157 Revised Systematics of the Schlumbergerinida (Phylum Foraminifera) VALERIA MIKHALEVICH1 and MICHAEL A. KAMINSKI2 1. Zoological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia. email:
[email protected] 2. Department of Earth Sciences, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, U.K. ABSTRACT __________________________________________________________________________________________ The newly revised systematics of the foraminiferal order Schlumbergerinida is here presented, with diagnoses of all taxa, comprising 21 genera, seven families and eleven subfamilies, of which three fam- ilies (Trilocularenidae, Ammomassilinidae, Ammoflintinidae) and five subfamilies (Psamminopeltinae, Birsteiniollinae, Silicomassilininae, Spirolocammininae, and Pseudoflintininae) are new. A key to the genera and subfamilies of the order is also given. INTRODUCTION the ancestral order to the order Miliolida of the sub- According to new concepts of the foraminiferal class Miliolana. The unity of both orders within a macrosystem and evolution, the former Textulariina single phyletic line is supported by (1) the similari- (sensu Loeblich & Tappan, 1987) represents a het- ty of their morphological features; (2) the profound erogenous group belonging to five different sub- similarity of their ontogenetic and phylogenetic ten- classes: Astrorhizana Saidova, 1981, Ammodiscana dencies; (3) cases of gradual transition from an Mikhalevich, 1980, Miliamminana, Mikhalevich, agglutinated to a porcellaneous secreted wall 1980,