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SALINE. -- , of Theatres _ . _.A, 3. WABSEN. ManaHw" ^ ‘22 plaaaani haH: aa A. PAUL KBITH, PrssUsnt B. F. ALBBB, Vics-Prss. and Osn. Mfr. eapadiy. 44a Good Mure itren far yoed aMrea. UNITED ORESTLINE. _ _ ra>alal1aa. 4.IM *,K . «L»OBmWBAMBL Mani^ Alhambra TWatta: amr bmuri— iiuinianrtMN Mli- BOOKING Moal Onaady. lOnaual lad VaudorlUaiLS!^* WEST “AMMIELOj^^ RaMaMta. I.IM. OFFICES _ . __JL DOWSLU Manayar. Oiaod Oyara HauM: aaam ilM: aiaya, dOzSS Oood riSM far jaad Murea. Soiaa food Urea ^m. Tama rtylM. Bmi hmU aSoa lawa In YOU CAN BOOK DIRECT BY ADDRESSING S. K. HODCDON, PENNSYLVANIA Booking Manager of the UNITED MOUNT UNION. Ntaadas Maatattaa, lAMI. EDISON MACHINE a A. OBlSSlNtUlirMaBaytr. caaaally. Llot. Wm apan about laM at Januaiy. Larya auga. MMleni atuin- 5!SK Mmctlm waatad. Iba $75.00 OFFICES PntO nflCATRB oo. MlMlv UMd Bdlioa lUehlM, cewfUH. «Mh wmt ioiMr witKiwi. itooiite bnmw. WANTED—Uxperimoed. fanaUla Dramatic Actor ana mdaO, t iMir MBtr Ndi, a«w MbotOB «te«. B« F« Keith’s Palace Theatre Building Actrem with Mieclaltlaa, or Scat aad DaaM Twide- M« HnplM arPtomr Bheoaut, n«w Vnach rUla Team that ran do dramatfc pait^ to iBvwtad iMiaei and oondewwi la flt aar NEW YORK QTY SiU 14-50 paitneratup wUhaut InaaMUM a dollar « ■aaaifinimta daliad. auaraalcad aa ntfa- niM fara to Join ma. I fumlab playa aad hart paper •■taii Ooat aa«r CITC. ^ftnirtlilnt aoM- for bauny ati weeka* tbrar-nlytal MaiuN wblcb will Wktm, laadjr la opmia tW. fumlab fraa. Alan Mala nanlai who oan aoL Addraa Maty Otaar Bartalaa la Oaaira, Ida. OTTO JOflNBON, Bcawortb, lio. Act quickly LEARS THEATRE SUP¬ WANTED FOI UNOLE TOMt OAMN Harry Rickards’ Tivoli Theatres mnw Jota OB wire. Chilli or HmaU Wutnaa tor B«a, PLY COMPANY Woaaan for EUaa and UphaUa. riano l*layar. dou- tr. USUIS. MS. AM AFPILIATCO CIRCUITS. INDIA ssS AFRICA. M Oaaalaal Mraat CseMssS Cssitsl. SSaMSSSS. M ataya: Man for Ihtnraa and Leyraa. No band. Wa pay aU aflar opanlny. Na Uokata. Other HUGH McIntosh. Governing Director uaMttl paapla wrSn. SUU taw laiwaM quluk. , ^ _ Saalalarad Oaaia Addraaa: “HUSHMAO.** Maay. mon Lrom. Hocalak raUaTNaw Toak. IMS eeaai nveu tmiatre, sysncv, ausybalia. NEW YORK OPFIOES: SI I SIraad Yaattra Mdf. WANIEI—il Few till Misiciani to ahep band. OUrlnat playtn prMerwd. Hiui Win In wUtlay ta weak la abop. Stela Mum aapmleaub If any, and muMoal ablUqr- Addrrea rAlSBANKS. HORSN A (»., Mfy. Dapt., BMoU. Wlactaaln.

SKETCN TEAM—Man and wlfa, who do Mnylaa, aiut BUeU Man. wha ebanyaa aftan aad wurlw In ai-u, "halad la apan about Dac. IT ar later, for THEl In WaM Vtoytela. State mlaiy (pay own bo«d) and SCENERY all ytm da. unly exp«rt>a»'ed, umFuI and rellalde or awry Wud, l«r ttrry ounxiaa. BewMlM ataa BOOKING **[ 5/^ MANAGERS Bada to ar'iamia. Bantala In FLORAL PARADES ALVA, care Kam Dnat Oa, TUnnta Canada. MO. OONSUUiaATKD VKUVKT DROPS. 248 WmI ARC AN ASSURED SUCCESS IP OUTFITTED DV US. 48ta SL. Naw Yora City, near Wb Ava.. M Flaor. , i Wa ara headnuarlan for DeraraUre Uatatlal and flml Dacora- M/AMTPn RIarkfare OomedlaB with or t ’ Ar ^ UoiM of arary Imaylnahla drecrtpllan. TVraiV I bV guimr. rcr aUeut and hall. Bill adranot UrkH. (laum Uila ad, cloaed amateur Brat S^CENERY ■ CARNIVALS, HOME-OOMINQS, FESTIVALS, FLOATS, l>ttch. DWiaHT WUXIDX, Huya Oktebuma Far taeatrr., U. 1*. Ilouaca or Road Bhowa. NM ^ c V elaborata DtAanlcal Kffreu for Tbeatrre and Pbouplay Bonaan. alwSrt rliMpcM. but alway. (IDOD. l%itabllibrd IT ' --V WRITE FOR CATALOG. TON CRRISTT'I white) minstrels. taaia. JKBWB OOX BCK.MC CH*.. T3»lbwnila. lonra. FAMOim BOTANICAL FIAkRAL RiUOTINO. any eMor, par lUM eniUSII S quod MINSTHRL TALK.Vr _yard, 75a: Ileaey Paper (liryeantliamum Fyetoonlng, 34 ft ta a roll, who double band alwaya wanted. PermanNit adOrcaa. fR,W par dwn lelU: ronfcttl, by the pound or ino poande; Rerpcntlura In any quanilly. SOI Boyd-I'ark BUIy., Salt Qty, Ihah. AT LIBERTY—MONT PETERS OHRYSANTHCMUMUS. Par Qraaa.13-78 I CARNATIONS. Par Graaa.11.25 SNOWBALLS. Par Oraaa.3.75 I JAPANESE WISTERIA. Par 104.3.50 WANTED IMMEDIATELY—Band Aetata Chana-tir y- for on. vr«ik. lYapMk*. fUaob Wire, Ban, DQTARIISAJ nCPADITIHfi PA manufacturers of artificial flowers Wnman, Conuxly Iiiaiaiua Snubtatta All muat do Mlnca. Work In anU. Addm* Bparia, UlobUan. apn'laltlra State lourat aalaiy. W. B., care BUl- DUIARlMi UCbUnAlIRlI uUai jOCV.AdimSt., GIhcieo. Illinoit. Ixant, New Ynrk. AT LIBERTY—POTTERS BERT, In Ran.L TrumlHMio (Valve) In Or- ahailra, UununiMary Ayrttl or help In klulitn at az- Movie Houtes-Paint Year Own Siins-Decerate Your Own Theatres ara pay. MolJJK. A-l (3at CVdAi for iwo-car .liuw, Wanted—A-l AdTaoca Aiant m priellece car. D«|x«dalile, middle aced. One Wa MM StaneUs far Uireiaaitda at PaJntan. Gbtalayus at Dtdyna (68 payaa), ten ranta tlrkea to Vlret Natlunal Bank, JuiUetda, Ark., will BLUE LABEL STENCILS. t95S Clark Awaua, Chlaaia Tom Peopla In aU lines: iwai douUa band. State cat ui both. TtlN JailMkUa, Ark. Bbow hreeM. pay own hoteL BEBNARD McORAW, Oanla- eloaln, araaon cauae of this ad. WANTED FOR teo. Net? York. WANTED-PIANO PLAYER AT LIBERTY tliNl can work In tiro or thrv*e aiHa. to )oln oo wlra Aecount OoaDaoy Oeatny, Don't mUrepnaniL Doti't answer uiUeaa you mean Imainea: eouaa of this ad. caUALoFIS BWHy w«i* 0. VICTOR ROSS ELOISE ADAMS MILT TALBERT’S BIG TENT THEATRE D«l M ta l>ec. SO, IUtobp, Missouri. Omaudy, Oaieral I liar. Ilearles. dan. Buidiim. lluslurea. Heavy man, general business man, character man; all doubling band. Those doing Mlnsle. Uoulile. Hinay Mtlarles, Int off at this ad. FVir Grand lliaairt. KimwIIIc. Tetin. MiLit lie sight Address W. R MA.VSIIAIIGIIR rare Oeneral De- Wanted, Colored Piano Player and Performers readsr and trails*^*' (liaiai iunl iim'). llTory. St. Jtmph. MJsmniri. Salary, FSS.OO a >\ ; iliri't aIioam lUi-iP. For Plantation Show, all kinds of legitimate Concessions, People for Musical Comedy Saturday and hoUiUj)*; l Uyliig tlvi^ a. ih of \;tuil.v :;0 aad thrra rerU )i luns. A4Ulris.H Joil.N H. VICK* Show, Drummer and Clarinet IMayw for American Band. Address Grand Theater. Kmavillf, Tiitii. 1*. (K Itox TiW. AT LIBERTY CLIFTON-KBLLBT SHOWS, L. C. Kelley, Manager, Clarksdale, Mist. Join It once. Lady. JuTenlles. charactora. nsM heaelaa, WANTED—Chorus Girls aparialtire. piano: ays 56: Oeal. uiaH parla. piano: Salary. $18.00-520.00. Must load iiun.b r*. slure nye 32. Good drareen. Open for rep., <■» nlybmr, boaked aU seasan. Answer at one*. Cilris hIio ■wd.. joint only; aalaiy must be Mira TLckcaaf Tea worked In for me last season, wrlta. Alar HAYDIINS, 1115 Klny Ara. Indlannpalla, Indiana KXSlKDMMAnC PEOPLE-MOSICIINS Mualral People write. WUI adranre Uokeu only te for B. A O. and double Moya Flm-eUm oooMwnnilollreio and treat mml. Ona-nJybt aUniM. Car Mune thou I kaire. JOB MALL, Manaytr IC«e of Pan* WANT Ilfil-qtaaB AOKNT, wba la thotaoyhly acquainted with tha Sauthem and Nanhen UrtWan. WANT aoia. Rrx Hicatrs, Andaraoo. 8. CL. weak Dec. 25. ■ood Bom OaneBonan and Weaklny Men. Wm. B. Small, wrlta Addrem AT LIBERTY—THE BERENDS J. W. BROWNLEE, eara WaiblinraU Sbawt, Taaipa, Flarida. VaisaUle Onnnly Sketrh Iteaia Dutch and Blackface: Soubrette. and Inyenuea Obanye efun. lYlenda, WANTED A DWARF AND FAT BOY willa (X-ARBNOB AND BLSTB BBKENDS. Okn- «aa mnneaata. Must be al.Ia to apeak llnea. State fuU particular balyht. walybt, aya and lowest aalaiy. Send phou -CLARINETIST- if po^Mk whiafa wlU be reCurTted. NAT FXIdS. Big Four Amusement Co. Wants BiUboaid, New Took City- diMrM paMthm In onhatra, eoacMt, hotat caft • Wnira RUBKRT W. eXAMta. 314 Wayaa Ara. DwdR. Olda One more experienced Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel help. Can place a few mere Concessions, one or two Grind Shows. Opening for good Colored Performers AT LIBERTY and Muridana to strengthen band. Also can use rn) or two good Concession IS A MM SPEARMINT »n!5.^r!«i2Un Woffcers. Steady work die tmt around to die right people. Address all communi- Boss Animalman V. Ol a, OMdiniH OaM m SMh Wia aadar. eadsos to B. L. CoMMINOs,I Alton, Fla.,Fhu, this week. or Master af Tranvottailan. to circus or bU rmidy^ Vann 6UM SNOF, CINCINNATI. not; aMMyaMc: Bret-claai ntoencea. FUANK reOit- IP VM OAT «NIUaOARO'' IT WIU NIIP OTNERS-IT WILL HELP Yfll. SohnOK. uY MM iSUi StieM. Naar Task OMF-



No City Ever the Scene of Began Successful Theatrical Such an Aseemblage Career Early in the ’70s

Blany Already on Hand and Says Stage Situation Today Is Every Train Bringing Others Same as 25 Years Ago Whose big operations during the past President Showmen's League of Amer¬ year have stamped him the foremost ica, who will bs one of the principal New York, Dec. :’3.—The itage is New York. Dec. 23.—Daniel Froh- State rights buyer of film features. speakers at Outdoor Showmen's Dinner. all set fur the Christmas Dinner and man, the dean of the theatrical pro¬ Ball of the Outdoor Showmen of the ducers, is receiving congratulations of World. Faces never >een together be¬ hundreds of friends on the forty-sec¬ fore on Broadway ore now a moat ond Chrlstma.s anniversary of his eommon s'.ght, and will so remain un¬ connection with the legitimate stage. H. A. SHERMAN til December 27 l.s over. Showmen SPEUMAN BUYS Today he graciously received a rep¬ representative of their kind in all resentative of The Pinboard at his of¬ branches are either already here or fices in the Lyoewm Theater Build¬ en route to the big scone. ing. Surrounded by h-undreds of OETS ANOTHER The Executive Committee Is sub- BOSTOCK HERD relic.s colleet''

and will leave then for England. Fair TVTC'\Ar A and Warmer is to be produced in Lon- VV HENRY MILLER WILL HAVE don by Selwyn & Company April 1. ^ ^ A * K-T Mr. Hopwood will remain in London __ _ . . for Doris Keane’s production of No- Xll6 lilttlC Xf&dy 111 BlUB THEATER IN N iW YORK body’s Widow, which she is to make _ at the London Theater, of which she THB LITTLB LADT I.N BLUE—A comedy In is the lessee, late in May. three acU. by Horaro Hodgea and T Wlg- ney Percyval. Prodnwd by David Belaaco ' at the Belaaco Theater in New York on Ue- Actor-Manager Leases Site on Forty-Third cember 21. Street, Near Broadway—Will^egin Work Ralph Kettering’s New Play Qfvifl/af-tiro TPrh Roar. I-Tie Raflu (’hicago, Dec. 24.—A new play by Admiral Sir Anthony Addenbrooke. on Oiruciure to Dear nis wame Dariy Ualph Thomas Kettering win be pro- . . in ianuarv*—Reviving TllOll^aS Clnmcdv duced at Washington, D, C., January Captain Kent,*B. N.,..’,’.'.F^^™k Graham 111 jaiiuaiy 1\CV1V111^ t liuinas V/Ullicuy 21. bv Vaughan Glaser. The present Joe Porten.Horace Braham - till, of the piece Is Should There B. ///.:•.II■.Sra'oSS ^ Children, but this may be changed, as Oobblcdick .George Giddena New York. Dec. 23.—For many at present running at the New Thea- , .w. birth control imoression A Walter.Adrian H. Boaiey yearshorti Uit titx.has Keeaeebeen the ambitiono eere KIdIrs.. of I do.ter, TLondon. rseorlc. rPV.The .v castcood isl« ano d. exception-csr/,crsd< cr.. * Ti,-,^ dUp nntnre of- the- fA PTOCeaB SeiTer.. HaiTy HOllday Henry Miller to own and direct a thea- ally strong one. Including such play- .RoUnd Rnsbton ter of his own in New York City, ers as Marie Tempest, Henry Kolker, Anne CbnrcblU.Frances Starr where he could carry out his ideas. Laura Hope Crews, Norma Mitchell, „ M . « vt« Miaa Qmck.Lucy Beaumont a Gtrl of Portsmontb Town..Eleanor Pendleton ’This week, through the signing of the Eugene O’Brien and Graham Browne, Collier Seriously 111 _ New York, Dec. 23.— After an inl- necessary papers with Messrs. Masten The first performance will be given in and Nichols, of 49 Wall street, this Toronto next Monday, Mr. Miller ac- New York, Dec. 23.—A report has week in Washington, D. C., over a dream became a reality. Mr. Miller companylng the organization to that reached Broadway from Boston that *"°"f** •’uns in has leased the property at Nos. 124, city. January 8 It will be brought to Walter Collier, brother of William 126, 128 and 130 West Forty-third the Lyceum Theater here. Collier and business manager for Otis cities. The Little ^dy In Blue felt en- street. Just off of Broadway. Three of —^- Skinner, is seriously ill in the Brook- tlrely capable of coming into New the.He lots are vacant at the present DsUlDBr Oil Pl&US line Hospital there.' Yorlt to elbow her way through a time and the fourth is occupied by an ^ ___ mass of hits and near hits to a place old brown stone residence which will . I . Aption ClLrHPTI the front row. And this, it seems. K- All New York Amusement Places, ACllOn iigainsi ixaraen did. Naturally, the “she” in the Must Close Before Midnight - story is FYances Starr, without whom Henry Miller’s Theater, as it will be Xew Year’s Eve .Vlleging Violation of Sunday Law rp^e Little Lady in Blue would not be known, will have a seating capacity _ ■ nearly so attractive. New York likes of twelve hundred, and the style of New YorkYork, DecDec. 23_T123.—The Broadway New York, Dec. 23.—Corporation Mjgg Starr immensely, and it Is cer- archltecture wdll be Georgian. It will a„jusement is suffering from a grouch. I ('ounsel Lamar Hardy, on behalf of gbe will lose none of her popularl- be constructed of brick with marble And as January the city of New jy ^nd charm In her present play. facings. Work will be begun the first jgj approaches WILLIAM HODGE Y'ork, has start- n jg universally agreed that the week In January, and the theater will the grouch will ed action against play is Inferior to its star, but this open next October. Aside from Mr. become worse the Winter Gar- jg overlooked to a certain extent be- Miller’s private offices the building then still den in an at- cause of the dainty costuming and will be devoted exclusively to theater worse. With the tempt to collect picturesque settings, an admirable purposes. There will be many innova- rnemory of the $500 as a pen- background and atmosphere for Miss tlons. It Is the intention to have a re- big celebrations alty for the al- gtarr’s delightful artistry, ceptlon room for women adjoining the of past years leged violation ^he Tribune sees much charm in lobby, where an attendant will wait that have ush- of the Sunday ^be quaint play, with some dull patches upon them with a diagram for the ered In the new law by the man- bore and there, and the capital per- sale of seats, obviating the necessity year and packed agement. The formance cut short by the plot. Hey- of standing in line. The boxes will be the restaurants, .suit is of great ^ood Broun insists that the act- built with the Idea of furnishing a theaters and the importance t o jj,g ijj jbe whole show la done by A. good view of the stage. If not quite so Great White the amusement q Andrews, lately In Hobson’s Choice, good a view of the occupants. Way with a and theatergo- B^-oun avoided mention of Miss It is Mr. Miller’s intention to make merry throng ing public of gtarr^ permitting “Frances Starr is a Henry Miller’s 'Theater a production still fresh in the this city, be- refined siren” to suffice, house for plays of the highest class. minds of many cause should the The Herald was impressed by the Incidentally Mr. Miller will revive the gloom .suit of the city elaborateness of production as con- A. E. Thomas’ comedy. Her Husband’s brush was free- be successfully (Oontlnned on pace 62) Wife, which was first produced at the ly applied by prosecuted the Garrick Theater In 1910, and which Is Comm issioner license under . ___ Bell of the Li¬ which the big cense Bureau show house is Gamblers All January 1 operated will be _ '' that Broadway a II t o m atically XT X- , . - would have “to vacated and an¬ New 'iork. Dec. 24.—January 1. at good” on nulled. Maxine Elliott’s Theater, Percy Bur- Year’s Eve The action is ton. New York representative for Sir » t)Hsed on a com^ licadlns man In Fixing Slater, wlilch lia.a replareil Herbert Tree, will produce. In assocla- ga^se it falfs on Go Tn It at Uie I'rinceRa Theater, Chicago, after a plaint from the tion with the Shuberts, Gamblers All. Sunday. About auctxxisful run In New York. New York Sab which was the hit of the London jbe only thing liath Committee 8ea.«on, and In which Mr. Burton had be allowed to run this year, to the effect that on November 5 last originally gone Into partnership for according to the Commissioner, will the defendant corporation violated the America with the late Lewis Waller, be the concerts which are held regu- city ordinance under which City Ll- For the latter s part Mr. Burton has jarly on Sunday nights. Even they cense (’ommlssioner Bell issued its engiiged John Miltern, while Muriel tnust be finished in every Instance by theatrical license. According to the Starr will ap- ii;30, and the further Information Is ((’ontimuMi(('ontlniKMl on imgo ui141 „ y pear In the role given out that the official edict also - ■ - Mary Harper originally applies to the motion picture theaters XKTuAa lUfra TAVinff4'n*iA - played by Madge of the city, and that they. too. will be White WedsWeOS Mrs.MTS. JohnstoneJohUStOne Tltheradge. Ro- expected to close up shop and go home ■ nald Squire, late at 11:30. New York, Dec, 22.—James White, Lieutenant- The ruling came a.s a surprise to stage director, and Mrs. Maude At- Interpreter at Broadway, where all sorts of plans had kin.«on Johnstone, an actress, were Donlngton Hall, been made to welcome Ml8.s 1917. Now niiirried here Wednesday afternoon. the German In- ^be situation Is that they are all -- irSIg!and!*hM ‘’*'®’®®‘* »P with no place to go. RowlaudRowland & Howard

to take up**Mr JuUaJulia ArthUTArthur Put Out CoiiiimnyCoinimny To Play Which One D u Maurler’s ■ • Shall I Marry on Onc-NIglitcrM part, which he Ilrgln Season In New York New - pla.ved there. In Year’s Night Chicago.Chicago, Dec. 25.—Rowland & How¬How- addition to these “““’ nrd’sard’s one-night stand company inIn are the name of New York, Dec. 23.—Julia Arthur Which One Shall I Marry opened on Ernlta Lascellea, will begin her New York season at the Christmas Eve at Kenosha, WIs., and Daisy Belmore! Criterion Theater Monday night, Jan- advices Indicate that the show will Florence Phelps, uary 1. In William Lindsey’s romantic he the same big success ns the Inter- Mona Hunger- Pl«y pI the twelfth century. Sere- national Circuit show. The second ford, Aj^hur nrionda. company has two of the players who appeared with the act tn vaudeville L aTe b y^‘^^ild Avery Hopwood Traveling under this name, Gertrude Ritchie as Philip Tong*. ' The Girl and Edmund Carroll as The Chicago, Dec. 23.—Avery Hopwood, Poor Man. Browne will I author of Fair and Warmer, passed Rowland A Howard are also send- atage the play I through Chicago this week on his way ing Everyman’s Castle to the one- under the dime-1 to Vancouver, B. C.. where he sails night stands shortly, having secured _ ^ M P«rcy for Yokohama. He expects to be tn the rights to the play from William •a Barton. Now York by tht mlddlo of March Anthony Maguire. e 5 r

Performances Called Off Melting of Molly Closes

By Philadelphia Grand Opera Co. Tour' *’*u.s|jeiide«l Pending Securing of Aorount Illness of Members York llieater th WILLIAM W. RANDALL Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 22.—The New York, Dec. 23.—Irene Franklin Philadelphia Grand Opera Company has closed the tour of The Melting of has canceled all performances at the New York, Dec. 23.—The new attraction at the Belasco appears to have Molly pending the obtaining of a New Academy of Music until Christmas gotten over nicely at this theater of long runs. It is France.s Starr, in her York theater, in spite of the fact that Day on account, as William S. Rosen- latest play. The Little I-ady in Blue, and from the favorable comments I have she has been offered return engage¬ bach, manager of the company says, heard of the new play it and the popular star are among the assured suc¬ ments in Detroit, Cincinnati, St. Louis. of the illness of a number of the mem¬ cesses of the present season. I was over to the Belasco offices the other day City, Minneapolis and St. Paul. bers. Lucia and II Trovatore. which talking to Wendell Phillips Dodge, the press agent, when In walked David The Melting of Molly company is ex¬ were to have been given yesterday Belasco, who is my oldest friend in the show busines.s, in point of acquaint¬ pected to open on Broadway shortly afternoon and last night, respectively, anceship. I was chaffing him about all the money he was laying aside, and after the new year. will make up the program Christmas remarked that neither Rockefeller, Carnegie nor himself could carry any of Day. Alberto Mandi, a new tenor, will their wealth with them when they shuffled off this mortal coil, etc. Belasco The Home Without Babies appear Ln Lucia, and Forest Lament smiled grimly as he said: "Come with me. Will, and I will show you where in II Trovatore. Mr. Rosenbach says most of my money is going.” With that he led me to his spacious offices after Christmas the company will give in another part of the building, and I never saw such a gorgeous lot of Fhlcago, Dec. 23.—A company has been organized here to present The thirty performances, two per week. bric-a-brac and real antiques outside of a museum. When I asked him what Home Without Babies, the new play Instead of four, a.s originally arranged. the Intrinsic value of the thing.s in his offices alone were worth he modestly said; “About two hundred thousand dollars.’’ I asked him what had become by Howard McKent Barnes, which I of that $10,000 bed that was used during the run of his play, Du Barry, with will be produced by Gazzolo, Gatts & •Pine Work Mrs. Leslie Carter, and he said that he still owned it, but it cost ten thousand Clifford. It will open at the National francs, and not dollars. It is supposed that this famous bedstead was form¬ Theater here January 21. It has been many a year since a erly the property of the historical character, Marie Antoinette. bumpkin has been as naturally and • ••••• Hopkins Gets Rights ■Imply portrayed as It is by Edgar My earliest recollections of the show business, when I was a young man Nelson in Turn to the Right, now run¬ in San Francisco, center around David Belasco, who was, at the time I speak New York, Dec. 23.—Charles Hop¬ ning at the Gaiety, New York. of, the assistant stage manager to the late James A. Herne, at the old kins, the actor-manager of the Punch The role of Sam Martin is the Baldwin Theater there. I think 1 was one of the first newspaper men to and Judy Theater, has Just secured the veriest bit of a part. Seldom Indeed give Mr, Belasco any great publicity, a fact that always made him grate¬ sole dramatic rights of Treasure Isl¬ has an actor had to contend against ful to myself and other writers at the time. I think I was the first one to and for Australia and New Zealand, more slender opportunity and slender suggest to him to get East where there were greater fields for his talents, which two countries, together with chance to do things, so Mr. Nelson’s as well as ambitions. He started East, finally, with Herne, and with a play the others which he has secured, achievement is truly remarkable. that was written by both called Hearts of Oak. It made a good deal of give him the sole dramatic rights of He dresses the part without car¬ money, and trouble came between the two friends that separated them. Mr. Stevenson's masterpiece for the world. tooning it. makes up for it with real Belasco has always stated that he owed a great deal to the late Mr. Herne, country tan apparently, employs a who was generally considered one of the very best stage directors that America carefully studied dialect and never for has ever produced. He will always be remembered best by his famous play. Lew Fields an instant overacts. Shore Acres, in which he appeared so often. Of Mr. Belasco, his works, his Ruth Chester does some admirable high dramatic ideals and his place of importance as the greatest director of will .Ap|>ear in Bosom Friends work in the same play, but Nelson’s the present time are known to all who follow the dramatic news of the day. impersonation is gemlike. He has recently become interested In the management of the Lyceum Theater, New York, Dec. 23—Lew Fields is and it is likely that before the present season is over he will personally put rehearsing a play called Bosom , Gombination Bill on a play there. Friends, which will receive its pre¬ • ••••• miere in Albany in two weeks and then go to Chicago. In Mr. Fields’ cast To Bo Offered by Corey & Ktter Mr. I’elasco is Interested with both of his sons-in-law, William Elliott and Morris Gest, in the production of a big play called The Wanderer that are Matilde Cottrelly, Kathleen Co- meys, Helen Reimer, Jean Shelby, New York. De.''. 28—It is announced is .slated to open at the Manhattan Opera House on January 22, following Walter Walker, Frank Sylvester and by Corey & Rlter ihat Lord Dunsany’s the present run of Ben-Hur at that house. Ben Teal, another old Frisco John Hudson. Robert Milton Is stag¬ k Night at an Inn, and a new three- friend of my early da>’s, is rehearsing it. and he tells me this remarkable ing the play. act play by Harris Dickson, the South¬ play of that idealist. Max Reinhardt, will create a great sensation when it ern writer, will be offered at some is brought out here. The cast and accessories are said to be complete in New York theater early in the new every detail, as Is to be expected with every stage production that that dra¬ DRAMATIC NOTES year. Harrison Grey Fiske will be as- matic wizard is connected with. ■ociated with Corey & Rlter in the • ••••• Oliver Moroseo ha* enzaBed Helen Turney to production of the pla>’s. Harris Dick¬ One of the most original as well as prolific press agents—I beg pardon, aneeeed Ida 8t. Leon In the role of NelUe to er ‘is well known for his numerous publicity promoters—of today is my friend, A. Toxen Worm, who sees to it rpatalra and Down. Mias St. I,eon will h* stories of contemporary Southern life. that the Shuberts are well kept In the public prints. His latest origination married ne\t nionth In her hnme town. I,o« Ab- His play is said to be written about a is what he calls an Arboretum of Vocal Gages. Mr. Worm states seriously Reles. novel theme, involving characters as and soberly that in order that the voices of the chorus girls may be preserved Kalph Jewell. Florenee Korlms ami A. J. Col* whimsical and fresh as those recalled for posterity the Shuberts have taken steps to establish an enterprise, with have lieen placed with Iliinilltni I'nIcniHirM When in Erstwhile Susan. the above title, and has accordingly asked Frederick C. Conger, an arborist, a (ilrl I,ove», by Hurry Sheldon. with the assistance of Frank E. Tours and Augustus Barrett, musical di¬ The flrat engaRenient contract to Im> Iwued by rectors, to plan out the proposed aboretum, which they want located in one Oharlea Dlllinzham and Florcn* /.Icgfeld. Jr., for Cocoannt Orove, the ninuHeiiieiit Institution Merry Wives at Park, N. Y. of the city parks. This, idea for the preservation of the chorus girls’ voices which will open on the roof of the Century la certainly new and unique. To quote the original Mr. Worm: Theater, New York. December 30. went to New York, Dec. 23.—The Merry "The arboretum will provide the city with a new and unusual place of Yvonne Shelton. Mlua Shelton orlzlnated the Wives of Windsor, with Thomas A. entertainment ns well ns demonstrating to future generations the voice Wise, Constance Collier and Isabel' part of Alice In Alice In Wonderland In Th# culture that prevails in musical comedy today. The cages will be placed in Century Girl, and will have a role of like prom¬ Irving heading the cast, will begin an the" tops of the trees forming the arboretum and these will contain phono¬ inence in Dance and Grow Tliln, which title haa engagefhent at the Park Theater on graphs in which voices have been recorded. Electric wires and buttons fas¬ been beatowed upon the divertiwinent now in January 8 for an Indellnlte period. tened to a switchboard at the entrance of the arboretum will set in motion preparation. Little Women, now at the Park, will any selection desired. Benches and chairs will be conveniently distributed Oh -Boy iB the title of the new mnalral play leave January 6. for the comfort of the auditors. No voice will be placed in a cage which is announced by the Comstock-KIllott Coii;i>any for not of superior quality. The first hearing will not be given for ten years, at production at the Princes* Theater, New York, Portmanteau Theater which time the cages will be unlocked and the voices released first before a next month. Guy Dolton and P. O. Wodehouae group of musical comedy producers and voice teachers and later for the wrote the book and lyrice, while the music is benefit of the public.’’ by Jerome Kem. Stuart Walker’s Portmanteat\ Thea* It is not stated as -yet what the average chorus girl thinks of the Gareth Hughes left New York De<'einber SO ter is already firmly Intrenched In the arboretum. Most of them generally think of the length of their sea.son’s en¬ for Loe Angelea to play the title role In a ro- New York public’s esteem. gagement. I shall never forget the story told by the late and dearly remem- vival of Everyman, with which Klchartl Ordynskl It is a great pity that he has elected will bring his season at the Little Theater to iMred ''Blfr’ Hall, newspaper man-police Judge of Chicago. He said a girl to adopt the suggested rather than a cbsie. Incl.leiitally it Is reporle

New York, Dec. 24.—Henri De Vries, the Dutch protean actor, has returned Bernhard and Harrin^on to New York, following the completion of a tour of the Orpheum Circuit, to To Discard Willard Ma"k’s Playlet* actively complete preparations for the Who Is She, Next Season presentation, in vaudeville, of a new spectacular novelty, the construction New York. Dec. 24.—Who Is She, of which has endangered his life on the Willard Mack playlet now making one occasion in England and forced Its second tour of the Orpheum Cir¬ him to seek a neutral country for its cuit as the vehicle of Joseph E. Bern¬ exploitation. Mr. De Vries, who made ard and Hazel Harrington, will be dis¬ his first appearance here in A Case of carded next season by those players Arson at the old Madison Square Thea¬ who are rehearsing another Mack ter in 1906. has been playing John sketch. The new offering is called Glayde’s Honor, Inconstant George, Bob’s Blooming Bunc. Tlie cast calls Bernstein’s The Scandal and his own for an English, an ingenue and a big protean play in London, Holland and brother part, which will be played by one on the Continent since then. Mr. Bernard. The playlet Is based upon an international marriage. Toby Claude in Vaudeville Jane Oaker in Vaudeville New York, Dec, 2S.—Toby Claude, the English comedienne, who arrived New York, Dec. 24.—Julian Eltlng* in the States early this week, will take has written a dramatic playlet In a dip into vaudeville beginning next which Jane Oaker will be seen tn Monday. She will be assisted by three vaudeville at the close of their season people. In Cousin Lucy. Puma Cbildicn, aopearliic lo » lUlnty ivisrtoirp ijT wjtw. mlrili uiJ duur, fraiurlnx itir M.rmr CimUh. Vaudeville Reviews By Special Wire

Keith's Royal, New York Majestic, Chicago (■•ttowW llOB*V M) ifieTopmosi (Eavtowtd Monday Matinee, DoeaBbor M) Hair Tork. Dm. Muiwm C «. agma ga«« ^ kla patroM a rati kolMay MB. im« J. Chicago, Doc. MS.—The holiday crowd at the gmiia MfTtd to tsttodoc* tb* aeu, iMttog tte Majeatlc waa not np to expectaUoaa thla after¬ noon, althouch tho house waa fairly well flUod. ,^■1—~ to Mcfc aug* ataB, gattariof aaay The bill for the current week containa a alee iNfM. 4 amount of variety, and waa tboronfhly appreci¬ 1—Patba Bawa. ated today. Ito. 1—Flying MayM. Baa aad waaaaa, gaT# •R LACE No. 1—Meturea. Ito tkow a flying atart with Mato thrlUlag tmp- Here Genius not pirtftj'our l^nk insures. No. ;;—Hilly Judge and Anna Oalle, In atrik- M wnrk. Tha haal atnata wara acaompUabad Ing coetumea of black and yellow, perfona a pipart maBaac. Bight ailnutaa. In thraa; twa (Bevlewed Monday Martnoe, December SB) series of feats of strength and aklll on bar and ktMh rings. The work was well received. Six bIo- g,^ »—Bvka and Barria, aan, aSMad a aong- ntes, full stage; one curtain. lUpi, by Jaa Vaaag that la ana at tha noTeltlea New Tork. Dec. 25.—An unproyrammed treat waa In store for the apec- No. 3—Helen Trlx. billed as The Plano flong If Ba aaaaoo. Tonag aoppUad tha nutarlal that WblsUeieas, entertained for aliteen minntes ,i,Ti«—■ a laal panch. Btorlea Ftam Uto la tatora thia afternoon when Harry Houdini introduced hia pal, Lea Darcy, with her talkalognei, aoogs and wblstUng noB- iHg ta tha tltla of the act Tory waU deUrernd, the Auatralian puEiliat, who aaaisted Houdini as a committeeman. Darcy here. Two pretty costumes are worn daring the Iwgwtag an oU-tlnia and «p-to-tba-nilnate aoaga, waa accompanied by Mr. O’Sullivan, hia manager, and Leenard Hicka, of act. Mlsa Trlx sings her own sengs and pioya ' lipltllag what time wUl da In aoogland. Flt- Chicago. The trio occupied orchestra aeata and enjoyed the show immenaely. her own accompaniments. lo one; two bowa. hia adnntea. In one; Uto bowa. No. 4—Marsliall Montgomery offers a ven- ga 4—Vhe Ban in Front, preaentad by Minnie The regular Monday afternoon Palace clientele were absent, but a goodly tiiloqulal number of nnusnal merit, one that la D^iaa and written by Alfred Sntro, feataring crowd of out-of-town folka made up the audience. Emma Carua, Stella entirely out of the ordinary. Ills act la well ■latrlaa Borgan. Tlie act la the aame an played Maybew, Blossom Seeley and Yvette Rugel were the ladles who contributed staged, and put over aa oaly Marshall Montgom by MBi Dnpraa In randeriUa a few yaaia ago. ery oould put It over. Bdna Courtney proves ghi Borgan doea wall with bef aaalgameat. aa their diversified talents, and each one registered deserved succeea. an able assistant. The whistling, singing and fa A fbaada Leas and John Caanaiy. The No. 1—Palace News Pictorial: twelve minutes. crosa-flre were all thoroughly enjoyed. Sixteen Mprise flalah was rallabed by all. FUteen No. 2—Fanebon and Marco, one man, one woman. The man offered a minutes, in three; two curtains. niintM, In three; fbnr enrtalna. violin specialty and also danced with his partner while playing the instru¬ No, 5—The most pretentious offeriag on the ga B-Joa COok supplied many langha with bill Is the Four Husbands, featuring Sloreoce Hi one-man raaderille act. Ba displayed mnch ment. Their whirlwind dance finish put them over in good style. Nine Bain and Itay Uayinoads, assisted by a choraa wawtlUty la patting otm Ma homoroas bits. minutes. In three; two bowa.^ of twelve girls ainl six men. The coetomea are Martaea adnatas, in one and tWA cksfng in one; No. 3—Scarploll and Leon Varvara, two boya attired as Russian peas¬ numereus and gorgeous, and the whole playlet IhNabowa. ants. Scarpioff is the posseuor of an excellent voice, but lacks the art of revolves around the young lady who wishes to Ha. 6—Lora Birds, three ladlaa and two men. marry four men, us slu* eau not doclde on any iftrtd a fbatastie mnaleal aorelty, Introdactng showmanship. His voice, although melodious, is lacking in volume. Var¬ one of them. Kxs-elh-nt comedy sltuatlona and daglBg and a lUtte dancing. Their voices blend vara accompanies the singer at the piano, making the act a real pleasant one. snappy song nninis-rs rh llerz waa the langhliig hit of Twenty-two mtautes. In one; Are bows. the bill, and In hia own Inimitable style pnt No. 9—Creation held everyone In. as It's one his escape in one minute from a strait-jacket. For a finish the water torture over his character sougs and recitations. Among at the prettiest sight acU In vaodevtUe. The cell was Introduced. Houdini is, undoubtedly, one of the greatest showmen his nainU’rs were ITie Movie Actor. The Author, BBth of tho Universe Is a scenic masterpiece. in or out of vaudeville, as his every move is that of the expert. The audi¬ What's the Idea, The Ballad of the Brand and With electrical eirecta and superbly monnted. ence enjoyed every moment of his specialty and accorded him thunderous ap¬ If tile Wife Says It’s Black. Bach made tta Twelve mlnatee; two cnrtaloa.—BEN. IHiInt, and he closed with the audience calling plause when he concluded. Twenty-six minutes, in three; three bows. for more. Twenty-six minntes, in one; many bows. Colonial, New York INTERMISSION No. 0—Rrengk’a Bronze Statne Horse la a (Bavlewed Monday Matiaeo, Deoember W) well-trained equine, presented In poses of vari¬ No. 7—Blossom Seeley, assisted by Bill Bayley and I.ynn Cowan. Miss ous subjects. The Isirae and his two posing Mew York, Dec. 25.—Christmas meant a capac¬ Seeley's new act does not contain the amount of pep that she is capable of partners, a man and a womaa, are alt coated ity matinee at Manager A1 Darling's playhouse, delivering. Her songs are of the draggy variety. She only did herself Justice with bronze, and the effect is very besntlfU. •ad the show was of the boUday order ao as to Eight minutes; full stage; two eortalns.—WAL- when she sang Todolo. Bayley and his banjo were the big applause winner of ba In full keeping. TBR. No. 1—^The Levoloa, alack-wlra artists, ten the outfit. However, th* act was well liked. Twenty-four minutes, open in Blnutea, In full, gave evidence that the bUl to one, then three and back; three bows and encore. fallow would be high class. Pat and Jalia not Chicago Palace enly costume tastily, but alao know the art of ' ^ 2y’ . Ikelr work. (Bsviswed Monday Matinee, December 15) No. 2—DeForest and Kearns, sixteen minutes. In one, delivered their assignment with peraonsl- Chlcayo, D.c. 25.—A fairly well filled houM Ity. Patsy appeals quite as doea Allen, which No. 8—Emma Cams and Larry Comer easily was on hand at the Piilace Music Hal], but not won them three bows. tucked away the hit of the show with their wonderful ^ the usual enthuriastic crowd that welcomes tha No. S—Mirlsm and Irene Marmetn, eleven Monday afternoon openlnx. Chrtstmae Day it Blnutea, In three, to full, would not be mU- offering, consisting of singing, dancing and talk. The % cheerless In the loop, and this was also borne out plaeed were they to receive the prominent spot In the thestCT. en the prvgraro. Originality always eomnisnda expertness of the pair is befitting to the letter. Miss ^ No. 1—Kirby and Rome did not appear. taapMt, and the Marmeln gtrla have contrilniicil Cams is a marvel at the art of entertaining, while w No. 2—Van and Belle open the bill. They u'iis. fied. Twenty minutes, in three, eight bows and a speech, ^ Fourteen minutes, in full; three bows. Bach dirisloa la equally captivating. No. 3—CalLste Conaut follo»e

Ii|o. 10—B. Merlan'a Swiai Canine Aotora thirty-five well-trained doga. ge through their parts in a manner proving their trainer knew the art Only M M Om MMto tv a tew left the auditorium while thla beautiful act waa on view. Thirteen •nj^ VNJJJUit • UCK mlButei, apcclal set; two eurtalna. Length of show three houra. fifteen aetnvtea Bueinaea fair.WACK. (


nw TOKX onr i iMt Halft PT. WATHX. XHS. Tho Pbmtly AUIAMKKA (nbo) Fortf A t’rma George Horton Tbren Lytoa PAIJICB (nbo) The Ubdtatora Pint Half; Irlah-American Qlrla Toocj A NonMl On the Veranda CALLS NEXT WEEK The O'Learya JACKSONVILLE, PLA. Oortovtt, Sbt^pard A WINDSOR (wva) Ce.gblaiHl. Otto A Arery ORPHEUM (nbo) Donovan Pint Half; Diamond A Brennan CbM. Okntt The Qlrl Worth While PtrM RaUt Merrlan'a Doga Weaton A Claire IHiUtMAI, (nbo) Lnat Half; (two to Oil) Dam. Oood A Funny See Who’s on the Bill With You American Comedy Fuor Hotter Broo. Laat Half; Four Paldrona BlUy Bonneer’a Clrcna Hramp A Scamp rrlmroM t'oar Laat RaUt Hrrt Lmlto A On. ALTOH, ILL. Lew A Mollte Hunting Prank Crumlt Chaa. Maaon A Co. Bort llaidon HIPPODROMB (wra) Kerr A TVeaton Cooper A Smith MrCartbr A Fayo Pint Half; Page, Hack A Mack BILLS FOR THE WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 1 Hope Vernon Morton A Moor# Ford A Drma 'llie Klopera JANESVILLE, WIB. Nonottn Taylor A Arnold Maybrw A Taylor Laat Half; FT. WILLIAM, 0AM. APOUXI (abc) Laat Half: RIVBltSIDB (nbo) Heraa A Preeton NAMES OR INITIALS INDICATE THE AGENCIES ROOKING THESE ORPHRTIM (wra)(wva) Manib A Lawrence AHH ARBOR. MIOB. Laat Half! Pendleton Slaters Clark A Tonll HOUSES, AS ('OLLOR'S: “UBO,” UNITED BOOKING OFFICES; “OUPH,” .Lew Mtiglbbon MAJESTIC (obo) Olrllca* Oamb^ ORPHEUM CIRCUIT; “M,” J. C. MATTHE'IVS; •*LOEW," MARCUS LOEW; uaiey A Haley Manning A Lee Wright A Utotrirb Pint Half; Stickney’s Aniroaia Permalne “PR,»* PROCTOR’S CIRCUIT; “ABC," AFFILIATED BOOKING COMPANY; N’T*"!*®® 3?*? „ Cora Beckwith's Diving JOPUN, HO. ROTAL tnbo) Lorraluo A Fleaaon “WVA,” WESTERN VAUDEVILLE MAN.%OERS’ ASSOCIATION; “INTER," BeckwithsNympna uiui Tbo Uonaroa The Family ELECTRIC (Int-T) Rork A White Gtorge Morton INTERSTATE AMUSEMENT COMPANY. PT. WORTH, TEX. Pint Half; Doria Wllaon A Oo. Wills A Gilbert Irlab-Amertran Utrla BYERS (inter) Maaon A Murray BRAMDOM, 0AM. LMt HkU; Howe A Howe Laat Half; Berate A Baker Predy James First Half; Last Half; OKXOAIH) Jack La Vler ORPHRUM (wra) Conroy A O’Donnell Lung Tack Sam Max Bloom Swain A Ostman Dnnlap A Verdin ACADKMT (wra) LeRoy A Mabel Hart (Jan. 6-6) Laat Half: (one to dll) DULUTH. MINM. McKay's Revue Frank Stafford A Co. The Berr«‘ns Last Half: Allca Teddy rirat Half; Paul P^rtnl A Monks NEW GRAND (wva) Jeanne Jerome A Thompaon Hay Snow Carl A LeCteIr OHATTAMOOOA, Treat’a Seals Lyric Dancers XALAKAXOO. KICK. The Maater Move George Lorett A Co. Barry LaToy TEMM. Kae A Wynn rirat Half: Laat Half;Half: I^Koy A Harvey (MAJESTIC (iibot Lnplta Perea ATLAHTA, OA. Sts Colonial Belles X."*;"?’' ? Anita Arilaa A Co. MAJESTIC (ubu) AI Abbott Pint Half; BROOXLTM Wright A Duvia jjubyItuby Cavelle At Co. AMKRU'AN (wra) FORSYTH (nbo) Pint Half; Society Circus Harrv Sterling p^ur The Ferraros rirat Half; Nan Halpertn Four Entertainers Rialto Four BC8HWI0K (nbo) Cheek Your Baggage vuyloateke Tiw Browning A Dean The Night Clerk Ethel MeD«>iioURh DATTOM, 0. Vuyloateke Troupe Blossom Seeley A Co. KEITH'S (ulail Harry liolman A Co. iMt KMf; Clark A UamlltM Kill, « Kordonl Laat Half; Last H^: 0ALE8BUR00ALE8BUR0. ILL. Lou Holta C Francis Relaner Cbaa. A Anna Olocker Aveling A Uoyd I Qeo. I^ona Yvette ORPHEUM (wva) The Gown Shop Camev. Uovi) A Sport In the Alps J. A B. Morgan Evans A Evans X^HFHFT M Lady Atire's Pets CIMCIMMATI Hugh Herbert A Co. Plrat Halfi Last Half: Rlcbarda Muriel Window McRae A Clegg roUliTmoii’ Wtllle Hale A Bro. Rnbevllle EMPRESS (abo) Shattuck A Golden PoUIn Bros. Jultna Tannen ORPHEUM (orph) Blaon (^ty For Wilton Slaters AOOOSTA, OA Kathh-en Kla Wa Ya Deblere Blaon City Four The .LeTolloa John T. Ray A Co. Gordon Etdrid A Co. Sorette A Antoinettei Hubert Dyer A Oo. (three to MITMil tons to ail) '****^ Montgomery A Perry Demareai A Collette LaatLast Half: Victoria Four Cecil A Mar DECATUR, ILL. AVRMTB (wra) nilly DunUp Garden of Surpriiu's I . Allan Dlnehart A Co. All-Girl Revne*Revue* Flllla Troupe Paul A Pauline EMPKES.S (wva I Pint Half; Moore A St. Claln DeForeat A Kearna XAH8A8 CITY. HO. Singing Four First Half: Hana Hanke 0ALVE8T0M0ALVE8T0N. TXX. Bmho Altw Fire MacUirena Leo Been A Norris' Baboona Scamp A Scamp GRAND O. H. (Inter) ORPHEUM (orpht On the Vennda (two to Emmet Devoy A Co. nil) KEITH'S (ubo) Lane A Harper (31-Jan. 1) Laura Nelson Hall A Von Hampton A Shrlnor Laat Kwt ORPHEUM (obo) Co. Ruth St. Denis The Right Man EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL. o Amlra ' KartoIU Pour American Bob Albrigbt Kane A Herman Morton A Glass Last Half; PatroPatrollen I Roland Tnven A Co. Burley A Burley ERBER’S (wva> Foley A O’Neil ('apt. Anson A Daughter Four Kings Britt Wood Implta Ptnn Lillian Pleaaanta Cartmell A Harria Laat Half: Plrat Half: lX‘,Ii[r?TonC^: * !! Clara Morton The Right Man (three to ail)till) Boys' Band Dyer A Fay Ia>aeh-Wallln Trio Adroit Bros. Morin Staters Bert Kenny ATJHORA. ILL. Aveling A Lln.vd Sllber A North Harria A Nolan I Musical Geralds Bowman Bros, * Morgan A Armstrong Hallen A Hunter Maater J. C. Ijewla A WiUiams A Wolfoa <■> FOX (wva) .trthur Havel A Co. Co Creole Band I’®*'"® * Sterling Laat Half: BUFFALO Rath Bros. 1 PANTAGES(ml SHEA’S (ubo) Chaa. Seamon Laat Half: GRAND RAPIDS. MICH George A UUy Garden Stone A McAvoy Rigoletto Bros. flSl^ A miarm.a ”’®'** * Card Lanrle A Bronson Straasell’a Animals DurelH'r A EMPRESSIMPRESS (ubo) hSi^A DoVJfJl RnwaonRawaon A Clare Great Lester Four DanuTws CLEVELAND DENVER Kimberlv * Arnold MuaiealMusical JohuatonaJohnat Blaon Cltv Four Three Bartos KEITH'S (Ubo) OKPIIEI7M (orph)I) Jimmy Lucas A Co. I'retperltyPr<-»perlty (two to Sill Marx Bros. Crawford A Broderick Harry Fern A Co. Raymond A Caverly Five ArmentodArmento Fran’s LeDent Duiwdln Duo James Gordon Jed A Rtbel Dooley AHSTIM,AVSTIM, TEX,TEX. Time Hickey Bros. Ned Nestor A Girls Last Halft MAJESTIC (Inter)(Intc Hob Dallev A Co. ^voet A Gonlat (31-Jan. 1) Welch's Minstrels KANSAS CITT, XAN. "•rt* .wmeher IleracbellIleraebell Handler THE BEST BALLAD OF THE SEASON GREAT FALLS. XGNT. ELE(rrR10 (Inter) l>-Mall Clerks Brenda Fowler A Co,I Pint Half: Prumley A Pearaoa MeWIUeMelville A Rule PANTAGES(m) Heaaer Girls Hana ClassicClaaalc Dane**Danet'ra (Jan. :!-3> iHickok A Gage ronr lAmmys Claire RochesterRoeheater i Mr. Cliaser ! Electrical Venos I Eob ntx-simiiioiis A Son| Last Half: KBDIRR (wra) Franklyn Ardell & Co. Valentine A Bell ! Anthony A Muck I Howe A Howe Plret Half: Valentine A Bell “COME BACK TO NORMANDY” : Sol A Leslie Berns Chaa. Hendrix A Co. Jeannette A Pendleton BALTIMORE A Sure Winner tor Your Feiture Number i Chinese Castles KENOSHA, WIS. Own A Parker MARYLAND (ul(ubo) I GREEN BAY, WIS. VIRGINIAN (wva) Wm. Armatrong A Om Valmont A Reynan ! oitrilKl’M (wvai nrat Half: Seven Bneka Billy Ibnin^r’a Clrean Belle Baker '. Tint Half: Lea Keillors 1 Vm. .ir.-natrong A Co. jNImx A Schuster WhltaeldWhitfield A IrelanIreland “DRIFTING ALONG" ^ I Shirley Slstete Mareena, Nevaro A a. Harry Bereaford A Co. Full ol Pep Fine tor Openini or Cletin{ .« Mareena Kuter Webb A Rntar Mark A Walker ■ Jos. Browning ! Koval Gasroignes Five I.ycenm Olrla GeoiwetteGeorgette A CanitoCapitola SELNDNOW \ > (two to (111) Adler A Artina Hickman, Shaw (A i Last Half: LMt Half; Kartell! Roy A Arthur C,,Campbell 233 Post Street . . . CHAS. N. DANIELS ... San Francisco Two Storys VletclM-r Drlcoll Trio Ohss. Wilson LINCOLN (wva) Imperial Chinese DuoI Doc O'Neil Four Kings Pint Half: BATTLE CREEK,CBEEX, MICH Weber A Wilson (two to fill) a. BUOU (ubo(ubo) HAHILTON, CAN. KNOXVILLE, TENN. Caroey, Uoyd 4k iMtLaat Half: Baby Helen Jamea Carson A Co. Ryan A Riggs EDMONTON, CAN. Holies A Buchanan Moore A Haager Cranberries TEMPLE (ubo)ibo) BIJOU (ubo) IIV...V o 4. WfliktCa Suffragette Revue PANTAGES(m) Claude Gilliiign'iiter A Gordon A Rica E. E. (TIva A Co. * ®®' Winona Wlnten Frank Carmen >. Tint HaU: (two to fill) Oo. Maleta Bonconi Tate's Fishing Telephone Tangle Avon Four Yvette Last Halft BELOIT. WIB.WII Bobble A Nelson BUTTE, HGNT. The Stampede Sophie Tucker A Co. 5®R®'^ ? f-maon Threa RUnoa Last HaU: Will Morris WILSON (wva)(wvi Big City Four Bert Fitxgibimn Belleclaire B/®*-Bros. mrg, Four Entertainers PANTAGES(m) Elisabeth Cntty HOUSTON, TEX. ^yal Oaacoignw PintFirst Half; (Jan. 5-9) COLORADO SPRINGS, PANTAGES (m) Bthel McDonough Rosa Bros. Hall A Beck .\uatralian Waites MAJESTIC (inter) Great Leon A Co. COL. A Nut Sundae ^Nan4,0 Gray GRAND (abc) (two to fill) Benny A WoodaWoods Klnkald Kilties Ptorlot A Schoacld (three to fill) burns (^.) ‘ ERIE.ERIE, PA. Brierra A King Plrat HaU: MAJESTIC (orph) Eekboff A Gordon Tun Chin Troupe Last Half: Jones A Johnson Tango Sboca Eva Tan^y K,. * - w'.tma. (Same bill at Lincoln. Three Mori Brothere COLONIAL (nbo) na Bvrift A Daly A'nil u, Klalas A Waiman Margaret Ford Keene A Williams A Walters A Walters Neb . 4-6) * Hyman * winter l Co. PWl Bennett Travltt’s Canines Forest Fire valentine Vox f.,y 8. Miller Kent A Oo. Forest Fire effort A King Basel Leone CALGARY. CAN. Burt jt,Sn“o.. Hr.Mr. A Mrs. G.O. Wilde DES MOINES, lA. Jim VcWlIIUmaVeWUHams Imperial Jiu Jltanni Last HaUi Geo. KellyA BIXltlHOHAH. ALA. ORPHEUM (orpb) i®*!?Josle Heather Dltl'IlEt'M iorph) EVANSVILLE. IND.OH Troupe Marbel Gems 2“.?-.*- LYRIC (nbo) Ptlcer A Douglas ButhRuth Budd t'hip A Marble NRW GRANn Kerry A McGee Hull A Dnrkla First Halft Adair A Adeipbl J^nJohn Geiger 4 vim-ent NEW„ GRAND (wra) INDUiNAPOUS Five MacUirens Brads Kelly A Wilder Co. Imtaoff. Conn A Corlnne clownClown Seal H A A Scyiiionr Pint Half; KEITH’S (nbo)ibo) (two to fill) Eros Antonio AO*. Ed Horton Odlvm Alice Lyndon Doll A Flanagan A Edwards Emmett’s Canines Tennessee 'Ten XOXOICO. IND. Trovato PALACE (Ofph) Kalft (to. Frlsooe Chas. Gibbs Sylvester A Vance Alleen Stanley BIPFS (nbo) COLUMBUS, 0. Swteh Lads A Itosslea iCbeatera Vlolinskv White A Osvanaagh MyrI A Delmar Gorman Bros. Pint HaU: KEITH’S (ubol Orth A Dooley Palish A Pern „ Fraternity Boya A Girls Chung Hwa Four PANTAGES (m) School Play Grounds Rae E. Ball DETROIT Will Oakland A Co. lAat Half : «'»• M®"*® orchestra Pauline Last Half: Stnart Barnes Both A Roberts Kirby A Rome MILES (abc) Al A Fannie Stedm BLOOXIHOTOH, ILL. Hugo B. Koch A Co. Apdale'a Animals c) CroM A Doria M) Jewett A PetKlleton Evelyn A Dolly LYRIC (Obo) Sevra Honey Boya MAJESTIC (wva) Beneee A Baird Spiaaell Bros. A Mack Law Hoffman What Happened to Ruth Mane Ruaaell • The Tamer Mystic Hansen Trio Hu rot Boys nm Half: lionia Hardt Holland A Jeanie Bert A Harry Gordon Davto A Kitty Beeman A Anderaea George A. Lilly GanGarden Gotdemlth A Plnard New Producer Drawee, Hambo A Oscar latrralne Girl In the Moon Sllber A North CEDAR RAPIDS, lA. Frisco Tho Revno DeVogue Women victoria (m) * **®®*'* Leigh A Jones Balpb (tor^nora LaPAYETTE, IND. Elsie WlllUms A Co. MAJESTIC (wva) Cloaks A Snita PAXOO,PAXOO. H. D. Piise Half: ' ^ WlllUms A Co. DALLAS. TEX. (one to fill) FAMILY (nbo) Prevost A (hralet Frances Kennedy Pint Half: Olson A Johnson nnasirv (one to fill) GRAND (abc)(I IQCB First HaU: Variety Trio Nedcrveld’aNedcrveld’s Baboons Bae A Wynn MAJESTIC (Inter) IXONWOOD, lacB O'Donnell A Blair Plrat Half: Fbor Hoses Pe Mall Clerks LastLMt HtOf!Half: Pipifax A Panto TEMPLE (nbo) TEMPLE (abc) Donnelly A Dorothy “®’ Morgan A Stewart Oervo Mystic Bird Oneenle DunedinDnnedin Morris Golden (Two Days) Petticoats Dunbar's DarklesI Night in the PaPark •' The Dog Watch Measer Slaters Ckas.Chas. Mack A Co. Ernest Evans A Co. Smitetta SIstera Dickenson * Deagoo Aide Randegger Altboff Children Raader-lJiVelle Trio > Bert A Harry Gordon Four Lammys Emllv Darrell A Co. Dong Fong One A Haw (one to fill) Howard Stillman Alaska Trio Laat Half: DndlevDudley Trio LaTena’s Elephants Fred V. Bowers Harry Brooks A Co. Scheon A Mayne Alan Brooks A Co. VTTV*r ,^®' LMt HaU: ^Alberts (one to fill) LMt Half: Ponilllo Sisters FLINT. WCH. Edwards* Animals The Night CTerk Henry A AdeUlde Sylvia Loyal A BOSTON Plerrota Dugan A Raymond MAJESTIC (nbo) JA'JXSOH, MICH.nCH. LANSINO, mCB. J'OJM « Downing * Holmes A Wells Mirano Bros. First Half; OSPHEUM (ubo) Barton A Joseph^ KEITH'S® '®®®^labo) Fnn on the Farm DANVILLE. ILL. (ubo) BIJOU (ubo) Minnie Alien Five Florlmonds Six Little Wives Buster A Bailey Minnie Allen Fred Zobedle A 0>. PALACE (ubo) First Half: First HaU: J*d A Ethel Dooley GePaceDePace Opera Co. DEVILS LAKE, N. D. Laat Half: Co. CHAHPAION, ILL. First Half: Jack LaVier Willie Hale A Bro. WTiTonu / » OeneGene Green GRAND (abc) H*rto * Rialto LeRoy A MabelI Hart Wilton Sisters WliaON (wra) OinlinOtnlin A Parks Trio ORPHEITM (wva) Naughty Princeea Last Half: (Two Days) Hayes A Neal Frank Stafford A Co. John T. Ray A Co. First Half; Frank A Toby First Half: Smiletia Sisters Herman Llcb A Co. Ray Snow Victoria Four Rosa Bros. The Uabera The Bimbos Alexandria Bevan A FTlnt Ray I.awrence '■'"•I A Edwanls George lovett A Co. Flllla Troui« Kuter. Webb A Kuter DeLeon A Davies Bell A Fredo .one to fill) ■'•‘W?e of the World LMt Half: LMt HaU; Maater J. C. I.ewU A Co. Scr.-naders J. C. I>>w1s. Jr.. A Oo. Tuscsdo Bros. Permalne The Ferraros The Dohertys Brennan DUBUQUE, lA. dodge. IA. I Emily Darrell A Gen. Ed La vine V L.-irraine A Fleaeonleon Harry Holman A Co. Swartx Co. Bessie Clayton A Co. Strassell's Animals .Vlaska Trio MAJESTIC (wva) PRINCESS (wva) LMt Half: DAVENPORT, lA. Firit HaU; First Half; The Naughty Princess COLUMBIA (wva) I>ove A Wilbur Follis Sisters A I/eRoy CHARLESTON. B. C. First Half: Holmes A Wells .Sam Hood VICTOUIA (ubo) Hamijola (luartette Dunbar’, Salon Singers (two to Dll) First Half: Copeland A Payton’s Pat Rarrett Laat Half: Frank Mollana Girls Treat’s Seals Four IIiiKlmiids DECEMBER 30, 1910.

flruwnlDC * D»tn Callate Ooiiant C. FraiK-lH K«rl»u«r Judve ft Uala las I i'0>vc Ii boi I c>*e SI ir »IO<* f IIt {)!If^o is -A OAKDI N oi illKPKISfS TiMi Oown 8bo|) t‘AI.A<'B (WTt) PRESENT lIirCOtM. HEB. Flnt Half) TOUR OF THE LTUH' (w»*) l4iV‘.ue ft luman Klam ft WalDiuD Fint H«Ui Uawoon ft Claire U. B.O. Murk & I**"*® Weber ft WIImoq II.Klroir Troupe Anieta UP TO DATE LMt .Ktlf: AiMlemon ft Guinea (two to ItU) Laat Half; ROSE dk CURTIS. oKriiBirxi (wT«) 1^ Keltura Agents. Firit H*Ui Miller 8li>tera D, wn June . ljung Tack Sam Aug. 28—Graad RapMa. MurvUy. (three to nil) b«at. 4—OrtrtK. mat- II—Raehtalar. MXHHEftPOLU |„.Hoj ft Harrey hast, lb—MsaUbal. NEW ORANU (wra) S>at- 28—Bufala. Jarrow 0(d. 2—Tereats. lIcGonila. Tatea ft Co. Rowen ft Bowen Oct. a—Phlladalahla. TTTTli BOOK ftUL Cameron. DeVitt ft Co. Oct. 18—Bal.lsara. LITTU Oolrtliia ft Keating Oct. 28—Plttaburg. MAJESTIC (Inter) Mwiela Ue Laze Oct. 3»-liaaartaat heal- Firat Halfi ORPHRUM (orpb) Na«. 8— asM Saallega The Fayiiee la Clilaaaa. K. leou Hlelera Craig Campbell Nav. 18—laaiaaaaallt. yre<'man ft Dunhaminham Moore, Gardner ft Roae Na«. 2(h—LauIwUit. The imttona Amea A Wlnthiop Na«. 27—Claelaaall. Baymonil BoodI Arro Broo. D*a. 4—Oaytaa. Laat Half) Riche ft Bnrt Dm. II—TrataM. Leighton a KennedyBBed* Tempeat ft Sunahine D«e. 18—Maw Yark CKy. Oaa. 28—Braaklya. Barber ft Jarkaoa Rlaa Ryan ft Co. Otto Koemer AA On. PALACR (wra) Lydell ft BIgglaa|laa International Girl Royal Toklo Jayaapn Cnlrman Goeti LOa ftVOXLEB■ram Helen Bereaford ft Co. , _Monarch Comedy Pour ORPHROU (oiph)(oipa) Diving Nympha Bae HamueU Mlaaea Llghtnerer ft * PANTAORS (mi Atozandar I»alay Jerome Hme. Dorla Jnngleman MrKay ft ArtUnelinn Amotva ft Mulvey Vera Sabinna ftA Co.Co Morton Broo. Savoy ft Brennannan ’ Harry Bene Gantler'a Toy’ tthootthOR DNIQUB (abc) Roll A Peggy Valentine Maryland Hlncern»•» Firat Half! SASKATOON. CAN. Kenny ft HuUIn*• Sprague A McNi'ece rn5^^Tz7MM?RMAN6rsO?^a Keeler A R< Iniont KMIMKE (wra) Friend A Downing !H (■) Prtnceaa Wlilte<-loud N CINCINNATI.OHIO. NO. 1 Nfvada-Bld'?. Fint Half: PANTAGEH (■) Three Itegalu O'Neal A Walmaley A IWeaton A Touug Victoria Trio OIrla Three Regals NEW PALACE (wva) Catberine Cbalmer A XM> Fos OUR maxs and laist n Plerera Seztette (one to dll) Firat Half: I Hmm V«a tmbaA.a UTW Kittle Flynn Vah'rle Slatein Laat Half: Stns-SI«t>: “GIVE ME AN AMERICAN GIRL.” Walu; Donaline A Stewart Two Storya Blalfulella Mile. Leltxel 40RGHESTrtAPiB;50^'"nnnWe “KISSIMEE." ImUau liiurmMuix N.iiie free. Begular Rurdella Patterwon Jane Coniirlly ft Co. Ruaio*!! Slstem Keane ft Mortimer UKuan ( , uplea nf th. four piw-ui, !5c. '‘Aaiarlaaa Girl.” J. A W Henning Cooper ft Smith Variety Trio full bamL 29c. MA6BEE MUSIC CO.. 1488 MIchlsaa Avtaua. Colaaibaa. Ohla. Milt CoUlna (one to 011 ( .two to 011) SALT LAKE CITT Flying Ilenrys Laat Half: gmeagWM TOUPEES. MAKE'UP AND TOILET UOOOS ORPHEUM (orph) Kawanna Broa. MOHTREAL Irwin A H‘ nry FOR STAGE AND STNECT IWCAR Sarah Padden ft Co. Shirley Slatera ORPHEPM (ubo) WIGS PANTAGES(m) Wm. Armetning ft Oo. {Gerard ft Clark Bert Levy Gruber’s Anlnialv FOR , Far^M.. 1 THEARTWIGCO. I Stone ft KallHz Joa. Browning B'llI Ward ft Girin I-etropoll ta n Mve Slatko'a Uollickera Girt With 1.000 Eyea SALE I waaiaa. I 288 80. STATE ST.. • CHICAGO. I 881 Marie FitzgibiHin Wilson Bros. D'Amonr ft Di>aglaa Mull- n A Coogan Kay A Emma Dean MARIOH, IVD. Rllver ft Duval Helen Page ft Co. HORFOLK. TA. PEORIA, ILL. Kittle Flynn llayoa ft Neal Gaston Palmer I.VHIC (nbo) Fny. Twto Coleya ft Play ACADK.MY (Ubo) ORPBKUM (Wva) Six Criiudiue Oirle Herman IJeb ft Oo. Lunis London Firat Half: SIOUX CITY, LA. I.ihonettI Fint Half: Fint Half: Earl ft Edward! PANTAGES (ni) TranaOebl Sletera RICHMOND. IND. MODEL (abc) Kltuer, Taylor A McKay DutIley Trio Eiige of the World Ob, tbe Women Reran ft Flint MOOSE Saw. cam. MURRAY (ubo) First Half: Tnvllla Broa. A Seal Three Lyrea Last Half: Ollle ft Jobnnte Vania Laat Halft LYCEUM (wra) Firat Half: !»• Esiianoz'w A Co. Three Bobe DeVtne ft WIlUama Six Little Wives Jue Quong Tal Bert Howard (Jan. 1-2) Roth A Roberts Keeler A Belmont Young A Brownnm Roy A Arthur ST. JOSEPH, MO. Jaim-a Grady ft Co. tone to ail) Pnnl P'drtnl ft Monka Alexandria Manidteld A lUddlo Laat Half •: (one to Oil) Warren & Temtileton Harry LaToy l-eKoy A Harvey CRYSTAL (Inter) Tdut Half: MARIVETTZ. Wig. Midnight KoUienlUee Last Half: Ijoe Zimmerman Ort ft LeCIalr Ledlin. Watte A Towne. Firat Half: Bs-metl A Bailey BlJtin (nbo) WelBu Troupee Itell ft Fredo siz Colonial Rellea t he Girl in tbe Moon E. T. Alexander ft Co. SAN ANTONIO, 'TEJ:. Sarah Smlalia Ward ft Van Elsie Wintama ft Co. laat Half: Last Hak: Jack Baxley I Weston A Young Freeonardrd Aft Oo. .MeShane ft Hathaway Lobae A Sterling SOUTH BEND. IND. Dyao A Bann „*'*^®**'= Kitner. Taylor A McKay Hewitt A Callan Mabel Ruasell!ll ft Oo.Co. ' Kobt. T. Hainea ft CtL MA80H CITT. lA. A^T^mple Travilla Bros. A Sesl sam Hood BAN DIEGO. CAL. nRPHEUM (wva) PANTAGE8'FR (m)Im) j Hondlnl CR<'fL I *^“*“'* Caras ft Co. Horlick Dancei-t 8tanl j A l^rrRll White flnitmini ROCHESTER. MINN, Last RaU: Weber ft Elliottniott I PITT8BURO Howar-1 A UiebU Ovonda Duo Leo ft Mae Jackson I D.AVIS (nbo) METROPOLITAN Spanish Goldinta 8chepi>'s AnimaU *^LJatLost HalfHalft MUSXOOEE. OH. Norton A Karl Gilroy, Haynesnea A | Kelly ft Galvin (wva) Last Half: Santuccl Black A M.-Oooa BnoA»'WAY (Inter) The O' Montgomery Rradna ft Derrick Firat Half: WllU A Gilbert Frear. Ragg.-lt ft Ureur (two to dll) Firat Half: Anita Arllaa Iwtta I David Saiilrstetn Gallerinl Sisters a-r t attvo Oscar Lee MerlaiTs Canines REGENT (wm) I’atrick A otto OODEN. UTAH | l^dain Artlen ft Co. Walters A Wallers H len Beresford A Co. fOLUMRIA (orph) BAN FRANCISCO gPBINOFIELD,SPRINGFIELD, ILT. Firat Half: Rnhy Carelle PANTAOF..S (m) (Mi'a Pavneft Co. Mile. PanU ORPHEUM (orpb) MAJESTIC (w Rialto Four Nut Sundae Co. FT. ARTHUR. C.AN. (two to nil) French A EU MAJESTIC (wva) Laat Half: ('has. Grapewin A Co. Risniey ft Ib-nt Fint Half: ?*■?* Vnyleatck,- Troupe Sherman. Van ft Hyman ltC'RUM (wra) Fint HaU: The Lelanda Marshall Montgomery Mayo A Tally Adndt Brow. Lulu Ooetee A . . I Loot Half: Valentine Vos First Half: _ . _ Gracker Jaeka windemere Treupe ItoIIina A Norris .Mexander Kids Age of Reason Dale ft Boyle Three Morta pitzgibhon (three to 011) Kramer A Kent Nellie Nichols |Gayloril .ft I anoton Mary Grace Clifford ft Mack_ ^ Haley ^merji-l Brna. Ph,,('haa. RirhmanRichman A ona’s Hawaiiana Uonalr. Ward A FNrron HowanI A Clark Jimmy Lm-aa A Co. Walah. I.rnch ft Co. I.nndcr Brno. Whlfea Circua ’orrla ft OampbeU HowanI A Clark Gonne ft Albert F'lve Armentos Ales. MacFayden rhnng Hwa Four1 Half: Krnie I’otta i Co. Gonne ft Albert I’ll Show You I” v**u'"*' Bernardnrd A Scarth Ilita MaHoMarto OiOrchestra Bolliiiger A Reynolda ^ ThoseTbort^ French (tirtoGirls ! Half: DancingIng Kenm-dya Laat Half: .lack Polk A1 Shnyne ROCKFORD. ILL. 1^,’” DcWItt.Itt, Bnra« ft KVllrKVlIr *A WildWilder Co. MeDeavItt. Kelly A MUton Pollock A Co. NEW r.\I .\CE (wva) Mr. A Mrs. .Mel Rnraa performer Torrence Kd Morton Lacj _^ I Kckert A Parker PANTAGES (m) Firat Half: ,Morgan ft Armstrong MILWAUKEE NEW ORLEANS Snnn.v Side of Broadway creole Band LONDON, 7SI Crilly BMr, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Garden of Aloha ITardeen MAJESTIC (orph) ORPHEUM (orph) OMAHA. NEB. DelHnd ft Paytons „ , Girls Dlllsinirv ft Robinson Fontaine Honor Thy Children EMPUl-VSS (wva) luivvanl ft^Roes The Sharmega 'llsaca Camplw.]) "cttlv.. ft Shelly jPanl Rawena Half; Wood, Melville 4k .laiPalarica ft Partner Walter Rmarer «p ncer A Wllllama Fred James R.van ft Ryan Phillips Iw.asr, Anim-N Ha-ev Holman ft Oo. rialre Vincent A Co, Morgan ft Gray Whitehead I aGraeioss Detro ”r|ncpw Kalama Dne (one to 011) ! Follette ft Wiekt !.AU Wrong kliaro Broo. The Reebacka 'oneTo 0uT"*” PROVIDENCE. R. I. ®«n?>M?rk7*?nrSh)^' If'el'is. Kean ft Walsh (J n 1 o) ^ (Same iVll at'Stm-kton. Troupe bZ (V:;’"Gene'IS. ft Co. 11-4: Krf*i»no j ST. PAUL kour Ueidin^ Rankoff ft GlrRe Rallet, ]nPPO!'l«>ME (abc) s'l Water I,IU'S i Half: Jinn on ^ Frarot' * Seabnly ft Price Five Belgium Glria iHowanI Stillman ■ W W grow hair or rur- Nell OTonneR KVarner .ft Cole M dandruff. F r e • OSRALOOSA, 1^ Ingiis ft Reading Anna Chandler Margaret Isles ft Co. •'nobIM >» JULES FERONO. 424 Sixth Anoae. • New Varfc. T.?”wil7. ’****’ REGINA. CAW. SftOINAW, MICK. R'lyal Hnzzar Glria Parcel Ptag, prtnald. anywhere. Ptiro, Me and I Kilkenny Four ... (wra) FKANKI IN (Ubo) Ed'vanls* Animals $1.08. We haee hundreda of teMtmanlala fNoi >nm- I Southern A Marks . LMt Batfl First HaU: Last Half: inent perfoniMm. I (one to All) 'Vun,i-.» ..m Darto ft Rialto Low Espauoioa ft Co. 10 Xtie 01111>oar

I think I should draw the attention ? 1 fully believe that the actor aheuM of the artist to one thing that seems have an association based on the same E. F. ALBEE AND VAUDEVILLE to me very important. The more the¬ business principles, to take care of the aters there are the more engagements sick, bury the dead, a fund to take By E. F. ALBEE there will be for the actor. Two sea¬ care of the old and needy, a form of sons ago, 1 think it was, just about insurance; in fact, a beneficial and so¬ this time, it looked very dark for cial organisation, a spirit of the frlend- vaudeville. The chances then were llest relations exlsUng between the Appr«bMMhr« li tli* word do apply ward to laform tho Tooncer fonora- that half the vaudeville theaters would manager and the artist. Oa their tlon of the chan*ed conditions from to tho feellBd with which I approach have to close. But we weathered it board of arbitration, if such a thing is those times. We have seen vaudeville this article. Were it not for the many through, with the aid of the actor, who ever brought about, should be men of grow together. Vaudeville is not like willingly accepted a smaller salary for high standing on both sides and the pleasant ourprieee I hare recolved a legitimate production that may be* the time being. That was the proper now talked of abuses would seen be throush nice lettero from TaudoTUlo oome a hit over night Vaudeville must spirit. If the managers had been eliminated and regulated by two such be nursed and watched. No one can nrtiets within the past year I do not obliged to close their theaters then the organisations. tell Tuesday morning after the Mon¬ acts instead of playing a full season beliere anythin* could hare Induced The present vaudeville aotera’ asso¬ day opening anything about vaude¬ could have only played one-half. me to publicly *ive my views on the ville. It may be months before a new ciation has been in exleteaoe to my While I have been reading lately of relations that should exist hotwoon house gives any signs of getting over. knowledge for over fifteen years, and strike news Mr. Keith and myself have Meantime we managers must carry I can see no headway made by them the vaudeville artists and vaudeville at the same time been planning to that house, settle the losses, take on of any kind in the right direetloa or build two more theaters for high grade manacers. all the troubles and pay all the freight for the benefit of the artist at large. vaudeville, one in Providence and an¬ The same man who asked me for If bad times come we can’t take On the other hand, la the theaters we other in Syracuse. That means more this story has asked me before, saying vaudeville off and put on something find the greatest improvement la every work for the acts. We are about to else' in a minute. We must droop respect as far as the artist Is con¬ the vaudeville artist needed to know open another house in New York. That with the times, but during these days cerned. Better theaters, better dress¬ the actual aentlment of the manager. meana more work for the acts. For of a house going up or coming down ing rooms, better detail on the stage two years following the depression we I did not believe it I had read too the vaudeville act draws its salary. for the presentation of their acts, have been desperately striving to re¬ larger and better orchestras, expert much reviling of the vaudevtllo man- Nor is there any more oomparison claim a couple of our New York houses stage management and stage empley- agor to think that artists playing In with the salary of years ago than there back Into the first rank once ees, etc., for the- artist, which years vaudovlUo and some of them on the >■ la the general condition. B. P. Keith more. That means more work. ago was unknown. This denotes a w s aras the father of this vaudeville wo best unns of friendship with mana- ^ ^ ^ I have advocated for the past four healthy condition and should be car¬ or five years an artists' organisation ried along as far as an actors' associ¬ gers needed to know anythl^ more many years and person- tor beneficial purposes, and not for about how the manager felt thM they ij^ow what he had to go through, ation is concerned In the same spirit militant purposes. I have always fully that the managers have developed seemingly were content to see In prtat ^ vaudeville la the high estate believed that such an organisation from time to time written by their n enjoya their part of it, with enthusiasm and would be of the greatest importance liberality, with a thought for all. self-confewied representatives, ^ vaudeville came along the acts to the vaudeville business, realising as The Actors' Pund of America, of Those lettera however, that X have along with H. As our patron- I do that there must be oondltionr which I am a director, has done much mentioned have done much to change pg, increased and became what we which should be regulated, and ha\ing good for Its unfortunate membera I my mind in that respect. They are nii^ht eoaalder permanent we com- the disposition as far as Mr. Keith's can find no record in the vaudeville trom intellectual artists who oan^lnk to give better showa Salaries and my own theaters are concerned it actors' association of any such results. and they have told me a gi^t deal I started to ascend and this attracted would seem to me that with the in¬ It has been militant. The cry Is con¬ didn't believe about the vaudeville art- faces into vaudovllle. When the fluence of the large circuits working stantly, "Down with the managers," Ista general public realised a “variety in unison with the actor it would be and as long as that cry ooatlnnes In For years while the manager has show" had at last been turned into an productive of much good to the actor that vein there will be no progress ex¬ been AgMlng to keep himself afloat entertainment other managers were as well as to the manager in general. cept what the managers make them¬ and build theaters that vaudevlHe art- enabled to embark in vaudeville with I have always believed, and find selves for the benefit of the actor. that my associates the same way. ists should be delighted to see go up, comparative safety if they carefully I hope the day will oome when the the manager has seen also during that watched their business. As the years that our business is of such a nature closer relation*^ the most friendly same time the artist flghtlng him. passed vaudeville spread until the that what they call a closed shop feeling will exis: between the artist Why, I don't know and I can't flgure country was dotted with it and the B. would be a menace to its progress. We and manager. Tfte day when they can out. I have never heard a manager in p. Keith kind of vaudeville became so must all realise that every dollar that work on a common plan for <:ve Im¬ the legitimate reviled by the legitimate favorably known that other managers is paid out—from the scrub woman's provement of their line of buatrecause we Inaugurated two shows coming more familiar with vaudeville vllle receive from these they are Just as well say everything that is Ir ‘dally in our theaters after giving oon- than the average showman is, for they obliged to do business wKh. I have my mind that I can think of. The flrsi klnuous performances. We didn't give ee it every week and know every act been in vaudeville for thirty years, and thing is that, notwithstanding wha^ two shows daily to please the artist.^ S >y heart, and when that act is repeait- In all that time I have found no aetnal anyone may tell the actor, the vaude¬ >We changed into the two-daily plai ied time and time again you'll find cases of this alleged despicable prac¬ ville manager is not against him. llthrough discovering we could attraci y'patronage falling off. tice. If it exists to the extent that the IMtle or even less thought should btf a wider class of people and give a bet-*; 1 The manager must be keen enough agitator claims i. could have been convincing on that. We managers. a« ter bill. || to regulate his business to such an ex¬ wiped out years ago as far as the B. business men who have our money,! j have never heard the artist say tent that these acts are booked in dif¬ F. Keith ClrcuM is concerned, and if represented by our theaters, to pro-j manager works too long daily. The ferent parts of the country at different on any other circuit action v-ould have tect, do not want differences with the’ lector has two shows to do. It keeps times, so that when they do appear been taken by reputable managers so people who play for us. We want them so occupied that many take out they are more or less fresh in the pub¬ drastic that the offender would be ply¬ those theaters to thrive, for they must a side line on the road to make extra lic mind. ing some other line of business than make money if we are to remain in money with. All the manager has to There are all kinds of conditions, vaudeville. For the women of our pro¬ vaudeville. Yet the actor Is easily led do during the day la to be at bis office such as financing the big vaudeville fession I have the deepest and highest into the groove of resenptment against before the bank opens so he will be houses that are being built today: ob¬ respect. In the thirty years I have the manager. Again, why? I can't fairly certain a note due will be met, ligations that are incurred In our busi¬ been in vaudeville I have never seen understand It. see that his bill for next week la taken ness to meet the large demands of in¬ one instance of misbehavior on the All other managers I am certain care of, and a hundred other things creased salaries of artists and house part of a woman in vaudeville. I will endorse what 1 say when I assert are looked after. At night, after hav¬ employees. Including musicians and have had my office, in the old days, that if we were aMow-ed to give our ing worked 10, and often 15 hours that stage hands. We charge no more for back on the stage. I have never heard attention only to our business, which day, he must go home early because our admission, but our expenses have language used other than that which is providing vaudeville entertainment another 9 o'clock day begins the next been Increased one-third. One can look one would hear in the most respect¬ that will attract the public, we wou’d morning. back only a short time ago to the old able homes. I have never seen a dress¬ all he happier than to have the atten¬ Still I don't presume the artist Is in¬ showman and point out that business ing room door left open for the gaze of tion our bns'ness demands diverted terested in all that, nor is it necessary principles In theatricals was the ex¬ the curious, and my experience has by disgruntled artists who claim they that he shonld be. The manager pro¬ ception rather than the rule. been that the women of vaudeville are mistreated. vides the theater, the act plays In It. Kittle by little small circuits have have as much modesty and respect¬ I have been in vaudeville many In that way we are associated, in busi¬ been enlarged, business principles have ability as In any other calling on earth, years. It seems ages, but I remember ness anyway, but there should be been employed, so that today there is and the Vaudeville Managers' Protect¬ many things, and I remember some cloeer ties, more friendly ones than I not a business on earth that pays to ive Association will be the first to take acts today that were acts long ago. I have been able to observe for a long those in its employ the salaries that drastic action on receipt of a com¬ often wonder why they don't step for- time. does vaudeville. plaint from any woman artist. OECEMSCR ML ItlC Xtie Rlllboard MURIEL WORTH Booked Solid Orpheum Circuit DIRECTION. ARTHUR KLEIN

WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN WAN Qilcafto Palace WANTED-ACTS AND TAB. SHOdVS—WANTED CHRISTMAS TREE AND DINNER ta play tbs best ume In Arkunma, TWcaa and laailslspa. Break a Jump South, or corns and stay. Ws hart tOomiaued from paga 7) yisoiy wuriL Tsi>. StHwea writ* suirk Provss Biggest Ever Held by Percy tte kit of tt)* blU. They botk are vory talMted. _FOUR ft7A7tS NOOmNO ARCNCY. TM-Oa Makars 7rual RIdr. Lttls Rsak. Aritaaaak Tyrrell at Guntar Hotel Md Cbarlay'a comedy la great. Beat of all. they • kick right at the end that briugs big ap- HILLMAN'S IDEAL STOCK CO. WANTS Ssn Antnnlo, Tex.. Deo. 2,3.—With the weather plaue boDon. Twenty mlnutea, full drawing Ideal—mmshlne snd the warmest day ta two An A-t Osnaral Bualiuaa A the audience on the alert tor everything ScitMicy la tbs Clark and Bergman conibinitlon. eeremony went big. with the glrla especially, through without a bitch. Three tlxsiaand peojile they attempt. A One number, made up of twelve tns songs sung art numerous, and run the ga¬ boaldeo he to a big and a One looking chap. wltneaaol the alnvw, and many were turned away men.—ZIN. mut from Hawaiian sbretlUed-wheat and pink Blftoea aUnutoa, In one; two bows. Tvo bnndreil and seventy four were seated at the panamas clear to Chinalaud, This pair proved Hoi. 6—Mlaa Bran Burrows Ptotalne. assisted banquet table. 0\*er one hniidrcl wires and iSt- welcome headliners, and worked vriUi a fraternal- by Kaaneth Harlan and company of riasalc dan- ters were received from pronikient Showmen. Columbia, St. Louis tom that many yamlevllle acts could afford to «erb B*** interpretations of fiawailan. Oreek The Showmen'a I eagiie of America was repre imitate to tbvlr derided betterment. nad Bast Indian dance pantomimes. Their sets (Baviewed Kanday Matlnaa, Daaember U) aente»rt Sam lIoviatiHi; Harry C. Wilbur, Fred and Dare is otherwise In make-np. A One i>alr ora. Chicago Wpleomra Follies and Dolly Sargent, Fred lewis. Jolin T. Baekmsn, A. A. wd (enedy artists who hare a rattling goixl art. No. 1—Orpheum Travel Weekly. Fifteen mln- Powers. John A. Pol’lft Chaplain John T. Ken Tbey aing and dance, with a little patter mixed ntes. Sisters Xmas Eve—Hodge Comes dall of tbe Second Wlaeonaln Infantry; John B in. Berenteen minutes, la one: three bows. No. U—D.vnclag Keiinetlya have a clever dance in Fixing Sister Oarrington, secretary Chamber of Commerc.-, No. 8—Beatrice llerford appeared In trarel- nnmlH-r, which went over big. They offered many and Eugene P. McKenna. «nf anil, and makes the plea that her trunk talle'l new ateiia. and the sudteace ghow«>d Instant ap¬ Chiemgo. Dsc. Zl.—Christmas Eva comas to A neat anm waa raised for ths orphans fe>n> to put In so anoearance. 8he has a number of preciation. 'Fifteen minutes; full stage; two Chicago enllyensd by the tenth edition of Eteg- the sale of peanuts, ballonns and lemonade by fine characteriaatlona, which were thoroughUr en calls. feid's FolUoa. 1918, where they will dla|M>rt local business men and esnd.y hiitohera. Jeyed. A style of Mitert.-tlnment that la better No. S—Alexander MacFayden le a planlat of Iheiuasivsa St ths Illinois, following close on A movement of estahlUhing a home for In appreciated by the occasional tbeaterr'or. fVmr- exceptional :U>ility, a-iil brought down much ap¬ tbs hi-ela of .8ir llsibert Tree and bis cIhmUc dlgent ahowmen wua suggeeb-d, and mot with teen mintites. In one: two bows. plause throughout the art. Ills Imcts Sextette, Intsrpretatlons. Insinnt favor. A sixty live acre site has been No, l>—Alaska Trio. Introduced for the drat done with the left h.vnd. made a tremendoaa hit. offemt free, Wllllain Hodge o|ien!. tonight at the rrlni-ess time to the Pnlace andtenre a practical demon Twenty minutes, In one; feur calls. in EUlng Slater, and will provide hollduy auiii';o- etratioa of ice skating oa crystal Ice. The No. 4—Harry and Kniina Sharrock, In a sketch lusnt for the haip jt'ina. Go To It loovea frtni BURLESON r0^lGR^Tl.'LATED andteiue was heard to comment on the new In- entitled Belilud the Grand Suntl, a typical car¬ the Princess to tli.- Chicago Theater and con- eenthm, and the clever ekating more than nival number, with a fiulah In ae«oniI-aight that linues Its Chlcaso inn. On Action Parroi^iing F'leps To Bo 8ont pVsased. A aneclat A'nskan mountain set sh<>wi waa rlaver. Great ple.-o of work. Twenty mln¬ The IMly Msters will help make the town by Pvvrol Post ereil In the background. Tan mlnutea. In full; utea, In tme; two chUs merry, o|vuliig tihri^tmas Eve at the Olympic twe bowa.—on ’ i:ti E. No. B—Dewitt. Burn. .% !->rrence delivered a Washington. D. C.. I*ee. 23. — P—tm-’s*er.Oen- ■ In Hla Bridal NIgbf. with John Westley and toy shop novelty that picat^yd greatly. The num¬ ersl Bnrleeon Is ree,.'vlog many n-e- -•g-s ,,f eon Lnoille Watson In the cast. gratulatiooa on his setinn In or.ler'-»r t'>>t •- ber la especially ap|nv>prUte at this holiday The l.lttle Theaier la atlll playing the lacra- Gt. Nor. Hipp., Chicaito the future motton p’l-’n-e flima mar W- Utne. The tumbling and perch number and the tlve Mrs. Warren's liMfeaolon while the qnes to parcel post msti o-|r'h»ges. .Vs a ccajilt of (BOTtewed Kanday Zlrat Shew, Saoeahar M) dancing are good. Ten mlnntca: full auge; spe¬ of Its flnanciaL statos to yet being dis¬ thla order It Iw a*a»-~l ti>->t the in>-*'ee •>! cial aet; two calls. cussed between manager and patrons, snd Can- hndnoaa will he ext- n»'p to re-'<~- dormanro at the nreat Northern nippo4 talking sketch that many p'otnre bonaea will spr'ng no in dien rage 'n net screen In what at first la b-- The Boomerang imids over nt Powers’, going territo.lea whirb are now dented this amnsei.ient. Veved t' ha a real p<>'. bear. Thi- lady member, in Aidtea. but there la no acth's However, the Into Its seventh week; Fair and Warmer ot*ens garbed tp a klary Jen mtllt, releasea her polar star nktue was to bo'd her .v ^ Uenco. Twenty Its tvMTty-arat week at the Cort: Hlt-the-Tmll- bear ptrtner from the .age. and togetbe.- they minutes; full stage; three calls. llolltday stays at Cohaa'a Grand, with Ersd FIRST CIRCUS NEWS FLASHED offar a leriea of novelty dancea. Right mlnutea; No. 8—George Whiting and Sadie Bart of¬ NIhIo In the featured psrt; KatJnka stay!, one fered a novelty new In song and recitation. They mors week at the Garrlvk; E. H. Sotbem la one bow. New York, Dee. 33.—New York Amenesn know bow to put It over, and were swarded a reviving If I Were King for the benoflf of the No. h—Adele Janon, singing mimic, enter- announced Ita tlrst Hix-cs news on its sky. big band. Flf'een mlnutce. In one: three ealls. English Rsd Cmso. nslng the Blackstone for talntd with novelty songs In s clear range of written meaasge deliverer on the Crodfrey Bnlld No. 9—^Msrta T o la nosing In porcelain, ektna hla philanthropy, and the Washington Sqnare sopesno voice. Her numbers were well chosen Ing of the glty Sstuixlsy midnight ami 9nnda.y and Drestlen. The anhtecta and arranging are llaysra cootlnDo at the Ploytoose with their and enjoyed by her listeners. Ten mlnutea, in iilglit twenty-five limes each. This Latest of both remarkable and plssslng. Eight mlnutsa. repertoire. ons; one bow. Innovati'ins flashml the news of the Spellnian full stage! one ca'l. The future holds: I’nttrd States Circus rocporuHcn ac-,nls!f|on No. 3—Mr. and Mrs. Mayboume scored a suc¬ I ength of hill, two boom nod tarn •lantsa.— December 31—Al Jolsoa. In Roblnaon Omaoe, asd par-baao of the Bostm-k animals ml tiflo cess In an oddity which has to do with wine, WILU Jr., at the Garrirk. from David Horsley. Some stunt and aggres- song and late hours. A rhasUsIng wife ami a Jannsry 9—John Drew, in Major Pendeijnla. slveneaa t<* hare this annouDrement In this husband whose iucLnatlon to iinUbe too freely at the Blackstone. iisvrspapeisin-the-sky. and remain out nights furnish the plot. A Coion iai. New York Jannary 14—Tam to the Right, at Cohan's rapld-Ore comi dy convrrsttlun Is carried on In (Contlniietl from page 7) Grand. a full set in sleeping porch of an apartment Jannary 13—Cyril Bcott and Fsy Balnter, In LEW PALMER ute.a. In one to two. Tills act Is capably done, bouse. Twelve minutes, in full; one curtain. and the Girt, at the Blackstone. No. 4—Greene and Parker render song and do and has a crscker-Jack cast. Elsie Glynn CloM8 Girls From Loveland a moimlogue which was not too bad. A Jest In hamllrs a dllBcuIt role with perfect Jlatlncriona T-vw Palmer, of the firm of Bales ,k Palmer, tba monologue. In which reference Is made to a am; coquettish charms. Quite a wad of praise HAMMERSTEIN WINS SUIT brought The Girls From I/>vclsnd Cisnpany to secret order, might be Illuminated. Such Joke., could also be extendnl the author of this skit. a halt at the Empire Thester, Irooton, O.. Sat- snakes poor food for lausbter. Bighteen mlnutea John B. Hymer. Two scenes are Incluilnl In Proctor, Keith and Others Enjoined nrdsy night. De<-ember 16. Mr. Palmer says ths In son; two bows. the periml of this act. both with special scenery. From Oponing Riverside Theater show was booked solid ua guarantees, bnt aa No. S—Hal Stephens, assisted by a small com¬ INTEHMUtSlON White Plalna N. T.. Dec. 23.—An Injunc¬ the cast as a wliole was net up to atamlard he pany, glvea cliaracter studies In black and white. No. 8—Marion Wceke, aeventoen mlnntea. In tion was yesterday granted the Huinmervteln waa rompeiled to close It. lie will rmwganlao Ills flrst two were of Sotbern's Shylock and one, Mmply can't receive praise enough foe the Amuaeixent Company by Supreme Court Justice the rompany after fbe holidsya. opening at Jefferson's Rip Van Winkle, closing with an Im¬ exceptionall.T hlgb-clasa work that she delivers. Tonipklns, rcatrulnlng F. F. Proctor. Percy Ttain. O.. and rarrrtng twsnty people and aow personation of an aged tlarky at the race track. A full column of agate eonldn'l do Jnstlce to Wllllaina. A. Paul Keith. E. F. Alhec and the wardrobe and arenery. Bpeclal sets and scenery lend color to Stepheua' thla dainty ro'.watnra aotirano. so It la easy to I'nited Rooking Offloea from opening and oper- clever work. Twenty minutes, in one and full. see tbot no small review this aixe could p<«slhly aitne the new Rlveratde Theater, formerly a Havu yon looked In the ly tier TJatT No. 8—Oervo might be rlasiwd the Pader wnkt begin to relate her prowess. Marlon la one Wflltam Koi motion -^ctnre bouse, on Broad¬ aff the aecordlou. Everything from ragtime, of vaodevtlls's moat promising .voting ladles, and way. between Ninety-fixtb and Nlnetr-seventh spars and novelty eongs was played In womlerful her wagon la going to bitch Itself to the loftiest sfieera. The eonrt held that the opening of bamony. Twenty minutes. In one: one bow. of stars. the new theater would be a vtolatiun of the No. 7—^The Beni Zougiou Tnonpe of human No. 7—tsora Bart and Company. In Lsdy Gos¬ agreement entered Into ten yeajw ago by rwar MADISON’S BODGET pyttMrtd builders offered a fist and sxciting sip. twenty-three mlnntes. In fnll. allowed Miss llainmervtHn end the heads of the vindevllle tSMiwe mlnnies of acrobatic faats. aomersaulta. ll|a g C Price one dollar, and mnruo-bsci Bart plenty of opporrnnlty to display her rec¬ mnihtnatlon. It to said that as appeal will RUo III guarantee elUi wwy nipy: tor twiBti and asjwterfnl tnmbilng. They add planty rrartl; ally no one ertv eanb- ognised line of work. Her cast ta good, though prebably be Sled at eeee. ilMSr aarawo sork Thera's s resiaav rnatsnis there la still room for Improvement along thla liM-liHtr It '•tglssl nuavotnoUMV, g getol ni-la for Uno. 1 mslss sod T Mr raalr an,t fwnale. s hrtgiu ACTRESS KILLED IN FALL lissa ws for t ilanple, IS arafvletrul ponsnss. 4 No. 8—Gladys Clark and Henry Bergman, as- ■-rm-kanai* aOnaarsI dna-pana, a arrrwnlag ifvnMiACEPowiitt[ slated by Clifford Hess and two pnlrhrltodtnniis Hew Tovk. Dee. 23.—Mrs. Blanche B. Crone, isMoid eonusty. twytlst kumlrtds af new as0 dSfireni that wear chorus rustnmes very heSttlng sad aAVsralk Hla. Bark lanuaa all gtoie ivapt knewu en tbe stage as Blanche Shirley, wes No. Ik. CunMorU'Si price

a r <1 DECEMBER SO, 1016.

