
The Thunderword The voice of’ the students

Volume 36, Issue 4 Highline Community College October 16, 1997 Student cars towed Highline Business strikes to host back at students who park on its candidate property forum By Menna Tesfatsion Staff Reporter time now in By Menna Tesfatsion Staff Reporter Des Moines. Over 31 cars were impound- cd yesterday in the parking lot Thc Highline campus will bc See page 4 adjaccnt to Baskin Rohins on the ncw battle ground for thc Pacific Highway South. political show down in thc 33rd Thc owners of Antique Fur- district. niture and Victorian and Coun- Dcmocnts Kod Bldock and try Collcctihtcs dccidcd to gct Sen. Julia Patterson will bc thc illcpally parkcd cars towed joined by rcpublicans Jim Mc- d‘tcr attcrnptin2 to contact the Cunc and John Crcighton on school. Wednesday, Oct. 22. “The students will have to The war of words will takc learn the hard way,“ said a place in thc Student Lounge, worker at the antique store. upstairs in Building 8 from 7- “Thcy’rc stopping our business, 8:30 p.m. they’ve even knocked down “The Candidates Forum will signs we have put up.” provide an opportunity for both “Getting yourcar towed is no the campus community, and10- fun, but if the owners decidc to cal community, to see and hear do it there is nothing we can do Men’s soccer Photo by Norman Godwin the candidates they will be vot- about it. It’s private property, falter, but still Students’ cars parked outside of Baskin Robins were towed ing for in the November elec- students have been warned ear- away yesterday. tions,” said Director of Student going strong. ly in the quarter,’’ said Laura Programs Diane Anderson. Saunders, vice president of ad- have the right to have illegally of the antique store toallow stu- See page 6 “Ihope students learn theis- ministration. dents to park. There is, howev- parked cars towed. sues well enough to make in- Thc parking lot is not school There is not an agreementbe- er, over flow parkingin Midway formed decisions when, they property, therefore the owners tween Highline andthe owners parking lot. vote,” saig Alexandria Peacock, vice president of legislation. Peacock played a role in bring- Highline could become Metro hub ing the candidates to Highline’s campus. By Westley Young “Ihope people come and Staff Reporter take advantage of this opportu- nity,’, Peacock said. Highlinc could become a Both Rep. Blalock and Scn. transit hub for Metro buses, and Patterson were appointed last students could enjoy chcap.trav- year to fill the respective scats cl on thosc huscs undcr a transit for one year. Breast cancer plan now being discusscd. Scn. Pattcrson, a ScaTac rcs- survivors speak. Metro, Southwest King idcnt and graduate of both thu See page 3 County, and West Scattle arc Univcrsity of‘ Washington and working on il six-year devclop- Washington State Univcrsity, rncnt plan for a more efficient served four years in the state transit systcln. House of Rcprcscntativcs before Index A key clemcnt ofthe plan for hcr appointment to the Scnrrtc Highlinc students could be last year. She will takc on availability of a GoPass, which Creighton in the debate. .2rrtS...... pages 4! for $10 would give students Creighton describes himself

Briefs ...... p age * three months of unrestricted as conservative. He spent 26 Campus Life...... page travel on all Metro buses. years in the Navy, four of those Many colleges, in- working in Houston for NASA, Lisa’s world ...... p age cluding the University of Wash- Photo by Bruce Jarrell where he flew ona space shuttle News...... Page ington, are using the GoPass. Students wait to get on the busat Highline’s bus stop. three times. Opinion...... p age The pass is available to staff and The race for a seat in the state students of participating colleg- dent body is drawn from West routes 130, 132, 166 and 174. House of Representatives con- SPOr fS...... p ages 6, es Seattle tothe Federal Way area, The proposals will be viewed sists of Rep. Blalock and Mc- The Wild Side.....page 2 Other parts of the plan in- and also areas like Kent East in January by the public in an Cune. Blalock has been a resi- clude more service throughout Hill. Once-an-hour bus service open house, and by mail. For dent in the 33rd district, which 66 South King County, including increases their community time more information on the transit includes Des Moines, Nor- more direct routes to Highline by a couple of hours each day.” . proposals, call Kathy Hall at mandy park, Kent and SeaTac, “All the things I really College. New routes could include (206) 684-6755 (voice), (206) for 30 years. like to do are either “Highline Community Col- more runs between Des Moines 684- 1682 (TTY), kathy.hal1 McCune has been a resident immoral, illegal, or fat. lege needs better connections,” and Kent, Des Moines and @metrokc.gov (E-mail), write of the SeaTac-Des Moines area tening.” according to “The Bus Stops SeaTac, and Des Moines and at King County Department of for over 37 years. He has Alexander Woollcotl Here,” a Metro booklet on the Federal Way. Transportation CommunityRe- owned a small commercialfish- transit planhanded out at com- The proposed transit hub at lations 821 Second Avenue, MS ing business for over 30 years munity meetings. “[The] stu- Highline would serve Metro 92 Seattle, WA 98 104- 1598. and brokers hisown seafood.

t 0 c I 2 Opinion oct. 16, 1997

Editorial Get out and vote for student at large

End of world might not be all bad

Thcrc cornes a point in ever! My instructor took pity or! young man's titi. when he mus! On the wild side me and rcphrascd thc qucstio!1 stop and say. "hcy, 1 could han- With W.B. Heming Sorncthing triggcrcd in thc baci: dle thc end o! existcncc as I o!' my head and thc answcr know it." tws up when cvcryonc turned to popped out. The point in my own lifc look at mc. Hc smiled and said "Why arc E came the other morning as I 1 did know something was up you taking this class?" 5 walked in late to chemistry once when the instructor told me it Ireally didn't know at +hat apni n. was my "turn to shine." point. I should have known some- He rattled off somc question After that, I'm sure that thc thing was up when Iwent into about ions and Icouldn't help end of the world might not be so thc room and thc lights were of!. but think Ishould havc slcpt in bad. At least I know Iwon't I should havc known something longcr. walk in late on it.

