Orchesis, Modern Dance Group, Will Perform in Phi Beta Kappa
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VOL. XXXVIII No. 19 COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA MARCH 1, 1949 Don Cossacks Will Give Orchesis, Modern Dance Group, Recital Of Russian Music Will Perform In Phi Beta Kappa Choi us To Appear In Final Concert Dancers To Stage Of 1948-49 Series On March 7 By Shirley Spain Two Productions Under the leadership of Serge Jaroff, the Don Cossack chorus and dancers will present the final concert in the William and Mary Of Varied Recital series Monday, March 7, at 8 p. m. in Phi Beta Kappa Hall. Their program will include Russian hymns, war songs, folk Orchesis, the campus modern dances and variations on selections of Tschaikowsky. dance club, will present its annual recital tomorrow and Thursday The Don Cossacks originated in 1920 in a field near Constantinople. nights at 8 in Phi Beta Kappa Hall. The diminutive Jaroff, considered by his enormous brothers too little The program will open with to be of much use, conceived the Saraband (Bach), which repre idea that the military encampment sents the study of movement in might enjoy the deep-tliroated Juniors, Seniors Plan space. This is a group number choruses of his comrades. He repeated from last year's show. selected from the singers of his Annual Barefoot Ball Willie the Weeper is a traditional camp the most impressive voices, American folk song. It pictures and welded tenors, baritones and- Members of the junior and Willie, portrayed by Vann Rhodes, basses into an ensemble. Before senior classes will sponsor a Bare in a den of iniquity, fairy land, many weeks, he had a chorus of 30 foot Ball on Saturday, March 5, New York and abroad. A folk men, who, with a repertoire as from 9 p. m. to 12 midnight in dance will feature the wedding of sembled out of their capacious Blow Gym. Barbara Campbell and Bob Dow memories, sang with a new skill ney. For Skyscraper Fantasy the Students attending the dance, under his direction. scene is laid in Central Park. It which is open to-ail classes, have Annual Tours presents a dejected flower girl, The Cossacks became the choir been requested by John Dayton Hunter de Murguiondo, who is of the Orthodox Cathedral of St. and Dave Saunders, presidents of watching lovers walking through Sofia in Constantinople, and in the junior and senior classes, re the park and wishing she were the 28 years since, they have sung spectively, to wear blue jeans and like them. In the end, she gets in Europe, Africa, Australia, and plaid shirts or pinafores and cot ORCHESIS MEMBERS interpret Bach's 'Saraband' as the open two lovers herself. Perpetual Mo North and South America. Since ton dresses and will be expected ing number in their 1949 concert. The dancers are, left to right, tion is the interesting story of what 1939 they have poured the United to check their shoes at the door. Dee Curry, Sally Obitz, Lois Settle, Hunter De Murguiondo, Ann takes place when human beings Giesen an'd Sue Green. States annually visiting an aver Decorations in keeping with the replace department store mani age of 125 cities. They "have sung DogpatCh-style theme have been Echo Payments Due kins, in every town in the United planned. Bill Harper, Ollie Duets include Jean Cutler and States with a population of 50,000 Balance due on Colonial Echo Senator Robertson Amon and the Sigma Pi quartet, student pictures must be paid this Jean Phillips, who will present or over. The Lady and the Bum; Lois Settle v i i Ronnie King, -Moe Kish and Fred- Wednesday, Thursday or Friday In * I94SF the ~^itoss3ekV'l>eTMmie'"iifl: Morton rwili be aiMorig those from 2-5*p. rh. in the Publica'tiohs' Praises Jefferson arid Sally-'Obitz,- who will execute American citizens en masse, on hand to furnish intermission- Office on third floor Marshall- a modernized Apache number to studying the Constituttion in Rus time entertainment., Wythe, according to Virginia Lore, Jealousie; Dee Curry and Nancy sian and English in daily classes Lee Hall, representing the love Mary Moore, chairman of the business manager. At Pi K A Banquet for six weeks. "Students who do not pay for story of an Indian brave and his In the summer of 1945 they refreshments committee, has de their pictures in full will not re Saturday evening at the Wil maiden_ in. the Natoma Dagger made a three-months' USO tour clared that refreshments will be ceive an annual in the spring," liamsburg Lodge, Senator A. Willis Dance. See DON COSSACKS, Page 12 "novel." Virginia declared. Robertson of Virginia addressed Soloists are Jean Phillips, pre his fellow brothers of Pi KA cele senting Juliet Maiden, a satire .on brating their founders day, on Jef ballet; Mary Harrington in Blues; —-r 'Carry Me Back'Takes Liberties With History — ferson's Contribution To Religious Lois Settle performing a military Freedom. « review; Sally Obitz, who . will The Senator, in