HARRIS WRITES SCENARIO SIXTY-THREE YEARS YOUNQ N<>w Tork, Dec. 23.—ChariM K. Harria, who THEI tiij BULBOARO’S SONG iimHINTS I u New Tork, Dec. 23.—"No man in the wona U most noted aa a writer of tong hlta, and who do I enry. I am utlafled with my calling—1 flipped off the beaten path Ion* enoagb Uat _ ^ ^ ^ would rather be a composer than anything else." Reliable Guide to the Beat Songa in the Cata- Such Is the meneage that John Philip Sousa, the march king, sends out to tbs world aa be approaches the rix^y-tbird year of his mMieal loga of the Leading Muaic Publiahera life. Only the white that has crept into bis Billboard called to aee him the flrat thing be ■ ■ ■ ' ■■■"■ ' pointed beard betrays the adrance in years, for atarted to talk about wan a new morlng picture Doilt>l68 his person is as lithe as erer. his Toiee 1» Mnarlo he baa written, entitled A MMber’a TOT WEEEWEKE 7T8TJXWT MADE TO OEBEEOKSEK FOE HEME (Harry YouVea Tllaar,Tllaor, ttt W. Forty-alsthFerty-alsth 8t., musically clear and his eye is bright and sure Duty, which he U now making pUns to Him In jg^Eow Tork, E.y, T.).—TonX.).—Ton erlllwill likolike thifthia onoone Immonaoly.Immeaaely. after half a century as an idol of the murical the near future. When naked It the anbject public. Trapshooting and horseback riding are- had been in«plred by any of the aonga he bad Ballads h'.s chief iliversiona and exercise when not com written be rebeme^ly dented t^t hta mnaical ^ picTHEE OF SEAE^OLD ZEELAED (A1 Flaatadoal, Aator Theater Bldg., Bow Tork, E. T.). posing a new march. Recently bo head the aapimttono bad i nyOhlngnythlng to do with It —Exoellout lyrioa and a molody that U beautlfany Zriah. whole deld in a trapshooting contest in Phila¬ Ibla brought bia mind hack to hla a(^ ana yyyyy.g OTAHEE SOYm IE QTAXEETOWE (7oo Horrla Muaie Co., 14t W. Forty-Afth delphia. Mr. Souaa says The Stars and Stripes be atated that not eren an earthquake could 8t, Eaw Tork, E. T.).—Mootiag with mere than ordinary auooeiB. FbreTer is the best march he has ever composeq, atop the aucceaa of Ton A Bcbenck, who are ring¬ OE THE SOUTH SEA TS1.E (Ham Yon Ttlaer, ttt W. Forty-aixth St, Eow Tork, E. T.).-> and that he bad been Inspired to srrito it on ing It'a a Long. Long Time Since I’to Been Homo Beautiful Hawaiian ballad that ia aweepisg the oouatry. board the .itiantle liner, Teutonic, when return- at the Oentnry Theater. He alao aaid ttat n^t.T.TEn he HOHE TO TOT (Booeey * Co., 9 E. SeTentoeatk St, Eow Tork, E. T.)_By Inc from England. The thought that he was Frank Horrell. the celebrated tenor, waa baTlng Fraaeia Beret The moot appaaliag ballad of yeara. returning to hts nativo land fliled him with phenomenal succeoa ringing Come Bart, aa am yyyyyBOBT LOYE8 AE IEI8H SOEO (F. B. HaTllaad, Ut W. Forty-eighth St., Eew Tork, patriotism, and the march waa completed before also the Prlmroee Four, who ore making a bit E. T.).—latredaelag old faeerito Irish songs. A prenounoed hit be landed. with their quartet work in Tan^Ue. Ai^ MAWT. you WAET HE (F. B. HaTiland, Ut W. Forty-eighth St, Eew Tork, E. T.)_ In spite of the fact that be has conipoeed on top of them all, according to Harrio, is bio Aa iatomatioaal song kit iroflc that has set millions of feet in motion - song, which will lire forcTor, The Songs of yy TOTE OWE. OYTE FOEEYEE (Affront Marie Co.,, t FhUaador St, Eooheater, E. T.).— on the dance floor. Mr. Sousa narer dances A real Soathorn song. himself. A FOEOET-ME-EOT EOSE (Inlins Doano Pub. Co., UM E. (Baremont Aeo., (Btioago, Ill.).—The DOGS AND SONGS song with a soul. NEW ORDER OF THINGS EYEETBOBT'S HAFPT IE THE 8THHEE TIME (West End Mnrio Co., tSM Lake St., Cbieago, Dayton, O.. Dec. 29.—It Is announced that New Tork, Dec. 23.—^Meyer Cohn, the rapid- Hi.).—A little oat of season, but summer is eemlag again. after the first of the year there will be a change Are gnn manager of the professional department I bt THE MILL 8TEEAM TOT AEB I (T. H. Olander, Eorfolk, Ya.).—A waits ballad that should in the Colonial Music Publishing Ca New men at Harry Ton TiUer’s, has a bobby. He was interest ballad siiigers. will he at the head of the concern, and after the (aught this afternoon looking intently at a THE OEEMAE (L. T. Zoaller Mnrio Co., 979 8. Third 8t., LouisTillo, Ky.).—The biggsst couple of framed photographs on the wall. In- hit of the South. concern Is resbiped it will bare branches in New Tork and Chicago. vestigatlon proved that they were pictures of IE MEXICO (Oelenial Musis . Co., Baytoo, 0.).—The latest Mesioe song; going oror nioely. Raymond J. Iden, who has turned out two some of bis prise lap poodles, and that he is jy THAT OAEBEE OF LOEO, LOEO AOO (Patriek Innella Mnrio Co., 926 Hanorer 8t., Boston, numbers that have gone a long way in making an perfect fiend on raising and breeding dogs. Mass.).—A wonderful lyrio wedded to a hanntiag melody. the Colonial Company more solid, will have a During his dissertaUon on the subject be alao yoU'EE FEOM MEMPHIS: WELL, I'M FROM MEMPHIS, TOO (Foster M. Lane, Box 147, wild that his wife was of the same mind as Bonham, Xy.).—A irinnar for any good singing act. share in the new company, and will have charge of all music decisions. The present staff of himself on the dog question, and was writing a WHEE TOU BREAM OF OLB EEW HAMPSHIRE I DREAM OF TEHEEBSEE (Walter laeobs. book on the subject of canines. 9 Boaworth St., Boston, Mass.).—Both elassy and elerer. four writers will be retained, and more will be added. After he got through with his dog speech ABTEALITA BEREEABE (Red Star Murio Co., FayottOTille, Ark.).—A beauty; mnslo somewhat he said that a telegram had been rerelred from Bpanisb in style. Hlnart Barnes, from Cincinnati, asking him pyx OE THE OLB BLUE UEIFOEM TOUR DADBT WORE (McOeehan Bret., Eantiooke, Pa.)_ AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAYS to rush the orchestration of Just the Kind of a Patriotio. and a good snmber. (llrl Ton'd Like To Make Tour Wife, and that O .a New Tork, Dec. 23.—Two of New York's Sophie Tucker had also wired from Balt Lake NOVCity oOIlJiS prominent impulor music men made an exit City askli.g the wime thing. THEE YOU'RE BAECIEO AE AMERICAE EAO (F. B. Hariland Pub. Co., 126 W. Forty-eighth from the metropolis today, and will be gone over Bt., Eew York, E, Y.).—Oreat novelty number that Is an attured tncceti. the holidays. Lonis Bernstein, of Shapiro, WHEE THE BLACK BHEEP EETUREB TO THE FOLD (Waterson, Berlin A Bnyder, Strand Bernstein & Co., left for a trip to Cuba. Ho TWO IRISH SONG HITS Theater Bldg., Eew Tork, E. T.).— Sentimental, and more truth than poetry. went b.v way of Chicago, where he will stop FACE ALL TOUR TROUBLES IE TOUR OLD KIT BAO AEB SMILE. SMILE, SMILE (Chappell eff for a few day*. Bennie Bornsteln. of Harry Von New Tork, Dec. 23.—M. Witmark A Bon* A Co., 41 E. Thirty-fourth Bt., Eew Tork, E. Y.).—An Inetantaneons hit. TMIxer's house, accompanied by Eddie Smalley, surely ore entitled to their claim of "The House xHERE'S BOMETHIEO IE THE EAME OF DIXIE "That Ev'rybody Seems To Love” (William one of the firm’s crackerjack arrangers. left for of Irish Hits.'' It has been many years since lerome Pub. Co., Strand Theater Bldg,, Eew Tork, E. T.).—A Dixie tong that ia in a olass Tinston at the re<|nest of Lsrry Comer and they were without an Irish cumber that be- of its own. Emma Carus, who say that they vrant to learn longed In the hit doss. That’s the case now. psHgiA, "The Land of Love, YHiere I Met Ton" (Will Carroll Co., Times Bldg., Brooklyn, E. T.), Just the Kind of a Oirl Ton'd Like To Make for the two new Irish numbers published this —It will win 'em to yon, Tour Wife, which they Intend to use in their season appear to be in the hit division to stay. oH, HEL—EE (7. Cook, 290 Liberty St,, Soheneetady, E. Y.).—^Tes, this is it; the hit you’ve act immediately. This says nothing of such standard Irish sellers been looking for. like .Mother Machree, A Little Bit of Heaven, THE MOYIE KID (Albert H. Lowry, Box 269, Redmond, Ore.).—A spotlight winner. NEW CHICAGO BALLAD My Wild Iri-h Ror«, Where the River Shannon THE ALLIOATOBB’ PARADE (Magbee Music Co., Columbus, 0.).—A good rag one-step. Flows and others. The new ones are 'Twas THE OIBL EEXT DOOR (Landes-Carlyle Pub. Co., 72 Barth Block, Denver, Col.).—The over- Chicago, Dec. 28.—Forget-Me-Not Rose Is the n.—.n an,* (VR-tan Ta ovvin* night hit by Reed, Dubin A Smith; aa immense snooeas. new ballsd Jn*t off the pres*, which is expected miy sn ® WHAT IT TAMB. I’YE OOT IT (Warner C. WUliams A Co., Indianapolis, Ind.).—If you can't Toro I.earn To Talk Hawaiian. They are as far ^ y,, to make a big hit with the ballad singers. The apart ,.* ihe pole* when resemblance is con- oaDDT, "Won’t Ton Com* Back To Me" (Th* Deqnesaa Music Co.. 125 8. Eew Tork Av*., word* were written by Julius Dosne, publisher sidered. but they are neck and neck In the race Atlantio City, E. 7.).—Some number; get it. of the song, and the music was written by 7. for popularity. Many acts are featuring these I TOU’YE OOT ME, KID (Stark Music Co., St. Lonis, Mo.).-JOive it th* once over and you will find E. Andino, composer of many bits. Professkmal its appeal. copies of this nnmber are now being sent out OBAYETABD BLUES (7. B. Bead Muaie Pub, Co., Austin, Tex.).—Somewhat different and a real blues song. DONALDSON WITH WITMARK PECHIT. DEAB (Uaiversity Praaa Mnrio Pnhiishora, Champaign, III.).—7ust right for a good BOB COLE A MANAGER ___ singlag aot. MT LITTLE PHOEE OIBL (Leo T. Corooran, Music Publisbor, Boston, Mass.).—The novelty aeag Chicago. Dec. 23.—Bob Col*, who has bean New York, Dec. 23.—Walter Donaldatm. the sensation of 1919. traveling repreoentatlv* for th* Broadway Muaie well-known writer of popular song hits, hSM THAT QUEEE CITY BAO (Oonnott Shoot Mnsie Co., Eowport, Xy,).—Ooing over niooly, Cnmpasy of Chicago, haa recently hocorn* tho signed a contract to write exclnaively for M. WHEE TOU XEOW HOW TO LOYE, "How To Xiaa and To Hug" (Shidmoro Muaie Co., Kansas manager of Rmythe'a Marie Company, alao of Wlt.nsrkwit.nark A Sons.Ron*. Witmark sayssavs that thistbia Is ottyi Ho*)*—Amo.),—* sislangy pippin. Chicago. not only good hnstnesa for Donaldaon, but is ComiC SOfl^B O’BRIEE IS TRTIE’ TO LEARE TO TALK HAWAHAE (M. Witmark A Son*. 1969 Broadway, RECOVERY 18 SLOW lie. Among hi* best known snccesoea are We II U Y.)._Hattllng good eemody unmhor; plenty of extra vorao*. Have a Jubilee In My Old Kentucky Home EYERT OAT IS 8UEDAT WITH A JOB LIKE HIEE (Performers’ Xusio Co., 544 W. 156th St., Just Try To Picture Me Rack Home in Ten Eow York, E. T.).—The host out for raal Joy makers. Now York. Dec. 23.—Henry R. MaraboII, who Na-hvllle, Oh, Joe. With Tonr Fiddle I BE A GOOD LITTLE CHICXEE "And Lay ia My Lap" (James P, Doyle, 529 E, Eagle St., Buf- wrote Be My Little Baby Bnmble Bee, I Want and Bow; I'll Be Back In My Low-Backed Oar \ , To Linger, and other hlta. Is still confined to and Wl.w, Verdi Waya the Hurdy Gordy. Don- tWa^oon *U*ua^^ ^ porformano* hla home as the result of an Injury which b* AildHon ha* already •“ ■»”>* excellent i n so*TIBro*OF LlYnf'l DOE'T CARE WHEE 1 DIE (Yanderaleot Muslo Co., WlUIamaport. sustained when be fell from a atroet cur tt »urkh>rk fur Witmark that will he offered to tne Pa.).—On* of th* latest and beet comedy produetlena. Broadway and Thirty-fourth atreot rix month* MuhllcluliMc Huun after New Year'a.Year’a, I COULDE'T OIT THE OIT-UP TO OIT UP AMD OIT (Th* Hill Xntio Oo., Walnut St., *«»««■ ago. He lias not bean able to go to tb* oflic* ^ . City, Me,).-Lock this one over quick, of RemIrk A Company rince the accident, an-t HARRY CARROL RETURNS * “ f^rf WROTE TIPPERARY (A. E. William* Hualo Co., Arnett, Ok.).-A oomie the members of tb* firm and all of th* other people connecteil with the ofilce force ar* hoping : - „ . „ WHEE 1 DIE SEED ME TO MT MA (Warner 0. William* A Co.. Indianapolis, Ind.),—Great New V«ffk.V«6'k. Dec. 23.—Harry Carral.Carral, of Rha- oharaetor nnmhor. that he will be able to return to hit work In plro, Bernstein A Co., la back In New Tork I’YE DISCOYERED A EEW METHOD OF DTIEO (L. 0. (Jhathaiq. Cinoinnati, 0.).—Reaohoa the near future. after touring Hie Ori'heum Circuit for six inside th* funny bona, months, singing hie own aong hit. She Is the l. v» it j MUSIC NOTES Runshlne of Virginia. The author of The Trail MBTCn BBIiBOS According to letters from the border Raymond of the*ome Pin* and Down on Bom-Bom tHBOUOH THFSE WOEDERFUL OLA88E8 OF HIEE (Horry Yon Tiller, 222 W. Fortyrixth St., J, Iden’a new song. In Mexico, la the waits hit Bay Is now hard at work to turn out at least Eew York, E. T.).—Catchy molody; good enough to feature. one big Kuuisblng bit for the new year. The PEACE FOREVFR (W, L. Floyd, Crosby, E. D.),—A* mlBicnt think today. with the boys In khskl at ballt given In Rl firm reports rhal the once*** of War Babtoa baa THE CUTEST OIRL IE TOYfE (Yondorsloot Hualo Co., Williamsport, Pa.).—Eow and up to tb* Paeo. beenKmu beyond Itsits svfftsetatlnna.expectation*. TbeThe songaonff hashaa minutO, Rllly Hart and Billy Rosenhanm'a new one, an unusual appeal be<*an*«> of tho present war Is Sift ssi Mfislifis Tin MNImN Whifl Wrilhit NblfilMn. That’s Littls Essifh T# Ask is Eithsiti PoBytnna, li coming along nicely, and la one sltuii'ton and Its relation to It. Another new •I CssrtsiiM Uinihr EilssM. of the wonder* of the bouse of Granvilla. ballad that I* getting across with a bang 1* Ted Barron haa completed th* aeor* of a new (Wiled They’re Wearing Titem Higher In Ha- PnPIE^ FROFESSIONAIS SENDING operetta that will b* given a tryout in New vana. Nub said. rnurCoolUnAL uunco stamps to cover postage. York shortly after th* flrtt of tb* yoar. 17 DECEMBER SO, 1910. 13

CALLS NEXT WEEK (Contlnned from page 9) LAST HALF BILLS SPRINOFIZLD, MO, | VICTORIA, CAN. December 28-30 ELECTRIC (iBtsr) PANTAGES(mt KEW TOHK CTTY Henry Frey First Half! Winston’s Seals AMERICAN (loew) Captain Sorcbo Lamar Trio. l^ascala Sextette Jo« 0<‘aly Jk Sister Last Half: Joe Roberts BROOKLYN Sterling Marguerite Leonard & l4>uie Cook A itotliert A BIJOU (loew) Electrical Vems Lemalrs A Dawson Cbeyenne Minstrels Adrian Geeban A Spencer VINCEHHE8, IND. BPOKAHN Al Golen* Troupe Belle A Mayo LYRIC (Ubo) PANTAUBS (m) Reed, W'rifrbt & Reed Wayne A Warren Girls First Half: Red Heads Ilarmlesa Bug Rawls A Von Kaufman Bert Howard Maud Muller Verna Mer««an A Co. L,, gerenaders Lou Anger Berbour Troupe Herbert A Dennis (one to flu AVENUE B (loew) Jubilee Fonr DB KALB (loewi vnomiA. ^iHN. Jim Doberty Kaymond Amoros & Mulvey P. George LYRIC ( ..z) Justice Hill A Dale SUPERIOR, wn. Last HaU: Fox & Welle Gould A I.ewl8 BROADWAY (SB) Ynsney A Arloy Woman Proposes Manola Last Half: Wright A DavU Cook A Stevene Reynolds A Donsgaa Barry Sterling BOULEVARD (loew) Scanlon A Press BUaabeUi Otto Carbrey Bros. Check Year Baggage FULTON (loew) Kaboney A Anbnm Downs A Gomes . WAOO, TEX. Daring Sisters Amoros A llnlvey AUDITORIUM (Inter) Dorothy Burton A Co. Pranris Renault Ftske A Fallon TAOOMA. WASH. (Jan. 8-4) Walter Pervlcal Johnson, Howard A Herscbcll Hendler Rice A Francis PANTAGM (m) Listette All Aboard Brenda Fowler A Co. Frankie Rice Mota A Fry IfelTlUe A Rale DBLANCBV ST (loewt PALACE (loew) John Higgins OlytnpU DesraU A Co. Hans CTasalc Dancers Fennell A Tyson O’Brien A Buckley Novel Bros. Claire Rochester Danny Telegraph Trio Nancy Fair Franklyn Ardell A Co. Vassar A Arken ValentlDe A Bell Bachelor Dinner TEXKK HAVTX. IHD. Rondas Trio WA8H1H0T0N, D. 0. GREELEY 8Q. (loew) WARWICK (loew) NEW HIPP. (wra) NcTlna A Gonlon KEITH’S (ubo) Man In the Dark First Half: Mildred Macomber A Co. Maria Sparrow Cross Doris Dorothy Herman A Herbert’s Dogs Homer I.lnd A Co. Lew Hoffaaaa Helene A Emillon Bpcee Florigny Coos A Lorenz Tbs Tamer RIVER, Dooley A Rugel Luts Bros. FALL MAM. Oscar Lorraina Olive WIndbsm A Co. (two to DU) BIJOU (loew) The Berne DeVogns Harry A Eva Puck. Geo. W. .Moore Last Half: LINCOLN SQ. (loew) BIU Morrissey Three Norrie Sisters Cooper A Hartman Emmett’s Canines Camille Personl A Co. Cbaa. Gibbs Wilson A McNallys Robinson A McKIssick Ferguson A Sunderland .\1lee Hanson Gbestera WATERLOO, lA. Birthday Party Gorman Bras. MAJESTIC (wra) Salvation Sue Itellboy Trio Scbool Play Gronads First Half: HARTFORD. CONll. Casting Campbells Gillette’s Monkeys TOLEDO. 0. PALACE (ulm) Barry Glrla NATIONAL (loew) Hill A Acker KEITH’S (nho) Hope Vernon June A Irene Melba Smith A Farmer J. C. Nngent A Co. Morgan A Gray Allen A L'ranchi Happy Jack Gardner AI Herman Allman A Loader Co. Ijidy Suda Noy Tkirian Blcknsll Last Half: Maurice Samuels Fireside Reverie Boys of 1916 Mdm. Paula Walter Janies Francis A Ross Bob Hall The Crvmi wells HAZLETOH, PA. Wood A Wyde Caesar Rlvoll ORPIIEUM (loewi PALACE (loew) Bee Ho Gray A Co. Magaalne Girls Coruala A Adele Baby Zelda TOFXXA, XAH. Oalta Bros. Prince Charles Grey A Old Rose NOVELTY (Inter) WICHITA, HAN. Hanley, Liim A Smitb HOBOKEN, N. J. First Batft PRINCESS (inter) Gray A Graham LYRIC (loew) Sabott A Wright First Half: Arm of the Wanda tillliert liiiiiee Bollinger A Reynolds Hoey A Leo Holmes A IjiVere Case for Sherlock Jack Polk PALACE (ubo) Redemtdlon Francis Dyer Jerome A Csrson McDevltt, Kelly A (Pull Week) Carl RosinI A Co. Lncy Junior Follies Lsat Half: Txinis Mann A Co. Eckert A Parker Houdinl NEWARK. N. J. IGarden of Aloha Rogers A BrockWHyaway Emma Cnrus A lairrr MAJESTIC (loew) Moore, O'Brien A Comer Adolpho Bddls Hsrt Cormack jj,„, ^ ^ Rainey Johnny Dooley A Yvette Rugel Scott A Msrkee TORONTOTO Edwin A Lottie Ford niiMHom Seeley Clinton A Rney WanI ’JJ SHEA’S (ubo) Brady A Mahoney Rill Rnlley Maldle Delamg Lovenberg Sistersters Lamont’s Cowboys Lynn Oiwan Dare Rnai. Bonita A Hearn WILMIXOTON, DEL. Smith A Austin Wm. A M. Catty ScarplolT A Vervarii NEW ROCHELLE. N.T. Follea D'Amour GARRICK (ubo) Kitnelion A .Marco I OEW’S (loew) Johnson A Hsrtyffj Five Emigrants Meiian’s Dogs Nora I orrnine Watson SistersI Gibson A Gulnan seventh .we. (1cs-\v \or« .Nii| I (nil Scbool Playground>niid WINNIPEO, CAN. 'lovt’s Mtiis(reU Q. ORPHEUM (orpb) Mlnetta Duo TULSA, OX. Mme. Cbllson Ohrmsnn Jimmy I ichter PROVIDENCE. B. |. EMPRESS (inter) .losie Fl.vnn’s Mln**rels (inter) ^..^ter Ball A Co. EMERY (loew) First Halfi Foster A I ovette Willard 'y. for a short lime. TIIK AFTRO.NT MUSIC TOUR STA6E SUCCESSES (N)., 8 I’lilluider HI.. Korhialiy, .New York. ore plainly rayaalad by tha oldaet teianeo—Astrology, Alae traita of oharaotar. Adylea on bnilaeaa, eto. 8end place of btrtb, year, data and honr (If known), with dime, SONG BOOKS for booklet, "What Tour Stars WBEST BOOKS ON EARTHW ^ Say." CAPRICORN VIBOO, Bex IIIPIl DlllL m tklb. Kansas City. Me. THE TALK OF EVERY TOWN so S'ZES 9 1 12 mo 10 i 14 Stfiii Stimo lor Simpies ▼andertllo Sksteh* KntertalnineBtA H aro I d R 0 s siter M u sic C 0. c H ^Vc.o se, Mrnoloae, DIs* Pantomlmee, lugs,luga, Beeltatlona,BeelutloniL ■PLAYS Saw ■ W Tableaux,Drilla.Tableaux,Drilla, OVER THE PANTAGES ROUTE Comuenoemont Mann^ full of new Idraa, plnni, kelps and suggestlous. Folk Danres, Musical rtereo, JOHN MULLER MtnatrH Material, Make-up Guodo. l,arge catalog «l First St.. Hsbakse, N. I. Pheee, 244S Hahekas. trss. TsB.DMklSMJkOoHl>«^lN Ghlonso ikaaert Hall and Catiam Artlata wanted. DECCMBBA SO. ItlO.

awak* to tka fact that, otbar Uloga BURLESQUE NEWS aqnal. It Is tko now skow tkat |sts

A Happy New Year to All


Theatrical Attractions OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS

Four Husbands (Eastern), The Naughty Princess, The Night Clerk, The Suffragette Review, Four Husbands (Western), Around the Globe

f Seven New Productions in Preparation for 1917

800 Majestic Theatre Building CHICAGO, ILL. e DICIMBER M. Itif.

H H. Friiliii lid Aiiti Friiliid .LtABl AND BEOOND BUBINIBB In Repertoire 1‘anaauMit Addrxm, The BlUlioard. BSRCLSV S HURSEY mUMtral dlmnor. Gddir Wbll* U In th» nd | reatiirr.4 with the ahow, and la highly commented with Jmse lUaIr’a OaoMdlana. »nnov pf the show. upon In each town, A apectal line of pictorial blair’s comedians Th4 I'ontiwny will play tbrough I'annaylvanln iia|M>r la natal. A new play, written by Jack ALINE NEFF Oxrins tli» winter muntha. and a proapanHia Orinith. wna recently given a tryout and met INBINUI LEADS Robart A. NaR Theatre Da. AT FIRST MILESTONE renern la loobini for by tha ntiinagemant. with hearty approval. It la now being uaed aa a feature bill. INDEFINITE RUN SCHEDULED VELMA NEFF Will B«fin S«cond S«Mon on BUSINESS IS GOOD NIAVItt LEADS AND OHARACT Tho Idiwrence Denting Theater Oompeny, Dabtrt A. NoB Theatn Da. January 3 —Roatar Naarly pla.xlng ihriMigh Nebreaka and Wyoming under VerualllM, O., I>ec. 33.—Tho Rdwarda-Wllaon tha Sanaa aa at Opaning the management of Vincent M. Sherwood, la Iteperiulre ('umpany, playing a week'e engage¬ BILLY K. REY doing excellent bualnoea. Tbe company will ment here. Imx (Pine a nice bUHineaa with n “TNAT RED BEADED COON" in Wichita Falla eontinuo playing three and four-nlgbt atamla hIgh'claM repertoire. William Ford and F. A. Noxi with Jemr BlMris CnmnUano. tinlH New Year*a l»ny, after wblcb It will open tilldtr, two new nicmbera of tha ahow, are do¬ nn indellnlle etock engagement at the Orphe'iin ing nli-ely, Thj maler la- Kbert Rilward.i. Ilen- Tliexlar In Shertdan. Wy. Tlie company baa jMiikO IHatr'a Comedlana, under the direct rletin M'llao’i, lle HESS end Indiana The new company will be knoiwn founnlj iniyera. and later witb Roy B. Foa'a and la pli.vlng a repertoire of good bills, ueing aa The Golden Gate Girls Company, and will I'oiailar 1‘U.veie. Mr. Rarday and wife iBaala KiMM-lal aeenery and a splendid line of imper. lie under tin manugement of B. G. Rleaainger. Hurveyl nrc not only oxcollent repertoire peo¬ The ahow, which la owned tiy Harry J. Fam;d'.n Me. Itleaalnger waa a vlaltor at tbe home of¬ ple, but tliey alao bare a line of bigb-claaa I nd Ed C. I*rice. Is headed south, where It will fice of The Billboard whIU In Cincinnati. laltlea which never fall to pleaao. Mr. plav during the winter He.naon. and Mre. I'arclay are tlie drat to Introtluce tbe riaaeloal daiicra under cnnvae tbro«.gh tbe South, BACK IN TENNESSEE REPERTOIRE NOTES end their cfforta have met with much approval. The company numbere Iwenty-ltve people. In¬ AFtar Abaence of Two Seaaona The Hyatt & T.eNore Miniature Musical Com¬ Ed C. Nutt Playam Sunday, Deoeniber 3. Butu cluding build and orcheatm. The orcbentra la edy Conipany, after playing an eight weeka' compantoa wart on the aaino train, tbe Pluuilee wn.ter tbe direction of Ilaael Hancock. Tlie The Giifllth Stock Company, after an abaence niiialcal atork engagement at lamdnn. Out., Can., ontflt being bound for Donaldaonville, La., and rhow carrli-e apeclal aeenery for each Wll. with of two yenra. la hock In Ita old territory in i-loaed l>ereiiilx‘r 3. and reojiened Oeoenibet tbe Nutt company for Covington. La. e nice line of paper. A new tent waa recently Terneaaee and la .lolne a aplendld hiialneaK. The 18 at Moose Jaw, Saak., for a aeaaon of twenty Tho Aerial Laatera, Ton and Marie, who re¬ pun-hHM'd. with double aide walla. A beating company, headed by Jack Gritlltb. la preaenting weeks. cently ekiCsKl a very eucretaful aeaeou with the plant and the lateat lighting ayntem have been an excellent repertotre of pla.Ta which are meet¬ Blllte PInmIee'a Comedlana. playing through John Rohlnaou Clrcne, have jsdned the Milette added to the e James Parrille, comedian with tbe comedy Gorrell. general bnalneen; Clyde H. Hamptem, elty Act to feature. Good performers doubling band write. Address BOX 41a, company pisying at tbe Orpbenm Theater, To¬ Icada; Richard Davla, geoenl bualneaa, Chariea Palmetto, Florida. P. S.—Will send tickets to Egypt if you can deliver the go^s. ledo. i>., will spend the holidays with his rela¬ Barpea, advance, and Carl B. Steen, director tives In Chicago, returning to the Orpheom com¬ ai.d characters. pany Janaary 3. Rimer McDonald's musical comedy company, WANTED, QUICK known aa The lleldelburg Glrla. after a sue- SPANGLER'S FOURTH SEASON For THE GOLDEN GATE GIRLS’ MUSICAL COMEDY TABLOID cessfiil engagement at tbe Kempner Theater. Cmwdlan with ai-rtpu tu piodtirv, one with .vox chums wardrib- pn*em-d: Stater Team who can lead Little Bock. Ark., moved to Tnlsa. Ok., w-here Tl>e Edna Spangler Repertoire Company opened nombwa and work bi chorua: Chorua Glrla «ho can xllig. CAN PLACE Single I.ady Musical Acts who can It wrill open on the Barbour Time, playing Ita fourth searon last week In Adniaon, P«. lead numien or work In ibnrua. This aUrari Rmd In tlim*. bt Clarksburg, W. Va., and buaiuesa holds up geneni buslneaa; Profeaaor William LeVon, nicety. The Brandnm Old Reliable Show, playing ESSIE HURSEY WANTED MUSICAL COMEDY TABLOIDS through Illinola, under the management of Wll Ham Brandom, continnea to do fair bnalneas In Entire seatton's work for several first-class shows, consisting of ten people. Three or Its week stands In opera honaea. more changes bill and carry some special feature. Write, wire, phone. Ruby Smally recently signed with the Virginia GUS SUN BOOKINGING EXCHANGE CO.. Springfield,Sorinefield. Ohio. Glrla Company (ila.vlng at I'ennslioro, Fa., but upon her arrival In tbe Fenna.vivania town she was taken aerlonaly III and was removed to 8t. WARTED-BANO ACTORS Joseph’s Hospital. Her hnshaiid was imme¬ TO JOIN ON WIRE. Nu parailew. Meek ataiulH. Txidoid l>raii,atie Mum. IPiitral Hueinem Man capable ot doing hadit and h'avtiw: Charai'ler Man. to do aoove heavlia; t lehl ('tvm-dv Man whu (an do gim-ral busl- diately notified and is at her bedside. neas; Vaudrvltle llaiilat, double atage; read, fake, tranapose. TlrkeuT NO. Juat got atung. rvefer people Claude G Olimer. heavies with the Illlly Bry¬ to doublo bartiooe, baaH and slide. ant Stock Company, recently closml with the HARRY LA REANE, Maaater La Reaae Stock Ca.. Hart’s Thaater, Marloa, Ohio. Brjant Co'upany and left for New York, when* he oxiiecta to Join an Rastem stork oomi'any. Mr. Ohmer was a caller at the ofllee of The SH&W PRINTERS, SPECIAL DESIGIiS Billhoard while through Cincinnati. Mrs. J. Doug Morgan, wife of J. Dong Mor¬ National gan. owner and manager of the Dong Morgan IIIHOSR^ERS, FOR EVERY LINE Stock iToiiipany. playing through Tevnj unl'-r canvas, presented her hnshand with a nine isnind ENGRAVERS HfW YORK '-^ISB^HICAGO OF AMUSEMENT girl December 11 at Dallas. Tex. \ 5T. LOUIS- The Marie Mnn'hy Mnsieal Comei-s F AIR C A ' AI Otili E of Hat.A-na!'00 Auto Racev Motordrome. Stock, Aulo. Horse Shows, Hc, twenty-flve iieople, with sperlal scenery mid n MAtilC CATALOtiUE pi Hypnotic, Mind Reading, Spir tuji sm, Mtgic, Hand Cuff. etc. nice line of paiier. minstrel i'ATALOCUE of VNnde and Colored M nstrei and Colored Musical Comedy of all kinds, Al H. and Anita Freeland reeenttv Joined the musical 1,'OMEDT CATALOCUE pI 0 eras and MuSicalShows wltll and without title, Spenrer A Thorne Musical Comedy Comi'any, WE'-TERN PLAyS CAIALOCUE nl Paper (nr Mreslern Dramas, lor Opera House or Tent Shows, playing week stands through Indlann. lAst Garni. AL CATAI OGI.-E of Pr^itinq lor FeaUiftPq Carnhals Street Fairs and like events week North Vernon was played to yery poor CiRCUR and WILD vSTS T fiATAtOGUE of Complete line of handsome u pin-dale Paper, bnsineaa. The company la playing in Columbus CATALOr'il.E OP DATES Pr ee H.' s Slock Letters, Banners. Type and Bln. y Work, etc. POIOERS OP NON RO'ALTr PlATS with Complete Lines of Paper Ail the old favorites this week, and bnalneas Is yery goo

DICIMIIR SO, 1911 Ttie Billboard 17

iwmBimniHiiiiiiimatiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimHHiiiwimiMnaiawsa AMERICAN ACADEMY I OF DRAMATIC ARTS || Franklin H. Sargent, Pitt, Dramatic Stock ^The Standard Institution Dramatic Education was very clever, and waa well received. Clairs exix-llent buslnena with the line of plays being LUDLOW PLAYERS IN Sinclair, m Juan, and Preear in turee witb the company, and wins much favor¬ stwk pr*Mln< tions in AuKtralla for the next able comment from the patmna of the Colonial. tiiree years. IVte L'-innt-lly and his wife, Mjrtli- Delmar, CA.NADIAN COATPANY THE NEW LAND LAW of the team of Connelly and Delinar, are pr> ducing miisioal oomedlea In stock ul the Kills Theater, .Moose Jaw, Canada. They aie now in Made Hit in Humboldt, Saskatchewan A nmnb<>r of Interesting talks on giNsl roads and their development were given at the their seventet-nth cunseeutive week, and will third annual session of the Northwestern Road Congress held n-oently at the Hotel Sherman, Humboldt, Saak., Dec. 2:! —^The stock com Chicago. remain In the Ellis Theater until the first of the year, when they will return to vaudeville. pany playing at the Hnmi.oldt Opera House A rosy future was predicted for good roads throughout the length and breadth of the scored heavily laat week In Its production of country as a direct result of the ; assage of tbe Federal I.and Aid Bill. The new law will The company, under Connelly’s direetion, num¬ Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp. Zara Clinton, bring the building of a State trunk line to a point which meets the wants of State traffic. bers twelve people. Including a ehurus of six aa Aladdin, waa exceptionally clever. Billy Os¬ “The new law's spirit,” said F. A. Cannon, executive secretary of the Wisconsin Good ponies, and the bill Is ehanged twiee weekly. wald, as General Sam Fuse, was given much Roads Association, "will result In each State planning a oomprehcnslye highway system, The Van Orden-.Shortell Stis-k Conipauy opened applause for bis splendid work. Harry Hoy- built and operated nnder State siiiM-rvIslon and constructed with Federal funds." Its road tour at PeeksvlT.e, N. Y., Decemtier 18. I land, Donald Gray and Beatrice Carmen created The effect of good road Improvement on the educational facllitlea In one North Dakota The i-ompany Includes Van 0:den, light istmedy; county la an Interesting thing to study over. much favorable comment u|H>n their excellent A1 Shorten, leads; Hank Cratz, juvenile; Harry acting. The cast Includeil BIII.v Oswald, Victor In the past ten years, from 1906 to 1916, the value of rural school property In the Smith, heavies; laailse Childs, leads; Grace county was $64,825. In 1916 is was $173,500. The number of rural school libraries, the Dyer, J. V. Barrett Leunard. Donald Gray. I* Shorten, Ingenues; Jenetle Childs, eomedienne. number of volumes in these libraries, tbe number of teachers In all clasaea and the number Goodwin, George Hepple, Harry Hoyland. Mllll- holding flrat-clasa certificates In every Instance have Increased 300 per cent since 1903; while Jerry VanOrden Is direeting tbe cast. cent Ward, Pauline Harvey, Elsie McNeill, the average number of school days Increased from 85 to 131 days during this period. Lester F. Mitchell has Joined tin- Columbia Ethel Hendron, Beatrice Carmen. Zara Clinton, So It Is not bard to conclude that good roads themselves do not come alone, but with Stock Company, playing at the Colunihia Theater Olive Gooalman, Annie Irwin. Mildred Cart- good roads come gooil s<-hools, better farms and a general revolution throughout the country. In Detroit, Mich. Wright. Janet Watson, Mildred Parker, Rose Increasing Its capacity to perform all tbe functions delegated to It. Walter Harmon, leading man with Uie Wanda Gibbs, Jean Gordon, Mildred Hanson and Irene And W'ltb tbe general betterment of traveling conditions, and with apeclflc betterment Ludlow Players, at the Colonial Theater, Coving Severa. of farms and schools and roads will come necessarily a betterment In show conditions. Outdoor amusements hinge sometimes to an amazing degree on the condition of tbe roads ton, Ky., closed with tbe company last Weilnes- I leading into towns where tbe shows are playing. Make It possible for all communities to day. Jack Emerson, formerly with the laidkiw I CHRISTMAS BILL CHOSEN reach the community center easily ami qnickly, and tbe ticket wagon automatically begins Company, was slgnerl, replacing Mr. Harmon. to hum. The .Marriage Game was tbe attraction at the St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. 23.—Starting Monday the Tbat la why show people, If for no other more altruistic reasons, owe themselves and Shubert Theater, St. Paul, Minn., last week, Dubinaky Bros.’ Stock Company will present tbe game a boost in the direction of good roads. Under Cover at the Tootle Theater, with the fol¬ presented by the Shubert Stock Company. lowing cast: Sylvia Summers, Wallace Grigg, The Wnils-Wood Stock tiompany, at tbe Wll- FVances Valley, 'Frank C. Meyers, Aldrld Pierce, lls-Wood Theater, Kansas City, Mo., recently Eva Craig, Ed Dubinaky and William N. Smith. presented Tbe Fe.xr Market, which was a big attraction at the American Theater, and the night. Tbe stage settings, nnder the manage¬ The Broken Rosary la being presented aa this drawing card. K good buslieas was done during play U meeting with great snccees. Director ment of Harold P. Burdick and John Nickerson, week’s attraction, and the play la meeting with tbe week. Leland baa costnmed the play In the moat elab¬ were complete In all details, making tbe play the approval of the patrona. The company la Tbe Knickerbocker Stock Comtiany presented orate etyle, and aa the stage aettinga are fnlly Very attraetlve. The cast Included J<*n Shee¬ under the management of Ed Dnblnsky, aa- for last week's attraction at tbe Knickerbocker up to the standard the bill is being highly com¬ han, George Rand, Phoebe Hunt, Norman Ilack- sisted by William .Smith. Theater, Philadelphia, Pa., Teas of the Stonn ett, Dora E. Sulliyan, Pearl Cook, Marguerite mented opon by the theatergoers of the city. Country. McNulty, Norman R. Fensier, Marion Grant, NEW STOCK CO. IN SCRANTON Jane Urban, as Yetlve, la ideal. Harry Leland. as Prince Lorence, and Jack Fraser, as Prince Fanchon Everhart, Richard Frazier, Harold Bur¬ Gabriel, are doing clerer work. Ben Erway, In dick and John Nickerson. Phoebe Hunt, as Ger¬ Scranton, Pa., Dec. 23.—Beginning Chriatmaa ANCYN T. MeNULTY the jole of Greenfall Lorry, is all that can he trude Meyer, and John Sheehan, as Crane, won Day stock will replace the International Circuit hearty applause throughout the play. attractions in Pull’s Theater In this city. The dealred. i Ralph Clonniger, the leading man. is serlonsly company inclndes Frank Carlton, Gertrude Fow¬ ler, May tlnrat, BexfonI Burnett, Hardee Meak- 111. and It may be aeveral weeks before he will KEITH COMPANY DIVIDED be able to resume bis place with the cast. ina and A. J. Edwards. The latter will also act aa the director of the cast. Arrangements have Into Two Shows for Winter Season I been made for several new stock releases, which ST. CLAIRE COMPANY will be produced during the season. Mentor, Minn., Dec. 23.—The Keith Cometly Company, known aa Keith’s Extravaganza Com Lose* Tickets and Money by Theft HYPERION PLAYERS pany, playing through Minnesota, will spend Christmas week In Winger, after which the show Paterson, N. J., Dec. 22.—The box-ofll'-e of New Haven, Conn., Dec. 21.—The House of s will be divided into two companies. F. C. the St. Claire Stock Company, playing at the Em¬ Thoussnd Candles, presented last week at the Keith ■will manage one company ami Art Hoik* pire Theater In this city under the nianngcnient Hyperion Theater by the Hyperion Players, cre¬ way will have the other, playing one-night stand* of Earl Slpe. was re<-entl.v visited by burglars, ated much favorable comment. The atage set¬ through North Dakota and Minnesota. December and atanit $100 and a large quantity of ticket-* tings, under the direction of Harry Andrews 13 the members of the show vlsite

such a real and honest actor as James little business acumen, and that great If local autonomy comes with union¬ William PitzPatrlck, is not trade geniuses are usually almost entirely ism the vaudeartist will find himself unionism, but only a false image of devoid of the bargaining instinct. under a new set of masters, with new it. Generalizations such as these may be and different notions and rules and Billg&atd So, while Mountfordlsm is dead and more or less true, but when we con¬ new whips for enforcing them, prac¬ tically every week. If centralized TKE SHOW WOSLB EVCTCXOPEDIA Whiteratism rapidly dying, trade sider the “reasoning” some actors are unionism is still a very lively issue and guilty of we can not but believe that government obtains a czar and bureau¬ Tbe Billboard Pablteliins Company, the faith of many of its adherents and all artists are children. cracy will be his portion. W. H. DONALDSON. advocates as Arm and unshaken as Their premises are wishes, not facta If a minimum wage Is adopted all inJBLICATION OFFICE: ever. They start with what ought to be, not salaries will soon become wages and Billboard Baildlng, 2S-27 Opera llace, These freely grant that they have what is, and argue therefrom to the wages will all drop to the minimum. Olnciiinati, Ohio, • ■ • • U. 8. A. no hour-day problem to solve, and conclusion with which they started as They always do. Lonf-Dlatance Telephone, Canal S08&. that the apprentice question and the a premise ail to as great purpose as a Thus will incentive be destroyed and Private Eirhange, connecting all departmente. matter of a minimum wage are very dog chasing his tail. vaudeville disappear entirely from Cable Addreaa (Beglatered), “Billrbor.’* minor afflictions—by no means the big It is very true that art should be the realms of entertainment. and important things they are to free. Unionism is a good thing In Its skilled artisans, mechanics and la¬ The proposition can be proved in a place, but its place Is among the BRANCH OFFICES: borers—and yet, because trade union¬ dozen different ways. tradee. It Is not for the professions, NEW YORK ism has coped with them successfully, It can not thrive, develop or advance and especially not for the arta in thrall. Third Floor, Babway Central Baildlng, Broadway, they have persuaded themselves that Porty-aecond Street and Beventh Avenue. it will be equally efflcacious with other Telephone, 8470 Bryant. and quite different propositions. This But to call in trade unionism is to Readerz’ Column CHICAGO seems poor reasoning to us, almost as Invite real despotism to replace a Orllly Baildlng, Monroe and Dearborn Street! poor as that of the vast number of purely fancied one. Telephone, Central 8480. passe, worn-out and inutile players For every restraint, disadvantage Anyona knowing the wheieabouta of a yoang man named Shelton kindly ndrlse hla mother, 8T. LOUIS among the small-time actors, who are and hampering condition with which Mrs. M. E. Shelton, Baldwin, Kan. Shelton la Nolaen Baildlng, Slatb and Olive Streeto. deecrtb^ oa being about S feet, 8 lnpb«e to Long-D1 via nee Telephone, Olive 1738. height, weighing abont lUO pound#, with dark hair, gray eyea and amall acaiw on tbe right SAN FRANCISCO cheek and on tha noae. 005 Ilnmbodlt Bank Baildlng. Would like to know tbe addreaa of MIm Fern I'erry, lately with Tbe Vaaaar Olrla Com¬ SPECIAL BEPBESEVTATIYEI: WORDS OF WISDOM pany.—F. K. Gordon, CUrkaburg, W, Va. Xanaaa City, 1117 Commerce Bldg., Tel M. The addrtwa of Joale Brott, who waa with tbe S0B7, Baltimore, 807 W. North Ave. Cleveland, 49 HIk>w on tbe Great Empire oiraxan the past eaaon, U wanted by FraneU X. Grenier, 154 820 lllnmlnatlng Bldg. Plttabarg, 810 Keller- ■ THAT EVERY VAUDEARTIST SHOULD READ College atreet, Battle Creek, Mich. man Bldg. Twin City Offlee, 720 Phoenix Bldg., B. Meraon, 79 Hoag avenue. .N., Mlnneateill*. Mlnnenpolle. I>oe Angelee, 004 American Bank Minn., 1* anxloii* to locate hU brother. Morri* Bldg. London, England, 8 Bapert Conrt, Ptcca After the governments, the churches and the schools the trade (Tintype) .Meraon, wlio had aeveral eonre«*lnn* dUly CIrena, W. Parle, France, 121 Rae Mont t the Waeo Cotton Palace. unions are of all Institutions probably the most capable of beneficent J. KIrhard Htroine, laat known to be with A martre, Tel. 222-01. achievements. This opinion emanating from us will probably surprise Chlneae Honeymoisi (Company. It re<|ue*tf na foinlllar iis I am witb tlin frUlitfiil tyranny which the union cz- Would appreciate Information regarding the laat advertising form goes to press 12 M, ercloo* over Ita own menilters, the Injnatlce of the trial* before their own court*, the wlicreabunta of Paul Hayco, known a* Great BtorliMi of the Inillvliinnt meinher* who have eome to me for liel|), you would realise that Hayco, the Sllierltn shackle exi»ert.—W. E. San Mondsy. amonz a Inrse perreiitase of the union menihera the union la regardi-d a* a hard and leli, care Family Tlieater, Ktngaburg. Cal. ■VBSORIPTXOiri unjuat maater, I truly believe that In an a;)|irn!*nl of uninna hy the outalder and by the The addr<*a* of I.Ibblo Cornegy*. of the I eap Ono Tear .$8.00 union meinher the outalder would not aeldom place them on a higher plane than tbe Year Girl* Company, I* wanted by S. Dean, Tay¬ Bis Months . 1.00 member. lor* l*land, Md. Illchard Dillon—Communicate *t once with Three Ifonths .70 But in view of the frightful abuses that have arisen in governments yuiir home. Payahla in advance. Kex llsrep, Deming, N. M., want* to hear and churches, and even In schools, is it to be wondered at that fright¬ from Pat l..von*, Jr., of Melvllle'a <'oinern<». 1117 Com IXIWED. No estrs chsrge to foreign subscribers. Allegiance to the union ought to be subject to the same conditions nierce Building, care Billboard, Knn*a* City, and limitations as allegiance to party or to church or to any other In¬ MI*«onrl. THE BU.I BOAHD Is for ssle on til trsins if Harry L. I>>avltt will communicate with II. and newsHlHOds throughout United States and stitution that is human, and, therefore, defective. Crimes have been Neuhana, 120'J Humboldt Bank Building, San Canada wdilcb sr«> suppllml by the Ameriean committed by all, but crime on the part of the union seldom disturbs FrancUco, Cal., he will learn something to hi* advantage. News Co. and Its hrsnehes. It Is also on s'.Ie the allegiance of a member. Time was when the church persecuted Howard Averlll—Your *ddre«* I* wanted by at Brentnno's, 37 Avenue de I'Otiers, Paris even unto death all who withheld allegiance to it. Virtually all Dr. A. K. Dakc, Box 303, Slielbum, Ind. France, and at Daw's Agenr,v, 17 Green Street unionists now look back upon such acts ns horrible, and yet many, Anyone knowing llie addre** of John Hyde will l,eloester Square. Ix>ndon, W. C. When not confer a favor by advUIng Mis* A. M., cars probably most, unionists endorse them in the unions, and many union¬ General Delivery. Peoria. Ill, on sale please notify this offlee. ists practice them. The church was at one time superior to the civil C. (Sliorlyi William*—Send your addre** to Kemtltaneea sh'^uld be made by ;>ost'Offlee power. Most unionists would now fight—many to the death—to pre¬ Mr*. I.ulii 1* Fiwter, Box IMS, Phoenix. Arlx. or eapnws money onler, d with the Chicago offlee* of nevernl the right, but tight or wrong. Show- searching Inquiry to He in a belief that have atrlcal trade paper*, died December 13 In Chi folk! the managers are arbitrary, high¬ 1. The Public, cago after a lingering Hines*. CHRISTY—George WoHf Clirlaty, who, during handed and despotic in dealing with The Managers, hi* early life, wa* connectml with the late Tony actors. The Union, Paator, Billy Kmeraon, Dan Klee and others, They imagine themselves slaves and The Union’s Business Manager and who was a clown with the late John latlo on the Adam Forepangh Show*, died December 3 Editorial Comment yearn for freedom with a longing a* Other Members of Ills Union. at tbe JefferHon Davl* Soldier*' Home, Beauvoir, hot and fierce as if they really were. fi. The Members of Other Unions Mloa. He la aurvivad by the widow, a daughter Coupled with thU, too, is a grave and while. In a pinch, a man may and two non*, one of whom la Tar Christy, While for the most part the vaude- known aa the Original lione Tar Baby. Mr. distrust of themselves, a serious doubt serve two masters after a fashion, he Chrlaty was 79 years of age. artists of America have repudiated that even If they were banded together never, never can. especially if he be CIARK—Harry H. Clark. Jr., aged 42, trea* Mountfordlsm, this does not mean ex'er so tightly and solidly they could an artist, serve half a dozen. nrer of the Empire Theater. Ptttsbnrg, Pa., died that an equally large majority of the recently at hi* home In that city. He, with secure the liberty they so ardently de¬ Artists will never know what real hla partners, built and openml ttie Empire abont profession has lost faith in trade sire without more aid. Ho they think t.vrannv is until they have endured the ten yean ago. He Is survived by the widow. unionism as a remedy for their ills they must have the material and yoke of unionism. COI,E—'Mr*. Anma Cole, known In the profee- and afflictiona moral support of the unions behind When they take it up they will slon as Red Feather, the origlaal Indian prlma donna, «l recently In New York. Red Feather It merely aignifles that the artists them. Initiative droop, enterprise languish had a prominent part In The I.lberty Belle* Com¬ have discovered that Mountfordlsm, One often hears it asserted that Inventiveness sicken and creative abil pany last season, and waa doing cabaret work at even when endorsed and defended by profe.«slonal men have, as a rule, very Ity die. (CoDtlauml OD page 48) DECEMBER 30, 1918.

lison-Wbite in tbe West. Friends are welcoming THEATRICAL MANAGERS’ blm to tbe fold of tbe immortals again. ACCOUNT BOOK OF RECEIPTS 4 EXPENSES A new book Is out from tbe presses of Doran A Oaily nwmoraiidum of r«cf4pts ami expctiaaa for Uis A Co,, by a lyceum lecturer, Japanese Conquest iiiiv ig ilirairl>al (umpatilei. I'taiiaiiia all Uia Uems Lyceum and Chautauqua Chat V griitral u-’e in tin- •iliow I.UHliinw. of American Opinion, by Jtlontaville Flowers. It It 1.1 iNiiiul ill fliith I'uvrr, and flu the porket. Mlae. is a fine follow-up of Mr. Flowers’ startling lec¬ lxt>% I'.K'hm. A very liuidy book. Havn iliaputeg By THOS. ELMORE LUCEY ture, Guarding tbe Golden Gate. Prloa, lU Cfata. Poitaald. I'be Central Chautauqua Bureau of Cblc-agu bas THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., 25 aad 27 Ogtra Place, > Claciaaatl. Ohia. TANK TOWN TALK east of Wisconsin, Iowa and New .Meilco, and arranged with tbe Illnshaw Conservatory to or- _ are starting tbe season with Dne proepects, ganiae and produce a numbernuniDer ofoi lyceum com- MUSICAL GLASSES . Tbe Dixie Bureau of Dallas launches a Ore- panles for their circuits. Mualral Elertrlc Beila, Oulna. ITowo .vmong the recent lyceum wedding, was t^ Chautauqua circuit beginning next May, - I’uta, FunneU, Xylophones, etc. Oat* oJoguo on receipt ot atamfia. U romantic marriage of ayne . we a operating over Texas and adjoining States. M. VfAl P SWA I I OWTAII S KILACNKIMM, llil2 NapUv Aroiue. Miss nettle Jane Dunaway, of the Alkahest ^ irrepressible, with the Ineradl- SWALLOWTAILS Blohnind Hill. N. Y.

Jl^'ge ■ S ^we5“Din.way '**’“* of this new There I. a move on among tbe lyceum high- XniOlFO l*uxxles. Jokes, Magic Goods, ITiyi, of Grande L«dfe, Mien. Tbe »e S wblch tpelta Bucceiis to »tan with. brows to eliminate the conventional dreaa ault I KllaKA Wigs. Doll Slid Csiie Ilacka, Hitiaa- event created a huge lot of lyceum interest, be. ^ discoverer of Lm?of ^^0 progre^^^^^^^^^ 4 IIIWIwW tional (iK-apes, llluiloiii and Htogo Hupiilirs. Largo l'J17 t'slaliw fm lug the termination of a romance of four years. elaborate,! bis com- t^rdin^that riyceurevcn^^^^ Miss Dunaway narrowly escaped a atage ca- o«Kt M«aieAL CO.. reer to become the bride of one of tbe most sue- ... . ehrUtened a civic fc.tlvsl week ^ “ almost taboo in tne # i wha I. the sue. *** “a* cnristened a civic festival week, gummer chauatauqua anyway, tbe inmmery ceaa u > re.rter elvlnw' Tbs I.*dy of tbe 0P«“» In a town on Bunday afternoon, and white trousera being decidedly the moat attract- father in bia late busy years on llic platform ^ful coatume re^er, gl ng e continues each afternoon and evening tbrongh tbe ive and democratic. Ellaa Day, the dean of Mrs. Rimzcll had sacrifli'cd the comfiTts of a wa * vepMille entertainer bla wife f*'* writer flrat met Dr. Nichols almost lyceum traditions. Insists that no appearance ;>leasRut home to attend to bis secretarial Is the well-known versatile e . ^ decade ago when we were harnessed up in an i* strictly au fait wltbont evening drets, while Juties, and he feels the Ions tbe more keenly a nonproresslooai. evangellatlc campaign in Texas. He is one of of those who detest the padded awallow- In cnnsequence. He was forced to cancel eight Tbe Badcllffe attractions are expanding, the real stars of the platform. tails are already wearing a neat cutaway. The weeks of hookings, but Is hack In harneoa again, Harry Holbrook, tbo efferveacent and neverAleep- Guy M. Bingham, the lecturerf haa been made darn-tbe-dlfference outsider looks on calmly. Chautauipia representatives are represented III Ing representative, bas opened a Texas olBce. secretary of the religious work of the Y. M. delivers bis stunt artistically, and. for the rest, tbe Arkansas Ia‘glslatnre tbe coming term by and has a corps of agents In the Lone Star c. A. in Mnncle. Ind.. which will Increase his mnrmurs “Ishkabibble.” Hon. Beo H. Johnson, who was n'cently etecteil State, II. W. Scars, tbe "talfy” niiin, and J, II. professional respvnsibllltles while enlarging the Miss Florence J. Hoover, who bas done kucb to tbe Mtate Si'iiate. Mr. Johnson was for tbrso Sowerby are alao invading the Texas Held with scope of bis nsefulness. Twenty large Industries efficient work as office secretary of the Cbl'eago years engaged in ebaiitauqua work In Arkanoaa a Booster Chantanqna. and It would seem that of that manufacturing city will feel tbe In- Civic Bureau, has launched a new agency of her Prof. Henry B. Honey, fanuSus for many tbe good people of tbe biggest State will not be Alienee of bis contact with meu In training own, specialising In local club and society work years as the coach, pnalneer and manager of lacking In ChautauquaCbautauqna enterUinment.entertainment. them for moral efficiency. In the Windy City. "Boney'a Boys" concert companies, covered himself with glory in the recent Hlatorical Ur. Frederick A. Cook has been telling bis an- The bureau managers are feeling the call of MIsa Elsie Clark, for yeara tbe talented ac- dlenccs Oiat his next ambition la to go to tbe the suburbs. Mr. Chaffee removed his isuiimo- companlest and aoloitt of J. H. Balmer'a Kaffir Pageant of 8t. Joseph County, at Mouth Bend, North Pole by aeroplane. Some of tbe douliting dlous offices out to classic Evanston sutea i i .i . > cagu, under the ruergetic direction of D. H- ' ’ L.6|flSlatlVLegislative e eclschemes can't bring the victory In the war on poverty, benefit of hls admirable conducting. Grant, bat built np a great busluess of several J, but sanity and righteousnessrlgl can. Alma Beck, Clnelnnatl'a noted contmlto. In with tbs Lincoln CbaiitaiHiuoa for tbo eomtng hundred eouraes. This season he starts into tbe i« Christian mathematicsmat ask If a plumber gets $6 per day, what 1m aiimmer. Miss Beck's deep voice in opern rhr<«-day t'hautauqua fleld also. '' he willing to pay thetl cobbler? creatial a demand for her In boy'a paAa. Ilav Kev. and Mrs. Charles E. Varney, the well- If a carpenter earnn $6 per day, what should Jim's teacher get? a Carpenter work will be a novelty on the platform. known lectureiw, are c-omluctlng a Chautauqua i> If a distiller tsaves $3,000,000 In a lifetime, how much should he serlea known aa "Varney Welfare We,>ki" liold- '' pay for hls funeral cermon? Ing afternoon and evening meetings. Bolli.have KvenEven In an eiera of Christian love we would have to produce and A BIQ-LITTLE COURSE had splendid Chautauqua training. ,, gtop waste. stop waste. One of tbe biggest courses In a little town Dr, M. it. IJchllter, the live-wire promoter, ‘' The glory ofot a Rtate Is not In Its $12,000,000 capitals, but In Its that lyceum history rect>rda waa maintained for hso retlrqil from the Kuekville (Itid.) Chau- cottages,,cottages.. years at Motindridge, Kan. Tbe committee paid tauqua, and haa been aneceede,! hy Kev. John G. ,, Even under ffree trade a man could waste the yearly wage of a several hundred dollara eacb season for tbe beat Bsnoon, of Hratii. o hundred men on a private yacht. talent they could pcaalbly secure, made It tbe Pasadena will play a onsidcuoiis part In the ‘ > Even under Boclallsm a world could drink Itwelf Into poverty. big event of tbe year, and always made k band- I'Buipalgn to raise $(100,000 to estalillsh a per- . rnmnl In our complicated society our men may rob the poor and not some profit—enough to secure an extra number uianeni Chautauqua center on Mount •Washing- . > ^ know It or two. Tbe concrete results of the work are ton, Ijm Angeles. Nearly 400 men and women, <> Know 11, found In a fine anditorliiro, bought and paid for prominent In bnslneas and profeaalonal life In " A man may dido long distance stealing In modern society and ho rob hy the eomimttee, and other evidences ot civie Houthern California, will comprise the volunteer ‘ | people he has nevernevi seen. Improvement. And that In a town ot only a army. More than 100 enthusiastic city and ,, few hundred population I ■vninty teachers, eager to sec a Chautauqua eeeeeeeeeeeeeee Austin K. Palmer, one of tbe pioneer iyceom venter eatsbllsbrn and sugar MlHsourl. Kaniaa, Colorado. Ok- Corporation', pending bis post holiday lyceum tlvely out of tbe work, he is still s great lyeeon and Chautauqua fan. cane.. .VIonxo ,«h„ni«. Texas ami Arkiinsaa. They go Ea.t ““•» character many claim to be the real father of tbe circuit tbo first of March, combining hooking with en¬ artist, bas also been cavorting in celluloid for f'hautauqna idea In America, is> the big pt>r- some time at Peoria. And there are many tertaining. THE LYCEUM PAY-ROLL sonallty tiehind tbe Lincoln movement, and M. others. Bdmnnd Vance Cooke, the poet, opened hls Kiissell Bridges of .tbe Alkahest, .Ltlanta, la There will be held this winter soma 15,001) the nloni>er of Ivceoin work in s bis wav in adaeon of school week programs in I'lttsluirg, Ross vrsucsCrane's w positioniiisiiiuu nsas t-xit-unonextension art lyreum courses tbrouglmat tbe United States * Cincinnati and N.ahvlllo are to follow. Mr. ^'rector with the Chicago Art Institute Is meet ifixieraun. ...w i.. ^'Uh pupular favor amona many who are and Canada, giving employment to abont tbe The Inauguration of the Htage Crafts Work- txioke s charming up-to-now versts bate laen In . sneclal work in bis line same number of men and women—lecturers, eo- sbtqi In Chicago b.v Mlssea Jane Ogle ami Kath- niany of the popular magaxines lately, Including « i lolste, quartets, trios, orchestras, entertainers, arine H. Brown Is an indication of what two The Saturday Bvenlnf Post. Dr Charles L. Scasholes will celebrate hls magieians, cartoonists, impersonators, authors, real live, progressive women, with business acu- Stricktand aillllan. "off agln on agin. Pin trip e anniversary next year-the twenty-fifth etc., each with a burning 'neasage or an uplifting men ami art i.leals can do if yon give ’em a "Igln." got hls picture In the December Fra. anniversary of hla ordination to the ministry, program, and the good that may be derived from chsnce. The Workshop will cmeh and produce S^ay. the erudite young clltor. T,.f"' ** *v-^**'^ these many thousand appearances la Incalcu¬ dramatic talent for the lyceum. The big stunt him a few editorial r.wes. wedding He delivered hls flm lecture in New lable. In many places tbe more progrenive mo¬ of the "Buntles." pullbd off at the re.-ent co.i- Koet bers In addition to tbe usual "five reela." reader, and cnpllally performennding copy on a Paragould newspaiier. our race caatc, and particularly in our antipathy ada. the XX'est Indies. Panama, Costa Rica, tVlilIe the lilggcr ami older buream are lom- The Sucoeai Magazine printed our pictures in tlie to the "pr, benlghtotl Hindoo." Guatemala, JamaicaT etc. hining their forces for more effei-tlve lasdilng same column. If Daggy felt as chesty at that Charles F. Horner, the astute Kansas City Commiinlly s ngiiiK. according to the mualral and routing facilities the* little fellows are not time as this mountebank It is a marvel the manager, added another feather to hls rapidly journals. Is gaining ground rapidly throagh»m tbe mouths of the boys in his andi- during the heat of the campaign, and put In ideals and each can serve the other. Anything prising the followinic; John B. Scorer, Phils- ence be lectures them u|M>n the filthy, unsanitary some telling licks for tbe Democratic cliam- which stimulates the development of music or • delphla; .X. J. Farrar. Sprtngtield, Xlass.; Kobt. habit of p*q»plng coins into their lips at every pion. the drama In tbe home town Is sn uplifting T. Kerrante, Columbus. O.; leroy Dennis, Ws; opportunity. Incidentally Brush is making a The myriad of friends of Col. George W. agency. bash, Ind.: Rllintt Janies, Providence. Ky.; T. I capable assistant of hls own boy. who acoom- Bain, the veteran Kentucky orator, who was L Edwarda, Grand Cane. Iji.: Community Ly- panics him on many of his tours. once designated by a lyceum compere as "tbe OATES AHEAD ceum Bureau. Bpringfleld. Mo.: Pieilmont Lj- Lawrence Tom Kersey, one of tbe veteran sweetest soul of the platform,” are sympatbls- eeom .Xaaoclatlon, Charlotte, N. C. Mr. Scorer, reprewntatlvee, who bas been In seclusion on a ing with him In the late loaa of his beloved Locey, Thos. Elmore: Amity, Mo., Jan. 1: Ben¬ the veteran manager of the F<>deratlon. has been big 800-acre In Oklabooia for some years, daughter, Mra. Calvert T. Bosaell, at bla home ton, la., 2: Altoona 8: Albert City 4: Ir-wtn made talent buyer. They osiver tbe territory bas emerged and Joined tbe field forces of El- In Id>xington. As a mark of devotion to ber 5: Klrkman 6: Alva, Ok., 8.

I 20 Xfie Billboard DECEMBER 80, 1918.

and H’lio came luto Clnciunatl aeveral dajt ahead the ahuw to pave the way, aocompllahed their work lu a way that would have given an electric dynamo a good tip to follow. They left no GOSSIP OF THE FAIR SEX atone unturned, and their ellorta are bearing fruit thia week in the great audiencea that are By BEULAH LIVINGSTONE fllling Muaic llall to wltueaa the performaucea, U. U. Van Loan la keeping hia eye on tte billing of a certain motion picture theater, While chatting with Jessie Bonstelle this morning she told me how Lit¬ which dreaaea ita uahera in the *'atmoapihere” tle Women, which William A. Brady is now pre.‘'enting at the Park Theater of the picture on exhibition. He saw the uahera in war costumes for The Birtb of a Nation, Did you give any of your friends a t>ox of for a special three weeks’ Christmas engagement, first came to be dramatized Babylonian outtlts for Intolerance, and then In- Clirlstniaa cigars this year? Neither did we. by Marian de Forest. After trying for eight years to get their consent Jessie iiuired of the manager when Purity would be Now that it is ail over, and our indiTidual Bonstelle finally secured the dramatic rights of Little W’omen from the Alcott on exhibition. l>Ue ushers at the theater are •inking funds have "sunk,** the next thing to comely young women. family. Everything about the book was naturally hallowed to the Alcotts. lay awake nights over and worry about is the Fred Jordan, ahead of The Blue Paradlee, list of reaolutiona to be given a tryout on Jan¬ Aunt Louisa's masterpiece was more than a financial heritage to them; it was breezed into Cincinnati last week on a diamal uary 1, and for three days thereafter. One day, and proceeded to dispel all gloom and win¬ thing to remember is to make the list so a legacy and shared with family traditions and memories too sacred to be try fog. Someone referred to Jordan as a sun¬ lengthy that it would take a superhuman to presented to the public, but Miss Bonstelle finally convinced them that the beam, a sobriquet which lends iUelf admirably lire np to it, and thus you will have a good ex¬ spirit in which she wished to produce the play was one of entire reverence. to hia aunny dlsposltton. After disiiensiug smiles cuse to fall back on after yon throw the list into Having once secured the rights the problem then arose who should dramatize and information concerning the Viennese operet¬ the sail can. ta Jordan continued on nis merry way, spreading Who

mum of $10,000 annuallg. In nvlatlon circles It E. Peary and wife. Captain Amundsen, Captain iii Muiii tiiut luia ruiiUg will work a uartlsUlp on Robert A. Bartlett. Alan It. Hawley, preaideot the smaller maneiaCurera, aud probalilg foree of tbe Club of Auierieu; lleury A. W:»e mang of them o'.it of bust ness. Wood, Major Carl F. Hartmann, Commander It. K. Crank, Mrs. Douglas Itobliisou, sist r of GILBEKiS AND LACRAGO Theodore Roosevelt, who read a special txiem iledlealed to Miss I,aw, entiled Flyiug; Mr. and Chicago. Dec. 2'J.--Artliur (-illM-rts -Iroppe; Mrs. 11. P. Davidson. .Miss Eleanor Gates, Into the Chii'ago office of The BlIllMMird from Charles Oliver, Murray Ilulb. rt, Henry Wood- San Franc.s o this wi ek. lie has been wrlth the house, Beatrice Forbc-s-Itobertaon, Mr. aad Mrs. State Legislature sufficient to cover tbe oper¬ San I^ancisco and San iHego fairs for the past William II. Bliss, Mr. aud Mrs. Pomeroy, Hairy MICHIGAN CHANGES ating exp-'iises of the next gear's fair. Tbe sixteen mouths. He is on bis wag to New York, Bowers Biiigle, president cf the Mtaudard Aero¬ mutter will be brought up before the Legislature where Gilberts and Lacrago will open up at tbe plane Corporutioii, aud Lli uteuant V, D, Herb- In Februarg, and, from present iudications, it Casino for an Indefinite run. This Is the old ster. DATES OF ITS FAIR Is geiierullg believed that the effort will be team of Gilberts and Gardner, who lK>ast of a successful. The uew appropriation will most successful tour In England Just a little GOSSIP OF THE FAIR SEX new grounds, larger aud mure adei(uate build¬ over three gears ago. ings and casb enough to pag Indebtevlness in¬ tCoutiiiued from page 20) Will Open August 31 Instead curred. cxpl.'iined Miss .Vdicr, noting my look of horror, WILL HOLD FAIR NEXT YEAR “gcii iiinst uiiderstaiid that it -s a great honor of on Labor Day—General WILL RETURN TO AVIATION to be accepted at a court theater In any Euro- Massena, la., Dec. 22.—The Mssseiia District Iieaii country. They never take newcaimera, and Manager and Secretary Fair Association will hold a fair next fall, the you have a reiiertory of at least twenty-live San Francisco, Dec. 21.—Matilda Moissant, dates to be announced later. There has been sister of the late John Moissant, Is In San roles to lie even considered. In Europe they do Dickinson Re-Elected no fair on the Massena Fair grounds since 1913, not sign you u|i for tbe s«>ason before you even Francisco and has declared her intention of and. conseiiuently, the buildings need repairing, again getting Into tbe aviation game. Tbe re¬ Ix-gln reliewrauls the way they do here. In which will be done so that they will be In good Hungary we were given au upixirtunlty to ap- cent exploits of Ruth Law have awakened tbe shape for the fair In 1917. The officera of the smbitloDS of tbe former record bolder, who has l>ear In one of our old roles for two or three Oetratt, Mlcta., Dec. 23.—At the recent annual association are J. R. Eblen, president, and nights, when all the critics were invited, and meeting of tbe directors of the Michigan titate been in retirement on her brother's plantation in Charles H. McBride, secretarg, who la also au- then if the reviews in the next day's papers Agricultural tiocietg It was decided that next Peru since .the death of .John Moissant. lierlntendent of the division of concessions. were satisfactory a contract was forthcoming, gear's fair would not be op«'ned on Labor Dag, and we'would appear in something new." Miss as in former gears.'^but will open on Fridag, GRAND CIRCUIT RACES BELTRAMI COUNTY FAIR .Adler, after leaving Troppau, went to Berlin, August 31, and continue through September 9. nod thence to Vienna, wheie she w4h “discov¬ This will allow fire hoiidags—two Saturdags, ered" and brought to .America. Hartford, Conn., Dec. 2:1.—At the recent an¬ Bemidji, Minn., Dec. 21.—At the annual meet¬ two Sundags and Labor Dag—which will no ing of the Beltrami Country Agricultural As- doubt enable mang more people to attend the nual meeting of tbe stockboiders of tbe Con¬ I ha.e to let a week go by without giving tbe exhibition. Secretarg and General Manager U. necticut Fair Assoviatlon it was voted to bold a WK-Intlon A. P. White was re-elected president. newa of the Motion Picture lYelfare League fur W. Dickinson was re-elected for his fifth terra. Grand Circuit race meet during fair week, open¬ O. F. Schroeder was elected secretary and R. H. Prisoners, as I consider It one of the worthiest Should tbe committee be successful In securing ing next Labor Uag, Hartford has held a m> et- Schumaker treasurer. The dates for next gear’s movements that tbeatricwl people have ever tbe National Dalrg Show for 1917 a new ooll- ing everg gear since tbe Grand Circuit started. exhibition have been set for September 12-14. A ataried. On Christmas Day, at Castle Williams seum will be erected at a cost of $100,000, and Last gear a'new half-mile track was opened and committee has been appointed to prepare the on Oovernurs Island. Valentine Grant and -Sid¬ used during tbe fair. premium list and arrange for tbe Improvement ney Olcott, the orgaulrers of the I-engue, ar¬ with a seating capacltg of 15,000. Mang Im- of the fair grounds and the erection of some new firovements will be made for next gear, however, buildings. ranged nn especially attractive program. Percy ncludlng a new poultrg bouse, bleachers to seat WILL PETITION CITY COUNCIL Mtaiullt.g and Edward Davies, of the Green 4,000 and the completion of tbe lighting sgstem. Boom Club, entertained the nicu with Impromptu During tbe past two gears exhibitors who won To Call an Election on the Issuance or ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Hturlea and speecbea. Caroline Ixiwe, the well- prises on their livestock exhibits have bten paid known organist, of Cleveland, gave up her an extra twentg-five per cent on their premiums. $150,000 Bonds for Fair Site North Platte, Neb., Dec. 21.—In this city on Christmas Day In New York to go over to Next gear extra premiums will be Increased to June 26-30, inclusive, there will be held a Governors Island anil play several plane solua tblrtg per cent. Beaumont. Tex., Dec. 23.—At a special meet¬ fiftieth annlveraarg celebration, under the aus fur the men as well ns to act i s ai'companlst Secretarg Dickinson attended tbe meeting of ing of tbe Fair Committee of the South Texas pices of the Semi-Centennial Celebration As«,o for the quartette of singers, eompoaed of Helen tbe American Assevolatlon of Fairs and Exposl- Fair Association last Waldo. coDtralto; Chas. W. Hart, tenor; W. F. elation, which will Irving Holtoiub, liaritor.e, and Valentine Grant, tions in Chicago recentlg, as well as the Inter¬ week. Island Park Include Nebraska as national Live Stock Bxi^tlon. was approved as tbe FRANK RATHSBURG soprano. A beautifully dei-uruted Christmas logical and roost well as Colorado autl tree, containing a present for each of the pris¬ practical site for the Wyoming. North oners and greetings to the twenty motion pic¬ SOUTHERN FAIR ASSOCIATION South Texas State Platte Is known as ture a-'tors and actresses who witnessed tbe Fair. Island Park t ’ll e cradle of the entertainment, was presented by tbe wives and To Moot at Chattanooga in January consists of seven Wild West show. ilangliters of tlie officers at tioiernors Island. acres, and Is owned Olga .Netlierside. who lias been III '.n France, During the celebra¬ is rapidly recovering, and will sliortly resume rhattanooga, Tenn.. Dec. 23.—Although Pres¬ hg the citg, having tion there will be her hospital work. Miss Nethersole has beeu ident Barnes, of tbe Association of Southern Is-en purchased for a frontier jiageant very iictive In the A'oliinteer Aid lletachment Fairs and Expositions, has. not get named tbe park purposes. It reproducing the last of British Nurses. exact date fur tbe snnual meeting which Is to was suggested thiii famous Indian bat¬ 3'lie .Messrs. Mil ihert have iKsned a printed be held in Chsttanooga, Tenn., preparations for the fair association tle In Western ‘Ne¬ set of rules and regulations for the observance tbe best snd biggest session ever held bg the eraplog an exjiert of greater ixillteness among their employees in landscape artist to braska—T h e Battle organiation arc alreadg under wag. The meet¬ of Summit Springs. the box offices of their various theaters In New ing will be held some time during the third go over the proposed York and other cities. One clause says: "Treas¬ week In Januarg, and invitations will be sent propertg for the pur¬ .Among tbe special urers must say ‘thunk yisi' In all cases when out to owners and managers, agents, pose of laging out •lays will be Ke- receiving money fur tlcketx-, and 'please' wh>n booking agents, fireworks olflcials, free act per¬ an attractive park brivka Day. North they want to know the nuiniwr desired." Bravo formers, concessionaires, and. in fact, evergone and fair grounds Platte Dag and for the 8hiiberta! There Is certainly plenty ot connected with fairs in ang wag. that will not be sub- Ilome-Comlng Dag, rmim for a little politeness in inixit of our thea¬ Tbe local arrangements for tbe meeting are lect to overflow. Tbe when a street pag¬ ter box-offices. In charge of J. It. Curtis, secretarg of tbe Chat¬ Citg Council will ITfteen thousand wpiare feet of gold leaf was also be petitionevi to eant of floats typify¬ tanooga District Fair Association. Among other ing tbe Weet from one of 'lie modest onlem of Jixu'pli Criian for features will be a bamiuet to tbe secretaries call an election on docoratiug Coesnaut Grove, shortly to ojien atop and visitors bg tbe Chattanooga Fair Associa¬ the Issuance of Da early history to Ihe Century Theater under the nianagement of tion. bonds In the sum of liresent time vrlU be Messrs. IFIIIngham and Ziegfeld. 3'he non- $150,000 to build a staged. Indians wlU iirrlval of the material from Germany, where levee around Island be brought on from gold leaf la treated nci-onliiig to a foriiinla FAIR DATES SET Park, eonstnii-t s tbe Boaebud Agency, will'll Is a Jealously guarded Gemuin trade aoiXHut the and there will be secret, has made It necessary for the artist to Strawberrg Point, la., Dec. 28.—Tbe stock- barou and ImlM nn Older the pure 'uetal from Amerh-an gold beat¬ holders of tbe Btrawberrg Point Fair Association snake dancea, bloody auditorium. . .\fter shirt d a n c o • and ers. nnd. acc«>r'llng to Mr. Uroiin. the expi-nso re-elected tbe following oOcers at their recent this has la-eti dune of covering four thousand wjuare feet of wall meeting: J. W. llesner, president: 11. W. Sco¬ an additional fi.'iO.OOO other exhibitions. space with this home-produced geld leaf wilt field, vice-president: R. W. Scbug, secretarg, will be raised bg The Semi-Centennial u| proxhii lie $;kl.0tl0. and M/ F. Harwood, treasurer. The fair's dates puldle subscription i elebratlon Aiwocla- I.llllnii ItUHseirs daughter, .Mrs. Dorothy for tbe 1917 fair will be August 28 81, Inclusive. to construct other tlon la compoeed of Bussell Relley, formerly on tbe vaudeville stage. Mang Improvements are planned for next gear tsilldlugs ami make thirty prominent bui- Is still In the West Penn Hospital In Plttoliunl. and there will be additional attractions offered. improvements noces- liiess men, who pro- It Is grently to lio feared that .Mrs. Kelley will sarg to tlie fair. The IMise to make It the bnve to iiiive her left leg amputated. Mlie In¬ ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS rejsirt of Auditor C. blggi-st celebration jured her leg alxHit two months ago as the re¬ L. Hntt showed that In tbe West next sult of a ooinnamhulistlc walk out of a window of Butler, Pa., Deo. 28.—At the annual meet¬ the net earnings of Me»r4ar>' and treasurer ig the Mlrlilgaii Assais- season. The officers n hotel In Paterson, N. J. Miss Bussell Is ing of the Butler Driving Park and Fair Asao- this g e a r's fair il«n of Fain. of the association with her dmigliter constantly. elatlon In the offlces of Secretarg W. B. Purvis, amounted to $1,- are: J. It. McUon- Ersncella tlllllngton, who has Just signed a 0. II. Miller was elected to fill the vacancg .'•71.19. Auditor Rutt ahl, president; W, Mg isiiitract with the American Film Company, caused bg tbe death of Director J. O, Smith, suggeated that the fair of 1917 be lengthened It. McDonald, treasurer, and George A. Mooney, Inc., to npiiear In a series of dramatic pnslue- and Marlon llenshew elected to fill tbe vacancg Into au additional dag for negra, and on that secretarg. thins In siipiiort of and optxislte William Bus In the vice prealdencg. All of the'other oflicsrs dag no one hut colored penpli' to Im> admitted, sell. Is a Dallas, Tex., girl, who some few years were re-elected ns folloWs: George A. Schaffner, Thia would imt mean the excluaion of m-gns-s ago tiHik up her residence in Ixm Angeles, Cal. president; W. B. Purvis, secretarg, and K. W. on tlie other dagi of the fair, however. II. D. DATES SET FOR NEXT YEAR Her first oxiieiience In inollon picture work was Bingham, treasurer. Keith la pr<>aldcnt of the ■sa'ired in Huy DIaa, I-over'a Plight, The I.gman secretarg, W. J, Strahlard treasurer and Pencil Itrand, The Intruder, and many other Albert l.ea, Minn., Dec. 28.—Secretarg O. M. Taiiipn, Fla.. iH-e, 23.—The dircclora of the P. K. White general superintendent. Tbe pres- feiitiires. Mhe Is particularly adapted to tbe Peterson, of the Frenitorn Countg Agricultural Mouth Florida Fair iiiid tlnsiuirlllii I'nrnIrnI As- Ident and the treasurer were aclected as dele¬ portrayal if einotlonat romantic roles. Rocletg riH-ommended that next gear’s fair be soelntlon have uiinounc d thiit an nddltlnunl ex- gates to attend the State aaaoelatlon, which Eleanor Daniels has returned to England this held earlier. In hts annual reiwrt submilted at hlliltlon hulhlllig will Is- I n'eted III time for the meets at Albany Januarg Ifl. The dales for week to spend New Year's with her family. tbe recent meeting here of the stockholders and ex|M>slt!on, Fchrurg 2-10. The new hullding will next gear's fair were aiinounred as August 2n, oflicera of the association, Secretarg Peterson Im- of the aamn stgle ns Ihe main hullding. and 'J9. .39 and 31. The treasurer's report showed stated that during Ihe pant nine gears the fair almost as large, Preslih nt W. G. Brorelii has a decrensi- In Ihe attendance this gear, which baa been held on Ihe same dates—the third we<>k Juat relumed from Jacksonville, when- ho at- Is nttrihuted to the restrictions placeil hg Ihe In September, and that there has lieen but one t•'ndcd Ihe Duval Countg Fair and secured con¬ Board of llenith on account of tiu- Infantile Instance In those gears wlien g<>n>■« To Again Hava tha 8ama Offiolala Wllinitiglon, Del., Dec. 'J8.—The Ib'lnware the reelpletit of a el.. for $2,.'Hi), among other •j\y - - - - . - ...It Minte Fair Aaaoelatlon will hold Ita 1917 fair things. In rei'ognlilon of her rei’ord flight from Mnncle, Ind., Dec. 28.—Offlclals of the Dela¬ Hopleinhrr 3 to 7. At the ri<<'ent mei'tlng of Grant Park, Chlengo, to the fair grounds st ware ('oiintg Fair, wlio will be the name who the new'lg elected lionrd of direclori the follow- lloriiell. N. iiiiiklitg a new poii-stop reiord. served last gear, have announced that the fair lug officers were choa<r*-d hg Ihe Clvh- Forum and At Ihe report of the finance committee It was some features of Mtste wide Interest nt the the .\ero Club of .Atnerlea, Under whisu* ansidees shown that the assoclatIon's- Indebtedness In fair next gear. the dinner was given. At Ihe -llninr It was tfi.ROO. Delegates were appointed at the recent ■•iinonneei* by F. E, DIITen. re|iresenliitlve of BALLOONISTS, ATTENTION meeting to attend the annual meelP ' of the High license to be asked the Erie tPn.l Dmird of Coinnieree. wlihii has We pay raoh fnr.useil llalloisui. Dracritie fully with fitate Board of Agriculture, to be held next biM-ii esiahllshing an aeroplane atallon nt Erie, prloe. TH0MP80N BROS.' BALLOONINO CO.. month In Indianapolis. New York. Dee. 'J.'l,-Tlie Wrlght-Msrtln .\lr- that Ihe IliMird will give HO.lNS) to Is- i-x- Aurera, llllaelt. ersft CortM-rntlon. whirh eontrols tin- hash- I* ni'ed hv f'e Aero Club of America In the TO ASK FOR APPROPRIATION Wright paiepts In this eountrg, tins snnouneed Tranaconllnentil Airplane Contest, for which Die SLOT MACHINES that her«‘sf|er It |ini|Mises to Issue Ili-enses uinb'r elnb has already s<‘t aside a first prtxe of Mills T>ewey, nickel niwhltics, at $40.(10 aplis-e. Mills Alhuiuenine, N. M., Dec. 23.—Pome of Ihe Die Wright patents onig to such eompsnies $30,000. G. K. Flisir Gum VtsulBm at $2*.Ml apbs'e. Ailalmw in

after the closing of the Sells-FIoto Show. Mrs. Tbeo. Stout, Thomas Brennan and George NUMEROUS SHOWFOLK Chambers have come over from the Y’ankee Rob¬ Show Wardrobe*, inson Show. IN HOT SPRINGS, ARK. Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed by the Coetumee, Uniforms, show at Nacogdoches, Tex., where It played day Trappings, Minstrel and date with the Renfrow Stock Company. Requlslves, Banners, Everybody Is now loriking forward to the Christ¬ Sttsi immHraBUIlT Some Merely for the Holidays, mas. date, which will lie right on the Gulf. »R'! Etc. Milwaukee Red conked up a big mulligan the We hate raaetnrtd thouianda nf Some Permanently, Others Sunday the abow appeared In Troup, Tex., and ■bow roUu at the luperlarlty of the big top crew had some feast. The boys our good! and the laTing In bujr- Till 1917 Season Opens— hare Just finished painting the outfit, and every- Ing froia u«. These people axe thing looks new again, excepting t^fe canvas, hist as skeptical as you ar^we which will be replaced by new material In had to show then—we had to More Expected Soon glee them better goods at a lower April. The show will stay In S-iulli Texas from price than they could obtain else¬ now on. keeping close to the Gulf. where—and we did it Let us The Kid Show has horn doing n fine business prore our Flaims to YOU also, Hot Springs, Ark., Deo. 23.—A small army lately, especially In the Jig towns. fitate what goods are needed and <-f cireiiH and tlie:itrlcal folk is In the Arkansas Jnst as the night show started In Lone Oak, we’ll submit catalog, samples and Spa at the present time, some arriving merely Tex., the public school house caught fire about full partlculaiB. for the holiday aeason, others have purchase

J. C GOSS CO SANTOS A ARTIGAS SHOWS DETROIT, mCH Continue To Do Big BusinoRS in Cuba ->-Will Be Combined After Date

Havana, ('uba, Dec. Id.—Hantoa & Artlfaa SGEixiERY iMiw bare two shows going, one at the Peyiet VKIAL DTH DRfH>B AND riNBBT SHOW BAN- Theater in Havana and the other under canvao., WBW AT TiOWEST PRICES. AU< WORK OUAB- Most of the members of the road show, which ANWeiX Ml ns «hat yon nsed and reeetvs LOH- opened Its tour November 27. will return to the B8T eattanats of cost and lUnstxatsd catalogue. I’eyret next Monday, and the membera of the INKKBOLL ART CO.. Omaha, Nsb. company now appearing at the Pejret take their places un the mad. At the conclnoion of the Havana engagement the entire company take, the road as one circus. TId. show is a revelation to the natives down BMOW TRNT% BLACK TENTS. CANDY TOPS. here, as it Is the biggest thing that haa ever HERNY-SO-ROUND COVERS tonred the Island. Bnsinesa is big and the show Aad Eywythlni In Canvan. Ssad tar Catalsfl. givea excellent latisfactlon. Performers with the show now on tour are NUeRERn BBSS.' TENT k AWNIN8 CO. ns follows; Tasmanian-Van IMeman Troupe, lady IIS S. 4tb SL, ST. LOUIS. MO. acrobatic iiumN'r and iron Jaw act; The Artey% head and hand balancing and perch acts; Maoa- leavy. Jamrdng act; E*rlDce end Bancbei, Hpa;i- SHOW AND CONCESSION Isb clowna; Boxing Kangaroo. Mile. Anrora, pro. senting the e.|nesitrian linn; Hig. Bnrgomls Troupers eojogrlng Ufa at "Ihe House of Hervioe,’’ Hot Rptlngs, Ark. Beading from left to fight; T roupe, The Midget Rider. Wilson'a Llcna, pre- Leun Blondin, animal trainer; Jamea Valentine, Bani'rm Show; George P«oe, Yankee Bobuaon; Fred H«-nted by Capt. 'Tom Wilmoth. TENXS Blckd, Allen Bbowa; Patay Zlngaro, Bamum Show; W. Pelndeater. Rlngllng Show; “Billy" Maurice; OonditiODS are entirely different with a circus Clint Finneg, 101 Banch Show: OL BaUegr, ChopbeQ Shnsr. ill Cuba compared to the United States, and per¬ IT. LOUIS TENT AND AWNIN6 CO. formers who have no knowledge of Spanish are SIS Nnrih Third ShrMl. ST. LOUIS. MO. at a disadvantage. But. taken as a whole, all Elmer H. Jones, promoter of the Alabama. Vir¬ GEORGE RODDY MARRIED? are getting along fine.flise. ginia and G.-orgla Kmart Set Minstrels; Albert ■ The Hanueford Troupe of riderridera have taken Davis and Xie Slundiy. circus pmmoterN; t'has. eiRCNS BOOKS AND CARD TRICKS Dec. 22.—George ». Uodiiy. of Sella- Havana by storm.atorm. TheyThejr are Joetlost as popular In Ooine, bog^ get wlwi. *nie Mcgmt flash for the Tenny, t'sssda Hlsters, Dick Kiebardsun and Kioto rirooH, waw married on De4*cinber 8 to ** Caruao la in New York Jake Fauet. ■oney ever put out by anyrsw. A !0-paae book, Mae Stanton, of Parker. Kan.. Wards are also very popnlar, and Johnny Rob- with a thrce-coior cover. Cantalns various tricks that -Tbe foregoing are all enjoying a course of the ^ ^,.,^^1 g,H.« among his'ohlcago friends. ’►‘th hla four elephants, U also making ean be performed by the purchaser and makes a swell hot radioactive haths at Uie Maurlt^ establish- ceremony took place In Kansas Pity, Kan. Mn«te a hit, and Cuba has made quHe a hit with Sash. We orfer you the followliig proposition: ment. William G. Maurice, proprietor, is well ' llohiiison. He Is learning the language and is ns BsMu aad 2M VaaMlai Cards.$ S.OO known and popnlar among circus and theatrical • progresalng rapidly; in fact, he has outstripped MS Bssb aad 5M VaaMilns Cards. t.SO ■ progressing rapidly; in fact, he baa outatripped ISM Bssks aad lOM Vaalthias Cards. iS.M •vContinuevI Contlnuee«r we - the rubans can not understand him. aold 7S.000 seta. Pash must accompany orders. MACK’S INDDDR CIRCUS HALTS In Preparation —.for John Robinson’s Ten ,In addition to the entrance fees. ‘5.*The “V*$4 aeata I?. mM■neiwABIC enuFiSHOP Philadelphia,**>***• pa. Dig snows are elevated on a large platform; the admlsalon Performers Go Into Chicago After Peo¬ - Is no cents, making these seats $4.00 esch. The ria Performance Cblcgo. Dec. ’jrt.-Already the wheels have Tb*„'i"! Btby Cib Rmfs, Mmiktyt. ViTAnf eI^S: begun to bum In preparation for next season In t, revy tame. $16; RinEtaiU. RheMUA, Aaoutlx; tsme, 7* Chicago, Dec. 22.—Back Into Chicago this ] the . In ns worbl. From out of the John IKdiln- J’.'"'”.. ‘^.''*“2 montha-old collar and chain broken; Pit Snakea. week have come various acts from the fated son’s Ten Big Shows’ winter qmirters in Aiuer- *"* has turned them away In a Boa Oonatriemra and FMtA. BKRT J. PUTX.Of. 49C Mack's Indoor Circus, which closed In Peoria, lens. Gii., conies an onler for tents which will "F places at tbe^ *’.'1'^’ WaahInftoD St. Buffalo. New York. 111., Wednewlay night. December U. after a Hlielter the show this season. The United Tent ’'iT .o'>“****®" tnrbulous life of two months In the .Mid-West. & Awning roinpany has already begun work on i. CIRCUS AND JU66LING APPANATUS Heading the Chicago bound troupers were Prince the following for them: The big lop. 100ft a *" .****? K" ** CLUBS. BATnNS. NOVELTHTH. Bend for Catalog. Albenc and Miss T.4I Bant. The show xvas atroug round top, with three 50-ft. middles; menagerie *^*"F**' , Whether rsoJIy atands would gat KDW. VAN WTCK, andnnaU, O. and was e.\pected when It started out to make so ft, round top, with five 40-ft. middles- side- *"7"®*^*!? * onrjlmn. but In the opinion of good easily, but It played to 75 cents top, with show. 70 ft.ft rounrrounr. with two lA.f*40-ft. toi.iai„..middles- ihe writer they would. _ . CAR FOR SALE two-night stands, as a rule, and was nnable to ,|res

UNDER THE MARQUEE ^'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll*' Bjr CIB0U8 80LLT COOP & LENT'S ENOR¬ I Wild West Wudom | There are all klnda or circua ailjuatcra, l>ut I & Frontier Frivolity | the real adjuater la the one who baa Ii.h wlta at bU dDfer tipa from tbe time be K‘‘ia up In MOUS SHOWS UNITED rtllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilillillh? tbe moruiug to alp bla eulfee uctil In- retirea ui nlfbt. Juat aucb a man la II. W. WakeHeld, better known aa Hank. Hank, In bla early daya, WANT FOR SEASON OF 1917 I waa wltb tbe Milea Urton Show, tireat Kaateru THE CORRAL 8bow-a, Sella Broa.' Showr, (Ireat Wallace Show People in all lines of circus busincs-s. Big show itcrformers with first-class By RO'VTDT WADDT and Rubinaon Sbowa, and wbat be do«‘an't know about adjuating lan't worth knowing. He aaya wardrul)e and ri^Rinjf. Riders with or without stock. Two small animal acts. all tbe tented organizatlotia will be welcomed Lady menage riders who can also work pony act. Several knockalamt chtwns, Du yuu realize that 1917 is almust here? In St. I^la In 1P17, and that tliv old lot those doubling clown band given preference; must put on good stuff or you Now la tbe time fur cuuteat managers to let at Vandeventer atal I,a t'lede can be uaed again. conteatauta know their dates, the 'a'munnta uf It waa Hunk who had the lifted In St. won’t last. Boss hostler, Ikjss canvasman, Ijoss light man for Bolte & Weyer prizea that will be I'AH) lii the various events lionta. lights, l)oss trainmaster who understands repairing cars. Experienced man to on their programs, and tbe rules governing tha run cook house.' Candy stand manager and butchers. Leader and musicians different i-unteata. There la nu excuse whatso¬ Sully acknowledgea wltb thanka the receipt of a ever why contestants should not know early full moat beautiful calendar from Mcaara. Santoa for white band. I^gal adjuster, press agent back with the show, A-l adver¬ particulura regarding tbe different eventa. We and Artigaa, of Havana. Cuba, it la printed tising banner solicitor. Privilege (leople in all lines. Circus lK)okkec|>er and want to make thla aa plain as pmeilblc: Any In aix colora and illuatrated with picturea of treasurer who can operate tyjiewriter. Must be thoroughly familiar with this one who is on the level and contemplates doing tbe two Cuban circua ownem. exactly aa they advertise should have no best work and capable of keeping detailed records. F(JR WINTh^R QU.\RTERS tancy in auuouuciug early their plans; so come ou Another oldtliner hua left thla world. Thia can first-class wagon builder and blacksmith, painter and decorator and sail- right out loud with full particulaiw legardiiig time It la tleorge Wolff Clirlaty. 71). who, dur¬ maker. Good man to break ponies and menage horses. your 1917 contest. This department of The Blll- ing Ilia early life, waa counected with the late boanl la devuteil to the beat Interests of all Tony I'aator, Killy EnierMHi, Dan Klee and FOR SIDE SHOW-Manager o run side show on percentage. Fea- I those engaged in the Wild M'e«t line of en •ithciH He waa alao a clown with the la.e ture acts and freaks of all kinds. Man with side show act who can make deavor, whether they be managers, uecretarlea, John I.ulo on the Adam Furepaugh Show a committees of conttots, owners, managers, etc., acore or mure yeara ago. Deatli occurred at strong second innings. Lady palmist, strong worker on percentage. Oriental of , or wnether they be 'per¬ ibe Jefferadn Darla Suldiera’ Home in Beauvoir, musicians and Oriental dancers. Ten-piece colored band. Also want man to formers 'With M’lld West shows or contestants hliaa.. De'eniber 3. and the body waa buried tbe In frontier contests. M'e will publish at all following .lay. The deceaaed leavea a widow, frame and run No. 2 .show on percentage. times the news, but all vommuulcatiooa must be a daughter and t\ o aona, of whom only one la PRIVILEGES FOR SALE—Hamburger, photo, farm paper, bal¬ signed. If the writer does not want bla full atm In the profeaalon. and that la Tag Cbrlaty, name or addresa to be used, only hla initials, or "The Original Lone Tar Kaby." loons and whips and anj' legitimate privilege. does not want any aignature ou it whatsoever, It PROPERTY FOR SALE—Air calliojM!, one band wagon, one sacred la all right with us, but all coumunlcations coan- If you hare a few quartera to a'liare don t tng to this office must bear tbe address and sig forget Thumua Clifford, the veteran tumbler, ox, set of carbide lights and several miniature cages. One twelve-iwny drill team. nature of tlie writer. M’e do md bar little Jokea, who IH III n badly crippled condition at 109 W. WILL BUY—Steam calliope, two leopards, two camels, five sixty-foot etc., that you may tell on one another. tVicta Auatiii a\ciiue. Cldcago. Mr. CliflonI haa been are what we want, and, above all, news; news with practi'-all.v alt the big hIiowh, beginmug hia flat cars and one advertising car, several fox terrier dogs. Address all com¬ that will heuefit all concerned in the game. We career aa a ahowni.aii In IsH* with the Yankee munications to think we have made tbia iierfectly clear to you Robinaoii Circua. in tlie past, and take thla opportnnity of im¬ Cmp I Ltit’s EMfROM Shows Uiited, Box 111, Dixoi, Illinois. pressing upon you that we are going after the If Killy Andrewa, .the "mule man,’’ will M’lld M’est end of the game for 1917 with a communicate with Harry C. Chapman, care The vengeance. So get busy, all of you; send In yoar Klllbounl. f'ini'iniiHti, he will learn something news. M'e are only too glad to publisti it. to hla a.lvant.nge. Harry has deserted the wdilte The Cincinnati Post handed Guy M'eudick and top* forvMer. an he say*, and baa gone back to Uie rest of tbe folks with I be Btampede Riders hhi lli»t love, the metlicine business. Frank I*. (Including Dan Dix himself) a good langb In the Home, ftmnder of the Oeinian Medicine Com¬ review' of the act which last week appeared at pany of Cliioinnuti. and Harry, were partners, ANIMALS FOR SALE Keith’a Theater, Ciiicliiiiatl. The si't was b.lled and made high pilches on medlidiie back In “The Stampede Riders, wIGi l-lores 1-a Due. the 'SOs.. Since that time, however, Harry has W'orld’s c'Jiampibn Iiely coiier, ami Dau Dix and been witn all the liig circuses and a number of EXPOSITION ZOO. SAN OIEGO, CAL. the comedy mule, Virgil.” but In eoiomenting on amiill oues. Ills Inst season under tbe white Dan The Post said: "Dan Dix is no more than topa W'as with the Chiuoiis>n Shows tn (2 African Lions: i Male, 5 years, broke; 3 yearling Cubs M. and i F.), i suckling a mule, but he can make yuu laugh." 1914. He was 00 .years old on Chidstmas Day Cub, Male. Leopards: i M., i F., broke, very tame. 3 Black Bears, age 2 years, of this year, and Is hale and hearty. D. N. writes from Philadelphia: "Thiugs are broke and very tame; 3 young Pumas, ready to break; 9 Monkeys; 3 Macaws; 2 pretty good around here. Jullu Allen Is running her riding academy here for the winter. It la There.are about forty people at the quartera Cockatoos; 1 Kangaroo. For further information address F. G. KAUFMAN, Super¬ reported abe will take out her own show, bigger of tbe Yankee Robhison t'lrcus In Granger, la., intendent Exposition Zoo, San Diego, California. All of above stock in excellent tbia winter, among tln-in ‘being Ross Aabcraft, aud better than ever next season. Montana Jack Ray was around here fur a while trying to Charles Kelly, Joe Kelly. 0rge Johnson, Old condition; must be seen to be appreciated. Frenchy, ElworsI Kiiiery. Sam Smith, Earl Sen¬ break Into v'audeville, but Jack says the agenta ate, Charles Meyers. Fat I.emon, Spider, Joe tried him out so much that by the time be got Riley, Dad Doyle and Jim I’eppers. Tbe first done trying out there were no utJier houses left wagon was turneur laurels next sum when be was SO years old. CHAS. SPARKS, Mgr. Sparks’ Show, Salisbury, N. C. mer. Fred Stone is also In Phllatlelphia for a month’s run at the Forrest 1'lieater, where Chin "Dattey" Brown, one of the oldest blllpostera Chiu is packing ’em In at each performance. In the world. Is still sheeting 'em up In Walla Fred practices his roping every day. It is re Walla. ported that he will do bis ru|iliig and riding In his next new show. Guy Weatlick and bis big H. H. Tammen recently received a wire from MUSICIANS WANTED act. The Stampede Rideiw, were at Keith’a Thea¬ George M. Cohan and Sam Harris, theatrical ter week of Deci-mber 11. Guy has some 'well producers of New York, reading' thus: "Dn- known M'ild M'est folks with him. Flores lai deratand your rireus has six-inontb-old ele¬ For Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, SeasDii 1917 Due, the world's cham(iiuii lady roper, U fea¬ phant. Wonid like to know what you would I want to hear from the rery of road Muaidana. including a aenAatlonal l>nimn9er. alMi roan to play tured, as Is also Dan Dix with Gie mule, Virgil. entertain as prire. Would like to buy one for Hleani C^llope in parade who can double gnnil tlar net. TVorobone or Alto in liatul. 1 apiin'rlite gtsitlerntti The act closed a big bill, and proved it« claim to oor kiddies.” However, there was a disap¬ who are eocrfetlo. l>rones. agitators and booatTH ma wanted. Sllemv a polite liegatlTev AitdrvsH FRED JEWELL, Bandmaiter. Werthlaft*>. ladlaaa. being “vaudeville’s M’lld M’est M’estern whirl¬ pointment, for IJttle Miraele. the Sells noto wind,” as it is chock full of comedy and action. Circua' baby pachyderm, dbsl the past summer. The bay horse that I-eslie Walter rides bareback Hence the following reply by Mr. Tammen: at the finish proved an exciting pie<-e of bucking “Sorry the Little Miracle elephant died. How¬ machinery. Tbe act Is snaiqiy and goes over ever, have small one atiiffed. If you could use Sparks’ Shows Want Musicians for 1917 Circus Season with a bang. There is talk of a hig M’ild West that. Rhoda Royal, I’aclflc Hotel, Chicago, show- to be held In one of the parks here for two haa amall one which he might sell. Self am Experienced Men on all instruments. Low pitch. Please state what shows you have mouths next summer.” nearly well again. We have a whole circus, been widi and salary expected in first letter. Long, pleasant engagement guaranteed Sella-FIoto. that la for sale. How would yon Teil B., Detroit, says: "Tex. McI.eod—Do you like to buy that for the grown tips? Hope yon to good Musicians. JACK PHILLIPS, Bandmaster, 941 Caldwell Ave., Columbus, O. get wbat Rogera meant about tlie Jokes In hla are all well. Igivc and good ohe»-r.” aet of rules that ap|ieare' uUitr lnt«TmU denuuidlnc my attention, I will xell tin* rntlre equlpmt iV tlie title (wtih'li U cix'jrlxlited), and line iV swell si>mlal James Poe writes from Reno, Nev.: "Claude paiwr; TTwpe at TValned Ponlee, Mulee, I'ntunalde IJtei Act. eti-. THLS SHOW NKVER HAD A LOSI.VG the stake and chain gang on the lii| Itanch Elliott, an all-round , who haa been fol¬ SII-XSON', and haa a reputatlnn .:x-twid in nctip 'hnamh the East and Sisith. Nn time tn iMWhrr with trifltrs, Show. A report had been cin-iiint,d that Murphy but If ynu have the capital to invest and are hsiklna for a "sure winner." write fnr particulars. Addresa lowing tbe shows tbe past summer, may be seen bad died. Anyone having Infore—'lon <-oii- AL F. WHEELER. Geaeral Dtlivtry. Valdeala. Gearfla. now In Elko, Neb., sitting at a piano, playing cemlng Murphy please advise T e Kllllsiard. Memphis Bluet.” I'. K. Fliik, for a number of yeara in charge Charles Aldridge la again heard from: Oapt. Aahborn'a Dog. Tony and Cln-us has atrela (nine peo|>le) tslll not take tbe road until January 1. of the i-ook tent for Ben M'allace, and later in “Rhoda Royal has hla winter quarters la Chicago, left tbe Krause Greater Shows, where It has the same rapacity with SelU-Floto, haa Juat and Fred Collier la In charge. They are getting been one of the featnre attractions the past oimmsl II new restniimnt in iUverside, Cal. HU acta ready for the coming summer season. Some seven aeaaona, and has gone Into wint

DECKMBIII to, 1910.

