IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 Kwm1 HOPSKOTCH BACK in SEASON (Ity Politicos OFF IC ,I a L DA I L Y BU L LET in ~ Fu Dady ~,,\'Ifjisi~~ 11 01\10 III Lb
GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Grab your raincoats and galoshes, kiddies. Weary Willie the Weatherman says it'll rain today-buc owal1 ketsful. Eltabllah.d 1868 Vol.79, No, 144-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday. March 13, 1947-Five Cenls . - • , < ruman 5 5 I or reece, ur * * * tising Prices Major Factor Capitol Hill Views Wanfs $400·Million fo Hall Inl Renl Raise, Says Hancher , ~~t~a~i~;~p;~~tions Communism in Mediterranean While ch:linill g" 10 rriv(' II fillBlleiul bl'(,llkclown of t'osls find 1'(' \\'A~HI'WTO~ ( P) - PI, .... l>id nt '1'1'I101on, in 0 flltl'fnl !tipts within lhr dormilol'Y r~t('01 , PI'Psiilrl11 Virgil 'M, Hlllwhl'l' WASHlNG'l'ON (JP) - {lpitol , IW('th 10 eongr s, "'rirnly C'l11i dOll Anwri,ill yt'lItt'rll!l: to hlllt th 1,l1erclay explftin ptl Pllll in ' I'P fl 8 S in bOlll'd Hnd I'oom eo. ts Ill' Hill reacted with mixed emotions wul'ld IIIIIrciJ uf ""IIII1!Il)l i'll1 willr mOIl(,Y, mllt('rilll~ 1111(1 military ~e s8ry bl'l'i"I ~P 01' . yesterday to President Truman's hkill. ... I. The 111' 1'11 to IIP1,ly SlIlIIS to the IIlIiversil y debl I' til'empnt ill 'appenl for <lid to Communigt- l )l'o)Josi/l~ II n(' w /lntl historic forE'i rn poli('~', th Prl'. irll'nt spr- Drdfr to uphold nnivP!'sity ('reelil llIHl plagued natIons, but Senatol' Vall ('it'it'lIl1y 11"\;1'11 • -IOO.U(}O,O()O to !Jill r (,('E' ill1(1 Turkl'.\', lUI rd· 2.
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