r i j TCBBDAT A v gritt tlBlty CIrcBiBttoB T h d W o b U m t iiaitfljpafgr Cpfitiitg Ifpratt rs r tbs ItonUl of Nstrranbsr, 1848 rirasnni sf 0. B WsnUwr Bstsm

Santa aad gat a praaaat. aad daa*t 9 ^ 5 9 fb ir and esnUnnsd eoal tsnlgktj Daugbtaca of Uborty No. ISB, Hmradny per^Moleedy nWF bs- Mat at ICiKm aad Eaiargtaiey Deetara forget that thla year Saata Ctaaa tb 6 . L L. arlU aacat i Old Sl Nick the tajra ate on the eaeaad Mamber of Uw AndU tufTown Oeatar atraat at aaaan o’clock to­ ana th Soor where there la over oo much night and prooaad to tba HoUoran Dr. Mortimer MorlarW, tel. more room In which to dioplay o f tiM BritWi Punaral Homa la tribute to Timm- Is Here Again M a n d w s t s r ' A City o f Vttlago Ckmrm 6445, aad Or. A. B. DIakan, them. win iM rt at tlM aaJ. marina, arhoaa wifa. Mm. 3-1861, Will raapond to emer­ _____ I teaH « at aad pro- Thla abouM muely ba a h m y VM Hanna Blerlna la a mamber of the gency calla tomorrow afternoon. 8 FUffc It) MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4 ,194fi (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THKKK (!KN |-8 ta Holkma’a rbaand Hobm lodge. Chrlatmaa for tha children for VOL. LXVI„ NO. 55 SsnU dims Making His many hard-to-get Itema hava onea Appimrance at the J. more put In an appearanca on the HALE’S Tba annual Chrlatmaa aala of the The Doreaa Society of Emanuel market and the J. W, Hale Car- Sahratkm Army Women'a Home Lutheran church will hold Ita an­ W. Hale Store poratlon haa made evkry effort to Tba Analatlea commltU* will Ltaagua will take place at the cita­ Delay Is Seen Violence Breaks Out in General Strike Om te a l maatVng for IMC on nual Chrlatmaa party at the church secure these new toya for the del tomorrow evening at aeven tomorrow evening. ’The program Chrlatmaa shopping aeaedn. Concrete Actioii rriaar, Dae. *0 1 at S p. bl Or- o’clock, wltb M m ’Tbomaa Ruaaell Santa Claua made hla appear­ Sentence Lewis will begin with amorgaboard nerved ■ulBatloaa will plaaae arranca to In charge of tba fair, wltb M m ance at the Toy Department new l e w the varloua rrpreeenUUree by Mm Ida Sodorberg at 6:80. Signing Pacts Jaan Ctougb, M m Ruby ChMigb Special Chrlatmaa roualc la planned located on the aecond Soor of the atoMBA as a new alata of offloara and M m Eva Murphy in charge of ^ ba alactad for tba 1M7 m r - and alnglng of Chrlatmaa carola, J. W. Hale Corporation, laat Satur­ BODY AND FENDER To Reduce Arm the aale of bamburgera and other alao the exchange of Chrlatmaa day, much to the Joy of the chil­ PAINT-IT-YOUHSELF Of Satellites varletiea of aandwichaa, tea, coffee gifti. not to exceed In value twen­ dren. He will be on hand again REPAHUNG Delayed Five Hours; and loe cream. of S t Marfaiat'a Clr- ty-five centa. ’The bualneao meet­ Thuraday, December 5 at 3:.‘10 p.m. ing of the aodety will follow the ala. DangStata of laaballa, ara ra- until 5 and Saturday Dec. 7 from TURNPIKE MiN^iaiiical Problems in Mra. Oladya Oamble, preaident of program, which la In charge of the O f W orld Loo] to moot tomorrow erenlnc 3:30 p. m. to 5, and 7 to 9. AUTO BODY WORKS WITH Myatic Review, , Woman’a Benefit Printing Final Offi­ ait S:1S at the Burka Funeral executive committee, headed by Starting December 9, Santa will Aaaoclatlon, urgea the membera, |gg West itkMM Tpk. 'IAl 794S Home. S7 Baat Orntar atreat bi the preaident, Mlaa Alva Anderaon. be at the atore three daya a week, and particularly the long-time cial Texts Reporteii trlboU to BaaaaB T. Oorcofan. hua- ’Tuea^y from 2:30 tq 6 p. m. on "'i ------United Nations Moves Hint Strike to End membera. to attend tba pot luck tantf of Mra. Franeoa Corcoran who Richard Wharton who la er ’Tiuraday from 3:30 to 5 In the Postponement Giuse aupper thla evening at ala o’clock Swiftly Today After la a manibat of tba drde. ployed by the Experimental De­ afternoon and from 7 to 9 In the In Odd Fellowa banquet ball. Rleo- partment of Pratt and Whitney evening. Saturdaya he will be Soviet Russia Agrees New York, Dec. 4—(P)— Diplo­ tlon of offlcera for the year 1947 haa taken over the houae vacated there at 3:30 to 6 and from 7 to 9 Electrical Repairs Unofficial Talk Some AllBalnta Motbara Circle will matic Informonta sold today that maat tomorrow avanlnf at eight will bo an Important feature of the by Dr. Frederick Coucy former In the evening. To Accept General Order Holds Freight Formula for Ending o’clock wltb Mra. Vara Treacbuk of buatneaa aeaalon following the Director of the Hartford Veterana’ Take the children down to nee A. DAVIDSON the signing of Axle aotellite peace meeting. Principles Laid Down M Lionoa atreat Center. Dr. Couey left today to LICENSED ELECTRICIAN treaties, now being completed here Coal Walkout Being take up hla new poaltlon on the S9 RIveraMe Drive by the CouncU of Foreign Mlnis- atair of the A ir Force Univeralty By United States Tba North Mathodlat W. 8 . C. a ’ITie Sewing Qroup of S t Marga- T elephoee 3-1067 tero, almost certainly would be de­ To Most Vital Needs Sought; Legal Aides artll have anotbar allnday aawing ret’a Circle, Daughtera of laabella, at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, met wltb Mm Leo Barrett of Alabama. Lake Success, Dec. 4.— (ff) layed untU early next year becauoe Confer Behind Closed aaaatlag tomorrow. In preparation LECLERC of mechanical problema Involved for tba annual Chrlatmaa aale at Oeepwood Drive yaatarday to com­ — ^The United Nations moved in printing 6nal official texta Doors for Two Hours; tba church on Wadnoaday, Deoem' plete work on the atuffed toya for Harleth H. Manning and Stew­ Fnnetnl Home sn'iftly toward concrete ac­ ’The Big Four hope to wind Strikes ^f^p Mayor Seeks bar n . pra-achool children at St. Agnea art Atkinaon left Mancheater lent iftff New Blow to fn-| d Bailiff Announces Re- 28 Main Street tion on world arms reduction their wonc on the pacts for Italy, home. A total of 56 animate of night to drive to Florida where JARVIS Bulgaria. Hungary, Romania and varioua kinda were finlahed at yea- they will vlalt with Mr. Manning'n today after Soviet Russia dustry Struggling to | cesa of Three Hours Phone 5289 ve. Finland, in a few days and come Way to Cope terday’a aeaalon. pa rente Mr. and Mra. Harold Man­ a g ro ^ to accept the general to grips before the week-end with Maintain Operations \ ning, formerly of Mancheater. Veterans' principles laid down by the the task of outlining preliminary Bullatin! DOLLS! Lady Roberta Lodge, Daughtera United States, including a problema Involved in a German of S t Gaorga, are anticipating Company Number 8 of the South settlement. Washington, Dec. 4.— (/P) With Strike Waahinftoii, Dec. Mancheater Fire Department will Housing provision that inspection and They ore acheduled to hold a I to repiaaant yaar favae^ thoroughly enjoyable time tonight Mortgages Arrungoil control machinery ohould be free — A government order hold­ — The tortniaidnt today aak- hold a regular monthly meeting Jenria aterta eaotber gmop nt conference on Germany In Europe idmraatan Na- In tba Maaonie Temple. ’The occa ' of the big power veto. ing railroad freight to the Blon la their annual Chrlatmaa tonight at the hove hotiae on Call Veterena” hfNMea In Mnn«Wa- early in 1947 and the live eatelllte Expanding Mass *Pro- ed Fodaral Judge T. A k a Spruce atreet ter. See na to hiapeet vnrloas Shortly after Soviet Foreign most vital needs struck a wtg. SH hMbaa talt aarr- party with gamea, glfU and a va treaties may not be signed until Gohkboroogh to ino Joha L. plaiia nnd loeethma. Mlnloter' V. I f . Molotov bod tosaed that time. As on s'temative some leap Has Kept Oak­ anaa. Order aaw tar Oulat- rlety of good tblnga to oat No bua ALICE CLA.MPET staggering blow today to In­ ineaa la to be tranaacted. Milton ’Turklngton of Scarbor­ thla new aurprloe factor Into the suthoritlea suggested they might Uwk* Ualtod Mine Workers Political committee ot the Ocner- dustries struggling to main­ land Area Tied Up ough mad left t o ^ y by automobile Phone 2-0880 Jarvis Realty Co. be circulated among the varioua 9S,500,(KH) la paaiohsMat for al Aoaembly, the delegatee of the capitals by airplane courier before tain operations despite the Paat Matrona of Temple Chap­ for California. Hla only compan­ 6 Dover Roed Since Yesterday ion on the trip waa hla dog. 64 nations agreed unonlmouoly to the German conference Is held. coal strike. Widespread fac­ coatcaipi of court la tkc coal ter, Order of tba Baatem Star will Tel. 4113 or 7378 create a 20-member subcommittee Paula Welden, 18-year-old Ben Htmigthen Borgolalng Position tory shutdowns, with conse­ atriko. Joha F. Soaaott* tko Mrs. Scoville bold their annual meeting and to reconcile tbe vorloua proposole nlngton, V t, college sophomore, Some weetem diplomats said BuHetia! Chrlatmaa party Thuraday evening Frank ManaSeld Detachment of quent unemployment for thou­ the Marine Corps League and Ita befoi’e them. (above) Is being sought in a New that on the German issue Britain goveniBMat attoraoy, autfo In the Maaonlo Temple. Election of CAR PAINTING sands now working, appeared In OoklmMI, califs Dec. S - m • Ctatar 8U PhoM MIS Auxiliary will meet tonight at 7:30 ’Theee were principally the. Unit­ England-wide search since her dis­ and the United Btatea appeared to offlcera will take place and other prospect. —In the face of a geaomi hla recoMmendatioa after In fmnt of the T. P. Holloran Fu­ Get Our Estimate ed States plan for ^ vin g Srot appearance from the campus Dec. have strengthened their bargain­ strike that Med np the city, important bualneaa mattera will be Beoaowlag BeMad Curbs neral Home 176 Center atreet to Xman Sugge$tions priority to atomic control and for 1. She is the daughter of a ing poaltlon in relation to Russia Officlola axplalnad tbat the or­ the Oak land City eouacll to­ Judge Gohkbprougk adiod taken care of. Membera unable to aetting up "practical and effec­ This huge crowd of pickets surged Into police lluee during the Oak' pay their respects to the late SOUMKNE A FLAGG Stamford industrial engineer. and FYonce by the agreement, an­ der and a companion restriction botk sides for their vlowo as attend are requeated to notify Paat tive” control and inspection agen­ land, Calif., geneml iitrike after a special officer allegedly struck 1 day declared a state mt eoMc- Thomaa Blevins, whoa# son Ed­ nounced yesterday, for the eco­ on panwl poat ore designed to as- Worthy Matron Ruth Boyce. INC. cies, and two Soviet amendments bus driver. Biu driver, being held in store, was to be transferred to gency aad placed fall peSee to oeatonce. ward V. Blevlna la a member of PICK YOUR nomic fusion of their two sonee in sure that coal-bumlng locomoUvaa 864 OMtm St. Tel 6101 offered this morning. Germany. waiting police car (arrow). General atrike waa called )n proteat aad die power la the hands the organisation. can be kept running on rtduced sf the mayer. Membera of Waahington Lodge, CANARY NOW! ’There was an air of optimism in Senators Will France In the poet hoe balked against police protection for strlkebreakera. (N E A ’Telephoto). all the speeches os the delegates ochedules until mid-February. Washington, Doe. 4,— No. 117, L. O. U, will meet In Or­ at the economic unidcatlon of Ger­ / They did not predict a cool atrike Active and honorary membera For Xmas Delivery! gave the question into the hands many without satisfaction of her Oakland, CoUf,, Dec. 4.—(A)—’ ange hall at 7:30 thla evening and lasting that long but said Um fual- — John L. Lewis’ s o n te ^ of Hose Company Number 4 of the of the BUM»mmittee and turned demand for Internationalisation An aroused mayor, declaring “the then proceed to Holloran’a Funeral ■avlng meaau^a ore precaution- for contempt of court Ttai de­ South Mancheater Fire Depart­ CAGES AND STANDS again to debate on proposed action Delay Probing of the Ruhr. Rusela has been pri­ Home where the funeral ritual will ment will meet at t ^ Hose House WOOD Outbreaks Reported ary In evant no mors coal Is mined city of Oakland Is not going, bock against Franco Spain. marily Interested In obtaining layed five hours— until at be conducted for Brother ’Thomaa at 7:30 this evening and will go BIRD ACCESSORIES before then. to the Jungle,” demanded drastlo Blevlna. ’Thla notice alao appllea The members of the Subcommit­ from Germany more reparatioiu loaat 3 p. m. ( o a L)— today to tha T. P. Holloran Funeral FOR SALE tee on Arm Reduction are the Reich Report ’The measures, coming In swift emergency powera today ta oope to R. B. P. No. IS memberahip. Aquariums Tropical Fish than Britain and the United States Bucceaalon lata yeaterdoy, hit both amid unofficial talk that lomo Home to pay their laat reapenta United States, Rueoio, Orest Brit­ have been wUllng to approve. to the lata Thomaa Blevlna a In Interior Greece home and factory. Than: wttb. an expanding moaa “protest” formuk for ondkg the pora- ettaa Yea Te «let OimpleM Oetalla FIREPLACE Catnip Mouse ain, France, Chino, Norway, The The pressure for action by the walkout of orgomsod labor which Ahoal The O. A. V. laiEe vault. Installed on the former member of the company. Netherlands, Poland, Canad^ In­ 1. Clamped an embargo on all lysing soft coal atrike was bo> FURNACE Rubber Dog Bones Charges of Immorality, two western powers bos been their rail freight and express onlpmanta, bos kept a metropolitan oroa ot i m L Maatiiiga B e ^ aaoondnd Soor of the Orford Building dio, Cxechoolovokia, Mexico, need to make at least their sonee ing sought. ^ Pvt. a yd e Beckwith, Jr„ left with tha oKcaptlon of commodHles t,000,000 people tied up olnoe 8 a. Feaftk fWaday St State Ai by E. J. Holt when he had hla of~ a. STOVE Egypt, Australia, Brasil, Colombia, Venereal Disease, Dis­ of Germany self-sufficient so they m. yesterday. town today to return to hla post and suppllaa ntcesoory to the main­ OSIdal OanSnaaUsa 8 P. N. Soe in that location about 20 yeara EBCO PET SHOP Belgium, Syria, the Soviet Uk­ could stop pouring in money at Natural Gas liven as Mayor Horbart L. ago, la being moved. It took four at Fort Worth Arm y A ir Field, Well Seasoned! raine and Argentina. honesty and Incompe­ tenance of pubUc health and safety, Official conflrmaUca that such Fort Worth, Texas. He haa been 105 CENTER ST— REAR the rate of $600,000,00 a year. The effective 12:01 sjn., Friday. Beach sumoiooad tha City OOunoU daya then to move the vault from Molotov’s omeodments were not tence in Army Made merger agreement, according to Started to Divert At­ to act bacauae “no coffununlty can on understanding might be raoeb* tha ground to the aecond Soor, but home on furlough for the last two Cor. Griswold St. considered es offering sertoua ob- 2. Ordered a aecond 26 per cent weeks. Secretary of State James F. Flow to Give exist In anarchy,” the word was ad was lacking from any d the BAarr HABTFORD — BlaacB with the use of a larga crane work­ E. A. BERNARD gtocles to ultimkte agreement tention from Border cut In roll naaaenger mileage, ef­ top Sgiues In t b a hlatoclo...... trial. Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Washington, Dec. 4—OP)— Senate Bymee, ia designed to make the fective 11:89 p.m., Bundey, poaadd among A P L unkNia tor on 8 t g-ftUBUy Dnpiex.f8 reeaaa men expect to c o m ^ te the work TEL. 7585 OR 7142 Phone .5253 ' Hie statement was hailed imme­ xone economically Independent by even graatar show 01 strangth. Tbayflnaludad Prsaldant UnUa mt chaMe. Sale Prioa fM M . of removing It In four hours. diately Iw British Delegate Sir RepubUcona will bide their time to­ Limit Put Oa Paoknges tti» United Mina WorkwaL Am 1950 and the belief is that they Athens, Dec. 4.— (/P) — Some Relief Bm^to m Sl^m WotoMk • MANCHESTER Henry Hartley Sbaweross os on ’’impor­ day for a chance to explor* ehorf- con tbua be nparated indeaniiely 8. Ua8N4 tiM wiight eC m m i r u m S S w alK ^ ptotaatl!^ ant AttcnMy Oanaml Jatn ' r. 8 t tant conceealoa.” Australian Delt- Newspapers report^ bloody 1 ------post to five pounds m pockogM Dateh Celaalnl,ilnLnO ea that Immorality, venereal dl- without lose to America and Brit­ pollco-prMsctad delivery ml m Bonnatt, and FaderkP-*Judn T. "Main Cleaners gate Paul Hosluck sold the new ain regordleaa of what happens b i meaairrtng not more than I 8 tnenea chondlaa through plekat Unan ta Alan Ooldaborough wh* yeatardoy w. Oarage la hnaemeat. Soviet stand opened the w ay for ue, dMRHiest and Incompetence outbreakii In the- Pekjpjmne-; ProbabR^^WUPSlart in in loagth and 60 Inches In length Pitoai to aek. • s e a the rest of Germany. «u i intenor 0 «*c . to Tea, coffee, aaeorted aandwlehra, ^Remember tl%e Main* iJv/T GREEN SAMPS litical committee of the U. N. as­ day that be does not think on in­ trip to New York where he will eon, explaining that hla reports in- ’Thera was a gasp of aurptlaa 207 SPRIK'E s t r e e t PHONE 7956 sembly that Russia was ready to waa in 1941. r e n t e r his proteat. ing through the Big Inch and Little dteste that the railroads hava only s h ^ . eookirs served from 3 to 8 aaA vestigation is necessary. On another point, tbe Big Four roread siiapenaion of newma* from the tomw apecutora at thla Open Mnndnya It to II. Closed KIondnyA withdraw her own proposals in ’Die reaponslble informant said Inch pipelines within 46 hours. a 27-day coal supply on hand at OOVBNTBT—VACANT — New 7 to 9. doaed betweea 6 and 7. GIVEN It was U|e four Republican mem­ rejected a Paris peace confer­ pars. Including one wbich hsmi’t word. Ooldaborough smiled broad­ favor of the American plan, but bera o f the Senate W ar Investigat­ hv believed the ’’Communiats” Gardiner Symonds of Houston, the present rata of consumption, ly oa ba left tbe courtraoa. 3 raems M S that Russia would press for cer­ ence decision which would have Texas., president of the Tennessee osaerted that: mieaed an edition sinca 1614. ivealearea. 8 a The JWHAL-C CORK WITH CASH SALES! ing committee who mode pubUc, would direct their efforts to create tain amendments. made the world court 6nal arbiter Gas and Transmlaalon- company, Fillad the streets wltb parading One JuaUca deportroant official over objection of the alx-man Dem­ labor unrest and incidents In the Have Natioa To Feed tolda nawamen tba daUy waa aak. XMAS CARDS AfiAMCNISTSR CONM* In future dlaputea over, Interpreta- told the Houae Surplus Property "M y deadline (for taking further demonotratoro, oL Uniaa raaultlilg ocratic majority, a report by c>m- interior of Greece, in an aft/npt In fiatlcuffa and monhandUngs In ad by Joaaph A. P o d ^ , jSL ADOmUNAL UBTINUS For Mstimuin Heat and Made From Your Own mittee Counsel George Meader de* to show that disorders were not Investigating committee hia men genaral counsel and chief Lawla AT OCB OFFICE (Continued on Page Fourteen) are already at work on the proper- (Continued on Pngo Twelve) which at least nine persona. In­ Best Baming Efflcicncy Snapshots toUlng the charges. inspired from the outside. Greece cluding three newspaper repreaen- attorney. Thbrez Loses has accused her northern neigh­ Ues and the gee will be "turned on Ust $1.00 Dozen CRAFTSMAN The Meader report recounted soon, poeeibly in a day or two.' tatlvea, were stigbuy Injured. A Justice department attorney tales o f immoral conduct by some bors, Yugoalavia, Bulgaria and A l­ Appeal tor PabUc Soppart ALLEN bania, of harboring leftist raiders. The committee questioned Symonds who sat on tba government benck Cali 7508 After 6:50 P. M. Bid for Post of the American occupation troops, Strike Menace while awaiting a reeponoe to on In­ Bpokeomen of the A F L and the in tbe court room, but did not par* unsatisfactory perfwmonces by Newspaper reports said more Railroads Will city appealed by radio and press REALTY CO. Or Mail Negatives of Your AUTO BODY SHOP than a score of gendarmes and at vitation to Reconversion Director BBALTOBS TEXACO Negro aoldlera, miaconduct by o ffl­ John R. Steelman to answer Hor statement for public aupporC (CoaUMWd oa Pago Twslva) Favorite Snapshots To: DUKEIT BROTHERS Can 5141 cera, and an expensive influx of least 38.guerrillaa had been killed A F L demonstrators, miuMIng to 189 CENTER STREET French Communist 51 To Europeans in actiona In the Peloponnesus. old L. Ickee who teatifled Steelman Be Hurt Soon TBUBPBONE 8186 352-534 CHARTER OAK STREET —FOR— Jews, and other displaced persons ia an "obliging” friend, of John L. the exits In tbe Oakland sudl* » . Ipto the United States zone. The policemen died at Paleohori, torium lost night, pheered speak­ AD liaat dt RANGE O IL PAIJL SHEA Votes Short of Majoi> 40 miles northeast of Sparta, dur­ Lewis. ’ Senator Brewster (R-Me>, Fer­ ers who bitterly denounced tha Ufa. 117 Prospect Street Expert Painting and Color Industrial Crisis Now. ing a six-hour attack by 200 ir­ ConneetioDa Belag Ma4t T o Face Critical Situa* Martgegea A m oooD.,.^ ity to Become Premier guson (R-Mlch), Ball (R-Minnl police deportment and instated tbe G ill 4496 regulars using machine guna, When tbe gas begins to flow de­ walkout would continue Indefinite­ d GmM W bei b e a - Manchester CITY CAB and Knowlond (R-CkiUf) explained Threatened in at Least grenadea and mortara, the dis­ pends largaly on weathar condi­ lion in 10 or,15 days Eleea Rartfard 3-748g Blending. Complete Refinishing. they decided to moke it public in ly until demonda against the two FlashesI Paris, Dec. 4— (d V - The Comi- Half Dozen Nations patches aaid. tions In oouthem Louisiana where ■truck department stores were WlWmaatk) 196 L. T. Wood Co. All Types of Wrecks Completely Repaired Like New I SAFE, COURTEOUS DRIVERS munlst party was defeated today order to correct inaccuracies In pipe connections ara being mode, As Result of Strike Outnumbered Oendarmes met. (lA ta HwlkUne «t Uw up. Wire) Welding in Its bid for leadership o f the leiAed-out verrione which have The fighting in the Mt. Pamon Symonds said. ’ ^ . OPEN ALL NIGHT been dribbling into the press for London, Dec. 4—(67—Induatrial Earlier, in a radio appeal for French Interim government, when district started around dawn yes­ ’The wa>-bullt lines run from the Boston, Dec. 4—OPi—New Eng' WRECKER SERVICE — TELEPHONE 2-1348 two weeks. public support, James F. Oatllano, Maurice ’Thorez, Its candidate for crises threatened today in at least terday with .he partloana out­ Texas and Loulana gas fields to land rallrooda will face k critical (For Night Wrecker Service Call 6295) *17)6 War deportment contended attorney for the AFL Alameda We’re fnmona for quick, premier, failed of election in the half a dozen European nations cut numbering the gendarmes five to. the New York area. altuatlon within 10 or 16 dayd os a^ Advisee ’Talking To Cook SURGICAL new National Assembly. DeUveries will )>e made first, Sy- result of the coal strike, according dependable aervtca — at o ff from American cool supplies one. ’The police were beaten after (CoaUnoed on Page Two) Hnrtford. Doe. 4—(67— President the ntattok nnd on tha Election tsbulatora eaid Thorez (Coatlnaed on Page Fourteen) their ammunition was exhauatra, monda testified, to the Ohio Fuel to Moasachuaetta Fuel Adminlatra M. V. Miller of Bojral Typowriter CHRISTMAS SALE lacked 51 votes of the necessary by the strike of yJohn U Lewis’ Goa company. tor Edward P. Barry. mod. UnTI o» any Uiim; miners. \ although some were aaid to have corapaoy. witk keodque.tera In SUPPORTS majority. He would have ^'required He voiced oerloua doubt that tbe Barry mode the statement loet We handle nnythkia from France, Bel^um, Italy, Switzer­ escaped. New York city, today advised tbe NOW! an absolute majority of 310 vot4s. The attackers were reported to natural goa can croee the Penneyl- flight after a state houae con and “KAFFE STUGA” ndjoatmenta to overhanls. land and Denmark were suffering ference with utility and coal offl union on strike at tbe Hartford His defeat for the office followed Chinese R M s. have killed a number of Nation­ vonia border. There are poaslbni- Coal Walkout plant, that all “ labor relations 1 always use Manohesj:er the announced decision of the from the immediate effects o f the tiee of legal difficulties because of ciala during which It was reported Saturday, Dec. 7-—Afternoon and Evening MORE SHOPPING HOURS FOR work atoppoge. alist civilians. mattera miial be hoaiUcd through" Maple moderate MRP (Popular Republi­ Kozane dispatches said 12 sol­ the nature of the eaoementa ob­ that dock operations could con Score Gains Obeervers in Sweden, Norway Unue 20 days and that public util Cuts Deeper Cborteo B. Cook, vice president and Taxi for abouMown YOUR GREATER CONVENIENCE can Movement) and the Radical diers, an officer and a civilian had tained when the government built factory numager ot tM ploaL Tko Emanuel Lutheran Church Socialists to abstain from voting and Germany, less dependent on itlea fumlohlng power and heat | Super Service been sentenced to death there for the huge lines for trankmlsaion of unioo, whieb has baen .negotiating for him. American supplies, reported no ev­ might be seriously affected within; Oalvn VemlrUlo "subveraive activity and mutiny." oil during the war, he said. with local offlrlala of the plant, Atispiees of Ladles* Aid Society trips (and so does the • ’The MRP, whose leader, Georgea idence yet of indiistrial break­ Expects Easing Of Demands a month. 8 5IAP1JC STKBET r Moving Swiftly on Yang- down, but aaw the prospect of in­ Another 22 aoldlera were sen­ Uiiempluynieiit Totals sent Mr. Miller a telegram this * \ * Bidault, surrendered the reins of However, he added that be ex­ The state administrator said that Aproas, Towels, Hankies and-Knit Goods T E L 8967 tenced to life imprisonment by a morning asking permission to eonfe groom ). the provisional government laat ku and Fenyang Now; creasing difficulties unleoa the coal pects that use of the goa In' Ohio, Gov. Maurtca J. Tobin ut«^waa settled quickly. military court for "offenaea be asked to issue a proclometion to New York ter n eontereneo on -u ■ week, announced tHat if Thorez ogalnat the atateF Three Inaur- parts of Tenneaaee and Kentucky failed to get such a majority, it Changshun Is Menaced Sltuatlmi Under Bevicw to ease fuel demands to. the east­ 'colling on Mooeachuaetts reaidenta Depression Years |tbo‘atrike. Worried lest tbe American strike gents were executed at Yannbia to cooperate in the crieia. would put forward its own candi­ on the same charges. . ward. I Rf <> .Fhl i further endanger Britain’s alremdy Coke flupply Below Demand MANCHESTER STORES date on the next ballot— either Peiping, Dec. 4— (67— Chinese Earlier press dispatches aaid 88 Symonds told the committee PItUburgh. Dec 4-un--Effectaj strike Favored Bidault or Former Finance M n- Communist forces in sweeping precarious supply poaltlon, officials He sold that Moasachuaetta’ coke of the two*week-ald coal atoppage guerrillaa had been killed in the that tbe first time he knew that Hon Kranriseo, Dee. 4—(67—Dm-. I MANCHESTER^JZCOMPANY tster Robert Schuman., ^ ' new gains in north China were re­ of the^ldlnlstry of Fuel and Power hia company-had been given a supply was about 2U0 ,(M)0 tona be­ cut deeper into the life of the na­ ‘ W ILL OBSERVE THIS NEW laat 46 hours and Utat extreme Raymond E. Baldwin (B ) of Con­ Oppotiti SI. James'Church The Socialist Party National ported today moving awiftly on announced the situation was under tease for a- four months’ emergen­ low demend at present end that tion today as a fuel raving em­ rightleta had raided a vULage in necticut asserted today that it . congress voted 3,121 to 845 to Yangku, capital of cool-rich Shansi review. cy operation of the lines was when the anthracite coal inventory could bargo on railroad freight ship- northern Pbloponnesua. killing one lost only two or three weeks. W'oiild be a “ grave mistake” to 4IE6I 883 Main S t. Manchester, Conn support the Thorex candidacy, but province, and the important city A British government spokesman civilian and beating another se­ Interior Secretary J. A. Krug menta heralded unemployment An Interstate Commerce com­ abolish labor’s right to strike. the decision touched off a lively of Fenyang, 60 miles to the aoiith. forecast requests, particularly from verely. ma


