DOUBLE SDAY with ALL Ike Assert^ Pentagon

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DOUBLE SDAY with ALL Ike Assert^ Pentagon > - V. .•>, * '.■ ' - N, X PAGI5 TW^NTY^EIOKT WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16,196%. iMattrbpatpr' IttpnfttQ !|tralb AT«n]lre Daily Net Pres* Ron The Weathep 'V F4ir Mm weeintiwifKi -. Foraeast ef IT. a WeatlMr ^ April U, IMS ;'v " Clear,, oeel Mmiffet.' Lew 12,693 Fair, H t^ efeange la tcMperatar^ MMlier M Um AnlUt Friday. W rll pear 79. BurMUi..of OInpilsttMi Hancheilerr^A City of V01«^4^hmrm VOL. LXXVII, NO.H68 >TWKNTY.r6UR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. APJt^L^, 1958 (daaatfled AdrartMag m Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS '--------- > ; •---------------------------------------------------------- -J Plus Ike Assert^ Pentagon DOUBLE US. THURSDAYVFmiiAYl ’ImURSDAY - FRII Oft Talks AND SATURDAY,j AN« SATURD^I r in Moscow, April 17 (4 V - U.S. Ambasiiidor Llewellyn SDAY WITH ALL Thompson was auihmoned to the iforelgn minlstiy this »f- t'ernoon, gppnrently for the .A first . diplomatic discuasion Tunis Gives Eisenhower Toiletries,Etc-.... ' "Red Ta^'^-^peetah" F.rom Hple's Domestic Debt, MillinerY Valu^, reparatoiy to a summit, con- "FOR RED TA6 DAYS’.', ferehce. 35c Kleenex Tissues. Large Pkg...............................3 ) ^ Low Prico* W^offlons BranHo SHEfTS ’Thompson mft for 85 rhinutea Paris Week Challenged aai PILLOWCASES yrith Foreign Minister Andrei Prophylactic Tooth Brushes .................................... A ^ € Gromyko. Aane left hp amiled and Lovely SpHog HATS told correapondents: 632.50 Remington Rollcctric Shaver .............$ 2 2 .7 9 TYPE 130 \ TYPE 144 TYPE 180 By Vinson - In all the new ahactea including‘black and '•I can't comment, on anything.’’ For Accord It appeared certain, however, Nylon Bristle Hair B ru sh y ................................... navy. ' ^ , lY PEPPERELL LADY PEPPERELL the meeting resulted from the note Tunis, April 17 (/P)—Presi Washington, ^priMT <JP\— 5ftc Koiynos Tooth Paste .......................2 fo r 6 9 «! DAN RIVER / the three western powers'sent the de^nt Habib. Bourguiba today SUPERFINE MUSLIN COMBED FERCALE V duM to $4.98 Sovirt government yesterday oN President Eisenhower today Hazel Qishop New Hair Spray ...................■ ■ .$ 1 .1 9 ferlng to begin pre-aummit dip­ gave France a week to get a deTCrlbed his Pentagon re­ NOW [SPECIAL tXlH 3 DAYS. $4> 0 # % lomatic exchanges today. ^ government which will ac­ organization plan as a blue­ Woolite Wool Wgsh $1.00 and $1.50 NOW ONLY ................. X a P Y There was no indleattm. ; Im- cept the compromise on the print for '“safety with solven­ RE(i, $2. ID. KEG. 82.09. \ mediatriy that the British ' and $1.50 Value, Desert Flower (^loRiie 4 68 X 99. *1.69 REG. 18.10. MlIXINKRY DEPT—.(SECOND FIXIOR) Frepch - Tunisian d i s p> u t e cy.”: He accused its critics of and Lotion ......................... .. 72 X 108. , . ............ 72 X 108............. »2.39 French ambassadors had been worked out by the U.S.-Brlt- indulging in either nonseniM ..............$ 1 .0 0 REG. 8:i.'':9.* ' y Bumm'oned for similar talks. All 68 X 108............. .. REG. 8S.20! REG. 83.89. three envoys had made them­ ish Good Offices -Mission. or-misrepresentation! Ban Deodorant ..................... ,,. ........... ....... 