CARNIVAL CARAVANS I'U' ; .)Ai(l:Sf"/)lilVE “B 1 g ELI” By ALI Wheelg are II ■< I I * \i (I •recUd without ■vrn on tb« lot of tho J. M. »m>oiiIoX HIiown At ■ ronvoiilviit tiink thi> tiirk tiod np for pavemont belna ■t VIckKburiii (Irii* Ha/, piping off ttio wblaticr tlio aoaaon. A onco fanioua diM'lor waa tlir • X Our on (ii>n<»al<>/ ram- tardar waa low awl grub waa poor, Tba bo/a Catalogue hocolates van naai ai>aaon, wara all gruniblliig, aa tba Iba- waa ratad aa tells the story ■ ■ ■ a rar/ ricb man and I’ould furnlali liattar food ««HAND DIPPED’* Ho/ K, ll/da, formarl/ of ttm llun* If ba waotad to, “IKm'," aald Kborl/ I'owall, In an Interesting tar Hbowa, and off tba road laat aaaaon owing “glra ma a tonic to rraata a ravtnoiia apiiatlla^ to piMir baaltb, baa now rarovarad and will ba fra got a buwaii appatlto, but I naad a liog'a way. Bend for Attractive Packages among tlw followara of tba caravan In apring, appatlta to cat tbia grub.” "Hcc a ictarlimrl' with a naw aarlal act, ant” growlad Hoc aa ha walked awa/, your copy.

Holeb/ Jackaon, tba original crawtiab bo/, la Aak Moa llarria wb/ lia diaaii't Ilka grab at bla bonio In Toiwka, Kan,, 8X1 Kaat Timtli jointa. / i lliat ba aold all tlic aoft drinka lliara alraat, and would Ilka to haar from lila fricuda. wara In Clinton, N. C, tu snioec commmv

If Igiula (Jraan and Kddia l.aMa/ taka out Hint tba 'tU Camp la atlll opan at 2 1 that carnival iiaat apring tba/ will aural/ naad bualiiaaa giaid, Joa? ona of Van'a llab ponda, Wb/ wliitar In Mlnatar, I^iulaT Wbat'a tba mutter witb Moiitpallart lloinar Jon<*a, wblat; tall ua, wateba doin'f ——— Hill Kioto baa gained twenty |M>unda ainco ll Howntraa, of tba Hrundago Hliowa, bad rejoining the tircut Ibmiliiloii Hbowa. lie baa i|Utte nil eaclllng aapeiionce on a recant vlalt aiitirel/ reeovered from tbe uttai-k of rbaumn* to Hnllaa, We hiiren't got the benrt to tell tiam whicb knocked him out of praclleull/ tba It, ao aak Iba- alanit It, aummar'a work.

Htaal IHavalo will foraake tbe pit atiow and Mr, and Mra, Kmnniiel Andrewa, of Htop, laiok take un Intenal in Ibe Wild Aualriillii Hbow and I.latan fume, who biiva la>aii with Hie Jna. wItb I'ant. Jiick t laldliia, (liven an even break H, Kerarl Hlaiwa the nnat three /eara, nml who tiH' lai/ abolild climb. are wintering in I'lriladepbla, have pnrebnaen a Bwall new roadatar, Thia, with bla two King Kola atartad witb bln llttla nivvar witb wagona, wilt ba carried on bla new (Unfoot ateel Hr, K. A. Citwlca, aftar cloaing with tbe Oreat flat, wideb he haa Jtiat bungbt. .indrewa ta i’attaraoii Hbowa. wbare ba bad Ida llippmlrotna the flrat Individual abowmnn to onr knowledge lo Hbow, on n l.iUNI-mlla trip from Kargu, N. H., carr/ Ida own flat car. to Htratford, Tax., and innda It in algid/ lionra, Ttia bo/a will atny In Htratford for a faw waokn, It la Bald that If aninconc would offer a |irUe AUTOLu A than atnrt toward tin* Coant, making "I'reparad. for the agent who etadil tnik the fiialeat and naan, I’anca and War'* lacturaa. keep It up the loiigeat without re|Hatlng tbe New Modd. Oraatoft Mualaal layaatlM tf tba Age. $550—AIR Uualc for ever/bod/. No Muolrian naceoaary. Play U /ouridf—ImpaMibla to make a dlicced. Ciult^ Tana CALLIOPES -Uiud aa a Band. Priat, MS-OO. Sand far Catalaoua. BARTOLA MUSICAL lAMHUMMT CO. AUTOMATICS«$T60 • Alftaia Bulldlag, OSHKOSH. WIK TAN a LEV CO. Some Thermometer! IS Inohss wids, SO Inohss Ions* ^ JUMBO THEBMOMETEB c^JLi AND BAROMETEB AND

/IV ^ Thli la Uia blggeot Uitnf In 'i' I “I >♦/ odvtrtldng. It’a not <»!/ bl# ^ lb bbd Incbai, but In dal- Rr I~ Bf W»' ^ Ian »n

I'M S180.00 For m Day UHER SPECIAL A^and a Half WorkI M Kt. Solid Odd Scarf Pina (atlffanad atama), band- •omob arUailc, opaa*wotfc deolgna, oat with BnlUonta, .iT] Dlaplay apace In pubUe plaem Pt«krla and Kane/ Cdored SUnaa, put up 12 aaaoflail r II and on prominent comen ta pwuama on a aaUn ribbon (aid-back dlipla/ card. gtafeii-- 1 jV 1 eadly lecured for the h^ CompMe let of lair dnoen, 1340. ■8ft rr I 111 ••JUJIBO" Thennonater. Tba NOTICt, MEOICINI AND STRECTMIN — Our Ml fourteen advertUIng ipacM go ▼agaubla Oil Hhompoo Soap, lataat dlactweiy, for — sli Hbe bot cakaa loma of our bead waabing, will get you tba cdn. Per groii, IS./S. HQ men lell out the board in a Saapla, 10 ranU. Band for lUuitrated Catalogua. day and a half or laia. ’WolcbM. Jewelry. Hllverware. **<•., at whdeoale. dfrltw us today and lat us sand you full Addiwi tba Old BaUabla. •. •. UNER & CO., Itl N. WabMb A«o.. Cblaai*. dots Its. Tke Chanej Mf f • tmaviELs, sm Tbia Hamburg¬ er Outfit can ^ carried on a B. R. ticket aa bag- gaga. A Saab/, aonltaiy Outfit that arei7 ona will patpoolaa. Tba four pluuA-faced gcnUtrinen tlctund ahoie hardly need an introduitlon. hut fur the aa/r of ac¬ curacy they are Ed A. I>ani, GeiTae KUer, Col. O. W. Park)/ and C. A. Wortham. .\« Mr. Woriham waa not in Lravenworlh at the time the |>holo waa taktn, a copy of the ClirVaiuac iMUe <4 Killylioy waa comtuandecred for thi ocraalcn. < MMLWe LISTS R. B. Kane, for tbe paat aenron general aii. aame yarn in the aame language 1 English) Ike noUDcer with the Great Patteraon Sliowa. 1111 > Krie-Imnn would win In a walk. MY GUSSIFICATION In charge of tbe Anininl 8'iow, f-om .. want to he known aa It. Kiiiniett Kune, -ail If the carnival ia the wrong game to play the Morlng Pletim Tltestm, Rasdt/ Storaa, Ona- of Bobb/ Kane, beoauae of tbe onnfiiKion <•( R. It. Home of the boya around the Normandie faeUoosrj. aaTthlng yon want Aril for Prtea mtataking htm for the well-known Bobby Kane, have oil dlaplny muat be coiiiilerfelt. Riilonina List No. 77, abowlns 2,530 claaslflcattaas and CUT PRICES of pin-beaded cannibal fame. are In exceaa nil over that lioate'.ry, with tbe price of each ’1st. poealble exception of pony bnlleta and flrat-Une TRADE CIRCUUR ADORESSINO CO. on Baca Ognmm and Hambnyser Outfita. Write foe Major Bo/kin oe/s be la atlll alive and kick¬ broliera. new dlaoount ilicat and eolorad lUnatratlona. Six- I$a'/t W. AOaua SIratt. • . CHICAtO. foot, I2-Harie Track, pelea SN.tS. nther TVacki in ing. Major bellerea be pan do more with paopcrUco. WILLIAMS AMUSEMENT DEVICE 00., monke/a than witb bnman beinga. TTiere muat have been an awful atorin in the bUbUihed 1$$$. tS#l-3SIS Walaut SIraat. Daavir. Caliruda. Soutb. Harry Wilaon waa shorn of bis lace enr- Our very own W. Havld Cobii hna riirchn«”d talns, and appears like a good-sized youth again. an anto and la a regnlar Barney Oldfleld. It'a Waa It tbe new Mlsaua, Harry? an underelung American and all okay. WE MANUFACTURE Harry Tudor la rre<|oentIy seen wllli I.ouls "Red, bring in another atove; my feet were Berni. Wbat'a on, Harrv? It's a safe bet that anre front bitten laat night.” dust is In tbe air. Salesboards WATCH It la rumored that Prank Wrightman ia writ¬ at Every DcaeripUon. Barney Garety had an awful time finding the ing a book, entitled “How To Him a Dodger Into THE BILLBOARD heat In licit "aleiiin heated” rnojii of bis in a THE I W. HOODWIN CO. a Carnival.” D. C. Young of the checkroom Victoria iTex.) Iwdel recently. FOR OUR ADS fame baa already apoken for the flrat copy. 2S4g.S$ W. Vaa Baraa St. featuriiig the Newest end Most Red PliicuH and Johnny Heit, agenta for Des- CHICAOO. ILL. If you don't know what ahlnglea mcaiia ibm't OrigiiiAl Novelties for plantea I’.roa., re|Kirt they cIoe->d a siicceaafnl aak Harold Bualiea, for be baa had the whole seiiHon lit Cbiirlotte. N. C. They were Been PADDLE WHEELS. family. Our 1917 line will be complete. sidling JumiNTH to the boya an.uiid the camp fire at tirangeburg rei-ently. SNAKE SHOWS It will psT you to send us your When Jamea T. Clyde wna in New York be bet Red Onion a new Ktetaon that be couldn't GILA MONSTERS ON HAND name and address. Doc Graham says be haan't had so much fun When all others fall try Uis old stand-by. get a aeat In the anbway between five and alx since he was a kid an when be took in Hie Great Mlxnl KixM. $10.00 Dens and up. Gel o'clock. Red Oi Ion haa never atoiipeil at any¬ Dominion SboviH when they played HirDiliigliam. value receivnl by onlerlng from me. CHARLES ZINN & CO. thing. ao they proceede.l to earry out tbe bet. Itoc knew muat everybody and everylHsly knew W. A. SNAKE KINO. and aa the train approacheil 7‘Jd atreet Red Doc. Pest Ollles Addrsst - Brtwasvllls, Tsxas. 893 Broadway, New York Onion pulled out a cane from iimler bla new Tststraphle Addrsts. • Saaksvills. Taxes. Benny and did a Joahiia Whitcomb. Yon know Tell os, Rllly Streator, where tlic bulleta are who won tbe Stetaon. Ibe thickest.

$2.30— OUR SPECIAL 3S-DAY OFFER —$2.10 Harry Roae haa a new one. Aak him about "Do you-all sell gu'lick at dis hea' sto'?" VHSM won 1-0 r/vmquS ^ bla pool playing when you meet him. Folding organs Greetings, George Donavon. The Beds, on the A BCST ON SAUC naai# Charlie Kilpatrick—Tell na ibont tbe trip you Wortham Showa want to know why you didn't Writs ua bofart ytu buy. ftIA UR SwiBfbf Pedal and oeven otheru made in a one-aeated flivver Jidn at Dallas Instead of Corsicana? Catalef Frss. Memliai ibis ailv sP | V>00 In Houaton. Bl LHORN BROS. 'bw fay thonaandi cf TVap James II. Gibson, Henry J. Tanner and Freil I>n>niiDe(B ta the U. 8. In- It la reported that George Slater will Join I>w R. Heiny, representatives of the Trans-Hyndicate cludea baatar pedal, cymbal POQ (Cat* P nob Century HeracbrU-SpUl- IsBell In advance. There may be times when Showa, were callera at the St. I.ouls office last holder and nrata. Our Spe- • w/n wee-.^E, Q,,!, iierry-Oo-RiMad for sole: we are not nble to see George, but be’s there. week. 30-Diy Offm: Prlia leai- sams la In food ruiinins order; also two BbooUng elati. $24$. Galleries, coenplele Albleilr Hhow, Tup. 40x50; Plan- 1. P. ZCIOLCR DRUM 00.. peek In the *900 Peg Carpenter wan with a The mother-in-law of Con T Kennedy died tatUn Show, complete; alio two isrxe. fancy Paddle amcll trirk pls/lng the middle States and the 'n Maaatllon. O.. December S.' Mr. Kennedy f ■ ClemlaaO. Ohio. Wbeelt, onr a $125 ^ans Wberl, good os new: wUI s* show drifted down into ArkaiiiM for tbo winter, married ■ Msaaillon girl teveral months ago. for $50. AJdram WM. CAUSE, fu Wayne, Indlann I DECEMBER 30, 1910. T tl e B lllt>oaF

Prof. Wm. Littleton and bit Educated Horae are wlnterloK In Hamilton, O., and tie will go out la aprlnc intb a new one-ring abow of ble own. FORCED INTO EXPANSION Bar Llvlnaiton and Harrr laiken tend their stoady and eontinueua growth of ev~ buainaaa naeaaaitataa our having largar quartara. beat to rvcrrbiidr and wlab them the aeaeon'e hava tafcan. In addition to tho floora oeeuplad by ua now, tho otoro floor, baaamont beet. and aaeond floor of tho building which wo aro In, and aftar How la the now magic abow, Jack Adeipblat JANUARY 1st, IQIT, Did you aver atop to think, a wadding la onir a one-ring circua? wo will oeeupv this wholo building, tho largoot building In tho country devoted to tho -- oolo of this olooo of morehondloo. J. W. Randolph la atlll porambolatlng around on a flat wbi*el. Cheer up, /. W., tbor're put¬ THIS WILL CNASLC US TO HANDLK YOUR ORDERS EVEN QUICKER AND ting gaa cngluea In wheel ebaira now. MORE EPPICIENTLV THAN WE ALWAYS HAVE DONE. Obria Smith waa la Cincinnati adjnating a law ault laat week. Cbiia aapa tlio aeaaon moat It is nesdless to point out to you the sdTsntsges you derive by sending your orders to s house llkeir waa batter to otbera—but Cbrla waa aport- that can suppiy all your wants and fill your orders quickly, invariably the day when they are received. Ing a fur-collared Benjamin—ao. Orltrlilcv eapa Cbrla la the beat atamp ticker In tba world. If you are engaged in the sale of any of the following lines Seen puaarfootin’ It tbrongb the Queen Cltp WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE AUCTIONEERS’ OOOOS waa Duke Oolden and Irr. Polack—full o' plana— that'a all. We know that frr, went to bed at CLOCKS NOTIONS FANCY 6000S PREMIUM OOOOS 11 o’clock. NOVELTIES RUQS HANOKERCHIEFS HOUSEHOLD GOODS CARNIVAL QOODS SALESBOARO MERCHANDISE Johnnr Lorman—Where were rou coming from HIQH PITCH OOOOS, ETC. with that trunk on pour back? l)o tell. and are without our Looka like Dntcb Robtnaon la training to be a pitcher In one of the tdg loaguea. He aure. NEW SHURE WINNER CATALOGUE No. 72 can throw orangea, applee and pineapplea. you ought to write for this book now. You ought not to wait, for there are many opportunities for Turkap Red Marcua and Herman Coben—Now you to osks SMsey throughout the winter months, maybe as much money as you c-an mgko in summer. rooating on tbe Kannedp HbowaT More power to pon, bopa. NSftJIIDF S. E. Cor. Madison Rnbp Kebaek aapa be would mneb rather bare ■ Wm and Franklin Sts. CHICAGO, ILL. a celling fall on him than be In a crooked dice game. (THE WHOLE BUILDING)

OcDcrat John Taplor and Sldi klck Stern cure took Macon bp atorm. When It comes to getting money Jack Cullen doca not conflne hU activities to plant, ahowa. Wbitep Adama—Looka like you are going Verily, no, fur look you bere. Jack baa made a b

Sam Haak'ell aapa It'a cheaper to have a coat What’s troubling Fat Waugh is how Ilr.ratio painted over than bup a new one. What abont vras hooked onto I)i-mpsey. tbe bammer? Nope, it isn’t forgotten. ALL FOR THE LADIES Some flash to Kokomo Jlmmp and Eddie. Thep must have bought out sr:me of the Malden Lane GREATER THAN EVER By May Kupp lewelrp Interests. Mrs. Susan Jordon, for several years with tbe Joe Weinbe^ la now in Mexico. Alt Joe needs The 1917 Herschell-Spillman Paul Shows, is very sick at her home in Balti¬ Is a sombrero. He’s craiy abont cWH con came. more. Md. Thep tell us pou’ve contracted for a Kentuexp lierbp for next season. Slip ua some Info., Joe, Jumping Horse Carousselle Nothing will ever get Vtola Wagoner across the Mason-Dixon Line again, says tlie “Sassiety Popnlar conceastonatres around Bean Town; Queen.’’ She is flashing her lovely self on the Alec Finn, lico Gonlon, Jack Fox, John Heppe. The New, Sensational Ride natives of Sallna. Kan., and exnects to stay Boston French and George Sperling. The grratmt Impravemrnt ever placed on a there for some time. ramoMrlle. It makm the 1917 IIers(9ieII-BplIl- Winter pastime: Oonnting the “I's’’ In articles niaii ('arau.wlle totally ilifrereiit rmm all ochera. Mrs. Blanche Paul Is some flash with her new written bp professionals. I Without a QiieHtlmi it Is Uslay the areateiit of bear wheel. alt ride*. Tills new horse nioiliin Ls four tlmm A challenge! The New England Showmen will bigger ttian any other; the imblU- will go wild Mrs. H. C. Hunter is now at her home in bowl the New Yorkers a championship game over It. Ardmore, a suburb of Philadelphia, sticking after the showmen’s ball. Thep are selecting Invwtigate this tuachiiic lN>f(ce you buy. Many around for the holidays--after wiilcli Connells- their team now. P. 8.—New York, get ready! other new fraturcs for the saftly king Is ART. Harry Bentnm predicts New Orleans will be the biggest fair in America In a few pears. And. furthermore. It is said that Is-ona Carter leern its |oed poiuts. is eoiiiiiiiiniiig with Cupid. D. F. Pollock, at the Knickerbocker. New WRITE Ft>U MORE IXFORMATltlN. York ettv. Yes. from Oshkosh. Wis. The man Ruth Volker. Maude Ila.ves and Clara Nicbois. who put the drens and carnival la overalls. of the Parker Greatest, are sp-ndlng tlie winter HERSCHELL-SPILLIIAN COMPANY, 196 Sffiiiif Stmt. North loNwiidi, N.Y. at their home in Kearney. Neb. J. P. Martin and Willlaro Judkins Hewitt framed the showmen’s Xmas dinner In New York Catherine Gaines, of the Cliffon-Kelley Shows, while at the Wyandotte Hotel in Kansas City last has purchased a new living ear. Some home Map. C. Bartbel and J. H. Johnson knew It for the Forty-niners. long ago. Who elaeT MEDICINE WORKERS, STREETMEN, Mrs. C. M. Nlgro and Mrs. Charles Curran Teddy Adams threatens to join a carnival. are resting up now since their icmg talks with AGENTS AND HUSTLERS Santa Clans and their energetic season. Adolph Soeman will -probnUp make Coney MAKE MORE MONEY WITTI LESS WORK aelUng our High- Grade Klei-tnc Belta, Voltaic Elvctrlc Inatriea and Medical BaUeriea on the aird High Cook in the W. H. Blnadom, Ute of tbe Ed Heins Shows, wholewale price list on bent line out. For an excelleat demonamUng belt aeno ll.GO. la proniotar oa tbe Cllfton-Kellep Shows, te- Hotel DeVInton on the Nlgro Shows. Ask Frank pladaf K. ts Bemateia. THE ELECTSIC APPLIANCE CO. (laasrsargM IISI). BurllaflM. Kaatat. Angel if she ran cook. Ell wheel with the Ell Bridge CompaD.v for de¬ livery In February. The wheel la now tx-lng put through the aliopa, together with ai-verw othera that have already been aold for early '**Tl'ie*^MaJ«-alic Hhowa will play all winter, and PADDLE WHEELS limy |a»aall,ly lay <»(7 one w'<-ek In ord<-r to give M, 90, 120 N««htre. SMclal.&7J0 aonii- of the Imnnera a thorough overhauling. WRh 190 Numbart. S««elal. 10.09 OUK liOLLS TOP THEM ALU SPECKS TAYLOR INJURED DOLLt. TEDDY lEMS, POODU DOttt. CARNIVALS! PILLOW TOPS, PENNANTS, NOVaTIEI, S|M--k* Taylor, former ele.-triclan of the Zeld- SALES lOARDS, SEMAL PADDLEl fl'-il* of vote* <-«*t for the dilTerent <-oiitc*tanla. iii.-in A I’vdiie Sliowa. wa* aerioualy Inlured In Detroit, Mich., Hutiirday, Dei-emlier 16. while Tbe autnrooldle which will be givi n away ar¬ VASES, STEINS, PAPEI N0VELTl3» ut work for a light <-oiiipauy, according to word NEW TEN-CAR SHOW rived early tbla week anil haa mud,- a favorable rccelvetl from .\. J. Hiiillh. Mr. Taylor la in a HIQH STRIKERS, DOU RACKS impreasion in thia city. It la a nice apia-aring hoapital there, and It la feared he may not GET NEXT TO OUR SALES BOARD <-tir. with atandard ei|ulpmc-nt. and the *ale of IN CARNIVAL FIELD i-v-'ovcr. Mr. Hiiiitli auggeata that frlenda write OUTFITS. ticketa Ik pnatrevaing In a nowt Hatiafactory •iir. Taylor at i.fs MilwHiikee avenue, Delndl, .NflW CUTAIXMiL'K AUnorty wlili-l; la l.•■lil|, Inillt for One of the Idggeat weeka the II. W. Camp¬ lie here early Humlay morning, which will give hi* ahnw. bell L'ulteil Hhowa experlenci-d tbla year waa them plenty of time to act up and la- ready for C. \%. I'arkor will leave the latter part of RACE TRACK the one a(H-nt in Hot Hpringa, AFk., wiiere tbe the foriiiiil oiK-iiltig on Chriatinaa Day. If iiidl- llila nioiilh for the Kaat anil .New York, after regular *ea*nn for that caravan terminated De¬ cation* are not fnlae It will la- a n-al Merry ulileii he will go to Kloriilu, aeeoinpanled by cember 16. Much cri-dit for the auci-eaa of the Chriatinaa for everv one Identllb-d with the Ken¬ Mra. I'erker. engagement la due General Agent Arthur Davla nedy Hhowa—M’M. F. FI.DTD. K. A. Muiitfr la apenillnir tlie winter here. aud I'roimder J. J. Halley, who had tbe town K. Myera la now at the I’erker faelory In wide awake all the time. Taking a number of eharje of the e\|ierlioentnl ileparlnent. He allractluiia be bad with bla Campbell United YEARS’ TROUPINQ alKMit aevernl week* In tlie l'!aal la-fore atartliitf Hhowa H. W. Campbell haa organlxed a ten- In work. It la iin<1er*t<*al that he will b'llld car ahow to play for aeveral weeka lo Arkanaaa, Chicago, Dec. i'l.—For the llrat time In elglit aonie new aliowa durinr the winter. Loulalana and MlaalaaIppI, He haa aeven abowa. yeara Wm. Henry, niaater of tranrportatloii for IHtriiis hla riH'ent trip .Mr. Parker piirehaae-l a Tarker three ahreaat carry-ua-all and flfteeu the Great I'nited Hhowa, came home tbla week a larire amniint of inatert-il to la- uaeil In the eonceoalona. Tbe rent of the attractlona and to CbicaKo. During that time he haw traveled ina'iiifaeliire of new amiiaenient ilevleea, whieh conceaslona bnve been atorgd In Hot Hpringa, over the Cnlted Htatea a nuinlac- of tOne* IT', will le iilni

Ferrred To Boost Fair Assoeiations

The co-operxtlvo pnMtelly Mireau wbleb waa formed on Deremla-r 9 nt the Auditorium Hotel In Chicago, the dav after the eloae of the annuel meeting nf' the American Aaota-lntlon of Fgira and Rxpnnltlona, la la'Ing looked u|Kin wllb bope- fiilnaaa mwl antlelpnllon. It aeeiii* deallnej to exart a moat lni|iortant Influema upon tba man¬ agement nf fatra In America. Tboae who attended the mm-ling at which the hurean waa formed were A, L. Hponaler, Kanaaa Boston fifth. SUte Fair; W. H. Htraiton, Texoa State Feir; I. R. Mahen, Oklelmme HUte Fair; W, J, Onor-h, Prictf right Kenineky Slate Fair; W, K. itlnH-b, Umtalana Send for entalogne* State Fair; John C. Hlmiwon, Kaatern Htatea Ag- rieultnml ami Indnatrial Kxpoaltlon, and Tboa, JshnT.DMiRMsOR. li. Canlield, Mlniioaotg Mlata Folr. F-aeb fair ia to eoiitribute three per cent of ita mroHrom .tb» advertlaing appmpriatlon to maintain Ilia ex- . RoL 19, 1911, by John 145 SOe Mibi 8t prnoea of the hnrveu, and give eouiieel which T, Dfaiiman. T.Aa Anwwtna. CeL Will reenit In the efficient oae of the 97 per raprletar of the Great American Hhowa; In the center Mia. J, F, in planning tbe 1017 eampeign of each member Murphy, and on 'be right BM, gcnwal agxit Um Gnwi Ameih-an Bbowe are now in winter quar- after all comnarative Information ban been aa- ten at Humter, S. C. aemMed; actual preparation of a Urge part of tbe onbllcltr matter and tbe creation of new 1- Ideaa. Tbe bnrean will not be uaed to repUce remanber him. He will apend the holiday ats- Mr, Parker baa aold one complete ten-car any puhllctry manogern employed by membera. aon with bla family and pndtably remain until abow tbla winter. No announcement v,-aa mada but vrill render the eerviciw of the pnMIcity apiing. He came Into tbe Chicago office of The an to tbe name of tbe pun-baaer. men wore efficient. Illllboard f<.r a haudaliake and to get aiiiualntcd Ilert Killle la making Leavenworth bln borne tbla week. for tbo rold nimitba. PEERLESS CDMPANY ORGANIZED Mr, Parker haa i-loaed a deal wbergby HILL’S SOCIETY CIRCUS he twcomen the r,wner of two choice tract# of DRUMMERS ^^Ie^std^'rtntvr G, W. Jiibneti-n. tbe well-known conceealou- bind adjoining hla factory on tbe m>rth and on Our round adga (MUanCBTBA BELLD, In gatai aire, baa juat completed arrangeroenta with W. Chicago. Dee. S.—Wro. H. Hill, with hla tbe aouth, which givea biro a frontage or. Fourth tuna, low pitch, highly puliahad and nickel pintai. J. Torrene that give birth to tbe Faerleaa aoelety horae aliow act, la leaving f'lilcago Hun- afreet of nearly half a mile. He la very for¬ put up In oak cooe, Im-lodlng two pain llanuntm Ae Amiiaenient Oimpany. day night for Plttabnrg to plar a week atand tunate In m-<-urlng thia laud, which givea him good oa Um baaL at half tba prim. IxVt—2 OCTAVEt.IH.W The new caravan will leava ToUdo. O., where at the Rmplm Ttieater, Eaat Liberty, The fol- control of the tieat factory aitea In I,envenwottii, IkH—2Vt OCTAVES. II.IS It I* N'Ing organiied, on nr alwnt,February I. lowing week be playa the Gordon Hqiiare Liberty li! addition to plenty of mom for hla fnetory to aa it will open tba eenaon In tbe Houtb and expind.—NOUMAN CORLICIT, Wa alan hare other .lam. ftenl on approval aa re- Theater, Cleveland. Mr. Hill baa aigned with celpt of 92.09 to guarantiw aapram cbofim CA^ work Ita way North. Kthel Roplnaon for tbe fair neaarm of ihiT. and ALOO mtx While a certain air of myatery an to wbat baa contracta extending until October. It In ACME DRUMMERS' SUPPLY CO. the organlntlon will carry prvvniU around the pwdvable that tbe winter aeanon will nee b’.ni DE VAUX IN CHICAGO OMm end Faataty; nffi'-e of the company. It waa learned tbet tbe under a World at Hotne contract. 2Slt-li W. 22d Dirwi. CHICADO. ILt. mnmigeinent bna pUced ita order for a carry- Looks for Bi0 Soason in 1917 oa-nll with Col. C. W. Parker, and alao for a CHRYSLER GETS CONCESSION Our Oooda tpeek fw Bmh*- ^blg Ell wheel with tbe Eli Bridge Company. Harry A. Do Vaux, of De Vanx’a Greater nSrith mni-h'nen are being bought for caoh, and lehrea. Chicagu, Dec. X.—C. B. Cliryaler. who haa Hhowa, formerly the De Vaux A Kl-in ■SBin till* It U qnHe evident tbet tbe Peerlesa lieen making bead(|uartera at the Haratvwa Hotel Hhowa, whoae winter ()nartrra are at Katoii ^■muiaement Company meana bnalneaa. ENILEKOFFHAII A til for the paat month, haa been gintcd the motor Itimge, La., waa In Chicago laat week on bUHi- ^■Fl-Vveral new abowa are in tbe conrae of eon- neaa. Mr. De Vaux report# a giMid aenaon and Moeefooterart et the ^^•rtniciion, but a veritable Cblneoe wall anr- ebair conceaalon at the New York Bronx Kx- imaltion, which opena next May. badca f'um*tafc->-a te-rm't Ing (he family when It nnlla in here early Hnnday morning. to lannch a bigger caravan than ever In 1917. will lie at the Gnldiair Khownii-n of the Woeld’a The King and Qneen eontenta are going Mg Heyeral new ahowa wilt be added, and Nat f, nnd Bamiiiet at the Hotel and the week tbe ahow la here ahould aee thou- Narder baa placed bla order for a 1917 model Aator. New T«a-k City, next Wedneaday. i


THE SHOW OF PERFECT EQUIPMENT! notes from Picked Up Around Winter Quarters of Talkers and Lectwers Cole Bros, and Cooper Bros.* Shows TtalDf* to worry about: Only a few days left Id wbtob to make oar New Tear resointloos. Riverside. Cal., Dec. 21.—Beneath a tropical Wbat roDStltotes a soceaafnl talker? That sky of azure blue and with the mercury In the thermometer staying well up toward tbe warm queatioo baa been answered tbroofb tbis colamo Northwestern Shows If you have a legitimate r*(sicesHlratlniu In the tMitral States. Stiows and OonoemlntM liooklng sith us are Kl'KE winter. EiInmIUod In San Diego, gives bis version: "Al¬ TO MAKE MONEY If they kntnv thilr business anti atund u> IL Write in AT ftXdB lieforv It U Ti»0 ways be elean-sliaven. well dress- d, and. above LATE. F. L. FLACK, Maaafsr Nerthwaslam Shewa, 51 East Market fit., Akrea, Okie. The people of this city have extended a hearty all things, do not drink, ebew, smoke, read or Our paid ada and oRldal newt Iteana are published utiJy in ‘The BlUlnard. Invitation to all of the circus people to ''make entertain friends wblle on the box. Make your themselves at home." Special attention la being allow a bustui ss. and a snecessful one. If It Is paid all of tbe visitors at the stored and hotels. In your isiwer. and trv to reniemlier tbe show Is Merchants are making special prices on gomla to dependluit on you for Us flnanrical success. Of members of the tented world liere for tbe winter, course, 1 am only a grinder, but I am talking In CASH FOR IDEAS Ater closing In Manta Maria December 9 the front of tbe largest educational, and, in every for pTBcth’Bl CBmlval ind Fair GaiDea. Wo want •cjniRthing new—wo hnv U a diance for you camlral Cooper Brothers' Railway Hhows rolled Into way, the most beautiful show on earth, and 1 laying n Winter Quarters at Oklahoma City Christmas in Mauehi ster, a thriving cotton fortable nsims here for the winter. bear that past msster of the old s<'bool of lec¬ After Fairly Good Seaeor mill lo . II. -ind .New Year's In Conlele Is the E(|iitstrian Direv'tor John Ducander and wife turers, Dr, Bnsbnell, of Gettysburg fame, dilate route mupimd out, and It Is iKqssI that these left Tuesday for I>en|son, la., for a holiday upon jobanna, tbe orang-outang. He bolda them Okluhoms City. ffk.. Dec. ‘i-J.—The A. Gif¬ two (ilaces will eure the Aiiuiieial beadaebe visit with their children. Mr. Ducander will spellbound. I own tbe only baby orsug-outang ford .Mtxlcl Hhotrs Its VC put up for the winter liroiight ou at Maeoo. commence breaking horses soon after January and am migbty proud of Dr. Bushnell's ora¬ In OkljiiomH Clly after a fairly suct’cssfnl sea- I at the winter quarters. torical aMUty on it.” Ooolab la conducting a Min, wlil.'b lenuinaled In thia city Decemiter 9. LALA COOLAH MUSEUM J. Henry Rice, general contracting agent last museum of bla own at 1520 Market street, 8t. Mr. ami kirs. A. Gifford and Mr. and Mrs. It. Hiiinmer, Is enjoying life In Riverside. l with the ttiffoni Hbow next year with the sliadnw pletiires were projected upon a R. Harris. Iiaritone player with the Cooper Bfflitb (Chief White Moon), tbe Iroquois Indian, their latct attraetlim. The Human Vietrola. slirs-t. Hut the store hIiow like 'Tennyson's tab- Hliow, and his wife. Ella Uania, arc comfortably wbo baa, by dint of .a quiet, unosteolatlous, but which, tog-.'lier with Mrs. Gilford’s Anusdiliii I Itiig hns>k will go on foreter. The piibHc like settM for the vacation. It la posslhle that the Insatiate, search for REAL knowledge, forged basket whed. they Imve pineed at ttie Elks' In¬ quick actliHi, and when you o|ien a stonr show woman star of the Cooper Show last summer Ms way up and on, and In now reaping tbe door Carnival here thta wiek. Mr. and Mrs. they tlis-n In ex|iectlng to gel It: so the store will spring a surprise In the tent'd wtirld in reward be Is so Justly entitled to. lie began Brady, who were on the Athletic HImiw, are show generally eousisis of dens of reptiles. April. Tlie versatile performer last season dM with tbe Klckapno Indian Medicine Co. as a her part to make tbe Cvmper aeasem the su.i-esa eblld, and tbe writer can bear witness to bis It was. Hbe did a slide for life aa the free first real grief—tbe death of bln mother—Just attraction, a shisiting act In the aide-show, when be needed her most. Then followed the HAMPTON’S GREAT EMPIRE SHOWS rolling glots* and Juggling act, slack wire, Miigle kicks and I'UlTn that were his portion, and wblcn tra|M, Iron-jaw art in tbe Mg show, and a song be submitted to not because ^ was afraid, but Slid dunce tiumls-r In the concert. because be was possessed with a superhuman de¬ John Card, L. R. Wlldt, Arthur Marinelli and sire fur flnding out ‘why,’ Lsmls Moon Is s several others of the Isind sre sojourning here. product of bis own fashioning. None tint him¬ All H|ieak very highly of Rand I>>ader C. Z. self will ever know how much be baa been im¬ Bronson. The last of January Mr. Bronaon will posed upon by the very men to wliom he owes n-turi from a visit to Kalainn/.glnnlng of your I>ectorers anil .ind enjoys all tbe comforts of home. Tslkers' cdumn I have followed It closely, and have found much of Interiwt i-ontalned theivln, If the cowman from Texas strolla Into your tail not as much from, or of. lecturers as I "top" would like 1o see. I refer, of nairne. to the Dc'U't laugh at hla flowing mustaebs. men on tlie inside of the show; there sc-ms to Although you conclude be more alMiut opets'rs than anything else. Per¬ He's a little hit crude mit me to say a few words for the inside man. tti hit methods of making a aplasb. Few managers se<-in to appreciate tbe value of Maoibrn il, wltb two enneesslons, and Cssiier hs-atlons and a traaalent trade In the larger there are so few men of sMIlty wbo care to and .Ynders-tn. Jack Martyue and wife, of tin cities -small towns srr "noil and roid.* Ho tbe We've bad our last laugh at the "aod buoter" take the Inside of a show, lutt the fart remains Cavetta Hhow, have located at fiapulpa. Ok., for ntuseum of bslay la properly a store show. Hueb lads, that there are plenty of good lecturers to be the winter, while Whipple A McMillan bare is the opinion of laila Ctsdah. who Is operating With tne pumpkin, the pigs and tbe cow; bad if the managers will luing themselves to taken their concesalona to the Texaa Hud Com¬ a store shrnv at Market street. Mt. Louts, They reach out and take see tbe value of an Inside man by paying the bined Shows. The ferric wheel and carouoel Mo. He o|H-ned tbe museum November ‘JC>, with All tbe change that we make— right kind of salary. I know managers ihm have been placerl In a ahop, where they are the leading features direct from the Hells And WR are the "Comedlea” now. would pay fifty dollarw to a man on tbe front undergoing a cen> ral overbanllng and will be Floto Circus, 1'bat business bus be«-n gmsl We may wear floe clotbea and think nothing of it. yet would think they repaliiied. giftm without question, as the line up, as pub¬ And may travel with showa— were paying an Inside man s lot of money if lished In The Christmas HIlIhuard, slsiwed a But tbe hick, and tbe aimp, and tbe geek. they gave him twenty-five. Tbe managers will list cf altracfloiM that have tss-n llm<> trlee bnsy shining her shoes. Johanna , Bnt the really wlae play part of the buslnesa. If the inside man U afford traveling companiea any protection whatso- is owned and trained by r.ala rx The Great Routls'rn enjoyed a vlalt at Macon When yon’re mooching for "acoffln'a" aad office re<-eipta to the manager.. In other words, from Harry Rodgers, agent of tbe Red Rlhlmn HEBER BROS.’ GREATER SHOW "flop*." he will ‘square the show.’ But tbe managers Rhows, end Dave Noxnn, of the Brown A Cronin most appreciate tbe fact that a man wbo Is Shows. capable of lecturing on tbe inside of a show, as A. 8. Cole, promoter for the G. 8.. certainty With ten Mg acts, including tbe trained ' SALESBOABD and IHinies I Mhetlaiidst. dogs and giant monkeys, I have outlined. Is slso capable of making a knows how lo line up the street ear mmpanles tlie Hel»r Itros.’ Greater Show is tonring the pretty fair salary elsewhere, anfi, in order to for adverUaing, and never fails to laud a gissl NOTION MEN (ssintry an.I w'orlng a ancevss everywhere. .Mii- get such a man. the remnnemtlon must be suf- showing. We have the finest line of Auatrtoa and ilcient to make the proposition attractive. R. iiial men will he Interested to learn that the KiiglLxb Noaelty Cblnaware aod dais- W. Gnnipertx la one exception to tbe rule that Judging from the mall that has b en arriving "baby giant'' nnuikey bom In Coinmbns. o,. a ; ware, Iriilcsceiit aod band colored. managers do not realise tbe value of an inside recently, Joseph Blscon Is anticipating putting .vear ago U still living, and. what's more, is Fisehy. Psirfa and practical, fraa lecturer. He known what an Inside man means out a musical comedy. Well, Joe will have no prob.-it ly the toughest and brightest monk any- I tl.OO ts 14.50 per OezM. Rrod for to bin show, and la willing to pay th«- right trouble eniroundiiig bimself with a capable eho. one ever looked at. I 55.00 neU-vtloti. salary to get tbe right man. I hope I have rus. GEORGE F. LUCAS, socev^ed In starting a little discussion on the Ilarel Wayne, of '10 fame, has ts-en under soma BlOf.. Sou Fraaelaaa. Cal. subject, and 1 would be pleas<’d to hear from the doctor’s can* for a counie of weeks, but HUNTER’S SHOWS CLOSE some of my brother lecturem and get their Ideas everybody is glad to note she is well on tbe way through this column. Why can’t we use this to recovery. department for an exchange of Ideas and team The Tesale Rhow. with Ifa bevy of pretty girls CAIOISELLE MGANS The Hunter Rhows (overland! riosed their somethTiig from each other. It Is ours; let’s and fnnny eomediana, eontlnnes to be a feature, season De.’cmber 7 at Bassett. Ark., and Jonr- show oqr appreciation of It by helping to k4>ep with Brlatol’a Iloraes a rioae second. iiey to their old quarters at Pnekett. Miss., for NErUIEDlil REBUILT fill lEW HUSK It filled with good ntuff. I’ll do my share. How Pant PreU la visiting In New York over the the winter. Manager R. fc. Hunter intenda to Any make. OUndrr, Cardboard or Paper. Bpodal about tbe rest of you? Tours for the good of holidays, and baa bla brother looking after hia open the season of J917. about April 1. and win Induceenreits for work contracted for now. tbe cause."—Homer W, Hbley. eoneesalona. F i . seetr'beglo'w«Hlr-ef-fe^irtiqr-'and repaliltiDg. JOHANNES S GEBHAROT C0„ Taaooy. PkNa., Fa. DECEMBER 30, 1910.

a ancceaa. Thia beinr mv 'aecond aeaaon’ I figure that a bird in tbe baud la abaoluteiy worth oeveral lu bnabea. With beat wlabea to all MUSICAL MUSINGS tronpera.”—Carl Neel. Wf THE wrax Clair Bultt. late baas player on the Bella-Floto FREE STORAGE OF YOUR Bbow, left KauBaa City recently to Join a abow near Bt. Louia. When lie arrived there ho found Now that tbe new year is fast approaching BARD 0R6AH It waa a wagon abow, and tbe next day be waa rvsolutiona are In order. Of coome, you may back in Kanaaa City. resolve not to do thia and not to do that, and Onr n«*w ronfivte BnlMinr with Sprinkler M. L. Kern. 5701 Broadway. New York City, in tbe end not live up to any. but there is on>- Byrtem U ABROnTTr-LT SAFE. Bpeeial prieea la anxlona to locate Jack Gannon, bandmaatcrl resolution that it Is your dutv to make, and now offerert. for repiiiriiiK Kaiid Oreana, inrindea last beard of In Ban Franciaco. that is: l to consider how bad it Tbe Billboard. CiDcInantl. Ohio.’* bstkH to see muaicians marching In parade and menta. Bperial tlteratnre gladly aent free. dirting with the girl spectatora aimnltaneoualy t IRVING POLACK By doing this you get out of atep. your harmony la spoiletl. and. fnrtb> riuoie, what do you tbinx tbe public thinks of tbe band? That’s another Tlie Radolph V^UPLJTZER Marnfadaring Co. To Hikvo Tv.*enty-Four*Car Show good point to give consideration next aeaaou. Mind yf>n, we're not saying that all bands do VOKTH TOVAWAMDA, NEW TOBK. Inr. J. 1‘olark, ac-rompanied by bia general tbia, but we know for a fact that there are some. agent. Ituke (jolden, pat in an appearance at Getting down to brass tacks, give tbe public The llillboard oOlre, Cincinnati, on Monday of tbe best there is in yon in ability, conduct, etc. laat week, en route to bia arlnter quartern In Now that Karl King is married be ia thinking North Kandall, O., wb«‘re be alll be for a few of giving up the road. But wait till spring weeka before going to bia beadquartem in Pitta- ^ cornea and the blnebirds begin to whistle! Karl burg. l*a. Irr. and Harry I'olack will bare two is located in Canton, O.. wh> re be is teaching cararana oo tbe road next year, one to be known the brass department of the Btrasaman Studio. aa tbe Hntberford tireater Sbowo and tbe other He is also devoting a great deal of bis time to aa tbe Polack Broa.' Sbowa. Tbe latter arill composition and arranging. lYiends desiring to be of twenty-four-car alze, and manag'd by Itr., write him can reach him at 349 Columbus avenne. while tbe former will lie bandied by Barry. Ham Chari’io vras called from Esoanaba, Micb., Another rloitor at Tbe Billboard office laat where he went after closing with the Cole Bros.’ week wae Cbria Smith, of tbe Smith Greater Show, on wbich be was clariiietist, to bia home Bbowa, which clooed their aeaaon Hecember B In Kingman. Kan., week before last by tbe deatb and bare been atored In Birmlngbam, Ala. | of bis father. One bandmaster who bad a good deal of trouble with boozers last atason aaya be la getting ont RAYMOND ELDER MOVES UP | a new contract for next year, one with a clanse =TENTS= in it by which tbe mnalcian agrees to forfeit SEND FOR OUR PRICES ON YOUR NEW TENTS. Baymood E. Elder, by rirtue of bit efficient hla holdback of not less than one week's pay if work aa oecretary and preoa agent of tbe Great be la discharged for drunkenness. He says a Patteroon Bbowa In tbe poet, iiaa been promoted lawyer baa prononneed the clanse legal. to general contracting agent of tbe cararan for Floyd Bartl>tt and Earl Frelburger, who are next aeaaon. He la at preaent at bit borne, 504 I wintering in Kansas City, are writing a aong We bought our duck before the Elm atreet. Ottawa, Kan., tor a abort racatlon. | to lie called Baby Wants a RattI?—Bny a Ford. Wm. L. Cooper, of Denver, a fintist with the TEXAS BUD’S COMBINED SHOWS I Innes Band, who la spending tbe winter al advance and can save you Oollcgenort. Tex., baa become a member of the Texaa Bud'a Combined Bbowt played itt lint f Honaton Hympliooy Orebeatra. Teznit town week of December 11 at Banger, k George Hawley, solo alto with tbe band wltt money on the best tents made. preceded by a week’a ttay at Marietta. Ok., I Crawfonl's Comedians, waa Initiated into tiK where buaineaa waa good every one of tbe tix { Elks* liodge recently at Btnttgart. Ark. daya and nigbta, tbe weather being moat favor- ^ Allen Perkins ia atill playing tbe droma foi able during the entire engagemenr. Tbe Wild tbe city Imnd at Ban Diego, Cal. Weat Show proved tbe moat popular attraction t Hnine I’aync—Let's hear from you. on the midway. Following Banger came Clifton, William Fowler and J<*hn Landes are arlt CARNlE*GOUDl£ MFG. CO.* Kansas City» Mo. Texan, ibe borne town of P. J. Bnetl (Texaa McSimmin’s Band, with the Attebery Show. Bud). Joaepbine Morria, aeoretary of the thow, From the Bonthem Amusement Co., at Kanf left laat Bnnday for Alabama to apend tbe boii- man, Tex.. December 11. bv A. F Braddy; "Th daya with her mother. Texaa Bud bat pur- i Southern Amnaement Company Band played daj ebaw-d another automobile for tbe motordrome. i and date with tbe Molly Bailey Clrcna laat weel and it la being driven by Crazy John. | at Athena. Tex. Borne show, and a good ban* CmVINIALE under the able direction of Willie Bailey. Me many friends, and ail tronpera. Foilowlng sp HERBERT CONVALESCENT tbe Iwnd boys on the Bailey Broa.* Clix-ns: WII11( Bailey, comet and director: Jack Frits, comet It will be pleaaing newa to bin many friend, Richard Tbarra. clarinet; Slim Erwin, trombone to know that Joaepb C. Herbert, owner and mao. Ernest Bethel. tromi.**ne: Jim Ilockbower, ban ager of the Herbert Greater Showa. ia coovalea lone; ( arl Quinn, Iwaa; Brad Bail y. bass dram c*’nt in tbe Mlnern Hoapital. Welch. W. Va., niKl Kid Bailey, traps. A real linncb of fellown where he underwent an operation for appendt- ail tronpera. and on their program were number eltia. He xpecta to leave tbe inatitnUon shortly by King. Clienette. Jewell and many other tronp for his borne In Baltimore, after which be la ing writers. Most of their boys have location planning lo go to New York for the purpose of for the ainter. but next aeaaon will find ther ordering parsphemalia. etc., for bis caravan for back again. Hay. Billy Krajewiaky. how tbou tbe 1917 aeaaon. lhal trip to Dallaa? Did Charles Ware send yot the fliat pokable jumping horse machine iHiill in the ITnlted Btatea. Now ia the time to pregtare for next aaa- Tbe Herin rt Greater Bbowa will Inaugurate Ware lost much sleep lately, but after takii >g aoo'a buaineaa. Write today for the paiGcuItrly attractive prlres and tenna wbich 1 will qtaote fnr tbe next their tour early in March in Columbia. 8. C.. one drink from Dad's bottle be is able to sb« >l> 64 days. C. W. PARKER, Wsrld’a Larfsat MaBOfaetarer of Aatateaieat Oavicaa, Laavaawoftb, Baa., U. S. A, where tbe trick closeal and is being atored. Mr. moat any place. Peck Gosling—Will yon hai Herbert will have two more attractions of his Xmas dinner at home—England? L’ fa have ALLAN HERSCHELL CO., INC. own next year, making six in his own string, line from yon tis>, Hiierry. A line from yon, I beaidea those booked by iodividual owners. Her¬ Clienette. will he appn-clated also. Regan bert's Miuatrela are nnw playing opera booa< a from (binthern Amnaement Company Band to a Id tbe rich eonl flelda of West Virginia to very frienda.” CARROUSELS good buainraa, being managed by Prank Herbert "Dear Muse—I have Iwn requested by sever ARE THE LATEST acquaintances to expn aa myself In regard organizing road uiualcinna. Now that Mr. Petr Clear platforms, all parts Interchange¬ MORITA WITH WONDERLAND Min has given Ua bia views on tbe subject able, wired for electric light, good music*, will be hardly necessary for me to write quicker set up and taken down than any New York, Dec. 23.—Morita. better known aa length, aa he l:as about the proper idea, ai irO.C the Queen of Oriental Dancert, bat contracted es|iecislly aa regnrda road sIhiw managi ra. T other, not a loose bolt in the entire ma¬ with the Wonderland Showa. Ltd., for next are all aware of the fact that numerous m chine. Write for catalogue. aeaoou. She will appear In Hamda Ben'a Gar¬ siclaos Join this or that company for a seas den of Allah pnxloctlon. which played with only. Men who have no intentlim whatever SLUM HERSCHELL COw INC. many of the bMt playera on tba road In tba following it for a livellliood. tint simply want North Tonawando, N. Y., U. S. A. INiat. Slie, in conjunction with lUmda Ben. baa season on the road (at moat any orice) for purchaacd two caniela from Doc Potter, wbich little ex|ierienee, recreation, etc. It ia natni will be naed In tbe Garden of Allah Sb^ next that till" class would not entertain a iiroprailtt year. By the way. Hamdn Ren will carry to Join anything In tbe way of a road organli twenty-four people with bia ooHIt. Daring the i:on, and. if they did. what would tliat amon winter tbe filr Oriental nuild la working In lo In the finish? ‘Ural aeasonera' are is-l cat>ar->ta in New Tork aa a fratnra attraction. lurued ont alt tlie time, and mneb faster th tliey cunld he brought into tbe so-called 'gi WANTS OLD CLOTHING, ETC, together' camp. Misit of the new roadsters I IIh- liill as well. If not tiettcr. than an old be for certain msnagera, and. conoequently, are pi J. W, DeVerr, veteran obowman, on wboae snaded to try iiKitlier and still another si aac l•ellnlf we have appealed for aoalatanca tbrongb Finally they concloile to be a 'tronpi'V* Indefinli tbeae nplnmiia, la atill on tba poor farm in ' ly. In fact, that la tbe way nxml of na start Albany, Ga.. and Indlapoaed, lie baa aaked In tbe liiiaincss, and none of ua at t' e beginni that we kindly call attenllcn to tbe fact that cared to J<,'n an order niitil we tried tbe Imaliy lie w-92 panta. He and I candidly I can he reached In erre of Oapt. Plnnon, Albany, Ge at town woe I'nMi Ploveea might Point, On., week of liecember II, and. deaplie listed for moll DREAMUND EXPOSITION SHOWS cold weather daring Ibe week, bnaincoa waa a* tenefit. We are good to expected, Tbe abrrw ia In fjreeneboro Will fumMi TmU and Pronfa Inr Vande many frienda of *1*1100140 I. lined


W. J. Torrens, one of the oMeet cooceMlonairee on the road, and o. W. Jobnaton, who has been connecteil with rarlons caravans the past ten years, hare purchased a new Parker three- abreast 1917 model carry-ns-all and Blf Ell wheel, and will oi>erate under the name of the Brings me $50 a week*’ Peerless Amusement Co., Ltd. They will book independently. Mr. Johnston will have full- So writes management, while Mr. Torrens will divide bis time with the amusement company and bis eon- , cessions at Itiverview Park, Detroit, Mich. Mr. I M, A. Gifford Torrens, at present, is enjoying a rest at New j Orleans, and will then go to Hot Springs. j o f his Sam Hrowii has combined bis glass and china I wheels with the Clifton-Kelley Shows. I Ten^Pinnet business, Coiicewdonaim with the Greater Sbeesley > Shows the past season were: C.. M. Pate, H. T. { YOU can start in the t'nrtain. J. J. Eylward. Ed Hock, Chester Win- ' ter, Harry Hayes, .Mrs. Harry Small, Louis same business for small Selimr, .Mrs. Tom Martin, Frank Suiter, Alec. I^evason, Jess Higgins, R. Kaida, John W. ■ investment. And this Moore. Mrs. A. B. Coleman, A. B. Ctdeman, ' Clem Korte, Dell Frow.nfelter, J. D. Sweeney, , is the time to do it. Get Mrs. J. D. Sweeney, R. A. Loebsack, Mrs. R. ' A. Loebsack, Dennie McMahon, J. W. Farrell, 1 ready NOW for a prof¬ Bowling Game J. Gorman. W. W. Milton, Toney Nelson and Frank Stone. itable Winter Business. ^^ Concessions with the A. P. Whitney Shows, which give prizes or premiums, were not al¬ lowed to w<^ at Mirlanna, Ark. The cook- honse, candy and jnlce were not Interfered vritb. Automatic Bowling—New and Fascinating Miss Gail Harrison is back on the old job Eveiybody plays Ten-Pinnet—men, women, children. Ingenious automatic feature makes again with Texas End's Combined Shows, han¬ dling the ten pin game for Louis Raasman. Two your receipts nearly all net profit. No up-keep expense—no pin boys—just some one to take in new .vncessioos joined the shows recently. They are E. .\. DenzlLe. with photo postcard gallery money. Alleys, 38 to 50 ft. long. Easily installed in any room in half day. and cigarette shooting gallery, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Grionz, with their hoopla. Fred P. Jason, concessionaire, with a carnival | In the South, is mourning the loss of his mother. trated book “Big Ten-Pinnet Profits” giving easy terms and prices. Concessions with the A. P. Whitney Showa: •Palmistry, Rose Stanley; Villa beads. Snsie Wil¬ liams; cats. Wm. Goodell; juice and candy. P. Wilkcrmn; roll down, Louie Rose; knife rack, THE TEN-PINNET CO., 92 Draper St., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. J. Latto; gold glass. Blackie Gs^son, agent; palmistry. Julia Gabb; Arkansas kids. Wm. I.etterinan; penny arade. H. Hammerstlck, agent; long range gallery, ^y Sntbirland; cook¬ house, Arthur Stewart; cats. A. English, agent; Arkansas kids. Ed Manl; cats, Mrs. Fred Scboen; ICY DIVE Educated Horae, V. Macban, owner; Mrs. Kitty lO-in-l. One of the features of this attraition high striker. Fred Scboen; scientiflc circle, Sam Maebau. tickets: Reil Baker, clown. Fat Folks, will be Margaret Qalncy, who will give eibibi- Todd; ■■nudy race track. Mrs. B. Owens, agent. Blackie Weatcott. owner and tickets. Octopus tiona of trick and fancy swImmlDg in n large Itlnckls Garrison, formerly elrctriclsn on tne Made by Anna Morecroft Into Chicago Show, Fred Overboltz. owner and ticket*. Mystic glasa tank being built. show, bad taken charge of Mrs. A. P. Whitney's Palace, M D. Fernanzo. owner and ti''ket8. River—Carnival Contract Signed Another man who will h« kept on the jump gold glnss rtore. Hazel Show, C. C. Brooks, owner and tickets; next season is J. B. (Jack) Cullen. Jack will Gen. Brooks, lictnrer. Human Konlette. Ves Chicago, Dec. 22.—A clever publicity stunt ha* have four attractions to look after, namely. been stacked np to the cri'jlit of Anna Morecroft, Crowley, owner; Harvey Worth, tlcketa. Ferris Old I'lantatlon, Miracle, Spider Girl and Van Walter R. Jobnaon. who la director of who was featured in her father’s (C. C. Ward) wheel. Cliff Wertz and Edwin Kay. operators. Camp'n Battle of tbe Skies. He bas leased cooceoaiona at Itiverview Park, Chicago, original Neptune's Daughters act. when she dived Parker three-abreast cairy-us-all. Paul Wiliams, tbe latter title from Sydn> y Wire, of the C. A. owner; Mr*. Williams, tickets. Fred Sdiorn fur- writea aa followa; off the Randedpb street bridge Monday afternoon, Wortham Shows. Tbe attraction bas been with “Chicago. Dec. 23, 1916. one of tlie cold' *t days this winter. Snow cov¬ nlsbes tbe free act. and Ted Strong the baiol. tbe Great American all season, and baa done n “Billboard Pub. Co., ered the ground and the Chicago River was full Max Wolff is chief electrician. Joe Meyer* I y, tickets. look after. Hla feature attraction will be the Jim Snllivan, who has bad charge of tbe IS wcatiier conditions and short seasons, maze Buay City for a number of years. Is In charge large prollta neci-ssary, Tiie profit come* of tbe qnarters, and I* overseeing the gr<-ater from the volnm" of business. The Parks. •iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis part of the work. He will have a new tritat Fairs and (>rnivalB do tbeir part In g' tting on the "t'lty,” one of bis own design ami built the pe<>|>le. The privilege man who gl»c* „ by bimaelf. sqiiate deal will get tbeir money. Thorn abonld be DO need of police cenaora to over¬ look games and privileges In these places. ROGERS' GREATER SHOWS “It is a legltlmafe hnsinesa. and can and mnst Is- ran on legitimate bnalnens linen or the ‘boys' an- g'dng to starve. They mnst It is quite pfxit'able that no show of e<|iial remenilier 'they cannot fl all the people Notice-ADVERTISERS-Notice size IIS'* enj<,yead. and Ihe p-ast month In lanils.llle tins br'inght forth bnt lillle prnMi. On ac-.emt All letters for this colnmn stioalil be ad- 2 on which the last forms for the issue of The Billboard of this Gt'iieral Agent K. A. Josselyn baa iie dressed to the (‘<01- esainnaire Department, care • celed lo rsilrowil I tie <-fmi|>afiy baek Info more The Blllls>ard, Clix Innstl. jj en.tem territory. Iloumn, lai., nronrul the •-onri dated January 6th close, bein^t a legal holiday, but iKsiae »inare, will be the la*t stand west of the Mississippi River. MR. AND MRS. PIDOE VltITINO S one ii.uil delivery will be made on that date. Alflwaigb the ntniw bas been e<,nden*ed for the winter lonr, many improvemeals are lielug ef Mr, and Mrs. N, D, l*ldge, with tbeir Minis- S fe fell. All paraphernalia la being n-pnired. tare Wonderland sod Human Kfdiler sbows, S reisiinteil and redeiioaled. ami ll>e private oie there to Flomafon. Ala., where they played a S tended fur the issue of January 6th should be Hie nsrst altra ‘file ears In llw show bnslness. week's engagement with the lb>y Gray Amnse S Mansg-r Koger* re<-enHy |air<-hssed a twenty meni Comiwny, and then OMrved to fndlsnspolis, S k, wr, 1 gbt plant, driven by a .'•triiorBe larar-r wliere lltey stored their |•arnfll»•■rnstla They S mailed in time to reach the publication office, Cincin¬ gas engine. The fiianl Is of the very lales' are now on an ettende-aL nati, Ohio, for early morning delivery Monday, Jan¬ and Mr, Kie.-ers Is going to purebsse several of LAWREAlCEi'lN NEW YORK S a difterrnt ‘ledgn. These will Is- tisetl to bant uary let, to insure publication in that issue. I lie show from ears lo lot, etr, New York. Dec, 'j|, <*lMrtle and M».m Mw- iinly eight pay allra/'iions. twenty •om-es r n -e. anwmg flie liesl known free Ijnces of the aions, a Isi.-id awl high diver are Is-lng <-srr.ed r»cid srrtVMl on ihe MIcamer f,enspe from Jack- with the winter eon (nsny. Ih-wever, tl Is the sonvllle, FIs,, Isst week Wb le In F|orlril L t exeenlive staff during Ihe season. II is as men were ilecked owl In glad rags and Ihe sire follow I'id. Janies Rogers, •wvner awl luansger, of their II It,, logellter with »tmmt sixteen Peter 'IleaniMsn sssislaal manager. K. A. onmes of ive-ks sesllereil over Ibeir persons, il I Cincinnati, Ohio i J.eselyn, general agent; Date MeTia<|e, saper wasn't ne<-ess

PIPES FOR PITCHMEN SQfFlUERS! By GABOLtNE BILL BAKER Taking COIN AND CUP (ILP-FILLINa PIN. KlTTKi> WITH KAU. WHMTH; BU!- FUVVBBED atand for It! Tliia man baa been following me {J MFG. CO. KrajJ';K TIIW YI'UK D<»N'T An am ful death atruck tbia old aack— fnnn c’orncr to corner for the Inat two weeka I'UyinK up theae aaniple packagea and reaelllng KOIMJKT. WK KTIIJ. IIAXIHJC THE Ula name waa Andj Maxie. IIN auto atalled on a railroad track— ilicni wliiileaale In the jewelry alorea. Tbere'a KING CLAMP WUJ. KNiAVV PRESCOTT IxKSomotive-taxl. your ijUHrter, air; If you try to buy any more nU>Ut HilTII HAMTUA* MAIU:]* 0.\ I'll cull ail oUlcer and have you arreated." AND TIE RETAINER KWMIT of 2ae. KOTHIXO BETTFR Ff» WINDOW s'l.: WORKERS, PITRQ lf£N, VTC WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF ARTI* SAMPLES, Ita. J CLEt SUITABLE FOR STREETMEN. Kraii,... In. o.’! 1.... HI- ur.ii.— I Kfaud march. Dr. I’urcey’a mod. baml will fur- the uiualc, and Deafy Dan will be floor man DEMONSTRATORS. FAIR WORKERS, together. They were all clean and neeiled the ' KING MFG. CO. ager. George Goaaage la preKident, Deafy Dan SHEET WRITERS AND NOVELTY DEAL¬ fllthy atuff mudily, and the three bunkeil to ?«* i^retirrJ^and SI 1-621 Braadway, la aeoretary and Dr. Furcey la treaaurer. NEW YORK. Trada..m,W ERS. PROMPT SHIPMENTS AND LOW- aether In • promoted room. Big Foot aaw the *“ aecreiary anu any onicaa nun ina.waaE caTAi.oB tvonderful opportunity of Sam Jonea, wlih hia , EST PRICES. OURDUR lOt-PABKlOt-PAGE CATALOGCATALOH multitude." and when Sam la doing the ...Dr. Keyoolda ’will <.|ien a uied. atore In BIr- MAILED UPON REQUEST. CONSUMERS crazy act Big Foot, In bla poliahed way, atepa SAVE STAMPS. up, Interrnpta the eTangeliat’a lecture, and la Dr. .Morrell and Harry C. Chapman have - Introduced: "Frank G. Wallace, the a.m ot the ('<>iihlenna Flttaonrg. We have arcurad control of ths _ . w I MolucB longod for, but couldn’t And. It waa in _ . 6 acaitnn’i grcauia djacorery In lit ItAinlV NEW YOBK CITY tl>e daya of faro bank, and Big Foot went enemiea—they don’t borrow from WHITE STONES. ewaam ar | ga and make Idle promlaea. GENUINE- PLATINA RINGS. WITH HIGH TIFFANY SET. next morning he wax clean. The town waa TINGS. FINE WHITE STONE worked now, and Jonea waa up In the air, and It Oommygaboo Uarpby la In Columbna, 0., BRILLIANTS—Uie Nearcat Ap- lookeil good for the boya to get out. But the writing a book be’a going to handle. pmarh to the GENUINE PLAT* green waa gone. So they went to bed that INUM TOP DIAMOND RING night in a deep quandary. In the night Big Foot "Mamma, la beauty only akin deep?" over offered and Krauae happen to wake at the aame time— “Yea, aon.” Get the best and lead In your by way of the flre-eacape they leave—and Joe "la that why they call K>ve a akin game?" line. The price la mnarkaMy WIlaoD aaid he had the aweeteat time of hia low. Samplei of three Platlna Rlnca aent upon recdiA of SOc. yonng life squaring it with the hot-tempered Plzarro Dr. Jim Ferdon, after a abort stay Btg. new. complete Oatalog juia landlord. in Cincinnati, made a hurried flight to tala borne xa leas. .41 ,j,p pn-m Sent free to I>^- in law AnKclee. The aame old doctor. <«w tTiuck full of ktargalna. Send for aitulir. RAZOR—^Black Hmndle, Double Shoul¬ Ambition la like beer—the longer It aeta the der, Polished Steal Blades,'dozen, (4.001 ataier it gem. Curly Lyuch, old "Buffalo Bill" of corn ponkp„nk BRACKMAN-WEILER CO.. RAZUB HOXTS. Dcaen.tS.SS fame, who waa an Institution arouad Cincinnatinnati Whitt Staaa SpaalallMa. RUATINO SOAP. Ihjaen. .M.38 1 Solotnon hhtfl, “There’a nothing new under for ao many yeara, la at the City Inflrmary,nary. 1337337 W. MUhaaMadhaa Straet,StrMt, Cblaata, IN. DOUBLE LEATHER STROP. "Dom!!!!!!....Dcacfi.2.6S 2.6S I aim," which merely provea that Solomon Cincinnati, O. Drop him a line. BIX-IN-O.NB BIIAFOUyS. Doaen.Uosen . {.SSI.8S i --- aome wlae guy. Solomon bad...» a thousand.uuumuu -. BETEN-IN-ONE BILLFOUHL Doaen. I.Ti I wlvea,wrlvea, and had to do aomething to boycott the I Mra. J. R. Watson pot on a window demon- BAGU SELF-fTLUNO FENS. Oraat.S.SS dreeamakers. And the man of today, with only I atratlon in Niles, O., laat week, and mebbe that Soul forfur my eatalogue today; tt’iU’s one wife, goes little lady can’t get $1.00 RUGS around like a dog the elusive abekela. ED HA.HN with a thirst looking v u# xa/ITTSAAM — for sympathy. YYIIIIHAM FOR 45c (Bfe TBEA’TS YOU RIGHT) We doa’t believe ■ _ _ . nrivKiWlE* IrAAr. tn WaM MadMaa Straat. CHIC anybody could keep A Beeaaza fer Prtailuai Utert aad Afsats. When last heani 'em if be wanted Rleh-leeklaa, Imaeiltd SSxSS-lseb Rasa, eaaal of Charley Stell was to, but reaoliitlona la anallty aad beauty ta tl-00 Raft, la aaaa- making the home are gwal things to tltlea at 4Se each. Tbcea an eaaiallilBS asw, ruarda feel at home show a fellow what uauswally attractlva, aa tlM aiarfcet la Aaitrlea fn Detroit. Wonder a helluva guy he la. but a few meatbs, asver tees la atsay Isealltlee. Dice Cards If he’s still there? WONDERFUL PREMIUM VALUE Ho, Brother Rsugh- C. J. Cartwright Wt> ship (nan warttaisiste in Boston or Ett. Paul, j neck, how are you? HIGH-CLASS WORK says that Jimmy I AGENTS -One agtaU In Tmneaiiee sold 113 Kelley’s aucceaa this I.arry Nixon says In four day-s —pniflt S’)?. Write today. Haro- DICE, • 36.00 PER SET year waa not bla |d«. panvJ poet, pre^d, Site. CARDS, S1.00 PER DECK 'Valdueta baa a read¬ own fault, aa C. J. er on the sheet. He had 8<)metblng to waa in such a hurry do with It. C. J. Edw. IL Coidon, Inportcr, For Magical and Amusement Purposes. to step that he and bis wife are In STONINGTON, ME. Catalog free. didn’t get the gyp. winter quarters In Same stuff for (jult- •St. Joe, Ky., and man, Ga., $2 a day. all summiHl up It Larry say, the South waa a gfSNl one. la alive with abeet- HINT & CO. wrlters. He’s got Do .vou know Mor- PREMIUM AND TRADING WATCHES Dept. G, company everywhere. ry Hoyle? He's some guy. Listen, 160 R. Fifth Avenue, Tommy Wehb, the gentlemen, while he “ wandering sheet reveals n tale as CHICAGO, ILL. WTlter, says the day good aa six-bit for the leaf boys to meals. "All the organize has come, boys know Camp, and he’s for It all fthannon and Skin the time. Tommy la Jom-s. three of the .raii wisin JAPANESE 80 strong for It that happiest victims of wind. - he wants to organize wanderlust. We were '••’"t* !•> sin-. Odn nvalel. go'.d-plaleil Waleh, al re- Chut Vatet, Toys and Norelties the thing himself. all out In a little "f ***- Uke a $20.00 Ooid WE SPECIALIZE IN Write him rare The bush town In In- V*;'".. Sent l.y nuUI upon re- Billboard and talk dlana last aumroer. m''' '.'I'' lisM, Tn Sill, ChNiilto Sib, It over. We fell Into a little * - . ****** B»'ajv. Kazan aiul i^rrmium (Kmilis. Write the palmist of the a generationKeurraiion or aoeo i be- C'aUlogue today ; It s five to dealera mily. SiRi&SaiMn, ■•fill PMin Lagoon, Cincinnati, ^ ^ L...... ^ and bought a flivver, paid a visit to her Otherwiseotherwise known ax Phenomenal Wi-Ls.WrLs. who has Camp was pitching JOS. HAGN A CO.. !SS“ old friend, Mra. Flo made a» fortune in the med. game, and repreeent.Hrtpreeeni.H the car and S•Rf•Rin. Florence, widow of about ererythlnaererythl^ there isU to this line of businees,bualneas, bualneaa wm ntoe ■»» »»i-3O».101 We. .Ole. CHIOCO. ILL. BaMd. fax Ttm. Catalogue, but aaantlan year the lain R11 I v SBas farfer as Australia la concerned. The roatume , oil-.. ™ WnnLiZ f*®he la*• shown■•to"’" 1"in •»Is wolthwotth over three hundred dot-dol¬ Hhannon and Jones . -_ ,, ealf to Mliinrap- lars. WeisWets at prtwmtpriwent isIs making a leksurt-lyIrksuit-ly tour were holding the / > AnrEHTA TAKIT0,0GAWA A PO. olla, recently. While 5of, theU,, States In his big rar.-ar. car, she waa a aelf- ^e waa there Mra. starter,SfVnet .7d‘and rwlfaI waa A, ^ AhtNId (THE VASE HOUSE) Florence had a mea- ebaperoning the town ■AGENTS ■MMMBN M N w sage from France saying that atie had been Dirk. Jimmie was passing out a lot of deco 327 W. Ma^n St, tticafa, 111. willed a nice little pot, eo the girls proceeded rated ware for two bite a throw and going New lovrottoo. Rbaip- EASmiN BAMPIS BOtMCB. to celhbrate. fast. Atxmt this time an ailment of the throat, 8 h o d Ovmbore for lei Btb AeaMe. HEW YOBK CITY. - which Jimmie la harnessed with, startml to b o r a a a. GUaraotsHl ' J. H. Lawrence, of snake oil fame, worked bother him. When this ocenra Camp must have to pfweut aUpptng aa Icy tireeta. Buckled Niagara Falla recently. J. H. aaye It’a getting o pold pickle. He highballed Jones, who waa on In a mlnutaL Evtty powerful cold with the repa In this country. valeting for the bunch. Jones started for a horse owner wanta _ pickle and not being able to get one on the them. Blf money for Jack Goiey. a. the old timers who were hr' aarnu. Fastest arlle* AGENTSLVe^T ouL Writs for prices. sprtngera back In the »0’e will recall, was tba u i! .1 celebritv tlien that Big Foot Wallace la todirv. Jo tiaaiie paper. *•" *" k; J.F.HEiiMmsFe.cfl..wuM«m.D.c. For store fronts. oflW* wtodowaMd ^ reaching. He took a mouthful, flared, and, look- gtam lUna of aU ktoda. No exp^- Jf,Ing. he aaw Jonea laughing. Jimmie gets Bore f^N DEMONSTRATORS, atud SOe for aaaoMaMol M necca^. Anyono y ^t {>«• Mf® *He wVa never knWn to and these was one of th'sie. He our new n^ble PolnU. wHh prims. Bupo- th«_^«n mid msk. aonw right fwm «'«»> »*' might the remainder of . . te^hoV ^ bdsln^ waa Jack wou d alwava ♦*'® ■* ‘’"'’•‘a- "k® Charley Chap- ■J’”, $30(00 tl 3100.00 1 WNk! refns* t© sen Wa Uat Gt* packages at the cloao *“*’T^l4**Viipd Ve^MliTmarsher'enrrh” e'e^^^ Frmndaeo. California. ‘ . revs .. ^wtww iw v'w^ww * ot the day. because be was sure to be clean the j"®'* ‘*’® ’"■"I’,*' •"'* *'® Tou can lell to neari i?*** ?■ •"L** n®»‘ miTning. and that »1.2> from bis early rl®fl Jamea fainting to the Jug. It took t couple all orer tho eonnuy.inuy. .^®r® •• * Mg morning pitchnltch wouldvrould get him stock and grno. aawbiieks to winiire It for l amp, and I nn- deratand be la gunning for Jones yet.' town Rend for^^^taaBlM 'fuU^wtha^7 ^Jack■®'‘ was ““kingmaking a pitch on Third and Wash-Waab- <1®r"land he h KSLi SK? particulars ,„^on. 8t. Louis, one morning, with bla Ore UDvrsi oner to general sgram. Iiacfcages. and It was understood that Tommy wiv, has ae ^AanTpEBiair'-----. Who has aeen L. R. White, the original auc¬ metallic LETTER CO., 424 N. Clarfc SL, Chiaage. Qarrett icood old Tommy), who was then (1882) ^novelty tioneer of file Fainoiia Big Four? Know sny- ‘ml *■ "Fill dropping glims In 8t. Ixinia, waa to j |{ « LosAntfelesjCalJ;:^^ wnaTM an I pnt In the official shill and waa to weed It back Pff O* a? m25i5ae sm lUCTndawl •"* •m *®* afore- ' *••<«said stock«tock and grub.grab. But when Jack turned the Talking aboutab. Ideaa: B. H. Hogan, the tie Bsvs the middleman's proBt by putting up ymu own gnoda Hie trade aerraU are yours for t Joint a rummy beat Tommy to the flrat package, retainer king, haa them like a dcig haa floae— Cl f C §• •• dlmr Formulas for maidnt cement, furnlturr ao Garrett backed out of the push. Oorey was they crop out on him. He’s got one now that SAl#Rin#n illlfl NAHCltArS paNib, cleaning paete. Defer hone rasor pasta. nearsighted, and, as the two men were snout wocld make a pitchman of a pank; It’a real. aywavwaaa^aaSalesmen and syvaavisvg*Solicitors Ink eradlrator. Lemonade and Oranaeadt powder, one else, he mlatook the poor boob for Garrett, Ami his new joint; ewlsh. It’s yaller backs The new pairnicd Never Blip Gartrv and Rleere Holder twrive formulas foe perfume and tolUt water, en¬ and, aa there was at least twenty qnarters In from start to finish. will make you bla money. It contains no rubber: will larging photographs In oil paintpElnt or wEtcrwater colorgcalor. I the air for tboxethose rrmalnlnfremaining four parlrxa^s-paelraget. -- not <*utcut or Injure the (xmimtaarmenU RroryBvary bunUifmbustneaa man will and many other itsndsrd formulas, all f«r a dlma. formulaa, aU feradlma. I Owy (tot excited and let'ri.®".* out •a r’’'®'.spiel almut '"15like A-a. J-J. Hmiaton. that gentleman par X: Wliere u'*'Sli*gvKiS*^la.a*w BILLIE GDODWIN, 324 S.B. Clarii(Harii BL,St, Chleaga.Cbteaga. IN. | this;this: "No."No, gentlemen,sr^ntlemPD. this jewelryJew#»lry Imla not ifoMgold --a,,, T/m oldr.hi acont?Acimt? Luckincw toi/. youvnti the Mraxi^m andmewi DREYFUS,OREVrUMa 1614IRI4 W. BlathSixth Avt.,Ast.p BaatWa,tMtlls. Waah.Wash.

— „ BlLi;”" WnK oV"Mi?k''«!;.‘ti^*er^^^^ your baby. l..t’A hear from yo..: SHEET WWTERS "r* ‘® IlSTl

• t^anT* l^att^r^WraiT r.IiV)-fl"e merau wp'lded” tciethi?’ t J ”foor*llk? '>''>*» wearing a bigger hat 4111 'mdOERN

dlin Head.' IknCnaaed the package out of ola hand and sold It to a to pay IB cents for Billyboy, bat he couldn’t miss --n aai g T-l. Black. Rmonth I.ea

lt(M;akiiic of tlio UHDK', llio i>iliror-<'rowned Dwight Wilcox is still with us, lieart, soul prtuie of kihmI foIlowN, l>oc Jtiii t'erUoa, allai aiKl ambition. Dwight says riding tbu wxter Tb« Oroat I'liaro, aaya: ••Tlilrly yeara’ oipert- cart is hard on the pants through Texas, to aay CDc« liaa tauKbt lue that to bo Mur'oaaful wa HERE'S AN uolliiug of tbe nerves, Dwight says he's beard uiukt u;i Mitli tiH* tioioi) aiKl out of tb« tell of the “line Top," hut that's all. ruta. Thirty yrara, and iiovor limliix a town, ta the reourtj I •laiiii, uiitl tliat lH>iioNty, Kood ap- Frank Smith Is working toy teleplionea In poaraiii e, ability, toiiipt ram-f and ayatoui are the OPENER Bost)m aud I’Dividem e, ami tin y sun- keep Jim aiiMwer to iiiy kUoioMa. Kir»t aet your ayateiu MATTER HOW Kelley busy rolling up his si' eves. aud atb'k to it. Tlioii have the beat you can CHEAP OTHERS SELL, (ct, whether iiiedlciiie, aiiia’atriiica or aubiiuo- Louie Goldstein, the amiahle Fr'-lic, who has OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS A LITTLE BIT LOWI btle'a. one that you have (oiitldciice in and know been sick around t'hit-agu and Detroit for tbo It la KiHid aa a n'lteater. Aa toe niind controla past eiglit months, is in Texas now trying to the taaiy, ao when yon are convinced it la eaay fatten up tlie It. It. ts-fon- iIh- “lirst." Frolic to ronviiii'e the pul>lii‘. Ite aure yon are ataged COMPLETE OUTFIT will sti)'k to the I»ni- Star illusi)in tor the rest rlKht la-fore yon utt<-ni|>t to work. I ate mi many of the winter ami wouM lik-- to In-iir from J. u|M*n tni a aina-atrina. no front, iiail apia-aranee, C. Miles, Ijurry Bernstein, Broun & I'pmin. U, whiaky-aoak'ed. etc.—they queer theiiiaelvi a bt!- Do Vaiix, A. VaiK)-. it. tinilierg. Jus Kel- fore they atart, and tlieii woinier why tliey are $1.50 h-gher au)l Joe la>weuf)'hl. .(>l|M-arnuee, anil the public will not iiatronlze wiien appearanee la againat Compare this price with others Frankie Hunter will be ii sert-am with his i-am- the Joint—when tiiey tiiink you are Many ThU U the tiling for Fair and StreH Workers. eru offer in I'hilly. make tlie miatake of tienling in ayiuputhy, plead. HaJea lk>ard tFiM^ratora—e%’ery one who watita tbe Big Ing and begKinif the puldic to hiiy. How many Flajth. C>ei busy. F. K. anil .Missus Ba'Ii arc still alive and of you have made a great talk and got a front? making 'i-iu pay in full, and s<-iid their beat Wiiy? Simply becaiiae the puldic could aee you DESCRIPTION OF OUTFIT down for a year to all the oUlllmera. seedt^ the money. It’a not the allvery-longued lihLtra lleatT tjold-FlatA'd. iii»\a Dial. Thin Model orator wlio geta the money in the pitch buaineaa. WaU'iie with a (h»Id-KillMl. Onld-Rolderixl Link Robert E. la-e ia doing a llllle lecturing In The great talkera and oratora are not pitclimen. Wall|s- to the luiys tbat will American Garage, Elaotric Vehicles, N^- make ’em sit u|i, hut for tiie presi-nt he's Just Dr. Itncker. Frank Clouii. Harry Daley. James m *F^^d^ c^ papers, and the boys working trade papers u-Tdeanlng Cunningham, Hen Bruns, Dr. It. C. Anderaon, uLier ^ country, weekly paper for Pacifle (losat agenu: big. flashy dairy saying hello, uisl tlmt e\)'iyioing with Idm It Dr. Payne. Jess CtaqaT. 'ITiese men have ac- agents. Dally paper for Indiana and Michigan »1.0« per month, no tum-ln. velvet. Same old Joint. cumnlated fortunes, ranging frt»m #2.1.e and notions in .Mui-on, Ga. them all a debt of gratitude, aa they taught me the business aud pmved to me that if they COMPTON BROTHERS AGENCY Yep, what’w the game eouiing to? Doc Jen¬ could do it so could I. FINDLAY. OHIO_ kins says he'll ear iiy valing go, Dis- Waldron “Just remember this; Oet In one line, stick saying he'll do It again, nml the lat)-st, onr old to it—don't keep changing fmm one Joint to friend, .Abe Heudler, getting s,-t for a real big another. Always be staged right—gtasi front, one. thssi lui'k to yi'ii, .Als-; let's hear from yon. neat and chan. Be neither a spendthrift, nor a miser. Be liberal with your money and your Charley I'ryoii, the sageliriisb poet, ia play¬ hospitality In the right plai-e. Pay the price— Me. iPRk Here We Are Again! ing Yuiiih-vllle dat-a in .Arkansaa. don't balk for something for nothing—and learn 6«t your orders in early. We to aay 'NO!' Don't encourage stew bums and Bll % have a large stock and will make Blake, Ro-se and Craig -<'utting up In Jack¬ moochera. Cut the liooze and gnmiding, start sonville. Go■ reonLEtc. ducing a pie*-e of S«-otch plaid on which tha Gabs Jordon, Cy Snell, Harry Clark, Wbitey pitchman placed all the chameleons (abont fifty). Ellis McClintick, James Williamson, Blackle Each completa with directions. 6ET OUR PRICES HRST. That's where he W)-nt out of Duslm-es. for every Foster, The California Kid, P. H. Garvey, Shorty 100 Lots...... S2.20 1,000 Lots....SS0.00 Prompt service is our middle one of them in trying to make the colors of tbat Miller. Harry and laeis Wells. Musty, tbe Iowa Depodt reqaired on all C. 0. D. shipments. nama. plaid bustf-d bimseir wide open. Tbe last ihing Kid. and otbera, write A. Goldberg, Gen. Del., we heard of tbe knight was when be said Great Falla, Moat. something about tbe ingratitmte of man and go¬ LCVIW BROS., bt. IMS, TERRE HAUT-E, IHD. ing Into the bambiirger husineea. Honest Big Dick Hardman, tbe man with tbe Ideas- give him cnelit. Fixer to ilia Majesty, Dr. W. J. Clark ami bis charming wife, the tbe Chief, is Dii’k's moniker In Reno. He'S In med. worker, who has h<-aled the sick, lame and so solid tbat Gibraltar is like a feather la a halt in Wls., were callers down Billyboy way wlndstf>rm comparetl to him. To Men Who Buy in Cincy last week. Doc says be has bod a Kraty huyar og Jawrliy, Noarltlaa, PrRnluma and Carnival Goods aboutd great season. He and tbe Missus were on their Harry C. Chapman is very anxious to bear ^vo his «r our new ratalog. It Uluztratcs complrte aaanrtmmta way to the home of their son In I'ortamontb, O., from Deafy Dan R TUBN-Df sheet. Half a blo<'k down the street ce says he bad top dongh St Oewley. Jones. Frank Hayes. Bennie Ijing an-* Oaim-sville (Fla.) Fair, Whaddymean. top Georg)- KimMia veema to be lioldlng his own Walter Thnitier complains tbat hla money la Red Nolan. Bt-nnie Ijing pulled a scad with 'ongh? He's working gyrose*>pea nt Kreage’a aronnd Berantoo, I'a. troubleaonio and he can't atop it from coming scalpers. Id Jaeks)iaville. 17 I DECEMBER 80, 1918.