.'’rAiVj -, ■ .'L, VAOB T R iarV M A m m i ■vcm ifa maui4>. manciibbtbb * o d w h ^ msdnesDAT D e c e m b e r 4 . 1 0 4 ^ V. M A l^K afTE R EVENTNO HERALD. MANCtUCSTKK, UUMN.. WeUMfS&liAX ilSCEMBER 4. 1V4«

UtilMI Eam bn; iMiMal. Mrs. Add plates, and . "go south where It waa l^ldkftdm.^ warm." Mayor Seeks AI)out Town BiNlsideGift Lo^eEleCto ; T m shove offliera tM l he seated Police G>url Attom sy Jay Ruhauw aakad at the first m U tn g bm M In Jan­ young Hunt to take the witness stand. He brought out thafact that H m annual macting of Um Wom­ C o i f i c J uary, Tuesday, January 7. The ap­ Way toG>pe en's Mlsrionary Bocicty of tile Shop Plaiuied Its Officers pointive officers will be named hy although the boy hag taken many COLOMN automobtlaa he had ahrsys aban­ Emanuel Lutheran church will be the Incoming president. Local Yoiith held UMSPcrow at 2:$0 at tha A t the neat meatlag of the re­ doned them and never deprived STORE HOURS THIS WEEK Mrs. RliUlwUi MMary Good- the owner permanently of his prop­ With Strike church. Pastor Theodore Palmer To Be Operated for Vet* ______girt. Be I Ids money view, Tuesday, December 17, a win sing soloa, and there wW be speed of Bummer street, was elect­ erty. He brought out that tha ear D ee. 4-- 4F»-AaBt|aad«eea^$ ^ a a w u w a^aa^hgv^^^ n h w v olaea of candldatea from the Eaet Is Bound Over chfirua singtng of Bwedlah cdrola. ianr T a cf, CLOSED WED. AFTERNOON AS USUAL . . . CLOSED SATURDAY AT 5;S0 P. M. ed president oT Mystic Rselew, No. in this esM had np graat damage ICeattaued fr Page Oua) erans at Newington a»>«a Apfdaifate walked Into Om ] dear,” alghad Atmt ByaK Hartford review will he initiated The hosteases' will be Mrs. Otto "Peebapa you'd Uka ’Nlghtamte t, St Its annual maettnf last niclit with several from Myatlc. done to K. Toung Hunt stated on Legion Anxiliiiry M f MaaSattaa bookatoea. tho stand that ne intended from Johnson, Mrs. iohn A. Olson. Mrs. la a Btralghtjaeket’ It’s about a In Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. Oood* Lnat night's busineas session fol- County Labor council.' declared the Selma Jl> n and Mr$. Bric Nel­ to om cenrnr a baapaetaded lae- Had Told Local Police the bMlnnlM to drive Um oar to A F L Clerfca union had claar ma­ ama who M ia In love with a bUad Ihnoed will succeed Mrs. Gladys lowsd s dslidoM pot luck suppsr son. Plant will be made for the; Manday. EMeamber f. a Christ­ tnrar Just back 'fro m a M*-weak [fukmble. New York City. There he InUnded jorities at both stores, Kahn's and gulping of Bnropa was gtri whild they're both la aa laaaae st which a number o f Junior mem­ Officer That He Had to change the plates so that he annual Lucia program, to be held mas gift "bedaids" shop wlU bt aqrhUB. Or bare’s ooe oopy left of Other offleers electsd were: Vice bers wers gussts. State Field Di­ Hastings', but that tha manage­ Friday, Uecemia i 13. u g hla lat'ttt opoa—“My might drive the oar to "look around *OtaadaM Does It Agate.’ Born^ Analdent Mrs Qrsoa Howland; (I- rector Mra Grace Beat was present Taken *14 Other Oim* ment refused to negotiate. He conduqled at the Veteraas hospitai % Thka tt- S l a M M ^ a for a ooupla of dgra." He said that thing about aa oM tedy that steals emadal secretary, Mrs. Julia Raw- snd gave a pep talk. also charged that the truck driveiw Edward Nelson, of 22 Mount i In NewmgtoB. A t this tlma mem- yeoag high achooi g irl w as cribMag he had no Intantlon of going south. a few Botaa for bar thems paptr bar giaadaoB'a moaay. ruaa o ff to Sen: past president, Mrs. Oamhle; Joseph O, Hunt, 14, of 151 Maple escorted by police through the Nebo Place, who wag removed from I bara of tha Anwrican Lagton Aux­ recording secretary, Mrs. Anne Aohs Change Of Charge picket lines were "strikebreakers In sodology from Dr. H o h m China with tha Janitor and dies street, wraa presented in Town Attom m Rubinow requested a Manchester Memorial hoapItRl t o ' iliary rehabilitation committee will Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Joaie Kelsh; from Los Angeles." Hartford hospital, Sunday, was op­ F addy’s new momtmantal flva vol- mopping a hotel floor in Algleva. Piililit* Records Court this morning on the charge change of the charge from theft wheel the gifts aroond to the bed- nma sartaa. "Dlvorea Am ong tba Not many laughs, but soundly ### mistress at oersroonles, Mrs. Irene of a motor vehicle to taking a Dralrs Anlborlslag Walkout erated upon Monday at the latter Vtecck; chaplain. Mrs. Hasel Fa­ or theft of a motor vehicle. Judge Inatitutinn and is getting along as *alde of patients, .so that they may Alaua” written.” motor vahlcle without the owner's Msantlme Charles W. Real, east Aunt Sarah movad ehyly up to “ Not for ma,” said Aunt Sarah. hey; captain of the guards, Mrs. Warrantee Deeds Raymond R. Bowers found prob- wsll aa can bo expactciL make a selection o f gifts to send Ths Manebsstar Homss Corpora­ permlaalon. rroeecutor Raymond bay teamster leader who la presi­ the young aalealady at the counter, •Tba next thing I know you’ll be ablo cause and bound the accused A. Johnaon atatad that from ae- dent of the A F L California Fed­ home to their families. Fancy gift who waa aigbing ovar Poet Ddon tion to Arthur B. Doans et al, over to the next term of the crimi­ The Manchester Garden Club will i teQIng BM Tom Swift's te JalL” STORE HOURS property on Hawthorne street. tiona subasqusnt to tha taking of eration of Labor, denied In Wash­ wrappings are also provided and all ByewaMi’aVudeat . amphlet, “Rain nal alda of tho Superior Court of ths car the state believed that the hold its annual Christmas psrtyj units donata a r tic le Banned to Senas States THIS WEEK Louis Oervini st si to Louis P. ington a claim by Galliano that Attar Flower After Seed.” ‘How about this then 7—’Memor­ Goneral Elortric Hartford County under a $1,600 charn should be theft of a motor Real had authorised the walkout. Monday evening at eight o'clock On Wednesday, Decenshar 11, the Marm ara Title Poena Lnine et si, property on Plesssnt bond. iae of Paradlae Flate.’ It'a been Altdfin'M any Christm aises to Come vehicle. A t the same time Real Indicated in ('enter (3iun£ House. The mem-1 gift shop will be set up at the hos­ Tbe aalealady closed her eyes street. It was alleged by the state that bare are requested to bring a 25- banned te sobm atatas, and la U Afternoon Aa Uoaid. Automstic Irons Cottage Homes Inc„ to Carol J. Judge Raymond R. Bowers stat­ the strike would continua. pital for tha beaefit of jwtianta and dreamily murmured the title tha boy took a car awnt^by Har- ed that ha would ba reluctant to cent gift for tha exchange. Games, pble to get around. They may then ulcy? A guy gets to know avary- Nowotenaki and Helen J. Nowo- “That isn't inie," Real said of poem—her favorite: Mske this s memorsble Christmas. Give practical gifts for Cl peed Saturday $6.7S belt Johnaon, of l i Hendenon road find tha boy guilty of theft of a refreahments and a getMral good select euaable gifts tor their Cam- Mdy te a big apartmaat bouse and tenakt, property on Middle Tum- Galliano's statement In a tele­ time is anticipated. “First Is tha nsad, the home, and you’ll be kindly remembered year after year At siae p. M. from a parking lot across the street motor vehlcla but under the cir­ iUes, and the oommiUee will aailat Tha subtle seed does ba give tba lowdown! Every­ ptke West. from the Bast SIda Rec. Tha car phoned Interview from the capital one in tha place was a skunk. But •luriarlv Bros. Tomnuk & Molirr cumstances could find pr<^ble with wrrapping iuid mailing. m at Wrtha the flower— as their beauty and usefulness live on. lAwk over this page had bean parked there at 0:S0 SaU cause. The boy was bound over to where he is attending labor mcet- The Past Presidents Club of the he smelled them out.” OPEN 24 HOtrR8 ISM Mala Street Manrheeter tnga "They pulled it while I waa Mrs. Helen Griffin, rehabilita­ Love'e dower. of values and make notes on your Christmas list. Tlien T HepSeae t-IM 1 urday afternoon by Mr. Johnson the next term of the criminal side V.F.W. Auxiliary win hold the tion chairman of the local unit, has “ No thanks;'’ said Aunt Sarah. and the keys left in i t When he on my way to Washington." monthly meeting Friday evening, And the rain :TELEPHONK .-rl.'fi of the Superior Court of .Hartford purchased gifts for two women, Is life'a pain "W hy didn’t be let them alone or come to Keith’s for these and many other enduring gifta. tia A>’ iiim Street Nartford returned to the parking lot from County under a bond of $1,500. Hs said he had talked wllh rep­ Dec. 6 at 5:15 at the home of Mrs. turn them ovar to the poUoe?" TeleptHWie d-lM I resentatives o f both employers and four girls, four boys. 15 yeara of Whoja power <’' the Rec at 5:45 he found that the Nadine Beauchamp, 64 Unnmore Wipes out the flower. “Just what do you want?” car waa gona and he Immediately unions and declared “ they are as age and over, and gifts for two Drive' Each mambw la aaked to babies. And what am I and you who snapped the exasperated saleslady 'I ailed the Manchester Police Sta­ deadlocked now as they were a bring a 25 cent gift for the grab- Schendek Keep read ? “I Just want a nice clean story tion. He stated on the witness month ago. The employer propos­ bag, also Christmas gifts for their On December 17, the rehabilita­ tion committee of the Rrst district We are the rain, the flower, the about a married couple who had or­ stand this morning that the next als were completely unacceptable. "mystery pals." * dinary problems and worked them U time he aaw his car It was In the Lead in Tourney win conduct a Chriatmaa gift shop for the patients at the Rocky Hill We are the need.” out tether.’’ V V possession of the fltate Police at 0 t Mary's Guild will open its •1 want to buy a book,' said "W e used to have books like Veterans hospital. Two repraaenta- tha Bethany Barracks. Schendel'a Oil still continuaa to piie-Chrlstmaa sale tomorrow af­ that.” aald the saleslady doubtfully. Oar Stopped la Oraage Coal Walkout tlvea from each unit win go down Aunt Sarah. ^ . .. lead In the Manchester Firemen's ternoon at two o'clock In the par­ “Wha*. kind of a book,” replied 'But It’s been a long time.” Chief Gordon teatifled that on to assist and will contribute six Setback League after the play last ish haU. Tea wlU be aenred until the saleslady opening her eyes "Well, by gum!" said Auot Sar­ receiving the complaint from Mr. night Last night's slttlM was tho five o'clock and again in the eve­ gifts. Cuts Deeper The Department rehabilitation. coldly to the crass world. ah, angry clear down to tbe Up of ME Ml fOR Johnson he had immudlataly put ninth In the series. Ths oiric Qrove ning from seven to nine. The doors "It'a for my nephew Jim and out an alarm on the teletype ma­ rommittee has made plans for her umbrella. “ I ’m going borne this Dairy still holds the position In wlH be closed between six end sev­ hla wife Mary." minute and write me a book my­ chine. He waa notified by phone (Contlnurd Iriini Page One) en o'clock. C3irlatmas gifts to be given to all the caller. The standing after lest “ How about this one?” said the self. A book about common ordi­ Sunday by Lieutenant Clark of the nli^t'a play, followa:. the patienta in all of tte vetemna aalealady, “Marriage: Snare or De nary folks rve known aU my Ufa. TODAY Bethany State Police Barracka SchendeVs Oil Service ...... 18$ l secretary of the Commerce end Bolton Grange No. 47 will con­ hospltala In Oonnscticut. Thaaa hiaton?'' It’s going like hotcakes. I f I can’t turn out aomething better » ! that the car had been stopped In Moriarty Painters ...... 1836 Industry association in New York duct a military whist tonight in gifts every unit is to contribute, Or this new novel— "Six Weeka Orange, Conn., with two boys In than thta shelf trash, r u give up The Hooks ...... ,..1803 city that the railroad embargo the Community hall at Bolton O n - dgarettea were given them st in Reno and After.” a c e m m i m m t e It. He said that the driver end the Bankers ...... m s would bring "almost complete ter. Thanksgiving, and an effort la be­ apple pie!” Punch ’n Judy Shop A re Happy Couple "W hat wlU you call your book?” car were In custody st the Bar­ Rounders ...... 1779 paralysis and laolation" to Indus­ ing made to give them better gifts “ I don’t think lo —Jim and Mary i k e racka. Forest Tavern ...... 1772 tries In the nation's largest city. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eldon Den­ St Cliiiatmaa, as they cannet get said the saleslady. art happy," tald Aunt Sarah. •TU caU it The Bobbsey Twins CLEARANCE! Chief Gordon dispatched Lieu­ Coughlin's All S ta r s ...... -..1742 Idling a "high percentage" of New ton of Syracuse University, N. Y., out to do any shopping. “WeU, 1 can recommend te the Atom Age’ If I can’t think e t k e r e m t tenant Barron of the local police Hose Oo. No. 1 ...... 1724 York's 2,500,000 workers. announce the birth of a son, Tbe (Thrlatmas sale of tha local 'Scraaming Meemlea,* the story of of anything elM,” said Aunt Sar­ Superb litUe CpaU, snd. Coat 'n Legging to the Bethany Barracks on Mon­ Community Lunch ...... 1723 George Gregory, on November 16 auxiliary waa most eucoeasful, and a lifelong drunk who butchers hla day morning to Investigate. Gradual Closing Bxpected ah. VLaugh that off, young lady.” Seta ranging from sliu> 1 to H, reduced Be a lo\ely litany in hb mem­ Mere Barbers ...... 1718 at the Syracuse General Hospital. the above givea an Idas of what la wife while In delirium tremens and U p o p In the midwest, the CHtlcago As- for Immediate aelllng! The values: Hays VHI I " 14 Other Cant Bon Ami ...... 1709 Mr. and Mra. Denton have another done with the money so earned. repents. Or hero’a one selling like •Tm not laughing, Aunty," said ory! He wants to think oi you Lieutenant Barrnil testified that Twin Park Restaurant...... 1706 soclstionl of Commerce, declared young son. The paternal grand­ wildfln—'You Great Big Wonder­ the saleslady. “ Bring your book $20.00 — Formerly to $30.00 "etliercalised'*- charming, he had telked to the boy and that Auguat'a Lumber ..... 1692 the embargo would result in parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert ful Mama.' It ’s an unusual story around and I ’ll buy tho first copy. he admitted that he had "stolen" Oak Grove Dairy ...... !...1597 gradual closing of "more than 10,- O. Denton of 39 Stephen street. 1 don’t remember when Tve read Tables Are Always $15.00 — Formerly to ^5.00 remote leacepl lo him). of a millionaire centenarian who this car and aome 14 other cars 000 Industrial plants," in the Chi­ tranafera hla oedjpua complex- to anything about normal people.” LENTHiMc’s'‘ Miracle” it that on other occasions. He also gave cago area. the Lieutenant a written statement Hoiuing, one of the most-preas- sort of perfume. It gives you SporUinen'8 Lliib arranged by Dorothy Ganter and Bxoellent Drees values msrked down to to that effect. Lieutenant Barron Ing post-war problems, is dealt a Welcome Gifts those taking pari were: Thanke- sell out. Slaes 3 to 13. an aura of soulfulness, of in­ tesUfled that the boy bed told him severe setback by tha embargo. Enric Madriguera glvlng Poam, Helen Rose; Meaning e ESfD TA B LE S...... from SS4W to $S4AS after the etatement had been made To Seal Officers The West Coa.it Luml>ermen'a as­ TODAY AND THURS. ner ipiendor! Ami, even from Al Gentile’s Orrhesira of Thanksgiving, Dorothy Ganter; ,1.00 —» Formerly to $4.00 that he had intended to take the sociation said the Pacific north- Coming to State a LA M P T A B L E S ...... from flSA S to $4SB5 your picture,he will senteyour car to Now York City, change the First Thanksgiving, Jane Reopell; Dr. George A. Calllouette will Rrest'e 1,300 sawmills that produce Every Wed. and Fri. Nights Landing o f the Pilgrim Fathers, a COCKTAIL TABLES ...... from $7J8 to $SSBS 3-PIECE perfume — if it's “ Miracle.” he Installed as president of the 125,000,000 board feet of deeper- K. of r Italirnnm. Hartford Enric Madriguera and his or- by the 8th grade, Here's the Kxira Toddler Snowsuit for Manche.iter Division of the Con­ ately-needcd lumber a week, will Adm. 75c. Tat Included. choatra. the “NaUon’s Foremost Dorothy Ganter waa the report­ your youngster. $2.00 to $75.00 necticut Sportsmen's Association begin closing down at once be­ KROEHtER GROUPINGS • Woarever cause they have no storage space. Latte-American Band” , wlU be the er for the O n ter school. Many an empty spot in a home becomea magically $10.00 — Formerly to $14.0$ I tonight at the Division's annual iicadUne In person attracUon play­ Chrletmaa Sale Plu$ Ux banquet at the Garden Grove. more livable end beautiful when an appropriate Pressure Cookers ing Friday, Saturday and Sunday Yhe Monday (^ub will be hostess Uble la added. And Keith’s has the right UMa Caillouette jvlll succeed* Howard Filmed In Technieoior! at State theater. Hartford. at the Christmas sale and Silver $239.50 to $439.50 Roy./ for every occasion at prices right for your budget. »13.95 Italiuu Women Also “PHANTOM THIEF” Madriguera, famous for his delln- Tea given by the Ladies’ Benevol­ The local division Is the largest eaUon of rumbas, congas, boleros ent Society, Saturday from 1 to Make the living room, the center of the home, as attractive Toitiezak & Moller of its kind in New England with Elect Officers snd oambas, also present on hla p. m. The affair will ba held at close to 2,000 members. During the program many of his own compo- ths home of Miss OoUlna and Mlaa and'comfortable as iy>sslble. A t Keith’s you’ll flpd many l6fiS Main Street 5fancheMer past year under the direction of ( M h r d Telephone 3-1607 ■lUona IncluiUng hip newest rum- Berry at the Center, the proceeds smartly styled 3>piece modem gi;puping8. in a wide range President Roy the club held spring Tlie Regina D'ltalia Society be sensaUon, "Take It Away,” aa to go in the Building Fund for the 216 AN.vliiin Mfreel Hartford - of lovely colors and covers, with full spring construction^ SCENT SHOP snd fall field trials, numerous well aa “The 'Minute Samba,” Center OongregatioqM churchc Telephone 6-70SI held its regular monthly meetinK membership stocking trials, skeet •EASTWOOD* which be features In the picture Articles for sale wtH Include shooting events and a water carnL at. the.Jttalian-Anierican club' on M AIN in .— E.AKI IIAKTHMCIi hit. “The n u lll of BrasU.” Ma- aprons, bags, baby things, baked 901 Main St. Tel. .'>.121 val. Eldiidge ntrert Monday night with a large attendance. After the drlgiiera brings prith him a rhyth­ goods and Christmas graens. Other members who will be TODAY 'niRU SAT. meeting refreshments were serve.l mic. colorful aggregation of 80 y seated as officers at tonight's din­ entertainers. Including Patricia ner Include Joseph Murawski. vice and a grab-bag wan piuieed around FOR SALE to all members. An enjoyable eve­ ••CLAVDIA AND DAVID” Gllmcve, lovely, vivacious song­ 'AjpMBV.'' '■* ;k$M|Mc:' president; financial aecretary. El- LANE CEDAR CHEST / - S':-, ijf ‘ : ning was had by all. The follow** Dorothy MoGuIro • Robt. Young stress; Bob Lido, Latin trouba­ .onaHU.»itAW.. .*Nlnae . wood Howlea; recording secretary, dour, Danita, exotic singing star ONE VICTOR DEEP Ing officers were elected for the — a l s o ----- Recreation / Joseph Pollto, and treasurer, coming year; and othera. Co-beadllned on the Joseph Cataldl. “COCK-EYED MIRACLE** UU la Grace McDonald, beauteous FREEZE CABINET President, Mrs. Delfina Pola; Frank Morgan - Keenan Wynne vice president, Mrs. Caroline An- film snd musical comedy star of Notes lA Cu. Ft. Capacity. diilo; financial secretary, Mra "It Ain’t Hay", “Flesh * Fan- Carmela Ventura; correai^ndlng E.\TRA! PRO FOOTBALL tas3r”, "What’a Cookin’ ” , and $570.00 secretary, Mrs. Teresa Negro; _____ RAMS va YANKS many other screen hits. A spe* cial added attraction will be tbe Toalght h From WANTED treasurer, Mrs. Marjorie Borst; Fenture A t: S:14-4t$4-4it$ “World’s Greatest Ventro-Mtmlc' Bast SMe BoUdteg Gleaming Brass ONE QUALriY CAS sick vlsltora Mrs. Antoinette Fal- Plumbers and cetto, Mrs. Anglia Mlatretta; door Paul Wlnchell with hla hilarious Small Gym: 6:00-9:00 Buttd-up tender, Mrs. R. Giovannlnl; audi­ Last Show Toalghtt 1i$4 pal. Jerry Mahoney, te a rltous work, volleyball and basket shoot­ $44.50 RANGE Make her dreams come TABLE LAMPS Plumbers' tors, M ra Leticia Bellettl, Mrs. comedy act. Maries * Dellta, ing. ® Antonlette Fontana; counclllora cor tlnental dancing atara, and Large Gym: 6:00-7:50 Junior true with a cedar cheat by S118.75 Mrs. Gemma Dubaldo, Mrs. Adete others are added to the program. basketball. LANE. Beautiful styles $6.35 to $25.95 Helpers 2lanlungo, Mrs. Lucia Pagani, There are late stage ehowa Sat­ 7:80-8:30 Independent A. C, V In maple, walnut and ma­ urday and Sunday starting at 10 hogany. Apply A t Once! M ra Lucia ('ipolla, Mra. Emma YOU SAY THE TOWN IS DEADf 8:80-9:80 Open. HIghly-poIlahcd solid briM basas. JOHNSON Kivosa, Mrsi Louisa Gado, Mrs. p. m. Game Rooms: 6;00-9:00 Junior Exqulwte hand-made shadea. 'Many Nellie Marucchi. Come and Enjoy table games. have shades and bases hand deco­ BROTHERS Jarvis Realty Co. 8:00-9:80 Senior games. rated to match. Dtstlngulshed Electrical Contractors 10 Dover Roed BROADCAST AND DANCE Swimming Pool: e;00-7t;00 Boy’a PLEASE MOTHER WITH glfU F Bolton beginner class. 533 Main St Tel. 6227 Tel. 4112 or 7275 WONS — Bronka/t 10:30 P. M. Wilk Miiale By 7:00-8:00 Women, beginners. Bolton Center Seheel News 8:00-9:00 Women, Intermediate. A SEWING CABINET Book week was November 11 Bowling Alleys: 7:00*10:00 Wat­ RAY HENRY through the 14. A play called the kins rsaervatlon. NOW PLAYING And Hla Orchestra “ Sixty-four Question” was put on W est SMe BoUdlag $21.50 to $32.50 EACH WEDNESDAY EVENING by tbe 7th and 8th grades. This Gym: 4:00-7:00 Girls’ ,Oym wks given at the local Parent- clam. A ueeful gift that’s an' attractive piece of furniture. ' BOYS^ At tho too. Keith’s bee Mveral atylee, equipped with such Teachers meeting on Nov. 18. The 7:00-8:00 Women’s Gym class. a Waste Baskela, attractively decorated Game Rooms: 4:00-9:00 Junior sewing neceBsUles aa needles and plenty of thread. ♦ art teacher, Mra. Moore, la teach­ with colorful prints ...... $1.1$ WHITE EAGLE HALL ing the puplla how to make books. games. Here's a gift she'll long appreciate. „ In the “ Heart” of the North End The different eubjocta selected for 4:00-9:80 Senior games the books are aa follows: Horses, Bowling alloys: 7:80-10:00 West a Maple Arm Sote Beds— comfortable sofa REVERSIBLE Presented by the *. easily converted Into double bed,.. • $49JW by Milton C^ole; priginal stories, Side bowling league: NORTH END ATHLETIC CLUB by Russell Tucker, Helen^ Rose, Pagani’a vs. Osrden Grove. Dancing 8-12 Checking Free AdMiiwiOn 75c Jane Reopell and Gloria Maccarlo; Hartford Road vs. Ind. Cloak. • Headboards for Hollywood Beds, can be Watch This Advertisement fitr Broadcast Date! Butterflies, Joan A n d e rs o n ; used on any twin else mattreaa and box­ Simmous GABARDINE Alaska, Robert Ooldsnider; Drugs spring ...... $19.96 and Dtseaees, Dorothy oanter; l ^ * * * * " * ^ " Electronic Blanket Airplanes, Anthony Ftano; Auto­ e Leatherette Hassocks, all shapes, all Set the cofltrol st the temperature biographies. Patricia Holloran; By Church Group sizes, many popular colors, $$.9S to $36JiO you want. Bleep comfortably de­ y» Places In Bolton, Wallace Balkus; spite weather changes. Beautiful! Chino Base THE ONLY PAJAMAS btSi Flowers, Thelma Pesce: Poems, a Panel Back Maple High Chairs, good Washable! SAFE! $41.75 Includ­ JACKETS Antonette Paggloli; Scrap Book, The Ladies Aid Society of Oin- looking, well constructed...... • >$4J19 ing tax. TABLE LAMPS THAT PIT EVERY HEIGHT 1*4.1 Earle Anderson; My Favorite cordla Lutheran church re-elected Poems, Helen Greenwood. its officers at a meeting Tuesday ■ / ' Mrs. Moore, a member of the night, with the exception of a new ★ D A N C E D vice-president. KEITH'S TOYLAND IS BRIMMING WITH IDEAS! $17.50 to $39.95 W.T.C.U. recently showed a movie based on the effects of alcohol and Mrs;AMax Schubert waa re-elect­ ed president; Mrs. Jack Cavag- A lovely gift for any home. Pretty smoking. It proved Interesting to china base table lamps with rayon wind nnd water ro- Saturday Night naro, vice president; Mrs. Frank all and taught a good lesson. shades. Keith’s has a fascinating, pellenl outer shell Diana, secretary; Mrs. Cteri Han-' Tha apeUing race etanda 4 to 7 variety for you. of Gabardine with sen, treasurer. ^ hoed that revrreea In favor of the 8th grade. Report cards were given out re* A fter the business meeting a Into an all wool Buf- one-act play waa presentad, “ A fhlo Blald. A swell East Side R^c School St. cenUy with the following Honor Roil: Scholarship. Helen Rose, 7th Visit With Santa Cnaus,” in which gift for any boy on the chlldrett'a parte wars taken by your list. Admission 75c. tax iucl. grade; Dorothy Ganter, 8th grade; 8 to 12 p. ni. ' dtiaenshlp. Helen Rose, 7th grade; Lenore and Laonard Zwlck. The Dorothy Ganter, 8th grade; Joan role of “ Santa Claus” waa playad Andarson, 7th grade; Antonette by Mrs. Schubert. Martha Diana m TWMMtS 4 yee're five lse< le l Stars of Ballroom. Stage. Radio ' Paggtell, 8th gn d e; Jane Reopell, sang the solos. m ssSvf. 7th g ^ e : Patricia HoUoran. 8tb This play was directed by Mrs. $17.95 Karl Richter‘who also arranged HiBUUI TOMMKS V yev'i* b.iv>em grade; Thelma Peace, 8th grade; GIVE THE MUSIC LOVER the lovely table decorations. , ’it the I m I esd five leei ds Isdwt. Gloria Maccoria, 7th grade; Arnold Tobias, 7th grade. It was a real Cbrtetraaa. party CARRIAGES TMl TOMMIfS 4 jwe'fe five feet da SIZES 10-20 and everyone waa te good epirlts ROCKERS t e a -t im e SETS bnhetetevea HWeh Rose received an “ A ” in A RECORD CABINET all subjects which gives her a 90 and aang several Christmas carols, per cent atandlag. with Mrs. Raymond Smith doing $7.95 $14.95 S11.95 S a fe^ Taat the honhrs at tha piano. $11.95 to $24.95 Not toys, but sturdy, well-made Leatherette doll carriagea In a Yes or No answer In a The oommlCtec eerved a very CMve the sroungster a chair nice lunch of aandwtehea, cake and furniture for tots. Attractive for little mothera. Looks $6.00 safety test the following would be For the Jaxx fan and tha lover of'Claaalcs, a record’ all hla own. Strong, wgU- e o U f attar krhlch the grab' bag built leatherette rockers. blond maple and dacoratad flniahea. like a real baby carriage. . the result: cabinet le most welcome. See Kelth’a handsome 9-10, U ve to a ripe old aga. gifts were opened aa