" Letters to the Editor Restroom manners Older student says and other countrics, hcrc at great we havc such diversity lighten up Highline. What an amazing op- here at Highline and the frce- apply to everyone portunity! dom to think and spcak as wc I have made so many ncw please? Dear Editor: I. Itoo am one of the ancient friends and feel accepted by my When you pass me on cam- If you'w tzken part in using one of the many Highline re- returnees to the world of' aca- classmates of all ages. Iattend pus say "hi." I'm the old broad, strootns on campus lately, you may have noticed that people deme. Unlike somc of my con- classes with students some of generally running off at he aren't practicing the general rule of common courtesy. It's a temporaries Iam writing in de- whom are no older than my mouth, with the perpetual look granddaughtcrs. of amazement on my face. I'm rule that everyone knowsand agrees with, but doesn't always fcnsc of Lisa Curdy's spirited, 0 csecute. e' It should be e\~t'ryonc's responsibility tokeep the restrooms di clcari. Ttlih ih r~ot;1 turd ~d,to uphold. v For instance, each bathroom is equipped with a trash can, fcil back, regrouped and decid- ed to pass on the ambush. Igot- yt't f'or wtne reason people have ;I hard time dispensing their ta say "lighten up." Is it so bad The Thunderword 1 trash in thern. Wadded up paper towels can be found on the I to laugh at ourselves a bit'? tloor. if1 the sink, and above the mirrors. It's not uncommon C I went to high school in the Today is yesterday's tomorrow. ., to titld empty pop c;ms and bottles in these areas as well. tifties; it was a whole 'nother kkh)r-in-(lhief' ...... W.B. Henling T Another problem that arises is the personal disregard by ball game then. (One of my phi- Managing 1;ditor ...... Gina Carpinito mles to properly aim when using the toilets and urinals. This losophy instructors eloquently Sports khtor...... Tim Wyse Arts Editor...... Lisa Curdy leaves ;I very nasty mess for the next person that happens to assigned me to the period "be- 0 Opinon Editor...... David Blair fore the great flood.") When I fr use the toilet. Photo Editor...... Bruce Jarrell Probably the most common offense committedby students was Lisa's age Ihad two babies Graphics Editor...... Jake Dill ir would be their repeated forgetfulness to flush. and was working two jobs. -Let Business Manager...... Anita Coppola S' her be whatever and whoever U Granted, the toilets' flushing power leaves much to be de- Advertising Representative...... LaSandra Strout she can be. Distribution Manager...... Candice Fenison c sired, thus resulting in the much needed double-flush method, Having successfully blazed a Reporters... Christi Croft, William Strasbaugh, Petr c But this extra step in bathroom etiquette is no excuse to trail though my first half-centu- Borishkevich, Jenna Burkard, Peter Clark, Ira Cornell, Tanya R leave fellow students an unexpected surprise when entering ry and being well into the scc- Foster, Jennifer Francis, Norman Godwin, Nathan Golden, F the toilet stalls, If the business requires a double flush, then by ond, Idecided to venture backin BrandonGroorr~s, Andy Johnson, Marisa Kind, Ian L< Mahannah, Morishima, Scott Murray, all means flush it twice. time and resume my long-ne- Lindsay Santi - Permpool, K.M. Petersen, Alyssa Phau, William Randall, Some people may be purposely leaving a big mess in their glected higher education. Brian Scalabrine, Michael Stampalia, Shannon Stroud, attempts to rebel against authority. This, however, has a re- I've met and talked to kids Carrie Sukert, Menna Tesfatsion, Ami Westberg and verse effect because the only people it directly affects is the (No offense intended. If you are Westley Young. students. under 40 you qualify as a kid), Adviser...... T.M.Sel1 People should not go out of their way to make the restrooms from all over the world. Iknow P.0. Box 98000 DesMoines, WA, 98 198 students from Chile, Russia, Building 10, Room 106 filthy. These are not the college's restrooms, but the students' Vietnam, Laos, India, Ethiopia, Newsline...... 878-37 10 ext. 33 18 restrooms. Japan, Korea, the Ukraine, Iraq, Advertising...... 878-37 10 ext. 529 1 Oct. 16, 1997 Campus Life 3 Cancer survivors urge vigilance Foundation she has participatcd in many kicks off fall By Jenna Burkard seminars, stressing the impor- Staff Reporter tancc of sclf-examination. campaign Risk of breutcancer incrcas- Worncn c;~,and should. pro- By Ami Westberg cs with a woman’s age. prcscnt- tect thcrnsclvcs I’rotnbreast can- Staff Reporter ers at thc seminar said. ccr by dctccting it early. three At age 25 your chanceof gct- cancer survivors said in a prc- The Highline Community ting breast cancer is one in suntation here Tucsday. Collegu Foundation‘s goal this 2~,000;at age 35 one in 500; at The women spoke at a Brcast year is to raisc $ IOO.OOO for agc 40 one in 262: at age 50 one Cancer Awareness Scminar or- scholarships and program cn- in 62: age 70 one in 32; and at ganized by Ycncrma De Las hancemcnts. Thc largest fund- age 80 your chances of pctting Alas of student govcrnmcnt. raising cvcnt of the year is the brcast cancer arc one in 12. October is BrcastCancer annual campaigrl which kicks Some 182,000 women are Awareness Month. off thc month of October. diagnosed with brcast cancer “Worncn should give thcm- The campaign is designed to every year in thc United States; sclf a breast exam monthly to solicit help from Highlinc alum- 40,000 wom’c.n dic of it. chcck for breast cancer andaftcr ni. staff, taculty, community Men also can get breast can- the age of40 should get a year- leaders, and previous donors. cer, although