TOHN S. APPLEGATE, . S. SAGUES, UE1) BANK .AND. VICINITY. pany was held on Friday evening last OUR LONG BRANCH LETTER. An Editor's Troubles. s. SHALL WE HAVE WATER? and the following officers were elected Tho editor of the RockvUle (Indiana) COUNSELLOlt AT LAW, Dealer In It pays to advertise in Till! REGISTER. An Atrocloui Auault—Bobberr 1>: DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, President, James H. Peters; secretary, Foot Padi-A. Body Waalied Anhor Tribune gives vent to his feelings con- BED BANK, N. J CuffB, collars imd shirts nt H, H. Cur- TWO COMPANIES BEADY TO BUIU> John Li Wheeler; treasurer; J,oml Book*, Magazines, kc. . ''' THE WORKS. at Seabrirfit-Our Water IVorkn cerning delinquent subscribers in an ed- TTENBY M. NEVIUS, • Saguis Celebrated Hoot beer, the hat In town. tiB'B, Applegate. Tlie board of directors is Death from Taking Autl-Fat-Th itorial which will be endorsed by moat !ectalty nt Itlr. t'ha*. II, smith)* Opinion la Be- composed of the following gentlemen country publishers. The Tribune says: Kard to a Water fcapplr for RedJames H. Peters, Jolin. 8. Applegate, LONG BRANCH, August 23.—A Irami ,:'•'• -, BED BANK, N. J. LUIIIOW'H. " Tho present proprietor took charge Bauk-Wnler In the Town by New Anthony Reckless, William W. Conover LDEST ESTABLISHED PAINTER SliirtB, blue, yaclit, whiU; and fancy named Franklin Connolly committed an of the Tribuna March 1,1878, and a few pHAS. H. TOATFORD, ' Yearn ir the Coimnl»»loner» Act Im- and James JM. Loweree. The engineers 0 BhirtingB, nt Curtis's. mediately—The Number of Hydrant* atrocious assault on tho housekeeper o: days after did $7 worth of work for a COUNSELLOR^ AT LAW, IN ltED BANK. and the Cod to the Town—Water u of tlie company are at work preparing General Alexander Webb on Frida'yv New styles for fall wear in uock iltess- well-to-do farmer and stockbreeder. CommlKiooer lor New Turk. IlKD BANK, N. J. u Itlotlvo Power—Oriranliatlon of a maps and specifications of a plan for Tlie assault was mado in tho grounds oi That charge is still,on our books unre- EUGENE E. TRUEX. iugd at II. II. Curlis'B. Local ComimnT—OHlcer* and Direct- supplying the town with water, which the Webb cottage, Officer John Lam ceipted. We have sent two letters and ANIEL H. AFPLEGATE, or*— What the "Home" Company will be submitted at the next meeting D House, Sign aud fresco Smoke the .plantation, best fiye-uout was Btanding near tho West End Hotu one postal card to the delinquent, and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, cigar in town, at Fucli's. of the board of commissioners, One of when he heard the screams of tho wo- got him BO Car interested that two years Solicitor and Hatter In Chancery. In response, to an invitation, Mr. Chaw. the officers: of tliis company, in reply to Office in J. A. Throclimorum'8 Buiidlau—Flrat 1'loor. PAINTER, Fall Btylea of moil's derby aud soft hats H. Smith, tliii president of the Bhrowa- ,man. He hastened to her rescuo and tigo he said to ono of our employees: FEONT iiTllEET, RED 11ANK, N. J. questions asked by THIS REGISTER, said: Gilder, Grainer and Decorative Paper now open at II. H. Curtis's. bury City Water Supply company, to- succeeded in arresting tho tramp. Tin ' Tell Bcadlo not to worry about that Hunger, dealer hi " If the vote taken on the 8th inst. can WILLIAM PINTARD, Culliiigttm's building is bring rapidly gether with the engineer of the company, woman presented a pitiful appearance, bill; I'll sfep in some day and hand it he considered an expression of public Her clotliing was almost torn from he ATTQKNE,VA.T LAW, PAINTS AND OILS. piulicd forward to completion.. visited THE REGISTER office on Friday to him.' opinion, and as on indication of tho de-body, and her faco was badly cut and Muster In Chancery, Notary Public, Proctor In SuiiiintT clutliinj; for ineii and boys at last. After somo casual conversation the '' In another section of the county lives No BpecliUtlea. All work Kiiaruntt'tsl fli-at-cl sires of the citizena of tho town, and we bruised. On Saturday morning th< Admiralty. ruduced priceu at Mrs, A. Ludlow'H. interview turned on the question of a beliove it waa both, then it is the plain a preacher who subscribed in these I'ltlis Examined. Spinning & l'atluram'a Building. water supply for Red Bank, • tramp was arraigned before Justice Briii words: ' Send mo your paper awhile; I IlZQ }iA.MK, It. J. A L. UAKTWELL, Everytlu'ng new anil nobby in shirts, duty of tlie corporate authorities to con- ley, who oommitted him to tlie county collars, cuffs, ties, etc., at Ludlow'a. " "What do you think of the prospects tract for a supply of water at as early a will step in and pay for it.' A year and I OHN L. WHEELER, ' of getting water introduced in Red jail to await the action of tho grand a liiill! afterword wo sent him the bill, Pach still l;<'e)W tlie lead in all brands moment as proper care for the interests ATTORNEFAT LAW, Bank?" Mr. Smith was asked. jury. Connolly was for a few weeks which ho indignantly repudiated on the ARCHITECT, of foreign and domestic cigars, tobacco, of the town will permit. Tlie Shrews- ',', ; IlEDBANK, N.J. "Very favorable," was the reply. bury company, which is very properly past in tho employ of tho Howlond Ho- ground that ho never subscribed 1 LONG BRANCH & ASBUBY PARK. etc. : •• tel, and while there attempted a similar F,,HAWK:iNS!,. "The people, almost without exoeption, called tho ' Home' company, claim to be " Within three miles of us are threo Tbe name of Woodbridgo station im are in favor of it, and as the commis- the only existing water company which assault on a young girl. Tho peoplo woll-to-do furnwrs who owe us for threo ATtORNEVA,T LAW, Plans, BpwUncallons, EatlnmUa and Bills (it um- the Cuutrul railroad has bveu ulioiigtul to hero would have lynched tho villain had onice la KlunodUi's lluiliiintf, cookraan Avciiue, Utrtal for public andprlvatubulldlngH la any part sioners have full power to make a con- has BO far offered to make a contract yearn' subscription each. We send them . jUiUUKY PABK, N. J of the country fumlslicd at low mta oil sbort no- Seworen. duct they will no doubt do so." with tho commissioners. Tho charter he fallen in their clutches. a hill about onco in six months and it tto. The bost styles and cheapest pricen, Mr. Cowan, a visitor hero, was robbet ] \R. K. F. BOKDEN, ~T~ " But unless tho contract is made and of the Shrewsbury City or foreign com don't worry thuni a particle. By-and- Old bulldingB renuxioled and modernized. liats, Kliiri:!, neckwem', linen collarH, etc., work commenced riglilaway, won't the pany, has expired by virtuo of a pro- of $105 on Thursday night last. Ho hac byo thoy will move to Kansas or some- Knedal attention to Ventilation anil Drainage cold weather interfere and stop tho pro- vision of the statute under which it was been visiting the villago hotels and drink- where, west, and will never think of this Work Superintended if dtislred. ing freely. At tho last house ho visited SURGEON DENTIST, For the bent baled or cut liny, and for gress of the work?" organized, which requires the works to bill; but each of them will expect a re- P. O. Addretw, ho treated a number of strangers to ASBUBY l'AHK, N. J. flour aud feed of all k iuds, go to T. Davis's •' If at the next meeting of the conv be completed hi two yoars from the time gretful complimentary recommending store on Front street. missioners they agree to make a contract they are begun. The system proposed several drinks and became so intoxicate him to the peoplo where ho settloa. MUSIC MALL DUIMMKU, RED DANK, N.J. A DLEM & COLE, ill'. Janiea Steen, of the Enloiitown with us, we will get the pipes ill and to be introduced by the' Homo' company, that two of tho strangers offered to tako "On the old subscription books, con- Aduertuer, made a sliort call at TnE everything in operation by next De- is that known as the stand pipe, .which him home to the Ocean Hotel, where ho tinued from tho time Mr. Beadle began In-nlcrs In REOISTEB office on Monday. cember," said the engineer. "Even if is in successful and satisfactory operation said he wns stopping, Ho trusted to tho Trit)itiu, aro charges amounting to we had the contract signed by tho first in towns and cities throughout the these people to take him home, but $1,110, of which at least $800 are on men Over Nineteen Years' Experience in Den- An intelligent girl to learn type-set- tistry in. nil its brunches. of October, we could get tho water in tho length and breadth of tho Union. It whilo on the way they took advantage who could IK? niauV Lo pay by law. But ting, and a boy about twelve years old DRY AND FANCY GOODS, town before cold weather stopped opera- offers a number of advantages over tho of his helplessness and knocked him they know (bat uuwspanep debts are Partlculur Attention Rlveu to tbe administration ot to run errands, can find permanent sit- AinestlieLlcu. - tions. People here think it will tako a reservoir plan. It cents much less to senseless, after which they robbed him, seldom collected in that way, and not MUBIC! HALL BUILUfNd, uationB by applying at TUB RECIISTEU good while. I would just like to get to construct. It can be placed near the spot In tho early morning Cowan rocovomi DIIO dollar in ten of it will over be paid. ,R. H. B. VANDORH, ltedBunk, N. J, ofiice. when) tho bent water Is to bo obtained. work here and show them how we do consciousness and Heeing tho lights ii •• No ono ever pays tho slightest atten- D It can bo built of moderate capacity and DENTIST, About two weeks ago thieves entered things. It would open their eyes. Why, tho Central depot made his way thither, tion to it newspaper dun.. A circular let- afterwards enlarged to as great an ex- With Dr. II. F. Bordon. Music Hall Building, the dwelling uceupied by Joseph Sutplipn up in Staten Inland we laid fifteen miles thinking it was a drug store, He wai ter, spi'i-iljing ouch man's dues, will RED BANK, N.J tent as the future growth of the town and Edward Patterson at Chapel Hill, of pipe in four months." sent to Commissioner MeKonna's place, luiiiK mi iiiiHu-er from about ono man in This llrin now lias In stoi:k n hir^e muouiit of till the may. demand, Its affairs aro in the R8. BARKER & THROCKMOKTON, new and fuKhlonut>lu and stole ifSo in money and sonic articles whore his wounds were bathed, and food twenty, ItweniHto bu taken by com- " But some people say that tho charter hands of tho tax-paying peoplo of the u of clothing owned by Mrs. Patterson. given him. Ho was then sent to L'apt. mon <'<>nsitii Hint a publisher is not to DENTISTS, of your company has lapsed, on account town. Theso, with other considerations Weat, to whom ho gave, the. details ol !»' paiil till nil other billa tiro out of tho Bucceswira to Dr. Charles ilubburd, SUMMER FABRICS, ' The Rev. Thomas S. Hustings, D. D., of non-fulfillment of its agreements." which will be obvious to the people, are RED BANK, N. J. tho robbery. This story is contiudictei way and a rash surplus in on hand—not SUMMER FABRICS, - Professor of Pastoral Theology and "I know they do," said Mr. Smith, the reasons why tho ' Homo' company All work performed In tliu best wanner and ut by our local paper, but inquiries made of oven then uiih'^K it in perfectly COU- reasonable- rates. Buttoniction guaranteed. Sacred Rhetoric in Union Theological but they are mistaken. Wo have already should have the control of our water (linct), 17 BROAD BTllEKT, over Ctadwlck'a Drug wlilch tlmy ur« st'lllny at vury seminary, New York city, is expected spent $2,000 on our proposed works, and any of the peraonn mentioned above wll Vt'lliellt. BUmj. system. Tho works can be constructed to preaeb in the Presbyterian church at we are willing to defend, at our own ex- prove its truth. " All thiH rai-ii'.i a painful doubt in our in threo months from the date of the The body of a iniin wiw found at Sea- T H, BETTS, Oceanic next Sunday, August 2Hlli. l>ensi\ tbe legality of a contract made contract, and will bo so constructed if iiiiiid.H, whether that which is called pop- bright on Saturday afternoon liy John DENTIST. LOW PRICES. with us." the • Home' company is awarded the con- ular Iniiii'Hly in not really a sort of policy. 41 r. William W. Conover recently Edwards, of life-saving station No. 1. 1 Wild's Building, corner Brood and Hivlmiilc 8t»., " What length of time do you propose tract." ^1 Mnuy of them di'limnienls aro ardent ad- Riil Bank, N. J., opp. first National Bank. l>ou;;ht nt Seabright :i piece of land Tho body wan that of u man apparanlly iST Nitrous Oxiuo (inn uwnl wliou rwjulh-d tor fronting 201) fivt on the mi by ntlO feel to have inserted in the contract?" vnrati'H of prohibition and other " moral the painless extraction of teetli. " We would like (o gel a contract lor forty years of age, and was wvll-dnwed. FANS. on tile Sim wsbury river, for which hr reforms"—many of them can pray in 1 ten years. II will he better for us and There was six dollars and II fly-eight ft A. L0CKWO0D, PARASOLS, gavi nioi'e tlutii Milllia Paul paid for A Slrcot Fracas. church till Hie nil'U'rs tivniblo. But U LOVES, better for the town. Besides, you know centsinthe pockets of his clothes. There they really must excuse ua if wo aro tor- uighly acres of tlie saute land fourteen A drunken Irishman came walking up were also two orders of dancing of the PRESCRIPTION DKUOUIST, ETC., ETC., year* ago. that in Hie law recently panned in regard mented with dniihlH, We would as soon to water-works—not the law of 1881, but Front Btreet on Saturday, and when op- P, H. McCarren association excursion, that llii'y took a drink occaHionally—yen, Eltsvon Yours' Experience. in Moiimoiilh ('ouuty. posite Tim REOISTEB office, mot a A special morning train in now run on the previous law—the town him tbe which took place on August 4th at Linden I hat they even K<}t drunk once, if they tlit? Central railroad. The train leaves drunken African. The. two entered into Cor. 11R0AD AND WHITE 8TKEKTS, privilege of purchasing- the works nt an Park. It is presumed that lie full off of , drunk enough Lo como up and pay RED BANK, N. J Lou;c Branch at 5:f)j and Red Bank at appraised valuation by giving UH eixconversation, and tho colored man an excursion barge, or oil tho "Plymouth LIICHC bills,. We even would that they offered tho Irishman a drink of whiskey. 1 FANCY GOODS MM. It readies New York at 7:1)0 A. M. months' notice. We want to have that Rock" at tho time of the recent wen altogether aa wo are, except these Tbe train is run to accommodate business The native of the Emerald Isle uccopted bonds, | IENRY E. SCHROEDER, incorporated in the contract, so that the sion, men who are stopping along the New the refreshment, and returned the bottle, ' • U you ii«U tho average man plumply, of nil kinds anil In town will bo perfectly safe." Tho quantity of water used from the 'Is it wrong to defraud a doctor, a law- PHARMACIST, Jcnii-y coast. drained of the greater portion of its eon- water works hero ia enormous. Jlr. Jo- yer, or aii editor?' he would doubtless " I suppose, of course, that you will tents, to tRo African. Shortly after his As two fishing boats were coining in adopt the reservoir system ! " seph Lake, the engineer o£ the works, Hay yen; but it would bo a feeble, per- GREAT VARIETY. shore at Seabrighi bust Friday, they exhibition of brotherly love, the African has furnished mo with some very inter- I'uiiolnry yi'H—ono that merely trembled Rt'liuulo Drugs Only. RED BANK, N.J. " Certainly ; that is the safest, beat, on the epiglottis, and did not lift up tho struck each other in tbe surf and one of caught sight of a bottle in this white esting statiBtics concerning the amount and only common sense way. In fact it friend's pocket, and insisted on having liver anil ramify the. soul, The popular F. MANY, ADLEM & C'OLK, the boats was upset. The Hailors were is the only way in which a sufficiently of water consumed, This season the mind in ileliaiiclii'd on this subject and thrown out. nnd one of them, whose it. Tho Irishman refused, and started quantity used is about doulilo that of iiccilHoilunitinir. Wu could publish cases M, Bumsssur to U. K. Stunwowl, large volume of water can be guaranteed to go away, whereupon the negro threw in our own exporieiicu .that would draw name we could not learn, had his leg last year. This is in part accounted for WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. to the town." him down. Tho man's faco struck tears to the. eye of a Niliilst, It seems broken in two places. by tho extension of tho water main to fair to add that these remarks are mode FRONT STREET, '• I believe $2,000 is tlie price you want against a pile of bricks, and m cut 1 Opp. Globe Hotel, RED BANK, N. J. Seabrlght. The largest quantity of water mori. in HOITOW than in anj»er j and that T)ARGAINS THROUGHOUT, Miss Maggie Bray, sister of Mr. Jasper from the town ?" badly. Tho negro then took tho bottle used in ono day tho present Benson was wu staiul ready to recant, if our delin- TOHN LLOYD, JK., ~ Now and Eli'Raut Stjlca of' Bray, of the First National Bank, has " Yes. For that Bum wo will put infrom the white man's pocket, whereupon quents will prove to us practically that been engaged to teach the third grade of forty hydrants to be used for public pur- tho latter began to cry "Murder I" A 1,428,488 gallons. This was on the lflth wo are wrong." BED BANK, N. J. of July, an extremely warm day. Be- PIANOS nnd Mason * Karaite's ORGANS for Cosh SEASONABLE GOODS our public schools for the coining year. poBes. Water for the use of the schools largo crowd collected but no onu inter- or lUHtallmcutH at factory prices by Miss Bray has had considerable experience tween tho houra of threo and five p. u. at and other public buildings is included in fered. Tho Irishman soon after suc- NEW JEBIEY NEWS. JOHN LLOYD, JR., BOUi AOKNT, in teaching and her last charge was at the quantity consumed averaged 1,584 RED BANK, N.J. this sum." cumbed to tho effects of the whiskey ho LOW PRICES, Nut Swamp, whore she gave general "THE REQISTKE has been informed had drank, and sat down near Pach's gallons por minute. From July 25th to Grapes aro rotting badly in Atlantic I W. SLEEPER, satisfaction. that water motors could be put instore. He was taken to tho rear of thoJuly 80th 5,055,008 gallons wore used. county, but tho cranberry crop will bo During the month of July 751,200 gallons excellent, CARPET STORE, SILKS SATINS, VELVETS, DltERS fiOODS, Mr. Q. S. Laugan, who for several buildings to run light machinery at a lot, where he remained for tho remain- COB. BKOAD AND WHITE STREETS, 11LACK nmiDS, RIBBONS, LA(:R», UN- years was a teacher in the public schools nominal sum. What wouldjbe the cost der of tho afternoon. No arrests were wero used in Hollywood Park for water- Tho state fair will open atWaverly DEnWEAR H0S1B11Y, 4c. ing flower beds. Park ou tho 10th of September and con- RED BANK, N. J. of Red'Pank, ia now in San Mateo, Cali- of a .water-motor of sufficient power to made. fornia, a beautiful town twenty miles run these tliree presses at ono timo?" There will bo a grand ball of the Long tinue ono week. 'PHOMAS DAVIS, Jit, Branch Pleasure Club at tho Sans Souci 1 invlu; Kpccial attention to our from San Francisco. Mr. Langan has " Well, I do not think the cost of the Candidates for Assembly. There was a double wedding in Pat- Hotel on Thursday evening. This is the erson recently, a brother and a sister INSURANCE AND" REAL ESTATE NEW STYLE CORSETS. been engaged as superintendent of themachine, with all the attachments, At the republican convention for the AGENT, grammar department of a military acad- would exceed $50." first ball this club has ever given, The marrying a brother and sister. Different nomination of a candidate for tho as- officers of the club are JoBoph A. Gleason, clergymen married tho two couples in FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. emy of that place, at a salary of ifOOO per " And what would the water for driv- sembly, Eatontown township will pro- P. 0. Box, 81. "A LA SIREN," year. ing such a machine cost per year?" president; Thomas Eavy, vice president; adjoining rooms at the same moment. In.surunc« placed In tlie best CkmipanUti on HIDS scnt the name of Mr, Lyttleton White, Daniel Borthoff, treasurer; John Dia- reasoimblo terms. A surprise party was given to Mr. Her- "That would depend on how much Mr. White is a gentleman of education Ex-County Collector Joseph Lotson, of II. MORGAN, the presses were rim and tho amount of mond, secretary, " Kid Glnve, excellent quulity, than* man Fredericks, of Front street, on and is noted as being a linn friend of New Brunswick, returned homo Tuesday A buttoiiH, till Klimlus, wnrranU'd, water used. To run all of them steadily, Somo of our streetH uro in a very bad morning from tho Trenton State Prison, INSURANCE AGENT, TbnrRdiiy evening of last week. The tho public schSl system. condition. This is either the fault of BROAD STREET, mar WhltO, BED BANK, N. J. 95 CENTS A PAIR. party met nt the residence of Clarence for ten hours per day, would cost from Mr. James Steen, editor of tho Eaton- where, ho has been serving a term for Risks taken In the JETNA and other Bret-class tho town commissioners or the street Bremen, who lives in tlie same houso, $50 to $100 per year. You must take in town Advertiter, will bo a candidate for embezzlement. Companies, Four button unclivsswl kid, HO cents. commissioner. The latter officer is ap- and when nil wasYeody, tiled in, taking consideration also that this motor ob- assembly before the next democratic con- A man carrying a satchel, in which viates the expense of an engineer, and pointed by tho former ones, and if he H. SICKELS & SON, Mrs. Fredericks wholly by surprise. The vention held in this district. It ia said does not do his duty he is amenable to ho had five gold watches, six gold rings, PARASOLS. evening was spent in dancing and in that it is always ready; all you have to that as both Shrewsbury and tliddlotown five gold cliaiiw, two pairs of gold sleeve REAL ESTATETND GENERAL do is to turn on tho water and tho ma- them, BO that the blame falls eventually BROKERS, other festivities. The music for tlie oc- have each had a candidate and as Ran- buttons, and $3!M.54 in money, all stolen Ordors for an; particular goods not In si"'.-. LUMBER, LIME, LATH, PLASTER, PLDMBEHS, STEAH AND OAB FITTERS, New York. Mr. J. T. Crane, who was ' That is so. • And I trust THE REOIS- cratio nomination for state senator go- sion been of a serious nature, many lives 1 ; Cement,- ' "" •-•••• •• formerly a Jersey City reporter for the TER'B wiflhes in this matter will bo shortly ing?" would havo been sacrificed on this ac- ' " :— •", • • ..',>•!. l">' . .-• Gram Tribune, and who was this summer con- fulfilled. But it is nearing train time count. • ••"•••' •'.'