UNITED STATES July 7, 1935. New York City: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of ABRAHAM CAHAN, editor of Jewish Daily Forward. July 7, 1935. Seattle, Wash.: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of birth of SAMUEL R. STERN, judge, veteran member of B'nai B'rith. July 9, 1935. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Sixty-fifth birthday anniversary of MITCHELL MAY, New York State Supreme Court Judge. July 12, 1935. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniver- sary of birth of HENRY KAUFMANN, philanthropist. July 28, 1935. Portland, Ore.: Eightieth anniversary of birth of I. BROMBERG, communal worker. October 1, 1935. Cincinnati, Ohio: Celebration of seventy-fifth an- niversary of birth of N. HENRY BECKMAN, communal leader. October 18-19, 1935. Baltimore, Md.: Celebration of twentieth anniversary of ministry of MORRIS S. LAZARON, as rabbi of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. October 24, 1935. Cincinnati, Ohio: Celebration of eighty-fifth an- niversary of birth of CHARLES SHOHL, communal leader. October 24, 1935. Chicago, 111.: Twentieth anniversary of service on the bench of SAMUEL ALSCHULER, Judge of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, celebrated by the Chicago Bar Association. October 25, 1935. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of twentieth anniver- sary of the JEWISH COMMUNAL CENTER OF FLATBUSH. October 25, 1935. Jackson, Mich.: Celebration of seventy-fifth an- niversary of founding of TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL. October, 1935. Minneapolis, Minn.: Celebration of eightieth anniver- sary of birth of MRS. HENRY WEISKOPF, communal worker. November 12, 1935. New York City: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of NATHAN RATNOFF, medical director of Beth Israel Hospital and of Jewish Maternity Hospital. November 17, 1935. Jersey City, N. J.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of CHARLES I. BLOCK, rabbi. November 19, 1935. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of his connection with Lenox Hill Hospital, of MAX EINHORN, physician. November 21, 1935. New York City: Celebration of completion of fifty years of philanthropic and civic activity of REBEKAH KOHUT. November 23, 1935. New York City: Celebration of seventieth anni- versary of founding of the HUNGARIAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. November 27, 1935. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of fortieth anni- versary of FREDERICK HAHN, as violin teacher and fiftieth year as professional musician. 395 396 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

November, 1935. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of seventieth anni- versary of birth of ELLIS A. GIMBEL, merchant and philanthropist. November, 1935. San Bernardino, Calif.: Celebration of seventy- fifth anniversary of establishing of PARADISE LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. November, 1935. Oakland, Calif.: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of establishing of OAKLAND LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. December 1, 1935. Newark, N. J.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of connection of A. SIGMUND KANENGIESER, with Independent Order B'rith Sholom. December 2, 1935. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of YOUNG MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HEBREW ASSOCIATION. December 2, 1935. Chicago, 111.: Twenty-fifth anniversary on bench of JOSEPH SABATH, Superior Court Judge. December 3, 1935. Washington, D. C.: Eightieth anniversary of founding of WASHINGTON HEBREW CONGREGATION. December 5, 1935. New York City: Celebration of forty-fifth anni- versary of founding of the SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE ISRAEL. December 6-8, 1935. Chicago, 111.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of SAUL SILBER, rabbi. December 7, 1935. New Haven, Conn.: Celebration of ninety-fifth anniversary of founding of CONGREGATION MISHKAN ISRAEL. December 10, 1935. Chicago, 111.: Celebration of fifty-fifth anniver- sary of founding of CHICAGO PHILANTHROPIC CLUB AND CO-WORKERS, (formerly the Montefiore Society; later the Baron Hirsch Women's Club.) December 16, 1935. Newark, N. J.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of Louis SCHLESINGER, communal worker. December 18, 1935. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of sixtieth anni- versary of birth of MARTIN O. LEVY, Grand Secretary of Order B'rith Sholom, and completion of thirty years of service with the organization. December 18, 1935. Boston, Mass.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of ELIHU D. STONE, as Zionist leader, by pledges of New Zionists to plant $10,000 Palestine Grove in his name. December 20, 1935. New York City: Thirtieth anniversary of EDGAR J. LAUER, as judge in New York. December 20-22, 1935. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of ninety- fifth anniversary of founding of CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL. December 20-22, 1935. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of twentieth anniversary of founding of B'NAI JESHURUN CONGREGATION. December 22, 1935. Providence, R. I.: Celebration of thirty-fifth anniversary of founding of SOUTH PROVIDENCE LADIES AID ASSOCIATION. December 25-29, 1935. Detroit, Mich.: Thirtieth anniversary of founding of POALE ZION ZEIRE ZION. December 29, 1935. New York City: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of TAU DELTA PHI FRATERNITY. December, 1935. St. Louis, Mo.: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of founding of MISSOURI LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. December, 1935. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of activities of MOSES LIPSCHITZ, rabbi. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS—5696 397

January 1, 1936. Denver, Colo.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniver- sary of birth of SERAPHINE PISKO, social worker. January 1, 1936. Seattle, Wash.: Eightieth anniversary of birth of DAVID LIPMAN, communal leader. January 3, 1936. San Francisco, Calif.: Celebration of Diamond Jubilee of founding of TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL. January 5, 1936. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of founding of LODZER TRUE BROTHERS BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. January 7, 1936. Buffalo, N. Y.: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of birth of EUGENE WARNER, communal and social welfare leader. January 7, 1936. Cincinnati, Ohio: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of MAURICE J. FREIBERG, communal and civic leader. January 11, 1936. New York City: Celebration of seventieth anniver- sary of birth of LEOPOLD HOROWITZ, Matzoth baker and philanthropist. January 12, 1936. New York City: Celebration of ninetieth anniver- sary of founding of IMMANUEL LODGE, UNITED ORDER OF TRUE SISTERS. January 12, 1936. New York City: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of birth of B. CHARNEY VLADECK, manager of Jewish Daily Forward. January 16, 1936. New York City: Celebration of eighty-fifth anni- versary of founding of GRAND LODGE, UNITED ORDER OF TRUE SISTERS. January 17, 1936. Houston, Tex.: Eightieth anniversary of founding of TEMPLE BETH ISRAEL, and thirty-sixth anniversary of HENRY BARNSTON, in rabbinate. January 26, 1936. Minneapolis, Minn.: Twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of the MINNEAPOLIS TALMUD TORAH. January 31, 1936. New York City: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of appointment of JULIAN W. MACK, as United States Judge. January, 1936. Los Angeles, Calif.: Celebration of twentieth anni- versary of EDGAR J. MAGNIN, as rabbi of Wilshire Boulevard Temple. February 1, 1936. Washington, D. C.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of ISAAC GANS, philanthropic and civic worker. February 2, 1936. ^Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of founding of UPTOWN LADIES' HOME FOR THE AGED. February 3, 1936. New York City: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of MRS. FELIX M. WARBURG. Celebration by Hadassah on February 13th. February 3, 1936. New York City: Twenty-fifth anniversary of SAMUEL D. LEVY, as Judge of Children's Court. February 8, 1936. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of MOSES GOMBERG, head of chemistry department of University of Michigan; gift of five thousand dollars to the University in his honor by friends and students. February 9, 1936. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of thirtieth anniver- sary of JULIUS H. GREENSTONE, as member of faculty and now principal, of Gratz College. February 14, 1936. Richmond, Va.: Celebration of ninety-fifth anni- versary of founding of CONGREGATION BETH AHABA. February 16, 1936. St. Louis, Mo.: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of_birth of GUSTAVE KLAUSNER, Zionist leader. February 16, 1936. Boston, Mass.: Sixty-fifth anniversary celebration of SISTERS WHO VISIT THE SICK. 398 AMERICAN" JEWISH YEAR BOOK

February 28, 1936. Atlantic City, N. J.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of YOUNG MEN'S HEBREW ASSOCIATION. February 28—March 1, 1936. Binghamton, N. Y.: Celebration by- Jewish community of fiftieth anniversary of founding of its first house of worship, CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL. March 1, 1936. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of MAX I). KLEIN, rabbi of Congregation Adath Jeshurun. March 8, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Fortieth anniversary of founding of CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL. March 13, 1936. New York City: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of founding of MOUNT NEBOH CONGREGATION. March 21, 1936. New Haven, Conn.: Eightieth anniversary of found- ing of HOREB LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. March 22, 1936. Portland, Ore.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of founding of CONGREGATION NEVEH ZEDEK. March 22-29, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of founding of CONGREGATION B'NAI SHOLAUM. March, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of founding of FIRST HEBREW DAY NURSERY. March, 1936. Atlanta, Ga.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of establishment of GATE CITY LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. April 4, 1936. Chicago, 111.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of ADOLPH J. SABATH, member of House of Representatives. April 19, 1936. Indianapolis, Ind.: Celebration of twenty-fifth anni- versary of founding of the JEWISH EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. April 19, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniver- sary of birth of MOSES B. SCHMIDT, communal worker. April 24-26, 1936. Detroit, Mich.: Celebration of eighty-fifth anniver- sary of founding of TEMPLE BETH-EL. April 25, 1936. New York City: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniver- sary of birth of EDWIN R. A. SELIGMAN, professor emeritus of economics. April 25, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Twenty-fifth anniversary of ISRAEL H. LEVINTHAL, in rabbinate. April 26, 1936. Purchase, N. Y.: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of birth of HENRY MORGENTHAU, SR., financier and former Ambassador to Turkey. May 3, 1936. New York City: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of birth of IRVING LEHMAN, judge and communal leader; and fifteenth anniversary as president of the Jewish Welfare Board. May 4, 1936. Atlantic City, N. J.: Celebration of one hundredth anniversary of birth of AARON BLUMENTHAL, former New York City merchant. May 8, 1936. Washington, D. C: Eightieth anniversary of founding of WASHINGTON HEBREW CONGREGATION. May 10, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of founding of CONGREGATION BAITH ISRAEL ANSHEI EMES. May 10, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of SAMUEL ISAAC FINKELSTEIN, rabbi. May 15, 1936. Philadelphia, Pa.: Eighty-fifth anniversary of birth of BERNARD SELIG, communal worker. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS—5696 399

May 16, 1936. Philadelphia, Pa.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of DAVID WERNER AMRAM, communal leader. May 17, 1936. Cleveland, Ohio: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of establishment of Jewish Star, Yiddish weekly, forerunner of Jewish World, Yiddish daily. May 20, 1936. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of WILLIAM H. TELLER, as physician at Jewish Hospital. May 22, 1936. Passaic, N. J.: Celebration of fifteenth anniversary of service of MAX RAISIN as rabbi of Barnert Memorial Temple. May 22, 1936. New York City: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of MILTON GOLDSMITH, author. May 24, 1936. New York City: Celebration of sixty-fifth anniversary of birth of ISIDORE D. MORRISON, communal and Zionist leader. June 2, 1936. Cleveland, Ohio: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of activity of A. H. FRIEDLAND, in field of Jewish education. June 7, 1936. Newark, N. J.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of Louis SCHLESINGER, celebrated by National Farm School, by planting tree in his honor. June 8, 1936. Philadelphia, Pa.: Seventieth anniversary of birth of EDWARD BRYLAWSKI, communal worker. June 21, 1936. New York City: One hundredth anniversary of birth of MRS. HENRIETTA WIMPFHEIMER. June 25, 1936. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Celebration of thirty-sixth anniver- sary of HYMAN RAYFIEL, Judge of Court of Special Sessions, on retire- ment as Judge. June, 1936. New York City: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of ABRAHAM REISEN, dean of Yiddish writers. June, 1936. St. Louis, Mo.: Celebration of fiftieth anniversary of A. B. FREY, judge and communal worker. OTHER COUNTRIES May 21, 1935. Ancona, Italy: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of HAYIM ROSENBERG, as rabbi. July 7, 1935. London, England: Fiftieth anniversary of consecration of the DALSTON SYNAGOGUE. July 10, 1935. Lublin, : Centenary of birth of HENRI WIENIAW- SKI, musician, composer for violin. July 11, 1935.* Hamburg, Germany: Celebration of eightieth anniver- sary of birth of SIEGFRIED KORACH, professor of medicine and communal worker. July 28, 1935. London, England: Fiftieth anniversary of death of SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE, philanthropist. August 6, 1935. Perth, Australia: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of birth of SIR ISAAC ISAACS, Governor-General. August 20, 1935. Palestine: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of COLONY MIKVEH ISRAEL. August, 1935. Hamburg, Germany: Celebration of six hundredth anniversary of Jewish settlement in the town. September, 1935. Birsfelden, : Celebration of eightieth anniversary of birth of SIMON GOLDBERG, prominent artist. * Date of publication of report. 400 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

September, 1935. Riga, Latvia: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of SIMEON DUBNOW, historian and scholar of Poland. October 10, 1935. Kent, England: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of MARQUESS OF READING (RUFUS D. ISAACS). October 21, 1935. Dagania, Palestine: Twenty-fifth anniversary of settling of DAGANIA ALEPH, first K'vutzah (communist colony) in Palestine. October, 1935. Budapest, Hungary: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of establishment of Mult tLs Jovo {Past and Future) Jewish monthly. November 3, 1935. Manchester, England: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of birth of Miss A. Q. HENRIQUES, communal worker. November 6, 1935. London, England: Sixty-fifth anniversary of birth of SIR HERBERT SAMUEL. November 10, 1935. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of FIRST LODGE OF ENGLAND, B'NAI B'RITH. November 14, 1935. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Celebration of three hundredth anniversary of foundation of the ASHKENAZI COMMUNITY. November 15, 1935. Townley, England: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of birth of SAMUEL LEVENE, minister, and his forty-fifth at Townley Castle School. November 15, 1935. London, England: Celebration of eighty-fifth anniversary of birth of JACOB TEITEL, formerly judge in Russia. November, 1935. Paris, France: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of birth of GEORG BERNHARD, publicist, politician and economist. November, 1935. Paris, France: Celebration of tenth anniversary of the FRANCE-PALESTINE COMMITTEE. December 1, 1935. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Seventieth anniversary of birth of M. POLAK, member of High Court of the Hague. December 8, 1935. Manchester, England: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of birth of LEVY DAVIS, communal worker. December 8, 1935. Grimsby, England: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of founding of the SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE SYNAGOGUE. December 9, 1935. Jerusalem, Palestine: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of birth of JOSEPH HANKIN, director of the Palestine Land Development Company, known as "Great Redeemer" of land. December 16, 1935. Tel Aviv, Palestine: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of SAUL TCHERNICHOWSKY, poet. December 21, 1935. Jerusalem, Palestine and New York City: Cele- bration of seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of HENRIETTA SZOLD, communal leader. December, 1935. Poland: Celebration of centenary of birth of MENDEL MOCHER-SEFORIM (Shalom Jacob Abramovitch). December, 1935. Hungary: Jewish communities celebrate fortieth anniversary of emancipation of Hungarian Jewry. December, 1935. Vancouver, B. C, Canada: Celebration of Silver Jubilee of SAMUEL LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. December, 1935. Montreal, Canada: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of LYON COHEN, in public and Jewish service. January 2, 1936. Tel Aviv, Palestine: Seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of SAMUEL BLOOM, Palestine industrialist formerly of Philadelphia. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS—5696 401

January 16, 1936.. Leeds, England: Celebration of eighty-fifth anni- versary of birth of ISRAEL HAYIM DAICHES, rabbi. January 27, 1936. Paris, France: Celebration by the College de France, of fiftieth anniversary of professional services to French math- ematical progress of JACQUES HADAMARD. February 22, 1936. Augsburg, Germany: Ninetieth anniversary of birth of SAMUEL LANDAUER, professor, Orientalist and librarian. February 25, 1936. , Austria: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of birth of SAMUEL KRAUSS, scholar and theologian. February, 1936. Wellington, New Zealand: Celebration of twenty- fifth anniversary of service of M. M. HEINEMANN, on the Board of Management of the Wellington Jewish Community. February, 1936. Helsingfors, Finland: Celebration of fiftieth anniver- sary of birth of JONAS JAKOBSON, communal leader. February, 1936. Tel Aviv, Palestine: Celebration of eightieth anniver- sary of birth of MORDECAI BEN HILLEL HACOHEN, author. February, 1936. Johannesburg, Union of South Africa: Twenty-fifth anniversary of founding of The PALESTINE SOCIETY. March 1, 1936. Dagania Aleph, Palestine: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of birth of ARTHUR RUPPIN, sociologist. March 1, 1936. Jerusalem, Palestine: Eightieth anniversary of birth of JACOB MEIER, Chief Rabbi of Sephardic Community. March 9, 1936. Tel Aviv, Palestine: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of MEIER DIZENGOFF, Mayor. March 10, 1936. London, England: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of birth of ADOLPH MAX LANGDON, distinguished attorney. March 15, 1936. Blackpool, England: Celebration of ninetieth anni- versary of birth of JOSEPH MYERS, civic and communal leader. March 18, 1936. London, England: Seventieth anniversary of birth of LAWRENCE G. BOWMAN, former headmaster of Jew's Free School. March, 1936. Frankfort a. M., Germany: Celebration by colleagues of sixtieth anniversary of birth, and thirty-fifth year of continuous devo- tion to science of EDWARD STRAUSS, biochemist. March, 1936. Istanbul, Turkey: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of organization of the ISTANBUL LODGE, B'NAI B'RITH. March, 1936. , Germany: Seventieth anniversary of birth of KONRAD COHN, authority on dentistry. March 1936. Oslo, Norway: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of JOSEPH SIEW, president of Jewish Community of Norway. April 9, 1936. London, England: Celebration of sixtieth anniversary of birth of BERNHARD KAHN, European director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and thirty-fifth anniversary of his service to Jewish community. April 30, 1936. London, England: Two hundredth anniversary of founding of the HAMBRO SYNAGOGUE. April, 1936. Tel Aviv, Palestine: Sixtieth anniversary of birth of HERMANN STRUCK, etcher and lithographer. May 4, 1936. Johannesburg, Union of South Africa: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of birth of J. L. LANDAU, Chief Rabbi. May 6, 1936. Vienna, Austria: Eightieth anniversary of birth of SIGMUND FREUD, psychologist. 402 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

May, 1936. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of service of SAMUEL DAICHES as lecturer at Jews' College. May, 1936. Cologne, Germany: Seventy-fifth anniversary of founding of the GLOCKENGASSE SYNAGOGUE. May, 1936. Geneva, Switzerland: Seventieth anniversary of birth of OSKAR WETTSTEIN, member of Legislature since 1914. June 4, 1936. London, England: Celebration of twenty-fifth anniver- sary of service of MIRIAM DAVIS as Matron of the Jewish Day Nursery, Whitechapel. June 8, 1936. Esthonia: Tenth anniversary of cultural Autonomy of Jews, celebrated by government officials. June 10, 1936. Benoni, Union of South Africa: Twenty-fifth anni- versary of founding of SIR HARRY GRAUMANN LODGE, of the Hebrew Order of David. June, 1936. Dublin, : Seventy-fifth anniversary of J. BROWN, lecturer at the Chevrah Gemorah of the New Synagogue for forty years. June, 1936. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Celebration of one hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of founding of the JEWISH GIRLS' ORPHANAGE.

APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS UNITED STATES ABRAHAMSON, ALBERT, Portland, Me., appointed director of Works Progress Administration for the State of Maine. Announced, December, 1935. ABRAMS, LEWIS A., New York City, elected Judge, Municipal Court, November 5, 1935. ALTMEYER, ARTHUR J., , , appointed member of Federal Social Security Board, July 29, 1935. APPELBAUM, SAUL B., Bradford, Pa., appointed Judge of the Juvenile Court, April, 1936. AUSTIN, BERNARD, Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. BARACH, ALVAN L., New York City, awarded by American Medical Association, bronze medal Class I, for original research on use of mixed helium and oxygen in treating asthma and other respiratory diseases, May, 1936. BARON, SAMUEL H., Leavenworth, Kans., appointed chaplain of the Federal Penitentiary, October, 1935. BECK, JACOB, Brooklyn, N. Y., awarded Silver Star by War Depart- ment for gallantry in action during the Aisne-Marne offensive, in World War, September 20, 1935. BEHREND, JEANNE (Mrs. Alexander Kelberine), Philadelphia, Pa., awarded the Joseph Beams Prize of $1200 for her piano compositions, by Columbia University, April, 1936. BLUMENTHAL, HART, Philadelphia, Pa., awarded Keneseth Israel Alumni Association bronze medal and engrossed diploma for distinguished service to the Philadelphia Jewish Community, April 12, 1936. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS 403

BREITBART, CHARLES H., Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legis- lature, November 5, 1935. BRUNSTEIN, DAVID, Atlantic City, N. J., elected President of the Medico-Dental Society, June 14, 1936. CARDOZO, BENJAMIN N., Washington, D. C, awarded by Senate of University of London, Degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, (in absentia), June 29, 1936. CAYTON, NATHAN, Washington, D. C, re-appointed Judge, Municipal Court, District of Columbia, July 16, 1935. •COHEN, ARCHIE H., Chicago, 111., appointed by United States Dis- trict Court Judges of the Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division, Referee in Bankruptcy for the Counties of Cook and Lake, June 26, 1934. COHN, ALBERT, New York City, appointed by Governor, Judge, Appellate Division of Supreme Court, December 31, 1935. COHN, JULIUS, Portland, Ore., elected Judge, Municipal Court, April, 1936. COPLAND, DAVID, Cleveland, Ohio, re-elected Judge, Municipal Court, November 5, 1935. DAVIDSON, ISRAEL, New York City, awarded by Bialik Foundation, prize of $1000 for a thesaurus of Mediaeval Hebrew poetry, January, 1936. DOBROWSKI, WILLIAM, San Antonio, Tex., awarded Purple Heart Medal, for services in World War, August, 1935. EINSTEIN, ALBERT, Princeton, N. J., awarded by Senate of University of London, Degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, (in absentia), June 29, 1936. ELKUS, ALBERT, San Francisco, Cal., receives from Juilliard School of Music, award for best work in recent competition, for "Impressions from a Greek Tragedy," November, 1935. ELMAN, MISCHA, New York City, awarded by Chicago Musical College, honorary degree of Doctor of Music, June, 1936. ELSBERG, CHARLES A., New York City, awarded by Associate Alumni of City College, Townsend Harris Medal for post-graduate attainments, November 16, 1935. EPSTEIN, ALBERT A., New York City, awarded by New York Uni- versity Alumni, 1936 Alumni Meritorious Award, May 26, 1936. ERLANGER, JOSEPH, St. Louis, Mo., awarded by University of Penn- sylvania, honorary degree of Doctor of Science, March 31, 1936. ERLICH, HAROLD B., Buffalo, N. Y., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. FARBSTEIN, LEONARD, New York City, re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. FILENE, A. LINCOLN, Boston, Mass., appointed member of Federal Board for Vocational Education, July 29, 1935. FLEXNER, ABRAHAM, New York City, awarded by New York Uni- versity, honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, June 10, 1936. Germany, as science martyr, April, 1936. FLEISHER, BERNARD R., New York City, elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. FLEISCHMANN, MISS E., San Francisco, Cal. (died in 1906), name of, chiseled on a memorial front of the Roentgen Institute in Hamburg, * Omitted from Vol. 36. 404 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

FORMAN, MAX L., Petersburg, Va., re-appointed chaplain of Federal Reformatory at Camp Lee, October, 1935. FUCHS, EMIL, Boston, Mass., appointed by Governor, Chairman of the Unemployment Compensation Commission, September 11, 1935. GANS, JULIUS J., New York City, elected at special election, to Assembly to fill vacancy of Benjamin Gladstone (deceased), January 21, 1936. GARBER, MAURICE, Chelsea, Mass., elected Chairman of School Board, January 7, 1936. GIMBEL, RICHARD, Philadelphia, Pa., promoted Lieutenant-Colonel, Field Artillery, Reserve Corps, United States Army, June, 1936. GINSBERG, M. S., Denver, Colo., appointed special attorney of the United States Department of Justice in connection with the resettlement work in Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico, November, 1935. GINSBERG, WILLIAM, Washington, D. C, receives citation of the Board of Trade for design of new Washington Daily News Building, April, 1936. GLADSTONE, BENJAMIN, New York City, re-elected to State Legisla- ture, November 5, 1935. GLASS, LEOPOLD, Philadelphia, Pa., elected Judge, Municipal Court, November 5, 1935. GOLDBERG, SIDNEY G., Newark, N. J., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. GOLDBLATT, MAURICE H., Chicago, 111., awarded by French Govern- ment and by National Museums of France, a Gold Medal for his cor- rect identification of the authorship of the famous triptych "Virgin Glory," in the cathedral at Moulins, June, 1936. GOLDMAN, SOLOMON, Chicago, 111., awarded by Jewish Theological Seminary of America, degree of Doctor of Hebrew Literature in Course, June 7, 1936. GOLDMARK, RUBIN, New York City, awarded by Associate Alumni of City College, Townsend Harris Medal for post-graduate attainments, November 16, 1935. GOLDSTEIN, AARON F., Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legisla- ture, November 5, 1935. GOLDSTEIN, ISIDOR, Juneau, Alaska, re-elected Mayor, April, 1936. GOLDSTEIN, JONAH J., New York City, appointed by Governor, Judge of General Sessions Court, May 21, 1936. GOTTSCHALL, MORTON, New York City, awarded by Associate Alumni of City College, Townsend Harris Medal for his attainments and services to the college, November 16, 1935. GREENBAUM, SIGMUND, Philadelphia, Pa., appointed Professor of Clinical Dermatology at the Graduate School of Medicine of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, November, 1935. GREENBERG, EMANUEL, Brooklyn, N. Y., appointed by Governor, Judge, Court of Claims, March 3, 1936. GREENBURG, LEONARD, New Haven, Conn., appointed executive director of the Division of Industrial Hygiene of the State Department of Labor. Announced, December, 1935. GREENFIELD, ALBERT M., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed by Mayor, trustee of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, May, 1936. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS 405

GREENSFELDER, BERNARD, St. Louis, Mo., elected head of the Public Library of St. Louis County, July, 1935. GROSSMAN, MARY, Cleveland, Ohio, elected Judge, Municipal Court, November 5, 1935. GUGGENHEIM, MRS. DANIEL, New York City, awarded by Mayor, Certificate of Honor for Distinguished Service to the City of New York, at the one thousandth performance of the Goldman Band in Central Park, July 10, 1935. HABER, ISIDORE I., New York City, elected Judge, Municipal Court, November 5, 1935. HARRIS, SAMUEL H., Philadelphia, Pa., awarded, by Penn Athletic Club, medal as "greatest living theatrical manager," May 18, 1936. HARTOGENSIS, B. H., Baltimore, Md., cited by Johns Hopkins Uni- versity as one of class of 1886, who had achieved distinction in practice of law, June 9, 1936. HERMAN, HAROLD P., Nassau, N. Y., elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. HIRSCH, MIRIAM, Peoria, 111., appointed Secretary to the American Embassy of China, November, 1935. HIRSCHBERG, ABRAHAM, Chicago, 111., elected Rabbi for life, of Temple Sholom, January, 1936. HODES, BARNETT, Chicago, 111., appointed by Mayor, Corporation Counsel, July 22, 1935. JACOBY, AARON L., Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected Register for Kings County, November 5, 1935. JOLSON, AL, Encino, Cal., elected Mayor, December 28, 1935. KALODNER, HARRY E., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed by Governor, Judge of Common Pleas Court No. 2, December, 1935. KAMINSKY, GEORGE, Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. KAUFMAN, DAVID E., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed by Mayor, trustee of the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, May, 1936. KEIDAN, HARRY B., Detroit, Mich., re-elected Judge, Wayne County Circuit Court. Announced, December, 1935. KLEBANOW, LOUIS, New York City, awarded by War Department, Distinguished Service Cross and an Oak Leaf Cluster for the Cross, for two acts of extraordinary heroism in action in France during World War, November 21, 1935. KLEIN, CHARLES, Philadelphia, Pa., elected Judge, Orphans' Court, November 5, 1935. LAUER, EDGAR J., New York City, awarded by Government of , Cross of Officer of Devotement, April 17, 1936. LAZARON, MORRIS SAMUEL, Baltimore, Md., awarded by Rutgers University, honorary degree of Doctor of Letters, June 13, 1936. LEIDESDORF, SAMUEL D., New York City, awarded by Alumni Association of the Graduate Schools of Columbia University, certificate of recognition, in field of philanthropy and religion, May 29, 1935. LEVI, HARRY, Boston, Mass., awarded by Boston University, honor- ary degree of Doctor of Divinity, June, 1936. LEVINTHAL, LOUIS E., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed by Governor, 406 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Special Deputy Attorney General, representing the Public Service Com- mission in Philadelphia Rapid Transit valuation, July 3, 1935. LEVITT, ALBERT, , appointed Judge of the Federal District Court for the Virgin Islands, October 17, 1935. LEVY, ALFRED B., Philadelphia, Pa., elected president of the Phila- delphia Association of Life Underwriters (first Jew so honored), June 17, 1936. LEWIS, HARRY E., Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected Judge, Supreme Court, November 5, 1935. LEWIS, WILLIAM M., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed by Mayor, im- partial chairman of the Municipal Board of Labor Conciliation and Arbitration, February, 1936. LIBMAN, EMANUEL, New York City, awarded by Phi Lambda Kappa Fraternity, Gold Medal, awarded annually to most outstanding Jewish physician in United States, January 1, 1936. LIMBURG, RICHARD P., North Castle, N. Y., re-elected Supervisor of the town, November 5, 1935. LIPPMANN, WALTER, New York City, awarded by University of Rochester, honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, June 15, 1936. LIVINGSTON, JACOB H., Brooklyn, N. Y., elected to State Senate, November 5, 1935. LOEB, HOWARD A., Philadelphia, Pa., re-appointed member of Federal Reserve Advisory Council, January, 1936. LOWE, ELIAS AVERY, New York City, awarded honorary degree of Doctor of Literature by Oxford University, June 6, 1936. LUBIN, DAVID (deceased), San Francisco, Cal., has street in Rome, Italy, named in his memory, "Viale Davide Lubin," March 17, 1936. MAAS, ERNEST, Tampa, Fla., awarded Civitan Club award, as out- standing Tampa citizen of 1935, February, 1936. MANDELBAUM, DAVID G., New Haven, Conn., appointed by National Research Council, first American anthropologist for research work on Hill Tribes of India, June, 1936. MANDELBAUM, SAMUEL, New York City, appointed by President, Federal Judge for Southern District of New York, June 20, 1936. MAY, MITCHELL, Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected Judge, Supreme Court, November 5, 1935. MEISSNER, HARRY V., Milwaukee, Wis., unanimously elected president of the Milwaukee School Board, July, 1935. MELNIKER, AARON A., Bayonne, N. J., reappointed by Governor, District Court Judge, June, 1936. MIELZINER, Jo, New York City, listed by Nation, on honor roll for 1935, for beautiful stage designs for play "Winterset," January 1, 1936. MOSES, ROBERT, New York City, re-appointed by Mayor, member of Triborough Bridge Authority, July 1, 1935; re-appointed by Mayor, City Park Commissioner, March 4, 1936; award by Yale University honorary degree of Master of Arts, June 17, 1936. NATHAN, EDWARD I., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed Consul General of United States of America at Monterrey, Mexico, June 8, 1936. NEUSTEIN, IRVING D., New York City, re-elected to State Legislature November 5, 1935. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS 407

ODETS, CLIFFORD, New York City, listed by Nation, on honor roll for 1935, as playwright, January 1, 1936. PACK, CARL, New York City, re-elected to State Legislature, Novem- ber 5, 1935. PESIN, SAMUEL, Jersey City, N. J., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. REISS, BERNARD, New York City, re-elected president of the New York County Criminal Courts Bar Association, March, 1936. RHEINSTEIN, MAX, Chicago, 111. (formerly Berlin, Germany) ap- pointed to Chair of Comparative Law at University of Chicago Law School, December, 1935. RICE, ELMER, New York City, appointed head of the WPA Theatre Project in New York City. Announced, December, 1935. ROSE, DAVID A., Boston, Mass., appointed Associate Judge, Dor- chester District Court, February 12, 1936. ROSENAU, MILTON J., Boston, Mass., appointed by University of North Carolina, head of recently established department of public health, January, 1936. ROSENBACH, A. S. W., Philadelphia, Pa., awarded by Perm Athletic Club, Medal as "writer and the world's most famous bibliographer," May 18, 1936. ROSENBERG, MRS. ANNA M., New York City, appointed director of Region 2 of the Federal Social Security Board, May 21, 1936. ROSENBERG, LOUIS JAMES, Detroit, Mich., appointed by Attorney General, legal advisor to the State Board of Escheats, July 4, 1935; appointed counsel to all public administrations of State on matters of proof of foreign heirship, June, 1936. ROSENBERG, MAURICE, Alexandria, Va., elected to State House of Representatives, November 5, 1935. ROWE, LEO S., Philadelphia, Pa., decorated at Washington, D. C, by Bolivian Minister, with gold and blue enameled Cross of the Condor de los Andes, December 6, 1935. RUBEL, MAURICE, Chicago, 111., awarded Cross of the Legion of Honor by the French Government, December 15, 1936. RYPINS, HAROLD, Albany, N. Y., awarded by Italian Government, degree of Cavalier of the Italian Legion of Honor, June 12, 1936. SALOMON, HAYM, (late) House of Representatives unanimously adopts Joint Resolution, authorizing erection of a memorial on public grounds, in Washington, June, 1936. SAMUEL, DAVID B., Shreveport, La., re-elected Judge in City Court, for sixth five-year term, March, 1936. SCHANZER, ALBERT D., Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legisla- ture, November 5, 1935. SCHINDLER, RUDOLPH, Chicago, 111., (exile from Munich, Germany), awarded, by American Medical Association in convention at Kansas City, gold medal, for his refinement of the gastroscope, May 13, 1936. SCHLESINGER, FRANK, New Haven, Conn., appointed by French Government, Officer of the Legion of Honor, November, 1935. SCHLOSSBERG, JOSEPH, New York City, appointed by Mayor, Member of the Board of Higher Education, December 14, 1935. SCHWARTZ, RALPH, Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. 408 . AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

SCHWARTZ, WILLIAM, New York City, re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. SEIDENBERG, EDWARD, Nome, Alaska, elected Mayor, April, 1936. SILBERT, JOSEPH H., Cleveland, Ohio, re-elected Judge, Municipal Court, November 5, 1935. SILVERMAN, MORRIS, Hartford, Conn., appointed lecturer of Jewish History at Connecticut State College, December, 1933. SLESINGER, REUBEN E., Pittsburgh, Pa., first student graduated at the University of Pittsburgh with perfect "A" record for four years at the College, awarded Kidd Memorial Award, June 18, 1936. SOBEL, ISADOR, Erie, Pa., re-elected president of the Erie Country Bar Association, June 1, 1936. SOLOMON, CHARLES, Brooklyn, N. Y., appointed Magistrate by Mayor, December 14, 1935. SOLON, LEON VICTOR, New York City, awarded by American Ceramic Society, the Charles Fergus Binnis Medal, for his architectural tile designing, March, 1936. STEINGUT, IRWIN, Brooklyn, N. Y., re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. STEUER, Max D., New York City, awarded by John Marshall College of Law, honorary degree of Doctor of Law, June 22, 1936. STERN, HORACE, Philadelphia, Pa., elected Judge, State Supreme Court, November 5, 1935. STRAUS, NATHAN, New York City, appointed by Mayor, member of New York City Housing Authority, March 22, 1936. ' STRAUS, ROGER W., New York City, awarded American Hebrew medal for 1935, for outstanding service in aid of Jewish-Christian amity, April 2, 1936; awarded by Bucknell University, honorary degree of Doctor of the Humanities, for work of promotion of religious liberty, June 8, 1936; awarded class of 1913 loving cup at Princeton University for work in fostering better understanding between Christians and Jews in America, June 14, 1936. STREIT, SAUL S., New York City, re-elected to State Legislature, November 5, 1935. SZOLD, HENRIETTA, New York City (living in Jerusalem, Palestine) named honorary citizen of Tel Aviv (first woman so honored), Decem- ber 10, 1935; listed by Nation, on honor roll for 1935, for Palestinian work, particularly with Youth Aliyah Movement, January 1, 1936; made "Freewoman" with honorary citizenship of Tel Aviv, and awarded purse representing fund gathered in Palestine for establishment of a social welfare project in her name, in honor of her seventy-fifth birthday, February 16, 1936; has forest named in her honor, by Jewish National Fund, to be developed by youths from Germany, March 6, 1936. TABEK, AARON, New Brunswick, N. J., awarded by War Department, Order of the Purple Heart for bravery in action, in World War, August 4, 1935. TOLL, HERMAN, Philadelphia, Pa., elected president of the Law Academy of Philadelphia, June 17, 1936. TULIN, MRS. JUSTINE WISE, New York City, appointed by Mayor, Justice of the Domestic Relations Court, July 8, 1935; re-appointed for ten-year term, September 14, 1935. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS 409

UNGER, SIDNEY E., Philadelphia, Pa., awarded by Temple University degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology, and a fellowship for further research in the field of religious education, June, 1936. WALDMAN, HENRY S., Elizabeth, N. J., elected president of the Union County Bar Association, February 1936; re-appointed by Governor, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Union County, March 10, 1936. WEINBERG, HARRY E., Duluth, Minn., appointed City Attorney (first Jew). Announced, December, 1935. WEISMAN, SAMUEL, New York City, re-elected to State Legislature, November S, 1935. WEISS, EDWARD, Philadelphia, Pa., appointed Professor of Clinical Medicine at Temple University School of Medicine, February, 1936. WEISS, JACOB, Indianapolis, Ind., elected president pro tempore of the Indiana Senate. Announced, December, 1935. WILENSKY, OSCAR, Passaic, N. J., elected to 'State Legislature, November 5, 1935. YANKWICH, LEON R., LOS Angeles, Cal., appointed United States District Judge, southern district of California, July 29, 1935.

