Embracing the Dark ÅA

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Embracing the Dark ÅA Embracing The Dark ÅA The study of Western Esotericism is an the Dark Embracing Granholm: Kennet emerging academic fi eld with research mainly Kennet Granholm being carried out on historic currents ranging from the renaissance to early modern Europe, and on ”The New Age Movement”. The mode of spirituality called the Left Hand Path has, Embracing the Dark however, not yet attracted the attention of academia. The present study of the dark The Magic Order of Dragon Rouge– magic order DRAGON ROUGE constitutes an attempt to contribute thoroughly and Its Practice in Dark Magic creatively to this line of research. Objects of study are the organization, philosophy and Meaning Making and practices of the order, as well as the complex discursive conventions involved in the adherents’ construction of coherent world views. In an attempt to shed light on the particularities of this contemporary, late modern esoteric phenomenon, a historical perspective on Western Esotericism has here been combined with a discussion on the impact of recent societal change. Åbo Akademi University Press ISBN 951-765-251-8 2005 Kennet Granholm born 1977 M.A. Åbo Akademi University 2001 Researcher Department of Comparative Religion, Åbo Akademi University Cover: Tove Ahlbäck Åbo Akademi University Press Tavastg. 30 C, FIN-20700 ÅBO, Finland Tel. int. +358-2-215 3292 Fax int. +358-2-215 4490 E-mail: forlaget@abo.fi http://www.abo.fi /stiftelsen/forlag/ Distribution: Oy Tibo-Trading Ab P.O.Box 33, FIN-21601 PARGAS, Finland Tel. int. +358-2-454 9200 Fax int. +358-2-454 9220 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.tibo.net Kennet Granholm born 1977 M.A. Åbo Akademi University 2001 Researcher Department of Comparative Religion, Åbo Akademi University Cover: Tove Ahlbäck Åbo Akademi University Press Tavastg. 30 C, FIN-20700 ÅBO, Finland Tel. int. +358-2-215 3292 Fax int. +358-2-215 4490 E-mail: forlaget@abo.fi http://www.abo.fi /stiftelsen/forlag/ Distribution: Oy Tibo-Trading Ab P.O.Box 33, FIN-21601 PARGAS, Finland Tel. int. +358-2-454 9200 Fax int. +358-2-454 9220 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.tibo.net EMBRACING THE DARK Embracing the Dark The Magic Order of Dragon Rouge - Its Practice in Dark Magic and Meaning Making Kennet Granholm ÅBO 2005 ÅBO AKADEMIS FÖRLAG – ÅBO AKADEMI UNIVERSITY PRESS CIP-Cataloguing in Publication Granholm, Kennet Embracing the dark: the magic order of Dragon Rouge - its practice in dark magic and meaning making / Kennet Granholm - Åbo: Åbo Akademi University Press, 2005. Diss: Åbo Akademi University. ISBN 951-765-251-8 ISBN 951-765-251-8 ISBN 951-765-252-6 (digital) Gummerus Kirjapaino Oy Saarijärvi 2005 Table of Contents Illustrations............................................................x Preface ............................................................ xii Part I - Introduction, Materials and Methods 1 Introduction ................................... 17 1.1 Aim and Purpose of the Study ............. 18 1.2 Terminology ........................................ 21 1.2.1 Key Academic Concepts .......... 21 1.2.2 Insider Terminology Relevant for the Study .............................. 26 1.3 Earlier Research .................................. 31 1.3.1 Research on Dragon Rouge ...... 31 1.3.2 Magic and Western Esotericism . 33 1.3.3 Spirituality and Meaning Making ....................... 36 1.4 Presentation of Sources ....................... 40 1.4.1 The Interviews ............................. 40 1.4.2 The Questionnaires ..................... 44 1.4.3 Fieldwork and Participant Observation ............. 47 1.4.4 The Official Dragon Rouge Material ..................................... 52 1.4.5 Other Material ............................ 54 1.5 Self-positioning .................................... 55 PART II – Description 2 Formative Background and Context of Dragon Rouge ......................... 61 2.1 The Academic Study of Western Esotericism ............................. 61 2.1.1 The History of Western Esotericism ..................... 64 2.1.2 The Theosophical Society ........... 70 2.1.3 The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn............................. 74 2.1.4 Aleister Crowley .......................... 78 2.1.5 The ‘New Age’ Movement .......... 86 2.1.6 Neopaganism............................ 93 2.1.7 Neopaganism and ‘New Age’ ................................. 101 2.2 The Alternative Spiritual Milieu of Sweden......................................... 104 2.3 Changing Society, Changing Religion112 3 Philosophical Tenets .................... 123 3.1 Dark Magic – Will, Power and Action . 123 3.1.1 The Principles of Dark Magic..... 135 3.1.2 Feminine Symbolism in the Left Hand Path and Dragon Rouge . 136 3.2 Philosophy ......................................... 