. N r aMata ay Mali ...... t . .n Connecticut feathering Hydromatic propellcM nffurr*. will be made. Deactivation cereinonlea for Com­ Meetlag la Staffoid Hprtags Mexico's new srobeasador to toe reach when Ihe maximum num­ The ‘'Mallard"~1a the flrat am- •,'he HeOlAm bridge club mat A large watering can, trimmad trthutad on October 4 leavea un- of your editorial eolumna. Or their quarters. ' ^ and ia no- ----noted i tr ■ uj, Magta Otpy ...... { uj with artincial dog^vand, was the •newered eeveral queetiona relat­ pany C. 3nd BatUlion, Connecti­ ' The ToUand County Chapter of Soviet union, L. 8. Ponton paus­ People on their war t*» and! Manufartiinng paay aoWsa flflHMilin St.. Manchester, Conn Dwvarae Oaa Taat ...... I « m< ber of people are given joba at phihlan lo pax* the lilN t moat xhur* . ttaciert tor water landinga ami la jj,, piolonged freedom from Miss C'Ariigan, the datmhter of which precede it. an Invitation snd order* to all for­ the railway atatlona but they do Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Chnlgan, Modeat Mentor of probate for the Ellington Dia- On* of Btockholm’s papers had| In proleeV *wer whsi they Ultero capable of making a wheeia-up j, giving Uwal people green Apparently our achool* could ^mer r membersmember* orof tnethe KRockville ^ *v..m DemocraUc probate bunk In hMel lobbies. srsr-sri':. ..I: *" h - .. Is to be married on November 8, stand some Improvement. This To the Editor; a picture of an old reeldsnt of the These people seem lo place ’•maladjusted pierenerk roteh" landing on rough terrain In any n,f their tablea, planted with When 1 read in the Herald's Guard Reserve and Company C to ^eld Wadnemtay night Grand hotel, sleeping on a cot in i Their action bc^ yg athers MBs. . 1, ^ : M Z !«.. b»n b.. ™"r "'«M in "n' emergency With little Or no dam- remote Idea that poaalWy It to George E. Williams. has been evident enough for some more rmphaala on sleeping than eiteaiaaae aerate, are alaa raaervad. and aalad daya, we practically Ilv- Ume . and presumably' Che chief Open Korum lately a brief letUr meat at toe Town Hall this eve- _____ y ,,Superior superior Court Court room. room. A A p pro- an auxlUary eating room. I know eaUng," because the reotauroats Today's cewfersm e wIB be 8 IW- jrond their reach." age. A might get time to ripen, ---- but' more N il eervtee eliaat M N K. A 8ar«iea signed with the InlUala M. R. D. ^ > a > _ _ w... bate committee_____ .saa.^—. conalatlng of WMhan John of a vlalUng Canadian who. with , don't seem unduly crowded. sumpttnn of run ret sallows ybater- many ad at auch ralllea. And peiiedical- With a wing apan of M feet ii«aibi|it> (m peralsted In talking Mboui. too. are not merely rurioua, but alao a Gilead tor many yeara been inadequate i pr*"* •• almost overwhelmlngiy reer of the company. has announcsd that Representa ifiey are Richard L. TI at Yeofnan'a hall tonight, at $. A former member o f^ c Amer­ rand kslge repreeentetlve; typngraeaieai vror* aepaarias m ed- although they have frequently Victim of the lure of the gamr (at least If Judged bv the stand-1 loaded with propaganda that Mothers* a r c lr tives Maurice Spurting and Thomas ican embassy in Ruaila. on his INc# Of Heart Attack S vertiaaownU •• Th* llaaeheafai gve- The early part of October is a ard* of New York,. Kansns. Ctfll-i atreams in’one dangaroua direction, F. Rady were nominated as Dsroo- ____ I tdant Joeepb Ftearra, of Leo* been labeled impractical dema- However weakened the rally may l l i ^ h r o n Hebron Giange, p— of H. No. The Mothers’ Circle of the Sa­ way home to th# jUnlted States, atae Werairt______.______popular time for weddings among fornla, etc.) ! heailed for disaster. Meriden. Oct. 10—UTi-Loo B. | Involrod in the wolhotit: W be a* an InaUtutlon, It la atlll the Ill, will hold their monthly meet­ cred Heart church will meet Fri­ cratic candidate# for representa­ can get part o f/ a tourist class goguea bacauae they held out the Columbia people. In addition to the It wniiM h* hMvinv th. niiM ! But I muat Insist that the edtto- day evening, Oct. 11 at 8:30 p. ro. tives. WeUleder. 48. praoldent of the Bte*Ma toe mioa'a cMe< Thuiaday. October 10 only thing which glvea one the ing St th'e Gilead Community hall cabin—but o n lw ^ Dacember! Idea that every one ahoukl have "feel" of a campaign. Sunday was observad as world­ recent marriages a number cele­ Oon. hovJJvS; to roy that our j at the home of Mra. Ruth LaCha- \ Food Sale Friday First Federal Savings and Lorut j steward, and DavM R. Ai on Tuesday evening. October 15. brated anniversaries. Judge Clay- Sweden U/enJoylng a terrific a Job. at good wagea. But when ■o wa went to a rally. It wa.a h wide cnmmi.nloh Sunday, with ob­ schools have been substandard Jf®"' J, liu*L !Ul!fr pelle of Phoenix street. Vernon, j Th* Sophomoro class of toe MMociatlon of Meriden, died at a l kuMn^ agsnt Urn E. Hunt and Mrs Hunt cele­ economic bdom. Her factories a preaumably hard-headed repre- rally which wa* aomcthlnK of a servance bv all churches of ibu at eight o’clock. A nature pro- •imply tweauae the SUte has not Price Reduced Rockville High school will hold heart attack yaaterday In the New ] I 'T * Showdown Apprenchinir brated their thirty-aixth on O c ^ are worttmg full speed. There Haven hospital where he had been Both ceoipaiiy #nd major' effort on the part of the town. Th# Rev. George M. Milne giom wiM be piesenteo under the compelled Us to raise our standard ulating In toe <^Hy J'^HUnga of my Rockville residents who have their first fowl sale on Friday, Oc­ is no/dnemployment. The pro- aentatlve of the United 8tatea bar 5 and in honor of the event en­ under obeervation rinca tost Frt- clals kpea argsd the Ycaterday. In Paiia. the Peace party organlaatlon eponaorlng H direction of Mra. Annie Foote, al­ The ulUmate solution to our nrob •"cceiaor. Mr Olmstead. w d If oc- been availing themselves of the tober 11 at th# McCarthy Flower one billion crown credit to Cbamhar of Commerce an organ- of Hebron and Gilead Congregh ...... joyed a holiday driv* and dinner lem la largely In the hands o f , casionslly I find m j^ lf leu than opportunity to send food to Euro­ ■hop on Elast Main street. day. He formally waa clork at the workers to return to their jaba Oonferenoe In full aeaalon of all Ita it. had ^ ^ been well advertiaed. . . . . It , lional chiirrhea, said that onK so an auction w ill be held after RqXkte promUss even more work. ; iaatlon representing bustneas It- the entei'talnmenl. Each member with their eon, David Hunt and Manchester's roiridents who must f"> 'y ,'" pean countries through the facili­ Meeting Tonight Meriden probate courL Funeral pending a arlltenMsa at thatr 31 naUoria proceeded to vote, artt- boasted a rather complete list of „mall fraction of the world's pop- , Labor Is getting rrative and services will b* held Friday In ' ctalm that **aMlad|aaisd piece I tolf, tsila ua the same things, they ! ths party's major candidates aa IS to donate an article for the i Hunt of Weat Hartford, deride how much money is to be the Herald a policy there 1* uldom ties of CARE will be pleased to The Rockville Lodge of Elks will ...... — ...... idation would be taking pari m whose fifth anniversary is on the indeed any serious degree of diver­ learn that the price of these pack­ hold a regular mseting this sven/< there Is talk In many quarters of Wallingford, where he realded. I wnrk rale*" and "InsaBirtewt tr»- / begin to «mnd convincing. The .peakcni. In short. If it had been the observance, and these will sale. •jtent on education treaty of peace with Italy. j ^ ,„| y might The Woman's flub held their same day. Mr. and Mra. Chauneey > gence. ages wo* reduced October I from ing at the EUks home on Nqrth demands for wage increases. W ait­ (luing it against th* backgioumi One would conclude from the ers and hotel workers already iinmial meeting at the home of M. Bquler calebrated their twenty- I am not young enough nor wise $15 to 810. These package* sent Park street. in accordance with the pre-con-i the martin*'*"* h*v* b*en * teat of the aentimant of a world still utterly divided Hv Board’s report that If more money Mia. Paul Potocck. The Tollowina first .on the f i r t h , algo. On tha enough to assume to be a ''men­ by CARE, located at SO Broad have notified their employers they of th* town Involved, an Imliratlon hflti'cdA Jealouste* and misundet. ware available it Avould be spent i want to talk about a new pay farenco insiatenca of Russia, tha | opportunity open to American en- officers fot the coming year were fourth of October, Mr. and Mra. tor" to the Herald or ita brilliant street. New York City, contain Insurance Official^ of how the town might go. standings...... to rood advantage both on neent the week-end at Matunlck On Friday of tola week, any wo­ work exceedingly. Certainly toe Paul's chtjrch. West Haven. workers, and toe presumption i s ' that only a Uw-tWrda vote from p , ^ „ u g « cute above the goal think of them as a world-wide beach In Rhode Island, not been available In Eoropp/for ThU audience of the faithful men Interested are Invited to. at­ appeal of money could not have Henry George School that tola will be put through, bu t: ONLY L ire OIL CAN IMPART ths fuU oonferencf would mean , ^ production, seema quite a hur- chain of llghthouaea. shining out Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Rslhbvin years. Food package* M y be ■pant a long and tiring evening. tend to* Conference on World been a very great factor in keep­ 17*e for Alcohol skeptics shake their heads. { anything, haa already declarod In the diiiknesM With the light >f mid children have letiirned home p,,.., EI *0 the taxpave4-s to get ?00 ft. from nuihi highway. 8 rooms, full cellar, hot water group singing and moving pictures TELEPHONE 8593 amey. ' polltldana In attendance were i ^.{dovv (rf Naln. Mr. Keen brought Plans are n Py ‘ P ' i what we need. Mr Illlng’s Te- 128-130 Elilrifige i^trrrt. .3 farailv flat at !V1arll»oroii»li ' troop committee for a aeries of , , heating system, newly nalated will be shown of a trip to Wolf's UntU tots has actually han- I’ re m ltr Hmuta In 1»4H unanlmofia In th eir‘ verdict that.) out that Ihe leuon for Chrlatlan.s. here waa one more proof that the ! aiunild be Jutui' compassion I cani parties to be held In varioue j and deenroted. Insulated, else- D m and Mashamoquet State Park HOURS: $ 1 1 , 5 0 0 . U paned. It to very difficult to be- ^ gather Premier Jan Christiaan M O t . r „ 1,.W l . . t ; o t OctoMr " IS",*' 'iTIS,” trio stove and boat. Now va- by Ralph Gibson. old-faehloned rally haa become shown to the bereaved woman, Dolly 8:66 to 8:00 Thar*. 0:00 to 8:80 ltot« that Russia will carry Ita I prouta of South Africa h u a short, Just a waste of time and money I rather than on any argtiment is Thursday toe program was In caht. I I-AAOH There will be a meeting of toe 83-85 Elilrifige Strrrt, 4-4 room s Duplrxg policy to auch a length. It to | memory, or he haa undergone a and energy to the authenticity of the miracle. charge of Thomas Berraii and the Judge Clayton E If i receive the correct Impres- Roth Pro|>ertles Shown In all the churches there wetr By Appointment Only. Ladies Auxiliary, AOH thia even­ l a r g e l o t . ualer to gveu that Ruula to atlll | hrolthv conversion In hla point - f ' They are M per cent correct. following program was presented: | for the towns of An«to- , Education ing at their new meeUng room* in One function, however, the rally lovely flowers for the altar, from report, there are some questions TEll MANCHESTER 834$ playing for some hat compromiae ,,u,, ^a one «i the ; tall gardens. The folding off of .Song, 'O Columbia, the Gem of the , ver. Bolton and. Columbia, at a the Moose building on Elm- atreet. "till perfornm. and It l> ■ Innc- of policy which simply are not 149-151 Pipe Strert. Duplex ‘4-4 rooms, InaJde the Oouncll of Foirign Min- ^j^er when he atood up In the i killing frosts hsve resulted In late Gcean" ...... by All probate convention held In Andov- A aoclal will follow toe busineas 9 M4dl||ia lo N ^ r ! tlon for which there hs" been flowers being available, and these Roii Call, "Where I went on My ] er by the Republicans last Satur- seosien. totcra. But such gucasu about | p.^a Peace Conference thl* wede' large corner lot. developed no other Miiln>llliite. aip much appreciated. Vacatlon and What I Dtd" by A ll' day night. A t ConVentioB the eventual rusonsMeneu o i ; round that the spilt of the The candidates love It. With- (Juiz of HUtory and Geography Horace .S. Coyle of Chicago la Only one applicant slujwed up Mra. Nellie Jackson and Mrs. 240 Spruce Street, 5 room single. Ruaatan policy frM]uently prove |„ro .olid \otliig out some Mich Inalilullon, they at the s|>oclal session for the nuik- Facts I (pending the week at his home on Katoerins Preusa are the delegates would feel that they were cam­ wrong, perhaps because we under-, -rtvatotlon ' of the liiR of voters Saturday at the Reading "What ia your fire pro­ West street. He has aa hla guests ELABORATE OR SIMPLE from Kiowa Council, D. of P. to the paigning to a Maak wall. For town c leik'a office, with selectmen tection'.’ " ...... by John Lord F. S. Thompson and J. S. Acworth. -Great Seaalon being held at toe NOTICE Interior o f these profterties will be ahown SIwtBiB S«r T ««r utimate toe aggreuiveneaa that ronferenen and proceeded -. al­ 1 them, the respoaar of an audl- and town cierk on duty the great­ .Musicai Quia both of Chicago. . . . whichxvcr the last memorial may be, thtra Hotel Bond In Hartford, yesterday ia la Ruuto, perhaps because w e ' , , 11, such n dlvtaton aa the rraull cnee they can aee. an audience er part of toe lUy. Thu seaalon Song. "Home Sweet Home" by All Mrs. \\'illiam Tipper of Mont­ Is no finer settinff for it than thia preferred, mod*, and today. Several ether members by appointm ent only. taniM L ««e«r U ut- undereatlmate the extent to which with which they can shake ua.s for those only whose rights The next meeting will be held clair. N. J Is spending aome.timc are. also attending toe sessions. of "mlacbtevoua propaganda," . ern Funeral Home. It is available to all. Inf ■•■Bty t « F em sew s F o r Cara Russia really feela tost the rest hands, an audience on which , l.H(i luaturcd Iretween the pievious Octobr-r 17 when a competitive at the Tipper summer home on He­ At the regular meeting of'Kiowa Back In IMS, when, the demo­ This Bonk Will Be at toe world U guUtv of aggree- they can leal the r«lcac> of iliitr and the laat aesston. program will be preaented “ Men bron roHil. Council to be held Friday evening HOWARD R. HASTINGS cratic world. In Its Innuimie, was their argumeata or Ihrir humor, A "greenback shower" waa held Versus Women" Mrs. ejaronoe Burgesser. who la at 8 p. m. at toe Red Men’s home stve policy. But whatever its por­ Real EsUte 8pedali*t I still aaaumir.g that It would have U completely •■•eallal. These .1 few days ago at the home of Mrs. F'.dna rvuenglll la having a a patient at Windham Convales­ on Etast Main street, a report of Hautewlvea evarywhee* find Satf-Faliihinf tent, whatever our own contribu-1 '.Mt.s Leonard C. Piu'ter. In honor wi-ek’s varutiqn from her work In to be a "on# world" pattern which galhertags of the party falthiul cent home was a Sunday guest of ■ the convention will be given by toe Closed Saturday, 101 PHELPS ROAD tion Of lack of contribution to iL | nourish and caasfort llirir ego, of .Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Earl Por- Hartford Mi.H.s Anne Dix and Mlsa Katherine delegates There will also be a dia- llmanig • waderful weih-eever. Jvat minute# It would go Into affe# after the vic­ til, whos*- marriage took place -n,, c a n g e will sponsor a toe showdown U approaching. anJ ' give them aaauraare, help lift Ink 142 EAST CCNTIRST. ______^ , eussion as to taking patt in toe PHONES: 2-1107 er 4842 tory In to# w xr then being fought, them np Into that stale of da/ed I I Mi hcr In the summer. A veiy Haii„wc'cn party to be held Sat- Welcome Home celebration. apply wM i M efalli •* OM p applicaler... n* it can be fateful. | PHONES 3I96«2"T^44 It was this tame Prrnder Smuts rvallalinn whieh Is enllrclc ' pIcMsaut evening waa enJoy*«t ami October 36 in the Richmond A l l Right to Carry Gun Fire PrerenUoa Obeervanoe October 12th, « .Ml anil Mrs. Porter had quite a M,;,„otial Library. The party will who. In a atartllng and alarnuiiK ner-esMiry II they are lo dredup The three companies of toe Ver­ ruhMnf, ne hufHng. M gh l M a •• M drib#. the pep and energy and cn- deluge of greenbacks, ** well as lie open to the public and it 1a Ksnakee. 111.—(/Pi- -Tw o state non Fire Departinent wlU hold open apeech, Brat advamrd the idea oi The Mentnl Hazard | Ihdsiasm to keep going niitll bciirly congratulation*. Mrs. hoped all will come In cdatuine. poll! I ,-fpiad cars and one from toe house at their steUon on Friday In Observance Of Then fiaor# clean up #parlilinf w M i * da m p cUHi. a western European bloc to'*^he I’lii'ter, the gixHim. a former U. .s There will he a smalt admisaton One le always a Uttle bit aur-1 election day. Ksnakec police department threw and Saturday evenings from 6 to created aa a baUnce to the gmw- MaiTne, la a student at Ufe Uni­ ehsigf up s bai.riei on a highway and 10 p. ra. In observance of Fire Pre- And alwy#, lavaly fliil#lie# **#haw thrau|h*' prised to find both common sense, The candidates who sp.iUc st versity of Connecticut and Mrs Ing power of Russia, That »a," the the rally In quaatlon were not i)oi Ml Slid .Mra. Robert Nowach are closed 111 on, four men. The chasa venUon week. Company 2 will have and Imagination present in the rorter Is a teacher df physical having a house built bn Habron radtandy beautiful .. . hacaus* Saff-Faliehirtg Brat open mention of a piopoMiiion cd. They ware enthualastii I’hcy i followed^ a report from a nearby a demonstration of fire fighting Coliimbus Day diacuaalons of a professional et on-: culture at the Middletown High roiid commiimtv that one of the four methods and equipment on Phoenix which haa hem simr aiivanccd Ihotight the rally wa.s womloifui M-hool They.-are very populni The Southern New England T e l-1 nu n was carrying a gun. The in-j Atreet in Vernon on Saturday after­ tlmenli an Baer# i# cry#tal«clMir. omISt. Mr. Charles_3t- Isaac, o t ' F.limlnatlnr. aupb rallies wmil.i be young jieople aisd all wish them » CAR many times by statesmen Idtr ephone t'ompany fa running an ve.