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The BG News October 27, 2000

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State University FRIDAY October 27, 2000

ROCKY HORROR: NOW celebrates 25 MOSTLY CLOUDY years of the Rocky HIGH: 73 | LOW: 55 Horror Picture Show; vrww.btnews.com PAGE 7 independent student press VOLUME 90 ISSUE 42

BGVeg wants BG veggie friendly

ByLamaNeidert siAff WRHE* Vegetarian and vegan options were once limited on campus, students who followed this diet had a difficult time getting the food they needed. BGVeg is a new group on campus who hopes to not only help out vege- tarian students, but build acom- munity among them. The group has been in exis- tence for a mouth, and has eight to 10 regular members. "We wanted to spa-ad the good word about vegetarianism, and give out information on the benefits of it," said Gina Vanichio, sopho- more creative writing major and president of BGVeg. Vanichio transferred to the University this fall from Columbia College located in Chicago. "I was very nervous," Vanichio said. "It seemed like there wasn't a welcoming atmosphere for vegetarians and vegans here." This prompted Vanichio to create die group in order to cre- ate a community for vegetarians and vegans at the University. Vanichio feels that it is helpful Associated Press Photo for Uiem to have somewhere to go to share recipes and get a little RALLY: Republican presidential candidate Governor George W. Bush shakes hands with supporters who cam to the airport hangar rally in Toledo last night. The Texas education. She said that the Governor was greeted by over 5,000 supporters. Undergraduate Student Government has expressed an interest in the group as far as working with them in collabora- tion with Dining Services on the vegetarian options in the dining centers. BGVeg is also planning to start Bush comes to Toledo a "Veggie Friendly" campaign with local restaurants. The By John Seewer "A new commander-in-chief is in more interest. I think the restaurants would be looked at ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITE* coming." debates made the difference," to see what percentage of vege- SWANT0N, Ohio—With mil- Bush chuckled at his own she said. tarian items they carry, how they itary jets screaming overhead, an comment. "You're kind of getting Bush wrapped up a one-day prepare the food, and how easy enthusiastic George VV. Bush told me wound up with all these peo- blitz for the Republican ticket in it is for vegetarians to get what party loyalists on Thursday that ple here," Bush said. Ohio. It was the type of day usu- they need overall. he needs them to help sway Showing the confidence of a ally saved for just before the elec- Restaurants that meet these independents and Democrats to front-runner, Bush poked fun at tion. standards would receive recog- his side. Vice President Al Gore's assertion Running mate Dick Cheney nition, primarily through decals The Republican presidential that the Democratic nominee is toured a factory in suburban on their windows, Vanichio said. candidate traveled into the tradi- against big government. Columbus earlier in the day, and She also hopes that the group tionally Democratic Toledo area "I knew the man was prone to Bush's sister, Doro Bush, made can give restaurant's recognition and was greeted by more than exaggeration, but that took the three stops in western Ohio in other forms as well. 5,000 people at Toledo Express cake," Bush said. Thursday. His mother, former The group hopes to become Airport. Wearing a homemade shirt first lady Barbara Bush, is sched- politically active in the near The crowd seemed to inspire painted with "Working Families uled to campaign in suburban future. They would like to focus Bush as he talked about his core for Bush" on the front, Bush fan Cleveland on Friday. primarily on animal rights issues, including across-the- Mary Sherer said Toledo no The Bush camp considers issues, which is a main concern board tax cuts and increased longer was a mostly Democratic Ohio and its 21 electoral votes a for a large percentage of vegetar- military spending. town. "must-win state." No Republican ians. The only time he paused while "You wouldn't know it," she has won the White House with- Many individuals also go veg- speaking was when a pair of mil- said. "I love it." out carrying Ohio. etarian for health reasons, itary jets flew over the airport Pressed against a railing where There is optimism surround- because it tends to lead to lower hangar where the rally was held. Bush walked through the crowd, ing the Republican effort in Ohio, blood pressure. The National Guard jets are she said that Republicans are even though most polls have based at the airport. much more confident now than shown the race to be too close to "My message to dial pilot is, they were four years ago. VEG.PAGE 2 'Stay in the military'," Bush said. "It just seems like we're pulling BUSH, PAGE 2 Market caters to exotic tastes Berry to speak at By Rim berry Dupps market's opening in March. CITY EDITOR Breast Cancer Walk Baltes would even travel to A local business owner drives Toledo, Chicago and Columbus Ry Chasrty Lester Debbie Simmons, a BGSU to Chicago almost every two for her groceries before she STAFF WRITE* alumna and breast cancer sur- weeks to cater to a very small opened the market. The entire campus is invited vivor will speak at the event on population in Bowling Green. Lili Bei Cai, a communication to attend the Breast Cancer Walk behalf of Minority Woman with Baltes, owner of the BG Oriental studies doctorate student from 2000 and breakfast featuring Breast Cancer Uniting. Food Mart, makes the trip to China, said that she traveled to guest speaker, actress Halle Bessy Mack, a member of the between five and seven whole- Toledo nearly every weekend to Berry. African-American Women's sale dealers in Chicago to stock shop for groceries. The event, sponsored by the Cancer Support Group of the shelves of her market at 1616 "Lili's store saves time by not Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Northwest Ohio and a breast EWoosterSt. having to travel to Toledo," Cai Incorporated Epsilon Omicron cancer survivor will also be According to Baltes, Bowling said. chapter will begin with a conti- speaking at the event. Green is off the routes of many The market has various food nental breakfast at 9 a.m. The Breast Cancer Walk 2000 suppliers and it would cost more ingredients from Korea, Japan Saturday in the Commons will begin after breakfast around for her to have the food shipped. and China lining the shelves. Dining Center. 11 a.m. The walk will cover over "Chicago is the largest market "I like to shop there because I Berry will be speaking to par- three miles and will encircle the nearest to here (Bowling Greenl can buy Chinese vegetables or ticipants about cancer aware- entire campus. Berry and the for me to go," Baltes said. Chinese foods dial are similar to In liynt BG Nem ness and prevention. Berry, rest of the event's speakers will Asian students at the what you can get at home," Cai EXOTIC: The BG Oriental Food Mart tries to cater to the more known for her roles in be participating in the walk. University and those in the said. "You crave 'the food you "Bullworth" and "X-men," is a Bowling Green community had exotic tastes of the residents of Bowling Green. The store offers various ingredients from Korea, China and Japan. native of Bedford, Ohio. to travel to Toledo prior to the MARKET. PAGE 2 CANCER, PAGE 2 2 Friday, October 27,2000 B6 NEWS Vegetarians have new choices VEC. FROM PAGE 1 ness and getting their name out to the campus. According to www.vegetarian "Wfe are such a meat-centered times.com, most vegetarians are society that it's hard to see that women, and overall there are other options out there. 12.4 million self-reported vege- Unfortunately, people also do tarians in the United States. not see how going vegetarian or "Vegetarianism is a really vegan helps so much with social loosely used term. It can be kind problems, such as poverty or the of a misused at times. There are environment," Varrichio said. different extremes, such as peo- The group will have an infor- ple that don't eat meat, or people mation table at this weekend's that don't eat anything that once Vision conference, in addition to breathed," Varrichio said. being at the Wellness Fair on A strict vegan, however, will OetSL neither eat or use any kind of They are also planning on animal products. Not only does compiling a college student veg- that mean no meat, but other etarian cookbook, having a things like yogurt or wearing potiuck dinner and tentatively leather. having a vegetarian Overal], she hopes that BGVeg Thanksgiving dinner on can be representative of every- Monday Nov. 20. one that is a part of it. Since they Every Sunday at 7:00 p.m. the have been in existence, the main group holds its meetings at focus has been raising aware- Grounds for Thought. Market offers Asian cookbooks Associated Press Photo MARKET, FROM PAGE 1 The oriental market also offers customers a taste of MUMMIFICATION: Ronald S. Wade, director of the Maryland State Anatomy Board, poses with a mummy at the University of Maryland grew up with." home, because Baltes speaks Medical School, in Baltimore. If a customer has a favorite English, Chinese and Korean. item that Baltes does not keep in "It helps students because stock, she will try to find it when they can use their native tongue she travels to Chicago. >n the store," Cai said. Baltes keeps a variety of sea- Asian students can also learn sonings, sauces, tofus, seafood Modern mummy displayed what is going on in the Asian and other ingredients for Asian community. Such as who is dishes. looking for a roommate or who By Ben Nuckols director from Lowell, Mass., said natron in a closed room for 35 Baltes also keeps several face down, the brain simply is selling a car. ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER it's not implausible to think that days. drained out of the skull. cookbooks in stock, however, for BALTIMORE — A glass-top customers might one day those who do not know how to "We are a little information Natron draws water out of the "I was amazed. I really didn't center here," Baltes said. coffin allowed a filtered view of choose to be mummified flesh at an astonishing rate. know about how they got the prepare their favorite Asian the plain white linen keeping the instead of having their bodies dishes. "Students come for all life's When Wade and Brier inspected brain out," McDonough said. mummy preserved. disposed of. the mummy after 35 days, it had "A lot of people who come to problems." He wondered aloud about the If a student does not have A small crowd assembled "There are a certain number lost 80 pounds in water weight. amount Wade would charge to the store do not know how to around the coffin, eager and of people who want unique "When we entered that room," cook." Baltes said. transportation to the store or the preserve a body eternally, but ability to take their purchases curious to learn about the cre- things," he said. "As unpopular as Wade said, "we knew we were Wade politely declined to con- American customers can pur- ation of this modem-day King cremation was in its infancy, seeing something that hadn't chase cookbooks in English, but home, Baltes will deliver. sider the possibility. According to Cai, many Asian Tut, a corpse named Mumab who knows? Maybe people been seen for at least 2,800 "If a person has the economic they are also printed in Chinese that was treated with preserva- students lack transportation would want to preserve their years." means, and that's what they for those fluent in the language. tion techniques reserved for and it may be awkward to carry bodies eternally." The Egyptians cared for their wanted to do, I suppose they "Students who are coming to pharoahs and their families. When Wade and Brier began a bag of rice on a bike. dead using replicas of ancient could find someone," Wade said. Bowling Green are getting The mummy was embalmed the process of removing fluids Egyptian embalming tools, one "It's more than a little store," Wade's choice of the corpse younger and younger and don't in 1994 by Ronald Wade of the and internal organs from the hundred yards of fine Egyptian cook a lot at home," Cai said. Cai said. was based on its size, age and University of Maryland Medical corpse, it weighed 172 pounds. It linen, more than 600 pounds of manner of death. He wanted Center and Bob Brier of Long now tips the scales at just 69 natron, frankincense and myrrh, someone who had not suffered Island University. It was the first pounds. oil of cedar, palm wine and nat- from cancer or any infectious mummy in at least 2,800 years to "He's still losing weight," said ural resins. disease that could make the Walkers hope to be made using the tools and Wade, director of the stale By taking the tools used in body a health hazard, someone techniques of ancient Egypt. Anatomy Board. "Every time we Egypt and figuring out their pur- who had not undergone any And it was on display recenUy weigh him, he's lighter." pose by trial and error, Wade and major surgeries. The perfect can - while Wade conducted a semi- The weight loss comes from Brier solved an enduring mys- didate turned out to be a 187- unite campus nar at the annual convention of the method by which the tery of mummification: How pound man in his 70s who had the National Funeral Directors Egyptians removed moisture exactly did the ancient Egyptians died of a heart attack. CANCER, FROM PAGE 1 unite," said Sims Association. from the body cavity. After remove the brain through man's name has not been The walk and breakfast is $15 The only thing missing was removing the organs, Wade and nose? made public, and Wade told his Kimili Sims, president of the per person. Organizations want- the elegant sarcophagus. Brier covered every square inch Wade and Brier found they family only that the body was campus chapter of the Delta ing to attend should pledge $100 "I don't think, candidly, that of the body with natron, a natu- were able to make a passageway being used for a long-term Sigma Theta sorority said, "We and send no more than two rep- mummification has any practi- rally occurring sodium com- the size of a nickel into the sinus research project hope to make college-aged peo- resentatives to the breakfast. cal purpose in contemporary pound used as a desiccating cavity, through which they The mummy was part of a ple more aware about breast People are asked to pledge $5 to funeral practice," said Mike agent by the Egyptians. inserted a spiral-shaped tool that hugely successful exhibit at the cancer and to unite this campus walk in the evcnt- Ruck, a Baltimore funeral direc- Packets of natron were placed was maneuvered all the way to Museum of Man in San Diego as a whole." The money that this event will tor. inside the body cavity where the the back of the brain. from February 1998 to October Sims said she believes that raise will go to the Wood County He and his colleagues saw the organs were removed, and palm Using a whisking motion, the 1999, but currendy resides in a most activities segregate the col- Chapter of the American Cancer seminar as more than an educa- wine was used to disinfect the scientists liquefied the brain tis- lab at the Anatomical Services lege campus and hopes that the Society, the African-American tional opportunity. interior, including the skull cavi- sue and flushed it with water. Division of the University of walk will encourage everyone, Women's Cancer Support Group John McDonough, a funeral ty. The corpse was left under the When the nostrils were pointed Maryland School of Medicine. regardless of activity involve- of Northwest Ohio and the ment to join in. Minority Woman with Breast "We want to both inform and Cancer Uniting

