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Crhe Quarterly crhe Quarterly ~allas. crexas Volume XXVII September 1981 Number 3 In Cooperation With The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TE XAS NON-PROFIT CORPORATI ON P. O. Bo x 12648 D1llu. Tuas75225 lncooperation with the DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1981-1982 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS Margaret Ann THETFORD (Mrs . li . Conway) 3725 Mockingbird 522- 3806 President Dallas, Texas 75205 Helen M. LU (Mrs. J. L. ) 4559 Hockaday Drive 350-6586 Executive Vice President Dallas, Texas 75229 Jeann e J . TABB (Mrs . William H.) 64 58 La venda le 368-6292 Vice Pr esident - Programs Dallas, Texas 75230 Bobbie F . THORNTON (Mrs. Arv in L 3724 Yosemite 4 22-1363 Vice President - Publications Plano, Texas 75023 Margaret HUDSON (Mrs. J. E., Jr. 550 7 Ridgetown Circle 661- 5126 Vice President - Membership Dallas , Te xas 75230 Carolyn ELLIOTT ( Mrs . li. S.) 8307 Stony Creek Drive 324-4694 Vice President - Communications Dallas , Texas 75228 Joan SIEGERT (~lr s . Charles L.) 709 Colgate Circle 2 76- 6279 Recording Secretary Gar land, Texas 75042 Jimmey R. GREENEY 4451 Mendenhall 38 7-1816 Treas urer Dallas, Texas 75234 DI RECTORS Robert L. YATES, Jr . 5520 Boca Raton Drive 361-0961 Public Relation s Dallas, Texas 75230 Edwin D. KUYKENDALL 7428 lientwood Drive 361-5803 Mailings Dallas, Texas 75225 Mrs. Clytes A. CULLAR 1222 Femdale 943-8339 Research Dallas, Texas 75224 Ll oyd D. BOCKSTRUCK 3925-A Travis Street (R) 522-1302 Library Liaison Dallas , Texas 75204 (0) 748-9071 Pat TUDOR (Mrs . Edwin L. 4723 Heatherbrook 239 - 3342 Meeting Arrangements Dallas , Texas 75234 Mrs. ~la ry He 1 e n BR ENGEL 130 7 lfoodlawn Avenue 942 - 0550 Proj ects Dallas, Texas 75208 CJ'he Quarterly Bobbie F. Thornton, Editor ~2!!!~!!!§. SOCIETY SECTION Officers and Directors. Inside Front Cover OGS Publications. Inside Back Cover Editor ' s Desk .. ... President ' s Annual Report . iii GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH SECTION Dallas Genealogical Society Mernbership List . 380 GRAY Bible Record . 386 His tory of the GRAY Family . 387 Abstracts from The Weekiy Messenger, Jewett, Leon County , Texas . 387 Recent Acquisitions in the Dallas Public Library. 388 Wilson Prairie Cemetery, Wise County , Texas . 399 Microfilm Available at Archives Branch , Fort Worth, Texas . 401 Nates from Life of Colonel A. HORTON . 403 Abstracts from The Decatu.r News , Decatur , Wise County , Texas. 410 Index to Naturalization Records , Dallas County, Texas . 411 City Cemetery , Davenport, Iowa. 418 Van Zandt County , Texas, Graves . 419 A Fannin County , Texas , Marriage . 419 The Second National BOURLAND Reunion . 420 Qak Cliff Cemetery Burials . 4 21 Dallas City and County Directory, 1881 - 1882 , , 429 Query Page . 4 36 Book Reviews. 438 Take Your Pencils and Figure Out the Day on Which You Were Bern . 439 Index to Persons . 440 Abstracts from The Life of Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas . 444 William R. CONGER . 437 Viva CONGER . 437 Mary Dean MORRIS . 420 EDITOR' DESK Here I go for another year as Editor of Th e Quar ter Zy. In addition to the four lad i es who were thanked in the June edi tion for do ing the proofreading for The Quarter ly , I would also like to thank Jane SKINNER for her help with the proofreading. THANKS, Jane!::: I would also like to thank Mrs. Bessie SIMS SHEPPARD for the Wise County , Texas , cemetery censuses she keeps sending in. In case any of you have ancestors in Wise County and would like to do same research there, be sure and go to the Wise County Historical Museum in the old Decatur Baptist College building. They have a wonderful archives roorn which houses microfilm of the county newspapers , verti- cal files on county families, cemetery census es , etc. The building itself is a beauty, and the museum collecti ons are very interesting. I tried to think of same way to carry off their m.iniature piano col­ lection to go with mine, but Pat HOLMAN convinced rne that would leave a bad impression ! If you do research in Kaufrnan County , here 1 s something that might interest you. Pat SCHRADER tells me that for same strange reason , the Terrell death records for 1954 are at the Water Department. For Allegheny County, Pennsylvania , researchers, here' s an i tem of interest recently discovered by Joanie MAXWELL. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania Di vis ion , 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 has a Death Notice Index to the Ga aette newspaper which ranges from 1786 through 1913. BOBBIE F . THORNTON ii Dallas Genealogical Society PRES JDENT' S ANNUAL REPORT Per by-laws requirernents, this report is submitted using figures as of the end of June 1981. 1. Our membership is in excess of 450 persons (and institutions) . 2. Our bank balance is in excess of $5, 200. 00. 