בעזרת ה ' יתבר

A Tzaddik, or righteous person , makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits.

Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1)

 NASO 


Leadership Uplifts The Hebrew word for leader is nosi . We find that the princes of the tribes were called nesi’im , and we also find that kings and other people in leadership positions were called nesi’im . What is the significance of this word? The precise definition of this word, explains Rav Levi Yitzchok, is to lift up, to elevate. It is the responsibility of a Jewish leader to lift up his people, to elevate the level of their service of Hashem . It is, of course, also true that the leader is responsible for providing for all the needs of the people. Their primary focus, however, should be on elevating them spiritually, not only because the spiritual level of the people is so important but also because the elevation of the spiritual level results in numerous blessings that fulfill all the other needs of the people as well. The Torah tells us ( Bamidbar 7:2) that the nesi’im are those “who stand at the countings”. The word for countings used here is pekudim , w hich can also connote lacks or shortcomings in an alternate meaning. The implication here is that the nesi’im take note of the pekudim of the people, meaning their lacks and needs, and they stand staunchly at the head of the people elevating them to higher levels of spiritual achievement, thereby also addressing all of their needs. This pasuk can also be seen as alluding to the nesi’im themselves. It hints to us that the 1  Naso / [email protected] success of the Jewish leaders was contingent on their “standing at the countings”. With great humility, they were always aware of their own lacks and shortcomings, and this in itself is what qualified them to be leaders of the Jewish people. A leader cannot be expect to elevate his followers to higher levels of spiritual achievement if he is not humbly aware of his own flaws. n Story Rav Levi Yitzchok was once standing in shul after Shacharis when he saw one of his congregants, a simple man, accidentally drop his tefillin on the ground. The man recoiled in shock, then he fell to the ground and lovingly picked up his tefillin , brought them to his lips and kissed them. Rav Levi Yitzchok was deeply moved by the intensity of the man’s emotional response, and he remained standing in his place for a long time, contemplating the implications of what he had just seen. The following Rosh HaShana , Rav Levi Yitzchok opened the Aron Kodesh and prepared to advocate for the Jewish people, as was his custom every year. “Master of the Universe,” he cried out, “Your people are coming before You to be judged once again. And what do we ask of You? We ask that you treat us as the simplest Jew treats his tefillin . If a simple Jew’s tefillin fall to the ground, he immediately stoops to gather them up and kiss them. Well, the Jewish people are Your tefillin through whom You glorify Yourself. All we ask is that You treat us as the simple Jew treats his tefillin . We may have stumbled during this year. We may have done some misdeeds. We may have fallen from the heights to the lowest levels during the long years of our exile. Lift us up and embrace us. Have mercy on us, for we are Your tefillin .”

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הילולא The anniversary of the petira of a Tzaddik is known as a Hilula , which means “A Day of Joy”. One of the tools that Kabbola teaches is to connect to a Tzaddik (righteous person). The method to connect to a Tzaddik is to adopt the following ritual: 1) Learn the anniversary of his petira or, if this information is not available, the days of Erev Rosh Chodesh , Rosh Chodesh and the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month can be utilized for a connection. 2) Light a twenty-five-hour candle in his or her honor. There is no specific berocha . Some say the following: This candle is being lit in the merit of ______. Others say that it is the custom within Klal Yisrael to light a yahrzeit candle on the day that a relative or a Tzaddik has passed away. The lighting has no accompanying blessing, and people would like to express themselves in a tefilla when lighting the candle. This is not only true on a yahrzeit but on every Yom Tov as well.

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The author of the Pele Yo’etz , Rav Eliezer Papo (1785–1828), did in fact compose such a tefilla . Rav Papo was the Rav of the city of Selestria in Bulga ria. Bulgaria was a part of the Ottoman Empire at the time. The tefilla of the Pele Yo’etz is reproduced and translated below, as a public service.

Hebrew Tefilla for Lighting a Yahrzeit or Hilula Candle [ #ְ פִ ילָ ה הַ נִ מְ ,צַ ת !ַ סֵ פֶ ר אֶ לֶ / הַ מָ גֵ ' מִ !ַ עַ ל הַ ֶ לֶ א יוֹ עֵ עַ ל ָ רָ ַ ת וַ יֵ צֵ א עָ מוֹ ד כ ]ד" ]ד"

הַ רֵ ינִ י מַ דְ לִ יק נֵ ר זֶ ה לִ נמְ חַ ת  לְ עִ יל י נִ ְ מַ ת * בִ י / אִ מִ י מוֹ רָ תִ י / הַ צַ דִ יק ______/'!ֵ !ַ ת ______, יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' מִ לְ פָ י2נֶ 'ה אֶ קֵ ינ וֵאקֵ י אֲ בוֹתֵ ינ , ֶ#ְ קַ !ֵל !ְרַ חֲמִ י% בְרָ צוֹ' (ָל מַ עֲ)ֶ ה הַ טוֹב ֶ ,נִי עוֹ)ֶ ה , !ֵי' !ְמַחַ ָ בָ ה , !ֵי' !ְדִ י!ר , !ֵי' !ְמַ עֲ)ֶ ה וְ יִ הְ יֶ ה הַ (ֹ ל (ֹ לִ כזְ ת  לְ נמְ חַ ת  לְ עִ יל י לִ נְ ָ מוֹ ת עַ 2מְ יִ )ְ רָ לאֵ , !ִ פְ רָ ט לְ נֶ פֶ ר חַ  נְ ָ מָ ה ֶ ל * בִ י / אִ מִ י / י מִ אִ / י בִ צַ דִ יק ______. יְ הִ י רָ צוֹ ' ֶ #ִ הְ יֶ נָ ה נַ פְ וֹ תֵ יהֶ % צְ ר רוֹ ת !ִ צְ רוֹ ר הַ חַ .י%יִ Translation: Behold I am lighting this lamp for the resting and uplifting of the soul of my father/my mother/the Tzaddik ______the son/daughter of ______. May it be Your will before you, Hashem , our G-d and the G -d of our forefathers, that all my good deeds whether in thought, speech or action be done for a merit and a resting and an elevation of the souls of your nation Yisrael. It should be especially for the soul of my father/mother/the Tzaddik _____. May it be Your will that their souls be bound in the bond of life. 3) Learn about the person including history, culture, writings and teachings. 4) Study some of his teaching or writings. See more at:

n n n Y GEDOLIM BE'MISASAM YOSER Z YAHRZEITS BEGINNING SHABBOS NASO Biographical information and yahrzeits compiled by Reb Manny Saltiel and ththth + 111111 of Sivan ~ Begins Friday Night (May 21st)  Rav Shmuel Rosenberg of Unsdorf, mechaber of Be’er Shmuel , son of Rav Yisrael Yona Tzvi, Rav of Tisa-Ferred. At the age of sixteen, he attended the of the Ksav Sofer . He became a Rav in Tchabba and later in Unsdorf, the latter for thirty -seven years, (5679/1919);  Rav Yechi ben Moshe Levi, and Av Bais Din in Yemen, (5692/1932) ;  Rav Mordechai Brisk of Chanad, Av Bais Din Tashnad, mechaber of Teshuvos Maharam Brisk , (5704/1944);  Rav Yitzchok Yaakov ben Rav Yosef Yehuda Weiss (1902–1989), mechaber of Minchas Yitzchok , one of the most respected Halocha seforim of recent times. He was Av Bais Din in Grosswardein, , before WWII, then in Manchester, (1949 –1969), and Av Bais Din of the Eida Chareidis in Yerushalayim (1972–1989). As a young child he learned under the Zhiditchover of Delina, Rav Yehuda Tzvi Eichenstein. He also had a daily three-hour chavrusa with his father for many years, during which he learned the derech that his father had acquired from his Rebbe , the Arugas HaBosem . For thirteen years, Rav 3  Naso / [email protected]

Yitzchok Yaakov lived in Delina, until the First World War broke out in 1914. The family sought refuge in Munkacz, . In Adar 1944, the Nazis invaded Hungary and immediately started to erect ghettos. Rav Weiss recorded his harrowing trials and tribulations that he experienced in the war in the first volume of his sefer Minchas Yitzchok in a special section called Pirsumei Nissa , (5749/1989);  Rav Yehuda (Yeede’le) Horowitz of Dzikov (1905–1989), the only son of Rav Alter Yechezkel, Rebbe of Dzikov, one of large Chassidic dynasties in Galicia. Rav Yeede’le was born in Vishnitz where his father lived after he married the daughter of the Vizhnitzer Rebbe , the Ahavas Yisrael . When he was still a young boy, his father sent him to Tarnov to learn under the HaDor , Rav , with whom he stayed for five years. In 1927 Rav Yeede’le married his first cousin. They were never zoche to have children and years later they divorced. In 1936, Rav Yeede’le accepted the position of Dayan in Klausenberg. Every day for half a year Rav Yeede’le had a six-hour chavrusa in Choshen Mishpot with his close friend, Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss, who later became Rav of Yerushalayim and was niftar on the same day as Rav Yeede’le. In 1944, when the Nazis invaded Hungary, Rav Yeede’le escaped to Romania. In 1946, he moved to Eretz Yisrael. After a few years in Tel Aviv, Rav Yeede’le moved to Yerushalayim and made his home in the Bais Medrash of Rav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, the Rav of Yerushalayim. He wrote many chiddushim in the margins of his seforim – on virtually page of every sefer of the Chasam Sofer , on the Chida , the Maharsham and Rav Meir Arik. In 1985, he traveled to for what he had hoped would be a brief medical leave. Instead, he spent his final years there, (5749/1989);  Rav Simcha Rubin , the Sassover Rebbe of London, (5763/2003);  Rav Shlomo Zalman Bloch , talmid of the Chofetz Chaim , (5736/1976);  Rebbetzin Rikel Brodsky , born on the Lower East Side, shortly after her parents, Rav Menachem Mendel Burnstein and his Rebbetzin Chava (née Minsky) emigrated from . Rikel was the youngest of eight siblings. An einikel of the Pnei Yehoshua and Rav Yaakov Emden, Rav Menachem Mendel had been the Rav of the shtetl Yadova, in Poland, a thriving kehilla that was later wiped out in the Holocaust. Rav Menachem Mendel opened a shul in the Bronx. Rebbetzin Rikel lost her mother when she was eleven and her father when she was eighteen. However, her devoted sisters and brother took care of her, marrying her off to a young refugee from the Mir, Rav Shamshon Brodsky, who had been close to Rav Chaim Shmulevitz. Rav Shamshon served as the Rav of a shul , Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Moshe , and the menahel of Bais Miriam of the Bronx. Nearly thirty years ago, as the Bronx community slowly began to lose its character, the Brodskys moved to Flatbush. The Rav assumed leadership of Bais Medrash Rabbeinu Yaakov Moshe and a Rosh Yeshiva in Yeshiva Bircas Reuven , and later in Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael . The Rebbetzin was described as “the most powerful mussar sefer we could ever learn” by one of the talmidim , (5684– 5765/1924–2005). ththth + 121212 of Sivan ~ Begins Motzai Shabbos (May 22nd)  Rav Avrohom Weinberg , Slonimer Rebbe , the Bircas Avrohom , (5741/1981);  Rav Dovid Pardo of , mechaber of Chasdei Dovid on the Tosefta , and Maskil L’Dovid on Rashi , (5552/1792);  Rav Chaim Yisrael of Pilov, son of Rav Dovid of Kotzk, (5665/1905);  Rav Menachem Mendel of Bar, one of the early great talmidim of the Ba’al Shem Tov . A

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short story about Rav Menachem Mendel of Bar: Once, while davening , Rav Menachem Mendel of Bar thought to himself, “How can I daven to Hashem when I am so full of aveiros ?” He figured this was a holy thought until he pondered it for a while but realized that such thoughts never bother him while he’s eating, only while davening , so it must not be a real holy thought. He immediately banished this thought from his mind, (5525/1765). ththth + 131313 of Sivan ~ Begins Sunday Night (May 23rd)  Rav Shraga Yair Rabinowitz of Biala’varzig, son of Rav Nosson Dovid of Shidlovtza and mechaber of Aron Eidus , (5672/1912);  Rav Efraim HaKohen Katz of Vilna, the Sha’ar Efraim , (5438/1678);  Rav Avrohom Yitzchoki , Tzaddik in Yerushalayim, mechaber of Zera Avrohom , (5489/1729);  Rav Chaim Yisrael Morgenstern of Pilov ben Rav Dovid of Kotzk ben Rav Menachem Mendel of Kotzk. He wrote Sha’alu Shelom Yerushalayim and Ma’aseh HaMenora , which are included in Sefer She’eris Yisrael , (5665/1905);  Rav Yaakov Meir ben Rav Shlomo Betzalel Biderman (1869–1941). He married into the Gerrer Dynasty (as son-in-law of the Sefas Emes ) and was very involved in Agudas Yisrael . He passed away in the Warsaw Ghetto, (5701/1941);  Rav Yitzchok Isaac Weiss of Spinka, the Chakal Yitzchok (1875–1944). Born to Rav Yosef Meir, the Imrei Yosef , who was the founder of the Spinka court and a talmid of Rav Yitzchok Isaac of Ziditchov. Rav Isaac’l succeeded his father as Rebbe when Rav Yosef Meir passed away, in 1909. He was also Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Yosef (named after his father). Rav Yitzchok Isaac was the leader of thousands of Spinka Chassidim throughout Hungary, and Romania. He, along with most of his followers, perished in the Holocaust, and the dynasty was rebuilt by his grandson, Rav Yaakov Yosef, (5704/1944);  Rav Yaakov Mutzafi , Mekubol and Rav of the Sefardic Eida Chareidis in Yerushalayim (1900–1983). The son of Rav Ezra and Mazal Mutzafi, Rav Yaakov was born in Baghdad into a distinguished rabbinical family. He acquired most of his Torah knowledge from his grandfather, Rav Moshe. He also learned in the Bais Zilka Bais Medrash , where his chavrusa was Rav Salman Chuji Abudi, who later became an important Dayan . Rav Yaakov married the daughter of Chacham Sasson Dangur, who appointed him Rosh Yeshiva of Dorshei Torah . After World War II, Rav Yaakov moved to Eretz Yisrael and served as the Chazan and Maggid Shiur in the Shemesh Tzadka shul for thirty years, (5743/1983);  Rav Refoel Yona Tikochinsky (or Tikotinsky), Rosh Yeshiva of Yerucham, (5749/1989). ththth + 141414 of Sivan ~ Begins Monday Night (May 24th )  Rav Chaim ben Rav Yitzchok of Volozhin, (1749–1821), born January 21, 1749, in Volozhin when it was a part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He left there in 1821 (5581) while it was under the control of the Russian Empire. It is part of present-day Belarus. Rav Chaim was a Rav , Talmudist and ethicist. He was popularly known as “Reb Chaim Volozhiner” or simply as “Reb Chaim”. He was a talmid muvhok of the Vilna Gaon , and wrote Nefesh HaChaim , Ruach Chaim (a commentary on Pirkei Avos ) and Nishmas Chaim (a collection of responsa). He also founded the in 1803. In Nefesh HaChaim , he teaches about mind over matter and emphasizes the power of Torah study and