.. . DON'T TBUST THEM, i i:: irA}} :.; . TIN ROOFERS, TIN ROOFERS, " Well, I'll tell you,!' said Mr Patterson, Whim you feel badly, ana aavo palm bare and -.]'. ilumbeiv nected/with tlie Long Branch Nam, has and we must leave you." And with a The bell of ono of our cliurclioa is ; Near Railroad Depot, RED BANK, N. J ' , TINE0OFER9, "I've been pretty .well all over tho usually rung a great many times during liore in your body tint you don't know bow M ac- been ^pointed Mr.- Eellott's successor, parting hand-shake Mr. Smith and his count for, It la tho most loolluli policy In too world ; SHEET mON AND COPPKK AVOIIKERS, county, and as near as I can mako it tho day. Not long Blnco a person living 4 rtOAL AND WOOD, . as the Long Branch agent of tin) Associ- companion said " Qood-by," and left the out the democrats ore going to bo unani- near the church foil sick, and as theo toko too advlco of pooplo who say:-* Ohl-'-ttMOPD^i^".;, .',•: BED BANK, U.-J. . ated Press,-while Mr, W, A. H, Whito, ofllcev. mous for George," ringing of the bell annoyed tho' Invalid, Mlhtag Inn matter with you. • Lot ; SCRANTON, LEHIGH, CUMBERLAND a courteous request waa sent, asking that and you vrtjlooino out all right.".. Th. AND'WILKELBABBE COAL STOVES, HEATERS AND RANGES, of the Standard, will be tho agent for Beside the Shrewsbury City Water lotulug about It,uud moy bo trttllnit^ • ' At tho Loy-cit Market Rfltcj. - the ringing of the bell be dispensed with BRAIN PIPEr this district outside of Long Branch. Supply company, another company, Mr. W. W. Rose, the oldest station for a short time. This request was re-life; You- Kay luivo 'Kidn8i|;f """ " ' CORD WOOD, MODBT AND OHBTNDT HOSTS » ' \DRAIsriPE, Mr; KoHctt's resignation was mado in known as the Shrewsbury Water com- agent on the lino of the Erio railway, 'uflod. Shortly afterword tho pastor'' of Bend right out to your dn^gbjt i AND CHESTNUT RAILS. - DltAJN riMV . died Thursday at Passaio Bridge. Ho )ri David Konnodir'il "Fayor(to»J .•". MAIN PIPE. order that ho might devote his ontiro at- pany, lias been recently organized, the church hlrnself foil ill, when tho JOHN A, WORTHLETf, ' : was postmaster there for a long tune and don will to atlriglit, or writotot tention to'the Long Branch ift'rror, A meeting of the directors of this com- ringing of the hdl was immediately, 1 : O01«,«nt Wortuley'elJocV, BSD LANK,N.J . : PEH80NAL AJTEimOlt GIVEN. , station agent (or over thirty years', ,A JLilt AuqVTTOWN yout,N. Y.-iiat);rv'',:, I Mi, if/Kir, , y warmly. foitwees tile Imee oi t hook epos hu p every year. Sot the trouble Hue 'The peanut crop u perhapf the most ends not here; In the-vein* of the chil- mx. ID a plice where time haa ceased; We are going back to Granby to knee. "She gate it to me." •u Facu of loterut Cmoonlu Ban— BwWeuiin morrow. Come soon and visit us,", he Launce recollected again that Virginia important of any of onr domestio nuts. dren blood courses on it* way that is And we talked of my former living The trade has aianmed immense nropor- highly impregnated with the pemiciong Weddings are as plentiful as roses, In the land where tbe years increased. said. "never flirted." He made so farther Many faots of interest; both to Amer- icans and foreigners, are given in the 'ions, and is steadily increasing in see-is that.were sown by its parents. and all sorts of novel fancies in regard And I felt I should have to answer Lattice didTSot know what Words he 'ffort to see her alone, bnt the next day to dress and decoration are following 'eparted from Granby. pamphlet on American pork, published oltime, while the business is very gen- Taking a boat at the head waters of The question put to me, used in accepting this invitation—the erally being confined to no particular almost any one of our many navigable eaoh other in quick succession. The letite figure In white and gold confused Virginia never guessed all this, bnt ry the Department of State at Washing- And to face the answer and quention o.n. Thfere seems to be three periods seotion. of the country. These nuts rivers and passing down it, we Boon see latest English weddings are called "rose Throughout an eternity. limno; but he had arrived late, and seforo taunoe's very wretched rammer weddings." The bride wears white roses had passed she began to wonder that a a hog's life at the West, where most leemlo be the most popular of any sold what appears to be a huge and exten- Virginia and guardian wen already i our markets, aid the quantities dis- sive grain depot. It has a wonderful and the bzidemaids wear roses shading The ghosts of forgotten /ctionu :oing, and that was tho end of the con- ihe did not hear from or eee him again. ' the porkers aie raised—his first sii tontlts of existence, when he roams at osed of each year are astonishing. To tendency to draw the farmers of the from pale'pini to deep crimson. The Came floating before my Bight, ersation. H6 mused over it, thinking He had gone back to England, bnt she dresses worn by them are of Madras And things that I thought wcro dead tilings, will, among the grass pastures and maat he average small boy the enjoyments neighboring districts. Over hill and :hat tile lady waa simply polite, and knew that he was to return to America date and from far and near they oomo, muslin, tbe bodices ganged front and Were alive_with a terrible might; groves; the time when he is confined ' the circus are not complete without jeemed indifferent simply because she in September at least. Sbe conld not deep freighted with the bounty of back six inches down from the throat, And the vision of all my past life nt tiiak it natural that he should write " i a pen and to a com diet, and the bag of peanuts, and the visitor who raa not so. At sight of the frank, >mes to the oity on the Fourth of July heaven. It is not a mill where men are then a space left full, after which tho "WaB &a awful thing to face, o her all this time. But Lannce was lUrney which he takes, when he arrives itcel-blne eyos, the firm, white brows elights in munching the oily seeds, wont to bring their grain. Neither is it gauging is repeated for three inches to far from dreaming of such a thing. He ; maturity, to some one of the great Alone with my conscience sitting hadowod by rings of fair hair, thfl fine- browing the shells in all directions, as a. shipping House. Perhaps they are the belt. The skirt is gathered half a as trying with all his might to forget ork centers. Then the squealing In that toJemuly silent place. y cbiseJed mouth—all of whioh she ie views the sights about him, The storing it here to feed the hungry, or it yard below the wiist/then it is left plain er ; he succeeded so ill, that at last he orker meets the inevitable, and is •emembered perfectly—her heart gave ultivation of peanuts, their prepara- may be for Bale to clothe the Baked. for half a yard, after which are alternate And I thought of a far-away wamlnat :etermined to visit Granby once more, .pidly and artistically dissected into traitorous leap nnd threatened so ',cn for market, as well as the business* Happy thought—but oh, dread reality! box-plaited flounces and puffings.. The Of a sorrow that W.H to be mine, nd behold her betrothed, if not mar- ie various parts which are grouped larminglytogo over to the stranger jselffgive employment to thousands of It is distilled into a liquid whioh is sleeves are made with alternate gaugings la a land that then WAS the future. led, to Tom Arlington. He left his under the hoad of pork products. hat nti6 swiftly summoned all her native wople, and ia many instances constitute' spreading terror wd desolation over the and puffp s from the shoulder to the mii , But now was ths present time; lorseatthe gate with a servant, and Formerly most every farmer was his inution. He did not love her, probably he sole occupation of the little street land—a substance which is but fnel for and jaunty mob caps are worn on the And',1 thought of my former thinking same quietly on foot np tho avenue. The wn pig killer, and the portions of the —perhaps never would; and Bhe was og whioh were not intended foi im- erohants. We give below a few notes the flame that is devouring the nation. head, adorned with roses.—New York Of a judgment day to bo; cry proud. Even her father's wish ed leaves of the maples covering ,-the Gut sitting alono with my conscience mediate Consumption passed into the inoerning the growing of the nnts, the This fountain from which issue bitter Post. :'•••• . . . mat be Bet aside before her rights as ground made his steps soundless. Sud.- ork barrel, tbe trying pot or the smoke manner in which thev are made ready waters is the feeder of two other insti- Seemed judgment enough lor mo. woman to be preferred solely for her- "enly, among the trees, he safr a grayN ouse. This was in the modest times " >r sale, together with the present state tions. They are the penitentiary and A Japanese Wile. lelf. ress, and a man's elegant lonnging 'hen a farmer limited the number of ' trade. the asylum. And I wondered if thnro were a future Iguro. The latter leaned with a. down- In Miss Bird's book on Japan, among But LftHBoe went to Granby. I ie occupants of his sty by the capacity It ia midnight's lonely hour. In g To this land beyond the grave; East and sullen face, against the trunk of Aa perhaps is well-known, peanuts the rules for women appears ihe fol- ardly know of anything on earth that his swill barrel.. In the ambitions ro the seeds of an herbaceous plant of wretched hovel a poor, careworn woman But no one gave me an answer, •onlil have kejitliini from going. Vir- tree, his countenance and attitude in r lowing: • i.nd no ono camo to euvo. est, however, hogs are raised iu 'ie puke family. The vines are grown has not yet finished the labors of the "Sixth—The wife has no lord or mas- ginia had reigned mistress there only ;rong contrast to bis costly dress and roves. When they are of a suitable day. He who promised to love, oU«r- Then 1 felt that the future waa present. ir of a pleasure-soeker. The man was i best advantage on a light, sandy soil ter but her husband, therefore eho must iinco tho previous autumn, but her tradition they are sold to buyers pass- ir the nnts are apt to ran to seed and ish and protect her has not yet re- Ami tho prfcBcnt would nover go by; aste for what was artistic and beautiful om Arlington, and the lady Virginia do his bid ding and not repine. Thn rule For it was but the thought of my past lifo ig through the country, and shipped eoome worthless if the ground is too turned from the drunken revels of the whioh women must observe is obedience. given the interior of the great iutheactof turning toward the house. i the stock yards at Chicago, Oinein- ich and fertile. The plant yields an- bar-room. The Btorm ia raging with- Grown iuto eternity. mansion a striking charm. Lovely "No," Bhe said,clearly,"you cannot When the wife converses with her hus- lati, or some other pork market. Tim unlly, the nuts being dng in the fall, out. The blood, begins to chill. The band she must do so with a smiling face Thcu I woke from my timely dreaming, ictnrns leaned from tho walls; graceful ;company me any further. I have taken ;reatest core is taken in the transfer of nd, after drying a short time in the BUD, children cry with cold. No fire I no igurcH in bronze and marble graced flvuntago of this meeting to ask you to and humble Word, and not be rude. And the vision passed away, ho animals to their destination, and hey are carefully dusted to remove the clothes I Bnt finally morning dawns; This is the principal duty of women ; And.I knew the far-away warning ilroives and niches; floors had been re- je relieved honcolorth of yonr corn- .ppearance of disease, unsoundness or land and dirt. The peanuts are then the sun comes out_to warm the chilly aid in polished wood, and covered with the wife must obey the husband in all WAS a warning of yesterday, in.ny, Mr. Arlington. In disf laying the ough treatment being sufficient to eady for shipment, and are packed in earth. Silence reigns in the hovel. ch skins and foreign rugs. And over ibbon I simply and unsuspiciously gave that lie orders her to do, andjrhen ho is Ami I pray that I may not forget it anse their rejection by the scrupulous eavy gunny-bags, holding from four to The drunkard enters," Tread lightly, angry she must not resist, but obey. All his benntifnl home reigned a presenco on &s a book-mark—displaying it as a lackers. Upon arriving at the Chicago 3Ui- and a-half bushels each. Formerly villain I Yon are iu the death cham- In thi« laud before thn grave, lie moat beautiful ho had ever seen, ,oken from me—you have acted a false- women shall think their husbands to bo That I may not cry in tho future, ock yards the hogs are placed in shel- peanuts came almost exclusively from ber. The death angel has passed olorig, heaven (Heir 1 Heart] BO they must not hought. Ho talked, and rode iood which will never prSfit yon." ved pens and fed and watered, The louth America and Africa, they being and left as trophies three cold and life- And no ouo como to save. nd drove with Virginia, and she was He muttered something, reaist their husbands and incur the ead are sold to the rendering company, atives of tropical climates, and in these less forms. punishment of heaven." Ami so 1 hsvo learned a lcuscm weet uiui gentle. But others talked "Forgive you 1 No I But 1 will 'hich is empowered to seize all dead ot countries they are still cultivated .nd rode, and drove with her—sons and A youth of brilliant intellect goes There is not likely to be a general Which I ought to have learned before, jertaiuly do my best to forget you." animals in the yards; and made into yc food to a large eitent. Of late years, forth from college with the highest irothera of her neighbors whom she jhe answered, and hurried away. bap grease and fertilizers; while the exodus of American wives tp Juiiau, nt And which, though I learned in droamiug, owever, they have been grown BO ex- honors college can confer. He is am- least, not just yet, ind known nil her life—and she was There were tears npon his check when rippled ones go to the cheap markets ensively in our own oountry that the I hopo to forget no more. iweet and -entle with them. There was bitious and lusts for pnblio honors. Bo I sit alaDu with my t'onsaonco, BUnee overtook her, but her blush of n the city. After passing a severe in- importationshave almost entirely ceased, He applies his talents to master th? llan Stuart, Godfrey Grey and the lelight burned thorn away, and she gave In tho place where the yeara increase, ipection and sorting by packers' exports he domestic article being much cheaper intricacies of law. He is admitted to Fiirtliion Note*. one brothers—^arnica could not see a dni her hand. And I try \o remember tho futuro be hogs are weighed, sold and trans- nd also of a better quality. Hand- practice at the bar. He makes a shining Summer toilets require little or no it of difference between her treatment "Virginia," he Eaid. I am here to erred to the packing house, where thoy In the land where limo will ct'aao; ioked peanuts are those which have mark. His first efforts cause men to' jewelry. if them and of himself. He pondered opoat what I told you once. Will you re allowed to rest from twenty-four to ocn sorted by hand, the largest of these Ind I kiiuiv of tho future judgment, no matter at night, on a Bleepless pil- say that he will one day stand at the Soft- white wool material is in great »y 'perhaps' again 7" orty-eight hours, according to the ommanding the highest market prices. head of the legal profession. He is How dreadful aoe'er it bft, ow, the moon looking at him through 1 demand for summer dresses. "No," she answered, with a deeper leason, so that they may be thoroughly he bulk of the crop in the United seleoted on an important case, the is- That to eit n.1 one with my conacierno ho silken curtains of the windows, that ijnple and a brighter flush; "Now 1 will ooled and in proper condition for kit- tates comes from Virginia, North and Shoulder capes and manties of chcnillo Will ba judgment enough for mo. eek at Granby. But Launce was a g, sue of which ia life or death to a fol Bay 'oertain.'" g. At the slaughter-house machinery Gi d T low being. To fortify himself for the are in order for summer woor. loroughly manly follow, and had brought into use. After tho carcasses South Carolina, Georgia and Ten- ouruge to dare his fate. He did not lessee. contest, he takes the fatal draught, It Turquoises set in Etruscan gold aro Cremation in Meruiany. •re dressed, the Bides are placed in a flies to his brain, clouds and stupefies counted with fashionable jewelry. dmire Virginia Payne one whit the oom where the temperature is always Peanuts ate eateu both roasted and A RIBBON. A correspondent writes from Gotha his mind. He is confounded and ut- In Paris entire dresses aro made of :ss because of the rcsorvo which so opt at the freezing point, and allowed •aw. Many persons prefer them in the laffled him. o the Pall Mall Guiette: Amid pleasant latter condition, the flavor being similar terly fails. To cover up his grief he Ohantilly lace at an enormous cost. elds outside this attractive little citv } hang from forty-eight to seventy-two ih inks, and becomes a constant par- ours, to remove all animal boat and o that of uncooked green peas, while iu As tho season advances fans grow One day when they were ont riding itands the famous oremation hall, with ippearance they cannot be distinguished ticipant of the bowl. Thus one who It was a simple thing to do so much ritb a party of four otherB, he proposed ' ie exception of that at Milan, tho only repare them for cutting np. In tho might have added another star to glit- larger. Shaded fans are much used. barm—a strip of rose-pink silk—and utting room the hogs are sorted accord - rom those which have been baked, White lace over colored satin is the laking a cross cut through the woods >ne in Europe. The building itself is 'here is but one peanut baking estab- ter in the constellation of genius goes certainly harmless in itself. But it o find a whip which ho had lost there andsome, is built on classic models ig to weight and quality, and the down to fill a drunkard's grave. latest relief for black dresses in London. caused Launce Lisle the worst heart- glitest and choicest sides and hama iahment in this city and here tho bulk .he day previous, and askod Virginii to nd faces the ordinary burial ground or f the crop received in Boston is seat Large bows of white satin ribbon ache of his lifo. I will tell you about .ccompany him. ;irch-hof. Before describing what I ,re scientifically and carefully trimmed tt'om at the left sido a little above tho It. or roasting. Some dealers send their "We will meet tbe others at the tum- avo just seen I will mention that this ) suit the different English markets belt line. Virginia Payne, of Granby, nover 'rom nixteen to thirty days of curing iu ieanuts to the coffee roasters, but the Weaving. iko crossing," he said. :remation hall is of two and a-half uts are simply dried and the flavor is Vermioelli embroidery in silver gray flirted. That was a fact patent among Virginia turned her horse's head ears date only, and was built by an as- clean, dry and dark cellar follows, Wo take the following details ooncern her admirers. Handsome she was, bo pieces being sprinkled with refined onsoquently impaired. The peanut ing a very peculiar industry from a re- cord is nsed to trim cashmere. It has eadily, all unsuspicious; but, when lociation or vcrein of the most learned lakery consists of a low room, in nearly the effect of lace. witty and charming, beyond comparo ; hey wure hid among tho balsamic ,nd thoughtful men in Germany. Fifty- mltpeter nnd a mixture of Liverpool cent number of CasseWa Maymine : One bnt never had folly enough to think that ialt and the best granulated sugar. No hich are three brick ovens, similar in of the busiest towns of the manufactur- Instead of tying a knot of flowers to irs she suddenly became aware of her wo persons, five of whom were women, orm to a regular baker's oven, Tho the warmest smile that over parted her have in this space of time chosen such iriuo is used, as in tho old New England ing district of tho Austrian empire is the stick of the parasol the Parisian now ompanion's manner. A sudden bloom attest fires are kept up all the time, astens a wreath of blossoms to it. red lips meant more than would read in ibowed in her cheeks; she began her- a form of burial, one body being Bent lork barrel. Then thsre is more scrap- Ehrenberg, lying close to tbo 8&xon ot only for roasting during the day Immense bows of white sutin ribbon an open book. If Virginia would write lelf the search for the whip. ;rom New York. Tho cost of the mere ing, cleaning, trimming and inspecting, frontier, and distinguished from other between the lines, she had never done ml tho perfect pieces, colored to the at also over night, in order to have tue towns and villages for its curious indus- frequently take the place of conugo so, though she was one-»nd-twenty, I do not care a picayune for tho rocess of cremation is about $25, and lie which the English buyer BO much ivens in readiness for the next morn- try of wood weaving—sparterie work, as louquets, being placed on the left ride whip. 1 came this way, Virginia, that ;ho religious ceremony can firat be read dmires, are sorted into uniform sizes, ng's work, A whole bag of peanuts is it is called—which was introduced some- ver the supposed region of the lie art. For throe months she had been mis- might be alono with you for a tho body. It is unnecessary to say nit into an oven at one time and an at- tress oi Granby, a mnguih'cent old lied in flne Liverpool salt and packed thing more than a century ago by a car- In spito of the fashion jourcnl.s bring- mont." hat the Cutholic priest refuses church air-tight boxes. They are sent to tendant constantly stirs them up with a penter named Anton Menzee. The family inheritance. The great mansion This did not tend to make the soft ong, wooden rake to prevent their ing ont most of their plates ^i'lj 1 <,n;; of pole gray-stone, set among lawnoand nrinl to any one electing to bo ore- he seaboard in refrigerator cars • built threads used for weaving are no tbioker lasques, tho most fashionable women iheeks any less vivid, but Launco did nated. Protestant pastors, on the con- or the purpose, and by special trains, lUrning. A man must have considera- than writing paper, and vary iu width gardens, beautiful beyond compare, was not notice de experience to hake peanuts success- wear corsages without basques i>v iery her very own, and her home, and it hail rary, willingly accord it. The cinerary ^rompt transfer from the cars to the from the fifth to the twenty-fifth part of ihort basques. "I want to tell