University of Plymouth PEARL https://pearl.plymouth.ac.uk 04 University of Plymouth Research Theses 01 Research Theses Main Collection 1995 The Microbiostratigraphy of the Paiaeocene of the Northwest European Continental Shelf Bidgood, Michael Dominick http://hdl.handle.net/10026.1/1065 University of Plymouth All content in PEARL is protected by copyright law. Author manuscripts are made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the details provided on the item record or document. In the absence of an open licence (e.g. Creative Commons), permissions for further reuse of content should be sought from the publisher or author. 7* ^ Si REFERENCE ONLY COPYRIGHT STATEMENT This copy of the thesis has been suppUed on condition that a;nyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the •' thesis and no information derived from it may be pubUshed without the author's prior written consent. Signed; Michael D. Bidgood The Microbiostratigraphy of the Paiaeocene of the Northwest European Continental Sheif by Michael Dominick Bidgood, B.Sc, M.Sc. A thesis submitted to the University of Piymouth in partiai fulfiiment for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geological Sciences University of Plymouth Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA, U.K. In collaboration with SheU (U.K.) Exploration & Production Ltd. September 1995 1 REFERENCE ONLY mm item No. Date -8 FEB 1S96^ Class No. D Conti.No. syois Ay vaan Contents CONTENTS. : .......^ .......2 ABSTRACT ; 4 LIST OF TEXT FIGURES 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 6 DECLARATION 8 1.INTRODUCTION 9 1.1 .INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 9 1.2. HIST0RY OF PREVIOUS RESEARCH ; ^- 11 1.3. ADDENDUM 13 2. NORTH SEA GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 14 .2.1.THEPRE- CRETACEOUS.. 14 2.2. THE CRETACEOUS ,. 18 2.3. THEPALAEOCENE 21 2.3.1. Early Paiaeocene (Danian) Palaeogeography. ". 22 2.3.2. Late Paiaeocene (Thanetian) Palaeogeography 24 2.3.3. Latest Paiaeocene - Earliest Eocene Palaeogeography 44 2.4. EARLY EOCENE PALAEOGEOGRAPHY '. 45 2.5. THE POST-EARLY EOCENE TERTIARY ; 48 3. LOCALrnES 49 3.1.0NSHOREUK , 49 3.2.0NSH0RE DENMARK 55 3.3.0FFSH0RE (NORTH SEA) 61^ 4.SAMPLING AND TECHNIQUES ., 62 4.1. SAMPLE QUALITY AND ITS EFFECT ON RESULTS 62 4.2. PR0CESSING TECHNIQUES ^ • 65 5. CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 67 5.1.INTRODUCTION. 67 5.2. THE CRETACEOUS 67 5.2.1.The Maastrichtian 67 5.3. THE PALAEOGENE 68 6. GEOPHYSICAL, LITHO- & SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY... 72 6. I.RADIOMETRIC TIME SCALE 72 6.2.MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY .).;.'.;".:. 73 6.3.LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY L^.I 74 6.4. WIRELINE-LOG CORRELATION.... 84 6.5.SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY, 87 7. BI0STRATIGRAPHY 104 7.1.INTRODUCTION 104 7.2.ESTABUSHED BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC ZONATIONS 105 7.2.1. Planktonic. 105 7.2.2. Benthonic... HO 8.SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS 118 8. LINTRODUCTION 118 8.2.THE FORAMINIFERA 120 Order FORAMINIFERIDA Eichwald, 1830 120 Suborder TEXTULARIINA Delage & Herouard,. 1896 120 SuperfamilyASTRORHEACEA Brady, 1881 .- 120 Superfamily AMMODISCACEA Reuss, 1862 122 Superfamily RZEHAKINIACEA Cushman, 1933 127 Superftouly HORMOSINACEA Haeckel, 1894 129 Superfamily LmJOLACEA de Blainville, 1827 130 Superfamily HAPLOPHRAGMIACEA Eimer & Fickert, 1899 132 Superfamily COSCDSTOPHRAGMATACEA Thalmami, 1951 134 Superfamily SPIROPLECTAMMINACEA Cushman, 1927 , 137 Superfamily TROCHAMMINACEA Schwager, 1877 143 Superfamily VERNEUILINACEA Cushman, 1911 144 Superfamily ATAXOPHRAGNDACEA Sch%vager, 1877 145 2 Suborder MILIOLINA Delage & Herouard, 1896 148 Superfamily MILIOLACEA Ehrenberg, 1839 148 Suborder-LAGENINA Delage & Herouard, 1896 ; , 149 Supeffamily NODOSARIACEA Ehrenberg, 1838 : 149 Suborder ROBERTININA Loeblich & Tappan, J984 I60- Superfamily GERATOBULIMINACEA Cushman, 1927 .1 160 Suborder GLOBIGERININA Delage & Herouard, 1896 : , 162 Superfamily HETEROHELICACEA Cushman, 1927 162 Superfamily PLANOMALINACEA Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan, 1957. •. 166 SuperfemUy GLOBOTRUNCANACEA Brotzen, 1942 168 Superfamily GLOBOROTALIACEA Cushman, 1927 173 Superfamily HANTBCENINACEA Cushman, 1927 203 Superfamily GLOBIGERINACEA Carpenter, Parker & Jones, 1862 206 Suborder ROTALIINA Delage & Herouard, 1896 210 Superfamily BOLIVINACEA Glaessner, 1937 -. 210 SuperfamUy EOUVIGERINACEA Cushman, 1927 214 Superfamily TURRILINACEA Cushman, 1927 , 216 Superfamily BULIMINACEA Jones, 1875 •. : •• ...217 Superfamily STTLOSTOMELLACEAFinlay, 1947 :, .226 • Superfamily DISCORBACEA Ehrenberg, 1838 .'. - 227 SuperfamiiyDISCORBINELLACEASigal, 1952 232 Superfamily PLANORBULINACEA Schwager, 1877 242 Superfamily ASTERIGERINACEA d'Orbigny, 1839 : 253 SuperfamUyNONIONACEASchultze, 1854 253 Supeifamily CHILOSTOMELLACEA Brady, 1881 258 8.3. THEDUTOMACEA , 284 8.4. THE RADIOLARIA , 291 8.5. THEOSTRACODA 293 9.