OTHER COUNTRIES ABRAHAMS, SIDNEY SOLOMON, Tanganyika Territory, appointed by King Edward, Chief Justice of Ceylon, April, 1936. AGNON, SAMUEL J., , Palestine, awarded by Jewish Theological Seminary of America, honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Letters, June 7, 1936. AMIEL, MOSHE AVIGDOR, Antwerp, Belgium, elected Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, Palestine, November, 1935. ARAKIE, E. A., Calcutta, India, appointed a Presidency Magistrate, March, 1936. ARONSON, MRS. ZARA BAER, , Australia, awarded Order of the British Empire, for services in connection with Red Cross and other charitable activities, June 23, 1936. ASSCHER, A., Amsterdam, Netherlands, awarded by Queen, Order of the Knight of the Dutch Lion, November 21, 1935. AVERBUCH, BORIS, Brussels, Belgium, awarded Order of Knight of Leopold II, June, 1936. BARDAKY, NATHAN, Jerusalem, Palestine, appointed Magistrate, Grade K, March 3, 1936. BEARSTED, VISCOUNT, London, England, appointed a Trustee of the National Gallery, April, 1936. BELLA, S. DE LA, , Netherlands, elected to Senate, August, 1935. BENVENISTI, DAVID, Tel Aviv, Palestine, appointed Chief of City Water and Light Department, January 20, 1936. BERCOVITCH, PETER, K. C, Montreal, Canada, re-elected to Quebec Provincial Legislature, December, 1935. BERGH, A. VAN DEN, Nijmegen, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. BERGH, A. A. HIJMANS VAN DEN, Utrecht, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of the Order of thf Dutch Lion, September, 1935. 410 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

BERGH, S. VAN DEN, , Netherlands, re-elected to Senate, August, 1935. BLAU, LUDWIG, Budapest, Hungary, awarded by Jewish Theological Seminary of America, honorary degree (posthumously) of Doctor of Hebrew Letters, June 7, 1936. BLUM, LEON, Paris, France, re-elected member of Parliament, April 26, 1936; appointed Premier, May 5, 1936. BLUMENFELD, ERNST, formerly of Berlin, Germany, appointed by Shah of Iran (Persia), in charge of entire hospital system, July 17, 1935. BRODT, SAMUEL, Tomaszo, Poland, elected Chief Rabbi of Antwerp, Belgium, June, 1936. BRUNSCHVIG, MME., Paris, France, appointed Under-Secretary of Education, May, 1936. BUCH, HENRI, Antwerp, Belgium, appointed Judge, January, 1936. CASSUTO, UMBERTO, Rome, Italy, appointed member of the Italian Royal Academy, August [16] 1935. CHELOUCHE, MOSHE, Tel Aviv, Palestine, awarded by King of Bulgaria, the Croix de Commandeur de l'Ordre National, for public service rendered to Bulgaria, September, 1935. CHENIO, T., Salonika, Greece, elected member of Parliament, January 26, 1936. COHEN, EZEKIEL, Basutoland, Africa, appointed Companion of the Imperial Service Order, June 23, 1936. COHEN, GEORGE JUDAH, Sydney, Australia, has park named "Cohen Park" in his honor by the West Maitland Council, on occasion of recent centenary celebration of City of West Maitland, December, 1935. COHEN, JOSEPH, K. C, Montreal, Canada, re-elected to Quebec Provincial Legislature, December, 1935. COHEN, MOSES ISAAC, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, South Africa, awarded by King, M. B. E., for services in Southern Rhodesia, January 1, 1936. COHEN, PERCY, London, England, awarded by King, insignia of Commander of the Order of the British Empire, February 18, 1936. DANIELS, L. POLAK, Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed rector of the State University of Groningen, September 15, 1935. DICKER, J., GENEVA, Switzerland, re-elected to Parliament, Novem- ber, 1935. DIZENGOFF, MEIR, Tel Aviv, Palestine, re-elected Mayor by Munic- ipal Council, December 30, 1935; awarded by King Peter of Jugoslavia, the Order of St. Sava of the Third Class, for activities as President of the Levant Fair, January, 1936; appointed honorary Commander of the British Empire for public services to Palestine, June 23, 1936. DRESDEN, A., , Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. DREYFUS, ALFRED (late), Paris, France, street in Tel Aviv named in his memory, July 15, 1935. DREYFUS, CHARLES, San Salvador, Central America, elected Mayor, March, 1936. DUNKELBLUM, MENACHEM, Tel Aviv, Palestine, appointed Judge of the District Court at Haifa, January, 1936. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS 411

EZRA, ALWYN, Bombay, India, awarded by King, honor of Knight Bachelor, January 1, 1936. FACTOR, SAMUEL, Toronto, Canada, re-elected member of Dominion Parliament, October 15, 1935. FARBSTEIN, DAVID, Zurich, Switzerland, re-elected Judge of the Cantonal Court of Cassation, July, 1935, re-elected to Parliament, November, 1935. FLEISSIG, ALEXANDER, Budapest, Hungary, awarded by the Regent, Hungarian Service Cross First Class, with title of Excellency, in recog- nition of twenty-five years' work in the economic field, August, 1935; appointed member of Upper House, January 5, 1936. FRANK, MISS , Amsterdam, Netherlands, awarded by Govern- ment, Knighthood of the Order of Orange Nassau, for twenty-five years' service at the Jewish Girls' Orphanage, June, 1936. FRANKEL, DANIEL, London, England, elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. FREEDMAN, DAVID ISAAC, V. D., J. P., Perth, Western Australia, awarded by King Edward VIII, Order of the British Empire, for public, social and welfare services to Australia, June 23, 1936. FREUNDLICH, H., Utrecht, Netherlands, (German Refugee) awarded by Senate of the University of Utrecht, on occasion of three hundredth anniversary, the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, May, 1936. GINSBURG, MARCEL, Brussels, Belgium, appointed Knight of the Order of the Crown, June, 1936. GLUCKSTEIN, L. H., Nottingham City, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. GOLDBERG, MICHAEL, London, England, awarded A.R.C.A. diploma with honors, and the painting prize of the Royal College of Art, South Kensington, July, 1935. GOLDSCHMIDT, V. M., Utrecht, Netherlands, (German Refugee) Senate of University of Utrecht, on occasion of three hun- dredth anniversary, the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, May, 1936. GOLOMINTZ, R., , Belgium, awarded by Government, Knight- hood of the Order of Leopold, July 15, 1935. GOTTLIEB, JOSHUA, Warsaw, Poland, elected to Sejm (in place of Waclaw Wislicki, deceased), May 4, 1936. GUTWRITH, CHARLES, Brussels, Belgium, appointed Knight of the Order of the Crown, June, 1936. GOTTSCHALK, MAX, Brussels, Belgium, appointed by the Govern- ment, head of the National Unemployment Board, September, 1935. HABER, FRITZ (deceased refugee), , Germany, has Library of the Sieff Institute of Chemical Research at Rehoboth, Palestine, named for him, January 29, 1936. HAMBURGER, D., ——, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. HARRIS, SIR PERCY A. ALFRED, London, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. HEAPS, ABE A., Winnipeg, Canada, re-elected to Provincial Parlia- ment, October 15, 1935. HERZFELD, ERNST, formerly of the University of Berlin, Germany, 412 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK appointed to faculty of the School of Humanistic Studies, Princeton, N. J., January, 1936. HESS, MYRA, London, England, awarded by King, C.B.E., for services to music, January 1, 1936. HIRSCHFELD, H. M., The Hague, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion, September, 1935. HORE-BELISHA, SIR LESLIE, London, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935; elected chairman of the Parliamentary National Liberty Party, December 18, 1935. HOROVITZ, AARON, Cornwall (Ontario), Canada, re-elected Mayor, December 6, 1935. HURST, ALFRED H., Hampstead, England, awarded by King of Roumania, Order of Officer of the Star of Roumania, in recognition of services during World War, September, 1935. JACOBS, SAMUEL W., K. C, Montreal, Canada, re-elected member of Dominion Parliament, October 15, 1935. JAFFE, H. M., Somerset West, Union of South Africa, re-elected Mayor, September, 1935. JOEL, DUDLEY, London, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. JUDAH, SAMUEL, Bombay, India, appointed by H. M. the King- Emperor, "Officer Brother," (associate) of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, May, 1936. JUNG, GUIDO, , Italy, decorated by Premier Mussolini, for exceptional bravery in the war against Ethiopia, June, 1936. KEESING, I., Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. KELSEN, HANS, Utrecht, Netherlands, (German Refugee) awarded by Senate of the University of Utrecht, on occasion of three hundredth anniversary, the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, May, 1936; appointed Professor of International Law at the German University, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June, 1936. KRAUSE, ELIAHU, Mikveh Israel, Palestine, awarded by King, Hon- orary M.B.E. for services to agriculture in Palestine, January 1, 1936. KRAUSS, SAMUEL, Vienna, Austria, awarded by Jewish Institute of Religion, honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Letters, May 31, 1936. KUBAVITZKI, MRS. A., Brussels, Belgium, awarded by Government, degree of Order of the Belgian Knighthood, for philanthropic work, July 8, 1935. LEVI, LEON, Rome, Italy, awarded posthumous decoration at Asmar, Abyssinia, December 18, 1935. LEVISSON-ASSCHER, MRS. S. A., Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau, August 31, 1935. LEVY, T., London, England, elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. LEYDENSDORF, HERMAN, Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau, on occasion of twenty- five-year jubilee of his "Dutch String Quartette," October 31, 1935. LIPSCHUTZ, ISIDOR, Brussels, Belgium, appointed Officer of the Order of Leopold II, June. 1936. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS 413

LIPSON, DANIEL LEOPOLD, J. P., Cheltenham, England, elected Mayor, November, 1935. LYON-CAEN, Leon, Paris, France, appointed Advocate-General to the Court of Cassation, February 16, 1936. LYONS, A. M., Leicester, E., England, re-elected member of Parlia- ment, November 14, 1935. MANDEL, GEORGES, Paris, France, appointed Minister of Ports and Telegraphs and of Alsace-Lorraine in Sarraut Cabinet, January 24, 1936; re-elected to Chamber of Deputies, April 26, 1936. MEYER, LEON, Havre, France, elected Member of Chamber of Deputies, May 5, 1936. MEYERS, F. S., Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. MICHAELIS, MRS. ESTHER ZILLAH, Melbourne, Australia, awarded by King, O.B.E., for services to ex-servicemen in Australia, January 1, 1936. MINCBERG, , Lodz, Poland, elected member of Sejm, September 8, 1935. MOND, SIR ROBERT, London, England, appointed a Commander of the French Legion of Honor, for services to the Maison de la Chimie, April 24, 1936; elected president of the Industrial Chemistry Society of France, June 19, 1936. MYERS, Sir MICHAEL, Wellington, New Zealand, sworn in as Member of the Privy Council, June, 1936. OLSCHKI, LEO SAMUEL, Florence, Italy, awarded by Government, Order of Sts. Mauritzo and Lazzaro, for important work as publisher, August, 1935. PANOFSKY, E., Utrecht, Netherlands, (German Refugee) awarded by Senate of the University of Utrecht, on occasion of three hundredth anniversary, the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, May, 1936. PIMENTEL, M., Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. POLAK, HENRI, , Netherlands, re-elected to Senate, August, 1935. POLAK, J., Oslo, Norway, appointed by Queen of Netherlands, Officer of the Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. POLAK, M., The Hague, Netherlands, awarded by Queen, Commander of the Order of Orange Nassau, November 21, 1935. PORTNOY, ANTONIO, Buenos Aires, Argentina, awarded by National Council on Education, first prize ($3,000) and a gold medal, and pub- lication by the Government of monograph "Public Education since 1810," February 20, 1936. PRAAG, S. W., , Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion, September, 1935. READING, MARQUESS OF, K.C., London, England, elected a Master of the Bench of the Middle Temple, January, 1936. RHEINSTEIN, MAX, formerly of Berlin, Germany, appointed member of faculty of University of Chicago, December, 1935. RIES, L. A., Amsterdam, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Treasurer General of the Netherlands, November 21, 1935. 414 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

ROLO, ROBERT J., Alexandria, Egypt, awarded by French Govern- ment, Cross of the Legion of Honor, August, 1935. ROTHSCHILD, JAMES DE, London, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. RUBINSTEIN, , Wilno, Poland, elected member of Sejm, Septem- ber 8, 1935. SALMON, SIR ISIDORE, London, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. SAMUEL, SIR ARTHUR MICHAEL, London, England, re-elected mem- ber of Parliament, November 14, 1935. SAMUEL, MARCUS, Wandsworth, Putney, England, re-elected to Parliament, November 14, 1935. SASSOON, SIR PHILIP, London, England, re-elected member of Par- liament, November 14, 1935; appointed Trustee of the National Gallery, April, 1936. SATANOWSKY, SARA, Buenos Aires, Argentina, appointed Chief Surgeon of Teodoro Alvarez Hospital, July, 1935. SCHACHTER, J., Belfast, Ireland, awarded, by Senate of Queen's University, honorary degree of Master of Arts, June, 1936. SCHORR, A., Warsaw, Poland, appointed by President to Senate, September 24, 1935; re-appointed member of the Government Board for Public Education, September 18, 1935. SCIAKY, ISAAC, Salonika, Greece, elected member of Parliament, February 10, 1936. SEGAL, J., Kaunas, , appointed by Government, to take charge of anti-gas defence in the Lithuanian Army, March 30, 1936. SEGRE, GUIDO, Turin, Italy, appointed by Premier Mussolini, head of the Coal Import Board, August, 1935. SHEMS, AARON, Haifa, Palestine, promoted Judge, District Court, Grade G, February 12, 1936. SHINWELL, EMANUEL, Seaham, England, re-elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. SILKIN, LEWIS, Peckham, London, England, elected at By-election, Member of Parliament, May 6, 1936. SILVERMAN, S. SYDNEY, Liverpool, England, elected member of Parliament, November 14, 1935. SOLOMON, IVAN, Pretoria, Union of South Africa, re-elected Mayor, November 4, 1935. SOMMERSTEIN, ERNST, LWOW, Poland, re-elected member of Sejm, September, 1935. STERN, JACQUES, Paris, France, appointed Minister of the Colonies in Sarraut Cabinet, January 24, 1936. STIEBEL, ARTHUR, London, England, appointed by the Lord Chancel- lor, Senior and Chief Registrar in Bankruptcy of the High Court, March, 1936. STRAUSS, EDWARD A., London, England, re-elected member of Par- liament, November 14, 1935. SZOLD, HENRIETTA, See APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS— UNITED STATES. TCHENIO, ALBERT, Salonika, Greece, elected member of Parliament, February 10, 1936. SPECIAL BEQUESTS AND GIFTS 415

TROCKENHEIM, JACOB, Warsaw, Poland, appointed by President, to Senate, September 24, 1935. TSCHERNICHOWSKY, SAUL, Jerusalem, Palestine, decorated by Government of Finland, Commander of the Order of White Rose, for translation into Hebrew of classic "Kalivala," October 10, 1935; receives freedom of city of Tel Aviv, on occasion of sixtieth birthday, December 16, 1935. UMBERTO, MOSES DAVID, Rome, Italy, named to membership in the Reale Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, August 12, 1935. VEDER, A. S., Amsterdam, Netherlands, awarded by Queen, Order of Orange Nassau, November 21, 1935. VENTURA, MICHON, Istanbul, Turkey, appointed Chief Rabbi of Turkey, June 20, 1936. VRIES, S. PH. DE, Haarlem, Netherlands, appointed by Queen, Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau, September, 1935. WALEY, SIGISMUND DAVID, , England, appointed Controller of Anglo-Italian Debts, November, 1935. WAST, HUGO, Buenos Aires, Argentina, appointed Director of the National Library and awarded First National Prize, July, 1935. WEIL, GOTTHOLD, Frankfort am. M., Germany, appointed Professor for Arabic and Turkish Philology at the Hebrew University, and Director of the Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem, Palestine, August, 1935. WEISSBROD, BORIS, MOSCOW, Soviet Russia, awarded Lenin Order, for services as surgeon, July 15, 1935. WIENER, LEOPOLD, Brussels, Belgium, appointed by King, head of the Military Academy, July, 1935. WISLICKI, WACLAV, Warsaw, Poland, elected member of Sejm, September 8, 1935. YELLIN, AVINOAM, , Palestine, appointed by King Edward VIII, honorary Member of the British Empire, June 23, 1936.

