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The BG News June 9, 1999

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The BGA daily independent News student press BGSU student still looking for prize money men's basketball game. "I'm still he took out an insurance policy mitted the tape and the aflidavil practiced before making the shot. was a lot ol finger pointing," said By MARY BETH MURTHA trying to see what the best with Hole In One International, to HIOI. The rules of the contest were thai the elder Putka. "Domino's got a The BG News options are, but it's a definite an insurance company from Weeks went by before he he had lo make the shot without lot of publicity. Now they are not practice. holding up Iheir end of the bar- Court seems lo be the next thing [that the issue will end up Reno, Nev. received a response: the tape did- logical step for parties involved in court]." He said that any time a contest n't show Putka's feet. The bot- "It was Ihe first 1 had heard of gain." with the Domino's Pizza Mega Putka, an applied health sci- is sponsored, a policy is taken tom of the tape was covered by that, as well," said Stringer. Four weeks later, Putka's Shot Contest dispute. ence major, sank the half-court out. The insurance company the news banner, and therefore it Stringer said he was begin- lawyers contacted Stringer. "I'm in the process of talking shot during half-time at the Feb. "bets on the odds" of the contes- was invalid. So Stringer called ning lo get the impression that "This has just been a night- to lawyers right now," said Greg 20 BGSU-Miami men's basket- tant winning. If the contestant the news station again, to get an Ihe insurance company was mare," Stringer said. ball game. The contest was spon- wins, they pay. If the contestant unedited version. However, Putka, the BGSU senior who never going to pay Ihe $5,000. He spoke with his accountant, sored by Domino's Pizza, of 1616 loses, they do not pay. according to the news station, made the shot worth $5,000 at a "They've |Hole In One Inter- and offered Putka $3,250 — the E. Wooster in Bowling Green. unedited video is taped over reg- This time, the contestant won national) been making a big deal estimated amount he would Though things are in the plan- ularly, so he would have to tind a and the insurance company still out of penny ante stuff," he said. have received after taxes. The ning stages now, a suit will even- copy somewhere else. won't pay. "I don't understand them. They offer was refused. tually be brought against Rod He contacted Mike Barlley, don't have a vested interest in HIOI rejected Stringer's claim Two weeks after that, Putka's Stringer, Domino's owner, for Putka's $5,000. Stringer was BGSU assistant athletic director, how they are viewed in Wood because the money has not been lawyers contacted Stringer again, told that they needed more evi- to obtain game footage. But the County, so they are not paying. It awarded. requesting $3,500 compensation dence than the affidavit he sup- game footage did not cover the just doesn't make good business instead. Stringer refused. Putka's father, Tim Putka, said plied, which was signed by half-time show. Miami Universi- sense." that he wants the issue resolved. Putka, the athletic director and ty's game footage did not cover it He invited Putka to lunch lo And so the issue stands. A "Basically, Greg made the shot the assistant athletic director. either. According to Stringer, discuss the issue. He offered court date has not yet been set. and has not received his money," HIOI wanted a tape of Putka Bartley had found an audience Putka $1,000, since il was becom- No action is being taken with he said. "I don't care whose fault making the shot. member who had footage of the ing evident that Ihe insurance I lole In One International. it is. He's not been awarded his "That was the first I had heard event, but Stringer wanted to company was not going to "II would have been cheaper $5,000." of needing a tape," Stringer said. contact HIOI before submitting award Ihe claim. According lo jusl to pay the money that According to Stringer, he has He then called around, trying to that tape. Stringer, Putka then replied thai night," Stringer said. "But there's made every effort lo obtain find a tape and found one Their response, according to he'd like to speak with his father no way to undo what's been Putka's prize money. recorded by Toledo's NBC affili- Stringer, was that the claim was and his lawyer. done. I'm not a lawyer. I'm just a Greg Putka In order to finance Uie contest ate, Channel 24 News. He sub- still invalid, because Putka had "I felt very strongly that there pizza guy." Summer school BGSU Air Force, Army ROTC recruits spend summer at different training programs around the nation, world to flying and to the Air Force fly- Finally, several students will By ERIN BERGER ing operations. They will partici- participate in a program called The BG News pate in ground school, but they Operation Air Force (OAF). This Despite the increasing heat, will also have a shift at actual is aimed at acquainting cadets this summer a number of BGSU flight in non-powered gliders. with everyday tasks, activities students will get in uniform to Several rising seniors will par- and perceptions of Air Force Air- keep active in both the Air Force ticipate in a 20-day combat sur- men and motivating and educat- and Army ROTC units. vival training (CST) program. ing cadets. The University's Air Force This program exposes cadets to Most of the OAFs take place in ROTC unit will be sending stu- combat, aircrew, survival and the United States, but there are dents around the country and evasion training in a realistic also overseas OAFs. the world to different profession- environment, according to Chris Saettel, a senior history al development training pro- Kochendoerfer. major, left June 7 to attend such a grams. "They will work with cadets program in England. For example, freshman cadets lo prepare them for an environ- Before he left, he said he was will have the opportunity to par- ment where they must survive really excited about the opportu- ticipate in a program called on their own," he said. nity. SOAR, according to Capt. Other freshman students will "I get to see Europe, first of all, Thomas E. Kochendoerfer, assis- participate in ASSIST, a program and many of my family members tant professor of aerospace stud- designed to expose cadets to the reside over there," Saettel said. ies. Air Force environment and "And secondly, I'll leam a lot In this 15-day program, the acquaint them with various more about the Air Force than I students will get initial exposure career opportunities. already know." Saettel will graduate next The Wood County Humane Society will spring and already has a guaran- teed position in Air Force flight host its annual golf tournament Saturday, school, pending medical tests. June 19, at Forrest Creason Golf Course. The University's Army ROTC Proceeds will benefit the shelter, which unit will also keep busy this summer. found homes for over 500 animals in 1998. Several students will be (Above) These kittens — and others — will attending advanced camp, according to Capt. Kevin be available for adoption in a few days. Breuers, military science. This (Left) Kayla, enjoying the warm weather, camp is generally for students who have just completed their has already found a home. For tourna- junior year, Breuers said. ment or adoption information call 419-352- "At the camp students take all 7339. the leadership skills they've acquired since they've been here and use those skills in hands-on