correlating the dance to Lullaby; and Dee Curry foundations of fraternalism and a executing Spellbound, a psycholo Staff Reveals Name Of Varsity* Show successful functioning society by gical interpretation.. Carry Me Back has been dis in a garbling of all known pre- a pub owner in Surry, England, stating the principles of brother The^finale will consist of Dance hood and good will, brought to the Macabre. This portrays the resur closed by the production staff of Revolution Historical data. For who was to become famous for his fore "the most fundamental prin rection of souls who have gone the Backdrop Club as the title of this reason we have found it discoveries in cross-pollination of ciple of a free society which -had neither to heaven nor hell but the 1949 Varsity Show. necessary to call it 'roughly col iris. So you see while the au roots in the past history of William who are destined to haunt the Rehearsals have been underway onial times.' Governor Botetourt thor have taken certain liberties, 'and Mary. world. It is their struggle to find for the last several weeks for the romps in and out of the comedy the facts are all there . .'\ just peace within themselves. along with two students of the "It was appropriate, therefore, musical scheduled for mid-May. slightly rearranged. No admission will be charged, college, Thomas Jefferson and Ben that this institution should have Thi year's show will not be a "Arrangements for out-of-town' enrolled Thomas Jefferson, who and students and the general pub Franklin. Simon Hanybottem, musical^ review, as in past years, engagements have not been com was to become the greatest poli lic are invited to attend the per but a musical comedy. "We have who is president of the College of pleted," .ieach continued, "and tical philosopher our nation has formance. waited a number of years to work William and Mary in Virginia in produced."' In penning the de Other members of the cast in -up to doing a musical comedy," our version of history, ,was never they are, of course, pending col claration ". .'he voiced the hopes clude Sue Green, Bobbie Lamont, William Harper, producer - of the actually president. Iri fact he was lege permission." and aspirations of all oppressed Marianna- BrpSev Billie Jo Hick show stated, "and wefeel certain and down-trodden people," this man, Carolyn Hooper, Lucille Ger- that this year's show will be the being the' first of his contributions. ber, Carolyn Williams, Ann Gie freshest, funniest, musical we've The second of these stemmed from sen, Evelyn Gardner, Elaine ever undertaken." See ROBERTSON, Page 12 Speaker and Jan Summers. Commenting on the preview she had heard of the music for Carry Me Back, Edith Lindeman, amuse ment editor for the Richmond Women Students Will Go To Polls Times Dispatch, stated in the lead article of the Sunday theater sec tion, "The music ranges from lilt To Elect WSG Officers Tomorrow ing folk-type tunes to the Gilbert and Fran Thatcher were nomi and Sullivanesque^ from haunting Women students will go to the harmonics to boogie woogie." polls tomorrow from 4-6 p. m. in nated from the floor. , The varsity show orchestra will the large dormitories to elect three Rusty Davis and Nancy Rus go into rehearsal on the score for officers of the Executive Council sell are the senior nominating Carry Me Back within the next and three junior members of the committee's nominees for trea week. _This is the first year since Honor Council. surer of the Executive Council. the revival of the varsity shows Sorority women will vote in WSCGA members named Tillie following the war that a full or Jefferson, and day students will Pritchard and Barbara Smith from chestra and chorus will be used. cast their ballots in Barrett. the floor. Ben Johnston, who composed and At a meeting of the WSCGA The senior nominating commit-" orchestrated the score, will direct last night, Phyllis De Haven, Nicky tee chose Delores Curry, Ann the orchestra, and Carol Achen- Dillard and Nancy Kurtz' were' Litts, Lee Renander, Mike War bach and Anne Dunn will direct nominated from the floor for the •**** and Mary Anne Woodhouse the chorus. office of president of the ExecUr as candidates for the three junior "The show is laid in what may tive Council. posts on the Honor Council. Vir roughly be called colonial times," Members of the WSCGA senior ginia Flaherty, Carol Gardner, Wilford Leach, director for the BASEL DARKWAY ("Jeep" Friedman, left) attempts to con nominating committee named Nancy Leigh Hall, Jean Murphy, show, stated. "Of course, the vince Governor Botetourt (William Harper) of the possibility of a Sarah Enos and Joan Kohler as Ina Saville", Sally Shick and Betty authors have taken a few liberties canal from the York River to the Pacific in the 1949 Backdrop Club candidates for vice president of Jane Walsh were nominated from with historical accuracy, resulting musical, 'Carry Me Back.' N the Executive Council.