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CROSSWORD "BGSU.THE 1 ACROSS ' ' » rr- ' "' ■■ 1 * 1 GmvA " MOVIE" 5 Mars work." '* KapAar w— 1 8 t noeats HEATHER HEBAN & 14 Laien ■ >■ i JEFFHINDENACH Lo-nOerdy 15 Suitable HH" ■ n IS Banc country ■ Movie Buffs i7 Haw a fie sjs ■' •' is Gulag Page Three would like to sign off JO Eskmale - t» on Its inaugural week under new 22 Uncorked ' ' ■ ' 23 EquinalcKi I management with a little bit of 27 Nona last • '' movie magic. We were so sure that 30 Lite 01 rui. ry ' 32 Mne e*cavat■ M 37 soaphanger y went ahead and did a little writing 39". a Most ■■■■ ;■ 'A Unusual Day* and casting. Sit back and visualize 40 Recovarea -' A this Oscar contending material. sense ot dtrecton 4? Metcelany I ' > Picture it, leaves gently falling - 43 Natve sMi emutk >—itmrn on our quaint rural campus. 44 Casual walker ■ 1 mm School spirit is at an all time high 46 Snow ride 47 Dors and Ross and it is all due to the excellent 50 Anamalrviito 11 "Vogambo* «Ui merits of our fearless leader, ■ruth serum Gardner PROBLEMS? 55 Claw t? Sow-wiftod Sidney Ribeau. Played by Eddie These are our choices for the actors that 59 Therefore Lai 13 Btack|BCR Murphy, mostly for the great per- 80 Joumaksl Faltao 19 Depressed About to trade in your first-born might play the administration in the movie 61 Garden 21 Gaboon, eg sonality and mustache. Dr. Ribeau rmpleman ?3 Marsntwid for the answer to 46 Across? is a man with a mission. He wants 67 Dweeb 24 Sttrge Fear not, faithful reader. to be the number one college at COLUMN DISCLAIMER 63 Coma up with a IrftrtjoV new schema ptaywnght We have the answers, and are the MAC All-College Spirit compe- 64 Your and my 25" Mame" tition. This year the competition, This article was completely fc> Lyin ■Eaglas 26 UnrJord quite willing to pan with them done in good old fashioned hit 27 Active pastimes which is a meeting of all the 28 Hereditary All you need to do is check the schools in the Mid-American fun. Created after sitting DOWN 29 TWy Favorite answer key, temporarily located around thinking of non- 1 Yearning Vf.ir I'-ir Conference, is in BG. The pressure ? Cajole 30 Ens', on this very page. is on. random ideas for The 3 SwdiuTiti 31 Cc-menO Dr. Ribeau looks to his col- HL News, we realized that 4 Wrstoitunes 33 _Joee SIDNEY RIBEAU EDDIE MURPHY 5 Neatly dressed 34 Tiny army leagues Ed Whipple and Mary these faculty members 6 Stage edge member? 45 Sultry West 57 Deuce lopper Krueger for their ideas and sup- PRESIDENT OF WELL KNOWN ACTOR 7 Steps over a 35 Circulars 47 Bear a lair 53 Monster ol my* looked extremely similar to tence 37 1 ramgresa-on 48 "My Own Private 54 r.snngpdes port. Whipple, played by Ben UNIVERSITY AND COMEDIAN famous screen actors. a Scheme 36 Hanoi noliday 55 Bacauaaot Affleck, and Krueger, played by 9 Hrgnway 41 SlorJigril color 49 Vowel sequence 56 Anger Since it would be stupid to suodrvision 4? indecent 50 Musical Home 57 Chi Joan Cusack are psyched and WHY?: Eddie is the only actor as cool as Ribeau. lOieotortfl 44 Had a buck's rack 51 Teheran's place 56 Chick ready to kick some MAC booty. just show the comparison To get an "athletic" perspective, Plus he's got the mustache. pictures, a movie idea was a real down with the team feel, bom .If you notice, the stars Ribeau proceeds to call on Denise selected as "suitable" to OHIO WEATHER Van De Walle and Dan Dakich. portray our University lead- Monday, October 23 Van De Walle, played by Demi ers are strong and very AccuWeather* forecast for daytime conditions, low/high temperatures Moore-who we swear is a dead attractive. This was not ringer-and Dakich, played by ment to offend or mock the . Oscar winner Kevin Spacey, are people who make this uni- 0k also extremely excited. | Cleveland |70/4g"l versity the fine institute of Toledo 73 /39 Now, just to better paint the pic- ture, not only is this spirit compe- ED WHIPPLE BEN AFFLECK education that it is. Plus, we really think if there was tition one of the most perstigious VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMY AWARD Youngstown 74 /45 events in our part of the country, an All-MAC spirit competi- Mansfield 73 746' . but it's the target of a sinister ter- STUDENT AFFAIRS WINNER & COOL GUY tion we would win! rorist wrath. Orvil P WHY?: They are both the coolest guys! Simmlsonepee, played by up and •Mrbeautifuleditor coming star James Smartypanls, is Kristalyn was on a impor- a very upset man who was once .1 Columbua 174 745 Freddie Falcon. Due to an obscure tant venture out of town. prank, Simmisonepee was booted She had no say in this! out. He has held 20 years of rage inside and is ready to vent. The highly anticipated competition is his all time revenge dream come WORD OF THE DAY true. ro Excuberant students are lining FARCE up outside Anderson Arena wait- DENISE VAN DE WALLE DEMI MOORE Portsmouth !74'/52" . . ing to go nuts and win the gold. Pronounciation: C 2000 AccuWeather, inc Every little detail put forth by our HEAD COACH OF ACTRESS, AND ONE Vfars\ faculty dream team is paying off. WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL TOUGH NAVY SEAL Function: noun The judges are going crazy over Date: 1921 BGs outragous spirit, and as an WHY?: Can you tell the difference? We couldn't. Sunny Pt Cloudy Cloudy Sneers T-storms Ram Fkimw Snow lot 1: A light dramatic compo- added bonus, they are madly in Enough said. love with the campus. sistion of saterical or OH NO!!! Simmisonepee has humorous cast in which planted a bomb in the huge tree great latitude is allowed as THREE-DAY FORECAST sculptures on the mall Will he ruin to probability or happining everything? and naturalness of charac- Saturday Sunday Monday Not with the Dream Team in the ters house! With cat-like reflexes t That was a long one. Ribeau jumps in to save the day. With Dakich at his side they both shout a Kool-Aide Man like "Oh DAN DAKICH KEVIN SPACEY SAY WHAT?!? © O © Yeah!" We are not going to devulge the HEAD COACH OF ACADEMY AWARD Mostly Mostly Mostly Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy rest of this starstudded script. BASKETBALL TEAM "AMERICAN BEAUTY" "That's the beauty Though we may hint that there are a lot of "Matrix" special effects WHY?: Look at those smiles. They will definatly work of college these High: 55' High: 61' High:64' Low: 46' Low: 36' Low: 43' intended. And the fight scenes are days Tommy. really cool. for five more years! This is looking so good, that we You can major both think this REALLY should be a screenplay. The suggestions for in GameBoy if ANSWERS cameo casting we have include you know how Derk Cheetwood, hometown hero S 3 > '■" <>■* » 1 d 3 a to bullsh@t." a u 3 N|] 6 "PI* N v i u o and star of "U-571," Scott n n H -*WM~ ' * " H -i ii H i * Hamilton, Olympic gold medalist b01D313C3 1 and fellow alumni, and pop star | | | s v s v i a B| c J i s Christina Aguilera. We feel the DROZ, "PCU" b 1 I Hjrt ¥ ■ | 1 N 3 1 V 1 MARY KRUEGER JOAN CUSACK "Why you gotta be dissing 0 1 TO|| sTT N 3 1 0 O 3 H cameos would definatly add Si i |33QNV1S|0N0 authenticity. DIRECTOR OF FUNNINESS ONLY SUR- Movie character, me cause' I'm a S N 3 N 1 H V|V S | | S 1 1 d In conclusion this potential crossword puuel B?" 3 0 H 3 A V ■ | ' I v O 1 8 WOMEN'S CENTER PASSED BY BROTHER really truthful TWO 1 | | cTT Nl3 d 0 | | screen gem is not a cruel joke or a | | 3 1 vjl 0d V U 1 X 3 jab at the faculty of this campus. It WHY?: Close your eyes and think really hard d rtT7 0 N o sli U din I V H is a sweet love letter sent with a m v i A i v '■ j .lo 11 6 Q box of chocolates. of glasses. Now open them. SCVJ 1 dls" » PIS J 3 V t*Be&H~S!&vti TV GUIDE SECTION FRIDAY OCTOBER 27,2000 1 /.AA 1 /.4A 1 ■ AA 1 m.*A 1 O rtA 1 KM 1 A AA 1 ft AA 1—acuas"(1931) Bram Slokefs 1 "Dracull «lnca AUC nttSi»nmar"(l95B. Drama) tour of greet monster movies. X vampinc count amves in btood-nch Engiend |of Partners" Saturday Wont Uva Jamas Van Bally Show X Win Ben Saturday Night Uva Jamie Don 1 For gel- Who~ Line le Hovle: . *o» to S. a AayW (1987. Comedy) 6* BeHmy. COH Oar Best. EvarkM. X Stain's Honey Fen. B*» IB2 X Toothbrush It Anyway? NalB'vj Dessele An ukjsarnooth bachelor fuggles multiple gal pale. wUblacovarr-ThePwen Wild Discovery 'Forest On me Inside-Grand Coulee Discovery Explore Our Storm Wamingl "Forces of Justice Files -Young Guns" DISC KfvjrJom" Crealures'' Mr News(N) World .r. Nature" (N) Sportacenter (B Home Run Derby Turner Field In NHL Hockey Pittsburgh Penguins al New York Rangers. Madison Square Garden. (Live) Sportacenter X ESPN Atlanta. (5.-O0) Movla: ••-lulu on fij inside the NFL X Movie. «Vi The Haunrnri-(I999. Honor) Liam Naason. Research Hovle: ee.Vi -Three lungs-(1989) Georoa Ckjoney. lea Cube HBO Bnap»-(l99e| Harvey Kenel. X subjects spend a weekend m a haunted house 'PG-13'X Four American soldiers go of si search ol Gui War gold. If X « Search Of In Search 01 History's Lost History 10 Moil Incredible Disasters | TNa Week In Hkstory (N) X Haunted Hletory of Hallowean agenda of me Werewolves HIST t Found European werewolf lolOore X L------J Foo*e»Tc