Joe N, Zlok Is prepsriDf to omb a portablB In Mljrt-voport, Im., and Aloxandrls, La,, by tha first of tbs jesr. SMIERSaadDilllCm IN6 RINK NOTES Flock to tju Rink or Hall IIimIosm Is plcklnc u|i for At Aeksmso at Hbsw's Kink In New Kensington, I’s,, snd botD SINK NOTES be snd Mrs. Ackertiisn lisre reeelved many com* ooimuitunoNs unnTU>. plluieutsry iiotlees In file toesi pspera on tbeir That Hoi a New, Improved to HCATIIIO CDfTOB. aan nObaaid. CInclaaail, OMa inctliod of coiuluetlng a rink. Monie of tlie recent sttrsetloiu st the rink were a ladles' bargain nlglit, rsees iN'tween K, Hlilldeeker of OH t'lljr, ^ «AAAA_ 0 ^ ^ . . •'‘•o »•*'• Isnila Uotden of Kllwood City, va, ^PYQTAI IPP RINIT^ **P*?2'I,ewi**'w^.f*** llometlallornetta andami Jack Moyd of New Kenalng* DEAGAN \sl%ldlAla l\eCl Rilled •"•>! a balf-«ille local amateur race, and a rube AREa niu vrgsfBVVERY ng\flifffPOPULAR an 'LiT?**?* i flrst*clm boekay earnlral'v'^'rr,,rr,u:\r:;rrrs or a "nlte on the farm," wblcb proved ELECTRICE™ I I ___ Wank and IJIllan Vernon openetl a week's opened for the season November 23 with the ' ■■Mam _ _ engagement for Manager Via at the Vanity Vair following staff: C. C. Knowles, manager; 0, S. I I Ikl JE IE ■ gy_-A VlimtmAm Eilaa fluiitlngton, W, Va,, December 18, wbere Woodruff, In charge of skates; Joe Walts and El Iwl ^ El IeI "s#ary, long distance walker, at the IMlo and for Hast Virginia, They will reaums their engage- |>ance Kink In Hast Orange, N, J„ November ., . , manta shortly sftar Naw Yaar, 27, Davla skating 'JV4 miles In better time than STREET ADVERTI8IR0. Crystal Ica, tba new arttfidat lea, wblcb Is-O'M ary walked one mile. On November 'Jfi Davis being put on the market by tba wystal Ikaung ROLLERS AND RUNNERS again won over 0'M>nry, 0'I,eary was successful Ice tbrmpauy, la still going ine^lly on Its way HOLLERS RUNNERS walking one mile on November 29 In faster over tha high road of IM^Urlty, In ^ton Talt of the Winter Oarden Ice llink DlatlX* May tarey and Kuth Kredtiern.r, former Ulpt^roma akaiar and blgb *•«•«" TalL of the winhr Oarden I eng Newark. N. J,. akstad 2>4 rolh-a In JuDipBr,lumper, toaetbartoKBttiBr with KlfrtedaKlfrlRiU MacMlUan,MicMiUAD, ebam*cbRm «. relav. 1 previous records and that In his morning f*I*f* plon aoman akater of New BngUnd. are giving ‘Hi* hi'. I'ISh asions, from 10 to 12, he has as high ns , An Immense crowd took port In the big csrnl- dally eshlbltlons at the Crystal lea rink Installad Vann time ^nd by tba Hhepiiard-Norwell Company, and tha skat- J.WO(00 akstars■j****'* on the floor, and the afternoonsmil val at tba Arens Cardens Uluk, Toronto, Da- 000 or naara. Hla night aesslons are i-rowded camber 1, Tbe carnival was staged by the Ing of the pair on "tbe lea that gives all tha thrills without tba cbllla” la proving ona of the andid many skstaraakstaru havehava bambam turned sway,away, 204tb Battalion as a benefit for tbe Allies. The - two big attractions of tbe evening were tiie big sonsatlons of that locality, kecretary A. N, Uraaer Is one of tba baslest olllclala of the TimThe O'Wckaya, former amateur champions, are hockey match between tba 22ktb Battalion crack team and All-Star comiHiny handling tba mall Inquirlas. '5 M * jc; Tbe Crystal Ica I’alaca Company has also been “"“ray nnwim ELERIEt Team, and the sp- neamnee of the formed In Quincy, III., and will Install a rink ELFRIEtELFRIEDA MACMILLAN Duke of Devonahlre. containing 6,000 square feat of tbe new lee. Tha - rompMox h«i 1brm

^ f '' '■ MxMxlO Is. Wslfht, 199 lbs. Uadame Ku,*l, praaldaot »f tba OrMtal Ikat. "* Kolmlad H :! a 11 n g Ing Ice Company, said today that Tha Billboard Providence, B. I, Kink In Son Antonio, . was the greatest advertising mermack! HI TURB. WEATHERPROOF-FOOL- and as their homo Is Ka'hen." tofresh* FBEEZT” TO COMB BACK surrounded by neigli- PROOF. EASY TO CARRY. IREXPER- uionts; lienry Coy, SIVE. Fouf •tyle9tochoo9dfrom. Write Kdgar 8. Frio#, better known to tbe skating \l h a n d ra a ster, and ' Ptofeaal^ aa Freesy duri^ tha PJM W “XmJS J o a I e L^nch and fOf FrCfl TflSl Offgf. xetn. writes from Eocketter, N. T.. that be U thonwK it la claimed Kiiiina Oilbert, lady prepaHni to return to the roller, after a two Ylwar. instructors. year.' vacarim. At preynt Frec.y 1. at 840 tV.rTgh hS7- Avenue D, Boebeater, N. Y. j,,., playing. J. C. DEAGAN BBNFBOW BEUA BINK - of Huntington, w. De«g*nDeagan Building B. A. Benfrow has sold hla portable rink, A. M. Slocnm la \a.. was defeated In ^ which he recently moved from Clarkavllle, Tenn., manager of the a m-niiie ra^ at 1760 B«rt«a u Av«., Chicago to Bowline Green, Ky., to Carrlson A Stone at Armory Blnk at the Armory Roller Bowling Green. Mr. Benfrow has gone to his Freehold N. J., con- Kink In Gassaway. home In West Plains, Mo., where be expects to ducted by tbe Ar- build a new rink which be will pat Into operation mory Boiler Skate In that city within the next sixty days. Co. Manager Slocum SkrtiBiSkating Rinks For Sale Bert Otto and Ralph CalUoiMa, Organa Skotas and good Rink Isassa; any* CIONI WINS AGAIN 1 J”™"’’ „ Boggs, who skated thing you want we can furnish you st a grat bar* Olonl went against a Held of twelve starter# wauda. Pa. 2 miles (52 laps) in *rin. Apply to NEW ROLLER AND ICX UNK 00.. Tuesday night, December 10, la a twenty-live* _ relay in 12 mlnntes mile profeasional race on tbe Dreamland floor, Harry Hartfleld, auunptoQ woman skater at New Englsiid. whose flat w h 11 • Melller Chicago, and came out victor. Points were the winner of tbe exhibition on the new artificial crystal skating counted on sprints scored every two and one-half u-mlle street mara* Ice, manuftetured by tbe crystal Skating Ice CO. THE GREAT REXO miles, and Clonl finished with 60 points, Albert tbon race In Detroit of New York, created quite a stir at the opening of the new Sheppaid-Norwell Rink In Boeton. The Chapmans WORLD'S ORgATEST NOVELTY AND TRICK Kroger was second vrltb 62, Leon KImm came on Thanksgivlag played their third MLLER SKATER third with 64. and Boggle Colatan fourth with Day, and hla brother, n-tnrn engagement GriglnaUar of the Famous Tunnel Senaatlon. Bxptrt- 46. Clonl went tbe distance in 1:19:20 3-6. Eddie,Eddle. are said to bet among the b. st amateur | for Sellers * • Morrison at Washbnrn. Ill., De- rink managw. hlih- flow ,manMer and CONTEST AT DBEAMLAND skaters in that city. cember 7, 8 -and 0, to good crowds. They invlud. 424 E. Hall SL, Oraad —- .... booked to play an engagement for Denla J. _ ..'Si'-FORtiiLE.wiiiuTaaiMDoaMii Dreamland. Manager Paddy Harmon baa been re- tr m ^ . . 11 to 1.3, and St. Louis, Decemter 14-- to 16. s,,,.swyio 159loo;. jjj „bre Roll* celving communlcatlona from out of town ask- U “anager o^he Fairyland h,H. O.q. Vla's Vanity Fair Rink at Hnntington,Hnntington. 8SkatM.kates. AA. BOISVERT, 33 Ehchsnge BtreeL Geneva, Ing for datea from a number of other places, “* *!ha formerly manager ^ Va., which opened November 23, lias had Nvw York, which will be booked for the new year. Both vhe Jai AU Kink in ot. imnla. ^ good attendance since the opening night Man- Gary and Richmond are sending teams soon. _ „ , ■-;- ... ager Via lais n believer In aecnring skating at-st- WAMTEDUfAHTF Skaters; must be A-1. aa A1 Krueger won the two-mile professional race R-K. R-K. Klnt IBla running an Indoor rink at Lin- tractions for Illsills rink as an added inducement ■•RRIt well aa wsrdmiiei State sU, with very at the Rivervlew Rink Friday night, December coin. Ill., but expects to take his portable to a to attract patronage. He engaged The Vernons lowest temia. Write ANDY TORTEB, Box 175, Chip- 15, In 5:08. Watts wa# second and'GIassbrenner new location in the near fntnre. for the week of December 18. news Falls, Wisconsin._

EKCITIVO POIO GAME ®- McQnoln 1# condncHng a rink at Gales- nnli.t,Joe Steldle, who operates the big rink at BUY AND SELL NEW A USED BOLLERROLLER 8KATE9- KXCITINGEKCITINU FOLOPOLO UAMLGAME jjj . ___ maple .___floor has recently ._been Brighton•'''iKl'l"" Beach. Wls..Wls. has a policy of four (Nona(Nons Rui4ilSuch) RnlUvRoller Rinkntnk vin«.Floor Surfaeer. which makss One of the longest •nd fastest games of iMtalled seKslons 0 week—..uesday, Thursday, -Batarday. the floor clean tiid skates from sllppint. No dust: 4 everer played at tbe Coliseum Blnk of K. M. _ :>"<M- 46 minutes and 48 seconds overtime before MaaMHl I'ANY, 144 160 East Erie Street, CYdeago, Ullnoia. Muncie scored the wiuning goal. Manager Mooar Is negotiating with several large city Xtie IVliislc Is Xtie Soul wuv IICI7 ORDINARY NON-SLIP FLOOR rinks for some exhibition games and states that If they want to see eome real polo and real OF THE SKATING RINK IssxaesilvsT’ players any one of the Indiana league ceams . - . , „ SHEA SURFACES CO., 37 W. JsffsrMS. Dsirsit can deliver the goods. Soccessfol Managers swear by NEW RISK AT CLARKSVILLE WW ■■ ^ R ■ Mk W ■ ‘S'*' Blanchard bad made many changes In bia The Sew Prlnceas Roller Rink will be opened BK I a M b rink, which added greatly to the comfort of hla . In Clarksville, Tenn., daring the holidays, under bm ■ W IW ■ gm mS JHM BV patrons. Southbridge in only a abort distance Atoe management of John S. Pitt. Manager Pitt WK| toMWWW from Boston. Is a hustling little city, and the Wa well known In the skating world, having had JBtt Built for Work and Wear! Untearable Card-board *" **''*“ splendid sappert. ^an act several years ago when he was featn-ml Music. Catalogue and full particulars on request. as Dare-Devil Daniel. He was the recent flnor Y^R mmm,...... »wHuw»i. Mammoth Blnk In Denver, OoL, on December manager for E. A. Benfrow at Clarkavllle. The BERNI 0R6AI CO.. 216 W. 20th St liv Yerhfiitv Introdnce skating a la Parisfenne New Princess is a portable and will be inclosed ■ ■.Iiwi glB W. gUIR 01., RSW HfE MTJ. Denver soriety this winter, when tables win in a large tent. n be placed about the rink and Innches served, MANAGER FOR ICE PALA(n: 10#% ^e opening attraction was the act of The I. C. Mosher baa been appointed general man- M " ager for the Brooklyn (N. Y.) Ice Palace. He W. R. Oenno, manager of tbe Interstate is well known to skaters aronnd New York, as CHICAGO” RacingI AAH Skates Roller Operating Co., who has the Midway rvrmtws ««... ■__ Park Rink at lAke Chantanqua, N. Y., and Rink In Broolriyn for aeveml years and more re- TEST luEN IN THE flAlHE *•'* ®‘"'' ’•* Zanesville,ZaneavUIe, O., opened the ARE USED BY TOE FASTESTauwrm MENXTaa.fXN INAlN TOEA aai:< GAMEVF/VIVIE/ Coliseum Rink at Jamestown, N. Y.. recently. New York City. The BrocUyn Rink maaage- ” rou want . d»t< that «ill pull you ^''*-1^'— ment Is fortunate in aecnring the services of Mr. Mosher, who Is"-,'5l'5^.uS,a";;Sr,aJ well acquainted with the JkJlF KML » brge race,a,k for our .« «!: artificial ice skating game.

faocf •kal«r, waa booked aa the akatinf at- traetloo for Noremlwr 30-lx eemb'V 2. Genuine, First-Class Rink Music Ooorga M. Itaaaell la the owner and manager of tbe llorkwell Itink III lCo<'kwell, Conn., lETTER TNM A MND AND AT LOWED COH. PARK NEWS wblrb rrcentlf opened for the winter aeaaon. Rnaaell ban bad neveral xeara’ esperlenre In tbe No aaptoiMra glngarbraod "few gaw" work on oura to pay for—luat good, ttp'tO'Ui^'inliiuui ffkAtlng Not* wliM this OMoaffcr o# game, and hla rink In a winner. Kuropeao And AiurrlrAn rlnJM ha* to tijr; MANY IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED M. 1*. Mlirbcll la conducting a roller rink at "I cankltr your Organa far oupeiior In tvery particular to Irelon, la., and la on tbe biokont for auine gowl any oUue nuka. B, B. BABNKM." By Owntrs of Junction Park at Now abating aitractlona. Tbe Hkating Macke were recent farorltoa at bin rink, amf drew a good Oura can be played loud or nqft, faat or alow, and any alngle-ptace nuinlc Brighton, Pa. roll oa long at a ttane oa you «ant It. liili can't bt done with any other moka bnalnean tbrougbont tbeir Btaf. (.'alalofue, prlcea and urmt for tbe ooklng, Oeorga Darine betd one of tbe moat eicltlng New Brighton, Pa., Dec. 23,—Tbe sum of a^ racea of tbe aeaaon at bla New Caalno BInk In NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL proxluately $45,000 will be apent by tbe Beaver MInneapolla, Minn., on Tbankagiring nigbt, Valley Tractiun Company, owners of Jnnctloa wben ala teama faced tbe atarter In a one bonr INSTRUMENT WORKS Park. In improving this popular resort for next endurance race. NO. TONAWANDAa - - N. Y., U. S. A. season. Tbe work will t-ommence shortly after A. E. Aldrich opened tbe Collaenm Boiler tbe flrat of tbe year. According to anperlB- ■katlng Blnk In rond do Lae, Wla., n-rentljr, tendent Boyce, of tbe Tractiou Company, and after poetponing tbe opening for a few dar* In Manager Charlea Mbetterly, four acres of ground order to bare tbe rink In flrat-claaa abape. adjoining the park on the north have been par* ebaaed, tlius allowing a mueb needed addition Eno * Cog bare cloaed tbeir rink at Pert to tbe grcuiida. Tbe race track will be moved Baroa, MIcb., and are now running a large, in a northeasterly direction, and tbe dancing pa¬ ateam-beated rink at Adrian, Mleb, wbleb waa vilion will be moved to a apace near the roller fornierif known aa tbe Scboolcraft Blnk. CRYSTAL SKATING ICE CO. i*c. cBjaater, and will In- raiaA-d, permitting tbe If. D, Unblman. former manager of tbe rink PAT. APPLIED FOP placing of a variety of amuaenH-nta, nnrb as at Manafleld, O., baa ofiened a link In Aahland, Etowllng alleys, billiard tables, nkee-ball alleys Wla., and oaed Jonaa Biggie and bla akating and tbe like, in tbe basement. Tbe the'ater beara aa bla opening attraction. 727 Ssvsnth Avsnuo, NSw York bonding will be recooatmeted Into an up. to-date L. O. Ocbenrcltter baa opened a new rink skating rink, with a floor apace of xOxKM feet, In (leddia, ■. I). Tbe opening attendance wan large gallerien, retiring and amoking rooms and large and the management anticjpatea a Una run other convenlencea. The grand stand will be of bualneae tbia winter. removed to a much more convenient lu<-atlon, aa will tbe stock pens, atablea and onlbnildlnga. Mr. Cooklngham baa opened a rink In con¬ One of tbe flneat awimtng p(M>ls In tbe country nection with bla morlng picture ahow at Afehlrc, will be placed in the park, and the restaurant, la., and aipecta to book aereral attractlona. 'S which la under the aupervlaion of Manager 8het- Blcbard Flath, manager of the Collaaum Blnk Indestructible Ice terly, will he und<-r a m-w management and im¬ at Kacanaba, MIcb., la arranging to open a rink PRICE $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT, F. 0. R. NEW YORK proved in many ways. Manager Hhetterly la now In the near future at Manlatique, MIcb. contracting for attractions for next aeiiaon, and hua cloBied with unite a nniiiber, lie will alao man¬ T, i. Berta, wbo operated tbe aumnier rink at DEMONtTMTIONt DULY AT OUR HEADOUARTERt —WRITE FOR PARTICUURt age aereral conceaaiona at Poreat Park. Chicago, Lake Orion, MIcb., opened a rink In Maaon, where he hail aeveral laat year. Mr. HlietUrly MIcb., tbe week of November 12. 8KAT£ ON CRYSTAL ICC left this city on Tuesday for Franklin, Ind., to Viola Waltera won flrat prize at tlie inae- spend the holidays at bis mother's borne. Dur¬ anerade carnival held at Kanter'a Auditorium ing the winter montha the dancing and skating Blnk, Paaaalc, N. J., November 29. paviliona have been running to rapacity, and In Kama lirothera have dor -d thntatlve of rink In tbe Armory at Ada, O. the park. Ttie Convention Hall Itink opened at Me- Aleater, Ok., November 20, and will be man¬ BAN DIEGO SIFTINGS aged by Boy Palmer. A. B. Sharp baa opened bla rink at Sheboygan, flan Diego, Cat., Dec. 22.—Fairbanks' Day Wla., In tbe Turner Hall,‘where be la doing was observed December 10 at tbe I'unama Cali¬ a good bnalneaa. fornia International Exposition. Scenes from Reed A Lowe are running a link at Scotta- Paragonia, the new Fairbanks picture, wers binff. Neb., and will play aeveral attractlona In taken at tbe Plaza de Panama, tbe Spanlab tbe near future. type of arebitooture and aurrouudings fitting ad¬ mirably. Into tbe picture. Mr. Fairbauka waa B. B. Hint baa atored bla portable for tbe Buffering from a badly sprained wrist io some winter, and will abortly open tbe Armory Blnk In of tbe more vigorous episodes of the play were Uneoln, Ill. Iioatponed until a later date. Tbe comnany, E. Jolinaon bae opened a akattng rink In bla wbicb waa directed by John Kmeraon, bad been garage at Bucyrui, 0., and baa a nice abating In flan Diego for aeveral weeka. equipment. Prepafatlons for tbe closing of tbe exposition are well under way. Madame Scbumann-Ileink Sidmore A Early have moved tbeir portable will give tbe farewell concert aa tbe lights are from Pipeetone, Minn., to Bock Baplda, la. turned out. Attendance haa lieen fully up to Buab A Linder bare moved their portable expectations during 11116; In fact, some of vInk from Oreenville, 0., to Bedford, 0. tbe special days r> giateren the third aeasou The Prank H. Beynolda* Overland Show will of the park next spring. Mr. Klliott, better open Ita aeaaon early In April, tourlne the New known “to the prufessun ns |)]Ilnff, have other Spring 1917. Tbe ahow will open about May 1. Banft Ing and Pola flkateo. husliufiA. For full particulars. W. J. LllGAN, 201 baa recently purchaaed a team of hyneya, which •steci foot¬ Stale St., Schenertarty, New York. plate, wtU win be uaed In a January act he proponea to put neither on in May. Tbe management lor next aeaaon hurkla nor JOHN H. WILLIAIMSr Manufacturer, FOR SALE—MINIATURE will lie aa followa: L. H. Banft, manager; Mra. break: RAILROAD L. H. Banft, treaanrer. and Charlea Knott, band guaranteed. RICHMOND. INDIANA. leader. Thin will be Knott’n a*'Cond aeaaon with consisting of Mlnisture Locomotive, slz Passenger tbe ahow. Cart and enough Steel Kails for a track SilO fret long The J. C. O'Brien Pamout Georgia Minntrela PIrst-rllis outfit and big money maker M. MITSH- KUN Cb.. 89 Jefferson Ave.. «>etroit. Michigan. (under canvaa) will make tbeir permanent qnnrtera in Savannah, Oa., where O'Brien haa GREATEST OF ALL SUCCESSES re<-ently pnrcfaaaed property large enough to ac¬ FAIRS. PARKS. EXPOSITIONS, ETC. commodate hla three nhowa. ’The three nhowa HOLAOAY'S SUPERB CONCERT BAND AND hare been comfortably bonaed for the winter un¬ GRAND OPERA ARTISTS. til tbeir opening, which baa been acheduled for Ocncert ‘engagements accepted. Address DK. H. K. early in February. Manager O'B.-len baa plana BOLADAT. 729 Sbukert Bldg.. Kansas City. Ma, for the early building of bama, atables and work “THE WHIP” care La.Salle Hotel. Chicago. TlllnoU. ahopn at hla winter qnartera. J. E. Henry'a WorM'a Greateat Combined Put a “WHIP” in your park this (K>ming season; it is the most attractive and Shown have cloaed 86 nuccenafnl weeka through COICESSIONS FOR REIT Windsor Keaort and Oklahoma, Kanaaa and Nebraaka. The nhowa enjoyable amusement nde known; a big success everywhere. Interesting Luna Hark, Amusement Osinra. Omfeetlonery. Lunch carry ten wagonn. and feature doga. ponien. booklet is free. stands are built. D. TRIMPER, Ocean caty, Md. ramleville and pictnrea. They are wintering In Stonewall, Ok., where they are training a tronpe FOR SALE—A BABGAIN FOR A QUICK PUB- of Shetla^ ponien and doga for next aeaaon, and W. F. MANRELS CO., CONET ISIANO, N. T. CHASEK. SCTENIC RAILWAY, complete In every rcepert (5.000 feet In length), together with five Iralno, ■wbeaming an aerial act. vAlch la to be featured. three ears each; Iron track, 6S-h. p., D. C Molar, Bertha Henry la alao bony reheaming her act ■achlnety and other neceaaary apparatus used to on Boman ringa, awinging ladder and alack operate one of the moot complato amuaefnents steetod. wirq. Manager Henry haa purchaaed a number PLEASE MENTION THE NLLBOARD WHEN ANSWERHIG Equipment all In fliat-dtas eondlUon. Athbeoa P. of animalli for next aeaaon. 1^ a BOX 128, Cheater, West VliglnU. 34 e B DECEMBER 30, 1»1«. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS n A 1W\ A nc in the CLASSIFIED SECTION iaserted r A 11 I 11 I 1^ UNDER ANY or THE FOLLOWIND HEAOINOS. WITHOUT AT LIBERH or WANTED SITUATION A /Alv OISFLAY OTHER THAN CARS. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. NO LIMIT TO NUMBER. OF WORDS FOR PAID ADS. AT LIBERTY (Nunc uid Tint Un* In i HELP WANTED.!• ffpar Warri. Black IMm)Leucn) .•«.la parpw WarS.wara. WANTED ‘“ NOT TO EXCEXID SB WORDS PARTNERS “ CONCESSIONS ** FOR ** FOR SALE AOS (Except Bcvond-Hand CONDITIONS SECONO.HAND SHOW GOODS FOR .** Advertisements of an acceptable nature will be Inserted without charge USED COSTUMES FOR “ HOTELS (Caurloc to Theatrical Pro- in the Classifled Columns. Open to any person connected or Identified with FURNISHED •• F»aa*on) .3a the show business. If answers are not satisfactory the first time we Invite FUTURE TIME WANTED BY ACTS.Ia •• BANDS (Seren^ as many insertions as are necessary to place you. These columns are for AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE « amiiials pm salV.“ « the benefit of the unemployed and we do not want you to feel that you are imposing on us by using the columns more than one time- ZnAaniunBOARDING unuspnHOUSES VTi.l.ieir(Tli*atHcal)...2a.11 2a •• ACTSANO(Seeen People orTHEATRICAL more).la CO’S WANTED TO " MOVING PICTURE THEATRES FOR 10 FREE SUIDII6 ADS ACCEPTEI, COPT lUST IE FORIISRED EAOl WEEI, ATTRACTIONS " SALE .7...:.."la " REMCMBCR, CASH WITH COPY. and you must be ready to Join at once. Write your ad on separate sheet of paper. Forms close Thursday, 6 p.m., for insertion in the following israe. We do not place charges for ada in the Classifled Columns upon our books. NOTICE—Lptttrp SIrMliS to liNIkli ONLY arp spt S•ll*•rsS tkrMph th« ptM pMm. If laBtato We reserve the right to edit copy. smS Nip Mttor (btsM bi pSIimmS Ip Mra H pariM, Gr« tr ptM pMm Ipx. ALL COPY FOR ADS IN THIS DEPARTMENT MUST REACai US BY THURSDAY, 6 P. M.

AGENTS WANTED AT XABEXTT—EXCPEXXEXOED ADEXT, AD. TXOKT WXXE WALXEXB—MAX AXD WIPE; liio HEADED DOLL RACK—Cheap. AMERICAN AMUSEMENT AM80CIAT10N, Indltnapolto ASYsrtlssiMPto witkpirt ibplay, ppSw tfcl* kstSlRi, dreea 0. X EKEMAX, Oolombaa, Wlaconain. Join recogulaed act. X. P. B., care Billboard, 1# par ward. CMucinnatl, Ohio, tniBWl.Vn GUM iroR VENDERS—Don’t uss chaop AT XAXEXTT—A.1 VXOLXXXBT; LXBXAXT gum In your mochinm when chicle gum ssUa for asms OPBHATIM WANTBIl^—For Vmdlm Macblnci prtiw: im-rraee In koIvs guaranteed; tend for prtom and to ifiU other confmElans; must Iw rMponaltde and mutic: member A. P. of M.; reliable. Address TXXO—TXOUX, PXAXO, CELLO (XXOLUO* A. XEVTXX, 810 Sixth Are., Dayton. Kentucky. lug drama); reliable, A-l mualciaua; good ap* and eamplcs. CJUU MINT OUM (XHtPAXT, WU- lUU to mako small inrrsinrtit; part Ume. OBIO- ndnaton, IMawarii MINT OUM (TOKPAKY, Wllmlnaum, Delawara. ; picture theatre, hotel, Tandevllle, etc. AT UXEETT—POX TUVEXXLE LXADD; FOR SALE-Trlek Horsa, t years old, l.Mf Mmds: DBA. MS)ICINB, knoum at Snakt Ml; hip amosp inat flniabed 30 weeka' engagement with Mae aoal block; doea wea trick being done: swsU pMl- for IWa apsou; Stwlr B^s, S5c. REIDHAWIC, UXUBTALLT GOOD OEOKEITRA CORXBT out, blfh-achool, etc.; eactraardlnary IntoUIgmiea; prieSL Ult X. 17Ui SL. Clsrsland, Ohio. LaPorte Stock; age, 85; height, 5 ft., B; weight, 140; reliable minagera only. XAXX. XAXiBXX, deeiree permanent locution In tbenire orchestra HOO.UO. PETER KORTE8, 144 X Main ft., tea An- selea. WANTKD-^hNAi, llTf, husllliu HsImdimi: srU dt* 1117 Penine St,, Lafayette, Indiana, of better eort anywhere; married; A, V. of M, Wire or write BOX III, Waycross, Oeorgla. Ni't to tlie imrchaiit; (ho Wlilts Hsm* line Vsndliii FOR SALE—One Wagon Show Bond Wiman, ana Mm-hlnm; wanuthliix i.<>w; In lil< dstnaiul; for par- Ticket Wuun, two small Cages, one large Cage and UcuUm write STKUlil.Ml NOVKIAY U>., Ml Oak AT LXXEXTT—PIYE-PIEOE OXOKEBTXA; a Taltlesu wagon; all ttuee wagona are In A-l eandi- DL, (tulumlNU, Ohio. violin, piano, faaat, comet, and drama, betla, TXOUirXBT Ain> PXAiniT WAXT POBXTXOX xyldpbonrs, etc.; want locaHon In M. P. bonae; in betel or theatre; larger orchestra can be sup¬ tlon; for parth-ulars write. 01 U aLDERFEB. Hunt¬ ington, Wvet Virginia. AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE all A-l muaiclana, and can furalah recommenda* plied; viollnlat, man. graduata of European con- Hons from any manager In IxmlsvIUe, Addresa narvatory; twelve yeara* experience In all lines; APtwHIsaaiaiito aaPar this haad, Rrtl llaa aad aaaia la ood Instrument and Immense library to 6t anp FOR SALK itmall Shetland Pony, bay; dom plek- MVBXOXAX, 306 Tblnl St., liOulsTille, Kentucky. R uut arl«nred In aU llnva; nots. necessary; ticket if more than '.*00 miles; your iwllEble; travel or loeato; tieket If far; Waal worries with your orchestra will ceaoo as WNm UVE FREAK-Hilf Duck and Turkoy, While Opea- r-eferred. MXBB E. TAVX, Uenaral Dallrery, aa yon get ua; write detalla and highest possible wm. SHAW, Victoria, Mlmouil ancoiiver, Itiiltsb Ciilumblt. AT LIBEXTT—LADY PXAXXBT; BXOXT oalarr in your drat to avoid delaying eorre- reader and timest; aaperleuced picture player; apondence. X, MXEBXET, Dnboli. ivnnsylvania. MAGICAL 'nUCKH AND IU.USIONS~ll0Mfl8aa. orebestra or alone; locate or travel; bigbeat claaa LOlAViLNTIIAU 73 E I2«th SL, New Yoril (liy. A-t FEW OOMEOXAX—GOOD TEXOE TOXOEt pUidoplay theatre (treferred: reliable; union; will du aiiFtbIng that payt saUry, AL BOHXEU), Ueket If far, Adiln'sa MXJBXOXAX, Oenerai WAXTED-POBXTXOX AS OPERATOR; EX- OWING TO SICK-Vh-NM, have for sale Fog Ttorlw tt HIbley St,, Detroit, Mlcblgau, Delivery, Vaneuuver, BrItlab Columbia. perienetd; not afraid of work; trial will con¬ diilng slghi tricks still sumorsault frioa 4-n, pedestal vince you; sober; cen furnish reference. W. 0. through paper honn to ground; Cat doing ftaUlta XOXIUJW, Box 73, Uvingeton, Alxbama, trii-k with lilrda and Rets; they are young, stage bnhm A.X OPEXATOE—EIGHT TEAEB’ EXPEEX. AT UXEETT—EXPESXEXOED ORGAXXBT; willing wnrkrrs; fur paNlculain write IL BROWN, auce III all luakss of iiiHeblnea; proJ«‘ctlon guar- rua pivturea: glvs concerta; eieollvnt rept-rtolra Onlrai Point, Gmgnn. sabed; nonunion; will Join If necessary. Address of music; prefer bouse featuring organ; member AT LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE OPEIlATOt, care llljou Theatre, Cruokaton, A. P. of M. Address OXGAXXBT, 141 Wi at TOtb Ad4wrilMaisat« wNlieut dtaaloy, uader tola keodlsg. THU^S AND GRKRNBACXB-Magle Oatatog <8 Minnesota. bt., care of Parker, Obloago, llllnote. Bargains, 2o; 3U Orrenbsrks, DM. GILBERT MAOIO te per wprd, OG., 11135 Bo. Irving, Chlaaga. A-X OXOKEBTXA PXAXXBTE AT UXEETT— AT UXEETT—lUEPXlTt HOTEL, CAPE OE AT LIHKUTY-After Deo. SI, Wild and IhunmUc PsudeviUe, idcturiM or hotel; banille auytbing; would Join good dance orcbeatra; A, P. of M.; Wieker; tan also bteak stnek; IhnU of ivardrolic, neat FOR SALE—SEUOND-HAND GOODS slyls and appearuii-e; ImsI at rvfigrnnva. P. u M., A. F. of M.; drst-tdase. Write or wire PXAX- ■4>bar and relUbta. Address 168 Urove Ave., TTsltier, lUUlNianl, thh-axix AdvartIWBMUs wHhsut dlegloy, uader tola kakdtoi, XBTE, I*. 4), Ilox :i:iT, Huntington, West Virginia. Lima, OMo, •a gar ward. ATTRACTIONS WANTED A.| TXOLXXXBT-OEOKEBTEA LEAOEX; AX. AT UBEETT—OWXXO TO TXE OLOUXO 11 AND UP—Rollce Miaua: Organn XINK BOP- AdvtrilMiaeato wNkeut display, uader tkls ktodlag, PLY COMPANY, Hsiidusky, (Ihto. Uatic performer un vlulla, with etandard and of the company, eu all-round charnctar singing te per iverd. pupulur inueic of all kinda, wlabee pooltlon In and talking comadlaii; 1 do Irtsb. Dutch, black, A PEW WAUDHOHE THUNKS AT A BACBIFICH theatre with real musiclaus, Write or wire OTTO face, 4N.Teiitric, rube uiid silly kid; up Id all PLATIOO BOOKINfl oyTKXD-AttracUons waut- BUXXUX, Ilox 343, Coleman, Texte, -Ulscuntlnutol styles, never used. NEWTON IXUNK Digger acts; sober and reliable; can furalah tbo ad. furalaliad.. 1141 BuoUA Clmaland, OhiA WORKS, CrirtJanil, N. V. ktonufavturata of 6aa ffo- liest of referencaa; not a uewtNmier, but an old- (saslunal Trunks at all siylsa. (totatogim timer. 4519 I5tb Ave., A DOOTOX WHO XB UOBXBES XX OinO, BEET E, XnrOBOX, CARNIVAL WANTED liock island, Illlnola. Michigan, ludliiua, llliiiula and Iowa wlabee po- Adwriliaaitali wNksiit display, uader tkls ksedlsi, eitluu aa consulting physician or "caoe taker” ta par usrd. with flrat-clasa luiillcine show; four yean' ex- AT UXEXTT-OAX LAXOPOED, BTXAXOXTI show, and character comedy, for musical cons'dr, CARNIVAL WANTICI>—For two waska, loot wssk pan, Oonnvctlcut. ildg.. labs, or burlaaY SHOW OUTPIT-Twa, 80x60; I Ptta. pbone and all traps; experience In all lines. each wlih Osshy banner, all In 6ne shaim: (ralgha Care DXVMXEX, 19H E. Campbell Are., Roa¬ HAVE TWO VBNTRILIIQUUT FIGUREB, M^o- 030 lbs., useil two (3) acosona; $100.00 biioa oB: AT UXEETT—CHAXAOTEX MAX; • TEAXB' noke, Virginia. xraph Machine, a«olrlu Motor, lot of lUldss, food bank refsrencHi. Address "RICARD.” Ottawa, Kon axperivn<-e; sing blgb baritone; full wardrobe; Plate (hunsra, fine fur maldng iucol rlews; small up- height, a ft., 1 In.; weight, 172 Ibe. FOX rtfbt show case for dispityliig curios, etc.; Wardrobe KIAXTRIC PIANO — Ckiin operated, extra oaume, AEOU8, P Ft. Waeblngton Ave., New York City. E. WALTER, PEMALB XMPEXBOHATOE— Trunk; this ia good stuff; wtiit goad Comedy Film, nearly new, perfect caidltlon and a namay-gilltr: I’huue. 4444 Audubou. In vaaderllle; touring tbe South this winter; In good oondlUoii: slso want good, hoary TTlpod and price, $160.00. BOX 010, CobleokUl, New York. props for sound effexoa. Address WM. UT WIL¬ Virginia, Canrilnaa, Alabama, Mlaslasippl, LARD, Res 32, Qllmore City, Iowa. Oeorge, Florido, Cuba; managers write. Address FOR BALE—Theatre, Church, School Scattuf, Oparn \ UBEXTT—A-X TXOUXXBT ZXAOEX; and Wood Folding Chain, In storage from New Tmk need In all lines; large library; prefer eare .Billboard, New York City. HOT CHOCOLATE AND COFVEB URN—Nickel to Chicago; prompt ehipment; lowest prlcss. baX udIB . rXAMK BOXOTA, 308 W. Park St., plated; coot new $35.00; been used shout one mouth; order; great eervlco. EMPIRE SKATING OO.. OUm- oxvllle. Tennesaee. In nmt-olsss condition; will sett or exchange for lug. New York. XOSIOAL BMITRB>-OPEX POX BEABOB good Films, adjusuble lavis, TVnx, good Illusion, or 1617; offers Invited from reeponalble manageis; any Khuw Uooda i can use. VANZANTB OVHRLAND FOR SALE—One Deogon Aluminum p No. BROW, Bdmontun, Kentucky. AT LIBERTY—WITH OOMPLETX WILD cirens, carnival, parka, etc.; expert banjoista, 5544, low pilch, 2 oruvea. chramaUr; like >w, an 2 West, dog and ijony show; will consider partner. organ cUmes, oinglng, etc.; good tnatramenta Boor racks; cost $115.00; will take 930.00: will tolp W. 2. XELBOX, Nelson’s W. W., D. and P. and wardrobe, and not afraid of work. Care WILL EXCHANOB aty. blgh-grada, sUvsr plated O. O. D., subject to examhiaUm upon riTrreei aptaw Bb Carnot for a sliver plated Baritone. Melopboue, Show, Keystone, Kansas. Billboard, New York. fuartntet of s depnelt covering rxpma chargas bedfe Alto, Base or Basopbane, or wlU buy if ebeep. CRAB. ways: weSght, packed, about 00 pounda. Addsma PARKKR'B BAND HOUBE, M FrankUn Ut.. Waoo. GEO. E SCHULZ. Calumet. kUchltan. Tssaa. AT UBEXTT-A-l PXAXO PLATEX; Ex¬ PXAXXBT (LADY) — DESIRES POBXTXOX perienced all lines; bandle anything; vaudeville with orcbestrs; three years college mntlc; some FOR BA1J9—100 pain Rlrhardson Ball-Baaitaff or musienl comedy; oo picture grinds: prefer ezperietice in orcbeatra work. OXACE MeXIX- XTIDraoNB, Lerre, Martmbaphone, BelU, Banio. Skatea: also Motion l*ii.-ture Lenses. Kletna. F. 109. location, wife to work ticketa: botb competent; XET, Wingate, Indians. For wiistT JU.VE8. rOT Gray, Detroit, Mlctalgan. E M. WORDEN. talyuDBh. Wlecanatn. referencee. BOX 82, Beaman, Ohio, FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAl-B—Electric Wuvlltier Plano. Sns eandl- PROFESSOX—TEACHES BAHD8, OXCHEB- Advertlsemeata wShaut dlsslsv usdsr thi. don. $150.00; NaUunal KJ«alrtc Plano, band or Ma^ AT UBEXTT—A-l OXOAXUT AXD PIAX- tras;■ S. playsnlsn .lelln.violin; Mm.tcomet vtrtnn—.irtrtnooo; pianonlsno tuner;tnnerr WOWrWeesmatt WltSCUt »ta_IW. uadsr this hraglag. irii-slly operated. $150.00; Hurlfy-Gurley l*tan& atot- tot; bad much experience ptaying movies and 25 years' experience; location preferred; steady alile fur ehuotlng gallny, $30.00; KlectrlO Flamtoi large reperetoire. Address HEXXT XXOWX, work. Address PP.OFX8BOX B., care of Bill¬ Arc IJxhts, Voltmeien. Opera Chain. Edison Ftotuta AN ORGAN, Bolli-r Skatsa. Ncnsllp Floor Surfaosr. Mm-bliieo. We buy Natlpna) Cash Reglrieta. X care Strand Theatre, Montgomery, Alabama. board. Ctoclanatl. Ohio. RINK SUPPLY COMPANY, Htuduek)'. Ohio. SONS. 212 4th SL. Plttobufgh,’ PssuMylrasH' DECEMBER 90, 191ft, e B 36

BAIig—SM aitlelea at JtweUr, ooo- MJGHTLT U8ED AND OVERHAULED SKATES WANTra>—Vaudarllle Petfomlm; state alL E. LA1>T ROLUm KKAT>3t WANT>a>—MimI be at ^^In. of Uuir Huttoos, stick Ptna; also lot of 811- CHEAP—We nil Rapid* Skate Urtndm on eaar EAS'^OOD. 243 Proot, Portsinauth. Ohio armt ■(if)earaiic«: heUbt. 5 ft. to 5 ft. 10 Inctm; rantla'^ Safety Raaora, take Olllctte bladea: first u^rma; no rlnjt compltCe wSbout one. SHEA SITR- -— pnfemiuial ur gmj amateur: to Uam up irUh Mf 910.00 lakaa It. ETTA H. CARTEK. 21 N. Clinton PACER CO., 37 W. Jefferson, DetrutL LETTERHEAD PRINTING ^t'nio a<4. Addriea,Adtlriea. with photo,photo. BEVUiLVINOR£V4>LVlNa COD’OOl^ BC. Albla. Iowa.-^- •■SLEIGIITS." 00-rent Maalc Book. 10 ceota; $30 Ad*artlae«aaU wttkaiit dltplay, eadar tkla kaadlaf. !*»>■•»• BUlboard. Uilraao.- POB SALE—A Na 1 hl(h-crade Sture Drum, with Seroml 81^t Act, $2.00: also treat Book Bartaliu: 3e par trerd._ MOXtMAKHST—Can fake plaim and read; l«o brti. two aeU atlcka and atand: price, $6.00. EARL partlisilars fiw Mamp. MtMiSE. t:r«»klll, X. J. n„vi. i ssm-niir 4i>u at on Dceum work: can impcnonate fe- c ilUORB, Boa 524, Albla. Iowa - LJ7rT»JllIE4J>8, ,»> male .4iara-t«s: seeka partner, male or female, or ----- HLIRIITLT UKFOl HlAJT MACHI.VES AND SPIN- & ‘*1?•,**°***^ 1L1.XXTUI, Box 206, p^y , rwofnlaed act: wlUlUf to go 50-50 for SALB—One Erana Pop-’Qn-ln Btorr, 12 ft. DlJ-At—AU ktiule: send for prices. UXIVEKSAL Btocelyn. »<»»•_to imprtwe act If nwcmary. Addreu A. t'RACK.VKLL, long. It. lino shape In crate, gas pipe frame: coat KPWXUVTY «».. 140,-. K. Herenth, St. Louis. Mo. i IMIandqu.m Blok. Suite 3. Logan Afenue, Winnipeg. $35 00. ilrit $15.00 gets IL DUB KLAUS, B.inlng--. PBOP^IOXAL UCTTF^^D^Prtntrd Canada tm, Indiana SLUT M.kCllLNF3t kUlls Ulwrty Bell Oamter Uum ------—- ■ ----— ■' — ■ —' ■ Vci.ders. Target I'ralb-e, Puritans, tablnet Venders, SI ARB A CD., Theatrical IMiilaps, UacailUm. OXKO.X»: WITH KU51USOME t'.VPlTAI.,—ToCAPITAly—TO l>arkl>ack and man¬man- Poll RAIJi—Deagan 32-Xate Una-Pm: In good all In gissl order. IXIAND NUVIXTV CO., Indian- Obi®- age a laie tilichliT: a sure pmissiltlun.i>m|sBiltl(ai. BOB D. La- Atape: will sell for $200.00: outflt compMe. P. C. atsills. Indiana KUE. ll**'*-talCetieral Delirery.Delirny, UklalwHnaOklalioma tlly, Oklahiana NISSLEY, 10 N. 2d Ht., 1*011x71110, Pmiuylranla. 150 TWO-COLOR BO.VD LirTTERHEADSm.. and 250 UXA POX-2H octaves, good as new, $160.00, Bb'ohwm. 1**® PART.VFJl WA.XTWs-T«.t Dramatic Repertolfr: FOR SA1J6—Paper I'layed Wurlltaer Band Organ, slU trade fiw 3 0.50 on tniM-naes aid retrlpte: $1.50 and $1.75 per pair. In any 1argaln cataliig for stamp. OIL- •*'<1 Knrelopas: 100 Cards, 35c: 300. $1.00, prepaid, not an "aigel." Adilnss t/TTO JOIIXHOX, Bisi new Spot Ught Lamp, umplrte. with rtieuetat: $35.00 BERT MAIilC CO., 11135 So, Irving Are., Chicago. CROWN MAIL ORDER ntlXT, Box 65, Sutloo A, worth. Mlssourt. Ukea It; everything aicsre In first-claaa condKIoii. |*|i»ne, Beverly 522. Columbus.Oolumbua. Ohla JOSEPH N. ZINK, Box 1100, Shreveport, Louisiana ■ . . .- - PARTNER WAXTlUk -To make a banjo at: am tVM. TKId, ILIjUSIOX -tVimplete In every dKsIl, 1*1LETTEKIIEADH OP HUJJXO VA1,UB—Type* *<»»1 finger player aid cai also use the iitck: have POB SALE-TWO Prlmo Lentinui, 1.000 c. p., goerli«ice: also do a little Juggling ccodHUai; cheap for quick sale. BOX 22, Seamai, O. RV, oiomwtir. New Jersey. samfilos, Htanm. AMFBUCA.X JOB PlUXT, 206 W. with bago. tl. HTFIWAJIT, i-are Y it C. A. Hotel, 3d St. tYiicIniiatl Ohio. Wabash Ave.. near Hth Ht., thb-am. Illinois. POR SALK—RemlngUa Typewriter No. 6, good con ••WO,VI>FaiPUL VAXISllLXO BIRD CAOE” -Same dltloo, $20.00; one Typewriter a $15.00; oiio Csrtoou- as use-l by the "Orrat Ihrrmaiui"; a big'sniaaUun SUPERIOR PBlNTl.XO—50 Letterheads and 50 En- P^lTXFBl WANTFai.-Wlth $100.00 "TO IX'VBBT lat Act, oamplele, 16 aubiecta, ean be worked by aiy tiir aiy at; ueily $3. Plu^, 1917 Maple valopaa 1 Hammennlll Bond), postpEd for $1. Sample lb 7-peoi>le musical tabbed nprrtolre: talentisl ama- paracai, cheap. CHARLES IL QUIRE, Box 105, Read- I st., LoulvvIMe, Kirilucky. for stamp. CORCORAN, 408 Bergen St., Brooklyn, '^i.f « •oisrlrtieed pwgilo wrtta KRANtTS (FARD- Lng, Ihnnaylvanla Ntw York. I Oneon’a, New I irk. POR SALE—Uandy Ploaa Machine, roinplctc. lair FOR SALE—THEATER MANUSCRIPTS. SKETCHES AND PARTXFBl FOR OPPICK Prrsluclng small Ublotd ground oumt. gtrong traeler’a trunk, wldch U Afmtiaanienta wKhsnt ditylky, uad^r tkla kagdlai. and vaudeville iiimpanie*: have gnod hnuatM, onoaecu- 4B your lUiKl to work on. tooU and all tcccMarlci. . . PLAYS tive work: must hare 2 to 300 cash: money secured. goodfood Mas DOWnew and originally cost about 1175;$175; KiS$65 caabcash ^ ^ wara* AdrartlaaaMata wRkout dlaylay, gadtr this haadlat, I Write ROSS'!, 3027 .N. 3d Ht, Phlla. Pnuiaylvanla lakcB this neat outflt, and It’s a big bargain and a 3e par wwrd. "nwnegr gstter"; bo quick. T. R LINDSEY, 1021 (XlNSTANTINE OPFBIA HOUSE — Thnrouglily PARTN'FIK -Ynung lady, good vocalbR, for raude- Wells SL, Chlcafa ejulpped for moUan plrtun* and rmul auracUons; ACTSACTH WIUITFINWIUlTFSf TO ORDFBt^WrlteORIFFB^-Wrlte ua AMER- villa act; avid, age. weight height to GBORGM only smuaeineat place In town; reaaoa for selling, other LOANIAN AMUSEHF?«T ASHOCLCnoX,ASHOClA'no.V, ImUanapollaImllanapolla OOMlXlSFat, care Billboard. tYnclnuaU. Ohla OKBAT PIRB EATER — A wonderful sensational I '*“a*be“- (H'BRA HOUSE, Onnstanutm. Michigan. .. — 4f1ek: the patfomar makea brllUaat sparlia, dense I — ACTORS. MANAGERS, PROFESSIONALS, AHA- WANTED —YoutJiful couple with capital, $100.06, and Bra In large quintlUaa come from bli I THFIATRJCS FOR SALE—In bast vallry In WcaUrn I TTOBS—Bcnd stamp for catalogue; PUya, Vaudsvllla vaudevlIUi ex|MTlMu-a fnr magic act, wmtethiu nmr mouth wUbout harm; aawoaap to perform; nvMifytngmyMifytng to Mntana; county seat rf 3,000 ptgnilatlan;ptgnilailan; equipment Acta. tie. NEW YORK PLAY BUREAU, Tremont utd latest out. Fur partlculan addreaa B. D. E.. ereryone; a bog, with oumplate material and biatruc- •“ two thamrea; la MayMW pianoManu or alng. AildrtasA.U0 weekly; acrupuluuily clean; bus Getters and Uuuitesy labels, also proof ahest of | A.NGFHi, General Delivery, Jnplln, Missouri Ndaemsd MtiRcal Inslrumetita. DAViLStERN IXFM- '>alhs on or«y floor; steam brat rlaolrlc Ught gas. I»«r:t advertslng cuts, aU f«r Its-. ONFUDA NOV- PANY, 1647 W. Madlann Ht Prank IWton FJb Base, lelephon* ELTY GOkU'ANY. 2663 PulUki St, Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTEIf PAHTNFIK -Pur big punching si't; Itwly brass $46; Trumprf Model Bb Brass (hnirf, $12; nr grot who cm punch tbs big: I hive nunit itul lU WundMilrh allver-platnl IU> Cnniat $10; Louis B. iMgw. Adilrua AL GEn, iVil North Ksdvwls Avi.. Maleckl A ikx allvrr-plauvl Bb Obnirf, $12; Prank Chlcigo Uoltoa 'Trumpet Mwlrl Bb allvrr-plaleil (irnsi. In aquair leather carrying rase, $25; HuHK t’rampton B’A.NTFJj PAKTNFai BlUi $ Kin DO; isw hilf In Bnw ‘Dnor Saxnthisir. Iilgli pitch, $25; HuffK Irfmt In I fllvn |Hv|>lc ('-iraidy IFrinis: lui cvpi*f1 tkamiiloii, high plh'li PImwJo, $0: U. P. Miyir Piute, miiv tiwwiMry: will give yiii wnisll iwn to pliy also In caae, $5; flue BanJ'Slne, 17-lu, tusk, $7; high- HIGHLY PROFITABLE AihliivM HILLY IM HOV, 123V .Na lluk Kk, <1d- graile (lennM Zlthar, $12; higii-grade stcond-lignd iigit, llllniibi. . $6: Hawaiian inielrJt', $5; 32-kry Square Oat- oarUna, $12; fine old UeUo Ibrsutlful hatel, $50; B'A.NTF'.D By nwigiiixivl piTfcinu/r. Viwiiif tjutr hundroda at nthir baryalna Bill aliUi aiiy Itrm C. as inruicr for viuilivtlln w-t: iiiui.1 Iw ibln to wing O. D., with privilege of exanUnaUan, upon recHiK of If you have never used the Classined Columna of The nillboiird to mil iilk; will riwalili-r g'VMj Ninwi.-ur: w-tnl pbuta Si'H drfssilt Msuy rrfunded In full If tug saUsfac- buy or eell show merchandise you are mfssing the use of u Kuod snlus* will nturn mtts*. ^ililrnw JoF.' MLIULAV, Gm- lrlir events, which are of Importance to every person who seeks to supply ntivicrii iilsnl: grt mir (irlivw. A. M lilLlUH, Kraua $3.00; iUie, Waiir and nre Ibrwls, wirih $3 00, Hlitg., Mllwaukw, B’lwvsuln. pilce $1.00; Ihicka and (lilckivi lUusl'Wi, worth the needs of the outdoor amusement managers. PJ.’i 00, ptliw $0,110; Flower Growing lai Stii'cl if fllasM, worth $25.00, prliw $10 00; l*rnilucUiili Scrim, The catalogue of goods advertised In the Classltled Columns will SCENERY wnrtii $35.00, piii'o $15.00: Pifnwi PrislucUon Sii- give you a good Idea of the vast assortment of wares that are sold AdvirtiMiiriti wlthiut dlivlay, uidir tbit hiadlit. linuie, \ urth $35.00, prti'e $lo.oo: Canniai, Duika and (‘age. wiirlli $75 00, price Elo.oO; oUiir llliisimis; through these columns. It Bill be to your Interest, advantage and Si t*r wart. stamp for lists. UARKIK M. HIIFUJJilV, 410 Wissl- profit to test It out at the first opportunity. ward Stmt, llegilliig, I’ennsylvanla. FViH HALFl-Lf regular vlxc S AMKKIUAN III>|;sF:IIOIJ> SToIIAGF; IX»., BuITsIu. New Yurh. MAGIC GOODS, HANIMI.'PKS. MAIL HAGS, MlIJi I’ANH Polt SAJ.F/ If you have anytliing to HIGH ART HI'FINFJIY F.'xcJuvIvh In iliwigii, bni- traile In tida line Uiat Is In good conilltlim. wrlle. Illaiuy siul giialliy. ilyiw iv wsi.t ckIuiw, at luwnil sending Hat; wa tell and exchange; Ug ralalogciUlag atcf THE UFXTI,, ISO HI. Nlchifis Are., New York lirlnw. IPUIMF; hTI.DIOK. IIV ll«rry Are.. luiUan- new giaxl* five. IIEA.Nknr MAGIC CO., DrpLDept 50,50. Illy. Linv ratei. Truuilivtu tikru. atwllt, liiiilana. Harllii, HlsiwaisUt ouuii, prepaiil, f.'i.nn; Huiutsuiusi cuaranu-eii. iiutts HELP WANTED ^falTIHINbADVraiTUilNU tlO., o., 014 GutubclGunOHl Bldg.,lllilg., KiiiimbKaiism City, I SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY MAGllTANH -1 bgvi on band over 500 cuta of I sSMirtlaaaiaBta wKbaiit dltalav uadar thia kaadlaa I ^lamurl. Magic FYfaiis and lUualima aultglile for clrculara or *■»•”»••••*» wRbast ^tviay, uadar tbit baadlbf. FOR SALE laUerhrail |v;bUng; lUmp fur any aiformatlm. I _ee*® »•»’eer ■._ ORlOLNAL MUSICAL BPIX-IALTIF*—Clown Oom- ROYAL AMUHFRUCNT CD.. Box 162, Hegdlng, Pa. AdvartlmaiMta .witbaul diaolay, gadar Ibla baadlai, IMHID KKF,Tiai TF,AM--Maii to do B. P. comedy S»WIW*l?KTri\''^5lh*®Hllll'!!i ^ ** la par word. MAGICIAW'S OUTPIT tia- ntminilii. liximt firm »l*«>'1»J'liv» fnr a week; lAdy lo play BIMIWICK, $11 N. 25tb, HlUInga, Monung_ ».*H1****^**.." ".yksJT. ll^ nyMPUna Imnoa Urtro, eqio ikiublm Mage; alto wsig and danco man: 1,.,,.—,„,o.,4, •.-win.-uet^ ft. Proa Wilt. IM; ^du Cloak Dial, MUi atathoda. rther uarful iwve.le wtke. 5UNAGFUI ALL-STAR , *’* BUOW -CumpbSe, utwl pan acasou: iMsHmI J** • **,’,*^' COMFDY 00., ntuarllle, Pmuiaylraiiia. itaa'JlpUan aiut prbe isi requiwt: a bargain. JkstMFl I. s^ brinst Urf. ^ WIIBDN, 1107 R Main Bt, -!- I-EN, Box 57. HO Paul. Mlimeaou. MALtiNB, 7715 les-aln Ava, CUvolaiul, Otdo HodiaMar, Naw York. MUSICIANH WA-NTFU)—ForWA.NTFU>—For tib8th UnitedUidtfd BUlmHUUv « - Cavalry Band,Band. Pnrt Blbu,IMbM, Texas; men bctweetibiAween agiwagtw ,J'JJT ‘AT.VUSl if IIOO.M I*li«e $2jo,00 BUYS SHOUTING GALLERY—BveryUUng LATEST MODEL at aUghtly uasd Moving Ptctura-lif 18 and 35. Clanuuis and Huophuuiw pnfrrnd: ape- | Dncan. CDZA'IT OIUl.lN , Danville, lllluifa. I complete; 4 gnod guut; llcvnae paid: rent obaap: do- Machlnaa, all leading makaa, laaa than half prtca I rial Indui'eimvita to cxpertivical men: we are nut In LKAHM THKATHK HUPPLY 00., 500 Otaatnut BL, I Uw Held: we are Uvlng^ln gnud maleni quartan: Pu VBNTBIIXHJUIST FIGURES—Bud In tha world. niDLUck, 1524 Market Street, Hi. Loula, lUamurt. Ht. Loula. Itlaaourl. | llllia U auhurb at Fa Paso. cUy of 80.000 InbaUtsuls. W. SHAW, VMorU, MlaaourL ——- . . _ - Aitdnwe B’M R VANOVFai, lland Leader. —-;--— SIR CAUJOPFat CIDLIP—Have aevwal bargalna In MIN’D READING ACP—Por two people; cevera 8 B'ANTFUF—Spaiw for Palmlat In live Sunday Park uaed Inatrutncnts: band and automatloally playad: dlffermt "effoKU"; tUfferent from aU oUitn (copy- SISTER TEAM WA-NTED-SpcrlalUes; doubla cho- near .New York aty. next acaaon, for man and wife, pricee, $375 10 $500. TANULEY CO., MuoaUne. Ig.' rlgbted); prim. $5: trod atamp for partlculan to I nia. ARNCH,D-KF7VNUU>H'TTNULDH ODMi'ANY, Orpbeo Tbe- B’rlle PROP. ELUH, Box 135, Freedom, Pa. > PROP, ZALANO. 103 OUnton 8L, Itbacg, Naw York, atre, 1*100 Bluff, Arkanaas. BOX BALL ALLEYS, HUUOTINO GALLERY, PW- ORGANS REPAIRED ny Machiiiiw, dve Moving Picture Machliiea; thirty MUSICAL COW BJCXXJl. Xylophone,e, Marimba^mnioue- i WANTED—Violin for Proce Saxophone Otchmlra, ■ ..,_,,_siuiu, twia heasiaa I reviarecta tllma.rums, Bandtsanu Uurn,uurn, AthleticAiniaiic Rlngi.lungt. TentTrot PMeaI'c phono fnr aale cheap. "DRl 603H Second I for dance, pluturaa. raiccrta, cabanfa. vaudrvlUe; I Aavarthamaafa wRbaut slaolay, uadar tbM Stagllf, I g CUBPFINIXG. Clarkaburg, West Virginia. St., Harvard, UUnoU. poalUrely no booae; muat double hraaa: must be neat; lifetime job If you a,u the right party. D. E. TYPEWRITER—Good condition, $27. PROP. lUL- PENCE, Norwich, Nrw York. CAROUKFXIJ'l ORGANS RBl*AIRFa> ^D RF>- llalf VrtUe ^^M>2UCAN 'A>U>lF3tF»T^*AHH^^ LAR 1017 Mapia St., LoularUle, KrotuclOr. BIULT—B'lth new music, any make, cylinder, card- tION, Iiidlaiiapulu. WANTED- Hkrtcb Tiwm, for Med. Show; week iKiard or paper; medal inducemails for work oon- KFXX)NI>-UAND MAGICAL APPARATUS — Sold I ^ ***3iUAIU>T CO., POR SALFI—Armltage & Guinn Ocean Ware, In and exchanged. HOKNMANN MAGIC STUDIO, 470 1 Ma DOCPlFR JAMESON. Grand Porks. N. D. Taixsiy. Phllailelphla. Pronwlrtnla. good ruiuiliig unlcr. C. M. GOODELl,. iMfax. Iowa 5th At^., N«r Tork. I ' - WANi'ti^F llustclAn ftlld Miilcsi! 0119 DADHTAtCQ \M A tvlTF O nr nww« InRtniniHffilR. Rinnw t8r«ifi>rrMl. fur riYNiffnlJrd I n&n YTMni I CW POR SAIJ'>—2 Mummlfled Preaka with bannsra BBCOND-IUND MAGICAL APPAKATUS-Gat our -i 7 -al » eu 7 e Tsi. s-s. G. R. KAMHDAIL, 617 John. Utica. New Yorit new Hat of real bargalna, frw for sunqv: 120-page. AdvartlaagiagU wRkaut dIaolay. uadar tkla kaadlat, beautifully Uluslratcd catalogue. 50c. UN'DHOKSl VOEH». General DeUvery, Bl. Louis, ailasouri. RALE—Hersdiell A Spillman Mem-Go-Round. MAGIC SHOP. 205 Nularo Building, St. LouU. Ho. n.Ti«wr_-r.K Pen.l,.c«. with --- “and Organ. Isuwt music; double Cylinder En -- olrotv tSl! ’fSTNoTl^U 2 ATTR.4CTIVB BLONDF>-Age. 25. profcselonal: glne, brand new Trot; a bargain for lome one If RWXFN'D-HA.ND THEATRE CHAIRS—Stork ical- fvwnmun ui^lTr.w li»,ts Ineroue anil •““I'l >18« grotlemsn partner who could Invest equal taken at once; photo on reouee*. CUDNFrY, 2032 6th lered; we eell ail Stsua; prompt shipment. EYtPIKE consider smount of catdlal la munry-making mail show prop- Ave.. Seattle, Washington. exchange. Coetdn,. New York. ^ d..*^s;“^iiJt ^ «ltl-«- R ^ V.. esre Billboard. New York. --...... ~ “r ' ■ ' ' •’ ~ for 11-people show TlUl F'OUR STATES BOOKl.NG-•'OR S.MJ-,—Shoolhig Gallery. Cnuy Island, N. SERPENTI.NE I>R>»S, Jmrelcd. Plorsl, PatrloUc opFncF:, 229-230 Bankers' Trust Bldg., Uulo Rock. FOR 5UX1IAXICAL l>OLL ACT—Male or female; Y.r sasunie lease or r-move gallery; has ninnlng ob- SUdea and Blend.vl Tints. $7.00; Msriondtes. 8 flg- Arkansas. ot givitlcvnan; D. A Oa, save stamps; jects. duck tank (ducks running through water), ball urea;urea: Drop. 1.5x20,1.5x20. $12.00; 7 rrelarrola good subjei-ts, $12.00$12.00; -——-- not an exp^nuvit—a reality; tell It all: originator traps. latest shooting targets, guns. etc., cumplate. HdlaemEdison Mimeograph,Mimeegraph, $10.00; mustWMist sell quick. IL J.J B’ANTFai MEN POR WINTim QUARTFOIS—Two of ••Tlio AuiUenre B'slk." RICHARD U IdXlLlE. $500.00. J. T. ALLA.N, JIL, 1733 45th StreeX. RUSSELL. Ptekwaukee,Psikwsukee, 'Wlscucaln.B’lscucsln. old-timers, who can repair and paint; good, clean S22 lUaml BL, Uibana, Ohla Brooklyn, Nise York. ai'ocsiunnlaUiMM now and supertntrodent Job when-- RF7VEN COMEIFY 5IARIONT7ITF3S $18* Walking Icind plays; come quick; Jim Babcock, write, M >. I HAVE SCFTN'ERY, PIA.YS, ETC—For stock. FOR RALF^—Heps-hell-Stdllman 'Two-Abreast Jump- VaitrUisiulst'rotrUiuulst FigureFigure. $15$15- W’axWax Figure of Baker. I,.tWRF7NCFl.leAWRFlNCFl. GroeralGeneral DeJlviry,UeJlviry, Syracuse,Syracuse. New.>ew York.xorx. r«p.. 0; a mouiymouey maker. M SPARKS, Btvnl Organ. STF7VF7 MUIX'AJIY, Wtnsted, Oonn. ure of RltUng Bull and Baiuier. $100: I’ll Stuff cheap: WANTFa>—laily IMaiio Player, for Med. Show; ChUtenango. New York. new Ideas 111 Magic and llluidista; 130 llliislrationa wok stands. LKHTOR JAMESON, Grand Flaks. ---—-— - ——POUR BOX BAIA, ALLF7YS, $25.00 each; half 60e: two great Mind Reading AoU and 20 Tricks, 60a Nivth Dakota LADY PARTNFRt WANTED—Por my Concasalnoa cash, C. O. D. P. L VZZKLL. cars BUl- RHAW, Vleturla, Missouri -----season of 1917; prtfer PalmlaUy; any one that has board. Now Tort. —. WANTED-^ Midgrts. male and female, for a pro- something good write me, expolencal or not: will- RUGHTLY I’SFn> TRICK CblUiW-ihn be ua«l dmtlon: must be able lo do a specialty: good a^ary; frama up a Sn^e Rhow with girl that can handle J OCx tojierform nwait any card trick: full dak, 50c. lUi- long aeowo guaranle^ Aiiply L KAUFMAN, Room same. Addrem MOSS

GKBUAN BUbMAKlMi: U-53. and BritUh Steam- I SUn MAailKTS—Bought, aold. SLOT 1 $55.00—A BARGAIN—Power’! No. 5 Haring Pic- F’OR SALB—4 elapeUck comediee, with plenty of ihip, t)0Ul anorklug modoU: iblp blowa wUiUe. rlnge I caUN'E EXCUANGB, 1240 Vine St., Pbila.. Pa. tore Outllt. In exceptionally line condltloo: alio Ball- pcaten; the lot, $20.00; good aa new. BOX 222, Sa- bell, Ughla up. vompiete eallon and paeaengeta; ' berg Conmenaaic. $30; 220 rolu, 60 cydea; will luUa, North Carolina. ■ubmarinearine divea.dlvea. Quaia,tluala, ehouieenouie uxpedoUxpedo Into itilp,Hup, cap- I WAKITPn TO QCKIT •end for examlnatloii. MARTIN FREDERICKS, 8533 ----— - cunea to deck and ueca martne glaae. goea bai-k: I . .v? * T.. *. • North Thirteenth SL, Philadelphia. PennaylranlA FOR SALE!—A Beaeler StereapUcoa, one-ball ilae: eomplete with tank. $75; uacd two weeka; any child I *^**’^****'"** ng IsIamL SALl^U-reel Feature. ’’The Oojyuncher." ___— IL C., care American Minute Photo Oo., 2214 Ogden MINUTURE R. R. FOB SALE—Guaranteed brand COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL 8TEREOPT1CON8. tHU'W. Hllno4s. new; In Sebenectady'a only park; can be reaaoeed; I $16.00; Rheostats and Arc Burner. $6.00; attach to engine, 4 oats: capadty, 32 persona; 1,300 feet track, ■ „■ CALCIUM LIGHTS tlckatMrekmff tartwiffHbooth mnrland aheda;rnKmelm* other Itiiminmmmbualneoa vmmmr.nnaapn fpspfor I ment, wRb^t ..gar thla baUlag, ?«^,rr:a.*S:S^A.‘Srfro.,"r^^^ lalUng; my loweat price, $$56.00. BOX 706, Sdicn- aetady. New York. «. ^'*CE8S/.RT FOB GOOD PRO- Su. iSSiS®” ^ FlS?Xu^Bldg“Sl<2J: , ... j I JEfTION—Better light at lower coot can he had by ?.?*—l.OIW iMMiOy. oy*,. *00 tj,, Oxy-Hydm-Cet; brilliant, ceonoalcal. ooo- npholstared. $1.00; new Opera and Maple Folding at eenlmt and*;afe-''Do"'Mone**«*eiher*^reQiUi^*' I FOR SALE—Quo Vadla,,mu*. uiIn a3 reds; uuuuuuLondon byoy dlraot factory prices. ATLAS SEATING OOMPANT, bSJr“2?lte“or d^M^tal^ riiS^ h*'*®***’ * "**1 *“* *‘**®*^ I# Eaat 4$d noma. Hm, To*. e.l».b.r

FOR SALE—Complete Road Show: 1 4-h. p. Oiah- man Electric light Plant, 1 Paths Picture Madiln^ ...... 115 reHa at Film; eeeiything in A-1 shape; the outllt POBTABLH RINK EQUIFMENT-fOzOe Kenyon *• *«■ EDISON 34ACU1NE, $75, slightly used, complete I been used one aeason and la aU ready for bual- Portable Section Floor. Style 125 Wurlltaer Band Or- wlth upper and lower nagaalnea, electric burner, I uma; 1 a™ going out of the bualneoa; write to ^-HV GARBELTS. .>,t_<^ pod,. C, Mlmk

ber for foundaUati of floor; teoaon for selling, other -^w boaincaaa dSSSTdemands Santlon':auantlon; bUbrngata^'big bargain for quick ■ VOORHEES, 26 W. lOth SL. Corlnron, Kentucky. emh buyer.lyer. WrltoWrtte W. F,F. BONNETT, South BosUm. COMPANY. 500 Chestnut SL. St. Inula. - Vlrgliila.a...... rlUlTlOFILMS Mlaaoun, FOB SALE—We want to clean out the following and AOvaffbamaats*^'“'**““‘“** ——wlthaut display,■— ——uadar this haadlng. > -- ~ offer at slashed prices: Fire and Swords. 6 raela, TCNT—25x50, A-1, practically ncer. dwop; aUmp So gar «»aH. $.000 OPERA CHAIRS—Steel and east atandarda, $125; gtw the following 5-realers: Vengeance of tha fW reply. L. 1C. BOYER. NepesU. Odorada $0e up. crated. aU terrleeable, many equal to new; wud. $175; The Frank Caaei $150; UtUeat BebcL SEVERAL OOMEDT REELS—Cheap. AMERICAN out prlcea on dropped factory pottems; 1.300 uphel- $125; Buffalo BIU, $150; The ResurrecUon (Blanchs TWO AirrOMATTC BABB BALL PITCHING MA- AMUSEMENTAMUSEUENT ASSOCIATION, Indianapolis. atorad in red car ^uah, ooat $5 eacb four years ago. Walsh), $75; Ucbibble’s Wedding Day (now copy), CBINEB—Flm-cUas order; cost $150.00 soeb dx. ----In lino condition, taken from buUdlng destroyed by $150; Should a Woman Tell, $50. Fbur-reelers: Star moatha ago; to cloaa estats wlU acU for $50.00 each: I POR EXCHAN6P Bf*: ® Aabestoa Booths, sundard make, $60 up; ace- of India. $40; Black Snake, $50; Victory or Death, AdawfImmaatB FORwMhaiW EXCHANGE Olulaw eau kaasia. ***1 Maohlnaa, all makes, new and used, at lass than $40; Steps on Throne, $40; High Treaaan, $50. AU giaat money-makcra: $15.00 dspoalt brings one to you, I Advarllatinaewiiaamsua wnara ongi^ uagtr this haadlag. ^olaMUe pHeea. BEDINGTON A COMPANY, of the aboee In good candlUon. wlUi plenty of paper; Manes a O. D. GBUBNBAUM, 1110 N. Durtr. | rw* WVfW. a—Wanncvlvanls wtll .hi,, ■iihia.l M,.ln,4 avamlnalln«i nn mmIiW iW TMulrlphU, PanniylTanlA. Scranton, PeniuylTanlA will ship subject rewind examination on receipt of EXCHANGE—Films for Folding Chairs; I need 350: notice from express agent that ebargm wUl be paid YOU WIIJ> WEST COWBOYS, hare U what you I hare 20 reeU to exchange; eery good lubjecta. BOX FOLDING IRON GATE FOR LOBBY—Cost $08. both ways. S4U11LLER FILM COMPANY. Schiller led to get the money at falri or with a camleal; a I ***• Saluda, North Canliiia Uka new. $50. & B. LELAND. MontpeUer. VennoDl. | BuUdlng. Chicago. lUtnota complete outllt for sale: 380 feet Bide WaU Caneas, II os.; 18 feat Side Walla, with tent polm and stakre. FOR SALE—Deadrood Dick, in 3 iMs, complete rope, Oorell eeati for 3,000 people, aU In good condl- wlUi one big, red canvas banner, pbotographa and pa¬ ttm; just used one month; all new stuff: wUl seU at per; roadmen, here’s your chance; ererythlug In good a bargain. Address FRANK 1£B, Tulaa, Oklahoma. coadUlon: all ready to show; $40.00 gels the ouflt; will ship C. O. D., privilege of axsmluaUon, on receipt of money order for $20.U0. PERRY DYE. JR., Box 167, THEATRICAL HOTELS ADVERTISE YOUR OUTDOOR AMUSE¬ Parkersburg, West Virginia. Adturthemaata wtttieiit dltplay, oadsr thla headlrc, 3e par ward. FOR SALE—The Butterfly. Harked Woman, Pro¬ tea First. In Search of the Caatawaye, Price of Ticach- ST. LOUIS. MO.. FURNISHED ROOMS—London MENT PARAPHERNALIA NOW ety, 5 reels each, large amount paper, $170.00 each: Bolal; all mo>>cm conrenlencea; Single. $3.50 per all A-1; wire or write M. HUBBELL, 217 N. Jeffer¬ week; Double, $5.00 per week; In heart of theatre son SL, Chicago, Illinois. dlatrlit. 7 South Sixth Street. SAM SCHWARTZ. Proprietor. Within the next few months you will be planning your business for FOR SALE (HEAP—Oompleta small Moving Pic¬ the coming summer months. ture Film Manufacturing Studio. Address EAST TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE ENH FVRN1TU1U3 (X>., 673 Norih aark SU, Chi¬ There is always a demand for second-hand articles to be used or cago, Illinois. Adaertlaeaieato wlthaut dltplay, uadar this haadlgo 3a par Mwtd. sold in parks, at fairs, carnivals, circuses, airdomes and beach resorts. FOR SALE—Three-reel Features, with lobby dis¬ play. $20.00 each. BARNEY FILM BROKERS. 8 8. BLICKENSDEBFEB8. LIKE NEW. $10.00. Vaasa It is not too early to make up a list of goods you want to dispose Waliasli Ave., Chicago. Included: CUranas, Underwoods, etc.; bergalnt; of and advertise them in the Classifled Columns. •hipped on approeal; guaranteed EDWARD LA FOR sale:—A three-reel Jungle Feature, with post¬ CELLE, 517 North Clark, Chlcaga There is nothing to be gained by putting oft. The advantage of ers. ^0.00. good as new. BOX 328, Tiyon, N. O. advertising early is that you receive a greater number of inquiries be¬ WANTED FOR SALE—Western two-reeler, wltn lots of post- tween now and the time when the resorts open than waiting for the ent. $12.00, new BOX 222. Saluda, North CaroUnx AdearthaaiaBta without dirjiay, uadar thla haadlag. Sa par ward. season to advance, therefore your opportunity to get business is FOR SALE—1 Fort Wayna Oimpansaro and one greater. WANTIU) TO BENT OR BUY—Tent, arllh 1,500 I.

volt Ava, Indlsnspolls, Indiana. OLD NEGATIVE QIASS—All stses; write for fuU buaineis. AMERICAN apadal, $is.’60. BOX III, MontpaUar. VttmonL EXCMANGE, 630 Halsay St.. Brooklyn, Ntw York. TT-_! _!_ Fartloulais to EDWARD E. PlTTUt CO.. 1$$0 PKTURB HOUSE—Making $100.00 week; books AcushnK Ave., New Bvdfoed, Msseachuselts. open. AMERICAN AMUSEMEUST ABSfXHATlON, In¬ mnrvn emw ...... __ . I “^VB SOME: 0

STlUiT FAKERS' NOVELTIES WANTED—AU POW^SPOWER'S eA ROAD OUTFIT—Special trunks. nJiK), ' *0^'I-'1.»» »®’ I’llAHi-a.. 436 Belvldeve, l)e- ^—“——-——^-^—*-^—“■^"1“““^“^^“"“"™"""'*'"" ChlUl, $45; Dr, Gar*E3-llMna ilS* IJt-uL itaHna Iridt, Mhlilgan. . WANT-'Dnl. 3i>xe0; want Mt of Laughing Mlrron. , SlUlea. A$m». „„i 'h,J i,!u-n,ali,m" Jeu^i'l Th’l.-vm:'$45;^Us - OOL F. U. SMITH, West Union, Iowa ICAN AMUSliHENT ASSOCIATION, Indianapolis. maUon. $45; Power if Innneeiice, $45* uliitrr^d of l-EXTUHE tUJDKH--War. Panama Canal and oaar — 1-1 ' ' ' ' ' - ■ I ■ Parit. $75; Vanity Fair. $fi0; Thu Maji Who Flahia auhJwtH; new end aecisid-hand; Lantern and l*le- WANTED TO 11UY-4 Ttnt about $ou$, i$-ft SECOND-HAND MOVING PICTURE (he Flarors, $50; Nai-olcon aiid Josephine, $7$ Also I msi'lilne; litrgslns. WYNDilAM, 8 Pat^ln waU; paftsra keep off. BOB DAVIB, Bt PtM, ar*/*MaBrtBiMO sriB mai e tlm fidloaing iwo-roelirt at FJr. e*li; Him if Uia Sei. New York. Mlnatnta. ACCESSORIES FOR SALE Uumlna lUvet, Boiihle ITeks a Drail One, Fkioili Anlin ... . " ' —— AdrMlIttBiaaU wlthaut dlaglay. uader thla haadlag, T^I*; *■' Taniii,i MOVING PICTURE MACHIWDB, PUMS. 0^1^- WANTED TO BUY—Swinging Rlnga; pay eaab. la aar mrJ. WiIm. Kalhlecn Myiwnieivi, Dwal ckilnr, MoUiarlng bids Oaa Outflt; at bargain prleaa; stamp (nr Uat. ARTHUR WUITLFUl. Urwmvillc. Kanturky. . - Mill Aiigclua. TIis Italy Hpy, Tho VANDURN, $$5 Broadway. Brooklyn. Ntw York --—• IP$0 TWO-REEL PKATUBBB, 85 Uirva-rvet Fee- 'Tjnd^ - TlOnilNO MAmi.NEB—What have yeut State turea,turss, alsoali lot Klnglm; aU axclualva makaa; iargt aim hi, ,7MOTION PICTURE OUTFITS BOLD—Bargain Uat. make and eondltlon. AL TOMPKINS. Cranford, supply of papw for each aubject and flrsl-olaaaArsl-olasa eon- i!? ¥ i?“ f!^ NATIONAL EQUIPMENT CO.. 41T W. Idlcklgan M.. Nrw Jeaiey. dlUon: w reel: Agrt, Fummu (lly if Ihiigal; IWlla if Psrsillite fL-.l'""?.?.. id for examlnitlon uiksi receipt of (2 rivls), lAiireUa llifgla (2 n-eU). (Isul’s Hero. I MInnaeMa. enough to coeer expremage; send for list; also num- vomUan TVajeliv i.Vn tvi'.l.V .i Iwe if alnelea. wllhaut natier. at ai.OO snd 13.00 ner UiO (3iWi>e MOVIE CHAIRJP-Hevaril loU of KM to 660 In parfart onnditlim, SOo up. NATIONAL TBRAITIB HI'iq'LY COMPANY. 16$ East ITSUi Siraci. Ntw To*. WANTED MACHINEB-Uborty IMI. CaUla'a Do I.OM STBEL CBAIRB-PrirtlelUy now, bohu in yoS w«l iroT troalna art In im Uixa. with gum eroding attarhmrou; quou bast uaa but a abort lima: $ Power's Mackinaw iTirat- ihhi C O D wKirto^Ulnd MOVING PUTI'IIK MAtTIINE^-American Klaail grtom. T. J. NERTNEY, Otuwa. IlUnotA •Ullwl TOr OilfiMDt raojinif Wni# lOf PinMUAlft. nhuvni tvith wavs, or uiKm wlrti frtttn vikup -- AMURBICEMT ABBOCUTION. ladlanapollA TON < OOMPANT, Soruton. PanamrlvanlA FILM HKHVim 64 W. Adolph Chlroro III DECEMBER 30, im T ti e Billl>oard 37

MOTOR AND ATTACHMENT FOR POWER'S «A WANTED PORTERS on the foUowlng Rims; Wtvea. BLACKFACE (X>5U3)IAN—Lead numbers; soprano, I’ROF. LHVITUII—22 years' experience as palmtot. —no Tolts. M cfciw. t*0.00. S. B. LELAN-D. Uont- Black Stieeps' Wool, Secret of the Old Cabinet. Doom tttior or baritone; oeventile comedy; age, 24. L, M., clairvoyant; am A-1 lecturer, I'RG., le p*U«r. Vermont of the Guiunen of New York. Ladle, Secret Marriage 1*AU1J,IN. Geiwal Delivery, Jameetowii, Ohio, LEVlTUll, General DoUvery. Atlanta. Georgia, The Tempest. MODKRN FILM SERVICE. 82 Gris¬ RTAGE 1'AJU‘1D;TEJI AND BlUJ'OSTEHr—NoHr MOVING PICnjRK FILMS and Rebuilt Marbines wold SL, Detroit, Michigan. Wanted: Weetem and B1,ACKFACE COMIOIIAN—Good voice: lead num¬ bers: ereentric comedy or straight; age, 24. 1. M. uidisi; 5 years’ c.\pcrience; will go anywhere; tlcksl for aale: bargain prlrea. LYRIC FILM * SUPPLY Senutlonal. Ketturcs, Coenedles, I'asalon Play: Fea¬ PAULLIN. Knoxville. Tetinessee._ If too far. ULYDE SMITH, 32 N. Walnut SL. Uagsin- CO., Terra HaMto, Indiana. tures for sale. CHOKl'B GIRl,—Desirous of jotnlng flrst-clasa com- town, Ylaryland;__ YOUKO MAN—Age 25; si.hes peelllisi; box of¬ ML ST CUKE OLT QUKTC-A Bnn lot oT Wealem. rsny In New York. Address AL LUTCH, Studio, 322 W. 42il St.. New York City._ fice. tickri seller or anything In show husliiesa. FRED- Comedy and lirama, with nusuwa, at $2.ljg pee reel- laUCK wmih;, 1786 Oauw Ave., Uns»klyn. N. T, A. V. TlIOMi’SON. MorgaiHown. Kentucky. GERM.VN COMEDIAN—For tab. or vauderillo; light FREE AT LIBERTY 'xaue-'y; sge, 29; also work comisly and duuble In bi¬ YOUNG MAN—Have some exisrlcnce In isx-railiaff. MUST Bin ill—Powet'a 6A, completa. Rue outflt, cycle act. GERBER, New Richmond Hotel, Chicago, stage carpentering and blllpailing; go aiiywhera; aondltloo guaranteed or money refuuded: tlOb.OO: lilliiois. ber and reliable. FRANK GULDBACU, Marsbilaid. Wisconsin. __ mill fieud fur exam iiatlm. JAMkiS CONWAY, 1241 DEPARTMERT JKW COMIXIIAN—^l^tshes position with burlesqii, Went Tioga 8t. PhUadelpbla, Paunaylraola. show: have own wnrdrohe. .XBE WKISEN, 84 YOUNG MAN—.\ge. 23i flrst-rlasa roller skat*; WRITE IS WORDS ONLY, INCLUDING Schenck Ave., Bro»ikly.i, New York._ desires poaiiion in good rink; eight years' expetl- MUST SkXL--Edle>'lalttes; l>oth lead numbers. Uennit,Ke Hotel. A-1 BARITONE- Holo. IL ft O.: eilhcr rltof; rix Baotha, Curtalna and Picture Machlni?^. l.itamt ClIAlUAlis GAYLOU—The giant frog man and Gjand Rapids. Mlcldgan._ world's gnateat ai-roliat: fain, celebrations, etc. 768 years' experience; gisal liarituiio voice; double stggu, TUkUTRE SUPPLY CO., 809 CheeUiut St., St. W. S. COTTIXGIIAM. Moms Hill. Indiana. Umta, Mlaaourt. 17Ui BL. Detroit, kllchlgan. VERSAni-E 8. ft D. CO.MEDIAN AND ClIAB- ACTER WOMAN—Musleal slock prefetT«l: plenty w A-1. rORNimST -Troupe or iwate: stricUy tob« scripts; A-1 producer. LEE AND HESTER. St. PICTURE MACHIN'BS, (18.00 UP—Gag OutRU. AGENTS AND MANAGERS and reliabla C. E. m;NTLEY, care KunemaA James Hotel. Denver, (dorado._ t afe, Boone, Iowa. tr.OO up: Stereoptloons, Fllaw. Road Showa cheap; At Liberty Advarilwaieatt witheut display, uader this Electric Lampa, (1.00; FrenHi Condenaera, (Sc; heading, are published free af eharst. VERSATIIJ; TEAM—Comedy singers and dancers; A-1 DRUMMER—Bells, tffeets, trais, xylu^one, atamp. FRED L. SMITH, AaMtcrdam. New York. good prlnilpal comedian and iinul>rette; flrst-elaas marimbsidione, natdmlia, Deagan unafon. sIsijBtIf A-1 AGENT—Not afraid of work; know Texas; can strctalty. JACK AND MAY BHEARS. R F. D. 42, belU, chimes, etc.; prefer oachestra. DKUMAfflh. Weed sport. New Tork._ PORTABLE PROJBCTOR^Made by manufacturers iotn on wire. WALLACE B. MePUERSUN, San 503'/i_8e»'<)nd UaiTareeial motor drive for ADVANCE AGENT—Route, book,, promote, con¬ straights, black, rube; age, 32; weight. 140. 820 La- full line cf traps; ti-avel sr locata JACK ARONSON, I flUier direct or altemattug current: fine lenses; one duct tranacontinemal tours for feature dloB, lec- grajige, Toledo, ^^la_ Dcimtt. Michigan. _ of beet portaltle prolectoTS made, and everyth!^ In turvea and apeclal companies. E. F. ROBERTS, 117 TOUNO MAN—Age 22; for burlesque, musical com¬ rery good condition; sell to quick buyer at (55 cash. W. Baker St., AUanto, Georgia._ A-1 DRlJMMlUt—L‘ .'Is, xylophones; will get tym- edy or vaudeville; violiiiist with good haritooe vol.-e; paid If job la P'.vmaiut,': sober. B. C, rare mUbuoid. CHARLES REU>. 19b0 BucUd Avenue. Qeveland. ADVANCE OR MANAGER—House or road show; fine specialty. J. A. CRITICO. 26 Pearl SL. Newark, dmlnnatl. Ohio._ handle anything that pays real money. JACK JACK- OMa A-1 VIOLINIST—latdiT; experienced In all Ilnss; POWER'S CAMERAGRAPH NO. S—(25 Juat ex- SON, 128 E. Park St., Rome, New York._ pendad fin mechaiilam; make offer. & B. ICELAND, largo library; prefer to lix-ate. FRANK 80B0TA. Ifentpelier, Vermont. ADVERTTSING SPECIAUST AND ADVANCE DRAMATIC ARTISTS 303 W. Park KL. Knoxville, Tennessee. AGENT—Can book, route or wildcat; thoroughly rx- At Lk>rty Advertlaemeata wKhent dlsflay, uadar this A REAL DRUMMER—Swell outBt; tympanl, ma¬ perleiued In all lines; bustler: new Ideas. HERBERT rimba; eiglit reader; prefer orchestra; handle standaid POWER'S NO. 5, oompletr. with lenses, etc.; GRAHAM, 717 Penn BL, Kansas City, MisaourL ktadlat. art published frae tf sharia. (80.00: good as new. AMERICAN EXOLANGE. 630 stuff. I,eROY .NIXAtON, 315 N. Rankin SL. NatchMb Halsey BL, Brooklyn. Now Tork. ADVERTISING AGENT—Rellahle and a bustler; Miaelssit^^____ will go anywhere. H. J. CRABTREE, 880 S. State AT LIBERTY—For comedy, general buslneaa and BAND LEADER- -

DBCCMBEII so; ftit,

Carni, Emma, A Imtty Comer (Patoca) New Darloc SMera (Paltaa) Broafclya. York (Keith) Pblla. I *. Parllng Baaaphoae Olrla (Uileat Datielt. aet^* CaieCaae for Sherlock (Crjetal)(Cryatal) St. Joaeph, Vo. Darrell, Bmllr. A Co. (New Palace) Ulnneapolk Carelle, Buby (Bmpreaa) TuUa, Ok. Darto A Klslto (Orphenm) Jnckaon, Mich. Chandler, Anna (Orphmro) Oakland, Cal. Davies, Tom, A Co. (Tengo St.) T^ntoi, Charlea, Four (Broadway) Superior, Wla. Chartera, Spencer, A Co. (Keith) Providence, HOMEIf SRACII t'liaae A LaToir (Emery) Providence, K. I. ROUTES IN ADVANCE Cheyenne Mlnatrela (American) New York. DICKINSON A DEACON Chin-Chin (Oriibeum) Peoria, Ill. In Vaudeville Variety. Clilneae Caatlea, I'he (Pantagea) Calgary, Can. Chluko A Co. (Pantagea) Ogden, Utah; (Pan- Dttvls. Helene (Orpbewm) Mlnueapolis; (Orpbe- tagee) Denver 1-6. nrii) St. Paul 1-0. Clitp A Marble (Orpheum) Dea Molnea, 1-d. Davis, Nina (Academy) Charleston, B. C. ChUbolm A Breen (Pantagee) Seattle; (Pan DeBiere (Keith) Tole. (Keltb) Boston l-B PERFORMERS’ DATES & Harrington (Orpheum) Cal. In a Cletty CemhlaatlsB Gynaastla Nevelty. _ Bernard A Scarth (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb.; (Or- De Kelno A Flores (Majestic) Bloomington. lU. pbeum) Memphis 1-6. CIccollnl (Keltb) Providence 1-6. A Co. (Pantagee) KanoM When no date ia given the week of tP^mont) Chwiotte, N. C. Clark A Hamilton (Forsyth) Atlanta, Oa., 1-6. „ 911.30 !■ ta ha auaaliad BernlvWcl Bros. (Palace) Ft. Wayne, Ind. Clark A Verdi (Riverside) New York 1-6.16. * Wllllama (Regent) Muskegon. SBeh. December le to be suppiiea. 3^^^, ^ (Pantage.) Calgary, Can. Clarke, Wilfred (Majestic) Houston, Tex. ^ Co- (Keith) Providence; i — Berrena, The (Ma)estlc) Chattanooga, Tenu. Clayton, Besisie,Be.rden A Pwyer (Emery) Providence, R. I. Coleman, Claudia (Empress) Omaha, Neb. OnHieeai CIrsutt. A^of ^•on (Orph^) Portlana. ore., iwr 33,^^ Olrcue (Wilson) Chicago. Collins, Milt (Orphenm) Vancouver, Can.; (Or¬ phenm) ^n Franc^ W. Bowera, Fred V„ A Co. (Lyric) Oklahoma City, pheum) Seattle 1-6. Ok- Cula 1-6. (Orpheum) Lincoln, Neb., 4-6. Alice, Teddy (Majestic) Little Rock, Ark. .uu auaii am r »Asa saaasiw saava aai ataar uaaii iiaair aiaa Bong Fong Oue A Haw (Temple) Detroit 1-8. Althoff Children (Keith) Toledo, O.; (Temple) THIS BLANK IS AVAILABLE FOB BOUTE DATA INCASE YOU HAVE NO BOUTE Donohne A Stewart (Orpbeum) Vancouver, Can.; Detroit 1-6. ‘ (Orpheum) Seattle 1-6. All Aboard (Pantages) Victoria, Can.; (Pan¬ CABDS. CARDS WILL BE MAILED UPON APPLICATION. Dooley A Rugel (Palace) New York; (Keltb) tages) Tacoma, Wash., 1-6. Washington 1-0. All OIrl Revue (Fozi Aurora. III. Dore A Haloerin (Orpheum) St. Paul; {Orpbe- Allen, Minnie (Keltb) Providence; (Keltb) Bos¬ nm) Winnipeg. Can., 1-6. ton 1-0. Doria, Mme, (Orphenm) Fresno, Cal.; (Orpbeum) Allen A Howard (Orpbeum) Omaha, Neb.; (Ma¬ Los Angeles 1-6 jestic) t'hlcaao 1-6. Downs A Oomez (Boulevard) New York. Alien A Fraucls (National) New York. Doyle, John T., A Co. (Pantages) Tacoma, America First (Empress) Orand Rapids, Mich. Waab.; (Pantages) Portland, Ore., 1-6. American Comeily Four (Forsyth) AUsiita, Oa. Drawee, Ilambo A Frisco (Empress) Cincinnati. Ames A Wlntlir«i> tOrpheuin) St. Paul; (Or- Dn For Boys (Majestic) Milwankee; (Palace) pbeiim) Mliinea|H>IlH 1-6. Chicago 1-6. Ainorcs A Miilvey (.\venue R) New York. Doffy A liorenz (Shea) Buffalo. Anderson A Oulnes (Lyric) Indianapolis. Dufty A Daisy (Davis) Pittsburg, Pa.; (Shea) Antleraon's Revue (Majeetlc) Kalamasoo. Mich. Buffalo 1-6. Anger, Lou (American) New York. Dugan A Raymond (Majestic) Chicago; (Temple) Anson, ('apt. A Daughter (Keith) Cincinnati 1-6, Detroit 1-6. Anthony A Mack (Pantages) Calgary, Can. Dnnbar'a Darkles (Temple) Detroit 1-6. Antrim A Vale (Keith) Philadelphia. Dunedin, Queenie (Keith) Indianapolis. Apdale’a Animals (Keith) liouisville; (Keith) Dunedin Duo (Keith) Toledo, O.; (Shea) Buf¬ Columbus, O.. 1-6. falo 1-6. Arco Bros. (Or|ibeum) Minneapolis 1-6. Dunlap A Verdin (Majestic) Little Rock, Arfc. Ardell, Pranklyn (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Arden. Ehlwln. A Co. (Davis) Pittsburg 1-6. FRED DUPREZ Cara Daw's 8teaaishla Agsasy, 6LEHH ORDERS Bradna A Derrick (Keith) Philadelphia; (DavU) Cook, Joe (Royal) New York. Lelosstsr Seuars, Landon, Ca^ Faatursd wttli Herotlae 8heas. Pittsburg 1-6. Cook A Rothert (Majestic) Bloomington, 111. Brads, The (Majestic) Chicago 1-6. ' Dyer, Hulwrt, A Co. (Orphenm) St. Paul; (Or- Arilsa, Anita, A Co. (Bmpreaa) Tnlsa, Ok. “'Brady■aay «A aianoneyMahoney (Novelty)t^oveuy. Topeka,aui-esa Kan.rvi Arnold, Dorothy, A Olrla (Cecil) Mason City, BrattoM, The (K-K Show) Blake^, Oa. li/iyi Q CUAM ByerTVa7'"cutantal) Erie, Pa.; (Keltb) Cln- I- i:reen Famil) (Emery) Providence. U. I * — . . _ lireen, Harry (Plaza) Sprin^eld. Mass. IIItIb lla UULIlmAll DyM°A%lnn (Cecil) Mason City, la. Escl A Edwanls (Orpheum) Jackson, Mich. Bride Shop (Orpheum) Lincoln, Neb.; (Orpheum) Omaha 1-6. Cook Sisters, Four (Pantages) Seattle; (Pan ®k ‘^"•MBrYghtonV^^.e (Ontheum) Kan«.a ttty tages) Vancouver Can 1 « ' Edge of the World (Orphenm) Jackson, MIcb. (Pantages) Ectnionton, Can., 1-6. Brlerre A King (Majestic) Dallas, Tex. Cook A Stevens (De’Kalb)’Brwklyn. a MlnneapolU; 1 Pan Australian Creightons (Bnshwlck) Brooklyn; Briscoe, Olive (Pantages) Portland, Ore. Cook A Lorenz (Oreeley Sq.) New York. W innipeg, Can.. 1-6. Brooks, Harry, A Co. (Unique) Minneapolis. Cooper A Hartman (Bijou) Fall River, Mass. *n AvS'^A Uoyd VHiveralde) New York. B^ka. S Brooks. AUn. A Co. (Majestic) Chicago; (Tern (^rbett, Shepard A Donovan (Alhambra) New ^l*’'***J'^*wB Avery, Van A Carrie (Murray) Richmond, Ind. t Electrical Venus (Electric) St. Joseph, Mo. pie) Detroit 1-6. „ ''^ork 1-6. Montreal; (Temple) ^gm- pSlSiley^ABromley St PeartonPearron (Alhambra)(AUiambra) SprinSpringfield, Mo. Comala « Adele (Orpbeum) New York. Elkins, Faye A Elkins-.-.a... (Crystal) St. Joseph, Mo. Baby Helen'(Shea) Bnffalo 1-6. Brower. Walter (Patace)(PaUce) Chicago; (Hajesttc) Courtroom Girls (Pantages) Seattle; (Pan- Milwankee 1-6. t«8®®) Vancouver, Can.. 1-6. “ (Colonial) New York; (Bush Bachelor Dinner (Delancey 8t.) New York. miwankee i-«. Baker, Belle (Buabwick) Brooklyn; (MaryUnd) P-rown A Jackson (Hipp.) Baltimore. **“ ^ B'«»'lyn 1-6. Baltimore 1-6. Bruch, FritsFritt A Lucy (Orpheum) New Orleans. - BaU, Bae E. (Keith, Dayton. O.; (Keith, Co- Bndd. ButbJ (Orohenm)(^heum) Denver:Denver; (Orpheum) Ltn-L.n- S™'T‘o^Band * "Mijea^fc).(?!1°*®E.*®1 BYSo^*“gto^“lH' Denver. lumbUS 1-6. £!®0- 7^. . _ CrmiHT A tOFnluinnil nal.... ERREST EVANS Bnrke, Dan, A Olrla (Temple) Detroit. Creasy A Dayne (Orphenm) Calgary, Can.; (Or¬ In Vasdevflis. BaH, Foster, A Po. (Orohenm) 'Dulnth, Minn.; pbeum) Vauconver. Can.. 1-6. (Orpbeum) Winnipeg, Can., 1-6. Burke A Harris (Royal) New York. Ball. Ernest (Orpheum) Lincoln, Neb.; (Orphe-I Burley A Burley (Keltb) Colnmbas, O.; (Keltb) Ellis A Ellawortb (Orpbeum) SauU Ste. Marla, nm) Omaha 1-6. Cincinnati 1-6. Canada. Balaer Sisters, Three (Orphenm) Mlnneaptdls. Burton, Dorothy (Boulevard) New York. BERT CROSSMAN Engfordi., The (Idea) Fond dn Lac, WIs. Bankoff A Olrlie Ballet (Orohenm) OakUnd, Oal. | California Boys (Bnshwick) Brooklyn; (Orpheom) Entertainers, Four (Orpbeum) Jacksonville, Fla. Brooklyn 1-6. THE WORLD’S PREMIER SENSATIONAL Barbour Troupe (Bijou) Brooklyn. DANCER Erford’s Whirling ib-nsatlon (Orand) St. Louis, Rarbler, Thatcher Oo. (Plaae) SpringSeld, Maos. Camilla’s Birds (Maryland) Baltimore. Wtth May Tsily’t “Tbs Wsrid Daaatn.” Mo. Barnes, Stuart (Keith) Louisville; (Keith) la- Campbell. Craig (Orohenmv Dea Moines; (Or- Playlat U. B. 0. TIsis. Erna, Antonio Trio (Keith) Cincinnati; (Majes¬ dianapoUa 1-8. pbrom) MlnnesDolis 1-6. Dtlst tbs Mlaust Nuaibsr wHb Mist Luellle. tic) Chicago 1-6. Barnes A Robinson (New Palace) MinneapoUa. 1 Ernie A Ernie (Orpbeum) Quincy, IlL Barry Olrla (Regent) Mason City, la. { I Evnsa, Erneat. A On. (Mslesttc) Diibnqne, la. Barry, Mr A Mrs. J. (Orpbeum) San Francisco Crisps, The (Keltb) Cincinnati; (Keith) Lonta-1 Evelyn A Dolly (Pantages) Edmonton, Oan.; ‘J3-Jan. 6, * THE CASTEELS vine 1-0. (Pantages) Calgary, Can., 1-6. ■OTOIIIN6 WONDERS Bartos, Three (Pantages) Denver. U. B. O. Cromwells, The (National) New York. Everest’s Monkeys (Ortihenm) New Orleans. Bassett A Bailey (Family 1 MoUne, IlL Crumit, Frank (Academy) Norfolk, Va. Everett, Oaynell (Trentwn) I^nobbnrg, Ta.; Beenian A Anderson (Orpheom) Lincoln. Neb. //» » »* _ ui.; Canningham, Cecil (Riverside) New York. (Majestic) Danville 1-6. Beers. Leo (Orpheum) Bro<*lyn; (Bnriiwlck) Campbell MIssm (Orpheum) Memphta: Onrtls, Ruth (Empress) Cincinnati. Farber Olrla (Orpheum) Dnlutb, Minn.; (Qrpbe- BrcAlvn 16 ' pheum)phenm) New Orleans 1-6. _. Cutty, Elizabeth (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can nm) Winnipeg, Can., 1-6, Beeson, Hertle (Empress) Omaha, Neb. OanarUOanarls A Cleo«leo (Keith) Colnmbns,Columbus, O.; (Hipp.)( PP-1 (Pantages) Edmonton, Can., 1-6. Farrell, Edw., A Co. (Temple) Hamilton, Can. Kelgiiini OIrls. Five (Orpbeum) Oakland, 0«L „ Yonngafown 1-6.*:*• , Cutty, Wm. A M. (Shea) Buffalo; (Sbea) Toronto Fay, Eva (Colonial) Erie, Pa.. 1-6, Cantwell A Walker (Orphenm) Lincoln, Neb. Bell Ringers (Pantages) PortUnd. Ore. Lincoln, Fay, Two Coleys A Fay (Keith) Pbiltdelphla; Caibrey Bros. (Boulevard) New York. Belle A Kva (Majestic) Erie, Pa. D’Amico (Majestic) Houston, Tex. (Orpbeum) Montreal 1-6. Carlisle A Romer (Keith) Colnmbns, 0. Belle A Mayo (Bijon) Brooklyn. O'ArvIlle, Jeanette (Rtalto) Montreal, Can., In-1 Faynei, The (Lyric) Birmingham, Ala. Carmen, Frank (On>heum) Salt Lake City; (Or¬ Bellboy Trio (Lincoln 8q.) New York. Fennell A Tyoon (Palace) Brooklyn. Belleolatre Bros. (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.: phenm) Denver 1-6. D’Amour A Douglas (Orpbeum) Montreal 1-0. Ferguson A Sunderland (IJncoln Mq.) New York. (Pantages) Edmonton, Cwi., 1-6. Carr, Eddie (Orphenm) Brooklyn. Dailey, Bob, A Co. (Empress) Orand Rapida, I Fern, Harry, A Co. (Hipp.) Youngstown, 0.; Carr, Alexander, A Co. (Alhambra) New York. Bennett, Murray (Yoiige St.) Toronto. (Keith) Cleveland 1-6. Benny A Woods (Columbia) St. Lonla. * Co. (Keltb) Colnmbns. 0.; Dale. Violet (Orplienm) Calgsry, Can. Fields, Kean A Walab (Majestic) Kahtmesoo, Bensee A Italrd (Bijon) Knoxville, Tenn.; (Keith) Cleveland 1-6. '.Dale Farnitworth Trio (Pantages) Oakland, Cal., Mich. (KeithI Columbus, O., 1-0. (Pantages) lios Angeles 1-0. Finis Family (Majestic) Flint, MIcb. Ben-sford, Harry, A Co. (Maryland) Baltimore Damarel, Geo., A Co. (Family) La Fayette, Ind. Fuller, lieo (Apollo) Janeavllls, Win. RNNR CLEVELAND Danelng OIrl of Delhi (Orpheum) Los Angeles. Flnoberg, Nan (Family) Moline, III. Beresford. Helen, A Co. (NeW Palace) Mlnneapo- BupporUnt Oaa Kelly In Finders-Ksepen. Booked Dana, Katherine, A Co. (OrpbeiKu) Brooklyn! Fink's Mub'S (Orphenm) San Fraoclseo; (Op* „ Bs...... -_SoUd U. B. O. TImsL_ Daniels A Conrad (Pantages) Seattle; (Pentages) pheum) Oakland 1-6. Rergere, \alerle. A Co. (Keith) Ixnilavllle 1-6. MamBsaa^^MMaMssHnn^HM^MnaMB^ Vancouver, Can., 1-0. Flake A Fallon (Fulton) Brooklyn. , Berio 'Dhrlng Olrla (Psntagaa) MinneapoUa; Cartmfll A Harris (Keltb) Boeton; (Orphenm) Daniibea, Four (Hbea) Buffalo 1-6. FItzgIbbon, Bert (Orpheum) Salt lake Oicy (Of; (Pantages) Wlnnlpag, Oaa., 1-6. Brooklyn 1-6. Dare Bros. (Majeetlc) Newark, N. J, phenm) Denver 1-6. t I €>