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fulfillment of mitzvos to bring a Jew close to Hashem . He also says it is an inyan godol u’segula nifla to erase and cancel “harsh judgements” if one implants in his heart that אין עוד Hashem is the true G-d and Devorim 4:35) – there is no) מלבדו power except for Hashem . If one does this, Hashem may help him through “natural” means or supernatural means, as the Gemora (Taanis 25a) teaches, when Rav Chanina ben Dosa’s daughter had no oil to light the Shabbos candles, but had vinegar, which miraculously stayed lit, to which he said, “the One who tells the oil to burn also told the vinegar to burn”, (5581/1821);  Rav Moshe ben Rav Pinchas Dovid HaLevi Horowitz, Bostoner Rebbe in New York, (5745/1985);  Rav Chaim Dovid Amar , talmid of the Ohr HaChaim HaKodosh ;  Rav Nissim Yagen , (1940–1999) born in Yerushalayim to Chacham Yaakov , a regular at Rav Mordechai Sharabi’s Bais Medrash . Rav Nissim was the eldest son in a family of fourteen children. When he was twenty, he went to Lakewood to learn with Rav and Rav Shneur Kotler for four years. He also became close to the Mashgiach Rav Nosson Wachtfogel. He married a year later and continued his studies in several kollelim . During this time, he regularly attended the mussar shmuessen of Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz and Rav Sholom Schwadron. His first appointment was as Rosh Yeshiva of Ohel Mo’ed . His first step in reaching out to the secular community was to organize a religious community in Givat Ada near Chaifa on behalf of Yeshiva Ohr Somayach . He became the Rav of the community that numbered one hundred families. When he returned to Yerushalayim a few years later, he was appointed the Mashgiach in Yeshiva Or Boruch in Bayit Vegan. It was during the 1973 Yom Kippur War that Rav Nissim resolved to dedicate his life to helping Jews return to Yiddishkeit ; shortly after the war, he founded Arachim . He may truly be considered among the founding fathers of the teshuva movement. In 1979, he founded Kehillas Yaakov on Yosef Ben Matisyohu Street for ba’alei teshuva , which he continued to run until the end of his life, (5759/1999);  Rav Elozor Menachem Mendel Biderman , the Lelover Rebbe , (5761/2001);  Rav Yaakov Yisrael V’Yishurin Rubin of Sasregen (1884–1944) ben Rav Boruch of Gorla, scion of Ropshitz. Murdered in Auschwitz. Wrote hago’os on Shulchon Aruch , (5704/1944). ththth + 151515 of Sivan ~ Begins Tuesday Night (May 25th )  Yehuda ben Yaakov Avinu, founder of the tribe of Yehuda, for whom all Jews are so named. Born on the 15 th of Nissan in Aram Naharayim, Iraq, in 1565 BCE, he was niftar at the age of one hundred and nineteen in Egypt in 1446 B.C.E. (2324). When Yehuda, the fourth son of Lea and Yaakov, was born, Lea said, “This time let me gratefully praise Hashem ” (based on the Hebrew infinitive, l’hodot , “to praise”). This is because this fourth son meant that she was being given more than her share of sons. The Medrash teaches that both Lea and 6  Naso / [email protected]

Rochel knew that each of Jacob’s four wives would share in bringing the twelve tribes into the world. By having a fourth son, Lea realized that she was being rewarded for her spiritual work. Yehuda first demonstrated leadership when he suggested that his brothers sell Yosef to a caravan of Ishmaelites (rather than leave him in a pit to die). But the cover-up story that his brothers then told Yaakov (that Yosef was dead) so upset Yehuda that the Torah says, “And it was in that time, and Yehuda went down from his brothers...” ( Bereishis 38:1) Yehuda married a Canaanite woman and had three sons: Er, Onan and Shayla. When his first two sons unexpectedly died (having successively married Tamar), Yehuda promised Tamar that she would marry Shayla when he came of age. Later, when Tamar realized that Shayla would never be given to her, she dressed like a harlot and seduced Yehuda. He gave her his staff, cord and signet as collateral for payment. Tamar became pregnant, and when Yehuda found out, he demanded that she be burned for harlotry. When she displayed his collateral (proving the paternity), Yehuda publicly admitted his guilt. Tamar gave birth to twins, Peretz and Zerach. By acknowledging his responsibility, Yehuda finally became a true leader. This story teaches us about a law of reincarnation regarding men who die childless. Years later, when the brothers needed to return to Egypt for food, it was Yehuda who convinced Yaakov to allow Binyomin to go, as Yosef had demanded. Yehuda offered Yaakov his solemn pledge that he would bring Binyomin home safely. And when Binyomin was framed with the crime of stealing the royal goblet, Yehuda stepped forward and offered himself up as a bondsman instead of Binyomin. The explains this meeting as a unification of the spiritual world, as represented by Yosef, and the physical world, as represented by Yehuda, as the progenitor of Dovid HaMelech and eventually the Moshiach . Before his passing, Yaakov gave each of his sons a blessing reflecting their personalities and their futures. To Yehuda, Yaakov said, “Yehuda, your brothers shall praise you... The scepter shall not depart from Yehuda...and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples...” While much of Yehuda’s blessing (not included due to length) is understood by the Sages to be an allusion to the time of Moshiach , Yaakov clearly conferred the role of leadership upon Yehuda and his descendants (the Davidic dynasty) – (Medrash Tadshe ), (2324/1446 B.C.E.);  Rav Yitzchok of Posen, Rebbe of the Mogen Avrohom and mechaber of Shailos U’teshuvos Be’er Yitzchok , (5445/1685);  Rav Yedidya Refoel Chai Abulafia , Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Kel , Yeshiva of Mekubolim in Yerushalayim, (5629/1869);  Rav Sholom Shekalo , Tzaddik of the Syrian community of Aram Soba, (5679/1919). ththth + 161616 of Sivan ~ Begins Wednesday Night (May 26th )  Rav Mordechai Menachem Mendel ben Rav Yisrael Yitzchok Kalisch of Vorke, talmid of the Kotzker, (5628/1868);  Rav Sholom Eliezer ben Rav Chaim Halberstam of Ratzfort, Hy”d , son of the Divrei Chaim , murdered in Auschwitz, (5704/1944);  Rav Gedalya Nadel , son of Rav Reuven Heschel Nadel, born in the Lithuanian city of Shavel (1923–2004). When he was thirteen, his parents moved to Eretz Yisrael, and made

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their home in Balfouria, a small settlement in the Valley of Yizre’el. He became the Chazon Ish ’s closest talmid . Though he never gained the prominence that some of the Chazon Ish ’s other confidants assumed with the passing of the Chazon Ish in 1953, Rav Nadel did become the head of the Vizhnitz Yeshiva . Rav Chaim Kanievsky was Rav Gedalya’s chavrusa . At the advice of the Chazon Ish , when Rav Gedalya was still young, he began to study in the Lomza Yeshiva in Petach Tikva. He married the daughter of Rav Eliyohu Weiner, a talmid of the Chofetz Chaim , (5764/2004).  Rav Sholom Frischman of , Hy”d , ben Rav Yosef Arye Leibish of Tomashov, (5704/1944);  Rav Boruch Yosef ben Rav Yisrael Zak of Kureslov, Kobriner Rebbe of New York. He was the son-in-law of Rav Dovid Tzvi Rabinovich of Kobrin and a descendant of Rav Yechiel Mechel of Zlotchov. He wrote Bircas Yosef and many other seforim . He is interred in Mount Judah Cemetery in Queens, New York, (5709/1949);  Rav Yeshua Heschel ben Rav Moshe Dov Landau, Hy”d , Vitka Rav , (5704/1944). ththth + 171717 of Sivan ~ Begins Thursday Night (May 27th )  Rav Tzvi Hirsh Broide , Rosh Yeshivas Kelm . His wife was Rebbetzin Nechama Leba Broide, the daughter of the Alter of Kelm. He became very close to his talmid , , the future Mashgiach of Mir and Ponevezh, (5673/1913);  Rav Aharon of Karlin, the Bais Aharon (1802–1872/5632), son of Rav Osher of Stolin. He was named for his illustrious grandfather, Rav Aharon HaGodol of Karlin, the first Karliner Rebbe , and thus he is also known as Rav Aharon II Perlow of Karlin. He was also known as the Mlynover Rebbe and the Freilicher Rebbe (the latter a term describing his happy disposition). Later in life, he was forced to move to Stolin, several miles away from Karlin, and the dynasty has been known as Karlin-Stolin ever since. His insights were anthologized in the sefer Bais Aharon , (5632/1872);  Rav Moshe Vorhand of Makava (or Makó), Hungary, the Ohel Moshe (1862–1944). His descendants include Rav Zeev Vorhand, the “Prague Rav ” from Manhattan, and the Lemberger boys, Rav Simon, Rav Mendel, Rav Efraim, Rav Avrom, Rav Shlomo and Rav Osher, all Rabbonim like their father, father-in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather, (5704/1944).  Y HILLULA DE’TDE’TZADDIKAZADDIKA Z WHAT’S BEHIND YAHRZEIT MEANINGS & CUSTOMS The Maharil, in Hilchos Taanis, teaches us that the reason why there is a custom to visit the Bais hachaim on a fast is because “this place is the resting place of the Tzaddikim and is therefore sanctified, pure and holy and our tefillos are more readily heard, accepted and answered when davened on holy ground. When you daven there, do not make requests of the dead who are buried there; rather ask Hashem to answer you mercifully in their merit. Then circle around the graves and donate charity before reciting tefillos.” בית הקברות הוא מקו מנוחת הצדיקי ומתו כ הוא מקו קדוש וטהור התפילה נתקבלה ש יותר , א אל ישי מגמתו נגד המתי , א יבקש מהשי“ ת שית עליו רחמי בזכות

8  Naso / [email protected]

הצדיקי שוכני עפר , ויקי הקברות , וית צדקה קוד שיאמר התחינות. The Zohar in VaYeira page 71 teaches us that if we suffer any calamity or tragedy we have the custom to go and daven at the kevorim of Tzaddikim . The reason for this is that we approach them with fasting, remorse and repentance, and we have in mind that the departed souls ask and daven for us before Hashem on High, as opposed to the prohibition against speaking to the dead which is an idolatrous practice where the idol worshippers sought out the impure dead souls and bodies using sorcery and witchcraft. Instead, beseech our Tzaddikim who, in gan eden , are truly alive, and ask through tefilla and fasting and teshuva alone.


Y GEDOLIM BE’MASAYHEM Z STORIES & ANECDOTES Rav Simcha RubinRubin,, 11 ththth of Sivan The Sassover Rebbe of London In the years between the wars, a of Premishlan, Biala, Shotz, Trisk number of Rebbes made their homes in and Dzikov, with whom he had a warm London. The first of them was Rav relationship. They dealt with the harsh Chanoch Henoch Dov Rubin, of Sassov. economic conditions of the prewar years, His son, Rav Simcha, was born in with their attendant problems of Sassov, a town near Lvov, in 5670/1910. maintaining traditional standards of Scion of an outstanding Chassidic family, Chassidus and Yiddishkeit ; from the 1930s he came to London with his parents and onward they dealt with the flood of siblings in 1925, when his father refugees fleeing the Gehinnom of Hitler’s established a Bais Medrash in Europe. Whitechapel. In 5702/1942, the Rebbe moved Rav Henoch, a man of outstanding with his young family to North West piety, treated all Jews with warmth and London, where he established the present was beloved for his charity, simplicity and Sassover Bais Medrash in Helenslea humility — all qualities which were fully Avenue, Golders Green. In 5717/1957, the reflected in his son, Rav Simcha. shul became the home of the first Yeshiva Tragically, Rav Henoch was niftar in North West London, after Rav Simcha suddenly in 5689/1929 after a short illness, encouraged Rav Eliezer Warhaftig and his leaving a devastated community. In colleague, Rav Rakow, to open Yeshiva accordance with his wish, his eldest son, Chayei Olam with its first two talmidim . Rav Simcha, succeeded him as Sassover During the war years, the Sassover Rebbe of London. Rebbe worked tirelessly, helping destitute In 5690/1930, Rav Simcha married refugees who found safety in his country the daughter of Rav Dov Heschel of Lvov, a with food, lodging and parnossa . He took descendant of the Ohev Yisrael of Apta. young orphans into his own home, and established a hostel for others to ensure Rav Simcha worked with a small that in addition to their physical survival, group of his contemporaries, including the they received the warmth and kindness