98c *1,79 otherwise. - Bourgtba s f id, he REG. SJ.49. 81 X I08........... 8f X 108, « .5 9 selves available throughout the day The. proposal sent to Oongresa I^arge Laco Sham poo ................. In compliance with their govern­ Wilt charge France again with ag­ yesterday, Ei'setihower said, would .......89c 72 X 108. .......... n .8 9 gression before the U.N. Security REG. 88-69. REG. A7.80. SPECIAL BIRLS’ DEPT. SPORTSWEAR DEPT. ment's conununication. not set up a czar or a . Pruisian- Old Spice After Shave L otion .......... ..............$ 1 .0 0 REG. 82.69. OO-x 108. ^90 X 108. .............. *2.79 It hsid been the express desire Couifcll. type general staff by centrallxing 81 X 108............. .. n Speaking on his weekly broad­ military operational authority in Large Uniimps Vitamih.s............. ............. .99 BIRIA’ and PRETEEN SUITS o f both the Soviet I^nlon and' the focal point of the ^Bruasela Worid's Fair. ,.,....$6.96 REG/ 09n REG 69c- C O itlEG. 70c. DAYTIMrioTTONS Thia is the Atonium, cast to his people, the Tunisian ■vui*. trertvitve r-jpop ■ ««»-in ityj -Alires westewi !ipMseg)aithat4i>*-AtP?. ' ■The 7^tf’T«a?e'Affef'M trm fSrfr^ 42 X 86 Caam. ■ r;7 "^ 9 © '- "Inmatlc discussions should be held • Wl‘'h fense and the Joint Chiefs of :..::.;$ i.5 0 Tweeds and.solid colors, straight skirts.............. th>n halla. Joined to represent atoms in a ctystal of metal. It to the French with lavish praise Reg $2.r& FIttfxl. Reg.* $2.90. Fitted Reg. M»?9. ntfed'^* some with box pleats. Not all C T O I ABOUNDS privately with a minimum of pub- Staff. "Noiuenae,’’ aaid the Presi­ Maybelline Eyebrow Pencil................... U the center of the jSelgium exhibit area. for U.S. policies. He urged all the dent. .. .2 for.29^ Button). In in Sixe, $1.89 Bottom. Twin alre. *2.29 Bottom. Tjwin Sire. $2,39 aizes. Values to |17.98. Now' . bpitv. free peoples of Africa- to stand ~ha western Allies yesterda: Neither,..he asserted, would It liilt. Ho|n£ PerniM . T-K ».Xzx-:X:.-^ ■ '^=$2if00^‘" Be^ SSm FRted - Rj>r, 88,29 Ftttf-d Ra»-::Wlth-4b8,-.U{Ut«Ar. aiirpiiYe vJDTIByVII tJT TCQiiFltivqpYw Boltom.. Full Slr>. against communoun._____________ .Moth Balls or Motir F hthes t~ .~ ■Bottnui..FnII Slre.^ - Bo4t«mr-Folt .9t^- ^ 3 ^ "X iW T rT g r s low-level meeting-- power tjver the pufse-by-givtHff -."77m" G IR LS'an d PRETECN^ - TlEGUtW ^.^ but only If their ambaasadors could Bourguiba first accused theA the secretary more diacreUon in Moth tias Closet R efills .............. JJOW ....... 4-... ^ 2 J W take up major lasues and explore l o French before the council after the the use of money. "A t the least HALE'S^HARMHOUSE HEAVY QUALITY ZIPpk|D them fully. The Soviets proposed bombing Feb. 8 of a Tunisian bor­ misconceptions , . at the most 60c Alka Seltzer TOPPERS and COATS Ideal for House or Shopping. Many pal- that the talks start today. der village, which the French . misriepresentationa,". Elsen­ terns and colors to choose' front.'A style The Russian idea was to eortQne claimed harbored Algerian rebels.' hower said, > . 