SPECIAL REQUESTS AND GIFTS UNITED STATES ALTHEIMER, BEN, New York City, testimonial fund of $30,000 pre- sented to him for new building of National Jewish Hospital at Denver, honoring his thirty-fifth term as treasurer; to which he added a personal contribution of $5,000; announced, December, 1935. BEER, SOPHIA, New York City, bequeathes $10,000 to FEDERATION for the Support of JEWISH PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETIES OF NEW YORK and $1,000 to Ladies Auxiliary of Mount Sinai Hospital; appraised, April 29, 1936. BENEDICT, ELIAS C, New York City, bequeathes $50,000 to the New York Medical College and Hospital; and $50,000 to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital; announced, May 29, 1936. BERG, MRS. ALEX., St. Louis, Mo., establishes annual prize of $2,500 in bacteriology at Washington University, School of Medicine, in memory of husband, June, 1936. BERK, SAMUEL, Philadelphia, Pa., donates fifteen acre farm in 416 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Warrington, for a Jewish Memorial Hospital, in memory of son, June 19, 1936. BLUMENTHAL, GEORGE, New York City, donates $10,000 to United Hospital Campaign Fund, December 5, 1935. COHEN, MRS. LENA, , , bequeathes $500,000 to poor of Bromberg, Poland; accepted, August 8, 1935. COOK, MRS. BIRDIE F., New York City, bequeathes estate valued at over $10,000 to daughter, and in event she leaves no children, prin- cipal is to be equally distributed to Montefiore Hospital for Chronic Diseases and seven non-Jewish organizations, $15,000 among three additional organizations as contingent legacies; probated July 18, 1934. DANZIGER, ABRAHAM L., New York City, bequeathes income from fund of $280,099 (The Abraham L. Danziger Fund) to the social service boards of various city hospitals to supply surgical appliances for needy persons; appraised, July 9, 1935. DAVIDOW, MYER, New York City, bequeathes $10,000 to Jewish Home for the Friendless; $1,500 to Jewish Home for the Friendless of Scranton; $557 to Jewish Federation of Scranton; $5,000 each to four organizations and $2,500 each to three organizations; appraised, December 20, 1935. DREIFUS, JACOB S., Philadelphia, Pa., bequeathes $150,000 to charity of which $5,000 to Dropsie College is to establish the Mack Dreifus Scholarship in memory of a deceased brother, October, 1935. EINHORN, MAX, New York City, donates to Lenox Hill Hospital, building, addition to be known as the Max and Flora Einhorn Memorial June, 1936. FELS, MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL S., Philadelphia, Pa., donate $40,000 to United Campaign 1936, Fund for the Federation of Jewish Charities and the Community Fund of Philadelphia, March, 1936. FISCHER, HARRY S. AND JOSEPH J., Philadelphia, Pa., in memory of parents Isaac and Esther Fischer, purchase plot for 1,200 graves in Montefiore Cemetery, for free burial of poor of the community, May, 1936. FLEISHMAN, MARCO, New York City, bequeathes $5,000 each to five Jewish charities and residuary estate to Mount Sinai Hospital, February 26, 1936. FLORSHEIM, MILTON S., with Louis E. Schmidt, Chicago, 111., donates $20,000 worth of radium to the tumor clinic of Northwestern Univer- sity's Medical School; announced, December, 1935. Fox, JACOB, New York City, bequeathed eighty-five per cent of his capital stockholdings in Owners and Tenants Electric Company, Inc., and residuary estate to aid German Jewish refugees and one thousand first aid kits to the Ethiopian Government; also $5,000 to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City; $2,000 to Jewish Consumptive Relief Society of Denver, Colo.; and $2,000 each to Catholic and Protestant Charities to be named by execu- tors, December 27, 1935. FRANKO, SAM, New York City, donates his entire collection of valuable music manuscripts to the New York Public Library, January, 1936. SPECIAL BEQUESTS AND GIFTS 417

FRIEDSAM FOUNDATION, New York City, donates new Division of Child Neurology at the Neurological Institution of New York; announced, December, 193S; donates $10,000 to United Hospital Campaign, Decem- ber 28, 1935; $12,000 to New York University, for Department of Fine Arts, Graduate School, 1935; announced, February 15, 1936. GIMBEL BROTHERS, Philadelphia, Pa., donates $12,000 to United Campaign 1936, Fund for the Federation of Jewish Charities and the Community Fund of Philadelphia, April, 1936. GOLDSMITH, JACOB AND DORA, children of, Memphis, Tenn., present family home to nuns of St. Agnes Academy, for memorial library, in token of thirty years friendship of nuns for their parents, January, 1936. GOTTESMAN, MENDEL, New York City, donates $50,000 to Rosalsky Memorial Fund for educational projects, June 14, 1936. H GOTTSCHALL, WILLIAM C, New York City, bequeathes art collection and library to the State, and $35,000 for cost of a bronze plate to mark the collection, book plate and book cases; accepted, April 7, 1936. GUGGENHEIM, AUGUSTA, Philadelphia, Pa., bequeathes $10,000 to Jewish Hospital after termination of life estates created for relatives, to be used for a free home for working girls, January, 1936. GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION, DANIEL AND FLORENCE (through Mrs. Daniel Guggenheim and daughter Mrs. Roger W. Straus), New York City, donates $25,000 to Hadassah, for a Daniel and Florence Guggen- heim Building, of the Rothschild-Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem, February 5, 1936. GUGGENHEIM, MR. AND MRS. SIMON, New York City, donates $1,000,000 for additional fellowships in science and art, to the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, in memory of son; an- nounced, May 10, 1936. HERSKOVITS FAMILY, New York City, donates $10,000 in memory of parents, to the scholarship department of the Endowment Foundation; announced, April 7, 1936. HEYMAN, ELLA, New York City, bequeathes $2,000 each to two organizations, and remain derinterest residue in, over $600,000, to nine others in equal shares; appraised, May 18, 1936. HOCHNER, GEORGE, New York City, bequeathes contingent interest in half residue, of $164,000 to Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, filed May 27, 1936. HOFFMAN, MEYER, Philadelphia, Pa., bequeathes $5,000 each to Jewish Hospital for endowment of free bed as memorial to parents Meyer and Hannah Hoffman, and to Federation of Jewish Charities; $2,000 each to Mount Sinai Hospital and to Jewish Consumptive Home at Denver; $1,000 to Eaglesville Sanatorium; residuary estate to the Federation of Jewish Charities, December, 1935. JACOBSON, JOSEPH C, New York City, bequeathes $5,000 to Federa- tion for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City; $2,500 to United Home for Aged Hebrews; $1,000 to United Krakauer Charity and Aid Society; probated, January 24, 1936. KATZINGER, EDWARD, Chicago, 111., donates $10,000 to Mount Sinai 418 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Hospital to augment facilities for giving violet-ray and other physio- therapy treatments, March, 1936. KAUFMAN, MRS. BELLA M., New York City, bequeathes $5,000 to Montefiore Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa.; $5,000 to Montefiore Hospital for Chronic Diseases, N. Y. C; $1,500 to Crippled Childrdn's East Side Free School, N. Y. C, filed June 20, 1936. KING, EDWARD J., New York City (died September 30) bequeathes to Mount Sinai Hospital, residuary estate, remainder in $80,000 and contingent remainder in $750,000; $33,000 to twelve other organiza- tions; filed, October 16, 1935. KING, SARAH, New York City, bequeathes to Mount Sinai Hospital, $7,500; Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, $5,000; Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, $4,000; Federation for the Support of Jewish Philan- thropic Societies of New York City, remainder interest in $12,000 trust; appraised, November 16, 1935. KLINGENSTEIN, CHARLES, New York City, bequeathes $110,000 to twenty-one charities: $50,000 to Mount Sinai Hospital, to be added to the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klingenstein Fund; $5,000 to the hospital's School of Nursing Alumni Fund; $20,000 to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City; $5,000 each to three; $2,000 each to three; $1,000 each to eleven; filed March 3, 1936. LAMPORT, NATHAN, (estate), New York City, donates $50,000 to Rosalsky Memorial Fund for educational projects, June 14, 1936. LEBLANG, JOSEPH, New York City (died April 17, 1931) bequeathed $50,000 to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies; $25,000 to the Joe Leblang Fund; $10,000 each to the Jewish Education Association and Lebanon Hospital; $10,000 to Rockefeller Institute; $2,500 to Red Cross Society; $1,500 to Cathedral of St. John the Divine; $1,000 to Jewish Theatrical Guild; charity fund of $25,000 be held for twenty-year period during which charities are to receive the income, to include The New York Times Hundred Neediest cases, the New York American Christmas Fund and the Newsboys Christmas Fund, after which period the charities are to receive the fund outright; appraised, May 11, 1936. LEFCOURT, CHARLES S., New York City (died March 4, 1935) be- queathed contingent remainder of $106,969 to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, after bequest of life estate in $25,000; appraised, January 14, 1936. LEHMAN, ARTHUR, New York City, bequeathes $250,000 to the Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York, May 20, 1936. LESSER, LEO, Long Beach, L. I., N. Y., bequeathes more than $50,000 to eighteen Jewish institutions here and abroad; probated, July 9, 1935. LEVIN, MAURICE, New York City, donates $50,000 to Rosalsky Memorial Fund for educational projects, conditionally on its reaching $200,000, June 14, 1936. LIT, MRS. ROSA LEE, Atlantic City, N. J., bequeathes remainder interest in two trust funds of $100,000 to Federation of Jewish Charities; appraised, December, 1935. LITTAUER, Lucius N., Gloversville, N. Y., donates $15,000 to the New York Diabetes Association for research for three years; announced. SPECIAL BEQUESTS AND GIFTS 419

December, 1935; donates to Harvard University, $2,000,000 for estab- lishment of a Graduate School of Public Administration; announced, December 10, 1935. LOEB, HOWARD, Philadelphia, Pa., donates $15,000 to United Cam- paign 1936, Fund for the Federation of Jewish Charities and the Com- munity Fund of Philadelphia, March, 1936. LOUCHHEIM, JEROME H., Philadelphia, Pa., donates $24,000 to United Campaign 1936, Fund for the Federation of Jewish Charities and the Community Fund of Philadelphia, April, 1936. NELSON, JULIUS, Brooklyn, N. Y., bequeathes $44,000 to twenty-two organizations; probated, July 9, 1935. NEWMAN, ABRAHAM L., New York City, bequeathes to Hebrew Orphan Asylum, $25,000; appraised, December 18, 1935. OCHS, ADOLPH S., (estate of), New York City, donates $25,000 to New York University, income to be used for general university purposes; announced, June 13, 1936. OGUS, WILLIAM I., Washington, D. C, donates funds for establish- ment of the Ogus Free Institutional Dental Clinic; announced, Decem- ber, 1935. PALEY, MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL, Philadelphia, Pa., donate $15,921.45 to United Campaign 1936, Fund for the Federation of Jewish Charities and the Community Fund of Philadelphia, April, 1936. PAM, MAX (Estate of), Chicago, 111., donates $85,000 to University of Chicago Law School, for chair in comparative law, December, 1935. PFEIFFER, ISAAC, New York City, bequeathes $10,000 to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of Nevf York; $1,000 to the National Jewish Hospital for Consumptives, Denver, Colo.; $500 Salvation Army; probate, June 15, 1936. RICHMAN, CHARLES LEHMAN, Cleveland, Ohio, bequeathes $300,000 to charity, March 27, 1936. ROSALSKY, OTTO A., New York City, bequeathes to eleven charities, equal shares of five percent of estate; filed May 25, 1936. ROSENBLOOM, MRS. SOL., Pittsburgh, Pa., donates $500,000 to Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Palestine, for a new auditorium building, September 25, 1935. ROSENWALD, JULIUS, (Fund), Chicago, 111., donates $54,084 to Harvard University Medical School; announced, June 18, 1936. ROSENWALD, MR. AND MRS. LESSING J., Philadelphia, Pa., donated $30,000, and Mr. and Mrs. William Rosenwald donates $10,000 to United Campaign of Federation of Jewish Charities and Community Fund drive for $4,688,000, May, 1936. ROTHSCHILD, SIMON FRANK, Brooklyn, N. Y., bequeathes $15,000 to Brooklyn Federation of Jewish Charities; $5,000 each to two other Jewish organizations and $1,000 to one non-Jewish charity; filed, December 11, 1935. SCHINASI, LEON, New York City, bequeathes $50,000 to Sydenham Hospital and a contingent remainder and one-sixth of the residuary estate; appraised, April 7, 1936. SCHWARTZ, ANTHONY, Philadelphia, Pa., bequeathes $100,000 to Mount Sinai Hospital as memorial to his parents; and $10,000 to the Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association from residuary 420 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK estate upon death of beneficiaries of three trust funds, and income of $10,000 an additional trust fund to be created, to the Federation of Jewish Charities; all printed music and musical compositions owned by him, to the Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association; and $1,000 to Congregation Rodeph Shalom, January, 1936. SIEGMAN, SIMON, New York City, bequeathes $21,000 to fifteen institutions, May 6, 1936. SINGER, MRS. JACOB, Philadelphia, Pa., donates collection of 12,000 music records with an autophonetic instrument to the Department of Music of the University of Pennsylvania in memory of son, and to be known as the Godfrey F. Singer Memorial Collection of Recorded Music, April, 1936. SLOAT, JULIAN, New York City, bequeathes to the ICOR (Association for Jewish Colonization of the Soviet Union, Inc.) $10,234; probated, January 24, 1936. SNELLENBURG, N. AND CO., Philadelphia, Pa., donates $16,400 to United Campaign 1936, Fund for the Federation of Jewish Charities and the Community Fund of Philadelphia, April, 1936. STEIN, EMANUEL, New York City, bequeathes to Hebrew Technical Institute, $10,000; to Community Workers Auxiliary of New York Guild for Jewish Blind, $2,000; Temple Emanu-El, $1,000, December 31, 1935. STIEGLITZ, ALBERT, New York City, bequeathes $70,000 to charity: $20,000 to Hudson Guild; $5,000 each to Society for Ethical Culture Henry Street Settlement, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews in New York, Educational Alliance and Charity Organization; $5,000 for general welfare of Jews living in Germany; $1,000 to Manhattanville Nursery Association, May 4, 1936. STRAUS, LEWIS, Newark, N. J., bequeathes $ , to charity as fol- lows: Hospital for Deformities and Joint Diseases, 20 parts; Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies in New York City, 7; Jewish Sisterhood and Day Nursery, Daughters of Israel, Home for the Aged, Hebrew Sheltering Society, Young Men's and Young Women's Hebrew Association, St. Barnabas, St. Michaels, St. James, Babies and Presbyterian Hospitals, Home for Crippled Children, all of Newark, each 1 share; Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, 6; Welfare Federation of Newark, 5; probated, December 31, 1935. THALMANN, MRS. ANNA, New York City, bequeathes $60,995, includ- ing rare laces appraised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art; $15,000 to Lenox Hill Hospital; $10,000 each to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, and to the Phil- harmonic Symphony Society; $5,000 each to theNorthwood Sanitarium at Saranac, the Guild for the Jewish Blind, and the Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service; appraised, November 26, 1935. UNTERBERG, MRS. BELLA EPSTEIN, New York City, bequeathes 10% of net estate to one or more charitable, philanthropic or educational institutions, at discretion of her children, within six months after her death; filed, December 9, 1935. WARBURG, MR. AND MRS. FELIX M., New York City, donate $50,000 over period of ten years to the Corporation of the American Schools of Oriental Research; announced, December 30, 1935. WARBURG, MRS. FELIX M., New York City, donates $25,000 to SPECIAL BEQUESTS AND GIFTS 421

Hadassah, for Frieda Schiff Warburg Building of the Rothschild- Hadassah-University Hospital, Jerusalem, February 5, 1936. WEINMAN, BERTHA, New York City, bequeathes $1,300,000 to Mount Sinai Hospital to establish fund for care of convalescents in memory of her brother; $25,000 to City College, in memory of brother; $5,000 to Federation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, and $12,000 to seven other societies; appraised, October 14, 1935. WEIS, MAMIE B., New York City, bequeathes to Board of School Trustees, Galveston, Tex., remainder interest in various trust funds; $3,000 to town of Quartzenheim, Alsace, France, as memorial to Jacob and Louis Block, after death of Lalla Arnstein; $1,000 each to six organ- izations; filed, June 8, 1936. York, and $12,000 to seven other societies; appraised, October 14, 1935. WOLLMAN, HENRY, New York City, bequeathes $10,000 to New York County Lawyers Association; $3,000 to Hebrew Sheltering Guard- dian Society of Pleasantville, N. Y.; $2,000 each to Jewish Social Service Association, Inc.; Young Women's Hebrew Association and the Young Men's Hebrew Association; $1,500 each to the Charity Organization Society, and the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor; $300 each to Lincoln Hospital, the Salvation Army, the Volunteers of America, and the American Jewish Committee; fourteen others $250 each. Trust of $2,500 for Board of Education of Leavenworth, Kan., income to be used for "worthy and meritorious students of the Leaven- worth High School . . . prizes to be known as "The Wollman Prize;" filed, April 1, 1936.