-lig.iting poller galled the carl the United States (liamber of ^ like cutting the heart out of ilicii noon at two o’clock. Try S*H-Fali#hlnp SJmanig taday. long and happy life. other line on toe Jones Hollow road and found the man atill had a gun. . Superior Court \ tS>mmercel who waa^^a apeaker a t , " V " " ’'" ‘l"*"- campaign. After all. a tlc-h .nui luiya of the 7th and 8th grud. ,x * I *4sw«amkalat vaAAn ma.'mr to irlieve the 334 line which has Hut they diseovered it was all; The-acUon of Eleanor M. White blooil audience la someth mg be­ oi tlic Hebion achools did some toe religious forum on world a f- ' had trirsubscribera on it for aome- right. He'was a Springfield, III., j et al agahist Kenneth M. White <• cow a own dellbeiations qu Rus yond price, and If you were n esn ^ piBCtlcal work Ih with The Manchester Trust Co. falra at the South AldAOOaBw I The new line will be known detective going to Chicago for a wMch was started at toe session of ^ . illdate vou wquJd get more kick : their lesson on manual traiiitng | a.s the HH7 line. convention. church toe other noon, seemed ® **** and nourishment and sense of vn - 1 la.st F'’rlday. Under the super­ toe Tolland County Superior court Owners auch a pleasant exception. ' NoWi,ho*ever. Premier Smuts tory out of addrtaalng ten live vision of their new teacher, on Wednesday was continued to to- FM LINOUUM, ASPNAIT AND lU IIIR persons than you wBulil ti using George E. Erwin, they restored a Mr. laaac,' diacuaatng America's hiraaelf aeema lo want nothing .d All Types of Automobile T ill, AND HNISHiS WOOD HOODS future, found two key (acta in our ' the propoaitloii he himself, ad- a cold sclentlBc apparatn.s tin..ugh imrlltlon In toe Wee'*. .street which your voice might be re.Ti'h '] schoolhouae. Columbia, ii I iosevi t * a • t preaent sItuaUon. One la that vancad back In 1M3. and iliai ii million ‘ for school purposea. TIi partl- vn# #M#atee eenesMv. #aw#> the American production plant has ' to to* good. Now Premlei .Smuts * tum had Been iemoved to picpare FOR RENT *■ 4 ROOMS fo r your Prescription LOAN Repairing Done Promptly Apa«|w«aN Mr 0*9 yMr# Bl • — •« prOeBraeWB •# Dbr 4bn4#i baen gicatly enlarged, aa a c*>ult "otes that seem already to be Riigtaeering Pruhlem the room for use for a nmmial i r o m f h t; PUBLIC AUCTION of the demands war made upon' terming up Into new tamps he-] trniMlng class for Columbia ini- • When sickness su^ev i pils, but owing to the teacher prescription voluma is y f S M A N and Reasonably At IL The other la that the produc- tween east ami west and adds Denver - (A*i— A decismu uv For Professional Purposes household, no one is dis­ quite Urge, our operating Saturday, Oct. 12th At 10 A. M. searcitv the plsn had to l>e given posed to scrutinize' price Uvlty par worker "has Increased "that would be a ratal Imprcaaioii Maurice Levy, 640 pmiml.s ml»1 pro .Alterations and decorations to suit tenant. Can be leaned" costs correspondingly 111), and It waa thought best to' ugs. Ym often such periods low. In pricing presertp- Oa the above date we will sell at public auction at the Grange and wa muat dispel it withmit loss (esslonal wrestler, to tly itum leave the achoothouse In its oiig- as a complete unit or in part. Apply: irssd a loaat Just do this; •ubstanUally." * Denver to Grand Junitmn, ('ulo, OI stress and strain are the lions we recogotM three Hon ta North Coventry. Cona„ oa Route 44. for the eetate of tto vary tixM a family can least 1. Visit or phone h«ate today. “ Now," said Mr. Isaac, "apply of tim r" poised an enrineering piobicm fm inal shape, factors; operating cotu, in. Into Mary C. Crawford, along with oddlttona, the following do- Mr. and Mra. Charles C. .'^elins afford to pay a burdensome gredieni costs, and profit. Just aay "I want to get a theae two liaaic facts to the aco- "K th«‘iv IS one deep limgiiig Western AlrUnea. Ali'm * empiov- loan." ■eribed farnlahings: De Corm ier were present at a gathering .sim- pric* for its drug needs. I'hese totals automatically One 5-foot Kelvinator Refrigerator. I 'Kitchen Set, I Gan among the proples loUay," es here said they had to ((imnm- This Prescription Phar­ nonilc picture as it exiated, say diiy .It toe Nathan Hale hinise m Broeburn Estates give ot the prescription S.Otr# u# a few Jact# ao we Stove. 3 Walnut Dining Room Seta, Maple Cheat of Drawers and nicule with their e.iglnccis n macy ia glkd tq place it. price—a price that is uni­ «#a at yonr monthly payc In IMO, which waa by prewar Prender Smuts, it is fui jieace. .koiith Coventry. Tho.se j>tex. iit awnta to your budgtt. --r- Odd Bureau* and Commodes. Maple Living Boom Set with sofa Burbank, Calif., befme puttliig partook of a picnic lunch which Telephone .'>.129 priccjjiolicy on public formly fair to all. Not in- •tendaids a year of above-averaga And this applies to all our peoplua Levy on to# resmstiun list bad. 1 Wmmona Shfa Rod. S Lawson Sofas. Clitaa Closat, Step- they had brought, at .iiin vitw. we (Jo Bot claim to frequently it develop* that 4 . When applleatlea la ap- proapenty. Even then wa had a and all niankimi. They are sated 'They told ua to seal him iii the undtrtall. Nor da wa cm* our price it lets than you prorad. ttep ta. afgn and Ladder. Drop HMd S * ] ^ c Machine, Lamp*. Noveltin. Olaaawaro Motor Sales which much Interest was taken m front of toe plane, to remove a ehui****barftin*." Nsvar- pleX up eaah. aad a few g a o ^ a e y Chair*. disturbing amount of unampley-1 and alckenad ef w ai . . . Peo- exploring th* houee and gioimd.v Would ba asked to pay elte- chair arm at he could »it on two UitUm, a is * fact that our whtrsfaribesaaieprodocL A Paw A in iac* awh a* old cherry spool bod*, pin* choat of mant—aatimataa vary betwiaen pie want to be («u and housed and I where Nathan Hale lived si one Teu ean gat a loan oa your Many of You Know Our Servlet Mantfer, Emir Lsrsoa, •eats, and to get him an extra algnature alone. A loan of trawera. old rhalre. *plnntog wheelo. old Iron hettleo. ete. A good eight and ten milliona, Bgurea en-1 clothed, to be secuied against iin- wide safety belt," a hsis.esod tick­ ' time, though It was probably not •uppl.v of buildera’ harriwaro and enough other stuff to keep ua I his birthplace. Many Male h.-u tlOO costa tW.60 when Whit Will Pemonally See That Your Car I* Given Ihe Urrly too high for economic com- j empkiyinent and sickness and ail et agant irp o rl^ . • promptly repaid In 12 month­ going 'til the end of time. A two-wheel "porlnman trailer and ' looms are storetl In Ihe gie.it ly consecutlTe In'stallmenta a portable palnl apra.ver will also trail to llw anrllnn bluek.- fort. Should we make the mla-: the other imsciies o. our dailv litc ! hoiiae. aa well aa other inter.-ting in At Home May w# Mfggfi/ tk» mtsi practical uay in uhich of flO.05 each. Besi : , Niihstllule for l.iimlHT Among the.se are some yam cam ttit ih t jacilititi aj this pharmacy u 10 Lonni $10 to $300. AUCTlONEERS’ NOTE:—4f you want aome good rleim fur- take of gearing our postwar pro- - to be seemed against these antiques. niahinga to add to your own home, don’t mla* thia aal*. We’ve ducUon to 1840 standarda, the fisrs and the teaiH ot war. In all ------I old fashioned cofflna coming trom Mmgyamr mcict prmcriptiaH ta ms far campamudimg* got the good*. Decatur, 111.- (4*. Glen It stew - i the home of 'the late Mr Boiie- ..| r Cara Called For and Dclherrd! aonclualon le inescapable that we And In Church The ladle* of t|ie commually will serve lunch. tola Un'ir Is no east or weal and art ran up against the iiMial pro- Marlborough, alau " " ‘>'d lash- pan ST« awtar N t will i t phifuad with too many idle no ideolugits. There is Just .sim- The tenaa are 4aah on th* Itaa aad remomher. wo atart ahoot- bleni of finding materials w hen he ; ioneil bier used in burials in (or- Home Portraiture. Anniversaries Jind Other Happy ntiM m ai Ing at 10 a. aa. eahi or ahla*. workoni and too many unusad Pl*. atafk humanity." started to build his foui room | mer daya, at St. F*ter'a church. riNANCB CO. $*W by tpwnr, ttmOaaaa, *ad#»y. hou**. But h« found a substitute Occasions. ChRipHtt Service. Candid Photofraphfi. De Cormier Motor Salas plants ond machine*. That Is not In behalf of that humanity, Pre-1 Hebi on. Mala Tbaoter Bldg, pteet, I eena I* II, ante eeiwiery **d de#** for lumber in •miminlllou boxes,. There were 18 members of the * • ^ tot rood to prosperity. inicr Hmiits now asks for unity,' (S m a tih tad Plaer Tel. dlil Martin &' Denning, Auctioneert 24 MAPLE ST. TEL. S6M ,»ea#rte— edhieliite i «ri*n iteiy towa. leftovers from the wai it,, nrsl Hebron Women'* cluh present 'at PNIBCRIPTION p h a r m a c y ‘ l>. H. Harry. Bar. VTbe« alternative is clear and In which "there will lie nelthel planned to use the wo.wl iiom the Ihe aniu'.'.l meettng h'ljl Thui ;d.vv ELltE STUDIO to i M/V I N t T m f T • as* MC H iX T in I.irra.r Xe. t$l .h^ond ehallaage. Thera la no boxes but later dechh'd .a st longer list at the home of Mix I'iuu Telephone Putnam 1293^ l*r S. Wlnlef" I* Coming . , . Ite RcHd.i: asst nt*r weat and each will enjoy 98.t .MAIN ST. TEL. 8.158 gllBX'Or except x revUlon la our building would vvauU. by leaving I PoUHiek on Godfrey Hill. Ah.ut • HI Ilf ...NO BUBBINO... In peace the uarticular fatto or 1♦ Fa hnvas tn*»thas. ^—; all toe u r n * wa* taken up m ihei A - 1

- - MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU>,.HAHCHESTER, CONN, THCRSDAV. OCTOBER 10. t>4* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10. 194S PAGE ILIVBM between our two countries and la The Starting Linenpa symbolte of the cloee cooperatton Osk St. Bswlera o f tea Ftdaral Labof Department NewRepublic (^pL'lIrquhart Manckaater Vetersiia* Large Jooeph P. Ryter of Hart­ XqM lJghtiiig On Police Board Meteors Seen Which enabled us to defeat our Forftit to CfiTcy't Wntl«>->18M W1MT— 1SS9 Meat-Buying LaHor Groups CencUlatlon aervlca prior to hla ford. FENDER AND common enemies in the last war Servlet Cetiltr nomination. The committee la compooad of Uinis Boston Today *8 Radio WOMB— 1619 Years Old and will continue to be of vital Im­ A large crowd o t bowling 99 Cantor Straat Tho United Labor committee of rapreaentativea of tha Brother­ BODY W ORK Across Most Schoendlenat, 3b M oass, rf portance In ths postwar period ^ Lectures Here Hop Rejected (Neat to Mnatetpol Rnildiagl New Haven last nlphl endoraad ■ .Plans Made Moore cf Pesky, as i5 fans were dioappolntod last Support Tone hood of Locomotive Bhiglaaara, the building of s durable erorid night when a sebadulad match n t t ant 9461 tea candidaclaa of Tone and Oaa­ Brotherhood of Railway Trainman, SOLIMENE ft PLAGO MualBl. lb DlMaggio, cf peace based on the lofty Ideals of lan, and two other Democratic RIaughter, rf L o r a l between tha Oak Street Grill New Haven Induatrial union IN a O f Country WlUaina, •( Chairman o f Senr- needom and Justice." State Poliee Offierr 4KI9—WIHIC — H o u a a Party; - 7:68—W ONfr-Inahte of Sparta; Invitation by Snow to nomlqaaa. Lieut. Gov. Wilbert KurowskI, 8b Tork. H) team and Cavc/a Grill fen Diractor— Nathan R. Oatcb Non-PartiNin Commit- (C7IO), and the New Haven Can* bupfunreoMBt Q ab to Chlsng Ksl-Shek. tbrough. The Ckivay's Grill Sve News; W KHB — Nawa; Stan W TIC—Oanaral WUUam J. Dono­ alL ^ Snow, for governor, and Rep.-at- Garsgiols, c Doerr, 3b ice to China Group Talks Before Sqfuiret Kanton; WONS — Quaaa tor a j van, Republican. Fly to Montana Will tral Labor counqU. ' DeecMrate North End « frasB Page One) Walker, K iUgglns, 8b man uam was on hand for the Aoaiateat Diraetor — Waltar tpp to Aid Election .Makes Statement contest but Oak Street failed About Arson Gues Day; W TH T — Girandni Muote 8:00—WDRC—Suspanse; WONS Ford. Marion. M H. wagTisr, c HaU; W n c — Backotaga WIfa. Not Be Accepted part as they plunged through the to put In on appearance. — Mark Warn6w*s Orcheotra; ffacreUry—EliaabaOi Waab- Named in New Haven For the Holidaye Monger, p Hugbson, p King^s Daughter* 6:18—W KNB — Btrthday Oub; W TH T— Lum and Abner; W n C earth's sir shell, the friction be­ Calling attention to the obeerv- A number of aide.beta were Ctommlttoca were appointed fdr rlewlcb. Umplrsa—Berry (A L ), plate; w n c —Btalla Danaa. I —A ldrich Family. JtarUord. O ct 10-—Lieut New Haven. Oct. 10 m — ‘The InmtoTeraent tween the solid matter and the roads and tha Oak Street back­ the ensuing three months last Oounaetltng: 10 to 13 itoan: 1 TlM ICaadMSter Baltanfsnt ( N L ) , —first base; : anre of the 35th annivereary of the Greet Executives 6:99-WDRC — Olva and Taka; , 8:18— W TH T— Monitor Views the Gov. Wilbert Snow's invitation to New Haven Central Labor eouacil ___jUnociatloa rwnmsd fall maetUm sir causing the brilliant burning. Hubbard (A L ), ascoBd bate; ers had to forfait a conalder- night by C%lef Squire Frank Vichl WKHB—Unda Dava;' WOMB— Nows, fly to Montana on a maat-lnqrtng to4p.m.;9tolSon Satur Wsgnsr Schlsslngsr, director of founding of the Chineae Republic abla stake posted in advance. day. rsporM today It had unanimous­ iM l alglit at Ubarty halL Tha and Barlick (N L ), tblrd base. at the meeting ^ . Brown-LaOace Man on tha Straat; w n C — Lo- 8:80—W D R C -F M In Poaoc and trip for Oonaarticut bouaawixea the Adler planetarium in Chicago, ! twlay, w. Robert Spencer of M ly eiidoraed Joseph M. Ton*. Damo- n u iT ^ f was pncsdsd tijr a spa Ever Ready Orcle of King's circle, Columbian Squires, at the ransa Janaa. 'ar; News; WONS — Vie and has been turned down on Governor Vatorana* Adnumstratlaa said hs counted 149 fisshlng pro­ < Marahall Road this town, chair- Knights of Columbus home. In ad­ ^bfidldat# for U. 8. sanator, gtisttt dlnnsr. T b sn were about Daughters entertained Mrs. Wlllla 6:45—W KNB — Croaa-Views of W TH T—Anqarica’a Town Baldwln'e behalf by Df. Jamm L. Oonlact Rapreaentativea — M awmbsrs to attendance. Walter jectiles In a 10-mlnuts peak period man of the Manchester United Ser- dition to committoea for tha Sva tha Sports News; WONS— Buck MeConaughy, Republican oandldate rbomaa J. Sweeney. Jr., dally. that IU president, Vincant Mc- i r . Abbey, state aecond vice g of tha A ir; w n c — irtvern. had appointed a non-par- Hibbard, the m w ty elected presi* starting at 10:49 p. m„ es.t, and Into left field. M u ^ e r sacri-1 chins committee, urged activities In the Squire’s program Itotara; w n C — Young Wlddar and Allen. for governor. ■Au.9:00 p. m.; Saturday dent, p i^ d e d for the first Ume. said the display was unmatched in Bagby to Doera who covered | r*,idenU to Join wiUi AmeH praoldent; Mrs. Newton B. fTlark, a committee also was appointed Brown. Profeoeor Snow, Democratic gub­ •:84»-i3: Howard Ptanfc. Tuee- Itoan political committa* to work Mnnchpnter WDRC — Dick Haymcn for Tone’s election. The anodatlen last nigbt took this country during the present first, SchoendleMt to DlMag- ] ^ everywhere in maintaining aa county president, and the officers to plan for an Investiture before BKIO—WDRC — Bcbooi of tha . ONB— Oabrisl Haattor, ernatorial nominee, recently urged ^ • F rM o y , 9:904:00 p. m.; the first steps towards the Christ- century. glo in short center. Marian holding - - -- • Nov. 5. Walter Hanson waa clactod Air: WONS — Hop HarrlgM: Baldwin to hop aboard aa nlrplue Baturdaya, 8:99-13. TJ* ®ova was mode In re- understanding and sympathstlc at­ and members of Loyal Qrcla of Dale Hwik Nows; l i m e — Music Hall. to U. 8. Rap. Jamas F. Oaalan — f Ufhtlnh In the north end 'o f Bmaley Johnson, fir., president second. Moore filed deep to DIMag- sentry, replacing William Berry, WTHT - Tarry; tm c— with him and go w est aoeertlag he Rehabilitation and Training titude toward the. pMpis o f China. King's Daughters of this town, at 9:18— WONS— To ba announced. (D ) of New Haven, randidata for the town, and decided to eatend of the Indians Astronomlcsi socie­ gin. .No runs one hit no errors one who resigned because he Is away m Girl Marriaa. 9:30—WDk C—(?rima Pttotograp- had located b W on a Montana Officer— John Foa, available When the C^lneae people, on iU meeting Tuesday evening. Monday, OcL 14 ra-elactlon. the llghtinc this year from the ty, said ths display in Indianapolis left. at school. B:18~WONS— Suparman; W TH T er; WOM8 — By Popular De- ranch which could be bought If the by appointmeni only. October 10, 1911, revolted ogalnet Farley “Americana Speak” Hol­ Other endorsements for Tons n c C A buUdlnf west to PuUef waa ths most spectacular be ever Kourth laniag Bod Sox Following the opening devotion­ Tbe new committeea follow: —Music; w n c - Portia Faces mand; W TH T — Pot O’Oold; state government would pay the the Manrhua and attempted to lister auditorium. ■bcratery-Ruth Oow. ware reported from Brieklajrars piaoe, and around Depot S tp u e saw and almtlar views were ex­ .Schoendlenat grabbed DlMsg- create a new republic, they found al service In charge of Mrs. Thom­ Spiritual— Richard Foley, chair­ Ufa. w n c — Jack Haley with B\-e freight ehargen eoot Meeting, Manchester Garden 8:10—WDRC—Main Straat. Hart­ union. No. 6, of New Haven, Fatait- pnrtc. Plans were also started for a pressed by scientists In Duluth, Hu- gio a grounder and threw him qut. their staunchest friends and most as Burbank, Mrs. Abbey present­ man; Gerard (Thapdelalne. Edward Ardon. Dr. MeCbMughy, speaking with Christinas tree to be erected In the Club, Center church house. Speak­ Gleason and Birkery .* hnaon. ford: WONS — Captain Mid­ * « . union. No. 188. of Now Harea. portor, W ls„ and Berkslsy, Osllf. William lined a atngle over, the loyal supporters among the Ameri­ ed two Interesting papers, entitled, other membera o f the Repubitcan center of the park and funds, will Benjamin T. Itavory er. Mrs. Robert J. Scott. Athletic — Donald Hublwrd, night; W TH T - Jack Arm- 10:00—WDRC—lUadara Digest- tea ExecuUyo board of tea Ooaaac- 199 Metoors Per Mlauto heads of Marlon and Schoendlenat can people," Mr. Spencer pointed "What Hast Thou In View?” and ticket before Hartford ReinibUcan be sotldted with which to buy "U fa's Eaatern Window." Mrs. Tneadar. O ct 18 chair-man; Thomas Stavenaon. strang; w n C —Juat Plain Bill. Radio BdlUon; WONS — Edifie Dr. J. J, Nasesu of the Case Into right field. Tork walloped the out. "Once more, on her thirtyv women here yeaterday. aaaerted To Again Teach Ucut l^ t o Buildtng and Constnie- presents and candy for the child- Benjamin T. Savory, of IM Clark and Mra. Rachel Tlldan. Flrat concert. Civic Music Asso­ William PaganI, David Donovan 8 :4 8 -WDRC—Old Raeord Shop^ Dooley’s Football Roundup; School of Applied Science in Cleve nrat pitch In to deep right-center fifth annlverrary, China urgently that Governor Baldwin *ie not go­ ‘H'ados counclL tea Oreator ira|n 5f7l^ ran of tha north end. Oreen road, a'ss appointed to the idader of ly*yal Circle, also made ciation. Hollister street school and Thomaa Prior. WONS—Tom Mix; W TH T— WTHT—So You Want to Lead a Now Haven Building TVadte ooun- am in e-K... -, • local Police Commission, by the land eald the peak period waa field for a double sodslng Williams needs and seeks the patient under­ Wednesday. Oct. 16 Band? W nC —Abbott and Coa- ing on an air junket” _ The parUni: sltuaUon was again reached at 10:45 p. m., e.s.t., when with the Aral Red Box rax, making regiarks. Miss Bernice Lydall and Civic—Kenneth Lappen. chair­ Tannaasoa Jad; W n c — Front Dancing at the Y cU aiM the Groator Naw Haren considered and a recommendation Board of Selectmen at Its organ­ standing and cooperation of her Miji. Arthur Seymour played a. * Harvest Supper, Young People's man: Francis Slater. Frederick Page Farrall. tallo. ha counted the meteors at about the arnre 6 to 1. It was York’s fifth American friends . He deacribed Baow’a propoaal aa liMuatrial Union council ( d O ) . will be made to the town authori­ isation meeting Tuesday. Mr. p iu o diieL and Mrs. George F. Society of Concordia Lutheran Bocchino, Jr., Richard Brunnetto E%'oalng 10:18—W ON8—Treasury Solute. Savory, a resident of town since 100 per minute. R R I of the serlsa. Doerr walked "Throughout these 'thirty-five church, “amusing.” and said tha Umtanant _ claiaia which "AH thooe endonomonto,'* tho ties to consider the advisability of Clear skies gave (SaelnnstisuN sm a three and two pitch. Brasle Borst, contralto, and Mlaa Irene and David Comlns. 