you something," ho urns bear tho names of one or two Jews. fully, for unless proper core is taken been tho home and possession of all teamcrs is secured by special agents, an inoh. The nspon ia tho only tree AVhite is equally suitable for morning went on, steadily, "whioh you have Those aro arranged outside the crema- id branch houses on the other sido of rome will be burned to a coal, while whose wood is sufficiently tough and her line for over 100 years. From jthers will be only half cooked. From and evening dress, only tho material father to son, and finally from father to lieard from other men, I dare say, but .ion hall in an open portico, and are o water take charge of the meats and pliable to supply these threads in the t is nevertheless true from mo. I have solid and artistic, bearing the names of ime to time some of the nuts are opened must be different. "White may be ti ite- daughter, Granby had como to her. And :eep them in good order. The process required lengths. This tree was form- med with any one of tho colors that never in my life seen a woman who snits he deceased, etc. Some were richly if curing for all the European marked o ascertain the progress of tne roasting erly indigenous to Bohemia, but has thero'sho dwelt with her guardian, Mr. process, and after about fifteen minutes' inits the complexion of the wearer. Israel, her Aunt Content nnd a goodly me as you do, Virginia ; and it in not decorated .with fresh flowers. My guide Iocs not vary from that given. now almost entirely disappeared, so that because of what yonr father wished and now takes me into the spacious hall, Just as much care is taken in the looking they are generally baked sufii- tho raw material for the sparterio work, Striped summer silks aro miulo up train of servants. The heiress of Gran- liently. by, being who nhe was and what she planned for UH, but because of yourBolf. where the religious coVemony, when reparation of meats for home consump- has to be brought from Russian Poland. with Bayadere floiinces, nltornating'wHii was, was toasted far and near, aud Bnt while you are beautiful and attmc- ivon, is read, and where the body is ion, though tho style is somewhat The roasting process is very severe on The wood used for that purpose of weav- 'ace plaitings. The lower eilgo of llin naturally would liavo become a prey to .ive, there is nothing wonderful about laid before its removal to the receptacle bunged. Sides and hams are trimmed ;he ovens, on account of the contimions ing must be free from knots, as tbe ikirt is finished by a plaiting of pit in fortune-hunters, but for one olause of mo ; and though 1 don't know why you underground where oremation takes in different shapes, and saltpeter and hot fire, and it is necessary to constantly smaller defects or irregularity, such us ilk, and beneath it is a crimped l'rill of her father's will. It had been tho one ibould marry me 1 wish yon would. place. I may mention that the public ugar are omitted in curing them. Do- eplace the bricks, while the iron doors ordinary persons would hardly notice, Italian lace. prayer of his life, and it was his dying Not because of your father's wish, iro not admitted to the ceremony at any mestic hams remain for sixty days in a jecome worthless after two months of make tho fibers quite unfit for working. Flannels and lady cloths. in solid ' requeBt, carefully worded upon paper, ither." time, only the nearest relations of the iweet pickle, composed of salt, saltpe- service. In tho summer time when the Arrived in Ehrenberg, tho wood is colors are popular materials for travel- that Virginia, then a child of nine years, He had taken her hnnd, stopped the deceased; and that nothing is seen of er, molasses and water, and are then largest amount of work is performed the planed nnd divided into pieces nearly ling costumes, the skirts of which aie should marry Lanncelot Lisle. Ho was lorses, and was looking into her face, the process. Vfe now, not without a dried, smoked and canvassed. "Mess beat in the bakery is almost unbearable, ,wo and a-half inches wide. When these made very Bhort. A novelty faln'ic ioi his stepson, already a young man of with its downcast eyes nnd tremulous feeling of awe, as well as of deepest in- lork," consisting of strips from six to and tho men are obliged to remove avo been made perfectly smooth they leveling purposes is striped twoed of character and weight. But he hud lips. terest on my part, descend by a dark ight inches long cut from tho sides, nearly all their clothing. No peanuts re divided again by an instrument re sage-green color. "Could you lovo me, Virginia?" winding staircase into the subterranean uolnsive of the hams and shoulders, are embling a plane, but furnished with a never lived at Granby, and when Vir- 1 are sold at the baking establishments, Black, when not worn as mourning, ginia, at 16, met him, she conld not A dimple stirred the soft cheek. chambers where the burning is per- lacked fresh in barrels filled with Turk ,he nuts being sent there by dealers to umber of fine knife blades, which may be treated with crimson, or whito remember to have seen him before. "Perhaps." "ormed. My guide, with much intelli- sland salt and the barrels filled with )e roasted, the charges being fifteen mark tho wood at regular distances, ac- or a deep rich yellow. B is n color Sho nover knew what startled her ;ence, explained the process, which is lickle, Leaf lard and the fat trimmings sonts per bushel. There was n falling cording to the width the strips are to be It was on the day of her father's fun- almost always becoming and nppi opri- horse at that moment, bat b 3 shied at [uglily elaborate and conducted on sci- rom the sides and hams are tried in off in the roasting business a short time This process requires the utmost dex- eral. Her stepsister had been dead ,te, gives dignity to a petite figure r.nd some object in tho wood, nearly unseat- entifio principles. We seo the hug iron tanks with steam and refined into ago, occasioned by the small dealers ot erity and nicety, as it is absolutely es several years, and bnt for the sister of enhances tho bearing of a stately one. ing her, and tlion flew like the wind preparations in the form of coal, aud mowy lard. The settling of the tanks, tbe street corners, baking peanuts them- lentiol that the divider shall exnctrj her own mother, A ant Content, she was ! down tho path. Lannce followed the burning oven, also on a vast scale, ho blood of tho hogs and other refuse jelves in little furnaces, but the expense oll"w the direction of the fiber and The West Indian fashion of weaving quite alone. Launce hnd almost imme- anxiously, but alio had met thn others of finally the receptieal for the ashes. become fertilizers. The tenderloins and jf this plan has led many to give up the for this reason, among others, it must iving beetles and fire-flies will bo in- diately gone back to London, but lie tho party before he overtook her. There Nine hours of preliminary preparation ipare-ribs are sold fresh to local con- idea, and the majority of the vendors .lways be done by hand. troduced if possible by cortain New bad come to her, Bhivering in her black was no chance to soo bor alone again aro necessary ; and it must be explained lumers; the lean meat trimmings from purchase their peanuts already roasted. Yorkers who have imported sonio, and robes, under all the excitement, and Tho divider makes incisions one-fifth that day, and tho next he had set for hih in order to remove any feeling of re- •he sides and hams are made into snus- There is a large baking establishment mounted them with gold bands fastened said gently, that he feared she would be if an inch deep ; the wood is then core- departure. But she liad confessed noth- pugnance on tho part of the reader, that iges, the feet go to the gin e makers and in Providence, B. I., where the nuts are to gold chains and pins. Tho creatures very lonesome—that bo wished he could ally planed and comes off in thin paper- "ng, promised nothing, and ho was, per- he intestines and salt trimmings make roasted in a huge revolving cylinder, may be UBed to fasten shawls, for hnir remain at Granby—that he might be of he body is not burned in flame bnt is ike strips, some of them not wider than hapR, less at ease than before his declara- good soap grease. All the parts of a but the results are not so satisfactory as ornaments, brooches or belt-pins. gome service to her, ete.; but briefly lie reduced to ashes by air heated to COO a stout thread. They are gathered np tion. '.og are thus utilized, including his those obtained from an old-fashioned Was gone, and she had returned to degrees Eeaumnr. Two hours elapse ly women as thoy fall, and are examined Feather toilet mats may be made by iristleB, which aie used in brushes, and brick oven. Peanuts ore Bold by the sobool. There was company to entertain that before the ashes ore collected—six and the defective pieces rejected. There covering pasteboard forms plainly with [lay—iimong the number Tom Arlington. o tip the waxed ends of shoemakers. pound in a raw state, the present quo- bright colored silk or velvet and trim- At 18'she was at Granby again, and, pounds being usual in the case of s a good deal of waate in the process. Launco had often heard him spoken ol tations being from three to five cents, med and covered by shingling inwards with her guardian's approval and per- man, four in that of a woman. As Tie threads or fibers being ready, must and did not wonder. Ho was a singularly but after being roasted they are retailed from the edge with .prettv feathers of sonal oversight, saw mnch company. It have before said, thej>rocess is not visi- ie tied in couples at one end before they handsome man, with a brilliant com The hog "cholera," which has caused by the quart or bushel, the nnts losing various outlines. For trimming large was better she should see something of ble, and ia so scientflro that every ele- qan be woven. This work is done by plexion, disheveled liair, curling silken IO much alarm, seems to be a oonven- considerable weight during the process mats lanceolate feathers are generally the world before choosing a husband, ment of horror is eliminated. The cer. ittle children of four years of age and beard, a blase ar», and the tout ensemblt ient synonym for all the ails of the por- by shrinkage, employed, though feathers with rounded be sud; and no, people argued she was emony tiikeB place in Bilent solemnity, upward, who earn eight cents a day. of an artist. Launce looked criticallj cine species. It is sad, indeed, that the ends may be arranged effectively. When not engaged to Launce Lisle, though only tho necessary officials and ono or The business is generally improving, The weaving is done chiefly by women, at the rose-and-gold of Tom Arlington'* principal loss of hogs on Western farms the last row of feathers has been sewed Virginia said freely that she was so, un- two near relatives being admitted. I and the sales each year are enormous. ,nd on looms which differ considerable make-up, and did net like him. Tlii, is caused by improper oaro. In 1879 on their bases should be concealed by less Mr. Lisle preferred otherwise since think few visitors will visit this crema- From the three States of Virginia, 'rom those in ordinary use, the fiber before he observed that his attentions to '.ho deaths among Illinois swine from covering with a narrow-plaited ribbon . her father had wished it. Whatever th tion hall without being deeply impressed North Carolina and Tennessee alone being not more than thirty-nine to fifty Virginia during the evening were very ;he BO-called hog oholera wore 076,738, or cord of chenille the color of the truth might be, tho fact seemed to mafo in favor of a system so advantageous to the crop lost season was upwards of inches in length. The longer fibers marked. She talked to him, played for the living, and, it must be admitted— against 1,391,422 in 1878, a decrease of 2,000,000 bushels, besides those raised form the warp, the shorter [he woof, foundation. fortune-hunters at least froquont. But fifty per cent., and tho percentage o! him, sang with him. Poor Virginia' at least of France and Germany—also' in other sections of the country. The which are passed in and put by means The waists of many- of the latest one fact, as I have said, was patent— So near to being perfeotly happy that loss iu 1880 was about the some as thai Miss Payne never flirted. Many ar advantageous to the dead. Here, as in trade continues the year round, though of a little instrument with an eye like a French dresses are made in the old she dared not contemplate it, she seized France, the law compels such promp of 1879. Of the animals which died in during any publio holiday, especially needle. Until within a few years this good the proof of her engagement from 1879 only 182,577 were of marketabli curiass shape with both' the vest front upon tho first pretext for concealing he: interment that in many cases it has been those which occur in the summer, the concluded the whole process—the and the sleeves very closely shirred. this; others instinctively read another emotion. And thnt pretext, unfortu- weight, the mortality being principally cause in a oertain vestal purity of the knows to take place before the breatli quantities sold are marvellous, At the 'foundations," as they are called, were This shirring is continued down ihe nately was Tom Arlington. had left the body. In Algeria I among the pigs, which like some othei bakery above referred to the averago complete, and nothing more wan done girl's countenance when in utter re- words, is used more strictly in this coun front of the skirt, tapering off to a point pose. "AIIIB I how ciiBy tbo world ROGB wrong I known personally a victim of this mid day's work is from thirty to forty bags except that a few hats and capn were at the hem. A handsome dress, in, this apprehension ; and my German friendt try than in England to designate thi per day, though a muoh larger number made of them. These were of the- sim- In the play of conversation it was A kiss too mnch or a nigh too long, style is made of pearl gray satin. The all speak to me in warm terms of tho young hog. A confusion of these terms is baked on extra occasions. The use plest description, nnd anything but beV oharmingly vivacious and fascinating, And there follows a mlat nnd a blinding rain sides of the skirt front'are covered with new system as, irrespective of other ad- caused the alarm in England. But eve: of peanuts in different kinds of confec- coming; moreover, they were glued to- Her crimson lips and soft black eyes, the And lifo Is novor the oama again 1" narrow plaited ruffles that meet a' pan- vantages, preventing premature burial, if the mortality from "oholera" was tionery and cake has largely increased gether, thus making them unpleasant white temples and radiant color, holp- Lannce romembered that Virginia nier drapery . on either side. Behind wider spread and more evenly distrib the sale of the nuts; and they are also to wear in hot or wet weather; accord- od make up a face whioh, when full; "did not flirt," and though ho straggled the skirt falls in a narrow train bordered Jackson's Manners. uted among all classes of swine, unde need for an oil' which is expressed in ingly they brought but thirty cents or seen, could sever he forgotten. Cer- manfully against it, his heart sank like with three narrow puffs and a shirred the present, surveillance of {he porl considerable quantities from the seeds, Bixty centB per dozen, and were worn by tainly Launce Lisle thought so, coming lead before the evening was through, The following is from an interview flounoe. A girdle of dark rwby satin packers it is claimed that it would be and which is said to be in no way infe- the very lowest olasses. npon it suddenly, for another brie" 8o young, so sensitive, BO susceptible tc with the painter, Healy, in the Bosto encircles the waist, finished at tho sides impossible to place unsound meat upon rior to olive oil. Borne people regard Week of his life, on a hurried businesi beauty and graoe in others, was it likely Journal: I was agreeably surprised ii Within the last few years, however, by broad loops and ends of the same. the market, most of the hog diseosot peanuts as unwholesome, but judging trip to New York. that he wonld win her ? No, no I hi the conversational faculties oi Andrew causing rapid decomposition and a dis- owing partly to^the interest taken by the A similar bow is pplaced at the juncture told himself, bitterly. He knew how, Jackson; his manners, too, were entirel; from the quantities which are annually Government in t&tsmanuf&oture, agreat f th i i ft It waa jnst after Virginia became coloration of the flesh. I nets are also consumed with apparent impunity they of the panniers in front. alone and nnaided, he had battled witl different from what I had supposed, introduced to show that cases of tri change for the better~iii taken place, legally mistress of Granby. She was the stern realities of life, how he hoc certainly cannot be considered as very spending the whiter in the oity. had in some manner unfortunately gath- chinas are very rare, and that careful At present Ehrenberg out not Growth of Timber. conquered the temptations of early youth, ered the impression that ho was a coarse, injurious.—Boston Cultivator. " I say, Launoe," said Peyton Lesley, cooking kills the parasite. Dr. Johr only the raw material, bul As the result of observation and from and worked, ont of the hardest am' bullying sort of man; and I was indeet "you will Bee your betrothed to-night, 3. Ranch,- Secretary of the Illinois State goods—fashionable hats, of air the testimony of reliable men the iolW- most adverse circumstances, a pure ani surprised to find that his manners were flne is tobe at Madam Hyacinth's." Board of Health, says that the elevei and a variety of fancy articles skillful. is about the average growth in noble life; but what did that go fo more like those of the late Duke o The Dork Side. .Launce made no reply, but when lie deaths in that State since 1866 were al eonoooted out of the wood fabrio; ladies' twelve years of the leading desirable with this dimming and potted girl, wh Sutherland than like those of a Irontic Life has a dark side and a blight sjde, was alone with his'sister, a very sweol caused by eating raw ham or sausage, hats of every description and of the had ever laid among the roses and fed politician. He was extremely courteous, Happy is the miin who can and does vnriotie timber, when planted in woman, whom he dearly loved, he Dr. Oscar 0, DeWoU, the Chioago Com- latest fashion, such as no one need bo belts or groTOS-tmduuHivated: White on the lilies of life ? She was aa likel; and may be classed as a splendid sitte: make choice of the latter. Men gener- ".aked: missioner of Health, a son of Dr. T, E. ally have more or less to do with the ashamed to wear, are made entirely <' maple, one foot hTctiameter and thirty —aye, far more likely—to be pleasci After I had finished painting his po] DeWolf," of Chester, says: "Our.m'oi wood and sold at astonishingly luu ' ."Do yon know Virginia Payne, Prne?' witk the artist, Tom Arlington I dark side before their mortal career feet high ; ash, leaf maple or boselder, trait at the Hermitage, near KashvUli tality has for the last few years range prices. Men's hats are to be had of al one foot in diameter and twenty feet Mru. Boberts replied that she did, He rose early from the night's tronblec the family asked me to make a copy o terminates. Darkness is never so black "Do yon like her?" from 8,000 in 1877 to 10,000 in 1880, am as when contrasted with light, or light shapes, from the Panama bat—not a u hit high; •white' willow, one and one-half Bleep, and went down into the garden ol it when I returned to Paris, but I said only two cases of trichina have bee) inferior to that bought in Paris—to the "Yen," said Mrs. Roberts, with doci Granby. The great golden day lilies s) bright as when contrasted with dark- feet in diameter and fifty feet high; "a copy is always a copy." So I asked tbi reported during that period, and thi common hats exported in large quanti- yellow willow, one and one-half fret in ion. were in bloom, and the trees veiled wit old man to let me pauit him again from ness. We wish now to notioe some dark That was enough. Launco said n fact that the meat rejected by the pack pictures, and then the.corresponding ties to Ohina, and the linings or founda- diameter and thirty-five feet high; yonng green. Suddenly, on a: rnstii the life. He consented, and' £ passe* era is - consumed locally,1 and is mo: tions of whioh give stiffness to the fez more. Bnt at supper Virginia's nann seat upon tho terrace, ho saw Ton. bright ones, We, will jrield to fancy Lombardy poplar, ten inohes in diumet er many pleasant and profitable hours ' likely to be infected than that exporte of the Turkish soldier. The export and forty feet high; blue and white was again mentioned. He heard thei Arlington. He was directly in bin path his soaiety. and let her paint the piotures as she that shenever flirted. adds materially to the importance may. A vast army is marshaling its trade embrnoes nil Europe, from Spain ash, ten inches iu diameter and twenty- he could not avoid him without r jmini , I remember well the intenso- vehem- 1 1 He was oonsoioas of dressing witL this statement.' forces in. our land, The soldiers have to Russia, extends beyond the Oauoasna five feet high; blaok walnut and butter- directly bock, and so he,walked on an ence of mannervwith whioh,. after ~ unusual oare for.the evening's enter- donned their regimentals, • They ore to India and Ohina, and maintains active nut, ten inches in diameter and twenty ; saw what Tom had in his hand—a ribboi had related a oircumstanoe about mysel '•The result of BO careful an investiga tainment. ' Before he left the house h ready for the gutter and the mire. • Thoir relations with North and South America feet high.—8eientifl6,American. • of pink Bilk, with a rode worked in silve: and the necessity of telling; anunpleaa tion makes it doubtful whether an; 1 took from a trunk a photograph son 1 facts wear the red and fiery glare of de- as well as Australia. The manufacturers thread upon one end.. Now it.ohano& ant untruth on one oooaaion, he sale otner animal food, if subjected to i him by Virginia's father, some 12 years mons. They are waging a war agains) arein,direct communication with tho that Launco knew the ribbon very wel. shaking his head with great violenc muob suspicion and inspeolion, waul - There are standing in Michigan, Min- previously. It represented a slight their own persons. Lunatics could not four quarters of the world, and their nesota and -Wisconsin 81,060,000,000 He had marked it knotted among thi '•Alwaya tell the truth, Hr. Healy!" , show go oleau a health record as Amor; goods are being introduced into Africa child of eight, Wth soft, dark eyes, and Jade at Virginia's throat, and at sight' o: oat pork.—Springfield Kepxllkttn, surpass them in this respect. But they feet of pine, timber,'tmd yet at the pibS- by French and-English traders. 9 'BWealthWdwk, curling hair. He hod it his heart seemed Buddenly to stoj extend the war still further, cruelly car- entrate pf destruction It * calculated 'thejiale child's image dimly in hia mind, Vennor is only 11, yet he pretends rying it on against poor helpless women beating in his bosom. Dosperatioi know more about tbe weather thano! the supply'will' not'last .more than ?"-contas©abr the memoir of the same a< made him qniok-witted, and nnsnarin, < Mr. Hi B. Bevels, the colored ex. and children, Even devihj could nob In 1780 there were -260,000 landed twelve years, .,•'1 v ./'::•:•'•'••'' •':•;••/ \ ^M? **"'** 8**1* tombllng in her black farmors who havo boon studying goo surpass them in their diabolical sohemes. of himself. . > ^ hones for 80 years. Benator from Mississippi, has beoi proprietors in England, but in 1876 the h hour later, he oame "Yon have found a, ribbon of Mk_ chosen presiding elder of the Jaokso A fiery liquid is the only visible weapon, number had dwindled to 170,000. Half 'The lecturer who was pelted with an- Vliii her find. Payne's?" he asserted, with flne earless- Profanity in the streets of Boltimo districtbythewhite Methodist oonfe: whioh is fast burning out their vitality, of Scotland belongs to ten or twelve; cient eggs had no diffloulty in asoortain- The slain amount to seventy thousand ness, |>fa punishable by flne.' e4oe of that state. :•'•':'•• • •/•.•;... ; T'' pewoov: "" " "'" iDgthe scents of the meeting. •- KED BANK REGISTER-SUPPLEMENT.