settings," he said. "It's somewhat stressful. They get assessed on their leadership ability as possi- ble future army officers." New waves for Falcons The camp lasts five weeks and and Wyandot counties. The BGSU athletics Greg Pieffer, is located in Washington, accord- By MATTHEW P. LYONS ing to senior criminal justice stu- station can also be heard in WFOB president and general dent Ildiko Szentkirayli, who The BG News Monroe, Lenawee, and Hills- manager, declined to comment will be attending the camp this dale counties in Michigan. on how and why the decision to Falcon football and men's abandon Falcon athletics was summer. She will graduate in "We are both happy and basketball will have a new proud to be a part of the Bowl- made. August. home on the radio dial for the ing Green State University "Having WIMX become our "I'm excited to get it over 1999-2000 athletic year. sports family," said Charles flagship station for football and with," Szentkirayli said. "I have The athletic department Glover, the general manager at men's basketball is consistent been preparing for a long time signed a one year contract with WIMX. "We feel it will be a with our goal of broadening our and want to gel it over with." the Riverside Broadcasting beneficial partnership for both scope giving all Northwest Ohio The camp will give her the Company to have Falcon ath- the radio station and BGSU, the opportunity to be exposed chance to test her leadership abil- letics aired on WIMX-FM (95.7 and they are a welcome addi- to Falcon athletics and hopeful- ities, according to Szentkirayli, FM). tion to the Mix 95.7 family." ly come aboard as a fan," BGSU one of the reasons she joined WIMX's signal can be heard This move is necessary due Athletic Director Paul Krebs Photo Provided ROTC in the first place. throughout Ohio including to the fact that the WFOB, the said. "We are very pleased to BGSU Army ROTC cadets practice teamwork, problem solving Wood, Ottawa, Sandusky, former broadcast station, decid- have our games aired on WIMX and "hands-on leadership" on the leadership course at Camp Seneca, Hancock, Henry, Ful- ed to air Ohio State athletics and are looking forward to the Custer, Michigan. • See ROTC, page 2. ton, Williams, Defiance, Erie, after more than 40 years of relationship." Opinion 2 Campus 4 Entertainment 6 Issues Columnist Erin Berger expounds on ■ Jan Lundy. academic enhance- Jimmy Eat World is going to eat BG i As the months her pending trip to England. ment/ study skills lab secretary, retires on Thursday. Catch the meal on progress, Y2K looms this summer. 88.1 fm. ever closer for the Columnist Jennifer Luley declares University. her pride in being an Indians fan in ■ The Bursar's office will modify the We need a hero. Entertainment the midst of so many Tigers fans. billing plan for fall. editor Mike Hammer found one in Columbus. ■ Sal's Bakery offers variety of goods. page 2 The BG News Wednesday, June 9, 1999

Jennifer Luley Co-editor 372-6968 Opinion [email protected] Overseas trips can bring stress Meeting little, conveniently-placed bags. lem in that off and on for the have this thing with accents, again of the part of human By ERIN BERGER Another fear is that my ears past three or so years of my life, British ones in particular. nature that makes us wail until called to The BG Nairn will pop and remain popped the I have been doing this bad That is a whole other issue, the last moment for everything. Oh, lo travel abroad! Since entire flight (a pet peeve of British accent. I don't use it con- though. I suppose that I could have childhood I (and I suspect many mine, anyway.) Perhaps my stantly, obviously, but I go But, I suppose my grandest researched the statistics on sick- counter others as well) have dreamed of biggest fear is just that of the through phases where I will use tribulation at this moment has to ness in flight. 1 could have read what it would be like to travel unknown. And, since I have it hours, sometimes days on end do with a portion of human books about effective packing abroad, just to be able to say, never flown, there is a good deal to the point where I actually nature I have never understood. techniques and worked hard at Klan "Oh, yes, I'm a world traveler." of unknown to worry about. begin to think in a British accent. Maybe you've experienced destroying my British accent but Well, I will soon find out just Another concern 1 am cur- When I go to England and am something similar. instead here I am at the last There will be an emer- what it is like. Tomorrow (June rently struggling with is pack- surrounded by other people When I first heard I was moment hurrying to get my gency meeting at the 10), I shall be on a flight to Eng- ing. I have never been good at with real British accents, it is going on this trip, 1 was so excit- laundry done, get packed, etc. Women's Center, 107 Hanna land, bound for the land of Big packing and probably never will almost destined to emerge ed that I could think of nothing So here is my word to the Hall, on Friday, June 11, at Ben, Buckingham Palace and the be. You see, I am so good at again. So here comes the part I else for days. I was ready to start wise: the next time you are tak- noon for any individuals or Crown Jewels. thinking of everything I could fear. What if I accidentally use packing and planning right ing a trip to England, be excited. groups who are interested in Am I excited? Yes. Am I ner- possibly need for every single my awful, awful British accent away. Be thrilled, for you will soon be helping to plan community vous? Yes, very. I suppose a trip situation, I end up packing far while talking to someone with a Then, as the weeks went by in the class called "world travel- based alternative to the to England would be exciting loo much stuff and not even real British accent? Surely they and the date of departure drew er" (or at least you can call your- upcoming Klu Klux Klan and nerve-wracking for anyone, looking at half of it during the will think I'm mocking them! nearer and nearer, the trip self that and not be telling a rally. but it is particularly for me trip. Then when 1 come back I seemed less and less real. I pro- complete falsehood.) The KKK is planning a because not only have I never Now I am faced with the task shall feel sorry for my apart- crastinated in every aspect of But, don't wait until the last rally in Bowling Green on been out of the United States — of packing one suitcase (and one ment-males and everyone else preparation ... until Tuesday minute to cram with your "Lon- Saturday, June 19, from 1-3 I have never even been on an carry-on bag) for a trip that will who I come into contact for the afternoon. don pocket guide" and whatev- p.m., on the steps of the airplane! last a week and a half. That will next month because I'll surely Tuesday afternoon it finally er you do ... Courthouse. So, my virgin plane trip shall definitely take me a bit of lime not be able to get the accent out all clicked that I was leaving in a Don't forget that when you The Women's Center be a nice, long overseas flight. to figure out. of my head! very short amount of time, and go over there, YOU are the for- hopes to plan an alternative Motion sickness is one of my Greater than my concerns Of course, along with the now I am still stressing, playing eigner and YOU'RE the one that will focus on the biggest fears, as far as the flight about flying or packing, though, entire accent dilemma is the fact catch-up and trying to get with the cool accent, and YOU strengths of the Bowling goes, probably because I've seen is my concern about actually that I'm sure there