Mangerud, J.: Interglacial sediments at Fj@sanger, near Bergen, with the first Eemian pollen-spectra from Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrilt. Vol. 50, pp. 167-181. 1970. A description is given of marine sediments which were somewhat deplaced by the ice during the I-ast Glaciation. Of macro-fossils, finds were made of seal-bones, fragments of molluscs and remnants of wood. Radiocarbon datings gave an age of more than 40,000 years. The foraminiferal fauna shows northerly boreal conditions, with a neritic facies. Pollen analyses indicate a dense forest of Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus and Coryltrs. Picea is of special interest. as it does not grow in the area today. On the basis of the pollen analyses. the sediments are presumed to be of Late Eemian age.

l. Mangerud, Geological lrtstitute, Dept. B, Utiversity of Bergen, Olal Ryes- vei 19, 5000 Bergen, Norway.

In the Bergen area, the existencehas long been known both of fossil-bearing tills and of marine sedimentsunderlying till (Rekstad 1900, Kolderup 1908, pp. 55-66, Undis 1942 and 1963, p. 13, H. Holtedahl 1.964).Radiocarbon datings (Nydal 1960, pp. 88-89, 1.962,pp. 171-172) have hitherto shown a Late Weichselian age. The present author has made a systematicinvestiga- tion of these sediments. During the work with fabric analyses of a deposit of this nature at Fj6sanger (Fig. 1), fossils were found which suggesteda greater age. This was subsequently confirmed by two C11-datings,which showed an age of over 40,000 years. The present paper contains the results of investigations made in a small natural section alongside the road. It is hoped that the opportunity will at some later date presentitself for the boring, or preferably the excavation,of a deeper section, and that it will thereby perhaps be possibleto obtain a more complete stratigraphy.

Petrography of the sediments Situation qnd extension The deposit is situated at Fj@sanger,immediately south of the Bergen city boundary (Fig. 1b). Here unconsolidatedsediments are found covering an area 50 m in breadth and 400-500 m in length along the north-western bay I6It JAN MANGERUD N

Fig. la. Key map of Southern Norway. The occurrence of Picea is indicated according to Gelting (Cit. Fregri 1950, Fig. l). Hatching: continuous occurrencc. Dots: isolatcd stands. B. - Bergen. Fig. lb. Thc Bcrgcn district. Contour interval 90 m. Maximum deeps in the fiords (in meters). The locality discusscdis marked by a broken line at Fjosanger. Main directions of elacial striae are marked.

of the Nordfisvannetinlet. No sectionoccurs throughout the deposit,but the thicknessis assumedto be 5-10 m. On the upper sideof the road the material is situatedat a maximum stablcslope gradient,and it appearsthat it consists wholly of clayey and silty sediments;it is, howevcr, unclear to what extent the whole deposithas the sameorigin. Sedimentologicaland palaeontologicalinvestigations have been carried out in only one section(Fig. 2), which has been excavatedby a small brook alonesidethe road.

Grain-s i z.ed i.str i b ut io n The greater part of the sedimentis more or less unsortecl,and c()nveysan immcdiate impressionof till or landslidedeposit (Fig. 3). The samesediment containssome cobblesand boulders (Figs. 2, 3). The grain size analysesof the material under 2 cm in diameter (samples3 and 4, Fig. 5) show a high content of clay and silt, but do not give an indisputablesolution as to the origin. However, considering also the high occurrence of shell-fragments, INTERGLACIAL SEDIMENTS r69

Fig. 2. The sectiondescribed. The spadeis 1 m long,and is situatedin the e-tcavation where fabric analyseswere carried out. In the small excavationwere found the seal- bonesand the woodensticks. The silt-lensesin Fig. 3 are indicatedby a white cross. the analyseswould suggesta marine origin for the fine material. The presence of a lump of marine clay gyttia, about 5 cm in diameter, also points in the same direction.

Structures The greater part of the section lacks visible structures. Fig. 3, however, shows a 2-cm-thick sand bed (sample 5, Fig. 5) which dips 40o towards SW, and approximately parallel to this in other parts of the section occur two zoneswith lensesof silt (Fig. 4). These structures must have been formed by sorting of the material in water. The rare occurrence of the layers may suggest that water was present only temporarily during the final deposition. The structures fit into the present writer's general interpretation through a supposition that they were formed in water, below the ice. By the same interpretation it is possible to explain their steep dip towards SW.