A BEAD BODY MONMOCTH COUNTV NOTES. A LLSTROM & MOKFORD, T> T. SMOCK, -.«•» Tw» Btmrlcra at aa Atbmrr The Keyport Weekly wants a bank es- LUDLOW HALL. SuccMtor to SPINNING & PATTERSON, rut Cottag* lant-Tkt Mattoa tablished at that place. Bed But, N. J. •f tfca Bfjrsilerr — Mr. Mleheatt'* SMOCK A WHITE, Choice KagUak. The beach at Asbury Park has been Cor. FRONT AND BKOAD STREETS, greatly cut away by the high seas of last Among the recent boarders at Mich- . Miulcal Instruments ot all kinds, including Begs to nay to the ladies that he ha» « eau's cottage, at the corner of Cookman week. BANJOS, RED BANK, N. J. VJOUNB, unusually Urge assortment of and Emery avenues, Asbury Park, were Misses JoBie Brown and Kittie Bedle, GU1TAES, Aaron Ward and William Ward, aged PIANOS A OBGANS, of Keyport, gave recitations in Asbury BAND INSTRUMENTS, 19 and 17 years. They are students at Park on Tuesday morning of this week. NEW LACES AND LACE GOODS. W* AHK .NOW CLOSINO OUT OP Princeton and Rutgers College, respec- DRUMS, tively, and lived in Newark. They re- One of the most prominent students TLVTES, CONCERTINAS, turned home last week and told a very of Rutgers College is spending his vaca- AC0OKDEON8, curious story. They said they dried tion loading the steamboat at Keypo: CYMBALS, ETC. HOSIERY. Summer Fabrics their bathing suits on the cover of theat |2 per day. Churches, Lodges, and Schools will be furnished AT scuttle window of their boarding hou»e, wltif a piano or organ ot any pattern and by any which was usually open. On August 13 One of Eatontown's Bporting men ismaker, at a William Ward found that his suit had reported to have made the neat little SPECIAL DISCOUNT. The assortment of Hosiery now on ex- EXTREMELY LOW PRICES fallen from the scuttle* down upon the sum of $1,400 on Saturday, at the Mon- SPECIAL DISCOUNT. hibition by us surpasses any that we roof. He mounted tbe ladder and looked mouth Park races. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW FALL GOODS, WHICH WE We keep on band a tumo stock of have ever before shown. WILL PLACE AT REASONABLE FIGURES. out upon the,roof. He was horrified to The Rev. Jonathan VanNote, who in see lying there, cut in two, the body of his youth was a printer's apprentice at SHEET MUSIC, a man. He called his brother and a both rocal and ltutrumroUl, Philadelphia physician, who also boarded Freehold, is' now an editorial writer on in the house, and the three went out the Philadelphia Evtning N*ws. BUTTONS. THE LONG BRANCH MIRROR. upon the roof and examined the body A pleasant room for reading and in- PIANOS TUNED closely. It lay in a framework of beams nocent amusements, free to Eatontown made for it, and bore evidences of hav-youths, i« being considered by several by a skillful workman. In all the newest and prettiest designs. WILL JAY .KELLETT, Editor. ing been dissected, the brain being gone. prominent citizens of that place. Orders for special ja>Bdi will rocelre prompt at- The physician expressed the opinion that tention. *^ the man had liau a cancer on the face Eatontown township has been sued by ALLSTROM & MORFORD. Ocean township for $1,000. Tlio sui and been dead at least two months. MERINO UNDERWEAR. The first number of this paper will bu issued on As Mr. Micheau rented the boarding arose out of a piece of Eatontown town- QORLIES, THE CLOTHIER, MERINO UNDERWEAR. house only a short time ago, the three ship being included in the Long Branch MERINO UNDERWEAR. men concluded that he probably knew graded school district. SATU11DAY, SEPTEMBER ii, 1881. nothing about tho body. They reasoned BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. 1. among themselves that if they told of Mr. Wm. H. Murphy, who for two its presence on the roof they would in- years has been superintendent of the Spring aud Bummer Merino Underwear. jure the boarding house keeper, by driv- Methodist Sunday-school of Keyport ing the Imardera away, and so break up READY-MADE CLOTHING. his business for the season; moreover, has resigned his position, as he has ac- THE MIRROR they would Bpoil their own vacation. cepted a situation in a publishing house I am now prepared to Invite jour attention to an After talking over the matter, the trio in New York city. enlarged stock of Ready-Made Clothing, principally GINGHAMS. will bo devoted to tho intorcHtu of agreed to keep silence about it. of my own manufacture, comprising all the leading Tho Ward boys, however, told their Mrs. Stoney, of Keyport, while riding styles and new designs of the season. My Block Is father upon returning home. Mr. Ward in a wagon near the track of the Free- full and cumptcte In all its brunches. All goods LONG BRANCH AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. reproved them for having made a secret hold and New York railway, became warranted u represented, and at popular prices. Attention is railed to our stock of Seer- of the .discovery, and on Friday he wrote frightened at the approach of a. train and to Mr. Micheau in Asbury Park, giving Buckcru und Mudraa Giugliams, which THE LONU BRANCH MIRROR his sons' story. jumped out. She was somewhat bruised CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. mako Huch beautiful wimli dresses for THE LONO BRANCH MIRROR On Monday he received an answer and cut about the head, Spring and Summer wear. THE LONG BRANCH MIRROR from Mr. Micheau, in which the latter Doctor Jacob Bradbury, of Eatontown, Our Custom Dvpartmunl Is replete with foreign stated that the "find" was a "stiff and domiwtji' novelties for the BiH-mg- and Summer will not only bu a LOCAL PAPER giving <."H]xsi;ial nituntion to tlio which had belonged to a young medical was one of the first to employ President trade, together with a full line of Sluple Ooods. student whoso father had rented the Gariuld. He chunm to have bad "James" LOCAL NEWS OF LONG BRANCH, premises. The student had brought it to superintend a "lunch counter" for THE "FAVORITE" KID OLOVE. home to dissect and placed it on the roof THE "FAVORITE" KID OLOVE. but will give ulxo all tlni to dry. him (Bradbury) in an Ohio camp meet- HATS AND CAPS. THE "FAVORITE" KID OLOVE. Ing in 1840.—Advertiser. Steam Yacht Fishing. Mrs. John Cherry, of Keyport, was Tho Hat and Cap Department, which was added COUNTY NliWS. tbout a year Ago, lias "been a success, thereby en- COUNTY NEWH. On Wednesday evening of last week a presented with a handsome Mason & abling lue to offer this stuck for a nmuller proflt. In alt the Spring colon. Wo still sparsely attended meetiug was held at Hamlin organ last week. The donora Here will be found nil gooda of all deaiifiiH and man- The facilities of THE MIRROR for gathering iimvii will be HUCII tbat it will be Point Pleasant, when resolutions were were Messrs. Theodore W. Aumack, J. ufacture, to tmlt all UHIUM uiid m all prices. hiim thin to be the bent low-priued glove passed petitioning Congress to enact such H. Conover, T. S. R. Brown, J. F. Run- iu the market. laws as would prevent the citizens of •aa, and the parents of Mr. ami Mre. 3ENTLEMEFSPURNISHINGS THE BEST NEWSPAPER IN MONMOUTH COUNTY. other staten from nulling with steam Cherry. yachts off the Jersey coast. The Ocean Manalapan, on the Freehold and This DcpartmontincludKflKMitU'inezi'tiunderwear, SEWING MACHINES. Beacli Crab, in commenting on this Jamesburg Agricultural railroad of New loslcry, suspenders, cuffs, ("liars, nwk-wear, etc., SEWING MACHINES, Tlio ilrfil iHHUe of THE MIRROR will eniinint of meeting Bays: ersey, will in future be called Tonnentt illofwhjcli WII are selling ut rules never before SEWING MACHINES. " We havi> been requested to oppose n honor of Parson Tennent of the, old •Dered in Red Bank. TWO THOUSAND CO PI MS. this 'steam yacht fishing' in our columns, 'ennent Church, where the BritiHh TWO THOUSAND COPIES, OUR MOTTO: TWO THOUSAND COPIES, and use our best endeavors to get up an tabled their horses previous to Uiebattlo Agent for DuutcMtic Sewing TWO THOUSAND COPIES, indignation meeting among our citizens. if Monmouth. ' One Price and that the Very Lowt-st." ml Fashion Puperti. TWO THOUSAND COPIES. Wo have used the due caution and de- The ilonmouth Inquirer ways that liberation necessary in weighty nifittern, Freehold, on account of the meanness of C0RL1ES, THE CLOTHIER, THE MIRROR will lit- an and before proceeding with our protest nany of its citizens, in a bad place to die K. T. SMOCK, against this 'wholesale slaughter' of our n, and advises poor people to go to some BROAD STRF.ET, fishing interests by these 'HHII pirates," ther place to die if they want their re- Excellent Advertising Medium, have taken the trouble to first get anatives to attend their funerals without RED BANK, NKW JERSEY. lOUNKll HllOAD AND MKCI1AS1C STREETS, -opinion from some of our fishermen icing compelled to walk to the cemetery. \\T A. FRENCH & CO., which iwlvi'itiwrn will ilnd it to thuir lulvuntngu lo une, right here in Ocean Beach—men who Dr. Samuel Lockwood, of Freehold, have followed the business as it means of mil Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bradley, of RED HANK, N. J. subsistence for at least twenty year;;. Ashury Park, are registered at the Twin Mllul.KSALK DKAI.KIIS IN The result of our inquiries, we ndniit. 1ENT1IAL KTAGK LINE THE MIRUOU will huvi- furililiiM for cxi-r.tiliiiK every (livsiription of Mountain House, "White Mountains. New V • surprised us. Here is what they Hay; Hampshire, Messrs. Lockwond and That they never made more money out FOREKJN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Direct to Bradley are subject to hay fever, «mi FA III IIAVKN, IXI.ANK1 AMI HKAIUMiHT. of the business than they did last season their trip is made in the hope of oblain- JOB PRINTING. and this season; that the steam yacht F0UE1UN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, (-(iliinii-ni'lliK Mar >-, 1HX1. IJIIVI' Hi'il Hunk tit '.i.'JI u. in., anil :U)I p. m. ng relief. A n|>i'o p. m. The finest life-saving station on the. Alyti roriiH-ci.s jii Sc-jJirltflit vvltlj Kumljiy trulu» to ing them with bait, which they have ml Inmi Nrw York on the New JrrHcy HuiiUit^rn heretofore experienced much difficulty New Jersey coast is to be built :it station uilwiiy. Kxcursluii tli-ki'ts bctwrni Hi'U lluuk und BILLS OF FARE, HILLS <>K FARE, HILLS OF FARE, Mo. 6, at Deal Beach. The building is in obtaining; that the catching of moss- 'iibrl^lit ut reduced ruh'S. HILLS OF FARE, HILLS OF FARE, HILLS OF FARE, bunkers off whore keej>n the blue fish to lie three stories high, am,! will be Tliuru will UIHU be ftmtld at Illy under course of erection in a short anil nil other from running in shore only, thereby LIVERY STAHLEH, preventing their capture in large num- time. The third floor will be hand- LIVERY STABLES, bers by every man, woman and child, somely furnished and will be occupied BOTTLERS »¥ HOTEL WORK. :luring the summer by officers in the in thr curm-r or Kruut Mtrcct und Maiilu uvunue, who either give them away or sell them The subHirrijitiuii jirico (if THE MIRROR will be. 11.SO jicr your, invariably service. ALE, LAGER HEER AND MINERAL KAMI.. SINC1.K ItlllS AND HAIIDLK IIOHSEH, at such a low figure that they—the fish- VILLAliK CAItTM, OMNIIItJUSBS, 4(1. ii advance. Some time ago, Stur^is T. Diek, u guest WATERS. ermen—lone tin- sale of all they may My lmrm',s lire (TIKMI rojiilsicrH, utul my vt'lik'tan are have on lianii. The fishermen now at tho Maltby Houm-, Spring Laice, was cusy and cumfortulili*. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS! engaged in the business also say robbed of a handsome gold watch and Parties di'.slrlni; to hln- trains for plriLsurt; driving hain, which he had left in abath-hmme. hustings iiLiriHisi-s, will ailvancc their uwn lnter- that they can and do supply nil our v DON'T FAIL TO SECURE HOME OF THOSE hotels without any difficulty and ship He offered a reward of $100 for the re- u by Kf 'inK •"<• a call. Tin1 patroiuiKc tif the imlilli' b KDIICIUM! und jiutta- to Now York daily besides. turn of the watch mid "no questions BOTTLKRS OF £ ictfun Kiiartintvt'd. GREAT BARGAINS asked." A man who called himself John "This being the fact, how can we op- TKItMM HKASONA11LK. j)ose 'purse' or 'steam yacht' fishing Smith returned the watch last Wednes- ALE, LACIER BEER AND MINERAL IN when our citizens are benefited there- day, and was arrested by two officers WATERS. S. KETCIIAM, by? Our fishermen inform us that who saw him make the transfer. fKNTHAL l.lVKItV STA1ILB), there is a 'knack' or 'slight' in this mode A correspondent of the Ashury Purk Risii BANK, N. J. of baiting the blue fish,-which they have Journal says : "M. P. Hendricksion, as- Furniture and Carpets, learned by experimenting, and assure sistant postmaster at Deal Beach, has ' OMETIHNU NEW FOR RED BANK. iOLE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUR WE ARE OFFERING NOW, PRIOR TO OUR REMOVAL. us, that they catch all they can con- lent in his resignation to the Postniiuster- ^HERMANN BREWERY MRS. WM. U. PLECHNER veniently dispose of and sometimes heneral at Washington, to take effect LAGER BEER. Woulil nmni'i-l fully Inform thn rltlzens art of the graveyard iu the sand. The alsu cleaned. All klmlu ut friMKls received fur dye- WATCHES, lni; mid clramlDK. A [till lino of fancy Goods will BROADWAY, FIFTH AVENUE AND 22dSTREET. As will bo seen by reference to our advertising was well preserved. It is believed be kept constantly on hand. The latUtm ot Itcd columns irad the lilll bounln, duod walls and win- CLOCKS AND dows, BaUdieller & Doris' Great Inter-Oraan largest to be a relic of tho battle of Monmouth, JEWELRY Uiiuk are nsuwctfully Invited to (jive mo a call. Have mado final reductions in every department to close tho season, show on earth will oxhifolt at Ited Bank on Thurs- and ifitiu such,muBt, from the spot whero 1VM. 1). l'LEUHHEIL, day, AURUHt SS, giving two grand perfurinunces, af- llnmd Street, lied Bant, N. J. $30,000 Worth of ternoon and evenlnp. it was found, have been fired from a Sold and Repaired. TIII.H great consolidation (for It Is a combination 'olored and Black Silks and Sutins in nhort longths und broken assortments, con- of several liirgi! ttluiws) has u.«iimeatlerson'a grocery ntoren. Deabiighl: Joseph 8ber- tain Dresses, all marked' down to lean than price of the material dling of every description in toe clrrtu pavilion. A Tomatoes have been attacked by a man's grocery store. Eatontown; J. W. Jobnion'i of which they are made. grand central refreshment stand will be found In rompUy attended to by old and experienced work- grocery store. iho menagerie, where will lie found Ices and con-new disease in this state and Delaware, men. Mr. Wilson has established a dally route through LADIES' UNDERWEAR. fectlqnery of the best quality at reasonable prices, and the crop, it is said, will be a failure. HAND MADE SHOES USED. Tied Bank, Shrewsbury, Eatontown, Long Branch, but the attendants are prohibited from soliciting and Tlnton Falls, and another through the eastern purchases. In consequence, factories .have stopped Interfering remedied without I£U. side ot It«d Bank, Fair Haven, Oceanic, Beibrlent, Every inducements in Ladies' Underwear, Corsets, Boots and Shoes, Shawls, The great street passant, free to all, it» i.«. Carriage Work and Jobbing of all kinds at re- Rumson Neck and Farkerrllle. Parlle* at any of Laces, Fine Embroideries, White Goods, Handkercniefs, &o. - : dally. Is worth going miles tosee , as It will be en- naking cans. The largest growers in ,uxed prices. lliete places mar be supplied with fresh brrad trtrr tirely different rrom those usually made, and rrmnd- Hew Jersey say that two-thirds of the morning by notifying tie subscriber, or Iho drivers Samples sent gratuitously to all ports of the country on application. er, richer and more gorgeous than anything over E. M. WATTS, oeretofont attempted. jrop in entirely unfit for market. . . • BED BANK, N. J. -•W WJ..H. WILSON,- HOUSEHOLD. cal length we turned and looked back, throng which moved up and into the A I Impter or Some of the Crazy People who Capitol. Here he was generally con- fcelery. Cultiitg DomlOne'of C'nllrornla'B Pig Trees reflecting that on the morrow the wood- Whnt the People Ent nod How Ther ram Infest the National Capital. man would cut the trunk into fourteen- the Dnr In Colombia. tent, like little Hies Flite, to be a We know of no vegetable, «aya Seed- "When the woodman pointed oat the foot sections ; on the next day ox teams, A Washington letter to the New York looker-on. His shy character was gen- me and Harvest, which ia more rapidly tree he'was about to fell our party looked with their shouting driver*, would drag What first strikes the stronger in the Herald says: erally unequal to the effort of lobbying oming into popular favor and the de- ubout in vain search for some place theso sections, atripped of their bark, state of Colombia, as in any tropical The records show that during the four work, and it was seldom that he ven- mand for which is everywhere growing where its three hundred feet of trunk to tho nearest saw-mill; on the morrow country, is the utter want of thrift that years of President Hayes' term there tured to open his tin cannon and dis- IO rapidly as celery. And yet there are could Ktrotch out on tho ground without after that grimy men would lay won pervades every occupation. The ground were thirteen persons arrested for hang- charge the contents at a Congressman. housands of gardens, especially among submitting to tho necessity forced upon tracks where the giant had fallen, and is unfilled, the fruit is almost wild, the ing about the Executive Mansion, eleven The wags of the Capitol, however, would 'armors, in which the first stalk of eel- the man in the story, "whoso feet were then, greasy, smoking and shrieking, great cities are without reservoirs, and of whom were Best to the 'asylum. introduce him to bogus lawmakers or try is yet to grow and the gardenerhaa too long and the bod was (oo short." It the locomotive would come, desecrating in short nothing in done which can be Among the number were two women— men of pretended '"fluence" with the et to learn how to cultivate and handle could not be done without first clearing the spot.