9  Naso / [email protected] they needed so badly. approach of the summer, he would write a The Rebbe placed some three message in the heimishe newspapers in hundred boys and young men on a farm English — including Hamodia , of which he near London, providing these shattered, was an early and strong friend and traumatized Yidden with a safe, Jewish supporter — reminding Yidden of the environment. importance of maintaining their standards The Rebbe also introduced or during this time, whether at home or strengthened standards of kashrus in many abroad. Jewish old-age and nursing homes, and The Rebbe was a regular visitor to all arranged kosher food for Jewish patients in the local mosdos , leaving an indelible state hospitals and nursing homes. Not impression on their young neshomos . only did he undertake personal Following the petira of his supervision, but on numerous occasions, Rebbetzin , the Rebbe married Rebbetzin even provided the additional funding Minna Weber; she was niftar a few years necessary to pay for these facilities. before him. He was a major ba’al tzedoka who Despite many disappointments, Rav was determined to remain anonymous to Simcha, even during his twilight years the recipients of his funds and arranged when he suffered from poor health, with his bank to issue him checkbooks with continued his chessed activities to his last no identifying name or institution days, and accepted all his suffering imprinted on them, thereby fulfilling the b’simcha . highest level of tzedoka — matan b’seiser . The Rebbe was niftar on the 11 th of His acts of Gemilus Chassodim Sivan 5763/2003, at the age of ninety- benefited people of all ranks. three. The Rebbe ’s lifelong commitment to Zechuso yogen aleinu. the maintenance of the highest standards of tznius was legendary. Each year, with the  Rav Avraham Ben Noach Weinberg ooofof SlonimSlonim,, 12 ththth of Sivan Author Birkas Avraham To Hashem We Are All Equally that is incorrect, its wrong. He is your Important Father exactly as much as He is my Father, One of the Birkas Avraham’s no more, no less! A Father worries about descendants complained once to the rebbe His children and takes care of them and regarding his difficulties in earning a living. their needs, we all have the same Father!” The worries of parnasa were really He then reminisced pleasantly about a troubling him and the Birkas Avraham previous conversation that his father Rav strengthened him with the following words Noach of Tiveria had once had in his elder of chizuk : years with a young grandson: “Do you know my beloved grandson what the words Do you imagine that Hashem is only in the Machzor mean: “ HaShave uMashve my merciful Father and not yours? Perhaps Koton veGadol – that Hashem equates you think that to me He is a merciful equally the young and old, the great and Father figure whereas to you He is as a the lesser?” Come I shall explain this to Grandfather or Great Grandfather? But you. You might think that Hashem listens 10  Naso / [email protected] to and hears the tefillos of an old man like equates and equalizes all of us with no myself with a long white beard, whereas the difference whatsoever not even a tefillos and prayers of a young lad such as hairsbreadth! His ears hearken unto the yourself are less important to Hashem , so tefillos and requests of a young child no who bothers to listen to them or care? That less than those of an elderly grandfather is a mistake. You and I are mamash the with a long white beard!” ( MiSod Siach same. Hashem makes us all equal, he Chassidim , page 293)  

Rav Shraga Yair Rabinowitz of Biala’varzig , 131313 ththth of Sivan Mechaber of Aron Eidus Born in 5600 (1840), Rav Shraga Rav Shraga Yair was niftar on the Yair Rabinowitz was the son of Rav Nosson 13 th of Sivan 5672/1912 at the age of Dovid of Shidlovtza, who was the son of seventy-two. He was succeeded by his only Rav Yerachmiel of Peshis’cha. From his son, Rav Nosson Dovid. His daughter earliest years he demonstrated special originally married Rav Chaim Elozor qualities. No one was surprised when Rav Schapira of Munkacs, but they divorced Shraga later became Rebbe . Rav Shraga because they did not have children. She Yair married the daughter of Rav Yekusiel remarried Rav Chaim Hager of Antiniya. Shmelke, the son of Rav Moshe Leib of Rav Shraga Yair had another son-in-law, Sassov. Following the petira of his father his nephew, Rav Yosef Eliezer of Radom. on the 7 th of Marcheshvan 5626/1865, Rav Rav Shraga Yair’s Divrei Torah were Shraga Yair was appointed Rebbe in published under the name Aron Eidus . Shidlovtza and then in Biala’varzig. After a Zechuso yogen aleinu . fire broke out in Biala’varzig destroying most of the city, Rav Shraga Yair moved to for more information. Radom and then back to Shidlovtza.  Rav Chaim of VolozhinVolozhin,,,, 141414 ththth of Sivan Author Nefesh Hachaim And Ruach Chaim On Avos Born on the 8 th of Sivan 5509/1749 ( mechaber of Veshov HaKohen , (though there is another opinion that he among other seforim ). was born on the 7 th of Sivan ), Rav Chaim of Rav Chaim’s diligence and erudition Volozhin (Belarus) was the son of Rav were striking. By the age of twenty-two he Yitzchok, a wealthy and pious Jew, and had completed the study of Shas , including Rebbetzin Miriam, the daughter of Rav its commentaries. He eventually became a Yisrael Rappaport, Rav of Peisk. leading talmid of the Vilna Gaon , who Rav Chaim was apparently brilliant greatly influenced his way of thinking and from early childhood. In his youth, he approach to Torah study. studied under the Shaagas Arye who was In 5550 (1790), Rav Chaim became then Rav of Volozhin (). Later, Rav of Wilkomi but refused to take a when the Shaagas Arye left the city, Rav salary. Instead, he opened a factory that Chaim learned under Rav Refoel produced wool, thereby serving as Rav Hamburger, who later became Rav of shelo al menas lekabel pros . Many

11  Naso / [email protected] merchants were displeased with the new persecution due to its refusal to offer Rav , especially those who dealt in wool. secular studies, and was eventually closed During Shabbos davening , a vicious person down by the Russian authorities in 5652 once asked Rav Chaim the time of the (1892), it paved the way for dozens of molad . The Rav replied that he did not subsequent Yeshivos that followed its know, suggesting that he check in the derech . luach . His reply led some arrogant (Adapted from the hashkofa portion townspeople to question: “What kind of of Rav Yissocher Frand’s Commuter Rav doesn’t know the time of the molad ?” Chavrusa Tapes on the weekly portion: Later on, he warned his talmidim that Tape # 761, Killing Two Birds With One whoever served as a Rav must know when Stone – the molad would occur. for more This attitude eventually drove him information) out of the city. Rav Chaim subsequently returned to Volozhin, serving as a Dayan  there on a voluntary basis. Due to declining Rav Chaim’s works include Nefesh Torah study among the youth and the HaChaim on hashkofa and Ruach Chaim growing influence of the Maskilim , in 5563 on Pirkei Avos . His most important (1803) Rav Chaim eventually founded the responsa are found in Chut HaMeshulosh first Yeshiva in Volozhin, Yeshivas Eitz and Kedushas Yom Tov . Rav Chaim was Chaim (the Volozhiner Yeshiva ), which niftar on the 14 th of Sivan 5581 (1821) at from its very outset became famous the age of seventy-two. His son, Rav throughout the land – a place where “Itzele” Volozhiner, replaced him as head of thousands of men flocked to study Torah . the Yeshiva in Volozhin. Rav Itzele was The Yeshiva illuminated the Torah world, succeeded by his two sons-in-law, Rav and from it emerged tremendously gifted Eliezer Yitzchok Fried and Rav Naftoli Tzvi talmidim , Torah giants who brought light Yehuda Berlin, the Netziv . to the world through their Torah and sanctity. This Yeshiva became the  prototype for other subsequent Yeshivos in Eastern Europe established during the The Berocha and the Amen of a nineteenth and twentieth centuries. He Special Late-Night Visitor fasted on the day the cornerstone was laid. I once heard the story that Rav According to his son, Rav Yitzchok of Chaim Volozhiner was extremely makpid Volozhin, Rav Chaim cried so profusely for (meticulous or stringent) in his custom that the future of the Yeshiva that “the hole for he would not recite the berocha over drinks the even hapina (cornerstone) was “dug” and food unless there was someone else with [his] tears. present to answer Amen . One night at a Rav Chaim set high standards for very late hour, Rav Chaim was up studying admission to his Yeshiva , insisting on Torah when he was seized with a terrible extreme diligence. His talmidim numbered thirst. Now he was in a quandary for there in the hundreds. The existence of the was no one up in his home to answer Yeshiva served to defy the various Amen . To awaken a member of his enlightenment movements that were household at such a late hour was threatening kedushas Klal Yisrael. Rav unthinkable and so Rav Chaim had just Chaim provided a measure of pure, Torah - resigned himself to having to overcome the minded guidance and leadership to Klal thirst and going to sleep, when Yisrael. Though the Yeshiva suffered much unbelievably there was a knock on the

12  Naso / [email protected] door. One of the talmidim from the Bais Seder Toharos and was having trouble Medrash had come to ask Rav Chaim a understanding a Mishna . From his toiling question regarding the sugya in the to understand the Mishna and from the masechta of Gemora he was studying. As heat, Rav Chaim fell asleep. While asleep, Rav Chaim listened to the question, he the recently deceased benefactor came to pondered the answer and happily took a him in a dream and thanked him for drink, recited the berocha and heard the learning Mishnayos for him and proceeded bochur answer Amen . Afterward, he to fully explain the Mishna that Rav Chaim answered the talmid ’s question and could not figure out. After this incident, continued studying. Rav Chaim said that he always knew that The next day, when he entered the one who supported Torah would get to Bais Medrash , he approached the talmid learn and understand Torah in Olam and expressed his wonder that he had been Haba , but he never realized how fast this up so late and his admiration for his happens. The funeral had been just hours diligence in his studies, asking him if the ago and this man was explaining one of the answer he had given had indeed resolved most difficult Mishnayos to one of the his question. The talmid stared at his greatest Torah scholars of the generation. Rebbe in amazement and bewilderment After Rav Aharon Kotler finished the and declared, “But Rebbe , I was asleep last story, a talmid asked Rav Aharon why he night; it was not I who came and asked you should not leave the Yeshiva and support those questions.” The only question left for many Torah scholars – after all, then he Rav Chaim was, then, who was that special would know all that Torah in Olam Haba . “Heaven-sent” guest who had come just at Rav Aharon responded beautifully, “It is the right time to answer Amen …? 100 percent true that you will know all that Torah in Olam Haba , but what kind of Olam HaZeh will you have without  learning Torah ?” (Similarly, Rav Elozor Shach was once speaking with one of the The Kaddish great supporters of Torah . Rav Shach said Rav Aharon Kotler told over the that he was really not sure which of them following story: would get more reward in Olam Haba , but There was a man who donated large that he himself definitely had the better amounts of money every month to the Olam HaZeh .) Yeshiva of Volozhin. Rav Chaim, the Rosh  Yeshiva , went to visit the man to thank him. The generous benefactor told him that Shas is Shas he had no family and the only thing he In the time of Rav Chaim of wanted in return was for someone to say Volozhin, there was a ba’al bayis who had Kaddish and learn Mishnayos for him completed the entire Shas . Rav Chaim when he left this world. Rav Chaim assured would stand up for him whenever he him that he would do that personally. entered the room. The talmidim of Rav Several years later this man was Chaim felt that it was an affront to his niftar , and Rav Chaim attended the kovod to stand up for a ba’al bayis . They funeral, which was on a very hot summer protested to Rav Chaim, saying that day. After returning home, Rav Chaim, although the ba’al bayis did learn Shas and remembering his promise, immediately spent a lot of time learning, he did not starting learning Mishnayos for the know Shas in depth, so it was not neshoma of this man. He was learning appropriate for a great Gaon like himself to

13  Naso / [email protected] stand up for him. beforehand we can avoid the punishment Rav Chaim answered that there are altogether. two types of Shas : the Vilna Shas , which was a beautiful Shas with a quality print, Smugglers-Coffin-Was-Perfect-But-The-Tears-Were-Too-Late/3859 and another Shas printed in Poland, which  was of lesser quality with inferior print. Rav Chaim explained that if one had these The Shaagas Arye Gives a Berocha to two Shasim , he would not say the inferior Two Brothers in Volozhin Shas is not a Shas , he would merely say it There was a wealthy Jew who lived was not as beautiful. Similarly, someone in Volozhin named Rav Yitzchok, who was who knows Shas is someone who knows not only wealthy, but was a great Talmid Shas , and therefore it is appropriate to Chochom and was stringent in mitzvos . He treat him with the proper kovod . traveled often on lengthy trips for business, and when he returned he was always laden Shas/3540 with expensive gifts for his family.  One time before Rav Yitzchok left on another trip, his wife requested that The Smuggler’s Coffin Was Perfect, instead of bringing her a gift, he should buy but the Tears Were Too Late a complete Shas for their home. In those Rav Chaim Volozhin tells a moshol days, a complete Shas was very expensive, about a group of smugglers pretending to but Rav Yitzchok decided to fulfill his wife’s carry a dead body in a coffin, in an attempt request, and bought a beautiful Shas on to smuggle goods across the border. For that trip. some reason, the border guard became When he returned, Rav Yitzchok and suspicious and asked them to open the his wife decided to benefit the community coffin in order to see the deceased person. with the Shas , by lending out the When the coffin was opened and the goods masechtos to the people of the city. Rav were revealed, the smugglers began to cry, Yitzchok was busy with his business, so his realizing the severe punishment awaiting wife took responsibility for lending out the them. Shas . “Your crying is just a few moments One day, the Gaon , Rav Arye Leib, too late,” said the border guard. “Had you mechaber of the Shaagas Arye , arrived in cried or even shown a bit of sadness as you Volozhin. The Gaon heard that it was passed before me, I would never have possible to borrow Shas masechtos in a suspected any foul play. Your lack of tears certain home, and he immediately made or remorse when carrying a dead body his way to Rav Yitzchok’s house. Rav made me suspicious enough to doubt the Yitzchok’s wife was very excited that such a validity of the contents.” great Gaon was gracing her house. She told Ashrei odom mefached tomid – the Shaagas Arye that anytime he needed a “Fortunate is the person who is always masechta , she would send one of her afraid” ( Mishlei 28:14). Rav Chaim servants to the Gaon ’s lodging place so he Volozhin says that we must not be wouldn’t have to exert himself to come to complacent about all our aveiros as life the house. rolls along. We must be worried about the The Shaagas Arye stayed in consequences and do teshuva before the Volozhin for an extended period of time, moment of reckoning comes. The gates of and whenever he needed a new masechta , tears are never closed. If we cry our tears Rav Yitzchok’s wife would send it to him.

