contact channels Any questions, suggestions or criticisms about this report can be submitted on our Investor Relations website ( or by email to:
[email protected]. We are also present on social media: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube Twitter 2 Capa e Verso_Relatório Integrado_2019.indd 2 17/02/20 09:21 contents 4 Foreword 6 Statement from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 8 Statement from the CEO 10 Materiality Matrix 12 The Bradesco Ecosystem 14 2019 Highlights 16 Our DNA 19 Business Model 24 Strategic positioning 38 Sustainability 42 Risk management 48 Technology and innovation 60 Governance and compliance 66 Ethics and integrity 68 A focus on creating value 69 Economic value 77 Social value 107 Environmental value 114 Governance Bodies 116 Limited Assurance Report 118 Corporate information 118 Credits BRADESCO INTEGRATED REPORT 2019 3 foreword In developing this report, we have continued to draw guidance from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and International Integrated Re- porting Council (IIRC) guidelines. In addition to the GRI, we have also applied the integrated report- ing framework to join Bradesco’s financial and non-financial infor- mation together into a coherent whole. Other sources of guidance include the Sustainability Ac- counting Standards Board (SASB) Our Integrated Report 2019 de- methodology, the B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, scribes our most significant activi- Balcão) Corporate Sustainability ties and results for the year across Index (ISE), the Dow Jones Sus- the four pillars of our strategic tainability Index (DJSI), the Carbon plan (sustainable and profitable Disclosure Project (CDP), the Task growth, customer relations, effi- Force on Climate-related Financial ciency and innovation, and human Disclosures (TCFD), addressing cli- capital) and the 12 topics currently mate-related risks and opportuni- deemed most material by us and ties, and the ABRASCA Listed Com- our stakeholders, as identified in pany Self-Regulation Code and our most recent stakeholder sur- Good Practices.