' : .4 .' .,

v ;v . '-Va .- v •- 'S.'.’, - - j* 1 ;; • RtANCHCSTBK EVENING HERALD. MANCTTESTBR. f!ONN» TVEUNESUAT UEl’EMHER 4, I94f PAGE iiANCHormi fVEmifO hbralo. MANcmnmcR. c q iw , wbowebdat obckhmw 4. 194* porte was at the mediation meet­ Prank KeUy and Richard Morgan Lutheran anufch la holding ita an­ Common Plaaa oiiglaaUy Mtedulad tor. presldad bt yoaterday’a gMot- OBtmell. A propaaed akateh waa tha layting of the tax rate unUl the meeting will ba open to both men tng which also was attended by O. ing here. and J. Bmmett Cady, pbairman oi aoeond'TUaaday la June. aad woman. nual baxaar today. There la a eaf* for today waa poatponad until The road official eatd the Cen­ Uia Industrial commlttea of tha praaantad and the- aieiia atyta luncheon being aarvad Wadneaday. D iciatear 11. Plan to Settle C Wanaal. vide praaldaat. rapra- v ille I uUad until the council oouM ckaok BtaeWan Of OHIrara sanUng the corporatloo; 8upt T. tral Vermont had ho intention of New London Chamber of Oam- Tha Romaeo Club wUl bold a At tha meeting of toifpaa Wo- and UUa evening tbero win ba an moving frum New London. merce. la regard to fire reguIaUofla. antertalnmant program. Aayluai Patient (la new ap- W. Pm r of tha railroad and At­ At the raquaat of the Safety Chriatmaa party December 11 at aaaa'a Relief Corpa thla avatoaiB Strike Ready torney L. G. Sokol and tha iicgoti- Besides Prior and BenvenuU. tha home of Mr. and Mra. Spot thorn WlU bo InltlaUon of a claaa of Tba annual Chriatmaa haaaar of poiateai—Wha am roaf others attending the meeUng in­ Venice, Italy, te built oo 118 oomaaittoa, tha matter of aand for tlM WaoBHi'a CouncU of tha Vat' Appfrtntea I aai ute aewa supar- atlng commlttea reprasantlrig the ^ u n c i l tha raaManta of tha city to uae on Narl of 57 Proapact atraat. Bach candldataa and offlcan for the union local. . cluded councilman Jamas A. May. smaU lalanda. member wlU bring a 28c g ift Ra- coming year arlll ba elected. Mra. non Canter OOagragatieaal intandant. ley aMawalka waa referred to the la being bald1 todim withV a aetf I Aaytum Pattanl—Ob, It wont Proposal to Be Sub­ Prior, attending a conferanoe PubUc Work committee. fraahmanta wUI ba in charge of Mr. Edward Oulnn la prealdent of tha with Mayor Fred BanvanuU and Zoning The CouncU voted to donate tha and Mra. Albert Oottlar, Mr. and Oorpa. The nteatlng will ba pro- vlca ai(ppar at d:90 o'clock. taka tbeni loat to lunch that out mitted to Central Ver­ WdSMSa w S of you. I waa Napoiaea wbaa I members of the Cbmmon council - > ------— uaualf amount of $2A toward the Mra. Henry Graaal aad Mr. and ceded by a mambaro' auppar a t aU Mra. Blaaer Hartoaabaln. Tha muon of the Oourt mont Management last night at New London to dis­ Chriatmaa Seal campaign. o'clock. cuss reports current In- that dty HISTORIC ile*t Aldermen namanaakara Oranp Ckriotaiaa Bacaaro Mra. RunaO Clark of tha Bxten- that the Central Vermont Uitend- MARLBOROUGH TAVERN The Prtendly Claaa of tha Union The Sewing Circle of tha Flrat Hartford, Dec. 4 — UH — A e^ to remove Ite' railroad and Matter at Laet Oongregatlonal church will hold a alon aarvloa of tha Univeralty of apokeamaa for tha State Board of Coanaatlcut wUl addraaa tho Ver­ steamship tines from the dty If 1740 MANCHESTER bualniai meeUng and aocial thla Madtetlon and arMtraUon aaid laat the strike continued, said that the 824-828 MAIN STREET MeeUng evening at eight o'clock. non Homemakam group thla eve­ C3lty Marling Held ning at 8 o'clock a t tha Vernon ' RdcosJ Annssl night that a “propoaal for aattla- 5rst he had heard of such ra- D*c. 4—(SpecUl)— At tha apecial meeting held Center Oongregatlonal church. The mant” of tha atrlka of approxl o t aonlnc cam* up Tuaaday evening the budget of mataly 150 atavadoras for tha On- at the meetln* of 9 1 4 1 ^ 4 1 aa raoommandad by the Chritfmot Sale tral Vannont railroad at Naw London had bacn raacnad. CMuncil Uat oeanlnf. Al- olty council waa voted without BODY AND FENDER oommant by tha thirty votara p ^ Thr atevadoraa, employaa of the ryaati WUllam Oow41bc npoit- Silver Tea P4to<.Ciie0 ieipMia. I»to8/i»to4CR9.N.Y. William Spencer A Son COrp.. REPAHUNG t t e t tlM ortUnanca commlttea ant. Mayor Raymond R Hunt Vbuiie Renter: FepM-Cele BeMRag Oe. of Onttml VUtogm, preaided and O ty Gtorfc F. Leroy Saturday, D«c. 7, 1-8 P. M. •tevadorlng agency for the rail­ i pracreaaaa aa far aa they were failott read tha warning. ThU la road, have bean on atrlka elnce TURNPIKE CAVE NCW ON ta aad racommendad that tha Nov. 1. They are members of AUTO BODY WORKS »or soar awotat a aaolnf oom- 88A75.48 larger than tha 1948 Home of Mlaa Berry ssd budget whUk totaled 1182,888.05. Local 1411, International Long- ■88 Weat Middle Tph. Tat. 1S4I ftm . OMtporaUon Oounaet Harry It U eaUmatad that 8121.886.48 wlU Utonn Rallavodia- Mias Coilina, Bolton Center ahoremen'a association (AFLI. V a n to aaplaln what t bean acconpliahad In regard be ralaad In taxea with tha r e ^ n - tntoofbalqniMldwMIbboalaaiw. Benefit Bolton Wage Oantrovemy Involvad to ap tn g Tha a ty how haa acU der aa tolkrwa: From City Clerk. Rob oovSka VapoRab at bed- The spokesman said the issues , ______Congregalional Church Involved s wage controversy and FALL'S ¥ U W CTYLES! ipa at tho dto. Attorney 8800.00; ICty court. 11.000; Town ' 1$ MILES FKOM MANCHKSTBB ON NBW LONDON of Vernon roada. $8,500; Motor Bua M ldint Fund the negotiation of a contract. Da- __ oompUmantad City Englnear Manning-Bowman TUBNFIRB AT 'THB BOTABT. MABLBOBOUOH, 8-OOBNBBB laaeroft rar Ma work tn making DIatribuUon. 11.200; Maxwell Fund. sniglit. = Tty « ttl V I.9IS3! tatls of the'settlem ent proposal Bond Payment. $8,000; Part Due were not revealed by the spokes­ Waffle Makers Ta thaaa wbo t a n tor axaellaot Foad atol Driah a«d wrtet atow napa la thair original form aphevo wo lavtto yoa to xialt os a t thla oM Htetorte Tavara. latar in tha meeting tha Coun> Taxea. 81.800; Caah balanca, $9.- man who said the proposal now A want on record aa' extending a 885. would be eubmlttad to the man­ $12.75 p h e a s a n t - FROOLEOS - STEAKS - LOB8TKBB - DPCB - a at thanka to tha City Bn- votara authorlaed the mayor For Interior Home agement of the railroad which CHICKEN — AND ALL OTHER BBGULAB FOOD ITBM8 aar tor aaaking it poaatble for and dty treaaurer to borrow a operates a freight steamship line Tomezak ft Moller ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES alty to obtain tliaaa atapa. It rum not over $65,000 for currant Enjoy between New London snd New toes Main Street Manchastce CLOSED l-TUDAVS — OPEN AIX OTHER DATS __I alao ootod that atapa ba taken expenaea In anticipation of the re­ York In addltoln to iU freight snd Telephone t-1897 Private Dining Rooms Old Original Tap Roam—Cap. App. 299 to caitog. tor the inapa la order ceipt of taxea. The meeting alao Decorations passenger rail service from New 219 Anvium Street llaHfnrd PHONE EAST HAMPTON 294-8 BENJ. H. PROUT, Prop. that they aroald ba praaaira d. ratified tha reaoluUon poatponlng ChrUtmoi London to Vermont points. Telephone 8-7881 pattUeaa arara raoahrad and .Perley M. Hovey, state media­ rraatod aa tolloara; Walter B. and iaty A. Maynord, hooda over aide tn Your For Xmas 'V lOora and damoUah chicken com it IM Grove atraat: Warner B. NOTICEI Own Kaptorachmld tor addition to ahad to be naad tor gataga on Grant VACANT—ON ROUTE 44, ■treat; JuUua Kuptorochmld for Home! IwalUng 84' X M* on north Mda IN COVENTRY If Giant atraat: Kannath Watmora tor addlUoa to garage at 78 Grand A 4-BOOM HOUSE — Oarage, COATS ivonac; William J. Minor to con* ban ooa9, IH Sbvaa of land, all Built in 1940 under preoent owner’s supenrbion ts his rart a 60* x 18’ chicken coop Into aanvantoncra wMrk Include hot I hoiMa at 149 Vernon avenue; spefiflestions, this houss hss two flrcplsces, first floor Sharlao and Elale Sweat for a air bant. batb. atorm windowa ddeken coop at 29 Baat atraat; aad iiriT" Sala Pilea $8,858 isvatory, Ifvfsg room, dining room, kitchen, spctslra Donald R. Weaka. for one atory tor praparty ptaa apptaxinialaly both and shower, 8 bedroosis, laundry, worktop, rec­ Oanto on rear of houaa at 48 South 4 tana of aaal, gaa Move aad bab- ■treat; Stanley Ooboaa Poto of the reation roosL fruit storage, steam (oil) heat, serem kmarlcan Legion for addition to tlad gaa la toab. and storm windows. It also haa garage 12x20 with stor­ Mazda Bulbs and Fluorescent Muna at 114 Waet atraat; Gaerge AND , and tola McDonald tor home For Fsrthtr InforsistloB age space and well landscaped grounds with fireplaca. X 28' at 7 Baat atraat: Tbonaa , CsB A real buy at $14,700. No agents, please. ind Ruth Blaney for a houaa 94’ x Xmas Tree Lights W at 9 Baat itreet Tha petition if Chaater Blonlan for a one toory FOR APPOINTMENT CALL MANCHESTER 4689 SVIP tddlllon to tha propoaad building Alic# Clampftf Sets. • • Wreaths... and Tree Tops It 118-180 Union atraat waa ra> Plioso MsscHosttr t-0880 renrad to the PubUc Worka Com- MUmiWIWMIWMI 824-828 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER lalttoa with power. Xmas Tree Stands Theh a pel peUtlon of Matthew Allan Ibr a buildiling In the center In oon< laetloo with the cleaning aafabllMi Stent tor tha rocelving of dothlsg Put your gentleman — again brought baforo t^^ Johnson Brothers **mt ease” with these leisure, luxury lovin' slippers Electrical Contractors . . . styled Just for HIMI Easybilt 1 Tube 538 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6227 Here's What Every Boy SUITS RadioKIts $4.95 r e m e ty ToHsesak ft Moller 824-828 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER i RFi rilir*7iBr«iJHI»iITW *lJnha ii/.YZ32 its ctJiouse^soK Wants For OUTSTANDING VALUES IN INC. Plastic Christmas Advertise in The Herald— It Pays OFF! Shower Curtains! \ TOMGZAK « t HOLLER 1063 Main Sl , Manchester 210 Asylum St., Harfford Phone 2-1607 Phone 6-7031 SU ITS WERE $1499 TO $ 2 7 CLASSIC • TAILORED • DRESSMAKER

r O R O P 3.97 S H O r . 7 CO ATS WERE $1998 TO $3 $ BELTED OR STRAIGHT STYLES GRIP-A-TREE XMAS MANNING-BOWMAN ^ f ^ m g TREE STANDS...... WAFFLE MAKERS...... 9 JL t l A o N H I I XMAS TREF LIGHTS AND* FU !!1 T R I M M E D w e r e $33 t o $43 Top your shining'curls DECORATIONS, Set of 15. G. E. COFFEE MAKERS...... 4 5 -*® LUXURIOUS FUR TUXEDOS with this beret — purer 7.95 than tha driven snow! It's light aa ’the first CRYSTAL SETS FOR BOYS . G. E. VACUUM rXEANERS ^ flaks! It*s soft and fluffy 449-9S 7.17 as new snow! Every MOTOROLA ROTISS-O-MAT Pay just half the original price in feminine head in your WALKIE-TALKIE TOYS ___ BARBEQUE ROASTER . . . family will want at least »47-s® this great sale! All top quality one.. .but, we warn you, EASYBILT 1 TUBE , IJONEL ELECTRIC TRAINS fohrics! Mostly 100% wool! Fashion you're going to have a ' ' ' Ideal Toy for Xmas Gift! DON'T SI9APPeiNT HUD R,.ADIOKITS ...... 4 V tussle to keep Dad from •V • ...•HOP lA R L T ^ success styles! Every wanted color! borrowing it! Fits any GENERAUELECTRIC headsize snugiy and cozi- ELECTRIC SHAVERS . . . AUTOMATIC IR O N S ...... Zipper front Ceuodi ttyla. Worm 32-01. oEwool Mol* lyaad . . . Surprise!... jacket. Servkaobla 32-oz. ton doth with o nautical ek. it cornea to you ip its WEAREVER ' 2 BURNER wool plaid. Adjintobla tide Double brooslad front. Gii* lor is convarMblo- Navy ki- very o w n teUophane PRESSURE COOKERS . ELECTRIC HOT PLATES tab*. Sat-bt ilaava* hove package. NEWI lONOeR-WlAMNOI AND LOW 9WCIDI ena-button trim. 10 to 20. tignia on buttons. 4 to 10. Lasting beauty lor your bathroom! Tho plastic 2 6 6 3.97 7.95 DONT WAIT...THEY'RE GOING FAST film is refnaricobty tough, yet drapes as groce- Pair NU-TONE DOOR CHIMES $1.98 lully as lillt! Walerproof. Surthnl. Woo l crack, G. E. TRAVEL IRONS .. COLORS- stick or peel. Easy to keep clean. n(fA9 rsi MATCHING WINDOW CURTMN$ 2 6 6 MANNING-BOWMAN ELECTRIC All-pvrpeia mockkiow of Ooop wool fioaca fact $2.98 Buy to complete bath ensMtblel Smort-looking MITCHEUL t a b l e worm wool plold. Thraa- jbinad to stur^ ceIMn knit GET SET FOR THE HOLIDAYS Pair r COFFEE SET bock. Fly front, tinplo In kitchen or pantry. . , save lots of work, tool AND FLOpR LAMPS .. A ai Up place bait. Sawn down holf > MilUBery Dept Indudlng Electric Percolator. ^ braostod stylo. Quflted ray. Metal T » y (Chrome Plated), S u - O ^ F ^ F bait in bock. DoA oslon on lin ^ . Taol,.brownkSizM Green Stampa Given gar and Cream Servert. “ d B f # rn TELECHRON ELECTRIC that won't ihow soil easily. Wltk Cash sales! Slxea from 14 ta 18. from 4 to 10. tSHOP WARDS FOR OUTSTANDING VALUES 5- COME TOMORROW AND SAVE Wa Hava A Largt Stock Of ALARM CLOCKS A a i U p 7.17 8.97 IN CURTAINS ANp DRAFBUCSI PHONOGRAPH COMBINATION AND HImllarty atyled wool plaid PHONE 2rl607 mxrkinow, 4-10. . 8.95 Popular t-Tngertla coat* In POPULAR TABLE RADIOS . WE DELIVER to * ■tea* from 10 to 18. 11.97


the water the tries whose knlahed products are candy waa $78,654.15. The bars Capt. M. C. Ruedy. asatotant quar- Y ^ A Q I I O I I E o i m H I mSmIng after Leach ------remove It from tha category of a hicle In any way It appears to him transported to niilheads would ha W M. t J U U l A I packages were ratrtoved to be required for safety." were labeled luifit for uee because tarmester commanding officer, re­ Embargo Hits motor vehicle, for nothing eppeara ported. Better Because It's Aluminum unable to produce only aa long aa ‘Auto-Plane’ With this authority. Hadden | of being rancid, wormy or mouldy. ‘Ipraiice Would Follow they could store flnisbed goods. /"a ' 1 9 n j l h y Detectives John Poaafrat Superfluous Hait Removed In tlM atatute which would have Storage apace at railheads, he aald. On Lake s IkMi this result.'’ said, the commissioner could bar. Lifetime Service never needs PMN'nNu County Plants ■ Special SarYtcM dlYiaiOQ aM M fft. A atate law says new eutomo- the "euto-plane" from the high-' tSMOkO would be used up shortly after . • PERMANENTLY » , Decision Given ways If be considered ita whirling ^ Reds’ Foreign Policy the etpbargo began. ,LawT«BM Dtroaa and David Dob- bUae may be registered without to- AlLAInntinum • PAINLESSLY spactlon but that a used car, not propeller a h^xard to public safety. S 100% Pure Wool ALSCO nm cnH Manufacturers Greet Im­ Bo* of AmmuDiUoD At pravioualy opanftad In Connecti­ Interchangeable ,oR«over«j, To ^ ..... * • SAFELY Hadden Answers Qnes- cut, must peas Inspection before Oaady Bara Ranied ma « — ; •nptuiRsM] ttet th« main fortign pending Action With Judgment Awards a registration to granted, and Had­ SUMMER.VI INTER WINDOWS MUSTeroIE HoM Impartiw Ob»erv»|^ probl«in « t Um monwat la Seattto — ($')— Candy-hungry Examined by Experts [experts for exsmlnstlon. tions Propounded by den declared that the aUtute ap­ 1 GLOVE and SCARF SETS The ONLY eomhtnatlon xtorm and Wreeu naah THAT HAS NOT Varied Reactions FREE CONSULTATION - CALL Z-ltM klda fhund no aolace to I,S7S,0S8 RISEN ONE PENNY IN PRICE. Today, you ran get ALSCO e m Amrrr Gr*du«l'n*™®*^**®" IBuaalan poaltfcma *^ **• on *'*'^^ Ckrmaay. Baby to Mother « McCarthy on Vehicle plied also to the "auto-plane.” candy bare returned from Pacific ^ Has Power To lim it Use bases. Workmen at the ermy'a at Its original low coot. Alignment Would Be awl Ukan oUvIoua crltteuwa »t ftartford, Dec. 4—(CV—Hartford Meriden, Dec. 4—(iP)—Detective MISS RENA HALEM’S THE .MOST INCXlNSPtCL'OUS COMRINA'nON UNIT on the Interprata M tha Capt Welter L. Kureon has an­ The attorney general alao told auburn aub-depot sprinkled the Baltimore. Dac. 4—iA’t Mrs. Bartford, Dae.4—(ffV-Whea an FOR HIM nuirket. AlACO'n xtrong, durable frame* ARF 88% NARROW­ PVT MORE PEP Reauh Under Reds Anartctm policy of m um cUng county manufacturera hava greet­ nounced the recovery of a revolver Alexander St. the commlasloner he had tha power bars with gasoline yesterday and ER thnn other melnl frame*, give* grenter light «nd vmtiinting Oarmany at Franca’a axpanaa. ed the Impending freight embargo Oeorga Andreadkis had her 14- and a box of ammunition from tha I aotoinobllo u a a a CoanecUcut’a burned them. Retail value of the montht-old son back today aa a ra* ELECTROLYSIS SALON to ’limit the use of any motor ve­ nren. I.V YOVR RADIO Olaaer to Ruaatoa K tr-' ordcrad effectlva at 1S:01 a.m. on bed of Mirror laka but has daoUned T-aeem Slagle. Large earner Ughwaya It la no longer an alr- (Laat af tlirM artklaa) Thorea publicly baa aald that ha suit of a Solomon’s Judgment lot. General apMkealtonei rien- R.H»m 16. Rubinuw Bldg- «4a Main Stfodt ALSCO frame* nrc FLUTED, tbU engineering fenture Rt.ENOS By Bakert C. WUaaa Friday by the Interatate Com­ to aay whethar thera was any con­ plano hot an automobile, says Wil­ ALSCO Into nny type home, making ALSCO ncnreely nolirvnhie RE-TUBE NOW! faela Franca and Britain are cloa- handed down by Circuit Judge nection between the we^xm and ty al etoaet apaee. eah Seortne. Parla. Dac. —m —A gradual' merce commission with varied re­ Michael J. Manley. liam L. Hadden, tho aUte’s attor- a *hort dlKlance auay. VouH agree It’* AMERICA’S MOST All thk Popalar Type* 4 er to tha Huaalan atand than to the slaying on Nov. S o t Jamaa A. water heatlag ay stem, iilHIWIIIlWHIIIIIHIIIIIMHIlM^^ BEAUTIFUL COMBINATION. atlgnoMOt of Franca'a foralgn pol* that of the United SUtea, appar* actions. Judge Manley awarded the Leach, a dspartmant stora assist­ __ jar. aetomatle hot water nay gaaaral. Now In Stock! aoUy demonatratlng that tha Richard L. White, president of mother custody of her baby In beat, eopper ptamMag, fhHy In- TIm "auto-plana." auoh as was My wlUi that of Ruaata would ra- Landers, Frary and Clark of New ant manager, I CALL .3535 Oommunlata feel a doaer kiruritin ruling against Mrs. Glen Jamas Kureon aald Monday when po*| salated. Bsacment Mandry and t a ^ raeautiy at Danbury, had Pay* For Itnelf Thru Fuel Saving* And Tear 'Round Comfort! anlt It tha Cominunlata take over to aoclaUatIc Britain than capital* Britain aald last night hla plant Stedham, who asked to adopt the basement halkheed. First Soor State Motor Vehiclas Commisslon- llHO "probably" would have to cloee a boy. Mrs. Andreadkis teatifled lice atarted to drain tha pond, bow-1 IMMEDIATE DEUVERT D L jx m j* tka laadarahip of tha fourth repub* iatic America...... ever, that they hoped to find the eonslata af large modern kMrh- sr John T. McCarthy up In tho air 8 Tra. To Pny — Free Extimnte*. r n O l i e Uc’a new goveminent, moat Impar* It thua becomaa apparent that week after the ban hecama affMt* the child was born while her for­ an. Invatary, dialag room aod uaUl Haddan anawarad yasterday Noctil BENSON'S weapon with wMch Loach Iva. F. A. Waechtar, secretary of mer husband was overaeas, and Qal obaetaeia agree. the United SUtea would Snd oppo- alaln. kvlag room with kreptoee. kee- ppvm l quastlona which the com- Mtw AU-PIfHPOSl WASftm tUMUlIS Furniture and Appllancks WhatiKr or not—aa moat french- altlon great In the Foreign Mlnle* the Cray Manufacturing company, that she agreed to give the child aod koor has 4 bedrooms and miasionar had propoundsd. f Mii.bo PradiKt. Co. Fouad In Separata raekagaa BMO brileve-^tha French Oommu- ten council. If It had to cop# wrlth Hartford, said hla plant probably to Mrs. Stedham. Ule hath. Now avaltsMe for EXPERT McCarthy wanted to know llFT Off AMD e/Utff AWAY Dmr. m A S f 'AMD tRIMit 713 Main Street Blat party la directly adviaed from a French-aupported Ruaala at would not "fael tha affact befora Undar tha agreement Mrs. Sted­ ’The weapon and the box of am­ apaney. laspeetloa by ap- whathar It waa lawful for such a munition. Kuresn aald. arare found Moooow, atollable aridenoe Indl- every turn, and would ancountar a month or six weeks." ham feigned pregnancy, and tha atafiaat only. ♦piog to run on the highwaya, cktea that Oomrounlata would work Btmllar difficulties In the United A ConnecUcut drsaa manufac­ motbar raglsUrad at the hospital Tuesday In aeparato packagsa whether the InapecOon Uwa apply­ SASieit... a change In Franee’a relatione with Nations. turer who decllnas to permit Ident- imder Mrs. Stedhanfa name, Mrs. about 20 fast from tha east short WORKMANSHIP ing to automobiles alao applied to the aaat and weat What la more, a Communist Iflcatlon, aald the embargo would Andreadkis told the court. of tha pond. InvosUgatton waa It snd whether he had tha author­ atarted there, police official aald, I Maurice Thorea—party eecre- France might be able to avring the mean the "Immediate lay-off" of She added abe had since been I Jarvis Rvolty Co. ity to nudta ragulatlons governing FASmt tkry-general and Oommunlet can* beat of western Franca towards hla SOO employees divorced and now wanted tha when tha departaaant rscelvad a ro* Tcl. 4112 or 7275 Every Installation Job tha use of such a contraption. Udato for the pramierehlp—vigor* the east, and away from the weat. UaaMe to Prediet Beeult child hack. port that a woman waa saan throw- His queries were Inspired by a cuANta a«Nvt olialy aaaarta that hie party would Many other plant exacutivea 5 Dovtr Rokd rucent incident In which an "auto- ...BO soapy fllm...ao follow an Independent foreign pol- Appointed Medical Easmlner said they ware unable to predict Done by SPECIALISTS plMe” landed on a highway in EXTRAORDINARY wiping. . . DO grimy ainkl the result of the embargo, adding « Groton and, driven by iU propeUer. $ 3 - 8 9 MU Angto-Amerlcan Pokey MlddleSald, Dec. 4—(4V- The their companies would keep going Yes, Sir! Here at Manchester Floor Cover­ croaped tha Thames river bridge unmta ctoruia aa long as It was "humanly paa* ...no rubbing...no bleach­ 100% PURE WOOL However, both he and hla co* appointment of Dr. Harold B. ing, the PROPRIETORS plan and install all batwean Groton and New London. dhief of the party, Jacquea Ducloa, Smith aa medical examiner for Bible." No Laager Aircraft ing.. . no scum in the tubl kve been frequent crlUcaof anglo- this town was announced today by James M. Taylor, president of the work. The result Is a job that's done SALE "Due to the meUmorphosla merlcan foreign poUcy. and are Coroner Morris H. Wrubel. Dr. the Hartford County Manufsetur* TONIGHT'S SWEATERS TO MATCH Smith, who recently eatabtlahed a era aaaoclatlon predlctad that RIGHT. ufhlch occurs (tha folding of the Jauthora of the ^raM i—"atomic ftt* wings against the fuselage) he- Open DiUIy 9 A. M. To 9 P. ______fgomacy'*—to deacrlbe It. practice here, succeeds Dr. Carl many of the area’s amallar Indus* C. Harvey, whb has been serving tries would be able to continue t M tha machine la operated on And the official party organ. THE NIGHT! Drop In.. .visit our convenient, well-stocked the highway." Hadden ruled. "It RtTAU '.All KOOM as medical examiner for both Mid* operations mdeflnltely because '1,’Humanlto,’* alfboat daily flnda to for that pmlod of operaUon, no fault with Brltlah and American dleSeld and Middletown, Df. Har* their materiala and thalr markets show room featuring quality merchandise vey will continue In hla Middle- were within truck range. longer aircraft. It to then a vehicle KniTiinomiLis policy but never Ufta Ita voice In from the country’s leading manufacturers.,. propelled or drawn by power other town post He aald, however, that indus­ mitlelam of Ruaalan policy. get a FREE estimate. than rauacular. The peculiarity of MANCHISUR GREEfi CONN Tha Oommunlet party line hae F o r the ahape of the body aa compared 0 ' nntly bean more antl*Am* P H O N f V 1 7 V) i FUR COATS to the atondard type of motor ve­ than anU'Britlah. Tha Com* Y O U R B a b y hicle seen on highways, and the mu ___ were Wtterty critical of . At Manchester Floor Covering oxpoaed whirling propeller do not Wkoncx American loan to France, ne* Csrfifnlly Isimkevsi dispeni dcllverck 25% to 40% Off Regular Prices atod by the Soelallata, charging BINGO You Get The BEST! twice we«kl.v. U would threaten France'e Container furnished 4oonomlo tndependance. . for Bollcd diapers. Juat after tha American elec- I On These Newest Fur Fashions , •Op’Humanlta" announced ST. BRIDGET'S __tha Oommunieta aupported an [ kAOTrotrs'^*^ kOMiaaii idapendent foreign policy, but a ^ Th*- >1AM IIKSTKIi lew paragrapha later bitterly at Church Basement toidud "the Anglo-American Inter* f ntkmal truata" and deacrtbed New Tork'a Oov. Thomae K. Dea’ey aa ■the Faaclat candidate" for the flARY LAUNDRY, INC American prealdency. a t msncT st.l mitfim, m m . In other paragrapha it aaaalled Playing Starts At B:MS kMEMSTtli OTimiM lUTfNI, - record of the Qual DOraay’a iNituoi till siin. ir dlplomata In the Parit , . jc e conference and the Foreign lllnlatera oounclla. Nothing 8aM About Roaota Not a word ama aald about Rue* Ma. , ' , The Communiata have not yat gaan St to announce whether they would taka Uie foreign' affaira portfolio If thay aucooed In form- Big a government, but certainly thay'would aatabllah the policy no Inst thing I remember Is (ciliag my wtfa I forgot matter If the poet were held by to hrtag hoaM her Ba«Laxl" the MJl.P*a Oeorgea Btdault. fl^oal-SociallBt Edouard Harriot, Let that be a lesson to you, girl chocolate tsato, Ex-Lax Is so de- or a Oommuidat. **Fomttlng" is no exeoss. You andsble. It’s effective, yet effee- AT THE TEXTILE STORE i The Oommunlat reply to thoae aboold know by n ow ^t peMis fIve in a gontlo way. Not too Who charge themam wti wltn being pro- who have svar used Bx-Lax strong, not too mild. Ex-Lax is the ■!4 Ituaslan down the line In foreign hato to be vrithont it And for "Rsppy Medium" laxative. As a 4 ’yii ley Is to point to tto conflict g ^ resaoni Aside from iU good precaution, use only as diraeted. ween their position and that of Make it a practical Christmas this year eIfoacow on Germany. T h e Communista hava aupport- by giving gifts from Textile Store. ad flrat General da Gaulle and than George Bidault In the French de­ TheyTI bring lasting satisfaction. 14 mand for intsmaUonallaation of the Ruhr snd economic abeorptlon I Brown’s of Willimantic 1 of the Saar Into France’s economic system, whereas the Ruaslana ap­ SEE THEM ALL TOMORROW! parently prefer leas drastic masa- mm for the Ruhr and hava not Nw. vet acceded to the Saar request. Hoarever, Thorea baa recently Can Deliver