that is much morc ly mamogram,” said Tricia Gar- Thc Foundation mailsout lcttcrs rarc, saidDchorah Spcncc land, one of the gucst spcakcrs. asking pcoplc to donatc moncy Schiro, program manager for Garland had been cxamincd to help Highlinc studcnts and dctcction for thc American Can- scvcral times, but her doctor programs. ccr Society. fimxJ nothing. Another doctor The Foundation is a non- The genc for breast cancer did find the cancer, howcvcr. profit organization run through has been isolated, which may Garland survivcd after hav- Highlinc. Its cfforts arc aimcd Photo by Norman Godwin lcad to a cure someday, Schiro ing a mastcctomy. Sincc then at raising moncy to provide Deborah Spence Schiro talks about breast cancer Tbesday. said. scholarships for students. It also raises money for emcrgcncy President takes long trek to HCC funds, grants and programsup- port. Othcr tundraiscrs includethe By Ian Mahannah Nelson lovcd his villagc and School where he discovcrcd the Golf Marathon playcdat the cnd Staff Reporter wantcd to do evcrything possi- powcr of politics. of August, which raised approx- blc to be a positive factor. With- “Iwantcd to get involvcd in imately $20,000; last month’s Studcntbody Prcsidcnt Nel- out any advanced education, political issucs because Iwantcd Gcorgc Karl Roast; and last son Crisanto has experienced a which he dearly wantcd, he did to makc a difference. Iwant to ycar‘s lecture by Ann Rulc. lot. Born dccp in the Hondurian odd jobs at the hospital. help people,” Crisanto said. “Thc Foundation is always junglc in a village callcd Pal- “Thc mcdicinc supply was Hc proved his ability by looking for new cvcnts,” said cious, he found lil‘c hard in pathetic, there were times where making thc honor roll every Dr. Ed Command, prcsidcnt of tough situations, all thc while wc would go two wccks without year. Hc also proved his tough- the college and member of Thc kccping a positivc attitudc. any,” he said. ness. In wrestling hc placcd in Foundations’ Boardof Dircctors At the agc of 15 he was He got his big brcak when a statc cvcry year and won the Nelson Crisanto and Exccutive Board. struck with polio. For onc year nurse from Central Washington statc title in the 1 18- pound Scholarships are offcrcd to hc was forced to have a woodcn University, Vcrna Zuettermi- Ncxt year, when he will look weight division his junior year. students due to thc Foundation’s board strappcd to his kg. The cstcr, offercd him the opportuni- Hc currently is un the HCC back on the 1997-98 school success in reaching people who abundance of love from hisfam- ty to come to America. She bc- wrestling team and has high year, he knows what hc wantsto donatc to the school. Thcy arc ily and fricnds and strong faith camc his host mother for five hopes for this season. see. “Iwant a lot of positive awarded in the names of alum- in natural mcdicines made by ycars. “Onc of thc reasons why I changes,” he said. ni, previous donors, and specif- thc mcdicinc womcn are what “Moving to America was a chose Highline was because it is In Crisanto’s spare timc he ic school dcpartmcnts and pro- pullcd him through. total culture shock. In Palcious one of only four schools in enjoys being with friends and grams. “There was LL strong fccling there was an airstrip in thc mid- Western Washington that has a relaxing while listening to his Assistant Director of the of unity on Palcious, basically dle of the village and Iwas with wrestling team,” hc said. favoritc musician, Bob Marley. Foundation Mark McKay said evcryonc livcd their lives day by black peoplc like mc,” Crisanto Crisanto spoke well of the His favoritc actor is Eddie Mur- that not all scholarships are tied day. Everyone got along great. It cxplained. upcoming scason. “Iexpect phy. His favoritc actress is Wy- to grade point or nccd. was a very happy timc for mc.” Hc attcnded Wcnatchce High nothing lcss than being No. I.” ona Rydcr. His favorite foodis a Whopper. His favorite car is his For information about schol- Diversity forum dents. own ’83 Toyota Camry. arships chcck in the financial News briefs The board mccts thc third If he could change one thing aid office in Building 6. open to community Friday of every month. .~ ~~ Speaker from about the world it would be, “To Mass Cool Concert feed all the hungry peoplc.” See Money, page 8 Trinidad to Highline Highline’s Multicultural Ser- vices Advisory Board will meet Series canceled I- Earl Lovelace, Ph.d, author on Friday Oct. I7 from 2-4 p.m. The concert, scheduled for of SALT, will lccturc on Oct. 20 in Building 2. Friday, Oct. 17 has been can- from noon - I: I5 p.m. in Build- All topics involving diversi- celed. ing 7. Discussion and book- ty and relatcd subjccts or prob- Thc headlining band, The signing will follow thc lccture lcms will be open to discussion Scenc, canceled last week, and until 1 :45 p.m. Lovelacc rc- during thc first half hour of the Kissing Booth, another band, ccived the 1997 Commonwealth mccting. Any student, staff or also had to cancel. Award for Literature for SALT. faculty is welcomc to attcnd. Kris Petcrson, the coordina- Rcfrcshments will bc scrvcd. The Multicultural Scrxiccs tor of thc scrics said that thcrc For morc information, contact Advisory Board is compriscd of might bc another concert in Jan- Lower Level Building 8 Laura Westcrgard, cxt. 3537. admistrators,t‘ilculty and stu- uary. M-Th 6:30am 7 m ” ”_ _“ ”~ ” - ”” ”. - . -.- . T -i Espresso Cart Hours 7:3 8a-1 2p WHAT’S NEW Creative StaffMembers MODEL AND I I I TALENT Needed for Established BAGEL,withcream I I Before & After School cheese wkoupon I I Program I EXP.10/22/97 1 ti I Please Call 878-4308 1 1