B^iaak Show" (In Stereo) X Pretender-fled Rock JarorT (In Movie: .v, "irox, nru, Vouftc M Summer- (I9«7. Horror) Hovte:.'l /Know Whal You 0. Usf Summer-(1997. Horror) TNT Slereo) X Teeraareiarrrrtadbyapayeriopamlnaiariarman'aoaaL Teens are terrorized by a psychopath in a Raherman's coal 372-2606 or visit oCx Wallraf.TsiaaRane-'The JAG "Silent Snrvce" (In Slersoi Naeh Brldgee 'Apocalypse wovle:...', "*«./»„-[IS*., ^meoy) Wrens ftyde'A teen- Hovle:.. "Satan's ScfwV for USA Plague (In Slereo) X Naih"(mSereo)X eger grows bred al har desl


Key yearbook raffle tickets still on sale www.bgnews.com/campus Free tuition is available for the winner of the Key year- book's tuition raffle. The drawing will be held around 10:30 p.m. Saturday at Latinopalooza, which takes place from 4p.m. to midnight. Tickets are $5 and busarable. CAMPUS BGNEWS CALENDER OF EVENTS FRIDAY (10/27); International & Information on democ- Festival: Poetry Africlan Day. For the tures he creates are Kobacker Hall, Moore faculty at BGSU. This BRIEFING 8 am - 5 pm Summer Programs at ratic candidate for the Reading by Kathleen African Day, the woven and twisted into Musical Arts Center. exhibition is on display New Music I Art I 372-8181. upcoming elections Fraser. Fraser is an Africian People's forms like giant 3-D through Nov. 7. Free Latinopalooza! to Festival: Art Exhibition j (Nov 7) will be avail- experimental poet and Association is inviting gestural drawings. His and open to the public by Oena Eber and ! 9 am able. Grassy Area on critic. Free and open to a guest speaker to work is shaped by 8 pm Kennedy Green Room, be held this week- Heather Elliot Dena i New Music i Art South Side of Eppler. the public. Pallister leacture on African interactions with the Nunsense Musical Moore Musical Arts end Eber and Heather Elliot j Festival: to Conference Room, Affairs, emphasizing public and the assis- Comedy by Dan Center are members of the art I Composer, A Dialogue Warn -4 pm lerome Library. the importance of com- tants who help with the Goggins. University The highlighted event of faculty at BGSU. This i with Terry Riley. Free Falcon Spirit Team munication between protect. Free and open Theatre production. For Bam October, is the 4th annual exhibition is on display j Table. A chance to join to the public. Rm. 204, Vision Conference. 1 and open to the public. 2 pm-5 pm Afncans and people of ticket information, call Latinopalooza Along with live through Nov. 7. Free I Bryan Recital Hall, the team and pick up t- Fundraiser- Delta Afncan decent from the Fine Arts Center 372-2222. Eva Mane Olscamp 101A entertainment by Mariachi and open to the public. ; Moore Musical Arts shirts. For further infor- Sigma PI. $300. Gift diaspora. The purpose Saint Theatre, Azteca and the Bad Boyz of Kennedy Green Room, Center. mation or questions gertificate, 8-S25. Gift of this event is to edu- 7 pm University Hall. 8 am - Noon Adrian, Mich., Gabiel Marguez Mom Musical Arts I contact Angeleena certificates, profes- cate the BGSU commu- New Music t Art Delta Sigma Theta and Isa Ortiz willprovideasong Center. 10 am-4 pm Mulligan at 372-6226 sional speakers, nity on the affair of Festival: Encounters: TBA Sorority, and dance routine. Also, Phi Beta Sigma's 3 or email at recruitment of busi- Africans both here in Installations by Last day to withdraw Banquet/Breakfast. Fantasia luvenil from Chicago 8:30am- Ham on 3 Basketball [email protected] ness fraternity. Field the US and on the con- Patrick Dougherty and pass Campus-wide. Towers Resturant. will be preforming Puerto Blunders, Bloopers ; Tournament Sign up u. In-front of the behind Anderson tinent of Africa. Kathleen McCarthy H ii ,u ] dances. and Bleeps: How to I for the 3 on 3 Baskeball Education Bldg Arena. Olscamp 115. Exhibition opening. TBA 9 am -11 am The festivities include raffles, Avoid or Recover from | tournament in Free and open to the Camp Out for Treq New Music & Art pinatas, a grito contest, ven- Supervisory Mistakes | Olscamp from 10am to 10.30 am 2:30 pm 6 pm public. The exhibition Outdoors Campout to Festival: Poetry dors and children's activities. Investigate ways to I 4pm 10/18-20 and New Music t Art New Music I Art New Music t Art continues through rasie money. East side Workshop with Tia Amelia's Catering will be recover from manager- | 10/23-29. All proceeds Festival: Concert with Festival. Concert Free Festival: Artists' Talk November 19. of Education Kathleen Fraser. Free providing authentic Mexican lal mistakes. Find out ! will go to charity. Phi flutist Alexa Still and and open to the public. with Patrick University Grounds and and open to the public food, FREE with a canned good why it doesn't pay to I Beta Sigma & FUI 3 on Marimbist Ingrid Kobacker Hall. Moore Dougherty. Sculptor Dorothy Uber Bryan SATURDAY (10/28) Room 306, East Hall. or monetary donation that oes become angry Learn to j 3 Basketball Nov 4. Gordon. Free and open Musical Arts Center. Patrick Dougherty is Gallery. Fine Arts Bam -5pm to charity. set an example without I Field House Olscamp to the public Bryan renowned for his site- Center New Music t Art 9:30 am -4 pm Free and open to the public becoming distant from ; Lobby. Recital Hall, Moore 4 pm specific installations, Festival: Art Exhibition Office of Campus the event is Saturday at Perry subordinates. Fee: $65. j Musical Arts Center. Vision Conference. generally in exterior 8 pm by Dena Eber and Involvement Make a Field House from 4 p.m. until For more information, I 10 am - 3 pm Olscamp 101 locations. Composed of New Music & Art Heather Elliot Dena Difference Day contact Continuing ; College Democrats 1:15 pm- 2.15 pm indigenous saplings, Festival. Concert Free Eber and Heather Elliot Registration/Meeting. midnight. Education,! Information Table. New Music I Art 5 pm-9 pm the large-scale struc- and open to the public. are members of the art Saddlemire Forum GfflGE GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH


I^J*. St. Mark's Lutheran Church CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Welcomes BGSU Students Multiple Morning Worship Service SS5fv1 We invite you into the family of God University Power Hour: 12:30 Sunday Worship at: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. 6pm Service "Contemporary Worship with Communion" each Sunday School for All Ages St. Thomas More Saturday evening at 5:00 p.m. Senior Pastor: Scott Estcp Worship Services on Sunday 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Minister of Youth & Worship: Eric Stctler University Church Saturday Worship (Communion) 5:00 p.m. Associate Pastor: Roger Blough Childrens Minister: Tina Mitchell 5:00p.m. Saturday; 10:00a.m. Sunday Sunday School for all ages 9:45 a.m. Director of University Ministries: Bob Scholl 315 S. College Drive 3 Blocks South of Campus e-mail: captainscholl@msn com School Year Times: 419-353-9305 e-mail: [email protected] wwwbgnazarene.org Fax: 419.354.0350 11:30a.m., 7:00p.m. Sunday 1291 Conneaut Ave. 419.352.2289

Loving, f s Dayspring Assembly of God Following, 17360 N. Dixie Hwy • 352-0672 • www.daysprlngasscmbly.org Bowliqgpreen lUM North of the Woodland Mall Serving w In. Transportation Available. Call Pastor Pete @> 352 0672 Sunday Services: Tuesday Services: Alliance Church Sharing Jesus Morning Worship - 10:30 a m Adult Bible Study ■ 7 00 p m Evening Services • 6:30 pm Crossroads Youth Ministry Saturday Worship 7:00pm Childrens Church 10:30 am. Rainbows (ages 3 5) Sunday Morning 10:30am Sunday School ■ 9:30 • School of the Bible 9:30am Just a few blocks Sunday Worship NURSERY PROVIDE0 FOR AIL SERVICES off campus @ 10:30 a.m. 123 E. Court Street Tuesday 7i 10pm 373-1913 Dayspring Campus Fellowship at 1161 Napoleon Wednesday Prayer E-mail: [email protected] @Proul Chapel. BCSU PH. 352.3623 @ 6:45 p.m. Pastor Jerry Hunt fe 4



Show your friends, roommates & classmates how special they are. /RESIDENT': Wish them Good Luck, Congratulations or ^ LECTURE SERIES surprise someone on their Birthday! f orgiuitiatjorial developrrx IT'S BURSARABLE! ROB! President. BGSU in and cultural change Lave, Deadline 2 days prior to BG RESPECT FOR ONE ANOTHE : CLLECTUAL AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH nnhf iratinn bv 4:00. NEW* Elizabeth CREATIV PRIDE IN A JOII Wl __ 6 Friday. October 27,2000 NATION BG NEWS Astronauts prep for station By Marcia Dunn AP AEHOSPAC! WRITER SPACE CENTER, Houston — It's hardly the Hilton. In fact, it's barely a budget motel. The soon-to-be-occupied international space station lacks such amenities as a kitchen table. It's noisy because of clattering equipment. And it will have three men, but only two bunks. In order to see who gets a sleep- ing compartment and who gets the aisle, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev says he and his crewmates may have to flip a coin. "It's not going to fall, though," he wryly notes. While the space station has three rooms, there's only enough power for two, at least for the first month — as luck would have it, the two noisiest rooms. "We have ear plugs," says American astronaut Bill Shepherd, the space station's commander. "It's uncomfortable, but it's safe." Welcome to NASA's infant space station, home to Shepherd and cosmonauts Krikalev and Yuri Gidzenko for four months beginning Thursday. They're scheduled to blast off from Kazakstan aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket on Tuesday, after Associated Press Photo vears of agonizing delays. The trip TRAINING: Astronaut William Shepherd, Expedition 1 mission commander, center, watches while his two crewmates for the International to the space station will take two Space Station adjust his lull pressure entry suit aboard a Johnson Space Center trainer in Houston. days. Once they check in, they'll Until space shuttle Endeavour Van Laak describes it. space station Freedom from way possible: to fix things when they quickly be reminded they're not arrives with electricity-generating Of all the astronauts and cos- bark in 1984. break. tourists in space but trailblazers, solar panels in early December, monauts who will live on the One glaring difference: The for- Kathryn Clark, a NASA senior test pilots and the shakedown the three men will be confined to international space station over mer Evil Empire is on board. scientist, doesn't mind that there's cruise's crew. two rooms. By keeping the spa- the next 15 years, Shepherd and "It's maybe one of the real not a single scientist on the first Forget the folks pining for cious Unity module scaled and his crew — NASA's so-called ironies of where we are in modem few space station crews. deserted islands, wild outback unheated, they'll save power and Expedition I — will have the most times," says Shepherd, 51, a Navy "Right now, what I want is the adventures and joy rides to Mir. also prevent condensation. spartan existence by far. captain and former SEAL "The kind of person who says, 'Grrrr, These three guys are the ultimate And though they will have reg- They've been training for this Cold War's over and we have this this wire isn't connecting the way I survivors. ular contact with flight controllers hardship mission for almost five huge international cooperative want it to. Mow do I figure that Until another Russian supply in Houston and Moscow, it will be yens. effort with the Russians. I think it's out?' " Clark says. "When things — o ship arrives, Shepherd, Krikalev rather infrequent ami akin to a Russian delays In launching the great." don't work, that's when you want and Gidzenko will do without a slow modem. And they never will space station's living quarters had TTic whole point of this $60 bil- your engineer up there." table on which to cook, eat or be able to beam down a steady everything on hold. When the lion-plus, 16-country enterprise is Shepherd, a home mechanic work. The table is supposed to be stream of live TV pictures. The module finally soared in July, the scientific research, but Shepherd's with three shuttle flights behind delivered in mid-November, but computer system needed to run assembly picked up again after crew will conduct only a couple of him. fits the bill. may end up on a later shipment the space station's 6 1/2-foot two wasted years and the push bare-bones experiments. They "If you want somebody to go up NASA's space shuttles and the satellite dish will arrive just as was on for a late-October launch won't have time for more, given ail there and put things together, to Russian Space Agency's cargo they're leaving. • of the crew. the repair and maintenance work build a station and to move things Z K capsules can carry up only so Even normally stoical NASA NASA is almost as relieved as awaiting them. The most pressing and leave it a tight ship that's not much. So the most important managers are sympathetic. Shepherd now. It's the space problem: two bad batteries in the going to leak and really sail, Shep's stuff — medical , water, food, "More or less an industrial cnvi - agency* first space station in 26 Zvezda control room, which dou- the guy," says Dr. Michael Italian. food warmers, clothes, sleeping ronment as opposed to a com- years — succeeding Skylab. It's bles as the living quarters. He was the crew's surgeon until bags, batteries and those ear fortable home environment." is also the direct descendant of That's why NASA wants the NASA chose him as an astronaut a plugs — will go up first. how space station manager lim Presldeni Reagan's proposed three men up there as soon as few months ago.