14  Naso / [email protected]

Before Rav Arye left the city, he visited Rav associated with later Yeshivos , including Yitzchok’s house, and blessed him and his the institution of meshulochim (hired fund- wife. He said, “I bless you that you should raisers sent by an institution to distant be zoche to two sons who will light up the communities to collect funds for the eyes of Yisrael with their Torah . One son Yeshiva ). will be zoche to teach the Shas to others, The Volozhiner Yeshiva had several and the second son will be so well learned such charity collectors who went around in the entire Torah that he won’t need a from city to city and from village to village Shas at all! in various locations in Eastern Europe. One The Tzaddik ’s berocha was fulfilled of them came to the head of the Yeshiva , in full, and Rav Yitzchok and his wife Rav Chaim, and told him that there were subsequently had two sons. One was the flaws in the system. In those days, the way Gaon , Rav , who a meshuloch traveled around was with a established a Yeshiva and was zoche to hired wagon driver, who provided the many talmidim , and the second son, Rav rough equivalent of a car service. The Zalman, knew the entire Torah by heart meshuloch complained that he was wasting backward and forward. ( Vekorosa his time and the Yeshiva ’s time with the LeShabbos Oneg ) inefficiency of the setup. First, it was not easy to find wagon drivers, and then the Bracha-To-Two-Brothers-In-Volozhin/3743 wagon drivers had multiple stops with many passengers. He argued that if he were  given his own horse and cart, he could save significant time and be much more The Meshuloch ’s Expense Account effective for the Yeshiva . He further said In Parshas Vayakhel , the Torah that when he came into donors’ homes says that “ Hashem has proclaimed by name shabbily dressed, he did not make a good Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Chur, of the tribe impression. He suggested that if the of Yehuda. He filled him with the ‘spirit of Yeshiva could afford to provide him with a Elokim ’, with wisdom, with understanding proper suit and coat, as a type of uniform and with knowledge, and with every craft – to indicate he was representing a high-class to make artistic designs ( v’lach’shov institution, the results would be more machashovos ) to work with the gold, with impressive. the silver and with the copper...” [ Shemos Rav Chaim Volozhin was 35:30-32]. sympathetic to the meshuloch ’s arguments. We will explain this last expression He understood that “to make money you (v’lachshov machashovos ) through a need to spend money” and he authorized famous story told about Rav Chaim of the purchase of a horse and cart as well as a Volozhin, the preeminent talmid of the dignified set of clothing for the Yeshiva ’s Gaon of Vilna and the founder and first designated fundraiser. head of the Yeshiva in Volozhin, Lithuania. Rav Chaim had the practice of The Volozhiner Yeshiva started in the early reviewing receipts from each city where he 1800s and was the first “modern day would send fund-raisers to collect. There Yeshiva ”, after which many other such was one Jew in a certain city who always schools were modeled. used to give generously to the Yeshiva . He In addition to being the was not a wealthy man, but rather a simple “Granddaddy” of all Yeshivos in terms of its villager who nonetheless gave a sizable educational curriculum, the Volozhiner donation each year, way beyond his means. Yeshiva also founded many other practices Rav Chaim noticed that the next time this

15  Naso / [email protected] particular meshuloch went to this man’s was given a special form of Ruach village, the man did not give anything at all HaKodesh [Divine Spirit]. There was gold to the Yeshiva . Rav Chaim inquired as to used for the items in the Mishkon that were what happened. The meshuloch told him, “I at the pinnacle of holiness – the Aron , the don’t know. I came into him like always Menora , the Shulchon , and the Mizbei’ach and I expected a warm reception and a (of incense). There was also money used in sizable donation as usual, but this time he the Mishkon for things that were not as gave a cold shoulder and no donation. I holy, for example, the boards and the don’t know why!” curtains. Bezalel had the Divine Spirit to Rav Chaim was perplexed. He told know that when a person gave money his meshuloch , “Let us both go together to strictly for the sake of Heaven with a highly see this fellow and ask him again for a spiritual intent, that was money used for donation.” They both went and knocked on the holiest of the kelim (vessels). When a his door. The fellow was blown away that person gave money with ulterior motives, the greatest Rav of the generation, the then Bezalel knew to earmark that money famous talmid of the Gaon of Vilna, was for the boards, the curtains, or the less standing before him! He invited them in “holy” utensils in the Mishkon . and after the initial niceties and “This is the interpretation of the refreshments, Rav Chaim got to the pasuk : Bezalel looked into the precious purpose of his visit. “What happened? All metals that were given and he knew why these years you gave us such a nice they were given and therefore what to do donation, and this year you cut us off with them. The same is true with donations completely?” to our Yeshiva . There are people who give The simple Jew responded, “Every money strictly so that the young men can year when I sacrificed and gave my learn Torah ; they are not interested in any contribution, I thought to myself, ‘I am of the amenities or the bells and whistles. giving to the Volozhiner Yeshiva – the pre- However, some people cannot focus in on eminent Torah institution in the entire the main purpose of a Yeshiva . If they see a region – so young men can sit and learn physical dump or they see a representative Torah and develop into great Jewish of the Yeshiva who is poorly dressed leaders.’ But when I saw your well-dressed without adequate means of transportation, meshuloch come with his own cart and his they will be turned off by that. It is for the own horse I asked myself, ‘Is this what I’m latter category of contributors that I had to giving my money for – for a horse and cart dress up my fund-raiser and give him his and finery?’ I wanted my money to go for own horse and wagon. Rest assured, I know the study of Torah , not for transportation the holy intent with which your costs and a uniform!” contribution is given. Your money goes Rav Chaim Volozhin told him, “I only to support the Torah learning of our want to explain the matter to you by talmidim . It is the money of the other interpreting a pasuk in Chumash . After the people who focus on material matters that Torah already told us: ‘And Hashem filled is used to purchase the horse and carriage Bezalel with the spirit of Elokim’ , what does and wardrobe of my meshuloch . the Torah mean to tell us when it adds the fact that he is one knows lach’shov  machashovos [literally ‘to think thoughts’] to do with the gold, the silver and the Giving Tzedoka Like a Goy copper?” The meshuloch of the famed Rav Chaim explained that Bezalel Volozhin Yeshiva came to a potential donor 16  Naso / [email protected] who was willing to give a donation. We see this in Parshas Emor , wrote However, he refused to give it to the Rav Chaim. When the Torah discusses the meshuloch and insisted on sending it Korban of a non-Jew ( Emor 22:18) it says: directly to Rav Chaim Volozhin. Along with asher yakrivu lashem l’ola . The non-Jew the donation he wrote to Rav Chaim that only donates an ola that goes purely to the money could only be used to benefit the Hashem , but does not offer a shelomim , Yeshiva and the meshuloch may not get a which the Kohanim eat from as well. percentage of the money. (Yagdil Torah ) Rav Chaim read the letter and Zechuso yogen aleinu . promptly sent the money back. He wrote to the donor that this is the way a goy gives Chaim-of-Volozhin-Giving-Tzedoka-Like-A-Goy/5040 tzedoka . The non-Jew only gives directly to his god, while a Yid is happy to let others benefit from his money.  ththth Rav Yitzchok of Posen, 151515 of Sivan Mechaber of Shailos U’teshuvos Be’er Yitzchok

Rav Yitzchok of Posen was the son of among them was Rav Avrohom Abali Rav Avrohom and the son-in-law of the HaLevi Gombiner, the Mogen Avrohom , Rosh Yosef . He was the talmid of Rav Yona who quotes Rav Yitzchok numerous times Teumim, the Kikoyon D’Yona . Initially, in his work on Shulchon Aruch . Rav Yitzchok served as Rav in Loitsk. He Rav Yitzchok served as the head of then moved to Vilna, replacing Rav Moshe, the Va’ad Arba Arotzos . In 5443 (1683), he the Chelkas Mechokek . Later, Rav Yitzchok agreed to the printing of Maginei Zohov , was appointed Rav in Posen, replacing Rav which answered the questions of the Sheftel Horowitz, the son of the Shela Nekudos HaKesef on the Turei Zohov . HaKodosh . In Posen, Rav Yitzchok Rav Yitzchok was niftar on the 15 th founded his Yeshiva and answered many of Sivan 5445 (1685). He was succeeded by shailos , which were published as Shailos Rav Yaakov of Posen, a Talmid Chochom U’teshuvos Be’er Yitzchok . and a parnas . Rav Yitzchok’s son-in-law Rav Yitzchok was seen as the Posek was Rav Fishel of Ladmor. HaDor and held in high esteem by all of the Zecher Tzaddik livrocha . Gedolei HaDor . However, he paskened for more with humility. His Yeshiva attracted information. hundreds of bochurim . The most famous

 Rav Sholom Eliezer ben Rav Chaim Halberstam, of Ratzfert, Hy”d 161616 ththth of Sivan

When Rav Sholom Eliezer’l was on that awaited. Rav Sholom Eliezer’l replied, the train to Auschwitz, his saintly father, “I’m ready to be killed al Kiddush Hashem the Divrei Chaim , appeared to him and together with my kehilla !” (They were on offered to save him from the certain death the same train).

17  Naso / [email protected]

When he entered the waiting room esteem. The Klausenberger used to say that where they were forced to undress before the Divrei Chaim himself said that he had they were shoved into the gas chambers, seven sons who shined like the seven stars Rav Sholom Eliezer’l met a Yid he had in the heavens, other times he said that known from his hometown who was in they were like seven mirrors. charge of collecting the clothes. When that Rav Elazar Mendel Biderman of Yid saw the Rebbe , he started to cry Lelov used to tell his son Reb Dovid’l to pay bitterly. When the Rebbe asked him why he attention and keep an eye on the Divrei was crying, he replied, “Doesn’t the Rebbe Chaim’s two younger sons (Rav Aryeh know what happens in the other room?” Leibish passed away at a young age in the The Rebbe told the Yid , “Of course I do. I’m Divrei Chaim’s lifetime) because it was well ready to sanctify Hashem ’s name, but still, known that they were the rebbe’s youngest why are you crying?” sons and were born with extra kedusha and So, the Yid answered, “ Rebbe , today sanctity and that they shined even greater it’s you – tomorrow it will be me.” [People than their older brothers. who manned the gas chambers were When Rav Yissacher Dov of Belz routinely killed fairly quickly, even though once visited Ratzfert during Chanuka , Rav they were young and able to work, because Sholom Eliezer inquired when the Belzer the Nazis, yimach shemom , did not want Rav was lighting candles for he wished to anyone who knew too much of their ‘secret’ come and see and be present during the to live too long.] mitzvah . When the Belzer Rav entered and Responded the Rebbe , “If you will saw that the Ratzferter Rav had not yet allow me to take my tzitzis into the gas arrived he waited for him, even when the chambers, I guarantee that you will survive Ratzferter failed to arrive after waiting a the war. while still the Belzer Rav waited for him. True to the Tzaddik ’s berocha , this When he noticed that the Chassidim were fellow survived the war and related this growing impatient and felt that it was a story to Newsweek magazine on the fiftieth slight to the Belzer Rav’s honor to wait on anniversary of WWII. another Rebbe , he ignored this and continued waiting. After more time passed  the Belzer Rav’s gabbai came and urged the Rebbe to light already and that it would His Holy Neshama Handpicked from be okay to light the Chanukah candles even Heaven without the Ratzferter Rav’s presence. As is well known, the Divrei Chaim Hearing this the Belzer Rav answered: of Sanz was married three times during his “What should I do that he had a father who life, and from his third wife he had three selected his son’s neshamah ?” sons, Rav Aryeh A similar statement was made by the Leibish, Rav Unsdorfer Rav, Rav Shmuel Rosenberg Sholom Eliezer of author of Be’er Shmuel . He once sent a Ratzfert and Rav letter to the Ratzferter asking him for a Yitzchok Yeshaya of beracha through a talmid , Reb Yitzchok Teshechayuv. Rav Frankel. Reb Frankel asked his Rebbe why Sholom Eliezer was he was asking him for a beracha , “I know a ben zekunim , and the Ratzferter and he is a holy man who the other tzaddikim many seeks his berachos , but you rebbe are and rebbes held much elder why do you seek the berachos him in very high of a yungerman ?” The Unsdorfer Rav’s

18  Naso / [email protected] face flushed with excitement and changed, spent the night in town. he stood up and showed him overflowing His wife was expecting in her ninth bookcase to his talmid and asked him month and was seized by intense labor rhetorically: “You see this bookcase? pains. Seeing the late hour and that her Obviously, you know that I recognize and husband did not come home she felt that know each sefer in it and each sefer’s place she was in trouble. She could not get out of so well that I can take it with my eyes bed and was alone and had no one to closed? You must know that the Divrei summon the midwife. In her pain, anguish Chaim of Sanz was as much an expert in and distress she cried herself to sleep. She the realm of souls, the olam of holy dreamt and saw a vision of an elderly neshamos when his sons were born, no less tzaddik who soothed her, comforted her an expert than I am in my seforim shank , and told her not to worry, “Your husband and if he himself selected these souls he gave my son a nice sum of money today knew that they were appropriate and fitting and asked him for his blessings. As a for this generation and now you ask me reward to your husband, I promise you that why I ask for the Ratzferter’s beracha ?!” you will give birth without any danger nor (Rabbeinu HaKadosh MeRatzfert , pages difficulty and I will see to it that your child 17-20) is born healthy and he will lie beside you  safe and sound when you awake.” And so it was, she awoke having miraculously The Divrei Chaim Supports Those delivered the child who was safe and sound Who Support His Son asleep peacefully by her side. When her When the Ratzferter once came to husband came in the morning and found Nasoyd, a chassid from a village near her and his baby safe she told him the Nasoyd once came to the Ratzferter for a whole story and he understood how the beracha along with the throngs and Divrei Chaim of Sanz had himself come to multitudes seeking his beracha and advice help deliver his baby safely and healing his from Nasoyd and all the environs. He wife as thanks for having supported his waited patiently on line and by the time he son, the Ratzferter Rav . ( Derech came in and received a beracha , the hour Tzaddikim ) was too late to go back home and so he  ththth RRRavRav Yeshua Heschel Landau, 161616 of Sivan Vitka Rav Yichus and Derech HaLimud When the Vitka Rav visited Belz and Son of Rav Moshe Dov Landau, Av greeted Rav Yissochor Dov after davening , Bais Din of Veretzkiya, and grandson of the Belzer Rebbe invited him into his study Rav Shlomo Zalman, Av Bais Din Dobreh, before Kiddush to explain how they were the Vitka Rav , Rav Yeshua Heschel related. When he entered, he found the Landau, was related to the Apta Rav and Belzer Rebbe studying Perek HaZohov in also to Rav Yissochor Dov of Belz. His Masechta Bova Metzia with the grandfather’s mother was the Apta Rav ’s commentary of the Shita Mekubetzes . sister, Breindel, and Rav Yissochor Dov’s From this experience, the Vitka Rav taught father (Rav Yehoshua Roke’ach) was Rav his talmidim to “take advantage of your Yitzchok Meir Zinkover’s (the Apta Rav ’s time and study Gemora and Rishonim , son) son-in-law. and the early commentators,