e C 4 Arts Oct. 16, 1997 Heeeee-ya! Bloody boogie folks set to scare Chica burns

Photo by Norman Godwin Creepy ghouls abound at the Scare Productions HauntedHouse, which opens today. un-anesthitized woman. charity events," Tingley-Cartcr parade held that evening. Operating hours are from 7 And scary volunteer ghouls said. follow you around like a pack of Some of the past beneficia- p.m. to midnight Fridayand Sat- .urday,and p.m. to 10 p.m. loyal chuhuahuas. ries include Junior Achieve- 7 There is fake fog as well as ment, DARE, Highline College Sunday through Thursday. Bc preparcd to be frightened, strobe lights.The Haunted Foundation, and much more. HS "IT" likc clowns and many House is wheelchair accessible. Microsoft donated a swing- butcher knifes abound. Suddcn Little kiddies might bc fright- ing double-bit ax, among other suprises jump out at you, and ened, so be sure that kids under local donators. blood flows like the river 10 bring a friend and a parent. Because their spccial 10th Admission is $5 per person. Anniversary showingwill be on Ganges. Perhaps the most troubling Free parking is availablc at the Saturday. Nov. 1. Scare Produc- sccnc of thc HauntedHousc was Des Moines Marina Beach Park, tions is featuring "The Last the hospital room,where a vcry and discount coupons arc also Chance Costume Pageant." realistic amputation had available at local Bartell Drugs Everyonc is cncouraged to occurcd, complete with writhing good tor $1 off admissions Sun- wmc in thcir costume and par- bloody stumpand screaming day through Wednesday. ticipate in the pcrpctual pcoples Comedy Cafe soon to yuck up Building 8

By Marisa Kind talent, he then has the responsi- Staff Rcportcr bility to communicate with the agent, book the individual, \'hat Dit\rid Spade is to Sat- schedule thc pcrl'ormancc, and urday Night l,i\x. Chris Alpine bltirnatcly promotc thc show. ;IJI~Kcrrnit Ilolid:~yarc to Thc '*Basically, Iam in charge 01. COlTlCdy cat?. all the behind the scenes work," Highline's comedy night. at'- said Smith. tictiot1iltely called the Comcdy This is Smith's first year with Cilf'c, will bc kicking otl thcir Team Highline. ql~artcrlyprograms next month. "Ou~major goal is to provide No\-.7. programs for all the students, This will be the sccond per- but part of the responsibilitics I'orrnarxc at Highlinc for the lies on the students, because feature corncdian, Chris Alpine. they havc to tell us want they Tourann Smith, Team want," said Smith. Kermit Holiday Highline Member, is in charge Chris Alpine Students are encouraged to of booking all ofthe comedians vance, but $7 at the door. Comedy Cafe, the audience has not only attend the event, but for the Comedy Cafc, and said Tickets may be purchased largely been made up of people also give thcir opinion of the that Alpine is a vcry funny guy from any of the Team Highlinc from the surrounding commu- events they havc attended. and is well received bythe audi- member or from the Student nity. One way to help The Com- ence. Programs office. "Iwant to promote it actively edy Cafc is recommending co- The Novcmbcr performance Both offices are located on on campus, to gct more of a stu- medians to Smith whom you will be Holiday's first appear- the top floor of Building 8. dent-basedaudience," said have found cntertaining. ance at The Comedy Cafe, but The shows arc clean, hilari- Touraan Smith. Smith hopes that The Com- with a name like Kcrrnit it ous entertainment suitable for One of the jobs that Smith is edy Cafe is a hit, "because it should be a "holiday" to remcm- everyone, both thc [campus com- responsible for on theTeam works both ways. The comedi- be r. munity as well as the general Highlinc committee is heading ans havc a good time as well as The Comcdy Cafc is held in public. up The Comcdy Cafe. the audicnce, plus the campus The Tazza Cafe, which will be However, Smith believes that He has the opportunity to makes money." open for business during the children under the agc of 16 visit different comedy clubs in Be sure to attend this No- show, The doors open at 7:30 may find the material hard to the Seattle area to check out po- vember,and keep your ears p.m. and the show is from 8 to understand. tentials for Highline'sown peeled for the upcoming Cafe's IO p.m. For the past six years that show, in February and May. They're See Fuego, Page 5 The tickets are $5 in ad- Highline has organized the When Smith finds suitable sure to be a few cheap laughs.

