8—THE CATHOLIC TIMES Friday, Aug. 26,1955 ation of Central Ohio will hold a Hoover should get to be quite a sendoff picnic for Notre Dame stu­ drawing card. He’s made three Newark St. Francis dents on Thursday, Sept. 15, on starts since coming to the Jets and Aquinas Banks on Veterans SCHEDULE the Falter farm in Columbus. two of the games have been no-hit 1955 FOOTBALL Also on the ND group, they’re games. Sept. 10 Preview at South Zanes­ sponsoring a football special train Another Jet, coach Charles Sports of the Times ville with Frazeysburg, Junc- to South Bend on Oct. 29 for the “Red Barrett, who attends St. ion City, Junction City Navy-Irish game. The $17.95 fare Christopher parish when living in To Bring Successful Season Sept. 23 at Frazeysburg includes round trip ticket, game Columbus, was also in the news Sept. 30 New Lexington St. Ralph Guglielmi, the Grandview boy who made good, ticket and bus transportation from last week. Making his first pitching Aloysius certainly lived up to reputation that the late Arch Ward, the station and return. Ducats can appearance since 1950, the Jet Oct. 7 Magnetic Springs be procured from the Eichenlaub coach entered the game against Oct. 15 South Zanesville. Chicago Tribune sports editor, gave him last year when he Insuranre Agency, 17 S. Fourth St, Montreal last Friday in the ninth called the greatest Dame quarterbacks. Oct. 21 Junction City him “ of Notre ” Columbus. inning and promptly struck out the Nov. 4 Hartford Going against the “champion” Cleveland Browns in the Dick Hoover, another former St. first batter he faced. He was nick­ recent College All-Star game at Chicago, the 22 year old hit Aloysius grade school pitcher, ed for a double and a triple though .e firms listed here deserve 10 of 19 passes and called what veteran Curly Lambeau, the made his way into the Internation­ before he got the side out. Barrett to be remembered when you are All Star coach, said was the “best job of quarterbacking I’ve al League’s hall of fame last week was recently put on the active list distributing your patronage to the when he turned in a seven inning, because of the great number of different lines of business. ever seen.” We agree. no-hit, no-run game against the doubleheaders which the Jets have Now Guglielmi is off to the pro­ Aquinas’ high school and Legion Richmond Virginians as his Colum­ to play during the final days bf fessional wars with the Washing­ summer teams this past season. bus Jets teammates won the sec­ the season. WE PAY YOU ton Redskins, and he'll probably be Now younger brother, Mike, pops ond game of a double header, 10-0, back directing the team when they into the news with his pitching of following a 5-3 victory in the first Monsignor Edward F. Spiers, meet the Browns in Cleveland on the Glenwood Cowboys to the game. principal of Bishop Watterson high 6% INTEREST Sept. 25. That should be a great championship of the Knothole Hoover, who joined the Jets only school, is arranging a reserve foot­ Lot Your Money game to see. League. He pitched for St. Aloysi­ three weeks ago, made his next ball and basketball schedule for Work For You. us last spring. start on Thursday night a week the school this year. The team, I Offer Limited to State of Ohiu. Those Mentel brothers still keep ago and again figured in a no-hit­ composed only of freshmen and I COLUMBUS DISCOUNT making a name for themselves. ter. Only this time he was on the sophomores, will be ready for a I Jim and Charlie were members of The Notre Dame Alumni Associ- AND LOAN other side. Montreal’s Ken Lehman full schedule in a couple of sea­ 548 E. BROAD ST. tossed the first perfect (not a run­ sons. Columbus, Ohio WALL PAPERS OF DISTINCTION - PITTSBURGH PAINTS ner reaching base) no-hit, no-run CA. 8-5861 job against Columbus. Hoover was Al Buccilla, the all-around St. ART WALLPAPER CO. behind only 1-0 when he left the Mary high school athlete, pitched game for a pinch hitter. The final his Falter Packing Co. team to the HEADQUARTERS 325 S High St., Columbus, Ohio CA. 4-6421 score was 3-0. championship of the Senior Knot­ For hole league last week when his mates topped East Broad Appli­ Parochial School BUYERS' ances, 8-6. Buccilla allowed only Team Equipment . four hits and struck out eight. One of the hits was a home run by Paul Wilson and Spalding TRI-VILLAGE GUIDE Sopko, ex-St. Charles basebailer, while on the mound for the Appli­ Athletic Goods ance men was Jack Batcheck, who No Waiting Three Barbers We Need Listings has been a member of the Caroli- ELWOOD LIKES 'EM BIG—Coach Elwood Petchel, Aquinas new head coach, quickly picked out Beck & Albanese I'm-Village's most complete an baseball and basketball teams three of the returning lettermen, pictured above, as the kind he's like to have playing for him. Left Grandview 2 & 3 Bedrooms food market for the past three seasons. to right are Ed Doyle, Mike Lashley, Petchel and Tom Goble. Ths three are among 16 lettermen re­ Sportsmans Service In And Around Grandview Sopko will enter Notre Dame turning for another year of football at Aquinas. 