19  Naso / [email protected] rather than wasting your time studying Chassidim were known to be very fiery responsa and likkutim .” Ovdei Hashem , and the Vitka Rav was no The Vitka Rav exception. After the Tsheshinover Rebbe also chastised those who [passed on?], the Vitka Rav followed the studied many seforim . Atzei Chaim of Sighet. Whereas in Oberland,  Hungary, their Rabbonim often lived in Avoda wealth and had vast The Vitka Rav devotedly attended libraries while they the mikve , often late at night. He was not could not learn deterred by the fact that he was required to properly, in the travel six kilometers away, by the bloody Unterland, Rabbonim and merciless beatings of the Germans or lived in abject poverty the sounds of wild dogs in the wilderness and had fewer books – on the road. His talmidim accompanying but could learn them better. He claimed him testified that he never spoke on these that the Rav of the Hadass was a Talmid nightly excursions. However, his lips Chochom because he was poor and only constantly moved as he silently reviewed owned Shas , Rambam , Tur and Shulchon his learning by heart. Once, one of his Aruch volumes. Thus, he was required to talmidim saved his life when the Vitka Rav study these and review them over and over. failed to emerge from the frozen lake This repetition led to his wisdom. because he could not locate the hole in the  ice through which to emerge! The Vitka Rav afflicted himself, ate Family little, slept on the Bais Medrash bench all The Vitka Rav only had one week long and only in a bed on Shabbos daughter. He and his wife, Esther Miriam and fasted for forty years from one Shabbos (the daughter of Rav Shlomo Yehuda to the next. His Rebbe , the Atzei Chaim , Weinberger of Bagdhad), did not have joked that on Shabbos the only reason he children for three years. The Vitka Rav slept in bed was that he could dream a asked the Tomoshover Rebbe (Rav Yeshua) nightmare and thus fast on Shabbos as for a blessing. Some report that the well! Tomoshover Rebbe said, “A daughter will Eventually, on one of his nightly one day walk among you,” whereas others outings to the mikve , the Rav and talmid report that he remarked, “He wants a child were spotted by a wealthy Jewish merchant after three years? Eh, it took me seven till I from Niederhausz, Rav Shimon Nehemeti. had children.” Eventually, after seven Upon hearing that they did this nightly and years, his wife gave birth to their only that Vitka had no mikve , Rav Shimon daughter, Chaya Dreizel. managed to convince the Vitka Rav to  move to Niederhausz. Rav Shimon supported him financially, allowing him to Rebbes open a Yeshiva and teach his talmidim In his youth, the Vitka Rav traveled Torah . Rav Shimon used to say that when to the Divrei Yechezkel of Shinova. When he returned from a long trip buying and the Divrei Yechezkel passed on, the Vitka selling and was unable to sleep for guilt at Rav ardently followed his son, the Divrei the bittul Torah the trip had cost him, he Simcha of Tsheshinov. The Tsheshinover reminded himself of the Talmid Chochom , “a lone soldier and guardian of Torah , the 20  Naso / [email protected]

Vitka Rav , sitting in Niederhausz and his someone who was fasting could serve learning being supported by me – then I Hashem aflame for hours with the strength can lay my head down to sleep!” and vigor that much younger and fitter The Vitka Rav ’s davening was fiery individuals lacked. (Editor: My mother and loud, full of emotion and motion! He lived across the street from the Vitka Rav would spring up and jump as high as the and clearly remembers the Vitka Rav ceiling, clapping his hands in passion. His dancing with the Torah for hours on end reputedly took no notice of what he did, to on Simchas Torah , his feet barely touching the point where his loud banging on the the floor. It was as if the Torah carried shtender caused his hands to bleed. He was him.) so moved during davening Kabbolas Someone once entered the Bais Shabbos that he swayed to and fro, banging Medrash and found the Vitka Rav lying his head against the wall till he bled. The prostrate on the floor, arms and legs Av Bais Din of Payeh once owned a outstretched in supplication and tefillos , Berditchever Tefilla Yeshora Siddur that crying bitterly. When he noticed that he sported bloodstained pages of the Kabbolas was caught in the act he begged the Shabbos service. He explained that the individual not to tell [then maybe we Vitka Rav had davened from this siddur , shouldn’t tell either?]. the blood from his head-banging dripping Sadly, when the cursed Nazis unheeded onto the siddur ’s pages. liquidated Niederhausz, they marched the As Ba’al Koreh , the Vitka Rav ’s Vitka Rav , Rav Shimon and all the Jews to voice thundered the Kriyas HaTorah . the slaughterhouse of Auschwitz. Together Rivulets of sweat poured down him from with Rav Sholom Eliezer’l of Ratzfurt, his concentration and passion. The gabbai pure, holy soul was returned to its Maker. stood beside him with towels to constantly Incidentally, both knew that they were mop his brow lest the sweat drip onto the going to be a Korban Oleh for Kiddush scrolls and wet the parchment and possul Hashem and remarked that they were the Sefer , Heaven forbid. ready to meet their Maker, accepting During singing Menucha Vesimcha Hashem ’s decree with ahava . May Hashem on Shabbos , the Vitka Rav would jump up avenge their murder, and may the memory over the table and begin to dance for over of the righteous stand for us a blessing. an hour or two. Talmidim would take it in [Editor: My family personally heard the turns to dance because they could not keep Satmar Rebbe , Rav Yoel, bestow on the up with him or his superhuman strength Vitka Rav the title of Ish Kodosh V’tohor (a and passion! They were awed by how holy and pure person).]  Rav Aharon Ben Osher Perlow of KarlinKarlin,,,, 171717 ththth of Sivan Mechaber of Bais Aharon His Birth and Naming home after a few days and on Erev Rosh After the passing of Rav Shlomo of Chodesh Sivan Rav Osher’s wife gave birth Karlin, his talmidim , Rav Mordechai of to a baby boy. At the bris , Rav Mordechai Lechovitch and Rav Osher of Stolin, used to of Lechovitch was honored with reciting travel together to Rav Boruch of the berochos and kerias hashem and he Mezhibuzh. One time, when they were named the newborn baby Moreh Moreinu together with Rav Boruch, he sent them HaRav Rav Aharon! – Our Master, the

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Rebbe Rav Aharon, after his illustrious When you travel, you need to make sure to grandfather, Rav Aharon HaGodol of take with you whatever you will need for Karlin, mechaber of Kah Echsof and talmid your upcoming journey,” explained the of the Maggid and the Ba’al Shem . He then Rebbe . placed his hands on the baby’s head and Rav Aharon then took a pen and blessed him with a threefold berocha : “ Du paper and wrote a letter, folded it, placed it zolst zich nisht naren, un G-tt nisht naren, in an envelope, addressed it and placed it un leiten nisht naren – You should never in another blank envelope and sealed it, so fool anyone [you should be true to your that the address remained hidden. “Take name], not yourself, not G-d and not this letter with you and ask that it be placed others!” ( Me’orei Aish p. 199–200) together with you on your final journey.” A Neshoma From Simcha The yungerman traveled and when Rav Osher used to relate that he and he reached the town of Kriminchik, he fell his wife traveled to many Tzaddikim to be deathly ill. There he was met by Rav blessed until they merited their one and Yitzchok, a fellow Karliner Chassid , who only son, Rav Aharon, and testified that he collected the Maamados , the monthly drew Rav Aharon’s neshoma from the root stipends the Chassidim donated for the source on high of the mitzva of Sukka and upkeep of the Rebbe ’s court and household. the four species. It was well known that Rav Yitzchok, who later related this tale, Rav Aharon’s kedusha and avoda were all heard of a fellow Chassid lying on his his life, and he was always full of simcha deathbed and went to visit the sick [as is known that Sukkos is Zeman yungerman . Simchoseinu ]. ( Me’orei Aish p. 200) “How are you faring?” asked Rav Yitzchok.  “You see my state,” answered the A Letter to Heaven sick merchant. “Soon I shall be gone.” A yungerman , a Chassid of Rav When the sick yungerman told Rav Aharon, used to travel from town to town Yitzchok about the letter, Rav Yitzchok earning his living as a merchant. Before his asked to see it. He removed it from the travels he used to come to Rav Aharon to outer concealing envelope and saw that it receive his berocha . One time, he came in was addressed to Rav Osher of Stolin, the as usual and before he received his parting Rebbe ’s father, who had since passed away berocha , Rav Aharon asked him what he and was in the Olom HaEmes . Rav had taken with him on his trip. Puzzled by Yitzchok was greatly distressed and the unusual question, he began listing all realized that the meaning of this letter his personal effects: clothing, tools, being given to the sick man before him to luggage, food and the wares that he had deliver to the Rebbe ’s father in the Olom sold. After listing a lengthy list of all his HaEmes could mean only one thing: the travel gear and clothing, Rav Aharon Rebbe knew that this yungerman would persisted and inquired further, “And what soon go on his final journey and be able to about tachrichim – funeral shrouds?” deliver the letter! Hearing this, the poor yungerman Rav Yitzchok declared, “Give me this understood that the Rebbe was hinting to letter to deliver for you, and I shall lie down him about his imminent passing. He was and take your place!” dumbstruck with shock and fear and stood The sick yungerman argued and stock still, unable to utter a sound. stood his ground. “If the Rebbe gave me “Do not worry and do not fear. this letter to deliver, then it is my job to see

22  Naso / [email protected] it through and no one else’s! Please stay and neither could I and the new angels with me and don’t leave me alone and commanded me to hand over the letter, but make sure the Chevra Kadisha places the I stood my ground, remembering your letter in my hand on my final journey!” warning and I said I would only deliver the “I promise you this on two letter to Rav Osher myself. Finally, we conditions: that you come back to me and entered Rav Osher Stoliner’s supernal relate your final journey and what occurred chamber. More than this I am forbidden to to you after leaving this world, and that you reveal to you!” ( Me’orei Aish p. 228–230) make sure to deliver the letter to whom it is  addressed and give it over to no one else, no matter what!” How Rav Aharon Was Also Buried And so it was. Rav Yitzchok stayed Alongside the Ohr HaChaim with the sick yungerman until he breathed HaKodosh his last. The Chevra Kadisha prepared his On Motzo’ei Shabbos , Parshas body and as they buried him, they placed Behaalosecha , in Sivan 5632, the Chassid the letter in his hands. Again Rav Yitzchok Rav Ze’ev Pinsker, who lived in the Old City repeated the warning as they buried the of , and who had basked in Rav yungerman , “No matter what – deliver the Aharon’s presence before moving to Eretz letter only to the addressee and to no one Yisrael, slept and dreamed that the streets else!” were filled with Yidden . The old city streets After some time, the deceased were overflowing with Jews accompanying appeared to Rav Yitzchok in a dream and a funeral bier. The levaya passed him and related how he had felt no pain and was he joined the throngs of Jews approached by an angel asking if he had a accompanying the niftar on his final letter addressed to Rav Osher of Stolin. The journey. They finally stopped on Har yungerman replied that he did but he was HaZeisim and there beside the tziun of the obliged to deliver the letter to Rav Osher Ohr HaChaim HaKodosh , they buried the himself. “The angel took me further niftar . through several heavenly chambers and After the levaya , Rav Ze’ev asked supernal realms and we were greeted by a people who had passed away. They told new group of angels. Here the angel turned him it was the Rebbe Rav Aharon of Karlin. back and said he was not allowed further Rav Ze’ev woke with a start, his heart and neither was I. These angels demanded beating madly, and in the morning, when that I hand them the letter and I refused, he related his dream in shul , his fellow stating emphatically that I must deliver the worshippers discounted it out of hand and letter to Rav Osher myself. They took me refused to believe it – until the sad news through several heavenly worlds, where reached them that on Motzo’ei Shabbos again we stopped and were greeted by Rav Aharon had indeed left this world. another new group of angels. This scenario (Me’orei Aish p. 292) repeated itself several times; each time the former angels said they could not continue  AYN OD MILVADO - THE FAMOUS SEGULA FROM NEFESH HACHAIM “There is a great inyan and will of others so that they cannot control wondrous Segulah to remove and cancel you and have no effect on you at all any judgments from you and to sway the whatsoever.

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When you establish this idea, and Rebbe Shimon said: He who borrows and make its place in your heart permanent and fails to repay. For he who borrows from say to yourself that “Hashem is the only man is likened to he who borrows from true real G-d and there is none besides Him Hashem . and no other force or power in this world or Rav Ovadia Yosef used to illustrate any other realm at all – Ayn Od Milvado our Mishna with the following story: Yisborach Shemo shum koach ba’olam Rav ELiyahu Lopian told the vekol haolamos kelal ,” everything is filled following amazing story in the name of Rav only with His oneness and simple unity. If Yisroel Salanter and Rav Chaim of you nullify yourself in your heart Volozhin: completely and pay no attention at all to any other force or power or will in this A star prize pupil in Yeshivas Etz world, and subjugate yourself and attach Chaim of Volozhin once got sick and your pure thought and mind only unto the required medical attention. Rav Chaim Master of the World blessed is He, then He asked another bachur to accompany the shall grant you success and fulfill your sick talmid while they travelled together to needs and all other external forces shall be the sick talmid’s home. cancelled and nullified and they shall be By nightfall they reached a village unable to act or do anything to you at all. and decided to spend the night there in a (Nefesh HaChaim Shaar 3 Chapter 12) local inn. In the morning, the proprietor of the inn named a price for their room and  board. The melave who accompanied the sick talmid paid for his lodgings whereas Ayn Od Milvado the sick talmid had no money. “Don’t worry Rav Shapira related how when the you will pay me back a different time,” Griz HaLevi Soloveitchik came before the reassured him the innkeeper, “you are a draft board and he was worried that he yeshiva bochur so I can tell that I can trust would be drafted into army service, his you,” he concluded. father Rav Chaim ordered him to use this When they arrived at their final segula from the Nefesh haChaim . He also destination, the sick talmid handed over told in the name of Brisker Rav that one he the money to his friend and asked him to escaped from Warsaw during the second repay the debt. The friend took the money, World War and the Nazi may their names but on the way back he simply forgot about be blotted had already conquered half it and went straight back to the yeshiva Poland, and all the ways and roads were without repaying the debt. Meanwhile, swarming with the Nazi murderers he unfortunately the sick talmid’s condition constantly concentrated on this segula worsened and eventually his health nonstop. When for one moment he had a deteriorated and he passed away and died. momentary lapse of concentration, a Word of his passing reached the yeshiva wicked Nazi attacked them, immediately he where his fellow tamidim cried, mourned resumed his focus on the segula of the him and eulogized the sick bachur . Nefesh HaChaim and they were saved. (Yalkut Lekach Tov Devarim 4:35) Some days later Rav Chaim Volozhiner was walking down the corridor  when he was astounded to see with his own eyes the very same bachur who had died Repaying A Debt walking down the corridor of the yeshiva Avos 2:14 Which is the bad road, the towards him! wrong path that you shouldn’t travel on? Rav Chaim recovered himself and