Roundness and lithology Roundness analysesof,111 pebbles (axes 4-10 cm) have been carried out according to the definitions of Pettijohn (1957, pp. 58-59). The results were: angular 59"/.; subangular 32"/.; subrounded 6"/"; rounded I7o; well rounded 2 "/.. As the stones have an unweathered surface, the roundness shows the stone material to be glacial in origin. A lithological investigation was carried out on the same stone material as was used for the roundness analyses.The results were: mica schists 33 "/.; green schists and hornblende- T7O JAN MANGERUD

Fig. 3. The inner wall of the excavation, showing a typical section of the sedi- ments. The upper knife is 20 m long, and marks the thin sand bed mentioned in the text.

Fig. 4. Zone with silt-lenses(light) of uncertain genesis. IN'TERGI,ACIALSEDIMEN I S

Ep l5p 3ip 63p 0.125mm 025mm 0 5mm

Fig. 5. Grain size distribution. Samples 3 and 4 are typical of the sediments described. Sample 5 is from thc sand bed markcd by the knife in Fig. 3.

'/-; '/"; schists 3l quzrtzites 26 Bergen-Jotun rocks 10 / . The Bergen-Jotun rocks occur extensivelyin the Bergen area, and it is therefore difficult to determinetheir directionof transport.It is overwhelminglyprobable that the remainder(90 7") originatefrom the valley in which Bergen is situated(Kol- derup and Kolderup 1940), and their length of transport may then vary from 0-4 km. No finds were made of granite,which does occur in the mountain slopesabove the describedlocality. This proves both that the material has not been depositedby slides from the valleysideabove, and also that it is not intermixed with material from older depositsfrom this side of the valley.

Fabric of the pebbles Investigationsof the orientationof length axeshave been carried out on 140 stones, between 2 and 20 cm in diameter - the majority of them, however, being 4 10 cm. The direc',ionsshow such great dispersion(Fig. 6) that a definite interpretationis not possible.It may, however, be pointed out that both alongsideand at right angles to the slope of the vallyside there are minimal values.This is again an indicalion that the material is not a land- slide deposit.The maximum to be shown by the analysis(130o-220") runs parallel to the youngestglacial striaefound nearby (Fig. 6), and it is reason- able to presumethat it is the correspondingice movementwhich has caused the orientationof the material.

Conclu.sion The sedimentconsists of componentswith varying origin, which were finally intermixed and depositedby ice during the Last Glaciation. However, the presenceof the sealbones- which lay in a concentratcdarea - and of the molluscs and the lump of clay gyttja, demonstratesthat no long glacial trans- port has taken place, and that parts of the sedimentmust have been very little disturbedby the ice. t72 JAN MANGERUD


Slope of tne Youn gest, Oldest, mountaan stde Fadaroklubb Fana roklubb I I I I I I I I

| 200 t500 1800 2100 2100 2700

Fig. 6. Fabric analyses of 140 pcbblcs, rcpresented as pcrcentage of pebbles at 10' intervals. Orientation of glacial striae in the vicinity, and direction of the sloDe in which the sediments occur, are indicated above.

The fossilsshow that marine sedimenismust have constituteda major part of the original material.This appearsin particular to be the casefor the fine material (clay-silt), an assumptionwhich is supported by the fact that the foraminifers are of a neritic facies. It is not possibleas yet to determine to what proportion of the sedimentthis applies. The sedimentcan be classifiedas fossil-bearins.short-transoorted till. or as parautochthonous,marine sediments.

Macro-fossils and radiocarbon datings A number of well-preservedbones, which lay together,were found (Fig. 7). These were identified by Curator Hikon Olsen as seal Phocaidae,without it being possibleto determinethe species. A large number of small fragmentsof shellswere found. Someof theseare possiblyidentifiable through careful examination,but this has not as yet been carried out. Fragments of shells were collected, both in the section described and at other localitiesalong the road, in order to obtain sufficientmaterial for a C11-dating.If all the shellswere of the same age,it would thus be possible to date large parts of the sediment.The dating (T -749) gave an age of 17'000 46,000+ or with two standarddeviations: 46,000+ :'333 5.000 INTERGLACIALSEDIMENTS I73

Apart from the above margin of error, there are two conditions which necessitate a carefulinterpretation of the dating.It has beenmentioned above that the shells were taken from different parts of the sediment.rt is thus possible that these differ widely in age, and that the dating provides an average. The other possiblesource of error is that younger "uru* may have been introduced. The shell-sampreswere taken at a depth of 1-3 m, and the foraminifers (seebelow) showedconsiderable corrosion. The dating must be assumed to provide a definite minimum age of 40,000 years,and an indi- cation of a maximum age of approximately65,000 years. Several pieces of wood were found, the largest of them almost 10 cm in length. one of these has been identified by prof. Knut Fagri as spruce (Picea). The wood samplesgave a radiocarbonage of -or"1huo 40.000 years(T -748).