—iS'fiu Francisco Chronicle. left undone. A huge array of help in .one a very wealthy young lady from In- Appropriations Committee and get hita b successfully. ' The manner of cultiva- a path for it, we all agreed, but the required in housekeepingtodothework diana and another an older woman, both to describe his grand plan for irrigating ing this delicious and healthful plant woodman smiled a knowing, superior Scenes on an English Knee-Course. of two or three servants, and these es- of whom were under the hallucination the alkali deserts of Arizona. The has been greatly simplified within the smile. We looked again, when ho From an article in Lippincotfs Maga- tablishments drift along with little sys- that President Hayes had sent after them tin cylinder would be then uncapped "ast few years. It was not long since it pointed down a slender path, fern-car- zine we make the following extract, 'de- tem or management, Mistress and maid to marry them. The former, Who ex- and the maps displayed, and the im- vas supposed that to grow celery in this peted, but clear of trees, that wo had- scriptive of scenes at Brighton, Eng- lounge in dreamy, indolent ease. Tlio hibited no signs of mental derangement, mensity of the enterprise descrioed ountry a trench some twp feet in depth Jiamcd "Park jivenue." "But can you land, where the Goodwood races are in meza whh o waitit s upon you is a bbountiful actually got into the President's room with all the gusto that the Colonel's must be excavated, which of course re- direct, the full of that mighty 'redwood, progress : Divided from uu by the wide Indian girl. She gems the braids of tier and surprised him very considerably by bashful manner and indistinct speech moved all the good soil, which must be no that it will lie in that path and not road of which I havo before spoken was long jetty hair with star jessamine flow- telling him that she had received his could impart, With the fall of the supplied, and the plants then set in the crush other trees in its fall?" we asked, tho beautiful courso, running at) first in ers, but her cleanliness and honesty are letter asking her to come on and be the Speaker's gavel each afternoon he jottom so they could be earthed up and woBderinjjJy, "The treo will fall a long parallelogram, then disappear- questions of grave doubt. She is a pic- mistress of the White House; that she shouldered HB tin box again, marched he stalks blanched as they grew. But between thi>iio two stakes, without dis- ing "behind a wood, to reappear and dis- ture for a painter, a hopeless problem had always been anxious to bo known down the western slope of Capitol Hill "ew growers practice thia laborious turbing either of them," tho woodman ppear again behind two or three gentle for a housekeeper, as untractable anfl as "the first lady in the land," and that and melted away into the city. Thoso method now. Celery is naturally oTsalt Hiiid, driving'two BtukeB fifteen feet illocks, and stretching, I believe, for unteachable as a wild deer. Like most the sooner the legal part of tho cere- who profess to know him say that the water plant, thriving best in a rich, Hpsirt, and about one hundred and fifty ivo miles and a-half. Hills rose in soft, of the lower classes in South America, mony was performed the better sho shaken intellect WOB once bright cud moist situation, -The seeds must be lent from tho liaso of tho troo. The illowy swells into the distance, covered the Indians aie natural thioves and too would like it, The President bade her keen, and that the meaningless diagrams own very early, as they are usually full wof.ilmiin nnd. his assistants framed a •ith trees and pastured by flocka of indolent to work for anything they can take a seat and wait till he returned. are the cobwebs of a scheme of genuine hreo weeks in germinating. A cool, senlYoldinp! usmiiul tho buttress of the beep, and all around us was a panora- get in an easier way. Stepping outside he informed one of merit, of which he was robbed by some moist situation should be chosen for a stalely pillar of GOCI'H temple, upon ie view of distant villages, woods, Tho poisonous -cassava or yuca furn- the officers, who begged her to go into rich Western corporation that availed seed bed, As the plants make lint slow which tlu-y Htood, raiBud ten ov fifteen arks and glittering streams, tho sight ishes the bread of the country. Life one of the lower rooms for the reason itself of his genius and overturned his jiowth during the hot and dry summer feet above tho ground, and togethersend f which alone would havo given us and death are contained in the root. that marriages were not performed in reason bv refusing to reward him. months they are usually not trans- keen-edged axeh into tho rcugh, eon pleasure, for a week. Behind us Thirty-six drops of the juice are enough the private offices in the Mansion. She lanted out until abont the middle or spongy bark. In tho shade of that grand ras another roadway; behind that, on a in six minutes to kill a condemned pris- last of July, Hence it is commonly prove they looked like pigmies, and igh bank, were plaeod tho botting- oner, yet the mealy substance supplies was taken to police headquarters. Sena, Elephantine morality. their instruments of devastation like tors A'oorhees and McDonald, of Indi- made a second crop on land which has iootliB, interspersed with an occasional tho only flour of tho country, tho well Hundreds of men and women havo lready been cleared of an early crop, children's toys, yet in a few hours they ating-tent, while before these booths known tapioca and tapioca farina of ana, vouched for her respectability, and laughed over the amusing picture of the would prostrate what nature bad taken an officer was sent to her home in Indi- suchaspeaB or potatoes, Land which tood rowdy-looking men offering at the commerce. Cassiva bread is Jprcpared monkey using the cot's paw to take has been heavily manured early in. a thousand years to raise. No ardent op of their voiced tho odds and beta to by tho Indians directly from the yuca ana, tho lady paying all the expenses of chestnuts off the hot stove. Perhaps a lover of art ever witnessed tho destruc- the trip. The number given above is spring will be in better condition for 10 mado on the different horses and root, which is grated, tho poisonous few of the laughers have recognized celery than that on whioh the manure is tion of his mont admired sculptured acps. juice being squeezed ont by the hand. only that of thoso arrested, Numerous themselves either in the monkey or in marbio ; no heathen ever saw his idols other "cranks" called from time to time applied just previous to setting the The substance remaining is then washed the cat. celery plants. The plant is a gross shuttered by invading Christian with Thoir noiso was deafening, and added with cold water, spread on flat stones but were simply sent away, being con- Yet it is a common praotice to. usn more poignant grief than ours when o it were the shouted recommendations sidered harmless, It is a matt or of 'eeder and requires rich as well as moist an eighth of on inch thick and baked others to do that for us whioh we would and cool soil. Tho plants should bo'sot the woodman'n ax first buried itsolf in f tho vonders oftho various eatables in before tho flre. Thus any remaining record that the most of thoso who called not do for ourselves. We may thinli the patriarch of all our noble tieyuuia .ho touts beside them. Along the row while President Hayes was there bailed n Blightly depressed rows fully five feet poison is expelled, as the poisonous ele- that we thereby escape responsibility. apart and the plants about ten inches ijiyrtntea. ith us were vehiclos of all descrip- ment of the plant is prussic acid and from Ohio. Tho most of them Walked But the legal maxim which asserts that ions; on one side of us was an extremely to tho city. apart in the row. After the first of Sep- easily dissipated by heat. Tho Indians what one does through another he doe? tember the soil must be drawn up The Indies insisted upon returning to andsomo coronetted four-horso coach, bring this bread, which is snow white 'Dr. Taohmintis, " tho long-haired himself, is not only good law, but good ramp, and said HQIUC unkind things impty of its occupants, who were on the Greek," is a strange character. Ho against them frequently enough to keep and resembleB somewhat the! Passion morals. Ho who influences another to the stalks or branches from spreading. about tho woodmen, • fintTworo savagely rand stand; on the other was a cab in broad of the Jews, in guambos or netted came to this country some time in 1870 act for him ia responsible for tho charac severe upon tho unreasonable railroad ho possession of an abominably vulgar and could not then speak a word of Eng- Tho more and oftener they are banked, bags, which are thrown over tho backs ter of that other's action. observing that tho central shoot or bud contractor who had deprecated their et. Tho woman, middlo-nged, and vory of donkeys. Delicious little breakfast lish, but used French fluently. His ap- oil dressed, got tipsy early in the day Singular as it may seem, elephants suggestion to run the track around the puffs, which are baked in the oven, are pearance was peculiar and striking. who havo associated with men also s not entirely covered so as to smother tree iiiHtead of over its roots. However, nd the rout of the party, consisting of mado of yuca starch mixed with cheese. Short, stout, dark featured, bearded and it, the better. Toward the last of Octo- er husband, apparently much younger entertain tho notion that they are no us the treo was doomed whether they The ynca plant iB well named by tho long-haired, he strode about New York responsible if they use some one olse to ber a trench some eighteen inches deep pouted in their tents or not, their grief han herself, and two or throe sporting botanist "utilissima." It not only con- with great pomposity, carrying a heavy and twolvo inches wido is prepared in mon, ono of whom had driven them do a wrong act. An anecdote will illus- sulmided mifiiciently in an hour to allow tains the poison with which tho Indians cane with a linely carved ivory skull on trate thiB elephantine morality. some dry place, where drainage is EO them to lie taken to a point whore tho own as coachman, except for the time kill their prisoners, the bread and the tho top of it. He said that ho was a pej feet that no water can stand in it, 'hen tho racing was actually going on, A gentleman in Rangoon bough and tho celery is dug and packed in up- overthrow of the monarch could bo articles of common's Bpoken of, but tho martyr to European tyranny and that three young elephants to send .to Eng Bufi'lv witnessed. We climbed up a trail to and drank with moBt amazing con- laundry starch, tho vegetable which ho had been hunted by the minions of rijilit aa it grew, considerable sol bring itancy and etcess. land. They were tame and playful, bu left upon the roots that they may con- In a hill on ono of tho tree, but takes the place of our potatoes, and fod- every tyrant whose territories he entered cunning. Knowing that it was wrong to found the intervening branches too We could not well see tho stand from der for the cnttle. The deadly juice of becauBo of the uncompromising republi- tinuo to grow and keep . This IOW steal paddy (unhusked rice),—the idea now covered with boards, nnd over closely woven to allow of moro than a here we were, but in tho intervals of the root when boiled and fermented is canism of his opinions. Austria and had doubtless been impressed upon doubtful view. Ignoring tho trail, we •he races we walked toward it, and clucha, the favorite beer of tho country. France had been particularly inhospi- them a layer of refuse straw or leaves to them'by punishment for stealing,—thoj keep out tho frosf. In this way it may descended, and in view of your handi- bund it a most gorgeous spectacle. Huge dishea of fruit are placed on tUo table to him. He put up at a hotel in would not touch it themselves. But '' cap of ttlnvts, ladies, you did make a Hundreds ol women magnificently (too breakfast table, including oranges, bana- the Bowery on his arrival, but was be left out over winter, if frost, water, a boy went to see them, ho would b< and mice are kept out. There are mufy moHt masterly descent! How a lady magnitioontly, according to our Ameri- nas, guavas, mangoeB, and usually ejected after a while for failure to pay seized by ono, tho littlo trunk coilei who, in thti city, roquivns to bo helped tasto,) nnd effectively dressed, at caruba, the mnch-talkedof passion- his board. Ho waited upon Mayor different varieties in cultivation, let around his arm, and he be led to when they do not differ so greatly from each in and out of a carriage, can in tho ,heir very handsomest under the bright flower fruit of South America. The Hall, demanded a position as physician the paddy was kept in bags. (Country scramble through matted un- iky and tho Boft moist air, and distin- latter is abont a finger and a half in in one of the public hospitala, and other as the varieties of most vegetables. dorbruVh, (swing down by hanging guished.-looking men were grouped diameter. It is similar to tho mavpops stamped and raged at a great rate when The elephant would make a cat's pnw Wo think tho excellence of celery de- houghs, Kill over fallen trees, slide mound, flirting, laughing, jesting, and of the south in flavor. The slightly he found thero was no place for him. of the boy's hand to tako up a handfu' pends more upon the care which it re- gracefully down a bark chute, tuuble, .pparently perfectly indifferent to tho acid winey juiee is sometimes pressed "It is the duty," he said, "of a Repub- of paddy. Then letting go, he wouti oeives in growing than upon the jump, full, and finally land at tho bot- rowd of faces which, admiring or inim- out and beaten up with cream and lic like this to provide places for" the turn np the end of his trunk, open it variety, yet there aro some kinds better tom of tho hill cool and collected, ical, wore pressed against the fonce sugar for dessert, Dulces are handed victims of the monarchs of Europe. It and coaxingly invite the boy to drop in than others. though flushed, is a problem she proba- dividing theao splendid visions from around with breakfast, as they are on should be the refuge of the revolutionists the paddy. bly willnevercxplain, if she can. When jommoi) humanity. every occasion when they possibly can of the world," His disgust grew upon Should the boy, however, put it back in the bag, his ai-m'would be again seized we took our station, only a littlo way Beforo tho races, began the shows of be. There are many kinds of theso de- him. About this time he applied to It is safest to wean lambs gradually. from the woodmen, wo found th'at they licious sweetmeatB that aro never known Horace Greeley for aid. 11 was wonder- by the trunk, and his hand again inserted Some fine ewes are lost or injured by all sorts which convert an English raco into the paddy-bag. had finished the work their axes had to courso into what seemB tons a combina- to our markets or housekeepers. They ful how they all found their way to him taking off tho lambs suddenly, and then do, by flitting nearly hnlf-way through tion of a fair and a circus. As soon as are the pride of the South American and bow few were turned away empty Tho boy, anxious to bo released, neglecting to draw tho milk When Mm treo on thu side towards which it wo were placed, a very small boy, with ladies, who certainly excel in their pre- handed. Tachmintis was not. On be- would usually drop the paddy into the lambs are marketed the owes ahould be was to fall, and wero thondriving along a poorly-blackened face and white hands paration. At the termination of break- ing ejected from his lodgings the trunk, and the elephant would blow tl watched carefully nnd every night when donbln-handlod saw into tho treo on tlio and with a doll's hat upon his kinky fast coffee or chocolate is passed around Greek doctor took an original rice into his mouth. After repeating brought in examined to see if they re- opposito side. Although the lower por- woolly wig, stationed himself before us with fragrant cigars, and ladies and gen- courso for " making a public the oporation several times, the elephan ijuire milking. If so, Lho milk should tion of tho treo still -stood firm and and with uncommon gravity sang a tlemen smoko together. protest against this unheard of out- would scamper off, feeling that he ha' be drawn with the finger and thumb motionless, the graceful, lofty top comic song, tho droller because of his rage upon a gentleman and a revo- got tho paddy without stealing it. and the udder drained nearly dry. II already slowly swaying, as though cou- solemn indifference to tho words ; this The dinner, which occurs at 5 r. M., lutionist." Ho gathered his effects to- Thero are not a few men who havi this is not done tho milk retained in the Heinus'of and silently protesting against hild reappeared five or six times in the is a meal exactly similar to breakfast. gether, put them on a handcart, which that elephant's notion of morals, an udder will cause garget, and the udder its fast, approaching prostration. It was ourse of tho day, and was the preludo Thero are few desserts made, dulees was propelled by a small boy, and congratulate themselves whenever thej will almost surely tumefy and break and u hi-nutiiul picture before us, stretched to an endleBS sot of shows, more or less taking their place. Custards are used marched in front of the old Tribune havo made another person do a ".smart' discharge, whpn it will become flyblown. in a frame of circling forest. Tho fen: amusing, but to us interesting. There for parties, the price of ice being BO office. There ho called a halt, and tak- thing for them.— Youth's Companion. This is a serious matter if neglected. brakes nourishing in almost tropical were innumerable negro minstrels, in high that ice cream is not Been, except ing a bundle of sworde, canea and um- Lambs that are retained should be put luxuriance ; trees fallen ages ago, som< bands, in twos, single, with banjoes, after a hailstorm, when the ice is col- brellas under his arm ho ordered the Cattle on tlio Plains, in a distant field by themselves, where liliu-lipiuul Iiy lire, the decay of other: with tambourines, with triangles, swal- lected, and for a while ice creaia is boy to take one of his valises on his How the cattle business is conducte they cannot hear tho sheep bleat dur- hidden ; tin: vivid green of tho babj lowed up in shirt-collars, or disguised vended extensively. shoulder. "Jlistaro Greeley!" ho on the plains, very few outside of those ing'the dav time. At night they may in picturesque plantation homespun; Cook stoves are rarities. They can shouted, and strode into the counting engaged ia the business there havo an bo tnrned" in with the ewoa. After a ono real npgro threw sticks, whioh be purchased, but the ordinary cooking room, behind tho counter and the well- definite idea. The Sidney (Neb.) I'lair, week they may be loft with the ewes for A half score of our party, scattered abou seemednover to come down, high in the, is done in huge fireplaces in the primi- known narrow staircase leading to tho dealer's description of the methods fol an hour only in tho evening for another in their picturesque camp eoatuniCH, uir, and gabbled a barbarous gibberish tive way. The water that is used in the gray coated philosopher's room. The lowed will not be devoid of interest week, when the owes will be nearly dry, mi'l all Hocked with tho light quivering which he assured his credulous audience cities is taken from the river, where the small boy followed with the valise. Un- First, each owner selects Bome bran and after this tho lambs may be kept en- down through the interstices of th was tho truo African language ; gypsy natives bathe, and donkeys drink and fortunately one of the clerks stopped for his herd, and every head of stock i: tirely separate for a week longer. They leafy dome far above us ; tho light wliici women offered to toll our fortunes; tho refuse of the city is thrown. It is him, ant), judging him to be a lunatic, branded and turned on their rospectivi should b© kept in a good pasture after "stole ita colors from two glow of Maw, some men played at quarter-staff and brought around by boys and sold at fif- ejected him. He delivered an address ranges. The stock thus turned looso gi weuning. During this time the ewes tho sky's dec]) azure and tho ocean': single-stick, and others boxod ; a blind teen cents a barrel. It is filtered, and in French outside on the tyranny of where they choose, sometimes remain should be examined carefully night and eraeruld." But suddenly all eyes wen man was led by a wife, who warbled bal- is tho only water for cooking or drink- "Photelier dans le Bowery," and was on ing on their range, but generally drift morning. If there is no reason to the directed toward tho doomed treo. Its lads with a thin voice; a sailor and his ing. Tho cooking utensils are usually the point of being arrested when agood ing here, there and everywhere over th contrary, the lambs may be kept with protest was no longer Hilout ; a rattlini wifo sang nautical songs, and ho kept earthen pots ; iron kettles aro rarely natured journalist, tho office of whoso vast prairies of Western Nebraska, Wy the sheep until they wean themselves. report, us if n rifle volley had been fired seen. paper was hard by and whoisnowin the oming and Colorado, finding their own time with a stump of an arm and a game State Department at Washington, in- gave warning that tlio woodman's worl leg; a little dog slowed oil his tricks, Moat of the floors in tho best houses food, care, water and aholter. EucT Ilouncliold lilnla. was nearly done. It Bounded like a deB and peddlers of parasols, laces and vited the bewildered Greek to come in spring, beginning early in May, th porato ungutHh cry, which changed agai' aro tessalated or marbio. Carpets are with his things. "I came here," said cattle owners meet and appoint a cer- In boiling eggs put them in boiling triflos of all sorts offered their goods in- rarely used. An oblong rug of matting the Doctor, in disgust, ' 'to and the re- water. It will prevent the yolk from to a helpless groan. Wo huld ou dustriously. Beside all these shows, is usually plaeod in the center of tho tain time for the beginning of the roun<~ coloring blaok. breaths. The towering head no longe endleMH games of chain e and skill wore public of Plato ; I havo found a repub- up, and on that day representatives from uwujnd in KIOW, S: lemn protest, bu parlor, and the chairs are arranged lic of money changers." Eventually he the cattle owners or the owners them Grained wood should be washed with going on, and just behind our carriage stiffly on either side of it. Most of the tired out his new found friends with his moved convulsively. Then another cry a woman had set up an alley with pegs houses are without glass windows, be- selves assemble at an appointed place cold tea. The woodman jumped frou the scaffold, diatribes on American society and his a wagon is provided for eaoh moss, ns Moths will eat the all-wool reps, but crowned with cocoanuts, tho rewards of ing simply barred. The dry dust of continued need of small loans. He Thin stool had entered the giant's heart fortunate rollers who hit tho pegs, hav- the street pours into them and fllls they style it, in'whioh tho men, rangin not the mixed silk and cotton uphol- for a stream of its life blood spurtei ing pajd a penny for the chance. aomplained that people were fonder of from six to fifteen, put their baggagi stering. .., ont through tho cruel cut. The tra every nook and cranny. giving him advice than helping him, and blankets. The cook's mess-box l fora moment stood motionless to it The Indian servants invariably wear but he managed to extract some money on the back end of the wagon. Almos Set a cup ol water in the oven while lightest, farthest branch, thon slowl What Younir Men Havo Done. long trains to their dresses, which from the Greek merchants of New York. military precision and discipline aro ob baking and it will prevent meat or bread bowed his head, tho whole trunk nhud' Before he was thirty the great Napo- brush the dust on them and you. They in turn got tired of him. served. From five to ten ponies are ' from burning. doring, then with an awful crunching, leon Had conducted one of the most Whatever reformation you may effect, use by each man. This number seems Single cream is cream that has stood crashing noiso that filled the wood brilliant campaigns the world ever saw. you can never teach these servants to to an uninitiated person more than nei on the milk twelve hours. It is best for wear short drosses. Their arms and When last heard of hi that city he was with dismal echoes—wails of tho dj Oasaubon, the famous scholar of the sharing an attic in the Fourth ward with a essary for the prosecution of the work, tea and coffee. monarch's mourning comrades — i sixteenth, century, was appointed pro- Bhoulders BTB bare, but they object to bat when it is remembered that most o Cream that is to be whipped should showing their feot. poor Irish family. The head of the fam- plunged forward. Tho very echoes wen fessor of Greok at twenty-two, and Hein- ily Taohmintis declared to be a philos- the time these horses are on the kee: not be butter cream, lest in whipping it drowned then. There was a terrifii sius, of Leyden, at eighteen. At the The last meal of the day is served in opher, and a gentleman who