Lok Sabha Debates
Friday, 7th March 1958 LOK SABHA DEBATES SECOND SERIES VOLUME XII, 1958. (24th February to 10th March, 1958) FOURTH SESSION, 1958 (Vol. XII contains Nos. II to 20) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS [Second Series, Volwne XII-24th February to 10th Mur• h, 1c.1~!!. I C.otUMHI No. u-2.41h Fl.bruary, 19s8. Death of Maulana A7ad, Shri B. Dae; anL\ Slm V. M. Ob1udulblh .2091-2106 Daily Digest a . 210"-08 No. t2'-Tutsdoy, 25rh Ftbrttary, 1958. Oral Answers to Questions-- Starred Quec;tions NC1s. 449 tu 4~2. 454, 4~ti to 4-:9, 4l1t to 465 and 4f7 2109-44 Written An11wers to Quc1tllon~ Starred Que111t1on!I Nos. 4o6 to 448, 453, 4S5· 46o, 466, 468 10 491 • . 2144-tl:.t Unstarrtd Qu~rn.1ns Noc, 4~2 to 596 .2182-2255 Death of ~hr1 S. K. BMncnca 225s Motions for Adj1e1urnment- 1. F..xploc.um of ammumtwn at P.ttJ.anJ..01 ra1h\11\ 1,1dml!; nnd · 22SS-57 :. Death ()f and iniur~ 1(1 .um\ per'<•nr.d dtiru I? fmr~ 1r •• 11rJ? nt An l :lln . 2257-59 Papers laid on the Table . 2259-63 Messages from RaJya Sabha . 226l-64 Ancient Monumcnttt and Archaeolog1cal ~lie' ~.nd Rcmamc; H11J-I..a1d c1n th( 1uhl~ as p.ti.c,ed by Raha Sabha 2264 Perniontt re: Rcprei.entat1on of the Prorlc A1.t ard Indian Pc1'lt Office Rule' 2264 Demands for Supplc.mcntar} Cmmt' (R1ulV1al' 19c;.,.5S 2264 Prohation of Offenders B1ll-Rcpor1 (if Joml Committee prc\entrd 2264 Calling Attention to Matter ot Lrgenl Public Import.ince- Reservation of scah for ~chedulcd Ca<1tc1i • 2264-66 Correction of An11\\er lo St.trrcd Questic1n No.
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