nt*t.’ll«l>un, Mar1« (Orplieum) Ix)i Angelea (Or- neadllnera. The (Colonial) Erie, Pa. Jean, Daisy (Keith) Cleveland, O.; (HIpp.) Laurie A Bronaon (Temple) lt» .\iigelea; (.Pantagea) Hcmian. Dorothy (Warwick) Brooklyn. San Diego, Cal., 16. JOE FANTON A CO. Herz. Ralph, A Co. (Majestic) Chicago. la “A Qardea ef Surprltat.", Jack A Kitty (Electric) Joplin, Mo. Hewins. Nan, A Co. (Grand) Atleuta, (ia. JEAHHETTE SISTERS Ia*e. Bryan, A C». (HIpp.) Baltimore. Yogarty, Frank (Pantagea) Mlnneapolla; (Pan¬ Hickey Bros., Three (Knipress) Grand Rapids, Mich., 16. WNh Bla(d( aad White Review. Leigh A Jones (Keith) Tolel>euin) Jackaon, .Mich. Ford A Urina (Orund) St. Loula. Hoey A Lee (Orpheiini) New York. Junior FoIIlea (On>heum) Galesburg, III. Leorartl, Eddie. A Ca». )0)pheuiu) Sun k’ruQ- Forest Fire (Orpheuin) IH-nver; (Orpheuin) Lin¬ Hoffman, l.ew (Lyrle) IiKlianaiHdls. clsco; (Orpheum) Oakland 16. Hollunil A Jennis (Empress) Cineiiiiiatl. Junior Folll-s (Lyric) Hoboken, N. J. coln, Neb.. 4-fl. Kallyama (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Orpheuin) Leonard A Louie (American) New York. l^>Bter A Lovett (Seventh Avc.) New York. Ilidloways, Four (Keith i Boston. I.eone, Maude, A Co. (Pantages) Minneapolis, Holman, Harry, A Co. (Mujestie) Milwaukee 1 6. Duluth 1-6. Fowler, Brenda (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. Kalaroa, Princess. Duo (Orpheum) Memphis; (Or¬ Minn.; (Pantagea) Winniiieg, Can., 1-0. Fox & tVellH (Avenue It) New Y'ork. Holman, Harry, A Co. (Regent) Muskegon, pheum) New Orleans 1-6. Foy, Eddie, A Co. (Keith) Philadelphia. Mich. Kane A Herman (Orpheum) Peoria. 111. Frances A Boss (Keith) Toledo, O., 1-6. Holmes A I..aVere (Lyrie) Hoboken. N. J. MARTIN lee and NEIL CHARLIE Kartelll (Kedzle) Chleago. FYancis A Kennedy (Empress) Grand Rapids, Holtz, Lou (Keith) Toledo, O.; (Keith) Dayton Kaufman Bros. (Orpheum) Joliet, III. THE LITTLE JEW AND THE TAD 1 0 Mich. - . Kaufman, Minnie (l*ant,ages) Ogden, I.'tah; MIth Tht'iuas .Musical tVanedy Ox Francis, Adeline (Alhambra) New York. (Pantages! Denver 1-6. Frank A Toby (Keith) Boston 1-0, Kaw-ana Bros. (Orpheum) Joliet, III. Leslie, Bert, A Co. (Colonial) New York 16. Frans, 8lg., Troupe (Empress) St. Louis. Keane A Mortimer (Orpheum) St. Paul 1-6. Frawley A West (Orpheum) Quincy, III. LEAH M. HERZ & CO- Lester, Great (Pantagea) IX'nver. Keene A Willlanis (Majestle) Dallas, Tex. Fraar, Bagget A (>ear (Pantagea) Los Angeles; PREBENTma A (XIMEDY ODDITY, I.evolos, The (Colonial) New York; (Bnshwlck) Kelly A Galvin (Keith) Dayton, O.; (Davis) (Pantagea) San Diego, Cal., 1-0. Bnaiklyn 1-6. Pittsburg 1-6. French A Els (Urpbeum) Kansas City; (Cplnm- -I WISH I KNEW” Levy A Symtdtony Girls (Mtalel) Sioux CHty, Ig. By 8ADA OtWAN. Kelly, Geo., A Co. (Keith) Toleilo, O.; (Majes Levy, B.Tt (On>heum) Salt I.ake City 16. bia) St. Louis 1-6. tie) Chleago 1-6. Frey, Henry (St. James) Boston. Dlrectlan IL B. Martnelli. orphfaim Olreult, I4>wls. J. C., A Co. (Orplieum) Quincy, Ill. Kelly A Rowe (Gladstone) Gladstone, Mleh. Frtsooe (Orpheum) D»s Moines, la.. 1-6. Libonetti (Oriibeuni) Montreal 16. Honeyboys, Seven (Palace) Chicago 1-6. Kelly A Wilder Co. (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga. F^vollty Girls (A|>olln) Janesville, Wts, LIchter, Jimmy (Seventh Ave.) New York. Honor Thy Children (Orpheum) Memphis; (Or- Kelly, Tom (PanLages) Kansas City. Mo. Garden, Geo. A Lilly (Empress) St. liouis. Llglitner Sisters Alexander (Orpheum) FresDO, pheom) New Orleans 1-6. Kelo A Kelly (Grand) Atlanta, Ga. Garden of Surprises (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Bush- Cal.; (Oriiheum) Ixw ,\iigelea 1-6. wick) Brooklyn 1-0. Lind. Homer (Gn-eley Sq.i New York. Garnalla A Harris (Orpheum) Hancock. Mich. Llnne’a. Hans. Classic Dancers (Majestle) San Gautier's Toy Shop (Orpheum) Los Angeles 23- Antonio, Tex. Jan. 6. Linton A I.awrenee (Majestic) Houston, Tex. Gazton, Wm., A Co. iOr|ihenmi Brooklyn. Little J»rd Roltert (HIpp.) Baltimore. Geetan A Spencer iBijou) Brooklyn. Lloyd. Herbert, A Co. (Pantages) Ogden, Utah; Geiger, John (Orplieum) D< nver; (Orpheum) Lin¬ IF YOU CAN NOT FIND (Pantagea) Denver 1-6. coln, Neb., 4-6. George, Edwin (Alhambrai New York; (Keirb) Phila. 1-0. George, Col. Jack (Maryland) Baltimore. THE BILLBOARD LeMAIRE & DAWSON BloekftM Csairdlaas. George. P (DeKalb) Broo) lyn. Georgette A Capltola (Maryland) Baltimore 1-6. At the newsstand send us your name, the name of the'*dealer Geralds. Musical 'ttephenra) Omaha, Neb.; (Or- Im. Mari t (t'olTimbln) St. lyrnla. pbavini Kanana City i 6. and 35 cents. We will send you The Billboard for FOUR WEEKS. Iy>hsc A Stcr’iTig (Majeatio Houston, Tex. Gerard A Clark (Orphe-iin) Montreal 1-6. I.nna’s ILiwallans (Electrle) Kansas City, Ran. Gibson A Guinan (Keith) Philadelphia; (Gar¬ Ixindon Ixols lOrpheum) Oakland. Cal.; (Or¬ rick) Wilmington. Del.. 1-0. pheum) S-ill r.a'-;e City I (1. Gilbert, Harry (Palace) Danville, III. Ixnraii-e. Nora iLoew) New liiN-helle. N. Y. Gilbert A Ia»see (Crystal) St. Joseph, Mo. ONE MONTH FOR 35 CENTS Lota and Lots of It (Onihenm) San Kranciw-o; Gillette's Monkeys (Lincoln 8q.) New York. (Oriiheutn) Oakland 1-6. Gllllngwater. Claude (Shea) Buffalo 1-6. Trsr out along this Une and mall to llhe BlUlioard. Cincinnati. Isvve’s lottery (Mi'exi Detroit. Gilroy, Haynes A Montgomery (Pantages) San Ix>ve Birds iltoyali New Yi.rk. FVancUco; (Pantages) Oakland, Cal., 1-0. Lovenberg Sisters (Shea) Buffalo; (Shea) To¬ ronto 1-6. Girl From Milwaukee (Temple) Kochester. N. Y. Girl Worth While, The (Grand) Elgin, 111. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., Ix>Telt, Geo., A Co. (Bijou) Battle Cre«>k, Mich, I/»yal, Sylvia. A Co. (.Majestic) I't. Worth. .Tex. Girl in the Moon (Majestic) Kalamazoo, Mich. 2.5 and 27 Opera Place, Girlies’ Gambol (Keith) Washington; (River¬ Loyal, Alf. (Teni|>le) Detroit; (Temide) Roch¬ ester, N. Y., 16. side) New York 1-6. Cincinnati, Ohio. Gladiators, The (Alhambra) New York 1-6. I enclose herewith 35 cents in postage stamps for a Special Sub¬ Glockers, Hie (Grand) St. Louis. scription of four i.ssues of The Billboard. Send it to Godfrey A Henderson (Grand) St. Louis. Ralph Lohse *^<1 Nana Sterling Goldsmith A PInard (Pantages) Edmonton. Can.; Orahsusi CtrasR. Dlreetlsa Harry Wobor. (Pantages) Calgary. Can., 1-0. Golem, Al, Trouiie (.American) New York. Lucas. Jimmy, A Co. (Wilson) Clileago. Golet, Hanls A Morey (Lyric) Richmond, Va. Lucille Sl C-M-katism tllipp.) Rultimoie. Gonne A Alberts (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) f.unctte Sl.ders (Columbia) St. Is>nla 16. Bochester, N. Y., 1-0. Lutz Rros. (Greeley Si).) New York. Goodwin. Nat C. (Omheum) Mernnhis; (Orphe¬ Post Office-Slate- Lydell A Higgins i.Majeatlc) Milwaukee. um)' New Orleans 1-6. This Coupon is good for Canadian .subscription also. Lyons, Geo. (HIpp.) Yonngsiown, O.; (Rushwick) Gordon A Rica (Keith) aeveland 1-0. Brooklyn 16. Gordon. Bert A Harry (Grand) St. Louis. Lyric Danivra, Seven (Broadway) Mnakogi-e, Ok. Gordon, James (Pantages) Denvey. McAullffe A Pearson (Mileai Detroit, Mich. Gordon A Rlcca (Family) Fayette, Ind. McCarthy A Faye (.tlhaiiihra) .New York; (Co¬ Gould A Lewis (DeKalb) Brooklyn. lonial) New York 1 6. Grady, James, A Co. (Pantages) San Diego, Cal.; MeConnell A ^imjisoii (Orphenm) MInneopolia. (Pantages) Salt Lake City 1-0. McDevItt. Kelly A Lui-y (Orpheuin) Ksnaoa Oraaville, DeswOiy. -Go. (Temple) namilton. ‘Hooper A Marbnry (Maryland) Baltimore. Kenoedya, Dancing (Columbia) St. lioula; (Or- City. • pheum) Ml mpbia 1-6. Can. Hopkina, Ethel (Majeatlc) Howatou. Tex. MeFayden. Alexander (Colambia) St. I»olg: Grapewin. Chss.. A Co. (Palace) Chicago; (Co¬ Ilorlick Dancera (Pantagea) Loa Augeleo; (Pan¬ Kenny A Hollis (Orphenm) Los Angeles C-i-Jan. (Orp;ven(nt Memphis 1-6. lumbia) St Louis 1-6. tagea) San Diego, Cal., 1-8. 6. MoGIvney, Owen (Majestic) Rrie, Pa. Ora.v, Bee Ho, A Co. (Keith) Toledo, O., 1-0. Hoodlbl (Palace) New York (Keithi Pbila. 1-6. Kent. 8. Miller, A Co. (Majeatlc) Dallas, Tex. Gray A Graham (Orpheum) New York. Howard A Flelda (Pantagea) \jam Angelea; (Pan¬ Kerr A Weston (Forsyth) Atlanta, Ga. ' Gray, Nan (Pantages) Winnipeg, Can.; (Pan¬ tagea) San Diego, CiL, 1-6. Kerry, Karl (Priocesa) Wichita, Kan. 3 MaePHERSONS tagea) Edmonton, Can., 1-0. Ilnwarda. Fl.vlng (Orpheom) Boaton. Tag Natah a* Seateh. Dk. PsU Mask. Gray. Eager A Co. (Shea) Toronto. Howard A Clark (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Harry—KLEIN BROS.—Al. Green, Gene (Keith) Boston 1-0. Roebeeter, N. Y.. 1-0. "THE NOOTRAL ADMIRALS." McGooda. Tates A Co. (Metropolitan) Water- Green. McHenry A Dean (Kedtie) Chl(*ago. Howard A White (Orpheom) MontreaL Headlining oa Loew OIrcvlt. town. S. D. Green, Barry, A Cok (Riverside) New York. Howard A Boon (Pantagea) Tacoma, Wtah.; McKay A .\isHne (Onihenm) Los Angeles 26- Grey A Old Rose (Palace) Haaleton, Pa. (Pantagea) FortUnd. Ore., 1-0. 6. Gmber’a Animals (Pantagea) Spokane; (Pan¬ Kimberly A Arnold (Majestic) Bloomlngtoo, III. Howard, Great (Temple) Roebeater, N. Y., 1-6. McKaye’s Revue (Broadway) M(Mkogee. Ok. tages) Seattle 1-& Howard’a Ptmiea (Orphenm) Duluth. Mlon.; (Ur¬ King, Gene A Katherine (Lyric) Lincoln, Neb. King A Khiff (HIpp.) Baltimore. McKenzie. Beatrice, A Co. (Yonge St.) Torontoi Gnimenl Trio (Shea) Toronto. pbeum) Wtnaipeg, Can., 1-0. Kip A Klppy (Rloctric) Kansas City, Mo. McT>>)lan A Carson (Kedzle) Chicago. Haines, Robt. T.. A Co. (Keith) Weebing^; Hoyt’a Mlnatrela (Loew) New Rochelle, N. Y. McRae k Clegg (New Palace) MinneanoHs. (Keith) PhlU. 1-0. Kirby A Remo (Palsce) Chicago; (Keltb) Co- Hodaon, Bert B. (Beat) Rock loland. Ill. InmbM, O.. 1-0. McRhane k Hathaway (Davis) Ptttsbnrff; Hale. Willie, A Rro. (Majestic) Flint, Mich. Hogbea, Mm. Gene. A Co. (Keith) PhlUdelphU; Kitanom Jape (Temple) Hamilton, Canada. (Keith) Phila. 1 6. Halt A Beck (Bijou) Marinette, Wla. (Keith) Providence 1-0. McWilllama, Jim (Colonial) Erie, I'a., 1-6. Hall. Ikanm Nelson. A Co. (Orpbenm) Omaha. Kitaro Bros. (Orobeom) Lincoln. .Neb.; (Majes- Hull A Durkin (Majeatlc) Chicago 10. Macauley, Inez. A Co. (On'henm) Duluth, Mine. Neb.; (Orpbenm) Kansas City 1-0. ti«) Mllwankeo 10 Honting A Fraocla (Alhambra) New York. Klein Bros. (Orphenm) Boston. Macart k Bradford (Keithi Boston. Hallen A Fuller (Omhcnm) New Orleans. Homt, Minola, A Co. (Murray) Richmond. Ind. Mack k Dean (Princess) Ft. Ikalge, la. Hallen A Hunter (Orpheum) Brooklyn 1-0. Knapp A Cornelia (Temple) Rochester, N. Y. Huabanda, Four (Majeatlc) Cedar Raplda. Ia. Mack k Walker (Maryland) Baltimore 1 6. Halperin. Nan (Maryland) Baltimore; (FOrayth) Koban Japs (HIpp.) Yoongatown, O. Hnabanda, Foor (Majeatlc) Chicago. Koch, Hugo B., A Co. (Pantagea) Edmonton, Madden. I>*w, A Co. (Or)>hcum) .New Orleang. Atlanta. Oa.. I-O. Hnaaey A Woraley (Keith) Philadelphia 1-0. Can.; (Pantagea) Calgary, Can., 1-0. Magazine Girls, The (Empress) Omaha, Neb. Hamilton A Barnes (HIpp.) Youngstown, O. Imboff, Conn A Cioreene (Orpheum) Vanciaiver. Mahoney A Rogers (Orpheum) Sloiix Fslls. 8. D. Hanke, Hans (Orpheum) Duluth, Minn., 1-0. Koaloff, Tbeo., A Co. (Keith) Cleveland, 0. Can., 1-6. Maley A Woods (Electric) Springfield, Mo. Hanley, Lnm k Smith (Orpheum) New York. Keener, Otto, A Co, (Byem) Ft. Worth, Tex. Imperial Troupe (Majeatlc) Dallaa. Tex. Kramer A Kent (Palace) Chicago: (Colombia) Mann, Benny A Hazel (Pantages) Kansas City. Ilenlon, Bert (Colonial) New York 1-0. Mo. Hanson, Alice (Bljon) Pall River. Muss. Inglla A Reading (Keith) Providence 1-6. St. Loula 1-6. Mann, Louis, A Co. (Palace) New York. Hardeen (Pantagea) Tacoma, Wasb.; (Pan¬ Internatloluil Girl, The (Virginian) Kenoaht, L« ArgenUoa (Keith) Loolavllle. )«C. Barfrr'a, Bam * Nat, Hub Market at. Ban Pran> Twentg-aerond at., Chicago. 1^ AAmAJ W A Am A OktrlMOharlaa BlnnKIdo * Co., 803SOS Broadwar, NowNaw Tork. claco. Tha Dixie Mualc llouee, 4U3 Farrell Bldg., Cb'go _ BITS AND CLOWN WHITE Ludwig A Ludwig, 2410 W. 14th at., bhlcagu! Aof. Bdorman Mff. Co., Nawark, N. J. Chaa. Mar'r, 1-3 U. 13tli at.. .New Tork City. _ ELECTRIC BELTS i«T.Hi.«a.aDU Dot aacaadlnf ooa Una Id Aof. Buarm.D Mf«. N.w.rk, N. J. M. Btaln Ooaniatic Co,, 100 W, Slat at., N, T. 0, taaglk will ba publlabad, proparly claaalt'ed, In BLANKKTS The Electric Applluni'e Co,, Burlington, Kan. tkla dlraotory, at tlia rata of 110 par fw (BS Bo/tl BUnkat Mff. Co., 006 Fllbart at., PblU> COASTER CARS ELECTRIC INSOLES A INHALERS laaaaa), pruvldod tbejr ara of an aroaptabla na* dalpbla. Pa. Pblla. Toboggan Cu., 130 Duval at,, Pblla. The Blartric Appllame Co,, Burlingtou, Kan. two. Prica iDclndaa ooauu« #v«rjaar'a ■ «yv*vrB|»MW8aaubaorlpUon tow WbaalmaD'att uvriuiMU y Noraltjs^VTVti# Mff.OTiSa Co.,Waa 014vsy fllbartVliovrs at.BSaa CQL.D CREAM BlUboArd. Pblltdilpblia H iVMtnAtIp Co I'iO W Slit it N Ta 0. ELECTRIC LAMPS Bicb idillUoDil Udi or tddltlODil cluiiaet. BACKING ABENTB (BoSlIod Tungaton) tloB, wltbuut anbacrtptlon, IT,BO par annntn. nntun BoaRm OAra hhimim CONCESSIONAIRES' SUPPLIES Tho Orag Electric Co., Hprlugheld, 0. Ona Una will ba allowad to advartlaara, fraa *^***®* Building, Bjuttm-Amorlean Mdaa. Co., 3808 Oliva at., ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS Dnlvrrial Motor Co., Oahkoab, Wla, d*nrt«7b; ywr.”'** WiaUm ^ndi. Managara- Aaan., Cbleagu, III. “"*• cONESCONES ThIa dlrai'tonr' la ravlaad and corroctad waaklj, BOOK STRIP TICKETS Tho Anarlean Cona A Wafar Co., Dapton, 0. ELEC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ^ngao In firm namaa and addraaaaa bolng ro< National TIckat Oo., Bkamokin, Pa. J. 0. Dtagan, Berirau and B, Ilavauawood Park A. T. Uleta, 13T Michigan at., TolaAa, 0. ava., Chicago, lit ooidad aa noon na racalvad. Woldon, WlUlama * lick, ITt. Bailth, Ark. CONE MACHINERY wA-riKiA BURLESQUE BOOKING AGENCIESAGENCIEI Lanlar A Drlaabneh, 248 Butlar at, Cincinnati. ELECTRIC NOVELTIES ACCORDION PLEATING Amarloan Barlaaqna Ciroolt Oalatf TkMtai Btandard Electric Nov, Co., 10 N, Doeplalnwi •t. lamia Phima and Planting Co., 080 North ^B&aw'TaS!*Bldg., Now Tm, CONFECTIONERY MACHINES at. Ohloaao, lit Biaadwar, Bt. lamia. OolniDMa AmnaamantAmnaamant On.,Oo., OolnmWa ThaataThaatar W. B. Long, 1T2 nigb at., BprlngflalA A. ELECTRICAL SET PIECES AND ADVERTISING NOVELTIES ®“«Bldg., - Maw Tofk OItg. CONFETTI DECORATIONS N. ■bnra, 3ST-241 W, Madlaon at, Chicago. BURNT CORK Blngar Broa., 82 Bo^rprNaw Toik OItg. S. A. Trahan Co., lac,, Coboee, N. T, B. P. Bllbarar, 16 B. 88d at.. Now Tork Ottf. ThoTha ll*iiatl'm Co.,Oo., Boeboatar,Boobaatar, N.N, T.T, aadki daddwba ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS •lagor Broa., 88 Bowarg, Now Tork Oltg, Chaa. Mayor, 1-8 B. 18th at.. Now Tork Oltg.City „ - , HtSi i. . a Newton Art Worka, 306 W. 13th at., N. T. Cltg. ADVERTISING STICKERS IT. Btaln OoanatleO^atle Co., 120 W. Slat at., N. T. 00. *• <>• Unlveraal BUctrIc Stage Lighting Co., 240 W. MtHrankao Ubal A Baal Co., Mllwaukao, Wla. CALCIUM LIGHT ^aambticaCOSMETICS Fiftieth et.. New Tork Cltg. (Egabrawbrow Panolla, faea Powdar, Ito.)Bto.) (OsJIgdrogaa Ou Maanfaetnyora) ELK TEETH (Walrus) AERIAL ADVERTISING Oanit./MS’^SMCapital Mdaa. Co., B3B B.■ Dearborn at., Cbleago. Chaa. Magfr, 1-8 B. 18tb at.. New Tork Cltg. Btnaol Movaltg Mfg. Co., ITIO Blla at., Otneln'tt. M. Stein Ooemetic Co., 120 W. Slet at., N. T. 0. Pearce Novelty Co.. 406 FIdaUundaUu et.. Brattle, ■Uaa J. Coorna, SMS MoUan ara., Cbleago, lit ® cuicfnnatt O? Wnab. COSTUMES EMBROIDERIES AERONAUTS Daartwm Novaltg Oo„ 68T B. Dearborn at, Chf (■a# Wild Waat) MaMstmt Blatoro*Blatoro' Balloon Co., Boa 18, Bead Cltg, eago, lit (For Oeotnmoa, Ourtnlaa, lt«) MMth. Brkar..... Broa,, 004...... Oliva,, ...Bt...... Loula, Mo,wv. Carnival Coatume Co., 267 Weat Water at., Mll- ■onrgr A. Pbalpa' Ballooning Co., Boa SSI, Bt.Bt iioulaLoula OnlelnmCalcium Co., BliBlS B'imBlm at.,’8tat., Bt LooIb.Lonln. I rv. iww MarbAV at Ran Fran ORONES-PAVIt SPARKLE EMR^ Ib8. Ornndnd Baplda, Mich, Twin Cltg Calcium Co., T40740 TomplaTampla Court Bldg., ®®' M*«et at.. Ban Fran- Ibe IknbrulJery Without Htltcfaca. dace. 787 Sixth Avaaua, New York. AEROPLANES The Wingate Co., Dee Molaea, In. AIROPLANCt '‘“‘SKTi AND DOLL RACK* Adaorttalng, 8808 McLean ava., Chicago, lU. Friti Bcbonlta Co., 10-21 W. Lake at., Obicago. ENGRAVING, HALF-TONES AND Aaaorican Bahibitlon Co., Humboldt, Tonn. COSTUMES (Rant and Sail) SHOW PRINTING liBcalnIn Baachog, Inc., Wm.wm. Plekana, Buoeaaaor, CANDY FOR WHEELS Central Engraving Co., Oiiera Place, Ctnrtnnatt 110 B. Doarborn at., Cbleago,<^lcago, lit H. M. LakoS, 816 Market at, Pblladalphia, Pa. BowaU Aylatlon Co.,- 14T8 Winona ava., Chicago. Phllada^la Chocolate Co., cor. SSd and Market EAVES COSTUME CO. exhibition aeroplane Kago A PIggataiaaag,Plggetaieaag. P. O. Boa T3, PMla.,PMla„ Pa. ata., Philadelphia. For Amateur*, SorirUea, Motion Pirture*. Alio Hfg. I Lgmau Doty, U. B. Marahall, mgr.; 1881 Geary. Battamonirnon Avlatora,Arlatora, 10601960 BeatBant JeSaroon, Detroit, Tt* Puritan Chocolate Co., 204 Want Court at, no Waat 4aih Straat, Naw Yark. Ban Franciaco. MMilgan.ihlgaa. Cincinnati,V'luctuuKiig O.V* WRQV BOOTMAKER I EYE BROW PENCILS Bhamaa•a Bi^'Broa,' Arroplana Co., Bath, N. T. TVmralna Co.,Co.. 251281 CanaawagCanaoway at., Boaton,Boaton. Mane.Main. OWWTMMfVtK T,,, jj,,, co.. Rocheater, N. T. ALLIGATORS CANES AND WHIPS “• “• ®® • W. Slat at.. N. T. c. naaldala AUlgator Parm, JackaonvUle, fla.Pla. AdvanceAdvanca Whip Co.,Co.. 28T287 BbnBlm at, Wantdald,WaatOald, Maaa.MiM. CUTS F<3R ILUJSTRATIONS FACE POWDER ALUMINUM FEATHERWEIGHT Braaal Novalty Co., 1710 BUa at., Clndnnatl, 0. Commercial Art Co., 63 Third at.. Ban Frandae*. Meyer. 1-8 B. ISth et.. New Tork City. STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS -M. Stein Ccwmetlc Co., 120 W. Slot at., N. T. AuMUa Orwin, 810 Spring Oarden at., Pblla. FAIR BOOKING AGENCIES AMUSEMENT DEVICES F. M, Barnea, SO S. State et., Chicago, Ill. Ika MonUu Broa. A Co., Dept. 12, Oreenvllle, lU. Bpnrka Amnaemrnt Contracting Company, In¬ BU Bridge Co., Boodhonae, lit diana BMg., Kanaaa City, Mo. BarodiaU*8plllman Oo., North Tonawanda, N. T. FAIR GROUNDS GOODS ^ Mnallar A Co., l'T02 N. Weatem ave., Chicago. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Black Mfg. Co., 337 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. Itowman Mtg. Co.. 841 Woodland, Cleveland, O. Mwoltg Mncblno Co., 2 Bector nt., N. T, Cltg. f^EATHER FLOWERS O. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. DeWitt ' 'ra. Grand Boulevard and E. Prairie Bgoamaro. Novelty Oo., 1826 Bgcamore at, Oln- BY INSERTING YOUR NAME IN THE ave., .W Creek, Mich. chnnatl,. O. FEATURE FILMS OWtod Btatea Pent A Awning Co., 220 North Tm^lalniii at, Chicago, III. Jcaoe Leaky Co., 1472 Broadway, New Tork City. TRADES DIREGTORY Trlang'-j Film Corp., 71 W. Twenty-third at.. ANIMAL DEALERS New Tork. WM. Bartela. Co., 42 Cortland at, N. T. Cltg. Udvereal Film Mannfactnrlng Co., FV>rty-elghtt) linwood B. Flint, North Waterford, Maine. Your name and address in the Directory under any head¬ and Broadway, New York City. . Qarland Soological Compang, Box A487, Old FEATURE LECTURE SLIDES Town. Me. ing at the remarkably low rate of SIO.OO per year (in advance), W. LlorlMny Gordon. 200 W. S4tb at., N. T. City. Wm. Mnckenaen, Tardlag, Pa. lamia Bnhe, 248 Grand at.. New Tork Cltg. inclusive of a year’s subscription. FELT MANUFACTURERS 8. Stroock A Oo., 11-13 Eaat 2etb at., N. Y. a ANIMALS, BWD8 AND SNAKES Detroit Bird Store, 281 Michigan ave., Detroit, These Directory pages are continuously consulted by the pro FERRIS WHEELS MkAlgan. EU Bridge Co.. Box 143, Roodhooae. Ill. fession to supply their wants—and will get you the business. W. P. Shaw Co., 1360 Park Road. Waab.. D. O. ANIMALS (8«a Liong) Cavtaln Oeorge McOnIrt, Santa Barbara, Cat Send in your order today. FESTOONING B. A. Uogeta, 1104 Chapala at., Santa Barbara, Chicago Flag A Decorating Co., 1334 Wabash Oallfomla. ave., Chicago, lU. National Tiaaue Manufacturing Co., 300 Bergen ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES St., Brooklyn, N. T. MaivWtg SUde Oo., 115 E. 23d at, N. T. atg. Cleveland Cnne Co., Cleveland, O. DECORATIONS FILMS ftSST^u^nPrm'lln^'iX Baker A I^kwood Seventh and Wym.dotte ata.. U Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬ Kansas City, Mo. Donald Campbell, 146 W. 46tb at.. New York. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS land, O. DECORATORS, FLOATS, BOOTHS, Laemmle Film Service, ^4 W. Lake at.. Cbl- cego; Minneapolis, Omaha, Dm Molnea. ’ ^ %?**'JS*'i!lr**.**;'..®**^®*^ 8hryo«i-TV)dd Oo., 824 N. Eighth at.. 8L Lonlt. ETC. St^ral I^coratlng Oo., 206 Weat Adame it, j,. Shore Co., 2OT-241 W. Madlaon at., Chlcage. „ , . , „ ’ Murphy, C. J., Elyria, O. Aleago, IIU Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. 'S* D^raUng Co., 206 Adams at.. Mutual Film Co., New York City. ouiser O- Chicago. 111. Universal Film Manufacturing Oo., Forty-eighth ASBESTOS CURTAINS CARNIVAL FRONTS AND SHOW O. A. Trahan Co., Inc., Cohoes, N. Y,. and B-oadway, New York City. ■sanaea A Landia, 417 8. CUnton at., Alcago. BANNERS DISINFECTANTS ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND FIRE¬ , /V. ooo DISINFECTANTS FILM MANUFACTURERS ^ D^lt^'chlctg^’iu'** * Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills. New York, St. ®®**‘*®'‘*' 1331 Dlviraey Para- PROOF SCENERY Deaplalnea at., ^iMgo, lu. Orleans. Atlanta a .d DaUaa, jTex. way, Chicago, HI. Amelia Grain, 810 Spring Oarden at., Phila. CARBIDE LIGHTS FILM TITLES, PRINTING, ETC. ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND PIC¬ The Alexander Mllbnm Co., Baltimore, Md. DOLL RACKS Pan-American Film Service, 145 W. 45tb at., TURE BOOTHS CAROUSELS Herscbell-Splllman, North Tonawanda, N, T. Ndw Tork City. H. W. Johna-Manvllle Oo., New Tork City. Wm. II. llentxel, 3641 Germantown ave., Phila¬ DOLLS FIREPROOFERS OF COTTON AND delphia, Pa. AUTOMATIC ELEC. ECONOMIZER Ameiicau Banner Go., 76 Summer at., Boaton, LINEN FABRICS H. Power, 00 Gold at.. New York City. Hers^ell-Sptllman Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y. IMarcus C. lllione. Coney Island, N. Y. Innovation Novelty Manufacturing Co., 38 East I The Antipyros Co., 170 Green it., N. T. City. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRU¬ W. F. 'Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y. Twenty-first st.. New York. ' FIREWORKS MENTS O. W. Parker, Leavenworth, Kan. Progressive Toy Co.. Inc., 102-104 Wooster st.. Fhiladelptala Toboggan Co., 130 Duval st., Pblla. New York. Amerlcan-Itallan Fireworks Co., Dunbar, Pa. A. Bemi, 216 N. 20th at.. New York City. Tip Top Toy Co., 225 Fifth ave., N. Y. American Fireworka Company, Traveler Bldg.. Merth Tonawanda Mnaloal Instrument Works, CARS (R. R.) Boaton, Maaa. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Anns Palace Horse Car Co., Boom 604, 832 So. DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS Nick R. Barnaba A Co., Mfra. Fireworks Dis¬ BADGES, BANNERS, ETC. Michigan ave., Chicago, Ill. Advance Whip A Novelty Co., 287 BUm at., plays, 108 Washington ave.. New Rochelle. Da Moulin Bros. A Oo., Dept. 11, Greenville, IIL I Southern Iron & Equipment Co., Atlanta, On. Westfield, Mass. New York City, Art Doll A Nov. Co., 36 W. 20th st.. N. T. City. Rond’s IXL Fireworks, 716 E. Fayette at., Bal¬ BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. CHAIRS, GRAND STANDS, FOR Berk Bros., 543 Brosdway, New York City. timore, Md. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve- RENT Cumiskey A Kiadel, 801 Mission st., San Fran¬ Bymea Fireworka Dlaplay Co., 25 N. Dearborn Und, O. C. Ed Flood, Cleveland, O. cisco. at., Chicago, lU. Conaolidated Fireworka Co. of America, Wool- BADGES AND PREMIUM RIBBONS CHAIRS—OPERA AND FOLDING EU A Eft Doll Co.. 149 West 18th st.. N. Y. Byan Mfg. Co., 182 E. 124th at.. New York. H. C. Evans A Co., 75 West Van Huren st., worth Bldg., New York City. (Hew and Second-Hand) Chicago, lU. A. Due nreworka Co., Beading, O. BALLOONS Atlas SeaUng 10 B. 43d at. and 7 B. 42d * carnival Supply Co., 126 Fifth ave., SS;- 1“'- 6224-5238 37th ave (Hot Air) at., New York city. i New York» . City.— ■ South, Seattle, American Balloon Co., Box 883, Grand BapMt, CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS “• Gerber. 727-729 South at., Philadelphia, Pa. International Fireworka Co., 19 Park Place, New Michigan. .a The Helmet Co.. 1021 Broadway, Cincinnati. O. A. H. Hendler A Co.. 1043 Miaslon at.. San •“"Jersey CUy^^^ ^rel Novelty Oo., 1710 Ella at.. Cincinnati. O. Toledo Chewing Gum Co., Toledo Factories Bldg., a Northwestern Balloon Co., 2406 Clybonm ave., Holiday Novelty Manofacturing Co., 82 Union I m Toledo, O. Pain’s Manhattan Beach Fireworks, 20 Park Chicago, Ill. CIGARS Square, New York. Thompson Bros.’ Bsllooning Co., Anrora, lU. Innovation Novelty Mfg. Co., 38 E. 2lBt st.N.Y. Place, New Tork City. I. Blaensteln A Co., 44 Ann at.. New Tork. Morrison Trade Supply House, 22 B. Woodbridge, k^works Display Co., St. Paul and Dn- Diilte


OBlttd litatti Ttot * AwDlDf Co., 229 Nortb Daarborn Novalty Co„ S37 Houtb Daarborn at, N, Shura Co,. 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago, Baruea Bros.' Novelty Co., 8)(i North Main at., Deiplilue* ot., Ctilcago, 111, Chicago, 111, F. Sternthal, 368 W, Madlaon at., Chicago, Hutchinson, Kau, Eotarprlaa Optical Mfg. Co., B70 W. Bandolpb Brackman-WvUer Co., 337 W. Madlaon at.. Obi- fortune writers (InvUibI*) at., Chicago, 111. PENNANTS AND PILLOWS H, UuMvr, 117 lUrman at., Urouklyn, N. Y. American Art Production Co., 141 Wooster at, cago, 111. llarbacb A Co., 112 N. Ninth at., Phlladalphla. Tba J. W, lIuodwiD Co., 2940 Weat Van Doraa Laouiuila I'lUu karvico, 204 W, Laka at., Ohl* Ntw York City. PENS CaUf, Itepro. A Adv, Co., 107 N, Spring at., ■t., Chicago, 111, Krrk Uroa., D42 Broadwa]', Now York CIt/. cago; Mluuaapolla, Omaha, l)aa Molnaa. Moa Levin A Co., 337-338 Weat Madlaon aC, I. eun«’ Theater Hupply Co,, SOV Chaatnut at, Loa Angelea, Cal. Jauiva Kolloy, ISl U. 22tt at., Naw York City. A. H, Ifondler A Co., 1043 Miaaion at., San Chicago, III. Mac Kuuutalu I’tu * Nov, Oo., 21 Ann at, N. Y. lita LOttUla MOa Franclaco, Cal. N. Bburo Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at., CMcaga. No Powtr ft Coa, 90 GoM it, N«w York Cltfa The Tuuraino Coutectlouery Co., 251 Cauaaway, QAMINO DEVICES Preclalon Machine Co., 817 K. 84Ui at,, N. Y, 0. Langrock Broa., 36 OrmutMl PI., Brooklyn, N Y, I’acldc Pennant A Novelty Co., 244 New High, Boaton, Maaa. 11, C. Kvana A Co., 7S W. Van Buroo at, Chl'go. Eberbard Zchnaldar, 21U Hecoud ava., N. Y. 0. United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 228 North Ohaa. M. Ztabblna, 1028 Main at., Kanoaa City. Loa Angelea, Cal. GASOLINE BURNERS Unltod Statea Tent A Awning Co., 228 North Deaplainea at., Chicago, Hi. W. 2, l,aDg, 172 lllcti at., HprlngUtld, 0. MUSIC ARRANGERS Daeplainea at, Chicago, Ill, Samnel Weinbaua ()o., 722 Penn ave., PlttatMig, GLASS DECORATED NOVELTIES Edwin Blcay, IHilaca lliaatar, Et. Wayne, Ind. PERFUME AND NOVELTIES SCENERY lamcaator Olaaa Co., Laucaator, 0. MUSIC-PRINTING Superior Perfume Co., 160 N, 6tb ave,, Chicago, GOLD FISH II. H, Talbott A Co., 2V31 Elournoy at, Chicago. PHOTOGRAPHERS (Wkoloaolo BBd Batall) SCHELL’S SCENIC STUDIO MUSICAL BELLS & SPECIALTIES Hartoook, San Francioco and Loa Angelea, Cal. 861-888-888 South High St., Colaaibut, Ohia. B. K. Bruco, Tbornburg, la, K. II, Maylaud'a 8on, 64 WUIooghby at. Brook, Young A Carl, 7tb and Vine at., Cincinnati, O. GREASE-PAINTS, ETC. lyn, N. Y. PIANOS SCENERY FOR HIRE AND SALE (lUkO'Vp Boxoa, Cold Oroam, Bto.) ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Colnmbua Plano Co., Columbua, O, Amelia Grain, 810 Hpripg Garden at., Phlla. Tko Ileaa Co, (Cborr/ola * Uubyllp), Uochoator, J. 0. Daofan, Bartean and Eaat Bavanawood Now York. Park ava., Chicago. PIANOS (EUctrio) SCENIC M. Stoln Coainetle Co.. 120 W. Slat at., N. T. O. star Mualc Co., 8 Kaat Ilarrlaon at., Chicago. Twenti' lh St. Studio, It) W. 20tb at., ChleaflO, Zaudar Broa., Inc., US W. 48tb at., N. Y. 0. PILLOW TOPS SCENIC PAINTERS GREASE ROUGE CARL FISCHER DeMar Mfg. Co., Inc., 170 Oak at., Buffalo, N.Y, (And Dealara In Soaaary, Etc.) (MakO'Vp Boua, Cold Oroan, Sto.) llaadquartcta fur CTcaythlna In Mualc. Catatog free. U. O. Evana A Co., 76 Weat Van Burvn at., M. Armbruater A Hooa, 240 Front at.,'OoIaiB- Tbo llewi Oo. iCberrjrola A Unbyllp), Uocboator, _M.84 Caapar Sahara, Naw Vark. _ Chicago, 111. bna, O. Naw York. Fair A Carnival Co., 120 6th ave., N. Y. City. Edwin U. Flagg Scenic CO., 1688 Long Baaeh North Tonawanda Mualcal Inatrumant Worka, 11. -M. r.. Salea Co., 606 Hodgea Bldg., Detroit, tve,, lioa Angelea, Cal, INCANDESCENT LIGHTS North Tonadanda, N. Y. Mich. Enkeboll Art Co., 3:MJ6 N. 27th at., Omaha, Nab^ Zafaty Elactric Co,, S37 N. Uaarborn at, Chicago Sonophone Co., 888-B Broadway, Naw York. Langrock Broa,, 36 Ormond PL, Brooklyn, N. Y. The New York Studloa, tool Ttmea Bldg.,N.Y.O. INDIANS AND INDIAN COSTUMES MUSIC PUBLISHERS Muir Art Co., 30tl Weat Madlaon at., Chicago*. Scbell’a Scenic Htu<)loa, 581 H. High at., Oo- W. II. Bartan, Gordon, Nab. Carl Flacher, 60 Cooper Square, N. Y, City. New Toy Mfg. Co., 143 Hh-ecker at.,Newark,X.J. Inmbua, O. Charlea K. Ilarria, Columbia Theater Building, N, Sbure Co., 237-241,Weat Madlaon at., Chicago. Soaman A Landis Co., 417 S. Clinton at., Chicago INDIANS AND INDIAN MEDICINES New York City. Tboen Brow., 34 H, Sixth, MlnneaiKtlla, Minn. Swift Studios, 466-4 Chicago, 111. WlirVon Tiller. T45 W. 46tb at., N. Y, City. M. D. Dreybecb. 144 Soring at.. N Y. City. MENT8 JEWELRY Warner C. Wllllama A Co., 636 Proopect at., Pennant Novelty Co., Inc., 322 Broadway, N. Y, Dixie .Muaie Houae, 105 W. Madlaon at. CUcagO Mac Fountain Pen A Nov. Co., 21 Ann at., N. T. IndlanapoUa, Ind. Wateroon, Berlin A Snyder, Strand Theater, PLAYS SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODS JEWELRY New York City. Crescent City Film Exchange, 820 Pi-rdldo it. (Ear Itaga Uaa) SAMUEL FRENCH New Orleans, La. Alter A Co., 106 W. Madlaon at., Chicago, 111, NEW SOLDERING COMPOUND CaUlogue Free. United States Tent A Awning Co., 228 North Coa, Youge A Co., 006 l^icaa ava., St. Loula, Ifo. Bazzanella A Co., 1220 Carroll at., Baltimore. 28 Watt 38th New York City. Deaplainea at., Chicago, HI, Holoman A Co., 177 Vi. Madlaon at.. Chicago, Ill. NOSE PUTTY SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at., St. Loula. The Ueaa Co., Rocheater, N. Y. POCKETBOOKS AND LEATHER American Amuainnent Aann.. .’a)14 When Bldg., N. Shura Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. M. Stein Coometic Co., 120 W. 31at at., N. Y. C. NOVELTY MFRS. Imllanapulia, Ind. Slegman A Weil, 18 E. 27th at.. New York City. Superior le-atber Qooda Co., 73 KIngaton id., Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New York City, NOVELTIES Boaton, Maaa. SECOND-HAND TENTS (Bought and Samuel Weinbaua Co,, 722 Penn ave., Ptttaburg, Berk Broa., 643 Broadway, New York City. The Beach Leather Co., Cuaboctou, O. Sold) Braiel Novelty Co., ITIO Ella at., Ciucinnati, 0. L. Nlckertuin Tent, Awning A Cover Co., 176 KNIVES Coe, Yonge A Co., 806 Lucaa ave., St. Lwila, POCKETBOOKS (High-Grade 7-in-1) State at , Boaton, Maaa. Cleveland Cane Co., Cleveland, 0. Mlaoonii. A. Roaenthal A Son, 322 Tremont at., Boetnn, Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. Eighth at., St. Loula. Cnmlokey A FIndel, 881 Miaaion at., San Fran- Maaa. SERIAL PADDLES N. Sbure Co.. 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. claco. POODLE DOGS A. J. Kemplen A Co,, Kndlcott Bldg., St. Paal, Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New Y’ork City. I. Eloenatein A Co., 44 Ann at.. New Y'ork City. New Toy Mfg. Co., 20 8. Market at., Chicago. Minn. Samuel Weinbaua Co., 722 Penn ave., Plttaburg. M. Gerber, 727-728 South at., Phllatleipbia, Pa. POODLE DOGS, STUFFED ANIMALS, SERIAL PAPER PADDLES LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte at., Kan- Bnlle (Coax the Dime) Paper Paddle Oo., 1118 J. M. Naughton Co., Hotel Mayer Building, aaa City, Mo. DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS 8. Jefferson ave., St. I,oals, Mo. Peoria, 111. Karl Guggenheim, 531 Bn>adway, N. Y. City. Advance Whip Co., 287 Elm at., Weatdeld, Maaa. National Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. Holiday Novelty Co., 32 Union Square. New Y'ork Art Doll A Toy Co., 36 W. 20th at.. N. T. City. S. B. Pape, r'addlea, 564-572 W. Randolph at, LEATHER AND ALUMINUM Ed Hahn, 222 Weat Madlaon at., Chicago, HI. Berk Broa., 543 Broadway, New York City. Chicago, IH.* (SouTOBir Ooodt) A. H, Hendler A Co., 1043 Miaaion at., ^n H. C. Evana A Co., 75 W. Van Buren at., Ch’go. Roaenthal A Stark, 12 E. 12tb at.. N. Y. Francioco, Cal. Fair A Carnival Supply Co.. 126 Fifth ave.. SERIES QUICK SYSTEM PADDLES King Clamp Tie Retainer Mfg. Co., 611-621 New York City. llittlemeyer Printing Worka. 1331-1333 VIm M., LEATHER NOVELTY GOODS Broadway, New York. Max Gilaey, 410 Delaware at., Kanaaa City, Mo. Cincinnati, O. Dm Pont Fabrikold Oo., 120 Broadway. N. Y. O. Jamea Kelley, 151 E. 2.3d at.. New York City. New Toy Mfg. Co., 14.3 Bleecker at., Newark,N.J. SHOOTING GALLERIES LEATHER PILLOW TOPS Lancaater Olaaa Co., Laocaater, O. N. Sbure Co.. 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. J. T. Dickman Co., Inc., 246 S. Main at., Loa Erankford Broa., 806 Filbert at., Philadelphia. Mac Fountain Pen A Nov. Co., 21 Ann at., N. Y. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery. New York City. Angelea, Cal. Muir Art Co., 806 W. Madlaon at, Chicago, IlL Miller Rubber Oo., Akron, O. Tip l^p Toy Co., 225 Fifth ave.. New York tity. B. B. Hippie, 800 Vine at., Philadelphia, Pa. Morrloon A Co., 210 W. Madlaon at., Chicago, United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 2-J9 North B. R. Hoffmann A Son, 3317 South Irving ava^ LETTERHEAD PRINTING Illlnoia. Deaplainea at., Chicago, III. Chicago. lU. Emeat L. Fantua Co., 527 S. Dearborn at.. Chi¬ Nadel A Sblmmel, 132 Park Row, N. Y. City. W. P. Mangela, Conev laland. New York Olty. cago, Ill. N. Shnre Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. POPPING CORN (The Grain) F. Mneller A Co.. 1702 .N. Weatem ave., Chlcage. M. Silverman, 337 W. Madlaon at., Chicago. American Pop Corn Co., Sioux City, la. LIGHTING PLANTS Bradabaw Co., 2S6 Greenwleh at., N. Y. City. 0. W. I’arker, I,eavenworth, Kan. Dnlveraal Motor Co., Oabkoob, Wia. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New York Olty. The Reed Mfg. Co., Box 196, Sprtngdeld, O. Son Broa. A Co., 848 Miaaion at., San Franclaco. Shotwell Mfg. Co., 1018 W. Adama at., Chicago. LIGHTS Webb, Freyachlag Merc. Co., Kanaaa City, Mo. POPCORN MACHINES SHOW AND POSTER PRINTERS (Baaoana, Terehaa, for Cirenoea and Tent Shawa] Samuel Weinbaua Co.. 722 Penn ave., Plttaburg. Holcomb A Hoke Co.. 1608 Van Buren at.. AND LITHOGRAPHERS American Oaa Machine Co., 627 Clark at., Alber Zorn Novelty Co., 624 Market at., Pbila., Pa. IndlanapoUa, Ind. Aekerman-Quigley Co., 115 W. Fifth at, Kas- Lea. Minn. Kingery Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, 0. aaa City, Mo. Bolte A Weyer, 125 S. Bacine ave., Chicago. OLD HOME WEEK SPECIALIST W. Z. Long. 172 High at., Springfield, O. Planet Show Print and Engraving Hooae, Danlela Gaaollne Lighting Co...Paria, Ill. F. L. Flack, 61 E. Market, Akron, O. Pratt Machine Co.. 2 Blaaell at.. Joliet, Ill. bam, Ontario, Can. J.-Erankel, gaaollne mantlea for gaaollne light OPERA CHAIRS SIDE-SHOW CURIOSITIES Ing, 224 N. Fifth ave., Chicago, Ill. PORCUPINES A. H. Andrewa Co., 116 Wabaah ave., Chicago. LInwood H. Hint, North Waterford, Me. Nelaon Supply, 514 B. 4th at.. 8.. Boaton, Maaa, Little Wonder light Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Camle-Gondie Mfg. Co., 22d and Grand ave., The Alexander Milbnrn Co., Baltimore. Md. PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS SIDE-SHOW PAINTINGS Kanaaa City, Mo. Enkeboll Art Co., 5306 N. 27th at.. Omaha, Nab, United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 228 NortI I.eara’ Theater Supply Co., 608 Cheetnut at., St. Ell Bridge Co., Rooilhcuae, Ill. Deoplalnea at, Chicago, IlL United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 228 North lonla. Mo. PORTABLE SKATING RINKS UN¬ Deaplainea at., Chicago, Ill. Windhorat A Co., 104-106 N. 12th at.. St Lonla MaaalUon Chair A Desk Co., Maaalllon, O. DER CANVAS LIQUID MAKE-UP E. H. Stafford Mfg. Co., Chicago, llL TramiU Portable Skating Rink Co., 1323 Agnea SKATES The Heas.Co. (Yonthfnl Tint), Rocheater, N. Y Steel Furniture Co., Grand Rapide, Mich. Chicago Roller Skate Company, 224 North Adh at., Kanaaa City. Mo. at., Chicago, Ill. MAGIC GOODS ORANGEADE Unit^ Statea Tent A Awning Co., 228 North Rlcbardaen Skate Co., 154 E. Brie at.. Chicago Chicago Magic Co.. 72 W. Adama at., Chicago. Oharlea Orangeade Co., Oar’Seld ata., Chicago. Desplainea st., Chicago, III. Union Hardware Co., Torrington Conn. Xindborat Magic Shop, 206 Nnloen Bldg., 81 Chao-. T. Morriaaey Co., 4417 Madlaon at., Chi'go. PORTABLE SKATING RINK John H. Wllllama, Manufacturer of Hanley Loula, Mo. The Comer Co., 250 Pennaylvania at., Buffalo, Peerless Portable Skating lUnk Co., Faola, Kan. Roller Skates. Richmond. Ind. Arthur P. Felaman, 115 8. State at., Chicago. New York. 8KEE-BALL The Magic Shop, 32 North Thirteenth at.. Phila¬ ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS J. D. Bate Co., 1.324 Saniaon at., Phlladelphla- delphia, Pa. C. F. Bath. Abilene. Kan. Corona Typewriter Co., Inc., 26 Powell at.. Ran The Onka Magical Co.. Dept. 373, Oabkooh. Wla. A. Bernl. *216 W. 20th at.. New York City. Franclaco. SLOT MACHINES Clyde W. Powera, 228 W. 42d at., N. Y. City. O. Mollnarl A Sons, 112 32d at., Brooklyn, N. Y. POST CARDS (Mannfartnrera and Dealera In) A. Roterberg, 161 W. Ontario at, Chicago, IlL John Muzzio A Son, 178 Park Row, N. Y. City, Max Stein Pub House. 508 S. State at.. Chicago. Sicking Mfg. C«>., 1931 ia3,3 Freeman ave., Cin¬ MANTLES PADDLE WHEELS POST CARD MACHINES cinnati. O _ ^ Wm. P, Garvey Co,, 686 Mloalon at., San Fran- Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Louis. Vance Supply Hcnae, 2126 W. Van Bnren at, claco. Cal. Advance Whip Co., 287 E3m at., Weateld, Maaa. Chicago. Ill. Cumlakey A Klndel, 881 Miaaion at., San FYran- POST CARD AND TINTYPE MA¬ SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES MANUFACTURERS MECHANICAL ciaoo. Cal. CHINES AND SUPPLIES AMUSEMENT DEVICES n. C. Evana A Co., 76 Weat Van Bnren at., Chi¬ Daydark Specialty Co., Daydark Bldg., St. Louis. Exhibit Supply Co., 542 S. Dearborn at.. (Rilcago. Armitage A Guinn, Sprlngdehl, N. Y. cago, Ill. Star Photo M. A 8. Co., 808 South at., Phlla. SNAKE DEALERS Bit Bridge Co., Roodhonae, Ill. .K. J. Kemplen A Co., St. Paul. Minn. PRESS CLIPPING SERVICE Henry Rartela, 72 Cortland at.. New York. Herachell-Splllman, North Tonawanda, N. Y. New Toy Mfg. Oo., 20 S. Market at., Chicago. W. Odell I>earn A Co., 110 N. Floreo at., San W. F. Mangela Co., Coney laland, N. Y. Slack Mfg. Co., 337 W. Madison at., Chicago, Ill. Allen's Preaa Clipping Bureau, 88 tat at.. San Franclaco. Antonio. Tex Novelty Machine Co., 2 Rector at, N. Y. City. Sterling Motlel Worka. Box .*>4, Rutland, Vt. W. A. Snake King. Brownaville. Tex. C. W. Parker, I.eavenwortb, Kan. Tip Top Toy Co.. 226 Fifth ave.. New York Olty. PRINTERS Ten Ptnnet Co., 62 Van Bnren at, IndianapoUo, United Statea Tent A Awning Co., 229 North (Of Letterheads, Cards, Envelopes and Circular SOLDER (Compound) Ind. Desplainea at., Chicago, III. Letters) Bazzanella A Co.. 1220 Carroll at.. Baltlmore.Md. H. C. Wilbur Mfg. Co. .32 N. 6th st., Phlla., Pa. George W. Hogan A Co., 0,36 Phelan Bldg., San MASKS Franclaco. SONG BOOK PUBLISHERS (Maoquerade, Theatrioal and Oamival) Geo. Zorn. Jr.. Mfr., .324 Market at., Phlla., Pa. W. B Hiiliba. .32 riileti S inare. New York City. Kllppert, 46 Cooper Square, New York City. PRINTERS PAPIER MACHE STAGE PROPER¬ (Of Pictorial Posters, Big Type Standi, Stream¬ SONG SLIDES MATERIAL FOR ARTISTS TIES ers, Etc.) (Far Illustrated Songs) Dick A Fitzgerald, 20 Ann at.. New York City. .\niella Grain, S19 Spring Garden at., Phlla.. Pa. American Show Print Co.. .Milwaukee, WIs. I,acninile Film Servh-e. 2<44 West T-ake at,, Chi¬ Clyde Pbllllpn, Ft. Tliomaa, Ky. PARASOLS Donaldson Lithograph fo., Newport. Ky. cago; .Minneapolis, Omaha. Dos Moines. Frankford Bros., 90C Filb*“rt at., Phtl.adelphia. Henncgan A Co.. 311 (J<>nesee Itlvd., Cincinnati. MERRY-GO-ROUNDS Itobt. Wllmans, 1706 Commerce st., Dallas, Tex. SPANGLES AND TRIMMINGS Herachell-Splllman, North Tonawanda, N. Y. PARK B’LD’S, CYCLONE COAST¬ C. Vi. Parker, leaven worth, Kan. RAINCOATS (Mfra.) ERS, CONCRETE SWIMMING Home Itiiincoat Co., 1144 S. Halstcd st.. Ch'to. SIEGMAN A WEIL^ MERRY-GO-ROUNDS FURNISHED POOLS ETC. Raincoat Mfg. Co., Heliani-e Bldg., New Y’ork. FOR CELEBRATIONS Orltntha A Crane, Llpplnrott Bldg.. Phlla., Pa. 18 and 20 East 27th St., Naw Vark Clty^_ F. L. Flack, 61 Kaat Market at., Akron, O. ROLL TICKETS PATENTS SECURED Ansell Ticket Co.. 1.34-166 E. Erie st.. Cld. ago. SPECTACLES AND EVE CLASSES MERRY-GO-ROUND ORGANS AND victor J. Kvana A Co.. Washington. D. C. Donaldson Lithograph To., Newport. Ky. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New Y'ork Oty. ORCHESTRIONS PEANUTS. ALL VARIETIES National Ticket Co.. Shamokin. Pa. A. Bernl. 216 W. 20th at.. New York City. Royal Ticket Co., Shamoldn. Pa. SPIRIT GUM S. Catanzam A Sons, Ine., Penn ave. and 22d M. Stein (Vwinetle Co.. 120 W. .3Iat st.. N. Y. 0. North TonawaiHla Mualcal Inatrument Worka, at.. Ilttaluirg, Pa. North Tonawanda. N. Y. ROUGE SPORTING GOODS PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES The Hess fo.. Rochester. N. \. H. C. Evans A Co., 75 W. Van Buren at., CM- MOV. PIC. ELEC. LIGHT OUTFITS M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. .3’st st.. N. Y. C. Quincy Motor Co.. Qiilncv, III. Kingerv Mfir Co.. Cincinnati. O. cago, HI. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES PENNANTS 8ALESBOARD ASSORTMENTS H. C. Hunt A Co., 160 N. Fifth ave., Chleaga- Amuaement Supply Co.. 160 B North Fifth ave., Berk Broa.. .343 Broadway. New York City AND SALESBOARDS Chicago, III. I. 4ingrock Broa., 3,3 Ormond PL, Brooklyn. N. Y. Alter A Co., 665 W. Madlaon at.. Chh-ago. III. (Continued on page 44) DECEMBER 30, 1916.

Rosener, Oco. N. (Bushwlck) Brooklyn. RdUtES Roaliii, Carl, A Co. (Crystal) St. Joa^, Mo. Ross Fenton Players (Lyric) Oklahoma City. PEKTOBIIEBS* DATES • A.USTRA.LalAJ^ Ross Kids (Ortdieum) Quincy, 111, (Continued from pnge SO) Hofli A Roberts (Academy) Chicago. Roy A Arthur (Keith) Columbus, U. llarlu tc Duffy (Orpbeum) Seattle; (Oipheum) Royal Toklo Troupe (Byers) Ft. Worth, Tex. l^trUaud Ore., 1-6. Rubes, Four (Majestic) Little Bock, Ark. Ifarati A Mwreuce (Orient) Oakalooaa, la. Riibcvillc (Bushwick) Brooklyn 1-6. Martin A I'abrini (Orpheuin) Calgary, (3an.; Rudinoff (Keitb) Providence. (Oiviieum) Vancouver, Can., 1-6. Russell, Marie (Pautagea) Edmonton, Can.; Marx Broa. (Sliea) Buffalo )-6. (Pantages) Calgary, Can., 1-6. Miicxla<|d ijiugera (Orplieum) Loa Angelea ‘JS- £aSTHE SHOW WORLD Rnsscll, Mabel, A Co. (Orpbeum) Oakland, Cal., Jau 0. ' ~ Iba pratatypa of Itie BllllKian) in the antlpodea is now the reoognlaed organ of the exhlblton Hi. Maaon, Obaa., A Co. (Orpbeum) Peoria, 111. of Auatralia and New Zealand, and the neat advettiiing medium tor Rutans' Rong Birds (Hipp.) Youngstown, O. Maaon A 'Murray (Royal) New York 1-6. Ryan A Temple (Miles) Detroit. ( 'Maaon; Keeler A Co. (Oil>beuiii) itan Prandaco; MOVING PICTURE PRODUCERS AND DISTRIIUTORS Ityun A Ryan (Metropolitan) Watertown, 8. D. (Orplieuur) Oakland l'-6.. \ ■ It also deals brlifly with Drama. Fairs, Parks and Racing. Acts plaj-lng AuMralia It) an A Riggs (Orpbeum) Halt l,ake*Clty; (Or MaAW> llarrj Leater (Palace) Ft. Wayne, Ind, > . may bare their Mien addressed to "TaricTr' Moe, arhlch ensures a prompt dlapatch over the vartous Idieuin) Denver 10. Maxine' Broa. A Bobby (Ke(Ui) Boaton. , cUvvMs. as wa hare a repreaentatlve In erei> dty and town that carries a theatre. Adrerttalng rates Ryan, Klsa, A Co. (Orpbeum) Minneapolla 1-6. •fazmilllan’a Doga (Keitb) Providence. on appUcatlon to Hw BUlboaNL AU communications to Huliinna, Vera, A Co. (Orplieum) Fresno, Cal.; Maybew A Taylor (Colonial) New York 1-6. MARTIN C. BRENNAN. 250 Pitt Strsst, Sydnsy, Australia (Orpbeum) lam Angeles 1-6. Mayo A Tally (Orpbeum) ^rtland. Ore. ; '(Or- AU laltacB addismed to Australia ahould bear 6e In for Mcfa half ounce or fraction thereof. 8r. Dents, Ruth (Forsytb) Atlanta, Oa.; (Keith) (^•um) Han Francisco 1-6. (Mnelnnati 1-6. Mayoa,. Flying (Royal) New York. Sale. Chick (Teniple) Detroit: (Temple) Roches¬ Melba, June A Irene (National) New York. ter. N Y.. 1-6. Madliu, Watts A Townes (Palace; Danville, lU. HONOLULU AND AUSTRALIA—Th« Sydn«y Short Lino Kiimuels, Kae (Ori'lieum) Fresno, Cal.; (Or rnOmlmasS Wmfti* 111 l_. ______^ .1 f es.. A vs.eaalAm 1 .A Malaei. Frans (Family) Moline, 111. Bplandtd lO.OM'taa Amarican ateameca, BIBBRA, BONOMA. VENTURA, aall rran Ban Frandaco Jan. • and phcuMi) 1,00 Angeles 1-6. Melitlo 8tstets. Four (Fiedmont) Charlotte, N. C. evao SI days. OOBANIC B. A CO., 673 Market Baa Fraaetme. Siiuiuels, Maurice (National) New York. .llelroy Hlstera (Murray) Richmond, Ind. Sautly A Norton (Temple) Detroit; (Temple) Melrose, Bert (Keitb) Dayton, O. Uoehester. N. Y.. 1-6. Melville A Rule (Majeatlc) Ban Antonio, Tex. Mercereau, Verna, A Co, (Pantages) Butte, Mont., 29-Jan. 2. _ HERMiNE SHORE Meiian'a Dogs (Palace) New York. !■ _Dlraetlea Harry Wabar._ Metropolitan Five (Pantages) Hpokane; (Pan OPERA HORSE RENTAL tagea) Seattle 1-6. SaiituccI (Pantagea) Lot Angelea; (Pantaget) Metropolitan Dancers (Broadway) Superior, WU. San Diego, Cal., 1-0. Midnight Failles (Orpheum) J'-'kaonvllle, Fla. Saplrstetn, DavM (Maryland) Baltimore; (Davis) MUares lOndicuni) Duluth, Minn. Frederick, Maryland Httsbttig 1-6. Ulller A Vincent (Orpbeum) Kahhas City; (Or- Savoy A Brennan (Orpheum) I/m Angelea 1-6. thrum) Dos Moines, Ik., 1-6. Baalsd propoaala will be rscrived by the Mayor tnd AldmnMi of Frederick for the Isaslng of the Opera Houaa ^"'“7 “ (P,VV“i *'‘7, ^“ariea l o. { tran itit I, 1#IT, to April JO, 18J0. Tlie bids will be opened It, iho room of the Boeril of Aldermenwn In ScanlonScauluu A 1Prees rese (DeKalb)(^Kalb) Brooklyn.BrMklyn. lo (Marylaud) Baltimore; (Riverside) New Fradartck, Maryland, at 3 o'clock p.m., January IT, 1917. Bach bid must be aoromiisntnl by a certlflcd Sebeou A May lie (.Majestic) Ft. Worth, Tex. York 16. ebiaek or bank draft for Two Hundred Dollars (3100.00), payable to Lewla H. Fraley, Mayor. InstrucUona Sebepp's Aulmals (Pantages) Los Angelea; Mlnctu Duo (Beventh Ave.) New York. to blddsn and oondtUoM of rcnial, to bo Incotporstsd In lease, can t« obtained from A. A. Ntcodemua, Qty (PautagcNi San Diego, Cal., 1-0. RsglaUy of Fnihrlrk, Maiyland. The right to rtjeot any and all Uds Is hereby expready reaecred. Hchieiler A Dickinson (Majestic) Krle. Pa. AUBRIV A. NIOODKMUB, ORy Rnlittr. LEWIS H. FRALEY, Mayer. Scotch IJida A I*asalea (Orplieum) Omaha, Neb.; lOrpliciiiii) Des Motnea, la., 1-0. RITA MARIO Scott A Markea (Majestic) Newark, N. J. AND HIR A|||P|/ DELIVERIES OF COSTUMES, TIGHTS Seabury A Prlec (Keith) ITovIdenee 10. KcetinckH, The (Orpbeum) Memphis; (Orpheum) INIMITABLE ORCHESTRA New Orleans 1-0. UUluil AND WIGS ^ traUd CAtalogua Seeley, Bluaauui, A Co, (Palsee) New Yurki A Whirisrtnd Sucesas on the nrphmm CImitt Wo rent and aril Ooalumca, Wlgo and AceooMrloa. (Buahwlrk) Brooklyn 1-6. Scyiiiour, 11. A A. (Orpheum) Des Moines, U., Miniature Uetue (Orplieum) Portland, Ore. •RACK WEBBR*S MINSTRBLe elOKB BOOK id. (Urplieuitii Oiikismt. (ktl., 1 II. Bhannon A Annla (Keith) Indianapolis; (Keith) Mtrano Bros. (Keith) Daytuu, O,; (Temple) Do A Big lilt BAt for 3Se. postpaid. W» earty four complria Unsa of maka-up. Louisville 1-0. trolt 1-6. Hlinrrucka, The (Columbia) HI. Louis; (Majestic) MiAlgomery, Marshall (rohiiiihla) St. laiula 16. CHICAGO COSTUME WORKS, ,JT;:i,°l!SI.TV.tlllCMO,llL. Mtiwsukee 1-0, Montgomery A l*erry (Or|iheum) Brooklyn | Hbnituck A Ooldcn (Keith) Louisville; (Keitb) (Bushwiek) Brooklyn 1-6. Dsyton, O., 1 0. Moon A Morris (Alhsmbrs) Nsw York. Hhayno, Al (Orpheum) Hesttle; (Uriibeum) Port- Moore A St. Claire (Piedmont) AtlauU, (la. Isnd, On-,, 1-0. Moore, Ueti. W, (IMpat) Fall lUver, Mane, SARATOGA HOTEL Sherman A Uttry (Orpbeum) MInneapolle. Moore, Uanlner A Itoad (Orplieum) Mluueapolla Sherman, Van A Hyman (Pantagea) Salt Lake 16. -RATES, $1.00 PER DAY AND UP- City; (Pantagea) Ogden, Utab, 1-6. Muore A llaager (Keith) Cleveland l A Shone, llermlne, A Co, (Kaltb) OInclautli MisNo, K. J. (Orand) Atlanta, On. (Palace) Obleago 1*0. Moran A Welser (Temple) Dotrolti (Temple) E.D.CUMMINas, Fp69ld6n«, - - CHICAGO, ILL. Muebsater, N. Y,, 1-6. • MoTKitn liiineera (Orptienin) Mliineaiiolli! (Ur Sl^lPP & FAL.La Itheiiui) St. Ihiiil 1-6. FARTOMIMIO MORBERGE Morgan, J. A B. (Kellli) UtuUvIlla; (Koltli) Day* Nnw Bonking. Billboard. Baa FranelaMi lon.'O., 16. LANKERSHIM HOTEL |lrl|nn A Annstrnng (Aveiiiia) CMeago, fi MARKET BTRBBT. EIRE PROOF. SIgebee't Dogs (PsntagtHi) PartUnd, Ore. urln Hlsfers (Oriilieiim) Dea Mollies, ia.| (Of Silver A Duval iDrtilieum) 3'resno, Oil.t (Or plieuin) Knnsaa City 1 6. phvuiii) Salt letke 1-0, Mbria, Three (Pantages) Salt Uk* Uliyi (Pan* CATIRINQ TO THE PROFI5RION tlreon Room for Ftm I'ae of MNuliers of IToftMshsi. SIstu, Wm. (Keith) Washlngtou. tagM) Ogileu, lltau, l-B, Six Berenadert (Murray) Klrhmond, Ind. Morm, Will (Majestic) Kalsmaaoo,' Mlak. Skating Vemiaea (Bijou) Knoxville, Teno. Morris A CainiilN'II (Ortilieiim) Seattle! (Or Skipper, Kennedy A Iteevee (Coloolali Logane- pheiiin) IVirtland, Ora,, l-B. O'Neal A Walmalry A Girls (Pontatrs) Oakland, Ihilaln Bros. (Orpheuin) Peoria. 111. port, Ind. Morris A Allen (Keithi Cleveland, Cal.l (l*antagiMi) l*m Augcles 1 0. I'dnalllo Sisters (Temple) Detroit 16. Skipiter A Knatrun (Prineeaa) NaahvlUa, Tenn. Morrlaavy, Bill (Keith) Waalilagtuu 1-6. Oaklaud, Will, A Co. (Davis) PIttaliurg; (Keith) Purtla HUturs, Fimr (Pantages) Heiittle; (V Slatko'a Rollickere (Pantagea) Kauaaa City. Mo. Merton, tieo. (Viimtly) 1a Fayette, lad. Indlanapolla l-O. tagim) Vaneuuvvr, Cnn., 1'6. SIntko'a Midnight llolllAere (New Palaee) Mvrton, (Orpbeum) Kaaaaa Olty 1-6. Clan Udiva (llrpheum) Wlnnl|Mhcum) Putts,Ilia, Krnie,Krnle. A Co. (Urpheiim) Hcntlle; Cr- Minneapolla. pheiim) Pnrtiu’iil, Ore., 1-6. Smiletta (Urand) Fargo, N. D. Women, Co. (Pauliige.) Han Dleg«>, Cal.i Pelrh'kelt A lamler (Miles) Detroit, Smith A Kaufman (Pantagea) l*ortUnd, Ora. RIorton GIbbb (PantaBea) Halt lake tUty 10, Prluieiaiv, Oeo., A Co. (Pantagea) Sun Francisco; Smith A Austin (Palace) New York; (Keith) Chrmnnn, Mine. Clillsou (Orphenni) Duluth, iPnniagea) Oakland, Cal., DO. Pblla. 1*0, 0rglitu4'OItmR. OOmHmTIms. I. FRmtrtok. Minn.; (Oiiiheum) Winnipeg, Can., Ml. Priiimwe Fuur (Keith) Providence; (Colunliil) Snow, Bay (BIJon) Battle Creek, Mich. OIrutt, Cbaa. (i'uluulal) New York; (AIhumhrai New York 1-0. Horcbo, Capt. Louie (8t. James) Boston. Mortoa A tlltM (Uroheum) Omaba, Meb.i (Or* New York l-O. Prineeaa Whilecloud (Ilipp.) St. Paul. Sundtl A Antolnetto (Kellh) L^svllle; (Keith) phenini Jviinmis City 1-6. , Cllvattl, Muffet A Claire (Onihvuin) Lincoln. l'rrity|>rrity lI Keith) Cleveland, O.; iKuiprersiiKuiprerai Dayton, O., l-O, Morton, Jas, J. (Hoyal) New York. ' Neb,; (Orpheum) Umalm DO, Urand Itapida, Mich,,Mich., l-tl.1-n, Southern A Marki (Unique) Minneapolis. Morton A Moora (Koyal) Naw York; (Colonial) I Oliver A Olp (Majestic) Milwaukee. Puck, llai'r,v F.v.i (Murj'laiid) )lnltlmor\>: Sparrow, Marie (Ort-elry Sq.) New York. New■ York*' ■- *1-0. “ OlsonOlaun A Johnson (KuHirrss)(ftiniiress) CIncInnntl.Cincinnni (Keith) Washington 10. H|H>ncer A Wllllauia (Orpheum) Memphis; (Or Gloee A Fiy (Pantages) Victoria, Can,| (Pan- Drib A Do>d«y (Orphenni) Unialia, .Neh.; lUr Kite A Wynn (Majeatlc) Diihui|u«, la. pheuiii) New Orliwia 1-6. tafoa) Tacoma, Wash.,-l-O. pheuni) Dea Moines, la,, 10. Backus, Tlie (lllp|>.) St, Paul. Sprague A McNecce (HIpp. i St. Paul. Moaber, Hayea A Mosher (Or|>keum) Breoklyn. OeakI Jaiai (Pantagea) Tacoma, Wash.; (Pun Ualph'Bnyle A Co. (Kuiprew) Ctncinnall. Stafford, Frauk, A Co. (UIJc'.i) Btttla Creak. 'Motor-Boa ting (Buahwick) Brooklyn. tagea) Portland, Ore., I-O. Handegger, U, AIdu (Maj4erlor, WU. Bath Broa. (Keith) Cincinnati 1-0. Htaniin, Orville (Hipp.) Youiigetown, O. Mr. '.'baser (Pantagea) Calgary, Can, Pndlien, Harah, A Co. (Ondieum) Ium Aiigules; Itawla A Von Kaufinun (illjoui Bnsjklyn, Stampede, Tlie (Keith) Indianapolis; (Keith) Mnllanr, Frank (BIfeu) Knoxvilla, Tenn. IDrpliHnni) Halt Lake 1-0. Hay, John T,, A Co. (Majestic) mnl, Mich. Cleveland 1-6. Mullen A CiMigan (Orpbeum) Salt Lake Olty 1-v' Page, Helen, A Co. (Orpheum) Montreal 1 0. Ilnylleld, Florence iSt, Junies) Boston. Stanley A Farrell (Caaino) Maraballtown. la. Muller A Meyere (Yonge Bt.) Toronto. Page, Hack A Mack (Academy) Norfolk, Vu. Baymond (Pantagea) Butte, Mont., 20-Jan. 2. Htnniey, Sian, Trio (Orpheum) Portland, Or*.; Muller, Maud (Bljtm) Bruoklyn. Page, Helen (Emery) Providence, K. I. Uiiyniond A Ciiverl.v Klrpheuin) Suit Lake CU.v; (Orpheum) Sau Kranclara 1-0. Muros, The (Orluat) Oakalooaa, la. Palfrey, Hall A Brown (Keith) Dayton. O. (Uritbeiiui) Denver l-O. Stanley, Alleen (Onibeum) Winnipeg, Can.; Myri A lielmar (Orpheum) Wlunlpef, Oan.i Palmer, Uaaton (Pantagea) Siuikane; (Pantages) Iteadlngs, Four lOrpheum) Kunsss City; (Ur (Orpheum) Calgary, Can., 1-0. (Orpheum) Oalgary, Can., l-B. Seattle 10. pliciiiii) Umaha 16. Htedmsu, Al A Fannie (Majeatlc) Milwaukee. Myattc Jltnaoa Trio (Palaee) Danville, lU. Pariah A Pern (Kellh) Olnclnnatl; (Keith) In Red Heads (Pantagea) Butte, Mont., 'JO-Jan. Ktetann A llulirr (E.-nery) Providence, R. I. Myatle Bird (Broadway) Superior, Wla. dlanapo)U 1-0. Reed, Wright A Heed (American) New York. Htelndel Bros., Three (Colonial) Brie, Pa. Nancy Fair (Pantagea) Victoria, Oan.; (Pan Parkea A Conway (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal., 1-0. KeUaer, Chick (Uegent) .Muskegon, Mich. Sterling A Marguerite (Pantagae) Vanconvar, Um) Tacoma, Waab., l-B. i*urker. Kuna (Orpbaum) San FrancUou; (Or- Henault, FraudsFrancis (Boulevard) New YorkYork. Can.; (Pantagea) Victoria, Can., l-B. Nardlnl (Tample) Bocheater, N. Y. pheum) Oakland 1-0. Beneea, Four (Pantages) Ogden, Utah; (Pun- Naah, George, A Co. (Orpbeum) Winnipeg, Ona., I Patrick A Otto (Empreaa) '''ulaa. Ok. tages) IK-nver 1-6. Patrlcola A Meyera (Knrpreaa) Omaha, Neb. Bealata ll'autagrai Hsn Franelseo; (Pantagea) Noderveld'a Baboona (Begent) Maaon Ctty, U. Ihitteraon, UnixleMa (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can.; *OakUnd|’oauflB.*''*”Oakland, Cal., 1-0. HIRIE. SUHIIKOftCO* Nation Hlitera (Byers) Ft.'Worth, Tex. (Orpheum) Beattla 1-0. Better Bros. (Colonial) New York 1-0.1-6. Dlree*l«« Marlnellt. Neitor A Olrla (Pantagea) Denver. Paulina (Pantagea) Edmonton, Can.; (Pan¬ llevuH D« Vogue (Avenue) Chleugo.Chicago. Nevins A Gordon (Oreeley 8q.) New York. tages) Calgary, Can., 1-0. ReynoldsHeynoidu Trio (Idrric)(I^rlc) .Marion,Marlon, Ind. Mar^alltown, la. New Producer (Hipp.) Youngstown, 0.; (Kaltb) I Pnyne, Nina, A Oo, (Krith) Columbus, O.; Rials,Hlala, The (Temple)CD-mpl.') H.s-U-ster,Kis-lu-ster, N.N Y. ’ll;.®' i.s, adumbua l-B. (Davto)(Davis) PIttebiPittsburg 1-6. aKlanoa. Three (On»lH*U!ul Montr«‘Bl; (T«*iuple) ^ RHe, Pa.; (Keith) Nellie (Orpbeum) Han Frnnetaeo 33- Peaae, HarirHarry ((Keitb) Dayton, O.; (Dari HaniUton. Can.. U\. Cincinnati 1-0.1-6. Jun. 8. Ptttabnrg Jan. 1*B. Rice A Ruth (Hipp.) Parkersburg. W. Va. Stone A King (Btjon)(BIJon) Marinette.Marinette, Wla,Wla. Night Boat (Onhmial) Naw York. Pendleton BUtorSlaters (Caaino; Maraballtowu, la. Rice A Francis (Fulton) Bro.*lyu. htona A KsllazKuflsz (Or^enm)(Orpheum) Ism Angeles; (Or-(Or^ Nixon, Larrjr: Paaaneola, Fla. Perea. Lupita (IIlpp.)( Alton, Ill. Bice, Frankie (Fulton) Brooklyn. pheiiro) Halt Imke 1-6, u rn Pernikoff A Roae (Grand)ind) Atlanta, Ua.(la. Ulclie A Burt lOritbeum) Ht. Paul; (Orpheum) Storm A llaraton (^mlly) MoIIm, III. Perry, Xaale (Lafayette)te) New York. MluneapoUa 1-0. Swain A Oetman (Broadway) Mnek^, Ok. IVreonI, Camille, A Co. (Bijou) Fall Klrn>heuro) Portland, Ore.:Ore.; (Or- Tele^ione Tangle (Pantagea; Winnipeg, Can.: O lMrys. The (Farnllv.) Ta Favette. Ind. Pollock. Milton. A Co. (Orphenm) Bemttle; (Or- pheum) Han Frauclaco 1-6. (Pantagea) Edmonton, Can., 1-6. U Neal 4 Gallagher (Majestic) Dnboqoa, In. pbeuiu) l^, Ora., l-B. Rose A Fink (Orand; KnoxvilleKnoxville, Tenn. Tempest A Hunablne (Orpheum) Mloncapeili l-B.

I / U- DECEMBER 30,-1916,

TMnpleton. Fay (Orphenm) Seattle: (Orpheum) I Winston’s Nymphs ft Seals (I’autages) Van¬ OBITUARY new auto truck iM'fore going out again. Dakota I'ortlaud, Ore.i l-tt. couver, Can.: (Pantagea) Victoria, C’au., 1-6. Tennettxeo Ten (Palace) Danville. III.; (Keith) Max la Uguring on putting out a No. 'i show Witt ft Winter (Colonial) Erie, i’a., 1-6. (Continued from page 18) the comiug seaeun. the roster includes Dakota IndUnapolla 1-6. Terada Hroa. (MaJeaUc) Mllwautce. Terrv PhyllU Nelliton (Orpheum) , Vancouver, Can.; (Orpheum) Seattle 1-6. Terry. Artliur ft Urace (Orpheum) Sioux FalU. died December » at’l>oa Angeles. Cal., a'fter i painter a)id scenic uniat; Frank 8. D. Toledo, O., 1-6. Thalero's Clrcua (Majeatlc) Chicago. Wright ft Dietrich (Orpheum) Brooklyn; (Itlv- long illness. During the past ‘^3 years Mr. and canvasuiaB; Albert Payne, hosa hos- •Tbow French Olrla (’I'emple) Detroit; (Temple) Mrs. Cole were known in the profession as C»de , i i. erslde) New York 1-6. All you trick ro|>ers who used Maguay iwpes Kocheater. N. T.. 1-6. Yates & Wheeler )B)iahwlck) Brooklyn. and Cole, aerlullsts, 8he is survived by her -- -- - . lin«hanr) “ono oouoi.doobt'w-lll oebe Interestedlureresico to learulearn iiom(lom inethe auad ‘Thorpe. Bollo 8. (Trenton) Lyndtburg. Va.; (Ma- Yming, Ollie, ft April (Orpheum) Portland, uuwbmii. . ' that auueared in last week's issue that vou can Jeatlc) Danville Jan. 1-6. Ore.; (Orpheum) Han Framlisx. 1-6. FOOEI^Andrew Fogel, old-time clrcua man, '“ *“** ^ Yvette (Lyric) Blnningbam.Birmingham. bettor koown as Deaf Audy, died at the resU “J?,, . deuce of his son In Philadelphia, Pa., Novemln-r I y*^***!' “1 '•’I ranch. Bliss, Ok. JIM AND BONNIE Zarrell, loxi. Trio (Onilieutu) New Orleans. Boy (illl—8eud us the news of your New York Zimmerman, I«e (Pantagea) Han Diego, Cal 27, at the age of 61. Ilia first engagement was with the John O'Brien Circus as a snare drum¬ cowboy and cowgirl clan. THORNTON (Pantagea) Halt Lake City 1-6. Hammy Oarrett—tVhy the big letterhead saying DIraetlen Jea Baheaek. mer, and be later traveled with W. C. Coup,. Buffalo Bin, Barnum ft Bailey atni lilnglblg" buUdogg^ a steer barchaml^l, when yon know you always wear gloves In bulldogging lllford ft Oo. (Palace) Ft. Wayne, Ind. Brothers. LEWIS—Mrs. Lucille l ewis died In tl)e county steers? Tiny May'a Clrcua (Palace) Danville. III. D. O., of New- York City, wants to know: Toney ft Norman (B'laliwick) Brooklyn; (Alham¬ BANDS & ORCHESTRAS hospital, Chicago, last week, after baviug takOn a dose of poison on December 4. "Burk Moulton—Ilow Is It that your partner bra) New York 1-6. CoUsantl’s Band: Madison, Fla., 25-30. turned down that job of |1U a day in the movies Towle. Joe (Temple) Hamilton. Can. O'Andrea's Band; Tenaba, Tex., 25-30; Lmg McPIlAII,—Mamie MePhall, who was the only Tranaflcld 81atera (Avenue) Chicago. view Jan. 1-6. surviving member of The .Mcp'hall Family on this l'“ ****“* Travera, Boland, ft Co. (Alhambra) New York; side of the Atlantic, dleil December ‘2 at the old f * P Lambiase Band: (Palace Boiler Rink) Phtla. family liome in Parkersburir W. Va. ^ bucking bulla? He might have kidded (Orpheum) Brooklyn 1-6. Indef.i^e? ' . family home In Parkersburg. W. Va. S « * „ , ‘Travllla Bros, ft Seal (Prlnreaa) Nashville. Tenn. Or«.walfa. Ray, la.dlea« Orche.tra: Newport M^aJ^'^^il^tn'rkmud**'““ Trovato (Orpheum) Winnipeg. Can.; (Orpheum) New. V... '25-30; Bocky -Mount, N. C.. Jan. ^^“"'Sl.rr.r W)I. t?e daughtor*of Ju^^^ al^T^eVd^lf.Brpnebo John pulUvan—A “Th “P;:;'* few ","‘1!,^''',“'lines friDti f,”"’you; Calgary, Can., 1-6. also have your son. (be leCi. er and globe trotter, Tnn Chin Troupe (Modjeaka) Auguata, Oa. Nasca'a Band:Band, noo.ia.Douglas, ((la.,1. 25-30. and LouDm) IJewellyu. tkick In regarding his actlvlllrs this wl))ter. Tucker, Sophie (Orpheutn) Salt laike City; (Or- Neel’s, Carl, Band; Apalachicola, lla., 26-30. Charles Tiiitoh.' (•ail 'Downing, A. 1). Alac- pbenni) Denver 1-6. Ollveto's Band: Tampa, Fla., 25-30. MARRIAGES ' ('A)ruilck, Billy Fhdicr, Ham Brownell, Allan Tnecano Bros. (Keith) Boaton 1-6. PadnsDo's Band: (Newark 8t. Rkating BInk) Ilrau)l>eller; Bill .Ms-Cairtyi «■( the Custer Trail Cahers, The (Keith) Boaton 1-6. Newark, N. J., indef. 0TI8-ABER(1—Charles E. Otis, nonprofesslon Uanch, Clay McOonlgai and the Wler Boys: ▼accuum Cleanera (Davis) Pittsburg. at, and Emily Aberg, who is known In tlie ‘proi | Write In the newa: Valentine ft Bell (Majestic) San Antonio, Tex. feeston as Bobby Bobbins, were )narrted Ih-- A. P, Day, A. J. Bryson, Joe McDonalil and Valerie Sisters'(l*antagea) Oakland, Cal.; (Pan- cember 13 In New Haven, Conn. Pinky (list--A few lines fru)u you also. tagea) Loa Angeles 1-6. CARNIVAL COMPANIES WAI,I.ACK-n01(NIE- Hothvin Wallace, wrlD-r. Dr, Cgfvdr—TlM-re have t)eoii seviiral queries as Velleclta'a Leoparda (Orpheum) Calgary, Can.; and Alice Richards Hornie, a member of the pro to who originated the diving horse art with a (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can., 1-6. Big Four Amnaement Co., B. L. Cummings, mgr.: fesalon, were married December 18, New York | wdmsn liiting on him from a (datform Into tha Valmont ft Beynan (Keith) Washlugtou; (Mary¬ Alton, Fla., '25 30. water wteu they make the leap. We bavo land) Baltimore 1-6. -Brown ft McOesry Shows; JackAonvIlle, Kla., WniTE-l.EVY—Tlauile (Irahsme White, avln always been )inder the impression that you or- Van Alatlne Brae. (Unique) MlnneapoUa. 25 80. tne, and Ethel la-vy, former wife of Ueorgn M, | Iginated this feature. Would you be ao kind aa Van ft B«ll (Palace) Chicago. , _ I to ailvlsu ns full partloulars regarding the date ict your first pres«-ntatlun of this act, etc.? Also B<>nd In Ihe news itt your present activities. Joe INitts, who had charge of the stock on the Itn HItiiW last seaisiu, la at present condnctlng a restaursttt In Boston, Mass., and ihdng very THE HYSTERIA OF PESSIMISM well. JiH- la a rt-gulhr fellow and will be glad to hear from all of Itia frietida In rare of Tlte Bill- boa rd, FLYING MISSILE EXPERTS Hhow people n)ay, |>erbApa, be Interested In knowing that Max Tbelan, president of rtne of onr regdera wnulil like to koow when- AND BOOMKRANO THROWKRS. the National Aaaorlation of Railroad Comnilaalonera, thinks the railroads of the United Hki-eler Kill K)d)bl))S, "Konsaa" Hborty, Garfield Mtates are In a "hyst)*rla of pessimism." Ilanlela a))d Hisil GIbaon Die wintering. BoUmI HuUd U. B. O. Big TlOM. It Is something of a ron)fort to know that others Is-sldi's ihiwe of ns who lisik upon Hammy Garrett I'mh-ralaml you have a Hat of Dlnnlon Harry Wtbs of hysteria than pesslnils))); the hysteria of ager isrw, Vania, Ollte ft Johnny (Pontages) San Diego, unfalrm-ss and of l)))|Hsiltliin upon the traveling show pnhilr, whieh eonlrllnit^ii unemllng Ed IJisla<-y- .Id- yon wintering In Ganlen City Can.; (Pantagea) Malt l-ake City 16. thi»)sands Ilf ilollars yea)'ly to ... of the railroads' treasuries. But the "hysteria this yi-ar? H»w Is t'lyile? Vanity Fair (HIpe) Kokomo, Ind. of |s-ssln)ls)))" Is wfirlhy of passing reisirt h<‘rat)a«> It was ailmllted hy .Mr. Thelan, a)iil Kretl Htone- How la ilic Isirse that you bought VasMor ft Arken (Palace) Brooklyn. from Fremle In New York Victoria KVnir (Majestic) i'llttt, Mich. IsK-nase it has sei-n (h)- light of newspats>r hendlln<>s within Ihe (last week or so. Ilen> Is a, hit of what hi> said; laat anininer? VIm'ent. t'lalre, ft t>i. lOrPheiDn) Monphls. Henry Graminer Hi-nd In the newa from Uie "1'he intlroails an' In a h.vaterla of p)'Bsi)))lsn). With I'arnings lH'yii))d all previous (Orphenm) New Orleana I (I. Osage laointry, riM'ojVis anil )‘onRtanny gowlng larger the railroads stsun to hi- e)igageil In thi- ahsuni VlellDsky (Keith) Indianapolis 16. Ttaumy Klriian and Chester Byers—WriD* In Vnlunteem, The (Oriiheunt) Hun Fmoclsi'o 'A%- iNsk of trying lo t')il)) iheir own criHlIt. If they were niolly aetlng In the pnhilr Iniert-sl, the news. Jan. 6. as they rial))) |o Is-, thi-y wonid slop eoniptalnlng almat pnhilr regulation and wo))lil .Mr. Garcia- -How are thinga around Elko, Vox, Valbntlne (Pautagee) Halt lotkc I'lty; devote the())M-lves lo aapiilylng ears, i-qulpiiu-nt, terminal fa)'IIIHes and rxtenalon, whirl) Nevada ? (Pantagea) Ogden, Utah, 1-6. I ho iiuliDr urgeutly ih-slri-s. Uuaty Tnlk- -Hcml the newa from New Mexico. Vuiateke Troupe (Kmpreas) Tulsa. Ok. "Feileral InroriHirstlon of the ralD'oada aa |)ro|Miseil hy the rarrirra has for Its Ell Kcisds -A few lines froiii yon. Waddell, Flwd ft jdae (Princess) Ft. Dislgo, la. avow)-d ohjis-t thi- lakDig from thr people of the HtsH-s thrir power to n-gnlate tin- D. V. Taiitllnger—Where next season? Walker, CIKTonl (Orpheum) Mout^al. |iiin-ly Htale rights, si-rvlee, i"i))lpu)rot and farllUleH of practically every railroad In the C. K., IN-trott, writes: "Your department luid Walah, l.ynrb ft Co. (Orpheum) Memphis 16. rnitivl HInD-s. The railroad plan braaenly provides that hy dlia-rt ro)))|i))lslon to be t-x- a elcver line In It In Will Higcers' veiwlon of Wanila tLyric) Hoboken. N. J. ertist by till- Ftsleral govi-rnment new seenritlea isinlvalent to all the outstatullng ats'url- trick roping ruhai. In the next Issue I si-e where Ward ft iSya (Pantagea) Ogden, Utah; (Pan- tha). Inrluillng all the exca-salv)' flx)sl lnd)aa and all thi- walerial stis-k, are to Is- Ckarles Ahlrldge Is emlcsvitrlng to join IJie i-on tageei Denver 1-6. IsHunt. 17)0 rnlln>ads an- apiiarently laying the foundation for the ultln)Hte pun-haiu- of Crete class via the trick roping roiile. What Ward itroa. (Orpheum) Kansas City; (Orphenm) would you call bla atamitng before hla advent In Omal'a 1-6. iheir pn>|s-rty hy flu- Fetleral Government. '"Tho talk of th)- rallron)ln about forty-nine maatera la aimply la))guage to tirkle tin- the Irli-k eqilng riasa? Would It belong rather Ward, Will J., ft Olrla (Temple) Hoclieater, to the f-einent nr aolhl Ivory class of bnau-tm eara. No rallroa)! In the United Htati-a rnna through more than on)--thlrd of forty eight N, Y.; (Orpheum) Montreal 161, rldert?" Ward ft Itayiiumd (Hlp|>.) Baltlmori*. Mt)«ea. Warren ft Templeton (Pautag**) Man Dli*a«, Cal.; "Although all other rorisiratlona whirl) do h))al))esN In illfferent Hintes are suhjia-t t > (Pantagea) Halt loike (ity 1-6. rt'gulallo)) hy eaeh Htale, mqsMly exri-pt the rnllroada la romplnlnlng." Wartenberg Brmt, (I'amlly) Moline, 111. ito sahl Mr. Thelan lu-fore the Congn-aalonnl Hallrond Inveatigating Cianinltte)- In Water IJIIes, HIx (Orpiteuu.) Oakland, (Ml, Waahinglou. Watson, Kate (Murray) HIchmomI, Ind. Mr. Thelan might hav)- gone further and explalmsl Hu- hysteria of |H-Mslmls)n In a WIMMEN’S WRITES Watson HIsters (thea) Ruffalo; (Hhea) Toronto degree by the'faet that an l))i'reaa<* of thirty ronta per dh-u) haa Is-en asai-saed on the By WKZBTLXXft AirVZX 1-6. rallw.ay lln--a uahvg freight rara Is-longtng to other rarrh-ra. Tin- rah-a In the Houtheuat Wayne ft Warren Olrla (Bljon) Brooklyn. have rala<>xlnlat)>ly flft)‘en (s-r (Orplieiim) Ht. Paul 1-6. shot, has sigmsi up for twenty wis-kR at Pine- Weber ft Klllott (Pantagea) Han Franclm-o; (Pan Cent mo )'ars than they a.'iiially own, due to the handling of war malerlala. hnrat, N. l\, the fashionable winter resort, to tages) Oakland, Cal., 1-6. The ahi-wmen who have lus-n Ignon-d In their pleadlnga for jnalh'o and ahnaeil give exhibitions of her skill. She Is D-relvIng Welse Troup<‘ (Maryland) Baltimore, arbitrarily hy rallroaila and their oflirlala, who refuard to treat, lime after time, have bo-n wumh-rful nutlo-a In the preaa throughout that Welch'a Mlnatreli (Rnipr<*an) Oratuk Baidda, hyaterlrally (s-aalmlsllr for a gissl many yeara. \Vhalev)T in)'))tHl a)s-rralhm Ihe rail ■ectlon. It la iv-iMirti-d that Edilh Tuntlinger will en¬ MIeh., 1-6. roada may Is- nnderg-dng la harMrs. C. I,. Elsele a daughter lady rhling at their round-ups, BELLE WHITE fia- aeaaon ISIT. .\dilrvsa ('. K. liAIU-TI-nj), Maiiaxir, at Laurlum, MIeh.,M)„h Dei-eniheri 16. Mr. and Mrs. la VaudavHla. B.« 693. l»enawv.U. Florida. Elai'le we™’wllh^i.e would suggest they pay each girl a reasonable of'The pfsT i^^aiUvn"' I to do her eihlldtlon, as In my estlinatlon Williams ft Wolfna (Ori>heam) Kansas City 1-6. Jnvcnal'a J .M.. Stadium Slmwa: Arkanaa. City, „ ^Y^fr’^aml’M. 1 «• (s o J I there Is no difference wliatsoever In the aldllty M Y 6 "‘'' " I' rider. Any time these Wtlllan-a. Elate, ft Co. (Kmpreas) Ht. T/rals. at Waco. Tex., Ih-ccmbcr 1.3. ■ ■ Willing ft Joeilan (Orpheum) Calgary, Can.; n r. •. < ■ women want to go to a contest and c-uniM-te on '■’* Bright*Bright ama^ membersmember of the Roy E. lox 1 opular j at,n|(y n-u-klng horse riding event (Orphenm) Vam-ouver. Can.. 1-6. Players Company. Willing. Bentlev ft Willing (Keith) lenilsvlllc; K4»|>p fc Ilnrrtn)Ct<'n'R S4>ntlioru Mhown: MRnclieH- Company. let them ride slick, and let the managers offer (Orplnnm) Memphis 1-6. ter, t3a., I'ontelf* Jan. 1-6. a snitalde list of cash prlxes for that event. There Is no iisa- trying to say that a woman rid¬ Wilson Aubrey Trio I Princess) Wichita. Kan. Ia«H>nnril Aniimenient O*.: Ttnyne, I.11., .*5 30. THE CORRAL Wilson Bros.’ (Pantnges) S(M>ksne; (Pantagea) Itcynolda. George, Shows: Ikiiiglas, Ga., 25.30; ing a bucking horse with her atlrrnta tied down (Contlnm-il from pngi- 23) Heattle 1-6. Nashville, Jail. 16. , . can ts- claaseil as a real bucking luirse rider any Wilson, Doris, ft Co. (Knyal) New York' 16. Sehnriling's, J., Expo. Shows; Mai-on. (la.. '25.30. | emu-. -My.. SOO mil ;;7 hours, during the I more than a man wnuld Is- at a contest for Wilson A McNallts (Keith) WaHliInglon 16. Veal I'amoua Shows: .Aslilmrti, Ga., '25-.3)). middle of D«-i-eml>er. Ti-ll ns alsiut It. Sammy. sllrk rtdera should he hnbbli- his stirrtii s. I think Wilton HIsters (Msjratli-I Him. Mich. The News, of Mandan. N. D.. of Friday. D< this will give a ts-tter exhihitlon and also please Windham, Olive, ft Co. (Kcma City. . gwTTT TN Tgm0(n week, gives the Two I owes. Walter and thing that would Ix-netH this part of the bual- Window. Muriel (Fo-syth) .Vtlants, (la.. 1-6. UlRUUa & WIIjLI WJSol Minnie, a very nl.-e notice on their roping act. ness would b«- if Ihe lady riders thi-maelves made Manv of the ohl-tlme Wild West p*-rf.>rm«-rs will their agreemeuts and eontraels direct with tha Clark. M. I.., ft S-ui's Hhowa: .\Iexaadria, Iji., rcnieniber Mr. I owe probably utuler the tN.gnomen managers instead of through their buslianda or ■‘2828 Jau.Jan. 1. • of .Mustang Walter, who was -me of the cowls>vs fellows who an- lellhig them how to do It, THE DEMAND Shipp ft Feltus; En route through HoulhSouth .\merica.\merlca. with the Pawnee Bill Wild West Show vears *’ 6'''’'' ■ithlress, <'oncep<-lu)), Chile, until Feb. 1; tbeu I sjjo. many of us do not have huahanda or others to For HlIHmaixl dale books lias hia-n so b--Rvy that care Tht- Staiulanl, Buemw .\lr»si. The Dakota Max WIM West Sliow cIom-iI a attend to our hnaiiieas for ua, and In many the supply la exhausted. very anccessful aea;s>n at Jacksonville. Fla.. De cases we are govenu-d hy rules, etc., that hava A large onler for a further supply baa been cember 9. and has gone into winter qnarters a' been made to please some of the men who maka Placed., and announcement will ts- oiade wheo W. M. Gilt))an is iqN-nding a month in San Orlando. Kla.. for aliout six or eight weeks, • pvactlee of traveling fmm one contest to an these art available. Diego. Cal., takin; in tlH- sights at the Panama vrhere the eqntpment will he overbanle<1 atui re- other on some of the ability of the lady riders.” THE Rn.LROAUD PUB. 00. CsliftwTila Exposition. painted, bealdes adding a few more horsea and a Who Has Been There. e DECEMBER 30, 1916.

