DOUBLE SDAY with ALL Ike Assert^ Pentagon
> - V. .•>, * '.■ ' - N, X PAGI5 TW^NTY^EIOKT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16,196%. iMattrbpatpr' IttpnfttQ !|tralb AT«n]lre Daily Net Pres* Ron The Weathep 'V F4ir Mm weeintiwifKi -. Foraeast ef IT. a WeatlMr ^ April U, IMS ;'v " Clear,, oeel Mmiffet.' Lew 12,693 Fair, H t^ efeange la tcMperatar^ MMlier M Um AnlUt Friday. W rll pear 79. BurMUi..of OInpilsttMi Hancheilerr^A City of V01«^4^hmrm VOL. LXXVII, NO.H68 >TWKNTY.r6UR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. APJt^L^, 1958 (daaatfled AdrartMag m Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS '--------- > ; •---------------------------------------------------------- -J Plus Ike Assert^ Pentagon DOUBLE US. THURSDAYVFmiiAYl ’ImURSDAY - FRII Oft Talks AND SATURDAY,j AN« SATURD^I r in Moscow, April 17 (4 V - U.S. Ambasiiidor Llewellyn SDAY WITH ALL Thompson was auihmoned to the iforelgn minlstiy this »f- t'ernoon, gppnrently for the .A first . diplomatic discuasion Tunis Gives Eisenhower Toiletries,Etc-.... ' "Red Ta^'^-^peetah" F.rom Hple's Domestic Debt, MillinerY Valu^, reparatoiy to a summit, con- "FOR RED TA6 DAYS’.', ferehce. 35c Kleenex Tissues. Large Pkg...............................3 ) ^ Low Prico* W^offlons BranHo SHEfTS ’Thompson mft for 85 rhinutea Paris Week Challenged aai PILLOWCASES yrith Foreign Minister Andrei Prophylactic Tooth Brushes .................................... A ^ € Gromyko. Aane left hp amiled and Lovely SpHog HATS told correapondents: 632.50 Remington Rollcctric Shaver .............$ 2 2 .7 9 TYPE 130 \ TYPE 144 TYPE 180 By Vinson - In all the new ahactea including‘black and '•I can't comment, on anything.’’ For Accord It appeared certain, however, Nylon Bristle Hair B ru sh y ................................... navy. ' ^ , lY PEPPERELL LADY PEPPERELL the meeting resulted from the note Tunis, April 17 (/P)—Presi Washington, ^priMT <JP\— 5ftc Koiynos Tooth Paste .......................2 fo r 6 9 «! DAN RIVER / the three western powers'sent the de^nt Habib.
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