ANONYMOUS, , England, donates £10,000 to Keren Kayemeth; announced, December 24, 1935. ANONYMOUS, , Palestine, donates £4,000 to Keren Kayemeth; announced, December 24, 1935. BARON, BERNHARD, CHARITABLE TRUST, London, England, donates £41,317 to charitable organizations, of which £9,852 is for Jewish organizations; December 5, 1935; donates £5,000 to London Jewish Hospital appeal for £100,000; announced, December, 1935. BARON FAMILY TRUST, London, England, donates £10,000 to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for Ll,000,000; April, 1936; donates £25,000 to the Royal College of Surgeons for new research laboratories, as a memorial to Bernhard Baron, May, 1936. y BEARSTED, VISCOUNT AND VISCOUNTESS, MRS. N. IONIAES AND MRS. IDA SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, London, England, donate £90,320 to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, April, 1936. BEDDINGTON, CLAUDE, London, England, donates £4,500 to the Council for German Jewry appeal for £1,000,000, June, 1936. BLOOM, SAMUEL, Tel Aviv, Palestine (formerly Philadelphia) donates £3,000 for establishment of a home for vagrant children, in celebration of seventy-fifth birthday, January 2, 1936. BLUNT, DAME MAUD, Tunbridge Wells, England, bequeathes £1,000 to Jewish Orphanage, West Norwood, to endow a bed; £1,000 to Jewish 422 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

Board of Guardians; £100 each to two; and £25 to one organization. March, 1936. BURTON, SIR MONTAGUE, London, England, partially endows chair of International Relations at the London School of Economics, London University; Senate of University decides to change title of chair to "Montague Burton Chair of International Relations," December, 1935. CAHEN D'ANVERS, CHARLES, , France, donates historic palace in Champs-sur-Mame as a gift to the nation, July, 1935. CAHN, SIR JULIEN, London, England, donates £3,000 to the Uni- versity College of Wales towards a plant breeding station and special land survey, May, 1936. CASSUTO, UMBERTO, Rome, Italy, donates to Vatican Library several late Hebrew works and manuscripts, September, 1935. COHEN, MR. AND MRS. LOUIS (family of late) Liverpool, England, donate £36,788 to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, April, 1936. COHEN, LOUISA, , England, bequeathes her share and interest in the estate of her late brother, Samuel Cohen, to be divided equally between the Cancer Hospital, the National Institute for the Blind, the Jewish Orphan Asylum, the Jewish Home for Incurables, the Jewish Board of Guardians and the Jewish Hospital, Stepney, November, 1935. COHEN TERVAART-ISRAEL, MRS. M., Amsterdam, Netherlands, donates to the State, collection of sketch books from estate of brother, Isaac Israel, for the gallery of Prints and Drawings at the "Ryks- museum," July 1, 1935. DEFRIES, WILLIAM, London, England, bequeathes, subject to wife's life interest, £500 each to the London Hospital, Cancer Hospital; £300 to St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin; £200 each to twelve, and residue in equal shares to Queen Mary's Hospital for Children and the East London Hospital for Children, January, 1936. ESHKENAZI, , , , bequeathes $1,000,000 to the town of Manissa, Turkey, for erection and maintenance of a hospital, October, 1935. FRANKLIN, ARTHUR E., London, England, donates £2,800 to Council for German Jewry appeal for £1,000,000, May, 1936. GOLDBERG, A. & SONS, Glasgow, Scotland, donate £2,250 to the Council for German Jewry appeal for £1,000,000, June, 1936. GOLDBERG, ISAAC LOEB, Jerusalem, Palestine, bequeathes $3,750,000 in trust to the Jewish National Fund, interest to be distributed for educational purposes in Palestine by a joint committee of the Hebrew University, the Zionist Executive, the Jewish National Fund and Hebrew Writers, October 4, 1935. HABER, FRITZ (Estate of), German Nobel prize-winner, bequeathes to Daniel Sieff Institute at Rehoboth, Palestine, scientific library (forty-five cases), September, 1935. KOOTCHER, MORRIS, Windhoek, Southwest Africa, bequeathes £500 to Cape Jewish Orphanage and balance of estate (approximately £40,000) to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to be dedicated to Vladmir Tomkin, pioneer of Zionism; monies to be utilized for founding, or if already founded, contributing to the Hebrew section of an archaeo- logical museum at the Hebrew University, January, 1936. SPECIAL BEQUESTS AND GIFT6 423

LASKI, NATHAN, Manchester, England, donates £5,000 to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, April, 1936. LASKI, MR. AND MRS. NORMAN, London, England. See Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Simon. LIBERMAN, HYMAN, Cape Town, Union of South Africa, bequeathes £7,000 for Hebrew school to be maintained by the Cape Town Hebrew Congregation, to be known as "The Hyman Liberman School for Higher Hebrew Education," November 17, 1935. LOEWI. OTTO, HERMAN, PAUL, AND CHARLES, London, England, donate £4,090 to Council for German Jewry appeal for £1,000,000, May, 1936. MARIANOFF, DMITRI, Paris, France, donates Renouveau, training farm for German-Jewish refugees, in France, to the World Mizrahi Organization, September, 1935. MARKS, MR. AND MRS. SIMON, MR. AND MRS. I. M. SIEFF, MR. AND MRS. NORMAN LASKI, MR. AND MRS. HARRY SACHER, MATHILDA MARKS, London, England, donate £90,320, to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, April, 1936. MERRENS, MRS. PEARL, Glasgow, Scotland, donates £1,000 to the Jewish National Fund, following recent donations of £1,000 to the Board of Guardians, Glasgow; £500 to the Glasgow Jewish Institute; £400 to the Glasgow Royal Hospital for Sick Children and £500 to the Glasgow Jewish Orphanage, December, 1935; donates £2,000 to the Council for German Jewry appeal for £1,000,000, June, 1936. MEYERSTEIN, E. W., London, England, donates site costing £5,000 to new Princess Elizabeth of York Hospital; previous donation of £10,000 toward the Hospital's rebuilding fund, February, 1936; donates £20,000 to the Middlesex Hospital (previously gave £258,000), on occasion of Golden Wedding, April 29, 1936. MONTEFIORE, SIR FRANCIS, London, England, bequeathes $500,000 for charitable purposes of which $50,000 is bequeathed to the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue; announced, October 4, 1935. OCHBERG, ISAAC, Capetown, Union of South Africa, donates $50,000 to Hebrew University, Jerusalrm, in memory of daughter, for estab- lishment of a Department of Agriculture, May 11, 1936. RALSTEIN, JOHN, Filabuso, South Africa, donates £3,000 for erection of an Old Men's Home in Bulawayo, February, 1936. ROTHSCHILD, BARONESS ADELAIDE DE, Paris, France, bequeathes two thousand pieces of rare art to the Louvre, July 10, 1935. ROTHSCHILD, BARON EDMOND DE, Paris, France, bequeathes twenty thousand engravings and seven thousand drawings to Louvre Museum, November, 1934. ROTHSCHILD FAMILY, London, England, donate £90,320 to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, April, 1936. ROTHSCHILD, JAMES A. DE, London, England, donates £4,000 to the London Jewish Hospital, appeal for £100,000, November, 1935. ROTHSCHILD, LADY EMMA LOUISA, London, England, bequeathes freehold property in Tring, with eight cottages and £5,000 on trust to form the "Louisa Cottages Charity," the cottages to be used as alms- houses by aged or infirm poor persons, employees of the Tring Park Estate, July, 1935. 424 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

SACHER, MR. AND MRS. HARRY, London, England. See MARKS, MR. AND MRS. SIMON. SASSOON, SIR DAVID J. (Charity Trust Fund), Bombay, India, creates special scholarship for Jewish boys and girls, by setting aside 50,000 rupees for the purpose, to be known as the "Sir David Sassoon Scholar- ship," August 28, 1935. SCHLESINGER, EUGEN MAXIMILIAN, Hampstead, England, bequeathes estate gross value of £130,636: £325 to six organizations, and subject to wife's life interest, four-tenths of residue of property in equal shares to the Jewish Board of Guardians, December, 1935. SCHLESINGER, ISIDORE W., Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, donates £10,000 prize money for the Schlesinger African Air race from London to Johannesburg to celebrate the opening of the Empire Exhibi- tion on September 15th, in Johannesburg, June, 1936. SELIGMAN FAMILY, London, England, donate £8,000 to Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, May, 1936. SHAWZIN, MARK, Muizenberg, Union of South Africa, bequeathes £5,000 to the Hebrew University; £2,000 each to the Jewish Home for the Aged, and to the Ladies' Christian Home, Cape Town; and £1,000 to the South African Jewish Board of Guardians, Cape Town, December, 1935. SIEFF, MR. AND MRS. I. M., London, England, See Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Simon. SOUSSON, JACOB, Algiers, Algeria, donates 250,000 francs to com- munity of Algiers for establishment of a free hotel and municipal kitchen for poor and destitute, October, 1935. WOLFSON, ISAAC, London, England, donates £12,900 to the Council for German Jewry, appeal for £1,000,000, April, 1936.

NECROLOGY UNITED STATES AARON, MAX N., manufacturer, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 67, November 14, 1935. ADAMS, NICHOLAS, comedy actor, New York City, aged 64, October 23, 1935. ADELBERG, ABRAHAM, civic and communal worker, Mayor (1928- 1933), Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y., aged 62, June 3, 1936. ADLER, EMANUEL D., communal leader, Milwaukee, Wis., at Phoenix, Ariz., aged 81, April 3, 1936. ADLER, HERMAN MORRIS, criminologist, professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, perfected the "lie detector," Major in Medical Corps of United States Army in World War, San Francisco, Cal., at Boston, Mass., aged 59, December 7, 1935. AISHISKIN, EZEKIEL, rabbi, author, scholar, Zionist worker, Detroit, Mich., aged 69, September 6, 1935. ALBERT, JACOB, former head of shoe firm, communal worker, New York City, aged 67, July 25, 1935. NECROLOGY 425

ALLEN, AMELIA J., educator and communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., July 15, 1935. ALTMAN, MRS. HENRY, civic and social leader, Buffalo, N. Y., aged 76, June 8, 1936. ALTSCHUL, CHARLES, second lieutenant field artillery, Army Reserve, New York City, air fatality near Goodwin, Ark., aged 23, January 14, 1936. AMES, MRS. LENA, active in organization of after-school recreational groups, New York City, aged 50, November 11, 1935. AMSTER, MORRIS, communal worker, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 69, April 5, 1936. ANSBACHER, SOLOMON L., formerly communal worker of Wilkes- Barre, Pa., in New York City, aged 89, October 17, 1935. ARONSON, MRS. EVA M., communal worker, Seattle, Wash., aged 73, June 30, 1936. ASHKENAZI, SAMUEL, communal and Zionist worker, New York City, aged 60, October, 1935. BAAR, JESSE, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., at Miami, Fla., aged 50, April 9, 1936. BACHARACH, BENJAMIN, realtor, banker, civic, communal and philan- thropic worker, Atlantic City, N. J., aged 71, June 18, 1936. BACHRACH, IRVING, realtor, communal and philanthropic worker, New York City, aged 67, June 3, 1936. BACHRACH, MENDEL, educational worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., at Jeru- salem, Palestine, aged 77, December 7, 1935. BAER, LOUIS, merchant, communal worker, Boston, Mass., at Man- chester, N. H., aged 71, September, 1935. BAMBERGER, MRS. SIMON, communal worker, Salt Lake City, Utah, aged 72, May 21, 1936. BAUMANN, SIDNEY J., merchant, communal worker, New York City, aged 65, February 5, 1936. BECKER, MARTIN, civic worker, Chicago, 111., aged 84, July 6, 1935. BEER, MORRIS ABEL, teacher and poet, New York City, aged 47, February 7, 1936. BELBER, AARON SELIG, communal worker, manufacturer, Philadel- phia, Pa., aged 59, February 15, 1936. BENSINGER, BENJAMIN E., manufacturer, communal worker, Chicago, 111., aged 67, November 27, 1935. BERNSTEIN, GEDALIA, pioneer settler and communal worker, Chelsea, Mass., aged 79, January 6, 1936. BERNSTEIN, HERMAN, editor, author, former United States Minister to Albania, New York City, at Sheffield, Mass., aged 59, September 1, 1935. BERNSTEIN, SAMUEL, SR., banker, merchant, civic and communal worker, Kingston, N. Y., July 26, 1935. BETTMANN, HENRY W., physician, instructor in college of medicine, civic worker, Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 67, December 6, 1935. BINDER, SHALOM, hazzan, Hebrew scholar, communal worker, New York City, aged 76, March 2, 1936. BLACK, HERMAN, editor and publisher, communal worker and philan- thropist (formerly Milwaukee, Wis.), Chicago, 111., aged 68, November 9, 1935. 426 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

BOBROW, JACOB, importer and wholesale fur dealer and philanthropist, New York City, aged 55, October 15, 1935. BONART, JOSEPH, merchant, communal worker, Galveston, Tex., aged 79, April, 1936. BRAGER, ALBERT A., merchant, communal and civic worker, Balti- more, Md.; aged 76, March 27, 1936. BRAKER, LEON, real estate broker, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 71, February 8, 1936. BRASLAU, SOPHIE, grand opera star and concert singer, New York City, aged 43, December 22, 1935. BRAVER, MOSES ISAAC, rabbi, Sioux City, la., April, 1936. BRIL, ISAAC L., rabbi, author and editor, Zionist worker, New York City, aged 61, March 2, 1936. BROWN, MEYER, communal and Zionist worker, Kansas City, Mo., aged, 62, June 12, 1936. BUCHMAN, ALBERT, architect, New York City, aged 76, April 15, 1936. BUCHSBAUM, SIGMUND, retired realtor, communal worker, Philadel- phia, Pa., aged 76, April 30, 1936. BULOVA, JOSEPH, watch manufacturer, New York City, aged 83, November 18, 1935. BURKAN, NATHAN, lawyer, political leader, New York City, aged 56, June 6, 1936. CASTON, JOSEPH, Sephardic communal leader, Seattle, Wash., aged 57, January, 1936. CHASAN, MRS. ETHEL, communal and Zionist worker, New York City, November, 1935. CLARK, BERNARD J., former prison warden, active in fraternal organi- zations, New York City, aged 67, February 3, 1936. COHEN, ARTHUR A., communal worker, Worcester, Mass., aged 66, June 25, 1936. COHEN, MRS. BARNET, communal worker, Elizabeth, N. J., May 19, 1936. COHEN, HARRY, sergeant, United States Army, served in several Indian campaigns, San Diego, Cal., October, 1935. COHEN, JOHN, research expert at Mount Sinai Hospital, aviation instructor during World War, New York City, aged 44, January 24, 1936. COHEN, LEO, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 54, June 8, 1936. COHEN, SIDNEY S., film leader, and communal worker, New York City, aged 50, December 12, 1935. COHEN, ZALMAN, communal worker, Detroit, Mich., aged 68, May 14, 1936. COHN, MRS. SARA, communal worker, Memphis, Tenn., aged 85, April 30, 1936. COOK, MRS. CECILIA, veteran member of staff of American Hebrew, civic and communal worker, Long Beach, L. I., N. Y., aged 67, July 7, 1935. COOPER, MORRIS, lawyer and author, edited "Code of Civil Proce- dure," New York City, aged 75, November 14, 1935. DAVIS, LOUIS, retired real estate executive, communal worker, New York City, aged 82, July 30, 1935. NECROLOGY 427

DE ROY, ISRAEL, founder of chain stores, diamond cutter, Pittsburgh, Pa., aged 89, December 6, 1935. DEUTSCH, BERNARD S., lawyer, president of Board of Aldermen, presi- dent of the American Jewish Congress, New York City, aged 51, November 21, 1935. DEUTSCHBERGER, MRS. ROSE HARRIS, communal worker, New York City, April 27, 1936. DEVORKIN, MOSES I., physician, social worker, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 73, June 13, 1936. DREIFUS, JACOB S., communal worker and philanthropist, Philadel- phia, Pa., aged 88, September 28, 1935. DREYFOOS, MAX, physician, active in Babies Milk Fund Drives, Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 58, September 3, 1935. DREYFUS, MRS. SARAH LANDMAN, former teacher, social worker and communal leader, welfare worker in World War, Elmira, N. Y.p aged 44, March 11, 1936. ECKSTEIN, LOUIS, opera patron, magazine publisher, bank president, Chicago, 111., aged 70, November 21, 1935. EHRENBURG, GREGORY ELI, physician, specialist on tuberculosis, Denver, Colo., aged 64, May 17, 1936. EHRLICH, WALTER L., art connoisseur, authority on early American paintings, New York City, aged 57, February 2, 1936. EINSON, MORRIS M., lithographer, Zionist and communal worker, Yonkers, N. Y., at Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 53, April 13, 1936. EISENDRATH, SIMEON D., architect, former Commissioner of Buildings of Chicago, 111., Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 68, November 27, 1935. EITAN, ISRAEL, author, scholar, teacher, Pittsburgh, Pa., aged 56, October 11, 1935. ENGELMAN, MRS. MORRIS, communal worker, New York City, aged 63, December 19, 1935. FALK, FREDERICK, physician, Major Medical Corps, United States Army, in World War, Seattle, Wash., aged 60, November 28, 1935. FARBER, WILLIAM, communal worker, Chicago, 111., aged 68, August 17, 1935. FARSCHLEISER, BENJAMIN, motion picture producer, Hollywood, Cal., April, 1936. FEIST, FELIX, F., motion picture manager and distributor, New York City, aged 52, April IS, 1936. FEUER, ABRAHAM, rabbi, organizer of Jewish farm colony in Canada in 1910, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 84, March 11, 1936. FIRESTONE, SAMUEL J., JR., physician, Captain Medical Corps, U. S. Army in World War, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 41, March 3, 1936. FLESHER, BERTHOLD, communal worker, Denver, Colo., aged 64, September 19, 1935. FOREMAN, MILTON J., lawyer, former Major-General in Illinois Na- tional Guard, Spanish-American War veteran, Chicago, 111., aged 72, October 16, 1935. FRANK, MRS. BERNARD, former teacher and communal worker, Long Island City, N. Y., aged 51, July 2, 1935. FRANK, EDGAR K., cotton converter, naval veteran of Spanish- American War, New York City, aged 61, July 13, 1935. 428 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