BLACKFACE SINGER AND DANCSSb—Up In aeU; SIEGMAN du WEIL blU and aliiglei. HOWARD VAIL, Plymouth. N. G It u4 M EmI 27tfe St, N*« York City. OLBO Carter—Btlcks ptns anywben In hla anat¬ AT UBERn omy and lay on thousand apikes and bold Ihrea man; DIRECTORY go anywhere. Addreaa Wllltamaburg, Kentucky. (OootiBiwd from p«(« 41) TOYS DERMUTTl—High -clam magic act; vaudevUla Miller Bobber Oo., Akron, O. burlesque, tabs.; alnglo or double; full stage; apaolal TOY BALLOONS CLASSIFIED ADS. drop. TU-kait Yea. 114 W. Preoch, New Bed¬ STAGE HARDWARE ford, Mtraai-huaeUa._ J. B. Clancy, 100 W. Belden are., Bymcnae, I Bobber Co., Aataland, O. Hew York. raultleaa Bobber Co., Aabland, O. WRITE IS WORDS ONLY. INCLUDINO DUTCH COMEDIAN—Good valoe; cliangs for wash; A. W Centner Co., 6S4 Blsbth are., N. T. a Rd Habn, 222 Went Madlaon at. Chlcaso, lU. up In acts; sober and reliable: need ticket GEX). La- A. H. flendler A Co., 1013 Mlaalon at. Baa NAME AND ADDRESS. I VETTB, Bub Bta. Ng 2, Kanaaa City, Mlsaourl. STAGE JEWELRY FYanclaoo, Cat FROG .\lT—Feature for minstrel, vauderllla or Uoyd Martin, 2323 Boba at, Cincinnati, O. tContlQued from page 87) any good show; also comedy contortion act aL MaaalUon Bobber Co., Maaalllon, O. ITTClDat. 52 Fox St., Owega New York. SIEGMAN A WEIL Q. Nerrlone, 1022 Bedfwlck at, Cblcaso, IIL VIOLINIST—Dmble baritone; troupe or locte or GIVE YOUR AUDIENCE VAUDEVILLE—A-l mag¬ l« aaO 20 Eaat 27tli St., New York City. N. Shore Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at, Chicago. teach band. H. WAiU>. 504 Une St, I^anavUle. Ind. ic and cfltuedy; special drop. Who wants moT Ticket Bbryocfc-Todd Co., 824 N. Elgbtb at, Bt Looia. VIOU.N1ST AND PIANIST—Two young men. for DEltMom. 114 W. French Ave., New Bedford, STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New York City. theater, hotel or concert; large repertotreL ALBE31T Maaaachusetta. KUecl Hroe., 210 W. OOtk at. New York City. LOEBKIA, Box 89, Foley Boad. Price UlU. dnclD- IDLVKY HARMAN PAUlER-WanU engagement TRICKS, MAGIC, ETC. nati, Obla ___ with the Old Soldier Fiddlers or other aotdlar acta. I Tbe Magic Bbop, U N. ISth at, Fhlladelnhla. STAGE MONEY AND USED MAGIC VIOLINIST-Experienced leader, for vaudevlUo er Address 2337 _|hirk Ave. Chicago. lUlnoIe_ Gilbert Novelty Maaic Co.. 11133 South Irving i Toat ft Co., 220 Weat 42d at.. New York City. flnl-Clara picture houra. Addrera VIOLIN LEADER, HYPNOTIC 8UBJBC?P-^Dno of the beat In the ave., Chicago, Ill. care BUlboaid, rindiJiatl, Obla _ tame; do eveey teet In the bis. BUBJEXTT. General TRUNKS Dellrery, Lake Oiarlea, lioulalane_ STAGE SHOES Herkert ft Melaet 608 Waah. ave., Bt. Lonla. VKMJNIST—With operatic experience; road Job Neely Broa., 720 W. Madlaon at., Chicago, lit Newton ft Son, 50 Elm at, Cortland, N. Y. preferred. Address FINE VIOLINIST, care BIU- HYPNOTIST—Write to me for particulate J. WIL¬ board. Ctnclnnatl, Obla__ LARD GORDON. Mansflrld, Illlndla. STEREOPTICONS«I cncwr I luuno ANDmiyu SLIDESotiuco i VIOLINIST A.VD PIANIST—Good Ubraiy. Addreaa JACK M. HOWARD—btralghU and blackfais; alng- Moore-HobbeU Co., Maaonlc Temple, Ohlcag^ I « *R«^R2iIlSinh Ing and dancing; double piano; up In acte Addreaa Obaa. M. StebWna, 1028 Main at., Kanaaa City, | ^aylw Tronk Worka, 28 Eaat Bandotpb B. GABKISLL. care HaJeaUc Theater 2. Memphla, Tenneueei__ care Billboard, Ohicinnatl, Ohio_ Mlaaooii. Chicago, lit 'violinist—Up In all lines; concert and vsuderille; LADY—Would like to with earmval, vauda- STREETMEN'S SUPPLIES TURNSTILES no objections to hlgh-clsss picture house. VIOLIN- riUs act or snake act ANIMAJL ACT, care Billboard, Bark Broa., S«3 Broadway, New York City, , „ _ wj-h. n IST, 235 Bdrideie Ave., Detroit. Michigan._ New York City. _ B. Block MercanUle Company, (241-243 Market I Proapect Bldg., CleveUnd, O. WANTED—PoslUon, by llrat-cUra piano tuner; at.. Ban Knndaco, Cat I UNIFORMS play flite and piccolo; experienced In band and or- adelphia and vicinity. Address UNGERUAN, 70S Brackman-Weller Oo.. 337 Weat Madlaon at, I B. W. Btockley ft Co., 810 B Walnut at, Fhlla. cheatraa. R. P. JENNINGS. 249 S Uberty BL, North 5th Bt, Phlladedptala, Pennsylvania. (BeH Mephone Market 15-84.)_' Chicago, 111. UNIFORMS A THEAT. COSTUMES Alliance, Obla__ Braael Noveltv Co.. 1710 Ella at. Cincinnati, O. jw voniin n rv. tw«v in iii MAN AND WIFE—Change strosig for week; vamp or¬ The Brown Mercantile Co., 173 Pint at. Port- *“• OPERATORS gan: will Join med. or vaudevlUe. DALY AND DALY, Romney, Indiana. R R. A._ Und, Ore. VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES At Liberty Advarlltaataata wlthaut diaplay, nadar thta Coe, Yonge ft Co., 006 Lncaa ave., Bt. I/mla, Mo. Ben Hobaon, 010 Proapect ave.. New York City. MILT. J. ALLEN—Banjo, black, monolacue Irish haadlag, are puhlMiad traa af eharta. M. Gerber, 727-728 South at.. PhlladelphU, Pa. Theo. Mack ft Son, 621 B. Clinton at, Chicago. and eocentric; fake organ and plana Tlcketf Ym. General DcUvety, Bellhaven, Noriii Caroline Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte at., Kan A-1 UNION OPEaiATOB^o anywhere; aaUMac- ana City, Mo. VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES NOVELTY COMBINA'nON ACT-JuggUng, singing P. II. Barnea, 86 Booth State at, Chicago, III. tlon guaranteed; aUte aU. TicketT Yea. P. B. Bd Habn, 222 Went Madlaon at., Chicago, Ill. TOUNEY, Box 458, Maaoo Oty. Iowa._ talking; comedy; violin solas, etc.; change for three Jonen, Unick ft Schaefer, 110 Booth Bute it, nights; gent lady and little glrL THE BARNEUft, Jamaa Kelley. 151 E. OSd at.. New York City. AT UBEBTY—Operator: have machine and 12 King Clamp Tie Betadner Mfg. Co.. 611-621 Ctdcago, Ill. ^ BlUbo^, dnclnnaU, Obla FrinilyiY New York Amnooniont ContractlDg Co.g reela; work acta: state aalair. Ticket? Yes. LEWIS I KIGGINS, BraaUton, Kanaaa._ NOVEITT MUSICAL ACT—Bix Instrumenta; ec¬ Langrock Broa., 28 Ormond PI.. Brooklyn, N. T. „ 'U centric comedy; any show that pays a fair talaiy. EXPEBIENCEX) OPERATOR—WanU permanent lAmntbal ft Wohl, 68 Orchard. New York City. FRANK CAMPBraX, Marine MllU. MlnncaoU. Levin Broa., Terre Haute, Ind. Weatern Vaudeville Mgn. Aaan., Chicago. paeltlon; single; do not use liquor or tobaooa THOS. Levin Broa., Terre Haute, Ind. IQSLTNE. Nelson, Wlaconaln. _ NOVELTY PERFORMEIL—With own picture ma¬ Mae Ponntaln Pen and Novelty Ca, 21 Ann, WAGONS chine and fllm: work straight In acte C. A. SHOW¬ H. P. OPERATOR—Ten years' experience; can MAN, General DeUvery. Olathe. Kanaae_ Mew York City. Wm. Prech Co., Maple Bhade, N. J. handle any make of machine and keep same In Drat- Morrtaon ft Co., 210 W. Madlaon at., Chicago, HI. claas ahape. L. R. T., P. O. Box 558, Waycroaa, Oa. PATRIOTIO ACT—Single: go anywhere; yosing Plareo Chemical Co., Pierce Bldg., Chicago, III. WATCHES man; age 19; experienced. LEO KERIQAN, 1506 N. M. Shore Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. I Alt« ft Go., 165 West Madlaon at, Chicago, lU. OPERATOR—Nine yean' expertenca: no cigarettes East St, care E C KINSEY. Bloomington, llllnote ar booce; electrlcUn; prefer Simplex or Power ma¬ ■hryerk-Todd Co.. 824 N. Eighth at, Bt. LooU. M. Gerber, 727-728 Booth at., Phlladeltdiia, Pa. PROF. OOLJ>I3l—Ventiiloqulst, magician, lecturer: Holaman ft Co., 177 W. Madlaon at., Chicago, Ill. chine; reliable bouse only. GROVER LOWE 415 Blnger Broa., 82 Bowery, New York City. W. Plera. KlrksvlUe, Mbaouri. can manage; strictly sober and reliable. 444 Eaat Tth ■amnel Weinhaua Co,. 722 Penn ave., PltUbnrg. I Knickerbocker Watch Co., Woolworth Building, 8L, Tulsa. Oklahome_ OPERATOR—Long experience; electrician; can han¬ aavBo I New York. SHROP AND SPARKS—In a new Dutch and Jaw STRIKING MACHINE MFRS. N. Shore Co., 237-241 W. Madlaon at.. Chicago. dle stage; gUt-edge references: only real show bouae need write. M. CL. Box 13, Elmer, Missouri. comedy act; can take parts In burlesque and mn- M. W. Anaterburg, Homer, Mich. Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, New York City. alcal comedy. WILLIAM SHBOF. 602 Broad Are. Moore Broa., Lapeer, Mich. Samuel Weinhaua Co., 722 Penn ave., Plttabnrg. OPERATOR—^Desires position where hlgh-dsss pro¬ Canton, Ohio. _ jection Is appreciated; state salary and equipment in STRIKER MANUFACTURERS WATCH IMPORTERS flrst letter. H. A kllNTER, General Delivery, Au¬ SLACK WIRE. CHAIR BALANdNO. COMEDY Heracbell-Splllman, North Tonawanda, N. Y. gusta, OeorglA _ JUGGLING—For Indoor circus or independent man- licon Hliech, 87-38 Malden Lane, N. Y. City. agen. MAE SCHORNBERQEB. 128 8. Shaffer Bt. STUFFED TOYS, PILLOW TOPS OPERATOR—One year's experience: reference; any Springfleld, Ohio __ WIGS machine; reesnnal.le salary. ‘neket? Yes. PER¬ PERCOLATORS AND CANDY Zander Broa., Inc., 116 W. 48th at., N. Y. City. RIS STANSFJJ,. 8L Anthony, Idaho _ SPkX’IAITY TEAM—Parts, piano, etc.: sober and Prankford Broa., 806 Pllbert at., Phlla,, Pa. reliable: good dressers on and off. THE UTBIO WIG MAKERS OPERATOR—And electrician; any machine; do DUO, 624 6th Are., N., Ft Dodge. Iowa._ TATTOOING SUPPLIES P. W. Nack, 26 W. Washington at.. Chicago, Ill. general utility work; sober and relialde; go anywhere; Prof. J. P. Barber. 70V. Bruah at., Detroit. G. Bctaindbelm, 108 W. 46th at.. New York City. locate only. EARI- HALL. Utile Falls. Minnesota. TRIO—Dancing soubrette, comedian, piano playw; double straights; up In acts. JA8. ELUS, Billboard. B^'^E. Brovn. 288 Gratiot ave., Detrott.Mich. WILD ANIMALS. BIRDS AND REP- OtnclnnaSi, Ohio _ Ohua. Wagber, 208 Bowery and Chatham Square, TILES TWO GIRLR—Experienced; for reUahle vauderiUa act: Juvenile parts; chorus work, but pivfar Mock or N«w York City. Carl Hagenbeck, 8. A. Stephan, American Agent, OPERATOR--And Joumonian sign painler; mar- Zoo, Cincinnati, Ohio. vaudeville, inss BOB McGOVBBN, General DeUvfgy. rtad; will go anywhere. KI.NO IK>DO. A H Oor. St Paul, Minnesota.___ . _ , . TENTS I 248 Grand at.. New York City, 25th and 52d Bt.. Cti-ero, lillnols. Amertcau Tent ft Awning Go.. 307 Washington I YOUNG MAN—Experienced, wants to lota tent taw ave.. North, Minneapolis, Minn. WILD WEST COSTUMES for Uts and utility work LESLIE CLAPP, 2433 N. Obaa. P. Sblpley, Kansas City, AIo. PARKS AND FAIRS Atlanta Tent ft Awtilog Co., Atlanta. Oa. Delaware Bt, IndianapolU, Indiana. Baker ft Lockwood. Seventh and Wyandotte its., At Ufearty AdvariUtmaatt wlthaut diaplay, uadar thIa Kaaaaa City, Mo. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Jueigen Jewelry Oo., K» Ohambera at., N. Y. C. haadlag, ara guhlMiad frae af eharga. OoInmbUB Tent ft Awning Oo., Colnmbua, O. Ourule-Ooudle Co., 23d and Grand ave., Kanaaa XYLOPHONES AT LIBERTY-High diver (net); for carnivali. aty. Mo. J. C. Deagan, Bertean and B, Ravenswood Park parka and fairs. CHARLEY BKl.VNER, Columbus, STAGE ASPIRANTS Dougherty Bros.' Tent Go,. 116 South Fourth at., are., Chicago, lU. Kentucky. Tho foUowlBf advortitooMBts AitMi ■t. Louis, Mo. AT UBFRITY—Udy Ikallmsiiat. Addreaa BAL¬ tnm Pulton Bag and Cotton MlUa, New York, Bt. -- LOONIST, rare Billboard, New York City. who fraahlj dlialalm loag agyarUaoa. LmIs, New Orleans, Atlanta and Dallu, Tea. THEATRICAL NOTES OAYLOR—TVo big altraiHlcma; the gtanl arrobaile Thoy will ha faaad vrilUaff. J. O. Ooaa ft Ou.. Detroit. Mich. frag mar.; Ameriea's premier equilibrist. TIiS 17tb Bt, HenrlZ Luebbert Mfg. Oo., 318 Howard at., Fred Byers, manager of The F>nme-Up Com- Detroit, MIohlgab. obUffiaf aad raaaaaahla. Ban Pranclaao. , P«ny. writes The Billboard from Dodge City. GROTH AUUAL t'O.MPANY—Three monster bal- Geo T. Hoyt Ca, 52 8. Market at., Boston,Maas. Kan., under date of December 6. as follows: loois and three o|Nii-alr gymnaatle altracllana; now M. Mage<> ft Son. Inc., 147 Pulton at., N. T. C. "Buslneia has been 6ne with this company ever centraeitng fairs annt ft Awning Oo,. Spokane, Waah. show. If we can do away with the smutty gags At Liberty Advartlsaaiaata wlthaut diaplay, uadar this Tueker Dnek ft Rubber Co., Ft. Bmlth, Ark, and give the people good, clean, wholesome ahowa haadlag, are guhHahcd free at aharga. Dnitsd Btatea Tent ft Awning CU>, 220 North I btialneaa will enntinne to pick up. Moral: Keep BURLESQUE A MUSICAL COMEDY Deaplalnes at., Obtrago, Ill. your ahowa clean and we will be on the verge A-l l.AI>Y I'lAXlBT, VOCAUBT AND PLAY¬ At Liberty AdverilMiainto without dliMay. uader Iklt vraiTIt TA RENT proaperlty that we never knew t>efnre, aa WRIGHT—Ha»o scrt|>ta: can stage and direct acta. headlao. art published trw of aharfo. A. WII.UAMB, Box fiSf. Bt. Lmls, Mlaaouri. If A In? liv .» M w *• *"'*'• money spent for amnaementa today 3’ S: ‘^an ever In the hlatory of thia connlrv." A-l 1.ADY I'lAMBT, VtK'AlJST AND PLAY¬ WorU) IJKK TO JOIN MUHIf'AIe COMPA.NT— ?***^*. "* North At the big annualanniist meeting for the election of WRIGHT—Hava ai-ri|Ss; can stage and direct acta. Am a giKsI singer; will send pliiUo F'RANK 4. DsRtlalnea at., Cbtcagis III. offleeraofllcers of the KansnaKsnsns City lAdge, No. IS. of the A WILUAMH, Ika 1187. Ht. Louis, Missouri. MAHO.N, 7 IJlMViy St., Allentown. l»ennsylvanla. THEATER SUPPLIES TT. M.'*• A., recently at leastleaat (Ifty membera A-l PIA.N’IBT -tUglit reailcr, mmposiv, director YOUNG MAN 'Age, 19; sums rX|ierienro: wtahm ZiSarB' Theater Supply Oa. 600 Chestnut at., Bt. •attended,♦tended, and after the regular hualnesahiisinoss sessionsessinn and arrangir; etwra or ragtime; travel or Ini-ate; A. pnslUnn witli burleeuiue, miiab-al ixvuisty or vaude¬ iMla, Mo. there wsawee ae JollHIcntlon. OffleersOfllcers for 1017 F. of M. J. I'. HFns'RY, JaekiHMi, 7Vnnrs«x>. ville aany nr eln-us; no extsriniea Jv N Hue; prifer iM-rmanmt iMmlibai; stSHV and reliable; J^tJ^'ITK^Rox^JM. Reaver Mivnloww, ISvmsyIv_^ THEATRICAL COSTUMES A WIGS Oiri. ticket JOHN A. OTTO. :ilt) .Mortisi Avo. DayUst. O. Chicago Coattmie Works, 148 North Dearborn it., Earl Miller, a professional piano player, ha« I'lANlBT tNsnmnrr; InScI or cafe; p-llable; iMgi- (ftlciga lU. left Chicago for Phoenlv, Aria,, on account of ular and standard music; ticket. JO-u. DUItt.N'T, 2(13 VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS hla health, N, Hcacks 81.. Hriglilksi, Masrak-lniwtls, At LIbtrly Advtrtlitmta'.a without diaplay, uadar tbIo THEATRICAL FOLDING tlCYCLES, Florence Garland haa retained Chaa. W. Hen- htadlui, are publlehad (roa af abaroo. PADDLE WHEELS AND DEVICES ner'a Peck's Had Hoy Company. This la Miss SINGERS Killtjlan Rapert, 1030 Waahington ave., Boa- Garland's fourth season with Henner. She was At LIhariy Advarilaaaianta wlthaut dliglay, uadar this “would IJKK TO CONNkXT WITH •nUH'PHIlH^ tou, Maaa. the recipient of numerous presents from memliers Of any kind, as assislani nr extra. AHIIKV UHOML of the rompany on December 8, which was her haadlag. tea gubllahad traa af eharga. 531 WarwIiHi HI.. HissAlyn, New Y>Fk. THEATRICAL TICKETS nineteenth blrthdey. National Ticket C^, Bhtmokln, P.i. AT IJIIKUTY Vising man; age 311; (Irsl-clam YOUNG l,ADV Age, lU: dark; giawl singer and Torn IJneoln has leased the Majestic Theater barttisie; stnt In Jnlli giaal male iinarielle. J. A. lU- danis>r; wisins to (suinist with vaudtwilla ai'l or ram- „ . TICKET CHOPPERS at LIneoln. Ill, Fred Wade, the former man¬ nany. I.UCKI.IE HORTON. 805 Uariqr HL, Bluah- n. V, Hrtght, Proepect Bldg., Cleveland, 0. ager, will l>e ponneeted with an amnaement p«ek lyn. New _l'iirk.______In Lincoln during the spring ami summer, and YOUNG M.W Age, 19; diwinw a ehange with •M-k...TICKET r< PRINTERSm L 1 . 7«.i nnetteti fallrail etnerr*etperta roto takerase a snowshow on »nethe mimad. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS vaudeville set; natural enmtsly ah Illy. VIVIAN Baa^k hIIL 1*^' f a which will carry a special hand and orchestra At LIharty Advartliaiaeata wlthaut dliglay, uadar thli (IIRHON, 492 24lli HI., Oadisi, 1 lab. Miller Hroa ' Uncle Tom's Cab'n Company Natkma^ Tl^at Miller Hros • Uncle Tom's Cabin Compa haadlag. ara guhllahad traa at aharga. YOUNG MAN .\ge, 22; si'UllUors' nnslel; wIshH Ration^-neket Co.. Hham(ftln,_Pa. rinsed ItsHa preliminarynrellmlnarr aeaaon at Hmnkville.Hrookville. PPa., In Jntn a t nr tany. Sol, PADIIO.N, 669 New •yal Ticket Co,, Bhamokin, Pa, Novemh r 23, when George M. Miller withdrew latits Av,',, llriMj lyn. New Ynrk, _____ Mnwnnt Prvaa, 83 AHuiny at,, Hraton, Maas ALL A KOI Nil HINGING AND TAIJtING CO.MB- from the management. The tone was Immedi¬ Yttl'.NG M.4N -Ag«'. 19; diMlnw isMlllun with Walduo, Wllllaaia ft IJrit. Pt. 8mltb, Ark. ately resumed under the title of the Wallace IH.IN -rp III all acts; change idicn. HKKT K. HUD- HON, 4519 I5lh Are., Ria-k Island, llUnnls. vandtvllle; nn exisrimiv, but aldllly. Tleketl Yea. . ^ _ TIGHTS_ Rma,‘ Uncle TYtm'a Cabin Pontpany, Harry Mock HOWARD MHIIItMII-K, 613 K. IHh Ht, Wlnalan- Into Dtniell Buna'ft ^na.'Broadway. Blnbth I ••<' wife, lata of tim IMetaon Cemnany. and who AT IJIIKIITV -Garni alluring, talking, dancing. s|s< Haleni, Nnilb Camllna _ nud Ninth atraata, Naw York.York I wara mamhara of tha former Miller Hroa,' Com- •iaiilm and allii In hand. FRANK L lAtNil, 3il HI.. VIVUNG MAN Age. 19; wriglit. 131; wlahva to J6U ' Mny, haya ratnmad to Plttabnrg for the winter .Nurih Vivnim, IniUaiia. vaudeville; exinrieiievxl as elnwn. TONY KI>MON1>> vtuMVf •VimCfllBtl f I with tha added attraeHon of both new aeenerv HON Rlllbnartl, lln.innatl, Otiln,__ lIBHlBi I and a naw eaat a lout aeaaon la predicted. W BIIJ,Y PRKHTO.N -Oiie-Irn cisuisltan; do blai-kface YOUNG MAN Age, IT; wiwild like to amlal uaagl- Koriwy. Bathing Bnllo. J. Dunn, who hat diraetad aayaral aneeaaafni and Hesiihceii naneily; naed tlckuL 1205 Laveranca, elan. CHAM. HCIIIVEI.Y. 2TI Jemmr HI.. Rroiftlyn. tonia, la tha managar of tho new company, Halma, Oklahiana. New Yurk. Mt ^ 'f' DECEMBER SO, 191&

DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Sterr. I'ruiK'is, David Belaaco, mgr.: New York Cherry Blossoms: Ashtabula, O., 27; Youugstowu Oliver, Otis, Players, Harry J. Wallace, mgr.: ?1, indef. 28-30' New Castle, Pa., Jan. 1; Johnstown 2; La Salle, Ill., indef. A(Um8, Maude, Cbat. Frobmau, Inc., mgra.; Step Lively, Acme Production Co., mgrs.; Balti¬ Altoona 3; Harrisburg 4; York 6; Heuding 6. Orpbeum Playera: Reading, Pa., indef. (Kuipire) New Tork 25, indcf. more 20-30; Union HIU, N. J., Jan. lA Darlings of Paris: (Star) St. Panl 26-30; Dn- Park Stock (jo.: (Park) St. Louis, ludef. Alarcon’s Spanlsb Troubadours, CnlUgan A Uun- Sunny South, J. C. Rockwell, mgr.: Morencl. Inth Sl-Jan. 2. Playera Company: tPlayers) St. Louis, Indef. lap, ukgra.: Superior, Arts., 28; Uaj 29. Mich., 28: N. Adams 29; Coldwater 30; Unlou BYench E'rolica: (Majestic) Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Priuceas Stuck Co.: Sioux City, la., ludef. Boomerang, Tbe. Uarid Belasco, mgr.: (Powers) ' City Jan. 1; Colon 2; Vicksburg 4; Cassopolls 27-30; (Star) Brooklyn Jan. 1-6. Khea-Curtls Shows: ^ueca, Neb., 25-30; Tbed- Cbicagu. Indef. 5; Niles 6. . Follies of Pleasure: (Gayety) Phlla. 26-30; ford Jau. 1-6. Broadway After Dark, National Prod. Co., Inc., Taylor, Laurette, George C. Tyler, mgr.: (Globe) (Grand) Trenton, N. J., Jan. 4-6. Bobbiut, Clint & Beetle, Co.: Watertown, S. D., mgrs.: GreenvlUe. Pa.. 27: New Caatle 28; New York, indef. • Frolics of 1916: Layoff 27-30; (Century) Kausas 25- 30; Brookluge Jan. 1-6. Bearer Falla 29; Erie 30; Oil City Jan. 1; This Is the Life, Wm. C. Cushman, mgr.. CUy Jan. 1-6. St. Clair, Winifred. Stock Co.: (Empire) Pater¬ Warren 2; Youngstown, O., 3; Corry, Pa., 4; NeUgh, Neb., 27; Long line Ainsworth Girls EYom tbe Follies: Englewood) Chicago 25- son, N. J., Indef, SaUmaiii’U, N. V., 5; Emporium, Pa., 0. 29; Valentine 30: Cody 31: uurdon Jan. 1; 80; (Gayety) Milwaukee Jan. 1-6. Sbubert Stuck Co.: (Sbubert) St. Paul, ludef. captain Kidd, Jr., Colian A Harris, mgrs.: Rushville 2; Hay Springs 3; Cbadron 4; Hoi Girls From Joyland: (Savoy) Hamilton, Can., Shubert Stock Co.: (Sbubert) Milwaukee, ludef. (Coban A Uarria) New York, Indef. Springs. -8. D.. 5: Spearilsb 6. 26- 30; (Cadillac) Detroit Jan. lA Somerville Theater Playera: Somerville, Mass., CUrke. Harry Corson. A Margaret Dale Owen; Twin Beds (A. 8. Stem A Co.’s Special). Fred Ginger Girls: (Lyceum) Columbus, O., 25-30; ludef. (Empire) Calcutta, India, Indef. Beicbelt, mgr.; Milwaukee 25-30; Grand Rap¬ Newark Jan. 1; Zanesville 2; Canton 3; Akron Bpencer-Thome Musical Comedy: Columbus, Ind., CUIford, Billy, In Unger Longer. Lucy, Eld A. ids, Mich., Jan. lA 4-6. Hitebell, mgr.; Brownsville, Tenn., 27; Hum- 26- 30. Twin Beds (A. 8. Stem A Co.’s Western), Feltx Grown Up Babies: (Standard) St. Louis 25-30; Spooner, Cecil, Stock Co.: Lawrence, Maaa., In¬ buldt 28; Jackson 29; New Decatur, Ala., Risaer, mgr.: Chico, Cal., 27; Orovlllo 28; layoff Jau. 1-6. def. Jan. 1. Marysville 29; Stockton 30; Oakland 81-Jan. 6. Hello Girls: (Gayety) Brooklyn 25-30; (Academy) Strand Theater Stock Co.: Mobile, Ala., indef. Cohan Berue, 1916. Coban A Harrla, mgrs.: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Wm. Kibble, mgr.: Marshall¬ Jersey City Jan. 1-6. Temple Stock Co.; Ft. Wayne, Ind., indef. (Forrest) Pblla. 25-Jan. «. town, la.. 27; Independence 28; Dubuque 29; High Life Girls: Altoona, Pa., 27; Harrisbnrg Turuer-Hammoud Piayere: New lamdun. Conn., Collier, Wm., in Nothing But tbe Truth, H. H. Cedar Rapids 30; Vinton Jan. 1; Belle Plalne 28; York 29; Reading 30; (Gayety) Baltimore indef. Fra see, mgr.; (Longacre) New York, indef. 2; Boone 3: Des Moines 4-6: Omaha, Neb., 6-7. Jan. lA Wadsworth Stock Co.: Manchester, N. IL, In¬ Dlaglillelf's Ballet Unsae, B. Q. Herndon, mgr.; Wartleld. David, David Belasco, mgr.: (Knicker¬ Hello, Paris; (Majestic) Indianapolla 26-30; def. Los Angeles, Cal., 23-80; San Ftanciaoo Jan. bocker) New York, indef. (Buckingham) Louisville Jan. 1-6. Wallace, Chester, Playera: Sharon, Pa., ludef. 2-6 When Dreams Come Trae. Contts A Tennis, Lady Buccaneers: (Buckingham) Louisville 26- Wallace, Morgan, Players: Sioux City, la., In¬ Dltri. bstein, Leo, in Tbe Great Lover, Cohan mgrs.; York, Pa., 27; Hanover 28) Oilumbla 30; (Lyceum) Columbus, 0., Jan. 1-6. def. A Harris, mgrs.; (Park Square) Boston 11- 29; S. Bethlehem Norristown Jan. 1; Potts- lid Lifters: (Century) Kansas City 26-30; Wanda Amusement Co.: CeDtervllle, Md., 25-80; Jaa. 6. town 2; Lewlstown 3; Huntingdon 4; Tyrone (Standard) St. Louis Jan. 1-6. Pocomoke City Jan. 1-0. Bnd of a perfect Day, Oaakell A MacTltty, 5; Johnstown 6. Mischief Makers: (Howard) Boston 25-30; New Wight Bros.’ Theater Co., Hilliard Wight. Inc., mgrs.; Frankfort, Ind., Jan. 4; Fern S; Who’s Little Girl Are Yon, Blanchard Am. Co., Bedford Jan. 1-3; Worcester 4-6. mgr.: Dodge, Neb., 26-30; Lyons Jau. 1-6. Logansport 6. mgrs.: Ft. Wayne. Ind., 27; Hnntington 28; Monte Carlo Girls: (Gilmore) SprlngOeld, Mass., ' Wllkee Playera; Salt Lake City, Indef. Every woman, Henry W. Savage, mgr.; Balt lAke Ubanon 29; New (Castle 30; Mnncle Jan. 1. Wilkes Players: Seattle, Wash., imief. City 2'i-:<0; Ogden Sl-Jan. 1, 27- 30; (Howard) Boeton Jan. 1-6. Wilson. A1 H., In My KiUamey Rose, Sidney R. Military Maids: (Gayety) Chicago 25-30; (Ma¬ Williams, Ed, Stock Co.: (Krug) Omaha, Neb., Fair and Warmer, Selwyn A Co., mgrs.: (Mon- Kills, mgr ; Bristol. Tenn.. 27: Blnedeld, W. IndeL tauk) Brooklyn 25-30. jestic) Indianapolis Jan. 1-6. Va., 28; Roanoke, Va., 29; Lynchburg 30; Pace Makers: (Olympic) New York 26-30; (Ma¬ Williams, Ed, Stock Co.: Eilkhart, Ind., indef. Fair and Wanner, Selwyn A Oo., mgra.: (Oort) Petersburg Jan. 1; Richmond 2-3; Newport Willis-Wood Stock Co.: (Willt8-Wuo Pine Bluff. .\rk., ludef. land Jan. 1. COLUMBIA CIRCUIT Social Follies: Schenectady, N. Y., 27-30; Bing¬ Bartles, Myrtle, Dixie Girls, T. J. Bartles, mgr.: Freckles (Western), Broadway Am. Co., mgrs.: (GraiKl) Harrisburg, III., 25-30. Burlesque Revue: (People's) Pblla. 25-30; (Pal¬ hamton Jan. 1-2; Oneida 3; Niagara Falls Alliance. Neb.. 29: Mitchell 30: Sidney Jan. 1. Carter & Rose Sunshine Girls: (Columbia) De¬ ace) Baltimore Jan. 1-6. 4-6. Freckles (Southern). Broadway Am. 0>., mgrs.: troit, Indef. Bowery Burlesquers: (EJmplre) Hoboken 25-30; Tempters: (Gayety) Minneapolis 25-30; (Star) Corpus Chrtstl. Tex., 127: Victoria 28; Beeville Casino Girls, J. R. Castle, mgr.; (Piedmont) (Peoiile's) Phila. Jan. 1-6. St. Panl Jan. 1-6. 20; Wharton 30: Beaumont J«n. 1. Greensboro, N. C., ‘25-30; (Paramount) Wlna- Bostoniana: (Casino) Boston 25-30; (Columbia) Tango Queena: (Star) Toronto 25-30; (Savoy) <}lrl Without a Chance (Western), Bobert Sher¬ Hamilton, Can., Jan. 1-6. toii'Siileiii Jan. 1-6. man, mgr.; Beardstown, Ill., Henry 28; New York Jan. 1-6. Thoroughbreds: New Bedford, Mass., 25-27; Clark, Hilly J., Comic Opera Co.: Cadillac, Mirii., Aledo 20; MoUne 30; Muscatine, la., 81; Otta¬ Bon Tons: (Gayety) Buffalo 25-30; (Corinthian) Worceeter 28-30; Amsterdam, N. Y., Jan. 1-2; 25-30. wa, Ill., Jan. 1; Pontiac 2; Joliet 3; Monti- Rochester Jan. 1-6. Schei:ectady 3-6. Deloy's, Eios Angeles, Indef. I Pa., Indef. Midnight Maidens: (Gayety) St. Louis 25-30; mgra.: Dallas, Tex,, 27; Mexia 28; Waco 29; C'oburn-Pearson Players: St. Cloud, Minn., In-, Zarrow’g American Girl Co.; (Majestic) Green¬ (Columbia) Chicago Jan. 1-6, Te,mple 30; Austin Jan. 1; Sail Marcos 2; San def. ville. N. C.. 25-30; (Superba) Chattanooga, Million Dollar Dolls: (Star A Garter) Chicago AiitiHiio 3-4; Galveston 5; Houston 6. Cornell-Prire Players: East Palestine, O., 25-30. I Tenn., Jan. i d. 25-30; (Berchel) Des Moines, la., Jan. 1-3. It Pays To Advertise (Western). 0>bah A Har¬ Dally, Ted, Stock Co.: Hutchinson, Kan., indef. i Zarrow's Little RliiebirtI Co.. Jack Fuquay, mgr.i Merry Ronnders: (Empire) Toledo ^-30; (Lyric) ris, mgrs.; San E'ranclsco 26-Jan, 6. Davis, Walter, Stock Co., Adam W. EYIend, * (Orpheum) Durham, N. C., 2.5-.')0. Dayton Jan. 1-6. Just a Woman/ Tbe Sbuberts, mgrs.: Detroit mgr.: Milton, Pa., 28-30. Zarrow’s Variety Review, D. J. Lynch, mgr.: New York Girls: (Casino) Brooklyn 26-30; (Em¬ 26-30. Demlng, l.awreuce. Theater Co., Vincent M. (Dixie) Unlontowii. Pa.. 25-30: (Grand) Mor¬ pire) Newark Jan. 1-6. Little Peggy O'Moore. National Prod. Co., Inc., Sherwood, bus. mgr.: Sheridan, Wy., indef. gantown Jau, 1-6. Puss Puss: (Gayety) Detroit 25-30; (Gayety) To¬ mgrs.: Bawllns, Wy., 27; Rock Springs 28; Denham Stock Co.: (Denham) Denver, Col., in- Evanston 20; Park City, ITtab, 30; Provo ronto Jan. 1-6. def, Jan. 1. Rag Doll In Ragland: (Star) Cleveland 26-30; MINSTRELS Maid to Order, Castle I*rod. Co., mgr,: Green¬ (Empire) Toledo Jan. 1-6. Dublnsky Stock Co.: St. Joseph, Mo., Indef. Eckhaixlt, Uliver, Players: Regina, Saak., Can., Coburn’s, J. A.: I.akc City, Fla^ 27; Oalnesrilla ville.' 8 C.. 27; Anderson 28: Ablievllle 29; Ruselaml Girls: (Gayety) Boeton 26-80; 28; Ocala 29; Inverness 30; l^ampa 31-Jan. 1. Newberry 30; Columbia Jan. 1; Augusta, Ga., (Grand) Hartford Jan. 1-6. Indef. EUmere Stock Co.: (Elamere) Bronx, New York, DeRue Bros.’: Nashville, Ua., 27; Adel 28; 2: Aiken, 8. C., 3; Camden 4; Darlington 6; Quitman 29; I-ake City, E'la., 30; Jacksonvllla Charleston 6. Indef, Emerson’s Comedians, S. II.'Emerson, mgr.: 81. Maude, Cyril, In Grumpy, Theo. W. Barter, bus. CHAS. ROBLES Ale.xamiria, La., 25-^. Flehl’a, Al G.; Akron. O., 27; Newark 28; Zanes¬ mgr.; Binghamton, N. Y., 27; Schenectady 28; Al Rytvss’ Cemsasy, Isdst. Emerson Players: Lowell, Mass., Indef. ville ‘29; Wlieellng, W. Va.. .’lO-Jan. 1; E. Uv- Albany 28-3(.>; Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 1; New Empire Players: Pittsburg, Ps., ludef. erpool, O., 2; Johnstown, Pa., 3; Altoona 4; Haven 2-3; Northampton, Mass., 4; 8. Nor¬ Reeves’, Al. Show: (Gayety) Kansas City 25-80; Empire Players: Salem, Mass., Imlet. Harrltburg 6-6. walk, Conn., 5; Stamford 6. (Gayety) St. Louis Jan. 1-6. Elfth Ave. Stuck Co.: (E'ifth Ave.) Brooklyn, O'BrIen’a, Nell. Oscar E'. Hmige, mgr.: Norfolk, Montana, Bankson A Morris, mgrs.; Eldorado, Spiegel’a Bevue: (Gayety) Waahlugton 26-30; ludef. Va., 27; Petersburg 2N; Richmond 29-30; Lynch¬ Uk., 27; Altus 29; Hobart 30.‘ (Gayety) Pittsburg Jan. lA Elemlng, Alice, Stock Co.: Portland, Ore., In- burg Jan. 1; Danville 2; Raleigh, N. C., 8; Montgomery A Stone, Chas, 1). Dillingham, mgr.: Sporting Wklowa: (Orpbeum) Paterson 26-30; def. Durham 4; Greensboro 6; Charlotte 6. Boston 2S-Jan. 1, (Empire) Hoboken Jan. 1-6. Hall's. E. C., Attractions: Little Falls, Minn., Price A Bonnelli: Fayette, N. C.. 27; I.nm- O'Hara. Fiske. Augustus Pltou, mgr.: Boston 18- Star A Garter 81k>w: (Park) Bridgeport 28-30; ludef. herton '2H; I.anrinburg 29; Rockingham 80; 80: Phlla. Jan. lA (Colonial) Providence Jan. 1-6. Harper Pluyeri, Robert J. Sherman, mgr,: Bay liiimict Jan, 1, Only (ilrl, A. K. Morgan, mgr.; Canton, O.. 28; Some Show; (Hurtig A Seamon) .New York 26- City, Mich., indef. Erie, Pa., 'JO; Ashtabula, O., 30; Toronto, 30; (Empire) Brooklyn Jan. 1-6. Ilatliaway Playafia: Brockton, Mass., ludef. Can., Jan. 1-6. Step Lively, Girls; (Empire) Newark 26-80; llluiuieleln Associate Players: Evansville, Ind., MISCELLANEOUS One Girl's Experience, C. S. Primrose, prop,: (Casino) Phlla. Jan. 1-0. Indef. Almond, Jethro. Show; Concord. N. C.. 25-.’)0. Findlay, O,, 27; Marion 28; Iw; Open w.cek 26-30; (Qayety) llcroda’a Temple of Palnilstry; Ankeny, la., In¬ liuiMM'Isl Slock Co. (Imperial) St. Louis, ludef. ^Iher Man's Wife, Uaakell A MaeVItty. Ine., Kaiisiia City Jan. 1-6. def. Jewett, Henry, Players: (Co|dey) Button, indef. ingrs.; Beatrice, Neb,, 1; Holdrege 2; Mo Twentieth Century Miilds: (Berehel) Dea Moines, Myaterlous Smith Co., A. P. Smith, mgr.: Cedar Kelly Bros,* StiH'k Co.: l.airaliig, .\lleli., Indef. CiNik .1; Norton, Kan., 4; Mankato 6; BellS' la., 25-27; (Gayety) Omaha Jan. 1-6. Rapids, la., 18-30. Ivnli'kerlioeker SUH’k Co., George Bsrbler, mgr,: >llle 6. Watson A Wrotlie Show: (Pnlacet Baltimore 26- Newmann. the Go'a:: Billings. Mont.. 26 Jan. 1. (Knickerbocker) Plilla., ludef. a Mir Little Wife, wltli Margaret Illington, Sel .30; (Gayety) Waslitngton Jan. 1-0. NIckola Hypnotic VaudeTille Co.: Tol do, O.. lAwrence, Del, Stock Co,: (Wigwam) Sau EYan- wyn A Co., mgrs,; (Harris) New York, Indef, Watson’s, Billy, Show; (Empire) Albany 26-30: Indef, Patton, W. R., In I-asy Bill, Frank R, Smith, cisco, Indef. Reese Bros.’ Africanders, Eloyd Trovi-e. gen. (Casino) Boston Jan, 1-6. Ultoy's, Jack, U. S. A. Musical I'ouiedy: New¬ mgr,; Vinton, la,, 27; Marengo 28; Brooklyn 29 Weieh. Ben. Show; (Gayety) Toronto 25-30; mgr.; Harrlion, Id.. 28; Wardner 29; Bnrk# New Sharon Mi; Oskalooaa 31; Ottumwa Jan port, Ky., Indef. 30; Wallace Jan. 1; Kellogg 2; .Murray 3; (Gayety) Buffalo Jan. 1-6. Lewis, Wm. E',, Stock Co.: Sterling, CoL, 26-30. 1; Keosawiua 2; E'armlngton 3; Bluomfleld 4 Wl)llnnia\ Mollle, SImiw: (Jacquea) Waterbury Kendrickt 4. Uigsihm, Oily, Stock Co,: laincaater, Pa., In¬ Mt. Pleasant 6; Muacatlua 6. 25 .30; Newburg, N. Y., Jau. 1-8; Poughkeepale Travelnttc. Herbert I., Hypnotic Co.: Everett, Rlchanla. the WIsanI, A. R. Rnnea, mgr.: def. Wash., 25-10. Gainesville, Fla., 38-!lU; Riishnell Jan. 1-3; I,orrli, Theodore, Stock Co.: Phoenix, Arls., In¬ Thompson’s. EYank II., Vandsvllle Show, I/eo A. Rradentown 4A *' AMERICAN CIRCUIT def. Thompson, nirr.: Freedom. Ill.. 28-11; Triumph Sandemon-Hrian-Cawthom Co,. In Sybil, Cbaa. Anterioana; (Cadillac) Detiadt '28-30; open week Ludlow, Wanda, Playera: Covington, Ky., Indef. Jan. 1-8. Frobuirn, Inc., imtra.; Buffalo ‘J6-80. Jan. 1-6. Iqrrtc Theater Stuck Co.: Rrldgeiiort, Conn., In¬ Volga, Madam, Show, II. C. Brace, mgr.: Strat- Serenade, The, Walker Stevens Co., mgra.; Little Auto Gtrla: (Trooadero) Phlla. 25-30; (Olympic) def. fonl, N. II.. 36-.10. Kts'k. Ark., 27; Ft. Smith 'J8; Muskogee, Ok., New York Jan. 1-6. Manning, EYank, Co.; Beloit, Kan., Indef. Ward’s Operatic Mlnstrela; Three Forka, Mont., 29; Oklahoma City 30; Dallas, Tex., Jan. 1-3. Broadway Beiles: (Star) Brooklyn 26-80; Hol¬ Miller's Musical .Maids (Alhambra) Vincennes, Indef, Seven Chancea, David Belaaco, mgr,: Phlla. 23- yoke, Mata., Jan. 1-2; (Gilmore) Sprlngdeld Ind., Imlef. • Zlke. John. TYonhadonra: Goshen. Ind., 27; Ft. Jan. 6. 4 6. Morrill, Ellaaheth, Co,, Chat. A. Morrill, mgr,; Wayne 2S: Huntington 29; l.ogansp«irt 10. Shepherd of the Hills, Oaakell A MaeVItty, Inc., Beauty, Youth A FVdly: (Academy) Jersey City St. CloiHl, Minn., 26-30, ■gra.: Jackw , Ten., 1; Humboldt 2; Paris 28-30: (Gayety) Phlla. Jan. 1-6. Mnroeeo Sbick Co.; (Morosco) T«t Angeles, Indaf. 8; Ihilaskl 4; olurnMa 6; Paducah, Ky., 6. Cabaret Girls; Trenton, N. J.. 28-30; SosHi Betb- Moaart Playera; Klmlra, N. Y., Indef. I ADDITIONAL ROUTES ON Sklaaer, Otis, Ohas. Fiahman, lac., mgra,: (0» lebeaa. Pa., Jan. 1; Easton 2; (Majestic) Murphy’s Comedians: Santa Crus, Cal., Indet. lonlal) Boston |8-Jan. 6. Wllkea-Barre 4-6. Nestell Playera; Jefferson City, Mo., Indef. Stahl, Rose, Chaa. Frtihman, Inc, mgra.; St. Charming Widows; (Majestic) Scranton 26.30; Northampton PUyera; Northampton, Maaa., In* ' PAGE 63 Loala 86-80. . (Gayety) Brooklyn Jan. lA dtf,


new management Is now ready for early release. IVAN STARTS NEW YEAR ‘Tbia is an adaptation of tbe ravel by Thomas GENERAL FILM COMPANY’S 1)1X011, The Foolish Virgin. With Peatur* Callad Enlightan Thy Conway Tearle, who made many new admirers Daughter by bis work in The Common Law, also plays tbe leading male role In the second production, and New York, Dec. 23.—Tba Ivan Fltan Prodne- NEW DISTRIBUTING PLAN Paul Capellanl, who has been seen iu so many tSoBS, headed by Ivan Abramson, who, during the of Miss Young's best pictures, gives another past year, baa created nnmerone highly inter- strong and vivid Imiieraonatiou. eating and timely photoplay enbjecta, will open Will Abolish Footage System of Releasing Others in the oast are Catherine PriK’tor, the 1317 period with what he terma the most Sheridan Tanscy, the boy actor; William Welsh, remarkable of all hie doenmenta. Enlighten Thy Marie Xlnes. .\gnes Mapes, Edward Elkas and Daughter. Next in importance to the story, Subjects—Entire Business Placed on Per¬ little Jacqueline Morbange. whlidi is in eight reels, comes tbe caat of play¬ ers. No less than ten prlnctpale characterise centage Basis—Policy Likely To Mark QOLDWYN CORPORATION the important parts. Frank Staeridan. wbo starred in Tbe Straggle; Zena Keefe, formerly Long Stride Forward with World Film and Vitagraph; James Morri¬ Adds Edith Ellis to Literary Staff son, former Vitagrapher, and Marie Sbotwell, recently co-atarred in The Witching Hour, abate New York, Dec. 23.—Edllb Ellis, author New York, Dec. 23.—The expected BDiiounca- under tills system will be a feature, no matter honors with Katherine Kaelred. Mtaa Kaelred of Mary Jane's Pa and other plays, is ttie latest meiit of a change in the policy of the General whit ita length may be. secured her screen experience with both Equitable literary factor in the new Qoldwyn Pictures Kilm Ooinpany, which was promised when Ben¬ “In addition to the shorter atfbjectH Generi. and Triangle and before that waa the vampire in jamin B. Hampton was recently elected president KHm will soon announce a definite plan of re¬ Corp-iralion. the alliance formed by Samuel .4 FI There Was, daring its stage'popnlarity. Goldfish, Edgar and Archibald Selw,,D and Arthur of the concern to fill the vacancy cauaed by tbs leasing longer pictures. ‘Footage’ will not is. .krtbnr Donaldson, Violet Homer, Baby De resignation of George Kleinc, was made in aii the first ciMisIderation in these photoplays. They Hopkins. Ueimer and Matbilde Brundage have important Miss Ellis Is to be the literary adviser and ofHciil statement issued by President Hampton will be ‘boiled down’ to whatever length roles. judge of all manuscripts and stories submitted this week. The new policy will mark an im¬ right. A 6,000-fuot feature, that needs to oe The production Is a special release, and will to the producer® of Goldwyn Pictures. Working portant Htep forxrard in the business methods lit to 4,000 feet, will be cut, and dramas thu reach the market about January 10. in co ordination with Margaret Mayo and Edgar of this company In placing its him prodncta would move quickly through 3 300 feet will not Several theatrical uiaaagera have offered Mr. Selwyii these three playwrights will, from the en the market. be padded (Hit to llve-reelers. In addition to .Vbramsoii a theater, believing firmly in the (Hitset, insure quality for Goldwyn pictures ‘The demand of the present seems to call for tbe pictures known as ‘features’ General drawing iwssibUlties of Enlighten 'Riy Daughter. and Impart .to them a definite standing—not a different metliisl.” said I’resident Hampton. nim will distribute several plays of fire and merely for Individually brilliant films, but for “While In the great majority of theaters the ten reels in length. lu short, we plan to de¬ all of the priHluctions of tbe company. CORNERING THE PUBLICITY demand is still for the reliable program of velop onr distribution to handle everything G'ddwyn IMcturea' entire tabric la being par- General tliere are many exhibitors wlio ue(-ded by everyone—from the greatest to the t(!Cted on the basis of expert service—executive New York, Dec. ‘23.—Doris Kenyon, star of want to us<; those of the louger sul>jects, usually hnniblest.’’ 'management by men identified with tbe better The Ocean Waif, International pietnre, will at- known .is featiiies, with the shorter program phases of the Industry from Its beginning; tbe temjit a feat Tneaday, D(KH>mber 26, tbe day af¬ items. To meet this condition the manufac¬ THREE TRIANGLE STARS co-operation of a group of authors and play- ter Cbrlatmas, when she will try to set a record ture! s uho (-onstitute the lioanl of l>ire<-turs wrigbta and stars of only tbe first magnitude. fur an automobile drive between Now Y’ork .and of Gencrat F'llm Company bate voted unani- In Releases for Week of January 14 Tlie greatest safeguards have been placed Fail River by covering tbe distance in her car niously to da awa.v with the f(s>tage system New York, IVeo. 23.—Frank Keenan and Mar¬ aiound tbe manuscripts and stories to insure in seven hours. The distance is 237 miles and and to place the entire bnsinesa on a percentag. gery tVilsmi and Dorothy Gish are the stars ot the first requisite—perfection of dramatic ele- to do it In seven bourw will require a roniinnal baais. This cliange will take place after Jan the Triangle feature releases for January 14. uients 'iiid their production. average of almost 34 miles an hour. 'Kiss Ken¬ n.sry 1. I.lkcly tills U the most ri'dlcal change Keenan and Miss Wilson appear in a Kay-Bce yon thinks she can do it. ever made in the industry, and I feel that its Itrotliictiou of life In Ixiiiisiana before the war, ROTHACKER CHRISTMAS GIFTS effect! will be of untold value to exhibitors when yellow fever was a constant menace and and theatergoers everywhere. CHANGE IN RELEASE slavery a commonplace. The title of this fea- Chicago, Dec. 23.—The Kothacker Film Mann- “From tile day of its start -as the plone«>r lure is The Bride of Hate, and it was written facturlng Co. is instituting a novelty this sea¬ Annourced for Belig Subjpct, Little diatrlbutliig mediu'ii of ni<4ion piotures—until by Joliii Lynch and directed by Walter Ekl- son in the way of Christmas gifts to He em¬ Sho«i now the General Klim Comtvauy has couducieil wards. Dorothy Gish is starred in a Fine Arts ployees. Usually the firm gives gold pieces, but its business the basis of fisitage. That la, play of Ci.'ll War times, entitled The Little along with this season's greetings are to go Chicago, Dec. 23.—Klelne-Edlson-Bellg-Essanay the company has leasvsl or purchased film from Yank, written by Uoy Somerville and directed bank books, with the amount of the usual gold make the announcement that Tbe Master the m.snnfacturem enjoying the prltllegaa of l,y Oeo-ge Siegmaun. piece credited therein. The accounts are to I'assion, an Edison piXMluetlon, featuring Mabel distributing through Ita ezchangea, or btmncb be in the Central Trust Co. of Illinois. The Tninnelle and Robert Cunnios, la five acts, w4U oiHces, charging the exhibitor a speclSed aum j CIVILIZATION IN MAINE savings book Idea is expeoteii to cn'ate tbe de be released January 6 instead of Little Sboea, for a program of ao umny reels a week. sire for thrift which W. H. Rothacker, pri*sl a Belig production, as was first planned. In the early days of the industry this waa an PortlaiHi. Me., Dec. 2:j.—Thomas Ince’s photo dent of tbe company, is encouraging In every The Master Passion Is prv-sented by an all-star excellent system. In fact, it waa practically spectacle, ('irilixatioii, will be shown at th' way possible among the firm's many employi^s. cast in which, aside from Mabel Trnnnelle and the only method by which the exhibitor could Jefferson 'Fhiater, the local combination bouse Robert Conness, there appears Helen Strickland, be aasored of a steady program of consistent rext week, ojieniiig Christmas Day and closir.i: ADVANCE PUBLICITY FILM Richard Tucker, Raymond McKee, Olive Wright, • lO.ll.ll on S-ttiirday night. Top prices will be •l.’i cents Bigelow Cooper and A. Limmln. Tbe story deals “tienio-al Kihii programs have justly earned at inntlnees and 30 cents at night. with a situation extraordinary in imnnection tbe reputation of regularly carrying high grade, New York, Dec. 23.—A luotioa picture with tbe rise of an anibitiona woman to beimme short-lecgih p<-islui't. unit this n-volntionary READY FOR RELEASE been prixiaced which may be us(h1 in connection the Idol of the Paris opera, after having deserted charge means that they will he even better. with Selig-Sherman-KIIlott's feature. The Olsis her husband and child. Finally, with tbe world In fai-t I think I am within proper bounds I la Clark K. Young’s Now Photoplay It waa made by tbe Historical Indnetrial Motion at her feet, she tastes life’s bitter dregs. Die- when I predict that within a few months thea- j Picture Co., of St. Ixmls, and shows, among lllueionment brings regeneration and the triumph tergiM'i-H will see sliort features of a quality 1 New York, Dec. 23.—■\Vlth the first of Clara otber things, the original Jinny Carvel as she of mother love. Finally, through aacrifice to heretofore believed impossible. With each pic- Kimball Young's Selznlck Picture productions appears today, her home in Glencoe, Mo., the save her dangbter from a scoundrel, the wom¬ tnrr tenting solely on its own merits the good The Common Law, playing throughout the United historic old court bouse, the Carvel mansion and an’s debt is paid and di^tiny leads her oae* short picture will hate an cpportnnlty to earn States and Canada to good houses, the star's Winston Charcblll, tbe author of The Crisis. more to tbe family hearthstone, there to find to Ito fUlaat capueHy. Brary plctnre produced | second photo-dramatic achievement under her The film is Intended for advance publicity. eternal peace of soul. DECEMBER 30, 1910. 47

MARY PICKFORD»8 THIRD DAVID HORSLEY ARRANGES Arteraft Faatur* Is Ths Poor Little ■CAMERA MEN' For Cub Comedies To Go Through Rich Qirl Mutual AVOID SCENE MIX-UPS York, Dec. 23.—Subaequrnt to the com¬ Chicago, Deo. 23.—Cub Comedies wlU again ba pletion of Marjr PIckford'a lecoiHl Arteraft pro- Keep accurate record of exposures by using the book we will distributed through the Mutual Film Corporation. dnctloa, Tlie Pride of tbe Clan, to be releaied send, postage, prepaid, if you will send us in stamps. This Information rom*'a from David Horsley, Jannarj. 8, It la announced that her next aubject 1339 DIvurauy Parkway, producer of this brand, who waa this week Is will be an adaptation of tbe well-known Eleanor ROTHACKER FILM MFG. CO., CHICAOO Chicago on matter* of bualnese concerning his Oatea norel and Broadwwy bit, Tbe Poor little prixiuctlona. Bleb Olrl. Am a norel tbla atory became widely Thursday I* to be the release date for the popular, and when it waa produced on tbe atage Cub*. The first *ubject will be releaiied January in a tbree-act fantaay aome three yeara ago it 4. It I* entitled Jerry'* Double Header, and reglatered a hit on Broadway at tbe Hudson features George Ovey, who baa made a name Theater. Preaented by Henry B. Harria and for bimsi'lf In Mr, Horsley'* brand of comedies. staged by Richard Walton Tully tbe play en¬ In a letter to hi* Lo« Angeles office, referring joyed a long run. to bi* ranewed alignment ‘with tbe Mutual, Mr. Tbe selection of Uary Pickford's Uilrd sub¬ Horalcy said: "Y'ou may announce tbat I havs ject to be produced on tbe screen for Arteraft jnst compU'teil arrangement* for the release of recently narrowed Itself down to three Ideal Cnb Com<‘*llea on the Miitiml pr'>Krain, beginning Thursday, January 4, with Jerry's Itouble Plekford Tcbicles and tbe matter of making a TRIANGLE Header. ilna} decision prored rather dlfflcult In view of REIEASIS nm WEEKOFOEGEMBER 31st "Cub C«me«lles lH>cume {lopular on the .Mutual the partlenlar adaptability of each of tbe sub¬ program and 1 Ix'lleve they very pnqierly belong jects nnder consideration. It is readily ap¬ there, for th<-y seem to be a *olld part of the parent to all tboae who are familiar with The Mutual'* r*-leaKe chart. When none wa* released Poor IJttle Rich Olrl tbat In aelecting and ob¬ for several we**k* we had acorea of Imiuir'.ea taining tbe screen rights to this subject as a Dorothy Dalton— asking where they could be obtalne*!. Now tbat play for Mary Plekford, the producers hare ef¬ we are back to tbe Mutual again I think onr In fected a ten-strike. Howard Hickman—Enid Markey qulrtra will welcome the news." As Owendolyn, the "poor little rich girl,” While the Cub Com*-dle« of the paat have been who bad all tbat money could buy, but scarcely —IN— much In demand Mr. Horsley expect* tbat tb* knew her parents, iMary Plekford will be afforded ones be will release under the contract be ha* a role of exceptional Plekford qualities. just niHili- will b«‘ even more popular. He has Walter E. Greene, president of the Arteraft given a great deal tif attention to thl* style of Pictnrea Corporation, in announcing the third “The Female of the Species” picture ret-ently anil the result la that tbe auh Hary Plekford subject, said: "In addition to Jeot* are even better tliao liefore. its strong beart appeal Tbe Poor Little Rich One feature of tbe now- Culm I* the Introduc¬ Girl offers rare opportunities for artistic ef¬ KAY BEE tion of wllil animal*. Ity their us*- a novelty fects. Tbe limitations of Tlsuallzing the s.ory In conied.v priKliictlon I* *>l>taiii*>d. IteHldes a wbtdi were placed on tbe stage production and Here Is a drama with real heart Interest and real conieilian like ti*>p|M>rtunlty to which are readily evident to the many wbo punch. There la a powerful plot, logically developed, bring In a lot of n*-w liiiHln*-**, which la worth hare read tbe novel or seen the play, are now many laugli*. filled with tense situations which are different, all worked removed through tbe possibilities of the screen, F'ollowtng Jerry'* Itoidde lleai that we are indeed fortunate In being- able to announce this subject LILLIAN GiSH as Mary Pickford's third Arteraft production, New Y’lMk, Dec. 23.-x-Wllllam Fox closi'd a and that it is another Important step toward —IN— contract this week whereby DiiHtIn Farnum, the carrying out of c>nr h's^ Ideals is evident.” brother of William F'arnum, who 1* miw appear¬ ing In Fox features, will be likewUe starreil SCHAEFER BROS.’ NEW CRYSTAL in F'ox fllui*. Dustin F'arnam's moat recent ap¬ “A House Built Upon Sand” pearance In motion jdeture* wa* with the I'alloa- Chicago, Dec. 23.—Active work Is going on in Mopmi-o CiMiipany. William lt*-Kui*>iul Tayliw, raxing tbe structure at the comer of North who ha* dlri'cte*! Farnum In the imat, ha* also avenue and Washtenaw street, known for the FINE ARTS been engaged to direct him In hi* new coumte- past eight yeara as the Crystal Theater, in tion. lYie new Fox Mtar will make hi* ph**t*>jilaya preparation for tbe new theater which tbe in the tVest, 111 the atuilio* at Kect* to pipe organ and tbe.most modern ventilation. has been developed, filled to the brim with appeal and the ad*l Heveral more well-kmiwn player* to hi* list. Tbe npper floors of the building will be devoted dramatic portrayal of human emotions. ANOTHER to lodge rooms and dance halls. Six stores will PICTURIZKD REASON FOR TRIANGLE SUPREMACY. NEW PICTURE CONCERN form tbe basement. Tbe bouse will cost $300,000, seating 8.000 people. Makes and Distributes Its Own Films Pred and Frank Schaefer, managers of tbe MACK SENNETT-KEYSTONE COMEDIES house, are brothers of Peter J. Schaefer, vice- New Y'ork, Dec. 23.—.A motion picture con¬ president of Jones, Llnlck A Schaefer. They mean to your patrons sunshine and laughter. cern that not only pmilu*'*-* ami dlKirlbutes Its , own plcturi' play*, but furthermore I* so or- They are the bright spots In motion pictures. They mean ATMOSPHERIC SCREEN packed houses and happy audiences. ganiz*-*! that the Hale* of tbe fllui* are prac- .tlcally ri>nHummat*‘*l hef*>r*> their making, and Pronounced Efficient by Exhibitors tbe entire fl*>ld of labor with ex*'haiigcM and ex¬ hibitors, eliminated, ba* sprung into being. Tbe New York. Dec. 23.—Among moving picture Collegiate Film Prodnclng and DlRtribiitlng Com ncceaaorias Tbe Atmospheric 8 reen Is rapidly pany, with Its executive *iffic«m located, for the forging to the front ns one of tbe best and present, at 2 Rector *treet. most eflicient moving picture screens that has Among tbe subjects that will lie fllm*Ml are out of the rriangic office* in New Y’ork, Uoatun, i ever been put on the market. The Atmospberli LESSER CLOSES DEAL history, literature, zoology, biology, forestry, I’liilailelphin. WaKbington, Cleveland, Clnciu- Screen Company, with oSces at 222 West Forty- g’-ography, science and hygiene, g*iing straight vecond street, has Installed a large number dur¬ For Denver Company To Handle His iiatl, I'lttHbnrg, Hetrott, Atlanta. New Orlean* end Dallas. through eacb course in serial form. Tbe com¬ ing tbe past few weeks and is dally receiving Features pany I* already In posseslsnn of one flim, com¬ Mr rrii-**'* ealeHinen will work out of the many c->mncl,.l representative. Befiire joining la able to enjoy the pirtniee to tbe same ad¬ ico' and Dtah, to tbe Supreme Photoplay* Cor¬ YIIs* Rodney Richmond i* doing the publicity. V-l.-S F he wa* for ttree yeara with the Gen¬ vantage as those further hack In the house, poration of Denver. and that it will give a clear picture with a Mr. Leaser baa made arrangement* by which eral Film Comitany. In charge of Canada and the Tai'lflo Ciw-t. Mr. Pri<-e'* tllm ex|»erieni-i- longer throw than any other screen mannfac- thd Supreme Photoplay* Corporation will handle ALLISON IN ATLANTA include* engngiMiients with the General F'llm anil tnred. It is also aald that It grows better all of the big Independent featnrra tbat be bays V-1, s-i;. with a'gc. for this territory. A* a result of this arrange¬ New Y’*(rk, !)*■<•. 23.—George R. Allinon, ment Mr. I,e**er will, in tbe future. Include kn*>w'n aa one of the b*>*t exchange managera In FLORENCE REED STARRED tlieae four States in his State-right feature pur JOHN D. TRIPPETT the South, 1* to again assume charge of I'athe'n cliaaea, making a total of 24 State*. Atlanta ofllc*-. Everybody In the Industry known In Herbert Brenon’e Next Feature ti Well Satisfied in England “Geo. R.” Immen*Ion, larger feature production* when they distributed picture hiiuses, and the photodrama upon which England, which handle* Universal subjects In th*‘m from separate hranebe* several year* ago. he Is now cngsgtsl. The Kternal Sin, In which New York, l•♦o. 23.—M<-<’li>re Picture* ha* tbat territory, has not permitted the war to Morence Reed will anoeac as Liicretla Borgia. engaged Jo*«|>h Partridge, fortrer *perial repre- Interfere with hi* iieace of mind or preril.v. War Brides was ultra mistem, taken from a Hentetlve of the V-L-H-K New York office, and Friend* of Trlppett, who have received letter* DIRECTING POLLY OOLEY play written by a woman, its theme a tremen- V. B. Trice, formerly general manager In Can reeeutly, say hi* view of thing* in general I* I t I iilversal City, Cal.. IV*-. ‘2.3.—With Rlla Hall dona social struggle and Ita sesmes naturally con- Rila for Miitni'l, to take charge cf the aglllng mi>*t optlmlNtlc. and that the bn*lne«a of hi* as hi* feutun-*! player Director Jack Conway flned to places which, while exqiilalte, did not eampjlg:i for the Seven Derdly Sins, the ae’le* company ba* not cliangnl inaterlall.v In tbe lawt I bit* under pnsliicthin at Universal City a flvn- permit the aetlst In indulge his sense of the i f <^•^en live rwl feBlur*— that I* to l>e relen-s and Its scern-a. cna- York, 'vlll Im Flnatern district mineger. In try anil England. Ill* laat visit to the UntteilI written by E*lgar JepHon, and preftared for tho tmnea and arcvssorlea of great beanty. iharg* if the Hiieclnl eale«meii wlio will work Stat*-* wa* about a year ago. I wreen by K. J. Clawouo. 48 TMe Billboard DfCIMtIR to, Itif.

MARIE DRIttLER COMPANY Uninrsil Elictric Inintor Sit I To Roltatt Poaturoo Through Mutual COMPACT AND DCrENDaiLE Cblctfo, D»c. 39.—It li annouiirrd tlmt Mtrir 4 K. W.. 4* or llo-toU, 4- Dr**ili>r U foriuliii « 12.000,000 rorpuratlon for cyllndat. 4- joscPH n.aci tb« pruducllun of « of iilcturm for dU- cyelo, a-ll-b, PMMNTi tribotton tbrouirb tli» MutiiNl 1‘Hlui <'or|ioratlon. p. fengIncL amooih, dliool Prtildi'iit Jotm H. Krvuirr of tbo MuIukI Klim rurraot. fikb- Conwratlon baa (sinflrated ruiiiora of tb» dMi, arUaa light, eonaoqutntly following a arrita of n<>a«>tUtluna or»n«al at tbo claoror and Mutual'a Now York oMrea and rluaml at tbt Obi- bauor pIcCuiaa. ea|o oxooutiTo ofllooa botwoon Mr. Krtutor and Mooing picturo maeblnt optro- I'C^UtADfiC J. II. IlaltoD, buaband of Mlaa Droaalor, tora aar tharo “Oontracta hart boon drawn," aald Mr, Proul la nono Uko It or, "and tbo foruiatlon of tbo oorporathtn la un- UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO.. dor way. Tito oraanlaatlon of tbo rorporatlon for OEHKOtH, MIS. tbo production of tbo plcturoa la lu tbo banda Aik tor BullaUn No. M, Dapt B. PA>^HE\" of Mr. Dalton, Crawford Urinitaton and myaolf, Tbo orfanlaatlon plana call for a capitallaatloo IVmcMonllbffe of two mllllona, tblo to flro ample capital for tbo dorMially protontlooa ocnio on wtilrb tbo TNI MUTN'I OLDIIT, \ARIIIT AND Drooaler atudloa will mako tboao pletnroa for MOtT UP-TO-DATI DUPALV NOUM-i Mutual diatrlbutlon." TIN-MINUTI INIPMINTD, ITO. A PhobO'l>rama Fbr ThOM It la umloratood that tbo firat work of tbo VJho Ar«Tlr«dof Mario Droaalor Motion PIcttiro Corporation, which ->tovl«a'* ICli_ la tho oAclal namo of tbo now concern, will be HAW tbo protinetlon of twclro two-reel foaturo pie- tnroo baaod npon and umler tbo title of Tllllo'a Atlaato, Daorala. MUttNTt DirtcYadlSr Nightmare, In whleh .Mlaa Drooaler addeved auc- AtAJiS UWAS coan on tbo apoaking atago. While tho twolro two-roelora repreaent tho Im- START A MOVING PICTURE SHOW mo«llate. Brat work of the Dreaaler-Mntual otn- ^MAKI IIONIY..MAtT ROBERT dloa, Mlaa Droaalor baa other Important plana. rOMHETE 0UTRT,IMOW«.niM «M Including the production of a aerloa of apodal L EVEiniNM nmiiiiiEiK easy primbit] foaturo productlona otarrlng a number of bar RkMAN. NO EXPERIENCE NEIDCD.'; imFSWICK artlat frlenda from tho field of the opera and dramatic otagea. tWIMTC rotT FIEE OTAiaQl MOTION PIOTURI OALIO COMPANY. Daft- 0. 0., 417 Oo. Qaarbaru It, OhIaiMa. MMuala. APOLLO’S FIRST PICTURE DOUBLE YOUR LIGHT New York, Doc. 28.—BIgolow Coeper, late of tbo Daniel Krohman, A. II. Woodt and Cbarlea Dillingham forcea, ami more rerently Identified f^ASTIL 5 with motion picture productlona, bat been aigned I M toy Ouy-Hf*a Oanam «4M ’>'"rS«!Si sr"'^ by Apollo Plcturoa, Inc., to aupiwrt Alma Han¬ Vi^ aMBNsnd M» « M* TMB »tOOe5T OaVECTIVE lon, who la to atar In Apollo'a Initial picturo, KIsL lUeO Saab fc lar |kJ» PKAMA EVER rimsou-^ God of Little Children, by Harry Chandler. Mr. E. L FULTON Oa dSli CMCAfiO DlCCCTeDBT Cooper appeared In The Wrong Woman, On tho Stroke of TwJto, Killed Agalnat Ordera and other plcturoa. ARUtlS II FILMS III nil SLIDES William Hartman, formerly atage manager .BoraTf-iNa IM BmU film, elMaot eondlUaa. $S.M ptr real and with Augnitua Tbomat and later attached to tbo up; 100 Sou Song SUdaa, perfect coadlUoB, ll.OOpac acting forcea of Popular Playa and Playera, baa aet, with mualc. SM.d pesul for Usia. Good film been engaged by Apollo aa a.abitant to General- Barrlce fundihed at loacst pricca In the BuuUi. Bup- ^ ^JLEWIS J.saZNICK-SOLEDlST^^ pUw. Bargalna In new and aecaad-band M. P. Ua- MIW YORM Director Richard Rldgely, chlnca and Gaa-Maklng Uulllta. Marfalnca and Out¬ fits Ilf all kinds bought. . WhaS haft you I P. O. BOX lOM. New Oaiaane, LauMona. EXPLORER ENDORSES NO USE FOR THESE The Nicholbt Power Cameragraph Portable AabcaUM Booth, good as new; Powar'a 4 Ma¬ chine. 15.000 ft. of good Ploturet, Model B Gaa Maker, Cable Curtain. cO.. All In perfact coodtUon. New York. Dec. 23.—The Nlcbolaa Power Co. fSOO cash M. H. HARRISON, 43 Olaa SI.. MaMaa. bea been the recipient of a number of teatl- Mastaakuaaltt. monlala. gold medala and grand priiea In recog¬ MUTUAL nition of the auperiorlty of their Cameragraph THE GOLD SCREEN 25c per tq. ft; S4c with stretcher frame. You can't projecting machine, but the letter recently get better. Why pay moret Guaranteed. Sold tm cetred by that company from their repreaenta-'j trial. Send for sample. JESSE COX SCENIC 00.. tire at Valparaiao, Chill, encloatng a voluntary BsthervlUe, Iowa. _ American Film Co. endorsement from Sir Bbrneat H. Sbackleton, the ri rr^TRIC motion picture travilinb famous South Pole explorer, baa given the i-Eebw I niLe A PERMANENT LICNT PLANT. 14 LB. NEW MODEL THROWS 14 FOOT PICTURED Power Co. reason to feel highly gratified. The Cot 4aU. OHIO ELECTRIC WORKS. CLEVELAND. 0. Pr999nt9 thm Not^d Star letter from Sir Emeet reads aa follows: "I thank yon for installing the Power Cameragiwph PAR SAI r Power's 6A Picture Marfdiie. ■ OMWt good gg 4125.M; Port for my lecture In Tatparalso, ‘ and am pleased Wayne Oompcnsaic, llO-v., OO-cycle, 425.00. A. G. to state that throughout the course of my lec¬ HANSEN, BatUe Lake. Minnesota. ture*, wbicb number over 700, I have not seen clearer or more effleient projection.—(^igned) PANTHEA 18 READY RICHARD BENNEH E. H, Sbackleton." > The Niebolas Power Co. baa been exporting —IN— Its Cameragraph to Latin America for several For First Showing Aftor Now Yoar years, and la unusually busy Just now with this psrticular branch of the business, which con¬ New York, Dec. 28.—Norma Talmadge, wba tinues increasing with the growing popularity recently left the Triangle Company to appear in that section of the BB machine. as the star of her own producing company, nndar THE GILDED YOUTH the Selsnick banner, will aoon be aeen in tbo first of her new productions, Pantbea. Tbia la A quaint story of happy-go-lucky John RUBINSTEIN LEAVES MERRILL a pictnrtiatlon of the novel by Monckton HoSe. Slocum, and his love for Mary, a waitress in a New in which Mme. Olga Petrova starred in thla Chicago, Dec. 23.—J. W. Rubinstein, manager country. York boarding house. It contains real heart-throbs, a tear of the Merrill Theater, Milwaukee’s beautiful The picture Is finished and will be given Ita or two, and more than a few smiles. picture bouse, announces his severance with the first public showings Just after the New Year. house management, and will leave *CbrtBtmas It is reportc


BED FEATHIX PHOTOPLATS KUTVAL tXAB nOBTOTlOXf l>ecemb)'r— Week ui November— UNIVERSAL FILM MFa CO.— 4—klukald, Gambler (drama) (Bro roala) DifC. 4^ 2^-Unbby's Chicken (comedy) .1000 RELEASE DAYS 11—Tbs Morale of Ulldn (drama) (8ro -Tba Valley of Daclaton (American) SO—Tbe Prise Winner (comedy) .1000 treals) . (Ova rt«U) . December— MunitaT—Imp. U Ko, Khi. DalTiml Id—^l\ed Blood (drama) (Bro reels).... Week of 1—AmMtlona Ethel (comedy) .iOOO lloodap—Naator, Had Paatbar. 25—A Cblld of Mpatorp (drama) (kvo reels) Dec. 11— T—Tbe Guilty ifne icomedy) .1000 Tgaadty—CtoW laal, Hai. Vktar. Januarp- —Luiisaomo Town (comsdy-drama) A—A Hare B<«rder Iromeily) .lOtiO Wadnaadap—Auloiatad Waahly, iMBBla, la 1—I'oily Put the Kettle On (drams) (8?o (American) (Ovo tools) . 18—Cbarttj Beglna at Heme (comedy).... 1000 reels) . —Mlaa Jackie of the Navy (drama) 16—Wbat'e tbe Use (couonly).lOoo Ko. M » Tburwiap—Die D. Powara, TtoMr. (Pollard) (Oio raela) . 30—Tbey Pra.-tlce Bconouiy osimMly)... .1000 Wa^ of rrldap—Imii, Naotor, Hai. December— 21— He Went and W<>n (conimly).1000 Maturdap—Blaoa, Jokar, Doc. 18— 22— Reekleas Romeoe (comedy).imw V—A Htorp From Life (drams) . —Tho Twlnkler (American) (Sia reals).. 27— Rev Financial Frenay (comedy).loiMI 10—Tbe Penalty of Treaaen (drama) (two 26—The Innocence of LIsetta (drama) 2^—Fat and Fickle (comedy).1066 rsfla) . (Amsricaa) (6ya roala). 28— Before tbe Rbow (enoMdy).1000 AHUUTBD WSUUT 14—Tlie Lawyer's Secret (drama) (two D#c#abf'i^ January- recla) . 1—A Onlldad Youth (drama) (6yo raela) TlTAOXAn M—Aiilnwtad Waakip, No, 48 (oawo).... 17—Love or an Bmpire (drama) (two reels) November— IS—Animatad Waakip, No. W (naara).... 81—The Ivp and the Oak (drama) (two XIAOARA 27— 'I'aking the Honey Uut of Honeymoon 80—Anluiaiad Waakip, No, St (aaara).,.. reels) .;. December— (comedy) .1000 87—Aniniatad Waakip, No, 61 (Mara).><. 24—Mr. Vampire (drama) (two reela).... 28—I'erlls of Our Girl Reporters, No. 1 December— Januarp— __ 81—The l*rodlgal Daughter (droma).**. (drama) (two reola) . 1— Have You Heard About Tlllle (comely) lOOo 6—Aalmatod Waakip, No. 88 (Mwa). January— Jannary— 2— Onr Other Lives (drama) I three rvels)3000 no V 4—The Red Stain (drama) (two reels).. 4—I'orlla of Our Girl Roportera, No. 2 4—Where Is Your Friend (eomedy).JU6JP' Norambar— (drama) (two reola) . 8—His Wife's Allowance (comedy) .iniog ao—Tha Uarotna of San Pnaa (drama) (taro UNXYEXSAL SPXOAL 11—Accident Is tbe Rest Policy (comedy). 1000 December— XOYSLTT 16—Rears and Bullets Icomedy) .I Coitumea and Dancen (edne.) reals) . 18— The Bad Samaritan (drama) (two 19— The Little Brown Mole (drama) (two (epIK reel) .' Jannary— reels) .2000 24—.\gnlnet Heavy Odds (drama). 8—Alone In tba World (drama) . reels) . 20—Mlsmated (drama) (two reels) . 20— Taking tbe Count (comedy) .1000 81—Florence R.we Fashions (epilf feel).... L. XO 23—Dancing With Folly (drama) (two 81—Making Raalns (educ.) (apllt reel).... Dacembar— OAUXONT reds) ."oral 81—Silk Industry (edne.). 1—Tattla Tale Alice (comedy) . December— 20—A Tale From tbe Decameron (drama) (two reela) .2000 PATHE HEWS O—Tba High Dtrar's Curse (comedy) (taro 3— Reel Life . December— 27—Tanlmated Nooa Pictorial (cartoon).. .1000 reals) . 5— Mutual Tours Around the World 2—Pathe Newa, No. 07 (newe).. IS—Murdered bp Mistake (comedp) (two 80—Wife In Snnsblne (drama) (two reelB)'2000 (scenic) . 6—Pathe News, No. 90 (nevra).. . reals) . . 6— See America First (scenic) (split reel) WAirst 9—Pathe News, No. 99 (news).. 20—SlMiotlng Hla 'Art Out (comedy) (two 6— Kartoon Komlcs (cartoon) (split reel) December— 18—Pathe Newa, No. 100 (news). reals) . 10—Reel Life . 10- -Pathe Newa, No. 101 (newe). 27—The Perils of a Plomber (comedy).. 1— The Wiiard'a Plot (drama) .lOQO 12— Mutual World Tours (scenic) . 2— The Trial Knn (dmma) .Ksn) 20—Pathe Newa. No. Ui2 (newel. 2»—I*birs Busy Day (comedy) . 13— See America First (scenic) (split reel) 5—Jailhtrda lcome—Kartoon Komlcs (cartoon) (split reel) 12— The Iceman and the Aitlat (comedy). 1000 ROLDf December— 24—Reel Ufe . 13— ^The Stain of Cbuckawalla (drama) Deeen her— 4—Pass the rmnao (comedy) . 2A—Mutual Tours Around the World (acenlc) (two reels) .2oO») 8—T.uke’a Movie Muddle (comedy). 8—Oh. You Honeymoon (comedy). 27—See America First I scenic) (split reel) 15—The Menace (drama) .lOOo 10—l-iike. B.'ink lmi*eraonntor <. oni *dy) ... ll_Two Small Town Ilomeos (comedy)... 27—Kartoon Komlcs (cartoon) (spilt real) 10— The Midnight Exprefw (drama).imiO 17—I.iike’a Firework* FIrjcle (couietly).... IB—I’m Your llusliand Icomedy). gl—Rpel Life . 19— The Fatal Violin Icomedy) .IOOO 24—I.iike I/icatee the I.iHit (comwly). IS—It Hoiinileil Like a Kiss (comedy).... January- 20— On the Brink of War (drama) (two 81—Luke’s Bhatfered Sleep (comedy). 20—Pretty Baby (comedy) . 2— Mutual Tours Around the World (scenic) reels) .2000 January— 3— See America Flrat (scenic) (split reel) •>2—The Tiger's Claw (drama) .l«no 1—Practice What Yon I’reach (comedy) 3— Kartoon Komlcs (cartoon) (spilt reel) >S—Th» Vanishing Be Brand of Cain (drama) (two reels)2O0O 14—In the Land of Klne Cotton (edne.) 7— HI" Unci"'s Ward (comedy-drama) 4—Sellg-Trihone. No. 97 (news).10«0 ART DRAMAS. tVC. 7—Sellg-Tribnne No. ‘9* (n<’W«).1(»)0 Decem)>er— 17—Sammie Johnsin and the Wonderful (two reels) . 21—Tlie Ijiah of Deatlnv (drama) . Tjimp (cartoon) (spilt reel) . 9—Admirers Three (comedy) . 9— 'n)e Purchase Price (dmma) .lono 20—Whoeo Taketh a Wife (drama). IT—Matestte Ceylon (edne.) (split red).. 13—Mutual Weekly. No. 102 (news). 11—Twisted Trails (drama) (three reels) 11—Sellg TrDwine. No. DO fnews).l(iOi‘ January— 24—Neray Nat Has His Fortune Told (era Not (car¬ 21— The Elopnent (comedy) . 1*)—Sellg.Tribune. No 101 I news) .1000 4—The Sign of the Poppy (drama) (Ova (reels) . toon) (split reel) . O’*—Uncl,« Sam's Defender^. No. 3 (edne.) 21—Sellg Trihnne. No. 10? (news) .1000 .H—CtaitiTstloo of the Far Bast (adne.) 21— Indiscretion (drams) (tyro reels).... •ei-Tbo Man He Might Have Been (drama)IOOP 11—^The I'rlce of Silence (drama) (Sea (rt-ela) . (split tMl) . 27—Mutual Weekly. No. 104 (news). 25—The Golden Thought (drama) (two "ft—Oeter't Perfect Photoplay (comcdyl... reela) ...... 2000 18—The Honor of Mary Blake (draina) f-JTbe Trinia of Willie Winks (cartoon) January- 25—Sellg Trihnne. No. 108 (news).1000 (Ove reels) . ISoPt r.—K 1—Pangs of Jealonay (drama) (two reds) 28—SellgTrihnne, No. 104 (news).1000 25—The night To Be Happy (drama) (Sen 7— Rdncatlooal Subject (split lool).. 8— Mutual Weekly, No. 106 (newa). SO—The Right Hand Path (drama).lOOd tnala) . Xlie Dlllt>oap

S3—Ottawa and Thraata. t-fttm Plt«r** rMn <4r«M) fw«4 SO OaatHaa Bay to Wtaatpa*.. ” •—Bar Baid’a tai^ivOa* NEW THEATERS BBLzncx picmai •-JTka <•!■■■■> Worambar ■ / fMlal .. —Tba Pkoliah Tltsla (Mamal ...... —Paathaa (draam) MUFOBBIA ■. t. OOBMBASIOIV Moving Picture Houses, Airdomcs and Those —Tba Argyia Oaao (dram) WMua Wha Bwai (BmMi Making Alterations or Enlarging Capacity, j^^^BygBPlCTUBBB, X>a (TBZABOXS) —Ska Paalaa llawac (Baatrla and Changes in Management 0—Seran IMlj laa Haay (MeClare) (Ora rcelai . (nmaxzi Mimm l*-«e»en Deadly Blaa—Pitda (MefBaia) Saka A. Bakwalm aat Jaka fL BreaaUian, a< Ha kaa keokad op vMk tka Ualtad fUai Saraica, tOTO reela) . SI—Baten Deadly Blaa—Paaaloa (McClaN) «—Tka Saa Wrw»ka (ewaty).. IBa JaaroB Pkatapla, Oaaipaaj, oparatlnc Ika aad tka BardwoB papalaca la akawiaf apprada* daSawia aad Jawoll ttcataia at HaaitUoii. O., Uua ky dlUac aaary aaat ki Ika kaaaa at aaek (Ore reela) . U—Ml* BlUy BnttoM (aoaaM.. SB-Beren Deadly Blaa—Wrath (MeOlaia) _l»—Htatl At Uz O’claek (eoiaiy).. aaa plaaalag tha araetlan af a aaw thaater to ba parfarmaaca. (fire reela) .' Pebraary— t-^MaM Wlfa teoiair).. !*P -T** Araaoa. ^r BapMa. la., hy Dr. B. H. Me- ■ OH*ra Upparcat (caaMdy) . ^iTTSJ* iSSTyfiil Barky. Tha aaw kaaaa wlU coat $13,000. and 0—Bwaa Dead^ Blaa—Qraad (MeClara) HtraHk ****^ paaalhla oaorauanca for tha ,,,m ^ tnaat la that locality. tSra reela) . fOS FILM OOBPOBATUMI pat* ^ IS—Bavaa Deadly Blaa-Bloth (MeClaia) llawakM nna star Ikaatai; Sana. Pa.. CaroMrly wwaad (Oto reela) . ft—Tka MlaeklaC Makar (kra laMa). I IB—Beren Deadly Blaa—Tka teraath BIb by H. B. Baawa. aad far tha paat faw maatha ^ 2aMba£la’ka8^a*aaatlBrMoadty*of about Daaaaibar— aa(Stho*». WORLD PIOnrBZS-BBADT-MADB t BapectaHoda (Pamena Playan) preprtotoeu of the Jewell and Jageraon theatere n . Deeeinher— lormoa Maid (Laaky). In Uamlim. O., have porehaaed a alto la that '••**4 ®**r 8—All Man (flve redo) . r U tba Beacna (Laalu). dtp tor a aew matlea :detore theatar that wlU Tboo'**’- Wartln^on. Ia.. la now nndar tha to—The Rloe of Rnoan (dvo roelo). napplDoaa of Tbroa womoa (Ma- ooat $80,000. Wort ai tho ttrnetnra wfll bo “•“•••«»•«>» of W. M. Ortffln. 11—Broken Chalne . otartod ahorUp. Mr. Bnmbam. manager of the Temple Thea- 18—The RIee of Bnnan ... an-l Woa (Laaky) .... Tho T. a. Martin eaUta win oract a now M. of_gDrtland. T.. hna taken over the Ma- 2ft—The World Agalait Rim ... OtiUaa Pettar (Laaky). Orphanm Theatar ballding at 413-410 Nekraaka loo**o Theater in DOca. N. T. Jannar^ Sweetheart (Maroaeo).. Btreet, 81oaz (Bty. Ia. The beaaa. wblch wtU Tka movie pietnre theater at Wlldroae, N. B., 1—A Woman Alone. PABAMOVRT-BBAT OABTOORR hava a aeating capacltp of between 1.000 and baa twen aoM bp Meeam. Pretier infnen to 8—Da Dnngerona Oronnd . 1,800, win be raodp tor eeeuponep abaat 8ep- Albart Baakel and C. B. Neat 1ft—The Man Who Po*gnt.. tomber 1, 1317. 32—^Tbe Bondage of Paar... r Bmpa at tha OIrena. Sloai City, la., to to have a new $200,000 Or- 20—TIUle Wakeo Dp . Rnnwaad to WlllU. Tka new Wldamn-MrDenald Theater, Cantor lem Theater, to bo bnilt bp the Martin Brae. and iDdUna atraeto. Waroow, Ind., wno epeoeo ef that dtp. DPRT-BiniTOR HeLMBB TBAFRL Nevamher 15. Tko theatar boa a mtlag ea* a le PIOTVBn ~d” 800. aadto o» of tka aoeol to tk.» iwetar' Aeatie avJm* ana f.aka a»i^ n.fc Maya A Pltipe triek AmaeeoMnt Okmpanp, at Stato. Tke koaaa to aMw toa managamant of Port^ ^ “"O ^ ■treet.’ Oak Olebome. Teg., of wWch J. F. Orvon to mnagor.

m«k bettaminc Jonoarr 1. Aalta ROBERT HARRON STARRED p<«n la tiM dtlc rule. It la aanoaacea tkat SUNDAY MOTION PICTURES tiaaafer Rothapfel, of the lUaltaw kaa d^ded In Triangla-Fir.e Arts Production of to epea the doera of the theater at Id o’doefe Tho Bad Boy eai*h moraine while the picture rana, laetead of at an afteraooa hour, aa formerly. Titagraph New York, Dec. 25.—Robert Harrea la tb* SAFE FOR THE TIME BEING conaidera thia a ooniplment to the pfeeaoplap. lateot addltloa to the Triangle-Flae Art* galaxy IndtB.Trtl«a. a flre-reei atoi7. featuring Ul> of staro. Be will be beadllueU lo a play aarly llan tAalker, is annuouced rt the drat Blue In the oew y—r. entUletl The Bad Boy. Mil¬ lUbbon releaae for IBIT. It ia acbedulad for the dred Harrta, who has t>«en selected to act aa Court Decision in White Plains Upholds macket no Jannarp 1. Oouglao Pairhanka’ leading lady daring bia win¬ ter aolourn In New York, will apiiesr with Legality of Sunday Shows for First KES8EL GOES TO CUBA Barron In hli Brat ataning venture before she goe* t* the New York studio of the Trlaugle dur¬ andnilM Second Judicialjuuivini I^IOI.IIWI.9Districts New Terk, Dec. 38.-Adam Keaeel. J. . preel- ing January. f 0|, a* f **** Picture Corpora- I'be Bad Boy le said to eontain many human in¬ of StateOlOlw ofvl NewJLuvW YorkE UEK tion, aalled for Barana on Tburaday. lir. Kee- terest aitnatlona. In which Ilarrun ahould appear ael baa been eonbued by llliiena to bia home for to excellent advaniage. HU rise to etellar bon- the peat two weeka, and the trip to Cuba baa orn ha* been the least seaaattonal of auy of the MdW Tark, Doe. 2S.—Daring the paat few and aapport of exhStitora la the Bght for a free ''••n fwced ea him by hU pbyalclan in order recent BIm favorites. It hat been the reaalt of daya the light la New York Bute over the abow- Bnnday, which ia being made by the NaUonal <'»t he may get ia proper ahape to put through continaai work and faithful service. Harron lag of mutton pictaree ou Sauday and the cam- ▲aaoeUtton and the Exblbitoii' Leagno. Mayor vocceaofully the many thinga which are planned Is perhaps the only actor In oiotloo plctnrea with gaiga tkat la belag waged by the picture In- Lnun, of Schenectady, where the flght has been ^er the Kay-Bee and Keyatonc prodnctlons in more than three years’ experience who hast been tMoata to obtain either legislation that wlU lo- botteot, stated this week that he personally was 1917. A large perty of frlenda saw Mr. Kesael UDder the came direction daring tb* entire pe¬ gall— iwate obowibg or SB odJudlcnUoD of oaUt- In favor of Sunday films, but that the *elaion wtahed him boo voyage. Be wUl ratnm riod. Mv law which will eerve the same porpoaa ra- of the third department of the Supreme Coart, *bodt the middle of Jeonary. leaving school at about 14 yeara of age be Hitod ia a court decision and action on the whldi applies to that dty, must be upheld aa secured a Job as uieaseDger boy at one of the part et aeveral repreaeatatlve organUations a matter of pure law enforcement, although the BECK_ ENGAGED_ __ New York studios. Attracting the attention of which would tend to ahow that the campaign Ls flght to oloae the tbeateia on Sunday was ■mn- ___ on* of the directors be was given a cbance lo aaHdly backed by not only the great majority of ducted against the atrongeat kind of opposition. . _ • a u — aa appear before the camera, and made good. Wlion Mw public, but that there la aneb a divergence It la stated tkat over 1,000 alldos have been cent RdpraSdntativa of Harry T. Morey the general reorganization of BIm Interests took of epInioQ over the Interpretation of eslatlng law ont-from the headquartera of the N. A. M. P, I. ■ ' place some time ago, which reaniterl In the for¬ da the enbject that, for the time being at least, Tbeae lUdes ara the flmt to be sent out by the Mow York, Doc. 23.—Louis J. Beck, .who has mation of the Triangle Film Corporation, Har¬ Banflay ekblbltloiis of fllma will bo permitted in assoclatloii. with a view of aronaing public in- given valuable pnbtlelty to membem of the tbe- ron found himself a member of the Vine Arts thlo el y. terest, and another tilde M now being prepared, atrleal prafeaMoo, bao been engaged ai the per- Stock Company, but under the same direction Two of tho moct Important developmeuta of which will bo aoat out at tho request of Mayor tonal and preaa repreaentatlvo of Harry T. as that In which he had made hts entry into flim tfeo woek wore the handing down of a doclilon MItchol, who la d Arm advocata of Sonday pic- Moray, Tltagraph sur. Mr. Bock waa the pub- dom. The Bret Triangle feature In which he won bg Jnatloo William IT, Platt, of Whito Plaint, tnraa. tlcltyUclty raproacatatlvtmprosentatlve of MtaaMist MargneritoMargnerite Bertsch, commendation waa The Mlwhig IJnkt, and hla apboMIng tao logallty of Sonday plctnrea In the anthor and dtroetor of the BIm, Within tha Law, meat rer-ent hit waa registered aa the woman bating young clerk In The Wharf Rat. flfot and aocond judicial departmenta of New B. H. SOTHERN'B THIRD and condnetad a campaign for Ralph W. Ince York Btato, whiek locladoo Now York City, and whaa ko waa a director of the TMagrapb torcaa. Wtto IntrodnctlonlUirVUHVltVU InIIB thebUV Board ofVb AldermenMsuva aaavao of Q | ^ I wa m W AIw Mr. Bock,■ whoWSV laW SBan BIBold BVWB|yB|fVrnewopapor manBlBIl ofVI muchlUUBB Now York City of a roaolutkw arglng tbo onset- rl*««aaaa Janua^ B—VttagrapD MaKaa l, receiving the well wtabee of a BRENON RETURNS FROM SOUTH moot of a itatate amending the iienal cod# of Utnar Attnouncamanta (^oBda for tha ancceao of hla work, New York, Dec. 3B.—Herttert Brenoo has re- tbo Btato and also placed tbo city father* on rec- v _iii .. ^ '*Vt***»ta* Ludle Lee Stewart and tnrned from St. Auguailne, Kla., where be paaaed dtd as favoring tbo showing of picture* on Son- Now York. Doe. 38.—a. n. Sotbera will makii Hmii- Oordoa. nearly two weeka In making more than a hundred Say. Tbo resolution w** Introduced by President •PP**«n«a oo iaaaary «. when acenei for hla next Selznlck-Picturea production, Dowling and unaulmooaly paoaed. VUagniph-V-L S-l wlU roleaao tbo Blao Mbbea The Bternal Sin. In which Klorenc* Keetl will be All four that an attempt would bo m*de to The Maa of My«ery, ftoai tbo booh by CHICAGO PUBLISHER DEAD seen aa Locretia Borgia. The quaint city of the OlHO tho motion picturea la New York City on -Vrchlbtld OaveHug Ounter. It U aald The South, on* of the oldest on tb* American con¬ 9to4ajr wt* rainoTtd wbeo tb# datallt eonctrnliMi -Man of la dlffartal frM altbar Tba Chicago, Dot. 31.—■. J, Mock, pnbllaher of ISetography, Chicago motion picture weekly, and tinent, Who admirably adaptetl to the purpose for tho dedaloD of Juatlco Platt waa received from « Aa Snemy to tho King, Mr. Sothon a wblch Mr. Rrcoon selected It. Tha Eternal Hla Whiw'purna!^' The ruling cover* Orenter New prevlona photoplayo. Obarlotto Ivea wlU al*o pabllahor of Tho Telephone Engineer, died It now almoat completed, Ui* few remaining York all of long htend and all the Hodaon ‘'PP^r oppo*lto Mr. Sotbera la tho ptetur*. on Monday of this week at bio borne In Pleasant epiaodes being Interior a4'eue*, elaborate aeltings Klver towns aonth of Clator and Columbia coon- Another Inteiwatlng anaouaeoment frem Vita- avenue. Be was bom In 1870 Id Pt. Wayne. for whieh were bnllt In the big eludlo on IInda4)n Maa The decision Is la dlrocf oootravontloo of *• ^ Philippa, aa Ind,, and boo. la rocent yaari. boea president Belghts while the company was In the sunny Cbe law aa laid down by tho Third Departmont in tool plmra, from Bohert W. Chamboro’ of Tho Bloctrlelty Magaaliio Corporation. Ms- Sonth. Mi declilon a fow weoko age and which ektaod on •* **• AaioH- sonic sorvleaa wore held oa Wodaeoday at the •aadsy all of tho ptetaro bo«oa uador tho jurio. pwmier# at the Rialto Tbeaior daring tho homo. Sictten of tbU dopartmoat. Tbo declsteo was «mmwmwm^^^mmmmmBMmn^^^—mu^^^HWH—oeM EDISON ORIGINATES tMdortd aa tha result of aa action broogbl againat ta eihibitor by tho village of Owdnlag Naw Plan of Producing Motion Pictures by President Albert W. Trigger, and tho Court's Orange, N, J,, Dee. 'J3.—A new plan of pro- Soeloion dlopoaing of the matter dealod tbo in- dnclng motion picturea haa been orIgInatiMl by laarilon. nlilrh waa asked, requiring that the **Sixt00n yxar$ of knowing .how** Tbomos A. Rdlann, Ine., and It aiam will be ■otion iilrtureo In tbat place bo eloaed oo given to extalbltnri and the public In the form •aaday. Tho aIgnIBcant part of tho ntllng i* of weekly-groupetl |irf>grama, consisting of ap¬ . ! tbo statement that tbat part of tbo law wblcb proximately flve reel* of a variety of plctiireo. apptle* In tbo cmo la inaetivo when applied to WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? Instead of the meliNlrainatlc t)'|>e of |•rlHlu>•tlona Sima fnr tbo aimplo sad alUnfficlent reason tbat tbat depict life from morbid and ilej-reasing motion plctnrea were unknown when tho law waa ARE YOU GOING TO ACCEPT PROJECTION viewpoints, tb* new Fhlteon plrtnrea will bO adopted, and nobody at that time had ivoa ooa- civan and refreahlng and will mark what tbeir •alvod of operating fllmo for pay. TROUBLES AS NECESSARY EVILS aitnosora believe will prove the beginning of a Tbo doeifloa of tbo City Beard of Aldermen OR new era *f tb* allent drama. The drsmatlg In ekkieited to have a far-reaching and in- featnrea of tb* program, for the greater part, taentlal effect on the present campaign. Taken ARE YOU GOING TO BE ONE OF THE GREAT will be two and tbree-reel stories In which tagether with the reanintion which waa paaaed ynatbfnl ebaractera wilt appear and In which by the county Couimlttfo. which la controHod by MAJORITY OF EXHIBITORS WHO USE clean and laudable ambition and deolra for Tammany Ball, and the fact that nnmeroua con- achievement will underlie the development of oorns who hav# a tromendon* mall order bnalBoaB the plots. On* and two reel farce-romedleo have offeead to mall Ittmture la the lettora sont and tome unusual aclenilflc aubjecta and aovel- •at If tha N. A. M. P. I. will provido It', and tlea will aupplemoDt the other featiiret of tb* tb* pnhilc ntterance* of many poopi* of prom- program. laene*. Inclndlng membera of tb* clergy, who are The keynote of the coming Ktllann plctnrea favoring Sunday motion picture*. It i* believed may be found In the name that they will bear. tbat the enaerment of a law legalising this form They are to be releaaeii under the brand at if Sunday entertainment is now only a matter Conqueet Tlctnrea, and In that title la anmmed of a short tlmo. and the neceoaary proeednre to op the ideaa of tb>i*e who originated them and got It through tho Toclelatnr*. In rowiecrieo the deitres of the componr that has engaged In arlth the Sunday cloelng laan* aeveral big car¬ the proiluctinn of them. The dramatic feature* bon-making flrma hav* offered to enclooe. in all that will form the major part of the pmgram Meir shipments, a card, urging tb* co-operation will be baaed on tales of conqiiest and aebleve- ment. For some mnntha plana for the produ*- tlon of Conquest I’lctiir«*s have In-en maturing NEW YORKE-METRO STUDIO and at tbe present time a number of the pro¬ ductions are completed. To Be Built in Hollywood Immodiatoty POWER’S CaMERAGRAPH Tbo releasing medium has not be-m announced.