will be guys everything in order before I can rule the country! Green community, both on loo many movies where people reaching England. with accents over there. This is leave. Well, anyway, don't forget to and off-campus, and deny have been forced to throw up in You see, I have a little prob- definitely dangerous because I Maybe it is just case in point relax and have a good vacation! the Klan an audience. Supporting the Tribe not ROTC Continued from page one. ence 100, a no-obligation course. room during O-reg that will give "By taking the course they get incoming students more infor- always easy in Toledo "I wanted a challenge and to learn about leadership," mation about the program and wanted to lead people," Szenlki- Breuers said. help in recruiting efforts. rayli said. "I didn't know much He said they usually enroll Lt. Rob Chinnock, who gradu- By JENNIFER LULEY when I started, but I knew it between 80 and 100 freshmen I find solace in other BGSU students who ated from BGSU in May will also The BG News would be challenging." into the classes for the fall. are Tribe fans and the converts we make. Other students in the Army Capt. Bob Scholl, assistant be helping in the recruiting I'm not ashamed to admit it. Jennifer Luley ROTC program will attend pro- professor of aerospace studies, efforts, Scholl said. "Air Force ROTC is the only I am one of them. Indians fan grams like an airborne school in has been In charge of Air Force Many of my family members Georgia, an air assault repelling recruiting duties since last June. way that I know someone can and friends are, too. school in Kentucky, and a north- Last year they started out check out the Air Force without But around here, in the Toledo team. understand. ern warfare school in Alaska. with 49 freshmen and this year actually being in it," Scholl said. area, it seems like if I was a KKK "Ignore them," Mom told me I should have known I looked While sending students to they expect 75, according to Kochendoerfer agreed. member I'd have more support. when 1 questioned her about strange to those who weren't camps around the country, both Scholl. "There are a lot of opportuni- fans my freshman year when, Okay, so maybe that's a bit of why they were doing that. the Army and Air Force ROTC "Why the increase?" said ties," he said. "Freshmen may an overstatement, but it's not "They'll get it someday," she during the post-season, my units are also beginning to work Scholl. "I Ijiow more now, and roommate began charging our decide not to re-enroll, and that always so easy being a Cleveland said. "Maybe they'll fly back to on summer recruitment efforts. we've li.ul ,i year to refine an hallmates 75 cents lo peek in the is fine." Indians fan in this area. Toronto on those brooms." Breuers is in charge of the already excellent Air Force So now Toronto, not lo men- door and watch me, glued to the Army ROTC recruitment. ROTC program and pump some "We appreciate their interest "Indians? We're Tigers fans television with my rally cap on, and the opportunity to show here!" they say. Or "front-run- tion the rest of major league He said he will go to orienta- more excitement and substance baseball, is getting it. Gone are shout at Jaret Wright and Jim tion and registration and talk to to it." them what it is like so they can ner," they mutter under their Thome. breath. the days when fans could arrive the incoming freshmen, trying to Scholl said that there will be a make a well-informed decision," at the ballpark five minutes "Put the rally cap on, Jen! Put get them to enroll in military sci- table set up in the grand ball- Kochendoerfer said. Excuse me? Front-runner? the rally cap on!" she would Hardly. before game time and get primo ~~ seats — or any seats at all, for encourage when the Indians Although I can't claim the that matter. were down, not so much as to same 40-plus year support for a hope the Indians would win, but basement team that my parents For tickets this year I stood in line al Kroger in Toledo for seven to see me with the silly-looking and many other adults I know inside-out hat on my head. hours to get tickets. PEOPLE can, I do remember days when When the Indians finally lost And before you say, "Look! fans wore bags over their heads the World Series that year to the How are you beating the on the street There are Indians fans in Tole- to Cleveland Stadium and the Florida Marlins, one girl from do!" let me tell you that many of heat this week? Indians were not only the laugh- across the hall — a Tigers fan, no those fans I stood in line with ing slock of major league base- less — banged on my door to ball, but of all pro sports. were people who made the drive mock me. from the Cleveland area expect- There were summer Satur- I find solace in other BGSU ing the line to be shorter than days when I was in elementary students who are Tribe fans and they would find in Cleveland. school when I could wake up, the converts we make. Once I set Trust me, I know these things. realize the Indians were playing foot off campus, however, I feel After seven hours in line with the a home game and say, "Please, as if I've stepped into the jaws of Mom? Can we go see the Indians same people you gel to think of a tiger ... pardon the pun. them as family. play? They're giving away free And forget about help from shirts, pennants and baseballs to So forgive me if I deny Toledo media to encourage DeAdra Jackson the first 10,000 fans." (That is, term "front-runner." fan support. On usual Toledo Becky Booth Richard Fuiman assuming they could get 10,000 I don't blame Toledoans for news sports broadcasts, the Sophomore Senior Junior fans lo a single game.) their lack of support for the Indi- Tigers get top billing. Psychology Accounting Therapeutic Rec. So we would go, get there five ans. They don'l benefit as much On one station this year, when "Staying Inside. "Sitting out by "Staying in the minutes before the Star Spangled from the success of the team as the Indians played an entire the pool." air-condition- Banner was sung and still get Clevelanders do. series against the Boston Red ing." box scats. Sure, the Mud Hens are a Sox, the sports anchors insisted I remember one game against Detroit farm team and Detroit is the series was being played at Toronto when the Tribe was get- considerably closer to Toledo stacie Wood Bryan Seslow Jacobs Field, despite the fact the Senior ting massacred by the Blue Jays. than Cleveland, but still, don't footage showed the game was Sophomore Toronto fans proudly paraded look down on me or any other being played at Fenway Park. Psychology/ TCOMM around Cleveland Stadium in area resident who chooses to Maybe it's something Detroit Sociology "Sleeping Iheir finest Blue Jay apparel, support the Indians and not the fans will come to realize in a few "Eating ice naked." waving brooms and calling for a Tigers. years when the Tigers get their cream ancL series sweep of the good guys. I think this may be something chance to play in the post-sea- staying out I They taunted and laughed at us that many people who aren't son. But for now, like it or not, the weather.? for supporting such a pitiful from northeast Ohio just don't this is the Indians' time to shine. Letters to the Editor policy 210 West Hall Do you agree with all of this? We doubt it. Write us and let us Copyright © 1999, The BG News, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reprinting Bowling Green State University know where you stand. of any material from this publication without prior permission of Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 The BG News is prohibited. ■ Letters to the Editor. Letters are to be less than 500 words (less Phone: (419) 372-2601 than two typed, double-spaced pages). These are usually In The BG News is an Independent publication founded in 1920 and is E-mail: [email protected] response to a current issue on the BGSU campus or Bowling Green published daily during the academic year and weekly during the area. summer semester. Erin Berger Jennifer Luley Co-Editor Co-Editor ■ Guest Columns. Longer pieces (between 600-800 words) can be Opinions expressed in columns and letters to the editor are not nec- submitted as Guest Columns. Guest columns will be subject to essarily those of the student body, faculty, University administra- Jeff Hindenach Mary Beth Murtha space limitations and considered based on topic relevance and tion or The BG News. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of the Assistant Editor Assistant Editor quality. Summerl999 BG News staff. Scott Zimmer Danielle Hall To submit a Guest Column or Letter, bring a written copy to 210 The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any Graphics Editor Copy Chief West Hall and leave it In the Editor's mailbox. Or, send it on e-mail errors in stories or photograph descriptions. Mike Hammer to one of our editors at jluleytfbgnet V>gsu.edu and give it the sub- Decisions made by the Co-editors and the Editorial Board are final Scott Fauber ject, "Letter to the Editor." Entertainment Editor Photo Editor Wednesday, June 9, 1999 The BG News page 3

Mary Beth Murtha Assistant Editor 372-2603 ^ Page Three marym@bgnet. bgsu. edu

WORD j WEATHER this week Safe but not sorry of the day So you and your pals are A If the tire's flat, change it nel. Be sure they're in uniform. cruising the interstate in your '86 safely and far away from traffic. It's probably unwise to take help irrational WEDNESDAY: Sunny. High 88, Chevy Celebrity (or the equiva- Take your time - you need to fix from a shady-looking "plain- Pronunciation: ih-RAH-shuh- lent), arms out the window, radio it safely more than you need to clothes" character tooling low 63. loud enough to alert cattle the make it to Bob's Super Deluxe around the highway looking for nul. next state over, when all ol a sud- Record Warehouse. people to pick on. Function: adjective den — PLUNK! Your vehicle is Etymology: Middle English, no longer cooperating with your A When the situation is hope- A Generally, it's not a good THURSDAY: Partly Cloudy. High transportation goals. less (read: the car is beyond idea to walk on an interstate from Latin irrationalis, from in- + repair), it's best to wait for pro- (particularly during bad weather rationalis rational 88, low 65. Car trouble comes to all cars fessional help. Don't try to flag - storms, fog and the like). How- <0>o in all places. But when your car people down — they'll just run ever, if you can reach help on Date: 14th century breaks down on the highway, it's you over. Instead, raise your foot, without jeopardizing your not rational 1: not endowed hood and tie something to the physical or personal safety, try important to know how to take with reason or understanding 2:* care of it without being hit by antenna so police or tow truck the direct approach by walking. FRIDAY: Mostly Cloudy. High 84, speeding trucks or kidnapped by people will know you need help. This is risky business here, but if lacking usual or normal mental low 62. nosy passers-by. Roads and highways are the 7-Eleven is 20 feet away with clarity or coherence; not gov- 3 patrolled regularly, so someone 12 empty phone booths and a erned by or according to reason A At the first sign of trouble, will be around to help you. bored officer, it might be worth slowly take your foot off the it. accelerator. Don't brake sudden- A Don't stand next to your car •On the campus of BGSU. irrational WEEKEND: Fair. High 85-ish, ly or you'll wind up all over the (again, people will run you Don't take any chances with occurs often. i.c. "That professor is wack, yo low in the mid 60s. over). Stand away from the vehi- your rescue trek. Keep as far place. Pull over to the side of the His leaching method is totally irrational!" & road, as far away from traffic as cle. If your car's safely out of from traffic as possible and walk possible. traffic, you can sit inside with the on the right side of the roadway. • ( i 3 10 ■ i II 13 windows rolled up and the doors And please, don't attempt to ' " " '4 A Now's the time to get your locked. If somebody stops to cross a mulli-lane, high-speed CROSS car noticed! Skip the obscene help, ask them to call the police. road. Frogger is best played on J " word 1 - bumper stickers and set up flares your Atari, not the turnpike. 20 1 A Watch for a uniformed offi- or reflective triangles if you have ,: —Mary Beth Murtha, with help ACROSS 63 Make certain ?3 i . them. If it's dark, rum on the cer or state highway patrolper- 1 Mineo ol "Rebel 66 Concur from The National Safety Council and interior dome light. son or other emergency person- Wilhout a Cause" 67 _ Islano, NY /' ■ '- 33 the Ohio Department of Public Safety. 4 Tibetan monks 68 Also - " 9 Grate deposit 69 L'cnaim or prosit M I - p 14 The Bells'poet 70 Luges -1 tllMS Hoo^-CC^c%\CR 15 Creative 71 Pig's pad JH y 41 movement ot the '- " vJ\t-t. HO-t S£€ -f%\€ 60s DOWN *3 -V* ii Upcoming 16 Scold mi dry t Tic - UM■' Sft H 1 PM>€°- OrJ COrJStP-VA-TlOrJ 21 Timeworn 5 Fitting M 23 Neighbor ol 6 Cause bodily 62 M h', Sunday 6/13/99 ■**>».€ r-» V C*rJ -fov-rJ \rJ Trtt Zimbabwe harm : OiJC x OvO uAS< ~it*v- ,-IViOS 26 Near or tar 7 Pisa's river H SA 8 p.m. AC

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GREENBRIAR, INC. GREENBRIAR, INC NEWI9VE Sign up In Student ActMOos, 373-2343) Rentals Umrtnd to trio firs) 20 people. We still have 332 S. Main 352-5620 134 E. WooeMr St I B. One bedroom unftmaMd apartment apartments LooMed ctewmown Largerooms Resdent pays al ukftbM S360 00 per mor* phH uts*es to* a t?monri lease Avaiatto and houses em 7/31/98 Now Two Great Locations 3321/J S. MM St.: I«o bedroom uilumMied apvtnenl In Toledo A Bowling 6reen' available for LocMBd downlOMi Huge nrnVm bedroom Front endoeed €AFE porch. Otujy tor groups ol tour Rearfent pays al uttoes ; S49500pe.monf.loia 12mor* lease MHkaft*7/3VBJ. '!'''.'.■ ' : p< * zci ' Homemade the fall. 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Bowlinq Green • 353-0988 • 832 Washinqton ST.. itfik'jo • 255-0010 page 4 The BG News Wednesday, June 9, 1999 Erin Berger Co-Editor 372-6966 Campus eberger@bgnet. bgsu. edu Skills Lab pioneer retires Bakery offers Italian fare coming into a job with no direc- and a total of 1,040 students goods using recipes from his By ERIN BERGER By WENDY WELLMAN most of the business he does is tion, Lundy has succeeded and utilized the Lab in one way or family and friends. He has The BG News actually has seen the Study another. local. But just as all business- The BG News recently added focaccia to his es in Bowling Green do, he's Jan Lundy, academic Skills Lab grow. The aspect she has enjoyed Looking for a quiet place to menu. Focaccia is an Italian experienced a dip in his cus- enhancement/study skills lab The Study Skills Lab was most has been being around flat bread that Salerno bakes created in 1983, according to people and students. study with Internet access and tomer base since the Universi- secretary, will retire this sum- in rounds. ty let out. mer, leaving "a hole," according Blinn, and at its inception a rel- "I've enjoyed it," Lundy said. computers, comfy futons and a relaxing atmosphere? "It's a cross between the Regardless, Salerno is to Joyce atively small number