RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME IV. NO. 9. RED BANK, N.J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24,1881. $1.50 PER YEAR. TOHN S. APPLEGATE, . S. SAGUES, UE1) BANK .AND. VICINITY. pany was held on Friday evening last OUR LONG BRANCH LETTER. An Editor's Troubles. s. SHALL WE HAVE WATER? and the following officers were elected Tho editor of the RockvUle (Indiana) COUNSELLOlt AT LAW, Dealer In It pays to advertise in Till! REGISTER. An Atrocloui Auault—Bobberr 1>: DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, President, James H. Peters; secretary, Foot Padi-A. Body Waalied Anhor Tribune gives vent to his feelings con- BED BANK, N. J CuffB, collars imd shirts nt H, H. Cur- TWO COMPANIES BEADY TO BUIU> John Li Wheeler; treasurer; J,oml Book*, Magazines, kc. ''' THE WORKS. at Seabrirfit-Our Water IVorkn cerning delinquent subscribers in an ed- TTENBY M. NEVIUS, • Saguis Celebrated Hoot beer, the hat In town. tiB'B, Applegate. Tlie board of directors is Death from Taking Autl-Fat-Th itorial which will be endorsed by moat !<Plymouth Bock" Accident. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Extra eizod clutliiiig 'it 8f>ectalty nt Itlr. t'ha*. II, smith)* Opinion la Be- composed of the following gentlemen country publishers. The Tribune says: Kard to a Water fcapplr for RedJames H. Peters, Jolin. 8. Applegate, LONG BRANCH, August 23.—A Irami ,:'•'• -, BED BANK, N. J. LUIIIOW'H. " Tho present proprietor took charge Bauk-Wnler In the Town by New Anthony Reckless, William W. Conover LDEST ESTABLISHED PAINTER SliirtB, blue, yaclit, whiU; and fancy named Franklin Connolly committed an of the Tribuna March 1,1878, and a few pHAS. H. TOATFORD, ' Yearn ir the Coimnl»»loner» Act Im- and James JM. Loweree. The engineers 0 BhirtingB, nt Curtis's. mediately—The Number of Hydrant* atrocious assault on tho housekeeper o: days after did $7 worth of work for a COUNSELLOR^ AT LAW, IN ltED BANK. and the Cod to the Town—Water u of tlie company are at work preparing General Alexander Webb on Frida'yv New styles for fall wear in uock iltess- well-to-do farmer and stockbreeder. CommlKiooer lor New Turk. IlKD BANK, N. J. u Itlotlvo Power—Oriranliatlon of a maps and specifications of a plan for Tlie assault was mado in tho grounds oi That charge is still,on our books unre- EUGENE E. TRUEX. iugd at II. II. Curlis'B. Local ComimnT—OHlcer* and Direct- supplying the town with water, which the Webb cottage, Officer John Lam ceipted. We have sent two letters and ANIEL H. AFPLEGATE, or*— What the "Home" Company will be submitted at the next meeting D House, Sign aud fresco Smoke the .plantation, best fiye-uout was Btanding near tho West End Hotu one postal card to the delinquent, and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, cigar in town, at Fucli's. of the board of commissioners, One of when he heard the screams of tho wo- got him BO Car interested that two years Solicitor and Hatter In Chancery. In response, to an invitation, Mr. Chaw. the officers: of tliis company, in reply to Office in J. A. Throclimorum'8 Buiidlau—Flrat 1'loor. PAINTER, Fall Btylea of moil's derby aud soft hats H. Smith, tliii president of the Bhrowa- ,man. He hastened to her rescuo and tigo he said to ono of our employees: FEONT iiTllEET, RED 11ANK, N. J. questions asked by THIS REGISTER, said: Gilder, Grainer and Decorative Paper now open at II. H. Curtis's. bury City Water Supply company, to- succeeded in arresting tho tramp. Tin ' Tell Bcadlo not to worry about that Hunger, dealer hi " If the vote taken on the 8th inst. can WILLIAM PINTARD, Culliiigttm's building is bring rapidly gether with the engineer of the company, woman presented a pitiful appearance, bill; I'll sfep in some day and hand it he considered an expression of public Her clotliing was almost torn from he ATTQKNE,VA.T LAW, PAINTS AND OILS. piulicd forward to completion.. visited THE REGISTER office on Friday to him.' opinion, and as on indication of tho de-body, and her faco was badly cut and Muster In Chancery, Notary Public, Proctor In SuiiiintT clutliinj; for ineii and boys at last. After somo casual conversation the '' In another section of the county lives No BpecliUtlea. All work Kiiaruntt'tsl fli-at-cl sires of the citizena of tho town, and we bruised. On Saturday morning th< Admiralty. ruduced priceu at Mrs, A. Ludlow'H. interview turned on the question of a beliove it waa both, then it is the plain a preacher who subscribed in these I'ltlis Examined. Spinning & l'atluram'a Building. water supply for Red Bank, • tramp was arraigned before Justice Briii words: ' Send