Another valuable lesso 7t NEWS learned from Hollywood: * ~. BOW! IIMG onrTN :■. 14 J Cable Channel 6 5:30-Live Re-broadcast at C D- 10pm & 7:30am Now on Fridays! Wood County' s only LIVE local Television news L source .

A FVRRY FUN FILkEP FACT... A CAT HAS 32 ITAAOSCUS IN ^.EACH EAR/// Everyone Cla-Zel Theatre Downtown BG, * 353-1361 www. h o I ly wo o d. corn speaks English. ClockWork Orange R Especially Russians, Fri Sat 6:30 Sun 7:00 9:30 Chicken Run Sat Sun G 1:003:00 Introducing Nibblebox.com. Tomorrow's entertainment today. Halloween Parly.' Log on for original episodic shows, interactive entertainment, and the best of college radio created by college students with help trom people like John Leguizamo (actor, Summer of Sam), Doug Liman (director, Swingers and Go), and Amy Heckerilng (director, Clutltss). Because while it's fun making cynical comments about entertainment cliches. It's more tun to see what students are actually doing about it. nibbl&box.com digital entertainment in short, tasty bytes. Fri & Sat 9:00 Limp Bi/kt I: FRIDAY Pete Stella says that the new Limp October 27, Bizkit release, 2000 "Chocolate Starfish #f"*"^^,' and the Hot Dog **V Sr Flavored Water" is one of the best of www.bgnews.com/now IDJHHJ the year. BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY PAGE 8 VOLUME 90 ISSUE 42 My shirt has an alter-ego and other musings


My favorite shirt has its own personality, or should I say alter ego? Let me explain. I found the best shirt at a thrift store last year. It's one of those old school baseball shirts that is white with green sleeves. Velvet letters are on the front of the shirt that spell, "Gwch Hal." You might've seen the shirt around campus. I've worn it quite often. Everytime 1 put on this shirt, I become Coach Hal. It's kind of like the way Eddie Murphy becomes Buddy l/ive in "The Nutty Professor," except I don't become as super homy as my alter, ego. Whenever I wear the shirt, people just come up and start talking to me as Coach Hal. I decided it would be fun if I played along with it. So. one time at a party when everyone was "I would like - if I may - to take you... calling me "Coach," I came up on a strange journey." with the perfect story. I told my friends and even The cult classic Rocky and again. It was like For ™>re »>*or- Heather Shannon, Toledo graphic strangers at the party that I had they couldn't see it mation about artist and fan of "Rocky Horror" for Dammit, just gotten back from the T-ball Horror Picture Show- enough. Twentieth Bv8 P8""1*- nearly 20 years, remembers well her first World Series but we lost the celebrates its Century Fox, the com- nonces of experience seeing the film. "I remember game, so I didn't want to talk pany that produced "°<*y Horror. laughing - a lot. Just having an absolute Janet, Rocky about it. It was the perfect lie. 25th anniversary the film, decided to contact The blast. And a deep sense of being Because 1 seemed bummed and test "Rocky" as a mid- JjgJ* naughty. I think that's something that didn't want to talk to about it, I In the fall of 1975, a movie named night cult movie, first *"-"■■ people deeply crave, the sense of being Horror DVD didn't have to exaggerate and get "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" releasing it as such to ' naughty, and it's wonderful to use caught in a lie. Needless to say, opened in theaters. Based on a stage the Waverry Theater in New York City on 'Rocky Horror' to do that." the shirt was a big hit at the parry. show of the same name (sans the word April 2,1976. "I'm just a sweet transvestile from not a drag Another time, I was at a bar "Picture"), the film was a musical send- And then a funny thing happened. transsexual Transylvania!'' wearing my most popular shirt. up of B-movies, featuring lots of sexual- "He's lucky, you're lucky, I'm lucky, In addition, audiences weren't just In addition to the many events When die bar closed and I wasn't ity and tongue-in-cheek humor. The we're all lucky!" watching the movie, they wanted to be a taking place in theaters to cele- ready to slop partying, I went original show, first produced two years A Rocky Horror cult, indeed, began to pan of it. Crowds were shouting lines in brate the 25th anniversary of around and asked everyone if earlier, had been a cult hit in England form - but the size of it was beyond what response to what was said on screen, "The Rocky I lonor Picture Show," there was an after-hours. Of and was very well received in the United anyone could have anticipated. The creating a unique give-and-take. Soon Twentieth Century Eox Home course most people were more States, as well. small crowds who repeatedly saw the they were bringing props to further the Video is celebrating by re-releas- interested in the shirt than they But die movie flopped. film during its initial run grew into audience participation, including rice ing the film on both cassette and, were partying with me. Always a "There's a light... over at the packed houses, who would see the film to throw during a wedding on-screen for the first time. DVD. True to crowd a pleaser, I broke out the hmnkenstein place..." every Saturday. Soon the run expanded, and water guns to recreate a rainstorm form with their best DVD releases, "Coach Hal Story." This time, I The bizarre form of humor in "Rocky" with more and more houses showing in the movie. Some showings also Fox has loaded the "Rocky added the twist that I had to just didn't click with the general public, the odd little film, each beginning its began to have a live cast on stage, as Honor" DVD with oodles of extras come straight to the bar to drink who stayed away from the movie in own . well, acting out the film as it ran on the and fun special features that make away my sorrows after losing the droves. The film of "Rocky Horror" was, A few years after it had failed, "The screen behind them. the disc a must-have. big game. by all measure, a failure. Rocky Horror Picture Show" was "Tlie sword of Damocles is lianging The film comes in a two disc A week later, at the same bar, But then, some theater owners becoming a phenomenon. my friends and I decided it would noticed that a few audience members "It's astounding... time is fleeting... SEE ROCKY HORROR, PAGE 9 SEE ROCKY DVD, PAGE 9 be funny if I wore sunglasses the kept coming back to see the film again madness takes its toll" whole night. This bar, like just about every other bar in the S T ORY BY JEFF McGinnis • GRAPHICS BY MICHAEL LEHMKUH L E world, was dark and I couldn't BG NEWS STAFF see much with the glasses. So I realty couldn't see the two girls who came up to me and asked if I was Coach Hal. I could- n't believe it. My shirt had a big- ger reputation than 1 did. Sensing that Coach Hal was getting out of control, I confessed to the girls that 1 really wasn't a T-ball coach Halloween bash at Howard's and that my name wasn't even Hal. National act Sweep Sweep the Leg lohnny is com- have the same intensity that they said junior Scott Caster. For more Information about Sweep trie Leg lohnny. check out their web- A couple of days later, I started prised of Steve Sostak on vocals are characteristically known for. When asked if he thought he the Leg Johnny and site at wwr.angiesmells.com/sweep a new job. It was my first night of and saxophone; guitarist Their sound is commonly would win the $50 cash prize set training when a new co-worker local bands treysuno Christopher Daly; drummer referred to as reminiscent of to be given away for the best cos- came up to me. "You look famil- Scott Anna; and bassist )ohn with an unreserved furor tume, Caster replied, "Oh Yeah!" Comprised of dnimmer Mark iar," she said. I told that I get and DJ Dub perform Brady . According to the band's that makes for a most adequate Donnen guitarist Scott Wagner, The students are not the only around a lot and she's probably Monday, also a website, show. bassist Eric Comuniecki and seen me out. www.angiesmells.com/sweep," ones planning something spe- Hemminger on vocals and lead- "...the band cranks out an costume contest Their live show is an uppercut to cial for the show. guitar, the group is undeniably She then asked me if my name intense, immense saxophone- the chin." "We are all going to be in cos- an act that should not be missed. was Kevin. I told her yes. She kept fueled brand of post-punk that ByTonyReczn* tume, but we can't comment on looking at me and said she had Sweep has received positive doesn't lend itself to immediate Hopefully, that can be said one more question. "Are you ASSI NOW tOITOR what. Its a surprise," said, lustin acclaim from the Dallas comprehension," said Thomas about the rest of the Howard's Coach Hal?" she said. Hemminger, treysuno front- Halloween festivities will con- Observer and CMI for their 1999 Peake, of Backbeat magazine, Halloween festivities, which man. "If you want to know then That was when I realized that it tinue past this weekend as release Tbmorrow We Will Run Denver. Hemminger summed up best was time retire Coach Hal for Faster. Earlier this year they fol- go" when he said, "Halloween, plus Howard's Club 11 will be hosting Students are excited at the awhile. I just couldn't stand the a costume contest when they lowed it up with a CD/LP enti- Hemminger described the Bowling Green, plus drunks combination of a live show and a fact that he was getting more welcome the Chicago-based tled STOCAZZO!, which was the band's sound as "Loud indie equals crazy." costume contest with local and recognition than me. quintet Sweep the Leg Johnny result of a 22 week tour that rock, like Slim, Modest Mouse The doors for Howard's national bands. But just like there was a "Nutty on Monday Oct. 30. Also per- encompassed numerous shows and SheUac." The up and com- Halloween bash open at 10 p.m. Professor 2," I'm sure I won't be forming will be Bowling Green's and many hours of practice. "This will be my first time at ing Bowling Green band is very on Monday night, those who able to keep Coach Hal hidden own treysuno and D) Dub with The band has played Bowling Howard's and I'm planning on enthused to be performing at plan to attend should be in cos- away for long. Black Ice and Star Afrique. Green in the past and should attending as the Kool-Aid Man," the show. tume and prepared to rock.