Leo Angeles, Cal., Dec. 22.—Pred J. Bala- WRITS FOR THE NAME OP OUR DEALER IN TOUR PARAMOUNT STARTS bofer hai eelerted a large tract of land In tb* TERRITORY Now Year With Pauline Frederick and heart of Hollywood, where the Yorke-Metro gen- Blanche Sweet oral manager will bnlld a new studio. Oacar ASK HIM TO SHOW YOU Apfel, recently engaged to direct Harold Lock- New York, Dec. 2S.—^Two exceptional featuroa wood and May Alllaon, will be the Brat pro¬ OUR INTERMITTENT MOVEMENT will be relMned by Paramount New Tear’s ducer to work In the new York* atodlo. and he OUR LOOP SETTER week. ’Tbe Famous Players production of The Is devoting a great deal of hla time coaferrlng Blav* Market, with Pauline FVeilertck In the arltb Batsbofer on the plans of the new stages. OUR TAKE-UP leading role, and the lAuky production of Tb* The new stndto will be equipped in a very Evil Rye. with Blanche Sweet In the leading modern manner, with a portable roof, that can These Bxchieiye Derices were designed to eliminate your tronblee. part, are the two program featnrea for tbe fl be need dnring the rainy aeawm and easily re- week of 1*17. arnved when onnshlne la available. A portion CATALOG O MAILED UPON REQUEST SnrrnuDdlng fhe program will be tb* 47th edl- of the ground will be devoted to a permanent rlsu of the Paramount Plctographa. tb* maxazliio. electric light atndio, where night acene* and ••n-tbe-aereen; the 48tb edition of the aeries of pbotngraphir effects will be ctaged. Waekly ’Trtp* Around the World, coudneted by In the meantime nrodnetlon on The Prnmlae. NICHOLAS POWER COMPANY Burton Holmea, Prom tbe Bay of Fnndy to tho by James B. Hendryx, will be rontlnned at the NINETY GOLD STREET, *t. lAwrenc*. and a Klever Komedy, Be Moaat present Torke atndio, 132B Gordon street. It la NEW TORN enr Well, In which Victor Moore la starred. hoped that the new Metro atndio will be ready tar ocenpauey about the Bnt of ffabrnary of AM ua. as well aa yonr»»lf: write for that •sat year- letter advertised In our Letter Lint. I

Xfte Billl>oar

SNOW WHITE •toiA. a partlctoarty toBealt rate, bat haadled to a toaaacr toaat pteaMar: PatilcA CalAaaa, aa •m FUyw VUs Otm Myaca, tAa Daettr'a aecracaiT, a eoaataelac *'Ato*7,*' aai Aaaa WaltAaU aad Mary Parkya to tolaar ntoa. TAtaagAeat tAe plot Aalto oaa aa la a aW, la fact. tAa teaatae la oppraaatra at datoa. Hm afiapAiit mt tAa operatiag raoto af a graat aarraa ia waatorfaDy wall toaa. aat aa oaaaaa Aaa Aata toarai aa amtoga aai vnck Ba .Aim WMfetam aapaaana. wAtfa WaltAalU aa tAe pAyalctoa. aai aa tAa Aatf toattor, appear la tAe aaato accae. Oclama fUty M*. WMta. to Wmmm TAeta Ic paaatoly aaa Caatt to Rai wttA tAe paa- tmtOmm, It la m laag. Cat to tea reete It

Tarti. Am Am it—ftmit to lAa mamm Ay m- aat aaSto Ay cattiag aat i at tAa —ptleatag neur J. Rmto lto>t«y wltA dto toft— at A ■HWK. iBtoAi It tow a AmW tototaat^ tAat M tA« tltto mA*r to m a pMa aC tAa Ltttia tetoa I laliifM fcata at aatgery. Aat Aa la a«-

Ay Myara. Ala aaeratoiy. la a At af m totopta Aa toadtotgto iaaa. aaa af tAa ataff af awaea. Tba Ara-raet ptetartoatton of Tbootoa Dteanto popular aoral, Tba FaallaA Tlrgla. Am Aaan to Alo prteato aapaiirlam to the eenatry. Be OMOt carataUy donai It la Dtoan’a otory taht followa tour and thou taken op the tght to to pletarea, with rctoarkahly tow ooAtltlaa. mA letoutoi Alo AarrlAli ernetag tor the drag. tha acraao rotaton will. wttAaot da^. ^panl After weeka af patient nordag the rletaty la to tAnaaaato aa a nary ptaaoaat aeonl^a an- wan. It la hare the added toaterlal ten da to tartatoaaent aad ahanM praaa pnlu at poptoar weaken aa athaintoa good otory lather than Awarta, waaa aa tha book, la cnottog darn Elm hall Tonv help It by tha InCindartlan of Dr. Laaeantei'a af toligAtfal to tke lendtag rate DUactar OapaltoBl kaa Aalf-bretAer, wha Aon tonght to oChet Ala itoa. cbeora wtoely, oa It la aapactolly oaltod to hu Tbe Aupital to eunaotod Ay Au and the Anlf- taleau. Katoeraaa appartaalllaa au glwan to greatly to tAe atacy*a Aratkar and Myau faB rlctltoa to their awa ahow her aataral haaaty aad hlatrlanlt ability. trap. whOa Sana la laaenad by Dc. InacanAir.— TAa Otar to aamaadit Ay a toaot rapahle caot. ' the leading toole rate Adtog ptoyed Ay Oaaway Teartc, wAooc eaceUeat week neade Unit am¬ (teaalag pata aaf paaa to tAe rayal Ancaea. ount. SAerldaa Tbnocy, aa Jlae’a toathor. la wflA Aar toatAer'a tarmar laiy->a-«altlag JUST A SONG AT TWILIGHT coDTtoetog. and duama apaclal mtoUan. Tba aagMag to tAe tAraaa aa weO aa tae Aaad af flap raal Dfadd Atotnia Alu. Rriraaad Jaaaary PitoM yiirltotoi Aoaa WAtta tocata a yamg atagtog at tba predactlaa lo foOy to Afrptof with the work the coot aad tba atttlaga. Aaater to tAa aaato aaf aaaa tieatoea gtota u vn. at both latnrlor aad egtarier au e€a«ttu. toAetaataA to Alat. Ha catoea to tAe caatle THM CAST: Tbe otory centen on Mary I damn, a ochaal »«*—■ aa aai pnaeau a letter aaAlag teacher, with a rmaaoe aeaL itoa AatAuy tor tAe Aaad af Smarm WAlte—tor Aa la tbe Ijney Wtotu .Brelya Oreriey Pitoie Fteriaaad. BrangMuar. wAo beUered Lney Lee (Aer tootAcr) .Brtlya Oreetey rtuau Aer frao. the adraaua ef a atmet rat- tAe Prtoee aaa capBlag to aae for Acr Aaad. la Aaa aad w laihard la aha with tha wirtt at am- farlaaa. aad deeidca to Aare Saow WAJte AdDad. maau that ahe idoitou Jtoa Be Aceotou the Wba forcea BertAold to take Aar tota tha traada TictiK at aa aaarupaliaa patent anarnay. aad ardcra Alai to brtag back Aer Aean. Be who ateala Ala patent catbariter. and. Arritolag aparea Aer aad takea back the bcart of a wild enblnered by the ezpericau. Aa tarna Auglar. pig. Baev White ia lad away to the cabla of Mary, knowing aathlag of thto, toarrlu htan. tAa dwarfa, where ahe atokea Aeraelf at Aaato UNIVERfAL^ Lurnlag that hla toother to llriag to the toaaa- aad to Otoe the little toco raatorc her to Acr talaa of Caroliaa Jlu pereaadu Mary te go trliDto aad the IMare. PICTURE./* ^ with Alto u rialt Aer. He tabu wttA Ala a A pirtaTc that baa a apcctol appeal for cbU- PRK/BNT THS T bag full of lewrtry he baa atotea. TAa cM draa aad oae to which older folka will Aad mbch woouB baa becoae a wiatcAed creatare aad that la aaoclDg aad eotertalalag.—^BAT. falls to recogaiae her aaa. Jia ahowo Maty IWD SREATErr iERIAL ^ tbe Jewels, aad ahe, horrlAed by tbe dtourcty THE TRUANT SOUL orders yim out of tbe roou. Wblle be Ie aateep /TART ON EARTHOO I with bla bag tbe oM woaaa atteapta te aorder BIgbt-part TTaaanij prodoctloa. Releaaed De- JiB to eecure the rolaaMea. Mary taku op her r\ ^ TTTTTT" I life with tbe Doctor, wbe baa ared yia'a Ufa, \ (rj 1 1 r 11 M 1 I while be gnee to tbe Mnrtbwcot. Tbe Doctor la THK CART: [(VT. j aaked te reetore tbe Jfwela. Tura paaa. llary*e aoo. while waadeiiag to tbe woods, Ie loat. Tbe Dr. Joha Laacaster.Hearr B. Walthall father, rpturnlag. Hade bla. and once auu Mary >noB Weatworth.Mary Charleaaa aad JlB are happy.—RAT. top—.Patrick Calboon I r 01 ri [ 4 FiV' i Mra. Daaa.Anna Mae Walthall 1 L f ^ ^ i 1 f P i J 4 f Mra. Fraaer.Mary Parkya POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON Dr. leaklao.V. K. Haopt Flre-part rnlrereal Bed FMtber featau. Re- la The Trnaat 8»al Henry Walthall girea one leaaed Jaaoary 1. of tbe BMOt rirld portrayala of a man addicted to tbe drag habit that baa erer been abowa aa THE CAST; the aereea. Wltbont ^neetioo he la the peer of all character actoca la the atleat drama today, Mr. Taau .Tbomoa Jegerooa and bla Dr. Laocnater ia this production atande Polly Vance .Rath niBord ont aa a atoaterpieee of emotional acting. Tbe Mlaa Johanna Webb.Mia Mnddoa ntory la by Victor Roaoaean. and ie carefnlly d> WRITTEN AND STAGED BY Ctauter Creigg .Douglaa Gerrnid rected by Harry Bcanmont. Rnpporting Mr. Myra Vance .Marrel Apenerr Walthall we bare Mary Cbarleeon. aa Joan Went- Nellie Vanu .Leaa Baakette FBMCIS FOID ft fiRACE CIRAID Saole Tanu .Eu Rae No more deilgbtfnl little atory thaa Orau Tbe Serial Sanntlao ttal. The children .tart a Ore In aome old paper, and I'beater. In I attrmptlag to eitlnguloh It, la urrrely burned I tbont tbe eyu. Wblle PoUy It nnralBg her

1 friend eJie eende • plV Cherter bu written to THE BRIDE OF HATE a prodoeer. In due Un»e it beeomea a ancceae, bat he fear* be will neeer aee It. Tbe annt’n Five-part Triangle-Kay Bee feature. Released heart ectteue at her nepbew'a plight, and aha January 14. wUla b plsns a sinister revenge. He will marry Pant Tincing. Tbe scenario Is b/ lisr/ H. O’Connor, to bis slave under sn assumed name. Following and the film was directed b/ Edward Iforrlse/. tbe wedding be shocks the guests and hnnilllates Brel/n Dare and Dare Weetebrooke have been , Crenshaw by bis disclosnre. The ycsinc man Inforased b/ their attome/ that the/ most Directed ly /r J takes to drink, and is shot when Iw st -.sgera morr/ and llee together sii months In order to Into a yellow fever district. One of . vi. tlms Inherit a fortnne. Dare writes "hlgh-brow*’ Wilfrid m of the fever sends for Dr. Duprez. ami sr* op treatlsea, hollds workmen's cinba and manages a tbe identity of tbe slave girl.—RAY. factor/. Brel/n, fresh from a conrent, lies abed North until 11 :W a.m., tangoes and entertains. Her BENNETT FINISHES CONTRACT social career is cut abort when Dare takes her awa/ with him to a little factor/ town, bides Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 3S.—Rh-hard Renuett her clotbea and dlapla/s traits that are not has .iiuipleled bis engagement with tbe Ameri¬ nsnall/ aaaoclated with a groom. Most of the can Film Company at Santa Barbara with pro¬ action takes place here, and when Ted, the hna- duction of Tbe Gilded Toutb, latest of the seriea baad of Dare’s confidential secretar/, retnma of Rennet t f)?atnres offered tbrougb Mutual ax- from the “pen,” he starts something b/ accnslng changes. The Gilded Youth has been finlahsd Dare of being tbe father of his child. Brel/n and soon will be released. thereupon kidnaps tbe bab/ and goes home to Tbe photoplay is a five-reel feature, coml|Dl- the cit/, where Dave finds her, and Ted con¬ iFg come

hlMtacB are In this ssetloo. With (bo aegnloMon at thto eaehanga by Paramonnt a oanMolta of MME. OLGA PETROVA SIGNS adrortlalng and publicity wlU Immodlatnly bo lb- roisuA ifTas'tJira.'ss angnratad In tha territory to batter aaqaalnt tha pnbMe of that aectlon with ParamomPa ataio 5.m M wmuTu it!? S and bettor plctnroa. ors aototo proMsm raUosm. Finn eoim. TO STAR IN LASKY FILMS Jaatos Steele, treasurer of Paramonnt Platores flisi twred. Act quick. TMs to Mma .■■■■«■■ ■■■ill • wwdswul cpportuatly tar tandn bman OerporaUon, left ftiday erentag to mako a per¬ ' Wo hare for salt amtly now aaZto sonal tour of all tha Middle West esehanges and abaaluts A-1 oondltlcw a octait M to rlalt many of the theaters In that territory, "TIUAUrB PUMCTUHia) BOMANCM" Contract Places Actress Under the Same Man¬ bx raOto fsaturlna Chartla ChmHn. telling them of the eiceptlonal Quality of pic- Mabel Nonnaod, Marie DfOMler, ChfoUc tnres that will be distributed In tha fntnra, and t Ocnklla and Max Scumsi, the UIUJMf- agement as That Under Which She Made DOIA^AR CABT. WHto at noco (or of tha sihlbitors' co-operatira aarrtcoa that will prlco. CHICAGO FILM TRADING AND be carried oat during 1817. | American Debut—First Release Paramonat’s aim and purpose la pnrehtaing lat, Chloaso, llllaals. Iba MlanaopoUs Baehanga from Mr. Barnett and Ready in April eondact It as It does lU other eaebanges was mainly ta Incraam the eacleney In this territory and to lander the skhibitors them a greater serr- Wtm T«i%. Bm. Wi Om tt the Mat tetaraat* tiaaa as to ttair aaapaetlra pcodnetlona. It (a ice than hafora. Mr. Steele will spend eon- H ia tfe« nails •( star pla#ars te mmm a oats worthy fast Mat whonarar they warn KVEtE BEACI aWlornbla Hme at this exchange, arranging for tea was aaiMMUced last wssk tks Jaaas U anaatad to name a sur that they wnaM like to Its future betterment and Inaugurating the aamo lOSTONt CONEY ISLAND ■Wtart PU7 Companr wksa U was aaks sea added to tha roster tha name of Mma. high-class departmentH that are to be found in FOB SAIJj OR LMASB, at that papular roKirt, larm ttat Mme. Olga Pstiwra, wbs has aiads Petrora was Inrarlably mentioned. It was this (he Famous Players Klim Service, Inc., in the lot, 100 feet square, fraoUua Oersn Boulevard. For¬ fMs a saws In Mstrv prodnottoas, had alfmd corroboratleo of my own estimate of her wander' tune canbi made with loe Palace (nans bets). Middle West. • tMc-Uais coatract with Jeass L. Laakjr, prail- Roller SkaUna Rink or Uorins FVjture Theatre. AU- fnl ablHty that dnally led to tha opening of aa- ysar-round pilsee. For parUculare addivm “TUB 4bM at tha esaipanr. Ia otdar to fire ample gotUtlons which hare led to anch a happy eon- BRKAKIOlUt.'’ 60 Boulevard, Revere, Ifam. Itaa iir the praparatloa o{ her flmt photoplay claslon.*' TRIGGER ELECTED PRESIDENT •» tha ParaawoDt profrim tha relMta data ST. LOUIS CALCIUM UGHT CO. a( hsr taltlal appearance muter tha asw manape- MI8TAKEN IMPRESSION Of Manhattan Local of Exhibitors’ ESTABLISHED It7l. IMM has bcea set tar April. League OAlxniTM LIGHT furniaUud In tanka for SteveopClcuo staff of tbs Loeky scenario department, and Moving llcture Maj'hlnce. Orders to any part of Conenrning Kbyatonn Raleatns In Cor' United Statea Sited rnvnptly. Oalrlum Burners, Rub¬ aadar Hertar TarahaU, playwright and antlior, rncted New York, Dec. 23.—The annnal election of ber Tubing, OndccMiiig laviaes, IJme Pemtls. GelaUn k alnady at work on the eaamlnatloa of the ma- Tlcketa tor sale. Eln Street, St. Manhattan Locnl No. 1, Motion Pletnra Bv- Leala. MItisari. kMlal far Mma. Potrora, and the announcement New York, Dec. 85.—Beonnse of n adataken hlMtanr League of America, warn held this week at Ifea aalaetlen of a nomhor of theatrical sne- tmpreaston created by an adrertleamant In (he and proved to be a spirited contest wltb at APOLLO PICTURES aanaas and Mtorary ■asterplaeaa wUl shortly be trade papers of loot weok coneeiwlng Reyatone least two candidates (or every oOee. Samuel «a4a bp (ho eoocorn. Oomedlaa, Chotles Keasal, Ran king Isr Mm H. Trigger was elected president of the orgsut- Gets Studio at Fort Lao, N, J. Mma, Batiwva win spend ana half at each year Kaaiel h Bonman. said: **Mncw tha odreittoa- satton. detostlng Charles Steiner; C. B. Mar- at tka Laaky stndlo In Bollywood, Onl,, and tho ment of last wook ooocoratag tho now opan tlnean, Srrt vleo-preaident, defeating M. Oes- New York, Dee. 23.—Apollo Plctarcs, Inc., In Mow Tork. booking poHey (Or Rayatono Oomedlaa baa seam' trleber; Ike Hartstall won out for second vloo- has taken over the U. 8. Amusement Oorp. a oeaafaltlon of Mma. Patiwva by (ho Ingly ennaed tba belief that Keystone Oomedlea preeMent and Thomas Howard was elected aec- studio at Fort Lee for Ma production of Its pany la ana of tha moat tanportant wonid be relcaaed independently of the Triangle retnry by defeating Sidney Asher. Mr. Hosrard pictures. Tha property waa formerly kaowa la aaonis of the year, aa It slgnidea that Mda paces, 1 wtoh to state Mat tbera to ae gtnooo to alee national aecretasy. Morris Needles de- as Solax Studios, but has been since enlarged ilnatlan intends to. predneo tho poworfnl whetorer (Or this Impremlon. Aa bcrotofora, tonted Charles Haring, who rsa for treasurer. by tbe additlen of a new glass stmetnre, lOOz at pbotaplay In tho fntnra arlth which tho Kayatooo ConMdIes may be had only throngh William Hidkemelrer was elected chairman of 380 Met, and a number ef other Improvements. a at Mmo. Petrora has beeoaM tndoUbly as- tho Triangle exebangeo, and by arrangement the Onani.-e committee, and W. Khonbelnier and -Arry B. Raver, precldent of Apollo Pletnras, and In which aha has tasn so WtM the Triangle Film Oorpomtlon or Its na- Otto Leder were re-elected at members of the Inc., completed tbe arrangements for tho naa soelnted organixatlons. committee, with J. Rlein se n new member of studio and all its facUlUes wlM Horbart that Mma. Petrora and Jaaaa U “Tho new releasing plaa is created In defer¬ Qua Roenigwald to sergeant-at-arme. President Blache, head of the U. 8., tbe term of tha am BOW anted on the Poramonnt program ence to the demand for Reystone Oomedlea on Trigger, Immediately upon his election, sent leaaa being live years, with renewal privilcgeo. OMOik Ma tact that It was Mr. Laaky who Biat tho part of exirtbttors who may have eontraetnal ont a letter te every member of the association This gives Apollo Pictures ample equlpmant MModacod tho aotrem ta America. A few years arrangements with other programs. Under the asking tor co-operation and support daring the for staging productions of any magnltuda at n tffa^ Whtla Mr. Laaky was making hla cnatomary new plan, as stated In the adTortiaement re¬ coming year. He also elated that he bad minimum of expense. bBP 80 Barepc in aenrek at new talent for ferred to, these comedies may be bad ontto to' formulated a plan whereby every oOcer mnst kli ffbUee Bergere, be beard of a remarkable dependently of any program nrmngeinent Mat give an acconnMng. and that he would know INTOLERANCE COMPANIES fuong girl at tha Tlrell, in London, who had may exist or that may baro oxtoted. If an eC' at the end of the year how many members each MUOMd a ssMatton by her ainging. He etteuded hlbltor wiebes to amnge for Reyotoneo It wtn azblMtor had brooght In and b?w mch anch Naw Tork, Dae. X.—Tlia number of ocganlaa- Mo peitormaocn. wae greatly Impreaaed, and pro- bo lito privilege to do se, but (be oirangementa exlMtor had devoted to the organisattoa. Tha tlona prsaeotlDg D. W, GrUDth'a Intolerance waa ta negotlata with bar to maka kar Amer- anodod mns( bo made tbrongh (ho Trtongte exMongOi. meethig waa attondad by MD aabftdton, who Inereasad last week by openings in Phltodelphln, Man dabnt nnder hla management. Mme. Pe- tot oar prodnet win ooip rsoeb Mo eshthWer ana members af tba amruitollan tn gesG ntaad' •t Ma Chestnut 8treet Opera Homo. In Pltto- Morn piwred ta be n racoem at (ha SMtee, and MBoagh thooe channels. We heltere Mat (bo tag. at the Pitt Theater, and la Montreal, at Mkar supplemented her iuctem there by (ourtug now nmmgment Is o diattoot step In adrwneo, to IMIwlj^a 'Rkeator. Ma eeuntry under Mr. Lasky’a management fb and ono tho( will work (Or Mo odrantage of Me Tba flmt night hanaea la all thioa cttlas wata r—durllte. LILAC TIME exhibitor throogbont tho country. AO Inquiries dtollngnlahed by the nnmber of local notahtoo -It In rary gratMptng to am to affaia aammo tor bookings ft>r the Royotono Oomedleo thoold nnd society people preaent. maaagnrlal rsapaaaMUIty tor Mma. Prtrora.*' bo oddroooed to tho Trlangto Branch OOcoo.** Aoqulitod by Selwyn A Cb. fbr Imnw* Nest week wlU be tha Anal ona of tha big ; paa- ffmlBiwd Mr. Laaky, In eammentlng on tha (net diatb Produotlon tacle'a long and saccesaful run at tho Ubarty ad bar angagaroent. “Particalarly Is Mat tma, PARAMOUNT BUYS Theater, New York. baaarms tba singer, whom I had tha great plaao- New Yotb, Dee. X.—^Lllae Time, a naw play Mu ad IntiwdnclBg to this conntry, has alnca da- Minneapolis Film Exchang# by Jane Cowl nnd Jane Mnrftn, baa been ac¬ H. A. SHERMAN GETS ANOTHER sMtoad lata a graat actress. It la always pleasing cepted by Selwyn te Company for Immediate FILM FEATURE FROM WM. 8ELIQ Mew Yark, Dee. 25.—^Paramount Pletnras Oor- to bare eae's Judgment of anotber borne ont by productioo. Rebeareals are to begin tomorrow pamtton pnrchssad during the past week, from (Continued from page SJ Ma opialan of Me world. and the play ia to open tn New York shortly Bart Barnatt, Ma ffhmoaa Playera Star Fbature features sold (or tbe highest money avsr paid *Wbe (bet Mat Mme. Petrora to already nnder after tho beginning of the New Year. It will for 8tate rights features. Film Service, dUtribatam af Paramoant Pic- UMtowet wtM ae and Mat we are net planning to provide a starring vehicle for Mtm Oowl, who Mr. Sherman bought tbe pletnra in his nsnal turas la Mlaneaots, Wisconsin, NorM and Santh rapid-flre way, nueting William N. Selig to toMS ber fret prodnctlon on the Paramonnt pro- thus paasea again to the Etolwyn ft Company Dakota, which exchange ia tha (atnra wiu be Naw York last week. Together they attended ■RM nntll April la ladleatlre of Mu graat eara management, with whom her grenteat anccess, operated by Paramount tn connaetlon wiM Ma n private showing of tbe ten reeto. “What’o Md naMmltod atady which win go Into Me prepn Within the L.1W, waa made. Me price?” asked Sherman. ’‘Half a mlUloa athar Middle West cxebaages, of which James ■Mton of her oabjaets. There to ne Mlaa Oowl and Mrs. Mardn, who la the wife dollara.” said Selig. “I’ll take it,” said Mr. Stoeto, trsasoror of Paramoant, to preoMant. Bhennan, and the deal was closed without W are Mmgli’ going to apply oar of Judge James Murfln, of Detroit, have col' further ada Mr. Sherman, am'mg the foreman* Ma sxpartaacad mtoda of onr neaanrto dapnrt- Mat to Ma purchasa of Me Mtaneapalta Bz labonited on several other plays that urn being boyam of State rights in the world, to n manta ta Ma dertolag and procnrlng ef tha bant ebaaga by Paramoant It baa been oparatod Me eansldered (Or production. trained investigator in tba picture Industry, and paaMbIs aablecta to salt Mme. Petrorn’o power, many yaam pilvatoly by Mr. BamatL la I la tba past six mouths has invested over a ftd paraaaanty and bar great dramatle talents. torrltary Pammonnt la exhibited eadt week tn million and a half doltara in State-right fta- Ia tbeio a totter advertised fOr YOU la Mis tnrss. In flvo weeks after he had purebaasd “ffbaii to as doubt Mat tho angagrmant at bandroda af Maatara, and same of tbeir Uvest aa- week’s Letter List? The Crisia from Si Ilg all rights had been sold. limn. Pateowa wlU meet wIM Ma hearty ap- William N. Selig. in an interview, declarao: paarat af Parmmenat axhlbltors and axekangn man "The Garden of Allah Is the iiioet elaborato aB arar tba country at their own recommenda- PtotUTO I have completed, and the only one tn which I have ever taken such a personal In- Mann atoo ptoyed their part la the tmnaaetlooa. terest,’’ The Belig Company baa a remarkabla It ban been Me custom of the FOmona Players, record In the feature ptetnre fleld, never tovtng Innhy, Moraaca and Pallaa eompantaa to ask ra- pradacad a picture that was a failure. itoaa anbMItora (ram tlma to tlma Mr saggen- Oolin Campbell, who dirarted tbe picture nnder 'i: ■ Mr. Selig’s supervision, says that “It is Mo moat wonderful dim I have directed.” Tha Spoltora, The Ne’er-Do-Well and The Crisis were all nnder Mr. CampiM-Ills direction. IRENE HOWLEY TO CO-STAR “I am aatiafled that tbe aiipt>rfeatare, Tha Garden of Allah, is a marvelona piece of work. Foundad. as it ia, on the novel by Robert Hieb- With Libn«l Barrymor* in Motre-Rolfo ens. already In print In some twenty-eight Fbatur* Inngnagea, the book has a wide clrcnlatlon. N«G only that, hot the plctnrtaation of the play fed- lows the booh closely. Not a character or scene Now York. Doe. 8B.—Irene Bowley win In tha book but wbat you And It in tbe acres* poor an cowtar wlM Lionel Barrymoro In version. Tbe acting and tbe photography to MrqOeomIng Metre-Bolto prodnctlon. Making marvelous. In seenring tbe rights to The Oarden •f Allah I have the greatest feature In tha Baod. (earn Me pen of OHannlng Pottock nod Ron' motlaa pictnm Induatry today, and expect to ••to Wotf. Msktng Oood to • Ovra-act esmsdy dispose of It in even leas time than Tbe Otaia,** Gmom. wwicb Georgs D. Baker wUl direct, to be de<‘tared Mr. Sherman. ploesd to peodoetlon tomorrow. A private showing la to be given shortly to Mesam. lAeWer. Morange and Frederick Stan¬ Mtos Mowlcy eestsrred wIM Mr. Barrymore hope. who participated mostly In tbe atage pro¬ to one of the etrongest prodoctlons be bos erer dnctlon of The Harden of Allah, as well as mode tor the acrees, the MetrO'OelDiobta mastor- to some of the better known names tn the mte ptoco. The Tetfew Streak, and Maxwell Rarger. tton pletare world. Rosral maaager of tha RolCa sad CetomMa AlMongh emphatically denied by the 'SeUg toadtoa. derided to repeat thie vrtnniiig enmMns totereate. mmor pendsta that negotiations tea tton In Making Good. Amang Mbw Hewtay*e now an between Mr. Sherman nnd Mr. 8"lig, sMsr appaaninrea In Metro wnnderplays have whereby the latter will take over the Selig in- terewts, or at least buy bcavlly Into that com¬ haaa Life's Shedowe. ia whieb ahe was ro-atar pany. WtM WllHam Ntgb. sad The Parple Lady, la Further report has It that both gentleman which aha shared boners with Balph Ban, L. A. Funeli, the yiiuiia animal iralner ami mieerlnrmttent nf UnlnevaJ (Ity Zm,, who lias succeeded were la Minneapolis Inst week, talking ovaa Res Ruaelll as the head at the mmaaerlo of tbe big iihnCo-plaFsn city Routhevn Cslifonila. This to tha matter wIM Mr. Sherman’s bnekers, wbS, OHS at FuruU's Uoo acta, all the snimsls shown being handled by him from thslr birth. It la said, kava $3,000,000 to Invest la tha AlO yen Isitlag Mr n totter? Baa (ho list WILLMAN BUYS BOtTOCK HERO Melstyia sad Hsstt, tbs Tartar BsUat from | mas at tta bsma mnlntnlnnH hr tho orfnntaa- wWlp trylnf to grew naw treat ta paB arer itep tha MataaimUtas upars Boust. tha Ulppadroms tioM. •rttota* ayM, are travsBag ta reyal atyto naff fteM HORSLEY FOR S1M,000 Skating Ballet from the New York IHiipodromy, "Whan yon raaliM that nona of Uo mom who Uvlnf Id axpenslra auitos at the Vral buiela. (CMttaMd tnm paft t) and savarsl other big numbers on whom Ua are workl^ In behnlf of Uls eonas receive a And wblla thvy are doing thio mamhare are aommlttas Is working to obtain ws«IaI tef* cent of sntary, and Uat we are apaadlng over conttnuiDg to desert tha mliRnidad ardai. Uklaff Ba«M UiwUf u« Us piisoasl •^FMsnu- mi mission teMS Mtssrs. Ktaw A BMsb^. URvar 970.000 a year la this woaA, yoa ona readily others wHh them, contrary ta M«wair*wd*e ardor Morosos, Us Rkabarts and R. 9. Albag ter thalr saa that evary cant of Uo oMuey that wo re- to “Not believa anything yon art told or anp- sppesmsas. Bogtae It to say that Us SDtsrtsin- ootvo la Hiont tor the baasM of aomo daaarvlng Mis tecMsd sS tks Bsstssk uUmU thing yon may bear or rend." He mabro It meat ta of tha Ustest stais obtslnahta, sad not peaaoa aOQuaotad wlU tha prefamMaa. Boosuae plain that be la tho engincor, BreinaD. luoam'tw MW Is Lm AsssIm, St Lsss Psik sa4 ta tb* oos Dumbar bat Oist has appeared at a Mtary of Ua great demand Btom muneroiM cnarltlce uis. SS OSMptSU HUM tsd and crew of bia atrike apeclal and his catofMin sot less than 9's aUke. Be there, that's Uoltsd States Ureas Oorporauoo far Ua glfantlc the lintel Sbenoan for tbe purpose of keeping in the face of the fact that the tarniture iraw all. Don’t forgat Uat this Is a ladies’ affair aa aa^and sbaw. ^ op the enibnsfaiiun. Bveiy attempt baa been mortgaged for 9o.UC0 to provide working capital well, so don't overlook bringing your wife and iiiatle to keep the Intereat focused on tbe for exi'ursiona in search of sympathy. Ilia recent order which was piscad by the daugl'Jera or best girl. And, shore all things, PUtad States OIrras Oorporstloo for speHslly actirlty of the leaders and to urge curiosity Keaulta are not worrying Muontfurd and hi* positively coaae. Yon will talk about Ue Out¬ dasMSiA motor tr icks and traUora Is said to at erery turn. Tbe paet week, however, bas cn w. They know the end that la bound to door Showmen of tba World’s Christmas Dinner amoaat la 9338.000 alone. In addltloa to that genu by without excitement, and with Ue tn- come, and the present is what they are playing and BaU at tbs Hotel Aator, Wedniaday, De¬ Ifrdt. Us Uaclnaatl mannfactnrer of carved lerest in the situation dying by degrees. The to tbe Umlt. The poor sheep whom they are cember 2T, 1916. for years and years afterward*. wasaas and fronts, has received Ue largest In- tweIfU floor of tbe MaJevUc Theater Building, leading to tbe alanghter are the ones ta lose; It will ha the moat glorious fraternal gathering dmdasl seder of Its kind ta history, totaling where managerial strength eonrentratea. was they will have to pay. What ■■ unpleaiwol ever recorded in the annals of outdoor show 914T.S00. Tbaae wagaas are to be fittad oa Ue ilcserted, except for rierka Tbe big ebiefa Christmas rarprise it must be to the utrinbere history. yijpfc dMflrtSe _ had gone Santa Claus shopping for tbe kiddie*. of tbe White Itats, who, at tte Bollcitatieaw of ladaad. with Us waU af tenUng aach a pro- A new angle to a possible strike exigency is Frank Fogarty, voluntarily raheciibed enaagh tentiaan avarlaad show oa sack as elaoarata Obiesgo, Dsc. 23.—Pinal arrangemsMta were pointed out by thcae who are ta dose tooch wiU money to clear tbe debt on tba furaiiure. thereby scale, and wtU mach at Ue aetaal work now made last ovenlng at a meeting of the Show- the unionism of Chicago. Rival moaldana’ le*Tlag.a conienient aaaet for Mouaifurd ta niM ander way and Importsat aegotlatlaas yet to meu's League of America for Ue trip to New nnlons and rival operatoia’ nntons hava been mooey on with whlclr to widea the chasm bo- ks eoQlndcd. President Prank P. SpeUman. Max York to attend Ue Showmen of the World's sparring for a foothold b«g« ter the past year. twaen managere and artiato. IMfcsnbaner, Roy Knabensbae aad Artbar Ran¬ Christmas Dinner and Ball. A special ear has If UoM in power at present step oat la aym- Moontford last vreek revivad the defanri Play¬ dall, Mr. BpeUmaa's peiaoaal lapreoeatatlva, are been engaged and a merry party wIB leave hety liathy with a Rat strika, tha abvtsM movt an er, having parted company with thr Orere teat, gaw a vary kaey groop of sboannen. Incidentally, Ue moraing of tbe 36tb over tte Michigan Oes- tbe part of tho oppoeitioo crowd will ba to flil which, apparently, having deridro wi.i.-o **ay Ua Unltod States Clrcaa OorporaUm bas bad traL Ona ar two who bad axpectad to go found their plaees wlU remarkable apead. tba cat would Jnmp, editorially itenreoeed tha ' Its show aadarwitttaa ter oao mOUoa dallarn, agi-dictator and hla eHqaa, briaging apeut a AaotlMr Interesting and Important teatnre af ■eversare of relations. Tbe $37.ho ii-r |Mg* |w‘sird form, gaged for baU merit and name, and are promlB <1 [ NO RAILROAD DICTATION I but, as of old, the excuses are ni- r l■•■lbtags, sesMtlaaa. It Is said the band leader In qnes- ainnsing to an extreme and little in.rr* la.-i- tlon to a party familiar to ronolc lovers all over dentally, in the very flret issue of Ih msnurac- the United States and contin' ntal Enrope. HI* tored material, which formerly netted Variety addltton alone wUl give conflnnstive evidence If the rapprochement now witnessed between the railroad presi¬ 9:i7.oO |)er page, Jamea William Fit/.l'atrick re- af the magnitude of the new, completely motor dents and the trainmen's brotherhoods does not foreshadow an al¬ miiida the artists of bia preaem-e in tbe ring Ited clr^. Ue Brut Wg one to break away from with Mountford hy misstating a few causes fur Ue railivads and atarike ont Independent af all liance against a common enemy it amounts at least to-an entente. Hiilekers among those who are next to the Inner other transportation tecilltles Mve Its own. We have seen in Europe that an entente may be as fierce as an alliance. workings of tbe order. He mcattuns about tha And where may the common enemy be found? If that possible vaudeville actors being abneed ami being forced NEW YORK HO! THE OUTDOOR to stand for it, hot be neglected to aay who antagonist is not the Government of the United States all signs fail. uilministers the abuse and who commands that SHOWMEN OF THE WORLD’S they stand for everything cooked np by the agl- DINNER It is plain enough that the railroads and the brotherhoods, so recently hostile, are likely to come to an agreement on the question of hours dictator, who Bays; “Discipline and obedlenre.’* (Oontinned from pago 8) lie says ti.c order lias nothing to conceal. Ue la and wages. But they contemplate something more than an adjust¬ riglit. It is the men tx hind the order who roo- laying ant the St'eakero* Table. And John P ment of their own quarrel. In the settlement they hope to commit ce;il all liicy reii, and even refuse to unport Martin la aa-lrPnv with the Job of decorating information which it is ?very member’s right tba Imprenaive Kvllroom before Ue enrtain goe- the President, the Congress and the Supreme Court of the United to ask for and to recelre. Thus the itattal np. Mr. Martin and W. H. Middleton were States to a private truce, agreement or treaty in which any rights that reiasne of Tlie Player print* only what is diepatched to Philad'Iphia to collect feur boxca benrilcial to tlie interests of the cllqne. and in ^romieed by the Quaker City mannfactnrer* showmen or the people at large enjoy will be ignored or surrendered. two or three instances almost says so Indirectly, ^Phlcb they did in good fashion. Harry Witt 1’ From an arrangement such as this it Is but a single step to a lint plain enough for tlie dlscrindimting ta ob¬ "doing llkewlee in Boston. W'.lllam J. Page In combination having a purpose even more sinister. If the presidents serve. Backed into a corner, Mountford and hla Unclnnati. John B. Warren in Chicago, and IxKly guard liuve dragged forth ■ nu>ulli orggn atbera eleewhere. of the railroads and the brotherhoods, fearful of national control that in a last attempt to ward off trntb and light Mr. William H. Poealdeon. Honorary Pr'-l will reduce both of them to subjection, can combine for defense, they oil their affairs, lint it cornea too late. dent of the Outdoor Showmen of the World Jumped to OinCmatl for hta Phriatmaa dinner, are likely soon to unite for aggression. Another little instance of tlie Inconsistency of and alao to IHng back the Cincinnati deleg i What if these interests, operating in thorough accord, were pres¬ Moontford claims and rnmura Is the denial that • tlon. which ndll prove very strong. John U Henry Ford Intended to back tbe White Rata’ Warren proralae* over flftv repr< aentative ahow ently to agree that there must be higher wages and higher freight strike. This piece of press work was ctnulaied men from rhi'ngo. and by the time fhla art'cle rates to meet them, and it should appear that a desperate situation in tlie West, and now prove* to tie flctlun of the appeara for onr reader* they will be nearing like that of last August had reproduced itself, with added terror, as the inipurest kind. From authentic souneu the New York City. D. P. Thily bas done rery rumor Ina been branded aa a distinct untnith, tzesDent work In Pittabnrg, and Is brlnglnT well calculated program of elements no longer at war with each other without even a aolid foundation to stand upou. oa a delegatio)! of twenty-nine. Harry Witt 1* bwC porSastly barmojiioiM in their reeiRrooal designs spos Oovenunent It developa that Henry Ford, tbe au' nuotiUs manufacturer, baa never beard of tlie Wldts bringing twenty-aeven fr^ IVarton. ■ad psapis? The Mat of ahowmea already In New York. Rata’ Union, and no one baa even appiswched ‘ and UoS” already on the way, win term tw Inialiinhti as tkte csalsetaiss ma' bs tt Is nswerMislsas s psateMMy. iihv on the subject. Thus la one more Mauot- lang a Mat for rv'attng at thi* tims. but everv MUaas Is nasst tbs tesus wMI Mates S a probstetUiy. By M»s teraw of ford yarn sbattared, wbMe tbe sgi-dicisior U aae of their names wltl he givea In tha boxt liniqr wMvIng more. Likeivlae. tiw S.'iO (kio whlrh lasae of TSie milbnard. Sntace ft ta say that tha ChastRstton Congroas is tteo mastsr. To sahaalt bo diotaiisa asw In Monntterd olalma to have revrived from Fred erery oatdoor • xpnnent of evecy swtdaor amnse- mssR thIngB wM hs 90 iaFtba cooFoioa IsAsr la msttoss that are vital. Zone aa a atrtko food baa aimmered down to ment who Is snyho»*y Is ne w*M be In V»w yme- tbe mortgage money raised on the fnmtrnre snd and at the Aator Orand Banrasm an Wednesday rwo cash reelsten. valued at 9-*«7!i. In anorher Sight. niiiiiMiimiiiiHitiumiiJiiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiinHMiliiiiiiifiiiiiHHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? Instaaea Moantterd dlMorta a atalemeai rredtied The matter of donsHona peotfosaaea wonder¬ to Irene FrankUn, which she made the St. Lmris papers deny folly. Bh* refuaes to bo fully. Polloaliig are anme of th» flrma and ahow- elasaed with White Bata ta any way. men who hav» streadv tnraed hi their ehecks they vreoM (le detalnaS os hnalnwa. aafl had ta Tho matuuren hare not retaxed In tlMdr vlg- It la a strange eolarideat that at the rema tor IMNI nr more reallslne that the snrpbia I* rive np their reaervatVma. bnt a nnaber or llane^ and tho T. M. P. A. has sent aoi lattm to go ta ehsiatv and beaevflieiiee. part to th" others have been adiM. ao the party is atfll Ifa o»«oih«rs to tflTRCW# i«aM «ldU time memNwa are wtthdrewing fmai the Wbita Rats, refnslng to be dnped farther or toklag Outdoor ahowaaen’a Ward af fhe AmaHcan Tbe- rrnwtar, and H bi eatimated that at least tfty to koe9 WtoI hoods. more ehanres of losing their meons of 11*#- atrteal Hoanltnl ta rhlmiso and part to the menibere of tbe Bbowmea'a Learoe will bo on Mhonl, appliratioM for memberslitp la the Na- Bbowmea'a l,eagiie of America, many membera of bond. New Yoth. Dee. 26.—Anothar week of “noth¬ llnaal V^odevtUe Artiato* Aasoriatlon are rren- both 1natl**itlrder. baa reslmed nneonditlonslly. oFer wait¬ fun aenihenhlp. Toth (hty. gifio- Johnny J. Jnnea 9100* The Maffa to poll on tbe artlsta who are sneper ting, ing and waicbipg for moneys dne him for fairh- IMilladetnhtn Tnhnnynn Cmnpaay 9''tl0: WlMlam A eperial m'ctJnr of the Foard of.OovMmors and rlnoMirlng for ■■ aof-onnting a* *reH. While fal aervirea readered. No money **■■ fervh- F. Dentael Catvaiael Worya $100; le A. Tl'omo- baa been railed for Weiln^ay evening, Jsunary Artftil Barry and bis rHqne have been darttna eoming for the reo.«OD that none <«a* tber* fta aOB teapte R''1way Comoany. 9100; National 3. at 8 p.m.. at the cInbrooaM. from plUar to poet In tbe Beet, tryliw ta the pnrpoaa. Monntford has rollerted no mswey Printing and Fngrayln* Company. 9100; Bamev ■vraken sympathy la their behalf, bnt wofnily ter lawyers or atbere who serve him eicepting Link. 9100. Many otbera indeed have donstnd failing In tbe attempt, their morementa have those in tbe toner eirrie. There Is wher* tba rnima raaeing hetween fioo and lean, sotshly t' e DANIEL FROHMAN IN THEATRICAL been farther deplettaff the larder of tbe WhMe money Jiagles natll It Is spest for excarataas Oryatsl Oksttny lee fSwnoanv. finals Psrker o' BUSINESS MORE THAN FORTY Rate, aod the doamed order Is now ae near the aad hotel snitos and peretnal adverttstog. the Wagon Wnrha at Mon-larwwn. N J." C. H edge of the preHplee that the idigtMeat gnat Ill the meantime the manager* are aaytira Anoatfoag. Fraak Me|r11|n Bodvard B. FraeM YEARS of wind from an aafarorable direetVm sriU aeod nothing, bat are coattnolng ta *101*4 pa* sM the Frdle mannfactnrnr- Hetiry Ihita. the Bley, It rreMIng ta the dearba. Meantford haa eeea deal fairly. They are fully preiared for any tra Toy fVn»fi» hoodrWl dollar* ir*11 him leea now tkaa It Ad In the old days when ■alary or else feM tbe White Rata Anars’ Pnlon his salary. Trips are streaana* affaire, so- andembtedly be rarnered tv Sara Praatdent Wit- ha went ta the earner aalaon or ta tha hang- ta Its atepa. with rilled pnehefa fnrned '•wide peeially when they are la aear<-b of sympathy, Mam TWmaldaoo awinga hta gaval for tb* grar oat at tha genaral atora.” ant. withnnt even tbe priee of a de»rei fnaersl. whirh doaa not show aay Mgaa at eamlu to tha time at the Aatoe at S p m. aa Wadnaaday. "What da yon thinh aa to the tetwn of the BThlle Mamnlford la elalmlag dnsnelal ann terat. The apeakem*l1eo to eaM Mltcbel. d*f New York- WIMam H. Thonioann "The Mtnattna today ie tha aaaie aa It hae a atrike to haavre the anVIde of the Whita Rets Bm rraitriatm, Oal.. Dee. Hi.—ffSoM^ that Mayor of nrn. the Hon. Mavar C. Ooldman; been ter Twenty-ive yvore.’' replied Mr. Freh It la made knoere ta N*« Tofh that the White the White Rats’ atrlht haa fllvsered here pso- the non. Oeorge If. Ball Oommlaaloner at man. “A good play will always he enoreeeDd. Bata order lo ae herd np ter wme.v that they valls antoog atanaffars. aha hs*» hees faUg Licensea for New Toek City; Honorary PraMdant aad to ha MrreiarfnI It nmet be rleao and tree hava mmvgnoed all the fnrnttnre and Nvlnge In prepared snd fortMled beMad extra sein |,aat ^naldaon, t>r Max Thaneh. Jahn B Warr*a. to hnman narnre. Tbe only (Uffereaee today !■ rhe natihnt)*e ter gA.nOn. most of arM'b Meant week delegatso apprnarhed araririeita regaedlaB O. Jarnev, AMiert B. Brown. Prank P. that axrm enmimatea are now sent aa the road terd and FItil'atri'k took witk them oo their a walkonL A meetlag bald by the Istie* re- ^rtlman. Jamea t fNeda. Jaba BfnrMog. whars they were set In other yeorn. and a rom- eernre ro the West last week. Mertgvgea wnnr- suited in a derision to art aoly to easy af a Twaa J. Itermlnr. Marr Itfaw sad B. F. AMiaa. nany Mn hae# a tang, aneesnafnl ina. am ooi rimee bring dneeHal eopport In a amah mreanre. anlvcrsal strthe of artota, Btsge bands deritaa Bart thelv anhieeta hae haen aaalgned thma. in New Yorh. bnt other ritlee. and that In why h*ii irhea Mreatterd atmehea thr f»<-ta ta a*tni to take any artlon whalevar aa ibs srrih* pt^s jy •morj-ing adff bg caaAsed to staty-Oye they now go ant with their own pta.rB.** proporrlone that It appear* He strike ritrret ulthm. Bam Manta met Onnner* WM*e anmrtea ta all. *1110 great hebhy af Mr. Frohmaa Is the Aetere* has a fortnne behind It. he la deertring himnelf repreieatatlya, to tba press are of iriraeww*. aad As to the enterta'nmaot. sntMnir hot the hear Pmid. Re has devoted hta aervleea ta thia more than the arilets. for they hare anme Mme dared hiiii to eaM g strike aa hto IHarri^) bM bean aaeomd Th« ftaa-an ramdsta af Csrl eharlty ter thtrty.«1x yean* aad It la largeir ■go lea rned erherr the money gore and irita oe- theater. rktaiMta had latlmatad that tf a strika tha aaara stacer; Mma. Oamentlng dne ta hto efforts that hnndreda af stase peeple eotapealee ft when It goes there. In spite ef ■Mterialtaea N artll eamt <■ g Hff day Mke Baabacb, messohsrplte; Mila. Ikanla. tesstnas; i of tba old dnyn are now onjoylnff a happy Chrlat- tba monay ■hartaga Manattecd and hto crew. Baaday as Mow Toor’a Rea-

4 DECEMBER 30, 1013.

In Um connt^, •• at »• prcient time Uot pedesui ring airt daUy at hla boma la Mam* ttprlav* bee nracb tu offer In tbU Une. villa, O., and aaya ba wUl ba wrlib out et tba LaUtn Lamb and Kleanore Uibaon, of tbe Bald* big toiM naat year. CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL «lu Stui'k Cuinpuiijr, Dulutb, bllnn,, are here for tbe bolldaye and batbing at tbe Maurice. Bad Carroll and Frank Bopnay art atin tValter C. Monegban, wuo belpa round Jeea with tba Wbaaltr Show In winter quarters at Mnlrklrk, Md.. and will remain until the last burn blown.

Obarlaa Sparki and T. W. Ballenger were re- ana tisnaa an invir again bo In charge of tbe flrat adrance car, and cent callers at Tba Billboard, Cludnnatl. and ^ ' . ■ _ otber agenta will probablj all bold o»er and mcmbera of the local Uotarjr Club tbe projio than went to tbelr winter quarters lu kailsbury ■as /ranclaco, Dec. ill.—Pacllle Ooaat w*' for aoit a)‘aeon. It la planned to aecnro tbe altlon to eetabllab a "beattb farm" In or near North Carolina. *’ ■OB are diapiajlug much Intereet In tbe Ontdoor h^tIcoo of additional agenU from aome otb<*i. Clydevi/nr K^el,rtiA.,., Dwight A.<>■ that Kelley le married and In the drug atore M^paF'ibeiirwoy bo be bia^fneau. Ibi Burk and raya Miaa Ktark, "nor have I any Intention of Jllli bnvlness at Rant Tawaa, Mk'h. Katlay'a atoie ■d Poloy will not bo able to attond on account doing ao. exc«*|»t with ‘the ahow thnfa difTerent ' Robert MIddieinaaa. Thla **’J;**^**"{*, "***_1***T Hartlgan aaya, la aa fin# a on# ti anyone woulii 5f tbe abort rime In which to rebuild tbolr the one I have been with for the paat Bre the Cbrlatmaa mating and night •“ •-•♦{j* ®^b< want to lay bla ayaa on. ibow. IVim Prior, of Vanlce, and Prank Burt, of neaaona." The ahow to which ahe refera la tbe returning to Hot Sprlnga for the (••I Beoeh. will be kept at borne on account of Al U. Hamoa Wild Animal Clrcna. Ingaing'a btx>kingbooking at the Amlltorinm.Amlltorlnm. ThlaIhla willnlll be Al B. Conlon, who was stde-abow manager of belaff tbelr barveat tltne. PIdem WIrtb waa — ' ' '■ — - — tlie drat dramatic show of tbe aeaaon. the Bells-Floto Circus In IRl'J, end manager of raady to go, but cannot on account of tbe arrival ■ a ■ b a ■ nr a mn ia ‘Tl'l*Tide eltycity and Its vlaltlng patronage are kwh-kwh* tbe plantation tbow with in# Btmnm A Bailey of Say Wlrth and tte family bars Obrlstmos ••I. A. B. P. A B. OF A.«. NO.raw. 34ow Ing forward with pleuaant anticipation to tbethe Clrcua In 1814, le atage mtnagar of tbo Strand Day from Aaatralla. . « , R—i.Mt.r n ▼ Cl’^ncr of Bernhardt, who la Ixaiked for Theater In LouUvllle, Ky. ^Meald tbe big dlaaer. be in knnnal affair Roch«.ter. ^*N. Y..* • ~'*V^ *2.-M'ke," CLncy.J" •; of, riS'*"'I’elwuury. The S^If^rLahDivine 8»rah ^al*waa her#h^r'.^mveJM several aaetber year wlU ape a biff dstogstloa oa band |b«H* Rhith" uiHi 'wna’^V*wna « ancat*ancat at y'**''y*'' •"'* • welcome*•*•«>"'* awalta•’'■He herber on Mr. and Mrt. Baldwin. Mr. Bell and Mr. Mo- ftern tbo Oooot. !!^ihl mmUp of No a* Sndand waa alvilnelven ''er return. .'lanHiter.Manager J. Prank Mead, of the nette, of tbe Rice, Bell and Baldwin li^lie, were royally entertalneil by Henry Stantx at bla - *a^r3g'*a'**r3l?'re'?rpMSS. re'^TpIlSS. “'B?rnn?d'B?rlrd*’ Rhehen.Rheh.r of* the ^“'^‘“riiirTheXVn;"Vin." *7n\eXw beautiful borne In Toleilo, O., week before laat, MILLER BROS.’ 101 RANCH DnilnaDallaa (Tox.) Ixwnl.Ixwal, alsoalao atteniV'dattenik-d the me ting. •I‘*t'e•*‘*'** fw Ibe coming nlnteraaintera *^***’'’'■«**<>*t* J. Augnatua Jonea and Kimer II. Jones are ex* Tbe trouiie waa appearing at tbe Arcade Tbeater, Dan Cohen haa loft for IVtrolt m*hore Toledo, at tbe time. lib n— 90 nr If im—oa »bA hail will probably oonneot with tbe advertising stair jarted after the drat of the year, when the of Vhehlah ^h^ ho«Sr7i TK Wl OtlHf Theater. • former will look ovrr altea for iwrmanent winter A number of old-timera. Including A. E. Web¬ Hhini” la“ hoa^ln U HBlnlM (inartors •>»«'ry Kellar la bark from the big oonventlon quarters for the attraction he cootrola. known ber, J. C. Allen. Walter McGInDla. Walt. PnwelL Bun^^of hiab.mde 't Mlnneniiotla. where lie waa clootod dfth vloe* at the Cole Bros.* Clrcua. which la now wintering Albert Powell, Jr., l ew Miller and Billy HowanI, toUrS SSSet -fteyTm W eflwmd president of the International AUlan.w. Words In Riverside. are enjoying life tbla winter touring Sonthem Florida In a yacht. -a.’ Qevelaitd, Who was wHb tbe 101 Ranch I • o. ■hew nt the tian Prauctaco Kxiwaltlon, baa WORLD FAMOUS KILTIES BAND H. Henry, performer. Informa na that a man aborge of tba FreSb Haef Department, and la with lettcra In bla ixaiaesalnn addreased to Roxy laobl^ after tbe ktllliig of beef cattle for the Bovler, of Roi and Pearl Unvler, wan killed In ladtaa oeutrects. Ue will be remembered os an autoniobila accident November SO, near Ia* tbe aame party who held a almilar position with fayette, Ind. the 101 moving nlctnib department under W. A. Brooks In Gallfomia. Jack L. Bledaoe. care manager of Cooper Broa.* Hunting nnd trapping taws never better on Shows, wiilcb cloned the season at Gnadalnpe, tbo rencU than It hue been this wlntar. Clavo- Cal., Decemlier 10, will spend the winter at Ism laad want out one night rmontly end brought lu Angeles, making the Hotel Bherman hU betd- tea 'peaanme two coons and a muekrat. Dome qnartera. He haa been re-engaged for next eea* tiappore have boen busy on tbo 101 Ranch son. onccnlat n large number of akunka. Jlauny Oomuch Is driving Col. J. 0. Mtller'a aaca ea Uio ranch this winter. Ha bald tbe Since cloaing wItb tbe Yankee Robinson Cir¬ ens Orville Speer has been at hla home In Aber¬ Mme paMtlaa erltb tbe ebow. Jee Lewta. tbe Jew clown, who was with Uie deen, S. D., where he it haa been an cold 101 Mbew tba pant aeaaon, etopped off en route ^ jBrfflste a« 27 below xero. He will again be seen vrith ts ble beam and spent n few days with the the old Yank Gbow, seaann of 1017,

Tba lot Ranch Moving 1*101010 Department Johnny Marinella waa kept busy while play¬ will commence taking pictures about May 1. ing the Arcade Tbeater. Toledo, O., entertain¬ and will contlnuo throagbout tb^ aeaaon. On ing hla friend traiqiera of the Ringllng and nccoont of anfavorahte weather they have con- Ilsgenbeck-Wallace cirenaet who are vrlnterlng* elnded to dtacontlnne tbe moving plctnres there. Johnny snyn his act waa a Mg hit at through tbe winter moutbs. ’ 2i Springfield. Hamilton, Dayton and Toledo. K. L. WllllMa, who lias charge of tbe 101 ? I ■ frae^ feaiuree, baa arranged a program and P. B. Colville has gone to Igke Cbarlen, La., puts on picnares In tba big 101 dining room - i ' to aiiend tbe balance of the winter aa a gneat of twlra a week. ' > the Rlks* (’luh. He will go to Bt. Ixmla abont J. B. Kent and wife, of Chandler, Ok., apeat n I March 1 to prepare for the enmmer campalgll. few daye on the raneb. V J iV ' ^l‘' Colville sends the following !!«♦ of towns In r. 0. Mooler. of tbe North A Jodd Mfg. Oo.. tonislans snd Texan with prohibitive llrenaea: Mew Britain. Conn., baa sent Col. Miller a Donaldnonvlile, Ta.: NapoIconvUIe. Ig.; Frank¬ beaatlfnl bridle bit, representing a aix-ahooter lin, La.; New Iberia. I.a.; Morgan City, Ig.; an each side, which Is qoUe a novelty and lake Charles. Ig.; Alexandria, La.: Texarkana, sdmliMl by all wb» oio It. Tex.; ShreveiKirt, Ig.; Monroe. Ig.: DeRldder, Ralley C raon has charge of tbe cattle de¬ La. TTie license, he nays, must be taken ont for partment. and la busy branding and detaoming one year, and will vary from one to two hundred stoera and getting cattle in the feed lots. dollara.

I nnPTTA TtSflMA RMTIIRM The HurldWorld PanMaiaKanssis KlllleaKllllcs BaiiU,Band, oiirone iX Uir .arxest,.arxeat, iu.«tui.«t ex|exis-iislvc and iiiost hniliaiu bauds trav- ' wino nmi wniw elingaUna withirlth any i-nm'ifim' lnalioolnal'oo sliow,aluiw, havinr 30SO soloists,auloivta. singersalnxcra and daivi-rs,<: ts announced aa a feature at- DO YOU RRMRMBRR _ , ^ , ...... tracUuntracliun (or the liitemationallyliitemaJlonally famousramaus World at Home Shows forfoi 1917. When George O. Starr waa manager of Bmn- The iBretta TwIm are back In tbe Statei nell's Museum, on Broadway, near Ninth street, after a foerteen oMioths* tonr of Anatralia end ■■ New York. can not describe tbe welcome he waa given u|)on The Campbell Broa.* Carnival Show has alaoo When Sam Smith waa announcer for the Btr- Dtnver'.'c.i* While‘“rs’yd^i^! Ms return. gonee„I^|„trJ Into winter quarters In tbla city.—Donglaag Dam Show? tabv -nl ‘mfTnt'Sn IliiS John O'Neil, honaehouse managermnnager of the Avon TheeThen Hotchkl-.Hotcbklae. When McIntyre and Heath and Dick Sands ter. has gone to Camtien, N. J.. to spend the performed In the concert of the Barnnm Showl w'^ttS'krn.?*#^ bolidaya. When Johnny Baker managed a theatrical Ja<-kJa<*k Jsekson—DropJackson—Drop a line to JnckJack Collins. SANTSANTOS & ARTIGA8 SHOWS comosn.T In Mohnken for two niehta? Kid Hamilton baa left for Ontario for the When W. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) was a star (CoDtInned from page 22) E. H. JONES IN ST. LOUIS boHday*.bolidaya. . „ .k , In The Prairie WalfT ___ Holmes. Kellar and Barthemolay were re- able senaonsensor for tbe Santos A Artigas Circus,a. When Madam Dockrell, Charlen W. Fish and ■* Ionia Dec 22_K H Jonea oroorietor ele<-ted delegatesdclecatea to the CentralOnfrnl TmdeaTrades meednv.meeting. both on tli«the road ami in Havana. the Jeal Sisters were performera with the Btr- .1 nnm Show? aJd m^^ oTtke^nwr B^.?' ^owM a. , The next meeting of WlLocal 34 wlUwill be held Santiw A^ Artigas have gone into this on a real aoeUtfed with J. Angnstne Jones In Cole Bros.' January 26. ahowiuanshlshowjuanship plan. They have taken advantage Orena, la making a abort bnsinem visit hera. «cf f their HavanaHr engagement to carry on a pub¬ D. G. POLLACK IN EAST O. B. ▼anHomc. manager Alabama Minstrele; COL. CODY’S TELEGRAM llidtylicity csnicampiign covering the entire Island. Mrs. VanHome and Mrs. Erlckaon, manager Vir- _ Th*yThey have not overlooked any point that could gtwia Mlaatrela, are alao In town. All ere atop- „ be turned tu' their advantage. They have gone New York. Dec. 23.—David O. Pollack, tbe riilcngo. Dec. 23.—That Col. W. F. Cody’s plag at tbe New American Annex. All three Chlcnito. Dec. 23.—That Col. W. F. Cody s intoInto the ctcl cus business In Cuba to slay. They man who pats the cirenn and carnival world In reported illness Is pet ao serious as It was a abows are said to have "come In with tbe reported illnem is net so serlnns as it was a have In'orainformed the public of tbelr intentions in overalla, in In New York, hiving arrived from b^oon." **”'*first thonglit to be lais learned Inin a telegram • very em a very emphatic way; ao. snmmlng It all up Onbkonb (by gosh), Wlaconatu. Dave is most _ cecelxececelxetl.1 a few days ago In Chicago by C. B. hrielly. theythe have more than made good. Chrysler. It reads: "I got caught In a Wyom¬ certainly In the Bast on business, and has lent Chrysler. It reada: "I got caught In a Wyom- Alliers'ai*vo..o- iPolar I’.eors are late arrivals on the Inging bllzaanibllzxani and contracted a cold. Will be all I ti.,..,,, no time In announcing that he Is willing to it- HAGENBECK-WALLACE CIRCUS Havana program: they rpened big. This Is the - right tomorrow. Beat wishes.—W. F. Cody." Jiw, Mar teml the Showmen's Christmas Dinner In Sew first polar bear act Cuba has seen In a great York In some of tbe Jeans made In his factory. Last aeaaon the Uagents-ck-Wallace Clrcua-innny year* iiiany years. Torcat's Animals are yet to open. At all events be will be there on the night of Demarc; 's Animals opened big last week, tbe SrioTSi "slwillS H“%\&'^o‘ta’;e‘’u NUMEROUS 8HOWFOLK IN HOT ‘tycie*iSl tbe 27tb, bln biiHlneos keeping him here until the bicycle-iidiiig monkey proving the big bit of Brat of the year. traaoDoneil In three aectiona all of the time. SPRINGS. ARK. I the act. tot long aad abort mna. Tbe "Bying aqaadrun" The arrivalarri of Tlie Billboard Is an event wOl be a regular thing with ttie show. (Continued from page 22) ae>x>ndseixmd to nothing el84 that coulil happen In BARS UP IN COLFAX, lA. As tor tbe arenic performance, all that Is CubaCuba. boot of the 1»16 program will be retalncil. and people. "Billy""Billy” laIs In rei-elptreceipt of letters from Charles Andress, J rry Miigivan. Bert Bowers te this will be addeil aeveral featnre acts, moet Charles Andress, J rry Miigivan. Bert Bowers An ordinance was adopted by the town council and (7ns Sun. atatiiig they will be here Imme¬ UNDER THE MARQUEE of wblcb have been already engaged. Fred and fins Sun, stating they will be here Imme- UT of Colfax, la., recently putting a ban 00 Jewell will again have charge of the musical diately after tbe firsttlrst of the year.year, (Continued from page 2S) all minstrel shows, street fntm. vaiuleville department, and Warren Irons vrill bare tbe In addition to the above there Is a band of shows, vfc. The ordinance prohibits and sup- alae-ahew. Pal Bnrke win again be in charge leaserlesser lightsllghta in the circusclrcua hnsiness,hnsinesa, who havehnve Frank Miller,Mil and tbe rest of th# bunch vrith pre«scH all minstrel aliowrs. circuses, street fairs, af aasts aad Inside tickets, and RlacMe WII- taken apartments at the various boardinghoarding houses,house*. theI he Ten RlBig. He saw the Great Calcedo during md all vnudevillc and sneh like performances, ■aoM vrill be in charge of props, while Biid It Isla more than likely, as a result of a confer-confer¬ Septcmlier.Scptemlier. the .only showman since he went whether minent cirensclrch's |in>>motera, for enforcement of sanic. n»d WMte Oldknow will again have charge of that permanent winterwin'er qiiartera wHIwe t.surest eircivtcIrciWi sttrsetlonssttsxetions ring gymrgymnast and aeiisllst. Is practicing hla tbe shew. vrlU have presonal charge of the re- FRANK MARSHALL ILL building «*f the show eoniuipent. vrith Mr. Curtis aervi,

DECEMBER 30, 1916.

Alistralian News Letter Mf XASTW 0. BSnWAX WANTED FOR SIDESHOW Brdnrr, Anitralta, Nor. 23.—Tb* crantrr it r NewConventions to tbt tbrot* of A coal atrlka, tbe moat aarloat In tba btatoiT of tbla coaUnoiit. Manjr tbou* riNKEE MBINSON WILD ANIMIl dlCUS Modt of people are Idle and a majority of tbe -SEASON 1917- AUXOVA tbeitera are cloaed. Globe—State Fad. Womvo'a Globe, tarn. IS-Sl. I want Trained Birds and Monkeya. Tbe White City la now undergoing n eonrae OEoneiA of repair. It trill be open early next month, I want a g|M>d Colored Band and Minatrela. Atbena—Ga. State Dairy A Live Stneb Asm. and tevernl added attractlona are promleod. T. I want a Comedy Jufaler. . Mataard. Tbe failure of tbe corapniaory laaLO will mean I want goodj^blgh-claas Freaks. Dea Mnlneo—State Bnttlera’ Aaen. Fab. S-f. F. that all thoee railed up will bo releaaad tbla I want any novel Act that can work in Side Show. 0. Bally, Maraballtowu, la. month. Proridlng tba coal atrlka la ahortly aet* Dev Molnea—Iowa I’reaa Aaan. Feb. S-O. 0. I want good Ballyhoo Acts. L. Caawell, Denltou, la. lied and affaire come down to anything like Dea Moinra—la. Retail Ildwe. Aaan. Feb. IS-lSl iKimial again, bnrineao aboold be trry brink for Address - - A. L. 8ALVAIL, Trnmont Housn, Nashua, N. H. A. R. Rale, Maaon City, la. the new year. P. S.—If poaaible, please tend photos, which 1 will return. Dea Molnea—la. l‘bArma<'eiitlcal Amn. Feb. SS* 22. Al Falkenbfimer, Algona, la. Hen J. Kniler In producing. Tbe Uunylp, a Dea Molnea—la. Butter Makera' Aaan. Fafeb Cbiietmaa pantomime, totally Aontitillan In 20 22. A. W. Rudlick, Amm, la. rbaracter, and It will Include a number of local Dea Molnea—la. Retail Monument Dlra.' Aaos. Jan. 18. R. A. Webater. farorttee. Imported apeclaltlea will be need to Dea Molnea—Am. 1‘olleil Hereford RraedafY help tbe allow along. ^ WANTED FOR Aaan. Jan. 30. R. F. .Uammuu, Cot Teaebont Lew Dunbar, wbo ancceeded Murray J. Si¬ Bldg. Dee Molnea—Zlateddfnrd Aaan. Feb. 21-22. Jeo. mona aa producer of Den J. Fuller'n Polllee of W. McCauley. rienaore. will leare for America by tbe next JOHN ROBUBM'S 10 8W MOWS Ft. Dodge—la. Automobile Din.' Aion. Jgn. I. boat, owing to tbe aerioue llincaa of bla mother. 10. G. W. Trematn, oecy. SEASON 1917 He ban be.>n a big encceaa aa Irlnb comedian XZXTUOXT with the combination. Contneting Agent, Car Managers, Press Agents, Brigade Agents, Union Billpoaters, Lonlavtlle—Aaan. Ky. Retail Clotblafg* Agon. Tbe Paoalng Show of 1016 will be prcalnced Lidi^aphera, Bannermen, Programmert, Route Riderw, Checker>Up, Mail Agents, Jan. 16-17. Fred Levy. at tbe Tivoli here next Monday. Sydney Jamea Car Cooks, Porters and Paste Makers; alto Secretaries for duree advance cars. All MASSACBTTSZTTB and hli lioyal Strollera will be aiipportcd by parties holding contracts acknowledge to and all address Boatou—Am. Road Bldra.' Aaau. Feb. B-S. ■, acveral other capable people. Hugh D. McIn- GEORGE C. MOYER, Box 368, Amarleus, Gaorgia. I> I'owera, ISO Naaanu at., New York C1W« toab la tparing no expenoe to make tbe new MIirxESOTA ahow a winner. Fairmont—Minn. Crop Improvement Aaau. Fab, ISIS. C. I*. Bull, L'niv. Farm. St. I'aul. Tbe Tivoli Folllee are acbednled to reopen In Lake City—Minn. State Dalrynien'a Aaan. Jan. Mclbonnie during tbe coming week. They hare FOR SALE-Man-Eating Shark 1710. F. D. Currier, Nicollet, Hina. been very oucceeafi'l here. Minneapolli—Minn. Kngineera A Surveyora Soe. Tbla U one of Vtr l*rinre'i $300.(10 nutflM. Rhirk, nubalnuri, 8 fvM half. In etmpw eaaket, Plata glam top, Feb. 7-0. Geo. 11. IlerrobI, 22S1 lAUgtord sve., Dollinger rnd Reynolda, whoee Fun cm a Wire food Rblpplng raw, banner 8x10. Flint mimw onk-r fur IIOO.OU takra It. Want for Hraiwai lOlT, llvo Prraka St. Paul. act baa been a feature In tble eonutry for for Plat/oem Bbow. Addreaa HARRY RAMI8H. Box 041, Paaaaeela. Fl^da. Mluaeapolla—StateMlnaeapolia—State Soc,Soc. of Aarl.Agrl. Jan. 6-12.W-12* eighteen montba, left for tbeir retnrn to Amer¬ Tboa. II. CanBeld,CanBeid, llamline, Mlnu. ica Inat week. bill are Pearl Ladd and Vllllera Arnold, Connor RYLEY COOPER WEDS Minneapolla—Minn.Hlnneapolia—Minn. Foil.Peil. Farmera' t'lnbo.CInbe. JaSkJaau 1-8. L. \V. Fablaren, Nortb Rt. Paul. and Wit, George Dixon, Maaon and I.e Cain. - law. Hiw Oetta. a San Francloco ahowman, wbo _ . T . r\.aa.i..u . MInnoapolla—NortbweatMInnoapolla—Nurtuweat l.umlM-rmen'l.umltermen Aiuin.Anan. Jan,Jaa,Jai bronght tbe Sim. Where Are My Children, to Predo Roya. and otucra. Mailer, Duggan and Phelen MiMakemake ja.ig. p.r. ww. Tuttle. lOlS MrKniabtMrKnIabt Bldf.Bide. Minneapolla—Minn. Harneaa Makers' Aaan. thin country, la recovering from a aomewbat The Arleya, “men up tbe pole.” leave for New Things LivsiyLlvsIyLivgly for thethe Newlywedsids Minneapolla—Minn. Harneaa Makera' Aaan. Jaa.Jai ■ ■ '■ 16-17. John Rprey, I.eSneur Center. acute attack of facial paralyola. The picture, Zealand tbla ^*'***' LoaLom Angelea, Dec. 21.—Courtney Rpley Cooper, Minneapolla—Minn.Minneapolla—Mlnn.^’ Retail F'nrnltureFnrnlture DealerafDealeruf tbanka to clever newapaper publicity, baa been (ational novelty In tbla country. author,itlior, preaa agent and newapapemian par ex- Aaan. Feb. 7-8. W. I.. Orapp,Grapp, 009 N. W. a aucceaa, and la now In the Sftb week of pop¬ The LaMerta. Meredith and Adnll, Dnranto cellence,Hence, waa maiTieoedonta, aliould harehave been the happleat MONTANA very aucceoaful run here, la repeating box-oiSi-e The La Tonra have ie«Tired a derelict fox- bla young life. It prooably would Have Boxeman—Farmera' Convention. Jan. 22 27. bualneM In BrlHbcine, and will aubae<]uently terrier, whicli Is gradnall, getting Into shape ^neJrthe'‘Nerir of"''paT8c Coarrabow^ NEBRASKA tour New Zealand. and will take a place In tbe act sbortly. men; Walter Duggan (whom Cooper allegea la Haatlnga—League of Neb. Munlrlpalltleo. Jes. Wlrtb'e Clrcua la In Melbourne, where bua Art Marten, boxer and acrobat, with Abbott. “ P"?* •*'*"*’• Billy I'beb n. manager of Unacoe C. Oinmn, 423 First Natl. Bank Ineaa baa been good deapite bad weather. The the Meio-a Wieerd left foe ,h. P..t reeenti* **'* Rtowell. wbo kindly Volunteered to Bldg., I.IncoIn. tne Merry wizard, left for tbe fcaat recently |„,|p y, t ooper la-ooinc entangled in tbe bonda Omaha—Neb. Lumber Dlra.’ Aaau. Feb. 7-#. bmtliera have erected a palatial manolon over They will subaeqnently go to America. of matrimony. Gmaha—Neb. Retail Jewelers' Aaatt. dt Njk, looking Little Coogee, Sydney. Tbe realdence ActsActa coming 1olo tbla country abonld aee that day Cooju-r was arwafed Optical Roe. Feb. -. ran be aeen for mllee around. . J - w* I K* * . on a fake ebargo of abacondlng from Tbe Denver NEWvgiy YORK tbeir paaaporti are brought right up to date I'uat, and held lii durance vile for acveral houra. St. Leon’a Clrcua la atlll tonring the Northern | The American Consul befe la moat particular Mr. Stockdale. owner of tbe hotel, was kind (T) Sew York—Interstate Mantel A Tile Dlie.' Rlvcrf to very aatlafactory bualnew. In this reapect. and' goes to extremes iu the endngli to fum'ah bond, while Phelen secured Aaan. Feb. 1317. T. J. Foy, SSO Mala OCi Tie New Zealand falra are In veaaon, and ClDcinnati, O. matter of proving bona Odes. tbe license for Cooper. It waa unfortunate that tbe many Itinerant ahowmen who take tbe yearly Mr. Phelen. who la owner of a number of NORTH CAROLINA trip to tbe Dominion are not aa plentiful aa Allen Doone is playing Tom Moore tbla week, pedigre^ dogs, from force of bablt, called at Raielgb—N. C. Forestry Aaan. Jan. 24-26. I. Tbe prodnetloa waa last played here by Andrew tie same disk at which be aecnrea licenaea for g. Holmes, Chapel Ilill, N. C. ommI owing, no doubt, to many of them enllatlng Mack several years ago. Doone's Interpretation After some delay tbe mistake waa Balelgh—N. Optometrlc Soc. Jan. 2S-24. W. wttb tbe eolora. 'c. is ft ftrr oo€. ftod coidm in foi mneh ^ ^ ^ C, Pmslcr, Durham, N. C. A vaudeville company promoted by a foreign w ■ very muo uue. >nu cviun lu i i m <.n i)„pltc the efforts of the conaplratora Mr. Balelgh—Cotton Mfra.’ Aaan. of N. C. Jaa. —. oyndlcate will probably play the Far Eaet early eulogy. Cooper, aided by the resonrcefulDess so often h. O. Miller, care Bulldera’ Exebaaga, Cker- Common Clay waa produced at tbe Criterion found In a press agent, overcame all diflIenUiea, lotte. next year. Theatre laat Saturday. Since then the bonne ■"<1 the "tortured” couple left today for Denver, Balelgb—N. C. Couf. for Social Service. Jox. Walter Johneon la now produedng American has been dark, owing to the strike. The same “*** 23^20. E. K. Graham, Chapel Hill. boriciKine, under the Fuller management. In Mel¬ bourne. Lllyan Maaon and Helen Le Cain, wbo (Hmdltlon of affalra prevaUa at tbe other picture - ® n*„‘S.*!7”Uieh ^o ^ ^ 'were membewa of tbe original company, will be bonwa. MURPHY IN NEW YORK llM.riSi^N"c Aaan. Mld wlntar. Jaa. Mr. Wlllla. manager of Fox Pilma, arrived . — H. Pratt, Chapel Hill, aeen In a oerlea of tabloid burleaqueo at tbe here last week, and la located at the Orm'a New York, Dec. 22.—Among the many show- BMelgb-^arollna Munlclj^l Aaa^ Jaa. 10-11. Priaceea, Sydney. Mlae Maaon will produce, and the aggregation will be atrengthened by the dty o«ce. Pitt street. Mr. Wlllla te getting RMri^b-N.'^cf' AnTTsS^n L^. Jaa. U. bielaalon of “Porky” Xeama aa principal co¬ over a good deal of ^nd and vriH be -ettl^l 1^7“ J." F.^Mul^h “ pt^ejrof tSTc«' ^ median. down to regular business within tbe next few American Show#. Mrs. Mnrpby accompanied TEXAS Tbe amuaement tax la becoming operative tbla days. him to New York on Monday from Sumter, N. Austin—Texas Woman’s Preaa Aaan. Fab. 21. Carey Wllaon. foreign representative for Fox C., wher** the American Rbows are winter quar- j. |>. Alexander, Box B26, Claro, Tex. month. Some of tbe bonoee are adding tbe Kllma. left for America last week. He enjoyed f***' Dallaa-H^ware A Im^plement Am. of Twu coat on to tbe public right away. . .M. aC n..M.i..4H. h..w IncldenUlly Mr. Mnrpby begins bla sea- 24-26, Brooks Tingle, Harry Tauda. tbe Japaneee eQUlllbriat, la a wide measure of purulartty here. „ Sumter, on Marcb 17. under headlining at the Natioaal, Sydney, Aloo on the Hoyt's Pictures have taken over tbe Cinema tbe auspices of the Shrlnera. There will be but ... „ w . . 7'beatre, Mosman. a retj pretentloua house in few changes on tbe Great American caravan for FoBd « Mc—Wla CTeeae wkera asm. jan. a aalnbrioua seaside locality. Btndnesa la very .T"'* ^ . Murphy baa reaaon to be aatiaded with tbe WASHINOTOV en^rarrg._encooraglrg. _ aucceoa attained by blabis show duringdaring Iblf1916. Felix opokane—Northwest_MArthwMt MiningMtnine AMamb Fab.Fob. 11-21. A cable announcea tha« Marion Wllllama. Blel has been re-engaged as general agent, J. H. a Bailor Bib First ave well known here as a aoobrelte. baa joined the Moore and H. H. Bain as promoters. Alberta ' ’ wvwhvwta Keystone studios at Loa Angelea. Cal. •*»'" •• ?’ ™ . >...1. w—i. WAAbiA. I. AA- rnr.AiiAt.iA. .* aEalu aa trainmaster, and be will also hold forth Cbarleaton—W. Va. Lumber A Bldra.’ lUFW Ernie Voekler la now rtaaplinlziiig at the hlgh-dlvlng dogs. Prof. Dlra.’ Awm. Feb. 1-8. G. J. Dlckeraob, 2ll Lycenm Theatre. He la mally the beat of tbe LePore returns again with bla sixteen-piece Sixth ave.. Hnutingtoa. glTAll.lSHIl IMt. many imitators, and drs'wa great crowds to aee bond, as do also the Diving Qalncys, the pretty ‘WISCONSIN Tl9 MmrhM i Omifuift ?oKth*‘h^rf7^r’wbJri' AllrtarS’a“5i M.dlw»-Sootbern Teachers’ Aaan. Feb. 17. Vogel and Howells. local 6Im Importera. have Shw also ^a beer^re enMgS?^ Thw Madison—Wla. Industrial A Commercial CoA- HIT IMraM enritlM, secured the anie rights of the Ivan Film pro- „ni be no girt showa, no '49 camps, no grift .-.FTf*’ fil 9l largafaH, It Itttfy ductlona, which feature many notable.stars of joints. Murphy is a modest and far-vlsloned Madison Wit. Aasn.^Reai Estate urokero. ran. t fha mnriA world showmau, and will not allow Immorality or __. suk _ Donelaa Fairbnnka Is brine acrecned at the K»"'Wlng on his outOt. Hla conceaaiona will be Madison—Natl. Conv. Beekeepers . —» In MtRtai. Ponglas Fairbanks Is bring screened at tbe ,nd there win not be an nnattacheo - Wa Iba tba losl laoda at poaittvaly Lycenm in Minhattan Madnesa. The comedian f. male In bla ensemble. Hla fronts are being ALLPIM LPAVES MORRISON ON Lowaal FriMs. la immensely popular here. completely paneled for next year, and all will __ Wa want svaty Salmbeaid Opw- William Szarka la expected b.xck bere ezriy Will Have Own Carnival ComDAliy ttor and Pianrinm Man to base ana. • .k. XI. k.. - ...... —I «... _ onarters. Other features that the ahow will carry **••• nave uwn oarnivai xrompany If yon dwift *o mva in the year. He has secured several sole le- this year includeinrind. Capt.rant Rtarsel’satarsri'a RnbmarineRnhmarinr Next Season liiiiihMM writs for our eauliWM to¬ leaae*. ao 'tia said. Show, mounted on auto trucks carrying ffve day and bs eonvlnead. “Billy” Howe, secretary of the Picture Show- model anbmeralbles. and J. B. Cullen’s Hlnrion J. A. Allen, who baa beer. se-leTafT a^ men’s Aasoriatlon. has retuned from Melbourr- Show, as well as bis Mlnatnl Show, J. C. treasurer of . ia AAAr...nA. with Vxn Camp’s Battle In the Sky. Mangels la re- June 12 laat. will reaign hla position on Janb- MORRISON & COMPMY where he hsa be« n engagi^ In conft renre with jp^pjjng the merry-go-ronnd. and the other two ary 1. after which he win d' vote bla tlaw «e tasaaawie "la laedaa A Hawt—« showmen of that dty. , Indications are that tbe yiitpa to he carried In 1917 are the ferrla wheel the organization of hla own caravan, to tra^ wboUbbauc JNWBXH new union Is going along nicely. and a WWp. and possibly a portabl Frolic, under the title of the Greater Alpha Shows Mj. and opnoiAiti. Sergt. 1>ed Knowles, whilom publicity man Murphy has proven himself a good mixer among ABen haa also acted as man«er during H. J. sia-tlt W. Hadtaas It. ObiMifc Uk «e tk. >nrAii >rh.arA> lAft for ■■-rir. a>rTl.-e i*’e hoys In New York City. It Is plain to see Morrison’s llincaa. Mr. Morrl—n sithowgh ^ of the TIvoM Theatre, left for actl e service he I# a man without tempersment and not proving gradually, is still condued tu bto bad "Tba Moat RallaMo sod Lmrak Fltaa ilen«e In Awwiica.” i^cently. harassed by the fear of com petit! on. NotMiig J in Somerset, Pa., where he hsa hU ehowa atoreg ■■ lands him higher in the writer’s estimation than I for the winter. As soon as be hr* israwMM KeefriBg onr Mall Department adrioed of yonr hla re-engagement of practically the aame beads he will move tbe ontfft to Plttobnrg to gat N rente faclUtates the baadliag of yonr aMll. of all hla departmenU sod advaueo staff. I in shape for the 1917 tonr. Tt%e Blllt>oar

BIGGER AND BETTER BEASON 1917 WILL OUTRIVAL ALL THAN EVER PREVIOUS EFFORTS DORMAN & KRAUSE SHOWS One of the most suooesshd shows the past seasoo. Always pla^ang good territo^. Show is now being enlarged to twenty oars for coming season. New Philadelphia Toboggan CanwaaeUs and New Whip. Will open in March in South Carolina. Want to book MONKEY SPEEDWAY and other good SHOWS. Have front and complete black top outfit which will fiimish to person putting on first-class show. L^timate oonoessiona, write. Address GEO. F. DORMAN, Winter Quarters Dorman & Krause Shows, Box 397, Darlington, S. C.