8 c 4 Oct. 16, 1997 Arts 5 Hendrixes Beefcake buffet: tell sad tale By denna Burkard Highline's finest'strut their Staff Reporter goods in calendar pageant Rock and roll wasn't good to Jimi Hendrix, tdmily members By Shannon Stroud contestants of the pageant can. said to a group of students at Staff Reporter be any male studcnt or staff Highline on Tuesday night. member at Highlinc. The guitar legend, who died Picture this: 30 dapper men Whether it be in jeans and a in 1970, grew up in Seattle. His strutting their stuff for judgcs. T-shirt or a tuxedo and top hat, fhthcr. AI Hendrix and younger and of course. you. in the first these young men will be wcar- sister. Jamie, spoke to 43 mcm- wet- calendar pageant. ing any outfit of their choice hers of Stephanie Haigh's His- No peoplc. this is not a that best describes them. tory of Rock and Roll class. dream. Tcarn Highline will he But wit. it gets cvcn better. The Hcndrixcs'two-hour sponsoring ;I ~ontpl~titi~,n-hasc~l KtJBE's morning show co- prcscntation Irnswu-cd questions pagcant cr1tirlt.d. "Men 01' host Tcrri Frcc. andAmanda I'roln thc wdicncc. durily which Ilighlinr" taking placc on Loring. a Highlinc st3rldcnt ;IS thc two ol'tcn dlsagrucd about \Vt.dncd;!;, Nov. 1.3, in thc up- WCIItl~ scc)\lt for thc En~craicl thc dct:iils tl!'Jimi's lit:. per Ic\*cl ot' L33rliiding 8 !.ram City Modcl mdTdcnt Agcnq., At flcndris rcoallud that Ilc noon to 2 11.111. will he thc event's judgcs. twuyht Jitni's tirsi guitar for S5 Thc top I2 qu;di tjing contcs- Many students around cam- t'rotn Fred Mcycr Music. tants will he t'tlaturcd in a 1998 pus are roused by talk of a pag- i The Hendrixes said that Jimi caIcndaI sold hcrc: at Highline. cant lor men. did not die of a drug overdose, Graphic by Jake Dill which will include a profile and "Ithink it would be funny to The winners of the Menof Highline fashion show will be and that he rarely touched drugs. photograph of each guy for each see guys in something like this," They said his managers had of- featured in a 1998 calendar. month. said student Briannc Nohra. ten placed drugs on him to get To add to the excitement, the Some men seemed to be Firestine. Building 8 and watch this show- him arrested. skeptical, however, when they This may verywell be a typi- case of Highline's finest Hendrix died choking on his were asked if they would par- cal reaction for many men, but it beefcakes, Wednesday Nov. 13. own vomit after having some ticipate in a pageant suchas this won't stop the 30 guys already Ifyou, too, would like to be a wine and sleeping pills. Fuego one. signed up to do their thing on Man of Highline, please contact AI and Jamie now spending "I'm not really into that sort Touraan Smith at ext. 3537 as Continued from page4 stage. most of their time working on of thing," said student Mike So scoot your rear over to soon as possible. getting a museum started. spot in one of the three main L lots." Flashing my watchat the of- Bands pack house for rousmg tun fender, he witnessed thetruth of the matter. By K. M. Petersen available to play after 764-Hero Their new CD arrived in they would t'all off throughout It was 9:15 a.m., and the spot Staff Reporter finished. Unfortunately, their record stores October 7. thc performance. stealing crcaturc apologizedfor cookie-cutter guitar rockwas far "We'rehappy with it,*' On stage Atkins is a very shy a momentary lack of intclli- 764-Hero celebrated the re- too boring for the crowd. Many Johnson-Dickinson said, "Phil person, normally limiting his gence, and slinked hack to his lease of their ncw CD, "We're of the audience members de- Ek recorded it and he did a re- remarks between songs to car. Solids." on Sunday night by cided to spend the duration of ally good job, wc like it a lot." "thanks a lot." Pulling out, he waved apolo- playing to a packed houseof1 60 the Bunny Foot Charm set in the Thc new releaseis quite a bit About his performance. hc getically and drove into the sun- at the Old Firehouse in arca outside the Firehouse faster than their previous rc- said, "Iliked it a lot. We were set that was Midway. Redmond. building. leases, and in their live set, they on the radio last night, and it As the annoying tclevison Bunny Foot Charm was speed up their slower, moodier was good, but wewere just chanted "Go Ricki! Go Ricki!" originally scheduled to play first songs. Johnson-Dickinson said, looking at each other, and it's it and awoke me from my daze. I at the concert, whichhigh- "We liked that way, "It kind of happened that way. nice to have people up front," hc realized how strange my lighted three bands. so we kept it." We liked it, so we kept it that said. drcamstatc was. Concert organizcrs, howevcr, way." The next concert at thc But Iwantcd to haw super- announced to the crowd that thc The Mercer Island-raised Firehouse is on Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. instantanious flying powers, by hand was eating dinner and had --Johnson Dickenson Atkins worc a faded red T-shirt Thc cost is $3 and will be featur- gosh! And a furry footed talk- not arrived yet. so 764-Hero which displayed hisslightly siz- ing Casualties of Power, Sci- ing Swamp Bunny as my trusty would play first. Olympia-based able stomach, and sported ill-fit- ence, Moodring, and sidekick! 764-Herodelighted the finished the concert. They wcrc ting pants which secrncd as it UmmaGumma. So maybc working, taking crowd with songs from both of unable to.pcrform for about 15 20 credits, and being on the T- thcir CDs. minutes becausethe guitar word staff is proving to be a The two-pieceband; consist- player's amplifier was broken. time of trials and tribulations ingof singerlguitarist John "It worked last night," he (or was that finals and sleep Atkins and drummer Polly said before apologizing to thc deprivation?) Johnson-Dickinson, played an crowd. But with Chica del Fuego emotionally charged set. When Unwoundfinally lurking in my mind, I know Atkins' stage presence was started playing, the crowd was , we'll get through it. HEEEEEE intense, as he would routinely treated to a mixture of tight, un- YA! lean his head backwards and conventional rhythmsand well- UNGO PILOT Lisa Curdy is Arts Editor, scream into the microphone, utilized effects. ALARM DRIVING LIGHTS curd is currently fucinated with while Johnson-Dickinson's The concert was thelast local eating her weightthein drumming was methodical and one for 764-Hero before they cufeteria's tacosalad bar. steady. leave for a national tour with $15gg5 Bring it on! , Bunny Foot Charm was Modest Mouse.

