Notes on Bryaceae (Bryopsida) in Japan
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Hattoria 5: 51-70, 2014 Notes on Bryaceae (Bryopsida) in Japan Tadashi Suzuki1 1The Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Shimada Branch, 6480-3 Takasago-cho, Shimada-shi, Shizuoka- ken 427-0054, Japan Abstract. Four genera of Bryaceae, Acidodontium Schwaegr., Orthodontium Schwaegr., Pseudopohlia Williams and Schizymenium Harv. are newly found in Japan. Two species of Acidodontium, A. megalocarpum (Hook.) Ren. & Card. and A. longifolium (Par.) Broth., two species of Orthodontium, O. denticulatum Geh. & Hampe and O. pellucens (Hook.) Bruch, Schimp. & Gümbel, Pseudopohlia didymodontia (Mitt.) A. L. Andrews, Schizymenium novoguinense (E. B. Bartram) A. Eddy, three species of Brachymenium, B. alpinum Ochi, B. jilinense T. J. Kop., A. J. Shaw, J.-S. Lou & C. Gao and B. muricola Broth. and Mielichhoferia pusilla (Hook. f. & Wilson) Mitt. are added to the moss flora of Japan. Two new combinations, Schizymenium japonicum (Besch.) Tad. Suzuki and Schizymenium sasaokae (Broth.) Tad. Suzuki are made. Introduction In a catalog of the mosses of Japan, Iwatsuki (2004) listed 9 genera of Bryaceae. In this paper, four genera of Bryaceae are added to the moss flora of Japan and I present information on 12 species of the family in Japan. A key to genera of Bryaceae in Japan is provided. Descriptions, specimens examined, distributions, notes and illustrations of 12 species are included. All collections are deposited in the Herbarium of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory (NICH). Key to genera of Bryaceae in Japan 1. Upper leaf cells linear-rhomboidal, firm-walled, basal leaf cells abruptly short-rectangular to subquadrate; axillary gemmae present ·························································· Pseudopohlia 1. Plants not with combination of characters mentioned above ·················································· 2 2. Leaves linear-subulate; costa filling most of the subula; capsules very shiny ············· Leptobryum 2. Leaves narrowly lanceolate to ovate or oblong (or in Orthodontium linear); costa not filling the upper leaf; capsules not notably shiny ········································································ 3 3. Plants complanate-foliate; leaves dimorphous, with the dorsal leaves smaller; exothecial cells strongly collenchymatous ········································································ Epipterygium 51 3. Plants terete-foliate; leaves of uniform size and shape; exothecial cells with evenly thickened walls (rarely more or less collenchymatous in some Pohlia species) ·············································· 4 4. Peristome single ·································································································· 5 4. Peristome double ································································································· 6 5. Peristome consisting of endostome only ························································ Schizymenium 5. Peristome none or consisting of exostome only ················································ Mielichhoferia 6. Exostome teeth shorter than the endostome ··················································· Plagiobryum 6. Exostome teeth as long as or longer than the endostome ··················································· 7 7. Endostome segments lacking or rudimentary, from a well-developed basal membrane ··················· ······································································································· Brachymenium 7. Endostome segments well-developed and long ································································· 8 8. Endostome segments split along the keels into two forks ·································· Acidodontium 8. Endostome segments entire or more or less perforate along the keel but not split into diverging forks ··············································································································· 9 9. Leaves linear or very narrowly lanceolate ······················································ Orthodontium 9. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, oblong, or spathulate ···························································· 10 10. Plants with any of the following features: bordered leaves, excurrent costa, or appendiculate cilia ·················································································································· 11 10. Plants with none of the above features ································································ Pohlia 11. Leaves strongly appressed and julaceous when dry ··········································· Anomobryum 11. Leaves appressed, twisted, usually not julaceous ··························································· 12 12. Primary stems underground, creeping, stoloniferous; secondary stems distant, erect, bearing scale leaves below and a terminal rosette of foliage leaves ······························· Rhodobryum 12. Primary and secondary stems not differentiated; stems crowded, more or less erect, leaves not strongly dimorphic ······················································································ Bryum I. Brachymenium Schwaegr., Sp. Musc. Frond., Suppl. 