WASHING MACHINES . 21 Ctimtmas REPAIRED - AM MAKES Ik years’ Bxparleneel BMutiful .All White CHENIU.E ReaaneaMe llatea! Biamond CANNON BEDSPREADS A. BREWER single and Double Taiephnar t-MMk BLANKETS Slaea .es, it’s die Silver Spring Water!—eaff of the few ItskO. All W(Mil $9.98 to $18.98 o / ^ e l WHITES natttratty perfect brewing waters known to the $13.50 $10.98 to $39.50 that helps to make Hanley’s Extra - Ail Wool Filled Pale so light, so dry, so clean in Havor, that it COMFORTABLES never tires the taste.) Rea. $499 H9 .7 5 Silver Spring Water is so important to GRAY PERSIAN LAMB 4 3 9 9 Satins...... $13.50 to $16.98 making a really fine brew, that James Hanley Rug. $499 Just In! One karload of pre- BLACK, PERSIAN LAMB svar RicitfninR white porcelain literally huilt his brewery 'around the Silver $ 3 9 9 top Sinks witli roomy cabi­ $ 1 0 7 - 5 0 ST. MARY’S Spring back in 1876. nets ujiderneath. I?p — romptcir. Wcllverey Anywhere! BIANKETS GRAY INDIAN LAMB $ 3 2 9 Why abandon 42 in. — 5,4 in. — 60 in. SO Slonlh. To Pay; And the celebrated Silver Spring flows as. 73x90. Duhk Rose, resell Blnom, Mulberry, Krenrii crystal pure, as generously today, as it has NORTHERN BACK MUSKRATS your w ile Coiemanm Blue, Meadow Green. . $ 3 2 9 a , Gas Ranges since Colonial times—to help brew Hanley’s— Selected Skins. for your business? I Parauiout $ 1 3 .9 5 Northern Water Heaters Norge Crosley I NEW ENGLAND'S LEADING ALE. Reg. $399 That's uoi the right holiday HANDKERCHIEFS SILVER BLUE MUSKRAT $ 3 2 9 spirit, man. If business it taking $ 1 3 1 -4 1 BlAN^ l^layfair • . $ 1 6 .9,5 you to New York, why m»t tak» $ 1 0 9 -0 5 up C H A tbt fomily otoog ra, Pa'jtela the fun of Manhattan’s gala Cannot Shop During the Day. . .Martex Towel Sets Cotton sad Rayon gem today... and buy it on our spaced pay­ Bednpreada aad Whites Reg. $159 holiday activities. Doty*'t wait ment plan. $2.75 to $5.98 .35e Pair BROWN KIDSKIN $ 1 2 9 too It)]^, though—benet writs single and Doable 50%,Wool .. .8ke pr„ 75e pr. or arirc for reieryttiont today, Scarf and Vanity Sets $5.98 CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED! •$2.49 to $7.98 Blue, Roae aad Gold All Wool M’Mtcs ,....1 9 e pr. ajoooisige , ootnfoctabie.outside Reg. $159 rooms, ca^ with private bath. INDIAN LAMB PAW $ 1 2 9 BROWN’S■ A ■ . ■ - . FOUt mil lISTMRANn All Goats Subject To 20% Tax. HOTIL 769 Main Street Tel. 3351 The Textile Store SHOP EARLY ; Iim niDoiig Willimantie, Conn. L. SLOCOMB, Proprietor ^ "Mk TSSffS OlSf ISUItS NOm" •JEWELERS - OPTICIANS • ' MMOM swmir,etMM,M See Our l.jifge .\saortment of Inlaid and Regular 913 MAIN STREET J W H A L 4 BUDGET Linoleum. W’e Install Anywhere! ^ 891 MAIN ST., MANCHf8TfR,C0NN. ‘ MANCHISTIR CONM* TERMS IMA .liURI* ILANIIY COMPANT PROVIDINCI, RNODI 121^146

I ,

I '' . ’ ■ .-i.- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CUNN, WEDNESDAY UECEMHER 4. 194t P A G E N IN E ' > '■ V . / - varied program a t antertoinment MANCHESTER EVENINC? HERALD. MANC'HESTER. OONN« WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4, 194® member being respoMible for cer­ at the comer of Birch and Main Conn., haa won a special prise In a Btreeto at 7:30 Ui the evening and contest aponaored by tbe associa­ haa been arranged. Inehidlng mu­ tain poata at some hour during the Arch Masons sical numbers and other foaturei. Plan Tag Day day. Volunteer help from outoide thoM peopla who ara famtilkr .wttli tion to IM a slogan for Ito 1947 there liow an axeellent state uni­ the excellent concerto nut on by Past Grand Master Ansel A. apparently. In out altogether. thia MB eon of the year there Is the Army Is also expected aa the highway eourteay and aafety cam- Ctir|M. a now o«if*nl«Allon AfflllAt- dayllgitt only fmm aieven to one, versity. Hoepltals and modicsl people of Manchester feel the this band are anUetpating a mu­ To Gulehrate Packard of Middletown a brilliant oppeaeJ Um UN in New Senators In S* A. Drive orator among Maaona, will ha tbe rlra tri' •d with Uic NAtlonml Ouard. Tboae who Tells of Ufe which makes the Delco lighting centers are frequently aupoprtod RECORDS - cause Is a parUculariy worthy one. sical treat **^lSe arinnlng slogan, "fiafety la OMinectieut have apparently won systam aspeclally welconw. by the churebM at various denoas- I f the weather should prove In­ No Accident” **00 eubmltted by feature speaker of the e%’enlng'. Tliia War DiaaaUr MlUUry Only Half Way VIsitora from surrounding Jurladlc- J|rraUk their fight. They are not going to The Indiana, Mra. Barhydt said, Inatiofia. clement It la planned to hold Rose H. t , Halverson, of the fit Paul (er to Ob- Oorpa t« to orfmnlaa and train It* At Fort Yukon Itofreahmanta were served dur­ To date the drive haa not been Day on fiatum y, December 7 In- Della tiona will also attend. RcaervaUonk be dlaturbed. We wonder, now. If ara warm-hearted and lovabla. MonUna*s First Repahilean Senator-Elect Only Half of Amount Tarmimu Warehouse wmpany, fit m rua Mlf to do arhat nan can do when Fort Yukon la "ruled” by two ing a social‘hour by .the evening’s receiving the support It deserves, Btoad of on Thursday. Paul, Minn. serve 25th Aiiniver- for the banquet are rapidly being lira CO.. tNu they feel quite aa happy aa they hostessM. MIm Helen Whipple, • for only half tbs amount has been placed and members sre reminded atomic diaaator atrlkM. What poor chiefs, John and Jonaa. The people Homespun Man When Met on His Farm in Needed Has Been Con­ Judges of the contest who MIm Gertrude Carrier. MIm Esther i Mcsived. Psopis who have recei­ sarv on Dee. 13 that the reservations wdll cloae and (Laparata laaaona can ba thought they would feel. Well, we Mission Nurse ^Speaks have a child-Uke Ingenuity In be- tributed Urns Far aertened mora than 5,000 antriea rcmivauN stowing nlcknamea, and called her Andersen and MIm Sylvia Clafto. j Fertile Valley; Eclon Greets Visitor With ved letters ssklng for s donsUon Monday. December $. All who wlah found In tha caaa nlatorlaa of Na- don't know about them, but we sre urged to nmke their contribu- Lof^al Man Wins from trucking Industry employ- O f Her Experienees In "the little white weasel” (becauM Tha next meeting of the club w ill! eea, wars Major General Philip B. Delta Chapter No. .11 Royal to attend the banquet are wged jsriu aTu . gaaakl and Hlroahlma aill ba ap­ think the real of the atate urould be a Chritmas party at the top® Smile, Work-Hardened Hand The fialvaUon Army ta putUng Uon ss soon as poaslble. I f anyons to make their reservations at once, The Far North of her swift motions in her white Flaming, general chairman of Arch Masons, will celebrate Its plied to the poUntlal caM at New be happy if their work could eome- nurse's uniform) and her husband, of MIm ^ftnide and MIm Hsian on/a Tag Day to bs known aa has tailed to receive a lettar ask­ Prize in Contest twenty-fifth anniversary. Friday by contacting Secretory James By H. Nampe . - ing for a contribuUon to tke fial' Praatdent Truman’s Highway •t tM Torh a ty aa target Wbataver In'* how be undone. from his. physique, "the big man Carrier on December IT. L A R (;B s t o c k . CLAK8IC8 OR "POPS* "Roas Day” In coonscUon with tbs Safety Conference; )>. R. Darling­ evening December 13, at the Ma­ Richmond. •I Om «. OuMt speaker at a maeUng pf with the bear head.” MenhStUn. Mont. Dec. g - f O - f f o r ***“ drive for $4,000 tors tn Manches­ vaUon Army Driva tt la urgenUy sonic Temple. The program will Itait H*u«r. proyaneata of organlaatlon night hoped that he or she will send their ton, Jr., aaatatant director of the the Profeaalonal Women'e Club and public welfare. ter. Ross Day Is to be held on Washington. Dec. 4.—^ThS DIvlaion ot Safety, Automotive start at 7:00 p.m. with a roast Alaska haa a blue flag, with have hatpad heap down the dam­ TaberraloAki ComoMS Montana's Srat RepubUcan eena- Ecton takes you Into hie home, donation to WalUr Buckley of the •UMf.nurnoN lUTBS held at Center Church House last Tbe Indiana live by hunting and Thursday. December 5. 'storting In American Trucking AaaoelaUon. fiafety FoundaUon, eno Burton W beef dinner In the banquet hall, seven oi Ito atara aranged aq I HUb age done by the two atomic bomba Sale on Saturday evening waa Mrs. Eannle Barhydt, Potterton’s tor-eloct since 1912 la a homespun which U comfortable but not fan­ the morning and conUnulng Manchester Truat Company. DM Twr M Mali Marsh, director of Traffic Engl- followed by the entertainment they form the consteitation Ursa I .n fur trading. th thio Mpoi •"* ic attack. But there can be a entirely on meat and game—moose, Burton K. Wheeler greyta you one to eight o'clock, at the home familiar quotations "Go ye Into all caribou, mountain sheep, ptarml- ft'e on a country line. "You ring •loo tM torot MW* PM»lt«M< twf. ayetem for getting victima out to of Miss Helen Berry and MIm with * amlle and extends * work- the world; "Give, and It ahall be gsn. three longs and throe storto for my hoapiUta In outlying diatricta, and Rlsie Collins In Bolton Center. added unto'you;” and finally the RADIO SERVICE hardened hand. He has taken off place,” grins tho hoot "And you All liflit* •** roouMw*!'®** *• *Mei»i The Alaskan scenery is very MomIcMo Mroin. or* al*o r**er**n BURRAU U» rate, what poor chance of aurviv- aum waa realised, which it la ter is three miles north of the It la the home of a falriy-proeper- hoped to duplicate If not exceed, Arctic Circle. The parish number­ Hie brown sparrows become snow­ pocket. Here's your oua Montana fanner. Ecton lives CIRiUIJITIUNI. birds; the rabbits put on little Phonograph Combinations, Combination al can be given by home defeiuM Saturday. ed 500 Indiana and 25 whitea The A alx-foot falr-halrod 200- there with hie wife and two chUd- TM Wofolo Prirtmi preparedneM will aoon ba the def­ Yukon river le three miles wide white coats. pounder with direct blue eyes and OF BRIGHT GIFT IDEAS ■WHO* M Bnaneul ri*Mn*'t»lo*iD«nt* •n TM **ManpMsitr B* - tary organlaatlon. sprons, useful bags, children's toys p.l. that: Ecton—no orator but a convinc­ •Inf HcroM Primitive FacISUe* Mra. Barhydt said; and that, with He’s an Iowan, 4g. who eerved All thia M. we auppoee. very and knit goods, food Items and the Aleutians, was where most of ing talker who gets thlnga done In Christmas decorations, fashioned The hospital then contained an *aa a soldier In the First World committees—aaye he's a firm be­ Christmas our boys were stationed during tbe WednMday, December 4 good aa far aa it goea. It la a little Expert Repairs war. He attended Montana Stole liever In “good business In govern­ by the members. eight-bed ward for men and one war. GIX)bES for the armchair traveller heart-warming, in fact, to have . Mrs. Oswald Bchrag. wife of the of similar sixe for women; an college and the University of Chl- ment” and that he sees no reason Tbe government provides good . . . big onea that atand table high: Goilty aome governmental agency begin minister of the Bolton Congrega­ operating room (though major Compicta With .00 Wa Deliver! .cago law school but waa graduat- why a Republican Congreas can’t schools throughout the country and little lU-inch you can lift from to concern ItMlf with the plight tional church, will pour at tha tea surgical caMs were Mnt to Falr- 2 Springs ... -. «d from neither. He haa been a get along awltb a DemocraUc modela John L. Lewla haa been found table, and Mrs. Joseph Handley, banlcB), a consulting room, etc. dry land farmer for a quarter-cen­ president He says he wants the their iMuien and hold in your lap: Mime guilty of the crime of contempt of 1 of the civlliana who will have to Mrs. Donald Tuttle and MIm Col­ All water had to be drawn up in tury end works hie 1,000-acre government to balance Ito budget Davenport illuminated from inaide. Pricen from That finding, once the take the main tragedy of “any "w lins wilt assist In the kitchen. EAST HABTFOBD — BIsaell wheat farm with the aid of one and that he'* againat "meddUng In Bourt. hand bucketa from the river, end 4.00 to 45.00 with the model sketched, atomic war. It Ui true that the MIm Berry and MIm Rllsaheth Ice chopped away from the water St. S-Famlly Onplex, $ room* TOMCZAK & MOLLER ilred man. In recent yeara, he be­ the Uvea of the people.” He's a foe court had iaaued Ka InJtmcUon. each side. Sals Pries M.0M- Army has already begun survey­ Bralnard will be In charge during hole from about the beginning of COPPER'S came Intereated In cattle and le of Communism and the Columbia on walnut stand, 8.00 and iMwia had ignored it, waa al- the afternoon or evening at the October to the end of May. Al­ and Missouri valley authoriUes, ing Ita own domestic defenses MAiiCHESTER — Heary St 1063 Main Street 210 Asylum Street aecretory of ranch property aaoat automatic. It la atiU to be table for bags or gifts; Mrs. Her­ though the community and the S-Boom Dnteh Colonial, all exta- FURNITURE CO. known aa t|ie flying D ranchea. which he calls "soclaUaUc." determined. by the Supreme againat atomic war, and has a bert Hutchinson, aprons; assisted hoapital have not Increased much vealenee*. Oarsgo In haaeroent. Manchester Hartford Serv^ ia Legislatare Ecton has no grand Ideas about keen eye on the varions great by Mrs. Cheater Hutchinson and In Biae, a number of modem Im­ Priced to *ell. 2198 M A IN ST. t He served eoveral terms aa himself. Says he: Ctourt Iteelf, whether the lower Telephone 2'^1607 Telephone 6-7031 caves of the country as a location Mrs. Henry McDonough; Infants' provements have been added. At MANCHESTER — Cornell St. representative and several ea eena- “ If I thought It took extraordi­ ceurt was within its lagal rights wearables, Mra. August Mlldner, SPRINGFIELD. MASS. nary Intelligence to represent the for the protection, of mlliUry S-Room Home, all modem eon- tor In tho State Leglalaturo. Twice tn laaulng the laltmction, and Tfra. Merrill Adams; food, Mra. he was elected acnator on both the people of Montana In Washington. stores. But so fer ee civilians are venlenoen. Garago with at­ SM O K IN G S T A N D S are Hmitod. whether any inJuacUun ean re- David Toomey, Mra. Eklaon P. Her­ tached porch. Cape Cod style. .Republican and DemocraUc tlckeU I wouldn't be a candidate. What 1 quira affirmative aetion on tha concerned the Army hasn't pro- rick; Christmas green% Mrs. G. E. Travel Irons —and he’s proud of that. Ho think It needs Is Just ordinary com­ but metal ones are here again, in David Toomey and Mra. August Sale Price $11,500. part of the pereon or organlaaUon greaeed beyond the admission that drafted, or helped to draft, laws mon sense." chrome, bronze, colors. Two Mlldner, co-chairmen, assisted by $7.31 MANf^HEHTER — Plymouth eq^alnet whom It le directed. iMWla, 40,(Nlb,000 Americana might die In MIm Ella Sumner and Miss Jean­ Lane. S-Room Home. AH mod­ mahogany modela, too, to use ^iffter the Injunction had baen Is- the first atomic attack against ua ette Sumner. em convenlenem. Including tot with Eighteenth Century or ma­ It aeaa Ita cblaf task that of being Toniczak & Mollcr water bent recemed mdlntlMi. hogany living rooms.' Model auad. did nothing mora to taka hla oil bnmer. Lnrgn hreenewny w nu->iofl$ Bdatra out on atrlka. This w ^ able to keep on fighting eftor that I06S Main Street Manchester with nttnehed gamge. A very WONfi—1410 shown has pipe rack on the back Telephone S-ISOT / W D R O -l$M Today *8 Radio In a way, a partial compliance has happened. Tires Are Sne home In n roetricted see- \' side of the swinging door, 21.60 with the injunction. The part of But If we are realty going to 210 ANvIiim Htreel Hartford tioa. Eastern Stoadard nmo . tbo injunction he ignored, per- prepare for atomic war, It is obvl- Telephone S-TOSl COVENTRY—VACANT — Now 4-Room Slagle. 2 mome nnfln- <».■ WTHT—Henry Morgan Show, hape with eound legal advtca, was oua that svtn Oevemor Deweya Still Scarce 4 :0 (^ Ished up. Conveniences. Sale WDRC—Houae Party; News. wnc — CoUegt of Musical program Is only a half maasure. Knowledge. that part which seamed to direot Have that euinff recapped Price $S.S00. I WON8—Mualcal Roimdup. Mfn to undo hie previoua notifica­ We need to do a great daal ntorc WTHT—Tommy Show, 11:00— by Goodyear Factory Meth­ AimmONAL tlSTINUS tion of the abesnee of a contract. Wa naed to aet up a military uilit w n c —Backstage News on aU atoUons. AT OUR OFFICE 11:15— So the case, header for higher to try and salvaga aomethlng from ods before ffoex ton far 4:15— W righFs ’ w n C )—Stella Dallas. WDRC—Newa; Footnotes. BOUDOIR CHAIRS to ceurto and a long struggle. Meen the wreckage of our great cities, 6.00 g 1 6 ...... S7.U0 WONS—Interview of Sen Quen- ALLEN 4:$0— help make living a bit while. BO coel le being mined, and but full and practical atomic de- M fly WDRC—Hollywood Jackpot. • .tln Store. WTHT—^Evening Devotion. more glaroorouil No end tt dose not seem likely that any fanaa would demand the dispersal REALTY CO. WONS—Adventures of the Sea Nichols-BrisloK Inc. Point Shop Hound. Vhnc—Harknese of Washing­ to the variety of shapes, caal will be mined this way. of thaae great ctUaa la the first REALTORS ton. 155 Center St. Tel. 4047 , WTHT—Norwood’s Nonsense, fabrics and oolora, 11.9$ In this phase ot the cast, psr- place. Together with dispersal of Car and Truck Paint Inf ISO CENTER STkEET w n c —liorenso Jones. 11:80— » to 42.S0. White gh>- haps the meet Interaetlng and ®g- our Induatries and our poqtulatlon Steam ncanlnq Service TEl.EFHONE 5105 WDRC;—Columbia Masterworka. All IJnet ol Innumnce. 4:45— WONS—What's the Name of sheen, with green and Blficant thing waa tha “chsrga" must go an wtenatvo underground WONS—Buck Rogers, Middle Tnmpike. East Inrlndbig l.lfe w n c —Young WIdder Brown. That SongT ,..and at a roae, on the model Mr. Uawia. momeBtarily takUv program. All vital Industry ahouid Olortgnge. Armnged. WTHT—Dance Mxiaic. i5K)0— shown, 22.50 over the poMUon of Judge, Jury, ha permanently located uAder- The Near Roltnn Town Line IMrect Wire*— i I WDRC—March of Bclenca. wnc—Irving Kramer and Or­ and OoneUtution Itaaif. deUvared ground. This nation needs under' T E L . 7»04 From Hnrtforo 2-745$ WONS—Hop Harrigan. chestra. Fmm Willlmantie 105 12:00— f to tha court after he had baen ground emergency living condl WTHT—Terry, w n c —When a Girl Marriea WONS—Freddie Nagle's Orches­ saving found guilty. tlons cepable of accommpdatlng Dewey-Richman A fine watch ia one o f the tra. milUone of poople. And all of thia •:15— Wn<3—News; Snooky Lanaon Ihla was an astraordlnary most deeply satisfying gifts WONS—Superman. atotement, not only for its is aomethlng we must’ do If we be­ WTHT—Sky King, Show. Co. 12:30— newed contempt of the due ptoc- lieve In the poBSibUlty of atomic for a man or woman. We w n c —Portia Faces Ufa. OCULIST j- jg — WONS—Jan Garber's Orchestra, HASSOCKS.. .loads and loads of «M of the courts at thU oouiitry, war. To accept the posslbtllty of w n c —Three Sons. ’.WDRC—Main Street, Hartford. G(X)d news for you who have been plannln^r » new such a war and not take thsM Can You Top This! have a splendid rollection of 12:45— comfort in these big foot rests. hut also for tha way in which Mr. PRE8C:RIPTI0NS f i i .E l) WONS—Captain Midnight W n C —Lee Simms. davenport, or living room group, for your home this Round ones, square ones, kidney Uewla tried to pretend, now that nacaaaary pracautlona would be famous brands In men's and WTHT—Jack Armstrong. NEW FRAM ES Christmas. Eighteen Watkins Davenports and five ahaped. All kinds of combinations f t laaat ana court doetaton had the height of folly. W n C -^ u st Plain BUI. LENS OITHI.It'ATKD $2,500 Down vdll buy my six-room home. groups (sofa and matching lounge chairs) have bwn gona against him, that the lasue Juat one thing pussies ui. We \ women’s watches. Make .'g:4fi— of colors and no two alike. 5.75 to WDRCJ—Old Record Shop. specially priced for the Holidays. With one exception iBVOlved waa the rights of labor, are not quite sure why any oile REPAIRS MADE Two rooms unfinished. It has combination Acts AT ONCE to ^ 16.95 that important gift a WONS—Tom Mix. Rolovo and *L6oson* noted, thereto just one of each model at these savings. or the working conditions of hie should care about surviving in a storm windows and screens. My home was WTHT—Tennessee Jed. ndnete. His reference to the world of atomic warfare. If man­ watch . . . choose it here w n c —Front Page FarreU. -deadly, brutal fifty-four hour kind allows atomic warfare to de­ built ill 1943. It is in a very nice location. Evening \ , . . N O W ! 5:00— ammy velop, we suspect that mankind It- work waek." hla ringing dactora- Washing News on all stations. eelf will reaUM that It haa there­ Veterans may buy this house under the C. I. that the Oonatltutlon guaran * g:15— wtsigrrm* by come to the end of the trail, i WDRC—Here’s to Vaterane. (CAOSID BY COLOt) teea hla rttoem “freadom from in* Bill of Rights. PRICED FROM c l a s s i c a l p e r i o d s t y l e s and feel no very powerful Inetinot Machine Service WONS—Today In Sports; Musi­ rssrossm atast be good when thou­ PICTURES.. . Impor­ yoluBtary servltuda" were efforts sands upon th°u»ands of Doctors to eecape that general aulclda cal Roundup. $175.00 Chippendale, ball and claw feet, carved wood frame, red damask...... 14$A# ‘ so hla part, at this laU atagt, to Only Genuine Parts Used! ■WTHT—Quia Program. ha.s prescribed It for so nuny years. tant flower prints like which atomic war would ba. Ptr- rasToasm acts at once not only to ve- $269.00 Queen Anne, carved feet and kneea; roae and red figured mohair fabric...... ITt.OO convey once n»re tha Imprakrion For Prompt, Efbcient and PHONE MANCHESTER 7925 WTIC—Musical AppeUeers; U. '$289.00 Regency, carved arm fronts and base, rose and olive on grey background brocade: this measure approxi­ haps mora of ua'would seek the $ lleve such coufbtnf but also 'loosens All hla afforta, all his own Economiral Service — ('all: 11.50 S. Weather Bureau. phlegm' and makts It easier to raise. fringed valance...... 210.0# mately 28x34 inchek. future aufferinge, are bomb quickly than would aeek to (Tax Included) #:SO— Safe for both old and young, neas- $240.75 C3ilppendale, ball and claw feet, brass nail trim, red and gold brocade...... lOO.iO “Blue and White" by escape It. It Is one brand of prac­ OR HARTFORD 2-0787 ’ WDR<^—Red Barber. i.745.00 Sheraton, spade feet, wood frame, blue, beige and roae brocade...... 275A0 dedicated to the cauM of the poor WONS—Answer Man. iS'd^l^?£;^PEBTU88INF Greer, 25.00 tical common n h m to do what $240.00 Regency, two-cushlon model, carved arm fronts, beige and blue brocade; beige fringe suffering miner*. B. D. Pearl's WTHT—Music. valance ...... ' ...... 1*5.00 Ctoverhor Dewey la doing, and try Prof. Andre Schenker. That la high and pompous non- Appliance & Furniture wnc— $269.00 Chippendale, ball and claw feet, blue brocade with small flowers In beige and roae... 170.00 A aense. Mr. UewlB U not fighting (o erset preparatlona against tha g:4S— $349.00 Regency one cushion model with arms tuirted I on the Inside. Blue matolease, hlue 649 Main St. Phone 7590 • WDRC—Robert Trout Newa. for the welfare of hla mlnera firat, coming of the atomic bomb. But \ ''Main Cleaners fringe valance ...... 24i.O# WONS—Easy Acea. $17S.< Chippendale, Wood frame, ball and claw feet; blue damask cover ...... 150.00 tout for hU own dictatorial pres­ perhaps it le a hlghet brand of \ / \ w n c —Dowell Thomas. tige. in this case, he le not eerv- practical common sense to . uattoo, it win beam to many ob- I WONS—Famoiis Songs; Musical Tel. Man. 3142 $339.00 English Lounge, flat arms curve rnitward; two cushions, turquoise frieee, moaa Connecticut once held the fu­ I Roundup. Boudoir or desk sj'/.es, .‘L7.'> to aervem to.lie in the fact that Mr. From Your Homa WERNER’S fringe trimmed...... •'...... 259.00 ture site of the United Nations ^ WTHT—Raymond . Our Courteous DriFer Will Modified Tuxedo, arms tufted Inside; mauve and wine brocade with wine fringe...... 105.00 14.7.5.. .Marbles, colored or deco­ Uewla etTir* determined to preu A * W TIO -New s of the World. $292.00 world headquarters in tha palm of Stop At Tour Door $325.00 English Lounge, flat outward flaring arms, two cushions. Roae brocade with soft rated fonts and |)oli.shed brass, not only the miners but thia entire LITTLE . MUSIC SHOPPE \ Its well-manicured Fairfield Coun- 7:$0— blue and w in e ...... 279JW Into e cringing mastery to REYNOLDS V V,- •-.Sf'M', . ‘ WD.IC—EUery Queen. or brass alone. “ I ty hand.. Moat of Ck>nnectlcut wa# Collie In and Look ThruuKh Our Large Selection O f : *Remember the Mmn* $292.00 Modified Tuxedo, blue and beige brocade, arms are tufted on the Inside...... 105.00 ' WONS—Chriatmaa CTub Pro­ $162.00 (2) Lawsons, plain wine velvet cover; each ...... 120.00 bis own whip. pretty proud ot the thought that DRIVING gram. Mr. liswla. in this case, is serv­ CHARGE this state would be tbe home of WTHT—lone Ranger, ing no causa eaoapt that of hie POPULAR w n c —To be announced. the organisation upon which the SCHOOL ACCOUNTS own parsonr.r ambition.' Insofar aa 7:41^ TWO PIEC$ GROUPS survival of tbe world | depends. Call East Hartford 8 08(16 CLASSICAL INVITED! be succeeds in advancing it. both WONS—Inside of Sports, MANCHESTER And when, after eurveylng the en­ wnc—Cavalcade of Music. $335.00 Modified Tuxedo, figured mauve .tapestry for Inside back and arms; plain burgundy the nation and his own miners ' SECULAR for outflde 275,00 VV.. 5:00— e-Room Single,'etenm IwoL tire country, the United Nations oU bamer. garage, ham, chick­ 2259.00 Square-arm Lawsop, blue herringbone figured damask...... I75JN) will be the losers Bite committee announced that It SACRED AND WDRC—Jack Carson Show. WONS—'Tenth Anniversary of en mops, 7 scree of land. Sale $297.00 Lawson, burgundy and red frieze In a half-inch vertical stripe...... 1$5A0 DESKS . . . and this did favor § Connecticut' site, we INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Brown University Network. Price l^lljioe. CsshMJMO. ^35.00 Modified Tuxedo; blue and beige tapestry on inside arms and back: plain blue on maple one lead."* Wat­ Defense Against The Bomb felt doubly honored. SALSBURY SAL WTHT—Lum and Abner, outoide ...... «...;...... 275.00 $289.00 Seml-Chesterfleld, ogee bracket feet, red textured V f)0\ tSp^Stry .•••««*e«aeea«a*ae 190*99 kins g ift list. Seven But that was a atate feeling, W e can supply wnc—Mr. and Mra. North. •-Room Single, garage. Im- One of the ct*i*n* made for Gov­ 'My itm t it tk* aktit • Don’t forget your Christmas music! medlato ooenpnaey. finie Price drawers (Ane a double­ and not the feeling of a relatively 5:10— ernor Dewey of New York In hie Chtm, twMt tp ttk tt krigHt, just the music you are looking for . . for the Holi- • WDRC—Dr. Christian, News. gl0,0$0. deep filing drawer), few property owners who hap­ h a -C ’SAM with its tism fKtitf might re-election campaign was that-be day season. - ' •JEWELERS • OPTICIANS • WONS—Ifa Up to YouUi. 55,00 waa a far aaeing executive who pened to he living on the territory It t ptaitrymtt't Mightf* WTHT—riahlng and Hunting. S-FamUy FInL 5-tf-4. Gmrage. 891 MAIN 8T.. MANCHESTER. CONN. Near aohools, mills, etc. gllJIOO. made a apacialty of providing the tbe United Nations wanted. Per­ OVER W. T. GRANT COMPANY W n C —Great Glldersleeve. DR SALSBURySPAR. Caak$4A00. aaewera and aolutlona to problems haps all of ua wou\d have felt and $810— O'SAN H luck « WDRC—Songs by Sinatra. before the probicma themBelvi>s reacleil the same way, If tt had «il d»inl.ct«nl Eco- WONS—Gabriel Heatter, News. becaae criticaL It was pointed been our property which waa In­ nomul, IM. 0'where CEREIHpNY JUST WHAT 1 wnc—Mr. Dtatrict Attorney. to lease and fe r ante. Open Tharad$y« Tn 9 R M. WANTED 10 KNOW 61.50; mahogany and tooled tho lead. And this time the prob­ except in Connecticut, with offi­ J 10:00— A FUASANT WDRC—Academy Award The­ CkMcd Wednesday Afto’rmionfi leather tops. ' , lem he foreaeea and the solution cial eagerness and by a courtesy ater. SUBURBAN ha to aatibllMilng am raaUy some- on tbe part of tbe people' In the MODERN WONS — Author Meets the ,th li«. Fer what Maw York (a oommunities It has . been consider­ mSINFiCTANT CriUca. REALTY CO. ^ WTHT—Bing Crosby. aSALTORS,, M ng la to begin to prepare ing. And now It announces that wnc—FabukMia Dr. Twsady. lome defenee against tha its first choice ia divided between 10:$ »— 1$ Paildna fitrael , bemh. That dafenM ia to San Francisco and Philadelphia LARSEN'S WDRC—Information Please. IMopkooe ttlfi i Jie tha mieMon e f the New Yorii altss, with a eecohd choice In r ”:ED S p V M.E I I WONS— Time; War DiMWtar Military Weetchestcr Countv. Connecticut, S4 neiMt fiagarw '' Tel. $40# w )