9:00—Nowa on all ototkms. 10:80— WDRC— Fhona Again, Fin­ labor council Mid, *‘hsvo boon IM g, is a- safety engineer with years." the USC chairman declar­ Friday, O ct IS 9:18—W D R O - HeadUncra au b : governor should have added the PYcved eo popular loot year wUI praelding a parking spsce on the m Lydall, soprano, sang a dueL Two Social—Richard Ryan, chairman; negan; WONS—Vic Curley’s Or- mado on the boaU of Tono’o labor the New Hsven railroad. He a good view of the sxtravaganxa. again warming up In (1 Cardinal ed. "the 450 million people o f Oitna Birthday party at Emanuel WONS — Sports Roundup: Unea, “ that’s a joke, eon.” ^ offered again thla year with jUtsTtn north side of Woodbridge street 'I'hsy watched the show from roof bullpen. BUI Zuber atartod to warm of the Ever Ready Orcle furnish­ Charles Tarpinian, Jr., Ronald chaatra; W TH T — Communist record, and not on tho boato of formerly was a locomotive en have been struggling through a ed Sowers li. memory of deceased Lutheran church under auspices Damocratle Speech; W TH T — Baildwln. making no direct ref­ Mra. Tnida Kaecbmann aa In- SLICED from Main street east tops In the downtown area, from up in the Boston bullpon. Higgina Longchamps and Francis Mader. Party of Hartford; W n C — EAll* erence to Professor Snow's propo­ party affUlaUon." gtnssr and operated for a number difiricult period of revolution and membera of tha Dorcas society. Quia Program; w n c — Emile Cantor. ■trwtor. Thaae claeaaa will ba held atreeU In ths suburbs. The first pitch and filed Cultural-Educational — Peter sals, oeaerted that Damocratle Ton# forroorly was stats labor of years from Hartford to Boston awecplng reformation. T h ^ have A pleasant aocIXT time followed, Annual meeting and banquet Pinto, Jr., chairman; David Barry, Cote Olefi Club. un^r the monaorahlp of the Y. over the local route. He slim op­ shooting stars wars visible nearly to Walker In short te n field. The been moving sometimea alowly and Manchester District Boy Scout 9:30—WDRC — Rad Barber; 10:68—W TH T—Music. etratagleta "an making futlla at­ W.C.A., on Fridaya beginning Oct. commtsalonsr, and was a naambar during which the hosteaaea, Mra. Michael Vignoni and Arthur Turk­ 11:00—News on all stations. Slavs IJpged-Xake erated the flret Diesel engine to two hours later. runners held their baaea. Munger haltingly, away from anelant cus­ James T. Pickles, Mrs. Arthur Committee, Center church 6:45 WONS Answer Man; WTHT tempts to draw attaimon away 18jat the Y.M .CA. bulMbig. ington. 11:08—WDRC— Hartford Courant go through Manchester. Omahans saw scores of meteors caught York asleep off second baac toms and traditions toward more Seymour and the officers, served ^.m. —Music; w n c — Bob Stacie: from where the responoiblUty for Tbe icliadulc la aa foUowa: 3:80 n a i hut threw wide to Marlon and York Investiture — Richard Foley, nawo. LB beginning shortly after dusk and modern forma of social and politi­ c u e and Ice cream. Monday. Ort. 31 Weather Forecast the ehortages reate, which la in p. m., adult: 8:80 n. m.. 9-16 ycar^ Action on Barrier; scrambled back to oafety. Slaugh­ chairman; Michael Vignoni, Char­ 19‘ at Umos the display was slniust 11:18—WDRC— News; Footnotes; Washington.” o l ^ 6:30 p. m.. 8 4 year-olifa. of Austria unless free navigation cal organisation. And in nil their South Methodist Aabury Group les Tarpinian, Jr., and Ronald 9:45—WDRC — Robert Trout continuous with a meteor a second. ter rame In fast to gobble up H. determined efforts to advance they W8CS, Hobby Show, South Metho­ News; WONS — Easy Aces; WONS— Eddy Howard’s Orcben- For regtstratlon or Infbrmatlon FOR SALE fiutn Free Trade Aim was adopted. Cloudless early avsnlng skies Wagner's aliort fiy to right. One Longchamps. Molotov said that America have turned toward America for dist church, 8 p.m. w n c — Lowell Thomas. tra: W TH T— Evening Devotion; can Mra Cbartaa Hoiiaa tel. 4969. T rack in ff B bsIb o m W ith ^AhlCY gave UM Portland, Ore., ares s run, two hKs, ho errbra, two left. Prior to the buaineoa meeting a w n C — Harkncaa of Washing­ emerged from the war stronger guidance and asalatance. Oct. 37 to Nov. 3 Fire PrevenUo.j day program was 7:00—WDRC — Mystery of the Lodge Opposes ' brUllant display. Tha meteors were South Coventry Weak; WOH8 - Fulton Lewis, ton. ,^**t»eldant Andrew Johnson waa P.U.C, Perailt sml Tracks. P o n ® c 9 . % -rses Page Oac) economically while the Balkan na< Support From Amerlen Girl Scout Campaign for funds. presented by Capt. Ross V. Ur- i ' 4 5 ‘ seen throughout Arlaons, and s -Jr.; w n c — Suppei <3lub. 11:30—WDRC—Columbia Master- ehrtetoned Andrew Jackaon John- ToL 8215 for D oti^ Uons had bean weakened, making "During all hla decades of labor Tuesday. O rt 39 quhart, head of the Arson squad clear moonlit sky made the me- and aariiflce for the people of Tax collector Mrs. Mabel G. Hall T:18—WDRC—Jack Smith Show; plocoa; WONS— BliotLawrence’s Isolation Stand prompt rejotadsr from Tugoalav them an easy prey to American Power. Shipping Military Whist, Gibbon Assem' of tha State Police departmenL teora a brUllant attraction In the China. Run Yat-sen received much WONS -- Famous Bonn; Musi­ Orchestra: News; W TH T— Mus­ Dtpuhf Pramisr Bdvard KardelJ. capitalism, which might buy up all reports that veterans are not filing bly C. U of C.. at Y.M.C.A. Films Including one'cntltled “Tha lets Piigst sound araa of Beattie from of hla Inspiration and support from O ct 39 and SO cal Roundup; W TH T—^lews of ic; w n c — Concert of Nations. Norwalk. O ct 19—6P)—John BSM who attaeked tha m ajwlty rsport their industrtsa. a record of their discharge* for ex­ Chemistry of Fire” were shown, 9 p. m.. s.at, until after U p . m. Rows Unsettled American sources, and the Three Minstrel Show at Hollister the World. 13:00 — WDRC — Jan Oaiibar’a of the Balkana emnmiaeion on two "Whan wa go to ths movies,” ha emption ffom property tax. This with State Policeman James M. Davis Lodge Isn’t following tai hla CLAMS erttelea te the draft dealing with said. ” ws sea American flings, While clouds kept most Texans Principles of democracy on which street auditorium. Sponsorship of 7:30—W D R (^-M r. Keen: WONS Orchestra; W n C —News: Design grandfather’s fOotatops, in one ra- from seeing the metoors, they were he built his whole concept of gov­ must bo completed during this Reardon, operating the projection —Arthur Hale; WTHT—Profsa- for Listening. the Danube. He held that tha con- '^ e y ’rs numerous. I f wa give sh (Coatlauelirfrom Page One) Nutmeg Forest Tall Cedars of machine. spact, at least feranee waa not “competent to deal visible throughout much pf Utah. ernment were baaed largely on the month and, before November 1, Lebanon. sor Quts; W nC!— Sjrmphony of 13:80—WONS—Victor Lombardo’s Hla grandfather, tha late Sena­ opportunity to ths little states to American system." Tells o f Arson Cnaea with th« Danube (nMatton” end compete with ths United 'States Sklss were clear over Denver at when ouch tax bills become pay­ Hittrsday, O ct $1 Molody. Orchestra. tor Henry Oabot Lodge of Moooa- NON PRIORITY ally taat night to receas their Reminding the citlxens of Man­ DtUlla regarding several arson WHmiVG akltf TugoeUvia deaerved a greater and Britain, can they do It? Not the height of ths idlsplsy and over able. ^ American Lemon’s Hallowe’en cases that have been solved by the chuaotto, was ana of tho RopubU- II LouUvIlle where Dr. Charles Btrull, three-day walkout against the chester of the importance of DanuMan role becauee “ 80 per only the vanquished enemies will Ohio Public Service Cb. until after T. Leo Flaherty of Main street parties for children In various parts State police were given by Oaptain can sonatora whom the late Prea­ imOA. cent of ita eourae la through Tugo­ educational director of the Louis- American aid to the ^In ese, Mr. returned home Monday from the of town. ldent Woodrow Wilson called ”a be dependent upon the American an NLRB collective bargaining Spencer pointed out that thou­ Urquhart and Officer Reardon. A L-U-M-B-E-R alav territory." dollar, but also our alliss.” vlUa Astronomical society, said he Hartford Hospitol.r' Saturday, Nov. 3 great many of the arson (ires at Third Annual Display little group of willful men” be­ counted 886 meteors In almost four election, a'chediiled for 30 days sands of China’s young men and Vandanberg waa ths Srat speak­ CUm Article About Senator i after Oct. 8. The 160 workers Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kraanickaa Dance S. Margaret’s Circle D. tbe present time are the work of cause they blocked 'American en­ hours. young women have studied in of Ek;ho road are the parents of a er as ths confsrenos. with the Molotov cited a recent article by quit work seeking wage hikes of of L Britiah-American CHub. women who have become Jealoiu, trance Into the League of Nations APPROXIMATELY 25,000 BOARD FEET American colleges and univeraltiea son born at the Hartford Hospital Wednesday, Nov. I I O f NBC Talent Sunday Itallaa treaty out of the way. took "Sen. Thomas (unidentified furth­ Stymied By Heavy aouds 18 cents an hour, and several with jealousy turning to hatred, after the First World war. -£SSBa and have returned to poaltlonl of Friendly Circle Bazaar, South up tha aecond o f the five drafta be- er) In an American magaslne«aa Among those who were stymied thousand steel workers were forc­ on October 8. Oaptain Urquhart aald. in telling of Lodge, a World war II veteran DOUGLAS FIR — DRESSED 4 SIDES prominence and influence in their Mr. and Mrs. Lealle Richardson Methodist church Scout Room at 8. f ^ It. He was Jotned in his plea an authority for hie contention by heavy clouds wars sclentlsU ed to leave their Jobs. Also in War­ own land, and that atlll larger these solved cases. He touched who Is the Republican candidate T* Noninsl Thicknose. fek ife e oommaroe on the Danube and family of Pine Lake Shores Monday, Nov. 18 C M to n StBSdsnl Tim# ^ placement, la to move over to MBS that the American dollar Is often from New York’s Hayden plancU ren a nine-day bus strike' ended numbers of her young people have briefly upon the incendiary fires of for Oongress in the Fourth dlatrlct eJkd.frae trade throughout the have as a guest this week, his sis­ G Clef Club 18th annual con­ New York, Oct 10—OP)—Now for another. The new one will be ths Instrument of American policy. rium. They spent two hours and yeaterday. studied In schoola and colleges con­ last spring In Manchester, saying asserted here last night that ”I am WESTCRN RED CEDAR — DRESSED 4 SIDES B k O ^ natloba by'Dritiah Foreign Answering one Slav armiment, forty minutes In s plane above the ter, Miss Esther Richardson, of cert Emanuel Lutheran church. that he could not go Into detail be­ eomas tbs third annual NBC dis­ Lov# Story Theater, to use origi­ not In sympathy with whatever A strike of A F L Bakera in ducted In China Itaelf with the aid play of the talent It la distributing IVi” Nominal ThicknwM. SeMrtary Crnaat Bevln. that ths United States should think metropolitan area but were unable of American funds and teachers, Enosbiirg Falls, Vt. Wednesday, Nov. 37 cause the State police still are nal scripts aa selected by a board Isolationist stand-pat philosophy taak of rehaMUtatlng Bu- Washington, which had curtailed an its network in tho new aesaon. more about ths S t Lawrence river to rise shove the overcast. The and have gone out to become able, Sunday guests of Mrs. Ann More Annual Turkey, Goose and Pig working on the case. , of authors. It la to open (^tober atlll survives In the Republican TOM is made Infinitely more dlfll- the capital's bread auppilea by of Pine Lake Shores were Edi­ Ball of Hose Co. No. 1 SMFD at As tho "Parade of SUrs,” it will EASTERN WHITE PINE — ROUGH — DRY than the Danube, Vandenberg de­ plane was unable to go beyond 13,- at^mt 59 per cent, waa aettled. A and devoted leaders In all parish Officer Reardon described ki : 35 at 8:80 p.m. . . . T w o "veteran” party.” _ Fall r* Thickneaa. eial," Bevln eald, “ eo long aa there clared that vessels of all nations 000 fM t and the control tower at of the nation. son J. Bennett and Dr. and Mrs. Cheney hall. detail the great amount of work uoo four houra of broadcasting I programs are to have anniversaries la a tHurrier between the weat end union spokesman aald the strikers are "welcome to use the St Law­ Newark airport reported the over had accepted a recommendation "American help,” he said, "has Merritt Hewitt of Watertown, and Thursday, Nov. 38 done by Connecticut and Rhode Is­ Btwday afternoon and Monday ‘ this weekend, the Serenade on CBS - | P .the east in the Danube arae end rence on terms of equality with cast went as high as 30,000 feet. contributed extensively to the Im­ Mr. and Mra. Robert More and In­ . Thanksgiving Day Road Race, land State police in solving the night to give enough Urns to get I Saturday night with ita tenth and the dommerelel Intereets of the of their Negotiations committee h m u m ■ “ n i p those of ths United States and Clear weather gave Rochester, giving them a raise of 15 cents an provement of every phase of Chi­ fant daughter, Linda, of Manches­ aponaored by Army and Navy club. outbreak of forest firea akmg the la all of tho ’’acts.” : the Album of Familiar Music on THE MANCHESTER LUMBER & w ^ are met In Romania by a Canada.” N. T., area sUrgasers a good view hour. The old pay scale ranged nese life-^agriculture, education, ter, Wednesday, Dec. 4 border of the two states In 1943. Tha total runs to an oven four ' NBC Sunday night with its fif­ '“W whale heat o f dieerimlnatory acts.” REAL ESTATE Mors than that, he told the 31 of the meteor display, which stori­ from 06 cents to $1,45 an hour for medicine, Juiiaprudencc, religion, Prizes awarded at the Saturday "Chrlatmaa Cheat” Fair,'W om ­ A prison sentence of 18 years was doaan, with ths division to ba about teenth. ■evfa eald that the Ruaalan pro­ nation conference, which Is etriv- ed St about 10 p. m. Spectators both day and night workers. commerce and Industry. Yetv al­ evening set-back party at Pin* en’s League, 3nd Congregational oqioal batwoon tho two programs. That Yoa Maj Owa-» FUEL COMPANY posal, which aought “ to reetrict the Imposed upon the arsonist, whoM ing to meet an Oot. 18 adjourn­ watched from stop buildings In In New York a seven day walk ways America has championed Lake Shores when there were ten church, "• detection resulted from the report That for Sunday Is sat for 4 to 6 ; This Leaves Argument a Your Hoam 255 CENTER ST. DIAL 5145 uae- ad 4he Danube exclusively to tables in play went to: Ladieslst, Thursday. Dec. 3 and that for Monday night 10:80 ment deadline, the United States Is ths downtown ares, crowded the out by 400 AFL bus drivers and China’s own complete sovereignty of a woman who found him stand­ Still Unraaohred a tavoatmaat Praparty ths oonatrlea along lie banks. Is "riparian by proxy" to long as Am­ city streets, and viewed the specta­ maintenance men ended after the of thought and action; and her Mrs. Lottie Thompson; 2nd, Misa South Methodist W8CS annual to-lS:a0, a half-hour more than E V A P .| ^ ^ n ^ only a ratrograde step but a ing alongside a small fire just a Farms ar Baalama Praper- erican forces are occupying scc- cle from the back yards. members of A F L Amalgamated freedom to deal with her own af­ June St. Martin; Men’s 1st. Louis Christmas Mie, 3 p.m. on. started near a back country road. flrat planned. The enUrtatnment Norton Canaa, England—(d>) — dsUhacate diaefimlnatory action tlona of darm ony and Austria to In Buffalo, George A. Davis, Jr. Asaodatlon of Street, Electric and fairs in her own way. '' Dean, Wlllimantic: 2nd Charles Ho- 'Ilinraday, Dee. It will include all of the network’s ty a g d M t their aBlee. Tbe use of a He detector at Rhode Mra. Elizabeth Adams of this Staf­ whOM economic progrees the Dan astronomer at the Buffalo Museum Motor Coach Employee of Amer­ "The past decade has drawn the dia; specials, Mra. Henry Moores, Christmas Fair of Center Con­ Island State police headquarters comedy shows aa wall as samples fordshire viUaga was publicly You have vour own ideas as “ It poUey which gives rise ube la "tndlapenaable. of Science, said he saw three me­ ica voted to settle their' strike two countrlea even cloaer together Leslie Richardson, Amoa Richard- { gregational church. o t every other type of production. la valnea lacome darivad. eta., to n goo4 M el o f suspicion ea to showed that whenever (tre was proud that aha never tasted intoxi­ tall "W e must act as the economic teors a minute by 10:30 p. m. He agalnat the Isle Transportation as they have fought aa allies to gain aon. Mrs. Ruth' Palmer and Mrs. i mentioned there was a reaction cants. and credited her old ag* to Irreapretlva ot ontslda ar Im- tte daaigna of the Soviet union In called it the moat "brilliant dis­ corporation by accepting a $1.15 a military victory over the Axis Ann More were co-hostosaes. Mrs. | Coming up: Tonight—MiM 10:15 partlal appraisals. CANS ^ part of Hie world,’’ Bevln trustees for parts of Germany and showing that he was not telUng the abstinence. 