223 E. Long at Sth CA. 4-2887 Barber Shop BRADY REALTY this fall and Batcheck is headed Tom Columbus Aquinas’ new head Felice, Ed Doyle, Tom Goble, Aquinas starts out the season HU. 8.1989 Joe Ridolfe Ray Lilley AM. 2-9413 for Ohio U. Bucilla still has an­ 1131 W Sth C. Ridolfe 1 ARPY'S other year to hurl for Ken Neville coach Elwood Petchel met with 80 Mike Lashley, Pete Melchiorre, on Sept. 16 at Cambridge. Previous at St. Mary. candidates for the 1955 Terrier Mike Moriarty and Pete Redd. to that however, they’ll play in the -----------------o------- -—... - football team last week and was Sept. 9 preview at Columbus Cen­ greeted by 16 returning lettermen tral along with Linden McKinley 'Sorvieine th. fri- Villas* Area' For Advertising Rates APEX MARKET Want aas reach your beat mar­ plus some sophomore standouts and Jelaware. ket, the sit-down shopper. Patrick Ruddy & Son Write: "WE DELIVER* from the Aquinas reserve team that On Sept. 23 Aquinas travels to AD DEPT. lost only one game last season. Chillicothe, then meets West on Plumbing Service CATHOLIC TIMES 2140 Tremont Cantor WHERE THOUSANDS Heading the list of returnees Sept. 30. Following the Oct. 7 open P. O. BOX 636 Quality Plumbing Fixture* HU. 8-4937 HL. 8-8424 date the Terriers play five straight COLUMBUS, OHIO SAVE MILLIONS Is Captain Ray Bellisari, a 180- 1434 W lit HU 8.4218 HU. 8-1413 City League foes before the season / ftl Current Roturn pound halfback, who will be aim­ ing for his third letter this sea­ ends on Nov. 10 at Central. Oct. 14 son. Other backfielders whom they meet North, Oct. 21 Linden, 2w°“ To $10,000 Petchel can count on are quar­ Oct. 27 East in the afternoon; and KINGSWOOD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Nov. 4 at South. CENTRAL OHIO terback Lee Miller, Halfbacks Don Devereaux and Tom Rhodes 1 1(M)»Grandview Ave. “Everythin# for Home FEDERAL SAVINGS and Fullbacks Emmett Woodrum Xavier University Dealer for Sherwin Williams Paints 66 South Third Stroot and Marcel ^enereux. 1955 FOOTBALL Although seven of last season's SCHEDULE line have departed, the Terriers Sept. 18 Quantico will not be in bad shape. Those Sept. 24 Louisville coming back got in plenty of play­ Oct. 1 Miami at Oxford ing time last year and should Oct. 8 at Cincinnati mold into a good unit. Also there Oct. 15 at Dayton PORTSMOUTH ■JS are three outstanding linemen from Oct. 22 at Youngstown the reserve team who will help. Oct. 29 Boston College They are Tom Curran, standout Nov. 5 at Great Lakes r tackle, Larry Coughlin, an end and Elwood Petchel Nov. 12 Open Coal BICYCLES Jerry Verhoff who will throw his Nov. 19 at Marshall CHEVROLET Book Shop • 'J 265 pounds into either a guard or Petchel, a 29 year-old Penn State CLASSIFIED DUNN COAL CO. HOLMAN CYCLE SHOP Gallia and Broadway Street* tackle spot. graduate, will depend mainly on SECTION Gasoline Enginea, Faria and Service Annex Other lettermen who'll anchor the single wing formation but indi­ GLASS if th and Grandview Phene 8-8891 the Terrier line are Dick Bigham, cates he will also use some T of­ MIESSE Open Evenings until S Joe Conti, Jim Davis, John De fense. PORTSMOUTH GLASS CO. Prescription Pharmacy 1541 Gallia St Phone 61301 Bf Jf ■ Portsmouth, UhlOOH. We Consistently Stock Perking Lot In Rear The Latest Drugs 555 W. Broad St. Auto and Window Glass installed The Automotive Terriers’ Hitter and Hurlers 1686 E. Main FE. 4484 CA. 8-1555 INFORMATION We Can Furnish All Your Glass Needs Supply Company For A Short Cut Shop By The Paul Duplain Joo Kehoe Madonna Planters CLASSIC BARBER SHOP S346 Gallia—Phono Scioto 90 823 Chillicothe St 2 Chain Painting — Decorating for Ivy and 713 Gey St.—Phono 3*4161 ALUMINUM AWNINGS PAINTING — Inside and Out Cut Flowers Steaming oft paper Patch Plaater. KOOL VENT ALUMINUM AWNINGS Eloar Fin O M Greenwood Ph 4-4941 WetherGard Aluminum Product. WALLPAPER Third and Bond Phone 2.0601 In Blue and White ALSCO Plumbing 10c to 49c Single Roll Combinations.
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