Pollen and spores Description ol the samples sample 1 was taken from material which lay in immediatecontact with seal_ bones. Sample2 was taken from a 5-cm rump of cray gyttja which was found in the sediment.sample,3 was taken in the deepestpart of the excavated section (Fig. 2). Grain size analyseswere also carried out on this sample (sample 3, Fig. 5). All three samplesindicate a marine depositionalenviron- ment, with "/"Hystrix respectively83, 50 and 23 carculatedas sum Ap. In addition all containedforaminifers. Both samples 1 and 2 were taken from parts which are presumedto be undisturbed remainsof the original marine sediments.These should therefore 174 JAN MANGERUD

AP TOTAL NAP 5TUKEJ 10% 0 t0% o ro% 20% 30% 44L ap I rapl sp 0 sehayuh -|-|--T--: a i Lycopodtun - IL Fitic.s -itL2 102 68% t5%

. (0.9)

---l---T- clP. sph Llc-l

E. ic Bet 500 31 I84) /soer.5 +l 761, Ou llr

sph ctP f- Cron L/.. ] Er)c Ft 1 8et + ll? 61) i----i----- I soeles 63% 25!, 13% Rubrcceoe. I LONP Ou =-t F [- ,0 u, attcnisrc |

and sum Fig. 8. pollen diagram. calculation basis is sum AP for the AP-diagram, .f pollen and Ai+Nnp+Sp for the other diagrams. In the total diagram, numbcr spores are givcn in brackets.

provide a picture of the pollen rain at a definite point of time. Sample 3, on of time. ihe other hand, may be a mixture of pollen rain from various periods

Vegetation Since Sample 1 indicatesthe presenceof a denseforest of conifers(Fig. 8). Picea (spruce) produces less pollen than Pinus (pine)' it must be assumed thal Picea has been the more important species.The forest floor vegetation evaluation is dominated by heather and bracken. of great significance for an pollen of the climate is the relatively high frequency of IIex (0'9%:4 large grains). This is the highest frequency found in Norway, even though a area of number of pollen analyseshave been carried out within the present occurrenceof IIex (e. g. Faegri1944, Hafsten 1965)' NAP' This Sample 2 representsthe densest forest of all, with only 4 I conifers, has been a mixed forest, with Picea and Pinus as the most important The forest and with Betula and Alnus as the most important deciduous trees. sphagnunt. In floor vegetation has consisted almost entirely clf bracken and which does this sample was found one po;llen grain of Plantago coronopus, not exist in NorwaY todaY. Sample3containsconsiderablymoredeciduoustreesthantheother undergrowth' samples.This more open forest also contains a somewhat richer especiallyof grass.

Picea spruce has not of special interest is the large amount of Picea-pollen, since thereforebe grown in the area since the Last Glaciation (Fig. 1). Picea may age' a characteristicfossil for other possiblefinds of the same INTERGI-ACIAL SEDIMENTS I7.5

Allerod Brarup Eemian tsclling Amersfoort Interglacial




YEARS8.P.+ 10000 20000 40000 50000 > 70

Fig. 9. Climatic curvc and interstadials of the Weichselian in the Netherlands. Modificd from Hammen et al. (7967, Fig. 8).

The question has been discussedas to whether the western geographical limit of rhe Pic:ecthas been determinedclimatically or historically(e. g. Fren- zel 1961, p.42 and Fzegri 1950, pp. 48 49). If one considersthe current distributicln of Picea and llex in NW Europe, there is virtually no overlapping of their areasof occurrence.In the E,emianInterglacial, Picea and 1/exoccur together,and this fact is used by Iversen(1944, p. $7) as an argument for the contention that the present western limit for Picea is not climatically determined.This is supportedby the presentauthor's pollen analyses,where lier occurs in considerablequantities in the Picea forest (samples l and 3' Fig. 8).