I 8 Friday. Octatar 27,2000 NOW SOUNDS BG NEWS STP, Godsmack, limp Bizkit punches a chocolate Disturbed tour starfish, Submarine goes'SkinDiving' rocks Toledo By Brian Engeknan theatrical performance that STAFF WRITER clearly showed everybody that he Limp Bizkit Submarine and the rest of the band are at the top of their game. CHOCOLATE STARFISH AND SKINDIVING A naked , two They wrapped up their mellow THE HOT DOG FLAVORED B- heavy sets by both Godsmack set with "Interstate Love Song," WATER WamefBros Records and Disturbed, and an overall and broke into their next release A- fantastic set by Stone Temple off #4 called, "No Way Out" This Pilots made MTV's sold out Interscope Records is probably the best Stone Temple "Return of The Rock" concert a Not many bands jack me up The British South London trio huge success last Sunday. Pilots song that I've heard enough to make me want to Submarine has added their debut released since "Interstate Love commit vehicular homicide. album "SkinDiving" to the list of The concert began as a small Song." army of executioners led But Limp Bizkit does it to me Generation" and "My Way" are neo-soul vocals and trip-hop styling of Ukairo are definitely beats. Disturbed's lead singer David This concert was so good, I and millions of other fans, with generally hard rock, kick-ass good. But, the whole CD creates songs with hard percussion and anodddejavuvibe. Maybe Draiman onto stage, strapping found myself singing along to their awesome blend of rap and With track one, "Going him into an electric chair and some of their songs that I never rock. ear rattling guitar riffs. Down..." taking you on an audio because Submarine has a similar sound to Morcheeba, Portishead electricuting him to start the set even liked when they were With their third album, "Rollin (Air Raid Vehicle)," the descent to the bottom of the released like "Trippin on a Hole in ocean, you are led to believe this and the Sneaker Pimps. off with "Voices." "Chocolate Starfish and the Hot second single off of the album, a Paper Heart." I didn't like some follows in the footsteps of musical voyage will be creative The sounds on "SkinDiving" They followed this up with of their songs when they Erst Dog Flavored Water," Bizkit has and eclectic With the exception their cover of "Shout" and their much to live up to after the enor- "Nookie," as a body moving have potential. If Submarine of the haunting track "Sweet Life" hit single, "." Both songs came out, but I actually did like mous success of their sophomore anthem that everyone will soon gives a little bit more effort to them when I heard them played and the equally captivating their own individuality without are off of their debut album, The album "Significant Other." know the lyrics to. live. "Evergreen", I would rather have being weird (samples of Perry Sickness. Fred Durst returns to his role as "Now 1 know you'll be loving kept my head underwater. Como are not what get CD's mov- Godsmack then took the stage Weiland continued stealing the the rapper/shouter/frequent this sh#t right here, L-i-m-p Bizkit is right here," shouts Durst in the It is not that this is a bad ing off the racks) they could pro- and opened with their newsingle show by coming on stage wear- Playboy mansion visitor and duce a solid popular album. Now ing a sheik's turban while playing crazy leader of Bizkil He has opening lyric of "Rollin." album. Really, I can rave on for "Awake," available on Halloween quite some time about "Sweet if I mistake the intent of this their first single off #4 called, composed awesome new lyrics on their sophomore album of the The second to last track on Life" and "Evergreen". Both songs group to be other than success I same name. Lead singer Sully "Down." They then closed the and raps for this disc. Dl Lethal, Chocolate features another ver- am sorry. If expression and first part of their set by playing formerly of House of Pain, adds have originality and enigmatic Ema told the fired up audience sion of "Rollin," entitled "urban qualities that give life and per- "making music" is all they are "Unglued," off of their Purple his unique blend of scratching that "I want to see one big assault vehicle." This track fea- sonality to an otherwise after, than that is what they did. fu#@&ng mosh pit from one side album. This song featured a long and sampling, which fits nicely tures DMX Redman and Method unknown group. Unfortunately, They just need to have consisten- to the other," and the fans gladly drawn out jam and guitar solo between Durst's screaming and Man adding their creative words cy. If two songs arc good, try not the rest of Bizkit's music that two songs do not make a 14 track obliged. and ended with Weiland collaps- to an all ready bad-ass song album. to make the other 12 suck. lights up the tracks with a barrage They continued with "Bad ing on the ground. Overall, the much anticipated of sounds. Submarine consists of the I believe everyone is entitled to Religion," and a version of "Get third album by Limp Bizkit is a their own opinions, particularly Things got a little bit wacky In "Chocolate," which received peculiar ensemble of Al Boyd, up Get Out" where Sully during the show's grand finale. success in its own right and the Richard Jeffrey and Adaesi in music So I won't say that it additional production from Scott band will only grow more musi- played a mini drumset to pro- The final song was "Sex Type Ukairo. This group deserves would be a waste to buy this CD. duce a funky, high energy jam. Wfeiland of , cally and lyrically powerful as the lust try to buy it used. Thing" During the song, Weiland the rock side of this talented five- props for writing their own taste- They wrapped up with their most unbuckled his belt and started years and albums pile on. ful lyrics with everything by some is more explored. Tracks -Heatlwr Heban popular songs, "Voodoo," and taking off his pants, reveiling that -Pete Stella Jeffrey and Boyd. And the vocal such as "Hot Dog," "My "Whatever." he had wrapped himself in the The fever pitch created by Dag that he had been wearing BOY OH BOY, I SURE DO LIKE SANDWICHES. these two songs led into a fantas- around his neck. tic performance by Stone Temple He later cupped his package, - DAN NIED Pilots. and his fellow band mates tore The band came out in cowboy off the flag, leaving him in all this hats with lead singer Scott glory. He was standing in noth- Weiland holding his trademark ing but a pair of black army Why do University of Toledo Students major in megaphone to perform their boots, with a grin on his face. song "Crackerman." During this CommunicatlOQ? So they can learn the song, Weiland ripped off his shirt, Walking off stage, buck naked, proper way to say, would you like fries with that? and threw his cowboy hat into he announced to the audience the crowd, revealing a bright red that anyone who didn't like the mohawk and dark eyeliner. show could kiss his ass. With his crazy bugged out eyes I didn't see a single person and flailing limbs, Weiland gave a puckering their lips

Tuition raffle

FREE for Spring EVENT! Semester 2001 NMSTC BY RAFFLES MARIACHI NUEVO ZAPAPON PRIZES The KEY Yearbook is giving away tuition (valuedat $2,500) BAD BOYZ for spring semester 2001 to the lucky student who wins the raffle. GABIEL MARQUEZ AKA ORTIZ GRITO KAWAKAN CONTESTS 5 for PUERTO RICAN *5 Tickets Prices S^/| DANCERS PINATAS each FANTASIA JUVENIL r v v r V y ~ FREE AUTHENTIC KIDS To purchase tickets, fill out this form and return to: MEXICAN FOOD ACTIVITIES With canned food donation KEY Yearbook Tuition Raffle BY TIA AMELIA COMEDIAN 28 West Mall RICH RAMIREZ Bowling Green, OH 43402 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 4pm - 12am Tickets will be mailed to on-campus address or mailbox upon processing. Perry Field House Winner will be drawn Friday, October 27,2000. Any questions call (419) 372-8086. Bowling Green State University Tuition raffle Name: LJ I have enclosed a check payable to The KEY for Spring BG Address: ■_| Please bill my bursar Semester 2001 account for the raffle The KEY Yearbook is giving away tuition (valued at $2,500) Local Phone:. tickets

for spring semester 2001 to the lucky student who wins the raffle. Number of Tickets Purchasing: Drawing to be held at Latinopalooza For more information, call the Latino Student Union at 372-8325 Return Form to: KEY Vearbook Tuition Raffle, 28 West Hall, Bowling Green, OH 43402 E BG NEWS NOW ENTERTAINMENT Friday. October 27,2000 9 Rocky celebrates 25th RHPS DVD not a drag lengthy excerpts from interviews ROCKY HORROR FROM PAGE 7 Horror" cast member, says that What has kept this odd little "Magenta" Quinn, to an audi- the film has been averaging a musical playing continuously for ROCKY 0V0 FROM PAGE 7 ence participation track where with the cast taken for Behind over my head..." crowd of 75-80 in recent weeks, nearly a quarter of a century? you hear a crowd of "Rocky the Music, as well as Pop-Up but this weekend, "We're hoping Sawyer believes that it's set, with the first devoted to Horror" vets respond to the Video's take on the song "Hot The "Rocky Honor" craze hit its the movie, or perhaps the phrase peak in the early 1980s, with hun- for a full house. That's happened because the film is a release. "It's movie. Also, there are options Patootie." Add in even more rare before for "Rocky," and we've got psychic Drano," he says. "I can is "movies," since the disc houses that allow you to view snippets of snippets of footage, theatrical dreds of theatres playing host to no less than THREE versions of a seating of 501, so we'll see what come here; I can scream: I can footage taken at "Rocky Horror" trailers, behind-the-scenes pho- thousands of devoted fans every "Rocky Horror." Included are the week. happens." yell; I can run around here like an showings, as a live cast performs tos, and more, and you can see idiot, and it blows off an entire original theatrical cut, the "U.K. And now, the film celebrates its "Whatever happened to the show and the crowd dances that they have taken great pains Saturday night?" week of steam in about two version" (with the song 25th anniversary. And though the in the aisles to such songs as to put together a great collection Jameson Sawyer, Bowling hours." "Superheroes" added back in), numbershave dwindled, the cult and a hidden "conceptual" ver- "Sweet Transvestjte" and "Over at of material on one DVD. Green "Rocky Horror" cast mem- And even though she hasn't still survives, with "Rocky" still sion. This version is true to the Frankenstein Place." In addi- Of course, the best way to see ber and fan since 1985, says the donned her Magenta costume in tion, the first disc boasts several being shown in about 100 the- BG cast has big things planned years, Heather Shannon believes Richard O'Brien's original vision "Rocky Horror" is still to see it in atres in the U.S. of the film, the first 20 minutes features for DVD-ROM drives, a a theater with a crowd of raucous for the anniversary. "This is gonna that "Rocky" has a lot of life left in subtitle track which tells "virgins" "In just seven days, I can make are in black and white. Though fans. The live experience of the be a huge show," Sawyer says, it. "I think it could run forever," when to interact with the movie you a man.1" 1 the majority of the film remains film is still without equal. But for "There'll be special events, we'll she says. '"Rocky Honor " will by throwing rice and more. Among those theaters is be giving away door prizes, we'll end up in the same category as the same in each versions, the fans who can't get out to the the- Bowling Green's own Cla-Zel on be trying to drag in as many peo- 'Star Trek'... ifs a phenomenon mere fact that Fox went to such And that's only disc one! Disc ater, or even rabid fans in gener- Main Street, which anticipates ple as humanly possible." that just goes beyond. And the lengths to include all three of two is loaded with even more al, the "Rocky Horror" DVD is a big crowds for this weekend's "We're hoping things'!! pick up fact that it wasn't planned that them shows just how compre- stuff. First, there's an hour long wonderfully comprehensive 25th anniversary Halloween even more after the holiday," way, it just kinda worked out that hensive this DVD is. documentary about the film. package, assembling so many showings of the film on Friday Parker adds. "We'd like to get way, makes it all the more fun." But, that is only the beginning Then, you can take a gander at extras and versions of the movie and Saturday. (Halloween is con- more people from further and "And crawling on the planet's of the fun The film also boasts the two deleted scenes, as well as that it feels like a living docu- sidered the "Rocky" birthday.) further away." face, some insects called the multiple audio tracks, from the several rare outtakes from the ment of the phenomenon and Penny Parker, Cla-Zel General "Tell us about it, Janet? human race. Lost in time, and lost interesting commentary of cre- fuming. In a section called tribute to the film. In addition, it's Manager and former "Rocky So, what is it about the film? in space. And meaning..." ator Richard O'Brien and Patricia "Rocky on VH1," fans can view also a ton of fun. Like Sweet loween CommonsJDirang Center, Treat JSrxjsoberSundial rood C

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JUNCTIONS HALLOWEEN BASH Bowling Green Jaycees Trail of Terror Oct. 20,21,27,28 ^Emn^ 8 -11:30 p.m. St. John's Nature Preserve South Wintergarden Rd. Bowling Green, OH Admission: $6 ftui&nill ■Not recommended for small children

Saturcjav'-Oet. l« Tuesday-Oct. Ji Experience the #1 Haunted Trail in Ohio and learn the mystery of the pj < Danefn* To AM Black Swamp at the trail's end. Your Ghoulish Junes t>R. HCGILUCUDbY PARTY Proceeds to support BG Jaycees community CostuMe Contests- COME MEET THE "DOCTOR" building projects such as Christmas Elves. $300 In Cash < Prizes nV For Sexiest, Scarier*, PERSCW.'.'.' Funnies* Visit our web site at www.wcnet.org/~bgjcs or call 372-7702 for more information Trv Our "Witches Shot < Prink Specials Brew"-it Mafce AM rVf>r.t -on*.' Everybody -00*f Present this ad at the door for one dollar Good.'.'.' Off yOUr admission fee (limit one person per coupon, PIT nuiht) Treats For Everyone.' T THIS WEEKEND BASEBALL: YANKEES TAKE SUBWAY SERIES BY TOPPLING METS BG SPORTS Women's soccer FRIDAY Today October 27, Host Wls-Creen Bay/ 1 p.m. 2000 Sunday Host Michigan Slate/ 1 p.m. Men's soccer BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY ver Today Host Buffalo/ 3:30 p.m. Sunday Host Akron/ 3 p.m. Men's tennis Today-Monday The Search Continues At ITA Regional/ TBA Volleyball Falcon hockey takes on Alaska Fairbanks in search of the elusive first win of the season Tonight At Kent/ 7 p.m. Saturday At Akron/ 3 p.m. Hockey Today, Saturday Host Alaska Fairbanks/ 7 p.m. Cross Country Saturday At MAC Championship/ 11 a.m.

