Courier Gazette : December 14, 1897
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Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times In Eastern Maine Consolidated March 17, 1897 The Courier-Gazette. TWICE-A-WEEK . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year Rockland Maine Tuesday December 14 1897-------Twelve Pages Vol. 52. No. 89 A CHRISTMAS LULLABY. Uncle William would like It. The m an in the store said that people often came In By low, my babe, bylow, offering as much as 25 cents each for mica Hero on thy mother's brenst. ht that particular kind. When we And. cuddled worm hr Iter loving arm. back—the mouse trnvelcil ’.11 Alexander * IV II E . Y y o u g i v e . / Droop down th.v bend to ie<t- pocket—we it once held another ommtt- I’oor, weary bend, ho tilled with doubt tee meeting Of life mid what If* nit about I Dorothea said (hat If Alexander and I had refreshments the rest ot the committee Bylow. my babe, bylow. ought to have them also So we had Christmas Gift Curl up in flower wine chiX’olates—IB cents’ worth. We agr. d to Thy rosy feet anil white limb* sweet, purchase tho black pouch. Freil suggest My bud of pnradlR’— ed that there was just a possibility that Dear, tender limb*. too frail to share Uncle William would not care about the YOU WISH IT A A’IV DOJY'T Tlio burden e'en which babes must bear! mouse Alexander said that he would tel Bylow, my babe, bylow Y O U f Y U S ! Let tired eyelids It inn. And from thy sight shut thi* world's light You like to have what you purchase look And thy world’s light from Hit.' - Love rndinnt. eyes, twin stars that shim* bright and clean, also in nice pretty boxes ! Through darkling doubt with trust divine! Y e s ! W ell Bylow, my babe, bylow. Bo Rhone tlio star of love Long years ago, wilh guiding glow. The newborn Christ ftbove Ami found an niiHwerlng heavenly ray Within the manger where he lay' Buy Your Christmas Gifts Bylow, my babe, bylow, The star still rains its fire. And the Master mild in lhe heart of a child n o L L Y - B o u a i r , w ith Bids echoing flame aspire. And sphere and soul in eoneord sing. A clinging snow, . A T . “ The King is born, and love is king! Stands out against the sky, Marion Miixs Mii.lkil "Where frosted leaves, in fairy Bh eaves. And wintry shadows lio ; CLARENCE E. DANIELS, UNCLE W ILL'S (H IT. N o songsters on the leafless trees, WHILE WE WERE IIAVtNfl BREAKFAST AT TIIE To fill with melody tho breeze. A TBUK STORY RELATE!* BY HIS M PHI W STATION HE l»ll> Ills A1.1 n t NTS. The Jeweler. egrapli about it, and did This was th e telegram Tkoiborrics red, above our head, On Christ nuts day Uncle William re Uncle William—Do you like white Jnva D the fro sty lig h t, ceived a card inscribed as follows: mouMot* Tame Eats anything And gleaming fair, in clusters A few of our Cut Glass in Sterling Silver Mounted. A l e x a n n Kit. William Bunting, Esq., debtor to hi* rare, nephews Alexander and Fred and to his In about an hour tbeuuswer came back Peep from the leaves so bright; nieces Norah and Dorothea, for money Most certainly not. expended in his behalf........................... -50 Hi Tho pure snow glistens on tho Sterling Mounted Tooth Powder Boxes, $2 00 This caused us some consternation It cc 2 50 Uncle William paid the money at once was thought better to go to town again or. ground, Tooth Brush Tubes, but he wrote to say that lie should like to the morrow and see if the man in t lie store And icc-elad aro tho streams « t 3 50 to 6 00 know how it happened that, he owed ns 1 •• would take back lhe mouse In tli. mean around. Cuff B oxes, cents. It was Alexander who bad sent lhe time Fred’s pocket was unpicked and the t t Ink W ells, 1 50 to 6 00 bill in—for a boy of 12 he really is most entire fund bunded over to Alexander in Through thickening snow tlio tiro- order that, he might, reim burse him ell t t 1 75 to 2 50 o lig lit ’fl glow Vinagrette, Alexander Raid that In- would keep ac Miikea ruddy all (ho room. t t counts. and If there was anything oxer he Salve Boxes, 50c to 2 00 would get. some very cheap present—per And children dear, with happy tt 1 00 to 2 00 haps a card The pouch wus. ot course cheer, Vasaline Boxes, now Impossible Dispel the winter’d gloom ; t» 4 50 to 13 50 He and I went together as before While Their youthful faces, blvthe and Cigar Jars, we were having refreshments »r the sta t t Atom izers, 4 00 tion he did Ids accounts gay, “ They do n 't come out very well he V atch every shadow nai they play. said rather dolefully, “ but perhaps we Joanna McK ratg An elegant line of Sterling Manicure Files and Button shall be taking t he mouse back just when Bonio one is wanting io give a quarter lor Hooks, Tooth Brushes and Shoe Horns. a real Jav a one. ” He felt In his coat, pocket as he spoke, A COMEDIAN’S PLIGHT. about for a few’ minutes he found a huldci CHRISTMAS GIVING. and then lie looked more doleful still Tho which had l>ccn used by the workmen 1 mouse had escaped during the journey Adventure That Befell Nat Goodwin on h can’t begin to describe the diilleultics and A (liiMtun, That CoilK.M Kr.iik, Him Tlir„« Don’t Mistake the Name and Place- Tho accounts were thus Chrlntnia* Night. dangers of th at climb, hut nt last, we Wl».< Mini Win* Vullowed the Star. Expense* of ilrsti visit to town................. fu JJO scrambled to thu top, with clothes torn and Thorndike House Block, - Rockland. Whitu Java mouse......................................... 14 The most, eventful ChrlstmuH I evet hands bruised and bleeding Fortunately Of cmirHi. you ihm.iI not Iki tolil of llm Chocolate*..................................................... 10 passed was in 18U1 Wo had played in the w atchm an was walking toward tin origin of prcMontiug gll'lh ut thin duhnou Tel eg rum ............................. 20 Utica GhristmoH eve and wero to leave on middle of tho bridge, and we had a <?han<*i of tlio yvur. Tim Ilir.Mi w Iho men who Expense* of second visit................. 30 an early morning train f.or Poughkeepsie for a good start iH*i'ore la* could stop us j followed llm Htttr until it reuiuiued sta- 51 10 Tho company caught the train ail right, After a short breathing spell Appleton, blit it was frightfully cold and a blizzard tioiiury over tlm Htiible iu Bethlehem, “Wo are 16 cents to the b:ul,’’ I said, Jack and 1 began our perilous journey uud win., entering the imvel wherein was raging. I deci (led to w ait for a later along the narrow footpath that stretched “ and we haven’t got. any present The re train, which would reach Pou«hkeep*i« were tlm eow and llm unn, knelt down freshuients have ennui to so much this across the ghastly looking Ironwork, but about. 5 o’clock. Instead of clearing up. lx'foro wo hud reached the middle of the before (lie lieauliful Hullo in llminungui-. DONAHUE’S PHARMACY WE SPENT THE ODD FOURTEEN CENTS ONA time. ” however, tho storm grew’ worse, and tin phieed before him prenuntN of myrrh, WHITE JAVA MOUSE. “ All eommitties and delegates of c o m bridge the watchman Htop|xxl us and or train that I waited for never came It dered us to go hack We pleaded ami pro fi-uiikin.-eiiM- mid gold Their example We have laid in an unusually businesslike—and we deputed him to uu- mil tees have refreshments,’’ said Alexan was stalled in a drift up the road some tested and argued, hut it was of no use in (lie example that, you follow toduy, swer Uncle W illiam ’s letter. Ho did so. der dietatorially. “ It doesn’t matter I’ m ? where I Ix'g/in to realize then that it Wa good stock of Holiday Goods He replied that the 16 cents was the sum paid the dcllcit so far, but Undo William Ho wouldn't even take a bribe Hereupon 1,81)5 yearn after llm Magi made obei- il cold day for me in more senses t han one the hoy Jack loudly called my attention to spent in excess of the sum subserilted by will have to make it up. It sail Ids fault I tried to hire an engine, but didn’t sue Kanee Io tile Child .leHUM, and when you and we invite your inspection. Alexander, Fred. Norah and Dorothea lor If he hadn’t been there, we shouldn ’t have the fact that the water looked awfully cold plaeo preheiith before the little alien who ceed, for there was none. 1 finally gave down below. Appleton quickly added that the purpose o f wanted to be generous to Idm.” are made Iu the image ef llm Divine giving Uncle William a it up in despair and went hack to the ho umlereertaiu circumstances It wouhl make We have articles especially Christmas present.