3. The Revolutionary War rnicrofilm fund-raising project, which was started and mostly completed last year, was finished in November 1980 . Since this had been such a successful project, it was decided to undertake a new project of the same nature , "Index to Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812" . This is a 234-roll set and to date the library has about 7 5 rolls. 4. DGS Annual Workshop was very successful. The speaker was Mr . Milten RUBINCAM, an expert on Pennsylvania and Maryland. We had an out- of- state bookdealer with a large inventory of books . The Workshop generated income in excess of $1, 200. 00 . 5. The sum of $7 50 . 00 was donated by DGS to the genealogy section of the Dallas Public Library from funds generated by the Annual Workshop. 6 . Book Awards were given to Banks McLAURIN, Jr . and Barbara COX in the family hi story category , and to Bobbie THORNTON and Helen LU and Gwen NEUMANN in the category of original records. 7. The Quar ter ly continued to be the fine professional-type journal of which we can be proud. It was decided that the book reviews would be critical reviews rather than just "book jacket" reviews, in order that aur members would be able to decide whether to buy a book or not. 8. We were not satisfied with the original format for the cemetery book and since it is intended to be a series of at least five volumes, it seemed important to have a workable format. This has been reworked and new Volume 1 is typed, proof-read and will be ready for the printer shortly. 9. DGS donated materials to the genealogy section of the Dallas Public Library. This includes rnernorials for deceased mernbers , and copies of hooks that the Society receives for review in The Quar>terly . Also, rnany rnernbers donate books to the Society and these are placed in the library. 10 . Our programs for the year were outstanding and of professional caliber . 11. Our research committee is abstracting the early deeds of Dallas County. 12. DGS has been participating in The Dallas Heritage Council and I think this will be of benefi t to all types of preservation efforts in Dallas . The accomplishments of this year were made possible by the efforts of the DGS Baard of 1980/ 81 and the participation of the membership of the Society. Adrienne B. JAMIESON The Quarterly - September 1981 iii Includes members as of 1 July 1981. Butt-Holdsworth Meinorial Library, 505 Water Street, Kerrville, Texas 78028 Cincinnati Public Library, 800 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Clayton Library , 5300 Caroline, Houston, Texas 77004 Comanche Public Library, Box 411, Comanche, Texas 76442 Dallas County Heritage Society, 1717 Gano Street, Dallas, Texas 75215, 421- 5141 Far mers Branch Library , 13613 Webb Chapel, Dallas , Texas 75234, 247- 3131 Florida State Library, Serials Section, R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Genealogical Society, Acquisition Serials , 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 Harp and Thistle, Ltd , P . o. Box 2072 , Warner Robins, Georgia 31099 Indi ana State Library, Serials Section , 140 North Senate Avenue, Indianapol is, Indiana 46204 Lancaster Veterans Memorial Library, 220 West Main, Lancaster, Texas 75146, 227-1080 Los Angeles Public Library, Genealogy, 630 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles, California 90071 McKinney Memorial Public Library, 314 South Chestnut Street, McKinney, Texas 75069, 542-7263 Midwest Genealogical Society, Inc., P. O. Box 1121, Wichita , Kansas 67201 Newb erry Library, 60 west Walton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60610 Northeast Texas Genealogical Society, P . O. Box 240, Mineola, Texas 75773 San Francisco Public Library, r.arkin and McAllister Streets, San Francisco , California 94102 (Quarterly Only) St . Louis Public Ll:brary, 1301 Olive Street , St. Louis, Missouri 63103 Tennessee Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 12124, Memphis, Tennessee 38112 Tenne~:~~e~===e 3 ;~~~ary and Archives, State Library Oivision, 403 Seventh Avenue North, Nashville, University of Texas, Central Serials Record, General Libraries, Austin, Texas 78712 Wisco~;;~ 6 State Historical Society, Newspaper-Periodical Unit, 816 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin ABERNATHY, Mr. and Mrs . Isaac L. , 3717 Nabholtz Lane , Mesquite , Texas 75150, 279- 4135 AKINS, Sam V. , 1408 Glenbrook, Irving , Texas 75061, 579-0506 ALEXANDER , Mr. and Mrs . William L., 638 Newberry Drive, Richardson, Texas 75080, 690-0518 ALLEN , Mrs. John Calvert , 6815 Blackwood Drive, Dallas, Texas 75231, 348- 7858 ANDERSON, Nancy , P . O. Box 983 , Thoreau, New Mexico 87323, (505) 862-7373 ANTHONY , Mrs . John w., 1622 Nolte Drive, Dallas, Texas 75208 , 946- 3633 ARANT, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh David, 7048 Arboreal Drive, Dallas, Texas 75231, 348-1922 ARMSTRONG, Betty, 3202 Martin, Wichita Falls, Texas 76308, (817) 767- 2376 ATKINS, Kathryn ENGLISH, 3212- B Daniels, Dallas, Texas 75205, 361- 7561 BADGETT, Mary , 623 Classen, Dallas, Texas 75218, 341- 0929 BAIRD, Miss Nina, 13100 Oak Hills Drive, 2318, Seal Beach, California 90740, (213) 430-2588 BAKER, Mrs .
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