"Reece's Pieces" Chances mustbe made... MkeLarntoMeBGNw. While sitting in a North Carolina hotel room during the WIREY FIT: BG freshman forward Mark Wires has his eyes set on the puck as a trio of Michigan players swarm him Sunday. Wires and the Falcons are still looking for their not-so necessary fall break. I first win of the season as they take on Alaska-Fairbanks at the Ice House tonight and tomorrow. started thinking of things that would spice up the athletics scene here at BG. I devised a crafty top ten list to cure all that ails BG sports. So, take a look at the list and see what you think. If you give some UAF presents win- Motivation a of these a little extra thought, you may see some logic. So, here goes: 10. Allow the hockey team a "re-do" against Alabama Huntsviile. You have to lose must for BG sometimes, but getting swept by ning opportunity a hockey team from Alabama is By Dan teed should be able to win these downright demoralizing. Take it By Derek McCord Falcons 0-4-0 on the if they might stay with "We have to work on ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR games." said Falcon head coach from someone who knows: SUM WRITER season. They are the that style or play more Last week it was Michigan, the Buddy Powers. Hockey in Alabama is about as our power play," only team in the fourth ranked team in the coun- rare as literacy and teeth in that The Bowling Green, conservative." Powers said. "We need Central Collegiate try. Two headed Monster state. hockey team still hasn't Last season, when to find guys who can A hockey team hated by all Hockey Association Powers says he will use both 9. Sign Dan Dakich to a 35- found what it has been the two squads met in work together and around these parts, that had beat- sophomore Tyler Masters and without a point. year, ISO-million contract. Forget looking for, their first BG, the Falcons won 8- work hard to create the en the Falcons 14 of the last 16 senior Shawn Timm in front of about lights at the stadium and win of the infant sea- Like the Falcons, the 2 and 5-4. The all-time opportunity. We were times they've played. the net this weekend, although he this new five-year deal. Sign son. Nanooks are also seek- series has the Falcons better against Motivation was not a question didn't specify who will play which Dakich for life. He is Bowling ing their first win of the last week for the Bowling Green The Falcons are leading the way with a Michigan, but we still night. Green's only chance to get some season after losing hockey team. Masters recovered Sunday coming off a hard felt 12-7-1 mark with a 6-4 need to improve national prominence against arch rivals record at home. The because special teams This week it's Alaska Fairbanks from a bad Friday against 8. Disband SICSIC. Am I the loss to Michigan when Alaska-Anchorage last time the Nanooks are key in the game This is a team that has been strug- Michigan in which he let in six only one who cringes when these Wolverine senior Scott gling for the better part of a twice last weekend. and we need to create goals. In the second game of the masked morons emerge out of Matzka netted the defeated the Falcons decade. series. Masters made 40 saves Fairbanks now sits in was Feb. 12,1999 when more scoring opportu- nowhere and throw candy at my game-winning goal Not surprising, the Nanooks and didn't let in any easy goals. seventh place in the they won 4-3 in over- nities on the power head from point blank range? with 1:18 left to give the CCHA with an 0-1-1 are in the midst of a three game Timm, who completes one of Anybody that looks like they time. play- fourth ranked team in record after a 4-4 tie on losing streak the best one-two goalie punches retreated from the "planet of the Alaska-Fairbanks So far this season the And, even though the Falcons in the CCHA, let in three goals the nation a 4-3 victory. opening night against apes" does not give me warm senior forward Jim Falcons are 1-29 with are 0-4-0 at this point, they came against Alabama-Huntsville in The loss (hoped the Western Michigan. fuzzies about BGSU spirit. the man advantage within a minute of beating the Falcon's opener. One of the "They have Lawrence leads the 7. Show club sports the money. Nanooks attack with compared to their Michigan. goals, however, took a crazy While they may not get much Bowling Green vs. struggled at the two goals and four opponents conversion "We can't take them lightly." bounce off the boards and slid attention, these participants ded- Alaska Fairbanks start like we said senior forward Ryan Murphy. into the net before Timm could icate several hours each week, have," BG coach assists for six points ratio of 5-26 The units Tonight, Saturday 7:05 at "In the past we've taken them react. and dip into their personal Buddy Powers while fellow senior have only been able to lightly and they've beat us. We the BGSU Ice Arena: finances in order to pay for sim- said. "Their Ryan Feinheller has produce 18 shots on can't let that happen." Hats off ple things like uniforms and trav- RADIO: 88.1 F.M WBGU strength so far is two goals and two goal during the power Alaska is a dangerous task for Junior center Greg Day's hat el expenses. The 30 club sports their forwards assists. Defenseman play compared to 29 all Central Collegiate Hockey trick against Michigan Sunday must share a total pot of $ 16,000. Announcers: loe Reece and who have been Daniel Carriere also for the opponent. Association teams, if only for their was the first hat trick for the 6. A new mascot. Florida State Scott Ward tonight, Dave scoring goals has two goals and two Freshman D'Arcy consistent mediocrity. Falcons since Feb. 26, when then has the cool Seminole Indian guy Crane and Steve Meats and getting up assists. McConvey scored For the Falcons, who have freshman Ryan Fultz tallied three who prances around the field Saturday ice. They want to Powers believes that Bowling Green's only made a name for themselves the markers against Ohio State. with a fiery spear. Notre Dame last few years by playing at the Likewise. Day's short handed play an up if the Falcons are going power play goal of the has the Fighting Irish. We have a Ziggy Zoomba's pregame level of their opponents. Alaska goal was BG's first since the same tempo game, to improve their record season in the 6-1 bird in tights. Enough said. show at 6:30. could be the most dangerous of Feb. 26 game, when Ryan 5. Revise the 2001 football but this is their they must improve on Wolverine loss on last all CCHA opponents. Wetterberg notched one. schedule so that we play first road trip so the power play. Friday. "If we play the way we can. we Grambling 11 times. Don't knock It, we may qualify for our first bowl game since 1991 and its worth a try given our past half- decade of football. Women's Soccer finishes regular season 4. A baseball stadium with a retractable roof. Has anybody ByEnkCassano The Phoenix are led by senior and 11th in assists this past last Sunday in noticed that all the teams who SUM WRITER Kim Woldt, who was named the weekend. which team assist leader Nicole advance to the college World With their place in the Mid- MCC Player of the Week for Oct. Michigan State will come to LePlae had two to bring her total Series generally come from areas American Conference tourna- 23 for scoring two goals and BG for a 3 p.m. start on Sunday to seven. of warm climates and get to start ment secured and their oppo- notching two assists in the first after hosting Perm State today. Freshman Tiffany Laskowski their seasons in mid-January? nent decided (at Eastern back-to-back shutout wins by The Srjartans, 11-4-2.5-3-1 in leads the team in goals with five Maybe coach Danny Schmitz Michigan Oct. 31). the BG Wisconsin-Green Bay since the Big Ten. were the victims of assists and 13 points. Senior should start lobbying. women's soccer team will finish 1996. an upset at the hands of the goalie Sara Kloosterman has 3. Pre-game hockey festivities up the regular season with a pair She and freshman Kristin Lau Falcons in East Lansing last year. started every game for the called "Bodycheck Your of non-conference matches this are tied for the team lead with 16 Whether or not that is still linger- Spartans this season, and has Advisor". Staying an extra semes- weekend at Cochrane Field. points on the season and Woldt ing in their minds as motivation posted a 0.77 goals against aver- ter because your advisor forgot to Wisconsin-Green Bay will' leads the team with four assists. remains to be seen, but their 6- age. point out a couple of classes that come in today for a 1 p.m. start. Woldt is now third in school his- 1-1 non-conference record cant "I expect both games will be you should have taken six semes- The Phoenix, 5-10, 1-4 in the tory with 78 career points. help but stand out as they come very good competition," said ters ago? Then enter and win an Midwestern Collegiate Sophomore Laura Beyer has into MAC country. sophomore Jill Conover. "Ihope ElfJMUtEBCfews Conference, will come in riding a also hit double figures in points The Spartans are coming off a HOT PURSUIT: A Falcon chas- REECE PAGE 12 three-game winning streak. for the Phoenix, placing her 10th 3-2 win over the University of. WOMEN, PAGE 12 es after the prize. 1 BG NEWS SPORTS Friday, October 27,20001 I

BG SPORTS PICK OF THE WEEK The BG News sports staff is not responsible for any damage, finan- cial, physical, mental, emotional or other caused by our pics. If you bet NICKHURM 9 PETE STELLA DAN NIED KURT GERLING with our pics, you're dumb. "WyattEarp" XurfyBill" "Doc Holiday" "Johnny Ringo" #1 Nebraska at (Prediction Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Nebraska 28-17 #3 Oklahoma Score 38-35 24-21 44-38 Rant Should be game of Gerling's a sham...I Only Nebraska Nied can't tell his the year, Huskers pick Oklahoma. would know the true ass from a hole in NEBRASKA 3 FAVORITE will fall. art of husking corn. the wall.

#6 Florida State at Prediction Florida State Florida State Florida State Florida State Score 54-10 31-14 34-13 27-14 #24 N.C. State Rant I hate Bowden but What's a gazer? FSU needs the Nied's a gazer. FHIPH0I0 the Seminoles are Must be football Knappertowin FIERCE BATTLE: The Men's soccer team is at war with MAC leader FLORIDA STATE 19 FAVORITE really good. jargon those close games. Akron tomorrow, but first they must get past Buffalo today.

#12 Georgia at Prediction Florida Florida Florida Florida #8 Florida Score 42-28 27-10 28-21 35-10 Rant FJoth schools have UG gets hit harder Why not? Georgia and Nied really hot girls, but bend over in this Top seed still pos- than Gerling by his FLORIDA 8.5 FAVORITE Gators are better. girlfriend. one.