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~~ %Bird hoop star Wilder chooses USC

lasn't won ;LNCAA to continue to play tor Callen) championship yet. and I lkll that ;rnd alongside 1i)rmcr Highline I can help them do that." Wild- post player Brian (Ked) Scal;~- er said. brine. who also has ;rcccptcd ;I He said that the University ot' scholarship to the USC. Arizona didn't sewn to really "USC is getting two top play- care about his needs. ers who play well together. "My mom and dad arc happy They both work very hard." tor me, they are in full support Callcro said. of whatever Ido and wherever I "I will give USC two years. go." hc said. I IO per cent of myself. acadcm- Callcro said he excited atwut I ically and on thc court." Wilder advancing his own career as said. wcll, but has more immcdiatc He chose from many other challcngcs ahcad. collcgcs. When he narrowed it "Iam looking forward to ex- down to Arizona,Oregon. panding my coaching career at WSU, Ncvad-Reno, and USC, USC with Rcd and Wilder, but I he chose USC because he saw am concentrating on winning opportunities there that hedidn't another NWAACC champion- scc at the others. ship this season," Callcro said.

Soccer team suffers second- loss-" of season During the Shoreline game, By Nathan Golden Highline's Steve Mullinax, caught two Staff Reporter cleats in the back of his right leg as he tackled a Shoreline player and stabbed Despite a great cl'f'ort by thc HCC the ball away from him. Mullinax had men's soccer tcam on Friday, Oct. I I the no choice but to finish the game o1.f the "Rippers" I'ell short 01' a victory. l?cld. The team lost to SWOCC 2-0 in what Mullinax has been recuperating from was called a great game by head coach pneumonia t'or most of the season. Jason Prcnovost. Shorclinc was only his third game this "We knocked thc ball around well," year. He lklt good about the way thc hc Prcnovost said. played and described it as his "first real Highline had several opportunities to game." score, but couldn't convert. According to "Ifelt my touch and endurance was Prenovost, the other team had the mo- back," Mullinax said. mentum. He was disappointed that he was The fullowing day, with a 2-1 victory forced to leave thc game before it was over Shoreline, the "Rippers" redeemed officially over, but cxprcssed that he themselves. should bc back to normal within the "11 was a bruising game," said head week. coach Jason Prcnovost. Dct'cndcr Jcfl' Chamberlain was also Shoreline took an carly 1-0 lead, but forced to exit the game duc to hip-tlexor that didn't stop Highline. Our boys problems. quickly responded with a goal scorcd by After such a well playcd game, Pren- Randy Rolcwicz. assisted from teammate ovost gave his tcam Monday off to relax Photo by Bruce Jarrell Gerry DiPietro, to tic thc game at 1 -I. and heal. Tony Rolewicz sccured the win with a Highline plays again on Saturday Oct. Highline men'ssoccer player waits to kick theball down field. penalty kick that also scored. I8 against Tacoma. utt-seasonn cc helpsm prepare softball team for spring season

By Brian Scalabrine In !dl softball, thc tcam plays Washington State Univcrsity. The team really has fun play- Thc T-Birds have one more Staff Reporter cvcry Saturday, They play thrcc Coaches and players say thc ing together wcckcnd of MI ball, when they to fiwr games in one day. "It's playing l'all sottball is really im- "Ithink wc arc going to have play Skagit Valley Community kind of' hard to play l*ourgames portant to their season. a patscason," said playcr Tsli Collcgc in Mount Vernon. in one day. We usually struggle "I think the team is coming Mansign. in the last onc," sitid T-Bird together, and we learn how pco- playcr Carrie Rhodes. plc play," Rhodes said. They pluy I'our -year and This is very important when two-year coilegcs.. Victories ir is time to play li)r keeps in the Hiahline Court this fall included i1 5-3 win over spring, she said. "A artments 23820 30TH AVENUE 50. KENT, WASHINGTON Rem od e Ied Clean and Cute 1 Bedroom a ts. Available Call Poday (206)870-9484 I I