of stu- "I like the job and the people I best bread you have and the dents utilized the facility. work with." Sal's Bakery in BG offers adding new and better items Blinn, best pizza crust," he said. "The to his menu every day. Most assistant The Study Skills Lab helps She said the thing she will such a place and much more, students learn study skills that miss the most is being around with authentic Italian breads, focaccia sold around here is recently, he's added Baci di director of not focaccia. It looks like a can be applied to a specific people and hearing about their cookies, bagels and other llama, a tiny sandwich cookie academic football, but it's supposed to be with chocolate in the middle. enhance- course and also skills that can lives and things happening to baked goods to tempt and flat." apply to all of their courses, them. She will also miss the appease your study cravings. Sal's Bakery is located in ment/study With the many inquiries Greenwood Centre, a few skills lab. according to Blinn. people she works with. First generation Italian- One of the ways it specifical- "I'll miss helping students he's had on sandwich making, doors down from Chi-Chi's. "I figure American Sal Salerno opened Salerno may be converting his The bakery's hours are Mon- we'll have ly helps students is by setting succeed, being part of their his store when he saw the up mentoring groups. world," Lundy said. store into a deliftakery. He day, Wednesday, Thursday to hire need for a good bakery in has also considered adding a and Friday 6:30 a.m. - 8 p.m., three peo- "Mentors are faculty-recom- She is still in contact with Bowling Green. mended undergraduate or several students who used to candy store, calling it Tesora's Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. and ple to take ., Jan Lundy "I've been baking and cook- Treats." Tesora is a term of Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. her place,' graduate students who work work as student clerks in the ing for a long time," he said. with a small group of students, lab, she said. adoration in Italian, meaning Blinn said. "She's got all the "And there's really no place to all taking the same course from "Keeping in touch with peo- "treasure." characteristics and work ethic get good bread or baked goods Salerno, a graduate in hos- and is very pleasant to stu- the same professor," Blinn said. ple from the past is very "Mentors help students with rewarding," Lundy said. anywhere." pitality management from dents ." Salerno bakes all of his own Ashland University, said that Lundy, 66, said she came study strategies as applied to Lundy is officially finished at from 17 years of employment at the learning of the course mate- the end of July, but she is get- Heidelberg University to work rial." ting married on June 19 and at BGSU in 1986. Lundy said The lab also provides stu- will take the month of July off Bursar office to combine fall bills dents who want more in-depth to go out west. for everything, but they didn't mailed before freshman orien- she decided to come here pre- By MICHELLE MARCZAK dominantly because she grew help the opportunity to set up She hopes to have more time because they would receive tation. The bursar must The BG News up in Bowling Green. individual appointments. to do things she likes when she another bill in the mail two assume the incoming student Lundy started out working Lundy said that when she retires, like knitting, crochet- The bursar's office has weeks later," Miesmer said. will register to be a full-time in various places such as the first started in 1987, there were ing, reading and doing volun- recently modified the way they "This new method gives them student and then assess the library, health center, financial only a handful of mentoring teer work. bill students for room/board the whole picture all at once." fees accordingly. If there are aid office and technology groups. "It's going to be difficult, but and tuition. The new procedure "The new procedure will any additional fees after a stu- department, filling in where During the last school year, it's time to go do other things," will be in effect for the upcom- allow the financial aid office dent registers, such as parking help was needed. there were 185 mentor groups Lundy said. ing fall semester. more time to process and get passes or lab fees, another She began to work in the Currently, the bursar sends the aid out there faster, which statement will be mailed con- Study Skills Lab in 1987. THE WOMEN'S CENTER out two separate bills for hous- is one benefit to the school," taining the difference in the "When she was hired for ing (room and board) and Williams said. "We hope this fees. this position there were no SCHEDULE OF UPCOMING EVENTS tuition, but mw students will new plan will help thing run This new billing procedure only receive oiie major bill con- directions left from the previ- June 8, 7 p.m. in room 108 Hanna Hall: more smoothly for everyone has been discussed within the taining both. Any financial aid ous secretary," Blinn said. "She Fundraiser for Kosovo Women's Fund involved." institution for a few years but it came in cold." will be subtracted. Miesmer said tuition-only had to be carefully planned out Despite the hardships of June 16, 12 - 1 p.m. in room 107 Hanna Hall: This year the bill will be students would benefit from the before it was implemented, Brown Bag Lunch Specials; A Tribute to Father's Day mailed out July 2 with the new program because they Williams said. deadline on July 30. have the option of making four "Our sister institutions do "We have moved back the June 16, 4 p.m.at the Women's Center installments instead of the pre- bill this way and it has finally billing for room and meals but WBGU's Divorced/Divorcing Women's Support Group vious three, allowing their pay- been brought together at Bowl- have moved up the billing for ments to be more evenly spread ing Green," Williams said. June 30,12 - 1 p.m. in room 107 Hanna Hall: tuition," said Tawn Williams, out. Parents and students have Local Finest: assistant bursar for the Uni- with hosts Brown Bag Lunch Specials; "Independence Day" She also said that the new been informed of the new versity. "This way we are meet- procedure doesn't have as big of billing procedure in several let- ing somewhere in the middle." Tami, Niki, & Friends! July 14,12 - 1 p.m. in room 107 Hanna Hall: an effect on those who choose to ters for the past few months, Brown Bag Lunch Specials; Women with Disabilities In the According to Sandra Mies- pay in full, but she feels they she said. mer, associate bursar in charge U.S. and Russia benefit because they will be "I think the new billing plan Every of collecting, the new billing paying less up front. will be a positive improve- July 28, 12 - 1 p.m. in room 107 Hanna Hall: system is easier to understand. The bill for incoming fresh- ment," Williams said. "There Sunday "The previous billing Brown Bag Lunch Specials; Visions from South Africa men is prepared differently are many benefits to the par- method was confusing because 7-10 ents and students as well as to parents thought they had paid because their fees must be esti- at mated since the bills will be the institution itself." 88.1 F.M.

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_ _ • «.. June 9, 1999 The BG News page 5 Jeff Hindenach Assistant Editor #JSS 372-2603 Issues jhinden (abgnet. bgsu. edu