24  Naso / [email protected] approached the deceased bachur and asked him dispensation to come back down and him what had been ruled regarding his ask his rebbe and rosh yeshiva to pay back standing in the heavenly court of beis din his debt. As the bachur concluded his other shel ma’alah . The deceased responded that worldly request he vanished and was gone! in shomayim they began counting his Rav Chaim summoned the bachur merits in Torah study and mitzvah who had travelled and accompanied the observance and weighing them against his sick deceased talmid and the latter sins and demerits and misdeeds and they admitted sadly that he had simply ruled that he was to go to Gan Eden . forgott en about repaying the debt. “Go However, when he arrived one dark angel quickly and travel to the inn and pay back of destruction barred his way and claimed the debt immediately,” Rav Chaim ordered that he was a thief who had never repaid him. He did so and repaid the debt and the his debt to th e innkeeper for his room and neshama of that deceased bachur was board at the inn. Now although he was never seen again, his soul moved on to its blameless, he had asked his friend to repay rest as all its ou tstanding accounts had now the debt, still his friend forgot, and since been settled. This story was handed down the innkeeper never forgave the debt and to Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitzchik of Brisk expected him to pay and had never received who used to tell it in the name of Rav the money the de bt was still outstanding Yisroel Salanter and testified as to its and remained unpaid. His way to Gan veracity as true story. ( Anaf Etz Avos , page Eden was barred! Since the beis din shel 125) ma’alah saw he was blameless they gave 

לזכר נשמת אמנו החשובה , נפש יקרה ועדינה אשה יראת ה ' ובעלת מדות טובות מרת זיסל ל''ז ל''ז בת הרה" ה מו " ה מאיר זאב הכה כ " "ע ה הי ד" מעיר נירעדהאז יע א" א" ונכדת הרה" ק רבי אהר צבי טערקלטויב זי" ע מבריד אשת הרה" ח מו " ה אברה חיי ה"ע גאלדענבערג She was a Holocaust survivor who never let that period of time define her life. Although she lost most of her family - she claimed that Hashem gave her an amazing life. She had a unique knack of making everyone who encountered her feel like they were the most important loved person. Her inimitable smile never left her face. She transmitted a strong value system stressing Emunas Hashem and Tzaddikim . Her love for stories of tzaddikim gave her chiyus and she conveyed that chizuk to anyone who met her. In her eighty -nine years of life, there wasn’t one person who had an untoward word or adverse feelings about her. She loved her family deeply and i mmensely. May Hashem console her . אמ , family and may she be a constant melitza yeshura ( מתו אמונה טהורה ) בדר המסורה ( והתנהגה כאשה כשרה) לכל משפחתה , היא הודה היא הדרה  נקיה וטהורה היוצר וצר צורה ( וקיבלה הגזירה ) ) נפטרה בש" ט בת תשעי שנה ביו ד"כ לחודש כסלו ( ערב חנוכה ) שנת תשע"ח ק"לפ ק"לפ ותקי לתחיה לק! הימי במהר תמלי! טוב בעד משפחתה היקרה 'ה'ב'צ'נ'ת  

25  Naso / [email protected]

A Tzaddik, or righteous person, makes everyone else appear righteous before Hashem by advocating for them and finding their merits. - Kedushas Levi, Parshas Noach (Bereishis 7:1) Parshas Nasso CHASSIDUS ON THE PARSHA

Lo Yihiyu - Make Sure You Follow That Path Too

VeIsh es Kedoshav Lo Yihiyu – Bamidbar 5:10

It says in Pirkei Avos 5:21 Whoever finds merit and advocates on behalf of the public good . . . public merit is attributed o him (the merit of the masses belongs to him.)

The Ropshizter explains that this Mishna can be used to explain the meaning of our pasuk -Each person’s Kedoshuv, Lo Yihiyu – whenever a person sanctifies others with kedusha, causing them to repent and return to Hashem through teshuva, they are his, this shefa now belongs to him and Hashem sends down an influx of abundant blessings and supernal kedusha down unto him for this advocacy.

The Ropshizter gives another interpretation based on the statement of Chazal in Bava Metzia 107b “Decorate yourself before asking others to do so,” before you rebuke others and teach them the correct path make sure you yourself are living the example. This then can be read as the meaning of our pasuk: VeIsh es Kedoshav – when you tell others to act

- 1 of 15 - in a manner of holiness and sanctity and instruct them how to behave, Lo Yihiyu – make sure you follow that path, so that you shall be Naeh Doresh veNaeh Mekayem – someone who fulfills well what he teaches others to do.

Two Offerings Hidden And Revealed

7:12 He offered on the first day his offering

The Ohr HaChaim notes the apparent superfluous repetition of the words sacrificing his sacrifice or offering his offering again and again in our pasuk. The Ohr HaChaim just explained above in his comments to 7:1 how the letters of the Torah are counted, numbered and refined, hewn from a holy source which is awesome and wondrous to any who can recognize these hidden mysterious wonders. He notes that it is forbidden to add even one letter as he expands there on the mysteries of letters that seem superfluous or misspelling words that hint at deep meanings. Here too the Ohr haChaim teaches that none of these seeming repetitions are in fact unneeded. Instead he points out that there were two offerings and two sacrifices being brought here. The one actual physical offering itself and the other the spiritual self sacrifice of giving to Hashem of one’s own abilities, offering to Hashem your faculties, your talents and sacrificing to Hashem that unique part of yourself that only you can grant and give to Him. This offering to Hashem is the true Korban, the hidden sacrificial offering which Nachshon is being credited here with by the second mention of his offering. It is not a superfluous repetition, rather a lesson of what self sacrifice can really mean and should be.

You should know, says the Ohr HaChaim that together with a person’s sacrifice are bound up all of his kochos, his talents, abilities and spiritual powers which are his alone to offer. The offering of up a korban binds all these together and acts as a channel and medium to allow us to offer up these intangible offerings together with the tangible animal sacrifice!

Nachshon went first, to demonstrate that though he was the chief nasi of the shevet he did not hold himself to be so great that just because of his family inheritance or pedigree he was too important to sacrifice, rather he considered himself just like an ordinary tribesman and was therefore willing to act expendably and commit an act of supreme ultimate self sacrifice when he plunged head first into the sea by keriyas yam suf as the Egyptians chased after us following the Exodus. The Midrashim of Chazal (Sotah 37a ) teach us that this supreme act of self sacrifice was the merit needed to spilt the sea.

- 2 of 15 - The Ohr HaChaim sees this hinted at in his name. He cites the Midrash Tanchuma on pasuk 48 where Chazal learn that the names of the Nesiim can contain hints and derashos to teach us about them, their history, ancestors and merits that allowed them to be the ones to offer korbanos for chanukas hamizbeyach. The Ohr HaChaim says that Nachson ben AmiNadav can be read as Nachshol, (The Nun can be interchanged with a Lamed because they form the group of letters called Dentals pronounced by the teeth) the waves of the sea, hinting at his act of jumping into the waters, AmiNadav hints at his Nedivus, his willing act of self sacrifice to give up himself and his life for Am Yisroel.

The Voice Of Hashem Spoke

8:89 The Voice Spoke to Moshe

The Ohr HaChaim notes the strange conjugation of the verb Midaber whose tense seems to indicate that the voice itself was doing the talking. The Ohr HaChaim cites his previous comments to Shemos 20:1 where he explained that any spoken word that emerged and came from Hashem created an angel and this angel is what spoke to the prophet who was having a vision. This, explains the Ohr HaChaim, was the explanation used to explain why the Torah constantly tells us again and again that Hashem spoke to Moshe saying, Lemor, why tell us over and over that Hashem told Moshe or any other Navi, Leymor? The answer is that according to this explanation Hashem told, and this created a malach, an angel and the angel spoke and that is what is meant by Lemor – it is the angel created by Hashem’s amira or dibur that says over Hashem’s message to the navi. This is why our pasuk says that the voice spoke to him, it means that Hashem’s voice was doing the speaking, because it created an angel and that angel spoke, therefore this verb is correctly conjugated, for it was in fact the voice of Hashem [as angel] itself that was in fact doing the talking!

Praises for the Ohr HaChaim HaKodosh

He Heard Maamad Har Sinai

The Rebbe from Komarna, in Heichal HaBerocha on Parshas Beshallach, writes, “There are those who even today merit to refine and purify themselves to the point where they are totally good so that evil has no hold on them at all.”

Some of the great Tzaddikim who merited this level include the Arizal, Rav Chaim Vital

- 3 of 15 - (his talmid), Rav Elozor Azkari (mechaber of Sefer Charedim), the mechaber of Ohr HaChaim, Rav Chaim ben Attar, and after them the holy Rav Yisrael Ba’al Shem Tov and his talmidim.

They all merited to actually experience and hear Maamad Har Sinai, the great loud voice that never ends and continues until this day, the thunder, the sound of the shofar calling out Anochi Hashem Elokecha, the voice that comes from the light of Eitz Chaim teaching Toras Chaim. And the Ba’al Shem’s talmidim testified that they were so refined that they heard Maamad Har Sinai with lightning and thunder and the sound of the shofar and Anochi Hashem Elokecha – all from the mouth of Hashem Himself.


In the year 5693, Rav Avrohom Yaakov of Boyan-Lemberg visited Eretz Yisrael and went to prostrate himself at the tziun of the Ohr HaChaim HaKodosh, accompanied by Chassidim and his talmid Rav Moshe Brim. When they reached the tziun, the Rebbe prostrated himself for a long hour upon the tziun, his mouth working endlessly, his lips speaking soft words that none could hear. Rav Moshe Brim, however, was able to just make out that the Rebbe was reciting all the pesukim that contained the word Chaim! (Shenos Chaim)

Gedolim Be'misasm Yoser

Yahrzeits For Parshas Nasso

- 4 of 15 - Rav Yitzchok Yaakov Weiss ( Gaavad of Yerushalayim, Minchas Yitzchok) (Sivan 11) Rav Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich Lechem Shlomo (Sivan 11) Rav Meshulem Feish Davidowitz (Sivan 11)

Rav Mordechai Brisk ( Av Beis Din Rav Shlomo Zalman was the son of Rav Yaakov Tashnad, Teshuvos Maharam Brisk) Ehrenreich (son-in-law of theKol Arye of (Sivan 11) Bergsaz and Mad), and the brother of Rav Chaim Tzvi Ehrenreich, Av Bais Din of Mad, mechaber of Kav Chaim, Ketzeh HaMateh, and

Shaarei Chaim. Rav Simcha Rubin Sassover Rebbe of London (Sivan 11) He authored Shu”t Lechem Shlomo on Shulchon Aruch and Even Shleima on Ra’avan.

He died al Kiddush Hashem in Auschwitz, along with his Rebbetzin and approximately ninety descendants. HY”D.

Rav Shmuel Rosenberg Be'er Shmuel (Sivan 11)

Author of Be’er Shmuel In the years between the wars, a number of Rebbes made their homes in London. The first Son of Rav Yisrael Yona Zvi, Rav of Tisa-Ferred of them was Harav Chanoch Henoch Dov Rubin, zy”a, of Sassov. A disciple of the Kesav Sofer

His son, Harav Simchah, had been born in One of his greatest disciples was Rav Yehoshua Sassov, a town near Lvov, in 5670/1910. Scion Buxbaum the Galanta Rav of an outstanding chassidic family, he came to London with his parents and siblings in 1925, Rav Yosef Elimelech Kahana of Ungvar (Sivan 11) when his father established a beis medrash in Whitechapel. Rav Yehuda Horowitz of Djikov ( Imrei Torah) (Sivan 11)

- 5 of 15 - Harav Henoch, a man of outstanding piety, During the war years, the Sassover Rebbe treated all Jews with warmth and was beloved worked tirelessly, helping destitute refugees for his charity, simplicity and humility — all who found safety in his country with food, qualities which were fully reflected in his son, lodging and parnassah. He took young orphans Harav Simchah. into his own home, and established a hostel for others to ensure that in addition to their Tragically, Harav Henoch was niftar suddenly physical survival, they received the warmth and in 5689/1929 after a short illness, leaving a kindness that they needed so badly. devastated community. In accordance with his wish, his eldest son, Harav Simchah, succeeded The Rebbe placed some 300 boys and young him as Sassover Rebbe of London. men on a farm near London, providing these shattered, traumatized Yidden with a safe In 5690/1930 Harav Simchah married the Jewish environment. daughter of Harav Dov Heschel of Lvov, a descendant of the Ohev Yisrael of Apta. The Rebbe also introduced or strengthened standards of kashrus in many Jewish old-age Harav Simchah worked with a small group of and nursing homes, and arranged kosher food his contemporaries, including the Rebbes of for Jewish patients in state hospitals and Premishlan, Biala, Shotz, Trisk and Dzikov, with nursing homes. Not only did he undertake whom he had a warm relationship. They dealt personal supervision, but on numerous with the harsh economic conditions of the occasions, even provided the additional funding prewar years, with their attendant problems of necessary to pay for these facilities. maintaining traditional standards of Chassidus and Yiddishkeit; from the 1930s He was a major baal who was onward they dealt with the flood of refugees determined to remain anonymous to the fleeing the gehinnom of Hitler’s Europe. recipients of his funds and arranged with his bank to issue him checkbooks with no In 5702/1942 the Rebbe moved with his young identifying name or institution imprinted on family to North West London, where hethem, thereby fulfilling the highest level established the present Sassover beisof tzedakah — mattan b’seisser. medrash at Helenslea Avenue, Golders Green. In 5717/1957 the shul became the home of the His acts of gemilus chassadim benefited people first yeshivah in North West London, after of all ranks. Harav Simchah encouraged Eliezer Warhaftig, zt”l, and his colleague RabbiThe Rebbe’s lifelong commitment to the Rakow, zt”l, to open Yeshivas Chayei Olam with maintenance of the highest standards its first two students. of tznius was legendary. Each year, with the approach of the summer, he would write a