listened to jump after some stray cow, calf or mil change to butter. crash of wrested limbs as a ragged ren: age of twenty-eight, Linnreus, the bota- the parlor orsala. Tea is passed around tho doctor's disquisitions on the repub- which, from the freedom they have en- Ceilings that have been smoked by a was torn through the woven branchei nist, -wrote his great work. by the moza, with duloes, fancy biscuit joyed for a year in roaming the plain and cheese. This usually appears at lic of Plato with profound interest. How kerosene lamp should be washed off of tho trees, a whirling, shrieking rus' At twenty-six, Cnvjor was appointed much benefit the honest Irish laborer or hills, ore as wild as an untamed buf with BO da water. of air, a thundering, deafening boom professor at Paris. Kent, the commen- about 8 or 9 o'clock, the hour at whioh falo, then it is .plain enough to the most derived from his lodger's lucubrations In Potosi the most violent headaches, and a shock that shook the ground lik tator on the American law, was lecturer most of the visiting is done. The may be imagined, as they were oonveyed unsophisticated that horses aro soon ru: an earthquake, and lifoleBB, bleedinj in Columbia college at thirty-one. Pro- hostess always lounges in a ohair, her down. ' These riding ponies are kept i: so very common there, are cured by in French, delivered at race-horse speed. putting the feet in hot water. and scarred the giant lay low. It was fessor Dana, of Yale college, publi shed hair carefully dressed, however neglect- He turned up in Washington in 1876, a bunch by each mess and are in charg some, time before any of us moved o his book on mineralogy at twenty-five, ed the rest of her toilet may be, and and has been a character and a mystery day and night, of men hiredf or the pur A eolation of common salt given im- scarcely breathed, and when wo did om only four years after graduation. visitors come to talk over the latest there ever since, haunting public placea pose of herding them. Grain is neve: mediately is said to be a successful might have thought us pagan 'worBhiperi Edward Everett, at twenty, wan or- gossip of tho town, a recipe for a new and picking up a living, it is said, by fed to them, the "nutritious grasses remedy for strychnia poisoning. drawing nigh tho smoldering ruins dained pastor of a church in Boston, and dulce, or the plot of the last French his profession. At present he urges tho hills and plains affording abundun A few dried or preserved cherries, a devastated temple. We found the en< within two years attained distinguished novel. Thereading of Colombian ladies vigorous measures againBt thePope, but sustenance. The men ride the groun with stones out, are the very beBt thing of tho trunk thirty feet from the stump fame as an orator; at twenty-one, he was is limited to Engene Sue and Dumas. all over, searching every bluff and ravim possible to garnish sweet dishes. This was explained by tho woodman, wn> appointed professor of Greek at Har- Such is life in Colombia. A glamour is looked upon as harmless. in order to find all the stoclt, and pointed out that tho bark underneat' of beauty is thro-wi over everything. A "Colonel" Pinohover, another ol the fast as an animal is found it is driven t Double . cream stands on its milk vard. "cranks," is greatly different from the twenty-four hours, and-oream for butter the tree had imbedded its rough BUifaci The late Benjamin Fierce, one of the golden mist rests - over the miaemi- a herd from whioh eaoh owner outs out in the ground and broken off for somi haunted swamps. One gradually be- Greek in several particulars. In the those of his brand and takes them to frequently stands forty-eight hours. profoondest mathematicians of America, first place, he has maintained himself distance. was chosen professor of mathematics at comes accustomed to the slovenly, flow- his own herd, and so on. Salt) extracts the juices of meat in er-garlanded servant girls and unswopt year in and year out, without a cent of oooking. Steaks ought therefore not to Cambridge at the age of twenty-four. expense to anybody but himself, and 2^ he inside of the bark, when freshly Three of the woll-knowh poets of this floors—to the sentiment and slothful- Every day the cattle are "gathered to- be salted until they have been broiled. cut, is aa slippery as a sohoolboy'sfavor- nesB everywhere prevalent. The cli- secondly, his guileless heart entertained gether, all nnbrandedcalves aro branded, century—Byron, Shelley and Keats- enmity for one being only, and that was To stone raisins easily pour boiling ite ice-slide; and the tree, with its tor died before tho ago of forty; Byron at mate is so enervating that one*can hard- and this thing is kept up till the entire water over them and drain it off. This rifle forward motion, had slid along o ly resist taking one'B ease continually the late "Tom" Scott, whom he iden- route previously agreed upon as the thirty-six, Shelley as he was completing tified with the Pennsylvania Railroad loosens them,.and they come ont plain its own bark. As we stood by the stuuv. his thirtieth yoar, Keats at twenty-fire. hi a rocking-chair, with a palmetto fan field of operations has been thoroughly and witli oase. shower«. of light green branches con- and a delioate dish of dulce, as the power behind the throne that de- scoured and eaoh man takes his cattle "ThanatopBis," the nvost widely known feated his bill for an appropriation. All to his range. The only sure and effloient way to tinued to fall from the trees on eithe: of all the poems of William Gallon warm' cold feet is to dip them in cold side of the fallen trunk, until its naked the rest of mankind were aa innocent as Tbe xo\md-np naturally is an expen- Bryant, was written in his nineteenth At a oolleotion for a miSBiou ohuroh himself. Scrupulously neat in'his per- water and then rub them dry briskly noss was covered with "the soft gfee: year.—Golden Days: sive business, extending as it does over shroud, tenderly laid on by pitying taken at St. Judo's ohuroh, Southsoa son, Ilia clothes were almost threadbare. a territory of 800 to 400 miles Bquwe. with a ooarae towel. England, a oheok for #10,000 put upon He lodged in some obscure house.not To beat the white of eggs quickly put hands. We climbed up on the back o "May we hope for the pleasure of the plate, added not only to the respect But its effloienoy in proving property, the prostrate sequoia and slowly pooei your company at' oar soiree to-morrow, far from the Pofstofflce and paid.his and keeping cattle on the ranges where in a pinch of Bait. The cooler the eggs tability ol tho mm raised but also to "shot" everywhere ont of a conjootored the quicker they will froth. Salt oools its entire length; Our progress was no. doctor? We shall have a little instru- the astonishment of the deaoons. they belong, makes it necessary as long impeded by limbs, of which this mighty mental and vocal music. Sly daughter meager incomo of some kind. He never as cattle aro permitted' to run at large, and also freshens them. • redwood was free three-fourth* of its was known to ask the loan of a niokel. Furniture needs oleaning as much as Alice will sing, and afterwards Jane Every morning regularly he shouldered length, and those that hod grown near 1 - The luoifer match was invented in other woodwork: It may be washed will recite her new poem. At nine The London papers aro advising their a long tin cylinder fall of maps, and, its top had been whipped off and splin- o'olook we shall sup." Doctor: "Many English moid-servants to emigrate to 1827, by an English ohemist, and Fara- with warm soap auds, quickly wiped tered into fragments byits terrific meet emerging from his humble lodgings, thanks; you are very kind. 1 shall be the obloniei, where they get better pay .passed ont into the broad thoroughfare day first brought the discovery into dry and then rubbed with an oily ing withthe earth, when we reached with you at nine sharp." • and finally a former husband.. praotioe. • '_ cloth. -.':-• • •

I •• . ••• - •..•'•• SCJJBSCJK. JAPAM. TUE HOME 1WCTOB. A wiijiispocn htm done gnat damage to ttnitewrt A«««k on BiMfhai. FACTS FOB THE cxmovn. riilioad property in Colorado, vw'uing away The foUowiiw wcoant of the attack oi NEWS EPITOME. Oniteku, President Gufield'i murderoos u- Binocular vision is valuable in examin- The number of vertebrated animali'is BUte Recently 1B Hither Durmo.—If a man or woman grows too many bridgea. uilut, on his frijon nurd at Watbington, ing bunk notes. Fnt n genuine note in etdmated at 20,000. ' ' ClvtllKaclvo. stout, the best known method of reducing In Terrell county, Ga., a colored man named wui giTBn bj W. O. McOill, Jr., th« MB 0? tU The secretary of the American lega- flesh into regulate and avoid fat- Hudson went to the farmhouse of David Lee unnlted Jailor: At about 1:80 o'docti-it, one department of a stereoscope and a' A oodfish produces 3,686,760 eggs, Kaat and Mlddl*. Quiteao, tt« aaaateiin of the President, at-. on at Tokio, Japan, Mr. D. W. Stevens, producing food. Those who are tired uftur the family liod retired and told toe fonnei 1 counterfeit in the other and every dif- mackerel 454,860. THE steamer Daniel Stcjnnmnn, from New tempted to aseuwmate the officer who tun itely arrived home after an absence of of carrying about too much of them- that his woods woreon lire and his fonooa burn- charge of kirn, W. O. McGUl. Word retolud ference Till be dearly distinguished. York, with ISO passcngcra, linn boon towod into In 1526 roses were placed over oon- •er eight years. He makes the follow- selves are advised by a physician who ing. Hudson went out with Lee, who noon re- the Jail about that lime that tha Preddent m A candle bums from five to eleven esuionals as symbols of secrecy. ig interesting statement totheWash- has given much attention to the effeot St. Johns, N. F., with a broken alia ft. turned witli an ax, with which he killed Mrs. dying. 15y some xneanB nnknown tbis In&ntna- per cent, faster in the dark than in com- tion w»» conveyed to Ouitean. A few mo- Iron can be made so thin that it takes igton Pott : ofvanous articles of diet in producing GouuntL OOIUUN, matter of oeremonies st Loe and & colored girl and stunnod another mon sunshine, and will born more ments later t eentir, who his been placed on 4,800 sheets to make an inch in thick- embonpoint that they-may eat lean mut- thoTorktowa centennial, has issued a circular colored girl. He then stole $500 and fled, but rapidly in the red than in the violet ex- japan is one of the most beautiful duty at the end of the corridor upon which ton and beef, veal and lamb, soups not regarding ths arrangements for the oclebittiou Guitca.u'8 window looks, noticed him acting in tremity of the eolar spectrum. ness. ountries on earth, and a delightful waB captured and lodged in jail. Mr. Loc w&s The paper for the Bank of England place to live in. Sinoe 1870 the pro-thickened, beef tea, and broth; poultry, whioh iato takeplaoe October 18, )9, 20 and found dead in tho woodB with Ills head aplit a peouliar manner, fie iminediately reported One-eighth of a grain of indigo dis- 21. Present adrioes promise a military ropro- to McQill, «id th»t offlocr upon going toth e >tes has been made in the same mill, gress of Japan has been rapid, and year gams', fieh and eggs; bread in modera- open. . coll found Guit«»n upon the bed hi» partly «•- solved in sulphuric acid is capable of Mciitutiou frnm nearly ovory Slnto in tlio rninii. Lanerstoke, Hampshire, since 1719. after year its intercourse with foreigners tion ; greens, cressen, lettuce; green J'u*: iTjpa iu Uhio will bo coiioidi-ruU^ enmbent position, rerting on hia left elbow. giving to 800 ounces of water a suffi- Above ton (IIOHB.IIKI troops h&vo alroady si;;m- , HiunocOng thsi Oniteaa had attempted to Coffee was first sold in London in has become piore intimate and friendly. peas, cabbage, cauliflower, onions ;fresh .-innlliT tliis year thau laat, the cstimatou being: ciently deep blue color to be distinctly fruit without sugar, 'iliey may not eat liud their intention of being present, nnil it id commit suiolde ho entered the call, and by the .652 by a Greek whose handbill read : The Japanese manifest a great desire to Wheat, aoventy-twopor cent.,or 38,000 ,UO0 bush- dim light of the gas in the opponite opniaoi he visible in one drop of the water. As in fat meat, h.icon or ham, butter, cream, lielievod the militia alone to tako part in the •The virtue of the coffee drink first jecome skilled in the arts and sciences els, ii ;uiuat M,5»0,Wia buohria iu 1881; com, saw a knife clinohed In the aasasain'a hand. this amount there are 125,000 dropn, in sugar, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, rioe, c. lebration nill exceedtliirty thousand. Many : Drawing hia revolver he leveled it at Goiteao, lubliquely made and sold in England the more civilized nations. They are •uvruty per rent., <,r 71,1)00,IW0 bushola, agaimt one drop of the blue solution there if rery apt scholars. All itt once they uago, tapioca, macaroni, custard, pastry State* mil send full reginiontu, together with and demanded the knife. The revolver waa no* ly PasquaBosee, in St. Michael's Alley, 105,«).u>en btuluils; oata, 107 pta- cout., or cocked, and was drawn merely to intimidate. one-millionth of a grain of indigo. indertook these great problems—to ex- and puddings, sweet oakos. Th«y uiuy lin govci uora of most of the Stiitof*, aocom- Jomhill, at the sign of his own head." ,-ls, ngaiust '21,0OU,UO0 Uushi-U. When the knife waa flirt demanded the pri«- It is a common mistake to suppose The Persian King Oambyses caused tinguish the feudal system, which in- drink tea, coffee, cocoa from nibs, with 1 by their titan's. For tlio rocepttou nnd ouor replied: "By God, I haven't no knife," thut coral when first'taken from its luded the whole nation, to reorganize milk, nut no sugar. It will be seen by ropur comfort a! the latter a baihliui; is to bo and upon the reiteration- of his command the me of his judges, who had allowed his guard appioaehea nearor and to the rightpf watery bed is soft and hardens through ,eir military system, to build railroads, inspecting the above list, that the arti- rectuil. Adjutants genoral of SUtm anil com- decision in a certain case to ho influ- cles allowed abound in nitrogen, that From Waghincton* the priaouei. There WBB a spaoe of sbout two exposure. The live coral may feel some- telegraphs, lighthouses; in fact; it is a ln(5 ofiiucra of troope intending ti) partio- foot botwoen them. Gnitaau then sprang » enced by a bribe, to be flayed alive and those disallowed abound in carbon, .-ihi^iKTAiiY HUNT IIOH I^HiHrd nn order direct- what slimy in the fingers, bat if the ani- difficult thing to imagine one great im- >ate are rcifiuoateil to caU for any infonnitUoti bis skin used as a covering for the seat which is always fuel to tho Same, no mal matter be washed away it is found provement that they did not attempt. rniug tue celebration_tiiit may in any ing Admii-al Portor lo take command of tho if his son, who was to succeed him in matter in what form it appears. Those to be hard. The chief constituent of In most of these Undertakings they suc- unnor aid in rendering tho occasion worthy naval vctrcola which, will Asaomblo Rt Yoiituun. the whole is carbonate of lime. office. ceeded admirably. Take their educa- who wish to increase their weight may Admiral Portor will havo general' management do, so by devotion to the list of articles ie great event it ifldoaignod (ooomraemorato. waa unaucconsful, ho made tt.rspid rotrogade One of the peculiar difficulties in the France, viewed from a sanitary jjoint, tional problem. I have traveled on foot of tho naval part of tho ex'lebratinn. 'jeiic-ral denied their stouter brethern. In sum- Ami at'Foiburg, Pa., destroyed t,*el*e movement and managed to seonie vn guard's management of machine guna has lately one of the most favored countries in iver most of the laud, and I did not Hancock hoa accepted tbo invitatiofi of tlio mer weather, however, the diet, of every inlldingo, entailing a total l:,m of about ti-,- been overcome by on ingenious resort. he world, yet nearly 1,000,000 persons id a single village without its school- Kccr^tary of war to command tho troopaat the Thereupon a Btragglo took plsoe that, while one should contain less carbon and moro 00. It lastod, was faet and fnrious for about five As La well known, the heating of the lie there every year. Prom this it is leuse, supplied with all the modern ap- Vorktown contcnnial. nitrogen than diet in winter. PB, E. L. PATTOIOIIX, a prominent jilivflirlnu mlnutoH. The rost of tho offioers, bemg on the barrels in such guns has limited the itatistically proved tbatthe daily number iances for training the mind. Educa- if deaths in the world averages nearly ion is compulsory, and even the lowest GLYCERINE.--Thonatneisderivedfroma Hanoook, N. Y., committed uuiuidu tlio, otliei IJUBJHO Aiigimt thero will bo 2,900,(111:1 rounila, «oro not awaro of the etrugsclethat wui nnmber of charges that could be rapidly Htaudard silver dollars coined at tho vnriou.i going on inside. Finally both foil npon the 98,790, while the number of births is ian read and write. They have, by the Greek word signifying "sweot," and has iy by running a ntllutto tlu-ough hi* ihrout. bod, audwbilo Btill struggling tho pistol was fired previously to their becoming too mints. over 104,000 in every twenty-four hours. .y, magnificent normal schools forreference to the taste, As oil consists of lo wae twontr-eigut yearn of ago un-1 lmd u dropped upon tho xnattroaa. Ataoon aatbla v»»s hot for use, BO that, after a period of c u acids and glyoorine, the latter is ob- THE tbllowhiK i' P ro|Kirta havo boon Ismied dono Gultcau, wiioso evident intention it was rapid firing, the gun would become dan- The timid, who think the earth is going iris- They have an army of 85,000 ;ood pr&otioe. tained by separating the oil—tho some (ruin tho depart nuuit of agrlculturo -. to secure tho \ilatol, loosened his grasp and gerous if not allowed to cool. The im- to fill up with people in a very few years fell-equipped, and pronounced by mili- made savago graap for tho weapon, but the ia true of fat—into its component parts. TUE governors ot Mamiaolmaotta, Malno, provement consists of a device for keep- and crowd them off, can take courage, tary critics to be, No. 1 soldiers. They MriUNO WIIIUT Tho returns of August 1 guard was too quick for him and socurcd it. Tho uses of glyoorino aro becoming -rnioiit ami Ilhode Inland, togotlior with tho Klvo a condition

  • f AnieriealilHtri, wllieh n -rtrt nt .Minlnd i,n S, JI- lining;:! inrwardis that hn did it fur rovenge orne toast, and I kept on reading. I educational affairs. By tho way, theblood, nnd tho loud crieo which nn- oooiuinR ft oitiBou of this country. 1 us my fiilhcr was ougagnil In making fun i» of the Maiaon de Retraite, in P.beime, fapanese prefer America when thoy go lonlbor 2. ). A large uiulier i,f silbji-eU le- him aliout a wook ORO. WO ukould juili;o, how- was receiving tincture of ergot of ryo for iat there an hour. Then I rang tlie uoiiuco a catastrophe Sometimes nlio ;ong. The waiter entered, and says I: .broad for an education, There aro OiiNcitAi. NOYK.4, ox-niiiiiHtor from tlicUnltoil lilting lo the |,K liUlu - i>ni iu Auic-ricn will lie ever, that tliis aHBault was tho malicious disease in the inee. Fearing an nn- cannot collect her thoughts Huflioiently Hlatou to Franco, arrivi-il iu Now Yorli a fow iiintlni-t of tbo bruto. It W»H not an attompt to Where the deuce is my meat?" ally 300 American missionaries in to recall any o! tho good remedies will i-si-api', for that would ha.vo boon lmponsiblo, favorable turn, the doctor thought to A.s oriliT irtrti'i'U l,i Im ihhui'il fr.iin tlio pi-l- Says he: "Thej've been on the apun. They do good work, and they which H1IC is acquainted. One way to ayd ago. Ho HHVH that 31. do Li'HMi-prt' 1'ana- nslliuriMloftbe gUMila voio in tbo rotando. strengthen the action of that medica- ,li'i 'i-pai-tiiu nt nlloiving posMiitmti-rH, wlii'ii ;able an hour." ve pleasantly and with comparative avoid tliis is to write out a list of help in in canal Rcbonin i« iu>t much liuarduf now, ami nud an armoil BOUtry wan posted at tho licail ot ment with phosphate of soda, and ao- iiat tho canal can never ho a Hiii-'.-oriH, i-n-opting iviim-hlutl, to dotaiu and doutrny olTi'iiHivo tho oorrldor and witllin easy calling distanco of Says I: "I didn't order plain toast; '.use. In Yokohama some of the large trouble, nnd tuck it upon tho door of Ilio guard hail ho ohoae to call. Couildont that oordiu«ly combined a little of the two business houses are American. All the tinilor an ftRrodmcnt lmtwoon tho United Mtatui loHtiil cnnltt. substaucHs in a quarter of a glass of want a snipe on it." your room, aftor tlio manner of lullrl lie could overcome tuo asaaaaiu, ho did not call, argest tea houses aro American. Tbo mid the Ciuuinhiau rtlatos. ' lint foiiabt it oat aloHo, Had it not boni fui- • -vrc-tcuml water. The patient, about Says be: "There is snipe on it." regulations. Thoro is nothinR hotter »a houses, by the way, havo of late AT the annual inwlhn; of Iho Aim-ri< nn Hni Mm acoiili'Utal discbargo of Iho pistol tho coiui- tniw-ciuarters of nn hour after taking Then I drew close up to the table fora entthan powrlorcd rosin. Getnfc.w Foreign News. Iry might havo bi-on freed from trying thus fears sustained very heavy losses. n-wui-iiillmi Iu Harnt'iga, N. V,, Hon. Clarlwiii tlii«, Hiirprisod the inmates by burstiup and I saw a black Bpeck on the toast cents' worth of rosin, pound it until it ii Aiivici:,i from Alnwlia ropnit llmt H «-1« -I -• > doublo-ilyod ncnmp. America oontrols the kerosene trade, and Pultiir wan olwloil proHiilnnl. r ititn loud laughter, without obviom and says: "You'll swear that's a fine, and put it iu an empty, clean pep- p.irly from tlio Hlati-H ri-vi-mii- .:>t• .- ;his trade represents from 10,000,000 to per or Rpico box with perforated top A MmmiAiii: for CSfl.OOO.nfffl on iho X--w Alter tho affray (luiteau spoke of it as a pru- wnsou. and this continued for mon -nipe?" Cu'wiu ri-tu-Jii'il Ui- WaMu-riMU rivi-r n:l '-t arranRotl plan to kill him, torgottiug thu laot 15,000,000 gallons annually. The United then you can easily.sift it out on tlio cnt urli. West Mhnro ami Duffulo railroad »:w tlwii nn hour, with brief intervals. Tin 8ays he: "Tec" States in rapidly regaining its cotton in with a piirtyf nutivi-«,whii uxltibitml nrti- ]'•? that bo made tbo tirnt hostile asaault. Ho ap- liiiulilrr seemed to be associated wit I Buys I: "Yon would make a good put a soft cloth around the injured mem [iiod thr-other day in Albany, N. Y. poarud porfcotly cool and oolloctoil whim lm irade with China, and in due time we ber anil wet it with cold water once in a tulion from tin- wriM-k uf a wlialcr boliovcl U> was disarmoil, but tho gleam of bis UJ-IIB boded merry ideas, and to indicate a kind of inen bnyer, you would." ire certain to seoure the cotton trado in I'liAnLKH Sroi.ici.uv wan lnuiKO'l at Uiilnvu, havo boon Ibu Vigilant. It is bollcviil tliat l!n- no good to any ono who was concornod ahoulil iutoxicution. For some time after it Says he: "It'sBnipe on toast, any while. It will prevent inflammation X. Y., for tho mui-iler of John \V"|[i,'r, ft NL 11- ho havo tho opportunity of doing harm.