3 ^ " s 3 7 ' Austria,” Vandenberg said, add­ play I ’ve seen here In 30 years." hourly wage rate, a boost of nine powers, snd are now struggling Ann More will b«- chairman of the Deputy Registrar New eeries. "Scout about Town,” eald, truth or evading the issue. 0>n- John Edwards, another villager, It N Is VfMU dadslfip to make Ideal for Infani Paading ing: "Peace Is substanttslly related cento. The union had demanded a with the even more ditTIcult and next party on Saturday evening. fronted with evidence, gathered In which prafaaslonal talent from ■dvtat FOieIgn Minister V. M. Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Harring­ was just aa proud that he woe an.r changea, we stand rrady to Ultra-Modem hike of 20 cents. Ehoadway and other sources will to tbe avoidance of economic bar complex problems of winning the during an intensive day' and night never ill and said “ plenty of beer" jjwaL 42]SI Mdbtov. preeMIng, once again In Loa Angelea, the Herald-Ex ton are the parents of a daughter Is Appointed t tiyouts at the microphone, to aerve von. Vnak — no red tnpa. riera.” peace. As we celebrate this thirty- investigation of more than two kept him healthy. oteM bfi down from the roetnim, Cardinals Leading press, which suspended Publication born at the Hartford Hospital on conductad by Hunt Stromberg, (toaonlt as lirri! fifth anniversary of China’s Dou­ weeks, the culprit finally confessed. K They died on the same day— and iwUad that penes treetlea following a strike Sept. 4 by the ble Tenth, that peace has not yet Oct. 5^"” Jr., young theatrical producer. with former enemy states were not Herbert I. Johnson was today Mni.,^dama 83, Edwards 79. HOMES UNDER THE 6 to 1 as Bosox CIO Newspaper Guild, said that been fully won. Every nation is still Eighth grade pupils of the O n - : appointed by Jack M. Gordon aa Friday—MBS 1:15 pjn. from OJ. BnjL OF RIUHTS Stores the hooper plsces for dealing with ■alarlea of the mechanical crafts wrestling with grave snd perplex­ ter school will attend Shubert’s Boston, scheduled fifth game of the preUema affecting AlUed nations. A1k>uI Town Deputy R e ^ tr a r of 'Voter* and Local Young Men NOW BEING OONSTRUCTBO men would be stopped on Oct. 19. ing problems which are the inevit ‘Blossom Time" at the Bushnell, took hia oath of ofifice before World Series; MBS 8:30 special, With 1,000 to 2,100 Square Fact of Floor Space Each *“Ihe qusatlon of an Intsrnation- Elmo Mathiesen, secretary of the The regular masting of the Hurlers Pounded able aftermath of war. All of ua Hartford, on Saturday. Members "Whara Is tha-Meet?” to comprioa al regtone also appMss to other Los Angeles Allied Printing Trades Town CHerk Samuel J. Turkington. Now Ntarlnff Completion At Corner of Ctmter and Permanent Armistice Day Com­ have painful flrat-hand knowledge of grade seven have been Invited The term will nm to January 1 at Enlist ill Army pickups from Denver, Omeha. JARVIS statse which wars our AlMee end council, said that auch action to accompany them. In furtherance IQDNEYS Adams StreetR. of how many and annoying are Chicago, Pittsburgh and Washing­ Oft phom We cannot Impose such e mittee will be held tomorrow night (UoBtlnued From Page One) would violate the contracts, which of the educational program it la which time Mr. Gordon will turn > -.... in the Army and Navy club. This our own post-war diflficulties. The the registrar’s Job over to the The Army Recruiting Service In ton. 'Thla Is a half-hour later than R E A LT Y C O . aettlement" Molotov declared, he said do not expire until No­ hoped that a number of auch trips tbs network first had It listed. eupnortlng the Tugoalav view. committee will meet every Friday throwing to York at (Irat for the Chinese were In the War longer newly elected registrar Donald Hartford has announced that the 9 Dover Band or vember. than any of our allies, and auffered can be sponsored throughout the MUST REMOVE Can be kaacd singly or in combinations to providt ntghf until the plans for Armistice putout. Hunger etruck out. swing­ Hemlnway. following Manchester men hate cn- 39 Slexaeder Street “Kot one of the stetea which da- school year. R. Sims of North Cov­ Jim Aroache, brother of Don and JOKAK 6/Upre alrie the InternatlonalUatlon o f the Day have been completed. ing. Three rune, three hits, one comparably greater losses and diS' The appointment was mads by Hstod. in the regular army: Murray you with tbe floor space you nacd for your buaineaa. ruption of their whole economic entry will drive the school bus for a veteran at radio acting, who re­ Phnae 4113 ar 7379 DONUTS Danube canw about the sovereign- error, none left. the children. Mr. Gordon as he will be unable E. Johnston of 93 Plymouth lane, Front and rear entrances to all storea proYided. Ample Second Inning, Bed Sox and political organization. It will cently completed an NBC I mtIm . nCESS ACIDS The Manchester Trust Co.. The to attend the session Saturday Gilbert F. Sass of 570 Vernon m tgr o f the riparian atatea." There will be. dancing thl* eve­ Grand Marquee, oa a summer re- 18 MO « f K l^ ay Tubas parking space front and i;ear,for any occasion. Uglit and Ttsderi XCOIetoT ehaigcd that the Brtt- Savings Bonk 6f Manchester, The With Williams at bat, the Car­ Weddings take much time and labor for them ning at Pine Lake Shores club- when voters will be made, and will stroat, Eugene R. Sualam of 164 Flush Out Paisaaoua Waste Wi-AmeTtcan attitude was west­ Manchester Building and Loan As­ dinals used a different type of to repair this wide-spread destniC' rooms. be represented at that session by Benton street. George E. MroaaK Ifrm i t' ern Imperialism in a new gulee. sociation and The Personal Finance shift aa they had been doing In tion aRd to move forward again Postmaster George Herahey Rob­ Mr. Johnson. of 85 Pearl street, Leo J. McKier- For complete information regarding choice of loca> % DOZ 1 9 ^ U A S H “ We arc told,” he said, “ that in­ Co. will be closed Satutday Oct 12, prevloua pamee. Marlon switched Conring Marriage along the path of peaceful pro­ ertson. former teacher and mem­ nan of 161 Branford street Robert ternationalisation o f the Dianube In obsen’snoe o f Columbus Day. from hla shortstop poaltlon to acc- gress.’’ ber of the Coventry town board Gave Him tha Idea W. Chambers. Jr., of 677 Oentar 5 1 - w ______tkm in this building, call or aee: ond baae. Schoendtenst moved Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kansk, of 3Ie*sage of flreetlag Wlwa 4lnrtw«< was sotabllshed In 1886.1 can tell 198 Porter street announce tha ap- of education for more than 40 atraet, Ernest R. Lana. Jr., of 319 SALESLADY o ^ b a s e cloaer to flrat and back on the In connection with the celebra­ years will deliver an address at EH Whitney got the Idea.nf a Summit street, Bernard C. August PLATES C lu e s H u Z Senator Vandenberg that at the Robert W. Chambers Jr., of 67T pnint-hlng marriage of their daugh­ Ume of the Paris confsrence in Center streeL » graduate of Man­ graas. but Kurowakl remained at tion of "Double Tenth," Mr. Spen­ the October meeting of the East­ cotton gin by watching a fox claw­ of 30 Williams atreet, Arthur C. Wsaaiaasnsas IP IK 1 0 * third. Wllllaroa ran the count to ter, Mias June Marla Kanak, to cer made public the following mes­ Experienced 0 , 1886, slavery eUll existed in the chester High school In the class of -___ - Theodore R- Schuett, aon of Mr. ern Connecticut Schoolmen tomor­ ing feathers frOfn a pullet through Anderson of 66 Garden street and JARVIS REALTY CO. UnitiM] Statea. 1946, has enlisted in the Army. three and two and then drew a sage of greeting from Charles Edi­ row at the Community house, the cloae-aet olata of a chicken Leo M. Paquette of 16 Clinton for walk. Terry Moora m ^ e a runLI son. USC National Chairman: < DOVER ROAD TEL. 4112 OR 7276 “Mr. Bavin said that Great Bri­ ■' - . r-i Cooper atreet. The ceremony will Storrs. at which the staff of the coop. atreet •O t ning diving catch of York's terri­ On this thirty-fifth anniversary tain waa not tmpsriallstlc any Mrs. Audrey Oole, wife of Al­ take place November 16 at ten School of Education at the Uni­ Specialty Shop fic smash to right-canter and Wil­ of the birth of the Chineae Repub­ versity of Connecticut will be serv­ more. Ws can say. In all honesty bert cole, of 139 Branhird street, liams had to scramble back to o'clock in St. Jamea’a church. Escellent sslary sad oppor- that what happened PO years ago slipped and fell while transacting lic. Americans remember with ing as hosts. The general theme flrat to avoid being doubled up. Al r atitude the growing t i e s of tmiitY. Writs, statinff tx- was imperisllsUc, typical of the buaineas In ths Savings Bank of will be "Current Problem* In the Brafte. a lefthander, started understanding a n d cooperation era. Mancheatsr this .afternoon and Financial Support of Education in psrlsnct, NECTAR TEA warming up in a hurry 'In the which for more than a century *Tf we renounce the tmpericlism fractured an elbow. Sire was at­ Connecticut." " HOME COOKED MEALS Garda’ oullpen. Doerr filed to Tolland have united them with the Chinese WRITE BOX Z, OtANCE HLB of the 19th century, why should tended by Dr. A. B. Simdquist and Tile funeral ‘aervlcea o f Harry .Slaughter who made a running people ns friends In peace and aa ARMY SURPLUS we retain parts of it now?" waa removed to the Manchester r r H. Hobby, 59. of Lakevlew Ter SERVED EVERY DAY cars Tke HarsM racoE PKG catch near the right field stands. nllle.s In times of war. This year, race, who passed aw.ay on Friday Molotov said there were "other Memorial hospital in Qulsh's am­ An Important church maatlng Favored For Qualit/ arid Prical Slaughter' iwced Into right center for all members and frlonda of when both countrlea are atlll atrug- after an extended Illness were held wataeprays,” such as those which bulance. and hauled In Higgins' long drive. Today We Feature: Repaired the Tolland Federated arc urged gling with all the grave problems Monday afternoon In Manchester, Brond New units obsana. and asked "Why not No runs, no hita, no errors, one which remain aa the unhappy with the Rev. George ChappelL of STE.VKS RAVIOLI PORK t^HOPS wS !S k! •“ ** Stanley B. KraJewskI has sold to attend at the church on Thurs- apply this same principle to such left. aftermath of war, mutual good­ the Ashford Baptist church offt hla oboe repairing business, ma­ Third laniag Cardinals place of Nathan Hale at the •NO IMPRESSIONS principal cities. SWAN SOAP Schoendlenat and Moore Increns- hoh(<^ad here. ' An ancient WHITE H 0ATIN6 omic domination of this area Honpitai Notes tng the Cardinals' lead to 5-0 The the Tolland County Home in Ver I which read as follows: CHENEY — MORRISSEY Guaraoled NECESSARY LariN*flyflf.MI 2 33* where, he said, the power of the finn Center waa a week-end guest j "TodHy China and the United ca n n ^ ' barked a salute to the j hit waa a low line drive -over WITH CERTIFIED SPECIFICATIONS LARGE 9 Q U / I u m P m m American dollar would, overwhelm of Tolland relatives.- i ar<* celebrating the thlrty- memory of the late ■ George Dud-1 ONEXEMIS HT.—IIARTT'ORD 9 0 Days 2 C^a. 27* Diecharged yesterday: Mrs. El­ Doerr’i head but rolled between ley Seymour. New Haven patent, CAKES t b U weak, local industries and "take the outfleldera clear to the wall Mlsa Elisabeth Hlcka Is Im- j fifth anniversary o f the founding •FREE ESTIMATES Model K-8, M-5H-6 Hydraulic Dump Trucks, 6 x fl drive ItM C w i NO. len Larson. 31* (’heaUiut street; attorney, on hla birth date. Mr. | 3 • W IfT tIOLO N CAN everything. Mrs. Mary F.ngelharf and baby In front of the Cardinal bullpen. proving theae pleaaant days In of tho Chinese Republic. In the CONFIDENCE GIVEN Wheelbase, 170'/i^ (to flrat axis 127 < "W e must take care that post­ Jim Bagby, a righthander, and landscape painting, that being one I ’nitcd St.ates today we remember Seymour was an Internationally daughter of 75 Weat Middle Turn­ known authority on the life of the EXPERIENCED BUYERS Frame Length, back of cab to rear of frame IIS’* ifuCitiflitfl FANCY war difficulUss do not become the pike; Mrs. Helen Upton and baby aon of the famous Jim Bagby who of Miss Hlcka hobMea. I'lii- debt of gratitude to the Chi­ OF INSI'R.q.NCE Haoa yonr 9aatal platoa re­ occealon for exploltaUon by the pitched In the 1920 World Senes Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Chorches nese people for thejr realstance In patriot-martyr and preserved the A Visit To Qur Larfc Dis- Weight, 11,780 lbs. total boy of 56 Salem road; Mra! Mar­ homestead as a memorial build- J f o r i n d u s t r y a n d individuals paired by nren arba bare nmda ‘dollar dsmocracisa’,” he added. jorie Chappell and baby boy of for the Cleveland Indians, replaced entertained aevaral of their Hart­ then' long war against the Japa­ Engine, International K-8, 361 cu. in. displacement, 126 SWAN SOAP Ing, and It was he who used to fire a flfa otedy of It — And eava MIUOtUlTC:Vo*r The Soviet foreign minister at- RFD South Coventry- Mrs, Jane Hughson on the mound, r'kwrr ford relative* Sunday. nese IN AN EVER-CHANGING MARKET phy ot Bcaatiful Msaio- oa maeb aa IS%. H. P. at 3000 RPM. WHITE FLOATING 11* Nibiscf ieo« I m Vi5 20* bacited up on the grass to field Mr*. Mabel W. Spicer wa.s hns- the cannon annually on Tiale’s ; tacked the oommlssioa majority Smith of 149 Union street and Mrs. "It IS a pleasure to send greet­ PHONF,: Clfiruttuu”®-^*"aaANoa c t h l.1 5 ______CMtiei tOAT 1 .2 1 Slaughter's hopping grounder and less to the Valley Bridge nub ings to the United Service to birthday. riab Will CoBvinec Yoo Extra gas tank MEDIUM 4 W f l CliU-O-llt OB tbs Danube question as having Jean Chambers and baby girl of 7-8383 HARTFORD MANCHESTEB 3-6349 bssB eompoaed of distant states 105 St. John street. threw him ouL Muslal going to Tuesday afternoon. October 8th at Oiinn. IncorporatwL repraaentlng Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jackson CAKES I I **c**<* 3 5 * I M C I i N t f l AMI*. and daughter "Suaie” accompanied That Yon CsBBOt Boy a Tires, 8.25 x 20 — 10 ply. Spare tire mounted behind cab such as Australia while ths ripar­ Dlacharged today: Patricia and third. Kurowakl fouled to York the home of Mra. Lucy Ush.-r • men .and women who - for - ao many * 3 near the Red Sox dugout Gara- where Mra. Spicer has spent the year.s have been building the .mu­ by her schoolmate. Miss Betty Bsttar McBiorfal Anywhere w . J. Body, Cargo dump, 4 to 7 yard capacity, Anthoay or IflbiSM jlFU bM t Vao 23* M ul-O-llt CNtiaa vnS ian states all opposed the clsuee Pauto Croteau of 161 Brookfield atroet; Rqbert RuaconI of 39 Sea­ giola singled to center sconng Mu- summer m o n t^ tual understanding that now ex­ Ann Hawkea, daughter of Mr. and Gallon M-S Holst, with Anthony or Gallon steel declaring tha Duube InternationT 5Irs. George Hawkea, are on a T e m t o t a s its ’;.'))': 1 0 * Vw m i H m SS. 2 I P afined. man CIrcIi and Mrs. Louise Mul- aial with the'thlrd run ot the in­ Misa Maud Maacham of Hart­ ists between the peoples of the At Any Pries. ford waa a week-end guest of T oi-' week’s educational tour through dump body O' x 6' x IS". 24" headboard and tail­ “ Just because one la rich does lin of (W Branford street. ning and St. Louis' sixth run of United Statea and the peoples of likUtt’iLyt P IraNr’eTnM 'IfflP the game. Walker struck out. miss­ Massachusetts, Maine and Cana­ gate, 10" mb rail on each aide of body aot mean hs oka Impose hie will Admitted yesterday: Louis King land friends. the Chinese Republic. It I* on FAGAN LUX FLAKES ing a three and two pitch. Three Mra. Harold Pel ton and Miss da. M aStep 1».,.2S< SpuktttltSX. m . I P SB stban," he eald. of 186 Wadsworth street; George such mutual trust and reaped AAANCHESTER Winch, Front mounted, 15.000 lbs. capacity operated two runs, thioe hita, one error, one Morgan of Hartford were Sunday Of local Interest la the marriage Manner of 281 Hlllstown road and among nations that the framework Prop. speedR ahead and one In rercrae. LARGE O Q C Chaises IbraalB Made left. gueato of Mr. and Mr*. Harry, of the former Misa Maureen A-F i m •M^ciuiet cAh 22* CUekM ceu.MiMai i r i r Molotov accused the United Joyce Manner o f -281 HlUatown of lasting peace must be built." MEMORIAlp Road. Tklrd Inning Red Si>\ Wood, Harry Truman. Frances Lintner, daughter of Mr i CaU 5141 Exrert Dantel Taebaleiaa Tranumiuiion, 5 speed. International. Transfer case In ‘ FKG d b V Btotes e f reaortlng to threats A - P flM oav eiiANia CAN 5 P C H e k M ‘ 4 T P Admitted today: Patricia Brun- H. Wagner grounded to Schomd- Rev. Philip King And delegates Urom the White House and Mra. Frank P. Lintner of —FOR— ^ o U 3 7 3 3 9# Veare Bnparienre 2 speed type giving 10 epeeds forward. 2 in reverse. “ When Avelieaie" egatnat alltae as wall aa ex-enemies ienst and was an easy out Moore Mra. Charted Gunther and Luther Manchester and Frank Ernest COMPANY eUe of 60 Pioneer Circle; Gall Washington, D. C. 0 «ea Hanrai 9 A. N. to 9 f, SI. Front wheel drive used only in low rangefi. to fed backing for its Idsaa on oon- Brunelle of 50 Pioneer Orcle; W il­ stood In hla tracka to gather in Barnard ’ attendad' U** annual Wralght, aon of Mrs. Lucy S. - A. abnetM. Prap titd e f tha Danube. "The peoplh of (Shina are moat No Appnlntntent Neeeeeary JUNKET DESSERT AttonnofiAvoa liam Nevue of 25 Ulac street; Bagby’a hoist. Moses singled be­ meeting of -the Congregational .grateful to toe American people Wraight of Weat Wllllngton on Extra Parts, with each truck. — . Tbe Isvlet foretgn mlaistor aald Saturday at St. Joseph’s church, OOIL PCAKL AND HAMBiaON COMB (M A N T T U IS James Giglio' pf 43 Cook street; tween flrat and aecond Into right Ck>rtfer*ncc of OonnccUcut held in for their nation-wide celebration of QUAKER OATR INlTANT8CMa tbs AmeHcap member of the Bal- EaglevUle, by tbe Rev. Bernard J. CITY CAB Potterton*s i n i u E m LUX TOILET SOAP Mrs. Fanny MllUrd of 31 North field for hla first hit of the series. Hartford Tuesday and Wednesday the thirtv-flfth annlrareary of the I w Beanomle eommiselon (Willard School street and Mrs, Audrey Pesky went down swinging. No this week $t the Immanuel Con­ esfrbUshn>erit of the Chinese re- Foster. Upon return from their SAFE. COURTEOUS ORIVERS U p M n t w a S ^ YU t :0 0 P . M . Oppasita Essi CmtPm 33 ASYLUM STBEET ’Itivp ) bad revealed this strategy Cole of 129 Branford street. runs, one hIL no errors. on>' left. gregational church. v.cddlng trip the couple will re- KIBBLER DOR FOOD mihVc. This manifeistatlon ef Claasd Sat At ■iM f. N. TBUEFHONB n a i OB 9993 OppoaWa Aobbm CAPITOL MOTORS, INC. with ms statsaMfit tbat tbe United Births Today: A baby girl to Mr. Fourth Inning Cs'-ds Mr. and Mrs. Roy nrown b f . ; tw'd "in toward Chins cannot h'lt ride at Lakevlew Drive, this town, OFEIV AI.L NlUi r 268 MAIN STREET HARTFORD 3 20* Stable wsuM^wt releese DenuMan Al (hr Cantsr Roare 3, Harttofd. Caan. and Mrs. Ptanley Choman of 22 After fouling off five, pitchej. had as recertt guest Mr. Rro*n*> 1 contribute to the further strength- and Mrs. WralgBt will be teacher Otwn temSaya "When Avellebi* " I H I G R I A r A I 1 A rj I I i * .1 1 I barges held la tbe AjMiicaa sone Clark street. i Marlon singled ov$r the, rhortstop's 1 brother o t Na*f York .city. iening of tho traditional frtendahlp (or grade three at the town halL ■ MS-Ml Main Strsst Boy IMrort and Save Maneyl FIniir Above Baritt tbe Jeweler OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8;.'I0 P.1H. ______I aeteae e tie ie tt t* merOM ehanaee, Wa raaere* rtfM te limit auantlliea Prioaa aPaathra far thla t i *