- 6 of 15 - message in the heimishe newspapers in English Rav of the shtetl Yadova, in Poland, a thriving — including Hamodia, of which he was an early kehilla that was later wiped out in the and strong friend and supporter — reminding Holocaust. Rav Menachem Mendel opened a Yidden of the import to maintain theseshul in the Bronx. She lost her mother when standards during this time, whether at home or she was 11 and her father when she was 18. abroad. However, her devoted sisters and brother took care of her, marrying her off to a young refugee The Rebbe was regular visitor to all the from the Mir, Rav Shamshon Brodsky, who had local mosdos, leaving an indelible impression been close to Rav Chaim Shmulevitz. Rav on these young neshamos. Shamshon served as the Rav of a shul, Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Moshe, and the menahel of Following the petirah of his Rebbetzin, the Bais Miriam of the Bronx. Nearly thirty years Rebbe married Rebbetzin Minna Weber; she ago, as the Bronx community slowly began to passed away a few years before he did. lose its character, the Brodskys moved to Flatbush. The Rav assumed leadership of Bais Despite many disappointments, Harav Simchah, Medrash Rabenu Yaakov Moshe and a Rosh even during his twilight years when he suffered Yeshiva in Yeshivas Birchas Reuven, and later from poor health, continuedin Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael. The Rebbetzen was his chessed activities to his last days, and described as “the most powerful mussar sefer accepted all his suffering b’simchah. we could ever learn” by one of the talmidim. (1924-2005) The Rebbe was niftar on 11 Sivan 5763/2003, at the age of 93. Rav Menachem Mendel of Bar (Sivan 12)

Zechuso yagen aleinu. Rav Chaim Yisrael Morgenstern of Pilov (Sivan 12)

Rav Avrohom of Slonim ( Birkas Avrohom) (Sivan 12)

Rebbetzin Rikel Brodsky (Sivan 11) Rav Shmuel Shmelke Halevi Litsch Rosenbaum ( Av Beis Din of Kleinwardein, Eleh Divrei Shmuel) (Sivan 12) Rebbetzin Rikel Brodsky, born on the Lower Rav Dovid Pardo of Sarajevo ( East Side, shortly after her parents, Rav Chasdei Dovid, Maskil L'Dovid) (Sivan 12) Menachem Mendel Burnstein and his Rebbetzin Chava (nee Minsky) emigrated from Poland. Rikel was the youngest of eight siblings. An einikel of the Pnei Yehoshua and Rav Yaakov Emden, Rav Menachem Mendel had been the

- 7 of 15 - By age eighteen he was authoring halachic responsa and exchanging letters with gedolei hador. At age twenty he began travelling to Rebbe Yitzchok Isaac (Yitzchak Eizik) meet other rebbes and became attached to Rav Weiss Chakal Yitzchak, Spinka Rebbe (Sivan 13) Baruch of Gorlitz. He married the daughter of Rav Yissocher Dov Eichenstein of Zidichov- Vertski.

After his father’s passing in 5669 (1909), the chassidim crowned Rav Yitzchak Isaac as his successor.

He founded Yeshivas Imrei Yosef, named after his father, and gave shiurim in the yeshiva on a daily basis. He sat and studied Torah all day, every day, all the days of his life. His unceasing drive continued through the war years and his chassidim testified that even on his final journey to Auschwitz, his holy lips never stopped uttering words of Torah learning.

During the first World War he fled Spinka to and from there to Munkascz. After the war he continued on to Romania and settled in Salish in Marmorosh. Since Salish is located about fifty kilometers from the border with Poland, where the fires of the death camps were already burning, many Jews fled and The son of Rav Yosef Meir Weiss of Spinka, sought refuge in the Spinka rebbe’s hoif. They author of Imrei Yosef and the founder of the paid exorbitant sums to be smuggled across the Spinka dynasty, Rav Yitzchak Isaac was born in Hungarian border. 5635 (1875) in Spinka. He was named after Rav Yitzchak Isaac of Zidichov. On Isru Chag of 5704 (1944), the Nazis established a ghetto in Salish and forced all the He was characterized by sanctity and renowned Jews from all the local villages inside. Even the for his unique prodigal talents. All his life he partisans who fought the Nazis together with never slept more than two or three hours at a the Red Army offered to help the Rebbe escape, time. but he refused to leave his chassidim behind.

- 8 of 15 - On Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5704, the Rebbe and his family were placed on the third transport to Auschwitz together with two thousand other Jews. Along with the Rebbe went his eldest son Rav Efraim Hakohen Katz Shaar Efraim (Sivan 13) Rav Yisrael Chaim and his entire family, his wife, children, and grandchildren, some nine souls altogether. Son of Rav Yaakov HaKohen

(שע''ו (The entire way, the Rebbe’s lips moved in Born in Vilna 1616 Torah learning as he repeated again and again to be b’simcha “V’taher libainu l’avdecha Rav Ephraim HaKohen descended from of an b’emes –– And purify our hearts to serve You illustrious line of Kohanim whose family sincerely and truly.” tradition traced their roots back to Aharon HaKohen. On Monday 13 Sivan 5704 (1944), the rebbe, his rebbetzin, and their entire family went up in He was a disciple of Rav Moshe, the rav of flames as a pure holy offering to Hashem on the Vilna, the author of Chelkas M’Chokek and altars of Auschwitz, Hy”d. colleague of Rav Shmuel Koidanover (Maharshak) and Rav Shabsi Kohen (Shach). His sons Rav Yisrael Chaim, Rav Naphtali Tzvi, Av Beis Din Bilka, his son-in-law Rav Avraham He served as a dayan in Vilna from age twenty .(תט''ו (Abish Horowitz, Av Beis Din Kruly, the Rebbe’s and remained there until 1655 daughter and his grandson Yosef Meir all perished in the Holocaust. He fled Vilna together with his family to Moravia due to the uprisings and battles Rav Avraham Abish’s son, Rav Tzvi Hirsch between the Swedes and the Poles—a war Horowitz, also survived and he was crowned as which ultimately destroyed Vilna. In Moravia he Spinka-Kruly Rebbe in America. served as rav of several communities such as Trebitsh, Brody, and Vienna. Rav Azriel ( Etz Ha'daas Tov) (Sivan 13) From Vienna he was elected to the post of rav Rav Chanoch Henich Pack ( Zichron in Oiven, Hungary which was an important city Yosef) (Sivan 13) ruled at the time by the Turks. There, he established a Yeshiva. Among his talmidim were also his son Rav Aryeh Yehuda Leib, and his daughter’s son, Rav Tzvi Ashkenazi, the author of Chacham Tzvi. He became a renowned posek and even the likes of Rav

- 9 of 15 - Moshe Galanti and Rav Moshe ibn Chaviv from Yerushalayim sent him halachic queries letters and they exchanged responsa. Rav Yaakov Mutzafi Rav of Sefardic Eida Chareidis - Yerushalayim (Sivan 13) At the end of his days, Rav Ephraim was invited to take up his paternal grandfather’s (and namesake’s) position in serving as the chief Rav Yaakov Mutzafi, Rav of the Sefardic Eida Ashkenazi Rabbi of Jerusalem. He accepted and Chareidis in Yerushalayim (1900-1983). The began preparing to publish his seforim before son of Rav Ezra and Mazal Mutzafi, Rav Yaakov departing for the Holy Land. Sadly, he passed was born in Baghdad into a distinguished away before being able to do so. rabbinical family. He acquired most of his Torah knowledge from his grandfather, Rav Moshe. He also learned in the Beit Zilka Beis תל''חHe passed away in a plague on 13 Sivan 1678)). Medrash, where his chavrusa was Rav Salman Chuji Abudi, who later became an important His son, Rav Aryeh Yehuda Leib published his dayan. Rav Yaakov married the daughter of father’s teshuvos about a decade later as the Chacham Sasson Dangur, who appointed him sefer, Shaar Ephraim. rosh yeshivah of Dorshei Torah. After World War II, Rav Yaakov moved to Eretz Yisrael and Rav Ephraim also authored a sefer on the served as the chazan and maggid shiur in the parsha entitled, Macheneh Ephraim.Shemesh Tzadka shul for thirty years. Unfortunately, this manuscript was lost and Rav Refoel Yonah Tikochinsky ( Rosh never published. Yeshivas Yerucham) (Sivan 13)

His son, Rav Yaakov Emden, praised his piety Rav Chaim Itzkowitz of Volozhin ( Nefesh Hachaim) (Sivan 14) and perishus which were extraordinary. Rav Ephraim was known to fast all year long except Rav Yaakov Yisroel Yeshurun of Shabbos and Yom Tov and sometimes even as a Sasregen ( Gilyonei Yosher) (Sivan 14) hafsaka for a week straight from Shabbos to Dr. Michoel ( Hachamshan) (Sivan Shabbos. Nonetheless, his self-denial did not 14) detract from his radiant appearance; nor did it Rav Naftali Tzvi Halevi Vinderbaum ( hold him back from constant Torah study. Av Beis Din of Yaffo, Shaar Naftali) (Sivan 14) Rav Yaakov Meir Biderman ( Rav in Warsaw) (Sivan 13) Rav Moshe Horowitz ( Bostoner Rebbe - New York) (Sivan 14)

Rav Nissim Yagen (Sivan 14)

- 10 of 15 - Rav Elozor Menachem Mendel Biderman ( Lelover Rebbe) (Sivan 14)

Chacham Yedidiya Raphael Chai Abulafia HaYore (Sivan 15)

Rav Moshe Sofer (Sivan 15)

Son of Rav Moshe.

Rav Shmuel was the father of theChasam Sofer. His wife was Raizel.

Rav Shmuel Sofer (Sivan 15)

Rav Shmuel was the father of theChasam A famed mekubal ה'תקס"זBorn in Jerusalem Sofer. His wife was Raizel Sofer, the daughter from Yeshivat Beit E"l he was a grandson of the of Rav Elchanan of Frankfurt DeMain. Rashash. He studied under Rav Raphael Avraham Shalom Mizrahi Sharabi and later His paternal yichus extends back to Rav served as Rosh Yeshivah of Beit E"l. He Shmuel An-Der-Fort of Frankfurt, author of the authored the famed Siddur haYore on the Yalkut Shimoni who was descended from Rashi Rashash's kavanos as well as the sefer Kinyan and further back to Rav Yochanan HaSandlar Peiros. He passed away on 15 Sivan after תרכ"ט .who was a descendant of Dovid HaMelech great pain and suffering having been hit by shrapnel and never fully recovered. He was laid His maternal yichus: his mother was the to rest on Har haZeisim. daughter of the mekubal, Rav Shmuel Shatin Katz, author of Kos Yeshuos on Nezikin called Rav Dovid Dov Berish Meislish of (and who was Ohel ( Binyan Dovid) (Sivan 15 ( )מהרשש''ך ”the “Maharshashach Rav of Darmstadt, Av Beis Din, and Rosh Rav Meir Yosef Rubin ( Av Beis Din of Yeshiva of the bais medrash of Frankfurt Kerestir) (Sivan 15) DeMain. Rav Zev Wolf Gintzler ( Toldos Yisroel) (Sivan 15) .תקל''ט Rav Shmuel Sofer passed away 15 Sivan Yehuda ben Yaakov Ovinu (Sivan 15)

- 11 of 15 - the Chazon Ish, when Rav Gedalyah was still Rav Yitzchok of Posen ( Be'er Yitzchok) (Sivan 15) young, he began to study in the Lomza Yeshivah in Petach Tikvah. He married the Rav Mordechai Menachem Mendel of daughter of Rav Eliyahu Weiner, a student of Vorka (Sivan 16) the Chafetz Chaim. Rav Sholom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzpert (Sivan 16) Rav Aharon Perlow of Karlin ( Beis Aharon) (Sivan 17) Rav Nachman Rotner ( Shaarei Tohar) (Sivan 16) Rav Moshe Vorhand ( Ohel Moshe) (Sivan 17) Rav Boruch Yosef of Kobrin ( Birkas Yosef) (Sivan 16) Rav Tzvi Hirsch Brodie ( Rosh Yeshivas Kelm) (Sivan 17)

Rav Gedalya Nadel (Sivan 16)

Rav Gedalyah Nadel, son of Rav Reuven Heschel Nadel, born in the Lithuanian city of Shavel (1923-2004). When he was thirteen, his parents moved to Eretz Yisrael, and made their home in Balfouria, a small settlement in the Valley of Jezreel. He became the Chazon Ish’s closest talmid. Though he never gained the prominence that some of the Hazon Ish’s other confidantes assumed with the passing of the Hazon Ish in 1953, Nadel did become the head of the Vizhnitz yeshiva. Rav Chaim Kanievsky was Rav Gedalyah's chavrusa. At the advice of

- 12 of 15 - Gedolim Be'Masayhem


Rav Buxbaum, the Galanta Rav Rav Shmuel Rosenberg Rav Chaim Itzkowitz Be'er Shmuel (Sivan 11) approached his rebbe and Nefesh Hachaim (Sivan pointed to his twenty-five 14) talmidim and declared His Strong Connection To “Behold, bnei banav – these His Rebbe And Mentor Through Torah Study In are my talmidim, and they are Dveikus One Has The When Rav Shmuel was ill with your spiritual heirs!” This Ability To Revive And his final illness, someone strengthened the Be’erResurrect The Dead! wondered about why his Shmuel and he got up in honor talmid (Rav Yehoshuaof his beloved talmid. In his commentary toPirkei Buxbaum) had not yet come to Avos 1:1, Ruach Chaim, Rav visit. “It is best that way,” On Lag BaOmer they returned Chaim of Volozhin tells us the remarked Rav Shmuel, “if he home to Galanta. After their following story: “The story is would come it is bitul Torah visit the Galanta Ravtold regarding our master Rav d’rabbim; I am sure I am in his instructed the talmidim to Dovid, the Gaon and mechaber thoughts as he is always in daven for his rebbe’s refuah. of the commentaryTurei mine.” They did so daily until on 11 Zohov (Taz on Shulchon Sivan, the Galanta Rav asked Aruch) that once a woman And when Rav Buxbaum did them to stop. They did not came before him, crying and hear of his rebbe’s sickness, know why. Only later did the shouting, ‘Woe is me! Rebbe, he hurried to see him along news arrive that Rav Shmuel behold my son is so weak he is with twenty-five of his own of Unsdorf passed away on 11 at death’s door!’ talmidim. When they arrived, Sivan. Rav Shmuel strengthened himself and sat up in his bed. “He answered her, ‘Am I in