- Japan. At present tho English undev- and soronoBS. In doing up a burn, the vc»«ol WOH wruckwl as far back iw lBl'J. die,! down the woman was in great IOW." o-ili, farmer. Wrlkor waa plowing in a li'-l'l During tho tiisslo ho mado no cry, anil bin trade us by selling a very inferior article ENOt.isu crop roports roprem-nt that ol iiii- spirits and good humor. Dr. Luton had Says I: "Howdid it get on itf" main point is to keep tho air from it. I wlion Nullify ih-lihoratrly walkoil up ami lii'-il object Hoomoil to bo ouly to take -tho life of ono that, in external appearance, seems equal acroago umlor whoat 61 per cent, will KIVO an not witnessed the scene, but the con- Says he: "That snipe's all right; sweet oil and cotton aro not at hand tlnw HIIOIH al him, Lin; lout oun with fntnl < fi. -I who hail him in custody, for ho attrlbntoa all ;o the American article. average yioltl, 8 por cent, will bo almvc ill- bis HiilIoringB to those in WIIOBO charge ho «. seqniTce to tho patient being good, he t's a fall-sizi>J one, too." tako a cloth and spread dry flour over -iluukli'V had bnnu eiui'l>yod by WMWns u it, and wrap tlio burned part in it avorago anil -U bolow tho &vtTagi>. Wi-vwi^it«i Ho olitaiuul inforniatWn as to the condition administered the substance again, and a Buys I: "I'm glad you told me I shonld not atlviBo any large number fann hand anil hail HouglU Uj innrry Wi I'.'T'H j of the 1'rosidont wbon tho prisoners omptiod It is always well to havo some sim has rolartled linrvoating. *I'li<> Hint of llu- » Ii m third time, observing the same-effect. that's a full-sized snipe, for do you if Americans to go to Japan for business i*uloiMi-yoar-ohl daughter Lizzie, but wnx n-- I tkoir tubs at 0 o'clock p. >t. About nino ho I pio remedies in tho IIOUHG whero you thrcshod has beliwl il» upp. araiu-o, tlm In ail The experimeu ts were further repeated know, young man, when I eat out there mrposes, as the avenues of trado there fiiHml hutb by tbo girl au'l bur piiri'iitu, aii'l ill" mustionedonoof the offlcei-M us to President ran get them without n moment's loss being thin. Tlie wheat crop iu Frau'-fl vill IJ Oorlli 1,1'M condition, but could "ot elicit any on seven or eight women and girls, with reading I saw a black speck on that ire well taken up. Still a man with nilv motivo for the crime wiw rovonjro. like reMilt. In the case of men, the t( ast, bnt I took it for a fly;an d I'm capital can make money in Japan in of time; a little bottle of peppermint, in LPIOW tho average. iuformiUon. Whou It was found out that ths case of colio ; cholorate of potash fo l'reoi-Joiit wis thought to bo dying no was action of the sub.stauce is less marked; glad to be informed it's Bnipe. Now you the not distant future. The Japanese THE Gorninn aud tho Russian gitvernu:. ur- mioBllonod anil aalieif if ho Wt any contrition it appears only in coloring of the face, can take that snipe away and bring mo aim to control their export trade, and st ro throat, pepsin for indigestion, and aro luvt^iigatiug tbo wholosalo al!.-i--i;?i i'i:id,. for bin act, but responded that "It was all in a bottle of brandy, Have them arranged giddiness and slight headache. The turkey on toast, and I want a full- oven though trade with America may and South. r^i-i'Htly upnn tho Jews in tliueo i-uiiiilrii-. tlie hands of tho Lord." pIlnrtR in question have probably _ sized turkey, too I" largely increase, Americans in Japan BO that you could go to them in tho dark and reach,the right remedy, bnt. be mire lJumno a bull-tight lit Marrteilli-H, l'rni..i common origin, it is thought, with those I ain't hankering after snipe since may not profit by the increase. Travel- !t[NO a fight iu a Hnloon ill .Memini'- m-vornl Uora of scats culUpwd miildiiiily, and from eating rye-bread when, in rainy hat episode. I could have blown that ers, however, should not fail to visit yon never do it, even if you know thoy Japan ; it is, indeed, a lovely country, hare not been disturbed; always light a man nninod MrniHki tlrow a bul'-lu twelve poraouti wore liiibil and 150 ilijunl. years, the cereal contains as much as mipe through a putty blower without knifo and bi-gan Hliinltin^ right anil I)TI, i -• BlONOll MAIIINLM.1, ii dirltingili^lii.-'l uirhilu-i Tho young mnn wliognvo up drinking the epitome of beauty. The climate is lamp or tlie gas, and make sure yoi 1 five per cent, nf ergot. A sort of intox- lurting the snipe or putty blower cli!ttriug tho phu-i . l.nt'T in tho night irrt.a, ol'tho Alplno club, nnil twu gnili-.i vH-r« i-'"- ication is produced, which the consum very healthful. Tokio, for its size (850, - have what yon are after. Remomlioi to propitiato bis girl wisely conolnded eitheT. Snipe on toaBt may be game w,-re heard coining i'mtu a do»[> woll in '•• whdmod by an avalancho whilo atlruiptb-i; Hi' that o miaa is aB good na a smile. era by no means despise. but it's a mean game.—Hawkeye, 000 people), is one of the healthiest that pistols oro always loaded, nnd that cities in the world. poison may bo put in place of pepper- roar of tho nalonn, ami it waa ilim-ovt-rutl tU ascont of Monte Itoca and killed. In Toxas wheMi a man wants to com- mint. four mou bad fallnn ilowu whilo trviiu' : OiiiniETrA, alteniptod lo Bpoak at a political mit suicide ho stiinls a horse^ sayB his Won His Hot. From an Oriental standpoint Japan is :-wapo from Munwkl. Two of tho »m-i' • • Journalistic Tit for Tat, an extremely moral country. Tho con- moeting in 1'arin, but tbo tumult wns RO groat, prayorH and calmly awaita the inoritaljle Yesterday MT. Tyrrell, of Bail's hard Ink, n out dead and tlio other tw>> !,;. ,u somo of tho ton thousand persons present be- result. William A. Eovey, the well-known ware store, got into an argnment with dition of the women is excellent anil [low a .linn lines to Hid. ivitiiniled. all four having boon lorribly Ini1''. Boston journalist, is continuing in the steadily improving. Many of tho women Speaking of Uow u man goes to bi ing oppnHod to tho orator whilo others woro A young laily ia giving whistling en- Hank Monk about the size of some l»y Mem*l Hpoak ho WIIH coniijellod to thing to raise tlio wind during the dnll title "Causerie" whioh were wont to Hank insisted that tho machinery now- that will certainly be refreshing to iu a cool room and havo his bed warm ofllcer of tho Qigual aorvieo ih'partment, and dosiet and retired, doiioiinring liiu enemioH aB season. gruce the colnmns ol the Boston Jour- adays was light anil unreliable. Tyrrel American pride. Throughout JapanHhe beforo a woman has her hairpins out well known in connection with achirni'-s l'"r cowards. There is ono good thing about a boy nal. .Tho following is a specimen of iffered to bet him 85 that he couldn' nanio of Washington is a household and her shoos untied." That is how i Polar exploration, was arreatod at Mt. (IIIMIKMM, LATEn roporh put tho number-*,I' l.ilieil by whon u circua ifl in town. Yon know journalistic humor too good to be lost: carry a single piece of it from the freight word, and ovou the most ignorant seem looks in print, nnd this in how it IOOIIE Mioh., clinrgcd with tlio onibczzli-nn-n'- of tho fall of »rat« during a biill-figbt in 5Iar- when; to look lor him.—Slilhcater Lum- Matthew Halo Smith was Writing let depot to the store. Hank deposited his aware of the fact that Washington waa in reality : "I am going to bed, my dear, f-10,000 of publio funds. Ho aaid ho could ex- m-illoa at Hovt-ntocn nml tbo number of iiijtirod berman. It is 10.30." No reply. "Now, John, plain matters satisfactorily. An officer utarl'nl ters to the Journal over the signature of com and started. he first of Americans, and a great friend al 25U. St. Louis bakora nro on ftstrik e and " Burleigh." Smith wrote a detestable "If he gets it np here it'll make him to Immunity hi general. No other for- you are always late in tho morning. Dc with him for Washington. KoiiTT poreons wero arrested in S'L-^iin) Oor- hand, and Oharles O. Rogers, who was eign nation here wns apparently known go to bod." "Yes, in a minute," he ro 1 aro losing around, doughing nothing sweat," quoth Tyrtell. TitKni . haf] been a volcanio omption iu a many, for parading Wo ulrcc-ta ami uttering | & n» knendlca3 trottble for their then making the Journal jump with his "He'll earn every cent of his bet, to the common people. plies, as he turns the paper wrong sidf mountain in Idaho. Tho mountain sont forth nntl-Jowkqnll. Tnwfalhi crlos/ihlAQ. i O aotivity, enterprise and, liberality, was out aud begins a lengthy article headed a column of liro and smoko sovoral hundred A Fnraon camp in Algiers WIIH sii'prisoil it- employers. said the hands. One Man's Experience In a Cyclone. An oxohango says that Von Moltke very nearly his match in"this particular. In about fifteen minutes Hank hov "Tho Louisiana Muddle." Fifteon min font in lieigbt and a rooh, which foil at a din- conlly by lnnurgent Arabu nud twenty soldlorn i One day n, compositor came down to A surveyor of the Minneapolis and utos later she calls from the bedroom tanco of aovoral miles from tho placo of orup- oan get only threo hours of sleep ont of in sight, and they all saw that he had "John, come to bed and don't keep the wero killod." u Mr. Rogers with some of Burleigh's nothing. . ' St. Paul railroad writes: On Friday, the tiou. Tur. wheaf'crop iu England, according lo tho twenty-four. Perhaps Mra. Von "copy," saying that if he bad gotto set day of the storm, we were surveying a gas burning here all night," and mur Moltlte snores. "Conoluded you'd let out the job tc muring something about "the bill bo AnuraiAN in Illinois Iiod a Bmall boy t-i u that excellent authority, Mr. Jamea Caird, has that sort of stuff they'd have to pay him dray, eh?" they all said, laughing al preliminary branch running a westerly railroad track and loft him lo bo run ovur by a boon Injured by rain and mllilow. On-lng to Sleepless Alan: "What is the heat by tho hour, because he couldn t make oouise from the main line, when we saw ing big enough now," she creeps be- way to kill n cat?1 "Any my, any Hank's woeftt^. appearance tween the cold sheets, while John sits train. An the Irain camo along tho boy man- dimlulshod capital farmers have luken to a his salt setting it by the thousand. "Well, I brought up a piece," he sail a huge black cloud approaching. We agcil to wrigglo to ono sldo, and escaped with lower aealo of farminp;. Mr. Cnlrd CBtimatcs way, so that you make a sure thing of it. Bogors immediately wrote Burleigh I started for camp, and were Within about plaoidly on, his feet across the piano —Boston Post. as he entered the store. stool and a oigar in his month. By anc a broken rib and foot. that England will require 10,000,000 ijiiarlora note, telling him that if he couldn' "Where is it?" three miles of it when the oloud in the (128,000,000 bualiola) of foreign wheat. Iu Bo not tell a man he lies. It is vnl- write so that his letters could be lead center turned green and purple; light- by he rises, yawns, stretches himself, Two men wero Instantly killed and two "Here," said he, with a qniet grin, throws the paper on tho floor and pro others fatally manglod by an explosion of Franco the whoatSFop ia scant. Tbo live Block Rar. Say thntlus conversation iraggestB ho had better either quit writing oi ge 'chipped it off with a hammer." ning flashed and heavy thunder roiled. in Great Britain has decronsod twolvo por conl. to your .mind a summer resort oiroolar. somebody to do his writing for him. About a mile from camp the heavens eeeds to that vigorous exercise, shaking nltro-glycorino in a mining camp near Onuui- He produced a corner of a casting son, CoL within tho last two years. —Philadelphia News. In a day or two there arrived an envel about tho size oi a hazel nut. looked like an immense cloud of dust. the coal ptove. Just at this stagi What is the reason a woman cannot, ops with Eogers' signature out out from We got in just in time to unhitoh the not altogether pleasant voici A. PABTT of six Americans wore attacked by A CABLE dlspaloh says : Mosarn. Cowers, 'I could have got a bigger piece, but a body of Mexicans near , Arizona, or, if sho can, will not, pour hall a onp the letter and pasted upon it and "care the bet was so small it'wasn't an object, horses from the wagon, when the storm inquires: "For pity's sake I ain't you Lowis and Alton ohargo that thoy have indu- of tenorcofleo? We never knew but Boston Journal" written beneath. struck us. Seven of us tried io hold ready for bed yet?" "Yes, yes, I'm and four of thorn woro killod and ono sorlously bitable proof that J. N. D. Shinkol, tho Btroko ye see?" wouraloil, tho Bizth .man making hia oaoapo one who would follow a request of this Upon being opened it read as follows Honk -went away with the money, an the tent, but failed. We were scattered coming, WhWh y d'dont ty ou go t l of tho crow, sold their raco with tho Austrian naturo, and sotnohoiv this climate did " Dear Sir—I have received a lette: his face wore that self-BatMed smile all in a short time in all directions. Henry and let a fellow alone? Theen he di amid a shower of bullets. A Tombstono paper crow at Vionna. Thov h&vo poraonally charged not saom. to agreo -with her, and she whioh, from the printed heading, the afternoon,—Carson (My (JVeu.) Ap Wales Was thrown against a tree, and covers that there is coal needed. Whei BajB of tho affair: "The-Immediate canfio of him with tho'fnot, aud B»y thoy Intend on their went westward moro than n year ago. assume to" be from the Journal office. ] peal. had his left side smashed in. The wind that is supplied and rattled into th tho killing Is aa follows: A party of 'Bustlers,' arrival in Amoriot to publish, tho ovidcueo in But wo have never been ableto obtain • yon will get somebody that can write hurled me through the tent as it fell. stove he sits down to warm his feet aB thoy are oalled, went into Mexico last month their poasossloD. Suspicion was awakened at "just halt a cup" since she emigrated. I tried to hold on to a tree, bnt in vain, and stole soxno cattle. Thoy wero followed by. legible hand to inform me whom it is Words of Wisdom. Next he slowly begins to undress, am tho moment ot hia protouded falut, nnd tho BUB- from and what it is all about I shall and was thrown about four rods against aB he stands scratching himself, anc Mexicans, who got so cloao upon thorn that picion has elnco boen amply confir-ui'id. Denying a fault doubles it. esteem it a favor. Yours .truly, Matthe' more trees,.and this time I stuok, while abBontly gazing on the last garmen thoy woro obliged to abandon tho Block. This Tnn British Columbia town of Yolo has beon He Wnutta lO.Seo .HW. .• ._ Hale Smith." The next time Mr. Yon cannot dream yourself into a char- the air was filled with sticks and iron dangling over the baok of the ohair, h< was at a point in the vioinity of tho Iato mur- almostt ontirolyy sweptt awayy by tho ilomeailomea.. | Tlio other night when BlOKles •went Smith came to Boston he was hand- acter ; yon must hammer and forge your- flying in every direction. One of Fin-remembers that the olook is not wonud dor. Tho MOIIOOHB took tho stock and atartod NNonrll y all tho business houaos, throo holols, I home hefonnd his wife partionlaily re- somely entertained at Young's, an self one. ley's boys was abouc sixty rods north of yet. When this is attended to he wanti back homo, picking up suoh oattlo and horsoa tho Jail, the oourUhoase and rosldoucea hnvo I troopeotive. Sho talked ol the past Ohorlie Rogers paid the bills, To bo comfortable and contented, us with a large herd of cattle. He was a drink of water, and away he promen- aa Ihoy ohanood to moot. Tho Block wag boon dontroyed. •'••.. , i with a tool and^ looked .to. ,"W, j^^ carried into the air and oast to the mimed, and a party of elitoou Amorloans spend less than you can earn, an art ades to the kitchen. Of course whei TUB harvest In England has been hampered with a sigh. • "Oh! by the •way,'-', said " Have you made much this season ?' ground, a lifeless lump of humanity. he returns his skin resembles that of started in pursuit, overtook the tfaxloans, had ; whioh few have learned. by cold winds and heavy rains, aud tho crop Bioklea, aa he sat on the side ot the bed asked an inquisitive merchant of a When found the only article of dress he pioked chicken, and onoe more he sea a flght with thorn and rotook tho stock. This pnlling off his boote; "I saw a genUe- No human soheme can be so accurately *7lll bo bolow tho avorago. neighbor. " Made mnch," said the en- had on was his shirt oollar. His father's himself before the fire for the lavsi occurrod during the latter part of July. It ia man down to\m to^day'who would giTe projected, bat some little circumstancei house was entirely destroyed. A mile AN Arab fanatic who " ran amuok" through, thnaiastio auditor, " I should say I had; may intervene to spoil it. warm-up. ' As the olook strikes 12 he probablothat the recent ratdore woreaomo of ono thousand clollare to see you." "Who I have made a transfer of all my-prop southeast of us lived a -family named turns out the gas and with aflop of the tho name party defeated laat month. Groat tho Btreote of Bust, .o«lllng on tlio Aralw to join w»Bho? DocBheUve iu Little Rookr ertv in assignment and made my in- Matches wherein our party is all pas Oliver. The father, mother and lour bed-clothes and a few Bpasmodio shiv- excitement prevail* in Tombstono and vicini- him iu a holy var, won 'brought bofbio tho boy "I don't know his name." 'TUwawan* Bion, and the other all indifference, will dorse^ settle all my biliB—what more children were killed, and another fatally ers he subsides—no, not yet; he forgol ty. A largo party has boon raised to areugo of Tunis, who had him htngod forthwith. th&twasOUverGtogg." "No." "Then can you* reasonably ask of one man ?— assimilate about as well as ioo and fire injured. The heavy Bills of a bridge to see if the frontdoor was looked, am STANLEY, the explorer, is roportod to bo lying hemust he George-Wflatherton." "Guess As by constant Motion steel in kep near us were pioked up and driven tha. murderers. The Clinton boys, whose Meridsn Recorder. '•• another flop from the , father was among the slain, havo alao tabed a dangerously ill In Africa, an! to havo litllo asain. I might know his name if I -were highly polished, so by constant exercise into the ground from four to six feet. bod-olothei f<h In hit recovery. to hear it." "Ohl I do wish I*tauw,' is talent ever at its 'brightest. All ourDuoks, prairie ohiokens, and all kinds bringgs forthh the remark: body of men, numbering altogether over 200, "How ie it that yon have so mud oioui a I if thathtt man ain'i'tt enougGooh dto gr tray and aa desperate a gang aa could bo imagined- said tho lady, axhibitintf •eMdtemant time to yourself ?" asked Pingrey. "Vfhj powers grow by use. , of birds were found skinned as for a pot "Vas it Osoar Peoples?" ''Gnawagain.' ' Be true to yourself, and enemies can pie. Our outfit is totally destroyed. the patience of Job I" Setting her - - Mr. James O. Fair heada the personal Vas it Osoar Peoples? l(g old Peroentum has given me an interosi teeth bard, sho awaits the final flop,' They will carry the war into Moxloo. Appre- I b hi JV l( HT in the business." "No, is that so? loon' 'not harm yon. They oanr.ot, by all theii The tents level, the transit, flags, grips assoBsment roll just Bled in Son JTran- I remember hia namenottJVr H»rTeT efforts take away your knowledge o and clothing are all gone. The wind with the accompanying blast of oold hemlom tofel t for the Americans In8on,ora,is eisoo^wjith 8*2,600,000. Mr, J. O.Glenldnar" hi* name t vat IAWM "' irratulato you." "OR, yes j he told me air, and tbon quietly inquires if he is It -will mot* than likely bo a war of retaliation, Wi' ho oonld get along without my sorvioei otnrself, the purity of your motives, the tore the harness off the horses'into shreds. Flood,is asteised at $83,600,000, for One of the horses was killed and another settled for tlie night, to whioh he re-1 Serious International complications will arite himself'and 820,600,000 as trustee for is the future, .and I'm interested tc integrity of your character, and generos- plies bj muttering: "If you ain't tho I unless Immediate steps are taken to pat a itop know how^he Is going to do it." ity of your nature. badly crippled.—&. PaulPionimr Prmi. J. Vf. Maokey. Mr. Charles OfQOker is provokingest woman."—Baton Pott 1 to the existing dlsoidtn." •Messed at «a0,000,000l I.'. AM 'iH-l ;•!.'..!. THE HE!) JjAiK iiWiiifffiJL Rod Baiik, Tlnirsdity, Augnsi 25111. JOHNSTON, >;,\IL- of AUK, J. MAKKS. NEW YoltK AND LOXU JJ1LANCH DIVISION. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY SUFFERED CO.NTIXl'ALl.V Rllt MANV YEAKS HKOM CTOXE IN THK MERCHANT TAIU1II AXD CLOTiilEU. Stations In New York, foot of Liberty Street aud ,r . w iiruily fslublijii'i.tliumseh-is a:s conscientious showmen, and 11I.A 1IDK11. foot of Clarkmu BlreuU, N. It.; In Brooklyn, JeweU's BY JEWELER, ltB ANDi'JOCltKKXWKlIST., NEW YoltK CITY. Wharf, fool of Fulton Street. can-}- their-advertisoincnts out 10 tin' letter.'"—JIurtford (Ct.| Courant. liruut tigi' uiiti iiiiliif ul di-smsy iiri' u had tvuililua- €onntK;tlon In mudo at Jersey City station to and tm. Yd Mr. Willnm Wratfall. funiierly ol Hurt; 'roui Uroomyn uul Erin dejiot, Jum-y (my, ly boats Ity, Duchess C*)., N. Y., Intw (if Washington Hul- )f Uio Ilrooklyn and Erie Ailnel. JOHN II. COOK,. 1 >w, in the wiliu* tiiuuly, riiim* tu Uw (illltt of Dr. AH who tlesjrc pi^l llttintf clothes, cut In Uie COMING. ( OMIXO. COMING. ISO BOWERY, Cor. BROOME STREET, mvld Kt-iinttly, tin- I'lulni'M pliyslt-lHii and snr- Commencing Juno SUli, ltjm. lututit Hlylts, well niatle ami ut a icnsotiublo price, r AT ;ill, of Konilnut, N. Y.. wilue Unit' tdm-i', lu it iiiii- should i>atroal2e llils cletliln^ eMabtlslitucnt. TRAINS FOR IlED HANK. THE <:ilO\\ NIX(T SEKKATJON! Itltill tu t'lrlle Ilk! symiutliy ol tlif nuisl t-ultl- Leave New York ut D Vi, 7 «r>, 1) 00, 10 80 n.m.i 12 (10 NEW YOKK. ilitl untl hard-lii-urUHl ]iert»o!i in tilt1 worlil. \t'e 1 111.; 2 00, 3 80, 4 (10, 4 30, 5 80,0 ao, T.'» li-m. RED BAKK, MONMOUTH COVNTV, N. J. Hay lit* came—lie was, rnthrr, rjirrlttl tit Hit (Urlor's " NVwark, Hniud Street station, ut 7 a>, II10, irfllre, for lit' was' totally III'IIIUWH, nllfl lion1 Hie 1040 a.m.; 12 05, 210. loo, 4.1A, 5US, (140, .lit of NI years In^ltlt1. ile limlMilT»-n\l ImiK 189 AXD 2:!d (JREENWICII STREET. 