r i j TCBBDAT A v gritt tlBlty CIrcBiBttoB T h d W o b U m t iiaitfljpafgr Cpfitiitg Ifpratt rs r tbs ItonUl of Nstrranbsr, 1848 rirasnni sf 0. B WsnUwr Bstsm Santa aad gat a praaaat. aad daa*t 9 ^ 5 9 fb ir and esnUnnsd eoal tsnlgktj Daugbtaca of Uborty No. ISB, Hmradny per^Moleedy nWF bs- Mat at ICiKm aad Eaiargtaiey Deetara forget that thla year Saata Ctaaa tb 6 . L L. arlU aacat i Old Sl Nick the tajra ate on the eaeaad Mamber of Uw AndU tufTown Oeatar atraat at aaaan o’clock to­ ana th Soor where there la over oo much night and prooaad to tba HoUoran Dr. Mortimer MorlarW, tel. more room In which to dioplay o f tiM BritWi Punaral Homa la tribute to Timm- Is Here Again M a n d w s t s r ' A City o f Vttlago Ckmrm 6445, aad Or. A. B. DIakan, them. win iM rt at tlM aaJ. marina, arhoaa wifa. Mm. 3-1861, Will raapond to emer­ _____ I teaH « at aad pro- Thla abouM muely ba a h m y VM Hanna Blerlna la a mamber of the gency calla tomorrow afternoon. 8 FUffc It) MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 4 ,194fi (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THKKK (!KN |-8 ta Holkma’a rbaand Hobm lodge. Chrlatmaa for tha children for VOL. LXVI„ NO. 55 SsnU dims Making His many hard-to-get Itema hava onea Appimrance at the J. more put In an appearanca on the HALE’S Tba annual Chrlatmaa aala of the The Doreaa Society of Emanuel market and the J. W, Hale Car- Sahratkm Army Women'a Home Lutheran church will hold Ita an­ W. Hale Store poratlon haa made evkry effort to Tba Analatlea commltU* will Ltaagua will take place at the cita­ Delay Is Seen Violence Breaks Out in General Strike Om te a l maatVng for IMC on nual Chrlatmaa party at the church secure these new toya for the del tomorrow evening at aeven tomorrow evening. ’The program Chrlatmaa shopping aeaedn. Concrete Actioii rriaar, Dae. *0 1 at S p. bl Or- o’clock, wltb M m ’Tbomaa Ruaaell Santa Claua made hla appear­ Sentence Lewis will begin with amorgaboard nerved ■ulBatloaa will plaaae arranca to In charge of tba fair, wltb M m ance at the Toy Department new l e w the varloua rrpreeenUUree by Mm Ida Sodorberg at 6:80. Signing Pacts Jaan Ctougb, M m Ruby ChMigb Special Chrlatmaa roualc la planned located on the aecond Soor of the atoMBA as a new alata of offloara and M m Eva Murphy in charge of ^ ba alactad for tba 1M7 m r - and alnglng of Chrlatmaa carola, J. W. Hale Corporation, laat Satur­ BODY AND FENDER To Reduce Arm the aale of bamburgera and other alao the exchange of Chrlatmaa day, much to the Joy of the chil­ PAINT-IT-YOUHSELF Of Satellites varletiea of aandwichaa, tea, coffee gifti. not to exceed In value twen­ dren. He will be on hand again REPAHUNG Delayed Five Hours; and loe cream. of S t Marfaiat'a Clr- ty-five centa. ’The bualneao meet­ Thuraday, December 5 at 3:.‘10 p.m. ing of the aodety will follow the ala. DangStata of laaballa, ara ra- until 5 and Saturday Dec. 7 from TURNPIKE MiN^iaiiical Problems in Mra. Oladya Oamble, preaident of program, which la In charge of the O f W orld Loo] to moot tomorrow erenlnc 3:30 p. m. to 5, and 7 to 9. AUTO BODY WORKS WITH Myatic Review, , Woman’a Benefit Printing Final Offi­ ait S:1S at the Burka Funeral executive committee, headed by Starting December 9, Santa will Aaaoclatlon, urgea the membera, |gg West itkMM Tpk. 'IAl 794S Home. S7 Baat Orntar atreat bi the preaident, Mlaa Alva Anderaon. be at the atore three daya a week, and particularly the long-time cial Texts Reporteii trlboU to BaaaaB T. Oorcofan. hua- ’Tuea^y from 2:30 tq 6 p. m. on "'i ---------- United Nations Moves Hint Strike to End membera. to attend tba pot luck tantf of Mra. Franeoa Corcoran who Richard Wharton who la er ’Tiuraday from 3:30 to 5 In the Postponement Giuse aupper thla evening at ala o’clock Swiftly Today After la a manibat of tba drde. ployed by the Experimental De­ afternoon and from 7 to 9 In the In Odd Fellowa banquet ball. Rleo- partment of Pratt and Whitney evening. Saturdaya he will be Electrical Repairs Soviet Russia Agrees New York, Dec. 4—(P)— Diplo­ AllBalnta Motbara Circle will tlon of offlcera for the year 1947 haa taken over the houae vacated there at 3:30 to 6 and from 7 to 9 Unofficial Talk Some will bo an Important feature of the by Dr. Frederick Coucy former In the evening. To Accept General matic Informonta sold today that maat tomorrow avanlnf at eight Order Holds Freight Formula for Ending o’clock wltb Mra. Vara Treacbuk of buatneaa aeaalon following the Director of the Hartford Veterana’ Take the children down to nee A. DAVIDSON the signing of Axle aotellite peace meeting. Principles Laid Down M Lionoa atreat Center. Dr. Couey left today to LICENSED ELECTRICIAN treaties, now being completed here Coal Walkout Being take up hla new poaltlon on the S9 RIveraMe Drive by the CouncU of Foreign Mlnis- atair of the A ir Force Univeralty By United States Tba North Mathodlat W. 8 . C. a ’ITie Sewing Qroup of S t Marga- T elephoee 3-1067 tero, almost certainly would be de­ To Most Vital Needs Sought; Legal Aides artll have anotbar allnday aawing ret’a Circle, Daughtera of laabella, at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, met wltb Mm Leo Barrett of Alabama. Lake Success, Dec. 4.