T he H igh School W orld ISox Has 2-1 Edge; Uconn Gridder VMS Game Exhibit Expect Capacity Crowd MIm Helen Enten, Kncolty Airtser Gets Pro Bids Colors Trials THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 Cbapikd by Students of M*neh®«t«r High Sckeol .▼ 01* XIV, NO. • Happy in Home Park For Arc Light Contest Trojanowski Said Con- Unusud Display o f M.H.S. “Reedmen” ' Hear Yet Alamnae! English Classes Y Director\ sidarinR Offora o f Rod- SrORTS ERITBR Senior CIsM OffiMra iTeam L oms Tensenesd Game Birds at Barbar Loeak Seek Second Win Pidc Officers Legion of Honor Defeated Twice A ll alumnae of Girls’ Lead­ W orld Scries Facta Reports Are Given As Players Start skina, Seahawka H ill Evem Wednesday Night gn lor Claas oSleara who ers Club ora cordlaUy invited In Assembly Sox Ooe UaoM I'p V beriea IllghUghts O f Season Against wei* eiacted on Tuaaday, Octo­ to this year's inltlatlona to o* Hitting; Ferrifs in (Con­ By Tho AMOctetod P rw Fenway Park, Boaton — Rudy Stan Musial pilfered second In For Council Girls’ Leaden; Student Council The Manchester High School held in tbe High echol audito­ Btervo, Oct. 10 .— Walter the flrat Inning on a long windup A very unusual and Inforeiting Bowling League Strong Down Suters; ber 8, are: President, Thomas W L Pet York’s three run hooMr la the first aphlblt of game birds will be one Everything from hobble* to a Girl Reaervu, end a variety of rium, October 18. at 7:80 p. m. trol All the. Way Boaton (A L ) 3 1 M l TrojaaoweM. whose dlsmlaaal by Boo Ferrise. The throw went Bailey; vice preeident, Shirley Soccer teem which waa host to ths ' Jop McCIuskey, Famout of the features at the Barbar Hill Albie Booth to Referee report on Ethel Mermar. served sports keep Shirley Taylor busy Please contact any present St. Louis (NL) 1 » MX from th* University o f OonnecU- Inning, the Big Indian Chief’s sec­ Into centerfleld but the ever alert Taylor; aecretary, Elaine Marr; Meriden team at their first CCIL Gun d u b Shooting Dog Stakes to Bryaat Aad _ ------(0) Vice Pret., Tom Bailey; oa subjects for 22 topics given by outside of her school work, but she members or Mia* Cole before Pitet gnaw at 8partaamn*a Path, ond circuit smash o f tha serlaa Dom DlMegglo fielded .ths ball and treasurer, Steven Turklngton. Track Sur and Title By dock Baa^ cut footbaU squad for faUura to ba held this weekend. This display Fish ...... 04 106 118—817 IpupUs of Mias Burtoe'e sophomore has found time to make herself encounter of the sesson, was ds- th* eighteenth It you wish to I at. Lo«8si gave the Red Doo a lead that they held Stan on second. Ferriaa then X ' capacity crowd is expactad to See., Shlfley Taylor; Next week the World will pub­ Doston, O ct 10 .—idV-Oneb rapoft for practice loA Friday haa baen shown at several of the Wilson ...... 97 01 04—282 :EngUsh riassee recently. popular with her claearaates. So fasted 8-2 last Friday. The game attend.. Holder, Spealu to MHS i Boston S O S witness the first night football lish InUrvlewa with the suc­ never relinquished as they whipped picked Musial oil second has* by State fairs in this oeotlon and ia Fsrrand ....1 0 0 88 84— 277 Evidently her etudents have popular tbat ehe was eiacted vice seas a doss one, for the teams a booming homa run off tha St. Louis 1 T 0 and for th* next day’s ganw with game in Manchester in sevaral Treasurer, A1 Patch cessful candldatss. the Oardinala 4 to 0 behind Boo ten feet Johnny Pesky racked up owned by Judoon Wiliiama who op­ Burr ....1 3 6 118 118—887 little spar* time. Judging from the president of her elaoe la th* recent were of equal quality. ed bolding Rudy Tork baa (10 Innlnga) Springfield OoUege was announced years tonight at Mt. Nabo when elections. During her Srat two "Set a goal, plan out svento, Ferrias. A fourth nin in ths eighth th* first hit, ■ liner down ths left- erates a Game Bird farm on Long Skoog...... 1 1 6 116 104—388 the Southington Gems faos tha lo­ long list of hobbyists. Josn Wsp- Meriden made tha first goal and tha American Leagues Hughson, Johnson (0) and H. on Monday by Hood Goaoh J. O r­ Tbs atudsBt Oooaeil bold Its years In high sawol Shirlay took achieve jrour objective, but enjoy inning was not needed as the Red field foul Une. After Dom DiMag­ Hill Drive in East Hartford. Mr. cal American Legion elevMi. sdiall and John Aniello have simi­ later Don Hubbard mads ■ spec­ ■ton Rod Sox Into tb* driver's Wagner, Parte# (0); PoOett and Total ...... 587 SIS 818 1868 the college prefiaratory course. In Reserve Chairmen youreelf while doing eo," said Jos­ leans CSirtatUn. said yesterday Birds were encountering all kinds gio grounded out, Msnagar Eddie WUliams has for many years made Except for savsral )Ugh achool slsctlon of ofnesrs and diaeussd lar bitarests, that o f collecting tacular goal from tha wing. Meri­ at in tbe 1646 World Scrlee. Garagiola. her Junior ahe changed to the com­ that he waa eerioualy considering of trouble against tha tantaUaing Dyac ordered Ted WlUiama walked both a hobby and a vocation of Chambers Movers (8) games under th* lights bdore th* ether Important ttsma at It# most* oelna. Ik e lr Introduction could be eph McCluakey, director of the Holding a 3-1 game edge over Becanfi at apeeteema’a Hlllnskl ...... 148 110 111—363 mercial course, which she la now den then made two more goals Qsssm slants of Dalta Davo. a ^ a chonw of boos went up. hraeding arid coUectlng many dif­ war, night gsmea were out in Inc duiinc third period on Tuaaday. Sideline the blooming of a beautiful coin throughly discouraging the Red Report to Club Manchester YMCA, when he spoke Itbs 8 t Louis Carrtinala goUm In- Park. at. Letkai two profeaeione! foothoU offers. Chamtwrs ...... 180 118 122—368 followingfnllrrwlng with th* subjects Short Ito today’s fourth fray on A crowd of 84,800 contributad Th* capacity crowd hardly had ferent varieties of pheasants snd MancheaUr. With the new bleach­ eoOaetion. Two Lorralnei and and White bootera, ao Coach Raed York’s Boaton ,041 Tha 84-yaar-old sx-OI, wboaa 23 Witkowakl .... 110- 08 110—815 October 4. hand and Typing‘ riT BBusiness at an assembly held Friday, Oct. Iclout and Dave Ferriaa' 4-0 obut- 8140,481 for tha third gana la tha time to get comfortable when other rate epeclea of game birds er aeU moved from ths West Side on# Ruth. Lorraine Carlson. Lor- decided to change his tactics. He 8l Louis 8 0 0 touchdowns last season gavs him Rudy York on a three and two Hsslela ...... 188 138 101—382 The following alato of oOieeri .Math, and BhiglUiEEnglish IV . With this Reports by committee chairmen 4, in the High sehooL It was seven­ out pItcBtog, Manager Joe Cronin tha National Interoolleglata indi­ beat four out of aeven gams oaries from different parts of the world. Oval to M t Nebo, a crowd of 3,000 Slants ^ iterson. end Ruth Baronou- course ahe plans to prepare her- changed Alfred QuaUfson to half­ Harris, Dobson (6) snd Partes, between the American and tha Na­ pitch hit his home run to give tho Smith ...... ISO 188 148—414 fans can be aocomroodsted with was presented to the Council by sky, ha^Fth^same diversion, that teen yeara since Mr. McCluakeyl ia able to rx>m* back with Tex vidual anoring leadership, said hp Tha owner will be on band to talk Fst Btevanson xhairman of the self for a lob aa a aecretary . i back, the posltldn Qua likes beat, dominated the buaincaa portion of H. Warner (OJ; Brechsen and Rice. tional League champions. Tha Sox Sox a 8 to 0 lead. The circuit clout the new snd old Ueschar sets of collectlng^ctures, .shapshots lost stood bn the stage oi the Hlgb Hiwhoon, his No. 1 man. had reoalved offera from th* to intoreited persona and answer Total ...... 046 880 587 1810 aonlnating committee. Last Friday's football gaoM Shirley baa belonged to Girls’ I and pulled the f^iillbackt way up, the Senior Girl Reserves meeting Eddi* I ^ r has to Mft through Thira gaasa at Feaway PMk. by virtue ^ today’s win bold a two hit the top of the fence In left ersetsd st tha ^ d tlsld. and cards. Three other talks were Bastoat Washington Redskina of the Na­ questions in regard to Uia birds on Vice-President: Tom Bailey, Tom against Bristol proved again that Leaders for two years and la, this | making It a strictly offensiva held in the school library on Tues­ school auditorium. That was iaj bis Red Bird etaff and finally gam­ to one game edge and ars atUl center and bounded into the net. exhibition. Again a play by play account «t given on their hobbles; Jean Bren­ 1929 when he graduated from at. Louis 0 0 1 tional Football League and th* Manchester Motor Bale* (8) aeMaaon. It Jurt Isn’t posaiUe for a team ^ year, ths treasurer. In the Rtu-; team. day, October 8, and games and ble with an untrlad *x-OI, George Miami Seahawlu of the A ll Amer­ heavy favorites to capture the an- Immediately the C a rd in g bullpen Among th* diffarant kinds of the game will be given over Uie aeetvtary: S l a i n * HauachUd, g o ^ small men to defeat good big nan’s on her nalntatur* animals dent COimcU for three jrears, she Tommy Stevenson made two M. H. S. Sinco then he has gradu­ *ltcd” Munger, wbo joined the Boaton 4 g o nual classic. was active, it was Yorlra aecond Hair ...... 108 08 104-801 public address system st the field. coUacUon. Edith DeLong’s on rol­ "nutty songs” provided the recrea­ ated from Fordham University in] Dickaoh, Wilks and Garagio­ ica Football Conference. He oalil issattnto to be found at the shoW' ..104 121 126 -381 Mabel Penon. Shirley Taylor n m . That axiom holds true In any is now secretary. In Senior Olrl beautiful attempt* at scoring but ciub Aug 21 end lOfter winning (6) Ted R’lntoBM Boats homar of tb* leriee, hU first. In g will be a pair of White Albino McCurry Coach Charley Hurlburt’a tion for the meeting. 1933, and entered two Olympic la; Ferris and H. Wogntr. he haa talked with Turk Edwards Howard . 02 157 106 -385 Treasurer: At auatafaon, Jlra phoM of athletics, pot Just In the ler skating and Walter Csi^U's fteservea, ah* serves on the Per­ both times the balls were Juat too two, be lost two. of the Redaklna "a lltUe while Th* Kid finally did it—a bunt ths first game at St. Louis, gave Pheasanta and a rare apeciO of the charges have looked mors Impres­ pigskin sport. on guns. sonal Interest committee. After- Program Chairman Ann Camp­ gamee. He is thf holder of twenty^ Remaining Sekedole e Tanner . 07 110 112-324 sive with each gam* and th* toam Booker. A1 Patch. . high. Then Donald Hubbard boot­ Ordinarily Howie PoUet would ago." •- down th* third base line by Ted tha Sox a win. Tha four master Burma Pbcaaant Mr. WUliams has The foUowtof were elected by Several reports were on places school eports, basketball, softball. , bell announced the program had five national track championships, have been the choice but hia ach­ Faw th game today at Beaten MasaoU .111 128 118—380 is now read> for bigger and bat* ed in a goal. The M.H.S. spirit Im­ was in the Navy -fpr aeveral yei Trojanowakl said ha bad not WUllaihs for a baa* hit. Tho Inci­ grew bigger and bigger as ths axpertmented in th* past with the Council. Tha M lowa.dld their bast hut vlaitad by ths pupils. Lois Smith's field hockey, and bowling, are al­ mediately brightened up — Man­ been planned only as fa r as the ing laft side has forced UA Card Probable pltchera—Mungsr (8-8) made up hla mind what he woe dent luippened in th* Re<| Sox half gamo progressed and aa Hal Wag­ ter opposition. Although ths taai i so enjoyed. . Shirley Taylor - and was discharged ijrith the or PoUet (21-10) vs. Hugkmn (21- eroas-breedlng and oa a reault has Total ...... 800 014 861 1881 record lim’t too bright, a win, a Vlee-Presldent. Tom BaUay It tumad into a 14-0 victory by tha talk was on ’’VlsIUng Nlsgsra chester continued In those last next meeting which la to be a skipper to give him at least one going to do and added that he of the third inning aftarLtwo mra ner took the final callad strike on aavtnl very unusual varistlss of Falla.” The reader should presume Doing office work in a local far.------; ~ ~ Hallowe'en party. Beverly Mosoey, of Lieutenant Oommnder. asore day of rest 11). Starting ttma 1:80 p. m. Msriarty Brother* (I) loos and a tla, th* Blu* and GoMI aacratary. Bhlrlev Taylor Bristol b n ^ r s . During the courts fatal momenta to try to score but Mr. McCluakey earn that might enter another college elno* were out Manager Dddler vy e r or­ Slaughter th* Sox had won their pheaoants that are th* romilt of of tha slaughter severu of our men that LoU’s vUlt to Niagara Falls tory occupies 8bMey*a after- Glenn MUler't orchestea play bal- aocial chairman, gave further de­ In Rughson, Cronin jiaa a man (en.fc) V Newcomb ...... 115 117 181—383 eleven haa given Indloatlona st Treasurer, A1 Patch in vain. The whistle blew and the have to work hard in \Hli1 i school be bad another year of eUglbUity dered hla Infield Into the "Bou­ second aeries game as agelnst ona this work. Included ar* birds of H. LaChapeU* ..121 88 111—320 Donald Pendleton was elected was not for the usual reason. ■chr>ol hours. : lads, and going to the movies are tails about the party, which will who has already proved what ne Weather indications—Cloudy and Urns that they ars capsbia of play* were stdellned due to Injuri** In her spare time, she enjoys other favorite paatlmca of hers, game waa over Coach Reed want just as you have to work for under the GI bill of righto. dreau Shift” with third baa* wide setback. tbs Golden, Silver snd Blue Pheas­ Kroll ...... 97 83-180 nraalilent In the Siat aehool-wlde as broken teeth, etc. No one was Joyce Walcott had vUlted Camp be held In the Assembly Hell on can do against tbe Card hitters al­ cool (lilghaat temperatura 88.) ing with the best clgbs in this dancing, and watching football. With such a combination of pep ed to commend E3d Kittle for play Olympic games. Many times hi He said he failed to report for open. R'hitey KurowakI liad moved Homs run h..Ung, somsthlng ant spaoiaa. A total o f aaven dif­ Walckowekl ....131 08 06—320 section. seriously injured, however, which Blending, Fla., and furnished her I Tuesdsy.. October 22, at seven though be sras trailing 3-1 when Biqiectad attendance—86,000. ' alactlMi last eprlng. baseball, and basketball games. ‘ and frlendlineak Shirley will be aa Ing a wonderful game at fullback would climb Into bed exhaustod,| practice and for the game becauae over to short and Marty Marion, that thq Cards have been missing, ferent varietiea of pheasants ars Brogan ...... 00 98 118—304 The visiting Gems from South­ ■Urtsy Taylor, chairman of the claas with s description of the trip. o'clock. Dungarees sre In order. he was lifted for a pinch hitter Broadcasting — Mutual Broad­ ia something at least Shirley enjoya eating, that la, any- i popular In later life as she is now. and he stated that "Gua” will re­ get up juat as exhausted, and an injured ankle waa proving "a Red Schoendlenst and Stan Musial haa been the deciding factor In the main fsatuie of ths exhibit. R. LaChapell* .. 01 — 01 ington ^vU be a combination of conrentlon committee, announced Josn Bennett's contribution was Wsnda Tarasiuk, dervlce -chair­ optnlng day to S t Louis. casting System, storting at 1:18 p. mental as weD as a physical thing but onlona. Listening tol —D. Kansk, '47. main at halfback becauae he la have to staet to train for the gi were stationed between first and both Boaton wins. The Box ar* Dacha Aad Gaeos 8l)ewa Meriden, WalUngford, Now Haven that aba has amt out uvritatlona to man, announced that a meeting of Team Loses Jitters m. (a.s.t.) strain.’’ second base. Our Uluatfloua soccer team drop- "Frtneeton Unlveralty.” much better there. He compared life to a car. ■tUI heavy favorites to annex the Other unusual liliids of game T oU l ...884 487 037 1578 and Southington talent. Tha chib SftMB aohoola of the "Northern Ernest Hsinei and Bob Modean the combined Reserve Clubs would Back at Fenway Park, the Red Fifth gama— Friday, Oct. I L at WlUiama then laid down a per- l another dose one to a visiting be held st s future date, and the of them have to be adjusted am series. birds which wiU h* shown ars a haa campaigiMd with mrriaa dur­ Division of tho Baatem Padm ticn rlden outfit hyjUie score of 8-2. recited on “Air Frogress" and The prevloue Wednesday the Sox yesterday looked like an en­ Boston. Storrs, Conn„ O ct 10—(P)— feet bunt tor a Wngla that juat Play Given by MHS admission charge would be an ar­ checked, others have a flaw thai tirely different club than the bo- Contrary to reports from St. pair of Mallard and a pair of black Center Service (1) ing tha past fsw saasons aad it a f Student Oouneils" inviting them "Kalser-Fraaer Car” respectively. Jobs for Grads team went to Ellsworth High in can be 4 xcd and others continual!: Sixth game (if necessary) Oct. Walt Trojonowskl, football’a top stayed Inside the foul line in fair e South, Windsor to be defeated 7-1. ticle of clothing for unfortunate Iwildered and jittery team that IS, at St. Louie. Louia, th* Sox outhustled ths ducks wboaa gama quaUUes rank Barton ...... 118 100 130—347 axpseted to extend th* locals. to the Student Council Convention, Tha eeaenUsls of Fly-Fishing were break oown. ocorar with 24 touchdowns during tsrrltory. The gangling outfielder them aa favoritea on many hunt Startlag Uneug Msnehostor. ahead in the fifft It waa Ellsworth's first official Europeans. Another service proj­ t taro games In Sportsman’s Seventh game (if, neceaaary) Cards from the flrat InnAg until Gleason ...... 83 100 99— 284 to ha held at oar school on October given in topic of Welter Scholiky, Coventry Youths Empnasizlng the Importance l a g * . ' 1948, has asked to bo reinstated to had tried a few down In batting er’s Hats. Also shown will bs spe- Smiley Psskaa and Randy Brown and tied for a long while, lost in A few caUs for full time game of this season. Ellsworth ect is to make oandlee and favors Oct. 18. at S t Louis. the final out. Probably It waa tha HiUiukl ...... 