Twodiein Planeciush Pleased Over at Hartford Hoover
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NET FBE8S BUN AVERAGE DAILY CIBCULATION for the Month of April, 19S0 5,527 Members of the Audit Bureau ot Circulations -----------------------------TTT FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS (Classified Advertising oo Page L2) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1930. VOL. XLiv., NO. m r . ' r TWODIEIN iaO.P.LEADERS 11 As Fire Dealt $3,000,000 Damage In Huge New Jersey Oil Plant PLANECIUSH PLEASED OVER AT HARTFORD HOOVER CHOICE Student Flier and Airways Senator Sheppard, However. Texas Mob Fires $60,000 i Manager Killed at Brain-1 Makes Protest Becanse of Structure Bent on Lynch ard Field— Motor Tronblej Roberts’ Speech on Dry Soviet Secret Service ing Black Who Had Been I Cansed the Accident. ! Issne. Tashkent, U. S. S. P., May 8.— fem m ent’ officials tore their hair in Locked in Vault for Safe (Delayed)— (AP)—Miss Mary Van an effort to halt the train further along the lino, she calmly announc J Hartford, May 10—Lewis H. Tay Washington, May 10.— (AP)—The ! Rensselaer Cogswell, New York so ty; Mob Also Bums Three ciety girl, disappeared mysteriously ed she had spent the evening in lor of Washington, D. C., a student confidence of the administration | last night from a special train car Tashkent with Mrs. Arthur Powell - i I aviator, and Milton H. Moore, gen that Owen J. Roberts will prove ac- j rying American and other foreign Davis, wife of the famous Oakland, Blocks of Houses in Negro ./ii eral manager and principal owmer of ceptable to the Senate as an associ- j correspondents returning to Moscow CaJ„ irrigation engineer, purchasing pretty trinkets—hats, belts, brace Interstate Airways, lost their lives ate justice of the Supreme Court! from the opening of the new Tur- kestan-Siberian railroad at Aina- lets and Uzebkistan-horsehair veils Quarters— S t a t e m\ late yesterday at Brainard Field was imdiminished today by a threat. bulak, and for a time had her coun —^for use in New York parties, when their plane, a Travelair bi of opposition based on the prohibi-1 trymen badly worried. ’The train, meanwhile, raced on to Now in Control. 1 plane, crashed immediately after a tion issue. i While railroad officials held up all Moscow without stopping and So takeoff as the engine stalled. The The regular Republican group was ; service on the Tashkent-Moscow viet authorities offered to send the machine bust into flames as it enthusiastic over the President’s ^ line, secret police scoured the whole pretty young American over the Sherman, Texas, May 10.— With struck the roadway and Taylor w'as two thousand mile route to Moscow choice and the nomination was wel- 1 of Tashkent for the adventurous 500 National Guard troops patroling burned to death. Moore managed to corned to, by the leaders of the sue-; American girl who began her career in a special airplane. When she crawl from the wreckage and was in Russia last summer by crashing ■ learned, however, that his new ad the streets, this city returned this cessful fight against the confirma- i morning to a condition of compara taken to Hartford hospital but died tion of Judge John J. Parker whose 1 the gates of Moscow without a So venture would cost two thousand before midnight. viet visa. No trace v/as found. rubles (about $1,000) she demurred, tive quiet after one of the wildest rejection opened the way for the i scenes of mob violence ever known Chief Inspector George Pranaitis Roberts appointment. ] 'Then it was learned that two adding that she was so penniless of the State Department of Aero hours after the train had left Tash- she would be forced either to walk in the Southwest, during which a But from the South came a pro-; frenzied crowd, bent on the lyn<fil4 it nautics, after an investigation, stat test that in delivering an address in i Miss Cogswell turned up at the sta to the capital or steal a ride on a ed that the accident was due to a tion laden with packages, while gov- freight train. ing of a Negro already on trial for break in the magneto mechanism. 1923, Roberts deno^ced the 18th; veritable whirlpools of fire swept uncontrolled for six hours through the Gulf Refining Company’s assault on a white woman, burned Taylor, who was in his fifties, had Amendment. Senator Sheppar^ Bayonne, N. J., is shown in this striking view of the spectacular blaze. Backfire from the the $60,000 county court house, Democrat Tex^. oM or rne au- ^ tanker touched off tht: conflagration. Flames raced along the waterfront bursting a dozen tanks <? been living in Hartford for a month, 1 DARING THIEVES S'TE.