— (ff) layed untU early next year becauoe Confer Behind Closed aaaatlag tomorrow. In preparation LECLERC of mechanical problema Involved for tba annual Chrlatmaa aale at Oeepwood Drive yaatarday to com­ — ^The United Nations moved in printing 6nal official texta Doors for Two Hours; tba church on Wadnoaday, Deoem' plete work on the atuffed toya for Harleth H. Manning and Stew­ Fnnetnl Home sn'iftly toward concrete ac­ ’The Big Four hope to wind Strikes ^f^p Mayor Seeks bar n . pra-achool children at St. Agnea art Atkinaon left Mancheater lent iftff New Blow to fn-| d Bailiff Announces Re- 28 Main Street tion on world arms reduction their wonc on the pacts for Italy, home. A total of 56 animate of night to drive to Florida where JARVIS Bulgaria. Hungary, Romania and varioua kinda were finlahed at yea- they will vlalt with Mr. Manning'n today after Soviet Russia dustry Struggling to | cesa of Three Hours Phone 5289 ve. Finland, in a few days and come Way to Cope terday’a aeaalon. pa rente Mr. and Mra. Harold Man­ a g ro ^ to accept the general to grips before the week-end with Maintain Operations \ ning, formerly of Mancheater. Veterans' principles laid down by the the task of outlining preliminary Bullatin! DOLLS! Lady Roberta Lodge, Daughtera United States, including a problema Involved in a German of S t Gaorga, are anticipating Company Number 8 of the South settlement. Washington, Dec. 4.— (/P) With Strike Waahinftoii, Dec. Mancheater Fire Department will Housing provision that inspection and They ore acheduled to hold a I to repiaaant yaar favae^ thoroughly enjoyable time tonight Mortgages Arrungoil control machinery ohould be free — A government order hold­ — The tortniaidnt today aak- hold a regular monthly meeting Jenria aterta eaotber gmop nt conference on Germany In Europe idmraatan Na- In tba Maaonie Temple. ’The occa ' of the big power veto. ing railroad freight to the Blon la their annual Chrlatmaa tonight at the hove hotiae on Call Veterena” hfNMea In Mnn«Wa- early in 1947 and the live eatelllte Expanding Mass *Pro- ed Fodaral Judge T. A k a Spruce atreet ter. See na to hiapeet vnrloas Shortly after Soviet Foreign most vital needs struck a wtg. SH hMbaa talt aarr- party with gamea, glfU and a va treaties may not be signed until Gohkboroogh to ino Joha L. plaiia nnd loeethma. Mlnloter' V. I f . Molotov bod tosaed that time. As on s'temative some leap Has Kept Oak­ anaa. Order aaw tar Oulat- rlety of good tblnga to oat No bua ALICE CLA.MPET staggering blow today to In­ ineaa la to be tranaacted. Milton ’Turklngton of Scarbor­ thla new aurprloe factor Into the suthoritlea suggested they might Uwk* Ualtod Mine Workers Political committee ot the Ocner- dustries struggling to main­ land Area Tied Up ough mad left t o ^ y by automobile Phone 2-0880 Jarvis Realty Co. be circulated among the varioua 9S,500,(KH) la paaiohsMat for for California. Hla only compan­ al Aoaembly, the delegatee of the capitals by airplane courier before tain operations despite the Paat Matrona of Temple Chap­ 6 Dover Roed 64 nations agreed unonlmouoly to Since Yesterday ion on the trip waa hla dog. Tel. 4113 or 7378 the German conference Is held. coal strike. Widespread fac­ coatcaipi of court la tkc coal ter, Order of tba Baatem Star will create a 20-member subcommittee Htmigthen Borgolalng Position Paula Welden, 18-year-old Ben tory shutdowns, with conse­ atriko. Joha F. Soaaott* tko Mrs. Scoville bold their annual meeting and to reconcile tbe vorloua proposole nlngton, V t, college sophomore, Some weetem diplomats said BuHetia! Chrlatmaa party Thuraday evening Frank ManaSeld Detachment of quent unemployment for thou­ the Marine Corps League and Ita befoi’e them. (above) Is being sought in a New that on the German issue Britain goveniBMat attoraoy, autfo In the Maaonlo Temple.
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