Property of 4. MARINE C0117S HISTORICAL LIBRARY AUG 1 1_ 1960 Please Return to Room 3127 'yew& VOL. IX 31 NO. (1.`, MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE CAY HAWAII August 5, I 96l. _ Col. Campbell Kaneohe C.O. MARIPOSA DEPARTURE TODAY `Acting' Ranks FOR COL. MAGRUDER, FAMILY Terminated By Col. William R. Campbell re- last Friday. He formerly served lieved Col. M. M. Magruder dur- on the Joint Staff, Office of the ing traditional change of command Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washing CMC Message ceremonies yesterday at Dewey ton, D.C. Square and formally assumed du- This afternoon, Col. Magruder According to a dispatch re- ties as commanding officer, Ma- and his family will board the .eived Monday, the Commandant rine Corps Air Station, Kaneohe. Mariposa and sail at 4 p.m., for ?f the Marine Corps, General The new Station commander their return to the mainland David M. Shoup, has terminated and his family arrived in Hawaii where Col. Magruder will as- the acting rank structure within sume duties as Director. 12th the Marine Corps. Marine Corps Reserve and Re- cruitment District. San Fran- The text of the dispatch is as Lt. Col. R. Kuhn follows: "Purpose this Bulletin cisco. (1123) to make known my policies As Col. Magruder departs, he ..overing certain aspects new en- Takes Command leaves behind him an impressive 'isted rank structure. record of progress. Some of the projects completed "Interim rank structure termi- 2dBn., 4th Regt. since Col. Magruder began his nates July 1, 1963, for all ranks. Lt. Col. Richard C. Kuhn as- K-Bay tour in August, 1958, were Acting hereby eliminated. Non- William R. Campbell, new com- TRADITIONAL WELCOME-Col. sumed command of the 2nd Bn., initiated by his predecessor, Col. commissioned of f i c e r s now manding officer of the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station, arrived 4th Marines, July 26, during cere- Jack R. Cram. Others, now in the designated acting master ser- on Oahu last Friday with his family. Bedecked with leis are, left to monies at Platt Field. planning stages, will be completed geants E-7 will be carried as right, daughter Cecele, age 16, Col. Campbell, Mrs. Campbell and in the future. Altogether they un- master sergeant. E-7. A native of Fostoria, Ohio, Col. daughter Blanche, age 7. (Photo by ASSgt. G. L. Gill). Kuhn enlisted in the Marine Corps derscore improvements to Station grades with benefits to all per- "Same applies to other in August 1938 and served four facilities there acting appears. No diary years as an enlisted man before sonnel at Kaneohe. ntry is required. Statistics Tell Story From the military view point. being commissioned a second lieu- been "Staff Sergeant E-5 consi- tenant in October 1942. the foremost addition has the build-up of facilities for the dered Staff NCO to July 1, 1963. During World he served thereafter, Sergeant E-5 and not Safety Council Alarmed; War H, Pacific Missile Range Repre- and with the 1st Marine Division and sentative. This places Kaneohe a Staff NCO. Recognition the 1st Marine Ame..ibious Corps. Privileges to sergeants and cor- Bay as the hub of the Pacific From 1944 until the outbreak of Missile Range and into the midst porals regardless of pay grade to K-Bay Accidents on Rise hostilities in Korea, the colonel include where practicable suita- of the space age. Some startling figures were year. Estimated damage this year served at Quantico, Va., Camp From the dependents' view ble club and messing facilities Pendleton with the 9th and liberty considerations. brought to light this week as a re- has been listed as $5,309.97 as com- 5th and point, the opening of the Capehart sult of the findings of the Station pared to 1959 when total damage Marines, and later returned to Marine Corps Bulletin "This Safety Council. The comparison of amounted to only $434.50. Quantico. See Page 4 for pictorial re- applicable to Marine Corps. This Federal vehicle accidents exper- one accident In August 1951, he joined liq- receipt In 1959 there was view of K-Bay progress during Bulletin cancelled on re- ienced during the first half cal- per every 145,969 miles driven, Co., 1st Marine Division In Korea csL Magruder's tear. vision Marine Corps Order 1223.1 endar year 1960 indicate that there with cost per accident listed at where he served as staff secretary. and for record purposes on Dec. has been an accident rate increase $86.90. During the first six months 31, 1980." Returning to the states, he was project and the new school now of 366 per cent in reportable acci- of this year, there has been a re- assigned as OIC of the Marine announced under construction lead the list of News of the change