^L roasted to death the Negro in a receiving flying instructions from and oil, destroying-three piers and threatening the entire oil refining district. Four men were seriously hurt I PRINCESS HELE?T’S GEMS vault in which he had been placed Moore. He had spent some time : ^ d “ ppf.e Lte'ri and 100 o th S ^ ie r . tr/ated for minor Injurl.a Tn.The damdamage a„ wa,was olllolofficially estimated at mov/t than HUSBAND MISSING, for safety, dynamited the vault, pa here on an earlier occasion. he announced he had been reliably | $3,000,000. I Bucharest, Rumania, May 10. raded .the streets with the corpse of their victim and then burned three Taylor Little Known informed that Roberts had denied] [ — (AP.)—Several valuable jew Little W'as known about him at els belonging to Princess Mother blocks of the Negro quarter of the making the assertions attributed to ; town. Brainard Field, except that he had him and that he, Sheppard, would | Helen, mother of King Michael, held a commission in the war and CHAPLAINS OF WAR I The Negrro, George Hughes, Is A withhold judgmjsnt pending a study ^ I have been stolen in a daring rob- was believed to be a captain in the 15,000 ARE MASSACRED said to have confessed to tiis of the record. ! ! bery at the royal palace. The United States Army Reserve Corps. Make No Predictions. 1 jewelry was taken from Princess assault, the victim of which was the wife of a farmer near here. He had told friends that he had a As was the case with the nomina CONDUCT SERVICES! Kostanty Zikus, 191 Oak S t, j Helen’s private apartment. So sister who operated a beauty par tions of Chief Justice Hughes and I far the police have found no Ordered Not to Shoot. lor in New York, a son, 20 years old, BY BANDITS IN CHINA Texas Rangers, upon whom was of Parker, when first submitted to trice of the thieves. and a daughter, 18, who lived with the Senate, confirmation seemed ■ — 1 Has Not Been Home for thrown the brunt of the duty of their grandmother in Washington.^ likely by an overwhelming vote. But j defending the jail and coimty build He was an interior decorator. recalling that the tremendous con- j Week— Woman Also Lost ing, were under orders from Gover Moore, who was 30 years old, was troversy over Hughes and Parker; Over 500 ViUages Looted ^ BIG FRENCH FLEET ; ^ nor Dan li^oody not to shoot. ^ a Texan. He came here about two developed from just such small be-; HOOVER VACATION An attack on the jail had been years ago, learned to fly from Harry At Eucharistic Congress; expected and a small group of D. Copeland iand, when the latter ginnings, observers here were hesi- j and Burned; 500 Persons Rangers was ordered to Sherman tant in predicting the outcome. PASSES IN REVIEW, Mrs. Kostanty Zikus of 191 Oak left Hartford, took over his flying street, has reported to the police the to aid county officers and police in service. His wife is also an air pilot. The prohibition question as ap-1 Graves Are Decorated. ! SETFORAUGUST preventing mob violence. The They have no children. plied to the Roberts nomination goes | Kidnaped for Ransom;' fact that her husband has been governor’s orders to Captain Frank back to the time when his name was; missing a week. She fears that he Hamer, in charge of the Ranger-s, before the Senate for confirmation ! Woman Leads Brigands. | Eighty Vessels Visit Algiers Tunis, May 10.— fAP)—French 1i may have committed suicide. Ac- are said to have been: “Hold the as special government prosecutor in | Negro if possible, but don’t shoot the oil scandal cases. At'that time | j priests who fought in the World quaintances of Zikus are imable to Preskleiit Decides to Spend HOLD UP CHARGE account for his continued absence, anybody.” Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, | Shanghai, May 10.— (AP)—De- and Are Reviewed by the' supplemented the official Three attacks on the court house introduced into the Congressional; alleged massacres by bandits Eucharistic Congress program with as he has been k n o ^ , ^ a etoady going man of good character and L^ssre Tinie in Rocky Jiap been repifised with tear gas and record an account^ J . of.L,. the -.T Roberts-rr , : in Honan province, asserting.............. that | an inspiring ceremony to the war fire hose hut the fourth was suc AGAINST CANNON speech as rejiorted in the New York i had devastated a broad i President. dead of Tunis. - disposition. Mrs. Zikua and Uiree children, the eldest a boy. of 9,. son cessful. Times. It read: area south of Kaifeng and another; ______ Pour himdred strong, they march M d^in Parks. Members of the mob first tried to r\OD0]rt-S S£L10 tic QOu 3>Q , w.-ogI" nf 500 I ed to the war monument and placed j blow up the court house yvith dyna advocate of prohibition hut he w ere^blished today by! Algeria, May 10.— (AP.) palms at its base in the presence { Washington, May 10.— (AP.)— mite.