7 05 p.m. BATCHELLER & DORIS' 1 " Soutli Amboy at 415, 0 411, 8 40, 10 00, 1181 SUDSCR11TJON HATES: roin n!leutii«i of uiiiit . mill lunl nil i)n> sytii]tloiiiii a.m.; 1 00, li Ml, 5 00, « 82, 7 81, 8 81 p.m. if un i)4f^ruvut,-,1 CII.M- t.f ,-tilt-ulita r.iniinll.nin In tlie " LOHB Ill-anoJl at (i 85, 7 10. 7 45, 8 16, 0 07, 11 (B (4KKAT INTEE-OCEAN . lildtii-r of u ltriiuir>- ralt-ulns of tinoimuiiKti hij:r. a.m.; 13 30, a ai, 4 2i, .'i 40,715,10 no p.m. Ir. Krnnnly frankly i.ilil Mr. « e.>lfall llml, mmt " Oct'un firovu at (117, (155, 7 i.T, 7 07, B JU, 10 44 Olio Yt'ar Tin' dc|ianiiu'iit of a.m.; K K, S 02, 4 07, 512, II57, II42 p.m. Six Mimtlis-.... 0 Ills njft*untl tit'hiluy, an oiK-nitinii WHS out ot llit» " Point Pleasant at ti 05, B U3, 7 05, 7 86, K 27, Tlirw Months.. PiiyiiiK filth for 1 In plicate Wedding iniwliiiii, Inn Uiat In- t\iulit. by Uit> pr\-M-h|iil>>nt.r lfKADV MAUK CLUT11ING 10&, ll ain.iu.; 1 lo,:i«,SOU,08a, tiaip.m. LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH!! • Ki'imttly'n Kavaritt' lleiinsiv. tivi'tlit-r w uh Presents. Surjilus Silverware, Diniiionds, " meiit. make lihti oiinfunaliV mi.) l,-ii\t- linn t.i TRAINS LEANE IlED HANK. •ut all lilKtlays. The ''iiii> iiftlit^ v,.i> that \» rxtenslvA and coiuplele, and comprise* n trri'at For New York st (1 18,7 SI, 7 6S, H 2i, II SI, 11 20 a.m. A OHAND CONKOLIDATION OF TWELVE FIRST-CLASS SHOWS RED BANK. N. J.. AUGUST 24. 1^1. Watt-Ins. Ji-wi'lry, tSrc. viirlely nfj/trnieals fur men, youths, IKIVH and clill- dn>n. nu(5>ec"iiMantlyonhuni] clothing tuluble VI 4-1,1J3.-1, 4 40. 5 », 7 KO, 10 IS IN ONE. Till: KKASHNS WHY de, litislne." I'uv.irtl,' lJi' " t- Whii: i-v:.-u- new :tiid lias lieeu |ilacc\l ttt Vf ry loll' llKllnjes. 2J«, 4 40, B S3, Van p.m. The Duly of the I'oiiiinisshpiu'is. .fly us^l by tuir |H>ople :itv tLi lollit\\>: 1! t-.ii " Kouth AmUiy at 048, 768,1121,; 12 4-1, COMPOSED OP A UIOANTIU (JAINS in every line. Silverware and 1! 33, 4 40, 5 63, 7 80, 10 13 p.m. Tlipro will lie n nu'eiiuj,' i>!i :wilit Watches aSpwiiiliy. Priiv.s away below thi'tfl- »sil a'.l ;>;.-<; l> " Uiutr llreneli, (ta'an Groye, 8eu (Hit, Mana- Htjuiin mid Point I'lmuaut nt 5 27, 7 21, 1121, missionerK onThursday eveningof nexl niioK'Siih1 rules. 't^-tivt- liviitTurdilitf IlllUK-ttta;.' l-elief In Hi! IU« kkln.'.v Irxiiihl.'s. liver ^uiijtLiiuL-. ^uistijuii.'ii of 1S1 AM) tu (IRKKN'WII'II ST., NEW YOltK CITY. 111 .13 a.m.; 12 0(1, I 311, .1 24, 1 Id, 5 m, 5 43, 7 111, weeli ami at Ihut jntvting they will 8 011, 9 00 p.m. MUSEUM, MENAGERIE AND CIRCUS, 1 " Tn'iiton und Plillatlelpliiu, via. " Ilouiul llrook Wliii-li. for Vasliu-ss, Altraftivcncss and Originality IKIH never Leen equalleil liiivo a duty to perform. That duty is 1 Hit Miiiif Unit' iiiirtllif Hit' l.!.»»1, tlu> --;itu>: Iltiute," at II 48, 7 21 a.m'.; 12 43, 2 Si, 4 10, 6 53 • IH' unil Mlfllfrht lo Hie .^>.-.t(-iii .Vti;::'.;it.-»i l-> ii^. to further tlie project of Kupi'lyiiiK lied st' Hi- ain1. " llr. KounimlyV F;i\i'rile lirli.I-vly " 1 havt- iinw en liand ll lurpo anil well Beltvtwl p.m. • ^ilt* hy all tlnijrubt*. ' Bank with \viuVn EW JERSEY SOUTHERN RAIL (1ENTS Vl'HNlSIIINd (iOOD.S The cumiiussiuiierfl are eltilrtl foi- tin Wll.oiilXd EMl'OUirM. N WAY. purpose nl i-irryiiiK out the diwin-.s nf TKA.UKDAT TIMKTAHLKS. vvhldli iiieliuli-s all slainlnnl t'oiHlrf mui ninny IIOVTI- Ctinilllenclnjr June 27th, 1881. llt-s. Tin- st,«-k i-.uivM.s entlj-t'ly of ntnv and «?ason- the jieople. In ivgni'tl lu tlu.s mutter the S iiuiilouMj fur liif U-ni'Ut ut our 1'AlTEIfcSON. THK T.MI.Oli. ulile L-K.N and will I., Mild al priri'K. LEAVE BED HANK. people haw m plainly c-xprfssi-d Ilieir itiuli-rs.) 21 a.m. for Tunis River and nil stations to llay- STEAMKK SKA CIHD. Bide. opinion that tlie etiiiiiiii^iuiier.s s,l;uulil i\«t"nnkv 1 V, ir Yuri,. I J.0.7IV 1 !' 21 for FarailnpdAle, Manchester, Touw Riv- have no hVsitiuirv in lining as tin pet-pie T. Al'tlt'ST. My fai'llllli.s for mukiiuc clotlilti).' to are er, llarnejnit, tc. - TLurxl.iv.-Mli .«.••*>u.mJTIiiindav.»Eltli. ..tin I:KD IIASK. x. j. in.t Mirpasscil hy ituy IIOIIM- In the t'ily. o 25 p.ui. for Toms Itlver, all KUilioim to Iftyplde wish. Previous in the recent I'loelimi : 1 FrM;iy,- >tti MA** (Friday, with und Cauitlen and Atlnntli Hallway. tlie eaniniissiniu'is may have lraivil that tsiiuriluy.'.'Ttli iSatuntuy,;'27t\i:. A»» " 5 44 |i.m. for Fiiniiinptlale, Mancliwler, Ton^i ltiv- Siiintay," ^"(!i ismuluy, 2stii. ..A.od " er, llarueifiil, fn'r the petijile w.pillil ulijeet In a I'oiilr.ul ™ • «x»U fur Spring iiiul SmiiiiiiT \V«ir. M.'!idi\. y.'tit iMimdiiy, Will .li.n'u.m S;ilisr;n.'tiini aK tu til inn! 12 45, 7 35, | for Port Mouniniith. binilmt; Ilium UJ pay a rritain sum nf TIICMLIV, &*il> 'TiHWlHV.Anh ..P.Mil M. Uiivel'ort Monmtaith for Ited Iliink ul (120 n.ui.; .7.1 M * | WtM'sdilT, .1-1.11 .,1'J.lHl " 2 i: p.m. money fur l» term nl'years. Hut tin1 al- si-l'TrlVUKil. f SKI'TEUUKK. •'.Oil FItEKIIOI.I) VIA. K11KEI1OI.I) i.\I) NEW jThiirstlay. 1M M.W p.HI lnnst uiuiniinniis MTdiet nt tin- |«PIU TIii:r*tiiy, Nl ->. hand all Hi,- dirtc n( cn«l«. YORK RAILWAY. Kil.Ji.v.^i .». K1lAi !»• " Mieh .1^ Rhnuld iviniivi1 all llieiist ruples. y. y, J. MARKS, Lraw Ited nank at (I IK nntl 7 58 a.m.; 12 iS, S JW. fMlli.i:i>\ Illi .MAW " 'SuiK!ay,4th. . .AAV " 4 40, 5 ra and 7 SO p.m. This nieasuii' is uf MH-II impm-tanee Tlit'S:*-aiui*r Helen will, nutll Silt unlay uf next LOTUS, CAKSI.MKUKS ASH W IS nr AI.I. 1SII AND 2IMJ (IIIKKNWICH STREET, '«ivu Fiei.'hold ut l> 111, 7 45 and 1110 a.m.; 12:10, i-i-k, 1I-:IVI- llttt Iliiiik every nionitny at ti.UO, und (.HAULS -I 25 mid r> :m i .in. that the f<)iiiiiiiKsii>iii'ri.Kliiiulil act. and ew Vcrk i-vi'iy ufti'niiMiii tit Ji.tJii. NEW YORK CITY. For further particulars we tline tables at stations. at (inee. It is tlii'ir iliity tn prutee! the lllch 1 will niakt- up Iii tin- Litest stvh-.-. ul Jiili-fs 1ISEP1I K. .HARRIS, II. P. IIAI.mriN, toivu. They have tlie pmver: tlir pet-pie TATE OF KEW JERSEY, thai tlefy i-oui|ii'l|lKin. 'n'KNTION MA N UFACTUHERS. (ien. MiiiuuitT. lien. Puss Afrent. have asked Iliein to rxeieise this pmvt'r. thf Tivusury. s PERFECT FITS (lUAKANTI'.KI). • Aslmi-y Park is a vlllitKe on tilt* AOati- 7i ^ NEW~Y0RK RML- anil to decline to tin so wtiuM lirin^ tltnvn lie encul. forty-tlve miles fnini Ne»- York TltKXTON, AlltflUt &>lll, 1HH1. I'lly. It Inn already obudned eelelirlty NEW ROUTE TO FREEHOLD. upon them tlie just ecin<]enmatinii of Ihe Tin-HiniHinii of (iiiinty und lum! Quthinitics in u'lv'f nit- a t-all U'lore pun-liiLslny t'lsevvtien-. u/> n summer redorl. lh'ji tn fimiitftr on? JiundnHl niid Ki,I) !N TKIiit-TH. [DON'T FtlllliKT THE I'l.ACi:. I'lIST-lIKI-'H'E IH7I, und JUS the iirlt-'lliul pmprleUir of turn, $1.00. tills (lf|tiirtllll>Ilt, OS OR KK>'ORK THE i'HWT DAY OF 11U1LDINU. At the last miH'lilu;f>f tllernlilllliitfioll. OitKK In fiK-li year, uf the a caudal condltlu)! of Hie Park owns n lurjre tnu-t ljinjr \vtwt TIMNsrui:'! •'!• I \> I.I S!\ 1:1,* u\ ITS uf the nltl turnjiilie, Uirt'tMitiurtety of a TIME-TABLE IN EFFECT Jl'N'B 1st, 1881. ere action on the matter was defi'iTeil on tin; n'siwtlve counties, Uiwnshlps, cities, towm or uglw ID tlilii fitat«, at the clone uf their rt»\wc- A T WAKDELL'S CK1AR HTOUlv mile from the sea, lie desires to cull tho uecount of the alisenee (if nne member tirvjixctil unirx mrt preceding tjie lime of mah- tillentlon of Manilfaelurers, eltherln ti Trains leave via. Central Ilailroatl of New .lelrtey litattuch ftatcnirnt. small way or tin a laryi* scalo, to the fnet for Freeholrl, Marlboro, Illllsdnle. Moriran- 'I MONSTKR I'AI,\(T: KAILW.W TRAINS 3 of the hoiutl. This slmulil nut occur Tlii> iHHw-wury blanks will be fumlnlied upon oj>- JiilnlnK riilltl's bakery, will 1H' finiiul lhiw'lii'iri«t Unit we have uiieiiipluyod lnlmr here In villc, Ac., UH below: llu- fall, wiiuer anil spring, wbi''h vvmihl Am! 1V|.|-, Mil ill.-; iill ,1. :u::l .u.ll.,,1 ill' -iv. r ()\K 511 I.! ,1( l\ |)(ILIiAKS. JJ|,|. again. If a (|Uiii'tnn is present that I»l(cut1"]| ti> this offlcc. LEAVE RED HANK. E. J. ANDERSON, Comptrollw. l'OIlTEl) AND 1KIMESTIC CIliAIIK. TdllAlTII, lie henellted by the eslabllsllluenl of At i! 5H and 7 5K a.m.; 12 I'l, t :il and (1 1.1 p.m. liriK'iii"; ni "v ii-.villi,'s, .-iirp-i-i-. Mii.N.-n-:-iiiiiiii i!i,-ri were ever heftirt- quorum should act. simie permanent work, while at the same LEAVE LITTLE MI.VKIt <•' -:ilh!.- I Mllllrr i.IH- lil;Ml.-|;;i-mrM!. SNLFl'S. ETC., E'lV. lime Miuiufiicturcrs would be iHMlellled 1 A til 5.1 nnd7 Klu. in.; 12118, 4 at and IIH8 p.m. This is a matter I hat will admit uf no OR SALE. WCKI'II yon n elKiir for /•7r/-;c/';i\'7 .Swlih-l! will iheiiiselveH, us lands Ivllitr imuiudhuely LEAVE MIIIIII.KTOVVN '• ftiuiul I1I|U:LI to HIM- tli|-ft'-fo|--ii-iiiiiirt ir i-ijiur iilunt'iheCenlnil llallnnul Innl v. uil.l delay. If water-works are to !»' put in t At 7 05 und 8 MI 12 51, I 1:1 and li si p.m. A LAIMfK Ot'ANTlTY OV CRLERY AND TAIJ- ilti In MoluiiDUtli t-oiuuy. In- sold :il a nominal price to Jliuniuicl- RETURNINd, LEAVE l-'ltHEIIOLIl 1 llirrx. Prlee "f Iilild I" lie irratled ue- lli'lil-: IJAKH WILD l.i'.NS'!'- 'i lilt'Kllt..\ Eaq, lllXMltl SI Store on llmuil Slrivl. udjnlnlui! .1. K. Chlliiv tin. .l.-l-sey Ctly. und lll-.liy Lleuinbuiil the Peiiiisylvnnla 11.11. fur Kinilitliluwn. .lnini'sliuiy, willi tin'work mid itsc(>m]ili>lii>i.i will from fiKil nf liecli.r slieei. N. Y., to, Ac. .1. E. 11ALP1I. 1 not take plate until next spring. I,\)R SALE. 11. J. WAHDKLL. s.iii'ly Ili^il:. uil'unl-.ny n line vii-w of Ihe Ji' 1, 1*M. Sup'i uud TreiiMirer. li,,rlinr fnllHiejitlims, etc., We repeat, that it is the .duty of the ORKORD UR0TUE11S, UII-I,I-I- i,y III.- New Jersey Snlllheru ltall- A IlOliSl-:. CAltKYALL, AND RET OF n.:id lei We-t Kud Sliill'in, Lons; UMAN HAIR coonrs. commissioners at their ii'-xt meeting to M i'.nui-ll. Hud i vianecltni/tlieli1 w' ihe II make arrangements in supply t!ie HAKNESS. Dealers in I'tlillal I'.allnuiil of New Ji'r- 'o -.• ur.. tM.i IWe-i c.l t IIIIIII ..;,..,!. AVIOS. WKiS. "\VKJS, with water. lu •OAI. AXD WOOD. i i..m l'i ;',:•:'li-liiu. Hie nil. I,,n IIII.I U'KiS. WKTH, AVItiS, COAL AND WOOII. >-l.-.iry Park tlliifl. tlini! [ruin Will the commissioners perfunn this .• -v York I" Asbury I'aik. •.'Hours;.ex- IIRAIPS, HIIAIDS. BIJAIUS. \VM. P1NTAHD. COAL AND WOOD, I •••••• in ••ninmer. ulioiit I'/, hoars: antl dutyV in'in l'iiil.idi't|i!ir.i lo .luliury Park, 'J UI1AI1JS. LiUVIDS, BRA] US. Ml ntily Ko*id ••.'•iinil I'II.- ami, ..ik U.-.M1. We shall see. TTI) FOIt THE -MOUNTAIN TOl'H! l-'i.iv, ullil -Vi llliuiltes. S-ll Iliilll' hul lllf lirsl iriM.t.-s ,.f r.iill. We Inive tiu-.-e 1 iicrrlies: n liny Curls aiul Viiv./.v* Xalurally Curly. s,-ll n.i .I-I-NII. :ili. I. O. (I. 1'.. "f Itetl Iiank \VK WAKIUNT AM. OVK Wi-HK AND iJUODP tin.* art of viiisiiig tlicir tlaiij^hu-r.-i." Wv 1 l'yi|,i;;s. ]»I-.-:1IIL' Chil,, l:la,-':suiil! -' S. J.. In the 1'aimms Delaware Wnte ami H'l'eelv. rii/lus' shups, LuiiilH-i- To LI". AS Ul,i'Ul>-[-'..NTK[). J illIllll.KTilWN AXI1 I'liUT MuNMill 111 M'KAM- lhiuk it hhuuld iiach the jiiiivnts n (iii[i. iMnniue (Xnmly, l u.. "'ill take lltlAl ftlMl'ASV. Yal'ls, Plealn Haw-mill. Teiii|ier.ini-e 1 lintels Isiile nf liquors prohibited'. ml)in^-; inmi;* up al Lowest Kutcs ami wholesome It'Kriiiti in tin art nl' viLtwi plaee till lniil.r Slores, i'liysli-iuiis. Dry tinods The new ,1'ei^lit nntl p;iSKeiij;ei' nte;Ltner in Fii^t-Chuss Stvlf. their sons. Miuvs, liilki'l-li-s. beslib's sl.uvs ufiii- WEDNESDAY, SKIT. 7TH t-1.,ii- olhei- kltnl.-.. "AVM. V. WILSON," If Hie nliove shnllld I rest liny tif Ille S IiVKll ANY SIIAIiE. Exelumve /'>nlu;.;ii-jil I'V.-itureH imt li> lie i^een in any other nho\v : With t)ie rutiivuKMit «i" Mr. IvHIcU wn ivudcrn of.lllls pujHT. pli-iise address taillllS SENT IIV MAIL. C:AIT. BENJAMIN IMIIUIIS, ALLEN it. COOK, siiperlillelident. • Associnit'd Press Agent, the county 1KH1, via tin- t'^ntnil Hiilli-oiul (if New Jerstiy Will run lietuveti Tort Miiiiiiintilli and New No. 24 BROAD STREET, U|i-Sl«ii's, THE GREAT EGYPTIAN KOYALAPUS, prt'Hs, and purlinilarly thf Lon^ Branrli York, (ftHit (if (.'mini Klrert, Tier II, Positively tho only K|Hrinuin nf Illi.'' nnv sjx'clcs over placitl on exhibition, and Neivs, will ihid its favorite diverHiini, N. H.,la»lollii\vs: Mils. WM. HALCHOW. « HOURS ON THE MOUNTAINS I LKAVK I'DUT MtlNMtinii. I.KAVK NKW VHIIK ASliURV PAlllv. licyond qui.'Hlii»n the ^reiilrsL living curiosily now connected with thai of ahuaing the " nhorc fiend." ut mi any Mena^vrii.1. Miitiday, 1st Ulki p.m. Mtiliiliiy, 1st.. IDIHI a.m. ri KORtiK A. WHITINO. end. Ainplt1 linn1 In son lliu e.otmtli!KH uttnit-tltillu t>r til TiiMtiay, ai .ia:iti Tlll'silny, "-M « :il) " NEW JEHSKY. ilrlurmiUK IMiiwurn! Lofly Uiiunluliwl over- Wednt'»iluy, Sd.l i«i IVi-ihii-siiav, :ki...saii " PERFORMlis'(; ELKPIIANTS, Most of our Kubsi'rihers can a-ssisl HH miiKiii^ CIHT.s! Wiiutlurful Uuvt-M, uuil Beautiful Thurmliiu, 4tli..'.'i»i Krldiiy Tith in (Ml " CABINET MAKER Friday, Bth 8 ml Siiliii-dny, illh. . I;!HI M. MILLER. CABINET MAKER I'EUFOUMIMr EJ.IOPIIAMTS, In obtiiiniiiK the feu- rfiuainin^ i-ujtiesof Raturtlly, (ltli...l :»1 Mimiluy, Kill . .1-,'IHI " rillST-t'LASS COAt'Uia 1 QUICK TIME I Mtmituy, 8lli.. ..u IK) Tucsiliiy, Uth.. l-i:lii| lioprcscntiiif^ nil [lie dii^crcnl n|)e(*ioa. THE REGISTKH vhicli we wish to get in Tuesday. Uth.. .11 Ml H'cd'HiIay, mill. .7 i»l a.m. Wisl'aday, intli.ll Oil Tliurwluv, Uth K'k' " Nn. IJ UHOADSTIIKET. order to complete our Hie. PUJXTS are FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. Tninntlay, nui.roa Frlduy, ISlli. ••"•in " RKI> HANK, N. J. frequently stoweil awny in garrets and milt's thruUKb bvuullful &O Frlduy, tali....7«l Siiturtlay. l-llli .7IKI " FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. Genuine Blood-Sweating Hippopotamus, sLuuery lor dpii Hiilunlay, l.'llli 7 IKI Huiidiiy, istli ..HMHI •• 7-TON TWO-nOKNKD BLACK IIA.1KY RHINOCEROS! closets, and if our KuliHcrihers wcmkl as- ONE CENT A MILE. Mimiloy, intti. .iimi TuesUny, Ullh ttint UH in tliis matter we woultl feel UIUUT Tuesday, liitli.iaim " WtKi'miiiy, iTi>> 7-TON TW0-1I0RNF.D HIiACIC 1IA1HY KHINOCEUOS! Wetl'mluy, I7lh.l Ol) " 1'liur.stlay, 1 Collins, CiiHkets, and even1 retiulslte for FtnierulB 7-TON TWO-HORXED F.LAI'K HAIRY RHINOCEROS! obligationfl to thorn. Tburaduv, IHtli.a OU " Frlduy, null .HIIKI " KMTV vurli-ty nf proni|itly fiirnlslit> in. Sl'RlMi AND SUMMER WEAR. can Indian who WILJJ just mastering; the Tli'ki>ls iii:iy tx; (ilituliu>d ut tlie fiillowlilK pluros All back frelKlii must liv |ialtl fur un tli'llvery. OiikiiiiiiJ &tv*n% Near CVninil Riiilriwil Dniwit, rudiments of the Unglitdi language. The FjL*it Ixm^r HnLllcli, Mr SInttlifiLS \V4Htlli>y, Hi tint |Mi.Ht- SNEn, ThlH imiuilar t-stahllshliitiut on till' mad tfiidlni/ BptTial rnti^s for family wucliinp. Clothes rallcil from H|M?lliuy words in the most primi- JOHN W CU.tNUl.KIt, to tlie StfiilnlMiat Uiiiiliii», has I U liii|iro\i-i] unil for unit ili'llvt'iiHl In any purt of Ited Dunk nntl vi- tive manner to artistic ell'orts wherein KAMUKI.Iit)GHK», reflttetl lur tne seaiiim of l*—4 AsTmry Piirfc Is IIM-RIIUI illni-lly (ipl«t- Tlw liiiilcrsinliwl iilKillt to dlxnintllimi tlielr hlKl Wlnirf Avenue, Near the I'list-oniee, llefui-e inaklni.' your purcliases elsewhere call H-M Kilt-tlie c«lnbmiml Ontnn (ln»vo nitnp- r of tickets. MrH. Keheci-a Kevey, whu ut tlie i . * wimlil uff«r for wile tht'lr IlED HANK, KKW JEltSEY. iiii'cliiiR (rntuntls (Wiwlcy I-uku dlvl.liiiK h—\ sold seventy tickets, gained this prize. A. &. 1\ ('ii.V"Wiire-R(ioniH, Allen's Block tlm two places), four mllus IH'IOW (ien. ^^ LUMBEU, COAL & LIME BUSINESS H (Jnint's unttntro «L IAWK llninch, New LJ After the "bee" was over 'refresh- TOIIN CULLINOTON & .SONS, FRONT STREET, RF.D HANK, Near ltallnnd Do- ^ .H'rsi'y. ov«r ono tliimsinul cutliijt1^ ments wore offered for wile. Tliesi' on cutjy temiH. t) |HI1, mid exiinilne Ihelr slock, where you will lint M«^* liiivu bL-uii liulli ni Asliury I'urk und - a full line of House FunilHlilni/ tiootls, etiiisi.stfng o £**- (ipcnn (inivtj vldiin six yt'iira, nwtinp - sold rapidly and were as rn]«illy con- ~ owr one million tlutiniv. Ashuryrark MANUFACTUltEUS OF . PARLOR AND BED-ROOM SUITS! sumed. The proceeds of Hie •* bee" were >*s frunts diixVUyoii the wean. It U- 1ml on tlio bnmd Atlantic, nt retching r me ranumU'il to nettle Ui" MUHB without ili'luy, t cullery, Crockery ami (Jlass-Ware. •^> awuy for tliouwtndB of tnllra, A«biiry ^^ port of the church. we wbli to chiso our bUHllluM sonn an |HHwlbk4. FINE SEGARS, n.ssa«mentVorisn)wna&75('i,0(Xl'. Sli-pnta 'w PARKER & CHADWICIC. rK running nt right oiiffli'.s m lint KPU ar« \ „ ^ WIKILESAI.I! AND DETAIL HEALTHS IN CARPETS, ^ fnmi one to two Iiuiulrod fetitwldn—an T~J Ilwl Bank, AllRurt 1st, 1881. Qtlvantnge itosw^ssud by no othiTsi'i\sidt! r While Isaiic Fi'iiiiimro, Pitsitluut of rt;(M)rton tha Now Jersey coaHt. the Burlington county agricultural so- ALL KINDS OF CHEAVING AND, Tapestry, Ingrain, nnj nntl Hump. EST END HOTEL.. ciety, was driving home from tFio Mount SMOiaNO TOBACCO, SNUFF, OIL-CLOTHS! Asbury Park, onpn»lti! Oci'an Grove, ""•"' "ZAZEL," The Human Cannon Ball. w PIPES, ETC., ETC. can be reached direct by tlm CKNTIUI. Thf moist e:;liiitu'ilii!iiry prifonnniiee over wiloessed. The PlionmneunlMar- Holly (N. J.) depot on Sunday witli Mrs. A1KO.1I full lino of CarrinRO Materials of all kinds, ItAlLHOAn OK NKW JKIIHKY, from tlm i WEST END HOTEL, reiiulrcd by earrlaire builtlera. Agricultural Implti- foot of Liberty Street, Now Yurk, via vel or tin- linn.-:-). Tliin iliiriiijc vmiii!; liulv IK lireil fnun a IOQ-]imm<] niaiiar, 7r>fcet Short of Philadelphia, lightning struck THE ALMA SEGAR A SPECIALTY. menl.s, Hani Worn, Paints, Oils nntl Vnnilshcs. All Jurae-y City, and aluo In Huinnier by into mid-nlr, where nl..- iili-hl.u|i,m n Sl-liXIJIill COItWEH WIKE, lilinil-folded of which wo offer at Iho very LOWEST 0A811 the carriage and instantly hilled Ma WEST END HOTEL, steamboat from foot of Rector street, and her (eel. encn.seil iii :ia'.l;'i, ulie w ill enwH autl re-eniKH tbo Avire, ritlo a bicycle, PRICES. Cull und tixaralui). We win toko pleasure N. Y., to Sandy Honk, affnnlliiR a fine. ^ Short and tlio two horses. ,i'ho wagon FRONT BTUF.ET, IlED HANK, N. J. in allowing you our stock. view of tho NIUTOWS, hnrtor forllllcn- wB|k upon Htilts, ami nonmiplisli tilher.miriiciilouu foals never boforo dreamed of. tion», etc, Ro tllero aro two lines of AN ACT BKYOND P.\IIAI.T,KI,. WOHUS FAIL TO Drsenmu IT. The only was shattered, but Mr. Fenhuore escaped UED BANK, N. J, THE AGRICULTURAL AND FURNITURE CO. conntiuulcAtlnn. From Pliilnddphla, tins rr\ serious injury. HED BANK, N. J, TAMES B. WEAVER, Front Street, Alton's Block, Ited Bank, N. 3. cars run.t« Anbury Turk direct. Rail- ^s rood timo Jrom Now York, to Anliury f) • GENUINK T.1UJJM OF SIOUX INDIANS,'. MERCHANT TAILOR, Park, 2 hours; express In flnminor, Jfrmlnl Iill " WUITK cr.OCIV' nf SUIinu IIIIU'H ninth Ihe Newark milkmen contemplate an /CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, nbout labours; and from I'tllladolpliia IIEUI removed u> to Anbury Park, 2 hours mid 30 inlnuuis. 1 advance iu pi ice to ten cents a quart, in • j PRINCE SATHUMA8 11OVAL JAPANESE CIRCUS, CHOICEST Button's Building, (BCCOIUI floor), 20 DROAD STREET, consequence of the rigid enforcement of Tho terms of Balo or lots In Aitliury ^ $100,000 Stud of Trained Arabian Stallions. CHOICEST Broad Street, lied Bank, N. J. RF.D DANK, N. J. the Btato. law prohibiting the sale of park aro ns follown: -Pint. When .510,000 Troupo of Performing Dogs. CHOICEST I luive a lino of parties buflJ, no mimoy will bo re- A Croup of Conuine Zulus. skim or impure milk. quired down, but a inortgiiffo TJIU bo i SUMMER SUITINGS .WHITE & ALLAIRE, fflven, pnyable hi 10 yearn, with t tlio r GOLD SEAL BOURBON, prlvllt'go of ten renownlB, mnklng tho L SUMMER SUITINGS 1'UOPRIF.TOIlff. " hrlnclpul Bum duo 100 yeara hence. L FIVE GREAT CLOWNS, I/m are sold at Anbury rnrk, N. J., on vrtiutla Second. When purchaser erects a cot- r «iulvalcntt« a perpetual inortKagu-oue Uuiulml GOLD SEAL BOURBON. SUMlffiR-SUITINGS Repreneiiting all nations, led by Mr, JOHN PATTERSON, tho celobrated "Ram- ( . All kinds of meats, Including tflffe coetlng over S10Q0, a luan of ono- r liler from Clavo." yeam-uic )i uxliancr, lio»o™r, renervliig tlie right, GOLD SEAL BOURBON. Whldi I lnvo morkod down. third will bo iniidB, for which a inert- ^~ lo pas tlio aiaelrmi Rtnnytlmc; or Ovo per cent, pugo will be taken to cover amount of h wllltotllovtod fur cull.—Adv. BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL; 25 PER CENT r/*Y loan ami vuluo of tho lot^-mortBDc J? TIIREE MILITARY BANDS, l>0RK,&c., JJ from Former Prices. ^ - payable tn 5 years. Mo lota will be Hold m and the best availablo Circus talout to be' obtained on two Continents. None but , unless Improved upon wltlitn 0 months L' WHY IT IB 80 ••'. . Merchant tailoring I" •>" It" liranchtvi. _ always on hand. t : bareback riding. Tlio beat Equestrians, Acrobats, Trapezists, Athlotes, EquilibriBts, j; J. AttTONIDES, ....,;,.-.•.-._ _,.:! JAMES B, ^WEAVER. H Leapers and Tumblora, in the profession. Don't fail to sob our why Dr. David Kennedy's "Favorlto J. J. ANTONIDES, We also kooponliand from duty of agreement. Address, * lj" ores complaints of tlio I.Ivor, Kidneys, T\ANIEL H. COOK, M ••;• • •- . ". , lloweU and Blood, la UmtltIs compounded oltlia 8110KED MEATS, BAOSAOE, POULTRY, tc. JAMES A. BRADLEY, or ISAAC BEALE, MAGNIFICENT FREE STREET PARADE very remedies will* Nature limit ua» provlital for Him now on hand a Inrgo i|U«)it)ty of ••"•' CANNED GOODS AND VE0ETABLE8. 251 Peart 8tM Now Tort, or, . daily at 0 A. M. Unnaralled in elegance and grandeur, Tho finest Highway Holi- Bita purpose. Being al On* scattered through tlio CABBAGE AND CELERY PLANTO, ALLEN R. COOK, Asbury Park, New Jersey. day Procession ever witnessed. You will positively see everything advertised, and woofe ad odd). Dr. K. lias colloctol them, and STATE OF ASHEB L. McQTJEEK DKOBA8ED. ' " The Best Goods at tho Lowest Prices.' ten times more. ''. "• ,-. • oondomed UMIT virtues In Uio form whlclllio now E Wlildi lie U sollliifr at Notloi) li norelif given that the moountaol tin ASBURY^PAllK, Usual rates of admission. Doors opon at 1 and 7 P. M. Performances at 3 and 8. eoBMeoUyotton M tin alck and suflerfug. Ono' WHITE $ ALLAIBE, kulncrlber, oiooutor o( BUIU deooaaed, will 1* LOW PRICES AND IN QUANTITIES NEW JERSEY. (9?" Excursion TrainB on all Railroad and Steamboat Lines, on the day of exhi- , 44lirex»il