mo your paper awhile; I IlZQ }iA.MK, It. J. A L. UAKTWELL, Everytlu'ng new anil nobby in shirts, duty of tlie corporate authorities to con- ley, who oommitted him to tlie county collars, cuffs, ties, etc., at Ludlow'a. " "What do you think of the prospects tract for a supply of water at as early a will step in and pay for it.' A year and I OHN L. WHEELER, ' of getting water introduced in Red jail to await the action of tho grand a liiill! afterword wo sent him the bill, Pach still l;<'e)W tlie lead in all brands moment as proper care for the interests ATTORNEFAT LAW, Bank?" Mr. Smith was asked. jury. Connolly was for a few weeks which ho indignantly repudiated on the ARCHITECT, of foreign and domestic cigars, tobacco, of the town will permit. Tlie Shrews- ',', ; IlEDBANK, N.J. "Very favorable," was the reply. bury company, which is very properly past in tho employ of tho Howlond Ho- ground that ho never subscribed 1 LONG BRANCH & ASBUBY PARK. etc. : •• tel, and while there attempted a similar F,,HAWK:iNS!,. "The people, almost without exoeption, called tho ' Home' company, claim to be " Within three miles of us are threo Tbe name of Woodbridgo station im are in favor of it, and as the commis- the only existing water company which assault on a young girl. Tho peoplo woll-to-do furnwrs who owe us for threo ATtORNEVA,T LAW, Plans, BpwUncallons, EatlnmUa and Bills (it um- the Cuutrul railroad has bveu ulioiigtul to hero would have lynched tho villain had onice la KlunodUi's lluiliiintf, cookraan Avciiue, Utrtal for public andprlvatubulldlngH la any part sioners have full power to make a con- has BO far offered to make a contract yearn' subscription each. We send them . jUiUUKY PABK, N. J of the country fumlslicd at low mta oil sbort no- Seworen. duct they will no doubt do so." with tho commissioners. Tho charter he fallen in their clutches. a hill about onco in six months and it tto. The bost styles and cheapest pricen, Mr. Cowan, a visitor hero, was robbet ] \R. K. F. BOKDEN, ~T~ " But unless tho contract is made and of the Shrewsbury City or foreign com don't worry thuni a particle. By-and- Old bulldingB renuxioled and modernized. liats, Kliiri:!, neckwem', linen collarH, etc., work commenced riglilaway, won't the pany, has expired by virtuo of a pro- of $105 on Thursday night last. Ho hac byo thoy will move to Kansas or some- Knedal attention to Ventilation anil Drainage cold weather interfere and stop tho pro- vision of the statute under which it was been visiting the villago hotels and drink- where, west, and will never think of this Work Superintended if dtislred. ing freely. At tho last house ho visited SURGEON DENTIST, For the bent baled or cut liny, and for gress of the work?" organized, which requires the works to bill; but each of them will expect a re- P. O. Addretw, ho treated a number of strangers to ASBUBY l'AHK, N. J. flour aud feed of all k iuds, go to T. Davis's •' If at the next meeting of the conv be completed hi two yoars from the time gretful complimentary recommending store on Front street. missioners they agree to make a contract they are begun. The system proposed several drinks and became so intoxicate him to the peoplo where ho settloa. MUSIC MALL DUIMMKU, RED DANK, N.J. A DLEM & COLE, ill'. Janiea Steen, of the Enloiitown with us, we will get the pipes ill and to be introduced by the' Homo' company, that two of tho strangers offered to tako "On the old subscription books, con- Aduertuer, made a sliort call at TnE everything in operation by next De- is that known as the stand pipe, .which him home to the Ocean Hotel, where ho tinued from tho time Mr. Beadle began In-nlcrs In REOISTEB office on Monday. cember," said the engineer. "Even if is in successful and satisfactory operation said he wns stopping, Ho trusted to tho Trit)itiu, aro charges amounting to we had the contract signed by tho first in towns and cities throughout the these people to take him home, but $1,110, of which at least $800 are on men Over Nineteen Years' Experience in Den- An intelligent girl to learn type-set- tistry in. nil its brunches. of October, we could get tho water in tho length and breadth of tho Union. It whilo on the way they took advantage who could IK? niauV Lo pay by law. But ting, and a boy about twelve years old DRY AND FANCY GOODS, town before cold weather stopped opera- offers a number of advantages over tho of his helplessness and knocked him they know (bat uuwspanep debts are Partlculur Attention Rlveu to tbe administration ot to run errands, can find permanent sit- AinestlieLlcu.
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