FRANKEL, S. W., publisher, originator and director of Fine Arts Ex- position at Rockefeller Center (November, 1934), New York City, aged 59, October 22, 1935. FREIDSON, SIMON B., newspaper man, Boston, Mass., aged 79, March 22, 1936. FRIED, MAX, rabbi, New York City, at Brighton Beach, N. Y., aged 78, September 7, 1935. FRIEDERMAN, SOLOMON JACOB, rabbi, Boston, Mass., at Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 73, January, 1936. FRIEDMAN, EDWARD, president of chain stores, communal worker, New York City, aged 58, June 21, 1936. . FRIEDMAN, HERMAN, founder of knitting industry, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 80, December 11, 1935. FRIEDMAN, Louis, fur merchant, communal worker, New York City, aged 68, January 6, 1936. FRIEDMAN, MAX, civic and communal worker, Richmond, Va., aged 65, March 27, 1936. FYNE, SHEFTEL, rabbi, Philadelphia, Pa., April 20, 1936. GALIN, RIVKAH, Yiddish poetess, New York City, aged 45, August 8, 1935. GALLANT, ABRAHAM N., rabbi, author and talmudist, New York City, aged 60, February 22, 1936. GARLICK, MRS. REBECCA, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 73, August 12, 1935. GELFMAN, HYMAN, communal and Zionist worker, Springfield, Mass., aged 87, December 16, 1935. GELIEBTER, PHILIP, educational director of Workmen's Circle, Brook- lyn, N. Y., aged 51, December 14, 1935. GELLHORN, GEORGE, gynecologist, president of American,Gyneco- logical Society (1915), St. Louis, Mo., aged 65, January 25, 1936. GELLIS, ISAAC, rabbi and chaplain, educator, New York City, aged 69, October 22, 1935. GLADSTONE, BENJAMIN, assemblyman, World War veteran, communal worker, New York City, aged 39, December 13, 1935. GODDIN, MRS. DORA F., civic and communal worker, New York City, aged 71, April 16, 1936. GOLD, EDWARD, communal worker, New York City, aged 51, June 17, 1936. GOLDBERG, MAX, communal worker and philanthropist, Pittsburgh, Pa., aged 75, July 27, 1935. GOLDBERGER, NORMAN, brewery head, communal worker, New York City, aged 52, March 3, 1936. GOLDENBERG, ISAAC, merchant, Washington, D. C, aged 62, July 1, 1935. GOLDMARK, RUBIN, composer, department head at Juilliard School of Music, New York City, aged 64, March 6, 1936. GOLDSCHMIDT, MRS. LINA, art critic (refugee from Nazi Germany), New York City, at Newfoundland, N. J., aged 46, August 26, 1935. GOLDSCHMIDT, WILLIAM, lawyer, communal worker and philanthropist, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 67, September 30, 1935. GOODMAN, HERMAN, leather merchant, Chattanooga, Tenn., aged 91, March 10, 1936. NECROLOGY 429

GOTTHEIL, RICHARD JAMES HORATIO, scholar, teacher of Semitic languages, author, Zionist leader, New York City, aged 73, May 22, 1936. GREENDLINGER, LEO, prominent accountant, and a founder of a large business school, New York City, aged 56, October 11, 1935. GREENWALD, MRS. ROSALIND R., communal and civic worker, Phila- delphia, Pa., aged 73, October 21, 1935. GUGGENHEIMER, SAMUEL H., lawyer, author, communal worker, New York City, aged 66, March 30, 1936. GUTH, BENJAMIN B., rabbi, New York City, aged 79, September 12, 1935. GUTMANN, BERNHARD, artist, founder of Silvermine Art Colony near New Canaan, Conn., New York City, aged 66, January 23, 1936. GUTTMAN, ISRAEL, former Chief Rabbi of Kamenetz-Podolsk, Russia, and rabbi, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 78, March 2, 1936. HARMATI, SANDOR, conductor, composer and lecturer, fellow in music at Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson; New York City, aged 43, April 4, 1936. HAYS, MRS. RACHEL H., communal and philanthropic worker, Pleas- antville, N. Y., aged 81, February 27, 1936. HERTZ, AARON D., pioneer builder, communal worker, Cleveland, O., aged 65, May, 1936. HEXTER, CLARENCE G., motion picture pioneer, Philadelphia, Pa., May 30, 1936. HINDIN, WILLIAM, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 73, December 30, 1935. HIRSCHENSOHN, CHAIM, rabbi, author, Zionist leader, Jersey City, N. J., aged 79, September 15, 1935. HIRSH, WILLIAM A., SR., communal worker, Chicago, 111., at Mackinac Island, aged 64, September 17, 1935. HOLZMAN, ASHER, banker, communal worker, New York City, aged 71, May 2, 1936. HURWITZ, ISAAC S., rabbi, scholar, Zionist worker, Hartford, Conn., aged 67, December 30, 1935. HYDE, ABRAHAM R., manufacturer and communal worker, Dorchester, Mass., July 31, 1935. HYMAN, HENRY, communal worker, member of Board of Education, Dover, N. J., aged 91, November, 1935. HYMAN, MAX, trade union organizer, public official, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 57, September 26, 1935. ISAACS, BENDET, merchant, communal worker, New York City, aged 70, March 30, 1936. ISAACSON, CHARLES D., journalist, writer and lecturer on music, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 44, February 15, 1936. ISAACSON, ISADORE, rabbi, Hollywood, Cal., aged 47, June 1, 1936. ISRAEL, ABRAHAM, pioneer settler, communal worker, Worcester, Mass., aged 72, December 7, 1935. JESSAR, BEN ZION, rabbi, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 76, January 30, 1936. JOFFE, JOSHUA A., rabbi, teacher, retired member of faculty of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York City, in Freiburg, Germany, aged 73, December 23, 1935. 430 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

JOSEF, EMANUEL, Civil War veteran, Buffalo, N. Y., aged 100, April 18, 1936. JOSEPH, WILLIAM, communal worker, Houston, Tex., May 12, 1936. KAAS, ANDREW, former prominent jeweler of Philadelphia, Pa., at Atlantic City, N. j., aged 81, February 7, 1936. KAHN, MRS. HATTIE, civic, communal and Zionist worker, Wash- ington, D. C, at Miami Beach, Fla., aged 66, March 24, 1936. KAHN, JOSEPH, former teacher, rabbi, author and lecturer, Detroit, Mich., aged 90, July 20, 1935. KAHN, LEO, jeweler, communal worker, New Brunswick, N. J., aged 48, July 10, 1935. KAHN, MAURICE, communal worker, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 57, November 19, 1935. KALISH, BEN ZION, physician, Zionist worker, St. Louis, Mo., Decem- ber, 25, 1935. KANTROWITZ, MORRIS, State contractor and builder, Albany, N. Y., aged 63, August, 1935. KASINDORF, MRS. MIRIAM, poetess, communal worker and phil- anthropist, New York City, aged 65, September 6, 1935. KASTOR, SHIRLEY S., former member of State Legislature, merchant, Evanston, Wyo., aged 41, April, 1936. KATZ, SIEGRIED E., psychiatrist, instructor, New York City, aged 45, December 14, 1935. KAUFMAN, DAVID, merchant, communal worker, Harrisburg, Pa., aged 78, April, 1936. KIRSCHBERG, JULIUS I., pioneer merchant, president of Chamber of Commerce, Port Angeles, Wash., November, 1935. KISER, SOL S., retired banker, civic and communal worker, Indianap- olis, Ind., aged 77, November 12, 1935.- KLEBANOW, LEO, printer, World War veteran, held Distinguished Service Cross and Oak Leaf Cluster, New York Citv, aged 40, January 1, 1936. KOESTLER, MORRIS, communal worker, Elizabeth, N. J., aged 86, January 24, 1936. KOTKINS, ABE J., manufacturer, communal worker, Seattle, Wash., aged 49, June 13, 1936. KRAEMER, JACOB, communal and Zionist worker, Newark, N. J., December, 1935. KREIELSHEIMER, MAX, pioneer settler, merchant, Seattle, Wash., aged 65, November 13, 1935. KROW, EUGENE, civic and communal worker, McKeesport, Pa., aged 60, September 14, 1935. KUGELMAN, JULIUS, merchant, "dean of Forty-second Street," member of Commission on Municipal Statistics, (1898), New York City, aged 84, June 12, 1936. KUPPENHEIMER, Louis B., industrialist, communal worker and philanthropist, Chicago, 111., aged 78, February 1, 1936. KURMAN, JMANDEL, rabbi, Atlantic City, N. J., aged 75, August 17, 1935. KUSSY, MRS. NATHAN, civic and communal worker, Newark, N. J., aged 59, December 26, 1935. NECROLOGY 431

LAMPORT, SOLOMON, communal and Zionist worker, and philanthro- pist, New York City, aged 65, January 25, 1936. LANGSDORF, MORRIS K., manufacturer, communal worker, Phila- delphia, Pa., aged 85, February 25, 1936. LEBENSOHN, MAYER HARRIS, physician communal worker, Chicago, 111., aged 72, June 27, 1936. LEDERER, EMIL, steamship arbiter, New York City, in Vienna, Austria, aged 57, October 17, 1935. LEDERER, JOSEPH, communal worker, Beaumont, Tex., aged 45, March, 1936. LEHMAN, ALBERT CARL, steel founder, civic and communal worker, inaugurated art award, Pittsburgh, Pa., aged 57, July 24, 1935. LEHMAN, ARTHUR, banker, civic and communal leader and phil- anthropist, New York City, aged 63, May 15, 1936. LEVI, DAVID A., battalion chief of fire department, Rochester, N. Y., aged 64, June 19, 1936. LEVINE, MORRIS D., rabbi, Professor of Hebrew and Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York City, aged 54, December 8, 1935. LEVINSON, DAVID, Zionist worker, retired manufacturer, New York City, aged 71, January 26, 1936. LEVITT, LOUIS, rabbi, Pine Brook, N. J., aged 77, August 3, 1935. LEVY, ADELINE R., communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., August 27, 1935. LEVY, EPHRAIM B., communal worker and philanthropist, Lawrence, L. I., N. Y., aged 79, October 7, 1935. LEVY, PHILIP, newspaper man and theatrical manager, Allentown, Pa., aged 63, September 21, 1935. LEWIN, MRS. HANNAH, communal worker, Maiden, Mass., aged 73, July 30, 1935. LIBERMAN, MRS. SARAH, communal worker, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 74, October 16, 1935. LIPMAN, DAVID, communal leader, Seattle, Wash., aged 80, March 23, 1936. LIPSITCH, I. IRVING, former social worker in New York; director of Federation of Jewish Welfare, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 51, December 28, 1935. LIPSKY, MRS. RACHEL, commuual worker, Rochester,, N. Y., aged 96, March 13, 1936. LOEB, DANIEL, lawyer, civic and communal worker, World War veteran, Jersey City, N. J., aged 43, January 24, 1936. LOEB, HORACE, banker, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 68, December 1, 1935. LOEB, LOUIS, communal worker, Akron, Ohio, aged 82, October 29, 1935. LOITER BARNET, communal and philanthropic worker, Lynn, Mass., aged 72, June, 21, 1936. LOWENGART, IGNATZ, pioneer merchant, Portland, Ore., aged 75, April 28, 1936. LUBIN, MRS. ISADOR, author, editor, authority on progressive educa- tion, Washington, D. C, aged 36, November 15, 1935. 432 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

LUBIN, SIMON J., agriculturist and economist, member of National Labor Board, San Francisco, Cal., aged 59, April 15, 1936. MAGID, A., communal worker, St. Louis, Mo., aged 63, March 30, 1936. MARGOLIS, GABRIEL WOLF, rabbi, author and scholar, dean of Orthodox rabbinate in America, New York City, aged 87, September 8, 1935. MARKS, JOSEPH, civic worker, former postmaster at Covington, Ky., Memphis, Tenn., aged 76, October 12, 1935. MARX, MRS. FANNY MENLINE, communal worker, New York City, aged 63, November 28, 1935. MARX, LEON, violinist, former concert master of Chicago Opera Company, Chicago, 111., aged 60, August 4, 1935. MAYER, EDWIN, textile merchant, communal worker, New York City, aged 68, July 10, 1935. MENDEL, LAFAYETTE BENEDICT, nutrition expert, author, editor, professor of physiological chemistry at Yale University, awarded gold medal of American Institute of Chemists, (1927) and Conne Medal (1934) of New York Chemists Club, New Haven, Conn., aged 63, December 9, 1935. MENKEN, MRS. ALICE DAVIS, penologist, author, communal leader in volunteer social work, New York City, aged 66, March 23, 1936. MEYER, JACOB I., rabbi, chaplain at Northeastern Federal Peniten- tiary, Hazleton, Pa., aged 42, April 18, 1936. MIELZINER, LEO, portrait painter, New York City, at Truro, Mass., aged 65, August 11, 1935. MOND, HERMAN, physician, heart specialist, teacher of cardiology, New York City, aged 44, September 17, 1935. MORAIS, HENRY S., rabbi, journalist, at New York City, aged 75, September 21, 1935. MOSES, SOL, manufacturer, communal worker, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 81, February 22, 1936. NEMET, GEZA, former professor at University at Berlin, heart spe- cialist, New York City, aged 40, March 1, 1936. NEWHOUSE, ELVIRA SOLIS, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., June 5, 1936. NEWHOUSE, FLORENCE M., communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., January 22, 1936. NEWMAN, JACOB WARREN, communal worker, prominent obstetrician and child specialist, New Orleans, La., aged 61, May 1, 1936. NEWMAN, MRS. JENNY, communal worker, Detroit, Mich., aged 66, May 19, 1936. ORGLER, SABIN, revivalist preacher, Brooklyn, N. Y., November 8, 1935. OSHANSKY, Louis, communal worker, New York City, aged 67, October 18, 1935. PERLMAN, FRANK, communal and civic worker, Memphis, Tenn., aged 49, March 20, 1936. PEYSER, NATHAN, educator, school principal, member of State Com- mission on Crime and Delinquency, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 48, May 8, 1936. NECROLOGY 433

PFEFFER, Alter Saul, rabbi, scholar, former head of Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, New York City, aged 62, April 10, 1936. PINANSKI, NATHAN, communal and philanthropic worker, former member of Massachusetts Prison Board, Boston, Mass., aged 73, February 14, 1936. PIZA, MRS. JOSHUA, communal leader, edited first Jewish prayer book printed in Braille, New York City, aged 83, September 12, 1935. PODLASKY, HARRY BERNARD, communal worker, physician, roent- genologist, professor at medical school, World War veteran (Captain), Milwaukee, Wis., aged 52, November 3, 1935. POLAKOFF, SOL, labor leader, New York City, aged 60, August 4, 1935. POLOZKER, ISAAC L., psychiatrist, clinical professor at college of medicine, Detroit, Mich., aged 61, August 21, 1935. POLSKY, MORRIS, shipping head of American Palestine line, Zionist worker, philanthropist, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 70, March 11, 1936. PRENSKY, MRS. JOSEPH, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 67, December 9, 1935. RABINOVITCH, SAMUEL, leader in social work, executive director for twenty-three years of Brooklyn United Jewish Aid Societies, New York City, aged 55, January 23, 1936. RABINOWITZ, SAMUEL, rabbi, scholar, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 67, April 6, 1936. RABINOWITZ, WILLIAM, pioneer settler, communal worker, Seattle, Wash., aged 66, January, 1936. RAFALOWSKY, MRS. LYNETTE GOTTLIEB, concert pianist, member of staff of Juilliard School of Music, New York City, September 16, 1935. RANSOHOFF, MRS. JOSEPH, communal worker, Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 78, July 20, 1935. RAPPORT, GEORGE L., pharmacist, a founder of the Connecticut Col- lege of Pharmacy and former head of State Association, Hartford, Conn., aged 60, February 1, 1936. RATNER, HARRY, major, member of Hoover American Relief Com- mission to Belgium and Poland, Pittsburgh, Pa., February 29, 1936. REGENBOGEN, VIGDOR, rabbi, Hassidic leader, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 72, August 9, 1935. RHODES, SIDNEY H., Mayor, Deal, N. J., aged 56, March 2, 1936. RICE, JACOB J., communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 88, April 7, 1936. RICHMAN, CHARLES LEHMAN, philanthropist, Cleveland, Ohio, at Los Angeles, Cal., aged 64, March 12, 1936. RIPPNER, MRS. JENNIE, social worker, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 64, February 2, 1936. ROCKER, SAMUEL, communal leader, founder and editor of Jewish World, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 71, March 18, 1936. ROGERS, HARRIS, manufacturer, communal worker and philan- thropist, New York City, aged 92, May 24, 1936. ROSALSKY, OTTO A., judge, communal leader, New York City, aged 62, May 11, 1936. ROSENBERG, ABRAHAM, labor leader, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 65, December 4, 1935. ROSENBERG, LUDWIG, merchant, communal worker, New York City, at Atlantic City, N. J., aged 63, June 28, 1936. 434 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

ROSENBLATT, MRS. SARAH, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 83, November 22, 1935. ROSENBLOOM, MRS. RACHEL LEAH, communal worker, Denver, Colo., aged 69, November 13, 1935. ROSENBLUM, ADOLPH, communal worker, active in B'rith Sholom, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 67, February 3, 1936. ROSENFELD, HECTOR, retired business executive, internationally known puzzle-maker, Flushing, N. Y., aged 77, December 10, 1935. ROSENFIELD, MORRIS, pioneer settler, Dallas, Tex., aged 79, March 15, 1936. ROSENSTEIN, N., optometrist, civic, communal and professional worker, Durham, N. Car., aged 59, May, 1936. ROSENTHAL, BENJAMIN JEFFERSON, merchant, civic worker and philanthropist, established preventorium for tubercular children in Argonne, France, Chicago, 111., aged 68, May 14, 1936. ROSENTHAL, EDWARD, publisher and book-binder, Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 58, March 10, 1936. ROSENTHAL, MAURICE I., surgeon, civic and communal worker, Fort Wayne, Ind., aged 66, December 24, 1935. ROSENTHAL, MAX, physician, gynecologist, a founder of Sydenham Hospitel, New York City, aged 71, April 3, 1936. ROSENTHAL, NOAH, rabbi, Kingston, N. Y., aged 53, April 2, 1936. ROSEWATER, MRS. THERESA R., communal and social worker, Cleveland, Ohio, aged 71, February 17, 1936. ROTHAFEL, SAMUEL LIONEL (Roxy), radio and motion picture entrepreneur, New York City, aged 53, January 13, 1936. ROTHSCHILD, MARCUS ADOLPHUS, physician, author, heart specialist, president of New York County Medical Society, Major in Medical Corps in World War, New York City, aged 42, February 16, 1936. ROTHSCHILD, SIMON FRANK, merchant, department store executive, communal and civic worker, New York City, aged 74, January 5, 1936. SACHS, ED., pioneer merchant and civic leader, Alamo City, Tex., aged 81, July 3, 1935.* SAGAL, LOUIS M., theatre manager, communal worker, New Haven, Conn., aged 62, December 30, 1935. SAGOFF, PHILIP, communal and Zionist worker, Cambridge, Mass., April 12, 1936. SAMUELS, CESAR, communal worker, philanthropist, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 84, July, 1935. SAMUELS, SAMUEL N., fur manufacturer, advisor to Coolidge Adminis- tration on fur industry, philanthropist and communal worker, New York City, aged 57, February 3, 1936. SCHAPIRO, HERMAN, former interpreter in City Supreme Court, micro- photographer, Baltimore, Md., aged 60, January 1, 1936. SCHAYER, MILTON M., editor, communal and civic worker, Denver, Colo., aged 60, December 18, 1935. SCHINDLER, KURT, musician, founder of MacDowell Chorus (Schola Cantorum) several years choir master at Temple Emanu-El, authority on folk-music, New York City, aged 53, November 16, 1935.