2 (1): 131 (1824). 1. Brachymenium alpinum Ochi, Hikobia 4: 9 (1964). Fig. 1. Bryum fulvellum Wilson ex Mitt., J. Linn. Soc. Bot. Suppl. 1: 69 (1859), hom. illeg. Plants very small, in dense tufts. Stems up to 3.5 mm long, simple or branched by 1-3 innovations. Leaves imbricate, ovate-lanceolate, 1.1-1.7 mm long, acuminate; margins entire, bordered by 1-2 rows of linear cells; costa strong, long excurrent; upper cells rhombic, 33-39 μm long, thin-walled, basal cells quadrate to elongate, 19-39×11-17 μm, thin-walled. Setae erect or flexuose, 4.8-8.0 mm long; capsules pendulous, oblong-pyriform with short neck, about 2.5 mm long; opercula hemispheric, apiculate, about 0.3 mm long; exostome teeth 200-270 μm long, lanceolate, finely papillose; endostome consisting of a hyaline, rudimentary membrane adherent to the exostome teeth, cilia absent; spores 19-22 μm in diameter, finely papillose. Additional description: Ochi 1964, 9, f. 12, F-L. Specimen examined: Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mts. Yatsu-ga-take, Mt. Yoko-dake, 2800 m alt., on wet cliff, T. Suzuki 51323. Distribution: India; new to Japan (Honshu). 52 This species is characterized by leaf margins bordered and pendulous capsules. 2. Brachymenium jilinense T. J. Kop., A. J. Shaw, J.-S. Lou & C. Gao, Ann. Bot. Fenn. 22: 151 (1985). Fig. 2. Plants very small, light-green above, brownish below, in loose tufts. Stems up to 2.5 mm long, simple or rarely branched. Leaves crowded, erect-spreading, ovate-lanceolate, 0.7 -1.2 mm long, acute; margins entire, recurved, not, bordered; costa short-excurrent; upper cells elongate-hexagonal to rhomboidal, 36-55 μm long, thin-walled, basal cells quadrate to elongate, 22-42×8-11 μm, thin-walled. Setae erect, 5-7 mm long; capsules inclined to horizontal, ellipsoid, with neck about 1/2 the length of the urn, 1.9-2.3 mm long; opercula hemispheric, about 0.25 mm long; exostome teeth short, blunt at the apices, 90-110 μm long, hardly bodered or trabeculate, reticulate on the dorsal surface, finely papillose; endostome consisting of a hyaline, rudimentary membrane adherent to the exostome teeth, cilia absent; spores 15-17 μm in diameter, finely papillose. Calyptra cucullate, about 1 mm long. Additional descriptions: Koponen, Shaw, Lou & Gao 1985, 149, f. 1; Zhang, Li & Si 2007, 11, pl. 179, 14-22. Specimens examined: Honshu, Shizuoka-ken, Mt. Fuji, 2400 m alt., on rock, T. Suzuki 61028, 61145, 61147, 61151, 61167, 61168. Distribution: China; new to Japan (Honshu). This species is characterized by ovate-lanceolate leaves and setae 5-7 mm long. 3. Brachymenium muricola Broth., Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. 131: 213 (1923). Fig. 3. Plants small, in dense tufts. Sterile stems up to 3.5 mm long, fertile stems very short. Leaves of sterile stems crowded, erect-spreading, oblong-lanceolate, 0.9-1.5 mm long, acuminate; margins entire, recurved, not bordered; costa shortly excurrent; upper cells rhombic to oblong-hexagonal, 44-75 μm long, thin-walled, basal cells rectangular, 42-100 ×11-17 μm, thin-walled. Setae erect, 7.5-9.5 mm long; capsules erect or inclined, oblong-pyriform, with neck about 1/3 the length of the urn, mouth narrowed, 2.4-3.3 mm long; opercula hemispheric, apiculate, about 0.2 mm long; exostome teeth 120-150 μm long, oblong-lanceolate, blunt at the apices, finely papillose; endostome consisting of a hyaline, rudimentary membrane adherent to the exostome teeth, cilia absent; spores 14-17 μm in diameter, finely papillose. Additional description: Zhang, Li & Si 2007, 14, pl. 181, 1-10. Specimens examined: Honshu, Nagano-ken, Mts. Yatsu, 2100 m alt., on rock, T. Suzuki 9588. Distribution: China; new to Japan (Honshu). This species is characterized by oblong-lanceolate leaves and setae 7.5-9.5 mm long. II. Acidodontium Schwaegr., Sp. Musc. Frond., Suppl. 2(2): 152 (1827). 1. Acidodontium megalocarpum (Hook.) Ren. & Card., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 31(1): 162 (1893). Fig. 4. Plants medium-sized, in dense, radiculose, yellow-green, brownish with age, more or 53 less shiny tufts. Stems up to 7 mm long, freely forked by subfloral innovation. Leaves crowded near the top of stem, more or less crisped or flexuous and appressed to stem when dry, obovate, acuminate to piliferous, 2.5-3.2 mm long; margins recurved below, bordered in 2-3 rows of linear cells, slightly serrate at the apex; costa ending far below the apex to long-exucurrent; upper cells