"we have witnesses who ssw her I something he said had iicvrt hsp- ! ’ ile:iberate entrapment" in con- ' demand for an Increaaa oi 10 cenU ^rnuutent Jobe In other Induatry, I which convenes next month, before newepai^ers. The Hartford Times the. voting exceeded expectations. after be is reported to have picked p e n ^ and, In his b-llcf, never Cole Motors : ncctlon with the r*»e. I an hour. At'eSrllar maaviriga atriji- If the atrike continued. City Manager , It can be made effective. and The Harlfortl Courant, barked Both pros and cons had antici­ CAR PAINTING !d?ie to Find ‘ up his fare." ^Slate Circuit would happen. ' Miss Helleii A. Holbrook, who Shiftinjobs '< er*' urged by their leadera to PRvnra t'entlnulng Strike 1 The reOrenrtum followwl a vlg- IL oa did aurh civic leaders as pated that only about 2.5.000 of the Authorities expressed the bcllel Mays nm Hampers Kescareb with W. Alexandei Cole, both of FUEL AND taka temporary joba In other in- The meeting voted In favor of , uroualy waged campaign in which William H. Mnrtensem former city’s 82,000 eligible votcra Woqld Get Oor Bkliinalo p that the girl might have been In i Re-Eleets All Blakealee said that the Mc­ (]ase Put Off : cole .Motors, is charged with price u.Mi.rtca uevauae the leadera pre­ continuing the atrike. Proposal Wins I the city manager proposal was { mayor, and Edward N. Allen, de- ballot. MidsiugGirl search of botanical apecimens snd Mahon atnmie enersy bill, spon­ ■ ceiling violations, testlAed tha) Advice Given dicted the strike would be a tong Doyle announced that further I atrongly opposed by M.iyor Cor- pr.rtmcnt store executive and past SOI.IMKNE « FLAGG 1 lost her ws> In the mountslnA. She sored by Connactlciit'a Democratic \ the license plates and the RANGE OIL ' one. , talka between union and manage-1 I neliua Moylan 1 R 1 and both the president of the National Retail More than WO percent of Mexico's INC. recently hsd been a member of a senator In Congress, was hamper. j registration were snatched from More 'Thaa 588 Itaeed ment ropreaentatlvea before Fed­ ' Reptibllean and Democratic organ- Dry Goods asstN lnUon. population la of pure' Indian or 434 fVatei St rot 8181 MrCvovern Again llratlN PoMl|ioiiPfl Iiifleniiilely Rsliablt. Metered Serrlce Approvcfl by Hartford |-lxath>ns here. Tha city’s two ^ lly The 31,000 who participated In mixed Indian blood. Seoirhm Brgin Eight ■ group that scaled part of the ele­ Ing research, adding that atomic ! her hand and the automobile Royal Strikers Told De­ The union aet up a apecial com­ eral Oonclllator Charlea Ray were vation on a botany clsas tour. energy In’ itself should not proper­ pi pph J i i d g p acheduled for Friday morning, Mile Hike U|» Bleak Assurialrd Press for By F I I taken away without permission of Erum One of Manchester’s Oldest Dealers mittee to aaalat lU membera In Voters by Margin of ly be called "acientlAc discovery." the purchaser, Erwin Surell of cision Must Qe Made aecuring other joba and the 00m- i Prevloualy Prot. Burton H. Camp . Glaslonhur^’ M ountain PffggpfijTPr An$trer» C onner ticiit Criticising provisions of the Mc­ Sm ith at H earing Manchester. individually* I mittee, in Ita lateat announcement I of Wesleyan university, state j 'More Than Two to One Mahon'act which provide up to She also charged OPA Agent I aald that more than SOO atrikers I Board of Mediation and Arbltra- New Haven, Dec. 4 i;Pt All of- the death penalty for publishing Hartford, Dec. 4 oPi -V. 8. THE W. G. GLENNEY COMPANY ! had been placed. ; Uon chalrinan. had reported "aome i Hartford, Dec. 4—>urler, sec.- ■ dlarovery." the science writer aald Fellows Bingo vioualy aald they would accept' ^ing about 70 degrees. be apprm’ed by the Legtslature. the company aince Nov. 27 in a a Stamford, Cohn., industrial en­ rlosr^. reported that the girl hail tress., Roger (.'onnsity, managing he believed tclentlflr STlters LECLERCV gineer, on "Long Trail" of the a ticket from SprIngfiMd, Mhm.. to editor of Tne New Haven Register, should "show little humility" and Funeral Home ______s______heavily woode* ele\-atti>n. Charleston, 8. C.. snd planned to whoHe ptihliaher, John Day Jack- "give Ood, or Nature, or the Crea­ State's Attorney William ,T. son. was hoxt to the meeting at the 2.t Muin Street Jerome. Jr. aald that one - a night; travel on the Havuns Hpeeial after tor a little credit." Painting and Thursday Night New Haven Lawn club. Phone 52fi9 watchman on hla way down the. leaving the New Haven road. The I McConaiighy. In an Informal train left New Haven at 4:12 p. ni. Principal speakers wA-r Howard' I talk, discuaaed in a general way. trail—reported that the girl «»n-, Blakealee, acrlence niltor of The AND EVEKY THURSDAY EVENING tinned up the alope alter asking; Monday night and arrived In the I the flscal problems he said his ad­ * Paperhanging how far it was to the trail end. | Pennsylvania station, New York, Aaaociatetl Press, and Oov.-Klect ministration would be likely to en­ All Bingo Player$ Watch Kor Three Men at 7;4A. James L. Mcf'onaughy, counter. Expert Mechanics! Will Nol Oealrny CIvlllMlion As the searchers made their way Positive fllrl .Miss Welden Reasonable Rates! Mortgages Arranged Cordinlh Invited to Attend! up the treacherous slopes, covered • The trainman—was quoted as Blakealee who witnessed the saying he was positive that the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll, If EMUPSY MHUUTIDT with three inches of snow snd a i Free Estimates! ' Call \ base of ice, they also kept a aharp girl was Miss Welden. daughter of aald that, although he conceded WHAT CAUSIS ITT that the bomb was worse than any­ louhot for three men - all wear- { at Stamford, (hnn.. Industrial en­ A beeSIsl cenfolslna itie aaislesi el fa- ALICE CLAMPET Ing service uniforms- who were gineer, after be hod aeen pictiirea thing we ever had, "you live with John l.iiiiipll & Son IMaKRfRCjRMfMNCMfUlKWRCMn observed on the trail Monday. - >of the rolaaing aophomore In aev- ntomlr bombs; they will not des- sievi decleri as Hilt Isfersilisa mSImI Phone 2-0880 If you’re a girl in a whirl . . . these Authorities ho)>ed that the men. | erat newapapers. tmy civilisation.'’ ^ will be ten! fHI, while Hiey leil, le esy TELEPHONE 1M4 who Informed a "Long, Trail” | The newapaper aald it had tele­ He aald that two major "ifs" reeder wrilisa le Hie fdwceflenel Oivitles, t>5 Bunce Drive camper that they were going to ; phoned the girl's father, W. Areh- were neeeaaary If certain predic­ ns fifHi Ave., NewVerl. N.V., Deal. M-SKI a hut higher on the slope, might' ibsld Welden, earlv today In Ben­ tions that atomic bomba could des­ ahoes will prince olT with top honors for have seen the girl, who was elad I nington, Vt., snd Informed him of troy In one hour every city In the in a hiking costume and wore no| the trainman's report. Welden was country of more than lOO.iKM) pop­ T I \ hat when ahe left the college. quoted as saying, he would Imme­ ulation and destroy 40,0

tAYAW Ayi NOW For^ Chritfmas From these DISTINCTIVE RINGS


1 6 9 5 0

5 3 9 7 5

FOR HER FINGERS BOYS’ -A fj Will Reach Her■ ' Heart .V $100 COTTON FLANNEL I - DOWN 1 • • • She'll remember you always when you slip 5 2 9 7 5 /J. SHIFTS one of these gorodout rings upon her Rtftrvts Your Choict Voiing fellow n go tor finger. Beauty to accent'her beouty flannel nhlrln In a big In lu$trou$« Colorful. simulolM l^*^- way. Thene arc in an- nortrd plaldn, nixen 8 to precious stones ; .r ,. thrlltingly You will find the ring 18. You can't buy him '•i too many plaid flannri. 'iiwunted In settings of exquisitely of vour choice in ou? ^h lrir carved 14k yellow gold. Choose r now from our large stocks large and unexcelled • ev er y o n e o f t h e m a n / of glamorous rings and / « 1 . 5 0 showing. ” Slop In to- Men’s many other wonderful / EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! Men’s 17i Jewel 5 2 4 7 5 jewelry gifts. . ' morrow. W aterproof W atches $41-25 W aterpr6of W atches $46*75 up Radium dials and hands. With sweep hand. ^ ,— _ CHOICE! KNOW YOUR FURS i, what we tell our buyer, ■i Young fcllown have tmmcdlatrly net up "KcgHl" an thidr pcmonal rtiaica tar IhingM to urar. .Alwayn KNOW YOUR STORE is what wc tell you. Nurses’W atches $45*^^^P Ladies’Sport Watches $42*^® ’ M-u nuxllty at modcralc prlccn. 17-Jewel goid-fliled. . 16-jewel, waterproof. A USE Open , PtJRNELL Lapel Watches , $44*^0 up VliOR 52975 Every fur coat purchased at Blair’a ,R W eilueM liiT PARKING carries our guarantee of perfection, m a It will help malt* and the Seal of Gohd Housekeping M. Afleriiouius SiT. ? P. y n a r rbristm aa Approval. R E ^ r t L •T'd shopping s pleas­ •177 ant experleoee. rs4»y MEN'S SHOPS Ope" TV" THE DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. 907 MAIN STREET WELDON Hl'ILDiNT. I V JEWELERSHT.iTIONERS - OPTICIANS . «>

■f ■ ' - ■

X' atAMly'HKSTKK CVISMINU MKKALaj; aAMV;ni!.eri KK. UUMN. fveuNlS{Si>A)f DECE!MBER t, 1946 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4. 1946 FAOBTBXBTnN Si, i. Btackotone, 476 Center street; Beiillia Mra. Doris Mikolcit mod daughtai, among other tblnga, that the ax-| Geuovesi Heads Delay Action Orford Village 66 Main street: Mrs. Rose Guar- BROWN'S ecatora were Incapable of exdeut-1 •b Garbage System naachalla. 677 Cents: straet; San­ State Referee tng their truat, had nogtoctad thoir AMcrt L. Braefca dra Hall, 660 Lydall street; Mrs. dutlaa aa oxacutora In favor at Master Barbers On House Bids Albert L. Brooks, at 106 Wash­ Before Board lOk > Krovontka, 29 Maple street; thtlr botal dutlaa and hod waotad ington otreet, died early today gt Clayton Allison, 896 East Center BEACH JACKETS Upholds Denial aaoata of tha corporation. Tha atata Is Again in Operation hia home. Ha leaves bis wife, Lil­ street. JUST THE THING! refeiea. In hla ropoil. ontered a Robert GenovesI waa elected The local Housing Authority, lian Jarvis Brooks; threa sons, Ed- by the Selectmen last nfgbt to­ Discharged today: Joseph Chag- oompleta denial at all ebargao. praaldcnt of Local 23 of the Conn­ which ha* plana and speclflcatione wUn J., at Guilford, Albert L. wards the town purchasing the not, 629 Cei.tar atract; BradfoM For Carpentora, Pahitcra, nombera, Roger* ind Ole* to Re­ Tha caaa came to the Superior ed to atart collections again on Jr., of Westerly, R. I., and Laon- ecticut Master Barbers AasoclaUon about ready for bids for the arec- 101 units In thd Orford Vlilaga Gallagher, West Roxburv, Maoe; Linemen main a* Bond Estate court on an appeal from tha Pro­ Selectmen .^Forced to Thuraday. tion of the 100 veterans' homaa ard C., of Mlldala, Conn.; one Development from the govern­ Gary Lavallee, 166 Middle Turn­ bata court m 1944 and waa heard last night at Its meeting held at However, the Selectmen decided brother, George H., of aermont, pike, east; Mra. Anna Sebufft, Ipeae New Order Be­ to be built on the almahouae prop­ ment. Since the rcpreoentatlvea Sixes 58 to 48 Executor* by the late Judge Frank P. Me- the State Barber Shop. Mr. Gena- to make efforts to aecura bids for Kla., and 6ve grandchildren. of the government have announced North Coventry; Mra. Ellen Ash- l>oy. Judge MmCvoy died before the entire work, and If satisfac­ erty, were requested by the Se­ veal succaads Thomas Curran. cause Men Refuse to Private funeral services will be that It Is their Intention to dii^ llne and'son, Rorkviih ; Bruce Mc- 1 With Or Without Collar he could Write hla daciaieil and tha tory bids art secured. It waa voted lectmen last night not to aak for held Frtda> at the Wltklns Broth­ Kenney, 49 Mt. Nebo place; Mrs. Hartford. Dae. 4—(F)—SUU caaa waa reforred to Rafeiea Other officara for the coming by the Board to retain In the em­ ers Funeral Home, 148 East Cen­ pose of the property the Select­ ■‘"Cliaiige System Mda at this time. men Instructed Town Treasurer Lucille Mahuney and daughter, 19 RafarM John W. Banka haa fUad Banka, o ratlrad aaooeiata Juotlcc year Include Vincent Farrand who ploy of the town the men who re­ ter street. Burial wl:l be In Cedar Hamlin street; Sturan Torgeaon, of the SUte Supreme Court at Br- waa radaetad vioa president. Adam ported for work in the Oarbage This declalon wSa reached after Waddell to get figures on the poe. with tha Clark of tha Superior Tba gu tag* eoltoctoni app««r Hill cemetery, Hartford. RockvlUa; Brute Cappa, 38 Drive rora The referee reviewed all tha Department -on Monday, Decem­ George H. Waddell had explained alble cost and how It could ha D, Sliver Lane Homes; Edwbi court a report In which be uphold Manfcin, treasurer and David WU­ tb h »t» won In their effort not to tha alfflculUaa that now seem to purchased by the Town. evidence and axaminad all the ax- aon, recording aecretary. Thomas ber 2. Garauahunsky, Broanment for rural taxes, the tions. One government source Inti­ states action. It was hoped, he St. Mary’s church officiated. No Warkera Present Temple tomorrow evening at eight The bearers were Harold Kenne­ town would receive 1-3 of this mated that the government might Yesterday afternoon the truck o'clock. All membera of the club aald, to have the case entered In amount only. seek to have a $200,000 a day fine All Kinds of Tobacco In 1-Pound this months term of the Supreme dy and R. V. WUaon, presenting Ob thia c la w Jar. rata driven aUrted out and where a and Master Masons who wish to the Washington Soolal aub, Rich­ At .the end of 26 years the en­ Imposed on Lewis and his union pall ovaa found on the curbing, Court and that the beat that could littla Daaho ia raally become membera are urged to at­ ard Black and Roger Taggart of tire property would become town for aa tong as the work stoppage Cons... Xmas Wrapped twins, for ha’t akowa in a took the contents. Last night the be hoped for In the way of the de­ owned property. 'This would mean continued. tend thia meeting. clalon waa that the c ^ would be the British American a u b and different pose aa each side. galectmen considered the altua- that the town would lose about Talk With Lewis In Anteroom Uen. WUIlaro Burgess, foreman ol completed before February. Ernest Sherman and Fred McCor­ A bramtiffl ila.dt Bo’i ufa The Asbury group of the South mick of Hose and Ladder Com­ $18,000 In yearly taxes for a Aa the morning waned, UMW Light Rock tha g a r ^ e department, was Under these conditions, It Is Im- attorneys left the judge's cliani- G/en Ceverad . ha*a fka . . . haTi vocy Methodlat church will serve the iractlcal, he aald, to continue ask- pany No. 4, 8MFD. period ol 2b years. present and although an In vt^on baked bam supper In connection bers to talk with Lewla In an ante­ ■tarty. BrigM rad aat Mm had been aatended to the work- ng for bids. Burial waa In East cemetery. As there were other matters Pole or Golden Ginger Ale with the Chriatmaa fair tomorrow SUU to be checked for further room, where the big union leader era, non# of them ahowed up. had been pacing the floor. Then - Tha Salactmen waia Informed afternoon and evening at the consideration it waa referred to a Cose $ 1 .3 9 ...Contents For That Extra Special Mole church. A special sitting will be sT' committee consisting of George H. they returned to the judge’s cham­ lb Mr. Burgaaa that the men had bers and at one minute to noon 4lo complaint to make concerning ranged for S;S0 p. m.. for bualneee Freight Held Waddell, Selectmen Bowers and people, and at d:S0 the enOre gath­ Liquor Stores Judge Goldsborougb appoared on Taylor ihe wages, and the only obJecUon Hagedorn. « the bench to convene court for the r W.4 1 N1IT ▼ •ni.E RADIO P t N an was the additional work In mak- ering will be served. All groups of To Vital Needs the W8C8 are combining on the purpose of declaring a reocss until thg the coUecUon at the rear of Check Planned 3 p. m. « Sweet Potatoes 2 Cans 45c PLAY TABLB llOIBM- different features of the fair, and Ho:h|iital Notes ■eeutlfwl 4 3 .9 0 all will be In readincas for the (Oontlaned from Page One) In some unofficial quarters it fPiced To Beclelon was suggested that the court Tha Belectmon. confronUd with opening at two o'clock tomorrow. Tha Aaseoaora avidently have BOSTESS TBAY Sssigaed with sn sy# for ityl# end sa str far masicThls 3 . 3 9 taken the warning of the local action) was set at 26 days. We Admitted yeaterday: William might conceivably pass sentence, eomaset sot give* you handsome, ridi apposrsaee sad ronmle tiM fact that (he town had voted Shlelda, 139 School street; Ben­ and then suspend its execution AH ahUtiaB lava W fanUL to have the work done In the man- The Manchester MlniaUri' As taxpayer, who, when l>« turned In are too close to that to ^ tp on e Wholsum Orange or aerforawaesi The samrt tUted disl is sasy to ra^. DomasUq aoclatlon will meet tomorrow bis list, told them tha. be wanted action any further. . . . industry jamin Harrison, 821 Main street; pending an appeal of the contempt 2 . 4 9 They eaa haag away 4a aer to which the men objected. conviction to the Supreme court Baadaeam walaak daiih. sad forslga broadessta iis-tabe (iaoladinf raoUfltx). thilr hoaiFs oaotaot wHh had SMt with the rtfuaal of morning at 11 o’clock with Rev. to have somewhere near a re-eval- and the public will be hard hit by Mrs. Marie Plantanlda, 150 Maple the reatrlctions but we cannot fur street; Mrs. Irene Brennan, 21 Blended Orange and Oeod looking BOdara fas­ loay ledeat Ternia tMo w.tl-m»da table, ha- ^ S men to do the work, had de­ Raynold Jphnaon at the Covenant- uatlon placed on the stock and tens. Btsln-rssfstaat. SOVr cided to consider asking for blda Congregational church. lixturea of all package stores, ther continue to gamble with the Mt. Nebo place; Mra. Myrtle Oor- coal stocks on hand. We have an lias, 30 Phelps road; Mra. GunlUa lack. gar contract ooUacUon of garban. grills, and Ilka eetabllshmenU. Xmas Tree Lights 46 Ox. Can again, tha Board met with made by the Asaesaors this year. entire nation to feed." Kehoe. South Windsor: Miss Thel­ Grapefruit Juice 37c Orford Pariah Chapter, D.A.R., ma Adamson, 68 Maple street; the possible Inability of securing will prerant Mra. John C. Cairns, He said when he filed his list that and Decorations A Litth Tima Goat Qviek/y ty • contractor who would have the he Intendet. to check up next Helen Palleln, 38 Cottage street. Baavtiful Chroma A PaauliM Sat fat Thair Varv Own of New Britain. Ulented reader, The Sewing group of St. Marga­ Admitted today; Mrs. Hope Wholsum AnJ Thara*t Yaw Plana All Sat ta Ply proper equipment to do the work. In a program of Impersonations February and unless there was ret's Circle, Daughters of Isabella, Set of 15, $4.95 Fbtlth X delay would also be Incurred somewhere near the real valuo Reynolda. East Hartford; JacK tomorrow afternoon at 2:80 In met Monday with Mrs. Raymond Tllllnghast, East Hartford; Mra. 46 Ox. Can Omt fitfliie DESK AND while Mda were being asked for Woodruff hall of Canter church shown, he threatene«l court action. Peterson of Dougherty street, to Tomezak & Moller 25c pad considered. As a rsault, it waa Caroline Clegg, 30 Ash street; bouse, 17111 la the second time the The Asaensora had asked the complete work on stuffed toys for Mrs. Fay Moyer, Broonlyn, N. Y.; 1063 Main Street Manchester CHAIR SET gCTldtd to return to the method Selectmen for an additional ap­ MODEL paed during tha war of aaking the chapter has Invited Mrs. Cairns St. Agnes home. Previous meetings Suzanne Campbell, 813 Middle Trlephnne 2-1607 Royal to enterUIn, and everyona la In­ propriation to cover the work of a were held at the home of Mrs. TurnplKe, west: Mra. Annie Tier­ P L A N p Imneetiolder to carry his gaibaga man to take Inventory of these tIO Asylum Street Hartford Oelvxo pontaiaar to the curb for collection. vited. Tickets may be had at the James Barry and Mrs. Joseph Fal- ney, 28 Griswold street. Telephone 6-7031 46 Ox. Can 6 . 9 5 hall or from any D.A.R. member. places, but the Bcletdn.en consid­ kowskl. Discharged yesterday: Barbara Tomato 25c KIT It was also evident that the towna- er this unnecessary, claiming SP0TU8NT gia^la seamed willing to coM>per- that It is work that should be Ooak tap tifti np ant ata and tha foreman waa Instruct­ the Mothers arcle of the Sacred Commando 3 9 .9 5 A beautyi Tha $16.95 thara’i apaoa for bookh done by tha Asaesaors. lito l• grip erayeua, atg. Lavaly Heart will meet tomorrow evening H. N. Alexander, head o f the Actually fUss 76 to $0 ' at 8:15 at the home of Mra. John Sandls eeatrol allows map’# finlih. For agaa 4 town’B auditing company, on Whole >No. 2Ki Can aUl.s an bonri Most of laatant adjiutment ta, osy ta 10. Pltsgerald, 160 Highland street. learning of the Assesaora' troubles, tho ’Trattlag texotbor'* foaittaa. Grip-A-Tree offered the eervlccs of one of hla hot alroady boon doaa The Mothers’ aub of Center men to do this work. Xmas Tree Stands church la Inviting tha fathera to The Selectmen wei« Informed Its meatlng tonight at 6:10 in tha last night that this ir.an, in oom^ Hunt's Fruit Cocktail Haf Naat Tiki mad Tumt! AJnrabto $2.98 Fedaratlon room. The subject for pany with one of the Aaseasors, ditcuaslon will be "DIacipUne."' was to start today checking, and fun for tha Wholo Fomily LITTLE Tomcaak & Moller The hoateaiea wilt be Mrs. George expected to have It all completed In Heavy Syrup BMkta* 141B L IM I Maki Mtaet Maneheeter Hanson, Mrs. John Mortimer, Mrs by tomorrow. IWephaM S-lMl Perry Smith and Mra. atfford This work will bo done by the HOBSB DOLL Simpson. All parents df primary Alexander company's representa­ 2 c™ 87c 5 . 9 5 sis Asylum Street HaHfofd and pre-achooi age children are In tive without any extra cost to the Mcpheae S-7M1 vlted. town. Adama* 2 .1 9 Boro*a $1.49 No. 2 Can Applesauce U ttl. f olki 1 .3 9 fa. mMImi PIbbbIwI** lOT. * rocklnt ■ha haa all tha axpraaalmi Ineludaa Oardart. BaaabaU, 90-Polnt af an honaat-to-ggodaaaa ■ha’a 14 laehea tall and No. 2 Can 8. 8. PlerM hone. Here’* th. on. haattUfolly draaaad. Mad« to nuki '«n happy. Oompaaa, and Bight BaU. all playad hahyl Moving ayaa. 19 TO OUR CUSTOMERS Royal Anne Cherries with darta. Ig-ineh boarda. toahaa talL. of atroDg eompaaitlOB. HERE’S AN LIONEL CHEMLiTKY LAB Hoi Thirty-Two Plaeail We urge all industrial and commercial customera to conform to the order Can 43c of the Connecticut Public Utilities Commifuion for a 25 per cent cut in SlU’er Lane All Metal intcrior'iighting. Whole-hearted co-operation by all at this time will help to postpone'! more drastic curtailment of fuel uses and electricity. Dill Pickles Construction Set We wish to thanlt all customers for co-operating in the present national fuel (Whllo It Laats!) The very beat' you ran emergency by their curtailment of electricity in order to conserve fuel. buy! BulldN Bridupa, , - * Super Suds Crane*. Derrkk*. Etc. A perfect Xman gift for FlnnUe - that young boy! Only TEA NET 1*98 THE CONNECTICUT ELECTRIC Freah TeUow Globa ' Complata larvice for four Ovar 600 axparimanU can ba parfonaad with for tho tl''v tota’ ta* pa» $4.98 thia marvalona aat. Haa acoraa of dlffarant H 1 Uaa. Evan wykina LIGHT COMPANY Turnips . / chamicali. eaff vF

Fresh Graeafully DailgnaJ...Vary Wall Built .Celery Hearts Thrill Junior with Thit I PHONES Where Kfarns Grocery DOLL WHEN TEEN-AGERS WORK! Shopping XVljd/AIVi * IJ 1 5159 Grapes Is A H. M. Keama Preps.' C. L. Lupacchino COACR » Large Work means a great deal to many Pleasure! 361 CENTER STREET 5150 9 .9 5 young people.. .a chance to try out their Tangerines Dox. 39c abilitiesi to find them-selves, to feel r i ^ 5 ‘ 1.98 Also alBulatod loathat Our Lutefiske Has Arrived and Will Sell A t 79c Lb. Foond tha paga *way dawn, hood. Atoal whaala with financially independent and know what it thra flip tha hoard ovat raal rnbbar tlraa. St’a a means to earn their own money. for iii ■ The new compacts are as beau­ and thayra ready ta ponod > boantyt Bond-ost (Whole Milk Cheese) 85c Lb. Grapefruit agala. tiful as. Jewelry.. The designs \llien teen-agers cam money they are fresh and fascinating. The Siil (Salt Herring) 21c Eo. RING ahould be allowed to spend part of it for metals have a new sheen and themselves. If the family really needs TOSS Sa/al Thrilling! Sturdy I Brown Beans (Bruna Boner) 21c Lb. HEALTH MARKET lovelinesB. They're ideal gifts t part of the earnings they should contri­ Come sad see them todkyl’ ■rtoh MaU bute a share towards family expenses. ALLSPICE — CARDAMON SEED — ANISE — FENNAL SEED *■ SALVAGE FATS! -Festoring 1 8 .9 5 However, most important of all, a por- For some time now we’ve been paying 7d for a pound of ELGIN AND STAKE I$AClON a a a • • • § • $14.95 tion-'Rhtni|[d be saved. When boys and Store Open Every Wednesday Afternoon Kitchen Grease brought in to us in a tin container, and WADSWORTH Uaa as a otlUty wagon or romovo tha ildoo aod Jnnim haa a An steal ihth yawerfaL 1.39! haQ haagiag iriva gam. girls have learned to save early and to we urge you to continue in this important salvage pro­ COMPACTS AND eeaatar. Sturdy atoal tudaroartiago and hardwood body. *1 * gram. It pays in many ways. CIGARETTE CASES aaay-roUiag wbaala with rahhor' tlraa AdjaatahU mat asd use good juiliqient in spending then A faaeiBatteg gsma that haadM. A t aagim rad. BONCLESS MFE-LEE taachaa akiU. Xsclodaa f am IAIT MIBMT TIMM start out in life with good money habits, LARD Priced From qooita lASY 8II00IT niM S which will alwaj’s be useful to them in CORNED BEEF POTATOES FRESH SEA FOOD! their future.. .Start saving in this mu­ „ $3.00 Very, Vary ShfMI .. 69e Lb. ' 49c Peck , 39c Lb. We have received a good supply of Fresh Fish, and we Twf.la.Oaa tual savings bank. have Oysters and Sait Cod. Charge Accounts Pickled Herring ' 2 for 25c Invited! Blmek Free Delivery Tuesday, Thursday, Soturdoy Board 9 » Boston Blue Fillets Lb. 29c 4 M THC PEA BEANS MINUTE DESSERT CLOTHESLINE Salt Cod , Lb. 45c FREEDMAN & DOBIN .Saving Banko'^Mdiicliestei' Use Like Tapioca 2 Lbs. 35c 2 Packages 29e 85eLb. We Have the Handy Quick Frosted Packiiges of A MUTUAL SAVinOS ©AHK Store D— k cr $8.95 FRIZZ Your Firestone irhahaanliif BMmeau^ n b Ba&k Am Ouaraataed In FuU By The (tavthga Banka' Deposit V CORNED BEEF FORMERLY Corned Beef Hash or Lamb Stew * JEWELERS * OPTICIANS'* Quaranty FUnd af Coaaeetloat, Ino. HASH (Ice Cream Mix) 891 MAIN 8T.. MANCHESTER. CONN Fold ft np, thera’a a black- 856 MAIN STREET PHONE 7Q80T Bar agmAtaa: *!/■ ■ •35c Pound Can yOREIS*S 28c Package 47c Package board. Unfold and thara’a a dstki rmiy-ava inchaa high!