Age The late Pleistoceneis well covered with regard to pollen diagrams from Northern Euiope. From the Fj0sangerlocality only three pollen spectrawere obtained, their age relationship not being known. However, it does seem possibleto compare the types of vegetationwith the developmentin known areas. Fig. 9 shows a climate diagram for the Weichselian,which seemsto be fairly representativeof the presentview (Morner, 1969, p. 38). It is only the Brprup lnterstadial which has been sufficiently warm to have conceivably produced the vegetationshorvn by the finds at Fjosanger.This alternative will be discussedfirst. In Denmark the vegetationin the Br@rupInterstadial is well known (S. Th. Andersen 1961). The forest is here completely dominated by Pinus and Betula, with somePicea. Now S. Th. Andersen(1961, p. I2l) maintainsthat '. . . it appearsthat the temperatedeciduous trees were absentmainly because they had not had time to immigrate.A similar vegetationmay have prevailed in Scandinavia.However, speciesof trees (Picea?Alnus?) may have immi- grateclto that area from the east'. This can hardly be the casefor Corylus (Frenzel1967, p.219), which occursin considerablenumbers at Fj@sanger. If J. Lundqvist (1967, pp. 227 228) is correct in his parallelisationof the Jdmtland Interstadialwith Brprup, then it is likewisenot very probable that Alnus has immigrated into Scandinaviafrom the east. As mentioned above, 176 .IAN MANGERUD the pollen frequency (in all 6 pollen grains) of Ilex at Fjpsangeris high in comparisonwith the very small amount of pollen producedby the treet and it is thereforeimprobable that this is secondarypollcn. I/e.r is a very reliable climate indicator (lversen 1944), and as trjpsangertoday lies close to the boundary for its area of occurrence(Frcgri 1960, Pl. 24),it seemsto be out of th: questionthat it can have grown here during the Br@rup Inierstadial. The conclusionmust thereforebe tltat the Fjpsangervegetation dttes not originatefrom the Br@rupInterstadial, a conclusionwhich would secm to be fairly certain. The next alternativefurther back in time is the Eemian Inier- glacial. During the lastpart of the Eemianthe forestin Denmark(Andersen 1965, p. a99) was dominated by Pinus, Picea, Betula and Alnus. There was very little pollen of mixed-oak forest, despitethe fact that the climate was suf- ficiently favourable. The pollen spectrafrom Fjpsangershow the same principal features,and if rve assumethat the develclpmentttf vegetationin Denmark and Norway has been roughly parallel during the Eemian, in the sameway as in the Flandrian (Holocene), it is very probable that the Fjosanger vegetation stems from Late Eemian. It may also be meniioned that llex had a greater cxtcnsion during the Eemian than during the Flandrian (Frenz:l 1967,p. lll). and that it occursfrequently in Danish pollen diagramsfrom this interglacial.

Foraminifera In the samethree samplesfrom which the pollen was taken, Dr. R. W. Fey- ling-Hanssen has carried out a preliminary investigationof Foraminifera with the following results: Sample l A1l foraminifersare strongly corroded,and it must be assumed that they representonly remains of the original fauna. Several speciesof Foraminiferawere identified,but for the above-mentionedreason these have not been included in the presentmaierial. Sample 2. Likewise in this sample the calcareousmaterial has been cor- roded, and the fauna is thereforenot discussedfurther. lt may nevertheless be mentionedthat many specimenso'i Buliniinn gibba and some of Bulimina margittatawere found. Sample 3. Rich fossil-bearingsample. Here too ctlrrosion has possibly taken place, but to a far smaller degree than in the two other samples. Hitherto the following specieshave been observed. Very frequent Elphidium hugesi,E. bartletti, E. subarc'ticum,Protelphi- dium orbiculare, P. aa.qlicum, Nonion labradoric'um, N

ric'ula, Guttulina prrym.rphina sp., sp., Bucceila lrigiela, c'ibicittes roba- tulus(?). The fauna. which belongst. the neriric facies,indicates northerly borear climatic conditionspresumably somewhatcolder than is the casein the area to-day. It seemsclear that glacial environmentshave not existed. on the basisof these preriminary investigationsof Foraminifera, it is n.t possible to make any definite statementconcerning the age.