c a. October 16, 1997 sports 7

~__ ~~ ~~~ Cross-Country suffers injury to top runner

By Westley Young Highlinc was edged out by “Ivisualized the race bcfore fromKent-Meridian, ran a “Iwas in a tight pack of run- Staff Reporter Western Washington University, it began and ran my race,” 2 1 :47, establishing fifth place ncrs going a round a sharp turn, 37-52. Cross country is scored Smith said. “Ijust had a great Highlinc placed second over- them was a log that suck out and Sophomore Brian Smith fin- in reverse; the team with the race.” all, placing higher than Simon Ihit itwith my shoulder,” Cc- ished first among thc college lowest overall score wins. “Brian sets thc best example Fraser University, Seattle Pacif- niccros said. runners at thc Seattle Pacific Smith finished fifth overall, for the team. He is at every ic University, and Scattlc Uni- Highlinc’s ncxt nlcet will be Fort Cascy Invitational in Whid- beaten only by four profession- practice in the morning and in vcrsity. the Western Washington Uni- bcy Island last Saturday, leading ally sponsored runners. He fin- the afternoon giving all he has,” Sophomore Frankie Ce- versity Invitational at Lakc Highline’s cross coytry team to ished two seconds behind fourth said teammate Prahlad Fried- niceros was injured during thc Padden in Bellingham on Satur- a second-place finish. place with a time of 21 :07. man. Freshman Andy Gist, meet. day, Oct. IS at 10 a.m. Women’s soccer team battles through not so “key” injuries

By Michael Stampalia Eryn Rcdmon earned her Staff’Reporter third shutout of the season. After scoring four goals in Sut’tkring from injuries, thc cach of their last three gamcs Lady Thundcrhirds lost for thc thc tcam lost Tracy Wilcoxcn, first time this season. 5-3 on thc Chrissy Kcelcy. and Maria Sut- road against Lowcr Columbia. ter. “Thcy ‘ rc ;I good tcam. Wc This weakened an offense controlled the game, but every that had only just recently got- tirnc we shot the ball they coun- ten untrackcd, having scorcd tercd,” Coach Shari Andcrsen just one goal in their first two said. “It secmcd liked cvery- games. thing they shot hit thc post and “We have a lot of new pco- went in and evcry shot wc took ple, who maybe aren’t as cxpe- hit the post and bounced out. It ricnccd, who have had to step was frustrating.” in,” Anderscn said. On Friday the thunderbirds Wilcoxcn and Kccley arc played Southwcst Oregon at cxpcctcd backncxt wcck, while home. Sutter was expected to play yes- Confusion on dcfensc in thc terday against Skagit Valley. first half had thcm trailing 1-0 Overall seven starters have and screaming assignments at missed the last four gamcs with each other. Thcy werc able to injuries. regroup at halftime and quickly “We have not played with scorcd to earn a I- I tic. all of our starters healthyall sea- On Saturday the tcam went son,” Andersen said. on the road to Green River who The Thunderbirds overall they defcated 1-0 as Jaime Jo- record now stands at 5- 1-3 as Photo by Bruce Jarrell hanson scoring the T-birds only they hit the road for games at Lady T-Birds battle Southwest Community College for a header in a game lastweek. goal Columbia Basin, Walla Walla, “We control led thc game, Wenatchee, and Spokanc. but we played right into their “These next two weekends game plan,” Andersen said arc crucial,” Anderscn said. CENTRAL WASHINGTON Volleyball team drops two UNlVERSm matches, still struggling SeaTac Lynnwood By Jennifer Francis If‘you would score on a serve you Staff Reporter would receive two points, but if you would score on a side out you would The women’s volleyball team is com- receive one point. ing off a rough weekend but have plans “We are really startingto play better. of coming back strong this week andfeel We are starting to lose our attitude and they will be at full strength by Friday. play together,” coach Burkett said. Last week the girls had a tough match “Ithink we will have everything against Bellevue, but were defeated in pulled together and be ready to play four games, 2-15, 15-13,5-15, 14-16, well on Friday,” she said. Law and Juotia Last weekend the lady Thunderbirds The lady Thunderbirds had a non- participated in a tournament being host- league match against Green River on ed by Bellevue CommunityCollege. The Tuesday October 14, in which they lost, lady Thunderbirds battled through five but scores were unavailable at press matches but fell short in all five. time. 1 “The scoring system was not the reg- Results weren’t availablefor the Oc- ular system, it was very weird,” head tober 15 game against Skagit Valley. -ma -tar coach Tanya Burkett said of last week- The team is looking forward to a (206) 439-3000 ends tournament. match theyare hosting on Friday Octo- I In this tournament, every match is ber 17 in the Highline pavilion versus played to 50, instead of the regular 15. Edmonds Community College. Oct. 16, 1997 News 8 Students seek higher office today