Y2K: how is it going to affect us? Y2K CHECKLIST Foundation. "For example, "The only way this could be By WENDY WELLMAN a home finance application, Oct. 15, 1998 would be repre- Y2K could have an impact on accomplished was to store • Check with the manufacturers of The BG News sented as'101598.'" you," Seymour said. "If you use dates in the same two-digit for- * *>• your home electronics to determine what may be affected It's New Year's Eve, 1999. Is She gave an illustration of your home PC only for gaming mat." everyone partying or panick- an insurance policy of someone and Internet surfing, there's Finally, the programmers ing? who was born on Nov. 22,1956. little danger that your system realized that reusing the code ■ Stock up on disaster supplies lasting Unfortunately, the Y2K This would be stored in a com- will by hurt by Y2K — was more efficient, faster and from several days to a week. computer problem is not going puter as "561122." although your Internet service produced fewer errors. away on its own. However, when the clocks provider is another matter." But who is going to elimi- • Have some extra cash on hand in "Ignorance is bliss," said on non-compliant computers Foster gives four reasons for nate the Y2K problem for the the event that electronic transactions Jim Seymour in the April 6 change over to the year 2000 the existence of the Y2K prob- general public? involving ATM cards and credit cards edition of PC Magazine. (or 1900), this person would lem. "We've become accustomed cannot be processed. 'That's the way many people not have been born yet. Their First, this six-digit dating to sitting and waiting for the are dealing with Y2K right birthdate would be recognized code was used to conserve government to fix things," said • Fill your vehicle's gas tank a day or now. Some people are already as occurring 56 years in the memory space. In 1970, one Seymour. "We've got to tackle so before Dec. 31. sick of hearing about it." future. The computer cannot megabyte of RAM cost $3.2 the challenges ourselves." ' Y2K refers to errors that compensate someone who million. (The cost dropped to This problem originates in • Have extra blankets, coats, hats and will occur when computer doesn't exist. $5 in 1996.) the three clocks on personal gloves to keep warm. clocks roll over to the year This problem was noticed in Second, none of the early computers that collaborate to 1971 by Bob Bemer, a COBOL programmers thought these 2000, but recognize it as the provide information to the • Have plenty of flashlights and extra (an early computer program- computer systems would last year 1900 instead. user: the RTC (real-time batteries on hand. "When programmers start- ming language) pioneer. But this long. clock), the BIOS (basic ed writing computer code, they the computer industry ignored Another reason the problem input/output system) and the • Examine your smoke alarms now. used six digits for dates — two the problem for years, finally remained untouched for so OS (operating systems) clock. digits each for the month, day realizing that something need- long is because of the creation A computer is not consid- and year," said Koxanna Fos- ed to be done in the 1990s. of new programs. ered Y2K compliant until it • Be prepared to relocate to a shelter ter, educational technology "If your home PC is more "As new programs were has been tested and the RTC for warmth and protection during a assistant for Northwest Ohio than a year old or if you use added, they needed to access will recognize the year 2000 prolonged power outage. Educational Technologies date-sensitive software such as existing data," Foster said. (and recognize it as a leap year). • Check with local emergency service . . . web sites... PC Magazine introduced providers for additional information. American Red Cross - Y2K three ways to test a computer Source: The American Red Cross Checklist tn hllp:// www.redcross.org/disaster/safety/ Y2K.html for Y2K compliance, via a DOS PCMAGAZINe. Apnl 6.19999 boot disk, the BIOS setup or Chief Information Officers Council Committee on Windows 95 (which is not rec- BG News Graphic/Scott Zimmcr Year 2000 ommended). even function at all, or may cause us to think more about hltp://www.itpolicygsa.gov/mks/yr2000/cioy2k.hlm Prior to testing, close all process incorrect data due to the data we depend on, the running applications, discon- the confusion in the dates. technology we use, the infor- CNN nect from any networks or Data communication will mation we need, and how we hllp://www.cnn.com TECH/specials/y2k/ other systems and most impor- primarily be aflecti'd in service store that information," Miller tantly, back up your hard providers, such as shippers, said. "To the extent that people drive, Foster says. MSNBC lawyers or maintenance and prepare for a Y2K disaster, If a computer is found to be hllp://www.MSNBC.com/news/defaull.asp repair outfits. they'll be better prepared for non-compliant with the year Even with all of the warn- any other kind of emergency, 2000, Foster said to focus on PC Magazine Year 2000 Resource Center ings and possible malfunc- from technological breakdowns the BIOS. tions, editor in chief of PC to acts of nature." hllp://www.7dnel.com/pcmag/special/y2k/index.hlml Foster warns that not only Magazine Michael J. Miller "In short, Y2K may give us will hardware be affected by said Y2K may positively affect all more robust, more orderly Snap Y2K Topic Center Y2K, but so will software and the world. technology, and that's a good • •'-i- -*• ^x htlp://www.snap.com data communications. BG News Graphic/Jim Baer "As individuals, Y2K may thing." Software programs may not University will deal with Y2K replacing, updating computers

By WENDY WELLMAN report stated. "Many of the sys- However, the committee will Everything they've tested has tial statements of compliance. to Y2K compliance does not tems including student labs, be able to "fix" some computers been successful. But there's Another problem can occur The BG News come cheap for the University. individual computer systems, and make them Y2K compliant, much more testing and pro- after the non-compliant soft- Annual costs to ITS have been In February 1996. Bowling payroll system, financial aid, such as some Gateway systems. gramming to be done. ware is replaced. Sometimes over $240,000, with one-time Green State University's Year office databases, food opera- They are deciding which The computer software poses the old applications will no charges totaling over $166,000. 2000 committee met for the tions, class schedules, instruc- computers to replace by sorting a bigger problem. Some vendors longer work with the addition Costs outside of ITS as stated first time to begin forming a tional classes and many others them by age, he said. who originally said their soft- of the new software, Singer in the committee's report total plan of action for the Universi- could be impacted by the year "As we look over the campus ware was compatible with Y2K said. over $590,000. ty 2000 challenge." inventory of active systems, we are now reneging on their ini- Unfortunately, this change The committee developed Toby Singer, director of com- still find many dinosaurs in and published their Year 2000 puter operations for Informa- use," the committee report Committee Report and Plan in tion Technology Services at the read. "As identified by our & John Newlove Sept. 1996, stating their impact University, said the mainframe report, the oldest systems analysis, testing plan and pro- is at 80 percent compliance. should be replaced first." Real Estate posed costs to the University. "The systems in the labs are Singer, who is also a member Rental Office "This project will be a major all new as of last year," he said. of the Year 2000 committee, NEWI9VE impact to BGSU in terms of dol- 'And we've identified what said they've tested about 25 lars, people and time," the needs to be replaced over the percent of the computer sys- Rentals summer and next fall." tems in a Y2K environment. 332 S. Main 352-5620