7.5c Bayer’s Aspirin' Tablets ... FinED MAHRESS PADS MAHRESS COVERS A council debate embarrassing to Fully lined, a good aaaortment.of'CQ O f i- to fit every budget. SjzM 12 to 20,14*^ the lower-level diplomatic ex­ Rather, Eisenhower said, tha •( colors. Values to S14.98. Now . ’^ 0 » '3 F 0 changes to deciding on Ih* date Baudouin Bids All the West was averted by the move) are those demanded by REGULAR'88.98, REOULAIU84.95. to 240>y>. Also cotton ‘ dregfles in sized and place of a summit - meeting. naming of a U.S.-Britlsh Good such factors aa these: ■nWN SIZE. .. ... *4.49 . ALL SALES FINAL 40 to 52. ■ : ^ This Would commit the West to a Offices Mission tq bring the ‘two "The waging of war by aeparate top-level meeting before it could By BODY GILMORE 9gates, even though the fair's for­ natloiu together. ground,, sea and air forces is gone r e g u l a r $6.98. Full or twin aizes. Extra heavy quality that h tad out whether such a conference Brussels, Belgium. April 17 UPt— eign section was far from flntahsd. The Good Offices .effort failed Elizabeth Greets Adenauer forever. FULL SIZE. .. *5.49 wlll'glve years.of wear. Seams are all ^ u n d. Tuesday night wl(gn' the French King Baudouin today opened the Some of the spanking new foreign Queen B3izabeth H and Konrad Adenauer meet i i Windsor Castle where Her Itajesty gave a atate "The fact la, modem weapons i. Page RU) -gates- of- tho postwar w oiW a 41^- pGvBLftfit-wt^hfilulGd tb4*lr-i!Tpiniingn Nm IoaxI—.Assembly/ rejected the have scrambled--traditional Mrvica 46 mission’s compromise plan to. get (Simer for the (MiriUta chtaesnor. ‘ It wah 'ithb Irirt tline Ih 45 yriuS tta V 4 'S n tM hjlbr haa en­ ' LATEX-FOAM HALE’S 8TURDYWEAR BOX-STITCHED WffH known mokos In rt^ular or gest interiuitional exposition aiid later iiTthe day as .workers acur- tertained a German leader. Today, Adenauer assured the British that Bonn will not rigidly Insist functtoni. ’ - Invited the peqpiss of the Earth .lied about putting, finishing negotiations between Prance'''and on talks of German reunification at proposed East-West aumnilt talks, (AP Photofax), "TTiis constant chmifa, aa weU MAHRESS TOPPER PADS QUILTED MAHRESS PADS Dtroplass Dtylas. Nat aH slits in to get together at the fair, touches on the exhibits. Others Tunisia going. The government of I continually discovered hew op­ WITH CbRNER EI-ASTIC UsSsWiMaSpeed U is the first world's fair since must wait until )a^r. Premier Felix Gaillard resigned. -* portunities to Improve efficiency, New York’s In ItSP. But it Was a'vivid scene with Soviet Backing Certain 'ire compelling reasons for giving REGUL.AR 89-08. REGULAR $3.98. •V4wy stylo. Voluos $1.00 to $4.00. With little or no chaiice of a the secretary (of defenaa) a FUX.L BED SIZE. $7.99 89 X 76 TWIN SIZE. , '............ ^iJh'tamenirhOpe We now $1,000 Taken *2.69 First Funds^ for 0^11 the Brusceis World's Fair of gaYemment being formed in Parts reaaonable flexibility in the use SPECIAL a guard op Jioreeb*^ following of funds." REGULAR S7.0A REOUI.AR $4.98. 1958,” the 8T-year-oid monarch trtd to meet Bourguiba’s deadline, it the king and his brother. Prince appeared certain the French-Tu- Eisenhower’s .address wisa pre­ ■nxTN BED .size:. ............ $5 99 54 X 76 FULL SIZE............
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