#14 Ohio State at Prediction Ohio State Purdue Ohio State Purdue sible for Falcons #17 Purdue Score 34-17 38-28 24-21 30-17 Rant Bucks are that good I'd say Ohio State The only boiling Who sucks By Derek McCord Western Michigan today. and defense will put definitely sucks going on in this more Dan Nied or STAFF urniKR "This is a big weekend for us." EVEN Brees in hospital. more, Kurt. game is OSU's D. Ohio State? This weekend is not quite do or Mahler said. "We have a chance die for Ihe Bowling Green men's to win the next two and go 4-2' soccer team, but it's awfully close. and be in a five way lie for the Prediction Northwestern Minnesota Minnesota Minnesota #25 Northwestern at To get the lop seed in the Mid MAC." #22 Minnesota Score 28-21 31-27 14-6 21-18 American Conference Mahler will have the services of Rant Wildcats revisit Kurt's right, ham- You got to love that I don't know about Tournament the Falcons must Fred Degand and Adam Schkora early 1990s glory, sters are cute accent. It's so Gophers, but Nied win by a landslide in order to cap- this weekend. Degand. who is MINNESOTA 5 5 FAVORITE hell freezes over. "Fargo". likes hamsters. ture the regular season title. Mel second in team scoring this sea- Mahler'; team will face Buffalo son, has missed the last three Prediction Marshall Marshall Marshall Akron today and then go against confer- game with an ankle injury while Marshall at ence leader Akron on Sunday. Schkora has been out for a month Score 44-13 27-13 35-17 35-14 Akron The Zips arc leading the MAC after injuring his right knee. Rant Herd have to get Go Falcons! Yeah Thanks for the sup- As I always say, with a 4-1 record and a plus-10 Degand feels that Ihe team is ready to get their Kurt! I'm always port Dan. West Virginia is a goal differential going into ready for Ihe challenges in front of MARSHALL 3 5 FAVORITE asses kicked by BG. here to help. scary place. Sundays meeting. If the Falcons them this weekend. BG News Sports staff, especially Dan Nied, would like to thank Falcon receiver Kurt Gerling for the should win Fridays match "It is huge and we have been against Buffalo and are victorious focused all week," Degand said funniest picks of the year. We would also like to thank Kurt for giving Hurm the love he deserves. against the Zips there will be a "Even though we lost to Kentucky possible four to five team tie for we know we can play with the The Falcons have drawn the dredded bye this w>ek. But can they handle this lax weekend? first place in the conference. '■lest teams in the conference. We The Zips goal differential is are excited and think that we can RECORDS: Advantage: BW. Bowl game odds: mostly due to Orijan Bjaneso's get it done and prove that we arc BG: 2-6 Blackney has better BG vs. Bye Week seven goals and eight assists for number one in the MAC." BG: None 22 points this season. Opposite Buffalo has played 11 of their Bye Week: rules, but NCAA rules BW: None Line: Even Bjaneso arc Christer Larsen (7-5 14 games on the road and pro Undefeated the world. Advantage: No one. 19) and Tim Cooper (4-5 13). duced a 5-7-2 record overall and a Advantage: Bye BCS overlooks bye The deciding lie-breaker will be 1-4 MAC record. TV: None goal differentials. The number of Mahler feels that road experi- Week. Bye Weeks Notable players: week again, even with goals scored by the Falcons this ence Buffalo has is a reason to not don't lose, but Falcons BG: Kurt Gerling (See stellar record. Radio: None weekend will determine the seed- lake them lightly. can be vulnerable. above), Brandon Hicks. ing for the MAC Tournament. "Buffalo is a good team, but Bye Week sweeps. This should be a barnburn- Following Akron in the goal differ- they might be struggling. They BW: Nebraska, Florida The Falcons shouldn't er, but you can go ahead ential category is Marshall (*6), have only played three home Notable leaders: State. overlook this week- and sleep in this week BG, Kentucky (.1) and finally games compared to their 11 on BG: Gary Blackney Advantage: BW. end rest. It could while the Falcons rest and Northern Illinois (-2). ihe road this year and thai is get ready to thrash Ohio Both Kentucky and Marshall lough, but that also brings more BW: NCAA Gerling and Hicks are come up and bite next week. have finished the season with experience on the road. We can mere mortals. NU and them in the ass. identical records of 4-2 while not look al Sunday until we gel FSU could thrash them. ■Tony Recznik Northern Illinois (3-2) will play done with Friday." Mahler said. THE CITY OF BOWLING GREEN WISHES TO REMIND MOTORISTS OF THE REGULATIONS PROHIBITING PARKING ON CERTAIN STREETS DURING SNOW, ICE OR SLEET CONDITIONS. COmII1G in NOlIf IllBf R... The regulotions prohibit parking on the designated streets (including all cul-de-sacs) during "Snow Emergencies." A "Snow $5 OFF THE WILDESTSH0UI flnVUJHf Rf! Emergency' can be declared if snow. ice. or sleet is forecast, and in any case will automatically become effective without a declara- ADMISSION tion when the snow depth reaches two inches (2"). L UlllrlilCOUrOillSCIrllSIRItllOl tow on. isti iMsmcTions When a Snow Emergency is declared the news media will be advised. The declaration will contain the effective time of the mnvrippnfin>.io.ii,'iie emergency. II snow reaches a depth ot two inches without a Snow Emergency having been declared, the police desk will te able to RON JEREMY advise the official time at which snow reached the two inch depth. If a Snow Emergency becomes effective between 7:00 am and 9:00 p.m., motorists have two hours in which to remove their ft GUEST MC vehicles trom the designated streets. If the Snow Emergency becomes effective between 9:00 p.m and 7:00 a.m.. motorists have until 9:00 a.m. to remove their OCTOBER 31st vehicles Irom the designated streets. Vehicles remaining on the designated streets in violation o( the regulations ate subject to being towed at owner expense. If a particularly bad storm is forecast, additional streets may be designated in the declaration of emergency. It this should HALLOWEEN happen, every effort will be made to notify the news media and to post temporary "NO PARKING' signs. The designated streets are called "SNOW STREETS" and are printed below. "SNOW STREET" signs have been erected on snow streets It is pointed out. however, that the absence of signs will not relieve motorists of responsibility for improper parking. BASH! Although the City will make every effort to inform the public of the existence of probable development of weather conditions requiring removal ot motor vehicles from snow streets, motorists are still responsible for determining probable or existing weather condi- THURS- BED DANCES tions and removing their vehicles if required by the regulations. SAT- COUPLES GET IN FREE ■■■■■■■■. FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF SNOW STREETS: ->■■■■■■■■ SUN- COLLEGE ID NIGHT NORTH-SOUTH STREETS EAST-WEST SWEETS Brim Rood West Poe Road to Bishop Road wlthm Bishop Rood- North Man Street to Brim Road NEW BY0B LOUNGE! corporation limits Clay Street- North Main Street to North Grove street OPEN TIL 4am THURS-SAT Campbell Hill Road From East Wooster Street Clough Street- South Main Street to eastern terminus in Stadium view southerly within corporation limits Apt. complex 135 SBVRnf RD TOlfDO ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW TALENT! Church Street Sand Ridge Road to Clay Street Conneout Avenue- North Grove Street to Mitchell Road 531 -0079 u) uiui.otjnuu.com Dunbridge Rood- East Poe Road to Route 6 Court Street- North Grove Street to Thurstm Avenue Folivlew Avenue Conneout Avenue to van Camp Road Gypsy Lane Road- Sand Ridge Rood to Dunbridge Rood Hasklni Rood- West Wooster Street to Northern Industrial Parkway Entire length Corporation limits Lehman Avenue- Entire length North Grove Street West Wooster Street to West Poe Rood East Merry Avenue- Thurslin Avenue to Mercer Rood \S7N QlOO Klofc Rood Napoleon Road to Gypsy lane Rood Napoleon Road- Kenwood Avenue to Dunbridge Rood Lafayette Boulevord Entire length Parker Avenue- Hoskms Rood to Wood County Hospital Larchwcod Drive- Entire length Tues., Oct. 31 Front &. Center Peart Street- South Main Street to West Wooster St. Main Street- North corporation limits to Route 6 interchange, Poe Road- Mitchell Road to Dunbridge Road except that parking is permitted at parking meters 6-7p.m. during the hours ot parking meter operation unless Research Drive Entire length specifically prohibited in a Declaration of Emergency Ridge Street- North Main Street to North College Drive Monvllte Avenue- East Wooster Street to Napoleon Rd. Sand Ridge Street- South Mam Street to Wlntergarden Road WBGU 88.1 FM To enter; wear your best Martlndole Road- Pearl Street to Melrose Street Sheffield Drtve- Stonegate Boulevord to Wmtergarden Road Mercer Rood- East Poe Rood to Hyduke Ditch Van Camp Rood- North Main Street to Brim Rood costume 4 the Front & North College Drive- Ridge Street to Newton Road Wallace Avenue-North Grove to Hasklns Rd. Halloween Center guy will judge Prospect Street- Napoleon Road to East Poe Rood Wooster Street- Western corporation limits to Dunbridge Rood who is worthy of the. South College Drive- East Wooster Street to Napoteoi Road except that parking Is permitted at parking meters during Spectacular the hours ot parking meter operation in the 100 block of South Summit Street- East Wooster Street to Napoleon Road $10011 East Wooster Street and the 100 block of West Wooster Stonegate Boulevard- West Wooster Street to Sheffield Drive Street unless within the corporation limits specifically Thuntln Avenue- East Wooster Street to East Poe Rood prohibited in a Declaration of Snow Emergency Wlntergarden Rood- Sond Ridge Road to West Poe Rood Wren Road- Entire Length Best