MANCHfOri CK EVKNINO HEKALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4, 194S factured gab but. by mUlng the the Greyhound corporation to op­ Connecticut district, and Judge manufactured gaa with natural erate the disputed hue eervtce. Thomas W. Swan of the Second gaa, can aave on the coal which Three Judges 11m three judges will iMar the Circuit Court a t Appeals ANDERSON GREENHOUSES. Nile would make poaaible aa addi­ preliminary worn of improving Me- Use of Pipelines Will case, a court ap^eaman aald yes­ ferent parts ot Oentar Springs mortal Field. This money is oclng Way to Roliave otberwlso* would have gone into Klonil ArranfftmenU Hy Ktpvrienrpd Flnristn Perk. One of the rules prohlblU tion to tha present building mak­ m.fctm manufactured gaa alone. terday. under a Federal law pro­ Natural Gas School Needs Approve CaU asked in the hope of getting the e To Hear Plea ng the type ot ICXj ruling the taking of more than five ing it twlca Its preaent alaa. and Interior Beerstary Krug Bays be Fof Fmicraln. Wrddinffs. Annlvnrsarlvp g^i^j^and Takes forming a court betwaen tha old land ready so that work can be Itchy Pimples from oiaeolution by a alngle judge. ^imda of bait to the pond. started to use part of the field for has laaisMl usa of UM two big-inch and new sections. This would cost For Meeting When your akin is irritated with Uurnish Little Relief pipelinea to the Teemaseee Gas Itlon to irante^ the UAIi.Y DK1.IVKKIK8 TO HOSPITAL Raaidanu ot Autumn street, liv­ Flow to Give Are Explained tennis, footbaU and baseball some apokasntan said, the deciaion may ; iJpHisDuties ing on the South End of tha street 8U.000. time this coming summer. pimples, red blotehes and Other and Transmiaalon company, which Injunction Sought to' ANOSUKROUNOING mWNH Mr. House requested the fieleet- skin blemlshce, and you're cnuqr gaa. It is found In the earth la orould move natural gaa from Tax- ba appealed dlrocUy to the United t petitioned tor an extension of the Another section will ask for an with itching torture, here’s quick Natur^ Gat Can Be Rcfitrain Operation of States Supreme court without con- sanitary eewar. They will be given men to recommend to the Toira Selectmen in Lengthy many parts of this country, am I and Louisiana. P'lowera Ttlcffmphffd Te Any Point In (ht U. S. __ fliMtad Ohalrman Some Relief Selectmen Hear of Pro- Meeting a sufficient appropriation appropriation of $3,500 to be made relief. Get a 38c box of Peterson's Blderatlon by the U. S. Circuit a hearing and advised concerning for the library committee for ad­ Carried Up to, and { times mixed with oU, someumes Krug says the government Bus Service And Slop Deatfig Ynur Steaeaeh (^anndK. and Europe. Mambor of (hr Florists’ Trleffraph a t tiM Noanl o t Belactnien at Um to make possible taking up these « Session Discuss the Ointment at your druggist and ap­ where there’s no oU. would receive about $780,000 for j Court of Appeato. ami^wtlonal maetUif in October, the cost of inatalletlon of such a (Canllaurd from Page One) pos^.Sites for at Least ditional aalariea. Expected to iMar the cast are With Seda and ARMUaeta DtUvery Asnodatlon. options which will mean an ex­ ply thla'delightful soothing balm. Uned In, Ohio and (la this case the natural gas the leaaa. which would run for| Peal *m—t kuMweitdidimm lime* ihi. iniililart for the lint Ume Uat sewer. ‘ Two Ones ^ penditure of about $4$,000, He Various Items A t last night's meeting Leon Itching relieved promptly. Smart­ about four months. Hartford, Dec. 4—ie>—Three Judge Cerroll C. Hincka senior Mr eliweS ern *MlNie hn*U iir mhiae ■Milt Mnoa the orfanlaatlon of the whatsoever” with tha Standard Thorp, chairman of the Library would be piped in the blg-lnch lines judge of the Connecticut dtotrtct. mm «*4 Mliiir *lfc*li*»>*|} Ik* tre* tmm d TEL. 8486 also aakad the Selectmen to rscom. ing soothed. Your skin looks bet­ Weslcm Pennsylvania' from the gas fields of Texas and And, Krug said, the government Federal judges wlU sit In the U. 8 . 15.3 EI.DRIINIE ST. Boar«l It prtnred to be a lon( Oil Company of New Jersey. This committee presented figures show­ ter, feels better. Also wonderful Judge J. Joseph Smith, also of the r>*r trrohl* ■ »i*»H|i»Ui*. Charles S..Hous^ chairman of mend to the Town Meeting nam­ In s eesaton of the Selectmen, Louisiana.) In that Ume win aave about $$80,- I* iMi «■*, sr**r r**l lrn*M* h **l I* lb* MaMoR, aa getUnc under way at BUtement was in answer to testi­ ing whet is paid the different for itching of feet, cracks between Dtotrtct court here on Dec. 1$ to MmumIi at *■• #m la Uw MmO**! k*«l t o'clock. acUoumment was not mony by Harold L. Ickea former the Board of EductSion took al- ing of a Building committee to lasting until 2 o'clock this morn­ •workers end asked that aufficient By Jsmee Marlow Thia country is crtaa-croesed with 000 it would have bad to spend to okn»ie%*tjr*eri^l»etei*l*.*e4»>m'' Senators Will have charge of the erection of the toea Try It. keep the pipelines In good condi­ hear the plea of the Short Linos, unto li;OS a. m. tor a eU Interior secretary, that under the moet an hour last ni$flit in ex­ ing, several Important matters money be voted to Increase the Wsebington, Dec. 4—(fiV--Using pipelines and gas mains—emsDer am tHWT p*i* s d i MeMMTroJ mar M ft* schools. were diepoacd of before reaching than the Mg-lnch llnea—and for tion U th ^ were not in use. Inc., for an Interlocutory Injtmc- houn eontlinious meeting. lease the plpellnee ‘‘will he nub- plaining to the Board o f ^Select­ saleiiee of each employee $200 a the government’s wsrtlme oil pipe-1 FENDER AND *VLSjnIe**o*ae In i**l idW h mam- To Be lacloded la Call Uie deciaion to call a special Town years natural gas has been piped Krug florae tbsL every 84 Uon reetrainlng the New England IkiM •* *^hlwk” r*er l•o•r I*I«*Hb*I lr*(t. U m Joint Boaaion of the Delay Probing ordlnated to the Interest of the year excepting the janitor and Unee to carry gas wiU relieve the Standard Oil Company of New men the needs and locations tw at Later in executive aessio;i the Meeting. The call, which was bookkeeper, who would be increas­ coal ahortage only a little. to many places and cities for homa hours in the firet few days after Greyhound llnea from operaUng BODY WORK nneii*»*e U ctoul n m t sSwUmb—kd* men a ^ the Town Planning Com- least two new achools In Manches­ Selectmen voted to include all of the gas started moving, the Unas W*pn* ew kxh •• km M . mlaaion to pass upon the final Jersey.” finally approved, will contain aev- ed $100 a year. Here’s an explanation if— uae, north, east, south. Msaenger hug service between (M CrnWr** FSki riekt ■•«. TSk* Unm a* Reich Report Symonda aald ha could not aea ter; and alao an addition to X these matters in a call for a spec­ eral matters relating to the neces­ XM AS CARDS You're wondering about the plpe- But there ia another kind of gaa would carry 80,000,000 cubic feet; Taunton. Mass, and Wyoming, R. I. SOMMKNK a FLAGG Rri!'<>■. 'Tkcr e»My **4 ■#»«■»dj) -mi. ■ “OVER-ALL” plana tor the development of third. 100,000,000 in • few more daya; HmS” nor amMlH* Oad. nt* HraUm *■ Woodridge Addition Number 1. where the temporary lease would ial town meeting which wee set to sary appropriatlona for the pur- Made From Yonr Own Unca; the gas; where it wUl come used to many aectlona for bomaa The oomplalnt to directed against INC. * *1 W»>em*« Mm SIsadN* jam * t* ml* First SHe Roronunended be -held In High School Hall, on chaae of land for new schoola; also and other purposes. This Is called and 180.000,000 within 46 days. ruling of the Interetate Oom- k*n*r enkTaar KaS A child Moccanin Shot, Made In Brockton, Maan,, o f soft and Tnbbe Manor were unanl- (Ceattnned from Page Oae) be effected in any way by anti­ Snapi.hots from; where it will go; who’ll get He pointed out that aU thla gaa M UsotN St rat 6161 trust laws, aa suggested by Ickee. The first site recommended Friday, December 20. naming a building committee. it; how It will help. manufactured gas. Instead a t merce commission ruUng allowing TM ed aaealat idid Imm MKmHM m white uppers, flexible eHi soles which giv** confidence moualy approved by the Joint consisted of 17 acres and was lo­ Another section will carry the Motorola Walkie- $1.00 Dozen would ba a Uttla help In a coal mm <*■ lad r«dbn*e *0*1*. ‘^ e maps were signed that many of the allegatlona made He pointed out. that the Federal The first school to be erected First, the pipelinea. coming from the earth like natu Od Cwtar** nu M aur emptaro—Sk, and cncoangcs the child's first steps. Easy to order cated on the south aide of Olcott under the present plan of the recommendation that 88,000 be ral gaa, it la made from coaL ahortage for Um 180,000,000 cubic jW k g jd M nudniifcad ft iJ and India ink used tor the first by one oif Meader’a principal wit­ Power 'commliialon will regulate Talkie Toys There are two: The ‘‘Big Inch,” feet of gaa that could be moved plan— 4itnnd child on paper and trace around foot, send the sale of the gaa, designating street, and also included a fifty Board of Education would ba on appropriated for the preparation Call 7508 After 6:30 P. M, which ia 24 Inchea in diameter; and This, too, is carried to homes time In the signing. This was nesses. Col. Francla P. Miller, were foot right of way to West Center of plane end specificatlona for the daily through the Mg Unee equals with order-coupon. Sixes 2-8, white or brown. Price done at the request of Engineer unsupported and based upon "goe- the points of delivery. the Olcott tract This would re­ $1.49 Or Mail Negatives of Your the "U ttie Big Inch.” a 20-inch and places that need it by gaa street. This property would be mains and plpelinas of onv-1m>4 only about AOOO tons of coal. Hhsekry in order that the names elp” end "heeraay.” lieve overcrowded conditions at Favorite Snapshots To: Une. When tha coal minaa are work­ $2.49 a pair. used for a new school building to the Lincoln school, the Washing­ or another. might properly show up when the A proposed Investigation wee take the place of the present Totnc2uik & Moller Coat About $U1J)00.006 ing they turn out mors than $,- General Electric blueprints were taken. Both de­ ton school and also save the cost But since the manufacture of called off after Meader came back Delay Is Seen Bunce schooL It would have 106$ Main Street Manchester P A U L SHEA They both axtend approoUmately gas uses up coal—and In tha pres­ OW.OOO tons daily. k i n d s of MnH Order Coupon velopments are owned by Alexan­ from a four-weeks tour of central 1,000 feet frontage on Olcott of transporting about 180 pupils to \mo9 Sugge$tion* 1,800 mites from Texas to New Jer­ Coffee Mskers der Janrls, and be agreed to fur­ Telephone 8-1667 ent coal strike coal may be badly Europe and presented hie confl- street and the coat of the land on and from achool. It would also tdke 117 Prospect Street sey. Together, they coat the gov­ needed—the govsnunent'a prob­ E LM E R W . POOLE, BROCKTON, 25, MASS. nish surety bonds to carry out the denUel report to the committee. care of the lower grades now 810 Aayhiro Street Hartford ernment about $147,000,000 to $5.30 Signing Pacts which the option had been taken Teiephooe 6-7081 Manchester lem to: How to aave coal? work aa ahoarn on the map. A was to be $17,000. maintained in the Community P ICK Y O U R build. Aa explained at tha Interior de­ Plcnoe tend me pair of child Moccasin, bond of 17.000 will be Issued cov­ House at Silver Lane Homes. They were built during the war Pnwes Wonderfiri Tom(»ak & Moller ering the work on the Woodridge (Coattnoed from Page One) The aecond piece constated of 8 partment, the Idea behind moving TOYS] white or brown. Enclose Check or Money Order. CANARY NOW! when German aubmarinaa ,were 1666 Mala Street Maacheeter addition, and $16,000 for the work Dr. A. E. Diskan 1-10 acres of land located on the, the natural gaa In the Mg pipe­ shutting off Uie east coast oil sup­ lines out of the south to this, at Telephnna 8-1667 Postsfo Prepold. on Trebbe Manor. tion of the peace treatiee and aub- upper end of Henry street on For Xmas Delivery J Fw ItcMi^ Skii! A§ Guest Speaker sUtuted a provision for three- which a building would be built to plies by einkliig tankers the moment: filS Asylum Street Hartford Itealdenta of Edmund street will They were not used to move oil It can be carried up to, and used Telepheoe 6-7661 be called to a public hearing with­ member boards conaiatlng of rep- relieve the present congeatlon in CAGES AND STANDS '5 ' FOR GOOD LITTLE resentaUves of tha two contesting the Hollister street end Menchea- Walker Street after the war. Until recently at In, Ohio and wastorn Pcnnaylva- Peoriaaii end itadlwHdB sad sa ^ Int- in the next two weeks for the BIRD ACCESSORIES least the Army had been storing nJa which now are getting natural UtlOM 'w to aatanal seme apply Dr. A. Elmer Dlakan will be ;>ertles and a chairman appointed ter Green schools and provide tor BOYS A N D G IR LS! aaaeaament of the coat of laying jy the s«Sretary-general of the RANGE AND FUEL OIL more than 1.(WO,000 barrels of av­ gaa from fields In tha Allepdieny new walks along one side of that guest speaker at the weekly meet­ a school for the children In the 6-ROOM SINGLE — Full Aquariums Tropical Fish (m MU* Bqaid ing of the Young People'! Fellow­ United Natlone. surrounding territory, which is iation gasoline in the unused lines. mountains. ■treat. The government—through its That natural gas from tha Al­ ooatiwiMi OMHiw A letter was received from resi­ ship of St. Mery's church tonight Still unsettled were the amoun$g now a fast growing part of the insulation. Fireplace. Laun­ Catnip Mouse Wholesale Gasoline The firet appUeatloM et tam o bilsg at 7:80. of Italian and Bulgarian repara­ town. This land together with War Asseta edmtniatration—-has legheny region can ba moved e#rt- woedwfel asuss. Ihia Zeno promptly dents of Princeton, Hollister Rubber Dog Bones been talking of Mlllng them as sur­ ward—instead of to western PenO' etaria te aM ksaHas. Betas t i w ^ H ■treeta and Harvard road, again Since Dr. Dlslun was recently tions and the issue of writing into the right to cloae part of Harvard dry in basement. Excellent dlBchaived from the Army Medi­ the Balkan treatise a guarantea Road, would coat $16,700. plus property but hasn’t sold them aylvania and Ohio—to places deeaa't ahow oa the ekia. Over suggesting that sites other than yet. which: $$,06(M)06 jeekesM aMI 9 M trial cal Corps, members of the Young of freedom of navigation on tha Additkia la Needed condition. Occupancy in 20 the Town Farm be selected for EBCO PET SHOP Bantly Oil Comoany Second, the gas. 1. May be able to use natural the Veterans’ Housing Develop­ People’s Fellowship have let It be Danube river. These, however, The third option would include aak (or known that they will welcome any were expected to come up for ac­ days. 403 CENTER ST_REAR The gee whieh would be used In gas instead of coal. ments. The letter suggested that the purchase of the Hedeen proper­ 331 Main Street TeL 5293 or M057 the big pipelines ia called natural I 2. To places which usa manu­ Doll Carrioges land now owned ^ the town to of the war veterans of the parish tion at today's session (act for 4 ty locsted just weet of the Man­ Cor. Griswold St. l ^ S Z E M O the rear of tbs Bast cemetery who desire to attend tonight's p. m., e. a. t.) chester Green school, and also ad­ Tel. 4113 Open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Opposite the Armory FoMing type. Adjustable might be used for the temporary meeting. Memberahtp in the Fel­ ditional land to the rear to be Phone 3233 homes lowship is open to anyone of High Outbreaks Hit used for playground purposes. hoods. Several models and Another suggestion made In the School aga. (1) Freedman eovMzsrmxrr (16) Harttoen's color combinations. letter was the poaslble securing » Dobin (17) Wonder I of the loan of land from Cheney Interior Greece (Year Flro- Market Brothers on North Main street Beethoven Singers atnne Store) (15) Marlew’e near their power station or from $11.95 to (Continued from Fago Ona) (2) Bcck’e (16) (toian’e the Orfortl Soap Company for the (8 ) Blair’* POMiU. PAgg!N9 property on Regent street. The Concert Thursday Phonnaey letter was received by the Board In a full-scale battle two days ago (9) Camiira (80) Maachecter $29.95 and referred to the Veterans' near Agiapha In the Agrapha Clot-Rate Phunhhis A The Beethoven Glee Club will mountains of central Greece. ( 10) Ulcnney*a Housing Committee. travel to Colchester on Thursday Sapply Three killed In a band that at­ GIFTS GALORE FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY (81) Hilbrne laMar fteas leMV Flms evaning to present a concert at (11) F. T. BHeh tacked Krimlnlon village near (88) The Tea A letter received from a Hart­ the First Congregetlonel church. NeapoUs some 20 miles west of Hardware ford firm of lawyers asking the The club In addition to its full Kosane, where two suldiera also (18) Manclieeter R4iom Miniature Town to reimburse an Insurance concert program will feature Elsie (86) Heller's were said to hava died. Pnbllo Men'e Wear company $400 for money spent In H. Gustafeon soprano, Everett Ten killed In a mop-up of the Marliet Convenient Parking the' settlement of a claim for an McCIuggage baritone, and Emil J Kh|UHita mountains in central (64) StMM'e— J Pool Tablet automobile accident last year. It CHRISTMAS STORE” (18) Werhoer’s Jswetere Bllotta tenor. Of the above men­ Greece, and eight captured by ------AT MARLOW’Sf SlMie Store was claimed that Vincent Oeno- tioned it will be the first appear­ gendarmea on Motint Pellon cast ...AND IT'S FREE (86) Janrt'e vest, while driving a car owned by (14) Barton’a Bat Mbop Complete with Rack, Balls ance aa Bololsts of the latter two. of Volos. WHEN you MAKE A FURUHASB IN hla uncle, Dante Paganl, on Dec­ Both are membera of the Bee Ten killed In new action on USE (18) Arthur (26) Weldon ember 7, IMS badly damaged the thoven Glee Club. Mount Palkon, scene of bloody Drag Store* A.NT OF THESE UO-OPBRA’n N ti STORES Drag Ce. and Cues! Table Model. car erben be hit a pile of stonaa on The Club is presenting a pro­ flghttog 10 days ago. C-r-Jif ■ f Lydall street The insurance com­ gram of both religious and secular The Army announced that guer­ PURNELL PARKING pany paid for the damage done to songs. The trip will be made by rilla winter Inatallatlone had been Do yoor Chrletmas shopping with­ $5.95 tta ear, and is now ^ i n g the bus and will leave the Emanuel destroyed on Mount Palkon and out parking W4>rriea. Uee rarnell tonm to reimburse them for $400. Lutheran church at 6:80 p.m guerrillas were withdrawing to Parking. It’s only n step from M AIN STREET Tt|e elatan was referred to the aharp. All membera are reminded Mount Jena just south of the Yu­ Main Street—and It's FREE when Town Attorney, Judge William fi. to be on time. goslav boi>Ier near Notla. you nuike a purchase in any of the Hyde. co-operating stored. ttt; • (66) UMfforS'e TEA FOR TWO ,The Selectmen last night signed (87) Kinney , . Men’e and tha proposal of the Clemenahaw Shoe Store Regular Parking Rate Roys’ Shop P O P U LA R Company to do the work ot re­ 1 (S2) Watkins T A B L E A N D evaluating property in the Town (26) Regal Men's 15c For 2 Hours (86) J. W. Hale 2 CH AIRS of Manchester for which they are SHOP i Onrp. to rsoetve $$1,000. The work will Shop* (20) The TextUe Amount Refunded When Yon Make (64) C. E. Hnnoe For Little Tots! take about a year and it is plan­ MARLOW’S A Purchase In These Stores A Son. Ine. Maple and Nat­ a r to have representatives of the Store 2 ural finishes. company coma to Manchester ahd FIRST get started at once. Wood construc­ *nia Selectmen heard a report FOR ALL YOUR tion. frpm the Veterans’ Housing Oom- n^taa of tha Board on the plan to CHRISTM AS use the old school bulldinf at the 1 $9.98 comer of Oedar and Cooper HIU While we have sever been aahamed of thr quality ot Pinrhurat G IFTSl street# aa a temporary home for meat, there have been llront when we frit like np«iloglclng for $12.95 vetarane. A preliminary sketch oar dispiny equipment. widch had been prepared ahowed that this might ha converted Into We have now token core of that . . . four email apartments at a coat Last Saturday afternoon, two trurks with five husky work­ estimated at between $18,000 and men, pulled up In’ front of Plnehurst. For Mother $80,000. No dellnlta action was They palled out the front window, rolled out the old meat takm last night owing to tha ■e and planed in our meat department two of the most modem praaent mlsunderetandlng between oneea now available. Theae rssea Just double the display space tha atate and the town concerning In rineburst meat department and make It possible for us to ren­ Blouses legality of the ■tate’a offer. der better eervloe to Plnehnret customers. Come In this week­ Prints and Plain Tile Park Board presented a set end and aea our meat offertnga. of rulaa govtming fishing in Cen­ Long and Short Sleeves M ter Spring Amd. These rules Sizes .32-38 were adopted in order that tha Rocking Chairs Kiddie Cars Manchester •Division of the Oon- THURSDAY SPECIALS $2.70-$4.98 Far maka-Relleva* Matherst aacUcut Sportsmen’s Aaeociation Savaral oMdola. Blapio and Tata wHII lavaleva theaa eolarfid mlgbt-be able to get the fish from DifBuque Quality Uatkar Upholataiad. . RMdla Caratan t the etate for stocking'^purpoees. Hiosa rulaa will be posted in dif­ Sliced Bacon pound 82c Handbags $1.98 to $9.50 $6.98 AH Colors Pinchurst Sliced Boiled Ham . .Ib. 99c For Father Crystal Siets GROUND BEEF Daisy Hams $1.98-$3.69 FLAT TOP DESK DIAMONDS 45c pound 4 * - For Boys Grote’s Frankfurls — d r . ” ' Bathrobes For Brother AND CHAIR SET $1.30 SMALL SAUSAGE Sauerkraut...... lb. 12'/jc Sizes: Small, Medium, Large. F ro m Gray — AH Wool For Junior Executives! CALVES’ LIVER Wafer Thin Dried Beef DRESSES Tomesak & Moller EATON SLITS Maple finish. Limited stock! Cotton and Spun Rayons $4.47 - $10.39 ChalrolL'il'• ...... 1068 Mala Street Mancheeter Sizes 12-20 and .38-46 Sizes 3-6 Telephone 8-1607 These Hams, which go on sale Thursday at 8 a. m^ 1 . ’ $15.95-$16.95 816 Asylum Street Hartford are cooked, ready to eat. and should be a treat after $2.80-$5.00 - Woolen Shirts • $8.89 ...... ^ Telephone 6-7081 Plaids and Checked Two Sliest DONNELLY'S Thanksgiving turkey. Plaid and Checked For Sister X ...... v».*a ap Sizes: Small, Medium, Large AT THE CENTER Sperry Barnes or Du Buque WOOLEN SHIRTS ...... ,::” * ^ u p & Cotton and Wool Dresses 12 to 15-Pound Sixe Boxed Handkerchiefs Small, Medium, Large GIFTS Pno ...... •*»’«®-i«6.6# $8.75-$8.98 Sizes 3-12 p^. •. II.( $4.98, Mony Other Practical Toys FOR SALE Cooked Hams, Whole, pound 72c 50c-$r.98 $1.40-$4.30 ■J*:- " - Shank Half. 75c Ib. Butt Half, 85c Ib. Sweaters . ALL WOOL w Malmir Carmm Immediate Coat Style, Sizes 38-46 SLIP-ON SWEATERS Rocking Horsea Sperry & Barnes’ Sliced Bacon...... 85c Ib. •■mpa...... TeWa m..,, ...... SMaa Boats on Wheels Plastic Aprons MACKINAWS Sizes 4-14 , $2.98, $4.98, $6.98 Occupancy This week, prices are lower on Pork and Lamb. $3.89-$5.29 Sizes 6-16 69o$1.49 ^ We will have plenty of Choice Quality Reef Pot $2.89-$3.39 MANCHESTER— 98r-$2.39 Sleeveless $7.49-$ lO ..^ R ^ t s . Steaks and Oven Roasts. Hammer and Peg Set Only enca in o Kfaiinw do you ESSEX STREET— $3.98-$4.98 CARDIGAN SWEATERS COTS FOJI 1-wff, ^ * 4-Room House with bath. Corned Beef, our famou.s Tender Cure, will be ready Beacon Bathrobes ' Sizes 4-16 Push T$ys $1.19 Uinkrellas $4.98-$6.9B Sizes: SmaU, Medium, Large C *"lTkhle8e l,.4 ^ M E N .» have rtw plaoiura of buyinf Completely furnished. Ex- Friday. Sizes 2-14 $2.98-$3.79. ceDcnt condition. Sale Price $1.00-$1.49 Blackboards $2.19.$3.19 l i ! I ^ . l : ...... ■ ' ■•'•’W 'filt.fii dmmendt for rtM "leva of your $8,5(MK Extra Large, Florida v Mackinaws Scarfs and Handkerchiefs ...... •••• •’ ’•K H a p $5.98 JUICE OIL^NGES ...... dozen 39c . All Wool Coat Style. / MANCHESTER— ' Sweaters $1.29-$2.98 Efa** Moke wra Ihay cemplamanl CORNED BEEF HASH ...... 35c ran; 3 cans $1.00 Sizes 38-44 SWE.4TERS FOR G. L’fi ONLY! Strictly Fresh, Pinchurst Grade AA SHpon and Cardigan Metal WTieelbarrows Horse on Stick Sizes 30-36 DRESSER SETS dte ona you leva and Now 5-Room Home eon- LARGE E G G S ...... dozen 73c Sizes 34-40 $10.98- $11.98 $2.25 $1.95 Mstina.of liTing room, din- Plenty of Dole’s Pineapple Juice,' Figs in cans. $1.98-$3.98 $3.49-$4.98 rafioct your good Mf"**"*- otto, Utehen, 2 bedrooma $4.98-$5.29 Peaches and Cherries^ Scarfs SNOW SUITS ' SNOW SUITS ®®NS0N'S aad bath. All modem con' Excellent Quality Extra Sizes — 40-46 ’Cheew from our prodoM, Woolen and Silk Sizes 1-8 Sizes I-I2 •7“ s tia *. BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED! Tenionecs.'8alc Price 18,500. TOMATOES ...... 4 No, ^ cans 99c $8.4?-$12.98 Mlaction. LEBANON— $5.49-$7.98 $1.00-$1.98 $8.98-$13.98 USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY-AW AY PLAN! 108-ACRE FARM— 0IM£ WOMAN T f l l S A N O T tifR Equipped with atoek and Sbnrftnp Grnpnfruit Juiro—I ' e ...... S tor 36r Bucfaiiiery.* Has 12-room Hhurflnr Omprfrult Jolro—.Vi...... 3»c hoaao with dectricity and Hhurflitn Blendrd Juice—6'n ...... 880 .Christmas , Bedroom n ian in f water. Can be used Bhttiltne Orange Juice—S'* ...... I8c Cards for two families. Sale Price Shurftne Orange Juice—6'a ...... 48o ^ Slippers BENSON’S 5 1 6 ,000. 3 fo t 5c — 2 for 5c For ^ FnmUurs and Applisnceo For Farther Itafonnation ,3c and Iflc each MARLOW’S Can * ▼ Mg f o r v a l u e s Hie Entire Family 713 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3535 Boxed — 23c 98c dial 4151 ^ 302 MAIN STREET /Alice Clompet m iH OF POST OFFICE :O N E BLOCK FROM STATE ARMORY IL. “ Phoao Mancheoior 2-0880 1

