Quaternary glacial, interglacial and interstadial deposits of Norway and adjacent onshore and offshore areas Lars Olsen1, Harald Sveian1, Dag Ottesen1, 2 and Leif Rise1 1Geological Survey of Norway, Postboks 6315 Sluppen, 7491 Trondheim, Norway. 2Present address: Exploro AS, Stiklestadveien 1a, 7041 Trondheim, Norway. E-mail (corresponding author):
[email protected] The late Pliocene and Pleistocene sediment distribution, thickness and stratigraphy of Norway and the adjacent continental shelf are reviewed in this paper. A generalised map of Quaternary1 sediments in Norway in scale 1:1 million or larger (available from www.ngu.no), compiled from Quaternary maps in various scales, and a simplified map with distribution of an overburden of >1 m-thick loose deposits are used for this regional overview. In addition, the sediment distribution and thickness of the Quaternary sediments from selected parts of the adjacent shelf areas are presented, and the geological implications (with erosion and deposition) of all these data are discussed. The Quaternary stratigraphy from the land areas in Norway is also presented, with examples from northern, central and southern parts of the country. Correlations with adjacent areas, mainly from central and northern Fennoscandia, are suggested, and the regional implications are indicated, particularly for the Weichselian glaciation, and further dealt with in the accompanying paper focused on Quaternary glaciations (this issue). It is now known that a major part of the present, remaining, onshore glacial deposits in Norway derive from the last glaciation (Weichselian) and that more than 90% (>100,000–150,000 km3) of the Quaternary glacial erosional products from Norway have been transported and deposited offshore.