'ir V- MARY CHENEY LIBRARY^ WEDNE8DAX, OleTUBEB f, IM f £ iU U T fi£ l« flianrhpstpr tmiting ypraib DbOt OrcBlstlsB r. ISdS T h s W sbUm t I af O. a. Waolha AvlaH'Vi ________ ___ Chrt W 'i op*'’ Friday wnh a pot Personal Shower 9,109 Farrla, who aae ocm iim ii a - 1 Dr. Story CongratuUites Colleague two weeaa’ leave with hia at 13 m 1 enter Mri rrtSaTteU aS About Town church haama Mre. Herrr ytmv For Miss Larson Mr and Mre. K. J. rertia Sr .^ Rev. Earl C. Btavy. D.D., rlefti 2M Eaat Mid<iie Turnpike, he* left wtU praatda at the huameea me.i- TtM MUTtad OouplM Club of th« for further Sipht tralnlnc In Icww «af la faMOTV. Reporte wtU be of Provldenea, R. I , who han the Manehester^A CUy of Village Charm •oath Mothodiat church win op«n pre-mahl trmlnlat ftvea t j nee yumm gtrle. Jacrp.:*- diatinctlofi of haviiis aarved a* Mlaa Elvira Laraon, of IT Clin­ iU oMOon toriifht with o nipper Ilae D teh ii aad S h i ^ Tev' > ton atreet, woa pleasantly aurpria- a.iperintendeat of each of the thre. H) •t *:h0 In chorfe of the «eciitl*e The ti*t annual baatneaa meet- whe am leu af th*ir oaperte' r ee at ed lost night with a penonal show­ V0L.LXVI.,N0.9 MANCHESTBR, OQltfL, THUMDAY. OCTOBER 10, lOM (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS coaiBiIttee, Mr. and Mro. Hoyt diatricta of the Mew England int '>f rewly fr.imed Aircraft *'Qmir Stale” teat June, at the er at the home of Mm. Robart Stilaon. pi^denta; Mr. and Mre Alua^i aaeoclathm will be beM la Uaivaralty ef Coawsctierii who' ithrrn OomtaHoia of the Morria Bennett, etce preeldenU. the Hbrarv of tbe Boat Hartford that atbawded thraush the ro- Methodiat rnurch. dangratiilatra Pearson of Farmington avanuo, Mr. and Mre. RuaecU Weinbold. Hi«h arh<-»l. Friday evretnf. Gala- opmmtlaa mt the AmerKae L ^ ->~ c:-e of hla collaasuan. Rev Percy Hartford. Twenty frlanda. offloa Unemployed Itslians S to m Govenunent Sent aeoretariee and Mr. and Mre. Hall her II. at * «•' The aaeorieiicfl la AuaflUry and the Cuemn|M>.itan M .spurrier (rtghtl of Middleboro. aaaociatea and ralatlvas from thla Stewart, treaeurcre. Motion plr- to hold a aem formal fell daaoa Club M^==i who on Oct. 13 will leave town, Hartfrrd pnd WatharoSald Cardinals Leading Slavs Urged Remove tunw wUI be eliown after the meal for meinbera and frtenda at the the aiiperlntendancy of the New I-A and new membet* will he welcom­ attended. The bri<le*to-ba wraa the Wetherrthid Country Chib ea The Married f'ouplee «1-ib of Bedford Diatrtct' la oaaume the ed. (Vtober 1* Johnny Haakell and | recipient of a choice collection of the Seeand Oonaregal tonal ehunh paetorate of Aahury Methmiiit gifts which were attractively S: hia ortheetm »tll Pimuh j wilt nmka a roBwlion of ne »pa f h,ir. h Warwich. R. I._one of the ' wrrapped. 6- to 1 as Bosox Mr. and Mre. J. V. Aronaon. of from nine tf one o'dock ^ 51d Gardner atreet have aa their para an Saturday, fhioiier I* rew rapldly-oapandlng rhurrhea in The hostess, Mrs. Pearson, used Mamhera of the rluh and other* I>r .story’i diatrtet. Rev. O. Albm Barrier at Danube; a color scl^eme of pink and green, 11^4 (uaet. Mre. Reberka Brlchann of Gotebors, Sweden. She arrived In A of the FelPr.. rail chib ihemM call Bart Rutler of Pheipe DahlqiiMt I cooler 1 ef Baal Green- and a profuaion of garden fle e r s New York on September 3 and of Manriweler Uehte .>f Maenata ai<h R I., will auccaad Mr. Spin­ In her decorations. A delicious buf­ Hurlers Pounded haa been vtaiUnf relativce ahe will he held toniomr-. e\*n1^ at ier aa New Bedford Dlatrlrt Sii- fet luncheon was served the guests. haen't oeen for may yeare. She la elpht oflork In the Maeort. Tea»- The mtinthlv meelmc ti>' peiintendent. Theaa change, waie Mias Laraon. the daughter of Al­ a elater of Mre. Aronaon. ! pie Board of Direetora of the S*v anr> meed by Blahop Wewla (> bert Larson of^Clinton atreet, will Slaughter Raps Out Seen Indispensible Booh af Manrhcter wtll he held at Hartman of the Bbalon Area at a be married on Saturday, October Meat Offered The Paot Chiefa' Club of Memo­ i Janwa Trlvlyno of Jaroee'a the hanh tomofrow evening at 7 l.'