117 Lehman: One bedroom lower duplex with double living rooms. Front A AAAAAAAA porch. $480.00 per month plus utilities for a 12 month lease. 205 W. Washington: One bedroom upper duplex. $420.00 per month plus 319 E. Wooster St. utilities (or a 12 month lease. Remodeled (Across from Taco Bell) for fall. 1171/2 Lehman: Three bedroom upper 354-2260 duplex. Located near downtown. GRADUATE $550.00 per month plus utilities for a 12 month lease. STUDENT HOUSING Available Aug. 15th Visit Our Website-www.newlovereality.com 451 Thuretln-Etticiencies. $310.00 Aug. to Aug. $435.00 Aug. to May Adult Video Star 499-455 S. Enterprise- One Bedroom SADIE Unfurn/Furn. 839 Seventh-One BR TTVTTVTTT SEXTON Unfurn. w/ dishwasher. This Thurs-Fri-Sat 854 Eighth- One BR Unfurn. Showtimes 6-9-12-2 w/dishwasher. We're almost full- Four units left!II $15 Totally Nude Couch Forest Apts.- Located at Dances Anytime! Napoleon Rd. Between You've gotta get an apartment High and S. College. 2 Saturdays BR Furn. or Unturn. before it's too late! COUPLES NIGHT Please call for your personal Check out these great apartments for fall... Couples get in free & never showing. We will be wait in line! Charlestown Apartments - 710 Scott Hamilton A and 730 Scott Hamilton A & D Tonight & June 23rd 10pm happy to show you our Spacious two bedroom units with patiolbalcony, central air, garbage disposals, No Cover Charge AMATEUR CONTEST | properties with an appointment set 24 full baths, private parking othsite laundry, and lots ofstoragt. Landlord pays Before 5pm S300 1st place $100 2nd place hours in advance. bot& cold water, sewer & waste disposal $525/mo. unfurn., $575/mo. furn. Everyday in June! Always Looking for Undergraduate Mid Am Manor - 839 Fourth Street #6 New Talent! Housing Starting August 22nd Nice two bedroom unit. Great for2-3 roommates. Has A/C spacious closets, full bath and Sundays large living room, kitchen, and dining area. Landlord pays gas heat, water, sewer & waste disposal. WE HAVE MANY OTHER $446/mo. unfum., $490/mo.furn. GREAT APARTMENTS IN I NIGHT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS. PLEASE GIVE OUR Time is running out!!! Call or stop by our office today! Show your id and pay no cover ALWAYS LOOKING FOR RENTAL OFFICE A CALL! Mid Am Management • 641 Third 8t. #4 BO • 352-4380 NEW TALENT! 135 BYRNE RD. TOLEDO 531-0079 page 6 The BG News Wednesday, June 9, 1999 Mike Hammer Entertainment Editor 372-6966 HI Entertainment [email protected]

artists -Jimmy Eat World will news stop by the studios of WBGU 88.1 FM on Thursday, June 10 for an on-air interview plus CD Fantastic Hero in Columbus giveaways and ticket give- aways for their show at the Mike Hammer show (Monday 3-6 p.m. on Hen- and Stay. 764-Hero added Magic Stick in Detroit onThurs- WBGU) and went off to Colum- a phenomanal bassist named day night BG News bus. James Bertram. Last week I received a call After a little bit of searching John thinks the addition of Jimmy Eat World recently oh High Street we found the the third person has given the released a new CD entitled from the promotional people for the based band 764- place where the concert was band even more range, another Clarity which contains the being held, the Ohio State Stu- person to work off of. song "Lucky Denver Mint" that Hero. dent Union. Specifically a bar On stage the band is certain- was featured on the soundtrack They asked me if I would be inside the Union called ly very impressive. Simple gui- to the Drew Barrymore movie interested in doing some press "Woody's Place." tars with just the right amount Never Been Kissed. on the band. I jumped at the jimmy eat world chance. "Woody's Place" had some of lovin' and drums that get in pool tables, a decent stage and your heart with almost jazz The band will be on the air at I garnered myself an inter- sound system, but it really just inspired combinitations of hard 1 p.m. for an hour long inter- view with the 764-Hero and two seemed to be a place for girls in and soft and the perfect use of view. Fans can come to the sta- free passes to the concert they 'Jimmy Eat fowling skimpy outfits to gather. symbols to shake you up. tion for autographs or dial the were holding in Columbus. 1 thought them to have a sound Qreen The opening band was called that was a cross between Tool Betram's bass gymnastics request line at 372-2826 with I grabbed my buddy D. Ran- Evander and D. Randall and I and Rag_e Against the Machine. are outstanding and he also any questions they want to ask dall Moore and we jumped in had differing opinions on them. The lead singer who looked leads to way with stage antics. Capitol Records recording the band my car Monday after my radio alarmingly similar to former Jumpicg around and wrestling MTV VJ. and now supposed with his instrument. rock star Jesse Camp had an 764-Hero is on a sort of mini- VIDEO REVIEWS Eddie Vedder "hurt me" thing tour now that will wrap up in 3 going. D. Randall felt that BG News of jail, he is a changed man and and Faizura Balk, each giving makes the picture feel like Psy- or 4 weeks, but in the fall the Evander sounded like bad Alice has to fight to keep himself wonderful supporting perfor- cho in Disneyland. Come watch band will go out again with American History X and Chains. We both agreed alive and stop his brother and mances. Gus' Am.mug Technicolor Modest Mouse and Red Stars Not only docs Ed -Norton they sucked. family from going down the American History X is a fan- Crapfest! Theory. shine in his Academy Award same hate-filled path he trav- tastic film, that is disturbing What makes this movie all Evander was really piss poor John says they really enjoy nominated role, but the script, elled. With the help of school and hopeful at the same time. the more disappointing is that compared to the tight, high touring and always try to sec as the directing, and the entire principal Bob Sweeny (Avery A true demonstration of the it wastes the ample talent of its energy power trio that is 764- many different baseball Stadi- cast are phenomenal in Ameri- Brooks), Derek and Danny power of film. cast (including Vinos Vaughn, Hero ums as they can. can History X . Directed by struggle to leave the hate, - Mike Hammer Anne Heche, W.H. Macy and Some of you may remember The band will most likely sit Tony Kaye and written by anger and violence that has Psycho ■ lull, i inn Moore I and relegates 764-Hero coming to Bowling down and write some more David Mckenna, History X is a become their lives. Giving new definition to the the brilliant VanSant (the nian- Green in the past along with songs after the Modest Mouse gripping, brutal tale of love, Director/Cinematographer word unnecessary, Gus Van who gave us the classic Drug- Modest Mouse. tour. hate and pain. Tony Kaye makes a stunning Sant's Xerox copy of Hitch- Store Cowboy and terrific Good 764-Hero was a two piece 764-Hero is a mix of sweet Norton 'Primal Fear, People debut. Each frame of History X cock's masterpiece is a smarmy Will IIuMing)U> a level of hack- band back then, consisting only nothings and focused rants. vs. Larry Flynt\ plays Derek is gorgeous, there is a mix of Warholian parlor trick. dom. of lead singer/guitarist John They're a band that puts on a Vinyard, a skinhead, Nazi, all black and white and color film Instead of trying to find new Next time VanSant should Atkins and drummer Polly great show. Definetly try to around bad