Mr. Beatty's forcaa daitag IBIf. Ha waats to Mt ceatiaeto, as tba aowadaya oanlTsl man SELLS-FLOTO QUARTERS bear treae bis Meada. Isekj at It. Owe Btaata. "woclA's premleri’ banaar Ool. Jobs Meet* to nine aemUng la fat ea- aqaarer, la wriatorlng la Maapbls, handling a tretopaa tom territory mocb eougbt after, and A HIVE OF INDUSTRY Utlioanpb ronta Cor the I^e Vbeatar, aa la- K tbe Meeotoy Sbowa ace aot way la It neat tematlooai GlraiM booae. Oena baa baaa want- year It writ be a wonder. STREETMEN lag to ace bis aame In print an ba oeiild send M OUear K. Haaer will hare tbe Aotodrome. to the folka ap In Mbmeaota. He will ba oon- BUodrome and tba HUe-a-Mlimto Oal again SbIbb Board Man, Paddla Wheel Henry B. Gentry Peraonallir neeted with Hagenbeck-WaUace again tba cm- neat year, and. In retaining mmA a feature. Hr. Man. Concesalonalrcs, Carnival log clrcna season. Bheeeley ahowe bis popularity, as there were WiMkera, Sheet Wrlcaraor Peddlers: SupervUinf the Work—Rhode Ii. H. Heckman, aealatant ndvanoe manager many hanging on to the aklrta of O. K. By the for tbs Oari Baganbeok-WaUaaa ObipM, to rest¬ way, Mr. Heger bee Jnet retnciied from Naeh- Wa have goods yon can him at ri^t Royal Engaged aa Equee- ing at bis batne, Ashland, O., nnlH after the ritto, whet* be feond nnetber lltfls Hager wait¬ haOda^ Ha baa practlaaUy aomptetad tbs ing to aee Its new papa. It's a g'rl, aad both prices and prompt nnrios. Our Ubm trian Director penennel of bla 1917 adranee. metber and chBd are dotag finely, tbSak yon. oompriM Bd Knnpp, general agent for tba Howa Iiob- Oagt. Aaseat to pUylag datae hucaabeato wrlth doa Bbewa tbe past aeaaan, speat ten days at bto naw teatrUequlat act and Andlag plenty of wsTCHEt, jEwan, eiMitt, Hot Sprioga, Ark,, with bis wife. They ratoaned umik. Xtaurer, Cot., Doc. M.—Woe* of Npftlrlng, to tbair bom at Jamsstown, N. T.. in tlm to Got. Mlqne Welsh and wife are at wrlnter aipalntlog and cniaiflag Uio 8ell*-noto Otreu, niVEswaiE. emEiT, uzom, eat Cbrlatmaa dinner. qaasSaiu, and tbe Oolooel la frainlnc tba Garden Or the HcaNon of 1017 ia in full blaat mder tba Otaarley Pbeeney, tbe popular twentr-fonr-taonr it AltoA. wlilefa be le to manage nent year. MfBonal KuiMTvIniua of Haorr U. OaotiTi wbo man. for maay years with the Bagsabeek- “Mandaome" Praak OrifBa aari hto Mtty wUe KvoLVEn, iioRom.mvELTia ii panuHiieiitly located In Denver. WalUoa arena, la wintering at Denver, OoL He ana at Now Oftoaae. where ffrank la maaaglng Mr. (iciitry bne engaged Rboda Bogal aa aqoaa- will again bold down bto old job wrlth Bd BM- a cakaseC He wM jeta tbe shew at opeulag MD eMWVU. OMN. trlea dirctiT for next aeaaun, aa well aa to layd'a ajtow the coming aeasoo. Al Hoffman. Mrecl rcliiv reala aol oreraee the breaJilng of •ase wtib hto Old Ptantatlon aad CbarsaM Ost our 1016 Cstabgus. No goods aaw acu during tba winter moathe. fred AUe. aaeocUta twenty-four-bonr man with tba abew, Puwell’a Dandy Mlnstrato. Is telling tbe naGves of Burlington, N. 0., C. O. D. without B cash d^rasiL Catalog paw ami ie Zom liuvr been engaged le break Jim Bytwurd and aeoompUsbed wife are at about ocenery he saw during 1018. aaw arte hi the way of eleybant and wUd anl- winter quartert flzlag np for snmmer days, re¬ frss. In asking for game ki^ly state Murray A. Penuock, for aeveral yeen local ■lal Doveltlee. juvenating tbe privilege car and making over contractor with the AI G. Banies Clrcna, will what businew you follow. Jubu Kbcrie will be baaa canvaaman and la coQceoelona. bold the same potrttien with the S> lle-FJoto Olr- afaani. of tti« I'cbuUding of the wagona. George Oserge H. Tompklna la In ebarga of tbe me- Itanihf la at Uvcrlann I'ark to charge ef tba cue during 1017. It wasn't so many yeora ago ehanical department and all building to be done, Shryock-Todd Notioo Co. hoiaca. ..Voltliy Clark la ilug etock Iknm, and le that Murray passed out these double-bnmped and la tnrnlng out a raft of work. Tbe MIhhus amlHilug Uliiida Kujral in lirenkina new acta. lieanuta with tbe Norris A Rowe Oircus. la with him and -pending her time looking over 822-824 N. 8th 8t., 8T. LOUIS, MO. Oliurlle l.ui'k U bouH t>ro|iertjr mxa, and le aa- the bistortc ala iiS of thla country, and there ■leiliiu CImrii- in the bulliling of new parade WITT LEAVES FOR CANADA are many. FOR SALE 0” nar.iiilitrimlla. W. 11. Menatee baa charga of Sonny Breoka and ba pole cUuibers are still * Mai'liliiiw, arviT been ua.-,!; ike imliiliiig oa the job. Bonuy allngs a maan talk about the lot. tk&O.OO. tHAS. IIADMAN, 1179 UeKalb Avr , Rostnn, Mass., 2,1.—In tbe midnt of hi. Work rled upuu hts return. notlcea, but our little RINy Owena haa ginie Ftno fur traluliu. Kiirtlnr ponu-ulan hhlriMi U. a. aiUNie working nlghte on auggaatlona for new out tmuping until the Bheesisy truni|H-t soniuis KMiTII, livai (Wiup HI., Roj-oImio. VVI .-isialu, akatrhoe for blllp^tliig, etc, In the spriug. „ GREATER 8HEE8LEY SHOWS Tom Martin and wife, with Obosh r Wlniors. QEORQE ARLINGTON IMPROVED ■tayod over at Onlfport. They were much 80L*8 A RUBIN’S SHOWS Penaacola. Pit., Dec, 28.—Oapt. Sheesley, at taken with the of that city, but will I ' tliia writing, la In Chlcsgo, and visiting the report st winter quarters after tbe flrat ef tbe Paris, Tex., Dec. 21.—After playing every Tlie ahow world little knew that It came aale marts of the Wr.t In quest nf wagona, cam year. •ear hialug one of Ite iiioet eatemicd nierabera at and korscs, which lire to constitute the new tune la Us catalogue of mur«c the baud on Hoi'* Among other notable inemhcrt of the treitpc A Hubln's UuDeil Hliowa will piny lluuie, Hweet any llnic during the taat elx wei'ka. Indeed (Ircntcr Klici*alcy Hliows the coming aeason. It'' wbo are blls>niatlug nt ren.aeoln are Otivir Oeurge Arlliigtim until till. Momliiy had a very Inis ttlri'iiily purclmscl tho priviiio car of .Terry Home on the night of IDM-emlier 23, and the Hnilth, Doc White, "Cvsikboii.c" Wbltle, Harry ahow will go Into winter quarters here. TIi* Crm.irloua time of It. While Ihe aliuw wax out Mugiviiii, owner nf tli' Ilowe I/mden hhowe, and Hmall ami wife. Old Man Uusm'II, the ek; I Keueaa (leorgr mitlrnl thiit IiIm etrengtli wn. II |. wlllioet a iloiilii one of the tieat cars tliiit eumpnuy Is here under the aUHidees of the R. Krniik liSrlne. Ohne. Hwnrts. nilm Chirk", W. .M. P. O, B, aud the ('hiunlier of Cummeree, and (ailing, and l■ubnull(•ll a »|H>cinllNl, who advIeMt hns pvi'S liocn Imlll for the comfort and con- Scott, Harry Ilargruvea, John Bi-orselll, tsvnla Mm III journey llllllll•*t work will lie started In fare .trier n week or ten iliiye he wiia allowed Ilf liiillilliig and repairs, from machinist, carpoii- JOHNNY J. JONES IN NEW YORK getting everything In sliu|ie for next senoon. la iiriM'eed to hla hniiie In Ibilh Ite.xeh, I,. I., Icr, hlHckaiiiltli snd sallmsHcr to tnlinsl trainer, It Ii enatomnry at the eloee of the oenoon te Vhere he fellowed out the ilm'lor'a orilern to the and tlm wlnlnr quarters Is one bnay city. tell of the elalKirate pinna for the next year, Mat U*tler. It we* only the reaiilt of a moat 'I'lie fsiiiona Rostock elephant closed Its rands- New Yerk, .Dee. Johnny J. Jonoe. who the new earn ihut are to lie aihled tn the train, Rlii.laklng nyHteiii of diet unit he hae ... vllle season nt RiMton, Maos., and at ones wna needs no further intrevluetlon than hla merv etc., but to any one who kiuiwa MeNsrs. Holoinea lly mniKiiteil hU ailment, llmiiah even twliiy taken to the show by l*arcy PblUlps, and «be name. Is spemling the current week In New and QrvUierg and their inethinl* of doing lin»l- Ma preaeure U iil.ivo iioriinil. I.aet Mumtuy wan will remain ns a part of tbs Animal Bhow York City. Johnny le here on bnslncaa. Ho la neoa, their ld>na of ndvnnerinent and enlarte' the tlmt day tlinl he vlalted the 101 llaneh Iteiil beiiesfortb. Wblls the net bus bssn a grsat lining np some new aliewa, some new rides and meiit, they will know thnt next year will show Wild Weet athee. In the Time. Uulhlllig, and Niiecess nil over the world, wblls the property concesidona. A new mcrrjr-fo-rennd la b Ing a vast Improvement In every way over the ps*! then only hecaiiee Kddle Arlington waa down of tho "AiilmnI King," tbs present owner will made by Henry Auehy In l•hlladelpbla, and one. They expert tn limit the a xe of tbe train With a cold, and aimply had to turn over the have her broken along nll-Anierlenn llnsa. Jehnny eiient nliout forty-eight bnnrs In the to juit wlwt It haa been Ihia oenoon—fifteen ears geetlne dutlea to hi. father for the early, part Mra. .sbee.tey will not return to I’enaaimU Sunker City. What priinarll,v brought him to In all—hut every Inch of thoee fifleen cart will •f the week, llowever, holh Kddl<> and George until after the Viiletble wiiaon, but will remain ew York, however, was the Hhowm u’s Dinner be occupied by an attraction of a<'ine kind. Arlington are niiieli Improved, .n mneli on aa a Norlli among friends. She Is bt.iked wllb her nt the A.Rir, lie will 1m> there with liella on, and hnn. fnrthcrmnro, made n anhstantlal dona¬ Taking It all around, tbe ahow has bad i Matter of fact that they are atali.l for the Got- genial to break bread and eat turkey nrolllnhle oenoon, even In the face of extreme at liie Hhowmeii's Dinner In New York, tion to tho cause of one hundred Iron man. Coer Hhowmen of the Wuild Chrl.tiiiaa Dinner bad wrathar tor alinoat all of the firot aad Ball at the Hotel Aator B’edueoduy, Decein* "Soft Hlnm" Willie I-'P ining Is giiinsboHiig br tr. armmd spets where the shown will bs oeen I-ook thrmigh tho advertised letters, tbtra may Several of the ahowa which have already con¬ early In the aummer, and la sending borne oomo ba mall tor yon. tracted with the H. A It. for next aenaon, and a numlH>r of the otsio'astone also, will winter . HOWE AND ROBINSON SHOWS In Pari*. MeNars. Hnlomon and Orulierg and their wivea will take a luueh-needed net liefore To Bo Combined Naxt Soaaon, It la taklim np the work for next year. The writer SAN FRANCISCO FACTS win al»u a|>end the winter In I*arli.—FRANK 8 Announced RBRl). AiaeHmn. Oa>, Der. 2.'!.—*11 le ennounced on from a fovir months' trip Kant, where he was •aeil eutlMirlty that Itert noweni and Jerry MugP Bheehan A I.nrle, owners of the UloUo, mo¬ BECKMAN JDIN8 WDRTHAM VBB will 0|M>riite only one rlreua tbn coming tion picture house, have leased the oM Savoy ahead of a show, and had not sooner setthri •Bewm -the John Kobliiion Hhow’. The Ilowe Theater on McAllister stieet nnn will proilnie down in comfort lu the Continental when the was called upon tn aei-eiit a purl with the Rl«h*p •rcaa and the lloblnaon Show will lie combined, feiituro pliotiqdaya. The house will oi»on on De¬ An arnouneement that came somewhat s* a niree rlnga, two atagea, forty carp and a aU- cember 30 with Annette Kellerinunn, In a I'ln.vera at the new lllsliop Theiilcr, Oakland. surprise was the fnet that Fred Re.kinan hat I'rv'tty tough when n iiein can not rest without Me top will couiprlw the "ten big" during Daughter of the Oodn. The house has IxHm b<>en engaged by A. Werlhnin ns manager l*-lng pcHterod with oiD-r* of work. »17. _ dark for many months. ot the Great Wortham HIiowm for the wnaon Denloon Clift, for three yenri advertising The A. II. Ilcndler Carnival Company arrived ef 1017. tn town Monday and went Into winter quarter* CIRCUS GOSSIP manager of Ihilea' Department .Store, haa been The msn.v fri> nda »f thin |H>piilnr thowinan, engaged by tho I^aaky Company to write oee- nt Twenrii and Howard street*, where eonrid- whe haa had a wide exiierlence In ctren*. Wild narios. erable relsilldlng I* to be done during the off Went and enmlvnl, are *liu-rely glad that he Mel Ua.vmond, now with Moroeco, headqnarteri A letter from WIUIuui Mndenatratb, wrritten aeasen. The odlce of the company la at 1011 han hitched up wllh Mr. Wortham, and predict M New York, in doing eome great work witb at Vlaalla, gives now* of the seventh Thilare Mission street. great thiitg* for the ('.rent Wortham Hhowa un¬ Me road coiupanlea. County Citrus Fair, wldeh rlosod there Decem¬ Alfredo, “the mnsicnl rube," haa left for der Rei-kman'a manageiiient. Los Angeles, where he will ipend the holidays Ool. rtiarles W Seeley la anlferlng from a ber U. OoM nights prevailed, ond, as between It Is iinderatoed that Rcckm.'in will shortly Balignact sure. The nature of bis malady wa« the carnival and the big pavilion danoa, the at bis homo before going Rast on the Interstnre take up hi* iiinnsgcrinl dntles, wliteh will take ae terloii* that bit phyalclen deemed it beat to Utter won out In tbe matter of attendaneo, il- 'lime. Alfredo drifted Into The Rlllboard oHh'e him lu KI Paso, where the show Is wintering, Seiove him to the New York Skin and Cancer tbongh the Shows and conreasiona did fairly and vouchsafed the Information that "I am and from whence It will make an early atari, OHpitnl, where la now undergoing treatment. well, coDfeiderIng the temperature. Among tboM going to spend Christmaa at my ranch with the W. II. (Rill) Rice again piloting the organlia- Mlssna. I've got fonr chickens, a dog and a Col. .Sam W. DawMon, the youthful advance who took In the fair were Jerry Smith, spot-tbr- tlon. ' agent, la stirring intereat ahead of The Olri apot; Charlie Albright, four etoree; Oolonol deaf old woman." Some ranch! Who Smilee throughout the South. A graduate Weitlake, two etoree; Dad Freed, conceealona; 0. A. Wortham this year will have a for¬ Fred Weldnian, who waa with the Pacific midable huaineHM Mtnff on Ids vurton* organlxa- a( the circus game, be has never lost interest Audrey SaUlvan (Mra. Undenstmtli), white United Amnseraents all oeaaon, left for Pensa¬ U It. stone store; Undenatnitb, roll-'em-dewn. D. R. tlona: Hteve A. Wmsls. Rill lllce ami Dick cola, Fla., December 10, to join tbe Convict CelUna will ng-iln In- with him while Ramey Oeorgi' Artington la alowly recovering frem a McAnister bad tba sbowv and eoncaariaua. na Ship Soccese as lecturer, a position he occupied •erlon. attack of Ulneaa. Rancher Show No. 2 waa boakad la undar Me- Oerety, Ilnmer -Tone*, llnrry Ilofer, Harry B. dnring the P.-P. I. R., when tlie Snecess was Potter, A. A. Power*. C, M. Casey and others Jer-7 Mngivan i« due In Ciaclniiatl December AllUtar. docked here. Mrs, Weldroan accompanied him. W. and In New York December 27. He win of hla ohi Mtnff will probably In- fonnd collated “Duka" Foremaa, ax-tronpar and "baafstaak attend the Outdoor Bhowmen'a Obriatmaa Dinner Donald McGregor, the Scottish Giant, haa left under bln standard. Impresario," of Banleto, dropped Into town Frl. ■t the Hotel Aster. for Venice, whore he will winter, playing Sat¬ day to look over a bunch of talent for a "moa- The three Wortham enterprise* will all I* Work la now being rushed on the eatenalon urdays and Snndayn on the pier. Roy Gaffney, Hter Cbrlatmag doin's," which ba la about to puU e(|alpptter Unt. DECEMBER 80, Itlt. Ttie Bllltioarcl

* AHAPPVNEWYEIIRTOALLFROMTHEFAMCHISNAT. REISS SHOWS, INC. * ¥ WANTED FOR THE ISTH ANNUAL tOUR ¥ ¥ FOR THE ADVANCE—^ ®— ^ two Beal Pronataa. FREAKS **** Vtatfom mm MH, IVHk m MMi* ¥ C1J|%11/wa hswA laally good work la put orar nlealy, and ap- 408 Lyceum Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Encore: opecitl drop*. pUuM waa plontlfnl tbroogbont. Eight alnutaa, Ito. 0—Tbe well bandied ebataeter sooga a< M full aiaga: two bowa. P. 8.—H. R. and Inr. J. Pohick will be at the Knlckcr- Gladys Vanes, The Girl With tbe Mirror Btoma No. S—Harry Splreater and Ifalda Vaneo tro hoGher Hotel, New York City, from Dec. 36 to Dec. 30,1916. war* appreciated. Tbirteen miautoA la swot ktaaap and aatp going, and their omnedy li good Mreo bows. and well put orar. Beth hara aluglng Toleea No. 7—Olga'a Leoparda, la a atsol cage, atooaB Mat art g^ to Uaten to. They bad tba honac tba bill nicely. Nine minstoA (all atago; tww with tbom arerp minute, capturing hit No. 1 of enitaln*. Mo MU. Plftooi mlnatoi. In one; fonr bowi. No. 8—Pathe-Thanhoiucr motiaa pletnoA Bh' Ho. Orlapo, roraatUo man and woman, vorca aad ttie Daughter. 81aty-*na mlawtM^— M oMriao, oongB and nniqao dancaa, did not BO& oHow tho poco of the abow to alaohen. Tbolr daacoo aro among tho moot orlglaol and nalquo MINSTREL LEW PARKER DEAD praaoDted bora In aonio tlmo, and Mo audlonce Krause Greater Shows hkod Mom ODongh to keep tho aplanoo rua- W1H ssh all Wheel priFdeges sasept Candy Wheel for winter season, Naw York, Dec. 23.—Ileary l.ewls Fa nlns. Bit No. 2 of tho ahow. Plftoon alnntoa, battar known a few years ago os low FairiaA M tnU, two tad ono; tear howa. aad alss far season 1017. Nave opening for other concessions. Address tbo mtnstxel, smi in recent years a tboatvlaal No. S—VtoUnakp. oeeontylo rloUalat tad manager of Brooklyn, died early Ml* weak at plantat, gnre the andteneo whnt It Ukaa la the * KN KRAUSE. Managar Krauaa Graatsr Shows. bii borne In fiulcni, N. Y., where be had NeaB wap of mualc, claalag bp piaping tbo piano aa It This week, Madison, Florida; week of January 1st, Live Oak, Florida. since bis retirement from active bnxInesA Tha la "plapod** In a plctnro ohow or all-night daneo Immediate canse of his death wa« liter troahlA haU. Manipnlatlng tho piano and rioUa at ona He la survived by a widow, Juaepbloe A. Parhar, and Ma aaaa Uma alao ragUterad big. A good SAIVIUEL. REICH and a alater. Mr. Parker waa aa Elk. Ifea aat. and tha thitd Ml of Mo bill. TwoIto mln- funeral was held Deeember 21 at Ma Nraakly •too. Id obo; tm bowA Hlks’ Clubhouse. Na S—Our Boh, a eomodp akoteh, wkleb baa IA Happy New Year To My Friendsi Mr, Parker waa at one time wlM Nwffal* NNL appaaiad hara nceoaatullp bafora, took tifr . Pemunent addrets, 1248 Fiftieth St, Brooklyn, IT. Y. Ha also traveled all over Europe and tb* poaltton btUod tor lobn F. Oo«n«p and hla dlttog Statoo ax a delineator of old tlmo ■odalB^ who did not appoar, and kapt tba honao WnB CALE OOMPLITB TW0*CAB BHOW: Ona Bc4tMa Car, oie OomUnotlon Bloepar and Dto- ' lug ijgf (ogr, taulsnod with sunl wtaotis, rix-vrhorl tniokA Kocl plai/onna and all la aa oproar of laugktor. Two man and out ■afriy appUancoA Oan pam on all roada); two latta Bactagt Wacxw, pull in and dour at iiiggaar car ALBEE ADVOCATES woaaan fuaniah tho langha, mainly tbrongh tho hMdad, quicfcmt muring two-onr ihow In iba U. B.; cma to-fu tlaimd Tg>. with two 30-ft. mlddlm, complete, ahIHtp and romody antlca of ono of tho mon. A with all palm, ropm, ttokm, altoam and lOkM marquoa; nina Itagtiu bluo m«u, are Imgtiia noerrm, netting, «A: Uda Bam Ttv, bonnetA rigging, itagm, platfonna, Uckrt boxni. Mlllutm light*. eU'.; bi«t Troupa Aaaoeiation To Benefit the Artiet* cloTtr trio and a good act. Twontp-ona mlautaa, Ttatnod Ptmlm In Ammlca, all pmpa and trappkigi; ona Draft l>am and llar.uwA Ugh Brhmd ilorw. Buck¬ (Continued from page 14) to thraa: tbroo cortaln eallA ing Mato Uiant nhmna Bomaaaault Monk. Riding Dog, Band CnlfannA Bill Trunk*. Cuu, Rnuhi*. ate., oto and point out that buslueia prtoclplaa In Mm^ Na T—Hata Brown and BaMart Spencor, WUl aril tha aboia oa a whola oaJy for caoh Hara Aiol cloaed a pnaperoua moon of SS weoha, and am «f- fritog thla Mow at a baigato. All Fwfuiawfa and Munlelana wlinlng ondrait* for Itri aanaon addrom rtcala aras the cxcefitlon rather tbaa tb* iMa fitou daaaa and eaaipaaar. mad# ona of tba LABBBNCB LIDOUX. Boatral Dtllrory, LlWa Rorii. ArkoaaaA "Llttl* by little small clrralts bav* beoa *■> Mggnat htta of Mo bill ta na oieoptlonallp wall- larged and buelnesa prlnclplea hove been fiaMid ■ang.aad-piano net. Bach comared an ployed, so that today tber* is not a busiaaoi aa tadtoMaal triomph. Mo ooToltp oooga of Mlaa earth that pays to tbos* to lu amplop Me Biwwn, tntrodnrtog rarloua Imltatlona of bird*, Wanted by King Bros.’ ImasemeRt Co. salaries tlit does vtudevUl*. towk aod maaleat InatrumonlA taking tbo house OrgBBised plantation, ooneeasiona of all kinds, good aiz-piece band, colored pre- "1 fully believe that tbe actor sboaM haea ari ot Ita toat. Fourtoen mlnutaa, to ooa; four feiTKl; girls for real '49. Want to buy uaed tenta and Wild West canvas. Out all •aooclatlon based on tb* tarns buslaaaa prlaclptaA bowa and apaaeh. winter. JACK W. KINO, Douglasvill^ Ga., ChriatmaB week._ to lake care of tb* sick, bury the dasd, a aacM Na t—Barmina Sbono, auppertad bp Olen organisation, with a spirit ef Ma frioodltost am AndatA towla Oalhom, Tbcmaa ▼. Morrlaen and aa BawaUan Baala. Vary waU hamNai Twatoa latlona existing botweea Ms maoagar aad Ma a ean wlthont Moahtag partA praaentad ona of mlaaHA to ona; toor bom. Pantages, San Francisco artist. On tb* board of arbltratloA If omM a Ma dalatlaat aid moat baaatltol aeta artr Na' ^Bbn Wblto, aapgtrtoS Bg Daogloa Bop, thing It ever b’ought about, tbonld be mae *B bwagbt to Ohwtaaatl. Fartoet ta arory dotall, (Eaelawad Baadap Zeantog, Daoambar Bt) Nthal MartlB. Bdwla Jaroma and Ma Drury, high standing on both aides, and tb* sow talbori Crito acMag to antri^. tha aketeh dbtoaa aa a la a roaring eomodp eontatolng langha galora. of abuses would *<>>d be eliminated or rage gBttortof gam. aad JIarp Ann and Bermlne San Pranclaco, Dee. 24.—A ctpreltp bouM Bpoclal *el. I'levi'n minute*, full itaga; tour cur- lated by two such organlxationa. Ihona abouM Uro In TandeTlIle for eaaeons to greeted a show Sunday night which lagged un¬ “The tireaent vaiidevlll* actors’ aasoclatlaa •oma. It would be dlfllcult to concelra a theme tatoA til Rucker and Winfred woke them up. No. A--Kddlr l.eunard, held orer fiwm kat baa been in existence, to my knowledge, toe ami wltlnge mure beautiful or to rhoote a imv No. I—The Tuea of tbe I-umberlanda, motion woek, ahutved dr.-lded pep at tbe atari, making over flfteeu yearn, and I can see no headwag lean arllat more car-able than Mlaa Shone. picture. Twenty-flve ninatea. tha act Bfty per i-ent better. Ten bowa, three made by them tu any kind of way In the right Twenty-nlno mlnntea, to aeroral apeclal eeenes; No. 2—A flue exhibition of veraatlllty wb« eucoroA dtreelion or for tbe benefit of the artist at largA tour oartaln calto. No. B—Anna Chandler, following I^onard, waa presented by tbe Silbouru Sisters, in their sing¬ On tbe otlier hand in tbe theater* we flad Me Na b—Bowman Brotbara, The Blue (Iraea Boya, ing, Iron-jaw and mnilral act. Seven mfnntra. unfortunately in a bad poaltlon, but ueTerthelea* greatCHt ini|imvemrDt. In every respect, a* tog btoebtoca diapenaara of )op and dlw>ol1era of made good. Ten mluutea. In one; two bona and In full atage; one bow. aa tbe arllet la coiu'erned. Better tbeaterA bat¬ gloom, aro one of the beet liked pain orer l:i encore, No. 3—Georgette Cbartera, In her ringing ami ter dressing rooms, better details on the otagA Mia bouee. Thi^ cleaned up from first to last, wliktllng offering. Eleven mlnntea, In one; one for the presentation of their acts. larger tad and toond dtfflcnity In betaking awny. Twenfjp- INTERMISSION baw. beater orchestras, expert stage mansgement and tanr mlnutaa. In one; nine bowa and oncere. Na B—Billy Crlppt, AI Ranh, Jerome Belly stage employees, every comfort In dressing Ho. 10—mta Mario and her orehestrs of ton So. 4—Burke and Broderick preaenfeil Home and Fred I.yon, In George BoUferd'a alngln,; roooie, etc., for the artist, which, years ago. glrla, featuring, Mabel Helen Bugers, M.vrllo novelty. The Voluntecra. A veritable riot of rlasiay danvlng auinhers of their own creation. Was unknown. Till* denotes t healthy t'onditlae Fantalne Bird, AUre Tucker and R<1na Al'oo Special ilraperle*. Eleven minute*, full stage; cotuetly and harmony. Two cncorea. Seventeen and sliould he carried along as far a« an actors' Fierce, dosed the show with a nicely drevod one bow. ' mluutea, In one: live bowa. association Is concerned in tbe vaine spirit Met and well-framed act, holding needy the entire No. 7—Homer B. Maeon and Marguerite Keeler, No. 6—Rucker and \VI«fn-cl, ebony hned en- the manager* have developed their part of tl— bonne and gaining aptdanse tor erery number. held over, repeated their aucceM In their com¬ tartalner*. woke up the bUl with Cbincge and with enthusiasm and liberality, with a thought Oae of the boot women orehestraa In or nut of coon dialogue. A dl»tlnct hit. Thirteen min¬ edy, Merrlcil. for all. TaadeTtlle, Twenty-two minutes, in full st.ige. No. 8—Nellie V. NIrhola pnt over iong after utes, lit one: four bow*. Encore, “The Actors' Fund of America, of which 1 am —I.RH. Rong to great apureclatinn. Inverting ■ novel No. 6—Earl Cavanangh i.v M*. Inquisitive. Al a director, has done much good f.>r it* untor. one-aet eliaracferir.atlon In her rerertolre. Thirty though tbe Idea is novel the act peivcd ftHeiitl.v tunate members, I And no re.v.rd In Mm mlnutee, lit one, to three, to one; eight bowa; dUappoIntlng. The spceinl drapevica were ahahby vaudeville actors’ asso.?iatiun of any such rm Orpheum, San Francisco three eneoree. and Uie chorus m>t strong. Twenty live minute*. spits, ,It has N'cn militant. The cry is esA- No. 0—Kink'* Mule*, an enjoyable animal art, (Borlewed Bondap Matinee, Beeember 241 In full' itage; two eurtaliie. stantly, “Ihovn' with the manager*," and ee proved a goo

HnnUnf, Boby •••MeOsla. Mis. Blnolds, Ita •Zarra, Mrs. J. Qtty, Mrs. O. ColUna, Hattl* HarrU,Harris, Mrs.Mra. CUa notaaei Risk, Rena •Zennetta Sisters SC«luer, Daisy CancdM. Uoria Harria. Mra.Mrs. ft Mr. 00. L McDail. Mrs. Mary RobenI, Dora Zenor, Bis neb Zermanio, Mrs. Cecilia Ooanellj, Leaoca I<. Barrla.Harris. Mrs. O. P. McGee. Mrs. Lillian Roberson, Lorena Zimmer, Edna Zoe, Madam *Cope, llay 0. UarrlaoD,Harrison, Helen MiriamMlrl Mrlntire. Ada •••Roberts, Mrs. ^ -—-■ - *Oope, M. O. Uarrlaon,Harrtaon, Happy *Mclaiuen, Moss E GENTLEMEN’S LIST. HaskeU, Mrs. Vemon McIntyre. Mrs. B. H. Roberts. Usslo Fr*«, prompt and far«famad, tha Mail HaakeU, Mr^ Vernoi Aarons. Lew Boosewnl, Bay McKay, Bertba Roberts,Roberts. Violet AiOmir charii* Forwarding Sorviea of Tha Billboard ■Boothe ft Boothe Mcl^ugbUn. Mrs^^ R^^n^.Robinson, MasieMsgle A^^^'.gdow stands alona as a safa and sura maditim Myrtle •*HayM. Mrs. Jamas •••Boanick, Harry Roswell, Nathan through which (siotase, Heiaa Haynes. Florence McLsngbUn, Mm. _ R., Madge profassional paopla may Bouniue, Hector hava thair mail addrassad. Thousands Cr^^ Orai* Bowen, Earl McLeod. Mrs. A. R. Rogers. Babe of Bowen, EU performers and showfolk now raoaiva McLonat. Mrs. H. M. •••Rogers, Mrs. Baba Bowen, Upshur their *neil through this highly offioiont VItUb ••Hemme*, Emmo Mack, Mnybelle RolUnd, Baba Bowens, Karl doportmonta Dale, Adelaide Heodereoe. Roee Madcn, Bkbe •Rosche, Veronica J?o ' •Boyd, Jaa. O. Maloney, Mrs BUnche •Ross, Pearl .*fhLmo Amuse Co Boyer. R. R. Mail is somatimaa lost and mix-u^ D!lIS.MtaIlle ^^wy. M^* Mann. Mrs. itarjone Rose, Mrs. Ethel r J, ^ ••Bncken, Great Mannard, Dot •••Rose. Boby "“ W- result baeausa pt^ormars do not write Daniels. Alios •Herbe^ Mias W. Braden, B. B. •Manning. Katherine Rowe, Mrs. NeU f plainly, do not give correct addraas or Dsnriue, Mrs. Daisy Herndon Slstsis Bndley, Ohaa. RoseUe, Arnella - forgot to give an addraaa at all whan .J*—*•.. 5*"*'*i* Heswr MarootlM. Mrs. K. BoseUe, AmeUa - IfifHE? ai ^ Bndflold, Mr. Margsrette Rnmely,Rnmely. Bnhy ^ „ •Bndford, Walter writing for advartisad mail. Help The mSaHicks, '^SrnMrs. Oeo. oO., Jr.‘ •Marotn,•Marotn. Jean Sandenor. LnclUeLuciUe I Bndly. CUfford Billboa>>d handle your mail by comply* uSom HtabU^'jan^"Highland, Janette Marshall,MarahaU. Irena Sanders.Sanden, Mrs. John Bnmm, BlUto Sannden, Mrs. BUUe ing with the following: OcBslesttlsr. H. Hill,HIIL Mrs. AnnaAnns •Martin. TeddyTe^ Saunders, Mrs. Billie A^kLraaanf^lllv •Brelsford, W. Martin. Mrs. F. B. F. Sawyer. Mrs. Bthel W ^ HIU, Marieo ••Brongk, Brnmt Write for mail whan it ia FIRST ^ uul bS!? Mathews, Mrs. Nellie Scarborongti, Mrs. LUUe HIU. Helsn Broanon. George advartisad: sand to Cinoinnati offioa for Hiu; teTw. A. Mattie,UmtHm Mrs. DeUDell Babe SchneiderIMmeMer AmaUeAmalU AUeo. r. e. HIU, Mn. W. A. AUon. J. O. Brenner, Jack Schneider. GretM mail advartisad without stars or char* De ahlsld. Madam ••Hodges. Biensce Matts. Maggie Faust Alien. Fnnk BrldovreU, LewisLewla Schulte. Amalie aotars In front of tha name; to New Bohn. ^^f****Flersnes •May. Josto AUen, Mr. ft Mn. B. •BrllUaat, BMM Mermaldla Schwarts. Mm. John Ia Holmes, May AUnnd. N. W. BriU. NodNad York oftea for mail wito om star, Mw nS’TmnJTBentHce hm! ii!a m. * Scott. Josle Holines, Mrs. M. T. ••Merrilleld. Monica Almooy. Bdw. •BrtU,•BriU. Nod De Tenng, Mis. Hopkins, Mrs. Bears, Mrs. Daisy (•), in front of name; to Chicago (**); Bin Meyen, Etta Alpetn. Salvaton •••Brimm, Gear!Gearl Sellwood, Bertyl to St. Louis (***), and to San Fran* Adelaide Hopkins. Mrs. J. W Mlchoeles, Dolly •Altman. Mas •••Brines.•••Brinoo. Paal Senden, Ven •MigdaU, Mrs. A. •••Altena. Flvu Brlaoons.Brlaaona. The eisoo If tha latter (S) ia in front of tha J*"** Seybert, Mrs. Trlzio MlUer, Mrs. Chas. M. Alvldoo, The Bristol. Jack name: write always to the ofRoa hold* nSrey'^ZeWs**** Seymour, Sno Howey, Zelda MiUer. Lottie Alaeda. Prof. Goo. Broadley, J. C. •Shannon, Gertrude ing- the mail; kaap tha Mail Forward* •••Drthi, Myrtle» •Hoye,•H^^'ltaTKltty Mm. Kitty Miller. La Nelda •Ambltloaa Broadway. John Sheffleld. Acnee ing Oapartmant supplied wKh your Den. Haael Hnetmer.Hnebner. Sylvia MUler, Non Amlck, Jack Brodlea, The Hard, Beatrice MllUmon, Dolly Shepard, Bahe route and mail will be forwarded v^th* T?** „ * Shields. Mrs. A. Amon, 8. A. Broeden.Bronden. R. W.W, May Hntchens, Bva J. •Mills. UUlaa Aaooa. Goa Br^or. Bobby out being advarti^ !• ra* ^ ^ HutcuiS;.Hutchison. Mrs.m5s. TomTV Mina, Prlncen Silverlake, Flonnce Anagnootleoa. Goa Broeam. O. IkL. quirad only for paokagas—latter sarvioa Deveis, Deisthy idoms, •Mln^e, BUxie Silvers, Mrs. Jessie ' Idoms, Miadam Anden. Ray Bromtm.Bronotan. RUl Dlaie, Princess Iro. Madame Egan Is absolutely free. Iro. Madanae B.■. MltchelL Bva Andenoo, Paul •Broalna,•Broolna, Harry MitcheU. Leona Singer. Helen laer, Bessie Andenon, ^ Bronghtoa. UIk J. Mail is held but thirty days, and oan D^SSy^Siri** u^iMfyindnU Mlspata, Blanch Small, Mn. Harry S. Isgoin. Vlixinla •Anderaon, C B. Bruoae.Bruoao. UowwfuHowan Moer, Mrs. W. A. SaUy •Smith, Mn. BaM not bo raeovarod after it goes to the Doletta (SmaUeett Jackson.Jackson, Mrs.lirs. MattsMario Anderaon, Roacoo B. Rrooka. N. W. Snead, Mn. J. A. Brooka, N. W. Dead Latter Office. Mother) Jainot, Jennie MoUle. Uttia Anderaon. Dave ••Brooks, WaUj •Somers, Bose ••Brookn, WaUy James, Gladys •MoUon. Edna Andenon. ProL Andn Brovrer, Tex Mail advartisad in this issue was un* ^Th^ae.*^. j::^. Montrose, Mn. Otto Somers. Zona take James, Ruth Andenona, The Browur, Whltoy aallad for up to last Sunday noon. Ail Donar. Kitty Jameaoo.Jameaoo, Mrs.Mn. AUoAUoe Moore. Dalsr Sonthwell, Margy Spann, Mn. Kittle •Andrews. A, B. Biowa. O. M. requests for mail must be signed by I>oalTan. Mrs. Bmmaimma Jennler.Jonnler. Mn. Geo,,Oeo., Sr. Moore, Mn. John Angeletn, L. F. Brown. Bltrhle Jpmett Bertha Moore. Mn. Haael D. SUnley. Lena tha party to whom mail is address^. Stanley. Ven Apptegato ft (BIBrown. H. Dorris, Olga lioore. Hlnnlo WlttosMyor Brovrn. J. W. ••Douglas, Vina Stanley, Jwwsl ••JWusMn. Sndlo Moon, Mra. Rally Archer, Frod Brown. Harry Dowdy. Mw. L. B. Monn, Clover Stearna, Mn. O. H. B. Jolmtone, Mrs. Bdltft Ardmore, Curley Brown, Spoony Dnln, Mrs. Bthel> JoMa, Pefgf Morecroft. A. B. Steel, Im MouCb PARCEU IN CINCINNATI OFFICE •••Stepbeno, Mho •••Ariiona. Charley Brown. W. O •DrlacoU, Docothy Jordan. Mn 8nnlo Morgan, Hilda ArissoU. Davido •••Brown ft Roberta’ •Drowtakl. Mrs. Alt. Morimn. Mn. Jack Steppe, Maude kit. Jten. Haael Arlington. R. W. Show AND AMOUNTS DUS (S)Dnlce, AUce Jobatto, Julia Mortla. Haael •Stevens, Mant Stevenaon. Marjorie Arneaon ft Von Ritter Brownlee. The Alpetie, B., Ic Miller. O. B.. le Duncan, AlUe LolI Janaen, Mn. Harry •Morrissey, May Stewart, Mn. Mamie Artane, Dan-Devil Bryant, Billy Bamell, Edw., 4c Monies Dnnn, Mn. Mabellelie Rarno, Sadie P. MurieL Mario Stlrkney. Rose Arthur, Ed W. •Btyco, Goo. Oaieon, J. B., Ic Moyer, Hoaea T., Ic Hack Karr, Mn. B. F. Mnrpby, Alma •Aabarn. Vernon Bnchanan. J. 0. •Mnrny, Mrs. J. A. •••Stock. Mn. F. A. Canon. J. W., le Myles, Carlo Dupree, Bva KaaaaweU. Lnello Stout. Mm. Tbeo. Asber, Max Bnckley. A1 ft MyrUa Carter, B. A., 4e Nolan. J. Duabaw, Violet ••Kaatoff. Dolly Mnmy, Kate Bnckley ft DeLarch •Stuart. Martha Ansklngs, Clarence Cotton, Ralph J.. Sc ••O'Leary, Dan Earle, Violet 'rbelmaIma Keene. Lillian Mnrry. Mn. A. D. •Bnckley. Fr* deric Mnsselman. Mn. Fred Stnmpt. Emllie Ayen. O. W. Cos, B. D. IMelss, W. A., 7e Eckett, Jennie Kell. Merle J. Bnflington. Wiley •Edison, Mrs. (SlSnllivan, Alice Bailey, W. B. Daly. J. P., le RalTerty, Pat, Ic Kelly, Haael Myen, Mn. Jack Bailey, Oeo. Farmerf •Bnllock. J. Bpatatn Edwards. Girtiy Myen, Virgle ft Harry ••Snss. Doris DePanrale, Alfred, le Red Fox, Chief, 7c Kelly, Itortiu Bailey, W. H. (BUI)I) Bnncb. Boyd Duncan, Clarence I*. Reicbback, Ben, Ic EdyUi, MUe. Bom> Kennedy, Mm. 0. 0. NeDaiel, Mary Sntellffe. Mn. B. J. Sntberland, Edith Bailey. Buck BnnneU, W. T. Frasier. Harry, le Rhodeo, W. A.. 8c Eldridge, Mn. LindaInda Kennedy. Ethel Neigbbon, Helen Sutherland, Jeoale Bain, Harry Bnrbank. A. O. Gilbert, W. F.. le .'^Idoo A Nicbols, Ic Elliott, Vernio Sntton, Mn. Mario Bairl. Carl •Barckhardt. Prof. Harria. Jack, 6e Seleor, Body, Ic Elllaon. TlUie Swigel. E. S. Baker, Bob •••Burgea. Goo. W. •HnUng, Mn. M. B. Slianlcy, John J., 6c Elsie, Uttle Kmgard, Bessie Taylor. Mn. Peter Baker, Eddie Bnrke. Jack Kampeter, C. H., Sc Snells, Aerial, 10c Bnrke. W. Bskiea, The HARRISOI Taylor. Margaret Baker, Robert W. Kellogg, Robt., Ic Htephcnfion. Max, 2c Estes, Princess Tiny •••Taylor. Mn. Albert Baker. J. Gr^otj Bnrkhart. Great KeUcy, Billy. 2e Steiner, H. B., le (S)Erans, Mabel T. SRSI CRia Taylor,Taylor. Dorothy ®**^*J“’ „ * i,. b BnrroU. A1 Kelly. T. W„ Ic Taylor, Enoch B., Oc SISTERSW ■ wwww Teese.Teeoe. Mr*. Jessie 0.0 Baldwin. Harold F. ••BnrUngamo, Than Kilgore. Mn. J. D,, 2c Tillett, Jaa. B., 7c Everette, Mn. Wm. Goo. BCNCLLAi BEST Thomas,Thomas. ElolseBloise BalUntyne. C. O. •••Barnlaoo. Doe Ring. Masie, 2c Troutman, H. F,, 2c Everette, Mn. W. L. OIRL BANJOIBT (8)Thomas. Mn •••Uurrougb, C. P. Klnko, 12c Turner, A. H , le Everette. Myrtle jlmmle Baloit Trio Borrongbs, T. O. LaFnnce, B. J„ 4c Van. J. H.. 2c ,H THK WOULD Bancroft, Nlol Bnrrowa, Wm. Langnein, Robt, B,, 12c VinKon, Chas., 3c Bxel, Helen Bxel, Mn. 8. J. ••Thompson. Minnie •Barbler. Oeo. M. Buraon, Arthur Letward. J. S.. le Watsou, Cliff •Neias, Mn. Ike •••Tnvls, Mn. Jim •••Barrington. Edwin’»■ Burt. W. F. Lewla. Harry. Ic Wetister, N.. 2c •Fairfax, Anna Kennlson, Jessie •Nelson, Tbnla •••Travli, Jnno Uargar, Marianno Burtley, Jack McOe«, Mn. Lillian, Ic Weinbe, Joe, Ic Fartnl. Oreo Kenolaon Slaton Farmer, Mn, E. L. Nelson, Rons •••Travis. Mn. Jim Barker, Jno. R. Burton. Chaa. Marvel, Hairy. Ic Went. W E.. ic Kent, Mn. C. O. Fields, Evelyn Neneta, Princess Turner. Mn. Art. Barnell, Edw. Burton. Eben B. Kerr, Daisy Barnella. The Burton. Stevo •Finch. Kstberino Kightllngcr, Mn. C. J Kesbir, June I'rma. Hettv Barnett. A T.. •Burton. KdW. Fisher, Mm. Minnie Kilgore. Mn. J. D. •••Nesblt, June Van. Mrs. Isnbell Barnett, Billie Bury. J. M. LADIES* LIST. Fisher. Mn. Once Kincaid, Lillian Newcomb, Mao Varden. Dollle Newuiau, Mrs. Art. Barthel, C. ••Butler. Bdd Fitzgerald, Hazel King. Mn. Lnclle ••View, Stella Abbott. Mn. Hannah Bishop. Edna Nlckols. Jessie' Lee Barton. Geo. L. Butler. Billy B. Fleming, JoHepbino King, Pearl •Vincent. Nellie Abbott. Mrs. Zon Roehlng, Mn. Fnnk Bars. Fnnk Butler, Floyd Floretta. Milo. King, Mn. Boas Nolle, Berths Vlnrent, Mr*. Ruth Abner. Jells Bogga. Mn. Clan Norman, Babe Bassett. Roy Butler, Geo. E. Flynn, Kitty King, Mazle •••Vltt, Brna Abnnath Madam Bostick. Eva •Butler, A1 Folaott, Maud King, Mn, J. E. Norman, Mrs. Jack Vollnisr. Prlneesa Violet Battenhall, Wm. Adair, I.jiara Bowiiinn. Elaine ••Bntlera ft Uny •••Foot. Mra. Onya •King, Mn. Jobn Norman, Mae Vontello. Verio Bauer. Joseph Adaroa, Lnella Brady, Etbel •O’Brien, Mn. Wm. Wade. Teddy ••Bauler. Andn Buttons, W. R. Ford, Mn. Lillian King, Ruth Adams. Mra. Etta •Breen, Gladys Waggoner. Agnes Baxter, Frank R- Bybee, Virgil P. Ford, Blaa King, Mn. W. Oleota, La Belle Admood. Mlggie , ••Brent. Fnneis Cabbie, Jasper ••Fowler, NeU (SIKline. Beatrice Urton, Iva Walden. Mrs. Louise Bayes. Mr. Alcott. Varna •Carbon. Joseph Brlearllle. Mae ••Fox, Ethel Klinc. Mrs. Virginia Orton, Anna Loo •••Walden. Mn. F. B. ••Beacken. Great Allan, Dot Briatol, Mra. Jack Calif. Kids. The Fox, Mlaa A. Knower, Mr*. Ruth ••Orville, Victoria IValker. Vlllan Beale, Don AUen, Mn, Prairie Bristol. Mra. n. M. Csikins, Fred Fox, Mn. Bthel KnowUin. Mn. Ida H. Wallace. Mrs. Vivian Beals. Harry Lillie Broadway, Delta Fraser, Mn. Mamie Kkkiiiff Reten Ouida, Madam ••Wallace. Vivian Beanlng, E. C. Call, A. B. Allen. Mra. Dorothy •flroncu, Minnie Freeman, Minnie 'Oyler. Mrs. Jno. H. Walsh. Kathryn Beanely. Cliaa Calllcott, MaxweU •Allen. Viola Brookes. Ruby ••Fnent.■"rurrwi. Oeo. --—^Krlca Emma jin. Robert Warner. Mrs. Glenn Beaty, ired M. Calvert, Harry •••Allen. Nell (SI Broughton, Mn. R. Puller. Mn. Margaret ®’ ***“• Puiifttu, Mn. Margie Warner. S. Bell Beebe. Walter •♦•Cameron. Bruce Allen. Mra. Babe Brown. Kitty Pnso, Princess J'®I'® IKV?’!?*’«*• • Parker, Mlaa C, Watson, Roa# Been, Musical Camp, Herbert •••Allen. Mn. B. Brown, Mn. Clan B. •Oabay. Jean J'*lai Belle,®fM*' Itary Parker, Hazel Watson. Mn. Verna Bedenbcnder. CarlI Campanelli, Oeo. ••Ames. Mr* J. S. Brown, Mn. At D, (8)GabIe, Nan A. J*®!*• S!5 '*;.2.“v-kfc Parker. Mn. H. Wayne, Hazel Bella. J, W. ••Campbell. Jack Anderson, rieo Bryan. Mrs. Lm Gardiner, Mn. LtUtsn JS™' ••** i*arrott, Lillian Wayne. Sne Ben Nar, B. W, Camiitiell, Walter Andrea, FnnHs Bryant, Fay B. I'®La Roe. ClcoCioo ^Pauline, Prtoceaa Weaver. Virginia Benet. A. B. Canipbell. C, I,. (Doc) •Ando-wa, Sylvia Br.vant. Jooephlne (SlOarileld. Floaslo •I,aRae,•laRue, C. M. pearl, Frances Wehb, T.ncllle Celia Bennett. Kirk Campbell A Beattie •Appell. 7oe •••Burk, Mias R. Oaring, MIm 1. La Salle, Annetta Peanon, Wnilse Weir, Ernla Bennett Hliow, Billie'•r Cannoo. C. B. Arirsoll, Mrs. David •Buenoa Slaten Oarland, Minnie IsiTolre.laTolre. Esther Pearson. Mabel •Welaa. Cora Benm tt. Kdw. H,1, Cantara, Hlmon J, •Arlinrton. Porence Bnrgan, Mamie •••Oawem, Fnncli Ula Tour, Margurttte pence, Mrs. Della Welch, Jewel ft Bennett, Jas. H. Caiierton, K. K. •Arnold. Stella Biiab. Jessie Gee. Coloato Ula Valle. MendMaud ,V„ee Mrs. D. H. Walter Ootharn IV-nnett, Ted Carbelle, laula A«kew. Mrs, G S, •Butter, Bessie Oenei Lacy. MnMn. Etta Pender, Mn. West. Edith Bandar, Waat Carlsrae, A. V, (SlAapInwal. Van •Butler, Ida (ienrd, Jnno I^lott.Ia, WIntan, NelUo Blatany, Oeo. M. Oevene, Fred Bentamtn. M>a. Rlla ••nark. Boas •Oraenwood, Bobbin Ulaa, Mn. UeaU Itelhel, Mn. Peart WIntan, Doi^hF Hlaiel, Frank Chamhen, Bob Beobett B1I1I* Clark, Baa •Grow, CUra Mlllo Prairie •Reltef. Kelly Wnele*. Gsorata Black.Black, (Ihaa.Chaa. R. ••Chamhera. B«h •••Bennieon Bnhy rtsrke, AMca ••■tlaiHiatt. Catborioa IJndhtll, Alloa •Reynold. Bthal Wood, Olga Blaeh,Black, 0.0, chamhera. 0^ Berger. Martha •CUyton, Mra. DalU Haggard, Lata IJnn,Unn, Mrs.Mra. lomlanaan ma Rhoda, Helen Wrenn. Bela *Btack.•Black. Goo.floo, Ohnmhsni, R. Marian •Bergman. Oraco •Clemmlaga, Mra. MaMa Bali, Batty Union Mra. BB. W. Richards, Madga Wyatt. Mra. DIeb ••RUckbarh,••RUckbnrh, R. 0. •••ChambM ‘Ni. Bernadot. MUo. •Cleveland, Virginia •Hail. Jano •Toekwood, PeFraoein •••KIcbards, BSa •••Yonk, Ones **Rodan,••Roden, Art Cbambora, R. R< Betriar**, Vra. Teraaa Cohen, Mra. Marioi ■all, Flo *laohlngrora,•loohlngfora, (iaritUC RIebardaon, Mlaa R. Yost, Lillian (Chic) Rcigan,Bogan, M. •••t'handlei Bam Benae, MB*. Jean Lm Hamllfon, Mra. Ooofgo Toretta, Flo B. W. Young, Wei) ~Rohan. Rlmot“ Chapman, md Btlfoed, ffaael Cohn, Myrtle •namlltog, laora larralna, Olsa Bicker, PsMoy Ynnng. lb>hhlo h, Boling, Jaaapb ChapIlH, M, BUBaga. Nellto Cole, Mn. Jeoaia HtooafOrd. Mra. lonlao, MUo. RIeeb, Mrs, T. ■. *Ynung, Prart Boons, Frits ■• (*hanpel ft PraUmr naho. Bra Cole, Mrs. Baas Hanna, OaorgU fayd, Mn. OUra ftUog Rlmhall, Mario R. •Yoggf, Jog8 Boons, Pats Oharlao, nmyof Blaraw. Mn. NoUto (ole, Mn. 0. 0. Hardia, MIMfOi •Lyoao, RotoUg Rlngllngn, Mn. P, I. •••Yourdoo, BoUi Roooa, Oalw OL •••Obariaa. Obirtor DECEMBER 80, 191C e B 61

tibarley, ObeyMiM Demereat, Bamsy H. ••Fletcher, Lon Qonaaleo, T. M. Havea, A. •••Uydo, John tL Kliae. J E. •McCarthy, J. J. •C'baM, C. K. Derrlckson, Oeo. W. Fletcher, Oeo. Ooodnll. B. Uaverstuck, H. 0. Uyiuan, Jno. H. (8) Kline, A. J. •••McCarthy, A. F. Cbcfalot NicboUa Deskin, A. P. •Floyd, W. F. Uoodbart, O. Hawkins, Lew ••IreUnd, Prod i8) Kline, A. J. McCIay, Jack c'beitock, Wa. •Desmond, Jas. Flynet, P. U. Uuudner, A^nr B. Hawn. Darwin 0. Irons. Warren B. •KllDe. Robt. McCIelUads, TLs •••CblUe, Kred Desmond, L. •••Flynn, Packay (luud Lack Cam. •••Hay, Doc Isabell. G. W. Klipple, Jack McCUntock, BIU *CblDg Udk U«e Derelo, B. J. If. Foley, Verl Goodman, Ed (Whltey) HayaUke, Ckt Iseiuiuger. E. K. •Knapp, Bob McGlintucK, U. H. •••CblrcblU. Boland Deren, A1 Follette A Wlcka •Ooodsrln, H. Hayes, Arthur W. Isbakawa Japanaas Knight, Floyd MeCorkblll. A. R. Cbitwell, Joe Devine, J. Art Folger, Capt. A. B. Gorcey, Bernard Hayes, Fred A Ethel Ivy A Ivy Knupp, Ekl C, •••McUouakI, Chaa. CboteMf. Bay •Dexter, Oeo. •Folger, A. B Gordon, Henry Uaynee, Tbos, 0. Jack, Sailor •Koepple, Martin McDowell, Billie CbrUman, Joe. M. Dickey, WIU A. Ford, Vick Gordon Hays Stock Oo. Hsys, Harry Jai-kaoo, Bert Kogan, Jako McEnroe. Joe Cbrlst, Dane •••Dickey, John Ford, WlUUm •Gordon, Carl Hays. P. W. Jackson, Bari Kohler, Cbaa. McFall. Spike Cbrtaty, Bill Dickinson, Homer ••Forde, Ingram •Gordon, Leo Heath, CUade Jackson, J. 8, KortbaU, Karl McFarUnd. Jay Cbomley. B. D. •Diggs, CnrruU Ford, Harry L. Gordon A Loop Heath, Hy Jacobs, J. Mtltou Kooier. Trno McGlnley, Walter •Cbote, C, H. DllUrd, Sam Forsba, J. R. A. •Gordon, Frank Hebert, Fred Jacoba, Joo Kramer, C. B. •••McGoulgal, CUy CUlr, J. J. B. DiUsrd, Arthnr •Foss. H. 0. •Gordon, Chnbhy Becker, W. J. ^svoDs. J. M. •Kratser, Carl McGowan. Samuel T. cure. Prof. B. B. Dillingham, W. W. Foster, Frank Gore, W. K. Hefner, Ona JacopeUi. James ••Ktombhols, Carl McIntyre, Art CUrke, H. B. •Dirfon, J. W. Foster A Dumas GorsDch, Jimmy Helny, Fred Jakes, Davy Kroooer. Ralph McKay. Everett W. i'lark. Nobby Dlaon, F. B. Foster A Fox Ooaa, Chan. Heins, Bd L. James, Frankie Knntx, Wendet McKim, Edwin 8. Clark. Snowball Direr, Van O. Footer, D, D. (8)Ooan, Chaa. •Held, Harry O. Janaen, Great LsBelle, Herbert MrKlnney. A. B. Clay, Jno. 11. Dixon, A. Fountain, Bobby Gothem, Waltst Helton, Chaa. P. ••Jansen. Herr LaBerta, Bob McKinstry, J, H. Clay, CUrenen •••Dixon. F. U Fox, Tom Grace, 0. W. Heltoa, Jobs (SlJanaen, H. A. LaFIenr, Art McLanghUn, J. H. OUyton, Janas B •••DUon. Mr. A Urn. loanee, Jno. A. Graham. Law Jansou. Harry Harry B. Henderson, H. F. i,ajue I'ruupe McMahon. C. A. CUyton, Aaoo Francis, V. P. ••Otaham, Jack Henderabot, J. B. Jason, yied •LaLonde. Telleo McMlller. Bud ClereUnd. Nod Dobbins. Nolaa Frank, F. B. Grange, Chaa. Henaeoaoy, Goo. N. Jenkins, Manrlee LaMarr A Lawroaco (SlMcMuUen, J. O. Clenanta. Santosn DoUab, Jss Frank. B. W, Omnt. Deck Henry, A. M. Clemmons, W. B. Doby, W. W. Jensen, Zlmaala D. •LaPearl, Harry ••McNntta. Cycling Franklin, T. B. Graves. B. D. Hensley, Happto Jeur, I. M. LaPorte Stock CO. •MeShoe, Mike Clemnare. Jos Dock, VHaee Franklin, Ben Omves. W. a Heraklider, Ueo. Joe, Mexlesa LaReane. Harry OUffofd, Bayaead Dohrmnn, H. D. MeSaodden. John R. DoUn, Honest John Ftankiinii, Tba Greater United Sbetsa Herbert. Joe •••John, Uttle (B)LaBoae. Leo Mae. Perris Wbool Clifton, wm FrsdetlckA Panl •Green. Wm. O. (BlHerberta. Basiy Johaaon, Ab La Box, Jack Me.ealnao, Joo •Clinton. Oea Donlgan, H. F. Herberts, Harry Johnaon, yrcd M. (S)LeVarna CloTer, Obaa. Donnelly, P. J. Bebel (S)Oreene, Bail jack. Coblaa Fredeilce, J. D. Oreenwood, Oen. B. Herbert, O. 6. Johaaon, H. W. LaVere, BUly Mack, Danny Cobnm. 8. W. Donnley, Happy Freed. H. T. LaVler, Jack Cochran. Billy Donnelly. Tmniny Oreer, Jim Herd, Seldom Jobnaon, Jake Mark. Joe p. Cochran, W. If. Donobna, J. W. •Freedman. Sam Greer, Dean Herman. LoaU Johaaon, AI Lacey. Curtv Mack, Tboa. J. Cody. Cart Donohno, Jack Freeman, Jno. B. Oreer A HatflMd Herrick, Fredorte, Jobnaon, Chaa. J. •••Lamont, Francis E. Macy, Max' Ccbn, Bnefe •DomiL Jas. Freeman. Knbn Orego. Peter Herring, O. M. Johnson, Chaa. B. Lamont, Prof. H. C. Maher, Phil Ooldnr, J. 1< .Dors, Harry Frtbnrg, J. O. ••Ortffen, Chaa. T. Herrmann, Art Johnson, Crip Lamy, Cart H. Mab^ John L. CoU, Lonis Dorqr A Doras Friedman, BdtUe Oriflia. W. T. Hester, Leroy Johnson, Melvla Laaeaster, Dick Malcolm, CUffotd Cole, Wa. Dorman, Oem A. Friedman, Jacob Griffin, Blcbart Beth, Henry Jobnoon, Jamoo W. Land, Cteveland Malkiad, Ben U. Coleman, Brad B. (SiDonglaa. T. O. Frtedrlck. Otw. W. t Griflin. J. B. Hibbert, Tom Johnaon, Tom •Laadon. J. Maloney. Panl Coleman, ▲. B. ••Ikinglaa. Wattar Fry. H. L. Grlfllth, Ed F. •Hicks, Jamas Johnston, Daddy lamdrnm, Martin •Maaloy, Jack ••Collier, n W. Dsir, a ynbrer, Frank OrlU, George Hicks A Hart Johnston, Wm. O. Landry, Hypollte T. w»m Tommy ColUns, Wtllaid Downard A Dearasrd Fnller. Jno. R. Grimee, Sam •••Hlett. L. O. Johnaton, W. M. ••Lane. John T. Mansell. Phil •••Colman. Max ••DoyaL Wm. Fnlaher, Bobert Orlsale, Jack ••Hlggiaa, Arthnr J. Jooeo, Edward Lane. Tom ManaSeld, Frank Collier, WUl 8. . • Doror. Jos. Fnlton. Jasper Groff, Ocol a. Higgins, H. L. Jones, Snake Old Lang, John (Red) Mantecon. Jose Ooitoa. J. B. Drydea, ChsA Fnltoa, Arthur Grubb. J. M. •High. C. H. Jouee, Carl Langirtaff, Cbaa. W. Mantell. Lea B. Colombian QaartoC DnVall. Harbart Oage. Chaa. Oruurd. B. H. HIU, O. M. Jones, Edgar, B. •Lannon, Frank Marage, Lgirry •Oompatoek, ^ DnVell, Mr. A Mrsi Oaleger. 0. M. •Oncclool, Jirtna Hin. Elwood 0. •Jones. B. A. Ixno, Bert •••MarceUa. Chaa. •Compton, C. T. Dobacb, Jan. (laBoway. J. B. Guice, Walter Hillehnind A Delocaa Jones, Wm. Lanabell, Wm. Joe. MareouL V. •Comstock, BUl^ Duffy, Eddie Oaaard. Larry A. ••Gulce. Waltar IS)Hiller, Bay Jonruey, B. J. lS)Laroee. Leo Mardello, Spider Conklin. Harry Dnke, Boob Oardlner, Blebard Ooleth, Lonis Hillman. Harm Kain, Harry leehley. Hne Marfce, Wm. 8. OonfcUn. J. W. •Dukaa, Jewel Oardner, Fred Gnllen. J. B. •Hines, Jno. O. Ksnunan, Bode Lathrope. IBean. Jack Maaou. Furbee B. •l.eBelIa * Williams Maeou Bros. Cook, BlUwortk Dunn. B. T. LeBrlrly, John Cook, Euseno O, Dunn. Torn MaaaotUn, K. Cooler A Pell Dunn, Harrey LeDare, C. Maaten. Prof. Harry Cooper, Texas Dunne, Wm. J. LeDeanx. Ernest Masters, Dick ••LeDonx. EUneet Mathews, Killy A Bony Cootmr k Thmah ••Dupblney, D. SERVICE! LeMay, E. J., Oo. CopUin, Sam Dupree, Jamen Mathews Mualral Trie ••Leltoy A Panl ••Mathews, Harry A CorbelUe. L, A. Dnrand. Rudy That's what did It. Qnk^ actton, thorooch nndentandiDC ami LeRoy. Edw. Corbin, Wm. Duran, Reedy Intelligent and diacrlmlnatlnB handling of mall resnlted In practically Corero. Nanoleen Durnell, Hank (S)J« XJ™.* Matron. Alfred Corey, B. O. Durrett, Dare nlne>tenths of the professional entertainers of America making their J'*’**!**' MatthewH, Alexander B. Corey. Frank Dyer, Jas. I^eader. Ralph Mattbewa, Bennett address in care of Tlie Billboard. Service is rapidly attracting the pdoux. L. Manx. W. F. Corey A Lnken Karl. Charlie others. (SlOnrrIcan. Brian ••Edwards, B. I,ee. I^U X •••Maxwell. C. M. (SiConisan A VIrlan Edwards, Joe WE ARE NOW FORWARDING AN* AVERAGE OF OVER 1,000 lee. Harry L. May, Roy leggette, Eddie May. I ago Corlra, Johnle Edwards, Prof. B. J. LETTERS A D.4Y EACH DAY THEY ARE RECEIVED. Corr, Joe •Egan. Inwrence leicbt. Will May. Newborn Cory, Prof. j. H. Elcber, Jimmie Many of onr clients are not put to the necessity of writing for lelgb, Bert Maynard. Frank •Costello. Edw. ••Eller, Wm. their mail more than once or twice a season. f«lghtra. B. Daniel (Shorty) ^nn. P. D. Maynard. Kea Costello, Prof. •Elllcott. F. F. We do not have to advertise 5% of the letters that pass through •Cooney. Dr. M. A. Elliott, E. J. Mayoe. Flying Coszeto. Joe Ellis, Frank (Tex.) onr offices. Lee. Mr. A Mrs. Victor Mayntt. Edgar Crater, W. J. Ellis, Cotton IN WRITING FOR MAIL THAT IS ADVERTISED, USE A POST- Lee. R. 0. Meaebum Playen Crampton, James Ellis. J. O. lehinann. Jos. E. Meersand. A. Crichton. Max (SI Ellis. BllUe .\L C.%RD. A seif-addressed and stamped envelope is not necessary. Lenox, White Mel Her. Walter B. Cristobal, Tony EIIU, Will Give your route far enough ahead to permit yonr mail to reach yon. l/eonard. 0. J. Mells. Cbas. •••Crittenden. L. B. Ellis, W. D. Write names of tovfiig, dates and signature plainly. lepore, Peter Melville, Bert Crockrell, H. C. •Kills. Frank B. •Leroy, Cbas. Menefee, Osear F. Cromwells. Aerial ••Bloer, Oeo. Lesser, LeRoy D, Meredith. Chief Cronin. Joe Ellsworth, Samuel MAIL IS HELD BUT ONE MONTH lesfer, Oeo. •Meisdith. Jack Croaalns, Robt Elmer. E. W. •Levi. Morris MereTe. Ixmla •••Miller, Dan •Darla, Rnrick Fsnnce, Jim OIbbona, W. 0. Hamilton, Cbaa, B. Hnrnhrook, Earl Kelao. Walter B. Gltwon. Anatin Ilornbrook, Gus hemp, I. 1'. Ig)roll, W. H. •••Miller. Dr. Harry L •Dawson, Bam If. Fanst, Ike Hamilton, Cbaa. W, Ix>w< ‘I. J. Miller's Cwry’s Dogs Milligan. Herbert Dayton. Prof, W. W. Hamilton. J. B. Kennedy, Chaa. W. ••I/oyd. Magician Milligan. P. H. Dayton, Oeo. Fay, Robert Glhwin, Jas. H. Hammood. M. H. Hoamer. Ed •Kenny, Hughe Gllann, Rae Hoea. Bert Lncaa, Wm. H. •••Mills. W. Dayton, Bart ••Featnrs Hamlin J. A. Kenoild, J, Lnetke. Arthur K. Milne. A. M. DeAtlsy, Fnink Feinheg. Chan J. OlbaoB, J. H. Hand, Fred R. Ilonaton. KInnIe Kent. Billy R. Gilbert, W. F. •Ilonaton, Jaa, E. Luigi, Bill Milton. O. R. Di-Balestrlw, L. ••fVInberg, Chan Hand. Peter Kenuger, Levris Imltkr, H. U. MIrn. It. T. Wrislrrllle. Sid •Felber, B. Gilbert. Harry Handa, Aerial •Ilonaton. W. Kerkla, Harry ••GUve. Billy tioward, Bert Lomlnala, Lonia A. Mlsamore. Raymond B. DeOmote, Edw, •Feldman. Ifatiy Hanneford, Poodlaa ••Kerno. Waltor R. Lnmpkln. Cbaa. (Red) •••Mltche)l, Billy •DeHaren, A. Prnton, Billy Gllk, Steve ' Harder, O. B. tloward, C. A. Kerns Boya, Sertn Ollland, Groat Howard, Csot. Jsek ••landmark. Roland Mitchell. I

xne Blllboar

Mias Adams that la particularly suited to Oklahoma Pour Quinns, F. la BachsaMn, Baa fwaasry, BH Uliui, O., A Co. Babbit, Jack Babmsn, Mtnaa the paraoanllty and art aC this popnUr Amerl- !*“!7***tJ. '^■k NEW PLAYS *011vo Daro DdvO bauds ts, Aag. G. Ballsbnry, W. N. aan aetraas. Bwift, Jaka Onall. ObarUa Ragab, Bayd Sampson A Douglas twlgar, Frank A WOMAN or TODAY As Oladaralla Mias Adams showed hor paroa- Onoll, Jack Bamaa A Ayufe Bamaon, Jack A OIsm •Bwortward, Frank W. alal janth la tbs graca, ths dsintlaaas, the Orlaudos, Orlglaul Bandolgb, Jan, Sanderlta, 0. U. Bsilwnisky, Simon Orr, Jas. A. Bauft, L. H. Sanderson, F. A. A WOMAN OF TODAY—A *nmm la tear atW. •aa, tbs dallcaey, tha dsUdons apontanslty •Bxfbanliky, Blmos. Orton. (Hand# •••Kanklna. To« Sanford. Mark Tabor. E. N. hlah mads bar Pater Pan a clamle, aad In fey Jmm ForiMta. PMAuMi fey Mwya A Osborne, Olon ••Rapp, Angustui Saasaman, W. A. Taff, CbsA Company at Ford's Opsra Bonaa, BalOasaa, which hor Ctadorolla la a class second. Osborne. Chas. Q. BanHn, Fred Bauer. Edw. Tagg. ebl. M. Sacembar M. It was imposslbla for anyone with a glimmer Ushorae, Uomsr M, Batllir, Bay F. _ Bavoge, Uoarard (B)l'albert, Henry Imagination not to respond to the delightful Osburn, J. W. Ksub, Prof. Walter W. ••Bayba, ensA B. •Tarhox, Geo. Oswald. Jaha 0. Bay, Paul Bcanlon. W. J. (BUI) Tashjlan, Ueo. TBI CAOTt obarm of her aoting. Tha oompany was almost ***Otis, CharBa Bay, Craay Bcbardinga, J. Tate. L. O. ■dlth Farnbaai.gldnay Bbtelda ■lawless, Norman Trevor, aa the ehlvatious po¬ Otto, Harry •lUymer, Waltsf J. •Scbiiimtdtng, Wolfram Taylor, Jack ■anford Wtllatta .Harold Tarmllye liceman and aa the bored Prince Cbarurltig, do- Owens, BlUla Baymonde, Loo Sthiiildt, NIC Taylor. Bllas Uw< us. Snowball Jack SrbUley, lira. Fambaai .Porcy BaswoU Okcellent woik. Morton Selten was Inimt- Bays, Tbe F. •••Taylor. Jaa. Dyler, Dos •••th-boene, Fred Taylor. Herbert tabla as tha artist, and capital ebaracter work Huza, Jnllua Margartt Famliaia .Janot Bacclier *Oyler. John B. •••Beading, B. B. ••Scbuniann, Oas. Taylor, 0. O. Brlaga ..OllTo Braadt done by David Torrence, Bobert Peyton I'acU, KuUl J. Beavea, J. Bcott, Ed A, (SlTaaekerly, Dr. BUly UoiUns .....Francis Bymo Carter, Wallace Jackson, Dallas Anderson and Packard, Wm. Bed Fox, Cblaf Bcott, Geo. T. Tenney. Roving Art Paige, Barry. Jr. Bcott, Bay Mllfenra.H. B. Horbert MIssas Ada Boaball and Mande LasUa. A fea¬ Reese, Prof. Chas. O, ••Terpliiltj, A. F. Palesen, Henry ••Beene, C. •••Bcott, O W. Terrell, Cart Varaer .Frod J. Oaab ture of the performance waa the Inoldental mn- Pallettes, Four Heed, Cheater •••Scott, L. B. Teaaler. Wm Hatlo Bolanay .Georgia Lawrence by Paul TleUens.—gTLFBaTEB SCHEN- Palmer, Kenneth Beed, Jas. N. •Seabert, Alex. ••Texicole, Cbarlay Waa Martla.Gladys Fairbanks THAL. Palmer, Wm. F. Kelchbacb, Bas •Seaman, Adolph Tbatcbar, Daddy Jim •Palmer. Lo Reid, Kenneth Searlas, Artbor Tbirak, Uobt. Baltimore, Dec. 2S.—A Woman of Today, a Panaclnill. O. •Bemy, F. Beblet. Walter Thomas, Joe A. aaaat modem play by James Forbes, author of THE LITTLE LADY IN BLUE Panetta, FeHs Bcprogle, F, M. •Sefung. Prank O. Thomas, Bd Pant, E. F. •••Segera, Aaron Thomas, Ivor The Cborns Lady, bad Ita premiere performance (Continued from page 4) Bestlvo Parish, Sidney O. •Beyno, Harold •Seigrist. Toto (SlTbemas, Andraw Moaday night at Fbrd's Grand Opera Bouse. Thompeon, Jay trlbuted by Dadd Belaaco, but opined Parrots, Jaggling Bhoada, Leo Selby, Jack U la more an argument than a play. And It •bat "tbe worthy service# of the talented play¬ Partello, Dr. B, Bhoades. Dnaty Sella, J. B. Tbompton, R. Lamnal Passamanti, Louie Thempaon, Edw. Mntt la neither conrlnclng as an argument nor atOT- ers count for little." Tbe Berald said: "It bad Rhodes, Chas. U Sells, Harry Pastor, John A. Tlmmpaon, Thomas bg as a play. Rhodes, Frank B.. Jr. Seybert, K. A T. been hoped that this, the Brat comedy In which Pate, (TIarence M. Thfunpeon, Ray •Bieardo. Wm. Shabaln, Davs Mias Starr has appeared recently, would be Patrick. P. H. •Thompeon, Wm, While the prodnctloa showed aewneaa, the ••Rica. Goa. Shack, Morris (Kid) Patterson. Engena 8. T. Thomson, Harris •rat two acts did not bring out the story with worthy of hw talents, but candor compels one Bice, Dr. B. A. Shafer. Edw, ••Patta. J. W. Slianley, John J. miemway, Zeka ■neb force, and It waa not until the third and to admit that M Is not. Tbe fault lies with the Rich, James ^ Tharbum, Al •Paul, W, 0. Riebardaos. Irwts •Shannon, Walter fourth acts that a really good Insight Into the playwrighto. In spite of the extremey sMractlve Peahman. Goo. ••Tiger BIU Oau RlchardaoB, WUlls Shannon, Harry attuatluns was giren. It Is a dramatic story settlaga and an atmosphera of exquisite dalntl- Pearce. WhiUa Tippa, H. H. Biebardaos, B. J. Shapiro, Wm. B. •Pearl. Jas. ••Tlppa, H. H. laid with great force and eartety; a plot erolTod neas Imparted by Mias Starr the play waa so Riekarts, C. B. Sbattoa, Oon D. Pearson, B. J. Bkaw. C. B. Toby, Harry sntlonally, with some theatrical effects. It is amatauriah that nona of the excellent players Rleton, M. Pederson. D. M. B. (SfShaw. L. W. Todd. R W. had chance to do anything of nota nntU the Rlebel, Bart true, but not to the extent that they mar the a ••Pedrlnl, Paul Sheeks, 0. Todd. Arthur alaoerlty of the characters portrayed or outrage last three minntes." Peeler. IL M. Rtfner, Oail Shelley, John •••TVald. Arthur Riggs, 0. Totnaen, W. A. the clement of poaeibUlty. Tha 'Hmes bad antlclputad a aneceasor to ••Pelks. Chaatar Sheppard, J. L. Biggs. A. BL Tracy, J. C. Pomander Walk, and was a bit dlaappolnted Pence. Tbos. A. Shields, Harry B, The character of Margaret Mlibnm Is limned Penney. Bnd Wggan. David BL Sblehls, Artie ••Hrans-Syndlcata becanse the new play fell abort to all Instances with fidelity, and Janet Beecher, who plays tbe Pepper, Harry L. Hlfey, Chester Shields, Jack xcepttng staging and acting. Tbe Times said: Riley. J. W.. Jf. Travagllsl, Otello ’ vij role, hue tbe minutiae of the business world at Percell. Tony Shields, Praf. D. B. Little Lady In Bine Is an obvious and some¬ Perkins. Bert B.^ Riley. Fred Shivers. W. A. 'Frenholm, Bay fear Ungers' endi. Every honest "trick" of the RInaldo, Dr. R. B. Trone. Jaa. what squeaky, hut fairly pretty, story. adrotUy ••Periscope Dealgnera Sliockey, Joa. A. experienced bnolneM man la part of her fiber. Perronl. LotHs Hlnehart. Jaek Shores. Frank ♦filTrowbridge, L. W. staged nnd Irradiated by tbe grace and charm She la tbe kind of woman that one sees today Perry, Morris •lllngens. P. J. Short. W. L. Troxel. C. E. and ilncnt skill of Francos Starr. It la a good RippeU, (Hias. •Truax. Lewis la hnndreds of olBcea—competent, gulck-wltted Perry, Harry SIttIvely, Victor Sifer, Frank Trne. W. W. aad alert. Silver*. Kdw. F. I'U' ker, Jimmla H. E. Berbcrt, aa Hngb Mllbum, glvaa an ac iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitnitiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiu Silvers, Billy ••Tuler, II. B. curate portrayal of tbe husband, a strong, force •••Simmons. DIek Torek, Joe. Tiu-oer H. fnl m.ui, with old-fashioned Ideas and Ideali •Singer, Harry MUe Turner. 11. F. (Whltey) aomethlag of a caTo mao perhaps—but the type Slater, Geo, .Sl(«\ne. Wni. ••Turner. W. K. of man that most women really "Ioto, boner and NOTICE! Sloi'iim, Geo. Hayaas Tnttle. Tlienm J. obey." Small. Harry L. •Tyler. Mnrvelons Small, J. C. tSi'l'yree. W. E. Miss Percy Haawell makes the part of Mra. Tyn ll, /•.-h Sines Ion. Roy Fambam a charming [wrsonage, and the only fkidcrwooi. Rarl All advertising copy as well as news matter for pub- Smith, Lee logret Is that the role calls for so little of her Smith, L. B. Lliger. Jno. BL talents. Smith. A. H. l>y. Felix I'slier. Bubt. B. Tbe other perseaa In tbe cast are capable, = lication in the issue of The Billboanl dated January Smith. Will Z. (SlVaher. Jan. particularly Francis Boyne aa Billy Hcdllne, Smith <1 O. S 6th should reach the publication office, Cincinnati, O., ^ Smith, Frank Vail, Bobby Margaret's business partner, and Sidney Shields Smith, Webb Valentino. U^-o. as Edith Farnbam. Smith, Sanford Vau Art, l.udky = for ear y morning delivery Monday, January Ist, as but = A'kn Camp. Eddy Not tbe least attractive feature of the play Smith. Joe •Smith. W. M. •Van. II. F. Is the stage settings, done in soft, delicate •Van Oryler. Dr. = one mail delivery will be made on that date, account = Smith, John R. feaats that delight the eye.—GTLVAN SCHEN Yance. Karl Smith, Ernest raAL. Vahdei'piln, W. = of legal holiday. 1 •Smith. Chaa. Veil. Hug.> Smith, M. U Velato A KISS FOR CINDERELLA •Snelt. O. J. •••Veuian. ’lick Snider. Floyd Vermont. tThas. ••Sny^r. Tnbby KISS FOR CINDEHEIXA—A "fancy" In • Vernon. Heck leas THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING COMPANY | Snyder. Dug •••Vetter. G>iy three acts, by J. M. Barrie. Produced by Sokolone, A. Vleo A Henalda Charles Frohman at tbe Academy of Music = CincinnMti, ------Ohio S Solomon, A. 1C, •••Victor, Hugti Baltimora, December 18. Sorg. D. D. •Vim-eut. Frank Sontag, Edw. W. •Vincent. Frank iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiulinniiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiulif Sorroa. Oeo. TBE CAST: ♦8) Vincent. F. F. ••Sours. A. W, Vono, Gimy Mr. Bodla .Morton Selten Speaker, V. D. Wagner. R^ company in s bosntlfnl pradscUas ad s no- Parry. Olonn H. nipple, Gna Bpencor, W. A. Gar Policeman.Norman Trevor Perry, G. Alfiod blK'hey, Hal M Wagner. Clyde ■. account play." Spencer, Garnet Miaa Thing (Olndorolla) .Mande Adams PotOTS, Tnrk Rivera-Hi vats ••Wagner. Fred At tha New Task premlara tbara wars many Sperry. Kid Wagoner, Billy Has With a Board .David Torrence Peteraoo. Eomso Roach. Ubas. J. Bprtngatc, W. H. Bobbins, E. H. Wagoner, Fr*d nrtaln caUs, and Mr. BoUaco. in s reaposaa. Peterson, Ralph Spurrier. Doo B. D. Man With a Coal .Wallace Jackson (B) Roberta. Uhas. Wagoner Amn spoke sincerely ad his admiratlen for Uttla Peterson, Art •Staff, Harry Mra. Maloaay .Ada BosheU (BIBoberU. Chaa. Petroes, Dalo •Stanley, Harry Miss Vtuneas Btsrr. Bobinsoo, Nat 0. Walek. Ears A Costar ...... Bobert Poyton Carter Peyser, 1. L. Stanley, Bobinaon, blip Wales. 0. D. Marie Tfeeraae .y....Tbeedora De Comb PhtUps, Dr. Stanley, Jack J. Boblnaon, Barlay Walker. W. F. PMlllps, Jol^ Las ••Stanton. Waltav Gladys .Thelma White Bodenburx. B. H. Walker, R. B. PUHlps, H. F. Btar A Star Balphtna .Edith Aldan LETTER LIST Begara. Boh Walker. J. Blehg«d Phipps, Chaa. B, Htartaell, Skip Gieteben . Bleanore Davison •Rogers, E. J. •Walker (Gonttnsad tiom page Bl) Pldge, Hr. Stegall, Britt •Bugera, Will ••Walker 3. OrvMs A Oodmotfeoff.. Angela Ogden •••Plepar, Hank Stohley, Wm. Bogers, Geo. B. Walker, Thomas G, Bn. Bodla . Katherine Brook Moore, L. W. Neill. Sam Pierce, fiarl Steiner. II. E. Bobrmoaer, Oss, Wall A Kid Moraleo, Geo. A. Nelson. Toney ••Pierce, A. a Stell, Ct-.arKy Manny ..Dallas Anderson Uolfa. Geo. WaHare. Doc •Moran, BUly Nelson, NUes Pierce. A. 0. Stenning, Walter Numo .Mango Leslie ••Bollo, Alfred Wallace A HeaSB A MurreU, ChSA Nelaou, M. ▼. Pietro, Fplulctl Sleiilioti I. xd Bailer, BcdJ. F. Waller. B. tl. Morris, H. L. Nelaon, Thoa. F. Pigaro, Jimmy F. 8te|diena. I- tuk Baltimore, Dec. a.—^A full house at tha New (SlSelaoD A Nelaos like, Dewey Borne A Wager •Walaey. Wm MorrlA J- 0- ••Stephena, Rrneat Walsh, Jao. Academy of Music, Monday night, greeted Mbts (StMurrls. liCon Nelsons. Flying Pike, A B. Bose, Wild BtUy StepInnanD. Max Walter. H. 8. Maude Adams wben tha curtain rose on tbe Morton. Will J. Nema. Wonga PilUstii. Hugo Bose, Dave IS>vi..-iin». J.eo •Bose, UiUy ••Walter. Mr. Muebey, J. U. ••Nessalvort. Joe. Platt, Barney Sterling. J. N. Bmt presentation in this eenntry of A Kiss •ItuKi-ii. Morris Walters, Boh (Daff> Mosby, Jack B. Nertti, Albert Pleasants, Jas. H. tststcilln-. A lx>ve dor Cinderella, aptly denominated "a fancy, Boscnblatt, D. Wallers. Gay M Sing tlirongh It with Its origiDsl wit and geu Newton, Geo. Polk, 0. F. Boss, M. F. •Mnrpby, John L, Stirna Iciutc •Wanl Harry Me sarcasm, as instanced In tbe lordly penonl Murphy. Iloraeo Newton, Hsny Polio*-. C. M. Boss. Monroe Polo, Prof. J. SfiM k. Fd Ware, Chaa. D, dcaW.m of Tbe Times and of tbe British cen Mnrpby, Barry Nichols, Clarenoa 0. •Bossl, Edw, Nielsen. J. P. pour, Alphonse St )ck. John |S) Warren. Frank Murray, Billy BuuiiOs, W. B. ,\,.in.-. Frank nor, evstumed aa a headsman. Nlver. Hartiy •Pope, Chas. T. •Wnshhurn. Ge*. Murray, John Bovine. J. W. Stopock, Harry It is a very nnusnal play, and for n while Archibald Norman, Jaex Porter A Walker Waslihurn, John JlMfe •Bowe, U. 8. Htorca. Wm. Waters. J. A. Nonica. Blacklc IHirter, G<*o. the story appears disconnected; and In this re Murry, B. A. ••Bowe, II. B. Stoughton. Ned Walnen. Scrubby •Norris, Wm. •Porter, Alvin •pect it auggeets some of those musical com Mnrtin. Chaa, •Boyle, B. Stout, Then. Walt, rs, J. A. Norsman, J. A. Post, Tom Myers. Harry RozeH. Frank A. Stout. IcToy Welrck, K. J. gositions In which, soon after tbe theme la an Norton. L. B. Myers. Leo Pounds, (kiarlle •••Km ker. E. H. Strang, Al Way Karl Bounced, the Ideas of the composer pass Into North. Cedi •N. O. Powell. Albert Kndolph, Mika w*ro|c l»»hn Waycoi'hanikt*, ftnaB VMgle, Irwin W. N<.rton. W. F. discursive and apparently unrelated wanderings Powell. P. K. Buff, John J. Strlckliiad. J. H. Wayne. f)or Napoletano. CarsUno N»«n. W. J. fent the main theme Is never absolutely bs) oowell, Cbarhs Buhl, John Strickland, Hugh Wayne. Buddy Narder, Sat B. ••Naan. Wm. Power, Jack P. Bull, Alex. Strock. Paul Wtio, Gee. aight of, sod when tbe time arrives there Nation, Al O'Brien, M. O. Power. ‘T. J. Bull A BoU Stnmp. W. B. •••Weaver. Buck n beaatlfal rhapsody in the climax. In A K NebravVa BUI O’Brien. Ed Powers, Bd Bnnny A LaFraSCO •••Weldier, Billy (Jssr* Neff. Kobt. OTamey. H. D. Sii'tt. rWitr drt' Cinderella the main idea Is the child Powers, Doc David A. Bupp, Nelson D. Sullivan. Boy iSuy O'Hara Ed Weber. Rtlly dream and the en'mlnatton Is the marvelous ball \ftr. •••Powers, Harry Bush. Joe Siillirnoa. Mnalral ••Selm^ K. Offie. Frank D. Webken. Cert auom scene, which for beanty and originality hae ••Powler, Win Bnssell, J. 0. •••Sullivan. J. A. Webefer. W. Y. SeU*. Victor Ohmer, Edw. •Praliuisn. Ksd feCObably never been earpaseed on the atage. BussnII, Lawrence Sutherland. W. B. Weber. A. B. iTatt. Barney Bnssell. Boas B. Sutton, Montana Earl Weddtngton. lionlA It alt dependa upon bow far yoa can travel Prempert, Wm. Rnsnell, Lloyd F. • stsntinn, Cnrtla I. •••Weem*. Bill Into tbe I-and of MaksGelteve as to bow well a hear from you at •Presay, Chaa. Unsw-ll, Prlnec Swan, Al •Weinberf, Ik* gsu win like A KIm for CtadereUa, for Cinder Majt>e 1 can help ProwL Albert RaaaeU. Kobt. L, Swan. F. Ollftea Welrck. R J. PAPA Pryor, Chaa. A. dBa Is truly Peter Pan's Urtia slater. la Rsata, Bam •Swahn. Gao. Welat. If. Candy Punch A (FNetl •••Ryan. B. J. Swan, Cliff I Pats) Welch. John W. Notching Clarterelto Mr. Barrio has. rap sated STB Frss^^Avsi •“•MUSH •Pntnaa. Mlp JaehItB Byas, M. L. Bwarlngen. W. F, Walah, F. D. c ItMclf In that ha haa auiplltd ■■atfear rots •Qnarkaabsab, Frod Byarson, Waltas Swartwood. J, J. •Welsrb. JAn 7 .

I DECEMBER 30, 1918.

Bsp*rleM«, ■Stott. Coaatork ■ (hmt, mgl*.: J. ereWllaua. lluilga Wanh., ‘J^W: KorUaail. Jml 1-4l (a WlMao. Oaift Tergiimm, Blato,' Uair ■ ■riaAcar. •(tak: ■•« Wli«ort. H. W. York, icdal X Wlolora, Pkaatad OatcUert AU, BurtM ft Iha Skukcrta, lAtf aWItt. Baa Uilfra.: Nt-ir Tork, loUcf. a. Wlnroofc, (»aak Gaj Stm Torkars. laivraec* EvataU. olkt. . t Wuliwtt. Mark NECKELSONN Saarcy, Ark., 2i-S0. W a Wolcott, r. B. O^Wng UarrM, Wm. Fartnftam, m(r. t*Nrw . m. ■ Womack, oiaada York, ladaC Ut>o. Wood. Btaoloy Girl VVtio .SioUm: Taaoo Olt/, Mtoa.. tt; Tick* . U. Wooda, Cap. a ( unt 3«; .Meridian Jaa. 1. lao. a Wooftaaa. M. E Qlrl Wltbout a Oliauce, Itobert Rhrrman. mcr.: a. ft. WoouwaH, Jaaaa (Krouat Naar Tork TS-TM); (Laalnstoo) New ilia Wtiodward. Matt Refined York Jaa. 1-4. u Sdaail aWoodward. U. d. Grial United Bbowa, Mooltoa, Tax., 3B-3ft. •••Wnuaaw. Walt H. ToMf. Baa E Jewel’a OUilen Jiiblb-a t^., M. Jewel, amr.: WlStoma. Paday _ Tooag. Hatry trnsino* WaKhington, Ta., 2r> .10. W’MHaam, Mr. • M^ _ Toouger. W. E J’latlce, John 1). WilllamH, mgr.; Jaikaon. MIek., Ml ZaUee. Paal 28; Toledo. O.. W S”: BuJTbIo Jan. I d. WnHama. ftl F. •••Zaaf. Imn E. King tbXBk* Amaeement Oo., I>o all! fi.rulsh di, norwean Jan. 1 fl. MOUNTFORO CHARGED AS A MEN wtijof that >rlU podurely aoYU4 atoady t>odki.':g S'Lte fall parthmlara AU ronumuilceUnna OOD- Miss Springtime. Kluw ft Krlanger mgra.. New OJcwtlaL B. N. R., 1465 Broadway, N-w tbra Luy. ACE BY HfS OWN York, liidef I Morrill. Kliz Si .efc Co- flan. A. Morrill, mgr. liildiing Mii n., ’ >. l 7. By HARBT BE VSftUX. M.rers. Billy K.. Posdaini daids. Marlon. III.,

Proildrot Afltora* latemntlonal TTbIob TEAM WANTED—Young People M.i^teriDiia Rnillb Co., A. w Smit!,. layr.. S’afe M»n eith atraig. ic-«»l idi’. dng Tutie, to a-rdat wlih ings. and Girl a., iv.i.iy tVntor, la., .I fi. ht-adilne raudwtUe act, u Katoaa Ibty middie January. Stale age, Nl' hole. lion, ft Thelma Co.lwln, Tan pa. Fta., Mount font and hla cHdUe have been b^wirog , aya farto, t-aggase and o- tdnuw Axiply lautr ia>.). M. ARNOLD. 3S30 Treast Av*., 2.7 Jan. fl. agalniig the nieB;W.‘h(p of purpooe, intuition and knowledge of organtza Nnl* C,tini*4j C.i.. i‘r:’i'g*». T; ' . 2' TO. of the Wlilie Uat» to Iwy no att, ation to what i-n ahairt, tb.ii Le -vas indeiten leat and f'arh- OI.I lady 31. Kiictl nirr.. S » Y'tV. Indef. they rend in Tim P.tlUH.uTd; la fa-t. to bojoutt I lit trota what we taw in Baitimore he hue I’a^lnp S'low of IPltt, The S'rtjberia. mgrs.: Wiat palter a< an eneoiy of the White Hats. f.-llen for the same mlnle Intluenee. He is I(e>ion ’jo-Jan. (1. The Tiinth la mighty aad maat prirall. iiilliitloiis and duix hn\e i-tased to laaterlaliie. rot feaHeaa; he looks to Monntford to do h>- IV eriens Mr.lda. Cliff Watenn’e THTipa, Fla., 3B- thdiklBg, and be hat rhow-n to go tlie mute If tiH* nteinbewdl.p of the W lute llata ban tx e know that sin-*- ui. oiR.-e h.xs heea o|>e!iiv| Jan. C. with thi-ae who have been mauHtnlating K»i any further ditubia uf llie pixlllon we hate at l-y the in.'iiiagerk opi«ii-iti the eiil~ance to the I’li rrnr tln‘ Prodigal. AmeR ft Knight. mgr«.; affaira In the 1 am sorry for FitzPatri. k •umetl or the i-b-irg-M we have iu«de tlrrt I'.gh chib hoviae the receipis lutve faUiti to pra.'- N".w Yi he has shlestepped a pr -at chance to acconi.i'iitli INIiya'iim. C. Tyler, ric’’ Ihietim. Indef, resnjta. If he mnhirait.a his present utatus h" Mt-iiulfo-a f pentctnal mnullipitHie. l‘«>iie of He n the lofic.-s of tV White Bau is. like the I’viii I’,.•III. Mi'fi Il,el,x 'n II-• r.v *- nig',, moat luffer elir.ination with the rest. He at P (■.yueuinl lt'>< !•< rIi r. .V. Y .1-n. I 3; (Van cemle-r 17. -.Hide of lime, runiiinp Inw llow ih> we kno.v ; i7 Why Mour.Uord himself says so. Ho !« has a chance to make good. Ha was eleotri(. Curley (I. f! 1 S-In iu-<-i.-'d.» 4; i llarmanaa We have a'-uimed tint M-Hiiitfool. hl» lueth o Iiorted to have si.ld hn' a few days mny | hr tbe memberahij to make good. Mountford rthwlar Hall) Altwtiy r. G. •d». hw Kvte-i.atea. hit id.aiti -In fad. 111-* ■ They hara boon howling lor action, wt wrill i wss sent for by tho clique, not by the order. IVrtmante.en Tti'-ntir Co., Stuart Walker, mgr.: whole ■■oinimign hu* not lieeu to ttie 1 e.-tt inter give it to them and tfcea we shall see tf they i Kis election rritbout oppositian was a joke. He New T«-rk. Iteh-f. e«l» of tl.o vauderille rrti»t. K err tbe.atrieal vill ati-k. They are like a lot of yellow dogs, was brought hack to get money to save the I'rier ft liorLelli'e Mlnstrr!" Ttinklnchitm. N. llitereet. at well a.t oath Ihentri--;!! iin*di-'a!tor. ihoy ars afraid to come into tbe club heu*j. i rldb. He has done the best he could. Has hr C.. S*; Hamlet .T.-u l; W adi—ln ro 2; Hi.'-ht t'a- ba< follu'v- d the line bl.’./oned by The Plllt-nr-l Ii we go under 1 shall return to New York an I | tkcceededi Let W'hUe Rbts answer. '•llle. B. C., 3: Suirki-r 4: Camden 6. fi't the iMitt' yiMi' elnee M-.-nntBvrd retu-wt I reerg IB re twe actors." ISne* ih's scuuid Prtn'onn I’at, Jolin Ce.'t. u-rr." Irdiatiapolio the White IS-tit. Kvery artUt >-f st.nidlag .1 iilei.-e 111 h’- i.l.iliiy lo wml Whiit del 26-30. (there who thinhl ha* at latt ronllJied the Ir vli u lUiuvt mean wInn In o.Ti-red a niuluel frlcn-l ROUTES RECEIVED TOO LATE'FOR evltnhte -M'l.nt'ovd and hia cliiue. the real ..1 pj-ir'HiiUy to po Is Chicago i nd • lu-n iia CLASSIFICATION menace of actora ard orfanixed raadarille, «ger. *y t i .*np,ily e-' lii-iiiiy union octal \\ h.v must go. i-u he in.ske tl.Ls . ITer in lUe presence of Win. le-t UH 5-1 k a few nii'tilht. u» quote I.-I IS? I-S Morris i-no of tlie fiwtoiw ir. lU-e Alone at Last, Tbe ishuberta, ng.-a.; Cincinnati the -tpi ihui held hy the preen tbeet tl en an-1 i.f a .-trike! U .\P rri- r.-iiiing on an uusoltle.l 2-4d>tt. Itecord Er«'akers. -Is-k lleid'ii, l»•lelda N T., tia Lite iiuiK s-tiuo . i.idillo.T (o again i-Mor vauJevillo a.- u bc-'kii.-g Itig Kbow. Chaa. L. Dillinktiain, mgr.; New 27; Niagara Falhs, a&-30: Toronto. Can., ■Angntt I'l, 1‘.>i; .ivi-i.i. i.wi.-g an a< tors' qusirel to wedge in? York, indef. Jan. !. npon i-e'.’alii 'ai • Vie the White Bats, the l.-iin r moiemeiit und the Bird of raradl-e. Oliver Moriwco. mgr : Deayn Keillr's, kVi. Glciie Trotters: (Majestic) Daa- aU'ition It ll'e I I t ai-tort t > he U'.-d make a place for a vaude- •2.7 30; Salt l-ake City Jan. 16. vil.e. Va.. 26-30. theairi til •’ay. I ul .tile agfii'.' If 1 know anything ol uii lioriiani'a, .A1 ft Gertrude. Glrla ft Boys From •ver the won m. HoWnson Cnjsoe. Jr., The Slinbtrta. mgra.: to-'s’ orginiZi-tim it Is not to smh'.ie I'lvic; iKiks) Tort -Artanr, Tex., 26 30. f<»p-igiu»rt 111 nn-e ngi-nt- oijo ti e actors, but to -ujgail tin- r ClevolSDd 26-30. Blue I’ The M.tiberia, nigra.: I’liila., in¬ .vrjii I'nrli) Opera <'o.: St. Patil 25 Ml.lie fnrd't ir, -iipn-n e and eventually to elimtiato tin .:i def. St. I.i uti Ainn-etnent (>>,, .XIamo. Ga , 2ri SO. It again t.iyi The Tauderiile marag-vrs, 'he is:ih l.v. Are the actors being us-'d under r.Iiie raradise, Tho r-.*iu'.«erta, mgni.. ritt-bnrg Siii.w- of Wenders. The Shulierts. mgra.: New ri |iro-eni.i.i- su-h-.ilii- H lo'e and tin- li-»ni-st cover to haost som> body 's gamel n- fi II fill of the te-iilta i f .i Tork, indef. trade |i. |e-r I inn hrmly lotn'i id Ilia' affai-s in '!.■ r.ri:'»iag Up Fathir In rditlcs. Griff Wtlliam- .S' |i re 3« sre tlie ladies of 50 Iz-tty, outer Morc-eco. mgr.; New Fttike 1 V > White Rati an* In a ih vh ■ iM* dilin'i 'i he n gr. (N'.tiotial) Ohicugo 26-30; St. l.onis Jan. ran li iu-lhi-r pi;’.' ii'c i'i that pt di'e-o* . Y'crk, Indef. ;.1-I Ilf J.inii irv I'llT iii t.-i- Oi it money must 1-rt. |l e,i. - ri'e o-te-l l-y piv’vy 1. < ■ l-it l'>,' doin-W-dy'a Luggage. The Shnherta, mgra.: K-'je- .. h Iinl to Ul-et Iil-Ihga' o'l- I feel Unit if I’piwn ft MeXliary Biiow’s. JaekeonTille. Khi.. ii'hi-ri or. .eoiiH, Who nri* brinp- ton 26,30. i|iv ll.lio -tti-—Veil elellt SI<11*111I '--gelhei out 51 -Hhorn .Amusement Oo., Nacogtlotehau. Tex,. lU-- ftoui moiiie- i-nrtii-il as put It- i-ii- o( p.i.iirg ,i; -v-irg -iiluo tld-* is Vi- n; ■1 ed a- I lii*l e-lort to fon-'all oliiiii'i.itio;- SntherT, B, H., 'll’e Shaberta. mgrs.: Chh-ago lie- p:i*lil-i of till CLUB iiniile it (Vusilile m 21Jbu. n. -hug iileig for a >vhtle. hr.t -itnn* tlmt n-v .lue l.iiir 11:1' s tl..'i .aiiiie on' wi l It! vXe , Stop Lively. Acme ProdnctloB Oo.. vagrs.: Balti- ^l IS 'i.-i-ii lakii away it 1- desperate metho(i.i moic -27 30; L'nior. Hill. N. J.. Jan. I d. ire the pipi-r. If tin- a tor el.- i- I" Is'lii •'<• to eioiier mako oi hrefck. The money they have se ncf li ' Hi.eiiiy le.’ause we wl-di to i«'iiit ..yit sttirclniv’s Band. F. Stnrcblo, dlr., .Mam-haatev, oil h.iiil will not last long, and if they n.uat go 111* .huger lie is Is’iiig Ie*l to all rtplu —we.v 0;l.. 26-111. ids er.-iiiy." Till* HilllHsinl lias .-srnisl this Tel-’phnne Girl*. Martin ft BaSua, mgr.. FL raiiiimign Into .-(Tiu-t wlllumt tii-iilng the Smith. Ark.. 2«-.'». line It lit* l-i.-ii llii' IlllllsMir.l that boa bi-cn Thelma Co., tjir Orlaod. mgr.. Platrwell, Mick., |U.|ilUM«g the real Irttlbs wllli.sit atm 20; Albion .30; Battle Creek 31; Coldwetag fid us an enemy to .tin- aetor Ini a- an e\- Jar. I; Saline 2; Uorened 4; Undaon 5; Hllla- i«'*(e of lii-i worst eni-ii'v tlie man and mer dale 6. ivliivkhave loiiiiiier.’I.ll'f,. Iti.-ir i-fforta f.>r relief Thirteenth (fhalr, TFia. Harria, mgr.: New Tsirk, as eii arW ro 'lielr tiiaeliinallons. iB-lef. ■jne great -lit-.-t atti.n says: "Once again we Tlnirston. Magldan. Jay Rllnk, n:gr.: Mempbbk m 'dtie IX.v.ri\ of IMn-etors. stay on tbe Job Tenn.. 26 30; New Orleans Jan 16. a ' • or .'oiiued; If the act*rs an* Tree Kir Herbert' iffiloage Indef. going ‘to m led into''-"*••• 'I"*', .‘•'.V"'' Tre.isnre Taland, Citas. ■opkins, mgr.: New who are wiirklog have a reason Tork, ladef. Hlsttsy Is bnt reiieatlng Iteelf A gv*’ -_ Turn to tbe Right, Smith ft Oolden, oigrA: tola lieeii raised aud Ike vaudeville acton* b'*' New Tork. been on edge, waiting to tM-e bow far tlie Uoehaateiied Womaa, OMrer Moroeoe, mgr.t Bt. wreckers of the White Rats will go in thsir laviils 20-30, grand stand ptag. We have Is-en consistently Upstalta and Down. OBrer Merosce, mgr.: New en the lob; we have trte.1 to advise acninst the York, Indef. egportiiiilsis. Isit otir effotia have lieeti fore¬ Very tlood. Kddie, Marbn-y ft Oomatock, mgnt: stalled by the s<'|ii'ii..Ts who hare been cryln* Phlla. ladef. wolf. We know now that all theae who de^tid Very G-sxl. F.ddle. Marbury ft Oomatoek, nagm: •poa vandevllle as a sole means of liYcllnood Brookly n 26 30. BM wlao to the rffoita to use them as a weapon xx'allh-k s Show-:. Xlariugonli:, La., 3B-S0. 1417—THf FAMDU8 AIKCM ftHftWS—1417 Wblrh One S all I Marry, Rowland / FTowarE to toe discredited, paaaa olAeiaU of the White For many yean the ‘T’athflndcn" of the MUIdie Wist. Watitad oomlng aeaam. 131 Fferls Wheel and nion Inc., iii-grs.'. Illchinofirt, Va., 31-3t, Waahlag* lUg. clean ccooful.sis. Ad Irraa B.AM AIKJ2V'. In.-., n. C.. Jau 1 «. ilieelaiKl Ohio. Wild Uill'a Frontier tiaya Moataaa B«H. mgr,, Douglaaville. Ga., 27 30. Rxpeiit Di'o. RUlott, Conuteck ft Qest, mgra. Ton're In Love, Arthnr Uammerstete, m^.l Doa- tao, Ik4e(. %

THE BILLBOARD oec«i«««•mtu. THE GREAT BRACKEN Australia’s Supreme Wire Act De Luxe