Conclusionsand discussion Ase The resultscan be summarizedas fbllows: l. The sediments weredepraced and disturbedby the ice cluringthe weichs- elian, and it is the age of the primary marine sedimentswhich is uncrer discussionhere. 2. The sediments are situated close to the surface, ancr the underrying materialis unknown. Thus. a fulrerpicture of the stratigraphycannot be ascertained. 3' Tlre radiocarbon datings give a definite minimum age of 40,(xx) years. The dating of the shelrremnants (T 719) indicatesan early weichserian age. 1. The fbraminifers show that the sedimentswere not depositedunder graciar conditions,but warm interstaclialscannot be exciuded. -5. The pollen analyses providea definiteminimum age of order than Late weichselian,and presumable a interglacialage. As the vegetationtailies very well with the vegetationin Denmark cluring tne Late Eemian, the author assumes that the Fjosangersediments date from the Late Eemian. eventhough it is impossibleto excludea still greaterage.

Sea-level The sedimentsare found up to a lever of l0-r5 m above presentsea_lever, but it is possiblethat the ice has carried them up from a leverof r0 m berow sea-level.The threshold of the Nordasvann inlet is shallow, and todav the water is brackish.The sedimentsunder discussionare marine, and the rbr_ aminifersshow a neritic facies.The sea-levelmust thereforehave been higher than is the casetoday; how much,it has not yet beenpossibre to determine.

Climate As mentioned above, both the general picture of the vegetation and the presenceof Ilex show that the climate can onry have been slightty less fa_ vourable than at present. The foraminiferalfauna does,however, suggest that the water was somewhatcolder than is the casetoday. considering that this is a marine sediment,with but Iittre influence from locally-producedpollen, there is a high content of sphagnum spores, the 178 JAN MANGERUD

S!diment5 conleining marine fossils Mammothremains in glaciat sedimenrs river- banks Musl-ox vertebrae Slratitied silt and clry


Fig. 10. Sediments and fossils of supposed pre-Latc weichsclian age in Southern Norwav.

presenceof which indicatesan advancedpaludification, and thus a humid climate.

G laci al- geologi cal qsp ec ts The sedimentsare situatedin an area strongly influencedby glacial erosion, bare rock being almost everywhere exposed.The Nordasvann inlet has over- deepeningof more than 80 m below its threshold,and just outside Bergen to the north the fjord is almost 400 m deep. It is therefore very surprising that unconsolidatedsediments have been preservedin this area during the whole of the WeichselianGlaciation. Nor is it possibleto point out any ob- vious reason as to why the sedimentshave been preservedat this locality, in contrastto other sitesin the area.

Correlation with other sedimentsin Norway Very few sedimentsor fossilsof pre-Late Weichselianare known from Nor- way. The most indisputableamong them are discussedbelow (Fig. 10). Eastern N