guy who goes to ano the images, sometimes levels or new an :les with which take this cast and parlay I', 'ir Johnson. catch .hem in the fall when prison for murdering several beautiful and sometimes terri- to tell this story, director talents into a worthwhile pro- For their latest release Get they come around black men. Younger brother ble, are all unforgettable. VanSant goes frame by frame ject. Movies are unoriginal and Danny (Ed Furlong) idolizes David McKcnna's script is and remakes the original slash- derivitive enough, a troupe like Derek and is crushed when he also nothing less than spectacu- er picture. At first this is an this is capable of greatness and Ark Band, Baby gets sent to jail, but follows in lar. It's a realistic, frightening interesting stunt, but soon placing them in a filmmaking BG Neiis Then on Sunday, June 12, Derek's footsteps while Derek look into the dark recesses of grows wearisome thanks to stunt that is the height of pop they will travel to Findlay for is away Danny gets involved America. The characters arc bursts of pastel color schemes culture unoriginality is an utter Reggae favorites from the Findlay Arts Festival. with hate crimes of all sorts, vivid and the dialogue is gold- that seriously detract from the waste. Columbus, Ohio, The Ark Band, If you're intersted in finding and has tremendous problems en. Ed Furlong does a great job creeping dread of the original. For the love of God, just rent will stop in Bowling Green this at school. as Danny, the narrator, with Instead of being unsettling, the original. out more about The Ark Band When Derek finally gets out Beverly D'Angelo, Elliot Gould Van Sant's visual palette -Erik Pepple weekend. baby and attaining their future concerts dates and locations This Saturday, June 11, the NEED SUBLEASER lor summer and/or 9900 Student with car needed lor yard > aril 329 E. Wooster, 0C - Efficiency. Grad. student contact entertainment editor school year. fienl $167 & ufrl. Own room. Call 686-4527 only $294 plus ulil. Avail Immed. Ark band will play Easy Street Mike Hammer at rainer- The BG News Close to campus. Call 3542346. 259 V2 S Prospect 1 brm unlurn Grodstu denl only. $348 plus ulil Avail immed Cafe'. maria9hotmail.com. Classified Subleaser needed Air conditioned efficiency 120 State • D1 4 D2. 1 bdrm. unlurn $350 plus apt $260 momh Call lor oelails 354-9740 FOR SALE ulil Avail immed. Wanted: Tape (video) ol ClintonrGore: Rein- JOHN NEWIOVE REAL ESTATE 372-6977 venting Government Speech Will pay $50. Office 319 E Wooster Cinemark Theatres

■ Phone419354-2260 Please call 669-3177. Hondas Irom $500 ik* itemu ■ and alii indi-iJit.il Police impounds & tax repos CINEMA 5 Bar HIGHLAND wrnl religion ■wKflUnnn, dt« For listings call 1-800-319-3323 X4558 Efficiency apl. $250. ulil. mclud , clean, furni- jhilily Dill ,1 HELP WANTED shed, upper, 1 lemale {shared balh) E Reed, £g| 1234 N. Main St. 354-0 MANAGEMENT .... ouietarea 352-1968 • Star Wars (PG) i -ii I Washington Street, li.iv, mp < irccn Babysitter needed 7am-3pm Mon. through Sat. FOR RENT 10:00)1:00 4:00 7:00 10:05 1 354-6036 Cav 373-1832. PERSONALS The Mummy (PG-13) Graduate student housing FLEXIBLE PART-TIME OR 1 & 2 bedroom furnished apis. (10:10)1:25 4:35 7:25 10:15 FULL-TIME SUMMER EMPLOYMENT lor 1999-2000 school year. Avail. Now & Fall Support Group (or Women with Work partnmo. lull-time, even put in overtime 352-7454 Remembe Entrapment (PG-13) Anorena & Bulenva Concerns hours, around your college and personal (10:25)1:30 4:30 7:20 10:20 Jay-Mar Apartments Committment to Confidentiality schedule. Great summer 10b since you can Wed evenings 7 30-9:00pm work a minimum ol 15 hours per week or 40 1 bdrm. turn, in home on Wooster St. Avail, Notting Hill (PG-13) 2 bedroom Apts. Rm 170 Student Health Service hours plus overtime. Many college students smr. A tail 1999. $233 mo. Call days (10:20)1:20 4:20 7:30 10:10 Reduced' S475/mo. work here. These are unskilled jobs involving 440-356 9095 or eves 440-777-0637 WeHness Connection Room 12 mo. lease Fo» more mlo call Student Health Svc Judy Mil assembling and packaging of small parts. Ap- 1.2.3 Bedroom Apis. Austin Powers 2 (PG-13) Ier372 /425 Ertcaor Came 353-0806. ply in person between the hours ol 9 00am and $200.00 (10:30)1:10 4:10 7:10 9:55 5.00pm (Monday through Friday) at Advanced Security Deposit Speoal Specially Products. Inc. 428 Clough Street, on Solectod Floorplans Austm Powers 2 Showing TTXJT. 6H 0 at 9:45 WANTED Bowling Green. Ohio only 2 blocks Irom cam- " Private Entrance ( ) Saturday & Sunday Only pus near Kmko's and Dairy Queen next to the • Patio railroad tracks. * Sorry No Passes or Supersavers ' Spacious Kitchen Only 1 Unit Lett! 1 lomale subleaser from Aug. 99 10 May 2000. Fundraismg downtown BG office. Hourly plus ' Small Pels Welcome! . www.cinemark.com Rent $240 plus hall utilities. Own room, close commission. Morning & evening positions. Call Varsity Square Apis. 10 campus. Call 35? 9869 3538705 353-7715 803 - 815 8th St. / Avail May 1st 1 male subleaser needed lor 1999-2000 school Looking for instructorlutor/lranslator in Rus- COMPUTE APT. MAKEOVER! year. Hemz Site Apis . washo-'dryer. 2 bath. :, .!■■ I'i-.ise call 354.7350. 2 bdrm. near downtown $375 plus utililies. t205mo"in:y 419 529 4142atler6pm. Lease, deposit. Available Aug 352-9925. $550/mo., 12 mo. lease Office cleaning evenings. 10 12 hrsrwk. Female subleaser needed tor summer. $240 Own transportation required Great 2 bed.. 1 bath mon h. Can move >n immediately. Can Wendy Call 352 5822 The Highlands home to Invest in. 220 Napoleon Rd al 373 6000 New carpet & linoleum throughout One Dedroom. laundry lodkhes in blag., a/c. quiet. 0 4 FREE From $395/mo. V. \ lii my hook, SamH's, Tickets to Cedar Point w/purchase of this home1 The Homesload my favorite BG restaurant. Invest with as little as Graduate Housing deserves star billing It's the $650 down One and two bedroom. AC Close to campus! on-site laundry, ceramic tile. best place to eat between Call Today! soundproof construction, skykgl .ts Toledo & Columbus ^^ dshwashers. vaulted ceilings kUMEE From $450/mo. THt Trtrd.. HlaJe Ht.lauianl I nlk ILLEY tan~ MOBILE HOMf SALES. INC cet us hefc> you matte a tough decson 893-0050 easy, cat or step by fhe office TODAY' ■tW*»n.1Umov. \22f> APR (/ Call 354-6036 V, From 9-4 > Now Leasing Next Summer + Fall STEAK HOUSE NEWIPVE Campus Manor 163 SOUTH MAIN ST • BOWLING GREEN 1-td North Main Bowling Green Rentals Second St. LET'S GO NUTS 332 S. Main 352-5620 Fourth St. 320 Elm #A-C $390.00 t bedroom Furnished Free Gas TOGETHER! Heat Water & Sewer ROCktedge Manor 320 Elm #D S395 00 1 bedroom Furnished Free Gas Heat. Water & Sewer 640 Eighth St. 320 Elm #F S695 00 2 bedroom Furnished Free Gas —tm ^ '10 am until 2 pnt' —m 841 Eighth St. Heal. Water & Sewer. 401 &407 S. Enterprise #C : 1 bedroom Unfurnished Free 733, 755, 777 Manville Ave. Water & Sewer S350.00 Br ULTLClX' 825 3* St. 709 Fifth St. 1.2,43 Unfurnished 2 bedroom, 2 bath. $495.00 315 N. Main 709 Fifth St. #5-12 Unfurnished 2 bedroom. 2 bath. 1830.00 317 N. Main 801 Fifth St. #3 Furnished and unfurnished 2 bedroom 710 Elm St. $430.00 Free Water & Sewer 309 High St #1.3,7 Furnished and unfurnished 2 bedroom 710" Elm St. Free gas heal water & sewer. $495.00 843 Sixth SI. #2-4 2 bedroom 2 bath $44500, #5-12 2 237 N. Prospect 2 bedroom, 2 bath $475 00 All unfurnished. 138" N. Main St. 128 W. Wooster #D-F: 1 bedroom unfurnished $27500. 313 N. Main St. R.E. Management 1628 EWoosler-Bowling Green » 354-2555 Visit Our Website-www.newlovereality.com Across from the SCSI' Stadium 113 Railroad St. Next to Kinko's 352-9302