- 13 of 15 - Hashem’s place?’ control you and have no effect and kill him. Rabi Chanina on you at all whatsoever. granted her permission, for he was confident that he had When you establish this idea enough merits that she would “She responded: “I am calling and make its place in your not succeed. The Gemara asks: out to the Torah which you heart permanent and say to How could Rabi Chanina not learn and represent! For the yourself that “Hashem is the be frightened of this power of Holy One and His holy Torah only true real G-d and there is evil? Rabi Chanina knew: “Ein are one and united!’ none besides Him and no od milvado—There is none other force or power in this other than He.” The forces of world or any other realm at all impurity don’t harbor power of “And he answered her, ‘I will – Ayn Od Milvado Yisborach their own. Hashem is the One do this for you: I will give as a Shemo shum koach ba’olam Who gave them the ability to gift the Torah which I am vekol haolamos kelal,”override the forces of nature, studying now together with my everything is filled only with but without Hashem, they are students for your sick son; His oneness and simple unity. helpless. Thus, Rabi Chanina maybe in its merit he will If you nullify yourself in your believed with singularity of recover and live, since the heart completely and pay no thought that nothing other pasuk says: ‘With this [Torah] attention at all to any other than Hashem possesses any shall you live a long life,’ and force or power or will in this power at all. Therefore, he at that moment his fever world, and subjugate yourself was sure that the witchcraft broke. We see that through and attach your pure thought would not overcome him. Torah study, with the power of and mind only unto the Master his dveikus, attaching himself of the World blessed is He, Story to Hashem, one has the ability then He shall grant you Rav Shapira related how when and merit to revive and success and fulfill your needs the Griz HaLevi Soloveitchik resurrect the dead!” and all other external forces came before the draft board shall be cancelled and nullified and he was worried that he Ayn Od Milvado and they shall be unable to act would be drafted into army or do anything to you at all. service his father Rav Chaim THE FAMOUS SEGULA FROM (Nefesh HaChaim Sha’ar 3 ordered him to use this segula NEFESH HACHAIM of AYN Chap 12) from the Nefesh haChaim. He OD MILVADO also told in the name of “There is a great inyan and The Nefesh HaChaimBrisker Rav that one he wondrous Segulah to remove discusses a Gemara regarding escaped from Warsaw during and cancel any judgments a woman who wished to take the second World War and the from you and to sway the will the dust from the feet of Rabi Nazi may their names be of others so that they cannot Chanina to perform witchcraft blotted had already conquered

- 14 of 15 - half Poland, and all the ways disciples. “Your Shir HaShirim and roads is making such a commotion in were swarming with the Nazi the heavenly world that it is murderers he constantly disturbing the Maggid’s erev concentrated on this segula Shabbos nap.” non stop. When for one moment he had a momentary Think how holy the Shir lapse of concentration, a HaShirim of Rav Aharon wicked Nazi attacked them, Karliner must have been and immediately he resumed his think just how holy the focus on the segula of the Maggid’s erev Shabbos nap Nefesh HaChaim and they was to take precedence over were saved. (YALKUTit! LEKACH TOV DEVARIM 4:35)

Rav Aharon Perlow Beis Aharon (Sivan 17)

The Beis Aharon's Shir Hashirim Vs. The Sleep Of The Maggid

It was Erev Shabbos and Rav Aharon of Karlin was reciting the Song of Songs, “Shir HaShirim asher l’Sholomo! Yeshakaynu minishokus pihi, ki tovim dodaycha miyayin-- Your kisses, Hashem, are zissa-- sweeter than wine!”

Deep in dveykus, the Karliner directed his niggun heavenward. He was suddenly interrupted by knocks on the door. “The Maggid requests that you please stop,” came the voice of one of the

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איש איש כי תשטה אשתו ה( )'בי' ה( Zera A man who's wife goes astray (5:12) 0 The Mishna in Pirkei Avos (6:5) lists forty eight qualities, traits and practices Shimshon that one must perfect and adopt in order to properly acquire the Torah.  The Zera Shimshon writes the following. The Gemara teaches (Yoma 72a), that a Torah scholar whose inside does not Naso match his outside - is not a Torah scholar. This is learned from the Aron that held the Luchos; it was gold outside as well as inside. The way a Torah scholar makes his The Zera Shimshon, Rav Shimshon Chaim ben Rav Nachmon Michoel inside like his outside is by working on the forty eight attributes enumerated in the Nachmani, was born in 5467 (1706/1707) into an illustrious Mishna. family with great Rabbinical lineage. He studied the revealed and In reality, these forty eight attributes are two sets of twenty four. The first and the next twenty four , בלימוד , בשמיעת האוז וכו' ,such as ב concealed parts of the Torah by the twenty four all begin with a Torah greats of his day. These two sets of twenty four . המכיר את מקומו , והשמח בחלקו וכו' ,such as ה He served as Rav of Modena, Pisa, begin with a Sienna and Reggio, Italy, and was recognized as a holy and pious qualities represent the inside and the outside that must be perfected, twenty four individual, as well as a tremendous qualities to perfect the inside and twenty four to perfect the outside. In other words, Torah scholar in all areas of Torah. He passed away on the 6 th of Elul some of these qualities are attributes, while the others are actions. 5539 (1779). His Seforim were named, Toldos The significance of the number twenty four is that we are taught that there Shimshon (The ‘Offspring’ of Shimshon) on Pirkei Avos and Zera are twenty four ornaments that outfit the Shechina. To us, this translates as a need Shimshon (The ‘Seed’ of for us to perfect ourselves in twenty four ways, both inside and out - to lift the Shimshon) on the Parshi’os of the Torah. In his introduction, he Shechina up. explains that since his only son had died during his lifetime, he wrote The Yalkut Re'uvaini points out that there are four commandments in the his Seforim to perpetuate his own ולא תנא , ולא ת גנב , ,Devarim 5:17-18). They are) ו memory after his passing. second tablet that begin with the letter and you shall not commit adultery and you shall not steal and you shall" , ולא תענה , ולא תחמוד The following is his passionate request to learn his works. (is 6 ו I implore of you with ten terms of bear false witness and you shall not covet". Four times six (the numerical value of“ supplication to choose from my Chiddushim (novella) the piece that is twenty four. This is because these are four common sins that many people struggle finds favor in your eyes, for your with. The twenty four books of the Torah help a person in these struggles. learning will sooth my soul etc… “This righteousness will stand by Each one of the forty eight qualities enables a person to overcome the evil you forever – to ‘eat’ in this world, and be satiated in the next. In this inclination associated with one of these four commandments. Lining up the first one merit, Hashem will repay you with children, health and sustenance. of these four commandments with the first quality and continuing in such a manner, ,with reason. It corresponds to the commandments of , בש כלות הלב and now my brothers and the fifth quality is…“ friends etc. do a true kindness, and with your eyes you will see children "and you shall not commit adultery" . (This would be the beginning of the second cycle. and grandchildren surrounding Since there four commandments and forty eight attributes, there are a total of twelve your table, houses filled with all that is good, wealth and honor will cycles.) The fact that, "and you shall not commit adultery" , lines up with the attribute of not cease from your children…” .reason' can be explained with the passuk in this week's parsha' לזכר נשמת .When a person sins with adultery it is because they failed to use their reason רבינו שמשו חיי ב רב נחמ מיכאל ל"צז בעל הזרע שמשו א"יעז This is why the offering that the Sota brings is the food that an animal would eat - ויה" ר שיתקיימו בנו ברכותיו של אותו צדיק barley; to show that she has done the act of an animal and did not use reason (Sota שוטה תשטה לזכות רחמי ב יוכבד שיזכה 14a). The Gemara explains (ibid), the word , go astray, as , insane - a total לשוב בתשובה שלימה בקרוב .lack of reason, since only through lack of reason, can someone sin like this לזכות רפואה שלימה משה ,Therefore, working on perfecting one's reason through Torah study שניאור זלמ ב רחל empowers one to overcome the evil inclination to transgress the commandment of ולזכות רפואה שלימה משה ב ."and you shall not commit adultery" לאה זכות רבינו ימלי טוב בעד רבקה רחל בת שיינדיל בלומא לזרע של קיימא במהרה לזכות כל ע  ישראל ז כות רבינו יעמוד לר ' חיי דוד ב טויבא חוה וכל משפחתו להצלחה ברכה שפע רב וסייעתא דשמיא מרובה בכל מעשה ידיו ובכל העניני בכל מקו שה

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Parshas Naso “Tell the children of Israel: When a man or woman commits any of the sins against man ... they shall confess the sin they committed, and make restitution” (Bamidbar 5:6-7) Teshuva & Confession Why Here In This Parsha? Among the others who also organized numbered lists of the taryag mitzvos, the Rambam’s well known position is that the fulfilment of the mitzvah to repent and do teshuva is through confession, recitation of a verbal vidui and confess our sins and transgression. However, Rav Mordechai Steiner notes and asks: we need to reflect that the Torah wrote about this mitzvah to do teshuva specifically here in the parshah that discusses theft from converts - and why is that as opposed to anywhere else regarding any other transgression the Torah discusses vidui and teshuvah here, why is that so? We Are All Geirim Answers the Arugas HaBosem: that really each and every one of us has to view ourselves as a , a temporary sojourner on a visit to this world, whereas our true permanent residency is in fact in the coming world of olam haba and this temporal world is but an entryway; a hallway before entering the palace of olam habah. Each Day Is A Once In A Lifetime Opportunity Here in this world of olam hazeh, our primary objective is to fulfil Torah & Mitzvos and to do the Will of the Creator. Each and every day is a unique opportunity that never repeats itself and each day that passes when we fail to utilize that opportunity is a missed chance that will never come back again ever. Therefore, we need to seize each opportunity and utilize our time and our days towards Avodas Hashem - each and every moment. A Lost Day Is Dead It Can Never Come Back The Be’er Mayim Chaim explains the Gemara (Berachos 5a) that Chazal say “a person must strengthen his good inclination to overcome his evil yetzer hara. If that helps him win then good, and if not, he should remind himself of the day of death.” Rav Chaim Tshernovitzer interpreted this to mean that he must remind himself that each day lost is a dead day; that the death of a day, the lost opportunity is something irretrievable that can never come back. Avraham Avinu - Master Of All The Days Of His Life Therefore regarding Avraham Avinu we find that he is praised as Ba BaYomim - coming in days, as a tribute that means he never missed an opportunity, rather he seized and utilized each and every day of his life towards Avodas Hashem. Sinners & Thieves Therefore, a sinner is a thief, he steals from the ger, he has committed an act of theft towards himself and his own sojourning soul, that is a ger in this world of olama hazeh. Concludes Rav Mordechai Steiner, that this is true of all sins and transgressions, that every time we sin we are thieves, stealing the opportunity away from our very own souls. About Face And therefore here in this parshah of gezel ha'ger, the Torah teaches us the tikkun of mitzvas teshuva, repent and return, as the Chasam Sofer knowingly taught on the pasuk in Tehillim 103, that as far distanced as East is from West - Hashem distanced our sins from us. The meforshim taught that this distance is actually just a turn and a twist, that by simply doing an about face from one side to another we have repositioned ourselves from sin and turned towards the path of teshuva. In one quick move of turning, teshuva is achieved by the decision to embark on Avodas Hashem with the conscious decision to accept upon ourselves to make a change and act differently in the future by changing our ways. Just Say No The Slonimer Rebbe explained the words of the poet for the liturgy of parshas Parah, who gives forth purity from impurity, tahor from tamei, who do we merit to purify ourselves - "lo echad" which he interpreted as just saying no, even just one single utterance of no, just one time to say no and by just saying no - no to our yetzer hara, no to our false desires, but pronounced strongly with firm decision, that is what allows us to draw near to Hashem! Angelic Advocates The Torah concludes by saying that his guilt will be on his head and this can be explained based on what the holy seforim teach us, that from each and every mitzvah that a person does, an angel is created that advocates on a person's behalf, acting like his defense attorney and the opposite is true regarding sins and transgressions. When a person repents and does teshuva properly, then he merits that all those evil angels of destruction that were created from his misdeeds are all transformed into good angels and advocates for him. Who Comes First Before The King? This can be illustrated by the following parable: When a criminal is caught and brought before a flesh and blood king, he is chained and manacled and marched at the head of the procession with the royal guards follow in the rear to watch over him to prevent his escape. However, when there is an honor retinue that comes, then the first to head the procession are the greatest minister and heads of state. This then is what our pasuk means that the guilt is put literally at the head, the sin is placed at the forefront or head, this is because now thanks to teshuva all those destructive criminal angels are all transformed into advocates and therefore when we do teshuva out of love, all our wilful transgression become merits. The Eternal Berachah That Is Recorded And Replayed For All Generations Regarding the words in Birchas Kohanim - emor lahem - say unto them - and Rashi comments that this is similar to Zachor and Shamor. Rav Mordechai suggests that perhaps we can say that the meaning of this Rashi that zachor refers to Hashem's thinking about us and remembering us with favor to draw down all forms of loving kindness and shefa; and shamor implies that we will be safeguarded and protected from all forms of evil and destruction and all these blessings are drawn down by the Kohen when he recites these berachos. Rav Mordechai further suggests that zachor means something eternal and refers to this commandment as an future eternal one forevermore, and that is why we say that the Birchas Kohanim is the one said by Aharon and his descendants, the Kohanim, Your holy people - KaAmur as is said - and perhaps we can suggest that the idea is that the Kohen blesses the Jewish people that they should bas "kaAmur" as is said - meaning that just as the berachah is eternal. Similar to a recording that has been made that once recorded is an everlasting memory and tribute because it can always be replayed and reheard and relistened to for review again and again, and so too are these words of the Birchas Kohanim are eternally recorded so they can be replayed and reheard and reviewed. Furthermore, Rav Mordechai goes on to say that perhaps this is why Birchas Kohanim appears here in Parshas Naso, since Parshas Naso is usually read after Yom Tov Shavous and Shavous is the day of Matan Torah when we were given and received the Torah. After the Jewish people accepted the Torah, then they are blessed and receive the berachos, as the Gemara says (Berachos 42) right after or following after a Talmid Chacham is a berachah, because a talmid chacham is immersed in blessings and berachos. So too, right after Klal Yisroel received the Torah, they were immediately immersed and showered with a berachah and the same occurs on a daily basis that when a person accepts upon himself the yoke of the kingship of Heaven - Ol Malchus Shomayim properly, then Hashem rains down upon him all manner of favors and blessings. This is the reason why we precede to recite Shema before Shemone Esrei, so that after we have already accepted upon ourselves Ol Malchus Shomayim then we can ask for our needs and then our prayers are heard and answered. Therefore, the primary kavanah of acceptance of the yoke of the kingship of Heaven - kabalas Ol Malchus Shomayim is to strengthen ourselves in Avodas Hashem, all of us, each and every individual as well. Because we all have things that we need to rectify and improve, and we must ensure the continued proper education of our girls and boys in the proper ways of Torah and Yiras Shomayim, and then we merit all the best shefa and berachah of Birchas Kohanim may it endure until the coming of our righteous redeemer, Amen.

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