SPORTS, PAGE 6 NEWS, PAGE 3 ETCETERA, PAGE 8 Women’s hockey team River Falls businesses, including Family Modest Mouse returns places third nationally Fresh and St. Croix Lanes, are now offering with fresh, sundry yet again. discounts to UWRF students. sound. University of Wisconsin River Falls TUDENT OICE MarchS 27, 2015 V Volume 101, Issue 19 ‘Start Smart Salary Negotiation Workshop’ now offered on campus Brooke Brokaw gender wage gap is the income dif- Students will also learn how to how to benchmark salary and ben- country and are a partnership be-
[email protected] ference between men and women in develop a personal budget to deter- efits. tween American Association of earnings. mine salary needs. “Students have to do research University Women and the Wage The first ever “Start Smart Salary “It is an important workshop for “We will look at developing a and understand what the fair market Project. Negotiation Workshop” will be held any undergraduate to attend to learn bare-bones budget. Having students value in the geographic region they This is the first time that an event from 2-5 p.m. on April 8 in the St. about the wage gap and how it af- think through realistic price tags as- are seeking and applying for jobs,” like this will be available to UWRF Croix River Room in the University fects your long-term financial fu- sociated with living expenses such Pfeiffer said. students. In the past, students could Center. ture,” Heidtke said. as rent, car payments, and student When it comes to thinking about only meet one-on-one with a Career The event is open to all students The current gender wage gap loan payments so they know what salary and benefits, Pfeiffer empha- Services advisor or attend a class and is free to register, but the three translates to females earning $0.78 they need to live,” Pfeiffer said.