128 100 08—825 SO, , the last few minutes when the Mer- who said he makes his own files work for naduatas are being overcoming bad habito Mr. Mi tho University of Connecticut foot­ practice and alao banged aeveral oimens of African and (Mmadtan wiU ati^ at the wings for tbs kv Tito questioa of P f1 d » .Bight held superiority over the game and for the Y. WW. C. A. County Fair Johnny Peaky, back In hla ele- Flaaaolal figures (first threa home atmosphere of Fenway Park Goodrich ...... 118 08 110—830 Idions sUppad oito in on them. Tha and has been fishing for only two received a * the High school. Cluskey tmd how many times aftei ball squad but, although hs admits good pokes into left field during geeoe which although not native CaseUo ...... 107 100 130-341 oals with 280 pound Tiny Pockett apart daiteea was discussed by the and artlclea for hospitals. A white Imant and alao back against right and the chummy short leftflald defeat, th o u ^ hard to take, wasn’t or three year*. Any gradimte not now work­ "And we’U all go down to Sorg­ they are usually the etate cham­ losing e race he would be deji •)« this much, Heiul Coach J. O. O rls- this time. , . to this area can be appraeiated for and Wop Savino at tackle. Blimp rcpresentatlvea and Social Com- elephant aale la alao planned. lhand pitching, broka bis 0 for 6 Total attendance— 100,808, 8482,- wall. uyvnhere near as bad as the 7*1 Jsnat Barnard related the career ing and wishing a job is asked hum Center, state of West Vlrgln- pions in soeder. In a scrimmage but determined to improve him­ tlsn has no comment on what his In the fifth with two down and th* shooting that they afford in Total ...... 840 810 886 1638 Rows and Dick Naostff have the aUttsa was chosen to make a r with Storrs' first team, Ellsworth Three meetings, of which Bar­ |atring with two Miarp stngiba and 460. Sehacht A t Hla Beat shellacking handed them by Ella- of Ethti Merman, musical comedy to report st the Main building self. decision will be. Ths Bridgeport Dom DiMaggio on oecood, the re­ other parts of the worra.. Dob s guard posts oeeured with bulky ranganwnta for them. ny." With this last line the curtain bara Turklngton, chairman of Per- iB oh l^ Doerr loeksd more Ilk* the Total receipts— $402,460. Funny man A1 Scliacht, the WUU (3) star. Ths,brave struggle of am- offica. beat them 3-1, and alao held Rock­ . A new program is being stai boy said he failed to show up for sult of a double, waa callad out It is expected that th* exhibit Cargo ...... 128 00 — 224 ' ihnny Bycholski at th* pivot spot Jaah Monaat *4S w oi^ . fell on the Coventry C. O. D. class aonal Interest Committee, is in Igsm e’s No .1 second baseman as Players’ share, 8280,789.89. Clown Prince of Baaeball, enter­ putaas and thoo* missing ears. Ups, ville scorelew In a acrimmage. The at the YMCA by Mr. MeaMSkey. the Springfield game snd pre-game on strikes. Tlte count had reached wlU be of more than ordinary ih' Kompanik.... 131 100 108—388 Bull Doggart will again atari charge; plan to Include the former tied a series record with eight (jOrnmlealoner’e share, 807,869.88. tained th* bleacherltea shortly production of a three-act comedy M.H.S. ia proud that they made at Several dances and other soci practice, bscsuas )m was dissatis­ two snd two when right liander terest to th* apectatora and sports­ McGuire ...... 186 118 06—848 In tha quarterback role with Mike The treubls aaema to be that noses and their., fight to regain Mias Georgia Greenaway aa spesk- laaolata and chipped In with a dou- Each club’s share, 888,700.86. after the park opened. Strangely, entitled "Deacon Dubbs" on Friday least one point agalnat Ellaworth events ere being planned to gi' fied W th his own showing this George Munger sailed a fast inside men who annually gather to wit­ Twarntt* ...... 117 104 100-880 GenofU readyly to atop in whaaovet though w* play Claas C-D and health and Ufa was titled, "Bo er, a demonstration of hair atyllng, young people a chance to me Ihle and single in the eight-hit at- Each league’s ahare, 886.700A6. the bleachers were not filled until *46 Gradnate List night, October 4 In the Coventry because Rockville didn't. The local Itack on Murry Dickson and rsllef- year, snd bfcaus* of an ankle in­ pitch that Ted failed to sec. Need- ness the running of the trials. Ar- O’Bright ...... 114 181 100—801 necessan. Stewtrr Atklz and m .M B schools in socosr. they of- they can Walk In Light,” by Josn and s akit on etiquette "do’s” and other people and have a good cleanl The players share In the first noon but tbe reason waa the fact Second C.C. Tryout t.'hurch Community Houae. There hero was Allan Hellitorm, a sub |ar Ted Wilks. jury suffered at baaeball in the lesa to say, the Card Infield did not rangqments have baen made to Lalley ...... 7Z— 78 Swede Salmonaon wiU be at ths tehsr than not have no football Stratton. Th* New England cross e* "don'ts." time. He also emphasis^ the im*| that after the bleacher ticket eup‘ forward for Bob Vice, who waa four games only. auring. shift after ths third toning episode. have the dlaplay In an easily qecca- hnlfs and Yooh Vtneek at fulL Now G>ncluded team and all the brawn that la usu­ country run ocupied the time as were many M. H. S. students In the Twenty-two new members of the portance of reading and hobbiei Ons of the most Interesting ds- ply had been exhauotad some of hurt. club were announced by Lois leslopments of ths third game vrad The CsrdlnslB inner defense waa oible spot at th* duV groutida and Total ...... 0 1 8 008 404 1000 Sunday aftornoon ths locals will ally dtvartsd by tha lure c t tha pig• wall as subject matter for Roy Letl Again by Bray cast as part of a good educatloo. the fane who had been in Une for again be ssan in action at hoBM In the setting of a coiuitry lawn This Friday Manchester will Thompson, membership chairman. I tha diange to Dyer’s tactics bock to normal again for Ted in more than 24 hours decided to go it ta expected that many spaeta- ■kin la tnstaad sent o ff to tha.aoo> Flshsrty’s report "HypotUm Mr. McOuskey told about aae- the eighth, st least Kurowski play­ agalnat aa unaaaouacad to* at Vhithar data on the whero- eer field- Therefor* M. H. .. it and "Tha Monster of Bsricutor’’ surrounded by flowers and backed play Hall High school of West They are: Velma Andrews, Shirley I against Williams who hsd been out and buy a decent meal. tors will avail themselve* of this Acoordlniding to legend, St. An- 8 eral ei>orta eelabrities that ha| ed his regular spot and Um other Urn*. ■heuta e l tha claaa o t IM S follows: ■tand* to raasoa, i* ov*r h*r depth were the weird subjects of Doran Running true to form. Bobble by a small rattage, an auctions a Hartford here at Mount Nebo. Wadsworth, Evelyn Dix, Jean Mar­ letymied by the "Dyer shift’’ at St. Schacht’a imitations of the Sox opportunity to gain soma first thony U ved to th* age of 108 on Tom Duke. knew or saw. Glenn Cunninghaa^ Herald Sports Editor three Inflelders were stationed be­ On*, of th* offM ala aam nd toe W ork liv in the telephone com- whan ah* oompeta* in aoccar. For Charbonneau and Jean Cordner's Bray again led the field by several wedding and a busking bee took tin, Virginia DeLong, Jean Strat­ the runner; Knute Rockne, ■Louis. Rip Russell plsjring third b%se waa hand information on phsaoanta 13 ounces of braiT and water Tsd, a litfls bit aggravated by tween first and secotul. The Kid tha ga m r WlU bs AIM * BoeUi. paay la rae-poot-graduation oocu. axampla— EUoworth High d«f*aUd talks. hundred yards, in last Friday's sec­ place. Here Deacon Dubba, a funny ton, Arden Peteraon, Irene Savls- football coach, who was a dynamlo one of th* pre-geme features. (3om- and our other gams Mrda. dally. kas, Shirley Taylor, Brenda Ander­ In p orts that he couldn’t hit to left, gave tha faiu a short iivtd thrill former Yal* AU Amaricaa cf aMte potion of AUc# Adams, Phyllla th* UOoan first team wlwn they Th* report* were closed with old Southern gentleman, very well speaker, and who built the tradi­ misslonsr Happy Chandler and than a dscadc ago. Booth haa boon ond cross country tryouts. Represent M.H.S. son, Mary Condon, Eleanor Pfeif­ Iprobably was up there* to lay ona with a liner to deep rightflcld that AadaraoB, Barbara Blovisb, Qail played aoocar a little while ago. Martin Donshy telling about Ben. portrayed by Itonald Eklmondson, tion of Notre Dame; Major Cav­ Sees Diamond Celebs Connie Mack, Mr. Baaeball, en­ an aaalataat coach at Tola aad Davidaon, Jean Donahue, Barbara Repeating his performance of •47. helped to return a home to lU fer, Carol Powell, Margery Salmon, In the flrat inning but the Enos Slaughter had to go back to joyed box seats to the left and the talking dog, and Barbara anaugh, "The Iron Major,” Ford-| lukul down. Now Tork Uitivaratty sinea grad- Johason. Dorothy MeCraody, and several previous occasions, "Pug" rightful owner, and proposed to At Conference Janice Hale. Janet Bratenyder. ham's football coach and Gragerj^ ICofda never gave him a chance. right of home plate. Both tha ob­ On tha croos-oountry taam, tb* Willis’ story on “Pollen’* and Lor Waite placed second. Trailing Bertha Steams, Marjorie Ames, iTbey didn’t shift because Dyer or- Catch of the Day McCluskey to Hold uatlfig am in addluon has asan Mildred McNaU. Lorelle HoUand one of the town’s perennial old Rice, a peesimist, but a fine run-i. UsU Parade of i hind many______of the leading news of ject a t photographers. ■uccassfuL aa a raf*na.'O Uw r of* tryouU last Friday saw Bobbie rslne Crawshaw’s "Humming bird Waite by at least fifteen seconds Lorraine Mitchell. Rita Husarik, Idered him passed Intentlonslly. He lUma was on hand as well The fielding gem of the day waa U amptoyad in th* talephona com. Bray cross the line far in front of maids. Loretta McKinney '47 turn ner, who set many world recorda.1 The stands were packed oa Cal ficiala WiU b* Sam Maaaay, Chris land.” Frank Paganl. oam fJIm Hooker, followed by Bob Margaret Pagani and Dorothy land Pesky who hsd preceded srlUi a beautiful shoe string catch of Hubbard v’ho acted as official pony In Hartford. »ny oompetltor*. Tbs Coventry ed In an excellent performance aa Thirty-five Girl Reserve.^ and ad­ . The students were very gretefull Names of Past in Hub i Lew Fonseca, former major McCormick and Brnis Dowd. McKinney and Buckminster who Hincks. la single became the two runs league bi^l player who is now pro­ Dom DiMaggio to the sixth Inning rules Interpreter for th* four men Bmployed in Pratt and Whitney, farm boy baa really eetUed down the fluttery old maid, Miss Phlllpe- visors. all from towns In Hartford to be able to heve Mr. McCtuakey,| Than WlU bs pianty aC fras completed the first five. County, attended a conference for The deadline for dues payment laeorlng in front of Tork’a wallop. Hotel; ‘Happy* Chand­ motion manager of the American to short centerfleld. Murray Dick­ in blue who worke*’ tbe game call- Track Meet Saturday are Marie MaCLaugSlln. Marloa year. Last year he often was Initiate Memliei’8 ny Popover, who wore a wig and who has led such a,i intereatini parking opocs. Sixth place was again copped by w ai thought to have a cork leg. the purpose of organizing camp waa set at November 1 by Treas­ life, talk to them. I Wiliiama crossed up the shift League film laboratory to Chicago. son who was on second at Uw tinM ,«d the rival team reprsaantatWaa MiwPariand, Joan Martin, and Irregular hut now he seta th* pec* little Gordon Yates. Yates, who ]ln the third when he pushed a ler on Hand Ctaasffi Uaaap Shirley Wright '40 as Trixie Cole­ programs at Camp Aya-Po in Som­ urer Betsy Slover. Dorothy Kansk, *47 Foneeca Is her* to "shoot’’ the was almost to third and was an to the plate to go over the rules The Gems wlU have tha follow­ Mae Murdock. oonstMtly. Iiita the Art Club ran second string all last year, has I bunt toward third into short left, highlights of the series. — easy out. It was the Sox flrat twin and starting llnsupe. ner aom* day if ah* continues htr Agaae Benwnski and Helen man tortur^ the old lovers by her ers. Saturday, October 5. Two members who attended the Plenty o f Events Sched* ing pli*yen in thalr Unaup: Da developed into a promising dis­ Upon arriving at camp, the girls conference at Aya Po laat Sat­ I confounding the Infield which had Boston—^The on* and only Dlxsy killing of the series. Boo Ferris ap­ Manager Joe Cronin of th* Box. good work. Managgla are working In the hilarious acts. Trixie, PhlUpeny and Funny man A1 Schscht who la A total of 78 antriet vied in last A n g ^ La., Martllo, L t. Ihnaick, Th* team Is In good condlUon to tance man. If he developa as he were greeted by Miss Vera Mc- urday, gave reports on public re­ S.A.A. Membershipl Imoved around to leave third base Dean, /former St. Louis Cardinals peared to be In trouble particularly as usual, received this writer with uled for Local School­ OoMUMCticut Mutual Life tnauranca The i.rt Club under the dlrec Deacon combined, kept the audi­ scheduled to entertain the fans at Saturday’s meet, but th* antry list l.g., Kavato, c., Parten. r.g^ Knapp; meet New Britain this Friday in promlsea, he may be a valuable ad­ Ci'acken, director of Hartford lations and social program ideas. I unguarded. The next time he came tha game this afternoon waa hla with his control but the OP got a warm welcome. "Glad to oea you Oampany. B|alna Doyle. Brneat Uon of Mias Hope Henderson held ence laughing heartily. fire ball pitcher,, was th* first ce­ is axpaotsd to go over Ui* 100 r.t., Sadarick, r.*., WaUiu*, q.b., tha first bona meet of th* season. dition to the team by hla senior County Y.W.C.A., and Mrs. Bea- A suggestion was advanced for I up there was a man on second usual aelf, talking continuouato and Delta Dave out of any serious Tost, how is everything in Man­ boys; Joe Likes Mari- JohasoB, sad Nonas Haary are Its initiation party on October 2. Margaret Wlahaar '45 In the Reaching Quotal lebrity to check In at the Oollley mark. Th* moot la open to all boys MongoUo, rJi.b.. Kiiotck. Ukh., The only runner e f high caliber on year. He la a Sophomore. trice Vetrano, associate director. a librarian to have charge of Re­ ■with two out and the Birds pulled takiiu; tho play away from Dykea trouble. chester?" smBloyad at the Ooaaaetlcut OsB' Social Chairman Joan Henry Following In .close order were: poignant role of Rose Raleigh who l rn Ashweil and girrt 17 and under, and than Porydsy, f.b. the Neto Britain aquad Is Baker. At 9:30, a. m. a sing of familiar serve pamphlets and material la half-way shift, leaving l^ltey Plasa on the eve of the flrat and Fonoeca. 3 anu life insurance Company. Alao gave out the inltletlona. Some of Brown, Anderson, Flaherty and had suffered a great deal becauae is no admission charg*. songs waa hold at the waterironL which would be kept in a definite The S. A. A. campaign for : iKurowski at third but moving World Series game in Boston in Probably the biggest man In the aaployod in taauraace oompanlas the more amusing ones were; roll­ Coleman who took 7th, 8th, 9th of her first marriage, and had ] akartstop Marty Marion alighUy With the third weekly track ing a penny acrooa the floor with nearly lost her home, turned in the Reports were given by delegatee -place. A hospitality box, in which bers, sponsored by th* Student 28 years. lobby where one baMball yarn was are C^thartaa Orahaai, and Har­ Gridders Suffer and 10th. places respectively, ^ change would be placed for service Idiractly bock of second. Second liie famous pitcher, now a suc­ Bwappsd after another was umpire. and field meet sponsored by ths Slsgapors’a Bhlpptag TED « BILL'S one’s noae, untying aomeone’a shoe Ray Brown, a junior had a bad most moving performance of the who attended the New England Council, is now in its second week.1 lan Hanna, Aetna U fa Inauranca Regional Conference last summer. projects, was proposed. A ll home room representatives! Ihaaeman Red Schoendieiut con- cessful radio play by play an­ Cal Hubbard, former pro football Bowling TMCA taking plac* on Saturday lacea with one'a teeth, a boy's tml day aa did Bob Spalding, who fall- evening. Robert Vlsncy '49 was un­ Itlnucd to play a normal flrat base Approximatoly onadtalf the ^fffrigenition Service Oompany; Bdna Partne and^Betty The remainder of the meeting have distributed pledgea to nouncer of sU major laague games tackle. Cal'e six feat four Inches Defeat by Bristol tatlon of Jeanette MacDonald; tn to get In the flrat ten. However, derstanding and patient-as Rose’s A t eleven o'clock the girls divided Inad Bton M t^al guarded the foul morning, at 10:80 *.m., th* boys worl>—Cloudy and Chicago White Sox manager w m pitcher, who haa served with just again, os will the 80 and 320 dash Thomas Johnson is In the Ms- Hines, and "World Service Pro­ Joan may be one of the feature and W hlU ware able to do nothing apraya out cua wa want a lot of Gwen Glcnney *49, and Robert awards, membership of our teams| I Mol weather will provall for to­ the object of iqany writcre who about every team in tha American Total 410 008 460 1408 Country. Club avsnts. Coughlin and Fogartv may jects' by Mlsa McCracken and storv writers to the daye to come, rinaa: Bill MuUln, George Bonnett aa they wars throwm for one loss noise Friday. Christensen '49. as she Is quite Interested in this in the C. C. L L. and C^L A. C„ day’s game between th* Boaton were seeking information on Leanie, is on deck to take in the Bt. Ji find oom* more opposition In th* and Vinoant Oenoveai are in the Business Teachers Mi.«s Greaton. after another. Three mlnutee later The play was directed by W al­ kind of writing. A member of any expense! of special assembUea,| Red Sox snd the St. Louis Cardl- Dykes* plans for next year. Attar aertaa. Jumping Jos Dugan, ex- To be bowled data, Bowling League 000 from CsmpbsU M d Barrett, Arm y; u d Gordon Thompson is .