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 295 9.1. GENERAL REMARKS , 295 9.2. PLANKTONIC FORAMINIFERA •. 296 9.3. CALCAREOUS BENTHONIC FORAMINIFERA 298 9.4. AC!GLUTINATED FORAMINIFERA 300 9.5.SIUCEOUS MICROFOSSILS 301 9.6.0THER GROUPS , 304 9.7. WELL21/26-1D , 304 9.8. WELL 29/25-1 306 9.9. WELL 44/2-1 309 9.10. WELL 49/10-1 313 9. ll.WELL 49/20-2 316 9.12. WELL 49/24-2 318 9.13. WELL49/24-3 323 9.14. WELL 49/24-4 326 9.15. WELL 49/25-2 328 9.16. WORMINGFORD MERE BOREHOLE 331 9.17. PEGWELL B AY / RECULVER : ; 331 9.18. LUNDSGAARDS CLIFF 336 9.19.STEVNS KLINT 337 10. CONCLUSIONS , • 340 10. I.GENERAL REMARKS , ; 340 10.2. BIOSTRATIGRAPHY , 340 10.3. PALAEOENVIRONMENT 346 REFERENCES 349 APPENDIX 1: PALAEONTOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION CHARTS 372 APPENDIX 2: PLATES . 373 3 Abstract The Microbiostratigraphy of the Paiaeocene of the Northwest European Continental Shelf by Michael Dominick Bidgood, B.Sc, M.Sc. September 1995 A total of 186 samples taken from 9.offshore Central & Southern North Sea boreholes, 1 onshore "XJK borehole, 2 onshore UK locahties and 2 onshore Danish' localities were processed and analysed for microfauna. A total of 273 individual taxa were identified- the majority to species level. The dommant microfaunal group recorded are the Foraminifera of which 23 genera were agglutmated, 75 calcareous benthonic and 21 planktonic. Other groups recorded are the Ostracoda which comprised 5 genera, Diatomacea 2 and Radiolaria 1. The recorded taxa are diagnosed and their stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental significance discussed. The samples range in age from Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) through Paiaeocene (Danian & Thanetian) to Early Eocene (Ypresian) and occasionally Middle Eocene (Lutetian). The offshore boreholes are biostratigraphically zoned with respect to the published biozonation scheme of King, 1989, and the so-called "bioevents" (i.e. microfossil marker horizons) described by Mudge & Copestake, 1992. The emphasis of the study was placed on the stratigraphical distribution of the microfaunas, particularly in the offshore realm where the majority of the boreholes (7) are located in the Southern North Sea area (Quadrants 44 and 49); a region lacking in previously published research on microfaunas of this age. The biozonation scheme of King, 1989, is found to be broadly applicable to all of the boreholes studied although some dififerences m detail were noted. Not all of the bioevents of Mudge & Copestake (1992) are recorded. The samples studied are insuflBciently closely spaced to permit the construction here of a separate biozonation scheme, specific to the Southern North Sea area, although it is considered that the future creation of such a scheme could be justified with additional data. A total of 53 individual microfossil marker horizons thought to have stratigraphic utility in the area are noted. The bulk of the Paiaeocene sediments deposited in the Southern North Sea area were laid down under moderate palaeodepths (c. middle shelf) and probably representative of the so- called "outer sublittoral" biofacies of King, 1983. Evidence for progressive deepening of water depth towards the north of the area and mto the Silver Pit Basin was noted. The microfaunal assemblages from the offshore boreholes are similar in overall character to microfaunas recorded from onshore Palaeogene sections in the UK and Denmark. 4 Listof Text Figures Text Figure 1 Structural Framework of Northwest Europe (after Glennie, 1990)..... 17 Text Figure 2 Generalised Latest Cretaceous / Danian Palaeogeography (after Ziegler, 1990) 20 Text Figure 3 Regional Setting of the Study Areaduring the Paiaeocene (after Ziegler, 1990) 26 Text Figure 4 Generalised Late Paiaeocene Palaeogeography (after Zeigler, 1990) 42 Text Figure 5 Generalised Late Paiaeocene Palaeogeography (after Murray, 1992) 43 Text Figure 6 Generalised Eocene Palaeogeography (after Ziegler, 1990) 47 Text Figure 7 Localities of sections and wells used in this stu^ 54 Text Figure 8 The Stevns Klint (Denmark) locality; schematic , - •• 60 Text Figure 9 Borehole sample collection at wellsite during rotary drilling 64 Text Figure 10 Stratigraphical setting of several European Palaeogene Stratotypes , : 71.; Text Figure 11 Litiiostiratigraphy of the North Sea Palaeogene (after Knox & HoUoway," 1992) 79' Text JFigure 12 Selection of NW European Lithostratigraphical Schemes ; ,. 86 • Text Figure 13 Simplified diagram of flie typical components of a Stratigraphic Sequence 91 Text Figure 14 Global eustatic sea-level curve for the Paiaeocene (after Haq et al., 1988) 93 Text Figure 15 Centiral North Sea Paiaeocene depositional sequences (after Stewart, 1987) 97 Text Figure 16 Palaeogene sequence stiatigraphy of tiie North Sea area (after Neal et al., 1994) 103 Text Figure 17 Key micropalaeontological bioevents in the Lower Palaeogene
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