:.V-. --A. p , ,

PAGE SEVENTEEN llANUHUDn'BK C v Ib NINU HBRALU, MANCHESTER. CONN,. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4 ,194t , ■ ’ ..J- > - V.V.; MANrtlESTER EVENING HERAl.D. MANCHESTER (XINN.. WEUNESUAY UECEMBBR «. 194R ['«£|TW Clt 'niiiiiiiniiiiiRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii British American Pros Launch Season Tonight B a r g a in s W hile Touring ------f - ■ ■ r Ski Qub Plan Local Stores Army 'and Navy Club State Champion Bristol L is te d B y The Inquirer Movie Meeting .••illlllllii' Scores, Rec Loop Win Tramps Play at Armory lilllllllll Affair listed Wednes* Session Open to PnbUc year la aaothar star with tha la- in the where cover meets the dish with meal and continue basting. Fold tatoea with chopped currants and day, Dec. 18 at Qub; an inerodulnua C and amall amounta of mlnarala lat-Indlan braaa ara ready to apica looks so aafe and Innocent Wednesdaye Dec. 18 at Jaworflki Heads Visitors vadera. Joa Lynch, former oU Naw Chrtstraea (IfU to m*k« homo* will provoke thia accond poatwar Chriatmaa bottle can be dynamlU In the paraffin or a atrip of Scotch tape. In nuts and beatan agg whitas. raaina. Add flour and baking pow­ Down Dom and Stan**; England selection Is also Uatad mokinf ooolor tnchido, »t "whew." end Vitamin B. Nutrltlonlata tell Baka In a greased pan in a slow der alternately with sour milk. Open to AH Members ua that the augar and atarch found with an international flavor. hands of an amateur." Y$ Fix Slope Sunday ■■1^^ ... In Opener; Pipe Band with the Tramps. g. TOMC35AK STORE. HAND-MADE GIFTS are aa- oven and allow to stand In tha Pour into greased pan. Steam Hampton Poem New* Local Sport Coach Johnny Hadluad'of tba lOM HMin Stroot: a limited quaa* PUNCH BOWL. SETS for the In "aweeta'' make them an econ­ oven until cool. 1-2 hour. Bake afterwarda in oven Meinbam of the Manchester Xo Give Exhibition; *rhe Ideal Chriatmaa gift for We*belleve that you'U agrea that pecially nice at MARY’S GIFT Colored sound movlee have been I Proa wUl have a group of vateraa titjr Vi taak-type O. E. VACUUM ChrUlmaa egg-nog are very, very omical energy fopd. the moat delicious CHARLOTTE SHOP. 144-146 Center Street: 15 minutes. To Onesided Vietoryt Country C8uh arho participated in ' iooaara to pick bis starting Itoaup C1XAMER8, with all attach* lovely In Imperial Candlewlck Crjm- tha camera fan la to ba found at You ara cordially Invited to Chatter obtained from Dr. Frank Howard Art McKay's Orchestra FALLOT'S STUDIO. 70 Eaat Cen. RU8BE you’ve ever eaten are cable-atltch mittens for grown­ . North Ends Triamph for tba Dacambar llth aMattog of the regular aaml-monthly bast ball from. Tha vets ara baailafA ny Putt manta, at $$»M : upright Vacuum 1 taL 'The complete aet, at HAR Take a look at the "center of the ups; babies' booties; a lovely open a CHARGE ACCOUNT at back- ter atreet. In auch worthwhile thoae made at the MANCHESTER Lovely things for lovely ladies Mambcra of tba American Le­ tba MandMMar Ski Club to ba touma manta during tha season I'd Play for Dancing Slamcmda, a dependable Ctoanera at M*: Wearever PRE- j r iso N'S GIFT SHOP, 849 MaUt CENTER" PHARMACY for a gift BAKERY (Turn at the Second baby's blanket; crocheted acuffa; STONE’S JEWELRY STORE 691 at Chriatmaa ara to bo found at Juat closed art planning a smoker court partormer to xtate clrclaa SURE COOKERS at IlS.M; and | street, la $15.95. including the big. for "Him" or "Her" that will be PHOTOGRAPHIQ EQUIPMENT Main Street for convenience to ■nw lUo Bamor UMgna gion football teem will hold e meat- bald at tba Manebastar TMCA. Tha aa expoaure metera, enlargers, and Congregational Church and go to washable knit dusting mitts; cro­ the WILROSE DRESS SHOP, 597 film la anUtlad "Ski Deep Pomderi' and get-togethar on Wadneoday, for mora U.an a decade. Rad Oa- O E. AutomaUc IRONS, at $8.20 ; dear punch bowl, twelve matching a compliment to one who llkea fine buying gifts of superb value. Its saeond weak o( ptojr tost BigM tag tonlgb. at d:45 at the Lagloe D g Uma baaketball vriU latum vello who skyrocketed to fOBM by ■pllcem. Kerry Street, or Phone 3881). cheted curtain pulls; hooked chair Main StreeL In addition to UmIi with tha play much Iniprorad over Homs. All ptoyers ere asked to ba which was fllmad on tba alopas at Dacambar 18th. and up. handled cupa, ladle, and tray. tolletrlea. And for parties, you can’t do bet­ aeats and table mats; luuid-woven alwaya fashlon-wiae dresses, auita; Earl Ballatiper, whose culinary to Manchester tonight when tha being named Atl-Stota and All- Sometlmaa a water apot on a present. Equipment will be turned Alto, Utah. ter than to aerve their grand guest towels; woven aliopping and coats, they are featuring dia- **Tha BpriMs Street Nkwa took Aa an added attraction Jim talents ara only aurpaased by hla BriUah American Proa play host New Engtard to 1988 sad a Const Polaonoua paint on a toy may Calcium In the diet la believed to Irlah linen yard gooda ahipped Maka aura that your child's toy bags; dainty aprons; coat hangers silk garment may ba removed by to at this ' Guard atar la expected to start at is big enough ao that It cannot be COCONUT MACAROONS. UncUva COSTUME JEWELRY to Iba maamra oC the ItaMso-Ameri- Blair baz arranged a program nbllUy no a goiter, has been pre­ to tha Bristol Tramps at tR* state prove injurioua to baby. help prevent tooth decay. to China before the war and work­ with protective sheaths. stretching the material ovar a all the latest modes and LEISURE which will ba o f parUcular to- vailed upon to handle the ehera job center wttb Dick Cobb and Mike ed there by akilled ChlncM neddle- Swallowed. can au b 53-81. Tha Italtoaa su it­ Coach Tommy Monahan's Bristol armory In the nrat Independent at­ You can make a good cocktsdl lighted electric bulb and brusbtog ROBES of 100% wool flannel at ed out stroog hoMtog tha Nears to h flva will ba to town Friday tarsst lo.woinen akiars. nnd has promlaed n real sm hetu traction of tha aeaaon to town this Zwick up front at tha forward Convenience tor your own home r a y o n SILK UMBRELLAS at women will turn up on tabiea here It la very important to aacer with a brush that has flna bristles. slote. a Negro star. In order to gain display apace, with equal parts of sauerkraut $16.98 or of thick-tufted CSienllle a 11-11 Ue to tke Snt period but .....jt to oppose MaaobaMer High H m aneattog wUl ba open to non nnd meatball eiipper n In itallona. aeaaon. or for the lucky gift 1* MARLOW'S make a very pretty In embroidered tablecloth* and and tomato julca. tain whether baby's toy la flam­ at $10.98 (and 112.20. fOr latga mambara o t tba club and mambars played both oolloga and pra ball, and uaeful Chriatmaa gift. In aol- STONE'S JEWELRY STORE of­ could not keep up after thaL to a CCIL game. Tba BaD Towner* Several movla shorte have been H m Invading Tramps, State auggeated at the A. B. C. APPL.1- napklna. mable. A lucky buy makes It possible alxas;) ara urged to bring trlends to this Baaketball League champions and Other players with the Pros In- id colon with bright border, or In fers charming knick-knacka tor Haimpton, Levey end Robb umij were Impreaolve to downing Torrjr- obtained and although no speaker clOda Johnny Green, Pat Mur­ AND SERVICE OOM- SCATTER RUGS that not only for POTTERTON’g, at tha Center, the Mg guns to t the Netre with vlUe to taelr opener leat week. The meattog. 'Hm plotaraa wlU start at has aa yat bean named It la hoped currant pace setters to tha sanM PANT, t l lUple Street, with a 12- plalda, atrlpea, and checka. Pricea A length of NYLON SILK for shelves or mantels at graatly ra- make a room more attractive but ART SUPPLIES, ranging from to offer a $49.9S-value PORT­ ptriiMpa and Sevtoo doing boM for .m. dock. Johnny HUlnekl, Harold are $4.98 and $6.98. MARLOW'S ducad pricea - bright flgurinea In Ralatoa, datas, prunes and flgi Red and White baa dropped games to secure some araU known figure league thla aaaaon. have bean one Turktogton, Bob Brmiach aad rod mdoor CLOTHES DRIER that a blouae or allp la a beautiful and protMt your feet from cold and everything that tha experienced ABLE ELBCTTRIC PHONO­ go farther and ifva more flsvM the Ilellana. to tba Alumni and Hall High. • &lembat*______of the chab are sobed to the golf world to round out tho ot the top combines to New Eng­ rioiTf up for eaay atorage (Price. f o r v a l u e . "aafe" Chriatmaa gift. The Nylon single or group styles, decoratlva your floors from wear come to artist rteeda to children’s fun- GRAPH for only $35.60. It’a a Tha North Ends ware too much uled for a big day Sunday at the land during the past tour sanaona. Russ Allcsl. pitchera and vaacs. to cakes, pudldngs and cookies If ...... when help wlU evening. A preliminary gams between $8.25); a fine ELECTRIC TOAS- at CHENEY BRO'niERS REM­ delightful solid colors In deep makera are moat aatlafactory beautifully toned. S-tube set that they are aosked for 10 ihlnutea for tba smaU K. o t C. toem end Tba box oCfloa will open at 6:30 Bolton Notch slope Thla affair la open to all club Tha Manchester Pips Band, one Tlbl, at $4A5: and a dial-regulat­ A coating or two of clear idiel- NANT SALESROOM, In white, chenille or blendable varied colors Chriatmaa gifts from Mlon moeta tha Deck Panther, ddD earrtogaa and puah toya. $1.39 In IS by 34 inch? And any color to blend with room back­ Intermediate and Junior Baakat­ other game the Mortarty Wolvaa and to and tocludea Burr Baldwin, ending chaUangor tor a poaolble A New Star In Our Team of aonably priced; a good-slxed Jar ground and hang a large framed Srat piece naxlT weak. e d ^ tha Mortarty Lucky Seven, tees asked by first elaaa opposlUon In savaral game* thla aaaaon tha that look atlltad. . applied with a Whether you use butter, lard or little girl will thrill over a HOOD ball Leagues at the Eaat Side Rec UeXA, nnd Dinar Madar, Michi­ machine gun ohooter and play- .wo M thia* rails • artthto a 90 vegetable shortening cake-flour with a cover, for flowers, cookies, picture above the mantel. Spruce M. News (88) wUl start next Wadnaaday and 87 to 81. runs Into savaral hundred dollars. What will keep cheriahed iro- Oaautoe CULTER3D PEARLS po*. Mops perspiration odor and AND MITTEN SET of 100 per or ornament la $2.19; a big tea­ B F PU. gan, at tha ends. Dick Huffman, Baakatball—Rec. Senior Loagua. maker h u hit the double flguraa minute tim* Hmit. Thla Is tha flrat Chocolate-covered — pialn recipes adjust the amount of liquid cent wool In gay color comblna- Ihursday avantog Jimmy Murray boggart, D. Flavell and Q Tonight aa an all out measure to pocta—Swedlah eryatal, allver and a( suparb glow ara avallabla for 1 bi non-lrrltatlng. pot is $2.09; alx-lnch vases are Dagntla, rf ...... • Tennaasaa, nnd Oeorge Connor, Chaney Tech at Mortdan. in tho oooring column, todicattona time that taro oolorod grapnlera to the type of shortening that’s tlona at $1.98. saUl today. One mora tear* la need­ Flavor aUrred for tha Cardinals lure a gbod crowd to tha Mato Wedneaday, Dec. 6 have met aa opponanta oa tba weal ditaa (ram Denmark and England, spaclal ChrUtmaa gift* at . Sugared—Cinnamon $.89; a shielded candlestick Is The Inquirer KMnachmldt, rf 1 1-2 with Frey and Kearns best for the street drtUahed, the BA's will fea­ Notre Dame na tocklaa. Alex that ha has lost llttla of tho aklll. embroidered Irlah Unena, French available. J ed for me Junior loop.i^Contact Basketball - British Americana Jaworskl Isn't tha only man In the mat STONE'S. 891 Main Btreat to aar- A flna WRIST WATCH U $1.75; ashtrays are $.39. Hampton, K ...... 10 8-8 Jimmy at tha East Side Rec. Clowna. Dobkin and Davis paped ture their basketball team, named Agaaa, Illlnola, and Weldon Hum­ and Xtallaa handcraRa, (or exam­ Toys with small removable Levey, it ...... 5 0-8 ble of Rice at guard, and Paul va. BrUtol. 8:86—Armory. Tramps lineup the Ba'a will have Four former mambara of the rings from $15.00; twto-pearl rlnga Cliriatmas gift for wh^h the giver To serve a temptingly delicious PEARL NECKLACES that parts can be dangerous aa baby tha Wolvee to‘victory. FaUon waa the Pros, against tha State Basket­ U. 8. *11*00 torcaa clash on the ple—to a luxury gift elaaa by will long bo thanked. The selection desert which la simple to pre­ To touch up the white gouges Anderson, c ...... 0 1-8 outstanding to a losing cause with Duke of Georgia Tech at center. Frldny, Dec. 8 to check. at $25.00; and exquialte necklaces. "She" loven to wear with every­ will be tempted to put thorn In AD players to tba Rao Senior ball League champion Bristol Baaketball—Bristol at Manchea- Jehnny Slab, Freddie Farris and undercard. Wilbur Nead, Coast themaelvea are limited ahlpmenta of watchea at the DEWEY-RICH- pare, try plain boiled rice, sprin­ In chair and table legs, dig out Robb, c 8 0-0 League are not members of tha the Lucky Seven flve. Tramps. Surely the best oppoatUon Gian DnvU and Doc Blanchard and Sguiea on price tage which thing from aweatera to party his mouth. ter. Rocky mrafeaaa, a trio of form­ Gnaitl tal'.ea on Jim "Goon" Reary, To clean black or dark blue felt, MAN CX)MPANY. 767 Main kle with brown sugar over all clothea make a charming gift from your bottle of Iodine and apply Alvord, rg 1 0-T Rec. This la a must and fallows Morlarty’s Wolves (87) In these j>arta has been obtained. In of Army, Charlie Trlppl of Georgia U. S. Army to semi-flnaL Btova street, la worthwhile for any with small water color paint Lautanback. r g ...... 0 0 ^ B FPta. and Johny Lujack of Notre Dame er Waal Haven Rad Devil otors uaa a teaspoon of ammonia mixed top and pour cream over all. STONE S. Pricea atari at $2..’M). Christm as must Join before tha next game. addition, tha well known and al­ are now with the Tramps. Farris Giuas, flehter pilot tarrtoa arlth purpose. Men's watchea are pric­ Any young doll-lover will be brush. Bucctoo, Ig ...... 1 3-8 Agustlnelll, rf ...... 1 0 2 waya popplar Manchester Pipe form the backfleld. When Robert Lonis Stevenaon with half a cup of oold taa beside herself with Joy If Santa built a home In tropic Samoa, he and Slab are h ^ ooorera. Wally Fed Germaine, stormy petrel U. 8. ed from $18.40 to $125.00, ranging Remove the doors from the old Ptorro^ Ig 1 0-0 An Intermediate League meet­ Kaaulakl, If ...... 2 1 6 Band will give an exhibition and Army to the opening number at Since all gentlemen like to aee Claus brings her one at the big An unusual small gift for the .3 1 Included a flraplaca coating more kreage, vot^ Moot Valuable To daUfht thoae many ladles I from practical utility type with that the ladles’ hands are kept bookcase to make It an up-to-date ing will be held Thursday at 6:30 WUay, e .. Art McKay and hla orchestra will Last nU.ht'a bowling scoraa will player to tha Btote Laagua last 8:80. for whom Chriatmea Isn’t com- rolled gold-plated case, to gold- DOLL CARRIAGES from dainty lady is a SACHET COAT 82 8-35 52 in the Junior game room at tha Dobkto, rg .6 3 :day for ^ncing following the ba published tomorrow. / than 11.000. warm, It’a not surprising that open-shelved case. ^’ICHOLS-BRISTOL, 155 Center (81) plate if it doesn't Include a piece fllled cases, and up to 14-carat OLENNEY’S MEN’S SHOP, 786 HANGER, from the WEX^DON Slippers ItaSaa-. Bast Side Rec. One repreaentaUve Davis, Ig ...... 8 main game. of raally NII3E JEWELRY, visit geld. Some models have the at- Street. Made Just like a baby car­ DRUG COMPANY. Made by cos- Corrantl, rf from each team to tha leaSua U Main atreet, has wonderful MARLOWS riage with metal frame, hood top, It’s an all out proposition the iMf'S WIOR’S, 077 Mato Btraat, and see tractive new basket weave brace­ LADIES’ ANGORA MITTENS, In metlca-wlse Orloff, the hanger has Omni, r f ----- asked to be present Totals ...... 15 7 BA's are attempting tonight. The let. Ladles' watchea range from and rubber Urea, they are $25.95. a padded silk cover with a scented Phillips, If . « a a « a a a Moriarty'B Lucky Seven (81) thair stunning rlnga with precious j red, yellow, blue and black-a very i Still Is and win jc FOU 1 support of the public la needed to and aeml-precloua stones (Includ­ $26.00 to $07.75 In gold cases, with nice gift at $2.96. I pomander ball attached, for $1.50. OantUcora, If Future games In the Rec Senior Jones rf .2 give the organisation the lift need­ U. a. milk production In 1946 Bavtoo, c .... League wUl be shortened from ten Fallon, If ..7 2 ing BIrthstone Rings); seta of j a superb line of luxury watches The Largest Distributors ed to bring the best poaolble at- was 16 percent above the average Carrot Fruit Cakes from West ALL THE FAMILY Paganl, o .. . to eight minute periods. This la to Hayes, c . ..S 0 matching pendants and ear-rings which have alaeable diamonds In It’S time to think of thoae . of tho five years immediately 0 _ 1-8 ..1 0 tractlona to Manchester this sea­ of stonea or cameos; pin and ear-1 tho case priced from $165.00, up. Christmas fruit cakes. Planning Ind'ea Quaglla, rg . Mtiafy both players and fans. Duff, rg aon tocludiflg tiwr-werWa colored of TOYS in Town. preceding World War II. • e * a o a e ..1 0 ring seta; bracelet and lockbt seta; to give a fev/ to dearest friends? | One cup brown sugar, 3-4 cup Should Re Boughl Now Oanolfl, rg .. Peck, Ig champion New York Renaissance, (All pricea Include tax.) Broaowakl, Ig The annual banquet of tha Man­ aar-rihgs (or pierced, aa well as In any case, make them now and A few of our offerings shortening, 3 eggs, I cup grated the American League Philadelphia Moisture-proof SALT AND carrots, 1 cup grated potatoes, 1 While Selection Is Wide Rldolfl, Ig. ... chester Division of the Connecti­ Totals ...... 14 8 31 unplercad aars; gorgeoua orna­ Try half lemon juice and half let them ripen. PEPPER SHAKERS In lovely Berxemski, Ig cut Sportemen’a AsaociaUon will Score at half time, 18-12 Wolvea. Sphaa, loop champions, Houae of “HIM”-fo r Christmas mental pins. water for a delightfully refresh­ ______at Lowest Prices: ‘ cup raslns, 1 cup currants, 1 cup David and tha Detroit Clowns colors are sold singly or in gl/t flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, be held tonight at tho Garden Referee Blasell. Umpire Beilis. ing mouth wash. IRISH LINEN HUCK TOWELS, sets of "Individuals." from $.50 to 10 11-38 81 Orove. Dr. Oeorge A. Cailouette These quintets have all been con We, today, value sweet potatoes Sleds Scooters Doll.. 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon tacted. Bookings against the Proe the ilrat aince the war, at the $•2.50, at B. D. PEARL’S. 599 Main nutmeg, 1 tablespoon allspice, 1-4 Scot* at half Uma 89-f4. Spruce WlU open ihe affair with Dick Mc­ Moitarty’s Ckrdlnala (40) (or their abundanoe of Vitamin A DITTMEYERE’S HANDY GIFT J. W. HALE COM! ANY. make the •Street. Gustafson's St. News; referee, Kovta; umpire, Carthy aarvtog as toast master. B FPta. are expected tb be mede with ttaeee and contribution of aoma Vitamin NOOK, 25 Oourtland street, (off sort of Christmas gift that is not Paint Sets—WngoiiH cup sour milk...... 5 8 13 standout touring teams within the Cream, augar and butter. Add Murray; time 4 8-minute periods. Invited guests Include members of Doggart. rf . McKee) has some interesting big but is superior of Its kind. The 70.5 Main Street tho State Fiah and Game Depart­ D. navell, If ...... 5 0 10 next few weeks. * pieces of antique and modern Doll Carriages--Skates Do not give your youngster beaten egg& Add carrots and po- Stratton, c ...... 2 0 4 , Tonight la a teat night towfis have a damask flower de­ stuffed animals w'lth glass or but­ North Bnda J89) ment and district game warden*. V glass for glfU. as well as an at sign and arc hemstitched. Price B F Pte. a. Flavell, r g ...... 3 1 7 Hhots Here and There Is $1 for the 14 by 20 Inch slr.c; Electric Football Games ton eyes,, or anything with sharp Sheriden, Ig ...... 8 0 6 Bristol High's veteran basket- tractive line of CThrlstmas cards. or rough edges. * pnretak, r f ...... • • 4 0-S 8 $1.49 for the 17 by 30 inch size. W e l ^ k l . r f ...... 2 0-8 4 Joden, I g ...... 0 0 0 hall coach. Tommy Monohan Is A million tons of flsh are Electric Trains Sumlalaakl, If ...... 8 8-4 9 Bill Dudley Tops ill and may miss his team's game Cake flour Is back again, after a ! Since "NAILS BY REVLON" is Totals ...... 18 4 40 against Manchaater Friday night I hauled out slung the U. S. coasts the smart slogan, a C!hrlstmas set * '!» s - ■Vllga. If ...... * * *lt*s tg y oM salt dsansd every year. six months' absence because of | (’hcmlstry Sets H. Qryab, t ...... 1 2-8 4 In Ball Carrying Morlarty's dowus (81) at the local armory . . . Antonia milling restrictions, pnee again of Revlon nail glamour is "sure Keama rt ..8 10 C^armona of Brookljm scored an fire." QUINNS PHARMACY has (Mekalenaki, e .;.... 1 1-1 * Bks IMW h f Flshtr.** CnOARETTE CASES for both It’s easy for even beginner cooks It's a generous Idea to bake fiailt 8. Oryxb, r g ...... 1 3-8 5 LoomlB, If ....1 2 assy win over Hartford’e Red Doty to get a fluffy, .flne texture and a cakes in heat-resistant glass con­ three-piece sets with lacquer, pol­ New York, Dec. 4—(JP)— Bill F'rey, c ...... 8 17 I ladles and gentlemen have ish remover, and cuticle remover Skrabaez, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 last night In the feature bout at Ws*rs kaowa for tho sophisticated simplicity In bronxe lender crust. tainers with cover. Then, long after SamaiUs, Ig ...... 0 0-8 0 Dudley, Pittsburgh’s versatile half­ Oaylor, rg ,...0 0 tha Hartford Auditorium. The tho cake has been eaten and en­ or complete manicure sets In sim­ back who may ba forced to quit Thomas, Ig ....1 2 or gold-fllled charm at the DON­ ulated leather cases In "Rosy K os^ Ig ...... 1 0*0 caid left much to be desired QBallty of oar ehsalag NELLY JEWF.LRY SHOP, at the HANSEN'S MILK BAR RES­ joyed, the glass containers go right the gams because of a tom knee Mike Jacobs, the natlon'« leading TAURANT, next the Armory, la on reminding your friends of your Kutiirc," "Bachelor’s CJamatlon,” ‘ ! 15 9-20 89 cartilage, still leads the National Totals ...15 1 31 A k r n 'c r Onter. And the satisfying big "Pink Lightning,’’ and "Dyna­ Score at half time, 18-14 Cardi­ fight promoter is gravely 111. that rsstorfls dothca to ' from Italy; enameled Brit dainty lady who likes to keep GER SEWING CENTER, 832 game this seaaon. Is flrat In ball doubles ehampa, reached tha flnalg. /- Score at halfUme. 17-11, North Wllcdx^Teeh ot Meriden opoiled of the Victorian Tkumatoant In DRY CLERNfER^ things In place are the ACCES­ .Main Street, are so good-looking Ends; referee, Hedlund; umpire, carrying, punt ratums and Inter- Cheney ^Tech’s baaketball opener SORY BOXES for handkerchiefs, and useful a.s to ’insure success: an cepUona. atatlatics released by the Melbourne yesterday by defeating — BROAD STREET Kovto; time 4 8-minute periods. veaterday afternoon by trouncing Adrian Quiat and Geoff Brown Shasta Daisies hosiery, glovea or lingerie at easily cleaned plastic Bridge Table league today diacloaed. Ha la tied the locals 66 to 16 at Meriden. a PI d NTiiJccC DQ/ y f - IN HARRISON’S, 849 Main atreet. Cover in rose or blue nt $2.98; for”third place In punting, Ued for The Silver CUy/flire Jumped Into i • - - Job Dean Jeasop, m tha is coun- Made In pastel colors of washable Anuy B Na Club (47) and PUONE JIII*P1(K-UP4#p OELIV£(?Y THE FERNDALE Aprons of gingham, with bibs, at B F Pts. fifth to kickoff returns and ranks an early lead and built up their | lending rider to 19 5 (Opposite tlw nigh School) quilted plastic, they’re $1.19 and $2.98,' or of plastic at $1.35 for eleventh among tha paaaara. one-aldcd margin as the game pro­ up. Frey, rf . 8 8-8 8 short length and $1.69 for bib- McCiurry. rt ...... 1 0-0 t Dudley’s leadership for Intercep- gressed. type; lovely hued print Handker­ V^ilaon# If i,..,.*,' . 3 0-0 4 Uona and punt returps seems un­ Jankowakl, Johnson and Stokoa 'The grea^ English potteries are chiefs at $.59 and $.79; Darning assailable «init he la In danger of led the winners attack with JarvU 24 HOUR SERVICE going their bit to supply Christ­ Bellla. If I. 1 1-2 8 Kits at $.69; and pretty Sewing Cole, c ...... 5.. 4-9 14 losing .out to the ball carrjrlng beat tor Manchester. mas surprises for U. S. collectors. Boxes or Cabinets. 4-4 0 race. Pat Harder of tha Chicago WUeex Tech. (88) j FOR CHRISTMAS. GIVE RECORDS— Besides their expensive china- Murray, ...... 1 call 4 1 6 6 i Smachetti, rg .... . 2 0-0 4 Car^nala moved ahead of Steve B F Total wares, s6me of the potteries are Riitterless Nut 4'ake w 1-S 8 an Buren Into'second place be­ JankawsM. r.f. .... 9 1 19 MANUHI<»TKR TAXI CU. " ^ THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING! shipping moderately priced bright- Martin, Ig . 1 Four to 6 egg yojses, 3-4 cup I • Zanla, Ig ...... 1 8 Snd Dudley but Harder also la Ztma, r.f...... 0 1 1 Pt* yards lace. SCARFS ‘ ^JACKETS “ There la No Breete (To Cool the Flame of For this pattern, send 25 cents, Bristol Tramps' crocheted by the newest amateur expression without training; and ^ CiftB for Everyone Sotv Being Displayed $2.95 to $4.95 $6.95 to $33.50 60c to $1.50 *A)ve)" ...... Tommy Doreey as well aa by the experienced colored pencils and crayons are in 0>lna, your name, address, size $3-98 state Lcagne GuuspioBfl ALLEN An assortment of Jackets to every The famous Interwoven socks are needleworker. It you’ve never among the art supplies for merry desired, and the Pattern Number Wools and rayons in authentW back to short and regii^ lengths. HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS RECORDS made a dolly, try your hand and Christmas to children at the to (kie Burnett.. Evening H’ra'-d, Scotch plaids a ^ plain colon. aonceivmble style and material. your crochet hook on this one! JOHNSON PAINT COMPANY^ 1150 Ave. Americas, New York 19, R E A L T Y CO . STATE ARMORY ' Vpu’ll be pleased. N. Y. ^ CHENEY BROTHERS BBALTOBB Send aiy additional twenty-five ISO ccN’iEB s n e n GREEN To obtain complete crocheting Try oue one of the 57 varieties of Instructions for the Shasta Daisy "illusion rinses," which color by cents for the Kali and Winter Is­ REMNANT SALESROOM ^ t e l e p h o n e 8100 Wednesday, Dec. 4 USE ^ tinting, before you plunge Into sue of Fashion—52 pages of the AS Uae* at taonmmtm, DANCING WILL FOLLOW! FREE -aw: KEMP’S st a m p s Dolly (Pattern No. 5373) send 15 Hours: Daily 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sat. 9 A, M. to 5 P. M. PURNELL amartest. most wearable patterns ladadtag Ufa. GIFT Incorporated cents In coin plus 1 cent postage. chemicals, which bleach or dye, vttae Tea To Get IkMaplote OetoMa PrcilliiiinaYy A t 7 :80« PARKING Your name, addre^ and the pat­ And for 'goodness’ sake, she you’ll see ... fashions by .well I HARTFORD ROAD M.NNCHKS'J Kll Ahato Iha D. A. V. tbiepkapi BOXES 763 BiAIN STREiSl TELKPHUNE 5680 tern number to Anne Cabot, The cries, don’t try out any peroxide knoJivn designers ... special beau­ ( B ^ a i k X Fonlture and Music Home Erigidair*. 7491. Meettaga Every Second apd A dn M on : AdhiH* 80c. Children Under 1$, 50c, t u lacl. 01 IManchcBtcr Evening Herald. 1I50 tricks on j ourself. That way lies ty antt home-making sections ... i M ANLHt sXtP FREE PARKING SPACE Freoi Hartfofd 8-7480 Poortb Tacaday At Stole Artaory ' Avr, Americas,'Nciv York 19, N. trouble and tears, she says, add­ free printed pattern inside the! ing: .’’Clear liquid peroxide which book. , j 8 P. M. ...„J ' . V