-U foiir-Thlrty some of the girls In the same period, after an ex­ Tennis had a good turnout last ter Haven with the aid of Hubqrt Paint and Powder, ehe likes dra­ fire Insurance on athletic equlp-| I BSls. quitting hla managsrial job with New Tork Yankee first baseman but pretty Marilyn AshweU looks in tha Arm y at Fort Knox. Go to Conference engaged In an invigorating game ment, athleUc insurance, tbq rec­ change o f poInU Kenyon plunged week dea^t* the cold weather. ! Edmondson '43. Mrs. Ivah Stan- matics very much. Music, read­ The Boaton weather bureau fore- the Chlsox at ths halfway point during the Mg days of Miller Hug- Nerih Methodist (0) Ilka a fast sprint star wlio may Evelyn Flynn le In Nuraes' of softball. The “ Sluggers” headed ord player used at eport dances snd| The Ountry Club bowling leagua over from the three goat line, for Good for you, gtrle! ______I dish was in charge of makeup. ing. ping pong, swimming, bicycl­ I caster said there were no signs of during the season, Jimmy caught glna and former world’s heavy- y Sopher 04 115 116—820 wrest aU laurels in the girls 60 training at Bt. Francis Hoepltal, by Millie Binks won 11 to 8 with the cost of the socountlng of our| rain. The liigbeat temperature will sUrt Us season October 14th, the second Briatol score. This time A conference on business rela- The directress was presented udth ing and dancing are other favorite on in the Pacific Coaat l^sgue. weight boxing otiamplon. Jack B. Chappell 06 101 06—298 yard dash avent. Director McClua- GET THE jrUMP X.oia D s£ is attending St. Joaeph'e the extra point was good and Bris­ Soccer has been coraiiiR along a eoitiage by the members of the KIbbe the winning pitcher. financial accounts a t the bank. will be about 88. John n Kennedy, the voice bo- Sharkey of Boston, are other big st th* Oak Street Alleys. Du* to kay oaya sht could be a g n a t run­ tigns and education aponsored by Supper was served at five-thirty, hobbies. Joan la taking the col- G. Magnuson 82 98 12»—808 College Bob Otaen is attending tol fogalned 13-0, capitalizing on a slowly but aurely. How aix.iit it. the University of Connecticut was cast lege course and studying Lntm. The S. A. A. is the organlzation| names In for the sertea. th* great interest shown ther* are the Unlveralty of Osnnecticut Ebc- girls? Wouldn’t a few moic of you the main dish being baked beans. which Joins all echool activities in­ W. Foss 87 67 06—870 enough bowliers slgne chairman. Jean thinks :ir manager is here oa well as ths - St Mary* (4) Carol Witcher, ’49. extra polnU on all occasions. Chord Swimming club held then uutta- Commercial teachers were in dccoiatinR the Coventryroventrv CongreCongre- Participated in an inspiring candle- regular continue it* splendid program .o fI following men are aaked to report light ceremony, w hv M p« Vet- Will enjoy writing „ . ^ greatest names in the field of A. Briggs 74 63 66—343 le Chffck the Battery scored in the second and fourth tlona last week, and from what wr vited and all members of MHS gatinn.’il church. led b> Mrs. \ et ■ ^ ^ feature sports and acUviUes, ATTENTION!! 1 on Monday night at 7 p.m., O ct 14: rano. ■ports writers' Including Grantlahd J. Stevenson 03 106 98—390 R. DeMartln, 8. Straugh, T. quiurter* while Boacker, their pas­ hesr some of the caiulldatc.s got a commercial dewurtment went, hc- Thelma Wright '47 Jean Monast '48. Fourteen Girl Reserves from stories. Of all the sports, she Rice, Dan Parker, BUI Corum, S. Brown ■ SO 110 133—617 Give “Pinocchio” ser. sepred In the third. Boacker little w et! The executive ofticers compsnled by Bdoon Bailey, prin­ Faulkhar, R. Ford*, J. Hyde, Jr., Manchester attended the confer­ likes swimming best, and ahe has John Carmlchel and many more. a Nelson I 99 01 180—830 2. Claan the Radiator himself epelled doom for the M.H. . of the club have been hard at wbtk cipal. .lotne Paratroops J. Hayden, A. Chase, N. P. Tucker, 8 ence with their advisors, Miss Doris a collection of miniature soap. DISABLED VETERANS The Sox arlrved Tuesday eve­ 81 78 87— 348 H. Haefs, W. SlUman, R. Chvns, gridders as time and again he com­ planning the program for the re­ In the morning, four talks were S. C. Alternates S. Alford In Assembly Hall Jean belongs to Paint and Powder Rickey Anderson, C. Davis, P. 8. pleted passes, especially a jump mainder of 1946. They have de­ given, the fliet being "Better Co­ Gene rhhpdaleto.' ’4 V Kibbe and Mias Doris Cole. -Those ning at i o’clock and only a few and French Oub, and is taking DO YOU HAVE PROBLEMS ON: hundred rooters were at the sta­ 480 473 817 1410 3. Change'Gear Oil p w over the center of the line, cided to do quite a bit of form operation Between Bueiness and elei ted president of Hi/*, has left representing the senior club were; Total WUleys, A1 Knofla, W. Wetherell, Susan Trustenltzer, Olga Knipen, the college course. Attend Meetingl tion. A ll store windows are ap> E. BuckUnd. Sr„ E. Clifford. D. The high school auditorium was ^ e Bristol pass receivers were Bwlmmlng this year which will no EducaUon” by Dean U J. Aokcr- M H 1^. to become a/paratrooper ^ Joan Coffin; '48. A——Education B— Insurance tke acens Wsdnesday morning of doubt look mighty pretty, we bet. ntan, of th^ School of Business Ad­ in I.’nclc Sam’s Army. Fred Turk­ Betsy Slover. Ann Campbell, Mary- proprtatalv decorated' with pie- Ooaeerdia Lutharan (0) St. John. R. Johnson, W. Murphy, hardly hindered by the Red and G. Parltman, O. B. Johnson, C. J. 4. Check Tire Condition the play ’’Plnocchlo,’’ preaented for White pass defense. ministration. The second speech lngton has been choeqn to replace Gray Malson, Jean Sullivan, and The altematee to the Student I C—-Employincut D— Rehabilitation turea of the Sox and souvenirs. Kulptnsky *6 68 08—388 W ^ e r 68 103 108—806 Barrett, C. Johnson, J. J. Prior, ths high jfBbool dramatlo clubs and Some InlUtive was shown in the The golf dasees are at last at- was "Better BusineM In Connecti­ him as president. G *ne~ftl> fol­ Barbara Swanson. Gtrl^from the 21 New ^lembers Ccur.cil met at a epeclsl meettogl A fafiture last night waa a party for tha wrltera given t o the Bos­ P. BaUsiaper, P. Jesanis, D. Piper, grammar achool ehlldran by the game by Vic Botterton and DaWo. tempttog to hit the little white cut.” Willlem Purtell of the Holo- lowed ______the General______Course through junior club included Patetevenson, held after echiool on Tuesday, | E— On-the-Job Training W. Klein 63 101 103—390 5. Service Sparkplugs Millie Binks, Ann Erickson, Shir­ ton American Laague Club. Ossa U)S 180 90—881 8. J. Goalee, L Wclman, J. 8. Skin­ Edwin Strawbrldge Productions. the latter coming all the way from’ balls. However, some of the girls ;Krome Screw Company In Hart- High schoo’ and hopes to follow up October 8. P U K ^ T h ra i ley Petrie, Alice Backus, and June Selected for Hi-Y F— Hogpitaliaation (^— Pensions ner. Tha actors were required to dsnee hla back position to block a kick have found that ewlngmg the club 1 ford was the speaker. Tbr third his interest In flying after his dls- They were greeted by the presi­ Hsnaen 104 08 01-300 T o n said It! 1 got a bix klek Stevenson. ' Th# foUowlng men will report as well es act as it was a dramatic and was also Injured on the play. and hitting the ball is not ns aim-1 speaker waa Paul D. Collier^ Ui- charge. He is already tlie holder dent of the ^uncU, Donald Pen­ ent o f using that Adam Olh Cer- 6e Lubricate Front Wheel Beor- IP SO, ATTEND THE “GET ACQUAINTED MEET­ West SMe BowSag Boles Ta Be 480 834 40S 1508 on Tuesday at 7 ?.m., O ct 15: Botterton was a tiger on defense pie oa juat ssringlng the club. The - rector of the Bureau of Youth of a private pilot’s license. June Stevenson '48 Hi-Y has admitted 21 new mem­ dleton, wha reminded ttiein of the I ToU l tlfleate!” eoye Phil Baker, popular A. Knofla, M. Schubert. C. Peter n ^ s U r . Settings wars varlsd, including as he held down his flank position, second golf group has been chang-, Sendees, speaking on " ^ t t e r Edu- ______bers to its fold. Of the 21 only sev­ honor their claosmaUs had g iv ta l ING** OF YOUR LOCAL DISABLED AMERICAN PnbUsbed Temarrew aeanas la Gepstto’s eottage, on a them In choosing them aa alter-! Bridget’s (4) son. W. Forde, H. Fraser, W. Hol­ *T alwaare aajr. 'Evary man ae- ings knocking off blockers to make ed to Thuraday afternoon at ?:30, .cation in Oonnecticut.” The fourth en are seniors. VETERANS CHAPTER AND HAVE YOUR PROB­ S t ooRIlen to his own taet** (Oneh!) country road and tbs Field o f Won Due to thla change five girls had to I speaker Dr. M aty ^Ison. Lnhor Stajre Directions nates and of th* responsibilities I Genovesi 118 124 108—340 land ^O. M. Johnson, Jr., J. H. tackles. M.H.8. \i-as hampered with The senior members, Ol whom LEMS ANSWERED BY TWO COMPETENT AD­ Morobburn, A. Van Dcr Kar, O. Pm glad my friends let me choose dors, 1^ in ths Fairy’s house. injurieM, Captain Corkv' Coughlin drop out, leaving five viuannes tor ' Relation* Consultonl, spoke on Ro with eiich honors. 107 117 110—840 .liinior Class Slate six out of seven are taking the | caiherine Putnam expUln- VISORS: ^ Arekivy Stilsa, Ban Roman, E. Buckland, ■ayown AfiiunI” 7. Check Automatic Choke Set­ Ptooochlo daiu»d and moved Talarski and Davis nli hHvi.% to juiilors. These have b.-ei, niu-d. Better Cooperation between l.a- (riven at Meet hi" Jamroga 08 121—319 . An Afiaas Gift Certifleata laayea general course, ere aa follows: ed to them the functions of an! Jr.. W. Lockwood, Ed Harrington, eplorrohapa snd etyi# up ip bias. around tbs stage with wooden-like leave the game but there roey be fiirth< ting aaovamenta, entirely in keeping The next opponent is a lipa\y cies. If any junior giils arc in­ Mr. Switaer, U. S. E. S. Placement AbralUa 120 108 117—840 there waa a general dlscu.s.sion w nif ~ fill the Junior class met in The main point of this week's tcron, Jim Hooker, Victor Bot- pared to attend any meeting o f! Got OBf EotiBMto Chanda, B. Ballsieper, 8. HUInoki. with the fact that be la a marion- West Hartford team at Mount terested, watch for SMiiouiict’ - LaChapell# 107 106—818 questlona asked directly from tlie Room 22 Tiieaday during sev­ Sock and Buskin meeting was to teion, Terence Mutty, Howard the Student Council which the Rep-1 B. Noran, S. PorUrflsId, J. Cheney, stta. Tha Fairy with Blue Hair, Nebo, Friday Oct, 1 1 . Officer for Omn. *|^(v8MMahoMf M mento. floor. Exhibits were then .shown enth period and nominated the Instruct new membera and refresh Mannicrre, Everett Buckland. resentative Is unable to attend; to l 80LIMBNB * FLAGG A. OUbarUon, R. M. Boyce, R. waartag a baouttful costume, de- 1 Total 868 844 083 1660 Marshall Hodge pertaining to the topics. following candidates for office;, the minds of the older members! The other fourteen new mem­ help the Representative In every I Sloans, B. Rsmmcy, C. C. Varney, YES.• .Avoid Annoying Trouble Ugbtad the chOdren, as alao did the GlrU Leadera initiutions are INC. The teachere were then a.-sign- President: Walter Grzyb. upon directions, stage terms, set­ bers, all juniors, are in this order: way possible; and to be fam illarl Mr. Uberti, National Service 684 Oeator St. TcL 6161 C. "P. Anderson, W. Maver, A rt OUMT charactara, tha Donkey, Two New .Membera ^ coming up soon. Invitations will Ralph Howard. Walter Fox. Ralph Center Coagregattanal (6) Lampwlck. tha Jump-ro|>* Dancer, ed to certain restcuiants to eat Michael Vignone. ting scenery, and staging. with the duties and routine o f a I Smith, A. J, Robb, B. Cheney, Dr, A o m m i This Winter! Visit Your Pontiac be distributed tomorrow Are you Vice president: Connie Rog­ Officer of D. A. V. for Conn. H. Johnson 60 08—178 AUlson, B. H. AndcraoiL Odpetto. the Fos and the eat, and their luncheon. Follbwing thi's, , Both Mrs Skinner and Bruce! Azinger. John Brewm, regular Student Council Repre-I 93 00 110—201 Mis* Anna McGuire, director of prepared, i^ris? You better start . Noble demonstrated ^'anous pcinf e Gordon Keeney, Douglts Anderson, D. McComb fS.45 to 110.00 fitber familiar flgurea from the Roger F. Gleason. New Haven. ers Patricia Stoveaaon. 1 ■entative. She explained that their I 101 86 — 187 D ealer.. the "Paint and Powder Drofnatlc getting your '‘costumes" together Secretory: Dorothy Hein. of these feature*of the stage The; Thomas Robtoaoib OeorgA Kelly, W .Tolson .fltn y. special Agent for t^ FB I gs'-j part is much like tbat of aa UQ-I Time, Thursday, Oct, 10, 8 p, m. 106 108 68—804 Club,” has announced that because In readinsH for the big "night. nv ’’f.'


Artkks fsr Ssls ot Oeyle end of her fortitude. It t o o n e r v i i .i .e n ii.K s O fftrtd II 29 a i l M bed never entered hie head, he BY FONTAINE MJX IS FOR 8AXX— Sat garaga daoca, eonfaased later to hie father, that Maton. rapam i; aao PIANO TUn SET lepalrtag. PURMAOBB 08 STOOiL TWO MaMMatoaBy yxrtMt slaysr Sense and Nonsense All Mark foaraataad Ptoysr pua« Ity. John standard alao. Coaqtlota with V****** Prtxxd e c tf raMHikhto she had so much sowp ta bar. “She T he Po w e r fu l k a tr ih k a Q M iie a P(NU> (Mrti ar OockarkAaa, 1 hardware. TMapboaa Roxkvllls Oo Vtoo U -OifwfifdV Skade of Sycamore told him." he replied proudly. The difference ta never so aldx Learn the art of eaylng “No" M m M. c«a I* Motor Rapaira. n i street “She certainly told him." Naatfe atraat, oppoaita Da* Dial UIP. MI-9. Intlnr el “Tin Ptattk to*" that the sheets will hot decide. firmly, but grntly, when you know amusing almost a ll the k ips in the NEianSORHOOPATONC* The fight had been over the lo- It is b?st for >0(1. Don't let fear of ai Nartk School CXUBLLBNT FOR SALE >- Undarwood typa- BUDCnuc rafrtgsratar, sisetito 1»e P lw Shopv 6 Pxeil atraat “A 7rxe Xreem tlrsifiir cation of th e’book's bedroom. Ac­ » nCS XerWee. Iiw. cording to the plans, all the wom­ saying "No," if ymir ronoclenc* y m t Mr M I matsl utility cabinata. Mattraasas For Rent For Sniel an servants' rooms were to be on Bat were Indulging In a little game W m r n m SR V U A PB KlUkaai onMmbiaa guaraataad. ahaertul- street d ceide; dicUtes- It. 1^— ■Md. irM d ly glvoa. Tba : idl alaas. Jenaa m vnltnra BtoekL Opparal T m t *1 wiph you could have seen the third floor. There wee to be u a toa MAllty oaMaoU, charaa. SlMp, S Pearl ONE 11' a 14' woU te a t x m SO 17 To Bay To Sen J-MJke (picking up hie “band”) T » B m y T « 8 < li atraat Ph Opaa e-P p. SS Oak atrsat XVI Belle,” her mother had written. a raom aad bath for a man over tofto MMgMd aad torably built gauge ovar and under. Phono the garage, arith aa entra room —Was tluit lost card I dealt ye a Re was about to propose, but to yaar cm* rafulraoMoU. For to oaly. When Gayle got beck to New “She went to Bart's room to ■paile ? before doing so he wanted to makt O tc r s i IS 8427. BEAUTIFY Tour boBM with vows* CAMBL HAIR gtrYa eooL polo CLASSinSD ADVT. laven she tauad that her onony- straighten up after we left for the for a poaelble viriting chauffeur. ADVT. pw p» iaataliatloe call 3-oxss. If tlaa hUudA Choloa oolotx. Obw» •tyla, oiaa 18. Gall 6188. Gayle inaUtod that the cook's Pst (suspiciously)—Yes. It was aur* ehe wee a good housewife. So call S-ISPS. Shlpahapa large DKFT. HOIIH8: ttity. which ehe hadn't known be- alriKnrL When we got back she he oaked her; m : Bsstssss OppsriBRitIss 82 Oollectlon of bookR ta* voaiaat terms. CsB (Or ssttautsA WM mneloue, woe gone for* room be next to the kitchen, aad a spade. MANCHESTER _ OBBpaay. IM Mid- eluding collage couiM booka, Hartford 6-87S0. 8:30 A. M. la 4:46 F. IL handed me a ten dollar MD and He—Can you wash dlehee 7 I A. A !• 4MS P. H. ONB MAN'S oU wwriod oulL and before a week had pass- told me to send It to BarL 'He for­ m aaid that the breakfast room Mike ( ailing)thought It SHEET METAL WORKS IkaapOu P’aaL ATTENTIONI BssBMaa for u la pracUcally new. CUl 84M. laqolro was. She (eweetly) Yee, can you Hart BehaffBar and Marx, color riie thought despairingly that got IL’ tox explained. *He M t It should be made into a servants' wipe them? AJR OONOmomNO aelf-sarvica groeaay, ( n u t vege­ 8 GreenhUl street before Satur­ NEW ARRIVAtS a t BsusM's ta^ btoo, olM 88, w o n omec. ' Tela- altUng room. “We can do without Pat (inquiring)—How (Inquiring)—How did nor Am nmNAcn JAMBS MACRL Oatiaral truck- duds lanarsprthg studio eouebss, privacy was gcoa, too. The on the dresser.’ When I told her He didn't propose. tag. Raaga aad fual olla, aahea table and laaat stora on main day. pbea# 8-2247. lenta at the ol made e kind he hod left It for her, her eyas mO a breakfast room,” she said defi­ knowr? InaUlM aa4 Il»aalrw4 highway la thrlvtag aoanufactur- mspls frmms sofa beds sad • Bx far Salt nitely. "We don’t need one at Mike (explaining)-^ Twos SMy, h m m i n m ■A 1 Emeelfnaeto aad OmAsrtofw sad rubtaah raotorad. Phona Isrgs islsctkm d mapls tsMss, MAN'S QRJBBH twaed ovarooaL awed taea over her that she but popped out d her head. Sha First Soldier Ain't there a law XS3A. Oraral dU and loam. ing town, oomplatoly^modeled. CAMPrnCLD Road—Pre-war _ jfound almoat peintally embarrass- was tickled to death, d course, all, and oervante do need a parlor. Pat led. Ye spat on your hands be- mm •Mior Ak TyvM af Itoaat M«K> Mad totnc? Raaa It ra- SMNary. LigM traeklM. Auto tion. Alao Floranoa pipalaos ell OLENWOOD range with Lgnto sO Wutad—Ta Bap • 8 about to lenve their world lar would have made her quite aa (Christian Science Monitor) fense I patrto t*i ty a rta. puk-ap aaf^ aaaiSar ptata aarvtM to Hartford. son for aalling. Pbr appointment, heater. Phone 2-1011. FOR SALSS—Two-fomlly hoiise. n world of shimmering splen- happy. Now shall look ratward servants, but he balked at adding Cheunoey M. Depew’ once ralat- tel Rockvnia UgT'S from 7:30 to burner, color grasn snd Ivory. a room for the cook. "Cant you ira. (ttaraittaad wnrk. Kata CkaCk- Pkaaa S-dTBI. GkU BISS. rooms each, hot air heaL aU ot* ’ all of them had read about but every time he comes to a big tip. •d how e certain yrang man got a An Irishmen. Juet arrived in this ad la tka feoma Uar vatftoa a 9 a. m. or 7—S p, m. Tom Minor. WANTED—One pump shotgun. improvements. Situated on inch most of them hod never BeUe’a only human; ahe'll be mock­ see, Miaa KenL” he protested, start in life by setting up on gtimpeed. "Whet you ere doing to the planet country, saw e box of An* cran­ apaaialtf Manrkaatar fUMa PTBt LOAM, aaad and grarai call TWQ PAIRS roaa floral dr^arlaa, M18BION Osk dining room set, Can 8318 altar 6 p. m. slda Asking price, fS.OOO. ed only once.” "o n ir box. berries In front of ■ grocery. □ •amra, tl Rrrh atraat Pkaaa SUNDAY PAPBR fuuta for aale. unllned. Phone 3-2790. Gayle felt ea if her life were be- *T ought to have known he You’ve studied art.” He placed to M Owner laavlat town. ProflU of S pieces. Osk bureau. 