l0 October 1969

REFERENCES Andersen. B. G. 1964: Har Jeren vrert dekket av en Skagerak-bre?Norge^s Geril.Unders. 228,5tl. Andersen,B. G. 1965:The Quaternary of Norway.The Quuternary l, pp.91-138. Anderscn, S. Th. 1961: Vegetation and its environment in Denmark in the Early Weichselian Glacial. Danntarks Geol. Unders.2 ser. no.75, 115 pp. Andersen, S. Th. 1965: fnterglacialcr og interstadialer iDanmarks kvarter. Dansk Geol. F-or. 15,486-506. Bjorlykkc, K. O. 19l3: Fundet av en halshvirvel av moskusokse ved Austberg i Indset. N aturen 191 3, 282-286, Bergen. Fegri, K. 1944: Studies on the Pleistocene of Western Norway. tll. tsomlo. Bergens Mus. Arhok. Naturvit. rekke 1943 no. 8, 100 pp. Fegri, K. 1950: Studies on the Pleistocene of Western Norway. IV. On the immigration of Picea Ahies (L.) Karst. Univ. i Bergen. Arbok. Naturvit. rekke 1949, no. 1, 53 pp. Fregri, K. 1960: The coast plants. Univ. Bergen. Skr. 26,133 pp, 54 Pls. Feyling-Hanssen, R. W. 1964a:Foraminifera in Late Quaternary deposits from the Oslo- fjord area. Norges Geol. Urtders. 225, 283 pp. Fcyling-Hanssen, R. W. 1964b: Skagerakmorenen pi Jeren. Norsk Geogr. Tidsskr. 19, 301-317. Feyling-Hanssen, R. W. 1966: Geologiske observasjoner i SandnesomrAdet. Nrrrgcs Getil. Unders. 242,26 43. Frenzel, B. 1967: Die Klirnaschwankungert des Eisz.eltalters.29l pp. Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn. Braunschweig. Hafsten, U. 1965: The Norwegian Cladiunt mariscus communities and their post-glacial history. Univ. Bergert. Arbok, Mat.-Noturv. ser. ],965,no.4,55 pp. Hammen, T. van der, Maarleveld, G. C., Vogel, J. C., Zagwijn, W. H. 1967: Stratig- raphy, climatic succession and radiocarbon dating of Last Glacial in the Nether- lands. Geol. en Mijnbouw 46, 79-94. Heintz, A. 1962: Tre nye mammutfunn i Norge. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr.42,207-222. Heintz, A. 1965: A new mammoth-find from Norway and a determination of thc age of the tusk from Toten by means of C11. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr.45,227-230. Holtedahl, H. 1964: An Allergd fauna at Os, near Bergen, Norway. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr. 44,315 322. Holtedahl, O. 1960: Gcology of Norway. Norges Geol. Unders.208,540 pp. INTERGLACIAL SEDIMENTS 181 lversen. J. 1944: Viscunt. Hedera and 1/e.t as climate indicators. Geol. F6ren. Forh. 66, 463-4tt3. Stockholm. Kolderup, C. F. 1908: Bergensfeltct og tilstOdende trakter i senglacial og postglacial tid. Bergens Mus. Aarhttk 1907, ntt. 14,268 pp. Kcrlderup, C. F. & Kolderup. N.-H. 1940: Geology of the Bergen Arc system. Bergerts Mus. Skr. 20, 137 pp. Lundqvist. J. 1967: Submoriina sediment iJzimtlands liin..lveriges Geol. Uttders., Ser. C. tto. 618,261 pp. Mangerud, J. 1965: Dalfyllinger i noen sidedaler til Gudbrandsdalen, med bcmerknin- ger om norskc mammutfunn. NL>rsk Geol. Tidsskr. 45, 199-226. Mijrner, N.-A, 1969: The late quaternary history of the Kattegatt sea and the Swedish west coast. Sveriges Geol. Urtders. Ser. C no.640,481 pp. Nydal, R. 1960: Trondhcim natural radiocarbon measurements ll. Raditrcarbon 2, u2-96. Nydal, R. 1962: Trondheim natural radiocarbon measurements lll Radiocarhon 4, 160-lul. Ayen,P. A. 1913:Mammut og moskusoksei Norge. Naturen 1913,195 208, Bcrgen Pcttijohn, F. J. 1957: Sedintentary rotks, 2nd ed., 718 pp., Harper & Brothers, New York. Rekstad. J. 1900: Om en forekomst af muslingskaller under moriDne vcd Bergen. Nyt. Mag. Naturvid. 37, 40-43. Christiania, (Oslo). Rcusch, H. 1913: Findestedet for moskusokse-hvirvelen.Naturen, 1913,279-282,Bergen. Ringcn, E. 1964: Om drumliner og Skagerakmorcne pi Karmoy. Norsk Geogr. Tidsskr. t9,205 228. Strcitlien, l. K. 1935: De lose avleiringer. pp.26-64 in W. Marlow, Foldal. Nttrges Getil . U nders. 145. Undis. I. 1942: Fossilfunnet i Blomvirg. Naturctl 1942, 9'l-1O7, Bergen. UndAs. I. 1963: Ra-ntoretten i Vest-Nttrge.79 pp, Eide. Bergen.

ADDENDUM During the printing of the presentarticle, a stump of sprucefrom a sand pit in south- easternNorway has been Cll-dated, the age being 48.000]i:333 years (J. L' Sollid 1969:A 48,000year old tree stump,presumably of spruce,found in Ringerike,South Norway. Norsk Geogr. Tidsskr.23, l3l-133). A mammoth-tuskfrom Kvam in Gudbrandsdalenhas also recently been ClJ-dated, this dating giving the age of 24,400+900years B. P. (A. Heintz 1969:Two new mam- moth-fragmentsfrom Norway and age determinationof one of them. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr. 49. 437-438).