* Date of publication of news item. NECROLOGY 435

SCHLOSS, ELI, civic and communal worker, Indianapolis, Ind., aged 61, April 21, 1936. SCHNADIG, JACOB, furniture manufacturer, communal worker, Chicago, 111., aged 59, July 12, 1935. SCHNITZLER, ISIDORE, concert violinist, New York City, aged 76, October 17, 1935. SCHWABACHER, Louis A., civic, communal and philanthropic worker, San Francisco, Cal., aged 66, August 1, 1935. SCHWARTZ, MRS. HANNAH, communal worker, San Francisco, Cal., aged 82, October, 1935. SCOTT, MAX, merchant, communal worker, New York City, aged 63, June 17, 1936. SELIG, EMIL, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 91, May 10, 1936. SELKIN, ALEXANDER, real estate operator, communal, philanthropic, and Zionist worker, New York City, aged 67, March 30, 1936. SESSLER, CHARLES, bibliophile and bookseller, founder and honorary president of Dickens Fellowship, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 81, September 4, 1935. SHOTTENFELS, MRS. MINA, dean of the United Order of True Sisters, New York City, aged 87, July 24, 1935. SHPALL, AARON S., educator and journalist, New Orleans, La., aged 55, August 30, 1935. SIDENBERG, MRS. HENRY, communal worker, New York City, aged 89, January 2, 1936. SIMON, ROBERT E., civic worker and philanthropist, New York City, aged 58, September 7, 1935. SINGER, JACOB, lawyer, former official, communal and educational worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 76, May 28, 1936. SLOANE, MRS. CECELIA WOLF, communal worker, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 76, June 18, 1936. SNEIDER, SOLOMON, poet, pedagogue and translator, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 39, January, 1936. SOLOVEI, JACOB, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 69, August 21, 1935. SOUZA, MRS. KITTIE, nurse overseas in World War, Port Chester, N. Y., May 21, 1936. SPEAKER, HENRY M., graduate rabbi, principal emeritus of Gratz College, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 67, July 30, 1935. SPELLMAN, LOUIS E., merchant, communal worker, Larchmont, N. Y., aged 63, January 7, 1936. SPIERS, RICHARD N., artist and designer of stained glass windows, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 63, May 29, 1936. SPITZ, LEOPOLD, lawyer, communal leader, New York City, aged 48, October 21, 1935. STEIN, JACOB W., merchant, civic and communal worker, East Liver- pool, Ohio, aged 64, June 29, 1935. STEIN, MRS. JULIUS, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 60, May 30, 1936. STEIN, SALO, rabbi, chaplain at public institutions, aged 60, June 5 1936. 436 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

STEIN, MORRIS L., rabbi and communal worker, Port Chester, N. Y., aged 69, July 15, 1935. STIEGLITZ, ALBERT, stock-broker, philanthropist, New York City, aged 79, April 28, 1936. STRAHL, ROBERT, realtor, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 87, August 1, 1935. STRANSKY, JOSEF, musician and art collector, former conductor of New York Philharmonic Orchestra, New York City, aged 61, March 6, 1936. STRAUS, LEWIS, manufacturer, communal worker and philanthropist, New York City, aged 67, December 18, 1935. STRAUSS, MALCOLM, author, artist, illustrator, World War veteran "Royal Flying Corps," New York City, aged 53, April 10, 1936. STRAUSS, NATHAN, former head of provision chain, philanthropist, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 6, 1936. SUTRO, CHARLES W., financier, San Francisco, Cal., aged 71, April 26, 1936. TERR, JACOB, Yiddish playwright, New York City, aged 84, October 30, 1935. TOLEDANDO, PHINEAS H., importer and exporter, New York City, aged 80, June 30, 1936. TUHOLSKE, M. C, physician, communal worker, Akron, Ohio, April, 1936. UNGERLEIDER, M., rabbi, Chicago, 111., 1934.* UNTERBERG, MRS. ISRAEL, communal leader and philanthropist, New York City, aged 67, December 10, 1935. VEIT, ADOLPH N., mayor, civic and communal worker, Livingston, Mont., aged 67, August, 1935. WEINER, HARRY, dentist, former head of Kings County Dental Society, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 43, June 17, 1936. WEISS, SANDOR, civic worker, Passaic, N. J., aged 89, September 3, 1935. WEISS, SIMON B., rabbi, Duquesne, Pa., November 16, 1935. WEISSMAN, REUBEN, Yiddish playwright and producer, New York City, aged 81, February 24, 1936. WEITZENKORN, MRS. JENNIE LIVINGSTON, communal worker, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., May 26, 1936. WEYL, JULIUS S., printer, communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 65, December 22, 1935. WIEDER, HENRY S., physician, teacher, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 54, April 22, 1936. WIENER, JACOB I., communal worker, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y., aged 60, February 28, 1936. WIERNIK, PETER, editor-in-chief, Jewish Morning Journal, Yiddish daily, author, communal worker, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 70, February 12, 1936. WINTHROP, MOSES H., public official, Minneapolis, Minn., aged 57 March 6, 1936.

* Omitted from Vol. 37 NECROLOGY 437

WOLFE, WALTER BERAN, author, sculptor, psychiatrist, lieutenant World War, New York City, in motor accident in Switzerland, aged 35, August 15, 1935. WOLFF, ARNOLD, military telegrapher in Civil War, Chicago, 111., aged 90, February, 1936. WOLFF, ARTHUR JACOB, physician, municipal bacteriologist, Hartford, Conn., aged 81, June 22, 1936. WOLFF, HENRY F., lawyer, public official, New York City, aged 58, July 28, 1935. WOLFNER, HENRY, physician, honored by St. Louis Medical Society for outstanding achievements, St. Louis, Mo., aged 74, July 11, 1935. WOLLMAN, HENRY, lawyer, communal and civic worker and philan- thropist, New York City, aged 76, March 13, 1936. YOULIN, ISAAC, communal worker, Los Angeles, Cal., aged 55, February 14, 1936. ZIMMAN, HARRY B., former mayor, councilman, city commissioner, communal worker, Omaha, Neb., aged 57, February 29, 1936. OTHER COUNTRIES AARONI, EPHRAIM, oldest Jew in Palestine, Haifa, Palestine, aged 116, September 25, 1935. ABRASHKIN, JEHUDA LEIB, talmudic scholar, a founder of the Jewish Colony Rivera, Buenos Aires, Argentine, aged 80, June, 1936. Abravanel, S., communal leader, Paris, France, aged 64, October, 1935. ACKERMAN, MRS. RACHEL, oldest Jewess in Poland, Warsaw, Poland, aged 111, January 23, 1936. ADLER, YEHUDA LEON, Major, Warsaw, Poland, aged 43, April, 1936. AGHION, CESAR, bank president, Knight of Legion of Honor, Alexandria, Egypt, aged 60, December, 1935. ALBU, SIR GEORGE, mining pioneer, former Consul-General for Den- mark, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, aged 78, December 27, 1935. ALEXANDER, BERNARD, solicitor, justice of the peace, communal leader, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, aged 63, November 19, 1935. ALUF, ALEXANDER SAMOILOVITCH, neurologist and head of Kazan Medical Institute, member of faculty of Second Moscow State Univer- sity, Moscow, Russia, aged 50, July 24, 1935. ANCONA, UGO, Senator, Minister of Communications, Rome, Italy, aged 63, June 22, 1936. ANGEL, ISAAC, communal worker, London, England, August 13, 1935. ANGEL, SOL S., communal worker, Nottingham, England, aged 36, July 16, 1935. ANKAWA, RAPHAEL, Chief Rabbi, named by French government president of the Haut Tribunal Rabbinique (1918); awarded cross of chevalier of the Legion of Honor (1929), Sale, Morocco, aged 87, August 26, 1935. ARTOM, ERNESTO, Senator, Rome, Italy, aged 67, November 13, 1935. ASCH, NAHUM, Chief Rabbi, author and talmudist, Czestochowa, Poland, aged 75, May 12, 1936. 438 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

BARANY, ROBERT R., surgeon, winner of 1914 Nobel Prize for Medicine, Upsala, Sweden, aged 59, April, 1936. BARNET, ZORACH, Zionist leader, a founder of the Hovevei Zion, Petach Tikvah, Palestine, aged 94, October IS, 1935. BEHRENS, CLIVE, Major, communal worker, Malton, England, aged 64, September, 1935. BERKOWICZ, MICHAEL, Zionist worker, collaborator of Theodor Herzl, Szezyrk (Silesia), Poland, aged 70, July, 1935. BERLINER, , financial expert and champion of Jewish rights, Vienna, Austria, aged 55, February, 1936. BLANK, MAURICE, communal worker, Stockport, England, aged 32, August 22, 1935. BLATTNER, LUDWIG, inventor of the "Blattner-phone" Elstree, England, October 29, 1935. BLAU, LUDWIG, authority on the Bible, talmudist, professor of Semitic languages, Budapest, Hungary, aged 75, March 26, 1936. BLOCH, MONTAS, merchant and communal worker, Cape Town, Union of South Africa, aged 80, June, 1935. BLOOM, MRS. L., communal worker, Grimsby, England, aged 71, April, 1936. BLUBSTEIN, JACOB, Zionist, educator and orator, Tel Aviv, Palestine, aged 55, October 3, 1935. BLUMENTHAL, ABRAHAM, former member of City Council, Montreal, Canada, aged 75, January 19, 1936. BOGOROZ, VLADIMIR (pseud. Tan) ethnographer and author, former revolutionist, Leningrad, Russia, aged, 70, May 11, 1936. BOROCHOV, ABE JACOB, rabbi, Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 87, April 28, 1936. BRANDVEIN, ZANVIL, talmudist and scholar, Czernowitz, Roumania, aged 40, September 12, 1935. BRAUDE LOUIS, Deputy Mayor, communal workerand Zionist, Salis- bury, South Rhodesia, South Africa, aged 58, June 13, 1936. BRAUN, LUDWIG, heart specialist, president of Union of Jewish Doctors of Austria, President District 12, International Order B'nai B'rith, Vienna, Austria, aged 69, May 9, 1936. BRODNITZ, JULIUS, lawyer, communal leader, a founder of Central Verein der Juden in Deutschland, Berlin, Germany, aged 69, June 17, 1936. CARO, NICODEM, chemist, inventor, Rome, Italy, aged 64, July 5, 1935. CASSEL, ISRAEL, Zionist worker, engineer, a founder of Hadar Ha Carmel, Haifa, Palestine, aged 65, February 22, 1936. CITROEN, ANDRE, engineer, automobile magnate, munition maker, Paris, France, aged 57, July 3, 1935. CLEIMAN, ISRAEL, served in Jewish Battalions under General Allenby, pioneer newspaper man, secretary of the American Consulate, Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 37, December 27, 1935. COEN, MATTIA, member of Consular service in Near East and Balkan Countries, holder of Order of Santi Maurizzio e Lazzaro, Rome, Italy, aged 84, May, 1936. COFFINAS, NISSIM M., communal worker, Athens, Greece, November, 1935. NECROLOGY 439

COHEN, DAVID, communal worker, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, aged 79, August 10, 1935. COHEN, MRS. HARRIS, communal worker, London, England, Decem- ber, 1935. COLLINS, EDWIN, minister, author, included in Civil list by late King George, London, England, aged 79, June 8, 1936. COUZIN, ABRAHAM, scholar and communal worker, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, aged 68, March 18, 1936. COWEN, SIR FREDERIC HYMEN, composer and conductor, London, England, aged 83, October 6, 1935. DANZIGER, MARCUS, communal worker, Manchester, England, aged 73, July 4, 1935. DAVIS, JEANETTE, educator and communal worker, Birmingham, England, aged 79, July 21, 1935. DEUTSCHLANDER, SAMUEL, noted Goethe scholar and authority, author and educator, founder of Beth Jacob schools of the Agudath Israel, Vienna, Austria, aged 47, August 8, 1935. DREYFUS, ALFRED, Colonel, innocent victim of conviction for treason, imprisoned on Devil's Island in 1894, cleared in 1906, Paris, France, aged 75, July 12, 1935. DREYFUS, CHARLES, J. P., scientist, civic and communal worker, Manchester, England, at Mentone, France, aged 87, December, 1935. EDER, MONTAGUE DAVID, Zionist leader, author, physician, authority on psychoanalysis, London,-England, aged 70, March 30, 1936. EHRENBERG, ALEXANDER, expert on Jewish matters at Ministry of Interior and former Government Press Censor, Warsaw, Poland, aged 60, September 1935. EPSTEIN, HIRSCH, communal leader of Lomza, Poland, (suicide) at Bialystok, Poland, aged 62, February 18, 1936. ETTINGER, SALOMON, lawyer and social worker, Warsaw, Poland, aged 62, November 26, 1935. FAINER, MRS. C. B., communal worker, Montreal, Canada, January 24, 1936. FEINGOLD, ABRAHAM, rabbi and scholar, Moscow, Russia, aged 62, May 20, 1936. FEINSTEIN, BERTHA, communal worker, Harrismith, Orange Free State, South Africa, aged 52, February, 1936. FELDSTEIN, MOSHE, social and Zionist worker, Warsaw, Poland, aged 81, June 29, 1936. FINKLESTONE, SAUL HARRY, educator, Zionist and communal worker, Sheffield, England, aged 66, August 27, 1935. FLAPPEN, JACOB, poet and author, Grassia, Cordova, aged 38, March, 1936. FUCHSGELB, GUIDO, communal worker, Vienna, Austria, aged 59, July, 1935. GANS, LEO, Nestor of chemical industry, honorary citizen, Frankfort a.M., Germany, aged 92, September 14, 1935. GERZON, EDUARD, merchant and philanthropist, Knight of Order of Netherlands Zion; Officer of Orange Nassau Order, Amsterdam, Nether- lands, aged 73, September 3, 1935. GETZ, AARON, Zionist pioneer, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, aged 63, March 12, 1936. 440 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

GOLDBERG, ISAAC LOEB, pioneer Zionist (Hovevei Zion) and philan- thropist, Tel Aviv, Palestine, at Zurich, Switzerland, aged 75, September 16, 1935. GOLDBERG, JOSEPH ELIEZER, rabbi, Warsaw, Poland, aged 56, September, 1935. GOLDBERG, L., civic and communal worker and philanthropist, Worcester, Union of South Africa, aged 57, August 4, 1935. GOLDMANN, PAUL, journalist (refugee from Germany), Vienna, Austria, aged 70, September 26, 1935. GOLDSTINE, SAMUEL J., communal worker, active in work for blind, New York City and Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 66, September 26, 1935. GOLOMB, DAVID, "Amdur Ilui," author, published commentary on the Talmud, Hove, England, aged 74, December, 1935. GORDON, SALOMON, rabbi and author, Druskienniki, (near Grodno), Poland, aged 95, July 1, 1935. GOTSMAN, ABRAHAM JOSEPH, communal and Zionist worker, educator, Krugersdorp, South Africa, aged 42, January 15, 1936. GRADENWITZ, OTTO, former professor of law at Heidelberg University, Berlin, Germany, aged 75, August, 1935. GRONEMANN, MRS. SONIA, Zionist leader (German refugee), Tel Aviv, Palestine, aged 52, March 24, 1936. GULSKI, ISRAEL LEIB, rabbi, former head of Lomza Yeshiva, Lomza, Poland, aged 90, December, 1935. GUNZBURG, ALFRED, BARON, philanthropist, communal leader, Paris, France, aged 71, April 6, 1936. HAAS, ROBERT, member of the League Secretariet, member of French delegation to the Peace Conference; Secretary General of the Lytton Commission examining into Manchukuo, Geneva, Switzerland, aged 44, November 4, 1935. HAGER, SZRILCHE ISRAEL, gaon, rabbi, Oradea Mare (Transylvania), Roumania, aged 73, June 3, 1936. HAHN, AUGUSTE FEUCHTWANGER, physician, , Palestine, Septem- ber, 1935. HAINISCH, MRS. MARIANNE, mother of Michael Hainisch, president of Austria (1920-1928), aged 97, May 5, 1936. HARRIS, SAMUEL, communal worker, Toronto, Canada, aged 69, March 12, 1936. HASKELL-COHEN, MRS. FRADELLE, former lawyer and teacher in New York City, Zionist, communal worker, Haifa, Palestine, aged 52, January 2, 1936. HASSELL, LOUIS, communal worker, Birmingham., England, aged 74, April 23, 1936. HEILBRON, MYER J., educator and communal worker, Hove, England, aged 87, October 24, 1935. HENRIQUES, MRS. -ADA RACHEL Q., communal worker, London, England, aged 73, May 16, 1936. HENRY, MRS. ROSE MABEL (MAY) LINDO, social and communal worker, London, England, aged 69, August 9, 1935: HERBSTEIN, MORITZ, communal and Zionist worker, participated in first Italian expedition in Abyssinia (1887), and in German East African Campaign, Cape Town, Union of South Africa, October 19, 1935. NECROLOGY 441