8 pises family 2 rooms down, S up ^ Into this box the young man and Irishman (to hie brether, who kitchen eet, one eingle, one S-4 MANCHESTER'S oldest dealers side. An improvemcato, parfe torn to shreds. Her work would do something like thaL” an indignant finger on the a wife dropped all tJie small SALBS AfiD aanrtoa of range each Sunday amount to sixteen -ONE HALF Bag cement mixer la rags, msgsalnes, paper aad but that didn’t matter Gayle thought unhappily. "Oh prinL "1 can’t stick a little had been In AiMriea s year) — dollars. Inquire a t SS Deerheld sise metal bed, odd kitchen and condition, near stores, mhovH pieces of money they would other­ What are thim? AtX MAKm araamag aw burnofa cltanod and aervirrd. with gaa motor, $150. Also IH - scrap metals has S triieka to bus. Price $10,500. Two teaei riy. She was completing dear, If he spoils Belief She's al­ on here. Even with the bath, wise have spent for things that elitnaa rapairad IX jraarar aagai Drive after 6 p. a t ton truck. Just overhauled, f4()0; bedroom chairs, one ipahogefiy eall at your boms any time and ways been so sensible."' look like a woodebed. Why, to Brother—They are cranberrleo. UM nrxPAM JoMph W. flanna. Phono 3-0147. Victrola with cabinet, whits po^ house, 5 rooms each with __ her third year; so she was "only a dime,” or "only a Irishman Are they lit to e a t7 laM*. Cai’.. A. Brawar, I XMB. both for 1500. Phono WUllman* PjW Jw INiMs. Wto Os- provements, near Main tored candidate for neither a certtfi- She did her beet at the school keep the proportions, Td have to r a iR T ’S Hnuaahold aanrlca. Don't celsin-top table, several doxen but it was hard to keep her mind build a room tally twelve by fif­ quarter," or "only a half dollar," Brother (exclaiming)—Are they Jto. s i m la Help W s r IsR... FsBMile 35 tic I19J2. Robert G. Hanlagton, food canning Jars. All priced low. 182 Blseill strast Phono Price $«,800. James J. Rohaa ste nor a degrea. But she found and so on. And os a result they LOCAL Mnnng and hanling. Oaa* aat off that odd Job around the 8B7S. Ittle things upsetting her badly, at her work. Bart was at her con­ teen.’’ fit to eat? Why, when them cron- K aaali aC Ha Lakevlew Terrace. coil at 397 Woodhrldge street. Son. Phone 748S—TOIL pKsently found themselves (Sith X berrtea they aral irurkiBg at raa^.^nahla rataa. iMaiM or oirico. Lat Tarry do It. R E tlA B tB WO maul for general ley all seemed menacing por- tinually, it aeemad, with queatlons ’’Well, suppose.” is otewed, make better Pkaaa MiT DOG HOUSE, new, never been Telephone 7255. CASH POR pianos or musleal H- about the house. He looked at her, ameaed. "For thousand doUon to lavxst. applesauce than pniflea do. Wa do anything froaa eotlar to housework oaa day a waak. Phone SIX ROOMS, modem Ckpa sts of dreadful things for the Mr. Depew'a little story inspired atUe. Phona 7M0. 3-374X. ueed. 44” x 34” with shingled xtrasMats, regardless of age. Pine Acre Terrace. Oeeupaim $| uture. A detail In her mother's Oeyle had to go to New York a cook?” USED FURNITURE bought condlUon. Highest possible “Cooks are people," she retort­ the setting up of many other RETRIGERATION SERVICE roof. Alao inside doors, differant aold. The Red Shop, 56 Hudson days. Owner leaving town. T m t Irst letter after her return dis­ BO he could take her to Bronxville "only” boxes. R. N.'S OR TRAlNEp attendants sizes. Phone 3348. prieea The Plano Shop. S Pearl Box W, Herald. turbed her aa much aa if Bart had end show her the big double loL ed. “A deoent rmm won't spoil ettoUweawetoe<«a for HOUSEHOLD RAJfOB BURNBRS aarvlocd. street Moore's U s^ Pumlturs. xtiugt Phone 6882. She had to discuss plans with the her. Now, lleten to me, please, Social SiiuationB tor m M keak, a Iklaphona XMO. for eonvalaseant home. Day or Phona 7351. something unkind, though night duty. B m ^ e n t salary. COLT 49 Autometlc ptstoL Ex* hat he had m e wito she told landscape ortlsLl and she had to rv e stadiM arL and I can see Men either masters his habits or Om af a topHcato REFRIGERATORS celirnt condition. (Toll S-0flS7 after Is mastered by them: SBWINQ Machlaaa, vacuum eleen- Full noalntonaaca. Write super­ OIL BURNER end stand. Small Retiort Property fw Snls lieraeir. Just typtcally generous. discuse plana notedly with the easily enough what you're talking 8:30 p. m. WANTED—A chest of drawers. since It wasn't the kind of archltecL They had one magnifi­ about; but Fve cooked too. I'm The Mtuatloa: Dinner guests soy rrtgMatTa (V>«4iiM< oto aad emaU appllancoa repair- intendent Hlghwood Retreat. parlor stove. Phone 5835 between Phone 2-2019. Grocer Roberts got up end shook to the hostess, who hasn't a maid, Narga OJL ad. A.B C Appliaaca and Service Norwalk, Conn, -or telephone S and 8. COVENTRY Lake—AttraeUve king normally done in her home, cent fight, and Bart stood on the young, but I know how tired you ht seemed to mean a good deal. sidelines almost unbearably proud can get after you’ve stood over s hands with the dootbr. Tben sud­ “Let's do the disitea now.” Ward Ob.. XI M a ^ atraet Phone Norwalk fl-flOflS. BuiMing Mstwlali 47 room cottage, flntehed insUI denly he remembered his wife's W’raag Way: She takaa them up S-1S7S. Pick up aad delivery aarv- ANTIQUE Victorian grape carved WBRted to R m t 68 completely furnished inclw^ stove tWo or three hours. You ache. GIRL TO aoaiat la dental office. FUNNY BUSINESS But there ere times when jrou last remark when he bed set out: on their offer of help and doea Uw OOMMERQAL sofa, Victorian tables, brand Ymiw electric stove. Large ecreene Orooar Roberts—Oh, by tbe way. dishea with their eeslatancs. Write Box P, Herald, atatlng age, SECOND-HAND lumber. Inquire electric coffee maker set, tray, VETERAN Needs two, three or front veranda. Easily wlnterlie have to watt for things, and then REFRIGERATION and axpartanca aad quallflcatlona. you can ra ti—If there’s any place Doctor, 1 dare say my wtfe men­ Bight Way; She raaltoes that 34 Lynesa street. Telephone 6354. sugar and creamer; siaa 12 Lons four room furnished or unfurn­ Large lot with extra one IIS tioned the fact that ^ e woa get­ the person who hoe eaten a good gray akl suit worn only a few ished apartment in Manchester. 150. Near water. Cell 8965. to nrest. You can’t be running up ROOM POR a SERVICE ReiMisg—CsBtreetins 14 to the third floor; I'll tell you ting a little deaf the other day 7 meal would much rather sit and timea. Phone 2-2240. References. Please coll '5141. Doctor—8he dIcL But there's talk than do dlslteo, and so she r. to Park atraat. SC IE N T inC CARPBNTER Work of all klnda Help WsRt4M~Mslt 86 Garden—Pans—Dalrjr that. It’s got to be somewhere MtoP Pkik araaaa, BartSard. REFRIGERATION 0 0 , INC. RooCa aldlBg, additiona and alter- ARE YOU cheating your vahiablc YOUNG Couple want 3-4-5 room Sabarlmn for Salo close.” nothing for her to worry ebouL leaves the dtshwaahlng until aRcr MfKseoei Oriidlraie, » 4 s n . atkMU. Alao now roaatructinn. PIN BOT8, 16 years of age at Prodneta ^ 60 rugs 7 You certainly are if your rent Telephone Manchester.. 2- Well, we’ve put In a sitting Mr. Roberta. It's merely an Indl- her guests have gone home. IT Oak BL Maaakaatar S -im Wast Blda bowling allays. Pleas- FOR SALE— Occupancy wit- room. What more could anyone cation of advancing yeora, you con Slaffert Phona S-03SS—S-1S89. imt aurroundtnga, good pay and PEARS For Sale, #1.40 a basket. ruga are not equipped with rug 10S7. toll her. Inquire 56 Irving street. Phone cushions. 9x12 rug cushions are three days exesUent pre-wi w enlt" •4lpa.« Apply avenlngs after 8 NAVAL Aviator with four years’ Cape Cod. 4 rooms and bi “A place to He down—a place Grocer Roberta (looking hard at B oon) AND HKR BUUOIBS Blow, lyhiatla. Blow BY EDGAR MARTIN o'clocic. 2-0877. low aa #4.95, $10.95 for 40 os. 16 grade. CMI1 3535. Benson’k'T lS service needs 3 or more room ep. down, 2 unfinished up, insulat to sprawl end take off your shoes. the doctor)—Oh. no. Doctor! Oh, . MIX)* TOLKUj^pWtH Main itreeL partment. CaU 3-1229. oil steam heaL brass plumbL, A good'Vook Isn’t apt to be young, no, pooitlvely noL You are the man MTGB UAJB Spruce traaa. Rea- PICK YOUR own turnips. #1 a large loL fine location, on bar and the older she Is, the more to tell her that! ttoch a aonabla. 4' la S' high, aocllautad. WANTED-^Pklntart steady win­ 8HERDTF has colled. Dispossessed oo TH** ------ter work. Raymond Flake. 3884. buahel. Phone 4800. SEVEN-FOOT pre-war ooolerator, road in Andover, ten miles oheU need a room right by the wv.%urtN 61 \jcrt« L« JA( PliotM S-lSSl or Inqttiro 341 High in good condition. AH steer and this week. Please help or family Menchester, $8,600. John 8. _ kitchen. Moke It fifteen by'twelve; One mornlnlng, while shaving, Ugbt tfatotag. atraat jraat ______BUTTEHtNUT squash for your porcelain flnlah. In good condition. must seporaUi,. References. Tele­ It won’t coat much more money, man woa cuiiirsuig and owooring oo Tto WE’RE LOOIUNG FOR sell. Cross streeL South CUvent wlnter'a supply at Joseph Novell!, Phone 4422. phone 2-0477. Phone Wlllmantlc 8324. Will It?" loudly It attracted the attention of CKRTSAMTHEMUM Bouquata. AILAroand Machinists Mountain (oad, Oleetonbury. A good deal, Miss Kent, it's tn his wife wh- We pay cop cash (or resldant If she sighs writh holf-elosod eyes, Tool and Die Makers values even If you don’t have GRAY AND white combinaUon tween 5—8 p. m. for appoint- tether, will you, please? I'd rather •ad bfoaaa Soaia varlatlaa may Gauge Makers cash. An “Albert” account gives stove equipped with Silent Glow or commercial property, out out one of the baths upstairs While her hand you press. CALL IS NOW LOCATED AT ba m en at the hoBM of Tba Mur- menL quick action communicate uit 1010 - - than rive up the cook's bath.” Don't think ah* fell, 3rou never con ALLY OOP In a Nico Spot BY V. T. HAMLIN Tool Grinders you the opportunity to buy at oil burner. Inquire 101 Chestnut pbay Oardana, IS Hamlla atroet the lowest pricea amd convenien- street. Phone 4923. us. Phone 7728-5329 or. 8-0930, "I’lr ask him,” Bert promised. te a M OOTTAGI STREET n o M TIBS. Aircraft Sheet Metal Men ly pay out of your income. Use TWO LOTS, 100 X 350. Inquire 5« Write Brae-Burn Realty The cook had a room twelve by It may be biUousnesa. fifteen, and the bathtub was I Pattern and Model Makers— your account during these Irving street or telephone 2-0877. South Main streeL Manchester I “He wouldn’t take^No* for an answer when they told (OFF OAK STREET) Wood ANNIVERSARY Strictly up-to-date with an excel­ Go slowly to th* entertainmente 17-A MarhInrTV and Tndls 62 PROMPT action on lUI realtl him there were no more berths !’* lent ebower. of thy friends. Excellent opportunities are offared CELEBRATION DAYS! GALL MSS Houses for Sale 72 transactions. Singles, doubles an| (To Be Continued) { But quickly to their misfortunes. RBPAm or raplaaa aapkalt ahlB' to akllled and aami-akUlad men In Our Anniversary Special LIME sowers, milking mschince, businesses for sole. Suburbs ■c a r n i v a l BY DICK TURN EH this rapidly growing Induatiy. In- portable tractor sawrigs. Ford- gloA Mata, xompooltkm ar tUi Ck)mplet« .3-Rnom Outfit TWO-FAMH-Y House, 5 rooms, Realty (fo.. Realtors, 49 Perkir SIDE GLANCES “ BY G^BRAITH FOR FREE ESTIMATES rooSt ckUaaoya, daaklnga aavaa- tarastlng work, good pay. pleasant son parts, cement mixers. Dub­ street. Telephone 8215. OPA Burroiindlngs and modern working $3,35 lin Tractor ComponlfL North shower and bath upstairs and LAWM trougho. B. V. Oougblln, SXO down. Garage, lot 170 back, 105 Woodlaad atraat 7707. condlUona Our employment rap- You get a Living Room Suite com­ Windham Road, WilUmantlc. BagtaM reaentatlves will gladly give you plete with all the trimmings; a front, chicken coop, fruit trees, Legal Notices tractora rtpatr- tmiMNBTB rabullt aad rapalrad. full Information on any Job for Bedroom Suite complete with all (7REAM Separator. See Wards automatic oil burner steam heat. hair aUppara ItooSag AU work guaraataad. N. which you qualify. Apply Mon­ the trimmings; and a Breakfast famous cream separator. Amer­ Phone 2-1274 9 a. m. to 12 and 4 LIQVOB rEXMIT Ito* O. taftooe Oo. Phone 3-07SS. Cal) days through Pridaya — 8 A. M. Suite complete with all the trim ica's flnest. AU electric, easy to p. m. to 6 p. m. NOTICK OP arrLICATlON any uom. to 4:40 P M. Office la located on mlnga; You get EVERYTHING operate. Close elUmming. Bench iS-lSXtoOkB • r to NEW FOUR-room hquse on War­ This I* to sive notice thst I. AV8 WlUow Street. Just off Main Street, you need to start A NETW home model. $52.79. Montgomeiy Ward 'HN C. BISSBLL, of IM Eldrids capital QHadlag Oaah CHIMNETS aad draplacaa axpart' East Hartfoi^ During our 35th Anniversary Sale, Ck>.. 824-828 Main street ren avenue,,Vernon. Modem con­ atroet, Msnehester, have filed an e]B ly cleaned and repaired. Twenty yoii will receive, free of charge, veniences, two unflntshed rooms plication dated October Mh, 1X44, vUl two yaara of axpartanca. Well a g ift regardless of the size of on second floor. Large lot. Priced the Liquor Control Commlaalon fq ■ r u \ PRATT & WHITNEY very reasonable. Inquire B. e Tarem Permit for the aele of etc racooiaiended. Mancbeeter Chim' your purchase. Muxlral InstraniMits ))$ holle llquof on the preiMaes FRECKLES AND MIS FHIKNIM U fa Ba Polita BY MERRILL HUMMER n«y Baparto. Phone X-0S4X. AIRCRAFT H Bohme, Warren avenue. IPW GMBVROIJET USEX) VEGA C melody saxaphone, Cooper atreet M ancheater.___ aaaMta. ObB dXU aflar d p. flkud Hartford, Connecticut A-L-B-E-R-T-’-S The bualneia la owned hr AUBYll T his lO i^ikP ^ OH.Wiu, IwRiT ROOPINO. aldlag aad oaw caU- 43 ALLYN STREET gold plated with case. A real flne SOUTH COVENTRY—Modem 5- C. BI8SELL. of IM Bldrtdfe stfeet iXA90M.P06fHCE — taga our apoclalty. HIghaat qual Sa l e s m a n , experienced. Alum­ HARTFORD InetrumenL Kemp’s. Inc. room, year round home, insulat­ Mancheater, and will be eonduetad bl inum combination storm wlndoa-s ed, oak floors and fireplace, kitch­ AUSTIN C. BI8SELL, of IM Eldrids & ,BSI& IIM fORO d n p track. \% yard WARM AIR FURNACES tty BBatarula uaoA Workmanahip Open Eveninga By Appointment street Manchester, Conn., aa ped /CUTffD«H guaraataad. A. A. Dion, lac, and BcreeQj. Large exclusive ter­ B FLAT Tnimpet, gold lacquer, en and bath. Inlaid linoleum and Wiu.0(vff , baW. out batwaaa • a to to l:SP CLEANED AND REPAIRED ritory. Income unlimited. Apply TWO-DOOR, large wooden Ice mittee. [ ' TM8 p> to Si Matbar atrapL MS Autuaa street TeL 4860. 'can't be told from new. B flat built-in cabinets. OH heaL auto­ AUSTIN C BI88BLU U$ ATLiMSlI/ VAN CAMP BROTHERS 24 Birch street between 10-12, box, top leer, $5. CaU 2-1678 or clarinet, A-1 condition. Word matic hot water. Phone WlUiman- Dated October Xth, 1X44. liSS PORD Pbr Sato Oui ba aaaa t S f N ortk MaIb Street ROOPINO — Spaclallalag la ra- 3-5, Thiirodey or Friday. 905# before 12 noon. Krause. Phone 5336. tic 115J2. liobcrt O. Harrington, Lakevlew Terfacc. Priced to sell. a t dS Drtaa P. SIhrar LaM ItoMM 6S44 palrlag roofa ot aU kinds, alao FOR SALE—Beautiful Chickering aftar StiS Tkarady and Pliday. aaw roofa. No Job too amall or Furniture may Im purchased alsw larga Good worm, fair orloa Prea Help Wanted—Mala grand piano, rosea’ood finish, $1,<- A USED GUITAR with case. A TWO-FAMD-Y 000; Electro-master electric real buy. Kemp’s, Inc. 3-ROOM cottage, vacant 21 acres (N A PLOORB SANDCD aotJmatoa ChO Howlay. Man Or Feaxale 37 DUPLEXES uid toimma p o r d . m gaad ebaaUr SSdl. kitchen range; gas table top of land, $3,0()0. Inquire A. F. ruaatog ooBdltMto OkO TPSA U ptof and SaUktag- HELP Wanted to pick up pota- stove, like new; maple dining­ PLANO Accordions. New and used. Bray, Taicott streeL South Cov­ toea. Telephone Sit# or call at room set with 6 choirs; maple Service and lessons. Chester Ac­ entry. Telephone Wtlllmentlc FOR SALE ass4 CHBVROUrr S-daor. Pbpr ThL 929 West Center xtrecL living-room set with custom mode cordion Company, 91 Union 1011-W3. PstaltaR-^priisg 21 street Phono 5709. One located a t Maacbeatcrl aaw ttraa. ChU S-IMS aftar i LAWM end aawar i toarra •bar|>- slip covers; 3 piece walnut bed­ Oreea near school, boa asri I P- XL ______WANTED- Man or woman for room set with the bed, chest and FOR SALE—Seven-room single, aaad aad raeuUt All gar ragiaak PROPERTT owaari attention store.' Seven rooinn each side, .Tjcitosbh Paperhaaglag aad^painting, in- general kitchen duties and denn­ vanity and bench; wine S X 13 oil Improvements with steam J IN I FORD, tv a daur. aacaOrnt aatkaetd aatora, gard« trae- ing. Apply C?aveyh Grill, 45 East rug and pad; 2 chlntx maple A USED banjo-mandolln with heat, large loL within one mile of tali' bathrooms. Reasonably | awrhawteal eaadltloa . OPA prtoa, tare. paapa and riactDcaj ap- aide or vutaMa. Large aavtnga c.aso. Kemp's, Inc. priced. New block oaUlaga Eatimatre Center etreet ^ chairs: Crosley automatio com­ Main street; Manchester, 8S.800. R E D RIDER 'Tlia Haparator BY KHKD HARMAN MlDar Metoaa S6S OUtor ctrcct, pUaSeax lapalrad. Qulch drptnd- bination record changer and cab. John S. Bisaell, Cross street. One Just a short distance I aMa aw taA Pick up aad drllrrr. funuabad fraa. Pbona Apaa 73M DISH WASHER Wanted. Good A u s k o half-eUed violin outfit aoraar Xdaaaa atraat OpM ara- Inet with record album; child’s complete. Why not start that South Coventry. Phone WUliman- from Main and East Center I I orlt ataga to‘A Ika Oa-AB Oraspany. Trlrphona INTKfUOR aad aatartor decorat­ hours, good pay. Apply Garden maple Junior bed and wardrobe; tic 3324. Streete. Seven rooms one side, K8AIH2 Rrataurant, 840 Main street. small boy or girl on a violin ? ing, rooSa|t Soor sanding, grn- also mnpie Hollywood bed, 8 way Kemp’s, Inc. six rooms one side. Excellent | fC 1H£ FOR SALE—Four-room house In condition and location. SH E E T METAL WORK tral rtpalnug. Pra-war prioca. floor lamp, other lamps ' and A s is arork guaraataad. Oat outoidc tables, assortment of chairs. A BEAUTIFUL, enoU grand Pine Acres section. Write Box N, Sitoationa Wanted— Care of Herald. CaU ns for appointment POR SAl iB-' IPdg Motorola auto ■at Air PkraaM Itopalrtag. quotaa aow. Wabstor. OMA Silent Glow parlor furnace In piano, mahogany case, flne ac­ Femala 88 bakelite flnlsh; also 194# Singer tion and tone. Fully guaranteed. jaKiltA.fgiHL, radto for IM l CRrrroloL ChU Hem Bet Air aad Ah CaadlUanlng McKinney Brothers tee* ie«eet ma•WWI Itot.g tc-/o 8SS8. Baaaoa'a TtX Mala atraat PAINTINO aad Papcrhangtng. vacuum cleaner, used very little. Also a brand new spinet pleno “Gill you beat il? Only ii miiithe^Ko I not a cn- 10 to 17 pounds. Phqne 4026. found at Benson’s, 713 Main. fun Insulation; donastaira lava­ Broad streek No ag en ts. 'V HIM HOME T’BEO/ ^ oatlon, pubUe ltabllit> iiuiurance WsrM Thmplka. W*at T*1 IPM CANARY Birds, Wayne dog food, tory, tile bath, baeetneht laun­ carried D. E. Preehelte. Phone YOU ARE sura to And ths scatter dry. y WE'U. BE back; \ ' '^ ') Matarcyctos______U ANTHjUES retlniahad aad repair- 7030. tropical Ssh, turtle fooaod COLONIAL BOARD COMPANY WIL." TELEPHONE 8864 WWLA'S RefrlyeraUon eenrtoa. tion, coaching lor veterana furniture oombtnatlon ranges,

5*^ -