dents. portable accident for every 34,224 Corps Recruiting Station at Kan- improvements. oy the Commandant which effects Comparison of the two periods miles driven with a coat per acci- sas City Mo., until being assigned an estimated 60 percent of all en- Improvements for aircraft in- were taken from Jan. 1, 1980, dent of $230.87. to the Junior School in 1955. clude the mirror landing system, listed personnel throughout the The majority of accidents dur- through June 30, 1960, and the repair of parking ramps. construc- Marine Corps, swept the Station ing 1960 were caused by inatten- In 1956, Col. Kuhn was trans- late Monday night. same period in 1959. ferred to Camp Pendleton where tion of the turbo-jet engine test tion to driving, and unsafe back- facility, arrival of sound suppress- The Station Communications Although there were 57,303 ing. Thus far this year there has he served as executive officer of the first the 1st Infantry Bn. He Inter ors, reroofing of hangars and re- Center was swamped with re- more rules driven during been seven accidents caused by in- habilitation of hangar sprinkler quests for copies of the dispatch six months of the current year attention, and seven for unsafe joined the 3rd Marine Division where he served as assistant oper- systems. when working hours began Tues- over the same period last year, backing as compared to one of Barracks have been repainted day. there were 18 more accidents this each for 1959. ations officer, and commanding officer of the 2ndBn., 9th Marines. and rehabilitated. Showers have A break down of accidents fol- been repaired. lows: Prior to reporting to Hawaii, For infantrymen, the combat Causes 1980 1959 the colonel was Commanding Of- marksmanship range has under- Inattention to driving .. 7 1 ficer, MB, U. S. NOTS, China Unsafe backing 7 1 Lake, Calif. See Col. Magruder, Page 4 Following too closely 2 0 Changing lanes unsafely 2 1 Driving too fast 1 0 Driving in improper lane 1 0 No fault of Government driver 3 2 ANALYSTS BEGIN - JOB-RANK STUDY One hundred Staff noncommis- sioned officers are now in session at Headquarters Marine Corps to assist in determing what rank should go with each job. All members of the Board are graduates of the Billet Analyst Schools at Camp Lejeune, or Camp Pendleton. They are studying the enlisted FAMILY AFFAIR-Promotion to General becomes a family affair as at major post and com- in billets Brig. Gen. John H. Masters (center) receives his first star. Sharing mands throughout the Marine son, The General's July 23 promotion ceremony are: (left to right) Corps. John Jr.; Miss Hillary Masters, a niece; Mrs. Masters; Gen. Masters; The results of their findings will 7Aks' Gen. David M. Shoup, commandant of the Marine Corps; and Mrs. be reviewed by the command con- ASSUMES COMMAND -Lt Col. Richard C. Kuhn, right, reviews the James M. Masters, wife of newly selected Maj. Gen. James M. cerned and Headquarters Marine personnel of his new command, the 2nd Bn., 4th Marines, along with Masters Sr. who is a brother of the new one star general. Brig. Gen. Corps will convene a board of officers to make Col. J. W. Antonelli. Regimental commander, during assumption of John Masters is currently serving as legislative assistant to the Com- field grade the decisions. ceremonies held July 26. (Photo By Cpl. R. E. Wollner). mandant. He formerly commanded the 4th Marine Regiment here final command 5, 1960 Page 2 S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, HAWAII August sirY Vgkeit *els c,guin'grtt I I70 AfdNt9 Photeroer 1 TAKING IT FOR GRANTED With K-Bay's 2nci Annual Hawaiian Roundup and Rodeo slated to R. COL. W. R CAMPBELL Commanding Officer By Chaplain H. Miller take place Sept. 3, 4, and 5, the Inquiring Photographer made a circle Someone has suggested that of the Station and asked, "What rodeo attractions will interest you LT. COL, C. Officer II. MOORE. .......... Executive "one of the tragedies of living hi most?" CAPT. ROBERT W. ARSENAlULT Informational Services Officer a long tradition is the' ease with AdLSGT. LOUIS F. NADOLNY Editor which we take it all for granted." ASGT. "WILD BILL" H1SCOCK. PFC. CARLETON R. FELT, How true this is! "Bronc riding is Editor STATION STABLES (Winner of H&S. 2/4 - AGYSOT. JACK T. PAXTON Assistant We take our freedom as our last year's Hard always the due. I am not suggesting a re- GYSGT. JOHN P. McCONNELL . Sports Editor Luck Cowboy main attraction turn to the Fourth of July ora- Award) "I'll for me. I wasn't by and for - The WINDWARD MARINE Is published every Friday tory of a generation ago. nor be sad- here last year No. 990, entering the personnel of the U.S.
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