144 3.2.1 The Dragon as Symbol ............. 145 3.3 Ethics and Morals .............................. 148 3.4 Dragon Rouge and Christianity ......... 156 4 Organization ............................... 161 4.1.1 Thomas Karlsson ....................... 161 4.1.2 The Founding and Development of Dragon Rouge ..................... 164 4.2.1 Organizational Structure ........... 169 4.2.2 Membership............................. 171 Gender ......................... 175 4.2.3 The Inner Circle ........................ 177 4.2.4 Lodges and Ritual Groups ........ 180 4.2.5 Finances .................................. 186 4.2.6 Initiatory Structure ..................... 187 5 Practice....................................... 191 5.1 Ethnographies ................................... 191 5.1.1 Dragon Rouge Annual Meeting ........................ 191 5.1.2 Course on Ceremonial Magic ................... 205 5.1.3 Ceremonial Opening of Lodge Sinistra .......................... 220 5.1.4 Initiation into Degree 2.0 - Gamaliel .................................. 228 5.2 Discussion and Analysis ..................... 235 Part III – Meaning Making 6 Theoretical Perspectives .............. 243 6.1 Social Constructionism ...................... 244 6.2 Discourse Analysis ............................. 249 7 Dragon Rouge and Meaning Making ........................ 257 7.1 Discursive Strategies .......................... 257 7.1.1 Magic is All-encompassing ...... 262 7.1.2 Self-evolvement ....................... 266 7.1.3 Individuality .............................. 271 7.1.4 Magic is Demanding ............... 276 7.1.5 Nature ...................................... 281 7.1.6 Women’s Rights ........................ 285 7.2 The Web of Discourses ...................... 290 Part IV – Finale 8.1 Summary .......................................... 299 8.2 Dragon Rouge in Context ................. 306 8.3 Conclusions and Discussion .............. 310 List of References ................................ 319 x Illustrations Picture 1: The Sephiroth..................................................24 Picture 2: The Qliphoth....................................................30 Picture 3: Alchemical Symbol of Dragon Rouge........142 Picture 4: Dragon Rouge Lilith symbol........................143 Picture 5: Symbol of Dragon Rouge.............................147 Picture 6: Dragon Rouge Temple on Gotland.............193 Picture 7: Window-painting at the Dragon Rouge Temple on Gotland....................................194 Picture 8: The Clavicual Nox Symbol...........................195 Picture 9: Outside Altar at the Dragon Rouge Temple on Gotland...................................196 Picture 10: Dragon Rouge Temple in Stockholm........206 Picture 11: Close-up of Altar at Dragon Rouge Temple in Stockholm.................................207 Picture 12: Close-up of Altar at Dragon Rouge Temple in Stockholm................................208 Picture 13: Course on Ceremonial Magic: Meditation...............................................211 Picture 14: Course on Ceremonial Magic: Portal........212 Picture 15: Course on Ceremonial Magic: Altar.........213 Picture 16: Opening of Lodge Sinistra: Altar...............223 Picture 17: Opening of Lodge Sinistra: Items on Altar..........................................227 xi xii Preface While at high school I could never have imagined that I would end up studying religion and spirituality. I was of the oppinion that religion was something for extremely gullible people, and not anything for a rational and informed individual as myself. I guess my teenage naivety got the upper hand. It was my interest in ancient mythologies that drove me to study Comparative Religion. The fact that most of my friends were already living in the city of Åbo, coupled with a nagging feeling that at the age of 22 I should probably be studying something, cemented my decision to apply to Åbo Akademi University. That things went as well as they did is not the accomplishment of me alone. I have the help, support, critique and friendship of a whole lot of people to thank. This is my thanks to them. First and foremost I would like to thank the members of Dragon Rouge who made my research possible. Without you and the time and effort you invested in me, and my at times most certainly annoying and stupid questions, this book would never have seen the light of day. Thank you Thomas, Christofer, Tommie, Tobbe T, Malin, Åsa, Tobbe L, Kosta, Timo, Stefan, Camilla, Tina, Göran, Mattias, Christiane, Holger, Andreas, Johan, and numerous others. Working with you has been truly inspirational and fun. During my field research I have often had to resort to kind people to provide me with room and border. Thank you Camilla & Kicki, Tiina, Tobbe, Johan & Gabriella, Björn and Bobbie. Without you my research would at the
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