' u I r - - ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER WINN., WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4. 1946 PAGE NTHETEEN IIAMCRE8TBH ■frENIPfO rTERALD. MAlfCHBSTBR. C50NN^ WBDWE8DAT DTCElfBBB 4, lf4 i biUowteg aMrte of her cylap, i ItMINKKVIl.I.K HM.KS BY FONTAINE.FOX Insulating 14-A Hflp Wm IW—Mato a* Arlktoa far Sato 91 Ught-fltting brimm gingham dress, i Aatoaiobilcs for Sole 4 Bmlnew Sorric— Ofofo4 IS ■he had baan digging te tha sticky j HOT WATER I OLBMWOOD reage, equipped Sense and [Nonsense 1 i H u n t i n g S e a s o n SAMTA CLAUS SPBCIALS AT WATERMAJrs paraonal «errand INSULATION. Ineulato your WE’RE LOOKING FOR soil of her gardsn: te oaa hand! houae now, aavt fuel, pro tecta geaaa, gandam, pigeon g faaejr tor no>gaA 846. Ateo ddlira Clasrified tR cO e^ucU she carried l^tw rel and In the The Only Two Tliat Can Live As Taarful fTiurrh Member taaytng i :,W : ft.'- DB OORMUER MOTOR 8ALBS rvtaa. Laeal errandA oarkase All-Aroond Maehlnifta radiator eovara 119 Gardner Iron crib, eompleto, 88. Phone I T H E S k i p p e r i s h u n t i n o a n d a l l t h e w o u t o - B E daSvatp. UcM tmehim. Auto health, eliminate drafte, uneven External Grfndera other a yaUow jonquIL the fliet: (-)M.apiv Aa One Are A Dog And farewell to a departing minister)— i 1»U I ^ tte e 4-Door. R. and H. a umber plate aarvtea to Hartford temperaturee, "Lotr* Home la- atreat OaU aftor 1 p. owriUMS W MA smvKi, nC. of the season. ^ Flea. I don't linow what we will do when I PASSENGERS ARE HUNTIK6, TOO Internal Giindera . AdvertisenienU She ellmhed the stepa to the | ...... 1041 Plymouth f-Door. Heater. Phnne 3-0788. auiaUon Co. Free eaUmatoa, no COMBOfA’nO N range, oO and you are gone. Adm liienienU 104S OldamoMIe 4-Door. R. and R obligation. E. W. Johnaon, repre- Turret Lathe Opera tort HAND-WOVEN rugs made and -...... ' Judge - Your wife maintains that Departing Minister -Oh, the i IN I Plymouth 4-Door. R. and H. 1VB RAVE Snaat aaaortaaenta of sold to order. 4g FatrSeld street gas Raaaonahla. Inqnlra S5t Om - F o r R e n t Well, MIsa Amy?” saM the Ufa with you has been unbearable. church wUI aoon get a better man aentnUve. 6979. Engine Lathe Operatnra George Janes Phone 54SS. ter street 2nd Boor between 8 F o r S a l e Hera the Major dreamed the F o r R e n t F o r S a le 1»41 Oiavrolat 3-Door. Heater, kitchen Iteoleuaia. Alao Ule and klxjor Cameron abtttod te the ♦Hwiwtiy cry of his own reooruuit Major. YYhat have you to aay? than 1 am. ! m i OMsmobUa Chib Conr. R. wall covertesa Mancbeater floor Drill Preaa Operators and 8 p. m. T o B a y T o S e U Smllteg, she )icM out the jon- Defendant—It was the other way Tearful Church Member—That’s ; Radial Drill Operators THIS TEAR everybody te buytei itralght-backcd chair, thua aaaliig voice, ae it rang upon awud si­ quU. "A posy for you. Stiall I T o B a y T o S e ll and H. Oovertef Co., 86 Oottafe atraet. Heating—Plumbing 17 doll carriagee from Benson's Sev- TWO-PIECE Uvteg-room suite :ba crick betwavn hta riioulder lence: ”1 am WtUlam Cameron of artnmd. your Honor. She insisted what they aU say, but they keep 1040 OldamobOa Chib Conr. R. Cal) 5688. Broach Operators ^ n It on your coat?" on letting her two dogs end a cat getting worse and worse. PLUGGED Main aewera, alak, era! models and color combina- and one occaelonal chair. Raaaon- CLASSIFIED ADVT. stade*. He acraped apurred boots Virginia, veteran of tha Lost and H. Milling Machine Operators XI the poich floor, craned his neck Cause, which will never be for­ *Tfo, Mtaa A*ny. You don't pin ' sleep In our bedroom, and 1 couldn't CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1N7 Plymouth Coaa. Coupe. R. lavatorp and bath dralna effi­ Uons Prloea asm right! Budget able. Phone 8548. DEFT. HOURS: flowers on a uniform, you know." stand the odor. Jfm Was It a big wedding? FURNACE BURNERS ciently machine cleaned. Carl Automatic Lathe Operators torma. Benaon's Pumitura and and squinted at the aky, which be- gotten. And this is April ninth, the DEPT. HOURS: and H. OIL BURNER for furnace. WU1 8:30 A. M. to 4:41 P. M. . gaa to aasume the blander blue of annlvenary of Appomattou. The "Don't you? ru put It In a vase Judgo OH>l1100 Free Female 38 furnace or fireplace, 816.75 a Realtors easL too, and to Europe, voyaging when there are' scores of hives SCIENTIFIC riak of ruining the finish on a piece i ISg HlUatown toad. eaUmatea Call Howley, Man cord, delivered. Telephone 6970. 40 Perkins St. Tel. 8215 on one of those luxury linere. . . . which look alike. When a bee lands MrNaas4i SrsSttal*. la*. i m i BUICX converUblA 1934 cheater 5861. RELIABLE Young woman to care Magical Instruments 53 of furniture). i Dodge eadan, Jacketa, Army and REFRIGERATION CO.. INC. FINE LARGE houae In Columbia, r w f Without effort, the Major drifted at the wrong door and starta to HBAJtmo LOSS te proffiaaalva. 87 Oak S t ManchaaUr 8-1236 for children by the hour, eve­ PRE8-TO - LOOS. "The Magic SMALL Upright piano In excellent off Into a dream of the book's pub­ stagger Inside with a load of Are you oM of tha Uiouaaada te Navy. Brunnera, 60 Oakland nings or days. 7979. Fuel." Ideal for fireplaces, can be condition. Phone 3328 after 7 very well constructed, 13 rooms, honey, the bouncers literally taka atreat two acres of lahd. Large garage lication, of success, richea, release BY EDGAR MARTIN amir oommnnlty who alao are Painting—Papering 21 used in furnaces and atovea. p. m. from Blakesvllle, fame, London, the confused one apart and toaa IMNII'8 AND HER BUUU1E8 Stoepy TIm6 ■uffartes from kiaa of beartegf JAMES MACRI, General truck Clean, convenient qnd economi­ with three fioona on Trumbull the remains down the steps. How kfiOWA UKA H CbWruUN veoKA HA to t Wtevet MfM 1936 CHEVROLET coach, 8575. Ing. Range and fuel olla, 'aabea INTERIOR and exterior decorat Situations Wanted— Turnpike, all Improvements, Paris, Lucerne, the shimmering 4MERT •04MI TIM CfCVOCK JURY YMMA HOUM TO HPNA H VFltUARUf *(HK Yvum Why deteyt Find out bow you Phono 3-1363 between 7 and 9 cal. site a carton at our yard. 05c JUST RECEIVED first shipment waters of Lake Ck>mo—Utopia. . .. they are able to tell tlie bee Is in ^tteM A T O 6«T MM to-toWA___ •lAtUH-JUPARAl t HOPAjm PliNNt YUfff% JUAT toVAMteAU boo aaa halp youraalf aa ao many and runbuh removed. Phone Ing. rooOng, door sanding and Male 39 delivered. The W. O. Olenney Oo. of new post-war trumpets. Musi­ quick occupancy possible. Clajrton the wront hive Is a secret known WITH H •RDM RMMU OLO «ANM DetAH’T AIA% FVA p. m. 4523. If no anawer call 6466. general repairing. AU work guar­ E. Hunt, chr. Bd. of Truateee.,, | The closing of the front door CHACK IH I I ' ■ athars haea to eaUtog Mr. Wait- Phone 4148. cal Inatruments of all klnda, new, behind Mias Amy roused him. She only to the bees. Sdb 3-3044 tar a tree tpaaeh haar- anteed. Porch and lawn furniture YOUNG married man desires work. used, trades, terms. Ward Columbia Congregational church. 1938 FORD CONVERTIBLE rEKKY‘8 Houaebold aervlca Don't eprayed at coat with any con Monday and Tuesday. Neat ap­ had gone into the houae; and per­ r v f — teg taat Krauae. Phone 5336. haps he should be going In also. Walking down the street with Gaa H eater put off that odd Job around the tract. Call R E. Webster 6965. pearance. Driver's license. Steady. CORDWOOD. fircplece and furn­ AT NORTH END. two-famlly friend one day, a professor passed DB LUXE CARS tor hira, for 1936 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan, heat- houao or office. Let Terry do It Phone 2-0932. ace. Heckler. Phone 8676. A DE LUXE model Moreechi house, four room apartments. He got up and unhooked the a large Ash store where a fine wadrtlnga tunarala and othar jer; 1936 Ford 2-Door, radio and We do anything from cellar to PAINTING and paperhanging piano accordtan. Bought for $550 Two rooms on third floor, steam flag from its moorings, lettkig its catch' of codfish, with mouths open apaetel oocaalons. Reaaonabla beater; 1941 Ford Club Coupe, gas atUc. Phnne 7690. 122'A Birch Good work. Reasonable rates 12's a little over a year ago and la heat garage, new roof, new aid­ briUiant length slide Into his out­ and eyes staring, were arranged I heater; 1936 Chevrolet 2-Door, •ireet 14' room papered, 812. Includes Doffa—-Birds— Peta 41 Hous«hold (hKMia 51 atlU like new. Will sell sanie for ing, all modern convenlencee. stretched arms. Folding the flag, In a row. The professor stopped, rataa. Pbona 4166. paper at 6Uc a roll. Raymond he glared and saw Rose at the heater; 1038 Chevrolet 2-Door. FOR SALE-Beautiful aable and 1300. Call 3787. Centrally located, close to stores looked at them, and clutching his RANGE BURNERS cleaned, eerv FUke. Phono 3384. DO YOU Need kitchen cabinets or and school. Bus at the door. Price comer. Slender aa a reed, trim friend by the arm, exclaimed Pbrsonals Iced. Washing machinea, vacuums white Cbilie dog. One year old. a sink. Benson's hex the follow in her shepherd's plaid wool frock SPECIAL TODAY 1 Will sell very reasonable. Phone ^8.000, Quick action necesaary. "Heavens, that reminds me . . . 1 repaired, tawn mowers sharpened INTERIOR and exterior painting Ing wall and bare cabinets in Wearing Apparci—Fora 57 No ageiita. Phone 2-OSlO. and Jaunty straw aallor. Rose was should be teaching a class. 1936 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR and repaired. Haws died. Pick up Also paperhanging. Prompt serv­ 2-2325 between 6 p. m. and 8 stock for Immediate delivery hurrying, almost running, her lit­ SnT’pJSp? S I SEDAN—HEATER-1296.00 and delivery. Friendly FIxIt Shop. ice. Fair price. D. E. Frechette P. in- Youngstown all-steel base cab TWIN SILVER fox. good aa new. tle patent-leather French heels He was shy and tongue-tied, Slaviih p re fe rr^ Call 4705 eve-1 Phone 76.30. clicking a staccato rhythm. 718 North Main atreat Phone RABBITS For .Sale. Philip Farr, IneU 1—18" RH. 1—21" double Will sacrifice. Phone 5847 for Wanted—Real Bstato 77 and after ahe had kissed him Btaffa oady, 17943 Chevrolet Club Coupe, radio 4777. door; WaU cabineU 3—18”xl8". appointment The Major stood and watched sweetly for bringing her a bouquet I ■ ■ 1 and honter. No trade neceaaary. INTERIOR Painting, wall paper­ 127 Charter Oak etreet. Phone Rose. She was beautiful. There 3977. 1—21"xl8", 1—24"xl8", l--36"x WANTED—A modern single or of flowers ho got up to go: , WANTED—Ride to Alrcraftllteat | au ca n priced to eell quickly! 8HEE1 METAL WORK ing, ceilings reanLshed and 6oora. 18", 2—21"x30", 1—54" deluxe TWO GIRLS' coaU, else 12, Uke waa no word for IL Tea, Roae at She—Sorry 1 offended you. I Hartford. Houn 8 to 4:45. Phone ' Phone Edward R. Price. 2-IUOS. two-family in Manchester or Chilly. iMi’t It? BY V. T. HAMLIN CANARIES For Sale. Guaranteed sink. MIsc. pieces 2—30" wha-not new, also a pair of girl’s figure nearby. Muai be residential. Will 20 waa aa beatlful aa Sophie Klt- He—I’m not offended. I’m 'go­ ALLY UUP 8-3880. . MILLER MOTORS Hot All Furnace Repairing. shelvM. 2—18" rolling door eplce Miatea, slxe 4. Phone 5530. pay cash and wait for occupancy tredge had been, down in Vir­ ing back for more flowers! I tVWte »Mr'PPMTUy&M ESTABLISHED radio repair and 7733. IX Vino (k>mpany. 16 Bennett 1938 Ford D^uxe Tudor NEW riKBB, new recape, used LIGHT TntekIng, ashes and rub­ aales bualneea at Inventory. III- avenue, Waterbury. 8-S85A. CHINA chocolate set, cupa and New Duoo paint job, good Urea, I Urea and tutoa Expert vulcanix- bish removed reasonable. Tel. neM forCea sale. PauTa Radio taucera, hanging plates, clear, mnanloely. teg, 8 noum recapping aervica 3661. Service, 40‘J Franklin avenue, Arllrles for Sale colored and mill- glass. Call 6023. FOR SALE 45 WHITE Table-top gas stove, very 1 9 ^ 0^ord “DoLuxe Tudor (3) Mancbeater Tire and Recapping SHIPSHAPE Kitchen ensemblee Hartford, Connecticut. Phone 2- TWO-FAMILY F1,AT^4 Two hnva radios and heatera, Company, Broad street. Tele­ 0817. BABY Bathinette, high chair and good condition. Call 2-2075. MANCHESTER'S dealer In rage, room each. Located on, phone SM9 Open 8 a m. to 7 p. am top qiiaUty cabinets, charm play pen with mat. Practically magazines, paper and scrap one lust a heater. tngty designed and durably ouUi WE BUY and sell good used the hiU overlookinjc town. 1989 ^m tiac 4-Door Sedan, new. For appointment call 2-1915 metals. WIU call at your home to your own requirements. For Help Wanted—Female 35 or 3914. furniture, combination ranges, and pay you nighest prices. Os- Downataira apartment lUdio, Hotter prompt instslii tion caU 2-0963 It gas ranges and.^ heatera. Jones' trtnsky, 182 Bissell street Phone will be vacated. Larffe This ear baa had extremely nice Motorcyclen—Bicycles 11 no answer call 2-1336. Shipshape WOMAN FUR Inalde work. Steady BENSON’S Features lower prices Furniture Store, 36 Oak. Phone 5879. Woodworking Company, 166 Mid­ work, good pay. Inquiry New oh gift Items for the youngster. 2-1041. lot. Priced right! 1989 Buick (small model) ^ OIRL’S Bicycle, excellent condi­ dle Turnpike West System Laundry, Harrison street Rocking chairs, $1.98, rocking tion. CaU at 316 Spruco street horaes, $4.95; table and chair FLOOK problems eoltred with Rooms Without Board .59 4-Door Sedan after 5. ALL MAKES of aewtng machinea WANTED — Hairdresser. Apply linoleum, aaphalt Ule. counter GROCERY STORE AND Very nloe motor, good eondiUon axpertiy repaired. Singer Sewing sets. $9.95; Sho-fly, $3.98; Bliley throughout. Ann Campbell's Beauty Salon, bikes, $6.98; wheel-borrows, Expert workmanship, free esti­ FURNISHED room for rent. Well MEAT MARKET — in Machine Co., 832 Main street 843 Main street. $2.19; push-toys, $1. Lambs, mates. Open eveninga Jone* heated, conUnuoua hot water and Broad Brook. G6ing busi­ TODAY’S SPECIAL I W anted Autos— Tel 8883. Fun Oak atreet Phone shower. Private entrance. Call 1941 CHEVROLET SPECIAL WOMAN to care for children and Scottte dogs, and clowns In wash­ ness. Motorcycles 12 able leatherette, $1.49. Pool 2-1041: i at .101 Chestnut street GenUe- IIY FIIED HARMAN DeLUXE TUDOR McKEE VENETIAN Blind leun- some housework. Phone ' 2-0752 man preferred. RED RIDER War Council GET OUK offer befom aelUng dry. Complete blind laundered after 6 p. m. tables, $5.05. Grand selection of BENDIX automatic washing ma­ RADIO AND HEATER vout car or truck. Highest prices We call for and deliver. Tele­ Doll carts, $9.50 up. Benson’s chine Tills la a good machine. Jnsurance of All Kinds Lmr $1096.00 paid. Broad street Motor Sales. phone 5714, TEMPORARY housekeeper, 7 a. Furniture and Appliances, 713 Rockville'328-2. Priyale party. NICE Furnished room for rent Except Life. ASA1SA KUMi Each and Every Cat Sold W ith Pbone 3926 m. to 7 p. m.. Alexander street. Main atreet Telephone 3535. on bus line. Call 6627. NON a EUEITTKIC and Acetylene weld­ Phone 5912. TABLE-TOP Norge gas stove, pot OhME Or Without Trade! ing. No Job too targe or too NEW REYNOLDS '400' fountain burner, parlor heater, gas water Open T il 9:00 P. M. pen and boy't new shoes, slxe 3, Stuart Realty HkiOtiCX. ______Businens Services Offered # 13 smaU. AU work guaranteed GIRLS AND young women for heater. Phone 4762 or 459 Bid- ROOM WITH garage for genUe W E DO NOT Parker Welding Oo„ 166 Middle light factory work. Good pay, small. Tel. 2-0477. well street. man. Phone 2-1957. . BBBW . I f # BY WRA BtR Y ICg. IW e. Y. M W a U. »■ PAY. O FF. EXAGGERATE! RANGE Burner service and In­ Turnpike, West Tel 8926. steady work. Apply Tober Base­ Co. stallation. For prompt and guar­ ball, Elm atreet, Manchester, ' AGFA Speedex B.2 camera, caae. "Oh, no, I finiflhfid my C hrittm at thopping laat Auguat-— CoaM and aea for yourself that fiaah gUn and range finder, $45. these oars are exacUy as described anteed work call 5664. TWO BURNER oU kitchen heat­ Stuart J. Wasley rm ju9t looking for somothing for CoorgA's birthday YOUNG OR middle-aged woman Call 2-9012. er. Call 7680. Tl’m 8orry Pm lato, Profotsor Jon«8—I ovaralept in h i t - '' noxt Aprir!** here and will afford you good trans­ ALL MAKES of washing WARM AIR FURNACES to assist In care of children and portation. It la our poUcy to buy chines repaired, lu years' oxper- (LEANED AND REPAIRED housework. Someone to literally GENUINE China dishes, service IF YOUR Christmas gift llat-ln- INSURE Ins. Agency . tory olatsl” the beat cam available year for lenca cau. A Brewer, 2-U549. of 12. Man’s overcoat, like new, W ith year in order to make eatladed cua- VAN CAMP BROTHERS become a member of the family cludes a flat Iron, steam iron, Growlie Catches Un BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY and RALPH LANE with full privileges. Live in. Lib­ alxe 40. Phone 2-0163. , radio, toaster or electric clock, McKi n n e y R R tm iK R s 755 Main Street VIC FLINT tomam. KAUlU — Electrical Appliance 249 North Main Street Telephone 6648 HAIUN Mi WANTiOYOtf ^Ua« JANiTY THERE 18 NO. Service, iepalrs. picked up and eral time off. Excellent pay. Write NEW Winchester, model 94 30-.30 electric heater, sun lamp, reserve Real Estate aad laearaMs Kit toU a cold and tlltnt ridto out A im " DOUGLAS MOTOR SALES Telephone 5244 Box H for Interview. yours now. A email deposit will $08 MAIN ST. TBI. 6660 jto HmWOtfor with SiiN and Mite. ixA C n v 101EAM1H8MIV10TM8 KEY TO THE UOUOa CABINET/, delivered pt\,mpuy. 20 yeara with ammunition, other caliber lIQUOa CABINtTONTHfi Opmaite Hanaen'e Milk Bar ammunition on hand also. Phone hold any appliance for Chriatmas |M«gnwhilt Jaiiit wa» wbrnad. movie experience. John Maloney Phone WANTED—Experienced operators delivery. Shop Benaon's Furni­ MV: aAmOfOAHIM/, X ^ M A I N STREET 8-1U46. 1 Wateut etreet ALL KINDS of carpenter work. on sewing machines, steady posi­ ^ 5514. 1)11 Storm windows, tile bathroom ture and Appliances, 713 Main r Tan wAitiMO/ jt% AUOOiiHEit T m a j o r HIHIPI.B i Bum CELLO AND Schulta. tion. good pay. Apply,Tober Base, LARGE Sise English coach doll street. Telephone 3535. ..TOO OAXH And auiFr ouf themi 1 UU’l UUK WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS UUR BOARDING IIOLSI'; 1933 BUICK coupe. Call after 6 and kitchen, bookcases finished ball Co., Elm atreet. Apply In WHAt oo YOU MtoOM ^ P.U.C. Ucenae to do Conn, state or imfinished. Phone 8862. carriage, navy blue. Phone 2- jJvTautrr so tONO a» n t o e s w t p. m. Phone 8782. moving, local trucking. Ashes peivion. 1876. ISNRPINaVICt ^ WK/, MOTHER.^UlToT BOB SAW HER GET ITBASICR WOFM-. , V U B -U H - \WE W U R E OPP TM' CAR-AND 2 FISUMS 6AC< 9« r to o HOIASV.MR.PlK*/-"*'X i IM l MODEL A Ford. Good con- and waste removed. Phone OLD FLOORS SANDED MALE HELP WANTED ju arr tuvimo to g e t RUSMBD OVER PO« _ MEAN)'KWVe SEEM HERE TVdO ^ 2-1588. Laying and finishing. T\3’0 PAIR children’s skis 5’. Two NEW HOMES Milto/ IT’S A mtSEtJT -7NCR0A«t0Ve dlUon, recent motor Job. OaU 3- WANTED—Housekeeper for eld­ pair boxing gloves. Phone 2- INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK TH* RU 6 UP WITMOUT rilTWOUT TW-TO BEAT rt,' NAWPULJOM TO GET iced by a ma.1 with a permit AU Good Pay! Permanent Work! Vacation With Pay! (T OUT OP TM'SPARE GffAaAT:0«K-"*'0 0 »OALV - 1935 FORD, clean motor, excellent DRINK/ ROOM SO OUlCK/ )IOIJO«AW 606STB ARS-XyN^ oar for private party. Can ba work guaranteed. Also sales on Help Wanted—Male ^ Life, Sickness and Accident Insurance Free! new and used burners. Joseph FULL TAXIDERMI.ST course GRANDVIEW STREET— MArirovmio . a a o o s e k e a d a n d a seen at Johnny MttchelTa Garage, Household Services with tools. Phone 2-9039. Two Home*—4 ronoM down— TOUafUCAHAaDY/ 6 TllfFiiD CAUL/ 887 Oakland street, Mancbeater. Senna. Phone 3-0147. MAN TO work on griddle. Hours WfUFlOniOUUPINTNf Offered 13-A 6 p. m. to 2 a. m. Good wages for 3 Mfinlshed op. Stonm bent Apply . AM'TKJUBS rahiushed and repair­ HAVING Hatchway door trouble? %vttb on ^bnrner. flrepiaee. Oe- J J ^ to AT VDUR FUMT, i right man. AppI.V Tli« Snack Bar, See our Bllco steel bulkhead M ‘ IF ViCf GONE. ' ed. Rush or epilnt seats replaced FOR CLEANING, waxing and 29 East Center street cnpancy' 30 to 45 days. 30% ORFORD SOAP COMPANY et/.' Notice Tlemann. 189 South Main atroet polishing- all fioors and counters doors. Leak-proof, permanent and down. Monthly payments np- economical. Easy to Install. W. Q Phone V148. call 2-0866 or 6759. Daly’s Inc., RJ?E second prnxlmately 850.00. 75 HIlUard SlraM Between 8 A. M. and 4 P. IL WASH rUUBS Tako That, You Cur BY LESI-II'. IliKNER specialists in aaphalt ^ tile and cook for rcsti'staurant. Call Rock- Glcnney Co. Phone 4148. N otto to hereby given that a NEW IIOXtE—Immediate ee- rtkYiACH YOUTO s a u .\If and pose as a good' etta^f of the Second MANCHESTER linoleum installations and floor vine 167. enpanry. 5 rnonlb down—3 na- RlfiTltTne ONCB maintenance. ffSTINMANDaON MBAwoomBtoaowee •IMHAaiTAN------wwia vou- ' Church, Inc., Man- SHEET METAL WORKS finished up. All modern Im­ TMM bUCKWeWMA . oAwmpoASVJfioqjy RAAROAO Ml MTO AN Ooan., win he held In tha AIR CONDITION ING u c t i o n provements. oU bent, fireplace. ZON-ifKVTNMf AgVUlMANDCUPIAa. Pi Farlora a t 8:00 P. M., De- HOT AIR FURNACES CHRISTMAS gifia beautifully "A Located In s very gnod eectlea JORAHOTHIB #10,000! ^ 1646 for tha following wrapped, very reasonable, 91 To Kent for Friday* Dec. 6th, 6:30 P. M. on large loL S i^ Price fllJIOO. - Installed and Repaired Main street or phone 2-1077. Bavestrougha and Cmnductore Temporary Parking Legion Han, 375 Main 8L BRICK HOMES L To ehoooe a Btodszmtbr. All Types of Sheet Metal Work! WetherafleM, Conn. ALLEN 8. To vote on the recommenda- 22 Years' Experience A lot of fine Glnaai Old China; ON COLUMBUS STREET. OFF BROAD STREFTT— tten ot tha Paetoral Supply TELEPHONE 5418 Building—Contracting 14 I.jirge Level Lot on launps; Vases, Rilverware: An­ Onunlttee. te the nomlniRlon tique and Used Fornltare; Lin­ R EA LT Y CO . Four rooms finished—2 rooms unfinished. Gar-Wood ALL APPLIANCES servloed and B., AND D. OonatrucUon Com- REALTORS *t Rav. Letond O. Hunt i topalred. burnera, refrigerators, Main Street . ens, Radiol Several hundred air eonditioninff and oil burner. All plumbing copper M itar at the church. pany, concrete work, retaining Items. 180 CENTER STREET ranges, washers, etc. All work walls, landscaping, grading, sep­ TELEPHONE 6105 tubing and Standard (Igtores. Maple flooring and all t. To traaafiet any other bual- guaranteed. Metro Service Oo. 55cc Alexander Jarvis WETHERSFIELD - a e « that guy property- eome tic tanka installed. For esUmates An Ltnea of laaimnca, eenaoned lum.bcr. __ Tel Menchestor 2-088$. call 2-1601 after 5. SALES CO. taeladtoi Ufa. hefoN oald naetteg. H. L. Welch, Agent iUhtet U Toot. CLOCKS Repaired. Guaranteed Jarvis Realty Co. Mortgagee Arranged. SALESMEN ON PREMISES ALL DAY SUNDAY ANOOW.ViS, v 'jg - CARPBINTER work-of all kinds. Hall will be open from 1 to'4 ' Direct Wleeo— Harry R. Inlander, work, reasonable rates, promp* Roofs eidingc additions and alter- 10 Dover Road P. M. for Consignments. BORN THIRTY YEARS TOO SOPH THE M AJOR B u sse s OOmnlttee. senrtoe, will pick up and deliver From Hartford 3<-7456 George Griffin. Builder — Call After '5 P. M. —. 2-0466 'tUona. Also ne'% construction Tel. 4112 or 7275 From W UUmaatte 165 Deosteher 3. 1646. Wvnis. Dial 2-)*5t Sleffert. Phone^^2'-925S~2-1589. Sale Starts At 6:80 F. M.

■( ■' ) ■ \ . V V.