CUL-DE-SACS AT THE ENDS OF THE FOLLOWING: Arlington Court Country Crab Drive Moason Court Sunrise Drive Costume Please arrive at the radio Boons Court Devonshire Street Mekose Court tamarac Lone Brownwood Court Dogwood Court Monroe Court tree too Place station lobby by 5:30p.m. Brownwood Drive Erie Court Ookwood Court tourolne Avenue Carol Rood Fernaale Avenue Partridge Lone turnberry Court Wins $100!!! for registration. Charles Street Gleneogles Drive Plcardle Court Vote Court Cherry Hi! Drive Hamilton Court Ranch Court valeyview Drive Clark Street Hickory Court Rosewood Court von Buren Court Ctsarwater Road John Court Saint Annes Court warbler Court Cobblestone Lane Kelt Court Sawgrass Court (Friends, relatives and BGNRO or WBGU are not eligible) 12 Friday, October 27. 20OO SPORTS BG NEWS Women end MAC season Pistons The BG Ne Wanted Help Wanted WOMEN, (ROMPAGE 10 graduating class of seven Classified Ads Female roommate for spring & sum- seniors. Leslie Buse, Ashley ATTENTION STUDENTS it gels us ready and prepared to mer. Call Haley ai 354-1605 MOLTEN CORP. play in the MAC tournament." Enser, Jamie Eshleman, 372-6977 lose to T- 1 male roommate wanted. Fox Run 436 N. ENTERPRISE ST. Autumn Harris. Stephanie "I think that it's going to be The BG Nw »ill not kiM-infl* mxtpi «d»«- apartments. $151 plus utilities/352- IMMEDIATE HIREI really good to finally play some Heller, Michelle Lisy and Janice niemenii ihai dttciiminaie. o» eiwourafc dtKnmi- 2948; Part Time "■nan ufaintl an) tttdiitdualor group on the 1MMt Less than one block trom Campus big schools," said sophomore Mentrup are the first class to be of tare. let. color, creed, relifion. naiioital on|in. 4 subleasers needed S6/HR. STARTING PAY graduated by the program, Wolves Spring semester goalie Erika Flanders, "it will be on the bum ol ai> other le|ill> protected Haiut 3 shifts available: which started in 1997. The Hillsdale Apts. nice to face some competition Call 353-9440 A Shift: 7:00am - 10:00am players will be honored before IKE ASSOCIAtE D PRESS. B Shift: 10:15am - 1:15pm that we usually don't face." Dec. graduation tix needed. Please C Shift: 1:30pm - 4:30pm Sunday will be Senior Day as the game. Campus €vents call ASAP Erin at 353-8459. MINNEAPOLIS - With Joe Possibility of working 2 1/2 hours the BG women's soccer pro- "It's going to be a pretty emo- Female subleaser needed Smith no longer a member of and getting paid for 3! gram bids farewell to its first tional day, " said coach Andy lor Spring 01 Semester 354-8802 the team, the Minnesota Richards. The World Student Association Own bedroom; lots of space 354-8703 Timberwolves got 17 points Presents Call 352-2965. from Terrell Brandon to beat INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL 2000 I can do odd ]obs. Landscaping, Office cleaning, evenings. 10-12 hrs/week, own trans, required. Call the Detroit Pistons 88-81 November 11, 2000. 6:30-10:00pm clean gutters, & misc. Contact Te @ at St. Thomas More Church 419-353-0386. 352-5822. Come, Bob, please come Thursday night In the teams' TICKETS ON SALE MONDAY final exhibition game. (10/30) & TUESDAY (10/31) Need 1 lemale roommate ASAP. Servers. Quarry Beach and Rac- REECErROMPAGElO have no knowledge of football Tickets are S5 and are Call 354-6713 quet Club in Maumee is looking for Brandon, playing in his sec- BURSARABLE! servers Wednesday thru Saturday opportunity to send your advi- whatsoever, when you're play- Need 3 tickets for December gradu- ond game since missing four Limit 4 tickets per person; children ation Will pay! Please call Sara- evenings and Sunday brunch. This sor headfirst into the boards. No ing Crambhng 11 times. Knight's under age 4 are admitted tree. private club setting is an excellent with an injured hip. shot 7-for- 354-6492 __ referees, no penalty boxes, just feistiness will get BG to the Mon (10/30) 10am-3pm, Education opportunity for the night person. Call Need Dec graduation tickets. Motor Citv Bowl. II from the field. He teamed Steps. Mon (10/30) 5pm-7pm, Off- Todd at 419-865-4700 for details. pun- unadulterated venting out Please call 352-1671. with Sam Jacobson to lead a 14- campus student center at your advisor. Bring the kids 1. A "BGSU Head Coaches Telephone interviewing. No Sales. 2 quarter-ending spurt that put Tues (10731) 10am-3pm. Need QUIET place to live in BG dur- out for this one. Tag Team Wrestle A-Thon" in Education Steps ing student teaching, FALL 2001. Flexible scheduling. Some days, Minnesota up 72-66. mostly evenings & weekends. Re- 2 Bob Knight = BG's football the Union Oval. Blackney and Call Diane @ 372-6188. laxed atmosphere. In Perrysburg. coach. This suggestion conies Schmitz vs. Dakich and Powers? Wally Szczerbiak. who Two subleasers needed ASAP! New Up to $7.00+ hour depending on courtesy of a friend of mine who People would come from miles missed Minnesota's first six home, own room. Call Rachael @ skills. 874-5842. around. City Events 353-2198 believes that while Knight may preseason games while recov- Wait staff and dishwashers needed. ering from surgery on his right Apply within Immediate positions Who is the best athlete on campus? knee, had 10 points — all in the HARVEST MOON DANCE Help Wanted available. Various day and night first half. Kevin Garnet) added 16 piece swing band hours. Haskins Inn, 100 West Main St., Haskins. OH. 419-823-0014. Marney Oestreng? 14 points and 11 rebounds. October 28th. 8-11pm Woodland Mall Pavilion Bass Player Needed Wanted: Dancers, waitstaff. apply Fred Degand? Minnesota played without $5.00 at the door For up & coming alternative after 5pm, 5801 Telegraph, Toledo. Smith for the first time since Food & beverage available by rock band Call Jim & 372-1687 OH or call 419-476-6640 Quarters Cafe. Dan Dakich? NBA commissioner David BEE FARM STORE Don't miss this dance Stern voided his contract, and Part-time clerk wanted. Please send Give us your picks at: resume to: 2765 c.r. 220. VanBuren. the Wolves seemed to miss the OH 45889. For Sale bgnews@[email protected] forward's presence on the Travel Dancers-No experience necessary. boards. The Pistons outre- earn BIG MONEYSSS' Apply In per- 1/4 karat women's wedding set. en- bounded Minnesota 54-43. Who should be the BGSU football coach? son at. Deja Vu, 135 S. Bryne, 531- gagement ring & band. Call 354- including 20-10 in the first • 1 Spring Break Vacations! 0329 6713. Bobby Knight? quarter. Cancun, Jamaica. Bahamas A EASY WALK FROM CAMPUS Bill Parcells? Florida. Now hiring campus reps Work part-time, full-time, even put in 19 inch TV/VCR, Brand new/won at Jerry Slackhouse. who 1-800-234-7007 over-time hours, around your col- contest, $150. call Chns @ 353- Your Mom? became the Pistons' primary endlesssummenours.com lege and personal schedule Work a 0189. minimum of 15 hours per week or 40 Let us know at [email protected] scoring threat when Giant Hill • 111 Early Specials! Spring Break 1990 Toyota Camry w/air. and over- Bahamas Parly Cruise! 5 Days hours plus over-time. Many college left for Orlando, scored 16 1 students work here Starling pay is drive. VERY RELIABLE! $3,150 S279! Includes Meals, Parties Awe- Call 669-3189 points but shot just 5-for-19. some Beaches, Nightlile! Departs $5 30 per hour with an automatic S 25 per hour increase to S5.55 after Athletic Event Calendars For Sale Ben Wallace had 10 Florida! Get Group - Go Free!! Check out BGSU athletics spnngbreaktravel.com 100 hours of service with the com- SAAC (Student Athletic Advisory rebounds for Detroit, which led 1-800-678-6386 pany. These are unskilled jobs Committee) is selling event calen- 1A as many as 12 in the first involving assembling and packaging • 111 Spring Break Specials? Can- dars now for just $5 00 Call Janna at www.bgsufalcons.com half. small pans Apply in person be- Blais at 2-2401 cun & Jamaica S389! Air. Hotel. iween the hours of 9:00am and Free Meals. Drinks! Award Winning Comics tor sale: 5:00pm (Monday-Friday) at OC, Marvel 70s to 90s Company! Get Group - Go Free! ADVANCED SPECIALTY PROD- Call Dave «* 353-2056 Flonda Vacations $129! UCTS, INC., 428 Clough Street, spnngbreaktravel.com Bowling Green. Ohio, only 2 blocks Fender Slrat B&W guilar, hard case. 1-800-678-6386 from campus near Kinko's and Dairy Peavy 110 AMP, $500 Call Mike "Meet the Candidates" - Before You Vote SPRING BREAK 2001 Queen next to the railroad tracks 353-8116 __^____^ Jamaica. Cancun. Florida, FINDERS RECORDS HONDAS FROM $500' Police im- Barbados. Bahamas. Now hiring Customer service sales positions pounds and tax repos! For listings 1 - campus reps Earn 2 free trips available. Must be mature, responsi- 800-719-3001 exl4558 Free meals book by Nov. 3r! Call ble, effective communication skills, lor FREE into pack or visit on-line outgoing personality. Superior cus- sunsplashtours.com tomer service skills are essential. For Rent www.woodcodemocrccts.org 1 -800-426-7710 Please send resume & ref. to Find- ers. 128 N^ain SI.. BG, OH, 43402 Fraternities * Sororities " 2001-2002 listings available " Personals Clubs * Student Groups Will mail or pick-up at office. 316 E. Earn S1,000-$2.000 this quarter with Merry »3 or call 3530325. Paid for by the Wood County Democratic Party-Allen R. Baldwin. Chair the easy Campusfundraiser com 1 female roommate needed through POB 707 Bowling Green, OH 43402-0707 "International business three hour tundraising event. No May 15. $250/month Pay only elec- Association Meeting' sales required Fundraising dates tric. Call Amanda at 354-3171 NFO Research speaker; Monday are filling quickly, so call today! Con- the 30th, 9pm BA room 104. tact Campusfundraiser com at (888) 1. 2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments Free tacos 923-3238 or visit From Only $430 INTRAMURAL ENTRIES DUE; M. Private Entrance W SNGLS RACOUETBALL-OCT RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT posi- Palio 31; CO-REC INNERTUBE WATER tion assisting persons with mental Spacious Kitchen POLO-NOV 1 retardation/developmental disabili- Small Pets Welcome! Need quick, easy cash? ties in daily living skills in a residen- Varsity Square Apts. Call 353-2276 and ask lor tial setting. Part-time, and sub posi- 353-7715 Jared or Andy Mornings are best tions available ranging from 24 to 72 hours biweekly Salary is S7 55/hour 2 bedroom apt, 8th St «8 1 bath- Robin, we talked on plane to Phoe- lor first 90 days, thereafter begin- room, $425/mo 389 4890 nix on 10/12 I would like to talk ning at $10.24/hour based upon ex- BG house/rooms for rent, 4 bed- more. 614-237-4483, David perience. High school diploma or room, $700/mo » utils 419-937- GED required, no experience neces- , 2215 sary. Positions available in Bowling Hillsdale Apt/1082 Fairview One Wanted Green, Perrysburg, and Walbridge bedroom, dishwasher. A/C. carports areas. Interested persons may ob- Starts at $39000 mo Available tain an application packet trom Nov 1 Call 353-5800 1 fern, subleaser in Hillsdale Own Wood County Board of MR'DD. Large 3 bdrm apt for rent, spnng room start lease Dec 23 Ihrough 11160 East Gypsy Lane Rd.. Bowl- semester, fully furnished, spacious, Aug 2001. More into, call 352-5772, ing Green. Ent. B Monday-Friday. clean Call 419-352-9593 ask for Abbey. 8 00am-4 30pm E.O E Now renting lor May 2001: 3 bdrm townhouses $800/month plus utilities, no pets Call 353-0494 Professor will share large home with graduate student or other professor, large wooded lot; 2 wood burning lire places: $275/including utilities; call 352-5523 after 7pm and leave message. Spacious, one bedroom apt. 215 E Poe Rd/Evergreen Apts. On-site laundry facility Starting $365.00 month Available now! Call 353-5800 [And you will too, Subleaser needed ASAP Lease with NTN Interactive Sports from now until May. 1 room efficien- & Trivia Games] cy. Thurstin manor, directly across the street from campus. On site Now Playing laundry. Air...two windows. Contact Ryan 8 (419)882-1123. Q Subleasers needed beginning Janu- ary 13. 2/3 bedroom house, big kitchen and porch, close to campus and downtown, $555/month. 208 E. Merry Apt. A. Please call Sarah or Same great place. Angela 352-3164 2000-01 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Now even better.

BGSU vs. AI" AI" AI" AI" AF Af Af Af Af Af AI AI Welcome Fa//2.000 ALASKA Dc/ta Qfomma New Members: -FAIRBANKS EKyrAnderson JeanMes6ntr KirriScnnwIer Cinema 5 Ttflwy Sober CoutnyNVrxtk Jessica Seme FRIDAY & SATURDAY^ For Showtimes call /V\ariaOrfftr1 UsfePetemeytr KotCkSirrionovieh OCT. 27, 2S * - 354-0558. EmtyOignari fMtqda. Perry Tom Stevens Woodland Mall - N.Main St. 7 P.M. Meghan Ctopieli JufaPesnke Alicia Word STUDENTS FREE WITH VALID I.D Lara King UndsayReicnert Mcofle Young or log on to cinemark.com, CALL 1-B77-bbbu-i iLn.tt.i WWW.BGSUFALCDNS.COM Katie Ipwnrtt Sort* Johnson Regiser to recieve BB^H99BW»UP)iKug ^T Game On. .IV ,IV .IV IV .IV IV .IV .IV .IV IV .IV IV showtimes via email!