Census of Mysore, 1941
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Census of India, 1941 VOLUME XXIII MYSORE PART I-REPORT P. H. KRISHNA RAO, M.A .• (Mysore Civil Service) CENSUS SUPERINTENDENT, MYSORE BANGALORE: PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT AT THE GOVERNMENT PRESS 1943 .. I look upon this ceremony of ascendi ng the throne of my ancestors as a dedication of myself. my life and all I have to the service of the people of Mysore... JAYA CHAMARAJA WADIYAR 8th September 1940. HIS HIGB1\:ESS SIn J.YL\CHA::\LlRAJA 'iLU)IY.\B H.UTAJ)l."11, nLiHA1LiJ.-\ 01" .IIYSUH}: TABLE OF CONTENTS REPORT PAGE PARA PAGE REGIONS OF DECLINE- 7-9- INTRODUOTION xi-xiii 38 Causes of decline in the Malnad exa- 1-6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION mined 1-4 39 History of the Malnad THE OOUN'f&Y- 40 & 41: 1762-1799 1 The Country 42 Effect of irrigation on the growth of 2 Relative importance population 3 Situation, Climate and Seasons 43 Decline in rm:al population due to 4 Rainfall rise of industries 5 Malnad and Semi-malnad t) River systems VITAL STATISTICS- 9-10 7 Forests 8 The Evergreen Belt 44 Births and deaths 9 The Mixed Belt 45 Decline of population due to diseases 10 The Dry Belt 46 Malaria 11 Sandal 47 Public Health 12 Fauna 48 Public Health in the Maidan and 13 Cultivation Malnad and Rural and Urban areas 14 Irrigation compared 15 Administrative divisions 16 Crops-distribution by Districts 17 Raw materials REGIONS OF INCREASE- 10-11 49 Rapid growth of population in the HISTORY- Maidan Districts 18 Historicall\fap 19 1617-1763 20 The Mysore Wadiyars DrSTRIBUTION- 11 21 Haider and Tippu 22 Value of the historical back-ground 50 Distribution 51 Rural and Urban 23 Modern Mysore 24 Makers of Modern Mysore 25 The Grcatest Asset THE CITIES- 11-12 ~_ PEoPLE- 5-6 52 The Cities 26 The people-Hindus 53 Growth of Cities . 27 General composition 54 Distinguishing features . 28 Muslims 55 Composition of population in Cities 29 Christians 30 Jains AMENITIES IN TowNs- 12-13· 31 Other Communities 56 Amenities in towns POPULATION 6-20 57 Educational facilities 58 Medicalfacilities 32 Scope of discussion 59 District Headquarter and other big towns VARIATION- 5-7 60 Taluk Headquarter towns 33 Growth and density compared 61 Other towns 34 Variation in several decades and in 6.2 Distribution of rural population difIerent parts of the State-growth compared with other States and Provinces . DENSITY- 13-14 35 Ma,mad, Bemi-malnad and Maidan 53 Density 36 Decline of population in the MaInad 64 Variations in density and Semi-maInad 65 Density in the Maidan 3'i Increase in the Maidan 66 Density in different regions PARA PAGE PARA PAGE 'MPOSITION- 14-19 LANGUAGE--concld. rthplace- 14-16 99 Hindustani 100 Tamil 67 Birthplace 101 Comparative growth 68 Born outside India 102 Marathi 69 Born in India-in (a) Provinces ad- 103 Banajari joining Mysore 104 Tulu and Konkani 70 In (b) Other Provinces in India 105 Malayalam and Hindi 71 Internal migration 106 Other languages 72 Immigration into Malnad and Semi malnad 73 Immigration into Cities EDUCATION AND CULTURE 24-31 74 Emigration LITERACY- 24-26 t: Ratitr-- 16--18 107 Relative position of Mysore in literacy 75 Sex ratio by communities 108 Literacy by Communities 76 Sex ratio by regions 109 Literacy-Urban and Rural 77 Significance of the sex ratio 110 Effect of occupation and tradition on 78 Sex ratio by age literacy 111 Literacy in English e Composition- 18 112 Progress ofliteracy 79 Age composition in 1931 and 1941 EnUCATION- 26-29 compared 113 Expenditure on Education liZ Condition- 18-19 114 Increase in expenditure due to change in the policy of Government 80 Civil condition 115 Communities other than Brahmin still not keen on higher education rtility- 19-20 116 Wastage in education 81 Rate of reproduction 117 Primary education 82 Average number of children born per 118 Villages with and without schools married woman 119 Remedies-(a) Self-help in primary 83 Age of mother at birth of first child education, (b) levy of fees 84 Largest number of children born in 120 Female literacy completed fertility cases 121 Effect of progress in women's educa- 85 Largest number of Children surviving tion 122 Libraries and Reading rooms COMMUNITY AND CASTE 20-22 123 Adult education 124 Need for literacy drive among large ,IN COMMuNITms- 20-21 Hindu Castes with low literacy 86 Main communities 87 General growth CULTURE- 29--31 88 Distribution-Urban and Rural 89 Distribution by Districts and Cities 125 People's culture 90 Taluks and Towns with large Muslim 126 Culturallife in rural parts and Christian populations 127 Development of the Kannada language 128 Kannada Literary Academy STE8- 21-22 129 Modern writers in Kannada 130 Art 91 Castes 131 Encouragement by Krishnaraja Wadi- 92 Hindu Castes yar IV 93 Caste distribution in Cities and Dis 132 Painting, Sculpture and Architecture tricts 133 Aesthetic life of the people 94 Origin of Castes diverse 1M Character of the people LANGUAGE 22-24 ECONOMIC AND OCCUPATIONAL 32-47 95 Language 96 The Kannada Country 135 What the Census does and does not 97 Neighbouring languages 136 Whether the Optimum popUlation has 98 Telugu been reached in Mysore vii PARA PAGE PARA PAGE OCCU PATIONAL DISTRIBUTION- 32-33 INDUSl'Ry-concld. 