> i. et.i apectal aaealon of the New 13. to Charles Daniels, of Hart­ Homer Off Hughson; rial Temple Pythian Sietera will Beaut V Sak-i wh- l» »rrt,d»ng aev- F* a’and Southern Coafereme ford. m JWtHAMcm* meet tomorrow evenin* at the 'eral day* In .Nr - Vork Oiy. .om- •fh^ re|i’'*r meeting of the laiimhing the denomlnallon'e Year Two More Runs Fob United States and Brit­ home of Mre. laabel Perkham. ^ Mning lni«lne*' and pl*a»«ra, la of Stewardahip. To Americans leaperleo home inmorro- Board of Tmvleea of the Mam low on Two Bagger, Waohln^on atreet, GUatonbury. ter Meaaorial hoeptlal will he held I>r Story waa auparintendent of juM krt and Middletown, R. I., and Present Solid Front ain Join Forces in at ^ hcriipiUI neat Tueedas (he New Bedford Dbrtrtct. 192ft- .Vi Hull. .Masn. Error and Single; Bag- Mr. Dahlquist haa baan paator By Argentina Calling for PositiTC araniag at 7 ^ I lie Norarlrh. Conn., Dtatrict. <1- ’ by Takes Relief Role i.i. and lha Provtdanre Dtatil't *t Kaat Greenwich for S yaara and On Russian Demands Action on Opening ha* *rrved as aaaistant at Oentrql Burnua hting Waned b^ St • nc# IPt.i . Ha alao haa aerved ** Signs Multiply Govern­ JaaMO'a ( ‘h'lrrh Corporation in paator In Boat Weymouth. Mh*< li.iiih. Brockton, Maaa., and Fenway Park, Boston, Oct. R if«r to Free Com­ P*sinr at North Groovenordale, traaoBorl chtldrea ia St Jam*** Mam heater, Uona., and WaahinK- 10.—<yp>-—The St. Louis Car­ ment May Welcome United Statae, Britain ton Park (Yiurch In Provlden<e ('onn. merce; YugoslaT Dep­ aehaM are not hrtng oparated b< dinals got away to an early Urges Ripping the Mamh- rter Tuu Compari a* Mr. Spurrier aarved for S yrai.* Proposal as Lever to And Turkey Resist uty Premier Attadu Otatad yeaterday. The buaea are at Trinity church, Naw Bnifnrd Ml* Earl Stone, of 30'a Biaoell start, pounding two Boston Ma»a. 3 yrara aa apaoriatr in Red Sox pitchers hard, to Pry Cattle Off Ranges Renetred Claims on Report of Majority he*ng operated hy Orltelli Srr>. .Hired expects to enter the New U d Off Reds’ thwa. entirely aeparate from the Mathrwaon Street rhuich. I’ n.yi.rnyi, Haven hospital this week for an lead by the score of 6 to 1 at Dardanelles* Control buMiiiaa at lha tanl Srm. I denca, and aa paator in W minlrTfperatlon. y the end ofr the fourth inning BidlcUa! BaDuUii! in the fourth World Series Waehlogtoo, OoL IS—(O — The beef Imtaatvy petMoMd*^’ Waahiiigton, Oct. 10.—(^P) National Ties Paris. Oct. lO^^AV-Bsst game today. Tex Hughson Secretory of Agiteonsio Aod- aa6 wsst dsslMd s i ^ tsdsjr was hit bard In the second in- —The United Statea, Britain erooo todoy to remove price and Turkey are presenting a sa tha Puses csoferaoes ks> ling. cootrolo from oottle oad ootvee United States Chamber Slaughter hit a homer, Kurow- ood tbelr moot prodocte. The solid front of reaistance to gaa coasMsrstka sf Um Rs> akl followed with a two-bagger, pettthtB, Sled by the lodnstr)'o Ruasia’a renewed demands on O f Commerce Wants ■ a alas trsstj* witk Ssvlst a s ln ^ by Walker and a squeeze OPA Advieory eoomiltt^ the Dardanelles, while leav­ rorsiga Mlateter Msisisv HALE’S play by ^ariOD resulted In three Congress to End Party coot ended there lo oo eoarclty ing the way open to full dis­ arglaff Britala emi ths runs. Two^imre runs were aoored of tbeoe cotnmodltteo wtthlo Power and Influeaee off Tex in the third and Manager cussion of rsviaed Soviet U n lt^ Siatss wHk MulilBg ts ^'v-J tbe deSnltloo of U n new prim Joe Cronin of the Bosox rushed in rights in the straits. *■ fartlMr *1aipwiiilistic” aaibl- oootral low, ood thot Aoder- Washington, OcL 10—(S>—Tha Mi'* Jim Bagley, Jr!>\^nith a man on Boo haa m aHeraaltve to -C N d n Allswsd Oraaea tisas ts ths Klksas. second. \ grantiog tba petttlew. Aides Dtplomattc authoiiUas dlacloaad Unltod Btatoe Chamber of Oem- The Red Sox plckra up a run in aoM Aoderoan had praodaed this today aa tha Stats denart- mereo demanded today that con- Faria, Oct 10.;—< A — T h s the last of the third. - With one to glvo the pefUttoo "top” eoo- ment anaouaosd a 135,000,000 rip the Ud off the CommiiAtet Unitad Statss ______ out Williams was waikpd and aiderotlao. He hao IS doyo and Britsia cradlt to Graaea—anoUwr trou- party to aad Ito power and tnfto- scored on Rudy York’s long dou­ to which to act. Mad Madttorranaan country—for Jolnad totem today In ssUlaa ble. Rome bad Its worst riot since liberation yoeterdayoa 30,000 nnetoployed atonned Ylmlnfito Palace, m eace In labor’a raaka and within of the government. Two persons were killed and J.41 more Injurad when srised OpraMnim opened fi tha purchase of surplus Army upon tbs Soviot Uaioii aiM first Inning Cardinals Washington, Oct 10—(O —Signs on the mob.
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