HERSCH, BENZION S., communal leader and Zionist worker, Johannes- burg, Union of South Africa, aged 50, July 16, 1935. HESCHEL, ISRAEL MAYER, Hassidic rabbi, Vienna, Austria, September 30, 1935. HIJMAN, H. J., member of City Council, journalist and philanthropist, Rotterdam, Netherlands, aged 68, September 3, 1935. HIMMELFARB, JACOB, judge, communal leader, member of Jewish Agency for Palestine, Warsaw, Poland, aged 64, July 11, 1935. HIRSCH, HERMAN, German Zionist leader, , Palestine, aged 50, October, 1935. HIRSCHMANN, JACOB, communal and Zionist worker, pioneer settler, Pietersburg (Northern Transvaal) South Africa, September 25, 1935. HOCH, MRS. ROSA, communal worker, Liverpool, England, August 14, 1935. HOLLAENDER, LUDWIG, lawyer, communal leader, editor of Central Verein Zeitung, Munich, Germany, aged 59, February 10, 1936. HURWITZ, BARUCH, rabbi and communal leader, Alexot, Lithuania, October, 1935. IMIANITOFF, SIMON, physician, awarded several distinctions of a high order by Belgian Government after the War, Antwerp, Belgium, aged 70, December, 1935. ISAACS, RUFUS DANIEL (Marquess of Reading), Chief Justice of England and Viceroy of India, London, England, aged 75, December 30, 1935. ISRAEL, BERTHOLD, department store owner, communal and philan- thropic worker, Berlin, Germany, aged 68, July,25, 1935. JACOBS, MONTAGUE EMANUEL, communal worker, Newport, England, aged 74, September, 1935. JAFFE, HILLEL, pioneer physician, Haifa, Palestine, aged 72, January 18, 1936. JASCALEVICH, ALEJANDRO A., philosopher, psychologist, essayist, Vice-Rector at National School of Azul, Buenos Aires, Argentine, aged 42, June 26, 1936. KAHN, BORUCH WIRGILI, labor leader and educator, Wilno, Poland, aged 52, January, 1936. KALISZ, JERACHMIEL, "wonder rabbi," Amschinow, Poland, aged 58, January 27, 1936. KAPLAN, MAURICE, rabbi, Toronto, Canada, aged 68, July 24, 1935. KARMINSKI, EUGENE, leading international banker, decorated with Spanish Order of Isabella; Officer of the French Legion of Honor, London, England, aged 77, October 26, 1935. KEKSKEMETI, LEOPOLD, Chief Rabbi, Oradea Mare, Transylvania, Roumania, aged 71, June, 1936. KING, SOLOMON, pioneer merchant and realtor, Toronto, Canada, aged 68, November 2, 1935. KLAEGER, EMIL, professor, editor of Neue Freie Presse, Vienna, Austria, June, 1936. KLEEBINDER, ERNST, editor Wiener Sonn-und Monlagszeitung, Vienna, Austria (suicide), May 7, 1936. KLUMEL, MEIR, former president of Polish Zionist Federation, Tel Aviv, Palestine, aged 62, February 19, 1936. 442 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

KNER, ISADOR, printer and publisher, Gyoma, Hungary, aged 76, August 27, 1935. KOOK, ABRAHAM ISAAC HACOHEN, Chief Rabbi, Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 69, September 1, 1935. KOOTCHER, MORRIS, philanthropist, Windhoek, Southwest Africa, at Cape Town, Union of South Africa, December 12, 1935. KRAEMER, ARCADY (AARON), former revolutionary leader and a founder of the Jewish Labor Party, (Bund), Vilna, Poland, aged 70, September 20, 1935. KRAUS, KARL, playwright, critic, essayist, Vienna, Austria, aged 65, June 15, 1936. KRETZMER, NATHAN, attorney, Zionist worker, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, aged 31, January 18, 1936. LANDAU, MENACHEM ELIMELECH (Dzikiewer ) rabbi, Strikow, Poland, at Warsaw, Poland, aged 78, February 12, 1936. LANGDON, MRS. ADA, J. P., communal worker, active during World War, Manchester, England, aged 68, December 7, 1935. LANDSBERG, FREDERICK, communal leader and philanthropist, recip- ient of silver jubilee medal, Victoria, B. C, Canada, aged 76, July, 1935. LANGER, JOSEPH, German author, Paris, France, aged 59, August, 1935. LARA, ISIDORE DE, musician, and composer, Paris, France, aged 78, September 2, 1935. LASAKY, BELA, musical composer, Vienna, Austria, November 2, 1935. LAZARUS, KARL, farmer, fought in Anglo-Boer War, Bethal, Union of South Africa, August, 1935. LAZARUS, SAMUEL O., communal worker, Norwood, England, aged 75, November, 1935. LEBOVICH, FELIX C, former president of Ashkenazi Council, honorary Judge assessor at the Mixed Tribunal, decorated by Spanish Govern- ment, Cairo, Egypt, at Vienna, Austria, aged 57, August 5, 1935. LEE, ARTHUR, physician, councillor, communal and civic worker, Bournemouth, England, aged 38, November 15, 1935. LEJEUNE, JULES, pioneer settler of Kimberley and the Rand, Johan- nesburg, Union of South Africa, aged 90, February 14, 1936. LEON, LEWIS, communal worker, Manchester, England, aged 70, November 24, 1935. LESKI-KOPROWSKI, LEON, Zionist worker, journalist and editor, Warsaw, Poland, aged 45, July 9, 1935. LESZCHINSKI, JOSEPH, Zionist worker, labor leader and journalist, Warsaw, Poland, aged 51, July 30, 1935. LEVI, EDWARD, communal worker, Commandant, United Services Brigade, Swansea, Wales, June 19, 1936. LEVI, JOSEPH, first Jewish settler in Cork, Ireland, aged 104, April, 1936. LEVI, SYLVAIN, historian, orientalist, member of faculty of the Sorbonne, communal leader, president of the Alliance Israelite Univer- selle, Paris, France, aged 72, October 31, 1935. LEVIANSKY, WILLIAM TELFER, communal worker, London, England, aged 76, April 26, 1936. LEVIN, ESTHER, centenarian, London, England, aged 102, May 15, 1936. NECROLOGY 443

LEVITT, MRS. B., communal and educational worker, Montreal, Canada, April 23, 1936. LEVY, ISAAC, communal worker and Talmudic scholar, Llanhilleth, South Wales, October, 1935. LEVY, JOSEPH LIONEL, communal and philanthropic worker, Man- chester, England, aged 75, September 16, 1935. LEVY, MOISE, journalist, Salonika, Greece, at Paris, France, aged 41, December, 1935. LEWIS, MORRIS, communal worker, Leeds, England, aged 70, January 4, 1936. LICHTENHEIN, SAMUEL E., sports leader, Montreal, Canada, aged 65, June 21, 1936. LIEBOWITZ, S., communal and Zionist worker, Kirkwood, C. P., South Africa, February 15, 1936. LIIXIMAN, BENJAMIN, communal worker, Nottingham, England, aged 73, March 30, 1936. LIPSCHITZ, MAURICE SABSE, pioneer Zionist, communal 'leader, justice of the peace, Oudtshoorn, South Africa, aged 68, August 13, 1935. LITOVITCH, ISRAEL, minister, talmudist, Aberavon and Port Talbot, England, aged 67, January 9, 1936. LOEBELRITTER, BERNARD, Chief Rabbi of Rotterdam, Netherlands, aged 80, December 22, 1935. LORIE, MAX, pioneer Zionist leader, Antwerp, Belgium, aged 62, February 28, 1936. LOWENSTEIN, O. B., communal and social worker, Commandant in South African War, Johannesburg, Union of South Africa, January, 1936. Lwowicz, YERUCHAM, talmudist, rabbi, head of Yeshiva, Mir, Poland, aged 62, June, 1936. LYON-CAEN, CHARLES, jurist, official of Institut de France, Paris, France, aged 92, September 18, 1935. LYONS, MRS. ANNE, communal worker, Edinburgh, Scotland, aged 72, June, 1936. MALACH, LEIB, novelist, poet and playwright, Paris, France, aged 42, June 19, 1936. MARCUS, ISAAC, communal worker, Cork, Ireland, May 21, 1936. MATATHIAS, NISSIM, lawyer, communal leader, Athens, Greece, at Vienna, Austria, aged 60, September, 1935. MAYER, , colonel, communal worker, Algiers, Algeria,'aged 86, November 4, 1935. MENACHE, ISAAC, communal leader, Demotica, Greece, February, 1936. MENDELSOHN, OSCHER, ex-Senator, member of Central Council of Agudath Israel, Warsaw, Poland, aged 62, September 30, 1935. MENKIN, JULIUS B., rabbi and author, Durban, Union of South Africa, aged 71, July 16, 1935. MICHAELIS, GEORG, official translator and interpreter-in-chief of the Bank for International Settlements, Basle, Switzerland (refugee from Germany), June, 1936. MICHAELSON, ASSUR, artist, exhibited at Royal Academy, Lossie- mouth, England, aged 65, February 13, 1936. MILLEM, MAURICE, instituted under name "Ray Smith" loan libraries without a deposit, London, England, July 24, 1935. 444 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

MONTE, CRESCENZO DEL, communal worker, historian and antiquarian, Rome, Italy, aged 68, October, 1935. MONTEFIORE, FRANCIS ABRAHAM, baronet, communal Sephardic leader and Zionist, London, England, aged 74, July 1, 1935. MOSSERI, DONALD N., banker, Cairo, Egypt, aged 45, November 7, 1935. MUGGIA, ATTILIO, professor, Royal School of Engineering, Director of Royal School of Industrial Chemistry, communal leader, Bologna, Italy, aged 76, March, 1936. NACHEMSOHN, JOSEPH, art dealer, Zionist leader, Stockholm, Sweden, March, 1936. NADEL, , scholar, lecturer at Dorpot University, authority on Eastern languages, Director of the Hebrew Gymnasium, Riga, Latvia, at Moscow, Russia, aged 38, February 11, 1936. NATHAN, SIR CHARLES S., C. B. E., developer of trade in Australia, Perth, Australia, aged 66, June, 1936. NETTER, ARNOLD, physician, former professor at University of Paris and of University of Strasbourg, communal leader, president of Alliance Israelite Universelle, Paris, France, aged 81, March 1, 1936. NIRENSTEIN, MAURITZIO, educator, economist, literateur, Buenos Aires, Argentine, aged 58, July, 1935. NUCHEMZE, , rabbi, Rachmistrivki, , at Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 85, February 25, 1936. OLANITSKIE, HARRIS, communal worker, Manchester, England, aged 66, August, 1935. OSMOS, JACOB A., Zionist worker, educator, Athens, Greece, aged 73, February, 1936. OSTERSETZEN, ISIDORE, communal leader, Brodi, Poland (assassinated), May, 1936. PAPPENHEIM, BERTHA, author, feminist leader and crusader against white slave traffic, New Isenburg, Germany, aged 77, June 4, 1936. PECK, HARRIS, communal worker, Monmouthshire, England, aged 85, June 3, 1936. PERLS, MRS. MINNA, communal worker, Hull, England, aged 83, February, 1936. PIERCE, ASHER, communal and Zionist worker, and philanthropist, Montreal, Canada, aged 68, May 18, 1936. PINELES, FRIEDRICH, professor of internal medicine and a director of the Kaiser Franz Josef Ambuatorium, author, Vienna, Austria, aged 68, March 6, 1936. POLAK, J., former sub-director of public and civil works in the Dutch East Indies, The Hague, Netherlands, aged 68, October 30, 1935. PORTUGAL, MRS. SARAH, communal worker, London, England, July, 1935. PRELOOKER, JAAKOFF, poet and author, founder of the New Israel movement in Russia, Hastings (Sussex), England, aged 75, October 24, 1935. PRICE, HARRIS LEWIS, minister emeritus, Hampstead, England, aged 72, December 23, 1935. RABINOWITSCH-KEMPNER, LYDIA, professor, bacteriologist, author, Berlin, Germany, aged 64, August 3, 1935. NECROLOGY 445

RAKOUS, VOJTECH, author, Prague, Czechoslovakia, aged 73, August, 1935. RATNER, MICHAEL, financial director of Agro-Joint organization for settling Jews, Moscow, Russia, aged 44, March 26, 1936. RITTER, B. L., Chief Rabbi, Rotterdam, Netherlands, aged 79, December 29, 1935. ROBACK, MYER MOSES, Zionist, communal worker, talmudist, Montreal, Canada, aged 63, September 27, 1935. ROBINS, MRS. HESTER, communal worker, Councillor, O. B. E., Plymouth, England, January 5, 1935. ROKEACH, LEIBUSCH, rabbi, member of Chassidic dynasty, Warsaw, Poland, aged 85, August 7, 1935. Roos, PH., communal leader, Coevorden, Netherlands, aged 86, October, 1935. ROSE, JULIAN, comedian, London, England, aged 66, September 13, 1935. ROSEMAN, MYER, communal and Zionist worker, munitions officer in World War, Plymouth, England, February 5, 1936. ROSEN, JOSEPH, rabbi, "Rogachever Gaon," Rogachev, Russia, aged 76, March 5, 1936. ROSENBERG, Y., rabbi, communal leader, Montreal, Canada, aged 75, November, 1935. ROSENTHAL, NYMAN (Reb Nachman), communal worker, London, England, aged 92, May 2, 1936. ROTNOWSKI, LEOPOLD, president of the Polish-American Chamber of Commerce, Warsaw, Poland, aged 65, October 15, 1935. SALOMONS, DAME LAURA JULIA, communal worker, Tunbridge Wells, London, England, aged 80, November 23, 1935. SANDBERG, LUDWIG, councillor-at-law, Eberswalde (near Berlin), Germany (suicide), aged 72, February 18, 1936. SANDERS, A., communal leader, Rotterdam, Netherlands, aged 81, December 18, 1935. SANDOR, PAUL, economist, member of Parliament, Budapest, Hungary, aged 75, February 6, 1936. SASSOON, MRS. FLORA, talmudist, communal worker, London, England (formerly Bombay, India), aged 79, January 15, 1936. SCHAAP, PHILIP H., film magnate, social and philanthropic worker, Amsterdam, Netherlands, December, 1935. SCHOR, CHAIM, rabbi, chaplain for forty-two years, with rank of Colonel, Komona, Roumania, aged 68, June, 1936. SEBAG-MONTEFIORE, MRS. WILLIAM, communal worker, V. A. D., in World War, Montreal, Canada, aged 50, January 12, 1936. SEGAL, ABRAM, scientist, secretary of the Institute of Organic Chem- istry, Moscow, Russia, aged 40, July 4, 1935. SEGAL, JACQUES, war-time liaison officer between French and British Military forces in Paris and Syria, Paris, France, aged 59, October 31, 1935. SEIGLER, MRS. DORA, philanthropic worker, Montreal, Canada, aged 75, June 28, 1936. SHER, JACOB, communal worker, Durban, South Africa, February 2, 1936. 446 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

SILVERBUSCH, DAVID JESAIA, Hebrew author, former editor of Ha-or (Vienna), Jerusalem, Palestine, aged 81, March 1, 1936. SIMHA, ASCHER, rabbi, communal leader, Salonika, Greece, at Paris, France, aged 72, January, 1936. SLUTSKY, GREGORY, Zionist worker, engineer, Brussels, Belgium, aged 56, May, 1936. SOKOLOW, NAHUM, Zionist leader and past president of the World Zionist Organization, scholar and author, London, England, aged 74, May 17, 1936. SOLOMON, ADA, educator, London, England, aged 61, September 28, 1935. SPIEGLER, GUSTAV, director of Phoenix Insurance Company, president of Austrian Maccabi Association, Vienna, Austria, aged 51, April 12, 1936. SPIELMAN, SIR MEYER ADAM, educator, communal and Zionist worker, knighted (1928), London, England, aged 79, January 13, 1936. SPRAD, ALTER, rabbi, Ostrow (Volhynia), Poland, aged 80, October, 1935. STEINMAN, JACOB, communal worker, Southend, England, aged 61, August 3, 1935. STERN, ALFRED, author, historian, professor of History of Zurich Technical Institute, Zurich, Switzerland, aged 90, April 6, 1936. STERN, LEOPOLD, retired cattle dealer, Army officer in World War, (suicide in Miinchen-Gladbach prison), Germany, aged 67, August, 1935. STODEL, JACOB, Nestor of antiquarians, Amsterdam, Netherlands, aged 78, September, 1935. STRNAD, OSCAR, architect, professor at the Kunstgewerbeschule, Vienna, Austria, aged 57, September, 1935. SUPERVIA, MME. CONCHITA (MRS. BEN RUBENSTEIN), operatic prima donna, London, England, aged 36, March 30, 1936. TEITCH, MOSHE, author and poet, Moscow, Russia, aged 53, October 29, 1935. TUCHOLSKY, KURT, anti-Nazi writer, refugee from Germany, (suicide), Hindaas, Sweden, December 20, 1935. UMANSKI, MOSES, communal and Zionist worker, physician, former officer in Russian Army, London, England, aged 74, May 11, 1936. VALENTINE, NATHANIEL P., communal worker, London, England, aged 84, December, 1935. VAN PRAAG, DAVID, communal worker, London, England, aged 60, December 30, 1935. VEVIORKA, ABRAHAM, writer, dramatist, critic, Kiev, Russia, aged 48, December 8, 1935. WEISKOPF, MOISE, rabbi, communal worker, Paris, France, aged 99, February, 1936. WELLNER, MRS. HENRI, communal worker, Zionist leader, Antwerp, Belgium, aged 56, April, 1936. WERTHEIMER, SOLOMON AARON, rabbi, author, Jerusalem, Palestine, August, 1935. WHITE, SAMUEL, communal and philanthropic worker, Dublin, Ireland, November, 1935. NECROLOGY 447

WILENSKY, JUDAH LEIB, former rabbi in Russia, Zionist worker, a founder of the Hovevei Zion movement, Haifa, Palestine, aged 65, September 17, 1935. WINTER, LEO, social-democratic leader, member of Austrian Parliament (1907), first Minister of Social Security of the Czechoslovak Republic, Prague, Czechoslovakia, aged 59, August 29, 1935. WISLICKI, WACLAW, member of Sejm, president of Central Jewish Merchants Association, Warsaw, Poland, aged 53, October 3, 1935. WRESCHNER, JACOB, rabbi and author, Franfort a.M., Germany, aged 70, September 5, 1935. •WRESCHNER, MEYER, Danish authority on law, Chief Advocate of the Supreme Court of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, aged 55, June 11, 1935. YANOFSKY, SAMUEL, journalist on editorial staff of Moment, Warsaw, Poland, aged 45, July 20, 1935. YOFFE, CHAIM, South African Zionist leader, Tel Aviv, Palestine, aged 51, October 16, 1935. ZHYTLOWSKY, MICHAEL, social welfare worker, Vilna, Poland, aged 61, October 26, 1935. ZIFF, ISAAK, rabbi, Lwow, Poland, aged 70, November 7, 1935. ZISHA, I. MORDCHI, rabbi, Trisker, Roumania, aged 76, April, 1936. ZODIJ, J., first stenographer of the Dutch Parliament and author of the Groote shorthand system, The Hague, Netherlands, July 16, 1935. ZOLKIE, ABRAHAM, communal worker, Dublin, Ireland, July, 1935.

* Omitted, from Vol. 37.