137 Dist,ribution of means of livelihood 175 Employment provided by Govern 138 Compared with 1931 under (a) Agri ment and other factories culture, (b) Gold Mining, (c) Indus 176 Industries in 1941 compared with try, (d) Transport, (e) Trade and 1911 and 1921 (f) Public Administration and 177 Employment provided to Mysoreans Liberal Arts and non-Mysoreans 178 Income of operatives AGRICULTURE- 33-38 179 Location 180 Cottage industries Improvement in Agriculture 139 181 Special cottage industries 140 Agriculture has not kept pace with 182 Govcrnment aid to cottage industries the growth of population 183 Conclusion 141 Production uf food crops inadequate 142 Problems of Mysore Agriculture TRANSPORT- 42-43 143 Grow more paddy 144 Cultivate more land 184 Communications 145 Irrigation 146 (a) Tanks, rivers and channels PuBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND LIBERAL ARTs- 43-44 147 (b) Wells 148 Irrigated area 185 Communities in the army 149 Grow more cotton and pulses 186 Representation of communities in the 150 Nutrition Public Services 151 Effect of soil and rainfall on crops and 187 Muslims and Christians in the services population 188 Muslim representation on the increase 152 Crops in Malnad 189 Many H~ndu Castes not adequately 153 Importance of agriculture as an indus represented try in Malnad 190 Government service still absorbs the 154 Its handicaps best material 155 Present state of agriculture-(a) in Malnad SUllSlD1ARY OOOUPATlONS- 156 (b) in Maidan 191 Subsidiary occupations 157 Importance of keeping up the indi genous popUlation in Malnad FEMALE W ORKERS- 45 158 The Maidan-effect of natural condi t ions on the growth and prosperity 192 Female workers of the peo-ple-(a) in Tumkur and Chitaldrug Districts OCCUPATIONAL DISTRIBUTION IN TOWNs- 159 (b) In· Kolar and Bangalore Districts 193 Occupational distribution in towns 160 (c) In Mysore, Mandya and the Maid!tn of Hassan District GENERAL PROSPERITY- 45-46 TRADE- 38-39 194 Indexes to the country's prosperity (a) Income-tax 161 Trade 195 (b) Insurance 162 Balance of trade 196 (c) Savings Bank accounts and de 163 Import of agricultural commodities posits in the Bank of Mysore 164 Other imports 197 General prosperity of the country as 165 Export and import of animals indicated by nature of houiles 166 Import of silk and silk goods 167 Import and export of manures and HOUSING CONDITIONS- 46 chemicals 168 Otherexporls 198 Housing conditions 169 Capture of country's trade by out siders UNEMPLOYMENT- 46-407 199 Census of the unemployed 1NDUSTRY- 39-42 200 Educated unemployed 170 Special Industrial Census 171 Growth of industry CONCLUSION 47-50 172 Important industries in the State 173 Share of Government in industries 201 Summary of conclusions 174 The Industrial Policy of the Govern 202 Suggestions for Malnad improvement ment 203 Need for village autonotny PAGE PABA PAGE CONCLUSION.-contd. CONCLUSION.-concld. 204 Need for restoring cultural life in the 207 Effect of illiteracy on the Co-operative . villages movement 205 Effect of the foreign element in the 208 Unity in diversity-t he watchword of population . His late Highness 206 Some suggestIOns for improving 209 His inspiring message literacy Itnd economic conditions 210 Our present Maharaja in villages TABLES TABLE PAGE TABLE PAGE GENERAL DESCRIPTION DISTRIBUTION- 17 Rural and Urban popUlation, 1881 and THE COUNTRY- 1941 61 1 Area, population and density of Mysore 18 Rural and Urban population by Districts- compared with some States and Pro- 1941 61 vinces 53 19 Growth of Cities since 1881 61 20 Urban and rural distributicn by com- POPULATION munities 61 VARIATION- AMENITIES IN TOWNs- 2 Growth of Population of Districts and 21 Town Improvement and Water-supply Cities from 1881-1941 53 Grants sanctioned to the Municipalities 3 Population, ]9.41 and variation since 1931 from 1930-31 to 1940-41 62 (Indian Provinces and States) .. 54 22 Growth of towns with a popUlation of 4 Variation in population in the Malnad, 10,000 and above 63 I Semi-Malnad and Maidan portions of 23 Growth of places with a popUlation Hassan, Kadur and Shimoga Districts between 5,000 and 10,000 63 Urban and Rural 55 24 Growth of towns with a population below 5,000-(i) Taluk Headquarter Towns REGIONS OF DECLINE- and (ii) other towns 63-64 5 Number of villages in canal areas in the DENSITY- Mysore and Mandya Districts, showing the variation in popUlation between 25 Density by Districts-Rural and Urban.