Editor’s Notc: Tun Higlllinu By Andy Johnson votc huge amount of timc. and Nashonne Watkins Sepano is interested in morestu- st1cdent.v are hoping toj711 two Staff Reporter I would make studcnt govern- dent participation. “Iwould stutiiDrrt-crt-kurt~psitiorts. Brief ment my number one priority.” Watkins is a first timc stu- mainly like to see a rise in prujiles 011 twdl of tl!c ccmcii- Walter Greer Hc was a member of Key Club, dent hcrc at Highlinc and has a school spirit, unity, and event cit1tts.s m-t’ lowttd to tlw right. and diffcrcnt youth groups, 3.5 GPA. He attendance.” Having fun,and which he believed have in- improving student experiences By W.B. Heming Grecr is a 19-ycar-old stu- is not only creased his skills for thc posi- conccrncd hcre at Highline are two of his Staff Reporter dent at Highline. He fccls that tion. goals. he has a great pcrsonality, andis with helping Studcnt-at-l;wgc clcctions dcdicatcd to doing whatcvcr it Santana Villa our students, Jessica Barber will hc held today upstairs in takes to accomplish his goals. but wants to give back to Building 8 from IO a.m.-2 p.m. “Iwant to be rcmcmbcred as Villa is a 22-ycar-old student Barber is an 18-ycar-old stu- the communi- and 0-9 p.m. someone who did something,” in his first quartcr at Highlinc. dent in hcr second yuartcr at ty also.Wat- Students wishing to vote Grccr said. He is currently involved in Kcy Highlinc. She was an officer in kins has con- must show a valid Highlinc stu- In high schd, Grccr was a club, Wres- her high schools eirls club and sidercd a food drive and an dent ID card bcforc theyarc giv- ASB senator,and participated[ling, in and In- drama club, a AIDS walk, and is inter- en thcir ballots, said Paul Ger- leadershipcamp. He is focused tcrnational doing membcr of the hardt Jr.. vice president of ad- on getting moremoney forStudcnt stu- club. views to get idcas from othcr bookyear studcnts. have great idcas to ministration for the Associated dcnts and intcsted in starting Last ycar “I staff for four offer that would hclp Highlinc Students of Highlinc Communi- Highlinc’s own wasradio he station. in- years, and an become a bcttcr place.’’ hc said. ty College (ASHCC). volved in the editor her jun- Khong Zia Christina Ly He is currently playing volley- TWOstudcnt-ilt-largc posi- Diversity ior and senior ball , and plans to be a part of tions arc opcn thus studcnts will Dance Work- year. Ly is starting hcr first quarter shop which traveled ar(,und thc the black student union. bc able to votc for two candi- “I’m a pcr- :it Highlinc, and is studying u.s, dates. DomenicCubella son whoblazed my own paths, criminal jus- There are a total o! four stu- “Ircprcscnt a diverse group not a follower,” Barber said. tice. Shewas dcnt-at-larges in the ASHCC. from all ovcr the world,” Villa Cubella is a 19-ycar-old Sheplans to makc Highline a a vicc-presi- Two of thosc four arc elected in said. Hc believes that his abil- freshman. He is willing to go fun and safe place for students thc spring. dent her soph- ity to relate toall sorts of people omore ycar in The current electionis for the will enable him to fill the posi- mile” to help getting involved and having a high school, two remaining positions. Tcn tion successfully. Highline and and plans to good time. candidates are running for the put her cxperi- Jenna Burkard two open spots. would like to Michael Thompson ence to good A student-at-large is required Burkard is a 17iyear-old see Highline use. She is a 11 lember of the to work on at least one project Asian Pacific Islanders club, freshman. She was involved in become theThompson is a beginning during each quarter as well as best commu- and is ready to see more school cheer, cross student at Highline, and has a being a representative of ASH- nity college.” spirit. country, and 3.45 GPA. He CC on campus committees. Cubella wishes tomake “Iwould like to see more swimming, was Senior Highline the best community participation and involvement,” and managed Patrol Leader college for everyone.. Ly said. track for four of a 60-person Money years in high Boy Scot:! Jon Rugan school. “With Raul Sepano troop in ’95, continued from page-3 all the sports I student body Rugan’s have doneI’ve Sepano is enrolled in his vice president The Foundation was origi- main goal at learnedhow fourth quarter at Highline. He his junior year nally started back in the ‘70s. Highline is to to speak with people and how to was a high in high school, and presidenthis Coincidentally, its first president find some- get people involved.” Although school wres- senior year. was Mark McKay. thing for ev- she is not currently involved in tling team Thompson plans to major in The institution faded into the eryone. He is any clubs, she is interested in captain and a psychology at Highline, and is woodwork throughout the ‘80s involvedin starting a swim club. member of the looking forward to getting in- bcfore being resurrected back wrestling, and Burkard plans to donate at academic na- volved. “Iwant people to have in 1991. bclievcs that least 25 hours a week to the po- tional champi- fun.” He wants to use his expe-

Since 1991 the Foundation cvcry studentshould be as in- sition, and is rcadyto get down onship ilai’ f,B’ i rience to make Highline as re- has done well in making itself volved as possible. “Ican dc- to busincss. tling team. 1.~i7 ,?’,,,bk::d laxing and exciting as possible. known throughout thc college ,- and surrounding community. Its nct assets barelycxcccdcd $14,000 in ‘9 I and as of 1997 it‘I is worth just over $260,000. This includcs in-kind gifts ot goods and scrviccs in addition to tnonctary donations. Both Comrnand and McKay said that the organization docs 12tOO - 3~00 an excellent job ofreaching the BLDG. 6 - UNION BAY RM. collcgc and surrounding com- munity. r “Oh yes, absolutely. Its (the Looking for a Job? Foundation’s) success depends I) Where do you start? upon the community,” Com- mand said. Right Here!! t OfTicc Team My Word! Accaontemp Processing Service Professional, Accurate The Affiliates ,’ transcription of Kelly Scrvices lI Resumes, Thesis And many marc AgerrcicH lo clrscmc Essay &Research from, Papers Manuscripts Get Connected Now! Dictation tapes, etc. (206) 244-8702

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